Load libraries


Gene network analysis

A gene co-expression network aims to identify genes that interact with one another based on common expression profiles(Barabási and Oltvai 2004). Groups of co-expressed genes that have similar expression patterns across samples are identified using hierarchical clustering and are placed in gene ‘modules’(Miller, Horvath, and Geschwind 2010). Gene co-expression networks are also widely used to construct gene regulatory networks (GRN) owing to their reliability in capturing biologically relevant interactions between genes, as well as their high power in reproducing known protein-protein interactions(Allen et al. 2012; Guido Sanguinetti 2019).
Weighted gene co-expression analysis was conducted using the WGCNA package in R (Langfelder and Horvath 2008)

Load data

The input data consisted of a regularized log transformed matrix of 18,313 genes (as columns) and 29 libraries (as rows) of the venom gland which was filtered for low expressed transcripts (tpm > 0.05). Pm_7 was excluded due to low spike-in (see methods)

rsemVenom <- rsem[grepl('Pm_\\d+$', rsem$library),] #libraries of venom gland named differently than of other tissues. Therefore this returns only libraries in venom gland

# remove low expressed loci
keep <- rsemVenom %>% group_by(gene) %>% summarize(tpm = mean(tpm)) %>% filter(tpm>0.05) %>% dplyr::select(gene) # genes to keep

tpmVenom <- rsemVenom %>% dplyr::select(library, gene, count, description) %>% filter(gene %in% keep$gene) %>% spread(key = library, value = count)  %>%  remove_rownames %>% column_to_rownames("gene")

datExpr <- t(rlog(as.matrix(round(tpmVenom %>% dplyr::select(-c(Pm_7, description))))))

Define soft threshold and adjacency function

A characteristic organizational feature of biological networks is a ‘scale-free’ topology, where connections follow a power-law distribution, such that there are very few nodes with very many connections and vice-versa (Zhang and Horvath 2005; Siegal, Promislow, and Bergman 2007). To attain scale-free topology, a soft threshold of 13 was selected based on results from the ‘pickSoftThreshold’ function in the WGCNA package (sfm5).

soft_threshold <- function(data) {
  # Choose a set of soft-thresholding powers, given a WGCNA data object
  powers = c(seq(from = 10, to=16, by=1))
  # Call the network topology analysis function
  sft = pickSoftThreshold(data, powerVector = powers, verbose = 5,networkType = "signed",RsquaredCut = 0.9)

wgcna_adjacency <- function(datExpr, minModuleSize=30, MEDissThres = 0.2, deepSplit = 2) {
  # takes WGNCA data expression matrix, a soft threshold
  # optionally minimum module size, module eigengene dissimilarity threshold, and splitting threthold
  # returns adjacency matrix, module eigengenes and a data frame of colors

  #compute adjacency
  adjacency <- adjacency(datExpr, power = 13,type="signed")
  TOM <- TOMsimilarity(adjacency,TOMType="signed")
  geneTree <- flashClust::flashClust (as.dist(1-TOM), method = "average")

  # Module identification using dynamic tree cut:
  dynamicMods <- cutreeDynamic(dendro = geneTree, distM = 1-TOM, deepSplit = 2, pamRespectsDendro = FALSE, minClusterSize = minModuleSize);
  dynamicColors = labels2colors(dynamicMods)

  # Calculate eigengenes
  MEList = moduleEigengenes(datExpr, colors = dynamicColors)
  MEs = MEList$eigengenes
  # Calculate dissimilarity of module eigengenes
  METree = flashClust(as.dist(1-cor(MEs)), method = "average");
  plot(METree, main = "Clustering of module eigengenes",xlab = "", sub = "")
  # Plot the cut line into the dendrogram
  abline(h=MEDissThres, col = "red")

  merge <- mergeCloseModules(datExpr, dynamicColors, cutHeight = MEDissThres, verbose = 0)

  # The merged module colors
  mergedColors = merge$colors
  # Eigengenes of the new merged modules:
  mergedMEs = merge$newMEs
  # Rename to moduleColors
  moduleColors = mergedColors
  # Construct numerical labels corresponding to the colors
  colorOrder = c("grey", standardColors(50));
  moduleLabels = match(moduleColors, colorOrder)-1;
  MEs = mergedMEs;

  # Recalculate MEs with color labels
  invisible(MEs0 <- moduleEigengenes(datExpr, moduleColors)$eigengenes)
  MEs = orderMEs(MEs0)

  moduleColors <- as.data.frame(moduleColors)
  rownames(moduleColors) <- colnames(datExpr)

  return(list(adjacency=adjacency,MEs=MEs,moduleColors=moduleColors, dynamicMods=dynamicMods, geneTree=geneTree))

Carry out analysis

Run the above functions to perform the analysis and save the output as an RDS file.


adjacency <- adjacency(datExpr, power = 13,type="signed")
TOM <- TOMsimilarity(adjacency,TOMType="signed")

wgcna.results <- wgcna_adjacency(datExpr, MEDissThres = 0.05)

saveRDS(wgcna.results, "wgcna.results.rds")

Gene clustering by TOM and Merging modules whose expression profile is very similar

This is done to to get better resolution of which genes make up the modules. A threshold of 0.2 and minimum module size = 30 was used to merge very similar expression profiles to obtain a total of 29 modules

dynamicColors<- labels2colors(wgcna.results$dynamicMods)
merge <- mergeCloseModules(datExpr, dynamicColors, cutHeight = 0.2, verbose = 0) #0.2 means a correlation of 0.8

plotDendroAndColors(wgcna.results$geneTree, cbind(dynamicColors,mergedColors),c("Dynamic Tree Cut", "Merged dynamic"),dendroLabels = FALSE, hang = 0.03,
addGuide = TRUE, guideHang = 0.05)

## [1] "Supplementary Table  6: "

Finding modules that contain venom genes

All secreted venom toxins were found in the turquoise module (renamed as module 1), which we term the ‘meta-venom’ (Fig 1a). Therefore, the meta-venom represents an assemblage of housekeeping genes that are strongly associated with toxin genes. This forms an ensemble that is the gene regulatory network (GRN) involved in expression of toxin genes.

tpmVenom$colors <- wgcna.results[["moduleColors"]]$moduleColors
genes.and.their.modules <- na.omit(tpmVenom) %>% dplyr::select(description, colors)

venom.desc <-read.csv("./Pm_network_default/venom_genes_desc.csv") #has descriptions of venom genes that we'll search for
dat<-filter(genes.and.their.modules, grepl(paste(venom.desc$description, collapse = "|"),description)) #Searches for descriptions of venom.desc (with separator '|') in genes.with..
description colors
107282775 carboxypeptidase vitellogenic like turquoise
107283923 alanyl aminopeptidase membrane turquoise
107284752 5’-nucleotidase ecto turquoise
107285126 deoxyribonuclease II lysosomal turquoise
107285227 protein S100-A12-like darkred
107285267 meningioma expressed antigen 5 (hyaluronidase) blue
107285431 prosaposin blue
107286753 actin gamma 1 purple
107287539 snaclec mucetin subunit alpha turquoise
107287546 snake venom serine protease 3-like turquoise
107287547 snake venom serine protease-like turquoise
107287548 snake venom serine proteinase 11 turquoise
107287549 snaclec trimecetin subunit beta-like turquoise
107287550 snake venom serine proteinase 11-like turquoise
107287552 beta-fibrinogenase mucrofibrase-3 turquoise
107287553 snake venom serine protease serpentokallikrein-2 turquoise
107287555 snake venom serine protease 3 turquoise
107287557 transmembrane protease serine 9-like turquoise
107287561 snaclec coagulation factor IX/factor X-binding protein subunit A turquoise
107287935 glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase turquoise
107288149 glypican 1 turquoise
107289616 L-amino-acid oxidase turquoise
107289632 L-amino-acid oxidase-like darkred
107290068 angiotensin I converting enzyme 2 black
107290870 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 3 turquoise
107291352 basic phospholipase A2 homolog G6K49 turquoise
107291353 basic phospholipase A2 trimucrotoxin turquoise
107291354 basic phospholipase A2 homolog G6K49-like turquoise
107291355 acidic phospholipase A2 1 turquoise
107291356 acidic phospholipase A2 jerdoxin turquoise
107291631 snake venom vascular endothelial growth factor toxin turquoise
107292853 L-amino-acid oxidase-like turquoise
107293071 hyaluronidase-4-like midnightblue
107293142 hyaluronidase turquoise
107293231 phospholipase A2 inhibitor and Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein-like red
107293235 phospholipase A2 inhibitor and Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein-like pink
107293373 phospholipase A2 inhibitor and Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein-like blue
107293377 phospholipase A2 inhibitor 1 cyan
107293378 phospholipase A2 inhibitor and Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein-like royalblue
107293381 phospholipase A2 inhibitor and Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein-like pink
107293726 cysteine-rich venom protein turquoise
107294649 glutamyl aminopeptidase-like turquoise
107294934 glutathione peroxidase 3 turquoise
107294969 ovotransferrin-like black
107295321 cathepsin L1-like pink
107295507 GM2 ganglioside activator turquoise
107295827 prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit beta turquoise
107296050 natriuretic peptide C turquoise
107296493 hyaluronidase-4-like turquoise
107296979 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin jerdonitin-like turquoise
107296982 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like HF3 turquoise
107296983 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like turquoise
107297057 cathepsin L1-like pink
107297302 glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase-like turquoise
107297598 glutamyl aminopeptidase-like turquoise
107297599 glutamyl aminopeptidase-like turquoise
107297785 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like VMP-III turquoise
107298059 cellular repressor of E1A stimulated genes 1 turquoise
107298193 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like HR1b turquoise
107298194 disintegrin-like leberagin-C turquoise
107298282 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like HV1 turquoise
107298284 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like batroxstatin-3 turquoise
107298285 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like ACLD turquoise
107298297 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like turquoise
107298299 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin turquoise
107298300 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like turquoise
107298633 cathepsin L1-like darkred
107298829 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like HR1a turquoise
107299045 cathepsin L1-like pink
107299988 snaclec rhodocetin subunit delta-like turquoise
107299997 hexosaminidase subunit alpha turquoise
107300405 snaclec mucetin subunit beta-like turquoise
107300486 cathepsin L1-like darkturquoise
107300527 snaclec mucetin subunit beta turquoise
107300539 snaclec stejaggregin-A subunit alpha-like turquoise
107300811 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like HR1a turquoise
107300812 snaclec jerdonibitin subunit alpha turquoise
107300894 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like HR1a turquoise
107300928 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like turquoise
107300935 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like HR1a turquoise
107300965 cathepsin L1-like royalblue
107301047 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like HR1a turquoise
107301462 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like ACLD turquoise
107301492 cathepsin L1-like steelblue
107301538 cathepsin L1-like darkred
107301924 snaclec stejaggregin-A subunit alpha-like turquoise
107301955 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like turquoise
107302067 C-type lectin TsL turquoise
107302085 phospholipase A2 inhibitor and Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein-like brown
107302148 snaclec coagulation factor IX/factor X-binding protein subunit A-like turquoise
107302404 angiotensin I converting enzyme turquoise
107302720 gamma-glutamyl hydrolase turquoise
107302977 phospholipase B domain containing 1 turquoise

Most toxin genes are in module turquoise. Now we isolate all the genes in turquoise module. (or the genes conexpressed with venom genes)

#module with genes of interest
genes_colors <- as.data.frame(c(wgcna.results$moduleColors, keep))
genes_coexpressed_with_venom<-filter(genes_colors, moduleColors == "turquoise")
gene description
107282170 GTP binding protein 3 (mitochondrial)
107282175 histocompatibility (minor) HA-1
107282176 YjeF N-terminal domain containing 3
107282177 cartilage intermediate layer protein 2
107282178 microtubule associated protein 7
107282182 nuclear factor I/C (CCAAT-binding transcription factor)
107282186 DOT1 like histone H3K79 methyltransferase
107282197 transmembrane protein 167A
107282202 cytochrome b561
107282208 adaptor related protein complex 1 mu 1 subunit
107282217 solute carrier family 35 member E1
107282221 Rho/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor 18
107282222 insulin receptor
107282225 excitatory amino acid transporter 1-like
107282231 pyroglutamyl-peptidase I
107282232 elongation factor for RNA polymerase II
107282234 plasmalemma vesicle associated protein
107282239 polypyrimidine tract binding protein 1
107282241 AT-rich interaction domain 3A
107282245 cactin spliceosome C complex subunit
107282249 deoxyhypusine hydroxylase/monooxygenase
107282251 REX1 RNA exonuclease 1 homolog
107282253 methyl-CpG binding domain protein 3
107282254 casein kinase 1 gamma 2
107282257 IZUMO family member 4
107282269 SIN3 transcription regulator family member B
107282274 microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase 3
107282278 MPV17 mitochondrial membrane protein-like 2
107282288 coiled-coil serine rich protein 1
107282298 mex-3 RNA binding family member D
107282301 secretory carrier membrane protein 4
107282303 splicing factor 3a subunit 2
107282339 FERM ARH/RhoGEF and pleckstrin domain protein 1
107282361 dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 2
107282362 solute carrier family 15 (oligopeptide transporter) member 1
107282376 lin-7 homolog B crumbs cell polarity complex component
107282378 testis specific serine kinase substrate
107282393 tripartite motif-containing protein 16-like protein
107282403 meteorin glial cell differentiation regulator-like
107282407 PTPRF interacting protein alpha 3
107282413 tubulin folding cofactor D
107282414 adaptor related protein complex 2 alpha 1 subunit
107282415 reticulocalbin 3
107282423 zinc finger protein 750
107282433 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-13-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-like 1
107282443 uncharacterized LOC107282443
107282464 ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal 3
107282465 3’-phosphoadenosine 5’-phosphosulfate synthase 1
107282478 EPS8 like 1
107282485 branched chain amino-acid transaminase 2 mitochondrial
107282492 aldehyde dehydrogenase 16 family member A1
107282496 solute carrier family 6 member 16
107282502 TBC1 domain family member 17-like
107282520 nuclear protein 1-like
107282522 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 21-like
107282526 claudin-4-like
107282538 voltage-dependent calcium channel gamma-7 subunit
107282540 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12C
107282553 protein ADP-ribosylarginine hydrolase-like
107282563 kringle containing transmembrane protein 2
107282570 regulator of G-protein signaling 9
107282573 solute carrier family 16 member 6
107282574 WD repeat domain phosphoinositide interacting 1
107282575 arylsulfatase G
107282614 coiled-coil domain containing 90B
107282615 solute carrier family 35 member B1
107282618 zinc finger protein 652
107282660 neurexophilin 3
107282663 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) gamma transducing activity polypeptide 2
107282696 histone H4
107282697 ATPase secretory pathway Ca2+ transporting 2
107282698 translational activator of cytochrome c oxidase 1
107282700 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 21-like
107282702 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1-like
107282711 insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 receptor
107282719 transforming growth factor beta regulator 1-like
107282736 ras-related protein Rab-35-like
107282742 TBC1 domain family member 10B-like
107282775 carboxypeptidase vitellogenic like
107282778 secernin 1
107282779 FK506 binding protein 14
107282806 ankyrin repeat and IBR domain containing 1
107282815 UPF0061 protein PFLU_0444
107282819 acyl-CoA binding domain containing 5
107282830 KIAA1462 ortholog
107282832 Rho GTPase activating protein 12
107282839 mohawk homeobox
107282847 PWWP domain-containing protein MUM1
107282848 DAZ associated protein 1
107282852 transmembrane protein 59 like
107282854 kelch like family member 26
107282860 myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2B-like
107282864 acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase
107282872 SURP and G-patch domain containing 2
107282873 solute carrier family 25 member 42
107282880 peptidase (mitochondrial processing) beta
107282882 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L54
107282883 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf25
107282885 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf60
107282888 armadillo repeat containing 6
107282891 regulatory factor X associated ankyrin containing protein
107282894 homeobox protein Meis1
107282909 biotinidase
107282910 2-hydroxyacyl-CoA lyase 1
107282914 collagen-like tail subunit (single strand of homotrimer) of asymmetric acetylcholinesterase
107282917 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor kdr-like
107282938 uncharacterized LOC107282938
107282940 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 15
107282962 tetraspanin 13
107282986 chromodomain protein Y-like
107282991 solute carrier family 35 member B3
107282994 thioredoxin domain containing 5 (endoplasmic reticulum)
107282996 oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit (non-catalytic)
107282999 hemoglobin subunit alpha-like
107283001 signal sequence receptor alpha
107283002 uncharacterized LOC107283002
107283003 ras responsive element binding protein 1
107283004 uncharacterized LOC107283004
107283007 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial
107283012 transmembrane protein 170B
107283016 single stranded DNA binding protein 3
107283025 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39A
107283032 transmembrane protein 59
107283036 Yip1 domain family member 1
107283042 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf123
107283048 protein zyg-11 homolog B
107283055 thioredoxin domain containing 12 (endoplasmic reticulum)
107283057 nardilysin convertase
107283066 carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2
107283088 D site of albumin promoter (albumin D-box) binding protein
107283093 visinin-like
107283095 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 3-like
107283097 ethanolamine-phosphate phospho-lyase
107283099 isochorismatase domain containing 2
107283103 transmembrane protein 238
107283115 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C12orf29
107283116 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C12orf50
107283119 ATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 1
107283124 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1
107283125 interactor of little elongation complex ELL subunit 2
107283126 vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog C (S. cerevisiae)
107283130 myocardial zonula adherens protein
107283131 cingulin-like 1
107283136 pygopus family PHD finger 1
107283140 M-phase phosphoprotein 10
107283141 myotubularin related protein 10
107283142 Kruppel-like factor 13
107283147 RAR related orphan receptor A
107283155 transcription factor 12
107283162 methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase
107283188 kinesin family member 16B
107283214 zinc transporter ZIP11-like
107283217 SRY-box 9
107283218 zinc transporter ZIP11-like
107283219 cannabinoid receptor interacting protein 1
107283220 uncharacterized LOC107283220
107283222 somatostatin receptor 2
107283224 CDC42 effector protein 4
107283225 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C17orf80
107283227 uncharacterized protein FLJ45252-like
107283228 AP2 associated kinase 1
107283229 deoxyguanosine kinase
107283230 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2 methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase
107283235 prenylcysteine oxidase 1
107283239 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C2orf68
107283240 ubiquitin specific peptidase 39
107283246 gamma-glutamyl carboxylase
107283249 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S24
107283256 tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 3
107283272 ubiquitin-fold modifier 1
107283276 vesicle associated membrane protein 8
107283277 PH and SEC7 domain-containing protein 4-like
107283278 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 4
107283283 adducin 2
107283286 family with sequence similarity 136 member A
107283287 dematin actin binding protein
107283289 engulfment and cell motility 1
107283290 aldehyde dehydrogenase 7 family member A1
107283309 cubilin
107283317 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 1
107283363 tudor domain containing 5
107283369 angiopoietin like 1
107283374 torsin-1A-interacting protein 1-like
107283384 cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3
107283408 seizure threshold 2 homolog (mouse)
107283412 transmembrane protein 69
107283418 HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 3
107283420 uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
107283422 methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblC type with homocystinuria
107283429 aldo-keto reductase family 1 member A1 (aldehyde reductase)
107283448 hydroxypyruvate isomerase (putative)
107283456 transmembrane protein 125
107283466 selenoprotein Pb-like
107283488 phospholipase A2 group XIIA
107283542 spermatogenesis associated 5
107283544 5-hydroxyisourate hydrolase-like
107283547 NIP7 nucleolar pre-rRNA processing protein
107283581 3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase
107283582 fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase domain containing 2A
107283588 MARVEL domain-containing protein 3-like
107283598 protein O-linked mannose N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1 (beta 12-)
107283609 probable acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 6
107283628 nebulette-like
107283629 LIM zinc-binding domain-containing Nebulette
107283630 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C1
107283632 BMI1 proto-oncogene polycomb ring finger
107283641 transmembrane protein 230
107283644 Bet1 golgi vesicular membrane trafficking protein
107283656 asparagine synthetase (glutamine-hydrolyzing)
107283658 collagen type XXVIII alpha 1
107283668 histidyl-tRNA synthetase
107283671 histidine–tRNA ligase cytoplasmic-like
107283680 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 7
107283689 Ras related GTP binding C
107283695 BSD domain containing 1
107283696 KIAA1522 ortholog
107283698 microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1
107283714 tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase
107283719 thyroid hormone receptor associated protein 3
107283721 calcium release activated channel regulator 2A
107283738 transmembrane protein 54
107283741 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit S5
107283748 serine/threonine kinase 40
107283749 LSM10 U7 small nuclear RNA associated
107283751 radical S-adenosyl methionine domain containing 1
107283794 AVL9 cell migration associated
107283801 BMP binding endothelial regulator
107283829 zinc finger C3H1-type containing
107283854 carbohydrate kinase domain containing
107283861 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 4A
107283863 SLIT and NTRK like family member 6
107283869 LysM domain containing 4
107283880 lines homolog 1
107283883 VCP interacting membrane selenoprotein
107283888 dynein cytoplasmic 1 intermediate chain 2
107283889 cytochrome b reductase 1
107283891 tousled like kinase 1
107283892 golgi reassembly stacking protein 2
107283915 EPS8 like 2
107283923 alanyl aminopeptidase membrane
107283928 calcium and integrin binding 1
107283937 ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal 6 late infantile variant
107283941 CTD small phosphatase like 2
107283949 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier: glutamate) member 22
107283950 collagen alpha-3(IX) chain-like
107283955 TNF receptor-associated protein 1
107283959 patatin like phospholipase domain containing 2
107283960 N-methylpurine DNA glycosylase
107283961 general transcription factor IIIC subunit 1
107283970 calcium release activated channel regulator 2B
107283977 coronin-7-like
107283979 cell death-inducing p53 target 1
107283984 bifunctional apoptosis regulator
107283986 stannin
107283987 thioredoxin domain containing 11
107283997 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U11/U12 25kDa subunit
107284017 gap junction protein delta 4
107284022 par-3 family cell polarity regulator
107284032 PTPRF interacting protein alpha 2
107284039 visual system homeobox 1
107284046 lin-7 homolog A crumbs cell polarity complex component
107284057 nerve growth factor (beta polypeptide)
107284058 uncharacterized LOC107284058
107284066 golgi glycoprotein 1
107284067 pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase regulatory subunit mitochondrial-like
107284077 Golgi apparatus protein 1-like
107284078 CCAAT/enhancer binding protein gamma
107284087 casein kinase 2 alpha 2
107284090 abhydrolase domain containing 12
107284098 epsin 3
107284111 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 6 (putative)
107284113 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit A
107284124 haloacid dehalogenase like hydrolase domain containing 3
107284127 adipocyte plasma membrane associated protein
107284128 myosin VB
107284130 elaC ribonuclease Z 1
107284146 ankyrin repeat and KH domain-containing protein 1-like
107284149 A-kinase anchoring protein 13
107284152 casein kinase II subunit alpha’-like
107284158 fucokinase
107284161 lysosomal protective protein-like
107284164 glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 2
107284171 splicing factor 3b subunit 3
107284175 fatty acyl-CoA hydrolase precursor medium chain-like
107284183 GINS complex subunit 3 (Psf3 homolog)
107284186 microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase family member 4
107284205 selenide water dikinase 2
107284206 inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells kinase gamma
107284219 A-kinase anchor protein 1 mitochondrial-like
107284220 transmembrane protein 187
107284225 signal sequence receptor delta
107284242 jade family PHD finger 3
107284243 solute carrier family 9 member A7
107284249 aftiphilin
107284250 cohesin subunit SA-2-like
107284252 phosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase C X domain containing 1
107284257 non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 2
107284258 HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
107284282 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 21
107284284 intersectin 2
107284285 VPS54 GARP complex subunit
107284292 adenosine deaminase RNA-specific B1
107284301 integral membrane protein 2B
107284304 succinate-CoA ligase ADP-forming beta subunit
107284306 abhydrolase domain containing 13
107284328 neutral sphingomyelinase activation associated factor
107284348 7-alpha-hydroxycholest-4-en-3-one 12-alpha-hydroxylase-like
107284350 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 47
107284351 vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1
107284356 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 3-like
107284359 glycyl-tRNA synthetase
107284363 natural killer cell triggering receptor
107284364 phospholipase C delta 1
107284365 villin-like
107284369 transmembrane protein 17
107284371 acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 1
107284379 STT3B catalytic subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex
107284382 CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 8
107284384 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1-like
107284387 NCK associated protein 5
107284391 UBX domain protein 4
107284394 RAB3 GTPase activating protein catalytic subunit 1
107284406 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 6
107284415 cullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated 1
107284416 solute carrier family 35 member E3
107284422 Kruppel-like factor 9
107284432 interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein like 1
107284434 protocadherin 17
107284440 RAS and EF-hand domain containing
107284441 uncharacterized F-box/LRR-repeat protein C02F5.7-like
107284446 nucleolar protein 6
107284447 idnK gluconokinase homolog (E. coli)
107284460 D-tyrosyl-tRNA deacylase 1
107284462 Sec23 homolog B COPII coat complex component
107284464 uncharacterized LOC107284464
107284487 cytochrome P450 4B1-like
107284495 mesencephalic astrocyte derived neurotrophic factor
107284502 succinate dehydrogenase complex subunit D integral membrane protein
107284503 dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase
107284510 alpha-12-mannosyltransferase ALG9-like
107284516 Vpr (HIV-1) binding protein
107284521 uncharacterized LOC107284521
107284527 phosphoserine aminotransferase 1
107284529 mitochondrial carrier 1
107284531 TBC1 domain family member 22B
107284545 VPS33B interacting protein apical-basolateral polarity regulator spe-39 homolog
107284548 glutathione S-transferase zeta 1
107284549 transmembrane protein 63C
107284562 ELK3 ETS transcription factor
107284567 uncharacterized LOC107284567
107284575 SH3 and SYLF domain containing 1
107284577 family with sequence similarity 110 member C
107284579 testis development related protein
107284611 oligophrenin 1
107284615 heat shock factor protein 3-like
107284621 vezatin adherens junctions transmembrane protein
107284623 magnesium transporter 1
107284633 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 8
107284655 calmodulin binding transcription activator 1
107284672 Parkinsonism associated deglycase
107284673 ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1
107284693 vesicular overexpressed in cancer prosurvival protein 1
107284704 frizzled class receptor 9
107284710 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 7B
107284712 bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 1B
107284713 abhydrolase domain containing 11
107284727 PR domain 4
107284732 cryptochrome circadian clock 1
107284738 mitochondrial transcription termination factor 2
107284740 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf163
107284752 5’-nucleotidase ecto
107284760 nicotinamide N-methyltransferase-like
107284786 nicotinamide N-methyltransferase-like
107284787 RNA binding motif protein 7
107284794 hydroxymethylbilane synthase
107284796 hypoxia up-regulated 1
107284798 trafficking protein particle complex 4
107284802 archain 1
107284808 zw10 kinetochore protein
107284812 nicotinamide N-methyltransferase-like
107284820 myelin protein zero like 3
107284824 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type U
107284839 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 16B
107284842 SMAD specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
107284843 testis expressed 2
107284850 DEAD-box helicase 5
107284852 endoplasmic reticulum to nucleus signaling 1
107284855 erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 3
107284856 solute carrier family 35 member F2
107284862 kinesin family member 13B
107284863 homeobox containing 1
107284866 exophilin 5
107284878 ANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator
107284881 family with sequence similarity 134 member B
107284889 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf65
107284892 putative RNA-binding protein Luc7-like 1
107284894 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 26
107284912 splicing factor 3b subunit 1
107284918 serine/threonine kinase 17b
107284930 uncharacterized LOC107284930
107284931 forkhead box C1
107284941 neuronal PAS domain-containing protein 3-like
107284942 nucleotide binding protein-like
107284945 HEAT repeat-containing protein 5A-like
107284946 D-tyrosyl-tRNA deacylase 2 (putative)
107284949 calmodulin-lysine N-methyltransferase-like
107284951 calmodulin-lysine N-methyltransferase-like
107284952 prolyl endopeptidase-like
107284953 solute carrier family 3 member 1
107284959 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit d2
107284962 copine 3
107284972 echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 4
107284975 potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily G member 3
107284978 DEAH-box helicase 9
107284981 immediate early response 5
107284985 SMG7 nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor
107285000 POP7 homolog ribonuclease P/MRP subunit
107285003 UFM1-specific peptidase 1 (inactive)
107285006 beta-13-galactosyltransferase 5-like
107285007 serrate RNA effector molecule
107285008 probable cation-transporting ATPase 13A3
107285022 proteasome subunit beta 6
107285045 TSC22 domain family member 4
107285049 arrestin beta 2
107285053 neurexophilin and PC-esterase domain family member 3
107285063 centrosomal protein 97kDa
107285068 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase C-4 to C-12 straight chain
107285080 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 11
107285090 PEST proteolytic signal containing nuclear protein
107285092 solute carrier family 22 member 15-like
107285096 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 1 subunit 2
107285105 39S ribosomal protein L10 mitochondrial-like
107285108 sphingomyelin synthase 1
107285110 ATPase family AAA domain containing 1
107285111 phosphatase and tensin homolog
107285118 ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator-like 3
107285123 breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance protein 3-like
107285125 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily a member 4
107285126 deoxyribonuclease II lysosomal
107285127 glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase
107285132 calreticulin
107285134 tetratricopeptide repeat protein 39A-like
107285136 nuclear factor I/X (CCAAT-binding transcription factor)
107285140 transmembrane protein 56-B-like
107285142 protein kinase C substrate 80K-H
107285145 RAB3D member RAS oncogene family
107285146 Kruppel-like factor 1 (erythroid)
107285147 ring finger protein 19A RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
107285151 SWIM-type zinc finger 7 associated protein 1
107285153 translocated promoter region nuclear basket protein
107285157 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf27
107285159 phospholipase A2 group IVA
107285174 jumping translocation breakpoint
107285195 leucine rich repeat and Ig domain containing 4
107285196 tudor and KH domain containing
107285209 HCLS1 associated protein X-1
107285226 GATA zinc finger domain containing 2B
107285233 RAR related orphan receptor C
107285235 synapse defective 1 Rho GTPase homolog 2 (C. elegans)
107285236 mucolipin 3
107285252 vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog B (yeast)
107285261 Kazal type serine peptidase inhibitor domain 1
107285263 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 4
107285273 NIPA like domain containing 2
107285274 polymerase (DNA) lambda
107285282 transmembrane protein 259
107285293 enolase superfamily member 1
107285305 metadherin
107285306 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
107285309 zinc finger protein 219-like
107285316 carboxypeptidase Q
107285324 cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-5-like
107285334 serine protease 27-like
107285336 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 2
107285340 ubinuclein 2
107285341 putative RNA-binding protein Luc7-like 2
107285344 transcription factor 20 (AR1)
107285356 solute carrier family 7 member 11
107285357 galanin receptor 1
107285358 myelin basic protein
107285360 uncharacterized LOC107285360
107285366 phospholipase C beta 4
107285367 p21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 7
107285374 ankyrin repeat SAM and basic leucine zipper domain containing 1
107285375 reactive intermediate imine deaminase A homolog
107285394 diphthamine biosynthesis 6
107285400 forkhead box I1
107285404 trinucleotide repeat containing 6B
107285408 small G protein signaling modulator 3
107285409 megakaryoblastic leukemia (translocation) 1
107285410 solute carrier family 25 member 17
107285412 X-prolyl aminopeptidase 3 mitochondrial
107285415 l(3)mbt-like 2 (Drosophila)
107285426 phosphomannomutase 1
107285434 Werner helicase interacting protein 1
107285436 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L4
107285438 RAD50 interactor 1
107285449 oxysterol binding protein 2
107285453 2-oxoglutarate and iron-dependent oxygenase domain containing 2
107285456 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a2
107285461 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit alpha
107285462 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 2
107285463 selenoprotein M
107285490 histone H3.3-like
107285494 ChaC cation transport regulator homolog 2 (E. coli)
107285495 endoplasmic reticulum lectin 1
107285501 histone deacetylase 1
107285504 KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 2
107285508 family with sequence similarity 167 member B
107285519 GRB10 interacting GYF protein 2
107285525 ILK associated serine/threonine phosphatase
107285527 armadillo repeat containing 8
107285533 dipeptidyl peptidase 4-like
107285540 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 12
107285542 transmembrane protein 136-like
107285547 RNA-directed DNA polymerase homolog
107285560 translocation associated membrane protein 2
107285563 asparagine–tRNA ligase cytoplasmic-like
107285582 ER degradation enhancer mannosidase alpha-like 2
107285587 LIM domain binding 1
107285591 ATPase phospholipid transporting 8B1
107285594 RNA binding motif protein 11
107285595 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 13
107285597 nuclear receptor interacting protein 1
107285603 bromodomain and WD repeat domain containing 1
107285610 TBC1 domain family member 2
107285612 aprataxin
107285619 purine-rich element binding protein G
107285621 actin like 7A
107285624 RE1-silencing transcription factor-like
107285633 signal recognition particle 72kDa
107285635 store-operated calcium entry-associated regulatory factor
107285646 rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoU-like
107285656 protein YIF1B-like
107285661 cytochrome P450 2F3-like
107285668 SH3KBP1 binding protein 1
107285672 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A
107285680 phospholipase D family member 3
107285691 tyrosine kinase 2
107285692 ribonucleoprotein PTB-binding 1
107285699 phosphatidylinositol-45-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha
107285703 zinc finger matrin-type 3
107285706 vascular endothelial growth factor C
107285707 signal peptidase complex subunit 3
107285718 coiled-coil domain containing 130
107285732 PWWP domain containing 2B
107285739 protein disulfide isomerase family A member 5
107285743 receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 2
107285746 24-dienoyl-CoA reductase 1 mitochondrial
107285747 calbindin 1
107285751 solute carrier family 26 member 7
107285759 SEC22 homolog A vesicle trafficking protein
107285768 COP9 signalosome subunit 7A
107285771 G protein-coupled receptor 162
107285785 peroxisomal targeting signal 1 receptor-like
107285786 mannosidase alpha class 1A member 2
107285805 olfactory receptor 2A5-like
107285816 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta 5–>4-isomerase-like
107285821 cyclin D1
107285827 LDL receptor related protein 5
107285830 exonuclease 3’-5’ domain containing 2
107285837 transmembrane protein 229B
107285838 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class H
107285839 arginase 2
107285840 vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1B
107285841 retinol dehydrogenase 12-like
107285856 histamine N-methyltransferase
107285857 neurexophilin 2
107285862 uncharacterized LOC107285862
107285864 uncharacterized LOC107285864
107285866 coxsackie virus and adenovirus receptor
107285871 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B11
107285882 tumor protein D52-like 1
107285884 SUMO1/sentrin/SMT3 specific peptidase 2
107285886 transmembrane protein 41A
107285887 enoyl-CoA hydratase/3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase
107285889 propionyl-CoA carboxylase beta subunit
107285893 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 13
107285897 alpha-14-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
107285940 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase short/branched chain
107285942 IKAROS family zinc finger 5
107285943 phosphoseryl-tRNA kinase
107285956 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf1
107285968 angel homolog 1 (Drosophila)
107285995 ADP ribosylation factor 1
107286007 galectin-1-like
107286018 galectin-1-like
107286028 protein 4.1-like
107286034 WD repeat-containing protein 7-like
107286037 clarin 1
107286039 transmembrane protein 200B
107286040 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
107286042 electron transfer flavoprotein dehydrogenase
107286059 toll interacting protein
107286070 collagen alpha-6(VI) chain-like
107286071 collagen alpha-6(VI) chain-like
107286072 ATPase phospholipid transporting 9A (putative)
107286109 exportin 4
107286116 zinc finger MYM-type containing 2
107286125 spermine synthase
107286129 glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta
107286140 pentraxin fusion protein-like
107286142 histone H3-like
107286145 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 4-like
107286156 pleckstrin homology domain containing M3
107286160 carnosine N-methyltransferase 1
107286161 nicotinamide riboside kinase 1
107286162 microfibrillar associated protein 3 like
107286165 riboflavin kinase
107286174 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2D
107286191 chloride voltage-gated channel 3
107286194 methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblA type
107286199 zinc finger protein 827
107286206 zinc finger FYVE-type containing 19
107286209 GTP cyclohydrolase I feedback regulator
107286210 regulator of microtubule dynamics 3
107286214 isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase
107286223 cytochrome c oxidase copper chaperone
107286225 uncharacterized LOC107286225
107286230 YKT6 v-SNARE homolog (S. cerevisiae)
107286247 microtubule associated protein 2
107286258 striatin interacting protein 1
107286259 adenosylhomocysteinase like 1
107286270 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 38
107286272 ETS variant 6
107286303 protein NipSnap homolog 3B-like
107286305 pro-neuregulin-2 membrane-bound isoform-like
107286306 collagen alpha-2(I) chain-like
107286314 neudesin neurotrophic factor
107286318 Ras protein specific guanine nucleotide releasing factor 2
107286321 TraB domain containing
107286322 tubulin gamma complex associated protein 6
107286324 histone deacetylase 10
107286325 mitogen-activated protein kinase 12
107286327 zinc finger protein 800
107286329 plexin B2
107286331 selenoprotein O
107286343 transforming growth factor beta receptor III
107286344 lysine demethylase 1B
107286371 WD repeat sterile alpha motif and U-box domain containing 1
107286373 phospholipase A2 receptor 1
107286380 ORMDL sphingolipid biosynthesis regulator 2
107286381 limb development membrane protein 1-like
107286383 ribosomal RNA processing 1B
107286390 uncharacterized LOC107286390
107286410 heat shock transcription factor 2 binding protein
107286412 tubulin folding cofactor C
107286421 SERTA domain containing 4
107286424 huntingtin interacting protein 1
107286431 transmembrane protein 248
107286434 zinc finger protein 512
107286435 fibronectin type III domain containing 4
107286440 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF19A-like
107286446 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C5 gamma
107286449 solute carrier family 5 member 6
107286450 prolactin regulatory element binding
107286455 PITPNM family member 3
107286456 nuclear cap binding subunit 3
107286460 transmembrane protein 214
107286461 dihydropyrimidinase like 5
107286477 protein phosphatase Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1G
107286482 oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit 4 non-catalytic
107286495 lysine-specific demethylase 6A-like
107286497 ICOS ligand-like
107286499 transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 4
107286510 F-box protein 8
107286518 calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase (MAGUK family)
107286521 ubiquitin specific peptidase 9 X-linked
107286522 mediator complex subunit 14
107286525 immunoglobulin like domain containing receptor 1
107286539 core histone macro-H2A.1
107286544 fibronectin type III domain containing 3B
107286547 neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 1
107286550 family with sequence similarity 120C
107286552 melanoma-associated antigen G1-like
107286555 5’-aminolevulinate synthase 2
107286565 WNK lysine deficient protein kinase 3
107286573 MAGI family member X-linked
107286578 pre-mRNA processing factor 4B
107286582 uncharacterized LOC107286582
107286583 alkylglycerone phosphate synthase
107286587 phosphodiesterase 11A
107286637 barttin CLCNK type accessory beta subunit
107286648 armadillo repeat containing 7
107286650 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylate transporter) member 5
107286653 cerebellar degeneration-related protein 2-like
107286654 HID1 domain containing
107286668 rhomboid domain containing 1
107286672 adaptor protein phosphotyrosine interaction PH domain and leucine zipper containing 2
107286675 solute carrier family 41 member 2
107286680 calsyntenin 2
107286682 arf-GAP with GTPase ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 1-like
107286689 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta
107286690 ankyrin 2 neuronal
107286694 arylsulfatase family member J
107286697 ATPase H+ transporting accessory protein 1
107286703 plexin B3
107286704 ATP binding cassette subfamily D member 1
107286705 B-cell receptor-associated protein 31
107286706 solute carrier family 6 member 8
107286725 cAMP-specific 3’5’-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4D-like
107286726 putative sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 10
107286736 putative sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 10
107286749 sulfotransferase family cytosolic 1B member 1-like
107286754 CD164 molecule like 2
107286755 G protein-coupled receptor 3
107286756 follistatin
107286766 mitochondrial carrier 2
107286774 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 6-like
107286775 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 6
107286781 cytochrome P450 2C5-like
107286782 TBC1 domain family member 24-like
107286783 ubiquitin specific peptidase 43
107286785 cytochrome P450 2C4-like
107286794 shootin 1
107286796 ventral anterior homeobox 1
107286818 zygote arrest 1-like
107286825 isochorismatase domain containing 1
107286829 sprouty RTK signaling antagonist 4
107286831 ring finger protein 14
107286833 glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 1
107286835 zinc finger CCHC-type containing 10
107286837 claudin 12
107286839 cyclin-dependent kinase 14
107286842 lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase
107286846 abhydrolase domain containing 2
107286849 zinc finger AN1-type containing 6
107286852 retinaldehyde binding protein 1
107286863 fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (fumarylacetoacetase)
107286869 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 3
107286870 fucosidase alpha-L- 2 plasma
107286888 WD repeat domain 83
107286889 WD repeat domain 83 opposite strand
107286891 tRNA methyltransferase 1
107286893 ATPase phospholipid transporting 10B (putative)
107286896 oxidoreductase-like domain containing 1
107286903 syntaxin-10-like
107286906 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6-like
107286919 RE1-silencing transcription factor-like
107286927 polymerase (RNA) II subunit B
107286937 lin-7 homolog C crumbs cell polarity complex component
107286945 signal sequence receptor gamma (translocon-associated protein gamma)
107286955 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 25 NatB auxiliary subunit
107286967 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 beta
107286969 purinergic receptor P2X 4
107286970 endoplasmic reticulum protein 29
107286976 G protein-coupled receptor 19
107286987 cAMP responsive element binding protein-like 2
107286991 HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 4
107287040 signal peptidase complex subunit 2
107287048 cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 4 homolog mitochondrial
107287061 inositol 145-trisphosphate receptor type 3
107287071 KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 4
107287073 autophagy related 4C cysteine peptidase
107287074 ALG6 alpha-13-glucosyltransferase
107287076 vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 like 1
107287079 nuclear factor 1 A-type
107287081 PATJ crumbs cell polarity complex component
107287083 dedicator of cytokinesis 7
107287087 zinc finger protein 217
107287096 RAB guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1
107287104 growth differentiation factor 5
107287109 lysine demethylase 5B
107287112 kelch like family member 12
107287113 sulfatase modifying factor 2
107287119 low density lipoprotein receptor
107287123 ilvB (bacterial acetolactate synthase)-like
107287124 uncharacterized LOC107287124
107287134 angiomotin like 2
107287136 ephrin type-B receptor 1-like
107287152 defender against cell death 1
107287154 CGRP receptor component
107287163 TRAF3 interacting protein 2
107287164 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 4B
107287165 solute carrier family 16 member 10
107287166 ribosome production factor 2 homolog
107287167 adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 1
107287168 WNT1 inducible signaling pathway protein 3
107287169 REV3 like DNA directed polymerase zeta catalytic subunit
107287183 CDC42 binding protein kinase beta
107287188 importin 8
107287211 proline rich membrane anchor 1
107287213 BTB domain containing 7
107287217 DEAD-box helicase 24
107287218 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf142
107287220 RAS guanyl releasing protein 1
107287224 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 12
107287229 ATPase 13A1
107287231 pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 4
107287234 GEM interacting protein
107287237 collagen beta(1-O)galactosyltransferase 1
107287238 HIV-1 Tat interactive protein 2
107287243 hepatic lectin-like
107287251 ribophorin II
107287252 lipin 3
107287253 zinc fingers and homeoboxes 3
107287263 phosphatidylinositol transfer protein beta
107287283 solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 11-like
107287284 X-box binding protein 1
107287285 zinc and ring finger 3
107287286 FIC domain containing
107287297 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 10
107287303 glycolipid transfer protein
107287304 G protein-coupled receptor kinase interacting ArfGAP 2
107287305 ankyrin repeat domain 13A
107287308 aspartate beta-hydroxylase domain containing 2
107287318 attractin like 1
107287329 tudor domain containing 1
107287339 cAMP responsive element binding protein 3
107287341 glucosidase beta (bile acid) 2
107287343 gamma-secretase subunit Aph-1b-like
107287350 5’-nucleotidase domain containing 2
107287353 glycosyltransferase 8 domain containing 1
107287355 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 13
107287356 signal peptidase complex subunit 1
107287359 inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H3-like
107287368 fatty acid 2-hydroxylase
107287375 lactate dehydrogenase D
107287385 G protein-coupled receptor 155
107287386 solute carrier family 35 member A5
107287396 PHD finger protein 3
107287398 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 14C
107287405 peptidylprolyl isomerase like 4
107287409 iodotyrosine deiodinase
107287413 potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily G member 2
107287418 jumonji domain containing 7
107287419 EH domain containing 4
107287423 MGA MAX dimerization protein
107287432 ribosomal protein S6 kinase C1
107287456 basic leucine zipper nuclear factor 1
107287458 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor pi subunit
107287461 GDNF-inducible zinc finger protein 1-like
107287464 Yip1 domain family member 4
107287474 HEAT repeat containing 5B
107287478 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 27
107287482 N-acetylneuraminic acid phosphatase
107287489 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2
107287498 SFT2 domain containing 2
107287499 N-acetyltransferase 10
107287500 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains protein 3-like
107287515 Golgi integral membrane protein 4-like
107287521 cyclin-L1-like
107287524 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 J2
107287527 dishevelled segment polarity protein 1
107287532 sodium channel epithelial 1 delta subunit
107287539 snaclec mucetin subunit alpha
107287546 snake venom serine protease 3-like
107287547 snake venom serine protease-like
107287548 snake venom serine proteinase 11
107287549 snaclec trimecetin subunit beta-like
107287550 snake venom serine proteinase 11-like
107287551 uncharacterized LOC107287551
107287552 beta-fibrinogenase mucrofibrase-3
107287553 snake venom serine protease serpentokallikrein-2
107287554 uncharacterized LOC107287554
107287555 snake venom serine protease 3
107287557 transmembrane protease serine 9-like
107287558 snake venom serine protease pictobin-like
107287561 snaclec coagulation factor IX/factor X-binding protein subunit A
107287563 hepsin
107287566 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6B1
107287604 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit G3
107287618 protein kinase D1
107287626 HEAT repeat containing 5A
107287629 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 3
107287630 ArfGAP with SH3 domain ankyrin repeat and PH domain 2
107287632 membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 2
107287633 kinase D-interacting substrate 220kDa
107287636 iroquois homeobox 1
107287637 uncharacterized LOC107287637
107287647 zona pellucida binding protein
107287650 neurobeachin
107287654 beta-14-galactosyltransferase 3-like
107287655 neurobeachin-like
107287660 serine rich and transmembrane domain containing 1
107287665 UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 1
107287667 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2
107287670 WD repeat domain 33
107287675 selenoprotein K
107287677 decapping mRNA 1A
107287679 ARP8 actin-related protein 8 homolog (yeast)
107287684 galactokinase 2
107287686 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2-like
107287688 solute carrier family 30 member 4
107287693 solute carrier family 24 member 5
107287697 uncharacterized LOC107287697
107287703 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type K
107287723 presenilin associated rhomboid-like
107287724 aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family member A1
107287728 dynamin binding protein
107287731 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 7
107287736 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2-like
107287740 MAP6 domain containing 1
107287748 pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase domain 2
107287751 zinc finger FYVE-type containing 27
107287759 phosphotyrosine interaction domain containing 1
107287761 solute carrier family 19 member 3
107287773 RAB5B member RAS oncogene family
107287781 ADP ribosylation factor 4
107287807 uncharacterized LOC107287807
107287811 neuroblastoma amplified sequence
107287825 neurocalcin delta
107287829 shroom family member 3
107287832 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase IF
107287843 serine/threonine kinase 39
107287849 ribonuclease H1-like
107287854 multiple coagulation factor deficiency 2
107287855 suppressor of cytokine signaling 5
107287857 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class F
107287861 protein kinase C epsilon
107287863 probable N-acetyltransferase CML1
107287866 transmembrane protein 247
107287878 uncharacterized LOC107287878
107287888 LPS responsive beige-like anchor protein
107287890 nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 2
107287901 nuclear receptor binding factor 2
107287902 adenosine kinase
107287904 synaptotagmin 7
107287921 septin-10-like
107287928 tumor suppressor candidate 3
107287933 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex assembly factor 7
107287935 glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase
107287936 solute carrier family 30 member 6
107287939 protein kinase D3
107287940 spastin
107287941 mediator of cell motility 1
107287945 methionine adenosyltransferase 2A
107287947 lysine acetyltransferase 6A
107287948 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 4
107287949 TM2 domain-containing protein 2
107287950 lectin mannose binding 2 like
107287951 diacylglycerol lipase alpha
107287953 cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 3
107287958 polymerase (DNA) mu
107287968 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5B mitochondrial
107287971 adaptor related protein complex 3 mu 2 subunit
107287977 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble alpha 3
107287981 tripartite motif-containing protein 59-like
107287995 phospholipid phosphatase 3-like
107287996 venom factor-like
107287999 lysine methyltransferase 2B
107288000 glycosylated lysosomal membrane protein
107288005 zinc metallopeptidase STE24
107288011 ras-related and estrogen-regulated growth inhibitor-like protein
107288017 syntaxin 12
107288018 cbp/p300-interacting transactivator 3-like
107288025 cytosolic thiouridylase subunit 1
107288028 forkhead box protein O3-like
107288035 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1D
107288038 snake venom metalloproteinase BaP1-like
107288043 solute carrier family 33 (acetyl-CoA transporter) member 1
107288052 translocon-associated protein subunit beta-like
107288060 collagen beta(1-O)galactosyltransferase 2
107288064 ER degradation enhancer mannosidase alpha-like 3
107288067 uncharacterized LOC107288067
107288075 histone H2B 8-like
107288083 RUN and FYVE domain containing 2
107288084 solute carrier family 25 member 16
107288086 cell division cycle and apoptosis regulator 1
107288095 tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 1
107288112 serine/threonine kinase 16
107288116 dnaJ homolog subfamily B member 2-like
107288122 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type N
107288127 asparaginase like 1
107288132 activating transcription factor 4
107288133 mitochondrial elongation factor 1
107288136 ribosomal protein L3
107288139 uncharacterized LOC107288139
107288140 mannosyl (beta-14-)-glycoprotein beta-14-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
107288147 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C2orf54
107288149 glypican 1
107288155 carbohydrate sulfotransferase 10
107288164 uncharacterized LOC107288164
107288180 keratin 8 type II
107288181 keratin 18 type I
107288189 ETS translocation variant 1-like
107288197 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C16orf46
107288201 interleukin-1 receptor type 1-like
107288202 dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycosyltransferase subunit 4-like
107288207 interleukin-1 receptor type 1-like
107288213 transcriptional repressor GATA binding 1
107288221 SH3 domain binding glutamate rich protein like 2
107288223 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1 beta polypeptide
107288226 nuclear factor I/B
107288233 LIM domain only 4
107288241 Gse1 coiled-coil protein
107288251 transmembrane protein 181
107288256 arf-GAP with Rho-GAP domain ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 1-like
107288259 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 23
107288287 enoyl-CoA hydratase short chain 1 mitochondrial
107288291 EGF like fibronectin type III and laminin G domains
107288303 solute carrier family 38 member 1
107288322 leukemia inhibitory factor receptor alpha
107288346 helicase with zinc finger
107288359 IgGFc-binding protein-like
107288362 pseudouridine 5’-phosphatase
107288365 RNA-directed DNA polymerase homolog
107288371 uncharacterized LOC107288371
107288374 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-26-biphosphatase 2
107288375 YOD1 deubiquitinase
107288383 nuclear receptor coactivator 6
107288396 zinc finger RNA binding protein
107288397 myotubularin related protein 12
107288399 threonyl-tRNA synthetase
107288404 solute carrier family 45 member 2
107288406 uncharacterized LOC107288406
107288407 alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase
107288410 myotubularin related protein 6
107288411 ring finger protein (C3H2C3 type) 6
107288414 mitochondrial intermediate peptidase
107288416 spermatogenesis associated 13
107288418 shisa family member 2
107288420 APC membrane recruitment protein 2
107288466 olfactory receptor 14A16-like
107288474 asparagine synthetase domain containing 1
107288486 coiled-coil domain containing 166
107288509 nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2-like
107288515 osteosarcoma amplified 9 endoplasmic reticulum lectin
107288527 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 5
107288544 uncharacterized LOC107288544
107288548 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 5
107288555 HemK methyltransferase family member 1
107288563 tRNA-yW synthesizing protein 1 homolog
107288566 O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase-like 1
107288594 TIA1 cytotoxic granule-associated RNA binding protein-like 1
107288595 BCL2 associated athanogene 3
107288598 minichromosome maintenance complex binding protein
107288599 SEC23 interacting protein
107288614 DEAD-box helicase 17
107288615 insulin like growth factor binding protein-like 1
107288616 KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 3
107288619 v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog F
107288621 protein interacting with PRKCA 1
107288622 SRY-box 10
107288626 B-Raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine kinase
107288628 ankyrin repeat domain 54
107288629 glycine C-acetyltransferase
107288634 golgi-associated gamma adaptin ear containing ARF binding protein 1
107288635 CDC42 effector protein 1
107288641 solute carrier family 16 member 8
107288664 FERM and PDZ domain containing 1
107288667 ADP ribosylation factor interacting protein 2
107288672 adaptor related protein complex 4 epsilon 1 subunit
107288677 aminomethyltransferase
107288678 T-cell leukemia translocation altered
107288685 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 4-like
107288687 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B2
107288688 transforming protein RhoA
107288699 nicolin 1
107288707 proline rich Gla (G-carboxyglutamic acid) 1
107288709 fibronectin type III domain containing 3A
107288711 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 10
107288713 transmembrane protein 115
107288719 tumor suppressor candidate 2
107288722 interferon-related developmental regulator 2
107288741 mal T-cell differentiation protein 2
107288748 coatomer protein complex subunit alpha
107288749 transmembrane protein 179B-like
107288752 VANGL planar cell polarity protein 2
107288758 methionyl aminopeptidase 1
107288766 TBC1 domain family member 16
107288770 KIAA0141 ortholog
107288771 protocadherin 1
107288772 tropomodulin-2
107288775 astrotactin 2
107288780 fidgetin
107288790 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 11-like
107288792 ribosomal protein large P0
107288794 TAO kinase 3
107288807 ring finger protein 215
107288809 solute carrier family 26 member 11
107288812 growth arrest specific 2 like 1
107288814 phospholipase A2 group IB
107288839 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C10orf90
107288840 ST6 beta-galactosamide alpha-26-sialyltranferase 2
107288844 mirror-image polydactyly 1
107288857 fatty acid synthase
107288871 TNF alpha induced protein 8 like 3
107288876 family with sequence similarity 65 member A
107288877 CCCTC-binding factor (zinc finger protein)
107288885 pyruvate dehyrogenase phosphatase catalytic subunit 2
107288886 erythroid differentiation regulatory factor 1
107288890 thymidine kinase 2 mitochondrial
107288893 par-6 family cell polarity regulator alpha
107288902 leucine rich repeat containing 29
107288903 carbonic anhydrase VII
107288907 glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 2
107288921 transmembrane protein 208
107288925 BRCA2 and CDKN1A interacting protein
107288947 mitochondrial fission regulator 1
107288948 armadillo repeat containing 1
107288960 family with sequence similarity 196 member A
107288965 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM58-like
107288970 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 3
107288977 transmembrane protein 128
107288985 heme binding protein 1
107288987 family with sequence similarity 234 member B
107288994 spectrin beta non-erythrocytic 2
107288996 uncharacterized LOC107288996
107288999 potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 7
107289003 copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase
107289009 family with sequence similarity 13 member B
107289019 neuropeptide Y receptor type 6-like
107289023 protein O-glucosyltransferase 1
107289026 G protein-coupled receptor 89B
107289045 KIAA1324 ortholog
107289067 apoptosis-stimulating of p53 protein 2-like
107289068 LysM domain containing 2
107289073 apelin receptor
107289075 2-oxoglutarate and iron-dependent oxygenase domain containing 3
107289077 hexosaminidase (glycosyl hydrolase family 20 catalytic domain) containing
107289096 endoplasmic reticulum oxidoreductase alpha
107289097 nuclear casein kinase and cyclin-dependent kinase substrate 1
107289098 solute carrier family 45 member 3
107289099 Krueppel-like factor 15
107289112 S-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-1-like
107289134 mediator complex subunit 9
107289136 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1
107289144 folliculin
107289153 tumor protein p53 inducible nuclear protein 1
107289154 phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein 2
107289159 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 3
107289161 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily E regulatory subunit 4
107289163 rabaptin RAB GTPase binding effector protein 1
107289167 nuclear pore complex protein Nup88-like
107289181 GDNF family receptor alpha 3
107289185 dystroglycan 1
107289190 C-terminal-binding protein 2-like
107289195 staphylococcal nuclease domain-containing protein 1-like
107289201 DENN domain containing 6B
107289203 staphylococcal nuclease and tudor domain containing 1
107289207 choline kinase beta
107289212 adrenomedullin 2
107289216 rheacalcin-1-like
107289233 vascular endothelial growth factor A
107289235 mal T-cell differentiation protein
107289236 golgin A7
107289242 phytanoyl-CoA 2-hydroxylase interacting protein
107289245 sorbin and SH3 domain containing 3
107289249 uncharacterized LOC107289249
107289259 protein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit gamma
107289269 transmembrane protein 183A
107289270 alpha-13-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase C-like
107289273 PTPRF interacting protein alpha 4
107289276 probable G-protein coupled receptor 142
107289283 uncharacterized LOC107289283
107289288 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 14
107289317 L-threonine 3-dehydrogenase mitochondrial-like
107289320 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 5
107289328 zinc finger BED-type containing 4
107289329 ALG12 alpha-16-mannosyltransferase
107289330 cysteine rich with EGF like domains 2
107289331 Pim-3 proto-oncogene serine/threonine kinase
107289343 solute carrier family 22 member 15
107289349 GTP binding protein 2
107289355 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 21
107289360 prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 1
107289361 nudix hydrolase 13
107289370 programmed cell death 4 (neoplastic transformation inhibitor)
107289376 transmembrane protein 189-like
107289378 CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta
107289380 par-6 family cell polarity regulator beta
107289392 synovial sarcoma translocation gene on chromosome 18-like 1
107289393 mitochondrial ribosome-associated GTPase 2
107289398 glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 1
107289399 UHRF1 binding protein 1-like
107289401 SCY1 like pseudokinase 2
107289413 fidgetin like 2
107289431 solute carrier family 10 member 7
107289465 choline phosphotransferase 1
107289466 synaptonemal complex protein 3
107289472 myosin binding protein C slow type
107289476 coiled-coil domain containing 53
107289529 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 8A
107289531 leucine-rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 6
107289534 DNA damage regulated autophagy modulator 2
107289539 A-kinase anchor protein 13-like
107289551 SFT2 domain containing 1
107289557 claudin 23
107289560 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein epsilon
107289562 WD repeat domain 81
107289566 mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 1
107289574 toll like receptor 2
107289579 polymerase (RNA) III subunit B
107289585 activin A receptor type IC
107289596 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf62
107289599 KIAA0319 ortholog
107289602 aldehyde dehydrogenase 5 family member A1
107289603 glycosylphosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase D1
107289610 E74 like ETS transcription factor 5
107289611 ETS homologous factor
107289613 APAF1 interacting protein
107289615 TRAF family member associated NFKB activator
107289616 L-amino-acid oxidase
107289624 olfactory receptor 2T2-like
107289650 peptidylprolyl isomerase B
107289652 zinc finger protein 609
107289654 adaptor related protein complex 3 beta 2 subunit
107289656 sorting nexin 22
107289667 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 17
107289670 cuticlin-2-like
107289674 farnesyltransferase CAAX box alpha
107289684 ADP/ATP translocase 3
107289689 zinc finger protein 318-like
107289690 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 10
107289696 prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 2
107289697 PDZ and LIM domain protein 4-like
107289721 ATP/GTP binding protein 1
107289731 receptor expression-enhancing protein 6-like
107289740 methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase 2
107289751 coiled-coil domain containing 125
107289754 transportin-1-like
107289755 uncharacterized LOC107289755
107289763 ARP3 actin-related protein 3 homolog (yeast)
107289769 PR domain 5
107289773 ubiquitin specific peptidase 53
107289779 DIS3 like exosome 3’-5’ exoribonuclease
107289780 vacuolar protein sorting 33 homolog B (yeast)
107289784 mannosidase alpha class 2A member 2
107289787 protein disulfide isomerase family A member 3
107289788 IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 1
107289789 C-myc promoter-binding protein-like
107289799 furin paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme
107289802 microtubule associated protein 1A
107289803 tubulin gamma complex associated protein 4
107289804 mortality factor 4 like 1
107289823 glutaredoxin 2
107289824 ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L5
107289825 regulator of G-protein signaling 2
107289829 TROVE domain family member 2
107289837 acid phosphatase 2 lysosomal
107289838 nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group H member 3
107289840 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter) member 13
107289843 high density lipoprotein binding protein
107289844 anoctamin 7
107289845 BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 1
107289847 vigilin-like
107289849 PRELI domain containing 2
107289854 solute carrier family 25 member 15
107289855 uncharacterized LOC107289855
107289866 SIL1 nucleotide exchange factor
107289869 GDP-Man:Man(3)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-12-mannosyltransferase-like
107289872 cytoskeleton associated protein 2
107289890 endoplasmic reticulum-golgi intermediate compartment 1
107289892 battenin-like
107289894 keratinocyte differentiation factor 1
107289899 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class V
107289900 AT-rich interaction domain 1A
107289905 nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 2
107289906 G-patch domain containing 3
107289913 AKT interacting protein
107289914 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 9
107289916 uncharacterized LOC107289916
107289921 importin 11
107289923 uncharacterized LOC107289923
107289932 circadian associated repressor of transcription
107289944 vacuolar protein sorting 45 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
107289950 jade family PHD finger 1
107289957 syntaxin-3-like
107289973 glutathione S-transferase kappa 1-like
107289975 polycomb group ring finger 5
107289979 adenylate cyclase 8 (brain)
107289981 nodal modulator 3-like
107289985 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2Q family like 1
107289988 uncharacterized LOC107289988
107289989 steroid 5 alpha-reductase 1
107289997 X-prolyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase P) 1 soluble
107290008 oxysterol binding protein like 6
107290012 pleckstrin homology domain containing A3
107290015 uncharacterized oxidoreductase YjhC-like
107290020 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 16
107290023 prolyl 3-hydroxylase 2
107290024 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf50
107290026 tumor protein p63 regulated 1-like
107290032 serine/threonine/tyrosine interacting-like 1
107290033 tumor protein p53 binding protein 2
107290039 rhomboid domain containing 2
107290057 uncharacterized LOC107290057
107290074 solute carrier family 15 member 2
107290078 semaphorin 5B
107290091 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
107290093 CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 1
107290099 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf169
107290100 acyl-coenzyme A thioesterase 1-like
107290103 acyl-coenzyme A thioesterase 1-like
107290107 glutamic pyruvate transaminase (alanine aminotransferase) 2
107290122 mutS homolog 6
107290125 forkhead box N2
107290139 cyclin-dependent kinase 19
107290146 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1-like 3
107290148 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C18orf42
107290149 thioredoxin related transmembrane protein 1
107290152 pre-mRNA processing factor 39
107290157 growth arrest and DNA damage inducible gamma
107290167 KIAA1147 ortholog
107290169 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase
107290180 glyceronephosphate O-acyltransferase
107290181 programmed cell death 2
107290184 family with sequence similarity 120B
107290192 family with sequence similarity 69 member A
107290196 unc-13 homolog D (C. elegans)
107290210 olfactomedin 2
107290212 signal recognition particle 54kDa
107290235 protein orai-2-like
107290236 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 19
107290240 mitogen-activated protein kinase 7
107290245 lactamase beta 2
107290246 translocation associated membrane protein 1
107290247 nuclear receptor coactivator 2
107290253 SEC62 homolog preprotein translocation factor
107290259 WW domain binding protein 2
107290263 tudor domain containing 15
107290265 solute carrier family 12 member 8
107290266 zinc finger protein 148
107290276 heart development protein with EGF like domains 1
107290281 uncharacterized LOC107290281
107290287 caseinolytic mitochondrial matrix peptidase chaperone subunit
107290299 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 16
107290303 phosphatase orphan 2
107290307 ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 3 (putative)
107290315 RAB11 family interacting protein 3 (class II)
107290316 24-dienoyl-CoA reductase 2 peroxisomal
107290318 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 3
107290322 small integral membrane protein 5
107290331 solute carrier family 46 member 2
107290339 KIAA0368 ortholog
107290342 thioredoxin
107290347 INTS3 and NABP interacting protein
107290354 zinc finger MYND-type containing 8
107290355 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C3
107290356 UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 2
107290359 carbohydrate (N-acetylgalactosamine 4-0) sulfotransferase 9
107290363 uncharacterized LOC107290363
107290365 uncharacterized LOC107290365
107290370 LUC7-like
107290376 glyoxylate reductase 1 homolog (Arabidopsis)
107290377 ubinuclein 1
107290380 NLR family CARD domain containing 3
107290384 STIP1 homology and U-box containing protein 1 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
107290394 family with sequence similarity 173 member A
107290397 uncharacterized LOC107290397
107290405 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-13-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 7
107290408 cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 1
107290411 dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 1 catalytic subunit
107290424 pyruvate dehydrogenase complex component X
107290453 arginyl-tRNA synthetase
107290454 WW and C2 domain containing 1
107290464 inactive N-acetylated-alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase-like protein 2
107290465 inactive N-acetylated-alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase-like protein 2
107290477 phosphodiesterase 3A
107290479 utrophin-like
107290480 utrophin-like
107290482 utrophin-like
107290483 utrophin-like
107290492 aldehyde dehydrogenase 6 family member A1
107290493 lin-52 DREAM MuvB core complex component
107290494 acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase 2-like mitochondrial
107290495 ATP binding cassette subfamily D member 4
107290498 vertebrae development associated
107290507 phosphatidylinositol-345-trisphosphate-dependent Rac exchange factor 2
107290521 T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1
107290528 coiled-coil domain containing 185
107290533 RNA binding motif protein 5
107290535 MON1 homolog A secretory trafficking associated
107290562 URB1 ribosome biogenesis 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
107290563 SUN domain containing ossification factor
107290568 progesterone receptor membrane component 2
107290571 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 8
107290573 eva-1 homolog C (C. elegans)
107290578 family with sequence similarity 45 member A
107290581 family with sequence similarity 204 member A
107290589 insulin like growth factor 1 receptor
107290593 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 3
107290598 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 37
107290607 cytochrome P450 3A24-like
107290617 forkhead box K1
107290619 sidekick cell adhesion molecule 1
107290628 sorting nexin 8
107290639 proteasome (prosome macropain) assembly chaperone 3
107290642 abl-interactor 2
107290645 methylcytosine dioxygenase TET2-like
107290652 fibrinogen gamma chain
107290658 solute carrier family 22 member 4-like
107290662 39S ribosomal protein L39 mitochondrial-like
107290664 ankyrin 3 node of Ranvier (ankyrin G)
107290671 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C28
107290675 small integral membrane protein 10 like 1
107290681 leucine rich repeat and Ig domain containing 2
107290682 matrix metallopeptidase 23B
107290707 cytochrome P450 20A1
107290742 PITH (C-terminal proteasome-interacting domain of thioredoxin-like) domain containing 1
107290744 lysophospholipase II
107290745 UDP-galactose-4-epimerase
107290746 fucosidase alpha-L- 1 tissue
107290750 3-hydroxymethyl-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase
107290778 cathepsin D
107290783 TEN1 CST complex subunit
107290785 signal recognition particle 68kDa
107290786 exocyst complex component 7
107290806 cyclin-dependent kinase 2 associated protein 2
107290811 lon peptidase 2 peroxisomal
107290820 LMBR1 domain containing 1
107290834 mitotic-spindle organizing protein 2A-like
107290839 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 13A
107290842 phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
107290845 sideroflexin 2
107290848 5’-nucleotidase cytosolic II
107290853 cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 2
107290862 lectin mannose binding 1
107290864 PDZ domain containing 2
107290870 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 3
107290872 A-kinase anchoring protein 7
107290879 proline rich coiled-coil 2A
107290886 RAN binding protein 2
107290887 LIM zinc finger domain containing 1
107290892 adaptor related protein complex 3 sigma 1 subunit
107290894 transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 7-like
107290899 tripartite motif containing 36
107290906 pyruvate carboxylase mitochondrial-like
107290914 late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor MAPK and MTOR activator 2
107290915 transmembrane protein 104
107290922 SET domain containing 5
107290927 probable peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase 2
107290928 bromodomain and PHD finger containing 1
107290937 SprT-like N-terminal domain
107290940 exocyst complex component 8
107290944 heparan sulfate-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 1
107290948 uncharacterized LOC107290948
107290958 chromobox 4
107290963 bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 2A
107290971 La ribonucleoprotein domain family member 1
107290974 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial F1 complex beta polypeptide
107290975 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 10
107290978 transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 6
107290982 autophagy related 101
107290984 N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase 1
107290989 membrane associated guanylate kinase WW and PDZ domain containing 3
107290996 protein phosphatase Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1K
107291004 serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2 (mitochondrial)
107291010 VPS18 CORVET/HOPS core subunit
107291022 vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
107291024 sarcosine dehydrogenase
107291054 solute carrier family 2 member 8
107291066 solute carrier family 39 member 9
107291067 pleckstrin homology and coiled-coil domain containing D1
107291069 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 5
107291081 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39B
107291084 coiled-coil domain containing 171
107291087 parathyroid hormone
107291089 fatty acyl-CoA reductase 1
107291095 ovochymase-2-like
107291103 single immunoglobulin and toll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain
107291107 phosphatidylserine synthase 2
107291108 ankyrin repeat domain 27
107291109 dpy-19 like 3 (C. elegans)
107291110 programmed cell death 5
107291115 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 2
107291116 aminoacylase 1
107291124 complement component 7
107291128 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 33
107291135 tRNA pseudouridine(38/39) synthase-like
107291148 cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-like
107291156 glycoprotein A33
107291159 maelstrom spermatogenic transposon silencer
107291167 uncharacterized LOC107291167
107291174 family with sequence similarity 169 member A
107291177 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase
107291178 N-acylethanolamine acid amidase
107291192 thiosulfate sulfurtransferase (rhodanese)-like domain containing 3
107291199 trafficking protein particle complex 9
107291203 presenilin 2
107291204 Cdk5 and Abl enzyme substrate 1
107291207 inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase B
107291208 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1
107291234 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C3orf14
107291239 Sp1 transcription factor
107291240 proline rich 13
107291242 B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11B-like
107291248 B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11B-like
107291250 solute carrier family 25 member 51
107291252 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 10
107291253 glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase
107291259 solute carrier family 35 (UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) transporter) member A3
107291260 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 14A
107291261 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 5
107291265 grainyhead like transcription factor 1
107291286 solute carrier family 25 member 47
107291298 zinc finger C4H2-type containing
107291302 NIPA like domain containing 3
107291304 grainyhead like transcription factor 3
107291311 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
107291315 dnaJ homolog subfamily C member 3-like
107291318 cyclin K
107291319 claudin 15
107291322 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 6 interacting protein 6
107291328 solute carrier family 37 member 3
107291333 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a4
107291341 nuclear pore complex protein Nup214-like
107291347 cholesterol 24-hydroxylase
107291349 G protein-coupled receptor 107
107291351 allograft inflammatory factor 1-like
107291352 basic phospholipase A2 homolog G6K49
107291353 basic phospholipase A2 trimucrotoxin
107291354 basic phospholipase A2 homolog G6K49-like
107291355 acidic phospholipase A2 1
107291356 acidic phospholipase A2 jerdoxin
107291370 group IIE secretory phospholipase A2-like
107291376 caspase 9
107291378 uncharacterized LOC107291378
107291386 uncharacterized LOC107291386
107291403 alpha-2C adrenergic receptor-like
107291405 solute carrier family 25 member 29
107291410 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
107291421 microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1
107291422 tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase
107291434 T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 2
107291436 fukutin
107291446 mitochondrial ribosome-associated GTPase 1
107291450 uncharacterized LOC107291450
107291461 small integral membrane protein 12
107291462 leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 2
107291463 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylate transporter) member 1
107291500 crystallin beta A2
107291503 uncharacterized LOC107291503
107291506 growth regulation by estrogen in breast cancer-like
107291508 TBC1 domain family member 7
107291509 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C12orf10
107291517 solute carrier family 11 member 2
107291526 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1
107291531 methyltransferase like 21B
107291533 solute carrier family 43 member 1
107291546 forkhead box P4
107291551 tetraspanin 31
107291556 XK related X-linked
107291563 dystrophin related protein 2
107291565 transmembrane protein 106C
107291581 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 8 homolog A (yeast)
107291589 vitamin D (125- dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor
107291600 establishment of sister chromatid cohesion N-acetyltransferase 1
107291602 RIC1 homolog RAB6A GEF complex partner 1
107291606 solute carrier family 1 member 1
107291608 endoplasmic reticulum metallopeptidase 1
107291609 programmed cell death 1 ligand 1-like
107291611 plasminogen receptor C-terminal lysine transmembrane protein
107291613 RNA terminal phosphate cyclase-like 1
107291616 kelch like family member 2
107291617 transmembrane protein 192
107291618 autophagy related 4D cysteine peptidase
107291619 KRI1 homolog
107291624 uncharacterized LOC107291624
107291626 fatty acid desaturase 1-like
107291631 snake venom vascular endothelial growth factor toxin
107291635 kinesin light chain 3
107291636 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 13 like
107291638 vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein
107291646 suppressor of cytokine signaling 5-like
107291651 excision repair cross-complementation group 2
107291655 optic atrophy 3 (autosomal recessive with chorea and spastic paraplegia)
107291657 p21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 4
107291661 sterile alpha motif domain containing 4B
107291662 PAF1 homolog Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component
107291670 monocarboxylate transporter 2-like
107291672 Sec61 translocon beta subunit
107291673 ALG2 alpha-13/16-mannosyltransferase
107291680 methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
107291684 cytochrome P450 2K1-like
107291685 WNT inhibitory factor 1
107291690 zinc finger protein 407
107291693 carnosine dipeptidase 1 (metallopeptidase M20 family)
107291700 D-beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase mitochondrial-like
107291701 hes family bHLH transcription factor 1
107291704 ATPase 13A3
107291717 nuclear factor related to kappa-B-binding protein-like
107291718 PR domain 10
107291735 lemur tyrosine kinase 2
107291740 exportin tRNA
107291741 tectonin beta-propeller repeat containing 1
107291742 basic helix-loop-helix family member a15
107291744 aminoacyl tRNA synthetase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 2
107291750 discs large homolog associated protein 2
107291753 SEC14 like lipid binding 1
107291754 septin 9
107291758 family with sequence similarity 126 member B
107291762 peptidylprolyl isomerase like 3
107291769 TBC1 domain family member 23
107291772 collagen type VIII alpha 1
107291773 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-23-sialyltransferase 6
107291776 Ras association domain family member 3
107291795 glucosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase
107291821 eukaryotic elongation factor selenocysteine-tRNA-specific
107291824 succinyl-CoA ligase [ADP/GDP-forming] subunit alpha mitochondrial-like
107291825 FGGY carbohydrate kinase domain-containing protein-like
107291832 glutathione S-transferase theta-1-like
107291835 solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 11-like
107291847 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 7
107291851 sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 3
107291864 ubiquitin-associated domain-containing protein 2-like
107291865 ubiquitin-associated domain-containing protein 2-like
107291866 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 2-like
107291870 leucine rich repeat neuronal 1
107291874 UTP20 small subunit processome component
107291878 pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 3
107291892 ArfGAP with dual PH domains 1
107291894 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX19-like
107291896 anaphase promoting complex subunit 1
107291905 galactose mutarotase (aldose 1-epimerase)
107291909 SOS Ras/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1
107291914 CDC like kinase 3
107291926 solute carrier family 39 member 10
107291927 dynein heavy chain 7 axonemal-like
107291928 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 5.1-like
107291939 striatin 4
107291941 neutral amino acid transporter B(0)-like
107291944 adaptor related protein complex 2 sigma 1 subunit
107291945 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) gamma 8
107291953 serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 5
107291954 leucyl-tRNA synthetase
107291970 symplekin
107291978 alkB homolog 6
107291997 DNA-binding protein SMUBP-2-like
107291998 phosphatidylserine synthase 2-like
107292010 SUMO1/sentrin specific peptidase 6
107292011 myosin VI
107292027 SAM pointed domain containing ETS transcription factor
107292034 glycerol kinase 5 (putative)
107292040 TBC1 domain family member 8B
107292041 VMA21 vacuolar H+-ATPase homolog (S. cerevisiae)
107292055 solute carrier family 41 member 3
107292061 SEC63 homolog protein translocation regulator
107292065 insulin like growth factor 2 receptor
107292069 solute carrier family 22 member 3
107292089 cerebellar degeneration related protein 2
107292091 transmembrane protein 180
107292092 methyltransferase like 9
107292099 polymerase (RNA) III subunit E
107292103 transmembrane protein 241
107292108 transcription factor CP2
107292110 nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 2-like
107292112 POU class 6 homeobox 1
107292113 CLPTM1-like
107292119 nuclear transcription factor X-box binding like 1
107292121 transmembrane protein 165
107292122 clock circadian regulator
107292123 steroid 5 alpha-reductase 3
107292128 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase mitochondrial-like
107292135 CTR9 homolog Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component
107292137 ring finger protein 141
107292140 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 2
107292146 transmembrane protein 242
107292147 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 14
107292149 uncharacterized LOC107292149
107292150 chitinase domain containing 1
107292160 uncharacterized LOC107292160
107292161 F-box protein 9
107292163 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase epsilon-like
107292164 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase epsilon-like
107292169 sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase 1
107292171 pterin-4 alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase 1
107292194 SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 3
107292203 calcium activated nucleotidase 1
107292208 carboxymethylenebutenolidase homolog
107292210 membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 6
107292228 hematological and neurological expressed 1-like
107292229 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit c
107292230 methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase 1
107292232 transmembrane protein 204
107292233 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase parkin-like
107292247 coatomer protein complex subunit beta 2 (beta prime)
107292250 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 1
107292254 neural precursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated 8
107292257 UFM1-specific ligase 1
107292259 isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase
107292268 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf132
107292269 phosphatidylinositol-45-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta
107292271 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf74
107292272 hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 1
107292279 BCL2 like 13
107292286 cholinergic receptor muscarinic 3
107292290 zinc finger protein 462
107292292 3’(2’)5’-bisphosphate nucleotidase 1-like
107292295 glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase
107292296 3’(2’) 5’-bisphosphate nucleotidase 1
107292300 RAB3 GTPase activating non-catalytic protein subunit 2
107292306 GC-rich promoter binding protein 1
107292308 solute carrier family 12 (sodium/potassium/chloride transporter) member 2
107292315 APEX nuclease (multifunctional DNA repair enzyme) 1
107292325 ubiquitin associated and SH3 domain containing B
107292346 castor zinc finger 1
107292351 transmembrane protein 201
107292362 Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule
107292371 metallothionein-2-like
107292372 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-23-sialyltransferase 4
107292378 SEC22 homolog B vesicle trafficking protein
107292387 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 14
107292390 tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1
107292400 integrator complex subunit 5
107292408 apolipoprotein A-II-like
107292410 syntaxin 5
107292419 microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3C-like
107292423 methyltransferase like 12
107292429 calmodulin-like
107292430 solute carrier family 3 member 2
107292433 dapper homolog 2-like
107292441 uncharacterized LOC107292441
107292446 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 10
107292447 calmegin
107292448 KIAA1191 ortholog
107292449 THO complex 3
107292453 neuronal pentraxin receptor
107292457 Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 2
107292463 ADP-ribosyl cyclase/cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1-like
107292464 interleukin 17B
107292468 prenylcysteine oxidase 1 like
107292482 RWD domain containing 1
107292484 protein disulfide isomerase family A member 4
107292488 TBC1 domain family member 9
107292502 programmed cell death protein 4-like
107292506 polycomb group ring finger 1
107292512 sterol 26-hydroxylase mitochondrial
107292525 FGGY carbohydrate kinase domain containing
107292526 hook microtubule-tethering protein 1
107292531 ring finger protein 217
107292544 meiosis specific with OB domains
107292553 methyltransferase like 22
107292560 nitric oxide synthase 1 adaptor protein
107292568 LDL receptor related protein 3
107292570 nudix hydrolase 19
107292577 rhophilin Rho GTPase binding protein 2
107292581 solute carrier family 7 (amino acid transporter light chain bo+ system) member 9
107292587 solute carrier family 39 member 6
107292595 uncharacterized LOC107292595
107292601 phospholipase C gamma 2
107292604 polycystin 1 like 2
107292610 glutathione S-transferase Mu 1-like
107292629 hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 7
107292631 sperm-specific antigen 2 homolog
107292633 NCK associated protein 1
107292634 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C10
107292647 DENN domain-containing protein 3-like
107292658 mitochondrial translational release factor 1 like
107292686 transmembrane protein 68-like
107292694 ER membrane protein complex subunit 4
107292700 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39C
107292706 short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 39U member 1
107292712 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 1-like
107292716 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial thiamine pyrophosphate carrier) member 19
107292741 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia; translocated to 3
107292748 epithelial splicing regulatory protein 1
107292752 RAD54 homolog B (S. cerevisiae)
107292756 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 1
107292757 procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer 2
107292766 WD repeat domain 6
107292772 DALR anticodon binding domain containing 3
107292774 glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase
107292777 ariadne RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
107292787 Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule 2
107292790 aquaporin 5
107292798 trefoil factor 2-like
107292800 oxysterol binding protein like 1A
107292809 ring finger protein 138 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
107292818 colipase-like
107292827 zinc finger protein 574-like
107292841 zinc finger protein 501-like
107292842 uncharacterized LOC107292842
107292852 zinc finger protein 568-like
107292853 L-amino-acid oxidase-like
107292854 zinc finger protein 692
107292859 SH3-binding domain protein 5-like
107292881 olfactory receptor 11H6-like
107292882 olfactory receptor 11G2-like
107292885 F-box protein 31
107292886 solute carrier family 7 member 5
107292887 carbonic anhydrase VA mitochondrial
107292891 kelch domain containing 4
107292897 family with sequence similarity 63 member A
107292905 methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria cblD type
107292909 cingulin
107292913 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator
107292923 G protein-coupled receptor 20
107292925 kinesin family member 5C
107292929 transmembrane protein 178B-like
107292935 protein tyrosine phosphatase mitochondrial 1
107292938 pleckstrin homology like domain family A member 2
107292941 cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase
107292968 DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 14
107292969 ribophorin I
107292971 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; citrate transporter) member 1
107292976 mediator complex subunit 27
107292983 stearoyl-CoA desaturase (delta-9-desaturase)
107292986 protein phosphatase 1H
107292988 protein phosphatase Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1H
107292989 MON2 homolog regulator of endosome-to-Golgi trafficking
107292995 serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK3-like
107293009 coatomer protein complex subunit gamma 1
107293015 G protein-coupled receptor 39
107293017 growth arrest specific 2
107293035 golgi integral membrane protein 4
107293046 human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 3
107293060 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome-like
107293069 prospero homeobox protein 2-like
107293078 dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase (E2 component of 2-oxo-glutarate complex)
107293081 mutL homolog 3
107293084 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 10
107293088 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 4-like
107293095 ER membrane protein complex subunit 9
107293099 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2 mitochondrial
107293105 adaptor related protein complex 1 gamma 2 subunit
107293106 protein jagged-2-like
107293111 low density lipoprotein receptor adaptor protein 1
107293115 uncharacterized LOC107293115
107293128 glucosamine (UDP-N-acetyl)-2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase
107293139 family with sequence similarity 3 member C
107293142 hyaluronidase
107293144 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 4
107293145 solute carrier family 25 member 37
107293148 leucine zipper protein 2
107293157 V-type proton ATPase subunit S1-like
107293159 endothelin B receptor-like
107293161 dachshund homolog 2-like
107293166 vesicle associated membrane protein 7
107293170 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C3orf58
107293175 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 8
107293177 thymocyte nuclear protein 1
107293178 VPS26 retromer complex component B
107293197 protein kinase C delta
107293199 RFT1 homolog
107293217 syntaxin 19
107293219 multiple C2 domains transmembrane 2
107293224 forkhead box P1
107293226 menin 1
107293227 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 2
107293233 pleckstrin homology like domain family B member 3
107293241 protein kinase N1
107293244 adenomatous polyposis coli
107293246 signal recognition particle 19 kDa protein-like
107293247 receptor accessory protein 5
107293249 mutated in colorectal cancers
107293250 serine palmitoyltransferase long chain base subunit 3
107293257 RasGEF domain family member 1A
107293260 methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase 1
107293264 ATPase phospholipid transporting 11B (putative)
107293266 protein BTG3-like
107293267 ephrin type-B receptor 1
107293293 BTB domain containing 3
107293295 THAP domain containing 5
107293300 uncharacterized LOC107293300
107293304 LYR motif containing 7
107293306 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B9
107293307 thrombospondin-2
107293320 period circadian clock 2
107293325 transmembrane protein 5
107293341 contactin 5
107293370 DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 3 alpha
107293371 additional sex combs like 2 transcriptional regulator
107293386 phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase
107293392 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C15orf39
107293405 UBX domain protein 2A
107293406 ATPase family AAA domain containing 2B
107293415 topoisomerase (DNA) III beta
107293421 stromal cell derived factor 2 like 1
107293422 YdjC homolog (bacterial)
107293428 ninein
107293445 LON peptidase N-terminal domain and RING finger protein 3-like
107293451 G protein-coupled receptor 180
107293461 estrogen related receptor gamma
107293463 dynactin subunit 2
107293465 methionyl-tRNA synthetase
107293494 neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-2-like
107293503 ring finger protein 185
107293505 adrenomedullin
107293511 torsin family 1 member B
107293512 ubiquitin specific peptidase 20
107293513 N-terminal Xaa-Pro-Lys N-methyltransferase 1
107293524 transmembrane protein 245-like
107293526 transmembrane protein 245-like
107293529 syntaxin 16
107293532 tankyrase 2
107293564 neuropeptide Y receptor Y2
107293565 zinc-binding protein A33-like
107293590 uncharacterized LOC107293590
107293608 signal peptide peptidase like 2B
107293621 RAB40B member RAS oncogene family
107293623 forkhead box K2
107293625 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type C associated protein
107293627 galactosidase beta 1
107293631 carnosine synthase 1
107293635 spermatogenesis associated serine rich 2
107293638 ribosomal protein SA
107293639 somatomedin-B and thrombospondin type-1 domain-containing protein-like
107293640 ADP ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
107293646 myosin VIIA and Rab interacting protein
107293649 EDAR-associated death domain
107293653 HEAT repeat containing 1
107293655 suppressor of cytokine signaling 4
107293667 RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase-like
107293671 RAB26 member RAS oncogene family
107293679 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S11
107293682 WD repeat-containing protein 7-like
107293684 WD repeat-containing protein 7-like
107293692 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2E 3
107293695 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 43
107293701 aminoadipate-semialdehyde synthase
107293716 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 15
107293723 zinc finger protein DPF3-like
107293726 cysteine-rich venom protein
107293732 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 6-like
107293740 C-type lectin domain family 3 member B
107293745 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily c member 2
107293748 canopy FGF signaling regulator 2
107293765 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C16orf70
107293769 family with sequence similarity 192 member A
107293770 cell cycle control protein 50B-like
107293777 homocysteine-inducible endoplasmic reticulum stress-inducible ubiquitin-like domain member 1
107293779 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase like 1
107293782 RAB43 member RAS oncogene family
107293786 tachykinin receptor 2
107293796 C-Jun-amino-terminal kinase-interacting protein 3-like
107293802 excision repair cross-complementation group 4
107293804 splA/ryanodine receptor domain and SOCS box containing 3
107293805 essential meiotic structure-specific endonuclease subunit 2
107293812 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A domain containing
107293815 V-type proton ATPase catalytic subunit A-like
107293817 nitrilase 1
107293822 focadhesin
107293829 SECIS binding protein 2
107293840 pantothenate kinase 1
107293848 malectin
107293853 anoctamin 3
107293857 testis expressed 30
107293860 basic immunoglobulin-like variable motif containing
107293863 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 10
107293876 nuclear receptor corepressor 1-like
107293880 NSF attachment protein alpha
107293892 solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2-like
107293896 collagen alpha-1(IX) chain-like
107293897 nephronophthisis 3 (adolescent)
107293902 Kruppel-like factor 15
107293907 uncharacterized LOC107293907
107293908 ubiquitin like modifier activating enzyme 5
107293910 solute carrier family 36 (proton/amino acid symporter) member 4
107293919 zinc finger protein 573
107293921 zinc finger protein RFP-like
107293923 cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-6 beta-like
107293929 three-finger toxin 3-like
107293935 DENN domain-containing protein 3-like
107293937 electron transfer flavoprotein beta subunit
107293957 claudin 20
107293958 T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 2
107293965 bystin like
107293977 sprouty-related EVH1 domain-containing protein 1-like
107293978 dopey family member 2
107293984 protein dopey-2-like
107294014 zinc finger protein 341
107294017 peroxisomal membrane protein 4
107294030 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 30-like
107294038 zinc finger transcription factor Trps1-like
107294039 lamin-A-like
107294045 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 7
107294046 chloride intracellular channel 1
107294071 zinc finger protein 592
107294079 ornithine decarboxylase 1
107294083 SEC24 homolog D COPII coat complex component
107294090 acireductone dioxygenase 1
107294091 trafficking protein particle complex 12
107294092 tumor suppressing subtransferable candidate 1
107294095 acetyl-CoA carboxylase alpha
107294096 synergin gamma
107294100 related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene homolog 2
107294107 glia maturation factor beta
107294109 uncharacterized LOC107294109
107294110 uncharacterized LOC107294110
107294120 RNA binding motif protein 23
107294130 cystathionine gamma-lyase
107294148 solute carrier family 46 member 3-like
107294150 fms related tyrosine kinase 1
107294158 neogenin 1
107294172 RNA-binding protein 25
107294174 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4
107294175 very low density lipoprotein receptor
107294181 cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 2
107294203 transmembrane protein 108
107294215 clathrin heavy chain 1-like
107294223 sperm-specific antigen 2 homolog
107294227 WAPL cohesin release factor
107294238 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 16
107294267 aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase-phosphopantetheinyl transferase
107294269 kelch repeat and BTB domain containing 3
107294271 BRF1 RNA polymerase III transcription initiation factor 90 kDa subunit
107294273 RAB28 member RAS oncogene family
107294279 Sec61 translocon alpha 1 subunit
107294284 zinc finger AN1-type containing 3
107294296 ADP ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 3
107294298 pecanex homolog 1 (Drosophila)
107294303 activin A receptor type IIA
107294309 solute carrier family 9 member A1
107294311 transmembrane protein 222
107294312 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 6
107294315 histone acetyltransferase KAT8
107294317 protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 2
107294319 vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1-like protein 1
107294320 prostasin-like
107294324 neurotrypsin-like
107294325 zinc finger SWIM-type containing 8
107294327 poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase-like
107294339 ribonucleoprotein PTB-binding 2
107294341 adenylate kinase 4
107294346 DTW domain containing 2
107294347 Dmx like 1
107294354 bisphosphoglycerate mutase
107294367 SLAM family member 8-like
107294375 synoviolin 1
107294381 glycosyltransferase 1 domain containing 1
107294382 nuclear VCP-like
107294409 pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 1
107294415 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 4
107294417 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase
107294418 family with sequence similarity 189 member A2
107294454 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A
107294455 selenoprotein T
107294462 sirtuin 3
107294469 listerin E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
107294476 BCL2 like 10
107294480 myosin VC
107294485 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box protein 13-like
107294487 60 kDa lysophospholipase-like
107294488 rab GDP dissociation inhibitor beta
107294495 ARFGEF family member 3
107294506 adiponectin receptor 2
107294513 Mov10 RISC complex RNA helicase like 1
107294524 dol-P-Glc:Glc(2)Man(9)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-12-glucosyltransferase-like
107294531 importin 7
107294532 autophagy related 2B
107294533 transmembrane protein 41B
107294535 dipeptidyl peptidase 4
107294543 kelch-like protein 12
107294545 fucosyltransferase 4
107294561 sulfotransferase family cytosolic 1B member 1-like
107294588 RUN and FYVE domain containing 3
107294597 PLAG1 like zinc finger 2
107294602 WD repeat domain 1
107294605 spermidine synthase
107294606 exosome component 10
107294617 heat shock protein 90kDa beta family member 1
107294622 host cell factor C2
107294626 protein phosphatase 1J-like
107294627 protein FAM19A2-like
107294631 rho GTPase-activating protein 24-like
107294649 glutamyl aminopeptidase-like
107294653 ras homolog family member T1
107294655 catenin delta-2-like
107294656 death-associated protein
107294667 one cut domain family member 2-like
107294668 embryonic ectoderm development
107294670 DEAD-box helicase 59
107294676 dual specificity phosphatase 1
107294688 maestro heat-like repeat-containing protein family member 1
107294694 glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit associated protein 1
107294697 ranBP-type and C3HC4-type zinc finger-containing protein 1-like
107294698 chloride channel CLIC like 1
107294700 exosome component 4
107294707 NEDD4 binding protein 3
107294712 androgen-induced gene 1 protein-like
107294714 PRELI domain containing 3B
107294718 guanylate cyclase soluble subunit alpha-2-like
107294724 phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase type II gamma
107294743 ras homolog family member B
107294750 ADP-ribosylhydrolase like 2
107294751 trafficking protein particle complex 3
107294762 ALS2 alsin Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor
107294768 WD repeat domain 82
107294775 proline rich 5
107294777 nucleolar protein 10
107294778 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit C2
107294779 protein disulfide isomerase family A member 6
107294786 ubiquitin associated protein 1
107294791 WD repeat domain 20
107294818 sugar phosphate exchanger 3-like
107294821 RAB19 member RAS oncogene family
107294822 makorin ring finger protein 1
107294825 methylthioadenosine phosphorylase
107294826 nck-associated protein 5-like
107294831 paired like homeodomain 3
107294832 golgi brefeldin A resistant guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1
107294834 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 15
107294847 ring finger protein 170
107294849 carnitine O-acetyltransferase-like
107294852 solute carrier family 44 member 4
107294858 autophagy related 13
107294868 sugar phosphate exchanger 2-like
107294869 transmembrane protein 218
107294875 myosin XIX
107294881 neurochondrin
107294884 KIAA0319 like
107294896 synaptogyrin 2
107294904 eukaryotic translation termination factor 1
107294910 metallophosphoesterase 1
107294921 ubiquitin specific peptidase 34
107294923 spermatogenesis-associated serine-rich protein 2-like
107294927 microspherule protein 1
107294934 glutathione peroxidase 3
107294951 UBX domain protein 7
107294952 methyl-CpG binding domain protein 1
107294954 F-box protein 45
107294960 D-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase
107294967 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class X
107294970 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit epsilon
107294973 DEAH-box helicase 29
107294977 Ski2 like RNA helicase 2
107294978 phospholipid phosphatase 1
107294980 mitochondrial ubiquitin ligase activator of nfkb 1-A-like
107294981 endothelin-converting enzyme 2-like
107294989 histone-arginine methyltransferase CARM1-like
107294995 calcium modulating ligand
107295007 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf52
107295010 DEP domain containing MTOR-interacting protein
107295016 forkhead box protein P1-like
107295017 zinc finger ZZ-type and EF-hand domain containing 1
107295021 vitamin D 25-hydroxylase-like
107295023 calcitonin-like
107295026 thioredoxin domain containing 15
107295027 coatomer protein complex subunit beta 1
107295044 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 12
107295049 quiescin sulfhydryl oxidase 2
107295054 N-acetyllactosaminide alpha-13-galactosyltransferase-like
107295057 phytanoyl-CoA 2-hydroxylase
107295058 mannosidase alpha class 1B member 1
107295083 peptidase M20 domain containing 1
107295084 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase IH
107295085 MCF.2 cell line derived transforming sequence like
107295087 mitochondrial inner membrane protein OXA1L-like
107295088 mitochondrial inner membrane protein OXA1L-like
107295097 S-adenosylmethionine mitochondrial carrier protein-like
107295102 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase parkin-like
107295103 centriole cilia and spindle associated protein
107295111 alcohol dehydrogenase iron containing 1
107295114 serine/threonine-protein kinase Sgk3
107295122 inositol 145-trisphosphate receptor type 2-like
107295144 cordon-bleu protein-like 1
107295147 cordon-bleu protein-like 1
107295152 sterile alpha motif domain containing 12
107295154 ATPase family AAA domain containing 2
107295160 derlin 1
107295173 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor V1
107295174 metallo-beta-lactamase domain containing 2
107295176 LysM domain containing 3
107295192 lectin mannose binding 2
107295193 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 9
107295203 highly divergent homeobox
107295205 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A6
107295212 SRY-box 8
107295213 serine/threonine kinase 25
107295214 lipase maturation factor 1-like
107295223 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 18
107295228 centrosomal protein 57kDa
107295249 polymerase (RNA) II subunit C
107295258 receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2-like
107295262 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-13-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 8
107295271 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1 alpha polypeptide
107295273 B9 protein domain 2
107295274 transforming growth factor beta 1
107295275 uncharacterized LOC107295275
107295281 C2 domain-containing protein 2-like
107295296 SHQ1 H/ACA ribonucleoprotein assembly factor
107295304 RWD domain containing 2A
107295317 leucine-rich repeat containing 8 family member D
107295320 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2
107295323 engulfment and cell motility protein 1
107295325 amino-terminal enhancer of split
107295338 phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase-like
107295358 G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5-like
107295364 acetyl-CoA carboxylase-like
107295366 deiodinase iodothyronine type III
107295369 steroidogenic acute regulatory protein
107295378 phospholipid phosphatase 5
107295401 BCL2 associated athanogene 4
107295417 influenza virus NS1A binding protein
107295419 transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 4
107295426 mitochondrial inner membrane organizing system 1
107295429 F-box/WD repeat-containing protein 8-like
107295432 F-box protein 21
107295435 coiled-coil domain containing 115
107295448 ankyrin repeat and LEM domain containing 2
107295451 golgin A3
107295460 inositol-tetrakisphosphate 1-kinase
107295477 transcription initiation factor IIA subunit 1-like
107295484 cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3-like
107295497 BCL2 associated athanogene 2
107295499 zinc finger protein 451
107295502 coiled-coil domain containing 69
107295506 proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1-like
107295507 GM2 ganglioside activator
107295510 SCY1 like pseudokinase 1
107295515 nectin cell adhesion molecule 4
107295526 sideroflexin 1
107295535 makorin ring finger protein 2
107295538 dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 5
107295540 GNAS complex locus
107295574 vacuolar protein sorting 72 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
107295579 cortexin-3-like
107295585 LysM domain containing 1
107295587 tetratricopeptide repeat protein 7B-like
107295590 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 13
107295596 piggyBac transposable element derived 5
107295598 nuclear receptor corepressor 2
107295603 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 8
107295604 tescalcin
107295614 brefeldin A-inhibited guanine nucleotide-exchange protein 3-like
107295622 inactive ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 54-like
107295624 phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 1
107295625 uncharacterized LOC107295625
107295629 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 3
107295633 stathmin 1
107295635 enoyl-CoA hydratase domain containing 3
107295641 methyltransferase like 21A
107295642 xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C
107295651 alanine aminotransferase 2-like
107295655 platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 2
107295666 exostosin-like glycosyltransferase 1
107295677 solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter) member 2
107295686 olfactory receptor 10Q1
107295724 ligand of numb-protein X 1 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
107295725 RAS like family 11 member B
107295727 neurotensin receptor type 1-like
107295733 formin-binding protein 1-like
107295751 cytosolic phospholipase A2 zeta-like
107295755 synaptosome associated protein 23kDa
107295759 transmembrane protein 87A
107295761 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7A
107295779 Rho GTPase activating protein 40
107295787 cytidine monophosphate N-acetylneuraminic acid synthetase
107295806 uncharacterized LOC107295806
107295821 mitochondrial dicarboxylate carrier-like
107295827 prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit beta
107295829 family with sequence similarity 195 member B
107295838 catenin delta-2-like
107295841 uncharacterized protein ENSP00000471857 homolog
107295844 sex comb on midleg-like protein 2
107295848 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 14
107295878 lysine methyltransferase 5B
107295886 CDKN1A interacting zinc finger protein 1
107295888 GLE1 RNA export mediator
107295906 solute carrier family 12 member 9
107295910 epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8
107295923 C2 calcium-dependent domain-containing protein 4C-like
107295925 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C5orf51
107295926 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase 1
107295936 retinoic acid induced 2
107295943 reticulocalbin-1-like
107295987 succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 4
107295989 oxysterol binding protein
107296002 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma
107296008 MAP7 domain containing 2
107296020 platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase 1b catalytic subunit 3
107296026 proline rich coiled-coil 1
107296029 limb and CNS expressed 1 like
107296034 uncharacterized LOC107296034
107296039 kelch repeat and BTB domain containing 8
107296040 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A3
107296041 fer-1 like family member 6
107296049 COP9 signalosome subunit 7B
107296050 natriuretic peptide C
107296055 SET binding protein 1
107296058 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 4A
107296062 UPF0183 protein C16orf70 homolog
107296064 autocrine motility factor receptor E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
107296068 nudix hydrolase 21
107296096 uncharacterized LOC107296096
107296101 transmembrane protein 144
107296102 transcription factor-like 5 (basic helix-loop-helix)
107296104 collagen type IX alpha 3
107296109 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 R1
107296112 nuclear factor 1 B-type
107296114 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) X-linked
107296129 olfactory marker protein
107296136 solute carrier family 17 member 9
107296147 lysine demethylase 4B
107296153 Golgi apparatus membrane protein TVP23 homolog B-like
107296164 calmodulin regulated spectrin associated protein family member 3
107296190 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 21 homolog (yeast)
107296203 RBBP8 N-terminal like
107296207 nuclear apoptosis inducing factor 1
107296208 protein FAM102A-like
107296218 SOS Ras/Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
107296220 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial Fo complex subunit s (factor B)
107296223 ribonuclease P protein subunit p25-like protein
107296230 SEC16 homolog A endoplasmic reticulum export factor
107296232 notch 1
107296239 sentrin-specific protease 5-like
107296249 SH3-domain GRB2-like endophilin B2
107296256 valyl-tRNA synthetase
107296260 protein arginine methyltransferase 3
107296274 uncharacterized LOC107296274
107296277 tubulin polymerization-promoting protein family member 2-like
107296279 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 46
107296284 sulfotransferase 1C2-like
107296286 histone acetyltransferase KAT8-like
107296295 prostasin-like
107296296 sulfatase modifying factor 1
107296307 tubulin tyrosine ligase
107296312 ribosomal RNA processing 36
107296346 olfactory receptor 6J1-like
107296353 ribonuclease-like
107296359 zinc finger protein 526-like
107296371 tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 4
107296384 cleft lip and palate associated transmembrane protein 1
107296388 gonadotropin releasing hormone 2
107296390 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type A
107296401 STT3A catalytic subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex
107296423 ribosomal protein L22 like 1
107296429 cholinergic receptor muscarinic 5
107296431 arylacetamide deacetylase-like 3
107296432 zinc finger protein 37A-like
107296436 chloride voltage-gated channel Ka
107296437 spen family transcriptional repressor
107296440 uncharacterized LOC107296440
107296447 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 17
107296451 solute carrier family 39 member 2
107296453 SEL1L ERAD E3 ligase adaptor subunit
107296455 katanin p80 subunit B-like 1
107296459 ring finger protein 128 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
107296465 inositol 145-trisphosphate receptor type 2
107296483 filamin-C-like
107296493 hyaluronidase-4-like
107296511 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 91-like
107296514 uncharacterized LOC107296514
107296539 putative DMBT1-like protein
107296551 deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein-like
107296561 zinc finger protein 330
107296562 RUN and FYVE domain containing 1
107296585 family with sequence similarity 107 member A
107296590 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial F1 complex gamma polypeptide 1
107296594 calnexin
107296603 uncharacterized protein KIAA1109-like
107296606 syntaxin-binding protein 2-like
107296607 pre-mRNA-splicing factor SYF1-like
107296630 solute carrier family 5 (sodium/inositol cotransporter) member 11
107296631 ring finger protein 130
107296632 transmembrane protein 186
107296633 phosphomannomutase 2
107296639 PI-PLC X domain-containing protein 2-like
107296640 TOX high mobility group box family member 3
107296642 mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 1
107296658 slingshot protein phosphatase 3
107296662 MLX-interacting protein-like
107296663 adrenergic beta receptor kinase 1
107296680 EGF like domain multiple 8
107296683 syntrophin beta 1
107296690 vesicle-trafficking protein SEC22b-B-like
107296692 mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 6-like
107296698 metaxin 1
107296706 solute carrier family 50 member 1
107296707 ring finger protein 5 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
107296708 dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase subunit 3
107296710 keratinocyte associated protein 2
107296717 BRCA1 associated RING domain 1
107296755 adrenoceptor beta 3
107296756 protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit 4
107296757 dolichyldiphosphatase 1
107296762 uncharacterized LOC107296762
107296774 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 5
107296777 GTPase activating protein and VPS9 domains 1
107296798 fucosyltransferase 8 (alpha (16) fucosyltransferase)
107296799 stomatin like 2
107296800 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class O
107296803 polymerase (DNA) iota
107296804 ras-related protein Rab-27B
107296810 solute carrier family 25 member 46
107296811 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV
107296813 uncharacterized LOC107296813
107296843 small glutamine rich tetratricopeptide repeat containing alpha
107296856 DSCR3 arrestin fold containing
107296858 solute carrier family 52 riboflavin transporter member 2-like
107296859 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 6
107296884 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C10orf11
107296891 zinc finger protein 576-like
107296910 microtubule affinity regulating kinase 2
107296913 derlin 2
107296916 nuclear pore complex protein Nup88-like
107296917 nuclear pore complex protein Nup88-like
107296931 topoisomerase I binding arginine/serine-rich E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
107296933 uncharacterized LOC107296933
107296939 uncharacterized LOC107296939
107296951 unc-13 homolog B (C. elegans)
107296957 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C21
107296973 trafficking protein kinesin binding 2
107296979 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin jerdonitin-like
107296980 uncharacterized LOC107296980
107296981 uncharacterized LOC107296981
107296982 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like HF3
107296983 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like
107296987 ERGIC and golgi 2
107296994 S-adenosylmethionine mitochondrial carrier protein-like
107296998 NECAP endocytosis associated 2
107297000 ATPase 13A2
107297003 SUZ RNA binding domain containing 1
107297007 ubiA prenyltransferase domain-containing protein 1-like
107297009 hephaestin-like protein 1
107297026 farnesyl diphosphate synthase
107297028 transmembrane protein 63A
107297039 kelch domain containing 7A
107297046 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 16A-like
107297048 PDZ and LIM domain protein 4-like
107297050 beta-1-syntrophin-like
107297055 AU RNA binding protein/enoyl-CoA hydratase
107297059 myeloid-derived growth factor
107297064 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2
107297073 GDP-Man:Man(3)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-12-mannosyltransferase-like
107297081 jagunal homolog 1
107297083 RNA pseudouridylate synthase domain containing 3
107297086 histone H3-like
107297087 histone H2B 8-like
107297089 histone H4
107297104 transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 10-like
107297106 fibroblast growth factor (acidic) intracellular binding protein
107297116 DR1 associated protein 1
107297140 cystinosin lysosomal cystine transporter
107297146 transmembrane protein 255B-like
107297150 C-type lectin lectoxin-Thr1-like
107297155 olfactory receptor 5V1-like
107297169 olfactory receptor 5V1-like
107297170 golgin B1
107297172 lipase maturation factor 2
107297180 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DRB1-4 beta chain-like
107297182 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase LNX-like
107297190 probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MID2
107297220 LON peptidase N-terminal domain and ring finger 1
107297221 KIAA1456 ortholog
107297223 trihelix transcription factor GTL1
107297236 microphthalmia-associated transcription factor
107297246 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 2
107297247 neural proliferation differentiation and control 1
107297248 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 7B
107297254 uncharacterized LOC107297254
107297255 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 14
107297258 thyroid hormone responsive
107297263 ALG8 alpha-13-glucosyltransferase
107297272 amine oxidase [flavin-containing] B-like
107297283 tetratricopeptide repeat protein 27-like
107297286 translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon-like
107297288 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf159
107297301 seryl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial
107297302 glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase-like
107297334 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 6
107297336 olfactory receptor 5V1-like
107297359 fermitin family member 1
107297362 cardiolipin synthase 1
107297363 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 11
107297375 lipase member H-like
107297380 probable asparagine–tRNA ligase mitochondrial
107297384 methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase domain containing
107297403 folate receptor alpha-like
107297408 stromal antigen 2
107297419 potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily N member 4
107297420 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
107297435 forkhead box J2
107297443 nuclear transcription factor X-box binding 1
107297460 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit B1
107297462 serine/threonine kinase-like domain containing 1
107297467 surfeit 4
107297475 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C4orf19
107297478 DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 3-like
107297479 zinc finger protein 501-like
107297505 dimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 5-like
107297507 zinc finger protein 239-like
107297511 heat shock factor binding protein 1-like 1
107297526 dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycosyltransferase non-catalytic subunit
107297539 progesterone receptor membrane component 1
107297540 solute carrier family 25 member 43
107297542 A-kinase anchor protein 17B-like
107297547 alkB homolog 4 lysine demethylase
107297550 nuclear cap binding protein subunit 1
107297554 thiosulfate sulfurtransferase (rhodanese)-like domain containing 2
107297556 long-chain-fatty-acid–CoA ligase ACSBG2-like
107297574 ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8-like
107297578 catenin delta-2-like
107297587 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 13-like
107297593 zinc finger and AT-hook domain containing
107297594 probable 2-ketogluconate reductase
107297598 glutamyl aminopeptidase-like
107297599 glutamyl aminopeptidase-like
107297604 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C2orf76
107297610 GDP-L-fucose synthase-like
107297612 pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 3-like
107297620 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 44 homolog (yeast)
107297622 RAB11B member RAS oncogene family
107297632 tribbles pseudokinase 1
107297635 SEC11 homolog C signal peptidase complex subunit
107297639 oxysterol binding protein like 5
107297642 carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6-like
107297658 golgin subfamily A member 2-like
107297667 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
107297676 transmembrane protein 62-like
107297677 transmembrane protein 62-like
107297681 ankyrin repeat domain 49
107297686 family with sequence similarity 120A
107297693 ADP-dependent glucokinase
107297697 serine–tRNA ligase cytoplasmic-like
107297698 seryl-tRNA synthetase
107297701 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase reductase
107297707 T-box 3
107297725 histocompatibility (minor) 13
107297735 sterile alpha motif domain-containing protein 11-like
107297737 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily E regulatory subunit 1
107297757 neuroblastoma-amplified sequence-like
107297770 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 beta
107297777 SH3-domain GRB2-like 1
107297783 Ral GTPase activating protein catalytic alpha subunit 2
107297785 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like VMP-III
107297786 phosphatidylinositol-45-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma
107297791 pyruvate carboxylase
107297796 pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase domain 1
107297807 ArfGAP with GTPase domain ankyrin repeat and PH domain 3
107297811 probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MID2
107297819 WAS protein family member 1
107297828 solute carrier family 24 member 3
107297833 fibrosin-like 1
107297835 carbonic anhydrase 4-like
107297851 ERO1-like protein beta
107297895 N-terminal EF-hand calcium-binding protein 3-like
107297899 protein shisa-3 homolog
107297903 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C20orf27
107297909 estrogen receptor binding site associated antigen 9
107297914 myosin IXA
107297917 GRAM domain-containing protein 2-like
107297926 nemo-like kinase
107297930 transmembrane protein 97-like
107297933 mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member H-like
107297935 cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor-like
107297942 dymeclin
107297950 perilipin-3-like
107297959 family with sequence similarity 84 member B
107297962 MTOR associated protein LST8 homolog
107297966 hexosaminidase D-like
107297971 LMBR1 domain containing 2
107297977 lactase like
107297981 N-acetylglucosamine kinase
107298006 GUF1 homolog GTPase
107298010 zinc finger AN1-type containing 2B
107298016 zinc finger protein 839
107298019 tRNA methyltransferase 61B
107298020 speedy/RINGO cell cycle regulator family member A
107298024 uncharacterized LOC107298024
107298035 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL-like
107298038 tumor protein p63-regulated gene 1 protein-like
107298040 toll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain containing adaptor protein
107298041 family with sequence similarity 118 member B
107298042 SRP receptor alpha subunit
107298051 cyclin-dependent kinase 9
107298059 cellular repressor of E1A stimulated genes 1
107298061 importin-4-like
107298069 golgin A5
107298085 homeobox protein unc-4 homolog
107298086 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6
107298109 autophagy related 10
107298122 choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase A-like
107298128 protein jagged-2-like
107298152 queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase catalytic subunit 1
107298154 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 4
107298155 uncharacterized LOC107298155
107298157 nucleobindin-2-like
107298162 PPARG coactivator 1 alpha
107298166 dynamin 2
107298172 amyloid beta precursor protein binding protein 2
107298177 arginine-glutamic acid dipeptide repeats protein-like
107298180 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I
107298183 transmembrane protein 39A
107298192 ALG5 dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase
107298193 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like HR1b
107298194 disintegrin-like leberagin-C
107298200 protein kinase N2
107298201 cysteine conjugate-beta lyase 2
107298206 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 8
107298224 phosphatidylserine synthase 1
107298225 phosphatidylserine synthase 1-like
107298229 ADP ribosylation factor 6
107298231 mannosyl (alpha-16-)-glycoprotein beta-12-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
107298236 spermine oxidase
107298251 negative elongation factor complex member E
107298256 neuraminidase 1 (lysosomal sialidase)
107298261 caseinolytic mitochondrial matrix peptidase proteolytic subunit
107298263 2-acylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2-A-like
107298275 transmembrane protein 60
107298280 tumor protein p63-regulated gene 1 protein-like
107298282 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like HV1
107298284 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like batroxstatin-3
107298285 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like ACLD
107298286 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like NaMP
107298288 ubiquitin specific peptidase 47
107298293 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 32-like
107298297 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like
107298298 solute carrier family 35 member F5
107298299 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin
107298300 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like
107298301 centrosomal protein of 295 kDa-like
107298306 AF4/FMR2 family member 4
107298307 alkaline ceramidase 3
107298322 solute carrier family 7 member 4
107298336 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf120
107298340 DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 3-like
107298341 testis expressed 14
107298345 zinc finger protein 91-like
107298347 Beta-13-galactosyltransferase 6
107298348 stromal cell derived factor 4
107298349 glyoxalase domain-containing protein 4-like
107298365 proline rich transmembrane protein 1
107298367 FK506 binding protein like
107298374 peroxiredoxin 4
107298375 52 kDa repressor of the inhibitor of the protein kinase-like
107298390 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 7B-like
107298391 thrombospondin-2-like
107298406 DEP domain-containing mTOR-interacting protein-like
107298409 major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 8-like
107298420 stromal interaction molecule 1
107298431 protein arginine methyltransferase 8
107298432 focal adhesion kinase 1-like
107298438 sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1
107298442 nucleolar protein 4-like
107298443 acyl-CoA thioesterase 8
107298448 osteocrin
107298458 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
107298463 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase VA
107298464 phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 3-kinase C2 domain-containing subunit alpha-like
107298468 RUN and cysteine rich domain containing beclin 1 interacting protein
107298473 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 3
107298477 dynein heavy chain 3 axonemal-like
107298478 transmembrane protein 159
107298481 coiled-coil domain containing 149
107298517 TBC1 domain family member 17-like
107298525 uncharacterized LOC107298525
107298527 olfactory receptor 6J1-like
107298543 reversion inducing cysteine rich protein with kazal motifs
107298556 phosphatase and actin regulator 2
107298564 tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 11-like
107298568 retinal pigment epithelium-derived rhodopsin homolog
107298587 propionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha subunit
107298596 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 7B
107298597 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 2
107298599 N-acetyltransferase domain containing 1
107298603 phosphoinositide 3-kinase adapter protein 1-like
107298612 RNA binding motif protein 47
107298641 nicalin
107298645 zinc finger protein 260-like
107298646 zinc finger protein 436-like
107298653 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L41
107298655 circadian locomoter output cycles protein kaput-like
107298658 uncharacterized LOC107298658
107298661 leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1-like
107298668 double PHD fingers 3
107298678 sterile alpha motif domain containing 8
107298685 coiled-coil domain containing 91
107298688 waprin-Enh1
107298697 coatomer subunit gamma-1-like
107298701 tubulin delta 1
107298703 ribosomal protein S6 kinase B1
107298716 dihydrouridine synthase 4 like
107298739 tyrosine-protein kinase RYK-like
107298742 mitochondrial amidoxime-reducing component 1-like
107298744 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf115
107298751 mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 2
107298757 gamma-secretase activating protein
107298764 Yip1 interacting factor homolog A membrane trafficking protein
107298769 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class M
107298774 cystathionine beta-synthase-like
107298775 matrix metallopeptidase 17
107298779 UV-stimulated scaffold protein A-like
107298790 CDP-diacylglycerol–serine O-phosphatidyltransferase
107298792 tripartite motif containing 62
107298797 activating signal cointegrator 1 complex subunit 3-like
107298799 multiple EGF like domains 9
107298804 TP53 induced glycolysis regulatory phosphatase
107298815 NIMA related kinase 6
107298822 achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 3
107298828 uncharacterized LOC107298828
107298829 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like HR1a
107298838 DLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain-like
107298850 TATA-box binding protein associated factor RNA polymerase I subunit D
107298859 sterile alpha motif domain-containing protein 11-like
107298865 claudin-7-like
107298872 transforming acidic coiled-coil containing protein 3
107298875 DIS3-like exonuclease 2
107298900 solute carrier family 8 member B1
107298903 uncharacterized LOC107298903
107298914 breast carcinoma-amplified sequence 3-like
107298918 ER degradation enhancer mannosidase alpha-like 1
107298932 amyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 2
107298939 attractin
107298952 family with sequence similarity 185 member A
107298953 histone H2A type 2-C-like
107298957 histone H2B 1/2/3/4/6
107298963 inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase B-like
107298966 RING finger protein 121-like
107298971 EH domain-containing protein 3-like
107298982 exosome component 3
107298984 1-phosphatidylinositol 45-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase gamma-1-like
107298987 vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 52 homolog
107298996 proteasome subunit beta type-8-like
107298999 bleomycin hydrolase
107299007 testis-expressed sequence 264 protein-like
107299013 mannosidase beta
107299014 Rab acceptor 1 (prenylated)
107299016 V-type proton ATPase subunit B kidney isoform
107299022 solute carrier family 31 member 2
107299030 muscleblind like splicing regulator 2
107299040 transmembrane protein 164
107299042 MICOS complex subunit MIC19-like
107299044 protein-lysine N-methyltransferase EEF2KMT-like
107299051 CDGSH iron-sulfur domain-containing protein 2-like
107299055 FK506 binding protein 2
107299058 dnaJ homolog subfamily C member 4-like
107299059 dnaJ homolog subfamily C member 4-like
107299064 phospholipase C beta 3
107299065 BCL2 associated agonist of cell death
107299066 G protein-coupled receptor 137
107299069 ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 1-like
107299076 vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1-like protein 1
107299085 proline dehydrogenase 1 mitochondrial-like
107299087 regulatory factor X6
107299114 endoglin-like
107299115 Golgi SNAP receptor complex member 1
107299131 UV stimulated scaffold protein A
107299152 RELT like 2
107299155 forkhead box protein P4-like
107299160 constitutive coactivator of PPAR-gamma-like protein 1
107299173 diaphanous related formin 1
107299175 nucleolar complex associated 4 homolog
107299230 RUS1 family protein C16orf58 homolog
107299240 RNA-directed DNA polymerase homolog
107299265 S-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-1-like
107299296 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 13-like
107299309 uncharacterized protein C7orf62 homolog
107299311 v-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog
107299312 protein FAM57A-like
107299321 general transcription factor IIIC subunit 5
107299323 ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator
107299327 kynurenine–oxoglutarate transaminase 1-like
107299347 death associated protein 3
107299367 ATPase 13A4
107299377 carbonic anhydrase 4-like
107299386 V-type proton ATPase subunit B kidney isoform-like
107299388 leucine-rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 1-like protein
107299390 C-Jun-amino-terminal kinase-interacting protein 3-like
107299393 death-associated protein kinase 2-like
107299412 F-box only protein 6-like
107299414 rho GTPase-activating protein 42-like
107299434 HMG-box transcription factor 1
107299441 transmembrane 7 superfamily member 3
107299443 FGFR1 oncogene partner 2
107299444 uncharacterized LOC107299444
107299445 asunder spermatogenesis regulator
107299449 GRB2 associated binding protein 2
107299460 calcium permeable stress-gated cation channel 1-like
107299461 tyrosine-protein kinase RYK
107299465 tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like 1
107299479 ubiquitin B
107299496 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase IH
107299500 HESX homeobox 1
107299501 mitochondrial genome maintenance exonuclease 1
107299504 ephrin type-A receptor 5-like
107299514 COMM domain containing 7
107299518 receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase T-like
107299523 zinc finger protein 287-like
107299527 acyl-CoA:lysophosphatidylglycerol acyltransferase 1-like
107299530 NFKB repressing factor
107299533 ribosome binding protein 1
107299555 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 1
107299563 microtubule-associated protein 4-like
107299565 neuron-derived neurotrophic factor
107299570 oocyte zinc finger protein XlCOF19-like
107299572 AP-2 complex subunit alpha-2-like
107299575 isocitrate dehydrogenase [NAD] subunit alpha mitochondrial
107299579 histone deacetylase 3
107299581 testis expressed 264
107299583 band 4.1-like protein 4A
107299586 TLC domain containing 1
107299615 CD320 molecule
107299620 uncharacterized LOC107299620
107299624 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 8
107299629 HIG1 domain family member 1A mitochondrial-like
107299646 olfactory receptor 6J1-like
107299647 cysteine/histidine-rich 1
107299671 pendrin-like
107299687 G-protein coupled receptor 39-like
107299688 LY6/PLAUR domain containing 1
107299695 nurim-like
107299703 dynamin-1
107299709 protein KIAA0100-like
107299721 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 6
107299732 uncharacterized LOC107299732
107299734 DENN domain containing 3
107299740 nucleolar protein 8-like
107299747 sorting nexin family member 27
107299752 uncharacterized LOC107299752
107299754 folate receptor alpha-like
107299769 zinc finger protein 501-like
107299777 PI-PLC X domain-containing protein 2-like
107299795 collagen alpha-3(IX) chain-like
107299798 tribbles pseudokinase 3
107299799 tribbles homolog 3-like
107299804 asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase
107299806 26S protease regulatory subunit 7-like
107299807 prestin-like
107299812 urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor-like
107299813 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 16A-like
107299816 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
107299818 actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 1A-like
107299840 NTPase KAP family P-loop domain-containing protein 1-like
107299872 valine–tRNA ligase-like
107299878 formin-binding protein 1-like
107299890 myoneurin
107299893 RING finger protein 121
107299914 coatomer subunit gamma-1-like
107299929 cytohesin-3-like
107299949 pepsin B-like
107299955 solute carrier family 44 member 3
107299956 solute carrier family 29 (equilibrative nucleoside transporter) member 3
107299985 calponin 3
107299988 snaclec rhodocetin subunit delta-like
107299996 ALG14 UDP-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase subunit
107299997 hexosaminidase subunit alpha
107300006 protein unc-13 homolog B-like
107300011 cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 2
107300018 zinc finger protein 202-like
107300021 dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2-like
107300025 protoporphyrinogen oxidase
107300030 sulfotransferase 4A1-like
107300040 C-Maf-inducing protein
107300048 suppressor of variegation 3-9 homolog 1
107300052 leucine rich repeat containing 20
107300055 diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1
107300056 casein kinase 2 alpha 1 polypeptide
107300060 nucleolar protein 14-like
107300061 huntingtin-like
107300069 solute carrier family 46 (folate transporter) member 1
107300079 cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1-like
107300090 regulator of G-protein signaling 12-like
107300094 C-type lectin domain family 2 member D-like
107300122 solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 4A1-like
107300127 ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 16-like
107300141 uncharacterized LOC107300141
107300144 lymphocyte antigen 96-like
107300150 phosphatidylserine synthase 2
107300154 protein KIAA0100-like
107300160 protein RCC2-like
107300187 glutathione-specific gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 1-like
107300188 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3-like
107300189 exocyst complex component 6B-like
107300193 pituitary homeobox 3-like
107300207 claudin-7-like
107300211 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class S
107300218 solute carrier family 38 member 5
107300227 pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 3-like
107300237 acyl-CoA oxidase 3 pristanoyl
107300239 transmembrane protein 266-like
107300248 probable 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase E1 component DHKTD1 mitochondrial
107300254 methylphosphate capping enzyme
107300275 solute carrier family 12 member 9-like
107300276 lysosomal thioesterase PPT2-A-like
107300284 DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 3-like
107300295 GDP-L-fucose synthase-like
107300297 opioid growth factor receptor-like
107300306 torsin-2A-like
107300312 arf-GAP with Rho-GAP domain ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 1-like
107300320 inositol 145-trisphosphate receptor type 3-like
107300327 52 kDa repressor of the inhibitor of the protein kinase-like
107300334 uncharacterized LOC107300334
107300341 RAD50-interacting protein 1-like
107300386 attractin-like
107300395 translocon-associated protein subunit beta-like
107300400 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 46-like
107300405 snaclec mucetin subunit beta-like
107300418 tocopherol (alpha) transfer protein-like
107300419 stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 1
107300433 protein kinase C-binding protein 1-like
107300445 uncharacterized LOC107300445
107300449 inhibitor of growth protein 5-like
107300450 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DRB1-15 beta chain-like
107300458 hydrolethalus syndrome protein 1 homolog
107300464 TM2 domain-containing protein 2-like
107300473 nucleobindin-2-like
107300483 RAB1A member RAS oncogene family
107300487 phosphatidylinositol N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase subunit Q-like
107300495 uncharacterized LOC107300495
107300500 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 37
107300501 bone morphogenetic protein 4-like
107300507 proline dehydrogenase 1 mitochondrial-like
107300512 rho GTPase-activating protein 42-like
107300513 ubiquitin-associated protein 2-like
107300514 unconventional myosin-XIX-like
107300527 snaclec mucetin subunit beta
107300539 snaclec stejaggregin-A subunit alpha-like
107300553 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 46-like
107300555 uncharacterized LOC107300555
107300563 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A2 mitochondrial
107300565 RNA 3’-terminal phosphate cyclase-like protein
107300575 protein O-mannosyl-transferase 1-like
107300586 asparagine–tRNA ligase cytoplasmic-like
107300594 dynactin subunit 4-like
107300598 tuftelin-like
107300605 circadian locomoter output cycles protein kaput-like
107300606 uncharacterized LOC107300606
107300608 zinc finger CCCH-type with G patch domain-containing protein-like
107300613 neural cell adhesion molecule 2-like
107300618 tuftelin 1
107300621 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 6-like
107300623 RING finger and transmembrane domain-containing protein 1-like
107300627 solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter) member 5
107300633 CASP8 and FADD-like apoptosis regulator
107300645 signal recognition particle receptor subunit beta-like
107300656 protein IWS1 homolog
107300667 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-1-like
107300690 pyruvate dehydrogenase protein X component mitochondrial-like
107300696 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase IH
107300698 zinc transporter 4-like
107300700 SCAN domain-containing protein 1-like
107300708 uncharacterized LOC107300708
107300736 origin recognition complex subunit 5-like
107300747 protein TFG-like
107300750 carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 5-like
107300755 cell adhesion molecule 4-like
107300770 RING finger protein 121-like
107300771 N-glycosylase/DNA lyase-like
107300772 p21-activated protein kinase-interacting protein 1-like
107300773 PDZ and LIM domain protein 5-like
107300779 signal recognition particle receptor subunit beta-like
107300790 X-linked retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator-like
107300800 TRIO and F-actin-binding protein-like
107300805 1-phosphatidylinositol 45-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta-3-like
107300807 protein SCAF8-like
107300811 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like HR1a
107300812 snaclec jerdonibitin subunit alpha
107300823 transmembrane protein 50B
107300825 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 11
107300829 calcium permeable stress-gated cation channel 1-like
107300838 zinc finger FYVE domain-containing protein 21-like
107300857 transmembrane protein 107-like
107300859 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RING2-B-like
107300860 delta(14)-sterol reductase-like
107300864 myelin protein zero-like protein 1
107300876 UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 2-like
107300880 protein jagged-1b-like
107300881 SEL1L family member 3
107300882 H-2 class II histocompatibility antigen E-D alpha chain-like
107300894 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like HR1a
107300908 nitric oxide synthase inducible
107300914 delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase mitochondrial-like
107300915 PQ-loop repeat-containing protein 3-like
107300921 ubiquilin-4-like
107300922 electron transfer flavoprotein alpha subunit
107300928 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like
107300935 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like HR1a
107300940 signal recognition particle 9kDa
107300941 semaphorin-3D-like
107300950 RNA-directed DNA polymerase homolog
107300951 28S ribosomal protein S2 mitochondrial-like
107300957 cofilin-1-like
107300966 UV-stimulated scaffold protein A-like
107300969 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase BRE1B-like
107300973 kaptin-like
107300978 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase VA
107300981 fer-1-like protein 6
107300987 golgin subfamily A member 2-like
107300988 protein phosphatase 1J-like
107300990 chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 2-like
107300992 uncharacterized LOC107300992
107301005 laminin subunit alpha-3-like
107301016 uncharacterized LOC107301016
107301019 nei like DNA glycosylase 1
107301022 zinc transporter 9-like
107301024 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 7B-like
107301031 protein CIP2A homolog
107301036 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8-like
107301039 transmembrane protein 266-like
107301045 sorting nexin-30
107301047 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like HR1a
107301054 intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 4-like
107301058 mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM70-like
107301072 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactosamide-alpha-23-sialyltransferase 1-like
107301074 ER membrane protein complex subunit 9-like
107301079 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
107301082 ski-like protein
107301084 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase synoviolin
107301086 ubiquitin protein ligase E3A
107301091 uncharacterized LOC107301091
107301092 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
107301093 uncharacterized LOC107301093
107301096 protein FAM91A1-like
107301103 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase subunit beta mitochondrial-like
107301104 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase mitochondrial-like
107301114 neurofibromin-like
107301119 interleukin-27 subunit beta-like
107301125 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF5-like
107301136 proline-rich protein 5-like
107301137 arrestin domain containing 1
107301150 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 2 protein-like
107301157 aldehyde dehydrogenase 9 family member A1
107301163 uncharacterized LOC107301163
107301167 MKRN2 opposite strand protein-like
107301170 UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 1-like
107301175 26S protease regulatory subunit 4-like
107301183 sodium-dependent proline transporter-like
107301185 activating signal cointegrator 1 complex subunit 3-like
107301188 phospholipid phosphatase 6
107301203 tyrosine-protein kinase Fer-like
107301205 HEAT repeat-containing protein 5A-like
107301206 protein-tyrosine kinase 6-like
107301220 transport and Golgi organization protein 2 homolog
107301230 uncharacterized LOC107301230
107301231 39S ribosomal protein L9 mitochondrial-like
107301255 dr1-associated corepressor-like
107301259 X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 5-like
107301265 5’-nucleotidase domain-containing protein 1-like
107301266 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-1
107301267 transmembrane protein 261
107301273 uncharacterized LOC107301273
107301275 protein N-terminal glutamine amidohydrolase-like
107301277 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DRB1-15 beta chain-like
107301284 Rho GTPase activating protein 26
107301285 protein SDA1 homolog
107301296 inositol 145-trisphosphate receptor type 2-like
107301307 Yip1 domain family member 5
107301311 TIR domain-containing adapter molecule 1-like
107301316 uncharacterized LOC107301316
107301329 uncharacterized LOC107301329
107301333 uncharacterized LOC107301333
107301337 alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde dehydrogenase-like
107301344 transmembrane protein 242-like
107301346 conserved oligomeric Golgi complex subunit 6-like
107301348 nuclear export mediator factor NEMF-like
107301358 uncharacterized LOC107301358
107301361 ankyrin repeat and BTB/POZ domain-containing protein 1-like
107301362 DLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain-like
107301365 activating transcription factor 2
107301366 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 14-like
107301370 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase VB
107301377 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase DTX4
107301378 uncharacterized LOC107301378
107301379 exosome complex component RRP46-like
107301383 ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C3 mitochondrial-like
107301386 LEM domain-containing protein 2-like
107301391 vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 28 homolog
107301399 DNA fragmentation factor subunit alpha-like
107301401 cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha
107301411 retinol dehydrogenase 16-like
107301412 nucleobindin-2-like
107301416 A-kinase anchoring protein 8
107301421 leucine–tRNA ligase cytoplasmic-like
107301436 widely interspaced zinc finger motifs
107301438 keratinocyte-associated protein 2-like
107301439 dolichol-phosphate mannosyltransferase subunit 3-like
107301441 prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype-like
107301460 transmembrane protein 68-like
107301462 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like ACLD
107301465 SUN domain-containing protein 2-like
107301472 adenosine monophosphate-protein transferase FICD-like
107301479 uncharacterized LOC107301479
107301484 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DQ beta 2 chain-like
107301486 glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase-like
107301491 RUN and FYVE domain-containing protein 2-like
107301495 solute carrier family 13 member 3-like
107301505 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 124-like
107301508 16 kDa beta-galactoside-binding lectin-like
107301511 DNA repair protein complementing XP-G cells-like
107301512 zinc transporter 5-like
107301518 autophagy-related protein 13-like
107301521 acylphosphatase-1-like
107301530 gamma-secretase-activating protein-like
107301534 uncharacterized LOC107301534
107301535 kelch-like protein 32
107301537 uncharacterized LOC107301537
107301539 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DRB1-4 beta chain-like
107301540 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 66-like
107301556 beta-14-galactosyltransferase 3-like
107301558 ATPase ASNA1-like
107301559 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DRB1-16 beta chain-like
107301580 putative ferric-chelate reductase 1
107301584 myomegalin-like
107301585 uncharacterized LOC107301585
107301588 phospholipid-transporting ATPase IA-like
107301594 nuclear valosin-containing protein-like
107301597 cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1-like
107301598 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 2A
107301600 calnexin-like
107301603 pyruvate dehydrogenase protein X component mitochondrial-like
107301605 putative sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 8
107301607 uncharacterized LOC107301607
107301625 mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 12-like protein
107301626 uncharacterized LOC107301626
107301634 glutamate–cysteine ligase catalytic subunit-like
107301659 uncharacterized LOC107301659
107301661 folylpolyglutamate synthase mitochondrial-like
107301671 DNA repair protein SWI5 homolog
107301674 uncharacterized LOC107301674
107301678 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 5-like
107301679 uncharacterized LOC107301679
107301689 myosin heavy chain cardiac muscle isoform-like
107301691 guanine nucleotide exchange factor VAV3-like
107301709 microtubule associated tumor suppressor 1
107301720 hydroxysteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 1-like protein A
107301725 dual specificity protein phosphatase 15-like
107301727 adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 1-like
107301731 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 38-like
107301737 NIF3-like protein 1
107301743 phosphatidylserine decarboxylase proenzyme mitochondrial-like
107301746 formin-binding protein 4-like
107301765 uncharacterized LOC107301765
107301768 protein sel-1 homolog 1-like
107301776 uncharacterized LOC107301776
107301780 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 7
107301787 forkhead box protein I1-ema-like
107301792 mitochondrial calcium uptake family member 3
107301800 uncharacterized LOC107301800
107301806 S-arrestin-like
107301807 uncharacterized LOC107301807
107301818 ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 2
107301819 beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1-like
107301831 kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor bitisilin-2-like
107301836 phosphatidylinositol-glycan-specific phospholipase D-like
107301839 uncharacterized LOC107301839
107301843 proteasome activator complex subunit 2-like
107301857 mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM50-like
107301864 uncharacterized LOC107301864
107301866 uncharacterized LOC107301866
107301869 uncharacterized LOC107301869
107301870 uncharacterized LOC107301870
107301877 peroxisomal acyl-coenzyme A oxidase 3-like
107301884 snake venom metalloproteinase ACLF-like
107301894 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 24-like
107301900 uncharacterized LOC107301900
107301903 zinc finger protein 239-like
107301905 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
107301906 snake venom metalloproteinase ACLF-like
107301910 N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D-like
107301912 uncharacterized LOC107301912
107301913 uncharacterized LOC107301913
107301916 uncharacterized LOC107301916
107301924 snaclec stejaggregin-A subunit alpha-like
107301925 sterol 26-hydroxylase mitochondrial-like
107301928 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase long chain
107301936 lon protease homolog 2 peroxisomal-like
107301937 uncharacterized LOC107301937
107301939 ataxin-3-like
107301945 neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 1-like
107301946 anaphase-promoting complex subunit 4-like
107301955 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like
107301958 mannosyl (alpha-13-)-glycoprotein beta-14-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase isozyme A
107301965 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11B-like
107301966 low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6-like
107301978 cystatin-1-like
107301985 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily a-like 1
107301997 ADP-ribosylation factor-binding protein GGA3-like
107302000 TP53 regulated inhibitor of apoptosis 1
107302002 leishmanolysin-like peptidase
107302003 transcription intermediary factor 1-alpha-like
107302012 prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype-like
107302040 acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member B-like
107302041 uncharacterized LOC107302041
107302050 spindle assembly abnormal protein 6 homolog
107302067 C-type lectin TsL
107302083 snake venom metalloproteinase BjussuMP-2-like
107302088 ceramide synthase 2-like
107302095 40S ribosomal protein S18
107302116 cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1-like
107302133 dipeptidyl peptidase 3-like
107302136 uncharacterized LOC107302136
107302148 snaclec coagulation factor IX/factor X-binding protein subunit A-like
107302149 SHC-transforming protein 1-like
107302164 uncharacterized LOC107302164
107302168 neuroblast differentiation-associated protein AHNAK-like
107302175 chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 2-like
107302195 microtubule-associated protein 4-like
107302233 major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein-like
107302242 testis specific 10
107302255 calnexin-like
107302259 protein phosphatase 1G-like
107302264 ribosomal protein S18
107302266 cutA divalent cation tolerance homolog (E. coli)
107302276 pleckstrin homology-like domain family A member 2
107302278 protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 3B
107302298 mitochondrial translational initiation factor 2
107302317 tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1-like
107302319 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR beta 5 chain-like
107302325 mitochondrial-processing peptidase subunit alpha-like
107302335 proline dehydrogenase 1 mitochondrial-like
107302349 ChaC glutathione-specific gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 1
107302350 MYB binding protein (P160) 1a
107302380 USO1 vesicle transport factor
107302385 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 3
107302388 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B
107302397 REV1 DNA directed polymerase
107302399 polymerase (RNA) I subunit A
107302404 angiotensin I converting enzyme
107302411 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 38-like
107302418 cleavage stimulation factor 3’ pre-RNA subunit 3
107302420 betacellulin
107302434 uncharacterized LOC107302434
107302440 ER membrane protein complex subunit 1
107302444 PQ loop repeat containing 2
107302478 protein MEMO1-like
107302484 triple QxxK/R motif containing
107302488 SAS-6 centriolar assembly protein
107302489 tRNA methyltransferase 13 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
107302494 dihydrolipoamide branched chain transacylase E2
107302497 exostosin-like glycosyltransferase 2
107302498 solute carrier family 30 member 7
107302499 diphthamide biosynthesis 5
107302504 15 kDa selenoprotein
107302522 cysteine rich tail 1
107302524 cholesterol 7-desaturase-like
107302526 sortilin 1
107302532 NADPH dependent diflavin oxidoreductase 1
107302535 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 5-like
107302537 aminolevulinate dehydratase
107302542 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 5
107302544 endothelial differentiation-related factor 1
107302551 leucine rich repeat containing 26
107302563 solute carrier family 7 member 1
107302567 tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like
107302577 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E family member 2
107302588 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
107302593 fermitin family homolog 1-like
107302608 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase 1
107302611 tuberous sclerosis 2
107302626 Ras converting CAAX endopeptidase 1
107302629 ubiquitin family domain containing 1
107302636 breast cancer metastasis suppressor 1
107302654 helt bHLH transcription factor
107302658 NACHT and WD repeat domain-containing protein 2-like
107302660 toll like receptor 3
107302661 sorbin and SH3 domain containing 2
107302669 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 1
107302675 trafficking protein particle complex 11
107302676 RWD domain containing 4
107302692 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 1
107302701 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 14
107302706 acid sensing ion channel subunit 1
107302709 activating transcription factor 1
107302711 La ribonucleoprotein domain family member 4
107302718 Na+/K+ transporting ATPase interacting 3
107302720 gamma-glutamyl hydrolase
107302721 tocopherol (alpha) transfer protein
107302725 zinc finger protein 706
107302727 lysosomal acid lipase/cholesteryl ester hydrolase-like
107302736 lipase member M-like
107302740 target of myb1 like 1 membrane trafficking protein
107302743 hepatic leukemia factor
107302745 cullin 4B
107302753 C1GALT1 specific chaperone 1
107302762 MYC induced nuclear antigen
107302763 crystallin beta-gamma domain containing 3
107302768 sushi domain containing 4
107302770 melanoma inhibitory activity family member 3
107302771 axin interactor dorsalization associated
107302775 mitochondrial amidoxime reducing component 2-like
107302776 mitochondrial amidoxime reducing component 2-like
107302787 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1
107302788 elongation factor for RNA polymerase II 2
107302790 glutaredoxin
107302793 vacuole membrane protein 1
107302794 peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase 2
107302795 small integral membrane protein 14
107302804 PDS5 cohesin associated factor A
107302807 uncharacterized LOC107302807
107302810 uncharacterized LOC107302810
107302816 uncharacterized LOC107302816
107302817 FK506 binding protein 15
107302828 peroxisome proliferator activated receptor delta
107302831 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C7orf73
107302833 family with sequence similarity 180 member A
107302834 myotrophin
107302846 serpin peptidase inhibitor clade C (antithrombin) member 1
107302851 kelch like family member 20
107302854 transcriptional adaptor 1
107302856 activating transcription factor 6
107302859 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase 1
107302860 methyltransferase like 13
107302861 inosine triphosphatase
107302871 golgin RAB6-interacting
107302887 discoidin CUB and LCCL domain-containing protein 1-like
107302895 tumor protein D52
107302898 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 10
107302900 zinc finger protein 704
107302903 myelin P2 protein-like
107302904 fatty acid-binding protein adipocyte-like
107302906 zinc finger AN1-type containing 1
107302907 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 38-like
107302909 charged multivesicular body protein 4C
107302910 sorting nexin 16
107302919 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1
107302921 dopey family member 1
107302922 ubiquitin protein ligase E3D
107302924 phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase-like
107302927 actin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 1A
107302934 golgin A2
107302935 TruB pseudouridine (psi) synthase family member 2
107302938 ubiquitin related modifier 1
107302940 solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter) member 4
107302944 FIG4 phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase
107302962 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 30 NatC catalytic subunit
107302977 phospholipase B domain containing 1
107302978 activating transcription factor 7 interacting protein
107302980 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 15B
107302985 ArfGAP with SH3 domain ankyrin repeat and PH domain 3
107302996 transcription elongation factor A3
107303001 integrator complex subunit 12
107303033 N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor
107303034 golgi SNAP receptor complex member 2
107303039 mitochondrial peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase-like
107303045 5’-nucleotidase cytosolic IIIB
107303053 solute carrier family 25 member 39
107303065 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 1B
107303070 erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2
107303077 nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1
107303078 activating transcription factor 7
107303081 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor like 1
107303098 pleckstrin homology domain-containing family A member 3-like
107303109 wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 3
107303113 transcription factor CP2-like protein 1
107303132 COMM domain containing 6
107303133 TBC1 domain family member 4
107303144 uncharacterized LOC107303144
107303150 ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L3
107303152 mitotic spindle organizing protein 1
107303156 bone morphogenetic protein 3
107303163 progestin and adipoQ receptor family member III
107303169 enolase-phosphatase 1
107303179 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3
107303189 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase 1
107303190 autophagy related 4A cysteine peptidase
107303208 RAD54-like 2 (S. cerevisiae)
107303220 WD repeat domain 44
107303224 hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1
107303227 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 2-like
107303229 MCF.2 cell line derived transforming sequence
107303231 ATPase phospholipid transporting 11C
107303232 phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 1
107303237 O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) transferase
107303242 solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter y+ system) member 3
107303243 sorting nexin 12
107303256 protein DDX26B-like
107303257 motile sperm domain containing 1
107303258 membrane magnesium transporter 1
107303261 HIV-1 Tat specific factor 1
107303267 armadillo repeat containing 10
107303269 proteolipid protein 1
107303277 zinc finger MYM-type containing 3
107303295 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf152
107303305 limb development membrane protein 1
107303308 insulin induced gene 1
107303310 dipeptidyl peptidase like 6
107303317 xylulokinase homolog (H. influenzae)
107303322 golgi reassembly stacking protein 1
107303326 transcription factor B2 mitochondrial

Save dataset with all genes in turquoise module

write.csv(genes_coexpressed_with_venom, file = "./Data/genes_coexpresed_with_venom.genes.csv")

Module preservation

We performed module preservation analysis to determine whether within-module characteristics like gene density and connectivity between genes are preserved between venom gland and other tissues like heart, kidney, liver. A module preservation Zsummary > 2 implies that module characteristics within a module are preserved in other tissues, while a score < 2 denotes no preservation(Langfelder et al. 2011).

The following code was also used for heart and kidney

tpmLiver <- rsem[grepl('liver', rsem$library),] %>% dplyr::select(library, gene, count) %>% filter(gene %in% keep$gene) %>% spread(key = library, value = count)  %>%  remove_rownames %>% column_to_rownames("gene") #change 'liver' to other tissues

datExprLiver <- t(rlog(as.matrix(round(tpmLiver))))
colnames(datExprLiver) <- rownames(tpmLiver)

gsg<-goodSamplesGenes(datExprLiver, verbose = 3)
gsg$allOK #if returns TRUE, all genes have passed the cut. If not, remove the offending genes and samples from the data.

if (!gsg$allOK)
  # Optionally, print the gene and sample names that were removed:
  if (sum(!gsg$goodGenes)>0)
    printFlush(paste("Removing genes:", paste(names(datExprLiver)[!gsg$goodGenes], collapse = ", ")));
  if (sum(!gsg$goodSamples)>0)
    printFlush(paste("Removing samples:", paste(rownames(datExprLiver)[!gsg$goodSamples], collapse = ", ")));
  # Remove the offending genes and samples from the data:
  datExprLiver = datExprLiver[gsg$goodSamples, gsg$goodGenes]

dissTOM.Liver<-1-TOMsimilarityFromExpr(datExprLiver, power = 13)

Permutation step of module preservation

Once the dataset have been formatted the following code was used to perform the permutation test of module preservation that gives the Zsummary.

setLabels = c("venom", "liver");
multiExpr = list(venom = list(data = datExpr), liver = list(data = datExprLiver));
multiColor = list(venom = dynamicColours, liver = dynamicColours.Liver);
nSets = 2

mp = modulePreservation(multiExpr, multiColor,
referenceNetworks = c(1:2),
nPermutations = 200,
randomSeed = 1,
verbose = 3)

saveRDS(mp,"./WGCNA/Pm Network/NewRuns/Default/modulepres/Liver/modulepres_default_liver.rds")

Module preservation plots

Supplementary Table 1: Module preservation of meta-venom in non-venom tissues

Plotting Zsummary for each module. Modules are ranked from largest to smallest. Size is indicated by colour.

Zsummary statistic (st1) revealed that the meta-venom module is not preserved in the heart or liver, but has borderline preservation in the kidney (Zsummary = 2.000522) of habu. This implies that much of the expression pattern of the meta-venom is unique to the venom gland and bears only a slight similarity in kidneys.

We also estimated module preservation between venom gland in habu and venom gland in Crotalus viridis using data from Schield et al. 2019. We originally planned to use this data in the formal analysis but because it lacked enough libraries we restricted it to only the supplementary. However, using a surrogate library constructed from the mean of the three libraries in the study, we still see module preservation of the meta-venom module indicating that the network properties are preserved in Crotalus. Increasing the number of libraries would only increase the Z statistic.

Salivary glands have distinct morphologies but originate from the same progenitor. Whether the different morphologies represent distinct molecular systems, especially in reptiles is still not understood. To test if the meta-venom network is conserved in different morphologies of the salivary gland, we used data from Gao et al. 2018. This study showed that more than 70% of the genes, and more than 90% of transcription factors were common between different salivary gland morphologies in mice. In our module preservation estimate we see a high degree of module preservation, suggesting that even within unique gland morphologies of salivary gland, the meta-venom network is still conserved.

Identifying whether meta-venom networks are preserved salivary glands of non-venomous reptiles will strengthen our observation of conservation between regulatory networks of venomous and non-venom oral tissue. To do this we carried out module preservation of meta-venom network in habu and salivary glands of royal python ( Python regius ), corn snake ( Pantherophis guttatus ) and leopard gecko ( Eublepharis macularius ) from Hargreaves et al. 2014. We observe high module preservation between venom gland in habu and salivary glands in non-venomous reptiles, again hinting at the strong preservation of the underlying oral gene regulatory network across animals.

habu liver

msize$num<-factor(msize$num,levels = msize$num[order(rev(msize$n))])

ggplot(msize,aes(x = num, 
                 y = Zsummary.pres,
                 color = n))+
  geom_point(size = 5) + 
  scale_color_gradient2(low = "pink",mid = "purple",high = "red",midpoint = 1690)+
  geom_text(aes(label = round(Zsummary.pres,2)),hjust=-0.5,vjust=1,size = 3,color = "black")+
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    panel.grid.minor = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    axis.title = element_text(vjust = 1.25), 
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "gray98"), 
    legend.position = "right")+labs(y = "Module preservation Z-summary", 
    x = "Modules")+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 2,linetype = "dashed",color = "red")+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 10,linetype = "dashed",color = "blue") + 
  theme(strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0)) + theme(axis.line = element_line(size = 0.1, 
    linetype = "solid"), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -45), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "serif")) + 
  theme(axis.ticks = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    axis.text.x = element_text()) + 
  theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
    axis.title = element_text(family = "Palatino", 
        size = 12), axis.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    plot.title = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.text = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), legend.title = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), panel.background = element_rect(fill = NA), 
    strip.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.key = element_rect(fill = NA))

habu heart

msize$num<-factor(msize$num,levels = msize$num[order(rev(msize$n))])

ggplot(msize,aes(x = num, 
                 y = Zsummary.pres,
                 color = n))+
  geom_point(size = 5) + 
  #scale_color_gradient2(low = "#FBA004",mid = "#4EFF10",high = "#2A84D5",midpoint = 1690)+
  scale_color_gradient2(low = "pink",mid = "purple",high = "red",midpoint = 1690)+
  geom_text(aes(label = round(Zsummary.pres,2)),hjust=-0.5,vjust=1,size = 3,color = "black")+
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    panel.grid.minor = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    axis.title = element_text(vjust = 1.25), 
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "gray98"), 
    legend.position = "right")+labs(y = "Module preservation Z-summary", 
    x = "Modules")+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 2,linetype = "dashed",color = "red")+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 10,linetype = "dashed",color = "blue") + 
  theme(strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0)) + theme(axis.line = element_line(size = 0.1, 
    linetype = "solid"), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -45), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "serif")) + 
  theme(axis.ticks = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    axis.text.x = element_text()) + 
  theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
    axis.title = element_text(family = "Palatino", 
        size = 12), axis.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    plot.title = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.text = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), legend.title = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), panel.background = element_rect(fill = NA), 
    strip.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.key = element_rect(fill = NA))

habu kidney

msize$num<-factor(msize$num,levels = msize$num[order(rev(msize$n))])

ggplot(msize,aes(x = num, 
                 y = Zsummary.pres,
                 color = n))+
  geom_point(size = 5) + 
  scale_color_gradient2(low = "pink",mid = "purple",high = "red",midpoint = 1690)+
  geom_text(aes(label = round(Zsummary.pres,2)),hjust=-0.5,vjust=1,size = 3,color = "black")+
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    panel.grid.minor = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    axis.title = element_text(vjust = 1.25), 
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "gray98"), 
    legend.position = "right")+labs(y = "Module preservation Z-summary", 
    x = "Modules")+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 2,linetype = "dashed",color = "red")+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 10,linetype = "dashed",color = "blue") + 
  theme(strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0)) + theme(axis.line = element_line(size = 0.1, 
    linetype = "solid"), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -45), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "serif")) + 
  theme(axis.ticks = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    axis.text.x = element_text()) + 
  theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
    axis.title = element_text(family = "Palatino", 
        size = 12), axis.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    plot.title = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.text = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), legend.title = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), panel.background = element_rect(fill = NA), 
    strip.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.key = element_rect(fill = NA))

Crotalus venom gland

msize$num<-factor(msize$num,levels = msize$num[order(rev(msize$n))])

ggplot(msize,aes(x = num, 
                 y = Zsummary.pres,
                 color = n))+
  geom_point(size = 5) + 
  scale_color_gradient2(low = "pink",mid = "purple",high = "red",midpoint = 1690)+
  geom_text(aes(label = round(Zsummary.pres,2)),hjust=-0.5,vjust=1,size = 3,color = "black")+
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    panel.grid.minor = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    axis.title = element_text(vjust = 1.25), 
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "gray98"), 
    legend.position = "right")+labs(y = "Module preservation Z-summary", 
    x = "Modules")+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 2,linetype = "dashed",color = "red")+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 10,linetype = "dashed",color = "blue") + 
  theme(strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0)) + theme(axis.line = element_line(size = 0.1, 
    linetype = "solid"), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -45), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "serif")) + 
  theme(axis.ticks = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    axis.text.x = element_text()) + 
  theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
    axis.title = element_text(family = "Palatino", 
        size = 12), axis.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    plot.title = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.text = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), legend.title = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), panel.background = element_rect(fill = NA), 
    strip.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.key = element_rect(fill = NA))

Mouse salivary gland morphologies

msize$num<-factor(msize$num,levels = msize$num[order(rev(msize$n))])

ggplot(msize,aes(x = num, 
                 y = Zsummary.pres,
                 color = n))+
  geom_point(size = 5) + 
  scale_color_gradient2(low = "pink",mid = "purple",high = "red",midpoint = 1690)+
  geom_text(aes(label = round(Zsummary.pres,2)),hjust=-0.5,vjust=1,size = 3,color = "black")+
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    panel.grid.minor = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    axis.title = element_text(vjust = 1.25), 
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "gray98"), 
    legend.position = "right")+labs(y = "Module preservation Z-summary", 
    x = "Modules")+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 2,linetype = "dashed",color = "red")+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 10,linetype = "dashed",color = "blue") + 
  theme(strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0)) + theme(axis.line = element_line(size = 0.1, 
    linetype = "solid"), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -45), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "serif")) + 
  theme(axis.ticks = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    axis.text.x = element_text()) + 
  theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
    axis.title = element_text(family = "Palatino", 
        size = 12), axis.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    plot.title = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.text = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), legend.title = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), panel.background = element_rect(fill = NA), 
    strip.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.key = element_rect(fill = NA))

Reptiles salivary glands

msize$num<-factor(msize$num,levels = msize$num[order(rev(msize$n))])

ggplot(msize,aes(x = num, 
                 y = Zsummary.pres,
                 color = n))+
  geom_point(size = 5) + 
  scale_color_gradient2(low = "pink",mid = "purple",high = "red",midpoint = 1690)+
  geom_text(aes(label = round(Zsummary.pres,2)),hjust=-0.5,vjust=1,size = 3,color = "black")+
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    panel.grid.minor = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    axis.title = element_text(vjust = 1.25), 
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "gray98"), 
    legend.position = "right")+labs(y = "Module preservation Z-summary", 
    x = "Modules")+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 2,linetype = "dashed",color = "red")+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 10,linetype = "dashed",color = "blue") + 
  theme(strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0)) + theme(axis.line = element_line(size = 0.1, 
    linetype = "solid"), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -45), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "serif")) + 
  theme(axis.ticks = element_line(linetype = "blank"), 
    axis.text.x = element_text()) + 
  theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
    axis.title = element_text(family = "Palatino", 
        size = 12), axis.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    plot.title = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.text = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), legend.title = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), panel.background = element_rect(fill = NA), 
    strip.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.key = element_rect(fill = NA))

GO enrichment

Load data

GO terms of habu genes were annotated using the free version of Blast2GO software (using a BLAST e-value cutoff \(≤ 10^{-3}\))(Götz et al. 2008). We used both BLAST and InterProt results of the Protobothrops mucrosquamatus genome (PRJDB4386) as input for Blast2GO. Using both nucleotide and protein sequences allowed more accurate annotation of GO terms. GO terms enrichment analysis was carried out using the GOstats package in R(Falcon and Gentleman 2007).

Pm_data<-read.csv("./Go_term_enrichment_turq/Pm_GO_clean2.csv") #GO terms from Blast2GO

Pm_melt <- Pm_data %>%
  gather(gene.id, GO.ids, X:X.239) %>%

Pm_melt2<-Pm_melt[!(is.na(Pm_melt$GO.ids) | Pm_melt$GO.ids==""),] %>% 
  write.csv(Pm_melt2, file = "./Go_term_enrichment_turq/Pm_GO_List.csv")

Preparing the GO frame and carrying out test

Depending on the analysis (eg GO enrichment of meta-venom genes or enrichment of expanded gene families) different gene sets were used as the test data and GO annotations (of the set of all genes) form Blast2GO was used as the ‘universe’.

annot<-read.csv("./Go_term_enrichment_turq/Pm_GO_List.csv") # GO term list
genes_with_venom<-read.csv("./Go_term_enrichment_turq/genes_coexpresed_with_venom.genes.csv") # genes whose GO term to indetify; change this to any other subset of genes 
annot<-annot %>% mutate(evidence = "IEA") %>% dplyr::select(go_id= GO.ids, evidence, gene=Gene_id)

goFrame<-GOFrame(as.data.frame(annot, organism = "Pm"))

gsc <-GeneSetCollection(goAllFrame, setType = GOCollection())

universe <- (annot$gene) # total set of genes with GO terms

genes<- as.data.frame(genes_with_venom$gene) # genes in out sample

params <- GSEAGOHyperGParams(name = "Pm GO enrich", 
                             geneSetCollection = gsc,
                             geneIds = genes,
                             universeGeneIds = universe,
                             ontology = "BP",
                             pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                             conditional = F,
                             testDirection = "over")
Over<- hyperGTest(params)

Results of GO enrichment

Supplementary Table 2: GO term enrichment of meta-venom

summary(Over) %>% arrange(Pvalue) %>% head(50)
GO_enrich %>% arrange(Pvalue) %>% write.csv(file = "./Go_term_enrichment_turq/GO_term_enrichment_Pm.csv")


GOBPID Pvalue OddsRatio ExpCount Count Size Term
GO:0009405 0.0000000 9.303663 14.5323776 57 89 pathogenesis
GO:0034976 0.0000000 3.511472 41.6377111 102 255 response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0006986 0.0000000 4.282677 23.1864901 64 142 response to unfolded protein
GO:0034620 0.0000000 5.022047 17.9613656 54 110 cellular response to unfolded protein
GO:0035966 0.0000000 3.875685 26.4521929 69 162 response to topologically incorrect protein
GO:0035967 0.0000000 4.393501 21.0637833 59 129 cellular response to topologically incorrect protein
GO:0030968 0.0000000 5.001604 16.6550844 50 102 endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response
GO:0048193 0.0000000 2.677402 50.7816790 105 311 Golgi vesicle transport
GO:0071702 0.0000000 1.483664 431.8891994 562 2645 organic substance transport
GO:0006520 0.0000000 2.485633 51.2715344 101 314 cellular amino acid metabolic process
GO:0019752 0.0000000 1.722813 158.2233022 237 969 carboxylic acid metabolic process
GO:0036503 0.0000000 4.246930 16.3285142 45 100 ERAD pathway
GO:0006888 0.0000000 3.252949 25.4724821 60 156 ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport
GO:0006082 0.0000000 1.645234 178.4706597 258 1093 organic acid metabolic process
GO:0043436 0.0000000 1.647798 174.7151014 253 1070 oxoacid metabolic process
GO:0006629 0.0000000 1.537454 225.6600656 309 1382 lipid metabolic process
GO:0046395 0.0000000 2.442236 38.3720083 75 235 carboxylic acid catabolic process
GO:0016054 0.0000000 2.442236 38.3720083 75 235 organic acid catabolic process
GO:0030433 0.0000000 4.398606 12.0831005 34 74 ubiquitin-dependent ERAD pathway
GO:0006810 0.0000000 1.307079 750.2952254 876 4595 transport
GO:0006487 0.0000000 4.597724 11.1033896 32 68 protein N-linked glycosylation
GO:0046907 0.0000000 1.450454 292.1171182 381 1789 intracellular transport
GO:0071705 0.0000000 1.407485 362.0031588 459 2217 nitrogen compound transport
GO:0015711 0.0000000 1.941528 74.2947394 123 455 organic anion transport
GO:0044248 0.0000000 1.438063 309.0987729 400 1893 cellular catabolic process
GO:0033036 0.0000000 1.360119 478.2621796 586 2929 macromolecule localization
GO:0015031 0.0000000 1.432765 309.0987729 399 1893 protein transport
GO:0051649 0.0000000 1.409960 343.5519378 437 2104 establishment of localization in cell
GO:1903573 0.0000000 7.739033 5.7149800 21 35 negative regulation of response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0070085 0.0000000 2.223187 45.8831248 84 281 glycosylation
GO:0051234 0.0000000 1.294643 769.2363018 892 4711 establishment of localization
GO:0015833 0.0000000 1.415524 315.7934637 404 1934 peptide transport
GO:0043413 0.0000000 2.209563 44.4135585 81 272 macromolecule glycosylation
GO:0006486 0.0000000 2.209563 44.4135585 81 272 protein glycosylation
GO:0044281 0.0000000 1.397144 330.9789819 419 2027 small molecule metabolic process
GO:0042886 0.0000000 1.401069 320.5287328 407 1963 amide transport
GO:0044282 0.0000000 2.050624 53.2309561 92 326 small molecule catabolic process
GO:0045184 0.0000000 1.392079 326.0804277 412 1997 establishment of protein localization
GO:0009056 0.0000001 1.356816 371.3104119 459 2274 catabolic process
GO:0036507 0.0000001 12.013962 3.2657028 14 20 protein demannosylation
GO:0036508 0.0000001 12.013962 3.2657028 14 20 protein alpha-1,2-demannosylation
GO:0044255 0.0000001 1.513047 170.7962580 233 1046 cellular lipid metabolic process
GO:0030970 0.0000002 8.241916 4.2454137 16 26 retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol
GO:1903513 0.0000002 8.241916 4.2454137 16 26 endoplasmic reticulum to cytosol transport
GO:0009063 0.0000003 2.957272 17.9613656 40 110 cellular amino acid catabolic process
GO:0006820 0.0000003 1.681584 94.7053821 141 580 anion transport
GO:1901605 0.0000003 2.294445 32.4937432 61 199 alpha-amino acid metabolic process
GO:1904380 0.0000003 15.437220 2.6125623 12 16 endoplasmic reticulum mannose trimming
GO:0051641 0.0000004 1.309410 446.0950067 535 2732 cellular localization
GO:0018279 0.0000004 5.156730 6.8579759 21 42 protein N-linked glycosylation via asparagine
GO:0008104 0.0000005 1.316269 422.0920909 509 2585 protein localization
GO:0008152 0.0000005 1.243263 1704.8601630 1816 10441 metabolic process
GO:0018196 0.0000007 4.921976 7.0212611 21 43 peptidyl-asparagine modification
GO:0009083 0.0000008 9.009162 3.5922731 14 22 branched-chain amino acid catabolic process
GO:0036498 0.0000008 4.394149 8.1642571 23 50 IRE1-mediated unfolded protein response
GO:0043039 0.0000013 4.236907 8.3275422 23 51 tRNA aminoacylation
GO:0006418 0.0000013 4.236907 8.3275422 23 51 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation
GO:1905039 0.0000014 2.907947 16.3285142 36 100 carboxylic acid transmembrane transport
GO:1903825 0.0000014 2.907947 16.3285142 36 100 organic acid transmembrane transport
GO:1902236 0.0000014 9.557864 3.2657028 13 20 negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:1905897 0.0000015 3.403279 11.9198153 29 73 regulation of response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:1901566 0.0000019 1.352510 286.2388531 356 1753 organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process
GO:0043038 0.0000020 4.090509 8.4908274 23 52 amino acid activation
GO:0015849 0.0000020 1.892983 50.7816790 83 311 organic acid transport
GO:0046942 0.0000020 1.892983 50.7816790 83 311 carboxylic acid transport
GO:0009066 0.0000024 4.201523 8.0009719 22 49 aspartate family amino acid metabolic process
GO:0032527 0.0000026 4.895579 6.3681205 19 39 protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum
GO:1901564 0.0000027 1.217064 1028.2065360 1134 6297 organonitrogen compound metabolic process
GO:0006886 0.0000030 1.444521 171.2861135 226 1049 intracellular protein transport
GO:0006517 0.0000035 5.885372 4.8985542 16 30 protein deglycosylation
GO:0034204 0.0000035 5.885372 4.8985542 16 30 lipid translocation
GO:0070727 0.0000042 1.342052 280.3605880 347 1717 cellular macromolecule localization
GO:0016192 0.0000047 1.354023 257.9905236 322 1580 vesicle-mediated transport
GO:0006900 0.0000047 3.317442 11.2666748 27 69 vesicle budding from membrane
GO:1901575 0.0000055 1.322823 307.6292067 376 1884 organic substance catabolic process
GO:0009100 0.0000059 1.713105 67.2734783 102 412 glycoprotein metabolic process
GO:0006575 0.0000060 2.178681 29.2280403 53 179 cellular modified amino acid metabolic process
GO:0051179 0.0000064 1.209954 967.6277488 1068 5926 localization
GO:0006644 0.0000066 1.679292 72.3353177 108 443 phospholipid metabolic process
GO:0034613 0.0000074 1.332956 278.4011663 343 1705 cellular protein localization
GO:0006890 0.0000083 3.271500 10.9401045 26 67 retrograde vesicle-mediated transport, Golgi to ER
GO:0070972 0.0000091 3.074356 12.2463856 28 75 protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum
GO:0009067 0.0000102 9.428963 2.7758474 11 17 aspartate family amino acid biosynthetic process
GO:0045332 0.0000117 5.515472 4.7352691 15 29 phospholipid translocation
GO:0097035 0.0000125 3.963787 7.5111165 20 46 regulation of membrane lipid distribution
GO:0009081 0.0000126 6.004363 4.2454137 14 26 branched-chain amino acid metabolic process
GO:0009101 0.0000132 1.752296 56.3333738 87 345 glycoprotein biosynthetic process
GO:0070059 0.0000149 3.223338 10.6135342 25 65 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0006457 0.0000192 2.034263 31.8406026 55 195 protein folding
GO:0045017 0.0000200 1.903640 39.5150042 65 242 glycerolipid biosynthetic process
GO:0006768 0.0000211 35.960836 1.3062811 7 8 biotin metabolic process
GO:0048199 0.0000231 3.915039 7.1845462 19 44 vesicle targeting, to, from or within Golgi
GO:0006869 0.0000235 1.724676 56.3333738 86 345 lipid transport
GO:0006766 0.0000243 2.581544 16.1652290 33 99 vitamin metabolic process
GO:0006767 0.0000264 3.172788 10.2869639 24 63 water-soluble vitamin metabolic process
GO:1901565 0.0000283 1.367768 192.8397522 244 1181 organonitrogen compound catabolic process
GO:0007030 0.0000324 2.316177 20.5739278 39 126 Golgi organization
GO:1902235 0.0000328 4.825337 5.0618394 15 31 regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0003333 0.0000366 2.997799 11.1033896 25 68 amino acid transmembrane transport
GO:0009062 0.0000405 2.541056 15.8386587 32 97 fatty acid catabolic process
GO:1901606 0.0000405 2.541056 15.8386587 32 97 alpha-amino acid catabolic process
GO:0008654 0.0000419 1.827603 41.9642814 67 257 phospholipid biosynthetic process
GO:0071704 0.0000467 1.186265 1618.1557530 1709 9910 organic substance metabolic process
GO:0044238 0.0000492 1.183488 1556.5972540 1648 9533 primary metabolic process
GO:0033554 0.0000538 1.289003 290.3209817 349 1778 cellular response to stress
GO:0048194 0.0000582 3.278692 8.8173976 21 54 Golgi vesicle budding
GO:0072329 0.0000602 2.323643 18.9410764 36 116 monocarboxylic acid catabolic process
GO:0046474 0.0000609 1.903564 34.6164500 57 212 glycerophospholipid biosynthetic process
GO:0006399 0.0000613 2.034575 27.7584741 48 170 tRNA metabolic process
GO:0016042 0.0000616 1.728688 49.6386830 76 304 lipid catabolic process
GO:0006086 0.0000742 9.251288 2.2859920 9 14 acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process from pyruvate
GO:0006892 0.0000789 2.428420 16.3285142 32 100 post-Golgi vesicle-mediated transport
GO:0006620 0.0000814 17.979112 1.4695663 7 9 posttranslational protein targeting to endoplasmic reticulum membrane
GO:0015914 0.0000819 2.735783 12.2463856 26 75 phospholipid transport
GO:0010876 0.0000848 1.619268 63.1913498 92 387 lipid localization
GO:0055114 0.0000874 1.364856 168.1836958 213 1030 oxidation-reduction process
GO:0044237 0.0000899 1.176389 1573.2523390 1661 9635 cellular metabolic process
GO:0015748 0.0000977 2.393051 16.4917993 32 101 organophosphate ester transport
GO:0097502 0.0000990 4.501963 4.8985542 14 30 mannosylation
GO:0050796 0.0001087 1.991434 27.5951889 47 169 regulation of insulin secretion
GO:0006605 0.0001092 1.672063 52.9043859 79 324 protein targeting
GO:0032787 0.0001156 1.482375 95.0319524 129 582 monocarboxylic acid metabolic process
GO:0071265 0.0001157 Inf 0.8164257 5 5 L-methionine biosynthetic process
GO:0006552 0.0001157 Inf 0.8164257 5 5 leucine catabolic process
GO:0051182 0.0001157 Inf 0.8164257 5 5 coenzyme transport
GO:0061024 0.0001217 1.418666 122.9537116 161 753 membrane organization
GO:0010498 0.0001326 1.577356 67.2734783 96 412 proteasomal protein catabolic process
GO:0015802 0.0001329 10.276119 1.9594217 8 12 basic amino acid transport
GO:0045047 0.0001357 3.261346 8.0009719 19 49 protein targeting to ER
GO:0072599 0.0001452 3.004812 9.3072531 21 57 establishment of protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum
GO:0097164 0.0001681 1.900671 30.3710363 50 186 ammonium ion metabolic process
GO:1902475 0.0001872 4.457745 4.5719840 13 28 L-alpha-amino acid transmembrane transport
GO:1901607 0.0001929 2.923388 9.4705382 21 58 alpha-amino acid biosynthetic process
GO:0090276 0.0002182 1.825137 33.8000243 54 207 regulation of peptide hormone secretion
GO:0019216 0.0002230 1.610241 56.4966590 82 346 regulation of lipid metabolic process
GO:0009086 0.0002329 11.985205 1.6328514 7 10 methionine biosynthetic process
GO:0030073 0.0002768 1.814642 33.3101689 53 204 insulin secretion
GO:0090150 0.0002829 1.801323 34.1265946 54 209 establishment of protein localization to membrane
GO:0006515 0.0002888 4.178832 4.7352691 13 29 protein quality control for misfolded or incompletely synthesized proteins
GO:0006490 0.0002931 5.711144 3.1024177 10 19 oligosaccharide-lipid intermediate biosynthetic process
GO:0042219 0.0002931 5.711144 3.1024177 10 19 cellular modified amino acid catabolic process
GO:0071712 0.0003098 6.607103 2.6125623 9 16 ER-associated misfolded protein catabolic process
GO:0006555 0.0003098 6.607103 2.6125623 9 16 methionine metabolic process
GO:0006612 0.0003204 2.200643 17.4715101 32 107 protein targeting to membrane
GO:0035773 0.0003374 2.436268 13.2260965 26 81 insulin secretion involved in cellular response to glucose stimulus
GO:0044242 0.0003510 1.803882 32.8203135 52 201 cellular lipid catabolic process
GO:0006901 0.0003850 3.507805 6.0415502 15 37 vesicle coating
GO:0006551 0.0003912 15.404922 1.3062811 6 8 leucine metabolic process
GO:0048280 0.0003912 15.404922 1.3062811 6 8 vesicle fusion with Golgi apparatus
GO:0008652 0.0003971 2.575610 11.2666748 23 69 cellular amino acid biosynthetic process
GO:0090114 0.0004149 3.293174 6.6946908 16 41 COPII-coated vesicle budding
GO:0006656 0.0004340 3.932732 4.8985542 13 30 phosphatidylcholine biosynthetic process
GO:0099132 0.0004440 2.876821 8.6541125 19 53 ATP hydrolysis coupled cation transmembrane transport
GO:0019395 0.0004443 2.290894 14.8589479 28 91 fatty acid oxidation
GO:0034440 0.0004443 2.290894 14.8589479 28 91 lipid oxidation
GO:0009749 0.0004821 1.723426 37.2290123 57 228 response to glucose
GO:0044257 0.0004828 1.384745 115.7691654 149 709 cellular protein catabolic process
GO:0051603 0.0004908 1.397056 108.7479043 141 666 proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process
GO:0000096 0.0004962 3.600524 5.5516948 14 34 sulfur amino acid metabolic process
GO:0046827 0.0005006 5.139657 3.2657028 10 20 positive regulation of protein export from nucleus
GO:0006085 0.0005006 5.139657 3.2657028 10 20 acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process
GO:0099131 0.0005265 2.575019 10.7768193 22 66 ATP hydrolysis coupled ion transmembrane transport
GO:1901137 0.0005310 1.390432 110.7073260 143 678 carbohydrate derivative biosynthetic process
GO:0006790 0.0005328 1.559862 57.1497995 81 350 sulfur compound metabolic process
GO:0055069 0.0005439 4.113303 4.4086988 12 27 zinc ion homeostasis
GO:0006903 0.0005492 2.637411 10.1236788 21 62 vesicle targeting
GO:0009235 0.0005918 6.849751 2.2859920 8 14 cobalamin metabolic process
GO:0033539 0.0005918 6.849751 2.2859920 8 14 fatty acid beta-oxidation using acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
GO:0015809 0.0006000 25.667164 0.9797108 5 6 arginine transport
GO:0061732 0.0006000 25.667164 0.9797108 5 6 mitochondrial acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process from pyruvate
GO:0006865 0.0006793 1.941244 22.6966347 38 139 amino acid transport
GO:1904382 0.0007095 Inf 0.6531406 4 4 mannose trimming involved in glycoprotein ERAD pathway
GO:0071267 0.0007095 Inf 0.6531406 4 4 L-methionine salvage
GO:0097359 0.0007095 Inf 0.6531406 4 4 UDP-glucosylation
GO:0097466 0.0007095 Inf 0.6531406 4 4 ubiquitin-dependent glycoprotein ERAD pathway
GO:1904587 0.0007095 Inf 0.6531406 4 4 response to glycoprotein
GO:0043102 0.0007095 Inf 0.6531406 4 4 amino acid salvage
GO:0019509 0.0007095 Inf 0.6531406 4 4 L-methionine salvage from methylthioadenosine
GO:0035977 0.0007095 Inf 0.6531406 4 4 protein deglycosylation involved in glycoprotein catabolic process
GO:0006663 0.0007095 Inf 0.6531406 4 4 platelet activating factor biosynthetic process
GO:0006084 0.0007477 3.215021 6.3681205 15 39 acetyl-CoA metabolic process
GO:0098656 0.0007632 1.651323 41.1478557 61 252 anion transmembrane transport
GO:0044272 0.0007647 1.872552 25.1459118 41 154 sulfur compound biosynthetic process
GO:0043632 0.0008252 1.418032 89.8068279 118 550 modification-dependent macromolecule catabolic process
GO:0006635 0.0008821 2.514375 10.4502491 21 64 fatty acid beta-oxidation
GO:0009225 0.0009132 3.518249 5.2251245 13 32 nucleotide-sugar metabolic process
GO:0006650 0.0009248 1.556771 52.2512453 74 320 glycerophospholipid metabolic process
GO:0009746 0.0009498 1.664270 38.2087231 57 234 response to hexose
GO:0000447 0.0010106 10.269202 1.4695663 6 9 endonucleolytic cleavage in ITS1 to separate SSU-rRNA from 5.8S rRNA and LSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA)
GO:1903299 0.0010106 10.269202 1.4695663 6 9 regulation of hexokinase activity
GO:0071616 0.0010176 3.086195 6.5314057 15 40 acyl-CoA biosynthetic process
GO:0035384 0.0010176 3.086195 6.5314057 15 40 thioester biosynthetic process
GO:1903963 0.0010252 4.038636 4.0821285 11 25 arachidonate transport
GO:0071218 0.0010252 4.038636 4.0821285 11 25 cellular response to misfolded protein
GO:0050482 0.0010252 4.038636 4.0821285 11 25 arachidonic acid secretion
GO:0046470 0.0010372 2.410129 11.2666748 22 69 phosphatidylcholine metabolic process
GO:0034284 0.0010584 1.654799 38.3720083 57 235 response to monosaccharide
GO:0043092 0.0010869 5.870789 2.4492771 8 15 L-amino acid import
GO:0035383 0.0011325 2.195674 14.2058073 26 87 thioester metabolic process
GO:0006637 0.0011325 2.195674 14.2058073 26 87 acyl-CoA metabolic process
GO:1904152 0.0011336 7.190078 1.9594217 7 12 regulation of retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol
GO:0006560 0.0011336 7.190078 1.9594217 7 12 proline metabolic process
GO:0050812 0.0011336 7.190078 1.9594217 7 12 regulation of acyl-CoA biosynthetic process
GO:0010510 0.0011336 7.190078 1.9594217 7 12 regulation of acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process from pyruvate
GO:0099515 0.0011336 7.190078 1.9594217 7 12 actin filament-based transport
GO:0043161 0.0011406 1.523461 56.0068036 78 343 proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0010256 0.0011452 1.473231 67.1101932 91 411 endomembrane system organization
GO:0015807 0.0011717 2.510879 9.9603936 20 61 L-amino acid transport
GO:0006829 0.0011802 3.628858 4.7352691 12 29 zinc II ion transport
GO:0001678 0.0012038 1.789591 27.2686186 43 167 cellular glucose homeostasis
GO:0051656 0.0012101 1.445423 74.1314543 99 454 establishment of organelle localization
GO:1901800 0.0012253 2.075540 16.4917993 29 101 positive regulation of proteasomal protein catabolic process
GO:0006508 0.0012547 1.226863 276.2784595 321 1692 proteolysis
GO:0019538 0.0012584 1.145521 866.2276759 934 5305 protein metabolic process
GO:0051648 0.0012721 1.602414 42.7807071 62 262 vesicle localization
GO:0015909 0.0012882 2.646356 8.6541125 18 53 long-chain fatty acid transport
GO:0019941 0.0013448 1.400440 88.3372616 115 541 modification-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0071333 0.0014662 1.810039 25.1459118 40 154 cellular response to glucose stimulus
GO:0006811 0.0014674 1.229471 260.1132305 303 1593 ion transport
GO:0051788 0.0015171 3.769120 4.2454137 11 26 response to misfolded protein
GO:0030072 0.0015772 1.598173 41.4744259 60 254 peptide hormone secretion
GO:0051650 0.0015895 1.604484 40.6580002 59 249 establishment of vesicle localization
GO:0008610 0.0016872 1.353212 106.6251974 135 653 lipid biosynthetic process
GO:0006807 0.0017355 1.133267 1468.5865630 1538 8994 nitrogen compound metabolic process
GO:0048207 0.0017713 3.182715 5.5516948 13 34 vesicle targeting, rough ER to cis-Golgi
GO:0048208 0.0017713 3.182715 5.5516948 13 34 COPII vesicle coating
GO:0046486 0.0018040 1.455601 65.4773418 88 401 glycerolipid metabolic process
GO:0072348 0.0018074 2.857172 6.8579759 15 42 sulfur compound transport
GO:0019626 0.0018158 12.832650 1.1429960 5 7 short-chain fatty acid catabolic process
GO:1990822 0.0018158 12.832650 1.1429960 5 7 basic amino acid transmembrane transport
GO:0033540 0.0018158 12.832650 1.1429960 5 7 fatty acid beta-oxidation using acyl-CoA oxidase
GO:0000097 0.0018641 5.136567 2.6125623 8 16 sulfur amino acid biosynthetic process
GO:0034315 0.0018641 5.136567 2.6125623 8 16 regulation of Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin nucleation
GO:0043603 0.0019227 1.286110 155.7740250 189 954 cellular amide metabolic process
GO:0090662 0.0019262 2.265026 11.7565302 22 72 ATP hydrolysis coupled transmembrane transport
GO:0044267 0.0020251 1.143000 764.6643178 827 4683 cellular protein metabolic process
GO:0071326 0.0021548 1.763240 25.6357672 40 157 cellular response to monosaccharide stimulus
GO:0071331 0.0021548 1.763240 25.6357672 40 157 cellular response to hexose stimulus
GO:0019471 0.0021773 7.701342 1.6328514 6 10 4-hydroxyproline metabolic process
GO:0044745 0.0021773 7.701342 1.6328514 6 10 amino acid transmembrane import
GO:0032957 0.0021773 7.701342 1.6328514 6 10 inositol trisphosphate metabolic process
GO:0089718 0.0021773 7.701342 1.6328514 6 10 amino acid import across plasma membrane
GO:0061178 0.0023393 2.220452 11.9198153 22 73 regulation of insulin secretion involved in cellular response to glucose stimulus
GO:0030163 0.0023775 1.292529 141.8947880 173 869 protein catabolic process
GO:1905475 0.0024057 1.764121 24.9826267 39 153 regulation of protein localization to membrane
GO:0006895 0.0024395 4.203298 3.2657028 9 20 Golgi to endosome transport
GO:0042762 0.0024395 4.203298 3.2657028 9 20 regulation of sulfur metabolic process
GO:0055085 0.0025429 1.228488 229.7421941 268 1407 transmembrane transport
GO:0009064 0.0027660 2.287023 10.6135342 20 65 glutamine family amino acid metabolic process
GO:0045454 0.0027660 2.287023 10.6135342 20 65 cell redox homeostasis
GO:0015908 0.0028025 2.094213 13.5526668 24 83 fatty acid transport
GO:0072657 0.0028452 1.396911 76.0908760 99 466 protein localization to membrane
GO:0006511 0.0029804 1.365627 87.6841210 112 537 ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0043090 0.0030205 4.565506 2.7758474 8 17 amino acid import
GO:0006488 0.0030205 4.565506 2.7758474 8 17 dolichol-linked oligosaccharide biosynthetic process
GO:0006631 0.0030212 1.442720 61.3952132 82 376 fatty acid metabolic process
GO:0097056 0.0030848 20.526080 0.8164257 4 5 selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec) biosynthetic process
GO:0035964 0.0030848 20.526080 0.8164257 4 5 COPI-coated vesicle budding
GO:0045851 0.0031531 2.768425 6.5314057 14 40 pH reduction
GO:0006505 0.0031885 3.083857 5.2251245 12 32 GPI anchor metabolic process
GO:0060712 0.0036296 5.135024 2.2859920 7 14 spongiotrophoblast layer development
GO:0006553 0.0036296 5.135024 2.2859920 7 14 lysine metabolic process
GO:0006577 0.0036296 5.135024 2.2859920 7 14 amino-acid betaine metabolic process
GO:0009068 0.0036566 3.852744 3.4289880 9 21 aspartate family amino acid catabolic process
GO:0006304 0.0037545 1.968644 15.3488033 26 94 DNA modification
GO:0044265 0.0038510 1.258867 160.0194387 191 980 cellular macromolecule catabolic process
GO:0016601 0.0038979 2.570894 7.3478314 15 45 Rac protein signal transduction
GO:1903008 0.0039257 1.835520 19.2676467 31 118 organelle disassembly
GO:0071577 0.0040440 3.425193 4.0821285 10 25 zinc II ion transmembrane transport
GO:0006882 0.0040440 3.425193 4.0821285 10 25 cellular zinc ion homeostasis
GO:0019217 0.0040528 2.096635 12.4096708 22 76 regulation of fatty acid metabolic process
GO:0009743 0.0040879 1.523138 42.2908517 59 259 response to carbohydrate
GO:0006983 0.0041903 8.554479 1.3062811 5 8 ER overload response
GO:0033083 0.0041903 8.554479 1.3062811 5 8 regulation of immature T cell proliferation
GO:0033131 0.0041903 8.554479 1.3062811 5 8 regulation of glucokinase activity
GO:0006914 0.0042949 1.380041 74.4580245 96 456 autophagy
GO:0061919 0.0042949 1.380041 74.4580245 96 456 process utilizing autophagic mechanism
GO:0046368 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 GDP-L-fucose metabolic process
GO:2000254 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 regulation of male germ cell proliferation
GO:1904154 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 positive regulation of retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol
GO:0006425 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 glutaminyl-tRNA aminoacylation
GO:0006434 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 seryl-tRNA aminoacylation
GO:0036483 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 neuron intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0007066 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 female meiosis sister chromatid cohesion
GO:0033577 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 protein glycosylation in endoplasmic reticulum
GO:1990680 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 response to melanocyte-stimulating hormone
GO:1905936 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 regulation of germ cell proliferation
GO:0030327 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 prenylated protein catabolic process
GO:1903381 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced neuron intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:1903382 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced neuron intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0042350 0.0043495 Inf 0.4898554 3 3 GDP-L-fucose biosynthetic process
GO:0010243 0.0044033 1.253809 160.5092941 191 983 response to organonitrogen compound
GO:0044419 0.0047796 1.277657 131.4445389 159 805 interspecies interaction between organisms
GO:0006613 0.0052165 2.570307 6.8579759 14 42 cotranslational protein targeting to membrane
GO:0051084 0.0053025 3.556120 3.5922731 9 22 ‘de novo’ posttranslational protein folding
GO:0007140 0.0054649 2.672703 6.2048354 13 38 male meiotic nuclear division
GO:0090630 0.0056790 1.920598 15.0222330 25 92 activation of GTPase activity
GO:0006536 0.0057140 2.974756 4.8985542 11 30 glutamate metabolic process
GO:0099518 0.0057239 2.350556 8.3275422 16 51 vesicle cytoskeletal trafficking
GO:0046459 0.0058544 4.492820 2.4492771 7 15 short-chain fatty acid metabolic process
GO:0048313 0.0058544 4.492820 2.4492771 7 15 Golgi inheritance
GO:0071322 0.0061271 1.636215 27.1053335 40 166 cellular response to carbohydrate stimulus
GO:0015718 0.0061434 1.647476 26.2889078 39 161 monocarboxylic acid transport
GO:0010043 0.0061639 2.409863 7.6744017 15 47 response to zinc ion
GO:0072384 0.0067035 1.985852 12.8995262 22 79 organelle transport along microtubule
GO:0000041 0.0068169 1.858732 16.0019439 26 98 transition metal ion transport
GO:0043046 0.0069200 3.734871 3.1024177 8 19 DNA methylation involved in gamete generation
GO:0032119 0.0071268 5.133483 1.9594217 6 12 sequestering of zinc ion
GO:0061088 0.0071268 5.133483 1.9594217 6 12 regulation of sequestering of zinc ion
GO:2001169 0.0071268 5.133483 1.9594217 6 12 regulation of ATP biosynthetic process
GO:0045176 0.0071268 5.133483 1.9594217 6 12 apical protein localization
GO:0090407 0.0072008 1.308315 95.5218078 118 585 organophosphate biosynthetic process
GO:0006497 0.0074330 1.755335 19.2676467 30 118 protein lipidation
GO:0019637 0.0074408 1.217521 187.6146276 218 1149 organophosphate metabolic process
GO:0032436 0.0074490 2.000583 12.2463856 21 75 positive regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0015991 0.0074673 3.301872 3.7555583 9 23 ATP hydrolysis coupled proton transport
GO:0015988 0.0074673 3.301872 3.7555583 9 23 energy coupled proton transmembrane transport, against electrochemical gradient
GO:0043412 0.0075270 1.126782 646.9357308 697 3962 macromolecule modification
GO:0015804 0.0075723 2.825813 5.0618394 11 31 neutral amino acid transport
GO:0042398 0.0076394 2.336666 7.8376868 15 48 cellular modified amino acid biosynthetic process
GO:1990090 0.0078364 2.185305 9.3072531 17 57 cellular response to nerve growth factor stimulus
GO:1904375 0.0078419 1.833136 16.1652290 26 99 regulation of protein localization to cell periphery
GO:0097006 0.0078525 1.951471 13.0628113 22 80 regulation of plasma lipoprotein particle levels
GO:0006915 0.0080170 1.176153 284.9325720 321 1745 apoptotic process
GO:0046469 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 platelet activating factor metabolic process
GO:1904153 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 negative regulation of retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol
GO:0015917 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 aminophospholipid transport
GO:0031642 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 negative regulation of myelination
GO:0006011 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 UDP-glucose metabolic process
GO:0006421 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 asparaginyl-tRNA aminoacylation
GO:0006782 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process
GO:0044752 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 response to human chorionic gonadotropin
GO:0010133 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 proline catabolic process to glutamate
GO:0000480 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 endonucleolytic cleavage in 5’-ETS of tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA)
GO:0070050 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 neuron cellular homeostasis
GO:0070862 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 negative regulation of protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum
GO:1903301 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 positive regulation of hexokinase activity
GO:0045627 0.0080546 10.262295 0.9797108 4 6 positive regulation of T-helper 1 cell differentiation
GO:0051683 0.0081648 6.415393 1.4695663 5 9 establishment of Golgi localization
GO:0060050 0.0081648 6.415393 1.4695663 5 9 positive regulation of protein glycosylation
GO:0090166 0.0081648 6.415393 1.4695663 5 9 Golgi disassembly
GO:0009437 0.0081648 6.415393 1.4695663 5 9 carnitine metabolic process
GO:0006616 0.0081648 6.415393 1.4695663 5 9 SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane, translocation
GO:0033079 0.0081648 6.415393 1.4695663 5 9 immature T cell proliferation
GO:1903076 0.0085103 1.871144 14.6956627 24 90 regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane
GO:0042157 0.0086015 1.653918 23.5130604 35 144 lipoprotein metabolic process
GO:0006516 0.0089580 3.993327 2.6125623 7 16 glycoprotein catabolic process
GO:0060341 0.0091064 1.235833 149.4059045 176 915 regulation of cellular localization
GO:0051452 0.0093995 2.569133 5.8782651 12 36 intracellular pH reduction
GO:0070849 0.0094368 2.131850 9.4705382 17 58 response to epidermal growth factor
GO:0032024 0.0095111 1.878275 14.0425222 23 86 positive regulation of insulin secretion
GO:0042158 0.0095191 1.716077 19.5942170 30 120 lipoprotein biosynthetic process
GO:0097066 0.0098686 2.691054 5.2251245 11 32 response to thyroid hormone
GO:1901071 0.0101841 2.853705 4.5719840 10 28 glucosamine-containing compound metabolic process
GO:0046835 0.0102458 3.081523 3.9188434 9 24 carbohydrate phosphorylation
GO:2001243 0.0106314 1.886146 13.3893816 22 82 negative regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0006839 0.0109076 1.451406 41.6377111 56 255 mitochondrial transport
GO:1901135 0.0113674 1.197608 197.9015915 227 1212 carbohydrate derivative metabolic process
GO:0006554 0.0114263 4.399808 2.1227068 6 13 lysine catabolic process
GO:0007175 0.0114263 4.399808 2.1227068 6 13 negative regulation of epidermal growth factor-activated receptor activity
GO:0000479 0.0114263 4.399808 2.1227068 6 13 endonucleolytic cleavage of tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA)
GO:0035774 0.0114272 2.202822 8.1642571 15 50 positive regulation of insulin secretion involved in cellular response to glucose stimulus
GO:0046394 0.0115837 1.413287 47.8425465 63 293 carboxylic acid biosynthetic process
GO:0016053 0.0115837 1.413287 47.8425465 63 293 organic acid biosynthetic process
GO:1903533 0.0119512 1.715539 18.2879359 28 112 regulation of protein targeting
GO:0006760 0.0126645 2.568547 5.3884097 11 33 folic acid-containing compound metabolic process
GO:0080182 0.0131142 3.593734 2.7758474 7 17 histone H3-K4 trimethylation
GO:0006089 0.0131142 3.593734 2.7758474 7 17 lactate metabolic process
GO:0048308 0.0131142 3.593734 2.7758474 7 17 organelle inheritance
GO:1903830 0.0131142 3.593734 2.7758474 7 17 magnesium ion transmembrane transport
GO:0006664 0.0135181 1.677005 19.2676467 29 118 glycolipid metabolic process
GO:2000649 0.0136734 2.303384 6.8579759 13 42 regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transporter activity
GO:0010676 0.0136734 2.303384 6.8579759 13 42 positive regulation of cellular carbohydrate metabolic process
GO:0051645 0.0137533 3.159816 3.4289880 8 21 Golgi localization
GO:0033572 0.0137533 3.159816 3.4289880 8 21 transferrin transport
GO:0070861 0.0137533 3.159816 3.4289880 8 21 regulation of protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum
GO:0045940 0.0137533 3.159816 3.4289880 8 21 positive regulation of steroid metabolic process
GO:0034381 0.0138036 2.141477 8.3275422 15 51 plasma lipoprotein particle clearance
GO:0043547 0.0138323 1.340599 64.1710606 81 393 positive regulation of GTPase activity
GO:1901142 0.0141523 5.131942 1.6328514 5 10 insulin metabolic process
GO:1990440 0.0141523 5.131942 1.6328514 5 10 positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0010867 0.0141523 5.131942 1.6328514 5 10 positive regulation of triglyceride biosynthetic process
GO:0034498 0.0141523 5.131942 1.6328514 5 10 early endosome to Golgi transport
GO:0007264 0.0143117 1.286510 87.6841210 107 537 small GTPase mediated signal transduction
GO:0006464 0.0144190 1.116081 607.9105819 652 3723 cellular protein modification process
GO:0036211 0.0144190 1.116081 607.9105819 652 3723 protein modification process
GO:0016050 0.0147375 1.361125 56.3333738 72 345 vesicle organization
GO:0032922 0.0149040 2.055988 9.1439679 16 56 circadian regulation of gene expression
GO:0007034 0.0150715 1.628183 21.0637833 31 129 vacuolar transport
GO:0045834 0.0151304 1.642572 20.2473576 30 124 positive regulation of lipid metabolic process
GO:1903509 0.0151598 1.658251 19.4309318 29 119 liposaccharide metabolic process
GO:0055129 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 L-proline biosynthetic process
GO:2000210 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 positive regulation of anoikis
GO:1904253 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 positive regulation of bile acid metabolic process
GO:0097384 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 cellular lipid biosynthetic process
GO:0019470 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 4-hydroxyproline catabolic process
GO:0019254 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 carnitine metabolic process, CoA-linked
GO:0002176 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 male germ cell proliferation
GO:0035633 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 maintenance of permeability of blood-brain barrier
GO:0036093 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 germ cell proliferation
GO:0006848 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 pyruvate transport
GO:0006561 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 proline biosynthetic process
GO:0006564 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 L-serine biosynthetic process
GO:1901475 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 pyruvate transmembrane transport
GO:1901873 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 regulation of post-translational protein modification
GO:0033091 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 positive regulation of immature T cell proliferation
GO:1990592 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 protein K69-linked ufmylation
GO:1990564 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 protein polyufmylation
GO:0070859 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 positive regulation of bile acid biosynthetic process
GO:1903826 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 arginine transmembrane transport
GO:1903589 0.0152692 15.388827 0.6531406 3 4 positive regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell proliferation involved in sprouting angiogenesis
GO:0051640 0.0153363 1.258177 104.3392054 125 639 organelle localization
GO:0043401 0.0154959 1.540888 26.9420484 38 165 steroid hormone mediated signaling pathway
GO:0061136 0.0154959 1.540888 26.9420484 38 165 regulation of proteasomal protein catabolic process
GO:0097190 0.0156138 1.275354 91.6029644 111 561 apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0048278 0.0158384 1.986062 9.9603936 17 61 vesicle docking
GO:2000601 0.0163730 6.841033 1.1429960 4 7 positive regulation of Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin nucleation
GO:0006041 0.0163730 6.841033 1.1429960 4 7 glucosamine metabolic process
GO:0006562 0.0163730 6.841033 1.1429960 4 7 proline catabolic process
GO:0036491 0.0163730 6.841033 1.1429960 4 7 regulation of translation initiation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0036492 0.0163730 6.841033 1.1429960 4 7 eiF2alpha phosphorylation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0000101 0.0163730 6.841033 1.1429960 4 7 sulfur amino acid transport
GO:0034720 0.0163730 6.841033 1.1429960 4 7 histone H3-K4 demethylation
GO:0045625 0.0163730 6.841033 1.1429960 4 7 regulation of T-helper 1 cell differentiation
GO:0007029 0.0165457 2.083447 8.4908274 15 52 endoplasmic reticulum organization
GO:0046825 0.0167411 2.226442 7.0212611 13 43 regulation of protein export from nucleus
GO:0032309 0.0167411 2.226442 7.0212611 13 43 icosanoid secretion
GO:0016482 0.0170187 1.528738 27.1053335 38 166 cytosolic transport
GO:0006506 0.0171165 2.567961 4.8985542 10 30 GPI anchor biosynthetic process
GO:0071287 0.0172738 3.849553 2.2859920 6 14 cellular response to manganese ion
GO:0097284 0.0172738 3.849553 2.2859920 6 14 hepatocyte apoptotic process
GO:0010866 0.0172738 3.849553 2.2859920 6 14 regulation of triglyceride biosynthetic process
GO:0000478 0.0172738 3.849553 2.2859920 6 14 endonucleolytic cleavage involved in rRNA processing
GO:0010663 0.0172738 3.849553 2.2859920 6 14 positive regulation of striated muscle cell apoptotic process
GO:0010666 0.0172738 3.849553 2.2859920 6 14 positive regulation of cardiac muscle cell apoptotic process
GO:0046578 0.0176525 1.425580 39.1884340 52 240 regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
GO:1904292 0.0180282 2.718596 4.2454137 9 26 regulation of ERAD pathway
GO:0008206 0.0183443 2.115799 7.8376868 14 48 bile acid metabolic process
GO:0006614 0.0183453 2.283176 6.3681205 12 39 SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane
GO:0015693 0.0184903 3.266793 2.9391325 7 18 magnesium ion transport
GO:0018195 0.0184903 3.266793 2.9391325 7 18 peptidyl-arginine modification
GO:0006305 0.0185916 1.941786 10.1236788 17 62 DNA alkylation
GO:0006306 0.0185916 1.941786 10.1236788 17 62 DNA methylation
GO:0051345 0.0189215 1.233303 117.0754465 138 717 positive regulation of hydrolase activity
GO:0046883 0.0196628 1.382631 45.5565545 59 279 regulation of hormone secretion
GO:0019432 0.0200040 2.354159 5.7149800 11 35 triglyceride biosynthetic process
GO:0005996 0.0200067 1.423416 37.7188677 50 231 monosaccharide metabolic process
GO:0016197 0.0201703 1.364975 49.1488276 63 301 endosomal transport
GO:0047496 0.0203030 2.154465 7.1845462 13 44 vesicle transport along microtubule
GO:0006643 0.0213529 1.452713 32.6570283 44 200 membrane lipid metabolic process
GO:1990089 0.0216981 1.899435 10.2869639 17 63 response to nerve growth factor
GO:0035023 0.0218846 1.535055 24.1662010 34 148 regulation of Rho protein signal transduction
GO:0033013 0.0219287 2.055198 8.0009719 14 49 tetrapyrrole metabolic process
GO:0008333 0.0219287 2.055198 8.0009719 14 49 endosome to lysosome transport
GO:0006378 0.0224173 2.201473 6.5314057 12 40 mRNA polyadenylation
GO:0071823 0.0225041 4.276308 1.7961366 5 11 protein-carbohydrate complex subunit organization
GO:2000651 0.0225041 4.276308 1.7961366 5 11 positive regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transporter activity
GO:0019374 0.0225041 4.276308 1.7961366 5 11 galactolipid metabolic process
GO:0032025 0.0225041 4.276308 1.7961366 5 11 response to cobalt ion
GO:0002505 0.0225041 4.276308 1.7961366 5 11 antigen processing and presentation of polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II
GO:0002506 0.0225041 4.276308 1.7961366 5 11 polysaccharide assembly with MHC class II protein complex
GO:0006681 0.0225041 4.276308 1.7961366 5 11 galactosylceramide metabolic process
GO:0000098 0.0225041 4.276308 1.7961366 5 11 sulfur amino acid catabolic process
GO:0065006 0.0225041 4.276308 1.7961366 5 11 protein-carbohydrate complex assembly
GO:0034384 0.0225041 4.276308 1.7961366 5 11 high-density lipoprotein particle clearance
GO:0034975 0.0225041 4.276308 1.7961366 5 11 protein folding in endoplasmic reticulum
GO:0031329 0.0227406 1.228307 113.1566031 133 693 regulation of cellular catabolic process
GO:0008202 0.0229760 1.353400 49.4753979 63 303 steroid metabolic process
GO:1901698 0.0231056 1.180372 179.6136557 204 1100 response to nitrogen compound
GO:0120033 0.0232197 2.567376 4.4086988 9 27 negative regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly
GO:0043087 0.0233043 1.280299 75.6010205 92 463 regulation of GTPase activity
GO:1903214 0.0234075 1.772734 12.7362410 20 78 regulation of protein targeting to mitochondrion
GO:0009914 0.0234173 1.326829 56.6599441 71 347 hormone transport
GO:0012501 0.0235052 1.141203 298.6485239 329 1829 programmed cell death
GO:1900006 0.0239144 1.713928 14.3690925 22 88 positive regulation of dendrite development
GO:0006885 0.0240253 1.648420 16.8183696 25 103 regulation of pH
GO:0046889 0.0243337 1.912129 9.6338234 16 59 positive regulation of lipid biosynthetic process
GO:0071383 0.0243443 1.397635 39.0251488 51 239 cellular response to steroid hormone stimulus
GO:0030258 0.0247789 1.386222 40.8212854 53 250 lipid modification
GO:2000647 0.0248867 3.421576 2.4492771 6 15 negative regulation of stem cell proliferation
GO:0035269 0.0248867 3.421576 2.4492771 6 15 protein O-linked mannosylation
GO:0010893 0.0248867 3.421576 2.4492771 6 15 positive regulation of steroid biosynthetic process
GO:0030157 0.0248867 3.421576 2.4492771 6 15 pancreatic juice secretion
GO:0045792 0.0248867 3.421576 2.4492771 6 15 negative regulation of cell size
GO:0045838 0.0248867 3.421576 2.4492771 6 15 positive regulation of membrane potential
GO:0051238 0.0248867 3.421576 2.4492771 6 15 sequestering of metal ion
GO:1904377 0.0251838 1.858886 10.4502491 17 64 positive regulation of protein localization to cell periphery
GO:0060049 0.0252397 2.994343 3.1024177 7 19 regulation of protein glycosylation
GO:0071361 0.0252397 2.994343 3.1024177 7 19 cellular response to ethanol
GO:0035268 0.0252397 2.994343 3.1024177 7 19 protein mannosylation
GO:0009226 0.0252397 2.994343 3.1024177 7 19 nucleotide-sugar biosynthetic process
GO:0006491 0.0252397 2.994343 3.1024177 7 19 N-glycan processing
GO:0000466 0.0252397 2.994343 3.1024177 7 19 maturation of 5.8S rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA)
GO:1900721 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 positive regulation of uterine smooth muscle relaxation
GO:1900719 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of uterine smooth muscle relaxation
GO:0001575 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 globoside metabolic process
GO:2000275 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler activity
GO:0071401 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 cellular response to triglyceride
GO:0097086 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 amniotic stem cell differentiation
GO:2000797 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of amniotic stem cell differentiation
GO:2000798 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of amniotic stem cell differentiation
GO:2000740 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation
GO:0071106 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 adenosine 3’,5’-bisphosphate transmembrane transport
GO:2000706 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of dense core granule biogenesis
GO:0060720 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 spongiotrophoblast cell proliferation
GO:0060721 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of spongiotrophoblast cell proliferation
GO:0060722 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 cell proliferation involved in embryonic placenta development
GO:0060723 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of cell proliferation involved in embryonic placenta development
GO:0071231 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 cellular response to folic acid
GO:0015805 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine transport
GO:1904289 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of mitotic DNA damage checkpoint
GO:1904211 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 membrane protein proteolysis involved in retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol
GO:1904761 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of myofibroblast differentiation
GO:2000661 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 positive regulation of interleukin-1-mediated signaling pathway
GO:2000666 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of interleukin-13 secretion
GO:0031204 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 posttranslational protein targeting to membrane, translocation
GO:1904844 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 response to L-glutamine
GO:1904845 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 cellular response to L-glutamine
GO:0071586 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 CAAX-box protein processing
GO:0071678 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 olfactory bulb axon guidance
GO:0009085 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 lysine biosynthetic process
GO:1904643 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 response to curcumin
GO:0090214 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 spongiotrophoblast layer developmental growth
GO:0060974 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 cell migration involved in heart formation
GO:0060935 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 cardiac fibroblast cell differentiation
GO:0060936 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 cardiac fibroblast cell development
GO:0060938 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 epicardium-derived cardiac fibroblast cell differentiation
GO:0060939 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 epicardium-derived cardiac fibroblast cell development
GO:0035349 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 coenzyme A transmembrane transport
GO:0035498 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 carnosine metabolic process
GO:0019878 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 lysine biosynthetic process via aminoadipic acid
GO:0097699 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 vascular endothelial cell response to fluid shear stress
GO:0080120 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 CAAX-box protein maturation
GO:0080121 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 AMP transport
GO:0035752 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 lysosomal lumen pH elevation
GO:0006452 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 translational frameshifting
GO:0006427 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 histidyl-tRNA aminoacylation
GO:0006850 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 mitochondrial pyruvate transmembrane transport
GO:0006597 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 spermine biosynthetic process
GO:0006529 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 asparagine biosynthetic process
GO:0006507 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 GPI anchor release
GO:0044558 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 uterine smooth muscle relaxation
GO:0036494 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 positive regulation of translation initiation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:1901250 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of lung goblet cell differentiation
GO:1901249 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of lung goblet cell differentiation
GO:0048334 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of mesodermal cell fate determination
GO:0048335 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of mesodermal cell fate determination
GO:0003147 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 neural crest cell migration involved in heart formation
GO:1905397 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 activated CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell apoptotic process
GO:0140009 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 L-aspartate import across plasma membrane
GO:0036510 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 trimming of terminal mannose on C branch
GO:0036509 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 trimming of terminal mannose on B branch
GO:1905429 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 response to glycine
GO:2001203 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 positive regulation of transforming growth factor-beta secretion
GO:0048817 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of hair follicle maturation
GO:1905430 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 cellular response to glycine
GO:1905402 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of activated CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell apoptotic process
GO:1901962 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine transmembrane transport
GO:0061713 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 anterior neural tube closure
GO:1905281 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 positive regulation of retrograde transport, endosome to Golgi
GO:0007387 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 anterior compartment pattern formation
GO:0007388 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 posterior compartment specification
GO:0061853 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of neuroblast migration
GO:0061855 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of neuroblast migration
GO:0010897 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of triglyceride catabolic process
GO:1990134 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 epithelial cell apoptotic process involved in palatal shelf morphogenesis
GO:1902038 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 positive regulation of hematopoietic stem cell differentiation
GO:0033860 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of NAD(P)H oxidase activity
GO:1905603 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of maintenance of permeability of blood-brain barrier
GO:1905604 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of maintenance of permeability of blood-brain barrier
GO:0030037 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 actin filament reorganization involved in cell cycle
GO:1905933 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of cell fate determination
GO:1905934 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of cell fate determination
GO:0030328 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 prenylcysteine catabolic process
GO:0030329 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 prenylcysteine metabolic process
GO:1902504 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of signal transduction involved in mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint
GO:0018175 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 protein nucleotidylation
GO:0018117 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 protein adenylylation
GO:0034642 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 mitochondrion migration along actin filament
GO:0042351 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 ‘de novo’ GDP-L-fucose biosynthetic process
GO:0051388 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 positive regulation of neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway
GO:1903789 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of amino acid transmembrane transport
GO:1903895 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of IRE1-mediated unfolded protein response
GO:0089712 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 L-aspartate transmembrane transport
GO:0045905 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 positive regulation of translational termination
GO:1903547 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 regulation of growth hormone activity
GO:0051780 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 behavioral response to nutrient
GO:0051886 0.0266537 Inf 0.3265703 2 2 negative regulation of timing of anagen
GO:0090277 0.0266959 1.611099 17.7980804 26 109 positive regulation of peptide hormone secretion
GO:0032411 0.0269912 1.645525 16.1652290 24 99 positive regulation of transporter activity
GO:0010906 0.0269912 1.645525 16.1652290 24 99 regulation of glucose metabolic process
GO:0043631 0.0271186 2.125406 6.6946908 12 41 RNA polyadenylation
GO:0010821 0.0284441 1.432040 31.5140323 42 193 regulation of mitochondrion organization
GO:1900102 0.0285557 5.130402 1.3062811 4 8 negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response
GO:0046501 0.0285557 5.130402 1.3062811 4 8 protoporphyrinogen IX metabolic process
GO:1904293 0.0285557 5.130402 1.3062811 4 8 negative regulation of ERAD pathway
GO:0090188 0.0285557 5.130402 1.3062811 4 8 negative regulation of pancreatic juice secretion
GO:0006657 0.0285557 5.130402 1.3062811 4 8 CDP-choline pathway
GO:0036490 0.0285557 5.130402 1.3062811 4 8 regulation of translation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:2001171 0.0285557 5.130402 1.3062811 4 8 positive regulation of ATP biosynthetic process
GO:0017187 0.0285557 5.130402 1.3062811 4 8 peptidyl-glutamic acid carboxylation
GO:0007042 0.0285557 5.130402 1.3062811 4 8 lysosomal lumen acidification
GO:1990416 0.0285557 5.130402 1.3062811 4 8 cellular response to brain-derived neurotrophic factor stimulus
GO:0010807 0.0285557 5.130402 1.3062811 4 8 regulation of synaptic vesicle priming
GO:0042373 0.0285557 5.130402 1.3062811 4 8 vitamin K metabolic process
GO:0051262 0.0295092 1.464841 27.2686186 37 167 protein tetramerization
GO:0006638 0.0296972 1.591803 17.9613656 26 110 neutral lipid metabolic process
GO:0006639 0.0296972 1.591803 17.9613656 26 110 acylglycerol metabolic process
GO:0046460 0.0300777 2.172754 6.0415502 11 37 neutral lipid biosynthetic process
GO:0046463 0.0300777 2.172754 6.0415502 11 37 acylglycerol biosynthetic process
GO:0042982 0.0300777 2.172754 6.0415502 11 37 amyloid precursor protein metabolic process
GO:0010662 0.0300777 2.172754 6.0415502 11 37 regulation of striated muscle cell apoptotic process
GO:0007041 0.0301886 1.623755 16.3285142 24 100 lysosomal transport
GO:0043648 0.0303415 1.642412 15.5120885 23 95 dicarboxylic acid metabolic process
GO:0071364 0.0306322 1.943823 8.3275422 14 51 cellular response to epidermal growth factor stimulus
GO:0090278 0.0306322 1.943823 8.3275422 14 51 negative regulation of peptide hormone secretion
GO:0048813 0.0314984 1.482585 24.8193415 34 152 dendrite morphogenesis
GO:0019318 0.0314995 1.407081 33.4734540 44 205 hexose metabolic process
GO:0015682 0.0316427 2.566791 3.9188434 8 24 ferric iron transport
GO:0032365 0.0316427 2.566791 3.9188434 8 24 intracellular lipid transport
GO:0072512 0.0316427 2.566791 3.9188434 8 24 trivalent inorganic cation transport
GO:0018345 0.0316427 2.566791 3.9188434 8 24 protein palmitoylation
GO:1903078 0.0318324 1.879636 9.1439679 15 56 positive regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane
GO:0046879 0.0323086 1.307975 54.8638076 68 336 hormone secretion
GO:0006040 0.0324967 2.054410 6.8579759 12 42 amino sugar metabolic process
GO:2000107 0.0332639 2.232523 5.3884097 10 33 negative regulation of leukocyte apoptotic process
GO:0043171 0.0332639 2.232523 5.3884097 10 33 peptide catabolic process
GO:0000460 0.0332639 2.232523 5.3884097 10 33 maturation of 5.8S rRNA
GO:1905477 0.0333330 1.587020 17.3082250 25 106 positive regulation of protein localization to membrane
GO:0046349 0.0334879 3.665140 1.9594217 5 12 amino sugar biosynthetic process
GO:2000188 0.0334879 3.665140 1.9594217 5 12 regulation of cholesterol homeostasis
GO:0031293 0.0334879 3.665140 1.9594217 5 12 membrane protein intracellular domain proteolysis
GO:0002115 0.0334879 3.665140 1.9594217 5 12 store-operated calcium entry
GO:0006659 0.0334879 3.665140 1.9594217 5 12 phosphatidylserine biosynthetic process
GO:0010763 0.0334879 3.665140 1.9594217 5 12 positive regulation of fibroblast migration
GO:0070233 0.0334879 3.665140 1.9594217 5 12 negative regulation of T cell apoptotic process
GO:0038128 0.0334958 2.763808 3.2657028 7 20 ERBB2 signaling pathway
GO:1903912 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced eIF2 alpha phosphorylation
GO:0015811 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 L-cystine transport
GO:0060736 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 prostate gland growth
GO:2000845 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 positive regulation of testosterone secretion
GO:1904781 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 positive regulation of protein localization to centrosome
GO:1904779 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 regulation of protein localization to centrosome
GO:0071569 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 protein ufmylation
GO:0090118 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 receptor-mediated endocytosis involved in cholesterol transport
GO:0019249 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 lactate biosynthetic process
GO:0009448 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 gamma-aminobutyric acid metabolic process
GO:0035726 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 common myeloid progenitor cell proliferation
GO:0072382 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 minus-end-directed vesicle transport along microtubule
GO:0006438 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 valyl-tRNA aminoacylation
GO:0044107 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 cellular alcohol metabolic process
GO:0044108 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 cellular alcohol biosynthetic process
GO:0044828 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 negative regulation by host of viral genome replication
GO:2001166 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 regulation of histone H2B ubiquitination
GO:2001168 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 positive regulation of histone H2B ubiquitination
GO:2001170 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 negative regulation of ATP biosynthetic process
GO:2001140 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 positive regulation of phospholipid transport
GO:2001138 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 regulation of phospholipid transport
GO:0000056 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 ribosomal small subunit export from nucleus
GO:0033133 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 positive regulation of glucokinase activity
GO:0010986 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 positive regulation of lipoprotein particle clearance
GO:0030473 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 nuclear migration along microtubule
GO:0045073 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 regulation of chemokine biosynthetic process
GO:0045006 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 DNA deamination
GO:0042426 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 choline catabolic process
GO:1903800 0.0335457 7.693855 0.8164257 3 5 positive regulation of production of miRNAs involved in gene silencing by miRNA
GO:0030004 0.0336650 1.602551 16.4917993 24 101 cellular monovalent inorganic cation homeostasis
GO:0030641 0.0342366 1.660691 14.0425222 21 86 regulation of cellular pH
GO:0071715 0.0343816 1.963936 7.6744017 13 47 icosanoid transport
GO:1901571 0.0343816 1.963936 7.6744017 13 47 fatty acid derivative transport
GO:0060457 0.0344440 3.079195 2.6125623 6 16 negative regulation of digestive system process
GO:0046655 0.0344440 3.079195 2.6125623 6 16 folic acid metabolic process
GO:0016024 0.0344440 3.079195 2.6125623 6 16 CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process
GO:0036315 0.0344440 3.079195 2.6125623 6 16 cellular response to sterol
GO:0007035 0.0344440 3.079195 2.6125623 6 16 vacuolar acidification
GO:0045117 0.0344440 3.079195 2.6125623 6 16 azole transport
GO:1900363 0.0344440 3.079195 2.6125623 6 16 regulation of mRNA polyadenylation
GO:0006090 0.0347306 1.521993 20.7372130 29 127 pyruvate metabolic process
GO:0008643 0.0351089 1.476286 24.1662010 33 148 carbohydrate transport
GO:0045862 0.0356655 1.284585 60.5787875 74 371 positive regulation of proteolysis
GO:0006576 0.0358219 1.892532 8.4908274 14 52 cellular biogenic amine metabolic process
GO:1902305 0.0358219 1.892532 8.4908274 14 52 regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transport
GO:0042558 0.0362804 2.092129 6.2048354 11 38 pteridine-containing compound metabolic process
GO:0006699 0.0362804 2.092129 6.2048354 11 38 bile acid biosynthetic process
GO:0051186 0.0364387 1.266171 67.9266189 82 416 cofactor metabolic process
GO:0001881 0.0366299 2.310302 4.7352691 9 29 receptor recycling
GO:0010817 0.0366850 1.239560 82.6222816 98 506 regulation of hormone levels
GO:0010565 0.0373854 1.498060 21.7169238 30 133 regulation of cellular ketone metabolic process
GO:0007265 0.0376137 1.280180 60.7420726 74 372 Ras protein signal transduction
GO:0051453 0.0385656 1.657881 13.3893816 20 82 regulation of intracellular pH
GO:0044728 0.0385899 1.683467 12.5729559 19 77 DNA methylation or demethylation
GO:0010611 0.0385956 1.987994 7.0212611 12 43 regulation of cardiac muscle hypertrophy
GO:0006732 0.0390018 1.284072 58.1295104 71 356 coenzyme metabolic process
GO:0034220 0.0398256 1.158806 177.6542340 199 1088 ion transmembrane transport
GO:0048011 0.0400701 2.415628 4.0821285 8 25 neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway
GO:0061099 0.0400701 2.415628 4.0821285 8 25 negative regulation of protein tyrosine kinase activity
GO:1905476 0.0400701 2.415628 4.0821285 8 25 negative regulation of protein localization to membrane
GO:0018198 0.0400701 2.415628 4.0821285 8 25 peptidyl-cysteine modification
GO:0030521 0.0403383 1.907685 7.8376868 13 48 androgen receptor signaling pathway
GO:2000272 0.0404479 2.139345 5.5516948 10 34 negative regulation of receptor activity
GO:0010665 0.0404479 2.139345 5.5516948 10 34 regulation of cardiac muscle cell apoptotic process
GO:1902652 0.0416172 1.450838 24.4927712 33 150 secondary alcohol metabolic process
GO:0016236 0.0419260 1.339799 40.3314300 51 247 macroautophagy
GO:0061726 0.0425531 1.592648 15.1855182 22 93 mitochondrion disassembly
GO:0000422 0.0425531 1.592648 15.1855182 22 93 autophagy of mitochondrion
GO:0007272 0.0426364 1.499781 20.2473576 28 124 ensheathment of neurons
GO:0008366 0.0426364 1.499781 20.2473576 28 124 axon ensheathment
GO:0051056 0.0426681 1.283544 55.6802333 68 341 regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
GO:0044249 0.0429323 1.080214 903.9465436 943 5536 cellular biosynthetic process
GO:0097061 0.0429650 1.610883 14.3690925 21 88 dendritic spine organization
GO:1901983 0.0430914 1.748885 10.2869639 16 63 regulation of protein acetylation
GO:0007528 0.0430914 1.748885 10.2869639 16 63 neuromuscular junction development
GO:0010658 0.0433264 2.017263 6.3681205 11 39 striated muscle cell apoptotic process
GO:0018023 0.0433264 2.017263 6.3681205 11 39 peptidyl-lysine trimethylation
GO:0072337 0.0433670 2.566207 3.4289880 7 21 modified amino acid transport
GO:0000469 0.0433670 2.566207 3.4289880 7 21 cleavage involved in rRNA processing
GO:0070229 0.0433670 2.566207 3.4289880 7 21 negative regulation of lymphocyte apoptotic process
GO:0051016 0.0433670 2.566207 3.4289880 7 21 barbed-end actin filament capping
GO:1903052 0.0440688 1.433555 25.4724821 34 156 positive regulation of proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process
GO:0007266 0.0444869 1.376706 32.4937432 42 199 Rho protein signal transduction
GO:0031331 0.0446891 1.274636 57.6396550 70 353 positive regulation of cellular catabolic process
GO:0051938 0.0448684 4.104024 1.4695663 4 9 L-glutamate import
GO:2000812 0.0448684 4.104024 1.4695663 4 9 regulation of barbed-end actin filament capping
GO:0090186 0.0448684 4.104024 1.4695663 4 9 regulation of pancreatic juice secretion
GO:0035701 0.0448684 4.104024 1.4695663 4 9 hematopoietic stem cell migration
GO:1990314 0.0448684 4.104024 1.4695663 4 9 cellular response to insulin-like growth factor stimulus
GO:0061626 0.0448684 4.104024 1.4695663 4 9 pharyngeal arch artery morphogenesis
GO:0010918 0.0448684 4.104024 1.4695663 4 9 positive regulation of mitochondrial membrane potential
GO:0070417 0.0448684 4.104024 1.4695663 4 9 cellular response to cold
GO:0018214 0.0448684 4.104024 1.4695663 4 9 protein carboxylation
GO:0045945 0.0448684 4.104024 1.4695663 4 9 positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase III promoter
GO:0006891 0.0449928 2.200128 4.8985542 9 30 intra-Golgi vesicle-mediated transport
GO:0042133 0.0449928 2.200128 4.8985542 9 30 neurotransmitter metabolic process
GO:0043543 0.0450457 1.364198 34.2898797 44 210 protein acylation
GO:0032869 0.0450457 1.364198 34.2898797 44 210 cellular response to insulin stimulus
GO:0032873 0.0454554 1.925729 7.1845462 12 44 negative regulation of stress-activated MAPK cascade
GO:0070303 0.0454554 1.925729 7.1845462 12 44 negative regulation of stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade
GO:0097106 0.0460784 2.799065 2.7758474 6 17 postsynaptic density organization
GO:0002097 0.0460784 2.799065 2.7758474 6 17 tRNA wobble base modification
GO:0006684 0.0460784 2.799065 2.7758474 6 17 sphingomyelin metabolic process
GO:1902307 0.0460784 2.799065 2.7758474 6 17 positive regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transport
GO:0099084 0.0460784 2.799065 2.7758474 6 17 postsynaptic specialization organization
GO:1904294 0.0472764 3.206765 2.1227068 5 13 positive regulation of ERAD pathway
GO:0035751 0.0472764 3.206765 2.1227068 5 13 regulation of lysosomal lumen pH
GO:0035970 0.0472764 3.206765 2.1227068 5 13 peptidyl-threonine dephosphorylation
GO:0006750 0.0472764 3.206765 2.1227068 5 13 glutathione biosynthetic process
GO:0006896 0.0472764 3.206765 2.1227068 5 13 Golgi to vacuole transport
GO:0006596 0.0472764 3.206765 2.1227068 5 13 polyamine biosynthetic process
GO:0045472 0.0472764 3.206765 2.1227068 5 13 response to ether
GO:0006835 0.0472922 1.570413 15.3488033 22 94 dicarboxylic acid transport
GO:0046916 0.0478900 1.587077 14.5323776 21 89 cellular transition metal ion homeostasis
GO:0045913 0.0480380 1.797644 8.8173976 14 54 positive regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process
GO:0000462 0.0486255 2.053622 5.7149800 10 35 maturation of SSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA)
GO:0010559 0.0486255 2.053622 5.7149800 10 35 regulation of glycoprotein biosynthetic process
GO:0038179 0.0486255 2.053622 5.7149800 10 35 neurotrophin signaling pathway
GO:0033143 0.0490606 1.712325 10.4502491 16 64 regulation of intracellular steroid hormone receptor signaling pathway
GO:0006518 0.0494891 1.175922 127.6889807 145 782 peptide metabolic process
GO:0009755 0.0496452 1.357517 33.6367392 43 206 hormone-mediated signaling pathway

546 one-to-one orthologs

GOBPID Pvalue OddsRatio ExpCount Count Size Term
GO:0033036 0.0000000 1.878512 82.7840695 133 2821 macromolecule localization
GO:0045184 0.0000000 1.987831 54.2014096 95 1847 establishment of protein localization
GO:0071702 0.0000000 1.845903 73.3347713 118 2499 organic substance transport
GO:0008104 0.0000001 1.844346 72.6891670 117 2477 protein localization
GO:0015031 0.0000001 1.986998 51.0907710 90 1741 protein transport
GO:0006886 0.0000001 2.366028 25.2666019 54 861 intracellular protein transport
GO:0015833 0.0000002 1.932024 52.3232882 90 1783 peptide transport
GO:0042886 0.0000002 1.921582 53.2036576 91 1813 amide transport
GO:0051179 0.0000003 1.601451 172.8165138 226 5889 localization
GO:0051234 0.0000003 1.628170 135.6942706 186 4624 establishment of localization
GO:0070727 0.0000003 1.956044 46.1607024 81 1573 cellular macromolecule localization
GO:0006810 0.0000004 1.628337 132.2901756 182 4508 transport
GO:0071705 0.0000005 1.830835 60.7748344 99 2071 nitrogen compound transport
GO:0006520 0.0000006 3.236773 9.2145331 27 314 cellular amino acid metabolic process
GO:0034613 0.0000010 1.912431 45.8085546 79 1561 cellular protein localization
GO:0051649 0.0000012 1.824826 55.5806550 91 1894 establishment of localization in cell
GO:0009235 0.0000015 25.106918 0.4108391 6 14 cobalamin metabolic process
GO:0034976 0.0000019 3.393103 7.4831399 23 255 response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0019752 0.0000020 2.117656 28.4359317 55 969 carboxylic acid metabolic process
GO:0043436 0.0000026 2.054740 30.9009660 58 1053 oxoacid metabolic process
GO:0046907 0.0000030 1.870670 44.7814569 76 1526 intracellular transport
GO:0006888 0.0000034 4.156436 4.5779209 17 156 ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport
GO:0006555 0.0000039 20.083019 0.4695303 6 16 methionine metabolic process
GO:0051641 0.0000043 1.677163 74.8020536 112 2549 cellular localization
GO:0009086 0.0000048 33.412134 0.2934565 5 10 methionine biosynthetic process
GO:0000096 0.0000048 10.331984 0.9977520 8 34 sulfur amino acid metabolic process
GO:0006082 0.0000051 2.005233 31.5759159 58 1076 organic acid metabolic process
GO:0048193 0.0000055 2.994549 9.1264961 25 311 Golgi vesicle transport
GO:0009067 0.0000058 18.256146 0.4988760 6 17 aspartate family amino acid biosynthetic process
GO:0009066 0.0000108 7.564557 1.4379367 9 49 aspartate family amino acid metabolic process
GO:0006790 0.0000209 2.749442 9.8601373 25 336 sulfur compound metabolic process
GO:1901605 0.0000240 3.378007 5.8397837 18 199 alpha-amino acid metabolic process
GO:0044281 0.0000369 1.662390 57.9869980 88 1976 small molecule metabolic process
GO:0010893 0.0000502 16.700837 0.4401847 5 15 positive regulation of steroid biosynthetic process
GO:0044272 0.0000509 3.847349 4.0203536 14 137 sulfur compound biosynthetic process
GO:0046835 0.0000531 11.151642 0.7042955 6 24 carbohydrate phosphorylation
GO:0016192 0.0000583 1.705835 47.1291087 74 1606 vesicle-mediated transport
GO:0000097 0.0000712 15.181628 0.4695303 5 16 sulfur amino acid biosynthetic process
GO:0006901 0.0000861 7.816667 1.0857889 7 37 vesicle coating
GO:0006575 0.0001474 3.129656 5.5463272 16 189 cellular modified amino acid metabolic process
GO:1901566 0.0001512 1.632312 51.0614254 77 1740 organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process
GO:0010256 0.0001744 2.334999 11.9143326 26 406 endomembrane system organization
GO:0071447 0.0002051 19.050403 0.3228021 4 11 cellular response to hydroperoxide
GO:1902275 0.0002056 3.168269 5.1354882 15 175 regulation of chromatin organization
GO:0071265 0.0002403 49.918750 0.1467282 3 5 L-methionine biosynthetic process
GO:0044237 0.0002617 1.401703 281.8355915 319 9604 cellular metabolic process
GO:0048199 0.0002683 6.335056 1.2912085 7 44 vesicle targeting, to, from or within Golgi
GO:0045940 0.0002938 10.434100 0.6162586 5 21 positive regulation of steroid metabolic process
GO:0045176 0.0003006 16.668059 0.3521478 4 12 apical protein localization
GO:0033044 0.0004079 2.432982 9.2145331 21 314 regulation of chromosome organization
GO:0048207 0.0004139 7.164421 0.9977520 6 34 vesicle targeting, rough ER to cis-Golgi
GO:0048208 0.0004139 7.164421 0.9977520 6 34 COPII vesicle coating
GO:0006767 0.0005430 4.787970 1.8781214 8 64 water-soluble vitamin metabolic process
GO:0050667 0.0005801 13.332777 0.4108391 4 14 homocysteine metabolic process
GO:0045454 0.0006036 4.703675 1.9074670 8 65 cell redox homeostasis
GO:0070059 0.0006036 4.703675 1.9074670 8 65 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0043603 0.0006106 1.740038 28.7293882 47 979 cellular amide metabolic process
GO:0006457 0.0006529 2.812678 5.7224011 15 195 protein folding
GO:0043039 0.0006794 5.324866 1.4966280 7 51 tRNA aminoacylation
GO:0006418 0.0006794 5.324866 1.4966280 7 51 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation
GO:0008286 0.0007038 3.456340 3.4627863 11 118 insulin receptor signaling pathway
GO:0006890 0.0007412 4.543657 1.9661583 8 67 retrograde vesicle-mediated transport, Golgi to ER
GO:0043038 0.0007656 5.206209 1.5259736 7 52 amino acid activation
GO:0044267 0.0007663 1.372572 137.0148247 169 4669 cellular protein metabolic process
GO:2000601 0.0008049 24.956250 0.2054195 3 7 positive regulation of Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin nucleation
GO:0006850 0.0008594 Inf 0.0586913 2 2 mitochondrial pyruvate transmembrane transport
GO:0006413 0.0009297 3.330948 3.5801689 11 122 translational initiation
GO:0048194 0.0009637 4.984043 1.5846649 7 54 Golgi vesicle budding
GO:1901575 0.0009801 1.513929 55.1991615 78 1881 organic substance catabolic process
GO:0006986 0.0009834 3.105536 4.1670818 12 142 response to unfolded protein
GO:0008152 0.0009853 1.364937 305.6055653 338 10414 metabolic process
GO:0035966 0.0009957 2.938041 4.7539948 13 162 response to topologically incorrect protein
GO:0045834 0.0010634 3.271580 3.6388602 11 124 positive regulation of lipid metabolic process
GO:0044248 0.0010854 1.497212 57.9869980 81 1976 cellular catabolic process
GO:0090114 0.0011637 5.729021 1.2031715 6 41 COPII-coated vesicle budding
GO:0043401 0.0011786 2.879507 4.8420317 13 165 steroid hormone mediated signaling pathway
GO:0030518 0.0011929 3.460910 3.1399842 10 107 intracellular steroid hormone receptor signaling pathway
GO:0007030 0.0012125 3.214278 3.6975515 11 126 Golgi organization
GO:1990416 0.0012598 19.963750 0.2347652 3 8 cellular response to brain-derived neurotrophic factor stimulus
GO:1900038 0.0012598 19.963750 0.2347652 3 8 negative regulation of cellular response to hypoxia
GO:0006089 0.0012860 10.254055 0.4988760 4 17 lactate metabolic process
GO:0033194 0.0012860 10.254055 0.4988760 4 17 response to hydroperoxide
GO:0034620 0.0013743 3.390565 3.1986755 10 109 cellular response to unfolded protein
GO:0035967 0.0013784 3.158934 3.7562428 11 128 cellular response to topologically incorrect protein
GO:1901564 0.0014099 1.327452 184.8188833 217 6298 organonitrogen compound metabolic process
GO:0001881 0.0014132 6.952580 0.8510238 5 29 receptor recycling
GO:0071354 0.0014132 6.952580 0.8510238 5 29 cellular response to interleukin-6
GO:1905269 0.0014731 3.356448 3.2280211 10 110 positive regulation of chromatin organization
GO:1901607 0.0014797 4.591984 1.7020475 7 58 alpha-amino acid biosynthetic process
GO:0071704 0.0015814 1.335730 289.4654596 321 9864 organic substance metabolic process
GO:0009056 0.0015845 1.448492 66.6439638 90 2271 catabolic process
GO:0046395 0.0016056 2.465088 6.8962270 16 235 carboxylic acid catabolic process
GO:0016054 0.0016056 2.465088 6.8962270 16 235 organic acid catabolic process
GO:0071514 0.0016154 9.521026 0.5282216 4 18 genetic imprinting
GO:0009058 0.0016234 1.327276 167.8277538 199 5719 biosynthetic process
GO:0006620 0.0018487 16.635417 0.2641108 3 9 posttranslational protein targeting to endoplasmic reticulum membrane
GO:0016601 0.0019098 5.140139 1.3205541 6 45 Rac protein signal transduction
GO:1902235 0.0019269 6.416962 0.9097150 5 31 regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0006903 0.0021893 4.256952 1.8194301 7 62 vesicle targeting
GO:0043112 0.0022002 2.801132 4.5779209 12 156 receptor metabolic process
GO:2000254 0.0025281 66.424116 0.0880369 2 3 regulation of male germ cell proliferation
GO:0035494 0.0025281 66.424116 0.0880369 2 3 SNARE complex disassembly
GO:1905936 0.0025281 66.424116 0.0880369 2 3 regulation of germ cell proliferation
GO:0006425 0.0025281 66.424116 0.0880369 2 3 glutaminyl-tRNA aminoacylation
GO:0006434 0.0025281 66.424116 0.0880369 2 3 seryl-tRNA aminoacylation
GO:1903297 0.0025281 66.424116 0.0880369 2 3 regulation of hypoxia-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:1903298 0.0025281 66.424116 0.0880369 2 3 negative regulation of hypoxia-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0070741 0.0025652 5.957860 0.9684063 5 33 response to interleukin-6
GO:0044238 0.0026021 1.310645 278.8129899 309 9501 primary metabolic process
GO:0043412 0.0026469 1.340239 116.1794155 143 3959 macromolecule modification
GO:0006807 0.0027342 1.304057 264.6977338 295 9020 nitrogen compound metabolic process
GO:0030968 0.0028736 3.278206 2.9639103 9 101 endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response
GO:0033013 0.0029715 4.660816 1.4379367 6 49 tetrapyrrole metabolic process
GO:0031058 0.0030720 3.242752 2.9932560 9 102 positive regulation of histone modification
GO:0007265 0.0033555 2.023439 10.9165806 21 372 Ras protein signal transduction
GO:0044249 0.0033989 1.300268 162.5161917 191 5538 cellular biosynthetic process
GO:1901565 0.0034080 1.553980 34.5985175 51 1179 organonitrogen compound catabolic process
GO:0000098 0.0034757 12.475000 0.3228021 3 11 sulfur amino acid catabolic process
GO:0031056 0.0034919 2.776109 4.2257731 11 144 regulation of histone modification
GO:0042219 0.0035195 7.403387 0.6456042 4 22 cellular modified amino acid catabolic process
GO:0032869 0.0037089 2.403290 6.1625858 14 210 cellular response to insulin stimulus
GO:0043536 0.0037917 5.380281 1.0564433 5 36 positive regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell migration
GO:0044260 0.0039874 1.283327 215.8665776 245 7356 cellular macromolecule metabolic process
GO:1990928 0.0040187 4.356029 1.5259736 6 52 response to amino acid starvation
GO:0008652 0.0040315 3.774668 2.0248496 7 69 cellular amino acid biosynthetic process
GO:0006900 0.0040315 3.774668 2.0248496 7 69 vesicle budding from membrane
GO:0006464 0.0042162 1.326601 109.1658059 134 3720 cellular protein modification process
GO:0036211 0.0042162 1.326601 109.1658059 134 3720 protein modification process
GO:0006399 0.0046515 2.534471 5.0181056 12 171 tRNA metabolic process
GO:0006518 0.0048038 1.677557 21.2462483 34 724 peptide metabolic process
GO:0050873 0.0048123 5.053569 1.1151346 5 38 brown fat cell differentiation
GO:1901576 0.0048408 1.284649 165.6561760 193 5645 organic substance biosynthetic process
GO:1904253 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 positive regulation of bile acid metabolic process
GO:0070859 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 positive regulation of bile acid biosynthetic process
GO:1901475 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 pyruvate transmembrane transport
GO:0051176 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 positive regulation of sulfur metabolic process
GO:1905564 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 positive regulation of vascular endothelial cell proliferation
GO:1990144 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to hypoxia
GO:0043102 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 amino acid salvage
GO:0019509 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 L-methionine salvage from methylthioadenosine
GO:1990592 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 protein K69-linked ufmylation
GO:1990564 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 protein polyufmylation
GO:0060327 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 cytoplasmic actin-based contraction involved in cell motility
GO:0071267 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 L-methionine salvage
GO:0002176 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 male germ cell proliferation
GO:0036093 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 germ cell proliferation
GO:0002638 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 negative regulation of immunoglobulin production
GO:0006848 0.0049579 33.209979 0.1173826 2 4 pyruvate transport
GO:0009063 0.0050760 2.984396 3.2280211 9 110 cellular amino acid catabolic process
GO:0051186 0.0051424 1.805646 15.0836624 26 514 cofactor metabolic process
GO:0009896 0.0054191 1.933242 11.3861109 21 388 positive regulation of catabolic process
GO:1905897 0.0055103 3.545009 2.1422322 7 73 regulation of response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0071310 0.0056531 1.379337 66.9667659 87 2282 cellular response to organic substance
GO:0106074 0.0057670 9.978750 0.3814934 3 13 aminoacyl-tRNA metabolism involved in translational fidelity
GO:0006349 0.0057670 9.978750 0.3814934 3 13 regulation of gene expression by genetic imprinting
GO:0032922 0.0058108 4.006541 1.6433562 6 56 circadian regulation of gene expression
GO:0045815 0.0060140 4.764196 1.1738259 5 40 positive regulation of gene expression, epigenetic
GO:0072599 0.0063374 3.927735 1.6727019 6 57 establishment of protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum
GO:0070972 0.0063863 3.440311 2.2009235 7 75 protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum
GO:0044242 0.0065082 2.322816 5.8984750 13 201 cellular lipid catabolic process
GO:0016050 0.0066445 1.965769 10.1242481 19 345 vesicle organization
GO:0019538 0.0066594 1.275177 155.2091257 181 5289 protein metabolic process
GO:0019218 0.0067900 3.075910 2.7878364 8 95 regulation of steroid metabolic process
GO:0043604 0.0068455 1.647039 20.9527918 33 714 amide biosynthetic process
GO:0043462 0.0068614 3.390239 2.2302692 7 76 regulation of ATPase activity
GO:0072329 0.0071518 2.815983 3.4040950 9 116 monocarboxylic acid catabolic process
GO:0042659 0.0071816 9.071023 0.4108391 3 14 regulation of cell fate specification
GO:0046325 0.0071816 9.071023 0.4108391 3 14 negative regulation of glucose import
GO:0006553 0.0071816 9.071023 0.4108391 3 14 lysine metabolic process
GO:0006577 0.0071816 9.071023 0.4108391 3 14 amino-acid betaine metabolic process
GO:1900037 0.0071816 9.071023 0.4108391 3 14 regulation of cellular response to hypoxia
GO:0033539 0.0071816 9.071023 0.4108391 3 14 fatty acid beta-oxidation using acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
GO:0032787 0.0073482 1.713080 17.0791664 28 582 monocarboxylic acid metabolic process
GO:0018279 0.0074124 4.506106 1.2325172 5 42 protein N-linked glycosylation via asparagine
GO:0043414 0.0074219 2.079089 8.0700529 16 275 macromolecule methylation
GO:0006605 0.0074512 1.982290 9.5079895 18 324 protein targeting
GO:0046889 0.0074935 3.779044 1.7313932 6 59 positive regulation of lipid biosynthetic process
GO:0051650 0.0075701 2.198633 6.6908075 14 228 establishment of vesicle localization
GO:0043043 0.0076812 1.706696 17.1378577 28 584 peptide biosynthetic process
GO:0009755 0.0079371 2.261923 6.0452032 13 206 hormone-mediated signaling pathway
GO:2000650 0.0081029 22.138600 0.1467282 2 5 negative regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transporter activity
GO:0097056 0.0081029 22.138600 0.1467282 2 5 selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec) biosynthetic process
GO:1902306 0.0081029 22.138600 0.1467282 2 5 negative regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transport
GO:0071043 0.0081029 22.138600 0.1467282 2 5 CUT metabolic process
GO:0071034 0.0081029 22.138600 0.1467282 2 5 CUT catabolic process
GO:0032483 0.0081029 22.138600 0.1467282 2 5 regulation of Rab protein signal transduction
GO:0071569 0.0081029 22.138600 0.1467282 2 5 protein ufmylation
GO:0018196 0.0081901 4.387250 1.2618628 5 43 peptidyl-asparagine modification
GO:0097190 0.0083531 1.712227 16.4629078 27 561 apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0030522 0.0085100 2.101496 7.4831399 15 255 intracellular receptor signaling pathway
GO:1901071 0.0085774 5.550452 0.8216781 4 28 glucosamine-containing compound metabolic process
GO:0097193 0.0087463 2.039063 8.2167811 16 280 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0046459 0.0087838 8.314583 0.4401847 3 15 short-chain fatty acid metabolic process
GO:0002438 0.0087838 8.314583 0.4401847 3 15 acute inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus
GO:0010829 0.0087838 8.314583 0.4401847 3 15 negative regulation of glucose transmembrane transport
GO:2001251 0.0088600 2.713821 3.5214776 9 120 negative regulation of chromosome organization
GO:0051656 0.0091604 1.807295 12.7066650 22 433 establishment of organelle localization
GO:0006766 0.0091654 2.907826 2.9345647 8 100 vitamin metabolic process
GO:0036503 0.0091654 2.907826 2.9345647 8 100 ERAD pathway
GO:0033554 0.0093729 1.391360 52.1765599 69 1778 cellular response to stress
GO:0006305 0.0095021 3.575921 1.8194301 6 62 DNA alkylation
GO:0006306 0.0095021 3.575921 1.8194301 6 62 DNA methylation
GO:0006487 0.0102800 3.117843 2.4063430 7 82 protein N-linked glycosylation
GO:0033365 0.0103370 1.583760 22.3907285 34 763 protein localization to organelle
GO:0034315 0.0105786 7.674519 0.4695303 3 16 regulation of Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin nucleation
GO:0090312 0.0109649 5.122852 0.8803694 4 30 positive regulation of protein deacetylation
GO:0006891 0.0109649 5.122852 0.8803694 4 30 intra-Golgi vesicle-mediated transport
GO:0033143 0.0110376 3.452180 1.8781214 6 64 regulation of intracellular steroid hormone receptor signaling pathway
GO:0032868 0.0111008 2.032672 7.7179051 15 263 response to insulin
GO:0071383 0.0111834 2.089685 7.0136096 14 239 cellular response to steroid hormone stimulus
GO:2001252 0.0112852 2.333163 4.9594143 11 169 positive regulation of chromosome organization
GO:0043413 0.0115692 2.080306 7.0429552 14 240 macromolecule glycosylation
GO:0006486 0.0115692 2.080306 7.0429552 14 240 protein glycosylation
GO:1901264 0.0118677 3.393455 1.9074670 6 65 carbohydrate derivative transport
GO:1904640 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 response to methionine
GO:0061732 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 mitochondrial acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process from pyruvate
GO:1905771 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 negative regulation of mesodermal cell differentiation
GO:0019585 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 glucuronate metabolic process
GO:0031642 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 negative regulation of myelination
GO:1905903 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 negative regulation of mesoderm formation
GO:0071029 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 nuclear ncRNA surveillance
GO:0071046 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 nuclear polyadenylation-dependent ncRNA catabolic process
GO:0071033 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 nuclear retention of pre-mRNA at the site of transcription
GO:0071035 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 nuclear polyadenylation-dependent rRNA catabolic process
GO:0006063 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 uronic acid metabolic process
GO:0002864 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 regulation of acute inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus
GO:0006578 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 amino-acid betaine biosynthetic process
GO:1900376 0.0119192 16.602911 0.1760739 2 6 regulation of secondary metabolite biosynthetic process
GO:0051648 0.0119652 2.071011 7.0723009 14 241 vesicle localization
GO:0034641 0.0119833 1.243296 173.8729570 198 5925 cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process
GO:1904357 0.0123039 4.932808 0.9097150 4 31 negative regulation of telomere maintenance via telomere lengthening
GO:0006450 0.0125699 7.125893 0.4988760 3 17 regulation of translational fidelity
GO:0080182 0.0125699 7.125893 0.4988760 3 17 histone H3-K4 trimethylation
GO:1903830 0.0125699 7.125893 0.4988760 3 17 magnesium ion transmembrane transport
GO:0050810 0.0127409 3.336688 1.9368127 6 66 regulation of steroid biosynthetic process
GO:0030521 0.0129357 3.875888 1.4085910 5 48 androgen receptor signaling pathway
GO:0006732 0.0130112 1.828165 10.8285437 19 369 coenzyme metabolic process
GO:0006612 0.0134660 2.701031 3.1399842 8 107 protein targeting to membrane
GO:0019216 0.0139821 1.846735 10.1535938 18 346 regulation of lipid metabolic process
GO:0045047 0.0140680 3.787562 1.4379367 5 49 protein targeting to ER
GO:0036498 0.0140680 3.787562 1.4379367 5 49 IRE1-mediated unfolded protein response
GO:0044282 0.0147485 1.835308 10.2122851 18 348 small molecule catabolic process
GO:0015693 0.0147608 6.650417 0.5282216 3 18 magnesium ion transport
GO:0019725 0.0149583 1.510025 25.5013670 37 869 cellular homeostasis
GO:0051173 0.0153496 1.297599 79.7614679 98 2718 positive regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process
GO:1901135 0.0154434 1.438147 34.0702959 47 1161 carbohydrate derivative metabolic process
GO:0070085 0.0155253 1.999492 7.3070660 14 249 glycosylation
GO:0051640 0.0155272 1.604798 18.1356097 28 618 organelle localization
GO:0018193 0.0156618 1.436761 34.0996415 47 1162 peptidyl-amino acid modification
GO:0000101 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 sulfur amino acid transport
GO:0022417 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 protein maturation by protein folding
GO:0034720 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 histone H3-K4 demethylation
GO:0045629 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 negative regulation of T-helper 2 cell differentiation
GO:0070814 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 hydrogen sulfide biosynthetic process
GO:1901858 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 regulation of mitochondrial DNA metabolic process
GO:0046886 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 positive regulation of hormone biosynthetic process
GO:1905770 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 regulation of mesodermal cell differentiation
GO:0043418 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 homocysteine catabolic process
GO:0019626 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 short-chain fatty acid catabolic process
GO:1905902 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 regulation of mesoderm formation
GO:0043634 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 polyadenylation-dependent ncRNA catabolic process
GO:0071362 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 cellular response to ether
GO:0009403 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 toxin biosynthetic process
GO:0032790 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 ribosome disassembly
GO:0006041 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 glucosamine metabolic process
GO:0036491 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 regulation of translation initiation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0036492 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 eiF2alpha phosphorylation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0006166 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 purine ribonucleoside salvage
GO:0061087 0.0163650 13.281497 0.2054195 2 7 positive regulation of histone H3-K27 methylation
GO:0006749 0.0165282 3.622430 1.4966280 5 51 glutathione metabolic process
GO:0006412 0.0168193 1.623179 16.6389817 26 567 translation
GO:0050996 0.0171536 6.234375 0.5575673 3 19 positive regulation of lipid catabolic process
GO:0006491 0.0171536 6.234375 0.5575673 3 19 N-glycan processing
GO:0009749 0.0173768 2.027640 6.6908075 13 228 response to glucose
GO:0009893 0.0175055 1.276996 89.4455313 108 3048 positive regulation of metabolic process
GO:1903829 0.0176348 1.831518 9.6547178 17 329 positive regulation of cellular protein localization
GO:0010604 0.0176443 1.283622 83.8992041 102 2859 positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process
GO:0072594 0.0176809 1.712855 12.7360107 21 434 establishment of protein localization to organelle
GO:0006366 0.0177230 1.330851 58.2804545 74 1986 transcription by RNA polymerase II
GO:0060341 0.0178027 1.516071 23.3004435 34 794 regulation of cellular localization
GO:0043170 0.0178263 1.220122 243.7742876 267 8307 macromolecule metabolic process
GO:0035065 0.0178590 3.545135 1.5259736 5 52 regulation of histone acetylation
GO:0006576 0.0178590 3.545135 1.5259736 5 52 cellular biogenic amine metabolic process
GO:0007029 0.0178590 3.545135 1.5259736 5 52 endoplasmic reticulum organization
GO:0006629 0.0184473 1.388407 40.5556838 54 1382 lipid metabolic process
GO:1903573 0.0186845 4.295239 1.0270976 4 35 negative regulation of response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0051345 0.0187438 1.540372 20.8941005 31 712 positive regulation of hydrolase activity
GO:0009894 0.0188413 1.499783 24.2395042 35 826 regulation of catabolic process
GO:0032259 0.0190845 1.813727 9.7427547 17 332 methylation
GO:0034030 0.0192587 3.471060 1.5553193 5 53 ribonucleoside bisphosphate biosynthetic process
GO:0034033 0.0192587 3.471060 1.5553193 5 53 purine nucleoside bisphosphate biosynthetic process
GO:0033866 0.0192587 3.471060 1.5553193 5 53 nucleoside bisphosphate biosynthetic process
GO:0046394 0.0194396 1.746455 11.2980740 19 385 carboxylic acid biosynthetic process
GO:0010638 0.0194889 1.571582 18.4877575 28 630 positive regulation of organelle organization
GO:0042135 0.0197498 5.867279 0.5869129 3 20 neurotransmitter catabolic process
GO:2001171 0.0197498 5.867279 0.5869129 3 20 positive regulation of ATP biosynthetic process
GO:1902236 0.0197498 5.867279 0.5869129 3 20 negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0034660 0.0197906 1.649574 14.4674039 23 493 ncRNA metabolic process
GO:0055085 0.0198305 1.370514 43.3728659 57 1478 transmembrane transport
GO:0017144 0.0201739 1.541698 20.1898050 30 688 drug metabolic process
GO:0043632 0.0203108 1.609637 16.1107601 25 549 modification-dependent macromolecule catabolic process
GO:0016053 0.0203909 1.736741 11.3567653 19 387 organic acid biosynthetic process
GO:0044273 0.0205461 4.160752 1.0564433 4 36 sulfur compound catabolic process
GO:0006304 0.0205760 2.685767 2.7584908 7 94 DNA modification
GO:0090150 0.0207398 2.040674 6.1332402 12 209 establishment of protein localization to membrane
GO:0009746 0.0210323 1.971840 6.8668813 13 234 response to hexose
GO:0022904 0.0213973 2.942656 2.1715779 6 74 respiratory electron transport chain
GO:0050847 0.0214000 11.067221 0.2347652 2 8 progesterone receptor signaling pathway
GO:0110096 0.0214000 11.067221 0.2347652 2 8 cellular response to aldehyde
GO:0046500 0.0214000 11.067221 0.2347652 2 8 S-adenosylmethionine metabolic process
GO:0031936 0.0214000 11.067221 0.2347652 2 8 negative regulation of chromatin silencing
GO:0043633 0.0214000 11.067221 0.2347652 2 8 polyadenylation-dependent RNA catabolic process
GO:0036490 0.0214000 11.067221 0.2347652 2 8 regulation of translation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0032933 0.0214000 11.067221 0.2347652 2 8 SREBP signaling pathway
GO:0010766 0.0214000 11.067221 0.2347652 2 8 negative regulation of sodium ion transport
GO:0010807 0.0214000 11.067221 0.2347652 2 8 regulation of synaptic vesicle priming
GO:0006983 0.0214000 11.067221 0.2347652 2 8 ER overload response
GO:0015849 0.0216715 1.821188 9.1264961 16 311 organic acid transport
GO:0046942 0.0216715 1.821188 9.1264961 16 311 carboxylic acid transport
GO:0043687 0.0216833 1.908749 7.6298682 14 260 post-translational protein modification
GO:0034284 0.0216936 1.962833 6.8962270 13 235 response to monosaccharide
GO:1905039 0.0219388 2.451685 3.4334407 8 117 carboxylic acid transmembrane transport
GO:1903825 0.0219388 2.451685 3.4334407 8 117 organic acid transmembrane transport
GO:0045070 0.0225177 4.034415 1.0857889 4 37 positive regulation of viral genome replication
GO:0008334 0.0225502 5.540972 0.6162586 3 21 histone mRNA metabolic process
GO:0007167 0.0228271 1.452648 27.1447232 38 925 enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
GO:0030163 0.0228356 1.467788 25.4426757 36 867 protein catabolic process
GO:0032781 0.0238834 3.266265 1.6433562 5 56 positive regulation of ATPase activity
GO:1901606 0.0239862 2.595752 2.8465277 7 97 alpha-amino acid catabolic process
GO:0009062 0.0239862 2.595752 2.8465277 7 97 fatty acid catabolic process
GO:0031325 0.0243378 1.265726 83.1068716 100 2832 positive regulation of cellular metabolic process
GO:0010634 0.0250848 2.385564 3.5214776 8 120 positive regulation of epithelial cell migration
GO:0046578 0.0252348 1.918990 7.0429552 13 240 regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
GO:0044728 0.0254716 2.817787 2.2596148 6 77 DNA methylation or demethylation
GO:0001829 0.0255551 5.249013 0.6456042 3 22 trophectodermal cell differentiation
GO:0009083 0.0255551 5.249013 0.6456042 3 22 branched-chain amino acid catabolic process
GO:0006869 0.0258164 1.745830 10.0949025 17 344 lipid transport
GO:0043200 0.0262000 2.364304 3.5508233 8 121 response to amino acid
GO:0030865 0.0267963 3.803400 1.1444802 4 39 cortical cytoskeleton organization
GO:0032527 0.0267963 3.803400 1.1444802 4 39 protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum
GO:1903727 0.0267963 3.803400 1.1444802 4 39 positive regulation of phospholipid metabolic process
GO:0006614 0.0267963 3.803400 1.1444802 4 39 SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane
GO:1904251 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 regulation of bile acid metabolic process
GO:0070417 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 cellular response to cold
GO:1901072 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 glucosamine-containing compound catabolic process
GO:0070857 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 regulation of bile acid biosynthetic process
GO:1905562 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 regulation of vascular endothelial cell proliferation
GO:0043455 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 regulation of secondary metabolic process
GO:0001672 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 regulation of chromatin assembly or disassembly
GO:0071394 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 cellular response to testosterone stimulus
GO:0009437 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 carnitine metabolic process
GO:0002182 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 cytoplasmic translational elongation
GO:0071501 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 cellular response to sterol depletion
GO:0033327 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 Leydig cell differentiation
GO:0006991 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 response to sterol depletion
GO:1900247 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 regulation of cytoplasmic translational elongation
GO:0101023 0.0269861 9.485596 0.2641108 2 9 vascular endothelial cell proliferation
GO:0051247 0.0272896 1.345395 43.2848290 56 1475 positive regulation of protein metabolic process
GO:0006357 0.0274529 1.310936 54.0840270 68 1843 regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
GO:0007163 0.0275545 1.893598 7.1309922 13 243 establishment or maintenance of cell polarity
GO:0044257 0.0283133 1.494266 20.7767179 30 708 cellular protein catabolic process
GO:0065003 0.0284502 1.315372 51.4722644 65 1754 protein-containing complex assembly
GO:0034032 0.0285332 2.322892 3.6095146 8 123 purine nucleoside bisphosphate metabolic process
GO:0033865 0.0285332 2.322892 3.6095146 8 123 nucleoside bisphosphate metabolic process
GO:0033875 0.0285332 2.322892 3.6095146 8 123 ribonucleoside bisphosphate metabolic process
GO:0015991 0.0287639 4.986250 0.6749499 3 23 ATP hydrolysis coupled proton transport
GO:0015988 0.0287639 4.986250 0.6749499 3 23 energy coupled proton transmembrane transport, against electrochemical gradient
GO:0006378 0.0291054 3.697518 1.1738259 4 40 mRNA polyadenylation
GO:0006446 0.0291690 3.084224 1.7313932 5 59 regulation of translational initiation
GO:1904750 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 negative regulation of protein localization to nucleolus
GO:0061431 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 cellular response to methionine
GO:0018272 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 protein-pyridoxal-5-phosphate linkage via peptidyl-N6-pyridoxal phosphate-L-lysine
GO:1904826 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of hydrogen sulfide biosynthetic process
GO:1904828 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of hydrogen sulfide biosynthetic process
GO:2000184 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of progesterone biosynthetic process
GO:1904693 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 midbrain morphogenesis
GO:1904633 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of glomerular visceral epithelial cell apoptotic process
GO:1904635 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of glomerular visceral epithelial cell apoptotic process
GO:1904638 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 response to resveratrol
GO:1904639 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 cellular response to resveratrol
GO:2000266 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of blood coagulation, intrinsic pathway
GO:2000255 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 negative regulation of male germ cell proliferation
GO:2000277 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler activity
GO:2000752 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of glucosylceramide catabolic process
GO:2000753 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of glucosylceramide catabolic process
GO:2000754 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of sphingomyelin catabolic process
GO:2000755 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of sphingomyelin catabolic process
GO:0061646 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of glutamate neurotransmitter secretion in response to membrane depolarization
GO:0034203 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 glycolipid translocation
GO:0140041 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 cellular detoxification of methylglyoxal
GO:0038016 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 insulin receptor internalization
GO:0070124 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 mitochondrial translational initiation
GO:0045643 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of eosinophil differentiation
GO:0045645 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of eosinophil differentiation
GO:0042413 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 carnitine catabolic process
GO:0042247 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 establishment of planar polarity of follicular epithelium
GO:0106044 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 guanine deglycation
GO:0106045 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 guanine deglycation, methylglyoxal removal
GO:1901337 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 thioester transport
GO:0106046 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 guanine deglycation, glyoxal removal
GO:0046086 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 adenosine biosynthetic process
GO:0042883 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 cysteine transport
GO:0046491 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 L-methylmalonyl-CoA metabolic process
GO:0051025 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 negative regulation of immunoglobulin secretion
GO:0031001 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 response to brefeldin A
GO:0015876 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 acetyl-CoA transport
GO:1905407 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of creatine transmembrane transporter activity
GO:1905408 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 negative regulation of creatine transmembrane transporter activity
GO:0015689 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 molybdate ion transport
GO:0110113 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of lipid transporter activity
GO:2001031 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of cellular glucuronidation
GO:0043095 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of GTP cyclohydrolase I activity
GO:0043000 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 Golgi to plasma membrane CFTR protein transport
GO:0019484 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 beta-alanine catabolic process
GO:1905767 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of double-stranded telomeric DNA binding
GO:1905768 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 negative regulation of double-stranded telomeric DNA binding
GO:0051228 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 mitotic spindle disassembly
GO:0051230 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 spindle disassembly
GO:0015916 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 fatty-acyl-CoA transport
GO:0043380 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of memory T cell differentiation
GO:0043379 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 memory T cell differentiation
GO:0035046 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 pronuclear migration
GO:0035037 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 sperm entry
GO:0043105 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 negative regulation of GTP cyclohydrolase I activity
GO:0019516 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 lactate oxidation
GO:1905937 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 negative regulation of germ cell proliferation
GO:0100057 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of phenotypic switching by transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0060060 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 post-embryonic retina morphogenesis in camera-type eye
GO:0016333 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 morphogenesis of follicular epithelium
GO:0016334 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 establishment or maintenance of polarity of follicular epithelium
GO:0060034 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 notochord cell differentiation
GO:0060035 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 notochord cell development
GO:0060036 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 notochord cell vacuolation
GO:0090044 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of tubulin deacetylation
GO:0040010 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of growth rate
GO:0090119 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 vesicle-mediated cholesterol transport
GO:0090104 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 pancreatic epsilon cell differentiation
GO:0071449 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 cellular response to lipid hydroperoxide
GO:0002316 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 follicular B cell differentiation
GO:0090713 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 immunological memory process
GO:0090715 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 immunological memory formation process
GO:0005998 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 xylulose catabolic process
GO:0071266 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 ‘de novo’ L-methionine biosynthetic process
GO:0071250 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 cellular response to nitrite
GO:0060697 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of phospholipid catabolic process
GO:0071877 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of adenylate cyclase-inhibiting adrenergic receptor signaling pathway
GO:0044337 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 canonical Wnt signaling pathway involved in positive regulation of apoptotic process
GO:0071602 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 phytosphingosine biosynthetic process
GO:0080058 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 protein deglutathionylation
GO:0036345 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 platelet maturation
GO:0080033 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 response to nitrite
GO:0006169 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 adenosine salvage
GO:0006175 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 dATP biosynthetic process
GO:0044524 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 protein sulfhydration
GO:1903210 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 glomerular visceral epithelial cell apoptotic process
GO:0048321 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 axial mesodermal cell differentiation
GO:0048322 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 axial mesodermal cell fate commitment
GO:0048327 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 axial mesodermal cell fate specification
GO:0048328 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of axial mesodermal cell fate specification
GO:0048329 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 negative regulation of axial mesodermal cell fate specification
GO:0048348 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 paraxial mesodermal cell fate specification
GO:1903712 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 cysteine transmembrane transport
GO:0080164 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of nitric oxide metabolic process
GO:0036525 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 protein deglycation
GO:0036530 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 protein deglycation, methylglyoxal removal
GO:0010260 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 animal organ senescence
GO:0006671 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 phytosphingosine metabolic process
GO:0072334 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 UDP-galactose transmembrane transport
GO:0010877 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 lipid transport involved in lipid storage
GO:0010879 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 cholesterol transport involved in cholesterol storage
GO:0003311 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 pancreatic D cell differentiation
GO:0033488 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 cholesterol biosynthetic process via 24,25-dihydrolanosterol
GO:1900161 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of phospholipid scramblase activity
GO:1900163 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of phospholipid scramblase activity
GO:0021566 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 hypoglossal nerve development
GO:0021618 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 hypoglossal nerve morphogenesis
GO:1904041 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 regulation of cystathionine beta-synthase activity
GO:1904042 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 negative regulation of cystathionine beta-synthase activity
GO:0098972 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 anterograde dendritic transport of mitochondrion
GO:0098939 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 dendritic transport of mitochondrion
GO:0033864 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 positive regulation of NAD(P)H oxidase activity
GO:0018352 0.0293456 Inf 0.0293456 1 1 protein-pyridoxal-5-phosphate linkage
GO:0010595 0.0300321 2.703043 2.3476517 6 80 positive regulation of endothelial cell migration
GO:0042594 0.0301831 1.989246 5.7517468 11 196 response to starvation
GO:0032879 0.0305602 1.260551 76.4454098 92 2605 regulation of localization
GO:0008643 0.0305830 2.163328 4.3431557 9 148 carbohydrate transport
GO:0046890 0.0305830 2.163328 4.3431557 9 148 regulation of lipid biosynthetic process
GO:0015711 0.0308973 1.608718 13.4989975 21 460 organic anion transport
GO:0043631 0.0315289 3.597359 1.2031715 4 41 RNA polyadenylation
GO:0032205 0.0315289 3.597359 1.2031715 4 41 negative regulation of telomere maintenance
GO:0035773 0.0316636 2.666834 2.3769974 6 81 insulin secretion involved in cellular response to glucose stimulus
GO:0040029 0.0319747 1.804363 8.0407072 14 274 regulation of gene expression, epigenetic
GO:0009100 0.0320412 1.669649 11.1513458 18 380 glycoprotein metabolic process
GO:1903580 0.0321757 4.748512 0.7042955 3 24 positive regulation of ATP metabolic process
GO:0044265 0.0323657 1.405032 28.7293882 39 979 cellular macromolecule catabolic process
GO:1901137 0.0325771 1.484672 20.1898050 29 688 carbohydrate derivative biosynthetic process
GO:0044271 0.0330494 1.209067 132.5836321 151 4518 cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
GO:2000756 0.0330720 2.973700 1.7900845 5 61 regulation of peptidyl-lysine acetylation
GO:0061469 0.0330867 8.299376 0.2934565 2 10 regulation of type B pancreatic cell proliferation
GO:2000542 0.0330867 8.299376 0.2934565 2 10 negative regulation of gastrulation
GO:0070813 0.0330867 8.299376 0.2934565 2 10 hydrogen sulfide metabolic process
GO:1901163 0.0330867 8.299376 0.2934565 2 10 regulation of trophoblast cell migration
GO:0019471 0.0330867 8.299376 0.2934565 2 10 4-hydroxyproline metabolic process
GO:1990440 0.0330867 8.299376 0.2934565 2 10 positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
GO:0043201 0.0330867 8.299376 0.2934565 2 10 response to leucine
GO:0032482 0.0330867 8.299376 0.2934565 2 10 Rab protein signal transduction
GO:0042592 0.0331931 1.315455 47.3932195 60 1615 homeostatic process
GO:2000649 0.0340675 3.502472 1.2325172 4 42 regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transporter activity
GO:0051125 0.0340675 3.502472 1.2325172 4 42 regulation of actin nucleation
GO:0006040 0.0340675 3.502472 1.2325172 4 42 amino sugar metabolic process
GO:0006613 0.0340675 3.502472 1.2325172 4 42 cotranslational protein targeting to membrane
GO:0072348 0.0340675 3.502472 1.2325172 4 42 sulfur compound transport
GO:0006665 0.0341494 2.117222 4.4311927 9 151 sphingolipid metabolic process
GO:0032870 0.0341847 1.477654 20.2778419 29 691 cellular response to hormone stimulus
GO:0008202 0.0343861 1.745905 8.8917310 15 303 steroid metabolic process
GO:0034645 0.0348537 1.206560 131.8499909 150 4493 cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process
GO:1990823 0.0349287 2.382653 3.0812929 7 105 response to leukemia inhibitory factor
GO:1990830 0.0349287 2.382653 3.0812929 7 105 cellular response to leukemia inhibitory factor
GO:0016042 0.0352401 1.739753 8.9210766 15 304 lipid catabolic process
GO:0010498 0.0355371 1.623656 12.0904065 19 412 proteasomal protein catabolic process
GO:0051603 0.0357068 1.481850 19.5148551 28 665 proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process
GO:0099131 0.0357889 4.532386 0.7336412 3 25 ATP hydrolysis coupled ion transmembrane transport
GO:0015721 0.0357889 4.532386 0.7336412 3 25 bile acid and bile salt transport
GO:0035066 0.0357889 4.532386 0.7336412 3 25 positive regulation of histone acetylation
GO:0044550 0.0357889 4.532386 0.7336412 3 25 secondary metabolite biosynthetic process
GO:0051246 0.0364502 1.253453 73.3347713 88 2499 regulation of protein metabolic process
GO:0062013 0.0364950 2.358437 3.1106386 7 106 positive regulation of small molecule metabolic process
GO:0010876 0.0365038 1.641795 11.3274196 18 386 lipid localization
GO:0038096 0.0367216 3.412451 1.2618628 4 43 Fc-gamma receptor signaling pathway involved in phagocytosis
GO:0002433 0.0367216 3.412451 1.2618628 4 43 immune response-regulating cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved in phagocytosis
GO:1903827 0.0369783 1.557356 14.5847864 22 497 regulation of cellular protein localization
GO:1901983 0.0372852 2.870798 1.8487757 5 63 regulation of protein acetylation
GO:0035556 0.0374908 1.250100 74.3618689 89 2534 intracellular signal transduction
GO:0071333 0.0379927 2.073025 4.5192296 9 154 cellular response to glucose stimulus
GO:0005996 0.0381877 1.850245 6.7201531 12 229 monosaccharide metabolic process
GO:0033043 0.0384436 1.345521 36.1538368 47 1232 regulation of organelle organization
GO:0030073 0.0386511 1.905825 5.9865119 11 204 insulin secretion
GO:0051130 0.0389963 1.348224 35.3028130 46 1203 positive regulation of cellular component organization
GO:0030520 0.0394915 3.326931 1.2912085 4 44 intracellular estrogen receptor signaling pathway
GO:0006635 0.0395096 2.821963 1.8781214 5 64 fatty acid beta-oxidation
GO:0030970 0.0396016 4.335054 0.7629868 3 26 retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol
GO:0031065 0.0396016 4.335054 0.7629868 3 26 positive regulation of histone deacetylation
GO:0031639 0.0396016 4.335054 0.7629868 3 26 plasminogen activation
GO:0009081 0.0396016 4.335054 0.7629868 3 26 branched-chain amino acid metabolic process
GO:0010453 0.0396016 4.335054 0.7629868 3 26 regulation of cell fate commitment
GO:1903513 0.0396016 4.335054 0.7629868 3 26 endoplasmic reticulum to cytosol transport
GO:0061450 0.0396670 7.376761 0.3228021 2 11 trophoblast cell migration
GO:2000381 0.0396670 7.376761 0.3228021 2 11 negative regulation of mesoderm development
GO:0034975 0.0396670 7.376761 0.3228021 2 11 protein folding in endoplasmic reticulum
GO:0070911 0.0396670 7.376761 0.3228021 2 11 global genome nucleotide-excision repair
GO:0090045 0.0396670 7.376761 0.3228021 2 11 positive regulation of deacetylase activity
GO:0032352 0.0396670 7.376761 0.3228021 2 11 positive regulation of hormone metabolic process
GO:0006012 0.0396670 7.376761 0.3228021 2 11 galactose metabolic process
GO:0009996 0.0396670 7.376761 0.3228021 2 11 negative regulation of cell fate specification
GO:0010998 0.0396670 7.376761 0.3228021 2 11 regulation of translational initiation by eIF2 alpha phosphorylation
GO:0061029 0.0396670 7.376761 0.3228021 2 11 eyelid development in camera-type eye
GO:0007032 0.0418131 2.774756 1.9074670 5 65 endosome organization
GO:0032270 0.0420372 1.317782 40.8491403 52 1392 positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process
GO:0071326 0.0421210 2.030619 4.6072665 9 157 cellular response to monosaccharide stimulus
GO:0071331 0.0421210 2.030619 4.6072665 9 157 cellular response to hexose stimulus
GO:0055114 0.0421352 1.368279 30.1966705 40 1029 oxidation-reduction process
GO:0010565 0.0423579 2.135714 3.9029710 8 133 regulation of cellular ketone metabolic process
GO:0038094 0.0423774 3.245583 1.3205541 4 45 Fc-gamma receptor signaling pathway
GO:0090311 0.0423774 3.245583 1.3205541 4 45 regulation of protein deacetylation
GO:0009409 0.0423774 3.245583 1.3205541 4 45 response to cold
GO:0009743 0.0426207 1.768639 7.6005225 13 259 response to carbohydrate
GO:0009057 0.0428081 1.338243 35.5375782 46 1211 macromolecule catabolic process
GO:2000104 0.0436114 4.154167 0.7923325 3 27 negative regulation of DNA-dependent DNA replication
GO:2000758 0.0436114 4.154167 0.7923325 3 27 positive regulation of peptidyl-lysine acetylation
GO:0010574 0.0436114 4.154167 0.7923325 3 27 regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor production
GO:0009101 0.0436298 1.686242 9.1851874 15 313 glycoprotein biosynthetic process
GO:0009059 0.0440853 1.192386 134.8139012 152 4594 macromolecule biosynthetic process
GO:0043297 0.0441960 2.729097 1.9368127 5 66 apical junction assembly
GO:0051188 0.0443585 1.717019 8.4222006 14 287 cofactor biosynthetic process
GO:0031331 0.0446424 1.680495 9.2145331 15 314 positive regulation of cellular catabolic process
GO:0070887 0.0448703 1.229030 81.5515523 96 2779 cellular response to chemical stimulus
GO:0032386 0.0453684 1.619245 10.8285437 17 369 regulation of intracellular transport
GO:0097035 0.0453791 3.168108 1.3498998 4 46 regulation of membrane lipid distribution
GO:0071398 0.0453791 3.168108 1.3498998 4 46 cellular response to fatty acid
GO:0007264 0.0456735 1.504086 15.7586123 23 537 small GTPase mediated signal transduction
GO:0009890 0.0462856 1.308186 41.1132511 52 1401 negative regulation of biosynthetic process
GO:2000303 0.0466936 6.638669 0.3521478 2 12 regulation of ceramide biosynthetic process
GO:0046348 0.0466936 6.638669 0.3521478 2 12 amino sugar catabolic process
GO:1905038 0.0466936 6.638669 0.3521478 2 12 regulation of membrane lipid metabolic process
GO:0150065 0.0466936 6.638669 0.3521478 2 12 regulation of deacetylase activity
GO:0009048 0.0466936 6.638669 0.3521478 2 12 dosage compensation by inactivation of X chromosome
GO:0090153 0.0466936 6.638669 0.3521478 2 12 regulation of sphingolipid biosynthetic process
GO:0002829 0.0466936 6.638669 0.3521478 2 12 negative regulation of type 2 immune response
GO:0006293 0.0466936 6.638669 0.3521478 2 12 nucleotide-excision repair, preincision complex stabilization
GO:0061085 0.0466936 6.638669 0.3521478 2 12 regulation of histone H3-K27 methylation
GO:1903533 0.0468651 2.222829 3.2867124 7 112 regulation of protein targeting
GO:0045444 0.0474488 1.783553 6.9549183 12 237 fat cell differentiation
GO:0019941 0.0480672 1.495068 15.8466493 23 540 modification-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0015718 0.0480810 1.976682 4.7246491 9 161 monocarboxylic acid transport
GO:0008213 0.0494533 1.887101 5.4876359 10 187 protein alkylation
GO:0006479 0.0494533 1.887101 5.4876359 10 187 protein methylation

CAFE significantly expanded gene family

GOBPID Pvalue OddsRatio ExpCount Count Size Term
GO:0016567 0.0000000 8.298177 19.3209794 109 743 protein ubiquitination
GO:0032446 0.0000000 7.519782 21.1932681 110 815 protein modification by small protein conjugation
GO:0070647 0.0000000 6.632017 25.1458776 116 967 protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal
GO:0000209 0.0000000 12.412605 6.5790145 57 253 protein polyubiquitination
GO:0043412 0.0000000 2.808527 102.9498754 198 3959 macromolecule modification
GO:1902187 0.0000000 60.399698 0.8581323 20 33 negative regulation of viral release from host cell
GO:0070534 0.0000000 32.457584 1.3262045 23 51 protein K63-linked ubiquitination
GO:1902186 0.0000000 28.470897 1.3002005 21 50 regulation of viral release from host cell
GO:1900041 0.0000000 116.411622 0.5200802 15 20 negative regulation of interleukin-2 secretion
GO:0019076 0.0000000 25.796913 1.3782125 21 53 viral release from host cell
GO:0035890 0.0000000 25.796913 1.3782125 21 53 exit from host
GO:0035891 0.0000000 25.796913 1.3782125 21 53 exit from host cell
GO:0052192 0.0000000 25.796913 1.3782125 21 53 movement in environment of other organism involved in symbiotic interaction
GO:0052126 0.0000000 25.796913 1.3782125 21 53 movement in host environment
GO:0016569 0.0000000 4.961303 14.2762015 58 549 covalent chromatin modification
GO:0006464 0.0000000 2.535655 96.7349171 179 3720 cellular protein modification process
GO:0036211 0.0000000 2.535655 96.7349171 179 3720 protein modification process
GO:0090281 0.0000000 72.743644 0.5980922 15 23 negative regulation of calcium ion import
GO:0032897 0.0000000 33.470383 1.0141564 18 39 negative regulation of viral transcription
GO:0006325 0.0000000 4.226435 17.9947749 63 692 chromatin organization
GO:1900040 0.0000000 52.894563 0.6761043 15 26 regulation of interleukin-2 secretion
GO:0045814 0.0000000 11.501674 2.8864451 25 111 negative regulation of gene expression, epigenetic
GO:0070970 0.0000000 41.552231 0.7541163 15 29 interleukin-2 secretion
GO:0051127 0.0000000 41.552231 0.7541163 15 29 positive regulation of actin nucleation
GO:1903901 0.0000000 13.137449 2.3923689 23 92 negative regulation of viral life cycle
GO:0048525 0.0000000 11.277935 2.8084331 24 108 negative regulation of viral process
GO:0072643 0.0000000 28.259488 0.9881524 16 38 interferon-gamma secretion
GO:0006338 0.0000000 9.716746 3.4325293 26 132 chromatin remodeling
GO:0040029 0.0000000 6.094023 7.1250987 36 274 regulation of gene expression, epigenetic
GO:0046782 0.0000000 13.734275 2.1063248 21 81 regulation of viral transcription
GO:0032703 0.0000000 23.019058 1.1181724 16 43 negative regulation of interleukin-2 production
GO:0034754 0.0000000 11.375745 2.5483930 22 98 cellular hormone metabolic process
GO:0002820 0.0000000 21.428858 1.1701804 16 45 negative regulation of adaptive immune response
GO:0051276 0.0000000 3.092550 28.3183669 74 1089 chromosome organization
GO:1903900 0.0000000 7.587945 4.3686737 27 168 regulation of viral life cycle
GO:0008152 0.0000000 2.352802 270.8057598 342 10414 metabolic process
GO:0051865 0.0000000 16.131387 1.5082326 17 58 protein autoubiquitination
GO:0051125 0.0000000 21.528114 1.0921684 15 42 regulation of actin nucleation
GO:1903556 0.0000000 15.746321 1.5342366 17 59 negative regulation of tumor necrosis factor superfamily cytokine production
GO:0034314 0.0000000 19.371671 1.1701804 15 45 Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin nucleation
GO:0043901 0.0000000 7.236949 4.3686737 26 168 negative regulation of multi-organism process
GO:0050792 0.0000000 5.996818 5.9549183 30 229 regulation of viral process
GO:0032436 0.0000000 12.303466 1.9503007 18 75 positive regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0042572 0.0000000 33.002060 0.6761043 12 26 retinol metabolic process
GO:0044267 0.0000000 2.058983 121.4127225 190 4669 cellular protein metabolic process
GO:0032720 0.0000000 15.145631 1.4822286 16 57 negative regulation of tumor necrosis factor production
GO:0090279 0.0000000 17.088378 1.2741965 15 49 regulation of calcium ion import
GO:0071704 0.0000000 2.147444 256.5035543 325 9864 organic substance metabolic process
GO:0032663 0.0000000 11.307711 2.0803208 18 80 regulation of interleukin-2 production
GO:0019083 0.0000000 7.915307 3.4065253 22 131 viral transcription
GO:0043903 0.0000000 5.367717 6.5530105 30 252 regulation of symbiosis, encompassing mutualism through parasitism
GO:2000058 0.0000000 7.565768 3.5365454 22 136 regulation of ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0032623 0.0000000 10.156098 2.2623489 18 87 interleukin-2 production
GO:0002084 0.0000000 152.657143 0.2600401 8 10 protein depalmitoylation
GO:0006513 0.0000000 12.168285 1.7422687 16 67 protein monoubiquitination
GO:2000060 0.0000000 9.868774 2.3143569 18 89 positive regulation of ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0044238 0.0000000 2.027085 247.0640987 313 9501 primary metabolic process
GO:0019080 0.0000000 7.184770 3.6925694 22 142 viral gene expression
GO:0045010 0.0000000 13.196401 1.5342366 15 59 actin nucleation
GO:0044237 0.0000000 2.023261 249.7425117 315 9604 cellular metabolic process
GO:0016570 0.0000000 3.897805 11.4677684 39 441 histone modification
GO:0043900 0.0000000 4.163177 9.9335318 36 382 regulation of multi-organism process
GO:0050710 0.0000000 10.883325 1.8982927 16 73 negative regulation of cytokine secretion
GO:0006511 0.0000000 3.520107 13.9381493 43 536 ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0006397 0.0000000 3.837060 11.3117443 38 435 mRNA processing
GO:0070206 0.0000000 11.846123 1.6642566 15 64 protein trimerization
GO:0019941 0.0000000 3.490878 14.0421654 43 540 modification-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0051926 0.0000000 11.608475 1.6902606 15 65 negative regulation of calcium ion transport
GO:0098734 0.0000000 76.319048 0.3120481 8 12 macromolecule depalmitoylation
GO:1901360 0.0000000 1.885689 147.3127164 211 5665 organic cyclic compound metabolic process
GO:1901800 0.0000000 8.435616 2.6264050 18 101 positive regulation of proteasomal protein catabolic process
GO:0043632 0.0000000 3.426801 14.2762015 43 549 modification-dependent macromolecule catabolic process
GO:0032434 0.0000000 8.334669 2.6524090 18 102 regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0051252 0.0000000 1.995542 88.2056018 144 3392 regulation of RNA metabolic process
GO:0019219 0.0000000 1.969591 95.0446564 152 3655 regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process
GO:0035601 0.0000000 7.475933 3.0684732 19 118 protein deacylation
GO:0051091 0.0000000 5.093686 5.9029103 26 227 positive regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity
GO:0036353 0.0000000 133.257720 0.2340361 7 9 histone H2A-K119 monoubiquitination
GO:0030163 0.0000000 2.825133 22.5454766 56 867 protein catabolic process
GO:0098732 0.0000000 7.326975 3.1204812 19 120 macromolecule deacylation
GO:0030838 0.0000000 7.863963 2.7824291 18 107 positive regulation of actin filament polymerization
GO:0043044 0.0000000 13.540996 1.3002005 13 50 ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling
GO:0042445 0.0000000 5.382518 5.1747980 24 199 hormone metabolic process
GO:0009057 0.0000000 2.505844 31.4908561 69 1211 macromolecule catabolic process
GO:0042159 0.0000000 50.873016 0.3640561 8 14 lipoprotein catabolic process
GO:0051701 0.0000000 4.896236 6.1109423 26 235 interaction with host
GO:1903050 0.0000000 5.290800 5.2528100 24 202 regulation of proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process
GO:0044260 0.0000000 1.817167 191.2854973 253 7356 cellular macromolecule metabolic process
GO:1903362 0.0000000 4.885622 5.8769063 25 226 regulation of cellular protein catabolic process
GO:1903364 0.0000000 6.602799 3.4065253 19 131 positive regulation of cellular protein catabolic process
GO:1903052 0.0000000 7.065188 3.0424692 18 117 positive regulation of proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process
GO:0051603 0.0000000 2.998215 17.2926666 46 665 proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process
GO:0051171 0.0000000 1.816649 134.8047877 193 5184 regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process
GO:0008209 0.0000000 26.466312 0.5720882 9 22 androgen metabolic process
GO:0060255 0.0000000 1.799743 140.0315937 198 5385 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process
GO:0032609 0.0000000 6.723405 3.1724892 18 122 interferon-gamma production
GO:0090304 0.0000000 1.823834 120.0085060 176 4615 nucleic acid metabolic process
GO:0033522 0.0000000 24.574327 0.5980922 9 23 histone H2A ubiquitination
GO:0044257 0.0000000 2.868437 18.4108390 47 708 cellular protein catabolic process
GO:0016101 0.0000000 9.312927 1.8722887 14 72 diterpenoid metabolic process
GO:0042147 0.0000000 7.553398 2.5483930 16 98 retrograde transport, endosome to Golgi
GO:0010390 0.0000000 17.408656 0.8321283 10 32 histone monoubiquitination
GO:0035518 0.0000000 30.516191 0.4680722 8 18 histone H2A monoubiquitination
GO:0051090 0.0000000 3.658604 9.5174676 31 366 regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity
GO:0006721 0.0000000 8.709911 1.9763048 14 76 terpenoid metabolic process
GO:0044265 0.0000000 2.517710 25.4579258 57 979 cellular macromolecule catabolic process
GO:0070509 0.0000000 7.831785 2.3143569 15 89 calcium ion import
GO:0071103 0.0000000 4.519136 6.0329303 24 232 DNA conformation change
GO:0016070 0.0000000 1.808904 107.6045932 160 4138 RNA metabolic process
GO:0019538 0.0000000 1.762296 137.5352087 193 5289 protein metabolic process
GO:0061136 0.0000000 5.370521 4.2906616 20 165 regulation of proteasomal protein catabolic process
GO:1901575 0.0000000 2.086084 48.9135427 89 1881 organic substance catabolic process
GO:0002819 0.0000000 6.023339 3.4845373 18 134 regulation of adaptive immune response
GO:0001523 0.0000000 9.268228 1.7422687 13 67 retinoid metabolic process
GO:0080090 0.0000000 1.746674 138.3413330 193 5320 regulation of primary metabolic process
GO:0010468 0.0000000 1.801577 103.1319035 154 3966 regulation of gene expression
GO:1903555 0.0000000 6.273711 3.1724892 17 122 regulation of tumor necrosis factor superfamily cytokine production
GO:0008380 0.0000000 3.529381 9.8295158 31 378 RNA splicing
GO:0016574 0.0000000 12.055910 1.1961845 11 46 histone ubiquitination
GO:0043170 0.0000000 1.735127 216.0153108 272 8307 macromolecule metabolic process
GO:0006351 0.0000000 1.834702 86.4373291 134 3324 transcription, DNA-templated
GO:0071706 0.0000000 6.098292 3.2505012 17 125 tumor necrosis factor superfamily cytokine production
GO:0043161 0.0000000 3.638020 8.9193754 29 343 proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0032392 0.0000000 7.822866 2.1583328 14 83 DNA geometric change
GO:0019058 0.0000000 3.721115 8.4252992 28 324 viral life cycle
GO:0032273 0.0000000 5.631904 3.6925694 18 142 positive regulation of protein polymerization
GO:0097659 0.0000000 1.824694 86.8013853 134 3338 nucleic acid-templated transcription
GO:1901565 0.0000000 2.306783 30.6587278 63 1179 organonitrogen compound catabolic process
GO:0043271 0.0000000 5.932356 3.3285133 17 128 negative regulation of ion transport
GO:0034308 0.0000000 8.480131 1.8722887 13 72 primary alcohol metabolic process
GO:0010498 0.0000000 3.328230 10.7136521 32 412 proteasomal protein catabolic process
GO:0006725 0.0000000 1.718128 141.6178383 195 5446 cellular aromatic compound metabolic process
GO:0006703 0.0000000 33.301960 0.3900601 7 15 estrogen biosynthetic process
GO:0032774 0.0000000 1.815479 87.1394374 134 3351 RNA biosynthetic process
GO:0050709 0.0000001 5.775153 3.4065253 17 131 negative regulation of protein secretion
GO:0031323 0.0000001 1.708778 141.2277781 194 5431 regulation of cellular metabolic process
GO:0006996 0.0000001 1.782998 93.7184519 141 3604 organelle organization
GO:1901362 0.0000001 1.747733 107.8646333 157 4148 organic cyclic compound biosynthetic process
GO:0016197 0.0000001 4.355330 5.6948782 22 219 endosomal transport
GO:0016071 0.0000001 2.736715 17.0326265 42 655 mRNA metabolic process
GO:0046483 0.0000001 1.697064 140.9677380 193 5421 heterocycle metabolic process
GO:0032680 0.0000001 5.947349 3.1204812 16 120 regulation of tumor necrosis factor production
GO:0032640 0.0000001 5.834402 3.1724892 16 122 tumor necrosis factor production
GO:0006807 0.0000001 1.700996 234.5561699 287 9020 nitrogen compound metabolic process
GO:0016032 0.0000001 2.705935 16.7725864 41 645 viral process
GO:0008210 0.0000001 17.942857 0.6501002 8 25 estrogen metabolic process
GO:0002792 0.0000002 5.263299 3.6925694 17 142 negative regulation of peptide secretion
GO:0006355 0.0000002 1.779150 83.2128319 127 3200 regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
GO:0030833 0.0000002 4.912436 4.1606416 18 160 regulation of actin filament polymerization
GO:0000398 0.0000002 3.780661 7.0730907 24 272 mRNA splicing, via spliceosome
GO:0000377 0.0000002 3.780661 7.0730907 24 272 RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile
GO:0050777 0.0000002 5.179761 3.7445774 17 144 negative regulation of immune response
GO:0031331 0.0000002 3.535430 8.1652591 26 314 positive regulation of cellular catabolic process
GO:0000375 0.0000002 3.749941 7.1250987 24 274 RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions
GO:0006720 0.0000002 6.419887 2.5483930 14 98 isoprenoid metabolic process
GO:0015727 0.0000002 94.734043 0.1820281 5 7 lactate transport
GO:0035873 0.0000002 94.734043 0.1820281 5 7 lactate transmembrane transport
GO:1903506 0.0000002 1.767041 83.6549000 127 3217 regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription
GO:2001141 0.0000003 1.762799 83.8109241 127 3223 regulation of RNA biosynthetic process
GO:0040013 0.0000003 3.554252 7.8012030 25 300 negative regulation of locomotion
GO:0016482 0.0000003 4.711503 4.3166657 18 166 cytosolic transport
GO:0006139 0.0000004 1.649720 136.4430403 185 5247 nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process
GO:0019222 0.0000004 1.635724 150.7192418 200 5796 regulation of metabolic process
GO:0006710 0.0000005 Inf 0.1040160 4 4 androgen catabolic process
GO:2000112 0.0000005 1.718070 92.4442554 136 3555 regulation of cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process
GO:0055114 0.0000006 2.229601 26.7581263 54 1029 oxidation-reduction process
GO:0034728 0.0000009 5.672616 2.8344371 14 109 nucleosome organization
GO:0042176 0.0000009 3.164387 9.3874476 27 361 regulation of protein catabolic process
GO:0030041 0.0000009 4.354848 4.6287138 18 178 actin filament polymerization
GO:0010817 0.0000009 2.742715 13.6000972 34 523 regulation of hormone levels
GO:0010556 0.0000009 1.688649 94.4465642 137 3632 regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process
GO:0044403 0.0000010 2.479102 18.1507989 41 698 symbiont process
GO:1901564 0.0000010 1.603817 163.7732548 212 6298 organonitrogen compound metabolic process
GO:0045732 0.0000010 3.939982 5.6428702 20 217 positive regulation of protein catabolic process
GO:0006366 0.0000011 1.870216 51.6439638 86 1986 transcription by RNA polymerase II
GO:0008064 0.0000011 4.300542 4.6807218 18 180 regulation of actin polymerization or depolymerization
GO:0110053 0.0000011 3.626639 6.7090346 22 258 regulation of actin filament organization
GO:0032956 0.0000014 3.175420 8.9973874 26 346 regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization
GO:0042446 0.0000015 6.484290 2.1583328 12 83 hormone biosynthetic process
GO:0030832 0.0000015 4.195857 4.7847378 18 184 regulation of actin filament length
GO:0001818 0.0000016 3.550273 6.8390546 22 263 negative regulation of cytokine production
GO:0051924 0.0000017 3.657606 6.3449784 21 244 regulation of calcium ion transport
GO:0051224 0.0000017 4.379189 4.3426697 17 167 negative regulation of protein transport
GO:0031329 0.0000019 2.410168 18.6188711 41 716 regulation of cellular catabolic process
GO:1904950 0.0000024 4.264369 4.4466857 17 171 negative regulation of establishment of protein localization
GO:0045087 0.0000035 2.320587 19.7630476 42 760 innate immune response
GO:0009896 0.0000037 2.922680 10.0895559 27 388 positive regulation of catabolic process
GO:0051253 0.0000043 2.035680 30.7367398 57 1182 negative regulation of RNA metabolic process
GO:0032970 0.0000044 2.889912 10.1935719 27 392 regulation of actin filament-based process
GO:0031326 0.0000044 1.626245 97.9571055 138 3767 regulation of cellular biosynthetic process
GO:0045934 0.0000046 1.984355 33.8052129 61 1300 negative regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process
GO:1902903 0.0000046 3.026409 9.0233915 25 347 regulation of supramolecular fiber organization
GO:0050663 0.0000046 3.539261 6.2149584 20 239 cytokine secretion
GO:1901576 0.0000047 1.562904 146.7926362 191 5645 organic substance biosynthetic process
GO:0006702 0.0000047 31.570134 0.2860441 5 11 androgen biosynthetic process
GO:0009058 0.0000048 1.561258 148.7169330 193 5719 biosynthetic process
GO:0006396 0.0000049 2.240398 21.4273042 44 824 RNA processing
GO:0010467 0.0000049 1.580043 125.3653320 168 4821 gene expression
GO:0018130 0.0000062 1.603133 103.9120238 144 3996 heterocycle biosynthetic process
GO:0034654 0.0000062 1.605833 102.1437511 142 3928 nucleobase-containing compound biosynthetic process
GO:0019438 0.0000070 1.598214 104.1460599 144 4005 aromatic compound biosynthetic process
GO:0009056 0.0000070 1.740619 59.0551066 92 2271 catabolic process
GO:1902905 0.0000071 3.719734 5.3308220 18 205 positive regulation of supramolecular fiber organization
GO:0070936 0.0000073 9.523214 1.0401604 8 40 protein K48-linked ubiquitination
GO:0045862 0.0000082 2.992955 8.7373473 24 336 positive regulation of proteolysis
GO:0010638 0.0000086 2.386673 16.3825263 36 630 positive regulation of organelle organization
GO:0002250 0.0000087 2.983203 8.7633514 24 337 adaptive immune response
GO:0031334 0.0000090 3.367647 6.5010025 20 250 positive regulation of protein complex assembly
GO:1903311 0.0000096 3.483007 5.9809223 19 230 regulation of mRNA metabolic process
GO:0034641 0.0000100 1.533963 154.0737590 197 5925 cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process
GO:0008154 0.0000106 3.602730 5.4868461 18 211 actin polymerization or depolymerization
GO:0032271 0.0000113 3.583933 5.5128501 18 212 regulation of protein polymerization
GO:0044249 0.0000120 1.533600 144.0102072 186 5538 cellular biosynthetic process
GO:0000122 0.0000122 2.214241 20.1010997 41 773 negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
GO:0009889 0.0000123 1.585907 99.8033902 138 3838 regulation of biosynthetic process
GO:0071824 0.0000140 3.683821 5.0707819 17 195 protein-DNA complex subunit organization
GO:0097039 0.0000148 50.402516 0.1820281 4 7 protein linear polyubiquitination
GO:0006706 0.0000156 14.231339 0.5720882 6 22 steroid catabolic process
GO:0050707 0.0000165 3.475098 5.6688742 18 218 regulation of cytokine secretion
GO:1903531 0.0000171 3.622078 5.1487940 17 198 negative regulation of secretion by cell
GO:0043484 0.0000180 4.943548 2.7304210 12 105 regulation of RNA splicing
GO:0006346 0.0000192 21.042816 0.3640561 5 14 methylation-dependent chromatin silencing
GO:0015718 0.0000204 3.951624 4.1866456 15 161 monocarboxylic acid transport
GO:0051259 0.0000216 2.405630 14.3802175 32 553 protein complex oligomerization
GO:0043486 0.0000224 9.855547 0.8841363 7 34 histone exchange
GO:0016573 0.0000238 4.136269 3.7445774 14 144 histone acetylation
GO:0009894 0.0000259 2.116071 21.4793122 42 826 regulation of catabolic process
GO:0016575 0.0000262 5.194363 2.3923689 11 92 histone deacetylation
GO:0006357 0.0000293 1.742913 47.9253904 76 1843 regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
GO:0032508 0.0000295 5.700207 2.0023088 10 77 DNA duplex unwinding
GO:0018393 0.0000300 4.042207 3.8225895 14 147 internal peptidyl-lysine acetylation
GO:0007276 0.0000300 2.266878 16.6685704 35 641 gamete generation
GO:2000113 0.0000307 1.886944 32.8690686 57 1264 negative regulation of cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process
GO:0044419 0.0000313 2.117060 20.9332280 41 805 interspecies interaction between organisms
GO:0051495 0.0000320 3.291643 5.9549183 18 229 positive regulation of cytoskeleton organization
GO:0045892 0.0000323 1.951969 28.3443709 51 1090 negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
GO:0010629 0.0000340 1.785086 41.6584240 68 1602 negative regulation of gene expression
GO:0002376 0.0000340 1.659013 61.4474756 92 2363 immune system process
GO:0043543 0.0000364 3.394299 5.4608421 17 210 protein acylation
GO:1903313 0.0000388 6.239271 1.6642566 9 64 positive regulation of mRNA metabolic process
GO:0035372 0.0000400 17.214700 0.4160642 5 16 protein localization to microtubule
GO:0006475 0.0000404 3.923199 3.9266055 14 151 internal protein amino acid acetylation
GO:0034645 0.0000426 1.514500 116.8360168 154 4493 cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process
GO:0000733 0.0000512 30.237736 0.2340361 4 9 DNA strand renaturation
GO:0042447 0.0000512 30.237736 0.2340361 4 9 hormone catabolic process
GO:0018205 0.0000538 2.638431 9.8035118 24 377 peptidyl-lysine modification
GO:0033043 0.0000563 1.860891 32.0369403 55 1232 regulation of organelle organization
GO:1902679 0.0000568 1.904844 28.9684671 51 1114 negative regulation of RNA biosynthetic process
GO:1903507 0.0000568 1.904844 28.9684671 51 1114 negative regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription
GO:0044271 0.0000577 1.502604 117.4861170 154 4518 cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
GO:0009059 0.0000612 1.498181 119.4624218 156 4594 macromolecule biosynthetic process
GO:0018394 0.0000665 3.730844 4.1086336 14 158 peptidyl-lysine acetylation
GO:0035879 0.0000685 113.152941 0.1040160 3 4 plasma membrane lactate transport
GO:0006694 0.0000795 3.471148 4.7067258 15 181 steroid biosynthetic process
GO:0048024 0.0000798 5.623459 1.8202807 9 70 regulation of mRNA splicing, via spliceosome
GO:0051048 0.0000816 3.161936 5.8248982 17 224 negative regulation of secretion
GO:0033673 0.0000875 2.920543 7.0210827 19 270 negative regulation of kinase activity
GO:0010558 0.0000949 1.801110 34.2472811 57 1317 negative regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process
GO:0010959 0.0000972 2.589729 9.5434717 23 367 regulation of metal ion transport
GO:0048026 0.0000999 13.523303 0.4940762 5 19 positive regulation of mRNA splicing, via spliceosome
GO:0006333 0.0001019 4.063479 3.2505012 12 125 chromatin assembly or disassembly
GO:0070317 0.0001043 9.482820 0.7801203 6 30 negative regulation of G0 to G1 transition
GO:0043122 0.0001061 3.220658 5.3828301 16 207 regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB signaling
GO:0050684 0.0001065 4.378622 2.7824291 11 107 regulation of mRNA processing
GO:0006476 0.0001159 4.333210 2.8084331 11 108 protein deacetylation
GO:0051348 0.0001260 2.747540 7.8272070 20 301 negative regulation of transferase activity
GO:0006323 0.0001315 3.688496 3.8485935 13 148 DNA packaging
GO:0007283 0.0001369 2.292463 13.0800170 28 503 spermatogenesis
GO:0006469 0.0001416 2.900867 6.6830306 18 257 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
GO:0070316 0.0001524 8.752278 0.8321283 6 32 regulation of G0 to G1 transition
GO:0051258 0.0001618 2.774441 7.3591348 19 283 protein polymerization
GO:0044248 0.0001677 1.632534 51.3839237 77 1976 cellular catabolic process
GO:0097052 0.0001679 56.572941 0.1300200 3 5 L-kynurenine metabolic process
GO:1902816 0.0001679 56.572941 0.1300200 3 5 regulation of protein localization to microtubule
GO:1902817 0.0001679 56.572941 0.1300200 3 5 negative regulation of protein localization to microtubule
GO:0051493 0.0001697 2.225465 13.9381493 29 536 regulation of cytoskeleton organization
GO:0002791 0.0001737 2.294581 12.5859408 27 484 regulation of peptide secretion
GO:0016043 0.0001765 1.434062 153.0856067 189 5887 cellular component organization
GO:0045023 0.0001822 8.427594 0.8581323 6 33 G0 to G1 transition
GO:0006305 0.0001936 5.635626 1.6122486 8 62 DNA alkylation
GO:0006306 0.0001936 5.635626 1.6122486 8 62 DNA methylation
GO:0051172 0.0001940 1.606348 54.9984811 81 2115 negative regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process
GO:0016458 0.0002377 2.983316 5.7728902 16 222 gene silencing
GO:0032268 0.0002428 1.570770 60.5113312 87 2327 regulation of cellular protein metabolic process
GO:0048232 0.0002524 2.201599 13.5740932 28 522 male gamete generation
GO:0031327 0.0002565 1.725067 35.5734856 57 1368 negative regulation of cellular biosynthetic process
GO:0006473 0.0002809 3.212358 4.7067258 14 181 protein acetylation
GO:0002682 0.0002825 1.770389 30.9187678 51 1189 regulation of immune system process
GO:0043123 0.0003033 3.361755 4.1866456 13 161 positive regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB signaling
GO:0035093 0.0003294 37.712941 0.1560241 3 6 spermatogenesis, exchange of chromosomal proteins
GO:0002165 0.0003294 37.712941 0.1560241 3 6 instar larval or pupal development
GO:0032535 0.0003339 2.413639 9.7254997 22 374 regulation of cellular component size
GO:0010605 0.0003407 1.548319 61.9935598 88 2384 negative regulation of macromolecule metabolic process
GO:0050708 0.0003413 2.266956 11.7538125 25 452 regulation of protein secretion
GO:0006369 0.0003503 7.338328 0.9621484 6 37 termination of RNA polymerase II transcription
GO:0006955 0.0003616 1.670144 39.3180631 61 1512 immune response
GO:0008202 0.0003841 2.575786 7.8792150 19 303 steroid metabolic process
GO:0007249 0.0003894 2.843402 6.0329303 16 232 I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB signaling
GO:0000380 0.0004070 7.108560 0.9881524 6 38 alternative mRNA splicing, via spliceosome
GO:0007015 0.0004150 2.372279 9.8815238 22 380 actin filament organization
GO:0043388 0.0004201 5.777910 1.3782125 7 53 positive regulation of DNA binding
GO:0001701 0.0004532 2.410166 9.2834316 21 357 in utero embryonic development
GO:0009890 0.0004664 1.678938 36.4316180 57 1401 negative regulation of biosynthetic process
GO:0034720 0.0005653 28.282941 0.1820281 3 7 histone H3-K4 demethylation
GO:1905666 0.0005653 28.282941 0.1820281 3 7 regulation of protein localization to endosome
GO:1905668 0.0005653 28.282941 0.1820281 3 7 positive regulation of protein localization to endosome
GO:0090308 0.0005653 28.282941 0.1820281 3 7 regulation of methylation-dependent chromatin silencing
GO:0010216 0.0005653 28.282941 0.1820281 3 7 maintenance of DNA methylation
GO:0000381 0.0005844 8.601440 0.7021083 5 27 regulation of alternative mRNA splicing, via spliceosome
GO:0002683 0.0006302 2.293583 10.1935719 22 392 negative regulation of immune system process
GO:0043254 0.0006693 2.236415 10.9216842 23 420 regulation of protein complex assembly
GO:0034092 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 negative regulation of maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion
GO:1904907 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion, telomeric
GO:1904908 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 negative regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion, telomeric
GO:0034183 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 negative regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion
GO:0034721 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 histone H3-K4 demethylation, trimethyl-H3-K4-specific
GO:0099403 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion, telomeric
GO:0099404 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 mitotic sister chromatid cohesion, telomeric
GO:0070983 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 dendrite guidance
GO:0051780 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 behavioral response to nutrient
GO:0035172 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 hemocyte proliferation
GO:0035222 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 wing disc pattern formation
GO:0035206 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 regulation of hemocyte proliferation
GO:0035207 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 negative regulation of hemocyte proliferation
GO:0033092 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 positive regulation of immature T cell proliferation in thymus
GO:0006660 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 phosphatidylserine catabolic process
GO:0003226 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 right ventricular compact myocardium morphogenesis
GO:0007447 0.0006747 Inf 0.0520080 2 2 imaginal disc pattern formation
GO:0002790 0.0007889 2.007962 15.3163619 29 589 peptide secretion
GO:0050685 0.0008237 7.883668 0.7541163 5 29 positive regulation of mRNA processing
GO:0044728 0.0008589 4.406349 2.0023088 8 77 DNA methylation or demethylation
GO:1902221 0.0008871 22.624941 0.2080321 3 8 erythrose 4-phosphate/phosphoenolpyruvate family amino acid metabolic process
GO:1902222 0.0008871 22.624941 0.2080321 3 8 erythrose 4-phosphate/phosphoenolpyruvate family amino acid catabolic process
GO:0006558 0.0008871 22.624941 0.2080321 3 8 L-phenylalanine metabolic process
GO:0006559 0.0008871 22.624941 0.2080321 3 8 L-phenylalanine catabolic process
GO:0072711 0.0008871 22.624941 0.2080321 3 8 cellular response to hydroxyurea
GO:0001933 0.0010089 2.163704 11.2597363 23 433 negative regulation of protein phosphorylation
GO:0036010 0.0010327 10.793127 0.4680722 4 18 protein localization to endosome
GO:0006259 0.0010483 1.746836 25.5359378 42 982 DNA metabolic process
GO:0071840 0.0011071 1.361902 158.0523726 189 6078 cellular component organization or biogenesis
GO:1903322 0.0011592 3.462592 3.1204812 10 120 positive regulation of protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal
GO:0006342 0.0011998 4.163862 2.1063248 8 81 chromatin silencing
GO:0009306 0.0012385 1.996519 14.3022055 27 550 protein secretion
GO:0031398 0.0012640 3.721360 2.6264050 9 101 positive regulation of protein ubiquitination
GO:1900151 0.0012815 10.072956 0.4940762 4 19 regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, deadenylation-dependent decay
GO:0042436 0.0013050 18.852941 0.2340361 3 9 indole-containing compound catabolic process
GO:0046218 0.0013050 18.852941 0.2340361 3 9 indolalkylamine catabolic process
GO:0006569 0.0013050 18.852941 0.2340361 3 9 tryptophan catabolic process
GO:0031400 0.0013668 1.955578 15.1343338 28 582 negative regulation of protein modification process
GO:0022402 0.0014236 1.640720 32.4009964 50 1246 cell cycle process
GO:0006952 0.0014701 1.622666 34.0912571 52 1311 defense response
GO:0033120 0.0015117 6.755741 0.8581323 5 33 positive regulation of RNA splicing
GO:0051246 0.0015189 1.462122 64.9840209 88 2499 regulation of protein metabolic process
GO:0090087 0.0015574 1.832477 19.0349353 33 732 regulation of peptide transport
GO:1990126 0.0015693 9.442807 0.5200802 4 20 retrograde transport, endosome to plasma membrane
GO:0009074 0.0015693 9.442807 0.5200802 4 20 aromatic amino acid family catabolic process
GO:0051289 0.0016409 3.946568 2.2103408 8 85 protein homotetramerization
GO:0051101 0.0017745 3.528430 2.7564251 9 106 regulation of DNA binding
GO:0070189 0.0018285 16.158655 0.2600401 3 10 kynurenine metabolic process
GO:0070262 0.0018285 16.158655 0.2600401 3 10 peptidyl-serine dephosphorylation
GO:0035092 0.0018285 16.158655 0.2600401 3 10 sperm chromatin condensation
GO:0072710 0.0018285 16.158655 0.2600401 3 10 response to hydroxyurea
GO:0044093 0.0018406 1.543935 42.8286044 62 1647 positive regulation of molecular function
GO:0030162 0.0018479 1.847747 17.7087308 31 681 regulation of proteolysis
GO:0022414 0.0018811 1.558086 40.3322194 59 1551 reproductive process
GO:0031497 0.0018941 3.492207 2.7824291 9 107 chromatin assembly
GO:0043488 0.0018941 3.492207 2.7824291 9 107 regulation of mRNA stability
GO:0035337 0.0018991 8.886793 0.5460842 4 21 fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process
GO:0097053 0.0019891 75.258216 0.0780120 2 3 L-kynurenine catabolic process
GO:0036098 0.0019891 75.258216 0.0780120 2 3 male germ-line stem cell population maintenance
GO:0052651 0.0019891 75.258216 0.0780120 2 3 monoacylglycerol catabolic process
GO:0009955 0.0019891 75.258216 0.0780120 2 3 adaxial/abaxial pattern specification
GO:1903527 0.0019891 75.258216 0.0780120 2 3 positive regulation of membrane tubulation
GO:0003221 0.0019891 75.258216 0.0780120 2 3 right ventricular cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis
GO:2000011 0.0019891 75.258216 0.0780120 2 3 regulation of adaxial/abaxial pattern formation
GO:0000003 0.0019954 1.553492 40.4362355 59 1555 reproduction
GO:0046596 0.0019986 5.050869 1.3262045 6 51 regulation of viral entry into host cell
GO:1902373 0.0022528 6.100816 0.9361444 5 36 negative regulation of mRNA catabolic process
GO:0007010 0.0023035 1.584354 34.8193693 52 1339 cytoskeleton organization
GO:0006816 0.0023131 2.054247 11.2857403 22 434 calcium ion transport
GO:0042326 0.0023999 2.012306 12.0398566 23 463 negative regulation of phosphorylation
GO:0006568 0.0024659 14.137941 0.2860441 3 11 tryptophan metabolic process
GO:0003006 0.0024901 1.827563 17.2926666 30 665 developmental process involved in reproduction
GO:0031324 0.0025288 1.452895 59.0291026 80 2270 negative regulation of cellular metabolic process
GO:0070201 0.0025395 1.788506 18.8529072 32 725 regulation of establishment of protein localization
GO:0030097 0.0025456 1.741323 21.1932681 35 815 hemopoiesis
GO:0051223 0.0026312 1.801480 18.1247949 31 697 regulation of protein transport
GO:0002520 0.0026837 1.695899 23.6376451 38 909 immune system development
GO:0010604 0.0027164 1.407856 74.3454645 97 2859 positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process
GO:0048522 0.0027283 1.342874 123.3890273 150 4745 positive regulation of cellular process
GO:0043487 0.0027531 3.289494 2.9384531 9 113 regulation of RNA stability
GO:0018193 0.0028702 1.609361 30.2166596 46 1162 peptidyl-amino acid modification
GO:0032480 0.0028747 5.730353 0.9881524 5 38 negative regulation of type I interferon production
GO:0009892 0.0029039 1.420955 67.3243818 89 2589 negative regulation of metabolic process
GO:0006304 0.0031022 3.531562 2.4443769 8 94 DNA modification
GO:0070198 0.0031706 7.552359 0.6240962 4 24 protein localization to chromosome, telomeric region
GO:0010880 0.0031706 7.552359 0.6240962 4 24 regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol by sarcoplasmic reticulum
GO:0051051 0.0032892 2.026675 10.8956802 21 419 negative regulation of transport
GO:0001816 0.0033050 1.789387 17.6307188 30 678 cytokine production
GO:0051248 0.0035796 1.632414 26.4720821 41 1018 negative regulation of protein metabolic process
GO:0032880 0.0036635 1.650528 24.8858375 39 957 regulation of protein localization
GO:0046597 0.0036981 7.192273 0.6501002 4 25 negative regulation of viral entry into host cell
GO:0019953 0.0037285 1.648623 24.9118415 39 958 sexual reproduction
GO:0032269 0.0037285 1.648623 24.9118415 39 958 negative regulation of cellular protein metabolic process
GO:0006281 0.0037474 1.935338 12.4819248 23 480 DNA repair
GO:0048523 0.0038628 1.337312 111.2191506 136 4277 negative regulation of cellular process
GO:0016579 0.0038957 2.479554 5.5388541 13 213 protein deubiquitination
GO:0045084 0.0039097 37.626761 0.1040160 2 4 positive regulation of interleukin-12 biosynthetic process
GO:0070213 0.0039097 37.626761 0.1040160 2 4 protein auto-ADP-ribosylation
GO:0085020 0.0039097 37.626761 0.1040160 2 4 protein K6-linked ubiquitination
GO:0070535 0.0039097 37.626761 0.1040160 2 4 histone H2A K63-linked ubiquitination
GO:1901475 0.0039097 37.626761 0.1040160 2 4 pyruvate transmembrane transport
GO:0035220 0.0039097 37.626761 0.1040160 2 4 wing disc development
GO:0016102 0.0039097 37.626761 0.1040160 2 4 diterpenoid biosynthetic process
GO:0035544 0.0039097 37.626761 0.1040160 2 4 negative regulation of SNARE complex assembly
GO:0035948 0.0039097 37.626761 0.1040160 2 4 positive regulation of gluconeogenesis by positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0002138 0.0039097 37.626761 0.1040160 2 4 retinoic acid biosynthetic process
GO:0006848 0.0039097 37.626761 0.1040160 2 4 pyruvate transport
GO:0033091 0.0039097 37.626761 0.1040160 2 4 positive regulation of immature T cell proliferation
GO:1903525 0.0039097 37.626761 0.1040160 2 4 regulation of membrane tubulation
GO:0006586 0.0041121 11.308941 0.3380521 3 13 indolalkylamine metabolic process
GO:0006974 0.0041482 1.725934 19.4770035 32 749 cellular response to DNA damage stimulus
GO:0038061 0.0042665 3.336473 2.5743970 8 99 NIK/NF-kappaB signaling
GO:0060968 0.0042665 3.336473 2.5743970 8 99 regulation of gene silencing
GO:0048255 0.0042820 6.864923 0.6761043 4 26 mRNA stabilization
GO:0044703 0.0043925 1.584663 29.2545112 44 1125 multi-organism reproductive process
GO:0042157 0.0044324 2.838142 3.7445774 10 144 lipoprotein metabolic process
GO:1902369 0.0044761 5.109578 1.0921684 5 42 negative regulation of RNA catabolic process
GO:0043933 0.0045021 1.442005 52.3720761 71 2014 protein-containing complex subunit organization
GO:0048609 0.0045890 1.626081 25.2238897 39 970 multicellular organismal reproductive process
GO:0030036 0.0048002 1.756455 17.3186706 29 666 actin cytoskeleton organization
GO:0048518 0.0049146 1.307264 138.5493651 164 5328 positive regulation of biological process
GO:0031399 0.0049771 1.476699 43.0106325 60 1654 regulation of protein modification process
GO:0048519 0.0050057 1.315504 123.3370193 148 4743 negative regulation of biological process
GO:0097329 0.0051335 10.280214 0.3640561 3 14 response to antimetabolite
GO:0032504 0.0051652 1.613198 25.4059177 39 977 multicellular organism reproduction
GO:0048534 0.0052223 1.656293 22.1814205 35 853 hematopoietic or lymphoid organ development
GO:0006508 0.0052251 1.468483 43.9727808 61 1691 proteolysis
GO:0042430 0.0056299 6.292060 0.7281123 4 28 indole-containing compound metabolic process
GO:0070646 0.0057087 2.359989 5.7988942 13 223 protein modification by small protein removal
GO:0043414 0.0057291 2.203064 7.1511027 15 275 macromolecule methylation
GO:0010564 0.0057637 1.730972 17.5527067 29 675 regulation of cell cycle process
GO:1903320 0.0059794 2.444056 5.1747980 12 199 regulation of protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal
GO:2001233 0.0060965 1.982745 10.0375478 19 386 regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0006334 0.0062143 3.445044 2.1843368 7 84 nucleosome assembly
GO:0007289 0.0062944 9.422941 0.3900601 3 15 spermatid nucleus differentiation
GO:0001817 0.0063577 1.773676 15.3423659 26 590 regulation of cytokine production
GO:0009893 0.0063757 1.353026 79.2602224 100 3048 positive regulation of metabolic process
GO:0009072 0.0063988 6.040000 0.7541163 4 29 aromatic amino acid family metabolic process
GO:1904628 0.0064041 25.082942 0.1300200 2 5 cellular response to phorbol 13-acetate 12-myristate
GO:0045075 0.0064041 25.082942 0.1300200 2 5 regulation of interleukin-12 biosynthetic process
GO:0045410 0.0064041 25.082942 0.1300200 2 5 positive regulation of interleukin-6 biosynthetic process
GO:0008065 0.0064041 25.082942 0.1300200 2 5 establishment of blood-nerve barrier
GO:0045875 0.0064041 25.082942 0.1300200 2 5 negative regulation of sister chromatid cohesion
GO:0042090 0.0064041 25.082942 0.1300200 2 5 interleukin-12 biosynthetic process
GO:0042574 0.0064041 25.082942 0.1300200 2 5 retinal metabolic process
GO:0098787 0.0064041 25.082942 0.1300200 2 5 mRNA cleavage involved in mRNA processing
GO:0098789 0.0064041 25.082942 0.1300200 2 5 pre-mRNA cleavage required for polyadenylation
GO:0021553 0.0064041 25.082942 0.1300200 2 5 olfactory nerve development
GO:0007444 0.0064041 25.082942 0.1300200 2 5 imaginal disc development
GO:0097190 0.0064419 1.793336 14.5882496 25 561 apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0043009 0.0066481 1.728349 16.9546145 28 652 chordate embryonic development
GO:0043489 0.0072344 5.807329 0.7801203 4 30 RNA stabilization
GO:0014808 0.0072344 5.807329 0.7801203 4 30 release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol by sarcoplasmic reticulum
GO:0061013 0.0072640 2.800990 3.4065253 9 131 regulation of mRNA catabolic process
GO:0065003 0.0075281 1.435586 45.6110335 62 1754 protein-containing complex assembly
GO:0042537 0.0075992 8.697557 0.4160642 3 16 benzene-containing compound metabolic process
GO:0043584 0.0075992 8.697557 0.4160642 3 16 nose development
GO:0015849 0.0076059 2.071549 8.0872471 16 311 organic acid transport
GO:0046942 0.0076059 2.071549 8.0872471 16 311 carboxylic acid transport
GO:0043269 0.0076684 1.725682 16.3565223 27 629 regulation of ion transport
GO:0006353 0.0078296 3.722322 1.7422687 6 67 DNA-templated transcription, termination
GO:0070838 0.0078770 1.834237 12.5339328 22 482 divalent metal ion transport
GO:0010948 0.0080636 2.057337 8.1392551 16 313 negative regulation of cell cycle process
GO:1903514 0.0081389 5.591894 0.8061243 4 31 release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol by endoplasmic reticulum
GO:0009792 0.0082538 1.697197 17.2406586 28 663 embryo development ending in birth or egg hatching
GO:0034622 0.0083791 1.560095 26.1860380 39 1007 cellular protein-containing complex assembly
GO:0072511 0.0084365 1.822000 12.6119448 22 485 divalent inorganic cation transport
GO:0072698 0.0086560 4.294810 1.2741965 5 49 protein localization to microtubule cytoskeleton
GO:0046949 0.0090519 8.075798 0.4420682 3 17 fatty-acyl-CoA biosynthetic process
GO:0051092 0.0093357 2.889070 2.9384531 8 113 positive regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity
GO:0030718 0.0094415 18.811033 0.1560241 2 6 germ-line stem cell population maintenance
GO:1904627 0.0094415 18.811033 0.1560241 2 6 response to phorbol 13-acetate 12-myristate
GO:0034182 0.0094415 18.811033 0.1560241 2 6 regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion
GO:0035947 0.0094415 18.811033 0.1560241 2 6 regulation of gluconeogenesis by regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0033084 0.0094415 18.811033 0.1560241 2 6 regulation of immature T cell proliferation in thymus
GO:0010571 0.0094415 18.811033 0.1560241 2 6 positive regulation of nuclear cell cycle DNA replication
GO:0033601 0.0094415 18.811033 0.1560241 2 6 positive regulation of mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation
GO:0061038 0.0094415 18.811033 0.1560241 2 6 uterus morphogenesis
GO:0050776 0.0095346 1.632011 19.8410596 31 763 regulation of immune response
GO:0009411 0.0096190 2.668687 3.5625494 9 137 response to UV
GO:0061515 0.0096427 3.547171 1.8202807 6 70 myeloid cell development
GO:0042102 0.0096427 3.547171 1.8202807 6 70 positive regulation of T cell proliferation
GO:1903530 0.0098760 1.641053 19.0869433 30 734 regulation of secretion by cell
GO:0034508 0.0101631 5.205595 0.8581323 4 33 centromere complex assembly
GO:0043967 0.0103084 3.492381 1.8462847 6 71 histone H4 acetylation
GO:1900153 0.0106558 7.536941 0.4680722 3 18 positive regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, deadenylation-dependent decay
GO:0051173 0.0108779 1.338349 70.6788991 89 2718 positive regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process
GO:0007049 0.0109064 1.409514 45.5590255 61 1752 cell cycle
GO:0070296 0.0112868 5.031761 0.8841363 4 34 sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ion transport
GO:0002833 0.0112868 5.031761 0.8841363 4 34 positive regulation of response to biotic stimulus
GO:0045786 0.0113115 1.723996 14.5102376 24 558 negative regulation of cell cycle
GO:1905039 0.0113839 2.782350 3.0424692 8 117 carboxylic acid transmembrane transport
GO:1903825 0.0113839 2.782350 3.0424692 8 117 organic acid transmembrane transport
GO:0031325 0.0117626 1.328176 73.6433562 92 2832 positive regulation of cellular metabolic process
GO:0018108 0.0118520 1.920421 9.2314235 17 355 peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation
GO:0051262 0.0121109 2.418858 4.3426697 10 167 protein tetramerization
GO:0007063 0.0124134 7.065441 0.4940762 3 19 regulation of sister chromatid cohesion
GO:0018212 0.0124724 1.908881 9.2834316 17 357 peptidyl-tyrosine modification
GO:0034091 0.0129920 15.047887 0.1820281 2 7 regulation of maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion
GO:0033080 0.0129920 15.047887 0.1820281 2 7 immature T cell proliferation in thymus
GO:0065004 0.0130826 2.388132 4.3946777 10 169 protein-DNA complex assembly
GO:0032259 0.0136018 1.931302 8.6333313 16 332 methylation
GO:0051130 0.0136567 1.470305 31.2828240 44 1203 positive regulation of cellular component organization
GO:0030029 0.0137275 1.595946 19.5810195 30 753 actin filament-based process
GO:0045936 0.0137954 1.691213 14.7702777 24 568 negative regulation of phosphate metabolic process
GO:0010563 0.0137954 1.691213 14.7702777 24 568 negative regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
GO:1901361 0.0138680 1.710982 13.9901574 23 538 organic cyclic compound catabolic process
GO:0065007 0.0139542 1.275340 288.6965186 310 11102 biological regulation
GO:0002831 0.0139654 2.912479 2.5483930 7 98 regulation of response to biotic stimulus
GO:0061157 0.0143271 6.649412 0.5200802 3 20 mRNA destabilization
GO:0051338 0.0149455 1.529646 23.8456771 35 917 regulation of transferase activity
GO:0044380 0.0149697 3.703704 1.4562246 5 56 protein localization to cytoskeleton
GO:0007628 0.0151264 4.573471 0.9621484 4 37 adult walking behavior
GO:0061014 0.0151264 4.573471 0.9621484 4 37 positive regulation of mRNA catabolic process
GO:0030218 0.0154687 2.849488 2.6004010 7 100 erythrocyte differentiation
GO:0030099 0.0155868 1.858588 9.5174676 17 366 myeloid cell differentiation
GO:0009791 0.0157388 2.613300 3.2244972 8 124 post-embryonic development
GO:0051046 0.0157810 1.564685 20.6211799 31 793 regulation of secretion
GO:0050779 0.0163985 6.279608 0.5460842 3 21 RNA destabilization
GO:0042402 0.0163985 6.279608 0.5460842 3 21 cellular biogenic amine catabolic process
GO:0031935 0.0163985 6.279608 0.5460842 3 21 regulation of chromatin silencing
GO:0009310 0.0163985 6.279608 0.5460842 3 21 amine catabolic process
GO:0006103 0.0163985 6.279608 0.5460842 3 21 2-oxoglutarate metabolic process
GO:0033599 0.0163985 6.279608 0.5460842 3 21 regulation of mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation
GO:0090659 0.0165678 4.438679 0.9881524 4 38 walking behavior
GO:2001234 0.0168355 2.187653 5.2528100 11 202 negative regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0035264 0.0169491 2.286418 4.5767058 10 176 multicellular organism growth
GO:0042182 0.0170269 12.539124 0.2080321 2 8 ketone catabolic process
GO:0031086 0.0170269 12.539124 0.2080321 2 8 nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, deadenylation-independent decay
GO:0031339 0.0170269 12.539124 0.2080321 2 8 negative regulation of vesicle fusion
GO:0031666 0.0170269 12.539124 0.2080321 2 8 positive regulation of lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway
GO:0016114 0.0170269 12.539124 0.2080321 2 8 terpenoid biosynthetic process
GO:0035542 0.0170269 12.539124 0.2080321 2 8 regulation of SNARE complex assembly
GO:0043983 0.0170269 12.539124 0.2080321 2 8 histone H4-K12 acetylation
GO:0060763 0.0170269 12.539124 0.2080321 2 8 mammary duct terminal end bud growth
GO:0033083 0.0170269 12.539124 0.2080321 2 8 regulation of immature T cell proliferation
GO:0097435 0.0171039 1.621227 16.6685704 26 641 supramolecular fiber organization
GO:0034968 0.0171784 2.568684 3.2765053 8 126 histone lysine methylation
GO:1901570 0.0172212 3.563495 1.5082326 5 58 fatty acid derivative biosynthetic process
GO:0090066 0.0178702 1.667457 14.3282095 23 551 regulation of anatomical structure size
GO:0003279 0.0179341 2.759922 2.6784130 7 103 cardiac septum development
GO:0035904 0.0184266 3.497286 1.5342366 5 59 aorta development
GO:0031055 0.0186286 5.948731 0.5720882 3 22 chromatin remodeling at centromere
GO:0045815 0.0197012 4.191562 1.0401604 4 40 positive regulation of gene expression, epigenetic
GO:0010803 0.0197012 4.191562 1.0401604 4 40 regulation of tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway
GO:0002262 0.0203378 2.483841 3.3805213 8 130 myeloid cell homeostasis
GO:0043902 0.0208865 2.205825 4.7327298 10 182 positive regulation of multi-organism process
GO:0007281 0.0209304 2.035585 6.1369464 12 236 germ cell development
GO:2000679 0.0210184 5.650941 0.5980922 3 23 positive regulation of transcription regulatory region DNA binding
GO:0009648 0.0210184 5.650941 0.5980922 3 23 photoperiodism
GO:0048608 0.0214013 1.726679 11.4157604 19 439 reproductive structure development
GO:0046462 0.0215189 10.747150 0.2340361 2 9 monoacylglycerol metabolic process
GO:0016584 0.0215189 10.747150 0.2340361 2 9 nucleosome positioning
GO:0002327 0.0215189 10.747150 0.2340361 2 9 immature B cell differentiation
GO:0033079 0.0215189 10.747150 0.2340361 2 9 immature T cell proliferation
GO:0048752 0.0215189 10.747150 0.2340361 2 9 semicircular canal morphogenesis
GO:0098532 0.0215189 10.747150 0.2340361 2 9 histone H3-K27 trimethylation
GO:0003223 0.0215189 10.747150 0.2340361 2 9 ventricular compact myocardium morphogenesis
GO:0006310 0.0220964 1.902295 7.6451789 14 294 DNA recombination
GO:1901222 0.0223721 3.312596 1.6122486 5 62 regulation of NIK/NF-kappaB signaling
GO:0043966 0.0223721 3.312596 1.6122486 5 62 histone H3 acetylation
GO:1903312 0.0223721 3.312596 1.6122486 5 62 negative regulation of mRNA metabolic process
GO:0034101 0.0226365 2.622469 2.8084331 7 108 erythrocyte homeostasis
GO:2000059 0.0231767 3.970457 1.0921684 4 42 negative regulation of ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0010212 0.0233362 2.274129 4.1346376 9 159 response to ionizing radiation
GO:0070076 0.0235681 5.381513 0.6240962 3 24 histone lysine demethylation
GO:0001773 0.0235681 5.381513 0.6240962 3 24 myeloid dendritic cell activation
GO:0018345 0.0235681 5.381513 0.6240962 3 24 protein palmitoylation
GO:0045859 0.0235903 1.532222 19.6330275 29 755 regulation of protein kinase activity
GO:0031124 0.0237997 3.255278 1.6382526 5 63 mRNA 3’-end processing
GO:0061458 0.0246956 1.697612 11.5977884 19 446 reproductive system development
GO:0035194 0.0247357 2.571224 2.8604411 7 110 posttranscriptional gene silencing by RNA
GO:1901224 0.0250451 3.868408 1.1181724 4 43 positive regulation of NIK/NF-kappaB signaling
GO:0019228 0.0250451 3.868408 1.1181724 4 43 neuronal action potential
GO:0009314 0.0251961 1.693537 11.6237924 19 447 response to radiation
GO:0031047 0.0258200 2.366518 3.5365454 8 136 gene silencing by RNA
GO:0097327 0.0258338 2.546341 2.8864451 7 111 response to antineoplastic agent
GO:0034401 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 chromatin organization involved in regulation of transcription
GO:0034247 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 snoRNA splicing
GO:0061930 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 regulation of erythrocyte enucleation
GO:0061931 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 positive regulation of erythrocyte enucleation
GO:0070868 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 heterochromatin organization involved in chromatin silencing
GO:0070869 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 heterochromatin assembly involved in chromatin silencing
GO:0042766 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 nucleosome mobilization
GO:0042883 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 cysteine transport
GO:1901257 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 negative regulation of macrophage colony-stimulating factor production
GO:1901726 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 negative regulation of histone deacetylase activity
GO:0051037 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 regulation of transcription involved in meiotic cell cycle
GO:0051039 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 positive regulation of transcription involved in meiotic cell cycle
GO:1901580 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 regulation of telomeric RNA transcription from RNA pol II promoter
GO:1901581 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 negative regulation of telomeric RNA transcription from RNA pol II promoter
GO:1901582 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 positive regulation of telomeric RNA transcription from RNA pol II promoter
GO:1901545 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 response to raffinose
GO:1905393 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 plant organ formation
GO:1905398 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 activated CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell apoptotic process
GO:1905399 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 regulation of activated CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell apoptotic process
GO:1901668 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 regulation of superoxide dismutase activity
GO:0046778 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 modification by virus of host mRNA processing
GO:0019391 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 glucuronoside catabolic process
GO:1905404 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 positive regulation of activated CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell apoptotic process
GO:0019389 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 glucuronoside metabolic process
GO:0019290 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 siderophore biosynthetic process
GO:0001207 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 histone displacement
GO:0043354 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 enucleate erythrocyte maturation
GO:0035073 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 pupariation
GO:0035075 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 response to ecdysone
GO:0035076 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 ecdysone receptor-mediated signaling pathway
GO:0043131 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 erythrocyte enucleation
GO:0150066 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 negative regulation of deacetylase activity
GO:0035127 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 post-embryonic limb morphogenesis
GO:0035128 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 post-embryonic forelimb morphogenesis
GO:0097393 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 telomeric repeat-containing RNA transcription
GO:0097394 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 telomeric repeat-containing RNA transcription by RNA polymerase II
GO:0035210 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 prepupal development
GO:0097403 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 cellular response to raffinose
GO:1902838 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 regulation of nuclear migration along microtubule
GO:0002017 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 regulation of blood volume by renal aldosterone
GO:0032013 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 negative regulation of ARF protein signal transduction
GO:0071390 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 cellular response to ecdysone
GO:1902661 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 positive regulation of glucose mediated signaling pathway
GO:0090138 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization by cell-cell adhesion
GO:0002461 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 tolerance induction dependent upon immune response
GO:0097549 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 chromatin organization involved in negative regulation of transcription
GO:0060819 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 inactivation of X chromosome by genetic imprinting
GO:0009237 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 siderophore metabolic process
GO:0090601 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 enucleation
GO:0032712 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 negative regulation of interleukin-3 production
GO:0002856 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 negative regulation of natural killer cell mediated immune response to tumor cell
GO:0002859 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 negative regulation of natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity directed against tumor cell target
GO:0071656 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 negative regulation of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor production
GO:0002835 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 negative regulation of response to tumor cell
GO:0002838 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 negative regulation of immune response to tumor cell
GO:0002574 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 thrombocyte differentiation
GO:0002652 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 regulation of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response
GO:0036351 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 histone H2A-K13 ubiquitination
GO:0036352 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 histone H2A-K15 ubiquitination
GO:0036371 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 protein localization to T-tubule
GO:0010016 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 shoot system morphogenesis
GO:0036111 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 very long-chain fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process
GO:0002940 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 tRNA N2-guanine methylation
GO:0048367 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 shoot system development
GO:0010346 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 shoot axis formation
GO:1903712 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 cysteine transmembrane transport
GO:1903709 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 uterine gland development
GO:1903584 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 regulation of histone deubiquitination
GO:1903586 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 positive regulation of histone deubiquitination
GO:0010223 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 secondary shoot formation
GO:0010228 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 vegetative to reproductive phase transition of meristem
GO:1903699 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 tarsal gland development
GO:0006666 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 3-keto-sphinganine metabolic process
GO:0048573 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 photoperiodism, flowering
GO:1903964 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 monounsaturated fatty acid metabolic process
GO:1903966 0.0260040 Inf 0.0260040 1 1 monounsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process
GO:0051412 0.0262776 5.136577 0.6501002 3 25 response to corticosterone
GO:0016577 0.0262776 5.136577 0.6501002 3 25 histone demethylation
GO:0034088 0.0264415 9.403169 0.2600401 2 10 maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion
GO:0008655 0.0264415 9.403169 0.2600401 2 10 pyrimidine-containing compound salvage
GO:0043097 0.0264415 9.403169 0.2600401 2 10 pyrimidine nucleoside salvage
GO:0043518 0.0264415 9.403169 0.2600401 2 10 negative regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator
GO:0035646 0.0264415 9.403169 0.2600401 2 10 endosome to melanosome transport
GO:0002318 0.0264415 9.403169 0.2600401 2 10 myeloid progenitor cell differentiation
GO:0016441 0.0269648 2.521932 2.9124491 7 112 posttranscriptional gene silencing
GO:0007157 0.0270018 3.771462 1.1441764 4 44 heterophilic cell-cell adhesion via plasma membrane cell adhesion molecules
GO:0009416 0.0276629 1.842001 7.8792150 14 303 response to light stimulus
GO:0018022 0.0278562 2.329817 3.5885534 8 138 peptidyl-lysine methylation
GO:0042737 0.0284515 2.731913 2.3143569 6 89 drug catabolic process
GO:0044089 0.0286788 1.622800 13.3920651 21 515 positive regulation of cellular component biogenesis
GO:1901797 0.0291466 4.912941 0.6761043 3 26 negative regulation of signal transduction by p53 class mediator
GO:0048103 0.0291466 4.912941 0.6761043 3 26 somatic stem cell division
GO:0006302 0.0306950 2.060407 5.0447779 10 194 double-strand break repair
GO:0010639 0.0311050 1.734849 9.5434717 16 367 negative regulation of organelle organization
GO:0032206 0.0311826 3.591420 1.1961845 4 46 positive regulation of telomere maintenance
GO:0006066 0.0316000 1.766280 8.7893554 15 338 alcohol metabolic process
GO:0061158 0.0317694 8.357851 0.2860441 2 11 3’-UTR-mediated mRNA destabilization
GO:0034086 0.0317694 8.357851 0.2860441 2 11 maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion
GO:0070327 0.0317694 8.357851 0.2860441 2 11 thyroid hormone transport
GO:0043485 0.0317694 8.357851 0.2860441 2 11 endosome to pigment granule transport
GO:0060965 0.0317694 8.357851 0.2860441 2 11 negative regulation of gene silencing by miRNA
GO:0006388 0.0317694 8.357851 0.2860441 2 11 tRNA splicing, via endonucleolytic cleavage and ligation
GO:0036302 0.0317694 8.357851 0.2860441 2 11 atrioventricular canal development
GO:1903729 0.0317694 8.357851 0.2860441 2 11 regulation of plasma membrane organization
GO:0048757 0.0317694 8.357851 0.2860441 2 11 pigment granule maturation
GO:0010608 0.0318205 1.646082 11.9358406 19 459 posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression
GO:0008214 0.0321743 4.707941 0.7021083 3 27 protein dealkylation
GO:0051443 0.0321743 4.707941 0.7021083 3 27 positive regulation of ubiquitin-protein transferase activity
GO:0060384 0.0321743 4.707941 0.7021083 3 27 innervation
GO:0006482 0.0321743 4.707941 0.7021083 3 27 protein demethylation
GO:0048821 0.0321743 4.707941 0.7021083 3 27 erythrocyte development
GO:1901615 0.0325259 1.619416 12.7679689 20 491 organic hydroxy compound metabolic process
GO:2001252 0.0328056 2.130653 4.3946777 9 169 positive regulation of chromosome organization
GO:0051052 0.0337326 1.685415 10.4276080 17 401 regulation of DNA metabolic process
GO:0030177 0.0346260 2.226190 3.7445774 8 144 positive regulation of Wnt signaling pathway
GO:0060443 0.0357232 3.427744 1.2481925 4 48 mammary gland morphogenesis
GO:0022412 0.0357946 1.773221 8.1652591 14 314 cellular process involved in reproduction in multicellular organism
GO:1901796 0.0371103 2.193651 3.7965855 8 146 regulation of signal transduction by p53 class mediator
GO:0031396 0.0372474 2.078162 4.4986937 9 173 regulation of protein ubiquitination
GO:0031123 0.0374598 2.546781 2.4703809 6 95 RNA 3’-end processing
GO:0030435 0.0374782 7.521596 0.3120481 2 12 sporulation resulting in formation of a cellular spore
GO:0030277 0.0374782 7.521596 0.3120481 2 12 maintenance of gastrointestinal epithelium
GO:0045199 0.0374782 7.521596 0.3120481 2 12 maintenance of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity
GO:0042048 0.0374782 7.521596 0.3120481 2 12 olfactory behavior
GO:0051023 0.0374782 7.521596 0.3120481 2 12 regulation of immunoglobulin secretion
GO:0035090 0.0374782 7.521596 0.3120481 2 12 maintenance of apical/basal cell polarity
GO:0031507 0.0374782 7.521596 0.3120481 2 12 heterochromatin assembly
GO:0043934 0.0374782 7.521596 0.3120481 2 12 sporulation
GO:0060872 0.0374782 7.521596 0.3120481 2 12 semicircular canal development
GO:0016973 0.0374782 7.521596 0.3120481 2 12 poly(A)+ mRNA export from nucleus
GO:0044154 0.0374782 7.521596 0.3120481 2 12 histone H3-K14 acetylation
GO:1900402 0.0374782 7.521596 0.3120481 2 12 regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process by regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0014832 0.0374782 7.521596 0.3120481 2 12 urinary bladder smooth muscle contraction
GO:0051254 0.0374819 1.338254 38.7979829 50 1492 positive regulation of RNA metabolic process
GO:0016571 0.0383963 2.177732 3.8225895 8 147 histone methylation
GO:0032270 0.0385740 1.346958 36.1975819 47 1392 positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process
GO:0070734 0.0387013 4.345249 0.7541163 3 29 histone H3-K27 methylation
GO:0031297 0.0387013 4.345249 0.7541163 3 29 replication fork processing
GO:0033598 0.0387013 4.345249 0.7541163 3 29 mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation
GO:0044087 0.0393959 1.422978 23.9756972 33 922 regulation of cellular component biogenesis
GO:0072331 0.0396050 1.895803 6.0069263 11 231 signal transduction by p53 class mediator
GO:1902275 0.0396155 2.052865 4.5507017 9 175 regulation of chromatin organization
GO:0045637 0.0399218 1.963210 5.2788140 10 203 regulation of myeloid cell differentiation
GO:0006633 0.0401602 2.301188 3.1724892 7 122 fatty acid biosynthetic process
GO:0032784 0.0406258 3.278302 1.3002005 4 50 regulation of DNA-templated transcription, elongation
GO:0010906 0.0408245 2.490495 2.5223890 6 97 regulation of glucose metabolic process
GO:0060964 0.0413325 2.774823 1.8982927 5 73 regulation of gene silencing by miRNA
GO:0033077 0.0413325 2.774823 1.8982927 5 73 T cell differentiation in thymus
GO:0043549 0.0415017 1.440767 21.5053162 30 827 regulation of kinase activity
GO:0007098 0.0416753 2.281207 3.1984932 7 123 centrosome cycle
GO:0035116 0.0421976 4.184052 0.7801203 3 30 embryonic hindlimb morphogenesis
GO:0006336 0.0421976 4.184052 0.7801203 3 30 DNA replication-independent nucleosome assembly
GO:0050671 0.0425762 2.463270 2.5483930 6 98 positive regulation of lymphocyte proliferation
GO:0048568 0.0426754 1.608210 11.5457804 18 444 embryonic organ development
GO:0000245 0.0432132 3.208350 1.3262045 4 51 spliceosomal complex assembly
GO:0042573 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 retinoic acid metabolic process
GO:0070933 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 histone H4 deacetylation
GO:0001771 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 immunological synapse formation
GO:0043153 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 entrainment of circadian clock by photoperiod
GO:0051580 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 regulation of neurotransmitter uptake
GO:0051967 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 negative regulation of synaptic transmission, glutamatergic
GO:0060149 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 negative regulation of posttranscriptional gene silencing
GO:0060546 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 negative regulation of necroptotic process
GO:0060967 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 negative regulation of gene silencing by RNA
GO:0033089 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 positive regulation of T cell differentiation in thymus
GO:0033262 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 regulation of nuclear cell cycle DNA replication
GO:0033523 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 histone H2B ubiquitination
GO:0014848 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 urinary tract smooth muscle contraction
GO:0000394 0.0435448 6.837388 0.3380521 2 13 RNA splicing, via endonucleolytic cleavage and ligation
GO:0006282 0.0443744 2.436631 2.5743970 6 99 regulation of DNA repair
GO:0032946 0.0443744 2.436631 2.5743970 6 99 positive regulation of mononuclear cell proliferation
GO:0034724 0.0458468 4.034370 0.8061243 3 31 DNA replication-independent nucleosome organization
GO:0046461 0.0458468 4.034370 0.8061243 3 31 neutral lipid catabolic process
GO:0046464 0.0458468 4.034370 0.8061243 3 31 acylglycerol catabolic process
GO:0031063 0.0458468 4.034370 0.8061243 3 31 regulation of histone deacetylation
GO:0035307 0.0458468 4.034370 0.8061243 3 31 positive regulation of protein dephosphorylation
GO:1904357 0.0458468 4.034370 0.8061243 3 31 negative regulation of telomere maintenance via telomere lengthening
GO:2000050 0.0458468 4.034370 0.8061243 3 31 regulation of non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway
GO:0032479 0.0462195 2.410558 2.6004010 6 100 regulation of type I interferon production
GO:0065008 0.0469471 1.214677 97.9831095 113 3768 regulation of biological quality
GO:0000288 0.0477876 2.657077 1.9763048 5 76 nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, deadenylation-dependent decay
GO:0060147 0.0477876 2.657077 1.9763048 5 76 regulation of posttranscriptional gene silencing
GO:0060966 0.0477876 2.657077 1.9763048 5 76 regulation of gene silencing by RNA
GO:0000018 0.0477876 2.657077 1.9763048 5 76 regulation of DNA recombination
GO:0070665 0.0481115 2.385034 2.6264050 6 101 positive regulation of leukocyte proliferation
GO:0090263 0.0481115 2.385034 2.6264050 6 101 positive regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway
GO:0032606 0.0481115 2.385034 2.6264050 6 101 type I interferon production
GO:2001020 0.0487023 1.968932 4.7327298 9 182 regulation of response to DNA damage stimulus
GO:0050931 0.0496467 3.895010 0.8321283 3 32 pigment cell differentiation
GO:0001504 0.0496467 3.895010 0.8321283 3 32 neurotransmitter uptake
GO:0045722 0.0499467 6.267214 0.3640561 2 14 positive regulation of gluconeogenesis
GO:0043011 0.0499467 6.267214 0.3640561 2 14 myeloid dendritic cell differentiation
GO:0060056 0.0499467 6.267214 0.3640561 2 14 mammary gland involution
GO:0090085 0.0499467 6.267214 0.3640561 2 14 regulation of protein deubiquitination
GO:0060009 0.0499467 6.267214 0.3640561 2 14 Sertoli cell development
GO:0060712 0.0499467 6.267214 0.3640561 2 14 spongiotrophoblast layer development
GO:0060547 0.0499467 6.267214 0.3640561 2 14 negative regulation of necrotic cell death
GO:0021903 0.0499467 6.267214 0.3640561 2 14 rostrocaudal neural tube patterning

Network connectivity

Several network characteristics can be used to identify genes integral to a network. One of these characteristics is module membership, which represents connectivity of a gene with other genes within a module and is used to define centralised hub genes(Langfelder and Horvath 2008). Module membership (MM) has values between 0 and 1, where values closer to 1 represent high connectivity within a module, and values closer to 0 represent low connectivity.

There is high correlation between intramodular connectivity and Module membership.

#check for correlation btween intra-module connectivity vs Module membership (should be high) #use same softThreshold as network construction
## [1] 0.9026467
plot(x = MM_and_con_stats$kWithin, y = MM_and_con_stats$MM.turquoise^13)

Identify top 20 gene with highest intramodular connectivity and Module membership (hub genes)

top_20_intraK_MM<-MM_and_con_stats %>% filter(MM_and_con_stats$MM.turquoise >= 0.8) %>% arrange(desc(MM.turquoise,kWithin)) %>% dplyr::select(gene,MM.turquoise,kWithin) %>% head(20) 

top_20_intraK_MM<-top_20_intraK_MM %>% bind_cols(tpmVenom  %>% filter(gene %in% top_20_intraK_MM$gene) %>% dplyr::slice(match(top_20_intraK_MM$gene,gene)) %>% 
gene MM.turquoise kWithin description
107292061 0.9798535 482.2183 SEC63 homolog protein translocation regulator
107294296 0.9749060 484.7827 ADP ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 3
107287854 0.9734283 483.7682 multiple coagulation factor deficiency 2
107295193 0.9726984 452.4476 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 9
107298183 0.9719492 450.1161 transmembrane protein 39A
107285739 0.9718972 472.0047 protein disulfide isomerase family A member 5
107289360 0.9709821 477.0872 prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 1
107297104 0.9671319 460.3359 transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 10-like
107284878 0.9657568 451.9471 ANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator
107302788 0.9644226 432.3689 elongation factor for RNA polymerase II 2
107300978 0.9637500 419.6505 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase VA
107288987 0.9636931 449.0504 family with sequence similarity 234 member B
107286214 0.9629281 452.7619 isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase
107295144 0.9627749 400.4203 cordon-bleu protein-like 1
107288515 0.9621067 429.3583 osteosarcoma amplified 9 endoplasmic reticulum lectin
107294130 0.9617600 461.0800 cystathionine gamma-lyase
107289866 0.9616642 471.5073 SIL1 nucleotide exchange factor
107284549 0.9613684 406.6446 transmembrane protein 63C
107288709 0.9611512 438.9837 fibronectin type III domain containing 3A
107298193 0.9610040 457.0844 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like HR1b

Identify top 20 genes with the lowest intramodular connectivity and Module membership (peripheral genes)

low_20_intraK_MM<-MM_and_con_stats %>% filter(MM_and_con_stats$MM.turquoise <= 0.09) %>% arrange(desc(MM.turquoise,kWithin)) %>% dplyr::select(gene,MM.turquoise,kWithin) %>% head(20)

low_20_intraK_MM<-low_20_intraK_MM %>% bind_cols(tpmVenom %>% filter(gene %in% low_20_intraK_MM$gene) %>% dplyr::slice(match(low_20_intraK_MM$gene,gene)) %>% dplyr::select(description))
gene MM.turquoise kWithin description
107300957 0.0898263 1.4038085 cofilin-1-like
107301511 0.0886229 0.8429356 DNA repair protein complementing XP-G cells-like
107299570 0.0880052 1.3382333 oocyte zinc finger protein XlCOF19-like
107294298 0.0879029 2.4844446 pecanex homolog 1 (Drosophila)
107297835 0.0877564 0.6632873 carbonic anhydrase 4-like
107292913 0.0874430 0.8724385 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator
107285358 0.0869664 1.3763879 myelin basic protein
107298850 0.0853414 0.9939741 TATA-box binding protein associated factor RNA polymerase I subunit D
107292390 0.0850780 2.0674777 tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1
107282860 0.0842495 0.8413143 myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2B-like
107301220 0.0838579 0.8274902 transport and Golgi organization protein 2 homolog
107301746 0.0835409 0.8519331 formin-binding protein 4-like
107288758 0.0832266 1.9610816 methionyl aminopeptidase 1
107296388 0.0826434 1.1449497 gonadotropin releasing hormone 2
107301540 0.0814182 0.8017701 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 66-like
107287751 0.0800073 0.6779424 zinc finger FYVE-type containing 27
107293406 0.0797129 1.2424112 ATPase family AAA domain containing 2B
107298769 0.0795153 0.8673304 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class M
107284257 0.0785151 1.5772383 non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 2
107292408 0.0775437 0.7631743 apolipoprotein A-II-like

Network Visualization

Since the meta-venom has over 3000 genes, visualising the entire network topology would be impractical. Therefore, we selected the top 20 highly expressed non-venom genes, and the top 10 highly expressed toxin genes for visualization and to identify the levels of connection between them.

The network diagram revealed that almost all of the highly expressed venom toxins interact strongly with each other, as well as directly with the non-venom genes. Zinc metalloproteinase (SVMP: 107298299) and snake venom serine protease serpentokallikrein-2 (SVSP: 107287553) were the exceptions, which interact with only a few toxin genes and non-venom genes (namely LOC1, LOC2, CANX, HSP90, RPLP0, PDIA4).

Following chunk is to extract data from WGCNA for plotting in external program

rsemVenom <- rsem[grepl('Pm_\\d+$', rsem$library),]
keep <- rsemVenom %>% group_by(gene) %>% summarize(tpm = mean(tpm)) %>% filter(tpm>0.05) %>% dplyr::select(gene) # genes to keep

tpmVenom <- rsemVenom %>% dplyr::select(library, gene, count, description) %>% 
  filter(gene %in% keep$gene) %>%  
  spread(key = library, value = count)  %>%  

datExpr <- t(rlog(as.matrix(round(tpmVenom %>% select(-c(Pm_7, description,gene))))))


annot = tpmVenom$description;
# Select module
module = "turquoise";
# Select module probes
genes = tpmVenom$gene
inModule = (wgcna.results$moduleColors==module); #determins TRUE/FLASE matrix
modProbes = genes[inModule]; #among genes, uses TRUE/FALSE matrix to filter based on 
# Select the corresponding Topological Overlap
modTOM = TOM[inModule, inModule];#from total TOM uses TRUE/FALSE matrix to filter
dimnames(modTOM) = list(modProbes, modProbes) #same as the name that return TRUE in genes[inModule]
# Export the network into an edge list file VisANT can read

nTop = 50;
IMConn = softConnectivity((datExpr[, inModule]));
top = (rank(-IMConn) <= nTop)
vis = exportNetworkToVisANT(modTOM[top, top],
                            file = paste("turq_0.4", module, "-top50.txt", sep=""),
                            weighted = TRUE,
                            threshold = 0.38,
                            probeToGene = data.frame(modProbes, modProbes))

Select only 10 venom 20 upr genes

try<-(tpmVenom$gene %in% c(some_genes)) #get TRUE/FALSE matrix of genes required
modTOM_try<-TOM[try,try]#from total TOM uses TRUE/FALSE matrix to filter
dimnames(modTOM) = list(some_genes, some_genes) #same as the name that return TRUE in genes[inModule]
# Export the network into an edge list file VisANT can read
vis = exportNetworkToVisANT(modTOM_try,
                            file = paste("10venom_20upr", module, ".txt", sep=""),
                            weighted = TRUE,
                            threshold = 0.3,
                            probeToGene = data.frame(some_genes, some_genes))

#process the inputs

data<-read.csv("./NetworkViz/turq_10venom_20upr.csv") #This represents genes with most connections (hub genes)

#tpmVenom<-tpmVenom %>% rownames_to_column('gene')
tpmVenom<-tpmVenom %>% dplyr::slice(match(nodes$id,tpmVenom$gene))
tpmVenom<-tpmVenom %>% mutate(tpm=rowMeans(tpmVenom[,3:32])/100)

venom_genes<-nodes %>% filter(decscription %in% venoms_desc$description)
nodes<-nodes %>% filter(!id %in% venom_genes$id)



nodes %>% write.csv("./NetworkViz/nodes.csv")
edges<-data.frame(from = c(data$N1),to = c(data$N2)) %>% write.csv("./NetworkViz/edges.csv")

Supplementary Figure 1: Interactive visualization of the meta-venom

Hover mouse above plot and scroll to zoom in or zoom out. click and hold to change position of the graph. Use scroll drop down window to highlight either venom or housekeeping genes.
The size or the nodes indicates expression of each gene. Bigger the node higher the net tpm.

#call the constructed network
visOptions(visnet, highlightNearest = TRUE, selectedBy = "types")

Differential expression analysis

Differential gene expression analysis was carried out in edgeR(Robinson, McCarthy, and Smyth 2010). Transcripts with missing or very low read counts were filtered out before performing the tests. Libraries were normalized (using suggested TMM values) to account for compositional bias as well as account for any size variations between libraries. We performed an analysis of variance (ANOVA)-like test to identify differentially expressed genes between four tissue groups; venom gland, liver, kidney, and heart. A quasi-likelihood F-test was then applied to identify differentially expressed genes between the four groups (at p < 0.05 significance).

formatting the data

rsem <- read.csv("./Pm_network_default/rsem.csv")
long_data<-rsem %>% filter(day == '1') %>% filter(!is.na(class)) %>% dplyr::select(library, gene, count, description) %>% dplyr::mutate(counts = round(count))%>%dplyr::select(library, gene, counts, description) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(library) %>% 
  spread(library, counts) %>% 
  remove_rownames %>% 

#remove other libraries

#select genes in UPR and ERAD pathways

DGE object

groups<-factor(c("venom",'heart','kidney','liver', "venom",'heart','kidney','liver',"venom",'heart','kidney' ,'liver'))
dge<-DGEList(long_data, group = groups, genes = gene_desc)
## An object of class "DGEList"
## $counts
##           Pm_1 Pm_1_heart Pm_1_kidney Pm_1_liver Pm_3 Pm_3_heart Pm_3_kidney
## 107282158   38         16          39         41   99         50         126
## 107282159    2         40          48         16   24         12          17
## 107282160  401         40         348         18 2291         74         558
## 107282161   29         62          36        817  264        101         102
## 107282162    0          0           1          0    2          4           6
##           Pm_3_liver Pm_5 Pm_5_heart Pm_5_kidney Pm_5_liver
## 107282158         23   55         11          34         12
## 107282159          7    9          7          17          6
## 107282160          4  312        284         257          7
## 107282161        328   90        294         283        933
## 107282162          2    5          0           2          1
## 20618 more rows ...
## $samples
##              group lib.size norm.factors
## Pm_1         venom 16382364            1
## Pm_1_heart   heart  6445597            1
## Pm_1_kidney kidney  9534791            1
## Pm_1_liver   liver 12399224            1
## Pm_3         venom 12683100            1
## 7 more rows ...
## $genes
##                                                      genes
## 107282158            exonuclease 3'-5' domain containing 1
## 107282159                        delta-like 4 (Drosophila)
## 107282160 fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 2
## 107282161                              cytochrome P450 2H2
## 107282162                                   calreticulin 3
## 20618 more rows ...


Keeps genes with cpm > 1, and if present in two or more libraries

keep<- filterByExpr(dge)                 #rowSums(cpm(dge)>1) >= 2
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    6370   14253
dge<- dge[keep,,keep.lib.sizes = F]

Normalise using TMM: Done for removing compositional bias

dge<-calcNormFactors(dge, method = "TMM")
plotMD(cpm(dge, log = T),column =1) #ideally, the bulk of genes should be centered around zero, construct for each sample by replacing column number
abline(h=0, col="red", lty=2, lwd=2)

plotMD(cpm(dge, log = T),column =2) #ideally, the bulk of genes should be centered around zero, construct for each sample by replacing column number
abline(h=0, col="red", lty=2, lwd=2)

plotMD(cpm(dge, log = T),column =3) #ideally, the bulk of genes should be centered around zero, construct for each sample by replacing column number
abline(h=0, col="red", lty=2, lwd=2)

plotMD(cpm(dge, log = T),column =4) #ideally, the bulk of genes should be centered around zero, construct for each sample by replacing column number
abline(h=0, col="red", lty=2, lwd=2)

plotMD(cpm(dge, log = T),column =5) #ideally, the bulk of genes should be centered around zero, construct for each sample by replacing column number
abline(h=0, col="red", lty=2, lwd=2)

plotMD(cpm(dge, log = T),column =6) #ideally, the bulk of genes should be centered around zero, construct for each sample by replacing column number
abline(h=0, col="red", lty=2, lwd=2)

plotMD(cpm(dge, log = T),column =7) #ideally, the bulk of genes should be centered around zero, construct for each sample by replacing column number
abline(h=0, col="red", lty=2, lwd=2)

plotMD(cpm(dge, log = T),column =8) #ideally, the bulk of genes should be centered around zero, construct for each sample by replacing column number
abline(h=0, col="red", lty=2, lwd=2)

plotMD(cpm(dge, log = T),column =9) #ideally, the bulk of genes should be centered around zero, construct for each sample by replacing column number
abline(h=0, col="red", lty=2, lwd=2)

plotMD(cpm(dge, log = T),column =10) #ideally, the bulk of genes should be centered around zero, construct for each sample by replacing column number
abline(h=0, col="red", lty=2, lwd=2)

plotMD(cpm(dge, log = T),column =11) #ideally, the bulk of genes should be centered around zero, construct for each sample by replacing column number
abline(h=0, col="red", lty=2, lwd=2)

plotMD(cpm(dge, log = T),column =12) #ideally, the bulk of genes should be centered around zero, construct for each sample by replacing column number
abline(h=0, col="red", lty=2, lwd=2)

Sample MDS
#Examine inter sample relationship by doing an MDS plot

Estimate dispersion


#to estimate dispersions with multiple factors we donstruct a design matrix. 0+ means not to include an intercept
design <- model.matrix(~0+group, dge$samples)
Common dispersion
dge<-estimateDisp(dge, design, robust = T)
## [1] 0.3984323

Determining quasi liklihood
fit<-glmQLFit(dge, design, robust = T)
##               heart    kidney      liver      venom
## 107282158 -12.71282 -12.28450 -12.487544 -12.447410
## 107282159 -12.94916 -13.07198 -13.450510 -14.226664
## 107282160 -11.00832 -10.48792 -13.453283  -9.838405
## 107282161 -10.87656 -11.47926  -9.205037 -11.864395
## 107282164 -12.49871 -13.96151 -15.170272 -12.529141
## 107282165 -11.45589 -10.78301 -10.819653 -11.121412

Differential expression analysis

con<-makeContrasts(venom-liver, levels = design)
qlf<- glmQLFTest(fit,contrast=con)
##        -1*liver 1*venom
## Down               1410
## NotSig            10691
## Up                 2152

1.2 log fold change
#get genes that have a log fold change of 1.2
tr<-glmTreat(fit,contrast = con, lfc = log2(1.2))
##        -1*liver 1*venom
## Down               1324
## NotSig            10892
## Up                 2037

con<-makeContrasts(venom-heart, levels = design)
qlf<- glmQLFTest(fit,contrast=con)
##        -1*heart 1*venom
## Down                556
## NotSig            12726
## Up                  971

1.2 log fold change
#get genes that have a log fold change of 1.2
tr<-glmTreat(fit,contrast = con, lfc = log2(1.2))
##        -1*heart 1*venom
## Down                500
## NotSig            12868
## Up                  885

con<-makeContrasts(venom-kidney, levels = design)
qlf<- glmQLFTest(fit,contrast=con)
##        -1*kidney 1*venom
## Down                 998
## NotSig             12212
## Up                  1043

1.2 log fold change
#get genes that have a log fold change of 1.2
tr<-glmTreat(fit,contrast = con, lfc = log2(1.2))
##        -1*kidney 1*venom
## Down                 936
## NotSig             12337
## Up                   980

ANOVA-like testing

Supplementary Table 3: Differentially expressed genes between venom gland, heart, kidney, and liver in habu

con2<-makeContrasts( +venom-liver,
                    levels = design) #compares each group to venom gland

anov<-glmQLFTest(fit, contrast = con2)


#Filter out dignificantly differentially expressed genes
anov$table %>% mutate(genes=gene_id, description=desc) %>% arrange(-logFC..venom...liver,-logFC..venom...kidney,-logFC..venom...heart) %>% 
  filter(genes %in% genes_of_interest) %>% filter(PValue<0.05) %>%write.csv("./DE_anova_hrt_liv_kid_vg.csv")

All differentially expressed genes

logFC..venom…liver logFC..venom…kidney logFC..venom…heart logCPM F PValue genes description
20.8638119 15.0525181 11.6227802 12.3822889 18.8426949 0.0002185 107291731 parvalbumin beta
20.0224325 16.4870361 10.5933410 11.5414113 21.9966388 0.0001149 107297964 troponin I2 fast skeletal type
19.6368552 19.6368552 15.6607126 11.1549370 14.7596712 0.0014168 107291352 basic phospholipase A2 homolog G6K49
19.5263595 17.8819774 15.9406265 11.0445042 16.7002736 0.0003567 107286299 submaxillary gland androgen regulated protein 3A
19.4753547 19.4753547 19.4753547 10.9934267 11.9887507 0.0068000 107291353 basic phospholipase A2 trimucrotoxin
19.3884803 19.3884803 19.3884803 10.9065623 11.4887504 0.0075401 107300928 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like
19.2632506 19.2632506 15.7162938 10.7813726 15.8302246 0.0011274 107298297 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like
19.2182600 19.2182600 17.0082979 10.7363728 16.2078647 0.0010433 107298300 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like
18.9334933 13.8991866 11.1279803 10.4523724 10.7685484 0.0019278 107289616 L-amino-acid oxidase
18.7861888 18.2606943 16.2547327 12.7133379 21.1244184 0.0000497 107298299 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin
18.5608012 9.6761925 18.5608012 10.0807800 10.9323444 0.0036553 107297785 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like VMP-III
18.5484776 18.5484776 11.8074785 10.0671295 30.5185925 0.0001190 107297688 CAVP-target protein
18.5199595 18.5199595 18.5199595 10.0381850 11.8217524 0.0070359 107298193 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like HR1b
18.4281136 18.4281136 12.1699037 9.9466691 16.4810312 0.0009874 107296050 natriuretic peptide C
18.4240722 14.0454497 12.4376045 9.9426595 17.4490510 0.0002988 107298282 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like HV1
18.3259100 18.3259100 18.3259100 9.8441812 12.5049460 0.0061350 107301955 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like
17.7593516 13.7571623 9.9669803 9.2793892 24.5553221 0.0000721 107302251 troponin T fast skeletal muscle isoforms-like
17.5676228 17.5676228 17.5676228 9.0861466 13.9884530 0.0046514 107291355 acidic phospholipase A2 1
17.5096516 17.5096516 15.3222038 9.0282263 12.4300854 0.0024532 107301016 uncharacterized LOC107301016
17.4698441 17.4698441 17.4698441 8.9884110 10.8642668 0.0086250 107293726 cysteine-rich venom protein
16.6727997 16.6727997 12.7022905 8.1920678 11.5446210 0.0030901 107287548 snake venom serine proteinase 11
16.5671866 16.5671866 14.3787781 8.0863811 13.4348993 0.0019176 107298828 uncharacterized LOC107298828
16.3793158 16.3793158 16.3793158 7.8986340 10.3825212 0.0096102 107298829 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like HR1a
16.3559327 13.4469034 9.7066759 7.8772200 65.9282438 0.0000009 107290716 immunoglobulin superfamily member 22
16.1924360 14.5947191 11.9962956 10.1352643 51.9813354 0.0000005 107290686 calmodulin like 6
15.8824169 14.2080914 12.3484524 7.4026139 15.4835110 0.0004824 107287555 snake venom serine protease 3
15.5921157 18.0029157 18.0029157 9.5213008 12.2939019 0.0025396 107298194 disintegrin-like leberagin-C
15.4587118 15.4587118 12.4111913 6.9795446 13.4501654 0.0019106 107300812 snaclec jerdonibitin subunit alpha
15.3070595 15.3070595 11.7286239 6.8285748 50.7277883 0.0000190 107286719 parvalbumin muscle-like
15.2794464 15.2794464 15.2794464 6.8003905 10.6803735 0.0089843 107300811 zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin-like HR1a
15.2611926 11.9738124 10.0400343 6.7838442 15.4745659 0.0004835 107291631 snake venom vascular endothelial growth factor toxin
15.2167004 9.9240156 9.9639845 6.7406937 11.2381053 0.0016479 107296982 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like HF3
15.0428387 12.7256316 12.9513871 8.9856332 17.3070996 0.0001295 107287546 snake venom serine protease 3-like
14.8699609 11.6068037 9.3645611 6.3948546 52.2087879 0.0000026 107298219 calsequestrin 1
14.7970740 17.2229281 8.7207051 8.7452665 51.6160446 0.0000027 107298627 keratin type II cytoskeletal 6A-like
14.6585094 15.4340368 10.2010790 8.6023750 43.0239154 0.0000013 107282510 ATPase sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transporting 1
14.4673590 12.8511331 11.0411942 8.3990582 47.9895149 0.0000007 107302932 myosin-16
14.3638788 14.3638788 14.3638788 5.8875232 12.0287486 0.0067451 107302083 snake venom metalloproteinase BjussuMP-2-like
14.1105233 12.4589624 0.7055441 6.3221524 31.5647948 0.0000243 107290518 triadin-like
14.0601935 11.6486230 6.4293240 5.6026264 18.8961657 0.0002159 107284917 sarcolipin
14.0154237 3.8767512 7.2809024 5.6440231 14.5967721 0.0006086 107287604 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit G3
13.7730378 13.7730378 0.1373221 6.2276899 44.9958875 0.0000294 107302211 creatine kinase M-type-like
13.7730378 13.7730378 0.1373221 6.2276899 44.9958875 0.0000294 107302212 creatine kinase M-type-like
13.7583946 13.0262574 12.6034981 9.8039190 17.2895999 0.0001301 107287557 transmembrane protease serine 9-like
13.7202002 2.8965729 11.5210642 5.4299024 7.3826372 0.0071382 107290433 dentin sialophosphoprotein
13.6154711 8.1841177 9.0871458 5.1519737 30.9732937 0.0000264 107286742 transmembrane protease serine 11E
13.3863171 8.6232791 6.3270968 4.9373951 52.0478410 0.0000026 107297936 mediator of DNA damage checkpoint protein 1-like
13.3217919 11.6699602 7.1535884 4.8627142 34.5070009 0.0000164 107302645 leiomodin 3
13.2974058 17.4919873 14.4413566 9.0107380 15.8148953 0.0004435 107298285 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like ACLD
13.2190663 11.5672510 4.6186568 4.8078178 18.9875231 0.0002117 107288347 calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit gamma 1
13.1248497 12.8997604 0.1692551 9.7356106 40.7765261 0.0000017 107291634 creatine kinase M-type
13.0246443 13.0246443 9.4467489 4.5619785 44.7817744 0.0000299 107298887 boophilin-G2-like
13.0184255 6.0595901 8.3017348 4.5800936 9.6993274 0.0028108 107286359 matrix metalloproteinase-20-like
12.5530681 10.8714359 0.6121185 4.8079438 30.0351144 0.0000303 107290519 glutamic acid-rich protein-like
12.5276689 7.9361876 12.5276689 4.0726931 69.4495920 0.0000059 107291156 glycoprotein A33
12.5121631 11.9591278 -0.1032972 10.5459280 35.8789962 0.0000034 107303068 titin-cap
12.4802044 2.7775538 12.4802044 4.2169174 5.6181609 0.0238472 107301105 RNA polymerase-associated protein LEO1-like
12.4300822 9.9904143 1.4902668 4.4032542 37.2072017 0.0000118 107289042 calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 S
12.3162692 12.0408423 12.3016719 12.7806323 15.9699339 0.0001887 107287552 beta-fibrinogenase mucrofibrase-3
12.2992908 16.8313837 14.0371612 10.0371303 16.7474683 0.0001512 107298284 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like batroxstatin-3
12.2703654 12.2703654 12.2703654 3.8127061 26.4681928 0.0008962 107301906 snake venom metalloproteinase ACLF-like
12.1630632 12.1630632 9.9555774 3.7105066 25.8263950 0.0002142 107302316 regenerating islet-derived protein 4-like
12.1492327 5.0339127 7.6228079 3.7490305 10.4591089 0.0021438 107282611 distal-less homeobox 3
12.1420868 12.1420868 -2.0205581 6.0019068 19.1550625 0.0005978 107285286 alpha-crystallin A chain-like
12.0957664 11.1927503 11.4223848 11.9382745 13.7603074 0.0003723 107287553 snake venom serine protease serpentokallikrein-2
12.0645473 12.0645473 7.1262337 3.6221055 19.6145341 0.0005518 107299510 troponin C2 fast skeletal type
12.0412265 4.9627395 8.4606355 3.6352211 8.7227383 0.0040761 107291742 basic helix-loop-helix family member a15
11.9848876 10.5576221 1.2369247 6.4404758 30.9761511 0.0000072 107290520 uncharacterized LOC107290520
11.7039497 12.4967341 10.5422232 8.7288505 53.9336154 0.0000004 107286058 mucin-2-like
11.6539343 9.9787729 5.2780858 3.2542382 12.3561331 0.0011560 107284986 laminin subunit gamma 2
11.6535498 0.2848106 1.4437222 4.3178063 18.8088849 0.0002201 107290501 MAP3K7 C-terminal like
11.6376625 7.1387508 0.7900557 3.8410575 26.9086425 0.0000487 107301200 myomegalin-like
11.6304804 11.6304804 8.0559982 3.1928235 38.8105983 0.0000503 107292538 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 7C
11.5895875 11.9849232 -0.5862725 11.5569570 67.4397186 0.0000001 107290010 titin
11.5706462 11.5706462 5.6425500 3.1605739 18.2122109 0.0007083 107297355 calmodulin-like protein 12
11.5412641 4.8086326 4.5025750 3.2129569 14.0816433 0.0007002 107282851 cytokine receptor-like factor 1
11.5272478 13.9518938 8.0895990 5.4832695 44.7043368 0.0000052 107292179 uncharacterized LOC107292179
11.3660215 9.6803300 11.3660215 2.9345536 25.0852595 0.0002371 107286047 serine protease 27-like
11.3233196 12.2938002 9.6551562 12.3209188 14.6380825 0.0002815 107292177 myosin light chain 5
11.2504056 7.4729593 5.4354247 2.8582936 25.3886004 0.0000626 107295583 tropomodulin 4
11.2283122 12.3115529 -0.4091858 11.4585058 27.7462490 0.0000127 107303059 myosin light chain 4
11.1950014 8.2693968 2.7275224 2.9623379 21.7547632 0.0001204 107300821 calpain-3-like
11.0916992 8.6732413 0.9529435 3.2441734 22.4695913 0.0001051 107290525 microtubule-associated protein 1B-like
11.0852865 6.7069386 6.3511062 2.6942272 62.0881113 0.0000012 107303162 annexin A3
11.0412942 9.6768300 9.9066815 4.9989130 43.4398078 0.0000012 107297920 troponin T3 fast skeletal type
10.9841607 13.6512969 13.4012795 9.4286449 13.9659481 0.0003483 107287547 snake venom serine protease-like
10.9778496 8.5943422 2.1459332 2.8404187 22.5672459 0.0001032 107293055 periostin osteoblast specific factor
10.9387838 13.3634470 7.6433970 4.9020172 45.1426911 0.0000049 107282192 mucin-16-like
10.9082189 10.4030354 13.3311959 4.8623505 14.0393190 0.0007084 107287561 snaclec coagulation factor IX/factor X-binding protein subunit A
10.9071891 10.5860515 1.7961444 11.1349711 49.6780089 0.0000006 107295108 actin alpha 1 skeletal muscle
10.8932143 0.7426282 6.2032544 3.1376490 10.2464200 0.0023092 107286906 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6-like
10.7922003 16.2975921 11.8159249 9.5036721 37.4182299 0.0000027 107298732 sushi nidogen and EGF-like domain-containing protein 1
10.7844684 1.0832443 7.9659089 5.2979513 5.2431727 0.0156976 107282362 solute carrier family 15 (oligopeptide transporter) member 1
10.7814054 7.5005195 5.4182119 2.4126864 29.1208319 0.0000346 107297228 uncharacterized LOC107297228
10.7389890 10.7389890 6.7714932 2.3414774 29.0937662 0.0001410 107282472 voltage-dependent calcium channel gamma-6 subunit-like
10.7194462 7.2229012 3.6713471 2.4243609 16.0267492 0.0004206 107286485 ATPase H+/K+ transporting non-gastric alpha2 subunit
10.7147436 7.3875067 1.8196176 2.6500100 16.5157369 0.0003729 107284239 caveolin-2-like
10.7063354 10.7063354 3.3421453 2.4255510 32.8384149 0.0000917 107283975 sarcalumenin
10.6313976 12.0810083 12.5727983 7.6428096 56.9397107 0.0000003 107301474 sushi nidogen and EGF-like domain-containing protein 1
10.5743466 2.0115900 5.4758515 2.5062670 16.4163635 0.0003821 107289965 EPH receptor A1
10.5465955 10.5465955 6.5706852 2.1597336 18.0784619 0.0007260 107297176 transmembrane protein 182-like
10.5250674 3.4208222 8.0153647 4.6182621 21.1041094 0.0000499 107283584 serpin peptidase inhibitor clade B (ovalbumin) member 5
10.4476205 3.1722825 5.9222391 2.2103018 11.2398924 0.0016469 107287636 iroquois homeobox 1
10.3527475 6.7531985 4.2418818 2.0554332 13.4542222 0.0008353 107299689 parathyroid hormone-related protein-like
10.2360293 10.2360293 7.2044576 1.8661508 35.9662907 0.0000662 107299459 boophilin-G2-like
10.1822679 1.9323089 1.7020488 2.4120177 24.2389770 0.0000762 107295735 breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 3
10.1542262 8.9848786 0.8035019 5.6090619 35.3928809 0.0000036 107287870 cardiomyopathy associated 5
10.1482172 7.1995429 -3.2308816 5.0503651 28.0435856 0.0000408 107288944 tripartite motif containing 55
10.1479259 3.7373113 6.7772614 7.8350210 14.0022542 0.0003442 107302459 tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2
10.1471961 5.3756699 4.5607907 1.8638670 48.4821661 0.0000035 107282959 sclerostin domain containing 1
10.1349770 -2.0791277 5.0461876 4.0681292 10.4374496 0.0021600 107285400 forkhead box I1
10.1223401 1.4165379 6.1641620 2.1928686 10.7001746 0.0019732 107300765 ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-23-beta-galactosyl-13)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-26-sialyltransferase 1
10.0415784 5.4546590 2.7690032 1.8910149 6.7028780 0.0097371 107300416 parathyroid hormone-like hormone
10.0165421 4.9596490 6.1024539 1.7252131 13.3390743 0.0008634 107289500 dishevelled-binding antagonist of beta-catenin 2
9.9914436 6.1400412 0.4852919 2.3559702 18.5415673 0.0002334 107293558 cAMP regulated phosphoprotein 21kDa
9.9857842 7.7764276 6.5830778 3.9749535 36.2762005 0.0000032 107302624 actinin alpha 3
9.9790132 5.6876018 7.6482956 6.2692270 8.5244096 0.0027869 107295677 solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter) member 2
9.9622715 3.3205761 4.3375888 1.7886594 11.8033691 0.0013731 107296405 cadherin 26
9.9220149 0.2410218 3.4432847 2.4565606 5.6130056 0.0167455 107302787 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1
9.9081498 8.2737910 4.9177562 5.2928942 10.4091508 0.0012454 107285910 beta-14-N-acetyl-galactosaminyltransferase 3
9.8734656 8.1831255 6.8418863 1.5334983 35.8028278 0.0000140 107297510 tripartite motif-containing protein 72-like
9.8664654 2.5691829 8.7275404 4.0616998 33.5468086 0.0000048 107297975 synaptotagmin 8
9.8314058 4.6144729 2.6492388 1.7238428 24.0904923 0.0000782 107303030 ras-related protein Rab-39B-like
9.7776783 7.3713245 7.5660741 1.4442222 49.0942796 0.0000034 107294355 tubulin alpha-8 chain
9.7768325 9.7768325 9.7768325 1.4313869 22.7368963 0.0013394 107282263 mucin-16-like
9.7649719 7.3470590 5.0485682 1.4632366 37.4344624 0.0000114 107289972 chloride voltage-gated channel 1
9.7631809 2.0502088 7.9381285 4.0447996 18.3971899 0.0000969 107296514 uncharacterized LOC107296514
9.7451313 5.3751083 4.6303404 1.4853568 10.3920478 0.0021944 107285201 protein S100-A2-like
9.7390615 -0.0173391 7.3075736 5.5550364 24.9058137 0.0000219 107289610 E74 like ETS transcription factor 5
9.7369735 13.9538015 5.9472941 5.5042525 31.8901694 0.0000233 107299541 myozenin 1
9.7309507 8.0402176 6.1517493 1.4061838 20.4705717 0.0001552 107302873 uncharacterized LOC107302873
9.7268320 7.2820465 -0.6320517 2.6402858 17.2853630 0.0003104 107294956 single-pass membrane protein with coiled-coil domains 1
9.6833542 2.7380349 3.2916536 1.6351773 18.1697260 0.0002535 107287872 homer scaffolding protein 1
9.6537014 9.0689747 -0.6818145 7.7337157 35.5966902 0.0000035 107293045 taxilin beta
9.6289952 2.4263265 4.6818319 1.5708134 7.7569332 0.0060646 107286366 stromelysin-1-like
9.6259387 11.4455901 9.1018095 5.3687872 45.2934377 0.0000010 107295828 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 27
9.6218476 12.1865617 7.5635717 9.8207093 29.7503158 0.0000089 107286053 nebulin
9.6126830 9.6126830 4.5157980 1.3322604 19.8700905 0.0005281 107285788 T-box 15
9.6103370 2.2941362 -0.3728422 2.4976900 3.4989814 0.0587190 107293038 uncharacterized LOC107293038
9.5881507 3.8475133 5.0460946 1.3921067 9.7636447 0.0027455 107299733 solute carrier family 34 (type II sodium/phosphate cotransporter) member 2
9.5576726 3.2821809 2.9474639 1.5038112 6.8898044 0.0089228 107300302 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 6B-like
9.5397576 0.9061496 -1.5551065 3.2444379 3.7334240 0.0502705 107301449 elongation factor 1-alpha 2-like
9.5293315 7.6495451 2.3134528 3.7553105 21.4812160 0.0000458 107293711 transglutaminase 4
9.4305767 4.7034353 4.9111943 1.2025190 30.3576676 0.0000289 107289106 transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 2
9.4256700 3.6088693 4.0341404 1.2739441 9.1112852 0.0035040 107302472 plasma membrane calcium-transporting ATPase 2-like
9.3129521 1.8512026 5.7456732 1.3392083 11.3986747 0.0015636 107286893 ATPase phospholipid transporting 10B (putative)
9.2802011 3.2312133 6.2238810 1.1332547 12.7552613 0.0010247 107296675 ras homolog family member D
9.2758921 1.9394176 7.0917310 1.2726421 7.8111099 0.0059258 107292581 solute carrier family 7 (amino acid transporter light chain bo+ system) member 9
9.2757581 9.2757581 7.0757956 0.9827587 14.7258052 0.0014274 107292227 uncharacterized LOC107292227
9.2695293 3.6321567 -1.8853543 5.4731858 21.8124474 0.0000424 107282606 sarcoglycan alpha
9.2694818 6.0896823 9.4729855 3.2644606 41.1080777 0.0000016 107298470 mucin-5AC-like
9.2675740 2.4871954 2.3092566 1.3718145 5.9507917 0.0140651 107288122 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type N
9.2669791 3.3547673 -1.1000441 4.9131203 44.4804220 0.0000011 107300912 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 2
9.2583513 3.6001662 -3.8668534 4.7538567 34.6644716 0.0000161 107284944 A-kinase anchoring protein 6
9.2515847 8.9237512 5.5057720 7.5480298 14.5299734 0.0002912 107292794 keratin type II cytoskeletal 5-like
9.1774810 2.4312301 7.3176816 5.1768673 22.7722739 0.0000343 107292463 ADP-ribosyl cyclase/cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1-like
9.1774435 2.7297102 4.0743552 1.1448755 9.7758135 0.0027333 107293976 scavenger receptor class A member 5-like
9.1764970 8.6643934 -2.5035282 5.8598380 46.2604325 0.0000009 107286447 tripartite motif containing 54
9.1440290 9.1440290 5.5537631 0.8940387 23.7614423 0.0002862 107287806 SH3 and cysteine rich domain 3
9.0947289 6.0782233 -0.7915700 4.5064665 24.2679649 0.0000250 107297187 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 14
9.0791851 12.8913809 -0.0846848 5.4597054 18.7781178 0.0002216 107302461 triadin-like
9.0724528 0.9423680 2.1460078 1.5163682 6.6028438 0.0102095 107287249 formin 1
9.0721574 11.6281061 8.5347192 4.8177906 53.9451456 0.0000004 107300672 pulmonary surfactant-associated protein D-like
9.0534532 3.6667835 5.4828964 0.9064734 17.4010910 0.0003022 107285489 echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 6
9.0337517 11.4461313 0.2158553 3.8803852 24.9924500 0.0000669 107302462 FK506-binding protein 4-like
9.0229393 9.7595674 1.8454059 3.3421823 44.3218042 0.0000011 107285997 obscurin cytoskeletal calmodulin and titin-interacting RhoGEF
9.0177495 7.3779346 3.3805011 0.8744732 13.4705756 0.0008314 107300818 uncharacterized protein PB18E9.04c-like
9.0063971 9.0063971 9.0063971 0.7393585 34.0330598 0.0004563 107300423 nebulin-like
9.0056503 1.4057052 3.4279391 1.2409341 6.7907854 0.0093435 107288409 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 19
8.9957403 3.3263252 6.7830753 0.8716577 23.4981995 0.0000870 107283144 glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 3 mucin type
8.9469810 0.7976145 4.7686649 5.3809829 11.8624871 0.0007156 107282202 cytochrome b561
8.9390385 6.5000246 6.7260743 0.7079779 25.1166164 0.0000655 107300425 uncharacterized LOC107300425
8.9334808 7.2911074 -0.1330619 1.6141772 4.9625242 0.0238591 107297210 forkhead box protein E1-like
8.9289539 8.9289539 -0.4388550 1.7622065 22.1754430 0.0003632 107292157 kelch like family member 31
8.9236613 3.9072901 -0.6208890 1.8927808 37.6096755 0.0000110 107286430 smoothelin-like 2
8.9221705 8.9221705 0.5449638 1.3169891 11.8010503 0.0028862 107300595 thrombospondin 4
8.9022857 -1.3076035 3.8030460 2.3182489 11.4761048 0.0015248 107287088 breast carcinoma-amplified sequence 1-like
8.8984219 1.5848915 2.6299625 1.1473233 25.6960429 0.0000581 107284252 phosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase C X domain containing 1
8.8948244 7.2026288 1.9451824 0.9301020 16.6772850 0.0003586 107298220 sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-2
8.8714853 7.1275489 6.2480355 2.8949848 34.8704033 0.0000039 107287716 ribosomal protein L3 like
8.8600603 6.1619932 5.4253466 8.0690780 17.6264213 0.0001188 107283645 collagen type I alpha 2
8.8550210 3.5890351 3.0305079 0.8592070 5.4437574 0.0183177 107297592 sparc/osteonectin cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan (testican) 1
8.8422897 8.8422897 6.6422415 0.6179522 36.2541432 0.0000643 107287897 dual specificity phosphatase DUPD1-like
8.8298193 0.3525136 7.7693724 7.2650112 12.1168957 0.0006527 107289611 ETS homologous factor
8.8295603 1.2418414 4.5905281 1.0792445 9.7068009 0.0028031 107290814 p21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 6
8.8207182 7.2211953 4.2725092 2.9044305 12.2159308 0.0006300 107302639 monooxygenase DBH-like 1
8.8043271 0.2839774 1.6416062 1.5341476 9.3343374 0.0032192 107286654 HID1 domain containing
8.8030877 4.7295225 2.6083910 0.8021787 9.9696335 0.0025482 107294817 hyaluronan synthase 2
8.7843982 8.7843982 1.0299891 1.0280136 16.9803517 0.0008945 107301364 voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S-like
8.7842311 5.7400713 2.3798652 3.0373116 16.6937657 0.0001535 107283159 collagen alpha-1(XI) chain-like
8.7818962 1.9208145 3.6651504 0.9251539 6.3890394 0.0113148 107282585 distal-less homeobox 4
8.7571601 8.7571601 0.9900633 1.0174890 12.4507181 0.0024404 107290398 MSS51 mitochondrial translational activator
8.7280625 5.4707598 -1.0603773 1.9443490 5.2177416 0.0207028 107294062 dual oxidase 2
8.7105793 5.1222281 4.4531607 0.5901587 15.7398567 0.0004519 107294122 tumor necrosis factor superfamily member 15
8.7082522 2.1650106 4.1806701 0.7897752 13.6936611 0.0007803 107295634 cancer susceptibility candidate 1
8.6472790 4.4006630 -0.5054601 1.5615468 12.1051387 0.0012490 107294097 dual specificity phosphatase 14
8.6464289 4.1432680 8.6464289 0.5220418 15.0052981 0.0013428 107288701 NACHT LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 12-like
8.6458867 -0.7186427 5.0584093 1.6954889 7.1086221 0.0080711 107300890 stimulated by retinoic acid gene 6 protein homolog
8.6308762 4.5949843 5.0313428 3.5633200 8.5170517 0.0027964 107282634 Sp6 transcription factor
8.6080482 8.6080482 1.1392064 0.8372457 14.1725186 0.0016155 107302466 uncharacterized LOC107302466
8.6004436 8.6004436 4.6388345 0.4469357 23.2416353 0.0003089 107298771 tyrosine-protein kinase Srms-like
8.5774869 5.3928869 5.1237263 7.8129773 13.6776318 0.0003825 107284752 5’-nucleotidase ecto
8.5681287 6.1192648 5.7660176 8.2657738 13.5950296 0.0003930 107282605 collagen type I alpha 1
8.5639933 1.8252013 5.1575888 4.3157593 25.7068078 0.0000187 107288294 absent in melanoma 1
8.5560539 2.1861016 2.3768933 0.7673410 5.9527018 0.0140515 107300881 SEL1L family member 3
8.5499813 6.1700126 -1.7288861 2.2314439 15.6979665 0.0004568 107284119 F-box protein 40
8.5455183 6.3597870 5.4417330 3.9684442 9.7231897 0.0016490 107285203 vegetative cell wall protein gp1-like
8.5438319 2.2913433 5.4860358 0.6159844 7.9509702 0.0055847 107284436 aquaporin-3-like
8.5423848 1.7955802 6.3293139 0.6524085 6.5093368 0.0106762 107287686 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2-like
8.5365328 -2.3765305 4.9711050 2.7430467 7.6889743 0.0062443 107291171 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 1
8.5208141 -0.1689879 7.1396113 5.9068062 14.6508560 0.0002804 107285747 calbindin 1
8.5153113 2.1514571 0.5329308 1.1100689 12.0604702 0.0012665 107302951 early B-cell factor 1
8.5119176 5.2474348 2.4176023 0.5460189 14.9175269 0.0005588 107289718 pappalysin 2
8.5110490 6.1414556 8.5110490 0.3289528 20.2868650 0.0004922 107290364 aquaporin 4
8.4871029 9.1647785 -1.8413372 6.4170645 20.8619353 0.0000528 107302384 SET and MYND domain containing 1
8.4813643 7.2359084 5.3366540 8.1650674 22.7500097 0.0000345 107303094 keratin type I cytoskeletal 19-like
8.4813012 8.8601368 0.9641381 3.9087503 27.1782642 0.0000141 107289931 glycogen phosphorylase muscle form-like
8.4794133 8.4794133 2.0978390 0.5355012 11.8082223 0.0028808 107296288 tripartite motif containing 72 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
8.4777056 7.9541110 2.7082404 2.6910618 13.8140422 0.0003658 107282193 serine-rich adhesin for platelets-like
8.4528944 10.8765847 0.4849372 3.2058554 27.2540829 0.0000461 107284368 hedgehog acyltransferase-like
8.4480132 5.4750894 4.9135301 0.3207505 13.3169666 0.0008689 107299082 actin-binding Rho-activating protein-like
8.4342626 -2.2782857 4.4769864 2.5702267 10.9262762 0.0018278 107294285 myosin binding protein H
8.4218963 7.7025817 -3.2467068 6.6198488 40.6280291 0.0000017 107291996 dual specificity phosphatase 26 (putative)
8.3823130 8.3285327 6.5338945 4.7184671 20.6390141 0.0000556 107289897 stratifin
8.3646454 4.7811018 2.7002562 2.6021429 31.0849007 0.0000071 107288965 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM58-like
8.3585415 8.3585415 -4.0895137 4.0603258 14.8235172 0.0013971 107287384 cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 1 subunit
8.3554123 4.7394537 0.7643818 0.7697565 7.7414943 0.0061048 107295000 unc-5 netrin receptor B
8.3471449 -1.1401359 0.6298833 1.8983996 4.0615730 0.0407539 107289305 doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 2
8.3320548 2.1971493 3.3810210 0.4887199 4.3173737 0.0348036 107300347 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 189-like
8.3257113 3.7218117 4.2790011 2.5093220 25.6073894 0.0000191 107294053 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 3
8.3109935 5.9413374 2.4409563 0.3507682 18.1241681 0.0002561 107287954 ankyrin repeat domain 23
8.3095528 1.1534625 2.3959764 0.7516558 5.8460282 0.0148374 107297315 cell adhesion molecule L1 like
8.2983317 0.7313300 2.2716507 0.8703636 3.1806961 0.0730663 107284177 LIM domain only 1
8.2974187 5.2595769 -0.2991596 6.8447278 23.4349084 0.0000298 107289010 myotilin
8.2655690 -0.0191492 0.1931873 1.4297423 4.7395913 0.0270983 107292172 FRAS1-related extracellular matrix protein 2-like
8.2487271 6.5700297 1.1014924 0.5350470 3.8592671 0.0463360 107298237 mambalgin-1-like
8.2474852 0.7036560 6.2685117 3.7725842 21.5617998 0.0000449 107283103 transmembrane protein 238
8.2361817 10.8367164 9.0115531 5.6467027 20.5116881 0.0000574 107295018 uroplakin-3b-like
8.2192063 6.9158010 2.7338014 4.4728149 22.4321546 0.0000370 107295757 calpain 3
8.1717041 4.1345926 -1.4301406 6.1103206 16.4221254 0.0001657 107284518 heat shock protein family B (small) member 2
8.1648829 7.3748322 6.5958443 8.8267171 22.0444546 0.0000403 107302977 phospholipase B domain containing 1
8.1604205 1.5677079 1.3034942 2.9497122 10.9175843 0.0010199 107290509 sulfatase 1
8.1554181 1.7265524 8.1554181 0.3417587 8.5970634 0.0074844 107302146 beta-13-galactosyltransferase 5-like
8.1527341 3.6142630 1.1469135 0.5121787 14.4736946 0.0006291 107297838 pannexin 1
8.1525392 2.8808175 8.1525392 0.1969475 6.9904064 0.0133993 107300588 uncharacterized LOC107300588
8.1482322 3.8655956 5.2074393 3.1283242 8.2522607 0.0031608 107295614 brefeldin A-inhibited guanine nucleotide-exchange protein 3-like
8.1334907 4.0949728 2.2246364 0.2967883 6.2829455 0.0119165 107302777 HHIP like 2
8.1234501 2.9489081 -1.2989937 1.5685668 16.8380918 0.0003451 107293332 sarcoglycan delta
8.1142416 9.3105127 4.5124620 4.4888967 22.7521492 0.0000345 107297454 interleukin-36 alpha-like
8.1070910 11.3830347 11.3830347 2.9536402 83.9237282 0.0000029 107297017 sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 1-like
8.0611027 3.0351780 -1.4007025 1.5719407 19.4259364 0.0001927 107293878 EH domain containing 2
8.0498806 8.0772757 6.6534482 6.1276633 12.8568152 0.0005036 107284057 nerve growth factor (beta polypeptide)
8.0482099 1.4862813 3.7760023 0.3772082 5.5014615 0.0177625 107288745 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11b
8.0422388 9.6193354 3.9825333 2.9671706 23.0519883 0.0000323 107299694 fibromodulin
8.0409669 3.3925949 5.8269741 0.0428539 14.5513284 0.0006161 107297039 kelch domain containing 7A
8.0298735 5.3113447 9.8586176 5.9310415 34.1625635 0.0000043 107290311 uroplakin 1B
8.0259425 -1.4426446 2.2844620 1.6284603 9.7576949 0.0027515 107287089 breast carcinoma-amplified sequence 1 homolog
8.0212410 -0.0492986 4.4533531 0.8053329 13.0962951 0.0009264 107301711 trichohyalin-like
8.0167967 1.3211476 4.4954648 0.3490628 8.2858804 0.0048594 107283078 MEF2 activating motif and SAP domain containing transcriptional regulator
8.0130224 5.3884655 5.0701039 2.9282029 12.8284930 0.0005085 107289528 G protein-coupled receptor 37 like 1
8.0102657 1.6680873 1.9388607 2.6671702 24.8435003 0.0000222 107303250 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 18
8.0003294 2.3360804 4.0477344 0.1683948 21.3730048 0.0001271 107291152 protein CYR61-like
7.9974038 2.0487900 3.4513532 0.2289439 8.2121965 0.0050087 107302411 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 38-like
7.9968208 6.5850081 -2.9287890 5.0434554 21.0940053 0.0000500 107287834 16 kDa beta-galactoside-binding lectin-like
7.9817193 11.8105201 4.3216140 5.8429861 24.3824375 0.0000244 107289484 mesothelin
7.9568818 -0.7109436 1.8593344 3.4728936 28.5671512 0.0000109 107294611 integrin subunit beta 6
7.9403764 3.5252521 5.6938806 3.4667363 14.6843087 0.0002775 107283721 calcium release activated channel regulator 2A
7.9400277 4.6760495 4.3954432 -0.0549506 20.6889809 0.0001460 107284441 uncharacterized F-box/LRR-repeat protein C02F5.7-like
7.9348204 9.6945533 -0.9183136 5.1918071 36.3679005 0.0000031 107295685 tripartite motif containing 63 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
7.9331466 5.4804473 0.6086340 0.4167148 6.8647741 0.0090270 107297759 calcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1-like
7.9199119 0.9116665 -0.8962056 1.3082406 5.2458813 0.0203863 107284028 early B-cell factor 3
7.9076356 8.5252175 5.2848957 3.7108500 30.0811723 0.0000084 107297234 family with sequence similarity 83 member B
7.9043763 4.0433597 5.1345276 5.0590136 19.9645826 0.0000654 107282423 zinc finger protein 750
7.8970014 3.3545656 2.0568377 0.1461207 11.0709001 0.0017416 107292757 procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer 2
7.8834849 10.3064772 -3.9830206 5.8996499 38.8006065 0.0000098 107288341 leucine rich repeat containing 2
7.8824317 11.1568896 -0.1871459 3.7938392 60.5316334 0.0000013 107293229 phosphorylase glycogen muscle
7.8656993 2.7147439 2.0038971 0.1685377 10.7492366 0.0019405 107288622 SRY-box 10
7.8584759 0.9548969 5.6760909 0.2959834 12.8506339 0.0009960 107291230 EF-hand calcium-binding domain-containing protein 6-like
7.8452434 -0.9161842 1.9783704 1.1668346 16.6907670 0.0003575 107287328 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 2
7.8409541 -1.8907791 3.0834166 1.7376818 5.7806894 0.0153448 107282199 vacuolar protein 8-like
7.8055104 3.2577825 4.3478334 3.3989500 14.7000534 0.0002762 107295505 FAT atypical cadherin 2
7.7979303 0.0947600 1.5365285 0.7132206 6.0305485 0.0135094 107295568 N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase 2
7.7732338 2.9521438 1.7821146 0.1156656 10.6438869 0.0020115 107298163 semaphorin-3C-like
7.7729392 0.4447031 1.7021680 0.5503246 10.7681673 0.0019280 107282580 inward rectifier potassium channel 2
7.7710580 7.3889336 -1.3809712 6.3210913 20.8403562 0.0000531 107287060 apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic polypeptide like 2
7.7686932 1.4383382 9.8512188 10.8388475 13.0744806 0.0004676 107282963 anterior gradient 2 protein disulphide isomerase family member
7.7681389 8.0519433 8.2343011 4.3037416 36.4391702 0.0000031 107292027 SAM pointed domain containing ETS transcription factor
7.7651651 1.9327120 1.2663026 0.3079282 5.4866237 0.0179033 107300299 autism susceptibility candidate 2
7.7599157 5.2613513 -0.0000011 7.3538450 29.9546607 0.0000086 107288149 glypican 1
7.7416511 3.8158086 4.7267523 4.9010584 16.7360379 0.0001517 107294495 ARFGEF family member 3
7.7387654 2.2889846 1.8709235 2.3217576 8.4632136 0.0028663 107299469 neuroblast differentiation-associated protein AHNAK-like
7.7354755 3.1498056 5.8555567 3.2994365 31.3203762 0.0000068 107287137 iroquois homeobox 2
7.7336032 0.4682455 -0.6785265 1.1097249 3.3573689 0.0646442 107290244 EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 1
7.7203126 2.1990829 3.4476234 -0.0152762 5.2628556 0.0201983 107289606 neurensin 1
7.7022405 -0.2553316 1.8548819 0.7231091 2.9773955 0.0844285 107288968 secretogranin III
7.6950615 2.4599376 3.0982448 4.6049879 16.5188237 0.0001612 107287620 cochlin
7.6852577 2.5695231 0.4511017 0.3610105 11.6558134 0.0014391 107299325 protocadherin gamma-A6-like
7.6680571 5.9735297 1.1535674 0.0408809 10.3322318 0.0022407 107289319 family with sequence similarity 167 member A
7.6572621 4.1785639 4.0855395 -0.2475025 9.6095493 0.0029052 107289695 delta-like 2 homolog (Drosophila)
7.6549790 7.6549790 7.6549790 -0.3612521 22.1835050 0.0014289 107300424 nebulin-like
7.6412109 2.3112090 -0.9205434 0.9286469 19.4743213 0.0001890 107286678 splA/ryanodine receptor domain and SOCS box containing 4
7.6331373 2.6377472 -0.3925776 0.6366119 16.3025084 0.0003897 107286231 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II beta
7.6006673 0.1746320 0.7137739 0.6446906 3.5320644 0.0574295 107302529 cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2
7.5954687 5.9165068 0.1165156 0.3029435 18.1301307 0.0002558 107299801 voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit alpha-2/delta-1-like
7.5935681 1.1410739 2.5184427 0.1352569 9.2815159 0.0032840 107296314 FH2 domain containing 1
7.5920648 0.5234760 5.3919320 0.2020629 15.0015073 0.0005466 107287084 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2U (putative)
7.5844405 3.1121952 5.5388697 2.6425519 26.0065498 0.0000176 107284685 cilia and flagella associated protein 43
7.5557246 0.0781233 1.0761080 3.6666828 9.2815017 0.0019901 107294917 synaptotagmin 16
7.5396055 4.6329523 3.5556499 -0.3263520 9.1958124 0.0033926 107299264 uncharacterized LOC107299264
7.5322443 7.8837073 0.9761842 5.4053092 23.1284966 0.0000318 107291800 uncharacterized LOC107291800
7.5260836 3.5952439 4.3378451 2.5699541 13.4809606 0.0004081 107301610 collagen triple helix repeat containing 1
7.5190370 5.4414373 -0.8046863 6.8336894 25.0235535 0.0000214 107287215 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 2
7.5140391 5.0654609 3.3176887 5.0567561 40.1760510 0.0000018 107297628 synaptopodin 2
7.5140104 4.9415799 3.9890286 3.4123294 12.4665284 0.0005766 107288843 paired box 9
7.5121400 0.2256127 4.8569559 3.2658839 14.5456765 0.0002898 107284365 villin-like
7.5117410 6.1429309 10.9127436 7.3980591 42.5292796 0.0000014 107290877 von Willebrand factor A domain-containing protein 7-like
7.4995582 2.0234798 -0.8363362 0.7754816 13.1713853 0.0009064 107296518 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 9
7.4923865 -0.0597769 2.7455474 0.4113138 6.3317069 0.0116353 107292462 prominin 1
7.4864625 -1.1632215 2.4279475 0.9564169 21.8576838 0.0001160 107290464 inactive N-acetylated-alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase-like protein 2
7.4811679 3.8049122 3.2726539 5.2187754 29.4466372 0.0000094 107290944 heparan sulfate-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 1
7.4687787 1.2174214 5.8181672 4.0731400 14.4190986 0.0003015 107292107 small cell adhesion glycoprotein
7.4665034 7.4665034 -5.2939967 4.3245910 17.2185908 0.0008541 107296294 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A mitochondrial-like
7.4627359 0.8846185 -2.3106294 1.7452210 5.6645995 0.0162987 107296133 DNA nucleotidylexotransferase-like
7.4565838 2.5679614 -2.3601406 1.7004359 28.4740997 0.0000382 107284150 ATP/GTP binding protein-like 1
7.4515254 7.4515254 -1.5645320 1.0701044 40.7967515 0.0000407 107296766 muscular LMNA-interacting protein
7.4501282 3.3531390 -1.0989918 7.2786942 20.8595229 0.0000528 107292954 cofilin 2
7.4478905 -3.6359953 7.4478905 2.7643533 36.7683837 0.0000612 107299676 prolactin receptor-like
7.4442021 5.3893336 0.7064109 3.5077389 15.6176429 0.0002092 107284145 heparin binding EGF like growth factor
7.4325578 0.7219487 5.2185473 0.0274459 8.4916985 0.0044697 107298928 KIAA1211 ortholog
7.4115929 2.7575984 1.4520128 -0.1129239 4.9713525 0.0237407 107300910 lysosomal-trafficking regulator-like
7.4045141 6.9834095 0.4480204 3.5727398 27.5446554 0.0000132 107303241 voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit alpha-2/delta-1-like
7.4037067 1.8021580 1.4517223 -0.0094866 6.8388090 0.0091366 107295783 myosin-10-like
7.3866641 0.6439232 1.3986546 0.2123467 6.3618966 0.0114652 107294820 family with sequence similarity 171 member B
7.3724140 5.6957705 2.2196381 3.9760036 27.5641567 0.0000131 107282218 transmembrane protein 38A
7.3715551 2.5398417 5.2574111 3.3983931 9.9566218 0.0014965 107283456 transmembrane protein 125
7.3653451 2.2593918 4.0800947 1.7573205 22.0720216 0.0000400 107290020 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 16
7.3651151 0.3692885 3.3818390 0.1039540 5.6453967 0.0164633 107299732 uncharacterized LOC107299732
7.3602197 4.9920705 0.9679181 -0.1472871 5.8140915 0.0150828 107282195 hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1
7.3407037 6.8586473 2.7892553 3.5833965 6.7226271 0.0067682 107303093 keratin type I cytoskeletal 15-like
7.3343406 1.0807962 -1.5101126 1.0820272 11.1758807 0.0016820 107283811 uncharacterized LOC107283811
7.3162038 5.3713196 1.8455406 3.0638845 18.6071290 0.0000918 107286335 guanosine monophosphate reductase
7.3138625 -0.9061744 3.4141359 0.6221243 9.4415872 0.0030922 107297182 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase LNX-like
7.3091278 7.3091278 1.3893897 -0.3011032 8.7383974 0.0071385 107289274 myogenin (myogenic factor 4)
7.3008660 6.3580442 5.7818814 4.8347682 69.3583518 0.0000001 107287130 kyphoscoliosis peptidase
7.2816561 2.3572182 0.4881125 0.0337579 5.7276499 0.0157721 107283774 leucine rich repeat containing 3B
7.2797168 5.9913248 -1.6290660 7.2821663 49.3499489 0.0000006 107293997 myomesin 1
7.2635220 4.6638815 3.6391246 4.8304794 16.5573720 0.0001595 107286377 matrix metallopeptidase 19
7.2619305 0.2589012 1.0683607 0.2509056 1.2524156 0.3434285 107291014 collagen alpha-1(I) chain
7.2553238 8.0959652 -2.6048747 4.8939949 21.0178949 0.0000509 107286127 small muscle protein X-linked
7.2547481 3.4415288 1.4862814 -0.2754049 10.1760051 0.0023619 107288706 RecQ mediated genome instability 2
7.2466564 0.5201350 1.5737800 0.0951670 8.8962717 0.0037970 107291595 pecanex-like protein 2
7.2448520 0.3918939 1.0335385 0.2126339 10.0853112 0.0024211 107286078 VPS10 domain-containing receptor SorCS1-like
7.2358646 11.4211122 11.4211122 2.9930041 34.6068721 0.0000760 107291877 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 3A
7.2258968 -1.2684307 2.9256272 5.5648292 17.7852073 0.0001139 107285369 cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
7.2186928 4.5657916 -2.6670472 4.0600538 42.3544735 0.0000014 107295468 LIM domain-binding protein 3-like
7.2164005 0.4404914 6.2250204 2.8859402 19.0469163 0.0000821 107294416 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 22
7.2041725 0.8950644 9.6135753 1.8561743 7.7471154 0.0060901 107300536 C-type lectin LmsL-like
7.2025695 -5.9097907 -0.1797192 4.6944447 18.8976662 0.0002159 107296057 low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 2-like
7.1944527 5.5150548 1.7885641 -0.4421496 6.7248779 0.0096368 107287607 olfactory receptor 6F1-like
7.1782976 2.3418201 0.8986861 -0.1463833 6.1451682 0.0127562 107290387 cilia and flagella associated protein 70
7.1774565 4.2279639 -3.9542067 2.7737455 46.7061413 0.0000042 107297051 synaptopodin 2 like
7.1624050 1.9374227 -3.4303187 2.3145002 8.2276577 0.0049769 107303023 keratin type I cytoskeletal 10-like
7.1493210 5.9116285 8.1128181 3.2683635 15.9982229 0.0001871 107296041 fer-1 like family member 6
7.1378334 6.8725176 1.0820709 2.5673428 33.9775315 0.0000045 107300351 junctophilin 2
7.1244189 1.0512940 7.1244189 -0.3351063 10.2133645 0.0044958 107298463 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase VA
7.1202415 4.3222398 8.0429421 4.9100781 12.9990995 0.0004797 107288115 tubulin alpha-1D chain
7.1186181 4.7011078 4.9041318 -0.6895972 13.5574537 0.0008101 107293146 NK3 homeobox 1
7.1074437 7.9597528 5.9801002 2.5284743 27.2594583 0.0000139 107293912 ryanodine receptor 1
7.1019866 -1.0895354 7.1019866 0.5178995 22.6096596 0.0003382 107300064 grainyhead-like protein 2 homolog
7.0966116 2.0429805 7.8321098 3.9563927 6.3540848 0.0082574 107286124 phosphate regulating endopeptidase homolog X-linked
7.0941983 4.0018315 5.0643426 3.7556565 7.4644092 0.0046223 107296102 transcription factor-like 5 (basic helix-loop-helix)
7.0497757 6.2470017 8.2536933 7.8020263 63.3408494 0.0000002 107290878 uncharacterized LOC107290878
7.0404952 3.7985931 -1.8929315 5.6029600 22.7240811 0.0000347 107286203 protein kinase (cAMP-dependent catalytic) inhibitor alpha
7.0330464 2.8448939 -6.2639255 4.8429379 45.3660889 0.0000048 107294305 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 141-like
7.0309874 10.3220060 6.0370753 1.9788931 12.0292302 0.0012789 107293140 wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 16
7.0307173 5.3938213 0.3956207 -0.2514188 11.0289258 0.0017661 107294432 zinc finger protein 536-like
7.0301748 1.7076741 5.6495162 4.4693709 15.4622462 0.0002191 107299944 coagulation factor III tissue factor
7.0276076 5.8103505 -2.1991169 4.8552193 31.5890719 0.0000065 107288938 unc-45 myosin chaperone B
7.0146429 5.7295650 2.4292890 6.5309233 15.9847451 0.0001879 107284686 collagen type XVII alpha 1
7.0131249 7.0131249 -4.2387197 2.8712686 30.7419763 0.0001160 107286769 obscurin-like 1
6.9843098 -0.2127819 0.6566303 2.4715922 20.4682514 0.0000579 107288039 syntaxin binding protein 6
6.9826947 -1.3608944 7.6752613 6.4172398 20.4938288 0.0000576 107289045 KIAA1324 ortholog
6.9809202 5.3691510 5.9845793 1.9391922 9.6283214 0.0017161 107289979 adenylate cyclase 8 (brain)
6.9755180 1.0448111 0.7134341 -0.0959157 2.6881573 0.1044314 107294250 immunoglobulin superfamily member 9
6.9750365 2.4696269 1.9475924 3.2611596 5.2164031 0.0159564 107282869 follistatin like 3
6.9698415 6.9698415 -1.7645469 0.7708279 15.6811670 0.0011629 107288911 C-factor-like
6.9660683 1.8371106 0.6563779 -0.2102797 9.8626888 0.0026209 107286965 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B-like
6.9609233 2.9910775 4.9029134 5.6256080 8.8966346 0.0023561 107290784 envoplakin
6.9551839 -1.7596267 5.1011037 3.0843409 17.8387109 0.0001122 107291040 sterile alpha motif domain-containing protein 12-like
6.9405228 0.4708779 9.3651737 1.7787926 37.9807052 0.0000107 107282990 transcription factor AP-2 alpha (activating enhancer binding protein 2 alpha)
6.9401471 1.5366734 1.0517490 -0.2715603 4.0040029 0.0422564 107290114 origin recognition complex subunit 6
6.9398230 4.4877955 5.8567664 3.7380194 22.7244072 0.0000347 107290905 ras-related protein Rab-11A-like
6.9397675 0.9819956 3.5444119 1.6677165 7.6080534 0.0043050 107287440 spermatogenesis associated 45
6.9341336 0.7100243 0.0957276 0.0896065 6.0280244 0.0135266 107303054 microtubule-associated protein tau-like
6.9238135 1.7202146 0.8129930 -0.2636520 1.9152692 0.1925571 107290768 E2F transcription factor 7
6.9191827 6.9191827 -0.1724584 -0.1494032 12.6010022 0.0023499 107301363 voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S-like
6.9140897 2.1949403 0.4337882 -0.2255590 3.4254768 0.0617097 107300121 uncharacterized LOC107300121
6.9110113 4.2416811 4.7729658 6.6376023 12.6667569 0.0005377 107285463 selenoprotein M
6.8976742 5.7018207 6.1889598 2.3738657 17.6404487 0.0001184 107296235 family with sequence similarity 179 member A
6.8831787 4.8766394 -1.2806646 2.6454152 17.1954895 0.0001335 107303285 forty-two-three domain containing 1
6.8817465 -1.5060589 3.8467759 0.5936931 11.2198572 0.0016578 107295724 ligand of numb-protein X 1 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
6.8750634 6.8750634 3.3061383 -0.8211547 14.3558461 0.0015374 107291400 tripartite motif-containing protein 54-like
6.8687855 4.4151672 -0.4293509 -0.0521259 10.1189864 0.0024157 107283468 UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 14- galactosyltransferase polypeptide 2
6.8657897 7.7618552 -1.3487980 7.6259067 80.7961049 0.0000000 107293214 xin actin binding repeat containing 2
6.8446516 -0.3930165 1.7521321 2.2339014 5.3611143 0.0146141 107291149 leucine-rich repeat containing 8 family member E
6.8423764 0.3646654 -1.5397591 0.7459704 11.0754320 0.0017389 107290548 transmembrane protein 171
6.8357141 5.6343330 4.3487220 4.4540295 27.2663874 0.0000139 107292714 protein Wnt-5a
6.8140287 3.8371972 2.0610600 2.6066177 7.2668496 0.0051044 107289985 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2Q family like 1
6.8116121 2.6455715 4.2724688 3.1644354 14.4145823 0.0003019 107289051 scavenger receptor class A member 5
6.8113686 -0.7579346 6.2027297 7.9936143 15.9114595 0.0001919 107286675 solute carrier family 41 member 2
6.8079352 1.8856774 3.8455560 1.3238465 9.6530571 0.0016983 107293105 adaptor related protein complex 1 gamma 2 subunit
6.8040341 2.2845727 -1.0719987 0.2722904 7.0491048 0.0082927 107289490 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 6
6.7954591 2.4208511 3.1901533 1.2551814 9.7264881 0.0016467 107295770 absent in melanoma 1-like
6.7910875 -0.1280814 4.5768441 -0.1926602 9.4404019 0.0030935 107290092 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
6.7787836 0.4961397 4.7684089 5.1746094 8.4204693 0.0029233 107294778 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit C2
6.7659185 3.4631290 0.9834029 -0.5631357 6.9017356 0.0088737 107285711 WD repeat domain 17
6.7657822 7.5398340 -2.7984244 3.7179283 28.3993412 0.0000113 107283835 bestrophin 3
6.7605536 3.2060009 -1.4184150 0.3835934 3.8111278 0.0477961 107282747 serine/threonine kinase 31
6.7413453 11.2552759 10.9862016 7.6249245 31.3777393 0.0000068 107293235 phospholipase A2 inhibitor and Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein-like
6.7366669 -1.4786797 -0.8254967 0.8915768 5.9021741 0.0144173 107284339 serine/threonine kinase 32C
6.7208745 6.5501558 1.7214702 2.4992231 17.2856139 0.0001303 107284061 mitochondrial glutamate carrier 1-like
6.7199541 9.1475589 0.4866499 1.5488546 13.8849753 0.0007395 107287908 dual specificity protein phosphatase 13 isoform B-like
6.7044950 9.1297595 6.9170974 0.8732712 24.8761032 0.0000683 107292124 membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 15-like
6.6759714 0.2879872 0.0102042 -0.0011320 4.1498532 0.0385721 107294610 bone morphogenetic protein 7
6.6755833 2.5569775 3.3309507 6.2898727 12.0373860 0.0006717 107293291 sperm acrosome membrane-associated protein 4-like
6.6605443 -3.9043180 4.5389360 5.4547873 19.6686285 0.0000703 107290419 myelin and lymphocyte protein-like
6.6526566 -1.3861827 2.3699042 0.3690463 11.4085452 0.0015586 107292995 serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK3-like
6.6487344 3.7181090 -0.8227492 -0.0418611 11.5502123 0.0014887 107290290 kelch repeat and BTB domain containing 13
6.6470354 -0.0220494 1.9368864 -0.2465050 4.6954676 0.0278004 107292286 cholinergic receptor muscarinic 3
6.6378283 4.7303113 4.1223842 2.2066804 15.8929573 0.0001930 107291009 ras homolog family member V
6.6373173 6.6373173 -0.0668507 -0.4050515 11.3475548 0.0032592 107302420 betacellulin
6.6256244 0.6505361 1.7357937 -0.4247543 4.5254453 0.0307181 107282437 carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C
6.6246113 8.2414742 9.8835724 1.5434552 28.1586568 0.0000400 107301397 C-type lectin 9a-like
6.6085631 7.1194220 0.2768206 6.1014692 28.1170136 0.0000119 107297957 kelch like family member 41
6.5983945 5.3167407 2.6242318 6.8182015 11.2697251 0.0008915 107287935 glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase
6.5919681 6.5919681 -3.1138454 1.4543209 4.4478583 0.0420921 107297584 kunitz/BPTI-like toxin
6.5860654 6.8030264 5.2802690 3.2066033 18.2738682 0.0001001 107285842 pleckstrin 2
6.5811719 -0.0088646 -1.6012475 0.6069182 6.1918118 0.0124642 107294584 reticulon 1
6.5785764 3.8862347 0.8354770 2.6733569 27.5087968 0.0000133 107286179 matrix-remodelling associated 5
6.5711344 2.1850516 2.8918415 7.0639278 9.6390396 0.0017083 107290418 mal T-cell differentiation protein-like
6.5671468 1.0534630 1.0647282 -0.4833705 5.6110992 0.0167622 107290306 myosin IIIB
6.5639106 -0.0782554 1.2291265 -0.2155464 4.9801595 0.0236232 107289406 anoctamin 4
6.5571714 -1.0543509 3.4981535 0.0677081 10.3311869 0.0022415 107296970 RAS protein activator like 1 (GAP1 like)
6.5492465 1.8033867 0.5203734 -0.4905685 2.5513394 0.1158265 107303136 Kruppel-like factor 5 (intestinal)
6.5435975 2.4934643 7.6777840 3.9747213 23.0784408 0.0000321 107285273 NIPA like domain containing 2
6.5384547 11.8753258 -1.9851377 5.7106570 36.7352215 0.0000125 107285331 serine/threonine-protein kinase SBK2-like
6.5383475 2.8150305 6.7751721 1.6751138 12.0700337 0.0006638 107297694 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf135
6.5329098 2.2799963 2.2240522 2.8332816 20.9767912 0.0000514 107293167 zinc finger protein 185 (LIM domain)
6.5317661 2.9422455 4.7492935 3.3129785 13.0291221 0.0004748 107289043 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf106
6.5269597 2.2383203 -3.1643316 1.4718859 12.7933123 0.0010131 107293630 aldehyde dehydrogenase family 3 member B2-like
6.5232610 -1.1524596 3.4642892 0.0952391 12.5447039 0.0010916 107290405 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-13-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 7
6.5195420 1.3780590 4.1362062 4.0963332 7.2065612 0.0052631 107289101 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 4A
6.4840257 7.2032712 6.1148916 2.8327286 20.3813967 0.0000592 107287018 mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3-like
6.4758898 3.0296863 5.3138148 0.8444042 14.4586871 0.0002978 107290913 ras-related protein Rab-25-like
6.4750604 3.0115063 7.6668063 2.9977424 9.0252707 0.0022256 107290359 carbohydrate (N-acetylgalactosamine 4-0) sulfotransferase 9
6.4725371 0.7162376 2.6477343 1.3772238 4.8598933 0.0199233 107283090 carbonic anhydrase-related protein 11-like
6.4688505 2.6466198 -0.4812502 -0.3041558 15.9810496 0.0004187 107295099 leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains protein 1
6.4561462 1.3423443 6.2507187 4.1139116 26.6685744 0.0000155 107284482 solute carrier family 5 member 9
6.4486157 8.5197657 -1.6607917 4.5282994 37.9154012 0.0000025 107285524 kelch like family member 30
6.4465432 4.4374824 4.8644071 2.6675370 18.1032339 0.0001047 107303262 vestigial like family member 1
6.4440648 2.5264132 4.0460873 3.0932693 11.0523115 0.0009683 107294404 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 3
6.4356566 0.5148270 0.4278613 -0.3470047 4.7612053 0.0267621 107289587 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 5
6.4228137 6.4230528 5.1644901 3.2288069 20.4353696 0.0000584 107300352 sciellin-like
6.4214539 -0.0263014 0.6135405 -0.2561912 6.2501445 0.0120869 107285165 regulator of G-protein signaling 22
6.4166774 9.6504822 9.0376510 4.1463002 29.2811679 0.0000096 107292675 membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 8-like
6.4146812 3.2539842 2.8240981 4.9511273 27.5268245 0.0000132 107286762 gap junction gamma-1 protein-like
6.4117399 0.0423417 3.3330568 5.9479192 6.5202137 0.0075432 107291621 adaptor related protein complex 1 mu 2 subunit
6.3981698 -4.0235724 -3.8770136 2.9490942 28.2849643 0.0000393 107294986 synuclein beta
6.3977387 6.0043253 5.1188736 4.3910953 17.6962368 0.0001166 107302374 sodium channel protein type 4 subunit alpha-like
6.3950962 3.0657710 -1.8716215 0.3571401 16.8355281 0.0003453 107299773 transglutaminase 2
6.3913953 2.6631413 2.7360442 1.6915167 13.6661237 0.0003839 107294748 tektin 2
6.3893516 6.3893516 0.6486832 -0.8107738 3.6236388 0.0663420 107295212 SRY-box 8
6.3803606 -0.0634072 -1.8932092 0.5911458 8.1907400 0.0050532 107287198 caprin family member 2
6.3736387 0.1241790 4.8789827 2.2036821 12.2820931 0.0006154 107290086 serine protease 27-like
6.3730999 0.0281570 0.1849345 1.9213454 10.6078971 0.0011509 107283882 aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member A3
6.3692578 5.6466068 5.8480914 3.0048721 10.0546768 0.0014374 107287794 plakophilin 1
6.3643434 5.9063795 2.1236704 5.1918877 7.5034162 0.0045335 107289840 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter) member 13
6.3633095 2.4521249 2.5283328 0.9328656 5.3891028 0.0143699 107290954 SIX homeobox 4
6.3573106 0.7994163 -3.1667804 1.3608197 32.7289249 0.0000203 107286634 protein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 2
6.3542836 1.4838675 -1.7407391 5.5962347 19.4982295 0.0000733 107301006 elongation factor 1-alpha 2-like
6.3479486 3.4479738 5.0355888 4.4902452 6.7792093 0.0065685 107286357 macrophage metalloelastase-like
6.3472445 1.4690661 0.8396773 -0.6778753 2.5430140 0.1165662 107286070 collagen alpha-6(VI) chain-like
6.3400384 4.1568423 5.7108589 0.6320722 14.9132344 0.0002586 107293909 coiled-coil domain containing 67
6.3388845 0.5040627 -1.1918040 0.1063386 7.2774144 0.0074803 107282168 phosphodiesterase 4C
6.3368701 3.4181080 0.2295116 -0.6782607 4.4523924 0.0320836 107288776 pregnancy-associated plasma protein A pappalysin 1
6.3357274 5.8208779 -5.1845426 5.4957579 32.4422058 0.0000057 107282396 RNA binding protein fox-1 homolog 1-like
6.3341761 6.7309816 4.3423149 2.2073168 11.4109862 0.0008453 107282374 myosin binding protein C fast type
6.3306855 -0.9725736 6.3306855 -0.1828639 9.8642827 0.0049915 107293770 cell cycle control protein 50B-like
6.3282160 2.8778152 5.1887076 0.7250151 12.2894008 0.0006138 107293032 zinc finger B-box domain containing
6.3221709 6.3786528 7.1150457 1.8034419 12.9743192 0.0004838 107283679 distal-less homeobox 5
6.3180650 5.4516803 4.4182932 3.4804409 17.9760726 0.0001082 107287114 fer-1-like protein 4
6.3120067 0.8836442 6.3120067 -0.8520990 4.7157856 0.0366873 107283080 family with sequence similarity 83 member E
6.3097566 4.4791091 4.2229620 0.5986538 9.9551029 0.0014975 107287904 synaptotagmin 7
6.3035870 1.8177812 -0.1530727 -0.4902793 2.0572149 0.1712309 107294620 kinesin family member 14
6.3026657 6.3026657 -1.9205848 0.2709505 3.6531171 0.0652114 107285118 ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator-like 3
6.2994794 4.5159863 3.4761051 3.3598540 6.8928090 0.0061878 107289872 cytoskeleton associated protein 2
6.2961638 3.9080102 1.9311180 1.6119448 13.5624001 0.0003972 107285864 uncharacterized LOC107285864
6.2942850 3.9836328 4.4395509 2.2612449 23.0898993 0.0000320 107285177 uncharacterized LOC107285177
6.2877846 3.6663022 6.9312940 2.2273331 19.8238529 0.0000677 107299499 uncharacterized LOC107299499
6.2858217 1.4792219 1.3594258 -0.7984280 2.2970341 0.1411619 107297420 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
6.2784210 3.6066891 6.1575786 1.8734721 20.2913075 0.0000604 107286778 cilia and flagella associated protein 52
6.2729425 2.2351963 -5.6333493 3.4766697 15.7786567 0.0004475 107286319 creatine kinase mitochondrial 2
6.2723598 -0.7889785 1.2993220 3.6669642 13.1616515 0.0004540 107293594 tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 13-like
6.2667504 1.2620130 6.5015608 2.2076745 8.7268824 0.0025421 107287717 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 2
6.2564855 5.5007793 -4.6682210 6.2980491 32.3337741 0.0000058 107295875 nicotinamide riboside kinase 2
6.2529907 11.9410445 5.9187682 3.5312266 16.4886921 0.0003754 107283649 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 4
6.2417781 2.5306479 0.3616905 2.0925019 4.6780617 0.0223833 107293854 mucin 15 cell surface associated
6.2372793 3.8423310 -0.8618888 1.7928609 21.6967165 0.0000436 107283216 sidekick cell adhesion molecule 2
6.2356147 -0.0376198 2.5519534 2.2611730 5.3095765 0.0150765 107289801 creatine kinase mitochondrial 1A
6.2353000 -0.5770175 7.2097626 8.9167355 9.7493867 0.0016310 107283597 tetraspanin 1
6.2346801 -1.2721658 -0.6597334 0.3176941 9.9256735 0.0025808 107303183 mitogen-activated protein kinase 10
6.2329686 -0.9948559 -0.3104721 0.1208825 5.0496221 0.0227210 107299453 uncharacterized LOC107299453
6.2142596 3.9774166 0.9930552 4.8185585 16.5453205 0.0001600 107293206 tenascin-X-like
6.2092852 6.1829844 -3.9421671 5.9786830 34.6734839 0.0000040 107293131 leiomodin 2
6.1959864 3.7919219 -2.9431784 4.6680253 23.9876842 0.0000265 107287896 dual specificity protein phosphatase 13 isoform B-like
6.1924500 1.9562230 4.5151409 3.9965268 8.6186926 0.0026697 107287736 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2-like
6.1920726 3.0841230 5.1822268 2.2178255 11.2747429 0.0008898 107299565 neuron-derived neurotrophic factor
6.1895064 -1.7612073 3.1697080 0.1796512 6.9807673 0.0085562 107286502 glutamate receptor interacting protein 1
6.1845472 5.0693817 4.9334374 1.7397220 15.6931826 0.0002046 107302509 fibronectin type III and SPRY domain containing 2
6.1750577 6.8680317 2.9894394 3.1217590 13.5418919 0.0003999 107303092 keratin type I cytoskeletal 23-like
6.1714515 3.3369654 8.6001421 0.5247518 17.2914551 0.0003100 107296500 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf9
6.1688379 2.7527830 6.4052457 1.3646536 8.8123160 0.0024464 107282738 bicaudal D-related protein 2-like
6.1650794 4.5454757 -4.2274061 7.3117767 27.5708733 0.0000131 107302668 solute carrier family 25 member 4
6.1570580 2.1023311 -2.0925857 0.3300513 9.1513503 0.0034506 107293278 actin-binding LIM protein 3-like
6.1486070 2.0314159 -0.6972083 -0.4299124 1.7797445 0.2158604 107284756 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 12
6.1472943 6.1472943 -2.5215197 0.5770078 11.8062465 0.0028823 107297614 hephaestin-like protein 1
6.1442816 1.2766877 4.9993961 5.9130281 68.4638093 0.0000001 107298672 FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 3-like
6.1301368 3.4387789 0.8244241 0.9677894 15.2607551 0.0002327 107297625 adenylate cyclase 2 (brain)
6.1233072 -3.3436217 -0.4330139 1.4094347 10.0343933 0.0024897 107286680 calsyntenin 2
6.1156737 3.6051174 1.5533544 0.7807684 3.6048450 0.0467104 107299220 hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 3
6.1043957 -2.7925558 2.5562720 0.8296052 19.4934857 0.0001900 107302994 ethanolamine kinase 2
6.0959264 5.3206229 -4.1570859 6.3549018 22.0115386 0.0000406 107290773 musculoskeletal embryonic nuclear protein 1
6.0890246 4.9723752 -4.1470755 5.1294514 35.5669252 0.0000035 107287687 NAD(P) transhydrogenase mitochondrial-like
6.0756101 10.4788998 8.6569396 6.9900257 15.9225080 0.0001913 107293213 uncharacterized LOC107293213
6.0713736 1.6940776 -1.9615303 0.1865421 11.2187242 0.0016584 107299280 armadillo repeat protein deleted in velo-cardio-facial syndrome homolog
6.0664264 2.8084991 2.6420662 2.5437873 21.2930508 0.0000478 107293970 primary cilia formation
6.0662635 7.6700678 4.9790675 2.2665275 14.9103313 0.0002588 107285066 LIM homeobox 8
6.0611703 2.8798536 6.7236680 2.0963373 22.4394668 0.0000369 107289267 radial spoke head 9 homolog (Chlamydomonas)
6.0567086 -0.0853683 0.9905794 2.2928606 12.9360899 0.0004901 107294576 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 9-like
6.0390476 7.3148586 -0.1296592 3.1626155 13.6994920 0.0003798 107288205 transmembrane protein 182
6.0381366 2.6847878 1.2756446 0.8311352 7.8785527 0.0037738 107290455 teneurin transmembrane protein 2
6.0373266 7.2117543 5.0582925 3.7223869 25.9689947 0.0000178 107291120 uncharacterized LOC107291120
6.0282959 0.0876215 7.8352686 4.6030978 31.3466537 0.0000068 107296587 family with sequence similarity 3 member D
6.0276875 5.7430538 2.3228128 1.7718705 4.7318173 0.0216210 107303090 keratin 24 type I
6.0165360 5.2133053 9.3090816 1.0699840 16.6179830 0.0003638 107284670 arylacetamide deacetylase-like 3
6.0097966 1.8509835 4.6399994 4.8311020 9.4750070 0.0018314 107283316 transmembrane channel-like protein 7
6.0074876 3.1676353 1.1253392 0.7944410 6.7690064 0.0066040 107296035 otogelin-like
6.0060313 3.1197071 1.1543668 0.7654440 3.7452442 0.0422103 107294320 prostasin-like
6.0056861 -1.2520916 -1.7331382 0.4708280 8.2082612 0.0050168 107295664 proto-oncogene Mas-like
6.0036296 6.3709099 -4.8868723 8.3959491 26.9318016 0.0000148 107288508 myostatin
6.0015258 -1.8263292 1.0496868 0.1523666 4.7497873 0.0269390 107282431 leucine rich repeat containing 4B
5.9954914 9.4107586 7.4033893 3.9155432 15.8992910 0.0001926 107287492 CD59 glycoprotein-like
5.9931514 1.3369292 6.2086420 0.6697656 13.2297090 0.0004437 107298601 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 39-like
5.9858967 -3.8911429 -0.4127325 1.7062341 18.3413329 0.0002440 107285934 WNK lysine deficient protein kinase 4
5.9849398 6.2114431 -3.9878272 8.7415039 31.4541327 0.0000067 107286246 phosphoglycerate mutase 2
5.9806968 5.6532885 3.8485652 1.1149986 9.3778886 0.0019091 107292513 wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 6
5.9628342 5.1359371 8.0111327 4.9687089 24.6050128 0.0000233 107282868 mucin-16-like
5.9624241 5.2363486 5.3043219 5.1458578 42.5828409 0.0000014 107294624 thioredoxin reductase 1
5.9564729 0.5406080 3.9126882 3.0954529 7.6845156 0.0041464 107293339 proline rich 5 like
5.9347934 2.0839781 3.1426845 1.8026355 17.2775454 0.0001306 107295746 frizzled class receptor 3
5.9265753 0.2513851 2.8356316 2.3338515 9.9486518 0.0015014 107294480 myosin VC
5.9237056 8.0686280 6.6890473 1.4113559 21.6667177 0.0000439 107299418 sciellin-like
5.9160840 1.9866380 2.0542925 0.6669757 8.3683392 0.0029946 107290946 kinase non-catalytic C-lobe domain (KIND) containing 1
5.9069410 0.7676211 2.2175812 1.6661450 15.4964878 0.0002169 107288313 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) gamma 4
5.9045415 2.0314296 -0.7132548 3.4982279 13.0638654 0.0004693 107289084 urotensin-2 receptor-like
5.8996065 -0.1035746 -0.7792771 -0.2958626 3.9514639 0.0436857 107289348 phosphodiesterase 10A
5.8890502 -0.3396669 -1.0110449 1.9871931 3.6919029 0.0438582 107298030 uncharacterized LOC107298030
5.8855430 3.8938589 6.1402048 1.8289068 20.9423541 0.0000518 107287301 cytochrome b561 domain-containing protein 1
5.8826572 0.6650750 -0.6871126 1.6199942 4.1703622 0.0313597 107289102 uncharacterized LOC107289102
5.8821171 3.2824474 0.7639326 1.5679906 6.8862455 0.0062091 107292274 fibulin-2-like
5.8744786 4.9667860 1.9270247 9.6708035 6.6079917 0.0071951 107287167 adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 1
5.8739092 6.8552815 -0.8598847 3.6954211 15.6218836 0.0002089 107300834 myomesin-1-like
5.8684950 1.4673659 3.8076779 5.8551141 50.1362283 0.0000006 107294852 solute carrier family 44 member 4
5.8658602 3.5159864 -0.9622008 1.5069658 14.0363145 0.0003405 107288123 SPEG complex locus
5.8620885 -1.0690914 3.4506333 2.9325153 19.0240776 0.0000826 107290465 inactive N-acetylated-alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase-like protein 2
5.8599808 2.2020104 2.4651569 2.1570670 14.9708317 0.0002541 107286783 ubiquitin specific peptidase 43
5.8554206 4.1465206 3.6932613 2.4226404 19.4362342 0.0000745 107286351 centrosomal protein 126kDa
5.8527154 2.5575564 2.0063921 4.4543595 5.4017112 0.0142615 107295718 matrix metallopeptidase 2
5.8491039 -5.6479232 -0.2306476 3.1153960 26.1881510 0.0000548 107287205 regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 1
5.8466986 2.7568272 3.2298986 1.1382917 8.2003782 0.0032385 107293254 PR domain 1
5.8436481 0.5303564 3.7926505 0.8197464 14.5180402 0.0002923 107288140 mannosyl (beta-14-)-glycoprotein beta-14-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
5.8329128 2.7341011 1.7879525 2.1771454 4.9117618 0.0192803 107286974 cut-like homeobox 2
5.8234271 2.8316509 -1.9312474 7.3850801 18.2167835 0.0001016 107293052 fatty acid binding protein 3
5.8198471 6.5537396 3.9252903 2.0817254 26.7510166 0.0000153 107290220 zinc-binding protein A33-like
5.8152447 1.5910722 -0.5357292 -0.6936446 2.3534262 0.1350215 107301753 MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 3-like
5.8054587 0.8490647 0.6115107 1.8505971 11.8133375 0.0007285 107283138 WD repeat domain 72
5.8005155 2.5367405 -0.9612585 -0.6104824 8.0920206 0.0052644 107292756 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 1
5.7990116 4.0211705 4.7790291 3.0208018 19.7366738 0.0000691 107290381 coiled-coil domain containing 78
5.7964939 -1.0085474 -0.7690662 5.5095450 5.3646582 0.0145829 107284953 solute carrier family 3 member 1
5.7906219 5.4758642 7.4219895 5.7605807 14.4342487 0.0003001 107291265 grainyhead like transcription factor 1
5.7882257 3.1132042 3.3486345 1.9090561 12.1577347 0.0006433 107285561 EF-hand domain (C-terminal) containing 1
5.7824160 6.9416419 1.6831850 6.5139722 36.8047490 0.0000029 107288505 phosphofructokinase muscle
5.7740337 4.3890212 3.3236716 2.7463548 23.7357690 0.0000279 107293219 multiple C2 domains transmembrane 2
5.7706099 4.7293726 4.2776560 4.9085224 25.4056488 0.0000199 107287632 membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 2
5.7695108 4.0899825 -0.5296178 -0.8402333 4.0822740 0.0402293 107286076 spalt-like transcription factor 4
5.7658913 2.0132983 3.3639449 4.4066373 13.5814112 0.0003948 107284889 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf65
5.7656969 3.9700725 -1.8935920 4.3049087 22.8182780 0.0000340 107291514 CAP adenylate cyclase-associated protein 2 (yeast)
5.7630824 5.6993228 5.5737284 4.9667501 22.3038526 0.0000380 107295519 intelectin 1 (galactofuranose binding)
5.7579107 0.3664632 0.7320290 -0.8582998 2.2353462 0.1482591 107294052 histone H2B 5
5.7578115 -1.5804294 2.2133121 -0.2383604 8.4301422 0.0045821 107303007 wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 9B
5.7518085 -0.9896990 -5.3975691 2.7938100 14.9951260 0.0005475 107294281 oxytocin receptor
5.7410383 4.7975726 5.4016354 3.8713867 10.1049919 0.0014082 107292674 membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 8-like
5.7225045 -2.6269647 2.1305257 0.3908296 7.0871783 0.0081501 107289212 adrenomedullin 2
5.7218221 0.1052625 -3.4614750 1.0340638 12.6185766 0.0010675 107286997 myosin light chain 2
5.7167707 2.1491756 3.7587731 4.1272622 27.1919909 0.0000141 107284557 guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit alpha-14-like
5.7111747 1.6049192 0.8553795 3.1679962 6.7993461 0.0064990 107292447 calmegin
5.7107581 4.3334933 2.7189638 7.2600617 15.3360632 0.0002275 107293202 secreted protein acidic and cysteine rich
5.7097263 4.2078649 -1.4734532 5.3306852 19.6032993 0.0000714 107293720 heat shock protein family B (small) member 3
5.7042018 3.1882496 2.1575095 1.0999273 5.0244986 0.0179641 107298872 transforming acidic coiled-coil containing protein 3
5.6962139 3.3622739 4.5817396 3.7870411 23.5777865 0.0000289 107285247 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3
5.6918334 -0.1488389 -3.7451299 1.2585239 14.5632288 0.0006141 107282952 histone deacetylase 9
5.6909876 3.8203036 5.3876143 4.5521848 7.3868898 0.0048049 107292801 radial spoke head 1 homolog (Chlamydomonas)
5.6907873 2.4132717 1.5807736 3.3548410 15.9023051 0.0001924 107294182 pleiotrophin
5.6894147 1.1313257 -2.1298403 5.3561862 31.0545439 0.0000071 107286690 ankyrin 2 neuronal
5.6821389 -0.1618150 0.2763881 -0.7004045 1.5619637 0.2605107 107302528 proline/serine-rich coiled-coil 1
5.6784549 10.1722679 9.2051036 6.5921948 18.9066681 0.0000850 107293205 uncharacterized LOC107293205
5.6700598 -1.2857322 1.5639017 2.4481246 7.8768447 0.0037769 107284030 ninein like
5.6643466 5.7801436 5.0774258 3.1643756 37.2677167 0.0000027 107303047 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 16
5.6624891 6.2795390 4.4212899 2.3432602 26.6307508 0.0000157 107286633 leukotriene B4 receptor 2-like
5.6603971 5.1422032 -1.8824582 1.8873267 6.7886889 0.0065357 107291242 B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11B-like
5.6600239 2.7666820 -5.3270536 2.5791657 21.5804044 0.0001245 107288957 catenin alpha-3-like
5.6599967 0.5801914 5.1172046 3.1782162 13.0002944 0.0004795 107293154 uncharacterized LOC107293154
5.6590762 2.6114412 4.2181886 0.9623935 8.8818443 0.0023716 107296495 adenylate kinase 8
5.6577080 -0.4684681 2.1061590 1.9381930 11.0349407 0.0009748 107293518 prostaglandin E synthase
5.6573173 2.2429159 0.5781253 1.4981187 9.3504376 0.0019318 107293307 thrombospondin-2
5.6348247 0.2810368 3.4267110 3.7310482 19.0081884 0.0000829 107289969 transmembrane protein 139
5.6336828 4.2497193 2.5524754 0.1755009 12.7976518 0.0005139 107286694 arylsulfatase family member J
5.6285932 3.5570501 3.9606056 1.6827598 13.1319595 0.0004586 107289578 secreted frizzled-related protein 2
5.6215693 2.0324502 5.8684740 0.9700239 12.0487166 0.0006689 107286793 enolase family member 4
5.6167228 -1.9124882 2.0237177 -0.1466473 3.2734399 0.0684923 107282281 uncharacterized LOC107282281
5.6136984 3.0467157 0.2491003 0.7312291 5.8786860 0.0107802 107293173 junctional adhesion molecule 3
5.6134804 6.4324916 1.7596153 0.9613366 15.5331764 0.0002145 107291653 reticulon 2
5.6116348 5.6116348 -4.1140603 1.4062280 12.0494100 0.0027046 107282384 protein-lysine methyltransferase METTL21E-like
5.6115176 4.3561665 4.4717473 3.8219232 45.8500118 0.0000009 107288014 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase acid like 3B
5.6027913 2.8016851 3.0335678 0.9552496 10.5149874 0.0011940 107285246 WD repeat domain 63
5.6014175 -3.6441169 5.6014175 1.0463099 10.0155634 0.0047687 107301839 uncharacterized LOC107301839
5.5999555 1.6875183 -0.9450445 -0.7070016 2.8552822 0.0922635 107298176 phospholipid phosphatase related 1
5.5967954 -0.7912115 5.5967954 -0.7927474 12.2436996 0.0025340 107295893 rho GTPase-activating protein 20-like
5.5964085 2.8462262 1.7671017 0.3356024 4.9811986 0.0184568 107302535 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 5-like
5.5962201 4.2883197 2.1757912 0.1924243 10.3046053 0.0012987 107288615 insulin like growth factor binding protein-like 1
5.5862285 1.2605880 0.2648194 0.8618318 4.8471718 0.0200848 107284936 GLI family zinc finger 3
5.5825439 1.6152421 3.7357195 2.8193749 10.3274486 0.0012869 107286774 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 6-like
5.5787753 4.6366335 6.6120940 5.1592804 11.1240647 0.0009421 107285060 glutamate rich 3
5.5774227 6.3273874 0.7499386 0.4564064 11.7063309 0.0007576 107285986 microtubule crosslinking factor 1
5.5750082 2.6333046 1.5227054 0.3721869 8.2238489 0.0032031 107286895 calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 A
5.5733376 -0.0758457 -0.9684680 -0.4908242 6.2696459 0.0119271 107285879 diacylglycerol kinase gamma
5.5730166 2.0471688 3.7548408 0.2349409 13.5449322 0.0003954 107287045 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B13
5.5690317 0.0134929 1.6406924 5.3612495 18.1290265 0.0001040 107282485 branched chain amino-acid transaminase 2 mitochondrial
5.5604368 -3.2712956 0.4432458 0.7850453 8.7938250 0.0039634 107294493 contactin-3-like
5.5602756 2.9635406 1.2555578 0.4075309 2.8471893 0.0831075 107282656 ETS variant 4
5.5474072 4.3948514 2.0586832 0.9150429 9.2392054 0.0020269 107289527 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
5.5457782 0.1082871 2.6293637 6.8549929 2.5345760 0.1070632 107284705 claudin-3-like
5.5423553 3.3488831 2.0917408 0.9465085 8.6115493 0.0026784 107288033 interleukin 20 receptor subunit beta
5.5414327 11.8829010 9.5681836 5.0960117 24.3497041 0.0000246 107293187 uncharacterized LOC107293187
5.5356228 -0.6336149 4.6147035 7.1108195 15.8963181 0.0001928 107292308 solute carrier family 12 (sodium/potassium/chloride transporter) member 2
5.5290076 2.1411251 0.7489519 2.4943445 4.9624620 0.0186749 107302825 signal peptide CUB domain and EGF like domain containing 3
5.5276217 6.5213779 -1.2023388 3.5759127 30.3555644 0.0000080 107299422 xin actin-binding repeat-containing protein 2-like
5.5271072 1.1487133 0.8999424 4.6661473 9.2345678 0.0020310 107287444 cadherin 11
5.5118988 9.6191043 10.4172274 5.0204368 22.3663060 0.0000375 107287493 uncharacterized LOC107287493
5.5098848 -3.3803729 1.9292017 0.7714253 16.7710680 0.0003507 107284432 interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein like 1
5.5088124 2.3864779 5.7239036 0.0793803 12.4230787 0.0005855 107302907 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 38-like
5.5087394 4.7389195 2.1323794 1.3625689 8.9114045 0.0023406 107293189 osteomodulin
5.4981070 2.7817575 4.2435878 2.3164500 6.5770512 0.0073156 107286732 kinesin-like protein KIF26B
5.4976786 1.1125458 4.0291664 4.2829645 8.4018815 0.0029485 107287106 family with sequence similarity 83 member C
5.4901861 -0.7235947 5.4901861 -0.8873738 3.4678521 0.0727397 107300879 stimulated by retinoic acid gene 6 protein homolog
5.4861125 3.7036727 4.2585527 2.7600333 9.2562419 0.0020120 107295128 prostaglandin F2 receptor inhibitor
5.4828596 2.2952392 5.1976202 1.6330722 16.8586916 0.0001465 107294663 synaptotagmin like 5
5.4754994 1.8213391 0.5684468 5.8208476 8.3930029 0.0029606 107302904 fatty acid-binding protein adipocyte-like
5.4723734 -1.1924844 0.2525238 -0.4966146 8.2225137 0.0049442 107287296 myosin IH
5.4680366 -1.6048882 0.1157551 -0.2984899 7.8378791 0.0058442 107301194 transcription factor HES-5-like
5.4612161 2.3223850 3.1503299 4.8361097 26.0843605 0.0000174 107283398 myoferlin
5.4585050 2.3240992 2.0515376 1.4547536 4.8012362 0.0206808 107289367 dual specificity phosphatase 5
5.4532920 -0.6051463 3.7080548 5.2588161 10.0065927 0.0014661 107287085 125-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) 24-hydroxylase mitochondrial
5.4480812 -0.3725236 -1.6431170 -0.2648350 3.8789697 0.0457538 107287663 thrombospondin type 1 domain containing 7B
5.4453053 -0.8130220 2.3854142 -0.8350644 5.0919646 0.0221912 107291348 neuronal calcium sensor 1
5.4448517 8.4433159 6.2830056 5.4664639 19.7624029 0.0000687 107289098 solute carrier family 45 member 3
5.4397739 2.8127345 1.9143088 0.1743292 4.5486354 0.0243503 107299261 sperm flagellar protein 2-like
5.4375309 0.5282919 2.1247846 2.4826362 11.2372101 0.0009025 107294793 tyrosine-protein kinase SgK223
5.4343030 2.5270517 -3.7994181 0.9802740 15.6080121 0.0004673 107282930 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 12
5.4336979 2.8334924 6.9339747 1.8139326 16.3794031 0.0001677 107299098 radial spoke head 6 homolog A (Chlamydomonas)
5.4325868 0.3885969 -1.9893500 4.4599215 10.5015865 0.0012004 107297702 SH3 domain-binding glutamic acid-rich-like protein
5.4309247 3.5921303 1.1295875 1.8991518 7.4446985 0.0046679 107292273 fibulin-2-like
5.4298471 12.9422119 9.4576580 8.8626639 27.6732720 0.0000129 107296508 uncharacterized LOC107296508
5.4279653 -1.4399537 0.8886730 -0.4846238 3.7645637 0.0492609 107288778 protein ECT2-like
5.4261976 2.9689506 2.7042203 5.0052792 12.6775256 0.0005357 107293749 CUB domain containing protein 1
5.4259531 1.9742398 0.9347922 2.8080471 18.0982547 0.0001048 107293106 protein jagged-2-like
5.4246835 0.2382898 7.8501883 0.5153690 10.3167596 0.0022529 107299793 forkhead box protein J1-B-like
5.4138932 -1.3037947 -0.1661473 -0.4262115 2.8209286 0.0946213 107296988 laminin subunit beta 4
5.4001841 -3.9751659 0.6404709 1.1854113 11.3474164 0.0015899 107285644 cytochrome P450 2F5-like
5.3937814 3.3435893 4.6894879 1.1198278 6.8690094 0.0062654 107282902 EF-hand domain family member B
5.3895401 -1.9425636 2.3422208 -0.3161100 5.6927527 0.0160610 107290809 R-spondin 2
5.3815850 -1.6333267 0.0900995 -0.3482426 4.0971055 0.0398584 107284230 synaptophysin
5.3815581 2.4348777 -6.5220057 3.4570588 52.8705446 0.0000024 107286770 inhibin alpha
5.3810052 0.1930008 -1.1183722 -0.6313388 1.9922595 0.1806280 107293172 non-SMC condensin II complex subunit D3
5.3741432 4.4742522 0.0134146 0.5556911 8.8870577 0.0023661 107292289 Kruppel-like factor 4 (gut)
5.3729585 4.5103608 4.0998674 2.7570296 10.9170189 0.0010201 107282970 dynein axonemal heavy chain 11
5.3667764 2.6152927 5.2528987 1.1515236 20.4174697 0.0000587 107291605 spermatogenesis associated 6 like
5.3658047 -0.3469853 3.0813425 4.3215420 8.3704027 0.0029917 107294821 RAB19 member RAS oncogene family
5.3643239 1.0905673 2.7613092 3.1306301 19.4211504 0.0000747 107299460 calcium permeable stress-gated cation channel 1-like
5.3588651 3.8091189 2.8332549 3.1820966 13.4215373 0.0004162 107283635 sperm associated antigen 6
5.3581179 0.4829647 3.6859243 5.1109313 20.6428627 0.0000556 107292825 mitogen-activated protein kinase 13
5.3565750 2.3271561 3.8715581 2.0827179 10.8791277 0.0010351 107285682 coiled-coil domain containing 65
5.3515284 -0.0624548 -1.3586858 3.6270161 17.8393825 0.0001122 107293540 phospholipase C epsilon 1
5.3499122 1.6102553 4.4165764 3.3465137 16.3408962 0.0001696 107291594 potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 1
5.3490861 3.6538719 -1.8076815 -0.5531092 8.7323952 0.0040605 107298533 semaphorin-3D-like
5.3434536 -1.3900939 -0.4549159 -0.3952620 7.8850831 0.0056946 107295433 gamma-1-syntrophin-like
5.3429790 4.1055037 1.0177612 2.5310973 14.2107893 0.0003220 107300564 adenylate kinase isoenzyme 1-like
5.3386344 5.3386344 -1.7753164 -0.5893311 9.3445050 0.0058641 107292317 kelch like family member 33
5.3325407 2.9974494 3.3474242 2.8474973 5.0300311 0.0179022 107289437 solute carrier family 6 member 15
5.3260068 1.3466032 -1.2450864 1.2921582 4.9520482 0.0187974 107288350 IgGFc-binding protein-like
5.3195178 2.3728123 0.7291978 2.2974554 3.6575202 0.0449599 107285428 growth associated protein 43
5.3125473 3.6158256 3.8131373 1.7058876 12.1953176 0.0006347 107284592 uncharacterized LOC107284592
5.3102926 5.3102926 -1.3113423 -0.8503752 7.6164732 0.0105685 107292253 transglutaminase 1
5.3050617 2.8570626 2.7322064 5.2859950 26.1618769 0.0000171 107291454 gap junction protein beta 3
5.3000466 3.5762300 3.8518598 3.4820849 28.4517026 0.0000112 107285358 myelin basic protein
5.2972123 6.4784571 6.6822623 5.1577612 12.0978990 0.0006572 107291552 pleckstrin homology domain containing S1
5.2943504 3.7078342 1.0150026 0.1789946 11.3763895 0.0008538 107294582 angiomotin like 1
5.2931671 -4.1397152 1.9359465 4.8774283 88.4163844 0.0000000 107288210 solute carrier family 9 member A2
5.2877300 -1.5877090 3.4041408 7.7364005 25.8424702 0.0000182 107282962 tetraspanin 13
5.2875383 -2.3063600 1.7035804 4.0008716 18.7549361 0.0000884 107299886 tsukushi small leucine rich proteoglycan
5.2846466 5.3780715 4.0668580 0.4830665 8.1101477 0.0033791 107286284 uncharacterized LOC107286284
5.2800186 -2.0085771 2.2204673 -0.3666404 9.8565468 0.0026543 107296493 hyaluronidase-4-like
5.2773169 2.5068664 6.1039706 2.4994591 10.5797473 0.0011638 107302979 dynein axonemal heavy chain 6
5.2754902 -4.6595728 1.7150200 1.6311910 11.2745133 0.0016283 107286853 Rh family C glycoprotein
5.2710076 4.5722480 3.0446126 9.2299529 12.9615622 0.0004859 107292791 keratin type II cytoskeletal cochleal-like
5.2661630 7.2246906 5.8068109 4.1765846 22.3551601 0.0000376 107302733 ankyrin repeat domain 22
5.2642035 -0.5037640 5.2642035 -1.1239345 2.4742085 0.1381281 107300593 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 16A-like
5.2637880 3.7620856 5.5055905 0.9594437 7.7047304 0.0041057 107299751 uncharacterized LOC107299751
5.2598892 0.5517813 5.7871148 2.3968275 19.5204609 0.0000729 107289429 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 29
5.2594489 1.6673980 2.5532156 0.1112915 4.3796926 0.0272282 107302917 adenomatosis polyposis coli down-regulated 1-like
5.2542532 2.7795629 5.5321821 1.6719033 13.5030381 0.0004051 107297034 dynein heavy chain 6 axonemal-like
5.2497762 0.3222862 3.4090000 1.1448414 6.3327917 0.0083545 107302391 amphiregulin
5.2496654 -1.2241265 -1.1259717 -0.3769145 4.9925593 0.0234591 107286201 FRAS1 related extracellular matrix 3
5.2466636 4.7658157 0.4571971 0.2706123 9.1450647 0.0021117 107299723 rho GTPase-activating protein 27-like
5.2437130 5.2437130 -2.4566555 -0.2400467 9.8304456 0.0050431 107300042 solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 5A1-like
5.2411053 2.2337464 3.2836498 3.2686426 8.0251770 0.0035180 107287233 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2
5.2377731 -3.1369648 3.9160350 4.5848324 25.2714254 0.0000204 107291485 keratin type I cytoskeletal 18-like
5.2368309 5.8335945 2.5932862 4.0980047 12.7245090 0.0005271 107288105 gremlin 2 DAN family BMP antagonist
5.2256562 5.9598792 7.6548917 -0.2981297 17.5211192 0.0002939 107294733 cGMP-dependent protein kinase isozyme 1-like
5.2232302 2.9860064 1.2342662 1.7191231 8.3914865 0.0029627 107294856 LDL receptor related protein 4
5.2206727 3.2092933 3.8015269 2.5755732 9.5942261 0.0017410 107286802 dynein axonemal intermediate chain 2
5.2157558 1.9447518 1.1903075 4.7547162 15.2174558 0.0002358 107291034 clusterin
5.2151659 0.9370558 1.6878356 4.6461379 10.4153781 0.0012423 107282160 fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 2
5.2148236 -0.0039753 -1.9138940 -0.3911862 4.1384943 0.0388449 107288518 integrin subunit beta 7
5.2132604 1.7930093 3.7171927 2.2260525 15.5827030 0.0002114 107296152 tektin 3
5.2127023 -1.1805494 -4.8802465 1.8197222 10.3075295 0.0022602 107286146 apolipoprotein L domain-containing protein 1-like
5.2106924 6.1168322 -2.5218818 2.8109439 16.8136764 0.0001484 107290559 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit alpha-like
5.2084150 -1.7652955 1.8038868 4.3110226 12.6445260 0.0005419 107291319 claudin 15
5.2070516 -1.8849541 0.6600028 -0.4136374 3.7669657 0.0491841 107291153 volume-regulated anion channel subunit LRRC8D-like
5.2063205 3.5963400 4.9585261 2.1676619 10.7503751 0.0010883 107282823 armadillo repeat containing 4
5.2058908 4.2887374 -1.6040076 1.2904617 12.0677567 0.0006644 107287275 myosin XVIIIB
5.1974091 -4.1393281 4.1226542 8.4877228 47.9043622 0.0000007 107288042 membrane metallo-endopeptidase
5.1937949 -4.6151375 2.9823164 1.5109693 18.3650535 0.0002427 107284540 neuroglobin
5.1780595 5.1780595 -2.3737659 -0.3578065 14.0103932 0.0016764 107298381 filamin C
5.1765806 1.1304109 1.4216970 0.2614474 3.6783156 0.0442898 107294863 olfactomedin like 1
5.1742050 2.1810156 1.4284730 0.8558391 7.6123829 0.0042958 107284280 regulator of calcineurin 2
5.1740061 3.2335351 1.1209489 3.7613125 13.3299882 0.0004291 107282644 cadherin 13
5.1640555 2.8195045 4.4774594 0.4907771 10.8807549 0.0010345 107293772 dynein (axonemal) assembly factor 1
5.1632763 -4.1580302 -0.6810241 1.1810036 9.9040414 0.0026091 107297184 tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like
5.1597706 5.5184777 -1.1130614 1.7182351 5.1820071 0.0162962 107291248 B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11B-like
5.1589436 4.2183768 2.5991979 2.7659684 18.4642569 0.0000953 107289331 Pim-3 proto-oncogene serine/threonine kinase
5.1583767 2.2875965 1.4170504 4.4421153 7.5246096 0.0044861 107290378 periplakin
5.1567143 -2.3564117 3.7249050 3.8265925 5.8286531 0.0110947 107299719 chelonianin-like
5.1536436 3.8866578 1.1073142 6.4185476 11.1834772 0.0009211 107288988 epithelial membrane protein 1
5.1525438 -2.3854457 0.8603364 -0.1820945 4.5481234 0.0303084 107293566 G protein-coupled receptor class C group 6 member A
5.1520397 -3.0275673 1.2324111 0.2208805 10.6100010 0.0020350 107283608 HEPACAM family member 2
5.1515149 3.0217158 1.8836890 1.4762673 7.7989545 0.0039217 107289017 NME/NM23 family member 5
5.1428195 2.5416965 3.6369445 1.6478717 7.3486259 0.0048981 107289402 sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporter 1-like
5.1421130 -3.1481869 1.2428266 2.5093588 29.1790873 0.0000098 107302768 sushi domain containing 4
5.1380245 1.1250387 2.6655997 0.1214776 7.4871137 0.0045704 107294206 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C3orf67
5.1373575 -0.8045763 5.6892614 4.5659939 24.4370892 0.0000241 107288147 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C2orf54
5.1360393 1.7627699 2.5342037 6.4056340 10.2148435 0.0013467 107289595 geminin DNA replication inhibitor
5.1317024 4.9471621 4.6672699 3.6774437 19.4673915 0.0000739 107292677 lipoxygenase homology domain-containing protein 1-like
5.1312727 5.4011381 6.3405896 1.6281839 18.7054551 0.0000895 107286779 uncharacterized protein C7orf62 homolog
5.1306447 1.4964966 -1.5488139 -0.7739578 7.2889457 0.0074249 107286985 ATPase sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transporting 2
5.1238273 3.2524713 3.3243455 0.9418195 6.4109428 0.0080044 107282946 cadherin 10
5.1196725 -1.5019135 5.1196725 -0.7961782 8.6145923 0.0074404 107287182 long-chain-fatty-acid–CoA ligase 4-like
5.1169414 0.3275711 -2.7574340 -0.0192084 9.3495878 0.0032007 107286679 tripartite motif containing 42
5.1144319 2.9268357 3.8752145 0.4421469 9.7194372 0.0016516 107298286 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like NaMP
5.1133726 2.0148561 6.2124682 2.4039347 21.9616001 0.0000410 107298992 solute carrier family 39 member 8
5.1131357 4.1204076 1.0021450 4.6213061 37.4109495 0.0000027 107296236 CAP-Gly domain containing linker protein family member 4
5.1130978 -2.4476311 4.6743621 4.9473105 58.9082256 0.0000002 107291466 keratin type II cytoskeletal 8-like
5.1130665 0.7533153 2.3134148 0.2062139 5.2624594 0.0155142 107295221 MORN repeat containing 4
5.1125193 3.8704707 5.8874064 0.8206767 13.1539476 0.0004552 107291482 cilia and flagella associated protein 65
5.1121041 2.6276247 2.0566493 4.8206678 19.4169852 0.0000748 107292244 BOC cell adhesion associated oncogene regulated
5.0962716 4.3999710 4.2784755 2.0650358 10.6757406 0.0011206 107296280 spermatogenesis associated 18
5.0944547 5.0704567 -0.0577216 0.3445257 7.2782759 0.0050750 107296684 collagen type XIV alpha 1
5.0942892 1.6270016 2.5749694 -0.0224338 6.6432481 0.0070605 107298469 deoxyribodipyrimidine photo-lyase-like
5.0919501 5.1263248 4.8115871 0.3167633 14.2506886 0.0003180 107302997 RNA binding motif protein 44
5.0893486 1.3358797 -1.7080927 2.1767829 9.6830280 0.0016770 107289309 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 8
5.0859000 2.4821308 -4.8988874 9.8802061 28.7087018 0.0000107 107294601 heat shock protein family B (small) member 1
5.0820139 0.2396704 1.5830859 5.8294105 19.1748107 0.0000795 107291606 solute carrier family 1 member 1
5.0802417 2.0338166 6.1603288 0.5042468 7.5012068 0.0045385 107293198 uncharacterized LOC107293198
5.0774296 5.4936585 -3.9406041 6.0915039 24.8188550 0.0000223 107297513 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A mitochondrial-like
5.0729485 2.0667205 2.1230837 2.7314240 6.1993267 0.0089945 107286263 AHNAK nucleoprotein 2
5.0680060 0.1096896 -0.9819385 1.9225703 7.0697423 0.0056450 107294288 adenosine A3 receptor
5.0671323 0.7480967 -0.4865231 3.5499341 11.7591323 0.0007431 107293996 elastin microfibril interfacer 2
5.0648375 1.2859437 2.5711457 0.0380261 5.9815918 0.0101655 107302616 lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1
5.0574783 3.9078434 4.2543977 1.1534737 10.8243641 0.0010574 107295977 t-complex-associated-testis-expressed 1
5.0558478 3.7112653 -1.7255755 4.3489011 13.0831151 0.0004662 107291623 fatty acid desaturase 1-like
5.0523241 2.7849269 2.2340053 2.8241322 6.7549024 0.0066534 107297419 potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily N member 4
5.0496303 4.0022594 1.5891784 1.9185916 9.7410233 0.0016367 107302408 mannose receptor C type 2
5.0425561 5.9187235 5.2776259 0.2580124 14.5670750 0.0002878 107292235 uncharacterized LOC107292235
5.0419578 2.2891036 -0.3760274 8.3824844 25.2505216 0.0000205 107297915 pyruvate kinase muscle
5.0369885 1.9631346 1.6699633 1.1895007 5.3690785 0.0145441 107293655 suppressor of cytokine signaling 4
5.0353866 0.6153976 1.4109554 1.5356781 8.3463840 0.0030252 107295897 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G2
5.0294109 1.1315202 0.4704138 1.0827128 3.5066242 0.0501898 107301085 calmegin-like
5.0269308 2.8764136 2.5048395 1.5795398 14.7483006 0.0002721 107287784 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member A4
5.0226585 3.1757334 4.1120488 4.2059839 19.2401692 0.0000782 107285134 tetratricopeptide repeat protein 39A-like
5.0213753 4.5754825 6.0658652 1.7678904 12.8169995 0.0005105 107296852 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 6
5.0108240 -4.7548167 1.0511060 1.4856914 23.7155255 0.0000836 107283335 solute carrier family 9 member A3
5.0103294 1.1257727 4.2904194 1.5011184 8.9997673 0.0022508 107288717 caspase recruitment domain family member 14
4.9984201 0.6667665 2.2174441 0.9034473 4.2037343 0.0306547 107287312 leucine rich repeat containing 4C
4.9933185 4.0563963 0.2141785 0.9038101 17.3886641 0.0001257 107286517 EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 4
4.9916385 1.4426217 4.0015953 3.8393958 8.8436901 0.0024123 107292393 coiled-coil domain containing 39
4.9873807 5.6130671 6.7792077 4.8837773 9.6505699 0.0017001 107289917 uncharacterized LOC107289917
4.9847321 3.0754870 3.4505380 2.6291171 11.3663653 0.0008596 107288151 ciliary rootlet coiled-coil rootletin family member 2
4.9843931 2.4596605 2.7567392 3.4233961 7.3852291 0.0048089 107287436 feline leukemia virus subgroup C cellular receptor 1
4.9783048 -3.4391026 -1.7028012 0.6162726 14.7080813 0.0005907 107296468 spalt-like transcription factor 3
4.9775763 5.0353728 1.6630586 -0.2292308 5.9479467 0.0103619 107293515 paired related homeobox 2
4.9749884 2.0285578 0.5704627 4.1794505 9.4321591 0.0018652 107289739 microtubule associated protein 1B
4.9737648 2.6274620 2.5525664 1.2569121 4.4843254 0.0254021 107289531 leucine-rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 6
4.9724249 2.3582200 3.5513067 1.7614845 21.4637051 0.0000457 107286494 cilia- and flagella-associated protein 44-like
4.9712623 -1.9636865 9.1173359 5.9687846 10.2998375 0.0013012 107285882 tumor protein D52-like 1
4.9699184 -2.9691654 -3.6679448 1.0369374 3.6306585 0.0537820 107300953 GATA-binding factor 3
4.9685456 -1.2182781 0.8982327 2.3267099 7.4158753 0.0047356 107303160 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 13
4.9673829 2.4908648 2.6791586 0.4425218 10.6647942 0.0011222 107291556 XK related X-linked
4.9653130 3.2318974 1.2453297 -0.1104125 4.2742999 0.0292236 107287789 LDL receptor related protein 1B
4.9625234 4.6941380 5.4177048 4.3508419 18.6500114 0.0000908 107289187 cadherin related family member 4
4.9618462 4.1058426 1.2421047 4.7421287 12.1523080 0.0006445 107288884 tubulin polymerization-promoting protein family member 3
4.9608745 1.4199370 1.1811482 0.8263233 5.8112675 0.0112065 107283940 coronin 2B
4.9608563 -1.1322056 -2.1075635 -0.2778815 9.1125035 0.0034715 107295725 RAS like family 11 member B
4.9574346 5.7575526 -1.0373183 7.3454410 9.4617243 0.0018418 107291155 dual specificity phosphatase 27 (putative)
4.9534400 4.1321644 2.4598257 1.1871819 10.1099533 0.0014053 107293603 coiled-coil domain containing 89
4.9498797 8.1963190 0.1470876 5.6798204 19.1682449 0.0000796 107285047 enolase 3 (beta muscle)
4.9490536 1.3290132 1.4568461 1.2592980 7.7328412 0.0040498 107288213 transcriptional repressor GATA binding 1
4.9468698 3.3554654 6.9568876 1.0432880 14.2712050 0.0003159 107285895 thioredoxin domain-containing protein 6-like
4.9422512 1.2915162 1.4476480 0.0611561 2.7040440 0.0932171 107287804 cellular retinoic acid binding protein 1
4.9351869 -1.4994945 2.7205990 -0.8909941 5.7437247 0.0156411 107289372 adrenoceptor alpha 2A
4.9299193 1.2870128 3.3615488 2.4892948 7.9040273 0.0037279 107297189 dynein axonemal heavy chain 12
4.9259911 2.3739047 5.9842121 2.1759705 16.6658519 0.0001547 107289557 claudin 23
4.9251550 2.4686882 1.8513431 1.6587217 7.0864393 0.0055967 107284528 peptidase inhibitor 16
4.9200860 4.3397803 3.6040077 1.0432931 5.6546872 0.0122746 107297896 TNF alpha induced protein 6
4.9194085 1.0087716 2.5727950 2.7292618 14.9978053 0.0002520 107292333 CXADR-like membrane protein
4.9170848 6.5060010 2.1741832 1.4000061 11.3297699 0.0008715 107285031 flocculation protein FLO11-like
4.9139085 3.0784505 4.9079928 1.3437182 9.9422169 0.0015054 107287788 uncharacterized LOC107287788
4.9126613 -0.4675628 2.0357725 3.1994666 6.8846263 0.0062144 107290143 collagen type XXIV alpha 1
4.9123352 2.9789729 3.2821183 2.5902000 6.7242218 0.0067625 107285709 spermatogenesis associated 4
4.9104299 0.1240963 0.5691815 0.4801272 2.9238107 0.0782174 107284259 non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 1
4.9098427 4.2418940 3.7114778 1.0285117 4.6997394 0.0220722 107283870 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 17
4.9060893 -0.6108501 -0.9036589 -0.8648592 1.2555978 0.3424369 107284002 cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation 1
4.9017134 4.1966608 3.3326901 3.9666616 25.2866215 0.0000203 107285217 protein S100-A16-like
4.9011381 0.9244079 1.3663619 0.1216129 4.6799350 0.0223562 107298502 inactive serine protease PAMR1-like
4.8905500 -2.0343299 2.1719309 4.0185354 15.0645437 0.0002469 107295569 putative N-acetylated-alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase
4.8853984 1.6986653 -2.3048008 2.3722932 14.4077162 0.0003026 107293583 hyaluronan mediated motility receptor
4.8848610 1.3212934 2.7456415 1.6859140 14.8997721 0.0002597 107294922 KIAA1841 ortholog
4.8815938 -0.4096669 -1.5971478 -0.7016949 3.4680506 0.0599560 107294065 solute carrier family 28 member 2
4.8776422 1.5832668 0.3418339 4.4955163 26.9221095 0.0000148 107293789 hexokinase-1
4.8708949 -0.8746265 -1.6210632 4.3265841 7.3283202 0.0049484 107301174 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1B-like
4.8703897 -1.5252800 -1.5267115 -0.4516170 2.6945881 0.1039293 107290388 cytoplasmic phosphatidylinositol transfer protein 1-like
4.8696127 -1.0929514 0.8681949 1.6590553 7.7167962 0.0040816 107286565 WNK lysine deficient protein kinase 3
4.8610197 0.3377360 3.6398595 4.9424546 14.4681758 0.0002969 107302379 SH2 domain containing 4A
4.8580876 3.6674199 4.0562758 3.8618988 20.2610433 0.0000609 107291927 dynein heavy chain 7 axonemal-like
4.8567089 3.4593565 4.5582111 0.2057450 8.7726916 0.0024903 107294251 cilia and flagella associated protein 45
4.8560975 1.6352660 -4.2203975 7.1135414 26.5855129 0.0000158 107283629 LIM zinc-binding domain-containing Nebulette
4.8506360 1.7654599 1.9690082 1.3760337 4.8276700 0.0203354 107288612 regulator of G-protein signaling 10
4.8490377 2.3820545 -3.2593551 0.0215328 11.2742897 0.0016284 107300617 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 1-like
4.8407685 4.7764183 5.4084456 4.6248626 19.3028979 0.0000770 107300924 cadherin-related family member 4-like
4.8403835 5.5902956 0.1632413 0.0379535 4.9943255 0.0183058 107283866 repulsive guidance molecule family member a
4.8361751 0.4452256 2.2696629 3.6665748 8.7155375 0.0025552 107302382 cyclin dependent kinase like 2
4.8316425 4.8289358 2.6857733 0.6943194 11.5425530 0.0008049 107302925 trophoblast glycoprotein
4.8260105 2.6610084 -1.1558987 4.2743495 32.8320357 0.0000053 107288610 uncharacterized LOC107288610
4.8151678 3.2449157 2.1236647 3.6616275 4.7159334 0.0218430 107292104 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 6
4.8090381 1.4827024 4.5095936 5.7765205 6.6557168 0.0070137 107287667 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2
4.8011039 3.6530230 -0.3638714 0.2407094 5.0332093 0.0178668 107291521 runt-related transcription factor 1
4.7964308 -0.2538015 0.0391425 0.6176589 8.4830454 0.0028285 107301676 canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 2-like
4.7954864 4.4746680 5.0716848 1.7423406 13.0009595 0.0004794 107282410 uncharacterized LOC107282410
4.7846212 3.4042718 1.1401198 2.5074375 11.5149635 0.0008132 107300581 dystonin-like
4.7802075 1.6439687 -0.7015048 1.7638997 19.7548597 0.0000679 107291772 collagen type VIII alpha 1
4.7754232 2.7812536 0.6078154 -0.0778308 6.8646241 0.0062798 107293037 glypican-5-like
4.7747383 -3.6683373 4.7747383 0.3485804 35.6920938 0.0000661 107302474 sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 3
4.7745374 1.6938667 1.5795946 -0.1589808 4.9952507 0.0182952 107292339 multiple EGF like domains 10
4.7693714 1.7434757 1.5739730 -0.1872482 2.3654667 0.1232805 107298889 DEP domain containing 1
4.7675669 3.0047413 4.1425040 8.7619989 2.9421003 0.0770997 107294815 polymeric immunoglobulin receptor-like
4.7591904 0.8856065 2.4247980 -0.0997258 2.2620700 0.1345751 107283585 leukocyte elastase inhibitor-like
4.7568426 -4.6116535 -6.1096868 5.2676686 61.4038341 0.0000002 107292566 RNA-binding Raly-like protein
4.7566356 2.3535743 4.5144079 2.3794836 6.7287446 0.0067463 107284868 uncharacterized LOC107284868
4.7505865 1.6402095 1.4556950 1.3946166 12.6488209 0.0005372 107284357 deleted in lung and esophageal cancer 1
4.7475606 3.9220350 5.8384880 0.0618353 11.4966709 0.0008187 107295063 MORN repeat containing 5
4.7456301 3.1644635 2.2037442 6.5159322 12.0464168 0.0006695 107283430 peroxiredoxin 1
4.7396594 2.2640816 1.9166086 0.8473440 12.1331964 0.0006428 107294354 bisphosphoglycerate mutase
4.7340658 1.6802637 0.4230536 1.6002854 4.6738774 0.0224439 107282748 WAP four-disulfide core domain 1
4.7319336 -0.4152009 -1.5806961 4.9129479 24.0101244 0.0000264 107288964 laminin subunit alpha-2-like
4.7205472 3.1334934 4.1814740 0.8889900 7.3924142 0.0047916 107292582 transmembrane protein with EGF like and two follistatin like domains 1
4.7160506 -2.4454964 -2.5399470 0.1085004 3.4288579 0.0615683 107287765 SPHK1 interactor AKAP domain containing
4.7145656 4.3559732 3.9996724 6.5773284 23.8211867 0.0000274 107292332 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 8
4.7130666 3.8992487 6.3334144 2.3420411 15.3178509 0.0002287 107290508 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C8orf34
4.7087320 11.1526499 10.1090483 6.7788063 13.9982244 0.0003447 107300087 CD59 glycoprotein-like
4.7082857 1.1308574 3.2170818 -0.2659464 4.8244525 0.0203771 107283780 uncharacterized LOC107283780
4.7064466 2.4521106 2.7202870 8.5717731 13.9973901 0.0003448 107298130 annexin A1
4.7025038 5.0047249 2.6686746 7.1917259 11.7260035 0.0007522 107282406 histidine rich calcium binding protein
4.7021332 0.2436933 1.4166189 1.7030057 13.3917897 0.0004182 107282484 dynein (axonemal) assembly factor 3
4.7014369 3.3128716 1.0316388 2.9249202 8.0267460 0.0035154 107287775 diacylglycerol kinase alpha
4.6996771 3.6273482 2.1722094 6.3824908 15.1320269 0.0002419 107288587 midkine (neurite growth-promoting factor 2)
4.6993821 1.6783752 0.0437097 1.7175600 8.3066470 0.0030816 107301241 calpain-2 catalytic subunit-like
4.6902041 1.1723720 -0.2307114 0.2799779 6.9938403 0.0058631 107298321 leucine rich repeat containing 74B
4.6900978 1.5904194 3.1803112 1.1460964 6.2713466 0.0086423 107294769 synaptotagmin-like protein 5
4.6878484 0.3118311 3.7122710 1.7730486 2.5586754 0.1049572 107291956 neutral amino acid transporter B(0)-like
4.6862533 7.9610484 3.7116964 -0.0119343 12.1483583 0.0012324 107287056 phosphorylase kinase gamma 1 (muscle)
4.6843430 3.3713936 -0.1598400 0.8208537 11.7283295 0.0007515 107298281 iroquois-class homeodomain protein IRX-3-like
4.6818427 1.8573770 -1.1376357 5.6363033 3.5074101 0.0501608 107298841 fructose-bisphosphate aldolase A-like
4.6807666 0.8120329 2.8229473 -0.1941497 8.8811613 0.0023536 107286815 testis expressed 26
4.6803128 4.6603617 3.3696416 3.7297089 25.0567579 0.0000213 107291678 FERM domain containing 6
4.6791093 4.8898392 1.1780548 2.0508471 6.6741293 0.0069451 107284274 runt related transcription factor 2
4.6772565 2.7516663 1.8872392 2.9343115 12.4357900 0.0005829 107282361 dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 2
4.6698121 -2.0337483 8.8901927 2.8192571 19.5308195 0.0001885 107303165 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C4orf22
4.6681611 3.5033622 5.2906517 2.9228416 11.4313541 0.0008389 107293646 myosin VIIA and Rab interacting protein
4.6648799 0.0702429 -1.1949542 0.8546397 6.0533530 0.0097609 107288232 histamine receptor H1
4.6629066 3.9680375 0.6443177 2.6264604 19.3426529 0.0000762 107292276 solute carrier family 25 (glutamate carrier) member 18
4.6627328 -0.1968676 -1.7130005 -0.8514053 3.8357467 0.0470426 107298944 adenylate kinase isoenzyme 5-like
4.6603216 2.3350120 0.9977274 2.3463433 10.3973690 0.0012513 107300294 G protein-coupled receptor 161
4.6551574 5.8332578 2.8749299 7.1654088 6.5450862 0.0074426 107298330 gap junction protein alpha 1
4.6465847 -3.1343659 -0.0778312 -0.0532408 13.3817012 0.0008494 107291750 discs large homolog associated protein 2
4.6422891 1.5440764 1.5424586 6.4360633 8.4999621 0.0028183 107285366 phospholipase C beta 4
4.6348424 -0.4576085 -0.7949902 5.5036498 11.5862487 0.0007919 107293404 FK506 binding protein 1B
4.6339332 0.8711797 1.5810555 2.8945882 6.6372739 0.0070831 107288073 EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 2
4.6297561 4.6945245 7.2741077 3.8416375 29.4747979 0.0000093 107296298 stabilizer of axonemal microtubules 2-like
4.6266345 2.2756290 0.2635121 1.7907736 9.5795161 0.0017518 107291288 apolipoprotein C-I-like
4.6241463 1.6555804 2.1927841 0.8184381 5.6450099 0.0123444 107285733 leucine rich repeat containing 27
4.6192953 0.3991340 -2.1260617 -0.7811177 6.4447797 0.0110134 107288557 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C3orf18
4.6179510 4.6263328 3.0596272 -0.6341968 7.4693953 0.0046108 107298113 solute carrier family 52 member 3
4.6174579 1.9664641 0.8722828 1.6370290 13.3071236 0.0004300 107291263 PBX/knotted 1 homeobox 2
4.6146426 -3.9666864 -0.8916865 0.5589117 7.5123571 0.0067420 107282299 solute carrier family 10 (sodium/bile acid cotransporter) member 2
4.6142604 -0.5527027 5.3968973 4.1000231 13.9394582 0.0003513 107290374 myeloid-associated differentiation marker homolog
4.6119545 3.7270569 -1.8012047 7.1735520 24.3547112 0.0000246 107289442 nexilin (F actin binding protein)
4.6089694 3.2422314 2.2130866 0.5874787 5.1662526 0.0164546 107298761 kinesin light chain 1-like
4.6013986 7.8568599 5.6566770 -0.1470801 15.5284830 0.0004769 107291304 grainyhead like transcription factor 3
4.5995964 6.4535166 6.6247529 0.6607785 13.8844629 0.0003576 107283432 coiled-coil domain containing 17
4.5943782 5.0089096 1.6781707 1.1947412 4.3792555 0.0272362 107283257 hexokinase-2-like
4.5927314 7.5884642 7.8136773 3.6680224 16.7377564 0.0001516 107293831 kelch domain-containing protein 3-like
4.5922826 2.8697051 -1.8391969 6.6365661 41.6954101 0.0000015 107287247 dysbindin (dystrobrevin binding protein 1) domain containing 2
4.5878797 1.1467662 1.2849106 2.2655977 8.8120620 0.0024467 107296444 EPH receptor A2
4.5840279 -0.3196556 5.1089389 6.7712466 19.2333818 0.0000783 107284485 PDZK1 interacting protein 1
4.5827892 -3.2107212 4.5827892 -0.1530499 11.3927665 0.0032194 107287538 ankyrin repeat domain 65
4.5789843 3.2395192 4.3948675 3.5338375 20.6996136 0.0000549 107293453 dynein heavy chain 5 axonemal-like
4.5784128 2.1107484 1.3246918 4.6166633 8.6960106 0.0025778 107289270 alpha-13-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase C-like
4.5770230 1.4304547 1.8300868 2.2364231 17.2710631 0.0001297 107290363 uncharacterized LOC107290363
4.5758806 3.0531815 6.9137548 3.9101878 9.2526175 0.0020151 107292984 zinc finger protein 474-like
4.5743871 5.7039167 5.3189452 3.6808246 12.4430563 0.0005814 107290331 solute carrier family 46 member 2
4.5667021 2.9901675 1.2330771 3.2539138 29.7123263 0.0000088 107286421 SERTA domain containing 4
4.5639420 1.0891536 0.7178145 0.6387825 6.3404521 0.0083194 107292540 family with sequence similarity 212 member B
4.5564535 6.6424622 0.1459885 1.6530572 7.5674715 0.0043920 107285637 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 14B-like
4.5503227 -0.5244707 -2.5696037 2.4573976 15.7727876 0.0001999 107295282 insulin like growth factor binding protein 3
4.5431965 3.1794424 5.1002227 1.2362841 11.2055600 0.0009134 107293596 uncharacterized LOC107293596
4.5366377 -0.0260203 2.5854693 0.6936779 7.7925023 0.0039340 107296486 fibrous sheath interacting protein 1
4.5346606 -4.4614468 0.9441013 0.8006145 8.8026524 0.0039497 107293050 solute carrier family 13 member 1
4.5345777 -2.3758111 0.2701004 -0.6187057 8.1197325 0.0051907 107290060 glutamine rich 2
4.5336470 4.3834827 10.4499678 2.1703165 16.4239458 0.0003814 107301762 inositol hexakisphosphate kinase 3-like
4.5286944 3.4560517 4.4208862 0.3824871 10.9784721 0.0009962 107290044 cell adhesion molecule 2
4.5279952 0.3720302 0.2386981 0.1403666 4.3260726 0.0282229 107282407 PTPRF interacting protein alpha 3
4.5267735 0.9984457 -0.0309040 0.0862937 3.3727851 0.0554251 107284570 CUB and sushi domain-containing protein 1
4.5257499 3.1671281 3.5950551 3.3575502 3.9283378 0.0370755 107284707 claudin 4
4.5244874 0.9134630 -7.0479344 3.1292161 34.3826605 0.0000167 107303320 sodium channel protein type 5 subunit alpha-like
4.5223267 -0.2534018 -0.7810204 6.3048517 4.7677480 0.0211283 107299217 superoxide dismutase 3 extracellular
4.5209700 0.7974490 0.6940806 3.8435655 11.0217099 0.0009798 107287515 Golgi integral membrane protein 4-like
4.5180587 8.7814715 6.2794165 3.3025242 20.4729973 0.0000579 107288320 family with sequence similarity 3 member B
4.5165383 3.6279483 2.9313942 2.7048397 9.1311002 0.0021246 107291926 solute carrier family 39 member 10
4.5135452 2.5806594 2.8028828 1.3888425 8.9643020 0.0022864 107289160 EPH receptor A4
4.5119587 -0.5821105 0.8398079 2.8580564 20.2080113 0.0000617 107295347 ganglioside induced differentiation associated protein 1
4.5118538 2.0351091 -0.5543998 0.1732944 5.8740453 0.0108090 107300129 laminin subunit beta-1-like
4.5093851 1.2461478 7.2988434 3.6392999 11.3579652 0.0008623 107290788 forkhead box J1
4.5091027 3.1712125 0.0334022 4.1261799 13.4252935 0.0004157 107301667 adenylate kinase 1
4.5064155 0.9378144 -1.0387511 1.7437705 6.0011412 0.0100534 107283801 BMP binding endothelial regulator
4.5041201 3.1701252 0.2967507 3.0112724 18.0757243 0.0001054 107296237 uncharacterized LOC107296237
4.5034869 3.4906086 1.5203459 2.7951671 6.3436420 0.0083048 107302857 olfactomedin like 2B
4.5030661 3.5806524 4.9624323 4.2076256 7.7096716 0.0040958 107284879 dynein axonemal heavy chain 5
4.4947226 3.3267648 0.6755956 0.8262862 3.3147206 0.0578910 107293411 cell division cycle 45
4.4932483 -0.7173268 1.6506214 2.9657884 6.7093144 0.0068162 107289771 solute carrier family 4 (sodium bicarbonate cotransporter) member 4
4.4920235 3.6489178 3.0166866 4.4829793 20.5519947 0.0000568 107302808 UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase
4.4897801 2.8859489 2.6357740 3.9310459 6.4665585 0.0077657 107295489 microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3C-like
4.4889158 0.3139113 -1.4875515 3.2237343 23.4211540 0.0000298 107283513 metallophosphoesterase domain containing 2
4.4861100 -1.9392394 5.5149040 5.8178547 10.5938655 0.0011573 107288263 GRAM domain containing 1C
4.4818812 0.9337793 1.4779694 2.0213794 5.7631858 0.0115225 107290422 peptidase domain containing associated with muscle regeneration 1
4.4750916 -0.6299792 3.6377070 1.7343881 11.8529369 0.0007181 107289109 neurofascin
4.4711002 0.8120580 0.2431264 3.5532245 13.4038689 0.0004186 107297299 G protein-coupled receptor 68
4.4696027 0.6559873 -8.2747585 4.2796163 112.2831789 0.0000001 107285059 serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K
4.4681064 -1.5520550 0.4990705 1.6051936 9.9827218 0.0014805 107284841 family with sequence similarity 83 member D
4.4634408 3.6730826 1.9905540 5.8533630 29.3715477 0.0000095 107286281 phospholipase C delta 3
4.4633848 2.3971769 3.7432650 3.3846339 14.2085882 0.0003223 107285837 transmembrane protein 229B
4.4506150 0.9991073 2.2103170 5.8252480 10.0346159 0.0014493 107284549 transmembrane protein 63C
4.4504792 9.5352282 5.8158871 2.8672813 9.4574448 0.0018452 107287917 F-box only protein 36-like
4.4461060 1.0080636 0.5101868 -0.1013896 3.3799973 0.0551274 107290209 collagen alpha-1(XI) chain-like
4.4418807 5.4841000 4.6568380 2.4062737 6.7459313 0.0066851 107285925 breast cancer 1
4.4414199 1.6311610 -0.1969910 1.1998645 3.4619850 0.0518696 107298540 tenascin C
4.4409865 -2.3312542 1.3934889 -0.7599314 5.7381852 0.0156861 107286593 homeobox D3
4.4390281 -3.9629584 0.2024807 0.3475420 9.5730874 0.0029446 107292115 sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT3-like
4.4388263 -0.2239238 -3.6898109 3.7043910 46.2530029 0.0000009 107291749 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 10
4.4386717 1.1681184 3.4622631 4.8961119 29.6606829 0.0000090 107302573 membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 1
4.4376612 1.8536359 0.3799774 -0.2172161 5.9972638 0.0100474 107300146 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C5orf34
4.4371307 2.6711497 1.1761602 0.2320925 4.8947296 0.0194887 107293750 doublecortin domain containing 1
4.4366641 -2.1842728 3.4255359 2.7210952 8.9749418 0.0022756 107296621 carboxypeptidase A6
4.4362589 1.8140916 3.6008939 1.3714770 6.9039606 0.0061519 107293039 epithelial cell transforming 2 like
4.4360992 1.6770157 0.5420460 1.5799058 4.8987586 0.0194392 107291403 alpha-2C adrenergic receptor-like
4.4322969 0.3653609 0.8916021 0.6808711 6.2966745 0.0085223 107283143 OTU deubiquitinase 7A
4.4303137 3.4066520 -2.4603342 7.5596670 42.3200013 0.0000014 107282704 fructose-bisphosphate aldolase A
4.4288702 3.5820374 4.3446298 2.3385858 7.9721497 0.0036081 107300001 Tctex1 domain containing 1
4.4284514 3.1386915 3.1261297 2.0981406 10.9581147 0.0010040 107288766 TBC1 domain family member 16
4.4271386 4.3187493 9.9570216 5.8648813 26.8424096 0.0000150 107287062 inositol hexakisphosphate kinase 3
4.4253803 0.6894998 2.7676125 0.3615581 3.0555392 0.0705642 107298038 tumor protein p63-regulated gene 1 protein-like
4.4209794 0.5485412 0.2179272 0.7795289 3.3668996 0.0556694 107295932 ADAMTS like 1
4.4112942 7.6669294 1.6812851 -0.0263245 6.2894706 0.0118784 107285276 endochitinase A-like
4.4085485 0.7294505 4.1485364 1.8060344 3.4109760 0.0538694 107282722 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 3
4.4062633 1.0473710 3.6169209 2.6557681 6.2409423 0.0087890 107288705 cilia and flagella associated protein 47
4.4053589 2.2899060 1.7337591 1.2263158 3.6332912 0.0457555 107296644 EPH receptor B3
4.4040000 1.2632094 -2.8231627 1.5031529 9.1705601 0.0020883 107287746 heparanase 2 (inactive)
4.3994323 -1.7547671 2.7634144 1.5174246 7.6147142 0.0042909 107292961 carbonic anhydrase 15-like
4.3991344 3.5297859 5.0526049 1.9922077 7.6048809 0.0043117 107299888 leucine rich repeat containing 34
4.3938925 2.4629173 4.6367135 0.9670188 6.8798239 0.0062300 107294756 sperm flagellar 2
4.3933371 3.8662264 2.2519000 0.3846731 9.1705351 0.0020883 107287439 vasohibin 2
4.3928906 2.0749733 1.0747882 0.7395385 4.1156406 0.0325569 107293153 SET domain containing lysine methyltransferase 7
4.3895299 -1.9783698 -5.2425888 1.4073224 18.8547202 0.0002179 107292109 solute carrier family 4 sodium bicarbonate cotransporter member 8
4.3892392 0.6764910 4.1589978 0.2611234 3.6744971 0.0444119 107292319 uncharacterized LOC107292319
4.3880790 -1.8816078 0.8052410 -0.9959476 4.1776984 0.0379131 107296273 ras-GEF domain-containing family member 1C
4.3834343 1.7716333 4.0847584 0.0243236 6.3767054 0.0081556 107289165 profilin family member 4
4.3765641 0.4124953 2.1499467 3.4903589 7.3624893 0.0048641 107286493 EF-hand domain (C-terminal) containing 2
4.3761753 3.0388892 3.5460708 2.8576629 19.5380428 0.0000726 107300321 glycerol-3-phosphate transporter-like
4.3754380 1.6908347 1.0817479 3.3832534 32.9349183 0.0000051 107291929 retinoblastoma binding protein 8
4.3740192 4.4515546 5.7605312 2.2016290 13.1372378 0.0004578 107286543 transmembrane protein 212
4.3713514 -0.9997083 3.5483894 2.8920245 11.6861634 0.0007633 107291941 neutral amino acid transporter B(0)-like
4.3633046 2.8684626 2.5512674 2.1079380 6.1930851 0.0090258 107284389 minichromosome maintenance complex component 6
4.3622134 1.9589327 1.0967538 0.2549149 3.0250660 0.0722549 107294604 patched 1
4.3582471 -0.0639816 3.2332911 3.9277315 14.6665752 0.0002791 107286703 plexin B3
4.3510755 1.2106061 1.2634651 1.1197574 9.5622719 0.0017563 107286173 solute carrier family 22 member 23
4.3499129 5.5077370 1.1692183 1.5721538 6.4997029 0.0076274 107289281 integrin subunit beta like 1
4.3478654 4.0506053 0.9078508 1.1919612 2.7673916 0.0885782 107294703 kinesin family member 20A
4.3474574 0.0645084 1.4487069 3.2111598 8.6309594 0.0026548 107283576 ring finger protein 152
4.3448248 1.8039226 0.9896748 -0.4096983 6.5398393 0.0074218 107303310 dipeptidyl peptidase like 6
4.3442494 -7.6577176 0.3868375 3.5610601 47.6514174 0.0000039 107292567 solute carrier family 7 member 10
4.3431470 -4.6468794 -1.6209200 0.8994323 10.0495140 0.0024763 107292437 cadherin related family member 2
4.3356477 -0.7719662 3.1295530 4.4683089 27.9311711 0.0000123 107284575 SH3 and SYLF domain containing 1
4.3333998 -0.1660807 2.2158395 -0.1025291 4.0582713 0.0338694 107293031 WD repeat domain 49
4.3330835 1.0348400 2.9889189 0.9422202 3.7480699 0.0421251 107286740 EF-hand calcium binding domain 2
4.3307496 4.5857833 7.1583284 3.9083238 9.1136855 0.0021408 107292527 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf87
4.3299667 2.7101235 -3.2531317 1.7517920 5.5226999 0.0132679 107295375 erythrocyte band 7 integral membrane protein-like
4.3294618 2.2644617 0.8733773 2.5938806 2.3476435 0.1251478 107289658 KIAA0101 ortholog
4.3244643 -0.6304181 2.4777442 0.0520577 6.2946701 0.0085317 107288525 glycoprotein-N-acetylgalactosamine 3-beta-galactosyltransferase 1-A-like
4.3168581 2.5209830 -0.9252168 3.5758714 11.5205488 0.0008115 107285261 Kazal type serine peptidase inhibitor domain 1
4.3151336 4.4143380 1.9402221 1.5047279 5.8006910 0.0112752 107289654 adaptor related protein complex 3 beta 2 subunit
4.3045254 -0.3652484 -4.0845538 0.2755720 14.6506776 0.0005999 107293460 usherin-like
4.3007723 0.0153180 1.1501897 0.6336627 3.9998231 0.0352701 107294568 neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type 2
4.2977525 4.8182908 3.4769881 1.2000990 7.7396259 0.0040364 107291516 stathmin domain containing 1
4.2962937 3.1323763 0.9075002 6.9454699 20.2597240 0.0000609 107296010 AHNAK nucleoprotein
4.2954646 3.1605716 -1.7170171 3.3364745 17.1103876 0.0001367 107293302 receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 2
4.2945877 8.5203320 5.5154113 0.3972038 12.6611054 0.0010539 107285991 leucine rich repeat containing 30
4.2933427 2.0758223 2.8623066 1.5999565 8.3430826 0.0030298 107294726 AKNA domain containing 1
4.2931489 -4.7112110 0.3119678 0.8090163 15.7461264 0.0004512 107291950 homeobox protein six1b-like
4.2894092 2.0100758 8.8232220 0.9110728 9.9929331 0.0025270 107289052 dynein regulatory complex subunit 1
4.2885428 -0.6382315 5.2591806 2.7619512 9.5837466 0.0017487 107302724 grainyhead like transcription factor 2
4.2884368 3.4778014 0.9852129 0.5677853 4.6287297 0.0231104 107288510 retinoic acid receptor gamma
4.2864958 2.7213851 -0.1061669 6.8877366 12.7037233 0.0005309 107287998 heat shock protein family B (small) member 6
4.2862244 1.1471459 0.1779331 4.1657661 20.9947112 0.0000512 107286384 tubulin alpha 1a
4.2836678 3.5774988 -0.4429756 5.6687242 15.5354336 0.0002144 107287206 PDZ and LIM domain 5
4.2831776 2.8646514 3.9014879 3.7933734 25.4604261 0.0000196 107283970 calcium release activated channel regulator 2B
4.2805976 2.0767412 2.1182979 0.7598590 2.6761459 0.0953482 107293318 transcription cofactor HES-6-like
4.2794039 7.5385386 -2.1754966 1.6072366 28.8631171 0.0000360 107299582 PPARGC1 and ESRR induced regulator muscle 1
4.2724032 -0.4418392 -0.3968674 0.3299915 5.8884660 0.0107200 107302618 solute carrier family 29 member 2
4.2690689 2.6660264 7.2504804 1.3944593 9.5927846 0.0017420 107289458 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf189
4.2672763 -0.0892348 0.4672167 0.0290788 3.7356979 0.0424999 107290461 hormonally up-regulated Neu-associated kinase
4.2618935 3.4788721 1.3598079 -0.0193424 4.4097589 0.0266883 107286979 kinetochore associated 1
4.2611177 3.8823030 5.9304861 4.6475722 21.7786372 0.0000428 107282697 ATPase secretory pathway Ca2+ transporting 2
4.2593020 -0.7624768 3.0304964 5.9122847 15.6349955 0.0002081 107289724 golgi membrane protein 1
4.2582705 3.0184203 2.6432634 3.7114295 18.0705803 0.0001056 107293380 uncharacterized LOC107293380
4.2581393 0.5529410 -0.1856730 0.7450606 5.2379430 0.0157478 107291826 semaphorin 3B
4.2581116 3.7806025 -0.5587927 -0.1301421 4.7611710 0.0212175 107292886 solute carrier family 7 member 5
4.2481070 6.2465473 6.2765208 3.3315621 8.3055754 0.0030831 107290838 uncharacterized LOC107290838
4.2469155 3.7970990 3.5429936 0.1643573 9.3675194 0.0019176 107299602 cytochrome b5 domain-containing protein 1
4.2457604 5.5193513 -2.9039100 7.3304638 32.6634416 0.0000055 107289369 RNA binding motif protein 20
4.2435489 -1.3536712 -1.6540330 1.0735626 5.3701156 0.0145350 107287259 secretogranin V
4.2409218 3.6673007 1.9077262 1.9666073 8.9361549 0.0023151 107291401 drebrin 1
4.2375438 2.0873155 3.0092048 2.6982118 29.4949436 0.0000091 107289844 anoctamin 7
4.2369386 3.4450768 3.1233271 5.2426841 23.5745277 0.0000289 107285204 S100 calcium binding protein A11
4.2368452 4.8740211 5.2919902 2.1294693 18.0675894 0.0001056 107292884 meckelin-like
4.2262678 5.2587096 -0.5010062 7.0559906 14.8465295 0.0002640 107297555 tropomodulin 1
4.2225210 2.0098392 2.3311635 -0.0431599 5.9668042 0.0102513 107287564 sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 1
4.2223518 -1.6066913 0.5161759 0.6251807 5.0686999 0.0174767 107283333 solute carrier family 25 member 40
4.2193679 1.0026064 0.3220661 0.4799256 6.2357381 0.0088005 107287991 fatty acid desaturase 1-like
4.2091861 2.5767467 0.6446321 -0.5272872 3.9842799 0.0356538 107299904 pannexin-1-like
4.2075355 -2.2699726 3.4713635 2.1820308 4.5220435 0.0247790 107295082 solute carrier family 26 member 9
4.2064108 7.4788236 -1.1703097 0.8582936 10.1639763 0.0023775 107301687 glycogen phosphorylase muscle form-like
4.2061823 2.0645408 0.6741635 1.3038526 9.1118141 0.0021426 107283988 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 1
4.2059321 0.7413705 -0.7014849 0.1199998 4.9852715 0.0184098 107295751 cytosolic phospholipase A2 zeta-like
4.2051365 2.1593950 1.0590450 2.3199701 11.6733189 0.0007669 107300880 protein jagged-1b-like
4.2046907 1.7370503 0.0175099 3.2689904 9.1648521 0.0020935 107292966 clathrin heavy chain like 1
4.2033568 0.7127751 -4.0747207 3.2277382 21.5294207 0.0000453 107287383 chimerin 1
4.2028715 5.5557844 2.5885643 4.6945713 40.4835710 0.0000018 107297444 synaptopodin
4.1979342 1.1464639 0.5845683 -0.3592561 4.0876258 0.0331603 107285483 synergin gamma-like
4.1941627 6.3329165 4.9958595 0.0263313 12.8389661 0.0005067 107289732 calpain 13
4.1923028 -1.5102584 1.4587323 2.8266614 4.6077635 0.0234277 107297365 chromogranin B
4.1907077 3.0203989 4.9357332 2.5353788 6.1607025 0.0091902 107300207 claudin-7-like
4.1901178 2.1867315 1.4338137 3.0690918 9.3483937 0.0019335 107283118 KIT ligand
4.1864137 1.6880501 1.6960631 0.4837059 3.8505556 0.0391630 107297578 catenin delta-2-like
4.1816017 1.5622710 -3.6394576 6.1289863 45.8074857 0.0000009 107288118 desmin
4.1804744 -0.3483321 -2.1036028 2.2899467 29.0491901 0.0000098 107287708 laminin subunit alpha-2-like
4.1777647 1.7276420 1.9666775 -0.0063204 6.4718346 0.0077198 107298799 multiple EGF like domains 9
4.1759867 3.9305504 0.3803496 3.0899527 13.3131567 0.0004315 107299294 major prion protein homolog
4.1755377 3.4225470 -0.8727784 0.7186872 9.0182756 0.0022325 107295818 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor D1
4.1720804 -5.4785589 1.9602974 1.3414652 29.5542836 0.0000325 107291644 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1 alpha hydroxylase mitochondrial
4.1708124 2.8326464 0.5496668 3.5524643 10.0348039 0.0014492 107288434 collagen type V alpha 2
4.1655069 1.0115026 2.4349470 0.0749187 4.2873990 0.0289666 107300525 cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain 1-like
4.1653052 1.0580108 3.7260644 0.4544068 6.4104152 0.0080067 107284556 cilia- and flagella-associated protein 54-like
4.1642377 3.9732773 3.0709756 2.2159890 6.9800974 0.0059127 107285955 FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog
4.1637301 -0.6892839 3.1614127 0.6582154 5.4630792 0.0137471 107294010 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 5
4.1621247 -2.3384323 4.9384357 2.2058225 12.3018211 0.0006111 107302780 family with sequence similarity 177 member B
4.1614619 2.1891626 0.3779432 4.5629099 7.9544253 0.0036389 107287690 fibrillin 1
4.1591494 0.3723838 -0.5976864 1.3490360 6.8336355 0.0063828 107286128 connector enhancer of kinase suppressor of Ras 2
4.1562906 4.3171770 2.4630060 0.7751902 5.6546369 0.0122750 107291039 scavenger receptor class A member 3
4.1558121 2.7082053 0.6658391 1.9607641 8.9714721 0.0022791 107285355 protocadherin 18
4.1542634 3.1984570 1.6791437 1.5066918 2.7048975 0.0931528 107291849 protein regulator of cytokinesis 1-like
4.1540655 1.9936739 1.2725398 0.4979797 5.0082674 0.0181470 107302674 storkhead box 2
4.1530600 1.7177714 1.2370681 1.1746738 3.6827621 0.0441480 107287078 receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 1
4.1527110 0.3975846 7.2754217 1.9550752 5.5352278 0.0131697 107301208 uncharacterized LOC107301208
4.1503626 -2.9175504 1.1981131 1.4010285 11.9762846 0.0006866 107294434 carbonic anhydrase 3-like
4.1462870 4.3993870 -0.0164781 7.6996198 17.5351935 0.0001218 107295478 LIM domain-binding protein 3-like
4.1448710 2.8788763 0.4665070 1.8596377 3.3826250 0.0550194 107282726 kinesin family member 22
4.1442023 -1.4464901 5.8645006 7.2223854 21.3508237 0.0000471 107285839 arginase 2
4.1415412 0.7730786 5.8744737 2.9209544 8.6774992 0.0025994 107290758 interleukin 22 receptor subunit alpha 1
4.1396874 1.3141373 5.4436824 2.9589660 6.0283759 0.0098996 107283876 cilia and flagella associated protein 69
4.1393377 4.1393377 -4.4157824 0.3148342 12.3569757 0.0024991 107290510 solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 5A1
4.1381835 2.5558569 1.0110330 1.5419238 9.6374736 0.0017095 107285772 prolyl 3-hydroxylase 3
4.1364146 3.7485518 -0.6220819 1.6583098 11.9126987 0.0007026 107302880 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 7
4.1354470 2.4078148 -0.1761441 1.9280079 8.7451338 0.0025213 107299100 receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase S
4.1240788 0.1940977 2.9691042 6.9054120 14.5793870 0.0002867 107302526 sortilin 1
4.1179346 1.9819189 0.9228284 1.3898889 3.5284893 0.0493900 107290587 roundabout guidance receptor 3
4.1162752 3.7307580 -0.7795840 1.7284286 7.6043399 0.0043128 107286677 carbohydrate (chondroitin 4) sulfotransferase 11
4.1143383 2.8407601 3.1553671 3.2897327 13.3440376 0.0004271 107296832 solute carrier family 37 (glucose-6-phosphate transporter) member 1
4.1042718 1.8110976 -0.3072201 0.4670497 2.0005589 0.1687999 107286938 kinesin family member 18A
4.1028245 3.6061618 4.0227479 0.3652663 10.8595849 0.0010430 107290018 wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 4
4.1014527 -0.2439465 -0.5500019 1.7643676 3.7367278 0.0424686 107295804 GPRIN family member 3
4.0973357 3.0982524 2.3340815 0.9769285 2.6575800 0.0967974 107286909 ephrin type-B receptor 5
4.0971542 5.1263223 4.8800268 2.7105970 5.7999309 0.0112801 107290803 transcobalamin-1-like
4.0930539 1.9673843 1.6712639 4.6259293 16.9285448 0.0001437 107294339 ribonucleoprotein PTB-binding 2
4.0907630 2.9631333 -0.2108918 6.5408832 12.5598935 0.0005581 107284773 decorin
4.0846576 1.7603864 -0.2257772 0.4220128 7.3383791 0.0049213 107292999 FYVE RhoGEF and PH domain containing 1
4.0835183 0.9672906 -3.5027085 3.1374138 22.4570952 0.0000368 107286931 calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit beta 2
4.0830300 1.9735729 -0.4935301 -0.2239993 2.1619803 0.1466455 107300311 phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 1-like
4.0828704 4.0761961 2.6937779 0.0903544 6.4513359 0.0078302 107284902 dynein heavy chain 7 axonemal-like
4.0823044 4.9435946 1.8045138 0.7322830 5.1110357 0.0170244 107287971 adaptor related protein complex 3 mu 2 subunit
4.0810116 -3.1653556 3.3426693 3.7268941 36.0206402 0.0000033 107286118 gap junction beta-6 protein-like
4.0780253 3.3928045 0.7653800 1.2938822 11.3722258 0.0008577 107294727 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 25
4.0776832 2.3815337 -0.5053619 1.3351219 8.0236870 0.0035205 107282957 mesenchyme homeobox 2
4.0756936 0.7071100 1.1847256 2.9571023 8.7202800 0.0025497 107286353 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf70
4.0695993 4.7868800 5.2181752 2.8802378 11.0657292 0.0009634 107292685 retinitis pigmentosa 1 (autosomal dominant)
4.0685852 3.3119719 3.4487352 5.2975511 10.1125511 0.0014038 107295506 proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1-like
4.0648658 2.6324634 4.1412316 2.1833884 6.6382935 0.0070793 107295592 calpain 9
4.0642751 2.8380175 1.3538800 3.7424816 11.5792275 0.0007940 107293251 fibronectin type III domain containing 1
4.0615187 3.0935263 5.0249742 1.1793557 15.1100320 0.0002436 107302196 echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 6
4.0610412 2.0651540 1.4454304 1.2003404 3.9643760 0.0361523 107282610 integrin subunit alpha 3
4.0610334 4.6484700 3.7469527 0.7790075 10.4214373 0.0012393 107296962 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 23 like
4.0595835 3.2307972 1.8530837 4.7359124 38.5046667 0.0000023 107287523 matrix-remodelling associated 8
4.0581265 1.6272123 1.4463784 -0.0097206 2.1306980 0.1506674 107293265 hyaluronan synthase 1
4.0568335 4.9987236 -1.8338915 2.0336893 12.3483915 0.0006011 107302633 acylphosphatase-2-like
4.0531298 0.4719063 2.5937026 0.1127613 3.3356951 0.0569859 107290239 unconventional myosin-XVB-like
4.0525425 5.9724866 2.7932974 0.8070817 10.2128536 0.0013478 107302142 actin-binding Rho-activating protein-like
4.0523584 3.7517144 4.7242623 1.6759506 8.0566415 0.0034658 107289347 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf118
4.0514869 1.0145967 0.8654089 2.0567589 3.6471340 0.0452989 107292939 uncharacterized LOC107292939
4.0500005 1.3450107 2.2493088 5.3522709 14.4619384 0.0002975 107291296 laminin subunit alpha 3
4.0470035 1.0560819 1.1900451 1.6333733 3.1636434 0.0649240 107295330 phospholipid phosphatase 2
4.0466619 -1.6519246 -1.0114897 2.4638355 6.8768549 0.0062397 107292630 frizzled-related protein
4.0430126 -0.4425923 2.5039961 -0.2273778 3.4170692 0.0536259 107300413 uncharacterized protein KIAA1211-like
4.0417626 1.6705456 -4.8936591 0.6500243 24.1028621 0.0000781 107288343 cryptic protein-like
4.0414798 3.6020988 2.4930105 1.6624933 8.1442101 0.0033252 107282443 uncharacterized LOC107282443
4.0373855 0.1814925 -1.7398640 1.8547163 5.8435677 0.0109999 107283863 SLIT and NTRK like family member 6
4.0362898 2.5400314 0.2566913 0.6253727 7.4774103 0.0045925 107288079 ephrin type-A receptor 7
4.0349624 2.8630962 1.7987362 0.8155552 3.5556832 0.0484158 107282586 phosphatase orphan 1
4.0339608 4.6655332 3.3314005 3.0418913 4.1548807 0.0316932 107288100 serglycin
4.0311483 0.2236843 -1.2969773 1.0741994 11.5539507 0.0007984 107294110 uncharacterized LOC107294110
4.0301771 -0.2115712 -1.5037594 0.5005865 7.6261000 0.0042669 107284132 malic enzyme 2 NAD(+)-dependent mitochondrial
4.0290955 1.7262997 -2.4345578 0.8392765 13.7627266 0.0003720 107291389 solute carrier family 2 member 1
4.0286507 3.1338601 2.7944458 4.8722845 15.7999098 0.0001983 107293381 phospholipase A2 inhibitor and Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein-like
4.0260890 1.2122993 0.0410729 0.8375498 3.3373780 0.0569140 107301327 collagen alpha-1(XVIII) chain-like
4.0249669 -1.3598738 0.3952284 0.3533751 10.5810769 0.0011522 107295964 chloride intracellular channel protein 5-like
4.0244864 2.8045819 0.2386523 1.2144414 10.0549203 0.0014373 107301598 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 2A
4.0227318 2.2133059 1.5639558 4.5966814 20.7152464 0.0000547 107287061 inositol 145-trisphosphate receptor type 3
4.0212618 1.2102133 0.4504880 -0.4465294 2.7007963 0.0934624 107298331 extracellular matrix protein FRAS1-like
4.0175692 -0.8929941 -1.0437474 1.2570288 8.0081791 0.0035466 107286574 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1 inhibitor
4.0174157 -3.0907758 1.5500221 5.7997800 42.8212750 0.0000013 107285885 tubulin beta 2A class IIa
4.0139687 2.0341597 -0.3130568 1.7137388 4.5953534 0.0236180 107291018 fibroblast growth factor 10
4.0124193 3.3658987 -2.3963633 2.9778390 21.0382342 0.0000507 107302432 adenylosuccinate synthase like 1
4.0123120 -0.9579760 -3.3197380 -0.4369210 5.7551253 0.0155490 107301319 fibroblast growth factor 1
4.0114741 3.0770928 2.5022003 2.1101670 10.6219829 0.0011445 107287869 KIAA1257 ortholog
4.0102129 4.2846142 4.7733458 2.2983312 10.0381268 0.0014472 107292915 LY6/PLAUR domain containing 6B
4.0018163 -1.4054234 3.0108411 0.9279448 4.8488066 0.0200640 107302957 NIPA like domain containing 4
4.0014109 2.7540932 3.9856672 2.2670264 16.3213217 0.0001705 107286476 golgin subfamily A member 4-like
3.9974855 5.6123091 0.3497499 0.0220762 4.5299126 0.0246512 107286876 tetraspanin 10
3.9966670 1.7165802 1.1137869 2.7334924 15.8964639 0.0001920 107302870 paired related homeobox 1
3.9954290 1.4190156 1.2097505 1.0961955 4.4932417 0.0252531 107300758 uncharacterized LOC107300758
3.9953678 1.7879088 4.2944904 2.1455007 10.5435582 0.0011806 107286061 NIMA related kinase 11
3.9953147 2.1058578 2.2794120 2.9916036 7.0740163 0.0056326 107297794 cilia and flagella associated protein 61
3.9874846 1.1676525 -2.4568280 3.6683618 11.7613060 0.0007425 107288092 myopalladin
3.9862247 3.9862247 -3.1882705 -0.7423979 11.4929073 0.0031334 107300671 protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase 2-like
3.9859194 2.7446283 0.8877872 -0.0536452 1.8464021 0.1935572 107303272 cyclin B3
3.9837996 2.4120838 1.5811124 1.2770797 4.8769941 0.0197086 107293285 isthmin 1 angiogenesis inhibitor
3.9834268 1.9406697 3.3114744 5.4920555 15.6963243 0.0002044 107288616 KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 3
3.9793446 4.9217200 1.7929372 1.1063306 5.6434732 0.0123555 107287764 delta/notch like EGF repeat containing
3.9778418 3.3104383 0.5694604 1.0304023 4.8160945 0.0204858 107290600 FOS like antigen 2
3.9751702 -2.7875601 1.1986481 2.4539611 13.6768258 0.0003826 107284034 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type Q
3.9750452 1.4439830 1.1846220 0.0051962 2.6029950 0.1012069 107300029 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C2orf50
3.9748412 2.2140690 1.8183318 0.2071570 5.1176991 0.0169544 107285089 X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 3
3.9743916 4.4278598 3.3076003 3.1145269 26.5299562 0.0000160 107292461 fibroblast growth factor binding protein 1
3.9713527 2.4788576 3.3290844 1.6566305 12.2208501 0.0006289 107292238 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 162-like
3.9637646 -1.9838837 -3.0624052 3.4578099 10.6083680 0.0011507 107289104 cyclin-dependent kinase 18
3.9632433 1.9418649 1.3169721 2.2147959 5.4948473 0.0134893 107290322 small integral membrane protein 5
3.9578475 3.6433227 1.5201091 0.7578962 5.2040491 0.0160775 107289354 semaphorin-3F-like
3.9571237 1.8247343 2.9846488 2.0536839 8.3398562 0.0030344 107299566 synaptotagmin-like protein 5
3.9564608 8.5796357 5.5056493 1.9523466 12.6972057 0.0005321 107284314 potassium channel regulator
3.9552928 2.7023343 1.7441532 1.3787626 2.2509743 0.1358558 107301947 normal mucosa of esophagus-specific gene 1 protein-like
3.9526058 0.7481814 2.1803827 2.7330034 24.4452500 0.0000236 107285145 RAB3D member RAS oncogene family
3.9513988 -0.2632499 -0.4758387 5.0367498 5.4687163 0.0137009 107289044 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf194
3.9511435 2.7588234 0.6489901 3.4471946 6.7466355 0.0066826 107285954 odd-skipped related transciption factor 1
3.9503881 0.5611476 0.4063948 2.6742606 18.6098506 0.0000903 107293660 discs large homolog associated protein 5
3.9503366 3.0725339 4.5434463 6.0440621 23.3033484 0.0000306 107290745 UDP-galactose-4-epimerase
3.9443536 8.1702565 2.7656064 0.2556167 5.6395217 0.0165141 107283574 glutamate decarboxylase 1-like
3.9427931 2.3792273 8.1622659 2.2867396 14.5916022 0.0002856 107298980 methyl-CpG-binding domain-containing protein 10-like
3.9423434 1.2769541 0.3043137 4.8067913 21.5754562 0.0000448 107298128 protein jagged-2-like
3.9373025 -1.7997920 4.1842069 1.1074560 8.4373178 0.0029007 107288019 integrin subunit alpha 10
3.9328820 1.8181307 0.3499105 1.3956168 5.7717832 0.0114653 107291399 proline rich 7 (synaptic)
3.9253458 4.7939447 -6.8349508 6.0986306 36.7558936 0.0000030 107289341 calsequestrin-2
3.9224444 1.2581970 1.9979657 2.4518365 11.9815678 0.0006853 107290304 coiled-coil domain containing 173
3.9208469 2.7182043 0.9047372 1.3425765 4.5646219 0.0240968 107283929 kinesin family member 23
3.9204265 5.2656214 3.4455302 1.9025234 28.8817640 0.0000103 107293422 YdjC homolog (bacterial)
3.9191097 2.9913575 4.4608009 0.4703111 7.6949965 0.0041252 107284395 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 19
3.9148024 1.9566364 -0.1025377 1.9194829 8.2946521 0.0030989 107283858 thrombospondin type 1 domain containing 7A
3.9119829 2.5958504 3.6381231 1.9867405 4.3429357 0.0279056 107289686 spondin 2
3.9102735 0.7856946 -0.2924345 1.5723594 9.6624417 0.0016916 107282753 WAS/WASL interacting protein family member 3
3.9101821 3.9528674 2.4087126 0.0038697 8.4886471 0.0028330 107284423 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 3
3.9073757 -3.8686776 -1.8165284 2.1806740 20.9567825 0.0000516 107289883 tudor domain containing 9
3.9069590 0.7095579 0.5918744 5.3083701 25.4972006 0.0000194 107303070 erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2
3.9052029 1.7389041 -0.9117861 5.7009186 16.6603544 0.0001549 107303335 versican
3.9041664 1.3198234 -4.8899884 3.6812731 37.5030336 0.0000026 107288329 calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 C
3.9027248 0.8801581 -4.9069745 2.8415652 18.4581055 0.0000954 107295578 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia; translocated to 11
3.9025658 0.0600556 0.9277772 3.6622616 3.5444018 0.0488172 107296070 slit guidance ligand 2
3.9023089 3.8197621 1.0998256 4.1526628 14.3947097 0.0003038 107295346 junctophilin 1
3.8992674 5.2018972 3.9266925 2.4075971 25.1715237 0.0000208 107285219 protein S100-A14-like
3.8974832 3.3335481 4.1458928 1.0164024 5.7220589 0.0118011 107291067 pleckstrin homology and coiled-coil domain containing D1
3.8969096 1.9237306 -0.4661155 5.1072496 8.2372672 0.0031830 107295163 kelch like family member 38
3.8968188 0.3132465 1.4435230 1.6484599 9.4609440 0.0018424 107292355 apoptosis-inducing TAF9-like domain 1
3.8950090 2.6968866 -0.2530001 -0.4817155 5.6070194 0.0126230 107298863 solute carrier family 2 member 4
3.8934659 3.9288658 -0.2644878 0.9885264 13.0348327 0.0004739 107289273 PTPRF interacting protein alpha 4
3.8926358 2.3315120 2.2309584 3.0619718 11.2575240 0.0008956 107282814 enkurin TRPC channel interacting protein
3.8923557 -2.0524238 1.8921948 3.2252535 50.7935463 0.0000005 107295101 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 4
3.8917213 3.1599622 1.5577563 4.0856867 8.2820222 0.0031171 107290415 cell division cycle associated 7
3.8915181 2.4397831 1.7147784 1.6087014 16.1256949 0.0001779 107289584 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2
3.8913825 3.3230264 0.4556789 1.4285187 18.2725612 0.0000986 107295983 phospholipid phosphatase 7 (inactive)
3.8904746 2.8259182 2.4564852 0.0004101 3.8209361 0.0399936 107292925 kinesin family member 5C
3.8901582 3.1286326 4.7194998 -0.0998912 4.7768468 0.0210056 107302943 adenylate kinase 9-like
3.8892590 1.4308435 -0.7500759 1.6479682 14.4549475 0.0002960 107289414 PDZ domain containing ring finger 3
3.8891493 2.0316724 4.6155592 1.0061756 5.3873876 0.0143847 107284747 gap junction protein beta 7
3.8880555 1.9873255 1.4671596 2.7491995 6.4759972 0.0077260 107296081 RNA binding motif protein 38
3.8877463 1.8493844 -1.9961402 0.4254707 5.1569764 0.0165488 107283319 receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase gamma-like
3.8833193 1.7819038 1.1438318 2.1967661 6.0853732 0.0095865 107296206 kinase suppressor of ras 1
3.8825156 1.3723173 5.7127766 2.3622331 9.8806052 0.0015443 107282589 tubulin tyrosine ligase like 6
3.8806813 -1.5862396 1.7532114 3.1774939 29.2485190 0.0000097 107298063 uncharacterized LOC107298063
3.8789213 -3.3444467 -0.7897829 -0.4577589 7.0206460 0.0084013 107292093 crystallin mu
3.8717349 3.4510963 3.9672850 6.2342467 9.5467327 0.0017763 107294533 transmembrane protein 41B
3.8685637 0.5910427 1.9035300 1.0523253 4.2711364 0.0292861 107291685 WNT inhibitory factor 1
3.8655318 4.6934060 1.6618230 1.4768948 4.7576915 0.0212649 107283992 trans-golgi network vesicle protein 23 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)
3.8635600 1.9252599 5.8245340 3.6406272 12.1325759 0.0006491 107292268 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf132
3.8631406 3.8363866 1.9969606 1.9860858 10.4899404 0.0012059 107285427 cadherin related family member 3
3.8587911 -1.2080922 0.3899959 6.9182862 7.5130195 0.0045119 107283860 scinderin
3.8572567 5.2331588 5.5314100 5.4789316 11.9265895 0.0006991 107287945 methionine adenosyltransferase 2A
3.8551787 0.8612116 -2.9962400 2.8811345 37.4296133 0.0000027 107288975 WNK lysine deficient protein kinase 2
3.8522220 1.0609137 3.4958190 2.9847405 8.5201744 0.0027924 107303042 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 25
3.8520351 2.0552869 2.2239679 0.3948895 1.8549565 0.1920806 107294516 megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 1
3.8436692 2.8548681 2.5550864 2.6135158 19.1917751 0.0000791 107288777 coiled-coil domain containing 40
3.8433034 3.7728412 1.5165556 0.6239174 8.7745726 0.0024882 107303098 pleckstrin homology domain-containing family A member 3-like
3.8413471 2.5942280 1.5268852 -0.3245426 3.0181796 0.0726434 107282781 interleukin 6
3.8393090 0.9907354 -0.1711127 -0.4114780 1.5723669 0.2483322 107293334 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
3.8379886 1.4902149 1.3487716 2.2224031 3.2605232 0.0603077 107295838 catenin delta-2-like
3.8375284 3.3773606 0.4740783 2.6432055 10.4421822 0.0012291 107293225 latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 3
3.8368811 3.6692512 -0.3737279 4.8381562 29.9600360 0.0000086 107288384 tumor protein p53 inducible nuclear protein 2
3.8365747 -0.3096635 1.5686638 0.2788982 3.3180770 0.0577450 107290315 RAB11 family interacting protein 3 (class II)
3.8342278 5.1438115 5.4242471 4.2061976 34.5284587 0.0000041 107292574 C-factor-like
3.8319330 2.8137223 2.3465209 1.5593125 7.5273980 0.0044799 107293379 spermatogenesis associated 17
3.8308521 2.5819179 3.2192672 1.9927138 27.2238543 0.0000137 107297916 SUMO/sentrin peptidase family member NEDD8 specific
3.8283268 1.2769730 0.1797779 1.2071310 3.3936741 0.0545678 107289006 ephrin-A5-like
3.8274618 0.6310300 4.9884103 0.5979556 7.4244777 0.0047153 107292433 dapper homolog 2-like
3.8270081 -4.4827641 -1.5049366 0.3289440 11.1513323 0.0016957 107303015 phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase
3.8230275 3.7472262 -2.1501333 1.6907693 6.7310097 0.0067382 107291592 neural cell adhesion molecule 1-like
3.8208452 2.9498573 1.5137328 3.7142432 5.1377998 0.0167454 107283872 chondroitin sulfate synthase 1
3.8207120 1.5177708 1.6251793 2.4328008 6.4346548 0.0079016 107293082 zinc finger C2HC-type containing 1C
3.8199278 2.4987424 1.3822294 0.4908204 3.4412751 0.0526710 107297124 doublecortin domain containing 5
3.8167436 2.6205940 -0.9647226 8.6146917 27.0634594 0.0000144 107286133 matrix Gla protein
3.8153087 0.3250182 2.1687337 2.9041823 2.9295823 0.0778627 107286208 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C15orf62
3.8153002 1.2077242 -2.0403935 4.4398601 34.8597194 0.0000039 107294457 uncharacterized LOC107294457
3.8146721 2.5260404 2.8388239 1.9147761 9.2716792 0.0019986 107287761 solute carrier family 19 member 3
3.8143832 1.2891439 1.3813658 1.8178213 11.5801432 0.0007863 107290283 kelch repeat and BTB domain containing 11
3.8103470 2.0664708 -0.0438975 1.2058859 5.1327990 0.0167971 107282164 C3 and PZP-like alpha-2-macroglobulin domain containing 8
3.8088706 3.2820830 2.6455799 1.9484864 5.2811058 0.0153392 107285300 thymidylate synthetase
3.8078348 1.5152399 2.9090777 0.9260254 7.1764586 0.0053445 107300123 endophilin-A3
3.8045753 2.7721301 2.7374922 1.9364455 6.7612894 0.0066310 107283612 caltractin-like
3.8029687 2.0682902 0.9714048 -0.1946695 2.2763872 0.1329429 107291878 pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 3
3.8024726 2.4784167 1.9818029 3.1552938 2.2051473 0.1412946 107303161 synaptotagmin-like protein 2
3.7979257 1.2438919 1.9766448 -0.8357351 2.4302695 0.1167547 107300220 coiled-coil domain containing 146
3.7977707 4.0889800 2.7271727 3.3397336 4.7700336 0.0210974 107294673 dynein heavy chain 9 axonemal-like
3.7971282 3.6100734 2.9114377 3.1905939 3.1580411 0.0652032 107296786 putative interleukin-17 receptor E-like
3.7958759 -0.2273412 3.6964941 3.0344769 18.0705516 0.0001056 107283457 cilia and flagella associated protein 57
3.7935611 3.5797103 -1.5093645 5.5550581 18.7843520 0.0000877 107302693 schwannomin interacting protein 1
3.7912088 -0.0508835 -1.6415329 5.2191021 29.9134906 0.0000086 107295926 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase 1
3.7862961 1.6716007 2.2059681 6.6665142 11.3604519 0.0008615 107288278 MLV-related proviral Env polyprotein-like
3.7845907 0.6905127 0.5161383 -0.5497012 3.6373204 0.0455193 107289115 contactin 2
3.7806775 3.0660555 1.6197301 1.0572877 4.9522586 0.0187950 107293618 dynein heavy chain 9 axonemal-like
3.7794849 -4.4257062 2.0151688 3.1360503 22.4014247 0.0000372 107288288 solute carrier family 26 (anion exchanger) member 2
3.7791631 2.3764131 -0.3868162 1.6936409 8.7632786 0.0025008 107290691 SKI proto-oncogene
3.7755389 2.9495701 -2.1766054 1.6938220 18.8265625 0.0000868 107288377 plexin-A2
3.7753613 4.2976000 2.5555531 -0.1668884 8.8950036 0.0023578 107299340 stonin-2-like
3.7721529 1.9985052 -3.7025918 1.6272192 20.5289055 0.0000571 107282678 uncharacterized LOC107282678
3.7708454 2.9326562 3.4893464 4.2067847 5.1470627 0.0166501 107294090 acireductone dioxygenase 1
3.7660313 2.0472517 0.6677233 0.6316564 4.4745665 0.0255662 107284162 HYDIN axonemal central pair apparatus protein
3.7644165 2.8145947 -0.0592319 0.4763996 5.9815759 0.0101656 107282272 uncharacterized LOC107282272
3.7629216 2.6760305 2.4000396 3.4542618 3.9771170 0.0358323 107296295 prostasin-like
3.7621122 -5.4585476 1.5621441 0.9605841 17.5936614 0.0002890 107296258 solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter) member 5
3.7615217 4.4476249 3.3318579 1.3311344 10.1738876 0.0013692 107284751 pleckstrin homology and RhoGEF domain containing G7
3.7577544 -0.4250129 2.3407561 1.5375221 5.5190453 0.0132967 107293217 syntaxin 19
3.7576462 1.4508439 4.9652473 7.5345592 9.8752475 0.0015477 107294825 methylthioadenosine phosphorylase
3.7573491 4.7908117 4.2816877 4.6059122 8.5843561 0.0027117 107303087 tensin 4
3.7535501 2.0116223 2.6749016 1.1803153 5.3657359 0.0145734 107289435 uncharacterized LOC107289435
3.7524069 -0.0124605 0.9137584 2.9292606 3.8177752 0.0400834 107302655 centromere protein U
3.7523832 1.8434386 -0.6997686 3.9436059 24.3755474 0.0000244 107298567 von Willebrand factor
3.7494667 2.9328659 -0.3109081 3.8681535 30.0315469 0.0000085 107283736 syncoilin intermediate filament protein
3.7492973 2.7758921 4.3856204 1.5955838 9.8114800 0.0015893 107284745 cilia and flagella associated protein 206
3.7410980 -0.7358360 1.7674798 1.7113106 12.7836146 0.0005164 107283543 growth arrest specific 8
3.7386479 -6.0975531 -1.0681279 3.8682458 22.7531782 0.0000345 107284261 phospholipase A2 group VII
3.7299750 0.0133523 3.0470535 0.0095742 5.3712804 0.0145249 107285347 odd-skipped related transciption factor 2
3.7282372 1.4554994 0.2165646 5.8583764 16.0971840 0.0001819 107288074 calpain 2
3.7269540 -4.5767205 -2.5887685 0.4291040 14.0299235 0.0007103 107301535 kelch-like protein 32
3.7255545 3.6900949 2.5486552 2.5724552 5.5494667 0.0130591 107287700 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C15orf48
3.7250777 3.6936220 4.0744883 7.3615869 6.6404166 0.0070712 107293306 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B9
3.7249723 1.8472859 1.6702526 0.9121855 4.3953691 0.0269451 107303125 prolyl 3-hydroxylase family member 4 (non-enzymatic)
3.7241757 -3.5542068 -1.5212893 -0.3634342 10.0533432 0.0024729 107292214 MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus protein MDS1-like
3.7217183 -4.8635300 0.1299640 0.4517101 15.6683655 0.0004602 107294316 sulfotransferase 1C2-like
3.7175569 2.0977139 2.0505240 1.7029115 14.7954219 0.0002647 107282230 RAB3A member RAS oncogene family
3.7157799 5.3883633 -8.0713736 11.6557551 17.8900213 0.0001107 107302648 myoglobin
3.7147052 3.9854750 0.7479083 0.7243229 4.7553994 0.0212962 107288958 GLI family zinc finger 2
3.7143006 2.8459133 3.9678879 0.7538798 12.0837538 0.0006606 107282409 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7
3.7142451 1.6008430 2.2937319 0.6672981 3.1333228 0.0664517 107299715 fMet-Leu-Phe receptor-like
3.7129500 1.5368129 1.3150026 -0.2370948 3.5615177 0.0482097 107293372 putative Polycomb group protein ASXL2
3.7104291 -0.8100283 0.2526752 5.1360478 2.0723644 0.1585068 107299644 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 14
3.7096818 -0.3076274 -1.0050909 0.7714075 8.3602785 0.0029952 107291334 KIAA1549 ortholog
3.7072126 4.7431625 2.6103598 2.3766867 14.7270507 0.0002739 107284297 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C21orf58
3.7021199 1.9342398 1.4975386 6.1566510 5.6044324 0.0126422 107288423 collagen type III alpha 1
3.7020799 1.0282880 4.5818349 4.2736235 10.6061824 0.0011517 107292270 interferon regulatory factor 6
3.7010173 2.7281856 5.6941905 2.5275502 5.6155554 0.0125598 107287913 uncharacterized protein C17orf105 homolog
3.7009214 2.8013955 1.2136391 2.7373186 6.0260688 0.0099125 107302638 minichromosome maintenance complex component 5
3.6989412 2.4344996 2.1262621 0.2335121 2.9202566 0.0784368 107285593 lipase I
3.6979086 2.3151134 3.0085478 1.0499526 7.0233844 0.0057816 107285631 theg spermatid protein-like
3.6975871 3.5496584 -0.2615901 0.8137199 12.1342286 0.0006487 107287979 palladin-like
3.6972115 0.9136319 3.7973820 7.3647555 5.7438211 0.0116527 107295843 E74 like ETS transcription factor 3
3.6953375 2.2672696 3.6942144 0.4250997 5.7134086 0.0118607 107290668 N-chimaerin-like
3.6947728 2.3153962 0.7851818 -0.2534807 3.1174650 0.0672672 107299366 chromatin assembly factor 1 subunit A-like
3.6946154 1.6933044 0.3282876 0.3960047 4.4628224 0.0257654 107294080 protease serine 12
3.6878226 2.8169954 2.0310156 0.2582950 3.5104113 0.0500502 107284096 calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 G
3.6824404 3.4705351 6.5256063 3.3570600 11.8562362 0.0007172 107286727 cAMP-specific 3’5’-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4D-like
3.6810854 -1.2429510 -0.5162515 4.0588539 11.5285794 0.0008091 107292215 MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus
3.6695948 2.0233249 -1.8001273 1.9847112 5.9456419 0.0103755 107300286 phosphorylase b kinase gamma catalytic chain liver/testis isoform-like
3.6622252 0.5855511 1.3418543 6.1093283 21.9604241 0.0000410 107286557 proteolipid protein 2 (colonic epithelium-enriched)
3.6595583 1.4293015 -0.8317268 2.9550281 12.5290920 0.0005641 107292620 gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor-associated protein-like 1
3.6590664 2.4444546 2.7729487 3.2379282 5.0068617 0.0181629 107285669 serine peptidase inhibitor Kunitz type 2
3.6586892 1.8109734 -1.4071269 -0.1294330 3.5818546 0.0474991 107290980 NCK associated protein 5 like
3.6579697 2.8291243 1.4612917 2.1779929 5.0932849 0.0172124 107291545 MyoD family inhibitor
3.6558674 0.9249237 0.0612622 2.6369802 6.3636535 0.0082141 107298139 slit homolog 3 protein-like
3.6530568 -3.5510100 -0.9432151 2.3845100 34.1784983 0.0000043 107292635 phosphodiesterase 1A
3.6521729 2.1675326 3.5207722 2.6177220 8.8159480 0.0024424 107298140 adenylate kinase 9
3.6507032 -0.6663028 -1.5238777 2.1816487 12.9668927 0.0004850 107303151 collagen type IV alpha 5
3.6504643 3.9297335 1.5944136 0.8756204 3.6341052 0.0457285 107287774 cyclin-dependent kinase 2
3.6501601 2.3247769 -1.0935167 3.1308462 10.6307355 0.0011406 107290050 suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
3.6481710 0.7719339 -0.9440368 1.8431749 9.4637715 0.0018402 107292636 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase spermatogenic
3.6474949 1.2415759 0.5267138 0.6812091 3.4261002 0.0532673 107297356 neuroepithelial cell transforming 1
3.6470704 1.4834845 0.7087718 0.8914661 5.1773189 0.0163432 107294648 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier) member 24
3.6429662 4.8525169 5.7403936 7.8748057 11.6859263 0.0007633 107289330 cysteine rich with EGF like domains 2
3.6429083 -4.4298774 0.0502965 0.0524796 11.1832836 0.0016779 107302512 glycine amidinotransferase
3.6381784 2.5200302 3.0761847 1.5808670 14.9190952 0.0002563 107296203 RBBP8 N-terminal like
3.6376402 -4.1793036 1.4517234 6.3050309 48.5800662 0.0000007 107288862 ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 3 (rho family small GTP binding protein Rac3)
3.6374219 4.9549206 4.4771724 5.3358195 12.1734080 0.0006397 107296774 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 5
3.6373596 -0.6719823 2.5002705 1.0461642 2.2993273 0.1303744 107293815 V-type proton ATPase catalytic subunit A-like
3.6346931 0.5599884 1.2440824 1.1820893 4.7955333 0.0207563 107293835 oxoglutarate dehydrogenase-like
3.6343751 3.5015957 1.7022926 3.9554831 22.5125950 0.0000363 107290682 matrix metallopeptidase 23B
3.6340670 1.1657668 1.0625391 -0.2246612 2.4932582 0.1107876 107282570 regulator of G-protein signaling 9
3.6337541 0.0203464 -4.6942948 0.1526097 12.6248290 0.0010655 107295086 phosphoinositide-interacting regulator of transient receptor potential channels
3.6336717 -2.2674550 -6.6634290 5.1675996 32.0675989 0.0000060 107286763 solute carrier family 4 member 3
3.6318848 0.5363670 3.1653348 0.1714735 4.4821893 0.0254379 107295906 solute carrier family 12 member 9
3.6288835 1.7675800 -0.5278367 0.6440881 5.9770297 0.0101919 107287508 zinc finger protein 208-like
3.6276841 2.5590535 1.0422374 -0.4006294 2.4297980 0.1168007 107295274 transforming growth factor beta 1
3.6266668 1.3195066 0.3477699 4.1056250 10.4834816 0.0012090 107288830 CD109 molecule
3.6253012 1.6514160 0.4988339 6.9782255 11.1849244 0.0009206 107286385 tubulin alpha-1C chain
3.6237247 2.3556488 -2.8534552 3.3915549 8.5859102 0.0027098 107283308 integrin subunit alpha 8
3.6224447 0.9323875 5.2417407 0.0180667 5.5141690 0.0133352 107284310 ankyrin repeat domain 66
3.6206114 1.6873171 0.5017911 0.2912311 3.0800904 0.0692353 107294625 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 16
3.6200161 2.4936009 3.0492796 3.2538426 36.8352185 0.0000028 107291730 BAI1 associated protein 2 like 1
3.6170556 4.1570757 1.5779156 0.1694646 5.2820165 0.0153307 107299070 guanine nucleotide-binding protein-like 1
3.6140644 -3.0049632 1.3994516 -0.9395428 11.6818651 0.0014099 107297591 short transient receptor potential channel 7
3.6136229 3.6703015 6.3599445 1.7656722 25.8606328 0.0000182 107284682 cilia and flagella associated protein 58
3.6111514 2.1248282 2.4156561 0.2308393 3.6312931 0.0458218 107286422 hedgehog acyltransferase
3.6096831 2.8192229 0.3048628 1.0447361 8.8782914 0.0023754 107297141 Tax1 binding protein 3
3.6072261 3.0673967 -7.5408248 7.4223619 54.4332837 0.0000004 107285333 uncharacterized serine/threonine-protein kinase SBK3-like
3.6048865 1.3012749 1.1914893 0.1596858 3.0421073 0.0713038 107299677 protease serine 23
3.6035825 1.6453979 1.8225098 -0.3922850 2.3501870 0.1248794 107299802 solute carrier family 35 member F1
3.6028250 5.3920614 -2.0581698 3.1464369 18.3100495 0.0000991 107288879 C-factor-like
3.6024753 1.8070450 -0.6037027 1.0006106 6.9733926 0.0059334 107288295 sine oculis-binding protein homolog
3.6020586 2.0787228 4.6746192 1.8155883 26.1596796 0.0000168 107283705 rhomboid veinlet-like 2 (Drosophila)
3.5967468 -4.6926114 -0.3583147 0.2205012 22.7590363 0.0000984 107287697 uncharacterized LOC107287697
3.5966302 0.8436404 0.3938188 7.1938085 7.0237237 0.0057806 107295979 protein FAM46A-like
3.5942156 -2.6375900 -0.0305220 1.5517918 9.7206370 0.0016507 107287179 ligand of numb-protein X 2
3.5911388 2.3004187 6.5418665 3.1923701 10.7564257 0.0010857 107284596 family with sequence similarity 81 member B
3.5856437 -0.8283576 2.2431335 4.8398606 12.3478936 0.0006012 107283000 B-cell linker
3.5839755 -6.5352409 3.5839755 1.7547651 44.7730801 0.0000300 107294374 solute carrier family 22 member 6-A-like
3.5833064 -1.9438624 1.1017532 3.4185304 16.1091670 0.0001812 107294038 zinc finger transcription factor Trps1-like
3.5770667 0.6228728 -0.5154611 0.2805230 3.3782136 0.0552008 107290119 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q member 1
3.5765812 9.3140570 5.7009911 2.6767203 9.3063164 0.0019689 107295288 ficolin-1-like
3.5754796 -0.6347227 3.1445060 0.6067194 5.0873829 0.0172754 107291712 sperm tail PG-rich repeat containing 2
3.5739359 2.9286037 1.1237796 1.7955238 3.9369900 0.0368514 107284452 B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11A-like
3.5719659 3.7276386 4.2713996 2.4080110 6.2042093 0.0089701 107287760 dynein assembly factor with WD repeats 1
3.5685780 2.4480104 2.0498543 0.1850380 3.2669954 0.0600130 107292328 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf63
3.5650116 0.4263357 1.0900047 3.2872459 17.7988005 0.0001119 107295902 family with sequence similarity 160 member A1
3.5646135 5.8048294 4.2534484 0.6482197 17.8185539 0.0001128 107294959 aquaporin-12-like
3.5645534 3.1832160 4.5411221 1.9771309 4.1138997 0.0325959 107285735 cilia and flagella associated protein 46
3.5618693 0.8498136 1.7498935 1.4991457 3.9411818 0.0367434 107286470 tektin 1
3.5588511 2.1714204 1.1398497 5.8090195 12.2295744 0.0006270 107292284 amyloid beta precursor protein
3.5582946 4.4180833 0.1926774 0.1772696 5.4377914 0.0139564 107295917 serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 3
3.5529531 2.8644613 -2.0366785 3.2283313 14.7023511 0.0002760 107284237 caveolin-3-like
3.5512626 2.4085889 1.7023138 2.2695140 8.9381964 0.0023130 107287502 ankyrin repeat and BTB/POZ domain-containing protein 2-like
3.5506170 2.5123469 -2.4900293 3.2129526 15.9020032 0.0001924 107296308 fibulin 7
3.5490602 3.3119372 1.3855736 2.9330939 5.4006360 0.0142707 107285564 minichromosome maintenance complex component 3
3.5489448 3.0607368 -0.0815033 0.3104073 4.9034863 0.0193812 107293056 ephrin type-A receptor 7-like
3.5486966 2.3077775 -0.4983334 0.0368531 8.0940088 0.0033836 107283733 karyopherin subunit alpha 6
3.5486298 1.2724838 0.4233661 1.1100638 6.4799989 0.0077092 107284731 BTB domain containing 11
3.5480034 3.5107874 1.0738439 -0.4914196 2.7501196 0.0898162 107283761 essential meiotic structure-specific endonuclease 1
3.5468965 -1.4318342 0.3127146 0.7302332 7.5518030 0.0044261 107297556 long-chain-fatty-acid–CoA ligase ACSBG2-like
3.5463075 1.3713848 0.3066305 1.6522336 3.1960441 0.0633361 107287090 teashirt zinc finger homeobox 2
3.5433546 -0.7645598 1.0251901 5.8428771 4.0317700 0.0344963 107296585 family with sequence similarity 107 member A
3.5426465 1.3700019 1.2047634 1.4123436 4.6426581 0.0229024 107287254 SRC proto-oncogene non-receptor tyrosine kinase
3.5419369 2.9659875 1.2046160 1.9078036 5.7978016 0.0112940 107297114 EGF containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 2
3.5415309 3.8354326 -0.9000127 2.9798876 11.6333814 0.0007783 107290477 phosphodiesterase 3A
3.5400850 -1.7109753 2.3214048 2.7960725 17.3632295 0.0001276 107285988 laminin subunit alpha 1
3.5400506 -0.4385319 -4.0770320 4.3046668 27.3027709 0.0000138 107288664 FERM and PDZ domain containing 1
3.5389316 0.8503192 -0.6958185 0.2482881 6.0622831 0.0096971 107288224 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 4
3.5384737 -3.5281052 0.6139094 5.7517185 30.9674668 0.0000072 107286074 tubulin beta-2 chain
3.5365259 -0.4547808 -0.1201599 2.2572238 2.6497301 0.0974178 107296687 mucin 1 cell surface associated
3.5313795 1.5128736 6.8486580 8.9346680 6.9673488 0.0059520 107290870 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 3
3.5284850 2.7281601 3.2095023 1.9771308 6.2743090 0.0086281 107286767 ATP/GTP binding protein-like 2
3.5270309 -5.9019782 0.4707465 1.1455908 20.8466821 0.0001438 107287368 fatty acid 2-hydroxylase
3.5178516 2.5632143 0.6750209 3.1875739 9.3452464 0.0019361 107282503 protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons protein 2-like
3.5169947 2.3752752 0.5471725 -0.3310848 3.6882311 0.0439743 107289811 gamma-glutamyltransferase 5
3.5086840 2.5704493 0.8354299 1.7887688 2.0596480 0.1602766 107293986 chromatin assembly factor 1 subunit B
3.5086417 3.1815224 0.1884059 1.4981337 6.2300147 0.0088424 107297989 tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 11-like
3.5080644 3.1898761 3.5484146 4.1281695 31.8022330 0.0000063 107292159 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 5
3.5070030 1.2461479 0.8658447 2.1940305 10.2157287 0.0013424 107283152 myosin IE
3.5033605 -4.9600380 1.2896767 0.3214108 20.8986197 0.0001424 107300334 uncharacterized LOC107300334
3.5002024 0.5199665 2.9811346 3.3307803 10.2724712 0.0013157 107296944 transmembrane channel like 5
3.4950299 0.8684385 0.7458816 0.2316475 3.9134719 0.0374643 107285716 SPC24 NDC80 kinetochore complex component
3.4947961 1.7989131 1.5198543 2.7286768 12.0346142 0.0006723 107294707 NEDD4 binding protein 3
3.4947511 2.3448089 -1.3435486 -0.2979886 5.7978498 0.0112937 107298554 patched domain containing 1
3.4939906 2.9131364 1.4615141 -0.1409314 6.3556404 0.0082256 107291502 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase mitochondrial-like
3.4884876 -0.3195856 0.6746023 2.6590417 2.6953023 0.0938790 107297330 cyclin-dependent kinase 1
3.4868170 2.8213002 0.7786148 0.7929702 3.8174048 0.0400939 107282525 protein kinase membrane associated tyrosine/threonine 1
3.4856989 2.0046222 -0.2751265 3.5194299 15.8679324 0.0001944 107286866 human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 2
3.4855174 0.9102513 2.5588753 0.3006754 2.7724283 0.0882209 107283588 MARVEL domain-containing protein 3-like
3.4845371 2.4826651 1.6235872 4.0874256 10.6963443 0.0011116 107282260 junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum protein 1
3.4827325 3.8065187 1.5083648 2.1211994 8.8227679 0.0024350 107295227 endonuclease domain containing 1
3.4795861 1.3302031 0.6606717 0.1710418 4.9158813 0.0191641 107298619 F-box protein helicase 18
3.4707778 2.0104435 3.7542311 2.8196977 9.5096348 0.0018046 107289436 leucine-rich repeats and IQ motif containing 1
3.4700826 4.0194783 3.3950369 2.6205071 9.2762288 0.0019946 107302349 ChaC glutathione-specific gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 1
3.4674285 2.2026683 2.0533660 -0.1836546 3.2869005 0.0591172 107286743 transmembrane protease serine 11E-like
3.4653200 -1.6603682 1.1777491 3.1110502 12.1744238 0.0006394 107298361 long-chain-fatty-acid–CoA ligase 4-like
3.4646537 2.8022567 -0.6610065 4.1131960 6.1403570 0.0092953 107284700 elastin
3.4634757 -0.4366811 -1.8897761 0.2445295 5.1603464 0.0165145 107289308 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 15
3.4627865 0.7645062 1.2050651 4.4513120 12.2655648 0.0006190 107282987 male germ cell associated kinase
3.4623148 4.1104222 2.2867158 0.6302384 7.8981006 0.0037385 107288126 basonuclin 2
3.4611567 0.4525410 1.0705374 3.6268573 20.1209114 0.0000619 107283915 EPS8 like 2
3.4598661 1.6946178 1.9240117 4.0590562 12.2683478 0.0006184 107302406 membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 10
3.4506121 3.5360516 1.1738227 0.5942708 5.0462465 0.0177223 107301682 dystonin-like
3.4463409 1.9993542 1.1806700 5.5677414 1.0421413 0.4098671 107286358 matrix metalloproteinase-18-like
3.4457936 1.1238692 0.9210222 0.9496633 2.7359781 0.0908446 107288829 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 12
3.4455863 -5.2060535 -4.1063252 0.9056310 5.1082963 0.0219909 107283362 nephrosis 2 idiopathic steroid-resistant (podocin)
3.4453636 -1.1193224 2.5668566 0.7697807 14.1741426 0.0003223 107284914 post-GPI attachment to proteins 1
3.4440156 1.3137561 -0.9499705 0.7088630 7.9923575 0.0035735 107287710 KIAA0408 ortholog
3.4430775 3.1623274 3.2838098 1.6883956 14.8982549 0.0002598 107283708 doublecortin domain containing 2B
3.4426730 3.6615054 1.3121435 -0.2300427 4.4420249 0.0261227 107299954 chromatin assembly factor 1 subunit A
3.4403070 7.6327834 1.8200805 2.1411482 11.6315774 0.0007788 107284491 vitamin D3 hydroxylase-associated protein-like
3.4398899 -1.9235313 5.8656344 0.0118892 15.4512717 0.0004848 107296808 coiled-coil domain containing 68
3.4375897 0.8155366 1.9161296 0.3874383 2.0307130 0.1643878 107283405 patched 2
3.4344622 0.5174372 -8.1050350 3.0889898 35.3302861 0.0000148 107290011 uncharacterized LOC107290011
3.4303718 -4.2481109 1.6108672 2.6184087 24.3945471 0.0000244 107289449 GIPC PDZ domain containing family member 2
3.4276997 1.4517725 -0.5597123 0.8170692 3.1490298 0.0656552 107295701 astacin-like metalloendopeptidase
3.4265276 0.9010811 -3.8517756 5.9943233 60.7290818 0.0000002 107283952 phosphofructokinase platelet
3.4256995 3.1975377 0.1953255 2.5965445 6.2181040 0.0089011 107286826 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 19
3.4252491 2.4959529 1.8056720 -0.2122200 3.3853732 0.0549067 107284268 family with sequence similarity 228 member B
3.4223345 2.4176261 1.1442460 1.1995200 5.9975282 0.0100740 107302837 discoidin domain receptor tyrosine kinase 2
3.4201016 2.0489163 -0.9150566 1.6841071 2.7927324 0.0867972 107285617 MYB proto-oncogene transcription factor
3.4199589 1.7041837 1.6115271 8.4915318 8.0353925 0.0035010 107283146 annexin A2
3.4168494 2.6770222 2.4230422 4.1085748 20.3798220 0.0000592 107290408 cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 1
3.4168031 0.0144703 1.6587302 0.6023241 7.0898760 0.0055565 107294101 tubby protein-like
3.4150806 3.3889895 2.2048561 3.7927316 7.1899910 0.0053077 107298930 DNA damage inducible transcript 4 like
3.4121940 -1.4483141 4.3821877 3.6076390 8.7535960 0.0025117 107297969 calcyphosine like
3.4116153 1.2824755 2.9353932 2.7630152 4.5110790 0.0249582 107284564 cilia- and flagella-associated protein 54-like
3.4063185 2.3976562 3.8780925 2.6681150 7.7270426 0.0040612 107292243 cilia and flagella associated protein 44
3.4024202 1.0161073 1.9030759 2.7009454 8.4375365 0.0029004 107287435 coiled-coil domain containing 181
3.3974182 -0.7077814 2.1111287 3.0424920 18.7271030 0.0000890 107282288 coiled-coil serine rich protein 1
3.3963003 2.9695362 -1.7914288 1.0651242 17.5148708 0.0001224 107296700 pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox interacting protein 1
3.3960918 4.4138506 -1.6918727 2.8334842 12.9089326 0.0004947 107282679 acid-sensing ion channel 2-like
3.3917741 2.9464528 -0.3122402 -0.8227458 2.9220756 0.0783244 107285315 soluble scavenger receptor cysteine-rich domain-containing protein SSC5D-like
3.3881498 7.2218011 2.6922895 -0.4716483 7.1318782 0.0079865 107284976 apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic polypeptide like 4 (putative)
3.3872988 1.6784796 0.0179715 0.5613173 2.2871708 0.1317284 107285236 mucolipin 3
3.3870179 0.8686767 2.1050335 2.0508173 5.6817567 0.0120817 107302889 adenylate kinase 7-like
3.3868130 -3.6351858 1.5268765 1.2681650 7.7419543 0.0040318 107301787 forkhead box protein I1-ema-like
3.3855653 1.7396400 -2.2986735 6.8058730 32.8555430 0.0000053 107282652 polymerase I and transcript release factor
3.3832811 1.5955998 -0.4927938 0.4417285 3.1021690 0.0680647 107286944 brain-derived neurotrophic factor
3.3811215 2.1823994 0.8330105 7.9313541 11.5835868 0.0007927 107297195 TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 1
3.3799449 1.7280163 -10.5024928 5.4060963 68.4108846 0.0000007 107293648 alpha-actinin-2-like
3.3786142 3.3270661 -4.5419699 6.5626705 28.8891176 0.0000103 107284182 blood vessel epicardial substance
3.3754050 1.9968500 3.1032316 1.6244149 4.4709491 0.0256274 107285384 coiled-coil domain containing 153
3.3729763 2.7721847 2.2244307 1.9632295 6.8121426 0.0064554 107297741 uncharacterized LOC107297741
3.3726431 -2.6043269 0.0467902 7.1221771 12.4350827 0.0005830 107285712 glycoprotein M6A
3.3693741 1.6239083 2.6563537 0.3202305 5.5808549 0.0128191 107296775 NADPH oxidase activator 1
3.3686542 2.3706911 0.8821837 3.7786177 20.0807686 0.0000633 107292204 TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 2
3.3656287 1.7189884 1.6135313 2.1455976 16.3701840 0.0001658 107294759 semaphorin-3C-like
3.3638806 5.2069876 4.2535154 2.4097194 29.9826716 0.0000085 107301342 anoctamin 1 calcium activated chloride channel
3.3634206 3.5140962 0.2838871 2.2525473 10.4385755 0.0012309 107284455 neuron navigator 1-like
3.3526032 -0.1654158 -2.6940070 0.5787749 13.8095057 0.0003651 107289385 ferric chelate reductase 1 like
3.3496127 1.6417999 -2.5470088 2.9187502 21.4026978 0.0000466 107291703 methionine sulfoxide reductase B3
3.3470240 3.4040755 3.2172381 5.0430441 9.8633315 0.0015554 107297799 golgi transport 1B
3.3447895 2.9980627 3.1914474 2.2650299 10.4481783 0.0012262 107295698 family with sequence similarity 111 member A
3.3445461 -0.2462738 1.3047078 2.8582144 16.7066645 0.0001510 107282393 tripartite motif-containing protein 16-like protein
3.3433526 3.3169590 -0.7975220 5.0155124 17.6137071 0.0001192 107302903 myelin P2 protein-like
3.3429875 2.2956882 0.6976865 4.1535376 30.1870584 0.0000081 107286709 biglycan
3.3399359 0.6869511 2.1076475 5.4442831 4.8169017 0.0204753 107282734 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 12A-like
3.3396084 3.1117402 -0.1101974 4.9844080 5.0912987 0.0172335 107286046 microfibril-associated glycoprotein 4-like
3.3366150 3.3771132 0.3996857 1.7444795 12.5838235 0.0005534 107292931 C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 4
3.3333932 2.8710719 3.5687888 0.6432257 6.9324042 0.0060612 107294671 coiled-coil domain containing 81
3.3318839 2.6006934 -2.6901086 1.1800258 8.4892660 0.0028322 107292467 actin binding LIM protein family member 3
3.3230485 1.8858530 3.0934795 2.0510873 5.1534843 0.0165844 107284151 kelch like family member 25
3.3224570 0.0251972 -7.7547480 2.6383288 77.7394750 0.0000004 107282539 troponin T1 slow skeletal type
3.3206430 3.3966484 1.7557123 -0.0317639 5.3760264 0.0144834 107291134 hydrolethalus syndrome protein 1 homolog
3.3205918 2.1831682 2.9639069 1.1511880 3.6874870 0.0439979 107286468 C-C motif chemokine 7-like
3.3197410 3.0157050 2.7880117 1.7618840 10.2372189 0.0013345 107286564 solute carrier family 35 (UDP-galactose transporter) member A2
3.3145776 -1.2213299 -0.1861961 3.8636683 8.6595258 0.0026207 107286950 pentraxin 3
3.3137020 1.6549758 -1.2110241 3.0900597 17.5922296 0.0001199 107297531 laminin subunit beta 2
3.3118151 3.4808531 -3.2660261 4.6633901 44.2666767 0.0000011 107292055 solute carrier family 41 member 3
3.3104445 2.7967634 -2.7580553 6.5809987 34.4016113 0.0000042 107288833 filamin A interacting protein 1
3.3097838 1.2758824 3.7775274 0.8544028 5.2060474 0.0160578 107286390 uncharacterized LOC107286390
3.3083389 2.8213724 0.6196833 3.9567886 6.5197628 0.0075450 107293066 latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 2
3.3017802 2.1579114 0.4549012 2.8563365 2.7861491 0.0872559 107283807 anillin actin binding protein
3.3010339 -0.3241144 1.3721212 1.1785664 1.5276632 0.2588147 107286467 C-C motif chemokine 5-like
3.2995083 1.1516685 1.4264051 0.2277547 4.7011679 0.0219970 107283065 cytosolic carboxypeptidase 6-like
3.2993503 -4.2877421 4.3983526 2.5310318 34.2549306 0.0000043 107294757 prolactin receptor-like
3.2992630 4.0519082 1.7401502 1.9813242 7.6830171 0.0041495 107290101 papilin proteoglycan-like sulfated glycoprotein
3.2991874 2.6106571 2.7216151 0.1355593 5.1192289 0.0169384 107289428 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
3.2976787 2.5683782 0.9498998 2.0277896 9.4696514 0.0018356 107285906 coiled-coil domain containing 77
3.2942486 0.3791290 1.1757843 2.2530803 8.3584066 0.0030084 107301102 immunoglobulin superfamily containing leucine-rich repeat protein-like
3.2932068 -1.7643218 1.7010165 7.2490984 19.9050087 0.0000664 107285083 creatine kinase brain
3.2931877 1.1678068 -0.3243054 -0.1164999 4.4567495 0.0258428 107288869 MyoD family inhibitor domain containing
3.2930497 1.8876307 -0.3488198 0.8358506 2.8423346 0.0834290 107298946 family with sequence similarity 102 member A
3.2868323 1.0808799 1.7172147 0.4515608 2.2168201 0.1398861 107283303 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 22
3.2855228 0.7180910 1.0873590 0.0554066 2.1862964 0.1436035 107295013 ADAMTS-like protein 1
3.2808485 -1.5065592 7.4756761 1.1330308 6.6179126 0.0101366 107289166 collagen type XXVI alpha 1
3.2803725 -0.1041393 -0.9527310 -0.3673536 2.3744318 0.1223533 107296047 membrane-associated guanylate kinase WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 2-like
3.2789118 0.8258211 -2.8763568 0.5384755 7.8755678 0.0037792 107285440 phosphatidylinositol transfer protein membrane associated 2
3.2782176 4.1277302 2.4223481 2.9389942 7.1020042 0.0055521 107292089 cerebellar degeneration related protein 2
3.2775447 1.9132271 2.2511382 6.2715588 9.5779831 0.0017530 107294478 mitogen-activated protein kinase 6
3.2741191 3.1969764 -0.6407160 4.4065131 30.9609170 0.0000072 107287411 nuclear factor of activated T-cells cytoplasmic calcineurin-dependent 1
3.2728785 -1.0270236 4.2138247 3.2536601 21.2144356 0.0000487 107290265 solute carrier family 12 member 8
3.2719079 2.5164667 4.1048228 2.3919624 8.2112077 0.0032221 107302899 centrosomal protein of 135 kDa-like
3.2712505 3.1958809 -0.6152702 0.8914427 6.6300272 0.0071106 107302327 neuroblast differentiation-associated protein AHNAK-like
3.2707786 0.3429550 1.9618620 1.5031735 6.7651962 0.0066173 107286669 collagen type IV alpha 4
3.2648135 4.0332607 2.8844447 5.8985211 8.3495986 0.0030207 107289693 ABI family member 3 binding protein
3.2631804 -0.6190217 -1.4429705 -0.0762967 6.6983042 0.0068167 107283873 tripartite motif containing 66
3.2629390 -0.7142569 1.4168116 3.7215674 5.7047372 0.0119208 107295042 NADP-dependent malic enzyme-like
3.2625555 2.1805854 -1.2347498 3.4697544 12.6256598 0.0005454 107286879 peroxiredoxin 2
3.2620666 2.2977884 1.6414626 2.5650524 6.2523344 0.0087337 107289029 immunoglobulin superfamily member 3
3.2552129 -0.6344679 -0.9443028 0.4686834 4.1169032 0.0325287 107282601 membrane protein palmitoylated 3
3.2538761 0.8777984 -2.4323108 1.8697038 14.7147204 0.0002749 107302502 sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1
3.2478460 1.9292248 2.2622671 0.6187474 5.8699311 0.0108345 107291303 sperm tail PG-rich repeat containing 1
3.2472372 0.1727165 2.0683557 1.2159647 5.4896020 0.0135314 107284515 PIH1 domain containing 2
3.2466973 1.5397731 3.1502980 1.7342751 11.8085995 0.0007282 107285891 DAZ interacting zinc finger protein 1 like
3.2447654 -0.7522471 1.0064082 2.7707658 10.5181194 0.0011925 107295666 exostosin-like glycosyltransferase 1
3.2426763 1.2516612 0.2519332 1.2500675 1.3999350 0.2915621 107290815 BUB1 mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase B
3.2404968 2.7300450 1.4637129 2.0566711 8.5107774 0.0028044 107285562 progestin and adipoQ receptor family member VIII
3.2395827 5.0799659 -0.5758701 0.5425913 9.2542615 0.0020137 107290605 calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IG
3.2392222 -1.1076570 -0.0033492 -0.3209466 3.5686239 0.0479600 107293857 testis expressed 30
3.2352292 -0.7986758 2.9612600 7.0517777 13.8367022 0.0003632 107302740 target of myb1 like 1 membrane trafficking protein
3.2316621 2.9014042 -0.5063102 1.2157577 3.7907403 0.0408613 107291714 SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 1
3.2313110 3.5187228 6.3854670 2.2219701 5.0058835 0.0181740 107297047 uncharacterized protein C1orf87-like
3.2287233 1.7751535 -0.5091664 -0.1644325 4.0221353 0.0347276 107298436 A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 9-like
3.2238937 2.5184400 0.8006058 2.8093786 7.0297473 0.0057627 107292325 ubiquitin associated and SH3 domain containing B
3.2230529 2.2944554 1.5403967 5.6628459 2.7525606 0.0896400 107289825 regulator of G-protein signaling 2
3.2212823 1.1340474 0.4663205 2.7455503 4.4636981 0.0257505 107296494 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 3
3.2210662 2.5926120 1.8091769 4.0059241 10.0988094 0.0014117 107293249 mutated in colorectal cancers
3.2190802 3.0279024 0.8721728 -0.2301705 2.1680882 0.1458746 107287638 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 16
3.2179748 0.5335939 -3.6425705 1.9133666 27.3689464 0.0000136 107287678 calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 D
3.2161622 0.7663888 -0.2235305 4.8601143 23.0855845 0.0000317 107288602 transforming acidic coiled-coil containing protein 2
3.2139684 1.6700138 0.4149370 0.8034417 2.2768819 0.1328869 107292287 fibrillin 2
3.2133947 2.6305043 0.5982366 0.8080329 6.0162784 0.0099675 107298665 WD repeat and HMG-box DNA-binding protein 1-like
3.2117786 2.6969862 2.8316289 0.0445497 10.7972561 0.0010583 107293482 sacsin-like
3.2109308 1.5608997 0.4726470 -0.0177339 2.3741399 0.1223834 107292080 caspase recruitment domain family member 9
3.2107259 2.0182202 -0.5989292 -0.1857009 2.7338587 0.0909999 107300011 cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 2
3.2101249 3.4249204 0.7259916 0.3281658 6.0789480 0.0096212 107284612 fibroblast growth factor 16
3.2095237 1.6445773 -0.0647729 -0.3223692 5.0581074 0.0175206 107283070 RAB3B member RAS oncogene family
3.2085530 2.2860125 -0.4780249 4.4370971 9.1094065 0.0021449 107286711 filamin A
3.2073644 0.7821674 2.5664019 4.4194065 12.1047335 0.0006556 107293602 synaptotagmin like 2
3.1995043 3.4936118 0.9861886 0.8189914 7.1808637 0.0053325 107295188 regulator of G-protein signaling 14
3.1957168 2.9521125 2.3918346 0.9709254 6.1549982 0.0092195 107297693 ADP-dependent glucokinase
3.1943765 0.9557191 0.3418775 -0.3385292 0.9457758 0.4497918 107301288 centrosomal protein of 97 kDa-like
3.1893235 1.2005822 -3.8476591 1.2171796 11.9711352 0.0006879 107289290 Usher syndrome 2A (autosomal recessive mild)
3.1884815 1.5525742 2.8541902 2.2349427 6.1845238 0.0090689 107302665 ankyrin repeat domain 37
3.1883384 3.9500308 5.1347079 7.2428466 15.9357728 0.0001906 107292945 desmocollin-2-like
3.1880565 -1.0716842 -2.5195725 0.4718094 12.0702268 0.0006575 107288613 neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type 3
3.1877781 1.3346722 -0.3062202 0.5562331 6.8504236 0.0062924 107302642 EGF domain-specific O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) transferase
3.1873962 2.4487692 0.9370993 1.2918851 3.3496525 0.0563927 107286982 WD repeat domain 66
3.1859267 1.6120704 0.9926962 3.2348659 6.8437476 0.0063490 107302663 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C4orf47
3.1833785 0.2181975 -1.7521079 0.5568164 4.4998458 0.0251435 107290046 adenylate cyclase 7
3.1828261 4.2107467 1.4613836 2.5824656 13.8029092 0.0003672 107290521 T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1
3.1778271 2.8630477 0.7095743 0.3476403 1.7044468 0.2200231 107286624 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
3.1771178 -0.8480859 2.5342736 4.0005518 10.5122791 0.0011953 107302137 KIAA1211-like ortholog
3.1746258 3.3299467 2.1250998 3.6356300 18.8123781 0.0000871 107285588 peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-related 1
3.1742597 2.2799931 -0.6823986 -0.1692357 1.9030224 0.1840162 107290052 baculoviral IAP repeat containing 5
3.1715562 3.1581277 0.9016314 5.1633965 22.0371923 0.0000404 107284925 cytosolic 5’-nucleotidase 1B-like
3.1645646 1.2442736 -2.4991404 0.1666263 15.4247720 0.0002186 107303027 acid sensing ion channel subunit 2
3.1644862 1.2215367 0.1522318 0.6631426 6.5959944 0.0072005 107296896 solute carrier family 35 member D2
3.1638526 0.2558839 0.8167776 3.9182918 3.9988756 0.0352933 107287321 actin filament associated protein 1 like 2
3.1620460 -4.1608459 3.1620460 -0.5638643 11.3720613 0.0032376 107283464 Tctex1 domain containing 4
3.1619354 1.5382704 -1.3989970 0.2215347 3.9390986 0.0367970 107284883 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 7
3.1610151 3.2686122 2.4135143 3.1898464 10.2047108 0.0013522 107300978 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase VA
3.1608295 1.6266909 4.3465129 0.3035573 4.1216356 0.0324232 107301618 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 39-like
3.1586776 0.7968544 2.0017565 1.7125146 3.3796004 0.0551437 107298782 leucine rich repeat containing 6
3.1584639 2.3196171 0.3153203 2.3141117 2.0037255 0.1683303 107283397 kinesin family member 11
3.1582833 2.8308711 5.2166204 2.0831041 8.8060191 0.0024533 107292892 family with sequence similarity 92 member B
3.1558719 2.9065620 0.9387773 0.4717279 4.7629483 0.0211934 107283824 xylosyltransferase II
3.1550555 3.3986343 3.1450022 6.5284870 11.0058305 0.0009858 107294083 SEC24 homolog D COPII coat complex component
3.1508307 -2.7484364 1.3477634 1.1328442 5.8936798 0.0106880 107288990 pentraxin fusion protein-like
3.1453835 1.4736071 -3.4788266 2.8515550 18.8777132 0.0000857 107291080 poly(rC) binding protein 4
3.1437645 2.9062602 0.6301378 -0.2630618 3.3764192 0.0552748 107288593 diacylglycerol kinase epsilon
3.1420151 -5.7756560 0.9302165 3.7915903 17.1186963 0.0001364 107293157 V-type proton ATPase subunit S1-like
3.1401514 0.7775991 0.7938934 1.7858837 4.0908966 0.0331156 107286392 tubulin alpha chain
3.1397528 1.3665149 0.7957060 -0.5504235 1.9332490 0.1791408 107283625 protocadherin alpha-5-like
3.1391878 3.2530313 3.9984518 4.8563044 16.0890390 0.0001823 107286804 heat shock protein family H (Hsp110) member 1
3.1375217 2.6174319 -0.0313394 -0.4606081 1.9817651 0.1716176 107293906 FAT atypical cadherin 3
3.1375201 2.9452199 0.4272898 0.3974092 4.2267774 0.0301786 107291025 ADAMTS like 2
3.1360982 -0.4264287 -0.8751452 7.5103389 10.6847073 0.0011167 107302456 jun proto-oncogene
3.1360159 1.7373057 -0.1267575 -0.3840096 1.4675503 0.2736913 107294237 Rho GTPase activating protein 19
3.1338980 0.5177013 0.5773250 6.5771241 9.6580534 0.0016947 107282403 meteorin glial cell differentiation regulator-like
3.1329796 2.3759271 0.8124881 0.7317532 7.7673508 0.0039552 107296778 golgin A1
3.1314802 0.8446425 0.8552928 1.5389846 3.5190503 0.0497334 107302173 leukocyte surface antigen CD47-like
3.1305092 -1.3070591 -0.1524598 -0.3068917 4.3544364 0.0276916 107302968 solute carrier family 35 member F4
3.1255727 2.2937129 1.3642547 5.2240870 22.8283965 0.0000337 107288314 lysosomal trafficking regulator
3.1255137 1.8878395 -1.0235889 1.2700584 14.2496111 0.0003145 107299369 ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 9-like
3.1253077 1.4709902 -0.7693955 0.3437176 3.6140416 0.0463992 107298479 melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1-like
3.1238489 2.4654178 1.2054100 0.2161307 0.8714197 0.4833067 107295129 NEDD8-conjugating enzyme Ubc12-like
3.1229012 7.6695208 4.5337013 1.8712569 9.1643296 0.0020940 107288571 myeloperoxidase
3.1224125 0.5245455 -1.1234360 2.6331287 23.0718927 0.0000316 107294109 uncharacterized LOC107294109
3.1186725 1.0559883 -0.9343973 -0.6875739 1.8254237 0.1972328 107298267 sparc/osteonectin cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan (testican) 2
3.1142890 -0.2259052 3.4502466 7.1813738 11.6095178 0.0007852 107290375 small integral membrane protein 22
3.1100634 -0.6894963 -0.3232076 0.1624857 3.9463218 0.0366114 107294823 platelet derived growth factor D
3.1081455 4.5160327 2.7519948 1.9153426 14.7258152 0.0002740 107287415 TYRO3 protein tyrosine kinase
3.1081122 2.0754354 2.1345248 0.4572128 3.2100206 0.0626650 107291992 ring finger protein 122
3.1064894 2.7936130 2.0063208 2.0355349 6.0656118 0.0096937 107292480 collagen type X alpha 1
3.1058778 1.9210406 0.4657131 4.2828140 5.2430818 0.0156985 107296094 multimerin 1
3.1019956 0.7430780 0.1537924 7.7933251 6.1994981 0.0089936 107294633 glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 2
3.1018904 2.1022974 -0.1889005 3.7872287 1.6762447 0.2257511 107303085 topoisomerase (DNA) II alpha
3.1012806 1.4443032 2.5358074 0.5018919 1.7376258 0.2134915 107301073 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 191-like
3.1001935 2.2371612 2.6034773 1.6545232 8.3486014 0.0030221 107287017 sialidase-3-like
3.0994373 1.4953597 0.3031795 2.1209296 4.0057238 0.0351257 107293838 cholesterol 25-hydroxylase
3.0989039 2.6053402 3.0593304 3.5693802 10.3452542 0.0012777 107291862 WNT1 inducible signaling pathway protein 1
3.0987534 1.1697435 4.4487119 9.5552862 10.4884794 0.0012066 107284138 epithelial cell adhesion molecule-like
3.0958829 3.5624316 -0.1977578 0.7554136 5.1367451 0.0167563 107302247 neuroblast differentiation-associated protein AHNAK-like
3.0941260 1.2003969 0.6030834 0.4612927 1.7519052 0.2107476 107289049 MMS22 like DNA repair protein
3.0920107 2.7337650 -1.6410306 1.5595659 9.7164424 0.0016537 107295452 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 8
3.0919639 2.2166354 1.9703196 0.3223668 3.7662300 0.0415818 107283039 GLIS family zinc finger 1
3.0916746 3.5419689 -0.9099280 -0.1802915 5.5553172 0.0130140 107293852 solute carrier family 4 sodium borate transporter member 11
3.0901449 3.0965286 -4.8940103 2.0354120 11.1886027 0.0009193 107300023 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 141-like
3.0883084 3.6602442 1.9346833 0.3539077 8.5611062 0.0027344 107285426 phosphomannomutase 1
3.0869607 2.3626753 2.0177156 0.4394157 4.4832265 0.0254205 107288385 ankyrin and armadillo repeat containing
3.0861575 -0.1591940 2.7693207 0.3418977 5.1725552 0.0163910 107283369 angiopoietin like 1
3.0817354 2.0542566 2.1923264 4.4273075 4.6424743 0.0229051 107290995 family with sequence similarity 13 member A
3.0776809 -0.3735508 1.2359212 0.2083757 3.0852276 0.0689608 107299125 interleukin 17 receptor D
3.0725301 0.6254332 1.1291157 0.9139382 1.5234652 0.2598240 107282787 insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3
3.0722483 0.1618511 1.2146154 4.0069147 4.5335951 0.0245917 107294642 PQ loop repeat containing 3
3.0711112 1.3637290 -0.1646452 1.4057513 3.9478343 0.0365727 107299235 Rho related BTB domain containing 2
3.0707237 -5.5321216 1.2558093 4.9408533 42.6047478 0.0000014 107285599 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 15
3.0663046 3.5363545 -0.4211505 1.3716782 5.9627303 0.0102750 107299623 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 11
3.0658145 0.9367643 2.8818886 1.4046290 6.2814711 0.0085941 107293841 solute carrier family 16 member 12
3.0644021 2.6159095 1.8229058 4.9329027 13.5267771 0.0004019 107289911 RPGRIP1-like
3.0639101 3.5650375 3.3253367 2.9248635 9.0714202 0.0021809 107285151 SWIM-type zinc finger 7 associated protein 1
3.0636727 4.0297540 -0.1196576 1.3303606 9.2726122 0.0019977 107287680 semaphorin 6D
3.0633689 2.6323825 1.0005418 1.0388803 7.2050228 0.0052672 107295141 uncharacterized LOC107295141
3.0625045 1.3049127 1.6024233 2.6057874 9.0951014 0.0021583 107302521 taperin
3.0597466 0.3494686 -0.4124675 0.6712041 3.3799438 0.0551296 107289802 microtubule associated protein 1A
3.0568007 9.8967020 6.3092414 1.6998694 21.7481903 0.0001205 107287845 nitric oxide synthase trafficking
3.0529340 4.3912521 0.3126820 2.3211412 24.2760556 0.0000245 107289925 RAS guanyl releasing protein 2
3.0504326 0.0954916 0.2461434 2.8385152 3.5136419 0.0499315 107286368 angiopoietin like 5
3.0472454 2.0074733 2.3627876 2.8421255 8.5278420 0.0027826 107289075 2-oxoglutarate and iron-dependent oxygenase domain containing 3
3.0457828 2.4522470 -0.7997622 5.3164900 12.9811024 0.0004826 107291059 leucine-rich single-pass membrane protein 1
3.0444346 0.7040667 0.0653250 3.0250561 11.4367764 0.0008347 107294004 GTF2I repeat domain containing 1
3.0434869 6.3374271 -1.5160938 0.0776610 5.7423717 0.0156521 107293308 SPARC related modular calcium binding 2
3.0374620 0.0425881 -0.4990265 0.3792285 3.0951873 0.0684324 107283227 uncharacterized protein FLJ45252-like
3.0365485 1.2454708 0.0660671 1.3091977 6.3849724 0.0081056 107288906 enkurin domain containing 1
3.0364628 1.8555322 0.6204710 2.3095691 9.5071956 0.0018051 107288637 caspase recruitment domain family member 10
3.0357630 2.1211380 2.8866472 0.2164250 2.7867475 0.0872141 107294536 solute carrier family 4 sodium bicarbonate transporter member 10
3.0333402 0.5154759 -0.3754438 7.4920456 22.7678115 0.0000337 107300526 citrate synthase
3.0321753 -1.2057595 -1.4702364 2.7213944 12.0579818 0.0006667 107289835 stanniocalcin 2
3.0292803 1.8790006 0.5599679 1.1878482 1.1655629 0.3640831 107289411 Rac GTPase activating protein 1
3.0282262 2.3980158 0.9252010 1.6669476 8.5427461 0.0027619 107296309 cyclin-dependent kinase 16
3.0255472 1.7558545 -2.3899889 6.1666706 25.4945041 0.0000195 107286504 sarcoglycan gamma
3.0230597 -2.0987454 -2.6139683 4.1223007 9.2331919 0.0020322 107297911 syntabulin
3.0230263 0.6046147 -8.4893468 3.0596955 45.5677739 0.0000047 107293133 trans-23-enoyl-CoA reductase-like
3.0225101 1.3382739 -0.3097985 6.0393573 13.7439335 0.0003743 107297445 adenylosuccinate synthetase isozyme 2
3.0222426 3.7787148 2.5860314 0.4909405 4.8484535 0.0200685 107291577 NADPH oxidase 1
3.0138527 2.0535159 5.0591171 1.6862634 4.3351442 0.0280517 107298610 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf24
3.0124300 -0.5898672 -4.2731112 2.3136225 14.8252159 0.0002657 107291217 arrestin-C-like
3.0114401 1.0459961 0.4174261 1.6851868 2.0228242 0.1655293 107282285 inositol-3-phosphate synthase 1
3.0100869 1.0787465 2.3705623 5.0968849 29.2129411 0.0000096 107285532 GDP-mannose 46-dehydratase
3.0077587 9.9406448 7.7408660 1.7297788 7.7993335 0.0059556 107287906 dual specificity protein phosphatase 13 isoform A-like
3.0058847 4.2091099 2.8067041 2.2900686 5.9283182 0.0104785 107292110 nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 2-like
3.0049908 1.7708599 2.3001168 6.1895077 4.2454648 0.0297988 107287187 peptidyl-glycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase-like
3.0045374 3.9808002 1.5050342 -0.0099660 2.8738378 0.0813679 107296685 MDM2 binding protein
3.0038646 2.3909948 2.1866173 0.7677895 1.1989066 0.3526706 107300629 HIG1 domain family member 1A mitochondrial-like
3.0037050 2.6470668 1.5215879 3.6837671 26.1749205 0.0000167 107302657 RNA binding protein fox-1 homolog (C. elegans) 2
3.0029903 2.5841905 1.6247143 0.5898886 10.6478904 0.0011222 107296110 uncharacterized LOC107296110
2.9991105 -2.3733492 -2.2237275 5.5844505 19.4203798 0.0000748 107285383 melanoma cell adhesion molecule
2.9986812 3.4466572 1.5301181 0.7044553 3.6927190 0.0438324 107295418 procollagen-lysine 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 1
2.9982071 0.3154906 -0.7577815 -0.0462820 2.0463253 0.1621549 107289716 lipase E hormone sensitive type
2.9973217 2.3103089 2.0807883 0.5502083 5.3621277 0.0146052 107283620 protocadherin alpha-5-like
2.9969150 2.2062449 0.4699922 0.3298860 3.2912071 0.0589254 107292096 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 3A
2.9956656 1.5398736 -0.4337442 2.1072190 2.3229901 0.1277842 107292521 abnormal spindle microtubule assembly
2.9931682 2.0405885 0.3666527 0.9395287 2.2048667 0.1413287 107284590 centromere protein K
2.9922228 0.6636863 0.4000320 -0.0448104 2.7400127 0.0905498 107287199 family with sequence similarity 60 member A
2.9906269 1.2487317 0.1462250 3.4628642 11.1085647 0.0009477 107289535 receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase V-like
2.9899194 3.3300750 1.4883000 1.7875893 4.8078567 0.0205937 107290949 protein kinase C eta
2.9875140 1.7594715 0.2673174 -0.1798446 4.6884177 0.0221523 107284635 nephronophthisis 4
2.9850985 1.1420649 3.6892664 5.2378308 6.5370944 0.0074747 107302807 uncharacterized LOC107302807
2.9831050 0.4117295 0.9962262 0.7084347 3.3059183 0.0582757 107285222 S100 calcium binding protein A1
2.9814250 -4.1641306 -4.5111892 0.1228232 4.2811018 0.0355808 107282532 myosin-3-like
2.9810105 -2.1649405 0.9678487 1.9752177 4.1581650 0.0316221 107289113 kelch domain containing 8A
2.9796770 -4.5557871 -1.5594858 -0.3046009 10.4685080 0.0021368 107287766 collagen alpha-3(IV) chain-like
2.9788035 2.7940458 1.8215871 3.0713960 26.9896008 0.0000143 107286437 intraflagellar transport 172
2.9754227 1.3753326 1.7169535 1.8263050 3.8244186 0.0398949 107290721 kinesin family member 6
2.9735509 0.4096254 1.7747451 -0.6078020 3.2081792 0.0626732 107295885 ring finger protein 24
2.9683201 1.5044330 -0.8588254 0.5790090 7.3016933 0.0050058 107287510 zinc finger protein 107-like
2.9680986 2.7414249 -6.6072745 7.1875263 35.5624456 0.0000035 107296610 ankyrin repeat domain 1
2.9668963 0.7841221 -0.0469926 7.8692486 7.7885270 0.0039416 107294898 voltage dependent anion channel 1
2.9642985 2.1429262 2.8025229 7.5359319 7.2615297 0.0051182 107285595 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 13
2.9624395 -2.3040665 -0.2722088 1.6364295 11.4162262 0.0008437 107287923 Harvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog
2.9589359 -3.0309413 0.5240214 5.2711410 31.1030324 0.0000071 107295779 Rho GTPase activating protein 40
2.9567371 3.0925532 -0.2260307 4.6012049 12.1329702 0.0006490 107293657 trafficking protein kinesin binding 1
2.9566777 2.4226739 3.2431866 4.2939935 12.2383508 0.0006250 107291101 plakophilin 3
2.9550094 -1.2785394 -1.4299832 1.4011055 8.4729483 0.0028535 107291891 platelet derived growth factor subunit A
2.9511108 0.4468424 -1.2268290 0.5203309 4.0846421 0.0332586 107292454 chromobox 6
2.9490968 2.6395093 1.7827844 1.9142507 10.5366204 0.0011805 107286480 cell growth regulator with EF-hand domain 1
2.9474142 0.9499699 -2.4950071 -0.0100156 7.5695954 0.0043874 107285584 suppressor of glucose autophagy associated 1
2.9469144 1.6658194 0.1542392 3.1436422 9.5092549 0.0018049 107292290 zinc finger protein 462
2.9455818 0.8447922 0.6964578 -0.1786031 2.2005336 0.1418558 107285967 vasohibin 1
2.9435354 1.6697712 0.8695900 1.0415141 1.1974766 0.3531521 107289776 MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 1 (yeast)
2.9427187 0.3639709 2.2542424 5.5110240 12.1773825 0.0006388 107302749 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting family member beta 4
2.9426276 1.0302779 3.4464129 2.6693944 4.5901261 0.0236986 107290836 IQ motif containing with AAA domain 1
2.9422181 -2.2900527 5.0058426 3.8923957 13.9221405 0.0003532 107286805 WD repeat-containing protein on Y chromosome-like
2.9406862 1.0501226 1.6111350 2.2662419 8.9079314 0.0023340 107296964 uncharacterized LOC107296964
2.9385246 1.7908303 -1.0258581 -0.8396959 3.0042304 0.0734378 107284642 kelch like family member 21
2.9377366 1.6632895 -0.1713067 1.6449273 8.3918633 0.0029573 107288289 sine oculis-binding protein homolog
2.9375040 -0.1011396 -0.5451219 1.3919687 1.5272792 0.2589068 107287220 RAS guanyl releasing protein 1
2.9364893 1.0910440 -2.4426214 5.8059944 27.9510355 0.0000122 107284989 regulator of G-protein signaling 16
2.9359404 0.4711701 1.8137556 4.5616771 5.7218622 0.0118025 107292634 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C10
2.9350751 -0.1162703 2.5227175 0.4625309 3.4979170 0.0505125 107298053 alkaline phosphatase liver/bone/kidney
2.9336318 1.6005487 0.6019828 2.9845153 6.6263607 0.0071246 107295355 procollagen-lysine 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2
2.9332406 5.3417416 -4.2849517 1.3072912 44.7489919 0.0000051 107293951 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C10orf71
2.9314726 -0.4765927 3.1632210 -0.4094887 3.4687770 0.0516099 107296781 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 8
2.9310528 -4.1014015 2.0714235 2.9012469 28.1633237 0.0000118 107292951 egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor 3
2.9286844 2.4012558 0.7149193 3.3167203 3.5500201 0.0486168 107284420 MAM domain containing 2
2.9284418 1.2508600 0.0468749 -0.1032732 3.2004137 0.0631254 107285477 Rab interacting lysosomal protein-like 1
2.9276565 1.2770040 6.8927175 2.1735097 10.9790491 0.0009960 107298142 peptidylprolyl isomerase like 6
2.9273421 1.9653445 1.3397285 3.3055501 3.6661819 0.0446793 107294895 thymidine kinase 1 soluble
2.9260754 -1.6209124 -1.9075345 0.8550254 6.8898958 0.0061972 107298127 plexin B1
2.9258687 1.1407267 1.5551594 2.6250017 2.0439632 0.1624905 107303035 integrin subunit beta 3
2.9255507 -1.8675805 0.8926786 1.4907307 5.6386212 0.0123908 107291870 leucine rich repeat neuronal 1
2.9254018 2.2238298 -1.5242035 5.7573725 24.5020775 0.0000238 107287377 coiled-coil domain containing 80
2.9241382 -1.5735818 2.3683811 3.8577886 14.6350433 0.0002818 107282707 coactosin-like F-actin binding protein 1
2.9235488 -2.6829850 -0.0933764 0.9955316 8.1306028 0.0033466 107296558 protein NEL-like
2.9224096 1.5518772 0.8421697 2.1837599 1.7803284 0.2054029 107294360 inner centromere protein
2.9208182 2.1199291 1.3801890 0.4795533 2.0202594 0.1659024 107289433 lysyl oxidase
2.9206262 1.8314774 1.3460855 1.6320820 5.0891915 0.0172561 107290864 PDZ domain containing 2
2.9196906 1.2339436 1.9450065 2.1100375 4.0045350 0.0351547 107294511 adenylate kinase 7
2.9195177 -1.4504385 -1.0727744 -0.2108811 2.6938785 0.0939873 107302835 triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2-like
2.9158922 0.8786887 1.0432022 0.7071374 3.4739267 0.0514140 107288929 kalirin-like
2.9145815 0.9016286 -0.6546906 3.6898873 5.8983439 0.0106595 107299218 protocadherin gamma subfamily C 3
2.9106730 0.8239831 -2.8689703 1.4996573 11.2463871 0.0008994 107294104 sterile alpha motif domain containing 4A
2.9102768 2.4526481 1.3807907 -0.2195347 1.4146115 0.2875767 107290469 MYB proto-oncogene like 2
2.9093617 1.4897234 1.9396863 3.5983761 6.3452695 0.0082974 107302599 tumor protein p53 inducible protein 11
2.9063633 1.6541521 0.5966605 3.3959185 16.7041361 0.0001508 107284397 mannosyl (alpha-16-)-glycoprotein beta-16-N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferase
2.9060157 -1.0461293 -0.5686581 2.9290444 8.2034142 0.0032339 107285977 adenomatosis polyposis coli down-regulated 1
2.9055795 0.4766934 -0.4902588 0.7810504 5.0348652 0.0178484 107299228 protocadherin gamma-B1-like
2.9048678 -0.9957933 4.7774097 3.5660167 8.7012638 0.0025717 107291852 protein NDRG1-like
2.9034824 4.2551915 0.6266128 2.7095500 13.8863479 0.0003574 107301217 dystonin-like
2.9029804 -1.3710209 2.3287751 5.3636270 6.1265362 0.0093675 107294961 galactose-3-O-sulfotransferase 2
2.9023562 -0.4821564 0.0257899 2.2649182 6.5441755 0.0074463 107289679 cadherin-19-like
2.9014272 2.5380023 -7.0002581 5.2640308 32.8005285 0.0000054 107290170 ryanodine receptor 2
2.8991432 1.3450294 -0.8137897 4.5672196 4.8104581 0.0205596 107297352 fibulin 5
2.8978380 1.1648979 0.5779636 3.1707380 6.6038697 0.0072110 107293186 osteoglycin
2.8963467 2.2675823 0.0709187 1.3403012 5.9430694 0.0103907 107282995 bone morphogenetic protein 6
2.8952134 0.6504921 -2.2150662 -0.2090515 8.0223691 0.0035219 107303112 SH3 and cysteine rich domain 2
2.8946667 0.7590971 0.4966761 2.6484236 5.6263794 0.0124801 107294337 cache domain containing 1
2.8943935 1.9477575 -0.3321828 -0.0602297 3.8560963 0.0390099 107289784 mannosidase alpha class 2A member 2
2.8926599 1.0696400 -0.7318161 4.8604342 16.8774749 0.0001458 107297037 tissue factor pathway inhibitor
2.8925088 0.2667122 2.0425439 2.5083963 10.5739497 0.0011664 107288534 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C8orf89
2.8914023 1.6860012 0.6327633 4.4626577 9.0909282 0.0021623 107286320 jagged 1
2.8905525 0.8982610 1.3020483 1.6707039 1.6228185 0.2370651 107294655 catenin delta-2-like
2.8903948 1.4426143 1.9260569 2.6803239 5.4982955 0.0134616 107286948 leucine glutamate and lysine rich 1
2.8885565 2.3685541 1.5667491 3.7510215 5.9320640 0.0104561 107286880 jun B proto-oncogene
2.8875337 -1.2600145 -1.1366639 -0.2862405 5.5507113 0.0129896 107288767 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C4orf17
2.8864267 1.4109226 0.9344604 2.7142336 5.3708002 0.0145291 107294521 cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1
2.8860402 1.3533834 0.4361255 2.4300720 1.3519914 0.3050093 107282899 shugoshin-like 1 (S. pombe)
2.8847955 3.5177611 2.0657924 2.2038209 9.8939012 0.0015358 107303329 ARP3 actin-related protein 3 homolog B (yeast)
2.8804839 1.8170103 1.6024672 3.5423711 1.6838047 0.2241994 107303175 placenta-specific gene 8 protein-like
2.8788271 2.9187542 1.1603001 4.8452774 6.9308515 0.0060661 107283382 protein tyrosine kinase 7 (inactive)
2.8775851 1.3293377 1.0140489 0.5892440 2.8438231 0.0833302 107292218 intraflagellar transport 140
2.8764487 2.2613190 1.0067831 3.9245569 7.8454403 0.0038346 107296326 WNT1 inducible signaling pathway protein 2
2.8755091 3.3067577 0.9286831 2.4073330 4.6176809 0.0232770 107291522 runt-related transcription factor 1-like
2.8724673 0.2348904 1.0042188 2.3537432 2.8709145 0.0815566 107292248 Rho GTPase activating protein 32
2.8700640 2.9872708 3.4125504 0.5357251 10.8002246 0.0010583 107287541 ceramide-1-phosphate transfer protein
2.8628756 1.4837835 0.6919376 4.9471067 11.7908189 0.0007345 107291407 PDZ and LIM domain 7
2.8608396 2.6314312 1.9553918 0.5546224 4.4841496 0.0254050 107299032 nucleolar complex protein 2 homolog
2.8577894 -2.1169409 -1.8233169 6.3091471 10.3494769 0.0012755 107285744 Y+L amino acid transporter 2-like
2.8575954 1.3423869 0.0183900 -0.5754716 1.3837874 0.2960172 107288487 mitogen-activated protein kinase 15
2.8572163 0.4086881 0.7956809 1.1279851 3.1307333 0.0665841 107297690 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 4
2.8560074 1.2590830 0.1280789 4.8831798 21.2868005 0.0000470 107290589 insulin like growth factor 1 receptor
2.8554855 1.2213294 1.7102794 0.7924279 3.0577550 0.0704431 107293824 CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 2
2.8544755 4.8459491 6.3044803 0.4821210 12.4475192 0.0005805 107284051 adenosine monophosphate deaminase 1
2.8543804 -1.1920378 -7.2910746 5.4942433 30.1461626 0.0000083 107297841 trace amine associated receptor 1
2.8534964 0.9252337 0.6343944 2.8533097 2.8468121 0.0831324 107287520 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 1
2.8516284 0.8711252 -0.7110435 1.3831163 3.7351616 0.0425162 107283187 A-kinase anchoring protein 11
2.8504900 0.2527666 -0.1887109 4.1804890 7.5427739 0.0044459 107298319 lactadherin-like
2.8474894 -6.9694975 -2.0864159 1.5095690 10.9419482 0.0018182 107299067 neurofilament light polypeptide
2.8474751 1.9761455 -0.2873245 1.7900697 6.7112065 0.0068094 107284611 oligophrenin 1
2.8461146 1.1464417 0.4286853 1.7920342 1.9997344 0.1689224 107288198 centromere protein N
2.8460762 3.1945953 0.7627725 0.2317761 4.7784305 0.0209844 107285444 dynein axonemal heavy chain 10
2.8456645 0.5182458 -1.3352796 3.3744294 9.8990883 0.0015325 107286204 zinc finger C2HC-type containing 1A
2.8447308 2.2714161 2.4166557 0.4083265 3.1339802 0.0664181 107288897 translin-associated factor X interacting protein 1
2.8431115 1.0582121 1.1423997 1.6238033 2.1749506 0.1450139 107298408 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-26-biphosphatase 3
2.8417899 1.8487077 0.3734147 0.6294314 1.7763369 0.2061442 107284134 spindle and kinetochore associated complex subunit 1
2.8416899 3.4356118 2.1008298 3.5117450 4.8555661 0.0199781 107287234 GEM interacting protein
2.8402283 0.5334027 0.1143094 -0.4654219 1.2646411 0.3312830 107299088 A-kinase anchor protein 10 mitochondrial-like
2.8399342 3.3680879 1.3606246 1.0164506 5.6947041 0.0119907 107288171 ADP ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 1
2.8398799 1.9032860 2.8310238 -0.1361749 3.6315112 0.0458145 107288481 forkhead box P2
2.8377653 2.4559762 1.9749753 5.6202299 8.5822483 0.0027143 107294315 histone acetyltransferase KAT8
2.8373971 1.3010991 0.9711811 3.5918562 17.4414509 0.0001230 107289037 TEA domain transcription factor 3
2.8357139 1.9701697 -0.3672055 1.3486149 2.6233526 0.0995360 107303041 2’3’-cyclic nucleotide 3’ phosphodiesterase
2.8351302 -0.7693916 0.9873479 -0.2505200 1.3666628 0.3008235 107291333 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a4
2.8349621 1.9617840 0.6493080 2.8344011 3.9935520 0.0354243 107293495 protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta
2.8349528 1.9861646 -1.6350766 -0.6341051 6.0059887 0.0100258 107295784 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 9
2.8348404 4.0406524 3.3058760 1.0209340 12.6624310 0.0005385 107289121 dynein regulatory complex subunit 3
2.8346208 1.1071758 3.6295949 4.6665073 5.8816216 0.0107621 107302795 small integral membrane protein 14
2.8319408 -1.0617046 0.0171633 5.1588968 9.1012879 0.0021525 107294356 aldose reductase-like
2.8305992 1.1498168 1.6196777 6.4078774 7.3508136 0.0048927 107296188 collagen type VI alpha 1
2.8294044 2.9146586 -1.1654160 5.2111944 19.6930956 0.0000699 107295136 phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein
2.8286420 -3.7344089 -0.3448431 0.9035355 10.9777255 0.0009965 107290779 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C21orf62
2.8285083 -0.0840285 2.6220247 7.3916437 3.4970785 0.0505437 107294649 glutamyl aminopeptidase-like
2.8273746 0.8295445 0.7777801 1.2570305 2.2769610 0.1328779 107290062 sphingosine kinase 1
2.8244176 1.6643902 2.2967517 1.5778913 4.1748316 0.0312642 107294345 RIB43A domain with coiled-coils 2
2.8230881 1.2062995 -0.5828305 0.0552704 5.4973353 0.0134083 107284783 centrosomal protein of 164 kDa-like
2.8229022 0.9192483 2.2781760 3.4435981 19.9807332 0.0000641 107287726 tectonic family member 3
2.8209036 -0.9034002 -0.1770426 5.6178739 15.2646548 0.0002324 107287134 angiomotin like 2
2.8197867 -0.0684535 1.6043867 -0.5795184 2.0539963 0.1610704 107297312 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 42
2.8192586 1.7805088 -0.3350468 1.4702110 1.7537184 0.2104020 107289143 cyclin E2
2.8182818 3.4141381 1.0076328 8.2703481 7.7687330 0.0039797 107293969 acidic mammalian chitinase-like
2.8179748 -0.9858299 -0.8449387 -0.5274309 3.8502496 0.0390907 107289198 uncharacterized LOC107289198
2.8174570 2.6448540 -0.1252459 2.1861871 5.2331828 0.0157936 107290999 nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 1
2.8168302 4.1162703 4.6371551 2.0666014 4.5433736 0.0244345 107298865 claudin-7-like
2.8157802 1.5428954 -0.0521486 0.4210890 2.1830520 0.1440052 107299947 uncharacterized LOC107299947
2.8124328 -1.3554935 -1.4902143 3.8537483 4.5914881 0.0236776 107289218 neurotensin
2.8119893 2.8119893 -12.0231853 6.3558713 59.8320219 0.0000103 107282457 troponin I3 cardiac type
2.8116299 0.8815342 -1.6625466 0.5815359 10.3500994 0.0012649 107284354 aquaporin 1 (Colton blood group)
2.8115243 -5.0854379 0.2422321 6.1201899 9.8690057 0.0015517 107290456 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 12
2.8092299 2.8092299 -9.0437165 3.3898203 15.3895683 0.0012366 107293091 myosin-7
2.8076547 1.5419642 0.4031253 3.3935884 4.3826985 0.0271737 107282788 neuropeptide Y
2.8048950 1.1295178 -1.6030232 2.8039571 16.1527820 0.0001790 107286751 AT-hook DNA binding motif containing 1
2.8008084 1.7129438 -0.7986155 -0.3798160 6.2296424 0.0087974 107294128 prostaglandin E receptor 3
2.8003877 2.2955791 1.1044228 5.0751526 8.6489398 0.0026333 107297820 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 1
2.8002981 2.6719324 2.8962915 4.8211597 21.7136136 0.0000434 107292356 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
2.8000707 1.7058279 0.4981212 0.2082186 2.5950193 0.1018703 107288597 uncharacterized LOC107288597
2.7992230 0.5157242 0.6920495 0.5923506 3.6317287 0.0457725 107295443 semaphorin 3F
2.7959997 2.7263796 1.5624876 5.3616207 10.6194979 0.0011457 107289696 prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 2
2.7932876 2.2635353 2.1115341 2.6783475 1.3253202 0.3127825 107298697 coatomer subunit gamma-1-like
2.7920580 1.2737073 1.2366222 4.9178982 2.3651406 0.1233144 107292142 prostate transmembrane protein androgen induced 1
2.7914022 0.9288649 1.8632715 0.7822266 2.4659944 0.1133265 107288716 zinc finger MYND-type containing 10
2.7901100 2.0275706 1.9954646 1.0135188 4.1690664 0.0313875 107301853 IKAROS family zinc finger 2
2.7895181 2.3605584 -1.4426656 2.5966944 24.8947887 0.0000219 107302990 leucine rich repeat neuronal 2
2.7889854 1.3385740 0.4331775 0.4723187 3.3160111 0.0578348 107298343 DNA polymerase alpha catalytic subunit-like
2.7887502 1.6182851 -0.1052238 1.8585495 2.9267527 0.0780364 107290317 exportin 6
2.7865296 1.4539961 1.9755001 -0.0329876 0.5530907 0.6559461 107300190 NEDD8-conjugating enzyme Ubc12-like
2.7829488 2.0810185 -0.4415944 1.3094344 2.6573420 0.0968162 107297457 uncharacterized LOC107297457
2.7821140 1.5458380 -2.1587119 5.7520728 15.1320821 0.0002419 107302383 prostate androgen-regulated mucin-like protein 1
2.7804739 -2.8891118 0.9308807 5.4661994 12.9897813 0.0004812 107282573 solute carrier family 16 member 6
2.7792168 1.2128893 2.6383483 -0.0402688 2.4515409 0.1146994 107291911 MORN repeat containing 2
2.7773277 2.5153939 3.1488131 5.4468323 7.0309478 0.0057591 107283119 ATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 1
2.7769181 1.6553481 -0.3654642 0.6658607 4.5109213 0.0249608 107295536 calmodulin-regulated spectrin-associated protein 1-like
2.7768396 0.0739870 3.5923657 0.9160315 11.6982785 0.0007526 107283236 transforming growth factor alpha
2.7761467 1.3525412 2.0383977 6.3959552 4.5225709 0.0247704 107292589 peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase
2.7757611 1.3416435 -1.3330909 -0.1166931 4.1732814 0.0312973 107298083 signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B-like
2.7756696 -1.7749364 1.5468035 4.1185750 2.8763808 0.0812041 107290260 G protein-coupled receptor 160
2.7739353 0.9564800 1.4320455 6.3658911 17.7839767 0.0001122 107293659 lectin galactoside-binding soluble 3
2.7734431 1.3878041 0.6316793 6.5371110 9.7611488 0.0016230 107294458 calpain-1 catalytic subunit
2.7714137 1.4965084 -0.6671666 1.3137735 4.5269346 0.0246995 107295621 zinc finger CCHC-type containing 24
2.7713221 -0.0728159 2.3425771 5.7767622 26.7342758 0.0000152 107292011 myosin VI
2.7706751 1.0862760 0.6993543 2.1913404 4.0161757 0.0348715 107298929 transcription factor HES-1-like
2.7698291 1.3011845 1.1651476 2.7740709 3.5603533 0.0482507 107294056 histone H2A type 2-C
2.7691309 0.8097122 -0.6207308 0.0783768 3.2201533 0.0621836 107295096 leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 1
2.7679472 1.5695730 0.4809795 2.6655509 6.7536645 0.0066578 107290281 uncharacterized LOC107290281
2.7678160 7.2988619 -0.0598673 0.1957389 4.3373071 0.0343851 107296903 fermitin family member 3
2.7664001 1.7588950 -1.1536451 -0.2355976 3.2508770 0.0607499 107299009 guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(i) subunit alpha-1
2.7663352 1.2130352 -0.2610111 1.3286632 7.3938558 0.0047609 107288157 neuronal PAS domain protein 2
2.7642891 1.0016760 3.6400038 2.5833781 4.9330455 0.0190234 107295094 cilia and flagella associated protein 99
2.7632856 2.3635467 1.7946066 1.6269362 8.4831260 0.0028338 107291181 POC5 centriolar protein
2.7610557 1.6062662 -0.5822553 3.5164255 4.8064750 0.0206118 107291775 filamin A interacting protein 1-like
2.7599913 1.5136987 0.1487445 3.5266191 7.5617199 0.0044045 107290825 prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin) synthase
2.7539336 2.3337306 2.3506607 1.6039965 4.7336947 0.0215949 107298981 WD repeat domain 78
2.7534888 3.2158236 1.8260009 3.8362139 12.9904298 0.0004811 107288722 interferon-related developmental regulator 2
2.7520243 0.0929566 2.0378792 -0.3106920 2.7878658 0.0871360 107295145 sodium channel protein type 2 subunit alpha-like
2.7519188 0.9699078 0.3002374 -0.2668911 1.8158396 0.1989381 107296130 calpain 5
2.7498823 2.0018422 0.4072522 1.9894021 3.2635092 0.0601715 107288825 heat shock protein family B (small) member 8
2.7475427 9.2792951 6.9746199 4.3065005 37.1215540 0.0000028 107282478 EPS8 like 1
2.7467641 -1.1737015 2.1073922 1.7086832 5.8549979 0.0109278 107295765 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 7
2.7454276 -8.9499445 -3.1780307 3.2768843 19.8409380 0.0001766 107302993 renin
2.7453397 2.6380380 -0.3496874 0.5803103 6.7843747 0.0065506 107285310 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 40-like
2.7453060 -0.6526502 1.1449396 5.3304360 5.1791790 0.0163245 107295293 malic enzyme 1 NADP(+)-dependent cytosolic
2.7452145 3.4787171 2.0193922 0.4008899 8.8344594 0.0024056 107295190 uncharacterized WD repeat-containing protein alr2800-like
2.7447551 2.7946723 0.9315783 0.9634346 3.0878245 0.0688226 107294353 ubiquitin specific peptidase 18
2.7443668 1.1750502 -1.2185300 2.3131399 8.9328942 0.0023184 107299141 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type D
2.7437926 -0.8635634 -0.4578511 1.4622178 7.4186148 0.0047231 107295084 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase IH
2.7418917 1.5195219 -4.3775729 3.9249438 30.5546400 0.0000078 107283467 von Willebrand factor C domain-containing protein 2-like
2.7400786 2.8843236 -0.2372134 3.3327397 17.7961501 0.0001135 107297474 partitioning defective 6 homolog gamma-like
2.7395489 1.0292621 0.1105182 2.8063187 3.1521522 0.0654981 107298631 platelet derived growth factor receptor alpha
2.7392051 1.7654672 -0.6838107 -0.4570348 2.5511918 0.1056061 107298772 peroxidasin homolog
2.7373639 3.7604375 0.8701593 5.2622432 5.2984388 0.0151786 107288987 family with sequence similarity 234 member B
2.7368360 1.3605096 0.6050417 1.8563280 11.9616268 0.0006830 107290791 Fas (TNFRSF6) binding factor 1
2.7360591 1.5273521 1.0308120 2.3150925 2.2356231 0.1376507 107283402 centrosomal protein 55kDa
2.7354727 2.5919079 1.4701863 2.7587348 9.1678091 0.0020908 107286712 solute carrier family 10 member 3
2.7335655 0.0835582 0.1822302 -0.0359546 1.8135271 0.1993521 107293185 centromere protein P-like
2.7332402 1.3853222 0.2992558 -0.0277728 1.6275255 0.2360433 107298634 SRSF protein kinase 2-like
2.7330516 2.7565509 2.4062960 6.1513237 13.5186899 0.0004030 107284111 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 6 (putative)
2.7327736 0.0326653 -1.0616466 1.2243320 6.1161984 0.0094220 107291160 coiled-coil domain containing 178
2.7321133 1.3156237 2.2477210 3.3072941 15.3370941 0.0002247 107287467 NME/NM23 family member 7
2.7320720 -0.6553031 -1.8475592 -0.3190834 3.5964152 0.0469978 107302821 t-complex 11 testis-specific
2.7309898 1.3362178 4.3062002 2.7527915 7.4736762 0.0046010 107301196 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 3B
2.7299861 2.2084601 0.8752091 0.2121679 2.2963765 0.1307016 107286123 spindle and kinetochore associated complex subunit 3
2.7269431 2.5179000 0.7014468 0.2003793 2.2216866 0.1393036 107297266 PAS domain-containing serine/threonine-protein kinase-like
2.7262880 1.9259437 -3.0731426 0.1613037 10.4730984 0.0012141 107294081 caM kinase-like vesicle-associated protein
2.7256772 1.0954937 0.5705123 0.4425411 2.5530075 0.1054482 107301903 zinc finger protein 239-like
2.7219103 2.9696235 1.4075789 1.7186921 4.5816549 0.0238300 107286761 chondroitin polymerizing factor
2.7214750 0.4839851 0.3996069 1.3611987 4.0603724 0.0338202 107283893 glutamate rich 2
2.7202000 -0.5347614 2.0958628 4.3082586 3.7604362 0.0417542 107286708 BAI1 associated protein 2
2.7172244 2.5589989 -0.0873535 0.2449395 7.3272665 0.0049193 107297121 centriolar coiled-coil protein 110kDa
2.7169033 1.0315893 1.8313257 3.8444569 3.0644884 0.0700764 107290333 polypyrimidine tract binding protein 3
2.7168674 1.0911429 2.0083448 3.9230891 4.1232382 0.0323876 107282253 methyl-CpG binding domain protein 3
2.7152890 2.1840232 -1.2495868 5.2795318 21.1077433 0.0000499 107288595 BCL2 associated athanogene 3
2.7149811 0.6338153 1.4992037 5.5205607 3.8579697 0.0389583 107289746 occludin
2.7149724 -1.4680308 -0.4672810 -0.5118471 3.1485064 0.0656815 107297216 G protein-coupled receptor 63
2.7145763 1.9498586 -0.3718278 4.0775643 8.4339190 0.0029052 107289846 FAT atypical cadherin 4
2.7138062 1.8850507 0.7873796 1.1221231 4.4386258 0.0261816 107288150 ankyrin repeat and MYND domain containing 1
2.7117922 2.5641337 3.6028881 3.0820053 7.6225830 0.0042743 107297246 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 2
2.7105343 0.7995771 0.9627828 7.1775649 15.0188833 0.0002471 107288249 ezrin
2.7095790 3.2835855 0.8947187 1.2483149 6.5623079 0.0073739 107289768 serpin peptidase inhibitor clade H (heat shock protein 47) member 1 (collagen binding protein 1)
2.7086778 -2.2761726 2.9600821 1.4910143 8.4715909 0.0028553 107294772 Rho GTPase activating protein 8
2.7078446 -3.2813641 -2.3117020 1.5808997 5.3360404 0.0148370 107296978 trans-acting T-cell-specific transcription factor GATA-3-like
2.7076039 -0.3453697 6.2306556 6.7598935 6.1302487 0.0093481 107297598 glutamyl aminopeptidase-like
2.7070698 1.3258749 -0.5820184 3.5543810 12.6020452 0.0005499 107285957 transforming growth factor beta 3
2.7070439 1.9690384 2.1206290 2.8401933 6.9528390 0.0059971 107290572 polo like kinase 4
2.7064761 0.1736848 -0.6617449 0.5021437 3.2906694 0.0589493 107287829 shroom family member 3
2.7061403 2.0910026 0.7090350 1.2082030 2.4802670 0.1119892 107284450 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 11A
2.7055725 2.7861811 1.3723720 2.4138152 6.4836101 0.0076942 107286967 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 beta
2.7048905 2.3206967 1.3238206 0.0758063 5.3025763 0.0150751 107293923 cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-6 beta-like
2.7042335 2.4574997 0.0249093 1.3812180 13.7665363 0.0003671 107282894 homeobox protein Meis1
2.7030180 1.0110035 -1.6515635 0.0053257 8.4179229 0.0029067 107302545 von Willebrand factor-like
2.7020857 1.7550586 3.6182106 5.9914235 19.6823827 0.0000701 107290839 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 13A
2.7018263 2.1426647 -0.6565363 -0.1230000 7.1281259 0.0054442 107299197 protocadherin gamma-C5-like
2.7015747 2.2417599 2.0074740 0.8323086 3.5158902 0.0498490 107297736 nucleolar complex protein 2 homolog
2.6999891 -0.3918449 -1.8063645 3.9398800 17.0728634 0.0001381 107287416 mitogen-activated protein kinase binding protein 1
2.6997727 -2.3043588 3.0988592 3.1391782 9.1362263 0.0021198 107291846 solute carrier family 26 (anion exchanger) member 1
2.6995964 1.6312856 -1.3309115 2.3291936 18.9768335 0.0000828 107282568 ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 5-like
2.6960603 -1.8328138 2.1281724 2.2078808 4.3786438 0.0272473 107289472 myosin binding protein C slow type
2.6956963 0.9498331 -0.8737413 3.8014953 13.6945706 0.0003804 107284465 actin filament associated protein 1
2.6951106 0.9323513 2.4666082 1.6644688 2.9674945 0.0755781 107283508 dipeptidase 1 (renal)
2.6950140 1.0724216 1.9023021 8.2846989 5.3941436 0.0143264 107294079 ornithine decarboxylase 1
2.6939861 0.0503990 0.8456359 2.2876198 7.5642964 0.0043902 107287618 protein kinase D1
2.6920472 -0.2151070 1.5934543 3.4521728 12.9194873 0.0004929 107290844 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 3
2.6915058 1.1143713 1.2247560 4.8787244 7.2170478 0.0052351 107296179 collagen type VI alpha 2
2.6910519 1.6825002 1.4189075 4.6647537 12.0289912 0.0006737 107294938 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 4C
2.6906571 1.0485817 1.5876024 2.5392150 1.9132585 0.1823486 107298544 ribonucleotide reductase regulatory subunit M2
2.6860674 2.6921337 2.0668058 2.8172397 7.6920115 0.0041313 107288935 fibronectin type III and ankyrin repeat domains 1
2.6859560 1.3787316 -2.1076824 3.1105180 11.3718976 0.0008578 107286898 C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 2
2.6857567 -0.4784165 0.0258518 3.2822931 16.1310160 0.0001776 107293080 Ca2+ dependent secretion activator 2
2.6850017 1.2058093 -0.4662802 4.5962963 1.5296490 0.2583387 107288986 marker of proliferation Ki-67
2.6831709 0.9980755 -0.4053525 1.0478413 1.3348513 0.3099802 107286288 kinesin family member 18B
2.6824890 2.3909706 4.6711120 3.6015371 12.8728601 0.0005008 107292802 desmoglein 2
2.6815493 -1.1222002 1.7138860 3.4457627 14.3168419 0.0003114 107299955 solute carrier family 44 member 3
2.6806989 0.5361440 2.7680552 6.4112223 5.9026272 0.0106334 107283447 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type F
2.6800083 2.0372447 2.6929070 2.7335579 11.4235093 0.0008414 107282927 uracil phosphoribosyltransferase homolog
2.6767044 0.1567418 1.7285091 5.7337318 12.6356857 0.0005435 107288221 SH3 domain binding glutamate rich protein like 2
2.6761087 0.6063655 0.7488862 5.0514633 13.1966207 0.0004471 107286803 mesenteric estrogen-dependent adipogenesis
2.6756005 -3.6123942 2.1269467 6.1743543 16.4485315 0.0001645 107292272 hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 1
2.6755627 2.1321949 0.8136056 5.3846424 4.8288514 0.0203201 107300237 acyl-CoA oxidase 3 pristanoyl
2.6742623 3.3395401 5.5500116 4.9046431 12.8480871 0.0005051 107285591 ATPase phospholipid transporting 8B1
2.6705918 -0.1649081 0.4676792 -0.0833420 2.9293349 0.0778099 107286665 tweety family member 2
2.6704445 1.9005583 1.0969463 4.2888320 10.7180859 0.0011021 107291006 insulin like growth factor binding protein 6
2.6695588 1.2154993 2.6230460 -0.3630800 2.1882719 0.1433595 107301731 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 38-like
2.6688029 2.2745067 0.7054331 1.5620723 4.7884319 0.0208506 107294378 calpain 1
2.6677703 4.0950625 3.6461834 3.3101925 9.7354314 0.0016405 107287495 uncharacterized LOC107287495
2.6675876 1.8964855 2.2382087 2.5006643 6.0356015 0.0098592 107296034 uncharacterized LOC107296034
2.6672420 -0.8337579 -1.4114535 1.7439614 7.3676079 0.0048516 107289047 kelch like family member 32
2.6661490 2.8415850 2.7694664 1.0322542 5.9601437 0.0102902 107283034 low density lipoprotein receptor class A domain containing 1
2.6647586 2.9361799 1.9670170 1.4971112 7.9828086 0.0035898 107298618 uncharacterized LOC107298618
2.6634558 -6.1449254 2.6634558 0.5783220 36.8853285 0.0000599 107292102 ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 4B
2.6606055 1.4131212 0.3325576 1.5957200 3.6650663 0.0447154 107300529 inactive ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 54-like
2.6601411 -5.0718881 -1.3237215 -0.2161912 11.1610610 0.0016903 107283091 sulfotransferase family cytosolic 2B member 1-like
2.6581671 3.1827938 0.5229826 -0.0364560 4.2847146 0.0290191 107287212 unc-79 homolog (C. elegans)
2.6576876 -0.1931183 -1.1803019 0.9916257 5.2861604 0.0152922 107300851 proto-oncogene Mas-like
2.6558189 1.4483940 -1.2905936 0.7982079 3.4703458 0.0515501 107293152 mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 3
2.6552961 2.7540319 0.4462228 0.2416233 2.6386755 0.0982991 107282944 cadherin-18
2.6536781 1.4156461 1.6925523 2.3962271 6.3834239 0.0081257 107298429 chromosome unknown open reading frame human CXorf58
2.6531417 1.8215573 0.9112389 5.3814929 14.1215544 0.0003313 107285205 S100 calcium binding protein A10
2.6530540 0.5053445 -1.9496063 7.9770319 32.4841468 0.0000055 107287882 caveolin 1
2.6522475 3.0252053 2.6756023 1.5642182 9.9605286 0.0014941 107301472 adenosine monophosphate-protein transferase FICD-like
2.6506972 1.2096820 0.0436397 1.0193800 2.0568807 0.1606647 107296922 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SUV420H2-like
2.6503974 1.5091360 3.5949274 1.3840715 6.3843543 0.0081215 107296243 cilia and flagella associated protein 221
2.6500809 0.8521389 0.4718642 0.9184473 3.0838272 0.0690355 107289970 rap1 GTPase-activating protein 1-like
2.6489761 0.3974174 1.2102400 3.2324290 3.5899336 0.0472202 107288233 LIM domain only 4
2.6481236 3.4689359 3.2142503 1.2637279 5.1737089 0.0163794 107286165 riboflavin kinase
2.6471406 2.4061768 0.1817139 0.3149945 8.7639641 0.0024806 107284414 ubiquitin associated protein 2
2.6443069 5.0913650 3.0446420 0.1747363 8.0560020 0.0034669 107291688 cytochrome P450 2C5-like
2.6429119 1.1857303 -1.2797917 2.5037112 13.6597997 0.0003847 107288934 adaptor related protein complex 2 beta 1 subunit
2.6429089 -0.3033819 -1.3075336 -0.0098384 4.3283089 0.0281806 107294213 DEAH-box helicase 40
2.6418725 2.6107700 0.7336775 2.4488127 11.2401577 0.0008988 107284282 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 21
2.6417794 0.0725518 -1.0402797 3.3977275 7.0568367 0.0056826 107292746 GTP binding protein overexpressed in skeletal muscle
2.6382255 2.5639657 1.5485407 4.7135248 11.0561312 0.0009669 107303033 N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor
2.6377406 2.4387929 -0.1862887 3.8928320 6.8235707 0.0064167 107288556 microfibrillar associated protein 5
2.6377275 0.1279075 0.1615753 2.0609173 1.9840803 0.1712676 107301699 fibrinogen like 1
2.6353915 1.3615508 1.2854845 3.0154837 8.2624888 0.0031457 107290958 chromobox 4
2.6350187 1.3721153 0.3069580 2.1665108 6.0711666 0.0096634 107283871 leucine-rich repeat kinase 1
2.6347716 -0.1017902 0.6678119 -0.5658174 1.5261333 0.2591820 107303336 ATPase H+ transporting accessory protein 1 like
2.6330833 0.8677853 0.2817745 1.4304053 6.1144749 0.0093823 107288029 proline and serine rich 3
2.6324262 1.7870474 0.0299844 -0.0760710 1.4498171 0.2782585 107284782 Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule like 1
2.6294672 0.9344541 3.2223535 3.0024714 14.6355002 0.0002818 107285726 uncharacterized LOC107285726
2.6287194 -0.2003561 1.9213342 -0.6925485 2.9646196 0.0757486 107289359 leucine rich repeat containing 73
2.6261418 0.7843627 -1.1204659 4.2428587 6.9157583 0.0061141 107284573 regulator of G-protein signaling 7 binding protein
2.6224943 0.0795053 -1.2065696 -0.7943622 1.1399689 0.3731109 107299788 disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 9-like
2.6215293 2.1053932 0.3835096 -0.5219600 4.1373012 0.0319776 107291510 glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 1
2.6211006 1.1636727 -0.1545748 4.5612261 11.8861263 0.0007094 107293631 carnosine synthase 1
2.6209082 0.2348904 -3.3977828 3.9404614 29.2311625 0.0000097 107290284 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 10-like
2.6198819 2.5514905 -0.9568766 0.5182764 3.3862984 0.0548688 107283069 origin recognition complex subunit 1
2.6196925 -2.4600960 0.7744602 1.8305645 10.9096438 0.0010230 107288188 ETS translocation variant 1-like
2.6185189 0.6792194 2.2631323 0.7978768 4.7903812 0.0208247 107286466 C-C motif chemokine 4-like
2.6172590 1.6775803 -0.8581699 4.0852993 18.8944558 0.0000853 107294687 WD repeat domain 47
2.6171123 -2.9312966 2.9642916 4.0615868 30.6398193 0.0000076 107284275 serine/threonine kinase 33
2.6156621 2.0157106 -0.0201674 0.3811634 2.8698848 0.0816232 107298401 rab GTPase-activating protein 1
2.6153840 0.9266398 -1.3395098 -0.1925484 3.8730309 0.0385462 107284702 septin 4
2.6134887 2.5833558 -1.5780959 2.1285081 10.1536483 0.0013805 107300346 phosphorylase b kinase gamma catalytic chain skeletal muscle/heart isoform-like
2.6117749 -3.8967274 1.4727371 10.8716777 27.0968938 0.0000143 107288633 lectin galactoside-binding soluble 1
2.6116890 2.1571774 1.2585664 6.4041175 11.1051264 0.0009490 107286527 MID1 interacting protein 1
2.6113322 7.5047952 3.3339676 1.9057716 7.0456282 0.0057156 107288492 epiplakin 1
2.6111504 2.6931643 2.9727664 0.7015737 5.2089754 0.0160290 107285625 uncharacterized LOC107285625
2.6090786 1.8484474 -1.7716390 6.5138803 25.2336162 0.0000206 107282831 supervillin
2.6076038 4.8591880 5.0697681 6.5443683 6.6849471 0.0069052 107290799 gastric intrinsic factor-like
2.6073723 0.1111052 -1.6646266 4.2433620 9.5932759 0.0017417 107285752 runt related transcription factor 1; translocated to 1 (cyclin D related)
2.6071127 2.4296230 0.8254607 2.4524315 13.6938980 0.0003759 107292715 CASK interacting protein 2
2.6005136 1.0190588 0.5052113 5.8551906 5.5234561 0.0132619 107283889 cytochrome b reductase 1
2.5976349 1.0460407 2.1741972 2.1447273 6.2599159 0.0086971 107285982 twisted gastrulation BMP signaling modulator 1
2.5968938 1.6239617 0.9845440 0.1594295 1.1074566 0.3849239 107300635 kelch domain-containing protein 3-like
2.5956812 0.0437314 0.8239567 0.5223464 2.6407979 0.0981292 107284473 coiled-coil domain containing 96
2.5951670 2.4701658 0.2266512 0.8913829 8.2991181 0.0030697 107288690 ring finger protein 123
2.5926737 1.8765438 -1.0391803 -0.0216427 7.7182419 0.0040510 107286702 SRSF protein kinase 3
2.5917807 2.0563246 1.2501691 2.9564760 5.7598935 0.0115446 107284443 kinesin-like protein KIF27
2.5915452 4.0074880 1.4603417 0.2336844 4.6554306 0.0227135 107283163 FANCD2/FANCI-associated nuclease 1
2.5909862 2.3346116 4.9005103 1.6687991 6.0721443 0.0096581 107283742 MYCBP associated protein
2.5892982 1.9041956 0.1359701 1.4880117 5.7225178 0.0117980 107284839 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 16B
2.5888268 1.0009174 1.9697915 4.3254881 7.6606441 0.0041952 107282705 uncharacterized LOC107282705
2.5887026 -3.5892969 1.2718350 4.2791435 20.6006103 0.0000562 107285158 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2
2.5884596 1.6280540 0.9063042 1.8968726 0.9274280 0.4578364 107300638 cyclin B1
2.5881030 0.0173329 0.0257404 5.1675118 14.2622401 0.0003165 107297816 Ras and Rab interactor 2
2.5878601 1.7196250 0.7891029 6.3399680 12.5891673 0.0005524 107285167 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 2
2.5862164 1.0142877 2.0180413 4.7669389 7.0463222 0.0057135 107294789 MOK protein kinase
2.5858464 -6.5602902 -4.4881979 1.1286024 16.3574429 0.0003876 107288326 galanin peptides-like
2.5849649 1.5150859 1.8914721 7.3708929 8.4599338 0.0028706 107282226 calcyphosine
2.5830702 -0.4819584 -0.8586484 3.6843180 9.2114440 0.0020515 107290460 platelet derived growth factor C
2.5825269 -0.1841552 -2.4053715 1.3000747 6.0347418 0.0098640 107297250 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 2
2.5814564 -0.0106648 0.1739594 1.1601082 3.3461880 0.0565392 107288729 hyaluronoglucosaminidase 1
2.5798535 -0.4537815 4.1965678 -0.2852966 5.2829789 0.0153218 107296608 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 158-like
2.5785622 1.0088442 2.0053684 0.6862577 1.4819890 0.2700337 107282867 tight junction protein 3
2.5771386 -0.9998682 -3.7578268 0.7197551 11.3308100 0.0008712 107293721 regulator of G-protein signaling 6
2.5770576 0.5994220 2.2651400 2.2010871 1.4129718 0.2880190 107295853 squalene epoxidase
2.5756004 2.7352386 2.4141906 0.8961916 1.8995035 0.1845935 107282476 neuronal pentraxin-1-like
2.5750596 -0.6160111 1.6998673 1.0239331 4.3531299 0.0277158 107289169 malate dehydrogenase 1B
2.5719310 -0.6241936 0.0157929 0.4127847 3.8913208 0.0380292 107287647 zona pellucida binding protein
2.5711094 2.6172289 1.3722692 2.2049068 3.5656820 0.0480632 107285578 SAM domain and HD domain 1
2.5707610 1.3072366 2.1699601 6.1888579 17.1485819 0.0001343 107294046 chloride intracellular channel 1
2.5690104 0.0184429 1.2565832 -0.0071384 2.2343081 0.1378057 107300706 semaphorin-3F-like
2.5671858 0.9005781 -1.5092617 0.3037855 5.8413869 0.0110137 107285471 M-phase phosphoprotein 9
2.5668067 1.9997517 1.3780434 3.0250691 7.0415142 0.0057277 107284006 lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF factor
2.5665189 1.3936033 0.2574030 6.8474045 6.2141879 0.0089204 107284106 follistatin like 1
2.5646506 3.3302728 0.5284024 3.1768711 12.0407313 0.0006708 107292365 stimulated by retinoic acid gene 6 protein homolog
2.5638968 1.1641288 0.6316673 1.3064446 2.2833326 0.1321592 107293780 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-13-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 9
2.5624561 1.6864207 0.8168468 2.3449656 11.7501544 0.0007378 107285959 tubulin tyrosine ligase like 5
2.5614226 3.2424673 3.0017481 2.7214082 14.8820356 0.0002611 107287076 vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 like 1
2.5607856 1.4986807 0.6684706 4.1224267 15.9874823 0.0001852 107294272 BTB domain containing 6
2.5599642 3.9288173 2.1904646 2.4170279 9.7470827 0.0016326 107283147 RAR related orphan receptor A
2.5588140 0.0647735 0.0906203 2.6984503 5.8521104 0.0109460 107301898 sperm associated antigen 16
2.5587053 5.1162280 0.8053263 0.5844991 7.2755443 0.0050820 107290293 cartilage intermediate layer protein
2.5570691 -0.6354674 1.4578026 1.7506524 4.7826505 0.0209278 107286121 interleukin 17D
2.5563869 2.3175287 0.6798191 0.3091625 4.1010077 0.0328860 107301195 neuron navigator 2-like
2.5542384 1.3063077 1.1797996 0.7406871 4.6600110 0.0225636 107282376 lin-7 homolog B crumbs cell polarity complex component
2.5538966 3.0163961 3.0215577 7.8943911 6.6484157 0.0070411 107292587 solute carrier family 39 member 6
2.5499867 -2.9181701 -2.3283899 0.4831986 5.9021914 0.0106361 107290162 secretogranin II
2.5487060 1.9313438 0.2464303 0.7383120 6.1038493 0.0094385 107294816 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 18
2.5460621 8.3102958 6.4520015 2.5368691 10.2374233 0.0013344 107288497 C-C motif chemokine ligand 28
2.5437178 2.6279645 -0.6780290 4.8131908 23.4393676 0.0000297 107295972 solute carrier family 29 (equilibrative nucleoside transporter) member 1
2.5434102 1.4708347 -0.9166035 3.8340640 19.5548792 0.0000723 107282830 KIAA1462 ortholog
2.5424087 2.2276469 1.3929711 0.6874098 4.6426910 0.0229019 107298256 neuraminidase 1 (lysosomal sialidase)
2.5397046 -1.0474214 0.9869583 3.6196122 6.2096154 0.0089431 107283642 cyclin-dependent kinase 6
2.5384668 1.1077420 1.3399840 -0.3448659 1.8793192 0.1879443 107291527 coiled-coil domain containing 148
2.5378259 1.0663304 0.3344913 0.3294360 2.0234296 0.1654414 107289986 tubulin alpha-3 chain
2.5370329 -0.3319161 -1.5021022 -0.6677674 1.6531070 0.2305752 107289035 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1F
2.5368185 1.4890815 1.1047548 0.9119174 1.2270173 0.3433475 107287695 deoxyuridine triphosphatase
2.5366354 1.1192689 0.4401367 -0.1749081 1.9775528 0.1722564 107298337 t-complex-associated-testis-expressed 3
2.5347968 3.4181259 2.0852041 0.0995186 4.0368010 0.0343763 107297660 dynamin-1-like
2.5320154 2.4493276 1.6421210 2.3356617 2.5967815 0.1017233 107299629 HIG1 domain family member 1A mitochondrial-like
2.5312796 2.1335867 -0.2003258 1.1395575 4.5609968 0.0241540 107299968 actin binding LIM protein family member 2
2.5290709 1.0790642 1.5432389 -0.3421871 0.5907876 0.6329703 107294431 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 3-like
2.5286350 0.3346611 1.6287789 -0.4661648 1.2386152 0.3395787 107286455 PITPNM family member 3
2.5263620 0.8780485 1.4623565 1.5150919 3.6422876 0.0454582 107286222 RAD51 recombinase
2.5241602 1.5976778 0.1855087 1.8436469 7.7629583 0.0039659 107282724 crk-like protein
2.5220646 0.7216351 1.1983561 3.8789538 4.8065406 0.0206110 107283849 ephrin-B2-like
2.5208961 1.7875035 0.2917004 -0.5519778 1.4750854 0.2717757 107301943 anaphase-promoting complex subunit 4-like
2.5185642 2.3272245 1.6379629 0.0402683 1.7685067 0.2076072 107300322 DIRAS family GTP binding RAS like 3
2.5153864 2.2779292 -0.4997226 4.5260269 23.2750849 0.0000308 107287976 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble beta 3
2.5136662 1.5131902 -0.2316054 5.0896560 8.4958396 0.0028237 107289966 zyxin
2.5118100 -0.7225151 -0.7503442 0.2722146 1.7802659 0.2054145 107297360 leucine rich repeat neuronal 4
2.5102043 1.2998496 -4.3321048 0.9985489 15.9718367 0.0001886 107287711 immunoglobulin superfamily member 11
2.5099200 1.0231852 0.5590640 0.2553907 3.1870597 0.0636494 107298086 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6
2.5068651 -1.0452318 0.4629354 3.1021320 11.9871767 0.0006839 107285819 GRAM domain containing 3
2.5028974 1.3009216 1.2706222 4.7115657 8.4459983 0.0028891 107301621 dynein light chain Tctex-type 3-like
2.5011844 1.3902175 -2.3854983 2.0162891 7.1346236 0.0054600 107295599 mediator complex subunit 13-like
2.4994861 1.7208985 1.9497114 4.0488630 13.1436725 0.0004568 107292473 GIPC PDZ domain containing family member 1
2.4991970 -0.6171005 -1.8608757 3.0988757 9.1514470 0.0021058 107303323 xin actin binding repeat containing 1
2.4969746 0.9704420 3.4676570 2.1174525 5.2634691 0.0155046 107287688 solute carrier family 30 member 4
2.4943367 2.5599345 0.2951526 2.4225582 5.2359694 0.0157667 107290439 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 4
2.4933347 0.8630558 -1.7206294 2.0092750 12.1241522 0.0006510 107303265 fibroblast growth factor 13
2.4925020 1.2292785 1.2754163 1.6329269 3.9224806 0.0372282 107298352 DNA polymerase alpha catalytic subunit-like
2.4911699 -0.3236769 -1.4964118 0.4257018 5.9218522 0.0105017 107283189 ecto-NOX disulfide-thiol exchanger 1
2.4906174 4.1967964 3.1864784 4.4029236 23.5748160 0.0000289 107293465 methionyl-tRNA synthetase
2.4878420 1.0048683 1.4149094 0.0855509 3.1667574 0.0646462 107294054 histone H4
2.4862683 1.1076404 0.6159929 -0.2544428 1.5486734 0.2538281 107297657 TBC1 domain family member 19
2.4860895 0.4335614 1.0341891 2.8560621 9.1336200 0.0021050 107292240 armadillo repeat containing 2
2.4853505 -1.0269035 -5.3342765 1.9268102 21.2200533 0.0000486 107282945 cadherin-12
2.4852514 1.4154390 -0.0270843 2.7345749 2.3836621 0.1214070 107290416 BUB1 mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase
2.4844839 2.3491037 -0.6769843 0.3162618 3.8020627 0.0405334 107295210 strawberry notch homolog 2 (Drosophila)
2.4841408 1.5215355 5.3643636 5.0410109 6.2737707 0.0086307 107295512 F11 receptor
2.4814807 1.6923263 -0.3292084 -0.3466050 2.6460248 0.0977122 107296005 RNA-binding protein 4-like
2.4813170 -0.5605139 -0.7104586 0.4975058 4.9472234 0.0187891 107298790 CDP-diacylglycerol–serine O-phosphatidyltransferase
2.4811035 2.7608935 2.9482636 0.8652588 12.9156627 0.0004879 107298590 ADP ribosylation factor 3
2.4792157 0.2003290 1.3124944 3.2844866 2.4180088 0.1179585 107289040 microtubule associated monooxygenase calponin and LIM domain containing 1
2.4781440 0.3852398 1.7038875 1.0489879 2.9815606 0.0747502 107290410 protein kinase X-linked
2.4773306 -1.2915447 -0.7077604 1.6364085 8.2732037 0.0031300 107286682 arf-GAP with GTPase ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 1-like
2.4766392 0.8569586 1.5504803 4.6618480 11.7642775 0.0007417 107299820 actin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 1B
2.4759904 0.4616146 -0.1013966 4.4453223 9.3118024 0.0019642 107292175 cyclin G associated kinase
2.4756846 2.1350280 1.5019391 0.7304141 4.8458277 0.0200790 107286292 denticleless E3 ubiquitin protein ligase homolog
2.4753170 0.8452434 0.0731268 0.3985040 2.9078005 0.0791990 107291111 zinc finger protein 507
2.4750550 4.4070178 0.6708722 0.5357552 3.0202551 0.0725261 107296118 protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase E-like
2.4732347 -0.5598784 -1.4940987 2.7064996 11.7253731 0.0007523 107303140 collagen alpha-2(IV) chain-like
2.4728010 -0.8997045 -0.4958213 0.8071862 5.3527009 0.0146693 107283908 WD repeat domain 76
2.4722997 3.1774033 -0.3256153 -0.1509059 2.6081446 0.1007812 107288516 extra spindle pole bodies like 1 separase
2.4709618 2.1219567 0.9570045 -0.4165344 1.2356887 0.3405254 107294879 claspin
2.4699574 1.7885493 1.0061393 4.6918001 6.1089850 0.0094602 107294181 cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 2
2.4636771 1.8786974 2.0581812 5.2888715 17.9882015 0.0001074 107292203 calcium activated nucleotidase 1
2.4635579 2.0943307 0.7016493 2.4993845 3.2017776 0.0630598 107283087 myosin-10-like
2.4634254 2.1159257 -0.4756732 0.4221682 4.0451838 0.0341773 107293853 anoctamin 3
2.4626172 1.2176239 0.6468425 0.5404773 1.3007795 0.3201259 107300449 inhibitor of growth protein 5-like
2.4607001 1.5868633 1.6945886 3.8773864 5.2280724 0.0158430 107285838 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class H
2.4605347 1.8722675 0.0345288 3.2201324 7.0002256 0.0058514 107302415 pleckstrin homology MyTH4 and FERM domain containing H3
2.4603844 0.6708880 0.3882347 2.4562050 5.9837626 0.0101377 107287850 tau tubulin kinase 1
2.4594574 0.1674770 -2.4843448 2.4527314 13.7879430 0.0003690 107299260 protocadherin gamma-B1-like
2.4585412 0.6278175 -1.5448888 0.8533977 6.3812742 0.0081352 107299250 protocadherin gamma-B1-like
2.4583970 -1.7181734 -7.8092299 6.5556189 30.2513172 0.0000082 107289232 solute carrier family 8 member A1
2.4564363 -1.3702012 1.1699051 1.3313499 6.3360602 0.0083395 107287209 long-chain-fatty-acid–CoA ligase 4-like
2.4549711 -0.3703833 1.1519817 4.7536725 25.9723687 0.0000174 107287630 ArfGAP with SH3 domain ankyrin repeat and PH domain 2
2.4548965 0.2055976 -0.2060541 0.9645646 2.2547591 0.1354174 107289992 leucine zipper and EF-hand containing transmembrane protein 2
2.4545513 3.0451930 -2.0046458 3.7696366 20.0723382 0.0000637 107288721 leucine-rich single-pass membrane protein 2
2.4538374 5.0677759 4.9084431 3.3176216 28.2939316 0.0000115 107282248 GRAM domain-containing protein 3-like
2.4520067 2.1147578 2.5966316 3.3032172 2.6182897 0.0999486 107296044 transmembrane protein 40
2.4501564 1.2006198 0.3911911 0.7084687 4.7208732 0.0216929 107294679 mesoderm development candidate 1
2.4482664 -3.0287157 -3.9069354 1.1127057 20.0527622 0.0000637 107284133 mitogen-activated protein kinase 4
2.4481820 0.2142812 -0.5906974 -0.5123182 3.1883674 0.0635745 107291924 porcupine homolog (Drosophila)
2.4480555 1.3375458 1.3350208 2.8093143 7.1104976 0.0055279 107283451 cell division cycle 20
2.4479395 0.1239077 0.7346451 1.4599823 2.3003791 0.1302580 107297770 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 beta
2.4478927 1.3212325 -2.6507625 1.7528671 11.9905217 0.0006831 107293530 receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase S-like
2.4475760 0.0948030 2.4219982 1.0845047 3.2199529 0.0621931 107294830 zinc finger SWIM-type containing 2
2.4472025 1.0956787 -0.1759668 4.6702431 3.6959882 0.0437294 107284281 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor F5
2.4444816 0.8905825 -0.7342017 3.5564195 7.5848844 0.0043544 107296282 sarcoglycan beta
2.4439404 -1.8253866 -1.7336192 5.5622622 17.1408226 0.0001355 107287156 dystrobrevin alpha
2.4412994 1.9969664 1.7810475 0.3139083 5.8813569 0.0107107 107300608 zinc finger CCCH-type with G patch domain-containing protein-like
2.4395549 0.4124492 -1.0894523 2.6237353 8.8635663 0.0023910 107293258 FH1/FH2 domain-containing protein 3-like
2.4392218 0.0946668 0.1240944 1.4226770 1.4643856 0.2745003 107290901 laeverin
2.4388060 2.4210356 2.3360710 0.3614968 3.7340259 0.0425509 107291141 pannexin 3
2.4370927 2.4500633 0.2803126 2.0735195 3.5447640 0.0488043 107302372 frizzled class receptor 2
2.4363984 1.7639327 1.2041379 0.7876385 4.4579237 0.0257826 107290045 dynein axonemal heavy chain 17
2.4363721 0.4053014 1.3054945 3.4041478 11.1242364 0.0009327 107295297 glucoside xylosyltransferase 2
2.4341259 -0.1027507 1.3758600 1.6863260 4.3904756 0.0270331 107286039 transmembrane protein 200B
2.4317119 3.0865324 2.2236388 2.8029532 9.9722101 0.0014869 107297798 RecQ like helicase
2.4314634 1.0578278 -0.2971104 4.9915778 6.8866511 0.0062078 107290583 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C21orf59
2.4303608 1.0045225 1.3162868 1.4660803 2.0311782 0.1643208 107285058 leucine-rich repeats and IQ motif containing 3
2.4299517 1.0883976 -0.9900286 3.3488107 14.3477479 0.0003084 107300799 von Willebrand factor-like
2.4279455 2.1512855 2.3078819 4.6436825 11.0297674 0.0009767 107286230 YKT6 v-SNARE homolog (S. cerevisiae)
2.4277741 -0.8163942 3.5902101 0.0356239 2.1912066 0.1429980 107301298 ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 6
2.4274453 0.8263106 -0.0257522 0.5908633 1.6948750 0.2219488 107285852 spindle apparatus coiled-coil protein 1
2.4272421 1.0473195 0.9231407 0.4427708 3.8915700 0.0379381 107302437 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 42
2.4263453 1.9681782 1.7070136 3.5474594 13.4185378 0.0004123 107290054 rhomboid 5 homolog 2 (Drosophila)
2.4249416 0.4221336 0.6110697 1.1504660 2.4137356 0.1183813 107295646 netrin-4-like
2.4234315 2.4780589 -1.4392122 5.4007174 16.8687521 0.0001461 107299832 nicotinamide riboside kinase 2-like
2.4225534 1.6027941 3.3934700 2.8122702 15.2166107 0.0002352 107292120 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 6
2.4220234 1.2131973 -0.0692711 1.0890892 3.5361465 0.0491134 107289821 Beta-13-galactosyltransferase 2
2.4211079 1.1546774 -1.1106629 1.7870769 13.2705385 0.0004326 107289288 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 14
2.4199179 2.5615293 -0.8142218 1.5444227 5.9394409 0.0104122 107296697 thrombospondin 3
2.4195631 0.8605906 0.5631568 2.1733153 7.5718567 0.0043533 107299796 LDL receptor related protein 10
2.4185171 1.1585814 -3.7011837 4.7827468 26.8853355 0.0000149 107294928 integrin subunit alpha 7
2.4183846 1.6032821 1.1962463 1.1294576 1.0056609 0.4245307 107295321 cathepsin L1-like
2.4182631 4.9879310 2.2980671 2.4051176 6.5408965 0.0074594 107299022 solute carrier family 31 member 2
2.4176462 1.1382982 -1.6905171 1.4638580 9.2836329 0.0019882 107283180 unc-13 homolog C (C. elegans)
2.4172928 -0.7899876 0.4077461 0.2418003 1.1918281 0.3550609 107286549 epithelial cell transforming 2
2.4170149 3.7656193 1.6525930 3.8565607 5.1014705 0.0171254 107300230 leukocyte elastase inhibitor-like
2.4165172 -2.5821988 6.2491540 2.8667592 15.9182826 0.0001915 107289806 gamma-glutamyltransferase 1
2.4154540 1.9050805 1.3936262 2.4332898 5.6956051 0.0119844 107284300 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6
2.4154011 0.5789321 0.4601885 0.7821181 2.5056420 0.1096560 107283598 protein O-linked mannose N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1 (beta 12-)
2.4140045 2.2857587 -0.5509897 5.6854143 10.8522554 0.0010460 107291724 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf3
2.4130857 2.4862012 1.3041038 5.8813270 11.7533877 0.0007447 107288984 retinoic acid-induced protein 3-like
2.4130677 3.4664590 0.4076548 7.0765193 12.8757448 0.0005003 107287615 myocyte enhancer factor 2C
2.4105654 1.3642609 0.6427244 2.7035904 1.5573787 0.2517933 107300717 aminopeptidase Q-like
2.4101168 0.3530949 -0.8247021 -0.4800479 1.6429397 0.2327314 107292032 uncharacterized LOC107292032
2.4095184 1.1880154 -0.0203437 4.2201115 8.2581246 0.0031521 107286534 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 4
2.4074865 2.3560222 1.3129429 1.1284263 8.1253978 0.0033307 107285724 nuclear factor interleukin-3-regulated protein-like
2.4072744 -0.1727900 1.6987364 1.1864960 3.8230841 0.0399326 107289338 centromere protein W
2.4066913 0.7856972 1.3513000 2.1305446 3.0674627 0.0699152 107285123 breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance protein 3-like
2.4065083 -5.8723670 1.5270348 6.0964837 15.8156343 0.0001974 107292782 LDL receptor related protein 2
2.4060613 2.3138000 4.2296283 1.7527428 9.8167219 0.0015858 107292793 coiled-coil domain containing 170
2.4057700 -0.3598927 -0.1642883 -0.1212290 1.9800518 0.1718771 107289487 RNA pseudouridylate synthase domain containing 1
2.4050673 0.2279603 3.1635783 3.3834086 2.3268294 0.1273695 107300837 volume-regulated anion channel subunit LRRC8B-like
2.4050177 2.9559236 2.5369913 3.6485483 10.1798838 0.0013659 107303322 golgi reassembly stacking protein 1
2.4040155 0.0415092 2.0922812 5.1297418 16.8324415 0.0001476 107302525 CD9 molecule
2.4037441 2.3729878 0.7209167 6.0207612 4.9883110 0.0183748 107286689 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta
2.4034470 1.6054746 0.5779789 2.6651711 4.1736578 0.0312893 107292185 KIAA0586 ortholog
2.4024249 -1.4225730 1.4181129 2.0204438 17.0845739 0.0001358 107299583 band 4.1-like protein 4A
2.4017921 0.8338267 0.2753629 2.4259604 6.6486051 0.0070054 107290897 coiled-coil domain containing 112
2.4013940 1.0719073 2.0344017 1.1350087 9.7584235 0.0016107 107301942 SRSF protein kinase 2-like
2.4003725 2.4531907 0.4995690 4.3647108 12.5431286 0.0005614 107292621 FERM domain containing 4B
2.3998812 0.5054316 0.6061320 4.8296558 4.6528755 0.0227511 107285260 sideroflexin 3
2.3990574 1.0323644 1.6929999 5.5490862 4.5974815 0.0235852 107288695 glutathione peroxidase 1-like
2.3907259 -0.6720885 0.7157097 -0.1430497 2.2355296 0.1376617 107283903 NADPH oxidase EF-hand calcium binding domain 5
2.3901142 1.9550882 2.3251544 5.2220968 7.3655870 0.0048565 107291118 tubulin beta-7 chain-like
2.3896167 1.0324341 0.9485844 0.7010878 1.9618746 0.1746579 107298581 regulator of G-protein signaling 12
2.3865328 0.7614638 -1.7318073 1.5209740 6.4924812 0.0076572 107286724 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 5
2.3862299 -0.1048938 -1.0178659 -0.3586046 3.5572404 0.0482553 107294248 dual specificity phosphatase 23
2.3856232 1.1067314 0.4430665 3.3192073 4.2009971 0.0307118 107288279 endogenous retrovirus group K member 19 Pol protein-like
2.3851821 1.8138302 0.1781629 1.3694841 5.3862702 0.0143944 107285128 cornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 3
2.3839321 3.5210131 2.4510918 1.8718990 2.5135337 0.1089417 107297848 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C5orf49
2.3836779 -0.8626878 -0.2812220 2.1121289 11.6830937 0.0007562 107290192 family with sequence similarity 69 member A
2.3826895 0.2747857 0.2461478 1.0187288 2.8891150 0.0803895 107288939 ring finger and FYVE-like domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
2.3814119 2.3950571 0.0917535 1.3400705 7.0079775 0.0058274 107291150 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7
2.3811245 -3.7538571 -0.3492546 3.2595282 62.9686145 0.0000002 107295927 GULP engulfment adaptor PTB domain containing 1
2.3804838 2.0092688 1.5641925 3.2514509 9.4777284 0.0018293 107295255 nucleoporin 93kDa
2.3797050 -4.5960541 2.8313558 6.3845660 12.9156671 0.0004935 107295484 cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3-like
2.3795439 0.1678191 -0.1901865 1.6639385 1.2006890 0.3520715 107300511 dynactin subunit 4-like
2.3790794 5.1324628 -0.8273094 0.7832865 12.7864399 0.0005159 107292489 glutamate receptor-interacting protein 2-like
2.3778193 1.8151955 1.4194384 2.3824218 1.4354033 0.2820328 107300864 myelin protein zero-like protein 1
2.3765862 0.1384001 -0.3175178 2.4498843 1.7072532 0.2194620 107303166 RasGEF domain family member 1B
2.3764115 2.5007892 0.2346913 1.5101217 3.5984714 0.0469275 107298276 putative homeodomain transcription factor 2
2.3759716 1.1894500 2.3246700 4.9009580 7.4277729 0.0047075 107296606 syntaxin-binding protein 2-like
2.3749217 1.4504088 -0.7899817 6.8160176 5.7487982 0.0116191 107289880 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 13B
2.3734084 3.4821638 1.3116985 0.5866661 9.1268761 0.0021112 107289188 family with sequence similarity 212 member A
2.3719515 -1.2828541 1.2042862 4.1357685 4.1396949 0.0320242 107289237 phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 4-like
2.3710959 0.9191305 0.8728635 -0.1183942 1.7848177 0.2045727 107287628 G2/M-phase specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
2.3701039 1.3907681 1.0624857 0.8205527 2.7923789 0.0868218 107297113 MUS81 structure-specific endonuclease subunit
2.3687749 -0.4416764 -0.7083178 1.6496625 1.7851803 0.2045059 107291038 establishment of sister chromatid cohesion N-acetyltransferase 2
2.3685462 0.1303609 2.6062955 -0.5843831 1.7432998 0.2123964 107297749 sosondowah ankyrin repeat domain family member A
2.3672757 0.5260337 1.8743961 -0.6846036 1.4223888 0.2854890 107285437 coiled-coil domain containing 62
2.3671826 1.0739915 -2.2617984 3.7726692 22.8446431 0.0000338 107296408 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 3D
2.3671537 0.9828153 -1.2898014 5.7618914 13.5522775 0.0003986 107292894 latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 1
2.3665160 1.1883865 1.5774804 5.1493360 13.1666248 0.0004507 107302871 golgin RAB6-interacting
2.3661875 0.6664765 0.8862932 -0.5841629 1.2407487 0.3388902 107300727 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 146-like
2.3661862 2.5567847 2.7270214 3.3289665 5.8703873 0.0108317 107294850 roundabout guidance receptor 1
2.3651445 1.1319455 0.4448976 5.2172874 13.5406671 0.0003957 107302694 intraflagellar transport 80
2.3643731 0.6015702 1.7269140 3.9340467 8.9254570 0.0023261 107284318 WD repeat containing planar cell polarity effector
2.3634122 2.9042503 4.2365039 5.5267330 21.9637594 0.0000410 107302793 vacuole membrane protein 1
2.3618751 -0.4050636 0.4160641 2.8360784 4.8759009 0.0197223 107302637 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase family member 1-like
2.3615513 1.4798274 -0.6232551 3.5513186 14.7906406 0.0002685 107295467 RALY heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein
2.3612081 1.6506315 1.5322102 1.4140248 5.2422565 0.0156694 107283603 non-SMC condensin I complex subunit H
2.3587917 -0.0480899 -0.5847615 7.2923737 12.4121930 0.0005872 107292031 delta(4)-desaturase sphingolipid 1
2.3546121 -6.5683734 2.3546121 0.6744399 29.9260031 0.0001276 107291839 solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 11-like
2.3545110 -0.0247969 -0.9329228 1.7304328 4.1667598 0.0314369 107299685 laminin subunit beta 1
2.3544125 2.3149894 3.4023615 1.9201963 4.0067836 0.0350998 107288303 solute carrier family 38 member 1
2.3524542 6.5568090 -0.0928124 1.0257738 10.7507672 0.0010881 107302448 kelch repeat and BTB domain containing 12
2.3490766 -0.1779646 -0.7236002 2.4967769 18.3847687 0.0000957 107291860 solute carrier family 25 member 36
2.3486130 -1.3167733 2.1606524 2.9720097 15.5822157 0.0002114 107299493 ovo like zinc finger 2
2.3479300 0.7447360 2.8120941 5.9771073 17.5688482 0.0001207 107291259 solute carrier family 35 (UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) transporter) member A3
2.3463252 0.4091439 0.1947390 1.3071257 1.9767265 0.1723821 107295285 ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 1
2.3455331 1.6781928 1.7594062 7.5165892 3.8412143 0.0394228 107284143 cysteine rich transmembrane module containing 1
2.3451963 1.5601844 0.3803851 3.1471352 8.0760507 0.0034341 107291406 DEAD-box helicase 41
2.3450310 1.3552582 0.1345173 0.2029053 2.6303706 0.0989673 107302249 coiled-coil domain containing 85A
2.3436265 1.8358543 0.0560298 0.3731134 2.5241685 0.1079877 107286968 purinergic receptor P2X 7
2.3415878 0.9549365 1.1869018 0.8404879 2.6179224 0.0999786 107288242 GINS complex subunit 2 (Psf2 homolog)
2.3412642 1.1627989 5.7832838 0.4628565 5.6999322 0.0119542 107301504 uncharacterized LOC107301504
2.3386143 3.0665702 3.0308365 7.4631326 8.2867288 0.0031103 107295943 reticulocalbin-1-like
2.3374937 -4.2948530 2.3374937 -1.0197436 10.3480874 0.0043212 107303293 canopy FGF signaling regulator 1
2.3371041 -4.5153859 -1.1827378 -0.8189477 7.5279327 0.0066963 107284142 calpain-8-like
2.3370206 3.2017622 0.4702344 3.2029799 6.1278430 0.0093607 107286667 insulin receptor substrate 1
2.3363318 -0.2863000 4.4650154 3.6298394 6.0020944 0.0100479 107286200 hedgehog interacting protein
2.3361833 -2.0190790 0.0193418 1.3759985 16.3386161 0.0001673 107293574 progesterone receptor
2.3354445 -0.9494843 -0.7301017 0.1700930 2.9812558 0.0747680 107295430 nitric oxide synthase 1
2.3349465 -0.0843278 -1.8630903 4.6599541 7.6277740 0.0042634 107284278 chloride intracellular channel protein 5-like
2.3348310 -0.5659586 0.5486163 0.9135002 1.1220506 0.3795730 107294048 maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase
2.3340892 2.7231886 0.8528480 4.6418962 17.1678763 0.0001345 107286723 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 1
2.3313316 2.5781553 2.6003981 4.4842399 6.1294790 0.0093521 107298042 SRP receptor alpha subunit
2.3307550 -6.6476848 2.3307550 0.7253554 26.1113443 0.0002062 107282794 homeobox A9
2.3300417 2.1322731 0.3106286 1.8501209 5.2618035 0.0155204 107288794 TAO kinase 3
2.3298523 0.3880498 -0.3861572 3.8391622 8.1745005 0.0032781 107289848 SH3 domain containing ring finger 2
2.3282022 -5.3048539 1.3658689 2.5380657 44.6490561 0.0000010 107294729 neuropeptide Y receptor Y1
2.3278150 1.7994120 -1.2714970 2.7571711 8.3631799 0.0030017 107299122 adhesion G-protein coupled receptor D1-like
2.3270921 2.0609414 1.8234215 6.4673867 5.0615551 0.0175545 107296328 tubulin beta class I
2.3257186 0.2625894 1.3693280 2.1196391 2.4593156 0.1139585 107286290 coiled-coil domain containing 103
2.3254216 -1.3098162 -3.4004162 3.4361494 6.1247647 0.0093768 107284445 FERM domain containing 3
2.3250867 0.8980904 2.6016894 0.0469020 2.9346992 0.0775497 107297081 jagunal homolog 1
2.3249624 1.2288637 1.6695501 0.7141023 1.9060897 0.1835147 107301015 ATP-dependent RNA helicase SUPV3L1 mitochondrial-like
2.3248192 0.9252610 1.0618160 0.5422838 1.7015693 0.2206000 107294988 regulatory factor X3
2.3244751 -0.3306439 -2.4529605 -0.4059277 8.3401823 0.0030115 107283166 talin 2
2.3242279 0.1286393 0.5333937 0.8268472 2.3447043 0.1254588 107295834 DNA-directed RNA polymerases I II and III subunit RPABC5-like
2.3233123 -1.2369868 2.2245250 1.0465714 5.0493128 0.0176886 107298066 solute carrier family 28 member 3-like
2.3229099 -4.8243649 -6.4603651 3.1549033 20.4766498 0.0000578 107294984 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E family member 1B
2.3219493 2.3146945 1.2452818 -0.6019030 1.9227515 0.1808173 107287926 leucine rich repeat containing 56
2.3215322 2.7605217 1.5993304 0.7648692 4.1477750 0.0318476 107301151 ATP-dependent DNA helicase Q1-like
2.3211136 0.0691328 1.7851252 0.7478056 1.2697867 0.3296689 107283347 putative V-set and immunoglobulin domain-containing-like protein IGHV4OR15-8
2.3192684 1.8848048 1.6130088 3.7461191 4.9537027 0.0187779 107286846 abhydrolase domain containing 2
2.3179562 1.8635489 1.2614582 1.7516901 5.5709928 0.0128763 107290047 phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase 1
2.3172028 2.0293678 4.8612989 -0.4039325 3.5809629 0.0475300 107294589 protein FAM47E-like
2.3161192 0.1868010 -0.0840207 -0.0348425 1.8339051 0.1957374 107296779 suppressor of cancer cell invasion
2.3159856 1.3463079 -0.5413787 1.8166387 3.7495058 0.0420818 107286592 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 8
2.3145997 0.4506970 1.5664098 3.0885033 11.4332297 0.0008298 107287728 dynamin binding protein
2.3127126 1.8118907 -1.1071630 0.8042868 7.9520115 0.0036431 107292696 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 4
2.3123725 -0.1369380 0.8551694 0.5344411 2.0154146 0.1666097 107298084 MICAL like 2
2.3116059 0.9153898 -0.0216061 2.4661969 7.8614601 0.0037787 107292336 cut-like homeobox 1
2.3096303 1.8564761 1.0677185 1.4170787 6.4657261 0.0077262 107285703 zinc finger matrin-type 3
2.3092126 2.0111473 1.2173122 6.3727623 4.1992901 0.0307475 107287204 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L2
2.3083132 -0.2370577 1.7855028 1.5714616 9.4772113 0.0018142 107288374 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-26-biphosphatase 2
2.3068022 -0.5278138 0.3218729 3.5104609 8.7530802 0.0025123 107289164 intraflagellar transport 22
2.3061576 0.9770946 5.4637450 4.3040910 7.0722722 0.0056376 107292748 epithelial splicing regulatory protein 1
2.3054153 -0.1205149 -0.3429496 4.4138516 12.2580276 0.0006207 107283914 SMAD family member 3
2.3052914 0.9104766 4.6048083 -0.3922029 2.6210656 0.0997221 107298116 transmembrane protein 176A-like
2.3046957 1.8850715 1.8175942 5.7480761 14.0231012 0.0003419 107288064 ER degradation enhancer mannosidase alpha-like 3
2.3039967 2.1608484 2.7756232 0.7222534 8.9821438 0.0022502 107298367 FK506 binding protein like
2.3030945 0.8367627 0.3268929 2.1685902 2.6771233 0.0952726 107288380 discs large homolog associated protein 4
2.3028343 1.2500486 1.9237770 4.4879175 4.3647687 0.0275009 107284207 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
2.3017022 1.3335508 -0.6464295 1.1747157 5.3328231 0.0148658 107299195 UHRF1 binding protein 1
2.2992585 2.0290219 0.6054750 4.0390207 3.1083390 0.0677417 107285076 peptidase inhibitor 15
2.2989628 0.9686258 -0.0724525 5.0340944 6.4191381 0.0079687 107295743 centrosomal protein 85kDa
2.2967535 1.8813292 1.2590111 1.9176444 2.2552703 0.1353583 107287230 DSN1 homolog MIS12 kinetochore complex component
2.2962787 2.1411246 1.8183448 1.3147766 6.6987095 0.0068200 107298366 activating transcription factor 6 beta
2.2955363 1.9766326 0.8369133 4.5450693 9.3200252 0.0019572 107302530 tubulin beta 4B class IVb
2.2948681 1.6306133 0.1798835 -0.0922067 2.2267635 0.1386989 107293682 WD repeat-containing protein 7-like
2.2942639 1.6443128 -3.3509216 4.4916977 35.6503206 0.0000035 107284867 adenylate cyclase 3
2.2937533 0.5120628 0.2636545 0.2886970 2.5413431 0.1063444 107299976 U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm3
2.2936158 1.0656678 -0.1932394 2.7635801 9.4779097 0.0018150 107293740 C-type lectin domain family 3 member B
2.2927595 0.8998432 -0.1142576 3.4064135 2.6434605 0.0979165 107296395 G-protein coupled receptor 56-like
2.2925797 1.9672341 -0.9967748 0.0414458 5.9811109 0.0101530 107295732 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
2.2918957 1.2378170 0.9525959 1.9815577 1.5284882 0.2586168 107283304 DBF4 zinc finger
2.2908981 2.1317843 1.3550979 4.1523193 11.8469957 0.0007196 107290217 integrin subunit beta 4
2.2905377 5.4388716 3.8063576 0.8423886 5.0436887 0.0177506 107300273 cytochrome P450 2K4-like
2.2898035 2.1172980 2.1857360 2.0935988 11.2700480 0.0008824 107291558 ecto-NOX disulfide-thiol exchanger 2
2.2886632 1.5505077 3.1552711 3.7848246 10.1346094 0.0013913 107292091 transmembrane protein 180
2.2874960 0.8550077 0.8120666 1.3821272 3.3311929 0.0571788 107302830 Fanconi anemia complementation group E
2.2856392 3.1407550 3.4205101 5.3490506 7.6066118 0.0043080 107287731 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 7
2.2835172 -1.0956262 0.8932380 1.5004498 10.0978150 0.0013996 107284212 RIB43A domain with coiled-coils 1
2.2818895 0.9103662 0.7933174 3.5532186 6.0976581 0.0095205 107292401 adenylosuccinate synthetase isozyme 2-like
2.2816516 2.9484924 3.4424579 6.4366616 10.0286241 0.0014529 107297104 transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 10-like
2.2813929 0.3886474 -0.6475243 1.0801328 6.7146281 0.0067577 107286573 MAGI family member X-linked
2.2800800 -2.9165351 -0.7144133 2.9737402 12.7946725 0.0005145 107286952 PQ loop repeat containing 2-like
2.2790920 1.0037789 -0.7817438 1.1158393 1.5447987 0.2547397 107302121 transcription factor Dp-1-like
2.2776355 2.7695611 0.1895554 1.9896099 4.7984980 0.0207170 107292466 actin filament associated protein 1 like 1
2.2762141 1.1238525 -1.3481448 1.1618326 4.8376516 0.0202067 107286373 phospholipase A2 receptor 1
2.2713720 0.0983919 -0.1126816 3.4520062 6.0385322 0.0098429 107297511 heat shock factor binding protein 1-like 1
2.2707395 0.6257048 0.7548372 5.2578998 13.2991811 0.0004285 107286362 dynein cytoplasmic 2 heavy chain 1
2.2698667 1.3522895 1.9341152 -0.6001791 0.8603001 0.4885304 107288574 family with sequence similarity 64 member A
2.2695854 2.0054254 -0.5077636 -0.2013740 2.0563659 0.1607370 107299352 synaptotagmin 11
2.2687246 3.2314284 2.3204090 0.3585427 14.1260934 0.0003268 107293773 F-box/LRR-repeat protein 8-like
2.2678904 1.3926063 -0.6805347 2.7066043 11.1374872 0.0009365 107285392 Meis homeobox 2
2.2668130 0.9544158 -0.0757768 0.4564216 2.3694821 0.1228642 107294314 KIAA1644 ortholog
2.2660268 -0.2931236 -1.6286301 1.9326312 12.8102717 0.0005064 107299282 protocadherin gamma-B6-like
2.2634877 1.7589758 2.3504273 5.7449018 19.6658913 0.0000694 107283452 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 1
2.2630895 0.3471403 2.5963145 2.7727351 4.1893782 0.0309557 107297338 tandem C2 domains nuclear
2.2610041 -0.6968770 1.0284958 2.6248807 5.9807443 0.0101704 107290496 basal body orientation factor 1
2.2607853 1.3423424 0.4212452 3.1956013 4.8197639 0.0204380 107287651 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 169-like
2.2588139 -1.9038609 1.9211829 -0.1968876 2.9243916 0.0781816 107297381 patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 2
2.2584053 -0.2534771 2.2189749 5.8280426 10.3185678 0.0012915 107293197 protein kinase C delta
2.2583603 0.8222128 1.9165809 0.8440224 3.1767021 0.0642785 107284546 sterile alpha motif domain containing 15
2.2581429 2.8304711 1.3004805 0.4390266 2.0502407 0.1616003 107296146 ubiquitin-like with PHD and ring finger domains 1
2.2560676 -5.4815348 2.2560676 -0.2872322 20.1769336 0.0005014 107300098 ovochymase-2-like
2.2560649 -1.0465945 -5.5933565 -0.2737462 25.0994348 0.0000643 107303279 neuroligin 3
2.2555112 3.1728151 2.6844458 1.6860329 7.2040263 0.0052699 107292783 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 9
2.2533290 2.3050657 -0.3948381 0.0016725 3.3640715 0.0557873 107300280 GTPase IMAP family member 2-like
2.2533085 0.3873527 -1.1096242 0.2587578 1.6958676 0.2217482 107299387 protocadherin beta-16-like
2.2505693 -0.0875964 -1.3454733 0.0832161 4.0138375 0.0349282 107295226 family with sequence similarity 76 member B
2.2500506 1.5234074 1.1012972 1.1364602 2.9974095 0.0738298 107289800 deoxycytidine kinase
2.2486767 0.5136686 -2.4085854 4.7765884 24.1419430 0.0000257 107290472 spondin 1
2.2483242 1.7831752 -0.0071564 5.8267549 7.8860045 0.0037603 107302989 proline/arginine-rich end leucine-rich repeat protein
2.2481324 2.3702591 -0.0635091 0.5753088 3.8557988 0.0390181 107289357 FRAS1 related extracellular matrix 1
2.2475014 3.0108247 2.1838057 2.9503559 8.6154548 0.0026736 107293802 excision repair cross-complementation group 4
2.2474278 -4.2322916 -3.2104001 1.9962175 14.4723107 0.0002965 107294562 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L1-like
2.2473901 1.2817133 -0.7695662 4.7747817 11.0439958 0.0009714 107291711 collagen alpha-3(VI) chain-like
2.2464114 2.1782752 0.4504987 1.0659333 5.2278952 0.0158246 107287528 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 3-like
2.2458671 -0.3731739 2.5188484 -0.5112333 4.9024182 0.0193186 107299464 double zinc ribbon and ankyrin repeat domains 1
2.2440879 1.0903407 0.9570891 0.8093410 2.9854389 0.0744706 107302666 LRP2 binding protein
2.2430243 1.4622231 -4.0627485 2.7160200 20.1772451 0.0000621 107289704 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 4
2.2430048 2.6418121 -0.7512355 3.6126579 18.9596840 0.0000839 107295498 dystonin-like
2.2388709 2.2216846 0.4046670 1.3607753 1.2929169 0.3225181 107289958 DNA excision repair protein ERCC-6-like
2.2388356 -1.6401117 5.6914373 5.7778934 15.9356991 0.0001906 107288318 transmembrane protease serine 2
2.2378098 -0.5397731 -0.5199719 0.9028865 4.1311096 0.0322132 107282257 IZUMO family member 4
2.2351521 1.5495865 -0.2749668 1.8173867 7.9657575 0.0035959 107294838 bicaudal D homolog 2 (Drosophila)
2.2351490 2.0883693 1.1982348 4.0636884 3.3532992 0.0562388 107289323 minichromosome maintenance complex component 4
2.2334806 0.0208187 2.8233171 4.1354778 3.1907660 0.0635917 107298203 leucine-rich repeat containing 8 family member B
2.2329490 1.8126576 -0.2592247 3.0124585 9.3892754 0.0018998 107293170 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C3orf58
2.2317766 -0.7360098 -2.4951294 1.1620945 6.7352780 0.0067230 107302490 vascular cell adhesion molecule 1
2.2293155 2.1479484 2.1343350 2.2138034 3.6488171 0.0452438 107292090 FtsJ RNA methyltransferase homolog 1 (E. coli)
2.2291608 3.0064375 -1.9294396 4.6247047 14.1098955 0.0003326 107292376 ubiquitin specific peptidase 13 (isopeptidase T-3)
2.2286638 2.3948662 2.2147789 6.8687613 4.1325301 0.0321818 107289360 prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 1
2.2282618 0.4367039 -1.5862559 6.8950070 19.7658640 0.0000686 107299184 protocadherin gamma-C5-like
2.2279247 1.6174222 -1.0881385 0.9152037 4.4159365 0.0265789 107290297 RAS like family 12
2.2278349 0.7572519 -0.9882093 0.9715720 3.9302397 0.0370261 107290527 fatty acid binding protein 7
2.2269100 0.7455204 1.7092314 0.2565400 2.5688406 0.1040832 107287757 F-box protein 36
2.2264215 2.3927903 1.6066867 1.7204273 5.0950975 0.0171930 107300918 ATP binding cassette subfamily F member 2
2.2263835 1.9096027 0.7085293 1.7395186 4.5735160 0.0239571 107291665 aladin WD repeat nucleoporin
2.2251006 1.4766016 0.8297975 2.0525157 3.0871396 0.0688590 107298435 cytohesin-1-like
2.2233405 1.4157443 0.3494253 4.8962159 7.2345727 0.0051887 107283256 tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 3
2.2230012 -0.0114615 -0.3116143 7.8117801 6.5747825 0.0073245 107284723 TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 3
2.2221359 0.0872186 -1.0160827 -0.5343409 2.0411671 0.1628888 107284075 cyclic nucleotide gated channel beta 1
2.2211028 2.2343431 -9.8945230 6.0631478 76.3818067 0.0000001 107289842 myosin binding protein C cardiac
2.2209701 0.2653869 -1.1799970 3.2745970 11.1423336 0.0009356 107287881 caveolin 2
2.2200466 0.8310367 0.8004538 0.6412756 1.9960651 0.1694689 107287299 mevalonate kinase
2.2181829 -0.9598678 3.7082564 3.3090646 9.8082101 0.0015914 107285386 uncharacterized LOC107285386
2.2175836 -2.0665293 -2.0413950 -0.2512917 2.4405835 0.1157529 107297696 cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2-like
2.2175698 -2.0107940 4.7702609 6.4963850 14.2926394 0.0003138 107303072 growth factor receptor bound protein 7
2.2164882 0.8664404 0.2050464 3.1535777 5.9263780 0.0104901 107294423 amyloid beta precursor protein binding family A member 1
2.2155554 1.1711652 0.9343880 3.8171492 4.9073620 0.0193339 107283559 WD repeat domain 60
2.2144525 2.8309290 2.3870092 6.6315931 13.0761590 0.0004673 107282997 desmoplakin
2.2143677 -0.0090838 -1.4552303 6.7526344 7.0382068 0.0057375 107302643 connective tissue growth factor
2.2140891 1.5745974 -2.2920272 4.6444693 13.5348975 0.0004009 107284049 acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 1
2.2124222 1.2250063 -0.4125324 3.2940834 11.7842211 0.0007320 107294254 cullin-associated NEDD8-dissociated protein 1-like
2.2094109 1.8987230 -2.3254596 3.4936016 26.3452723 0.0000165 107283562 disco interacting protein 2 homolog C
2.2079214 0.3688356 1.1713144 4.7926060 6.6209085 0.0071454 107302975 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 26
2.2058116 -0.4203366 -2.1247418 0.0161735 6.4391221 0.0078695 107299293 protocadherin gamma-A6-like
2.2054357 1.7302013 0.5732879 1.4050839 1.6971952 0.2214802 107288179 integrin subunit alpha 5
2.2047879 0.9020131 -4.7846975 1.9383590 15.4970271 0.0002168 107292641 pepsin A-like
2.2040482 1.8414707 0.4263781 0.8631575 2.3099552 0.1292037 107297795 A-kinase anchoring protein 10
2.2020037 -0.4891906 -4.8969669 2.5964980 11.5909498 0.0007906 107298129 leptin receptor
2.2009294 0.9730241 -0.7181980 5.5573023 5.2479027 0.0156524 107293051 serine incorporator 2
2.2002012 3.3942431 3.0587075 2.7811665 15.9141348 0.0001918 107294598 transmembrane 9 superfamily protein member 4
2.1998864 1.7599637 -0.9604022 5.6147906 9.0510177 0.0022005 107285323 protein NDRG2-like
2.1984477 -4.8870619 -4.1700271 5.9426615 20.1088220 0.0000632 107283769 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L1-like
2.1973406 2.4556883 -0.0191690 -0.7267410 4.4566233 0.0257826 107299857 protein bicaudal D homolog 2-like
2.1928019 0.9020473 -2.0466181 6.7115672 22.9618879 0.0000329 107289223 serum deprivation response
2.1885191 -0.6668679 0.0467711 -0.2211072 1.6854862 0.2238559 107299062 mitochondrial sodium/hydrogen exchanger 9B2-like
2.1883071 1.3695240 1.4724489 2.0523468 5.2134007 0.0159656 107290268 TGF-beta receptor type-2-like
2.1871348 1.7165323 1.3475783 2.4351138 1.4709622 0.2728221 107288726 uncharacterized LOC107288726
2.1863415 2.1307172 0.9369003 2.3439564 7.4907306 0.0045529 107283512 charged multivesicular body protein 1A
2.1853635 0.8960518 0.3775988 -0.1435293 0.9423004 0.4513045 107297057 cathepsin L1-like
2.1825024 3.2301648 0.3091952 0.9100315 3.7327275 0.0425905 107284940 insulin like growth factor binding protein 5
2.1821910 1.3388500 0.6464929 0.8834920 1.4757794 0.2716000 107300293 transcription termination factor RNA polymerase II
2.1800282 0.9809513 -0.1433686 1.9640547 3.5158464 0.0498507 107287987 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase SH3RF1-like
2.1789392 0.9208279 2.2920286 3.6497458 5.4638756 0.0137405 107293890 solute carrier family 5 (sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter) member 3
2.1784703 -1.3846287 -1.1312242 -0.7621224 2.1386676 0.1496310 107288607 phospholipid phosphatase 4
2.1781062 0.1621833 0.6877148 5.3359354 12.6349870 0.0005376 107286213 NIMA related kinase 1
2.1771199 2.0259608 -1.1363923 0.5182925 8.2293160 0.0031826 107285865 uncharacterized LOC107285865
2.1743586 -7.3212435 -3.7462426 3.5800540 20.1460637 0.0000626 107286166 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 6
2.1739946 1.6501471 1.8628964 2.8367721 5.5595827 0.0129812 107286380 ORMDL sphingolipid biosynthesis regulator 2
2.1738420 1.0625401 0.9450526 3.5356007 6.8846569 0.0062032 107288260 coiled-coil domain containing 191
2.1726290 2.0738293 0.2169219 2.4345538 3.7920476 0.0408233 107297576 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
2.1724982 1.8381191 -1.4675928 0.2192307 2.8069236 0.0858178 107283465 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase-like
2.1712908 1.8991749 0.5357585 0.8005934 1.6122065 0.2393869 107289537 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2T
2.1701189 1.5447927 -0.8960516 3.3561523 6.5768291 0.0073165 107303245 dedicator of cytokinesis 11
2.1697511 0.9313411 0.5952042 1.7644163 3.7236403 0.0428351 107302983 phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 2 beta
2.1691199 -0.0880300 1.4497543 4.2150476 15.7839843 0.0001965 107297046 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 16A-like
2.1690896 2.6849080 1.7477598 0.7577237 3.2783491 0.0595001 107300628 nucleolar complex protein 2 homolog
2.1688148 0.4290405 1.2447070 0.7076938 3.1286056 0.0666015 107284684 SWI5 dependent homologous recombination repair protein 1
2.1658781 0.4484414 -1.6433527 -0.3440604 4.6085123 0.0234092 107302592 synaptotagmin 13
2.1656916 -2.0499547 1.5012428 -0.1520414 4.5880459 0.0237308 107297391 semaphorin 3A
2.1636519 2.9548191 0.4998763 5.7511911 2.4400064 0.1158087 107285227 protein S100-A12-like
2.1619712 1.4932183 0.6744321 1.9443204 4.3358744 0.0280380 107299738 family with sequence similarity 184 member A
2.1595517 1.8853545 0.8545465 3.5424649 8.2322778 0.0031904 107293811 barrier to autointegration factor 1
2.1585763 3.2966185 2.6155501 3.4573693 7.1181956 0.0055061 107298757 gamma-secretase activating protein
2.1580703 -0.9980266 2.9316779 1.0671670 3.4328456 0.0530013 107300397 semaphorin-3A-like
2.1570421 1.0367543 -3.3301461 0.6266233 16.1275359 0.0001803 107294357 armadillo repeat gene deleted in velocardiofacial syndrome
2.1558046 0.4352224 1.5357801 1.4796200 1.5357152 0.2568909 107301294 transmembrane protein 107-like
2.1542756 2.8636264 2.7701220 4.7240428 6.3533173 0.0082608 107300203 glutamine synthetase-like
2.1539908 0.3334042 2.0078818 -0.7541781 1.9624446 0.1745699 107284474 ATP/GTP binding protein-like 4
2.1527069 0.8535129 0.7741155 0.1794147 1.0791831 0.3955191 107292602 c-Maf inducing protein
2.1525225 -0.5237702 -1.8884308 5.5542794 3.7596409 0.0417780 107302913 monocarboxylate transporter 2-like
2.1522909 1.5325259 1.0514534 1.3570428 4.4120459 0.0265686 107298593 kinesin-like protein KIF27
2.1516147 0.3781936 -2.8684788 1.1701975 7.7998315 0.0039201 107291727 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4
2.1508119 1.4403023 1.7467821 1.7489070 3.2225560 0.0620701 107293280 centlein
2.1480390 1.4465520 -0.4287039 4.1241911 11.8092827 0.0007296 107286725 cAMP-specific 3’5’-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4D-like
2.1470508 1.1702669 0.9936349 5.9207801 1.7350614 0.2139885 107288319 interferon-induced GTP-binding protein Mx-like
2.1456651 1.2200871 0.7472053 0.6295676 3.5032767 0.0501916 107290396 WD repeat domain 24
2.1453023 0.3881561 0.1591468 0.7020412 0.9303577 0.4565421 107287449 digestive cysteine proteinase 2-like
2.1452011 3.9517913 3.0857531 3.5660478 4.1929065 0.0308814 107299855 uridine phosphorylase 1
2.1450137 -0.0941671 0.9366377 -0.2465742 1.0613905 0.4023440 107294675 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor B3
2.1443928 1.4313474 0.2378869 2.5267160 4.0502380 0.0340580 107286330 endogenous retrovirus group K member 11 Pol protein-like
2.1430791 1.3959165 0.8657128 3.1773867 8.5800426 0.0026963 107284218 interleukin 1 receptor associated kinase 1
2.1421083 -0.4487995 -1.3709783 3.4719672 11.2285000 0.0009055 107283224 CDC42 effector protein 4
2.1419171 -1.7589709 0.1856607 1.5137053 5.4701030 0.0136896 107286505 protein Shroom2-like
2.1414240 -8.2092753 -1.5785814 4.3195937 69.6530737 0.0000001 107295480 galectin-6-like
2.1404906 1.4751041 0.7461759 3.1159639 4.1800127 0.0311539 107282240 R3H domain containing 4
2.1398432 -0.7104405 0.2560698 0.6997906 1.3168080 0.3153087 107290584 nanos homolog 1 (Drosophila)
2.1377385 1.8263917 1.0168193 3.7335624 11.7828427 0.0007290 107288617 casein kinase 1 epsilon
2.1373586 -1.1785885 0.9532011 -0.5647702 3.4881036 0.0508686 107290873 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase family member 1-like
2.1371108 1.2199350 0.0388812 6.2953214 8.0349548 0.0035017 107286336 myosin regulatory light chain interacting protein
2.1344704 1.5513640 1.1481461 0.8522136 3.6779614 0.0441997 107295855 calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-1-like
2.1334404 2.8331154 2.5562344 0.9368981 4.1879636 0.0309855 107296176 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 45-like
2.1334334 2.0508677 -0.3804270 5.4877806 7.1956028 0.0052925 107298625 DEAH-box helicase 15
2.1316143 0.6708657 1.0324544 4.1372469 7.7488018 0.0040161 107297314 centrosome and spindle pole associated protein 1
2.1309135 -0.4319495 -0.4020507 0.3699196 1.4392626 0.2810167 107282602 ras-related protein Rab-18-B-like
2.1308679 1.5182717 -0.2344067 0.1257035 4.5309955 0.0245473 107286971 transmembrane protein 116
2.1308126 -0.2539123 0.1247252 0.4030832 1.7363407 0.2137404 107301604 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
2.1303988 2.5169294 0.7784842 0.0732963 2.2044040 0.1413848 107283441 solute carrier family 6 member 9
2.1298863 0.6804898 -0.3700420 0.2848152 1.5216402 0.2602641 107300265 protein Hook homolog 3-like
2.1281826 0.1323344 -0.0325768 4.8417570 11.1450585 0.0009295 107293901 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 3
2.1274770 0.7547303 0.1775327 1.2751716 1.6936045 0.2222058 107282755 uncharacterized LOC107282755
2.1271608 1.3407688 -0.0476769 1.7319096 4.5706345 0.0240022 107297063 death-associated protein kinase 3
2.1270211 -4.3270596 -3.7591077 -0.7337063 10.7083941 0.0019475 107298681 gamma-1-syntrophin
2.1258377 -4.3689327 2.1258377 -1.1203371 11.4656526 0.0031551 107288646 galanin receptor 3
2.1252851 0.5735215 0.6532186 3.0321097 4.2607664 0.0294920 107284711 Meckel syndrome type 1
2.1240675 2.0916905 0.6257995 0.6544755 2.5397036 0.1066111 107285863 MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 3-like
2.1234346 1.2792195 -0.2744297 0.6639511 2.5011028 0.1100692 107282241 AT-rich interaction domain 3A
2.1221275 2.2916694 3.2053455 5.4819152 10.5389271 0.0011827 107288043 solute carrier family 33 (acetyl-CoA transporter) member 1
2.1211209 0.8543443 -0.1433422 2.5260302 1.6482786 0.2315964 107292130 collagen type XVIII alpha 1
2.1207182 0.7775279 -4.7422752 2.3297131 29.0988346 0.0000100 107293991 uncharacterized LOC107293991
2.1203072 -1.2979779 1.0469643 7.0072644 1.7043481 0.2200428 107294593 joining chain of multimeric IgA and IgM
2.1191964 -0.1244952 -5.4951942 6.2056596 25.2857495 0.0000203 107290441 ADP-ribosylhydrolase like 1
2.1167762 2.5755446 1.3984382 1.2407207 2.3937455 0.1203828 107300933 F-box protein 22
2.1165307 2.7309216 2.2257820 -0.0489660 2.9174327 0.0786116 107300446 integrator complex subunit 4-like
2.1155927 1.1692345 0.4141712 2.6452503 4.8703245 0.0197920 107295444 hephaestin-like
2.1152019 0.5739058 -4.0301173 2.0807897 15.6606049 0.0002066 107290343 paralemmin 2
2.1140832 2.6550493 2.6134787 3.9820906 24.0997798 0.0000254 107294408 proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 13
2.1138330 0.2538461 1.8488021 5.3729496 21.7777537 0.0000420 107288831 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7A2 mitochondrial
2.1127651 2.2360085 3.0118472 3.9906303 18.8980537 0.0000852 107284483 cytidine/uridine monophosphate kinase 1
2.1101246 -1.1387704 -1.7910348 1.4862658 5.7926619 0.0113276 107288228 multiple PDZ domain crumbs cell polarity complex component
2.1082331 -0.5170928 1.9040814 3.7845944 7.9059059 0.0037245 107302673 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 6
2.1075618 1.8937958 0.3364392 0.3593752 1.9474734 0.1768971 107287844 SPC25 NDC80 kinetochore complex component
2.1062873 2.1615831 3.0907484 2.3687168 9.3513205 0.0019310 107296804 ras-related protein Rab-27B
2.1058384 0.6284954 0.1337212 0.6264636 3.4382995 0.0526629 107302552 polymerase (DNA) epsilon 3 accessory subunit
2.1056037 0.2578432 0.0719872 0.1880224 1.0632817 0.4016127 107298674 alpha-L-iduronidase-like
2.1053406 0.7597467 0.5408845 2.5094193 4.6510254 0.0227538 107287160 tubulin epsilon 1
2.1046419 -0.5625266 1.4430031 4.5548754 7.8360402 0.0038520 107290487 family with sequence similarity 161 member B
2.1044116 -0.2871306 -0.5906390 -0.2249178 1.7062263 0.2196671 107294937 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8
2.1038761 1.7810900 0.8699658 0.6058842 4.2488595 0.0296350 107282888 armadillo repeat containing 6
2.1021118 0.9237215 -0.5828644 0.6539418 5.0318031 0.0178102 107287068 BCL2 antagonist/killer 1
2.1018216 1.4113624 0.7621713 7.7525536 4.1457933 0.0318908 107293683 catenin beta 1
2.0994733 1.7407458 0.1985145 1.7323878 1.5148913 0.2618990 107296600 cyclin A2
2.0993209 2.4300305 0.9089327 3.6519615 10.7507711 0.0010881 107288888 dynein cytoplasmic 1 light intermediate chain 2
2.0988593 -7.3998733 -0.6302170 5.8218067 27.7108825 0.0000128 107284959 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit d2
2.0984986 0.5687092 0.0708649 2.6656020 5.6360647 0.0123818 107296467 protein phosphatase Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1D
2.0969463 0.7640330 0.1775789 1.9050905 2.5255314 0.1078661 107291043 PDZ binding kinase
2.0960055 -0.4964379 1.6651347 3.2214401 7.4330380 0.0046952 107298283 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like NaMP
2.0945460 1.9530242 0.1012262 3.5966456 5.5676460 0.0129195 107290592 synemin
2.0917128 1.1509611 0.6981058 0.3505143 1.5042914 0.2644897 107287505 zinc finger protein 345-like
2.0907149 1.3299681 -0.5177023 1.3883896 4.1813347 0.0311258 107282778 secernin 1
2.0905489 -0.7913987 1.4065076 1.5560717 1.5932941 0.2435879 107302424 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 10
2.0896465 2.9995930 -1.4089185 -0.2840012 8.4414160 0.0028849 107291948 dystrophia myotonica protein kinase
2.0882958 0.5515770 2.5392794 1.7800433 5.6972616 0.0119729 107285804 sperm associated antigen 17
2.0882535 1.7352242 0.4573028 0.0288948 1.9262854 0.1802510 107296617 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 10
2.0879605 1.2500675 1.3067407 6.5400296 9.0167652 0.0022286 107285491 ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (rho family small GTP binding protein Rac1)
2.0876828 2.1704181 0.9371149 3.6721001 2.5549031 0.1052837 107296230 SEC16 homolog A endoplasmic reticulum export factor
2.0841777 1.3131888 0.7600453 7.6896588 2.1880717 0.1433842 107303097 junction plakoglobin
2.0829489 1.5368169 0.6401689 3.0749942 4.1467274 0.0318704 107297880 GTP binding protein 1
2.0828588 -4.2931365 0.7270063 2.8412248 13.1905243 0.0004496 107288271 group 10 secretory phospholipase A2-like
2.0810331 1.5292296 2.3901910 3.4380842 8.4415012 0.0028951 107293395 secretory carrier membrane protein 2
2.0805036 3.9071486 3.0951731 0.8261330 3.8147297 0.0401702 107291687 cytochrome P450 2C15-like
2.0798719 1.7388596 1.5189559 3.3651319 7.9212778 0.0036971 107288412 cyclin-dependent kinase 8
2.0790420 2.3747929 0.0218282 1.6733032 5.2851886 0.0153012 107299973 focal adhesion kinase 1-like
2.0777141 4.2744589 -1.3493010 -0.3189698 7.4134614 0.0047413 107289700 early B-cell factor 2
2.0771784 1.1787782 0.4199084 -0.4823944 1.3337038 0.3103161 107295233 C-type lectin domain family 4 member G-like
2.0766092 2.4585911 0.2855663 1.4794585 4.8617966 0.0198993 107293508 LIM and cysteine rich domains 1
2.0764288 1.1707593 -0.2430511 3.5339529 10.6233187 0.0011345 107295622 inactive ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 54-like
2.0756163 0.7753443 -0.7078486 1.6020576 6.1896112 0.0090183 107296643 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1
2.0754244 1.5895019 1.2857685 4.9790126 8.3611969 0.0030045 107289313 farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase 1
2.0749877 1.3181162 -2.3645891 3.8965502 19.8243296 0.0000677 107286407 transmembrane protein 98
2.0745223 2.0599008 1.7314334 4.8970919 5.8786094 0.0107807 107284918 serine/threonine kinase 17b
2.0722809 1.6054111 1.4544298 8.4545032 3.8420416 0.0393997 107298106 actin cytoplasmic 1
2.0705820 1.4048038 -0.6286456 0.4247280 3.4616907 0.0518809 107296175 pleckstrin homology domain containing A2
2.0701088 2.0602513 1.5409517 1.2528965 2.8450965 0.0832459 107284110 syntaxin binding protein 5 like
2.0679413 -0.8873854 1.9380482 1.2821354 4.9675930 0.0186149 107282675 leucine rich repeat containing 46
2.0663866 2.2268902 -0.9087924 -0.4891257 2.1724486 0.1453270 107297564 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
2.0657595 3.8851297 3.4093671 1.6737745 18.1242544 0.0001027 107296757 dolichyldiphosphatase 1
2.0650418 3.9625344 -5.0794421 8.2492990 38.4249475 0.0000023 107299127 dickkopf-related protein 3-like
2.0650186 -0.5475557 -0.8418064 4.1564212 8.3169926 0.0030668 107296601 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 7
2.0643078 0.7025025 -0.2100327 1.1158114 3.0150875 0.0728186 107296955 transmembrane channel like 7
2.0633768 1.6971886 1.3351857 2.6958431 3.0146031 0.0728461 107286569 Pim-2 proto-oncogene serine/threonine kinase
2.0633661 -0.0079273 0.2804257 2.1594666 5.0481386 0.0176384 107283121 dual specificity phosphatase 6
2.0626876 0.0304201 0.1569018 -0.2544121 1.0637994 0.4014128 107299398 protocadherin beta-2-like
2.0614308 0.8571920 0.9251658 2.8684333 3.4526747 0.0522282 107283637 armadillo repeat containing 3
2.0611844 2.0391743 1.2513656 2.8669141 3.1431251 0.0659533 107289829 TROVE domain family member 2
2.0611754 1.8694469 -0.4040638 5.1856302 4.7614787 0.0212133 107282535 myeloid-associated differentiation marker homolog
2.0603113 -0.4414300 -2.6440607 5.7263072 34.7639836 0.0000040 107288370 CD34 molecule
2.0595720 1.5531362 0.9900957 0.8438236 1.8321211 0.1960509 107285608 coronin 2A
2.0589197 0.7933551 3.7096664 1.1710721 5.7751104 0.0114432 107284231 three prime repair exonuclease 2
2.0587478 -1.2965064 -2.8394612 0.4848093 7.9329164 0.0036765 107286318 Ras protein specific guanine nucleotide releasing factor 2
2.0555820 -0.5258186 -0.8520895 -0.1230495 1.4678085 0.2736254 107288393 TGFB induced factor homeobox 2
2.0555297 1.2014307 -0.3062089 -0.0923052 2.5920571 0.1020724 107298461 coiled-coil domain containing 71
2.0542508 0.3697966 -0.6764903 2.8767073 13.8311521 0.0003594 107284721 like-glycosyltransferase
2.0542059 1.6969133 2.5780103 1.0848291 6.9269305 0.0060421 107292920 golgi phosphoprotein 3 like
2.0528901 1.1110573 0.0076482 1.1802440 2.3954624 0.1202094 107288332 axin 2
2.0517284 1.0588500 0.5054760 1.0552750 1.7217037 0.2165984 107297812 DEAD/H-box helicase 11
2.0513031 2.8354748 0.0806769 2.0842696 4.0243720 0.0346737 107283652 dynein cytoplasmic 1 intermediate chain 1
2.0494145 -1.1600752 2.8186868 -0.3336802 5.5119615 0.0133527 107286644 transmembrane protein 61
2.0479734 0.5559334 -1.8915943 1.3161687 5.4006873 0.0142702 107299271 protocadherin gamma-B4-like
2.0476943 -1.3288857 0.1907168 7.1864317 12.3156996 0.0006081 107293968 chitinase-3-like protein 1
2.0476800 0.7165226 0.5515653 2.4140181 1.2033727 0.3511714 107296945 aurora kinase A
2.0464851 3.0525950 -1.0053940 3.9812222 16.1363035 0.0001798 107299650 sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2
2.0416357 2.6062716 -0.5311922 2.6061027 6.8335740 0.0063830 107288244 dual specificity protein phosphatase 22-A-like
2.0414901 2.4174016 -0.0051439 0.6340956 1.2680983 0.3301976 107296208 protein FAM102A-like
2.0388016 0.8313145 -1.2380234 2.7337237 0.5851839 0.6363434 107296278 protein NDRG2-like
2.0387640 -0.3195908 0.0675622 -0.4324158 1.5369174 0.2566050 107293557 synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C
2.0387359 1.8207166 0.6547377 2.5202979 4.3641192 0.0275129 107293588 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7
2.0382784 0.5719384 1.8053071 0.5428889 4.0264121 0.0345217 107283738 transmembrane protein 54
2.0379504 3.7590402 0.9278739 4.7801755 29.2775012 0.0000095 107293669 transforming growth factor beta 2
2.0375738 2.4695119 2.5651039 5.9878750 6.4636707 0.0077779 107289087 glucosamine-phosphate N-acetyltransferase 1
2.0370467 0.0491877 0.5430803 1.9427319 2.8061351 0.0858719 107286840 frizzled class receptor 1
2.0365675 2.5584549 2.6040926 1.9509276 4.6078455 0.0234265 107294346 DTW domain containing 2
2.0363169 1.8062575 1.4075570 1.0106613 3.4813147 0.0511344 107295577 CDC42 small effector 1
2.0357755 0.5952225 0.4200741 3.2765932 7.6209036 0.0042492 107285636 phosphodiesterase 7B
2.0341106 1.3332528 0.9371454 1.2778098 2.9799189 0.0748463 107282616 speckle type BTB/POZ protein
2.0336721 1.3101596 0.7986992 0.2839025 1.5780758 0.2470279 107295980 protein O-mannosyltransferase 1
2.0334158 0.2261050 0.6115086 2.5670731 2.7028674 0.0933059 107294003 GATS protein-like 2
2.0323195 1.7504311 1.7845570 2.6787617 3.1014336 0.0681033 107292852 zinc finger protein 568-like
2.0316458 -0.0215467 0.7444994 1.9730577 4.6426258 0.0228468 107298711 Tctex1 domain containing 2
2.0313718 -0.7716262 -0.3793075 0.9736697 3.6855684 0.0440588 107299496 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase IH
2.0282304 1.3340124 0.6241689 3.7149954 7.6883648 0.0041232 107294261 intraflagellar transport 122
2.0271784 0.8753103 0.8130721 3.5849260 3.1258302 0.0668356 107294884 KIAA0319 like
2.0252370 4.5573614 3.0081737 0.0559968 5.0519751 0.0176593 107302050 spindle assembly abnormal protein 6 homolog
2.0247303 1.6634247 1.6611650 3.7947906 3.7098574 0.0432953 107301958 mannosyl (alpha-13-)-glycoprotein beta-14-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase isozyme A
2.0243191 2.6017425 2.3625764 6.7818719 9.7383792 0.0016385 107296304 secretion associated Ras related GTPase 1A
2.0239400 -0.2594980 0.4219827 -0.2290641 1.4425945 0.2801428 107302013 uncharacterized LOC107302013
2.0234665 0.6689398 -0.6575531 2.0781459 1.3014193 0.3199321 107301630 citrate synthase mitochondrial-like
2.0225055 0.4373844 -0.1746122 1.7701732 3.8733714 0.0385277 107284539 protein O-mannosyltransferase 2
2.0212860 -0.6791536 1.0031982 -0.8474471 1.5501138 0.2534902 107297789 coiled-coil domain containing 158
2.0199946 -2.2926332 1.4267781 3.1614389 10.2257856 0.0013407 107284235 ras-related protein Rab-7a-like
2.0193750 0.3321009 -1.3873438 -0.5625444 2.9014559 0.0796090 107294473 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) beta 5
2.0186107 3.9055231 1.0247888 2.2516938 17.3277645 0.0001269 107286238 AE binding protein 1
2.0161865 0.7911477 3.0705377 2.0673573 5.9596522 0.0102930 107285872 kinectin-like
2.0157591 1.4819322 -0.1377601 2.3059904 6.3096501 0.0084615 107284101 phosphorylase glycogen; brain
2.0156804 2.1433831 1.1349083 1.5522594 4.0543420 0.0339615 107293934 protein tyrosine kinase 2
2.0151319 0.7907401 -1.4798645 1.4349863 6.1676355 0.0091547 107295617 heme binding protein 2
2.0135995 1.6207218 2.4089038 6.3997212 12.3666297 0.0005973 107285410 solute carrier family 25 member 17
2.0116578 0.6720404 0.2925460 2.0648230 1.5558919 0.2521395 107287727 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1
2.0109528 1.2849048 1.2552186 -0.3113906 1.0733355 0.3977486 107294668 embryonic ectoderm development
2.0108650 1.7802555 1.9102608 2.3260785 4.2347452 0.0300160 107294662 dynein light chain Tctex-type 3
2.0104498 -0.3353535 -2.7914632 3.5230157 15.4081200 0.0002226 107302260 EGF containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1
2.0098795 2.6941429 -0.3251362 -0.0098101 3.8353064 0.0395881 107282916 myotubularin related protein 8
2.0069241 1.9812394 0.1772666 0.7714236 4.6693476 0.0224375 107297347 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase EHMT1-like
2.0063171 0.3057617 -0.5799560 0.8448152 4.7124276 0.0218114 107302559 hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 3
2.0060927 -0.3345056 0.5550099 1.8293749 1.8917677 0.1858697 107286771 unconventional myosin-X-like
2.0060595 2.7536973 -2.0255801 0.6441626 6.6667139 0.0069726 107295037 euchromatic histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 2
2.0046265 0.9251009 -0.1005718 2.3399749 2.3880832 0.1209567 107296089 nucleolar and spindle associated protein 1
2.0044043 2.1669071 2.0872145 -0.2082289 1.7404267 0.2129501 107296680 EGF like domain multiple 8
2.0041348 -1.2970414 -0.4256565 -0.0101029 3.3677889 0.0556324 107282773 JAZF zinc finger 1
2.0031311 1.1098181 -0.0306104 0.3538037 3.2665843 0.0599009 107293575 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 6
2.0027703 0.6632588 0.0530188 5.0636833 8.6832166 0.0025927 107290614 trinucleotide repeat containing 18
2.0013649 -0.3181816 -1.7313618 0.7252090 8.2677457 0.0031150 107299960 solute carrier family 45 member 4
2.0001691 -0.8122269 1.0587128 0.1308687 3.2119421 0.0625734 107289211 acidic repeat-containing protein-like
1.9998918 -0.4776094 4.3150024 -0.1552934 3.3737255 0.0553862 107283345 putative V-set and immunoglobulin domain-containing-like protein IGHV4OR15-8
1.9995056 5.9703667 3.3152362 0.5455164 8.5994328 0.0026932 107302760 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor rho3 subunit
1.9982768 1.7400729 0.6183254 3.4041705 3.8295187 0.0397508 107282411 mediator complex subunit 25
1.9977314 1.9548557 -0.6625143 0.4819333 3.9935720 0.0354238 107297844 cullin-associated NEDD8-dissociated protein 1-like
1.9954185 0.3090829 0.5115138 3.3891580 4.4093734 0.0266951 107294724 phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase type II gamma
1.9953030 0.9318333 1.0779479 5.6504389 7.5523575 0.0044249 107300682 centrosomal protein of 68 kDa-like
1.9950826 1.2919170 -0.0390290 1.8222957 3.6957251 0.0437377 107293012 semaphorin 6A
1.9942647 1.2301497 -0.5422668 1.5328732 1.9145683 0.1821364 107291173 hexosaminidase subunit beta
1.9924091 0.3714418 -0.4101948 3.6860227 7.7379298 0.0040397 107290008 oxysterol binding protein like 6
1.9915099 1.2699200 0.9355459 3.5933130 1.9031424 0.1839966 107282471 coiled-coil domain containing 114
1.9905949 1.6737258 2.2391879 1.0133450 7.0738394 0.0055984 107289255 GINS complex subunit 4 (Sld5 homolog)
1.9896884 0.3077523 -0.5973522 -0.1272253 1.8716083 0.1892425 107285469 vacuolar protein sorting 37 homolog B (S. cerevisiae)
1.9882889 1.0267368 -5.5820741 4.6278212 26.6176838 0.0000157 107283056 epoxide hydrolase 4
1.9868071 1.8938383 0.9084412 1.9683589 1.2969659 0.3212838 107285764 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5
1.9864854 1.5868591 -0.5210143 2.9074737 8.0521702 0.0034732 107296355 F-box/WD repeat-containing protein 7
1.9859664 -0.2408838 1.2696636 2.9786745 3.9845672 0.0356467 107285459 EF-hand calcium-binding domain-containing protein 10-like
1.9859255 2.0883778 0.0076299 0.0562073 2.5774313 0.1033510 107293111 low density lipoprotein receptor adaptor protein 1
1.9857190 -0.2582089 -1.3632482 0.9634392 2.2662052 0.1341013 107286112 dynein axonemal heavy chain 14
1.9855616 -2.4248009 -1.3530799 1.9614266 5.9222266 0.0105150 107284398 chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4
1.9853254 1.8444053 1.5508299 1.9406524 2.3279006 0.1272540 107291168 v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog B
1.9832466 2.1211971 1.6202548 3.9664852 3.9757240 0.0358671 107283217 SRY-box 9
1.9831681 -0.2270846 0.4126125 0.0042513 1.1237194 0.3789661 107285857 neurexophilin 2
1.9831140 0.0330669 -2.1264385 -0.8739479 5.8842230 0.0106931 107295310 G protein-coupled receptor 17
1.9829368 1.8369669 1.1740737 2.4821020 7.8033592 0.0038865 107282256 MOB kinase activator 3A
1.9824604 2.8752666 -6.4570161 6.3475226 55.5847071 0.0000003 107290009 coiled-coil domain containing 141
1.9823098 -7.1317403 0.4362648 3.1179363 20.6980837 0.0000549 107286782 TBC1 domain family member 24-like
1.9804196 1.7312056 0.7399830 0.9106088 1.2278555 0.3430736 107286847 Fanconi anemia complementation group I
1.9803200 0.6732798 0.0339087 4.5332155 9.3504967 0.0019214 107282204 tubulin gamma complex associated protein 2
1.9802797 -0.2756958 -1.0347783 6.0524158 10.7747864 0.0010780 107287980 palladin cytoskeletal associated protein
1.9791464 -0.1104632 0.6624883 1.0310688 1.5417865 0.2554508 107292985 synuclein alpha interacting protein
1.9784014 0.9594422 -0.5640187 0.1934066 2.3849609 0.1212745 107286268 colony stimulating factor 1
1.9781189 1.2008987 -0.3493129 2.4706473 6.9041252 0.0061404 107285136 nuclear factor I/X (CCAAT-binding transcription factor)
1.9773830 0.6658327 1.0145935 2.4995810 1.7009807 0.2207182 107296705 ephrin-A1
1.9771935 2.6116667 1.3245825 2.9931272 9.1623809 0.0020958 107288786 activating signal cointegrator 1 complex subunit 2
1.9766546 1.0297888 -0.3358972 1.7020023 4.5596492 0.0241753 107290701 family with sequence similarity 117 member B
1.9746928 1.9780843 0.5548163 4.0612907 6.7964353 0.0065090 107301284 Rho GTPase activating protein 26
1.9743823 1.5308527 2.2570239 7.2885873 4.1131626 0.0326124 107285216 protein S100-A6-like
1.9731155 -0.7403447 2.0414049 2.6835031 9.5248522 0.0017929 107284329 carbonic anhydrase VIII
1.9725151 1.7998003 1.6396999 0.3462292 2.2195290 0.1395615 107282446 toll-like receptor 13
1.9722630 2.1499827 1.4493992 1.4681299 5.9332891 0.0104011 107303147 ring finger protein 219
1.9698014 1.7175197 1.0847821 3.2344080 6.3173144 0.0084259 107289778 RAB11A member RAS oncogene family
1.9693373 1.1699707 0.6092614 2.1470150 3.6708470 0.0445291 107286119 SH3 domain containing ring finger 1
1.9684358 1.6268900 1.1423928 4.5264042 3.0705385 0.0697489 107288012 platelet-activating factor receptor
1.9681704 2.3389534 0.5213900 0.3846817 2.1634243 0.1464628 107289664 unc-93 homolog A (C. elegans)
1.9647964 2.2165577 0.4638701 0.8017662 4.2648790 0.0293819 107290630 adaptor related protein complex 5 zeta 1 subunit
1.9646717 1.9796451 -0.3487863 -0.4381668 1.2147832 0.3473720 107298951 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 13
1.9642648 1.1341275 0.5417179 1.7617470 4.1478357 0.0317474 107285577 retinoblastoma-like 1
1.9640858 0.1647903 0.5949422 1.9427205 2.2903799 0.1313694 107294775 proline rich 5
1.9638563 -0.6139708 2.1044281 1.5612018 3.3652553 0.0557379 107284440 RAS and EF-hand domain containing
1.9634477 1.9524099 -0.0711480 0.2198746 2.1028814 0.1543494 107298334 DNA polymerase alpha catalytic subunit-like
1.9612696 -0.8594329 1.0426893 3.9011094 8.9514745 0.0022994 107288623 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C22orf23
1.9607273 1.8681592 1.1212674 2.6622785 10.0876569 0.0014054 107296756 protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit 4
1.9607128 2.1031825 1.6365604 3.6097808 6.3529511 0.0082625 107294752 protein argonaute-3
1.9605475 -0.2492095 -0.0202173 0.0811320 1.6305038 0.2353993 107294527 signal peptide CUB domain and EGF like domain containing 2
1.9601220 0.6924700 -0.3614317 1.8253776 3.4280663 0.0531896 107284849 centrosomal protein 95kDa
1.9572077 -1.6283597 1.2010103 0.8843287 5.1899408 0.0162171 107288584 NIMA related kinase 2
1.9569360 0.2269018 4.6420862 3.9417065 17.9361888 0.0001094 107285403 family with sequence similarity 83 member F
1.9555178 0.5455274 0.0562449 2.4081928 6.5743548 0.0072848 107287593 NIMA related kinase 7
1.9549296 1.9301440 0.2817418 5.6517234 7.6112439 0.0042982 107298524 C-type lectin domain family 2 member D-like
1.9541580 2.8111159 4.9552681 9.3143765 10.0605165 0.0014340 107284495 mesencephalic astrocyte derived neurotrophic factor
1.9541130 0.5022243 1.1816963 1.1686195 3.3255057 0.0572975 107297965 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 4
1.9533412 5.1439592 1.0144547 2.4115050 5.3199324 0.0149822 107298125 transferrin receptor
1.9523180 0.8893168 -0.0614118 0.6442997 2.0311799 0.1643205 107284873 centromere protein O
1.9521907 1.1017418 1.1834394 2.7643427 1.9728914 0.1729665 107296402 serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1-like
1.9519931 -1.8197280 3.9366254 3.2734413 6.9600257 0.0059747 107290357 DAZ interacting zinc finger protein 1
1.9513242 1.2351189 0.7774128 3.4460533 4.0837403 0.0332793 107290558 semaphorin 3D
1.9494234 0.0277964 0.8629047 4.6367693 3.9670199 0.0360856 107295781 phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein
1.9488439 1.0206241 -0.1116737 4.8639162 1.4094302 0.2889768 107294676 dual specificity phosphatase 1
1.9487755 1.7564346 1.0668318 4.2012307 7.7611161 0.0039944 107286378 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C14
1.9472235 -8.0139785 5.2327052 4.7838294 63.2269270 0.0000011 107290358 claudin 10
1.9469396 3.4926347 -4.4191873 3.4747437 18.9160788 0.0000848 107296166 aldehyde dehydrogenase family 3 member B1-like
1.9465807 1.9824188 1.5193339 -0.1472576 1.4726288 0.2723986 107294813 zinc finger CCCH-type and G-patch domain containing
1.9459772 1.9364392 2.0876725 3.1392308 0.3378168 0.7984006 107293940 polycomb complex protein BMI-1-like
1.9447628 2.1190745 -0.5843369 2.6610889 9.9022358 0.0015305 107286555 5’-aminolevulinate synthase 2
1.9442723 -0.2801681 -0.0967970 4.0205563 10.8595789 0.0010329 107284924 WD repeat domain 35
1.9441206 2.7102233 0.6031301 0.9682061 3.2851551 0.0591951 107292846 regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 2
1.9403387 1.6273796 1.3486870 3.4404528 4.8245673 0.0203756 107285143 coiled-coil domain containing 151
1.9400907 1.8916097 -0.1552365 2.4674709 7.0591027 0.0056760 107298943 ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-23-beta-galactosyl-13)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-26-sialyltransferase 4
1.9400592 0.3736058 3.1037138 3.0470737 2.8611041 0.0821938 107291104 anoctamin 9
1.9398789 1.4974873 1.3099499 1.7800773 3.1633856 0.0649368 107282624 ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 42-like
1.9394385 1.6895028 1.4979845 0.8192089 1.3753282 0.2983809 107286691 zinc finger GRF-type containing 1
1.9393873 1.9278960 -2.1247314 1.5322053 8.8560551 0.0023991 107293473 uncharacterized LOC107293473
1.9383477 1.7132423 0.9135689 1.2990988 5.1599417 0.0164497 107283518 acyl-CoA synthetase family member 3
1.9371998 -1.1330342 1.2378667 2.1940922 1.6356913 0.2342823 107299894 interleukin-1 receptor type 2-like
1.9362123 1.6683554 -0.6257301 -0.0847755 3.8717554 0.0385351 107297431 partitioning defective 6 homolog gamma-like
1.9350634 1.4364533 1.0285041 3.4576267 5.2879000 0.0152760 107300341 RAD50-interacting protein 1-like
1.9337858 -0.1927430 -0.4869620 7.9602747 5.2561271 0.0155741 107295417 influenza virus NS1A binding protein
1.9310660 1.1878895 0.4656802 3.7309967 3.1992090 0.0631834 107287497 LIM domain only 2
1.9304527 1.7243635 1.7464930 5.6229904 0.3161963 0.8134709 107298346 ADP-ribosylation factor 1
1.9302798 1.9455552 0.2013468 6.5355903 6.8835834 0.0062177 107301146 cysteine rich protein 1
1.9301187 1.6144371 0.3791911 1.2538318 4.1318367 0.0321099 107299064 phospholipase C beta 3
1.9292589 -1.4120215 0.9181296 2.3139885 5.0606596 0.0175642 107289244 phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 4-like
1.9287091 0.4952487 2.0672077 5.2842865 13.0244505 0.0004740 107288250 dynein light chain Tctex-type 1
1.9284637 1.7933698 2.1623939 -0.0741166 3.2555129 0.0604745 107283934 zwilch kinetochore protein
1.9277000 2.5160450 1.4643291 1.4018668 3.0881101 0.0688074 107288863 leucine rich repeat containing 45
1.9257603 2.6661933 0.0425150 -0.2151726 2.3622006 0.1236203 107294783 ubiquitin-associated protein 2-like
1.9257237 1.0844716 0.3904142 3.8669783 1.1263467 0.3780128 107293664 HRAS-like suppressor 3
1.9256190 2.4309231 2.0342263 4.3585991 11.9450855 0.0006944 107299182 valosin containing protein
1.9251071 0.4968885 0.4331144 3.2038084 5.2725618 0.0153825 107284302 nudix hydrolase 15
1.9247546 0.9658724 -0.1487277 2.5620558 3.6563536 0.0449978 107295376 centriolin
1.9246031 -0.8053639 -1.5588274 2.9290600 1.4500886 0.2781880 107285751 solute carrier family 26 member 7
1.9238573 0.8741745 1.2929164 3.5789478 9.9725950 0.0014735 107291302 NIPA like domain containing 3
1.9236892 1.4908463 1.6253137 2.1912297 4.6401038 0.0229404 107298452 serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 4-like
1.9236102 1.1881181 -1.0402333 2.0762259 7.2598507 0.0051226 107295458 multimerin 2
1.9224377 1.3091342 0.6037794 0.7590909 1.3993040 0.2917348 107300649 centromere protein H
1.9221260 1.0775502 -0.5863917 2.1053442 2.8380903 0.0837112 107299171 serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 55 kDa regulatory subunit B gamma isoform-like
1.9209315 0.5893110 0.4225543 1.2947072 2.2541145 0.1354920 107303240 discs large homolog 3
1.9189406 1.8274512 2.0947443 0.8203803 2.4254839 0.1172228 107296403 serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1-like
1.9182008 2.5471533 1.0039111 0.5332042 5.7536061 0.0115311 107290880 coenzyme Q10A
1.9160750 1.4796586 -0.3331073 1.1338955 6.2591371 0.0086545 107296248 family with sequence similarity 73 member B
1.9159188 1.4375181 2.2551984 0.1896021 1.4408276 0.2806058 107293300 uncharacterized LOC107293300
1.9157060 4.8425405 0.8097386 -0.0373522 7.2674113 0.0051030 107300022 solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 4A1
1.9145603 1.0837941 1.0996784 3.7397556 9.0488996 0.0021848 107295639 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog
1.9144433 1.3159845 -0.6064287 2.8918034 9.3945237 0.0018942 107284987 laminin subunit gamma 1
1.9138368 0.4026254 -2.9120822 2.4376113 7.0813342 0.0056114 107296420 TRAF2 and NCK interacting kinase
1.9119256 0.1982988 -1.0114511 0.7966734 5.1189958 0.0168767 107299433 protocadherin beta-16-like
1.9117682 2.6552534 1.9049285 5.2704100 21.2027058 0.0000481 107291089 fatty acyl-CoA reductase 1
1.9116628 0.8756979 0.1194216 0.5827237 0.6309742 0.6092189 107301187 UPF0769 protein C21orf59 homolog
1.9113229 -1.6856592 0.0372096 7.4250953 23.1060646 0.0000314 107287477 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 1
1.9104702 1.6131084 0.2080251 6.4571226 7.9567054 0.0036349 107292594 nudE neurodevelopment protein 1 like 1
1.9094439 1.2521949 -3.8139478 2.6142210 20.0121256 0.0000647 107285367 p21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 7
1.9092460 0.8629683 -0.8147581 0.8726227 3.3982137 0.0543836 107291676 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
1.9083755 0.5170404 1.0975593 -0.3697376 0.2368349 0.8689479 107296267 membrane-associated tyrosine- and threonine-specific cdc2-inhibitory kinase-like
1.9081005 0.8488069 -1.0529012 6.0812604 8.6931038 0.0025812 107287419 EH domain containing 4
1.9078950 1.9002923 -0.8609019 0.1600913 3.7380413 0.0424286 107295337 WD repeat domain 90
1.9078046 1.3650291 0.4002940 1.8940104 4.3212749 0.0282451 107282412 fuzzy planar cell polarity protein
1.9062350 1.4356674 0.8595296 2.2077082 3.2861016 0.0591529 107301421 leucine–tRNA ligase cytoplasmic-like
1.9039796 -0.8476793 -1.1769516 0.2493940 3.7405523 0.0423428 107285734 G-protein coupled receptor 124-like
1.9038057 0.8066541 -2.1238943 1.7447121 14.9859859 0.0002519 107285667 latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 4
1.9037585 3.4967915 2.8744910 5.3132987 8.3951761 0.0029576 107285125 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily a member 4
1.9031163 0.9105063 0.5680294 1.8889656 2.3774917 0.1220387 107293765 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C16orf70
1.9023597 0.4471902 0.0337409 5.2975314 4.9803750 0.0184664 107297042 integrin subunit alpha V
1.9016825 -1.0953317 2.1484306 5.7409640 21.3721202 0.0000469 107288603 pleckstrin homology domain containing A1
1.8985214 1.4613521 0.7447111 -0.3088728 1.5272379 0.2589167 107293821 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 4
1.8981620 2.0773470 2.2537595 5.3821479 23.2465529 0.0000304 107293127 N-acetylneuraminate synthase
1.8973725 2.2232901 1.4830666 1.6832431 5.2405429 0.0157228 107302886 guanine nucleotide binding protein-like 1
1.8971897 2.3741577 2.5038006 2.7197323 11.9991700 0.0006777 107287124 uncharacterized LOC107287124
1.8970757 2.3087688 -2.6890025 0.7516078 6.5364064 0.0074775 107283575 cadherin 20
1.8969774 -0.4067027 -0.8134917 -0.2833079 0.7682025 0.5339885 107301956 DLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain-like
1.8968319 1.2147356 -0.4052687 4.2588864 5.7359918 0.0117059 107293617 cartilage associated protein
1.8966598 -0.7640097 -1.0214707 4.3162092 9.7994064 0.0015973 107288969 histone deacetylase 7
1.8963294 2.8219616 3.0820524 2.3379506 9.2499898 0.0020174 107293162 NAD(P) dependent steroid dehydrogenase-like
1.8956605 1.3784591 0.7772847 3.0033027 3.3517895 0.0563025 107290048 cytohesin 1
1.8952524 1.8625822 0.7684108 3.0882005 2.8855204 0.0806185 107292088 eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase
1.8947415 1.2341352 -0.6616833 1.0658801 2.8924158 0.0801799 107299234 charged multivesicular body protein 7
1.8945227 1.9895378 1.9087964 2.6241625 4.0339863 0.0344434 107293778 membrane bound transcription factor peptidase site 1
1.8944855 3.2743935 3.5722574 6.1926701 2.3996403 0.1197886 107298157 nucleobindin-2-like
1.8932074 -0.9299408 3.1286040 2.4439576 10.4294138 0.0012354 107301728 CD9 antigen-like
1.8926845 0.5134096 -1.5742670 2.2424639 6.0564560 0.0097439 107297546 ras GTPase-activating protein 4-like
1.8922724 0.9360437 0.9156855 1.9664818 4.0160067 0.0347723 107298701 tubulin delta 1
1.8918571 -0.2288202 0.6107637 4.3599872 5.3991353 0.0142836 107282701 structure-specific endonuclease subunit slx1-like
1.8913552 1.2722723 -0.0105375 1.9403012 4.4775439 0.0254898 107298432 focal adhesion kinase 1-like
1.8909673 1.4416220 -7.2871048 6.9498023 55.0077539 0.0000003 107283628 nebulette-like
1.8908537 0.6063463 0.0718064 4.1659027 10.3913511 0.0012427 107289919 kinesin heavy chain member 2A
1.8908216 1.2836534 1.0280558 2.8160382 3.0506751 0.0708310 107286731 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SMYD3-like
1.8902947 2.6057187 2.8067776 -0.1486467 4.0908287 0.0331172 107300168 TBC1 domain family member 1-like
1.8900094 2.5516967 3.7655486 6.3318912 12.0441797 0.0006700 107302498 solute carrier family 30 member 7
1.8898534 -1.4344809 0.8163313 5.6537265 6.9834367 0.0059025 107303318 activin A receptor type IIB
1.8881879 -3.8128177 5.7021176 1.2944808 31.6966062 0.0000239 107285380 PDZ domain containing 3
1.8881176 3.5670846 1.0348466 2.8468675 4.5525318 0.0242882 107290165 G protein-coupled receptor 1
1.8866507 -2.7623064 1.9685732 2.5011235 11.4260481 0.0008406 107288333 cat eye syndrome chromosome region candidate 1
1.8861373 0.5564223 1.4907392 3.6645530 2.9055161 0.0793542 107284077 Golgi apparatus protein 1-like
1.8851598 2.5987187 -2.1593213 0.3372598 7.5335225 0.0044663 107288727 calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit alpha2delta 2
1.8833942 1.5473589 0.9876740 2.5722718 4.6401287 0.0229400 107300541 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase mitochondrial-like
1.8827864 0.7294350 2.4686667 4.9460902 6.6641059 0.0069823 107290204 calmin (calponin-like transmembrane)
1.8826660 0.3879074 -1.0463191 5.0620075 12.4389755 0.0005822 107289231 THUMP domain containing 2
1.8817737 2.2189187 4.5319862 4.5042436 8.0448033 0.0034854 107295033 epithelial splicing regulatory protein 2
1.8805452 1.4765071 0.9397868 1.4415799 3.5549903 0.0483471 107298249 Ski2 like RNA helicase
1.8798413 1.4627678 1.2822181 4.6453603 5.9048082 0.0106202 107299467 peflin-like
1.8775622 1.6128749 0.2093688 0.9726619 3.1153808 0.0673752 107292195 ATPase family AAA domain-containing protein 5-like
1.8774466 0.3109514 -4.2539706 1.6744351 26.3839216 0.0000164 107294386 podocalyxin like
1.8769066 3.5236618 4.1766937 1.7137340 1.7372418 0.2135658 107297840 pantetheinase-like
1.8763874 3.0924220 3.3665295 4.9809916 8.2729364 0.0031304 107302894 hes related family bHLH transcription factor with YRPW motif 1
1.8749077 0.4024687 1.0348078 6.0760748 7.3749989 0.0048243 107284215 emerin
1.8746696 1.6898025 1.6410461 4.0253451 17.6742848 0.0001155 107284170 HECT domain and ankyrin repeat containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
1.8722527 1.2393917 1.9441443 5.2047567 5.9854987 0.0101430 107287353 glycosyltransferase 8 domain containing 1
1.8712232 1.2478255 1.9756536 3.3711012 6.0827982 0.0096004 107290335 UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase
1.8705038 1.3916710 -1.4922373 -0.7185057 4.1936379 0.0308660 107282608 sterile alpha motif domain containing 14
1.8670221 0.1634950 -0.1278876 3.5502921 3.0026707 0.0735272 107283647 sarcoglycan epsilon
1.8663780 1.7816253 2.2172117 5.0497446 6.4952147 0.0076459 107288527 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 5
1.8658765 1.1377250 0.8069879 2.4760282 3.6147955 0.0463738 107291737 PMS1 homolog 2 mismatch repair system component
1.8651352 2.0431604 1.0692113 2.1079350 3.2443291 0.0610522 107285283 GATA zinc finger domain containing 2A
1.8647812 1.4942670 0.2847438 3.9137011 4.3879493 0.0270787 107283953 Kruppel-like factor 6
1.8641811 -0.7914990 0.4332928 3.8389751 11.5426460 0.0008005 107293555 corticotropin releasing hormone binding protein
1.8629802 -1.1334595 -0.2722149 6.6847337 6.2628863 0.0086828 107290423 CD44 molecule (Indian blood group)
1.8627229 3.9003050 1.1646638 2.6933670 5.7409186 0.0116724 107293391 lysyl oxidase like 1
1.8621269 1.5567861 1.8771978 7.0331823 7.9590924 0.0036307 107300483 RAB1A member RAS oncogene family
1.8621254 0.4731453 -0.8863740 0.2966577 2.0716448 0.1586063 107297633 zinc finger protein 532
1.8613723 1.5916839 0.7165780 0.5015851 1.2365769 0.3402378 107302014 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
1.8584989 0.8489630 -3.4454975 3.8703274 31.8627772 0.0000062 107286075 calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit beta 4
1.8576634 0.1515399 -1.8978898 1.2033782 4.2731459 0.0292464 107296055 SET binding protein 1
1.8567772 2.6817503 0.6327077 1.9002097 5.9024311 0.0106346 107295717 integrin beta-5-like
1.8563556 1.2281948 0.2205630 2.5285797 3.3844554 0.0549443 107282507 rabaptin RAB GTPase binding effector protein 2
1.8551118 0.8898474 0.4469877 5.4359858 4.5639425 0.0241075 107282981 neural precursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated 9
1.8545761 1.5384824 3.4835111 3.1892250 7.7235595 0.0040681 107283218 zinc transporter ZIP11-like
1.8542391 -0.3377248 -1.3824373 0.6434166 6.8722002 0.0062177 107289876 lipoma HMGIC fusion partner
1.8531815 2.1338508 1.3349069 -0.0670094 2.0935541 0.1556068 107291013 ephrin type-A receptor 3
1.8530412 13.5471470 13.5471470 5.4249073 35.1084599 0.0000722 107300722 uncharacterized LOC107300722
1.8528581 1.4398583 -0.5484484 2.8579994 4.5718439 0.0239833 107288361 uncharacterized LOC107288361
1.8528275 -0.5323870 1.1838799 9.1822977 4.4754542 0.0255513 107299985 calponin 3
1.8513716 1.3398921 -1.1761146 0.3072090 8.2587452 0.0031282 107289306 sorting nexin 19
1.8498662 2.1344707 1.3135392 1.0265278 2.0290700 0.1646248 107296901 uncharacterized LOC107296901
1.8491282 -0.3949298 -0.2229657 -0.1812388 2.7888061 0.0869228 107292510 rhotekin
1.8486064 1.0739378 0.0988884 2.9143729 3.3961030 0.0544692 107288672 adaptor related protein complex 4 epsilon 1 subunit
1.8482080 0.0241200 0.6909679 2.3163118 1.8139703 0.1992727 107282756 glycoprotein nmb
1.8428390 0.2982258 -1.4546432 1.0758199 6.2777035 0.0086120 107290175 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L1
1.8426130 1.7231643 0.2626538 -0.0879856 0.6224085 0.6142165 107293124 5’-nucleotidase domain-containing protein 3-like
1.8417667 2.1123664 0.8754488 1.5778847 5.1218306 0.0168626 107295451 golgin A3
1.8407513 2.3724227 2.4314314 4.0907543 1.0797198 0.3953151 107294139 serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 2-like
1.8406399 1.7490320 0.6562776 1.8052111 7.8546324 0.0037912 107296159 ribonuclease P/MRP 21kDa subunit
1.8399657 2.3821532 0.4980011 2.0554574 3.3738922 0.0553793 107292711 solute carrier family 12 member 6
1.8390796 1.8879698 1.3869847 5.3513103 7.7606475 0.0039953 107302348 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4H
1.8372036 -0.9006428 0.9101310 1.6466259 4.2015718 0.0306998 107295409 trimethyllysine hydroxylase epsilon
1.8371700 0.1331767 1.2408056 3.6391713 7.4604343 0.0046147 107299813 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 16A-like
1.8350519 0.3634643 -0.4114625 8.6419361 5.6279989 0.0124568 107283328 vimentin
1.8338064 2.2664301 0.1769411 3.4857848 5.5214617 0.0132776 107287809 family with sequence similarity 49 member A
1.8310806 1.4695681 0.8802163 4.3922176 11.7670987 0.0007332 107290006 FK506 binding protein 7
1.8309698 2.7007906 -0.8008762 -0.4122332 4.3481566 0.0278082 107299116 coiled-coil serine rich protein 2
1.8306715 0.7040182 -0.1883246 2.2061020 4.4076458 0.0266990 107292145 AT-rich interaction domain 1B
1.8289721 1.1043616 -1.4561850 1.2384607 5.2435050 0.0156944 107282949 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
1.8268707 2.0672216 0.0905028 3.5604735 6.7510533 0.0066670 107283704 four and a half LIM domains 3
1.8244775 2.1599466 1.9791357 5.6669732 5.4832251 0.0135829 107286360 collagenase 3-like
1.8238740 1.1633260 -2.3047074 4.5828621 20.6016740 0.0000561 107291995 dihydropyrimidinase like 3
1.8231288 1.3999237 2.0617477 5.6157984 3.8792281 0.0383781 107296913 derlin 2
1.8229727 1.8539355 1.0875519 4.9520742 8.5737140 0.0027249 107298255 DEAD-box helicase 39B
1.8225742 2.8651801 3.7864173 0.3528699 3.3810665 0.0550834 107302027 bifunctional UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase-like
1.8224840 1.4918061 -0.6180593 0.3618212 1.7891182 0.2037810 107300113 transmembrane protein 209
1.8224814 0.2647412 2.0938896 2.7778102 7.6531565 0.0042082 107292212 rhophilin associated tail protein 1-like
1.8220041 0.3901450 0.6900343 0.6640617 1.7839170 0.2046920 107297353 transmembrane protein 246
1.8219676 1.4445526 -0.7638307 2.6362275 1.5119931 0.2626045 107290340 structural maintenance of chromosomes 2
1.8204447 0.3700589 -0.5737356 4.6137510 10.8476774 0.0010448 107294754 family with sequence similarity 102 member B
1.8203862 1.4615517 -0.3844830 1.0690083 4.1213199 0.0324302 107296722 zinc finger protein 665-like
1.8193827 1.3855890 1.9940938 5.8550905 7.5769818 0.0043714 107283657 core 1 synthase glycoprotein-N-acetylgalactosamine 3-beta-galactosyltransferase 1
1.8192390 1.0917791 0.2430487 0.6396564 2.9314762 0.0776038 107288712 cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1
1.8181035 0.3868700 1.0135325 3.4066726 4.1471771 0.0318606 107294158 neogenin 1
1.8180791 0.2493886 0.3234221 0.5538716 0.5035491 0.6871319 107296895 uncharacterized LOC107296895
1.8180052 1.1112420 2.0202106 7.0616712 0.8526219 0.4921702 107288686 transforming protein RhoA
1.8180046 0.8214551 -1.3992856 3.0035634 5.8263421 0.0111095 107287006 MORN repeat containing 3
1.8159523 3.0597230 -0.0053928 -0.4735981 3.0029846 0.0735092 107289392 synovial sarcoma translocation gene on chromosome 18-like 1
1.8156993 1.9312908 1.6121505 6.1408754 5.0438889 0.0177484 107291873 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 1
1.8156464 0.2667913 -2.4661979 0.9072331 3.3320642 0.0571414 107285429 cadherin-related 23
1.8150703 2.1712962 -1.7543018 0.0431801 7.6761329 0.0041635 107291458 MAP7 domain containing 1
1.8149324 1.9580067 0.6582331 0.4951138 2.9909066 0.0741640 107291392 mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
1.8144935 0.8107092 3.0682509 4.2639053 4.0109106 0.0349993 107296008 MAP7 domain containing 2
1.8143543 0.0264750 -0.7775423 6.7057489 1.2884465 0.3238870 107290361 cadherin 2
1.8137934 2.5656451 0.2134744 -0.3251248 1.4518067 0.2777420 107287916 UPF3 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog A (yeast)
1.8132737 0.8646474 1.2068048 -0.1821188 2.5263073 0.1076418 107288707 proline rich Gla (G-carboxyglutamic acid) 1
1.8125915 1.0012202 0.4868036 1.3924251 0.5438048 0.6617071 107294523 G2 and S-phase expressed 1
1.8120916 -1.4114349 -0.9502621 -0.0188210 2.4612112 0.1137787 107296177 notum pectinacetylesterase homolog (Drosophila)
1.8105626 0.0713591 0.4554272 0.5676437 3.5456028 0.0486539 107291887 dynein (axonemal) assembly factor 5
1.8098841 0.8100928 5.2073675 4.6539685 8.1989783 0.0032406 107288741 mal T-cell differentiation protein 2
1.8097631 0.3981062 0.2035260 3.1462466 2.9442315 0.0769706 107290975 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 10
1.8095683 2.0152707 -0.5272289 1.2608824 2.7071034 0.0929868 107286765 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein
1.8095556 1.3197066 2.6108128 5.0965172 10.8076510 0.0010643 107292471 trans-23-enoyl-CoA reductase
1.8085601 1.1544025 1.0579594 4.1959418 7.5805406 0.0043382 107283633 proliferating cell nuclear antigen
1.8069147 0.5007965 -0.7860870 0.3817190 2.5824280 0.1029278 107302553 zinc finger protein 618
1.8059432 2.4730131 -0.5781662 2.9311522 14.1452798 0.0003287 107291851 sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 3
1.8050753 2.7212244 0.0814443 3.4804401 6.4111945 0.0080033 107297876 hemoglobin subunit beta-2
1.8032719 0.9228400 -0.2278613 0.1397422 3.1632283 0.0648100 107290688 uncharacterized LOC107290688
1.8029072 2.0930982 0.0130575 1.7528974 3.9735243 0.0359222 107287480 CDC42 effector protein 3
1.8019045 2.3654635 0.2158286 -0.1632937 1.6975844 0.2214018 107291106 interferon-induced transmembrane protein 5-like
1.8001794 0.3888553 -0.5982327 2.0492995 2.9984622 0.0737692 107288970 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 3
1.8000227 -2.6253943 0.5345293 1.0188559 14.0345632 0.0003394 107296815 single-minded family bHLH transcription factor 2
1.7993099 1.7784046 -0.3503474 1.4169935 2.7222052 0.0918592 107297433 uncharacterized LOC107297433
1.7989163 1.5599040 -4.0936855 0.9404577 12.7080906 0.0005301 107285531 kinesin-like protein KIF1A
1.7987825 2.0560284 -8.7373101 6.2665977 45.8321775 0.0000009 107285572 myosin heavy chain 7B cardiac muscle beta
1.7986156 1.9983155 0.4133594 -0.0511950 3.5522687 0.0484167 107293899 ankyrin repeat domain 40
1.7984563 1.2192166 1.5956891 5.5134955 7.7693577 0.0039785 107285586 prominin-1-A-like
1.7976280 2.2644666 2.0205513 2.6163761 16.1226163 0.0001780 107297664 uncharacterized LOC107297664
1.7972016 1.4647513 0.9314218 2.6749095 3.6878206 0.0439873 107288155 carbohydrate sulfotransferase 10
1.7968412 1.6756194 0.0870990 -0.4133720 1.9342122 0.1789879 107285447 zinc finger protein 300-like
1.7954131 3.3432874 7.8097410 0.1173351 8.4711138 0.0045069 107297627 uncharacterized LOC107297627
1.7948875 2.9453705 -2.3977358 3.5795984 45.4069175 0.0000010 107295139 spectrin beta erythrocytic
1.7947323 1.0049977 2.4321181 2.2131819 4.2477011 0.0297538 107298823 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf16
1.7941252 1.7045183 -0.1730645 0.7710903 5.2388327 0.0156722 107289031 vestigial like family member 3
1.7922637 -0.2527176 0.2442400 2.1462304 3.1664611 0.0647841 107284775 intraflagellar transport 46
1.7921331 0.3866955 1.8748486 6.4571310 3.3986242 0.0543670 107302859 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase 1
1.7909135 1.1910414 1.6257460 1.2867872 2.8716272 0.0815106 107288570 tropomodulin-3-like
1.7899411 1.6559703 1.4477716 3.8965856 10.1340122 0.0013790 107286445 uridine-cytidine kinase-like 1
1.7894245 1.1245195 0.9501033 2.3107666 1.4976053 0.2661384 107285544 fibroblast activation protein alpha
1.7872442 0.3222969 0.3154299 -0.1051239 1.7798534 0.2053331 107293028 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 26
1.7871179 1.1216943 -0.1582052 4.1069324 10.8598319 0.0010328 107296138 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 21
1.7865959 0.7816002 -0.2894491 2.0883662 2.9945556 0.0739946 107289964 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4
1.7851175 1.5880591 1.0497216 5.5470035 6.4239779 0.0079477 107291468 angio associated migratory cell protein
1.7849096 1.3731338 0.2505474 2.2853892 4.2617595 0.0294641 107288327 DNA primase large subunit-like
1.7843005 1.6422293 1.1285234 5.8758407 9.3109507 0.0019566 107290488 zinc finger protein 410
1.7840306 1.8628383 1.1733481 4.5404158 9.0408803 0.0022104 107282985 glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 2 I-branching enzyme (I blood group)
1.7826498 1.2253379 3.3591303 0.9937543 2.4847898 0.1115692 107300698 zinc transporter 4-like
1.7820498 2.0779497 3.8119406 1.2981677 6.4765540 0.0077237 107283220 uncharacterized LOC107283220
1.7812234 1.1762892 1.2337337 1.5872419 3.2707102 0.0597566 107289336 actin-binding Rho-activating protein-like
1.7802648 0.0839713 -0.2982064 3.2545555 9.5010395 0.0017958 107285784 dedicator of cytokinesis 4
1.7797578 1.9147780 2.1645578 3.7376694 2.8357503 0.0838673 107293095 ER membrane protein complex subunit 9
1.7796653 0.8258891 1.5942477 0.2737030 2.8080226 0.0855955 107282797 BRI3 binding protein
1.7788865 1.6965359 -0.7495833 6.3090786 13.6658708 0.0003840 107284830 glycogenin 1
1.7787762 0.0779016 -1.1923874 5.3329728 11.2990126 0.0008817 107288067 uncharacterized LOC107288067
1.7786475 0.9213982 0.3850031 -0.4204164 1.5590950 0.2512451 107292693 protein KHNYN-like
1.7784533 0.7558228 1.2828008 4.5338287 8.5799420 0.0026965 107286865 vesicle (multivesicular body) trafficking 1
1.7777354 -0.6240253 -1.2223521 4.5780256 12.8145134 0.0005110 107286347 jumonji and AT-rich interaction domain containing 2
1.7754587 2.4812608 1.5261271 2.9237252 3.2529965 0.0606524 107285695 intercellular adhesion molecule 3-like
1.7750802 2.1760127 -1.2715811 2.4350788 15.1532733 0.0002404 107286963 CAP-Gly domain containing linker protein 1
1.7748111 3.7602007 -0.1780472 3.2712277 9.5748201 0.0017553 107282225 excitatory amino acid transporter 1-like
1.7743490 -1.0015397 -5.1117716 3.3060043 37.6583950 0.0000026 107282516 myocardin
1.7733177 -0.9554547 -1.5841740 2.9000826 5.4188678 0.0141154 107282494 TEA domain transcription factor 2
1.7732657 1.0621584 -0.6620979 0.9279363 1.3921465 0.2937017 107285497 acylphosphatase 2
1.7729129 0.6462843 1.0404037 1.0265092 0.9772336 0.4363346 107285782 calsyntenin 3
1.7716953 -0.9009830 1.5333331 0.7523044 4.8471626 0.0200850 107291784 TBC1 domain family member 30
1.7709208 0.9154692 0.1721459 -0.3746360 2.5114329 0.1089759 107301826 uncharacterized protein C5orf42 homolog
1.7706754 0.9322496 0.0788907 3.9383250 9.4723621 0.0018180 107292722 LDL receptor related protein 12
1.7703889 2.0229825 1.4897678 2.5823951 10.3874728 0.0012446 107288016 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 8
1.7702627 -0.5653135 -0.2360000 3.2255887 6.9921586 0.0058728 107290962 TBC1 domain family member 32
1.7701764 1.6932949 1.0482304 4.2458956 6.5921280 0.0072566 107295332 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) alpha 11 (Gq class)
1.7695261 0.3689240 0.3447605 3.2471128 2.5383644 0.1067290 107282201 uncharacterized LOC107282201
1.7673534 2.4686475 0.7870215 4.0676720 2.7586883 0.0891995 107295154 ATPase family AAA domain containing 2
1.7661997 1.8641861 1.1828681 3.9748938 3.5514715 0.0485652 107283264 lamin B1
1.7657936 0.5107643 -2.1876559 0.0378428 5.1353862 0.0167703 107299774 TELO2 interacting protein 1
1.7656289 -1.0235908 1.5717682 3.4148221 5.4891371 0.0135352 107296058 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 4A
1.7653471 2.1037194 -1.8149360 2.2866732 17.2361446 0.0001321 107286507 sacsin molecular chaperone
1.7648290 2.3230838 0.4168729 0.1754865 2.6784079 0.0951734 107299819 PDGFA associated protein 1
1.7647703 1.0066160 -1.0987703 4.9203334 17.3737265 0.0001272 107284186 microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase family member 4
1.7644753 1.9847337 1.0179686 3.0629848 3.7703158 0.0414607 107299794 solute carrier family 35 member D1
1.7638048 1.1342199 0.1997913 1.0412592 1.6993701 0.2210421 107302238 Fanconi anemia complementation group L
1.7630564 0.7650633 0.3151396 4.1569085 3.4452802 0.0525149 107301733 platelet derived growth factor receptor like
1.7623954 1.6710449 0.7186733 6.0136352 4.9817392 0.0184506 107288684 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 4-like
1.7622211 0.6361380 -1.1879994 1.2623195 3.0381311 0.0715244 107293798 MKL/myocardin-like 2
1.7616910 -0.3083704 1.0803474 6.7325467 5.9177415 0.0105420 107292392 calmodulin 1 (phosphorylase kinase delta)
1.7609541 0.4895468 1.0044210 2.4139741 2.6225143 0.0996042 107286035 immunoglobulin superfamily member 10
1.7607138 0.6714147 1.2120257 1.5868505 1.0298664 0.4147412 107289287 spermatogenesis-associated protein 7-like
1.7604794 -0.2678943 2.0672804 0.4387685 2.1932321 0.1427490 107283591 leucine rich adaptor protein 1
1.7602206 -5.9741678 4.0801256 3.8356675 21.7442871 0.0000431 107283843 tetraspanin 8
1.7600865 1.4405324 -1.6915939 4.8880768 13.8012236 0.0003674 107282893 homeobox protein Meis2-like
1.7597931 1.4091455 1.7296228 3.6527802 5.9551195 0.0103196 107297881 chibby homolog 1 (Drosophila)
1.7592292 0.9218699 -0.8782122 0.6400296 3.3904381 0.0546996 107302181 zinc finger protein 436-like
1.7591934 1.5323005 -0.3999533 1.5353795 2.3165059 0.1284881 107292970 DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 2
1.7556108 1.3237135 1.1422622 0.7134352 0.3447602 0.7935768 107299017 protein TEX261
1.7555812 -0.1517604 2.2391737 2.7784778 4.7397659 0.0215109 107293699 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type Z1
1.7553822 1.6201879 -4.4022444 3.8232268 58.1274579 0.0000002 107288922 Ras-related associated with diabetes
1.7552994 2.2295462 -1.7283979 0.2477680 6.5918579 0.0072576 107296814 kinesin family member 26A
1.7538834 0.7194692 0.0327410 1.1986368 1.0285458 0.4152692 107300956 integrin alpha-V-like
1.7537544 1.6557327 0.8425192 5.2703911 5.7268102 0.0117685 107296374 leucine-zipper-like transcriptional regulator 1
1.7535163 0.2547830 0.3440570 4.4655834 3.4113881 0.0538529 107285231 polymerase (RNA) II subunit K
1.7533347 1.5625732 0.3048901 0.9926887 3.2425957 0.0610536 107300621 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 6-like
1.7531294 1.4997174 2.4624284 4.7614693 8.3093841 0.0030777 107297748 stromal interaction molecule 2
1.7529381 -0.5397562 2.0291515 -0.0431677 3.4877195 0.0508934 107292021 ras-related and estrogen-regulated growth inhibitor-like
1.7528536 -1.4488812 0.4174456 1.6511782 7.2604374 0.0051210 107288137 platelet derived growth factor subunit B
1.7527691 0.3110816 -0.5273617 1.6197517 4.1076862 0.0326800 107289333 tight junction associated protein 1 (peripheral)
1.7520764 0.9828976 0.1037717 1.6391940 2.2540182 0.1355031 107293257 RasGEF domain family member 1A
1.7514619 1.5440398 0.6088455 0.0760518 2.5278957 0.1075005 107301963 zinc finger protein 160-like
1.7506655 0.9871894 0.4574032 1.3887034 1.2401703 0.3390767 107298896 centromere-associated protein E-like
1.7505713 3.2014586 1.5268912 1.2051990 5.2473382 0.0156578 107296905 MACRO domain containing 1
1.7497653 1.6414934 1.8078003 3.0954379 6.1000662 0.0095076 107297140 cystinosin lysosomal cystine transporter
1.7491345 3.0867486 1.0468002 0.3802125 8.2448969 0.0031485 107297095 Rab geranylgeranyltransferase alpha subunit
1.7484269 1.5999967 0.7119756 2.3707897 3.0234779 0.0723443 107295373 small ArfGAP2
1.7467887 0.7357137 -0.4548057 2.0636464 3.1692392 0.0646465 107298478 transmembrane protein 159
1.7438555 1.2920958 -0.0707492 1.7369252 4.5160553 0.0248004 107287691 centrosomal protein 152kDa
1.7423051 0.6575016 0.2688615 6.3208800 5.6676417 0.0121819 107290160 serpin peptidase inhibitor clade E (nexin plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1) member 2
1.7417130 -0.5021695 2.4878494 5.0969454 1.2598815 0.3327835 107283197 olfactomedin 4
1.7413966 0.3281076 -0.2921630 1.7380141 4.1576382 0.0315350 107284806 centrosomal protein of 164 kDa-like
1.7404538 1.5692091 -0.2647724 5.5842996 5.9244501 0.0105016 107298993 atypical chemokine receptor 3
1.7400369 0.6662980 0.3245332 0.7318292 0.8129006 0.5114323 107299734 DENN domain containing 3
1.7397964 0.8876995 -0.2189734 -0.3031073 0.5610770 0.6510231 107299511 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2C
1.7388626 0.7124581 -0.6679582 2.3338219 9.3727137 0.0018974 107293113 RH-like protein
1.7375972 -0.3253502 -1.8631541 0.8056399 4.8650576 0.0198582 107284209 RNA-binding protein Musashi homolog 2-like
1.7374310 2.6571429 2.1994813 5.8954420 4.0356285 0.0344042 107284424 transmembrane protein 2
1.7357515 -0.4012393 4.2245766 1.5073765 4.3903249 0.0270359 107285816 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta 5–>4-isomerase-like
1.7350457 3.2359571 2.8733362 3.4712246 4.4952849 0.0252192 107302404 angiotensin I converting enzyme
1.7349511 0.0376399 -1.0937250 0.3812529 3.2819597 0.0593356 107289775 REC114 meiotic recombination protein
1.7346047 2.8095073 0.5346656 0.9092768 1.6302883 0.2354459 107287718 NADPH oxidase organizer 1
1.7334069 2.0624933 2.6444215 5.2394461 4.4288690 0.0263516 107283055 thioredoxin domain containing 12 (endoplasmic reticulum)
1.7330214 2.3907314 1.9170668 3.6636281 15.5039130 0.0002135 107288399 threonyl-tRNA synthetase
1.7297641 1.1392497 2.7181746 2.0954777 3.4859930 0.0509582 107300915 PQ-loop repeat-containing protein 3-like
1.7294408 0.5382991 0.6080247 6.0123360 2.8222982 0.0847711 107292952 serine palmitoyltransferase small subunit A
1.7284810 -3.6691800 0.1567057 5.2309381 10.6868740 0.0011157 107285091 helicase lymphoid-specific
1.7284020 1.3043290 -0.5056555 0.1195662 3.6262962 0.0458708 107295721 sec1 family domain containing 2
1.7277413 1.6018132 1.6544140 1.2043864 3.9112413 0.0374291 107288502 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C5orf28
1.7264764 0.0747123 -0.5014380 3.9492326 7.8442747 0.0038288 107291207 inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase B
1.7264432 1.9373335 0.7322766 0.4251240 3.1807788 0.0639488 107288774 tripartite motif containing 32
1.7262567 -0.0898897 0.2986840 4.2136407 2.0483531 0.1618674 107292918 cathepsin K
1.7259771 2.4099839 4.1197421 2.8343997 12.8729366 0.0005008 107295747 F-box protein 16
1.7259671 0.1463274 -0.8683132 0.9891109 4.8313385 0.0202103 107289277 shisa family member 4
1.7254097 1.9037925 0.0685002 5.5707007 9.8191709 0.0015842 107295756 zinc finger protein 106
1.7250280 0.9644258 1.4251743 3.6778170 4.6361440 0.0229994 107286459 ATP/GTP binding protein-like 5
1.7242397 0.5912173 -0.5996378 0.6603210 2.6067854 0.1008934 107287507 zinc finger protein 721-like
1.7232916 0.9770401 -0.3408675 0.7269576 2.0046465 0.1681940 107300361 uncharacterized LOC107300361
1.7218371 -1.6009932 -0.1594517 -0.1689226 1.4917660 0.2675876 107291159 maelstrom spermatogenic transposon silencer
1.7218344 -3.7895654 1.7490196 5.7950106 17.9997818 0.0001076 107292946 maltase-glucoamylase intestinal-like
1.7213900 1.5622054 2.0291120 2.2921758 6.0468478 0.0097819 107302488 SAS-6 centriolar assembly protein
1.7213275 1.1508324 0.6990045 4.3205665 3.9703983 0.0360006 107289057 tankyrase 1 binding protein 1
1.7206667 3.9548019 3.7839143 6.1049489 6.4599188 0.0077937 107285786 mannosidase alpha class 1A member 2
1.7187867 1.9317331 0.8930791 5.7469360 10.3811111 0.0012544 107285773 ubiquitin specific peptidase 5 (isopeptidase T)
1.7184149 0.1592624 1.0558124 3.1004650 3.2505095 0.0607668 107295315 coiled-coil domain containing 15
1.7183888 -0.1118844 0.0830232 -0.7029773 0.2316178 0.8725708 107293149 la-related protein 4B-like
1.7169774 -0.8048258 1.2267906 4.6886375 7.9339617 0.0036747 107295734 connector enhancer of kinase suppressor of Ras 1
1.7169425 0.0540012 1.1037175 6.6717603 2.4831414 0.1117220 107289028 profilin 2
1.7165986 2.5473647 0.7461467 0.7445191 7.6462324 0.0041966 107303248 RAP2C member of RAS oncogene family
1.7165330 0.7675889 -2.4249362 6.2705600 16.2783645 0.0001726 107293552 protein-methionine sulfoxide oxidase MICAL2-like
1.7161634 1.5715723 1.2965554 0.5395018 2.6030044 0.1011046 107293797 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 3
1.7158944 1.8093522 0.7755875 -0.2878453 1.4117317 0.2883540 107290544 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 28-like
1.7156589 -0.3687193 0.7248347 3.4202515 4.5964545 0.0236010 107294420 phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase type I beta
1.7153350 -1.0775524 1.0353109 4.2347213 5.1165809 0.0169661 107293950 SH3-domain binding protein 5 (BTK-associated)
1.7152028 1.2477777 0.0644361 1.1669116 1.9606571 0.1748459 107285169 adenosine deaminase RNA-specific
1.7145107 0.5782842 -0.6933110 4.2067656 6.7984969 0.0065020 107288337 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C5orf42
1.7138434 1.5548105 -3.3073492 2.6415204 36.8887483 0.0000029 107282976 protocadherin 9
1.7136722 -1.0629985 1.0034329 -0.5291761 1.9216857 0.1809885 107302631 sodium channel epithelial 1 gamma subunit
1.7099616 -0.2517218 1.3570290 5.9910840 4.9181429 0.0192029 107286518 calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase (MAGUK family)
1.7086712 0.2835727 0.5836206 1.8310762 1.7632590 0.2085941 107286687 alpha kinase 1
1.7086571 0.6816564 1.8850109 1.5520618 6.9751897 0.0058920 107297927 TNF alpha induced protein 1
1.7083490 -2.1996921 0.7816935 0.6476609 5.5738773 0.0128720 107293786 tachykinin receptor 2
1.7074818 1.7722685 1.9822788 2.5642717 6.7087581 0.0068105 107297346 treacle protein-like
1.7060659 0.0016618 0.1001489 0.8387240 1.5338021 0.2573465 107303253 uncharacterized LOC107303253
1.7058578 2.0679608 1.2824543 1.1279222 3.0101977 0.0730967 107283496 component of oligomeric golgi complex 8
1.7058266 1.6596247 1.4065915 5.4214588 5.1612021 0.0165058 107291318 cyclin K
1.7040898 2.0107362 4.4194578 4.1605229 10.3937921 0.0012531 107293434 receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 4
1.7039267 -0.8388098 0.4744562 1.3984963 1.8466766 0.1935096 107302394 receptor expression-enhancing protein 1-like
1.7022860 1.8921039 0.0581780 2.8243716 3.6019115 0.0468102 107283778 integrin subunit alpha 9
1.7019489 1.2497748 -0.0050973 2.9652544 4.2297943 0.0301169 107294952 methyl-CpG binding domain protein 1
1.7017590 1.2944865 -1.0075952 0.3037708 5.0206803 0.0179432 107286720 pregnancy up-regulated nonubiquitous CaM kinase
1.7013445 1.1863755 -0.8672261 0.2256765 2.3513879 0.1247528 107291440 Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1
1.7004984 1.5914620 1.4533998 4.4522817 10.5544418 0.0011644 107283323 family with sequence similarity 188 member A
1.7000775 1.0052388 1.3303373 4.4614093 10.8197630 0.0010491 107284254 retinitis pigmentosa 2 (X-linked recessive)
1.6993273 1.8700343 2.5810013 5.5448583 8.3786569 0.0029803 107284744 solute carrier family 35 member A1
1.6988157 -0.2966568 -0.4768380 5.2310632 2.9067147 0.0792791 107293742 extended synaptotagmin like protein 1
1.6971347 1.0054290 0.8382126 3.6135979 4.1904343 0.0309334 107288114 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf85
1.6970102 2.5552897 1.7778614 2.0834160 7.7799837 0.0039499 107300931 protein phosphatase 1J-like
1.6960429 1.8173287 1.4409925 0.0911404 1.8653981 0.1902954 107292396 WD repeat domain 74
1.6952895 1.0079890 0.3735728 4.8081271 6.7367410 0.0067007 107290843 tripartite motif containing 8
1.6951627 1.6329770 1.3251272 3.2780557 4.7890265 0.0208427 107298270 serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 4-like
1.6942719 1.3384236 -0.1003330 6.0569736 3.9446359 0.0366547 107303044 FK506 binding protein 10
1.6940974 0.8353466 0.3396578 0.3456969 0.6068067 0.6234099 107285705 nei like DNA glycosylase 3
1.6920088 -1.2670404 2.0683027 3.3778414 6.0038902 0.0100377 107291593 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase MLK4
1.6916571 1.3083858 0.5652523 2.5706434 9.1885815 0.0020550 107285122 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 10
1.6911520 1.3693657 1.8078819 4.0104505 5.0074693 0.0181560 107290915 transmembrane protein 104
1.6911138 2.2126053 0.6039835 -0.1721376 0.8816664 0.4785425 107291579 centromere protein I
1.6903746 0.6961188 -2.4513744 -0.3067052 5.2756568 0.0153901 107292182 dishevelled-binding antagonist of beta-catenin 1
1.6900819 -0.6017604 -0.7624474 1.6768666 3.8285902 0.0397770 107303100 RAD52 motif containing 1
1.6900038 1.2668766 -0.6146799 1.3341621 7.2380483 0.0051468 107282800 TLR4 interactor with leucine-rich repeats
1.6884962 0.7557369 -0.0460539 2.8949198 3.6383872 0.0455868 107287692 SECIS binding protein 2-like
1.6875861 1.1626484 1.1602972 7.2166976 2.3362596 0.1263574 107291203 presenilin 2
1.6862275 0.0658651 -0.1431120 6.7089713 5.5114956 0.0133564 107284279 bis(5’-adenosyl)-triphosphatase ENPP4-like
1.6862031 2.8553596 3.4741766 3.8927653 3.4635598 0.0518093 107300473 nucleobindin-2-like
1.6858038 1.6392512 0.1198832 3.8268450 3.5240189 0.0495523 107294175 very low density lipoprotein receptor
1.6855144 1.5479079 1.0285997 2.2188497 5.7133908 0.0118044 107288207 interleukin-1 receptor type 1-like
1.6847387 1.6996175 -0.5647904 0.2410758 1.7497773 0.2111540 107297361 minichromosome maintenance 8 homologous recombination repair factor
1.6842307 1.4783257 -0.8265155 1.7611021 3.8774468 0.0384263 107303056 KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 1-like
1.6836248 1.2586589 1.0369004 3.0129824 4.3026925 0.0286625 107290556 cryptochrome circadian clock 2
1.6834285 -0.5719950 -1.2189397 6.2436220 6.0787123 0.0096225 107298684 FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 5-like
1.6824712 1.3279245 1.8641238 3.7690737 5.7713657 0.0114680 107297554 thiosulfate sulfurtransferase (rhodanese)-like domain containing 2
1.6819808 0.6187546 -0.7131140 3.5179870 11.7736798 0.0007314 107295560 transcription factor 4
1.6816670 1.5831494 0.8879386 3.2628004 5.1935343 0.0161814 107293910 solute carrier family 36 (proton/amino acid symporter) member 4
1.6812457 1.7595757 0.0199280 -0.3032608 2.7171680 0.0920837 107293067 prospero homeobox protein 2-like
1.6812456 2.6537777 0.2651476 0.5466144 2.2906728 0.1313367 107295849 cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor
1.6804375 1.5623820 1.0553506 0.6206075 4.4762691 0.0254494 107290557 uncharacterized LOC107290557
1.6799218 1.5577387 1.1833978 1.4803497 1.2995496 0.3204988 107284905 SATB homeobox 2
1.6767400 3.0331714 -0.8236730 2.9975871 4.9332406 0.0190211 107282479 cdc42 effector protein 1-like
1.6764912 0.4131640 1.3911079 3.3602269 5.7161032 0.0118153 107283460 family with sequence similarity 183 member A
1.6749639 -0.5379449 1.9074382 1.3854990 3.0128312 0.0729468 107290188 delta-like 1 (Drosophila)
1.6747320 1.5260648 1.1127160 2.7134834 4.9703213 0.0185423 107288474 asparagine synthetase domain containing 1
1.6746922 1.8018767 1.1186803 3.6421008 7.0229806 0.0057723 107287445 regulator of chromosome condensation 1
1.6736935 0.6402949 0.5872432 2.4213623 3.3380567 0.0567724 107294403 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 21B
1.6735440 0.0027780 0.3219714 3.7274260 9.6361971 0.0016957 107294258 EF-hand calcium binding domain 12
1.6733618 3.7350799 2.9195003 7.0565195 6.1880746 0.0090510 107285126 deoxyribonuclease II lysosomal
1.6725446 1.1079103 1.0984148 3.7866961 1.6073516 0.2404576 107293479 splicing factor U2AF 65 kDa subunit
1.6725382 -0.6179653 -0.0677970 5.8630589 2.6286463 0.0991067 107286364 uncharacterized LOC107286364
1.6723688 2.1816211 2.1444920 0.5328934 5.2092732 0.0159584 107288805 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 60-like
1.6723388 3.1102168 3.1555844 6.5146135 11.7669725 0.0007410 107302714 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1
1.6721067 1.4037780 0.6842138 6.2165125 4.8778986 0.0196973 107283798 FK506 binding protein 9
1.6717251 1.5750663 -1.7106602 6.5567100 39.7130459 0.0000019 107293452 dystonin-like
1.6708582 1.0805114 -2.4856403 2.3592912 19.4752356 0.0000737 107289978 HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
1.6698237 0.0946208 -0.5142144 3.9005498 3.7796356 0.0411859 107291357 echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 1
1.6681742 -2.7706845 -8.7045410 11.2109174 34.9154362 0.0000039 107286811 four and a half LIM domains 2
1.6680019 1.6534650 -0.6546854 5.5105518 14.0004808 0.0003444 107290887 LIM zinc finger domain containing 1
1.6666969 0.8766089 -0.2585466 4.0028282 4.3502956 0.0277684 107289900 AT-rich interaction domain 1A
1.6662515 2.5184079 3.2056540 3.9329896 6.6025901 0.0072159 107298231 mannosyl (alpha-16-)-glycoprotein beta-12-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
1.6658896 2.6808351 2.1506887 1.6637970 7.1241728 0.0054893 107287536 ATPase family AAA domain containing 3A
1.6635913 0.9239617 -3.1838878 1.6764162 19.7132505 0.0000695 107301106 coagulation factor VIII-like
1.6626668 1.3611905 0.6068437 2.4430439 2.6366015 0.0984655 107282401 polymerase (DNA) delta 1 catalytic subunit
1.6625673 -0.0596920 -0.0790084 2.5469326 3.0143033 0.0728631 107293537 leucine-rich glioma inactivated 1
1.6620145 1.0576104 -0.3563436 3.3602025 7.8793526 0.0037566 107293319 transcription cofactor HES-6-like
1.6612132 2.4779916 -1.1954737 1.0442480 3.5552435 0.0484313 107293256 chondroitin sulfate N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2
1.6609480 1.3504109 1.1505567 3.9655376 6.7499914 0.0066474 107294927 microspherule protein 1
1.6605891 1.6054919 0.4960213 6.8154548 4.3278769 0.0281888 107294437 carbonic anhydrase 13-like
1.6598153 1.5496376 -1.4862606 0.6478120 10.3362717 0.0012705 107290078 semaphorin 5B
1.6592616 -0.5735880 -0.5776674 0.7780737 2.0039864 0.1682917 107291402 G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6
1.6591941 0.4674524 -0.2775503 3.8945581 6.6081162 0.0071824 107288876 family with sequence similarity 65 member A
1.6588132 0.4311809 0.3087785 -0.3913764 0.6206732 0.6152333 107283675 calcitonin receptor
1.6585247 -0.7612710 0.9958455 0.7415481 1.8833377 0.1872718 107300094 C-type lectin domain family 2 member D-like
1.6585170 2.3656206 -2.3341291 4.7143948 18.6946008 0.0000898 107283151 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 22
1.6584640 2.4930353 3.5006276 0.9920529 3.4307884 0.0530823 107300641 nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 2-like
1.6574997 0.5447853 0.3499393 4.4675239 6.2046361 0.0089247 107288529 midline 1
1.6572319 0.7510510 -1.5038463 0.1725582 3.9686057 0.0360457 107294920 prickle-like protein 2
1.6566669 0.6781587 1.0581963 0.7573043 0.7862178 0.5247840 107300331 ELKS/Rab6-interacting/CAST family member 1-like
1.6550864 2.5527651 -0.1173809 -0.5448288 3.0354888 0.0716714 107289197 MGAT4 family member C
1.6550691 0.7435976 -0.6418899 3.4665059 4.8127825 0.0205291 107283326 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type G
1.6540622 1.6362699 1.5444380 2.2434520 6.1604105 0.0091437 107289096 endoplasmic reticulum oxidoreductase alpha
1.6537997 1.1883519 1.1019801 7.5596229 4.9118248 0.0192771 107284330 RAB2A member RAS oncogene family
1.6530173 2.0255621 4.8036070 0.7762627 6.3923890 0.0080859 107291472 uncharacterized LOC107291472
1.6525000 0.7208940 0.2597545 2.8981443 1.7752347 0.2063494 107282405 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4
1.6520724 1.0203917 1.0555723 2.2480474 2.6941595 0.0939659 107298595 RecQ mediated genome instability 1
1.6499135 1.5091895 -1.9612299 1.6626552 5.7369199 0.0116996 107286745 BAH domain and coiled-coil containing 1
1.6499017 0.8205345 0.4296139 1.6304392 1.6551905 0.2301362 107293597 kelch like family member 8
1.6475678 4.2557196 -0.2726346 0.9827063 3.5959470 0.0470139 107286147 matrix Gla protein-like
1.6474752 2.1079003 1.0622251 1.7169085 4.2066374 0.0305942 107293408 protein HIRA
1.6470194 1.5484923 1.7669885 4.2038373 3.1422382 0.0659982 107282480 leukocyte receptor cluster member 9-like
1.6469208 4.4701305 0.1321461 0.9036034 4.6564328 0.0226987 107288378 complement component receptor 1-like protein
1.6467157 2.3501273 1.0728539 3.5392033 3.1373282 0.0662475 107291524 integrin subunit alpha 6
1.6466359 0.3838441 0.4391434 -0.9090453 0.2496578 0.8600182 107300149 p53 and DNA damage-regulated protein 1-like
1.6466082 1.8352896 0.9385296 3.1670804 4.9008508 0.0194135 107290840 ARP1 actin-related protein 1 homolog A centractin alpha (yeast)
1.6454948 1.4428079 0.9077057 2.7775849 4.2340445 0.0300114 107291219 elongation factor like GTPase 1
1.6452871 1.2528718 2.6491531 0.2607669 1.7803568 0.2053976 107286018 galectin-1-like
1.6451436 1.0651529 0.9722217 1.9388080 2.4630988 0.1136000 107288116 dnaJ homolog subfamily B member 2-like
1.6445486 2.4393772 1.7281987 4.5293264 1.5113695 0.2627566 107293967 chitotriosidase-1-like
1.6441751 1.1414523 0.8144838 2.6912164 1.0608963 0.4025353 107296465 inositol 145-trisphosphate receptor type 2
1.6440522 0.8349067 0.2519832 1.1829586 3.3430230 0.0565456 107291105 ATH1 acid trehalase-like 1 (yeast)
1.6437392 3.7743474 -0.9525903 -0.7959680 4.1925280 0.0308894 107292285 short transient receptor potential channel 4-like
1.6416327 1.4520147 -2.0271954 -0.6327087 4.3754812 0.0273049 107296661 notch 4
1.6413652 1.0189500 -0.9424381 0.9952628 2.9137878 0.0788379 107283989 C-type lectin domain family 16 member A
1.6412709 3.0343164 -1.5929518 0.4840867 5.2081293 0.0160373 107300773 PDZ and LIM domain protein 5-like
1.6407177 4.6080874 3.4410400 2.1418961 12.9960392 0.0004802 107284382 CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 8
1.6401550 1.0894010 1.0008356 1.1869151 3.2714500 0.0596805 107294958 centrosomal protein 19kDa
1.6393851 -1.3735901 -1.1398749 1.0631594 5.9333928 0.0104285 107285388 ubiquitin specific peptidase 2
1.6386115 1.6221852 1.0392799 1.3493099 2.8958845 0.0799174 107282574 WD repeat domain phosphoinositide interacting 1
1.6379960 0.8173795 0.4992646 0.6614178 2.8220551 0.0846410 107302938 ubiquitin related modifier 1
1.6371074 1.0433558 1.3310922 1.8781044 3.6698610 0.0444450 107288259 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 23
1.6363345 1.8273264 0.9731502 2.3599625 2.0581467 0.1604870 107300580 TBC1 domain family member 1-like
1.6352399 1.0291981 0.4231196 1.9106198 2.0380942 0.1633278 107286655 ferredoxin reductase
1.6337695 -0.3918689 -0.9484326 0.4994783 2.4833823 0.1116997 107299344 protocadherin beta-16-like
1.6330516 0.4213060 -0.6926342 1.9265890 5.4159827 0.0140823 107294465 tau tubulin kinase 2
1.6330209 -1.0756494 -1.5529830 0.2567779 2.3490411 0.1250002 107284433 chromosome unknown open reading frame human CXorf21
1.6323693 1.5229428 -0.5335913 4.7127449 17.7720266 0.0001126 107283145 BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 2
1.6304801 0.9071220 0.9546845 3.5912081 5.9934060 0.0100466 107291979 calpain small subunit 1
1.6297361 1.6827684 1.0600009 4.7456933 7.0932465 0.0055771 107294832 golgi brefeldin A resistant guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1
1.6292016 0.4223971 0.4002696 1.5475461 2.3972616 0.1198833 107302338 zinc finger protein 436-like
1.6270501 0.7941089 1.4769862 6.0263204 9.0715986 0.0021631 107302954 clathrin interactor 1
1.6261175 0.8512442 0.0728965 2.1266517 3.5390253 0.0489039 107282377 lutropin subunit beta-like
1.6258370 1.5885200 0.8835553 6.8829872 7.8615706 0.0037807 107282865 cold inducible RNA binding protein
1.6253015 2.7371611 0.0508176 3.5064723 5.0261582 0.0179455 107288241 Gse1 coiled-coil protein
1.6250276 1.9336420 1.7314380 2.3959963 11.2022131 0.0009054 107296885 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
1.6246023 1.3436754 1.8356043 4.2164073 5.9872109 0.0101331 107287684 galactokinase 2
1.6240670 1.3804814 -0.7474611 0.6653678 3.4076426 0.0540032 107285748 adenylate cyclase type 5-like
1.6227271 2.1361934 0.7621235 3.9964562 4.1663036 0.0314467 107282519 uncharacterized LOC107282519
1.6224948 -1.5307314 0.2256256 3.1542682 3.3327514 0.0571119 107287329 tudor domain containing 1
1.6211054 1.8813545 2.0671661 2.2783933 6.2451762 0.0087684 107288733 dCMP deaminase
1.6210954 0.8009376 0.3840419 3.0056674 6.0439940 0.0097626 107298440 kelch like family member 15
1.6209453 0.7531030 1.5756265 1.5040364 3.7845857 0.0409293 107292156 leucine rich repeat containing 1
1.6203761 0.9239542 -1.5417039 1.3376203 6.9116953 0.0061271 107290588 roundabout guidance receptor 4
1.6194573 1.5446591 1.1556080 0.7124730 3.0085964 0.0730478 107283965 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C16orf96
1.6193959 -0.1784048 2.8601850 4.6514505 21.8883950 0.0000414 107282777 chimerin 2
1.6176956 0.3360092 0.0946987 5.6856871 0.5443804 0.6613489 107288747 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF213-like
1.6150556 1.1985109 0.4068820 1.7109252 2.0916378 0.1558665 107291562 synaptotagmin like 4
1.6149958 -0.7473358 -1.3739822 -0.2316492 2.4741888 0.1125565 107294406 cysteine-serine-rich nuclear protein 3
1.6143427 1.1089981 0.2985044 -0.1894331 0.7961075 0.5197964 107298649 diphthamide biosynthesis 7
1.6142658 1.5340979 1.1998718 7.7182673 5.1503187 0.0166167 107288113 tubulin alpha 4a
1.6136461 1.2181037 0.5134390 4.5779543 2.6241710 0.0994695 107288836 collagen type XII alpha 1
1.6134010 1.5339407 0.9837562 1.6760720 6.8204396 0.0063893 107297417 lamin A/C
1.6132670 0.8359123 0.9463125 5.4081649 4.3438200 0.0278891 107282806 ankyrin repeat and IBR domain containing 1
1.6131173 0.9786120 -0.2443719 2.6651558 5.3605852 0.0145833 107287292 ataxin 7 like 2
1.6125187 -0.4431538 7.7796362 0.9030672 3.9082251 0.0449054 107296379 collagen type XXII alpha 1
1.6115900 1.1953047 0.6621612 3.3089592 4.1283179 0.0322749 107295898 zinc finger protein 436-like
1.6112630 1.5692035 2.1932902 8.7794784 1.5880022 0.2447780 107290656 interferon regulatory factor 1-like
1.6112053 2.0255428 1.4902224 4.8354125 7.4530718 0.0046485 107284732 cryptochrome circadian clock 1
1.6110679 -1.2487345 0.8023823 4.3521189 7.1385561 0.0054490 107289039 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 2
1.6105754 0.4013973 0.4319913 5.2106418 5.6517574 0.0122638 107284933 v-ral simian leukemia viral oncogene homolog A (ras related)
1.6095509 1.4622811 0.0728319 2.4453032 4.6324528 0.0230475 107297399 polymerase (RNA) III subunit A
1.6093125 0.6321779 0.9715002 6.6717805 5.2972035 0.0151538 107296325 ADP ribosylation factor interacting protein 1
1.6090535 1.7244893 -1.0879955 0.0386335 3.5064753 0.0501953 107290380 NLR family CARD domain containing 3
1.6090141 0.9254152 -0.3641773 3.5163564 2.5114261 0.1091320 107284378 transforming growth factor beta receptor II
1.6083006 1.8393811 1.2642067 1.0448581 3.9720128 0.0358552 107296404 EI24 autophagy associated transmembrane protein
1.6074164 0.8862714 -3.2764537 2.7071556 25.0555349 0.0000213 107295403 coagulation factor VIII
1.6069419 1.0728660 0.7180713 6.8395640 6.7557875 0.0066115 107290017 cell division cycle 42
1.6058613 -5.5657704 1.6058613 -0.6960945 15.0082421 0.0013420 107295650 fucolectin-6-like
1.6040538 0.9542120 0.6315022 0.2979352 1.2174551 0.3464888 107287767 G protein-coupled receptor kinase 7B-like
1.6036141 1.3431228 0.7197984 0.3016891 2.1002312 0.1545441 107299404 scaffold attachment factor B1-like
1.6024961 -0.3537097 -1.2586830 3.4331648 12.4003906 0.0005845 107292993 centrosomal protein 170kDa
1.6024133 0.9636541 -0.4267868 1.4939527 3.7672137 0.0415192 107302995 SRY-box 13
1.6018237 -1.9890168 2.6620810 -0.6332339 6.6512675 0.0070303 107289279 single-minded family bHLH transcription factor 1
1.6009282 0.2666770 0.7163911 7.6010646 3.0909558 0.0686563 107284116 cystatin A
1.6000116 -0.9600724 3.7606049 5.1746714 19.5436970 0.0000725 107301485 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf116
1.5998363 -4.1156473 -1.5532772 3.1769549 20.7332314 0.0000544 107293505 adrenomedullin
1.5978990 2.1875587 1.3087762 1.3143782 3.6447736 0.0453764 107295942 general transcription factor IIH subunit 4
1.5976203 1.0777951 0.2744665 3.7374626 9.7982146 0.0015841 107286887 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 9
1.5975841 0.9409858 1.7293997 2.5892757 1.5679284 0.2493516 107302335 proline dehydrogenase 1 mitochondrial-like
1.5971457 1.0872039 1.4660468 2.4383125 2.4499186 0.1148547 107296191 F-box protein 15
1.5962098 1.2278575 0.2765145 3.9200307 7.3068932 0.0049702 107284200 DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 1
1.5961589 1.3839794 0.2397335 1.0546085 3.4225956 0.0532811 107283716 ring finger protein 19B
1.5951725 2.5600234 1.1275747 4.6017512 6.7464010 0.0066834 107292631 sperm-specific antigen 2 homolog
1.5951457 1.1066759 0.4212293 2.3322876 1.0090484 0.4231464 107300267 ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit M2
1.5950195 1.4531691 -0.2646905 1.3177026 2.4433502 0.1154858 107289652 zinc finger protein 609
1.5945786 0.9417796 0.6051294 3.1005357 6.6830294 0.0068724 107287096 RAB guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1
1.5943741 2.0598947 1.3411604 -0.1225027 3.3499633 0.0562518 107286904 nucleus accumbens associated 1
1.5930981 1.2064344 0.4388048 3.0652473 1.9344180 0.1789552 107287737 R3H domain and coiled-coil containing 1 like
1.5922544 1.0817519 0.8752090 3.9479099 0.2560996 0.8555213 107300747 protein TFG-like
1.5914755 0.4897447 0.6448000 1.5825174 2.4136069 0.1182365 107289284 transmembrane and tetratricopeptide repeat containing 4
1.5914022 1.1948054 1.3805569 1.4158333 2.2601012 0.1348014 107288119 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 6 (Langereis blood group)
1.5908441 1.8927645 0.6233563 0.4424193 2.9383410 0.0771972 107293027 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 6
1.5900465 1.1640005 0.6440561 1.8397382 2.4973329 0.1103707 107300484 probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX41
1.5897450 1.2553246 0.4290940 7.6170972 9.1047173 0.0021318 107299336 polyubiquitin-C
1.5895088 2.0139613 -0.1246571 -0.7842194 1.3587884 0.3030622 107286854 TOPBP1 interacting checkpoint and replication regulator
1.5894664 0.8443953 -1.0446985 3.2096647 5.1703316 0.0164135 107302405 tetratricopeptide repeat ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2
1.5888672 2.8687314 1.3513281 1.9684272 3.2909189 0.0589382 107292508 mannosyl-oligosaccharide glucosidase
1.5880053 -0.2317479 0.7189469 6.7313199 8.8984343 0.0023355 107300242 NDRG family member 3
1.5875196 -1.7028864 -2.6487777 1.5678719 3.3949401 0.0545164 107297967 interleukin 7 receptor
1.5861088 0.3458785 1.0810933 2.4857837 3.3514517 0.0562787 107295733 formin-binding protein 1-like
1.5842943 -0.5923470 0.0867654 4.0546074 3.9727124 0.0359425 107287385 G protein-coupled receptor 155
1.5842917 2.5618121 1.3271529 0.8007332 3.0762322 0.0694422 107285688 intercellular adhesion molecule 1-like
1.5834775 4.4950675 5.2693239 -0.1753345 4.1618604 0.0315423 107299597 epidermal growth factor receptor kinase substrate 8-like protein 1
1.5832884 1.1895868 -0.4484705 2.8729135 4.3079898 0.0285679 107303127 MYC binding protein 2 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
1.5825833 1.9305130 2.5131863 1.1795130 8.1507072 0.0032911 107302753 C1GALT1 specific chaperone 1
1.5811040 0.6478071 0.7733338 0.7476012 1.8285586 0.1965196 107298109 autophagy related 10
1.5808451 0.0113402 2.1445207 5.8855063 18.9912565 0.0000819 107285221 sperm associated antigen 1
1.5806522 1.7999281 1.7474832 3.7635925 8.8481164 0.0024019 107295696 catenin delta 1
1.5795327 1.0865932 0.4809488 2.6300491 2.6404835 0.0981544 107289239 cell cycle and apoptosis regulator 2
1.5792118 2.2479082 1.3006019 1.5437196 3.5392815 0.0490007 107286775 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 6
1.5775628 -5.0456749 -3.5889019 -0.8008329 6.5592705 0.0104239 107289438 ALX homeobox 1
1.5775229 0.9720042 -0.0591488 4.2613398 2.3431405 0.1256247 107296067 core-binding factor beta subunit
1.5773659 1.0692940 1.2050342 3.4915834 2.0520033 0.1613513 107301354 notch 3
1.5773570 2.0343642 -0.9852549 2.4848541 8.6950973 0.0025788 107293698 angiopoietin like 2
1.5772879 0.3179079 1.7708714 4.0119194 9.1933194 0.0020528 107285457 tectonic family member 2
1.5770033 -0.5306706 -0.1217774 0.7139743 1.6533281 0.2305286 107288772 tropomodulin-2
1.5767416 1.5520689 0.9876430 0.1007212 1.1616435 0.3654504 107301971 cell division cycle protein 23 homolog
1.5765859 1.2904931 -0.5591357 1.9148991 3.5904470 0.0472026 107284625 angiomotin
1.5764136 0.4936982 -0.1058610 0.3951966 1.0172527 0.4198129 107288696 TRAF interacting protein
1.5756271 -5.3134933 -6.2043692 0.1666189 10.0570106 0.0024697 107292977 transmembrane protein 47
1.5748344 0.7286302 -1.2554334 4.8289885 12.8255846 0.0005090 107295140 pleckstrin homology and RhoGEF domain containing G3
1.5740350 -2.7296506 -1.1998666 -0.6231751 4.0730448 0.0335256 107285337 meiotic double-stranded break formation protein 1
1.5738083 -0.3534863 -1.1159953 -0.4496933 1.6648826 0.2281058 107299354 protocadherin beta-7-like
1.5734738 1.4960876 -0.3518985 4.4583347 3.9010960 0.0377916 107282185 transcription factor 3
1.5729954 -7.3804499 -2.4084662 0.7276332 17.0296058 0.0003297 107287337 carbonic anhydrase IX
1.5728232 1.2019764 1.3734599 4.2852060 5.1116898 0.0170175 107298650 dymeclin-like
1.5722583 0.6289441 1.8666823 -0.1985449 0.4346673 0.7322282 107294509 puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase-like
1.5720527 1.0902279 0.0897635 1.6576276 2.5980853 0.1016147 107301652 interferon-induced helicase C domain-containing protein 1-like
1.5717498 1.0557884 0.1176246 3.6124189 4.0646212 0.0337211 107303082 WAS/WASL interacting protein family member 2
1.5708088 0.9761971 0.6946766 2.9778860 2.2920181 0.1311866 107292718 golgi-associated gamma adaptin ear containing ARF binding protein 3
1.5706984 0.3364916 -1.9923721 6.4067636 8.4088785 0.0029390 107295965 regulator of calcineurin 1
1.5702461 0.9648958 0.2508370 2.4812837 3.9350401 0.0367956 107287367 craniofacial development protein 1
1.5699176 2.1214349 1.3715011 1.0274958 0.8862347 0.4764337 107299466 peflin-like
1.5683812 0.9588645 -1.1932927 4.7032353 4.1660948 0.0314512 107298085 homeobox protein unc-4 homolog
1.5677191 -0.0757164 0.9492919 3.2287599 5.6153479 0.0125100 107292779 protein kinase cAMP-dependent type II regulatory subunit alpha
1.5674576 1.1870497 0.8119681 2.7468375 3.9988540 0.0352026 107282213 epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15-like 1
1.5674423 -8.5359919 1.5674423 1.7317256 61.4431944 0.0000094 107282666 homeobox B9
1.5669366 -8.6316817 1.5669366 1.8160642 31.7683843 0.0001032 107299231 sodium/glucose cotransporter 2-like
1.5664970 -6.5980778 -0.5475737 2.2198856 27.8623653 0.0000124 107291095 ovochymase-2-like
1.5648041 1.0807497 4.6194637 7.8444996 4.8537156 0.0200016 107282415 reticulocalbin 3
1.5644208 1.5592941 2.1871557 6.9863185 9.6868311 0.0016743 107294253 transgelin 2
1.5643067 1.9217555 1.0661061 2.7908046 5.6066114 0.0126086 107295259 protein arginine methyltransferase 7
1.5641541 1.1836980 1.8088668 4.1119718 7.9258016 0.0036814 107283756 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2E 1
1.5631494 1.8912431 0.6700903 6.9378087 5.9822480 0.0101617 107294978 phospholipid phosphatase 1
1.5630912 1.5989939 0.7269224 2.1559276 5.2884672 0.0152050 107289070 solute carrier family 43 member 3
1.5625367 1.4700260 0.1824259 2.4839192 4.1561475 0.0316657 107299575 isocitrate dehydrogenase [NAD] subunit alpha mitochondrial
1.5620604 0.2576255 -0.3189086 1.0040050 1.6047962 0.2410233 107301541 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
1.5618542 0.7146445 -1.5852802 2.6893099 11.7577645 0.0007435 107285332 N-acetyltransferase 14 (putative)
1.5615535 1.9499752 0.2228539 2.1288978 3.5148419 0.0498875 107303210 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 1
1.5615121 1.1111595 0.3690366 3.6368535 3.9438282 0.0366754 107302442 F-actin-capping protein subunit beta
1.5614923 1.0653763 0.5434513 3.5815859 4.3037078 0.0286224 107293658 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 interacting protein 1-like
1.5608837 2.0557397 0.1650548 0.1279978 2.6006755 0.1013994 107298465 lysyl oxidase like 2
1.5603635 0.9486061 0.4864984 3.4717869 5.6651146 0.0121425 107299002 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1
1.5600945 1.5600945 -9.8619193 2.9668954 39.3582935 0.0000478 107303116 gap junction protein delta 3
1.5598735 1.0240367 0.8233239 6.4619131 6.4036242 0.0079925 107285614 smu-1 suppressor of mec-8 and unc-52 homolog (C. elegans)
1.5597780 1.5105990 -0.3805393 0.8645208 4.9602677 0.0186265 107295283 uromodulin like 1
1.5597285 1.0476780 -1.2867588 4.9591496 11.8451372 0.0007201 107289841 MAP kinase activating death domain
1.5596904 -0.3903933 0.5046565 3.5140485 3.6706936 0.0445340 107283228 AP2 associated kinase 1
1.5590544 1.1381064 0.0529003 0.4663699 2.0727951 0.1583056 107300575 protein O-mannosyl-transferase 1-like
1.5585160 0.8527951 -0.2979295 3.1424460 5.1311143 0.0168146 107297053 UPF2 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog (yeast)
1.5582999 2.0757887 1.4267556 2.1612291 6.7497266 0.0066328 107291294 LAS1-like ribosome biogenesis factor
1.5580287 1.2411850 0.6298162 0.3242285 0.7218425 0.5583871 107301801 uncharacterized LOC107301801
1.5578626 -0.0246080 -1.6606280 -0.3097192 1.2259462 0.3436978 107302064 structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 5-like
1.5574657 -0.2284028 1.8550539 1.7422990 5.2286662 0.0158240 107299388 leucine-rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 1-like protein
1.5568396 2.0181846 1.5208896 2.5873637 3.7433576 0.0422674 107297689 GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase A
1.5559628 -0.6274920 -0.9159611 0.5036967 4.6266762 0.0230577 107299527 acyl-CoA:lysophosphatidylglycerol acyltransferase 1-like
1.5554415 -0.8397188 -0.2031652 5.4692551 6.3645417 0.0082101 107285907 WNK lysine deficient protein kinase 1
1.5549232 -0.2946175 1.0586256 0.6230115 3.0659358 0.0698597 107294616 5’-nucleotidase domain containing 3
1.5540153 -11.1592385 -0.6353956 4.2507643 100.1968658 0.0000001 107294433 solute carrier family 7 member 13
1.5536359 0.7996864 1.0192534 1.6060851 4.5531180 0.0241932 107285114 uncharacterized LOC107285114
1.5523279 2.4205760 0.0835969 4.2356402 4.1467001 0.0318710 107297867 hemoglobin subunit beta-1-like
1.5510594 -0.6086000 0.7098590 1.6275086 3.4841321 0.0510282 107284148 GINS complex subunit 1 (Psf1 homolog)
1.5508246 1.0482639 -0.8479450 -0.2367915 1.6953268 0.2218574 107285812 enolase 2 (gamma neuronal)
1.5504105 1.5141339 -0.4654007 2.7107259 5.4330601 0.0139959 107289832 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf49
1.5485433 0.9092567 0.5641785 5.7394996 2.2452467 0.1365224 107282413 tubulin folding cofactor D
1.5479528 -0.1540786 -1.3120159 0.1038179 2.0305692 0.1644085 107293137 cadherin-like and PC-esterase domain-containing protein 1
1.5478355 0.4815100 -0.7609648 0.6316270 3.4476775 0.0522977 107283285 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C2orf42
1.5455729 0.6347538 -0.8097896 4.0615487 6.1249816 0.0093757 107302695 structural maintenance of chromosomes 4
1.5453730 1.4198578 1.7216974 2.9268801 4.8611668 0.0199073 107294472 tropomodulin-3-like
1.5452949 0.8670732 0.0841260 4.5403369 3.0253017 0.0722416 107287381 Cbl proto-oncogene B E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
1.5452540 1.3381916 1.3126736 4.5410867 5.9707463 0.0102283 107301164 PRELI domain containing protein 3B
1.5442256 1.5354034 0.3891745 0.8242245 3.3379001 0.0567635 107295180 tripartite motif containing 37
1.5441686 1.9632918 1.1106015 3.4944255 5.7418385 0.0116662 107295513 upstream transcription factor 1
1.5437818 0.1143808 1.4009282 0.7881724 1.7151008 0.2179016 107283184 regulator of cell cycle
1.5437435 0.2881020 1.6549442 0.8492622 2.3764361 0.1221471 107295854 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 10
1.5434069 1.1370008 0.0998479 3.5997837 2.9364372 0.0774438 107285325 ligase I DNA ATP-dependent
1.5433251 0.8785318 -0.9290410 2.6625102 5.1733722 0.0163828 107285259 leucine zipper putative tumor suppressor 2
1.5432380 -0.3039599 -1.2038000 0.1274825 2.0121158 0.1670933 107300222 calmodulin regulated spectrin associated protein 1
1.5428995 1.6114592 -0.0309112 1.1871517 3.5910359 0.0471217 107284859 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 10
1.5415221 1.4536615 -0.4431907 1.1380737 1.8704956 0.1894307 107289445 neuropilin 2
1.5413029 -0.4527456 0.4228185 3.7825958 3.9332738 0.0369475 107290126 zinc finger protein 423
1.5402841 0.2305508 -0.3337755 0.9413543 1.1103219 0.3838671 107295672 MAX dimerization protein 3
1.5401440 2.3713490 3.8525600 1.9622274 4.1869196 0.0310076 107297302 glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase-like
1.5398083 1.5956250 0.9098911 4.2342809 6.7531007 0.0066482 107291914 CDC like kinase 3
1.5395873 1.6605882 2.7862202 4.6276722 7.5432833 0.0044448 107290316 24-dienoyl-CoA reductase 2 peroxisomal
1.5375168 1.9062048 2.2018293 0.5375484 2.1340063 0.1502362 107289310 suppression of tumorigenicity 14
1.5356626 0.9184898 0.1718828 1.1784062 2.3546905 0.1242469 107285647 inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase C
1.5355652 0.4408000 0.7497497 1.3730594 3.1250938 0.0667374 107299037 WD repeat domain 19
1.5349152 0.3097396 1.8786010 0.8059906 3.3144736 0.0577884 107283693 IQ motif containing C
1.5349084 0.2636210 -0.9545315 0.8681155 3.0115661 0.0730188 107301546 zinc finger protein 2-like
1.5343419 0.0616977 1.1451044 2.3072886 2.8066316 0.0858379 107289593 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 16A-like
1.5336960 0.6667345 0.3179477 -0.0215159 0.6938518 0.5736191 107290404 armadillo repeat containing 9
1.5334668 0.7712892 -0.7746727 1.7673010 3.1604319 0.0650839 107284985 SMG7 nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor
1.5330130 1.2244421 -1.8151644 5.8749698 31.0960494 0.0000070 107292277 microtubule associated monooxygenase calponin and LIM domain containing 3
1.5329039 0.2775151 0.3424376 4.5074986 5.5925638 0.0126769 107298746 microtubule affinity regulating kinase 1
1.5327632 1.6099862 0.6670808 -0.1043614 1.6935090 0.2221459 107298678 sterile alpha motif domain containing 8
1.5313997 -0.2862896 -2.2399025 -0.4621980 3.5152882 0.0498711 107284089 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 15
1.5293003 1.5370758 1.5466567 5.6253734 5.8575779 0.0109116 107287544 proteasome 26S subunit ATPase 4
1.5292493 -0.2940590 1.4118066 2.4505819 2.3983682 0.1199165 107283579 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11a
1.5289883 0.7506258 0.6394990 3.7289806 2.6732958 0.0955691 107286235 transcription factor 7 like 1
1.5289822 2.8509661 -0.1285545 1.0563467 7.4843127 0.0045504 107286594 adenylate cyclase 4
1.5284929 -0.5160310 -3.6314616 0.4059690 11.3537178 0.0008637 107299206 protocadherin gamma-C5-like
1.5280186 -0.0455266 0.3977816 3.6266452 3.0533317 0.0706852 107288891 chemokine-like factor
1.5276846 0.4713428 0.4551314 0.6687835 1.2950753 0.3218207 107283384 cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3
1.5269947 -0.9945560 1.3504773 5.2672709 15.7842891 0.0001992 107288963 Rho GTPase activating protein 18
1.5268322 1.6429832 3.5886208 2.4859984 5.9415347 0.0103998 107283214 zinc transporter ZIP11-like
1.5259739 -2.0361705 1.5884466 6.6029406 11.7094908 0.0007567 107291565 transmembrane protein 106C
1.5259311 0.3717419 1.0022340 5.7456005 4.0116172 0.0349821 107287888 LPS responsive beige-like anchor protein
1.5258348 1.3416563 0.2317760 6.3027882 7.6064462 0.0042831 107296732 FMR1 autosomal homolog 1
1.5250042 1.0533536 -2.5367433 4.3906519 33.0334532 0.0000052 107296960 retinoic acid induced 14
1.5249840 -0.1144920 2.4925961 2.2642943 5.7898816 0.0113458 107303189 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase 1
1.5240566 1.6904840 1.4720918 0.3430084 0.8859464 0.4765665 107301878 uncharacterized aarF domain-containing protein kinase 2-like
1.5239477 1.8675578 2.5184509 4.6034470 9.8909761 0.0015377 107297931 intraflagellar transport 20
1.5238889 1.6221060 0.6849760 0.6422288 1.9558153 0.1755961 107288755 tetraspanin 5
1.5233472 0.8169558 -0.0809252 2.0429939 1.6215451 0.2373424 107284624 ATPase copper transporting alpha
1.5225015 1.6630548 -0.5027318 1.5275841 3.5808565 0.0475337 107289352 lysine demethylase 5C
1.5219579 1.8263046 0.7156007 0.2809368 1.8447579 0.1938425 107298184 transcriptional adaptor 3
1.5213146 0.8368843 -0.8669889 0.1476031 1.4033842 0.2906201 107302632 interleukin 21 receptor
1.5210213 1.0678595 0.3010152 3.2169696 6.4713502 0.0077026 107285478 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U11/U12 35kDa subunit
1.5198649 -0.4372395 4.0495846 7.2944370 6.8722033 0.0062549 107286026 arylacetamide deacetylase
1.5194141 0.3502067 0.8424260 1.8513119 2.6212811 0.0995519 107292368 Src homology 2 domain containing adaptor protein B
1.5183575 0.7397006 -0.9134643 1.4274616 6.2722218 0.0085920 107282221 Rho/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor 18
1.5182761 2.1496053 0.7349374 0.9677457 3.7511546 0.0419562 107300577 inactive ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 54-like
1.5179770 1.3103840 0.6115400 1.0903706 3.2495037 0.0606817 107293234 zinc finger protein 575
1.5171510 1.8237536 1.3890555 0.0528895 3.5980675 0.0468229 107289494 single-strand-selective monofunctional uracil-DNA glycosylase 1
1.5170935 0.2709090 0.1387928 2.6674559 2.1454274 0.1487583 107294892 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 16
1.5169626 0.9261338 -0.3865032 1.3721082 1.1383841 0.3736777 107296421 ryanodine receptor 3
1.5165013 -2.9475931 0.5213234 -0.0541472 4.9317865 0.0190385 107291342 laminin subunit gamma 3
1.5163818 0.8877037 0.9601599 2.6862386 0.1101041 0.9525134 107297265 U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70 kDa-like
1.5161851 1.3806429 -0.1393675 0.3695780 2.2148209 0.1400946 107283244 GDNF family receptor alpha 2
1.5160307 1.5966787 -0.2889845 1.1876126 1.4398744 0.2808560 107303083 cell division cycle 6
1.5158541 1.3556879 -3.8190304 4.1428683 9.1281475 0.0021273 107290925 timeless circadian clock
1.5158382 0.2887523 -2.4314918 0.6092513 13.2652041 0.0004334 107287862 serum response factor
1.5154822 0.7712753 0.6481474 6.0423483 3.4044187 0.0541329 107296748 RAB11 family interacting protein 1 (class I)
1.5146102 0.5467232 0.9373584 2.7599001 3.9772396 0.0357245 107288993 RNA-binding protein 4B-like
1.5139734 0.2255494 1.0398254 -0.7756580 0.9431025 0.4509125 107286409 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C17orf98
1.5137847 0.3941071 0.7491535 0.8864241 0.1241362 0.9440062 107293150 la-related protein 4B-like
1.5136696 0.8963618 2.2315177 5.5708031 5.3093275 0.0150788 107289551 SFT2 domain containing 1
1.5130826 1.7821858 -1.2195361 -0.1866266 8.3447784 0.0030051 107301070 phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 1-like
1.5130496 0.9280436 -1.7507406 -0.4329670 3.8237885 0.0399127 107303213 testis expressed 11
1.5125481 0.3814450 0.4648638 7.8444406 2.9316532 0.0777359 107292940 nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4
1.5124289 0.3976826 -0.4633188 1.4738153 4.3476056 0.0277263 107284574 family with sequence similarity 150 member B
1.5117088 0.7791100 0.3359463 2.9404584 5.2407952 0.0156534 107292580 centrosomal protein 89kDa
1.5111908 0.7858251 2.0835324 3.7891575 11.8200790 0.0007191 107295175 centrin 3
1.5110108 1.7523363 -1.0755032 1.2686940 4.9421984 0.0189142 107295981 nuclear pore complex protein Nup214-like
1.5109723 2.1880433 1.7302026 4.1540957 9.7399085 0.0016375 107285225 interleukin enhancer binding factor 2
1.5106009 -3.6130349 -0.1487347 1.4937473 4.3547444 0.0276859 107286140 pentraxin fusion protein-like
1.5103514 0.0763530 1.7190220 5.6830275 10.7565765 0.0010794 107294348 TNF alpha induced protein 8
1.5103163 0.7789472 -0.2855985 1.3168502 2.6411719 0.0980541 107302879 centromere protein L
1.5099465 1.2067732 0.2206569 4.3608894 3.8690053 0.0386558 107283115 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C12orf29
1.5083680 1.3852204 1.4035863 6.3578244 4.7457965 0.0214277 107302770 melanoma inhibitory activity family member 3
1.5082143 1.3924755 1.1091305 2.8340094 2.3835114 0.1214224 107289769 PR domain 5
1.5080773 0.6219304 0.4270321 0.7619322 0.8135180 0.5111273 107286848 polymerase (DNA) gamma catalytic subunit
1.5057397 0.5702106 -0.0672925 1.8300140 1.5165011 0.2615080 107294994 platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta-like
1.5052113 0.8059174 0.1756781 1.2380252 2.4691748 0.1128704 107299412 F-box only protein 6-like
1.5039742 1.9824547 1.0119989 1.6634717 2.1102130 0.1533691 107283251 glutamine–fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 1
1.5026837 3.6712867 4.9879631 1.1381446 4.8577341 0.0199506 107302848 C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 6
1.5021552 1.1472537 -0.4578492 1.9863775 1.9883739 0.1706207 107296046 discs large homolog 5
1.5010336 1.0293788 0.5212245 2.3769518 3.1489638 0.0655347 107283312 mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2
1.5004206 -0.3791072 1.3838315 3.0720443 1.8568774 0.1917508 107290454 WW and C2 domain containing 1
1.5000787 3.8967414 3.9368134 0.7236748 10.1516919 0.0013816 107289226 nucleic acid binding protein 1
1.4996521 -2.2117909 -1.4706798 0.5384695 6.8392280 0.0063529 107303113 transcription factor CP2-like protein 1
1.4996185 1.4124113 0.9407724 2.6014625 3.2971537 0.0586618 107291053 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 2
1.4994092 -0.2289261 0.2676155 5.6333648 4.0960866 0.0329975 107290214 family with sequence similarity 177 member A1
1.4990426 0.7741637 -1.4791984 5.6229385 9.0951177 0.0021583 107284683 glutathione S-transferase omega-1-like
1.4981863 0.2514562 -0.2522225 4.1327005 3.6496920 0.0452151 107287937 dpy-30 histone methyltransferase complex regulatory subunit
1.4979699 1.1902478 0.4218084 3.1828816 4.4144001 0.0265279 107286562 polyglutamine binding protein 1
1.4978451 1.3824536 1.2963330 -0.0861477 1.1163330 0.3816599 107290747 uncharacterized LOC107290747
1.4978355 0.5859264 0.3802195 5.2460358 6.9411829 0.0059973 107287859 cullin-9-like
1.4977515 0.7283048 1.3029065 2.1938617 2.2228130 0.1391692 107293926 sorting nexin-29-like
1.4971765 2.6461312 1.6095694 1.0560245 2.0462832 0.1621609 107296098 protein SSUH2 homolog
1.4970079 2.1270173 0.8322070 2.1481387 3.9524481 0.0364549 107288783 adaptor related protein complex 1 beta 1 subunit
1.4954874 2.4425365 0.6312579 0.2824810 2.0171710 0.1663529 107296490 calumenin
1.4948627 1.7672939 0.3282144 0.4520224 1.5249666 0.2594625 107297893 integrator complex subunit 2
1.4948303 1.5304422 -0.2270312 1.4104295 3.3540424 0.0562075 107292122 clock circadian regulator
1.4946689 1.2320992 0.3343570 1.9234779 2.9749239 0.0750547 107288877 CCCTC-binding factor (zinc finger protein)
1.4946101 0.1560485 -1.2242069 2.3554242 2.7943636 0.0866840 107293136 cadherin like and PC-esterase domain containing 1
1.4943797 1.2933830 0.3368586 5.5248239 4.2597254 0.0295127 107293966 BTG family member 2
1.4935720 1.4605131 1.5494452 7.0416859 10.4289712 0.0012241 107284730 uncharacterized LOC107284730
1.4934273 1.3144242 1.4869075 6.7556400 3.0551342 0.0705864 107296453 SEL1L ERAD E3 ligase adaptor subunit
1.4928567 -0.7522799 -0.7755480 3.2894407 5.4320876 0.0140041 107283253 membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 3
1.4926604 1.4220563 0.0848347 1.9022232 2.7979119 0.0864383 107290612 MAD1 mitotic arrest deficient-like 1 (yeast)
1.4917735 1.1135131 0.4850110 1.3331259 0.1450983 0.9308117 107291278 uncharacterized LOC107291278
1.4908221 1.1667004 0.8310830 0.2312492 1.7136621 0.2180309 107295847 DNA cross-link repair 1C
1.4907776 0.3290845 -1.3988735 -0.2108453 2.1977682 0.1421933 107296780 discoidin domain-containing receptor 2-like
1.4897375 0.4851338 0.0358173 0.7248808 0.4355158 0.7316614 107286266 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily C member 4
1.4892416 1.2148714 -1.6813728 5.5358380 11.8734972 0.0007127 107282212 Kruppel-like factor 2
1.4890565 1.1685361 -0.4945234 1.7501388 3.6281458 0.0459265 107283088 D site of albumin promoter (albumin D-box) binding protein
1.4890423 0.3343808 0.2966183 2.8916812 4.0139900 0.0348211 107289364 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C9
1.4884001 2.0514469 3.3552410 8.8627532 4.2509192 0.0296890 107286125 spermine synthase
1.4882571 -12.0080597 1.4882571 5.0252616 54.0553811 0.0000150 107302289 glycine N-acyltransferase-like protein 3
1.4880511 1.0684694 0.4078599 2.5294369 2.1774539 0.1447014 107291541 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 5
1.4879958 -0.9437916 -12.8507210 5.8603953 74.4012270 0.0000005 107295029 heat shock protein beta-7-like
1.4874422 0.3293288 1.5116029 5.8122194 5.2406999 0.0157213 107289833 protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 3
1.4872289 0.2112207 -0.0750499 0.6199893 1.4711163 0.2727401 107286217 bromo adjacent homology domain containing 1
1.4864248 0.5918580 0.3797936 3.9193854 4.1714528 0.0312513 107287885 SH3 domain containing 19
1.4859836 0.7240073 0.7079786 5.7441774 6.6939639 0.0068325 107298959 protein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit alpha
1.4859568 1.0744090 2.4011579 -0.0496035 4.3519198 0.0276462 107302750 A-kinase anchoring protein 14
1.4858275 1.7708545 1.8731780 7.0176204 6.4700530 0.0077510 107287452 glycerophosphocholine phosphodiesterase 1
1.4853211 0.4375520 -0.1894675 -0.0217608 1.3976918 0.2920546 107287512 zinc finger protein 883-like
1.4843769 3.5456054 4.1013177 11.7172412 8.5308342 0.0027788 107285132 calreticulin
1.4840809 2.6800255 0.1270083 7.9076345 9.5929946 0.0017419 107302786 calpastatin
1.4833714 2.1974613 -0.3529496 3.7180628 2.4836026 0.1116792 107303244 plastin 3
1.4827373 -1.1560156 -0.9409410 0.4446158 0.4397106 0.7288633 107301226 meckelin-like
1.4824687 2.9387221 4.7324376 4.3385457 3.9522584 0.0364597 107290603 laminin subunit beta 3
1.4821068 1.6098961 -0.3506412 1.9479064 1.9244801 0.1805400 107282421 plexin domain containing 1
1.4807692 0.0034669 -0.7478859 -0.3973489 0.9444872 0.4503521 107293019 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
1.4803303 1.6007578 1.7963151 4.6441479 9.0702251 0.0021820 107292442 Fas associated factor family member 2
1.4799767 -10.2647532 -1.5698331 3.3025664 76.5425666 0.0000004 107283902 calmodulin like 4
1.4794420 -1.0207162 0.7635485 4.2896777 3.0325190 0.0718371 107282824 membrane protein palmitoylated 7
1.4790657 0.8939994 -0.4119315 4.0748275 6.4216358 0.0079578 107288734 ankyrin repeat domain 6
1.4767762 1.3195153 1.3515635 1.3185287 1.8183865 0.1984834 107283301 mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2-like
1.4766172 -2.1182559 4.4562150 1.6563500 14.3609532 0.0003071 107295143 growth factor receptor bound protein 14
1.4765085 0.9036030 0.7519866 1.3288745 1.6373747 0.2338911 107287437 NSL1 MIS12 kinetochore complex component
1.4758209 1.4628330 2.5222103 1.8171309 7.4537004 0.0046167 107299425 mesoderm specific transcript
1.4756059 -0.1105086 2.5915069 5.7268124 12.1296098 0.0006498 107290133 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C3orf52
1.4751910 0.9894957 3.2282532 1.7638732 2.3801818 0.1217628 107285628 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 3B
1.4747902 1.2571462 0.5772481 3.0065450 3.5959505 0.0470011 107296033 uncharacterized LOC107296033
1.4741590 -2.0057789 0.5548251 1.4527974 7.4570706 0.0046392 107297899 protein shisa-3 homolog
1.4737577 0.2001483 -2.1119903 5.2088522 2.4220394 0.1175612 107289827 regulator of G-protein signaling 1
1.4728905 2.2181700 1.9678738 3.6219334 11.7848293 0.0007300 107295671 lateral signaling target protein 2 homolog
1.4722601 -0.9446199 -1.0145055 3.2528186 13.2488455 0.0004358 107285370 cortactin binding protein 2
1.4717863 0.4452616 2.4307501 5.0814438 3.4941815 0.0506516 107290777 cytosolic 5’-nucleotidase 1A-like
1.4712157 1.3287364 0.2992116 0.0722280 0.7326241 0.5526209 107298873 centromere-associated protein E-like
1.4708267 -0.4302827 2.3957893 3.9522837 15.9647312 0.0001882 107290351 lethal giant larvae homolog 2 scribble cell polarity complex component
1.4704355 1.8275305 1.0892912 2.5933543 4.9260092 0.0190856 107299424 coatomer subunit gamma-2
1.4686294 2.6178369 -0.5764402 0.9079209 3.8972902 0.0378929 107293444 uncharacterized protein KIAA1211-like
1.4684619 1.5570872 0.6462983 2.4738134 4.7955978 0.0206768 107300077 zinc finger protein 287-like
1.4672285 1.3722998 1.5614367 6.0107674 3.8578099 0.0389627 107283892 golgi reassembly stacking protein 2
1.4667932 0.2494125 1.4651936 3.3677797 5.3576840 0.0146253 107290417 nephronophthisis 1 (juvenile)
1.4659570 -0.8428284 -1.3542026 3.7292147 7.3515691 0.0048908 107299559 laminin subunit beta-1-like
1.4651814 0.6896039 0.6567181 0.9838147 1.5444358 0.2546949 107285963 Jun dimerization protein 2
1.4643591 1.7230732 3.0182650 4.9971448 6.1543575 0.0092228 107282706 major vault protein
1.4639857 -0.5511998 0.8431882 1.8267290 1.9288070 0.1798481 107294731 centrosomal protein 135kDa
1.4631171 1.4755893 -0.6255288 0.5994724 3.1881448 0.0637191 107282244 calponin 2
1.4628502 1.1342688 0.6669757 4.4175936 4.9529234 0.0187650 107302708 disco interacting protein 2 homolog B
1.4616291 1.6390597 0.4589909 1.7679838 2.4456974 0.1152598 107283107 TCF3 fusion partner-like
1.4615385 1.4571280 -2.8607887 0.4980205 13.3635648 0.0004243 107297076 neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 1-like
1.4597695 0.1291304 2.0410906 4.5145960 11.2451514 0.0008971 107302764 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 6
1.4597525 1.1644092 0.3163941 1.4990283 1.6947587 0.2219723 107293632 ribosomal protein S6 kinase B2
1.4590884 0.3608842 0.2339705 6.8784807 6.0321102 0.0098284 107284256 cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 1
1.4585881 -0.2919119 -1.8262876 0.8601199 2.9797994 0.0748533 107282607 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 9B
1.4573619 0.5414453 0.5452650 4.6758945 5.9133278 0.0105161 107282233 DET1 and DDB1 associated 1
1.4570081 1.9418606 -0.9374721 2.8841442 5.6862522 0.0120501 107296093 CD99 antigen-like
1.4557533 1.8656380 0.6115621 1.3302968 1.6862549 0.2236991 107284453 v-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog
1.4555203 0.5197370 0.5806718 0.6588604 1.5630820 0.2503206 107292529 decapping mRNA 1B
1.4546202 0.4693188 0.0346356 4.0590604 6.7525419 0.0066229 107289643 partitioning defective 3 homolog B-like
1.4544735 1.8263750 0.2337215 3.6712341 7.2700714 0.0050891 107285970 biliverdin reductase A
1.4544557 0.4960084 -0.8442052 2.3404815 2.8310333 0.0841830 107292162 intestinal cell (MAK-like) kinase
1.4531645 -5.7201316 -1.6065941 -0.6545849 12.4440084 0.0011254 107285499 follicle stimulating hormone receptor
1.4529059 1.0218398 0.5425810 5.5384630 0.5098938 0.6830771 107295922 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF213-like
1.4526271 0.4143583 1.1433257 6.4874798 7.6732962 0.0041411 107294933 protein phosphatase 2 catalytic subunit alpha
1.4519238 -4.8396163 1.4519238 -1.2485579 13.8753127 0.0017010 107282796 homeobox A11
1.4511863 0.4033506 1.2415142 -0.1902273 0.6096121 0.6217482 107295273 B9 protein domain 2
1.4510279 0.5394074 1.6655971 5.4118995 6.5066589 0.0075987 107289227 zinc finger protein 2
1.4499011 2.0369240 1.2659510 3.0953405 3.1693767 0.0646397 107283230 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2 methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase
1.4497767 0.0244137 0.2677234 1.9368709 2.6633232 0.0961950 107290257 protein kinase C iota
1.4486803 -0.2809392 2.0732535 0.1072967 2.2450911 0.1365405 107301218 lethal(2) giant larvae protein homolog 2-like
1.4482953 1.6265278 0.3002941 -0.2143400 1.6818622 0.2245510 107288692 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF123-like
1.4474273 2.6586128 3.2764301 2.8550694 18.3154591 0.0000977 107293728 myristoylated alanine rich protein kinase C substrate
1.4470467 -0.7768114 -0.4204089 2.0243897 3.4115900 0.0538448 107287732 V-type proton ATPase subunit e 2
1.4467441 1.6922656 -0.6930273 2.1921510 5.6478782 0.0123237 107294628 UPF0705 protein C11orf49 homolog
1.4461117 1.9450954 1.8491382 3.4803306 6.0835152 0.0095965 107293795 dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase subunit
1.4458101 1.9724702 2.2371340 1.9528008 4.4695593 0.0256510 107286381 limb development membrane protein 1-like
1.4455409 0.9176990 1.5333568 4.5290609 3.3034535 0.0583840 107287936 solute carrier family 30 member 6
1.4455216 0.1513750 -1.8508839 5.9822796 21.6978089 0.0000436 107292761 spectrin repeat containing nuclear envelope 1
1.4444862 1.8251421 0.9278574 5.0094864 7.8864004 0.0037596 107290927 probable peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase 2
1.4443075 0.9910144 -0.5192658 0.6787783 2.6068693 0.1008735 107284232 protein bicaudal D homolog 2-like
1.4434783 0.4563479 2.5872106 1.1377923 2.5444709 0.1061927 107285670 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 14A
1.4433832 1.7220581 0.0031869 2.0291866 3.4002986 0.0542992 107289934 OTU deubiquitinase 7B
1.4432815 0.4559171 0.2320853 0.1008747 0.4275450 0.7369959 107300775 DENN domain-containing protein 2C-like
1.4429763 1.2293703 0.9753296 2.6079615 1.1721824 0.3617864 107282529 membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 7
1.4428746 1.6368423 1.8655145 1.3188896 2.6741619 0.0955019 107298496 phosphate cytidylyltransferase 1 choline beta
1.4427775 -0.0164271 -0.9771845 1.1492730 5.2200075 0.0158538 107289699 dedicator of cytokinesis 5
1.4425882 0.7978079 -0.2570084 6.1553854 4.5230474 0.0247626 107283790 leucine rich repeat (in FLII) interacting protein 2
1.4422819 0.5859162 -1.0565063 1.0581714 3.3496502 0.0563928 107303029 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 14
1.4418475 3.4127571 0.0083717 -0.1187375 2.4960693 0.1105296 107296656 membrane-associated guanylate kinase WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 1-like
1.4417548 0.8687141 2.5369762 2.4973962 3.5042170 0.0502788 107296164 calmodulin regulated spectrin associated protein family member 3
1.4406357 1.5027179 0.0620104 0.9018497 2.5150796 0.1087563 107299463 lysine demethylase 6B
1.4398909 1.3792040 0.5337033 3.0774183 6.8496476 0.0062918 107291344 ABL proto-oncogene 1 non-receptor tyrosine kinase
1.4397847 0.7229553 -0.2327398 2.1888679 1.9315121 0.1794170 107289673 fucosyltransferase 10 (alpha (13) fucosyltransferase)
1.4394106 -2.7001497 3.0883029 8.8369529 16.6572605 0.0001550 107291871 protein NDRG1-like
1.4390113 1.2844772 1.4855913 5.7136116 9.4486735 0.0018365 107295134 MYC associated factor X
1.4383465 0.5514672 -0.7674919 -0.2859410 3.4965155 0.0504424 107288274 syntrophin gamma 2
1.4382088 2.7858844 -0.8933657 0.9695049 5.9828635 0.0101581 107292972 senataxin
1.4370424 1.0718103 1.4390977 6.1282611 4.4282844 0.0263618 107286251 transcription factor 7 like 2
1.4364602 1.5698608 -0.1430545 2.4568257 7.0667479 0.0056190 107292608 dipeptidase 2-like
1.4352070 1.1834080 0.1819269 2.2881525 2.8379873 0.0837181 107289126 Smith-Magenis syndrome chromosome region candidate 8
1.4350143 1.2560734 0.0295708 2.2032574 2.6701859 0.0958107 107296645 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM39-like
1.4342036 -1.3745846 -0.5107982 1.0317701 3.5161726 0.0498387 107300739 phosphatidylinositol 45-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform-like
1.4339836 2.0968294 -2.0038201 1.3747414 10.7943081 0.0010698 107299853 kelch-like protein 4
1.4338001 -1.6556406 0.4295875 7.3493418 7.8486638 0.0038286 107288030 cystatin-1
1.4330206 -2.3277322 -0.4405348 5.8935017 21.7265326 0.0000433 107283662 glucocorticoid induced 1
1.4330029 0.7939274 -0.8951048 4.2952237 7.9286187 0.0036841 107291752 trinucleotide repeat containing 6C
1.4317631 -0.4088131 0.1718200 2.6086655 1.4981850 0.2659950 107291674 GLI pathogenesis-related 2
1.4306346 0.8327973 0.1190270 5.6338824 5.0652984 0.0174983 107290213 protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B’’ gamma
1.4291100 1.3044358 -0.7102716 3.0982730 7.3589073 0.0048728 107291331 tripartite motif containing 24
1.4280933 1.7115983 0.7254676 7.8163967 7.4576669 0.0046075 107282827 ubiquitin C
1.4275012 0.4782861 0.8705847 2.6730038 1.6271826 0.2361176 107282517 phosphatidylinositol transfer protein beta isoform-like
1.4274301 0.8189476 -1.8519275 0.6902168 4.7798560 0.0209652 107303284 leucine-rich repeats and calponin homology (CH) domain containing 2
1.4272603 1.1847136 0.2331781 6.1231875 6.8625954 0.0062492 107289831 ADP ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 2
1.4268426 -0.4414498 -0.7768381 0.8233112 1.9043384 0.1838009 107300013 dynein light chain 1 axonemal-like
1.4261665 0.7271614 0.1723646 3.2522811 1.2260057 0.3436784 107294055 histone H2B 8
1.4261096 3.3356356 1.3909937 2.0263989 6.5384715 0.0074692 107297026 farnesyl diphosphate synthase
1.4255521 0.9822132 -0.6173964 1.5787193 0.6135253 0.6194366 107300272 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF213-like
1.4243350 1.5002307 0.4036540 1.6592025 2.6027418 0.1012279 107298510 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3
1.4236066 0.7016229 -0.9513259 2.1326802 5.1356575 0.0167675 107297204 POU class 2 homeobox 1
1.4236000 0.0590161 3.8559553 4.7756020 11.6399023 0.0007764 107282178 microtubule associated protein 7
1.4232531 0.8671862 0.9776415 5.6718716 4.9138485 0.0192164 107287109 lysine demethylase 5B
1.4224385 0.9774641 2.8383544 7.0889887 6.3516119 0.0082686 107283148 tropomyosin 1 (alpha)
1.4219342 -1.6101665 -1.6877782 0.9730930 4.8175338 0.0204671 107303139 dachshund family transcription factor 1
1.4214385 0.4170675 1.0149663 2.3305917 2.7054234 0.0930231 107287622 adaptor related protein complex 4 sigma 1 subunit
1.4179543 0.9911913 0.4453405 1.0490634 2.1461582 0.1485031 107287218 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf142
1.4172611 0.9908401 0.0995825 4.3982346 4.8658193 0.0198486 107282661 cytochrome P450 2U1
1.4170182 1.0914658 0.6927701 1.9433761 2.8577918 0.0822649 107292422 Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy 2 (seipin)
1.4167915 0.1614391 -0.5732358 1.0149634 3.4787961 0.0511066 107298114 podocan-like 1
1.4167436 -0.2390360 -0.9002438 0.6037709 1.6234057 0.2369374 107294790 uncharacterized LOC107294790
1.4164221 0.8354838 -0.8724769 0.5110982 2.9264342 0.0780559 107299376 protocadherin beta-16-like
1.4158467 0.4978652 -0.1459203 3.7131163 4.5853346 0.0237260 107284885 trio Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor
1.4157147 1.5510835 0.3391778 5.8985111 2.3583158 0.1240258 107285691 tyrosine kinase 2
1.4154779 1.9035977 2.8995817 1.8189934 3.4273604 0.0532175 107282811 EF-hand calcium binding domain 1
1.4151501 1.6183038 1.6727208 2.7439917 2.0556008 0.1608446 107282375 BCL2 like 12
1.4143741 1.5208981 0.1523625 6.6781792 3.6566044 0.0449896 107297144 purinergic receptor P2X 5
1.4139402 1.2752505 1.3370569 2.0992950 3.6846005 0.0439743 107289286 tripeptidyl-peptidase 2-like
1.4125648 -0.0650531 -0.5893009 2.1675129 2.6475190 0.0975934 107283932 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1
1.4122974 3.9824545 0.1098982 1.5239928 7.6230367 0.0042733 107285974 piezo type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2
1.4114284 0.8483076 1.1309233 0.7914157 0.9644479 0.4417535 107283978 vasorin
1.4094554 1.7415999 0.6418817 1.8408907 2.5282122 0.1076274 107283023 glutathione peroxidase 7
1.4090172 4.9298341 2.6030740 0.2589640 7.8224459 0.0038774 107295726 SRY-box 5
1.4086989 1.7626829 -0.7585670 0.4564038 5.0883693 0.0172000 107301790 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-23-beta-galactosyl-13-N-acetyl-galactosaminide alpha-26-sialyltransferase-like
1.4082173 0.2662333 0.8216048 4.0654679 3.3337931 0.0570673 107302482 consortin connexin sorting protein
1.4077991 0.7806315 0.9602882 3.5885837 2.0738974 0.1582949 107293097 IQ motif and ubiquitin domain containing
1.4068360 0.9258031 1.3936784 6.0122494 4.8994563 0.0194306 107282779 FK506 binding protein 14
1.4056898 2.4700481 1.7201511 2.4068964 3.8129890 0.0402199 107287237 collagen beta(1-O)galactosyltransferase 1
1.4056593 0.9992372 -0.0522316 2.1069684 3.8868324 0.0380650 107303255 family with sequence similarity 122B
1.4050443 1.1943669 0.6849341 2.8295986 2.7850916 0.0873298 107298927 aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
1.4041961 1.4664953 0.6468060 2.9235059 2.2303736 0.1382707 107301348 nuclear export mediator factor NEMF-like
1.4039133 0.0428399 0.7805303 3.5266081 2.7289893 0.0913578 107294770 sushi-repeat containing protein X-linked
1.4027845 1.9787701 -1.1921062 -0.8184031 2.7562463 0.0893748 107296037 failed axon connections homolog
1.4024024 1.1502815 1.1498093 7.0911428 7.2765978 0.0050470 107282766 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2/B1
1.4018561 1.6413301 1.6819290 5.2728167 5.6140608 0.0125708 107298041 family with sequence similarity 118 member B
1.4008363 0.3099197 -0.4814403 2.1872710 2.2598511 0.1348301 107293755 uncharacterized LOC107293755
1.4003369 0.5305955 0.0778194 5.6052086 4.5865862 0.0237282 107302413 family with sequence similarity 134 member C
1.4001052 0.7029032 -0.0131603 5.0096580 5.4614748 0.0137308 107284149 A-kinase anchoring protein 13
1.3998176 1.4849004 -0.4142647 2.2561369 4.3297062 0.0281542 107299574 isocitrate dehydrogenase [NAD] subunit alpha mitochondrial
1.3993593 1.8446128 0.8708504 4.3447164 8.9032308 0.0023321 107297525 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 3
1.3990746 -0.0719397 -1.3522719 1.2075600 2.9347346 0.0775476 107284824 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type U
1.3990591 2.3097422 0.9215693 1.2805342 6.1871732 0.0090080 107298258 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A1
1.3990372 0.9503464 0.4671640 1.9152593 1.4377887 0.2814043 107286561 cyclin-dependent kinase 20
1.3989388 0.5612121 0.4094386 3.6151111 3.9958556 0.0352635 107300874 guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(T) subunit beta-1-like
1.3988859 0.0884802 -1.3437765 1.6361518 5.4922110 0.0135104 107286199 zinc finger protein 827
1.3974539 1.5136282 -0.3238096 -0.5626951 1.6376175 0.2338691 107285146 Kruppel-like factor 1 (erythroid)
1.3974128 -0.7016624 0.0528601 2.5653769 3.1691383 0.0646515 107292747 meckelin-like
1.3971287 1.8737134 2.0015167 0.7621950 1.2946614 0.3219857 107298057 myelin protein zero-like protein 1
1.3970727 -0.2859534 -0.0368901 5.2134357 6.4004089 0.0080296 107284972 echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 4
1.3966381 0.0721457 -1.3429580 -0.0610160 1.2044347 0.3508159 107301380 caspase activity and apoptosis inhibitor 1-like
1.3966209 1.3980557 0.4564762 4.1328262 2.1755023 0.1449449 107291239 Sp1 transcription factor
1.3966181 4.4928663 3.8160551 2.4458438 8.4125470 0.0029340 107303215 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 2
1.3965972 1.1941567 0.9138269 4.8531587 3.1374109 0.0662433 107287083 dedicator of cytokinesis 7
1.3963593 0.3366921 2.7403673 2.9792521 4.3477890 0.0278151 107286525 immunoglobulin like domain containing receptor 1
1.3962691 0.9725224 0.5338654 6.5112804 2.2658604 0.1341408 107294566 solute carrier family 20 (phosphate transporter) member 2
1.3959027 0.9252890 -1.0795966 0.8064997 3.3404604 0.0567825 107289119 myosin phosphatase Rho interacting protein
1.3957333 1.2651966 -0.8029977 2.4320468 3.1776134 0.0642338 107282727 cysteine rich secretory protein LCCL domain containing 2
1.3950794 0.8275500 1.0991202 0.4470276 1.4595780 0.2756030 107296062 UPF0183 protein C16orf70 homolog
1.3949068 -3.5873483 1.8880338 2.4435008 15.8336374 0.0001963 107294782 bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1B
1.3947178 -1.5420675 -0.4162354 0.2007597 3.0126613 0.0729565 107284315 transmembrane protein 68-like
1.3946560 1.6763003 0.4410590 0.4130687 1.5522840 0.2529820 107299770 NSFL1 cofactor p47
1.3946239 0.0878390 2.4641510 4.0075338 3.0848288 0.0689821 107284779 myelin protein zero like 2
1.3945817 1.2859724 1.8879292 2.3784224 6.3444283 0.0082563 107295205 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A6
1.3944983 -0.1874837 -2.2487831 1.7882110 3.7331848 0.0425765 107286073 nuclear factor of activated T-cells cytoplasmic calcineurin-dependent 2
1.3942679 1.1906579 0.3987993 4.4799927 3.9907307 0.0354940 107286059 toll interacting protein
1.3931490 0.2866578 -0.3812289 1.2209263 2.4039198 0.1192208 107302030 tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 2
1.3907223 -0.2757671 -1.9574734 1.4935609 4.9773943 0.0185009 107283366 RAS protein activator like 2
1.3895462 0.7550813 0.5949602 6.6385710 2.5673873 0.1042076 107289987 mediator complex subunit 10
1.3889938 0.9375341 0.3057217 2.6577513 2.4298822 0.1167925 107282509 SH2B adaptor protein 1
1.3887858 -0.0416933 0.2226782 4.4546920 7.8436481 0.0038113 107292108 transcription factor CP2
1.3877803 0.9980428 -0.5638893 6.1285158 8.3551628 0.0030129 107294860 cytoskeleton associated protein 5
1.3841934 1.3335750 -0.3615396 2.0671885 2.3593158 0.1239213 107284364 phospholipase C delta 1
1.3837487 -0.0366852 1.0431320 4.2182401 5.4651955 0.0137297 107302909 charged multivesicular body protein 4C
1.3823307 1.2936208 1.8121671 5.0756856 6.5830644 0.0072920 107291608 endoplasmic reticulum metallopeptidase 1
1.3817700 -0.3094069 -0.3241802 0.6525915 1.1413546 0.3726160 107302284 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
1.3808926 1.5164029 1.5697360 3.1371137 6.3082808 0.0084262 107295709 telomerase associated protein 1
1.3804153 0.9923122 -0.1922306 1.0547293 1.8258920 0.1971499 107298101 S phase cyclin A-associated protein in the endoplasmic reticulum-like
1.3802947 3.1231036 -0.2914225 0.1779373 3.5919733 0.0471501 107298422 ribonucleotide reductase catalytic subunit M1
1.3801908 2.5175378 0.6943986 0.7024404 4.2256305 0.0301177 107284523 histone H4 transcription factor
1.3796825 0.8455419 1.3067307 6.2621215 2.5079151 0.1094497 107290563 SUN domain containing ossification factor
1.3794571 -0.5892777 -0.9648800 1.4878271 3.6802370 0.0442284 107296749 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A2
1.3792072 0.5521934 -1.6503631 0.8733894 6.4706181 0.0077358 107290979 adenylate cyclase type 6-like
1.3791152 2.4436582 1.9460474 0.0316064 1.1964662 0.3534927 107295706 protocadherin-11 X-linked-like
1.3789073 0.9139604 -1.0079526 2.9566532 4.2370033 0.0299701 107282774 cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 5
1.3783832 0.0184172 0.2970926 3.7409784 6.0776381 0.0095788 107293292 abhydrolase domain containing 16A
1.3778183 0.8217658 -0.6100632 3.1461147 2.4148220 0.1182737 107287366 CD200 receptor 1
1.3763756 -1.3725472 1.8892346 3.8962563 4.8392508 0.0201862 107302571 inhibitor of DNA binding 4 dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein
1.3763142 1.4551868 1.4265797 0.6067995 2.1708307 0.1454410 107289067 apoptosis-stimulating of p53 protein 2-like
1.3762159 1.1730181 -1.1543784 3.3783788 6.9798620 0.0059135 107283440 Krueppel-like factor 2
1.3758779 1.9328969 -0.2046290 0.1954769 1.3859469 0.2954171 107300523 regulator of nonsense transcripts 2-like
1.3754676 0.8870052 1.4426846 2.8527564 2.4969634 0.1104476 107289871 serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek5-like
1.3745685 -0.1307678 0.7372558 5.5461028 4.1575404 0.0316356 107302910 sorting nexin 16
1.3741480 1.4879083 2.1494437 6.9831280 3.1613590 0.0650377 107288515 osteosarcoma amplified 9 endoplasmic reticulum lectin
1.3735723 1.9547456 -6.2886054 4.2057141 30.1048002 0.0000084 107290115 myosin light chain kinase 3
1.3735075 -0.2471501 4.2762506 5.2342600 7.1214846 0.0054969 107298612 RNA binding motif protein 47
1.3732699 0.8417442 0.5537234 4.3231682 2.2569080 0.1351692 107298750 uncharacterized LOC107298750
1.3726925 0.5355267 -0.4369892 1.3934614 1.6329450 0.2348729 107288905 CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 3
1.3716042 1.7843077 3.9459431 0.4158209 3.7441453 0.0422435 107301001 ciliogenesis-associated TTC17-interacting protein-like
1.3714711 1.2825609 0.9448219 6.9793210 5.2798925 0.0152926 107295907 ubiquitin like modifier activating enzyme 1
1.3712388 12.2870254 10.0804650 4.2917739 13.2156481 0.0008948 107300714 uncharacterized LOC107300714
1.3712199 2.7001867 1.9542345 0.2031545 3.7801094 0.0411720 107282891 regulatory factor X associated ankyrin containing protein
1.3711265 1.5337481 0.7486145 1.0829366 2.1424380 0.1490956 107297918 integrator complex subunit 4
1.3710358 1.3889305 -0.6139799 2.6267772 6.9413550 0.0060222 107283972 NPR3-like GATOR1 complex subunit
1.3709514 0.1070563 -0.2811976 1.8387396 2.5156913 0.1086616 107295810 zinc finger protein 160-like
1.3706198 0.5160117 0.5280372 4.4002952 1.6588735 0.2293623 107295157 deoxythymidylate kinase
1.3705381 0.2964231 -0.0083857 6.3358883 5.6962984 0.0119228 107294016 charged multivesicular body protein 4B
1.3701292 1.1544523 0.7727424 5.6762033 5.9840830 0.0101000 107283094 pre-mRNA processing factor 31
1.3679943 1.5997395 0.9064719 3.4656721 3.5993887 0.0468962 107303032 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11
1.3678709 0.4512139 0.5419823 0.7937200 0.8413784 0.4975487 107297075 serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek5-like
1.3672828 2.0435251 1.4204252 4.1346779 3.5655995 0.0480661 107297390 dermatan sulfate epimerase-like
1.3666304 -0.8997244 1.8102781 4.6277951 12.9631347 0.0004856 107284876 myosin X
1.3658984 1.3706418 -0.5125263 0.6938932 1.5264282 0.2591112 107297067 FERM domain containing 4A
1.3648694 1.4052875 1.3961911 2.7872094 2.0438133 0.1625118 107284210 dynamin-1-like protein
1.3635490 1.9041740 -0.7215350 3.7536161 6.2813742 0.0085945 107299346 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S2
1.3629591 1.5830361 0.9104057 3.1775916 1.2831373 0.3255208 107288643 SH3-domain binding protein 1
1.3627497 1.8398789 0.1862843 10.3694829 0.9925475 0.4299342 107294934 glutathione peroxidase 3
1.3602961 2.6216883 1.4453001 1.0731202 5.6441644 0.0122976 107284093 kinesin family member C3
1.3593017 1.3800638 0.1141421 2.9220870 4.4956370 0.0251873 107282628 nuclear factor erythroid 2 like 1
1.3584747 -0.8530723 1.9244569 3.8834825 11.0229212 0.0009793 107285248 synovial sarcoma X breakpoint 2 interacting protein
1.3584178 -0.1638542 -3.5019601 2.2068622 4.0278577 0.0345900 107284008 myosin heavy chain 11 smooth muscle
1.3583421 -0.1817783 1.3486302 -0.7972127 0.8632600 0.4871344 107299595 uncharacterized LOC107299595
1.3578649 1.8060888 -0.8542684 1.4623954 7.3316922 0.0049210 107294900 peripheral myelin protein 22
1.3568479 1.1903258 1.2312039 6.1703814 5.3086534 0.0150655 107289702 TRK-fused gene
1.3564995 0.9927474 0.5154614 3.7905296 1.3232306 0.3134006 107300578 probable tubulin polyglutamylase TTLL1
1.3557771 1.3129788 -0.3115684 0.9356180 2.3357618 0.1264106 107285933 Rho family GTPase 2
1.3545366 0.9722437 -1.5935168 4.3131663 15.7740879 0.0001998 107299779 centrosomal protein 85kDa-like
1.3540191 1.5830785 0.6804261 2.4248159 3.0472263 0.0710209 107295708 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 2
1.3534523 -0.1109275 -2.0559413 -0.2876675 2.5322508 0.1072690 107284312 patched domain containing 4
1.3533327 1.1361725 1.4172735 0.5028050 1.2603724 0.3326284 107289282 sodium leak channel non-selective
1.3532829 1.3316507 0.0063023 0.8777009 2.1375942 0.1497354 107294763 frizzled-7
1.3532106 -0.2704584 -1.7455689 -0.3854145 1.8529306 0.1924291 107297033 neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-7-like
1.3531718 1.7323121 -0.3539728 0.6476174 3.4094883 0.0538917 107302607 interleukin 4 receptor
1.3528245 0.1385170 0.3455254 1.7430672 1.6230652 0.2369662 107299959 katanin p60 subunit A like 1
1.3520486 0.8788904 -0.1992567 0.5982693 1.3483830 0.3060485 107298312 DNA polymerase alpha catalytic subunit-like
1.3516450 1.7954956 1.3126674 3.9902327 5.0268052 0.0179382 107289056 structure specific recognition protein 1
1.3513103 2.2207161 1.8170584 5.7772355 8.1667888 0.0032900 107303172 SEC31 homolog A COPII coat complex component
1.3512514 0.8400456 -0.5597905 0.9158734 1.6637827 0.2283352 107288152 sushi nidogen and EGF like domains 1
1.3507045 1.5701724 0.0149698 0.2614879 2.0640858 0.1596084 107289190 C-terminal-binding protein 2-like
1.3500057 0.1725497 0.9749112 5.4592388 5.9119082 0.0105291 107285108 sphingomyelin synthase 1
1.3497899 1.4299999 1.4822126 1.9970345 5.6519686 0.0122365 107295422 F-actin-capping protein subunit beta-like
1.3478247 0.6280072 0.7477488 3.0244828 1.7232457 0.2162953 107293466 DNA damage inducible transcript 3
1.3473263 -0.0058554 -1.8224423 0.1373011 3.8000947 0.0405902 107302097 nesprin-3-like
1.3468783 1.0432334 0.9986886 2.3903039 5.1279702 0.0167775 107298146 general transcription factor IIH subunit 4-like
1.3466789 1.4227471 0.6105410 6.1250316 5.6892785 0.0120118 107296904 stress induced phosphoprotein 1
1.3465382 -0.0275915 0.6035873 0.3611913 0.4194491 0.7424371 107299607 meiosis-expressed gene 1 protein-like
1.3464126 1.1539177 0.2382875 4.6290483 7.9134873 0.0036851 107290963 bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 2A
1.3453979 0.8100214 -1.4631040 1.4970355 2.4543004 0.1144358 107293879 glioma tumor suppressor candidate region gene 1
1.3450425 0.9546013 1.0199543 0.7668081 1.8814571 0.1874262 107286956 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B
1.3449244 1.1394129 0.6416165 4.4056242 4.4346245 0.0262245 107288859 G protein pathway suppressor 1
1.3441534 1.3519489 -0.1646970 3.4442716 8.4261641 0.0028938 107295968 neuron-specific protein family member 1
1.3440615 1.3173359 -0.2539730 -0.2805543 0.9623463 0.4426508 107289250 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III subunit RPC4-like
1.3435524 1.2913802 0.8049053 4.3769137 5.2335759 0.0157527 107285082 microtubule affinity regulating kinase 3
1.3433795 0.4638179 1.9599565 1.0760267 5.1289492 0.0167673 107291258 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 85C-like
1.3425073 0.5155627 -1.0330954 1.8266329 5.1252368 0.0168549 107303133 TBC1 domain family member 4
1.3424408 0.2038384 -0.8890480 2.6170911 6.1437079 0.0092355 107301415 inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase type I A
1.3423617 5.6902285 1.7447398 -0.0387942 6.1294341 0.0093523 107284351 vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1
1.3420658 1.8854035 -0.1268831 3.1484484 7.2429877 0.0051666 107297787 scavenger receptor class B member 2
1.3409954 -0.0876993 0.0889353 -0.2692158 0.8670798 0.4853156 107292534 growth arrest specific 7
1.3409904 1.5404237 0.1395448 3.2665379 2.5353411 0.1069956 107293160 SLAIN motif-containing protein-like
1.3408806 0.4849020 0.4686403 2.3933568 1.6997194 0.2209718 107292239 centrosomal protein 57kDa-like 1
1.3394733 1.0350625 0.8751667 2.6860948 2.4369465 0.1161050 107292119 nuclear transcription factor X-box binding like 1
1.3384097 0.3662959 -0.2120095 1.0731278 1.8380803 0.1948662 107290113 phosphorylase kinase beta
1.3377993 2.0686691 2.4312874 2.5142506 6.1188713 0.0094079 107295132 protein farnesyltransferase subunit beta-like
1.3377413 1.8545170 -1.7964350 1.3461479 8.1413009 0.0033298 107292139 tetraspanin 4
1.3376965 1.3142400 1.0485334 6.1625500 3.7743793 0.0413406 107289596 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf62
1.3374841 1.2235882 0.4718871 2.9477483 3.2108910 0.0625840 107283267 exportin 7
1.3368705 -1.2204537 0.5320046 3.3561924 7.3850228 0.0048094 107290885 coiled-coil domain containing 138
1.3358503 -0.4394466 -1.6585156 5.9223960 17.8448776 0.0001116 107288135 TGF-beta-activated kinase 1 and MAP3K7-binding protein 1
1.3356368 0.8854949 0.5438894 3.7201773 3.4851925 0.0508818 107301002 guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit beta-4-like
1.3354998 1.1412926 0.8641780 4.0293865 3.7403367 0.0423589 107288751 barrier-to-autointegration factor-like
1.3352792 -1.4825572 -0.7304303 4.0955438 4.7970690 0.0207359 107289908 solute carrier family 2 member 12
1.3348892 1.9822709 0.7261597 2.6878100 6.8277155 0.0063649 107290952 RNA binding motif single stranded interacting protein 2
1.3342515 0.4048161 0.9143385 4.6761589 5.7603720 0.0114859 107294847 ring finger protein 170
1.3340597 -0.7754839 0.7027349 3.0436571 2.2052994 0.1412761 107284861 zinc finger protein 665-like
1.3336920 1.6997591 0.6684087 3.3237873 2.9935506 0.0740527 107302501 RNA 3’-terminal phosphate cyclase
1.3335306 1.0682897 -0.4367312 3.5830660 2.2947758 0.1308795 107286289 unconventional myosin-Id-like
1.3332630 1.3662215 0.9140450 2.9049521 1.8529662 0.1924230 107293633 coronin 1B
1.3327496 -0.8263662 -1.5172346 0.4160760 2.0026380 0.1684914 107287481 cytochrome P450 1B1
1.3325880 2.1166566 0.5418154 3.6752430 6.7624296 0.0066270 107291129 prostaglandin E receptor 4
1.3321157 1.8201723 1.2373524 0.8559250 3.0738980 0.0694302 107299781 TBC1 domain family member 20
1.3319544 1.0481547 0.1283647 2.9917507 3.8311424 0.0396086 107289356 INO80 complex subunit D
1.3311917 -0.7762524 0.5217016 3.3912282 3.7927721 0.0408023 107286556 prickle planar cell polarity protein 3
1.3302717 1.9542434 0.9969635 3.8493324 1.2880467 0.3240097 107293378 phospholipase A2 inhibitor and Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein-like
1.3280458 1.1230758 0.2368015 0.5065314 2.0896438 0.1559760 107298303 centrosomal protein of 295 kDa-like
1.3276742 1.5920956 2.0841663 2.0902355 6.0375039 0.0098027 107296032 FERM domain containing 8
1.3270729 1.2067356 0.7630154 2.7634325 1.9937899 0.1698087 107296112 nuclear factor 1 B-type
1.3268509 0.5609461 1.2478572 2.1041397 4.0597717 0.0337324 107295896 coiled-coil domain containing 51
1.3254888 1.2071013 0.5875832 1.5479855 2.4453186 0.1151393 107290940 exocyst complex component 8
1.3254540 1.3663990 0.2736346 4.4540199 2.4420408 0.1156121 107303063 mediator complex subunit 1
1.3253198 -0.4314574 0.7390986 5.5753981 4.0214128 0.0347450 107287518 uncharacterized LOC107287518
1.3252237 0.1780501 -0.8410602 -0.5078570 0.2764896 0.8412583 107293592 AP-2 complex subunit alpha-1-like
1.3246201 -0.0003181 1.5756097 1.6301835 0.8005575 0.5175671 107290280 extended synaptotagmin like protein 3
1.3245749 0.6369957 -0.0512055 4.1377423 2.5529689 0.1054516 107282264 dynein axonemal light chain 4
1.3244829 1.5137444 0.2594568 1.0174654 1.5430493 0.2551524 107298111 casein kinase II subunit alpha
1.3242771 1.6750964 -0.6551389 2.0270127 7.3837297 0.0047855 107292468 prenylcysteine oxidase 1 like
1.3241198 0.5686182 -0.9716666 0.6417189 2.1454735 0.1487523 107302205 CAP-Gly domain containing linker protein 2
1.3239731 0.4353696 -1.5588584 3.3887209 11.8964785 0.0007068 107285433 apoptosis inducing factor mitochondria associated 2
1.3233323 0.3726167 0.4966639 6.1259694 5.4366095 0.0139039 107293108 synovial sarcoma translocation chromosome 18
1.3229685 0.5026816 -0.9285734 0.0535758 1.7224597 0.2164497 107292930 receptor associated protein of the synapse
1.3227870 -0.0146714 -0.1485489 3.7054497 5.1501999 0.0165487 107287875 arylsulfatase B
1.3217301 0.5481502 -1.9327893 4.3627224 4.3236399 0.0282691 107284813 transgelin
1.3212925 1.4356364 2.0559320 4.1321633 9.5755878 0.0017465 107302478 protein MEMO1-like
1.3210526 0.1729656 -0.6234058 4.7147282 3.8631330 0.0388164 107285874 phosphofructokinase liver type
1.3206454 0.3921111 6.1036982 -0.7134002 4.8787352 0.0250190 107298181 tubulin monoglycylase TTLL3
1.3203621 0.7639741 0.8562465 2.6734911 2.2597541 0.1347937 107282388 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2M
1.3197379 2.6176030 -0.6478975 0.9983535 6.8191554 0.0064284 107293806 cathepsin F-like
1.3196625 -1.5095537 -1.7440685 5.2514455 13.9141097 0.0003542 107287685 fibroblast growth factor 7
1.3189830 1.0914229 2.1040115 1.4641408 2.2567589 0.1351864 107294453 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase SIAH2-like
1.3188537 0.8651182 -2.3716809 4.9474421 16.8310687 0.0001477 107284248 protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B’’ beta
1.3182743 1.1837808 0.5753689 4.3726490 4.7311009 0.0215865 107292775 glutamine rich 1
1.3180741 1.5511062 -0.9117246 1.7331768 3.9350487 0.0369016 107283095 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 3-like
1.3179025 0.2587750 1.3135667 4.7764771 4.9034854 0.0193813 107297295 A-Raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine kinase
1.3175986 1.4393990 1.0008242 5.1874594 6.1629772 0.0091638 107283117 transmembrane and tetratricopeptide repeat containing 3
1.3174779 3.6111428 -2.1204299 0.7007370 7.0848516 0.0056013 107288245 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C16orf74
1.3173648 0.0668451 0.4643650 0.3263720 0.1313536 0.9395233 107301940 protein wntless homolog
1.3171469 0.7354935 0.1754683 -0.1453594 1.0839096 0.3936188 107288094 DNA replication helicase/nuclease 2
1.3170651 1.3767552 0.3909128 2.9752671 2.1002336 0.1547051 107283529 adaptor related protein complex 1 gamma 1 subunit
1.3168389 2.1341912 3.0195461 6.5342875 19.4410789 0.0000740 107296045 transketolase
1.3166830 1.6274041 1.7525374 3.0200534 2.8436487 0.0833418 107285336 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 2
1.3161152 1.2728143 1.6642984 6.8056694 5.9470158 0.0103674 107287107 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 6
1.3160011 -1.2450284 -0.4932083 5.7673009 10.2334633 0.0013366 107297639 oxysterol binding protein like 5
1.3143497 1.6490557 1.0454702 1.5502070 1.6278443 0.2359743 107299049 cellular tumor antigen p53-like
1.3141772 -0.2342113 -1.2671047 -0.5919555 1.1562801 0.3673302 107300246 neutral alpha-glucosidase C-like
1.3139692 1.3225479 1.0360387 2.1217259 4.8014900 0.0205990 107285672 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A
1.3137760 1.6616594 1.7147826 1.0345598 2.7574303 0.0892898 107284023 partitioning defective 3 homolog
1.3137507 0.7593503 1.0476555 2.5504010 2.2293653 0.1383901 107286354 Yes associated protein 1
1.3133659 0.3535982 1.0641748 0.5872040 1.5677650 0.2492396 107282767 kelch like family member 36
1.3131366 1.2480327 0.3287650 5.8400836 5.9775921 0.0101436 107287473 baculoviral IAP repeat containing 6
1.3127848 1.0450382 -0.3103319 3.3732683 5.2180981 0.0159341 107295389 DDHD domain containing 2
1.3126878 1.1796523 0.3471533 0.1168781 1.3333423 0.3103045 107297738 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C21orf140
1.3125920 1.3265462 -0.9383571 1.1033575 1.8569118 0.1917449 107301129 cytoskeleton-associated protein 5-like
1.3116253 0.8504060 1.0769717 4.5103034 6.5569926 0.0073534 107290937 SprT-like N-terminal domain
1.3112774 1.3366205 0.0516626 0.8078567 2.2429728 0.1366488 107297949 UBX domain protein 6
1.3098715 -0.5582850 1.5954087 0.1111275 0.8138601 0.5109584 107302686 NACHT LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 1a-like
1.3095976 1.6846948 -1.8059628 1.0435001 4.5813951 0.0238341 107298624 syndecan 3
1.3095085 0.6760306 2.3718851 5.7180379 2.3282885 0.1272123 107291753 SEC14 like lipid binding 1
1.3090447 0.8911886 -0.0978213 3.2609762 6.0109555 0.0099470 107296162 XPA binding protein 2
1.3089983 0.4417943 0.0608915 4.2944039 3.4500670 0.0523291 107287880 testin LIM domain protein
1.3077437 0.7460488 -0.1901504 2.0797895 3.1797145 0.0639967 107291571 oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe
1.3074071 -0.1689966 -0.9261088 1.5856503 3.1772110 0.0642535 107291708 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase type 1
1.3073985 0.5153219 -0.7935082 4.9989938 6.1548472 0.0092203 107289605 acyl-CoA thioesterase 13
1.3070025 0.4924724 0.8248514 7.9526349 3.3570628 0.0559531 107286191 chloride voltage-gated channel 3
1.3068072 2.0019005 0.4322512 1.9840570 3.8610539 0.0388735 107288931 integrin subunit beta 5
1.3064160 2.0981947 2.3238050 6.8220985 6.7912126 0.0065270 107297846 SEC13 homolog nuclear pore and COPII coat complex component
1.3062917 4.2336849 2.9401886 3.3589815 15.8312633 0.0001965 107296550 TNF receptor-associated factor 2-like
1.3057397 1.7346338 -0.0110532 0.9924929 4.2687520 0.0292385 107298765 uncharacterized LOC107298765
1.3054787 0.7844960 0.3753166 0.9889831 0.8963610 0.4717925 107287016 sialidase-3-like
1.3044351 1.3115212 1.3246796 -0.3103406 0.5587981 0.6524249 107285801 peroxisomal targeting signal 1 receptor-like
1.3039620 1.9105790 2.1618380 2.5160150 5.7580552 0.0115569 107297103 dipeptidyl-peptidase 3
1.3036881 1.5696696 -0.9132661 3.1057413 5.0767648 0.0173895 107297477 neuron navigator 2
1.3033223 -3.1207140 -0.0493449 0.9567179 5.2200179 0.0159211 107285802 calcium sensing receptor
1.3029064 0.9147154 0.3985644 5.7272294 4.6316754 0.0229930 107298604 cohesin subunit SA-2
1.3027162 0.4216287 1.0285725 6.6569686 5.4306138 0.0139539 107295276 histone H3.3
1.3021801 1.5976162 -0.4636864 3.0119888 2.9694925 0.0754598 107285686 intercellular adhesion molecule 5
1.3021530 0.3046959 -0.0658932 3.7662360 2.7368380 0.0907817 107290676 intraflagellar transport 74
1.3017707 1.5735996 0.0084925 1.3561592 2.9063776 0.0792880 107291490 serine/threonine kinase 36
1.3012970 -9.3459376 1.5197317 4.6081164 51.2969504 0.0000005 107302496 inosine-uridine preferring nucleoside hydrolase-like
1.3012899 1.2502826 1.3372645 3.4378585 4.0826991 0.0333032 107283641 transmembrane protein 230
1.3011469 1.4205215 1.4047848 3.8744064 4.0203407 0.0347709 107286772 NPL4 homolog ubiquitin recognition factor
1.3007759 0.1854793 -0.4865420 2.3038228 4.3213061 0.0282203 107297343 synaptojanin 2
1.3006280 0.8826793 -0.4568510 2.5056401 0.8256780 0.5051565 107283556 non-SMC condensin II complex subunit G2
1.3000187 -0.6872758 -5.0064733 3.1568865 7.9635081 0.0036231 107288991 apolipoprotein L domain containing 1
1.2994098 0.1898216 0.5460904 3.0700435 4.0037355 0.0350705 107292741 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia; translocated to 3
1.2991550 1.2874746 -0.4847833 4.0161670 16.3729676 0.0001657 107288682 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF123-like
1.2991451 1.2340118 0.7750838 0.4553504 1.4116184 0.2882626 107285594 RNA binding motif protein 11
1.2980467 0.9759584 1.8176988 5.1846490 4.8491386 0.0200598 107301165 transaldolase-like
1.2977760 1.9964800 3.1075556 5.6633953 8.5701537 0.0027293 107288680 GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase B
1.2960848 0.0497521 0.2302850 1.3377826 1.5691230 0.2489453 107296662 MLX-interacting protein-like
1.2955578 -2.1809921 -0.6530220 -0.1412679 2.2431212 0.1367707 107302602 sodium channel epithelial 1 beta subunit
1.2954596 0.7920747 -0.3540109 1.0185831 2.0447563 0.1623460 107289349 GTP binding protein 2
1.2954498 1.8402198 2.4740024 3.6346999 9.0887205 0.0021644 107298570 GAR1 ribonucleoprotein
1.2947464 0.6173585 0.8403704 5.3300103 5.2096414 0.0159548 107285147 ring finger protein 19A RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
1.2947320 0.3907215 2.9160163 -0.0665550 0.8973051 0.4713621 107302259 protein phosphatase 1G-like
1.2943534 0.3000192 0.7152843 3.1533586 2.9661730 0.0755266 107286584 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 30B
1.2935403 1.3142918 -0.2406461 4.5679544 0.6706036 0.5865585 107295919 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF213-like
1.2934442 1.3419305 -0.6282332 2.6267539 1.4804440 0.2704225 107302827 DEF6 guanine nucleotide exchange factor
1.2930534 -3.7423488 0.6271706 0.2974661 13.9979543 0.0003447 107284553 netrin 4
1.2925764 2.7005422 7.6844198 2.1181799 15.2977180 0.0002301 107285811 leucine rich repeat containing 23
1.2925190 0.8769672 1.0455691 4.5061717 5.6005424 0.0126124 107296583 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 6
1.2910890 2.1555617 2.4276056 1.8106763 1.3960870 0.2926171 107298090 radical S-adenosyl methionine domain containing 2
1.2909353 1.0510444 0.6852709 0.6878430 0.5222480 0.6752322 107288071 SPT7-like STAGA complex gamma subunit
1.2907382 -0.9516426 -0.4411099 1.1188639 1.4644782 0.2744766 107293944 WDFY family member 4
1.2904113 0.9491002 0.8562386 6.6335871 0.2018773 0.8930583 107288688 transforming protein RhoA
1.2900909 0.4938438 0.0018977 0.0547740 1.3656783 0.3009660 107295888 GLE1 RNA export mediator
1.2899143 -0.6510751 -1.9110259 2.4952014 15.1784524 0.0002354 107294036 SH3-domain binding protein 4
1.2896348 0.1411180 -0.4569797 0.6124769 2.1151918 0.1525461 107283624 protocadherin alpha-8-like
1.2891199 -0.4069611 -1.4713342 2.4656101 8.2988768 0.0030819 107284722 synapsin III
1.2890779 1.3214181 -1.6002800 3.4531002 7.4949918 0.0045525 107284618 moesin
1.2886258 1.2380900 1.4697032 2.4365647 4.1930211 0.0307817 107299996 ALG14 UDP-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase subunit
1.2882793 1.3464507 0.1521893 3.2318772 7.4195694 0.0046962 107289167 nuclear pore complex protein Nup88-like
1.2882654 1.6607746 0.3158920 4.5969839 4.6338424 0.0230338 107286228 capping actin protein gelsolin like
1.2882099 0.6794822 0.6300578 1.5111407 2.0835573 0.1568060 107300654 poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase-like
1.2880413 1.6303040 -0.2677151 5.8620328 15.2377210 0.0002312 107302662 PDZ and LIM domain 3
1.2877787 1.1039930 -0.8152422 -0.2579586 2.1627953 0.1465424 107292687 endogenous retrovirus group K member 8 Pol protein-like
1.2875387 0.6092561 -6.2832261 4.3101642 34.6861898 0.0000040 107283793 phosphodiesterase 1C
1.2869902 2.2453549 1.3525366 4.7011794 11.3250072 0.0008704 107296051 prothymosin alpha
1.2857674 1.4740121 0.2170144 6.1013402 8.7567860 0.0024886 107292443 clathrin light chain B
1.2857216 6.5523200 0.7306293 2.6721652 4.1401247 0.0320148 107303095 keratin type I cytoskeletal 14-like
1.2854530 -0.7538401 0.2085621 3.9163386 4.7229331 0.0217449 107284956 dynein cytoplasmic 2 light intermediate chain 1
1.2847849 1.4120039 0.3386464 1.9668028 2.4064503 0.1191063 107288110 autophagy related 9A
1.2845378 -1.6393217 -1.7006918 1.4521083 6.4347607 0.0079011 107286653 cerebellar degeneration-related protein 2-like
1.2842331 1.3938743 0.7869357 3.6558992 7.7460897 0.0039963 107297147 major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein-like
1.2841215 0.9149831 -0.1488045 1.5741261 3.1932195 0.0633392 107282203 zinc finger protein 511
1.2841056 0.4902761 0.7054561 1.8554492 2.1625155 0.1464167 107297623 calcium uptake protein 1 mitochondrial-like
1.2840487 -0.1997441 -0.0958634 2.1597876 2.7009977 0.0933152 107294102 RIC3 acetylcholine receptor chaperone
1.2839465 2.2367100 0.7107881 0.5835004 2.7261886 0.0915644 107284668 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C11
1.2833055 1.0452450 1.4274734 6.9838235 3.8270876 0.0398194 107294706 NHP2 ribonucleoprotein
1.2825007 1.5824594 -1.3713713 3.0004104 12.2296238 0.0006270 107297043 CUGBP Elav-like family member 2
1.2824306 0.5223736 -1.1000510 2.7770984 6.6389360 0.0070768 107285587 LIM domain binding 1
1.2822877 0.6870517 0.1850330 2.8129675 1.5527979 0.2528618 107290334 sushi domain containing 1
1.2820666 -0.3637659 -0.3875941 0.1840173 0.8399054 0.4982576 107286218 small kinetochore-associated protein-like
1.2818794 -2.2953997 0.3951153 0.3579395 3.0274573 0.0721206 107291999 synaptotagmin 12
1.2818625 1.3060782 1.9785530 3.2967835 5.6365029 0.0124062 107293199 RFT1 homolog
1.2814282 1.0057319 1.1351874 2.5839454 2.2792718 0.1326167 107292613 adenosine monophosphate deaminase 2
1.2814151 0.4452821 1.5201206 4.3930001 9.8694629 0.0015378 107289238 bridging integrator 3
1.2814139 1.5823488 1.6291693 2.5830365 2.6488970 0.0974839 107292254 neural precursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated 8
1.2809878 1.5978206 1.6872789 2.8837552 2.2453711 0.1365078 107301074 ER membrane protein complex subunit 9-like
1.2805764 0.0172481 0.5210418 4.6072666 4.1352324 0.0320780 107302814 cell division cycle 26
1.2785678 0.8959285 0.2540586 1.0944403 0.2296074 0.8739650 107300955 platelet-derived growth factor receptor-like protein
1.2772634 1.4339421 0.3022285 1.5056142 2.3595510 0.1238496 107285679 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf47
1.2770455 2.9832620 3.8602438 9.0252633 7.9171181 0.0037045 107294779 protein disulfide isomerase family A member 6
1.2758648 0.5554696 0.4316840 3.2618952 2.6217507 0.0995323 107290953 MNAT CDK-activating kinase assembly factor 1
1.2758131 0.9386251 1.8252977 0.7297886 2.3767992 0.1220224 107300403 nuclear speckle splicing regulatory protein 1-like
1.2756801 -0.3420191 -0.5026770 1.8953655 2.0092146 0.1675198 107283658 collagen type XXVIII alpha 1
1.2751615 2.6257389 2.2115707 3.0798886 14.1909698 0.0003201 107293287 N(G)N(G)-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1-like
1.2751406 2.8551177 4.7837739 13.1098766 5.1931828 0.0161849 107295827 prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit beta
1.2748535 1.3765937 0.9671448 3.0440465 4.2315542 0.0299931 107290574 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 4 like
1.2745502 1.1015735 1.0445793 2.9058742 1.7671213 0.2078672 107299292 pelota homolog (Drosophila)
1.2742813 0.8619169 -5.6983922 10.5493800 40.9712573 0.0000017 107282211 tropomyosin 4
1.2741919 2.3159356 -3.5570122 4.1401888 52.8491825 0.0000004 107291515 RNA binding motif protein 24
1.2741325 0.8547582 0.8539333 1.1791007 0.9207420 0.4608041 107299807 prestin-like
1.2740507 1.3390670 -0.3913784 4.6700420 4.8609718 0.0199097 107285417 Ran GTPase activating protein 1
1.2739939 0.5822841 -0.7438560 1.1398995 2.9229412 0.0782284 107291882 protein kinase cAMP-dependent type I regulatory subunit beta
1.2737555 0.4984469 0.2813465 1.4354531 1.4314679 0.2829488 107291154 histone chaperone ASF1B-like
1.2736431 0.8673532 0.6628581 4.8373909 3.4966303 0.0505586 107285455 strawberry notch homolog 1 (Drosophila)
1.2732881 0.6279118 0.5156611 6.6061790 2.3091156 0.1292957 107290259 WW domain binding protein 2
1.2731354 0.3454714 1.2186841 4.7930672 4.9334831 0.0189959 107287792 uncharacterized LOC107287792
1.2729231 1.3581152 -0.1909646 1.8740412 3.9121732 0.0374046 107291983 SPT5 homolog DSIF elongation factor subunit
1.2729035 1.7112008 0.3587457 2.0701858 3.1693877 0.0646392 107292603 gigaxonin
1.2726711 2.8027082 -1.6931976 -0.1730760 5.7288867 0.0117543 107298049 SH2 domain containing 3C
1.2725008 0.7133643 0.2671597 6.5373232 4.4450895 0.0259806 107302863 proline rich coiled-coil 2C
1.2722156 -0.2277695 0.7901195 4.5772612 5.7343123 0.0117006 107284426 abhydrolase domain containing 17B
1.2720848 -1.8679798 -0.9206132 1.3191196 3.3780360 0.0552082 107286079 olfactory receptor 14A16-like
1.2719432 3.0353874 -5.6089003 9.1150222 42.5333637 0.0000014 107299207 dickkopf-related protein 3-like
1.2718807 0.9837518 0.0688843 2.2314156 1.3205685 0.3141899 107301576 CAP adenylate cyclase-associated protein 1 (yeast)
1.2718075 0.2256803 -0.5675626 2.8506411 2.7147385 0.0924147 107283764 solute carrier family 4 member 7
1.2717330 0.9470974 1.6739618 5.1327348 8.7254665 0.0025240 107287163 TRAF3 interacting protein 2
1.2716354 1.1554002 -1.1141118 5.9951477 11.7927514 0.0007340 107290896 fem-1 homolog c (C. elegans)
1.2709733 0.1330945 -0.1051634 -0.3030828 0.7439938 0.5465880 107296272 uncharacterized LOC107296272
1.2708138 0.5655038 0.7680181 4.6183610 1.5147763 0.2619269 107283126 vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog C (S. cerevisiae)
1.2699727 0.3812221 -3.8792061 1.6929092 16.4401793 0.0001648 107285903 leucine rich repeat containing 3
1.2691729 1.1213370 -1.6035333 1.0458190 9.6534394 0.0016834 107289147 target of myb1 like 2 membrane trafficking protein
1.2686911 0.8590063 0.1195078 3.6902250 4.3547890 0.0275931 107296660 lysine demethylase 2A
1.2686632 0.8895361 0.5444374 7.9735519 1.8533847 0.1923509 107285613 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member A1
1.2678396 1.7923167 -0.8078553 1.2093705 8.4833697 0.0028185 107283130 myocardial zonula adherens protein
1.2671655 0.4160620 0.1864246 2.8992053 2.6608554 0.0963884 107291694 discs large homolog 1 scribble cell polarity complex component
1.2653845 0.8054696 1.0482767 5.3243288 4.0742276 0.0334764 107299132 macrophage erythroblast attacher
1.2643451 2.3607945 -0.0691234 0.3461771 4.0744422 0.0334044 107303020 thyroid hormone receptor alpha
1.2635757 1.7477102 -0.1152211 3.1463552 8.3734549 0.0029653 107303077 nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1
1.2635426 -0.2107622 0.2679301 2.9174895 3.5926958 0.0470067 107283156 meiosis specific nuclear structural 1
1.2633459 0.6797966 0.1576456 0.5411974 0.3914157 0.7614466 107294375 synoviolin 1
1.2630189 1.4865128 1.0762208 2.8519738 0.8267621 0.5046276 107293281 butyrophilin subfamily 1 member A1-like
1.2618867 0.8414882 -0.3269754 1.9184776 3.7849760 0.0409179 107291199 trafficking protein particle complex 9
1.2618486 -0.9516425 -0.4686211 -0.6884672 0.3847177 0.7660244 107287529 lymphotactin-like
1.2617821 0.8196595 -0.1001905 1.3778517 1.8736257 0.1888544 107295941 valyl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial
1.2616188 0.4830706 0.1362885 4.5307828 3.8007426 0.0404979 107300776 uncharacterized LOC107300776
1.2614064 -0.0466258 0.3145884 1.4227234 1.9442830 0.1772368 107294177 uncharacterized LOC107294177
1.2609467 1.9387604 1.0789756 1.1166479 1.2376618 0.3398868 107296286 histone acetyltransferase KAT8-like
1.2600650 -0.1258297 0.3240991 4.9079658 5.9741743 0.0101571 107288945 dedicator of cytokinesis protein 1-like
1.2596330 0.6593151 -1.3634673 4.2172119 8.8332981 0.0024236 107282613 family with sequence similarity 117 member A
1.2591211 2.3178559 1.4346938 4.4852571 4.8176420 0.0204657 107292591 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C5orf30
1.2581292 0.5259997 1.7108992 2.6539541 1.5635836 0.2503540 107292919 cathepsin S-like
1.2571178 -0.4101626 -1.4235303 2.5344384 3.9070930 0.0376326 107282439 related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene homolog
1.2566966 1.3181556 1.4471884 3.9220364 4.2196288 0.0303254 107290985 treacle ribosome biogenesis factor 1
1.2563651 0.4144257 0.2977559 3.4744819 2.8364730 0.0836853 107284192 TSPY-like 2
1.2554185 0.1181167 0.6420711 5.5616886 3.5076586 0.0501516 107288191 dynein light chain roadblock-type 2
1.2545213 0.0052532 -2.5256075 0.4737465 5.6232898 0.0125028 107285057 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C7orf43
1.2542890 0.7535325 0.5598761 5.3928439 2.4655778 0.1133658 107284990 ribonuclease L
1.2541129 0.4700765 -0.3373348 3.8024728 4.1549279 0.0316921 107286550 family with sequence similarity 120C
1.2538163 0.8462050 -1.3841444 4.8338623 31.3921334 0.0000066 107283868 myocyte enhancer factor 2A
1.2528295 1.3864253 -0.3591105 5.0821674 6.8783125 0.0062349 107289351 HECT UBA and WWE domain containing 1 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
1.2514316 1.3235802 0.4162972 1.5855209 1.4233318 0.2852371 107293705 UAP56-interacting factor-like
1.2512943 1.3238529 0.7148004 1.8002473 1.2831717 0.3255102 107288785 neurofibromin 2 (merlin)
1.2507058 1.1813429 1.2188615 3.4044003 0.6698116 0.5870040 107282387 charged multivesicular body protein 2A
1.2491813 1.6248032 2.3192752 5.4656116 9.8852274 0.0015413 107299014 Rab acceptor 1 (prenylated)
1.2488485 1.5231198 0.6609512 5.3134411 1.8296276 0.1964900 107288226 nuclear factor I/B
1.2478771 0.8684281 0.7282225 4.3117253 2.6254911 0.0993623 107283682 replication protein A3
1.2477756 0.8744586 1.6051144 4.1279058 4.0892719 0.0331527 107286431 transmembrane protein 248
1.2476478 0.8881848 1.1845271 0.2241657 1.8466335 0.1933577 107285836 centrosomal protein of 112 kDa-like
1.2471753 1.2140041 1.9782772 6.4497812 10.2250139 0.0013289 107283926 transaldolase 1
1.2469244 -1.1247747 -0.0262272 2.3135289 1.6584829 0.2294442 107295043 protease serine 35
1.2469210 1.5268240 0.9438985 3.2826730 3.6751975 0.0443895 107296628 uncharacterized LOC107296628
1.2465511 -1.3953331 -1.6798937 4.6548526 10.8486255 0.0010475 107297048 PDZ and LIM domain protein 4-like
1.2462082 0.7732521 -1.1592578 1.5705176 5.5422537 0.0130971 107291547 transcription factor EB
1.2456532 1.0401594 1.3458755 0.5025482 1.4159582 0.2871723 107292441 uncharacterized LOC107292441
1.2449788 1.0198117 0.6516248 5.2959445 2.0772302 0.1578355 107290033 tumor protein p53 binding protein 2
1.2449062 0.1786256 4.5439244 -0.1530009 5.6200729 0.0125091 107293180 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C10orf107
1.2448006 1.1424268 -0.1579927 5.9293675 8.0862625 0.0033931 107294788 dynein cytoplasmic 1 heavy chain 1
1.2446694 0.7688267 0.4992537 5.1902937 4.2074784 0.0304799 107289721 ATP/GTP binding protein 1
1.2442582 1.0504621 0.1187668 5.0223052 6.5728863 0.0072906 107289862 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 13
1.2438714 0.8618677 -0.9237766 1.5491602 2.6476059 0.0975864 107293864 pantothenate kinase 4
1.2423051 1.3166394 0.7673066 2.2137045 3.4652417 0.0516215 107296916 nuclear pore complex protein Nup88-like
1.2419558 0.1946430 -0.9179786 6.3927524 6.2328499 0.0088285 107283325 Ras suppressor protein 1
1.2402872 0.5822188 -0.5182764 1.0827449 3.4970248 0.0504234 107285099 partner and localizer of BRCA2
1.2398186 0.9277047 0.5710519 4.6947524 3.4881006 0.0508548 107294835 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 2
1.2397999 0.1444760 0.3807306 1.3334140 2.0417114 0.1626498 107285270 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C10orf2
1.2394904 1.9049712 2.4335850 6.1230424 5.1577819 0.0165406 107289866 SIL1 nucleotide exchange factor
1.2389302 1.4683771 -0.4962171 3.5062604 4.9571499 0.0187373 107289129 epsin 2
1.2384704 0.6308793 -0.1553891 3.0067239 3.1722969 0.0644316 107288027 lysine demethylase 1A
1.2384124 1.7142907 -1.5547238 8.6995304 6.5084540 0.0075913 107282765 cytochrome c
1.2383157 0.6336713 -0.3107877 0.1996110 1.9286734 0.1797088 107282391 zinc finger protein 436-like
1.2380719 -0.4500479 -1.3207961 3.4092648 7.3684223 0.0048496 107294191 zinc finger protein 850-like
1.2379411 1.1674267 0.7402193 0.6963400 0.8349494 0.5006502 107283773 3-oxoacyl-ACP synthase mitochondrial
1.2378987 2.0954292 1.9633067 2.7256514 5.4140972 0.0141559 107283714 tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase
1.2376645 1.2478342 2.1743235 6.6763493 4.1307039 0.0322221 107284462 Sec23 homolog B COPII coat complex component
1.2359155 0.1926762 0.0842088 1.1101596 1.1953641 0.3538192 107294998 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 8
1.2351593 -0.2637345 0.8189064 1.9382302 1.1448782 0.3713609 107283463 uncharacterized LOC107283463
1.2350249 1.9874298 0.8083859 6.5905148 4.5362739 0.0245485 107287494 CD59 glycoprotein-like
1.2344433 -1.5006896 -0.7158169 4.5507307 4.5155579 0.0248848 107285776 atrophin 1
1.2343433 0.6796910 0.8425563 1.4285446 0.7158281 0.5616281 107294456 glutamate rich 6
1.2342766 -0.0466947 0.4397173 2.2125227 0.8311972 0.5024692 107288170 spire type actin nucleation factor 1
1.2342465 1.4887241 1.8851770 2.5583126 4.6780112 0.0223840 107283509 cyclin-dependent kinase 10
1.2340608 0.5805263 1.2297861 1.5129487 1.6016698 0.2417174 107290102 HEAT repeat containing 4
1.2329768 1.6470012 0.7558827 5.1834640 8.3720635 0.0029672 107298675 DEAD-box helicase 52
1.2321996 1.8855604 1.2264981 2.3444364 5.4204154 0.0140396 107296783 actin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 5-like
1.2307745 2.1722300 -0.0563697 1.9134652 6.0578709 0.0097062 107284169 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit d1
1.2301468 -1.8289500 -0.7731660 6.2753953 16.9991206 0.0001409 107303052 solute carrier family 4 member 1 (Diego blood group)
1.2298056 -1.2587637 -5.2170796 7.8619715 78.5874514 0.0000000 107303259 four and a half LIM domains 1
1.2291914 0.3402872 -0.8735109 1.3214609 1.8532712 0.1923705 107286423 POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin
1.2289802 1.1175987 -10.7642002 10.6940218 48.6745749 0.0000007 107294559 cysteine and glycine rich protein 3
1.2288652 0.2343440 -0.3208077 5.1309334 6.4032743 0.0079940 107289723 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 35 NatC auxiliary subunit
1.2283207 0.0067350 0.0430318 0.0781331 0.6087741 0.6222442 107300873 metaxin-3-like
1.2281678 0.4382005 0.6015289 1.2427954 1.7244406 0.2159045 107286738 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SMYD3-like
1.2279209 2.2693899 3.6736418 0.2001097 2.9088195 0.0791475 107300014 catechol-O-methyltransferase domain containing 1
1.2275682 0.8632245 -0.6045484 2.6224021 3.6237133 0.0460745 107293126 ring finger protein 38
1.2275672 0.5680964 -0.6779630 3.7775782 3.4798281 0.0511905 107285409 megakaryoblastic leukemia (translocation) 1
1.2272579 0.7691036 -1.1963897 -0.1209530 3.2039789 0.0628804 107292899 SET domain bifurcated 1
1.2268583 0.5828006 0.9605461 4.8110804 2.9083493 0.0791769 107296096 uncharacterized LOC107296096
1.2266372 1.2377065 0.7162012 0.1572564 0.9734491 0.4379314 107294824 uncharacterized LOC107294824
1.2266292 1.1119514 2.4695183 7.4148756 3.7728685 0.0413852 107295759 transmembrane protein 87A
1.2261305 -0.9792692 0.9823817 0.0020095 1.7876132 0.2040577 107294944 family with sequence similarity 174 member B
1.2253693 1.3508650 0.5421029 4.7955076 1.4627351 0.2749232 107282534 epithelial membrane protein 3
1.2241056 -1.0313000 1.6821431 6.5555106 3.4615766 0.0518853 107283314 STEAP4 metalloreductase
1.2238888 2.0227170 2.5059575 3.7707872 5.8201461 0.0111493 107286021 G protein-coupled receptor 87
1.2232849 1.3753723 0.8288708 0.1023948 1.1548442 0.3678352 107293914 family with sequence similarity 98 member C
1.2228309 -0.0437460 -0.4907632 0.6957381 2.0391994 0.1630084 107297544 WASH complex subunit strumpellin-like
1.2228248 1.1557626 1.5299131 3.0614103 2.1968633 0.1423040 107286998 MANSC domain containing 1
1.2216239 -0.8627238 -1.5161542 0.3442125 3.3033829 0.0583871 107292364 Purkinje cell protein 4
1.2212418 2.5704120 3.4652221 5.7884817 34.3521455 0.0000041 107287382 activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule
1.2208632 0.7563692 0.5858752 3.4045929 1.8335712 0.1957960 107285346 single-pass membrane protein with aspartate-rich tail 1
1.2207638 1.1009829 0.0419686 0.8047564 1.3993386 0.2917254 107293144 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 4
1.2205708 1.9729375 1.7900106 5.1125234 9.0647139 0.0021873 107295009 coactivator associated arginine methyltransferase 1
1.2204651 -3.1693944 1.5045975 10.0491518 6.6944676 0.0068703 107290427 secreted phosphoprotein 1
1.2199528 1.7710329 0.9889957 0.2443915 0.4187460 0.7429108 107282172 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 158-like
1.2186820 0.2099169 0.6434475 5.8996666 1.5655986 0.2498886 107301709 microtubule associated tumor suppressor 1
1.2180712 0.9454478 1.1275403 0.7801512 0.6987771 0.5709113 107295806 uncharacterized LOC107295806
1.2161436 0.5772124 0.8889378 4.0877951 3.5708477 0.0477728 107287474 HEAT repeat containing 5B
1.2159819 2.8255681 -2.0589024 2.0913900 13.4766975 0.0004086 107291535 smoothelin-like 1
1.2148270 0.4767844 0.3542721 4.5746257 2.9065588 0.0792461 107302919 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1
1.2144641 0.6366386 0.0401212 0.7799425 0.9958830 0.4285530 107293211 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
1.2142664 0.7335464 0.4694526 2.2888688 1.0593940 0.4031175 107296492 twinfilin actin binding protein 2
1.2133887 1.2496027 1.0376416 4.5749528 6.4097589 0.0079657 107293862 tripeptidyl-peptidase 2-like
1.2129006 1.0586675 -0.3729665 7.6543552 3.5912564 0.0471747 107284083 glucose-6-phosphate isomerase
1.2126774 1.2508013 0.6007449 5.4436655 3.2264648 0.0618859 107291954 leucyl-tRNA synthetase
1.2122486 1.4536849 1.1127237 7.4927491 3.1841286 0.0639148 107289389 proteasome subunit alpha 7
1.2120312 0.4094339 0.3572720 5.7076065 4.5095380 0.0248965 107289561 v-crk avian sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog
1.2119104 1.2868130 0.0762123 5.9888246 3.5466588 0.0487366 107299359 tetratricopeptide repeat protein 37-like
1.2117156 -0.4964412 -0.0824107 6.1746042 3.7350349 0.0425201 107294086 anoctamin 10
1.2116682 0.4589794 0.0802864 0.8876388 1.2960803 0.3214228 107292047 GRIP1 associated protein 1
1.2109632 1.3945946 -0.2630428 -0.2018312 2.5136664 0.1087744 107302124 eukaryotic initiation factor 4A-I-like
1.2108782 0.5585291 0.1781420 2.2253648 2.6093419 0.1005296 107284531 TBC1 domain family member 22B
1.2100640 0.6870995 0.0717437 4.2909749 5.2149109 0.0159033 107292205 ubiquitin specific peptidase 36
1.2096835 -0.7782485 -1.7215648 7.0687443 18.7921672 0.0000862 107282234 plasmalemma vesicle associated protein
1.2095164 -2.7399146 -1.0234954 3.2910652 7.9257894 0.0036891 107285745 oxidative stress induced growth inhibitor family member 2
1.2093328 1.3983113 1.9229115 4.5642372 10.5870883 0.0011494 107297226 CUE domain containing 1
1.2084244 1.2458081 -0.7750951 4.4162471 2.6268942 0.0992485 107287064 O-acyl-ADP-ribose deacylase 1
1.2080788 1.2519198 0.5640708 2.7951895 4.1421094 0.0318723 107288746 nicastrin
1.2077693 -0.5569913 0.2521526 2.5181461 1.0868590 0.3926125 107299212 laminin subunit alpha 5
1.2072621 1.3956992 -0.0033667 2.2235585 5.8852293 0.0106869 107290683 cyclin-dependent kinase 11A
1.2071386 -1.6721635 -4.1049623 2.8045956 13.7248402 0.0003766 107285638 serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type 2
1.2069008 1.3085092 1.8423274 3.7936957 5.6963327 0.0119794 107300295 GDP-L-fucose synthase-like
1.2066229 1.7448575 1.8324146 2.8731701 5.3203283 0.0149786 107295216 ubiquitin domain containing 1
1.2061681 0.6150717 0.6063979 4.2423071 3.7602596 0.0416470 107285692 ribonucleoprotein PTB-binding 1
1.2058130 -0.7177406 1.1664197 2.8106538 1.8538271 0.1922748 107286050 ring finger protein 112
1.2044871 0.9792750 1.4517962 3.0634761 3.6169105 0.0462676 107293273 intraflagellar transport 57
1.2043421 1.0998891 1.4175955 5.4914632 4.9186319 0.0191969 107285408 small G protein signaling modulator 3
1.2040768 -0.1021396 -1.4531100 2.0658639 3.2227738 0.0620598 107289272 leiomodin 1
1.2029720 0.6346845 0.1859145 0.8541967 0.1076536 0.9539679 107298973 uncharacterized LOC107298973
1.2027059 1.3428574 1.1212020 1.8741158 2.2853293 0.1319213 107287010 anaphase promoting complex subunit 5
1.2025696 0.7086674 2.2709808 5.0278881 3.9662357 0.0361054 107288251 transmembrane protein 181
1.2023075 0.9710365 -1.7829874 0.7404501 4.4641788 0.0257423 107284234 methyl-CpG binding protein 2
1.2019105 0.0058730 -0.2732806 -0.5051674 0.5877646 0.6347881 107300127 ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 16-like
1.2017567 -0.2407375 -0.1561952 3.0674175 4.0310088 0.0344117 107291301 RCAN family member 3
1.2017530 0.2873405 0.4221514 0.4350709 0.6942313 0.5734100 107288943 RAD51 paralog D
1.2015982 1.9766391 -0.4476328 2.6944065 1.1878453 0.3564135 107301326 SH3 domain-binding protein 1-like
1.2006764 1.1725384 0.4177733 5.3303569 4.8147423 0.0204603 107287263 phosphatidylinositol transfer protein beta
1.2005847 0.5130998 1.0193723 8.2682836 4.3287684 0.0280791 107287851 calmodulin 2 (phosphorylase kinase delta)
1.1994247 1.6156541 1.7508226 5.2319484 9.5820119 0.0017417 107294422 tight junction protein 2
1.1984249 1.0042416 -0.1375483 1.4106270 2.0622215 0.1598686 107292895 BTG3 associated nuclear protein
1.1982966 0.9900644 0.2762634 4.1008509 2.9491951 0.0766710 107282397 Josephin domain containing 2
1.1978625 0.5763106 -1.1088371 4.2760400 8.1931692 0.0032495 107290352 nuclear receptor coactivator 3
1.1976305 1.9543101 1.7995786 5.3077392 8.5233933 0.0027882 107286417 digestive organ expansion factor homolog (zebrafish)
1.1965768 0.4551879 0.3893955 4.7285510 4.7034868 0.0219376 107293787 calcium uptake protein 1 mitochondrial
1.1962300 2.5774786 1.5345862 2.9568794 1.2493495 0.3361302 107289957 syntaxin-3-like
1.1961106 0.3550872 0.1537641 3.1311802 1.3771390 0.2978731 107292558 U2AF homology motif (UHM) kinase 1
1.1957446 0.4043841 1.2866061 0.2182654 1.0704091 0.3988693 107292911 uncharacterized LOC107292911
1.1955489 0.6699498 -0.3005560 0.9072187 1.3414189 0.3080651 107294651 ATPase family AAA domain containing 5
1.1955367 0.9015335 -0.3645475 -0.1022443 0.9128519 0.4643315 107295265 coiled-coil domain containing 97
1.1950741 -1.0399162 -0.0555171 3.9330789 9.6078916 0.0017174 107293435 PR domain 15
1.1949572 0.1842444 -0.2105815 1.7313794 0.6977486 0.5714758 107294513 Mov10 RISC complex RNA helicase like 1
1.1945068 0.4853870 -0.0997875 5.7468047 3.7788315 0.0412095 107300550 CTTNBP2 N-terminal like
1.1939579 1.1218526 0.3473539 2.4955233 1.4046829 0.2902662 107289024 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 9
1.1938948 0.8303570 -0.0264280 2.7892696 3.5243017 0.0494208 107286558 histone deacetylase 6
1.1938766 2.1497633 0.7924467 7.2895207 7.7974607 0.0039166 107302646 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 6 interacting protein 5
1.1937947 0.5459759 0.8766817 5.3262911 2.2270955 0.1386594 107290555 solute carrier family 35 member C1
1.1936284 2.2111745 -0.2058176 3.3695444 6.6270528 0.0071220 107301014 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur protein 2 mitochondrial-like
1.1935577 1.0778552 0.6952292 3.5646663 3.3121838 0.0578882 107298379 PHD finger protein 20-like protein 1
1.1929386 1.6775464 3.0459992 3.4266072 8.8488710 0.0024068 107288921 transmembrane protein 208
1.1927160 1.0171015 0.7004898 4.5636972 6.4111396 0.0079597 107292001 BTB domain containing 9
1.1926223 2.2550859 -0.5404886 0.3700491 2.3706760 0.1227408 107303271 phosphorylase kinase alpha 1 (muscle)
1.1924517 0.6748594 2.8183430 5.9027782 7.3025562 0.0050131 107294502 p53 apoptosis effector related to PMP-22-like
1.1923325 0.4685618 0.1665664 5.5621146 3.8243736 0.0397860 107285822 oral cancer overexpressed 1
1.1921404 0.5502397 -0.5703062 6.9460341 7.1609490 0.0053534 107297269 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7
1.1918875 0.8262203 0.5476284 1.8760464 1.6294381 0.2354898 107299313 glyoxalase domain-containing protein 4-like
1.1915635 1.0039090 0.5071536 1.8585075 2.6104330 0.1004398 107285460 DEAD-box helicase 55
1.1913734 -7.0035169 0.2271067 6.5240137 182.3172732 0.0000000 107282561 sulfotransferase 1A1-like
1.1913701 0.4542934 1.4004301 3.0578647 3.6719836 0.0444287 107284693 vesicular overexpressed in cancer prosurvival protein 1
1.1913083 0.7070244 0.9218908 5.9081064 4.4891057 0.0252344 107288176 SEH1 like nucleoporin
1.1910381 0.9809355 -0.3748478 2.5335323 2.6039386 0.1011288 107303217 angiotensin II receptor type 2
1.1909435 0.5946314 -2.9558937 4.9442221 28.7008224 0.0000107 107290330 A-kinase anchor protein 2-like
1.1904433 0.8448562 0.5658866 5.6950266 4.3663898 0.0273796 107283888 dynein cytoplasmic 1 intermediate chain 2
1.1903115 1.4322192 2.0256908 5.6181503 4.9034287 0.0193819 107300940 signal recognition particle 9kDa
1.1892800 -1.9046289 -1.7593478 -0.4929231 2.5022287 0.1099666 107285731 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A1
1.1884040 -0.3838957 -0.2935630 2.7045084 0.8922686 0.4736627 107300624 TBC1 domain family member 8-like
1.1880924 0.7603561 1.2824574 5.1695772 4.6365887 0.0229680 107288828 solute carrier family 17 (acidic sugar transporter) member 5
1.1877490 1.5913231 1.5341088 2.7900865 0.9497314 0.4480765 107286253 PARK2 co-regulated
1.1876790 0.4076717 1.2127196 1.3413115 1.9025752 0.1839427 107283894 p53-induced death domain protein 1
1.1874413 1.0844550 0.4429279 1.7530360 1.5400322 0.2558660 107301144 microspherule protein 1-like
1.1867190 2.1107182 -0.3958588 4.3493411 20.0824520 0.0000625 107282999 hemoglobin subunit alpha-like
1.1862132 1.0080377 1.4167731 3.9947067 2.7149749 0.0923971 107290818 signal recognition particle 14kDa
1.1850336 1.1086668 0.8043010 -0.2684255 0.3320697 0.8023997 107294899 endothelin 3
1.1841321 0.2328202 -0.9433073 5.2368457 8.1174671 0.0033674 107286110 large tumor suppressor kinase 2
1.1838529 0.3879540 0.0642134 4.7493007 3.0192825 0.0725810 107291602 RIC1 homolog RAB6A GEF complex partner 1
1.1821388 0.4547995 1.7695864 1.7596740 2.4171319 0.1180451 107289036 POU class 1 homeobox 1
1.1820763 1.6226100 0.0050767 1.7511267 3.0945146 0.0684679 107285282 transmembrane protein 259
1.1819867 0.8851715 0.4693777 1.6510482 1.4136651 0.2877582 107292127 membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 15-like
1.1814936 1.2540816 -1.3740628 1.2434853 6.1979096 0.0090016 107303220 WD repeat domain 44
1.1807572 2.9975492 1.3634121 1.9882008 7.3010240 0.0050170 107303251 glypican 4
1.1799414 0.8828141 1.1738262 4.6969954 3.6414720 0.0454850 107288628 ankyrin repeat domain 54
1.1795831 1.7245362 2.1539329 5.8952000 5.5205950 0.0132845 107285582 ER degradation enhancer mannosidase alpha-like 2
1.1795541 -0.1760800 -1.1535107 2.1386617 2.7381982 0.0906822 107284024 neuropilin 1
1.1789109 0.9646299 -0.7501964 3.9315067 6.1992585 0.0089948 107290120 stonin 1
1.1778807 -1.4821388 -1.6840510 2.8513260 7.9952313 0.0035686 107289697 PDZ and LIM domain protein 4-like
1.1771840 1.5784749 0.6922812 4.3218579 6.3236467 0.0083568 107286132 WW domain binding protein 11
1.1770581 1.0789391 0.2887083 3.2035896 2.4953564 0.1105950 107286509 centrosomal protein 44kDa
1.1767695 0.0361516 0.4922585 4.3526019 3.9966559 0.0352439 107293534 TBC1 domain family member 12
1.1766722 1.5408525 -2.8722968 1.4095651 4.8599592 0.0199225 107282175 histocompatibility (minor) HA-1
1.1764115 -0.6755539 -0.7808630 2.5705093 5.4028230 0.0141965 107291523 chloride intracellular channel protein 6-like
1.1762783 1.8834227 1.3367902 3.5337432 12.1526063 0.0006375 107299013 mannosidase beta
1.1756177 -0.0736576 -0.7781266 2.6595872 5.9895713 0.0100685 107283890 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 17
1.1754296 -0.0493075 -0.9655968 2.9321582 5.6312016 0.0124275 107300274 zinc finger protein 585A-like
1.1753055 1.7106738 0.9646136 3.1334368 2.0371811 0.1634585 107289804 mortality factor 4 like 1
1.1750574 -0.5758199 0.6529287 -0.7341516 1.2145873 0.3473634 107296014 zinc finger protein 345-like
1.1747729 0.9638911 0.2294414 0.7840722 2.1555608 0.1472997 107293919 zinc finger protein 573
1.1747480 -0.2971828 0.3099909 3.8489409 1.9276019 0.1800405 107283900 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C15orf61
1.1743797 0.8923151 -0.0952122 3.7172006 4.1435462 0.0318852 107302892 nurim-like
1.1742753 0.2085368 -0.7105955 0.2402183 0.9391946 0.4526606 107282732 serine/threonine-protein kinase NLK2-like
1.1740898 0.9072938 -0.5990252 1.0081271 1.9892582 0.1704879 107291970 symplekin
1.1740290 0.8276277 1.4493808 2.6645316 2.7353302 0.0908920 107287843 serine/threonine kinase 39
1.1740099 -0.2615464 -0.7575083 3.2294282 4.8609457 0.0199035 107285820 zinc finger protein 608
1.1737378 0.9957936 1.0809433 2.5284023 1.7066848 0.2195755 107294619 glycosyltransferase 8 domain containing 2
1.1728159 1.9959801 -0.1969150 -0.3070017 2.5128669 0.1089161 107297658 golgin subfamily A member 2-like
1.1725928 0.3084414 0.1966797 0.0453111 0.5147561 0.6799815 107296639 PI-PLC X domain-containing protein 2-like
1.1724861 1.5398008 1.2304876 1.2447955 2.6318468 0.0987131 107293680 apoptosis-enhancing nuclease-like
1.1724734 0.3413771 0.1155023 1.1094784 0.0877143 0.9654033 107296376 CD2 antigen cytoplasmic tail-binding protein 2-like
1.1722633 0.9344635 0.1717024 2.4784605 3.3250852 0.0573130 107292841 zinc finger protein 501-like
1.1712503 0.2762306 -0.4338694 -0.7430274 0.5603899 0.6514455 107283993 regulator of G-protein signaling 11
1.1711062 -1.9755203 -2.8535891 1.0017733 3.5452508 0.0487869 107294552 E2F transcription factor 8
1.1710894 0.0193127 1.0354382 5.4880077 2.8501559 0.0829117 107291773 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-23-sialyltransferase 6
1.1708025 1.8426237 -1.2142745 1.2528450 2.6404614 0.0981561 107297170 golgin B1
1.1707529 0.4325583 -0.6943893 0.6325669 2.5740332 0.1034860 107288305 neural EGFL like 2
1.1700485 0.6974822 0.3238450 2.4381710 2.0506085 0.1613869 107287386 solute carrier family 35 member A5
1.1695327 0.9046250 0.4609200 4.2408288 2.7645479 0.0887807 107288725 acylamino-acid-releasing enzyme-like
1.1694509 0.8620316 0.5690506 3.9460238 2.7622914 0.0888975 107288625 MICAL like 1
1.1685532 2.3443684 -0.6764143 1.4717494 1.6626134 0.2285794 107302836 selectin P
1.1676401 1.0682385 1.4652589 -0.1836545 1.5827083 0.2458246 107287227 family with sequence similarity 98 member B
1.1671426 0.6693025 0.4803256 6.9598087 5.4280743 0.0139752 107291179 collagen type IV alpha 3 binding protein
1.1671115 1.3155069 0.7904820 0.4648717 0.5652914 0.6484371 107293061 uncharacterized LOC107293061
1.1654714 1.0462569 0.5553164 1.2576242 0.7263636 0.5559623 107297706 RNA binding motif protein 19
1.1650313 0.6651765 0.8849951 1.7055289 1.6061654 0.2405684 107293005 leucine rich repeat containing 49
1.1648056 1.7215058 0.5234835 7.5777036 4.1448182 0.0319121 107293580 tubulin beta 4A class IVa
1.1645522 0.9549362 1.4211469 6.3354690 3.6163209 0.0463224 107292033 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 3
1.1644312 0.9041097 1.3770250 4.4359262 4.0735446 0.0335140 107294088 ribonuclease H1
1.1637530 1.8235739 -1.1677361 3.1387213 4.5476602 0.0243659 107297060 SMG1 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinase
1.1633929 0.5065146 0.3223785 2.5254090 2.8211555 0.0847018 107285732 PWWP domain containing 2B
1.1628676 1.1164496 1.1738630 2.4358583 4.4840483 0.0253188 107289690 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 10
1.1625032 0.6376676 -2.4973750 2.5617667 11.3456610 0.0008663 107288484 plectin
1.1619749 0.4490073 0.5390816 2.3505281 2.0617995 0.1598142 107288340 centrosomal protein 112kDa
1.1615250 -1.1532207 1.4327500 7.1738454 7.1858194 0.0053190 107289907 serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 1
1.1610846 1.6671033 1.4071313 4.0084605 7.7828853 0.0039253 107294979 proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 2
1.1607492 1.1442481 0.7131810 2.9032734 2.0054130 0.1680807 107301286 DNA damage-binding protein 1-like
1.1599016 0.0199842 -0.9162222 7.2927256 2.6436333 0.0979027 107292586 tumor suppressor candidate 5 homolog
1.1591950 0.6869505 -0.9914057 5.0186015 14.5129091 0.0002891 107292600 solute carrier family 12 (potassium/chloride transporter) member 4
1.1590993 1.0388917 1.0670527 6.6313269 2.6872536 0.0944931 107299895 MIER1 transcriptional regulator
1.1588440 0.7490091 2.3690163 6.3291134 3.9979903 0.0353151 107286321 TraB domain containing
1.1586285 0.3630212 -0.9473142 2.3630936 3.5132147 0.0499472 107288252 tubby like protein 4
1.1583000 1.1759858 1.0244816 2.4658260 1.7184523 0.2172390 107292386 forkhead box N3
1.1582545 1.1118682 0.5352076 2.0255454 3.5241718 0.0494256 107291993 TELO2 interacting protein 2
1.1576125 1.2090909 -0.4274150 0.3048349 0.4968684 0.6914203 107298318 abhydrolase domain-containing protein 2
1.1571589 1.0054661 0.9140372 4.9146840 3.5392323 0.0490024 107285269 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L43
1.1569986 0.8033204 -0.0093610 1.8257835 2.9416975 0.0769815 107294807 poly(A) binding protein nuclear 1
1.1557200 0.0886206 -1.1342480 2.8666500 13.5371703 0.0003958 107290699 bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II
1.1556748 2.9556031 0.1795530 1.0685588 1.8037123 0.2011198 107297190 probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MID2
1.1551405 1.4545911 1.9958362 8.2985529 4.4216257 0.0264786 107288132 activating transcription factor 4
1.1547047 0.8174401 -0.3322915 0.2233036 1.9798736 0.1717431 107303287 kelch like family member 13
1.1545787 1.1467871 -0.3069455 3.5648458 3.6089218 0.0465722 107287947 lysine acetyltransferase 6A
1.1536403 -0.5689695 -0.0470573 -0.2396849 1.8826710 0.1872232 107295929 uncharacterized LOC107295929
1.1529132 -0.3930469 0.3947336 1.6473879 1.7530295 0.2105333 107290744 lysophospholipase II
1.1522918 1.6298647 1.2132708 5.0356349 2.3020437 0.1300740 107296423 ribosomal protein L22 like 1
1.1516980 0.1170239 -0.4076960 1.4460017 2.0425334 0.1625463 107288550 uncharacterized LOC107288550
1.1508061 1.5089389 1.9575648 7.1711645 12.1985967 0.0006271 107289581 cytoskeleton-associated protein 4
1.1506022 0.4214927 -0.9481650 0.9580947 2.1852432 0.1437338 107286958 mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 5
1.1503920 0.7840187 0.2910554 7.7805984 1.2987340 0.3207464 107302691 ovocalyxin-32-like
1.1501185 0.9892445 0.5692145 2.7591774 1.8936067 0.1855654 107296479 ubiquitin specific peptidase 11
1.1497591 0.6421834 1.6977466 0.8636527 1.0492922 0.4070553 107288401 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 12
1.1486433 1.4710445 -1.6360317 2.1458846 19.3320407 0.0000752 107285148 lymphoblastic leukemia associated hematopoiesis regulator 1
1.1481930 1.5262118 1.7736474 8.1073269 4.7284339 0.0216681 107292247 coatomer protein complex subunit beta 2 (beta prime)
1.1476684 -1.4422923 -0.3349349 0.8864915 2.5068741 0.1095441 107299620 uncharacterized LOC107299620
1.1475515 1.2466731 -0.3252646 2.7700851 2.9078248 0.0792097 107292071 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4
1.1474810 1.1042550 2.5577536 6.7580865 6.5533925 0.0074093 107288947 mitochondrial fission regulator 1
1.1471579 1.0018040 -0.1078876 0.9750111 1.0195861 0.4188699 107283962 KIAA0556 ortholog
1.1465920 1.0010449 0.7079696 1.4971529 1.8283415 0.1965579 107296919 MIS12 kinetochore complex component
1.1456430 1.0766693 0.5674296 4.9630171 2.8992631 0.0797471 107292551 cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly factor NARFL-like
1.1453712 -0.5235706 1.4020457 6.3634290 5.4337875 0.0139899 107289913 AKT interacting protein
1.1452609 0.4905451 -0.3192566 3.6784249 4.8874968 0.0195020 107293745 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily c member 2
1.1452446 1.3596779 -0.0475447 3.4393318 1.8401225 0.1946493 107283198 E74 like ETS transcription factor 1
1.1450564 0.5799810 -0.2887662 3.2096413 3.3278299 0.0572851 107299854 zinc finger protein 84-like
1.1449498 1.2610919 0.6950821 3.8360593 3.1756126 0.0643321 107293500 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E nuclear import factor 1
1.1442564 0.0988407 0.3117490 2.0568412 1.2259449 0.3436983 107290173 collagen alpha-1(XVI) chain-like
1.1441238 2.3312970 0.3790937 0.3532998 1.0670983 0.4001412 107299221 TBC1 domain family member 1-like
1.1436964 1.1523862 -0.8721784 0.1241684 4.1215363 0.0323257 107291397 family with sequence similarity 193 member B
1.1435851 1.2286971 1.7605025 0.7727578 1.3269281 0.3123079 107298188 phosphatidylserine decarboxylase
1.1430076 0.3634479 0.5351330 4.1004576 3.3695978 0.0554303 107289483 thioredoxin related transmembrane protein 3
1.1419534 2.0485561 1.1414574 3.7934497 8.1477341 0.0032987 107292361 enolase 1 (alpha)
1.1416484 0.3616445 1.3485874 5.5800448 8.4792518 0.0028238 107288700 BRICK1 SCAR/WAVE actin-nucleating complex subunit
1.1413956 0.9736922 3.3217216 6.7927584 4.0793063 0.0333811 107290355 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C3
1.1411589 -0.3263058 0.0035294 1.4333778 1.2014753 0.3518075 107293181 AT-rich interaction domain 5B
1.1409727 1.0716837 0.0766695 1.9044704 3.2395599 0.0611417 107284292 adenosine deaminase RNA-specific B1
1.1405759 -0.1429609 -0.7479546 1.1649102 3.0750329 0.0693688 107299782 CLIP-associating protein 1-like
1.1398875 1.4320747 1.0427105 3.4171778 3.1267670 0.0667874 107289123 developmentally regulated GTP binding protein 2
1.1397000 4.2553182 -2.5355399 0.4319629 8.8147100 0.0024438 107287963 ankyrin-1-like
1.1393032 0.4030584 2.5125590 -0.6303243 1.5298963 0.2582796 107293492 epoxide hydrolase 2
1.1382634 0.3522676 0.2281562 5.1035445 2.1677205 0.1459209 107294347 Dmx like 1
1.1376188 0.9916141 0.0935334 0.5619147 1.0421337 0.4098701 107301301 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III subunit RPC1-like
1.1375522 0.8744639 1.4913506 3.2282021 3.6517199 0.0451189 107285496 toll-like receptor 2
1.1364472 0.1603778 0.8927304 4.9039655 2.7962117 0.0865559 107300238 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 36-like
1.1359461 1.0370400 1.1186675 1.9761967 0.4070604 0.7508068 107288693 Fanconi anemia complementation group D2
1.1354566 0.4304272 0.2444469 5.2225611 3.3261769 0.0572686 107298385 acyl-CoA thioesterase 9
1.1353993 1.3967949 0.6605840 1.2423332 2.3333480 0.1265098 107285795 dedicator of cytokinesis protein 4-like
1.1352594 0.5314959 0.8443483 2.7447893 1.8111140 0.1997379 107292784 Ewing tumor-associated antigen 1
1.1349367 -0.5854464 -0.7836231 -0.5240929 0.9560474 0.4453515 107283067 solute carrier family 1 (glutamate transporter) member 7
1.1346110 0.5021388 0.3103862 5.8975367 4.0763218 0.0333487 107300002 dynactin subunit 4
1.1345452 0.6535880 0.4053346 2.1074603 0.5695277 0.6458461 107289447 adenylate kinase isoenzyme 5-like
1.1345394 3.2450766 3.9704794 5.0186910 11.8493074 0.0007190 107303308 insulin induced gene 1
1.1332273 -2.0664868 0.5872625 4.3851840 11.5640375 0.0007985 107292518 butyrylcholinesterase
1.1321765 -0.3534316 -1.3313703 6.6780399 9.6296034 0.0017152 107287320 actin binding LIM protein 1
1.1318092 0.5925475 1.0721628 4.5118296 2.2126169 0.1403914 107293905 cilia and flagella associated protein 100
1.1316946 1.0931841 0.6956380 4.4508730 2.1896852 0.1431853 107294334 tubulin tyrosine ligase like 1
1.1304630 0.7923160 -0.3114448 2.3972792 2.5189589 0.1084538 107293989 splicing factor suppressor of white-apricot family
1.1304321 -0.6486601 -0.0247965 0.2216582 0.5378473 0.6654239 107284522 POU class 2 associating factor 1
1.1300946 0.8618104 -1.6237502 3.2019541 7.6369848 0.0042442 107287682 SHC (Src homology 2 domain containing) family member 4
1.1299711 0.9063397 -1.0704859 2.3974015 4.2540223 0.0296268 107290922 SET domain containing 5
1.1299168 0.2304365 -0.6881723 3.0529104 4.4453002 0.0260395 107301394 epoxide hydrolase 3
1.1295281 1.2016696 1.3249927 4.9970005 6.1499956 0.0092030 107294777 nucleolar protein 10
1.1294838 0.9797814 1.8019787 1.4761339 0.7638103 0.5362560 107302154 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
1.1294351 0.7112247 -0.1496413 -0.6954351 0.5402920 0.6638968 107301788 fibroleukin-like
1.1293264 0.8830015 -0.0781055 0.8220848 1.0027902 0.4257075 107297384 methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase domain containing
1.1280699 0.9047492 0.8027053 2.7434416 1.4541362 0.2771384 107287087 zinc finger protein 217
1.1274091 0.6915626 0.4337043 3.8971871 2.2647860 0.1342161 107289430 BCL2 associated athanogene 1
1.1269187 1.2034137 0.8530684 2.1904209 1.5776123 0.2471335 107294808 solute carrier family 7 (amino acid transporter light chain L system) member 8
1.1267816 0.3877937 0.2498048 2.8950974 1.9714699 0.1730362 107295892 outer dense fiber of sperm tails 2
1.1266588 0.8329350 0.4040294 2.8548262 3.7194170 0.0428851 107291084 coiled-coil domain containing 171
1.1265305 0.7901006 0.6720760 4.0596926 2.5537423 0.1053385 107288220 Leber congenital amaurosis 5
1.1262217 1.5872243 1.1490481 2.5791476 1.4781046 0.2710124 107286425 KIAA0753 ortholog
1.1260410 -0.6759969 -1.3245371 0.1259578 2.9046543 0.0792833 107301581 zinc finger protein OZF-like
1.1257749 -0.4556808 0.5407176 3.0890869 2.3009645 0.1301933 107283035 heat shock protein family B (small) member 11
1.1256694 0.6800971 2.9033776 1.7416208 2.4374307 0.1160581 107291174 family with sequence similarity 169 member A
1.1256229 0.5998665 -1.4416944 0.2609985 3.7951131 0.0407057 107293520 formin-binding protein 1-like
1.1254112 2.9719933 1.4269697 0.8269417 3.3438747 0.0566374 107300686 CD276 antigen-like
1.1251900 0.2396699 -1.4874199 2.9266142 2.6698776 0.0958347 107297080 phosphatidylinositol-345-trisphosphate-dependent Rac exchange factor 1
1.1251841 1.9010819 2.3692306 3.9881690 3.0057146 0.0733528 107296253 transmembrane protein 37
1.1246944 1.1589909 0.0886023 1.2629331 2.0599559 0.1600754 107298345 zinc finger protein 91-like
1.1246534 -0.0868368 0.3990886 2.6120609 1.6183536 0.2380389 107293958 T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 2
1.1232154 0.9582160 0.8264964 2.7778235 1.1263441 0.3780138 107291035 solute carrier family 35 member F6
1.1221678 0.7806332 -0.0149078 4.3327340 2.9719192 0.0753165 107289698 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 9
1.1220257 -2.6313716 -1.0779563 2.5102653 4.8516012 0.0200284 107300752 ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-23-beta-galactosyl-13)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-26-sialyltransferase 2
1.1213924 0.5378914 -0.5042094 4.1463247 3.6933167 0.0438136 107289335 histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 3
1.1211840 0.5407282 2.1062929 0.1931721 3.6780732 0.0441820 107292834 WD repeat and SOCS box containing 2
1.1205870 0.0149003 -0.0051216 0.0396478 1.0810234 0.3947127 107291564 aryl-hydrocarbon-interacting protein-like 1
1.1204449 1.1510975 -0.0356248 5.7348825 3.8993396 0.0378383 107292978 hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha subunit inhibitor
1.1201040 0.6008463 0.2587624 5.4727380 4.0541102 0.0338649 107286370 bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 2B
1.1193792 1.4347856 0.5509722 1.6724769 2.3369473 0.1261443 107288328 interleukin 17 receptor A
1.1179993 1.1740930 0.3333900 4.8885060 4.1098394 0.0326784 107285673 DEAD-box helicase 23
1.1176702 0.7458295 0.6613484 4.5653159 3.7252110 0.0427069 107287231 pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 4
1.1167287 1.3160906 -0.7567623 0.2638946 1.2863579 0.3245286 107301592 beta-sarcoglycan-like
1.1166535 0.8613068 1.3169692 5.0654138 5.5642308 0.0128860 107292820 SRSF protein kinase 1
1.1165476 1.0418114 0.7526995 3.4859591 4.7403142 0.0214231 107294477 LEO1 homolog Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component
1.1162934 1.0479145 1.2224868 2.6853212 1.1869577 0.3567156 107295508 CDC42 binding protein kinase gamma
1.1152884 0.1335872 0.0707590 3.2781461 2.3421381 0.1255931 107284484 SCL/TAL1 interrupting locus
1.1152098 1.4956456 2.4757271 1.6314789 3.4791564 0.0512159 107291366 phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase
1.1151185 0.7718451 -0.0349787 1.7275821 1.0099912 0.4227619 107285968 angel homolog 1 (Drosophila)
1.1150047 0.5549846 1.8704477 4.6013058 3.6442507 0.0453936 107282506 uncharacterized LOC107282506
1.1148476 0.9809386 0.5733233 5.1299859 3.8766547 0.0383486 107284299 retinoblastoma 1
1.1139753 0.0414591 -0.3627103 3.3841150 2.3221847 0.1278714 107290139 cyclin-dependent kinase 19
1.1124620 1.1631911 2.5264306 1.3186421 5.5193891 0.0132334 107295080 splicing factor U2AF 35 kDa subunit
1.1122719 0.5983070 1.9957982 0.5050440 0.9487123 0.4485178 107282501 myosin-3-like
1.1121533 0.8189536 0.5322774 6.2791628 5.0196497 0.0179459 107296735 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily a member 2
1.1117453 -4.4960914 3.8038551 6.9468458 82.6424185 0.0000000 107284760 nicotinamide N-methyltransferase-like
1.1116496 1.4718242 -1.6022927 1.5298536 13.1969802 0.0004434 107287211 proline rich membrane anchor 1
1.1109889 0.4490578 -0.7411228 1.2843865 1.2284801 0.3428697 107285717 uncharacterized LOC107285717
1.1106418 0.3418397 -0.5268711 6.0401479 2.7231042 0.0917926 107303152 mitotic spindle organizing protein 1
1.1103328 -0.1179902 -1.7741348 3.1027445 4.0822358 0.0333138 107287257 phospholipase C gamma 1
1.1102145 0.8589878 -0.1327914 5.9126593 3.2001695 0.0631372 107285612 aprataxin
1.1100820 2.4259219 1.9591819 0.1838674 2.2242237 0.1390010 107286718 deoxyribonuclease I-like 1
1.1095201 -0.2820336 0.7618799 4.5076564 5.4170487 0.0140763 107284538 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein family member 8
1.1089495 1.4049044 1.3160599 3.1039095 2.5029754 0.1098985 107302556 FAD dependent oxidoreductase domain containing 2
1.1087276 0.5840131 4.5328423 1.2335244 6.2752897 0.0086235 107284577 family with sequence similarity 110 member C
1.1084765 -1.0898060 -0.0725837 0.6368737 1.1227276 0.3793266 107292029 protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 1
1.1083311 1.7936586 -0.1878844 1.3954216 4.1033397 0.0327462 107294379 double PHD fingers 2
1.1078800 -0.2720483 0.2925809 3.8078809 3.8196794 0.0399282 107289386 solute carrier family 9 member A8
1.1069121 -0.5156405 -0.4782853 0.1625267 0.7239692 0.5572453 107298224 phosphatidylserine synthase 1
1.1067338 -0.1833894 -4.0998492 2.4120399 19.7013649 0.0000697 107290751 angiopoietin 1
1.1064681 -0.0739263 0.2697956 1.8890242 2.2056922 0.1410678 107288619 v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog F
1.1063876 1.0963384 0.7368875 5.7904812 3.6234829 0.0460472 107295523 TAR DNA binding protein
1.1061348 0.1934890 -0.1636486 3.5575718 4.3227092 0.0281937 107285987 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type M
1.1057328 0.9904606 0.4494050 4.5084939 5.7907741 0.0112851 107292300 RAB3 GTPase activating non-catalytic protein subunit 2
1.1055192 0.5972250 0.5888287 7.9488673 3.0741343 0.0694171 107295626 annexin A7
1.1054977 1.3821618 -0.3862619 0.4983442 2.3300385 0.1269767 107294829 nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group C member 2
1.1048698 0.9347192 -0.3170058 3.7394399 5.5249290 0.0131950 107287650 neurobeachin
1.1043467 0.3957875 0.7665494 1.4181626 0.5472952 0.6595370 107282547 apoptosis regulator BAX-like
1.1040818 0.7769147 -0.7332542 3.2623087 8.3980741 0.0029317 107287221 sperm associated antigen 9
1.1036592 0.0488546 -1.2512158 2.2025337 2.9405477 0.0771938 107295406 transmembrane protein 47-like
1.1035857 1.1679651 -3.3812484 2.3083962 16.2784664 0.0001726 107298932 amyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 2
1.1030568 -0.3723594 -1.3041935 -0.4377756 1.5668374 0.2496029 107290706 cyclic nucleotide-binding domain-containing protein 2-like
1.1030304 8.7390658 8.5056803 6.9634049 14.2992683 0.0003131 107295649 uncharacterized LOC107295649
1.1024837 0.3577377 0.1532128 3.7919565 2.6118864 0.1003203 107286302 integrator complex subunit 7
1.1023873 1.0763432 0.3535141 1.1823076 0.8830255 0.4779142 107288824 paxillin
1.1020382 -4.1167634 1.1551201 3.6485166 19.3714773 0.0000757 107284856 solute carrier family 35 member F2
1.1020076 -0.2995218 1.0520323 4.1245516 3.3076002 0.0582020 107303292 ring finger protein 32
1.1008355 1.2360760 1.4669670 3.9864824 5.9271451 0.0104377 107288112 serine/threonine kinase 16
1.0988148 2.1005944 0.2644288 0.2835827 1.8979954 0.1848415 107285675 aarF domain containing kinase 4
1.0986890 0.2029689 -1.2399128 2.2289047 4.2773004 0.0291645 107297906 zinc finger protein 883-like
1.0982369 1.3203556 -0.3732389 1.1346789 2.2891464 0.1315072 107283710 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 8A
1.0977591 0.9624325 -0.0258724 0.7387630 1.4534551 0.2771893 107299166 transformation/transcription domain-associated protein
1.0974463 0.8605196 0.7538432 6.4822230 3.6293464 0.0457692 107292367 actin like 6A
1.0967203 1.6969423 1.8337963 3.5542091 9.1334334 0.0021052 107286446 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C5 gamma
1.0963841 -4.7643558 2.1833003 2.8374186 38.2683482 0.0000024 107298518 multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2-like
1.0955846 0.3595550 0.6364660 1.0514623 1.1194371 0.3804132 107289154 phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein 2
1.0955148 0.3999849 0.7709595 0.5804091 1.0741160 0.3973436 107294196 zinc finger protein 287-like
1.0947088 0.5184402 1.9041022 9.3263667 2.1837994 0.1439126 107294792 heat shock protein 90kDa alpha family class A member 1
1.0944150 0.7063287 0.5876039 0.7709876 1.2506011 0.3356044 107293072 placental growth factor
1.0942902 1.1224086 0.6914199 3.2385243 3.0998410 0.0680501 107284727 PR domain 4
1.0934327 1.8837652 1.9024214 4.1279216 5.5033938 0.0134209 107286450 prolactin regulatory element binding
1.0932895 0.9633670 -0.0470523 4.5451090 5.2208072 0.0158465 107287608 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins C1/C2
1.0930440 0.2664639 -0.0354084 3.7544013 3.4675235 0.0515344 107297549 leucine-rich repeats and WD repeat domain containing 1
1.0928038 1.1050088 1.2521607 4.8321689 4.8091568 0.0205533 107286750 WAS protein family member 2
1.0924169 0.4001596 0.7398381 4.4447023 2.2217215 0.1392994 107289353 family with sequence similarity 3 member A
1.0923605 -0.2447265 0.3745428 2.4592192 2.5060455 0.1094637 107288222 TTK protein kinase
1.0916876 1.6730809 -1.5744563 5.2526478 23.8214089 0.0000274 107303143 LIM domain 7
1.0915395 -1.2825805 -2.1784368 3.5297941 12.8751321 0.0005004 107295244 arylsulfatase D-like
1.0911770 2.1335014 -0.7637495 1.6314052 5.1644270 0.0164731 107289496 nuclear factor erythroid 2
1.0911761 2.9679367 -0.4278849 1.9802958 2.6651127 0.0962064 107298190 helicase with zinc finger 2 transcriptional coactivator
1.0906308 0.8642467 -0.1309866 1.0741360 1.2413835 0.3386857 107289048 ankyrin repeat and ubiquitin domain containing 1
1.0902338 1.5817912 -0.4526141 1.0631915 2.2935482 0.1310161 107299452 protocadherin alpha-C2-like
1.0900940 -0.6006269 -2.1075871 5.6506066 23.4979162 0.0000291 107302824 ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 1A
1.0887451 0.1028975 0.2846853 5.4749208 1.0700275 0.3990157 107298225 phosphatidylserine synthase 1-like
1.0886849 1.4997662 0.6423909 3.1955282 5.6407609 0.0123173 107302628 splicing factor 3b subunit 2
1.0885841 0.0068722 -0.5101628 1.4925419 2.7713181 0.0881513 107297962 MTOR associated protein LST8 homolog
1.0877887 0.4748730 0.3942754 1.3070594 0.5528110 0.6561190 107282926 cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein 3
1.0875878 0.7676085 -0.1434215 0.5355988 0.1158299 0.9490775 107288954 protein LSM12 homolog
1.0874041 1.1697605 0.9285547 3.3942988 2.5169767 0.1086318 107287983 flap structure-specific endonuclease 1
1.0872452 0.5321445 -0.1955646 7.2889426 2.8788188 0.0810474 107283560 zinc finger MYND-type containing 11
1.0872096 0.5389708 0.5538793 3.7186805 2.0183394 0.1661057 107282465 3’-phosphoadenosine 5’-phosphosulfate synthase 1
1.0872065 0.7618166 0.9034882 2.6935407 2.8845840 0.0805337 107293779 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase like 1
1.0871293 -0.4527815 0.3809134 3.2324128 2.1676917 0.1459245 107302242 testis specific 10
1.0867474 1.8808295 1.4564904 3.2706333 4.4827815 0.0254280 107293702 kelch-like protein 5
1.0866532 -0.4681133 3.5557777 0.4487552 2.0720207 0.1585543 107283403 free fatty acid receptor 4
1.0865245 1.7506186 1.1689893 2.9147766 6.2602043 0.0086494 107298588 recombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region
1.0863615 -0.1116062 -0.7424576 5.2511718 4.3102924 0.0285237 107291771 discoidin CUB and LCCL domain containing 2
1.0863403 0.9309237 -0.7641762 0.1762100 2.8615978 0.0820164 107294843 neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-7-like
1.0857907 0.2252070 -0.5282872 1.0809240 1.0921120 0.3906364 107300866 zinc finger protein OZF-like
1.0853440 0.6931321 -0.5127052 3.0224533 5.3706910 0.0144661 107284872 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C27
1.0850237 -0.4692076 -0.2288024 3.4593133 2.8439294 0.0833232 107282572 archaelysin family metallopeptidase 2
1.0838075 0.0678917 -1.2730204 1.2877942 3.0752027 0.0694975 107299741 zinc finger protein 665-like
1.0836471 2.1194654 0.1872420 3.0830308 7.7551134 0.0039821 107286439 nuclear receptor binding protein 1
1.0828225 1.5779536 -0.0624304 3.5735416 0.6866923 0.5775760 107288756 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF213-like
1.0821968 1.0873100 -2.5215994 -0.0472320 5.1516190 0.0166034 107283186 diacylglycerol kinase eta
1.0807333 0.6918721 1.4016395 3.8726264 8.0128097 0.0035138 107290687 protein kinase C zeta
1.0806916 1.5973451 1.3771929 3.7644838 2.4723705 0.1127268 107289845 BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 1
1.0804310 1.2620234 0.0791596 0.5648092 0.3767451 0.7714899 107299661 uncharacterized LOC107299661
1.0798631 1.6518443 -1.0993170 0.2582691 3.3894419 0.0547403 107286386 formin like 3
1.0798195 1.2993834 0.4452083 1.4119733 1.1334117 0.3754620 107298304 cap methyltransferase 2
1.0794017 2.3710042 3.8825258 5.1764589 6.3573943 0.0082424 107297606 STEAP3 metalloreductase
1.0791015 0.3999296 -0.2574784 1.2185353 1.0074706 0.4237906 107287185 TNF receptor associated factor 3
1.0789476 1.3637090 0.9174503 5.1158124 4.3878346 0.0270808 107291475 RCD1 required for cell differentiation1 homolog (S. pombe)
1.0789303 1.8902071 1.0733249 -0.0485988 1.5638031 0.2503033 ERCC-00031
1.0788920 1.0553837 0.0106973 2.5466260 1.8813564 0.1876030 107283157 zinc finger protein 280D
1.0787482 0.3244129 -0.4528858 5.9331128 2.8395548 0.0836137 107302371 G-patch domain containing 8
1.0782114 -0.5145031 -0.2191693 4.6803749 3.6758654 0.0443681 107293982 maturin neural progenitor differentiation regulator homolog (Xenopus)
1.0780056 1.1645748 1.5596992 2.1602812 2.2652151 0.1342146 107294714 PRELI domain containing 3B
1.0772497 1.1223193 1.3453591 3.2700153 1.3299763 0.3114101 107292694 ER membrane protein complex subunit 4
1.0747575 2.3394708 0.8907889 1.0341474 1.9731030 0.1729342 107298600 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3
1.0744665 0.6807990 0.1155727 2.6912628 3.0028926 0.0733741 107293115 uncharacterized LOC107293115
1.0743666 2.7573330 3.2927794 4.8511143 6.9566305 0.0059853 107284796 hypoxia up-regulated 1
1.0742188 1.3495515 0.8983286 5.4190658 4.1010040 0.0328861 107289377 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 variant 1
1.0740098 0.7057148 -0.2920172 4.9601083 2.1698058 0.1456586 107293606 upstream binding protein 1 (LBP-1a)
1.0738623 1.4685203 1.2015509 1.4377995 2.1766447 0.1447544 107291729 sorting nexin 33
1.0736737 2.3622183 2.2340614 -0.1648286 1.4896639 0.2681115 107301154 mRNA-capping enzyme-like
1.0727343 1.0391763 -0.0933950 4.5964104 3.3095553 0.0581164 107282418 SR-related CTD-associated factor 1
1.0722047 0.6346975 1.6894737 6.0987150 2.5439741 0.1062362 107303045 5’-nucleotidase cytosolic IIIB
1.0716809 1.4383625 1.6597145 2.3568968 3.6520863 0.0451369 107292174 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily a member 5
1.0714478 1.3369625 -1.1317043 4.5634410 3.6718575 0.0444966 107294491 uncharacterized LOC107294491
1.0713853 0.9600053 0.2757315 4.3677485 5.7103583 0.0118253 107291398 docking protein 3
1.0712009 0.5997872 0.6438504 0.3393913 0.5479999 0.6590995 107291042 ethanolaminephosphotransferase 1
1.0710740 1.0507700 2.3605724 8.6090653 4.6975956 0.0221027 107287781 ADP ribosylation factor 4
1.0705483 0.5408833 -0.0599199 3.4370439 1.6590838 0.2293182 107284595 SMC5-SMC6 complex localization factor 1
1.0701087 0.5106607 0.1791060 3.8501680 1.8405997 0.1945661 107284864 integrator complex subunit 9
1.0700168 0.4539660 1.2136381 3.3249570 3.3771123 0.0551302 107302741 intraflagellar transport 27
1.0685107 0.3348187 3.4622838 5.7759168 3.9959733 0.0353647 107287252 lipin 3
1.0682998 1.5486469 0.9228339 3.0492122 3.7195629 0.0429607 107301409 stress-induced-phosphoprotein 1-like
1.0682493 -2.7926971 -0.6978133 0.3480467 11.8310164 0.0007162 107290030 claudin 19
1.0680341 -0.6968083 0.7552666 3.0298688 5.0857030 0.0172723 107302893 charged multivesicular body protein 4c-like
1.0677373 1.4540426 0.7381677 4.3476605 6.4858096 0.0076423 107283269 STAM binding protein
1.0675982 0.9484638 -0.4062509 3.0982782 3.3976835 0.0544051 107283758 nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2
1.0670588 2.0445468 -0.6579067 0.6672535 2.9380979 0.0773427 107286481 elastin microfibril interfacer 1
1.0669985 1.7796561 0.8924589 0.9788094 1.8437161 0.1940235 107297119 K(lysine) acetyltransferase 5
1.0667747 1.0721062 1.2210454 1.1499057 1.7347626 0.2139091 107285454 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 6 interacting protein 4
1.0662937 1.7237568 0.9813703 6.3779553 0.9453114 0.4499937 107284878 ANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator
1.0662530 0.1481148 0.5737452 0.3723350 1.4080320 0.2892162 107297498 uncharacterized LOC107297498
1.0662530 0.1481148 0.5737452 0.3723350 1.4080320 0.2892162 107301755 uncharacterized LOC107301755
1.0662080 0.5326480 -0.7133078 1.3184960 3.3391541 0.0567101 107299877 uncharacterized LOC107299877
1.0661489 2.2173652 1.4194040 -0.2870261 1.2887464 0.3237949 107292893 KIAA0513 ortholog
1.0658808 0.9749450 0.5801309 4.7416131 4.1094576 0.0325954 107288311 geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase 1
1.0655906 1.4697906 -1.0878440 2.2517480 2.8521426 0.0827809 107292340 phosphatidylinositol-45-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta
1.0652832 1.2091130 1.3321734 3.3444427 5.2065983 0.0159846 107286477 protein phosphatase Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1G
1.0645346 0.8419733 -0.2331671 1.3880194 2.4065942 0.1189342 107286572 APEX nuclease (apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease) 2
1.0641387 0.3126897 0.5476443 3.4050035 1.9356163 0.1786257 107303145 progesterone immunomodulatory binding factor 1
1.0639763 0.8846992 0.0147633 2.0365699 3.3460210 0.0564184 107287047 proteasomal ATPase associated factor 1
1.0636647 -0.5042641 -1.9825682 4.7813196 10.1445210 0.0013857 107287159 laminin subunit alpha 4
1.0627525 0.7493608 -0.9923328 1.3381873 1.8655468 0.1902701 107284320 thymocyte selection associated high mobility group box
1.0624539 -8.4109466 -0.7523860 3.4592763 49.6657916 0.0000006 107288875 clarin 3
1.0624462 0.7754176 0.5144574 6.0473090 1.9837535 0.1713170 107290338 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) gamma 10
1.0622516 -2.6514775 -2.0233184 3.8045007 4.4947694 0.0252277 107301724 C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4-like
1.0621708 0.8107746 0.6269738 1.7437622 1.4181290 0.2864900 107282853 solute carrier family 26 (anion exchanger) member 5
1.0620939 1.1725977 1.4158486 7.5306135 5.6374688 0.0123411 107295826 Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) alpha
1.0620367 2.1771750 1.3251298 6.6423672 1.5359449 0.2568362 107297052 lymphocyte antigen 6E-like
1.0611160 0.0078680 -0.2672747 2.2549467 2.8458514 0.0830501 107294622 host cell factor C2
1.0608841 0.4796889 0.2444008 0.1957928 0.4575701 0.7170242 107300983 TATA box-binding protein-associated factor RNA polymerase I subunit A-like
1.0606444 1.1323862 1.1686925 1.3834117 1.7903867 0.2034534 107295161 TBC1 domain family member 31
1.0605496 0.2434437 -1.0364759 1.7201760 3.3001164 0.0585310 107282498 glycogen [starch] synthase muscle-like
1.0601045 -2.2627932 -4.4871130 0.0741149 8.2636532 0.0031440 107292806 UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 14- galactosyltransferase polypeptide 6
1.0598628 0.1715482 -0.2515576 4.5580706 2.7231062 0.0917924 107295705 RNA binding motif protein 10
1.0597006 1.2447813 2.4495193 7.2173349 4.7602644 0.0212298 107301307 Yip1 domain family member 5
1.0596969 1.0374588 1.3257090 3.7613477 3.7855095 0.0409807 107283794 AVL9 cell migration associated
1.0594847 -1.8114600 -0.7053426 3.7513705 3.3545132 0.0561877 107286438 protein Shroom2-like
1.0592923 1.7321141 1.6703194 5.3845886 7.1402834 0.0054442 107296213 small ArfGAP 1
1.0579958 0.8012106 1.1049463 1.2381247 0.3732730 0.7738755 107284801 trehalase
1.0579504 0.6816067 0.4330343 3.9863082 3.1105977 0.0674873 107301436 widely interspaced zinc finger motifs
1.0575542 1.6865550 1.3604970 4.0633511 4.2005495 0.0307212 107292774 glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase
1.0575053 0.4679438 -0.5212610 2.1330755 4.2295826 0.0300252 107295411 FUN14 domain containing 2
1.0568807 1.3009121 0.2073914 4.1205452 3.3075428 0.0582045 107285523 interferon induced with helicase C domain 1
1.0561422 1.1563732 0.2553581 5.5648617 4.6373446 0.0229084 107294977 Ski2 like RNA helicase 2
1.0553327 0.3999321 2.5329452 0.6230239 1.9645249 0.1742493 107299586 TLC domain containing 1
1.0552713 1.4129195 0.7662029 3.5182910 1.0783861 0.3958222 107299092 olfactory receptor 1019-like
1.0541743 -0.1462828 0.7848621 0.1059133 1.1829653 0.3579589 107288037 XK related 8
1.0538883 -4.0802275 -1.1165333 4.2012406 50.5620098 0.0000005 107289219 glutaminase
1.0536987 -0.7667314 0.9480339 0.1002632 0.4230139 0.7400384 107291684 cytochrome P450 2K1-like
1.0532599 2.1161129 0.9942903 1.1829579 2.0599304 0.1602371 107293276 SH3 and PX domains 2B
1.0521438 -0.1889609 -1.4885953 5.1741533 10.7442864 0.0010909 107283809 glutathione peroxidase 8 (putative)
1.0519657 0.9543513 -0.0150160 3.8791868 5.7956731 0.0112531 107294704 bromodomain containing 8
1.0517503 0.9485706 -2.1007760 2.1056126 7.3260817 0.0049540 107285199 ubiquitin associated protein 2 like
1.0516494 0.0549201 -1.9730200 3.4219320 8.9171847 0.0023346 107302332 zinc finger protein 572-like
1.0516483 1.6879093 1.4359798 2.8901427 3.5010809 0.0503949 107288985 heme binding protein 1
1.0515737 0.5892354 -1.9883753 4.7030993 10.2111184 0.0013487 107294887 uncharacterized LOC107294887
1.0515693 0.9222438 0.3159001 4.1818535 1.6088965 0.2401163 107291618 autophagy related 4D cysteine peptidase
1.0513545 1.0018643 -1.1142849 2.4799898 5.0716397 0.0174449 107296663 adrenergic beta receptor kinase 1
1.0507698 0.2438224 -0.3895112 4.6673059 3.2585882 0.0603961 107292010 SUMO1/sentrin specific peptidase 6
1.0504081 0.3390625 0.4516886 5.0798166 1.8474937 0.1933681 107291192 thiosulfate sulfurtransferase (rhodanese)-like domain containing 3
1.0499156 1.1298413 1.0580409 2.1675591 1.6005672 0.2419627 107289100 ELK4 ETS transcription factor
1.0497823 0.8765000 -1.2651430 -0.2306661 3.8319932 0.0395713 107288904 coiled-coil domain containing 79
1.0492154 0.9473305 0.2860209 0.3975857 0.8661950 0.4857171 107285015 procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer
1.0486153 1.3043295 0.4259881 2.8581702 0.7554061 0.5406202 107289991 fibroblast growth factor receptor 1
1.0479066 0.7130037 0.1350310 3.8363513 2.1678660 0.1459025 107285285 SURP and G-patch domain containing 1
1.0474429 0.3097843 0.6164895 5.7978406 3.5446415 0.0486882 107282832 Rho GTPase activating protein 12
1.0471656 2.0334747 0.8456592 1.9415902 4.7262060 0.0216185 107298397 proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 1
1.0460627 1.9993793 1.5717923 1.5853475 2.7317091 0.0911577 107285860 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 2
1.0456880 -1.1196815 0.8922086 3.5907427 14.6289545 0.0002788 107287614 transmembrane protein 161B
1.0454735 1.5312716 1.5589455 7.4977176 7.1776992 0.0053077 107296422 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A2
1.0453713 0.7780246 0.8781245 5.0296769 4.7846002 0.0208228 107285980 protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 1
1.0453145 -0.5649424 -1.0403060 2.6378700 4.6962876 0.0221214 107303224 hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1
1.0452034 -0.3216785 0.6501292 0.9311603 0.3607335 0.7825168 107293587 ubiquitin specific peptidase 50
1.0450367 0.8492325 -0.9172368 3.2026178 3.8683731 0.0386731 107287999 lysine methyltransferase 2B
1.0445646 0.6565460 0.2541878 1.1685270 0.8188124 0.5085192 107298721 membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 4A-like
1.0439898 0.7483804 0.1282806 1.4710159 1.7254188 0.2157127 107293673 TNF receptor associated factor 7
1.0438348 0.8483810 1.0796916 2.1916823 1.8319529 0.1959927 107303256 protein DDX26B-like
1.0437251 1.0096300 -1.5603308 0.3603782 3.6756811 0.0443740 107295889 spectrin alpha non-erythrocytic 1
1.0436023 -2.7724565 -2.0038224 1.6150769 20.7337285 0.0000535 107290420 two pore calcium channel protein 1-like
1.0426810 -0.1887670 0.0956960 5.0614937 4.2234139 0.0301513 107290371 phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 2 alpha
1.0420440 0.1895658 0.3884981 6.1526574 3.5788413 0.0474845 107285527 armadillo repeat containing 8
1.0411253 0.4514755 0.6469882 3.9603390 1.9296781 0.1796825 107283720 organic solute carrier partner 1
1.0406116 3.2024699 0.5556725 1.9446608 2.7802190 0.0876715 107300711 extracellular matrix protein 1-like
1.0405027 0.1649607 1.2523925 5.1217926 3.0009425 0.0736264 107298919 histone H2A.Z
1.0403023 0.9279207 -0.1853509 1.4114610 1.6692158 0.2272046 107297438 zinc finger protein 91-like
1.0400408 1.3959718 1.5207117 1.8641420 4.3449854 0.0277751 107296212 galactosylgalactosylxylosylprotein 3-beta-glucuronosyltransferase 2
1.0391009 -0.2940420 0.3680738 2.1298480 0.9988598 0.4273243 107294501 TNF alpha induced protein 3
1.0383534 0.7045355 0.2696465 1.7847679 0.9480100 0.4488222 107297593 zinc finger and AT-hook domain containing
1.0380152 1.1949169 -0.8211733 0.7203551 2.5661439 0.1043142 107295762 calcium binding and coiled-coil domain 1
1.0379729 -1.3930832 -0.9842232 -0.3142802 0.6512594 0.5975247 107290373 jumonji domain containing 8
1.0374552 0.7077007 0.3090090 4.8956225 2.0960180 0.1552735 107295729 golgi-associated PDZ and coiled-coil motif containing
1.0370032 -0.1162432 -1.2504253 4.3851985 4.8906057 0.0195396 107287161 FYN proto-oncogene Src family tyrosine kinase
1.0368412 0.3833719 1.0184507 3.0836472 1.5515781 0.2531472 107286717 GDP dissociation inhibitor 1
1.0359903 1.0756406 0.4755036 6.4128813 4.4742268 0.0254838 107302923 inhibitor of Bruton tyrosine kinase
1.0354313 0.9619860 -0.5036574 1.9189183 3.1467785 0.0657284 107289186 inositol hexakisphosphate kinase 1
1.0351200 1.1083807 -0.9859885 3.1348910 3.0024121 0.0735420 107282641 Rho GTPase activating protein 23
1.0340173 1.0198370 1.1922966 5.3947185 5.0848346 0.0172318 107292013 G-patch domain and KOW motifs
1.0335648 0.7187536 0.4368645 5.9208535 4.3009262 0.0286102 107297227 vascular endothelial zinc finger 1
1.0331536 -2.9091158 -2.1616441 0.6959234 4.1802260 0.0311494 107295461 chromogranin A
1.0329222 -0.7363914 0.5090393 7.7263398 6.4940534 0.0076082 107293247 receptor accessory protein 5
1.0325475 0.7031170 0.8988972 5.8143870 4.6900246 0.0221293 107292472 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B1
1.0323778 -0.2936361 3.6047988 1.7504538 4.3110553 0.0285090 107289111 LEM domain containing 1
1.0313936 1.3873882 0.5263306 2.7650597 1.7223302 0.2164752 107293644 beta-2 adrenergic receptor-like
1.0306853 -1.1360806 0.6720788 2.1532337 6.4121807 0.0079609 107290155 Fanconi anemia complementation group M
1.0306591 0.9298581 1.4841652 3.5512067 4.7131106 0.0218018 107284264 lectin galactoside-binding-like
1.0304923 -1.9655823 0.1769899 3.2276121 8.5947653 0.0026989 107294987 tetraspanin 17
1.0302959 0.2524152 0.0740077 7.3558375 2.2435532 0.1365809 107286841 A-kinase anchoring protein 9
1.0300694 0.4873102 0.4234219 4.2975569 0.9198393 0.4612063 107285880 ETS variant 5
1.0296314 0.6992835 0.1868292 3.3582243 2.2414302 0.1368217 107282890 BLOC-1 related complex subunit 8
1.0293026 0.3621142 0.3188410 7.1090390 2.7800916 0.0875325 107293568 programmed cell death 6 interacting protein
1.0284441 1.3886370 1.3889135 0.5130315 1.9705653 0.1731611 107301673 acyl-coenzyme A thioesterase 11-like
1.0282251 -9.3682130 -0.1123967 4.3599534 110.7939704 0.0000000 107287563 hepsin
1.0281305 1.3353495 1.2336549 2.8734166 3.6847192 0.0439846 107297289 suppression of tumorigenicity 7 like
1.0276492 2.1488579 -10.3380911 7.8440429 61.8013002 0.0000002 107290171 alpha-actinin-2
1.0270742 -0.0218078 -2.3259630 6.7159791 8.7926668 0.0024681 107283376 quiescin sulfhydryl oxidase 1
1.0267346 1.2326679 0.2033118 2.8283853 2.4634097 0.1135706 107289659 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 4
1.0256655 0.5759046 1.2294125 0.6782981 1.6112718 0.2394409 107292819 lipoma HMGIC fusion partner-like 5
1.0253369 0.0966078 1.3648353 5.8665395 8.3262655 0.0030311 107287330 coiled-coil domain containing 186
1.0253333 3.1353033 0.8304805 0.0580039 4.9004031 0.0193433 107296723 uncharacterized LOC107296723
1.0252257 -0.4764647 0.4903023 0.8588914 1.2150164 0.3472948 107292614 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) alpha transducing activity polypeptide 2
1.0247160 -1.0775061 -0.6286533 0.1413006 0.9601374 0.4435960 107298093 ring finger protein 144A
1.0244458 0.9127453 0.5068716 0.0120942 0.9011539 0.4695285 107294805 homeobox and leucine zipper encoding
1.0242293 0.5885592 1.8031240 2.6223306 4.8729030 0.0196832 107290796 syntaxin 3
1.0241187 -2.1614439 -3.4836345 0.1466909 2.6590392 0.0966826 107283401 cytochrome P450 26A1
1.0236028 1.0769505 -0.0161737 1.4048285 0.6526134 0.5967513 107296279 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 46
1.0235078 2.6569086 2.1816741 5.0896058 11.9890547 0.0006835 107282562 sphingomyelin synthase 2
1.0233745 -0.1491887 0.4743661 4.4966780 1.8838816 0.1871809 107287621 striatin 3
1.0232257 1.1151018 -0.1603958 3.4640964 2.3744338 0.1223531 107289853 thrombospondin type 1 domain containing 1
1.0228544 0.8147922 -0.3604163 1.1859999 2.0405022 0.1628420 107286400 nudix hydrolase 7
1.0222961 0.3819399 0.3743002 5.3006338 3.7888850 0.0408039 107285769 myeloid leukemia factor 2
1.0210024 1.8255081 1.1177493 6.0080821 2.7648942 0.0887560 107291431 high mobility group AT-hook 1
1.0202803 0.7473353 -0.3555290 3.8610191 3.2477056 0.0608961 107282979 human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 1
1.0202254 0.5504979 0.3903670 2.9867155 0.8999048 0.4701790 107294548 protein kinase cGMP-dependent type I
1.0196316 0.7518637 1.1657326 4.3725119 2.5300565 0.1074635 107291309 fission mitochondrial 1
1.0191724 -0.7649947 -0.1047382 4.6310720 3.2423574 0.0611436 107282489 tubby-related protein 3-like
1.0189064 -0.0356985 1.0816085 5.0745866 5.0919123 0.0171878 107294273 RAB28 member RAS oncogene family
1.0187895 -0.2472003 -0.4760307 5.7687001 2.5929809 0.1020407 107293560 proteinase-activated receptor 1-like
1.0185521 1.5333813 -0.4086202 1.3438342 1.6719427 0.2266395 107285924 vesicle amine transport 1
1.0185379 1.9994574 0.4835884 0.5788146 1.9846106 0.1711876 107290998 SPRY domain containing 3
1.0183682 -2.1576683 -1.6325316 1.2963179 2.2115345 0.1405219 107299378 carbonic anhydrase 4-like
1.0178466 1.5460766 0.6421793 3.9249537 2.7715778 0.0882811 107294227 WAPL cohesin release factor
1.0177108 0.8858996 -0.0873065 0.7979589 0.6115236 0.6206182 107286000 ALS2 C-terminal like
1.0176467 -0.4291718 0.3195531 3.1766745 3.3158217 0.0577298 107290826 sodium/hydrogen exchanger 8
1.0173491 0.1877632 -0.6581192 2.8644656 2.3552364 0.1243484 107303324 oxidative stress responsive 1
1.0169091 0.2454751 -0.0439048 4.0306989 3.9294627 0.0369399 107286116 zinc finger MYM-type containing 2
1.0160649 1.8276997 1.6834647 4.6609809 4.0256886 0.0346421 107287675 selenoprotein K
1.0155806 1.0247743 -0.6322769 6.0285162 3.6351042 0.0456954 107284172 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 1
1.0136325 1.0814879 -0.6237080 0.1929674 2.2297559 0.1382029 107286829 sprouty RTK signaling antagonist 4
1.0135432 0.3627416 0.4204223 3.3911415 2.0536198 0.1609620 107285434 Werner helicase interacting protein 1
1.0134178 0.7720342 -1.4127074 2.8769812 5.3317788 0.0148752 107283337 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
1.0128850 0.8781107 1.5179160 6.4048601 5.2752873 0.0153570 107303233 thymosin beta 15B
1.0122625 0.7580993 0.0674486 5.6944277 2.4789283 0.1121138 107303249 muscleblind like splicing regulator 3
1.0120812 -0.1060615 -0.2961128 2.1648733 2.8329999 0.0839050 107284605 secretory carrier membrane protein 1
1.0119143 1.3709210 0.3085703 4.3088757 3.9320649 0.0369788 107283593 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U5 200kDa subunit
1.0105372 0.2686970 -0.0589537 2.4123048 1.0142539 0.4210282 107298088 RING finger protein 145-like
1.0100474 0.3371855 -0.0185277 2.9264814 2.5806550 0.1029240 107294008 Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosome region 16
1.0100277 1.9174645 0.2771810 5.5670590 6.8361449 0.0063744 107290800 glutathione S-transferase pi 1
1.0095993 0.0749522 0.9435564 6.1325345 3.6863497 0.0439704 107282209 RAB8A member RAS oncogene family
1.0092506 0.3857597 0.5538926 4.7931881 1.2101942 0.3488947 107290303 phosphatase orphan 2
1.0082500 -2.1674068 0.6085454 3.4704580 11.6212666 0.0007818 107295774 alkaline ceramidase 2
1.0080919 1.2486396 -2.2360836 0.9748557 7.6304629 0.0042578 107289337 hes related family bHLH transcription factor with YRPW motif 2
1.0068507 1.0269978 -0.1044057 2.4368409 1.4733509 0.2722154 107283142 Kruppel-like factor 13
1.0061435 1.3053867 0.6494074 4.5307906 3.5213352 0.0496501 107283438 ERI1 exoribonuclease family member 3
1.0060277 0.6484967 0.3451114 0.6411261 0.6431004 0.6021916 107288540 telomeric repeat binding factor (NIMA-interacting) 1
1.0059365 0.6843415 -0.4800102 2.5683399 2.2542696 0.1354740 107287232 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase quinone 2
1.0058182 0.4985810 0.5664723 2.4034243 0.6396069 0.6042179 107298008 ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 6 mitochondrial-like
1.0056901 0.7661544 0.3384381 2.0909519 1.5778050 0.2469394 107288101 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B12
1.0054193 0.3540048 0.9924269 5.7435829 1.5631805 0.2504473 107301960 ER membrane protein complex subunit 4
1.0051029 0.5813353 0.0372821 4.8602067 2.7848454 0.0873031 107288346 helicase with zinc finger
1.0050870 0.5175559 0.5423098 3.2591722 1.1385941 0.3736025 107283655 succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 3
1.0044177 -0.4519476 -3.0815455 5.5712885 29.9224048 0.0000086 107297217 CDC42 binding protein kinase alpha
1.0036745 1.3038532 1.8915571 5.5268086 4.9592033 0.0187132 107282208 adaptor related protein complex 1 mu 1 subunit
1.0034325 1.2486409 1.5059699 2.5074895 0.9762240 0.4367599 107297610 GDP-L-fucose synthase-like
1.0032159 1.0188503 1.1781293 4.9878351 2.9057996 0.0793364 107302381 G3BP stress granule assembly factor 2
1.0031812 1.2693956 -1.2822086 0.6103587 3.0107087 0.0730676 107295448 ankyrin repeat and LEM domain containing 2
1.0031084 0.3945276 -0.7311549 -0.4074567 1.2866945 0.3243351 107301465 SUN domain-containing protein 2-like
1.0030962 1.0432901 -0.3270732 5.0419281 4.4111609 0.0266634 107283968 CREB binding protein
1.0010657 0.2203449 -2.0395632 2.9020667 11.4561065 0.0008312 107284042 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12A-like
1.0007681 2.3297569 3.0759149 1.2003942 3.6466418 0.0453151 107294594 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 4-like
1.0004339 1.1693400 0.7288054 2.6103603 2.3599882 0.1237117 107286412 tubulin folding cofactor C
0.9993957 1.5829631 -0.3975932 2.3286413 3.2670554 0.0600103 107299094 neuron navigator 2-like
0.9984114 0.5611866 0.5282615 2.9789145 0.8830064 0.4779230 107293672 unc-51 like kinase 4
0.9982610 0.7453413 0.6457345 1.7490250 0.7619634 0.5372122 107295930 HAUS augmin like complex subunit 6
0.9981209 -0.7621204 0.3171382 3.5234431 3.8334190 0.0396411 107289376 transmembrane protein 189-like
0.9980947 1.5029821 0.7653905 3.5422873 1.0148710 0.4207778 107290990 probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HERC4
0.9978001 0.0136681 0.5351787 3.8776284 1.5264278 0.2591112 107285632 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 9
0.9951314 0.7065773 0.4430972 4.6103047 2.5673516 0.1040696 107296787 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 12
0.9947335 0.9992102 0.5604584 3.3336150 1.9333784 0.1791203 107292193 discoidin domain receptor tyrosine kinase 1
0.9945902 0.3955910 0.9362849 1.6683958 0.7821239 0.5268622 107293440 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C5
0.9945103 0.2253260 -0.6798823 1.4643947 2.8167054 0.0850034 107297327 zinc finger protein 84-like
0.9945005 -0.1813462 0.6542078 2.8437009 1.8051515 0.2008595 107297850 integral membrane protein GPR137B-like
0.9943527 -0.0927974 -0.3672069 5.4531349 4.1885301 0.0309198 107302872 kinesin associated protein 3
0.9942571 5.3528566 3.7624988 4.8581947 12.5001927 0.0005699 107292372 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-23-sialyltransferase 4
0.9941371 0.8532271 0.9565322 5.5018896 2.0302131 0.1644599 107299192 wntless Wnt ligand secretion mediator
0.9931003 0.3957095 -1.0451438 -0.7128626 0.4192925 0.7425426 107298096 ras-related protein Rab-34-like
0.9928857 0.5692762 -0.8947284 0.9849023 2.7790828 0.0877059 107295170 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
0.9927130 2.6118953 2.6191302 0.5807831 4.9230016 0.0191441 107286453 cGMP-dependent protein kinase 2-like
0.9917491 1.9058040 1.6148861 6.4370892 7.7494555 0.0040171 107299804 asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase
0.9901935 1.0803317 0.5852609 3.8743813 4.0684723 0.0335300 107286927 polymerase (RNA) II subunit B
0.9888611 0.3815790 -0.3743104 3.5553923 6.0694610 0.0096231 107298290 phosphorylase b kinase regulatory subunit beta-like
0.9888279 1.0187410 0.6093693 1.9607460 0.9987885 0.4273537 107288194 C-x(9)-C motif containing 2
0.9885445 1.4184825 0.2681878 3.5178617 1.6494821 0.2313414 107293777 homocysteine-inducible endoplasmic reticulum stress-inducible ubiquitin-like domain member 1
0.9884049 0.9760401 1.5258073 5.7011037 4.8626278 0.0198888 107282469 KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 1
0.9879850 1.6880913 2.8514916 8.5496394 6.8284683 0.0064001 107295193 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 9
0.9879705 -1.4172880 2.3701350 0.5015860 4.2277448 0.0301588 107288103 regulator of G-protein signaling 7
0.9867851 -0.1346026 -0.0396153 -0.0131204 0.8095105 0.5130409 107291863 G protein-coupled receptor 18
0.9864420 0.8658183 0.7857383 4.1050385 1.7240918 0.2161292 107291975 polymerase (RNA) II subunit I
0.9864358 1.0555430 0.8476480 1.0591593 2.1775320 0.1445306 107295404 C-x(9)-C motif containing 4
0.9863570 -0.0005410 0.3216057 1.7165242 1.0592522 0.4031146 107290065 Fanconi anemia complementation group B
0.9859743 -0.5227042 -0.3827713 1.7472074 2.9762686 0.0749191 107290480 utrophin-like
0.9857856 0.9763442 -0.1767128 4.5654165 6.4738568 0.0076921 107285598 dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A
0.9856002 0.0603707 -0.1489394 1.1594916 0.7415507 0.5478891 107290104 dynein axonemal light chain 1
0.9851743 0.5112674 0.8640699 8.4452546 2.5596503 0.1047187 107295814 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein theta
0.9843870 1.0092810 0.6451375 3.8535185 1.2403360 0.3390233 107288090 activating signal cointegrator 1 complex subunit 1
0.9842664 3.2739826 5.1039754 1.8941544 1.5438270 0.2549688 107297340 uncharacterized LOC107297340
0.9834545 1.1425525 0.9006255 0.7689217 1.0905400 0.3911944 107291880 BCL2 like 11
0.9832655 0.8379584 0.0887964 3.0801149 2.6092675 0.1005357 107293822 focadhesin
0.9832394 0.9120694 -0.4120290 1.2291383 2.0352196 0.1636917 107296327 mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 1
0.9830688 0.6745107 0.2119080 2.6323429 1.4780254 0.2709525 107299310 Rho GTPase activating protein 17
0.9826856 1.5590956 0.8287704 2.6014859 1.2813534 0.3260718 107299806 26S protease regulatory subunit 7-like
0.9824785 0.5404036 -0.1876988 5.8501782 3.0729827 0.0696170 107292161 F-box protein 9
0.9822706 -1.2698893 1.1927839 3.7361985 5.9821970 0.0101620 107286324 histone deacetylase 10
0.9812308 0.0497963 0.0890780 3.6753548 2.8220155 0.0846437 107297687 ARP5 actin-related protein 5 homolog (yeast)
0.9809504 1.5390006 0.6901065 2.5725254 5.2699490 0.0153774 107300800 TRIO and F-actin-binding protein-like
0.9805272 1.3941356 -0.4530426 2.3308474 7.2910904 0.0050101 107296712 A-kinase anchor protein 1 mitochondrial-like
0.9803914 0.8828964 0.6954247 4.5067643 1.9278087 0.1800074 107288854 casein kinase 1 delta
0.9802042 -0.0890865 -0.5721352 3.3263408 2.3463742 0.1252820 107294993 platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta-like
0.9791698 1.0593079 -0.2816616 5.7059269 3.9090670 0.0375804 107301979 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C15orf40
0.9791579 1.5611101 1.0910954 2.0520618 3.3216562 0.0574611 107298011 tubulin tyrosine ligase like 4
0.9763057 -0.9029104 -1.4504362 0.2841438 3.4793369 0.0510965 107289013 kelch like family member 3
0.9762680 0.7476234 1.7620193 3.6974007 0.7875336 0.5241178 107299521 protein TFG-like
0.9753128 -0.0083445 -0.3210294 3.7627134 4.7912136 0.0207348 107295798 ral GTPase-activating protein subunit alpha-1-like
0.9752855 1.0650448 0.3972664 4.8708409 3.0298345 0.0719873 107286916 DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB2
0.9750730 1.0372575 0.1533378 1.8496647 1.3724003 0.2992038 107302147 zinc finger protein 501-like
0.9747278 0.2135730 0.7982278 5.2340719 2.2897176 0.1314434 107287470 G-patch domain containing 11
0.9744053 1.1839004 1.1893851 5.1182502 5.4648455 0.0136708 107282703 serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 4 catalytic subunit
0.9738740 0.0906229 -0.0123140 3.0953585 2.7586806 0.0890515 107289870 CREB3 regulatory factor
0.9732546 2.0024401 0.5052943 0.5369227 1.0277517 0.4155870 107298893 HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-40 alpha chain-like
0.9731529 2.2950202 -0.9959413 0.6835550 3.6236310 0.0460772 107283294 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.9727779 0.7524656 -1.9519114 1.6076640 7.1149662 0.0055153 107287903 vinculin
0.9727393 0.7109128 0.0054861 4.2987465 1.5618395 0.2507577 107296242 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 2
0.9719009 1.2055921 1.3439252 5.0934198 2.1763578 0.1448381 107284746 small integral membrane protein 8
0.9713036 1.6373661 -0.6791910 -0.7762135 1.7464206 0.2117968 107290633 LFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
0.9703042 0.8624706 -0.3264038 0.6854469 1.5625382 0.2504952 107294464 photoreceptor outer segment membrane glycoprotein 2-like
0.9702720 0.2857204 -0.1833693 6.4409163 4.7194371 0.0217130 107287633 kinase D-interacting substrate 220kDa
0.9701354 1.2027205 -0.1523730 0.2709647 1.0768259 0.3964163 107290945 glutaminase 2
0.9699798 0.3178496 0.3091277 2.4402796 1.2751099 0.3278795 107285961 intraflagellar transport 43
0.9695561 -0.2204568 -2.0134695 0.6722441 1.7975645 0.2022361 107282710 serine/threonine-protein kinase TAO2
0.9691902 -0.8507467 2.8794379 6.0899157 3.6025149 0.0467897 107290466 serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 2
0.9687588 -0.0192423 -0.5457186 6.1090967 8.7413082 0.0025060 107293222 F-box protein 30
0.9684084 -1.6172758 0.2992096 5.5079515 13.3298782 0.0004291 107302431 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf79
0.9683711 0.0610106 0.5932163 1.0524215 1.4376289 0.2813045 107286160 carnosine N-methyltransferase 1
0.9681214 1.6745253 -0.3398001 0.3610991 3.5403920 0.0488402 107299846 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
0.9677072 1.6166295 -0.2559217 3.6779391 5.4599002 0.0137732 107284758 ubiquitin specific peptidase 28
0.9675319 -0.6618561 2.9797185 1.2612849 3.4027866 0.0541987 107290845 sideroflexin 2
0.9674231 -0.6545943 -1.8582538 5.0810782 17.5965940 0.0001192 107300785 uncharacterized LOC107300785
0.9673496 0.9910408 0.9883289 4.4231533 1.6632946 0.2284371 107287347 dual specificity phosphatase 7
0.9665740 1.2900979 1.0604667 1.6403151 2.0344242 0.1637122 107292024 PRA1 domain family member 2
0.9663758 0.1857102 0.2700728 3.6722732 1.7283438 0.2152029 107298315 trafficking protein particle complex 1
0.9663250 0.8346589 0.9882805 2.5108977 1.1626468 0.3650998 107291573 tetraspanin 6
0.9657500 -1.4439089 0.3384141 6.7902013 1.0577846 0.4037422 107300454 uncharacterized LOC107300454
0.9652711 0.7818165 1.3455727 4.9983792 4.9412611 0.0188570 107284848 karyopherin subunit alpha 2
0.9643885 0.9820504 -0.2220537 5.5203697 4.4552815 0.0258943 107283517 ankyrin repeat domain 11
0.9642798 1.1338534 1.1408660 5.1850432 6.0962313 0.0094790 107299213 adhesion regulating molecule 1
0.9641515 0.1389430 0.8850416 0.9623915 1.6545382 0.2301199 107293386 phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase
0.9637381 0.2932425 0.1346336 2.5145582 1.3635054 0.3015827 107292360 leucine zipper and CTNNBIP1 domain containing
0.9635241 0.7868019 -0.1266042 4.1908114 4.6556671 0.0226273 107285905 lysine demethylase 5A
0.9634776 0.7306988 1.3087698 4.3101102 2.7313419 0.0911847 107303169 enolase-phosphatase 1
0.9631961 -0.1109228 -1.8648342 2.1775972 12.7633206 0.0005142 107292488 TBC1 domain family member 9
0.9622704 0.8016938 -0.3334780 3.2186736 3.2756127 0.0595845 107286819 breast cancer 2
0.9620717 0.6097482 -0.5480846 0.9822824 1.7417674 0.2126450 107292533 tribbles pseudokinase 2
0.9618688 1.6878011 -0.7412251 0.2257034 3.3889104 0.0546956 107297643 vacuolar fusion protein MON1 homolog B-like
0.9617717 1.3749517 0.9657761 5.7334214 3.8598965 0.0389053 107294930 zinc finger protein 207
0.9605225 -0.2830195 2.4404025 0.0781558 0.9855184 0.4328598 107288211 solute carrier family 9 member A4
0.9603224 2.1430474 1.6167999 2.3001850 0.5370050 0.6659508 107300586 asparagine–tRNA ligase cytoplasmic-like
0.9599544 1.2359015 -0.4690166 3.6489908 6.0960619 0.0095144 107294705 required for meiotic nuclear division 5 homolog B
0.9599120 0.0021554 0.7739582 7.6648379 3.6186711 0.0461257 107291465 actin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 2
0.9597924 2.8259178 1.7162849 1.8955260 7.3797572 0.0048128 107296256 valyl-tRNA synthetase
0.9596486 -1.8206193 0.0543923 4.3043602 10.4025407 0.0012487 107287735 HPS1 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 3 subunit 1
0.9594781 0.2428897 0.2184592 5.7736591 2.9653636 0.0755627 107288082 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H3
0.9592894 0.0324406 1.1916428 5.6400899 2.9065168 0.0792915 107291435 transmembrane protein 38B
0.9584389 0.9596662 0.2331920 5.1502102 5.1176109 0.0168853 107290976 cyclin T1
0.9571642 -0.9183940 0.3045970 5.5362822 9.8482020 0.0015514 107290058 phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein 1
0.9569833 0.3537465 -0.1194880 2.1337906 1.0475660 0.4077322 107296233 inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase E
0.9568896 -0.1930744 1.0164551 3.1406158 1.5780404 0.2470359 107294975 interleukin 31 receptor A
0.9568156 1.4657478 3.0254472 0.4600803 8.0144107 0.0035111 107288533 uncharacterized LOC107288533
0.9564275 1.4460814 -0.0207614 3.2747719 1.2905074 0.3232552 107294159 T-box transcription factor TBX18-like
0.9562091 1.2552709 2.0544762 4.1720956 2.9200266 0.0784510 107289890 endoplasmic reticulum-golgi intermediate compartment 1
0.9560031 1.3824076 -1.0494550 2.1407348 12.0094942 0.0006712 107283492 AT-rich interaction domain 5A
0.9560026 1.1535585 0.4379236 4.6377515 4.0843345 0.0331647 107285519 GRB10 interacting GYF protein 2
0.9558166 -0.6792904 -0.6822359 2.2217120 2.1309356 0.1506364 107291850 diacylglycerol kinase theta
0.9555964 1.0515697 1.4960204 3.5133979 0.9625918 0.4425459 107298198 family with sequence similarity 129 member B
0.9551793 0.6671552 -0.3186117 4.1847220 2.8880046 0.0804601 107286701 isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 (NAD+) gamma
0.9541275 1.2571486 0.1974261 0.8663586 1.1809130 0.3587808 107284792 platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase 1b catalytic subunit 2
0.9537924 1.2617339 0.4298940 6.0776767 4.0925672 0.0330195 107299479 ubiquitin B
0.9533447 1.3540181 2.1226982 7.7855298 4.9911904 0.0183417 107290894 transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 7-like
0.9529215 0.9309057 0.3745848 4.4041635 2.3967487 0.1200796 107292743 KIAA1429 ortholog
0.9529036 0.5862704 0.3438894 2.4722401 0.7015572 0.5693881 107282530 tRNA splicing endonuclease subunit 34
0.9529026 1.0851928 0.0119109 -0.2737203 0.3720633 0.7747075 107292640 von Willebrand factor C and EGF domains
0.9528492 1.6420863 1.7247808 6.1084743 3.9860129 0.0356108 107282871 coatomer protein complex subunit epsilon
0.9528352 1.0728450 2.8273735 4.2780037 5.2592033 0.0155450 107292092 methyltransferase like 9
0.9519881 0.9822899 1.0907848 3.3370391 2.1698554 0.1456524 107282700 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 21-like
0.9517670 -1.5266681 0.4205645 4.6184099 11.0505187 0.0009690 107286108 intraflagellar transport 88
0.9501967 1.9506746 -0.2563668 1.9065365 4.4164880 0.0265692 107294607 mechanistic target of rapamycin (serine/threonine kinase)
0.9498806 0.9930803 -0.6482282 1.8156649 3.0298108 0.0719886 107283752 protein FAM200A-like
0.9496835 1.0147577 1.2188824 1.2154174 1.7785404 0.2055768 107299878 formin-binding protein 1-like
0.9490620 -1.5857852 0.0671851 0.1404999 0.8734783 0.4823458 107285129 interferon regulatory factor 4
0.9488363 -0.1300739 0.3515178 4.3772499 1.9700424 0.1734021 107292465 ELMO domain containing 2
0.9483739 0.6806653 0.7533003 2.8843816 1.7713295 0.2069208 107297463 SMG9 nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor
0.9483039 1.5858966 1.2498294 3.8858873 0.7995108 0.5180906 107298091 cytidine/uridine monophosphate kinase 2
0.9480673 0.6539961 0.3710623 3.2323766 0.8856014 0.4767255 107298167 major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein-like
0.9476845 0.4406517 -0.6011642 0.6849262 2.4762051 0.1122116 107298033 adenylate kinase isoenzyme 1
0.9472866 1.3257049 0.1759264 1.2214681 2.9347690 0.0774027 107284768 C2CD2 like
0.9468665 0.8304917 -0.9272050 0.0280505 1.6060834 0.2407381 107290984 N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase 1
0.9464840 0.7326756 0.3693317 3.4170509 1.2517519 0.3353637 107296509 neurofibromin
0.9462022 0.3980423 0.3161347 3.6011478 1.5373466 0.2564143 107288225 vestigial like family member 4
0.9458986 1.5426219 1.0287474 2.5174108 2.0695594 0.1588953 107286448 carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2 aspartate transcarbamylase and dihydroorotase
0.9454221 0.7455379 0.3904947 6.6713963 2.6109818 0.1003947 107291086 BTB domain containing 10
0.9438109 1.1809267 1.0145918 1.6346768 3.2275537 0.0617025 107301499 probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX52
0.9437502 -0.6412780 -0.9208611 1.2688908 3.6562669 0.0448843 107291133 C-terminal binding protein 2
0.9430761 1.1336183 1.4272564 4.7614920 4.8099630 0.0205660 107292231 RNA binding protein S1 serine-rich domain
0.9429324 -1.5676113 -1.2481306 0.9467227 1.3750561 0.2984572 107283787 testis- and ovary-specific PAZ domain-containing protein 1-like
0.9427886 0.6048181 0.5465161 3.1733771 1.4293618 0.2835535 107289899 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class V
0.9422706 0.1312335 -0.6380752 1.6534039 2.0711999 0.1585913 107295953 proline and serine rich 1
0.9418942 -0.5757897 -0.6389077 2.6382195 5.9919808 0.0100547 107284375 glutamate decarboxylase like 1
0.9418301 0.4408792 -0.1098805 0.7269685 0.8507195 0.4930098 107302023 poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1-like
0.9411509 0.7771688 -1.6603872 7.6201620 5.5258873 0.0132428 107289728 ELAV like RNA binding protein 1
0.9410115 1.4219779 0.1067451 1.6350080 1.4602497 0.2755615 107300101 probable beta-D-xylosidase 2
0.9407113 1.3139985 -2.2190872 1.8918698 6.6035341 0.0072123 107283134 regulatory factor X7
0.9406778 1.4311696 0.1863150 1.7357203 2.3301203 0.1269273 107287333 mex-3 RNA binding family member C
0.9394039 1.4636226 0.9779067 6.5820202 6.2356582 0.0087680 107290161 proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 14
0.9391438 1.8438231 -1.0255760 2.1943599 8.0380024 0.0034966 107302901 phosphoprotein membrane anchor with glycosphingolipid microdomains 1
0.9378623 1.6192512 0.0741151 4.1975709 7.2943921 0.0050044 107288685 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 4-like
0.9378214 0.3776632 -0.6533749 2.5611304 2.8523632 0.0827664 107295587 tetratricopeptide repeat protein 7B-like
0.9374263 0.1728645 0.6151169 4.3072435 2.1205408 0.1519308 107289747 MARVEL domain containing 2
0.9373951 -0.3120852 1.7664825 4.7750098 4.3151238 0.0284312 107284749 uncharacterized LOC107284749
0.9369702 -0.7978765 0.3247291 4.4333863 5.4031972 0.0142488 107294037 TRAF3 interacting protein 1
0.9361038 0.8709574 0.6353855 2.3955322 1.3498076 0.3055735 107300221 negative elongation factor complex member B
0.9360858 0.1569278 -0.0435772 5.9297426 2.9094756 0.0789629 107290007 protein activator of interferon induced protein kinase EIF2AK2
0.9359931 0.9008756 0.5243364 4.2901935 1.4530547 0.2774185 107284216 5’-nucleotidase domain-containing protein 2-like
0.9351729 0.1899878 -0.1581442 5.1209884 2.6746165 0.0954217 107302670 caspase 3
0.9349476 -1.9749059 1.1641170 -0.3748232 5.8204201 0.0110999 107295786 ethanolamine kinase 1
0.9349315 -0.7093789 1.0762425 4.3210144 2.1790836 0.1444983 107284513 interleukin-18-like
0.9343069 1.0992672 0.1221980 4.1405238 2.4876888 0.1113009 107288631 TRIO and F-actin binding protein
0.9343065 1.2267152 0.0313327 -0.2140719 0.9879940 0.4317987 107292948 neuronal PAS domain-containing protein 3
0.9341632 0.7124038 -0.0686256 2.0756080 2.3321363 0.1266396 107289183 family with sequence similarity 53 member C
0.9339728 2.6304743 1.3006812 2.0811064 2.5796355 0.1031641 107302449 minichromosome maintenance complex component 2
0.9331504 1.9418999 -0.2733889 6.5570627 2.6513038 0.0972931 107283971 hemoglobin subunit alpha-D
0.9326302 0.6987850 0.6934418 4.2089777 1.7974061 0.2022649 107290890 PAN2 poly(A) specific ribonuclease subunit
0.9325491 1.1232520 3.3670240 5.9437986 4.7335566 0.0215968 107288181 keratin 18 type I
0.9323445 0.5001629 -1.0546032 3.4144601 7.3905856 0.0047796 107286432 leucine rich repeat containing 75A
0.9319892 1.5515850 0.7944231 1.4793578 2.4829168 0.1115867 107292411 terminal uridylyl transferase 1 U6 snRNA-specific
0.9316235 0.5816622 0.1524388 4.2342248 1.2904750 0.3232651 107295540 GNAS complex locus
0.9315490 1.1180538 1.3991551 3.6188979 1.3469324 0.3064674 107284728 periodic tryptophan protein 1 homolog
0.9308238 1.6109852 -0.6922730 2.8518920 4.3740359 0.0273312 107286312 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.9307448 -0.1007391 2.6376244 0.1598761 2.1351579 0.1500864 107282642 SRC kinase signaling inhibitor 1
0.9307430 0.6019553 0.0963054 6.0024269 2.4759629 0.1122774 107288403 Rho GTPase activating protein 6
0.9305251 1.4211826 1.5878504 6.1691972 2.5333169 0.1071746 107284729 periodic tryptophan protein 1 homolog
0.9302041 0.6934986 1.1123803 1.0885260 1.2803720 0.3262462 107292578 Fanconi anemia core complex associated protein 24
0.9301611 0.5877036 0.8763851 2.9210373 1.6915772 0.2224819 107283111 ER lumen protein-retaining receptor 1-like
0.9301508 1.1128460 1.5546802 4.2191867 0.8238571 0.5060462 107291471 solute carrier family 11 member 1
0.9291912 0.7643151 -0.1554034 0.0354862 0.9069921 0.4668951 107292012 zinc finger protein OZF-like
0.9289357 0.4494556 0.8381858 2.8791303 0.0623052 0.9787031 107294135 serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 2-like
0.9288065 1.0828418 0.7516750 2.9106527 2.3610249 0.1235842 107288315 TAR (HIV-1) RNA binding protein 1
0.9283940 3.1034514 2.4518614 0.9314079 5.9681891 0.0102432 107294409 pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 1
0.9283827 0.5935296 -0.4194246 2.8287284 2.1820911 0.1441244 107283856 ArfGAP with SH3 domain ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1
0.9272179 1.1437549 0.6789565 3.3292718 1.8146409 0.1991526 107282649 lysine acetyltransferase 2A
0.9270309 1.3335596 -0.0382850 1.9778842 2.9128172 0.0787722 107291725 Fanconi anemia complementation group C
0.9268317 0.3528726 -1.0776601 2.4392860 7.5267293 0.0044518 107290841 SUFU negative regulator of hedgehog signaling
0.9263960 0.8377785 1.3627095 1.3664558 0.5009290 0.6888115 107294221 ceramide kinase like
0.9253752 0.7442791 -0.8255719 1.3191517 3.2847399 0.0590994 107285930 cyclin N-terminal domain containing 1
0.9250527 -0.1868753 -0.3061830 2.3694528 1.5365888 0.2566831 107290197 KIAA1107 ortholog
0.9245102 -0.9626973 1.3524444 2.7832571 4.2240090 0.0302354 107290667 solute carrier family 16 member 9
0.9242487 0.9040106 -0.4042166 2.5925116 3.5686355 0.0478546 107291005 tensin-2-like
0.9239602 0.2459818 1.3007958 5.4535280 1.8369241 0.1952082 107293748 canopy FGF signaling regulator 2
0.9236714 1.2978054 0.0436331 1.4878493 1.6728128 0.2264595 107295427 mitofusin 2
0.9236044 0.3562150 -0.5676410 0.9432809 2.7127420 0.0924139 107301388 uncharacterized LOC107301388
0.9232958 1.7171546 -2.8816071 1.3253648 7.8014602 0.0039170 107288501 NIM1 serine/threonine protein kinase
0.9227965 -0.2846738 -0.0698226 5.4758249 2.7050399 0.0931421 107286317 single-stranded DNA binding protein 2
0.9226886 0.7117577 -2.1827638 0.7435316 3.5884972 0.0472697 107286991 HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 4
0.9223550 3.3153473 3.2980377 4.0153234 11.6059338 0.0007862 107291847 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 7
0.9216779 2.2198038 1.2574639 0.0449258 1.0619397 0.4021315 107283112 epithelial membrane protein 3-like
0.9215447 1.7634652 0.6811623 3.2909584 8.3647862 0.0029773 107286229 polymerase (DNA) delta 2 accessory subunit
0.9215375 -0.1089509 0.7619071 3.4964453 1.9599152 0.1749607 107297647 frizzled class receptor 6
0.9214317 2.1348322 1.1288980 0.0043939 1.3063904 0.3184306 107300107 GTPase IMAP family member 7-like
0.9210893 0.6668224 0.3095827 0.8498914 0.3328107 0.8018838 107302685 NACHT LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 1b allele 5-like
0.9210505 1.2629864 -2.1291950 1.6748418 10.1549572 0.0013798 107287927 USP6 N-terminal-like protein
0.9209498 0.9503714 -0.2390205 4.2418364 2.5802398 0.1031129 107282229 myosin IXB
0.9207827 1.1908984 0.0495790 2.1270787 1.2725496 0.3288058 107299728 protein argonaute-2
0.9205909 1.8975696 -0.0469454 2.7022596 7.7939380 0.0039043 107293337 uridine-cytidine kinase 1-like 1
0.9205615 1.1221715 -0.0565341 -0.1774942 0.5587332 0.6524648 107282254 casein kinase 1 gamma 2
0.9203242 0.5415432 -0.9303842 5.1824117 13.0457413 0.0004667 107287939 protein kinase D3
0.9197342 0.4941543 -2.7520620 0.2992312 7.2486431 0.0051518 107295358 G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5-like
0.9197235 1.9182586 1.5533468 3.1811155 4.4983784 0.0251678 107302577 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E family member 2
0.9196672 1.1502868 0.9866217 3.9754434 1.4395931 0.2809299 107282239 polypyrimidine tract binding protein 1
0.9193240 9.4308931 -4.0342172 5.1175749 27.5051972 0.0000443 107284361 obscurin-like
0.9191089 0.5028247 0.5640956 5.9506634 2.3275618 0.1271313 107284284 intersectin 2
0.9190069 1.8887224 2.0845789 5.2930174 5.8926284 0.0106945 107296633 phosphomannomutase 2
0.9184427 -0.7510730 -0.9505733 3.2494322 6.5996880 0.0071862 107295963 zinc finger protein OZF-like
0.9182779 -0.0107626 -0.4814302 3.0674630 2.9585685 0.0759831 107288596 inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase F
0.9172443 0.7764063 1.5502293 0.9707976 1.5307710 0.2580703 107282759 TBC/LysM-associated domain containing 1
0.9171212 0.3676543 -0.5607112 2.3803670 3.4468356 0.0523304 107283917 protein inhibitor of activated STAT 1
0.9169210 -0.5309382 0.7330764 4.7441207 5.6503691 0.0122885 107282812 Rho GTPase activating protein 21
0.9163391 0.9720793 0.2226482 6.0456574 3.1485354 0.0655990 107285341 putative RNA-binding protein Luc7-like 2
0.9162268 -0.0045399 0.0827994 2.0374690 0.9242811 0.4592308 107283781 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 9
0.9159508 1.3357728 0.5815923 4.7433966 4.1128749 0.0325891 107288737 midasin AAA ATPase 1
0.9154765 1.4774592 1.3875502 7.3898486 2.5042132 0.1097859 107290212 signal recognition particle 54kDa
0.9149151 0.8579864 1.0809936 5.7008319 4.2506191 0.0295997 107295453 RAN binding protein 1
0.9146464 0.9513797 -0.0601636 0.7557363 2.0426150 0.1625210 107296907 OTU deubiquitinase ubiquitin aldehyde binding 1
0.9146443 1.2715187 -0.8437975 3.3726349 6.4287933 0.0079269 107294710 tubulin beta-6 chain
0.9145067 0.4618515 -0.0520527 4.8528276 2.6363661 0.0983936 107286040 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
0.9143849 0.4719960 1.3353000 0.2779775 0.5746672 0.6427139 107301296 inositol 145-trisphosphate receptor type 2-like
0.9143645 1.6591298 6.5310542 1.2728637 5.0082450 0.0181472 107297742 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily E regulatory subunit 2
0.9142091 -0.0526585 0.0243670 3.7229029 1.4031363 0.2906877 107297466 surfeit 1
0.9137094 1.7914721 1.7296895 5.5594842 1.7814599 0.2051933 107302324 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
0.9135285 -0.7648669 -0.2873789 -0.1292249 0.5963842 0.6296163 107284035 otogelin-like
0.9133269 0.6554046 0.9989925 3.9435550 1.4335154 0.2825313 107282502 TBC1 domain family member 17-like
0.9125180 0.9968891 1.1796901 3.6972929 3.1171250 0.0672240 107288754 Rap1 GTPase-GDP dissociation stimulator 1
0.9124736 1.0295799 2.2569055 2.7619375 4.3520280 0.0277363 107297521 pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase domain containing 1
0.9123600 1.5892525 -0.0705585 2.0059219 3.6981414 0.0435609 107291476 zinc finger protein 142
0.9122410 -5.0547686 -4.4925993 2.5129262 23.4187100 0.0000299 107290808 CD28 molecule
0.9118147 1.0060785 0.8609518 6.7945099 2.4408961 0.1157227 107286434 zinc finger protein 512
0.9111380 -0.1447539 0.8619715 2.5243235 1.6256927 0.2364406 107295052 carboxyl-terminal PDZ ligand of neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein-like
0.9109319 2.0173006 0.1889186 2.9156924 3.3478303 0.0564697 107282483 protein phosphatase 6 regulatory subunit 1
0.9107774 0.4120322 -0.8176481 5.4556206 10.7528443 0.0010768 107295949 MOB kinase activator 2
0.9105314 1.1946277 -0.2940580 0.6450353 1.4390168 0.2810813 107288026 rearranged L-myc fusion
0.9104379 1.3795026 0.0882774 2.9258826 2.2572367 0.1351313 107286333 ataxin 1
0.9100391 -0.4407147 -0.2528196 1.2743941 0.4432753 0.7264906 107293689 kinesin family member 20B
0.9095704 0.4851181 -0.3964425 1.2989116 1.2967880 0.3213379 107297914 myosin IXA
0.9092638 1.3532838 1.2558422 1.9494391 0.2004769 0.8940142 107298087 zinc finger protein 652-like
0.9091748 0.9087105 0.4098696 4.9231781 3.5665656 0.0479125 107292671 pre-mRNA-processing factor 19
0.9090875 0.7064188 -3.0071146 0.1548443 10.6582234 0.0011251 107295984 family with sequence similarity 78 member A
0.9087175 -0.5932281 -0.6773845 6.3303503 6.3970958 0.0080265 107283851 ankyrin repeat domain 10
0.9086082 1.0311725 1.1565792 5.1458836 3.2003582 0.0631281 107289873 component of oligomeric golgi complex 6
0.9082041 0.7831932 0.6206280 4.0534211 2.0796096 0.1573916 107293977 sprouty-related EVH1 domain-containing protein 1-like
0.9081673 2.4028159 0.3786651 0.4334259 1.0928527 0.3903586 107300486 cathepsin L1-like
0.9069636 0.7951149 -0.5910178 4.2923437 4.4510927 0.0259662 107286172 dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase 3
0.9069435 0.2738949 0.5350642 3.9847177 2.3523671 0.1244910 107291126 dynein axonemal heavy chain 1
0.9066822 0.7664141 0.0763496 2.2782276 0.7965593 0.5195696 107283788 doublecortin like kinase 3
0.9065074 1.1392956 -0.3034852 2.5491543 0.9504244 0.4477767 107290994 probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HERC6
0.9063705 0.2878064 -0.6236312 2.8161460 2.0194630 0.1660184 107295918 SH3-domain kinase binding protein 1
0.9061700 0.6086752 -3.0008055 5.7612263 8.9877144 0.0022628 107294908 transcription factor 7 (T-cell specific HMG-box)
0.9059702 -0.8888495 0.6334505 0.9929318 0.8714134 0.4833096 107285374 ankyrin repeat SAM and basic leucine zipper domain containing 1
0.9055217 -0.6309050 0.0451439 0.5096792 0.5891502 0.6339544 107293542 phosphodiesterase 6C
0.9054840 1.6332607 -3.3192106 2.0645350 30.6618108 0.0000076 107284617 rho GTPase-activating protein 20-like
0.9053640 0.3895543 -0.2527320 4.0314371 4.3692755 0.0273267 107286576 KIAA1715 ortholog
0.9051231 0.3932725 0.4778772 5.2412264 1.4759704 0.2715517 107282197 transmembrane protein 167A
0.9050624 0.5215386 0.9440281 5.5988466 2.5014524 0.1099911 107296397 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 6
0.9050491 0.4432262 0.5617770 7.2642783 2.4044483 0.1191486 107287856 CXXC repeat containing interactor of PDZ3 domain
0.9034863 0.7794086 0.1186682 4.3295484 2.9727737 0.0751247 107287722 YEATS domain containing 2
0.9031588 1.0220408 1.0386844 2.6658801 1.6603177 0.2290596 107285377 LSM8 homolog U6 small nuclear RNA associated
0.9030733 -0.9804214 0.6084426 0.3276706 1.5989079 0.2423324 107290728 potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 5
0.9028504 1.2222140 1.1814327 2.4626546 0.6491952 0.5987056 107300559 glycogen phosphorylase liver form-like
0.9026500 0.0693638 0.0474885 3.7320884 0.3215583 0.8097272 107289887 phosphatidylinositol transfer protein beta isoform-like
0.9025167 1.2178921 0.4823429 8.9038304 2.1066011 0.1537318 107300266 cold-inducible RNA-binding protein-like
0.9022383 -0.6619169 -1.0598913 4.8514580 7.0975005 0.0055650 107283581 3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase
0.9021351 0.5142484 3.2893977 -0.4805361 2.4079601 0.1189557 107290936 family with sequence similarity 84 member A
0.9020201 0.8653109 1.3323887 5.6545191 2.4493253 0.1149115 107287226 coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 5
0.9018945 1.0989428 0.8467111 0.4128181 0.1983676 0.8954524 107299649 proteasome inhibitor PI31 subunit-like
0.9016086 0.9785078 0.8643526 5.1985024 1.2050530 0.3506091 107284784 lumican
0.9013330 1.0466851 -0.1827830 1.1270183 1.7910133 0.2032944 107299229 ring finger protein 40 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
0.9011483 1.3636618 1.0301184 0.3481871 1.5094246 0.2630851 107295146 inhibitor of growth protein 5-like
0.9008803 0.4875457 0.7314753 4.3288051 1.6385498 0.2336693 107282808 GATA zinc finger domain containing 1
0.9006949 -1.2988393 -0.6514432 -0.2796868 0.6715272 0.5860395 107292914 selenium-binding protein 1-like
0.9005720 1.9051821 -1.2691238 3.0465459 5.5206022 0.0132844 107296655 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.9005207 0.6475499 -0.3100286 3.1969848 2.8628904 0.0819970 107284585 tripartite motif containing 23
0.9000721 2.4201659 0.5072071 4.3984124 3.4468801 0.0524527 107283329 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 1
0.8996765 0.6975669 0.1694419 0.5142035 0.7735123 0.5311960 107284193 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 3F
0.8996725 0.3522616 -0.1176888 4.8981673 2.0236254 0.1654130 107291010 VPS18 CORVET/HOPS core subunit
0.8991699 1.5229803 2.9938713 5.8551362 6.0762484 0.0096358 107296710 keratinocyte associated protein 2
0.8983938 0.7173349 0.9015424 5.5619178 2.4748559 0.1124476 107302679 CDKN2A interacting protein
0.8983133 1.0864740 -0.5728715 -0.2696522 1.1192250 0.3806028 107301300 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 21-like
0.8976999 1.0773347 1.1553772 4.9630792 3.3706977 0.0555116 107282807 proteasome 26S subunit ATPase 2
0.8975667 0.8704970 1.0182567 7.2750688 3.0093820 0.0730031 107290270 H3 histone family 3B (H3.3B)
0.8975644 1.3417544 2.9284072 7.4974539 6.3244610 0.0083928 107289650 peptidylprolyl isomerase B
0.8971144 2.5339278 1.8434357 4.3516935 10.9568540 0.0010045 107290350 sulfatase 2
0.8967756 1.1650811 0.4904903 2.2050504 2.5068362 0.1093920 107289248 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III subunit RPC4-like
0.8966394 1.3345494 0.6110641 3.7695142 2.5061041 0.1096140 107296917 nuclear pore complex protein Nup88-like
0.8965927 0.3382905 -0.2645411 3.0422291 0.8377429 0.4993002 107287069 ubiquinol-cytochrome-c reductase complex assembly factor 2
0.8962847 1.1102669 0.4909210 1.6412329 2.5570384 0.1049444 107292506 polycomb group ring finger 1
0.8957444 1.8025275 -0.8262277 2.6430918 6.1854353 0.0090643 107286559 GATA binding protein 1
0.8956967 -0.2846854 -1.1356556 0.4784036 0.8788613 0.4798420 107296589 laminin subunit alpha-5-like
0.8950750 -1.5643387 -2.3911090 0.6306833 4.0424521 0.0342420 107296173 transforming acidic coiled-coil containing protein 1
0.8948779 0.6585582 -0.3165478 -0.1970912 0.4774779 0.7039745 107299674 GTPase IMAP family member 7-like
0.8942541 0.9335106 0.7513768 4.2982825 2.0317137 0.1642436 107283370 family with sequence similarity 20 member B
0.8938427 0.5107186 0.7782986 5.6557380 4.2199378 0.0302226 107296040 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A3
0.8935575 0.5165574 0.4158426 5.4652920 3.6101592 0.0464123 107287258 topoisomerase (DNA) I
0.8934512 1.8067300 0.3839529 3.1609105 1.2150740 0.3472758 107288709 fibronectin type III domain containing 3A
0.8934224 0.5944671 0.8312856 3.0026063 2.9728728 0.0751188 107302716 RAD9 checkpoint clamp component A
0.8934105 1.3322497 2.6369226 2.9783339 2.7537795 0.0895522 107295655 platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 2
0.8933684 0.2168574 0.5942000 4.3869097 1.8112744 0.1997091 107282872 SURP and G-patch domain containing 2
0.8933509 0.6014998 0.4991222 0.7077836 0.6287618 0.6104656 107297940 uncharacterized LOC107297940
0.8933073 -0.0845964 1.1865777 6.5218409 2.5825872 0.1029144 107293627 galactosidase beta 1
0.8928088 0.1526512 -0.0288399 0.5310464 0.6543680 0.5957056 107294327 poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase-like
0.8926998 0.8740771 1.3082125 6.4447227 5.4599189 0.0137112 107284725 RNA 2’3’-cyclic phosphate and 5’-OH ligase
0.8925841 0.6527822 -1.7168166 -0.1338409 3.4654712 0.0517361 107299214 zinc finger CCHC domain-containing protein 24-like
0.8923146 0.6188776 0.9084782 3.4164851 2.1857551 0.1435095 107286947 TCDD-inducible poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase
0.8922139 0.8739811 -0.1287237 1.8347301 1.1021297 0.3868969 107285451 anaphase promoting complex subunit 7
0.8914960 0.7866520 0.3656320 3.1889031 1.3309107 0.3111355 107282232 elongation factor for RNA polymerase II
0.8914782 -1.9993054 -2.8139536 2.1641696 11.9026942 0.0007052 107288394 gamma-glutamyltransferase 7
0.8913139 0.9031393 1.4498344 2.6476542 4.5187567 0.0247457 107296239 sentrin-specific protease 5-like
0.8911633 0.5972767 0.7381248 4.2838394 1.1047662 0.3859191 107293769 family with sequence similarity 192 member A
0.8910692 0.3915843 1.2379197 5.9513064 1.6605582 0.2290092 107295595 component of oligomeric golgi complex 2
0.8907152 2.2346172 -0.3585836 2.4773165 3.5844098 0.0474107 107288588 diacylglycerol kinase zeta
0.8897303 0.8304930 0.4462681 3.2225251 0.6883380 0.5766642 107283987 thioredoxin domain containing 11
0.8896041 -0.2602214 1.1339415 3.0865476 3.9151265 0.0373618 107284447 idnK gluconokinase homolog (E. coli)
0.8893229 -0.0712402 0.6887820 5.8488981 3.0810460 0.0691016 107293586 transmembrane protein 18
0.8889192 0.5122269 0.3160870 3.2353979 1.5163860 0.2613891 107297682 PHD finger protein 21A
0.8887150 1.2662319 -0.6550730 1.9537683 1.9669938 0.1738696 107302354 integrin subunit alpha 2b
0.8877167 0.9853466 1.2105820 2.1539523 3.7242832 0.0427354 107289906 G-patch domain containing 3
0.8876187 -0.0310101 0.1222127 2.1354841 0.5961473 0.6297580 107291349 G protein-coupled receptor 107
0.8875324 -0.0800079 -2.1949875 4.5328656 7.8672090 0.0037945 107289099 Krueppel-like factor 15
0.8874203 1.8109734 1.5929078 -0.3845423 1.7619677 0.2087910 107287303 glycolipid transfer protein
0.8864989 0.0434081 -0.0261491 2.2539007 0.8664604 0.4856295 107302803 NEDD4 binding protein 2
0.8861319 5.7835602 -5.6864642 5.4273016 12.2714453 0.0006177 107302283 ovomucoid-like
0.8859254 0.7536576 0.3734657 1.1860373 0.9753351 0.4370411 107282603 dual specificity phosphatase 3
0.8858935 2.3692691 -1.5031057 2.1491418 5.1846892 0.0162694 107285309 zinc finger protein 219-like
0.8855030 0.0553046 -0.1920786 3.4435749 1.4393949 0.2809819 107284276 pellino E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
0.8852150 3.7448430 2.8259204 0.3115143 3.1083421 0.0677415 107297959 family with sequence similarity 84 member B
0.8845417 0.5891517 0.9452560 5.9588969 1.0475503 0.4077383 107285329 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 5A
0.8842374 0.1883970 0.3339212 4.2208136 2.3398785 0.1258124 107288565 merlin-like
0.8842050 0.6284763 1.1653784 3.5392849 1.3778754 0.2976670 107291754 septin 9
0.8836152 0.2866663 0.4698054 3.9276304 2.7716157 0.0881302 107287207 SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily a containing DEAD/H box 1
0.8832949 0.9876937 0.0801303 0.5854384 0.5891234 0.6339705 107296106 cyclin D binding myb like transcription factor 1
0.8832538 -0.2798724 0.1334655 6.9877526 1.3298815 0.3114380 107283859 transmembrane protein 106B
0.8831090 1.0370254 3.5651418 4.6548587 6.4052865 0.0080292 107293577 crumbs 3 cell polarity complex component
0.8828081 0.7161212 0.7805640 3.2820797 1.2752138 0.3279758 107294702 cell division cycle 23
0.8826485 0.6205937 0.4576598 1.6265751 0.8563426 0.4903266 107293897 nephronophthisis 3 (adolescent)
0.8823468 0.9386464 0.1359747 3.7906691 1.6650241 0.2280764 107287811 neuroblastoma amplified sequence
0.8822196 0.7592598 0.6081498 4.7399776 1.9352695 0.1788202 107282618 zinc finger protein 652
0.8821633 0.5322152 -0.1343998 -0.3379124 0.1901501 0.9010333 107295764 DEP domain containing 1B
0.8819305 1.1172091 -2.1531592 1.5510903 12.8688672 0.0004984 107292358 kinesin family member 1B
0.8815142 2.5027205 1.0564078 0.8421110 2.0115867 0.1671710 107293299 bone morphogenetic protein 4
0.8811764 -0.3016291 0.2789845 3.9437829 1.2601927 0.3326852 107290274 Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule
0.8810830 1.9704340 0.4902903 0.0335687 1.6276121 0.2360246 107297029 G protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member B
0.8809561 1.0379721 -0.8919562 0.5564387 1.4112574 0.2884822 107296777 GTPase activating protein and VPS9 domains 1
0.8806986 0.2010832 0.0972459 3.6412206 1.0358940 0.4123402 107303309 PAX interacting (with transcription-activation domain) protein 1
0.8801699 0.4388145 1.3762275 6.6999864 3.1631927 0.0649464 107287783 filamin B
0.8795380 0.5537593 -0.3802708 4.4968908 2.7246377 0.0916791 107284026 enhancer of polycomb homolog 1
0.8793557 -1.3403996 0.4017006 4.6836882 1.1109786 0.3836253 107295545 uncharacterized LOC107295545
0.8784025 3.6611446 3.5875837 2.9180778 6.7285975 0.0067468 107291557 magnesium transporter NIPA2-like
0.8782588 0.8285800 2.4596830 0.6793275 3.7849574 0.0409184 107293927 calcineurin-like phosphoesterase domain containing 1
0.8775736 2.2449866 -1.4055925 2.3764892 15.9764609 0.0001861 107291586 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier brain) member 14
0.8775574 0.9982118 0.5082559 3.7409565 3.2158642 0.0622542 107294573 deltex 2 E3 ubiquitin ligase
0.8774588 1.5772198 1.1909555 0.9491082 1.1753584 0.3606899 107290023 prolyl 3-hydroxylase 2
0.8772986 0.7062993 0.5117180 0.0485325 0.3139402 0.8150470 107301470 nuclear speckle splicing regulatory protein 1-like
0.8770603 1.0703409 0.6370888 3.0579079 2.4122262 0.1183735 107294144 myotubularin related protein 9
0.8766380 0.7892059 -1.0922784 1.8104080 4.9115130 0.0192505 107288973 caspase recruitment domain family member 19
0.8765487 0.7658395 -1.2740906 3.4359663 6.2177057 0.0089030 107290879 proline rich coiled-coil 2A
0.8756016 2.3113033 2.5532231 0.9608791 4.3489417 0.0277936 107292435 myelin protein zero
0.8753468 0.0296948 0.5465462 6.5309485 0.9673760 0.4405064 107295521 thioredoxin interacting protein
0.8749865 -0.0391058 0.9533968 4.2802017 1.7197469 0.2169837 107285456 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a2
0.8748302 0.3028950 -0.7598270 -0.1218190 0.7585965 0.5389595 107284092 katanin p80 (WD repeat containing) subunit B 1
0.8744973 0.4500975 0.5578046 1.3015504 0.4654386 0.7118473 107289922 zinc finger SWIM-type containing 6
0.8739084 -0.6582783 -1.2539727 1.9296160 2.7847744 0.0873520 107291503 uncharacterized LOC107291503
0.8733035 1.1563824 -0.0673993 0.1075597 0.9852008 0.4329925 107287506 zinc finger protein 202-like
0.8727198 0.3261952 0.4256832 3.9157833 0.7227376 0.5579063 107283154 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 10
0.8725279 0.5128913 0.7030288 4.9398901 1.2285756 0.3428385 107288546 transmembrane protein 14A
0.8721605 0.4654725 0.9498416 0.8598670 0.4737541 0.7064033 107298900 solute carrier family 8 member B1
0.8721456 1.6533720 0.6811087 3.2167503 5.5493765 0.0129999 107298753 membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 15-like
0.8716280 0.9797218 0.8845998 4.8114651 2.5691542 0.1040563 107283074 splicing factor U2AF 65 kDa subunit-like
0.8715634 1.2976800 0.2930019 3.1695728 1.8609674 0.1910506 107282182 nuclear factor I/C (CCAAT-binding transcription factor)
0.8714670 0.2056421 0.7213053 1.3887016 0.0980192 0.9595868 107299505 serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 4 catalytic subunit-like
0.8713972 1.5324538 0.4958631 0.8658297 0.7291322 0.5544823 107296549 tumor necrosis factor-like
0.8713258 0.8476581 1.4109986 3.4429498 6.4689308 0.0077127 107296455 katanin p80 subunit B-like 1
0.8711068 0.0138622 0.9728224 1.8063336 1.6758961 0.2256873 107298430 tetraspanin 9
0.8699235 1.8651866 -1.2926793 3.1093375 15.1768096 0.0002372 107285119 erythropoietin receptor
0.8695987 -8.6540644 1.4253602 6.8020202 80.6385059 0.0000000 107295744 L-gulonolactone oxidase-like
0.8694649 1.1042456 -2.0944666 0.0294829 5.4130518 0.0141647 107299627 nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1
0.8692784 0.0301483 -0.2522216 -0.2301337 0.3302826 0.8036443 107299739 uncharacterized LOC107299739
0.8691388 -0.1042171 -2.0234549 0.0938959 3.1974664 0.0632674 107296161 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.8687347 -1.2236611 6.7936840 5.0270155 6.6634446 0.0069848 107294364 deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein-like
0.8685269 0.3000216 -0.3240146 4.6981977 2.5501321 0.1056983 107288539 ribosomal modification protein rimK-like family member B
0.8683601 0.7438721 0.6137498 3.1532078 1.6149995 0.2386215 107300562 suppressor of tumorigenicity 7 protein homolog
0.8683281 1.7824933 -0.8509824 2.1221716 7.6394825 0.0042232 107293223 epilepsy progressive myoclonus type 2A Lafora disease (laforin)
0.8681966 -0.6664171 0.2047715 -0.2665765 0.8874011 0.4758968 107302193 mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member H-like
0.8681013 0.9702463 0.9920272 8.0009999 2.9980659 0.0736514 107292140 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 2
0.8677362 0.9204096 0.2048974 2.2847603 2.3652812 0.1231412 107292607 dihydrouridine synthase 2
0.8673422 0.4090871 -0.8125655 -0.1254254 2.2859511 0.1317053 107301191 loss of heterozygosity 12 chromosomal region 1 protein-like
0.8670909 0.4458976 0.3115359 3.7421057 1.7268343 0.2154355 107301855 guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit beta-4-like
0.8667208 0.5443150 0.3385934 1.2272604 0.9328115 0.4553732 107294874 mitochondrial rRNA methyltransferase 1
0.8658655 2.4120419 1.1772345 0.7496018 0.9689418 0.4398410 107289461 PARP1 binding protein
0.8657747 0.6980175 0.4929747 3.0186790 2.5237227 0.1078723 107285791 dual specificity phosphatase 12
0.8647859 0.7943493 0.4655004 5.4837012 1.9478255 0.1768420 107289667 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 17
0.8645017 -0.0366920 0.5678694 2.0649695 1.2326774 0.3413933 107297341 general transcription factor IIH subunit 5
0.8641487 0.2111883 0.6142602 4.2543115 1.4951874 0.2667374 107289579 polymerase (RNA) III subunit B
0.8633142 1.4122316 0.3619392 -0.4607082 0.7837488 0.5260364 107296797 uncharacterized LOC107296797
0.8630124 0.7795076 0.9264854 4.1590113 3.8945052 0.0378596 107292719 nucleoporin 85kDa
0.8625449 0.7447316 0.5167601 1.6219275 1.0076108 0.4236352 107283477 mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase
0.8625007 1.2683962 0.9155337 0.0347178 0.5455949 0.6605934 107284446 nucleolar protein 6
0.8611417 0.4637132 0.3474600 4.4988734 0.9028530 0.4688409 107294325 zinc finger SWIM-type containing 8
0.8609442 0.8278278 0.2441390 4.5905621 2.5320898 0.1071472 107294463 ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 1
0.8605941 -2.6010736 -1.6165248 1.1019472 5.6868065 0.0120462 107284157 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 19
0.8602041 0.3367773 0.3300339 2.7300636 0.7113122 0.5640730 107295899 HAUS augmin like complex subunit 1
0.8589982 0.1444137 -0.4752873 5.2777840 3.1757069 0.0643275 107297772 kizuna centrosomal protein
0.8589682 0.3267909 0.0713860 3.4243255 1.2943307 0.3220478 107287346 POC1 centriolar protein A
0.8589186 1.3346376 1.9333528 4.9913727 5.8573984 0.0109128 107295399 dyskerin pseudouridine synthase 1
0.8584197 1.3458283 -1.3130378 0.7233368 6.3829334 0.0080836 107302887 discoidin CUB and LCCL domain-containing protein 1-like
0.8583565 1.6746525 1.1584035 1.1821103 2.8551381 0.0824387 107302779 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 17
0.8579232 1.3225633 -0.7882872 2.5166214 3.7257937 0.0428028 107293419 uncharacterized LOC107293419
0.8578973 -0.3366981 -0.1992045 4.9543752 3.9387964 0.0366988 107291474 ubiquitin specific peptidase 37
0.8577154 1.3725283 0.8331484 -0.1334356 1.1101915 0.3838076 107300632 coiled-coil domain containing 94
0.8572763 0.7828989 1.6305785 2.1812607 3.5349045 0.0490373 107286648 armadillo repeat containing 7
0.8567196 0.1314864 -0.6574340 2.3192984 3.1259625 0.0666928 107294197 zinc finger protein 268-like
0.8565149 0.5572198 0.6202192 5.5342672 3.5401894 0.0488475 107286961 arginine/serine-rich coiled-coil 2
0.8564591 -0.6596143 1.0121133 3.6502084 2.6231096 0.0995557 107287835 zinc finger protein 516-like
0.8563553 1.5751878 0.5101822 0.9620310 1.8261354 0.1970188 107283982 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 60 NatF catalytic subunit
0.8563292 -1.0405321 -1.6563311 -0.3305301 4.3919574 0.0269157 107295532 CBP80/20-dependent translation initiation factor
0.8557767 0.9730163 0.5284586 4.1530114 4.0217124 0.0346346 107290203 dicer 1 ribonuclease III
0.8552599 1.2596764 -0.6901333 3.5053515 5.5207213 0.0132835 107295598 nuclear receptor corepressor 2
0.8543442 0.4695199 0.2166530 5.2631542 2.5862470 0.1024522 107298124 coiled-coil and C2 domain containing 1A
0.8538660 0.2606521 -2.9257458 3.4837609 9.2886833 0.0019839 107303102 nephronectin
0.8535200 -1.4501234 2.3115612 5.5215822 12.8380550 0.0005068 107303106 proline rich 29
0.8535042 -3.8942672 -5.4080277 5.6486738 34.6491038 0.0000040 107292138 adenosine monophosphate deaminase 3
0.8530518 0.0355566 -0.1162468 3.1851315 1.4525845 0.2775282 107285946 carboxypeptidase X (M14 family) member 2
0.8529785 1.1360266 1.0983051 2.8883955 1.4880143 0.2685233 107292316 O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase
0.8529107 -0.4849930 -0.2591515 0.2686946 1.2591781 0.3328788 107295887 protein phosphatase with EF-hand domain 1
0.8522458 0.6401940 0.7126769 3.2413880 1.3965366 0.2924237 107294878 gametogenetin binding protein 2
0.8513866 -8.6742840 -0.6760208 3.5075950 56.0550443 0.0000003 107294373 uncharacterized LOC107294373
0.8509483 -0.6276064 -2.0593191 1.8033436 1.7995913 0.2018673 107300824 NHL repeat-containing protein 2-like
0.8508411 1.2006081 -0.1377626 0.0102239 1.0060162 0.4243853 107284457 sortilin related VPS10 domain containing receptor 2
0.8502156 4.2061622 3.1608516 1.1233611 3.5231647 0.0495834 107290943 bone morphogenetic protein 5
0.8500094 0.6073279 0.8252471 5.6074450 3.7015709 0.0434394 107288769 polymerase (RNA) III subunit F
0.8498623 1.0918084 0.5392840 3.3539743 1.0731727 0.3978108 107293939 calpain 7
0.8496028 0.3050047 -0.2996009 3.7278377 1.7954990 0.2026127 107283161 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class B
0.8490510 -0.7967050 -0.1737992 1.4778349 1.8346009 0.1956153 107286686 TRAF interacting protein with forkhead associated domain
0.8487462 0.9592906 -10.9488006 10.9861553 28.1437534 0.0000118 107299881 actin alpha cardiac muscle 1
0.8486365 2.0726691 0.9590927 2.6241106 2.3265692 0.1273975 107286726 putative sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 10
0.8480221 0.5228797 0.1538048 3.2042365 1.3073152 0.3180792 107291728 snurportin 1
0.8478304 0.4848823 0.6729380 6.1939095 1.2544053 0.3345192 107288599 SEC23 interacting protein
0.8478114 1.2364782 1.3122702 2.5682467 3.0129760 0.0728546 107295761 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7A
0.8473743 0.0679364 1.0903422 7.6245838 1.8476885 0.1933343 107289861 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit e1
0.8468500 0.7259862 0.4393268 3.4105808 1.1934527 0.3545108 107294989 histone-arginine methyltransferase CARM1-like
0.8465321 -1.3648961 -1.1450251 1.4249928 3.9132852 0.0374693 107300096 guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab-3A-like
0.8461256 0.5853049 0.5177302 3.6906684 1.0154077 0.4205602 107293775 copine 2
0.8460756 -2.5462733 -1.9116217 1.4195525 9.7749594 0.0016095 107297236 microphthalmia-associated transcription factor
0.8458011 0.2810090 1.7449083 7.4460601 2.3695109 0.1228613 107285707 signal peptidase complex subunit 3
0.8453069 0.4511908 0.2921037 7.1265440 1.5164851 0.2613680 107293054 pumilio RNA binding family member 1
0.8447615 0.5210062 0.6529416 2.3239080 0.4956012 0.6922360 107292046 myotubularin 1
0.8443921 0.1056670 0.7495281 4.2193029 2.2204202 0.1393786 107292942 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 10B-like
0.8439355 0.6998293 1.1245833 7.0530364 4.8194174 0.0203645 107287944 histone H2A.V
0.8438676 0.6595265 -0.0064234 5.5371210 2.6692995 0.0957589 107292943 desmoglein-1-like
0.8431901 0.3074372 0.0253157 3.8645576 1.5375878 0.2563754 107295534 nudix hydrolase 20 chloroplastic-like
0.8428195 1.0798898 1.1448421 3.8991302 0.6494445 0.5985629 107285479 2’-5’-oligoadenylate synthase 1-like
0.8428179 1.2426841 1.0602430 -0.0749608 0.3830454 0.7671694 107301138 PHD finger protein 20-like protein 1
0.8425710 0.0585218 0.2024851 2.6002839 0.9212292 0.4605872 107287075 integrin subunit beta 3 binding protein
0.8423004 0.6552328 -0.2510986 0.9216274 1.2651186 0.3310052 107294650 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF135-like
0.8403175 1.2601377 0.2343868 0.3677726 0.6834851 0.5793566 107288208 interleukin 18 receptor 1
0.8401183 -2.1384018 0.4568210 9.4110764 15.1141959 0.0002401 107289344 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 1
0.8400823 1.3024195 -1.0874565 0.6037080 2.6359268 0.0985197 107293236 X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 1
0.8400316 1.2022973 1.3385464 3.8433590 2.2886429 0.1315635 107287229 ATPase 13A1
0.8399176 0.3702685 0.3254687 5.1621216 2.9820809 0.0745786 107302860 methyltransferase like 13
0.8392020 0.3406714 -0.2358287 6.8013179 1.7499168 0.2111273 107283654 uncharacterized LOC107283654
0.8391893 0.9662640 -1.4475867 3.4275271 1.4141857 0.2876915 107298962 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF213-like
0.8390452 3.7286406 3.2511105 3.4537687 5.4106813 0.0141849 107290201 ferric chelate reductase 1
0.8389211 0.3168723 0.3244997 8.4048464 1.1691279 0.3627264 107303302 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B6
0.8379061 -0.4057161 -0.2073635 -0.2976247 0.3429795 0.7948131 107300888 gastrula zinc finger protein XlCGF17.1-like
0.8374064 1.3632602 1.7463554 4.2490139 4.1916620 0.0309076 107283630 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C1
0.8372515 0.8604783 0.9886110 5.0937868 3.3317712 0.0570364 107287814 translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 34
0.8369144 -1.2748961 1.2736578 -0.3706037 1.7343841 0.2141200 107296271 leucine zipper protein 2-like
0.8363861 0.1633577 0.1105875 3.0955876 1.4847886 0.2691858 107285264 serine/threonine kinase 3
0.8357959 1.1774778 1.7041382 2.6059656 3.1877433 0.0637386 107302636 breast cancer metastasis suppressor 1
0.8351902 1.4016840 0.7429158 2.9031329 1.5441052 0.2549032 107294333 family with sequence similarity 35 member A
0.8350684 -0.0677532 -0.6442157 4.7404394 1.9352276 0.1788268 107288059 ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator-like 1
0.8347939 0.3201596 0.1490562 6.0712181 2.4955760 0.1104190 107297410 THO complex 2
0.8342506 -1.3548057 7.7173283 1.3982777 13.4781746 0.0008296 107291693 carnosine dipeptidase 1 (metallopeptidase M20 family)
0.8340320 2.0320045 1.7433493 2.7386032 3.8157148 0.0401421 107285563 asparagine–tRNA ligase cytoplasmic-like
0.8329146 1.1538255 0.8405370 1.9894924 1.6915315 0.2224897 107288085 polymerase (RNA) III subunit C
0.8326548 1.2183410 0.8356542 6.2960717 2.1602213 0.1468684 107294885 proteasome subunit beta 2
0.8324223 0.1382244 -0.6934947 4.3020350 2.5519651 0.1055388 107284271 collagen type IV alpha 1
0.8323910 0.6314541 0.0432196 5.9514437 2.2857180 0.1317954 107302647 ubiquitin like modifier activating enzyme 3
0.8319127 0.6936291 1.0733681 4.3624939 1.1183562 0.3809200 107303088 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily e member 1
0.8317776 1.8278830 2.0263267 3.5718923 8.0876234 0.0034153 107295974 solute carrier family 35 member B2
0.8317596 0.1272247 1.2355457 3.5164803 1.5488181 0.2537941 107284066 golgi glycoprotein 1
0.8316208 0.4660336 0.0651309 5.4652532 1.6234271 0.2369327 107285942 IKAROS family zinc finger 5
0.8312463 0.7030707 1.3639173 6.4236298 1.7731383 0.2067404 107287331 tropomyosin 2 (beta)
0.8309686 0.6052939 0.2586047 3.3812119 2.4170582 0.1178948 107291128 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 33
0.8304863 0.7920685 -0.4359845 1.6855044 1.8806600 0.1877153 107284385 CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 7
0.8303155 0.0546920 0.8702292 6.1457084 2.8725614 0.0813702 107285371 MET proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase
0.8300773 0.5715188 3.7250582 2.4813294 3.8110902 0.0402741 107297475 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C4orf19
0.8300476 0.7502384 -0.4292586 1.9268423 3.0273327 0.0719880 107298360 scaffold attachment factor B1-like
0.8294123 -0.1074917 0.5596564 1.2724532 0.6101080 0.6214549 107301060 pyridoxal kinase-like
0.8289410 0.1721549 0.1410392 0.1916857 0.2691068 0.8464263 107288667 ADP ribosylation factor interacting protein 2
0.8288120 0.4514100 0.8320893 0.8508472 0.4513613 0.7211262 107293250 serine palmitoyltransferase long chain base subunit 3
0.8286934 1.5105228 0.2186272 1.8799383 2.1893222 0.1432300 107297099 period circadian clock 1
0.8286395 1.1076192 1.2406556 1.7992918 2.3847691 0.1211359 107294098 ribosomal RNA processing 15 homolog
0.8284301 0.8341317 -0.4957190 0.7486528 0.7937498 0.5209812 107282676 oxysterol binding protein like 7
0.8283494 0.3300345 0.3619433 3.8555902 0.8179181 0.5089588 107288010 EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 3
0.8283377 0.3986381 0.4074647 3.3305087 0.7898261 0.5229589 107294205 general transcription factor II-I repeat domain-containing protein 2-like
0.8273288 -0.2076535 -0.2392536 7.3167667 4.4871332 0.0252673 107284622 alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked
0.8264487 0.9360873 -1.8735650 2.2030030 6.2626874 0.0086838 107297674 ELM2 and Myb/SANT-like domain containing 1
0.8263310 1.3398001 1.0067251 5.2259488 3.6543066 0.0450645 107283526 proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 7
0.8263213 0.2602428 -0.4552908 2.7684176 3.0070705 0.0731350 107292730 centrosomal protein 120kDa
0.8262479 0.5315368 -0.5812012 3.4362859 3.0740699 0.0695585 107285464 MORC family CW-type zinc finger 2
0.8259748 0.8201582 -0.2893939 2.4941930 1.4629313 0.2748729 107297509 proline-rich protein 14-like
0.8254414 -0.8872797 0.7277425 3.0827366 3.9696941 0.0360183 107290462 glycine receptor beta
0.8253846 0.5478834 -0.6651264 2.3835530 3.8129455 0.0401105 107286129 glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta
0.8252437 0.2591829 -1.5557066 2.7764496 6.6413585 0.0070677 107282828 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 8
0.8249582 0.6415937 -0.0780053 -0.6990919 0.1379417 0.9353746 107296377 TBC1 domain family member 10B-like
0.8245777 -0.6506501 1.0200481 5.1571857 3.9887354 0.0355433 107283663 islet cell autoantigen 1
0.8245169 0.3742711 -0.2261610 6.4741791 1.5933869 0.2435671 107283530 GABA(A) receptor-associated protein like 2
0.8244247 0.6275863 -0.2758448 4.9345726 3.9792272 0.0356771 107291519 nucleoporin 153kDa
0.8235364 1.2200997 -0.9513673 1.2881907 5.2101991 0.0159493 107296989 leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2-like
0.8219848 0.6911078 0.8786103 2.4348126 1.2691077 0.3298107 107284130 elaC ribonuclease Z 1
0.8215653 0.1832727 0.5362978 3.7905571 1.6712616 0.2266262 107285063 centrosomal protein 97kDa
0.8213843 1.4725184 -0.7773648 0.5422731 0.9433797 0.4508342 107300948 interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase-like 2
0.8212437 1.7174544 3.0421359 1.8117970 5.5574344 0.0129977 107301607 uncharacterized LOC107301607
0.8207184 1.5425681 1.1130285 5.8778000 5.3309797 0.0148657 107294891 hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate
0.8207170 0.9322547 1.7679614 4.3189572 3.0471811 0.0710234 107290347 INTS3 and NABP interacting protein
0.8195658 1.5180632 -0.7115553 -0.0982603 2.7074057 0.0928322 107300036 kelch domain containing 10
0.8186796 0.2076795 0.4296531 4.4106904 1.6778134 0.2252736 107291428 nudix hydrolase 3
0.8185922 -0.1413262 0.2569526 4.2839587 2.3790811 0.1217173 107286881 hook microtubule-tethering protein 2
0.8175777 0.1262988 -0.9421826 5.8570313 4.0684336 0.0336325 107295966 pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) alpha 1
0.8175072 0.2991387 0.4366648 6.1621039 1.8343232 0.1955049 107293033 programmed cell death 10
0.8174816 -1.0504666 -0.6278375 5.8385107 13.7158611 0.0003732 107287169 REV3 like DNA directed polymerase zeta catalytic subunit
0.8171804 0.7824031 -0.3899893 4.0029033 3.0434097 0.0712317 107284907 raftlin family member 2
0.8171756 1.0490737 0.7512378 3.3579762 1.5645046 0.2501412 107297757 neuroblastoma-amplified sequence-like
0.8169682 1.4115007 0.0148877 1.2630333 1.5451146 0.2546652 107300618 tuftelin 1
0.8166850 2.5042327 1.6467655 0.3989939 2.4870969 0.1113556 107289677 neuregulin 1
0.8165991 0.8239162 0.9439070 1.4448686 0.4542730 0.7192006 107286151 solute carrier family 23 member 1-like
0.8164588 0.0242749 1.3057359 0.8530295 0.6574569 0.5939917 107301245 bcl2-associated agonist of cell death-like
0.8161762 1.8236548 0.6469057 2.6397983 3.6069811 0.0466379 107285415 l(3)mbt-like 2 (Drosophila)
0.8154893 0.4730191 -0.2752896 0.3268511 1.0045647 0.4248820 107287567 HAUS augmin like complex subunit 5
0.8154786 0.9878100 -0.1066892 2.2316886 1.3697093 0.2999623 107292545 cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly factor NARFL-like
0.8147342 0.6299550 -2.6380511 6.8643353 15.6326424 0.0002083 107302667 cilia and flagella associated protein 97
0.8145613 0.3041240 0.3580172 6.6655762 2.0478934 0.1617711 107302428 cell division cycle associated 4
0.8144520 -0.6764763 -4.7657855 3.2452383 22.0339939 0.0000404 107293130 transmembrane protein with EGF like and two follistatin like domains 2
0.8143016 0.6322390 0.2172572 3.7068451 1.9669972 0.1737081 107299610 telomere-associated protein RIF1-like
0.8135404 1.0368253 -0.4024498 3.1400150 2.3135003 0.1288158 107296390 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type A
0.8127541 -0.8692130 0.7043210 3.7005419 4.9812369 0.0184564 107297783 Ral GTPase activating protein catalytic alpha subunit 2
0.8126795 0.0087715 -0.4614804 6.3316668 2.6377979 0.0983695 107294784 dynactin subunit 6
0.8126142 0.6850846 -0.5614202 1.0587724 1.4599507 0.2756384 107298899 phospholipase B domain containing 2
0.8126015 0.5522689 -0.2410843 4.0918351 2.8883764 0.0803097 107295768 excision repair cross-complementation group 8
0.8125875 -0.3521241 -5.2194950 9.8052952 29.5560758 0.0000092 107294558 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 13
0.8124792 2.5541537 1.9670805 3.7863046 2.2543362 0.1354663 107294313 synaptotagmin like 1
0.8124569 0.1268884 -0.0166679 2.1719729 0.6804516 0.5810454 107297773 anaphase promoting complex subunit 4
0.8116780 -2.8360940 -1.0495017 -0.1257594 1.5739769 0.2479636 107300091 centrosomal protein of 135 kDa-like
0.8108947 -0.8406610 1.6939459 4.1613993 5.0584613 0.0175882 107285840 vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1B
0.8107218 1.0545627 0.4027434 4.7339900 3.3592189 0.0558628 107292905 methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria cblD type
0.8104363 0.9987031 -0.1360631 0.9606128 0.5069295 0.6849694 107296626 proline-rich protein 14-like
0.8093607 0.7741858 0.5405043 0.6102937 0.5634548 0.6495462 107295955 uncharacterized LOC107295955
0.8088876 -0.1127766 -0.1544525 5.1291980 1.9082600 0.1831608 107286028 protein 4.1-like
0.8086573 0.3902883 -0.9576448 3.6281167 3.6241636 0.0460594 107288614 DEAD-box helicase 17
0.8086530 -0.2441417 -0.6724701 3.5961380 3.4338058 0.0529265 107295361 zinc finger protein 2 homolog
0.8083200 1.5107937 1.7896344 1.3631509 2.7000831 0.0935163 107298347 Beta-13-galactosyltransferase 6
0.8080316 1.2438989 1.9799905 5.6255039 3.6372408 0.0456247 107301358 uncharacterized LOC107301358
0.8074993 5.0190493 -0.8061414 -1.1023935 3.6510042 0.0530641 107294034 collagen alpha-1(XXIII) chain-like
0.8068666 0.5978053 0.1301548 4.7005020 1.8519763 0.1925178 107285110 ATPase family AAA domain containing 1
0.8067701 -0.2239819 1.6402068 1.2527870 1.5096802 0.2631691 107300268 protein FAM13A-like
0.8054883 0.9682561 1.0741780 6.6116123 2.8972247 0.0798328 107292941 cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase
0.8048894 1.3679541 -1.0468476 0.4684752 2.1169613 0.1524731 107290641 lysosomal alpha-glucosidase-like
0.8044997 -2.2242489 -2.8265587 5.9726894 13.7067841 0.0003789 107289694 RAS guanyl releasing protein 3
0.8043577 0.7298298 0.0469118 1.0426681 1.1828625 0.3579941 107285405 uncharacterized LOC107285405
0.8043323 0.2322507 0.3209101 5.3517520 2.2227824 0.1390122 107290067 bromodomain containing 7
0.8042554 0.7439092 -1.5336664 -0.1079845 1.5307271 0.2580808 107301597 cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1-like
0.8042403 -0.5602712 -2.1570999 2.4632766 4.5951264 0.0236215 107286946 gliomedin
0.8040788 0.1622741 0.3199205 7.0622963 1.4629176 0.2747329 107302470 thymosin beta 4 X-linked
0.8039915 0.7976076 -0.9022215 3.0170328 3.5080274 0.0501380 107288788 myotubularin related protein 3
0.8025553 1.7268186 2.0254056 5.2398133 5.2331427 0.0157940 107297526 dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycosyltransferase non-catalytic subunit
0.8025541 1.8165751 0.9480097 3.8233009 4.5909353 0.0236861 107287713 transducin (beta)-like 3
0.8024512 1.0881679 -1.0377405 1.4409549 2.6967641 0.0937679 107295243 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.8024464 -0.0124137 1.5527488 7.0728965 7.3428959 0.0048807 107294896 synaptogyrin 2
0.8014571 1.0569193 -1.4002138 -0.5847341 1.7861037 0.2043356 107285710 adenylate cyclase type 6-like
0.8011526 1.2985872 0.5883835 0.6519056 0.2253485 0.8769148 107300106 GTPase IMAP family member 7-like
0.8004524 0.3401208 -0.2880506 0.1225024 0.7619485 0.5371581 107298935 zinc finger protein 585A-like
0.8001119 0.4531808 -2.8415542 9.0390176 10.5379674 0.0011832 107291902 limb bud and heart development
0.8000839 -0.2033673 -1.1799165 5.1427484 11.6520914 0.0007649 107289168 zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 2
0.7997821 1.3158185 -0.7580620 0.4009123 2.1931967 0.1427534 107298277 round spermatid basic protein 1-like
0.7993688 0.6968063 0.3503583 1.1524233 0.6577282 0.5937977 107301448 NK1 homeobox 2
0.7990708 0.9436087 0.9251945 7.5199624 3.4813624 0.0510098 107290597 casein kinase 1 alpha 1
0.7980115 0.4564773 -0.0680146 2.6910619 1.7688106 0.2073926 107287421 RNA polymerase II associated protein 1
0.7979533 0.7187370 0.7455631 8.0592284 2.8108844 0.0853998 107298594 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K
0.7976565 0.3820302 1.0518620 2.1331962 0.7506346 0.5431131 107282460 apoptosis regulator BAX-like
0.7971888 1.7242018 1.4664487 6.4886863 1.7953995 0.2026308 107294123 uncharacterized LOC107294123
0.7968533 0.9204668 -0.1847543 2.8230230 2.9843175 0.0744481 107284238 SERTA domain containing 2
0.7966795 1.4970172 1.4302625 1.3300415 3.7730823 0.0412669 107291295 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 12B
0.7965970 1.0594476 0.9924119 5.5705331 4.3667357 0.0273732 107295813 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 17
0.7963384 2.9652665 0.9766258 1.9046418 4.4923989 0.0252672 107285287 heat shock protein 30C-like
0.7962847 0.7087023 0.1806613 5.8526666 2.1476859 0.1483264 107283631 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia; translocated to 10
0.7961858 -0.7383111 -0.1187967 4.8138693 2.9546671 0.0763423 107293860 basic immunoglobulin-like variable motif containing
0.7959342 2.2279774 0.8267027 2.2784875 3.4080348 0.0539874 107294312 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 6
0.7957257 0.9602230 0.4367052 2.1178017 0.4871005 0.6977247 107286155 shugoshin-like 2 (S. pombe)
0.7957207 0.1166678 0.0057447 3.9394197 2.6958135 0.0936896 107294734 exocyst complex component 1
0.7956297 -0.0903940 -0.8068654 7.1104980 2.2109512 0.1405923 107292485 carbohydrate sulfotransferase 14
0.7945038 1.0899456 -1.2075257 1.7997710 5.8288744 0.0110772 107298580 huntingtin
0.7944768 0.6268792 0.9826869 6.7954255 2.7282615 0.0912620 107289953 charged multivesicular body protein 1B
0.7940685 -0.0813395 -0.7044359 3.6658434 4.4913531 0.0251969 107292312 MIER family member 3
0.7939990 -0.3711106 -1.0995013 3.3209079 3.2214807 0.0621209 107293676 FRY like transcription coactivator
0.7939450 0.4146447 0.8009830 1.9243180 0.9957552 0.4285094 107297380 probable asparagine–tRNA ligase mitochondrial
0.7938148 1.7133416 2.3971108 5.2099263 7.7846564 0.0039490 107290609 cytochrome P450 3A29-like
0.7932014 3.2994237 -0.5384264 0.8201720 3.7558631 0.0418909 107292829 phosphatase domain containing paladin 1
0.7930793 0.6665852 0.2943219 5.5252801 2.0849567 0.1566147 107284460 D-tyrosyl-tRNA deacylase 1
0.7928718 -0.4449715 0.0792478 4.0384014 3.5511298 0.0484571 107283549 cytochrome b5
0.7928001 0.6139632 0.6653369 4.4598219 0.8992261 0.4704876 107282420 LIM and SH3 protein 1
0.7927781 -0.5816237 -1.7381226 1.1822499 0.5697452 0.6457133 107295368 nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 1-like
0.7925071 0.8872494 0.1165509 5.3645853 2.8973900 0.0797401 107287108 leucine-zipper-like transcription regulator 1
0.7922276 -0.0219412 -0.6983230 1.9704787 1.2101886 0.3488966 107294629 calmodulin regulated spectrin associated protein family member 2
0.7913834 0.3459446 -0.0998039 2.9053741 0.1087190 0.9533368 107298233 DNA polymerase epsilon subunit 2-like
0.7913633 3.3905554 3.3154490 1.5407235 8.7906064 0.0024703 107287796 pleckstrin homology like domain family A member 3
0.7912500 0.3067905 -0.0530573 3.4557597 1.7339282 0.2140520 107295253 solute carrier family 7 member 6 opposite strand
0.7912450 2.6095745 6.2025214 2.8372566 6.9333318 0.0060583 107287186 solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 4C1
0.7910810 1.2569587 0.5568006 4.1329850 3.0518065 0.0707276 107295712 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 5
0.7910191 1.2926214 1.5217822 4.3177425 2.7595811 0.0891356 ERCC-00084
0.7907760 0.6640737 0.3349497 3.6334863 1.9249273 0.1803078 107287545 SCAN domain-containing protein 1-like
0.7903589 0.5980892 -0.3595369 3.6178334 3.6738241 0.0443179 107298947 zinc finger protein 721-like
0.7902478 0.5798373 -3.6407973 5.7321821 16.5423011 0.0001601 107285611 inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells kinase complex-associated protein
0.7902310 0.7704349 0.2343866 3.5979833 1.2962015 0.3215164 107288078 transducin-like enhancer protein 4
0.7901757 0.1820995 0.0535604 2.0492489 0.7689202 0.5335642 107287213 BTB domain containing 7
0.7900222 0.3721496 0.1559807 6.1684720 2.2337532 0.1377107 107284544 serine palmitoyltransferase long chain base subunit 2
0.7896535 1.3440715 -0.6527703 2.4373380 3.5164903 0.0498271 107285327 zinc finger protein 628
0.7895219 -0.2976676 -1.8070444 0.3115162 2.7301619 0.0912715 107290666 coiled-coil domain containing 6
0.7892209 0.8607289 1.2183173 7.0923369 2.9418219 0.0770742 107303075 proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 3
0.7889663 0.4507443 2.4902494 1.1655897 2.3511245 0.1247806 107302746 lysosomal associated membrane protein 2
0.7868245 0.2219063 -0.0958119 6.1949271 1.1943528 0.3542064 107286211 protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase-like
0.7866480 0.4036108 -0.2103703 8.4961483 2.8768889 0.0810266 107293793 high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 2
0.7866341 1.1375937 -6.6430640 3.2163910 22.6975292 0.0000349 107296167 aldehyde dehydrogenase family 3 member B2-like
0.7860277 -0.3028089 -0.0619204 5.0942880 3.2996526 0.0584219 107298141 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 24
0.7858271 0.8458101 0.4041268 1.4139631 0.4589730 0.7160994 107285492 neurexin 1
0.7850556 0.7212470 -0.3993759 -0.0978600 0.7854626 0.5251668 107297800 solute carrier family 4 member 2
0.7843669 -0.2970874 0.5182541 5.6212949 3.5109708 0.0499182 107289307 exportin 5
0.7840787 0.6959356 -0.2622147 4.2476753 2.9165640 0.0786615 107291875 nucleoporin 205kDa
0.7838577 1.2566998 1.0254172 3.9307032 3.3870004 0.0548025 107285131 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha subunit
0.7835008 0.7762884 -0.3526448 6.8012911 1.9209348 0.1811092 107282527 serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 2-like
0.7834451 0.9589981 0.9085010 -0.0886362 0.3026022 0.8229752 107287443 activating transcription factor 3
0.7830906 0.5315320 0.5559031 3.6726659 1.5659190 0.2496651 107294321 FUS RNA binding protein
0.7829701 1.5962130 -0.9806444 0.7864725 3.2865812 0.0591315 107290503 zinc finger protein 883-like
0.7826474 -0.8385227 2.7842694 4.2954353 1.5637150 0.2503236 107283810 granzyme A-like
0.7821912 -1.4856256 -3.8885099 4.4556747 14.4462267 0.0002989 107290868 A-kinase anchor protein 7 isoform alpha-like
0.7820402 0.5999756 0.2321543 6.6032241 2.0331560 0.1638748 107284146 ankyrin repeat and KH domain-containing protein 1-like
0.7820218 -0.5739450 -2.5077823 3.2209181 3.3064010 0.0582546 107292087 olfactomedin 1
0.7819105 0.3751131 -2.1127252 2.8108453 8.8995900 0.0023530 107285890 solute carrier family 35 member G2
0.7815949 0.2054433 -1.4578609 0.4494040 2.5238759 0.1080138 107284191 IQ motif and Sec7 domain 2
0.7815911 0.2372142 -0.1211077 0.1187070 0.5701799 0.6454164 107302959 TATA-box binding protein like 2
0.7807187 -0.1276596 -0.7322399 3.8915286 2.3889597 0.1208677 107286376 tetratricopeptide repeat ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 1
0.7805982 0.6635514 0.5935230 7.9971612 1.6159592 0.2384110 107285244 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 10
0.7804707 0.1964544 -3.2952483 5.4174877 33.5812226 0.0000047 107301135 cysteine rich protein 2
0.7804037 -1.5543450 -2.4522993 8.1094496 16.2883657 0.0001714 107289999 adducin 3
0.7802761 1.2905810 -0.7242523 -0.4802938 2.3231203 0.1276108 107300606 uncharacterized LOC107300606
0.7796788 0.5616799 0.3803136 1.9665245 0.5750068 0.6425074 107290717 protein SAAL1-like
0.7790719 1.2191118 0.5713434 3.0259978 3.1033215 0.0678674 107292855 uncharacterized LOC107292855
0.7785237 -1.1722899 -0.7240088 0.7578887 1.8807673 0.1877016 107297563 T-box 2
0.7779921 0.2628663 0.1520971 7.3855209 1.0715372 0.3984053 107289324 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 variant 2
0.7765700 0.2874454 -1.8363174 4.5191314 24.0827993 0.0000255 107302288 coiled-coil domain containing 88A
0.7765092 0.8128007 -1.8121607 3.8432121 13.3905552 0.0004205 107283698 microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1
0.7758015 -0.5065984 1.0325520 4.2803829 6.1477521 0.0092303 107283395 coiled-coil domain containing 109B
0.7755192 -0.9345510 0.9533807 5.1749970 11.5940231 0.0007822 107293433 C2 calcium-dependent domain containing 2
0.7754077 0.4067839 -3.2986439 4.2659012 18.2686319 0.0001002 107293120 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 15
0.7743927 1.0002920 -0.0398290 4.9095088 4.4705525 0.0255458 107289559 myosin IC
0.7742985 0.8505474 0.2143776 5.3269635 1.7342506 0.2141459 107291119 flotillin 1
0.7742791 -1.1572737 -2.7635027 5.4609925 10.8071253 0.0010645 107292584 solute carrier family 12 member 7-like
0.7739091 1.0486544 1.9238973 6.8498268 6.2932155 0.0085385 107294145 coatomer protein complex subunit zeta 1
0.7738869 0.5611806 3.7464765 5.1958810 10.0517660 0.0014391 107285866 coxsackie virus and adenovirus receptor
0.7738611 -8.0230855 -4.7896548 6.3228622 8.0316296 0.0035073 107296796 tryptophan hydroxylase 1
0.7737287 0.6262163 0.4910044 5.0702184 2.2490730 0.1359164 107298044 general transcription factor IIF subunit 1
0.7736226 0.6055137 0.5912714 5.6667170 2.0883537 0.1561515 107295694 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf31
0.7734235 1.7001230 1.9517126 5.2469356 5.6363596 0.0124072 107296957 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C21
0.7731036 0.0709005 -1.1120992 1.2311865 3.8265755 0.0397238 107288006 leucine zipper protein 1
0.7730447 0.5749443 0.5933061 3.7703646 1.2637559 0.3314945 107289533 ligand dependent nuclear receptor interacting factor 1
0.7728797 -0.1557546 -2.3143139 2.3982503 11.2643174 0.0008933 107292141 murine retrovirus integration site 1 homolog
0.7728160 0.5904360 1.8706690 0.6536187 2.4739300 0.1124243 107290394 family with sequence similarity 173 member A
0.7718990 0.0826728 -0.8727407 3.6443256 6.6152082 0.0071265 107301392 zinc finger protein 2 homolog
0.7718690 -1.3923526 -0.6868796 5.3644881 9.8062362 0.0015928 107296563 interleukin 15
0.7717565 0.6791293 -1.8016119 1.6791784 3.0638483 0.0701112 107303247 serine/threonine protein kinase 26
0.7712327 0.1342269 -0.4123539 3.5427006 2.3968373 0.1199320 107291607 KIAA2026 ortholog
0.7704562 0.5459306 -0.7704765 1.7025095 2.8999883 0.0795696 107302737 syntaxin binding protein 4
0.7703684 0.2470165 -0.0019671 5.3293911 1.8702753 0.1893115 107295109 RAB4A member RAS oncogene family
0.7702867 -0.6889622 -1.8198095 -0.6867397 2.2502366 0.1359415 107299983 stAR-related lipid transfer protein 9-like
0.7701846 -0.0539119 -1.2760224 4.0999286 8.0466583 0.0034769 107298629 zinc finger protein 850-like
0.7697454 0.6901791 0.3710585 3.9588741 1.1895238 0.3558428 107295954 trafficking protein particle complex 6B
0.7691163 0.6035323 1.0381865 7.3503832 2.9578738 0.0760084 107287773 RAB5B member RAS oncogene family
0.7683862 0.5344559 0.7088437 6.4176409 1.2159705 0.3469792 107285137 elongation factor 1 homolog
0.7675577 0.9368549 0.1746681 6.7716161 0.6836525 0.5792636 107286416 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S10
0.7673050 0.6024717 0.5696632 0.1365013 0.2595076 0.8531400 107301763 RING finger and SPRY domain-containing protein 1-like
0.7672711 0.6702716 -0.0164418 5.4999106 0.9427270 0.4511185 107287768 ring finger protein 7
0.7670965 0.4807517 -0.2937110 4.6762221 2.5487071 0.1058225 107285576 Ral GTPase activating protein non-catalytic beta subunit
0.7666024 -0.7473583 -0.1484917 -0.1286717 0.9994454 0.4270294 107284785 centrosomal protein of 164 kDa-like
0.7645828 -0.0349555 2.4221920 7.2696978 13.4792234 0.0004035 107302712 LIM domain and actin binding 1
0.7645005 0.5916556 0.2087277 4.0719637 2.1209605 0.1517836 107289618 tripartite motif containing 41
0.7643457 -0.6477368 -0.6703691 0.2334831 1.6321483 0.2348919 107292256 four and a half LIM domains 5
0.7637144 0.0137895 0.2608498 4.0240782 1.5703629 0.2486421 107284392 R3H domain containing 1
0.7633638 0.4787422 1.2797848 4.5764766 2.8018640 0.0861655 107284962 copine 3
0.7630271 0.4212334 -1.3670006 1.6936686 4.8354978 0.0202113 107296186 zinc finger protein 711
0.7627853 -0.4149892 -0.0999139 5.1118983 3.4833829 0.0509337 107287261 mannosidase beta like
0.7627771 1.0774951 -0.4383725 4.8420892 3.2264689 0.0618858 107289264 high mobility group 20A
0.7624355 -1.1526377 -0.1053643 5.2190161 7.2174330 0.0052341 107285487 G protein-coupled receptor 75
0.7623757 0.4240109 1.0238472 4.4866385 2.4062070 0.1190837 107290098 numb homolog (Drosophila)
0.7613789 1.0657307 0.2242384 2.2160714 2.2905475 0.1311909 107289809 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 4
0.7611579 0.3648232 0.7841851 5.8776902 1.3533633 0.3046152 107282383 phospholipase A2 group IVC
0.7611296 0.0492119 -1.6908967 4.0299056 9.3010741 0.0019733 107300937 zinc finger protein 850-like
0.7608262 0.8840300 0.4670022 0.5228370 0.4979380 0.6907325 107294200 zinc finger protein 202-like
0.7607758 0.8005429 -0.6774706 3.9323998 3.5316517 0.0492756 107284689 SH3 and PX domains 2A
0.7605846 0.6808812 0.7366633 5.0491214 1.3431392 0.3075656 107287355 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 13
0.7603560 0.6619595 0.5109880 5.4306917 1.0846019 0.3934649 107295176 LysM domain containing 3
0.7595235 0.9387418 0.8579444 0.3531293 0.8134184 0.5111066 107300492 intraflagellar transport protein 140 homolog
0.7593240 -1.5424987 -0.5066087 3.5222693 5.9194356 0.0105318 107284366 CTD small phosphatase like
0.7588354 -0.9935568 0.7231775 1.8040590 7.0208843 0.0057538 107294869 transmembrane protein 218
0.7582895 1.0186606 0.4403910 1.1965508 1.1205163 0.3800195 107291961 transmembrane protein 87A-like
0.7582149 0.3240363 -0.3703064 2.8237392 2.1075095 0.1535684 107287837 Kruppel-like factor 7 (ubiquitous)
0.7579262 0.4739290 -0.4205986 3.7867728 4.6896822 0.0221342 107298559 HMG-box containing 3
0.7571545 -0.3966464 2.8537838 1.9443476 14.8931125 0.0002569 107298685 coiled-coil domain containing 91
0.7570720 0.4566526 1.0358444 5.8929537 2.2560874 0.1352639 107285666 biliverdin reductase B
0.7558127 0.5514289 0.7580841 3.4042941 0.9737956 0.4377849 107289296 polymerase (DNA) eta
0.7544320 0.8480378 0.5065243 3.2183548 1.8028017 0.2011263 107303010 kelch like family member 11
0.7541569 0.2455288 -0.0502639 2.8418522 1.3536011 0.3044115 107302458 Myb like SWIRM and MPN domains 1
0.7537960 -1.9659537 -1.5344316 5.5412839 9.4801180 0.0018274 107292383 pleckstrin homology like domain family B member 2
0.7536773 0.2278502 0.6751491 6.0533778 0.6598605 0.5926264 107286226 trans-golgi network protein 2
0.7535559 -0.0923519 0.4704548 4.1296124 3.4564946 0.0519570 107283578 KIAA1468 ortholog
0.7531608 0.1323530 0.0680746 6.1408085 1.7627703 0.2085290 107290977 KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 2
0.7529707 1.4758174 0.5925144 1.8957361 2.3116360 0.1288736 107285501 histone deacetylase 1
0.7520079 -0.1882728 -0.6425977 2.4150125 2.3150667 0.1285050 107288262 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 20
0.7519433 1.1367404 1.0848503 2.8223803 3.2158320 0.0622557 107296912 DEAH-box helicase 33
0.7515685 0.4225635 1.1626029 5.9778376 3.9223763 0.0371243 107286960 VPS29 retromer complex component
0.7512229 -0.8451774 -0.7149270 2.0239453 4.0633057 0.0336501 107290479 utrophin-like
0.7509719 -0.0159923 -1.6385187 1.1382214 3.4762385 0.0513263 107292926 nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 3
0.7509199 2.0958926 0.7408299 2.5696285 2.5457627 0.1060797 107285758 non-SMC condensin I complex subunit D2
0.7505717 1.1111968 -0.0179035 3.7782466 2.0494222 0.1617160 107292261 mediator complex subunit 30
0.7496614 0.3758729 1.4693042 6.2226076 2.4174837 0.1180103 107293908 ubiquitin like modifier activating enzyme 5
0.7492806 1.1313192 1.2643473 1.5976027 2.3084894 0.1292049 107299924 gem nuclear organelle associated protein 7
0.7489954 0.8938502 0.8104785 4.2556797 2.8836690 0.0805922 107302976 YTH N(6)-methyladenosine RNA binding protein 2
0.7489176 0.6642076 -0.9316513 4.3621127 2.4247602 0.1172938 107284913 ankyrin repeat domain 44
0.7487346 0.0566906 -0.9901506 0.9413438 1.6752667 0.2259528 107293021 zinc finger protein 420-like
0.7486474 -0.8088962 -0.6734072 4.6250750 4.3679697 0.0274422 107289182 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C8orf37
0.7482674 0.1241925 0.9836971 6.2850570 4.9777733 0.0184228 107284734 RIC8 guanine nucleotide exchange factor B
0.7482006 -0.3359137 1.3776219 2.0730107 3.0246153 0.0722803 107292909 cingulin
0.7473966 1.4671785 -0.1625170 0.8873772 0.7460683 0.5455089 107290389 septin 12
0.7471139 0.1342504 0.2437541 4.2453095 1.7480257 0.2113322 107291908 DEAH-box helicase 57
0.7470635 0.8684503 0.0852339 3.6005369 2.1967564 0.1421698 107290851 ankyrin repeat domain 52
0.7469105 0.7534155 0.8491915 2.7615958 1.3509962 0.3052208 107285098 dynactin subunit 5
0.7468552 0.5712994 1.2717749 4.5840597 4.6255312 0.0230749 107284265 CD2-associated protein
0.7467926 0.3069083 0.5838689 4.8440845 0.9408717 0.4519278 107286072 ATPase phospholipid transporting 9A (putative)
0.7467339 1.1119538 0.1439816 2.6619120 2.6446274 0.0976715 107285284 POP1 homolog ribonuclease P/MRP subunit
0.7466183 -0.5662232 -0.0227439 -0.6892842 0.3378641 0.7983677 107300396 uncharacterized LOC107300396
0.7464268 -0.0985842 -0.0060903 7.6057683 2.5946964 0.1017440 107294340 Janus kinase 1
0.7464054 -0.3795909 -0.2696437 4.4828395 1.6853602 0.2238817 107282758 Fanconi anemia complementation group F
0.7463052 0.4397320 0.4998196 3.7798958 1.3345901 0.3099227 107298375 52 kDa repressor of the inhibitor of the protein kinase-like
0.7461894 -0.3668192 -0.3455306 2.3895436 1.2362834 0.3403328 107301426 putative deoxyribonuclease TATDN1
0.7459982 -2.9711845 -0.8794952 1.4781250 11.8739862 0.0007126 107295309 myosin VIIB
0.7459799 1.2628444 1.3428494 5.4601290 2.4693654 0.1130090 107285633 signal recognition particle 72kDa
0.7458116 1.1837646 0.1961459 2.2596020 1.8961521 0.1850564 107282303 splicing factor 3a subunit 2
0.7454221 0.7452402 -0.1187981 0.5636727 0.6540421 0.5959361 107284497 MAP kinase interacting serine/threonine kinase 1
0.7453508 -0.1667374 0.5346312 1.8564001 0.7321591 0.5528684 107282604 transmembrane protein 101
0.7452847 0.8736230 0.8562372 4.4553943 3.5540555 0.0483534 107287358 NIMA related kinase 4
0.7448034 1.3526219 -0.1163166 -0.2137360 1.0449843 0.4087467 107286148 endoplasmic reticulum protein 27
0.7447428 0.9201117 -0.1212984 4.9599025 7.1739612 0.0053178 107294530 zinc finger protein 143
0.7447049 0.2652589 0.3563914 1.7026056 0.5335312 0.6681039 107287357 serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek4-like
0.7446232 1.6752536 -4.2215740 3.4259125 41.7145933 0.0000015 107299114 endoglin-like
0.7444608 0.8410652 0.5387074 -0.1046733 0.2912728 0.8309059 107301872 zinc finger protein 24-like
0.7443047 0.7314348 0.1408054 6.0040619 1.8273074 0.1968523 107290786 exocyst complex component 7
0.7442120 0.4224952 0.5943832 4.2928893 1.5563559 0.2518824 107288764 tRNA methyltransferase 10A
0.7440063 1.1329811 -0.4079215 2.0908580 2.0956497 0.1553232 107289480 rotatin
0.7430912 -0.2663353 -0.8165693 6.0463135 5.1475011 0.0166073 107288483 ORMDL sphingolipid biosynthesis regulator 1
0.7427522 0.6637803 0.3619091 6.6305459 2.2542423 0.1353170 107291906 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 7
0.7423021 -0.0311771 -0.5072302 4.2343328 0.8981844 0.4709616 107286710 HAUS augmin like complex subunit 7
0.7421595 1.0404213 0.3690589 4.2160163 1.5865463 0.2451066 107282258 adaptor related protein complex 3 delta 1 subunit
0.7414239 0.7589593 1.5118222 4.2319625 3.3254661 0.0574252 107294328 nuclear receptor coactivator 4
0.7411487 0.5763106 -0.3621055 4.8823300 3.0171026 0.0727044 107283203 general transcription factor IIF subunit 2
0.7406417 -0.1171739 -0.5406511 1.8494936 0.5701758 0.6454505 107302563 solute carrier family 7 member 1
0.7402951 0.6846859 -0.3729037 4.6794080 2.9424861 0.0770763 107290810 siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
0.7391339 1.3197133 1.2153165 5.2483632 5.7380064 0.0116410 107283140 M-phase phosphoprotein 10
0.7386920 0.3482537 0.4985325 4.1963419 1.1787205 0.3594675 107292667 vacuolar protein sorting 37 homolog C (S. cerevisiae)
0.7382575 -0.4201589 -1.3886622 5.3377588 5.3610248 0.0146149 107297958 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 5
0.7381096 1.0299780 0.0847954 6.0531595 3.6136122 0.0462958 107285763 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 4
0.7377894 0.5094921 1.2358553 3.8401641 2.9610090 0.0758402 107289355 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 21
0.7377714 0.1755410 1.1087700 5.7181906 2.1810860 0.1442493 107283565 isopentenyl-diphosphate Delta-isomerase 1-like
0.7376505 0.1969184 -0.9221542 4.3707247 4.0464598 0.0341471 107282815 UPF0061 protein PFLU_0444
0.7370887 0.1811143 4.9204730 8.5186474 12.3866047 0.0005931 107294746 syndecan 1
0.7364927 0.3316277 1.0882637 3.4222741 1.1349702 0.3749018 107287849 ribonuclease H1-like
0.7358547 -0.3133453 -0.7788347 3.8901576 4.4890458 0.0252461 107289968 caspase 2
0.7354731 0.1139885 0.7495177 3.9146623 1.1145188 0.3823246 107290144 outer dense fiber of sperm tails 2 like
0.7350326 0.2118756 -0.3538300 0.2713745 0.1379376 0.9353772 107296200 polymerase delta-interacting protein 2
0.7348006 -0.2275343 1.6278692 3.9586508 9.3557681 0.0019113 107296936 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase 1
0.7344934 -1.1185434 0.5050193 6.0297791 5.7407018 0.0116739 107291177 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase
0.7343395 0.0857742 0.4064376 3.5207053 0.9793667 0.4354209 107289598 tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2
0.7339876 0.7941364 0.4579642 5.2852856 2.3291444 0.1269610 107292135 CTR9 homolog Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component
0.7336205 -4.9302689 2.1616340 2.3307166 21.2631724 0.0000481 107286822 klotho
0.7334062 -0.5406990 -2.0801575 3.9219098 7.9372341 0.0036689 107296649 AhpC/TSA antioxidant enzyme domain containing 1
0.7333529 -0.3075507 0.0082792 4.9875054 0.8308284 0.5026483 107288387 dynein light chain roadblock-type 1
0.7332831 1.2598494 0.8425728 5.2080506 3.2059841 0.0628580 107303105 FtsJ homolog 3 (E. coli)
0.7322150 0.8410286 0.5288133 2.2627048 0.6817977 0.5802954 107300445 uncharacterized LOC107300445
0.7321706 0.6934210 0.5244905 5.6719302 0.6973869 0.5716744 107289823 glutaredoxin 2
0.7316708 0.3292120 -1.1360704 1.9592382 2.4941966 0.1107014 107296711 neurofibromin 1
0.7315287 1.0236794 0.6585764 4.6690984 1.6404960 0.2332530 107289021 ADP-ribosylarginine hydrolase
0.7314508 2.1040243 3.6194680 1.7444858 10.6430407 0.0011319 107298236 spermine oxidase
0.7309945 0.4838822 0.2847576 5.5929108 1.8815527 0.1874102 107289446 zinc finger ZZ-type containing 3
0.7302783 1.2984453 -0.4284158 0.7305093 1.0852029 0.3932377 107297951 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.7302009 0.4191018 0.2744953 5.3146722 1.0845778 0.3934740 107290002 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2D 1
0.7286693 -5.4536413 -0.8249596 0.4785875 15.9917262 0.0001875 107286586 homeobox D8
0.7286306 -0.7081250 0.8851395 3.1028057 1.9087244 0.1830852 107297900 ATPase phospholipid transporting 8A1
0.7284092 0.7870265 0.1742689 4.4708334 1.3843954 0.2958481 107296507 membrane associated guanylate kinase WW and PDZ domain containing 1
0.7280410 1.5948125 0.7525223 2.9487224 2.9660875 0.0756615 107298005 integrin alpha FG-GAP repeat containing 2
0.7278008 0.1815021 0.1386512 6.2336171 1.8804588 0.1875934 107296362 death effector domain containing 2
0.7273928 0.6492461 0.7521662 7.2492409 3.0326281 0.0716917 107298135 interleukin enhancer binding factor 3
0.7272455 -0.6370508 -0.7647182 -0.1704255 1.1566151 0.3671103 107296624 zinc finger protein 345-like
0.7271510 0.6689750 0.6564949 4.0473925 1.0212019 0.4182181 107283800 5’-nucleotidase cytosolic IIIA
0.7269425 -0.2197546 -0.1944004 3.1342193 1.5696120 0.2488817 107287376 breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 1
0.7267587 0.3086112 -0.0973575 1.6860358 0.4790720 0.7029365 107295772 DNA repair protein complementing XP-A cells homolog
0.7264707 1.2835763 0.6296530 2.6024490 1.7968429 0.2023675 107282426 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 45
0.7263063 -0.5247438 1.6860984 3.1824038 3.3762854 0.0552804 107302460 OMA1 zinc metallopeptidase
0.7260971 0.8924861 0.4115472 5.7875268 2.7510943 0.0895970 107294336 thioredoxin reductase 3
0.7257698 0.8891411 -0.0304889 5.6058446 3.6619813 0.0446990 107301404 bromodomain containing 4
0.7255620 0.9955521 1.4929505 4.1766296 1.8057446 0.2007523 107291517 solute carrier family 11 member 2
0.7251055 2.0727434 0.5749806 1.2429223 1.4200485 0.2861155 107290684 solute carrier family 35 member E2-like
0.7249233 0.8158687 -0.3254329 1.7513788 0.7047145 0.5676628 107294203 transmembrane protein 108
0.7248563 1.4713121 0.7445587 4.0329666 2.7690862 0.0884578 107282856 UPF1 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog (yeast)
0.7248511 1.2156301 0.9399191 4.4959027 1.6559506 0.2299762 107284793 dolichyl-phosphate N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase 1
0.7246444 1.0406115 0.5221832 6.5949605 2.6157162 0.1000191 107283041 mago homolog exon junction complex core component
0.7245383 -2.4015761 3.6636277 6.5200150 12.6094806 0.0005485 107292478 fyn-related Src family tyrosine kinase
0.7244866 0.5288758 0.7957931 6.3453756 2.2186555 0.1395054 107297311 ADP ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1
0.7239207 0.0488642 -0.3362644 6.8017737 1.0286973 0.4152086 107302831 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C7orf73
0.7234442 1.0224110 1.5416727 2.8742705 1.6980239 0.2213132 ERCC-00157
0.7232777 0.0385195 0.6878489 7.0643388 2.5852552 0.1025357 107302834 myotrophin
0.7228207 0.6210379 0.7359980 4.5330542 3.3882125 0.0546642 107288379 AAR2 splicing factor homolog
0.7226845 -0.0163640 0.6735725 3.6365510 1.5429598 0.2551453 107303252 PHD finger protein 6
0.7226126 -0.4629619 -0.9614221 7.3824071 4.4281718 0.0263638 107293432 basic helix-loop-helix family member e40
0.7218151 1.3685472 0.4930458 4.9404889 3.6173646 0.0462873 107290702 WD repeat domain 12
0.7216316 1.4396368 1.4455016 1.7925902 3.0029256 0.0733893 107290116 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C16orf87
0.7215796 -2.6612908 -0.1331052 1.4819249 7.9407805 0.0036627 107285990 RAB31 member RAS oncogene family
0.7212714 0.9144427 0.9314219 3.5420650 1.1216871 0.3797053 107284874 peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase domain containing 1
0.7211873 0.6324987 0.7380856 3.6311154 1.1517427 0.3689286 107298813 tumor protein D52-like 2
0.7209015 0.5994086 -0.2408329 4.4771882 2.0493736 0.1617229 107303080 cancer susceptibility candidate 3
0.7202698 0.4704877 0.7605022 6.4142515 2.9093921 0.0789681 107284408 MDM2 proto-oncogene E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
0.7202654 0.5566227 -1.6591283 3.6923358 6.8312935 0.0063906 107285706 vascular endothelial growth factor C
0.7202279 0.6357603 0.8341387 4.1465344 1.6921611 0.2224520 107298069 golgin A5
0.7200714 0.6257238 0.3034228 3.7054969 1.1243733 0.3786751 107287631 integrin subunit beta 1 binding protein 1
0.7200666 0.9359047 0.2432673 0.9001087 0.6516247 0.5973160 107290015 uncharacterized oxidoreductase YjhC-like
0.7188826 -0.3547808 -0.7469208 5.0166474 4.3542739 0.0276946 107297568 KH domain containing RNA binding signal transduction associated 3
0.7187346 2.0140162 0.3579393 0.0258975 2.2232403 0.1389712 107283924 zinc finger protein 710
0.7184792 0.9403797 0.7031366 5.8140237 0.8395258 0.4984405 107287079 nuclear factor 1 A-type
0.7178013 0.1306986 -0.6030763 -0.2464930 0.6477869 0.5995125 107288185 gametocyte specific factor 1
0.7176618 0.5925320 1.0854107 2.8339040 1.0807105 0.3949389 107282223 unconventional SNARE in the ER 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
0.7175271 -0.0002633 0.1405466 -0.2808602 0.3351850 0.8002295 107290819 Bcl2 modifying factor
0.7172430 0.2879749 0.0344575 5.2369276 1.2917100 0.3228510 107286065 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 4
0.7172047 0.4335719 0.2648965 -0.1623927 0.2854531 0.8349836 107283383 phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 1-like
0.7165430 -0.1602202 0.7041344 5.6327905 1.7047471 0.2199630 107290562 URB1 ribosome biogenesis 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
0.7162484 0.3680570 1.0028394 0.2572804 0.3845545 0.7661361 107302129 NAD kinase-like
0.7159525 0.9310936 0.9125719 6.0188517 3.2107449 0.0624976 107284113 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit A
0.7158887 0.6614282 0.6711116 3.2251953 1.3261091 0.3124163 107284743 arginyl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial
0.7157241 0.9713802 1.8911979 7.7917290 3.0385262 0.0715024 107289159 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 3
0.7156328 1.1342353 0.7189271 0.9201036 0.7727784 0.5316360 107290024 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf50
0.7155662 -0.0045678 -0.3429959 4.1193090 2.0077851 0.1676825 107296417 zinc finger protein 850-like
0.7153417 -0.0987940 -1.4754975 5.3119258 3.9100758 0.0375538 107302402 LIM domain containing 2
0.7153010 0.5423208 0.8529618 8.4873059 1.2014481 0.3517496 107302689 myosin heavy chain 9 non-muscle
0.7151681 1.1503833 -0.1014247 1.2119440 1.1514708 0.3690246 107283085 epsin-1-like
0.7148577 0.8388662 0.9610565 2.5539239 1.5165479 0.2614155 107282677 N-acetylglucosaminidase alpha
0.7147498 1.6981680 1.6267634 1.7938924 4.5931498 0.0235674 107302922 ubiquitin protein ligase E3D
0.7144387 0.9447372 0.8053030 1.0085545 0.5516124 0.6568606 107289020 T-lymphocyte activation antigen CD80-like
0.7144132 -0.2764614 -0.9569685 1.1991717 1.8002896 0.2017404 107291841 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C12orf66
0.7138851 0.5506939 1.4501413 2.5970748 0.9987640 0.4273638 107293040 ABRA C-terminal like
0.7135557 0.7622519 0.8854796 0.8131889 1.0865950 0.3926039 107301021 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III subunit RPC3-like
0.7132899 0.0229379 0.0511012 2.6258679 0.0555551 0.9819344 107301134 general transcription factor IIH subunit 2-like
0.7126990 -0.8064025 6.5237546 2.0768712 8.7406530 0.0025264 107288286 serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 12-like
0.7126654 -1.6942013 -0.6068808 5.6705653 12.5765500 0.0005548 107302651 FAT atypical cadherin 1
0.7116069 0.4013352 -1.7419493 3.1751359 8.3551324 0.0030130 107284593 KIAA0825 ortholog
0.7113706 -1.2966635 -0.1215577 4.1882713 8.5730504 0.0027158 107291433 fibronectin type III and SPRY domain containing 1-like
0.7105243 0.1499417 2.0267335 4.5344205 7.2400347 0.0051743 107295845 arginyl aminopeptidase
0.7105168 0.0218466 -0.7361792 2.0285823 1.7912186 0.2033956 107295360 zinc finger protein 84-like
0.7101785 0.8001881 0.8167130 0.8795840 1.1040397 0.3860780 107286571 methyltransferase like 3
0.7098854 -0.3261238 1.2366339 3.9939609 5.4184045 0.0140847 107294342 leptin receptor overlapping transcript
0.7094613 0.4919720 2.4901804 5.0022142 11.5242320 0.0008086 107283297 caspase 6
0.7093715 -0.2266318 0.0136271 4.4273642 2.2480373 0.1360368 107288952 dedicator of cytokinesis 1
0.7090350 0.8847331 -1.1817135 -0.0442377 1.9431932 0.1775689 107286077 ZFP64 zinc finger protein
0.7090330 1.1469108 2.1058468 2.3473059 4.2411995 0.0298850 107289079 septin-9-like
0.7089490 -0.4631397 -0.2881491 6.8973719 3.6779373 0.0441864 107289706 pleckstrin homology domain containing B2
0.7085091 -2.1228340 0.3411460 0.0143060 3.1926993 0.0634979 107285473 cyclin-dependent kinase 2 associated protein 1
0.7083216 -0.9620867 -0.2601512 1.4211684 1.5883307 0.2447039 107293549 teashirt zinc finger homeobox 3
0.7077025 0.5412275 -1.0579212 1.5285388 4.3712852 0.0272900 107292074 zinc finger protein 726-like
0.7073673 0.6876763 1.0357280 3.7961850 3.5797373 0.0474534 107293656 IMP3 U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein
0.7073492 0.1559270 0.1072533 4.8491767 2.4979981 0.1101971 107292060 osteopetrosis associated transmembrane protein 1
0.7072193 1.2875540 -1.2910990 3.7291019 12.9174905 0.0004916 107298924 spectrin alpha chain non-erythrocytic 1
0.7071119 1.5539013 0.3425112 7.3337879 4.0948471 0.0329957 107288168 tubulin beta 6 class V
0.7066686 -0.0349546 -0.4246086 5.7637704 3.5443999 0.0486968 107282373 dedicator of cytokinesis 9
0.7062132 0.7420531 -0.9684433 3.1602184 2.1853682 0.1437183 107284619 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily C member 4-like
0.7054512 -0.0549753 -5.1574594 10.0256698 9.6693634 0.0016867 107285566 methionine sulfoxide reductase A
0.7053676 0.6821413 -0.9250871 2.2348916 2.2174054 0.1398159 107293321 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 1D-like
0.7051142 0.6022301 -1.0177038 1.8109167 2.9622938 0.0758869 107283566 WD repeat domain 37
0.7050834 0.1810751 0.0894923 4.8319914 0.5052892 0.6860181 107288847 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase EZH2
0.7050833 -3.4660821 0.9771519 4.5290877 19.5410289 0.0000726 107294742 b(0+)-type amino acid transporter 1-like
0.7050553 0.0671310 -0.0627797 3.5340377 2.2139180 0.1400741 107292134 leucine rich repeat containing 40
0.7048551 0.4453170 -1.5460829 1.4283839 3.8863975 0.0381846 107303280 mediator complex subunit 12
0.7047100 -2.1198217 -1.9322708 4.4401813 16.1600833 0.0001786 107286914 insulin like growth factor binding protein 7
0.7039844 -0.5170542 -0.2351949 7.0162918 1.3614390 0.3023066 107285844 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit D
0.7036806 0.6110687 -0.2660555 2.2012282 0.9540940 0.4461925 107287441 TatD DNase domain containing 3
0.7035651 -1.1773377 -1.0073624 0.1836712 3.7765978 0.0411634 107291448 leucine zipper and EF-hand containing transmembrane protein 1
0.7033741 -0.1043545 -1.3095111 2.3232407 3.3314770 0.0571666 107293209 zinc finger protein 484
0.7023708 -0.1769377 0.1053967 9.1144078 1.5950642 0.2430402 107284459 cysteine and glycine-rich protein 1
0.7022482 0.6585603 -0.1971892 2.8944857 1.6405165 0.2332031 107293338 TNF receptor associated factor 6
0.7017464 0.6328519 -0.8486272 1.3158739 4.4510795 0.0258775 107298856 centrosomal protein 295kDa
0.7017239 1.2834818 -0.0300196 4.3878923 2.1569420 0.1472850 107300105 phosphodiesterase 4B
0.7016142 0.8660142 0.7752267 4.6800618 2.0345953 0.1637976 107288335 nucleoporin 155kDa
0.7014083 0.5869773 1.2373047 4.4119719 2.1059656 0.1539361 107290971 La ribonucleoprotein domain family member 1
0.7010367 -0.0846984 -0.5975586 2.4674925 3.7849415 0.0409189 107292987 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 15-like
0.7009052 0.3016671 -0.8756651 1.3852121 2.4049567 0.1191170 107298498 SLAIN motif family member 2
0.6997502 1.1983034 -2.4188803 2.9542686 6.4093408 0.0080114 107286389 lysine methyltransferase 2D
0.6989632 1.5211641 -1.3289086 1.8669667 7.5780866 0.0043690 107283453 MPL proto-oncogene thrombopoietin receptor
0.6989193 0.5261667 1.0489671 5.1923477 2.3263832 0.1274176 107302986 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide E
0.6985629 -0.0457442 -0.4792983 5.3889703 1.5077430 0.2636430 107285267 meningioma expressed antigen 5 (hyaluronidase)
0.6982848 0.2129375 0.5470633 9.1713770 0.9959177 0.4284422 107287246 syndecan 4
0.6980919 0.3432503 0.1206878 5.2104337 1.4826106 0.2697326 107283160 cell cycle progression 1
0.6978796 0.0917222 0.6895594 6.4094827 1.2015604 0.3517789 107284082 ubiquitin like modifier activating enzyme 2
0.6975814 0.1891849 -0.3342639 2.3801522 1.1811127 0.3586770 107291718 PR domain 10
0.6965709 0.4793112 0.5616288 1.5193468 0.6651194 0.5896027 107291584 galactosidase alpha
0.6963123 -0.3081340 -1.5404939 5.3207647 3.3033690 0.0583877 107293621 RAB40B member RAS oncogene family
0.6958136 0.3489454 0.1559458 5.7461115 1.5229293 0.2598059 107287496 F-box protein 3
0.6957652 0.6553216 1.1828632 4.1439858 2.8682781 0.0816472 107282711 insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 receptor
0.6956005 -0.1651029 0.5636456 0.6204317 0.7885197 0.5235530 107295120 repulsive guidance molecule family member b
0.6948657 0.4239207 -0.1304528 1.0791699 0.7105719 0.5644212 107301336 uncharacterized LOC107301336
0.6947438 1.5028162 -1.1968384 2.2552119 7.1982283 0.0052855 107302591 tetraspanin 18
0.6946498 -0.3472014 -0.3090567 6.6926982 2.5290911 0.1074637 107302562 ubiquitin like 3
0.6939912 0.6258227 -0.5245615 2.3330323 2.2058535 0.1411611 107284260 SPT3 homolog SAGA and STAGA complex component
0.6929754 0.0448898 -0.7054595 4.6339095 7.1470422 0.0053916 107290452 rho GTPase-activating protein 7-like
0.6928565 -0.1178205 -2.5733798 0.6295784 8.9308717 0.0023045 107303129 GRB2 associated binding protein 3
0.6927771 0.1229725 0.5713243 1.7861092 0.5884074 0.6343910 107284696 centrosomal protein 83kDa
0.6927192 0.7814743 1.2873046 5.9869023 2.6162792 0.1001130 107290785 signal recognition particle 68kDa
0.6925878 0.6958876 -1.7436276 1.7632627 1.8149999 0.1990883 107286790 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 5
0.6924679 0.3184221 -0.1494326 2.1167261 0.3042015 0.8218563 107300594 dynactin subunit 4-like
0.6923345 0.9829476 2.2704136 5.5183464 9.6471103 0.0017023 107291422 tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase
0.6918270 0.6222673 -6.9848105 8.2485431 11.9730073 0.0006874 107288604 aarF domain containing kinase 2
0.6917588 0.3089220 -0.1541867 0.7171305 0.6028046 0.6257504 107287677 decapping mRNA 1A
0.6915855 0.1000122 -0.6703576 7.6197165 4.5577602 0.0241196 107284687 STE20 like kinase
0.6910632 0.4712603 0.2864982 2.3081393 0.8326149 0.5017083 107282725 CDP-diacylglycerol–inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase
0.6906137 -0.2210265 0.4443872 2.3148902 0.8972336 0.4713947 107302918 RAB22A member RAS oncogene family
0.6905509 -3.7374900 -2.7986616 0.2080780 3.3805778 0.0551035 107285853 family with sequence similarity 196 member B
0.6904339 0.6587487 -1.9039073 3.3740939 9.3355305 0.0019442 107293717 sorting nexin 18
0.6901092 0.7797169 0.3570397 8.0669573 1.0038200 0.4252850 107292188 proteasome subunit alpha 3
0.6894887 -0.2822488 1.7226460 1.1224781 5.6291224 0.0124019 107299065 BCL2 associated agonist of cell death
0.6892274 -3.5535963 0.0511117 8.9855949 44.7928707 0.0000010 107295839 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1-like 2
0.6889571 -0.3007755 2.6995664 1.9925675 5.8678437 0.0108475 107287283 solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 11-like
0.6885825 0.2509087 0.7011717 4.5300335 0.7557339 0.5404494 107285159 phospholipase A2 group IVA
0.6883224 0.7377291 1.0783253 6.1623850 1.8207337 0.1980652 107284048 breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2
0.6875411 -0.2508333 -4.6010577 1.2429137 22.2139180 0.0000388 107289996 tomoregulin-2-like
0.6872635 -0.2517488 -0.0549983 3.8832358 1.3735423 0.2988825 107297779 uncharacterized LOC107297779
0.6871883 1.0044538 0.6360162 4.0656499 1.0882842 0.3920754 107303150 ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L3
0.6869593 0.5675233 0.5827897 0.3761312 0.3031550 0.8225884 107287720 growth factor augmenter of liver regeneration
0.6866878 -0.5762790 0.1904558 4.8135040 1.4196768 0.2862151 107297317 coiled-coil domain containing 88C
0.6863846 0.4689202 -0.6672694 5.8725789 3.0397319 0.0714355 107289271 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 17 homolog A (yeast)
0.6863411 -0.4395561 -0.2417236 7.2408737 2.5816969 0.1028547 107290733 ER membrane protein complex subunit 2
0.6860082 0.5813485 -0.2917179 3.6873877 2.4564773 0.1140907 107291094 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator like
0.6855642 -0.5477605 -1.1887471 3.1769794 3.8634816 0.0388069 107299203 dual specificity phosphatase 19
0.6853043 1.1983885 -0.5341643 5.1806411 3.1626913 0.0649713 107293850 C-C chemokine receptor type 1-like
0.6852616 0.5444934 -0.9539863 3.3660535 6.1177216 0.0093711 107295100 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4-like
0.6849470 -0.9358090 -1.7723264 1.9122073 4.6630790 0.0226013 107283830 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type R
0.6849296 0.0915658 1.5021351 3.4256654 2.1630933 0.1465047 107282433 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-13-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-like 1
0.6846062 0.2023277 0.2245101 7.9260385 1.0885645 0.3918613 107284912 splicing factor 3b subunit 1
0.6843517 -1.0088547 0.1394293 6.7235774 5.2717532 0.0154267 107290552 MIS18 kinetochore protein A
0.6841789 1.4671629 0.3568888 1.0721210 0.5473173 0.6595233 107295087 mitochondrial inner membrane protein OXA1L-like
0.6839483 1.6034442 -1.8158966 0.0583075 3.5518513 0.0485517 107283196 fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1
0.6836000 0.0354134 -0.5936212 4.4195880 6.2199316 0.0088451 107288008 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R
0.6835846 0.4014814 0.3411033 3.2121977 0.7294892 0.5542605 107287934 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 7
0.6828451 0.5113748 -0.3632925 0.9821231 1.0917548 0.3906616 107296418 uncharacterized LOC107296418
0.6820746 0.3231018 -0.2629966 2.9997938 1.7735930 0.2064979 107284688 oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding fold containing 1
0.6820232 -0.7133884 -0.2097988 1.6182574 0.6472161 0.5998398 107299615 CD320 molecule
0.6820224 1.1831745 0.3858107 0.9421308 0.6816463 0.5803798 107292250 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 1
0.6815184 -1.2249919 -0.7465166 5.2948287 2.3986634 0.1198868 107286528 tetraspanin 7
0.6814286 -0.5398702 -2.2368956 1.0235673 4.3765041 0.0272862 107296457 traf2 and NCK-interacting protein kinase-like
0.6812567 1.8170892 -0.8580067 0.6291645 5.5011947 0.0133775 107287534 mindbomb E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
0.6808878 0.1784556 -0.3559614 6.5575109 2.4823837 0.1116362 107289493 chromobox 5
0.6805907 0.9050448 0.4562657 3.5378804 1.2341770 0.3410156 107302826 zinc finger protein 76
0.6805762 0.7636484 1.0641484 7.3218395 2.0396492 0.1631055 107288345 proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 12
0.6795020 0.2341233 -0.3218885 3.4396028 2.6707171 0.0956182 107302862 vesicle associated membrane protein 4
0.6792588 0.8470023 1.8601572 4.7581891 8.2755762 0.0031036 107283869 LysM domain containing 4
0.6791021 0.5848553 0.2434812 6.4521321 1.4567911 0.2763093 107285522 uncharacterized LOC107285522
0.6784514 1.1368609 0.2283726 0.2866712 0.4482870 0.7231628 107299268 T-complex protein 1 subunit eta-like
0.6781029 0.1166256 -0.8603752 1.5252095 1.8955595 0.1852386 107301871 zinc finger protein 268-like
0.6770696 0.5210261 -0.4591555 0.0438552 0.8008100 0.5174033 107299408 nuclear receptor coactivator 5
0.6767538 -0.1958275 -0.4216666 6.2625412 1.2771363 0.3273783 107300332 short coiled-coil protein
0.6765468 0.5454716 0.2636346 5.4336918 0.7725170 0.5317701 107282389 tripartite motif containing 28
0.6756808 0.8617191 0.0615663 4.8264057 2.9623771 0.0757401 107291942 calmodulin 3 (phosphorylase kinase delta)
0.6755006 1.7040277 4.6228855 2.0863929 4.1481650 0.0318391 107288873 C-factor-like
0.6753764 0.0902689 0.5041764 3.2937790 0.7101110 0.5647251 107290764 glioma pathogenesis-related protein 1-like
0.6751988 1.2296843 -0.3432818 2.4174974 5.8507673 0.0109008 107296866 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 13-like
0.6745932 1.0782950 -0.4266320 2.1850326 1.4646384 0.2744356 107283003 ras responsive element binding protein 1
0.6745089 -0.1870130 -2.0810341 0.1902563 6.4461864 0.0078088 107287861 protein kinase C epsilon
0.6742972 0.5830361 0.5122032 7.3234319 1.2439916 0.3377211 107289492 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1
0.6737643 0.1610501 -0.7163198 5.1214443 2.6219267 0.0996520 107293163 centrin 2
0.6736556 -3.6460318 -1.8098775 -0.7299670 9.1661011 0.0020753 107294627 protein FAM19A2-like
0.6733132 -0.4018821 0.8701368 5.5757890 8.7942547 0.0024470 107286250 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 6
0.6732240 1.5332172 1.5293995 4.5816162 8.4274946 0.0028920 107283260 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide G
0.6730717 -0.1702547 -0.3266961 2.7488552 2.0334203 0.1638368 107289898 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 18
0.6728722 0.6754228 -0.6063017 4.5364848 2.0530390 0.1612053 107284121 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B4
0.6724995 -0.3830369 1.1549198 -0.0409501 1.4709292 0.2726864 107303196 PIH1 domain containing 3
0.6724779 0.6193603 0.6558834 5.5851880 0.9936218 0.4294888 107282408 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U1 70kDa subunit
0.6723385 0.5408989 0.3258808 2.7607665 0.2860712 0.8345486 107299768 anti-silencing function 1A histone chaperone
0.6722687 -3.4428937 0.3072562 4.6368801 13.2191270 0.0004453 107293791 tetraspanin 15
0.6721519 1.1314302 0.0258857 5.9192369 2.6412326 0.0980945 107303190 autophagy related 4A cysteine peptidase
0.6720451 -1.2041514 0.4479632 5.4403940 10.4282792 0.0012296 107283577 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class N
0.6720152 0.4325942 -3.1908364 2.1395894 7.7204789 0.0040742 107293527 piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2-like
0.6715019 -2.0886808 0.6796158 3.5151952 8.3934199 0.0029600 107289068 LysM domain containing 2
0.6710652 0.4987166 -0.6492110 2.0342295 1.1197133 0.3804246 107288367 uncharacterized LOC107288367
0.6708169 0.6214167 0.3434849 2.1689720 0.4666105 0.7110784 107286989 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 11
0.6702352 0.0113122 1.5550564 4.6005805 6.3956417 0.0080418 107284289 RCC1 and BTB domain-containing protein 1
0.6700051 0.5271728 -0.0963721 3.9527406 1.0733617 0.3977386 107297941 zinc finger protein 850-like
0.6696272 0.5350961 1.6892550 2.2014158 3.1501280 0.0654812 107291633 methyltransferase like 1
0.6689746 0.8431136 0.2575681 3.9333089 1.8332193 0.1957122 107285252 vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog B (yeast)
0.6688831 0.8780674 1.1496907 -0.0836033 0.4157834 0.7449083 107300611 coatomer subunit gamma-2
0.6678861 0.2341683 0.3638965 4.2761248 1.0011058 0.4263143 107289745 general transcription factor IIH subunit 2
0.6673107 0.7447643 0.7319231 4.3833838 2.1576892 0.1470288 107288002 debranching RNA lariats 1
0.6673020 -0.1744469 -0.4609400 6.1297236 1.6289776 0.2357291 107296263 diazepam binding inhibitor (GABA receptor modulator acyl-CoA binding protein)
0.6670665 -0.1281692 -0.3200138 -0.0580629 0.7232818 0.5575584 107285714 cAMP-specific 3’5’-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4A-like
0.6667872 0.8430267 0.6771567 3.2305808 1.1978152 0.3530380 107288940 ligase III DNA ATP-dependent
0.6666457 0.0763161 -1.0713177 0.9977541 1.8984586 0.1847653 107298371 zinc finger protein 208-like
0.6658617 0.8361835 1.0511227 6.4746851 4.8640443 0.0197942 107283060 ring finger protein 11
0.6658177 -0.8541010 -0.7004246 -0.1583849 1.1092663 0.3842231 107298989 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 8
0.6657405 1.6542983 1.4018716 5.6534856 4.5294542 0.0246586 107294438 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C8orf59
0.6656150 4.5587643 2.3350285 1.1165950 4.3741364 0.0273294 107302811 solute carrier family 31 member 1
0.6654727 0.2571927 -0.5828843 5.8502050 6.2292374 0.0087994 107301427 A-kinase anchoring protein 8 like
0.6653567 -0.5346085 -2.1039166 1.8912967 2.8319537 0.0841213 107302008 probable glutathione peroxidase 8-B
0.6648886 0.5817572 -0.2628149 2.7094125 1.5218004 0.2601817 107301122 long-chain fatty acid transport protein 1-like
0.6646498 -0.0577386 0.8089371 6.3098863 3.1297695 0.0664976 107295769 nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 1
0.6640540 0.9716914 0.5430985 7.6755230 2.5333769 0.1070143 107284027 kinesin family member 5B
0.6631986 0.7137821 0.1167538 2.2001780 0.6113678 0.6207102 107302063 translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 5
0.6617733 0.5957458 0.6506257 5.3450672 0.7216977 0.5584650 107293382 heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein-like
0.6613484 1.0367777 1.9255391 4.6487944 3.4139423 0.0537507 107293907 uncharacterized LOC107293907
0.6610679 0.2370418 0.4492368 7.7329959 0.7907631 0.5224493 107290367 lysosomal protein transmembrane 4 alpha
0.6608595 4.7982053 -3.2120476 6.5714312 26.6386857 0.0000156 107291549 nebulin related anchoring protein
0.6605459 0.5647890 -0.1740278 3.6809246 2.0341278 0.1637351 107283061 Fas associated factor 1
0.6601618 0.3917308 1.3113000 2.8526507 2.7107592 0.0925623 107289236 golgin A7
0.6600765 0.0910242 1.2493093 5.9548290 4.4272231 0.0262983 107291617 transmembrane protein 192
0.6599639 0.7174965 1.6634004 5.9259696 7.8616860 0.0037783 107293129 clathrin light chain A
0.6597773 -0.0157038 0.0779613 7.2627142 1.4413615 0.2803237 107301688 pericentriolar material 1
0.6597260 0.9170402 1.1546912 1.2955858 1.1711434 0.3621108 107290312 ATP-dependent DNA helicase Q5-like
0.6596373 0.0917327 -1.5568732 1.8085557 1.7851016 0.2045204 107298852 B-cell scaffold protein with ankyrin repeats 1
0.6594839 -0.7489192 -0.2755559 5.7794818 9.8280786 0.0015645 107290483 utrophin-like
0.6594465 0.7117124 4.1008800 6.1423800 13.6681637 0.0003837 107293559 F2R like trypsin receptor 1
0.6579876 1.4557664 1.4110051 5.2188899 3.5935797 0.0470950 107293009 coatomer protein complex subunit gamma 1
0.6578992 -1.3609714 -0.2671867 10.6081794 5.5584519 0.0129302 107294436 carbonic anhydrase II
0.6573942 0.5596104 1.1534935 4.0726752 2.1456665 0.1487275 107296763 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 1-like
0.6566772 -1.1333869 1.0305081 3.5084920 6.3819272 0.0081323 107286346 ring finger protein 144B
0.6562810 0.8676455 -0.1992924 3.4604163 1.1506315 0.3693212 107302988 ATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 4
0.6562400 0.7873654 -0.5902050 1.3564433 2.6739812 0.0953648 107288283 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4
0.6559080 0.7449781 -0.5602776 2.5679043 1.4304779 0.2833354 107294487 60 kDa lysophospholipase-like
0.6552724 0.7199166 0.9677634 0.6252666 0.7034350 0.5683300 107296938 uncharacterized LOC107296938
0.6548628 0.0859168 -0.7409315 2.2958505 2.4084634 0.1187669 107294632 mitogen-activated protein kinase 9
0.6548269 0.6278236 0.6238846 1.8423058 0.6307855 0.6093060 107299030 muscleblind like splicing regulator 2
0.6547104 0.4275540 -0.6999361 0.8346439 1.1250606 0.3784792 107301328 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 2E-like
0.6546588 1.1826865 0.0734491 0.7011788 1.3710358 0.2994512 107286843 ENTH domain containing 2
0.6545997 -0.0831504 0.7304649 2.0698663 1.3706426 0.2995621 107299230 RUS1 family protein C16orf58 homolog
0.6544281 -0.9987157 -3.1999594 1.4382810 6.7611188 0.0066316 107298089 Dmx like 2
0.6544225 -1.8340421 -0.1977685 2.7980169 9.3282528 0.0019455 107282231 pyroglutamyl-peptidase I
0.6541273 0.6193225 1.1861810 4.1400697 3.3898342 0.0545981 107283984 bifunctional apoptosis regulator
0.6535980 -2.0767156 -0.4613744 2.4124292 10.2344122 0.0013296 107289541 ecotropic viral integration site 5 like
0.6533974 -0.1177304 0.4937926 3.1150248 1.4436316 0.2797291 107297550 nuclear cap binding protein subunit 1
0.6525532 0.5800181 1.8308406 6.7454732 4.2423554 0.0298616 107286705 B-cell receptor-associated protein 31
0.6522058 0.7590526 -0.7312370 3.4091629 5.6980038 0.0119110 107286428 SRY-box 6
0.6521296 -0.9662025 0.2722361 6.1742787 6.8019506 0.0064570 107284602 adaptor related protein complex 3 beta 1 subunit
0.6519836 -0.9718092 1.5712700 4.6128072 4.5505308 0.0243201 107287928 tumor suppressor candidate 3
0.6519190 0.5448579 1.3008528 3.9195743 2.3876294 0.1210028 107289751 coiled-coil domain containing 125
0.6517586 1.0382944 -0.0288074 3.1571233 0.9531666 0.4465924 107282632 Sp2 transcription factor
0.6514034 0.2292375 -0.1063764 4.4839127 1.5373766 0.2563479 107295401 BCL2 associated athanogene 4
0.6512642 0.6359365 1.5767770 8.2468094 2.8843629 0.0806924 107295629 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 3
0.6501109 -0.2308107 -0.7399170 1.2812750 1.5845890 0.2454168 107291184 ectodermal-neural cortex 1
0.6500643 1.2306704 1.8360083 2.6720918 5.1236318 0.0168284 107292099 polymerase (RNA) III subunit E
0.6499734 -0.9528652 -0.6208862 3.0272520 3.1889296 0.0636809 107288618 transmembrane protein 184B
0.6497845 0.5124512 0.9950265 6.0300145 2.2291943 0.1383237 107302270 cilia and flagella associated protein 36
0.6493077 0.3310434 0.1701814 1.4024741 0.6663989 0.5888801 107296591 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 3
0.6487942 -1.4584845 -2.2868368 -0.4414909 3.5624473 0.0481413 107286864 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2
0.6485894 0.7652371 0.5653248 3.7259727 1.7971153 0.2021596 107283053 zinc finger FYVE-type containing 9
0.6479544 1.1844223 1.5502725 4.7268831 3.9305436 0.0370183 107294238 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 16
0.6478037 0.3619555 -1.2396189 1.0671615 4.9427880 0.0188326 107287125 KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 2
0.6477410 0.9460050 -0.9420449 0.5057785 2.5113906 0.1090874 107297193 Sec61 translocon alpha 2 subunit
0.6474376 0.6480674 -0.2934647 2.5957216 1.9005262 0.1842742 107287894 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 32
0.6468795 0.6500317 -0.6794098 0.0883807 0.8496393 0.4935913 107283696 KIAA1522 ortholog
0.6466795 0.1449255 -0.7462355 1.9003764 1.7332928 0.2143320 107298668 double PHD fingers 3
0.6463897 0.0220376 -1.6167103 7.0690178 16.4521334 0.0001620 107287782 sarcolemma associated protein
0.6462842 -1.3596240 -0.1851391 0.1942788 0.2740044 0.8429983 107298499 histone acetyltransferase KAT7-like
0.6462065 0.0999194 0.2796632 6.7830866 1.4775372 0.2710112 107284943 Rho GTPase activating protein 5
0.6458560 0.3638779 0.6729867 3.7204335 1.3845344 0.2956715 107283450 mediator complex subunit 8
0.6447801 0.6219181 0.2902449 4.4927928 1.5144279 0.2618649 107302921 dopey family member 1
0.6442146 0.6637076 0.7060425 2.7870295 1.0885126 0.3918900 107294997 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 7
0.6432556 1.4605551 1.0817713 2.5155132 3.0502637 0.0707705 107298029 zinc ribbon domain containing 1
0.6429033 0.6089560 1.1420887 4.1651023 3.8579817 0.0388490 107291287 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 1 subunit 3
0.6428490 0.2360046 -0.2116553 2.3172057 0.6199060 0.6156832 107300224 zinc finger protein 585A-like
0.6426034 -0.0368003 2.0311991 4.8507888 6.4224987 0.0079541 107282991 solute carrier family 35 member B3
0.6425988 0.1409061 0.2615195 6.7331941 0.9847156 0.4331003 107293741 protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit gamma 1
0.6424604 -6.6489651 -0.3522359 4.9169913 26.7866327 0.0000152 107291496 villin 1
0.6419264 -0.2171322 -0.5497861 2.0566752 1.5602015 0.2510063 107300345 zinc finger protein 345-like
0.6407231 0.8193426 -1.5180411 1.5850801 4.2165671 0.0303885 107297833 fibrosin-like 1
0.6404534 -0.9245475 1.3255332 0.8073892 2.8185832 0.0850227 107296247 kynurenine–oxoglutarate transaminase 1-like
0.6403531 0.5171580 -0.6698397 3.2296632 3.0649693 0.0700503 107288234 centromere protein J
0.6398642 -0.5868094 -2.3466520 0.1501452 3.5200988 0.0496952 107297532 ubiquitin specific peptidase 19
0.6398552 1.1052976 0.3102586 3.4798736 1.5320272 0.2577701 107290912 ubiquilin 4
0.6392344 0.0498568 -0.0865697 5.1895526 0.9990169 0.4272596 107285627 Abelson helper integration site 1
0.6388327 1.0954897 1.0335928 1.1086879 1.7115386 0.2184526 107287941 mediator of cell motility 1
0.6382427 0.4722392 1.1608496 4.7846983 2.6019117 0.1012968 107297609 septin-2
0.6378072 0.6100295 0.6352069 4.8417934 2.3848286 0.1211298 107286936 tigger transposable element-derived protein 1-like
0.6372325 2.2403626 0.1218792 0.2441950 1.0526759 0.4057318 107288509 nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2-like
0.6370373 0.2293594 -0.6194903 5.1728698 1.9324319 0.1792707 107295046 CDKN2A interacting protein N-terminal like
0.6370162 0.5700737 -1.5098126 1.6755022 2.5498951 0.1057190 107297534 ectopic P-granules autophagy protein 5 homolog (C. elegans)
0.6363346 0.5504428 0.4772586 0.8668986 0.3750347 0.7726597 107289620 zinc finger protein 239-like
0.6360935 -0.3386089 -0.3843274 2.4369700 1.3406336 0.3082535 107284018 cyclin Y
0.6360687 0.4634429 0.2782273 5.8257908 0.6769409 0.5830054 107283417 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit gamma
0.6356115 -0.0235405 -8.4146138 11.2351860 11.1581621 0.0009300 107295034 putative uncharacterized protein DDB_G0271982
0.6355775 0.1547741 0.4123338 3.2585084 0.9336277 0.4550140 107290490 downstream neighbor of SON
0.6352752 1.1855254 -1.9979903 3.5909241 9.1047304 0.0021493 107289216 rheacalcin-1-like
0.6352724 0.1697198 -0.5959762 0.5460231 1.0205662 0.4183803 107291575 tRNA methyltransferase 12 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
0.6351232 -0.5462777 0.5729632 1.3936100 1.2335912 0.3412058 107292803 GRB2 associated regulator of MAPK1 subtype 1
0.6348998 0.2231723 1.3170114 8.4113510 5.0408089 0.0177104 107289763 ARP3 actin-related protein 3 homolog (yeast)
0.6348418 0.5267549 0.4470099 -0.2730442 0.0579078 0.9808247 107296246 leukocyte receptor cluster member 8 homolog
0.6347683 0.9603333 -0.3458710 2.8718185 1.7631904 0.2086071 107283277 PH and SEC7 domain-containing protein 4-like
0.6344856 0.7735116 -0.8832047 -0.6457809 1.5785842 0.2467619 107300738 DEP domain-containing protein 5-like
0.6343213 0.4562713 0.7524598 7.0268845 1.3941579 0.2930257 107291065 enhancer of rudimentary homolog (Drosophila)
0.6339955 -0.1998459 1.8204841 6.7500522 6.1586759 0.0092006 107296887 cell surface glycoprotein MUC18-like
0.6339529 2.8221434 3.4834716 4.1283741 12.1014721 0.0006564 107299399 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-23-sialyltransferase 1
0.6339126 -0.1810212 -0.4595236 4.7521653 3.5475337 0.0485850 107293221 SNF2 histone linker PHD RING helicase E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
0.6338959 0.4856805 0.2841077 5.9120489 0.6500595 0.5982109 107302373 coiled-coil domain containing 43
0.6338512 1.3250106 1.6713422 1.7848313 3.2412526 0.0610974 ERCC-00126
0.6337424 -0.0092288 0.0605010 5.2206330 1.6852699 0.2237452 107291208 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1
0.6335113 0.2200306 0.6453294 2.8632764 0.9574208 0.4446700 107282214 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf44
0.6333484 0.7153601 1.0998489 5.7466471 1.9848472 0.1711519 107293640 ADP ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
0.6327613 0.2135194 -0.4399569 3.5964820 0.8266476 0.5046834 107293643 uncharacterized LOC107293643
0.6321041 0.5915005 -0.1230921 4.5529147 2.5747555 0.1034245 107289009 family with sequence similarity 13 member B
0.6315747 1.3178549 0.3789948 1.0343670 1.0848287 0.3933791 107282786 DEAH-box helicase 37
0.6309644 2.1730816 -1.3567884 3.8492705 8.4211261 0.0029224 107287322 adrenoceptor beta 1
0.6307725 0.3980210 0.0658524 6.6398894 1.4440433 0.2796214 107284394 RAB3 GTPase activating protein catalytic subunit 1
0.6302084 0.7637130 1.1142267 6.4818832 1.0297280 0.4147965 107282992 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 epsilon 1
0.6301852 0.7873840 2.9468172 5.7072354 3.3641807 0.0557827 107285739 protein disulfide isomerase family A member 5
0.6300550 -4.4243660 3.0593264 -0.4298409 14.2656102 0.0006657 107296760 osteoclast stimulatory transmembrane protein
0.6299007 0.5576694 -0.0661084 -0.6952085 0.0899319 0.9641698 107282207 mitochondrial fission regulator 2
0.6295071 -0.2347856 -0.6947775 2.6986641 2.8350349 0.0837690 107290774 Scm-like with four mbt domains 1
0.6290571 -0.3175682 -0.2672720 0.6424654 0.5549814 0.6547779 107297552 ADNP homeobox 2
0.6288356 0.6799140 -1.5557480 3.6364710 12.6352927 0.0005403 107290723 dishevelled associated activator of morphogenesis 2
0.6285466 -0.2460904 -1.4414603 0.3031949 3.8573725 0.0388658 107283991 DEAF1 transcription factor
0.6284187 0.4218604 0.2848729 3.8956967 1.0908966 0.3909840 107292397 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C18orf8
0.6280446 -1.0589574 3.0692097 2.7133781 8.0741352 0.0034372 107298857 aldehyde dehydrogenase 4 family member A1
0.6279393 0.1408309 0.5057351 0.2207795 0.4001964 0.7554572 107298390 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 7B-like
0.6276312 0.2385832 -3.0223411 4.6156272 10.1590540 0.0013775 107298632 fructose-16-bisphosphatase isozyme 2
0.6274249 0.4940532 0.7030112 1.2061505 0.9516461 0.4471583 107296134 GID complex subunit 8
0.6272921 0.8917466 0.3519555 6.5219203 2.1433875 0.1488598 107292639 damage specific DNA binding protein 1
0.6269659 -0.0297032 -1.5242412 4.4942041 8.7168279 0.0025537 107297136 zinc finger protein 84-like
0.6269436 0.7953044 0.9204090 2.5512558 0.9398721 0.4523645 107298770 uncharacterized LOC107298770
0.6265091 1.2082327 2.8195811 3.6720354 5.5037835 0.0134178 107296690 vesicle-trafficking protein SEC22b-B-like
0.6264203 0.3329780 -0.8846706 2.7028181 1.4074077 0.2895254 107282481 leukocyte receptor cluster (LRC) member 8
0.6256495 0.3787002 0.1118575 2.9325654 0.9643576 0.4416999 107283406 importin 13
0.6246948 -0.0551126 -0.5857040 3.2814873 2.1851700 0.1436607 107292451 transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 1
0.6243460 0.6720316 -0.8418545 1.1595256 2.6763518 0.0951818 107286551 PHD finger protein 8
0.6234174 0.7177706 -0.6157602 1.4058907 1.4978446 0.2660792 107295714 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) gamma 2
0.6232632 0.7445287 -0.8581458 1.2919838 2.3169093 0.1284441 107287898 lysine acetyltransferase 6B
0.6230035 1.2162462 1.5171346 3.0943750 3.8574185 0.0389411 107289431 solute carrier family 10 member 7
0.6227050 -0.4761186 -0.1154850 6.0504445 2.4464477 0.1151410 107282911 ankyrin repeat domain 28
0.6217667 1.1474266 0.3787906 0.5514816 1.2188070 0.3459197 107288182 zinc finger protein 665-like
0.6213533 0.4094583 -0.1435001 5.6438022 3.0948025 0.0683156 107288410 myotubularin related protein 6
0.6212503 0.4951186 0.1939764 -0.0320049 0.2330598 0.8715728 107296458 chromosome unknown open reading frame human CXorf57
0.6209059 0.7318114 1.1489110 6.6788411 2.4775401 0.1122433 107292259 isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase
0.6206816 0.2603268 -0.6349357 5.1780462 4.0282783 0.0345046 107290538 ankyrin repeat family A member 2
0.6204562 0.6938130 1.1508182 4.1947887 1.4887458 0.2683406 107286891 tRNA methyltransferase 1
0.6202324 0.5981073 0.6193655 6.1486763 1.1920314 0.3549563 107302649 TATA element modulatory factor 1
0.6199096 0.7709776 -0.3975603 1.6619374 2.1107865 0.1531314 107286684 regulatory associated protein of MTOR complex 1
0.6193757 0.3240622 -0.1206856 4.3639767 1.9134167 0.1821625 107290850 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 5
0.6190174 0.5301919 -0.1524198 1.3828167 0.6484555 0.5991181 107283920 glucuronic acid epimerase
0.6186372 0.7358635 0.1347354 4.1408492 0.9105893 0.4653481 107294931 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C17orf75
0.6182584 1.8031934 0.1739875 0.5216747 3.0238604 0.0721831 107294400 ATP binding cassette subfamily F member 3
0.6182244 1.0785825 -1.0099611 2.4804129 1.8559246 0.1919143 107291222 interleukin 16
0.6179842 1.1392679 1.1467019 4.8701065 2.4268760 0.1170864 107302664 UFM1-specific peptidase 2
0.6177558 0.8599077 -0.2819954 0.6448799 0.6697445 0.5870417 107298060 uncharacterized LOC107298060
0.6166436 1.9165222 -0.9438805 1.7097842 2.2667996 0.1340334 107292018 caldesmon 1
0.6158968 -0.5884580 -0.6091934 4.4851496 1.9850954 0.1711145 107291091 PPFIA binding protein 2
0.6156072 0.1022655 -0.4897936 3.7623016 1.7861425 0.2043285 107289011 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A0
0.6150340 -0.1459428 1.1286088 0.5405074 0.5277687 0.6717485 107299437 uncharacterized LOC107299437
0.6144028 0.9860235 0.3641156 6.8798986 1.3758439 0.2982362 107285821 cyclin D1
0.6142179 0.0738447 -0.2495275 5.9627111 2.3095686 0.1290866 107287396 PHD finger protein 3
0.6140964 0.3130631 -0.0777154 3.4992681 1.5371138 0.2564103 107286878 ribonuclease H2 subunit A
0.6138531 0.7573554 0.1907008 2.9358542 0.6588739 0.5931864 107282699 zinc finger protein 479-like
0.6132741 0.9872335 -0.9527620 0.4868882 1.3336358 0.3103360 107300501 bone morphogenetic protein 4-like
0.6130463 0.3405848 -7.6332974 9.5015721 12.0164785 0.0006767 107301520 putative uncharacterized protein DDB_G0271982
0.6126995 0.3732800 0.7234984 4.1097166 1.4011353 0.2910953 107286932 coilin
0.6124779 1.5814816 0.7070068 3.0917282 1.9702419 0.1733716 107295445 NCK interacting protein with SH3 domain
0.6122973 0.4762525 -0.0448468 1.9362738 0.4984435 0.6904075 107295808 aurora kinase A and ninein-interacting protein-like
0.6120011 -0.0536508 -0.6560602 5.9731316 4.3399472 0.0278691 107285609 uncharacterized LOC107285609
0.6119753 0.7159363 0.2368029 5.5000126 1.9428622 0.1774602 107292764 PHD and ring finger domains 1
0.6110175 0.2389556 -0.4133653 2.1761982 1.1150446 0.3820987 107289860 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C18
0.6105764 0.3420171 0.0629013 3.9919511 1.4426840 0.2799771 107291909 SOS Ras/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1
0.6093521 -0.6190221 -0.3463871 3.7009685 3.9240453 0.0370807 107292738 pleckstrin homology and FYVE domain containing 1
0.6092139 -0.6057526 -0.5095281 5.5984653 1.7424456 0.2125609 107288366 olfactomedin like 3
0.6083432 -0.1846825 -2.1600684 2.3205018 3.4673052 0.0516661 107297203 CD247 molecule
0.6080430 0.2690854 0.1415709 4.5979286 1.5302326 0.2580514 107288282 F-box protein 38
0.6080276 0.5942176 -0.0677450 5.6486931 1.0956439 0.3893137 107302389 ankyrin repeat domain 17
0.6078720 1.5685692 2.0572984 1.7261131 0.3603951 0.7827505 107291271 insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 receptor
0.6075518 1.0886390 -0.5408598 0.1598365 2.2303822 0.1381091 107285575 alpha-1-syntrophin-like
0.6075355 -0.3007333 -1.2199656 5.1705695 10.1079131 0.0013938 107292753 pyruvate dehyrogenase phosphatase catalytic subunit 1
0.6074897 0.5690346 0.1179347 1.5076223 0.5653948 0.6483430 107301007 mannosidase alpha class 2C member 1
0.6070042 0.9909557 0.7373476 5.6595533 3.2730922 0.0596064 107290678 phospholipase A2 activating protein
0.6066601 -0.2361939 -0.6946168 2.1436395 1.9147158 0.1819717 107299986 uncharacterized LOC107299986
0.6062746 0.7499614 -1.3565499 -0.4689426 1.5699550 0.2488856 107293945 Rho GTPase activating protein 22
0.6060327 0.7148308 -0.5450729 1.5097473 2.5251848 0.1077418 107299811 DEP domain containing 5
0.6054689 1.1077550 1.1112351 5.3155057 2.3164615 0.1284929 107298183 transmembrane protein 39A
0.6054265 1.7323642 0.4110741 0.9826267 1.6503728 0.2311529 107302166 dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3-like
0.6052597 0.7618805 1.0511774 2.8675994 1.2228816 0.3447023 107301991 selenocysteine insertion sequence-binding protein 2-like
0.6049907 0.8027782 0.5236554 1.6998632 0.7551422 0.5407022 107291559 UTP14A small subunit processome component
0.6046977 0.5788141 1.2701640 4.6934593 3.3156878 0.0578105 107284526 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf89
0.6046226 -0.0054869 0.0045176 1.1213572 0.3546718 0.7867064 107297681 ankyrin repeat domain 49
0.6045570 -0.4878301 0.0482467 2.3666702 2.0826390 0.1569316 107286315 acyl-CoA thioesterase 12
0.6044656 -0.2561644 0.3066556 4.6762367 2.1440700 0.1487719 107293463 dynactin subunit 2
0.6035852 -0.0378684 -1.4819858 -0.1841517 2.4133766 0.1182786 107288723 acylaminoacyl-peptide hydrolase
0.6023689 0.1333166 0.5838568 0.7986391 0.0629998 0.9783625 107301068 sialin-like
0.6022220 0.1937105 0.0595055 5.4703518 0.4229211 0.7401008 107291760 origin recognition complex subunit 2
0.6019931 0.1170680 -0.5577056 7.5410201 2.7107648 0.0925619 107295633 stathmin 1
0.6017494 0.5867096 0.3407205 3.9816688 0.4894318 0.6962164 107291770 cms1 ribosomal small subunit homolog (yeast)
0.6013713 -0.3270092 0.0485266 4.8621258 2.8690431 0.0815327 107295107 nucleoporin 133kDa
0.6012262 -0.1910287 2.0470845 4.2038248 0.9928027 0.4298283 107291439 WD repeat domain 25
0.6010958 1.4029379 -0.4863825 -0.0840731 2.5992671 0.1013632 107295016 forkhead box protein P1-like
0.6002688 -0.2335343 0.5462960 6.3182782 3.2107609 0.0624968 107292065 insulin like growth factor 2 receptor
0.6002679 0.7145354 0.9027434 4.1161092 1.3182576 0.3148769 107285768 COP9 signalosome subunit 7A
0.5998712 0.4185104 -0.6476251 4.2839009 1.5931747 0.2436147 107285708 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 5
0.5997758 0.7865336 0.4084636 4.0437451 2.6319922 0.0986841 107299475 CSRP2 binding protein
0.5997251 0.5308251 0.8309997 3.6357278 0.2546524 0.8565321 107300779 signal recognition particle receptor subunit beta-like
0.5997043 0.1686536 -0.0117708 -0.1456017 0.0763133 0.9715721 107283678 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 9A
0.5996446 0.4976468 0.5214703 3.9413564 1.1877568 0.3563237 107287446 family with sequence similarity 76 member A
0.5994822 1.6131229 -0.0658990 3.2947876 4.4223940 0.0264651 107302964 F-box protein 34
0.5994410 0.8156977 1.4539865 0.6487600 0.3432381 0.7946335 107300640 meiosis-expressed gene 1 protein-like
0.5993392 0.2695259 -0.0343675 0.2100503 0.4593203 0.7158549 107295657 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 31-like
0.5985701 -0.2175518 -0.7315509 -0.5272318 0.1122687 0.9512205 107299979 dual specificity protein phosphatase 14-like
0.5984409 0.7836517 -2.1851607 0.3642348 3.0468594 0.0710411 107290693 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) beta polypeptide 1
0.5984016 0.4594327 -0.2788243 2.2090021 0.8947251 0.4725391 107298092 regulatory factor X1
0.5981930 0.4737745 0.1219998 6.0712725 1.3913153 0.2937926 107295312 IWS1 SUPT6H interacting protein
0.5980430 1.0249643 1.9783912 0.9874437 1.9569470 0.1754204 107285494 ChaC cation transport regulator homolog 2 (E. coli)
0.5973212 1.1556507 -0.2313822 5.6227009 1.1346485 0.3750173 107283415 polo like kinase 3
0.5969495 0.0899483 -1.6005480 1.8282757 2.2309642 0.1382007 107302584 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 5
0.5967901 0.5935544 -0.1793860 2.5191351 0.5423354 0.6626224 107290535 MON1 homolog A secretory trafficking associated
0.5962883 0.5088791 0.5138771 0.9140623 0.2933730 0.8294354 107297942 dymeclin
0.5961249 -0.7189538 -0.2663161 0.2842189 0.4468761 0.7240987 107302049 uncharacterized LOC107302049
0.5960054 -0.0182908 0.7764123 3.2606164 0.4648787 0.7122149 107299085 proline dehydrogenase 1 mitochondrial-like
0.5956987 0.4207523 0.9294690 4.9479797 0.9779428 0.4360360 107293634 T-cell immune regulator 1 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a3
0.5956639 -0.6529293 -1.7136078 3.0088295 9.5407314 0.0017670 107290207 spectrin repeat containing nuclear envelope family member 3
0.5954503 0.8319706 2.5070909 7.0012674 4.4535692 0.0259237 107283796 leucine rich repeat containing 59
0.5952366 0.3313623 -0.7286948 -0.1931864 0.5031045 0.6874168 107295165 protein inhibitor of activated STAT 2
0.5952354 -0.0996802 -1.8023744 6.5120142 7.6237699 0.0042718 107295275 uncharacterized LOC107295275
0.5950840 1.0816794 1.3033830 2.9886491 1.9191170 0.1814018 107301273 uncharacterized LOC107301273
0.5950220 0.2972061 -1.8502358 7.5623695 10.8618547 0.0010421 107284583 early endosome antigen 1
0.5946995 0.4677709 -0.0989650 5.0415303 2.4638932 0.1133683 107288735 caspase 8 associated protein 2
0.5945912 -0.1910978 -1.6307154 1.4945040 3.9160687 0.0373961 107299304 uncharacterized LOC107299304
0.5944011 0.6283347 0.3253452 2.8583871 1.2027492 0.3512589 107297733 DEAH-box helicase 16
0.5942849 0.7795166 -0.0643996 2.2194447 2.1501639 0.1479891 107295447 set1/Ash2 histone methyltransferase complex subunit ASH2-like
0.5940523 -2.0586109 -1.4408025 3.8578144 6.3505686 0.0082733 107288065 family with sequence similarity 129 member A
0.5939915 0.3218902 -1.5668047 5.3333824 12.8349024 0.0005074 107302455 uncharacterized LOC107302455
0.5935218 0.3770607 0.2921725 4.1394482 1.4396380 0.2807761 107298462 zinc finger protein X-linked
0.5932321 0.7577613 -1.0581697 1.7856938 3.2921676 0.0588828 107287986 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.5931971 0.5351091 0.1531203 5.2494408 2.1582134 0.1469622 107286949 cyclin L1
0.5930506 0.2020821 -0.5732332 3.2810895 1.8996344 0.1845720 107285065 tRNA-yW synthesizing protein 3 homolog
0.5925590 -0.5639273 0.0939225 4.1873170 1.3568862 0.3036058 107293820 leucine zipper transcription factor like 1
0.5925088 0.3319087 0.7927067 6.3431977 0.9345151 0.4547118 107296821 calcium binding protein 39
0.5917305 -0.2535075 -1.2677574 2.9208715 8.1820775 0.0032428 107291538 yippee like 4
0.5915265 0.7310249 2.5665745 7.2296361 7.0944008 0.0055738 107302076 bridging integrator 1
0.5914436 -0.8767914 0.7723132 0.9462924 2.2609257 0.1346589 107288743 nephroblastoma overexpressed
0.5911404 -1.1854932 1.7548041 1.4407322 3.3007383 0.0585036 107287825 neurocalcin delta
0.5907671 3.8846889 -4.3855950 0.0973222 11.2630756 0.0016344 107284637 ring finger protein 207
0.5906616 -0.3507113 2.6912367 2.1543669 3.1153023 0.0673793 107289894 keratinocyte differentiation factor 1
0.5905258 0.1791276 0.0729698 1.8797668 0.4879787 0.6971367 107287772 IKAROS family zinc finger 4
0.5905244 0.2325149 -0.9968351 -0.1008230 1.7449966 0.2119133 107300474 oocyte zinc finger protein XlCOF6.1-like
0.5901893 0.3163274 -0.7637884 2.2284321 1.6938239 0.2221614 107291052 BRCA1 associated protein 1
0.5899557 1.2762676 -0.2449450 1.6595185 1.8712961 0.1892953 107291836 calcineurin binding protein 1
0.5899071 2.3864284 4.3536282 5.3270981 10.7334503 0.0010955 107292983 stearoyl-CoA desaturase (delta-9-desaturase)
0.5898927 1.5678067 0.7535705 3.0744246 3.5992598 0.0468296 107287626 HEAT repeat containing 5A
0.5897806 1.4579193 2.1089188 7.1534617 4.9343706 0.0190076 107294296 ADP ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 3
0.5896857 1.5434484 0.2194614 3.5979187 2.2646359 0.1342809 107284543 SRA stem-loop interacting RNA binding protein
0.5895099 0.3353405 0.3908240 3.3322674 0.6288793 0.6104021 107288133 mitochondrial elongation factor 1
0.5885724 0.6084351 -0.1241470 4.6670576 1.9708318 0.1731848 107290869 mediator complex subunit 23
0.5881589 0.6087741 1.3551173 4.0993446 1.7282653 0.2153119 107301631 suppression of tumorigenicity 5
0.5875684 -3.2338910 0.5023524 3.8141425 22.5255613 0.0000362 107290391 rogdi homolog
0.5874465 0.8144849 -2.1195980 3.1576671 27.3273801 0.0000134 107294840 roundabout guidance receptor 2
0.5868552 0.2604948 -0.9026488 0.8325580 3.6186103 0.0461278 107282854 kelch like family member 26
0.5866969 0.4434916 0.6575878 5.6782867 1.9240523 0.1804480 107288321 beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme 2
0.5866903 0.2595934 0.8235802 4.4751611 3.2265796 0.0617482 107292306 GC-rich promoter binding protein 1
0.5865917 0.6336226 -0.3997114 1.7477351 1.1286113 0.3771932 107287432 ribosomal protein S6 kinase C1
0.5861094 0.0489764 0.0817636 2.6570699 0.8236561 0.5060731 107297342 serine active site containing 1
0.5857746 1.0871753 1.6181430 7.4335104 8.9725159 0.0022599 107284750 synaptotagmin binding cytoplasmic RNA interacting protein
0.5854119 0.5723484 -0.0462944 3.4064479 1.5419799 0.2552568 107296016 uncharacterized LOC107296016
0.5846023 0.6651217 -0.3752993 4.7028536 1.9211311 0.1810776 107282908 diphthamide biosynthesis 3
0.5841237 -3.7948458 0.0825665 3.9278443 27.0646907 0.0000144 107288087 storkhead box 1
0.5833916 -0.0061430 -0.9430312 4.7949890 4.1666068 0.0314402 107287155 microtubule associated protein RP/EB family member 2
0.5831495 0.0602365 0.9069004 7.0005513 1.8087240 0.2002150 107302856 activating transcription factor 6
0.5830322 -0.4578491 1.0203327 -0.3474658 0.8858346 0.4766180 107299107 SH3 domain-binding glutamic acid-rich-like protein 3
0.5824806 0.4810144 -1.0773168 0.8021892 2.7793510 0.0875970 107295884 pantothenate kinase 3-like
0.5821695 0.1823704 1.1743759 6.0334708 2.7362665 0.0908235 107287498 SFT2 domain containing 2
0.5820840 0.6766379 0.1635716 5.4867700 0.6905785 0.5754251 107297276 transcription elongation factor B (SIII) polypeptide 1 (15kDa elongin C)
0.5818062 -0.1598939 -0.9870144 5.1182859 3.3141817 0.0579144 107290703 neurobeachin like 1
0.5814807 0.0161044 -0.3527444 1.1410439 0.8022362 0.5166604 107289847 vigilin-like
0.5811998 1.1315064 0.5129346 1.5902249 0.8297272 0.5031836 107292038 G protein-coupled receptor kinase 7-like
0.5811572 -0.0862500 -0.5068839 3.9976527 2.3680043 0.1228780 107299447 zinc finger protein 850-like
0.5811417 0.2137400 -0.5584946 3.8776599 2.1310097 0.1506268 107289914 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 9
0.5810756 0.1988400 -0.3085472 3.8887407 2.7376556 0.0905727 107295284 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 21
0.5810751 0.2278358 0.0623226 6.1058532 1.0458821 0.4082905 107293244 adenomatous polyposis coli
0.5801764 2.5080626 2.3525412 5.4857435 12.4590203 0.0005781 107293128 glucosamine (UDP-N-acetyl)-2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase
0.5792355 -0.4904109 -0.2316363 5.5513350 1.6602668 0.2290703 107284328 neutral sphingomyelinase activation associated factor
0.5791646 0.1461025 0.4962862 1.6068707 0.5787280 0.6402150 107287293 ubiquitin specific peptidase 30
0.5788552 0.0481813 0.0557769 6.1086107 1.0612460 0.4022949 107294745 pumilio RNA binding family member 2
0.5786518 0.7477010 1.1369653 4.2278235 2.1459169 0.1486953 107290168 single-stranded DNA binding protein 1 mitochondrial
0.5782085 2.5446815 -1.9960587 1.4223545 7.9101912 0.0037168 107296918 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 1-like
0.5781129 1.1734317 0.5546540 -0.4558665 0.3748170 0.7728142 107292349 nicotinamide nucleotide adenylyltransferase 1
0.5778884 0.5975375 0.1951887 3.7505441 0.5219971 0.6753909 107296581 ER membrane protein complex subunit 3-like
0.5775865 -0.2718667 0.7433667 2.6012188 2.4331325 0.1163184 107288856 coiled-coil domain containing 57
0.5772774 0.0396313 1.4095394 5.9049512 2.4305689 0.1167254 107283488 phospholipase A2 group XIIA
0.5766993 2.8804067 -1.5434366 0.1375058 11.0578528 0.0009568 107289636 butyrophilin subfamily 3 member A3-like
0.5765729 0.4245842 0.2948668 6.1297396 1.3529698 0.3045928 107288217 RAD21 cohesin complex component
0.5760749 -0.0332799 -0.9053682 2.4374774 4.0789727 0.0332877 107288573 protein ABHD11-like
0.5758023 2.2625210 1.9621194 1.0626658 0.7515167 0.5426514 107301830 polyadenylate-binding protein-interacting protein 2-like
0.5755676 -0.5087790 -1.4050395 3.1465494 2.0165047 0.1664502 107291861 G protein-coupled receptor 183
0.5754023 0.5746918 -1.1049276 1.8851463 2.7092877 0.0928227 107293241 protein kinase N1
0.5747801 0.2283912 -8.8612983 5.9517758 37.0821744 0.0000028 107289774 myozenin 2
0.5747746 -1.8873061 0.9342400 1.2203401 4.5281786 0.0246793 107294124 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf91
0.5739843 0.5333413 -0.7266944 0.8824177 1.9597330 0.1748279 107286034 WD repeat-containing protein 7-like
0.5739602 -0.5282329 0.0470461 2.0305944 2.0110647 0.1670864 107293661 reticulon-3-like
0.5730092 -1.4204942 -2.5899105 1.9208166 10.3565262 0.0012708 107293543 contactin 1
0.5721711 -0.1283582 -0.4228715 5.8417461 3.4083210 0.0538504 107285342 polymerase (DNA) delta interacting protein 3
0.5719849 0.4730814 -0.0471284 6.1787967 1.9322587 0.1791376 107288396 zinc finger RNA binding protein
0.5719708 0.4456996 0.1669314 3.7131652 1.2452731 0.3373096 107295119 CXXC finger protein 1
0.5719469 1.0714890 -0.8114268 0.8726349 2.4607238 0.1138117 107301846 protein argonaute-1-like
0.5719272 0.5024062 0.6311336 5.2457007 1.0548678 0.4048769 107287073 autophagy related 4C cysteine peptidase
0.5717007 0.6131189 -0.0507922 3.6629761 1.8141905 0.1990746 107283392 cullin-9-like
0.5715992 0.6539560 -1.1352822 6.3363783 7.5859274 0.0043521 107296582 pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) beta
0.5715138 0.1349800 0.1061279 8.1502931 0.5172578 0.6783840 107285372 capping actin protein of muscle Z-line alpha subunit 2
0.5712760 0.9362818 -0.5300131 0.1386471 1.0761442 0.3966761 107298984 1-phosphatidylinositol 45-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase gamma-1-like
0.5711951 -0.0323878 -1.1041511 0.3912009 1.1682714 0.3631415 107303078 activating transcription factor 7
0.5707852 -0.2381975 -0.2066807 3.0545084 0.8006420 0.5175248 107295852 KIAA0196 ortholog
0.5706945 1.3371784 -1.5796527 0.8004724 3.3255955 0.0574196 107282751 cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 5-like
0.5706118 -3.3149814 -2.4504697 4.2590174 9.6383301 0.0017089 107292701 A-kinase anchor protein 12-like
0.5701915 0.5135605 -1.0356113 1.1766250 2.0209601 0.1658004 107291388 zinc finger protein 362
0.5697866 0.6340794 0.6150133 3.9342825 0.4253900 0.7384420 107294814 ADP ribosylation factor related protein 1
0.5696654 0.4851251 -1.7920604 3.6217275 8.6174746 0.0026712 107291555 NHL repeat-containing protein 2-like
0.5692750 0.8748786 -0.0842415 3.6472512 0.7908849 0.5224245 107291805 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 116-like
0.5691103 0.1421584 -0.9048819 2.5319091 2.0738969 0.1582950 107298307 alkaline ceramidase 3
0.5687208 0.4051167 -0.8022257 3.5350213 2.0493106 0.1617318 107288718 Ras association domain family member 1
0.5682053 0.3945615 0.3352726 4.7138186 1.4286385 0.2836823 107285765 inhibitor of growth family member 4
0.5678172 0.0390792 0.0373209 3.0484316 0.3148450 0.8144149 107282295 high mobility group 20B
0.5677923 1.1015848 0.6831796 5.6317012 1.0903147 0.3913113 107289824 ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L5
0.5676813 0.9006606 1.9654342 5.4419818 11.7815573 0.0007293 107288531 retinol dehydrogenase 10 (all-trans)
0.5673908 -0.4854043 1.2643483 4.6340628 4.7085687 0.0219469 107290742 PITH (C-terminal proteasome-interacting domain of thioredoxin-like) domain containing 1
0.5667566 0.4407946 0.5235642 3.6804772 1.4325718 0.2826393 107296914 RPA interacting protein
0.5666179 0.5040226 0.2777886 4.5473579 0.7119060 0.5637510 107293402 ribonuclease H2 subunit B
0.5654306 0.7392134 1.1957097 6.9821298 2.0387735 0.1632306 107296855 GRIP and coiled-coil domain containing 2
0.5649781 1.5416674 -0.1388725 -0.2266020 0.7994234 0.5181343 107297183 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.5648586 0.1909786 0.5798203 4.1140892 0.6349637 0.6069033 107292438 SUMO interacting motifs containing 1
0.5644192 1.3698063 1.3880153 0.4576836 0.7213702 0.5586410 107300735 mitofusin-1-like
0.5635290 0.8130799 -0.0698694 4.5588796 1.4223150 0.2855088 107289753 family with sequence similarity 151 member B
0.5631804 -0.1022838 0.0689006 2.8661667 0.7710898 0.5324397 107292780 zinc finger protein 91-like
0.5630599 1.2964253 1.0226129 4.8889833 7.1634188 0.0053466 107293619 elaC ribonuclease Z 2
0.5627818 0.8102808 -0.7645216 0.9703749 1.7952720 0.2026541 107289918 fat mass and obesity associated
0.5626733 0.7457568 -0.7179542 4.6647884 5.0134176 0.0180887 107287730 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX15 homolog
0.5623988 0.0777441 -0.0068101 4.4514952 1.0539848 0.4051169 107300934 DCC-interacting protein 13-alpha
0.5621917 0.5471626 0.8075627 3.9234306 2.3517508 0.1245558 107296312 ribosomal RNA processing 36
0.5621264 0.7919068 0.3804634 9.3552275 0.7931607 0.5212191 107296594 calnexin
0.5619808 0.6421436 0.6561298 5.1965117 1.6429100 0.2325846 107282404 RuvB-like AAA ATPase 2
0.5619374 2.4147245 3.7506713 4.5129561 5.5218263 0.0132748 107285533 dipeptidyl peptidase 4-like
0.5618364 0.8437732 -0.2379057 1.0022712 0.9741015 0.4376279 107283125 interactor of little elongation complex ELL subunit 2
0.5617705 1.4819918 2.4034096 2.9248798 11.2941882 0.0008744 107300314 ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX39A-like
0.5617348 1.2573857 -0.8916531 -0.4248371 2.1828873 0.1438844 107288918 exocyst complex component 3-like 1
0.5610867 0.6984999 0.1479724 4.0319223 1.7182762 0.2171178 107291255 down-regulator of transcription 1
0.5607643 0.3989235 0.7738634 4.4558651 1.6819139 0.2244317 107295397 cornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 4
0.5604320 0.6011763 -0.1062883 1.3482839 0.6127652 0.6198737 107287661 regulatory factor X associated protein
0.5602038 0.5173796 0.4596317 6.2563508 1.5891527 0.2443680 107292542 DEAD-box helicase 20
0.5597024 1.1248400 0.8336698 4.0163862 2.9889887 0.0741882 107284202 peter pan homolog (Drosophila)
0.5596140 -0.6825017 -0.5532764 2.7337945 2.0528698 0.1612291 107296218 SOS Ras/Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
0.5595409 1.2904128 1.4068834 2.7937202 1.7026464 0.2203839 107287852 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 7A
0.5588292 0.6437936 0.3229770 4.1951467 0.9037799 0.4684210 107296717 BRCA1 associated RING domain 1
0.5586818 1.7589023 2.6597823 4.6964492 7.5911301 0.0043410 107297059 myeloid-derived growth factor
0.5585450 0.7639030 0.1858630 4.6789901 2.1202526 0.1518769 107292643 pre-mRNA-processing factor 19-like
0.5583511 0.1180223 0.4086390 5.3775091 0.3891257 0.7630102 107282575 arylsulfatase G
0.5579661 0.5880723 0.4364499 3.5955477 0.8502826 0.4932181 107291907 gem nuclear organelle associated protein 6
0.5579118 -0.3842268 -0.1928802 0.9277616 0.8900275 0.4746085 107293746 ring finger protein 41 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
0.5578417 0.3947550 0.6339932 1.4764137 0.8015320 0.5170121 107297547 alkB homolog 4 lysine demethylase
0.5575235 -0.9351129 -1.7030112 -0.1273158 1.9181855 0.1815520 107286752 FGR proto-oncogene Src family tyrosine kinase
0.5572277 1.1986984 1.3349722 7.6893256 1.6484870 0.2315522 ERCC-00111
0.5571663 0.1118764 -0.7119126 2.5630622 1.9449435 0.1772493 107289539 A-kinase anchor protein 13-like
0.5571271 0.6966721 1.1622282 3.8180752 3.2700070 0.0597458 107300604 cyclin-dependent kinase 7
0.5570950 1.2094071 -1.9291316 1.2639755 7.8451662 0.0038351 107296262 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.5570292 0.2331821 0.2368596 3.5923982 0.8399582 0.4981582 107288924 uridine monophosphate synthetase
0.5569821 -0.2209144 0.8602956 2.8066426 1.1515763 0.3689873 107292700 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39C
0.5567622 0.8884452 0.4324221 2.9567962 0.9603122 0.4435212 107291017 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S30
0.5562261 1.2077382 6.0818155 3.0033724 13.1704912 0.0004527 107290158 adaptor related protein complex 1 sigma 3 subunit
0.5561398 0.9229971 1.2595392 13.9855057 0.8709689 0.4834387 ERCC-00002
0.5561009 -1.8448715 -0.3885530 6.5752164 6.7446310 0.0066897 107291883 Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 1
0.5559447 0.1147727 -0.3641991 1.7818867 0.4663864 0.7112254 107297318 zinc finger protein 2 homolog
0.5558723 0.4432532 -0.0521056 4.1713559 0.6310821 0.6091562 107294470 N-6 adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase 1 (putative)
0.5556389 0.9949960 1.8677186 3.1815974 2.0200623 0.1659311 107292103 transmembrane protein 241
0.5555307 -0.9551134 1.1694306 3.3967236 6.2102260 0.0089401 107292627 interleukin 1 receptor associated kinase 1 binding protein 1
0.5547899 0.8100571 -0.2349409 1.3349144 1.0838097 0.3937133 107284381 oxysterol binding protein like 10
0.5543951 0.1350432 0.0561284 3.5916894 0.8411252 0.4975964 107293783 pre-mRNA-splicing factor ISY1 homolog
0.5534614 0.8022503 0.3168176 6.4683135 2.1435353 0.1488408 107283201 GPALPP motifs containing 1
0.5530511 0.8065632 -0.6066734 5.5832853 7.2076600 0.0052271 107302851 kelch like family member 20
0.5527766 -0.7124379 -1.2444102 2.3553913 5.2148333 0.0159041 107290645 methylcytosine dioxygenase TET2-like
0.5527236 -0.2286745 0.6267796 2.5982056 1.0843452 0.3935619 107292526 hook microtubule-tethering protein 1
0.5522327 0.4890613 0.5172522 4.8405724 1.1759635 0.3603629 107284615 heat shock factor protein 3-like
0.5517270 0.3199833 -0.0211851 1.5735418 0.5371504 0.6658332 107288589 autophagy/beclin-1 regulator 1
0.5512035 -0.1241046 -0.4010092 3.3309276 1.4796797 0.2704895 107293192 centromere protein P-like
0.5511060 0.1108062 -1.2838149 3.5577238 4.1788917 0.0311777 107285573 alpha-1-syntrophin-like
0.5506940 -1.1888776 -0.7988089 4.2355856 8.0609086 0.0034342 107289773 ubiquitin specific peptidase 53
0.5506320 0.3546807 0.4357136 0.5485348 0.1355666 0.9368762 107287878 uncharacterized LOC107287878
0.5505899 0.7367296 -0.3214442 3.5700080 2.1251788 0.1513900 107300478 zinc finger protein 883-like
0.5502943 0.0843866 -0.4407644 -0.0685566 0.4638469 0.7128783 107282881 amyloid beta precursor protein binding family A member 3
0.5499588 1.3010537 -0.1026451 2.3922792 2.9029425 0.0793839 107292842 uncharacterized LOC107292842
0.5495623 0.5866824 -0.4154648 3.9961657 2.0657361 0.1594265 107292724 transmembrane protein 94
0.5493908 0.6063125 -0.7630378 0.6186041 1.8529526 0.1922659 107291068 sushi domain containing 6
0.5491998 0.6273088 -0.0543343 2.8412161 0.9475841 0.4489893 107291666 iduronate 2-sulfatase
0.5491489 0.4927033 0.5182027 4.8785076 1.1093880 0.3841002 107302898 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 10
0.5489882 -0.7144549 0.0299065 0.2769020 1.1674715 0.3633017 107284655 calmodulin binding transcription activator 1
0.5487986 -0.0932144 0.1222550 6.2597015 0.3893521 0.7628555 107298336 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf120
0.5475931 0.0660779 -2.6430962 0.8080946 4.5940145 0.0236386 107282269 SIN3 transcription regulator family member B
0.5475138 0.4420184 0.6881797 4.4764541 0.8476056 0.4945627 107302711 La ribonucleoprotein domain family member 4
0.5472426 0.7217897 0.4066593 5.6688874 1.0685585 0.3995797 107287195 dynamin 1-like
0.5471723 0.1436284 -0.0214192 2.0478338 0.3751805 0.7725628 107302967 glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein 1
0.5469430 0.7111378 -0.6508156 0.3076863 0.1411584 0.9333306 107296042 phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase type-2 beta-like
0.5468421 0.9173860 -0.3865022 0.5209513 1.5423140 0.2551778 107292965 uncharacterized LOC107292965
0.5465049 0.4242576 0.5456624 4.8218019 1.0989524 0.3879692 107289077 hexosaminidase (glycosyl hydrolase family 20 catalytic domain) containing
0.5462432 -0.4497099 3.0091879 6.6431832 17.7364611 0.0001153 107290075 ELL associated factor 2
0.5460840 0.5477734 1.1874640 7.0260061 2.5564348 0.1050777 107293810 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 polypeptide
0.5457786 0.6900615 0.6632894 1.4731063 0.8237404 0.5060319 107286545 uncharacterized LOC107286545
0.5447552 0.5187295 0.7599399 6.5442222 1.1220722 0.3795651 107291769 TBC1 domain family member 23
0.5447540 1.1697474 1.7997032 5.1209460 3.9741394 0.0359068 107287821 Kruppel-like factor 10
0.5443100 -0.1196467 -0.2622424 4.4745039 1.8733162 0.1887943 107293832 hippocampus abundant transcript-like protein 1
0.5440715 -0.0401784 1.6938425 4.7168058 6.5252480 0.0075227 107301316 uncharacterized LOC107301316
0.5440366 1.0283250 1.4870400 7.6953755 4.3994655 0.0267888 107298597 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 2
0.5435123 1.2399391 1.7484303 4.2736835 6.8800140 0.0062180 107285750 OTU domain containing 6B
0.5434509 0.8941550 1.1910354 5.6158078 1.2002890 0.3522058 ERCC-00078
0.5431186 -0.8077930 2.2964398 5.9114098 20.0036967 0.0000639 107292296 3’(2’) 5’-bisphosphate nucleotidase 1
0.5426340 -0.0763740 0.1616569 4.1174647 1.3589690 0.3028748 107283985 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 7A
0.5412495 -0.0829879 -1.3410724 6.5371010 3.6588414 0.0449169 107294932 small integral membrane protein 3
0.5412138 0.6664352 -2.1101455 8.0890898 7.9229629 0.0036941 107302687 myeloid leukemia factor 1
0.5407696 0.9487716 -0.2766143 2.2487884 3.2263228 0.0617603 107287559 RNA binding motif protein 42
0.5402358 0.2886187 -0.2536260 5.3943316 1.4745611 0.2718656 107295235 septin 2
0.5401949 0.2659248 -0.0527874 5.0550016 1.5815952 0.2460772 107282978 B-TFIID TATA-box binding protein associated factor 1
0.5400751 0.5796245 0.3352920 1.9649535 0.2972686 0.8267081 107292225 UPF0488 protein CG14286-like
0.5398330 1.4784332 0.0454967 0.5330337 2.1062546 0.1537361 107298621 DEAH-box helicase 30
0.5397153 0.4765607 -0.8055104 -0.3960927 0.3782817 0.7704351 107296794 Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 5 protein-like
0.5393822 0.1707874 -0.6278431 4.9757867 1.7563075 0.2099097 107284141 purine-rich element binding protein A
0.5391151 -0.1869206 0.2906033 7.7194532 0.6539406 0.5959939 107287133 anaphase promoting complex subunit 13
0.5390375 -0.9946668 -0.2696060 4.3808482 5.2893959 0.0152227 107286868 androgen-induced 1
0.5388990 1.4214751 1.0538352 4.9775627 6.9367055 0.0060113 ERCC-00025
0.5387556 1.7116326 -0.4893221 3.3987804 2.3168793 0.1284474 107289233 vascular endothelial growth factor A
0.5385959 0.9547980 0.5345050 1.9686614 0.5780877 0.6406363 107289944 vacuolar protein sorting 45 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
0.5382497 -1.0691143 4.5904728 1.2315166 7.9198904 0.0036996 107295425 ring finger protein 186
0.5376730 0.5290854 1.0545875 3.6275031 2.7542195 0.0893718 107291481 non-homologous end joining factor 1
0.5375755 -0.4732772 -0.3075356 4.2299302 1.8362008 0.1953348 107294001 lipin 2
0.5375535 0.9357381 1.4101311 4.3849641 5.7850898 0.0113223 107293511 torsin family 1 member B
0.5364521 -0.4191291 0.0198549 1.7088210 0.8509054 0.4929212 107297223 trihelix transcription factor GTL1
0.5361312 0.7640548 -0.0759650 1.8800031 1.1300514 0.3765595 107289796 tumor protein p53 binding protein 1
0.5360501 1.2819866 1.4818008 5.5567293 4.7021800 0.0220375 107285465 pescadillo ribosomal biogenesis factor 1
0.5350710 0.0684526 -0.4741386 3.6470054 1.2013712 0.3518424 107285694 ferredoxin 1-like
0.5350624 0.3728473 0.8895787 6.7893329 1.3553324 0.3040505 107287464 Yip1 domain family member 4
0.5350288 -2.7690501 -4.0564385 1.9136988 6.1938586 0.0090219 107290650 sparc/osteonectin cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan (testican) 3
0.5348521 0.3648562 -1.1428855 1.8019390 6.5423048 0.0074119 107295844 sex comb on midleg-like protein 2
0.5346181 1.4438715 0.6871760 4.0550789 2.6159015 0.1001439 107291430 uncharacterized protein C3orf18-like
0.5345870 -0.2148005 0.9348515 4.7584408 5.1838037 0.0162099 107288860 RFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
0.5344715 0.8709107 -1.7203302 1.3149520 2.8048175 0.0859624 107302417 family with sequence similarity 171 member A2
0.5344410 -0.4755820 -0.8135268 1.0365667 0.3195521 0.8111275 107299502 uncharacterized LOC107299502
0.5342309 -0.2416267 0.8631232 1.4894157 0.6304138 0.6095448 107284010 suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
0.5342123 -0.1403173 -0.2190720 3.4062188 1.5675169 0.2492967 107298269 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5-like
0.5342078 0.1822017 0.0524609 5.5498445 0.9834143 0.4336448 107283838 periphilin 1
0.5339954 -3.7440471 -0.0831238 6.9345202 50.7659791 0.0000005 107300620 band 4.1-like protein 2
0.5338171 -0.2826876 -0.1622020 6.1457556 0.9608895 0.4432740 107292624 high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 3
0.5328282 0.2567706 -0.2475066 6.3538287 0.8990164 0.4705829 107292280 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit E1
0.5324385 -1.4045318 -0.1276914 2.9986088 1.1970699 0.3532892 107285818 family with sequence similarity 46 member C
0.5321739 0.0389111 -1.6802315 4.3001629 6.8858842 0.0062103 107301324 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
0.5320308 0.4460430 0.5978751 4.3696754 0.6553267 0.5952040 107293880 NSF attachment protein alpha
0.5316508 -0.0567142 0.0104607 1.5631471 0.4923424 0.6943163 107292164 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase epsilon-like
0.5315927 -0.1049978 -0.8692041 0.7909102 0.6835349 0.5793289 107300432 uncharacterized LOC107300432
0.5315190 0.6192121 0.8221698 7.6933815 0.9950860 0.4288826 107288757 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E
0.5314686 -0.9673144 -0.2983479 4.8934110 9.3896271 0.0018836 107297726 death-associated protein kinase 1
0.5314005 0.4610707 -0.1115503 2.8505584 0.7906394 0.5225287 107294664 alanyl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial
0.5312797 -0.8718990 -1.7106901 0.0613775 1.0733219 0.3977538 107283580 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2
0.5312658 -1.1204311 -0.4786204 2.9377539 3.4840152 0.0510326 107293073 acylphosphatase 1
0.5311452 0.8524890 0.4662779 5.8591748 1.3030472 0.3194395 107291899 lysocardiolipin acyltransferase 1
0.5310478 0.0190744 0.2697850 6.5063461 1.1008202 0.3872737 107301303 transmembrane protein 131
0.5307355 -0.3901052 -1.2560121 3.5871823 5.9850865 0.0101168 107284887 Ral GTPase activating protein catalytic alpha subunit 1
0.5303531 0.4781030 0.3722324 3.5576182 1.0524018 0.4057349 107296772 protein phosphatase 6 catalytic subunit
0.5303404 -0.0649853 -0.1591983 0.9172254 0.4255043 0.7383539 107299655 zinc finger protein OZF-like
0.5302364 0.1737241 0.1508982 6.8233870 0.5572905 0.6533396 107285133 RAD23 homolog A nucleotide excision repair protein
0.5295708 -0.0083432 -0.2717348 1.5423033 0.6568894 0.5942693 107296354 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 12C
0.5291250 -0.7343865 0.5345948 4.4913502 4.2477097 0.0297536 107284697 thiamin pyrophosphokinase 1
0.5289105 0.8768548 -0.6274561 1.4498522 3.0341286 0.0716080 107288553 inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase type II B
0.5288744 -0.2489551 -0.9125436 5.4485543 1.6879398 0.2233558 107287351 small integral membrane protein 4
0.5286862 -2.3959180 0.6805043 2.5875961 13.4020152 0.0004189 107300052 leucine rich repeat containing 20
0.5286748 0.3930109 0.8280592 3.7816452 1.5747009 0.2476480 107295011 DNA replication and sister chromatid cohesion 1
0.5283688 2.0074035 0.5174063 -0.1379956 1.9924126 0.1698672 107295214 lipase maturation factor 1-like
0.5282971 0.0569305 -0.1805237 5.1350987 1.2826314 0.3255585 107294916 small nuclear RNA activating complex polypeptide 1
0.5282850 0.2897535 0.7256055 4.0589070 1.9584435 0.1750276 107284331 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 7
0.5282617 -0.4353295 -0.1929850 5.6210138 2.4012967 0.1194644 107303040 NFKB inhibitor interacting Ras-like 2
0.5278900 2.4417379 2.9246150 1.3015458 3.9299687 0.0370332 107298383 phosphoglucomutase-2-like
0.5275149 1.0869974 -0.0047720 0.4893732 0.8348566 0.5006788 107291741 tectonin beta-propeller repeat containing 1
0.5272389 0.3413733 -0.5527416 3.5037421 2.7189529 0.0919509 107284835 ATM serine/threonine kinase
0.5272158 0.4745701 0.7234761 5.5771867 1.6934714 0.2220776 107293114 transmembrane protein 50A
0.5271143 -0.0963265 -0.0112601 1.6023168 0.5608916 0.6511069 107291576 cleavage stimulation factor 3’ pre-RNA subunit 2
0.5270430 -0.7364642 -0.0161580 0.0355231 0.6040640 0.6250381 107300192 BMP-2-inducible protein kinase-like
0.5270036 0.8692961 0.8322330 5.8305735 2.1070159 0.1537477 107293423 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2L 3
0.5264455 0.5924846 -0.2861327 4.2039381 1.6454692 0.2321929 107287235 solute carrier family 27 member 1
0.5261527 2.1933486 -0.5599274 1.6382951 1.8858077 0.1868597 107293401 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 2B
0.5254793 0.6875241 0.5070625 6.0156594 1.2102904 0.3487952 107295956 phosphorylase kinase alpha 2 (liver)
0.5254044 0.7702997 0.1931147 -0.0615713 0.4506202 0.7216023 107291612 LETM1 domain containing 1
0.5253621 0.2216346 -0.0988958 3.2241310 0.9457884 0.4496968 107298913 transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 2-like
0.5251362 0.0584761 0.8758912 1.9043007 0.7734543 0.5312893 107282820 microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase like
0.5248983 0.5100280 0.6841338 3.5029669 0.6344367 0.6072087 107303186 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S18C
0.5245652 1.7279039 0.2419983 2.7800210 4.0076886 0.0350240 107296287 zinc finger protein OZF-like
0.5243961 -1.0210843 -4.2273499 0.4752675 8.7587305 0.0025059 107299215 DLC1 Rho GTPase activating protein
0.5242285 0.6315707 0.8262033 2.5760455 1.6539337 0.2302473 107282621 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2Z
0.5241432 0.2869620 -0.3754191 5.7914141 2.1286884 0.1507885 107290082 low density lipoprotein receptor class A domain containing 4
0.5240173 0.1731385 0.8355443 5.0068834 1.5758632 0.2475325 107288713 transmembrane protein 115
0.5233927 -0.5585731 0.3926509 0.8828776 0.8375575 0.4993897 107285964 basic leucine zipper ATF-like transcription factor
0.5233393 -1.1223276 -0.3133298 5.2176964 9.5767166 0.0017389 107293305 CDC42 small effector 2
0.5232382 0.8089151 0.3508254 -0.2324554 0.2043942 0.8913378 107287950 lectin mannose binding 2 like
0.5224811 0.8169321 -1.7552823 1.9677154 3.3008092 0.0585004 107295483 alpha-actinin-4
0.5220300 -2.7139707 3.6759975 4.1547209 19.5591897 0.0000722 107287674 interleukin 17 receptor B
0.5214680 0.3779551 -0.0515404 3.6248646 0.9800870 0.4350402 107283715 S100P binding protein
0.5210731 0.6057972 0.1027198 4.7598560 1.2869373 0.3242366 107287059 nuclear transcription factor Y subunit alpha
0.5209892 -0.4715292 0.0880962 3.4979938 2.9001373 0.0795480 107302772 BRO1 domain and CAAX motif containing
0.5208122 0.7743950 0.7030816 1.7755131 1.0375261 0.4115906 107299891 DNA cross-link repair 1B
0.5204021 0.1779088 -0.8362334 4.2003837 5.5132389 0.0132819 107285086 kinesin light chain 1
0.5201485 -0.0265836 -0.9006329 4.0467508 3.6672883 0.0446437 107287417 solute carrier family 19 member 2
0.5200057 0.9438022 0.4195391 4.5584053 1.7196200 0.2170087 107302634 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L11
0.5198124 1.1385687 0.4540454 5.7103342 0.4561684 0.7179489 107290900 signal transducer and activator of transcription 2
0.5195435 0.7912147 0.0780150 0.1034750 0.2152359 0.8838958 107296771 zinc finger protein 708-like
0.5190018 0.1469624 0.9766372 3.5147626 2.2734029 0.1331212 107292749 RING finger protein 151-like
0.5183948 0.0154441 -0.6713968 0.5929980 0.5216074 0.6756374 107292233 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase parkin-like
0.5182885 0.9636677 1.6191532 5.0637159 0.6886941 0.5764671 107296021 guanylate-binding protein 1-like
0.5177481 0.2538884 -0.0245344 3.2567650 0.5227568 0.6749086 107292933 CUGBP Elav-like family member 1
0.5170360 0.4945087 0.1970567 5.5158299 0.6607370 0.5921292 107297363 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 11
0.5165194 0.4649693 -2.0548998 0.6113007 4.3647446 0.0275014 107292420 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like 2
0.5163065 0.2988377 -0.2026233 2.3919533 0.6835513 0.5792964 107290812 NEDD4 binding protein 1
0.5161438 0.4257682 1.2881576 5.4639841 2.9277698 0.0779739 107285351 coiled-coil domain containing 134
0.5161391 -0.4874459 0.5958874 1.7576619 0.8672670 0.4852510 107293442 pyridoxal kinase-like
0.5159425 0.7555811 1.2851082 2.7716902 1.7740095 0.2065778 107299176 pseudouridylate synthase 1
0.5159072 0.0445837 -1.3249284 3.4166759 4.7366326 0.0215542 107290857 calcitonin gene-related peptide type 1 receptor-like
0.5158479 0.7609373 0.8733705 2.8416194 1.7230352 0.2161805 107295007 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf52
0.5157582 0.9537356 0.0122658 4.9650270 1.4277254 0.2840662 107290272 poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 14-like
0.5155323 0.1407981 0.2148316 6.5083664 1.0745656 0.3971718 107294968 p21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 2
0.5152680 1.3555886 0.3248475 4.1414231 4.3627963 0.0274455 107287703 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type K
0.5143781 0.0645064 1.4191850 0.0447107 1.1628511 0.3649257 107287671 SFT2 domain containing 3
0.5142919 -0.7163343 -2.1783427 4.1890270 3.3078641 0.0581904 107285397 uncharacterized LOC107285397
0.5141158 0.8139350 0.6570849 0.5754477 0.3812114 0.7684259 107282301 secretory carrier membrane protein 4
0.5138936 0.7475706 1.0498707 2.5598858 0.7116960 0.5638649 107300532 TP53-regulating kinase-like
0.5137756 1.7105178 -0.9873752 -0.2127550 2.7686565 0.0884883 107293069 prospero homeobox protein 2-like
0.5137186 -0.4139390 -2.0066067 4.5335003 18.7957732 0.0000861 107294534 DENN domain containing 5A
0.5133873 1.0937972 2.0951159 6.9228216 4.3331736 0.0280888 107295027 coatomer protein complex subunit beta 1
0.5126188 -0.1498582 1.1374266 5.5717311 2.4266179 0.1171117 107285759 SEC22 homolog A vesicle trafficking protein
0.5124801 0.4840567 0.6260608 8.0699684 0.6050682 0.6244416 107290473 proteasome subunit alpha 2
0.5120836 -0.1340122 -0.4754521 6.2322501 2.3566194 0.1240447 107286741 YTH domain containing 1
0.5115432 1.0744820 0.6787650 2.3996802 1.3889120 0.2945528 107297763 BMS1 ribosome biogenesis factor
0.5114746 -0.2827473 1.0021748 7.7996055 3.6287037 0.0457906 107287488 cortactin
0.5113089 0.3049047 0.1881998 3.7707472 0.2811531 0.8379928 107298025 opioid growth factor receptor-like protein 1
0.5112506 0.3124061 1.8117454 7.6642034 6.8453337 0.0063061 107292200 RIO kinase 3
0.5107924 0.3295915 0.3381062 4.4509151 0.5509937 0.6572351 107300297 opioid growth factor receptor-like
0.5106468 1.4136549 0.7091576 1.0826183 0.7996165 0.5180377 107283433 kinesin family member 2C
0.5104059 -1.6528478 -0.1430620 1.6261333 3.9607247 0.0362446 107299327 kynurenine–oxoglutarate transaminase 1-like
0.5098235 0.9411779 1.1488789 4.8996244 1.5499303 0.2535332 107288629 glycine C-acetyltransferase
0.5098138 -0.0458286 -2.2110899 3.5107060 23.0239026 0.0000319 107294131 WW domain containing transcription regulator 1
0.5093702 0.5702948 0.5470621 6.1180855 1.3144393 0.3158834 107291974 transcription elongation regulator 1
0.5089348 0.2934298 0.6100354 2.9390840 1.0314152 0.4140217 107287855 suppressor of cytokine signaling 5
0.5086445 1.0092686 4.4564895 6.7934930 5.2048563 0.0160695 107283520 B-cadherin-like
0.5081337 0.7578074 -0.5899317 -0.2450108 0.7234011 0.5575501 107296499 DEAD-box helicase 31
0.5079636 0.1155970 1.6117933 2.0768866 2.8010238 0.0861535 107291325 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 85C-like
0.5072544 0.9165660 0.6969517 4.5401781 2.0157698 0.1664754 107288886 erythroid differentiation regulatory factor 1
0.5066972 2.1866272 0.2512448 1.6869141 1.3655487 0.3011392 107302094 uncharacterized LOC107302094
0.5066788 1.0639609 1.1633103 5.4955230 2.3609465 0.1237510 ERCC-00044
0.5064852 -0.1832546 -0.2738794 3.2226983 1.7822801 0.2048836 107287354 polybromo 1
0.5063268 -6.3484561 2.9143084 0.9788187 25.7088249 0.0000593 107300718 ammonium transporter Rh type C-like
0.5058398 0.1461264 0.7580682 1.1264552 0.6160719 0.6178976 107290680 caspase activity and apoptosis inhibitor 1
0.5056457 0.0323517 -2.0682476 1.4698071 5.2744895 0.0154010 107290595 DENN domain containing 4A
0.5052691 -0.0317791 2.9138951 4.8904101 4.0263915 0.0346252 107298201 cysteine conjugate-beta lyase 2
0.5047542 1.3306205 0.1022723 4.1580879 2.3287498 0.1271626 107285922 RUN domain containing 1
0.5042217 1.3269078 1.8877329 4.6382755 6.6961606 0.0068641 107290174 DEAD-box helicase 39A
0.5040128 0.7620312 1.2621582 2.2796041 1.4545707 0.2770260 107293264 ATPase phospholipid transporting 11B (putative)
0.5038027 -0.0049767 2.1239477 6.1810198 4.5861755 0.0237598 107292113 CLPTM1-like
0.5034876 0.8036530 0.7205263 4.8128915 2.3539243 0.1243274 107291070 ribosomal RNA processing 9 small subunit (SSU) processome component homolog (yeast)
0.5032479 0.9958488 1.7771976 4.3396267 0.3661129 0.7788050 107301260 NHP2-like protein 1
0.5031454 -0.6774120 -6.1245797 0.7380339 23.0504642 0.0000323 107282582 G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1-like
0.5028279 -0.6708436 -0.1531654 1.1968267 0.8136039 0.5110849 107287011 intraflagellar transport 81
0.5027732 0.5699657 -0.6233985 6.6511019 3.2516088 0.0607162 107294207 growth hormone inducible transmembrane protein
0.5023018 0.2694930 -0.6271312 3.3070445 3.4929761 0.0505743 107283837 fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 2
0.5022468 0.4668776 -0.2829747 0.6912638 0.3795846 0.7695413 107283295 ependymin related 1
0.5021804 -0.1934385 0.2587425 6.3684196 0.9285355 0.4573466 107283583 vacuolar protein sorting 4 homolog B (S. cerevisiae)
0.5019064 0.7273113 1.0917496 3.6311453 1.7958221 0.2025537 107291390 peptidylprolyl isomerase H
0.5017746 0.3997408 0.0430487 6.2629689 0.4767986 0.7044171 107284604 tubulin folding cofactor A
0.5012711 0.4766092 0.2779790 3.1514725 0.4491940 0.7225616 107295993 pre-mRNA-processing factor 39-like
0.5011300 -0.4019316 -1.0949306 0.9077575 1.2637316 0.3315691 107287876 metaxin 3
0.5010570 -0.0471242 0.8783002 0.8716547 0.9362136 0.4538780 107286139 probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX47
0.5010228 0.2646261 -0.6711647 3.9904935 2.6559619 0.0969249 107284952 prolyl endopeptidase-like
0.5002944 0.4955403 -0.6836956 4.7545340 5.4780483 0.0135634 107293008 tight junction protein 1
0.5002088 0.4063175 0.3398366 3.3117844 0.5246684 0.6736785 107284396 cyclin T2
0.5000875 0.4080964 -0.4333193 2.2860331 1.7410521 0.2126728 107302798 replication factor C subunit 1
0.5000537 1.1776434 -1.9617617 2.0833380 6.3760025 0.0081588 107296017 capicua transcriptional repressor
0.4999780 -1.4710221 1.0815114 4.1014024 5.5714772 0.0128903 107282464 ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal 3
0.4995940 0.9686131 0.8191411 5.5360886 2.9092434 0.0789774 107299341 tubulin tyrosine ligase like 12
0.4995330 0.7227040 0.8631099 3.0754518 1.1985755 0.3527718 107294848 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C10orf35
0.4993011 0.3732344 -0.6148970 2.3879330 1.8971817 0.1848475 107298716 dihydrouridine synthase 4 like
0.4990782 0.3532076 -0.8566646 3.1130112 2.2718631 0.1334562 107295075 protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit A alpha
0.4989375 0.3126206 0.1585591 2.4444533 0.3377123 0.7984715 107291580 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 7 like
0.4988638 0.3159638 -1.2308943 5.2497052 4.6076589 0.0234293 107285414 E1A binding protein p300
0.4987925 0.9623092 -2.3475068 1.8642144 5.0111305 0.0181145 107287310 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 28
0.4987567 -0.1809785 0.3220428 6.2497670 1.0978787 0.3884466 107288562 SPT4 homolog DSIF elongation factor subunit
0.4987339 1.7418256 -0.1970257 1.1227819 2.8356353 0.0838056 107301487 family with sequence similarity 53 member B
0.4987074 -0.4818467 0.9637351 3.0040972 4.9328063 0.0189514 107285846 membrane protein palmitoylated 5
0.4976988 0.3766702 0.4824257 0.7712264 0.0768359 0.9712960 107289590 uncharacterized LOC107289590
0.4971326 -0.4663717 -0.1208533 4.3598372 1.7994757 0.2018412 107289597 FGFR1 oncogene partner
0.4968556 0.4138282 0.0512806 4.1400967 0.4531575 0.7199380 107303064 cyclin-dependent kinase 12
0.4965656 0.8405332 1.4800573 3.2502242 3.6707396 0.0444309 107288798 N-sulfoglucosamine sulfohydrolase
0.4962394 0.5895717 -1.7612456 1.7466021 4.8227374 0.0203993 107288955 uncharacterized LOC107288955
0.4960390 0.0985931 0.1673549 4.4978591 0.5205382 0.6763078 107285359 zinc finger protein 236
0.4959512 0.0344628 -0.8602988 4.1784595 3.4375920 0.0528150 107295004 protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B alpha
0.4957095 -0.1725745 -1.1296547 4.4498937 6.7573903 0.0066092 107301387 zinc finger protein 84-like
0.4956241 0.0213780 1.1699528 3.7990102 1.9621856 0.1746099 107298815 NIMA related kinase 6
0.4952764 -0.1371014 -0.2054145 4.0639880 0.6681214 0.5879556 107293595 cytoplasmic linker associated protein 2
0.4951303 0.3472759 0.2129542 2.7961384 0.3288917 0.8046131 107293753 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C24
0.4943835 -0.0452073 -0.2098762 1.8823185 0.2969004 0.8269658 107285590 HPS6 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 2 subunit 3
0.4941019 0.0653324 0.5483650 3.7391781 0.3150385 0.8142797 107297712 semaphorin 5A
0.4937528 -0.1126984 1.3402532 3.4037782 4.1866492 0.0309240 107283120 POC1 centriolar protein B
0.4933955 0.6637200 1.8608490 6.9292407 2.6315836 0.0988694 107294904 eukaryotic translation termination factor 1
0.4931188 0.2173444 0.7289493 2.2862260 0.7631853 0.5365174 107298275 transmembrane protein 60
0.4926997 -0.1240848 -1.6161490 1.8894534 5.2513910 0.0155874 107299042 MICOS complex subunit MIC19-like
0.4922462 3.0842611 -3.5413431 0.8695584 13.4506225 0.0004122 107283743 5’-nucleotidase cytosolic IA
0.4920633 0.8207168 0.5207569 1.7228469 1.0653991 0.4006901 107297504 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 1
0.4920363 -0.5639239 -0.3068041 -0.0708322 0.8778516 0.4802310 107293369 dystrobrevin beta
0.4916051 -1.5752038 -0.5626721 -0.1040536 1.2488493 0.3362901 107297624 leukotriene B4 receptor 1-like
0.4907376 0.0010393 0.6157725 4.8811496 0.7738647 0.5310790 107284627 Yip1 domain family member 6
0.4906388 -0.8635929 -0.0288445 2.9035065 1.3971065 0.2923372 107293651 integral membrane protein GPR137B-like
0.4903789 0.5269560 0.3465938 5.7404340 1.3206401 0.3140360 107283423 uncharacterized LOC107283423
0.4900366 -1.2968554 -1.8775498 2.1223098 11.1748481 0.0009149 107284844 phosphatidylinositol transfer protein cytoplasmic 1
0.4893442 -0.9821262 0.6853974 1.6716356 2.2035412 0.1414897 107291531 methyltransferase like 21B
0.4892507 1.3669406 1.2430936 2.9039383 1.7488056 0.2113399 107284050 DENN domain containing 2C
0.4888014 1.2777238 -0.5714385 3.4242555 2.1494825 0.1482375 107294492 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 13
0.4885651 4.0833562 2.0433815 1.5958128 4.3788856 0.0272429 107299704 urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor-like
0.4883824 0.4164214 -0.2714756 0.7592406 0.3903869 0.7621489 107286615 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase CYLD-like
0.4878525 1.5436508 2.0487643 2.6104157 0.7813442 0.5272589 107298062 cathelicidin-related peptide lachesicidin-like
0.4871752 1.3780852 1.7225239 4.6307028 4.7609181 0.0212210 107297470 REX4 homolog 3’-5’ exonuclease
0.4870143 -0.3917617 -0.5170106 4.2494687 1.6171781 0.2382961 107290834 mitotic-spindle organizing protein 2A-like
0.4864387 -3.3422515 1.4958804 0.3942735 7.5350561 0.0044629 107292689 A-kinase anchor protein 12-like
0.4863769 0.9250014 -0.3480346 1.2910396 1.7412748 0.2126298 107296752 set1/Ash2 histone methyltransferase complex subunit ASH2-like
0.4858097 -0.1454370 1.5548514 8.2722973 3.0914878 0.0686281 107302853 peroxiredoxin 6
0.4857576 -0.3286813 -0.2004800 0.8752028 0.1539271 0.9251094 107294309 solute carrier family 9 member A1
0.4857561 2.4453748 3.7058177 5.1383309 4.5859739 0.0237629 107294535 dipeptidyl peptidase 4
0.4857267 0.8263553 1.1137776 6.2296510 3.2446472 0.0609170 107286697 ATPase H+ transporting accessory protein 1
0.4856046 -0.4711406 -1.1787647 6.6273335 3.3382714 0.0568758 107302761 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 6
0.4852823 0.0570560 0.0190033 4.8387266 1.1287977 0.3770125 107288504 SUMO1/sentrin specific peptidase 1
0.4841290 0.0008835 -1.3313002 0.9822604 4.5590853 0.0240987 107302878 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 37
0.4835083 -0.1380795 0.2367630 3.8618798 0.9411632 0.4517116 107290524 heat shock transcription factor 2
0.4830608 0.2923529 1.8935021 4.2300735 3.4010526 0.0542687 107293451 G protein-coupled receptor 180
0.4829964 0.1178694 0.5496951 0.9279356 0.2276430 0.8753262 107302078 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF19A-like
0.4829189 0.3697084 -0.0718791 2.2234097 0.5241787 0.6739897 107288634 golgi-associated gamma adaptin ear containing ARF binding protein 1
0.4825092 0.6364700 -1.0750732 1.8037382 3.2963079 0.0586992 107288916 enhancer of mRNA decapping 4
0.4821637 -0.5742523 -1.1106806 4.9591866 3.3950493 0.0545120 107290248 tripartite motif containing 47
0.4820931 1.4374131 0.2899537 1.9740173 1.1428747 0.3720740 107297739 small integral membrane protein 11A
0.4819531 1.0391985 -0.2246781 2.0502408 2.2041883 0.1412503 107296769 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 21-like
0.4819474 -0.3545616 -1.0635206 1.0552198 2.7678277 0.0883989 107289548 partitioning defective 3 homolog B-like
0.4818396 0.4120367 0.3740712 4.2293539 0.7283217 0.5548587 107293047 zinc finger CCHC-type containing 17
0.4817806 1.6033689 0.7394839 3.8058303 3.0403730 0.0713999 107288822 protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit beta 1
0.4813640 0.3322215 -0.1273086 3.4488157 0.4578998 0.7168068 107294563 pleckstrin homology and RUN domain containing M1
0.4812349 -0.0174269 -0.6221394 1.8964310 0.9053243 0.4677223 107298560 ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator-like 1
0.4812221 0.4501222 0.3514240 6.4485815 0.6200280 0.6155919 107302376 thioredoxin domain containing 9
0.4809150 0.1967938 0.6465555 7.5918412 0.5156028 0.6794435 107283054 basic transcription factor 3-like 4
0.4805863 1.0601171 -0.0348059 3.6425075 1.1042326 0.3861168 107290620 caspase recruitment domain family member 11
0.4805520 -0.1793213 -1.1354687 2.2253132 3.8279718 0.0396844 107286424 huntingtin interacting protein 1
0.4803077 0.8781397 2.4214351 2.4085463 0.8170192 0.5094011 107289439 prostaglandin F receptor
0.4801765 1.1454598 0.9171549 6.8489832 2.1747612 0.1450376 107287810 DEAD/H-box helicase 1
0.4801134 2.9641990 -5.2728848 3.8216414 14.5260673 0.0002915 107297574 ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8-like
0.4797586 -1.4684499 -1.0814535 3.6863158 3.0134537 0.0729114 107295032 nuclear factor of activated T-cells cytoplasmic calcineurin-dependent 3
0.4796779 0.1293789 0.5411194 3.7512232 0.8889129 0.4751204 107288172 centrosomal protein 76kDa
0.4795184 0.3274808 0.8452232 2.4861489 1.1266050 0.3778062 107302656 uncharacterized LOC107302656
0.4794595 0.2843259 1.0869451 6.1731078 2.0567121 0.1606884 107298694 BUD31 homolog
0.4793359 -0.4788778 -1.1276624 0.5135279 1.7838160 0.2046130 107291735 lemur tyrosine kinase 2
0.4787295 0.9076381 -0.2229235 4.0589561 1.8197503 0.1982403 107295017 zinc finger ZZ-type and EF-hand domain containing 1
0.4784485 1.6216574 -0.7154198 7.2471020 2.4455510 0.1152739 107299041 CDGSH iron sulfur domain 2
0.4784019 1.1917591 0.2848981 4.8258923 0.4217277 0.7409034 107297291 Mov10 RISC complex RNA helicase
0.4784000 0.8907341 0.9144944 2.9580551 2.1267831 0.1510183 107294725 deltex 3 E3 ubiquitin ligase
0.4781855 2.6724806 1.4710384 1.3793135 2.9586027 0.0761069 107302230 UNC119-binding protein C5orf30 homolog
0.4776837 -0.4129406 -0.4535854 0.6908592 0.9876113 0.4318912 107302635 beta-14-glucuronyltransferase 1
0.4774995 -1.4043044 -3.9505360 2.3949647 10.8310866 0.0010546 107292211 retinol binding protein 2
0.4774363 0.0732647 0.0916736 6.1637094 0.2881227 0.8331119 107290649 transmembrane protein 50B
0.4772146 1.1307638 0.6489140 7.0624779 2.0846469 0.1568184 107302538 proteasome subunit alpha 5
0.4771747 0.8977812 1.0010856 3.0209422 1.2686670 0.3300194 107297469 surfeit 2
0.4762907 1.0362519 1.1087848 2.8634326 2.7936225 0.0865879 107283254 TSR1 20S rRNA accumulation homolog (S. cerevisiae)
0.4762386 1.1471366 1.6905048 4.1146902 6.5066224 0.0075684 107289981 nodal modulator 3-like
0.4762014 -0.6846340 -0.1869342 1.7300412 1.7310046 0.2146210 107301609 zinc finger protein 329-like
0.4760411 -1.5850813 -6.0486067 6.8753988 78.6164366 0.0000000 107285138 calponin 1
0.4756669 -0.6406496 -0.9778850 4.3960755 3.6009095 0.0468443 107287819 ribonucleotide reductase regulatory TP53 inducible subunit M2B
0.4755315 0.1105304 0.1618580 3.2630736 0.2184410 0.8816870 107283008 LYR motif containing 4
0.4755239 0.2065805 -0.4487383 8.0162405 1.4586288 0.2758821 107291470 protein lifeguard 3-like
0.4752039 1.1624617 -0.1771005 0.1174694 0.4312990 0.7344807 107301714 negative elongation factor B-like
0.4740714 0.8863426 1.9477845 5.2691121 2.6574896 0.0968046 107293245 signal recognition particle 19 kDa protein-like
0.4740520 0.3221295 0.2509629 3.7265201 0.5700178 0.6455154 107296765 RNA guanylyltransferase and 5’-phosphatase
0.4715276 -0.1588564 -0.9358729 0.7700941 1.4371590 0.2814456 107284949 calmodulin-lysine N-methyltransferase-like
0.4713934 -0.0809999 -0.1074190 5.3107248 1.0468145 0.4079244 107289384 activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox
0.4713831 2.1761058 -1.6726831 0.1316990 5.0691988 0.0174713 107290629 Ras association and DIL domains
0.4711425 0.6110861 0.5736175 2.4390879 0.4859961 0.6984401 107302882 methyltransferase like 18
0.4709148 0.0465307 0.0061720 4.9148867 0.7052226 0.5673393 107287392 Sp3 transcription factor
0.4702743 0.6467435 0.5258363 2.5553511 0.8449745 0.4957474 107285073 zinc finger homeobox protein 4-like
0.4702534 1.0793600 2.6378886 3.4333664 7.1220430 0.0054953 107288809 solute carrier family 26 member 11
0.4701213 1.2424234 1.1490390 5.3934569 2.5604421 0.1048047 107293405 UBX domain protein 2A
0.4699032 -0.1583606 -0.0579792 4.3005058 1.3909179 0.2939024 107289444 ubiquitin specific peptidase 33
0.4694737 -0.3434629 -0.0370904 2.8964876 0.9805776 0.4348421 107290714 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 variant 3-like
0.4693725 1.2800448 1.3006626 4.3641934 3.3243213 0.0574746 107285762 NOP2 nucleolar protein
0.4690536 1.9461337 -0.8258396 -0.2960834 3.7235360 0.0427583 107284997 phosphatidylinositol 45-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoform-like
0.4689011 0.8348865 -1.2632474 4.3242387 14.5084393 0.0002895 107290269 oxysterol binding protein like 11
0.4686113 0.9833391 0.4187809 1.9662783 1.2544089 0.3343914 107282266 mediator complex subunit 26
0.4685911 0.3628756 -1.6163614 0.9057814 5.2041147 0.0160089 107298458 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.4679841 0.0374963 -0.6099496 3.1190772 0.8031715 0.5162619 107301121 zinc finger protein 271-like
0.4673321 -0.0083099 -0.6640151 0.5744219 0.8092134 0.5132056 107301550 zinc finger protein 502-like
0.4669807 1.0375100 1.3439984 8.4577998 2.3342123 0.1265763 107289843 high density lipoprotein binding protein
0.4666306 0.5765503 0.7879595 5.2539610 1.9871241 0.1706476 107292836 phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein 1
0.4664923 -0.0583224 0.1628805 4.9120857 0.6227680 0.6140061 107285634 leptin receptor overlapping transcript-like 1
0.4662584 0.6063915 1.4217507 4.4451809 1.7513719 0.2108494 107296026 proline rich coiled-coil 1
0.4661404 -0.1365574 0.0353017 3.8923835 0.8695589 0.4840985 107296342 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 82-like
0.4657538 0.1425440 0.8788354 1.3101861 0.3623700 0.7813869 107292226 UPF0488 protein C8orf33 homolog
0.4656104 0.2140035 0.3672868 1.7100895 0.2400719 0.8667009 107291530 BRCA1-A complex subunit RAP80-like
0.4655599 -0.2388099 1.2626370 4.0028810 1.5270122 0.2589709 107291204 Cdk5 and Abl enzyme substrate 1
0.4649844 -0.1123492 -0.0873719 5.5540017 1.0434775 0.4092373 107291097 protein ABHD14A-like
0.4645578 0.8866833 1.3063388 7.9246073 1.3755098 0.2983299 ERCC-00112
0.4644383 0.5579522 0.2665430 4.0731940 0.1990529 0.8949854 107292279 BCL2 like 13
0.4642306 0.6979653 0.1571510 2.8676276 0.4183284 0.7431922 107288708 ras-related protein Rab-6B-like
0.4641790 2.3247355 1.2250993 1.6392389 3.5538219 0.0484817 107286736 putative sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 10
0.4638951 0.1196813 0.0905926 8.4697777 0.6198446 0.6156800 107291069 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 5
0.4636491 -0.2203963 2.0203392 2.8465598 7.8169209 0.0038610 107285518 neuronal guanine nucleotide exchange factor
0.4635642 2.1149088 2.4030632 -0.1715701 4.7291316 0.0215778 107295191 beta-14-galactosyltransferase 7
0.4630203 0.2451975 0.3748402 4.0245600 0.2370087 0.8688272 107286223 cytochrome c oxidase copper chaperone
0.4628335 -1.9450916 4.2889151 -1.0126836 3.4333107 0.0613825 107296095 cadherin-8-like
0.4620254 0.4661132 0.4126363 2.8465327 0.6306381 0.6093734 107291997 DNA-binding protein SMUBP-2-like
0.4618843 0.9881259 0.2428723 0.6992658 0.5023813 0.6878802 107298756 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3-like
0.4608383 1.0421371 -0.6991236 3.2843391 2.8491862 0.0829756 107297847 interleukin 1 receptor associated kinase 2
0.4605405 0.4132520 0.2082608 2.6837807 0.3697268 0.7763109 107289361 nudix hydrolase 13
0.4601691 -0.9522641 1.3150054 1.8174989 1.7045141 0.2200096 107284128 myosin VB
0.4600652 0.4770011 0.0061588 2.9917099 0.8476022 0.4944891 107288782 EWS RNA binding protein 1
0.4597666 -2.5912025 -3.2476826 0.9769714 4.3777745 0.0272631 107299830 BicC family RNA binding protein 1
0.4596356 0.7901965 0.7449762 2.4708432 0.9697581 0.4394669 107302532 NADPH dependent diflavin oxidoreductase 1
0.4593317 -0.1426931 -0.1847270 3.9735799 1.3759416 0.2980715 107302963 actin-related protein 10 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
0.4587465 -0.2552757 -0.6823362 -0.1840105 0.3884118 0.7634980 107286487 GRAM domain containing 1B
0.4585942 0.5046807 0.3862627 4.6956984 0.6774385 0.5827128 107283797 kelch repeat and BTB domain containing 2
0.4583883 0.9004583 1.0117857 5.1539879 0.3925538 0.7606700 107285053 neurexophilin and PC-esterase domain family member 3
0.4582954 0.1830744 -1.4804864 3.6813787 7.3239826 0.0049592 107294093 anoctamin 5
0.4580766 0.4611417 0.7533481 4.1104800 1.5376654 0.2562793 107287112 kelch like family member 12
0.4579491 0.3909811 1.7080116 3.2605572 2.5302714 0.1074445 107286688 adaptor related protein complex 1 associated regulatory protein
0.4575157 0.5369997 -0.1291195 3.4713951 1.3762261 0.2979917 107286170 SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 2
0.4574126 -0.0244224 0.3556433 5.6207184 0.7674268 0.5343697 107292125 membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 15-like
0.4572921 0.1628553 -0.3539976 5.6528590 2.6850190 0.0945136 107287820 ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 5
0.4571298 0.9459610 0.9929588 6.9076524 2.5106071 0.1091598 107289089 proteasome 26S subunit ATPase 6
0.4557232 0.6962561 -0.2666359 1.5433194 0.7766352 0.5296609 107286114 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 20
0.4553797 0.8856694 -0.1773931 1.4585429 1.5313591 0.2577820 107295640 cAMP responsive element binding protein 1
0.4550423 0.5518409 1.0224457 3.8383177 0.7673551 0.5344253 107303084 retinoic acid receptor alpha
0.4548468 -0.2895018 -0.3708452 6.3098670 1.5322602 0.2576705 107291033 coiled-coil domain containing 25
0.4546054 0.0393491 0.0709455 3.7219437 0.6667656 0.5886732 107290130 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C3orf38
0.4545409 -3.7624576 -0.0810240 0.4254432 6.8970531 0.0061741 107283548 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 6
0.4545114 0.3425366 0.2574488 3.5055994 0.2888814 0.8325806 107283771 TatD DNase domain containing 1
0.4544926 1.0584174 0.1796530 2.2242408 1.5001342 0.2653676 107283996 rhomboid 5 homolog 1 (Drosophila)
0.4542264 0.9844976 -0.7811498 1.2912901 2.0020078 0.1685849 107287374 WD repeat domain 59
0.4540412 -0.5603713 -1.5086237 -0.5127513 0.6077454 0.6228535 107301493 inositol monophosphatase 1-like
0.4540112 -0.8834671 -0.4533172 2.8393088 1.7532872 0.2104842 107294440 NLR family pyrin domain containing 6
0.4532668 0.0338713 0.0002444 1.5041760 0.3765463 0.7716206 107298783 PHD finger protein 20-like 1
0.4530701 1.4481670 1.7202073 5.5888502 3.2459475 0.0609773 107283767 metastasis suppressor 1
0.4530100 0.3594938 0.2130619 2.7920104 0.3836985 0.7667156 107302436 SIVA1 apoptosis inducing factor
0.4528277 -0.9099305 -0.1653769 3.5240340 5.6649323 0.0121438 107286795 PDZ domain containing 8
0.4527952 1.0494377 2.4479033 4.3497787 4.2887376 0.0289405 107301438 keratinocyte-associated protein 2-like
0.4527709 1.1500734 -0.5453507 1.1210512 1.3436190 0.3074265 107299053 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.4526110 0.4077602 1.8951203 3.9391551 3.6729393 0.0444619 107293812 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A domain containing
0.4524904 0.2075907 0.7331815 9.1927280 0.9470558 0.4491463 107287394 protein tyrosine phosphatase type IVA member 1
0.4524061 0.8014243 0.3436725 1.0086616 0.3432173 0.7946479 107301476 cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein 19
0.4523519 1.2916079 1.7710846 5.2294174 5.4787265 0.0136194 107298531 G1 to S phase transition 1
0.4521870 0.3437046 0.0596199 5.9663417 0.9777312 0.4360310 107290307 ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 3 (putative)
0.4518699 0.2240992 -0.3816609 4.5687985 1.4092017 0.2890387 107284129 SMAD family member 4
0.4515865 0.2739851 0.1998070 3.7089779 0.5159773 0.6791822 107287364 ring finger and WD repeat domain 3
0.4515583 -0.5242441 0.2438109 6.3549236 1.1928422 0.3547174 107283661 UBAP1-MVB12-associated (UMA) domain containing 1
0.4506814 -0.6424641 -0.4730637 4.3437443 2.2660444 0.1341197 107293216 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 13B
0.4505212 0.4972721 0.8804584 5.6367028 2.1343392 0.1500317 107283178 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide B
0.4502483 -1.2678250 -1.6825740 1.3339088 2.8756823 0.0812490 107298455 zinc finger protein 160-like
0.4498920 0.0268505 0.0581169 5.8155916 0.8512877 0.4927297 107285790 ganglioside induced differentiation associated protein 2
0.4498509 1.2223675 2.0494063 5.6018725 4.8664849 0.0198403 107302504 15 kDa selenoprotein
0.4495102 0.3810164 0.2355071 6.2802692 0.4900490 0.6958115 107285069 Rab geranylgeranyltransferase beta subunit
0.4493661 0.8468113 1.2397262 5.0931437 2.6270718 0.0992341 107284078 CCAAT/enhancer binding protein gamma
0.4490251 -1.6961271 0.7107033 5.8829428 1.2936466 0.3222953 107299763 uncharacterized LOC107299763
0.4490187 0.3269003 -0.6107851 0.8154321 0.5974721 0.6289661 107289092 thioredoxin domain containing 16
0.4488169 -0.4068844 -0.3222198 5.0465269 2.6332177 0.0985854 107287318 attractin like 1
0.4486160 -0.3176361 0.7215999 3.0723173 1.4943761 0.2669388 107294834 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 15
0.4485394 0.0894241 -0.1094329 2.8960935 0.2244796 0.8775159 107295775 uncharacterized LOC107295775
0.4484574 0.4105112 1.8882512 6.4849042 2.1503582 0.1481253 107300627 solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter) member 5
0.4481351 0.1556824 -0.4138893 6.6178053 2.8256834 0.0843962 107285298 Rho associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase 1
0.4481297 0.3376167 -0.9857066 -0.3665989 0.9688086 0.4398976 107293949 excision repair cross-complementation group 6
0.4480452 0.7580626 -0.1333740 3.3947556 1.1670807 0.3635551 107282462 ataxin 2 like
0.4476473 -0.4476383 -1.7563397 0.0176388 1.0606681 0.4026237 107300253 serine/threonine-protein kinase ULK2-like
0.4471836 0.2352702 0.4940764 2.8935710 0.3503800 0.7896795 107287519 GTP-binding protein 8 (putative)
0.4470237 0.7191380 0.4144815 1.2870774 0.4059776 0.7515380 107297734 alpha tubulin acetyltransferase 1
0.4467437 2.0845012 -0.8186706 0.0659714 2.7067892 0.0930104 107292399 echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 3
0.4465896 -0.4672906 2.7924517 5.2143981 9.0964258 0.0021571 107294289 DENN domain containing 2D
0.4463154 0.3137493 -0.5951388 6.0521185 5.4487179 0.0138034 107286414 ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 2
0.4460498 0.6136310 0.5211923 1.7353106 0.5231396 0.6746442 107293813 uncharacterized LOC107293813
0.4460031 -0.1535653 0.2310373 1.2821578 0.3703234 0.7758995 107293805 essential meiotic structure-specific endonuclease subunit 2
0.4459263 -0.1239003 1.1582824 6.0471331 4.3477611 0.0277312 107293885 CD47 molecule
0.4457433 0.7277037 -0.9043212 0.9847808 1.8024250 0.2013530 107289955 bromodomain and WD repeat domain containing 3
0.4453824 0.5726347 -0.1301607 1.0453292 0.3418907 0.7955693 107282742 TBC1 domain family member 10B-like
0.4451040 0.5563409 0.3073154 0.7315927 0.2396744 0.8669759 107302934 golgin A2
0.4446866 0.4505291 0.0683211 1.4871432 0.3386488 0.7978200 107289932 circadian associated repressor of transcription
0.4443258 0.3344464 -1.8026656 -0.3760477 3.2166212 0.0622777 107282684 aspartate beta-hydroxylase domain-containing protein 2-like
0.4442930 0.5601575 -1.3322553 0.9138661 5.2561365 0.0155074 107284608 hephaestin
0.4442114 1.0570629 1.9280975 5.3191671 3.1911938 0.0635709 107287284 X-box binding protein 1
0.4441659 0.5198316 0.2633486 1.0309726 0.3286621 0.8047722 107296126 DEAD-box helicase 27
0.4437654 -0.3748468 0.8617241 0.3306814 0.8116863 0.5120327 107283783 protein PTHB1-like
0.4437237 1.0475855 1.1398698 1.3002876 2.2367704 0.1373552 107301178 FAST kinase domain-containing protein 1-like
0.4428577 -0.1193591 0.3840289 3.8301182 0.9311473 0.4561138 107300082 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase alpha-like
0.4424185 -0.8013776 -3.5837197 8.0507342 33.4851494 0.0000048 107283268 actin gamma-enteric smooth muscle
0.4423634 -0.1389975 -1.3518541 2.7447561 5.4045827 0.0141815 107282550 proline-rich AKT1 substrate 1-like
0.4421987 1.2265357 1.8367985 2.8698246 2.9190953 0.0785086 107292415 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf98
0.4419657 0.1245234 -0.0830322 1.5508241 0.3595027 0.7833630 107296004 sorting nexin 15
0.4419276 -0.2799933 -0.4090284 4.0860354 1.6281313 0.2358014 107282277 HAUS augmin like complex subunit 8
0.4416092 -0.1802314 0.4490776 4.2209081 1.9338191 0.1788896 107293274 taspase 1
0.4415632 -0.0595743 0.1477565 5.2141761 1.0749676 0.3970182 107292187 AT-rich interaction domain 4A
0.4412067 0.4585441 0.1795313 3.1758077 0.5548943 0.6548024 107294995 calcium modulating ligand
0.4409241 1.3266373 0.9469138 -0.5257449 0.3568694 0.7851872 107284012 ribosomal protein large P2
0.4399902 1.0214998 -0.1533711 3.9349486 0.7775361 0.5292005 107287102 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactosamide-alpha-23-sialyltransferase 2-like
0.4397360 0.8449252 0.4798416 5.9369729 0.7419208 0.5476937 107285157 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf27
0.4395429 -1.1026731 -1.2411819 3.2213272 7.4850409 0.0045451 107296603 uncharacterized protein KIAA1109-like
0.4394471 -0.2553587 0.3538571 0.1755243 0.0482303 0.9852679 107288765 dual adapter for phosphotyrosine and 3-phosphotyrosine and 3-phosphoinositide-like
0.4389147 0.0487444 0.0284385 6.5065090 0.2236412 0.8780957 107291098 interferon-induced transmembrane protein 1-like
0.4388487 0.5384706 -0.1633003 4.9855535 0.6293865 0.6101426 107302762 MYC induced nuclear antigen
0.4387051 0.9053968 0.1070763 2.0048837 1.4195622 0.2861053 107292891 kelch domain containing 4
0.4386485 -0.0341962 0.4379131 4.3510167 0.8741038 0.4820104 107285275 deleted in primary ciliary dyskinesia homolog (mouse)
0.4382745 -0.7862463 -1.0093843 5.0612445 5.0853237 0.0172975 107296170 Ras related GTP binding D
0.4380980 0.1223597 2.0679021 -0.0647039 0.4465993 0.7242824 107301828 zinc finger protein 202-like
0.4380509 -0.2842069 1.3523717 2.0090928 3.0773703 0.0692549 107291361 cytidine deaminase
0.4379832 1.7746151 -3.0875530 0.4776215 7.3744893 0.0048348 107297134 transforming growth factor beta 1 induced transcript 1
0.4378284 0.9313960 0.5551984 -0.2128518 0.4378384 0.7301010 107300701 protein AATF-like
0.4375573 -4.5227107 -0.7231697 6.8175077 51.2339508 0.0000005 107288791 GATS protein-like 3
0.4373580 0.5676887 0.5847230 4.8970897 0.9651221 0.4414423 107291874 UTP20 small subunit processome component
0.4370642 0.4408064 0.3312247 2.7154040 0.3629135 0.7810091 107283425 testis-specific kinase 2
0.4362546 0.0570934 -0.3218996 6.8616279 0.9363741 0.4538958 107285420 PHD finger protein 5A
0.4351751 -0.2282032 -0.4394845 4.8139128 2.1769222 0.1446067 107297188 adaptor protein phosphotyrosine interaction PH domain and leucine zipper containing 1
0.4350189 0.3599718 -1.1950982 2.1107299 2.2340468 0.1378365 107302081 zinc finger protein 268-like
0.4346066 -0.3168632 -0.5645735 4.4843047 1.3386865 0.3088603 107290553 IKBKB interacting protein
0.4339526 -0.3439407 -1.0462414 8.4225144 1.1304558 0.3765270 107302731 actin aortic smooth muscle
0.4337117 -0.3253124 0.2279072 7.2771635 1.9994124 0.1688091 107295005 DEAD-box helicase 46
0.4326220 -0.0285002 -0.7503946 2.7474144 1.4339480 0.2824169 107302364 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 3
0.4324572 0.0632859 -0.3605101 1.1751411 0.6248881 0.6127261 107287827 septin 11
0.4324470 0.2200216 -0.0967025 8.0393086 0.4016451 0.7544810 107294002 myosin regulatory light chain 2 smooth muscle minor isoform
0.4323455 0.3920956 0.7631529 4.2036819 1.2009155 0.3519285 107302155 REST corepressor 1
0.4323386 1.3412391 2.1317373 5.0408647 6.8176121 0.0064368 107295160 derlin 1
0.4321043 -0.5974682 1.1369855 2.4966821 4.1489761 0.0317310 107284946 D-tyrosyl-tRNA deacylase 2 (putative)
0.4320602 0.2211092 -0.2665102 8.8086344 1.0181504 0.4193504 107294929 CD63 molecule
0.4316847 0.1955196 0.5006544 7.1052007 0.6013422 0.6266373 107287214 ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 7 (putative)
0.4316789 0.6330862 0.9048331 6.3879997 2.4383725 0.1158097 107296007 transforming protein RhoA-like
0.4314665 0.4506045 0.6860011 3.5811834 0.0280351 0.9933228 107295607 importin subunit beta-1-like
0.4311895 0.4482989 0.0528327 3.0807486 0.3533463 0.7876249 107296228 syntaxin-4-like
0.4309670 0.5990022 0.0115888 1.3219483 0.4067704 0.7510006 107293704 toll-like receptor 6
0.4309457 -0.0190692 -0.1558769 3.1095509 0.5327137 0.6686273 107290370 LUC7-like
0.4309204 -0.1186227 -0.5716785 1.7610239 0.9197032 0.4612199 107301414 zinc finger protein 883-like
0.4301596 0.2557922 -1.9114931 3.3109016 4.9996501 0.0182449 107284778 lysine methyltransferase 2A
0.4301320 0.5624267 0.0554413 7.0039472 0.9670919 0.4405366 107297762 5’-3’ exoribonuclease 2
0.4300894 -0.3115444 -0.8457000 5.7176419 6.5949200 0.0072046 107287423 MGA MAX dimerization protein
0.4300370 0.6305470 0.2866798 4.2713115 0.5681218 0.6467051 107298171 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L21
0.4296166 0.6930493 1.4798381 1.0439951 1.9189285 0.1812717 ERCC-00058
0.4295327 1.1305373 -0.8626610 -0.0604524 0.8217089 0.5070979 107301533 lipopolysaccharide-binding protein-like
0.4295285 -0.1424683 -0.2677626 3.7410802 0.4921307 0.6944731 107294618 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C12orf73
0.4290320 0.1293921 1.0155630 7.3284074 1.0108366 0.4224175 107286499 transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 4
0.4288337 1.2389912 0.8247997 2.8331126 2.4844953 0.1114594 107282206 CWF19-like 1 cell cycle control (S. pombe)
0.4283176 0.0376266 -0.2121974 6.2436333 1.1214318 0.3796858 107293985 MORC family CW-type zinc finger 3
0.4283169 0.0852719 -0.1523290 4.5866555 1.0465931 0.4080110 107289262 tetraspanin 3
0.4281857 -0.3878089 -0.6849681 0.1558303 0.9746086 0.4373479 107286183 zinc finger protein 345-like
0.4273637 0.3999549 0.4517734 4.7965546 0.6368546 0.6057853 107289025 acid phosphatase 6 lysophosphatidic
0.4271796 1.2660170 0.2609398 0.3089925 1.1591987 0.3661892 107290125 forkhead box N2
0.4269269 -0.9515396 -0.5401129 1.3649967 0.1434183 0.9318878 107301521 acylphosphatase-1-like
0.4262742 0.6927844 0.7033083 2.3332504 0.1513103 0.9268074 107299592 tripartite motif-containing protein 10-like
0.4257591 0.9832412 0.3762753 1.9372936 1.3841883 0.2957678 107292147 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 14
0.4253726 0.5562149 1.4602409 5.4402504 0.8051587 0.5152718 107291449 interferon alpha-inducible protein 27-like protein 2B
0.4252971 0.3976640 0.7435202 6.7327076 1.9386605 0.1781228 107302278 protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 3B
0.4252749 0.0531981 0.3618915 8.1433390 0.5773697 0.6410392 107282822 RAB18 member RAS oncogene family
0.4251957 0.6762785 0.3703712 3.0219039 0.5360723 0.6665345 107295104 URB2 ribosome biogenesis 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
0.4250575 -1.9520997 -2.2930116 1.3894984 11.7020694 0.0007509 107291158 immunoglobulin like domain containing receptor 2
0.4239907 -0.8474433 1.0848608 6.9855642 5.9441285 0.0103844 107285521 EF-hand domain family member D1
0.4239822 -1.1515374 0.1061125 3.2072357 5.8427998 0.0109509 107292659 transmembrane protein 216
0.4239791 0.2650071 0.5991475 5.4211293 1.5593741 0.2511802 107286729 vasculin-like
0.4239380 0.6752449 -0.8573683 4.0726248 4.1378909 0.0320638 107283408 seizure threshold 2 homolog (mouse)
0.4235365 0.0637761 0.5888467 5.9942235 1.9036383 0.1837551 107302715 protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit alpha
0.4232987 0.8692545 0.2389666 2.7971704 1.2818902 0.3257766 107288111 ankyrin repeat and zinc finger domain containing 1
0.4232335 0.5333600 0.0478794 4.4317032 0.9156736 0.4630158 107284406 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 6
0.4229899 -0.4904642 -0.5414369 -0.1026185 0.6889249 0.5762892 107301130 synaptojanin-1-like
0.4220035 0.3195155 0.3472109 3.9095536 0.3967380 0.7578144 107284916 general transcription factor IIIC subunit 3
0.4219792 -0.3585729 -1.1520650 1.9540376 3.6072579 0.0465104 107297309 l(3)mbt-like 3 (Drosophila)
0.4213503 1.5412080 0.8857419 3.7191991 2.2181108 0.1397313 107288605 HtrA serine peptidase 1
0.4211732 0.7210035 0.5589355 5.3653451 1.7647007 0.2081650 107294768 WD repeat domain 82
0.4209248 1.7575106 0.6678775 0.1885625 1.1731931 0.3614371 107293681 de-etiolated homolog 1 (Arabidopsis)
0.4206210 0.1627732 0.0621852 4.6250167 0.6456354 0.6007036 107295809 uncharacterized LOC107295809
0.4200781 0.6820327 -0.2960671 1.1431211 0.8461308 0.4952269 107282730 INO80 complex subunit E-like
0.4198091 0.6355872 -0.6418103 1.6582965 1.5522697 0.2529853 107285668 SH3KBP1 binding protein 1
0.4195342 0.8068564 0.7815615 1.2739093 0.6247059 0.6128726 107295263 exosome component 5
0.4192467 1.4113453 0.1724796 2.4143562 1.7442333 0.2122169 107292835 pleckstrin homology and RhoGEF domain containing G1
0.4189497 -1.2509528 0.4452591 2.4775199 8.8755281 0.0023595 107292750 fibrinogen silencer binding protein
0.4188497 1.8403693 1.4719147 3.7091939 5.9441576 0.0103843 107296168 lanosterol synthase (23-oxidosqualene-lanosterol cyclase)
0.4183074 -1.2533065 0.7092088 4.5684643 13.6301380 0.0003838 107292269 phosphatidylinositol-45-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta
0.4181663 0.8475501 -0.5555478 0.7270633 0.8893671 0.4749931 107292217 telomere maintenance 2
0.4181398 -0.1102109 -0.4920382 3.6831621 1.6700063 0.2268863 107289184 lysine demethylase 3B
0.4179984 0.9107739 0.5662626 3.6755587 1.1588971 0.3664117 107286892 mannosidase alpha class 2B member 1
0.4168295 0.2966693 1.0340602 -0.3509076 0.2411054 0.8659777 107301810 nuclear receptor coactivator 1-like
0.4166947 -0.8164821 0.2253758 1.7275783 0.6810032 0.5807380 107284099 polymerase (DNA) theta
0.4161329 0.5181847 -0.4000511 3.1193248 1.1043650 0.3860678 107287239 Rho GTPase activating protein 11A
0.4159667 0.4829525 -0.2738937 5.4611167 3.1065492 0.0676985 107289321 coiled-coil and C2 domain containing 2A
0.4158807 0.8965837 0.5418074 5.8164990 1.4414759 0.2804358 107283803 HERPUD family member 2
0.4158693 1.2105750 1.5174195 0.9460133 1.1534753 0.3683174 107295092 matrix metallopeptidase 14
0.4152575 0.4337423 0.5020258 0.2152530 0.1530149 0.9257020 107297004 uncharacterized LOC107297004
0.4149119 0.6566287 0.5099625 6.5124668 1.8921643 0.1856439 107296935 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 11
0.4141992 -0.0185714 0.4458909 4.8536202 1.1188096 0.3806424 107291260 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 14A
0.4141702 1.3885588 2.1614441 2.0370353 5.7090726 0.0118411 107293665 HRAS-like suppressor 3
0.4139956 0.9146964 1.3628236 0.3348790 0.9558428 0.4454396 107297030 epoxide hydrolase 1-like
0.4133316 0.6179065 1.9532663 3.9592864 2.8433154 0.0833639 107285365 phospholipase C beta 1
0.4131859 0.0865470 -1.5093463 1.9288527 4.1187051 0.0324885 107299435 conserved oligomeric Golgi complex subunit 5-like
0.4127384 0.6353532 0.5584978 4.3380872 1.4194138 0.2861451 107295829 family with sequence similarity 195 member B
0.4125501 0.7140575 0.1041933 2.9826390 1.2140845 0.3474808 107283437 ring finger protein 220
0.4121620 0.1591541 -0.6829066 3.6989085 2.9040905 0.0792997 107290042 male-specific lethal 2 homolog (Drosophila)
0.4119023 -0.4364332 -0.1345288 2.9278005 0.9153424 0.4632079 107292665 transmembrane protein 138
0.4118611 0.2972512 0.8326401 4.5160987 2.3118041 0.1288418 107296810 solute carrier family 25 member 46
0.4115854 0.0428822 -0.6484243 2.7732989 1.7495772 0.2110485 107290737 zinc finger protein 22-like
0.4111546 0.0760673 -0.0529704 4.6283318 0.6505662 0.5978770 107283572 drosha ribonuclease III
0.4107141 0.1823811 -0.0132933 0.9204679 0.2494946 0.8601361 107283194 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-23-sialyltransferase 5
0.4106188 -1.0916187 -0.4360438 5.8142538 10.6280305 0.0011310 107293591 ubiquitin specific peptidase 8
0.4106102 1.2258594 0.6281350 1.1099803 0.6662238 0.5890255 107299992 dual adapter for phosphotyrosine and 3-phosphotyrosine and 3-phosphoinositide-like
0.4106011 0.4828560 0.4597399 0.8007691 0.2377835 0.8682926 107283938 fem-1 homolog b (C. elegans)
0.4105558 0.4935350 0.7609704 4.9814571 1.7958935 0.2023824 107284053 neuroblastoma RAS viral (v-ras) oncogene homolog
0.4098915 0.3023222 0.1660849 8.8314543 0.4180444 0.7433731 107294602 WD repeat domain 1
0.4097966 -0.5095086 -0.8863888 0.9678729 1.5767363 0.2471831 107289118 G protein-coupled receptor 146
0.4096937 0.6493522 0.5558753 0.7902866 0.3906647 0.7619519 107287049 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L48
0.4095688 0.7280229 -0.1891977 2.7971627 1.4104303 0.2885832 107291455 periplasmic beta-glucosidase-like
0.4095324 0.8514083 0.5995499 2.0860476 1.2599388 0.3326383 107294117 HAUS augmin like complex subunit 4
0.4093571 1.3927032 1.1331929 0.7031936 1.8322948 0.1958613 107285681 SERTA domain containing 1
0.4091619 0.5967146 0.1664715 3.6090629 0.3509947 0.7892535 107302875 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf112
0.4090243 0.2773847 0.3662051 5.5723080 0.7237393 0.5573128 107290648 pleiotropic regulator 1
0.4089793 -0.5063984 -0.2887748 5.3256570 2.0225471 0.1654872 107287410 ATPase phospholipid transporting 9B (putative)
0.4088017 0.1404126 -0.0892644 4.4456448 0.3683398 0.7772704 107290888 heparan sulfate 2-O-sulfotransferase 1
0.4081414 0.6156394 -0.7634119 1.8357835 2.3707543 0.1225936 107299471 inositol 145-trisphosphate receptor-interacting protein-like
0.4080410 0.7037150 -0.0609206 2.9938494 1.4451694 0.2793271 107300226 zinc finger protein 850-like
0.4065684 -0.4455776 0.5074448 4.2776787 1.9032067 0.1839860 107290635 nudix hydrolase 1
0.4059388 0.2332254 0.9879301 3.5718110 1.5716313 0.2484563 107289375 ring finger protein 114
0.4057154 1.2057431 1.3027261 5.0640094 2.3375881 0.1262155 107284709 transducin (beta)-like 2
0.4052799 0.1215207 0.1218493 5.5167471 0.6678426 0.5880658 107297354 ring finger protein 20
0.4051439 0.2507093 -0.7595759 0.1033858 0.6378100 0.6052559 107286784 Rho GTPase activating protein 44
0.4048169 0.5574852 0.4547523 5.0850067 1.3510092 0.3051565 107300418 tocopherol (alpha) transfer protein-like
0.4046111 0.7179464 0.2077916 5.8677210 0.7919730 0.5218759 107290301 methyltransferase like 5
0.4043663 0.9812174 1.2690157 2.3906292 2.1119692 0.1530874 107296698 metaxin 1
0.4037757 0.7229519 -0.2909325 2.9007089 2.4569965 0.1140222 107282251 REX1 RNA exonuclease 1 homolog
0.4034779 1.1196388 0.8723840 0.5055809 0.5062159 0.6854255 107298098 stromal cell-derived factor 2-like
0.4027829 1.4484189 0.9727040 2.7627859 3.2392215 0.0612102 107282712 uncharacterized LOC107282712
0.4024150 0.5761658 0.4577534 7.0498798 0.3340239 0.8010392 107296734 H-2 class I histocompatibility antigen Q9 alpha chain-like
0.4022262 -0.4546627 -0.6086932 4.5903954 3.0631381 0.0700115 107288959 cytoplasmic linker associated protein 1
0.4021358 0.3817618 -0.6269932 -0.3770245 0.8018335 0.5168615 107286867 Fanconi anemia core complex associated protein 100
0.4018709 0.4119012 0.3911367 3.9779679 0.5534453 0.6556978 107283852 cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial (putative)
0.4018674 0.0878300 -2.1922066 1.9321095 13.0177057 0.0004712 107295407 chloride intracellular channel 2
0.4013238 -0.8289305 -0.0843622 6.9222760 2.5864880 0.1025855 107292563 microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3
0.4012290 4.1338208 -4.8013811 5.4890845 23.9913933 0.0000265 107299624 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 8
0.4006936 0.9290377 1.1447279 3.1470209 0.8211624 0.5073658 107300936 cyclin-H-like
0.4006090 0.0062542 -0.4055635 6.4019276 2.3560875 0.1241004 107301416 A-kinase anchoring protein 8
0.4001006 1.8840748 -0.3480657 7.7291246 7.2349079 0.0051780 107294936 annexin A6
0.4000487 -0.1271344 0.5211166 6.6709852 1.1920604 0.3548941 107289027 charged multivesicular body protein 2B
0.3999771 -0.1111140 0.1199627 1.9981327 0.0250255 0.9943496 107301259 X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 5-like
0.3999612 0.6336691 0.5888200 -0.3787222 0.2249339 0.8772032 107299486 PET117 homolog
0.3993693 0.7742931 0.9644948 7.1494104 2.0037875 0.1682518 107302380 USO1 vesicle transport factor
0.3990744 0.6433955 0.3699174 4.9481489 0.3293699 0.8042802 107302409 DEAH-box helicase 8
0.3990264 0.1443421 0.7305519 4.1089362 1.6324176 0.2348338 107283128 lactamase beta
0.3990000 -0.1391230 -0.5500086 2.6433114 1.0720945 0.3981918 107291267 TATA-box binding protein associated factor RNA polymerase I subunit B
0.3989433 0.4016073 0.9032292 3.2739356 1.2031074 0.3512241 107282395 THAP domain containing 7
0.3988735 0.1504670 -1.5695118 1.4740137 4.0172014 0.0348467 107283399 Rho GTPase activating protein 25
0.3986017 -0.6594763 1.2596044 4.3690153 2.5871075 0.1025334 107291351 allograft inflammatory factor 1-like
0.3983256 0.7273723 0.2659133 4.3654476 1.0513326 0.4062258 107294282 ssu-2 homolog (C. elegans)
0.3979194 0.6127669 0.3228297 4.0983111 0.9516873 0.4471405 107284681 programmed cell death 11
0.3975467 0.2808462 -0.1553824 1.3743175 0.1934988 0.8987634 107300877 set1/Ash2 histone methyltransferase complex subunit ASH2-like
0.3974964 -1.0931517 -4.6624415 6.6550968 22.7796445 0.0000343 107299791 phospholamban
0.3973760 0.7145924 0.7605735 4.4812439 1.1660705 0.3639065 107284064 testis-expressed sequence 10 protein homolog
0.3973121 -0.0171641 -0.1269963 2.9904966 0.7056131 0.5671198 107290064 motile sperm domain containing 2
0.3969999 0.5146818 -0.0235051 1.3998751 0.6516811 0.5972395 107297631 coiled-coil alpha-helical rod protein 1-like
0.3969508 -0.0313723 -1.4992002 4.4655172 6.4133863 0.0079937 107300938 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
0.3964435 0.2986563 -2.1020362 2.5698065 4.4736780 0.0255812 107282379 proline rich 12
0.3960724 0.5000509 -1.4565896 2.3330886 8.3184562 0.0030421 107291169 Fli-1 proto-oncogene ETS transcription factor
0.3955384 -1.2027470 -0.5331282 6.3537175 10.4415911 0.0012179 107293674 praja ring finger ubiquitin ligase 2
0.3953332 0.2949107 -0.4175133 5.5320331 2.5507280 0.1054919 107293077 YLP motif containing 1
0.3947525 0.3477490 -0.1418363 1.0483673 0.3284504 0.8049198 107295203 highly divergent homeobox
0.3947072 1.0625001 1.3034973 4.0458581 1.5889836 0.2445568 107303076 mediator complex subunit 24
0.3947003 -0.4325807 -0.0072530 8.5479799 1.3133362 0.3162133 107295367 protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B’ gamma
0.3945578 -1.2130755 1.0767908 2.2947021 7.6419245 0.0042055 107292577 rhophilin Rho GTPase binding protein 2
0.3942677 0.1906332 0.2377374 1.3971528 0.0973155 0.9599907 107288699 nicolin 1
0.3942675 0.0824841 -0.0182930 4.9832278 0.4474119 0.7237390 107293215 NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransferase family member 3
0.3942058 0.3884448 0.4503843 2.0082012 0.1501204 0.9275775 107285311 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 16-like
0.3940914 3.5962260 2.0289092 2.7015023 7.5327202 0.0044681 107290536 macrophage stimulating 1 receptor
0.3939524 0.5047363 -0.2237286 3.0606670 1.6627995 0.2283865 107291172 G elongation factor mitochondrial 2
0.3935580 -0.0848976 -0.9151611 2.9643516 1.8304487 0.1963453 107295363 zinc finger protein OZF-like
0.3930331 0.7999370 -1.7590065 4.9787664 5.8257356 0.0111134 107284221 host cell factor C1
0.3929882 -0.1347579 -0.3196661 5.3812477 1.5353897 0.2568204 107303167 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D
0.3929405 -0.0024036 0.1124285 5.0754073 0.5597434 0.6518131 107291600 establishment of sister chromatid cohesion N-acetyltransferase 1
0.3928836 1.1510440 -1.1505232 0.7133251 1.7025144 0.2204103 107282637 TBK1 binding protein 1
0.3927142 -0.2470736 -0.8578960 0.5635657 1.4936507 0.2669734 107282729 HIRA interacting protein 3
0.3926483 -0.2504366 -0.2619856 3.8886617 1.3720015 0.2991791 107286322 tubulin gamma complex associated protein 6
0.3924244 0.4198108 -2.2395188 3.1459231 18.6307216 0.0000900 107296990 ras homolog family member J
0.3923684 -0.7507973 -0.3538541 1.5627477 0.5635420 0.6495096 107298520 unc-51 like autophagy activating kinase 2
0.3922230 1.2586435 2.4718512 2.8570669 8.9199969 0.0023155 107298905 DEAD-box helicase 54
0.3920291 0.9386755 -1.3562267 -0.6346921 2.0941604 0.1555247 107297010 WD repeat domain 73
0.3915107 0.4727040 -0.0076992 2.5820426 0.5571751 0.6533950 107288549 microcephalin 1
0.3915062 0.4806867 0.6512302 7.3327892 0.5257456 0.6730236 107297686 family with sequence similarity 120A
0.3912132 1.3427932 0.7263803 0.9002437 1.1435314 0.3718401 107292986 protein phosphatase 1H
0.3909597 0.0861886 0.9882003 4.6420912 1.4490685 0.2784532 107295618 coiled-coil domain containing 28A
0.3908844 0.1068240 0.1632731 0.3779108 0.0583309 0.9806232 107286532 X-linked retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator-like
0.3903726 0.5240910 0.1007770 6.4013253 0.8636111 0.4868916 107290886 RAN binding protein 2
0.3899766 0.8259747 1.5052316 1.6941517 1.3367365 0.3094291 ERCC-00077
0.3895497 -0.1336647 1.9021466 3.2009097 6.4360947 0.0078714 107297485 GPI ethanolamine phosphate transferase 2-like
0.3894296 1.1040070 -1.5966551 0.7907365 2.2251395 0.1388920 107296341 mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 2
0.3890550 0.8877319 1.5178359 3.6181769 4.0065735 0.0350741 107284022 par-3 family cell polarity regulator
0.3887524 0.3215349 -0.4509228 4.6526444 2.0225679 0.1654772 107284363 natural killer cell triggering receptor
0.3884688 0.3704964 -0.0488018 0.0465546 0.0859668 0.9663679 107299757 minichromosome maintenance 9 homologous recombination repair factor
0.3883278 0.5923017 0.8244952 5.4328155 0.3897228 0.7626024 107291205 C-X-C motif chemokine 11-like
0.3882145 -0.3710661 0.3218115 2.8332965 1.0410656 0.4102304 107291824 succinyl-CoA ligase [ADP/GDP-forming] subunit alpha mitochondrial-like
0.3881683 0.9017711 -1.7658265 0.7362629 1.5370140 0.2565821 107282721 coronin-1A-like
0.3881014 0.2372474 0.1972015 3.6264200 0.1553528 0.9241815 107283806 KIAA0895 ortholog
0.3880580 -0.0153653 -1.0036010 5.3312934 4.2041091 0.0306469 107282612 lysine acetyltransferase 7
0.3877744 0.2045035 -0.6153805 5.0905773 2.5152490 0.1087410 107288301 AT-rich interaction domain 2
0.3877046 -0.0613224 -1.3876355 0.7965443 1.3563688 0.3037538 107296144 dipeptidyl peptidase 9
0.3875637 0.1651396 0.3236791 6.0288687 0.4709892 0.7081931 107297908 NudC domain containing 1
0.3874984 -0.5600802 -0.2100792 6.1855104 1.7839370 0.2047219 107286345 DEK proto-oncogene
0.3873571 -0.4511673 0.3623247 2.6338867 1.3792277 0.2971512 107302671 primase and DNA directed polymerase
0.3871322 0.1136921 0.7880316 2.3315686 0.4500612 0.7219870 107296001 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L49
0.3870648 -0.1044763 0.7968169 1.2033391 0.1100619 0.9525385 107301486 glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase-like
0.3870347 0.2961476 0.2804222 2.8056616 0.3662750 0.7786885 107284505 RNA binding motif protein 15B
0.3868655 -0.5132586 -0.8597487 3.1806045 3.0791885 0.0691459 107298776 ubiquitin like domain containing CTD phosphatase 1
0.3868425 -0.3024377 -0.1803754 6.4849894 1.2083642 0.3493819 107285210 ankyrin repeat domain 46
0.3866810 -0.5254324 -1.1042570 4.7792343 8.9022273 0.0023316 107286808 PDS5 cohesin associated factor B
0.3862087 1.8469630 2.1675872 1.1174335 1.3349130 0.3099621 107301285 protein SDA1 homolog
0.3860530 0.4858916 1.7766737 2.0253489 2.0750590 0.1581346 107303319 endo/exonuclease (5’-3’) endonuclease G-like
0.3859340 0.5597456 -0.3377169 2.7247465 1.1417574 0.3724723 107301547 zinc finger protein 595-like
0.3859170 1.3767981 2.0719991 3.9057151 4.8184560 0.0204550 107283644 Bet1 golgi vesicular membrane trafficking protein
0.3855310 1.5358504 0.5891525 1.3350897 2.5500432 0.1055515 107292315 APEX nuclease (multifunctional DNA repair enzyme) 1
0.3854291 0.3503993 -0.2316929 2.9138624 0.6984877 0.5710547 107302745 cullin 4B
0.3851993 0.6873093 0.9091938 2.5717852 0.0445866 0.9868524 107299783 uncharacterized LOC107299783
0.3851776 0.9343222 1.6156162 2.8986264 1.5236975 0.2597680 ERCC-00051
0.3850123 -0.2628162 -0.2965584 2.0766757 0.4089570 0.7495222 107283563 La ribonucleoprotein domain family member 4B
0.3850012 1.0361453 1.0140985 4.5683036 3.8387587 0.0393818 107283223 family with sequence similarity 104 member A
0.3847279 -0.1354561 0.7631003 7.7234359 2.1672932 0.1458136 107293195 shisa family member 5
0.3844914 1.1335170 2.2018000 5.8995327 6.5068135 0.0075981 107293084 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 10
0.3840810 0.1379989 0.0667310 4.8175732 0.3352453 0.8001887 107302499 diphthamide biosynthesis 5
0.3839085 0.5650041 0.3473476 3.6451304 0.5312127 0.6695822 107294497 interferon gamma receptor 1
0.3836989 0.2144824 0.0510120 2.3162367 0.2078346 0.8889856 107291845 iduronidase alpha-L-
0.3836579 -0.2977837 0.0016191 5.6748568 1.2086605 0.3492832 107290436 transcription factor Dp-1
0.3831419 3.1392425 2.0212875 3.7463285 13.0685422 0.0004685 107292575 alanyl-tRNA synthetase
0.3831266 -0.9090054 -1.8347985 7.3586813 7.8046898 0.0039109 107284911 coenzyme Q10B
0.3829470 0.7829821 0.8243036 1.3044099 1.1742825 0.3609426 107294311 transmembrane protein 222
0.3828388 2.4049304 3.4194736 0.9710265 5.3168566 0.0150101 107301072 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactosamide-alpha-23-sialyltransferase 1-like
0.3826328 0.8220802 0.3650471 3.7179825 1.7304049 0.2147379 107299753 deoxyhypusine synthase-like
0.3825965 -0.3295990 -0.2767008 8.5991269 1.3145511 0.3158500 107286519 DEAD-box helicase 3 X-linked
0.3823404 -0.9488046 0.8863469 -0.1102033 1.1372291 0.3740913 107301775 delta(35)-Delta(24)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase mitochondrial-like
0.3822309 0.6020337 -1.0299825 4.1867769 3.2875848 0.0590867 107285345 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A6
0.3821913 0.5258183 0.1823360 2.0988401 0.4244176 0.7390839 107297956 FAST kinase domain-containing protein 1-like
0.3820745 0.0098688 -0.5447496 5.7856540 1.1801970 0.3590263 107282511 nuclear factor of activated T-cells cytoplasmic calcineurin-dependent 2 interacting protein
0.3819544 0.6640700 2.2464180 4.5815428 11.4806700 0.0008152 107283424 uncharacterized LOC107283424
0.3818237 2.0109940 0.4525652 1.8149675 1.9331008 0.1791644 107285033 tripartite motif containing 56
0.3816114 0.1095903 -0.9273505 5.3099614 1.1998360 0.3523581 107286402 polycomb group ring finger 2
0.3814910 0.8236035 -0.0704515 2.7518442 1.4899006 0.2679072 107298906 zinc finger protein with KRAB and SCAN domains 5-like
0.3813627 -0.4600788 -2.3429584 4.7545166 9.6041526 0.0017337 107302560 transmembrane 6 superfamily member 1
0.3811581 0.3507436 -2.0219967 -0.5303111 1.9451669 0.1772588 107294760 platelet glycoprotein 4-like
0.3804419 0.6185804 -3.6313179 2.1365838 49.8916294 0.0000006 107288679 adhesion molecule with Ig-like domain 3
0.3801846 0.7520415 1.2404665 0.3956461 0.0958569 0.9608247 107300062 ataxin-2-like protein
0.3798007 0.0608831 0.3992183 2.9831798 0.4371182 0.7305790 107302944 FIG4 phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase
0.3796586 0.6042497 0.9423702 4.8684961 1.8120193 0.1996225 107285077 zinc finger homeobox protein 4-like
0.3794680 -0.1054619 0.4630239 6.3741607 0.9499540 0.4479374 107282901 RAB5A member RAS oncogene family
0.3794085 0.5869794 0.5273316 2.0519971 0.3298847 0.8039215 107300104 GTPase IMAP family member 2-like
0.3793844 1.7221511 -1.8449280 0.4062355 5.4913283 0.0135175 107299178 unc-51 like autophagy activating kinase 1
0.3790225 0.4314582 0.1121185 5.0742893 0.3045124 0.8216387 107299497 DNA repair protein complementing XP-A cells homolog
0.3785418 0.2472567 0.5602137 6.7571820 1.2858478 0.3245559 107285881 transformer 2 beta homolog (Drosophila)
0.3773501 0.6270894 1.3706741 5.5307980 4.3973434 0.0268302 107289278 activating signal cointegrator 1 complex subunit 3
0.3770468 0.4738303 -0.7939359 0.1573312 1.1932488 0.3544740 107296466 breast carcinoma amplified sequence 3
0.3766319 -0.0997641 0.1082674 3.3678187 0.3274971 0.8055853 107299462 nucleolar protein 8-like
0.3765546 -0.0186793 -0.4065377 1.0341491 0.4059939 0.7515270 107298419 carboxypeptidase D
0.3763987 -0.6774677 0.6438918 1.6151187 0.4699494 0.7088907 107288697 glutathione peroxidase 1-like
0.3760346 0.9333979 0.3295901 3.1190041 1.2150388 0.3472510 107284163 G patch domain-containing protein 4-like
0.3760238 0.0284325 -0.0827813 5.8133837 0.7651081 0.5355227 107290898 protein geranylgeranyltransferase type I subunit beta
0.3760023 -3.1973980 -1.1206305 1.5319178 6.4423729 0.0078685 107294672 malic enzyme 3 NADP(+)-dependent mitochondrial
0.3757529 0.0798508 0.0121486 5.4353312 0.2815955 0.8376829 107291323 pre-mRNA processing factor 40 homolog A
0.3755951 -0.0086495 2.2265854 -0.1093253 0.6756851 0.5837079 107301888 uncharacterized LOC107301888
0.3754744 0.9329843 0.4103982 4.5173103 2.1202849 0.1518727 107302758 microtubule associated protein RP/EB family member 1
0.3752853 0.6710100 1.1400467 1.8656164 0.2062745 0.8900507 107296031 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 beta
0.3751184 -0.2032777 0.4591863 5.5953231 2.1465269 0.1484557 107291037 F-box protein 28
0.3748440 -0.2518841 0.0318269 1.5986054 0.2591250 0.8534074 107294588 RUN and FYVE domain containing 3
0.3744689 -0.2203946 -0.5757415 6.0449712 1.1565822 0.3672240 107284461 uncharacterized LOC107284461
0.3744662 0.9943422 -0.1877203 4.4158997 0.6210606 0.6150061 107282495 CD37 molecule
0.3744505 0.5485328 -0.6371212 -0.0133514 0.5720902 0.6442829 107297409 X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis
0.3743004 0.7440068 0.4886255 4.5080951 1.8970097 0.1848436 107289463 nucleoporin Nup37-like
0.3742780 0.6123706 3.0404443 3.0192816 7.0099423 0.0058220 107295152 sterile alpha motif domain containing 12
0.3734512 2.1483799 2.9972576 0.9617923 6.1587530 0.0092002 107294701 xylosylprotein beta 14-galactosyltransferase polypeptide 7
0.3729900 0.8858347 0.2699293 3.8718275 1.8612593 0.1908411 107295848 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 14
0.3726342 0.9258529 0.9498715 2.4516513 2.2295139 0.1382120 107300731 alpha-(13)-fucosyltransferase 11-like
0.3725527 0.3799719 0.1424429 2.9186481 0.2884521 0.8328822 107302805 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2K
0.3723126 0.2063246 0.2903558 4.6774204 0.2008820 0.8937378 107303321 WD repeat domain 48
0.3722331 0.3519102 -0.7511611 3.5409256 1.9826015 0.1714911 107287805 R3H domain containing 2
0.3722004 -0.1080055 0.0860496 3.0153350 0.4440649 0.7259520 107291016 F-box-like/WD repeat-containing protein TBL1X
0.3721960 0.0049328 -0.7745749 4.5439948 3.4975362 0.0504147 107299446 zinc finger protein 84-like
0.3719134 -0.3025899 0.0283316 1.8988777 0.7082838 0.5656649 107298738 probable asparagine–tRNA ligase mitochondrial
0.3717045 -0.3031763 2.8295889 5.8908784 26.8756807 0.0000146 107283276 vesicle associated membrane protein 8
0.3716344 0.0344951 1.1286070 4.7383728 2.8907734 0.0802841 107290513 proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 6
0.3714763 -1.8313431 2.5678898 0.7133710 3.5792577 0.0475892 107284690 neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
0.3713352 0.1140156 -0.5337144 6.0981176 1.6382451 0.2337346 107288015 replication protein A2
0.3712197 -2.2824277 0.4288109 6.6546188 31.2536790 0.0000067 107294341 adenylate kinase 4
0.3709331 0.6046296 -0.0245603 7.7662885 0.6684837 0.5877515 107294918 S-phase kinase-associated protein 1
0.3706484 0.5173096 0.3864629 5.0038842 1.3647202 0.3012378 107287670 WD repeat domain 33
0.3704696 0.7590604 0.4272877 3.8678927 1.9959971 0.1693178 107287524 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 J2
0.3702804 0.2185579 -1.4387994 2.9433210 4.8185648 0.0204536 107298405 conserved oligomeric Golgi complex subunit 5-like
0.3693545 -0.5543471 0.4365029 2.7130559 1.9717722 0.1729765 107283505 transmembrane protein 231
0.3685399 -0.5830216 -0.9666549 3.3402031 5.1400134 0.0166531 107289163 rabaptin RAB GTPase binding effector protein 1
0.3684002 0.2365961 0.7812551 2.8460483 1.0888748 0.3917445 107298908 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B14
0.3681087 -0.6438868 -0.3916500 4.2461021 1.7077253 0.2193678 107282760 coiled-coil domain containing 126
0.3680986 0.4706366 0.8955818 8.1107135 1.5288459 0.2583835 107287042 chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 6A
0.3674307 -0.0082858 -0.0746444 4.2241671 0.7233491 0.5575223 107284893 DEAH-box helicase 36
0.3672178 -0.1233448 0.3281428 1.5297331 0.5823195 0.6380399 107296343 uncharacterized LOC107296343
0.3671739 0.3405710 -0.1107033 2.2259938 0.0166356 0.9969087 107296211 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11-like
0.3668661 0.1366755 -0.3506663 3.9002679 1.5788576 0.2466996 107287997 lin-37 DREAM MuvB core complex component
0.3668112 1.7653247 2.5098732 -0.4467165 1.9023247 0.1841305 107296812 transmembrane protein 232
0.3666754 -2.6562025 -0.7206044 2.1784386 3.5437863 0.0488392 107300855 protein Niban-like
0.3666163 0.3607520 -0.0914247 1.4874348 0.1649369 0.9178971 107293584 CLIP-associating protein 1-like
0.3664545 -0.3266395 -0.6944596 3.1609509 3.0263155 0.0720451 107292387 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 14
0.3662628 -0.0178813 0.8226340 1.1636929 0.4157086 0.7449588 107287332 proteasome (prosome macropain) assembly chaperone 4
0.3656925 0.7262516 -0.3502643 1.8696299 1.4138276 0.2876479 107287278 tuftelin interacting protein 11
0.3655925 0.4590099 -0.4058877 2.1971012 0.0631306 0.9782982 107292168 DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 7-like
0.3653937 1.0735544 0.3770942 1.0756989 1.3164064 0.3152961 107303230 proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 10
0.3653446 1.4658243 1.3914736 0.1168317 0.7756433 0.5301681 107301608 60S ribosomal protein L27a-like
0.3651770 0.5273846 0.4643067 2.2973637 0.5496498 0.6580477 107292034 glycerol kinase 5 (putative)
0.3649906 0.1513610 -1.5647181 0.1934836 1.6618526 0.2287384 107291651 excision repair cross-complementation group 2
0.3648038 0.5347951 2.1897591 2.5696495 8.6788023 0.0025779 107288004 beta-14-galactosyltransferase 3-like
0.3641889 1.1532888 1.3224925 8.6899483 5.0485522 0.0176251 107284850 DEAD-box helicase 5
0.3641130 -0.3751687 0.4640826 0.8931997 0.4941998 0.6931387 107296415 EF-hand calcium binding domain 9
0.3639423 0.4668384 0.1916215 4.1924496 0.5083884 0.6840258 107298407 RNA binding motif protein 17
0.3638381 0.3729822 0.7734708 5.2409798 1.4870766 0.2686249 107297520 RRN3 homolog RNA polymerase I transcription factor
0.3637450 -0.0229483 0.3042854 0.5310916 0.1382177 0.9352014 107285508 family with sequence similarity 167 member B
0.3637318 0.8159212 0.9974544 4.4701063 0.8312433 0.5024468 107286890 syntaxin-10-like
0.3629959 0.1241677 1.0221278 5.3118587 1.4227174 0.2854012 107290621 interleukin 10 receptor subunit beta
0.3628593 0.9984245 -1.3898559 -0.5006907 1.2764053 0.3276054 107299536 GTPase IMAP family member 7-like
0.3622510 0.5725637 -0.4025109 3.7873984 2.1297171 0.1506540 107294583 pecanex homolog 4 (Drosophila)
0.3620724 -0.0840461 0.4905185 6.9576586 0.7594982 0.5384910 107303258 membrane magnesium transporter 1
0.3619437 0.2221006 -0.2405943 4.5971842 1.7429077 0.2123151 107288495 zinc finger protein 131
0.3618458 0.3925576 -0.0246575 3.8718765 0.6280654 0.6108715 107290506 uncharacterized LOC107290506
0.3613342 0.0923908 -0.1029341 5.6581709 0.5101794 0.6828825 107285792 receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 1
0.3609606 0.5212042 -0.5845676 7.8085200 1.4050603 0.2901635 107290664 ankyrin 3 node of Ranvier (ankyrin G)
0.3608021 0.3640270 0.7800323 4.4937382 1.1459426 0.3709826 107295989 oxysterol binding protein
0.3605969 1.9447165 2.2170893 8.7535465 3.8114797 0.0402630 107289787 protein disulfide isomerase family A member 3
0.3604443 0.6009821 0.1704057 2.2224300 0.2017013 0.8931785 107284800 DEAD-box helicase 6
0.3602360 0.2571756 0.0532165 3.1402905 0.2806476 0.8383490 107295745 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 3
0.3600578 0.1930366 -0.4426797 3.6112798 2.1639558 0.1462346 107285870 TBCC domain containing 1
0.3595277 0.9519345 1.8721613 -0.2144558 1.9556829 0.1754558 107292766 WD repeat domain 6
0.3592619 -1.5192609 -1.6326344 1.3952250 1.8501096 0.1929157 107289254 secreted frizzled-related protein 1
0.3592295 -0.0251500 3.5449292 1.8908295 13.4561472 0.0004066 107294572 P2Y purinoceptor 2-like
0.3589831 0.1369126 -1.1094226 0.0076192 1.5101290 0.2629253 107295460 inositol-tetrakisphosphate 1-kinase
0.3580126 0.3482586 -0.1897327 1.8659163 0.8238205 0.5059927 107292992 serologically defined colon cancer antigen 8
0.3578888 0.1366913 0.4821944 5.3448718 0.3585919 0.7839964 107301668 uncharacterized LOC107301668
0.3578566 0.2916656 -0.5584796 4.9606944 3.6037905 0.0466280 107291452 splicing factor proline/glutamine-rich
0.3577877 0.9561747 0.0633581 2.8419620 0.9861779 0.4325844 107292570 nudix hydrolase 19
0.3575044 -0.2162630 -0.2989076 6.3992081 1.1401809 0.3729302 107293692 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2E 3
0.3570773 -0.1856151 3.7982195 6.4659550 3.3191756 0.0576973 107297851 ERO1-like protein beta
0.3569949 0.3745355 -0.4241593 2.3270496 1.1643540 0.3643870 107288780 fidgetin
0.3569919 0.2176909 -0.1961054 2.3610200 0.3487780 0.7907898 107284384 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1-like
0.3558007 -0.6290290 0.1567278 4.2158388 1.3003534 0.3202550 107294156 transmembrane protein 42
0.3557260 0.2019949 -1.9350645 5.5356499 13.5974309 0.0003927 107287323 NHL repeat-containing protein 2-like
0.3556859 -0.1303770 -0.5816552 4.9454128 1.4437197 0.2798483 107284270 collagen type IV alpha 2
0.3556729 -0.5660924 -0.6783938 5.1671795 5.1195741 0.0168648 107293507 SET binding factor 2
0.3553694 0.3156414 -1.3587498 5.1959497 5.2746915 0.0153991 107285985 RAB12 member RAS oncogene family
0.3553067 -0.5455991 -0.3474125 6.0289020 3.1094764 0.0675458 107302486 RNA binding motif protein 12B
0.3552807 -0.8336776 -0.5991796 1.3826713 1.4457337 0.2791985 107291825 FGGY carbohydrate kinase domain-containing protein-like
0.3549630 0.4419622 0.3001503 4.3916997 0.3156745 0.8138354 107288784 THO complex 5
0.3546034 -0.5275125 -0.9689820 1.3417361 1.0580813 0.4036270 107283943 Bloom syndrome RecQ like helicase
0.3545071 -2.0992771 -0.2189669 2.5330275 5.5279638 0.0132265 107289380 par-6 family cell polarity regulator beta
0.3543737 0.5254404 0.5151427 6.0683101 0.9712829 0.4387549 107288086 cell division cycle and apoptosis regulator 1
0.3539622 0.3726283 0.4981009 4.0522548 0.2577776 0.8543490 107290397 uncharacterized LOC107290397
0.3530796 -1.4867723 -1.5788488 -0.3377716 0.8866098 0.4762610 107288802 TBC1 domain family member 10A
0.3530320 0.6111992 -0.4754869 1.6022029 0.6574898 0.5939729 107302548 RAB member RAS oncogene family-like 6
0.3527398 3.7924026 4.4214754 4.4459873 12.4777533 0.0005744 107285356 solute carrier family 7 member 11
0.3527064 1.6513952 -2.6394173 0.4361869 5.2461482 0.0156691 107287562 ETS variant 2
0.3524748 0.4923496 0.0970044 3.0602830 0.5731126 0.6436280 107285080 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 11
0.3516471 1.1872413 1.0104945 1.3716965 0.6140207 0.6191445 107296707 ring finger protein 5 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
0.3515735 0.4620958 0.0222215 1.9431300 0.4654546 0.7118204 107293807 squamous cell carcinoma antigen recognized by T-cells 1
0.3511738 0.0508290 0.1003940 1.0457865 0.1197631 0.9466937 107300344 zinc finger protein 449-like
0.3507578 0.8913030 -1.0504594 2.6647874 2.7911606 0.0869065 107296331 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 12
0.3505659 0.1553196 0.5947690 3.6213052 0.3886666 0.7633239 107302377 integrator complex subunit 10
0.3502460 -0.4783637 -0.1036307 6.4146814 1.1763603 0.3603448 107283442 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit b
0.3500627 1.2035317 2.2412995 8.1189720 3.9431323 0.0366933 107286945 signal sequence receptor gamma (translocon-associated protein gamma)
0.3497975 1.2268520 1.6491517 0.8002804 2.0296512 0.1645061 107296703 flavin adenine dinucleotide synthetase 1
0.3497678 -0.3572934 0.0381903 2.4377579 0.8884318 0.4753415 107292369 decapping enzyme scavenger
0.3493859 0.9577126 -2.0821254 1.5072988 4.6924786 0.0221758 107298504 heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2
0.3493493 0.1377397 -0.3363130 0.9656896 0.4010529 0.7548749 107288673 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
0.3490692 1.1392284 0.3513691 0.9925858 0.4645465 0.7124331 107300447 GTPase IMAP family member 8-like
0.3481810 0.0825898 0.4356876 5.2118797 0.7238395 0.5572591 107286212 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C15orf57
0.3478877 0.9417644 -0.0250330 2.0569720 0.8233987 0.5062705 107291615 plexin A1
0.3465139 -0.6153646 -0.1007865 -0.0917128 0.2164921 0.8830305 107286069 collagen alpha-6(VI) chain-like
0.3464192 2.7269773 0.5035259 1.4217361 1.5105873 0.2629475 107298446 phospholipid transfer protein
0.3459992 1.3367906 2.7859369 4.9126491 5.6724915 0.0121474 107291261 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 5
0.3459988 0.3163877 -0.8770239 5.8039022 1.9631946 0.1744542 107290852 up-regulated during skeletal muscle growth 5 homolog (mouse)
0.3459532 -0.5721884 0.0808527 2.1598678 0.5524839 0.6563213 107285513 diacylglycerol lipase beta
0.3457659 0.6774673 -0.3828749 2.3511487 1.8174002 0.1985006 107295351 CYLD lysine 63 deubiquitinase
0.3451356 0.3661025 -0.1052163 3.9983185 1.0016524 0.4260776 107291965 RNA binding motif protein 27
0.3450604 0.4255284 -0.1912734 2.4251839 0.3497922 0.7900868 107292190 pellino E3 ubiquitin protein ligase family member 2
0.3450293 0.5279795 0.4144785 3.5588551 1.0156818 0.4203499 107284206 inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells kinase gamma
0.3449705 0.3821393 -0.6309760 1.8596936 1.5371461 0.2564026 107287655 neurobeachin-like
0.3441616 0.8553212 -0.4113927 0.3063331 0.5301880 0.6702262 107296359 zinc finger protein 526-like
0.3441007 1.6132384 0.8638640 2.0846304 1.3269308 0.3123071 107292762 interferon regulatory factor 7
0.3440324 -0.2053914 -0.8889360 0.4645892 1.0373744 0.4116594 107297619 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein M
0.3439435 0.3382719 1.0113233 7.3106604 0.9508362 0.4475987 107287776 ribosomal protein S26
0.3438515 -1.6190093 -3.7382479 1.3153798 6.4265752 0.0079364 107287745 cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 1
0.3435932 0.3454014 0.4424757 6.8240080 0.8369475 0.4996107 107293616 cullin 3
0.3435172 0.0819257 -0.8365787 5.9634885 5.6649138 0.0121439 107289653 ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 2
0.3429685 0.1763684 -0.3175055 6.5558774 0.4656141 0.7117321 107284405 YEATS domain containing 4
0.3424425 0.6153175 0.7251645 4.7971207 2.1265233 0.1510523 107293589 signal peptide peptidase like 2A
0.3422904 -3.0994126 -5.4377713 7.1995742 33.3758817 0.0000049 107289657 RNA binding protein with multiple splicing 2
0.3420605 -0.6752091 -0.2193667 0.0399313 0.2715469 0.8447186 107302127 nuclear factor related to kappa-B-binding protein-like
0.3417758 0.4948520 0.5600456 4.5100980 0.9021914 0.4690646 107287002 diablo IAP-binding mitochondrial protein
0.3409664 -0.0671151 -0.5975149 3.2370092 1.3040378 0.3191039 107286454 microtubule associated protein RP/EB family member 3
0.3406805 0.8341257 0.7173972 2.7888657 0.8769971 0.4807077 107285893 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 13
0.3404027 0.6089945 -0.9855486 1.1860718 2.5105660 0.1090732 107283525 WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
0.3402165 -0.2862261 -0.4177216 5.0703741 0.6837545 0.5792068 107296163 PET100 homolog
0.3401655 0.3450404 -0.1240864 4.5931332 0.5949340 0.6304839 107290715 SPT2 chromatin protein domain containing 1
0.3400293 0.3575558 0.3161842 1.0559206 0.1318265 0.9392299 107296689 phosphomevalonate kinase
0.3396833 -0.1317388 1.2883080 5.1409194 7.5314393 0.0044414 107285525 ILK associated serine/threonine phosphatase
0.3396340 0.4574219 -0.3302853 3.8602364 0.7436505 0.5467815 107286757 integrin subunit alpha 1
0.3393439 0.7384136 -0.5938167 0.7446469 1.4413002 0.2803398 107288021 sex comb on midleg homolog 1 (Drosophila)
0.3391391 0.1012687 -0.0676935 2.7145695 0.3181739 0.8120895 107285278 WD repeat domain 18
0.3389124 -0.3855942 0.7437977 1.0248000 1.0961416 0.3890275 107294066 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 6
0.3384442 0.2726969 0.5952589 5.3011463 0.7390552 0.5491984 107291186 transcription elongation factor A1
0.3383834 -0.1438172 -0.3371209 7.9064042 1.3816900 0.2964636 107288372 complement component receptor 1-like protein
0.3381840 1.1766677 2.9345892 4.5901326 6.0312324 0.0098836 107288052 translocon-associated protein subunit beta-like
0.3380893 1.1717807 2.4182024 7.0493698 2.6683868 0.0959508 107287854 multiple coagulation factor deficiency 2
0.3380285 2.1194179 -0.2050005 2.3156541 5.3241279 0.0149442 107303270 TSC22 domain family member 3
0.3380053 -0.6271237 0.0894186 2.9457683 1.7773546 0.2057972 107295880 centrosomal protein 162kDa
0.3379074 -1.6458615 -1.2513324 4.1270417 7.7501969 0.0040157 107294907 cell death-inducing DFFA-like effector a
0.3373608 -0.2029201 0.8047142 4.4455189 2.6860355 0.0944356 107289343 solute carrier family 22 member 15
0.3372754 -1.6490290 -0.7223102 6.0047786 10.6323122 0.0011334 107293828 semaphorin 4D
0.3370228 0.9132624 0.7519249 2.7518601 1.6417311 0.2328361 107283999 heme oxygenase 2
0.3369380 0.2961473 -0.5832012 3.6176343 1.7583928 0.2095017 107289485 chromosome transmission fidelity factor 18
0.3367165 0.8478211 0.6395364 5.3233393 1.3552130 0.3040848 107290402 nucleolin
0.3365118 0.1532500 -0.0391726 1.0788901 0.1884815 0.9021679 107296806 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C18orf54
0.3362481 0.0574960 0.8190618 3.2059410 1.5634208 0.2502422 107296340 coiled-coil domain containing 82
0.3353778 -0.1751276 -0.4376703 1.8948887 0.7013125 0.5694699 107292439 uncharacterized LOC107292439
0.3347710 0.7536733 0.0288250 2.9787745 1.4502691 0.2779984 107292788 BCDIN3 domain containing RNA methyltransfease
0.3347331 -0.0852615 -4.0529625 0.4767049 21.7449106 0.0000424 107289298 phosphoglucomutase 5
0.3344364 -0.0785339 -0.2517734 3.9713585 0.8874599 0.4757886 107288099 KIF1 binding protein
0.3342966 -0.0968521 0.3437248 3.0586333 0.4403792 0.7284125 107291347 cholesterol 24-hydroxylase
0.3339373 -1.0992400 -1.3002737 1.8794257 3.9507711 0.0364009 107294911 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) alpha activating activity polypeptide olfactory type
0.3337510 0.6257135 -0.3095019 3.5965494 1.6992368 0.2209758 107291896 anaphase promoting complex subunit 1
0.3332567 -0.9736029 -1.1975563 1.3310284 4.6888972 0.0221454 107284547 guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(q) subunit alpha
0.3331616 0.1731351 -0.6448999 0.2934008 0.3062716 0.8204082 107288034 dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase 1B
0.3329396 0.5425146 -1.4889320 0.9687582 5.7756165 0.0113847 107295868 dynactin subunit 1
0.3328927 -2.1020846 -2.1553545 8.0814420 6.0980319 0.0095185 107290141 cysteine rich angiogenic inducer 61
0.3327480 1.4247226 2.2423967 4.7123207 5.8059037 0.0112413 107291187 SDA1 domain containing 1
0.3321045 0.1105763 -0.3578060 5.6108644 0.9972609 0.4279838 107286696 family with sequence similarity 50 member A
0.3319663 0.4362767 -0.3539755 0.9505774 0.5936544 0.6312181 107288946 phosphodiesterase 7A
0.3316646 1.5191558 0.4765003 6.4104975 1.1049345 0.3858568 107295162 F-box protein 32
0.3314224 0.2364983 0.1595356 4.1358103 0.1855178 0.9041629 107291437 component of oligomeric golgi complex 3
0.3312038 0.2582458 -1.1284198 6.3449070 3.1141266 0.0674403 107291057 zinc finger protein 277
0.3311003 -0.5481717 0.3565686 3.5134067 1.0627795 0.4018068 107284480 fatty-acid amide hydrolase 1-like
0.3310502 0.6176075 -0.9440905 2.9852304 2.0412840 0.1628721 107284648 vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog D (S. cerevisiae)
0.3309696 0.1395843 -1.0785823 6.9676304 2.5519659 0.1055387 107284669 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A12
0.3309254 -0.6788449 -0.0879885 0.6299231 0.9365133 0.4537465 107286746 centromere protein C
0.3304451 -0.6212305 -0.6672698 5.0582225 4.6362006 0.0229153 107283114 centrosomal protein 290kDa
0.3300951 -0.0540666 -0.1096706 7.9263585 0.4217145 0.7409014 107289441 far upstream element binding protein 1
0.3299450 0.0466417 -0.2136323 5.5815123 1.0910430 0.3909289 107291831 LEM domain containing 3
0.3296224 0.3646363 -2.6115160 4.8093289 4.3350045 0.0280543 107286408 Rho GTPase activating protein 27
0.3294573 0.7972448 0.2958162 3.4601434 0.5961309 0.6297678 107286995 ataxin 2
0.3293001 -0.1364832 0.0001966 4.5357033 0.8056901 0.5149387 107287681 myelin expression factor 2
0.3286820 1.2231246 1.3942077 0.4447398 1.0502554 0.4066781 107297117 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf68
0.3286157 0.3807209 0.0068125 5.3082709 0.1585782 0.9220755 107288102 DNA damage inducible transcript 4
0.3285842 0.0621156 0.4472506 2.0067322 0.2959469 0.8276346 107288296 prenyl (decaprenyl) diphosphate synthase subunit 2
0.3284675 0.5027954 -0.2261078 3.8218435 0.5621907 0.6503389 107286716 L antigen family member 3
0.3278312 -0.3480060 -1.9461814 4.0742866 0.9389583 0.4527640 107284316 kinesin-like protein KIF20A
0.3276246 0.7600555 0.6515213 4.1106671 0.8833975 0.4777423 107300048 suppressor of variegation 3-9 homolog 1
0.3276143 0.3835525 0.5766534 0.7478828 0.2731984 0.8435654 107302948 LSM11 U7 small nuclear RNA associated
0.3273781 -0.1738837 0.7321480 3.1337652 1.0213588 0.4181549 107295541 negative elongation factor complex member C/D
0.3273531 0.8134027 1.4754455 4.6269170 3.5444789 0.0488144 107292198 UTP6 small subunit processome component
0.3272941 1.1237200 -0.4813309 3.5384777 3.2881565 0.0590612 107293224 forkhead box P1
0.3271921 -0.8648367 -2.9261298 9.2982379 8.9690623 0.0022815 107297854 lactate dehydrogenase B
0.3269691 -0.6896026 0.3389209 5.4626756 1.9743121 0.1727497 107290154 family with sequence similarity 179 member B
0.3262846 1.3669168 -1.3148254 1.7414226 2.3363414 0.1263486 107299417 bactericidal permeability-increasing protein-like
0.3258767 -0.9151382 -2.8072426 3.8017011 13.3994002 0.0004193 107284572 ring finger protein 180
0.3255559 0.7714935 -0.1298913 0.9696601 0.5039650 0.6868656 107288405 golgi phosphoprotein 3
0.3251920 0.3816082 -0.3728470 4.5949625 0.7659478 0.5351514 107289583 activin A receptor type I
0.3251014 -5.2476356 -2.3631547 3.1093204 24.1882417 0.0000254 107292079 serine/threonine kinase 32A
0.3250506 0.0742384 0.9832788 4.3125741 1.7826998 0.2049639 107290690 uncharacterized LOC107290690
0.3248047 0.2816218 0.0659388 5.2571770 0.3772680 0.7711255 107290106 VPS35 retromer complex component
0.3247142 -0.1239903 1.8671136 7.6109965 6.0757932 0.0096383 107290342 thioredoxin
0.3244791 0.6670132 1.0182330 1.9323044 0.8352797 0.5004904 107303173 uncharacterized LOC107303173
0.3239268 -0.5815249 -0.0711891 3.2863983 0.6177439 0.6169529 107282723 protein yippee-like 3
0.3238557 1.4491170 0.8420578 0.6263981 0.8786055 0.4799608 107296984 EH domain containing 1
0.3236736 -0.2105291 0.1179081 5.8906481 0.6603183 0.5923415 107299531 chromosome unknown open reading frame human CXorf56
0.3230584 0.0433303 -0.0678078 5.2906524 0.7368945 0.5502946 107302480 AT-hook containing transcription factor 1
0.3230480 0.1945720 0.5513733 2.2904472 0.3455345 0.7930386 107298530 sorting nexin 29
0.3223085 0.0887585 1.7831040 5.1701563 5.6503222 0.0123060 107283594 retinol dehydrogenase 8-like
0.3215749 0.2208005 0.5636562 6.3249629 0.5572895 0.6533541 107295755 synaptosome associated protein 23kDa
0.3207129 -0.3410444 0.4732315 5.1329808 1.3811357 0.2967559 107294022 gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase
0.3205705 0.1361219 0.7243637 5.9517997 1.0280222 0.4154787 107289788 IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 1
0.3201457 0.5757823 1.2765030 4.9979856 2.9970059 0.0738531 107289812 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 polypeptide
0.3198760 -2.7970147 -1.8336866 1.3194481 6.8647813 0.0062793 107296139 spermatogenesis associated 7
0.3198130 -0.0054536 -1.1898250 2.1891032 2.2326155 0.1380055 107289990 Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1-like 1
0.3197583 0.5865561 -0.3601143 4.8757191 2.9231253 0.0781165 107294482 family with sequence similarity 214 member A
0.3194135 0.2845019 -0.1941391 4.8384975 0.6172327 0.6172534 107284929 cyclin-dependent kinase 13
0.3193232 -0.1502564 -2.1390675 1.2562066 5.2533542 0.0156004 107296503 transformation/transcription domain-associated protein
0.3191716 -0.2767854 0.5916404 7.8820633 2.4279117 0.1168277 107287052 ARP2 actin-related protein 2 homolog (yeast)
0.3191557 -1.0071924 -1.1038965 2.1671747 2.7764623 0.0879359 107285656 protein YIF1B-like
0.3190725 0.4981136 0.3342095 2.8495771 0.5784670 0.6403733 107299718 liprin-beta-1-like
0.3189802 0.6437141 0.4634304 4.5204717 1.4956986 0.2664650 107283048 protein zyg-11 homolog B
0.3189679 0.3202573 -0.7402166 1.2899479 1.5006283 0.2652456 107294955 inhibitor of growth protein 5-like
0.3187730 0.1169670 0.7283053 3.9013457 0.0920051 0.9630073 107299546 TGF-beta receptor type-1-like
0.3186373 0.0213185 0.1297825 2.4949269 0.1844358 0.9048979 107295863 uncharacterized LOC107295863
0.3183514 0.8449593 2.7765221 3.6341117 8.8586762 0.0023962 107282967 metastasis associated in colon cancer 1
0.3174631 -0.1212927 -1.3011282 7.1851493 5.0443040 0.0177438 107290594 synaptojanin 1
0.3173797 0.2397490 0.2256496 2.5724930 0.1005473 0.9581284 107300724 nuclear speckle splicing regulatory protein 1-like
0.3172414 -0.5888911 -0.2260331 4.5560010 3.2044403 0.0627989 107287094 rho GTPase-activating protein 39-like
0.3172307 0.1870134 0.7253435 4.0882874 1.6587814 0.2292278 107293458 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 9
0.3168815 -0.1125519 0.2666085 0.7770045 0.2214512 0.8796144 107282937 RNA/RNP complex-1-interacting phosphatase-like
0.3167843 -0.2484700 -0.7946242 5.5992835 2.9645663 0.0756844 107293883 uncharacterized LOC107293883
0.3162560 0.2635769 0.1504532 4.8719874 0.1877835 0.9026338 107283762 topoisomerase (DNA) II beta
0.3162002 0.3344803 0.2391455 4.5625912 0.2556008 0.8558697 107287883 negative elongation factor E-like
0.3160893 0.5567603 0.1512365 5.7260462 0.4207811 0.7415403 107295477 transcription initiation factor IIA subunit 1-like
0.3160234 -1.4402389 0.7647895 3.5580140 2.4195179 0.1178095 107292496 ankyrin repeat domain 29
0.3157019 1.0234359 1.5053485 2.6389628 2.7413809 0.0904501 107298553 splicing factor 3b subunit 5
0.3156418 0.4300745 -0.0644657 -0.0090014 0.1345082 0.9375432 107301896 lung adenoma susceptibility protein 2-like
0.3153723 0.8436288 0.2575202 3.0382898 1.1712630 0.3619952 107296223 ribonuclease P protein subunit p25-like protein
0.3153380 0.2818771 -0.0198811 3.9293897 0.6690921 0.5873619 107299700 nucleoporin 160kDa
0.3152844 0.3534760 -0.7249019 0.4683763 0.7990586 0.5183169 107283174 ring finger protein 111
0.3152740 0.7175368 2.4566376 3.3441401 3.4135546 0.0537662 107288771 protocadherin 1
0.3149476 0.3695989 0.0817407 5.1267241 0.6653006 0.5895003 107298230 nuclear export mediator factor
0.3148386 -0.2165312 -0.4601616 4.4634582 1.1073070 0.3849792 107302387 mitochondrial inner membrane protein COX18
0.3148097 0.9069641 0.1544006 3.9557055 1.5707608 0.2486560 107284171 splicing factor 3b subunit 3
0.3146732 -0.0973664 -2.9723744 0.8566165 12.2526283 0.0006157 107296232 notch 1
0.3145956 0.6864416 0.3532416 2.9319622 0.8411589 0.4975802 107293972 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 8
0.3145956 0.1446761 -0.3917877 1.1686205 0.2592011 0.8533542 107299278 zinc finger protein 665-like
0.3144961 -0.0071762 0.4760258 4.7348052 0.6237722 0.6134185 107285914 vacuolar protein sorting 25 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
0.3144122 -0.9671252 0.2427655 4.1982450 5.2495618 0.0155712 107293954 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8
0.3138866 -0.0190564 -0.5176534 5.8093063 0.5077777 0.6844276 107293937 electron transfer flavoprotein beta subunit
0.3138326 0.1038212 -0.8904641 0.6676295 0.5826768 0.6378574 107297832 checkpoint with forkhead and ring finger domains E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
0.3138300 0.5338365 0.8599690 4.5825037 1.8453050 0.1936016 107293503 ring finger protein 185
0.3137360 -1.2918306 -0.8700050 3.0049845 3.3837064 0.0549750 107292481 dermatan sulfate epimerase
0.3135121 0.8053837 1.1160682 3.1777908 2.0598342 0.1602025 107282242 ring finger protein 126
0.3134184 -0.1095780 -0.8936085 5.7760597 4.3970241 0.0268248 107297320 uncharacterized LOC107297320
0.3130077 0.2738365 -1.2563517 -0.5000825 1.7422622 0.2124395 107293487 flt3-interacting zinc finger protein 1-like
0.3126231 0.5039733 -2.0471832 6.0342245 17.4954179 0.0001231 107282833 zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1
0.3117612 1.8654230 -1.8413885 1.5237886 9.9172319 0.0015211 107295916 calpain-5-like
0.3117442 0.7858090 0.2829536 2.7759406 0.5295013 0.6706580 107283116 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C12orf50
0.3114554 0.5836476 0.3608466 2.7645309 0.3180875 0.8121501 107288072 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L33
0.3114424 1.2786316 0.4754334 1.6454224 1.4432999 0.2798951 107282745 dCTP pyrophosphatase 1-like
0.3111459 0.4612921 -0.3370600 1.9720467 0.8325267 0.5017572 107289072 F-box-like/WD repeat-containing protein TBL1XR1
0.3110642 0.7064131 -1.1628807 0.3128514 2.2501526 0.1358982 107286570 OTU deubiquitinase 5
0.3107396 0.1748600 -0.4272165 6.2922447 1.0610531 0.4024746 107286744 ubiquitin like modifier activating enzyme 6
0.3107380 -0.0453790 0.0281676 4.0702374 0.4763464 0.7046940 107284468 transcriptional adaptor 2B
0.3105757 0.3949292 0.0704612 5.3822369 0.3902649 0.7622322 107285296 THO complex 1
0.3103463 0.2748597 1.1553297 1.7346367 1.2775892 0.3271424 107289943 aph-1 homolog A gamma secretase subunit
0.3102630 0.6088912 -0.0394973 0.8710955 0.4274408 0.7370542 107291803 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
0.3099193 1.0305522 0.9759158 2.7710790 2.2551616 0.1352242 107292402 UBX domain-containing protein 1-like
0.3098194 1.1022122 2.3152993 0.0723495 2.4020568 0.1195119 ERCC-00054
0.3097940 0.6634388 -1.3597057 3.0002476 3.2999824 0.0585369 107299516 helicase SRCAP-like
0.3087558 0.4771266 0.2608244 0.6292088 0.0778430 0.9707622 107290177 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor E2-like
0.3086764 0.2220699 -0.3458260 2.3882855 0.5523055 0.6564292 107290055 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2O
0.3084026 0.3397029 0.3980416 -0.1603266 0.1533149 0.9255131 107289714 zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 26-like
0.3083478 1.1818094 1.3622252 5.1968082 3.9994801 0.0352785 107302443 MRT4 homolog ribosome maturation factor
0.3080342 1.3968639 -0.1499903 1.6765847 3.7906972 0.0407512 107284425 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2R 2
0.3076525 0.0509729 0.6349192 0.7027016 0.4042977 0.7526713 107289977 zinc finger protein 213-like
0.3071898 1.2048391 1.3491863 10.4327287 2.3078817 0.1292911 ERCC-00009
0.3070020 -0.0552313 0.3346209 4.2296766 0.2355486 0.8698419 107301257 nudC domain-containing protein 1-like
0.3068442 0.4189738 0.3956996 3.5660503 0.4124516 0.7471497 107289005 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 17
0.3067168 -0.3240823 -0.6785088 5.4477517 2.0707843 0.1587255 107287787 DENN domain containing 6A
0.3062756 0.0480083 -0.2502132 2.6536325 0.5599499 0.6516860 107301985 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily a-like 1
0.3060059 0.3564956 -0.2889924 4.2188895 0.7257466 0.5562926 107298548 zinc finger protein 501-like
0.3059947 0.7821061 0.8233698 6.2581091 1.5648096 0.2500707 107282493 GTPase HRas-like
0.3054408 0.1971832 0.2706470 4.7378360 0.1361861 0.9364852 107303315 negative regulator of ubiquitin-like proteins 1
0.3053137 0.8748204 -0.0147141 1.4624084 0.7480562 0.5444519 107291054 solute carrier family 2 member 8
0.3050778 0.4347559 0.5214000 2.9655812 0.4756789 0.7051332 107294849 carnitine O-acetyltransferase-like
0.3050665 -0.0164645 -0.4540406 6.1129974 0.7677605 0.5342163 107282422 DEAD-box helicase 42
0.3048939 0.5574014 0.7022352 2.1018357 1.0896180 0.3914647 107290309 FAST kinase domain-containing protein 1-like
0.3047680 -0.1119044 0.1775368 0.3883907 0.1299769 0.9403890 107291446 mitochondrial ribosome-associated GTPase 1
0.3044512 0.6718082 -0.3176208 6.6399405 1.4003827 0.2914397 107293995 transforming growth factor beta induced
0.3043157 -0.3955255 0.4517454 3.8616746 2.3029357 0.1298160 107294876 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class W
0.3042413 -0.7380066 -1.8647157 4.4718700 2.7724842 0.0882169 107292192 nicotinamide nucleotide adenylyltransferase 3
0.3042276 -0.1774162 0.2382755 1.0274151 0.2521252 0.8583004 107299380 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 90B mitochondrial-like
0.3038980 0.1567308 -0.5890250 3.4126511 2.3825492 0.1213624 107299405 scaffold attachment factor B
0.3036569 0.6014422 -0.0324136 1.6198308 0.3425137 0.7951366 107290928 bromodomain and PHD finger containing 1
0.3033584 -0.5951584 -1.1817476 4.1341249 3.6670528 0.0446512 107282515 apolipoprotein B receptor-like
0.3031825 0.8009756 -0.8994117 1.2378009 2.1222367 0.1517767 107293715 ubiquitin specific peptidase 32
0.3025706 0.8761094 0.4722936 3.5943371 1.9026664 0.1839142 107292777 ariadne RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
0.3025440 -0.2080304 -1.9178783 1.7187299 7.8302058 0.0038362 107282968 Sp4 transcription factor
0.3023771 0.1680995 -0.1416035 3.6480485 0.2785630 0.8398065 107297274 transmembrane protein 70
0.3023049 0.3994357 0.4686252 7.0697992 0.8063139 0.5146284 107291513 tRNA selenocysteine 1-associated protein 1-like
0.3019004 0.4523956 0.5395996 3.1605796 0.4243221 0.7391593 107288787 glucosidase alpha; acid
0.3017245 0.5422583 0.5646092 5.6037717 1.0956213 0.3892128 107289185 dystroglycan 1
0.3017122 3.8769181 1.9479392 2.5056456 0.7389349 0.5492717 107297954 cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-5-like
0.3012148 -0.0111614 -0.5833756 2.1063154 0.5741157 0.6430494 107284628 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily C member 3-like
0.3011316 0.8257679 -0.1375117 2.2850563 1.5392016 0.2559147 107294571 zinc finger protein 678-like
0.3009634 0.5275369 0.1711891 0.1324277 0.2454221 0.8629757 107282947 coiled-coil and C2 domain-containing protein 2A-like
0.3007964 0.6849802 0.2674391 5.5374884 1.7645700 0.2081897 107293053 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U5 40kDa subunit
0.3006281 1.3554766 -0.4502095 3.5538842 2.9959685 0.0739130 107288061 tRNA splicing endonuclease subunit 15
0.3000484 0.5312246 0.7818346 5.3027574 1.3231211 0.3134330 107289328 zinc finger BED-type containing 4
0.2997958 0.5760454 -1.4300540 0.3248722 1.5484241 0.2538867 107291739 ubiquitin specific peptidase 42
0.2993227 0.6496499 -0.1036770 1.7809769 0.7464313 0.5452588 107294606 exosome component 10
0.2987444 -0.8572843 -0.6472540 0.8710470 1.1691559 0.3627695 107292181 potassium channel subfamily K member 16-like
0.2985301 1.7394013 0.1810511 5.6556521 9.9593565 0.0014815 107283595 microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase 2
0.2985135 1.6177145 2.1827236 1.2654594 3.5996782 0.0468863 ERCC-00148
0.2985042 0.1770176 0.1920620 1.0398175 0.0952277 0.9611876 107294861 zinc finger protein 408
0.2980162 4.3035364 4.0034824 5.0650715 16.0483445 0.0001844 107284490 vitamin D3 hydroxylase-associated protein-like
0.2980144 -1.4441268 -0.4737179 4.2153575 3.8376141 0.0395234 107295102 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase parkin-like
0.2977992 2.8375716 1.4979276 5.0268844 9.9839899 0.0014797 107295220 arginine vasopressin induced 1
0.2977710 1.2844330 1.7469019 3.2068953 6.1231269 0.0093432 107291866 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 2-like
0.2974027 0.2252303 -0.8492837 4.8690318 4.2727510 0.0291711 107295159 zinc fingers and homeoboxes 2
0.2971971 -0.9362452 -1.8551042 1.2557380 4.1874662 0.0309671 107293068 iron-sulfur cluster assembly 2
0.2968696 -0.3958696 -3.0186042 3.9170592 14.5368863 0.0002906 107299372 protein-methionine sulfoxide oxidase MICAL2-like
0.2967386 -3.8615138 -1.1227547 1.6127041 7.0882630 0.0055914 107291719 transmembrane protein 45B
0.2967305 1.0787445 0.5558523 1.8341514 1.3951676 0.2927310 107295944 probable methyltransferase TARBP1
0.2966930 -0.8550008 0.1440626 5.6649268 2.2673428 0.1339713 107302414 tubulin gamma 1
0.2961291 -0.3086997 -1.1217528 4.0674627 4.6635785 0.0225484 107302305 zinc finger protein 774-like
0.2954741 0.3387030 0.5029135 7.9387356 0.7626938 0.5367719 107284411 RAP1B member of RAS oncogene family
0.2954178 0.1739137 0.7922382 3.9929336 1.5186530 0.2608394 107296948 cleavage stimulation factor subunit 1
0.2951968 0.5461536 1.5857279 4.9532731 2.8097479 0.0856244 107284862 kinesin family member 13B
0.2950974 -0.0556166 -0.0971928 4.8761091 0.6709754 0.5863022 107287402 large tumor suppressor kinase 1
0.2947663 0.1496424 0.8591668 3.8760462 0.7394714 0.5489879 107288084 solute carrier family 25 member 16
0.2945064 -0.3364353 -1.3055323 2.7205848 4.6165872 0.0232097 107294787 PHD finger protein 2
0.2943631 0.6110290 0.2951581 5.3927459 1.2958017 0.3215077 107290534 RNA binding motif protein 6
0.2942843 -0.2345584 0.4356293 5.2484335 1.0954139 0.3893997 107292583 family with sequence similarity 206 member A
0.2939633 -0.7445707 -1.0293382 4.9458771 7.2045466 0.0052354 107283346 KIAA1109 ortholog
0.2937365 -0.9902870 1.3942821 6.2318391 4.8958097 0.0194754 107284322 LYN proto-oncogene Src family tyrosine kinase
0.2931261 0.0332269 -0.7910454 4.9800452 1.9242339 0.1805795 107289301 KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 1
0.2929976 -0.3855713 -0.3647211 3.3770984 1.9397993 0.1779429 107297984 tubulin gamma complex associated protein 3
0.2926581 0.0279528 0.0821158 3.1467333 0.0881348 0.9651702 107296974 transmembrane protein 237
0.2924333 -0.2348547 -0.2204834 4.1379342 0.6480263 0.5993623 107283558 extended synaptotagmin like protein 2
0.2922405 0.8480017 1.0343118 2.1413771 1.5579275 0.2515347 107282866 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf24
0.2922396 0.0078512 -0.0893044 6.7296583 0.4491540 0.7225737 107291300 serine/arginine repetitive matrix 1
0.2921998 -0.0444186 -0.7362030 4.2271143 2.4165991 0.1180149 107292947 enhancer of polycomb homolog 2
0.2921712 0.3339226 0.2951773 10.0632300 0.1614688 0.9201862 107293668 CCHC-type zinc finger nucleic acid binding protein
0.2919427 0.6932586 1.1466451 5.2414228 2.6613866 0.0964983 107288003 fibrillarin
0.2918061 0.2827786 -0.3244938 5.8539920 2.0237337 0.1652359 107285395 aquarius intron-binding spliceosomal factor
0.2917078 1.2444803 1.1476644 1.8985202 1.1883752 0.3562332 107298154 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 4
0.2916142 -0.6851341 -0.2264710 0.1974366 0.6118447 0.6203905 107297607 septin 5
0.2913098 1.0816240 -0.8288051 2.5651376 2.0474281 0.1619985 107297212 hemogen
0.2912630 0.8509955 1.6114625 2.3656026 1.0593577 0.4031316 107290196 unc-13 homolog D (C. elegans)
0.2909306 0.0964782 -1.2113309 2.0751138 1.2878255 0.3240776 107285290 NDC80 kinetochore complex component
0.2908989 0.6345036 0.3501703 4.0189911 1.2347994 0.3406890 107290969 gem nuclear organelle associated protein 5
0.2908067 0.6125731 1.6673987 5.6897098 4.3849521 0.0271329 107296153 Golgi apparatus membrane protein TVP23 homolog B-like
0.2907450 0.5845268 1.0826961 5.4671647 4.4139140 0.0265246 107283528 IST1 ESCRT-III associated factor
0.2905101 -0.0675022 -0.0989968 1.1105251 0.1170595 0.9483330 107298869 zinc finger protein 91-like
0.2904878 0.2592757 -0.1519220 2.9284448 0.4317626 0.7341582 107284047 tripartite motif containing 33
0.2904336 -0.4059773 -0.3279788 2.4186959 1.0456698 0.4083740 107293293 BTB domain containing 3
0.2903762 0.3901778 -2.1097251 1.8717662 1.5783642 0.2469622 107291591 SAM and SH3 domain containing 3
0.2902427 0.1213833 1.0584980 5.3028951 3.2747270 0.0595327 107290286 spastic paraplegia 21 (autosomal recessive Mast syndrome)
0.2902419 2.3864903 0.8124446 0.9666899 3.2318013 0.0616355 107282496 solute carrier family 6 member 16
0.2900534 0.0575922 -0.5224107 8.1546279 1.2729066 0.3285660 107283804 septin 7
0.2897919 -0.3728930 -0.6751341 4.4172878 1.3336868 0.3103211 107302784 leucyl/cystinyl aminopeptidase
0.2897789 -0.0182270 -2.7086872 1.6935440 7.1379483 0.0054507 107285097 polycystin 1 transient receptor potential channel interacting
0.2897499 0.6440836 -0.1822310 2.4540322 0.6409357 0.6034514 107283961 general transcription factor IIIC subunit 1
0.2896809 -1.5682988 -1.1539433 4.5659388 6.6535270 0.0070219 107287476 cysteine rich transmembrane BMP regulator 1 (chordin-like)
0.2895784 0.1221034 -2.7787893 4.4115452 13.3223023 0.0004302 107282549 tetraspanin-4-like
0.2892498 0.0551081 -0.6348308 3.0898538 1.6364953 0.2339568 107295936 retinoic acid induced 2
0.2892051 1.0124506 1.0036399 0.5766189 1.0706044 0.3986971 107299758 exosome component 10-like
0.2891984 -0.4589000 -1.1392361 6.0482574 6.0066040 0.0099716 107295441 guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(i) subunit alpha-2
0.2890988 0.4261128 1.5283522 6.7544375 2.3485041 0.1250569 107298433 ribosomal protein large P1
0.2888043 0.4566286 0.3419350 4.5288673 0.3514831 0.7889152 107297910 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L23
0.2886444 0.5361037 0.4619594 5.9192412 0.8477994 0.4944012 107295520 RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase
0.2884865 -0.2868990 0.1303555 4.6021222 0.6542329 0.5958273 107286196 OTU deubiquitinase 4
0.2883443 -0.5948239 -0.9429572 5.4076892 1.6622613 0.2286530 107283596 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 3
0.2883161 0.7826232 0.5738126 4.6058788 2.1177898 0.1522022 107302829 probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase makorin-2
0.2882039 0.1893251 -0.6933784 4.1624706 1.3489237 0.3058925 107288089 anaphase promoting complex subunit 16
0.2880689 0.0746016 1.2272900 6.5610466 2.5564811 0.1051470 107294888 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C5orf15
0.2877415 0.8055672 0.4229430 4.5352629 1.5026502 0.2647651 107292916 proteasome subunit beta 4
0.2872120 0.5513740 -0.2985363 4.8832317 1.2166468 0.3467557 107295041 YTH N(6)-methyladenosine RNA binding protein 1
0.2871027 -0.7271104 1.1111996 3.9334644 6.6987552 0.0068199 107287081 PATJ crumbs cell polarity complex component
0.2861218 0.7202801 1.0048570 2.3432997 2.2945160 0.1307487 107282224 lon peptidase 1 mitochondrial
0.2860825 0.1316011 0.4611236 5.6219528 0.4866549 0.6980075 107302609 target of myb1 membrane trafficking protein
0.2857598 0.5615287 0.9258122 5.2478232 1.7016371 0.2205864 107293076 FCF1 rRNA-processing protein
0.2853751 0.2576984 0.3994432 8.1056540 0.3487703 0.7907922 107302388 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B
0.2853471 0.1259252 0.2280926 4.8174203 0.1241670 0.9439872 107300645 signal recognition particle receptor subunit beta-like
0.2849982 0.8237807 0.0907299 0.0880947 0.6603314 0.5923136 107288203 zinc finger protein 850-like
0.2849884 0.3925727 0.1855582 1.2922374 0.1199158 0.9465952 107296210 ybeY metallopeptidase (putative)
0.2849865 0.2795238 0.3921237 4.5473102 0.2729196 0.8437577 107300118 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S25
0.2849432 0.2336859 -0.0934764 3.1598504 0.3747648 0.7728446 107285528 protein IWS1 homolog
0.2838781 0.3647885 0.8934256 0.8408006 0.3905150 0.7620614 ERCC-00014
0.2836035 -0.3094421 -0.0560532 1.1251305 0.0489056 0.9849686 107285168 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 36
0.2834974 0.0619094 0.0413877 5.2608141 0.1940013 0.8984234 107292173 GRB2 associated binding protein 1
0.2826937 -0.1801360 2.6982571 2.4262378 2.0002377 0.1688476 107286162 microfibrillar associated protein 3 like
0.2826319 -0.4941909 0.9105678 0.4525544 0.8484719 0.4941487 107290591 family with sequence similarity 169 member B
0.2824537 0.3433257 -0.2032174 1.8728792 0.5477962 0.6591978 107293863 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 10
0.2823358 0.3556275 0.3989746 4.6250307 0.4082965 0.7499666 107293553 parvin alpha
0.2822154 0.3143109 -0.2419687 0.1054145 0.3496610 0.7901746 107291436 fukutin
0.2818789 0.6012635 -0.1449782 3.4034321 1.4530334 0.2772811 107283542 spermatogenesis associated 5
0.2817018 -0.1505270 -0.4120026 2.5183572 1.0170974 0.4197764 107292990 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 15-like
0.2816144 0.1333924 -0.2886932 6.6392567 1.3849944 0.2955437 107288336 Nipped-B homolog (Drosophila)
0.2815747 0.3759348 -1.6923953 3.4711025 17.6014772 0.0001178 107285488 proteasome activator subunit 4
0.2814500 0.6615691 -0.0447400 2.6900386 0.7922862 0.5216813 107283930 transducin like enhancer of split 3
0.2812140 0.4874680 -0.6916456 5.8009827 1.8740666 0.1888275 107285505 KH domain containing RNA binding signal transduction associated 1
0.2808817 0.8221978 0.5574685 1.6646651 0.8141118 0.5107642 107302778 TATA-box binding protein associated factor RNA polymerase I subunit A
0.2808469 1.0271766 0.5997817 3.3890139 2.4911910 0.1108219 107299818 actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 1A-like
0.2804892 -0.4420726 0.7450734 6.2152719 4.9907914 0.0182730 107291240 proline rich 13
0.2800072 0.1856697 0.3480169 5.3883311 0.3310622 0.8031001 107284884 OTU deubiquitinase with linear linkage specificity
0.2798403 0.3679173 0.4129076 5.9376020 0.7053278 0.5672754 107286882 arsA arsenite transporter ATP-binding homolog 1 (bacterial)
0.2797629 -0.0783995 -0.6396331 4.0497274 2.7737826 0.0879770 107290288 programmed cell death 7
0.2794008 -1.6533897 -0.8994786 0.1777538 2.0770077 0.1578661 107293498 phosphoinositide-3-kinase-interacting protein 1-like
0.2793835 -0.4281185 -1.4217113 3.2987021 3.1766683 0.0642802 107298497 leucine-rich repeat containing 8 family member C
0.2793832 0.0717648 0.5073056 4.7577261 0.7861062 0.5247749 107285888 VPS8 CORVET complex subunit
0.2790223 -0.2085823 -1.8710019 5.2342349 9.6652612 0.0016896 107297135 zinc finger protein 208-like
0.2783913 1.4075036 2.1806821 4.9900057 1.2372897 0.3400071 107300691 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
0.2782977 3.5727303 1.6388966 3.3275650 4.6945166 0.0221467 107289387 snail family zinc finger 1
0.2781191 0.6726186 0.0765562 3.9221808 0.8281360 0.5039580 107282215 calcium homeostasis endoplasmic reticulum protein
0.2773664 1.2010994 -0.3049994 1.1303583 0.6248087 0.6128125 107288669 ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-28-sialyltransferase 4
0.2771614 0.2777960 0.2737643 0.9734615 0.0730418 0.9732847 107303011 uncharacterized LOC107303011
0.2767543 1.0230134 -1.4218563 2.4439016 6.8949899 0.0061808 107293729 CUGBP Elav-like family member 2
0.2760714 0.5007020 0.6426333 3.5543804 1.4163607 0.2869654 107287433 angel homolog 2 (Drosophila)
0.2759786 0.6571683 0.7449396 6.0804844 1.2497017 0.3360177 107290216 proteasome subunit alpha 6
0.2759059 -0.0035532 0.2542077 4.9326447 0.5083349 0.6840493 107289615 TRAF family member associated NFKB activator
0.2750817 0.1640201 0.5171830 6.1615875 0.4761809 0.7048198 107293078 dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase (E2 component of 2-oxo-glutarate complex)
0.2748943 -0.0240422 -0.3981755 6.1790094 0.6925521 0.5743355 107294735 syntaxin binding protein 3
0.2748435 -0.7584905 -1.2344521 2.8953744 4.3489062 0.0277099 107290916 N-acetyltransferase 9 (putative)
0.2748063 0.2777010 -0.0531802 6.0478901 0.6489052 0.5988278 107285153 translocated promoter region nuclear basket protein
0.2746113 0.7829235 0.7261598 4.7486014 1.3342645 0.3101519 107289316 polymerase (RNA) I subunit C
0.2744015 -0.5657626 0.3597920 3.6034831 2.8625253 0.0819559 107299301 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) gamma 12
0.2736315 0.3000995 0.2048699 1.4917731 0.0690029 0.9753606 107302600 PR domain 11
0.2735011 0.7769945 0.2864774 3.3435913 1.7704796 0.2070799 107300793 jumonji domain containing 6
0.2733954 0.0441114 0.1839714 4.7014625 0.2793439 0.8392622 107286492 periodic tryptophan protein 2 homolog
0.2732576 0.5250043 2.4421709 3.8397152 3.0402465 0.0714069 107288926 kalirin-like
0.2728294 -0.4678737 -0.0531771 3.9357207 1.7208113 0.2166179 107284563 cyclin-dependent kinase 17
0.2727588 -0.2068852 -2.4595463 3.4221278 9.0061351 0.0022445 107283307 protein FAM171A1-like
0.2724999 -0.1363645 -0.4719945 4.6038398 1.0653169 0.4008273 107287260 Sys1 golgi trafficking protein
0.2724967 0.0187818 -0.0939632 2.7087547 0.3717966 0.7748856 107294271 BRF1 RNA polymerase III transcription initiation factor 90 kDa subunit
0.2724453 0.2127792 -0.9099261 2.2565059 2.1517375 0.1478723 107300826 uncharacterized LOC107300826
0.2722593 0.0386821 0.0496916 5.3067242 0.2805337 0.8384290 107286698 charged multivesicular body protein 6
0.2722531 -0.4411369 -0.2647166 3.0394111 0.1831866 0.9057330 107300198 homeobox protein PKNOX1-like
0.2722347 0.3180994 -0.3113350 4.1285646 1.1583422 0.3664896 107285699 phosphatidylinositol-45-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha
0.2720446 -0.0295713 -0.5478702 5.7743708 2.4835477 0.1115282 107295749 VPS39 HOPS complex subunit
0.2718252 0.2910495 0.2404903 9.1600050 0.2590058 0.8534944 107296586 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1 (H)
0.2714547 0.4485081 0.1713228 1.5800908 0.1964332 0.8967744 107283880 lines homolog 1
0.2714411 1.4137525 0.7120628 4.9790569 1.9992428 0.1689955 107292673 membrane spanning 4-domains A15
0.2713131 0.2618878 0.5096460 2.7344789 0.4123950 0.7471867 107288526 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 8
0.2710784 0.2853392 -0.0467704 2.1756110 0.2912147 0.8309484 107284994 syntaxin 6
0.2709184 0.6892092 -0.1504427 2.2553565 1.2921894 0.3226103 107285056 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 6
0.2707083 0.2688796 2.4633757 4.1989355 9.5163688 0.0017994 107292763 ras association domain-containing protein 8-like
0.2705803 1.1458481 1.2302944 4.7887484 1.5558330 0.2521533 ERCC-00071
0.2705441 -0.8624631 -0.5363261 2.6618090 2.1920602 0.1427457 107286256 vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1A
0.2705050 -0.4765093 -1.4823546 0.5121572 1.4694196 0.2732147 107290599 toll-like receptor 13
0.2704768 -0.0587389 -0.2189878 6.5528547 0.4755494 0.7052263 107290366 COP9 signalosome subunit 8
0.2703820 -0.1934329 -0.0624663 6.0891856 0.6295918 0.6099823 107288017 syntaxin 12
0.2699423 0.1666961 -0.2617842 1.9553816 0.4532024 0.7198934 107295865 sex comb on midleg-like protein 2
0.2697890 -0.8029455 0.4255498 5.8978457 2.6170923 0.1000464 107289399 UHRF1 binding protein 1-like
0.2694072 -0.7702721 -2.6571292 3.3151469 8.4902749 0.0028309 107288547 angiopoietin 2
0.2693029 1.3391776 1.2778709 3.6794243 1.3289013 0.3117264 107300751 ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX24-like
0.2692786 0.6337169 0.1670120 2.9980208 0.8947279 0.4724557 107291890 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 22
0.2692754 -0.2349329 -0.2771663 5.4275106 1.0418783 0.4098683 107287486 PTPRF interacting protein alpha 1
0.2688244 1.2249837 -0.6037682 -0.1505353 1.5219123 0.2601172 107299961 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.2686443 1.2125394 -0.1648723 0.1352300 1.2405970 0.3388139 107285938 glycosyltransferase like domain containing 1
0.2685619 0.5239466 0.4079393 4.2185952 0.7687844 0.5336259 107283500 ataxin 1 like
0.2684931 1.0029955 -1.4203286 0.3108873 2.3811638 0.1216623 107284356 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 3-like
0.2683538 0.6635635 0.6835725 4.6008433 1.8893157 0.1861162 107287758 WD repeat domain 61
0.2682975 -0.6613569 -0.2308009 7.7453042 1.7811192 0.2050985 107298021 protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit beta
0.2679312 -0.2036620 -4.3923668 1.7121524 3.0135753 0.0729045 107283378 anthrax toxin receptor 1-like
0.2674059 0.0056098 0.0562667 4.2903885 0.3212972 0.8099089 107293356 G-patch domain containing 2
0.2672694 0.0825869 0.0661261 5.5767159 0.2415940 0.8656420 107285698 exocyst complex component 2
0.2669637 -0.0100779 -0.4243067 6.4394485 1.6776291 0.2253115 107284566 vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)
0.2665267 0.5309022 -1.2039604 2.9571266 2.5992203 0.1015203 107302489 tRNA methyltransferase 13 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
0.2660950 2.9581581 -0.0774084 2.1861308 4.6723449 0.0224662 107293288 uncharacterized LOC107293288
0.2660649 0.6593850 0.8120948 3.7472033 0.7419800 0.5476625 107282810 RNA binding motif protein 48
0.2660195 0.1646555 1.3384709 7.3703635 5.1288943 0.0167679 107288005 zinc metallopeptidase STE24
0.2659223 0.0825321 -0.1845338 1.6922733 0.2591842 0.8533697 107291967 transcription elongation factor SPT5-like
0.2656198 -1.4856909 1.4783872 7.7255221 9.4413358 0.0018579 107289370 programmed cell death 4 (neoplastic transformation inhibitor)
0.2648645 1.5319180 0.5661853 1.0533853 1.0273311 0.4157554 107299543 major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein-like
0.2646846 -0.5012657 -1.4231157 2.9635455 6.3881131 0.0080607 107297287 multidrug resistance-associated protein 5-like
0.2643442 0.6192463 -0.0219305 0.3850651 0.3694347 0.7765114 107298389 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 22-A-like
0.2643093 1.5048241 0.1513722 1.9256748 0.4872703 0.6976148 107299227 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
0.2642810 0.1941510 -0.0214947 5.1844481 0.2713142 0.8448831 107288417 nucleoporin 58kDa
0.2641169 -0.5720807 -0.2754299 6.0023433 2.1260187 0.1511185 107285721 solute carrier family 44 member 2
0.2636040 0.2556817 -1.2333197 1.6583753 2.0993392 0.1548255 107290542 Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) and pleckstrin homology domains 1
0.2630947 0.8951265 -0.3234341 0.4718288 0.6245533 0.6129618 107296250 nucleoporin 188kDa
0.2629716 0.4947191 0.3818755 3.4493582 0.7958767 0.5198451 107293184 nucleolar protein 8
0.2627916 -0.0158937 0.1097710 5.0364288 0.1031654 0.9566059 107298754 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 20 NatB catalytic subunit
0.2627190 0.3468397 0.8070246 3.3328336 0.6662687 0.5890002 107282907 oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain containing 1
0.2623863 0.3516887 -0.2588161 6.7268675 0.8863566 0.4763535 107303104 proteasome 26S subunit ATPase 5
0.2623367 -0.2853208 -2.5359663 7.2957697 19.5373112 0.0000723 107284036 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12A
0.2621905 1.3732269 2.0515349 4.5271411 4.8156068 0.0204922 107298059 cellular repressor of E1A stimulated genes 1
0.2615912 0.7539438 -0.0522859 6.0714084 2.1014560 0.1543794 107284020 cullin 2
0.2611682 0.9883960 -0.1232342 3.1964222 1.2195087 0.3458116 107282250 abhydrolase domain containing 17A
0.2605122 0.7414256 0.4849918 1.1662818 0.9279232 0.4575303 107286394 PYM homolog 1 exon junction complex associated factor
0.2605065 -0.0178222 -0.5256494 3.5207926 0.8717440 0.4831552 107286207 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C17
0.2598556 1.3436272 0.5240850 3.4386544 1.4788884 0.2708146 107282402 nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group H member 2
0.2597746 -1.6887100 -1.6093910 2.1629631 4.1923015 0.0308941 107290346 sushi von Willebrand factor type A EGF and pentraxin domain containing 1
0.2594666 -0.8024557 -1.6520217 3.6153119 11.8255733 0.0007176 107294867 jade family PHD finger 2
0.2594216 1.4638018 1.9788995 3.3755425 7.8638979 0.0037880 107295326 IMP4 homolog U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein
0.2590882 0.3745418 1.1940818 -0.0833267 0.8436601 0.4963780 107296939 uncharacterized LOC107296939
0.2585817 0.1519679 -1.3058993 2.6692344 8.9161768 0.0023171 107293182 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit gamma-like
0.2585333 0.4035886 0.4010260 6.2273039 0.4766021 0.7045352 107299684 plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 RNA-binding protein-like
0.2582214 -1.4856020 0.1684787 6.1660550 6.6988887 0.0068541 107292307 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
0.2580531 1.9768921 -0.8302462 4.7136470 10.1070336 0.0014070 107291336 HHIP like 1
0.2578414 0.2590997 -0.2789935 3.2790920 1.1077877 0.3846909 107286145 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 4-like
0.2577790 0.6420384 0.3796197 3.5666101 0.6079779 0.6227157 107292123 steroid 5 alpha-reductase 3
0.2577511 -1.0004312 -1.8912891 3.8986657 3.0583275 0.0704118 107288972 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type E
0.2573559 0.3453472 0.8072166 3.2866628 1.2962234 0.3213792 107298513 uncharacterized LOC107298513
0.2573113 -1.2114623 -1.3741837 4.9701435 5.0308420 0.0178932 107284470 endothelial cell-specific chemotaxis regulator-like
0.2570580 -3.1378360 -1.7281373 1.0324822 5.2257673 0.0158653 107291426 LIM domain only 3
0.2570516 -0.8254655 0.5549397 5.2335116 5.3260494 0.0148699 107292731 casein kinase 1 gamma 3
0.2568788 0.8286993 1.3119837 4.6953288 3.4592306 0.0519754 107288041 chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 3
0.2568679 0.4329174 0.0935649 2.8458126 0.3300576 0.8037999 107282435 polynucleotide kinase 3’-phosphatase
0.2566588 0.0943206 0.7754748 2.2732053 0.7013289 0.5694976 107292751 solute carrier family 25 member 32
0.2565946 0.8067554 -1.0240086 2.0054735 2.3706955 0.1227388 107298964 autophagy related 2A
0.2565669 0.7013726 -1.2497685 2.7292421 2.9242969 0.0781875 107302263 101 kDa malaria antigen-like
0.2561548 0.9497094 -0.2847493 4.3776891 2.5719155 0.1038204 107298831 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C-like
0.2559920 3.4501758 4.9837066 6.0895543 9.2797926 0.0019916 107283948 deiodinase iodothyronine type II
0.2553045 1.0118598 -1.5758563 0.8405284 2.3781345 0.1219727 107301861 zinc finger protein 202-like
0.2552030 0.5884175 0.4653876 7.4120215 0.3581510 0.7843011 107284733 transmembrane protein 263
0.2550832 -1.6209976 -0.0411079 1.0809128 4.6862105 0.0221839 107298923 WD repeat domain 34
0.2549032 0.3209364 0.3675845 2.3799100 0.1571102 0.9230351 107292845 zinc finger protein 239-like
0.2546822 -5.1881646 -1.1743449 4.1774097 18.6187332 0.0000915 107288974 sushi domain containing 3
0.2546275 0.3571054 0.6604505 7.5813128 0.7056314 0.5671470 107286403 proteasome subunit beta 3
0.2545826 0.6636059 0.1469737 3.9378645 1.0372561 0.4116977 107299809 microtubule-associated protein RP/EB family member 1-like
0.2545727 0.5890845 0.6686331 6.6494788 1.5280211 0.2585813 107290713 tumor susceptibility 101
0.2545055 -1.2086979 -0.2007247 -0.0540018 0.4468842 0.7240933 107300609 rab11 family-interacting protein 4-like
0.2543666 0.4159024 0.2417480 4.7428167 0.6346303 0.6070549 107288411 ring finger protein (C3H2C3 type) 6
0.2542248 -1.8542089 -4.6782742 8.6850383 25.3037253 0.0000203 107288381 myosin light chain 9
0.2541122 0.8731948 -0.3272558 4.1344006 2.3869277 0.1210742 107293801 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S34
0.2540494 0.7507488 0.5918471 5.1872337 2.0141415 0.1666348 107301542 family with sequence similarity 175 member B
0.2540384 -0.5089434 -0.7959096 2.7885689 1.1479630 0.3702658 107303180 WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 3
0.2539784 -0.1172162 -0.5609906 2.7183802 1.2128917 0.3478763 107289391 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 4
0.2535617 1.9471640 1.7661355 5.0346330 5.4647885 0.0137330 107296798 fucosyltransferase 8 (alpha (16) fucosyltransferase)
0.2535485 0.9879344 0.4020288 4.4820308 2.0890897 0.1561303 107297307 sirtuin 2
0.2529710 1.0484447 0.6322595 5.2986363 1.2323542 0.3416077 107302861 inosine triphosphatase
0.2528176 -0.1230556 0.3749374 7.4919415 1.1016041 0.3869822 107285828 protein phosphatase 6 regulatory subunit 3
0.2526490 0.3142366 0.1781056 4.5235999 0.1915876 0.9000597 107300256 uncharacterized LOC107300256
0.2525220 -0.7786080 -0.1135387 8.1731911 2.7864780 0.0870852 107298199 general transcription factor IIB
0.2524552 -0.1097777 -0.0416196 5.1547739 0.3565462 0.7854073 107302987 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 11A
0.2523410 -0.1868030 -0.4751464 4.8750747 0.7239917 0.5572332 107295323 engulfment and cell motility protein 1
0.2523136 -0.4090491 -0.0064321 5.6613264 1.4317230 0.2828640 107296793 serum amyloid A like 1
0.2519566 0.6277238 0.5066688 7.7291654 0.8634816 0.4869591 107299216 SH3-domain GRB2-like endophilin B1
0.2512603 0.3150409 1.7574942 7.6601221 4.7303854 0.0216383 107284249 aftiphilin
0.2508694 0.5578932 0.8159035 -0.0846197 0.5549540 0.6547656 107296747 BRF2 RNA polymerase III transcription initiation factor 50 kDa subunit
0.2503152 -0.4302996 -0.2672687 3.0623636 0.7727932 0.5315933 107282390 zinc finger protein 239-like
0.2499398 -0.2582500 0.1748809 6.3241365 1.0419903 0.4098241 107286334 protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B’ alpha
0.2497497 0.4722585 -0.0523740 6.2206673 1.1191806 0.3805069 107283375 centrosomal protein 350kDa
0.2495501 0.6784327 1.1993229 5.7216443 5.4813132 0.0135370 107297402 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 2
0.2487716 0.4731750 -0.0217470 3.7541785 0.9029148 0.4687295 107283527 DEAH-box helicase 38
0.2485821 0.7588234 0.2129639 2.8328494 1.4127652 0.2879347 107296931 topoisomerase I binding arginine/serine-rich E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
0.2484442 0.7379769 -0.7440762 0.1602031 1.0439280 0.4091626 107295575 putative PIP5K1A and PSMD4-like protein
0.2484422 0.3032135 -0.5247174 6.4764405 1.0028668 0.4256761 107303312 lysine methyltransferase 2C
0.2483995 -0.8207210 -0.0157311 2.3927563 2.2731470 0.1331503 107290833 KIAA0930 ortholog
0.2483265 0.1320016 -0.0880477 4.0184452 0.1996639 0.8945688 107295871 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L14
0.2476413 0.1589147 -0.0103607 5.1746694 0.1516300 0.9266004 107287407 TGF-beta activated kinase 1/MAP3K7 binding protein 2
0.2470736 -0.2347224 -0.5853110 0.3925313 0.4499736 0.7220324 107287889 doublecortin like kinase 2
0.2468265 -0.0637393 0.2741332 5.7554476 0.3082910 0.8189959 107291423 serine/threonine kinase receptor associated protein
0.2466767 -1.9003284 2.0928717 1.5045547 4.5329516 0.0246021 107291231 signal peptide CUB domain and EGF like domain containing 1
0.2462941 0.2461631 0.3349561 1.0751968 0.0626761 0.9785214 107284393 zinc finger RANBP2-type containing 3
0.2462044 0.8836619 0.3289491 5.6511168 1.7963930 0.2023547 107283874 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A’
0.2459914 0.0684881 -0.3364976 5.4177972 1.0582846 0.4034433 107284970 metastasis associated 1 family member 3
0.2454122 0.3976526 -0.0976858 6.7698235 0.9630513 0.4422576 107298288 ubiquitin specific peptidase 47
0.2453817 -0.7961171 -0.6333266 6.0770717 5.4883406 0.0134804 107289752 zinc finger FYVE-type containing 16
0.2452668 0.9062353 0.6530146 6.4159410 1.5685738 0.2492031 107296002 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma
0.2451225 -2.1243182 2.4570553 3.2200498 7.0494371 0.0057044 107300409 acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase cytosolic-like
0.2451083 0.9392712 -1.2176190 3.0366833 2.9107754 0.0790254 107283677 guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-11
0.2448832 0.6349220 0.6472473 0.3097923 0.3527752 0.7880174 107294851 palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 2
0.2448797 0.5722629 0.8875178 4.3542018 1.9936734 0.1696785 107296592 Kin17 DNA and RNA binding protein
0.2445876 0.8866809 0.4783977 -0.3687043 0.1382696 0.9351668 107302203 glyoxal reductase-like
0.2441917 0.0956016 -0.8259105 2.3155534 0.6992774 0.5706370 107283636 phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase type II alpha
0.2441218 0.1286730 -0.9165610 4.8691903 1.6871245 0.2235218 107289289 SET and MYND domain containing 2
0.2440991 0.4382612 0.2792444 5.0266005 0.6560988 0.5947193 107286539 core histone macro-H2A.1
0.2440874 0.3149282 0.0129800 3.0637445 0.3061160 0.8205177 107299681 replication factor C subunit 1-like
0.2440341 -1.6116980 -1.4561305 5.7844222 8.5964901 0.0026968 107288572 glioblastoma amplified sequence
0.2439730 0.7863121 -0.1006440 3.5916083 1.4982564 0.2658969 107283963 adenylate cyclase 9
0.2437910 -0.5510128 1.1173833 0.9817426 1.1092433 0.3842646 107282955 integrin subunit beta 8
0.2434575 -0.3838146 -0.1137096 6.9059626 0.9153559 0.4631239 107293551 protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 1
0.2432413 0.3846422 0.1703344 2.8673676 0.0229067 0.9950400 107300703 uncharacterized LOC107300703
0.2429337 0.0287041 -0.1887248 3.4036953 0.1340127 0.9378551 107293191 extracellular matrix protein 2 female organ and adipocyte specific
0.2427368 0.8827277 0.3397822 0.7675891 0.4394436 0.7290412 107288511 zinc finger protein 740
0.2426385 1.0840006 0.7304913 2.1740398 0.7683828 0.5338957 107282470 transmembrane protein 143
0.2420551 -0.0783549 -0.4888867 5.9272441 0.8367656 0.4997721 107299157 enabled homolog (Drosophila)
0.2420225 0.3256762 -0.1757572 5.1389830 0.4046043 0.7524721 107293974 translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 6
0.2418040 0.7052148 -0.8995227 2.1057687 2.7662657 0.0886263 107285540 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 12
0.2417735 1.0166282 0.7794965 2.7369217 1.3730052 0.2990335 107302653 sorting nexin 25
0.2415779 -0.6776314 -0.6487068 10.5811911 1.6308129 0.2351799 107286799 high mobility group box 1
0.2414534 -0.5699255 -0.3153424 3.4933171 1.0921451 0.3906240 107295185 transmembrane protein 177
0.2410693 -0.0247349 0.5944395 3.4636786 0.2541965 0.8568504 107282762 membrane protein palmitoylated 6
0.2408800 0.0289406 -0.0571537 6.6418865 0.4103753 0.7485528 107287756 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 12
0.2406700 0.8565926 -1.0175570 0.9272451 2.1398862 0.1494733 107300557 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 23
0.2403985 -0.0444765 -0.1993933 3.9754242 0.5623138 0.6502330 107299120 ubiquitin-like with PHD and ring finger domains 2 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
0.2403702 0.6151746 1.0621145 2.8693154 1.4003024 0.2914616 107300732 uncharacterized LOC107300732
0.2403566 0.7698727 -0.0248808 2.8753212 0.6574138 0.5940162 107294694 glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit associated protein 1
0.2395499 0.6551425 0.0813608 4.3282887 1.2205841 0.3453342 107289676 potassium channel modulatory factor 1
0.2393807 0.8603438 -0.1018869 1.3370706 0.2044535 0.8912972 107300504 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 66-like
0.2393774 -0.1940388 0.0014039 5.0852441 0.6806133 0.5809063 107287918 chromosome alignment maintaining phosphoprotein 1
0.2388314 -0.1283189 -0.3491363 5.0744749 1.1228840 0.3791572 107287401 nucleoporin 43kDa
0.2388046 0.4161498 0.2986259 4.7265519 0.4275207 0.7370038 107300630 mediator complex subunit 19
0.2386796 0.2857739 -0.2288630 4.3334808 1.0739487 0.3974075 107292725 tRNA splicing endonuclease subunit 54
0.2383118 0.2480278 -1.1663017 1.3653902 0.5195142 0.6769624 107293271 KIAA1524 ortholog
0.2377541 0.1589833 0.4432774 2.5030432 0.2596208 0.8530641 107291604 cell division cycle 37-like 1
0.2376998 0.3197587 -0.7417907 0.8184565 1.5231619 0.2597498 107295811 uncharacterized LOC107295811
0.2373416 0.4100886 0.5619039 0.7623957 0.1886765 0.9020302 107290384 STIP1 homology and U-box containing protein 1 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
0.2371940 0.3095483 0.5966799 3.6588833 1.0993392 0.3878250 107289373 spermatogenesis associated 2
0.2371538 -0.6022167 -0.2695351 4.8618568 2.6638637 0.0961527 107293990 transmembrane protein 168
0.2371193 0.6464320 -0.1655399 -0.3160701 0.1377718 0.9354822 107291341 nuclear pore complex protein Nup214-like
0.2367576 0.4116726 0.2379875 3.0840648 0.1645993 0.9181198 107285139 thioredoxin like 4B
0.2363025 0.6595512 0.9389681 4.3309844 1.8954253 0.1852650 107297337 ribosomal protein S21
0.2358064 0.3427332 -0.9985432 1.8603850 2.8116456 0.0853479 107303316 leucine-rich repeat kinase 2
0.2354715 -0.2129785 0.0806626 0.8004252 0.0916726 0.9631944 107285774 inner mitochondrial membrane peptidase subunit 2
0.2354601 0.5364387 -1.3554311 0.7335428 1.1797468 0.3591808 107286410 heat shock transcription factor 2 binding protein
0.2351659 0.7677236 0.4097291 1.5637880 0.6488513 0.5988588 107296504 serine/threonine-protein kinase 38-like
0.2349680 0.3144208 0.6366742 4.4795986 1.0901618 0.3912602 107292934 kelch repeat and BTB domain containing 4
0.2347093 0.6958016 2.4397837 5.5065514 4.8766781 0.0197126 107298764 Yip1 interacting factor homolog A membrane trafficking protein
0.2344588 0.3300241 0.3466520 4.7424462 0.5171169 0.6784586 107286959 protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit gamma
0.2344386 1.3629645 0.2434038 5.0780819 1.9691431 0.1735399 107282629 coatomer protein complex subunit zeta 2
0.2343435 0.4270286 -0.9195300 6.0456304 3.8202171 0.0400140 107296464 thrombospondin 1
0.2339805 0.9586028 1.4286845 4.3198958 3.1975397 0.0632639 107296020 platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase 1b catalytic subunit 3
0.2338285 0.5696213 0.6310797 3.6712053 1.3639385 0.3014597 107289951 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C4orf33
0.2338267 0.4330514 0.3375919 3.8602535 0.3876688 0.7640020 107284516 Vpr (HIV-1) binding protein
0.2334010 -0.1612677 -0.1937292 4.5524672 0.3581775 0.7842828 107283515 trafficking protein particle complex 2-like
0.2329928 0.7241571 -0.2894461 0.6208040 0.8784832 0.4799377 107299581 testis expressed 264
0.2327546 0.2584189 0.7091587 6.3180902 1.0202726 0.4185632 107290748 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 10
0.2319531 0.3566757 0.7494430 4.7218682 1.8664960 0.1899491 107297919 chloride nucleotide-sensitive channel 1A
0.2317734 0.0109093 -0.3683985 3.1240746 0.7288873 0.5545565 107297014 FER tyrosine kinase
0.2317588 0.4286399 -0.3178472 5.0703244 1.3865988 0.2951657 107286113 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L57
0.2316805 0.8624541 -0.9519449 4.3106803 3.0459642 0.0710905 107289263 pseudopodium enriched atypical kinase 1
0.2302776 2.0675696 0.6960063 1.7843913 2.6422833 0.0980105 107295302 patr class I histocompatibility antigen B-1 alpha chain-like
0.2302524 1.3252124 1.9574237 1.8360006 4.0854127 0.0332192 107291166 serine/threonine-protein phosphatase with EF-hands 2-like
0.2302442 0.0613508 -0.2672120 4.4334686 0.3938981 0.7597533 107296836 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class P
0.2302386 0.8020214 0.5921750 3.1156462 1.2543663 0.3344156 107302630 component of oligomeric golgi complex 7
0.2299518 0.2078740 -0.2493358 4.6355943 0.3157206 0.8138031 107301800 uncharacterized LOC107301800
0.2299508 0.9156457 0.2679018 5.2160207 0.8540000 0.4915149 107283027 acyl-CoA thioesterase 11
0.2297276 0.2185862 -0.5896844 3.0265903 1.5428734 0.2550456 107283132 F-box protein 48
0.2290270 2.0988835 0.6761491 1.1714680 1.2944240 0.3220581 107287900 plasminogen activator urokinase
0.2287850 0.6369922 0.9204471 2.2645246 0.7818227 0.5270154 107294116 proteasome subunit beta 5
0.2287473 0.7411231 -0.7128374 0.2840759 1.3598656 0.3026232 107293400 WD repeat and coiled-coil-containing protein C2orf44 homolog
0.2276055 -0.1107088 0.4697782 4.2416350 0.8052534 0.5151868 107290581 family with sequence similarity 204 member A
0.2275726 -0.3369300 0.2275957 0.4072994 0.2102738 0.8873079 107284464 uncharacterized LOC107284464
0.2271056 0.9975543 1.1731620 4.5839924 2.3922332 0.1205358 107295597 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2
0.2269697 -0.0979679 -0.5414396 4.4888281 1.7259502 0.2156086 107285624 RE1-silencing transcription factor-like
0.2267201 -0.0692681 -0.1116087 6.2080368 0.2595364 0.8531210 107296371 tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 4
0.2262836 -0.8308565 1.5894009 1.4956441 1.8578766 0.1915794 107301622 kynurenine–oxoglutarate transaminase 1-like
0.2262435 0.3002774 -0.8143756 1.4313177 2.1179999 0.1521744 107299489 harbinger transposase derived 1
0.2259396 -0.2940586 0.1637642 4.2001529 0.6798810 0.5813366 107302418 cleavage stimulation factor 3’ pre-RNA subunit 3
0.2258495 -0.3779578 -0.3580284 8.8215709 1.3545067 0.3041516 107290533 RNA binding motif protein 5
0.2256199 0.0974693 7.2872451 4.2706543 21.8937840 0.0000417 107282631 proline rich 15 like
0.2255007 0.3240876 0.6983272 5.1481349 1.1161082 0.3816805 107286314 neudesin neurotrophic factor
0.2253304 -0.7531770 2.1947658 2.9890705 3.6287013 0.0459080 107285972 serine/threonine kinase 17a
0.2252800 0.6999107 -0.2634441 0.9121010 0.4698065 0.7089843 107300317 BRCA1-A complex subunit RAP80-like
0.2249408 0.5285693 1.3251726 2.6425514 0.7321051 0.5528972 107301843 proteasome activator complex subunit 2-like
0.2248941 0.7715912 0.8486002 7.2856224 1.6805330 0.2248564 107282994 thioredoxin domain containing 5 (endoplasmic reticulum)
0.2248673 0.3005840 0.7095998 4.1856201 1.8087441 0.2000528 107286126 membrane bound transcription factor peptidase site 2
0.2248444 0.5697289 0.4314955 2.1526820 0.1632013 0.9190410 107288559 caspase-1-like
0.2245696 0.3573860 0.1584870 4.2081803 0.2866229 0.8341640 107286202 LSM6 homolog U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated
0.2239641 -0.2652045 -0.5133291 5.7754320 0.5234671 0.6744618 107295529 syncytin-1-like
0.2237437 0.2277747 0.4889155 3.9618469 0.5187929 0.6773955 107293784 Suv3 like RNA helicase
0.2237251 -0.1693695 -0.3061804 5.5560090 0.4333189 0.7331294 107284503 dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase
0.2237244 -0.1196404 0.0735458 5.7125797 0.2125594 0.8857375 107294580 protein phosphatase Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1A
0.2234777 0.1568097 -1.3801017 3.4380204 6.6533025 0.0069915 107289489 folliculin interacting protein 1
0.2230211 -2.2767267 -0.5197870 3.6023886 13.2001205 0.0004482 107301003 cathepsin Z-like
0.2230127 -0.2599256 -0.2959977 5.8293185 0.6768574 0.5830521 107292953 E2F associated phosphoprotein
0.2226837 0.4563015 -0.0694214 3.0501669 0.2946885 0.8285144 107294214 protein O-linked mannose N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 (beta 14-)
0.2223839 -0.3806184 -0.8174482 6.2031935 3.7287714 0.0425978 107284189 erbb2 interacting protein
0.2221900 1.2776665 1.3235582 2.7481490 3.9851693 0.0355400 107283770 ring finger protein 139
0.2219470 0.6501331 -2.2077476 5.4984496 19.7595787 0.0000688 107285498 spectrin beta non-erythrocytic 1
0.2218823 0.6237992 0.3257967 5.2719778 0.3749390 0.7727305 107291198 chromatin accessibility complex 1
0.2216809 0.3652316 0.0492163 4.4196924 0.4675991 0.7104134 107284109 general transcription factor IIE subunit 1
0.2216762 -1.2028350 -0.9920274 2.2704511 2.4975938 0.1103899 107284774 pleckstrin homology like domain family B member 1
0.2216051 0.3369655 -0.9496823 1.7612668 0.7742536 0.5308797 107283262 surfactant protein B
0.2215440 0.3702915 0.2549648 2.4748749 0.1614310 0.9202056 107290076 IQ motif containing B1
0.2214889 0.9311970 -0.0207009 3.4230754 1.0654663 0.4007697 107290014 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S16
0.2213729 0.4565289 -0.2150284 2.5879946 0.6643636 0.5900356 107299856 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 2
0.2210114 0.3119364 0.5933235 6.9722468 0.7341432 0.5517625 107289008 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A/B
0.2209303 0.3627958 0.5631343 1.7328642 0.3674239 0.7778966 107298251 negative elongation factor complex member E
0.2200749 0.8526253 1.0694379 2.7776714 2.8064066 0.0857062 107285088 tRNA methyltransferase 61A
0.2197579 -0.6273928 -0.3225946 3.3343508 1.4765666 0.2712565 107288050 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C3orf33
0.2197206 0.0534882 0.4891855 2.7605913 0.3233584 0.8084712 107297961 E4F transcription factor 1
0.2195451 0.5686607 0.4196229 4.2991953 0.4706757 0.7084154 107302395 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L35
0.2193798 0.2143504 1.4133429 -0.5061449 0.7819019 0.5269442 107290863 collagen and calcium binding EGF domains 1
0.2186473 0.1233187 0.0871623 5.2319701 0.0871392 0.9657215 107285245 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf52
0.2183221 -0.5699663 -0.9441181 3.1001220 1.4498881 0.2782401 107302416 enhancer of zeste 1 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit
0.2174808 -0.7151243 -0.0657142 3.1889608 1.2538731 0.3346884 107294318 branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase
0.2174650 0.4039727 -0.2046689 4.0803172 0.5481246 0.6590222 107293201 antioxidant 1 copper chaperone
0.2171540 -0.1051246 -0.4820360 1.4486641 0.3344119 0.8007692 107287699 spermatogenesis associated 5 like 1
0.2170150 -0.0597192 0.0923540 2.6674867 0.2180256 0.8819788 107298855 mediator complex subunit 17
0.2169744 1.1203104 1.9192844 3.5645373 0.4972094 0.6912010 107285475 ISG15 ubiquitin-like modifier
0.2165608 -0.3769128 -0.3494134 5.2365265 1.4530583 0.2772746 107299130 lysine demethylase 4C
0.2165387 0.5102658 0.8730224 6.1799383 1.3824731 0.2963831 107293345 synaptosome associated protein 29kDa
0.2163187 1.1018549 0.7230856 2.2558717 0.5732155 0.6435974 107297243 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
0.2162865 -0.6637872 -1.3337811 4.5441396 8.5831511 0.0026925 107287116 centrosomal protein 250kDa
0.2161049 0.6092684 0.2111965 2.2158295 0.4530711 0.7199815 107283207 mitochondrial translational release factor 1
0.2158249 0.5322776 -1.2167663 -0.0101678 0.9311614 0.4561877 107297032 regulator of G-protein signaling 19
0.2157478 -0.2194059 0.0802677 0.0368102 0.1543691 0.9248278 107301585 uncharacterized LOC107301585
0.2153941 -0.3940613 -2.4506300 1.6977700 4.4921688 0.0252710 107302654 helt bHLH transcription factor
0.2153495 0.2305729 -0.2855453 7.5266735 0.6090954 0.6220348 107288398 SUB1 homolog transcriptional regulator
0.2149607 -1.5717466 -1.2681995 1.8731101 4.3917083 0.0269632 107288976 ninjurin 1
0.2145245 -2.2622996 -2.0038887 2.5357800 6.1691616 0.0091469 107283454 tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin like and EGF like domains 1
0.2143726 0.1929767 -0.3872900 3.0614707 0.8722368 0.4828462 107286440 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF19A-like
0.2141906 0.3777961 0.6027024 5.7292066 1.0060492 0.4242739 107285806 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily b member 1
0.2139270 0.9871075 1.6975682 3.4282087 2.6622269 0.0964324 107293103 neuroguidin
0.2139038 -0.0851019 -1.6998251 2.2422711 1.6989227 0.2211321 107292876 F-box protein 5
0.2138144 0.1865029 -0.3819980 2.1806268 0.7482177 0.5443203 107303069 post-GPI attachment to proteins 3
0.2133311 0.7673875 0.1314882 0.7700755 0.5279502 0.6716090 107296430 zinc finger protein 585A-like
0.2130069 0.7401480 -0.8285199 -0.0608671 1.5424061 0.2551560 107291567 RAB33A member RAS oncogene family
0.2123332 0.5138920 2.1754583 8.3970763 5.2123396 0.0159961 107296401 STT3A catalytic subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex
0.2117944 0.1662044 -0.1975877 3.6316767 0.6443488 0.6014431 107303128 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 3
0.2116530 0.9879188 0.2697961 2.1099247 1.1298644 0.3766420 107294762 ALS2 alsin Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor
0.2116140 1.1993308 -2.3095418 0.6961983 5.8157238 0.0111777 107298097 SPT6 homolog histone chaperone
0.2113810 0.3250829 2.0292780 0.2137435 2.3623593 0.1234452 107284520 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf1
0.2110797 -0.7439551 5.8560429 4.1561737 10.2080651 0.0013504 107291103 single immunoglobulin and toll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain
0.2108615 -0.2957954 -1.8519485 6.2694710 8.4871449 0.0028350 107287192 KIAA1551 ortholog
0.2107935 1.6248225 0.3997948 3.1421714 1.5997848 0.2421369 107289976 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 3C
0.2107417 1.1156467 0.3071347 1.6312600 1.0687181 0.3994955 107301881 gastrula zinc finger protein XlCGF62.1-like
0.2104354 0.8503092 0.6475194 5.3434367 1.4288788 0.2837597 107289257 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S18A
0.2103776 1.4613822 -0.3050644 0.2340091 1.7239663 0.2160182 107302153 tuftelin-interacting protein 11-like
0.2103000 -0.1257041 -0.3110776 6.0333558 0.5867242 0.6354046 107295316 zinc finger protein 326
0.2099590 -0.0228440 0.0375213 6.6614482 0.1518388 0.9264709 107292989 MON2 homolog regulator of endosome-to-Golgi trafficking
0.2099487 -2.2780884 -1.4334798 0.0308731 1.9554447 0.1756537 107293468 potassium channel subfamily K member 16-like
0.2097396 0.6506855 0.0617729 4.4298159 1.5734803 0.2479273 107296414 WD repeat domain 26
0.2096782 1.1055192 0.2214313 0.5846809 0.9160406 0.4628174 107299721 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 6
0.2089750 -1.3792249 -1.3941908 -0.3234797 3.1377401 0.0660910 107302613 SLC9A3 regulator 2
0.2088065 0.8329457 0.6992660 1.6514040 0.7708812 0.5325977 107292224 amidohydrolase domain containing 2
0.2087726 0.1266162 -3.9004801 4.7645530 21.8601537 0.0000420 107302971 GRAM domain containing 4
0.2086593 -0.0882028 -2.5146034 1.2907967 1.5967547 0.2428131 107293268 uncharacterized LOC107293268
0.2084816 0.0354338 -0.5700620 5.1414591 1.5035386 0.2646313 107283302 Yae1 domain containing 1
0.2083793 0.1585097 -1.8307377 4.4333238 11.1285902 0.0009405 107294255 plexin D1
0.2081750 0.2105152 0.7930404 6.3807664 1.7275053 0.2153042 107286111 Sin3A associated protein 18kDa
0.2081674 0.7005905 0.8234148 3.9741144 2.7318726 0.0909963 107283444 DPH2 homolog
0.2081637 -0.3474377 0.3984465 6.0024222 1.0772182 0.3962668 107297836 neuroplastin
0.2081623 -0.0497218 -0.3681803 4.5481394 0.6764769 0.5832545 107290001 survival motor neuron domain containing 1
0.2077064 0.1014224 -1.8800699 3.6796681 7.8435807 0.0038380 107285404 trinucleotide repeat containing 6B
0.2075125 -0.2683397 1.0011536 4.9838037 1.8731324 0.1889851 107284866 exophilin 5
0.2073273 0.9562454 -1.7740820 1.2463835 6.9569815 0.0059642 107291534 smoothelin-like protein 1
0.2072582 -0.1165560 0.3294648 4.3261447 0.7911743 0.5222121 107294555 NAD synthetase 1
0.2071842 0.3333784 0.5319952 4.0576946 0.2656070 0.8488750 107289574 toll like receptor 2
0.2071320 0.3331996 0.9675077 5.5573559 3.1250547 0.0667394 107289782 TIMELESS interacting protein
0.2068620 0.3178366 0.6243458 5.3441386 0.9736761 0.4377533 107295753 leucine rich repeat containing 57
0.2060454 -0.3207222 -1.3898416 3.2754827 4.1211897 0.0324331 107285164 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 25
0.2058770 0.5239954 0.8458499 5.1751626 1.6227952 0.2370702 107285808 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L51
0.2058044 -0.0548595 0.3197596 2.0516819 0.1009609 0.9578887 107282273 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 2
0.2056388 0.4740819 -0.5939016 5.1120174 3.2199938 0.0620698 107283155 transcription factor 12
0.2054675 -0.0934736 -0.7261608 3.8038361 1.8342261 0.1955932 107294585 JNK1/MAPK8-associated membrane protein
0.2053054 -0.4204238 -3.1230580 2.9366985 23.1781944 0.0000312 107290276 heart development protein with EGF like domains 1
0.2050291 -0.2347438 0.0924300 4.7929967 0.3609870 0.7823417 107283857 PHD finger protein 14
0.2049822 -0.9378415 -0.3554007 1.7487943 1.7678310 0.2075765 107290904 uncharacterized LOC107290904
0.2047305 -0.2578026 0.1367319 5.2233309 0.9224025 0.4599790 107287063 LEM domain containing 2
0.2045761 0.3547954 -0.8020648 -0.3610925 0.4144254 0.7458249 107301793 GTPase IMAP family member 2-like
0.2044306 0.6737512 1.2336535 2.4347791 2.9382062 0.0771934 107298797 activating signal cointegrator 1 complex subunit 3-like
0.2043371 -0.8428236 0.4227512 2.7870312 1.9322517 0.1792993 107297596 septin 8
0.2040424 0.5945550 0.8832473 5.0121674 1.8668639 0.1900328 107283840 family with sequence similarity 49 member B
0.2039082 0.7875941 0.9381878 0.0028317 0.7697820 0.5331123 107284152 casein kinase II subunit alpha’-like
0.2037321 0.2136903 0.2414084 4.5200633 0.1742724 0.9117096 107294280 RuvB like AAA ATPase 1
0.2033277 0.8198843 1.1124750 3.7913226 3.9722004 0.0358505 107290470 interferon gamma receptor 2 (interferon gamma transducer 1)
0.2032072 1.1417742 -0.6117168 2.0855080 4.3060598 0.0285114 107284219 A-kinase anchor protein 1 mitochondrial-like
0.2031236 0.1169609 0.5466364 4.6676871 0.3898634 0.7625063 107284938 M-phase specific PLK1 interacting protein
0.2029938 0.6509351 0.9719561 7.8354216 1.7481656 0.2113949 107284079 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A3
0.2025206 0.0750727 0.0085801 7.0106951 0.1994488 0.8947212 107295959 pinin desmosome associated protein
0.2020431 1.1603870 -1.0791869 0.7737569 2.0151311 0.1666512 107296870 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.2020272 0.9078863 0.5899253 4.0742872 1.8116158 0.1996478 107283795 LSM5 homolog U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated
0.2020014 0.2020338 0.5711568 3.1605676 0.3127636 0.8158692 107293528 aminopeptidase-like 1
0.2016975 -2.4541876 -0.9886566 1.2760070 1.4837571 0.2695895 107297371 C-C motif chemokine 3-like
0.2015249 0.1754181 -1.9251225 1.1132345 4.8963376 0.0194690 107293044 hdc homolog cell cycle regulator
0.2014527 0.3962639 2.0870329 3.2502023 3.3041028 0.0583555 107295731 NUS1 dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase subunit
0.2010079 0.4717545 0.2106112 6.0872037 0.8362385 0.4999534 107290339 KIAA0368 ortholog
0.2009186 0.3036195 -0.1951140 4.4614910 0.4187676 0.7428962 107286176 trafficking protein particle complex 2
0.2007262 0.2719071 0.3641453 7.2692313 0.3657711 0.7790359 107292980 RAB7A member RAS oncogene family
0.2004597 0.2272117 1.0149212 5.4641318 1.4394306 0.2809726 107284843 testis expressed 2
0.2002987 0.9698973 1.1285580 3.5163250 2.3096908 0.1292327 107282249 deoxyhypusine hydroxylase/monooxygenase
0.1999348 1.1141363 0.7522033 5.5923936 3.1558010 0.0652751 107292297 Niemann-Pick disease type C1
0.1993252 -0.2919298 -0.4716945 4.0257990 0.7615773 0.5374123 107289396 coiled-coil domain containing 127
0.1992480 0.5082085 1.1054083 11.3973254 0.5360678 0.6665373 ERCC-00003
0.1992258 0.2674722 0.3394203 3.5556671 0.3256096 0.8069003 107297197 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 6
0.1987761 0.1048989 -0.8049412 1.1518514 0.5230846 0.6747035 107299598 zinc finger protein 850-like
0.1986211 -0.1826609 -0.1580886 2.7319980 0.3357500 0.7998363 107283867 leucine rich repeat containing 28
0.1983827 0.4224944 0.1384177 -0.0310675 0.0374412 0.9898020 107293844 signal peptide peptidase like 3
0.1980243 0.1767393 -0.8630142 3.3319118 0.9355345 0.4542642 107282659 uncharacterized LOC107282659
0.1978135 -0.7792736 -1.4980509 -0.4833574 0.8780019 0.4802409 107296229 gastrula zinc finger protein XlCGF7.1-like
0.1972909 1.1201445 -0.6501391 0.7890771 1.3744207 0.2986356 107287264 squamous cell carcinoma antigen recognized by T-cells 3
0.1970576 0.5652289 -0.1853028 2.7487155 0.7149787 0.5620872 107283907 spastic paraplegia 11 (autosomal recessive)
0.1967275 0.5168218 -0.0948910 4.0173784 0.6219561 0.6144814 107291587 RNA binding motif protein X-linked 2
0.1964696 -0.3680607 -0.4452286 6.9383533 1.5686200 0.2490428 107297290 capping actin protein of muscle Z-line alpha subunit 1
0.1961243 0.0151225 -0.0314461 6.0350565 0.1949744 0.8977670 107287183 CDC42 binding protein kinase beta
0.1955269 -0.3335220 -0.6588740 0.2849575 0.3154969 0.8139595 107288506 zinc finger protein 436-like
0.1953774 -0.4401186 -0.9907907 1.5339300 2.9002832 0.0795389 107298698 RAN guanine nucleotide release factor
0.1949462 0.4928632 0.1540102 4.3523601 0.5567982 0.6536311 107283983 poly(A)-specific ribonuclease
0.1949337 0.7753732 -2.2733440 0.4439953 4.3905470 0.0270319 107286721 dual specificity phosphatase 9
0.1941994 0.2121991 -0.3334056 3.5220212 0.6397778 0.6041067 107284742 akirin 2
0.1940114 -0.1167305 -0.2786441 5.8165519 0.8643423 0.4865473 107293141 inhibitor of growth family member 3
0.1938194 0.8538039 0.7394709 1.0065411 0.2427810 0.8648112 107290282 leishmanolysin like peptidase
0.1936279 0.2272034 -1.4330014 0.6820431 2.4013211 0.1196198 107286272 ETS variant 6
0.1933134 0.0637366 -0.8408736 3.1273989 2.7479118 0.0898269 107296043 mRNA-decapping enzyme 1A-like
0.1929298 0.9244276 -1.7189778 10.0192182 4.3849527 0.0271329 107285775 triosephosphate isomerase 1
0.1923282 -0.4213231 0.0338676 3.0485212 0.8750305 0.4815432 107285944 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C10orf88
0.1921510 0.1637072 0.2728201 3.4500697 0.1949486 0.8977846 107282986 chromodomain protein Y-like
0.1919964 -0.0491875 -0.1493132 5.5675695 0.5349505 0.6672108 107289108 retinoblastoma binding protein 5
0.1915449 0.8863901 -1.3968750 0.5121585 1.1818904 0.3584461 107287747 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 9
0.1914683 0.3731060 0.2447022 0.8867532 0.1048055 0.9556488 107292334 peptide chain release factor 1-like mitochondrial
0.1913316 0.7014662 0.3667371 4.5909052 0.6915611 0.5748824 107284087 casein kinase 2 alpha 2
0.1908454 0.4943828 -0.3978170 0.7775275 0.8568266 0.4900971 107287007 ORAI calcium release-activated calcium modulator 1
0.1906792 -0.2993007 0.2156657 2.0003968 0.2961373 0.8275001 107298871 stem-loop binding protein
0.1904667 0.0648060 -0.5314131 1.3630229 0.5946459 0.6306211 107290027 WD repeat containing antisense to TP73
0.1902987 0.5619417 0.8833304 0.4607679 0.5904602 0.6331324 107299328 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf114
0.1902890 -0.4364105 -0.1567126 0.6044183 0.3740145 0.7733603 107297604 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C2orf76
0.1902520 0.2111239 0.5216196 4.8666674 0.4925728 0.6941878 107289909 TATA-box binding protein like 1
0.1900801 -3.7190549 -2.4691468 3.9150257 20.6049670 0.0000561 107296831 phosphodiesterase 9A
0.1898593 0.2227446 -0.0023426 4.6277577 0.2414481 0.8657436 107302722 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF4-like
0.1897914 0.8073446 0.6937234 6.6589639 0.9267125 0.4581530 107287962 transmembrane protein 258
0.1896041 0.4180328 0.4487669 5.4225528 0.4936615 0.6934857 107284804 ubiquitination factor E4A
0.1893065 0.3586565 -0.8446603 4.2963883 2.8042658 0.0860003 107283981 mahogunin ring finger 1 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
0.1892597 0.1135226 -1.6600500 0.9988488 2.4861492 0.1114433 107300518 zinc finger protein 436-like
0.1890950 0.5116455 0.5073102 3.3780108 0.3833314 0.7669734 107295752 HAUS augmin like complex subunit 2
0.1888072 -4.1831871 0.4500879 2.5273544 18.8474478 0.0000863 107293794 solute carrier family 6 (proline IMINO transporter) member 20
0.1882494 -0.1987371 -0.0833435 5.9684095 0.4620709 0.7140440 107293900 LUC7-like 3 pre-mRNA splicing factor
0.1881543 0.0355960 -0.8740946 2.5153088 1.4873253 0.2686956 107288095 tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 1
0.1875521 0.5139390 1.1743338 1.4312924 0.6955908 0.5726617 ERCC-00069
0.1872433 0.0932144 0.8546564 6.3302051 0.7752689 0.5303598 107293891 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S6
0.1863134 1.2032550 -0.5133068 3.5637443 2.1733543 0.1452136 107284915 coiled-coil domain containing 150
0.1862475 -0.1168618 -1.1161308 5.7310983 1.7536057 0.2104235 107300804 methyltransferase like 23
0.1861577 -0.0740260 -0.9844476 7.5859102 2.0551790 0.1609039 107287400 protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase
0.1861212 0.3669841 -0.1561967 1.3864265 0.3728940 0.7741308 107286242 ELMO domain containing 3
0.1858926 -0.4688071 -1.0837058 6.1926597 2.4644441 0.1134728 107285423 X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6
0.1856063 0.3707984 -2.5517175 1.1137819 4.8316036 0.0202846 107292048 mastermind like domain containing 1
0.1855550 0.6792450 -0.0599149 4.0053566 0.1000147 0.9584367 107300997 proteasome subunit alpha type-4
0.1849779 -0.3469435 -0.4691787 1.7609124 0.3352657 0.8001750 107300556 uncharacterized LOC107300556
0.1848380 -0.4488514 -1.0748482 6.2500573 6.3381791 0.0082848 107284469 KIAA0232 ortholog
0.1847155 0.7406213 0.2216944 3.3912915 0.9212113 0.4605476 107294659 zinc finger protein 281
0.1845804 0.5353173 1.4358496 2.1326544 1.5579781 0.2516539 107287456 basic leucine zipper nuclear factor 1
0.1837618 0.0566665 -0.7617648 0.4396594 0.6944334 0.5732660 107285156 uncharacterized LOC107285156
0.1835015 0.2931741 0.2940206 3.3009952 0.0913784 0.9633596 107290421 uncharacterized LOC107290421
0.1830076 -0.5677468 -0.2207961 3.6072817 0.8542042 0.4914179 107299031 RAP2A member of RAS oncogene family
0.1828107 -0.4593074 -0.1911834 1.8341247 0.4247030 0.7388984 107289651 casein kinase 1 gamma 1
0.1827802 0.2107715 0.1104284 5.1769961 0.1816860 0.9067478 107302854 transcriptional adaptor 1
0.1827469 0.8016182 0.3938062 2.3871233 0.8033825 0.5161192 107287188 importin 8
0.1826440 0.5124664 0.6101096 4.8731976 1.0993840 0.3878575 107288456 WD repeat domain 75
0.1825401 1.0259896 2.2738925 6.8705031 4.2364684 0.0299810 107291066 solute carrier family 39 member 9
0.1824872 0.2135931 -0.3819939 4.4986993 0.4523430 0.7204766 107288647 tRNA methyltransferase 10B
0.1823071 -1.4364126 0.6285524 3.6891462 4.7469847 0.0214114 107287836 zinc finger protein 516-like
0.1822148 0.4043793 -0.0340150 5.2344306 1.1913430 0.3551051 107290219 bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 1A
0.1821692 -0.3236716 -1.0711256 3.7181610 3.9911337 0.0353798 107289012 TSC22 domain family member 2
0.1821583 0.7342319 -1.0648002 3.2908150 1.8729867 0.1890097 107303014 melanoregulin
0.1820831 -0.1870056 0.1695586 5.0254976 0.1905300 0.9007762 107282512 spinster homolog 1 (Drosophila)
0.1818796 0.8404900 -0.0817028 2.5850164 1.3883417 0.2946149 107295436 LSM1 homolog mRNA degradation associated
0.1818120 0.2899198 -0.4684814 5.1695616 1.6157719 0.2385151 107284909 cullin 5
0.1816043 0.4334137 -0.1924446 5.9816344 1.3307479 0.3110497 107284298 pericentrin
0.1814572 -0.1023343 -0.1581292 3.2289947 0.2516683 0.8586194 107293450 TDP-glucose 46-dehydratase
0.1813824 1.5527319 1.3949750 0.9468709 1.0825661 0.3942353 107297982 testis expressed 261
0.1811560 1.2772925 1.6903028 6.1681193 3.6772513 0.0443238 107298529 ribosomal L1 domain containing 1
0.1808698 -0.1493368 0.0476992 3.7293105 0.2714719 0.8447741 107284833 HPS3 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 2 subunit 1
0.1808331 0.4087444 -0.2287231 5.7072577 0.9585558 0.4442260 107294990 pumilio RNA binding family member 3
0.1807721 -0.2059792 2.5180975 4.3439933 3.1939957 0.0634352 107303065 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 1B
0.1807348 0.5103713 0.4002541 3.6897970 0.2231984 0.8784019 107295088 mitochondrial inner membrane protein OXA1L-like
0.1804894 0.2217778 0.8341678 5.2383497 0.6918841 0.5747041 107286816 ribosomal protein L38
0.1804168 0.3645692 -0.4048245 3.7048318 0.0291666 0.9929234 107300833 histone deacetylase 2-like
0.1802049 1.3562557 0.1560393 7.1756842 2.2823456 0.1322702 107283861 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 4A
0.1795553 0.0398106 1.0591049 4.5274927 2.2674146 0.1339631 107295823 Aly/REF export factor
0.1792778 0.7545923 1.2053128 2.1829119 1.5774299 0.2471751 107286293 dephospho-CoA kinase domain containing
0.1781981 -0.4002962 0.5549639 6.3649380 3.0922438 0.0684509 107289867 catenin alpha 1
0.1780374 -0.3603494 -0.1194104 5.8626299 0.7821314 0.5267934 107287174 polymerase (RNA) I subunit D
0.1779967 -0.9418727 0.6005757 6.8180712 4.3055831 0.0286141 107286259 adenosylhomocysteinase like 1
0.1777946 -0.1206157 0.1868320 0.3735804 0.1171930 0.9482573 107300925 ras-related protein Rab-2B-like
0.1774779 -0.0804891 -0.8575767 2.7167328 1.6366650 0.2340279 107296265 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1
0.1770392 0.9298180 -0.1451400 0.6627609 0.4966439 0.6915648 107299038 replication factor C subunit 1-like
0.1768174 0.5345630 0.2191354 3.1864685 0.2308012 0.8731372 107292487 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class A
0.1767620 -0.7685810 1.0702597 4.3700698 5.2459498 0.0156710 107284787 RNA binding motif protein 7
0.1767591 0.6405759 -0.5633770 2.9438295 1.1839513 0.3577412 107286027 uncharacterized LOC107286027
0.1767493 0.6505294 0.0220282 1.6784283 0.6858561 0.5779901 107285274 polymerase (DNA) lambda
0.1765756 0.0144952 1.1476830 4.4897532 1.5682226 0.2492839 107284591 family with sequence similarity 172 member A
0.1763271 0.7835176 1.8125622 5.9535474 3.7028586 0.0435137 107285495 endoplasmic reticulum lectin 1
0.1757813 0.6670832 0.8459777 4.5769623 0.8576112 0.4898020 107284080 peptidase D
0.1753334 -0.1859529 -2.7373453 7.3686883 7.2667559 0.0051047 107298751 mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 2
0.1749754 -0.4601431 -0.1285598 3.7988737 0.8473420 0.4946228 107284327 EH domain binding protein 1
0.1747941 0.3317827 -2.0395963 0.9477175 3.3272973 0.0573463 107282252 uncharacterized LOC107282252
0.1746931 -0.5400698 -0.1533346 4.3964954 1.1032306 0.3864594 107295946 cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 6 homolog
0.1738200 0.2840296 0.4634532 3.4204858 0.4518819 0.7207670 107285620 Werner syndrome RecQ like helicase
0.1735616 0.1883090 0.9931573 4.2355757 0.4976687 0.6909056 107287350 5’-nucleotidase domain containing 2
0.1734849 0.2220328 -0.1017748 2.3430095 0.2402149 0.8666019 107297069 pre-mRNA processing factor 18
0.1732790 0.4254646 -0.0689498 4.4110550 0.2986433 0.8257458 107295958 gem-associated protein 2-like
0.1731204 0.1846060 0.2453921 4.8804894 0.1393040 0.9345119 107302357 microtubule interacting and trafficking domain containing 1
0.1728195 0.2778674 0.8335715 2.9524995 1.5311946 0.2578213 107287164 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 4B
0.1728063 0.5575669 0.6432014 2.0331508 0.3884100 0.7634992 107292242 protein nepro homolog
0.1725325 -0.5424564 -3.7926504 1.3410040 4.4175491 0.0265504 107303021 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 7
0.1724499 1.8813566 2.2116759 3.2421482 6.8312727 0.0063907 107292723 growth factor receptor bound protein 2
0.1721891 -0.5234942 -1.3362051 5.1866601 12.7194306 0.0005221 107287349 nischarin
0.1715856 0.7194421 0.5260474 5.6241101 0.0224155 0.9951961 107296269 GTPase HRas-like
0.1713011 0.9117055 0.4614072 2.3204002 0.9187347 0.4616989 107293517 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 6
0.1712487 0.2218992 -0.2824088 3.1643311 0.5701634 0.6454265 107282818 prenyl (decaprenyl) diphosphate synthase subunit 1
0.1710494 0.2413928 -0.2836858 4.3777119 0.8501422 0.4932759 107290638 interferon alpha and beta receptor subunit 1
0.1704559 0.6476318 0.0139495 6.5583890 0.9702534 0.4392605 107292042 high mobility group box 3
0.1703933 0.7159202 1.0506206 5.9184079 1.0241311 0.4170393 ERCC-00165
0.1699937 0.4494057 0.0730130 4.2824119 0.2443561 0.8637141 107289474 poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 12-like
0.1699649 0.6415429 0.6836317 4.9830225 1.5341469 0.2571941 107294239 exosome component 1
0.1697886 1.6406506 0.9338839 1.7894842 1.0764935 0.3965429 107301555 GTPase IMAP family member 4-like
0.1697011 0.8214238 -0.7360470 5.6412607 2.6865925 0.0945437 107300260 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A9
0.1694640 -0.7063582 -0.4720014 3.6976066 2.6240594 0.0993260 107284969 thyroid adenoma-associated protein homolog
0.1692953 -0.0417720 0.6407114 5.5660245 2.1780252 0.1444692 107295500 RAB23 member RAS oncogene family
0.1689584 -0.0626870 -0.1959253 3.8633987 0.4117408 0.7476291 107297670 MRE11 homolog A double strand break repair nuclease
0.1686995 1.1772518 2.6820907 4.7019597 7.0088783 0.0058252 107300395 translocon-associated protein subunit beta-like
0.1684912 0.8968337 1.0257441 4.4372642 2.2570818 0.1351492 107297665 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
0.1684203 -0.5719151 -1.0133939 -0.2356881 0.8045156 0.5155407 107299722 unconventional myosin-VIIa-like
0.1681858 -1.3999811 -1.1388891 0.3528819 0.9511247 0.4474739 107294474 myosin VA
0.1678117 -0.5836820 -0.2237463 3.0682552 1.0939119 0.3898526 107283282 tetraspanin-15-like
0.1675966 0.2230446 -0.6777831 2.8151554 1.8600210 0.1910528 107289779 DIS3 like exosome 3’-5’ exoribonuclease
0.1674560 0.2088307 -0.3483313 2.3114938 0.8793494 0.4795358 107297329 uncharacterized LOC107297329
0.1672500 1.1857338 1.7404982 4.4285902 4.9546580 0.0187667 107291551 tetraspanin 31
0.1668031 -0.2800626 -0.5919466 5.5300561 2.5827025 0.1027510 107297493 family with sequence similarity 208 member A
0.1665665 0.0451135 -0.2883619 4.9649012 0.4701722 0.7087398 107302905 inositol(myo)-1(or 4)-monophosphatase 1
0.1664628 1.1456198 -0.5023966 0.1048767 1.1024875 0.3867641 107296497 general transcription factor IIIC subunit 4
0.1663159 -0.0008242 0.3794214 4.3049641 0.2682061 0.8470566 107288312 beta-13-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2
0.1662128 0.1325711 -0.7445731 3.4740499 1.3179944 0.3149553 107293428 ninein
0.1660713 -0.2356283 -0.5497526 2.3121094 0.8642969 0.4865687 107285629 tankyrase
0.1657879 0.3184201 -0.3494586 3.8920104 0.8899906 0.4746827 107299167 zinc finger protein 721-like
0.1654216 0.7271453 0.0852690 2.2018472 0.5870898 0.6351945 107292388 forkhead box protein N3-like
0.1654206 0.3993921 0.7476151 1.3551870 0.2087209 0.8883736 107286851 abhydrolase domain containing 17C
0.1653378 -1.7582144 1.2242246 4.5050365 24.2959278 0.0000244 107291827 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 12
0.1648370 -0.3748822 -1.4495034 0.8216322 1.0103980 0.4225961 107288736 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF213-like
0.1645687 -0.3496626 0.9898753 2.0609987 1.0128161 0.4216121 107300009 C-terminal-binding protein 1
0.1637254 0.2875075 0.5325142 5.3497778 0.7157408 0.5616274 107302401 ring finger protein 113A
0.1635302 0.6389882 -0.1993555 5.7585304 1.0897437 0.3915260 107284144 prefoldin subunit 1
0.1634614 -0.7159570 0.0928791 2.4774228 1.4409417 0.2804458 107295947 cyclin dependent kinase like 5
0.1634524 0.4073471 0.2093073 3.9075247 0.5273590 0.6719814 107284056 mutS homolog 2
0.1629759 0.0589124 -0.2355110 1.9885460 0.2699110 0.8458666 107293988 splicing factor suppressor of white-apricot homolog
0.1628021 0.5211500 0.1763622 3.2291024 0.1675484 0.9161715 107291027 WD repeat domain 5
0.1627818 0.2691224 -1.0544162 5.8619999 3.7410282 0.0423379 107291554 DNA cross-link repair 1A
0.1622227 0.5370175 -0.7496965 4.8551469 1.0699444 0.3990476 107297946 lymphocyte-specific protein 1
0.1608050 0.4053132 0.6390737 4.1402067 0.2172141 0.8825329 107286435 fibronectin type III domain containing 4
0.1607198 -6.2216128 -2.5288247 1.9248220 22.6005648 0.0000356 107293790 hexokinase domain containing 1
0.1601698 -0.3876035 -0.0842425 5.8260533 0.8701872 0.4838044 107294303 activin A receptor type IIA
0.1601073 1.8078321 1.6593000 0.4942450 2.8914161 0.0802004 107293510 RAP1 GTPase activating protein 2
0.1599067 -0.5965229 -0.1588102 5.0839636 1.0526075 0.4057585 107295766 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex assembly factor 2
0.1598806 0.1432508 0.1548615 5.9245735 0.0665453 0.9766020 107291211 H3 histone family 3A
0.1596543 0.2482925 -0.6564688 2.0042831 1.1942382 0.3541347 107299291 integrin alpha-1-like
0.1595778 0.0231763 0.8678210 1.3297419 0.0963643 0.9605351 107293036 dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycosyltransferase subunit STT3B-like
0.1591788 0.9644467 0.5041520 2.8362058 1.6098392 0.2397566 107284153 coiled-coil domain containing 113
0.1586506 0.3596602 0.5528483 6.1028994 0.4519431 0.7207412 107284560 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide F
0.1585366 1.0356551 0.4104584 3.4818903 2.7817452 0.0874164 107284594 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 37
0.1582529 0.5529938 0.1591058 -0.7150340 0.1267737 0.9423789 107299523 zinc finger protein 287-like
0.1570539 0.5387943 0.0431128 5.0988976 0.3979466 0.7569958 107290211 uncharacterized LOC107290211
0.1569951 0.5577036 1.1667930 9.2190552 0.9375456 0.4533823 ERCC-00022
0.1566444 -0.3379143 0.4456813 6.6629056 1.6002567 0.2418805 107292378 SEC22 homolog B vesicle trafficking protein
0.1566002 0.4648487 0.3338863 6.1794480 0.2707440 0.8452805 107286278 elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain containing 2
0.1565669 0.3623941 0.2676029 5.5932283 0.3666522 0.7784286 107286433 GPN-loop GTPase 1
0.1565469 -0.0524832 -0.7194721 4.2264761 1.3317798 0.3108803 107288838 NCK adaptor protein 2
0.1561724 -0.3256263 -0.2776342 6.9424005 0.7402660 0.5485093 107302999 leucine rich repeat (in FLII) interacting protein 1
0.1553189 -0.4796674 -0.7673880 4.3194414 2.7940987 0.0865549 107288066 solute carrier family 4 member 1 adaptor protein
0.1552172 0.3580703 -0.3676659 6.3854398 2.5940078 0.1018015 107287623 HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
0.1546369 0.2360021 -0.6152085 1.6432898 0.6413123 0.6032343 107293314 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 39
0.1542204 0.3577513 -0.3329638 4.8644199 0.8733456 0.4824076 107286526 BCL6 corepressor
0.1536765 0.5027784 0.0211942 2.4259156 0.5761731 0.6417660 107291445 conserved helix-loop-helix ubiquitous kinase
0.1536038 0.4290163 0.6651606 3.7174650 0.7890459 0.5233530 107290610 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) alpha 12
0.1528433 0.1128272 0.7151021 5.7078137 1.0358232 0.4123684 107286649 5’ 3’-nucleotidase cytosolic
0.1520662 -0.6137133 0.3604212 3.5383296 0.9827612 0.4340130 107290628 sorting nexin 8
0.1505284 -0.0055151 -0.4853835 1.7948510 0.5594148 0.6520153 107297976 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A3
0.1503550 0.4548010 1.5175798 3.5251177 5.8607144 0.0108385 107294411 sirtuin 7
0.1502860 -0.9382729 -0.3479525 2.6365495 0.9106353 0.4653274 107284409 carboxypeptidase M
0.1498119 0.4291982 1.1376643 3.9793885 2.5512161 0.1055580 107282720 bolA-like protein 2
0.1493724 1.8036457 1.0749228 1.0862813 2.1258689 0.1512994 107294549 general transcription factor II-I repeat domain-containing protein 2-like
0.1486824 0.9482747 0.0351057 2.2928615 0.9261553 0.4583998 107282398 zinc finger BED domain-containing protein 1-like
0.1482363 0.2383737 0.0904794 3.7086081 0.0227300 0.9950963 107300348 GTPase IMAP family member 7-like
0.1481156 0.1432664 -0.4524831 3.9918559 0.9857963 0.4326867 107302611 tuberous sclerosis 2
0.1477175 -0.5204169 -0.7575001 1.5903484 0.5876648 0.6348482 107292660 cytochrome b ascorbate-dependent protein 3
0.1475946 -0.4258921 -1.2768727 5.3834650 2.2705659 0.1336038 107295426 mitochondrial inner membrane organizing system 1
0.1474313 0.5837187 0.3555358 5.1452676 0.6627399 0.5909946 107293539 NOC3 like DNA replication regulator
0.1472728 -0.0025341 0.3275906 1.2991562 0.0938198 0.9619827 107289457 zinc finger protein 501-like
0.1469153 -1.0639033 -0.6695232 1.3305541 2.2692946 0.1335886 107284960 uncharacterized LOC107284960
0.1468134 -0.0289702 0.7509018 1.9749278 0.5017907 0.6882588 107286013 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf35
0.1467191 0.4487923 -0.8033786 2.3345656 3.0662019 0.0698453 107288927 coiled-coil domain containing 14
0.1465713 -0.3711694 0.2154306 6.4385735 1.3608536 0.3023373 107293785 SAC1 suppressor of actin mutations 1-like (yeast)
0.1462764 1.0231962 -0.2580032 2.8360787 3.0604738 0.0701564 107297495 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 66-like
0.1462138 -0.6635919 -0.3948601 5.4828251 1.5860350 0.2452221 107294125 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit G1
0.1461016 -3.2668328 1.0390767 3.1269296 15.8095412 0.0001977 107286255 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 5
0.1456943 0.1473993 -0.2266859 4.8371961 0.3702094 0.7759831 107288386 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class U
0.1452773 0.5905600 -0.2118718 2.6918825 0.5069511 0.6849556 107291520 family with sequence similarity 8 member A1
0.1450317 0.2120990 -1.6976129 2.8486571 2.7782551 0.0878096 107282905 phospholipase C like 2
0.1450268 -0.3990158 -0.5559579 0.3428528 0.2032163 0.8921433 107301491 RUN and FYVE domain-containing protein 2-like
0.1449199 -2.6557674 0.6391887 5.1633388 23.7218403 0.0000280 107286693 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C4orf32
0.1445229 -0.2068596 -0.0148133 4.1965980 0.2069321 0.8896001 107290761 coiled-coil domain containing 107
0.1441879 0.4490682 0.7780898 5.9952524 1.0827789 0.3941547 107295249 polymerase (RNA) II subunit C
0.1441851 -0.0838032 -0.5767412 7.3203036 1.5122657 0.2623915 107292282 GA binding protein transcription factor alpha subunit
0.1440493 0.4975145 1.2781787 2.3871686 1.5357223 0.2568892 107301558 ATPase ASNA1-like
0.1438290 -0.1453407 -0.8630216 1.2429362 0.3859601 0.7651743 107289379 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 1
0.1434431 0.1803167 0.5991889 5.8979504 0.7090410 0.5653064 107291210 acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3
0.1430261 0.3687660 -0.0268190 3.7613877 0.4662797 0.7112788 107290005 zinc finger protein 420-like
0.1429162 0.5141576 1.3985742 3.2858688 2.9493644 0.0766570 107283725 yrdC N(6)-threonylcarbamoyltransferase domain containing
0.1425134 0.9506915 0.7639330 2.9955774 2.5203981 0.1081696 107292449 THO complex 3
0.1424466 -0.1312625 -1.1137494 5.7974166 1.2694925 0.3297610 107288928 myosin light chain kinase
0.1417037 0.0170637 -2.1254337 0.3053663 3.0001932 0.0736695 107288915 RAN binding protein 10
0.1416399 -0.6751943 1.6199062 3.5812364 5.0808024 0.0173460 107283923 alanyl aminopeptidase membrane
0.1410375 0.6786591 0.0773095 3.5811940 1.4433548 0.2798015 107301365 activating transcription factor 2
0.1409907 0.2700653 -0.9201704 1.3970717 0.7590998 0.5386980 107290386 ras homolog family member T2
0.1408718 -0.0881682 0.0519448 6.6742846 0.1982796 0.8955181 107298166 dynamin 2
0.1402786 0.3251052 0.1192198 1.5855274 0.0749228 0.9723033 107302799 pre-mRNA processing factor 4
0.1398727 -0.1663196 0.1357073 6.8385030 0.2600262 0.8527807 107302393 charged multivesicular body protein 3
0.1398409 1.2475730 -2.4667479 -0.3305450 5.8558108 0.0109227 107293289 lymphocyte antigen 6 complex locus protein G6f-like
0.1396001 0.1378223 0.6198972 7.0721990 0.5253149 0.6732953 107294149 proteasome maturation protein
0.1394916 -0.1022905 -0.7380816 5.7017601 1.8902873 0.1861150 107285832 actinin alpha 1
0.1392579 -0.9477275 -1.9505183 0.4035858 4.8911837 0.0194565 107297015 McKusick-Kaufman/Bardet-Biedl syndromes putative chaperonin-like
0.1387892 0.2880578 0.0473327 4.1956702 0.0403977 0.9886081 107302839 14 kDa phosphohistidine phosphatase-like
0.1387772 0.2117834 -0.2100708 2.4260828 0.2521603 0.8582742 107296311 polymerase (RNA) I subunit B
0.1385297 -1.5797683 -1.2299807 2.1309633 3.1731419 0.0644538 107293709 probable G-protein coupled receptor 173
0.1385262 0.4550724 2.0080946 5.6500831 9.1802691 0.0020701 107285092 solute carrier family 22 member 15-like
0.1385150 1.1805078 1.7957796 1.6394721 3.1190284 0.0671863 107291978 alkB homolog 6
0.1384498 0.3362373 0.1252534 -0.2982651 0.0289106 0.9930144 107297452 apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD
0.1382396 0.5033724 0.8379962 4.8490923 1.7471523 0.2116098 107294467 ubiquitin specific peptidase 16
0.1374863 0.7051637 -0.6134563 1.5117102 1.7514662 0.2106744 107297085 transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 9-like
0.1373428 0.1772801 -0.6898614 2.4037077 1.6963977 0.2214859 107293993 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 21
0.1373424 -0.4387521 -1.5247412 0.2048751 2.2529952 0.1354613 107298067 ras and Rab interactor 3-like
0.1367909 0.5324984 0.0883368 3.6390090 0.7425400 0.5473083 107290043 cohesin subunit SA-1
0.1367883 0.8524566 1.1626060 4.3373564 2.3659747 0.1232278 107302897 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S28
0.1367648 0.2478970 0.2103507 4.3933853 0.2385596 0.8677535 107297561 CWC22 homolog spliceosome-associated protein
0.1365036 0.2189484 0.3199603 6.2206640 0.0797231 0.9697589 107289613 APAF1 interacting protein
0.1362722 -0.3382433 -0.5873658 3.0525223 0.6536844 0.5961401 107284587 small glutamine rich tetratricopeptide repeat containing beta
0.1357580 -0.0925173 -0.4010489 3.9041425 0.7373696 0.5500427 107287668 AMMECR1 like
0.1354194 0.3978873 -0.2114210 3.3184165 0.7831693 0.5262656 107293193 inositol-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase
0.1353737 0.4674189 1.6243554 2.8479531 4.0298524 0.0344519 107287343 gamma-secretase subunit Aph-1b-like
0.1352143 0.2660459 -1.0575717 6.2600795 2.9849498 0.0745523 107289002 Sjogren syndrome/scleroderma autoantigen 1
0.1350228 -2.9238695 0.0688276 0.4245006 8.2967325 0.0030939 107289157 sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase 2
0.1349400 -0.1178690 -0.1678126 5.2043193 0.1603644 0.9209052 107286374 lymphocyte antigen 75-like
0.1345784 0.1789583 -1.0079006 0.5565707 0.8152392 0.5102780 107297027 secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 3-like
0.1341774 0.5835861 0.2548266 1.8723929 0.3298552 0.8039417 107288653 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1
0.1340534 0.8607312 0.3001553 2.0753339 1.2233498 0.3444251 107289393 mitochondrial ribosome-associated GTPase 2
0.1337299 0.5018320 -0.3126051 3.0126140 0.9288348 0.4571885 107289805 mediator complex subunit 15
0.1336441 -3.3022638 -0.7310481 5.5325471 23.4944963 0.0000294 107296222 cyclin dependent kinase like 1
0.1335134 0.1710030 -0.0769514 4.3830968 0.0816404 0.9687271 107283951 pitrilysin metallopeptidase 1
0.1334456 1.5430717 0.1134771 0.3569471 2.2120910 0.1402941 107290409 uncharacterized LOC107290409
0.1331293 -0.0883019 0.1831637 7.6242808 0.2715185 0.8447414 107302597 CD82 molecule
0.1330402 0.1717347 -0.2215693 4.3324202 0.5414862 0.6631245 107297680 family with sequence similarity 103 member A1
0.1327210 -1.1917673 -0.2392276 6.1254035 5.4738555 0.0136026 107293582 methionine adenosyltransferase 2B
0.1325887 0.3660143 -0.0971612 4.9136030 0.7728406 0.5315406 107290122 mutS homolog 6
0.1323872 -0.0046025 -0.9625327 5.3817640 3.4965847 0.0505357 107284847 bromodomain PHD finger transcription factor
0.1322373 1.4181882 -0.7279576 0.6128202 3.2287585 0.0616459 107285279 MAU2 sister chromatid cohesion factor
0.1321123 0.4700802 0.7908117 6.1744990 1.4817527 0.2700501 107290300 Sjogren syndrome antigen B
0.1320205 0.3965586 -0.2378684 4.0369942 1.2118562 0.3482200 107293406 ATPase family AAA domain containing 2B
0.1318323 3.4401630 0.3042183 -0.2829722 1.3260063 0.3125799 107284857 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C17orf58
0.1316259 0.8712829 1.2721858 1.5227234 0.9729827 0.4381286 107293774 TNFRSF1A-associated via death domain
0.1315345 -0.3235187 -0.3817820 3.6630200 0.8808468 0.4788417 107289122 dpy-19 like 4 (C. elegans)
0.1312786 0.2659653 -1.0955252 5.6039259 3.2310206 0.0616721 107298592 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf64
0.1311276 0.3137178 0.8218329 0.4860417 0.2675577 0.8475103 107294162 MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 2 (yeast)
0.1307978 3.0599258 1.3075924 2.0032019 9.0736931 0.0021735 107288885 pyruvate dehyrogenase phosphatase catalytic subunit 2
0.1301784 0.3820324 -1.4402398 -0.1620015 1.6484536 0.2315593 107295631 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.1301604 -0.2066248 1.8927459 4.9318586 5.9623724 0.0102771 107302790 glutaredoxin
0.1299246 -0.3516104 -0.8715651 4.3543219 1.5351760 0.2570192 107290376 glyoxylate reductase 1 homolog (Arabidopsis)
0.1298468 0.6756507 0.3922815 5.4467807 0.5230650 0.6747158 107293164 DNA-directed RNA polymerases I and III subunit RPAC2-like
0.1294835 -0.1997444 0.0834647 4.8000612 0.5535277 0.6556469 107289478 suppressor of cytokine signaling 6
0.1287060 0.1249413 -0.3705614 3.7848374 0.4512297 0.7212133 107302068 UPF0235 protein C15orf40 homolog
0.1286533 1.0221554 0.7198012 4.8127024 0.9150792 0.4633330 107287166 ribosome production factor 2 homolog
0.1286026 0.3155233 -0.2270339 6.0405714 0.8114564 0.5120768 107294000 structural maintenance of chromosomes flexible hinge domain containing 1
0.1284247 0.0184477 3.8760087 1.0398408 9.6261619 0.0017029 107286533 interleukin-1 receptor type 2-like
0.1279899 -0.4350143 -0.0556652 4.9731731 0.4542557 0.7192121 107289822 cell division cycle 73
0.1277900 0.3734022 1.0841775 3.5723951 1.1760141 0.3604640 107284122 coiled-coil domain containing 58
0.1276632 -1.1586848 -0.4198446 -0.0551895 0.2692244 0.8463440 107300590 GPI ethanolamine phosphate transferase 2-like
0.1271109 0.7341669 1.5198283 1.8193328 2.2328054 0.1379695 107301346 conserved oligomeric Golgi complex subunit 6-like
0.1268729 0.2149972 0.2106783 0.3298811 0.0460104 0.9862413 107294323 transcription factor IIIB 90 kDa subunit-like
0.1266900 -0.5999271 0.5664278 5.4061258 1.1104582 0.3838169 107293978 dopey family member 2
0.1266176 -0.0998530 -1.6836368 3.6677593 7.7160596 0.0040830 107292058 lactation elevated 1
0.1263696 0.3707567 0.6740971 5.1462998 1.0380919 0.4114684 107288001 synaptophysin-like protein 1
0.1261913 0.2353168 -0.0579370 6.9444787 0.1310975 0.9396835 107290474 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L32
0.1260296 -0.8693287 0.0574610 1.4572664 0.4351009 0.7319385 107296285 RNA-binding protein FUS-like
0.1258141 0.2184952 0.1180347 5.0287110 0.0618224 0.9789389 107291073 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX16 homolog mitochondrial
0.1255628 -1.0860523 -0.0816366 4.6935353 3.7499701 0.0420678 107295178 spindle and kinetochore associated complex subunit 2
0.1254835 0.2508193 -1.1090334 3.9865418 3.2106219 0.0626363 107302042 X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 5
0.1251232 0.2677456 0.5770037 3.6051469 0.9828955 0.4338620 107295988 protein PAT1 homolog 1-like
0.1250291 1.1074997 -0.7305770 3.7088580 3.3015529 0.0584677 107282763 deafness autosomal dominant 5
0.1243081 -0.1727557 0.0079803 5.5099235 0.1036725 0.9563096 107288624 polymerase (RNA) II subunit F
0.1241640 0.1164700 -0.8852510 0.9407550 1.9230900 0.1806024 107284680 transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 3
0.1239006 -1.8266019 2.0256035 2.0735350 13.1301469 0.0004573 107295821 mitochondrial dicarboxylate carrier-like
0.1237695 -0.0777462 -1.6752367 4.3938646 6.2461041 0.0087639 107294074 SNF related kinase
0.1235964 0.4073828 0.0943657 0.1896226 0.1328949 0.9385629 107289754 transportin-1-like
0.1234992 1.7827838 0.4452022 0.2319726 1.0096581 0.4228977 107299503 HCK proto-oncogene Src family tyrosine kinase
0.1234046 0.2042959 -0.1372409 0.3351075 0.1276570 0.9418332 107295067 selenide water dikinase 1-like
0.1228739 0.2894637 -0.1423130 4.0974826 0.6638158 0.5903397 107285896 cohesin subunit SA-1-like
0.1226184 0.9829140 -0.4705083 0.4775820 0.9960629 0.4284787 107283695 BSD domain containing 1
0.1221724 0.4180013 -0.1592229 4.3390970 0.4427582 0.7268345 107283068 cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 7
0.1220545 -0.8756064 -0.3852537 4.4259049 2.7993086 0.0862125 107286198 anaphase promoting complex subunit 10
0.1218705 0.4571961 -0.1015831 2.7743591 0.5180757 0.6778503 107294204 zinc finger protein 208-like
0.1215748 2.8038047 -0.6775513 -0.5228721 5.9099209 0.0105366 107299007 testis-expressed sequence 264 protein-like
0.1211745 -0.3444207 -0.6725364 3.7746049 1.1693361 0.3627720 107285585 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C10orf76
0.1209561 -0.3661190 -0.5791289 5.8695854 1.6536180 0.2303138 107290554 thymopoietin
0.1209441 0.0000062 0.1941352 3.5213543 0.0559946 0.9817285 107286285 protein HEXIM1-like
0.1208747 -0.7140512 0.1266418 -0.4566973 0.5946649 0.6306097 107297068 selenide water dikinase 1-like
0.1207220 0.1770813 0.4498909 3.0364017 0.4445915 0.7256020 107284220 transmembrane protein 187
0.1203342 0.0977445 -1.1389793 5.3511999 3.7372661 0.0424522 107283912 small nuclear RNA activating complex polypeptide 5
0.1199541 0.1984584 0.0730908 6.4990521 0.0343498 0.9910077 107299156 immediate early response 3 interacting protein 1
0.1194255 0.1481163 -1.0864505 1.1696896 0.9890891 0.4313711 107286981 MLX interacting protein
0.1188869 0.3850742 0.0795248 8.8047166 0.3099859 0.8178112 107293642 staufen double-stranded RNA binding protein 1
0.1188210 -0.2746406 -0.8908761 3.5044996 2.3440736 0.1253801 107287122 neuropathy target esterase-like
0.1188006 0.0546111 -1.3335284 1.4586963 2.6981906 0.0935950 107287565 uncharacterized LOC107287565
0.1186178 0.2703813 -0.6338477 2.1961087 1.0603100 0.4027312 107292057 transcription factor binding to IGHM enhancer 3
0.1185969 0.4321834 0.1590782 1.3938420 0.2134694 0.8851170 107290228 ATP-dependent DNA helicase Q5-like
0.1181072 0.3325323 -0.8084624 6.0697285 1.8501342 0.1929114 107298015 cyclin-dependent kinase 2 interacting protein
0.1180920 0.4979512 0.4715688 6.6670611 0.7577016 0.5393911 107282514 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C
0.1179771 0.6430444 -0.7925421 0.4866400 1.3639087 0.3014848 107292196 cytokine receptor-like factor 3
0.1177596 -0.3543010 -1.4517220 3.8695138 2.4368358 0.1161158 107282906 raftlin lipid raft linker 1
0.1177240 0.3524855 -1.8764436 1.7332078 2.8197625 0.0849427 107293371 additional sex combs like 2 transcriptional regulator
0.1174743 0.0040382 -0.3421127 5.8595454 0.3894142 0.7628131 107288832 transmembrane protein 30A
0.1173931 0.1887524 0.1808882 3.4998016 0.0951250 0.9612461 107288683 NACHT LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 3-like
0.1171474 -0.8556625 -1.0854961 2.2501354 4.4920648 0.0251851 107288583 lysophosphatidylglycerol acyltransferase 1
0.1171400 -5.9533026 -1.2930659 4.9080370 9.5513665 0.0017729 107286951 ventricular zone expressed PH domain containing 1
0.1171268 0.3259823 -0.5154040 4.9291967 2.6657419 0.0960059 107289937 uncharacterized LOC107289937
0.1171169 -0.5643727 0.0202440 5.9715990 2.6721243 0.0955088 107303204 TBC1 domain containing kinase
0.1166831 -0.1823028 -1.1950667 0.6565284 1.3222105 0.3137028 107297527 fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 3
0.1163070 0.1768465 0.5807669 0.0103540 0.1821061 0.9064631 107300761 zinc finger protein 621-like
0.1162842 0.8979112 2.0897683 3.2921951 4.3652093 0.0274928 107294381 glycosyltransferase 1 domain containing 1
0.1160181 0.3590095 -0.3093437 4.5324183 1.0313986 0.4140537 107303001 integrator complex subunit 12
0.1155231 0.8677427 -0.7874185 0.1573031 0.4485977 0.7229568 107297707 T-box 3
0.1151269 0.0718304 0.0727060 1.2043206 0.0148032 0.9974002 107301390 uncharacterized LOC107301390
0.1150873 -0.5112043 -0.5341182 3.0779468 1.6587896 0.2292260 107290987 round spermatid basic protein 1
0.1149091 -0.0786642 -0.7695827 3.6475068 2.1032897 0.1541332 107294259 methyl-CpG binding domain 4 DNA glycosylase
0.1146590 -0.7518372 0.1154350 5.2474411 2.5548972 0.1051990 107287893 transmembrane protein 184C
0.1146313 0.0444534 -0.1056472 5.1106494 0.1131625 0.9506869 107289299 COBW domain containing 1
0.1144980 -0.6532712 0.4099450 6.0967984 3.2428310 0.0609899 107303053 solute carrier family 25 member 39
0.1144284 -0.6960292 -0.5639937 5.4513037 1.9635179 0.1743908 107284923 structural maintenance of chromosomes 6
0.1142168 1.9758473 0.7292739 2.7053302 2.0972586 0.1551060 107302926 family with sequence similarity 46 member A
0.1141808 0.0377487 -0.2960586 4.2182422 0.6532098 0.5963663 107294532 autophagy related 2B
0.1140231 0.5261945 0.5050138 0.7980516 0.5179458 0.6779327 107289672 uncharacterized LOC107289672
0.1139157 0.3741215 0.1317708 2.4912002 0.1795148 0.9082023 107302828 peroxisome proliferator activated receptor delta
0.1138273 0.3732593 0.2065867 4.1891571 0.2268806 0.8758542 107284062 inversin
0.1134647 -8.3050366 0.9126151 3.7857454 69.1253227 0.0000001 107287689 solute carrier family 12 (sodium/potassium/chloride transporter) member 1
0.1130804 0.0695080 0.1771760 5.5390618 0.1364503 0.9363239 107302723 YTH N(6)-methyladenosine RNA binding protein 3
0.1127692 -0.1152242 0.6491320 3.4825554 1.7405679 0.2127662 107295435 coiled-coil domain containing 115
0.1125885 0.5771692 2.0924289 0.5261888 1.8256534 0.1971922 107290167 KIAA1147 ortholog
0.1122220 1.2872067 1.6773976 6.7758710 3.9081922 0.0376036 107282996 oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit (non-catalytic)
0.1121614 0.3966215 0.2463720 5.3781292 0.4183957 0.7431376 107284338 protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B delta
0.1120605 0.0923175 0.7538193 3.8629849 1.8259803 0.1969754 107287679 ARP8 actin-related protein 8 homolog (yeast)
0.1119504 0.2493875 -0.4639350 2.5977989 0.6957544 0.5725585 107300411 fat storage-inducing transmembrane protein 2
0.1119252 0.4111129 -0.4797460 5.3580964 0.9003997 0.4699541 107293455 coenzyme Q5 methyltransferase
0.1117975 -1.2115271 0.3391823 0.3012221 1.2439802 0.3378504 107298525 uncharacterized LOC107298525
0.1117793 -0.2433077 -1.7724417 1.6928079 6.2583595 0.0086583 107300079 cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1-like
0.1104470 -0.1997291 0.1352032 4.5759243 0.2013978 0.8933857 107298226 dynein (axonemal) assembly factor 2
0.1104344 0.1352456 0.0702635 3.2770982 0.0239581 0.9947009 107282805 KRIT1 ankyrin repeat containing
0.1104238 0.1549787 0.3867529 1.9439119 0.1347621 0.9373833 107294551 two pore segment channel 2
0.1103744 -0.4256581 -0.1985959 1.0948028 0.3357058 0.7998670 107302163 uncharacterized LOC107302163
0.1103148 -0.2890650 -0.9384296 5.8008912 4.3561153 0.0275686 107285161 spectrin repeat containing nuclear envelope 2
0.1099772 0.0187703 -0.6265987 4.2257169 1.2365750 0.3402384 107282709 myc-associated zinc finger protein-like
0.1099469 0.6357221 -1.2315709 3.1726750 0.3735458 0.7736880 107301692 ubiquinol-cytochrome-c reductase complex assembly factor 2-like
0.1091178 0.1861234 -0.3753213 4.0562524 0.9266429 0.4580970 107295499 zinc finger protein 451
0.1084297 0.2437221 -0.1391478 4.3918958 0.1841581 0.9050791 107283296 STARD3 N-terminal like
0.1076311 0.1781774 -0.6825125 5.4127572 1.6861068 0.2237293 107284710 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 7B
0.1071003 -0.1135251 -1.1306558 1.8620215 2.3910545 0.1204971 107289144 folliculin
0.1069579 -0.8861853 0.3608684 1.4804579 1.3423691 0.3077891 107283141 myotubularin related protein 10
0.1068185 -0.1646102 -0.3847720 4.3686571 0.5190980 0.6772261 107285085 apoptogenic 1 mitochondrial
0.1067701 0.2531195 0.2750236 3.2079788 0.1238597 0.9441766 107287450 mediator complex subunit 18
0.1067308 0.2521488 -0.4243055 5.2598481 0.8192003 0.5083286 107290532 SR-related CTD-associated factor 4
0.1060210 0.3483985 2.7424689 1.5493328 4.2917321 0.0288822 107297403 folate receptor alpha-like
0.1058323 1.1562073 0.0450598 0.6553078 1.3242663 0.3129611 107299850 neuroligin-4 X-linked-like
0.1057879 0.8778009 0.3770932 2.3959026 1.1788111 0.3593831 107298253 serine/threonine kinase 19
0.1057606 0.0512119 -0.4417308 1.0761927 0.2385913 0.8677268 107287479 NLR family CARD domain containing 4
0.1055558 0.3591240 0.0859338 4.4360158 0.1965714 0.8966753 107299445 asunder spermatogenesis regulator
0.1051256 -0.0929508 -0.2040932 2.4532014 0.1508166 0.9271330 107294199 zinc finger protein 420-like
0.1047079 0.3407985 -0.6722760 3.4623516 1.0609324 0.4025214 107290611 interferon alpha and beta receptor subunit 2
0.1040159 0.0936215 -0.1731307 5.5589439 0.3059572 0.8206287 107289681 A-kinase anchoring protein 17A
0.1035992 1.1469169 2.1226207 6.2007511 6.2972368 0.0085196 107287152 defender against cell death 1
0.1035935 0.6905271 0.7660166 3.7075049 0.8044283 0.5156355 107284063 testis expressed 10
0.1034735 0.0068629 -0.0784666 4.4076014 0.0608296 0.9794217 107285549 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 12
0.1034205 -1.0233882 -0.0405502 3.7091007 6.5206056 0.0074994 107291250 solute carrier family 25 member 51
0.1032517 0.5141974 1.1670941 4.3416678 4.1171240 0.0324239 107300899 THO complex subunit 3
0.1030716 0.4825549 0.4322123 2.8281868 0.8182339 0.5087329 107283439 DNA methyltransferase 1 associated protein 1
0.1030690 -0.3236772 -0.5579627 7.7203905 1.9517108 0.1760741 107289865 matrin 3
0.1029542 0.4282486 0.3381349 4.0176248 0.2150997 0.8839896 107297494 thioredoxin like 4A
0.1025365 -0.1820483 0.1865362 6.5656780 0.1928116 0.8992297 107296088 calcineurin like EF-hand protein 1
0.1017660 0.7095317 0.1636942 4.1008383 1.5246487 0.2593917 107302352 replication factor C subunit 2
0.1016482 -0.1208817 0.5053905 4.0605871 0.4522719 0.7205237 107302128 mitochondrial folate transporter/carrier-like
0.1015823 1.0721173 0.2822372 0.9179395 0.5906558 0.6330495 107293496 POZ/BTB and AT hook containing zinc finger 1
0.1009717 0.0738487 -0.7665946 4.4171675 1.9649998 0.1741762 107283739 adenylate kinase 2
0.1008746 -0.2631255 0.5901014 3.3275080 1.1878786 0.3563214 107287517 SSU72 homolog RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase
0.0998327 -0.1549560 -0.3019245 3.2054230 0.5312330 0.6695437 107292824 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 2
0.0997506 0.0469209 -1.6131505 6.3146900 3.1919430 0.0635346 107302093 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7C mitochondrial
0.0995731 0.2361676 1.1503875 3.7897649 2.6227194 0.0995032 107284359 glycyl-tRNA synthetase
0.0994353 -0.0138944 -1.3576074 0.7382699 1.2177029 0.3464070 107295539 DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 3A
0.0993683 0.0619829 0.2006406 5.2249928 0.1079532 0.9537955 107284097 spermatogenesis associated 20
0.0992907 -0.6531324 -1.6764704 2.2090273 5.7957145 0.0112529 107296618 adducin 1
0.0991537 -0.0583535 0.1145537 1.2284575 0.0313748 0.9921248 107290135 CGG triplet repeat binding protein 1
0.0989220 0.1743670 -0.0384425 4.9117445 0.2354137 0.8699403 107284410 nucleoporin 107kDa
0.0987329 0.2367201 0.0560301 8.0035488 0.0646955 0.9775251 107287619 sec1 family domain containing 1
0.0980682 -0.3642803 -0.4459521 0.4474864 0.4103601 0.7485630 107283724 mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 9-like
0.0979502 0.1705797 -0.6117754 0.8594730 0.2528657 0.8577796 107294520 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
0.0978629 0.4301893 1.0550325 12.0537000 0.5092522 0.6834863 ERCC-00046
0.0974630 -1.2063005 -1.3230812 1.7001019 4.4181007 0.0264508 107293888 intersectin-1
0.0974502 0.7418678 -0.7027652 4.8751769 2.5105897 0.1092076 107300806 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 9 mitochondrial-like
0.0972685 -0.3290307 0.7925883 2.2970126 2.1977114 0.1420395 107291376 caspase 9
0.0972587 0.2351359 -0.3723392 3.6548194 0.9583693 0.4442627 107291237 uncharacterized protein KIAA1586-like
0.0967747 0.0914707 -0.3492254 7.5091756 0.5133124 0.6808793 107288848 cullin-1
0.0967248 1.1277103 3.4478470 5.0196589 9.7114769 0.0016571 107289837 acid phosphatase 2 lysosomal
0.0965911 -0.2713667 -0.3068468 7.3643697 0.6975812 0.5715162 107289320 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 5
0.0965793 0.0928624 0.2567619 2.0586379 0.0622665 0.9787220 107300743 mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 19
0.0965528 -0.3634433 -0.4716754 4.3380978 0.0886202 0.9649007 107295098 transformer-2 protein homolog alpha
0.0964234 0.1312204 0.1712326 5.4884378 0.0773572 0.9710232 107283393 membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 5
0.0963066 0.0477231 -0.2351410 4.3011256 0.4481560 0.7232355 107284846 protein NPAT
0.0962831 1.6115810 -1.1428282 1.7655497 5.0812187 0.0173415 107286839 cyclin-dependent kinase 14
0.0961211 -0.6555585 -2.5229814 -0.3661159 2.9456323 0.0768859 107288184 tensin 2
0.0956791 -1.9785153 -1.0290048 7.3190652 7.6786565 0.0041583 107288299 Dab mitogen-responsive phosphoprotein homolog 2 (Drosophila)
0.0951942 -0.2582263 0.4214015 6.7807839 1.4206538 0.2858127 107288237 zinc finger MYM-type protein 2-like
0.0950379 -0.7998469 -0.9725815 6.3679268 1.6109683 0.2396595 107298412 apolipoprotein O
0.0948141 0.2240916 -0.5351877 6.6778495 1.8045482 0.2008101 107284954 protein phosphatase Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1B
0.0944389 -0.2899439 -0.1484531 0.0071462 0.1480458 0.9289225 107302816 uncharacterized LOC107302816
0.0942000 -7.8924384 -1.3469859 2.8640431 37.0039779 0.0000028 107300027 avidin-related protein 1-like
0.0937719 0.6003539 -0.5247214 5.4759724 1.5920982 0.2438563 107296077 interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein-like
0.0935072 0.0203349 -0.6373110 0.3812421 0.4703432 0.7086158 107290457 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.0926629 -0.0194456 0.1906548 1.5911933 0.0354435 0.9905863 107282934 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C8orf48
0.0924900 -0.2432840 0.4759010 7.1059594 0.9220668 0.4601889 107282768 chromobox 3
0.0922581 -0.1399690 -1.4317514 2.4535951 2.3147744 0.1286768 107301549 uncharacterized LOC107301549
0.0921355 0.8154705 -1.0077615 0.0718025 0.8777079 0.4803774 107283776 SH3 and cysteine rich domain
0.0919018 1.1754875 1.3301197 5.6564598 1.9938087 0.1698059 107295353 phospholipid scramblase 1-like
0.0918885 -0.0965130 0.2194533 7.7217022 0.2620738 0.8513496 107303168 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D like
0.0916752 -0.5952239 -0.2837560 1.5333384 0.3811074 0.7684972 107302626 Ras converting CAAX endopeptidase 1
0.0913526 0.5429336 -0.1584778 1.2343881 0.4965868 0.6915808 107290740 zinc finger protein OZF-like
0.0907289 0.4544249 -0.3017727 4.2042313 0.4621753 0.7139914 107287194 DEXH-box helicase 58
0.0906278 0.7131890 1.1394310 3.8195635 1.0665984 0.4003336 ERCC-00099
0.0898987 -0.9504256 -1.0630149 3.3361934 0.1222791 0.9451485 107300063 elongation factor Tu mitochondrial-like
0.0897505 -0.1148923 -1.5095388 1.9598414 4.5366383 0.0244564 107284084 KIAA0355 ortholog
0.0896856 0.1850877 -0.4655201 3.8216958 0.8280436 0.5040030 107283446 lysine demethylase 4A
0.0894125 -0.1817070 0.1533093 1.3539303 0.1609194 0.9205470 107297219 TP53-regulating kinase-like
0.0893343 0.7262444 -2.6806320 3.2504818 15.4698670 0.0002186 107283775 transmembrane protein 65
0.0890319 -0.7768380 -0.2969921 6.2928063 1.9234780 0.1806530 107293727 histone deacetylase 2-like
0.0889341 -0.0589584 -0.7180283 3.1825245 0.9949454 0.4289408 107297997 pre-mRNA processing factor 6
0.0889244 0.1130402 -0.5554867 4.1587671 0.7910731 0.5223296 107285606 tryptophan rich basic protein
0.0887345 0.1874511 -0.3184279 -0.2043158 0.1418851 0.9328724 107285948 CUB and zona pellucida-like domain-containing protein 1
0.0884726 3.0636941 0.6357488 0.7003059 3.3450719 0.0565866 107301919 dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3
0.0883899 -0.6742015 0.0040820 0.1642430 0.5254406 0.6731911 107296937 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 40-like
0.0883172 0.2163448 0.3834826 3.0438496 0.4160359 0.7447277 107301408 28S ribosomal protein S30 mitochondrial-like
0.0883084 -0.1003670 -0.7279652 5.1935219 3.3378790 0.0567644 107285570 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 6
0.0882121 -0.1823666 -0.4751320 5.8621346 1.0228334 0.4174610 107293886 topoisomerase (DNA) II binding protein 1
0.0880373 1.1451648 -0.0391770 1.4769684 2.1420149 0.1490369 107293804 splA/ryanodine receptor domain and SOCS box containing 3
0.0879012 0.5099205 1.0380242 6.3049726 1.5481175 0.2539587 107297879 translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 22
0.0874458 0.9288991 -0.2038889 0.8303586 0.9087933 0.4661101 107301894 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 24-like
0.0873113 0.6012998 0.5121582 9.3193300 1.0092244 0.4229762 107285186 14-3-3 protein zeta/delta
0.0873059 0.7796379 0.3684296 0.9261134 0.6685173 0.5876856 107290504 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 31-like
0.0872125 0.5001429 0.8843570 5.0246745 1.8635176 0.1906155 107288309 RNA binding motif protein 34
0.0868994 -0.0884252 -2.5697648 2.8362823 10.7830043 0.0010745 107290100 acyl-coenzyme A thioesterase 1-like
0.0866227 -0.1542645 0.3538578 2.5054526 0.4139489 0.7461367 107288058 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 variant 3-like
0.0863290 0.0442862 0.5932281 8.0583944 0.3184816 0.8118749 107288925 BRCA2 and CDKN1A interacting protein
0.0855359 -0.5804722 0.0592966 6.7280590 0.7160090 0.5615304 107289669 alkB homolog 3 alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase
0.0854711 -0.2683521 -0.5162281 6.2221057 1.2666202 0.3305334 107290123 F-box protein 11
0.0849568 0.4059472 1.2042621 15.8137263 0.6180131 0.6167557 ERCC-00074
0.0848369 0.0713420 -0.4429258 3.7537935 0.4003637 0.7553518 107287929 coiled-coil domain containing 59
0.0845836 -1.5248569 -3.1802879 0.0954604 3.3261024 0.0573978 107299395 death-associated protein kinase 2-like
0.0845496 -0.1115394 -0.4583738 5.7550819 1.0140577 0.4210089 107284748 zinc finger protein 292
0.0845483 1.0564419 0.0536748 -0.0853307 0.4813741 0.7014393 107284514 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf57
0.0838216 -0.7122639 -3.2877282 3.2194559 10.8846473 0.0010329 107290966 embigin
0.0835862 0.4684415 -0.0273028 1.1845866 0.2008171 0.8937821 107296994 S-adenosylmethionine mitochondrial carrier protein-like
0.0834639 1.2840607 -1.7467667 2.6748802 4.7799423 0.0209641 107289568 pre-mRNA processing factor 8
0.0830016 0.5092773 -0.1530170 3.6656189 0.8054065 0.5151106 107302953 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 12
0.0829887 -0.3404921 0.4539601 3.6541679 1.4530872 0.2772672 107295222 MARVEL domain containing 1
0.0824332 1.0225526 -1.9917685 1.8629840 2.0812892 0.1572779 107293020 histone H1x
0.0821014 0.6325326 0.4552156 1.7779005 0.8576935 0.4896864 107295153 uncharacterized protein C8orf76-like
0.0819657 -0.0153444 -0.6149881 4.8739428 0.7965302 0.5195842 107303237 O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) transferase
0.0814320 0.9912784 0.0137485 0.5735726 0.9637739 0.4419490 107284416 solute carrier family 35 member E3
0.0811730 0.1266141 1.2780475 3.8278378 1.6139044 0.2390138 107286163 osteoclast stimulating factor 1
0.0808311 -0.7333060 -2.3210116 0.2186699 5.5127471 0.0132858 107283409 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase 2
0.0806103 -1.8089519 -4.9300751 1.5947672 15.9468648 0.0001900 107295608 very-long-chain enoyl-CoA reductase-like
0.0803561 0.0464146 -0.6112043 -0.4393478 0.2955416 0.8279183 107288923 brain expressed associated with NEDD4 1
0.0802281 -0.5411984 -0.1672301 6.4058709 0.9720653 0.4384691 107302763 crystallin beta-gamma domain containing 3
0.0801815 0.5367852 0.9735915 7.6256002 0.4279842 0.7367014 107296736 H-2 class I histocompatibility antigen Q9 alpha chain-like
0.0799612 -0.4505213 -0.0297492 3.1780392 0.6518197 0.5971603 107299658 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 4
0.0791315 1.2931502 0.4049301 3.8771030 1.2329381 0.3414179 107282255 MAP kinase interacting serine/threonine kinase 2
0.0787536 0.3291981 0.7798634 5.2541973 0.6522124 0.5969802 107282648 RAB5C member RAS oncogene family
0.0786491 1.3260217 1.1641745 3.6970402 5.3411020 0.0147349 107297971 LMBR1 domain containing 2
0.0781454 -0.3536801 0.3435593 5.3292727 2.0755250 0.1579090 107287871 PAP associated domain containing 4
0.0780524 -0.8887494 -0.4629833 -0.2324129 0.8309424 0.5025204 107283066 carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2
0.0780348 -0.3549986 -0.4795902 3.6434326 0.7070650 0.5663657 107282167 zinc finger protein 414
0.0777443 0.3318094 -0.2995880 1.8506887 0.1791304 0.9084567 107282262 myosin IF
0.0776300 -2.5714332 -1.7276789 0.3056163 7.4521942 0.0046202 107295679 transmembrane and tetratricopeptide repeat containing 1
0.0775785 0.3800366 1.0816382 2.5193454 1.1156769 0.3819002 107293747 nucleic acid binding protein 2
0.0775351 -0.4054486 -0.2349377 7.4728481 0.4419324 0.7273839 107286379 SAP domain containing ribonucleoprotein
0.0773519 0.7909564 0.9268156 1.3572640 0.6020795 0.6262184 107297796 pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase domain 1
0.0772667 -5.3210704 -1.2132648 1.3976141 19.4017167 0.0000751 107290237 cardiotrophin-1-like
0.0771167 -0.1710496 0.7937341 7.2865787 1.2121145 0.3482567 107282816 abl interactor 1
0.0766282 0.6757794 -2.1428297 5.1837222 3.6982623 0.0436579 107282903 SATB homeobox 1
0.0764800 0.0437508 -0.2241176 2.2470873 0.0910899 0.9635215 107287447 phosphatase and actin regulator 4
0.0764111 0.1068563 -0.3136024 4.4546021 0.7975223 0.5190192 107285166 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 1
0.0763098 0.2939918 -1.1672209 6.1191660 3.1816077 0.0640380 107287105 ubiquinol-cytochrome-c reductase complex assembly factor 1
0.0760466 0.5619025 0.4710929 5.4278756 1.3156112 0.3155334 107293203 G3BP stress granule assembly factor 1
0.0760419 0.7259805 1.6682158 4.3631616 3.7436988 0.0422571 107288621 protein interacting with PRKCA 1
0.0757633 0.2648606 0.0878673 0.4113301 0.0411737 0.9882889 107296469 C-type lectin domain family 2 member D-like
0.0757014 0.1837847 0.3253430 5.2466073 0.4400186 0.7286449 107286888 WD repeat domain 83
0.0752417 -3.2225530 -4.7766358 0.7991022 7.4042037 0.0047634 107283681 tachykinin precursor 1
0.0751878 -0.2652693 -1.1384523 0.9141694 0.9245936 0.4590921 107288277 peroxidasin
0.0742336 0.9375278 -0.3707015 7.7166714 1.8393599 0.1947824 107290974 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial F1 complex beta polypeptide
0.0740256 -0.3757972 -0.5172689 2.0342061 0.7342684 0.5516890 107290849 polycomb group ring finger 6
0.0737234 0.4795307 0.1476367 0.0665688 0.2456242 0.8628349 107292552 hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase-like
0.0736604 1.7032376 0.7424008 5.2810408 0.9787007 0.4357172 107282840 BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor
0.0734884 -0.0463719 -0.5770701 6.5298132 1.4335311 0.2823856 107286521 ubiquitin specific peptidase 9 X-linked
0.0734126 0.1286937 0.5705803 1.6045099 0.4708546 0.7082812 107298410 polymerase (RNA) II subunit H
0.0732489 0.2293687 -2.6814611 6.6520087 30.9031413 0.0000072 107285873 protein C receptor
0.0732351 1.0310598 -0.2354914 1.3775782 1.1900337 0.3556696 107303130 ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal 5
0.0730414 0.1336165 -0.0336698 7.0211676 0.1264374 0.9425897 107296816 Wilms tumor 1 associated protein
0.0729314 -0.2338737 -0.4877258 7.0207900 1.0967604 0.3887871 107287093 PHD finger protein 20
0.0728080 -0.1119723 0.4829053 6.8256568 0.3466343 0.7922764 107290568 progesterone receptor membrane component 2
0.0725387 -0.2360255 -1.0654377 2.3552402 1.6262008 0.2363304 107290103 acyl-coenzyme A thioesterase 1-like
0.0723544 0.0582198 0.4313853 7.0518854 0.3110401 0.8170738 107302771 axin interactor dorsalization associated
0.0722719 -0.4772191 -1.6635459 2.3168348 3.3423295 0.0567030 107282643 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia; translocated to 6
0.0719146 0.4485443 0.1631060 2.7800469 0.4155380 0.7450638 107289896 GPN-loop GTPase 2
0.0710799 -0.0955030 -0.4430865 7.0787528 0.3560461 0.7857566 107295824 anaphase promoting complex subunit 11
0.0709257 -0.2038947 0.4670322 5.4519322 1.0930464 0.3901903 107290675 small integral membrane protein 10 like 1
0.0705497 -0.5950103 0.1111566 2.7175435 1.3412411 0.3079823 107296773 Rab9 effector protein with kelch motifs
0.0703421 -0.6226659 0.2307409 3.0671152 0.6949434 0.5730180 107284860 nuclear receptor coactivator 1
0.0695344 0.0017834 -0.1421451 4.4847677 0.1191448 0.9470707 107283379 acyl-CoA binding domain containing 6
0.0688689 1.0370851 0.8660901 4.0708485 2.6821881 0.0948820 107292707 H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex subunit 3
0.0688664 1.4988168 -1.0021786 2.6767504 5.7546696 0.0115796 107294459 transmembrane protein 63B
0.0687693 -0.1213331 0.0005916 7.3079199 0.0699450 0.9748824 107294372 Bet1 golgi vesicular membrane trafficking protein like
0.0681580 0.4693103 -0.3705824 3.8673412 1.3984258 0.2918533 107290512 ataxin 7
0.0678697 -0.6376750 -0.4027238 6.9665545 2.2658254 0.1339847 107297374 ataxin 3
0.0675184 -1.3994827 0.3348264 4.0567648 5.3628069 0.0145992 107302594 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase homolog (inactive)
0.0672924 -0.2797660 -0.6195834 3.3580362 0.8984383 0.4708214 107293297 zinc finger protein 345-like
0.0670900 0.7174602 0.5763128 5.5293416 1.6219571 0.2372074 107285947 disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 9-like
0.0668180 -0.2312520 -0.2275484 3.5455337 0.3307006 0.8033518 107290565 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class C
0.0665670 -0.0930730 -0.0776207 5.0240431 0.1034390 0.9564508 107297935 cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor-like
0.0664187 -0.0014475 -0.3826284 0.0751458 0.0895964 0.9643570 107295329 transducin-like enhancer protein 1
0.0660047 -0.3937291 -0.1647925 5.1556093 0.4144892 0.7457818 107284580 SREK1 interacting protein 1
0.0656835 1.2328930 1.4771567 2.7447684 1.5930808 0.2436357 107297950 perilipin-3-like
0.0656336 0.2521118 1.0206043 -0.0271212 0.4321761 0.7338937 107298948 zinc finger protein 624-like
0.0655393 0.0384296 0.2743451 2.2013850 0.1523481 0.9261407 107283497 telomeric repeat binding factor 2
0.0646422 -0.4933957 -0.9541174 4.3399623 0.0537904 0.9827548 107294550 catenin beta-1-like
0.0644473 0.4322272 -0.1721753 5.3906304 1.6167677 0.2382339 107297350 zinc finger protein 208-like
0.0638249 -0.0122686 0.3986025 4.9541923 0.4472455 0.7238494 107293987 inturned planar cell polarity protein
0.0638093 -0.1278675 0.2640871 4.4709574 0.3617608 0.7818037 107299204 nucleoporin 35kDa
0.0635563 0.3169613 0.1388113 6.0780152 0.1751087 0.9111464 107286674 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C12orf45
0.0630029 0.2057976 0.6225943 3.4165480 0.8400093 0.4981336 107286177 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C4orf27
0.0624138 0.4334720 -0.3473530 4.0931590 1.4503938 0.2779660 107283483 SPG7 paraplegin matrix AAA peptidase subunit
0.0622668 -0.5942333 0.1868578 9.3555588 1.3906685 0.2939713 107296620 sequestosome 1
0.0620777 0.7622443 0.4049267 4.4227613 0.5349627 0.6672294 107295270 ATP5S-like
0.0618956 -0.2086894 -2.2269596 2.5763959 2.6056061 0.1009908 107284818 T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 gamma chain-like
0.0609914 0.0247431 0.5499254 5.1804564 1.0341208 0.4129435 107283886 histone acetyltransferase 1
0.0607236 0.4093546 -1.0636770 1.8186541 1.6537697 0.2304355 107294071 zinc finger protein 592
0.0602545 -0.4743282 -0.5177636 3.4283038 0.9793739 0.4353478 107283674 OTU deubiquitinase 1
0.0601764 0.2572906 -0.6275824 4.1272538 0.1194084 0.9469048 107292194 SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 3
0.0597044 0.5170645 0.9699691 4.7531610 2.1257502 0.1513150 107296809 WD repeat domain 36
0.0595023 0.1784044 -1.2238890 2.0705370 0.9595831 0.4438335 107296625 integrin alpha-L-like
0.0590270 -0.0085368 -0.3270856 4.7555924 0.2394382 0.8671377 107287943 succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 2
0.0590261 0.0423088 0.4464806 2.7558458 0.4487655 0.7228313 107293295 THAP domain containing 5
0.0586054 -0.4800446 1.2815202 3.6641693 1.7550267 0.2101531 107282259 pleckstrin homology domain containing J1
0.0580801 0.8719513 1.8623095 5.7414417 4.1625064 0.0315284 107286460 transmembrane protein 214
0.0579006 -0.2350359 0.3829032 2.0031579 0.2785066 0.8398460 107282158 exonuclease 3’-5’ domain containing 1
0.0578987 -0.1587618 -0.3028530 6.4166511 0.1335863 0.9381231 107292596 transmembrane protein 147
0.0578309 -0.9829845 -1.2602002 5.0528446 6.4261633 0.0078999 107292626 pleckstrin homology domain interacting protein
0.0576533 0.2338458 0.0759955 5.3156706 0.2661323 0.8485108 107299434 HMG-box transcription factor 1
0.0573003 0.2245511 -0.0856613 6.7151417 0.2398502 0.8668557 107293641 CSE1 chromosome segregation 1-like (yeast)
0.0571983 -0.1680312 -1.2281990 2.3289590 4.2427991 0.0297570 107287471 striatin
0.0563952 0.4347146 -1.1296806 6.0134465 7.5112359 0.0044862 107292592 diphosphoinositol pentakisphosphate kinase 2
0.0561466 0.5403428 0.5952437 0.2256407 0.3093692 0.8182422 107286933 ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 5B
0.0554236 -0.1347906 -0.1822177 5.3937595 0.0375946 0.9897410 107285294 collectin subfamily member 12
0.0549772 1.5060670 -1.7005695 -0.2118836 7.2426784 0.0051347 107300854 spectrin alpha chain non-erythrocytic 1-like
0.0548860 1.3438265 -1.4892508 -0.1849022 3.8576874 0.0388704 107289963 putative P2Y purinoceptor 10
0.0545023 0.0307799 0.1321731 7.1521673 0.0542703 0.9825351 107293865 CDV3 homolog (mouse)
0.0542239 0.6606991 0.4593222 3.6293527 0.7715257 0.5322790 107302084 low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase
0.0539181 0.3530453 -0.0240653 3.9794552 0.2315531 0.8726157 107287482 N-acetylneuraminic acid phosphatase
0.0538893 1.3082897 -1.1264195 4.1504138 5.7198591 0.0118162 107298081 interleukin 27 receptor subunit alpha
0.0538088 0.1947196 1.0640858 3.9454939 1.5352114 0.2570108 107285725 surfeit locus protein 4-like
0.0534743 1.0866920 0.1279423 1.1061202 0.9339601 0.4549557 107292425 mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM40B-like
0.0532420 2.2321597 3.6264624 3.6271956 4.7332363 0.0216013 107293421 stromal cell derived factor 2 like 1
0.0530033 0.0658192 0.0952806 8.4342603 0.0104725 0.9984452 107284896 muscleblind like splicing regulator 1
0.0526779 0.3537354 1.6050581 7.7143191 2.6433793 0.0979230 107292061 SEC63 homolog protein translocation regulator
0.0524420 1.5427975 2.0310447 5.5616861 1.2152071 0.3472317 107299317 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
0.0522688 -0.1197561 -0.3437056 5.1486593 0.6270609 0.6114573 107294744 pre-mRNA processing factor 38B
0.0518676 0.3241137 0.6451956 7.4972011 0.7070892 0.5663684 107283272 ubiquitin-fold modifier 1
0.0517674 0.1273218 0.7243242 5.1946996 0.9670757 0.4406342 107288131 ribosomal protein S19 binding protein 1
0.0512504 0.4231515 -0.0972365 1.8496955 0.5211565 0.6758983 107292347 DNA fragmentation factor subunit alpha
0.0510039 -1.0958913 0.0564545 5.5621311 5.1223074 0.0168448 107303142 RNA binding motif protein 26
0.0507322 1.4674652 -2.5998918 1.4127090 5.5133819 0.0133415 107297570 UPF0472 protein C16orf72
0.0507092 1.3536717 -3.1066699 1.6409391 5.1573501 0.0165450 107293046 human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 3
0.0506650 -0.3000621 -0.5032601 2.9845532 0.8584119 0.4893462 107283428 mutY DNA glycosylase
0.0506089 -0.7126051 0.8380124 0.5088860 0.2793476 0.8392571 107296274 uncharacterized LOC107296274
0.0505463 -0.4383307 -0.4486409 3.4591020 0.8635991 0.4868972 107295296 SHQ1 H/ACA ribonucleoprotein assembly factor
0.0504649 0.3210778 1.0960786 5.6164598 1.6813155 0.2247090 107284802 archain 1
0.0503938 0.3719541 -0.8953825 0.1274637 0.5376212 0.6655653 107302390 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2-like
0.0500480 -0.5347357 0.2982314 0.7738826 0.3765058 0.7716542 107293145 solute carrier family 25 member 37
0.0498211 -0.3447622 -0.4661633 3.8293822 0.6532117 0.5963965 107286636 centrosomal protein 131kDa
0.0497784 0.0368055 -0.2954416 6.2833157 0.2828483 0.8368056 107287629 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 3
0.0493432 0.5030882 1.3508048 5.6844242 2.0664388 0.1593287 107303232 phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 1
0.0485293 0.4815727 -1.7130498 0.7357931 4.6392093 0.0228775 107282917 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor kdr-like
0.0483885 0.9068229 1.5592847 6.2121166 2.9195064 0.0784832 107283547 NIP7 nucleolar pre-rRNA processing protein
0.0483207 -0.1299204 -0.5158611 4.3918096 0.9873130 0.4320156 107283569 zinc finger CCHC-type containing 2
0.0483072 0.3603366 0.2336285 5.3695131 0.5044635 0.6865246 107290037 TATA-binding protein-associated factor 2N-like
0.0478417 -0.1693993 -0.6618140 3.4460758 0.7578824 0.5393308 107295564 polyhomeotic homolog 1
0.0478225 0.5352258 -1.6433207 0.1383252 2.8420917 0.0834451 107295058 mannosidase alpha class 1B member 1
0.0476548 -0.2149546 -0.9473137 1.4064906 1.8094419 0.1999272 107299923 CLK4-associating serine/arginine rich protein
0.0476151 0.1472862 -0.1060578 3.9806622 0.0735164 0.9730380 107288174 proteasome (prosome macropain) assembly chaperone 2
0.0476110 -0.7386581 0.4034373 5.3687986 3.0922479 0.0685471 107294100 related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene homolog 2
0.0468232 0.1603977 0.4546800 6.6573524 0.7769665 0.5294273 107302890 poly(A) polymerase alpha
0.0468035 3.0262168 1.4333223 0.7839747 5.5836285 0.0127982 107289617 zinc finger protein RFP-like
0.0463163 0.3096624 0.1229863 3.8076310 0.1993591 0.8947798 107289023 protein O-glucosyltransferase 1
0.0461834 0.2382020 1.3619824 2.0146509 2.4321784 0.1164113 107284770 coiled-coil domain containing 84
0.0459176 1.5263857 2.1561098 7.5241286 5.5895716 0.0127534 107297842 pantetheinase-like
0.0459136 -1.6999678 0.4489505 3.0378291 10.8818706 0.0010240 107288930 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 2
0.0458377 -1.9285029 -2.8713215 2.1945941 13.4693272 0.0004054 107292456 chromobox 7
0.0457903 -0.1861249 -0.8630703 4.1091874 2.0015450 0.1686535 107285344 transcription factor 20 (AR1)
0.0456186 1.7735783 -0.5426308 3.9252849 5.1385403 0.0167378 107288720 hyaluronoglucosaminidase 2
0.0454016 0.5761577 -0.3103159 1.7202607 0.5236914 0.6743201 107286603 SPT16 homolog facilitates chromatin remodeling subunit
0.0453016 0.7733195 1.0703659 4.9467120 1.9001692 0.1844841 107302941 cyclin H
0.0444912 -0.0574237 -1.0943077 0.1924147 1.0041819 0.4251076 107287298 ubiquitin protein ligase E3B
0.0441461 -1.4882335 0.1789851 4.3964146 6.4358390 0.0078965 107293531 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type J
0.0439515 0.7499120 0.8481976 11.5300489 0.6110583 0.6208931 ERCC-00113
0.0437446 0.5551417 1.0881456 5.4125587 1.7831432 0.2048819 107289750 adenylate kinase 6
0.0433040 -0.2482334 0.1747468 3.6934430 0.1010224 0.9578531 107292129 solute carrier family 19 member 1
0.0424906 -0.2603763 0.9794517 4.6281594 3.7569770 0.0417545 107293166 vesicle associated membrane protein 7
0.0420688 0.1654877 0.3281318 3.1835649 0.0926550 0.9626412 107282783 kelch like family member 7
0.0419791 -0.1397231 -0.5197853 1.5712792 0.0508363 0.9841038 107296180 stimulated by retinoic acid 13
0.0419094 -0.3026562 -0.2066141 5.7480216 0.5502147 0.6576976 107287701 ring finger protein 146
0.0416974 -0.9688832 -0.2000218 5.8612221 4.3394414 0.0278786 107284478 fatty-acid amide hydrolase 1-like
0.0414743 -0.0962917 -0.3538516 4.4082997 0.3418689 0.7955844 107286195 SMAD family member 1
0.0414570 -0.2663591 0.1961394 1.6441782 0.1283782 0.9413795 107282735 protein mab-21-like 3
0.0412564 -2.0398823 -0.8210179 4.4864094 6.3610231 0.0082260 107285559 Rh-associated glycoprotein
0.0409643 -0.3221414 -0.6977187 5.4310920 2.2829832 0.1320386 107292823 mitogen-activated protein kinase 14
0.0408078 0.6850601 0.2158569 1.8937585 0.2553082 0.8560741 107290176 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor E5
0.0406845 -0.4542867 0.0587210 0.9563254 0.0906257 0.9637817 107301062 gastrula zinc finger protein xLCGF3.1-like
0.0406792 -0.5254482 -0.8234785 5.1383214 3.7239289 0.0427463 107289950 jade family PHD finger 1
0.0406007 0.2829603 -0.0466309 4.6234346 0.4100173 0.7487950 107289756 transcription factor TFIIIB component B’’ homolog
0.0405072 0.1748810 0.8513308 7.2897799 2.9424584 0.0769354 107283059 epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15
0.0400108 1.3051346 -0.9279965 0.8160693 2.4543704 0.1144291 107283102 C-Jun-amino-terminal kinase-interacting protein 3-like
0.0398213 -0.5590356 -1.1322087 9.0361377 3.2403253 0.0611062 107293744 myosin light polypeptide 6
0.0396438 -0.0578845 -0.7774040 4.6651208 1.5983364 0.2424599 107296105 death inducer-obliterator 1
0.0395949 0.2132371 -0.9459083 2.6738235 2.7130614 0.0923901 107283561 ankyrin repeat domain 50
0.0394903 0.2708013 1.1584982 5.5197428 4.1118388 0.0325420 107283179 ribosomal L24 domain containing 1
0.0394302 1.2790960 1.2776591 0.3694093 1.6489625 0.2314058 107299936 TATA box-binding protein-associated factor RNA polymerase I subunit D-like
0.0391862 0.8832436 0.8798063 4.1218363 1.2492242 0.3361703 107301600 calnexin-like
0.0391684 0.7122719 -0.0583053 3.0709808 0.4929409 0.6939504 107294028 butyrophilin subfamily 1 member A1-like
0.0388190 0.2613471 2.6558699 -0.7155739 0.5149275 0.6798726 107300857 transmembrane protein 107-like
0.0386621 0.0289305 -0.3127110 5.4720030 0.4179190 0.7434589 107294666 cap methyltransferase 1
0.0386116 -0.0481328 -0.3067618 5.0886487 0.4779278 0.7036632 107286639 ubiquitin specific peptidase 24
0.0383909 0.2296051 -0.7568413 7.7722519 1.7283274 0.2152998 107288564 SBDS ribosome assembly guanine nucleotide exchange factor
0.0383434 0.8843250 -1.8210611 1.0921114 3.3392721 0.0568332 107297523 heterochromatin protein 1 binding protein 3
0.0378983 0.0589769 -0.0731148 2.7589963 0.0219422 0.9953449 107286109 exportin 4
0.0377887 0.0062749 0.2172418 3.2952630 0.0600798 0.9797843 107296802 methyl-CpG binding domain protein 2
0.0369819 0.5225161 -0.1549837 3.1356031 0.6054423 0.6242194 107285856 histamine N-methyltransferase
0.0367348 -0.2300412 -1.5430180 0.5707815 1.1426572 0.3721515 107295130 transcription intermediary factor 1-beta-like
0.0366350 0.4659828 0.3421469 1.8101887 0.3928506 0.7604601 107297705 nuclear assembly factor 1 ribonucleoprotein
0.0365592 -1.4413124 1.8267407 1.6792728 6.1015344 0.0094998 107283124 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1
0.0363185 0.3204425 -0.5169100 5.4956646 1.6382614 0.2336856 107285921 alanyl-tRNA editing protein Aarsd1-like
0.0357451 -0.1258994 -1.6083919 3.4434135 2.4751157 0.1124697 107290573 eva-1 homolog C (C. elegans)
0.0355757 1.8032954 1.5150656 0.6295310 2.6345292 0.0986321 107285630 dual specificity phosphatase 4
0.0342975 -0.0881543 0.8038071 7.1040699 2.4489075 0.1147947 107285466 actin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 3
0.0342623 -0.4855484 -0.9052923 1.2501114 1.0506163 0.4064419 107283570 PH domain and leucine rich repeat protein phosphatase 1
0.0341517 -0.4535105 -0.7596750 2.1672008 1.3207000 0.3140182 107286036 mitochondrial trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase
0.0336814 0.4366406 0.2743465 0.5847779 0.1952060 0.8976096 107300126 suppressor of hairless protein homolog
0.0333642 0.0192564 0.0852269 5.8682648 0.0141917 0.9975575 107302676 RWD domain containing 4
0.0332408 0.1837813 0.4303803 2.8041579 0.5571671 0.6534000 107288261 queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase accessory subunit 2
0.0332224 1.2359308 0.3290389 2.5703679 1.6494276 0.2313529 107284888 breast cancer metastasis-suppressor 1-like
0.0331823 1.1761211 0.5153837 2.7177936 1.3268203 0.3123397 107288748 coatomer protein complex subunit alpha
0.0329711 0.5561705 -0.2660839 5.5165434 0.1653906 0.9175978 107296930 DEXD/H-box helicase 58
0.0327314 0.3601757 1.9492141 2.3113262 4.4413109 0.0260926 107283707 dynein axonemal light intermediate chain 1
0.0326972 -1.6982872 -0.3855982 7.2442392 8.8712715 0.0023656 107301657 carbonic anhydrase 2-like
0.0324505 -0.1192462 0.9820288 4.7092344 2.0353750 0.1637174 107285785 peroxisomal targeting signal 1 receptor-like
0.0324439 -3.1823899 0.4605991 0.6419518 3.8477453 0.0392410 107291895 sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 8
0.0324337 0.2193347 0.9961979 3.5747139 1.4377386 0.2814175 107298006 GUF1 homolog GTPase
0.0321453 -0.7235831 0.3380969 5.7335079 2.5772466 0.1033536 107303066 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 3
0.0318786 0.4847608 0.3512250 9.5699801 0.3581913 0.7842699 107285081 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5
0.0317852 -0.1998024 -1.3287850 7.0501002 2.3909633 0.1206644 107287175 PAN3 poly(A) specific ribonuclease subunit
0.0314989 -0.0240919 -0.1177780 4.5103945 0.0943267 0.9616997 107294791 WD repeat domain 20
0.0313150 -0.7735429 -0.7599616 1.4296275 0.7658115 0.5352217 107290853 cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 2
0.0311021 2.0402256 2.4515105 4.2097478 19.3007982 0.0000759 107296305 pyrophosphatase (inorganic) 1
0.0309552 0.3748601 -0.3840283 2.4553129 0.5394871 0.6643993 107283016 single stranded DNA binding protein 3
0.0306216 0.0725904 -0.6373405 0.6403932 0.2624538 0.8510803 107300844 regulator of G-protein signaling 19-like
0.0302346 0.8307610 0.0931053 0.7647185 0.6827148 0.5797358 107297784 uncharacterized LOC107297784
0.0301652 -0.0533705 0.3455479 4.2160689 0.5470129 0.6596842 107287080 TM2 domain containing 1
0.0301257 0.1725989 -1.8698490 0.3816388 3.5738590 0.0477415 107293464 methyl-CpG binding domain protein 6
0.0298220 2.4780735 0.9959395 5.1187563 3.8013101 0.0405551 107289078 nuclear prelamin A recognition factor
0.0295437 -0.6137452 -0.6005275 5.6790617 0.9796606 0.4353137 107291185 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit H
0.0290591 0.1758611 -1.4850235 1.9412832 4.4280596 0.0262871 107288657 integrin linked kinase
0.0287253 0.1021626 0.9230101 7.2738280 2.2460561 0.1362676 107285297 ubiquitin specific peptidase 14
0.0284739 1.0402549 0.0341090 0.1501827 0.8827696 0.4779520 107295199 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
0.0281327 1.0186813 -0.6609034 4.5648017 2.1770848 0.1447474 107295645 coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 4
0.0271328 -0.3486369 -0.0348298 6.0597471 0.2234146 0.8782524 107282416 nitric oxide synthase interacting protein
0.0271043 -0.7715475 -0.4416490 3.4846216 1.5367807 0.2565090 107291000 nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 1
0.0268188 0.2617120 0.4234417 2.6433454 0.1722812 0.9130307 107299925 OCIA domain-containing protein 1-like
0.0266508 -0.1096475 -0.3546125 4.6396708 0.3667027 0.7783980 107283108 leukocyte receptor cluster (LRC) member 1
0.0263253 -0.0207222 0.8934564 6.1150524 1.5854044 0.2453646 107285352 SNU13 homolog small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U4/U6.U5)
0.0262323 0.2262427 -0.5521210 3.0494777 1.4591307 0.2757061 107291876 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 4-like
0.0254553 -0.8722947 2.1447236 2.1712068 5.2748963 0.0153972 107286794 shootin 1
0.0252382 -0.0577814 0.0091474 4.8105211 0.0250905 0.9943289 107290302 SAP30 binding protein
0.0247117 -0.3160140 -0.2186176 5.7352860 0.1902038 0.9009970 107283643 VPS50 EARP/GARPII complex subunit
0.0246062 0.4899493 -0.9766906 0.2645744 1.9003914 0.1842874 107299816 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
0.0245956 0.0343453 -0.8338681 0.9805242 1.3591081 0.3028351 107293439 tigger transposable element-derived protein 1-like
0.0245565 0.1344312 -0.4157009 7.0562338 0.7146802 0.5622015 107285861 ubiquitin specific peptidase 25
0.0239996 1.0379885 1.8225719 3.5251777 3.8317661 0.0396875 107295112 ribosome biogenesis regulator homolog
0.0234822 -0.5530563 0.5900941 1.6213772 0.0955034 0.9610262 107293871 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1-like
0.0233156 0.1397795 0.6863241 7.3568558 0.7199724 0.5593930 107290253 SEC62 homolog preprotein translocation factor
0.0228832 0.4797928 1.2025716 9.4706896 1.2423445 0.3383763 107286700 ribosomal protein L10
0.0226405 0.3705518 -1.4378332 0.8898056 2.9452990 0.0768384 107287307 beta-crystallin B2-like
0.0221572 1.1537968 -0.7711126 0.7550601 4.1574104 0.0315399 107289678 hook microtubule-tethering protein 3
0.0220527 0.6119269 0.2308230 6.4987310 1.2677797 0.3301696 107283057 nardilysin convertase
0.0214457 0.9590743 0.9264093 5.8129176 2.7465870 0.0900718 ERCC-00035
0.0214127 0.6050862 1.1377500 9.8816525 1.2454554 0.3373768 ERCC-00145
0.0212519 0.0254764 -0.0470535 4.4390277 0.0194565 0.9961029 107290951 tRNA methyltransferase 5
0.0211257 -0.5732418 -0.8764110 4.2380094 2.9339357 0.0774535 107294286 ribonuclease inhibitor-like
0.0204883 0.0194862 0.9759779 3.4290137 2.9921787 0.0739913 107295138 churchill domain containing 1
0.0201986 -0.6718060 0.9651113 8.3296688 4.2411721 0.0297899 107283032 transmembrane protein 59
0.0201305 0.0840654 0.0214807 4.5778994 0.0284614 0.9931742 107286444 general transcription factor IIIC subunit 2
0.0199861 -1.2608653 -0.6005723 4.0536475 2.4046174 0.1192895 107282873 solute carrier family 25 member 42
0.0197620 -0.3205999 -0.0685239 5.0264368 0.3572998 0.7848863 107286930 NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransferase family member 6
0.0197575 1.1693235 2.3734353 1.1962023 4.5102728 0.0249456 107285162 estrogen receptor 2 (ER beta)
0.0190789 0.4071500 1.5659497 1.4919827 1.7009272 0.2207290 107301869 uncharacterized LOC107301869
0.0190126 -0.1157156 -0.1392415 3.8203146 0.0433616 0.9873733 107287170 general transcription factor IIIC subunit 6
0.0184743 0.4736949 0.4342566 1.9514092 0.4832044 0.7002316 107292389 EF-hand calcium binding domain 11
0.0182712 -0.3581629 0.7772301 -0.0284123 0.5010094 0.6887599 107282689 uncharacterized LOC107282689
0.0180160 0.9978796 2.2433533 1.5381886 4.7036193 0.0219721 107291328 solute carrier family 37 member 3
0.0180142 -0.3784905 -0.7101282 4.6359478 1.9053400 0.1834768 107282966 TWIST neighbor
0.0179382 1.0850784 0.6678318 6.1642063 1.2504250 0.3357868 107292998 TSR2 20S rRNA accumulation homolog (S. cerevisiae)
0.0179023 -0.1155926 -0.5157507 5.6116274 0.7066392 0.5666135 107289912 retinoblastoma-like 2
0.0177856 -0.2643130 -0.6363498 4.9793364 1.4622764 0.2748974 107288608 WD repeat domain 11
0.0177813 0.2758827 -0.9586409 2.2576355 1.7818993 0.2051120 107294540 methyl-CpG binding domain protein 5
0.0173579 -0.5521674 -0.7450486 4.6836787 1.3257794 0.3126469 107290489 coenzyme Q6 monooxygenase
0.0171977 -1.0742413 -0.6641750 2.8849975 1.3156520 0.3156534 107292525 FGGY carbohydrate kinase domain containing
0.0170156 0.1446136 0.8871294 5.6815839 2.0821268 0.1571007 107293118 zinc binding alcohol dehydrogenase domain containing 2
0.0170109 0.5808421 0.3149031 3.9479861 1.4166690 0.2868824 107293653 HEAT repeat containing 1
0.0167086 -0.1620136 -1.4745636 1.0360865 2.7935501 0.0866054 107300378 multidrug resistance-associated protein 5-like
0.0166934 -0.2834874 -0.5535705 6.1739338 0.6543167 0.5957795 107284621 vezatin adherens junctions transmembrane protein
0.0165743 -1.4103516 -1.0246148 2.9106727 4.2613090 0.0294360 107301041 meckelin-like
0.0164495 -0.1125519 0.9832837 5.3982191 3.3879762 0.0546845 107283373 torsin 1A interacting protein 2
0.0163913 -0.3791222 -0.5654042 3.9627022 0.7869096 0.5244336 107294136 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1B
0.0162541 -0.3428975 -0.4405240 4.8025100 0.9856494 0.4327100 107289371 SHOC2 leucine-rich repeat scaffold protein
0.0160758 1.5486696 0.8629033 1.2653591 1.5341602 0.2572612 107296064 autocrine motility factor receptor E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
0.0153458 -0.8926021 -0.5130825 0.0435961 0.5610514 0.6510298 107300582 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 2 protein homolog
0.0149612 -0.3003657 -0.5319467 4.8846010 0.7819838 0.5269335 107286405 CWC25 spliceosome-associated protein homolog
0.0149106 -0.3244064 0.5087788 3.0574119 1.4431581 0.2798530 107295105 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 5 like
0.0147239 -0.3851730 -0.0334640 0.8572044 0.1194598 0.9468735 107291641 F-box only protein 27-like
0.0145594 -0.2332903 -1.1501163 4.0002721 4.7992669 0.0206283 107296310 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 6
0.0144424 -0.0060535 0.6145471 5.2256457 1.4547629 0.2768334 107291971 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 polypeptide
0.0141420 0.6667919 0.9286196 3.0361706 1.8018952 0.2014004 107291394 ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX19A
0.0140161 -0.4052510 -0.0835905 4.2784273 0.6539297 0.5959556 107292271 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf74
0.0126223 -0.0045300 0.2166170 5.8003547 0.1938749 0.8985139 107287395 autophagy related 3
0.0125467 -0.2929053 -2.2589928 -0.5739202 2.2795478 0.1325856 107286387 pre-mRNA processing factor 40 homolog B
0.0121240 -0.3449931 -1.0914432 0.2539592 0.3713162 0.7752214 107301347 uncharacterized LOC107301347
0.0121070 0.0854248 1.2162026 5.2134293 1.3670370 0.3007176 107291509 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C12orf10
0.0120060 -0.5403713 -0.7801467 5.9594609 1.8745480 0.1887189 107295678 zinc finger protein 346
0.0119222 0.4852274 0.9072407 3.8312264 1.6413866 0.2330628 107301075 proteasome activator complex subunit 1-like
0.0118526 2.1249859 0.0612003 0.5623519 3.0857050 0.0688530 107283245 interleukin 1 beta
0.0116740 -0.4139759 0.0999960 8.0782645 0.4323419 0.7337828 107285877 small ubiquitin-like modifier 3
0.0114817 0.6052883 0.6308078 3.6195133 0.1144142 0.9499317 107289886 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C-like
0.0113400 0.1364612 -0.4628298 2.0304357 0.2823405 0.8371612 107290026 tumor protein p63 regulated 1-like
0.0113331 1.0660026 0.8256904 0.8982127 1.1886590 0.3560998 107301718 uncharacterized LOC107301718
0.0111643 -0.0429659 -0.4835201 3.7991181 0.9507271 0.4475556 107295115 valosin containing protein (p97)/p47 complex interacting protein 1
0.0111601 0.2763428 -1.4098773 1.5116581 2.2728767 0.1333410 107285958 G-patch domain containing 2 like
0.0110043 -0.5650277 -1.2687917 4.9511865 6.5630237 0.0073295 107287890 nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 2
0.0107926 1.1919983 1.4171131 7.8949878 3.7400419 0.0423679 107287455 nucleophosmin (nucleolar phosphoprotein B23 numatrin)
0.0105125 -2.1772623 -1.2509932 0.2419480 1.7463712 0.2118063 107286252 tectorin beta
0.0103992 -0.0554293 0.4239396 2.6420433 0.3515661 0.7888560 107295183 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 4
0.0103600 0.7871591 0.7571620 4.4530492 4.2466868 0.0296787 107287248 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class T
0.0100197 0.7241774 1.3928278 4.8240446 6.0717635 0.0096148 107288966 solute carrier family 48 member 1
0.0098473 -0.8109282 0.0581874 4.7955538 0.7856687 0.5250623 107282419 interferon regulatory factor 3
0.0098471 -0.9314994 -1.0538322 -0.2238221 0.7464979 0.5452831 107295201 transmembrane protein 200A
0.0097396 0.4093579 0.2046630 5.8372275 0.5772224 0.6411287 107288887 NEDD8 activating enzyme E1 subunit 1
0.0096220 1.1966473 0.1484209 2.5172236 1.1622170 0.3652499 107293014 CNKSR family member 3
0.0096159 -0.0879419 -0.0563700 2.6266600 0.0184685 0.9963920 107286962 zinc finger CCHC-type containing 8
0.0092273 -0.9377407 0.3903908 4.4985630 6.5298960 0.0074618 107289155 B9 protein domain 1
0.0090859 0.7226657 1.7118522 4.0349068 7.1468773 0.0053959 107299189 tRNA methyltransferase 11-2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
0.0090296 -0.1094095 0.5019512 2.8434386 0.5418368 0.6629250 107301649 zinc finger protein 420-like
0.0088378 0.1446367 -0.3826974 2.2934275 0.3465084 0.7923629 107290263 tudor domain containing 15
0.0088163 -0.1314362 -0.5486606 2.9811335 0.3343626 0.8008035 107288368 homeodomain interacting protein kinase 1
0.0086958 0.0600581 -1.5711888 1.8815476 2.0257020 0.1651119 107303055 KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 1-like
0.0085630 0.9508937 1.1229382 4.9537934 4.2552686 0.0295937 107302350 MYB binding protein (P160) 1a
0.0085433 -0.0060244 -0.6185141 2.2760110 0.3836341 0.7667662 107298019 tRNA methyltransferase 61B
0.0073970 0.5232043 1.0352711 4.7380461 2.9618799 0.0758505 107298903 uncharacterized LOC107298903
0.0070995 0.2966872 -0.5558603 2.5020354 0.7615239 0.5374400 107299160 constitutive coactivator of PPAR-gamma-like protein 1
0.0070666 0.2486333 0.3865919 5.5821265 0.3309139 0.8032045 107293424 glycogen phosphorylase liver form-like
0.0068249 -1.0238815 0.1210965 5.3031915 1.6404775 0.2332569 107293158 nocturnin
0.0068218 -0.0559504 -0.0481209 1.7785373 0.0110290 0.9983210 107284112 CST complex subunit CTC1-like
0.0067784 0.4922958 0.1161486 6.5933769 0.7169566 0.5609640 107284631 serpin B6-like
0.0064244 0.6074728 -0.2909404 4.6669629 1.9876739 0.1705649 107296776 proline rich nuclear receptor coactivator 1
0.0060107 0.0521590 -0.0993798 3.2395822 0.0245970 0.9944915 107293736 primase DNA polypeptide 1 (49kDa)
0.0059145 0.0460484 0.9225430 7.7946584 1.9031979 0.1838467 107288627 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit L
0.0056141 -2.1584552 0.0406715 3.5412073 14.9260770 0.0002547 107290275 centrosomal protein 70kDa
0.0054192 -0.1396858 -0.2512830 6.1987204 0.1712203 0.9137362 107294522 GSK3B interacting protein
0.0053703 1.0817849 -0.6494483 0.9339528 2.1777442 0.1445177 107289000 EH domain binding protein 1 like 1
0.0050250 -0.4522470 -0.0217301 6.6990377 1.2610601 0.3322840 107294129 zinc finger RANBP2-type containing 2
0.0048386 0.3612399 -2.0696397 0.9107733 3.3917871 0.0546447 107295149 calcineurin-binding protein cabin-1-like
0.0045577 -1.3845133 -0.3124410 4.1651388 5.6451020 0.0123189 107287828 cyclin G2
0.0043103 -0.5977026 0.1367876 5.4721917 2.1425578 0.1489669 107290110 nuclear receptor coactivator 5-like
0.0037390 -0.1367233 -0.4330651 2.3044009 0.1688927 0.9152811 107285809 cell division cycle associated 3
0.0037201 0.2396654 0.7298586 2.7665543 0.4382888 0.7298110 107285943 phosphoseryl-tRNA kinase
0.0035886 -0.1385951 -0.4295003 3.6146305 0.4942852 0.6930632 107302450 ankyrin repeat and BTB domain containing 1
0.0034448 -0.9141655 -0.7186436 3.0558144 2.4643179 0.1133282 107290369 clusterin associated protein 1
0.0034405 0.1866186 1.3536905 -0.0811291 1.6062321 0.2405537 107292176 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class G
0.0032056 -0.9263594 -0.1132501 5.2188891 2.2032524 0.1415248 107283634 COMM domain containing 3
0.0025897 0.3891456 -0.0511463 5.4010261 0.9398258 0.4522960 107302397 REV1 DNA directed polymerase
0.0024924 0.2323546 0.6951307 4.1693553 0.4239858 0.7393852 107283750 NIMA related kinase 10
0.0020705 -0.4569420 0.3793775 4.0821041 1.5187914 0.2608182 107292997 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (hmC) binding ES cell-specific
0.0019809 -0.0902717 0.2317995 1.3029499 0.1127332 0.9509471 107296909 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 40 NatD catalytic subunit
0.0013914 -0.9378843 -1.0849544 2.5609772 1.6552310 0.2301276 107285994 rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 6-like
0.0007120 -0.1497549 0.1719601 4.2606905 0.2471775 0.8617521 107298909 ribonuclease P/MRP 14kDa subunit
0.0005592 -0.5019075 -2.7045698 3.3215393 12.2862462 0.0006145 107295311 LIM zinc finger domain containing 2
0.0004872 0.2138500 -0.1203662 4.0913247 0.1565807 0.9233808 107282414 adaptor related protein complex 2 alpha 1 subunit
0.0002089 -0.3491730 -0.6097344 3.4214518 1.1679275 0.3631432 107292082 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 26
0.0000000 -9.5807359 0.0000000 1.2498496 63.3626378 0.0000794 107282670 homeobox B6
0.0000000 -9.4828292 0.0000000 1.1581815 16.9431460 0.0028696 107282667 homeobox B8
0.0000000 -9.2733882 -3.0567669 0.9827786 27.3013460 0.0001764 107289532 sulfotransferase 6B1-like
0.0000000 -8.7545089 0.0000000 0.5228941 32.5336939 0.0005155 107299483 very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase-like
0.0000000 -8.2641463 -3.9831544 0.1647208 16.0761259 0.0010717 107282671 homeobox B3
0.0000000 -7.9742359 0.0000000 -0.1283559 18.5191095 0.0022846 107300333 sodium/glucose cotransporter 2-like
0.0000000 -7.4927644 0.0000000 -0.4919441 15.4786450 0.0036092 107300570 ankyrin repeat and SAM domain-containing protein 4B-like
0.0000000 -7.4507866 -2.2143901 -0.4956528 21.4314659 0.0004032 107295867 empty spiracles homeobox 1
0.0000000 -7.0356278 -4.2340958 -0.6950939 14.2209926 0.0015978 107282592 homeobox B4
0.0000000 -6.9134307 -10.3417660 2.0376168 59.4018796 0.0000106 107294180 cholinergic receptor muscarinic 2
0.0000000 -3.5776671 -11.4267996 2.9758804 40.8958193 0.0000416 107283845 leucine rich repeat containing 10
0.0000000 -3.2809846 -7.8614144 -0.2890265 15.0994200 0.0013158 107283388 gastrokine 1
0.0000000 -2.8599695 -10.9258958 2.4830228 53.9907681 0.0000151 107297708 T-box 5
0.0000000 -1.6398907 -9.2609254 0.8982693 31.9806756 0.0001008 107294176 potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily V member 2
0.0000000 0.0000000 -10.1516196 1.7320159 42.6662098 0.0002465 107282447 ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 14-like
-0.0002852 0.6149290 0.6124970 2.4666311 0.3464841 0.7923806 107289221 signal transducer and activator of transcription 4
-0.0005809 -1.1380366 -0.0536484 7.0715277 3.8404953 0.0394015 107290443 uncharacterized LOC107290443
-0.0012040 0.5383285 0.5961358 2.4284685 0.7232094 0.5576364 107301439 dolichol-phosphate mannosyltransferase subunit 3-like
-0.0014158 -1.5221932 -0.9317220 1.5335051 3.6566610 0.0448715 107283380 xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1
-0.0014619 -1.0485354 -0.5532054 7.5438451 5.3374021 0.0147601 107285859 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 6
-0.0021716 0.4686387 -0.1041090 1.5118625 0.3546856 0.7866947 107288485 leucine carboxyl methyltransferase 2
-0.0024379 0.2260962 0.3550957 6.4143550 0.4455388 0.7249726 107296513 family with sequence similarity 114 member A2
-0.0024744 0.5038317 0.3033899 4.5589828 1.1745965 0.3608342 107286699 tafazzin
-0.0024956 -0.1492814 -0.5771266 5.2979513 1.5439358 0.2547947 107283192 SEC24 homolog B COPII coat complex component
-0.0028695 0.4875957 0.8085256 3.6216345 2.3138779 0.1286152 107298010 zinc finger AN1-type containing 2B
-0.0029492 1.0120064 2.0098591 3.7317481 0.9712334 0.4388690 107300692 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-0.0029599 0.1610126 -0.5353519 5.0211737 0.7449991 0.5460714 107292258 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S22
-0.0033330 0.3845411 -0.0706351 3.7012454 0.3733682 0.7738101 107289927 pre-mRNA processing factor 3
-0.0035828 -0.0228250 -0.6576960 4.7877966 1.0409976 0.4103187 107294082 methyltransferase like 14
-0.0035953 0.1327988 0.1751868 8.5753034 0.0432491 0.9874208 107296030 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A X-linked
-0.0038527 -0.1594422 -0.6892958 4.4580041 0.8998131 0.4702206 107297049 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C16orf62
-0.0040725 0.2551985 -0.1898025 4.6799884 0.4392289 0.7291770 107288310 tubulin folding cofactor E
-0.0044225 -0.1610004 -0.4570733 5.2052401 0.8052917 0.5151370 107297349 mediator complex subunit 7
-0.0047107 -0.0325806 -2.0128379 4.5404238 24.2684985 0.0000245 107290313 Rho GTPase activating protein 31
-0.0052044 -0.1843070 -0.5029504 2.8704092 0.8402484 0.4980185 107294466 codanin 1
-0.0052273 0.7595280 -2.5175217 2.7058288 6.3582644 0.0082384 107299177 E1A binding protein p400
-0.0054916 0.1842343 0.8169722 4.5210937 1.7143507 0.2180039 107293253 autophagy related 5
-0.0058730 -0.2848267 -0.5684608 6.9550255 1.4144711 0.2874744 107292760 U2 snRNP-associated SURP domain containing
-0.0060053 -0.3924827 -1.1389590 1.9993286 3.2262955 0.0617616 107286404 phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase type II beta
-0.0067372 -0.6154881 -1.5107536 1.1312034 1.9583500 0.1752029 107294880 protein argonaute-1
-0.0087513 -0.3427324 0.6203395 6.9827909 1.7929812 0.2029780 107287822 antizyme inhibitor 1
-0.0087809 0.2933423 0.5093969 6.3514566 0.9494002 0.4481298 107293613 LSM7 homolog U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated
-0.0088821 -0.5831288 -1.0714539 5.2260045 2.2810445 0.1324168 107286577 metaxin 2
-0.0090810 -0.2694610 -0.0106279 5.5837417 0.0920967 0.9629557 107286062 ATPase secretory pathway Ca2+ transporting 1
-0.0092641 0.1926920 -3.0809216 3.3208072 29.5674168 0.0000090 107298849 cell adhesion associated oncogene regulated
-0.0092694 0.4834104 1.0805276 6.9913638 4.0117591 0.0348752 107293459 dynein light chain LC8-type 1
-0.0094372 -0.2376891 -0.7063814 1.4079931 0.6318762 0.6086535 107302658 NACHT and WD repeat domain-containing protein 2-like
-0.0095566 -0.8442876 0.9895419 2.6361834 5.0162920 0.0179836 107286806 beta 3-glucosyltransferase
-0.0098516 -0.3971454 0.0115706 3.1789432 0.2941523 0.8288898 107290032 serine/threonine/tyrosine interacting-like 1
-0.0103930 -1.3167700 -0.2270824 2.0021355 0.2872419 0.8337287 107293868 protein yippee-like 3
-0.0106543 0.0027478 0.7162951 4.2959476 1.6721095 0.2264506 107286937 lin-7 homolog C crumbs cell polarity complex component
-0.0107419 0.2981375 -0.8242904 4.1420777 1.2146954 0.3474011 107294269 kelch repeat and BTB domain containing 3
-0.0107825 -0.3526097 -1.3500046 4.4831497 2.4421683 0.1155998 107293541 protein FRA10AC1
-0.0109448 0.0369514 -0.1182369 4.3351478 0.0936474 0.9620847 107296140 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 14
-0.0110731 0.1594594 -0.3829768 0.4080706 0.2254184 0.8768714 107282292 mediator complex subunit 16
-0.0110825 0.6106699 -1.3267835 0.3481537 1.5667602 0.2496207 107291638 vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein
-0.0115317 -0.4042956 -0.7038753 5.3193267 0.7653623 0.5354537 107287091 prefoldin subunit 4
-0.0118601 -0.0662107 -0.9902245 1.2645975 1.4109051 0.2884376 107289688 P2Y purinoceptor 8-like
-0.0119472 0.3131502 0.7792312 4.0979401 0.4324525 0.7337088 ERCC-00160
-0.0121596 0.0199005 -1.3192219 2.0584526 3.6521066 0.0450198 107291706 ArfGAP with coiled-coil ankyrin repeat and PH domains 2
-0.0122420 0.7325460 0.7736585 0.1727820 0.4931076 0.6938428 107288561 ring finger protein 43
-0.0123461 0.8820481 0.3160087 4.1936685 1.3969788 0.2923722 107300741 uncharacterized LOC107300741
-0.0127551 -0.6125782 -0.0383669 3.6771771 0.8437605 0.4964043 107283422 methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblC type with homocystinuria
-0.0128654 -2.5521988 -0.1420616 4.1616350 21.1545880 0.0000491 107288861 dicarbonyl/L-xylulose reductase
-0.0128688 1.0386551 0.2454649 3.4218718 1.4852748 0.2692089 107299173 diaphanous related formin 1
-0.0132866 -0.6859560 -0.3146433 6.8087036 1.8031946 0.2010551 107282571 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) alpha 13
-0.0135068 0.5842108 0.5377587 8.5705584 0.7981846 0.5187346 107302719 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit D
-0.0135522 -0.4123357 -1.2417805 4.0193646 3.2373684 0.0613755 107286171 Ras association domain family member 5
-0.0139100 -0.0798137 0.5839538 3.9445706 0.6890421 0.5762746 107299320 U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm3
-0.0140238 0.0045474 0.3379074 4.3604618 0.6581460 0.5935547 107289076 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C17orf62
-0.0140774 1.0978795 0.4800629 6.1793528 1.4138960 0.2877696 107287077 phosphoglucomutase 1
-0.0146054 1.1422392 -0.3575359 0.7344100 1.1208597 0.3800066 107289136 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1
-0.0157256 0.4438727 1.3267126 1.3177725 1.8342440 0.1955279 107288715 cytochrome b561 domain-containing protein 2
-0.0158829 -0.0365258 -0.3122788 5.8067750 0.3620215 0.7816231 107294965 ring finger protein 168 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-0.0159972 0.2514811 -0.5115454 1.7160658 0.5139020 0.6805245 107284766 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 7
-0.0160656 0.1324900 0.0920591 0.8426640 0.0370435 0.9899611 107290854 protein RRP5 homolog
-0.0161473 0.1021965 0.8581128 7.3593601 2.0369298 0.1633332 107285876 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2G 2
-0.0168288 0.2829620 -0.8884949 5.5469769 1.4308837 0.2832278 107292178 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial Fo complex subunit E
-0.0168872 0.2626724 0.0944991 2.5088659 0.0843003 0.9672816 107296028 RNA binding motif protein 8A
-0.0171639 -0.0486060 0.4631562 0.9161727 0.3177336 0.8123969 107284529 mitochondrial carrier 1
-0.0174971 0.1739021 1.0219115 3.9276844 1.3801518 0.2970305 107290476 pleckstrin homology domain containing A5
-0.0176896 -0.2542391 -1.5533920 5.1927669 3.7943312 0.0407570 107297852 nidogen 1
-0.0177316 -0.1680948 -0.4453021 5.4755335 0.5035633 0.6871229 107286820 uncharacterized LOC107286820
-0.0178058 -0.3773893 -0.2839974 4.4912625 0.6677030 0.5881445 107291900 yippee like 5
-0.0186877 0.1049337 -0.1661172 4.6295681 0.1903052 0.9009342 107302184 polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase 1
-0.0189386 -0.3691961 -2.0051762 5.6886753 6.1217696 0.0093926 107282754 family with sequence similarity 126 member A
-0.0201176 0.7022829 -0.3435566 0.7181506 0.5419969 0.6628334 107290876 tolloid-like protein 1
-0.0202225 0.5126641 0.5357038 2.9764363 0.5753025 0.6423276 107299482 GA binding protein transcription factor beta subunit 1
-0.0204537 0.1778243 0.3898296 3.6708346 0.3195512 0.8111282 107291508 TBC1 domain family member 7
-0.0204853 -0.2478904 -0.3170069 6.3918608 0.4429760 0.7266761 107289401 SCY1 like pseudokinase 2
-0.0219158 0.3763499 -0.1264106 5.3331224 0.6343789 0.6072193 107288560 myotubularin related protein 4
-0.0220799 0.5589734 1.5380681 3.8353466 5.8846719 0.0106903 107294099 transcriptional adaptor 2A
-0.0221739 0.0198498 0.6528980 6.1034543 1.1218135 0.3796593 107284081 LSM14A mRNA processing body assembly factor
-0.0222584 -0.2927224 -0.2173090 7.1314157 0.4212062 0.7412434 107286734 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U (scaffold attachment factor A)
-0.0222813 -0.1421413 -2.9234692 1.1444786 4.2421849 0.0298651 107286983 SET domain containing 1B
-0.0223888 0.2367159 0.5196806 5.4950529 1.2053531 0.3503871 107282280 LSM4 homolog U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated
-0.0226433 -0.0825086 -0.0907558 4.5920191 0.0197892 0.9960034 107295455 transport and golgi organization 2 homolog
-0.0229015 -0.6481140 -0.0804606 4.2188756 0.9879389 0.4318501 107289600 MRS2 magnesium transporter
-0.0230116 0.2213765 -0.6701365 2.9929312 0.7676732 0.5342613 107283506 piezo type mechanosensitive ion channel component 1
-0.0230759 -0.2984664 -0.3483306 4.4454194 0.3225911 0.8090066 107284404 interleukin 1 receptor associated kinase 3
-0.0233328 0.2603902 0.2520567 2.9935187 0.2116291 0.8863804 107286136 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C7orf49
-0.0237897 -0.5297070 -1.2341543 2.5031496 2.6300345 0.0989101 107283010 uncharacterized LOC107283010
-0.0238961 0.3765242 -0.6341420 2.3980175 1.4815983 0.2699872 107291695 OPA1 mitochondrial dynamin like GTPase
-0.0242034 0.4837878 -1.0293936 0.2186666 0.6500250 0.5982307 107294169 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NAD(P)H)
-0.0244016 1.4463513 0.3457026 0.3580699 1.1784587 0.3596230 107289550 RALBP1 associated Eps domain containing 2
-0.0245115 -0.1282583 1.0553380 4.8781388 2.1736126 0.1451812 107298526 C-type lectin domain family 2 member D-like
-0.0249615 -0.0979478 -1.0358763 5.1985226 5.4166424 0.0140714 107284258 HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
-0.0251868 0.7815020 -0.6332816 2.2595916 2.0820021 0.1571323 107292043 myotubularin-related protein 1
-0.0253459 -0.5618054 0.2835970 4.6275717 1.3520120 0.3050034 107290255 SKI-like proto-oncogene
-0.0257205 -0.6111927 -0.0239490 5.4358945 2.1179049 0.1521869 107284257 non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 2
-0.0258987 -0.1133869 -0.3787042 1.9119265 0.1651671 0.9177465 107289803 tubulin gamma complex associated protein 4
-0.0259459 -0.1296429 0.5236643 4.0706454 0.9345121 0.4546646 107293007 TM2 domain containing 3
-0.0260106 0.0059173 0.3193659 4.0391327 0.3516795 0.7887759 107283133 testis expressed 9
-0.0265771 0.6049257 0.8921159 6.6834201 1.6825526 0.2244556 107287665 UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 1
-0.0268178 -0.1913251 -0.7204681 6.5087821 1.3222358 0.3136841 107303051 upstream binding transcription factor RNA polymerase I
-0.0271004 -0.1366708 0.4437823 5.0018730 1.2210878 0.3451685 107290982 autophagy related 101
-0.0279671 0.1659367 -0.1780230 5.3750420 0.3685592 0.7771144 107296157 minichromosome maintenance complex component 3 associated protein
-0.0280675 0.0923376 0.3504234 5.6389176 0.2213440 0.8796833 107290569 La ribonucleoprotein domain family member 1B
-0.0284859 -0.1891710 0.4608207 6.5858937 1.7816223 0.2050054 107289666 apoptosis inhibitor 5
-0.0285646 -0.1307966 1.0656700 -0.5129814 0.4352217 0.7318578 107300634 caspase-10-like
-0.0288942 0.3150335 0.0083616 2.2362610 0.2393710 0.8671890 107294941 cyclin dependent kinase like 3
-0.0290194 0.3298123 0.7236792 2.9324381 1.5530234 0.2526602 107302520 anaphase promoting complex subunit 2
-0.0292062 -0.0088713 -0.7142881 1.7447629 1.2187260 0.3459464 107295061 UBA domain containing 1
-0.0293512 -0.5390156 0.3986517 5.2238496 0.8347304 0.5007562 107294967 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class X
-0.0297132 -0.8733725 -2.7251523 0.8540625 3.9298584 0.0370360 107285391 Cbl proto-oncogene E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-0.0298012 -0.0824888 0.1063067 4.8946912 0.0864554 0.9661017 107295771 nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 1-like
-0.0302509 -0.8648002 2.4039212 1.0048443 3.9830774 0.0356837 107300288 uncharacterized LOC107300288
-0.0302761 -0.1642318 -0.0846774 5.8888959 0.1129836 0.9507969 107288601 NSE4 homolog A SMC5-SMC6 complex component
-0.0305504 0.3249378 0.4579785 5.1454667 0.3748068 0.7728212 107283668 histidyl-tRNA synthetase
-0.0305688 -0.5710740 -0.8361569 6.4966385 2.2398946 0.1370078 107286411 GLTSCR1 like
-0.0306401 -0.2544698 0.3335714 5.4745266 1.3594067 0.3027498 107284545 VPS33B interacting protein apical-basolateral polarity regulator spe-39 homolog
-0.0309344 0.7835353 -0.4004862 1.5654230 1.3453600 0.3067901 107299355 misato 1 mitochondrial distribution and morphology regulator
-0.0314223 0.6632570 0.6389301 1.7704065 0.4811966 0.7015547 107289095 glycogen phosphorylase liver form-like
-0.0324813 -0.6757828 -0.7088369 1.3894593 0.4053369 0.7519752 107296297 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SETMAR
-0.0326917 0.2005083 0.5689861 4.4560247 1.0249376 0.4166234 107293722 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 3
-0.0329189 -0.2298621 -0.0954851 3.4246050 0.1067045 0.9545329 107290189 glomulin FKBP associated protein
-0.0330635 0.2982738 0.3270262 1.1837469 0.1535336 0.9253669 107290622 BRCA1 associated ATM activator 1
-0.0339902 -0.1419293 -0.1919662 5.0314212 0.1493722 0.9280668 107286800 ubiquitin specific peptidase like 1
-0.0341425 -0.8185051 0.6090514 0.5894793 2.3236827 0.1275500 107293649 EDAR-associated death domain
-0.0344364 0.5329883 -0.3973776 1.0185150 0.5889641 0.6340561 107301540 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 66-like
-0.0348291 -0.6392537 -0.5057130 2.7360768 1.0388871 0.4110512 107284842 SMAD specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
-0.0351410 -0.0348587 -0.0814599 4.4692506 0.0105694 0.9984238 107290467 intraflagellar transport 52
-0.0351608 0.8678452 0.5552612 2.6759921 1.2818055 0.3259320 107289117 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C7orf50
-0.0357221 -0.0178756 0.1149181 4.8092462 0.0269047 0.9937146 107293532 tankyrase 2
-0.0363511 -0.2351017 0.1289392 2.9711891 0.3135235 0.8153382 107289085 DDHD domain containing 1
-0.0365450 0.6014313 -0.5648222 0.7926309 0.4823828 0.7007840 107287521 cyclin-L1-like
-0.0366857 -0.7432621 0.2538330 4.2454097 2.3559415 0.1241934 107299568 membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 8
-0.0369248 -0.0978348 -0.2357027 4.1499024 0.1058174 0.9550513 107300602 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein 1
-0.0372309 0.1143722 -1.2355243 5.3180363 7.8232289 0.0038492 107289612 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia; translocated to 4
-0.0375358 -0.2787085 0.3344827 4.1482224 0.6091076 0.6220468 107298338 ER membrane-associated RNA degradation
-0.0377471 0.2971519 0.8425629 2.6958690 0.7987438 0.5184745 107282761 family with sequence similarity 221 member A
-0.0378185 0.4363403 -1.3018702 1.7774843 1.9616198 0.1746972 107291023 bromodomain containing 3
-0.0378415 1.1867634 -0.6099388 1.9649773 2.1165952 0.1525215 107293104 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 11
-0.0381302 -2.5919944 2.2558333 0.5716317 8.6216864 0.0026660 107285338 sorting nexin 31
-0.0382052 0.7060496 0.4003236 3.0677663 1.3687553 0.3000950 107298388 zinc finger protein 420-like
-0.0384163 0.6023698 1.0876905 3.3179799 1.2194205 0.3458406 107291135 tRNA pseudouridine(38/39) synthase-like
-0.0384752 -0.2764688 1.1901597 3.9401365 2.8736749 0.0813784 107284509 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 8 homolog B (yeast)
-0.0386743 -0.9071796 0.0791858 5.1558624 1.3422645 0.3078195 107286845 GTP-binding protein 10-like
-0.0391395 0.2196605 0.3762817 1.5403156 0.0814132 0.9688498 107287334 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C3orf17
-0.0393409 0.0417354 0.2958878 2.8541760 0.1468263 0.9297017 107290718 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 variant 3-like
-0.0395507 -0.2398706 0.3942335 6.4123891 1.5306604 0.2579491 107290041 protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B’’ alpha
-0.0398263 -0.1225189 -0.6798318 4.2424801 1.3719307 0.2992157 107290424 pyruvate dehydrogenase complex component X
-0.0401751 1.1197091 -0.2486406 2.6095244 2.1041735 0.1541761 107297983 zinc finger protein 638
-0.0401989 -0.2882427 -0.5488733 4.9896671 1.5803724 0.2463550 107284724 F-box protein 7
-0.0402961 0.2648298 0.7106100 2.2200343 1.0109176 0.4222859 107296065 2-oxoglutarate and iron-dependent oxygenase domain containing 1
-0.0404771 0.5924832 0.6690990 1.9315478 0.7659744 0.5351241 107300479 proteasome subunit beta type-5-like
-0.0408138 -0.3844543 0.0899491 4.9599078 0.7091001 0.5652209 107283891 tousled like kinase 1
-0.0411161 0.7909130 -0.1541994 1.3452917 0.9508984 0.4474815 107288773 arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-like
-0.0416812 0.0970760 0.2369880 5.0784733 0.4118615 0.7475474 107302610 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2I
-0.0421523 0.0584277 -1.6759659 1.5821646 1.1859248 0.3570676 107291624 uncharacterized LOC107291624
-0.0422701 0.7684485 0.6394542 6.0579660 1.0851442 0.3932599 107289269 transmembrane protein 183A
-0.0423533 0.1332641 -0.4477308 3.0217726 0.9080633 0.4664015 107283718 poly(A) binding protein cytoplasmic 4 (inducible form)
-0.0424353 0.3655204 0.9740330 2.5981149 1.0374055 0.4117405 107285350 centromere protein M
-0.0431626 0.5257732 1.7287473 -0.5185442 1.2356862 0.3404891 107301092 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
-0.0432958 -0.2893033 -1.1364829 3.1772471 1.3158569 0.3155923 107303263 Rac/Cdc42 guanine nucleotide exchange factor 6
-0.0433307 1.1047088 1.3493000 3.2048852 5.0821356 0.0172667 107300554 inositol monophosphatase domain containing 1
-0.0436231 0.6435270 0.9787903 4.1568026 0.1092491 0.9530220 107282289 uncharacterized LOC107282289
-0.0436993 1.0713053 -3.0111374 0.0474913 6.8983357 0.0061700 107299021 syntaxin binding protein 1
-0.0437743 0.5567462 0.9185604 6.0120810 0.8634254 0.4870565 ERCC-00076
-0.0441539 -0.5766684 -1.6352528 7.0450065 4.6783866 0.0223786 107283827 RAB21 member RAS oncogene family
-0.0445903 0.0635255 0.1280381 6.5873283 0.0432277 0.9874299 107289668 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 12
-0.0448570 -1.3222626 -2.1240300 0.9822053 5.8652793 0.0108101 107299545 leucine rich repeat neuronal 3
-0.0450535 0.4741718 0.4111004 6.9915646 0.8505909 0.4930922 107295025 proteasome subunit alpha 1
-0.0451596 0.5596078 0.7467799 1.9023044 0.9722475 0.4383577 107290636 FtsJ RNA methyltransferase homolog 2 (E. coli)
-0.0452334 0.0098430 0.1345698 5.5383754 0.1283971 0.9413733 107288983 DEAD-box helicase 47
-0.0452611 1.3314532 -1.5125775 0.1727108 1.8183195 0.1984953 107287035 C2 calcium-dependent domain containing 3
-0.0453160 0.1241224 -1.6155256 5.0197072 6.8575335 0.0063032 107295615 NHS like 1
-0.0455167 -0.5991603 -0.2804872 6.9093041 1.4144397 0.2874828 107284187 splicing regulatory glutamic acid/lysine-rich protein 1
-0.0457281 0.5537549 0.7123899 3.6958185 2.8970037 0.0797455 107295150 kelch like family member 22
-0.0458092 0.0600268 -0.2215425 5.7389480 0.2500970 0.8597159 107298103 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 15
-0.0459078 0.1657497 -0.2725734 5.8777404 0.5442124 0.6614257 107284118 karyopherin subunit alpha 1
-0.0461416 0.5260553 -1.0326761 3.8929273 1.8041357 0.2010432 107286005 SET domain containing 2
-0.0463952 1.0517499 0.7481642 0.5424372 1.6247175 0.2364999 107286216 RNA pseudouridylate synthase domain containing 2
-0.0464100 -2.2412721 -0.3358502 -0.3852535 3.0210493 0.0724812 107299309 uncharacterized protein C7orf62 homolog
-0.0464716 0.2683252 -0.2354092 2.9792217 0.3586026 0.7839871 107287132 glucuronidase beta
-0.0467093 -0.4216697 -1.0175021 4.8352310 1.8122187 0.1995867 107285339 X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 5-like
-0.0470703 -0.3604422 -0.7599795 3.4129324 1.5950919 0.2430340 107293081 mutL homolog 3
-0.0472920 -0.0222798 0.2136320 0.4585136 0.0599986 0.9798262 107293529 syntaxin 16
-0.0474038 0.3254907 -0.3132974 5.6327833 0.8594670 0.4889012 107294653 ras homolog family member T1
-0.0480166 -0.3365251 0.8500097 6.2193675 5.8512902 0.0108975 107298298 solute carrier family 35 member F5
-0.0481826 -0.5533991 0.6677570 5.7304623 2.9056770 0.0793319 107282674 heat shock factor binding protein 1
-0.0482302 0.0417440 -0.2122067 2.0934232 0.1297042 0.9405592 107300596 general transcription factor IIE subunit 2
-0.0482302 0.0417440 -0.2122067 2.0934232 0.1297042 0.9405592 107300678 general transcription factor IIE subunit 2
-0.0482411 -2.6920767 -0.6950410 6.5080103 12.5766379 0.0005548 107288117 aspartyl aminopeptidase
-0.0482873 0.7881659 0.4302782 7.0496406 1.9140141 0.1820658 107295957 protein transport protein Sec23A
-0.0485071 -0.1359032 0.1713830 2.4520811 0.1220616 0.9452860 107283936 alpha- and gamma-adaptin binding protein
-0.0487732 0.3293940 -1.0461192 2.7663395 2.6554262 0.0969672 107292431 nuclear RNA export factor 1
-0.0488868 0.0944094 -0.0843376 2.1353850 0.0154932 0.9972180 107294728 beta-14-N-acetyl-galactosaminyltransferase 1
-0.0501524 -0.2764103 -0.3581842 1.8398790 0.1733468 0.9123245 107290734 zinc finger protein 208-like
-0.0504582 1.0004114 -1.2139643 3.2460130 3.3444382 0.0566134 107295642 xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C
-0.0504661 -0.0238662 0.7792766 7.0389663 1.7348484 0.2138939 107292479 5’-nucleotidase domain containing 1
-0.0504917 0.0736216 -0.4767794 5.8305770 0.5283030 0.6714121 107298693 pentatricopeptide repeat domain 1
-0.0509025 -0.0562276 0.4194136 3.7945643 0.6537696 0.5960469 107286122 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha lysine methyltransferase 1
-0.0511000 -0.3517529 0.0327128 5.6662023 0.7041046 0.5679431 107287509 TOR signaling pathway regulator
-0.0516548 0.0975629 0.0477536 5.9283543 0.0499338 0.9845104 107284211 structural maintenance of chromosomes 1A
-0.0516905 0.3399817 -0.4594960 3.9554560 1.6836626 0.2240737 107302598 HMG-box containing 4
-0.0520873 -1.0993146 0.0788428 4.2771579 3.0615681 0.0702352 107286236 drebrin like
-0.0525708 -2.6714101 -1.7789595 0.2212844 2.6535014 0.0971192 107295457 leukocyte tyrosine kinase receptor-like
-0.0525746 1.1074577 0.9368026 5.5779575 0.4557011 0.7182574 107297389 uncharacterized LOC107297389
-0.0530244 -0.6249911 -0.5866652 2.3484881 0.4978775 0.6907714 107294013 nucleotide binding oligomerization domain containing 1
-0.0533720 0.1690021 -0.8860231 3.0905860 0.9767218 0.4365501 107292429 calmodulin-like
-0.0536863 -0.4491095 -0.8819368 5.4047537 1.2731911 0.3286057 107293303 histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1
-0.0540484 -0.5771250 -1.4201034 0.4961963 0.9310633 0.4562309 107297999 vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 53 homolog
-0.0542931 0.0133424 0.5577845 5.4226297 0.6662274 0.5890235 107282626 sorting nexin 11
-0.0543118 0.2903489 -0.5527883 4.1945665 2.0615974 0.1598424 107290606 WD repeat domain phosphoinositide interacting 2
-0.0543945 -0.5473287 0.4449255 5.3620105 1.4966492 0.2663751 107285062 fucose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase
-0.0544000 -0.8629510 -0.0204221 2.1821029 0.7638695 0.5362253 107286977 tectonic family member 1
-0.0545732 0.1272894 -0.8011513 1.8760084 1.1576792 0.3667376 107294274 ceramide kinase
-0.0549059 0.9891312 0.4965563 0.0509970 0.7315301 0.5531534 107297282 uncharacterized protein C7orf73
-0.0552084 1.3642019 0.8723960 -0.5777509 0.2396636 0.8669809 107295831 RNA-binding protein 33-like
-0.0563602 0.6637348 0.0422376 4.2886597 0.4183742 0.7431613 107285517 autophagy related 16 like 1
-0.0564140 -0.8245532 1.1356847 5.1808637 2.9616472 0.0759254 107295317 leucine-rich repeat containing 8 family member D
-0.0566469 -1.0191608 -0.1394035 0.7621688 0.8507896 0.4930428 107290530 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 1A
-0.0570154 1.1542596 1.3811724 -0.0799371 1.2519359 0.3353050 107302016 uncharacterized LOC107302016
-0.0570341 0.5771020 0.4310585 1.5221483 0.7351581 0.5512162 107299321 general transcription factor IIIC subunit 5
-0.0578088 0.0970853 -0.3447606 2.6299290 0.3074563 0.8195801 107299436 zinc finger protein 665-like
-0.0582752 -1.0891144 -1.3299232 5.6511110 7.9646426 0.0035957 107302564 nuclear transcription factor Y subunit gamma
-0.0593706 -7.1683906 0.1490776 1.2110614 36.6167834 0.0000030 107286637 barttin CLCNK type accessory beta subunit
-0.0595376 0.2938297 -1.2668472 2.2094112 3.7373288 0.0423508 107292457 Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 2
-0.0595856 0.4668147 0.3710259 2.8831075 0.8208435 0.5074511 107286955 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 25 NatB auxiliary subunit
-0.0595871 0.4585369 -0.1972240 5.1961814 1.5057110 0.2639949 107283723 transmembrane protein 234
-0.0598562 0.2381894 2.1371368 0.0714878 1.8981178 0.1848213 107293502 LIM domain kinase 2
-0.0598949 -2.1533895 -0.1582560 10.0075782 1.3088106 0.3177023 107292960 tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type substrate 1-like
-0.0600126 -0.4144858 -3.8567444 4.4335271 54.9320900 0.0000003 107284458 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12B
-0.0603723 0.1123674 -0.0370237 3.9883646 0.0651051 0.9773230 107295509 RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase-like
-0.0606790 -0.0767265 -0.2180645 1.8315738 0.0458532 0.9863080 107287911 uncharacterized LOC107287911
-0.0607830 0.2760580 0.2807141 4.5773018 0.3502254 0.7897866 107284794 hydroxymethylbilane synthase
-0.0610201 -1.4330260 -1.7777638 2.1651498 1.4406629 0.2806491 107297370 C-C motif chemokine 3-like
-0.0610821 -0.5106880 -0.8438839 0.9687216 0.7180810 0.5603639 107283206 p53-induced death domain-containing protein 1-like
-0.0612725 0.0878259 0.1518442 7.4311848 0.1330625 0.9384577 107290152 pre-mRNA processing factor 39
-0.0612974 -0.0618837 0.3722646 4.6901636 0.6062544 0.6237035 107284978 DEAH-box helicase 9
-0.0613810 -0.3059237 -1.1661018 3.2083050 2.9102709 0.0789776 107293311 WD repeat domain 89
-0.0616387 0.0117000 -1.7407616 7.1622055 5.7834976 0.0113878 107290438 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S1
-0.0619474 -1.0101091 -1.4747982 2.8735944 5.5626307 0.0128982 107283389 heme-binding protein 1-like
-0.0626361 -0.0289887 0.5078247 6.6356205 1.5396922 0.2557984 107283050 pre-mRNA processing factor 38A
-0.0628874 0.7564675 0.2376057 2.6719385 0.9102463 0.4655011 107302927 actin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 1A
-0.0635461 -0.7747757 1.2280544 6.7109892 3.8573778 0.0389746 107293139 family with sequence similarity 3 member C
-0.0636798 0.1170618 1.2613800 6.8599809 1.0569486 0.4040671 107291480 cyclin Pas1/PHO80 domain containing 1
-0.0640527 0.1407526 0.4352472 6.8904341 0.5222645 0.6752146 107300815 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 2
-0.0641416 0.1803221 -0.2589747 6.2092151 0.4476194 0.7235931 107291702 mindbomb E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
-0.0641765 0.2489802 0.8812803 5.5095404 1.2909445 0.3231213 107302888 ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 1-like
-0.0642097 -0.1072854 -1.2842162 3.8637548 4.3307228 0.0281074 107298635 lysine methyltransferase 2E
-0.0658186 0.1658508 0.7520521 5.8916919 1.0099497 0.4227788 107294242 ribosomal RNA processing 12 homolog
-0.0659822 0.4514942 -0.1724599 5.8012775 1.0014215 0.4261845 107287975 cathepsin O
-0.0661050 0.0272704 -0.4190807 5.5508357 0.8555115 0.4907209 107295535 makorin ring finger protein 2
-0.0668306 -0.3824012 -0.4454843 7.2568808 0.6580012 0.5936369 107289400 ARP6 actin-related protein 6 homolog (yeast)
-0.0670741 0.1013213 0.6974374 2.3864006 1.3091173 0.3174784 107284919 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C2orf69
-0.0673039 0.2586126 0.9512977 6.0269910 2.1941208 0.1426400 107303034 golgi SNAP receptor complex member 2
-0.0675583 -0.8301503 0.9898209 5.5261647 5.3166443 0.0150121 107297028 transmembrane protein 63A
-0.0675826 0.0876557 0.1608432 7.0389930 0.1298597 0.9404622 107285996 casein kinase 2 beta
-0.0677099 -0.0726777 0.6937769 7.0978606 1.7127530 0.2182113 107290579 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit A
-0.0690382 0.0549766 -0.0520032 7.1936675 0.0649545 0.9773994 107287095 RNA binding motif protein 39
-0.0692966 0.6727927 -0.3806999 -0.1525362 0.2728478 0.8438079 107299356 protein argonaute-2-like
-0.0696522 -0.3764297 -1.0458302 2.5981742 0.8861665 0.4764651 107286415 transcriptional regulating factor 1
-0.0700098 0.2498860 -0.4311872 2.4514618 0.3601396 0.7829270 107300366 charged multivesicular body protein 7-like
-0.0700176 -0.1480384 -0.5735242 0.6711412 0.3240045 0.8080198 107292053 protein CXorf40A-like
-0.0700253 -0.1932219 -0.3063219 7.5599348 0.1842260 0.9050362 107284552 methionine aminopeptidase 2
-0.0701349 -0.4810206 -0.1570123 6.2838374 0.9407919 0.4518738 107287791 transmembrane protein 9
-0.0703155 0.3422576 -0.4034294 6.8594084 0.8477919 0.4944736 107282653 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1
-0.0703166 -0.7871189 -0.7185315 4.8770633 1.0928327 0.3903661 107290712 crystallin zeta like 1
-0.0705611 -0.1960849 -0.2138363 4.5907152 0.1943959 0.8981601 107284481 spermatogenesis associated 6
-0.0708882 0.2215463 -0.0127518 5.4029271 0.3201247 0.8107274 107284562 ELK3 ETS transcription factor
-0.0711742 -0.1587208 2.2182428 4.9876460 5.5467819 0.0130799 107284820 myelin protein zero like 3
-0.0714218 0.5924962 0.6219799 7.3676869 1.6554138 0.2299355 107292295 glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase
-0.0716687 0.5343934 0.4697559 6.1836547 1.2233963 0.3444703 107282508 Tu translation elongation factor mitochondrial
-0.0720087 0.9092229 0.8552426 2.2072165 2.6129632 0.1002319 107301502 synaptosomal-associated protein 29-like
-0.0720970 -0.0577181 -0.4401492 4.5990806 0.4139084 0.7461740 107297638 proteasome assembly chaperone 1-like
-0.0724479 -0.0018167 -0.6328321 1.9628955 0.5626741 0.6500331 107293239 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex assembly factor 5
-0.0725220 -0.3851857 -0.7341745 2.8858836 0.6595276 0.5928153 107291585 peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase NIMA-interacting 4
-0.0725637 0.4749910 -1.4874271 4.1611650 7.7156949 0.0040838 107291041 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 3
-0.0726787 0.7824809 1.5955019 8.0749469 4.0134323 0.0349380 107284225 signal sequence receptor delta
-0.0726822 0.5240420 0.5321460 8.6108968 0.6477311 0.5995445 107287886 ribosomal protein S3A
-0.0727308 0.3102892 -1.0715331 1.6029546 0.9814432 0.4345654 107287092 Src-like-adaptor 2
-0.0728962 1.6507461 1.2373958 2.5741954 0.6587716 0.5932445 107302177 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-0.0733759 0.1581299 -0.5366370 2.5714834 0.5878402 0.6347426 107300391 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SETMAR-like
-0.0734971 1.0603174 1.3075201 1.2568991 1.2693956 0.3297913 107296009 zinc finger protein like 1
-0.0735241 0.9854622 0.3589480 2.8121720 1.0459868 0.4083525 107284865 exostosin like glycosyltransferase 3
-0.0737499 0.3513359 0.0560767 0.0842475 0.1642152 0.9183791 107298854 uncharacterized LOC107298854
-0.0737792 -0.4489960 -1.1813843 0.1362210 0.5702501 0.6454051 107297285 zinc finger protein 512B
-0.0740696 0.6560776 -1.0600869 1.3053921 1.2083745 0.3495005 107303211 interleukin 2 receptor subunit gamma
-0.0740878 0.1576295 0.1918890 6.2209903 0.1456997 0.9304258 107300194 nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1-like
-0.0741563 0.3094649 0.4988608 3.2352604 0.3124886 0.8160614 107293001 threonine–tRNA ligase cytoplasmic-like
-0.0742263 -0.6339267 -0.1497653 5.4655214 1.1445333 0.3714289 107284054 suppressor of IKBKE 1
-0.0743366 -0.3246548 0.1939669 7.0510311 0.6795452 0.5815021 107286645 small ubiquitin-like modifier 2
-0.0744456 -0.0891457 0.7486207 6.6759916 2.8930942 0.0799927 107286583 alkylglycerone phosphate synthase
-0.0745313 0.8210043 0.4328497 0.6718921 0.4151115 0.7453617 107285715 kelch like ECH associated protein 1
-0.0746304 1.0106578 2.6383634 0.0629030 1.0585657 0.4034389 107299457 oxidoreductase HTATIP2-like
-0.0750016 -0.0423882 0.1247896 4.9654290 0.1643722 0.9182755 107284250 cohesin subunit SA-2-like
-0.0750721 -0.2161218 -0.3020955 5.0511240 0.3950470 0.7589625 107283719 thyroid hormone receptor associated protein 3
-0.0753504 0.2781536 -2.8409031 2.4692674 18.7730999 0.0000872 107295566 core-binding factor runt domain alpha subunit 2; translocated to 2
-0.0754624 -0.0381521 -0.7367550 1.5468632 0.2770397 0.8408732 107286221 1-phosphatidylinositol 45-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta-2-like
-0.0754904 0.3351481 -0.3265733 2.4094487 0.4624883 0.7137855 107290643 integrator complex subunit 1
-0.0755455 0.0371714 2.4130317 4.4017684 5.6821271 0.0120791 107283883 VCP interacting membrane selenoprotein
-0.0758079 0.3223355 0.3723391 3.4721608 0.5947034 0.6305867 107287499 N-acetyltransferase 10
-0.0760010 0.9486266 -2.3901778 1.1511113 14.1480633 0.0003245 107291275 Enah/Vasp-like
-0.0766137 -0.9101413 -0.6569419 5.4829178 2.9120044 0.0788174 107288158 TBC1 domain family member 8
-0.0766708 -0.2674766 -0.9947950 4.3072753 1.8536228 0.1923100 107290142 zinc finger HIT-type containing 6
-0.0767543 -0.3258194 0.9393626 1.0592866 0.8164648 0.5096740 107286372 pyridoxal (pyridoxine vitamin B6) kinase
-0.0768093 0.0059781 0.5924811 4.7141393 1.4657992 0.2739949 107294621 thymine DNA glycosylase
-0.0768260 0.3779526 0.6786266 3.5699472 0.8609106 0.4882421 107284290 PHD finger protein 11
-0.0768995 0.1947120 -0.0711812 1.9501691 0.1349915 0.9372444 107300415 R3H domain and coiled-coil containing 1
-0.0770117 -0.1101263 0.3501736 5.0153108 0.3177473 0.8123876 107289534 DNA damage regulated autophagy modulator 2
-0.0771453 0.2382377 -0.2064790 6.0504243 0.3086082 0.8187741 107298252 exosome component 8
-0.0773438 -0.2067457 -1.6587992 0.9537493 2.9920181 0.0740637 107293600 plexin-A1-like
-0.0780262 -0.0094731 0.1787951 4.4637190 0.2874562 0.8335807 107285116 zinc finger protein 653
-0.0788158 0.1143689 -0.6473989 3.6151398 1.4767380 0.2712132 107299884 adaptor related protein complex 4 beta 1 subunit
-0.0788954 -0.9175121 -0.9114788 2.0126391 1.9703734 0.1731904 107298464 phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 3-kinase C2 domain-containing subunit alpha-like
-0.0790089 -0.5271780 0.1329379 5.2358246 1.9779689 0.1720321 107294715 G-protein signaling modulator 2
-0.0790684 -0.3401221 -0.7279731 2.7382121 1.0872595 0.3923532 107285908 ELKS/RAB6-interacting/CAST family member 1
-0.0792553 -0.8173265 -0.3563751 4.8569930 1.8938472 0.1854372 107286488 FUN14 domain containing 1
-0.0792776 0.4231972 1.0099184 4.2002254 3.2978382 0.0585019 107290832 nucleoporin 50kDa
-0.0793922 0.2206091 -0.2104801 1.2088669 0.1447665 0.9310263 107282523 zinc finger protein 165-like
-0.0797724 0.0009122 -0.4874099 2.2540130 0.6193763 0.6159549 107289634 tripartite motif-containing protein 15-like
-0.0805723 -0.2050197 1.0888117 1.6973431 2.2234953 0.1389272 107302625 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 24
-0.0805773 5.8355106 0.4867880 3.8845877 8.4619980 0.0028679 107295711 perforin-1-like
-0.0807026 -0.1800548 1.3006699 6.0737556 6.5015351 0.0075773 107285142 protein kinase C substrate 80K-H
-0.0813899 -0.2277946 -0.2447557 2.6281599 0.1417147 0.9329817 107288160 ring finger protein 149
-0.0815756 -0.2813642 0.5404803 6.5911660 2.4814876 0.1117195 107291191 cyclin C
-0.0816028 0.3164211 0.8158372 7.4605566 0.9276623 0.4577327 107284799 ribosomal protein S25
-0.0816153 -0.2403808 0.0364865 6.4239725 0.2122617 0.8859470 107285975 NSF attachment protein gamma
-0.0818669 0.0719112 0.5280728 6.9239525 0.4708176 0.7083226 107283113 partner of NOB1 homolog
-0.0819643 -0.6100667 -0.3196249 8.9422175 1.1137116 0.3825093 107290700 SON DNA binding protein
-0.0821089 -0.8021707 -0.8069336 7.6889374 2.5969465 0.1015563 107294012 tumor suppressing subtransferable candidate 4
-0.0822245 -0.5339235 -1.1400032 5.2377377 4.6461916 0.0227670 107291083 PC4 and SFRS1 interacting protein 1
-0.0827612 0.1489891 1.0180652 5.7800711 3.7383070 0.0423073 107290537 UTP15 small subunit processome component
-0.0830316 0.3248165 0.4974742 0.9749423 0.5085848 0.6838898 107295131 unc-93 homolog B1 (C. elegans)
-0.0834628 1.7715612 0.9062916 -0.2922388 0.5198683 0.6767381 107291276 major vault protein-like
-0.0835739 0.2858709 -1.2838640 6.0566621 2.5969090 0.1017127 107282276 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A11
-0.0838161 -0.1245874 -1.1733295 6.4546570 2.7469740 0.0900438 107290661 39S ribosomal protein L39 mitochondrial-like
-0.0840883 0.0052993 0.6273254 4.8719797 0.9177199 0.4621520 107301088 WD repeat-containing protein 43-like
-0.0843287 0.9555659 -1.6269708 0.4757242 1.7005375 0.2208073 107288919 E2F transcription factor 4
-0.0843836 0.0629496 0.3555570 2.4229267 0.1878999 0.9025551 107293523 family with sequence similarity 161 member A
-0.0849036 -0.5136479 0.3816386 6.7830495 2.2372516 0.1372986 107295754 SH3 domain binding glutamate rich protein like 3
-0.0851507 0.1649270 0.8516380 3.8906664 2.2378275 0.1372309 107285461 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit alpha
-0.0851870 -0.2482425 0.1386651 5.9383499 0.2927971 0.8298386 107288648 nucleolar protein 12
-0.0852071 0.1034616 -0.0183650 6.6783383 0.1290595 0.9409610 107289368 structural maintenance of chromosomes 3
-0.0853406 -0.2412435 -1.3853522 3.6515065 1.5192636 0.2608385 107293625 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type C associated protein
-0.0853502 0.3247721 1.1024506 3.7467966 4.3441448 0.0277907 107297685 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 16
-0.0854486 0.4130504 -0.5536900 0.8064452 1.0037064 0.4252340 107299238 zinc finger protein 493-like
-0.0855235 -0.5458405 0.0405527 6.2369546 0.2529576 0.8577154 107297456 oxoglutarate (alpha-ketoglutarate) dehydrogenase (lipoamide)
-0.0857635 0.8930883 0.7714511 6.0681391 3.9981632 0.0352069 107298229 ADP ribosylation factor 6
-0.0858204 -0.4681362 0.8248562 5.5291046 3.2995055 0.0585544 107298582 PRKR interacting protein 1 (IL11 inducible)
-0.0858456 -0.0591964 -2.3194615 0.3547510 8.6245989 0.0026421 107292885 F-box protein 31
-0.0859159 1.6107874 -0.3295440 0.5449523 1.9015342 0.1842601 107298468 RUN and cysteine rich domain containing beclin 1 interacting protein
-0.0863596 0.4632734 -1.1570118 2.0507401 1.9557200 0.1756109 107293876 nuclear receptor corepressor 1-like
-0.0864606 0.7222255 1.6535995 0.8660254 1.3130036 0.3164449 ERCC-00067
-0.0867231 0.3375011 -0.4344710 3.3534776 0.7440484 0.5465719 107284767 ring finger protein 214
-0.0874758 -0.3387310 -1.6176707 0.6152822 0.2234807 0.8782067 107296677 splicing factor arginine/serine-rich 19-like
-0.0877804 0.6506384 0.9430881 2.3521025 1.8220808 0.1976803 107282885 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf60
-0.0880018 -0.4058707 -0.6093900 4.0817920 1.4943265 0.2668056 107296475 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 4
-0.0882850 -0.1089878 -0.3979625 5.3392191 0.6453349 0.6008763 107297878 Josephin domain containing 1
-0.0882991 0.5751128 -0.0041734 4.2106868 0.6500588 0.5982114 107303046 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C17orf53
-0.0887164 1.1396253 -2.6711732 0.4563916 5.3195135 0.0149860 107288660 dachsous cadherin-related 1
-0.0888455 -0.4745985 -0.3152796 0.9975745 0.2524757 0.8580558 107286737 desumoylating isopeptidase 2
-0.0888806 -0.3314454 -0.7496949 5.0647463 1.4605848 0.2754328 107299744 peroxisomal membrane protein PEX13-like
-0.0893141 3.6930818 -0.0396244 1.3901944 3.0216066 0.0724498 107294446 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-0.0894523 -0.2525685 -2.1249625 2.2699971 7.3432690 0.0049058 107288281 PPARG coactivator 1 beta
-0.0899046 1.1792236 1.0209960 2.4389602 0.9977592 0.4277782 107283212 laccase domain containing 1
-0.0899566 -0.1282470 -0.9986063 2.6132847 2.2843347 0.1318867 107290150 kelch like family member 28
-0.0901494 0.6999738 -0.0205672 0.4808510 0.5416722 0.6630085 107283672 protocadherin alpha-3-like
-0.0903892 0.2838637 -0.3074640 3.7786636 0.4591488 0.7159836 107293581 NudC domain containing 2
-0.0905784 -0.1983203 0.0978953 4.1435281 0.2114269 0.8865209 107290414 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 11
-0.0906773 0.6638431 1.0457024 4.3314760 2.5772692 0.1033647 107297263 ALG8 alpha-13-glucosyltransferase
-0.0907705 0.0248141 0.5500913 4.3815070 0.2765183 0.8412382 107282394 tripartite motif-containing protein 7-like
-0.0908272 -0.5656639 0.1008332 2.7354483 0.7709225 0.5325334 107290993 probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HERC3
-0.0919245 -0.9029249 0.7511856 5.2299468 3.6002850 0.0468656 107290783 TEN1 CST complex subunit
-0.0921345 -0.3510475 -0.4344202 5.2442492 0.3390065 0.7975734 107299196 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 11
-0.0926364 -3.6108099 0.2187302 6.3065696 49.5995721 0.0000006 107289997 X-prolyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase P) 1 soluble
-0.0929350 -0.4057776 -1.1334305 5.2467268 2.4463988 0.1151924 107292444 HIG1 hypoxia inducible domain family member 2A
-0.0930187 -1.1803476 -1.8083277 2.5358929 4.1128301 0.0326198 107303170 transmembrane protein 150C
-0.0931384 -4.4602832 -4.4608336 -0.2832786 3.6142363 0.0463926 107299948 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-13-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 5
-0.0935170 0.5486721 0.6163286 3.2586150 0.4881498 0.6970456 107294468 RWD domain containing 2B
-0.0936753 0.6140272 0.8766860 0.4903696 0.8233457 0.5062310 107284895 RAP2B member of RAS oncogene family
-0.0937557 -0.5583843 -0.1134109 2.8619095 0.8660117 0.4857623 107283205 WW domain binding protein 4
-0.0938225 -8.7635373 -1.3450229 5.5459142 113.7815500 0.0000000 107290068 angiotensin I converting enzyme 2
-0.0938763 0.4388707 1.1912949 2.4858140 0.4785868 0.7032523 107294893 transmembrane channel like 6
-0.0940772 -0.4051562 -0.1591622 4.5482907 0.6403333 0.6037563 107291246 zinc finger CCHC-type containing 7
-0.0942496 0.5737934 0.3422347 1.4207522 0.7377704 0.5498303 107293817 nitrilase 1
-0.0944039 -0.8775447 0.0097747 6.0386554 3.7316045 0.0425112 107296101 transmembrane protein 144
-0.0948342 0.5422001 1.3135712 4.5018236 2.6224066 0.0996129 107297635 SEC11 homolog C signal peptidase complex subunit
-0.0950981 -0.1053686 0.2107162 3.5406638 0.3267834 0.8060818 107284798 trafficking protein particle complex 4
-0.0952327 0.8847585 0.5919118 2.6188554 1.4071922 0.2895839 107296566 chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 7
-0.0953349 0.0694551 -0.4944948 0.9442660 0.1458363 0.9303381 107296115 minichromosome maintenance complex component 7
-0.0953438 0.2110809 0.6917995 4.6916853 1.1178738 0.3810963 107292662 coiled-coil domain containing 86
-0.0956392 1.1492238 -0.0550913 3.6270767 2.5827214 0.1029031 107295202 BCL2-related ovarian killer
-0.0968717 0.2391449 0.3077392 2.7495044 0.3710209 0.7754194 107294963 neuraminidase 4 (sialidase)
-0.0971844 0.2342268 0.2853359 4.9441222 0.7460343 0.5454675 107285981 ralA binding protein 1
-0.0972926 -0.3064118 0.6411186 -0.0733758 0.2448168 0.8633932 107294153 nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase
-0.0973029 -0.5555461 -0.5805067 -0.5280991 0.2878904 0.8332765 107300461 galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase
-0.0974875 -0.6229474 -0.3112355 5.3200771 1.7198665 0.2168041 107298202 SPT20 homolog SAGA complex component
-0.0975902 0.1152042 -0.2386064 4.3662939 0.3346911 0.8005732 107294201 zinc finger protein 208-like
-0.0976452 -0.3553451 -0.4352990 5.8558003 0.4916784 0.6947651 107302392 required for meiotic nuclear division 5 homolog A
-0.0978437 0.2891470 -0.2125445 3.1168206 0.4210286 0.7413643 107301750 WD repeat-containing protein 61-like
-0.0978708 0.6710751 0.4652338 5.4193774 1.4332198 0.2826094 107290215 KIAA0391 ortholog
-0.0980772 0.4812775 -0.1584983 5.6138510 0.8500735 0.4933842 107296313 kelch domain containing 3
-0.0980863 0.4696138 0.9598314 -0.8361838 0.1000266 0.9584298 107301781 bifunctional glutamate/proline–tRNA ligase-like
-0.0983832 -0.3847960 -0.3658082 1.6093318 0.2943055 0.8287840 107298870 zinc finger protein 420-like
-0.0984890 0.2331814 0.7519405 3.4148043 0.8326656 0.5017565 107303137 DIS3 homolog exosome endoribonuclease and 3’-5’ exoribonuclease
-0.0986357 -0.2253323 -0.1664076 4.4577477 0.0942718 0.9617265 107301674 uncharacterized LOC107301674
-0.0987658 0.1183437 0.2959392 6.8977002 0.3273172 0.8057101 107295008 Yip1 domain family member 2
-0.0990122 0.3099737 0.9073407 0.8602592 0.4147228 0.7456242 ERCC-00164
-0.0993312 -0.2631513 -0.7411451 4.6339354 1.4999692 0.2654734 107297133 coenzyme Q7 homolog ubiquinone (yeast)
-0.0994538 -0.2120562 0.7949288 3.8889414 1.4787259 0.2708556 107292839 replication factor C subunit 5
-0.0996117 -0.3880578 -0.0843384 5.6414467 0.7226314 0.5579077 107295878 lysine methyltransferase 5B
-0.1004351 0.2082368 0.1180288 5.6388515 0.2746819 0.8425267 107284855 erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 3
-0.1005246 0.9680701 1.3816991 4.9476473 3.8987383 0.0378543 107284147 steroid receptor RNA activator 1
-0.1007700 -0.1635971 1.8424751 5.9840915 5.4063888 0.0142215 107282775 carboxypeptidase vitellogenic like
-0.1009117 -1.3157265 2.0910299 6.3217654 6.1929254 0.0090266 107283252 annexin A4
-0.1010491 0.9300812 1.5987050 1.6611455 2.1739389 0.1451404 107294970 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit epsilon
-0.1011251 -0.8133785 -0.8879437 2.4989267 2.2549964 0.1352298 107282635 secernin 2
-0.1011964 -0.0628870 0.0483464 3.0399240 0.0347012 0.9908732 107302210 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K-like
-0.1012536 -0.5825791 -0.5684345 1.2114680 0.6237175 0.6134106 107301532 ELMO domain-containing protein 3-like
-0.1013098 0.1511719 -2.4977413 0.8949311 1.6412005 0.2331025 107295921 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF213-like
-0.1013347 0.2896575 -1.0235159 3.7281678 0.8306615 0.5027294 107299226 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
-0.1013611 -0.4070468 -0.4340824 4.0796390 0.4743910 0.7059875 107288007 uncharacterized LOC107288007
-0.1019485 -1.0612292 -0.4239372 3.3773714 2.4282928 0.1168174 107285393 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C15orf41
-0.1019668 0.1234513 -0.3723686 4.8472132 0.9212879 0.4604750 107285718 coiled-coil domain containing 130
-0.1020268 -0.1826050 0.1316645 5.8249005 0.1987321 0.8952040 107300277 uncharacterized LOC107300277
-0.1031537 -0.1562300 0.4243580 8.2355716 0.3723794 0.7744900 107284908 MOB-like protein phocein
-0.1033538 -0.3967484 -0.1267680 5.2803919 0.1465710 0.9298659 107299501 mitochondrial genome maintenance exonuclease 1
-0.1042833 -0.6335151 -0.4396226 5.7477905 0.9719887 0.4385492 107297711 histone deacetylase 2
-0.1043343 0.1414786 -0.6812219 3.4783046 2.0276694 0.1646658 107286258 striatin interacting protein 1
-0.1046864 1.0073624 0.8318880 2.0169334 1.5387415 0.2561719 107289661 zinc finger protein 239-like
-0.1053292 0.0802453 -0.5610929 5.8098833 1.0590289 0.4032280 107291132 zinc finger RANBP2-type containing 1
-0.1054335 1.2764469 -0.4562456 3.0724811 0.6281856 0.6108420 107286469 XIAP associated factor 1
-0.1058192 0.0568765 -0.1114228 5.4793934 0.1114579 0.9517106 107283431 nuclear autoantigenic sperm protein (histone-binding)
-0.1060811 0.6572619 0.1791722 6.1154980 1.2319078 0.3417528 107290247 nuclear receptor coactivator 2
-0.1063411 0.8299061 0.6304224 4.5768065 2.5388627 0.1066391 107282492 aldehyde dehydrogenase 16 family member A1
-0.1064249 1.4765018 0.8354189 0.1197460 0.3409663 0.7962115 107286713 plexin A3
-0.1066178 0.5013775 0.5411917 4.2207832 1.1470466 0.3705907 107292186 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 9
-0.1069214 0.4964441 0.1247775 5.6201141 0.9267812 0.4580472 107294612 CWC15 spliceosome-associated protein
-0.1069474 1.2161369 1.5865509 2.2043796 1.6725618 0.2265114 107295049 quiescin sulfhydryl oxidase 2
-0.1072043 -0.0431370 0.7108216 7.4978865 1.6857683 0.2236435 107286834 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 4
-0.1074387 0.0068094 1.1143633 2.4045931 1.8570669 0.1916708 107301004 negative elongation factor C/D-like
-0.1078950 -0.4133092 0.0349633 5.7660673 0.4629743 0.7134660 107302497 exostosin-like glycosyltransferase 2
-0.1084871 1.0017879 0.8158197 1.6720675 2.5491499 0.1056294 107286614 TOX high mobility group box family member 4
-0.1085172 0.4746821 -0.0444977 4.5553335 1.1489871 0.3697874 107283273 KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 3
-0.1094037 0.1636441 -0.1383938 3.9567853 0.2165814 0.8829736 107294174 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4
-0.1095776 0.6128424 0.3396932 3.7190913 0.5542163 0.6552504 107295089 mitochondrial inner membrane protein OXA1L
-0.1099481 -0.1037258 -0.5384148 4.1538305 1.0799341 0.3951263 107283853 inhibitor of growth family member 1
-0.1100309 0.2022016 2.3084004 0.9794534 2.4028413 0.1194673 107291183 ankyrin repeat and death domain containing 1B
-0.1104465 0.1938083 -0.8344234 3.4664142 2.0389261 0.1631608 107293248 decapping mRNA 2
-0.1106962 0.0176888 -1.1636327 4.9106657 3.2641645 0.0601417 107284712 bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 1B
-0.1107124 0.3964360 -0.6811301 3.9517744 0.9973097 0.4279637 107291872 polymerase (RNA) III subunit H
-0.1107758 -0.2120142 0.1025132 4.5248256 0.2852541 0.8351229 107283727 splicing factor 3a subunit 3
-0.1108237 -0.2469243 0.4788156 5.5076201 1.3408144 0.3081228 107286668 rhomboid domain containing 1
-0.1108631 -0.1932468 -0.3927770 3.5016688 0.2852377 0.8351339 107293151 RAB33B member RAS oncogene family
-0.1113742 -0.0160466 -0.8185399 3.3874891 2.0972650 0.1549438 107282717 THO complex 6
-0.1114332 -0.1374337 -0.5815267 4.8615203 0.7697452 0.5331943 107288293 reticulon 4 interacting protein 1
-0.1114575 -0.0828850 -0.2603643 3.0002175 0.1594661 0.9215000 107291922 ubiquitin like 7
-0.1115095 0.4964838 0.5177174 4.0529484 1.4207790 0.2857792 107291759 NGG1 interacting factor 3 like 1
-0.1116154 -0.0817950 -0.5174764 3.2341368 0.5418930 0.6628741 107300783 peroxisomal membrane protein PEX13-like
-0.1117075 0.5008515 -0.8219317 4.3816334 3.8722951 0.0385063 107285700 zinc finger protein 639
-0.1118814 0.0520102 0.3086696 4.4450288 0.5119859 0.6817210 107294241 MMS19 homolog cytosolic iron-sulfur assembly component
-0.1120277 0.1005887 -0.0621527 1.8646582 0.0522869 0.9834472 107288258 MICOS complex subunit mic25-like
-0.1123803 -0.4613970 0.5870510 4.8409786 1.9157417 0.1819466 107299625 general transcription factor II-I repeat domain-containing protein 2-like
-0.1126462 0.7354545 -0.5038085 5.1299780 1.8481681 0.1932513 107295925 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C5orf51
-0.1136204 0.3319809 -0.0167600 0.9306987 0.0765576 0.9714431 107295713 family with sequence similarity 110 member D
-0.1149909 -0.5917433 -0.1455893 5.2085566 1.1091297 0.3841955 107296257 LSM2 homolog U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated
-0.1155680 -1.4915650 -0.0533853 7.4738319 2.0941109 0.1555314 107286214 isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase
-0.1157268 -0.7483514 -1.0810680 3.9874081 3.5082390 0.0500084 107295247 syntaxin binding protein 5
-0.1159436 -1.1859964 -1.1227986 7.2188050 5.5282939 0.0131636 107296562 RUN and FYVE domain containing 1
-0.1160165 -0.0099363 -1.4047071 7.7195323 2.1837702 0.1439162 107302337 reticulon 4
-0.1160895 -0.0827560 -0.8811572 1.0896262 0.3833262 0.7669771 107302190 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 2-like
-0.1163176 0.0873365 -0.0423453 2.9323135 0.0376717 0.9897103 107296114 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) X-linked
-0.1165660 0.2957087 -0.9143433 0.7832486 0.5088736 0.6837280 107297883 CD209 antigen-like
-0.1166094 -0.0160047 -0.6629706 3.3770558 0.6463078 0.6003609 107293304 LYR motif containing 7
-0.1169165 0.3421481 0.9920389 7.4835591 1.5151095 0.2618459 107284041 ribosomal protein S16
-0.1172749 1.0832580 1.9818361 7.6159243 6.0891916 0.0095659 107285871 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B11
-0.1178780 0.2321279 0.4004333 2.3603122 0.4222025 0.7405731 107300808 5’-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit gamma-1
-0.1179517 0.0228866 -2.0862419 7.3501686 5.9365216 0.0104296 107292283 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial Fo complex subunit F6
-0.1183643 0.5141981 0.2616668 0.8825776 0.0544980 0.9824271 107301827 DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB3-like
-0.1189047 -0.1000205 0.2876364 -0.0800590 0.0544678 0.9824411 107291151 sterile alpha motif domain containing 1
-0.1189262 -1.3214497 -1.7053792 3.0502355 4.5906709 0.0236902 107294765 cyclin-dependent kinase 15-like
-0.1190177 0.1010079 0.2706438 4.9263850 0.4063308 0.7512922 107288238 autophagy related 7
-0.1192778 -0.0437956 0.3882206 4.6166260 0.4613882 0.7145091 107293079 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit beta
-0.1193337 0.0647609 0.2168492 5.8272256 0.2274856 0.8754353 107284656 COMM domain containing 8
-0.1197411 -0.3123976 -0.2309560 1.8672577 0.0305215 0.9924361 107299102 cytochrome c oxidase subunit NDUFA4-like
-0.1208198 -0.2509689 -0.3656974 6.8396058 0.5873533 0.6350016 107285603 bromodomain and WD repeat domain containing 1
-0.1209561 -0.7150511 -0.4372159 1.0219480 0.3807733 0.7687262 107302503 SH3 domain-containing RING finger protein 3-like
-0.1209780 -1.2384371 -0.2981538 4.9601969 5.9861999 0.0100878 107285262 beta-transducin repeat containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-0.1209820 1.0803108 -2.4460002 0.8166218 5.7216654 0.0118038 107297508 fibrosin
-0.1210365 -0.1675973 -0.1080582 2.5833496 0.0481165 0.9853202 107290642 abl-interactor 2
-0.1211293 -0.2310515 -0.7473483 3.6990132 1.8284678 0.1965356 107290458 male-specific lethal 3 homolog (Drosophila)
-0.1213639 0.1676159 -0.5061045 5.9022450 1.7348457 0.2138738 107303264 RNA binding motif protein X-linked
-0.1214397 1.0162188 0.2160443 3.4653846 0.4418707 0.7274250 107286007 galectin-1-like
-0.1223069 1.3780113 2.2759464 5.5985854 1.6005268 0.2419717 107301707 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-0.1225828 -0.2592096 -0.2977460 3.6683042 0.2740736 0.8429527 107297758 YTH domain containing 2
-0.1226240 -0.3807546 -0.3661091 1.8889820 0.2306443 0.8732510 107282217 solute carrier family 35 member E1
-0.1226398 -12.3959755 -3.7958498 6.2232374 43.6908471 0.0000012 107292117 solute carrier family 6 member 19
-0.1227153 -1.8400813 -0.3715848 6.8934232 10.0790575 0.0014120 107298917 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 8B
-0.1229885 -0.6172585 -0.6934735 6.2054662 1.4157838 0.2872192 107284565 neural precursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated 1
-0.1231218 0.9296423 0.9439181 3.7883348 0.5039645 0.6868659 107297242 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
-0.1231377 0.3221233 -1.0175850 3.3394136 0.0910060 0.9635686 107295370 chromobox protein homolog 1-like
-0.1233889 0.4538753 0.0356643 4.6190394 0.3510946 0.7891844 107292229 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit c
-0.1233979 0.7383538 0.2542160 7.3836684 0.9344509 0.4547400 107288156 phosducin like 3
-0.1235291 1.2687519 -3.6682694 3.4417807 49.1235817 0.0000006 107296713 oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein
-0.1242831 -2.6450042 0.0055148 6.9131211 2.9077591 0.0792138 107286547 neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 1
-0.1243907 -0.6019615 -0.4876418 6.6527568 1.5386460 0.2560465 107290858 exportin 1
-0.1248874 -0.1184943 0.4669101 5.9904279 0.0174379 0.9966854 107295837 protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1
-0.1249045 0.0040252 0.4361551 4.0930298 0.8001698 0.5176931 107292562 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf80
-0.1251454 0.1293083 -0.1924403 1.5372279 0.1961464 0.8969702 107284763 BUD13 homolog
-0.1253874 0.1542291 -0.7996003 3.5188646 1.9077095 0.1831620 107299046 zinc finger protein 436-like
-0.1255712 -0.4792824 -2.8538779 6.6310149 10.3572920 0.0012715 107289440 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B4
-0.1258958 -1.5347111 -0.0459195 5.4397219 6.7355234 0.0067221 107286340 sirtuin 5
-0.1265995 -0.7345566 -3.6211378 5.9910919 6.0116134 0.0099939 107290494 acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase 2-like mitochondrial
-0.1267030 -2.6236472 -1.0084324 3.7967433 5.4767811 0.0136352 107283363 tudor domain containing 5
-0.1273357 0.5866266 -0.1003169 0.2939245 0.1475506 0.9292356 107285312 vomeronasal type-2 receptor 26-like
-0.1275383 -0.8358822 -0.3913600 6.7836032 2.0585009 0.1602760 107288388 itchy E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-0.1283135 0.2713067 0.6367162 5.6273192 0.8375144 0.4994105 107284188 prolyl endopeptidase
-0.1284338 0.5438015 -1.0437883 6.6362291 3.0369003 0.0715928 107292094 cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 2 mitochondrial
-0.1289277 -0.6530736 -0.3001775 7.6273323 0.8630837 0.4871502 107293403 splicing factor 3b subunit 6
-0.1291010 0.5186567 1.2930744 6.2212310 3.2887609 0.0590343 107294017 peroxisomal membrane protein 4
-0.1301003 0.0715792 -0.2580569 3.7020128 0.2780536 0.8401658 107283850 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 7
-0.1301385 2.1381596 0.4819155 0.4040129 1.9718466 0.1731261 107290038 matrix metallopeptidase 28
-0.1302821 0.4674859 -2.0132040 0.9914694 2.4369984 0.1161000 107298054 endothelin converting enzyme 1
-0.1304954 0.3520476 0.0905226 5.5913728 0.3214273 0.8098186 107292405 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L47
-0.1308726 0.8772885 0.3994551 1.3334123 1.2611242 0.3322638 107301795 deoxyhypusine synthase-like
-0.1312237 0.3703794 -0.3236786 4.3425769 1.1780185 0.3596555 107292553 methyltransferase like 22
-0.1312635 0.9175200 0.1177705 0.2510255 0.2770877 0.8408396 107301057 RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase-like
-0.1318884 -0.0014361 1.1400233 0.9178867 0.8775230 0.4804633 107302570 E2F transcription factor 3
-0.1327806 1.2005190 0.8088650 2.1475500 2.8258076 0.0843933 107290083 PAP associated domain containing 5
-0.1331963 0.8765445 0.8350154 6.3877143 3.4464137 0.0524175 107289120 COP9 signalosome subunit 3
-0.1332035 0.0927661 -0.0534915 1.3174368 0.0334570 0.9913474 107300592 zinc finger protein 665-like
-0.1335521 0.9008534 0.6904780 4.7850616 3.6847409 0.0439795 107295910 epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8
-0.1339020 -0.3397507 -0.4985861 4.3690886 0.7757687 0.5300400 107287153 protein kinase DNA-activated catalytic polypeptide
-0.1339539 -1.3419422 -0.7792560 -0.4201904 1.7077330 0.2192106 107288960 family with sequence similarity 196 member A
-0.1341238 -0.1551891 -0.7895208 5.7313182 1.1363738 0.3743980 107287223 peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase NIMA-interacting 1
-0.1341842 -0.3556434 -0.9317734 3.4532454 1.7868517 0.2041031 107296103 zinc finger BED-type containing 1
-0.1342364 -0.1362931 -0.2244518 4.8002623 0.1188025 0.9472785 107290601 PAX3 and PAX7 binding protein 1
-0.1346083 -0.1245476 -0.0762446 6.9420085 0.0873058 0.9656334 107287055 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 3
-0.1347067 0.5832304 0.9109561 2.6662120 1.7263582 0.2156385 107283215 component of oligomeric golgi complex 1
-0.1347604 0.2713478 0.4489908 3.9931146 0.9625902 0.4424547 107288819 uncharacterized LOC107288819
-0.1348183 -0.2545393 -1.1098688 7.0766910 1.9373643 0.1784884 107284304 succinate-CoA ligase ADP-forming beta subunit
-0.1348948 -0.3071946 0.3716367 7.4280436 0.5796448 0.6396922 107282488 nucleobindin 1
-0.1349510 -0.0939284 -1.3233049 -0.5528465 0.8997279 0.4702594 107282441 synaptogyrin 4
-0.1350142 -2.1026118 4.0957925 8.3495564 8.4500194 0.0028837 107294130 cystathionine gamma-lyase
-0.1362164 -0.3618993 -0.3971477 3.2393616 0.5548808 0.6548108 107293438 trafficking protein particle complex 10
-0.1369399 -0.3336317 -0.2554490 5.9852522 0.3269782 0.8059459 107284662 nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group C member 1
-0.1370140 0.2181687 -1.3692833 5.7692822 2.4554027 0.1143307 107289879 uncharacterized LOC107289879
-0.1372986 -0.9663717 0.9731897 6.7920293 7.4015780 0.0047428 107302481 saccharopine dehydrogenase (putative)
-0.1377873 -0.0242425 -0.6561967 4.7449813 0.9884093 0.4316541 107301290 zinc finger protein 239-like
-0.1378909 1.1906394 0.3604896 0.1888213 0.9796270 0.4352997 107299242 zinc finger protein 135-like
-0.1380104 -0.2862767 -0.1993505 4.1121619 0.2868883 0.8339783 107291209 lin-9 DREAM MuvB core complex component
-0.1381199 -0.4500510 -1.2682725 1.0800670 1.0580452 0.4036410 107286181 zinc finger protein 208-like
-0.1381217 0.1655601 -2.3497016 2.8734732 5.1541597 0.0165775 107289707 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1
-0.1381890 -0.1947938 -0.1288299 1.3583810 0.0558261 0.9818100 107292509 INO80 complex subunit B
-0.1382590 -0.0915050 -0.0213669 4.7022452 0.0950034 0.9613152 107290266 zinc finger protein 148
-0.1387068 0.1555789 0.9688445 6.5554106 2.1688737 0.1457758 107290697 small ubiquitin-like modifier 1
-0.1391368 -0.3049730 1.1763633 3.3721021 5.6486826 0.0122601 107302568 glucoside xylosyltransferase 1
-0.1391454 -0.4004473 0.1983849 6.9714059 0.7175923 0.5606496 107285720 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf53
-0.1397160 0.0386737 -0.1587666 6.7488333 0.0944342 0.9616343 107300986 proteasome subunit alpha 4
-0.1398852 0.2277065 0.0395399 3.8627011 0.2300661 0.8736483 107297208 origin recognition complex subunit 5-like
-0.1400554 0.1143420 -0.4077220 4.8851815 1.0336530 0.4131297 107283599 leucine rich repeat containing 41
-0.1400991 -1.1971175 -0.4749220 6.1741556 4.0025099 0.0351321 107302403 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 7
-0.1403162 0.2172261 -0.6845518 0.7456369 0.8137886 0.5109238 107291568 methionyl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial
-0.1407459 -1.0568424 -1.7314108 0.4279124 3.5825769 0.0473551 107295739 zinc finger protein 665-like
-0.1408096 -0.1369364 -0.5750540 2.3346904 0.8405838 0.4978570 107283540 differentially expressed in FDCP 8 homolog (mouse)
-0.1408747 -2.0881449 5.5288155 4.9726424 8.2666003 0.0031397 107296551 deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein-like
-0.1411584 0.6164483 0.4230416 2.5425709 0.4385351 0.7296467 107301478 gem-associated protein 2-like
-0.1414318 -0.3892721 -0.3978143 4.5917074 0.5477275 0.6592405 107286175 oral-facial-digital syndrome 1
-0.1414923 -1.0474326 -0.2022925 6.3773602 2.8286651 0.0842984 107290493 lin-52 DREAM MuvB core complex component
-0.1427051 -7.6746286 -1.5144175 6.5683640 48.5501208 0.0000007 107286261 solute carrier family 16 member 4
-0.1428131 0.2997039 0.1654467 3.6476391 0.4035423 0.7531850 107283031 transcription elongation factor A N-terminal and central domain containing 2
-0.1433058 0.1083302 0.7120571 -0.1055338 0.2971082 0.8268204 107301137 arrestin domain containing 1
-0.1436200 -0.2739020 -1.5807946 0.7711722 2.7165189 0.0921321 107299928 round spermatid basic protein 1-like protein
-0.1436393 0.0382362 -1.0671389 6.8032164 1.9217946 0.1809710 107290080 RNA (guanine-7-) methyltransferase
-0.1437294 -0.4097731 -0.7237917 5.3281593 1.3688889 0.3001290 107286735 cytochrome c oxidase protein 20 homolog
-0.1437762 -0.2505487 -0.7806699 3.7051840 2.5835165 0.1026823 107290066 zinc finger DBF-type containing 2
-0.1441208 -1.5398431 -0.1172674 3.4665798 5.4009268 0.0142671 107284508 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase
-0.1441947 -3.6966086 -0.0032108 3.6357420 2.3228642 0.1277978 107300780 uncharacterized LOC107300780
-0.1445180 -0.3038605 -0.5517115 3.6504269 1.0363912 0.4120410 107292385 NRDE-2 necessary for RNA interference domain containing
-0.1445611 0.4195492 0.6000796 3.1553051 0.7077622 0.5660020 107302601 glutamyl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial
-0.1447647 -1.2121314 0.9603068 5.1048946 6.5943609 0.0072479 107284090 abhydrolase domain containing 12
-0.1447698 0.1697345 -0.9510120 0.5649985 1.0954611 0.3892727 107286273 LDL receptor related protein 6
-0.1449133 -0.4062958 -1.2656242 4.4228668 5.1278929 0.0167783 107284840 DEAH-box helicase 35
-0.1449980 -0.0616005 0.4906249 5.4882192 0.9960702 0.4284470 107288235 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 4
-0.1450554 0.0867014 -1.2069082 6.9754097 2.1787133 0.1445444 107285241 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6C
-0.1452208 0.5522703 0.4046655 4.0929897 0.9744740 0.4374983 107301587 palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1
-0.1454938 -0.4841037 -2.0226111 1.9779759 3.2021244 0.0630431 107290254 polyhomeotic homolog 3
-0.1455429 1.3740044 0.3787309 5.9542955 1.5634958 0.2503743 ERCC-00116
-0.1458422 -0.1401084 -0.3793328 5.4727400 0.1246195 0.9437082 107297260 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 subunit C2-like
-0.1466593 1.2900033 -0.7068291 2.6062835 2.0559523 0.1607951 107293964 cyclin D3
-0.1469434 0.9788120 -1.5028893 2.0632931 4.2677111 0.0293539 107292237 forkhead box O3
-0.1470068 -0.2624479 -0.9777406 3.4766398 1.5397533 0.2559321 107282196 X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 4
-0.1478667 -0.5467522 -0.9402345 3.4407025 1.6807340 0.2247823 107283553 sprouty RTK signaling antagonist 1
-0.1480990 -0.1126892 0.1843857 3.7561083 0.2673734 0.8476424 107290403 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf58
-0.1481618 -0.1322894 -0.8121030 2.9276082 0.5818213 0.6383746 107293049 pogo transposable element with KRAB domain
-0.1482083 0.5129079 -0.7546827 7.1161265 2.5456641 0.1060883 107302396 inner membrane mitochondrial protein
-0.1485879 0.0182927 -0.3785784 2.5971497 0.2769868 0.8409125 107283185 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 8
-0.1490315 -0.6471995 -0.9195117 0.1072007 0.4552176 0.7185767 107282378 testis specific serine kinase substrate
-0.1491843 0.4269554 0.3280355 5.0651423 0.8762497 0.4810551 107302629 ubiquitin family domain containing 1
-0.1495514 0.3152095 1.3041429 2.4642135 2.0548370 0.1609520 107291115 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 2
-0.1495789 -0.2948146 -0.1834572 4.5129770 0.1919501 0.8998172 107293623 forkhead box K2
-0.1495791 0.2840124 -0.0965592 0.8432974 0.1993432 0.8947932 107298551 zinc finger protein 561-like
-0.1498422 -0.0759904 0.3019815 5.7761710 0.1964561 0.8967538 107294565 small integral membrane protein 19
-0.1499186 -0.0651322 0.6394286 3.6767826 0.9544297 0.4460479 107295449 tRNA methyltransferase 2 homolog A
-0.1499980 0.3028907 0.2728924 4.0509396 0.7377307 0.5498513 107291994 MAK16 homolog
-0.1500724 -2.3702815 -0.6764964 3.6395572 12.9709986 0.0004827 107292588 catenin alpha-like 1
-0.1501042 -0.1611331 -0.4439031 5.8736150 0.6400402 0.6039254 107289726 zinc finger CCHC-type containing 6
-0.1507981 -0.3950208 -0.9245120 1.2100029 0.7386664 0.5493965 107294014 zinc finger protein 341
-0.1510608 0.8400325 -0.7003109 4.0087200 4.0193940 0.0347714 107284699 Williams Beuren syndrome chromosome region 27
-0.1518052 -0.2631763 0.8355183 2.0980472 0.1523482 0.9261347 107302005 uncharacterized LOC107302005
-0.1518254 0.4281696 0.4566207 5.7060346 1.1091987 0.3842810 107286383 ribosomal RNA processing 1B
-0.1518482 -0.1548216 -1.1330031 0.1526362 0.8838480 0.4775103 107287020 BLOC-1 related complex subunit 5
-0.1521338 0.3078439 -0.3281182 4.1361081 0.5242762 0.6739508 107294539 proteasome inhibitor subunit 1
-0.1524828 -0.7172672 -2.1598994 2.0237602 6.3232122 0.0083851 107292440 ring finger protein 44
-0.1527211 -0.6486002 -1.0009981 4.6390869 0.7477545 0.5446231 107286303 protein NipSnap homolog 3B-like
-0.1530191 -1.5657469 -0.1162489 4.6497697 8.1875445 0.0032450 107293060 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome-like
-0.1531012 -0.0560602 -0.5308495 1.0593040 0.0804450 0.9693714 107292056 carbohydrate sulfotransferase 11-like
-0.1531504 -6.9182812 0.6772335 5.3156255 37.3505344 0.0000027 107289878 solute carrier family 23 member 1
-0.1532093 -0.2248374 -0.9074203 2.5791217 1.7741531 0.2063934 107296623 BLOC-1 related complex subunit 6
-0.1533708 -0.4685368 -0.1881316 2.2424889 0.4028879 0.7536283 107297443 nuclear transcription factor X-box binding 1
-0.1538437 0.3477163 0.1916253 3.6505158 0.3404629 0.7965612 107284444 transducin like enhancer of split 1
-0.1538794 -10.1488024 0.9164290 4.8050824 113.9258660 0.0000000 107287864 solute carrier family 22 member 7
-0.1539942 0.0091780 0.4512784 4.9664755 0.5134810 0.6807923 107285412 X-prolyl aminopeptidase 3 mitochondrial
-0.1546483 -0.1928195 -0.4990966 5.1432995 0.8017240 0.5169162 107286877 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 1
-0.1546745 1.0870263 0.2382796 1.9223801 2.1232761 0.1514787 107298340 DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 3-like
-0.1548508 0.4170461 0.6267247 4.3349823 1.8894813 0.1860887 107296075 dynein light chain 2 cytoplasmic
-0.1549441 0.6914474 0.3041751 2.1347151 0.7737300 0.5311471 107282841 uncharacterized LOC107282841
-0.1549553 1.1122984 2.4979394 7.8894480 7.4295363 0.0047034 107302720 gamma-glutamyl hydrolase
-0.1552051 0.8770509 -0.7810880 4.1009671 6.1543452 0.0091748 107296658 slingshot protein phosphatase 3
-0.1552820 0.0517832 -0.5270493 2.4266935 0.3295972 0.8041218 107294886 argonaute 4 RISC catalytic component
-0.1555076 -0.2637405 -0.3552974 4.1672595 0.3386526 0.7978174 107283470 small nuclear RNA activating complex polypeptide 2
-0.1558281 0.4570545 -0.1210644 1.4350988 0.6477615 0.5994834 107300151 zinc finger protein 665-like
-0.1560451 -0.3075380 -0.1168845 4.7144939 0.2209997 0.8799247 107283933 Parkinson disease 7 domain containing 1
-0.1563171 0.4301158 -0.0740932 1.7918891 0.5283478 0.6713586 107294359 thioredoxin reductase 2
-0.1568737 -0.1980709 -0.0930991 3.9268985 0.0955427 0.9610082 107282576 protein kinase cAMP-dependent type I regulatory subunit alpha
-0.1569859 -0.7165608 -0.9607278 3.2212375 2.1823250 0.1439345 107294006 general transcription factor IIi
-0.1570413 0.0049693 0.6925236 8.9838662 1.1644552 0.3643517 107293155 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 15 NatA auxiliary subunit
-0.1572366 -0.1213576 0.4479469 5.3103241 2.0207831 0.1656648 107284559 ubiquitin specific peptidase 44
-0.1574383 0.0700264 -0.7844653 2.7563229 1.0971826 0.3887389 107291717 nuclear factor related to kappa-B-binding protein-like
-0.1577400 0.4947816 -0.3469541 4.1691418 1.0435549 0.4093096 107294966 WD repeat domain 53
-0.1578716 0.0383930 0.1297367 3.7675094 0.1711847 0.9137653 107301565 RAD18 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-0.1580045 1.6208193 3.3775552 3.5346248 5.3579843 0.0146417 107290107 glutamic pyruvate transaminase (alanine aminotransferase) 2
-0.1581440 0.2481825 -0.1935878 4.4936202 0.6156187 0.6181645 107302366 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L30
-0.1582656 0.1521128 0.1491181 2.6855588 0.3129832 0.8157159 107295903 glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit B
-0.1582873 0.0601603 -0.7405688 6.5794350 2.4502284 0.1146681 107285915 beclin 1 autophagy related
-0.1587175 -1.1987229 -0.5539301 4.3682276 2.5516394 0.1055671 107286178 RAB9A member RAS oncogene family
-0.1587485 -0.2625240 -0.6163582 -0.3285954 0.1277301 0.9417824 107292561 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf226
-0.1596311 -0.4387518 0.6069738 5.3606213 2.3164205 0.1284500 107297072 WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 2
-0.1600947 -1.1046826 -1.3013543 4.3455730 8.4384510 0.0028774 107296973 trafficking protein kinesin binding 2
-0.1605364 -0.1279172 -0.5450016 0.9315293 0.1704485 0.9142489 107282522 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 21-like
-0.1605433 -0.6187123 -0.5227317 2.4508840 0.5017895 0.6882596 107289082 iron-sulfur cluster assembly 2 homolog mitochondrial-like
-0.1605437 -1.0248275 0.1601456 2.3822820 0.8296052 0.5032429 107298521 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 13
-0.1609219 0.5892347 0.5079433 5.2227614 0.9271012 0.4579810 107282998 RIO kinase 1
-0.1609222 1.1312838 0.2765192 1.0088236 0.8484391 0.4941643 107295291 putative RNA exonuclease NEF-sp
-0.1610491 0.1529605 -0.8725180 4.5010733 1.8414065 0.1944254 107298643 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf70
-0.1612191 -0.0740588 -0.2731667 6.4264084 0.2094317 0.8878915 107293829 SECIS binding protein 2
-0.1614578 -0.6711841 -0.3527765 5.2591737 1.1747557 0.3608267 107296283 defective in cullin neddylation 1 domain containing 4
-0.1617831 -0.5146899 0.3226270 9.2656657 1.1702440 0.3623394 107285833 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 5-like
-0.1619151 0.7729466 -0.1459053 3.9564827 0.8341767 0.5010242 107297722 family with sequence similarity 173 member B
-0.1619400 0.0619845 -0.0221756 0.4683508 0.0303925 0.9924834 107302091 peptide chain release factor 1-like mitochondrial
-0.1623841 0.1544613 -2.6279321 7.5069072 9.9780744 0.0014834 107282877 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S7
-0.1625616 0.0961361 -0.2967138 7.2846460 0.2553003 0.8560796 107296080 ribonucleic acid export 1
-0.1629880 0.4490004 -0.5848157 3.1974778 1.4707958 0.2728644 107297478 DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 3-like
-0.1630573 0.1627618 -1.9420291 5.1175592 4.9876703 0.0183822 107293238 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit S6
-0.1638957 -0.5568826 -0.8932777 6.3769586 1.8693683 0.1895871 107282627 chromobox 1
-0.1643225 0.2280216 -0.2442457 3.3123917 0.1503280 0.9274432 107283532 cytochrome b-245 light chain
-0.1643809 -0.4497257 1.3355313 3.2561556 3.3788216 0.0551758 107300774 uncharacterized LOC107300774
-0.1646255 -1.3497850 -1.4023178 3.1331611 2.8264557 0.0844906 107286934 coiled-coil domain containing 34
-0.1648768 -0.8447740 -5.0645545 2.5539849 16.5917996 0.0001579 107294780 histamine receptor H2
-0.1650833 -1.0006281 -0.3300496 2.1708510 2.1355919 0.1498688 107298234 kelch domain containing 1
-0.1654409 -0.3477416 -0.5717774 3.4918620 0.4655365 0.7117831 107282757 transformer 2 alpha homolog (Drosophila)
-0.1656456 -0.5956443 -0.7147334 6.2734754 2.3923634 0.1203645 107301837 uncharacterized LOC107301837
-0.1659551 -0.2722720 -0.2863294 0.4312283 0.0168506 0.9968493 107301466 DLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain-like
-0.1660007 0.4096239 0.7006579 5.2003713 3.8085531 0.0402361 107285883 insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 2
-0.1660682 -0.2928265 0.9718449 4.0316270 4.3586359 0.0275221 107287004 proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 9
-0.1667305 0.3585487 -3.1414922 3.4905034 29.6009851 0.0000091 107290193 amylo-alpha-1 6-glucosidase 4-alpha-glucanotransferase
-0.1669317 0.0610268 -0.1270684 6.8437273 0.1418622 0.9328870 107291148 cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-like
-0.1670128 0.5008735 -0.6128543 3.3579384 1.1292905 0.3769477 107292469 GrpE like 2 mitochondrial
-0.1672745 -0.1677716 -0.1997925 4.3614010 0.0841585 0.9673591 107303296 protection of telomeres 1
-0.1674618 1.3728091 0.5395901 5.5427664 7.3005211 0.0049863 107293242 transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase-like
-0.1674636 0.0150701 -0.0162177 2.3707067 0.0682635 0.9757390 107283784 ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX29-like
-0.1674719 -0.8939649 -0.4176709 1.1553367 0.4752142 0.7054503 107293620 fructosamine 3 kinase related protein
-0.1674832 0.5309735 0.3788641 7.0414033 0.8620607 0.4876996 107284201 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit G
-0.1676719 -0.6362474 -0.0900586 4.4287366 1.2382018 0.3395872 107300229 WD repeat domain 13
-0.1678457 -0.1493078 0.1535263 4.3283869 0.5121507 0.6816160 107302942 RAS p21 protein activator 1
-0.1683932 -1.6561215 -1.4798598 8.4252744 4.2063262 0.0306007 107287219 transducer of ERBB2 1
-0.1686402 -0.8098939 0.0120770 5.5439605 1.8753756 0.1886070 107286257 late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor MAPK and MTOR activator 5
-0.1688506 -1.0256334 -1.4203318 4.1127466 1.7438928 0.2122823 107282961 basic leucine zipper and W2 domains 2
-0.1688633 -0.1026172 1.3432192 7.8873291 3.4450254 0.0525248 107287924 ribonuclease/angiogenin inhibitor 1
-0.1688906 -0.8096645 -2.1950888 0.1047468 1.8919389 0.1858413 107292338 calsyntenin 1
-0.1690188 -0.5196095 -1.4772558 -0.2336023 0.4398201 0.7287903 107302102 tripartite motif-containing protein 52-like
-0.1690249 0.0453297 1.0621093 6.0975062 2.2817833 0.1323335 107284065 endoplasmic reticulum protein 44
-0.1693518 0.0293285 -0.8248141 5.2037715 0.6872528 0.5772653 107287566 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6B1
-0.1694329 0.1658631 0.1498921 5.6635409 0.6207220 0.6151652 107302891 vaccinia related kinase 1
-0.1694908 -1.0050398 -1.0785595 5.9121156 2.9340107 0.0775918 107285889 propionyl-CoA carboxylase beta subunit
-0.1695674 0.5728870 -0.5795754 3.9697540 0.7724462 0.5318064 107282220 arrestin domain containing 2
-0.1696118 -0.6282590 -1.0697830 3.4084765 1.6956940 0.2217832 107294298 pecanex homolog 1 (Drosophila)
-0.1697781 0.1986490 0.0332527 3.5155697 0.3515795 0.7888452 107285394 diphthamine biosynthesis 6
-0.1698418 0.2770362 -1.5505558 1.0923658 2.4889039 0.1111887 107296642 mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 1
-0.1699116 1.5169259 3.0186178 0.8148154 3.0545972 0.0706158 107283002 uncharacterized LOC107283002
-0.1702287 -0.1626525 -1.1152965 7.1014487 1.3542845 0.3043509 107295693 thioredoxin related transmembrane protein 2
-0.1703179 0.0067126 0.4549184 3.0856588 0.6598581 0.5925861 107296659 ankyrin repeat domain 13 family member D
-0.1703685 0.8766860 -2.7541759 2.4440647 6.9114661 0.0061278 107302464 FERM and PDZ domain containing 4
-0.1705599 -0.0179671 -0.6356455 4.5717549 0.8990993 0.4705452 107284383 dynein cytoplasmic 1 light intermediate chain 1
-0.1708908 0.4866882 0.9477208 4.5973316 0.7995746 0.5180586 ERCC-00162
-0.1719904 0.1387159 1.2171643 6.5463514 5.1930412 0.0161181 107284467 GrpE like 1 mitochondrial
-0.1721719 -0.0087505 0.2101527 3.9850926 0.1421729 0.9326836 107296512 microfibrillar associated protein 3
-0.1728108 -0.4073592 -0.2975856 0.1378742 0.0476625 0.9855181 107302165 zinc finger protein OZF-like
-0.1733012 -1.4729701 -0.9823769 4.1827710 5.3124742 0.0150371 107303146 sprouty RTK signaling antagonist 2
-0.1735290 0.0365372 0.0764823 3.7881771 0.1936050 0.8986971 107293063 zinc finger protein 398-like
-0.1735946 0.0703038 1.8270439 3.6206786 0.8278691 0.5040880 107301512 zinc transporter 5-like
-0.1741089 -0.2607927 -0.7528105 3.6259548 1.4599168 0.2755038 107289230 transmembrane protein 178A
-0.1742519 -0.0450555 0.1832294 5.9160567 0.2688630 0.8465979 107286339 RAN binding protein 9
-0.1744111 -7.7493547 0.0347989 1.6293560 37.3814984 0.0000027 107291837 solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 11-like
-0.1746535 -0.9543826 -0.5305445 5.0829220 3.1501598 0.0654632 107284600 angiogenic factor with G-patch and FHA domains 1
-0.1748112 -0.1137109 -1.8905037 1.3959356 3.3115961 0.0580272 107289199 SET binding factor 1
-0.1749794 0.5493896 1.4082618 5.5568232 3.6093467 0.0465578 107286500 LLP homolog long-term synaptic facilitation (Aplysia)
-0.1750686 0.2632824 0.1246761 2.6636527 0.4128046 0.7469099 107288566 O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase-like 1
-0.1751961 0.7920201 1.1883313 1.4977478 0.5917672 0.6323821 107301745 uracil-DNA glycosylase-like
-0.1752711 -0.0901066 1.8386103 5.5338230 4.8338851 0.0202552 107284880 brain abundant membrane attached signal protein 1
-0.1753154 0.1275585 -0.1998226 3.5417423 0.2698281 0.8459246 107302850 aspartyl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial
-0.1756784 -0.7185211 -0.8165846 4.3799190 1.4603422 0.2755377 107286812 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C2orf49
-0.1758883 0.3493436 -1.9904772 2.4689583 8.5748429 0.0027173 107297351 zinc finger protein 420-like
-0.1760085 -0.0105823 0.4175074 5.4022356 1.0833243 0.3938404 107292266 WD repeat domain 77
-0.1760614 -0.3620024 -0.5673808 5.6421792 1.3317324 0.3107605 107293156 E74 like ETS transcription factor 2
-0.1764197 -0.0258174 -0.8301473 3.0021520 1.0720565 0.3982380 107297912 zinc finger protein 345-like
-0.1765093 0.3980630 0.7384574 4.5082060 2.1726160 0.1451662 107294771 X-linked retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator-like
-0.1770928 -0.7759639 -0.4694615 0.0205463 0.4581945 0.7165970 107295174 metallo-beta-lactamase domain containing 2
-0.1773348 -0.7015165 -0.3982104 6.5541802 0.9918636 0.4302179 107282825 WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil
-0.1775729 0.6494200 0.8672292 4.9698900 4.1006882 0.0327928 107286282 acyl-CoA binding domain containing 4
-0.1782066 0.3457291 1.8756316 3.1445673 3.3278953 0.0573205 107292228 hematological and neurological expressed 1-like
-0.1786228 -0.8299798 -0.3926888 6.9309778 1.1291638 0.3769935 107293331 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A2
-0.1789562 0.6436506 0.1042228 4.7029939 2.0985847 0.1547658 107291058 interferon related developmental regulator 1
-0.1793334 0.0940405 -1.3265498 5.1191210 1.6635497 0.2283839 107287901 nuclear receptor binding factor 2
-0.1794450 0.0928886 1.0672152 2.8790939 3.4650957 0.0516271 107291539 cleavage and polyadenylation factor I subunit 1
-0.1796274 -0.7783438 -0.5033701 4.9640360 1.6459592 0.2319968 107291180 polymerase (DNA) kappa
-0.1800719 -0.5458491 -0.3696287 8.9837885 0.6961756 0.5722887 107290523 serine incorporator 1
-0.1801033 -0.2342809 -0.0529410 3.9857887 0.1508083 0.9271379 107293013 COMM domain containing 10
-0.1806022 -0.1499508 -0.7180704 5.2091755 0.4890260 0.6964788 107286043 peptidylprolyl isomerase D
-0.1809133 -0.2509688 0.1374126 7.5959384 0.4490576 0.7226377 107291795 glucosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase
-0.1811123 -1.0071708 0.0629619 1.7034282 0.7678646 0.5341627 107300507 proline dehydrogenase 1 mitochondrial-like
-0.1812550 -0.2609675 -0.3060266 1.7269932 0.1144008 0.9499449 107302207 zinc finger protein 79-like
-0.1813601 -0.8377912 -0.4511046 5.3824092 2.1303503 0.1505516 107288316 AT-rich interaction domain 4B
-0.1815554 -0.1572142 -0.1553927 -0.1246289 0.0164431 0.9969615 107302296 SCAN domain-containing protein 1-like
-0.1816901 -0.0038854 -0.8087024 4.9357464 1.0160379 0.4203048 107282622 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial Fo complex subunit C1 (subunit 9)
-0.1819605 -0.3809588 -2.8238025 0.8804506 5.4287944 0.0140317 107284789 SIK family kinase 3
-0.1830785 1.1798383 -0.2920816 5.3024044 3.1199512 0.0671386 107286307 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 1
-0.1832609 -0.3748850 -0.3321198 3.7419869 0.4997960 0.6895175 107293116 SYF2 pre-mRNA-splicing factor
-0.1839499 0.0439761 0.7981705 3.5032682 1.1503935 0.3694053 107298107 amyloid protein-binding protein 2-like
-0.1843296 0.9419383 -0.8256699 6.9325652 4.2664728 0.0293785 107293776 LIM domains containing 1
-0.1844503 -1.3554270 3.0157689 1.9415518 9.5514265 0.0017728 107290771 cysteine and glycine rich protein 2
-0.1847046 -0.7958636 0.0153345 1.3980936 0.6812682 0.5805903 107286835 zinc finger CCHC-type containing 10
-0.1857252 0.1168512 0.8767770 6.0186778 3.5518489 0.0484316 107292041 VMA21 vacuolar H+-ATPase homolog (S. cerevisiae)
-0.1857844 -0.1924058 0.6484043 3.2758045 1.0523742 0.4058496 107292548 lipolysis stimulated lipoprotein receptor
-0.1860980 0.1850597 0.5250004 4.6999880 0.9944336 0.4291526 107292903 myeloid cell leukemia 1
-0.1864182 -1.2110755 -1.2391919 5.2374961 4.3925704 0.0269954 107295546 tRNA splicing endonuclease subunit 2
-0.1865227 0.0009428 -0.3304113 6.6966320 0.3145517 0.8146198 107295611 deoxynucleotidyltransferase terminal interacting protein 2
-0.1866603 0.6121890 0.1001926 8.1105528 0.9688114 0.4398523 107293738 nascent polypeptide-associated complex alpha subunit
-0.1867086 -0.9594911 -0.4787232 4.8983942 2.5615722 0.1045719 107290182 TATA-box binding protein
-0.1873524 0.1323033 1.0337251 1.0147516 0.6640020 0.5902806 ERCC-00168
-0.1874423 -0.5444144 -0.6570358 3.2579004 0.7769848 0.5294804 107293117 teashirt zinc finger homeobox 1
-0.1875779 1.0279189 -0.3448646 2.1510382 2.1132030 0.1528947 107299845 protein Hook homolog 3-like
-0.1877149 0.0766069 -0.6691343 2.2966650 1.0791971 0.3954065 107288139 uncharacterized LOC107288139
-0.1886375 1.4112630 -0.1558792 1.2478077 1.9240939 0.1806019 107286490 chromosome unknown open reading frame human CXorf36
-0.1887479 0.3659365 0.9402654 7.9154107 2.1579846 0.1470640 107289622 receptor for activated C kinase 1
-0.1888698 -0.0586895 -0.6315016 1.6137369 0.5151523 0.6797063 107283367 Ral GEF with PH domain and SH3 binding motif 2
-0.1893513 -0.1625551 0.2203437 5.8886990 0.5001161 0.6893138 107283188 kinesin family member 16B
-0.1896741 0.3579840 -0.9089560 0.8105705 1.7610302 0.2088576 107283225 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C17orf80
-0.1897877 0.8312250 -0.7679264 3.2123121 2.7927008 0.0867994 107284717 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C30
-0.1899689 -0.3639963 -0.2921678 2.8814919 0.3349850 0.8003686 107299740 nucleolar protein 8-like
-0.1901024 -0.5624613 0.1247008 8.2573081 1.1609362 0.3655807 107292949 sorting nexin 6
-0.1908617 -2.6378016 -2.5841979 4.4698628 18.5457384 0.0000933 107294774 RNA binding protein with multiple splicing
-0.1912129 0.6852927 1.1559658 8.3275103 3.6029040 0.0466581 107283836 chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 2
-0.1917654 -0.7395074 0.1656494 5.7310014 3.6049083 0.0465901 107295234 trafficking protein particle complex 5
-0.1919342 -0.3132927 0.2368721 5.7018206 0.1092819 0.9530025 107284984 neutrophil cytosolic factor 2
-0.1921626 0.1925104 0.2034989 6.5507621 0.5493793 0.6582155 107285939 BUB3 mitotic checkpoint protein
-0.1926294 -0.4606471 0.1547378 7.4237628 0.6084152 0.6224567 107298143 uncharacterized LOC107298143
-0.1926984 -0.4341445 -0.1318357 5.0816496 0.3948438 0.7591087 107302595 exostosin glycosyltransferase 2
-0.1929328 -0.2324025 0.1093358 7.2660225 0.1774971 0.9095504 107302040 acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member B-like
-0.1929943 0.6143008 -0.0311547 1.2151070 0.8300421 0.5029580 107285224 dual specificity phosphatase 22
-0.1935871 0.4413982 0.4571176 2.1028091 0.3136175 0.8152725 ERCC-00143
-0.1937716 0.1078409 -0.0126930 4.2302318 0.2103310 0.8872737 107291425 protein ZBED8-like
-0.1940307 -0.5958880 0.6046564 9.7797250 2.5500469 0.1055512 107290442 lysosomal associated membrane protein 1
-0.1941555 -0.2906653 -0.2828475 3.5461610 0.0697783 0.9749655 107303012 kelch-like protein 11
-0.1946066 0.8216248 1.3044198 6.2296112 2.4165410 0.1181035 107302788 elongation factor for RNA polymerase II 2
-0.1948334 1.9206331 1.4167845 3.5634642 7.7281622 0.0040590 107301913 uncharacterized LOC107301913
-0.1951187 -1.0549192 0.1857287 5.0936703 2.9682652 0.0755324 107294287 choline/ethanolaminephosphotransferase 1
-0.1951659 -0.1915001 -0.9874612 5.7129438 1.3425961 0.3077232 107283665 transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 6
-0.1953638 0.6118458 -0.7613067 1.8304757 1.3155963 0.3156701 107297007 ubiA prenyltransferase domain-containing protein 1-like
-0.1956637 0.4648576 -0.5546864 3.6095534 0.4407358 0.7281804 107289191 ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 1
-0.1956951 -0.5646583 1.2653582 1.6625259 0.7638150 0.5362535 107295877 transmembrane protein 33
-0.1960622 -2.6174998 -1.8474061 4.2819114 16.8091606 0.0001486 107302650 protocadherin Fat 1-like
-0.1960688 0.8372567 0.4769100 -0.0129126 0.0838930 0.9675040 107299194 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12C-like
-0.1964418 -0.2812397 0.7862577 5.1682784 2.0795001 0.1575234 107290108 integrin alpha FG-GAP repeat containing 1
-0.1965572 0.5343332 -2.5723804 9.3048635 9.2017276 0.0020601 107293383 phospholipase A2 inhibitor subunit gamma B-like
-0.1970581 0.1732771 -0.2231161 3.7109518 0.2392011 0.8673027 107303311 X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 2
-0.1972895 1.1290539 1.1011306 3.1881711 2.8307497 0.0842020 107294875 myosin XIX
-0.1972936 0.2997416 1.1547007 0.8239077 2.3738339 0.1222565 107296632 transmembrane protein 186
-0.1973362 0.3187407 0.3306290 6.8022090 0.5915206 0.6325301 107294915 hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha subunit
-0.1974638 -0.3735319 -0.5447399 5.9309434 0.6230793 0.6138239 107294173 RNA binding motif protein 25
-0.1974642 0.5691060 -0.0918707 2.6582239 0.6736732 0.5848350 107292006 ankyrin repeat and FYVE domain containing 1
-0.1975439 -0.1680660 -1.4103015 1.9511977 1.5357757 0.2568765 107285657 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 4
-0.1975573 0.1191496 0.0837756 4.8683578 0.1701501 0.9144470 107303057 cell division cycle protein 27 homolog
-0.1977368 0.9399000 0.6109424 4.3232833 2.1343958 0.1501855 107282638 karyopherin subunit beta 1
-0.1996411 -0.4119713 0.8711163 7.3902416 1.8382157 0.1949823 107287683 COP9 signalosome subunit 2
-0.1997249 0.9119667 -0.4886946 1.1937734 1.1416844 0.3724984 107293070 ribosomal protein S6 kinase like 1
-0.1998218 0.2139774 0.0516618 5.0680787 0.2191244 0.8812155 107286652 immature colon carcinoma transcript 1
-0.2005501 0.5363287 0.4838759 5.6107442 1.2724101 0.3288493 107296505 copine-8
-0.2006666 0.7361484 -0.2568409 3.0336468 0.9516563 0.4472443 107300284 DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 3-like
-0.2008337 0.5371625 -0.9838198 0.2358078 1.1684143 0.3630919 107298700 vigilin-like
-0.2008493 0.1075543 -0.2673628 4.5709490 0.3498071 0.7900765 107285696 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L4
-0.2008892 -0.0953067 -0.3293286 4.5298165 0.0515351 0.9837875 107296169 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 8-like
-0.2009706 -0.7357823 -0.8368246 1.4711550 0.7361569 0.5507436 107297586 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 13-like
-0.2013378 -0.0170198 -1.3660547 0.7524753 0.9721317 0.4384886 107298221 c-src tyrosine kinase
-0.2013660 -0.7388318 -0.5268706 4.3221796 0.5988516 0.6281423 107283789 mutL homolog 1
-0.2025775 0.2784212 0.2974018 1.9036995 0.3174411 0.8126014 107284277 uncharacterized LOC107284277
-0.2029601 -0.4160059 -0.5789706 5.3501176 0.6727249 0.5853670 107295078 zinc finger protein 208-like
-0.2035200 -0.5481387 -1.2683577 5.5061378 3.6507759 0.0451797 107293733 exosome component 7
-0.2037493 -0.1212973 -0.4397160 1.6921592 0.1453509 0.9306497 107283519 galactosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase
-0.2038528 -0.0993299 -0.2410390 5.1722466 0.1263267 0.9426528 107286316 zinc finger CCHC-type containing 9
-0.2039216 0.1509959 0.5392073 4.7686554 1.3590687 0.3028629 107285174 jumping translocation breakpoint
-0.2040147 -0.2428416 -0.5347878 6.0064633 0.6606743 0.5921268 107296181 alveolar soft part sarcoma chromosome region candidate 1
-0.2040349 0.2067959 1.0410885 1.4986668 0.5536181 0.6556200 107300282 KATNB1-like protein 1
-0.2041119 -0.3983529 -0.6802340 5.6655502 1.9560257 0.1754026 107294741 zinc finger protein 644
-0.2041179 0.1164542 0.0053423 1.2234453 0.1142826 0.9500161 107286441 zinc finger protein 513
-0.2041793 1.2878147 1.3111861 6.2741236 5.9660300 0.0102558 107296171 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 J1
-0.2045536 2.4477091 0.2263734 0.9451472 1.8431960 0.1941139 107296807 uncharacterized LOC107296807
-0.2047023 1.4368945 0.4280105 1.0064135 1.9484229 0.1767007 107288530 G protein-coupled receptor 84
-0.2049603 0.3608164 -1.0443154 0.2886680 0.9762489 0.4367495 107283535 cytosolic thiouridylase subunit 2 homolog (S. pombe)
-0.2051299 -1.2323665 -0.2464169 0.1443528 1.0086343 0.4232861 107297268 transcription termination factor 4 mitochondrial-like
-0.2053185 -0.6650358 -0.7346712 3.2756940 1.5319104 0.2576502 107296406 family with sequence similarity 217 member B
-0.2053305 -1.0071127 -0.7054201 3.9008821 4.1961049 0.0307171 107284753 sorting nexin 14
-0.2055047 -0.2295924 -0.4866968 4.5762742 0.4275713 0.7369783 107290655 RAD50 double strand break repair protein
-0.2055580 0.2747525 0.7825543 3.9971423 1.5601746 0.2511436 107290806 cyclin-dependent kinase 2 associated protein 2
-0.2057978 -0.6606102 -0.1080512 4.4657244 0.9959750 0.4285150 107295590 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 13
-0.2059338 -0.0106883 1.0753130 4.2241509 1.6347395 0.2344868 107297460 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit B1
-0.2069247 -0.1415982 0.0297173 4.1328197 0.2470490 0.8618417 107284321 trimethylguanosine synthase 1
-0.2069286 -0.0598239 -0.6844096 1.6787902 0.9789264 0.4355280 107300669 phosphodiesterase 12
-0.2069442 -8.7573353 -1.8482872 3.3963352 78.4566952 0.0000000 107302209 galectin-4-like
-0.2070349 -0.0607920 -0.4083696 3.3097061 0.2485443 0.8607948 107292666 triokinase and FMN cyclase
-0.2072514 -0.7004952 -1.2321936 2.3878508 2.0287888 0.1646174 107284950 thyroid adenoma associated
-0.2077566 -0.6414261 -0.5276019 4.7506282 1.0234937 0.4172870 107294669 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf73
-0.2079811 0.5480456 -0.5787419 1.4039691 1.0892053 0.3916506 107289260 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 23
-0.2079993 -0.3609051 -0.4889106 3.3064380 0.7491080 0.5438532 107291748 glutamate rich 1
-0.2080992 0.4577864 0.0450623 3.5052857 0.7841515 0.5257746 107292857 zinc finger protein 501-like
-0.2081627 1.2511243 0.4562641 5.2810797 4.0231294 0.0347036 107282579 ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 5-like
-0.2082912 -0.2126784 -0.6779043 6.2209229 0.7756086 0.5301859 107293839 FYVE and coiled-coil domain containing 1
-0.2083098 -0.2101022 0.1597952 3.0427569 0.3314701 0.8028158 107282932 ring finger protein LIM domain interacting
-0.2084188 -0.0466950 0.6420543 0.7665915 0.2786839 0.8397219 107301611 mitochondrial folate transporter/carrier-like
-0.2084503 -0.6657635 -0.8412580 4.1358247 1.7805379 0.2052834 107295118 UPF0668 protein C10orf76 homolog
-0.2092798 -0.1239348 1.9101664 3.0441848 5.6877182 0.0120397 107285054 adaptor related protein complex 1 sigma 1 subunit
-0.2092931 -0.2790320 0.8110674 4.0718503 4.1737797 0.0311887 107288375 YOD1 deubiquitinase
-0.2096372 0.0755503 -0.0418566 5.3336465 0.1254002 0.9432261 107289486 methionine sulfoxide reductase B1
-0.2098776 0.0474439 -0.4658888 3.2235115 0.1861415 0.9037422 107288077 solute carrier family 2 member 10
-0.2099402 0.1181195 -0.5424618 1.2888622 0.0980786 0.9595527 107294608 UbiA prenyltransferase domain containing 1
-0.2101624 -0.4040987 -0.1568434 5.0266667 0.7367732 0.5503589 107293887 bobby sox homolog (Drosophila)
-0.2108923 -0.1620055 -1.6010742 7.5215288 4.6998618 0.0220704 107290801 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit V1
-0.2109209 -0.5555069 -0.8937629 0.3829522 0.0575316 0.9810034 107290399 cullin-1-like
-0.2110309 -0.0184805 0.2148601 5.5129318 0.5412970 0.6632425 107291249 polymerase (RNA) I subunit E
-0.2113814 -0.4054186 -2.2357595 7.2484673 3.4259185 0.0532745 107300946 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 8-like
-0.2116411 -0.8054242 -1.6644573 1.9375681 2.1177790 0.1523649 107295462 Cas scaffolding protein family member 4
-0.2119132 -0.1698636 0.8928817 6.5012044 3.1485083 0.0655627 107288882 nuclear transport factor 2
-0.2120298 0.3819633 0.6652309 6.7355440 1.1022624 0.3868477 107282243 polymerase (RNA) II subunit E
-0.2124892 1.0582300 1.0277686 3.8882340 3.5632916 0.0481472 107294401 ALG3 alpha-13- mannosyltransferase
-0.2125911 0.1563521 -0.8992872 0.4382479 0.9037396 0.4683564 107286928 zinc finger protein 850-like
-0.2131295 -0.4796419 -0.4493807 3.3605886 0.7136605 0.5627463 107291764 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 18
-0.2131886 0.1363514 0.3671848 3.7089058 0.8384920 0.4988651 107291732 CCZ1 homolog vacuolar protein trafficking and biogenesis associated
-0.2131960 -0.1984143 0.3401783 2.4680252 0.6286262 0.6105446 107287201 tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 2
-0.2132232 -0.4962129 -1.9509132 4.8736523 5.7809578 0.0114045 107301177 protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit beta 2
-0.2132319 1.0920163 -0.0337633 0.0259430 0.5538990 0.6554465 107286897 pituitary tumor-transforming 1
-0.2132883 -2.5758635 0.6065898 0.9802575 8.4965874 0.0028227 107286984 transmembrane protein 120B
-0.2133305 -0.0118848 -0.1241471 0.7194340 0.0602192 0.9797198 107302307 AP-4 complex subunit mu-1-like
-0.2139945 0.2262497 -1.2054277 2.2384736 1.6345452 0.2345286 107282569 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6
-0.2141924 -2.4128858 -0.7677288 6.2903886 13.2797436 0.0004363 107293754 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 4
-0.2144260 0.6453212 1.1314651 10.7845564 1.4274984 0.2841266 ERCC-00171
-0.2148803 2.3459919 -1.8138898 1.7528177 11.7625406 0.0007422 107287652 SMAD family member 9
-0.2149381 -0.4964851 1.3522862 5.2248547 5.2658960 0.0154818 107295767 small integral membrane protein 15
-0.2150796 -0.1465351 0.1196611 5.7636088 0.5382411 0.6651510 107288598 minichromosome maintenance complex binding protein
-0.2158608 0.3040178 -0.7843582 4.1298955 2.5852648 0.1026037 107284542 alkB homolog 1 histone H2A dioxygenase
-0.2160251 0.7253621 0.2113243 7.8243481 0.8096143 0.5130587 107291369 Y-box binding protein 1
-0.2161894 0.2423881 0.6073351 4.2438558 1.2822642 0.3257903 107283255 germ cell-less spermatogenesis associated 1
-0.2163893 -0.0932908 -0.2839353 5.3056186 0.3620992 0.7815695 107287755 RAS p21 protein activator 2
-0.2164729 -0.0815730 0.6469630 2.0082405 1.2141087 0.3474728 107283690 Smad nuclear interacting protein 1
-0.2165401 -0.2856303 -0.5839555 4.6748237 0.5424512 0.6625502 107286685 La ribonucleoprotein domain family member 7
-0.2165701 0.2856307 0.4332604 3.8003398 0.5609980 0.6510716 107282636 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L10
-0.2166010 -0.5143561 -0.3939036 6.0656858 0.3631756 0.7808309 107283660 missing oocyte meiosis regulator homolog (Drosophila)
-0.2168956 -0.4777811 -0.7436553 0.3556065 0.5159477 0.6792010 107296048 phosphodiesterase 6D
-0.2172480 -0.0658178 -0.3457237 4.0915907 0.3300752 0.8037875 107282310 excision repair cross-complementation group 5
-0.2176351 0.1330706 -0.4174138 4.7392582 0.9651658 0.4413551 107295883 cytochrome b5 reductase 4
-0.2177754 0.2660558 -0.4939843 4.3224023 1.2289775 0.3426705 107284706 CASP2 and RIPK1 domain containing adaptor with death domain
-0.2179191 0.0225531 -1.0863839 1.9808534 1.3381262 0.3090236 107284158 fucokinase
-0.2181544 -0.2036832 -1.0848068 5.0990127 3.8704243 0.0385086 107285831 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 5
-0.2184171 0.0547690 -0.6596776 1.9745187 1.0963897 0.3889256 107285589 ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor
-0.2187587 -0.8573877 0.9998501 -0.2474613 1.0446403 0.4088822 107296884 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C10orf11
-0.2188103 0.2550412 -1.3052213 4.4801419 5.3226307 0.0149578 107285340 ubinuclein 2
-0.2189360 0.1567827 0.8491015 6.2763711 0.7541854 0.5412570 ERCC-00079
-0.2189873 0.5350191 1.0652726 5.6767881 2.5008309 0.1100940 107294587 G-rich RNA sequence binding factor 1
-0.2194655 -0.8964649 -0.0007856 2.2773116 1.0670081 0.4001759 107300537 integral membrane protein GPR137B-like
-0.2197529 1.3565246 1.2418968 9.1896706 1.7744419 0.2064972 ERCC-00108
-0.2198019 0.3098488 1.0188963 4.7194544 3.8476705 0.0391429 107291821 eukaryotic elongation factor selenocysteine-tRNA-specific
-0.2198246 -0.1127877 -0.2181562 5.1765928 0.1896109 0.9014041 107291619 KRI1 homolog
-0.2200606 -0.7359999 -0.4837878 1.3698029 0.5172191 0.6784032 107292560 nitric oxide synthase 1 adaptor protein
-0.2204634 -0.7256718 -0.6936810 4.9573316 2.9366394 0.0772887 107289471 N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase alpha and beta subunits
-0.2206160 0.1632032 -1.4010809 6.2821856 3.2860156 0.0591567 107284971 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7A-related protein mitochondrial
-0.2207592 0.1745272 0.9358936 5.4752165 1.6211740 0.2374233 107287356 signal peptidase complex subunit 1
-0.2207593 -1.0381245 -1.5411085 2.4210861 5.1770714 0.0162771 107289107 dual serine/threonine and tyrosine protein kinase
-0.2208135 -0.0801858 -0.2227446 3.0258165 0.1149021 0.9496423 107290736 zinc finger protein 605-like
-0.2216178 -0.0359331 -0.1024275 4.5467607 0.0984083 0.9593631 107283153 SAFB like transcription modulator
-0.2216639 0.3197555 -1.6695470 1.8668216 3.2196107 0.0622093 107297518 KIAA0430 ortholog
-0.2222485 -0.2263858 -0.5008122 4.5285174 0.5793305 0.6398537 107294382 nuclear VCP-like
-0.2222570 -0.5963078 -1.0156860 1.0580024 1.2656330 0.3308435 107290012 pleckstrin homology domain containing A3
-0.2225600 -0.1004658 -0.5735408 0.0903346 0.3546426 0.7867241 107297727 uncharacterized LOC107297727
-0.2225620 -0.1913068 -0.1600082 4.3626616 0.0366602 0.9901108 107295637 LYR motif containing 5
-0.2228813 -0.6147367 -3.3565763 2.9694388 4.7269497 0.0216888 107296792 Src-like-adaptor
-0.2231931 -0.1511195 -0.7230365 2.4741298 0.8115313 0.5120457 107285424 desumoylating isopeptidase 1
-0.2232443 -0.2665587 -0.1966874 3.8171585 0.1689795 0.9152296 107292686 transmembrane protein 68-like
-0.2234964 -0.1346736 -0.1568446 4.6235940 0.1291542 0.9409020 107288009 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C8
-0.2239624 0.2068844 1.9074354 1.8435996 4.5263853 0.0246291 107294785 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 12
-0.2239734 -0.2123383 -0.1616455 4.7601631 0.0665398 0.9766047 107300742 U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein C
-0.2241561 0.2766907 0.2469597 2.7354269 0.4117405 0.7476361 107296074 HEAT repeat containing 6
-0.2243504 -3.7239835 -0.3359767 0.6954934 6.9025726 0.0061563 107297094 acyl-coenzyme A synthetase ACSM4 mitochondrial-like
-0.2245146 -2.7699988 -0.8728852 0.9204033 2.5320844 0.1072837 107285381 NLR family member X1
-0.2245188 -0.5778610 0.2211064 4.7770376 0.5304490 0.6700621 107287984 non-SMC condensin I complex subunit G
-0.2251037 -0.2658053 -0.4580356 5.8923223 0.3273282 0.8057030 107294862 Rho GTPase activating protein 1
-0.2252998 0.3231097 -0.7786757 2.7200988 2.5232413 0.1079153 107289022 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane domain containing 1
-0.2255450 -0.0328338 0.0315602 -0.2922545 0.0339369 0.9911660 107289601 protein FAM65B-like
-0.2260737 0.0341370 0.9042318 1.2807966 1.2116680 0.3482825 107296011 NGFI-A binding protein 1
-0.2261568 -0.1428400 -1.4365631 2.4117902 2.8499873 0.0829228 107299875 zinc finger protein 436-like
-0.2265132 -0.0807844 0.9432046 5.8768922 3.1718780 0.0644655 107284983 actin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 5
-0.2265856 -0.0659917 0.0432819 6.2755915 0.2214126 0.8796411 107293960 ELL associated factor 1
-0.2266766 0.0356373 0.6089937 5.6803690 1.9562208 0.1753723 107294171 presenilin 1
-0.2266905 -0.6609763 -0.4395274 4.6488320 1.5208399 0.2603103 107296828 PBX/knotted 1 homeobox 1
-0.2270786 -5.3201266 -3.5360690 0.5345380 7.8511095 0.0038241 107283076 sulfotransferase family 2B member 1
-0.2271901 0.7884416 0.1818728 2.7939505 2.1412728 0.1491328 107283486 zinc finger protein 276
-0.2273625 0.8873692 1.0617253 4.7629568 3.8662647 0.0387307 107303049 transmembrane and ubiquitin-like domain containing 2
-0.2276869 0.3549338 -1.5773585 -0.0577262 1.3020533 0.3197402 107283084 zinc finger protein 865-like
-0.2277110 0.7418987 -0.5534519 0.9125499 0.8792047 0.4796828 107285074 zinc finger homeobox protein 4-like
-0.2284682 0.1537257 0.1668310 3.4572685 0.5093517 0.6834003 107291834 DEAD-box helicase 51
-0.2286057 -0.3352765 0.1796227 3.9393985 0.5175165 0.6782288 107302773 dispatched RND transporter family member 1
-0.2294347 -0.3062181 0.6243471 4.6450185 2.3291240 0.1269766 107284306 abhydrolase domain containing 13
-0.2294404 -0.0552920 -1.7099205 0.0695681 2.7657045 0.0885499 107283073 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 106-like
-0.2297467 -0.0763023 -0.5996853 2.5296436 0.8925736 0.4734411 107284370 SEC22 homolog C vesicle trafficking protein
-0.2298348 -0.4018630 -0.5642583 4.6997736 1.0090251 0.4230576 107302511 glutathione S-transferase C-terminal domain containing
-0.2300015 -0.4680447 -0.1860948 4.6583499 0.1826982 0.9060615 107282960 ankyrin repeat and MYND domain containing 2
-0.2300362 -0.1667852 -0.4176280 5.2829661 0.3789590 0.7699686 107286135 transmembrane protein 140
-0.2302389 0.2216959 0.6063203 -0.3187964 0.0489026 0.9849700 107296953 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 S-like
-0.2311197 0.2582257 0.2282508 5.4710434 0.8334401 0.5013081 107296958 BRX1 biogenesis of ribosomes
-0.2311571 -0.3080452 -1.1148379 4.7533194 4.8891853 0.0194811 107293959 SR-related CTD-associated factor 8
-0.2312494 -0.1186919 0.4881482 5.3468081 1.0562005 0.4043580 107291019 poly(A) binding protein interacting protein 1
-0.2312798 -3.0871866 -1.3088270 2.3466929 9.5024184 0.0018101 107294709 cathepsin Z
-0.2312952 -0.1930795 -3.5151980 5.9374752 20.5038654 0.0000575 107298058 RCSD domain containing 1
-0.2313492 -0.0367165 -0.0057842 2.7057018 0.1215624 0.9455934 107295518 polymerase (RNA) III subunit G like
-0.2319091 -0.4574904 0.3900877 7.1136584 2.1993642 0.1418376 107286580 nuclear factor erythroid 2 like 2
-0.2322188 -2.2495658 -1.7063623 0.2063414 5.2657223 0.0154170 107286418 fragile histidine triad
-0.2323130 -0.0195642 -2.3834237 2.3051202 2.2198201 0.1395267 107286003 neurobeachin like 2
-0.2323375 -0.3124960 0.1493367 5.0029677 0.6480742 0.5993094 107291973 tubulin folding cofactor B
-0.2326957 -0.4845769 -1.3896229 1.4188399 0.7467364 0.5451578 107288254 T-cell activation RhoGTPase activating protein
-0.2329820 -0.0893677 -0.0946338 4.1975784 0.1640786 0.9184691 107291393 YY1 transcription factor
-0.2330874 -0.2777483 3.1553727 1.1097699 8.7403559 0.0025071 107288844 mirror-image polydactyly 1
-0.2332188 -0.6882749 0.0495779 2.2282147 1.0181865 0.4193358 107302916 serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 1-like
-0.2337846 0.1377263 0.3190348 1.0271833 0.1974538 0.8960747 107298999 bleomycin hydrolase
-0.2339060 -0.1917837 -0.3691803 6.2041512 0.2646890 0.8495175 107302572 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 1 like 1
-0.2341019 1.0284967 -0.0880499 5.0960400 4.2195537 0.0302423 107298832 proteasome subunit beta 7
-0.2341231 0.2105612 0.2225058 4.3816053 0.8259931 0.5049309 107300362 oxidative stress-responsive serine-rich protein 1-like
-0.2341425 0.5023204 0.5052338 8.3063026 1.3073093 0.3180324 107298364 v-ral simian leukemia viral oncogene homolog B
-0.2342113 -0.9263053 -1.1400693 4.8979028 7.9716151 0.0035837 107303108 probable global transcription activator SNF2L1
-0.2343216 -0.2567274 -1.4000851 2.5477686 2.4781931 0.1121824 107285100 retinoblastoma binding protein 6
-0.2346465 -2.1439719 4.7850475 3.3139457 9.6033257 0.0017343 107296449 deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein-like
-0.2350269 -0.2391746 -0.2681240 3.6115209 0.2160583 0.8833348 107282473 transmembrane protein 220
-0.2350398 0.1274083 0.9204085 6.0586585 3.7137702 0.0430596 107283671 histidine–tRNA ligase cytoplasmic-like
-0.2357036 0.3015375 0.8098193 4.9755274 3.8546055 0.0389420 107285468 density-regulated protein
-0.2362639 -0.6550741 -0.3365410 6.4432049 1.2456171 0.3371992 107282965 sorting nexin 13
-0.2363140 -2.5214469 1.0560196 9.5243894 18.9808970 0.0000822 107282521 sulfotransferase 1A1-like
-0.2363404 2.2987289 1.4787072 6.6914263 6.0129856 0.0099861 107290862 lectin mannose binding 1
-0.2364998 -0.2464317 0.2578109 4.1655636 0.0125342 0.9979689 107294717 WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil-like
-0.2368074 -0.4279403 -0.2543721 4.6766965 0.1661257 0.9171123 107298994 zinc finger protein 850-like
-0.2368534 0.5291983 -0.1176027 3.7354735 1.2396184 0.3391402 107282544 PIH1 domain containing 1
-0.2370043 -1.2176504 -1.0816947 2.0814651 2.5182904 0.1083591 107299999 NACHT LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 12-like
-0.2376987 1.4787701 -0.5487257 1.9085573 3.7269503 0.0427335 107291479 mitochondrial chaperone BCS1
-0.2377750 -0.2832348 -0.2496443 2.7340430 0.1918095 0.8999151 107289741 transcription factor TFIIIB component B’’ homolog
-0.2380199 -0.0888975 -1.3203442 3.9184825 7.1694046 0.0053302 107286640 phospholipid phosphatase 3
-0.2385095 0.3109593 -0.4625779 1.6575417 0.8305321 0.5027197 107288196 ATM interactor
-0.2385576 0.1025042 -0.9463561 6.3680113 1.0346551 0.4128326 107294713 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial F1 complex epsilon subunit
-0.2385594 -0.6887979 -0.3776518 1.1879647 0.4778328 0.7037252 107284419 uncharacterized LOC107284419
-0.2388903 0.1530575 -0.2573526 3.6373900 0.3778387 0.7707374 107293570 zinc finger with UFM1-specific peptidase domain
-0.2394755 -1.3679527 -2.3868083 5.7212565 10.9489276 0.0010076 107292241 sestrin 1
-0.2398007 -0.1098336 0.4395115 2.0282683 0.3535139 0.7875089 107292234 neuroligin-4 X-linked-like
-0.2398595 0.1282738 -0.3863341 3.7846617 0.5733613 0.6434909 107287503 uncharacterized LOC107287503
-0.2400493 -0.4395077 -0.5645763 6.2540748 0.5287419 0.6711358 107302412 PSMC3 interacting protein
-0.2402690 0.9686547 1.0663330 3.3315066 2.7243771 0.0916984 107302794 peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase 2
-0.2407391 -1.3314709 -3.6166441 6.8772596 5.3975667 0.0142970 107294230 kinesin family member 21A
-0.2408786 -0.2576231 -0.8561721 5.2597916 3.6285368 0.0457962 107296977 caspase 10
-0.2409384 0.4577432 0.2071821 4.4113168 0.7199359 0.5594127 107302399 polymerase (RNA) I subunit A
-0.2410525 -0.4553278 -0.9843435 4.1829211 2.4073342 0.1188736 107288177 centrosomal protein 192kDa
-0.2412631 -0.2347697 -0.1698989 7.3262335 0.1771500 0.9097885 107291679 cell division cycle 5 like
-0.2412792 -0.5387105 -0.2931643 4.9274615 0.8385028 0.4988599 107295985 chromosome unknown open reading frame human CXorf23
-0.2415280 0.3590725 0.6107008 -0.1719079 0.4223442 0.7404778 107283081 T-cell-interacting activating receptor on myeloid cells protein 1-like
-0.2415415 -0.3176041 -0.2910865 7.9581904 0.3968964 0.7577026 107284541 SNW domain containing 1
-0.2420355 0.3509721 -1.9125990 1.2924346 2.5425674 0.1063595 107285102 trinucleotide repeat containing 6A
-0.2427092 0.2985140 -0.4551249 1.0441489 0.6408273 0.6034713 107301848 gastrula zinc finger protein XlCGF7.1-like
-0.2435728 -2.3046892 -0.2872104 5.5911192 21.1168039 0.0000489 107301959 KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 1 like
-0.2437319 -0.1811743 0.1650600 3.9321657 0.2084439 0.8885637 107298942 dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 2 regulatory subunit
-0.2450881 -1.7341170 -0.0510045 6.9200013 12.2119091 0.0006241 107292633 NCK associated protein 1
-0.2455961 0.2499598 -0.1083673 5.1819759 0.4510773 0.7213142 107287824 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit C1
-0.2460062 -1.0205590 -0.4772925 2.5815293 1.3139003 0.3161767 107286325 mitogen-activated protein kinase 12
-0.2460356 -0.1525471 1.4571652 5.3962151 5.3304945 0.0148868 107292278 BH3 interacting domain death agonist
-0.2471553 -0.4927087 0.0796300 1.8801289 0.2984839 0.8258574 107302608 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase 1
-0.2474305 0.0938723 0.4456333 8.3465909 0.6013696 0.6266411 107283315 sorcin
-0.2477447 -0.5640381 -0.4089763 3.9529342 0.8053643 0.5151009 107290159 WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 1
-0.2477735 -0.3378626 -0.1377625 6.5611564 0.2288258 0.8745067 107282528 transcription elongation factor B polypeptide 2
-0.2478775 -0.1309184 0.4646061 5.6988042 1.4005633 0.2912511 107287101 ERGIC and golgi 3
-0.2480760 -0.5582014 -0.9647762 3.4430758 0.0925691 0.9626896 107301175 26S protease regulatory subunit 4-like
-0.2482228 -1.4868243 -0.8414003 0.0089279 0.9259462 0.4584924 107285993 rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 6-like
-0.2482720 -2.3218626 -2.0211800 -0.8879720 1.3164833 0.3154055 107285308 tubulin polymerization-promoting protein family member 2-like
-0.2485500 -2.8574687 -1.7631969 1.2413438 4.7665979 0.0211439 107299180 spermatogenesis-associated protein 7-like
-0.2485954 -0.0814516 -0.1212230 6.4524398 0.1237405 0.9442516 107292865 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 13
-0.2489675 -0.6476636 0.7828809 3.5122150 5.2064032 0.0159865 107284369 transmembrane protein 17
-0.2491914 -0.0553989 -0.0796922 5.8719676 0.2929906 0.8297048 107283832 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 2
-0.2495963 0.0822566 1.2138351 3.3392623 3.0902634 0.0686931 107294537 mannosidase endo-alpha
-0.2498300 -0.1725872 0.4432418 4.8771487 1.2030186 0.3512262 107287919 septin-10-like
-0.2503584 -0.1641029 0.6536433 4.4927935 2.3894312 0.1206617 107287960 inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells kinase beta
-0.2510073 -0.2883243 1.2377669 1.0467055 1.0554550 0.4046482 107300734 zinc finger protein 665-like
-0.2511014 -0.6213070 -0.3230905 6.9566094 0.3572858 0.7848993 107285898 HD domain containing 2
-0.2512122 0.4974928 0.5757623 6.6070342 2.2601220 0.1346388 107295469 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit beta
-0.2514851 -0.2871204 -0.1610255 3.9358174 0.1671933 0.9164080 107302677 uncharacterized LOC107302677
-0.2517403 1.3415428 2.4203751 5.5190311 1.1009298 0.3873429 107302333 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-0.2521402 0.0539179 -1.6342417 5.0696683 3.8172279 0.0400990 107298707 membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 4A-like
-0.2522997 -0.6136423 -0.2489512 4.7207486 0.6049916 0.6244870 107296555 RAB32 member RAS oncogene family
-0.2524925 -0.3856277 -0.4938019 4.3940023 0.7170655 0.5609052 107285581 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 4 associated protein
-0.2528120 -0.1534425 -1.3141648 6.0143276 2.5603194 0.1048153 107282876 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial F1 complex delta subunit
-0.2541487 0.3738006 0.7461361 7.4771327 1.8287515 0.1965973 107294531 importin 7
-0.2544128 -0.7589592 -0.9087975 5.4281597 1.9915388 0.1701457 107289327 bromodomain containing 1
-0.2547554 -0.1903902 -0.6130496 5.1501861 1.1553743 0.3675324 107286489 lysine-specific demethylase 6A
-0.2549051 -1.6786274 -1.2902617 3.9357313 8.7993354 0.0024414 107284430 TGF-beta activated kinase 1/MAP3K7 binding protein 3
-0.2550603 -0.9067802 -0.9399425 4.0538097 1.5289727 0.2585007 107288062 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf21
-0.2553686 0.3807574 0.5956845 2.6641599 0.4752915 0.7053998 107284942 nucleotide binding protein-like
-0.2553913 -1.0936918 -1.3029528 4.5802634 3.7097586 0.0432984 107286764 serine/threonine kinase 11 interacting protein
-0.2560517 0.4039694 1.4140408 7.5941386 5.4482412 0.0138073 107295192 lectin mannose binding 2
-0.2563696 -1.2171620 -1.1130656 -0.0230259 0.5853008 0.6362729 107283487 Fanconi anemia complementation group A
-0.2568424 1.0198413 2.6557451 4.7933578 14.0269027 0.0003415 107286870 fucosidase alpha-L- 2 plasma
-0.2570626 -0.0639327 -0.0021578 4.4188348 0.2693357 0.8462692 107291478 ring finger protein 25
-0.2570746 -1.7055534 -1.0698765 2.8477178 3.9409805 0.0367486 107297926 nemo-like kinase
-0.2572498 0.2032350 0.4947127 1.2062054 0.4156930 0.7449667 107291944 adaptor related protein complex 2 sigma 1 subunit
-0.2573816 -0.3772234 -1.1501839 3.0939997 0.3117646 0.8165674 107286676 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF213-like
-0.2574059 1.3602361 2.4031667 7.8669159 1.8373764 0.1951290 107301713 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-0.2576216 -9.3270210 2.1661476 3.0564845 68.6928329 0.0000007 107292786 aquaporin 2
-0.2578631 -0.1066586 -0.7627557 -1.0516884 0.0742760 0.9726418 107297566 THO complex subunit 6 homolog
-0.2581394 -0.7145818 0.1706665 1.6443713 0.7639340 0.5361735 107300310 L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase mitochondrial-like
-0.2587756 -0.6540953 -1.2888434 0.2481532 1.3557109 0.3038065 107300210 thyroid adenoma-associated protein homolog
-0.2601634 0.3213387 0.9985830 5.7171645 3.6664994 0.0446051 107294070 SEC11 homolog A signal peptidase complex subunit
-0.2602209 0.3232724 0.8779956 2.0645718 1.8234138 0.1974302 107287478 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 27
-0.2604782 0.8779392 -0.2125089 3.7389003 3.3506632 0.0562223 107288981 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 66-like
-0.2607786 -1.4579846 -1.3872983 7.8928368 5.1256118 0.0168332 107284025 integrin subunit beta 1
-0.2608843 -0.1420461 0.1375612 5.5601618 0.4386128 0.7295831 107295167 autophagy related 4B cysteine peptidase
-0.2610389 -0.1755219 -0.5453517 3.0777294 0.3941232 0.7595999 107287540 aurora kinase A interacting protein 1
-0.2611950 -0.6218605 -0.2262252 4.8028274 0.8593312 0.4889653 107296185 CHM Rab escort protein 1
-0.2612167 -0.9339979 -1.0499986 1.4196120 0.9313754 0.4560933 107295497 BCL2 associated athanogene 2
-0.2613355 -0.5411146 0.0447795 7.9556097 0.6069209 0.6233422 107282500 protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1
-0.2613392 -0.3935999 -1.9377708 0.2102903 0.7630784 0.5366347 107295994 SAC3 domain containing 1
-0.2618010 -0.6550239 -1.7879080 7.9346416 3.7817056 0.0411252 107285984 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit V2
-0.2618100 0.4369009 0.3250082 5.1281745 0.8096246 0.5130536 107291291 insulin induced gene 2
-0.2618287 -0.6036183 0.6262183 7.6737506 3.4689701 0.0514793 107285618 protein phosphatase 2 catalytic subunit beta
-0.2628921 0.3550545 0.5744004 6.7013281 1.6239049 0.2367511 107284882 zinc finger protein 622
-0.2631141 0.3615090 -0.6527049 1.5760357 1.5645021 0.2499922 107288519 chloride voltage-gated channel 4
-0.2634577 -0.1460864 -0.5039345 5.7426012 1.1343997 0.3749928 107294172 RNA-binding protein 25
-0.2634778 -0.6980778 -0.5794644 4.1590710 1.5674101 0.2493213 107288083 RUN and FYVE domain containing 2
-0.2637805 0.1336310 0.3130124 0.1528974 0.1445221 0.9311811 107292223 TBC1 domain family member 24
-0.2638089 -0.4722413 -1.6367990 4.2488770 4.4002379 0.0268579 107294921 ubiquitin specific peptidase 34
-0.2638775 0.6083862 2.2307577 4.3978573 6.3046138 0.0084850 107287238 HIV-1 Tat interactive protein 2
-0.2650966 -0.9519934 0.6387693 2.9100939 3.5938842 0.0470190 107291758 family with sequence similarity 126 member B
-0.2652160 -0.6040072 -1.6244924 2.7130166 4.1364648 0.0320657 107290598 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 37
-0.2656273 0.0030919 -0.2871923 2.1282820 0.1471661 0.9294832 107303205 tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 10-like
-0.2657465 -0.8319823 0.0412411 5.1082176 3.6316379 0.0456931 107284337 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-13-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2
-0.2661116 -0.6455888 0.5006150 2.9124814 1.8900294 0.1860694 107296803 polymerase (DNA) iota
-0.2664549 0.3974496 -1.3447196 -0.0695971 1.0464768 0.4081599 107292249 importin 4
-0.2665352 -0.0152038 -0.5127072 6.9269871 0.3189959 0.8115158 107287715 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B10
-0.2671699 0.3770911 -0.6964195 4.2575003 1.3480503 0.3061445 107302744 transmembrane protein 100
-0.2672673 0.5043767 -1.2007361 1.9551030 2.2908545 0.1313164 107294485 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box protein 13-like
-0.2676707 0.6198165 0.1003128 4.3015600 0.6876972 0.5770191 107284325 coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 7
-0.2676813 -0.2144418 0.5113243 6.1782879 1.0902529 0.3913346 107283640 uncharacterized LOC107283640
-0.2679250 0.5449701 1.4001594 3.6063248 3.6581292 0.0449401 107297464 surfeit 6
-0.2683697 -0.0751614 -1.0557492 6.6684460 5.2627415 0.0154451 107303182 phosphatidylinositol-binding clathrin assembly protein-like
-0.2686123 0.8327868 2.3653281 5.4352840 2.7083323 0.0928944 107298508 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-0.2686887 1.6984910 -0.6426785 0.3000664 1.5111152 0.2628187 107293663 atlastin GTPase 3
-0.2691889 -0.5105538 -0.2409773 5.0178600 0.5937110 0.6311970 107302742 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX11 mitochondrial
-0.2695196 0.0103676 0.8410264 5.3871789 3.0613641 0.0701248 107287111 RAB interacting factor
-0.2697670 0.5128698 0.6892185 1.2798259 0.3521446 0.7884570 ERCC-00039
-0.2698544 -0.6377400 -0.6881715 6.2352646 1.8339723 0.1955665 107296506 TBC1 domain family member 9B
-0.2700486 0.2556532 0.4559042 2.7831345 0.4562290 0.7179090 107295454 DGCR8 microprocessor complex subunit
-0.2700722 -0.2979387 -0.4309769 3.1823643 0.3357082 0.7998654 107285684 coiled-coil domain containing 9
-0.2702090 -0.3289576 -0.2214702 4.8755260 0.1178378 0.9478607 107297548 polymerase (RNA) II subunit J
-0.2706106 -0.4348256 -0.2643928 1.3670260 0.1270269 0.9422189 107301168 zinc finger protein 253-like
-0.2706723 1.4052736 2.9684425 3.5430702 3.2202391 0.0621796 107290759 calcyphosine 2
-0.2708789 -0.3265982 0.5061424 2.7261104 0.7281729 0.5549947 107297530 dihydrouridine synthase 3 like
-0.2710691 -0.5227052 -1.1888733 1.3625300 0.9230010 0.4597992 107299059 dnaJ homolog subfamily C member 4-like
-0.2714200 -0.5100213 0.8615685 3.1917992 3.4858705 0.0508402 107290291 galactokinase 1
-0.2715418 -0.7489469 -0.5312783 4.4593423 0.8639613 0.4868043 107289448 zinc finger protein 830
-0.2717611 -0.5141268 0.7393535 8.2978750 3.6338194 0.0456208 107284301 integral membrane protein 2B
-0.2718469 -0.2240878 -0.3198537 5.6859870 0.3835314 0.7668300 107294302 origin recognition complex subunit 4
-0.2721723 0.2605839 0.5336723 6.9230655 1.5187953 0.2608173 107301086 ubiquitin protein ligase E3A
-0.2725726 -0.0055450 -0.1000437 4.7205849 0.2449863 0.8632794 107283717 peptidylprolyl isomerase E
-0.2725775 -0.3905720 1.2608512 2.1421571 1.5562914 0.2520465 107289142 zinc finger AN1-type containing 2A
-0.2728069 -0.0632688 -0.9466223 1.0725038 0.7645722 0.5358620 107297921 remodeling and spacing factor 1
-0.2729008 0.1384326 0.3203245 3.9735632 0.7306344 0.5536467 107301064 protein ZBED8-like
-0.2731329 0.0684648 0.2631203 2.8813730 0.6295262 0.6100204 107282560 SAGA complex associated factor 29
-0.2732080 1.0231692 1.0235213 3.3792705 2.3618204 0.1236599 107299914 coatomer subunit gamma-1-like
-0.2732670 -0.1154465 0.6857104 4.9169719 0.0348831 0.9908029 107294450 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1b
-0.2734156 -0.1148458 -0.8059762 4.8524233 1.2715702 0.3291115 107285291 methyltransferase like 4
-0.2735415 0.8315376 0.6536234 3.6666358 3.5465856 0.0486188 107285916 proteasome activator subunit 3
-0.2738998 -0.1785717 -0.0096680 4.6070254 0.2157069 0.8835731 107302555 peptidylprolyl isomerase like 1
-0.2741983 1.6976795 -0.0162624 3.0043561 4.2886260 0.0289427 107290619 sidekick cell adhesion molecule 1
-0.2743701 -1.5007904 0.1491437 4.8141104 8.6357125 0.0026369 107288243 ER membrane protein complex subunit 8
-0.2751851 -0.7627215 -0.1609929 3.9333968 0.5875482 0.6349184 107283435 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf228
-0.2753173 1.9239213 -0.7785364 0.8674065 1.1744121 0.3610163 107299045 cathepsin L1-like
-0.2756378 0.9802321 -1.2943464 0.5061506 1.7652072 0.2082271 107302590 arginyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase B)-like 1
-0.2758794 -1.4381713 -1.2985501 2.8579569 5.5729177 0.0128199 107302487 meckelin-like
-0.2759514 -0.8160049 -0.3298890 6.0386198 1.2869906 0.3243341 107297993 succinate-CoA ligase alpha subunit
-0.2761200 -0.7739822 -0.1646914 5.7625066 1.3136336 0.3162564 107301166 transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 1
-0.2761369 -0.0114137 0.2541501 1.0878864 0.0635069 0.9781130 107300658 metal-response element-binding transcription factor 2-like
-0.2761934 -1.9133199 -2.1980300 0.0851561 2.3028273 0.1299875 107300868 coiled-coil domain containing 73
-0.2766200 1.2535362 0.5687144 4.5011009 7.8618491 0.0037780 107297692 ariadne RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
-0.2766358 -0.2912650 0.3033586 1.2807331 0.5264702 0.6725417 107287341 glucosidase beta (bile acid) 2
-0.2767456 2.3558459 1.8109499 4.1987682 6.4973095 0.0076372 107299520 transmembrane protein 45B-like
-0.2768289 -0.1847800 -0.7408983 5.7616841 1.5092535 0.2631393 107285884 SUMO1/sentrin/SMT3 specific peptidase 2
-0.2769899 0.6797264 0.0039673 0.7585166 0.5965684 0.6294892 107292569 tudor domain containing 12
-0.2772226 0.8735383 0.1663272 0.0551051 0.6648732 0.5897645 107295177 SMG8 nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor
-0.2779524 -0.2419063 -0.0084192 5.3324172 0.3641205 0.7801745 107298607 THUMP domain containing 3
-0.2780119 -0.0576632 -0.4921960 0.5285342 0.2141760 0.8846308 107296920 zinc finger protein 215-like
-0.2780429 0.3175199 0.0623739 5.9723601 0.3140756 0.8149524 107302021 tRNA (guanine-N(7)-)-methyltransferase non-catalytic subunit WDR4-like
-0.2781386 -5.5642382 -0.0859693 -0.2936244 12.6688704 0.0005373 107291842 solute carrier family 2 member 11
-0.2789734 0.0184389 -0.3237770 2.1606446 0.1927859 0.8992484 107295359 zinc finger protein 84-like
-0.2791087 -0.0825244 -0.8032106 3.5832313 2.2698238 0.1335283 107292658 mitochondrial translational release factor 1 like
-0.2792969 0.0484159 -0.3941666 5.0627367 0.6098454 0.6215923 107283503 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 14 effector protein
-0.2793415 -4.2651123 -0.3413886 8.1877314 11.7226405 0.0007531 107292612 glutathione S-transferase Mu 1-like
-0.2795757 -0.4488836 -0.3116308 2.0701033 0.4055380 0.7518298 107296616 NOP14 nucleolar protein
-0.2798187 0.1773609 1.8032531 2.1341753 3.1620455 0.0650035 107297980 poly(A) binding protein interacting protein 2B
-0.2801304 -0.6726123 -0.5429590 5.9410388 0.4323089 0.7338049 107288304 solute carrier family 38 member 2
-0.2801405 -0.0068033 -0.4243569 1.0923548 0.2166619 0.8829184 107284224 L1 cell adhesion molecule
-0.2803371 0.1228228 0.3328235 2.9875624 0.5401853 0.6639553 107288507 prefoldin subunit 5
-0.2807930 0.3649967 3.5420947 2.8158659 2.4485537 0.1149855 107288711 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 10
-0.2809284 -1.1011550 0.2016496 3.2132655 3.4765107 0.0512080 107288714 NPR2-like GATOR1 complex subunit
-0.2809446 -0.2535909 1.0543481 2.0205693 3.0186564 0.0724766 107297979 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1-like protein 1
-0.2813012 -0.2451271 0.1376388 5.7629020 0.8706436 0.4835909 107295641 methyltransferase like 21A
-0.2814382 1.1502117 -0.8006418 0.8043885 0.8870572 0.4760550 107302236 WAS/WASL-interacting protein family member 1-like
-0.2814717 0.1144845 0.1320202 2.3405525 0.2665824 0.8481955 107284085 U6 snRNA biogenesis 1
-0.2817631 0.0198367 0.6679170 6.1305763 1.3255536 0.3127136 107302385 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 3
-0.2821292 -0.8820315 -0.8036846 3.4338487 1.6487818 0.2314426 107285813 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C12orf57
-0.2822135 -0.3295817 -0.8767051 6.2323385 1.1524565 0.3686766 107283064 WD repeat domain 92
-0.2827316 -0.8285537 0.0735093 8.2074305 1.2487632 0.3363176 107285604 high mobility group nucleosome binding domain 1
-0.2834546 0.5027683 0.7106461 2.8672225 1.8770050 0.1881865 ERCC-00034
-0.2834827 -0.4523486 0.0036403 5.6002623 0.5757093 0.6420804 107293135 bromodomain-containing protein 9-like
-0.2838631 -0.2850470 -0.4176825 5.2110599 0.2400519 0.8667108 107297602 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L18
-0.2838813 -0.6541465 -0.6757939 1.1981049 0.5011181 0.6886714 107290960 chromobox 8
-0.2842852 -1.1478786 0.3513616 4.1838500 4.8610938 0.0198853 107293504 SWAP switching B-cell complex 70kDa subunit
-0.2844397 0.2307654 0.9356390 5.3573307 3.2779518 0.0594792 107283330 signal transducing adaptor molecule
-0.2846035 1.1042080 -0.8962625 2.4029522 2.4944787 0.1106755 107288793 GCN1 eIF2 alpha kinase activator homolog
-0.2846299 -0.0240786 0.2789654 4.8083492 0.5388331 0.6648078 107292294 lysophospholipase like 1
-0.2848778 0.0596924 -0.2091645 2.6513846 0.2627875 0.8508505 107301220 transport and Golgi organization protein 2 homolog
-0.2858936 -0.2523247 0.2358705 5.0279388 0.9293698 0.4568909 107286777 syntaxin 8
-0.2861344 0.0421380 -0.2588866 2.0008797 0.1464676 0.9299325 107289989 steroid 5 alpha-reductase 1
-0.2863350 -0.4024031 -1.4507569 4.7612164 4.3225849 0.0282891 107291603 Janus kinase 2
-0.2863389 -0.9394226 -0.1631977 4.2887014 2.2072781 0.1409542 107302804 PDS5 cohesin associated factor A
-0.2864814 -0.6170689 -0.4434932 6.8853957 0.7856074 0.5250572 107284726 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2N
-0.2866192 2.6540158 -3.2904528 6.9546057 20.4711382 0.0000579 107287197 plakophilin 2
-0.2867987 -0.7656646 -0.8440801 1.9188106 0.9742341 0.4375175 107297595 cyclin-I-like
-0.2869065 -0.6028028 1.1609763 2.4150995 1.1670983 0.3635490 107296183 premature ovarian failure 1B
-0.2869750 -0.2734517 -0.5399589 4.1713581 0.3214608 0.8097953 107301192 rho GTPase-activating protein 1-like
-0.2872154 1.4889011 0.3741197 3.8166650 4.6729982 0.0224567 107291412 adaptor related protein complex 2 mu 1 subunit
-0.2873023 4.1133305 5.8102884 5.6301030 9.6433023 0.0017053 107289644 sulfotransferase 6B1-like
-0.2878161 0.0855183 -0.6843601 0.6304863 0.5168959 0.6786009 107283480 cytosolic iron-sulfur assembly component 1
-0.2878449 -0.4683285 0.0352350 0.1827919 0.1176758 0.9479591 107301197 uncharacterized LOC107301197
-0.2881285 -0.9414625 -0.4767311 3.0061327 2.3551724 0.1241964 107284197 nudix hydrolase 16
-0.2881676 0.4756588 0.5481240 3.6037428 0.6906404 0.5753909 107288202 dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycosyltransferase subunit 4-like
-0.2888291 1.1059539 1.3878444 6.2330712 6.2435803 0.0087761 107284379 STT3B catalytic subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex
-0.2890166 -0.4688305 1.0467511 3.8105585 2.0371527 0.1634626 107285474 Rab interacting lysosomal protein-like 2
-0.2890611 0.4678852 -0.8123450 1.3426864 1.0977016 0.3885452 107285049 arrestin beta 2
-0.2891173 0.5952614 -0.8009423 0.1748011 1.0038585 0.4252402 107286301 pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 3
-0.2892378 -0.7706522 -4.7875095 1.9989328 19.5766070 0.0000719 107290822 plexin-A2-like
-0.2893615 0.2425141 -0.1470805 0.6853753 0.1610968 0.9204246 107284641 nucleolar protein 9
-0.2895650 -3.9220845 0.4296704 5.9246477 33.0991524 0.0000051 107289170 sorting nexin 7
-0.2895924 -0.5952519 -1.2631212 4.0068310 3.7260791 0.0426942 107300519 zinc finger protein 84-like
-0.2896741 0.4537927 -1.4659829 5.0317497 4.3923411 0.0269996 107283887 solute carrier family 25 (aspartate/glutamate carrier) member 12
-0.2901722 -0.1036586 -0.3144151 4.1121884 0.2788133 0.8396335 107303261 HIV-1 Tat specific factor 1
-0.2904141 -0.6624301 0.5878841 4.0958374 1.8184106 0.1984791 107291570 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 9
-0.2905881 0.0314333 1.3996332 4.5853941 3.3740650 0.0553721 107285079 TNF alpha induced protein 2
-0.2907373 0.8660387 0.2217080 1.6030108 1.0250251 0.4166802 107289571 inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase K
-0.2909922 0.9206216 0.5214915 4.0267456 1.2180580 0.3462898 107287038 tripartite motif containing 25
-0.2910587 -0.8032304 0.0779845 5.4973780 2.1098119 0.1533746 107283670 zinc finger matrin-type 2
-0.2911231 -0.1610201 0.0678311 4.0564179 0.3786316 0.7701891 107288837 UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase 1
-0.2913728 0.0555918 0.6566563 7.3434458 0.9207271 0.4608107 107282879 ribosomal protein S15
-0.2913799 0.5491580 0.0785329 1.5380394 1.0896616 0.3914483 107302792 Rieske Fe-S domain containing
-0.2915588 -0.4923942 0.0497583 6.5451895 0.6988449 0.5708741 107283792 golgin A4
-0.2917267 -0.8289117 0.0421434 5.7133488 1.1799924 0.3590965 107301475 phospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate phosphatase
-0.2920265 1.1452520 1.9148598 8.8800902 4.5763648 0.0239125 107283514 adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
-0.2922735 -0.1331510 -0.3307283 1.3848596 0.0444604 0.9869063 107299673 GTPase IMAP family member 7-like
-0.2923397 0.5871218 2.2265806 8.2310818 7.6985644 0.0041181 107292969 ribophorin I
-0.2923837 0.0425047 -0.0371919 5.0467470 0.1984815 0.8953748 107282548 polymerase (RNA) II subunit L
-0.2924257 -0.5257805 -0.7308959 5.0360132 2.0405042 0.1628220 107284255 tubulin gamma complex associated protein 5
-0.2924905 -0.3729021 -0.0589408 0.8216772 0.1434142 0.9318956 107288280 oncostatin M receptor
-0.2928980 -1.6682369 -0.8538135 1.0664609 0.2871275 0.8338088 107293514 acid phosphatase prostate
-0.2929682 -1.1494026 2.5438466 0.6961654 3.0370065 0.0715869 107300124 multidrug resistance-associated protein 4-like
-0.2930473 -0.9207821 -0.1664068 2.0014724 1.5381152 0.2561725 107290872 A-kinase anchoring protein 7
-0.2930921 0.5822656 0.0248507 1.7189319 0.5341309 0.6677508 107286993 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 10
-0.2932409 0.6024663 1.2986901 6.3579733 2.8836243 0.0807395 107285504 KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 2
-0.2933646 -0.5295683 0.2350418 0.8716323 0.2735244 0.8433343 107300498 zinc finger protein 665-like
-0.2939025 -0.9797814 0.0388113 0.9797458 1.1392282 0.3732709 107296039 kelch repeat and BTB domain containing 8
-0.2940685 0.1494972 -0.6613380 2.3767147 0.4579331 0.7167848 107299465 tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like 1
-0.2941852 -0.2548188 0.3444057 1.7944050 0.5815897 0.6384814 107285363 thioredoxin related transmembrane protein 4
-0.2942838 0.1463471 0.1013707 2.8990029 0.4592849 0.7158783 107289858 NHL repeat containing 3
-0.2943448 -0.0810657 -0.0648397 9.4260109 0.0955011 0.9610279 107293522 chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 4
-0.2944643 -0.0087812 -0.3958306 4.7192294 1.1304239 0.3764251 107283954 SLX4 structure-specific endonuclease subunit
-0.2945421 0.2868244 0.5117627 5.1579898 2.4549835 0.1142139 107303243 sorting nexin 12
-0.2948207 -0.3056312 -0.1492249 1.3143588 0.1384608 0.9350512 107295423 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 5
-0.2948711 0.9031465 -1.5497121 1.2039583 3.4302261 0.0531044 107285480 ataxin 7 like 1
-0.2952594 0.0459664 0.2509663 8.1391741 0.3972145 0.7574940 107285843 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit alpha
-0.2957406 0.7253206 -1.0039066 1.1127602 2.7452761 0.0900179 107302567 tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like
-0.2959357 0.1826405 -0.5916942 6.5974446 1.5755434 0.2474681 107296561 zinc finger protein 330
-0.2964422 -0.4353468 -0.4789137 0.7099456 0.1070899 0.9543012 107300191 ORAI calcium release-activated calcium modulator 2
-0.2966191 0.0945269 0.0231551 6.1738408 0.3836795 0.7667320 107297200 protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B’ delta
-0.2967509 -1.1284469 -1.8298495 5.7261500 11.5167858 0.0008043 107302407 homeodomain interacting protein kinase 3
-0.2967964 -0.2597898 -0.5152309 3.1102369 0.4051138 0.7521211 107297905 zinc finger protein 268-like
-0.2974993 -0.6314535 0.1269849 8.1632681 0.9449824 0.4501101 107286579 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A3
-0.2980907 -0.0768578 -1.7129360 0.8860959 3.4212214 0.0533361 107288703 upstream stimulatory factor 2-like
-0.2982502 -0.3898702 0.0309941 4.0609843 0.4132024 0.7466510 107297257 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 subunit C2-like
-0.2983015 -1.9700195 -0.6110734 1.6561688 3.5188391 0.0497412 107295335 inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain family member 5
-0.2985736 0.0188283 0.0924846 2.4633780 0.1751371 0.9111275 107302246 uncharacterized LOC107302246
-0.2989224 0.3675214 0.8895534 1.2221416 0.8088551 0.5134351 107298445 cathepsin A
-0.2992997 -0.1879103 -0.3252449 2.0282421 0.1798804 0.9079598 107289797 unc-45 myosin chaperone A
-0.2995728 -0.7704202 0.4517176 6.5827168 4.0721970 0.0334438 107294317 protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 2
-0.3002057 0.1692501 3.8182162 3.5524204 5.0364955 0.0178302 107283878 six transmembrane epithelial antigen of the prostate 1
-0.3007464 1.0189738 -0.8045424 1.2774139 3.5517149 0.0484364 107285514 selenocysteine lyase
-0.3008972 -0.5701609 -0.5975900 3.7647558 1.1740504 0.3610227 107292524 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 41
-0.3011010 -0.4516936 -0.3799057 6.2727684 0.7031117 0.5684856 107289921 importin 11
-0.3014988 0.0185407 -0.7877281 3.1746569 1.1306882 0.3764431 107290547 transportin 1
-0.3022915 -0.3398697 -1.9836456 4.1673436 8.3806473 0.0029776 107293427 salvador family WW domain containing protein 1
-0.3023076 -0.0344203 -0.5816654 6.6392539 1.2650857 0.3310155 107289929 acidic nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member E
-0.3023430 0.2061068 1.2047831 4.9093053 4.6451683 0.0228404 107285265 nucleophosmin/nucleoplasmin 3
-0.3024224 -0.2627488 0.5710048 2.7313179 0.8086024 0.5135605 107283281 bolA family member 3
-0.3024633 -1.5034155 -3.1227043 2.6172544 19.2318732 0.0000771 107284901 HECT C2 and WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
-0.3025280 -1.0322232 0.3404686 3.5476893 3.6190343 0.0461662 107284222 renin binding protein
-0.3026326 -0.3181646 0.3970454 5.4896005 1.3884261 0.2946887 107285376 ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 26-like
-0.3029356 -0.2045578 -0.3923539 2.4429163 0.2496108 0.8600551 107284413 dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase 2
-0.3032639 1.0438027 0.3793559 1.1247683 2.1513801 0.1478334 107302506 WAS protein homolog associated with actin golgi membranes and microtubules
-0.3033942 -1.0528012 0.3507918 3.2742104 0.7746178 0.5306931 107285956 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf1
-0.3039643 -0.4975428 0.6513983 5.4548539 3.9680752 0.0359540 107287228 multivesicular body subunit 12A
-0.3044507 -0.1198234 -0.1225470 3.9822605 0.0881462 0.9651638 107300462 nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1-like
-0.3044667 -1.1091209 -2.2902503 3.4481924 4.1868152 0.0310098 107289874 fibrinogen-like protein 1
-0.3046076 0.0005010 -0.0116472 6.0395801 0.3855416 0.7654538 107295986 family with sequence similarity 135 member A
-0.3047399 -0.7765546 -0.5482856 3.5901341 0.9876292 0.4319791 107298842 late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor MAPK and MTOR activator 3
-0.3047479 -0.3090460 -0.3977815 3.7551333 0.4209999 0.7413823 107286456 nuclear cap binding subunit 3
-0.3047874 0.8158993 -0.2849061 1.6029222 0.8204188 0.5077305 107300067 clathrin heavy chain 1
-0.3048173 1.7444434 -0.1815358 1.7734941 5.5480703 0.0130100 107283931 uveal autoantigen with coiled-coil domains and ankyrin repeats
-0.3048299 -0.6271791 -0.4164023 5.5533940 1.3680574 0.3002923 107289549 taxilin gamma
-0.3059127 -0.2904472 -0.3813149 4.6189904 0.5428106 0.6622988 107296599 exosome component 9
-0.3061984 0.2661638 0.7255916 7.7080517 1.7578843 0.2095637 107284326 syndecan binding protein
-0.3064976 -0.8150845 -0.1211917 6.4840389 1.0140582 0.4211076 107284108 RAB member of RAS oncogene family-like 3
-0.3070557 -0.3041397 -0.7517011 5.3900105 1.1806668 0.3588653 107289132 integrator complex subunit 8
-0.3073157 -0.0716521 -0.3288305 3.8674547 0.1554232 0.9241356 107290811 lon peptidase 2 peroxisomal
-0.3075012 -0.5662247 -0.1653521 3.4717151 0.4245174 0.7390281 107283042 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf123
-0.3075901 1.6971002 0.5376998 0.5698742 1.4796184 0.2706305 107301770 phospholipid transfer protein-like
-0.3077989 -0.2052506 0.4614748 6.8903319 0.6903845 0.5755323 107288183 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B
-0.3078349 -0.9891490 0.2188483 6.8422340 4.2554759 0.0295024 107292800 oxysterol binding protein like 1A
-0.3078551 -0.5295506 -0.0964562 4.4774490 1.1123419 0.3830125 107297328 protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 3A
-0.3079446 -0.4499370 -0.1400017 7.6901842 0.5850252 0.6364053 107287099 RNA-binding protein 12-like
-0.3085617 -0.1950703 -0.1771992 3.0388928 0.1925308 0.8994260 107290099 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf169
-0.3088218 -0.7872568 -0.2711706 4.9404722 0.8163336 0.5097387 107301299 uncharacterized LOC107301299
-0.3088888 -0.5088232 0.3714705 9.6383051 0.7674215 0.5343910 107303096 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1
-0.3090416 0.1858819 -0.5309242 2.4091133 0.4705560 0.7084937 107287967 ankyrin repeat domain 39
-0.3090526 0.9221317 -0.6360430 2.8038632 3.3970872 0.0543361 107285761 intermediate filament family orphan 1
-0.3091894 0.3778385 -0.3218765 5.5278199 2.0559529 0.1606337 107290016 zinc finger protein 91-like
-0.3097559 0.0116238 -0.1855271 5.7925776 0.6273251 0.6113032 107283049 terminal uridylyltransferase 4-like
-0.3104428 0.2771733 -0.2661261 6.0131381 0.3578279 0.7845245 107290218 NFKB inhibitor alpha
-0.3105162 -0.1973082 -0.2990260 5.2298594 0.2652789 0.8491056 107285867 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C21orf91
-0.3105188 -1.2195326 -0.8497979 4.0219514 1.9005027 0.1844294 107285936 interferon induced protein 35
-0.3110224 -0.0137587 0.2088436 4.0063162 0.5278482 0.6716845 107301780 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 7
-0.3110800 0.3057407 0.1964248 6.4075711 0.9359140 0.4540489 107297313 COP9 signalosome subunit 5
-0.3117391 -0.1118955 -0.2915444 2.0559768 0.1144903 0.9498859 107292706 short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 39U member 1
-0.3118065 -0.5763906 -0.6940840 6.3164830 1.2334400 0.3411455 107285094 jumonji domain containing 1C
-0.3118093 0.3148051 -0.1017325 2.0800631 0.6216077 0.6146460 107284160 component of oligomeric golgi complex 4
-0.3119743 1.2883133 0.7763275 7.7062833 1.3162246 0.3154826 ERCC-00092
-0.3122614 -0.3458445 0.8596243 0.4794468 1.0627440 0.4017174 107300943 uncharacterized LOC107300943
-0.3128897 -0.0969084 -0.7775430 5.1194339 1.5853609 0.2453297 107295722 factor interacting with PAPOLA and CPSF1
-0.3129927 -0.2282766 -1.1072992 5.2059387 3.7233399 0.0427739 107293083 NIMA related kinase 9
-0.3135121 -0.7592697 -1.3726862 -0.3060090 0.7870677 0.5243536 107295267 AXL receptor tyrosine kinase
-0.3137879 0.7497391 1.2553924 5.2952478 2.1241060 0.1515309 107292377 RAB7B member RAS oncogene family
-0.3138710 0.0942798 -0.3779958 3.5735257 0.8613884 0.4879395 107288490 poly(U) binding splicing factor 60KDa
-0.3141103 -0.9278591 -0.4805852 3.8181239 2.9633563 0.0756819 107291108 ankyrin repeat domain 27
-0.3148578 -3.0167960 -3.9096037 2.5786061 3.1954006 0.0633672 107285506 LCK proto-oncogene Src family tyrosine kinase
-0.3165634 -0.4763974 -0.8369666 7.2028440 0.7584627 0.5390291 107298473 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 3
-0.3170048 -0.8984154 -1.0280622 5.3046155 1.5238660 0.2597274 107292809 ring finger protein 138 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-0.3173589 1.8692485 2.2186349 5.6784488 8.9379657 0.0023132 107287724 aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family member A1
-0.3173978 -0.3341608 -1.1438265 5.3339536 1.7827324 0.2049579 107286814 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S9
-0.3174704 0.0740693 -0.7018078 6.4932308 2.1795214 0.1442828 107293843 lipase A lysosomal acid type
-0.3176752 -0.0819441 -0.5243661 2.5911165 0.5368356 0.6660302 107287311 coiled-coil domain containing 117
-0.3179875 -0.0797136 -0.4048926 5.6238182 0.4848329 0.6991843 107284603 WD repeat domain 41
-0.3180298 -0.3168747 -0.1826958 1.2237968 0.0780747 0.9706389 107301669 protein PAT1 homolog 1-like
-0.3182953 -0.6006660 -0.6501480 5.7165055 0.8295751 0.5032575 107299579 histone deacetylase 3
-0.3183364 -0.1145499 0.1114216 1.4570882 0.2275066 0.8754257 107290298 mitochondrial methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase
-0.3185353 -0.2175662 -0.5130365 2.3967175 0.2848421 0.8354093 107296971 uncharacterized LOC107296971
-0.3186001 0.1258522 0.1783399 7.6660527 0.6825297 0.5798388 107287110 tubulin alpha-8 chain
-0.3193885 -0.2814494 -1.8986554 1.4748695 4.0971429 0.0329436 107296147 lysine demethylase 4B
-0.3201332 0.0567492 -0.2872457 6.0804073 0.3040644 0.8219522 107293766 leucyl-tRNA synthetase 2
-0.3204068 -0.3110372 1.4567643 3.7206579 3.6947369 0.0437688 107287074 ALG6 alpha-13-glucosyltransferase
-0.3206945 -0.3765401 -1.4227479 5.5045253 3.1361652 0.0663067 107296335 adaptor related protein complex 1 sigma 2 subunit
-0.3207448 -1.6616534 -0.8258461 2.9001524 3.1928900 0.0634887 107290899 tripartite motif containing 36
-0.3210392 0.2421494 -1.7558699 1.7479007 4.4179377 0.0265436 107299603 EFR3 homolog A
-0.3212134 0.4381909 1.1768509 3.6971210 4.4898182 0.0252299 107302000 TP53 regulated inhibitor of apoptosis 1
-0.3214466 0.4371247 0.5435137 6.8455177 1.5872529 0.2449470 107296111 basigin (Ok blood group)
-0.3214916 -0.7493269 -0.8604183 7.2907881 3.6029002 0.0466583 107291194 PNN-interacting serine/arginine-rich protein
-0.3215816 -0.4882009 0.1111114 1.4897764 0.3511857 0.7891212 107289749 transmembrane protein 260
-0.3220121 0.7763141 0.8951275 4.6208578 5.4212860 0.0140323 107292670 transmembrane protein 109
-0.3224679 -0.2433142 -0.4969039 3.2703855 0.2699760 0.8458180 107301471 centromere protein X-like
-0.3231015 -1.2644125 -0.2425185 4.6072928 1.4044737 0.2903232 107283766 5-azacytidine induced 2
-0.3235334 0.5152050 -0.7250015 0.0687566 0.8183916 0.5086870 107301752 GA-binding protein subunit beta-1-like
-0.3235944 0.4050850 0.5456312 1.8847828 1.0968317 0.3887604 107285830 exonuclease 3’-5’ domain containing 2
-0.3237518 0.2467860 0.0844812 -0.0890663 0.0766287 0.9714056 107300117 probable RNA-binding protein 19
-0.3239273 1.2436087 -0.0199977 2.4477868 2.1435539 0.1489996 107290377 ubinuclein 1
-0.3239894 -0.1997932 -0.4107301 6.2106544 0.4987592 0.6901836 107292299 isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial
-0.3243803 0.0683921 -1.3718338 1.1787176 3.3213357 0.0574750 107284124 haloacid dehalogenase like hydrolase domain containing 3
-0.3246666 -0.2145568 -0.1577158 6.2521020 0.2747403 0.8424859 107291307 SET domain containing 3
-0.3249129 -0.7253428 -0.3111040 7.1521042 1.0527563 0.4056091 107292210 membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 6
-0.3257852 -0.0271139 -0.7011234 6.4308933 0.6283889 0.6107235 107288036 ATPase inhibitory factor 1
-0.3259671 -0.4586301 0.4457889 8.1446225 1.7219351 0.2163968 107285251 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) gamma 5
-0.3260086 0.0283907 -0.5461551 3.0597233 0.9556537 0.4454299 107295924 F-box protein 4
-0.3262993 -1.2271190 -0.8134239 5.7531872 5.4581396 0.0137258 107289229 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 3
-0.3276266 0.0866779 0.6254117 6.3264147 1.8015124 0.2014714 107290698 NOP58 ribonucleoprotein
-0.3280148 0.2803251 -2.3660807 1.5469095 3.9587947 0.0362935 107295439 polymerase (RNA) II subunit A
-0.3280267 0.4857872 0.4075183 4.3659932 0.6620661 0.5913761 107291138 sialic acid acetylesterase
-0.3282045 1.8727925 -1.7155059 -0.7287800 2.9585005 0.0761130 107284161 lysosomal protective protein-like
-0.3283036 0.4762100 1.5891663 3.0289153 2.9554298 0.0762966 107295894 adrenodoxin-like
-0.3286665 -1.1981477 -0.6272489 5.9077991 5.5644724 0.0128842 107283855 arginine and glutamate rich 1
-0.3298026 0.0445174 0.1341623 3.3760603 0.3068027 0.8200367 107285075 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 2
-0.3298156 -0.4573088 -0.3148397 4.0868098 0.5539647 0.6553767 107284251 GTP binding protein 6 (putative)
-0.3302926 0.1210849 -0.8017144 5.2587421 2.3207673 0.1279760 107298232 kelch domain containing 2
-0.3309217 -0.5800058 -1.0502682 5.7055009 2.0940036 0.1555459 107297145 growth arrest specific 6
-0.3309998 -0.3014062 0.2074356 5.4952123 1.3349603 0.3098144 107291127 protein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 1
-0.3310306 -0.4054835 -0.2435327 3.9372163 0.3132641 0.8155195 107302696 tripartite motif containing 59
-0.3313620 -0.1866682 -1.2440043 5.6222582 3.8790957 0.0383816 107296090 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex assembly factor 1
-0.3317299 1.3509816 1.4908176 4.2446932 4.1633622 0.0315100 107293266 protein BTG3-like
-0.3332292 -0.4060486 -0.6332229 1.9591131 0.5183042 0.6777054 107294202 zinc finger protein 202-like
-0.3335280 -0.9100848 -0.6296796 5.5790833 1.4889051 0.2683008 107297112 cofilin 1
-0.3340713 -0.4132257 -0.4678966 5.0393968 0.9905973 0.4306480 107290354 zinc finger MYND-type containing 8
-0.3342525 0.0672142 -0.3305882 0.0661327 0.0590566 0.9802763 107284273 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A
-0.3343000 -0.1794696 -1.0073276 4.5148636 4.5392910 0.0244138 107294645 rabenosyn RAB effector
-0.3343633 0.3225280 0.0497499 -0.0530374 0.1939077 0.8984875 107302188 uncharacterized LOC107302188
-0.3344449 -0.0928125 1.9202316 6.1920386 12.4107661 0.0005816 107294680 mesoderm development candidate 2
-0.3346749 -3.8646532 1.2382847 10.2521451 21.9513381 0.0000411 107295410 membrane protein palmitoylated 1
-0.3348837 -0.0455434 -0.0124215 3.2714044 0.1352495 0.9370762 107302162 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A1
-0.3350004 0.4886981 0.6354354 12.0167030 1.2124506 0.3480227 ERCC-00096
-0.3352421 -0.2271643 -0.4395355 5.0800838 0.3019592 0.8234251 107296356 radixin
-0.3353469 -0.0811141 1.4885400 5.2152575 10.7130505 0.0010938 107286329 plexin B2
-0.3353518 1.5177416 1.4813810 0.5130683 3.1728996 0.0643916 ERCC-00085
-0.3354211 0.4130356 0.6758818 4.8573206 3.2232933 0.0619029 107297731 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 10
-0.3356362 0.8664230 1.3861692 3.6068701 3.5425702 0.0488827 107295158 WDYHV motif containing 1
-0.3356437 -0.7262364 -0.2547334 4.6279131 1.4748035 0.2717028 107296334 zinc finger CCCH-type RNA binding motif and serine/arginine rich 2
-0.3358312 -1.1420569 -0.4139739 3.2291740 0.2001063 0.8942671 107294178 chemokine (C motif) receptor 1
-0.3360734 -0.0120745 0.5667512 4.1193190 2.3690106 0.1227546 107289785 microfibrillar associated protein 1
-0.3360962 -2.6830709 -1.5928293 1.5488045 2.0570374 0.1606427 107283557 vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2
-0.3363636 -0.6955126 0.6314636 5.8524751 1.9442468 0.1774033 107297943 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C18orf32
-0.3365579 -0.0541030 -0.0130179 5.7143632 0.4354921 0.7316647 107291680 methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
-0.3365683 -1.2719923 0.1358169 8.5475703 5.6722460 0.0120918 107287813 14-3-3 protein beta/alpha
-0.3368692 0.5635864 -0.0359702 1.7887673 0.5420884 0.6627763 107291743 parvalbumin thymic CPV3-like
-0.3369573 -0.3313508 -0.0934543 5.2402975 0.2986825 0.8257184 107289365 transcription factor A mitochondrial
-0.3371036 -1.6340751 -0.3063472 1.8206956 4.1046129 0.0327043 107289134 mediator complex subunit 9
-0.3374090 -0.7805135 -0.0614774 5.9320982 1.8272334 0.1967731 107288236 paraspeckle component 1
-0.3375488 -1.2966364 -0.1235195 3.7487101 7.5757089 0.0043451 107286323 transmembrane protein 206
-0.3380480 -0.8451044 0.6034794 4.3584449 4.2254810 0.0301766 107284815 DEAD-box helicase 10
-0.3383550 -0.8322310 0.2569184 4.1889530 2.1046541 0.1541117 107286552 melanoma-associated antigen G1-like
-0.3384616 -0.6966999 0.4119747 4.5913931 1.5234295 0.2598326 107296652 tetraspanin 14
-0.3386249 0.7014215 0.5789518 1.2225357 0.5116664 0.6819474 107302233 major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein-like
-0.3387351 -0.0323161 0.9624634 1.3153182 1.0467483 0.4080533 ERCC-00013
-0.3398995 -1.4064045 4.1554956 5.8714207 17.3592013 0.0001277 107287795 ladinin 1
-0.3402359 0.2665609 1.0125133 1.6077730 0.2364345 0.8692263 107300457 tRNA pseudouridine(38/39) synthase-like
-0.3402643 -0.5056478 -2.5250412 -0.3261733 2.4482096 0.1150185 107284180 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-23-sialyltransferase 2
-0.3403350 -0.7293123 -0.7773349 3.2099399 1.2234473 0.3444253 107283918 uncharacterized LOC107283918
-0.3404299 -1.3545954 -1.7014008 1.1892034 3.2115661 0.0624697 107291710 melanophilin
-0.3411718 -0.0445456 -0.2366923 3.6530106 0.2158005 0.8835070 107303236 chloride voltage-gated channel 5
-0.3411757 0.0095185 0.7563095 7.8836977 1.2397659 0.3392072 107294257 ribosomal protein L32
-0.3418193 0.3048292 0.9617085 5.0820903 1.5896044 0.2444170 107297909 estrogen receptor binding site associated antigen 9
-0.3421229 -0.4902109 1.0766705 0.0911321 0.9055323 0.4676282 107299333 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class L
-0.3421634 -0.0824097 -0.4636178 5.3532135 0.6152496 0.6184089 107284581 CWC27 spliceosome associated protein homolog
-0.3423014 0.2120745 -0.2424830 4.0787797 0.6201085 0.6155644 107290000 MAX interactor 1 dimerization protein
-0.3430215 -0.0144034 -1.3352517 3.0663622 3.0895501 0.0687309 107291112 neuron navigator 2-like
-0.3433598 0.1872973 -0.0891845 1.9676370 0.2335659 0.8712189 107302935 TruB pseudouridine (psi) synthase family member 2
-0.3438082 -0.2180221 -0.4872992 5.8431248 0.5536308 0.6555961 107289295 coiled-coil domain containing 174
-0.3439584 1.2252008 -0.6341751 2.6737716 2.6752348 0.0954187 107287262 chemerin chemokine-like receptor 1
-0.3440868 -0.5859450 -1.1418590 0.6228906 0.9039209 0.4683071 107301975 zinc finger protein 2 homolog
-0.3443270 -0.6863577 -0.4357224 3.4108567 0.9983035 0.4274568 107299472 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1-like
-0.3444971 0.5914772 0.1888704 0.9644196 0.7030194 0.5685405 107301171 V-type proton ATPase subunit C 1-like
-0.3445349 -0.3721193 -2.8499359 0.2771721 4.4425527 0.0261135 107295440 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 4
-0.3449174 -0.4272682 -0.5684447 5.7877756 0.4965266 0.6916403 107287387 secernin 3
-0.3449577 -0.5942292 -0.8329494 2.9546569 0.8021277 0.5167827 107297408 stromal antigen 2
-0.3450053 -0.0442287 0.3496616 4.7338777 0.8351944 0.5005316 107285111 phosphatase and tensin homolog
-0.3450521 -0.1292738 -0.3566065 4.0126811 0.4138960 0.7461724 107288334 WD repeat domain 70
-0.3452290 -0.2104503 -0.9195277 1.2064780 1.1907445 0.3553082 107284974 ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 2
-0.3456060 -0.0365949 0.5095663 3.6682415 2.6256166 0.0991996 107295758 glucosidase alpha; neutral C
-0.3457420 -0.6549612 0.6668375 0.9387362 0.1588768 0.9218800 107301190 transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 11-like
-0.3459719 -0.5561105 -0.2607637 3.2240866 0.6696660 0.5870388 107290147 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 14
-0.3461954 -0.2582619 -2.4328368 -0.2492634 5.0138457 0.0180111 107295912 kinase insert domain receptor
-0.3464138 0.0925179 0.7276991 1.1297653 1.1272470 0.3775737 107284858 polymerase (DNA) gamma 2 accessory subunit
-0.3466104 0.3270039 1.7417456 3.2981141 5.5480263 0.0130702 107292260 exostosin-1
-0.3470655 0.5475019 0.4012709 -0.8091038 0.0691752 0.9752730 107294508 puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase-like protein
-0.3473829 -0.4248589 -0.2906484 5.2645146 0.6565702 0.5944510 107286582 uncharacterized LOC107286582
-0.3478203 0.3274283 -0.0018383 4.4506872 1.0104414 0.4224920 107292036 WD repeat domain 45
-0.3481460 2.0388945 2.4488227 0.8750614 4.1857869 0.0310315 107302041 uncharacterized LOC107302041
-0.3484806 -0.2933185 0.2773755 3.1716894 0.4722400 0.7073925 107297278 HAUS augmin like complex subunit 3
-0.3485551 0.2533566 -0.8238720 1.3324996 1.1737876 0.3611234 107301901 uncharacterized LOC107301901
-0.3486299 -2.9139009 -1.3370638 -0.1348102 2.3018611 0.1300942 107291885 family with sequence similarity 20 member C
-0.3487477 -0.2636759 0.4142415 4.4622897 1.4483108 0.2785649 107289208 Ras association domain family member 9
-0.3502767 -0.3101034 0.2035775 0.1640765 0.1159708 0.9489923 107298850 TATA-box binding protein associated factor RNA polymerase I subunit D
-0.3502803 -0.8565457 -1.0228532 7.1285334 1.9235111 0.1806954 107294641 E2F transcription factor 6
-0.3505339 -0.3737902 -1.3141480 3.6265760 3.0889049 0.0687652 107294108 cell growth regulator with ring finger domain 1
-0.3517795 0.5458813 -0.2887484 3.4240497 1.0589056 0.4033070 107286041 folliculin interacting protein 2
-0.3520286 -0.2064391 0.4542609 2.1726387 1.3215921 0.3137534 107290486 F-box protein 33
-0.3520428 -0.3953845 0.2157359 5.4707708 1.4485748 0.2784391 107297805 crooked neck pre-mRNA splicing factor 1
-0.3532422 -0.5302123 -0.5308125 6.1368636 1.3892903 0.2943523 107289691 zinc finger protein 318
-0.3536967 0.2534026 0.7327423 0.2541405 0.9795599 0.4352617 107283263 receptor expression-enhancing protein 4-like
-0.3538231 -0.2480744 -0.0071299 5.9621870 0.3706715 0.7756646 107287666 Sin3A associated protein 130kDa
-0.3539185 1.2834758 1.5748401 5.0273209 5.0822070 0.0173309 107290607 cytochrome P450 3A24-like
-0.3542738 -2.1521882 -0.0531819 7.5848931 3.1615796 0.0650267 107291289 apolipoprotein E-like
-0.3543374 0.7605016 0.8838688 5.5084617 4.1841290 0.0310666 107290478 AE binding protein 2
-0.3546482 -0.0500065 -0.3539626 4.1541456 0.2928450 0.8298051 107288992 RNA-binding protein 14-like
-0.3548629 0.4957461 0.5829361 5.1484917 0.7554248 0.5406105 107290157 growth arrest and DNA damage inducible gamma
-0.3550145 0.0874904 -0.0678515 2.9682903 0.0099295 0.9985637 107298683 proteasome activator complex subunit 3-like
-0.3550890 -1.4226449 -4.3001965 1.8809395 16.8605372 0.0001465 107290644 BMP/retinoic acid-inducible neural-specific protein 3
-0.3550902 -0.2118896 -1.5891044 5.6488565 3.3936591 0.0545685 107290968 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L22
-0.3552200 0.0263658 0.7781417 0.3123069 1.1526224 0.3685021 107285288 KxDL motif containing 1
-0.3552982 -0.5507580 -0.5685442 3.6073066 0.8466971 0.4949222 107296275 CDC like kinase 4
-0.3556466 0.7780618 -0.6701888 9.3258377 3.1674116 0.0646025 107292490 solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter) member 6
-0.3557055 0.2050327 -0.4571505 3.6079398 0.6139583 0.6191813 107297992 KH-type splicing regulatory protein
-0.3559214 -0.8180682 -0.2137500 4.5055306 1.3980426 0.2920804 107303074 gasdermin A
-0.3564154 0.6000497 -0.6536150 0.8920899 1.5172637 0.2611761 107295113 minichromosome maintenance domain containing 2
-0.3565352 -0.1068876 -0.2647306 5.5277979 0.6517564 0.5971965 107287388 corepressor interacting with RBPJ 1
-0.3567811 -1.0560740 -0.8341192 2.8824839 0.7260681 0.5561205 107302055 homeobox protein PKNOX1-like
-0.3571110 0.1160709 -0.2165289 5.4280187 0.9241097 0.4592204 107294277 TBC1 domain family member 22A
-0.3575711 0.3818713 -1.0978742 4.4850720 0.8705283 0.4837234 107297644 uncharacterized LOC107297644
-0.3576027 -1.1086989 -1.6262885 -0.0736531 0.9685705 0.4399987 107288130 opioid growth factor receptor-like 1
-0.3578752 -0.2971082 -1.2944757 5.0954036 1.7378955 0.2134393 107283765 C-x(9)-C motif containing 1
-0.3582953 -0.4003138 1.0579076 6.0610706 3.2670732 0.0600095 107289325 Yip1 domain family member 3
-0.3583182 -2.2793595 -0.1110388 3.3256511 8.0353199 0.0035011 107287748 pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase domain 2
-0.3588436 -0.1393371 1.0961809 2.6547831 1.3797857 0.2971328 107298182 actin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 4
-0.3596451 -0.4359827 -0.0582794 0.7768422 0.0329749 0.9915292 107299401 syntaxin-4-like
-0.3602980 -0.5009483 0.0272705 7.5277276 0.9856653 0.4327033 107285090 PEST proteolytic signal containing nuclear protein
-0.3605060 -0.0374172 -0.1408976 5.3970951 0.1808560 0.9072992 107285458 general transcription factor IIH subunit 3
-0.3605220 -0.2174327 0.0721141 6.1243057 0.6697148 0.5870113 107286085 signal transducing adaptor molecule 2
-0.3607870 -0.4264000 0.5527485 6.0281190 0.9231394 0.4597377 107298192 ALG5 dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase
-0.3613901 -1.2617359 -0.5275089 1.6071888 0.7021721 0.5690518 107299956 solute carrier family 29 (equilibrative nucleoside transporter) member 3
-0.3614207 -0.1369732 0.0561904 4.8384010 0.5316316 0.6692932 107288936 general transcription factor II-I repeat domain-containing protein 2-like
-0.3619481 -0.5677804 -0.0222632 6.5408147 0.7131168 0.5630948 107291747 ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal 8
-0.3620106 0.1790148 -2.4222232 0.8417719 3.7471647 0.0421524 107293615 family with sequence similarity 124 member B
-0.3620926 0.1420595 -0.1281523 3.6790334 0.6034849 0.6253456 107283052 coiled-coil and C2 domain containing 1B
-0.3622168 0.2439088 0.4275892 0.1351284 0.1754262 0.9109345 107298402 spermatid perinuclear RNA binding protein
-0.3625693 -1.3497711 -0.5617004 7.3654955 5.7431897 0.0116012 107286830 Nedd4 family interacting protein 1
-0.3627302 -0.4264324 -0.0647082 5.1251695 0.6572559 0.5940663 107288579 protein FAM133-like
-0.3628489 0.0189993 -0.4490938 3.6026348 0.8092275 0.5131813 107285349 WBP2 N-terminal like
-0.3634347 -0.7139396 -0.2398475 6.3586038 1.2812795 0.3259654 107292137 ring finger protein 141
-0.3634542 -0.4249675 -0.4578921 2.5368881 0.0146959 0.9974277 107289558 PAXIP1-associated glutamate-rich protein 1-like
-0.3636440 -0.4787193 -0.6576702 1.9358054 0.4929661 0.6939156 107292197 SUZ12 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit
-0.3637417 0.5086039 -1.1582021 3.2176976 1.2841814 0.3251988 107297151 hematopoietic lineage cell-specific protein-like
-0.3638126 1.1717499 1.2024385 5.2068860 5.3719384 0.0145191 107289350 guanine nucleotide-binding protein-like 3-like protein
-0.3640379 1.1374596 3.0420896 0.7435787 1.1969053 0.3533447 107301275 protein N-terminal glutamine amidohydrolase-like
-0.3640402 -0.6850275 -0.4704729 1.2944748 0.2351383 0.8701268 107301423 zinc finger protein 260-like
-0.3644024 -1.2913213 0.0650812 7.8262635 5.6960217 0.0119248 107290820 LMBR1 domain containing 1
-0.3649745 0.6961315 -0.2519711 3.7489283 3.5718358 0.0477282 107298250 decapping exoribonuclease
-0.3649984 -0.2306041 -0.9737702 3.7262707 3.3395157 0.0566947 107285117 putative protein FAM172B
-0.3657803 1.7352915 1.3106193 3.5861076 4.9390154 0.0189521 107287119 low density lipoprotein receptor
-0.3663595 0.5545361 -1.3710777 1.7387918 1.8785199 0.1880784 107291467 CTD small phosphatase 2
-0.3664920 -0.4865025 -1.4400986 0.6998932 3.1473753 0.0656033 107300633 CASP8 and FADD-like apoptosis regulator
-0.3665686 -0.1531597 -0.8866900 1.7786117 0.5157095 0.6793758 107301918 uncharacterized LOC107301918
-0.3672918 -1.0063532 -1.2533261 5.5052348 6.5521905 0.0073725 107290766 oxysterol binding protein like 8
-0.3675112 0.4067105 -0.3349908 6.9157652 1.1385207 0.3736288 107282651 signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (acute-phase response factor)
-0.3675876 -0.3209908 0.4780080 4.9038707 2.2806326 0.1323033 107293469 family with sequence similarity 174 member A
-0.3684766 -0.1716598 -10.8802855 16.2418586 11.7641560 0.0007417 107298268 putative uncharacterized protein DDB_G0271982
-0.3686695 -0.2023996 -0.8609195 1.4189103 1.1847918 0.3573347 107302445 coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 6
-0.3687018 -0.4401056 -0.6329078 0.3789886 0.4004312 0.7552976 107297813 WAS protein family homolog 1-like
-0.3688105 -0.8645635 -0.5573962 5.1963432 0.8621958 0.4876359 107293599 AF4/FMR2 family member 1
-0.3690812 -1.1482102 -1.0851929 -0.3083287 1.4143702 0.2875015 107299365 protocadherin beta-16-like
-0.3694015 -0.1400587 -0.1146389 4.5585937 0.3189538 0.8115450 107285343 ribosomal RNA processing 7 homolog A
-0.3695318 1.2786906 0.0412674 0.2570731 1.6137831 0.2388888 107298652 leucine rich repeat and sterile alpha motif containing 1
-0.3699303 -0.5195477 0.1555048 0.2434611 0.4843824 0.6994672 107295501 bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1A
-0.3701088 -0.6742605 -0.2049746 7.1368596 1.7176792 0.2172357 107302920 VAMP (vesicle-associated membrane protein)-associated protein B and C
-0.3708416 -0.0691203 0.1263390 2.2886753 0.1815352 0.9068431 107296460 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 10 like
-0.3721037 0.2886846 -0.0427657 5.7651381 0.6575514 0.5939380 107290440 defective in cullin neddylation 1 domain containing 2
-0.3726116 -0.3748636 -0.4636100 6.6233152 0.3383966 0.7979974 107284287 SPRY domain containing 7
-0.3728069 -0.1209964 -0.4479144 6.4778189 0.4565208 0.7177164 107290939 translin-associated factor X
-0.3729976 -1.2480316 0.2188948 5.8797348 2.4652823 0.1133937 107294410 phosphate cytidylyltransferase 2 ethanolamine
-0.3742594 -0.1017115 0.1045311 5.2249745 0.7668737 0.5346109 107288853 UTP18 small subunit processome component
-0.3742965 -0.7834477 -0.4473520 1.7237686 0.3002667 0.8246096 107294217 ras-related protein Rab-10-like
-0.3748194 -0.4566463 -0.9456636 0.8176180 0.5170150 0.6785469 107297871 CD93 molecule
-0.3749843 0.0771948 -1.0242314 1.1883159 1.1547555 0.3678319 107284676 inositol 145-trisphosphate receptor interacting protein
-0.3751006 -0.2619683 -0.6756783 5.3696950 1.6868161 0.2234298 107292808 trafficking protein particle complex 8
-0.3752296 -1.0310545 -0.6807971 0.9635328 0.7759366 0.5299991 107290720 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 5
-0.3754366 -1.0519228 -0.5572632 5.0403739 3.2071315 0.0626700 107285753 nibrin
-0.3756225 -0.1047568 -0.2764331 5.0226741 0.3112159 0.8169510 107285467 GPN-loop GTPase 3
-0.3758251 0.0080303 0.4122925 3.9410691 1.9333435 0.1789652 107300591 zinc finger protein 91-like
-0.3761385 -0.4313021 -0.9320612 1.6129268 0.4349660 0.7320286 107290484 syntaxin 11
-0.3764127 0.7459395 0.3878113 3.9065440 1.1533535 0.3683603 107295223 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 18
-0.3764165 -0.5637906 -0.6090036 4.4144341 0.9720454 0.4384433 107288581 REST corepressor 3
-0.3766297 -0.2727156 1.9941294 3.3164258 2.5822232 0.1029451 107298117 transmembrane protein 176A-like
-0.3766573 -1.1868279 -3.0057518 1.6657311 5.1952578 0.0161643 107286343 transforming growth factor beta receptor III
-0.3767229 0.8396865 1.5717659 5.6577210 7.8380552 0.0038482 107290437 transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 3
-0.3767850 0.3003675 0.1397709 4.9771733 1.3800931 0.2969093 107284285 VPS54 GARP complex subunit
-0.3768625 0.2146769 0.2249447 3.8746341 0.7604641 0.5379896 107299347 death associated protein 3
-0.3769435 -0.7003891 -0.2696105 8.3018522 0.7294863 0.5542593 107289097 nuclear casein kinase and cyclin-dependent kinase substrate 1
-0.3772363 0.6031163 1.3114958 0.4359592 2.2937350 0.1308356 107284589 acid phosphatase 1 soluble
-0.3772982 0.8241625 0.2535201 0.0810536 0.2326865 0.8718293 107301907 zinc finger protein 470-like
-0.3776125 0.2482586 -0.4048784 3.3848012 0.7493476 0.5437874 107292595 uncharacterized LOC107292595
-0.3776133 -0.2068686 -0.5960405 2.3347862 0.5356181 0.6667925 107283537 transcription factor 25 (basic helix-loop-helix)
-0.3778597 0.5634107 -0.4597038 5.8630785 1.0298921 0.4147310 107290570 abhydrolase domain containing 18
-0.3779279 -4.6352817 -0.8529952 4.7837041 47.2800643 0.0000008 107283309 cubilin
-0.3780148 -0.0047838 0.5470043 7.9086589 1.4535758 0.2771526 107289895 nudC nuclear distribution protein
-0.3781016 -0.8811625 0.2199889 5.4662338 2.6202682 0.0997871 107293394 mannose phosphate isomerase
-0.3781131 -0.7299109 -1.7388194 -0.4948283 0.7221163 0.5582400 107300270 metaxin-3-like
-0.3782204 -0.5936195 -2.0325390 0.0995269 1.0245472 0.4168721 107299334 protocadherin beta-16-like
-0.3783878 -1.3378640 2.1380398 7.5957914 12.2631091 0.0006196 107291689 CNDP dipeptidase 2 (metallopeptidase M20 family)
-0.3785794 -0.2397617 0.4985452 4.7865566 1.7177912 0.2173232 107283436 transmembrane protein 53
-0.3791736 0.7503859 -0.5663720 3.5930080 2.6454838 0.0977553 107283006 coagulation factor XIII A chain
-0.3793086 -0.6467314 -1.0257946 4.4327941 3.3793295 0.0550282 107285084 BCL2 associated athanogene 5
-0.3795896 0.6384132 -0.5323051 1.7146800 1.5138425 0.2620197 107290507 phosphatidylinositol-345-trisphosphate-dependent Rac exchange factor 2
-0.3796071 0.8654096 0.1885730 1.3740369 0.8369967 0.4996604 107285140 transmembrane protein 56-B-like
-0.3796075 -0.2236168 -0.4683281 2.9303829 0.3746204 0.7729445 107291315 dnaJ homolog subfamily C member 3-like
-0.3796552 0.3253892 -0.1611270 4.4337441 1.6083682 0.2400813 107288552 ubiquitin specific peptidase 38
-0.3803182 -5.4697450 -3.6956307 0.5314286 4.9816062 0.0184521 107301020 rho-related BTB domain-containing protein 1-like
-0.3808255 -0.2156645 -0.7413792 1.6754869 0.2584539 0.8538765 107302732 STAM binding protein like 1
-0.3809196 -0.4232323 -0.1290552 6.8880279 0.3502230 0.7897883 107282198 40S ribosomal protein S23
-0.3813377 0.0157874 0.5022617 6.6755394 1.0655504 0.4007373 107291429 ribosomal protein S10
-0.3821038 -0.9666944 0.1094168 4.2166889 3.6898030 0.0438095 107284068 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L like
-0.3821521 0.3081618 0.7304745 7.7471480 1.9140912 0.1822137 107287931 CCAAT/enhancer binding protein zeta
-0.3823093 0.1972163 0.2091694 4.7383289 0.4364796 0.7310180 107284412 Mdm1 nuclear protein
-0.3823731 -0.0761583 0.3984772 2.4286915 0.0274037 0.9935425 107294047 cell division cycle protein 27 homolog
-0.3829258 0.5448072 -0.1794850 1.5503365 0.8439118 0.4962634 107293096 proteasome activator subunit 1
-0.3832318 -0.1486658 0.6648123 10.7752114 0.5580321 0.6528966 ERCC-00043
-0.3832496 -0.5730746 -0.5117386 6.9239380 0.7867403 0.5244616 107283274 phosphorylated adaptor for RNA export
-0.3833566 0.2237952 0.3585869 5.3570287 1.9262551 0.1800952 107296830 WD repeat domain 4
-0.3834135 -0.9567661 -1.2953412 0.5854118 0.9201283 0.4610775 107296249 SH3-domain GRB2-like endophilin B2
-0.3837398 -0.1030567 -1.5961257 8.0545084 2.1753937 0.1449585 107290730 cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 7
-0.3838820 -0.4470189 -1.2446699 2.7952961 4.2903338 0.0288153 107303004 histone deacetylase 4-like
-0.3842040 -1.4548698 -2.3278226 1.0322176 2.5985137 0.1015791 107299491 DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit-like
-0.3844033 0.1215615 1.4074596 2.8125330 2.3159375 0.1285500 107297793 notchless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
-0.3845277 -0.1093547 -0.1723656 3.8773989 0.3040111 0.8219902 107287933 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex assembly factor 7
-0.3851271 -0.4395774 -0.2909457 4.9298499 0.2098983 0.8875657 107291256 coiled-coil domain containing 18
-0.3852006 -1.1515268 0.8308353 5.0843862 9.0660221 0.0021755 107297275 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2W (putative)
-0.3853123 0.4962758 0.0891296 2.3500241 0.6756280 0.5837399 107289456 zinc finger protein 721-like
-0.3857547 -0.4656772 -0.3613183 5.3342843 0.5230653 0.6747084 107284903 tRNA-yW synthesizing protein 5
-0.3860662 -0.7858724 0.5553631 0.8356484 1.0285221 0.4152787 107295890 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf16
-0.3863132 0.0938598 0.2768565 -0.0235257 0.0886876 0.9648632 107301962 zinc finger protein 253-like
-0.3863467 -0.0078796 0.2333068 1.1797995 0.2718195 0.8445280 107294905 uncharacterized LOC107294905
-0.3863533 -1.3257548 -2.6092903 6.5224992 1.2800688 0.3264692 107295763 uncharacterized LOC107295763
-0.3867153 -0.1508202 -0.1610411 5.6618859 0.3007065 0.8243018 107293973 mediator complex subunit 20
-0.3868067 -0.3599851 -2.1513500 2.9695549 1.4239707 0.2850665 107296820 integral membrane protein 2C-like
-0.3869703 -0.0868606 0.2338381 0.9583792 0.3118117 0.8165347 107292220 major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 1-like
-0.3872791 -0.4250475 0.8262935 3.6190324 0.1392331 0.9345554 107293246 signal recognition particle 19 kDa protein-like
-0.3873571 -0.4476865 0.3228663 7.8572967 2.0202298 0.1657454 107286647 hematological and neurological expressed 1
-0.3874857 -0.0993870 -2.0186393 1.8132940 2.1906420 0.1430675 107295619 zinc finger MIZ-type containing 1
-0.3890892 0.3165123 -2.1184063 1.3489368 3.2872380 0.0591022 107296501 tuberous sclerosis 1
-0.3892317 -0.3491445 -0.3207272 4.1868111 0.4471934 0.7238741 107302961 adaptor related protein complex 5 mu 1 subunit
-0.3911544 -0.1919185 -0.5625476 4.2222003 1.1234686 0.3789446 107290073 HSPB1 associated protein 1
-0.3914512 -0.1244979 -0.0318155 1.1396656 0.1460734 0.9301890 107292856 zinc finger protein 501-like
-0.3916158 -0.1176770 -0.3343858 3.0564099 0.3720275 0.7747267 107295164 elongation factor 2-like
-0.3918188 -0.6083485 -0.4307826 5.9402729 0.7940180 0.5208264 107284694 LanC like 2
-0.3919806 0.3021779 0.2457158 1.1719323 0.5977732 0.6287503 107286012 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L55
-0.3921265 0.1624905 -0.2363971 3.3693481 0.6371738 0.6055853 107303037 tousled like kinase 2
-0.3922689 0.5018319 -0.5871640 3.5749707 1.3550723 0.3041251 107287390 WAS/WASL interacting protein family member 1
-0.3923959 -0.1377687 0.2495891 6.0687716 0.5290180 0.6709621 107296022 ribosomal protein S19
-0.3925624 0.1939007 -1.5272003 1.0414677 2.2293713 0.1383894 107283361 ABL proto-oncogene 2 non-receptor tyrosine kinase
-0.3929882 -0.3037329 -0.2545309 5.3228698 0.3491699 0.7905172 107289737 pentatricopeptide repeat domain 2
-0.3932146 -0.1132039 -1.1042048 0.0615855 0.4700869 0.7088007 107301386 LEM domain-containing protein 2-like
-0.3935152 0.0292993 -0.0875911 6.2855749 0.2893621 0.8322440 107287225 ubiquitin like 5
-0.3935729 -0.0117939 -0.1131293 4.5682848 0.4421556 0.7272280 107300240 activator of basal transcription 1
-0.3936034 -2.8719809 -0.1572669 1.5193150 3.1628339 0.0649642 107302881 dimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 2-like
-0.3939385 0.7593219 3.7581544 2.5545144 5.8720778 0.0108212 107282577 family with sequence similarity 20 member A
-0.3943112 -0.0906369 0.3161716 5.6298157 0.7069091 0.5664665 107282640 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L45
-0.3943185 0.1676184 0.5049479 6.8082898 1.5057667 0.2640959 107293094 proteasome activator subunit 2
-0.3943486 -0.4469664 -0.7087383 6.2309718 1.0275766 0.4156262 107292072 exocyst complex component 3
-0.3947433 0.7133594 0.4196883 5.9030757 3.7386412 0.0422971 107284415 cullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated 1
-0.3949713 0.1484532 0.1805668 4.4798967 1.1551317 0.3676178 107284588 neurolysin
-0.3949912 -0.2226367 0.7164127 5.2317926 0.9965715 0.4282685 107289026 G protein-coupled receptor 89B
-0.3954221 -0.4030437 -2.3186469 2.6243055 1.9738498 0.1728202 107287644 IKAROS family zinc finger 1
-0.3956570 0.0770846 0.5544297 7.7757154 1.1598039 0.3660940 107287352 guanine nucleotide binding protein-like 3 (nucleolar)
-0.3963448 -0.5698634 -0.8390299 3.5425954 1.8186090 0.1982849 107294804 uncharacterized LOC107294804
-0.3965365 -0.0104161 0.4687338 1.2865835 0.1885185 0.9021370 107301104 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase mitochondrial-like
-0.3966895 -0.1140104 0.0520418 2.7930310 0.3859915 0.7651460 107297817 pre-mRNA-processing factor 17-like
-0.3969791 -0.7068980 -0.9309955 5.7371365 1.9750585 0.1725881 107289834 FAST kinase domains 2
-0.3971728 0.0259586 0.3132928 3.3207455 1.1338887 0.3751766 107284964 regulator of microtubule dynamics 1
-0.3975449 -0.4542631 -0.8087880 -0.1154581 0.3886668 0.7633167 107300315 zinc finger protein 850-like
-0.3978289 0.1765847 0.2304982 2.4870147 1.0740369 0.3973738 107303234 histone deacetylase 8
-0.3978927 -2.6874548 0.7396967 3.5305553 24.5358405 0.0000234 107294005 zinc and ring finger 2 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-0.3979915 0.0637884 -1.0976196 0.3786157 0.7913926 0.5221684 107296447 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 17
-0.3985105 -0.4105799 -0.2843063 7.0507968 0.4174671 0.7437636 107285983 ankyrin repeat domain 12
-0.3987012 -0.3361472 -0.1094591 3.4937353 0.3936840 0.7598917 107292593 zinc finger protein 407-like
-0.3987313 0.0610529 -0.4068685 7.8241664 0.7314190 0.5532057 107292932 proteasome 26S subunit ATPase 3
-0.3993420 0.5577639 -0.2054424 0.9066414 0.8267233 0.5045745 107298847 uncharacterized LOC107298847
-0.3995099 -0.7378700 -0.9495024 5.2376160 3.2441576 0.0609285 107291767 TANK-binding kinase 1
-0.3996757 -0.6635713 -1.2375477 4.4853195 3.1252538 0.0668652 107298306 AF4/FMR2 family member 4
-0.3996987 -0.5078023 -2.6774391 0.2508750 2.3357907 0.1264075 107287273 KIAA1671 ortholog
-0.4003664 0.1472007 1.8900385 3.3008267 2.6920771 0.0941245 107290337 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C25
-0.4006704 -0.1485499 0.3551503 6.4030116 2.4260175 0.1170132 107294091 trafficking protein particle complex 12
-0.4012375 -0.1165053 -0.4271167 0.2426188 0.2162105 0.8832299 107288548 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 5
-0.4014835 -0.6586971 -1.0018460 3.5803831 2.4435163 0.1153128 107295482 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L
-0.4016302 -0.3853826 0.1754277 7.6875568 0.6782824 0.5822557 107282884 ubiquitin A-52 residue ribosomal protein fusion product 1
-0.4016805 -0.5771076 0.2883714 4.3933749 1.4946950 0.2668596 107297714 proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 5
-0.4018959 -0.4105520 -0.4079704 7.3915991 0.6094727 0.6217931 107282247 BCL2 associated transcription factor 1
-0.4022326 -1.1461990 -0.6468321 2.5623275 1.9782757 0.1719855 107288620 phospholipase A2 group VI
-0.4023144 0.0367316 -0.2078576 4.9388880 0.6683804 0.5877627 107294947 plakophilin 4
-0.4025905 -0.1043751 -0.3423808 5.2424329 0.3674886 0.7778568 107299926 OCIA domain-containing protein 1-like
-0.4025991 1.9820056 -0.7288013 -0.1148562 2.0631018 0.1597937 107294140 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
-0.4028683 -2.5909721 0.4100405 2.8234566 6.5184906 0.0075502 107283821 leucine-rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 5
-0.4029533 -0.0764304 -0.0427051 3.8158266 0.3453232 0.7931859 107301544 zinc finger protein 2 homolog
-0.4030440 -2.7999057 0.4801321 4.5932409 44.4984462 0.0000010 107303317 xylulokinase homolog (H. influenzae)
-0.4039095 0.5707387 1.1993436 3.8739169 4.6760411 0.0223881 107285971 fidgetin like 1
-0.4041139 -0.6243976 1.2180388 2.9062318 1.7811162 0.2052570 107300959 mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim10-like
-0.4043880 1.2516037 -0.5381223 4.0404424 2.3003840 0.1302575 107295022 phosphodiesterase 3B
-0.4044813 0.2796369 -1.9934020 0.9492789 4.9478140 0.0188064 107298939 attractin
-0.4054021 -0.1918286 1.4076420 9.1047978 2.8965519 0.0799181 107284910 heat shock protein family D (Hsp60) member 1
-0.4059109 -0.0763306 -3.2065961 2.3592890 7.2878154 0.0050506 107283523 nuclear factor of activated T-cells 5 tonicity-responsive
-0.4060588 0.8485117 0.0091184 6.4109239 3.3522357 0.0561716 107294613 RNA binding motif single stranded interacting protein 1
-0.4062719 -0.9135942 -0.5427090 0.3520225 0.5630042 0.6498091 107300046 mitochondrial ribosome-associated GTPase 1-like
-0.4064694 1.0397239 0.0429303 1.8503570 1.7032335 0.2202661 107286704 ATP binding cassette subfamily D member 1
-0.4064735 -0.7438267 0.5781640 5.4274223 1.7408285 0.2128726 107294107 glia maturation factor beta
-0.4067879 -0.0836057 -0.0057467 2.3357614 0.3701141 0.7760436 107297111 lysine-rich nucleolar protein 1
-0.4067980 -0.0823014 0.4981851 9.7286119 0.8569650 0.4900409 107290191 ribosomal protein L5
-0.4068752 0.1908388 1.0920703 10.2272432 2.0244314 0.1651544 107295973 heat shock protein 90kDa alpha family class B member 1
-0.4075411 0.3280505 -0.2057267 1.0582783 0.6147456 0.6186788 107297667 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
-0.4080525 0.3826997 0.3248237 6.0820061 2.8339944 0.0838385 107288173 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 2
-0.4080883 0.7982875 -0.0648266 2.3168082 2.6537719 0.0969461 107299145 alsin-like
-0.4081662 -0.0707155 0.2628190 4.7110267 0.6276964 0.6111271 107286158 cyclin Y like 1
-0.4083514 -1.3468195 -1.3928238 4.0675736 3.2633256 0.0601799 107285875 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C21orf2
-0.4087625 -0.7973395 0.0070582 3.4142101 1.4735178 0.2720934 107283327 tRNA aspartic acid methyltransferase 1
-0.4100747 -0.1302660 -0.2922812 2.6596938 0.2411576 0.8659427 107286896 oxidoreductase-like domain containing 1
-0.4102080 -2.9448629 -6.5239233 7.7170711 44.0593553 0.0000011 107302661 sorbin and SH3 domain containing 2
-0.4102217 -0.5744467 -0.0632492 3.6184174 1.0381122 0.4113582 107283922 cancer susceptibility candidate 4
-0.4104630 -0.8382295 -1.1932958 -0.0829611 0.8628110 0.4872685 107295390 spalt-like transcription factor 2
-0.4107324 -0.4421714 -0.5344541 5.9545945 1.3904760 0.2940244 107286671 KIAA1033 ortholog
-0.4116299 -0.2464979 -1.3983490 7.2224078 2.3886522 0.1208989 107284117 family with sequence similarity 162 member A
-0.4116862 0.6110851 -0.6174592 0.7588857 1.7103999 0.2186791 107298952 family with sequence similarity 185 member A
-0.4116928 1.0056750 -0.0297004 3.6778204 0.7767578 0.5295982 107293771 oxidative stress induced growth inhibitor 1
-0.4117229 -0.0604816 0.4162017 1.9786031 0.6245351 0.6129606 107287951 diacylglycerol lipase alpha
-0.4120470 -0.4059706 -0.7351488 5.4201046 1.6829922 0.2242109 107291756 CASP8 and FADD like apoptosis regulator
-0.4123314 -0.2019725 -0.6159386 5.0850139 1.0996036 0.3877265 107284828 helicase-like transcription factor
-0.4124779 -0.1763057 0.5503653 3.1027937 1.5365186 0.2565643 107300243 UPF0538 protein C2orf76 homolog
-0.4124829 -0.0829649 0.3305975 3.7531641 1.1857484 0.3570082 107298055 alkB homolog 7
-0.4126167 -0.3440731 -0.5377144 2.3840388 0.5473368 0.6594830 107286918 nitric oxide associated 1
-0.4130491 -0.2960356 -0.6383405 2.7516847 0.7165851 0.5611646 107301664 SUMO-specific isopeptidase USPL1-like
-0.4132784 -0.1478094 -0.0042472 1.9317943 0.1946381 0.8979897 107302705 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily d member 1
-0.4135171 -0.2879452 -0.7467826 4.2903032 0.9579398 0.4445384 107289852 vacuolar protein sorting 36 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
-0.4141468 -1.5576110 -0.1150768 5.9619066 6.6524975 0.0070223 107284988 N-acetylneuraminate pyruvate lyase (dihydrodipicolinate synthase)
-0.4142693 1.1469175 2.1345813 3.0154186 1.8562138 0.1918646 107302183 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-0.4142927 -0.2618893 0.0318060 5.2275835 0.5683264 0.6465748 107302998 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2F (putative)
-0.4150419 0.2869787 -0.8696001 0.2727472 0.1470937 0.9295297 107301280 uncharacterized LOC107301280
-0.4150531 0.0167162 -0.2431679 7.3532113 0.2943443 0.8287554 107292000 glyoxalase I
-0.4152721 -0.0941720 2.0962799 5.1048461 7.0428814 0.0057237 107302457 proline rich Gla (G-carboxyglutamic acid) 4 (transmembrane)
-0.4152820 -0.2794058 0.5016515 6.0457577 1.9625132 0.1744829 107291664 fragile X mental retardation 1
-0.4153088 0.0159077 0.0097894 4.8628268 0.9128878 0.4642305 107291212 SDE2 telomere maintenance homolog (S. pombe)
-0.4154594 0.4698904 -3.3170724 2.3198467 7.5559560 0.0044170 107302438 ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 4
-0.4156432 -0.1853460 0.0019317 7.4456368 0.6508398 0.5977204 107283664 IK cytokine down-regulator of HLA II
-0.4159904 -0.4218162 -0.9273811 6.2427488 1.3062314 0.3184785 107289864 poly(A) binding protein interacting protein 2
-0.4164372 0.0263647 1.0767526 4.1092169 1.4922832 0.2674589 ERCC-00059
-0.4164924 0.5201879 -2.6778471 -0.5645609 5.1836068 0.0162599 107301083 inositol 145-trisphosphate receptor type 1-like
-0.4174020 -1.1399409 -1.4957514 3.3333832 5.0558757 0.0175449 107300433 protein kinase C-binding protein 1-like
-0.4177382 -0.3470292 -0.9583820 -0.1754604 0.3232970 0.8085141 107298839 tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type substrate 1-like
-0.4177392 -0.2414493 0.5558919 5.9171139 3.1788771 0.0640377 107302692 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 1
-0.4178826 1.0408192 0.0402827 -0.2899519 0.6809844 0.5807484 107287958 polymerase (DNA) mu
-0.4183816 -0.2384207 -1.0108884 2.3802193 2.1428798 0.1489253 107291462 leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 2
-0.4185910 0.2088668 0.8638462 5.7432041 1.6862907 0.2236918 107302980 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 15B
-0.4188553 -0.9167516 0.0068970 2.0835549 1.5582532 0.2514407 107299550 glucosylceramidase-like
-0.4195279 -0.2293835 0.7649452 4.4147885 3.1428128 0.0658882 107290727 SAYSVFN motif domain containing 1
-0.4198387 -0.2510648 0.3881905 2.6964970 0.4436998 0.7262084 107295195 clustered mitochondria (cluA/CLU1) homolog
-0.4212014 -3.2687702 -1.1416848 0.1696911 5.4698078 0.0136920 107288889 CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 4
-0.4218686 0.3128762 0.0031049 4.8561761 1.2020623 0.3515584 107302065 TFIIH basal transcription factor complex helicase XPB subunit-like
-0.4232518 -0.3217036 0.0564852 6.6784316 0.8463373 0.4950944 107303314 Ras homolog enriched in brain
-0.4235175 -0.2782707 1.5928312 0.5990432 2.6946518 0.0937779 107298003 glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 2
-0.4236158 -0.5990844 -10.5769968 12.9522263 12.2242429 0.0006282 107296511 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 91-like
-0.4242378 -1.9073673 -2.1462552 0.9282298 4.0679719 0.0336130 107295394 polycystin-2-like
-0.4243633 -1.2519259 -1.4946539 0.4220693 2.3834491 0.1212705 107298362 lethal(3)malignant brain tumor-like protein 3
-0.4243684 -0.0177552 -0.0267501 3.9550453 0.5406868 0.6636255 107285697 protein ZBED8-like
-0.4248911 -0.2585450 -0.3825462 3.8023235 0.4704212 0.7085648 107283258 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U4/U6.U5 27kDa subunit
-0.4249700 0.0714705 -0.0158464 4.0803073 1.1496555 0.3695507 107283051 terminal uridylyltransferase 4-like
-0.4251463 -5.0439017 2.6668569 1.6484246 20.7670457 0.0000540 107285553 cytochrome P450 2K1-like
-0.4252596 -0.8742674 -2.3569741 -0.7420179 2.7956623 0.0864632 107282938 uncharacterized LOC107282938
-0.4255511 -0.3718512 -0.6462509 3.6574984 0.9659247 0.4410317 107300257 bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain protein 1A-like
-0.4255832 -0.9626119 0.0118519 4.5789968 1.7827378 0.2049569 107285940 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase short/branched chain
-0.4259348 0.9937043 -0.2297767 5.3713093 0.3393096 0.7973628 107282680 sacsin-like
-0.4263486 -0.1843645 -0.1123302 4.8490088 0.5586114 0.6525100 107285418 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 7B
-0.4268239 -0.6091607 -0.7854060 4.8982936 1.9866250 0.1707228 107296972 STE20-related kinase adaptor beta
-0.4270605 0.7054442 0.0365064 4.1464594 2.5934777 0.1018660 107288948 armadillo repeat containing 1
-0.4273731 -0.2738158 0.5620968 2.5669057 2.3015767 0.1299660 107288937 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 12
-0.4276066 -0.0511616 -0.0078844 4.8510683 0.5628443 0.6499286 107300452 nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1-like
-0.4280822 0.5375324 -2.1722636 3.1698729 19.0584167 0.0000806 107282270 F2R like thrombin/trypsin receptor 3
-0.4285465 2.0738464 2.2146067 4.0066423 6.9228096 0.0060916 107297677 transmembrane protein 62-like
-0.4286831 -0.1620148 -0.0407786 3.5617543 0.2228510 0.8786420 107299069 ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 1-like
-0.4294516 -0.2475906 -1.6981342 4.2865849 3.6817520 0.0441802 107302845 ring finger and CCCH-type domains 1
-0.4305813 -0.4000198 0.1683106 2.2286267 0.5508832 0.6573035 107294696 glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor attachment 1
-0.4308255 -1.3566587 -2.4851077 2.1353492 0.3704529 0.7758155 107295200 microfibril-associated glycoprotein 4-like
-0.4312271 0.3498897 0.5122335 5.5572365 1.0019281 0.4260616 107286482 oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit 4 non-catalytic
-0.4312820 -1.1906156 -0.9451808 2.3920222 1.0539166 0.4052477 107285240 spermatogenesis associated 1
-0.4317860 -0.6623492 0.3434229 4.3808428 2.0485818 0.1618350 107282647 Coenzyme A synthase
-0.4319702 1.4519335 -0.6415635 2.3355454 1.5280259 0.2587277 107284819 CD3e molecule
-0.4320121 -0.5658171 -1.2301314 2.4605625 3.0950532 0.0683024 107287891 Rho GTPase activating protein 10
-0.4322699 -0.6631180 -0.1081599 5.1151628 0.9421252 0.4513809 107290153 FK506 binding protein 3
-0.4322969 -0.3123146 -0.0864023 4.8581920 0.2809899 0.8381071 107294972 interleukin-6 receptor subunit beta-like
-0.4324505 1.4968224 1.4503979 0.2600605 1.6098902 0.2398971 ERCC-00154
-0.4325916 -0.5899376 -1.4540237 2.0156447 1.5761396 0.2474694 107301061 iron responsive element binding protein 2
-0.4326220 0.2770768 -2.2782251 0.3241537 2.6657304 0.0961581 107288666 tripartite motif containing 3
-0.4326854 -0.7621928 -0.6709699 3.5215357 0.6167819 0.6175185 107293562 coagulation factor II thrombin receptor like 2
-0.4330626 -1.2262683 -0.9729496 1.0699512 1.4138444 0.2876593 107294344 family with sequence similarity 118 member A
-0.4333439 -0.6593308 -0.9347185 -0.2910667 0.6125250 0.6199887 107295886 CDKN1A interacting zinc finger protein 1
-0.4337997 -0.1175748 -0.6143943 5.5991558 0.2246768 0.8773795 107283332 macrophage mannose receptor 1-like
-0.4343283 0.2854044 -0.2028109 2.3832111 0.3908677 0.7618206 107299188 peroxiredoxin 5
-0.4350704 0.6243562 -0.0789537 3.8824078 1.2562406 0.3339364 107297597 kinesin family member 3A
-0.4351476 0.5020899 2.2587890 11.1073622 3.1792144 0.0641552 107294617 heat shock protein 90kDa beta family member 1
-0.4353456 -0.4882086 0.4825434 4.0619068 4.2397210 0.0298192 107282165 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 gamma
-0.4356585 0.3937766 -2.6633504 2.8949631 7.0542087 0.0056903 107296437 spen family transcriptional repressor
-0.4357978 0.3944479 0.1393126 4.2242085 1.4966549 0.2662933 107291139 sperm autoantigenic protein 17
-0.4359565 -1.3890203 -0.5763539 8.6454114 2.9870762 0.0742993 107290765 nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1
-0.4361402 -1.4767950 0.7808348 5.6149295 5.7056769 0.0119143 107282813 phosphoribosyl transferase domain containing 1
-0.4361429 -0.1219059 0.7722975 7.5173845 4.6126641 0.0232692 107283374 torsin-1A-interacting protein 1-like
-0.4361617 -0.7134393 0.6475132 6.7431092 4.0944865 0.0329465 107290411 dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 1 catalytic subunit
-0.4380417 -0.9300554 -0.5138467 2.6128478 1.0441288 0.4090530 107286348 nucleolar protein 7
-0.4382753 0.4238201 3.5377692 4.7719155 8.3220190 0.0030596 107286635 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf168
-0.4382824 -0.0298528 -0.2942644 2.0460667 0.4013550 0.7546696 107290755 transcription elongation factor B (SIII) polypeptide 3 (110kDa elongin A)
-0.4383634 -0.3586844 -0.3234756 4.6950968 0.5211319 0.6759159 107294310 WD and tetratricopeptide repeats 1
-0.4385717 -0.2823110 0.7400827 1.5131516 1.0648614 0.4010030 107282278 MPV17 mitochondrial membrane protein-like 2
-0.4388083 2.4437950 2.3579821 3.2887355 11.3708712 0.0008582 107295476 stonin 2
-0.4391009 -1.7366987 -0.1854561 1.3751396 3.1983960 0.0631829 107289383 breast carcinoma amplified sequence 4
-0.4393610 -0.4139965 0.3964355 2.8753897 1.0571373 0.4039937 107297589 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C16orf59
-0.4395234 -0.7857608 -1.1520452 4.9119348 2.4046783 0.1192834 107296302 tripartite motif containing 2
-0.4395820 0.0510862 -2.7044400 4.4745821 15.2876376 0.0002308 107295644 transmembrane protein 43
-0.4399273 1.0041833 -1.3433489 0.9712662 1.0155204 0.4205145 107291582 Bruton tyrosine kinase
-0.4404623 -2.7097975 -0.5102165 0.5700939 1.7087022 0.2191730 107289715 CD79a molecule
-0.4406231 -0.4495119 -0.2451861 6.3350441 0.5704977 0.6452265 107287800 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class K
-0.4407002 0.1661358 -0.7401546 3.4190386 2.0000104 0.1687202 107303178 helicase POLQ-like
-0.4413468 -0.1594928 0.4176946 6.3050434 0.9736149 0.4378613 107291583 60S ribosomal protein L36a-like
-0.4424368 -0.5132556 -1.9877894 2.3087901 5.0247776 0.0179609 107297267 ras and Rab interactor 3-like
-0.4426755 -0.7564266 -0.7341955 4.7672745 2.9120891 0.0788000 107289689 zinc finger protein 318-like
-0.4430786 -0.9397885 -0.1536215 5.3103466 1.8247235 0.1973568 107292059 sorting nexin 3
-0.4437944 -0.4171463 -1.2501031 5.0027354 2.4495839 0.1148867 107287315 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S14
-0.4438241 -0.2060104 -0.8033474 2.6599048 0.8996527 0.4702690 107303163 progestin and adipoQ receptor family member III
-0.4438938 0.1674095 0.3042675 4.1323846 1.4483178 0.2785180 107288563 tRNA-yW synthesizing protein 1 homolog
-0.4441924 -0.1907593 0.2587092 1.2794234 0.5890799 0.6339622 107298492 zinc finger protein 91-like
-0.4450470 -0.0600064 0.2099649 3.6703469 0.9710788 0.4388414 107286344 lysine demethylase 1B
-0.4456389 0.2488965 -2.3864448 3.4929079 20.7409554 0.0000534 107299164 ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain ankyrin repeat and PH domain 3
-0.4462152 -0.4871336 -0.6584339 7.1981083 1.1384555 0.3735377 107290511 BTB and CNC homology 1 basic leucine zipper transcription factor 1
-0.4464599 -0.1403080 -0.3720004 6.7056341 0.9373851 0.4533643 107295121 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1
-0.4467594 -1.2132375 -0.7935376 -0.1772093 0.2577700 0.8543543 107301594 nuclear valosin-containing protein-like
-0.4470264 -0.5872636 0.4196158 0.0588436 0.8401860 0.4980485 ERCC-00137
-0.4470808 0.0744316 0.0083641 4.2055073 0.7737270 0.5310936 107283957 axin 1
-0.4471565 -0.1078582 -1.2115531 2.3064572 2.2436421 0.1366136 107286265 RNA binding motif protein 15
-0.4472689 -0.2363936 -0.0867237 3.2495777 0.6905221 0.5754058 107294951 UBX domain protein 7
-0.4474514 0.3500536 0.5250931 7.8975516 1.3010237 0.3200519 107302479 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit M
-0.4475838 -1.9512050 -1.2854127 1.8944076 2.3286703 0.1271712 107285989 Rho GTPase activating protein 28
-0.4477222 -0.1605522 0.2301838 3.2660876 0.9969843 0.4280014 107294837 cell division cycle 7
-0.4480530 -0.0811203 0.4879626 6.2439560 1.1304502 0.3765290 107283458 EBNA1 binding protein 2
-0.4481698 0.0507944 0.8147384 9.1377659 1.7420578 0.2125497 107293739 prostaglandin E synthase 3
-0.4483947 -2.3771764 -0.6485172 1.3956149 3.5705937 0.0478910 107299918 tyrosine-protein kinase Mer-like
-0.4486167 -0.5591843 0.0004287 6.7788657 0.8220554 0.5069281 107289674 farnesyltransferase CAAX box alpha
-0.4486676 -0.6431437 -0.7071394 4.7761281 1.9032431 0.1838198 107294670 DEAD-box helicase 59
-0.4486999 -0.5516932 0.6233855 1.2289278 0.3206541 0.8103583 107298987 vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 52 homolog
-0.4492907 -0.0750544 -0.7829493 1.5917422 1.0561432 0.4042759 107301603 pyruvate dehydrogenase protein X component mitochondrial-like
-0.4495070 -0.0295185 -0.7912936 3.9667031 1.9341853 0.1788315 107291699 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 2
-0.4496545 -0.3794209 -0.1623322 1.8011217 0.3421772 0.7953679 107285607 general transcription factor IIE subunit 2
-0.4498578 0.5203387 1.9850483 2.6009986 10.8076164 0.0010540 107282892 nuclear receptor 2C2 associated protein
-0.4499497 -0.0218812 0.7748293 7.9187044 3.0481319 0.0708322 107285411 suppression of tumorigenicity 13 (colon carcinoma) (Hsp70 interacting protein)
-0.4502412 -0.0520728 0.2534913 4.4810548 0.8229616 0.5064844 107303036 methyltransferase-like protein 2
-0.4505336 -0.6562532 -0.6785442 5.5223036 0.9452374 0.4500259 107286149 aminoadipate aminotransferase
-0.4506044 -1.7389020 2.1982040 2.3535251 7.3409774 0.0049169 107295246 androglobin
-0.4511272 -0.7157502 -0.6290275 -0.2879078 0.3417663 0.7956533 107299060 tRNA 2’-phosphotransferase 1-like
-0.4512221 -0.5323078 -1.9073719 3.5195383 3.6380982 0.0455963 107286271 zinc finger CCCH-type antiviral protein 1-like
-0.4512877 0.3190302 1.0895164 4.5557585 2.4082241 0.1189293 107292230 methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase 1
-0.4514709 -0.5122693 -2.3865275 5.4456244 7.3644363 0.0048593 107298941 endomucin
-0.4522511 -0.9311395 -0.3016624 3.2321894 0.8790412 0.4797586 107299749 mannosidase alpha class 1A member 1
-0.4532228 -0.5626743 -0.4536124 1.2422224 0.1689821 0.9152219 107297066 BEN domain containing 7
-0.4532790 -1.5739025 0.2395856 7.1103917 5.8858536 0.0107360 107284213 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 10
-0.4536108 -2.2332095 -2.1387133 5.1769169 3.6286032 0.0459113 107294189 C-C chemokine receptor type 5-like
-0.4536117 0.1729699 -0.0946290 1.4049279 0.4348939 0.7320643 107300740 zinc finger protein 23-like
-0.4539762 0.4209759 -2.0973264 6.4641634 3.0295951 0.0720007 107285918 membrane primary amine oxidase-like
-0.4540071 -0.3156789 -0.8840933 1.4457235 1.0596249 0.4029231 107291085 TEA domain transcription factor 1
-0.4540437 -0.7862538 -0.8500869 0.7074227 0.6165419 0.6176243 107286824 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 E3-like
-0.4546884 -7.3699855 -6.8872315 8.0813104 16.2339632 0.0001748 107292166 glutathione S-transferase 3-like
-0.4549127 -2.3138641 -2.2744062 0.0820823 5.3434093 0.0147065 107292026 low density lipoprotein receptor class A domain containing 3
-0.4549409 -0.6389913 -3.1440924 0.4663882 2.0745243 0.1582084 107289046 kinesin family member 21B
-0.4551147 -0.7091845 -0.4029581 1.8430529 0.5452927 0.6607558 107282545 fms related tyrosine kinase 3 ligand
-0.4552726 -0.5326217 -0.4163561 2.6552328 0.2835881 0.8362875 107299869 dynactin subunit 3
-0.4552785 -0.9452287 -0.1322563 4.7293805 2.2530668 0.1355656 107288500 PMS1 homolog 1 mismatch repair system component
-0.4558290 -0.1077653 -0.4533055 8.1255972 0.1664082 0.9169256 107288630 histone H1.0
-0.4561879 0.4696607 -1.3924601 3.5678711 3.3725353 0.0554354 107287977 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble alpha 3
-0.4564592 -0.9778719 -0.8002237 6.2011996 1.7475229 0.2115855 107294011 CD81 molecule
-0.4565312 -0.1908572 -0.1064450 5.3864450 0.7222077 0.5581354 107285419 transducer of ERBB2 2
-0.4568059 0.3434437 -0.9742270 0.1032475 1.1458993 0.3708828 107291364 polyhomeotic homolog 2
-0.4570672 -0.0590283 -0.1306891 2.7938561 0.3029177 0.8227545 107282728 PAXIP1-associated glutamate-rich protein 1-like
-0.4577155 -1.1389280 -0.9961446 3.5011069 2.1634086 0.1464648 107282900 lysine acetyltransferase 2B
-0.4577700 0.2962548 2.3843374 2.9123099 2.5169990 0.1086298 107287040 signal peptidase complex subunit 2
-0.4587227 0.3393685 -0.1254029 0.1968421 0.6070609 0.6232219 107285027 mediator complex subunit 11
-0.4593325 -0.6603629 -0.5402261 3.0528949 1.0343508 0.4128520 107285835 RAD51 paralog B
-0.4593822 0.5053376 1.5715329 6.1122948 5.1550793 0.0165681 107294985 SEC24 homolog A COPII coat complex component
-0.4596075 -3.1600045 -1.7785245 -0.1872223 2.6567591 0.0968621 107303024 keratin type I cytoskeletal 19-like
-0.4597591 -0.3534290 -0.6809683 4.2056542 1.4842404 0.2693233 107283046 protein zyg-11 homolog B-like
-0.4601745 0.2668313 -0.6685666 1.0266011 1.1569677 0.3669721 107299490 activating molecule in BECN1-regulated autophagy protein 1-like
-0.4602742 0.4535276 0.8206836 4.6931621 5.1797869 0.0162499 107283667 WD repeat domain 55
-0.4602951 -0.4952404 0.1850947 6.8644921 2.5709252 0.1037510 107292106 DAZ associated protein 2
-0.4613806 -1.3092172 -1.6364311 4.3736530 8.6458851 0.0026167 107296754 peptidase M20 domain containing 2
-0.4624641 0.0930211 0.7619742 5.7711703 1.4296929 0.2835436 107297729 ATP binding cassette subfamily F member 1
-0.4629385 -0.7283856 -0.8762638 4.9076650 2.5549947 0.1051214 107285432 core histone macro-H2A.2
-0.4630661 -0.3911441 -0.3023322 3.2490476 0.3297872 0.8039894 107288852 mbt domain containing 1
-0.4631741 0.0229032 0.2185611 6.9204828 0.6241173 0.6132167 107290183 proteasome subunit beta 1
-0.4633111 -0.1804740 0.4092252 0.7010023 0.2182386 0.8818266 107301749 uncharacterized LOC107301749
-0.4633603 -0.3698980 -0.7787550 3.7667806 0.8669671 0.4853917 107302796 lipoic acid synthetase
-0.4636038 0.1575033 -0.2888542 4.0934899 1.3718967 0.2992086 107299509 plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 RNA-binding protein-like
-0.4641562 -0.1792755 -0.0199145 2.8517761 0.6359117 0.6063124 107290471 uncharacterized LOC107290471
-0.4647526 -0.2279133 -0.3436146 3.2495891 0.3649849 0.7795800 107297637 proteasome assembly chaperone 1-like
-0.4650602 -0.1500290 -1.8860364 0.6743143 2.3872371 0.1210427 107283241 nudix hydrolase 18
-0.4650717 -0.4012652 -0.7732243 4.8974349 1.0145123 0.4209233 107296728 major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein-like
-0.4654405 -1.0921817 -1.6068118 5.9390594 2.7344164 0.0909590 107293016 small VCP/p97-interacting protein
-0.4655351 0.6507014 0.0546151 5.1948831 1.0981252 0.3883872 107292128 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase mitochondrial-like
-0.4661414 -0.2186851 -2.0171230 9.0713356 4.3489362 0.0277937 107293889 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial F1 complex O subunit
-0.4662037 -2.2509972 -0.4064152 1.2800313 7.5552953 0.0043892 107302820 ankyrin repeat and SAM domain-containing protein 1A-like
-0.4662958 0.7443464 1.6167543 5.3120328 5.4322403 0.0140028 107298348 stromal cell derived factor 4
-0.4665865 0.3744966 -1.1577365 0.9330810 1.0511495 0.4063283 107296099 protein SSUH2 homolog
-0.4673787 -1.3223628 -0.1872699 3.7646026 3.4491875 0.0523632 107294126 solute carrier family 25 member 38
-0.4675370 0.1334570 -0.3254500 4.5035881 1.4688781 0.2732088 107298014 tectonin beta-propeller repeat containing 2
-0.4680762 -0.1518855 0.2028813 4.1692390 1.5027040 0.2647341 107294652 transcription elongation factor mitochondrial
-0.4683312 3.4783832 -0.2361071 -0.0579706 2.9698037 0.0754414 107301084 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase synoviolin
-0.4684261 1.0937771 1.0844677 1.8380834 5.8004091 0.0112223 107291848 polycomb group ring finger 3
-0.4685105 -1.0339984 -0.3456958 2.5451317 2.0858867 0.1564877 107292752 RAD54 homolog B (S. cerevisiae)
-0.4688142 0.5927527 -0.6325238 1.1744398 1.5773952 0.2470328 107296889 zinc finger protein 239-like
-0.4689244 0.1732903 0.0873919 8.2964778 0.7468310 0.5450725 107298451 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit gamma
-0.4693655 -1.5391771 -0.2629389 2.9532055 7.5309791 0.0044424 107290772 store-operated calcium entry regulator STIMATE-like
-0.4695928 -2.4146393 -1.7090774 1.7502417 3.2709111 0.0598356 107285687 intercellular adhesion molecule 5-like
-0.4696537 -0.5396377 -0.5675794 5.2763147 1.1386866 0.3734550 107289178 RB1 inducible coiled-coil 1
-0.4703269 0.7363591 1.4832726 0.8121941 0.5785854 0.6403344 107300514 unconventional myosin-XIX-like
-0.4705390 -1.2766785 -1.3773262 1.9411165 2.9462409 0.0767068 107285619 purine-rich element binding protein G
-0.4708404 0.0147704 -2.2640917 0.5409410 3.0502826 0.0708526 107285676 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 3
-0.4711187 -0.8408957 -1.4088630 1.8785389 3.0282674 0.0719356 107300898 DNA excision repair protein ERCC-6-like 2
-0.4711875 0.7854878 0.8497320 1.6270585 3.3575531 0.0559326 107291427 deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase (putative)
-0.4722322 0.0425700 0.9053630 4.2755599 1.6502998 0.2311683 107297283 tetratricopeptide repeat protein 27-like
-0.4725574 -0.0324395 0.6793263 8.4181163 1.3941632 0.2931461 107290393 ribosomal protein S13
-0.4726727 0.0112509 -0.6146316 4.8621341 0.6682602 0.5878774 107288896 uroporphyrinogen III synthase
-0.4727561 -0.8982781 -0.5480316 1.6869890 0.2936916 0.8292124 107301473 uncharacterized LOC107301473
-0.4728530 -0.2784263 0.9962112 3.8744931 3.2919928 0.0588905 107301029 protein SCO1 homolog mitochondrial-like
-0.4729416 -0.7391339 0.0469051 1.2443701 0.8272834 0.5043014 107285353 family with sequence similarity 109 member B
-0.4740840 -0.9352320 -0.0888079 3.9131378 0.7583032 0.5391120 107290918 SLC9A3 regulator 1
-0.4741488 -2.0271393 0.0760585 7.1217928 11.4658249 0.0008257 107285878 pituitary tumor-transforming 1 interacting protein
-0.4742077 -0.2487264 2.7225315 6.2065729 7.5110896 0.0045163 107288600 fibroblast growth factor receptor 2
-0.4742430 -0.2886536 1.1512550 7.2294851 2.9897204 0.0742747 107302895 tumor protein D52
-0.4743004 -0.8731862 -1.6092877 2.2651788 1.6364685 0.2341155 107300247 nuclear pore membrane glycoprotein 210-like
-0.4743510 -0.2557083 -0.6253275 3.0573970 0.3683514 0.7772625 107282784 nucleoporin like 2
-0.4744651 -0.1915182 -0.0967960 5.2743243 0.5572879 0.6533463 107284904 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C2orf47
-0.4747633 0.6339175 0.8898109 0.8411885 1.0752164 0.3970300 ERCC-00158
-0.4748150 -0.1310778 0.2436821 6.2590406 1.4433791 0.2797952 107282623 calcium binding and coiled-coil domain 2
-0.4750380 -0.2387259 -0.6466045 4.4689331 0.3675317 0.7778271 107290277 poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 14-like
-0.4751000 -0.9908745 -1.0789710 5.8661775 3.8646061 0.0386674 107290767 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 17
-0.4755997 -0.4044856 0.4749186 5.2340609 3.8791640 0.0382716 107283713 retinoblastoma binding protein 4
-0.4757566 1.5347088 -3.6276221 0.9099496 9.9846055 0.0014794 107301814 uncharacterized LOC107301814
-0.4761671 0.7507903 0.0047002 1.3477465 1.2939230 0.3220916 107301885 uncharacterized LOC107301885
-0.4767802 -0.2928820 1.8832497 2.0797123 3.8892529 0.0381079 107290692 NAD kinase
-0.4772674 -1.3364728 -0.4102619 -0.3668755 0.7002929 0.5700804 107295419 transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 4
-0.4774402 -0.1390275 0.9651856 0.0152836 0.4944265 0.6929926 107302044 NAD kinase-like
-0.4775156 -0.0680596 -1.6894077 2.0398734 5.0285195 0.0178468 107297730 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf136
-0.4776410 -0.5340822 -0.9221523 0.4285947 0.5231893 0.6746157 107290505 zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 32-like
-0.4778191 -1.6216047 -2.3660108 -0.1140341 3.4713680 0.0513984 107286185 zinc finger protein 345-like
-0.4803952 0.6864435 -0.7553897 4.0259396 2.1671502 0.1459927 107297894 mediator complex subunit 13
-0.4804324 -0.4009662 -0.9918614 3.5728668 1.1307958 0.3764043 107282286 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L34
-0.4805235 -0.2837996 0.1358230 1.7597058 0.1167958 0.9484929 107302852 ankyrin repeat domain 45
-0.4805878 -2.1133731 0.5652334 0.7269879 4.0709194 0.0335748 107301503 centrosomal protein of 70 kDa-like
-0.4809909 -0.4874215 -1.0047161 4.5117027 2.9172926 0.0784769 107284305 ligase IV DNA ATP-dependent
-0.4810297 0.2949722 -0.8017665 3.7031323 1.1166450 0.3815457 107290278 poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 14-like
-0.4811087 0.3966478 0.0155126 6.2106324 2.3106954 0.1289631 107287057 serine/threonine kinase 38
-0.4814172 -0.5079898 0.2041612 5.6196693 0.6396359 0.6042012 107302370 granulin
-0.4818466 0.1269044 1.7968336 8.7894927 4.7780932 0.0209889 107294962 secretion associated Ras related GTPase 1B
-0.4821821 -1.5853212 -1.3395929 2.1182070 5.2264002 0.0157918 107293122 protein CASP-like
-0.4826302 -0.4333764 -0.2668747 5.0775445 1.1110622 0.3834834 107291137 RNA pseudouridylate synthase domain-containing protein 4-like
-0.4833109 -0.1646706 -0.0075928 3.0209840 0.3736396 0.7736235 107282228 RAN binding protein 3
-0.4833279 0.4984730 -0.2643872 2.8554371 1.0481238 0.4075133 107283461 intracisternal A particle-promoted polypeptide
-0.4837439 -0.3858221 -0.5583632 10.0855401 0.4538280 0.7194798 107296924 grancalcin
-0.4838535 -6.0921648 -0.6703492 3.9113624 21.0702939 0.0000503 107283368 fibroblast growth factor 2
-0.4841493 -0.8764129 0.4701334 4.0614855 6.0110717 0.0099463 107295413 BRCA1/BRCA2-containing complex subunit 3
-0.4851586 -0.3963495 -0.8596393 3.7056545 1.5710800 0.2484775 107292030 INO80 complex subunit
-0.4854590 -1.9974063 -1.1939742 4.9480301 11.3473718 0.0008578 107288371 uncharacterized LOC107288371
-0.4856010 0.3123541 0.5928835 5.8354448 2.6356548 0.0984963 107296635 ubiquitin specific peptidase 7 (herpes virus-associated)
-0.4860639 -0.2814742 0.6055155 5.5234063 2.6446872 0.0977735 107293259 ESF1 nucleolar pre-rRNA processing protein homolog
-0.4861528 -0.3440866 0.1602900 6.1043058 0.8946373 0.4725793 107301113 pancreatic progenitor cell differentiation and proliferation factor
-0.4862314 -1.1683860 0.8904810 1.4898926 1.4173618 0.2868365 107301717 uncharacterized LOC107301717
-0.4863654 -0.7649844 -1.2689278 6.2776521 5.3097585 0.0150095 107286919 RE1-silencing transcription factor-like
-0.4868013 0.3658306 0.8255339 4.0282313 1.8503779 0.1928693 107294615 POP4 homolog ribonuclease P/MRP subunit
-0.4868375 1.5546239 -0.3284102 1.8964225 2.4050396 0.1192473 107285368 bone morphogenetic protein 2
-0.4868685 0.0684179 1.4155149 -0.0003037 1.9438396 0.1773065 107295218 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 alpha
-0.4869226 0.6325492 2.1833560 0.3397732 1.3370162 0.3093475 107292740 dendrocyte expressed seven transmembrane protein
-0.4871860 -0.1062602 0.3984577 5.8902508 1.0643200 0.4012119 107287098 reactive oxygen species modulator 1
-0.4872484 -0.8953229 -0.5949551 5.4586736 2.1074433 0.1535772 107301627 unc-50 homolog (C. elegans)
-0.4873708 -0.6977507 0.9388041 1.5050529 3.6942150 0.0436703 107292549 fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase domain containing 1
-0.4875279 -0.4000789 -0.8955733 3.0927914 0.9559122 0.4454097 107284166 KIAA0895-like ortholog
-0.4878568 -0.1203254 -0.1664784 5.8433686 0.3958718 0.7584084 107284072 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 10
-0.4880247 0.4732195 -1.4895058 1.0009566 2.5502677 0.1056865 107286844 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
-0.4880367 -0.4559751 -3.9756971 2.7259332 14.1468510 0.0003287 107302493 leucine rich repeat containing 39
-0.4882224 2.0613928 1.7829312 0.8026669 3.7274472 0.0427520 107284032 PTPRF interacting protein alpha 2
-0.4891004 -0.5713948 -0.5810786 4.6368457 0.9801039 0.4350455 107290198 RNA polymerase II associated protein 2
-0.4891709 -0.1337771 0.7336319 7.3566217 1.9134769 0.1823132 107294903 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 9
-0.4901036 -0.0187402 1.2393511 6.8619637 5.0667373 0.0174840 107302757 ribosomal protein L39
-0.4901159 0.0043276 -0.2713719 4.6519723 0.6800341 0.5812766 107294925 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 1 subunit 1
-0.4903743 0.0890337 0.1157497 5.7274209 1.5753793 0.2474930 107295344 GABA(A) receptor-associated protein
-0.4905714 -0.5266410 -0.0097946 4.8744200 1.4441556 0.2795920 107286672 adaptor protein phosphotyrosine interaction PH domain and leucine zipper containing 2
-0.4910718 -0.9358107 -0.5776207 5.4519082 2.7130129 0.0923937 107290444 PCI domain containing 2
-0.4911018 0.2704175 -0.3903450 5.5057785 1.8664523 0.1899565 107303282 nuclear cap binding protein subunit 2
-0.4911485 0.2672143 0.5759254 6.8148753 3.9620499 0.0361058 107290846 WW domain binding protein 1-like
-0.4921623 1.5498649 0.9715061 3.6883468 8.5277658 0.0027710 107299872 valine–tRNA ligase-like
-0.4927109 0.0050325 -0.2197989 5.2733913 0.4997263 0.6895835 107290798 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L16
-0.4928463 -0.0746161 0.5610069 3.3386044 1.8515527 0.1925266 107282246 fizzy/cell division cycle 20 related 1
-0.4931362 -7.4541494 -0.7175446 5.2324106 26.4085845 0.0000163 107300019 avidin-like
-0.4937152 -0.8995626 -0.0163258 5.0459427 2.7666922 0.0884977 107302433 v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1
-0.4938402 0.5170046 0.9607865 -0.3092896 0.4947917 0.6927573 107298868 zinc finger protein 501-like
-0.4939018 -1.4044491 -0.2282316 6.7946097 8.7314871 0.0025172 107290550 apoptotic peptidase activating factor 1
-0.4939658 -0.0862092 0.2637288 5.4576188 1.7202122 0.2167359 107302672 interferon regulatory factor 2
-0.4940961 -0.4557420 0.8403664 6.8257264 2.6244220 0.0994491 107288594 TIA1 cytotoxic granule-associated RNA binding protein-like 1
-0.4943252 -1.1853658 -1.5487749 1.0325309 0.7073331 0.5662355 107301254 septin-6-like
-0.4946727 -0.1971404 -1.2256837 4.4965208 2.6670746 0.0960532 107282633 PCF11 cleavage and polyadenylation factor subunit
-0.4946732 -6.6984028 -4.7157732 4.1588946 6.5833414 0.0072909 107290860 paired box 2
-0.4952367 -0.3952881 -2.1735846 0.0104462 2.0340692 0.1639049 107287103 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 7
-0.4964056 -0.4646535 0.1713789 3.4328395 1.0880231 0.3921137 107294350 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 26
-0.4986091 -0.8143235 0.9604008 -0.6113235 1.0029981 0.4256222 107295090 solute carrier family 7 (amino acid transporter light chain y+L system) member 7
-0.4990149 -0.5808725 -0.6209967 4.2602387 0.8517293 0.4925950 107283646 CAS1 domain containing 1
-0.4991252 -0.0074194 0.3386373 5.8698862 2.0460931 0.1620265 107286524 chromosome unknown open reading frame human CXorf38
-0.5006506 2.6107739 -3.0474480 0.6307983 11.5220197 0.0008110 107291853 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 1-like
-0.5019971 -0.5720886 0.4987489 3.5136932 1.6537313 0.2304436 107300694 U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein C
-0.5025221 -2.9963493 -1.9696652 3.8450020 4.2218591 0.0302795 107292601 phospholipase C gamma 2
-0.5032684 0.4725443 -0.8256952 0.3648743 0.6254053 0.6124640 107300084 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 10
-0.5032750 0.8811999 0.7740175 4.3899166 4.2077984 0.0305701 107287191 nuclear transport factor 2-like export factor 2
-0.5033262 0.8109824 -2.5610535 3.6306136 14.1464226 0.0003287 107298522 parvin beta
-0.5037551 -0.7272201 0.3251166 6.0876432 5.1618582 0.0164302 107283058 oxysterol binding protein like 9
-0.5038969 -0.5552353 0.2865347 7.4261618 1.1805453 0.3589069 107294106 cornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 1
-0.5047608 -0.4806377 -0.7031070 0.8992302 0.3734502 0.7737489 107289125 mitochondrial elongation factor 2
-0.5058915 -0.2271699 0.1946392 3.1761720 1.3620329 0.3020015 107285683 SUMO1 activating enzyme subunit 1
-0.5064974 -0.0918893 0.0489161 3.0479577 0.7673335 0.5343738 107299524 zinc finger protein 91-like
-0.5066370 0.0185691 0.2949057 4.2573608 0.5819972 0.6382683 107300869 protein PML-like
-0.5075091 0.0847954 0.2199042 3.7054333 1.6952667 0.2217144 107291616 kelch like family member 2
-0.5076946 -0.1362844 0.6120308 7.9178399 1.3305634 0.3112375 107285070 ribosomal protein L24
-0.5083935 -0.6021505 -0.3595274 1.6904007 0.4220561 0.7406716 107285235 synapse defective 1 Rho GTPase homolog 2 (C. elegans)
-0.5088439 -0.5791334 0.0318830 4.6376051 1.3711727 0.2994739 107292025 COMM domain containing 9
-0.5090969 -2.5438380 -0.3114656 4.4425713 7.8274571 0.0038680 107284579 testis development related protein
-0.5115545 0.0988667 -0.6074604 -0.0162627 0.4228258 0.7401539 107296254 leucine-rich repeat containing 8 family member A
-0.5116509 -0.7232790 0.2884802 4.4855711 1.7710757 0.2071259 107294730 translation machinery associated 16 homolog
-0.5116688 -0.2440059 -1.0769153 7.0782540 0.9193534 0.4614229 107287054 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A
-0.5123201 0.6310324 0.2736541 1.9625244 1.2292976 0.3426030 107296485 transportin 3
-0.5124692 -3.2943211 -2.7453839 0.0377198 8.5238593 0.0027666 107293759 plasmolipin
-0.5124934 -0.3849641 -2.0791615 3.1713808 3.8639314 0.0387946 107303307 RNA binding motif protein 33
-0.5126972 -0.5376611 -1.5016618 2.3487390 1.5665882 0.2496604 107283043 podocan
-0.5132446 -0.7016087 -0.5984540 3.5279050 1.3754813 0.2982007 107291451 zinc finger MYM-type containing 4
-0.5132673 -0.1737224 -1.7830118 0.8261143 3.8616922 0.0387472 107285206 Src homology 2 domain containing E
-0.5136097 -0.2192255 0.6171185 6.7903921 2.6648001 0.0960994 107303174 COP9 signalosome subunit 4
-0.5136556 0.1463647 0.7088928 4.1592405 1.6267172 0.2362184 107302386 ribose 5-phosphate isomerase A
-0.5139331 0.0088104 0.5263525 3.6796835 2.3624376 0.1234370 107284764 ZPR1 zinc finger
-0.5139477 -1.8653538 -2.2593959 4.7796371 5.9365402 0.0104295 107285583 TOX high mobility group box family member 2
-0.5145010 -0.2046390 0.0283181 3.4483379 0.6951854 0.5728379 107284214 coiled-coil domain containing 22
-0.5146551 -0.6673977 -0.6897659 2.2364304 0.2850832 0.8352405 107299538 uncharacterized LOC107299538
-0.5151808 -0.1593036 0.2373269 4.2416006 0.7023353 0.5689625 107289692 family with sequence similarity 98 member A
-0.5155195 -1.6479173 -0.1570658 3.9500115 3.2093324 0.0626979 107286338 mitochondrial calcium uniporter regulator 1
-0.5156399 -0.4437759 -1.2642852 1.9539954 2.2860681 0.1316922 107283385 exocyst complex component 6
-0.5160132 0.9341319 -4.3164670 2.9388650 9.2194216 0.0020444 107295217 ankyrin repeat domain 2
-0.5165935 -0.5953016 1.7544161 5.9380544 8.2645743 0.0031426 107292121 transmembrane protein 165
-0.5167939 -0.6115006 -0.8434809 1.2159651 0.5462665 0.6601677 107285767 zinc finger protein 384
-0.5172092 -0.5257223 -2.4764611 4.6533097 28.6853137 0.0000105 107289772 phosphodiesterase 5A
-0.5173449 0.2455381 2.2336034 -0.4906639 1.6171231 0.2383081 107286836 uncharacterized protein C6orf201 homolog
-0.5179931 -0.4544729 -0.8175184 5.6711895 0.5797292 0.6396411 107287857 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class F
-0.5186335 0.8142682 1.1091020 3.8267699 0.2612273 0.8519379 107301147 receptor-binding cancer antigen expressed on SiSo cells-like
-0.5187408 0.2343823 -0.4916850 6.8238859 0.8612765 0.4880695 107284626 phosphoglycerate kinase 1
-0.5187858 -0.3722855 -0.1243723 5.8796225 1.2497942 0.3358620 107290722 intersectin 1
-0.5191268 -0.1387876 0.7639522 4.9590892 1.2822230 0.3258031 ERCC-00163
-0.5199047 -0.6252386 -0.5806950 3.4546380 1.4263574 0.2842891 107295229 centrosomal protein of 57 kDa-like
-0.5200788 -0.3111617 -2.0798043 4.6241714 5.3252036 0.0149345 107290934 SPRY domain containing 4
-0.5205517 1.6589598 -1.7539552 0.5780184 2.3780144 0.1219850 107284504 salt inducible kinase 2
-0.5205956 -0.5640467 0.3840248 6.5311057 1.5960099 0.2429796 107282210 family with sequence similarity 32 member A
-0.5213562 0.4264326 -0.8935052 1.1266079 2.2060330 0.1410264 107299158 haloacid dehalogenase like hydrolase domain containing 2
-0.5214785 -1.1830428 1.1724330 2.6983937 8.6073927 0.0026629 107297517 N-terminal asparagine amidase
-0.5218099 -0.6264609 -0.9850986 4.8343203 2.3657308 0.1231079 107283829 zinc finger C3H1-type containing
-0.5222159 0.1313057 -0.0524451 4.9188333 1.3278772 0.3118947 107286210 regulator of microtubule dynamics 3
-0.5223368 -1.0793434 -1.0008053 3.5265131 2.9053408 0.0792214 107302326 clathrin heavy chain linker domain containing 1
-0.5223601 -0.6735546 1.1794736 5.0490761 5.2151553 0.0159685 107288977 transmembrane protein 128
-0.5226461 -0.8759721 -0.4919119 6.2905900 1.9309308 0.1793489 107290763 KRR1 small subunit (SSU) processome component homolog (yeast)
-0.5228906 -1.1015632 0.0759630 5.4420159 2.4040398 0.1193473 107285348 N-acetylgalactosaminidase alpha-
-0.5235310 0.3486061 1.2614283 1.5352980 2.2568577 0.1351750 107301892 major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 1-like
-0.5237302 -0.9032326 -2.9823000 0.4093464 4.3946567 0.0269579 107287128 synapse defective 1 Rho GTPase homolog 1 (C. elegans)
-0.5238512 -0.5584187 -1.6843545 2.5932152 3.0390395 0.0714739 107288308 RPTOR independent companion of MTOR complex 2
-0.5238724 -0.3949037 -0.6144513 4.5604472 0.5262890 0.6726809 107290731 mitochondrial transcription termination factor 3
-0.5239702 -0.3321028 -1.1061188 5.7570556 0.9980909 0.4276413 107296097 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B6
-0.5245171 0.0087934 0.7942604 2.3556714 0.8573144 0.4899426 107302423 uncharacterized LOC107302423
-0.5246929 -0.2029284 -0.3848308 2.0370104 0.2326236 0.8718729 107294592 UTP3 small subunit processome component homolog (S. cerevisiae)
-0.5248474 -1.1147535 -0.7856636 4.7685120 2.0812731 0.1572801 107293861 KDEL motif containing 1
-0.5248498 -0.7523834 -0.6919759 3.7846625 2.2485136 0.1359814 107287412 CTD phosphatase subunit 1
-0.5253611 -0.4260025 -2.3076974 0.7468310 3.3817945 0.0550535 107282540 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12C
-0.5256653 -0.0125445 0.2481342 5.0246677 1.0863804 0.3927931 107286831 ring finger protein 14
-0.5259870 0.4517779 0.7009664 3.1398996 0.0877439 0.9653869 107291269 BTB/POZ domain-containing adapter for CUL3-mediated RhoA degradation protein 1-like
-0.5261506 -0.4413324 -0.6037588 5.0957478 1.0946519 0.3895755 107291512 PAK1 interacting protein 1
-0.5264599 0.6038887 0.7942259 4.4076595 4.1961273 0.0308055 107298450 ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX24-like
-0.5267875 -0.0774074 -0.2125133 5.1752581 1.0159157 0.4202551 107291247 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 5
-0.5277881 -1.3334608 0.3823679 3.2023376 5.0477835 0.0176840 107289536 choline/ethanolaminephosphotransferase 1-like
-0.5279030 0.9851461 -1.4898324 2.9268577 3.4516520 0.0522677 107282650 signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B
-0.5284853 -0.5154061 0.7508865 6.7288692 1.5556862 0.2521875 107288307 translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 20
-0.5287299 -0.0490247 1.7804264 4.4026156 10.7784565 0.0010674 107295673 PRELI domain containing 1
-0.5288659 -0.2927041 -0.0458488 1.7904403 0.4530685 0.7199819 107298209 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L24
-0.5290964 -0.8928257 1.2384811 5.5043480 2.7844984 0.0873713 107289003 copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase
-0.5291863 -1.5442908 0.1280640 2.7469374 3.3837217 0.0549744 107286999 hydrogen voltage gated channel 1
-0.5294579 0.1254555 0.0610240 1.8597034 0.7051490 0.5673730 107287664 heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 1
-0.5297761 -0.4910535 0.5178334 10.4465823 1.2010242 0.3518525 107289881 ribosomal protein L26 like 1
-0.5301800 -0.3159365 2.0401547 3.5929856 3.3197141 0.0576740 107296154 CMT1A duplicated region transcript 1
-0.5303422 -0.3289206 -0.6820622 3.3724723 1.3884419 0.2945872 107284242 jade family PHD finger 3
-0.5305303 -0.5634481 -0.2310529 4.3616216 1.3043238 0.3189226 107291884 golgi to ER traffic protein 4
-0.5305990 0.1812763 0.6325184 4.5210021 1.3036955 0.3192436 107284551 AHA1 activator of heat shock 90kDa protein ATPase homolog 1 (yeast)
-0.5311142 -0.4237654 0.2830118 5.6040394 1.6213490 0.2373851 107302960 exocyst complex component 5
-0.5312675 -0.2506596 0.1227054 4.1851235 1.7292063 0.2149718 107298152 queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase catalytic subunit 1
-0.5321873 -0.4275360 -0.3819435 6.9813123 0.5913431 0.6326175 107289770 ribosomal protein L7 like 1
-0.5322929 -0.1131501 0.8293476 1.7370470 1.6685614 0.2272480 107285642 excision repair cross-complementation group 1
-0.5323165 0.3122249 1.4080558 5.4223988 3.6170566 0.0462977 107291762 peptidylprolyl isomerase like 3
-0.5327207 -0.5526955 0.3983808 3.6979306 1.9418468 0.1777330 107290149 thioredoxin related transmembrane protein 1
-0.5327620 0.1404453 -1.0252302 4.9711049 1.6500123 0.2312292 107285574 neural precursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated 4-like E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-0.5331332 -1.1908427 -1.2598262 2.7969943 0.6856507 0.5781537 107285401 putative calcium-activated potassium channel subunit beta
-0.5332175 0.4023716 0.4260699 1.7124432 0.3520879 0.7884963 107299542 patr class I histocompatibility antigen B-1 alpha chain-like
-0.5337959 -0.2080279 -2.1922673 1.0123072 2.8863182 0.0805676 107291380 PR domain 2
-0.5344015 0.2629707 -2.4723523 5.9809336 6.0325080 0.0098765 107293109 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A5
-0.5344474 -1.1322234 0.2563097 1.5677341 3.5324478 0.0491259 107291020 activin A receptor type IB
-0.5346872 -0.5673872 -0.6670782 7.2207699 1.2037056 0.3509384 107288302 SR-related CTD-associated factor 11
-0.5354906 -0.8215860 -0.6786682 4.8312362 3.2494334 0.0606849 107288878 uncharacterized LOC107288878
-0.5358282 -0.8631431 0.1046356 7.6241386 1.6121923 0.2393901 107284657 vesicle associated membrane protein 3
-0.5362486 -0.3832793 -1.6455006 2.7610065 5.6484839 0.0122615 107291453 gap junction protein alpha 4
-0.5365879 -0.1638958 -0.4837653 3.2109302 0.8695440 0.4841055 107298549 zinc finger protein 883-like
-0.5367922 0.2541569 1.0905805 3.7404522 4.3765909 0.0272575 107296260 protein arginine methyltransferase 3
-0.5369503 -0.6514387 1.4493244 1.1523856 0.5232327 0.6746099 107293814 probable RNA-binding protein EIF1AD
-0.5374657 0.2423797 -0.9704220 2.0312908 2.3741247 0.1222265 107296517 fms related tyrosine kinase 4
-0.5378872 -0.3362548 -0.2218593 5.8270340 1.0825666 0.3941274 107283413 GC-rich promoter binding protein 1 like 1
-0.5384143 -0.6364381 -0.0965203 4.9065937 1.0270943 0.4158503 107287654 beta-14-galactosyltransferase 3-like
-0.5385023 -0.7147729 -0.4417960 6.8047510 1.1698495 0.3624762 107292391 proteasome 26S subunit ATPase 1
-0.5387950 -0.8325629 0.0535378 2.7030060 1.6788180 0.2250670 107289443 family with sequence similarity 73 member A
-0.5395375 0.9216132 3.0570790 5.9701124 8.3308012 0.0030472 107291859 2-phosphoxylose phosphatase 1
-0.5418325 -0.5247612 -0.2435425 6.3811408 1.0863374 0.3927012 107301677 N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase (acid ceramidase) 1
-0.5422962 0.2253662 0.1456054 1.5225870 0.6508429 0.5977384 107300568 zinc finger protein 300-like
-0.5425864 0.1147493 0.7045314 8.1065788 1.2329105 0.3414269 107284853 uncharacterized LOC107284853
-0.5428797 -0.2928817 -0.2579772 6.0580741 0.8868148 0.4760856 107290305 peptidylprolyl isomerase G
-0.5431898 -0.6558895 -1.3044714 5.2030362 5.4530488 0.0137676 107302675 trafficking protein particle complex 11
-0.5434443 -0.3976738 -0.4193795 3.9656317 0.1051645 0.9554352 107288890 thymidine kinase 2 mitochondrial
-0.5437386 -0.4340105 -0.1210521 1.5495017 0.2626793 0.8509227 107285520 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 13
-0.5438247 -0.3414032 -1.0154980 4.8125535 1.5554823 0.2522350 107296190 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 21 homolog (yeast)
-0.5452589 -0.0578844 -0.4290622 3.6011000 0.8999443 0.4700781 107297106 fibroblast growth factor (acidic) intracellular binding protein
-0.5454260 -0.2688730 -1.2141375 2.7146820 1.2444481 0.3377001 107295266 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like 1
-0.5454954 -0.6499401 -0.3877961 4.6470416 1.0002172 0.4267191 107283799 retinitis pigmentosa 9 (autosomal dominant)
-0.5457206 -0.5815099 -0.4897462 3.1693717 1.1384891 0.3735257 107287403 katanin p60 (ATPase containing) subunit A 1
-0.5457570 -0.2728168 -2.2182961 0.9712955 2.7647106 0.0887690 107282870 CREB regulated transcription coactivator 1
-0.5458570 0.7049543 -0.4682418 1.3367253 1.5844303 0.2454515 107294322 serine protease 53-like
-0.5465638 1.9557786 -1.4819368 0.2391990 1.5697788 0.2489261 107300675 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 3-like
-0.5466477 -0.5003726 -0.8182335 6.4355342 0.7287879 0.5546662 107303303 aminoacyl tRNA synthetase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 1
-0.5467505 -0.6745917 -1.5232430 1.5862520 0.8349076 0.5006704 107290817 1-phosphatidylinositol 45-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta-2-like
-0.5475116 -0.4632853 -0.0260541 4.1489685 1.4623073 0.2748895 107284584 peptidylprolyl isomerase domain and WD repeat containing 1
-0.5475905 0.4413626 0.1359384 0.5204367 0.8340401 0.5010174 107283445 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-23-sialyltransferase 3
-0.5477687 1.0099706 -0.7390256 4.9318982 6.9034841 0.0061424 107286809 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 13
-0.5478236 0.7640771 -0.1933186 0.5780628 0.4237522 0.7395422 107299373 zinc finger protein 397-like
-0.5481633 -1.0407177 -0.4781964 4.9885482 2.0864646 0.1565703 107295812 isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog
-0.5485400 -0.4196921 -1.1640413 0.5457440 0.7171286 0.5609258 107287019 RAB6A member RAS oncogene family
-0.5486495 -0.6066518 -3.6710984 4.7081687 12.2426934 0.0006241 107284939 tensin 1
-0.5487271 0.1869093 0.8692234 4.6829566 3.5722855 0.0478319 107299190 uncharacterized LOC107299190
-0.5492267 0.3750071 0.6745866 7.3703636 2.0126337 0.1670172 107282475 40S ribosomal protein S9
-0.5500283 -0.6162991 -0.6616357 7.4911869 1.0709690 0.3985483 107286874 SLU7 homolog splicing factor
-0.5501384 -1.7168783 -1.1270708 3.9333432 5.9405479 0.0103810 107298571 SH3 domain and tetratricopeptide repeats 2
-0.5504652 -1.0213164 -0.5986832 4.0532941 1.9481184 0.1767266 107288867 S1 RNA binding domain 1
-0.5507243 -0.2041936 -0.0059244 3.7179064 0.7778220 0.5289980 107287696 M-phase phosphoprotein 6
-0.5509045 -0.3273752 -0.4504453 0.0560202 0.0238130 0.9947481 107293480 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 106-like
-0.5517711 -0.3571884 -0.1779112 5.4398623 1.2706511 0.3292704 107285727 RIO kinase 2
-0.5517757 -0.6444294 -0.6140847 4.7330780 1.0998274 0.3877204 107284890 MAP3K12 binding inhibitory protein 1
-0.5523603 -1.0396161 -0.9880774 1.7415721 0.3958035 0.7584548 107287738 cartilage acidic protein 1
-0.5525032 0.2348028 0.6586666 5.5737917 2.4449321 0.1153335 107292901 impact RWD domain protein
-0.5528198 0.0863288 -0.0241526 3.9502466 1.5209949 0.2602728 107284286 tripartite motif containing 13
-0.5529021 -0.6407573 -0.5108363 3.9518921 0.6869343 0.5774418 107294526 TP53RK binding protein
-0.5531482 -0.2791041 -0.0894111 6.0142302 0.4988915 0.6901197 107299051 CDGSH iron-sulfur domain-containing protein 2-like
-0.5532385 -1.9472366 -0.9209962 2.8350653 2.8025186 0.0861205 107303181 Rho GTPase activating protein 24
-0.5538590 -0.6509855 -0.4073040 6.0241145 1.5412123 0.2554384 107300039 ras-related protein Rab-7L1-like
-0.5539885 0.2742390 0.2598214 4.6456871 1.8850147 0.1869605 107297553 tudor domain containing 7
-0.5540103 0.5250372 -0.1322254 1.5549520 0.8465568 0.4950644 107296966 polymerase (DNA) delta interacting protein 2
-0.5545368 -1.3273562 -1.7504707 0.5552165 0.7115793 0.5639282 107289193 early growth response 1
-0.5545542 -0.1322353 0.2194479 4.5723674 1.6654954 0.2278240 107302815 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7
-0.5547889 -0.4861270 -0.6112895 2.4897547 0.5828402 0.6377291 107283607 family with sequence similarity 133 member B
-0.5549181 -1.5427872 -0.3828600 -0.0508498 2.3317763 0.1266783 107293921 zinc finger protein RFP-like
-0.5552402 0.1663548 -0.8823931 5.1880109 1.3999858 0.2915482 107291757 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B3
-0.5553402 0.3564647 2.0800037 0.7457896 2.8560660 0.0825233 107300155 stromal cell-derived factor 2-like
-0.5556138 -0.8241368 -0.5754551 0.2234938 0.3462715 0.7925281 107302612 nth-like DNA glycosylase 1
-0.5556693 -0.1305613 -1.2767982 0.1172396 0.1474033 0.9293305 107295494 G patch domain-containing protein 8-like
-0.5556899 -0.6350387 -0.2671775 4.8727810 1.1013732 0.3871173 107288240 M-phase phosphoprotein 8
-0.5559712 1.8644480 -0.4120639 2.8371083 2.8522872 0.0827714 107286544 fibronectin type III domain containing 3B
-0.5564100 -0.7285553 -0.5710969 7.3197681 1.0684269 0.3995383 107287723 presenilin associated rhomboid-like
-0.5564400 -0.5394495 -1.2316457 4.3451759 1.3305676 0.3112363 107303009 methyltransferase like 16
-0.5566716 -1.4680418 -0.5061337 10.8732201 1.7703754 0.2071821 107284762 B-cell translocation gene 1 anti-proliferative
-0.5570524 -0.5414497 -0.6267776 4.1335600 0.6140815 0.6191087 107302752 UPF3 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog B (yeast)
-0.5573611 0.3828784 0.7678959 3.2342568 1.5236834 0.2597714 107285266 nucleoplasmin-3-like
-0.5578471 -0.8152603 -0.2853980 6.5347768 0.9766604 0.4365760 107289419 charged multivesicular body protein 5
-0.5581901 0.9206813 3.0359750 0.5944787 3.8871785 0.0381636 107294883 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf216
-0.5581932 -0.5247674 -7.3218131 11.1115956 10.7801388 0.0010757 107303103 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily d member 2
-0.5582574 0.6776443 0.7443271 2.2167877 2.5394145 0.1065511 107293635 spermatogenesis associated serine rich 2
-0.5585304 -0.2409328 -0.8550920 3.4171769 1.4547263 0.2768602 107288154 LON peptidase N-terminal domain and ring finger 2
-0.5585887 0.1260852 -1.6938263 8.1212456 5.1006964 0.0171336 107283980 CD151 molecule (Raph blood group)
-0.5586117 -0.0383991 0.6067790 8.6306057 0.8149180 0.5104364 ERCC-00060
-0.5589156 -0.2451539 0.2818525 7.7348831 0.7820610 0.5268942 107302285 60S acidic ribosomal protein P2-like
-0.5590817 4.1476870 -2.3713244 3.0420055 4.7242574 0.0217264 107284677 glutathione S-transferase omega-1-like
-0.5592435 -0.4423259 -0.1930201 2.1249040 0.3561584 0.7856790 107290965 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 8
-0.5592992 0.6713757 -0.3519765 0.6492220 0.5647579 0.6487641 107291918 semaphorin 7A (John Milton Hagen blood group)
-0.5598830 -0.2140840 0.7048666 2.2380399 0.1760430 0.9105225 107301265 5’-nucleotidase domain-containing protein 1-like
-0.5606033 1.3546422 1.0107790 3.1301661 5.4091840 0.0141976 107290093 CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 1
-0.5607675 -0.3718471 0.4592069 6.1373892 2.1651918 0.1462396 107298532 TGF-beta receptor type-1
-0.5609646 -0.2681210 1.2489283 1.2318083 1.0072906 0.4238641 107295576 unconventional myosin-Ie-like
-0.5609905 -0.3203230 -0.6125532 5.0249774 1.1881491 0.3561902 107289738 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S27
-0.5611078 -3.4564661 -0.3708400 3.6794822 29.0738083 0.0000099 107293576 Rho GTPase activating protein 42
-0.5612476 1.0583319 2.0440929 2.9883219 1.2695822 0.3297329 107296740 proteasome subunit beta 9
-0.5612583 0.5243766 -1.3056616 1.8682128 1.3622615 0.3020726 107289594 family with sequence similarity 65 member B
-0.5616572 -1.3322605 2.5214480 0.8010726 3.1459028 0.0658129 107295031 transcription factor AP-2 beta (activating enhancer binding protein 2 beta)
-0.5625880 1.0720814 1.2628125 0.6601997 1.5868334 0.2450417 107286277 BCL2 like 14
-0.5628147 0.0201282 -0.6060172 2.8733544 0.8163233 0.5097437 107294636 ZFP62 zinc finger protein
-0.5628790 0.2669103 -0.1218279 5.7095770 0.6224022 0.6142202 107299055 FK506 binding protein 2
-0.5629180 -1.1288294 0.5744156 4.5618100 7.6424141 0.0042044 107285580 glutathione synthetase
-0.5633838 -0.0232744 0.0774049 5.6575049 0.6429616 0.6022843 107286206 zinc finger FYVE-type containing 19
-0.5643295 0.2725451 -1.1408828 8.6546390 2.6137392 0.1003211 107290105 cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit Rieske mitochondrial
-0.5646862 -0.1473779 -1.6140042 4.7072519 4.9650314 0.0186448 107293430 inositol 145-trisphosphate receptor type 1
-0.5647715 -0.1219599 0.1726514 4.2767400 1.2597000 0.3327707 107302937 tRNA selenocysteine 1 associated protein 1
-0.5649861 -0.6595017 -0.6846636 3.5772620 0.6436780 0.6018720 107286885 transportin 2
-0.5652126 -0.8209682 0.2827873 4.4204770 2.5104859 0.1092170 107300584 serine incorporator 5
-0.5666588 -0.5289521 -1.3061930 2.7436017 2.4800449 0.1118727 107286194 methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblA type
-0.5668135 0.5781324 -0.6750898 2.1536529 0.7593383 0.5385741 107293703 Kruppel-like factor 3 (basic)
-0.5669934 -0.0210598 -0.3804259 2.6259999 0.4501762 0.7219109 107287309 tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase 2
-0.5671320 -2.2792328 2.5765719 2.5338133 6.9868824 0.0058920 107289105 NUAK family SNF1-like kinase 2
-0.5671774 0.1723691 -0.5332531 0.0415447 0.4149755 0.7454479 107302174 zinc finger protein 708-like
-0.5671930 -0.5359987 -0.8183313 4.2465740 1.5719197 0.2482849 107289291 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 3
-0.5673178 0.0254281 1.1501189 6.1752239 5.0823074 0.0173298 107284431 glycerol kinase
-0.5673826 -2.5445397 -0.6055896 1.8894611 8.8000347 0.0024430 107293756 uncharacterized LOC107293756
-0.5675218 -1.7598485 -3.1983172 0.4872090 3.4203741 0.0534943 107295602 selenoprotein N 1
-0.5676520 -0.8044291 0.7916631 6.4186250 5.9212130 0.0104824 107289547 synapse associated protein 1
-0.5678538 0.0169637 -1.0459621 0.5217723 0.6261399 0.6120351 107299535 zinc finger protein 157-like
-0.5679850 0.0200304 -0.7526859 2.7086236 1.5516233 0.2529877 107283193 nuclear fragile X mental retardation protein interacting protein 1
-0.5689790 -0.2631204 -0.1967271 4.2819325 0.1597846 0.9212854 107292150 chitinase domain containing 1
-0.5690517 1.3497864 -1.0551151 -0.4436705 1.0728668 0.3979279 107283495 UTP4 small subunit processome component
-0.5696145 -0.1456897 1.4481227 1.4745441 3.5636433 0.0480151 107291234 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C3orf14
-0.5698698 -0.1217662 0.0952879 3.6213674 1.2107666 0.3485821 107286810 replication factor C subunit 3
-0.5698990 -0.4421081 -0.2307361 5.5242993 0.6218819 0.6145249 107283990 nucleotide binding protein 1
-0.5699202 0.3889475 0.2365519 6.6000041 1.6281499 0.2359082 107295674 RAB24 member RAS oncogene family
-0.5705356 -1.0751194 0.7483560 5.0733691 3.8202271 0.0400137 107289332 nuclear receptor coactivator 7
-0.5707104 0.0569598 -1.0350031 0.5964292 1.5242826 0.2594798 107292201 endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase
-0.5709209 0.3744984 -0.9073865 0.0702922 0.6677637 0.5881571 107285042 proline glutamate and leucine rich protein 1
-0.5717159 -0.7125452 -0.3269231 0.4979678 0.2805854 0.8383903 107300026 RWD domain containing 3
-0.5722428 -0.2854926 0.3621791 4.2040901 1.3057976 0.3186092 107301523 cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 5
-0.5724416 0.4377025 1.7178736 8.9131444 2.4502910 0.1148190 107292484 protein disulfide isomerase family A member 4
-0.5736000 -0.4089283 0.1054085 5.3416647 0.8776476 0.4804054 107287669 polymerase (RNA) II subunit D
-0.5742565 0.9060158 0.8068335 3.8286125 5.1357410 0.0167460 107296611 ribonuclease P/MRP 30kDa subunit
-0.5744081 -0.3366043 -0.7411563 2.6060558 1.0883655 0.3919363 107294846 THAP domain containing apoptosis associated protein 1
-0.5745227 -0.8326516 -1.3743986 2.9974928 3.4666319 0.0515684 107295586 excision repair cross-complementation group 6 like 2
-0.5748550 -0.7834178 -0.7883207 2.0895960 1.4631883 0.2746635 107287702 ethylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase 1
-0.5751411 0.4582840 0.7748629 3.9555980 3.0388599 0.0714839 107283498 dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone)
-0.5754743 0.0266121 0.2292475 4.1029863 1.5754450 0.2474963 107297143 ER membrane protein complex subunit 6
-0.5756900 -0.3780826 -0.5410775 5.4319339 1.1937736 0.3542817 107300506 interleukin-6 receptor subunit beta-like
-0.5758337 -0.4928672 -1.0116336 6.2290539 1.9803962 0.1717770 107284845 nucleolar protein 11
-0.5758598 -0.4561189 0.3555393 7.1378232 2.7166123 0.0921251 107284288 karyopherin subunit alpha 3
-0.5764922 -0.5050701 -1.9222997 1.1730000 2.3528942 0.1245944 107290859 calcitonin gene-related peptide type 1 receptor-like
-0.5770465 6.9418732 6.9418732 0.0167239 5.4404760 0.0258644 107300861 40S ribosomal protein S12-like
-0.5772003 0.1696354 0.4089547 3.1979521 2.5569412 0.1049528 107290169 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase
-0.5780455 -1.0935326 -0.6511065 6.9948835 2.7529081 0.0894662 107289038 ring finger protein 13
-0.5783469 -0.2831683 0.2541918 6.3570172 1.6419384 0.2328602 107302400 STE20-related kinase adaptor alpha
-0.5783948 -0.9346763 1.2010980 2.0658131 4.9702866 0.0185186 107283759 thyroid hormone receptor beta
-0.5792364 -0.5516607 0.8468561 7.7931587 7.1006960 0.0055215 107290970 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 8
-0.5794248 -0.2502973 -2.4961554 0.5292059 3.5095783 0.0500809 107289268 proline-serine-threonine phosphatase interacting protein 1
-0.5801409 -0.3447899 0.5535280 5.3371125 3.7598131 0.0416603 107295298 protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 2
-0.5801753 -0.4312437 -0.5164973 4.2493862 0.5530027 0.6560005 107290179 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf131
-0.5803597 -0.0168020 -0.4110965 5.7134571 0.5829570 0.6376880 107292146 transmembrane protein 242
-0.5812055 0.2091782 -0.7167193 3.9243718 0.7118008 0.5638081 107289245 sorbin and SH3 domain containing 3
-0.5814172 -0.6126329 5.4916672 10.3511902 8.2756478 0.0031264 107288545 glutathione S-transferase-like
-0.5815059 0.1884488 -1.2702480 2.1788405 0.9416295 0.4515971 107288178 NCK associated protein 1 like
-0.5818251 -0.4063918 -1.4455589 5.6078579 3.8396883 0.0394654 107289546 CTP synthase 2
-0.5820254 -0.9872645 -0.6049719 8.1767454 1.5040554 0.2644194 107286523 ATPase H+ transporting accessory protein 2
-0.5822103 -1.0001518 -0.4123772 7.9051892 3.0844862 0.0688629 107300431 serine incorporator 3
-0.5828049 -0.1523808 0.8024345 3.9377519 5.3679015 0.0144905 107282482 HSPA (heat shock 70kDa) binding protein cytoplasmic cochaperone 1
-0.5830898 0.7908651 0.8476031 3.5526466 6.7352226 0.0066841 107285743 receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 2
-0.5833340 0.0448288 -1.7006635 3.0108023 3.9405455 0.0367598 107287912 RAS p21 protein activator 3
-0.5834473 -0.7141162 -1.1010537 3.3927494 2.1901834 0.1429630 107288392 WWC family member 3
-0.5839140 1.3629096 2.3296230 0.5602132 1.2784840 0.3269602 107301948 uncharacterized LOC107301948
-0.5839163 -3.2955331 -0.0184693 4.3261413 24.8182625 0.0000223 107290137 D-aspartate oxidase
-0.5839442 0.1930379 1.3355992 5.3480009 5.4691710 0.0136972 107286935 leucine-rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 4
-0.5843081 0.0215935 0.2951173 2.6424208 0.7268719 0.5556903 107299547 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 16-like
-0.5847203 -0.7732019 -0.1355815 1.3688864 0.4697647 0.7090116 107283265 family with sequence similarity 160 member B2
-0.5847234 0.6266196 1.9850353 8.3434931 6.5194408 0.0075464 107294279 Sec61 translocon alpha 1 subunit
-0.5847572 -0.0274605 1.2330853 2.4941350 2.7368293 0.0907823 107298998 zinc finger protein 850-like
-0.5850997 -0.3535673 -1.4028261 0.6659774 1.3670200 0.3006818 107298443 acyl-CoA thioesterase 8
-0.5851338 -1.1147773 -0.7377465 1.4728390 1.4764105 0.2712960 107301469 uncharacterized LOC107301469
-0.5860581 2.6548996 1.4056497 1.0836790 1.1601255 0.3659814 107301562 extracellular matrix protein 1-like
-0.5874124 -0.7599487 -2.9096607 1.3571422 8.9853152 0.0022552 107291113 neuron navigator 2-like
-0.5879399 -0.0714974 -0.9009152 7.2175908 0.8856167 0.4767184 107283600 cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 6 mitochondrial
-0.5879653 0.0571333 0.0256339 5.0908937 0.2385709 0.8677410 107293842 interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 5-like
-0.5883843 -0.5946743 0.3581570 4.6641713 2.9112946 0.0788670 107282524 protein SCO1 homolog mitochondrial
-0.5884262 0.3397707 -0.3523517 0.6081641 0.4418543 0.7274359 107291011 GRP1 (general receptor for phosphoinositides 1)-associated scaffold protein
-0.5885377 1.1357923 0.7170775 1.8894955 1.3054181 0.3187236 107300610 uveal autoantigen with coiled-coil domains and ankyrin repeats-like
-0.5886386 -1.1996480 -0.8787725 0.7926019 0.7764430 0.5297591 107295271 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1 alpha polypeptide
-0.5893727 -8.0024193 1.7183185 3.4735294 48.2400248 0.0000007 107282668 homeobox B7
-0.5904095 0.5342920 -2.4166737 0.8554821 4.0769943 0.0334344 107289562 WD repeat domain 81
-0.5908700 -0.6524436 -0.1857042 5.1717524 1.4240110 0.2849320 107297398 CWF19-like 2 cell cycle control (S. pombe)
-0.5910956 -0.1283793 -0.6753709 7.3843916 0.6111899 0.6208153 107288246 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 isoform 1 mitochondrial
-0.5914580 -0.4305052 0.2593967 3.7200130 1.4881459 0.2684473 107297907 enhancer of yellow 2 homolog (Drosophila)
-0.5917297 -1.7101528 -0.9288962 4.9153096 7.6527685 0.0041855 107302644 syntaxin 7
-0.5917367 -0.6828360 -0.0782733 6.6461083 0.7058730 0.5670310 107302378 heparan-alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase
-0.5917606 -0.9280857 -0.0627115 5.5865630 2.2026821 0.1415941 107286883 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf43
-0.5929731 -1.4306466 -0.4886148 5.4679793 2.2320484 0.1380725 107290245 lactamase beta 2
-0.5941963 -0.2165225 0.0532840 5.5906852 1.1751472 0.3607065 107288770 KIAA0141 ortholog
-0.5944353 -0.2089755 -0.7012109 4.5711943 1.0321242 0.4138402 107295066 SET nuclear proto-oncogene
-0.5944779 -0.2939484 -1.2463870 6.8524648 1.5947939 0.2432518 107283666 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A2
-0.5946329 -0.3588868 -0.4324326 5.4757874 0.5463983 0.6600941 107286060 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L3
-0.5946938 0.3287283 0.8787599 6.5539470 1.9369559 0.1785530 107286044 thioredoxin like 1
-0.5961089 -0.0454613 0.3909172 4.3417667 0.8319450 0.5021061 107301740 60S ribosomal protein L10a
-0.5978057 0.0087511 -0.5254419 8.2559260 0.8468500 0.4949017 107297064 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2
-0.5981651 0.1681733 -0.1540660 1.3460005 0.4235775 0.7396596 107290917 RAB37 member RAS oncogene family
-0.5982538 -0.3303033 0.4173559 8.8035706 0.9007320 0.4698032 107282497 ferritin higher subunit-like
-0.5982552 -0.8203249 -0.2071233 7.5027142 1.6442851 0.2322916 107302410 MLX MAX dimerization protein
-0.5983007 -0.6329736 -0.3401326 5.8245989 1.8012962 0.2013993 107282639 aminopeptidase puromycin sensitive
-0.5983968 0.1891860 -0.3757053 6.1633452 0.5714532 0.6446712 107284716 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L42
-0.5987776 5.2268573 2.0147770 1.8818700 2.8872427 0.0805087 107302011 protein YIPF5-like
-0.5992537 0.7032108 -1.3078226 1.5530116 2.7046897 0.0931685 107302020 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex assembly factor 4-like
-0.5992537 0.7032108 -1.3078226 1.5530116 2.7046897 0.0931685 107302108 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex assembly factor 4-like
-0.5993359 0.1618960 -0.3271517 2.2146978 1.0516930 0.4060119 107294596 protein O-fucosyltransferase 1
-0.5994455 -1.1966399 -0.0756203 5.7000512 4.5564836 0.0241503 107283828 transmembrane protein 19
-0.5996424 -0.8425484 -0.8328460 4.9548285 3.4647120 0.0516418 107282989 zinc finger protein 518A
-0.5996595 0.3930330 0.0223906 4.1701260 0.7188078 0.5600202 107286234 zinc finger MIZ-type containing 2
-0.6000138 0.2345228 1.2301404 7.9857142 2.9007455 0.0796537 107285305 metadherin
-0.6000359 -0.3936903 0.5562596 2.9785099 0.3515305 0.7888823 107291196 uncharacterized LOC107291196
-0.6000360 -1.3043259 -0.4758419 5.1550773 3.4953518 0.0506080 107290571 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 8
-0.6001618 0.3655548 -1.7753609 0.8259129 2.3335058 0.1266520 107294940 solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1
-0.6003085 0.5069464 0.3189477 5.5612285 3.9189788 0.0372130 107294623 nuclear transcription factor Y subunit beta
-0.6003124 -0.4941258 -0.5296194 3.1242752 0.5192118 0.6771540 107286875 PWWP domain containing 2A
-0.6008764 1.6626865 1.6476728 3.4953881 10.6219319 0.0011446 107285373 suppression of tumorigenicity 7
-0.6015045 -0.6013244 -0.7488248 4.9183473 2.1408982 0.1491812 107293571 karyopherin subunit alpha 5
-0.6017660 -2.6906242 -0.4512228 4.3330891 6.7937941 0.0065181 107296306 MER proto-oncogene tyrosine kinase
-0.6018199 0.0391577 -2.0822622 0.1160648 2.1542965 0.1476220 107290871 activin A receptor type IL
-0.6024493 -0.5718561 0.7711135 5.4124432 4.5371211 0.0245349 107303227 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 2-like
-0.6025034 -0.9884939 -0.3995127 4.1101167 2.1748505 0.1448790 107291193 ubiquitin specific peptidase 45
-0.6025945 -1.5114023 -1.6306811 3.0156820 4.3298111 0.0281522 107288317 interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 2
-0.6039114 -0.0857295 -0.9850241 1.6355654 0.6976315 0.5715401 107294786 ubiquitin associated protein 1
-0.6039797 -5.3508721 0.0159991 2.4002034 17.0527451 0.0001389 107303101 corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1
-0.6042153 0.5528918 -0.3700598 0.0946479 0.7960289 0.5197768 107298061 importin-4-like
-0.6046464 -0.1483673 0.5352359 7.1742092 1.8849999 0.1869944 107283089 ribosomal protein L18
-0.6049208 -1.0623591 -3.6490506 4.9875259 17.8346421 0.0001124 107284851 platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1
-0.6050131 0.3822520 0.7914570 4.0850871 1.8553347 0.1920156 107288376 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C18orf21
-0.6053044 -1.0440368 -0.2246823 1.7829287 1.6881730 0.2231533 107294767 glycerate kinase
-0.6054243 -1.2195699 -1.2158439 6.7459054 3.1650637 0.0648534 107293700 KIAA1143 ortholog
-0.6055663 -2.2608979 -0.4774237 6.0501578 10.3299022 0.0012856 107296244 uncharacterized LOC107296244
-0.6063920 -0.3070313 -1.6064565 4.9477177 3.9627788 0.0361926 107297006 succinate dehydrogenase complex iron sulfur subunit B
-0.6065528 -0.6076988 0.0288651 6.7526536 1.5198812 0.2606079 107295114 serine/threonine-protein kinase Sgk3
-0.6074771 -0.2472921 -1.4160208 2.5553802 1.9732667 0.1729092 107295675 nuclear receptor binding SET domain protein 1
-0.6089540 -0.5161186 -3.6703812 4.7879576 36.0939233 0.0000032 107295593 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf198
-0.6092828 -0.0777791 -0.1368213 7.6013926 0.9164486 0.4626348 107282424 coiled-coil domain containing 47
-0.6098037 0.0864982 -0.8426488 1.6954372 0.1373629 0.9357411 107299962 protein Njmu-R1-like
-0.6098377 -0.0871778 0.1619856 5.2911768 1.5864048 0.2450554 107285789 WD repeat domain 3
-0.6100450 -0.5773914 -0.2118231 2.1626168 0.8149414 0.5103547 107284492 BEN domain containing 5
-0.6109157 0.1042827 1.6971536 2.6708576 3.3448857 0.0565944 107282180 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 12
-0.6117576 0.0419846 -6.4744442 1.7024165 21.5334407 0.0000452 107296063 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) alpha activating activity polypeptide O
-0.6119018 -0.5349833 -1.8368428 3.6777026 8.8410064 0.0023962 107298259 nucleoporin 210kDa
-0.6123702 1.6310824 1.1912491 -0.3205157 1.0171659 0.4198481 107292474 CUB and sushi domain-containing protein 3
-0.6123851 -0.6768204 -0.4240843 2.6707965 0.5516150 0.6568589 107285209 HCLS1 associated protein X-1
-0.6129054 -0.0526308 0.0654636 3.8503432 1.6211960 0.2372663 107291774 coproporphyrinogen oxidase
-0.6131141 -0.6730119 -0.6164579 3.2989304 1.0396520 0.4107484 107295789 C2 calcium-dependent domain containing 5
-0.6134552 -0.4273742 -0.6125846 5.8013639 1.3212939 0.3138419 107296135 protein O-fucosyltransferase 2
-0.6146363 -0.2085834 0.4586434 2.9043141 1.8244218 0.1972514 107286063 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 5A
-0.6148779 -0.5919864 -0.4614179 0.7138052 0.2471139 0.8617922 107295097 S-adenosylmethionine mitochondrial carrier protein-like
-0.6150073 0.8383904 -0.0145469 7.2166503 1.1446251 0.3714509 107283638 KIAA1217 ortholog
-0.6151346 1.3839811 -0.9367571 1.0444370 2.9464951 0.0768338 107282817 reelin
-0.6152332 -0.1041187 -0.6159632 1.1577898 0.0352517 0.9906606 107299470 uncharacterized LOC107299470
-0.6154302 -1.4923075 0.0231114 5.5387046 9.1998963 0.0020449 107303179 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3
-0.6154740 -0.5500317 -0.4467689 4.3806431 0.9072958 0.4667854 107295969 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 49
-0.6155551 -1.0699064 0.3154762 7.8246976 3.8506340 0.0390650 107292448 KIAA1191 ortholog
-0.6156590 -0.8844518 -0.6699440 1.0552260 1.0363344 0.4120635 107300521 eIF-2-alpha kinase GCN2-like
-0.6158424 0.1051715 1.4217261 3.3973399 6.1776622 0.0090773 107290039 rhomboid domain containing 2
-0.6162426 -0.2161217 -0.9740845 1.2486979 1.4461474 0.2790717 107298509 zinc finger protein 397-like
-0.6167027 0.3680703 1.5336268 8.8785257 4.3973000 0.0269105 107294656 death-associated protein
-0.6167337 0.4472218 1.5166999 2.5956671 5.1090578 0.0170243 107283170 ubiquitin specific peptidase 3
-0.6167710 -1.3154141 -0.6987659 4.5222821 2.1363180 0.1499357 107293004 zinc finger protein 521
-0.6171985 1.0387943 2.2538148 0.7040488 2.6630157 0.0963705 107291003 interleukin 17 receptor E
-0.6177312 -0.4127938 -0.1992779 1.2544314 0.3271250 0.8058441 107285211 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf43
-0.6178065 -0.3310365 0.3061086 3.7145802 2.5578678 0.1048727 107287485 Fas associated via death domain
-0.6179652 -0.3648327 -1.0985929 4.5983015 2.7604895 0.0889931 107287830 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L1
-0.6181529 2.1003604 -1.6011021 1.1777974 2.5323983 0.1072559 107282370 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 1
-0.6189099 -0.3263196 0.6229271 6.7645160 3.2540490 0.0605156 107298335 PHD finger protein 10
-0.6191542 -0.1154446 0.3735894 1.5666269 1.4840365 0.2693745 107295625 uncharacterized LOC107295625
-0.6192406 1.1957098 0.7256560 2.2242776 1.5052169 0.2642624 107283777 tetratricopeptide repeat and ankyrin repeat containing 1
-0.6192902 -3.7681197 -4.7359443 0.3134560 12.6932973 0.0005299 107298162 PPARG coactivator 1 alpha
-0.6192921 0.8504104 -0.0335415 1.1647290 1.8168929 0.1985912 107294803 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf119
-0.6200259 -0.3217433 -0.2097227 4.8373967 0.7636727 0.5363272 107292804 acidic residue methyltransferase 1
-0.6200279 -0.1097131 -1.5803645 3.0655384 5.7432566 0.0116008 107302227 vaccinia related kinase 2
-0.6200669 -0.9977257 -0.2112142 1.9801544 1.1430427 0.3719800 107291164 galactosylceramidase
-0.6216095 -0.7031880 -0.6611083 1.7652309 0.1850377 0.9044865 107292888 microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta
-0.6220933 0.3481491 0.8581893 1.8180022 1.8510005 0.1927619 107299314 gem nuclear organelle associated protein 4
-0.6223351 -0.2323198 -0.5196416 3.2515012 1.1717997 0.3618006 107300503 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3-like
-0.6235313 -0.5604610 0.1224601 1.3159584 0.8726917 0.4826338 107299906 catenin beta like 1
-0.6242616 -1.0907944 -3.1409787 0.3246580 8.9055732 0.0023281 107283011 endothelin 1
-0.6254602 -1.1782591 -1.2828281 4.9552021 5.9317383 0.0104059 107290986 putative homeodomain transcription factor 1
-0.6254999 -1.3143974 -0.3896455 4.9204118 3.2949390 0.0587598 107289434 serum response factor binding protein 1
-0.6255972 1.1195844 -0.0594650 0.1532318 1.8805252 0.1875823 107295294 defective in cullin neddylation 1 domain containing 3
-0.6256071 -2.7708602 -2.1300434 3.9645437 19.6270462 0.0000699 107293042 Cbp/p300 interacting transactivator with Glu/Asp rich carboxy-terminal domain 2
-0.6259665 -1.8258462 -3.4767657 -0.4590844 5.0231448 0.0179792 107285013 calmodulin binding transcription activator 2
-0.6260656 -0.5254299 -0.7295969 5.4866666 2.3155219 0.1284359 107295416 SWT1 RNA endoribonuclease homolog
-0.6262901 0.9477133 2.1514288 -0.0627983 0.6039935 0.6250800 107301412 nucleobindin-2-like
-0.6264888 -3.3898014 -1.0744995 0.3600668 6.8725938 0.0062536 107288640 BAI1 associated protein 2 like 2
-0.6274603 0.1910235 0.0773857 0.2155760 0.6302268 0.6096127 107299040 transmembrane protein 164
-0.6280262 -0.6545762 -0.7520615 1.2995538 0.3794994 0.7695997 107285507 transmembrane protein 39B
-0.6281068 -0.6759663 -1.2578626 5.2435390 0.9743721 0.4375414 107295987 succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 4
-0.6281901 -0.9050996 -0.2090674 2.4020626 0.3480549 0.7912912 107292160 uncharacterized LOC107292160
-0.6283050 -0.2862365 -1.5922351 1.8053884 3.2330038 0.0614583 107289529 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 8A
-0.6286003 0.9502267 -0.7981452 3.1566099 2.1032005 0.1543065 107283150 HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase family member 1
-0.6292288 -0.0287686 1.6275077 2.7230748 4.6021760 0.0235132 107285160 sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase 1-like
-0.6301133 -0.3598119 0.4996833 6.3882393 4.0325011 0.0343761 107285635 store-operated calcium entry-associated regulatory factor
-0.6304174 -0.5627423 -0.2968605 0.3092488 0.2029934 0.8922957 107298490 zinc finger protein OZF-like
-0.6312470 -0.4134137 0.5095099 2.8966188 1.8168777 0.1987184 107294439 E2F transcription factor 5
-0.6314380 -0.7257174 -0.2874915 7.2052244 0.5631206 0.6497681 107291099 interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3-like
-0.6321090 -0.2565903 1.1582657 4.9460758 0.1131498 0.9506921 107297887 WD repeat-containing protein 48-like
-0.6328331 -0.4873494 0.5697456 4.0267804 0.8490262 0.4938839 107291544 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 10 homolog (yeast)
-0.6337356 -0.0787411 -0.2935313 1.3306793 0.0254367 0.9942124 107295299 nucleolar transcription factor 1-like
-0.6339376 -0.6505240 0.3696967 3.4072593 2.9961843 0.0737599 107293417 ubiquitin fusion degradation 1 like (yeast)
-0.6345226 -0.3956332 -0.6474104 5.3234625 2.0608057 0.1599532 107284586 trafficking protein particle complex 13
-0.6346130 -0.2432836 0.0330637 8.0742492 0.7715929 0.5322445 107300125 60S ribosomal protein L23a
-0.6346603 -0.2151591 0.5564699 2.7094059 1.6310447 0.2352826 107287067 ETS variant 7
-0.6348067 -0.7587413 -1.7571248 2.5154069 4.1165622 0.0324810 107284532 bromodomain and PHD finger containing 3
-0.6349033 -0.4940751 -0.0524443 3.8116008 0.5772717 0.6411314 107298752 myelin protein zero-like protein 1
-0.6353207 -1.0169033 -0.1398805 2.2545811 1.9286565 0.1797115 107296410 apoptosis and caspase activation inhibitor
-0.6355621 0.2764357 0.8100953 3.0315284 2.8505150 0.0828630 107291338 exosome component 2
-0.6357294 -0.2816402 0.1084229 3.8067309 1.8640353 0.1903677 107300494 RAB10 member RAS oncogene family
-0.6358068 -0.3475302 0.1321847 1.8046787 0.7408060 0.5482305 107301679 uncharacterized LOC107301679
-0.6358117 -0.7495246 0.7653655 4.0258666 3.0834830 0.0690539 107285979 G-patch domain and ankyrin repeats 1
-0.6360525 -0.2054328 0.1005827 1.5767191 0.0986975 0.9591967 107301490 uncharacterized LOC107301490
-0.6360904 -0.5119966 -0.4287225 3.8998154 0.2214626 0.8796014 107298995 antigen peptide transporter 2-like
-0.6366967 -3.8518483 1.2565282 9.2035849 24.0211022 0.0000263 107301107 55 kDa erythrocyte membrane protein-like
-0.6383137 -0.6581445 0.3838790 2.7409000 2.2089834 0.1406696 107286837 claudin 12
-0.6383830 -0.3893141 -0.3338722 0.3220614 0.3591550 0.7836032 107283700 tRNA isopentenyltransferase 1
-0.6384257 1.5049105 3.7035126 6.5424598 5.9642084 0.0102664 107303176 placenta-specific gene 8 protein-like
-0.6388683 -0.4454003 -0.0719157 1.7988858 0.5284475 0.6713072 107296069 tRNA methyltransferase 44 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
-0.6397945 -0.8902506 -0.9377708 4.4808183 1.3678313 0.3004929 107288676 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S33
-0.6398576 -0.8345572 -1.3911275 1.0842326 1.4830648 0.2696549 107287115 arf-GAP with SH3 domain ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 1-like
-0.6399602 -0.2679499 0.2291833 3.2093947 0.8311279 0.5025028 107287832 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase IF
-0.6401516 -0.5531140 -1.4236166 7.4840366 2.3031815 0.1299484 107292543 RAP1A member of RAS oncogene family
-0.6406111 -0.8388547 -1.0664136 8.1616031 1.1713982 0.3620577 107292486 glutaredoxin 5
-0.6407066 -0.4909833 -2.8171775 1.4975496 9.4070300 0.0018766 107294078 hippocalcin like 1
-0.6407936 -0.6305115 -0.7072241 2.3706876 1.3841334 0.2957831 107302709 activating transcription factor 1
-0.6408775 -0.4051319 -0.6550887 2.0535021 0.4381990 0.7298709 107287001 VPS33A CORVET/HOPS core subunit
-0.6411418 -0.8768067 -0.5960799 3.9126617 1.0029324 0.4256492 107298926 tectonin beta-propeller repeat-containing protein 2-like
-0.6420431 0.0140301 -0.5515009 1.6063872 1.0023034 0.4258101 107283493 transport and golgi organization 6 homolog
-0.6427686 0.2428245 1.5868716 3.2927225 5.1825780 0.0162905 107289329 ALG12 alpha-16-mannosyltransferase
-0.6437609 -0.0903837 1.4052513 2.3025245 2.0840281 0.1569030 107294894 uncharacterized LOC107294894
-0.6438288 -0.8746311 -0.7543727 1.5419706 0.5906163 0.6330732 107284226 sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 2
-0.6438717 0.1259489 -0.4131770 5.1024424 1.9715844 0.1730052 107287378 cytokine induced apoptosis inhibitor 1
-0.6440325 -1.6243583 -1.5234329 1.5919030 2.8716375 0.0814337 107283979 cell death-inducing p53 target 1
-0.6446232 -0.0648015 -0.1369112 4.1947475 1.5440589 0.2547657 107287762 ArfGAP with FG repeats 1
-0.6447138 -0.3823654 -0.4204206 6.4084728 0.7297223 0.5541674 107289158 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase beta subunit
-0.6449842 -0.2673502 0.5816152 2.5059551 2.5635461 0.1043832 107287921 septin-10-like
-0.6451188 -0.2008663 0.4684471 6.8328312 2.1162545 0.1525666 107294698 chloride channel CLIC like 1
-0.6451468 -0.4543792 0.5203588 4.8360749 3.3746827 0.0552799 107287117 importin 9
-0.6457517 -1.3762214 -0.0727747 6.2366302 3.6777338 0.0443084 107302812 pyrophosphatase (inorganic) 2
-0.6458303 -0.7626982 -0.3416158 5.3037014 0.8069337 0.5143891 107285928 transmembrane protein 106A
-0.6462931 -1.4022318 0.0373548 1.2097512 1.3062088 0.3184853 107287012 piccolo presynaptic cytomatrix protein
-0.6463446 -0.5469712 -0.1447424 4.2243618 1.8733592 0.1887870 107283854 carbohydrate kinase domain containing
-0.6466056 -0.0673727 0.7326838 5.0209889 2.2601380 0.1347971 107287113 sulfatase modifying factor 2
-0.6471555 -0.4260449 -1.2064458 2.4938925 1.1985340 0.3527960 107303153 BMP2 inducible kinase
-0.6474322 -0.2246318 -0.5053781 1.6876183 0.4135837 0.7463907 107290795 protein associated with topoisomerase II homolog 1 (yeast)
-0.6474376 0.1320871 0.1381743 6.7077569 0.8675415 0.4851222 107293501 developmentally regulated GTP binding protein 1
-0.6478342 -0.3277903 0.0729132 6.3132301 0.9078186 0.4665960 107282782 translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 7
-0.6480950 -0.0412641 0.6661897 4.8170263 4.6994963 0.0219942 107285701 mitofusin 1
-0.6485488 -0.2544281 0.6382713 4.4339315 6.2000897 0.0089433 107283038 NDC1 transmembrane nucleoporin
-0.6491889 0.4958707 -0.2018398 2.9080690 2.5254991 0.1077138 107302446 transmembrane protein adipocyte associated 1
-0.6497209 -1.4601381 1.0359698 5.2277428 11.1274398 0.0009409 107283235 prenylcysteine oxidase 1
-0.6502448 -0.1364966 -1.0563582 2.3278684 0.7204317 0.5591458 107293456 ring finger protein 10
-0.6509489 -0.8065479 -0.1472826 5.7324567 3.4175127 0.0534830 107294301 mediator complex subunit 6
-0.6514200 -1.4282334 -1.1204143 4.9872048 2.6596068 0.0966380 107290353 translocating chain-associated membrane protein 1-like 1
-0.6524323 0.0074602 0.8421704 7.0928153 2.8588710 0.0823397 107290539 basic transcription factor 3
-0.6540467 -0.7094126 -0.3014044 6.2543560 0.9889678 0.4314216 107292590 nudix hydrolase 12
-0.6542821 -0.9055090 -0.3550096 7.7655968 1.8317006 0.1959658 107295466 replication termination factor 2 domain containing 1
-0.6548723 -0.8521902 -0.3554210 8.4327693 1.3234532 0.3132018 107294351 ferritin heavy chain
-0.6555487 -0.3502556 0.1017152 6.7286973 1.1994596 0.3524846 107282915 sulfide quinone reductase-like (yeast)
-0.6556459 -0.3291355 -0.3801763 8.3491797 0.7556427 0.5404361 107285690 cell division cycle 37
-0.6558457 -1.1762387 -1.3750137 -0.3109156 1.2516934 0.3352559 107289451 uncharacterized LOC107289451
-0.6567261 -0.7050746 -1.1250416 6.2670924 4.4202094 0.0264137 107283919 acidic nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member A
-0.6569362 -2.0328597 -0.6788879 2.0519447 5.6205078 0.0124649 107295230 sestrin 3
-0.6570605 -0.4572537 -0.4069566 3.4993188 0.9483503 0.4485848 107302343 lipoyltransferase 1
-0.6576214 0.7364987 0.3288348 0.4534878 0.8598779 0.4887298 ERCC-00028
-0.6579477 -0.2899117 -0.1865807 6.7601090 0.8641653 0.4866852 107291765 spermatogenesis associated serine rich 2 like
-0.6580079 -0.0508385 -0.9949458 3.9188186 4.5115394 0.0248637 107298550 zinc finger protein 208-like
-0.6582849 2.1238828 -1.3675476 1.4289821 5.5769337 0.0128488 107289246 solute carrier family 39 member 14
-0.6587793 -1.0371829 -3.3639225 1.7968010 3.7970549 0.0406781 107282690 septin-1-like
-0.6593013 -0.6050427 -0.3495028 6.1876217 1.6679655 0.2273100 107290131 zinc finger protein 654-like
-0.6601865 0.8036727 0.0990776 5.2043597 2.2884655 0.1315834 107296898 hyaluronan binding protein 4
-0.6603864 -0.8611784 -1.2484568 1.2531289 0.9889252 0.4314393 107287461 GDNF-inducible zinc finger protein 1-like
-0.6608789 -0.2730304 -1.1843533 0.6870732 0.9858035 0.4327125 107299058 dnaJ homolog subfamily C member 4-like
-0.6617390 0.4331001 0.2847025 9.2464857 0.9323945 0.4556445 107284323 ribosomal protein S20
-0.6619063 -0.3465195 -0.0900586 5.0125632 1.3845208 0.2956753 107283426 target of EGR1 member 1 (nuclear)
-0.6621470 0.9173539 0.6650978 3.0557013 2.4996843 0.1101987 107292996 guanine nucleotide binding protein-like 3 (nucleolar)-like
-0.6626415 -1.9817805 0.9212724 6.3739866 13.3157863 0.0004311 107295224 FERM ARH/RhoGEF and pleckstrin domain protein 2
-0.6629885 -0.4986054 -1.0837294 4.3665876 3.7746435 0.0412209 107284421 structural maintenance of chromosomes 5
-0.6632319 0.9149261 0.1728145 6.7382060 1.4023969 0.2908894 107294953 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2B
-0.6635198 -0.3292726 0.2783773 4.3238802 2.0610733 0.1599880 107283418 HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 3
-0.6636787 -0.6132918 -0.0534369 5.4868697 2.0546843 0.1608121 107289059 COMM domain containing 2
-0.6638555 -0.2628802 0.0195490 6.8903548 0.4982476 0.6905334 107286889 WD repeat domain 83 opposite strand
-0.6639690 -0.4549137 -0.3195943 6.1132396 0.9985418 0.4273973 107288167 AFG3 like matrix AAA peptidase subunit 2
-0.6642549 -1.4543382 -0.7766119 0.9952740 2.2125682 0.1402366 107293425 uncharacterized LOC107293425
-0.6643730 1.1088947 2.2089191 3.2078286 5.3065540 0.0151041 107292712 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 1-like
-0.6644029 0.2864634 0.4192316 4.4528534 3.4751152 0.0512562 107291540 cyclin-dependent kinase 4
-0.6644563 -0.7379667 -0.8922159 4.2699254 0.6717785 0.5858984 107283289 engulfment and cell motility 1
-0.6644843 1.5907345 -1.8715189 2.8010568 8.1845771 0.0032626 107286905 Kell blood group metallo-endopeptidase
-0.6645851 1.8838547 2.5041629 2.0506653 6.3098835 0.0084604 107290129 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 6
-0.6649750 -0.1161731 0.2955036 5.1374480 2.1914116 0.1429049 107301769 vacuolar protein sorting 37 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)
-0.6653674 -2.1442453 0.6099685 2.5502070 7.7602998 0.0039960 107290674 MOB kinase activator 3B
-0.6655822 -1.0389722 -0.5878812 -0.0262766 0.4208973 0.7414621 107301176 uncharacterized LOC107301176
-0.6662608 0.2148063 -2.3284286 2.1504964 1.3544791 0.3042951 107299498 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF213-like
-0.6664463 -0.3432632 0.4438705 0.5820911 0.4059809 0.7515385 107292604 polycystin 1 like 2
-0.6673317 0.3812935 -0.3985674 2.3240407 0.7689886 0.5335837 107298438 sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1
-0.6677210 -0.9390326 -0.7146152 6.7470827 1.9698670 0.1732815 107286280 N-myristoyltransferase 1
-0.6682163 0.0246302 0.3465594 2.7496287 1.0960267 0.3891706 107294118 protein arginine methyltransferase 5
-0.6689492 -0.6367232 0.5175008 5.2496696 2.4246583 0.1173038 107282880 peptidase (mitochondrial processing) beta
-0.6691635 0.0407260 0.4002764 7.6363561 1.9011081 0.1843031 107285778 prohibitin 2
-0.6695339 -0.9515942 -1.7023847 4.7860068 7.1464890 0.0053970 107301498 methyltransferase like 10
-0.6698964 -0.8897714 -0.6735467 3.3025938 1.9214946 0.1808587 107302622 TSR3 20S rRNA accumulation homolog (S. cerevisiae)
-0.6710852 -0.6616324 -0.2331474 3.8814174 1.1634551 0.3647627 107298363 bromodomain-containing protein 9-like
-0.6714625 -0.5977145 0.1852327 9.0636017 0.7955517 0.5200754 107294469 listerin E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
-0.6715149 0.8659458 -1.4117984 -0.1411325 1.6439321 0.2325200 107293165 endogenous retrovirus group K member 25 Pol protein-like
-0.6717870 0.6064281 -0.2182912 0.4365409 0.5474038 0.6594696 107303005 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
-0.6719041 -0.2203897 0.6026012 4.8064731 3.5631253 0.0480901 107286458 all-trans retinoic acid induced differentiation factor
-0.6720078 -1.3368602 -0.9092846 1.8016941 1.4305626 0.2833129 107301271 transcription termination factor 4 mitochondrial-like
-0.6720507 -0.0089302 1.5289935 6.7678549 5.9385328 0.0104176 107284623 magnesium transporter 1
-0.6724724 -0.0859266 1.5278139 3.6414924 9.7883098 0.0015907 107295795 mitochondrial calcium uniporter
-0.6726958 0.2374053 -0.3367784 1.6103632 0.9967345 0.4281045 107287269 methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblB type
-0.6730155 -0.5924082 -0.0527106 5.0954849 2.4747979 0.1123431 107283969 family with sequence similarity 234 member A
-0.6737089 0.0387022 -1.6338375 3.9785180 7.3550624 0.0048673 107285600 v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog
-0.6740923 -0.7650758 -0.5573909 4.9909073 2.1442481 0.1487489 107291082 small nuclear RNA activating complex polypeptide 3
-0.6741729 0.0167960 0.3214117 6.9268537 2.5005772 0.1099615 107289984 NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransferase family member 2
-0.6744290 -0.1213122 0.0611400 2.2333667 0.8314744 0.5022708 107295603 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 8
-0.6744753 0.0386929 0.6260819 2.2535178 2.3046039 0.1296321 107282245 cactin spliceosome C complex subunit
-0.6745196 -1.3208276 -1.3728563 2.7429823 1.8096526 0.2000478 107293279 dedicator of cytokinesis protein 7-like
-0.6745940 -0.3492721 -1.4641753 3.0973496 1.7244408 0.2160607 107290883 BCL2 associated athanogene 6
-0.6758884 -0.1442421 0.3447002 0.0205854 0.3222863 0.8092193 107296725 major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein-like
-0.6765038 -0.6666826 1.0478001 3.8114129 4.1733927 0.0312949 107283728 MYC binding protein
-0.6769896 -7.4675928 -1.2095974 4.7580993 54.9900290 0.0000003 107295012 transmembrane protein 52B-like
-0.6772153 -0.4340837 -0.0474736 1.6694690 0.6165204 0.6176369 107298228 leucine rich repeat protein 1
-0.6773212 -0.5514289 -0.1122508 4.0122310 1.2366369 0.3401494 107285101 tRNA methyltransferase 10C mitochondrial RNase P subunit
-0.6775520 -0.9576527 -0.6359539 3.9171430 1.9172646 0.1815537 107286522 mediator complex subunit 14
-0.6781637 -0.9288912 -4.4512494 2.1388445 3.7176722 0.0430530 107289960 G protein-coupled receptor 174
-0.6782541 -0.4210458 -1.3706217 2.1093400 2.1673659 0.1458766 107299172 wolframin ER transmembrane glycoprotein
-0.6785331 -0.3111401 3.1123376 5.0800266 19.6712040 0.0000703 107292922 selenium-binding protein 1-like
-0.6785437 -0.3518009 0.3717168 4.0626308 1.9542291 0.1758427 107293413 peptidylprolyl isomerase like 2
-0.6787888 -1.1371100 -0.8368068 0.6078018 0.5208929 0.6760894 107285680 phospholipase D family member 3
-0.6788957 2.7046459 0.2826874 1.5801822 3.2791509 0.0594641 107293725 serotriflin
-0.6790314 -0.0897227 -0.4141648 -0.3966526 0.1078641 0.9538434 107299591 zinc finger protein RFP-like
-0.6795023 -0.1892745 -0.9935519 3.0091111 1.1743011 0.3610546 107294270 Myb/SANT DNA binding domain containing 4 with coiled-coils
-0.6797850 -0.8508790 -0.0232199 1.2900723 1.6316314 0.2350033 107296066 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 2
-0.6801260 -0.6767264 -0.7324894 5.5012583 1.5444085 0.2547427 107293312 protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B’ epsilon
-0.6802701 -0.8977935 -0.8285356 2.3429093 1.1230830 0.3790996 107287790 glutamate 5-kinase-like
-0.6808087 -0.9183532 -0.4977632 4.6754117 1.1826109 0.3581995 107288148 mitochondrial transcription termination factor 4
-0.6811104 -1.0793129 -0.5418352 4.4449645 2.0577418 0.1605438 107286064 asteroid homolog 1 (Drosophila)
-0.6816145 -0.6420198 0.2393851 3.7057997 2.7560821 0.0892379 107303291 nucleolar protein with MIF4G domain 1
-0.6823209 0.2225400 1.1237902 9.2345793 3.5479439 0.0486241 107283001 signal sequence receptor alpha
-0.6824828 -0.2630805 -1.6031580 2.4345248 4.4303892 0.0262355 107287399 LDL receptor related protein 11
-0.6830662 -0.0789358 -1.2031032 -0.0298965 1.2982243 0.3207705 107282958 coiled-coil and C2 domain containing 2B
-0.6843559 0.5712126 -0.0533755 3.2622194 0.8093415 0.5131939 107283122 pleckstrin
-0.6846314 -0.9776466 0.2836931 3.1684848 4.5987904 0.0234807 107294524 dol-P-Glc:Glc(2)Man(9)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-12-glucosyltransferase-like
-0.6857287 -0.6209781 0.0169954 3.7874088 1.0377520 0.4116031 107283997 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U11/U12 25kDa subunit
-0.6862741 -2.1075377 -0.2402629 5.7651183 6.7290391 0.0067452 107282265 uncharacterized LOC107282265
-0.6864472 0.2746732 -0.4446935 5.2512736 2.2626758 0.1344920 107296634 calcium regulated heat stable protein 1
-0.6869896 -0.2693557 0.0007529 3.1505023 0.5468943 0.6597859 107303326 transcription factor B2 mitochondrial
-0.6870867 -0.9348397 -0.0705060 1.5368371 1.0238309 0.4171302 107297774 Sep (O-phosphoserine) tRNA:Sec (selenocysteine) tRNA synthase
-0.6872859 -0.3517201 -0.5100767 4.4719081 1.5435795 0.2548788 107292860 histone deacetylase 11
-0.6879592 -0.0221960 0.7963620 4.4880998 0.1364799 0.9362995 107302734 lysosomal acid lipase/cholesteryl ester hydrolase-like
-0.6881102 -0.6009932 -0.2456421 5.2998271 2.4094750 0.1186470 107289363 family with sequence similarity 149 member B1
-0.6882539 -0.0077471 -0.9251219 -0.1164853 0.5253172 0.6732938 107295065 DAB2 interacting protein
-0.6885082 -1.7763848 -2.7129642 -0.5919454 1.5846396 0.2455376 107286349 ring finger protein 182
-0.6888896 -0.9479288 0.2450142 1.1759797 0.9713632 0.4388141 107293760 RING finger and SPRY domain-containing protein 1
-0.6889125 -0.2022321 0.1369652 7.6155788 1.1979965 0.3529770 107289041 ribosomal protein L10a
-0.6894841 -1.3769715 -0.8344090 6.8269139 1.6105834 0.2397443 107303000 receptor (G protein-coupled) activity modifying protein 1
-0.6895962 -0.0762832 0.1592003 7.1611659 0.5283975 0.6713526 107290453 arginyl-tRNA synthetase
-0.6899377 -0.0766517 -1.0727062 1.5509893 1.3347637 0.3099660 107302536 regulator of G-protein signaling 3
-0.6900825 1.7281670 0.2715661 -0.1153676 0.9019647 0.4692437 107282541 pleckstrin homology domain containing A4
-0.6903138 4.6785130 4.4677336 1.4608851 6.0350620 0.0098622 107286239 glucokinase
-0.6905763 -0.0528125 0.9046902 3.0528368 3.7506225 0.0419491 107302351 prolyl-tRNA synthetase associated domain-containing protein 1-like
-0.6912474 -0.7608834 -0.8669801 4.6533891 3.2713535 0.0596849 107292304 RNA binding region (RNP1 RRM) containing 3
-0.6916719 -0.0350394 -0.2444545 5.0081504 1.0381288 0.4114538 107282785 mitochondrial assembly of ribosomal large subunit 1
-0.6917153 -0.9474620 -0.6278193 5.3599383 0.9427316 0.4511165 107291905 galactose mutarotase (aldose 1-epimerase)
-0.6918390 -0.3588723 0.1961675 4.2576945 2.2826567 0.1320753 107289786 huntingtin interacting protein K
-0.6919425 -0.5732571 -0.5722738 4.0041698 0.9403297 0.4521570 107293310 SCAN domain-containing protein 3-like
-0.6930062 -0.5830971 0.1694497 4.6461409 1.2996185 0.3204779 107291477 Ts translation elongation factor mitochondrial
-0.6939625 -1.2249439 -1.2973919 6.4944321 3.3145886 0.0578967 107286512 claudin domain containing 1
-0.6940657 -0.2804109 -0.0522659 3.1222160 0.7773564 0.5292923 107302182 proteasome activator complex subunit 2-like
-0.6942678 0.5269946 -2.0359201 1.2046677 2.5332828 0.1071776 107297392 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily c member 1
-0.6943762 -0.4889593 -0.9993839 2.4451644 1.1068070 0.3851546 107295688 ZFP91 zinc finger protein
-0.6944281 -0.5946353 -0.5540972 5.6473618 1.3153677 0.3156221 107295181 patatin like phospholipase domain containing 8
-0.6949298 -0.3215808 -0.1491349 8.6135886 0.6679301 0.5880494 107302842 calcyclin binding protein
-0.6954455 -0.1989256 -1.4009046 6.3633553 1.6736074 0.2262953 107295807 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B11
-0.6954946 1.4922706 -0.1181939 4.0459394 4.2455314 0.0297975 107288732 teneurin transmembrane protein 3
-0.6955192 -1.0380858 -0.6633731 3.3730782 0.3469032 0.7920899 107289757 NLR family apoptosis inhibitory protein
-0.6972073 -0.7849849 -0.1998599 6.8944919 1.1818432 0.3584622 107284471 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D2
-0.6979335 -0.0411950 0.0651553 5.6044491 1.6915775 0.2225704 107295208 mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 5
-0.6980068 -0.9640913 -0.9175432 6.8869656 1.6276676 0.2360125 107283298 VPS41 HOPS complex subunit
-0.6980894 -0.4222535 -0.9419511 0.2525927 0.1217267 0.9454873 107302736 lipase member M-like
-0.6983800 -0.0243163 0.1484863 8.9444540 1.0488911 0.4071817 107293638 ribosomal protein SA
-0.6988471 -0.0492998 -1.0606041 1.7056534 2.0554641 0.1607024 107284769 VPS11 CORVET/HOPS core subunit
-0.6988842 -1.6489581 0.3449687 4.6028606 10.4626104 0.0012128 107291984 spleen tyrosine kinase
-0.6998187 -0.6090139 2.5034423 -0.0367633 0.5449022 0.6610242 107301765 uncharacterized LOC107301765
-0.6998503 1.5123874 -1.1324843 1.6973207 1.7292065 0.2151281 107291036 EFR3 homolog B
-0.7000040 -0.4274568 0.2108390 6.2172871 2.2257320 0.1386821 107289234 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S5
-0.7000680 -0.2785870 -0.8707355 4.3569018 1.5116973 0.2626767 107288781 splicing factor 3a subunit 1
-0.7002329 4.1820323 5.0101508 5.9458915 19.5695734 0.0000720 107282526 claudin-4-like
-0.7005202 -0.3816283 0.8141899 6.3715596 2.7713420 0.0882978 107290627 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit B
-0.7011766 -1.3159208 -2.4037081 6.8004689 5.7903034 0.0113430 107300616 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S36
-0.7015911 -0.1517406 -0.4098658 2.4915485 0.9836493 0.4335464 107298449 beta-catenin-like protein 1
-0.7017384 -0.6155607 -0.7225303 7.6937687 0.8123870 0.5116862 107289742 small EDRK-rich factor 1-like
-0.7018545 -0.1441668 -0.4875849 -0.3973512 0.0404283 0.9885956 107295301 uncharacterized LOC107295301
-0.7022600 0.3151941 -0.3516610 0.0598613 0.5428046 0.6623218 107300025 protoporphyrinogen oxidase
-0.7029238 -0.4868286 -0.1784211 3.4060731 1.1275477 0.3774648 107300546 p53 and DNA damage-regulated protein 1-like
-0.7032172 -0.4783903 -1.1101883 -0.3881778 0.4071554 0.7507424 107301180 solute carrier family 41 member 1-like
-0.7032898 -0.9414548 -0.9843027 1.7499440 1.5297946 0.2581563 107287100 arf-GAP with SH3 domain ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 1-like
-0.7038613 0.5178792 -1.4726365 0.2248145 1.8829780 0.1873319 107292455 ring finger protein 150
-0.7039356 -1.2532480 -0.2402189 6.5588058 3.2953912 0.0587398 107283024 calreticulin-like
-0.7042131 -0.3753749 -1.9541638 -0.1072843 1.7767845 0.2060609 107284666 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 48
-0.7044317 -0.0709951 2.8562766 6.2252662 8.4444828 0.0028911 107288180 keratin 8 type II
-0.7046157 -1.2368506 -0.7593681 7.4974420 2.3442555 0.1254929 107289882 zinc finger FYVE-type containing 21
-0.7053942 -0.8425170 -1.5531687 2.4039693 1.7636955 0.2085118 107290895 toll like receptor adaptor molecule 2
-0.7054953 0.2547778 -0.8938807 2.1582434 0.3588085 0.7838467 107282739 matrix metalloproteinase-25-like
-0.7060115 -0.2377768 0.4046003 7.0608176 1.2861637 0.3245884 107284223 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 10 NatA catalytic subunit
-0.7067072 -0.8285883 -1.7654525 0.2733046 1.2661387 0.3308123 107287297 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 10
-0.7067901 -0.5535102 0.2004230 4.9628679 3.8453365 0.0391985 107293622 WD repeat domain 45B
-0.7072314 -2.3359562 -0.8487254 2.0105093 1.4144819 0.2876116 107284208 ceramide kinase-like
-0.7075337 -0.4766259 0.0005152 6.3225327 1.3291170 0.3116629 107300922 electron transfer flavoprotein alpha subunit
-0.7080952 -0.5305078 -1.0533552 0.2357360 0.5283397 0.6713890 107302806 uncharacterized LOC107302806
-0.7086051 0.2596133 -0.2628114 7.3528534 2.4168226 0.1179181 107282261 ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 1
-0.7086490 -7.1609713 0.4639561 3.1854765 32.1561201 0.0000059 107288962 transcription factor CP2-like 1
-0.7089333 -0.3979072 -0.9301458 8.3672740 1.1827511 0.3581498 107287946 voltage dependent anion channel 3
-0.7090164 -1.7478020 -1.6858639 1.0829002 1.1502641 0.3694511 107293204 NHS actin remodeling regulator
-0.7090410 -0.4887604 -0.1792842 5.9169965 0.9469267 0.4492921 107293915 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit K
-0.7091040 -1.6795644 -0.3969009 1.7320406 3.4844772 0.0508925 107290658 solute carrier family 22 member 4-like
-0.7094686 -1.3347483 -2.7068771 -0.0933486 1.7575020 0.2096830 107284334 family with sequence similarity 110 member B
-0.7096355 0.1911728 0.2728879 6.4283078 2.0791444 0.1575722 107286510 F-box protein 8
-0.7099267 -0.2400017 -3.4396491 2.6633177 5.3146947 0.0150298 107295982 proline rich coiled-coil 2B
-0.7102950 -0.5283550 -0.8615222 4.8299304 2.1525963 0.1476779 107289748 RAD17 checkpoint clamp loader component
-0.7116795 -0.7783763 -0.2789207 5.2385509 1.3191742 0.3146042 107303239 non-POU domain containing octamer-binding
-0.7120720 -0.0814315 0.8268849 1.1278006 0.1501315 0.9275703 107284521 uncharacterized LOC107284521
-0.7137176 -0.1309882 0.6449757 2.7163823 2.4048174 0.1191821 107287224 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 12
-0.7139489 -0.7476060 -0.7081184 5.1010353 1.9667783 0.1737418 107284499 polypyrimidine tract binding protein 2
-0.7141250 -0.7298233 0.3305618 0.9075042 0.8943067 0.4727303 107282673 pyridoxamine 5’-phosphate oxidase
-0.7145713 -2.6236096 0.8065408 5.6145842 14.7855715 0.0002690 107293107 nudix hydrolase 14
-0.7147659 -0.0080120 -1.5443703 2.4371748 2.9457334 0.0768798 107289124 flightless I actin binding protein
-0.7154371 -0.1330647 0.2405018 4.2140893 2.7168003 0.0921111 107289780 vacuolar protein sorting 33 homolog B (yeast)
-0.7155815 -1.8931455 -2.5335491 -0.6707939 1.4242677 0.2849872 107294718 guanylate cyclase soluble subunit alpha-2-like
-0.7156279 -1.4082017 -2.3677715 2.4336389 6.7299829 0.0067302 107290426 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase MLT
-0.7158530 -0.1424764 0.0105467 0.7950639 0.5987788 0.6281498 107299743 transforming growth factor beta regulator 4
-0.7160294 -0.7761581 -1.0621896 0.6016295 1.1509450 0.3690946 107295169 zinc finger protein 585A-like
-0.7161064 0.7691787 1.1040522 0.8118242 1.7715294 0.2070410 107282969 cyclin J
-0.7168850 -0.1785729 0.4850687 4.7463954 3.3464783 0.0564408 107293301 serine palmitoyltransferase long chain base subunit 1
-0.7169090 -0.7120857 -0.2849614 5.4955948 1.1025755 0.3867314 107302906 zinc finger AN1-type containing 1
-0.7174821 0.3612295 0.6867828 4.9527753 3.7889250 0.0409142 107289949 sodium channel and clathrin linker 1
-0.7179125 0.5191544 1.5822516 1.1263972 1.0796502 0.3953416 107295196 platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase IB subunit alpha-like
-0.7179962 -0.2154770 0.0697448 5.9395738 1.2363876 0.3402991 107287389 Obg-like ATPase 1
-0.7182962 -2.0878234 -1.3283218 5.7411532 9.8674700 0.0015486 107287826 cyclin I
-0.7187375 -1.0923634 -0.8147582 2.6745982 2.1269121 0.1510014 107297427 optineurin
-0.7198441 -0.1537557 0.2412808 8.0439234 0.8799712 0.4793275 107297740 chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 5
-0.7216674 2.2268365 0.8018303 4.4427787 7.7266414 0.0040620 107303246 interleukin 13 receptor subunit alpha 1
-0.7218255 -6.9187977 0.7314722 2.3060215 27.1422192 0.0000142 107296056 G protein-coupled receptor 143
-0.7224104 0.0733974 -1.7943947 0.8946256 1.0125064 0.4217380 107296394 G-protein coupled receptor 56-like
-0.7233464 -0.5333709 0.2370190 9.3064124 2.6857413 0.0944582 107284052 cold shock domain containing E1
-0.7236500 -0.4681458 -0.7774549 -0.0957656 0.2942772 0.8288023 107302302 zinc finger protein 572-like
-0.7237800 -0.3748771 0.8831229 3.9158174 5.9237356 0.0104537 107286011 guanylate kinase 1
-0.7241011 -0.4337220 -0.1303251 4.7668506 1.3015390 0.3198569 107284293 family with sequence similarity 207 member A
-0.7242630 -0.1116749 0.8476769 0.1659550 0.3421848 0.7953649 107287162 NTF2-related export protein 2-like
-0.7247168 -1.5910406 -0.5337588 4.1022542 5.3118000 0.0150228 107282267 small integral membrane protein 7
-0.7248877 -0.2917048 -1.3949590 1.7178442 0.5599675 0.6517052 107302435 G protein-coupled receptor 132
-0.7252410 -1.4646808 -1.1325832 6.2275507 2.9258650 0.0780909 107297430 lamin B receptor
-0.7252961 -0.4883778 -0.5251993 4.5213426 0.9474232 0.4490767 107296686 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L13
-0.7253521 -0.8777349 -0.3974268 6.8101187 1.4843494 0.2694409 107295003 BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 3-like
-0.7254538 0.8517500 -0.6679273 1.7068902 2.7795591 0.0875894 107296647 uncharacterized LOC107296647
-0.7257768 0.6689627 0.6136542 2.4514351 1.6713340 0.2267655 107296683 syntrophin beta 1
-0.7262638 0.1686197 -1.3671308 0.5103204 2.9635390 0.0756710 107287345 T-box 19
-0.7266070 -0.2365660 0.0787860 4.8807894 2.6512791 0.0971432 107291257 metal response element binding transcription factor 2
-0.7270547 -1.2113705 -0.6660289 5.0918959 2.7184296 0.0921396 107287763 mitochondrial fission factor
-0.7270841 -0.7074032 -0.2071077 6.5748691 2.0300156 0.1643270 107283278 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 4
-0.7276634 -1.2851787 -0.3064997 5.6697497 5.9208810 0.0104707 107297364 tRNA methyltransferase 6
-0.7278302 0.8019951 1.3651216 3.5698346 4.8290933 0.0203170 107301028 protein PML-like
-0.7279179 -0.5360953 1.7340378 -0.6354857 1.0331293 0.4134397 107283025 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39A
-0.7280231 -0.8530286 -0.3210594 4.8929942 0.9571937 0.4448588 107282770 src kinase associated phosphoprotein 2
-0.7280881 -1.0506092 0.1670141 7.6861218 4.5924212 0.0235786 107287501 cell cycle associated protein 1
-0.7281413 -0.3923465 1.8666617 8.2612389 7.0875012 0.0055936 107291672 Sec61 translocon beta subunit
-0.7282402 -0.8226180 -0.7542849 4.3378364 2.1428973 0.1489231 107296742 ubiquitously expressed prefoldin like chaperone
-0.7282704 -0.3006857 1.7478636 5.7675559 7.6100279 0.0043008 107293866 retention in endoplasmic reticulum sorting receptor 1
-0.7283380 -0.6837262 -0.7989325 3.6607078 1.8511870 0.1925703 107293330 replication factor C subunit 4
-0.7284423 -0.9045393 1.1251181 6.3513292 10.3758003 0.0012505 107291525 neurabin-1-like
-0.7284970 -0.4511993 0.0826756 7.5519049 0.8321989 0.5019829 107290741 ribosomal protein L11
-0.7286057 -0.1632362 -0.3389534 6.2371472 0.9958153 0.4285810 107290673 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf72
-0.7295483 -0.6891819 -1.0397088 2.1589692 1.5884084 0.2445357 107300668 G protein pathway suppressor 2
-0.7298428 -0.0687714 -1.7088549 -0.5458009 0.3211006 0.8100467 107300807 protein SCAF8-like
-0.7299053 -0.1139983 0.0002312 0.7275810 0.1204236 0.9462850 107297146 transmembrane protein 255B-like
-0.7302593 0.1924964 1.3818562 1.9981978 2.7658635 0.0886869 107296172 gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-2-like
-0.7304833 -0.2124542 1.1572572 5.8206833 7.3931944 0.0047726 107288694 ER membrane protein complex subunit 3
-0.7306245 0.1679635 -0.5481599 2.2749552 2.3960367 0.1199934 107293961 ubiquitin specific peptidase 49
-0.7312603 -0.6578151 -0.1095372 5.2458854 3.3587860 0.0558809 107292390 tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1
-0.7321006 0.1004883 -0.7685197 4.0484085 2.1660047 0.1461370 107282665 malonyl-CoA decarboxylase
-0.7322089 -0.0338213 -0.2990358 2.8475784 1.5978300 0.2424218 107298545 mitochondrial tRNA translation optimization 1
-0.7322778 -1.5940819 -2.0086734 7.9241517 4.5225641 0.0247705 107284489 ATP synthase mitochondrial F1 complex assembly factor 1
-0.7325050 -0.9289494 -0.9813369 1.1661750 1.1000346 0.3875661 107300560 cysteine and histidine-rich domain-containing protein 1-like
-0.7325742 -0.3252241 -0.7698408 0.7718822 0.7463540 0.5452994 107301670 probable tRNA pseudouridine synthase 2
-0.7328762 0.8135165 1.2654207 5.3950404 4.2057232 0.0306133 107282486 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 14
-0.7331631 0.3953568 0.3482849 6.0913071 2.5997676 0.1014748 107298833 SEC24 homolog C COPII coat complex component
-0.7335860 -0.6958809 -1.4522206 0.8979819 1.4431899 0.2799084 107299131 UV stimulated scaffold protein A
-0.7345759 -2.3266162 -0.7161500 4.9904626 7.8288729 0.0038654 107295106 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 10
-0.7356571 -0.7929651 -0.5595884 4.1712459 1.8963250 0.1849565 107287940 spastin
-0.7373287 -0.1366903 -2.1110127 2.9114428 1.9425136 0.1776759 107293467 Rho GTPase activating protein 9
-0.7375004 -0.6243803 0.9883765 5.0654533 9.7522085 0.0016149 107289586 ribonuclease T2
-0.7375387 -0.4052873 0.1340984 7.2752304 1.0797067 0.3953201 107290983 ribosomal protein S14
-0.7377527 -0.5181403 -0.4422274 7.1924121 0.3880129 0.7637706 107284672 Parkinsonism associated deglycase
-0.7382622 0.6957400 1.8415931 6.0319676 9.3096071 0.0019661 107283656 asparagine synthetase (glutamine-hydrolyzing)
-0.7388548 -0.9898429 0.1915445 1.8369011 0.7640012 0.5361572 107296219 L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase
-0.7393464 -0.8282131 -0.8033028 6.1106136 1.2850233 0.3249394 107297732 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S18B
-0.7400703 -0.5820612 0.1894363 4.9694954 2.0231940 0.1654756 107289836 damage specific DNA binding protein 2
-0.7400730 -1.9564072 -0.8583744 1.0597280 1.9713034 0.1732092 107296353 ribonuclease-like
-0.7403646 -0.4212705 0.2855662 1.2922246 0.6990002 0.5707890 107295459 inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase A
-0.7409419 0.2708900 0.7304168 2.4276069 0.2932584 0.8295156 107287217 DEAD-box helicase 24
-0.7413732 -0.7877006 2.0447296 6.9599167 10.4921066 0.0012049 107294151 aspartate beta-hydroxylase
-0.7416327 -0.2420779 -1.5287450 8.0792467 2.3468170 0.1252352 107292267 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial Fo complex subunit B1
-0.7416382 -2.2197179 -0.8803573 5.0344082 4.2160928 0.0303983 107288322 leukemia inhibitory factor receptor alpha
-0.7423843 -0.1118396 1.0797897 2.4725464 4.8509964 0.0199590 107288575 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S17
-0.7425415 -0.8449206 -0.9088656 2.7894106 1.6126049 0.2391475 107284102 CST complex subunit CTC1-like
-0.7430422 -1.3844040 -1.7937578 1.6358062 3.2823378 0.0592068 107299890 myoneurin
-0.7434887 0.3227444 0.0462354 2.0072128 0.5223288 0.6751812 107297987 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM39-like
-0.7437454 -0.0570465 0.2303131 2.1126760 1.2584831 0.3331143 107295463 cleavage stimulation factor subunit 1-like
-0.7438541 -0.8795707 0.6063069 -0.2509642 0.9073401 0.4668118 107297823 nectin-1-like
-0.7440965 -0.3050461 -2.3579768 1.3234819 2.2139124 0.1402354 107303208 RAD54-like 2 (S. cerevisiae)
-0.7446229 0.4493875 1.1642102 6.5084036 2.9148634 0.0787710 107296987 ERGIC and golgi 2
-0.7467415 -0.3542594 -1.8100015 7.2824043 3.1540762 0.0654016 107299348 cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 8
-0.7469221 -0.1514203 -0.5341152 -0.3234988 0.3597285 0.7832070 107297304 coiled-coil domain containing 61
-0.7471504 -0.5846450 -0.3944822 10.3786226 1.0248696 0.4166423 107289954 integral membrane protein 2A
-0.7472418 0.3807900 0.0962493 1.8680224 1.7364418 0.2135642 107290685 uncharacterized LOC107290685
-0.7475682 -0.1144391 0.4037597 5.0038233 2.0173350 0.1663289 107293412 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L40
-0.7476934 -0.2812675 0.9691737 8.1186372 2.6813860 0.0949437 107284698 Sec61 translocon gamma subunit
-0.7477038 0.2482645 1.7249913 0.3688401 2.0319526 0.1642092 107288406 uncharacterized LOC107288406
-0.7477969 0.8049231 1.3483370 0.8482026 3.1993427 0.0631193 107301202 alpha-(13)-fucosyltransferase 11-like
-0.7488488 -0.7972818 -4.7903866 2.7838699 14.4867745 0.0002952 107288404 solute carrier family 45 member 2
-0.7489356 -0.6432152 -0.8183506 6.4974511 2.2286922 0.1383094 107297972 cell division cycle 40
-0.7491432 -0.8144005 -1.5244875 4.1616979 2.7424807 0.0903700 107301642 protein FRG1-like
-0.7500307 -0.4405386 0.2359659 0.8110639 1.2914520 0.3228359 107301032 phosphoglycolate phosphatase-like
-0.7518018 -0.5078990 -0.3181222 3.7225042 1.6796373 0.2248987 107283573 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C5orf22
-0.7523190 0.9481111 1.2289218 5.6642367 5.8921798 0.0106972 107292126 membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 8-like
-0.7523312 -0.6309954 -0.9072839 2.5634814 1.2065680 0.3499914 107283131 cingulin-like 1
-0.7524296 -0.3284450 -0.0559507 5.0776033 1.6921311 0.2224113 107302747 NFKB activating protein
-0.7529330 -0.7398532 0.4824187 10.1766061 1.8666703 0.1899834 107297603 t-complex 1
-0.7539692 -0.1129671 1.0808483 7.4832633 2.3927645 0.1204820 107291175 NSA2 ribosome biogenesis homolog
-0.7541395 -0.6440091 0.0710211 2.5436502 0.6503697 0.5980335 107283099 isochorismatase domain containing 2
-0.7546951 -2.7698470 -0.9378927 2.6964490 11.8334279 0.0007196 107292735 cyclin E1
-0.7546968 -3.3841104 -2.2076660 6.0185598 8.2112007 0.0032221 107283320 acyl-CoA binding domain containing 7
-0.7550498 -0.3286417 -0.3320310 4.6644212 1.0947318 0.3896548 107285472 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C12orf65
-0.7564170 -0.3109121 -0.8507147 6.0049571 0.7385949 0.5494516 107284736 nudix hydrolase 4
-0.7564598 -0.8545988 0.6025072 4.3233602 4.8423875 0.0201460 107295374 RAB14 member RAS oncogene family
-0.7569097 0.2725422 -0.7178046 0.3336930 0.7613765 0.5375164 107301410 sorting nexin-15-like
-0.7570588 -0.6769843 0.3772607 5.5427785 3.4789217 0.0512143 107283270 dual specificity phosphatase 11
-0.7572583 -3.2813492 -3.9019536 1.7460929 19.6007136 0.0000703 107284906 phospholipase C like 1
-0.7576796 -1.1029752 -0.8693296 3.2393452 0.2877210 0.8333932 107282450 immunoglobulin superfamily member 1-like
-0.7578535 -0.8995932 -0.1100345 2.6490046 1.0215834 0.4180644 107298798 zinc finger protein 665-like
-0.7580850 -0.3150653 0.0877417 4.4155390 0.9263423 0.4583169 107294020 zinc finger protein RFP-like
-0.7589826 0.9305349 -1.0144830 3.9521522 4.4829163 0.0254257 107298287 histone deacetylase 5-like
-0.7600199 -0.1336189 -1.2151639 1.6583901 0.7943590 0.5206748 107302985 ArfGAP with SH3 domain ankyrin repeat and PH domain 3
-0.7600608 -0.8028908 0.4525684 1.9449685 1.9280589 0.1799197 107302606 lysine demethylase 8
-0.7613317 -0.8761774 -0.2130814 6.4503278 4.2629147 0.0293542 107296187 apolipoprotein O like
-0.7615832 0.2910498 -0.4776126 4.8291921 2.6894910 0.0942894 107288383 nuclear receptor coactivator 6
-0.7617220 -0.7126403 -2.3980459 3.9827096 11.9291683 0.0006964 107291170 ETS proto-oncogene 1 transcription factor
-0.7618537 -0.3464958 -0.7913452 7.6248314 1.8264671 0.1968892 107288124 zinc finger AN1-type containing 5
-0.7622956 -2.2026627 -1.9996506 0.6450217 2.4375738 0.1160442 107292382 transgelin 3
-0.7623335 0.1409729 0.4557166 2.7484257 0.1730519 0.9125177 107282236 kinesin-like protein kif7
-0.7630236 -0.0811826 0.9417025 0.0043573 1.0226556 0.4176327 107288013 uncharacterized LOC107288013
-0.7636812 -0.7140666 -0.5690291 7.8505880 1.7592136 0.2092013 107284488 EF-hand calcium binding domain 14
-0.7638770 0.4444947 -0.6554429 2.5333918 0.8628852 0.4873110 107297786 phosphatidylinositol-45-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma
-0.7640221 -1.0290555 0.8704614 4.3871914 3.2913694 0.0589182 107283158 dyslexia susceptibility 1 candidate 1
-0.7653954 0.6641050 -0.4845795 -0.2985065 0.7070111 0.5664109 107298210 ribosomal RNA adenine dimethylase domain containing 1
-0.7654609 -1.2329892 0.8063565 4.4959108 11.4462961 0.0008258 107292728 peptidylprolyl isomerase C
-0.7657884 0.0692287 0.3750445 5.0939619 3.9049548 0.0375820 107285135 GADD45G interacting protein 1
-0.7667167 -0.3080809 0.1280044 0.7223073 0.6922729 0.5744431 107299275 target of rapamycin complex 2 subunit MAPKAP1-like
-0.7669648 0.0631777 0.3074263 3.6769130 3.0809570 0.0690513 107302621 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 5
-0.7669806 0.2848266 0.5538015 8.9265920 3.1639987 0.0647717 107291763 basic leucine zipper and W2 domains 1
-0.7678871 0.4309011 -0.7854532 1.8406497 2.2550278 0.1352261 107295343 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase very long chain
-0.7682228 -0.9204593 0.1670798 4.8201922 4.2474188 0.0296720 107293710 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E family member 3
-0.7683299 0.6035746 0.7833451 1.2768154 4.0113662 0.0348847 107284665 acyl-CoA thioesterase 7
-0.7684178 -1.8493381 -3.3797447 6.3406225 7.7960625 0.0039272 107303313 protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit gamma 2
-0.7691580 -0.9140469 -0.6114128 5.8488774 1.2189916 0.3459819 107289740 methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase 2
-0.7692215 -0.0065398 1.7472206 2.9299764 9.1277221 0.0021104 107293309 sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase 1-like
-0.7694213 -1.3878769 -1.2399331 1.4409973 0.2226115 0.8788075 107301059 integrator complex subunit 8-like
-0.7696060 -0.1773396 -0.4671805 4.4079003 0.8135330 0.5111199 107297691 FAST kinase domains 3
-0.7696923 0.9242216 -0.4788002 0.3706051 1.0337702 0.4131846 107285685 complement component 5a receptor 1
-0.7697982 -4.2398813 -2.6499802 0.6960563 6.2386093 0.0088003 107296436 chloride voltage-gated channel Ka
-0.7708749 -0.2299555 -1.4584891 6.7209539 3.2416780 0.0611751 107297382 SAMM50 sorting and assembly machinery component
-0.7711298 0.5288680 0.7641756 4.6743744 0.6838710 0.5791421 107298892 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
-0.7715531 -0.2498979 0.8145518 3.4031394 4.3207764 0.0282382 107296813 uncharacterized LOC107296813
-0.7716354 -2.3168527 0.9223881 0.0434965 3.8326829 0.0396618 107287414 PQ-loop repeat-containing protein 1-like
-0.7717786 -1.0597336 -0.1022173 6.7109826 4.2375290 0.0298636 107283412 transmembrane protein 69
-0.7723095 -0.7387186 0.1213138 7.1255779 1.5159433 0.2616434 107283687 ribosomal protein L34
-0.7728996 -0.3487572 0.5531699 6.9076302 2.2076177 0.1409952 107291293 DEAD-box helicase 18
-0.7730879 0.1655931 0.3919712 0.9307040 0.0928559 0.9625278 107292695 NOP10 ribonucleoprotein
-0.7732111 -1.7823434 -0.3332572 5.6004436 4.9194386 0.0191872 107290847 BLOC-1 related complex subunit 7
-0.7733441 1.0780550 0.6980138 2.6368760 1.1037011 0.3863138 107301684 class I histocompatibility antigen Gogo-OKO alpha chain-like
-0.7737783 -0.3759498 -0.7010720 4.1058258 0.7864941 0.5246440 107290495 ATP binding cassette subfamily D member 4
-0.7738123 -1.4245003 -0.7026117 1.5696157 0.2523297 0.8581537 107301266 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-1
-0.7741164 -0.4512606 1.0189683 1.5027543 3.9000261 0.0377126 107296127 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptides B and B1
-0.7743224 0.5113875 -0.2170473 0.3584343 0.9662646 0.4409239 107300372 major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein-like
-0.7744141 -0.3990995 0.4182231 4.0562775 3.1709678 0.0644431 107293965 bystin like
-0.7744408 -0.9750488 -0.4653536 5.6686993 1.4464772 0.2791281 107302398 pentatricopeptide repeat domain 3
-0.7744520 -0.1511843 0.5321168 7.8007649 2.2971222 0.1306188 107282321 importin 5
-0.7751727 -0.5372429 1.2639218 3.0977816 8.8811923 0.0023536 107299044 protein-lysine N-methyltransferase EEF2KMT-like
-0.7754098 -0.6215629 -0.0424289 8.1765096 0.7222462 0.5581702 107282275 ribosomal protein L36
-0.7756364 -1.0514485 -1.7854454 0.9734417 2.4305337 0.1165908 107286029 lethal(3)malignant brain tumor-like protein 4
-0.7761968 -0.8685476 -3.0994591 0.6479840 5.1364097 0.0167598 107284179 formin homology 2 domain containing 1
-0.7763897 -0.7015531 -2.0441813 2.9621658 1.9016752 0.1842370 107283941 CTD small phosphatase like 2
-0.7764165 0.3022716 -0.6586760 -0.0367870 0.3128188 0.8158306 107294720 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like
-0.7764682 0.0994861 0.4866305 4.6499114 2.8428656 0.0833937 107294103 abhydrolase domain containing 5
-0.7764906 -0.2899644 -1.1448185 6.6279959 2.6581814 0.0967501 107296516 inositol hexakisphosphate kinase 2
-0.7765006 -0.2408189 0.1488139 2.2160152 1.4819674 0.2698944 107283551 NIN1/RPN12 binding protein 1 homolog
-0.7766544 0.6205673 -1.4614879 0.5648957 1.5728049 0.2482319 107287969 ARP1 actin-related protein 1 homolog B centractin beta (yeast)
-0.7767946 -0.6577840 -0.1680073 4.4540657 1.8990125 0.1845335 107282350 serine/threonine kinase 24
-0.7772682 -0.2939213 -0.2512269 3.9043957 0.9589319 0.4441127 107302902 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L53
-0.7777579 -0.8134593 -0.2622715 2.9318420 0.9338475 0.4550052 107289476 coiled-coil domain containing 53
-0.7779290 -0.9805709 0.5350756 8.2233353 6.7074478 0.0067836 107292615 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 3
-0.7781359 0.5161212 2.7365696 4.5822131 5.3853464 0.0144024 107301181 alanine aminotransferase 2-like
-0.7781858 0.6361152 0.1678380 6.8221327 1.6851283 0.2239290 107292004 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2G 1
-0.7790705 -1.2137590 -0.1391776 5.2490608 6.1848235 0.0090198 107290429 nudix hydrolase 9
-0.7804564 -0.7986262 0.1263550 4.3065742 2.8702693 0.0815553 107290475 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C7orf25
-0.7808445 0.5746343 0.1832588 0.9062207 0.1119240 0.9514269 107298328 serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 6 regulatory subunit 1-like
-0.7818459 -1.5030032 -1.7210900 0.0641679 2.2293279 0.1382340 107291601 cysteine-serine-rich nuclear protein 2
-0.7820092 -0.4229272 -2.7199782 0.4527401 1.6554358 0.2300845 107285180 integrator complex subunit 3
-0.7820909 -0.4233990 -0.3147137 1.4900738 0.4921063 0.6944829 107298489 zinc finger protein 850-like
-0.7821652 -1.0090981 -0.5992149 1.0907163 0.8984346 0.4707649 107284927 retinol dehydrogenase 14 (all-trans/9-cis/11-cis)
-0.7822863 -0.5950400 -1.5752075 -0.1072247 2.0047119 0.1680231 107290289 ubiquitin associated protein 1 like
-0.7825809 -0.1758806 -0.2591699 0.9637295 0.6190867 0.6161250 107287453 beta-soluble NSF attachment protein
-0.7826616 -0.2393763 -0.5751974 3.3556759 0.3452800 0.7932161 107295861 isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 (NAD+) beta
-0.7829698 -0.1624783 -0.4641440 2.7699480 0.9539293 0.4462172 107285674 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf54
-0.7831293 -0.5619185 -0.1398436 5.2024237 0.9925743 0.4299230 107301909 LanC like 1
-0.7832739 0.4016033 -0.3546188 1.1642816 1.3850123 0.2955387 107299389 probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX34
-0.7838878 -0.8861799 0.1804163 5.6634024 4.1772578 0.0311229 107296856 DSCR3 arrestin fold containing
-0.7842366 -0.3628628 1.3907523 3.9152959 7.9284019 0.0036768 107292935 protein tyrosine phosphatase mitochondrial 1
-0.7843702 -0.8424946 -1.0286318 6.6849250 1.8445137 0.1938849 107289580 t-complex 11 testis-specific-like 2
-0.7846189 0.9073977 -0.9247783 7.8232770 1.2590702 0.3330401 107287487 dermatopontin
-0.7849855 -0.3535761 0.8534742 5.9641336 6.7104091 0.0067729 107294751 trafficking protein particle complex 3
-0.7858565 0.0241848 -2.5413534 0.4442918 3.1788901 0.0641711 107283531 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 18
-0.7862364 1.1463808 -0.6865382 1.0127268 1.4984876 0.2659202 107300279 GTPase IMAP family member 4-like
-0.7863913 -1.3890429 0.3171346 5.6481966 6.8584053 0.0063003 107290892 adaptor related protein complex 3 sigma 1 subunit
-0.7864236 -0.4009326 -0.9186747 -0.3771996 0.0705475 0.9745719 107296059 RNA-binding protein 33-like
-0.7867761 0.2251432 -1.0164458 7.4577842 3.0794634 0.0692688 107294935 TNFAIP3 interacting protein 1
-0.7872509 -0.1955717 -0.2314921 4.1879716 1.2504997 0.3357630 107285894 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C3orf70
-0.7873302 -0.4041450 -0.4039702 3.1505075 0.8048105 0.5154452 107289818 ALG13 UDP-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase subunit
-0.7879364 -0.4208527 -0.0059160 8.5774920 1.2493237 0.3360277 107295820 RAN member RAS oncogene family
-0.7880270 -1.0372826 -2.4021335 4.2611228 9.4849297 0.0018237 107297175 atypical kinase ADCK3 mitochondrial-like
-0.7880323 -0.3744343 -0.4166437 2.6779667 0.8896840 0.4747731 107298369 uncharacterized LOC107298369
-0.7883987 -0.6196092 -1.6845869 4.9143858 2.6214092 0.0996941 107283098 C1D nuclear receptor corepressor
-0.7885202 -0.9596430 -0.4137818 6.8168010 1.7374109 0.2135331 107284283 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L19
-0.7893456 -0.7046431 -0.8809895 9.0167920 1.8945683 0.1852464 107286560 biorientation of chromosomes in cell division 1 like 1
-0.7896260 -0.1288648 1.0429645 4.7070881 2.6862473 0.0945702 107283955 TNF receptor-associated protein 1
-0.7899547 -0.2603864 0.8128317 3.4430514 5.2564017 0.0155049 107285453 2-oxoglutarate and iron-dependent oxygenase domain containing 2
-0.7902118 -0.2581971 -0.4265876 4.0815181 2.1664358 0.1459216 107287121 mucolipin 1
-0.7902921 -0.5874702 -0.5852629 4.5662696 1.6480152 0.2314989 107290919 tRNA nucleotidyl transferase CCA-adding 1
-0.7903840 -1.1608685 -1.8847666 1.1651223 3.4901443 0.0506801 107296307 tubulin tyrosine ligase
-0.7905679 -0.1838900 -1.3197322 1.3164931 1.1307280 0.3764288 107293714 Myb/SANT DNA binding domain containing 3
-0.7906814 -3.7162623 -0.6631307 2.4903684 23.5763951 0.0000286 107300512 rho GTPase-activating protein 42-like
-0.7913576 3.6786171 0.3807244 2.6933464 20.4708584 0.0000571 107285152 hemicentin 1
-0.7913938 -1.4396338 -2.3070006 0.4361724 4.9262212 0.0190303 107298080 zinc finger protein 2-like
-0.7916051 0.0414179 1.1988475 4.7836901 2.7606773 0.0890571 107291049 erythrocyte band 7 integral membrane protein-like
-0.7919906 -0.6348815 -0.9418014 2.7802202 2.5673614 0.1040557 107287154 CGRP receptor component
-0.7922812 -0.3475569 -0.4993265 4.4560043 1.4186548 0.2863673 107287892 protein arginine methyltransferase 9
-0.7924067 -1.8738302 -1.6925040 4.1588899 4.3910494 0.0270228 107294479 succinyl-CoA ligase [GDP-forming] subunit beta mitochondrial-like
-0.7924823 0.2742167 -1.0731016 0.9320511 0.7218165 0.5584011 107291268 Kruppel-like factor 11
-0.7929597 0.2462200 -2.2005764 0.5982123 2.7589348 0.0891819 107290624 tweety family member 3
-0.7929957 -0.7517004 -0.0078899 7.7827157 1.6013157 0.2417961 107284100 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 1A-like
-0.7940524 0.5094491 0.7888862 3.5126245 2.5014355 0.1100389 107299311 v-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog
-0.7944545 -0.1265611 0.8607515 0.8965162 1.2114624 0.3484732 107290657 solute carrier family 22 member 5-like
-0.7944962 -1.0000608 -0.8713955 5.8855429 2.8765658 0.0810474 107286833 glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 1
-0.7951779 0.4273071 1.1979091 4.5905124 6.2085043 0.0089487 107290034 transmembrane protein 120A
-0.7952326 -2.1166757 -2.7713310 -0.1881123 3.2702504 0.0598655 107284181 NDRG family member 4
-0.7957406 -0.5758098 -0.8222863 5.2687772 0.9050357 0.4678528 107282809 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 1
-0.7959039 0.1379347 -0.1756424 0.7036775 0.8899569 0.4746409 107296411 protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 2
-0.7960110 -0.9596800 -1.2563997 4.6909554 5.9672958 0.0101969 107285130 SUMO1/sentrin specific peptidase 7
-0.7964004 1.0112014 -0.3546340 -0.5496928 0.4777318 0.7038091 107302111 zinc finger protein 501-like
-0.7967393 -2.5201716 -0.4053256 1.7936725 7.0443720 0.0057193 107301393 isoaspartyl peptidase/L-asparaginase-like
-0.7977874 -0.0862936 -1.8131752 2.8282367 2.6427802 0.0979708 107302984 pleckstrin homology domain containing A6
-0.7980551 -0.5496168 0.3856970 5.4326306 1.7790253 0.2056446 107282400 ER membrane protein complex subunit 10
-0.7991137 -1.3124741 -1.7973519 3.8351778 6.6312183 0.0070690 107284115 upstream transcription factor family member 3
-0.7995508 -0.5479441 -0.5086157 5.8794098 2.3904693 0.1205564 107287190 antagonist of mitotic exit network 1 homolog
-0.7998966 -3.5242192 -0.4170869 6.8811609 16.5808914 0.0001584 107297288 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf159
-0.7999597 -0.7373954 0.4356810 1.5774283 2.8000280 0.0861448 107289137 ATP synthase mitochondrial F1 complex assembly factor 2
-0.7999697 -0.3740451 0.0429419 5.3234569 1.2307982 0.3421140 107292417 polymerase (RNA) II subunit G
-0.8003250 0.0691178 0.4990435 8.9542313 1.3138293 0.3161979 ERCC-00042
-0.8004191 -1.7370235 1.4012308 6.5157609 13.0471827 0.0004719 107286825 isochorismatase domain containing 1
-0.8008203 -0.4368718 0.5412107 5.5471725 4.5898226 0.0236290 107287469 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 2
-0.8017644 -0.7541812 -0.1387231 2.0678947 0.7147521 0.5622097 107301401 cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha
-0.8020724 0.0388007 -1.4826902 0.5180494 2.9277802 0.0778302 107284332 PLAG1 zinc finger
-0.8022968 -0.8254605 -1.8343352 -0.2300953 0.6217289 0.6146145 107300657 H-2 class II histocompatibility antigen E-B beta chain-like
-0.8025586 0.0424634 1.1761263 9.0749372 4.4059901 0.0266831 107287251 ribophorin II
-0.8026737 -0.4958575 0.0862547 4.0762888 1.8866925 0.1866988 107286174 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2D
-0.8027618 -0.9949396 -0.7123509 4.5677178 1.5413146 0.2555624 107285470 pseudouridylate synthase 7 (putative)
-0.8033166 -0.5923489 0.8321470 6.1991869 2.5453601 0.1061149 107289466 synaptonemal complex protein 3
-0.8033505 1.0276229 0.3921911 0.1678787 1.2802307 0.3264191 107302077 zinc finger protein RFP-like
-0.8034370 -3.5935104 -1.2583968 1.9450186 8.2586897 0.0031513 107301236 cathepsin Z-like
-0.8035122 0.7632904 -1.3941826 1.4811237 2.2057514 0.1412213 107290996 protein phosphatase Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1K
-0.8040382 -0.2337268 -0.1910712 5.5670229 0.0272161 0.9936074 107296474 60S ribosomal protein L13a
-0.8040393 -0.4351129 -0.1547846 5.4624380 1.8216206 0.1977681 107282951 aryl hydrocarbon receptor
-0.8048148 0.1038490 -2.7988332 0.5542797 2.4161523 0.1181420 107298566 integrin alpha-L-like
-0.8054463 -0.1586183 -1.2598139 4.8427894 4.3926624 0.0269668 107289560 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein epsilon
-0.8070979 1.3751400 3.1878886 0.8033911 3.1999892 0.0631458 107299159 katanin p60 subunit A like 2
-0.8074857 0.0567797 -0.5245732 2.2282119 1.2363609 0.3401981 107296759 carnitine O-acetyltransferase
-0.8082469 -0.4917880 -0.3278809 1.6580871 0.3895261 0.7627367 107298801 RAD51 associated protein 1
-0.8082709 -1.0881916 0.0382393 4.0515764 3.6411492 0.0454609 107293590 uncharacterized LOC107293590
-0.8083562 -0.4760151 0.3560979 0.7793797 1.5774050 0.2470306 107291387 DNA fragmentation factor subunit beta
-0.8088490 -0.0592409 0.1281509 6.1589183 2.0727768 0.1584498 107295933 DENN domain containing 4C
-0.8103526 0.2544244 -0.7858981 0.8336800 1.0550101 0.4048146 107292840 zinc finger protein 664-like
-0.8104537 -0.3096226 -0.7508896 4.8933667 2.4835302 0.1115298 107294170 zinc finger FYVE-type containing 1
-0.8109873 -0.2538874 0.4750391 3.4539309 3.0367649 0.0714769 107290639 proteasome (prosome macropain) assembly chaperone 3
-0.8122233 -0.2262571 -0.3635711 0.1812651 0.4773163 0.7040617 107296998 NECAP endocytosis associated 2
-0.8123897 -3.8968089 -2.0147028 1.4530792 12.1674999 0.0006410 107297797 branched chain amino-acid transaminase 1 cytosolic
-0.8128530 -0.4622929 -1.2896854 3.3307760 2.1282676 0.1509851 107300108 formin binding protein 4
-0.8146473 -0.3420390 -0.1624705 6.1634869 2.5423773 0.1062215 107288081 HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 4
-0.8151686 -0.5380111 -0.2085769 2.8877397 1.1692037 0.3627101 107300377 zinc finger protein 420-like
-0.8154162 -0.0414537 -0.1340479 4.7354560 2.0596716 0.1601908 107291322 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 6 interacting protein 6
-0.8156984 0.1583997 0.2251335 4.3542174 1.5811427 0.2463303 107283321 ribonuclease P/MRP 38kDa subunit
-0.8160140 0.7028804 2.0036250 6.9653007 9.9209824 0.0015187 107297202 canopy FGF signaling regulator 3
-0.8174262 -0.1246294 -0.8644991 0.9872317 0.2533426 0.8574466 107294023 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM39-like
-0.8178582 0.3465114 1.2943808 4.2367936 5.1978540 0.0161386 107299175 nucleolar complex associated 4 homolog
-0.8184822 -0.4201361 -1.7919620 3.9100729 3.5212674 0.0496525 107288817 zinc finger matrin-type 5
-0.8196449 -0.8731703 -1.0132317 6.9038231 1.2464148 0.3370692 107295211 glutathione peroxidase 4
-0.8201773 -0.0563412 -1.0183019 1.5185293 0.9403178 0.4521697 107294609 F-box protein 44
-0.8209033 -0.9341313 -0.5155330 1.8883271 0.8078994 0.5139094 107297044 USP6 N-terminal-like protein
-0.8214165 0.1264236 1.9549961 4.2514849 11.7416263 0.0007479 107300358 acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase cytosolic-like
-0.8219222 -0.7049441 -1.7527238 1.7562741 1.7291277 0.2151435 107296934 ankyrin repeat domain 13C
-0.8219258 -0.9150976 -0.4848636 -0.7515886 0.2686653 0.8467353 107297025 glucosylceramidase-like
-0.8220835 0.2112731 0.0712733 3.1543640 0.4875992 0.6974019 107289530 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 7
-0.8227193 -0.1157367 -0.5370932 3.5379823 0.9882459 0.4317221 107290314 uncharacterized LOC107290314
-0.8228319 -0.9340174 -4.1992503 2.4094532 4.4335846 0.0262693 107299708 uncharacterized LOC107299708
-0.8228484 -0.1613084 -1.3377373 1.7692272 1.7125284 0.2184118 107292359 ubiquitination factor E4B
-0.8239286 -0.2969266 -0.6460391 3.6312930 1.3568137 0.3035516 107286153 phosphoinositide kinase FYVE-type zinc finger containing
-0.8241811 -1.2182683 1.8291864 4.0474961 9.3375618 0.0019425 107291589 vitamin D (125- dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor
-0.8248909 -0.4590392 1.1022490 8.8587773 4.8412810 0.0200922 107300249 RNA-binding protein 3-like
-0.8256062 -1.2877471 0.7298013 5.4881345 5.1265775 0.0168617 107290267 sorting nexin 4
-0.8256560 -0.3120094 -0.1955529 4.9500640 2.6542655 0.0969071 107285493 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 3
-0.8266014 -0.8905693 0.2211375 8.2049410 2.3192597 0.1281886 107293788 VPS26 retromer complex component A
-0.8267514 -0.5061291 -0.1864729 7.0550619 2.5910880 0.1020457 107285602 HBS1 like translational GTPase
-0.8268195 0.1445548 -0.0702370 2.8419174 2.3098947 0.1290508 107299142 U-box domain containing 5
-0.8268324 -0.3873231 -1.1309532 7.7271020 1.8145175 0.1991747 107289374 succinate dehydrogenase complex flavoprotein subunit A
-0.8269839 0.0782832 -0.2864520 6.6588303 2.7532238 0.0894435 107284741 origin recognition complex subunit 3
-0.8271639 -0.7004404 -1.7692033 1.5900839 0.9013160 0.4695380 107291163 G protein-coupled receptor 65
-0.8272113 -0.0321920 -0.2666472 1.6229784 0.5006569 0.6889861 107287712 zinc finger protein 598
-0.8272316 -0.8185477 -0.0374967 -0.4148177 0.2402861 0.8665478 107301641 helicase ARIP4-like
-0.8273747 -0.3795805 -0.4528363 5.1532454 1.4156836 0.2872577 107282718 uncharacterized LOC107282718
-0.8276605 -0.6038043 -1.3898599 5.5820687 1.9065194 0.1834446 107290003 CDGSH iron sulfur domain 1
-0.8290966 0.1450263 0.3111740 1.7387181 2.1572128 0.1470894 107296481 malonyl-CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase
-0.8300167 -2.1625998 -1.0012625 4.9519143 6.1114071 0.0094473 107285976 biphenyl hydrolase-like (serine hydrolase)
-0.8303446 0.0710078 0.6673444 4.5955468 1.8966401 0.1850647 107283582 fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase domain containing 2A
-0.8314760 -0.5462106 -0.8940903 5.2675505 1.3240474 0.3131589 107284652 FYVE RhoGEF and PH domain containing 6
-0.8322342 -1.4065904 -6.0092862 2.9470143 5.7666624 0.0114993 107294363 deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein-like
-0.8338015 -0.9488335 0.1037003 2.3414907 2.9902937 0.0741006 107293716 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 15
-0.8341430 -0.1776545 0.7754735 4.8785784 2.9041995 0.0794367 107282615 solute carrier family 35 member B1
-0.8344933 0.7921192 1.2661803 1.9962062 3.3647637 0.0557584 107299752 uncharacterized LOC107299752
-0.8353930 -2.1257623 -0.2989301 1.1850355 1.7419391 0.2126585 107290997 zinc finger protein GLIS3-like
-0.8365735 -0.1634623 0.2888146 3.8041727 1.7059887 0.2197146 107301933 protein ecdysoneless homolog
-0.8373745 -1.1720203 -2.0559254 4.3323088 1.7110230 0.2187109 107302800 cytohesin 4
-0.8376625 -0.7887771 -1.7564067 6.1441174 2.3053315 0.1297115 107298969 NDUFA4 mitochondrial complex associated
-0.8376812 -0.3291421 0.9343799 3.7702640 2.6898649 0.0942933 107283240 ubiquitin specific peptidase 39
-0.8381893 -0.4121616 0.0454410 1.4804853 0.6294360 0.6101137 107283499 zinc finger protein 821
-0.8390872 -0.1516273 0.4148150 2.3431933 2.6817740 0.0947629 107290596 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 9
-0.8396537 -2.3708718 -0.4633313 0.3526616 6.7986764 0.0064632 107292008 neuferricin
-0.8419939 -2.1098232 -1.8820755 6.5530386 4.5915922 0.0236760 107291671 succinyl-CoA ligase [GDP-forming] subunit beta mitochondrial
-0.8420467 -0.3642616 0.5432052 7.2458676 2.0233152 0.1654580 107288445 solute carrier family 40 (iron-regulated transporter) member 1
-0.8421100 -0.8664678 0.3056857 1.1622697 0.9161938 0.4628341 107295479 enoyl-CoA hydratase 1 peroxisomal
-0.8422710 -0.8458427 0.0041603 4.7118619 2.8670509 0.0817638 107288069 brain and reproductive organ-expressed (TNFRSF1A modulator)
-0.8427365 -1.5947135 -0.6497417 4.3445272 4.0673193 0.0336583 107284578 F-box protein 25
-0.8434409 0.6922773 -0.6524762 -0.3145411 0.4025292 0.7538806 107301440 uncharacterized LOC107301440
-0.8435904 -0.3410612 -1.4418906 1.8775077 2.3257823 0.1273987 107288730 N-acetyltransferase 6
-0.8440497 -0.8732285 -1.5893370 3.1803103 6.0462101 0.0097503 107294828 FYVE RhoGEF and PH domain-containing protein 5-like
-0.8441274 -1.8143213 -7.3665376 3.2376741 20.3080586 0.0000602 107290753 myomesin 3
-0.8446712 -0.9355019 -1.1108721 6.5391579 3.0194647 0.0724314 107283149 aprataxin and PNKP like factor
-0.8452279 -1.1934651 -0.7754985 6.2535931 3.1405752 0.0659636 107302569 YY1 associated factor 2
-0.8453192 -0.0525316 -1.8084030 7.2158436 4.2605728 0.0294958 107285503 protein tyrosine phosphatase type IVA member 2
-0.8456154 -0.6392411 0.9356031 7.2282235 5.6459753 0.0123336 107291673 ALG2 alpha-13/16-mannosyltransferase
-0.8459370 -0.5979852 1.4424729 3.1801724 7.9324087 0.0036620 107293196 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-26-biphosphatase 4
-0.8463052 -0.5126172 -0.1063634 1.4379320 0.8437030 0.4963637 107300920 NAD(P)H-hydrate epimerase-like
-0.8464825 -0.5870045 0.6593871 3.2125147 4.8266846 0.0202704 107285814 EMG1 N1-specific pseudouridine methyltransferase
-0.8466551 -0.5520065 -0.1947980 1.1534647 1.0364952 0.4119997 107296217 valosin containing protein lysine methyltransferase
-0.8475528 -0.6501389 0.0611887 6.3549884 2.0424081 0.1627119 107296657 polymerase (DNA) delta 4 accessory subunit
-0.8483306 -0.1345039 -0.2091524 6.1800409 2.4941888 0.1105462 107286337 dystrobrevin binding protein 1
-0.8484177 -1.4142559 -1.2691267 5.1107036 2.3819351 0.1215834 107283905 transmembrane protein 80
-0.8484339 -0.4635071 -1.3441854 7.5258595 1.4530422 0.2774217 107284632 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7B mitochondrial
-0.8493589 0.7186002 0.7331754 5.1438151 3.4134765 0.0537693 107283632 BMI1 proto-oncogene polycomb ring finger
-0.8494572 -0.5350310 0.5199512 8.8943740 2.1732917 0.1452214 107288136 ribosomal protein L3
-0.8500493 -0.3185176 -1.5267090 7.6350354 2.3223353 0.1278550 107286651 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial Fo complex subunit D
-0.8504117 1.1626283 -0.2827393 3.1274517 5.4101214 0.0141709 107292039 ATR serine/threonine kinase
-0.8507663 -0.7022035 -3.0053273 3.0856740 10.4720202 0.0012146 107297213 protein diaphanous homolog 2-like
-0.8508311 -0.3189202 -1.3013226 2.9930420 5.5548717 0.0129576 107299382 NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase 3-like
-0.8511615 -0.2456933 -0.0037390 5.0054858 3.5884191 0.0471536 107290710 general transcription factor IIH subunit 1
-0.8518017 -0.1184800 -0.5219725 2.0660830 1.7092564 0.2189068 107295303 TAM41 mitochondrial translocator assembly and maintenance homolog
-0.8527014 -0.7288040 -1.9769627 1.3619603 2.5266018 0.1077707 107297928 LYR motif containing 9
-0.8527977 -0.9935907 -0.0545973 4.5344785 2.1323107 0.1504571 107293043 RALBP1 associated Eps domain containing 1
-0.8528856 -1.4509498 -1.3574866 3.6843133 1.6770261 0.2255902 107290185 tripartite motif-containing protein 65-like
-0.8533870 -0.3502466 -2.0793654 -0.0997511 1.7607393 0.2090699 107282596 suppressor of cytokine signaling 7
-0.8537492 -1.5562229 -3.0088844 6.9675605 12.2952371 0.0006125 107283359 dystrophin-like
-0.8546075 -0.4498867 -0.7752170 6.9043844 0.8600030 0.4886707 107283106 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 3-like
-0.8568937 -0.4198338 0.4115416 4.1274178 1.4742852 0.2719785 107293298 zinc finger protein 197-like
-0.8569758 -0.7933920 -0.0573157 7.3010336 2.0941887 0.1554729 107291740 exportin tRNA
-0.8573283 -1.3032973 -2.9470491 4.3270763 12.0912697 0.0006588 107293585 cyclin G1
-0.8582257 -0.6629673 -3.1088066 6.0723235 15.2826315 0.0002312 107294397 RIC8 guanine nucleotide exchange factor A
-0.8599353 -0.5225890 -0.7066346 0.7418924 0.7084798 0.5655582 107289450 zinc finger protein 271-like
-0.8605867 -8.6736312 1.5666518 1.8641879 51.0479823 0.0000028 107302507 solute carrier family 27 member 2
-0.8610290 0.1872943 -1.6488292 1.7510975 0.8752119 0.4815380 107285124 vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1
-0.8611668 -0.6763083 -2.0622601 3.7811109 0.3625975 0.7812298 107298991 enhancer of polycomb homolog 1-like
-0.8614738 -0.2942614 -0.6387789 6.0653991 1.3008607 0.3201013 107298175 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L50
-0.8615959 -9.3649837 1.5625049 2.5111186 58.5240039 0.0000015 107291409 solute carrier family 34 member 1
-0.8618325 -0.6850375 -0.8751436 4.3088620 1.9238235 0.1805566 107300841 AFG3-like protein 2
-0.8618417 -0.1571120 -0.1448931 5.5888144 4.3703008 0.0273080 107292035 5’-3’ exoribonuclease 1
-0.8620168 -0.4221598 -1.2123825 6.5901177 1.3934623 0.2933390 107287968 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5B mitochondrial
-0.8629280 -1.0512507 -3.4082726 1.4114075 10.9356614 0.0010098 107289759 zinc finger protein 366
-0.8630799 -0.3519346 -0.6134567 9.5236618 0.8709144 0.4834738 107303235 40S ribosomal protein S4
-0.8633471 -0.8498515 0.3569357 5.2598662 2.6012358 0.1013528 107296733 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C19
-0.8633904 0.3795902 0.7087225 3.8438698 3.0697734 0.0697902 107295730 discoidin CUB and LCCL domain containing 1
-0.8634352 3.4709139 2.3792761 1.6758195 5.0983200 0.0171588 107291533 solute carrier family 43 member 1
-0.8637247 -0.7442355 1.7240052 1.2153607 1.2579233 0.3334030 107285546 potassium sodium-activated channel subfamily T member 2
-0.8637719 -0.6744823 -2.6252517 8.7555003 7.7429764 0.0040298 107285421 aconitase 2
-0.8644567 -0.5837757 -0.8438334 2.7983551 1.4238932 0.2849463 107282889 transmembrane protein 161A
-0.8650949 -0.4568427 -1.5495470 1.4379276 0.7284567 0.5548430 107291854 purinergic receptor P2X 1
-0.8652120 1.3531348 -0.3205307 3.5121439 4.9329845 0.0190242 107283037 proline-serine-threonine phosphatase-interacting protein 2-like
-0.8653247 -1.9225238 1.0430533 7.7205116 10.9238047 0.0010174 107293561 IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 2
-0.8653549 -0.4933382 -0.7399508 1.4435376 0.3334010 0.8014728 107297988 tripartite motif-containing protein 15-like
-0.8654283 -0.8668259 -3.6568381 1.5244835 3.2699080 0.0598810 107287126 RAS protein activator like 3
-0.8655027 0.9341089 -1.3569848 0.8257173 2.3717762 0.1226271 107298036 basal cell adhesion molecule-like
-0.8655641 2.3210437 4.2265741 4.8319820 11.2548419 0.0008965 107291410 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-0.8657492 -0.1484917 0.3071971 1.0489912 0.9360248 0.4540490 107298598 transmembrane protein 11
-0.8658175 -1.3137023 -0.6431478 2.1494662 1.1501122 0.3695048 107302510 high affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3’5’-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8A-like
-0.8659260 0.4285984 -0.4825411 0.1791040 0.2961277 0.8275068 107292410 syntaxin 5
-0.8662792 -1.0731221 -0.5077584 4.8370151 1.7994883 0.2018860 107302544 endothelial differentiation-related factor 1
-0.8677075 -0.9870688 -1.1086706 0.1608104 0.0925649 0.9626920 107300656 protein IWS1 homolog
-0.8681466 -0.8497484 -0.0006619 7.7870986 5.0148405 0.0179999 107292189 coiled-coil domain containing 175
-0.8683569 -0.3606827 0.8116254 4.7801091 2.4376146 0.1160402 107292432 uncharacterized LOC107292432
-0.8691195 -1.0136486 -0.6015144 5.6780820 2.6764875 0.0951891 107302439 glutamine and serine rich 1
-0.8696288 -0.4468527 0.5476449 8.5315795 2.2285652 0.1384850 107283757 ribosomal protein L15
-0.8707940 -1.1411956 -0.3127475 4.9746333 1.2490627 0.3362219 107302956 tRNA-histidine guanylyltransferase 1 like
-0.8708119 -0.8443828 0.7044057 1.3174718 2.2775653 0.1327620 107303089 TAR (HIV-1) RNA binding protein 2
-0.8708316 -0.4021480 -0.6134119 0.2354548 0.0472726 0.9856893 107291989 protein spinster homolog 1-like
-0.8712719 0.4086240 -2.3447166 0.1862440 1.9028935 0.1840373 107287556 GRAM domain containing 1A
-0.8717412 0.0361064 -2.2290663 6.8083021 15.1441788 0.0002383 107286244 QKI KH domain containing RNA binding
-0.8718059 -0.2703614 -0.9450270 6.9620521 1.3946687 0.2930070 107283814 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L27
-0.8719518 -0.3792398 0.4567522 5.2006714 6.4630999 0.0077372 107295213 serine/threonine kinase 25
-0.8720391 0.0068965 0.6495614 3.5277973 2.8479825 0.0830551 107294923 spermatogenesis-associated serine-rich protein 2-like
-0.8721796 -1.3807001 -0.3305932 -0.0887050 0.7893496 0.5231996 107301214 mitoferrin-1-like
-0.8729515 0.0989251 -0.5706114 3.4979303 0.8808414 0.4789244 107294982 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 1
-0.8738806 -0.7239548 -0.7380480 5.4727011 3.6590698 0.0447933 107295093 family with sequence similarity 21 member C
-0.8741086 0.1470766 0.3577872 4.8390671 5.5993982 0.0126210 107295414 ring finger protein 2
-0.8747205 -0.4711665 0.0441611 5.6942567 2.4292970 0.1168029 107298557 LTV1 ribosome biogenesis factor
-0.8753058 0.1148677 1.8670640 0.8454369 3.7795440 0.0411886 107295997 uncharacterized LOC107295997
-0.8755782 -0.9673307 -1.5487701 5.3995511 6.9065060 0.0061069 107299922 Rho GTPase activating protein 29
-0.8759191 -0.8096191 -2.8554322 1.8047926 3.5441850 0.0488250 107293647 WSC domain containing 1
-0.8759704 -0.4339090 0.6375571 6.2047591 0.1413633 0.9332001 107283396 40S ribosomal protein S29
-0.8762056 -0.1623900 1.4572974 3.9859446 11.7966730 0.0007253 107298623 gamma-glutamylamine cyclotransferase
-0.8767993 -1.4953888 -1.5643791 2.0735669 2.3888382 0.1208800 107286542 phospholipase D1
-0.8771462 0.0485275 -1.1618178 0.5616353 1.1271750 0.3777128 107303197 FERM and PDZ domain containing 3
-0.8772146 -0.9184855 0.9798764 2.5726815 8.4886909 0.0028116 107294872 zinc finger HIT-type containing 3
-0.8774588 -0.3692042 -3.5474020 4.2933916 13.1598209 0.0004543 107282609 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2
-0.8782071 0.2365026 2.8798567 2.4355452 12.3282498 0.0006034 107290613 transmembrane protein 184A
-0.8794211 0.2872442 0.5598150 3.0687917 4.9976908 0.0181942 107282887 DEAD-box helicase 49
-0.8797589 -1.0849658 -0.0773227 5.7421950 3.8445269 0.0392979 107300401 pre-mRNA-splicing factor RBM22-like
-0.8797985 -0.7997347 0.8922354 2.3571171 1.3793003 0.2972684 107282702 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1-like
-0.8806135 0.1984088 1.5271458 -0.0199152 0.8067692 0.5144708 107301198 protein ecdysoneless homolog
-0.8808129 -0.0490076 0.2862405 3.3885187 3.3305196 0.0570792 107284510 alpha-12-mannosyltransferase ALG9-like
-0.8808867 -1.2287738 0.4683602 6.2777486 9.9130826 0.0015102 107298821 TMEM9 domain family member B
-0.8810078 -1.1062879 -2.3211827 1.1854485 4.4007662 0.0267942 107302429 t-complex 11 testis-specific-like 1
-0.8810877 -0.1947661 0.3746297 -0.0970823 0.3967683 0.7577978 107296018 guanylate-binding protein 1-like
-0.8811318 -0.7278282 -0.5052769 4.3536121 1.8749403 0.1885400 107284537 centrosomal protein 78kDa
-0.8814726 0.6782669 1.1269741 4.6771499 1.3424486 0.3077660 107291536 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 L3-like
-0.8815615 0.8023818 -0.7343809 2.5464569 2.3667972 0.1231424 107283885 methionyl aminopeptidase type 1D (mitochondrial)
-0.8816986 -0.8543463 -0.7188220 2.9930910 2.4893351 0.1109929 107288159 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 11
-0.8822025 -1.2111380 0.3306232 8.7095977 2.8638049 0.0820178 107290978 transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 6
-0.8822138 -1.0935219 -1.8011334 2.4610432 3.0250335 0.0722567 107290206 unkempt family zinc finger
-0.8830972 -1.0624948 0.2400918 2.6997889 3.6122677 0.0463411 107286276 cysteine rich DPF motif domain containing 1
-0.8841215 -1.2375278 0.7283374 -0.0134870 2.0806205 0.1572805 107286531 ornithine carbamoyltransferase
-0.8846101 0.0274362 1.4261390 2.1080882 5.0559859 0.0175758 107293781 cat eye syndrome critical region protein 5 homolog
-0.8847165 -0.7863529 -0.5209955 4.9998035 2.5469509 0.1058212 107286695 ubiquitin like 4A
-0.8847634 -0.5558665 -0.8430756 1.7341127 1.1509713 0.3690853 107298606 von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-0.8855358 0.0435855 -0.8069601 0.1748706 0.3705479 0.7757501 107300489 protein PML-like
-0.8859299 3.2936977 -0.0060289 2.9284219 6.1707544 0.0091388 107293392 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C15orf39
-0.8869556 -0.5084676 -0.4311385 5.2530656 1.9034838 0.1837999 107287253 zinc fingers and homeoboxes 3
-0.8873762 -0.8855717 0.1494027 6.4196706 2.3042243 0.1298335 107294454 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A
-0.8876947 -0.5915532 -0.4033370 4.0070389 0.2391978 0.8673050 107284294 integrin subunit beta 2
-0.8878674 -0.6997567 0.1016198 2.4746341 1.4633652 0.2747617 107296125 insulin receptor substrate 2
-0.8879623 -1.0734751 -0.6443684 0.3762441 0.9563896 0.4451133 107286240 NudC domain containing 3
-0.8880197 -0.2670243 -1.2236781 3.1282067 1.7942592 0.2028391 107291588 uncharacterized LOC107291588
-0.8880961 -0.3531884 0.0530227 8.4325889 1.3759703 0.2982007 107296593 ribosomal protein S5
-0.8883579 0.1028806 1.4884694 4.8576821 8.5920443 0.0027022 107292887 carbonic anhydrase VA mitochondrial
-0.8884981 -2.8783153 -2.0503517 -0.0646284 1.8616477 0.1909344 107300778 zinc finger protein GLIS3-like
-0.8890203 0.4734284 -0.8592740 2.4607690 2.0807138 0.1573568 107292797 integumentary mucin C.1-like
-0.8895237 -1.6366470 0.0014210 3.6618712 7.5555545 0.0043886 107287698 DTW domain containing 1
-0.8896794 -0.5338094 0.4531581 0.3619302 0.6673181 0.5884083 ERCC-00033
-0.8897981 -1.0696164 -0.7880823 2.5438686 2.2990627 0.1302441 107294441 leucine rich repeat and coiled-coil centrosomal protein 1
-0.8898652 0.0002960 2.4072135 4.4248951 5.8460766 0.0109840 107284894 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 26
-0.8900877 -0.6369382 -1.3959151 0.0558106 0.4355389 0.7316460 107291055 GTPase activating Rap/RanGAP domain-like 3
-0.8901659 1.3230555 0.4562716 1.2961431 0.7418076 0.5477535 107301864 uncharacterized LOC107301864
-0.8906812 -0.2527645 -9.7701378 10.5433493 13.0198312 0.0004763 107298505 putative uncharacterized protein DDB_G0271982
-0.8907139 0.6744434 0.8112623 3.3289119 5.5373320 0.0131403 107301302 uncharacterized LOC107301302
-0.8911934 -0.8624125 0.8120841 4.0641940 4.2640383 0.0294268 107294168 angiotensin II receptor associated protein
-0.8918799 -0.7360819 -1.5239443 4.4265291 1.9238114 0.1806472 107296255 INO80 complex subunit C
-0.8932484 -0.2131700 -0.0534348 6.0933894 0.8938925 0.4729197 107289920 DIM1 dimethyladenosine transferase 1 homolog
-0.8934722 -0.6492903 0.1244632 6.2566002 2.1243247 0.1515021 107283105 ribosomal protein L28
-0.8938001 -1.6389513 -2.2235698 3.0127607 5.6366214 0.0124053 107293437 guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(i) subunit alpha-2-like
-0.8939954 -0.6722143 -0.4873168 5.8151976 1.1928111 0.3547279 107282200 ribosomal protein S23
-0.8954053 -1.5807934 -0.4310713 3.2612513 2.7164187 0.0922894 107283242 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C5orf63
-0.8955621 -0.1219484 -0.8416951 5.4388095 1.0254589 0.4165061 107293719 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit S4
-0.8957689 -0.5583986 -3.5354172 0.7753215 4.0096315 0.0350304 107300965 cathepsin L1-like
-0.8957738 -0.5592090 -0.4032583 2.9442951 1.8748198 0.1885408 107289110 RAB29 member RAS oncogene family
-0.8959410 -0.5708313 -0.8943691 1.9409895 0.3936418 0.7599281 107294512 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 22 homolog (yeast)
-0.8962634 -0.9916145 -0.8398102 2.3813000 1.2535295 0.3347600 107282922 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 12-like
-0.8967148 -0.6451052 0.0061785 8.5773997 1.4571042 0.2763716 107302031 ribosomal protein L37a
-0.8969175 0.7064548 -1.8642628 0.6192264 3.7243484 0.0428472 107293085 ring finger protein 31
-0.8972037 -1.5960228 -0.1266015 6.0640248 9.8605247 0.0015435 107285597 nuclear receptor interacting protein 1
-0.8974064 -0.5255754 -0.1596606 9.2795035 1.5095858 0.2630457 107287491 golgin subfamily B member 1-like
-0.8986904 -0.1831792 -1.0126532 7.1170979 1.6602716 0.2290692 107294415 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 4
-0.8991811 -0.6900981 -2.3856121 2.1500491 4.2647341 0.0294130 107282971 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 5
-0.8992255 -0.2751437 -1.9846761 4.4038883 5.0233090 0.0179774 107290156 protein delta homolog 1-like
-0.8995500 0.1494555 0.3820787 2.1571737 1.2912658 0.3230230 107290762 glioma pathogenesis-related protein 1-like
-0.8996042 -1.2868857 -0.0005839 4.8903442 4.3839713 0.0271506 107302375 protein-O-mannose kinase
-0.9004638 0.1653030 0.0328360 3.7017164 2.3402887 0.1259277 107291569 apoptosis inducing factor mitochondria associated 1
-0.9012951 -0.1367778 -0.9759273 7.2646830 1.5531644 0.2527761 107286134 Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) beta
-0.9017416 0.8192459 3.5411125 2.5219538 10.2578378 0.0013235 107294605 spermidine synthase
-0.9019804 1.2696281 0.3590494 1.4213984 3.2456115 0.0609929 107295155 family with sequence similarity 91 member A1
-0.9026675 -0.1450811 -0.4988149 7.0202972 2.4319425 0.1164342 107299572 AP-2 complex subunit alpha-2-like
-0.9030484 -1.1935952 -2.6924421 6.8466641 11.6518146 0.0007730 107289591 glycophorin C (Gerbich blood group)
-0.9035935 -0.3087078 0.0792816 2.5500785 1.4693123 0.2731993 107294267 aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase-phosphopantetheinyl transferase
-0.9037524 -0.5850305 -0.6221973 3.4776356 1.0281657 0.4154213 107291491 family with sequence similarity 134 member A
-0.9045243 -1.8523736 -0.2106744 3.3858026 4.7571530 0.0212722 107282238 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5
-0.9047334 -2.1457414 0.0621267 7.5231296 7.0816987 0.0056103 107291405 solute carrier family 25 member 29
-0.9053900 3.7493816 1.7481262 4.5623276 9.5563889 0.0017691 107289240 PDZ and LIM domain 2
-0.9055325 -0.2341631 0.7159464 1.6878340 2.4867888 0.1112471 107300679 alkylated DNA repair protein alkB homolog 8-like
-0.9062541 -0.6201793 0.4215194 8.8051205 2.4580223 0.1140348 107286406 ribosomal protein L23
-0.9062694 0.5845437 0.8104896 6.1987474 8.6442354 0.0026203 107285579 acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 2
-0.9065554 -0.7302330 -0.0175139 7.5233732 1.9968191 0.1693564 107284388 aspartyl-tRNA synthetase
-0.9066388 -0.7076037 -1.1426289 1.9953149 1.6317239 0.2349834 107296100 family with sequence similarity 198 member B
-0.9068066 -0.4001731 0.6120657 5.1893907 6.0532969 0.0097113 107287914 cell division cycle 16
-0.9078335 -0.9567887 -1.6009153 4.7951316 2.9845917 0.0745731 107289395 homeodomain interacting protein kinase 2
-0.9083280 -0.9503211 -0.2069177 3.8954777 1.8881554 0.1864690 107283030 NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase-like
-0.9086274 -0.6646741 -0.8792024 6.5645153 1.6084978 0.2402043 107293519 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf78
-0.9086780 1.1198652 0.7999691 3.1359778 1.3859683 0.2954112 107297280 myosin heavy chain striated muscle-like
-0.9096806 -0.1338462 -2.1403580 0.9644655 2.6113245 0.1005194 107283998 GLIS family zinc finger 2
-0.9108398 -0.6217800 -0.2459264 7.6063912 1.8497481 0.1928187 107282821 YME1 like 1 ATPase
-0.9110099 1.5801453 0.2323003 3.1520157 9.8901033 0.0015246 107286451 abhydrolase domain containing 1
-0.9112031 -0.5391182 1.5155561 5.1079464 1.2325647 0.3415392 107302265 MKI67 FHA domain-interacting nucleolar phosphoprotein-like
-0.9113076 -0.7739655 0.5576134 5.6315058 3.4858494 0.0509636 107299443 FGFR1 oncogene partner 2
-0.9120746 0.3410938 0.5199686 1.6092087 1.0387146 0.4112217 107293922 zinc finger protein RFP-like
-0.9122373 -1.1938150 -0.8075774 4.6583593 2.8872443 0.0804774 107283524 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 12
-0.9130914 -1.0212112 2.0766946 4.3818428 7.4024917 0.0047674 107300996 acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase cytosolic-like
-0.9140909 0.2508396 1.8049108 2.5536593 1.3530287 0.3047113 107300216 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-0.9148549 -0.3814022 0.5520408 3.7643976 0.0945760 0.9615538 107290310 60S ribosomal protein L10-like
-0.9149953 -1.4799258 -0.4625515 1.6632534 1.6961985 0.2216814 107291252 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 10
-0.9158174 -0.5463631 -1.1818347 6.1102858 2.1296790 0.1508005 107289856 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S31
-0.9158384 -3.0640959 -3.1658512 0.3020298 4.2575745 0.0295557 107284633 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 8
-0.9168913 -0.3103767 -0.9434376 3.1994565 1.5974287 0.2426625 107301514 uncharacterized LOC107301514
-0.9171898 -0.5053208 0.0680724 7.6637378 3.5994325 0.0467763 107285770 parathymosin
-0.9177138 -1.0342998 -1.1085701 4.6858726 2.2576045 0.1350889 107284104 uncharacterized LOC107284104
-0.9184216 -1.1604767 -0.1838951 4.5699589 3.6445101 0.0453752 107302295 caprin-1-like
-0.9187579 -9.7875093 1.1327907 6.0267410 59.2673441 0.0000002 107284494 cytochrome P450 4B1-like
-0.9193738 -0.1565301 0.7120353 3.8341461 2.8180154 0.0850612 107296132 uncharacterized LOC107296132
-0.9196897 -0.5735666 0.0090119 6.9987862 3.9413325 0.0366335 107284391 UBX domain protein 4
-0.9199267 -1.0569971 -1.1419716 3.8278954 1.7274694 0.2154675 107284530 Pim-1 proto-oncogene serine/threonine kinase
-0.9201447 -0.7882852 -1.8786097 2.4948134 2.2272242 0.1386441 107290662 39S ribosomal protein L39 mitochondrial-like
-0.9204196 -1.2686630 -1.8876017 1.2803748 1.3119559 0.3167586 107300772 p21-activated protein kinase-interacting protein 1-like
-0.9219878 0.1205012 -2.0599104 0.3010505 2.8537884 0.0826727 107297822 basal cell adhesion molecule-like
-0.9224373 -1.1259678 -0.5109494 5.1109265 4.5080242 0.0249213 107301639 sorting nexin-6-like
-0.9224598 -0.6886563 -1.5170974 3.6732291 1.4281234 0.2839604 107301080 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 7-like
-0.9225566 -0.5757633 -0.0218991 4.3304709 1.7683270 0.2076409 107284073 programmed cell death 2-like
-0.9234425 -1.5263356 -0.7244986 5.7668798 4.3503250 0.0277679 107297055 AU RNA binding protein/enoyl-CoA hydratase
-0.9237820 -1.2708396 -0.2619623 4.7614010 6.0715702 0.0096117 107292814 required for meiotic nuclear division 1 homolog
-0.9250631 0.8298300 4.7105249 3.8781746 5.2084214 0.0160345 107288789 HORMA domain containing 2
-0.9253681 0.0482784 -0.5653098 1.2106453 1.3010286 0.3199195 107292494 HtrA serine peptidase 2
-0.9256415 -0.5621448 -0.6443686 4.5753664 2.1935059 0.1425546 107286156 pleckstrin homology domain containing M3
-0.9260239 0.8941653 0.3847105 0.7193026 1.3441087 0.3072845 107284979 regulator of G-protein signaling like 1
-0.9266690 -1.0437021 -0.1563850 4.5517028 2.7409778 0.0904794 107301234 transcription factor IIIA-like
-0.9270033 0.1558834 -0.5086689 3.0322326 1.2960768 0.3215544 107292379 arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase
-0.9271015 -0.4819465 0.4072029 4.8752590 1.1713719 0.3620667 107294031 zinc finger protein RFP-like
-0.9273586 -0.0615926 -0.7177929 6.0088790 2.3209292 0.1280074 107287899 adaptor related protein complex 3 mu 1 subunit
-0.9280439 -0.2059475 0.1992806 8.6676741 0.6069597 0.6233192 107294069 beta-2-microglobulin
-0.9280796 -0.7299557 -0.2205918 7.6556339 2.0253423 0.1650162 107302699 NMD3 ribosome export adaptor
-0.9287817 -0.0537892 0.3030563 1.7028576 2.2302659 0.1381229 107287459 ran-binding protein 17-like
-0.9290137 -0.7977725 -1.7038969 2.0060131 1.7872652 0.2041217 107290136 B and T lymphocyte associated
-0.9302043 0.6010786 0.0901450 2.6775717 3.5478506 0.0485884 107299381 protein FAM91A1
-0.9307804 -0.6135589 -0.7946706 0.0531840 0.1252954 0.9432908 107300385 DNL-type zinc finger protein-like
-0.9308487 -5.2835309 -0.1135530 4.2190842 18.0247039 0.0001068 107288049 phospholipase C eta 1
-0.9310669 -0.1104430 -0.8243293 5.6907685 3.3906820 0.0545635 107298543 reversion inducing cysteine rich protein with kazal motifs
-0.9321106 -0.6847029 -0.7052107 1.0113434 0.7386913 0.5493425 107294954 F-box protein 45
-0.9327503 0.0823735 -2.3220955 1.2925284 2.6905848 0.0942383 107298206 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 8
-0.9328179 -0.7607955 -0.2276881 6.8196618 2.4807062 0.1118053 107284561 leukotriene A4 hydrolase
-0.9328739 -1.0525692 -0.2200050 4.2721349 2.3000056 0.1302993 107290602 BRCA1-A complex subunit BRE-like
-0.9335574 -0.0326377 -0.5302481 3.0837388 0.7279246 0.5551274 107293837 interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 5-like
-0.9336437 -0.6506718 -1.2963282 6.3748961 0.4621463 0.7140104 107286401 salt inducible kinase 1
-0.9338862 -0.5030117 -1.2703561 0.4627382 1.2784457 0.3268431 107284245 gamma-tubulin complex component 5-like
-0.9341315 -0.9251179 0.3763492 8.9843336 3.9780293 0.0357048 107299548 chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 8
-0.9345518 -0.4017426 -1.5794768 0.4451001 1.0367370 0.4120056 107288659 tripeptidyl peptidase I
-0.9352115 0.1429816 1.7327241 4.6293456 4.4215546 0.0264799 107298374 peroxiredoxin 4
-0.9353106 1.0197832 0.0945559 0.5146594 2.5771428 0.1032216 107295900 proline-serine-threonine phosphatase interacting protein 2
-0.9357411 -0.5192139 0.4157142 5.8505207 4.9640127 0.0185890 107289744 survival of motor neuron protein-like
-0.9369062 -0.4820219 -1.2050497 2.0289424 1.5711854 0.2485586 107294120 RNA binding motif protein 23
-0.9371114 0.5047163 0.7504214 12.0814888 1.1084232 0.3845671 ERCC-00004
-0.9376044 1.0427808 0.2495371 6.8428648 4.5452971 0.0244037 107294542 Rho family GTPase 3
-0.9378470 -0.3912172 -0.0569038 3.1332922 2.0347754 0.1636421 107282600 LSM12 homolog
-0.9378612 -0.0250379 -0.5454171 1.1680194 0.9515004 0.4472617 107296951 unc-13 homolog B (C. elegans)
-0.9382107 -1.2457925 -0.6274637 4.7872148 2.5256123 0.1078589 107288204 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 9
-0.9392874 -0.9461555 -0.2054035 6.8614693 2.2814763 0.1323681 107282630 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 3
-0.9398589 0.1632509 1.2775170 3.5616598 7.9796173 0.0035801 107294319 vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1-like protein 1
-0.9405516 -0.4268237 0.8896159 3.5822262 5.6266743 0.0124458 107291320 zinc finger HIT-type containing 1
-0.9407618 -0.2958250 -2.2224222 0.9219445 3.4546550 0.0521517 107289712 multiple EGF like domains 8
-0.9408179 -0.0707937 -1.4125418 4.7246219 0.9523866 0.4469289 107284829 mast cell carboxypeptidase A-like
-0.9411167 0.0172052 -0.1021315 0.9639566 1.6604740 0.2288730 107290580 CDK2 associated cullin domain 1
-0.9412597 -0.7364039 -0.7490230 6.2699723 3.6020973 0.0466856 107286578 pre-mRNA processing factor 4B
-0.9422616 -0.4430444 -0.9532613 3.1591575 2.2396358 0.1370185 107292381 abhydrolase domain containing 10
-0.9427489 -0.3014770 0.0999891 1.4650417 1.1328083 0.3756278 107287267 alkB homolog 2 alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase
-0.9428928 -0.3111246 -0.3681666 3.0525360 0.9575477 0.4447068 107298918 ER degradation enhancer mannosidase alpha-like 1
-0.9441365 -0.3651107 -0.9755207 6.2943075 1.7266332 0.2156311 107293573 oxidation resistance 1
-0.9446112 0.2450554 1.6855246 1.8110145 4.2810795 0.0290903 107283371 torsin family 3 member A
-0.9450596 0.1797651 -0.1948343 6.2451213 3.7423080 0.0421860 107287319 family with sequence similarity 160 member B1
-0.9451235 -0.9099102 0.2296108 6.9587771 4.0943730 0.0329834 107284854 proliferation-associated 2G4
-0.9451511 -0.4642319 -2.2845108 3.5564003 5.6237610 0.0124993 107302769 dual specificity phosphatase 10
-0.9457816 -0.4729992 -0.7792973 4.9383629 0.0358682 0.9904211 107294138 transcription elongation factor B polypeptide 2
-0.9458793 -0.8112903 0.1867628 4.2663743 3.8725059 0.0385006 107295695 PDLIM1 interacting kinase 1 like
-0.9465059 -1.9258327 -0.0227864 2.3936684 5.9552623 0.0103034 107293075 apoptosis resistant E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
-0.9467804 -0.5777354 0.1825794 2.6313841 2.9868500 0.0743006 107290924 myotubularin related protein 14
-0.9476340 -4.9276819 -1.7486521 1.2350909 11.4881372 0.0008213 107286002 parathyroid hormone 1 receptor
-0.9479823 -0.4850898 -0.1260355 8.9481029 1.6884681 0.2230933 107291241 poly(rC) binding protein 2
-0.9484593 -0.1988880 1.2526580 2.6968944 3.8322763 0.0396732 107287014 ataxin 10
-0.9486774 -0.5797896 -1.0498559 5.4309795 4.1685591 0.0313002 107291292 coiled-coil domain containing 93
-0.9489032 -0.3915932 0.7980832 4.8028040 6.9678789 0.0059254 107296373 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 5
-0.9495636 -1.6755426 -0.1985409 -0.3639005 1.0246408 0.4168346 107301655 sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog A-like
-0.9497732 -0.0800117 0.2125624 7.2176637 2.5234720 0.1080498 107287250 bladder cancer associated protein
-0.9502817 -0.7884032 0.2436016 9.1572413 2.0703917 0.1587451 107294063 ribosomal protein L14
-0.9506214 -0.0670844 0.5985280 4.8170431 6.1209496 0.0093523 107297790 nucleoporin 54kDa
-0.9529933 -0.7267355 -0.0410121 7.8558110 1.5735279 0.2480664 107289662 ribosomal protein S17
-0.9535133 -0.4019446 -0.2774325 4.3623631 2.9243180 0.0780430 107286371 WD repeat sterile alpha motif and U-box domain containing 1
-0.9537142 -5.1341040 6.3999016 3.2048393 26.0774188 0.0000558 107294035 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A1
-0.9538877 2.3664056 1.9387656 -0.5077965 4.2851093 0.0290113 107301813 uncharacterized LOC107301813
-0.9542022 1.2951171 -0.5422628 5.3069204 2.4211330 0.1176504 107299826 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C7orf57
-0.9543392 -1.9136198 0.3366148 5.6988773 13.3000070 0.0004319 107290902 autophagy related 12
-0.9544289 0.1495064 -0.0702834 3.7944558 4.6901977 0.0221268 107287317 KIAA0040 ortholog
-0.9554661 -0.9619939 -0.2535281 1.6855550 1.8528693 0.1922802 107291830 transcriptional repressor NF-X1-like
-0.9555022 -1.6494333 -0.7177511 4.7743267 10.7201539 0.0010907 107295415 tRNA methyltransferase 1 like
-0.9568616 -8.4509427 -1.2680520 2.3741460 35.9377891 0.0000033 107289502 homeobox C9
-0.9572153 -1.1321521 -0.9382001 0.7741652 0.9406610 0.4519708 107287582 DENN domain containing 1B
-0.9572793 4.3769183 3.9849039 4.4622425 9.4015888 0.0018898 107291411 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-0.9581551 -3.2493839 -2.4945281 1.2759783 3.1477454 0.0657199 107292744 cadherin 17
-0.9584787 -8.7911838 -1.5853256 1.8849702 24.1559696 0.0000256 107293629 T-box 10
-0.9594503 0.4150214 0.4887060 3.0089607 0.2727612 0.8438686 107297244 H-2 class I histocompatibility antigen Q9 alpha chain-like
-0.9600250 0.1222217 -0.7711174 1.4865415 1.8438262 0.1938451 107283167 RAB8B member RAS oncogene family
-0.9601164 0.3627899 0.8009335 5.9090305 11.4964788 0.0008104 107295184 THAP domain containing 4
-0.9603548 -0.9531868 -1.2297407 0.1724552 0.7587820 0.5388579 107302678 inhibitor of growth family member 2
-0.9623738 -1.1028814 -0.0458469 2.5168677 4.1531517 0.0316320 107286169 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf40
-0.9634506 -0.5610474 -0.2263333 0.6547415 0.7621012 0.5370789 107292598 DEAD-box helicase 28
-0.9634776 -1.0034301 -1.4609077 3.4583410 1.8342974 0.1956685 107283162 methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase
-0.9636571 -1.4868707 -0.1933971 -0.4443634 1.3810156 0.2966634 107296071 PARK2 co-regulated like
-0.9639028 -0.8861516 0.5538599 4.5556928 7.4146444 0.0047078 107288858 dihydrouridine synthase 1 like
-0.9653663 -0.5069804 -0.5178633 0.0710022 0.3167394 0.8130916 107295228 centrosomal protein 57kDa
-0.9659745 0.5027399 0.3465881 5.3528179 10.0259074 0.0014415 107283390 kinesin light chain 4
-0.9662079 -0.3798695 -1.0001217 3.3856684 1.9521497 0.1761641 107287058 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 20
-0.9670899 -0.8951214 -1.2967061 6.2772692 1.5408218 0.2556790 107289725 iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1
-0.9673176 0.3172399 -0.5061218 2.2409484 0.5242599 0.6739611 107294021 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM39-like
-0.9675377 -0.6257858 0.6587796 1.1708163 3.1581752 0.0650617 107296844 thimet oligopeptidase 1
-0.9682876 -1.4737087 -1.1775347 5.4346734 4.9067362 0.0192998 107285422 cold shock domain containing C2
-0.9686409 -0.5069598 -1.2030269 0.5750811 0.8020673 0.5168128 107285008 probable cation-transporting ATPase 13A3
-0.9686509 0.4571969 0.9656257 9.2518126 5.5869074 0.0127144 107296598 annexin A5
-0.9688941 -0.1696802 -0.5696771 2.6344991 0.6212046 0.6149217 107302832 neutrophil cytosolic factor 4
-0.9692924 -1.4324231 -1.4157934 1.8942392 2.1320227 0.1504774 107300689 tripartite motif-containing protein 65-like
-0.9701402 0.0780841 1.0173476 1.8457974 3.3139910 0.0579118 107297626 phospholipase A2 group XV
-0.9705923 -0.2310045 -0.1681668 6.8823992 2.2365043 0.1374992 107283391 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L2
-0.9721485 -1.1817300 -0.9786884 5.1670520 2.2021683 0.1416567 107284502 succinate dehydrogenase complex subunit D integral membrane protein
-0.9722721 -0.7402341 -0.2949620 6.1082578 1.6261221 0.2363475 107283763 N-glycanase 1
-0.9728525 -0.6478017 0.1438165 6.8242828 1.7336175 0.2142689 107288166 ribosomal protein L31
-0.9729898 -1.5938920 0.5183791 3.5625866 7.6716039 0.0041727 107296584 acyl-CoA oxidase 2 branched chain
-0.9730076 -1.0205746 -0.5342097 7.5229484 2.4459091 0.1150942 107294155 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 delta
-0.9730832 -1.6861771 -0.3557234 2.7554403 5.3612817 0.0145485 107303158 coenzyme Q2 4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase
-0.9734833 0.1609632 -2.3159382 0.3255527 2.4016076 0.1195910 107300140 erythroblast NAD(P)(+)–arginine ADP-ribosyltransferase-like
-0.9738529 -0.5817594 -0.5335188 6.9444985 1.4637135 0.2746724 107302697 karyopherin subunit alpha 4
-0.9741652 -0.8851197 -0.3277233 4.2437609 3.7993083 0.0405018 107294092 tumor suppressing subtransferable candidate 1
-0.9744130 -1.1063977 0.4155071 4.1947583 5.8784509 0.0107659 107284086 cilia and flagella associated protein 20
-0.9756559 -0.3222652 -1.7654787 4.0024959 3.0776842 0.0693642 107292424 succinate dehydrogenase complex subunit C
-0.9770983 -0.8840302 0.4263998 6.5621248 3.9187426 0.0373260 107289952 non-histone chromosomal protein HMG-14A
-0.9771633 -0.6487797 -0.5533805 5.5449286 1.5061759 0.2640270 107293930 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C13
-0.9774291 0.4287521 -0.5633406 3.5691722 3.4973545 0.0504971 107286009 IBA57 homolog iron-sulfur cluster assembly
-0.9778505 -1.1259673 0.7415499 3.1097470 2.9026629 0.0795332 107300181 transmembrane protein 33-like
-0.9791846 -0.1879006 -0.1925179 1.8506573 1.5592713 0.2512041 107286479 MpV17 mitochondrial inner membrane protein
-0.9793863 -1.3546289 -1.0668679 4.1242753 3.6709628 0.0444614 107290709 HPS5 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 2 subunit 2
-0.9799695 -0.8902982 -0.0068956 6.8175289 1.7761538 0.2061783 107295723 zinc finger protein 593
-0.9802490 -0.8685144 -0.0573233 5.3408340 1.8129655 0.1994528 107302494 dihydrolipoamide branched chain transacylase E2
-0.9812654 -0.2128268 0.2757784 3.6147035 2.7415732 0.0904361 107303195 nucleoporin 62kDa C-terminal like
-0.9813960 0.5811224 3.4153394 9.7089651 7.7137400 0.0040877 107290246 translocation associated membrane protein 1
-0.9823191 -1.0364524 -0.3913518 1.0213622 1.5004078 0.2653001 107295056 dipeptidyl-peptidase 7
-0.9824989 0.1050744 -1.0740005 0.8773844 1.4877363 0.2685497 107292045 myotubularin-related protein 1-like
-0.9831328 -1.9717538 -2.5668853 0.5071666 1.2745824 0.3281723 107293286 TNF receptor-associated factor 1-like
-0.9832557 -1.3212493 -0.8192132 1.3736842 1.1033267 0.3864527 107300060 nucleolar protein 14-like
-0.9837977 1.3406172 1.4705245 2.2778958 16.1590291 0.0001762 107286650 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylate transporter) member 5
-0.9846142 -1.1363466 -2.7404012 7.2599676 13.2822337 0.0004359 107284429 dystrophin-like
-0.9848266 -0.4747393 -1.6983123 6.4806451 3.7788032 0.0412104 107292470 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B7
-0.9849910 -0.5698335 -0.4339155 4.3337530 1.6233376 0.2369522 107291611 plasminogen receptor C-terminal lysine transmembrane protein
-0.9850320 -0.7693426 0.6710395 0.8447984 0.7965374 0.5195806 107298528 RNA polymerase I-specific transcription initiation factor RRN3-like
-0.9874745 -0.3771313 0.3217973 2.6654065 2.3713480 0.1226242 107295432 F-box protein 21
-0.9877547 0.2484889 1.6058094 3.7074300 7.9337732 0.0036750 107296270 bifunctional epoxide hydrolase 2-like
-0.9887344 -1.8244583 -0.0373713 6.1200413 10.1576759 0.0013714 107283429 aldo-keto reductase family 1 member A1 (aldehyde reductase)
-0.9887440 -0.0935324 1.5279455 3.4623069 9.2314515 0.0020245 107294586 dishevelled associated activator of morphogenesis 1
-0.9892095 -0.8422409 -0.5752931 2.6448279 0.9612429 0.4431227 107296721 zinc finger protein 208-like
-0.9892447 1.2507366 0.6315525 0.6373123 0.8422206 0.4971438 107295327 phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase-like
-0.9892688 -0.6739610 -1.0690583 4.8488769 3.9186292 0.0372222 107290920 cereblon
-0.9901344 0.1619101 0.6645881 6.8756472 4.0243085 0.0346753 107284114 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 50 NatE catalytic subunit
-0.9904824 -1.4338826 -0.9619447 4.9653095 3.1108268 0.0676120 107291493 uncharacterized LOC107291493
-0.9908350 -0.4676444 -0.0109152 -0.1694709 0.8172153 0.5092342 107285965 feline leukemia virus subgroup C cellular receptor family member 2
-0.9910103 -0.2197103 -0.0746711 8.5823859 0.8067866 0.5144622 107295928 ribosomal protein S6
-0.9914378 -1.0288386 0.4550218 5.4420453 4.7820829 0.0209354 107300003 RNA binding motif protein 22
-0.9918281 -1.5295259 -0.7609607 3.6067943 4.6340923 0.0229467 107288580 TNF receptor associated factor 5
-0.9921578 -0.3342416 2.0064384 2.8704947 6.1482410 0.0092544 107296706 solute carrier family 50 member 1
-0.9924282 -0.9424192 -1.4118477 4.7329469 4.4191243 0.0264561 107291690 zinc finger protein 407
-0.9926237 -0.4354705 -0.5318360 2.7832019 2.0319219 0.1640523 107287955 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MARCH5-like
-0.9927136 -1.0704743 0.7505754 2.1550867 6.0131752 0.0099345 107284852 endoplasmic reticulum to nucleus signaling 1
-0.9927498 1.1342047 -0.6124068 1.9763015 1.5524681 0.2529389 107283305 lysophospholipid acyltransferase 7-like
-0.9928314 -0.5015705 -0.4758030 4.1806912 2.6861852 0.0944242 107283029 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L37
-0.9933282 -0.4001316 -3.2434401 5.1105432 10.6243116 0.0011435 107292281 junctional adhesion molecule 2
-0.9934995 -1.2564493 -2.2628582 4.5052267 7.3492678 0.0048965 107291202 aarF domain containing kinase 3
-0.9936134 -0.4007927 -0.9708241 3.1005617 1.6704123 0.2269565 107299747 sorting nexin family member 27
-0.9937440 1.1276204 1.7916639 7.1652079 11.3831530 0.0008542 107286869 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 3
-0.9939079 -0.6772202 -0.3818720 8.1204496 1.5555529 0.2521363 107297400 ribosomal protein S24
-0.9945355 -0.6196494 -0.1928659 4.4633509 3.5277001 0.0492975 107290163 acylglycerol kinase
-0.9948598 -0.2382631 -0.6049504 4.6795347 1.2585460 0.3332059 107294429 NACHT LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 3-like
-0.9949297 -1.3912055 -0.9340438 5.2194678 3.0347643 0.0717118 107288635 CDC42 effector protein 1
-0.9952512 -2.2762478 -1.7204067 2.1007766 4.0052371 0.0351375 107296785 torsin family 4 member A
-0.9953251 0.3381161 -0.3719551 3.4136563 1.2624313 0.3319788 107283946 centrosomal protein 128kDa
-0.9958110 -1.0429058 0.0740656 5.2219640 8.4625068 0.0028457 107285616 glutathione reductase
-0.9959395 0.2603823 -0.6907834 0.5732036 1.0764915 0.3965437 107302817 FK506 binding protein 15
-0.9959798 1.4804069 -0.9906435 3.0404447 2.5064693 0.1095809 107299835 serpin B3-like
-0.9962055 -1.0589249 1.0394763 4.3251632 5.0617763 0.0175520 107293420 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1
-0.9962188 2.2106731 -0.2799308 0.9478212 4.0552542 0.0339401 107291574 sushi-repeat containing protein X-linked 2
-0.9964393 0.4721605 1.8301709 5.3413702 3.0911630 0.0686453 107289220 signal transducer and activator of transcription 1
-0.9969267 1.3924982 1.0431834 4.7129498 9.2841945 0.0019878 107285929 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 4D
-0.9978244 0.3972319 0.7146214 3.9964209 5.6970609 0.0119743 107286465 NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransferase family member 5
-0.9980075 1.3695700 1.9323999 0.5625384 3.9363412 0.0368682 107296382 meiotic nuclear divisions 1
-0.9980695 -0.7771606 0.2116324 4.3323380 2.5180705 0.1085336 107284043 PRKC apoptosis WT1 regulator
-0.9989046 -0.0842375 -2.2872079 1.3659740 3.8921119 0.0380313 107298177 arginine-glutamic acid dipeptide repeats protein-like
-0.9990219 -0.4634106 2.1833331 5.6520766 7.4244786 0.0047153 107291004 serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2 (mitochondrial)
-0.9996697 -0.7936021 -1.2865234 5.7678206 1.8755699 0.1885743 107296829 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit V3
-1.0022330 -0.1683548 -1.6411354 0.8313579 0.8980413 0.4710267 107287643 uncharacterized LOC107287643
-1.0024512 -0.6683679 -3.4913662 -0.2702537 6.4336933 0.0079043 107298514 platelet endothelial aggregation receptor 1
-1.0040861 1.3945127 0.0028654 1.3942970 5.0325599 0.0178018 107292040 TBC1 domain family member 8B
-1.0052976 -0.6516365 -0.2053422 7.0387675 2.7441867 0.0900970 107303038 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C7
-1.0058046 -1.8725467 1.6116842 3.1838307 3.0430196 0.0712532 107303242 solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter y+ system) member 3
-1.0065381 -0.2402977 0.2877712 2.0102236 2.2235258 0.1389236 107295050 RNA binding motif protein 18
-1.0068446 -0.8109062 1.0286591 5.1371771 8.7151305 0.0025556 107282339 FERM ARH/RhoGEF and pleckstrin domain protein 1
-1.0073241 -0.7826130 -0.2377928 7.8889656 1.9258473 0.1802733 107297468 ribosomal protein L7a
-1.0082228 -3.6974544 0.5416849 6.4727633 7.3328159 0.0049372 107291626 fatty acid desaturase 1-like
-1.0084411 -1.5233361 0.9283838 1.3254586 2.7765775 0.0879278 107289877 spermatogenesis associated 24
-1.0085986 -1.0689523 -0.2364383 2.7270675 4.2971696 0.0286828 107291218 immunoglobulin (CD79A) binding protein 1
-1.0094734 -1.0325102 -0.1344632 5.9698293 4.7948704 0.0206864 107290485 CTAGE family member 5
-1.0115833 -1.2281282 0.1227231 5.9028555 8.4514652 0.0028602 107284021 atlastin-2-like
-1.0116528 0.8810172 0.0600980 7.4134894 5.2376047 0.0157510 107294240 phosphoglycerate mutase 1
-1.0119220 -0.8814600 -2.5635229 0.1097413 3.2895165 0.0590006 107292116 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 1
-1.0129006 -0.6496693 -0.0698050 2.4371540 1.9787293 0.1719167 107287858 ras homolog family member Q
-1.0135299 -1.1566787 -2.9455467 0.1483309 1.5433145 0.2550898 107302306 rab GDP dissociation inhibitor beta-like
-1.0140540 -1.4000727 -1.6511206 0.4263855 1.9197928 0.1811325 107301128 probable global transcription activator SNF2L2
-1.0145100 -0.5716188 0.6435465 6.2646426 2.7211291 0.0919391 107283502 lysyl-tRNA synthetase
-1.0152263 -6.5528131 -2.3533898 4.5633805 9.1483932 0.0021086 107294219 kelch like family member 14
-1.0158203 1.1766630 1.4981451 1.5972173 5.2350095 0.0157760 107296456 interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein like 2
-1.0159571 0.3952454 0.5164030 1.2562182 2.5502052 0.1055578 107292353 hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (glucose 1-dehydrogenase)
-1.0160369 -0.6545089 1.2075563 4.8335005 2.7724986 0.0882159 107293998 TGFB induced factor homeobox 1
-1.0161161 -0.5970177 -0.3509500 7.3238700 1.1852865 0.3572853 107297194 cell division cycle 123
-1.0161649 -1.0321818 -1.1936151 -0.2666502 0.5480634 0.6590601 107286131 histone H1-like
-1.0163827 -0.3468989 -0.4629510 3.4922532 3.6822184 0.0440500 107294665 ring finger protein 8 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-1.0171960 -0.9422625 -2.0952881 0.7803734 3.9853919 0.0355218 107293415 topoisomerase (DNA) III beta
-1.0175327 -1.2463661 -0.2698333 2.4487535 3.3563547 0.0559829 107285048 ribonuclease K
-1.0178790 -0.5762569 -2.7699891 5.1669963 15.4120289 0.0002224 107283831 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type B
-1.0197042 -1.2294067 0.6234267 3.6237409 4.3703313 0.0273989 107293724 uncharacterized LOC107293724
-1.0200753 -0.8429261 -0.8700697 3.1767199 0.3198915 0.8108906 107295076 cystathionine beta-synthase-like
-1.0206084 -0.1272974 -0.7778212 3.0635356 1.8174414 0.1986520 107294414 prolyl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial (putative)
-1.0223532 0.6982616 1.4483853 5.5784972 8.7644078 0.0024996 107285043 NFKB inhibitor zeta
-1.0234676 -0.5455179 0.7524077 6.0312744 2.3243419 0.1276380 107291339 far upstream element (FUSE) binding protein 3
-1.0237144 -0.1464151 -1.2959490 2.1761354 2.5033673 0.1098166 107284967 uncharacterized LOC107284967
-1.0242507 -1.4175167 -2.1742404 2.1675437 0.7150878 0.5620282 107300721 centrosomal protein of 68 kDa-like
-1.0243413 -1.5173894 0.7037698 0.5658101 4.5259068 0.0246296 107283416 BTB domain containing 19
-1.0245549 -0.4501497 0.4359412 8.2895008 3.0376846 0.0715219 107284536 ribosomal protein L27a
-1.0245598 -1.0671793 -0.5578751 2.6757981 1.7846077 0.2045365 107302252 zinc finger protein 525-like
-1.0249347 -0.1912094 -1.2588805 3.5958035 3.3508737 0.0563411 107294684 cytochrome c1 heme protein mitochondrial
-1.0249465 -0.6162558 -0.8169743 3.1149400 0.0999004 0.9585028 107301111 secernin-3-like
-1.0249656 -0.3407393 1.7301227 6.1321138 3.9614825 0.0362254 107284695 epidermal growth factor receptor
-1.0260207 1.6757986 -2.0528675 0.2549788 2.5770529 0.1033831 107287268 acetyl-CoA carboxylase beta
-1.0264223 -1.4699697 0.5646103 4.5894738 8.0314474 0.0035076 107288397 myotubularin related protein 12
-1.0264531 0.2604932 0.5440214 -0.6503483 0.3851014 0.7657618 107301875 carbamoyl-phosphate synthase 1
-1.0266283 -1.3271220 -0.3857958 0.8821877 1.4965950 0.2663079 107290623 IQ motif containing E
-1.0269110 -0.8317909 -1.3046965 7.2097508 2.4224254 0.1175232 107284029 glutaredoxin 3
-1.0275724 -0.0167125 -0.8906542 2.9908530 1.0011978 0.4263618 107295277 protease serine 16
-1.0277984 0.2799358 -3.5996867 1.7915267 6.5135135 0.0075706 107302743 hepatic leukemia factor
-1.0280214 -0.8940004 -1.1793895 1.4944159 1.5996130 0.2420240 107291147 microtubule associated protein 10
-1.0281921 -0.3106991 -0.8175658 7.7001917 1.1224583 0.3794246 107284803 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial Fo complex subunit G
-1.0283519 -0.9285544 0.6116877 6.8305622 3.6071718 0.0466314 107292446 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 10
-1.0284488 -1.0315175 -0.5199251 8.3097989 2.0363254 0.1634395 107291188 lysophospholipase I
-1.0288296 -0.1779369 0.4016919 4.6935542 5.5835228 0.0127448 107285263 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 4
-1.0290679 -0.9523167 0.1683214 3.4035432 3.5074575 0.0501228 107302765 gem nuclear organelle associated protein 8
-1.0294997 0.5290727 -0.1125186 2.2689517 2.0856560 0.1566806 107289553 malignant fibrous histiocytoma amplified sequence 1
-1.0298480 -1.0895254 -1.6807460 1.2401223 3.4787331 0.0511090 107289755 uncharacterized LOC107289755
-1.0299373 -0.9587333 0.3295620 6.4336927 3.4925471 0.0507127 107290704 alpha-aspartyl dipeptidase-like
-1.0315920 -2.5310289 -6.0969864 4.9031828 29.2675070 0.0000097 107292017 docking protein 5
-1.0317278 -1.4219379 2.8756240 3.2764110 4.6717667 0.0224746 107291223 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 5
-1.0320538 2.5453272 -0.4629700 0.7597782 6.3861443 0.0081004 107300278 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UBR4-like
-1.0321119 -1.3301770 -1.3731399 4.6396728 1.9117611 0.1825915 107286873 adenosine deaminase tRNA-specific 2
-1.0328725 -0.4925932 -1.5189277 0.0933376 0.6751511 0.5840069 107298648 patatin like phospholipase domain containing 7
-1.0333883 -0.7550640 -0.3113339 5.5789183 3.4545812 0.0520307 107289717 ring finger and WD repeat domain 2 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-1.0344242 3.2420586 4.2640898 -0.0800633 6.3503307 0.0082744 107296819 tubulin alpha-3 chain
-1.0350238 -0.8643001 -2.0218332 0.5797026 0.9645921 0.4416920 107288349 amyloid beta precursor like protein 1
-1.0354184 -1.5630860 -0.7711808 -0.0346248 0.6181185 0.6167327 107291048 uncharacterized LOC107291048
-1.0357836 1.1459227 0.7238410 0.3280356 0.3462176 0.7925655 107301215 phospholipid scramblase 1-like
-1.0359722 0.0018708 -1.0783365 1.4335214 0.7830593 0.5263867 107291337 protocadherin-related 15
-1.0361911 -0.9066094 -1.2246757 5.8388091 3.0028062 0.0735194 107293992 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C7orf60
-1.0362549 -2.1202809 -5.7730890 3.3075121 19.4686525 0.0000739 107286350 NHL repeat containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
-1.0371627 -0.9947901 2.0350173 13.3655914 3.4387197 0.0527709 107290711 L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain
-1.0375065 -2.0926887 -0.8565504 3.8928304 16.6288980 0.0001541 107298200 protein kinase N2
-1.0375862 -0.6115283 0.4651666 9.0019705 1.4449842 0.2795178 107288759 alcohol dehydrogenase 5 (class III) chi polypeptide
-1.0388027 -0.7207993 -0.1873107 6.7393184 1.1729947 0.3615056 107300977 elongation factor 1-gamma-like
-1.0390653 -0.5176525 1.2966473 7.0313406 9.4641070 0.0018353 107290828 ER lipid raft associated 2
-1.0394339 -0.7411254 -0.4686673 4.2040456 2.1584530 0.1470450 107292576 G-patch domain containing 1
-1.0394722 -1.0050587 0.4323171 4.8271617 3.2327095 0.0615930 107301139 pre-mRNA-splicing factor RBM22-like
-1.0398578 -2.6878794 -2.1491566 3.3005232 15.6785226 0.0002027 107284957 pleckstrin homology MyTH4 and FERM domain containing H2
-1.0400416 -0.9372034 0.0842858 5.6199301 5.0795265 0.0172947 107286355 inhibitor of apoptosis protein-like
-1.0402710 -0.2021707 0.8504174 5.3708039 6.7932457 0.0065200 107284448 ubiquilin 1
-1.0405409 -0.4627560 -0.1672733 4.3229459 3.1375882 0.0660987 107290184 family with sequence similarity 120B
-1.0406458 1.3051401 -1.8087061 0.1858949 4.8545129 0.0199583 107283475 zinc finger protein FOG family member 1
-1.0409517 0.0053480 6.4561417 0.2056859 5.0393002 0.0228524 107300876 UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 2-like
-1.0416955 -1.3306883 0.2150483 3.9512636 5.6726917 0.0121459 107297083 RNA pseudouridylate synthase domain containing 3
-1.0420416 -1.1197325 0.3730084 3.3071261 5.8344681 0.0110037 107293816 prefoldin subunit 2
-1.0421634 -0.0981927 0.0753829 2.6972754 2.0669032 0.1592641 107299907 sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 9-like
-1.0428141 -0.3968410 0.1976303 5.8051863 1.3452847 0.3069439 ERCC-00053
-1.0428889 -0.8548722 -0.8062646 1.4126037 1.0435843 0.4092039 107283732 taxilin alpha
-1.0438538 -1.2596180 -0.2275039 2.3001516 0.1083870 0.9535336 107301701 protein RTF2 homolog
-1.0443972 -0.0603941 2.3647627 2.6703341 6.5428686 0.0074515 107286842 lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase
-1.0444580 0.2762179 -0.9070430 1.0923511 2.0413848 0.1627100 107297666 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
-1.0446347 -0.3796829 -3.0861490 0.0787592 4.4424841 0.0261147 107297622 RAB11B member RAS oncogene family
-1.0448036 -0.7905764 -1.0577088 0.1624754 0.3596641 0.7832555 107286631 receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 3
-1.0451622 -0.4447264 -1.7254414 6.0561409 4.7910784 0.0208154 107295901 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial F1 complex alpha subunit 1 cardiac muscle
-1.0456794 -0.3046229 -2.2300462 0.5804093 2.3763563 0.1221553 107291952 hypoxia inducible factor 3 alpha subunit
-1.0459039 -0.5177954 0.7432439 9.0930715 2.5431695 0.1063067 107288851 nucleoside diphosphate kinase
-1.0463235 -0.5733749 0.4667408 7.7376859 2.3514609 0.1247452 107285413 ring-box 1 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-1.0468514 3.2143430 1.4777779 1.9274235 9.2960271 0.0019776 107287846 ceramide synthase 6
-1.0474244 -0.3043769 -1.3728480 5.7072187 1.2943042 0.3220947 107286728 polo like kinase 2
-1.0475209 0.1319495 -0.2890951 3.3835738 0.0741658 0.9726994 107293941 COMM domain-containing protein 3-like
-1.0478844 0.2131167 -0.0937065 0.2503225 0.7695888 0.5332747 107289798 FES proto-oncogene tyrosine kinase
-1.0479381 -0.6874942 -0.9612189 1.8615446 1.2974039 0.3210358 107289945 splicing factor 3b subunit 4
-1.0482227 -0.2145694 -0.2683401 5.6337420 2.2352193 0.1376983 107302978 activating transcription factor 7 interacting protein
-1.0493196 -1.0682427 -0.8614753 0.5252926 1.0292300 0.4148946 107297802 cyclin-dependent kinase 5
-1.0499001 0.2670010 -1.2179782 2.9095811 3.3231988 0.0575231 107295295 LYR motif containing 1
-1.0504082 0.1451468 -0.2267274 4.4709202 0.9047862 0.4679656 107284616 V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 4
-1.0512684 0.2558862 0.2835820 3.7688545 0.8866419 0.4762462 ERCC-00170
-1.0517498 -0.9135834 -0.0228012 7.9715325 3.7614076 0.0416128 107292727 sorting nexin 2
-1.0521271 -0.3480680 -0.1058053 4.8424068 3.1685551 0.0646097 107293457 POP5 homolog ribonuclease P/MRP subunit
-1.0523317 -0.8310850 -0.4953047 4.1443017 1.8666221 0.1900873 107299514 COMM domain containing 7
-1.0530030 -0.7577049 -2.4462814 1.5424465 3.1214145 0.0670630 107283552 zinc finger homeobox 3
-1.0531394 -0.5004608 0.0698720 4.9082594 2.4825379 0.1117781 107294889 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L12
-1.0534066 -1.2027242 -1.6686870 1.6516958 2.0832956 0.1570031 107287874 junction mediating and regulatory protein p53 cofactor
-1.0534148 -1.9729279 -3.7151637 6.7573703 33.2573018 0.0000049 107285095 sorbin and SH3 domain-containing protein 1-like
-1.0536011 -2.1767905 -2.0657176 2.3267685 0.8034041 0.5161459 107301852 C-C motif chemokine 3-like
-1.0539910 3.1734887 -0.2340372 4.0609771 4.3954229 0.0269442 107291075 SPARC related modular calcium binding 1
-1.0541676 -1.0925169 0.6539425 5.4610446 3.4531514 0.0522097 107290707 cytochrome P450 20A1
-1.0542170 -0.6746507 0.9891858 7.7002816 5.2909144 0.0152481 107290077 translin
-1.0551985 -0.0429070 -1.4348249 0.0406264 1.9547232 0.1756050 107299081 coiled-coil domain containing 50
-1.0555601 -0.8178063 0.0503683 8.1455986 2.6588027 0.0966562 107285978 VAMP associated protein A
-1.0556675 1.2061568 -0.8177902 1.7218023 4.1104478 0.0326732 107282619 ABI family member 3
-1.0561955 0.9931977 -0.1475362 4.4350728 2.3453804 0.1253872 107292136 lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1
-1.0566473 -0.1965174 0.0664081 5.3561311 4.3228962 0.0281984 107289683 acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase-like
-1.0573345 14.6328095 9.0450556 7.7758857 48.5583096 0.0000036 107300683 pulmonary surfactant-associated protein A-like
-1.0577737 -1.1175822 -0.7106500 7.6172403 3.6490814 0.0451186 107291761 CDC like kinase 1
-1.0582748 0.3820992 0.1542647 0.9236034 1.7924939 0.2031150 107297605 apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD
-1.0601431 0.0567186 -0.3419533 0.4199551 0.6236792 0.6134729 107289455 zinc finger protein OZF-like
-1.0612310 -1.2220335 -1.7457567 4.3290470 5.0756153 0.0174019 107284449 G kinase anchoring protein 1
-1.0626460 -1.2057195 0.4778124 4.1973466 9.1538992 0.0020864 107289285 MAD2L1 binding protein
-1.0627047 -0.2844697 0.9313520 4.0234361 1.7384093 0.2133399 107282430 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM39-like
-1.0627294 -0.1906761 -2.6995609 0.5204033 2.3008268 0.1302085 107288186 diacylglycerol kinase beta
-1.0630408 -0.6056317 -1.1258077 4.6068386 0.7459335 0.5455798 107286801 arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase activating protein
-1.0632491 0.9306252 -0.2080288 3.4844701 4.7189071 0.0218013 107299585 class I histocompatibility antigen Gogo-OKO alpha chain-like
-1.0639016 -0.7972116 -0.7885268 3.8863373 1.7691568 0.2074852 107290081 family with sequence similarity 210 member A
-1.0639723 -4.6182592 -2.9773143 0.5485091 14.0359242 0.0003369 107296679 GATA binding protein 2
-1.0645874 -0.6754831 0.5432299 4.8845478 5.0830636 0.0173217 107288031 presenilin enhancer gamma secretase subunit
-1.0646310 -0.7844928 -0.3355582 2.3673784 0.7366981 0.5504566 107302037 zinc finger protein 420-like
-1.0656869 -0.4575491 -0.4773634 1.4078765 1.3791945 0.2971605 107299357 zinc finger protein 208-like
-1.0663614 -0.9707015 1.5211482 4.3049736 7.9411793 0.0036620 107298702 ring finger protein transmembrane 1
-1.0666087 -0.8580772 -0.2846265 1.1048503 0.9618907 0.4428379 107301261 nucleoporin NDC1-like
-1.0672780 -1.6291098 -1.6519842 3.1285085 4.6034746 0.0234503 107302680 WW and C2 domain containing 2
-1.0673566 -0.8552518 3.0950749 2.5517289 9.0925227 0.0021608 107295142 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 4
-1.0673737 -0.3520220 -1.2641398 3.1527036 1.0781016 0.3959304 107286024 purinergic receptor P2Y12
-1.0679714 -0.4912423 0.2663769 7.6721256 0.1153705 0.9493550 107296225 40S ribosomal protein S9
-1.0681537 -0.6282436 -0.2382496 7.5092481 1.5131886 0.2623132 107289764 ribosomal protein S3
-1.0683725 0.1842621 -0.2101436 2.8268678 3.2387105 0.0611812 107291647 mediator complex subunit 29
-1.0686981 -0.0641358 -1.9932907 2.7971294 5.1585260 0.0165330 107282186 DOT1 like histone H3K79 methyltransferase
-1.0697830 0.3284365 -0.6028591 3.1019360 2.6111503 0.1005337 107284881 family with sequence similarity 134 member B
-1.0698559 -0.5674750 0.0452548 4.2879504 4.0225010 0.0346157 107295563 mannose-6-phosphate receptor (cation dependent)
-1.0714775 -1.1081413 -0.9274410 1.0190362 0.6397918 0.6041112 107290789 tripartite motif-containing protein 65-like
-1.0732959 -0.2609115 0.5419618 5.5267839 4.0386325 0.0343327 107293803 nucleotide binding protein 2
-1.0745360 -0.8794772 0.0420173 5.6435512 5.3932929 0.0142704 107302843 RAB GTPase activating protein 1-like
-1.0762132 -0.0322786 1.3643420 4.8798952 10.5370234 0.0011836 107297601 acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase 2
-1.0763257 2.6144663 1.6566942 2.2938244 7.1303628 0.0054719 107283875 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 6
-1.0764874 -1.5910178 -1.1484059 8.4168166 0.0662575 0.9767463 107289816 enhancer of polycomb homolog 1-like
-1.0765523 -3.2624021 -0.6444087 7.3023262 20.4510647 0.0000582 107283372 sterol O-acyltransferase 1
-1.0771204 -0.5363005 -0.5877303 3.8855515 0.7878662 0.5239495 107290988 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22
-1.0774344 -0.9904036 0.1496411 2.6800443 2.8000379 0.0862914 107293102 thiamine triphosphatase
-1.0778025 -0.8751727 1.0216089 2.9232069 8.2506903 0.0031400 107300561 glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit C
-1.0780166 -1.1837937 -0.8516153 1.2943845 1.6208527 0.2373411 107283199 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 16 NatA auxiliary subunit
-1.0788051 -0.0769248 -1.6065233 5.4542070 7.2874113 0.0050516 107286341 kinesin family member 13A
-1.0797651 -1.6428785 -2.4078903 -0.1474807 4.6856692 0.0221917 107289326 DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit-like
-1.0799332 0.0020371 -1.6202359 0.3803138 1.6463732 0.2320008 107287793 SIN3 transcription regulator family member A
-1.0804443 0.4587101 -0.0422506 -0.4568860 0.5045296 0.6865042 107303299 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 21A
-1.0816848 -1.2219907 -0.2732969 5.3938374 5.2122918 0.0159346 107287982 ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor like
-1.0821382 0.7509145 0.9330083 4.6988565 1.3003781 0.3202475 107289181 GDNF family receptor alpha 3
-1.0827457 -1.3001602 -2.4897892 2.7719671 5.6236162 0.0125004 107291473 CTD small phosphatase 1
-1.0833062 0.0590031 0.4877306 5.4567177 2.5823244 0.1029366 107302849 uncharacterized LOC107302849
-1.0834700 -0.9801786 0.0193523 4.1027615 2.4371197 0.1160882 107287759 phosphotyrosine interaction domain containing 1
-1.0836016 -1.4119614 -0.6877536 2.9005777 2.5546625 0.1053046 107282972 isoprenoid synthase domain containing
-1.0836793 -1.0190870 0.6533007 5.1772843 4.7905945 0.0208218 107298519 aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family member A2
-1.0836949 -1.0280538 -0.4882533 1.2056635 1.5557222 0.2520301 107284091 synovial sarcoma translocation gene on chromosome 18-like 2
-1.0838636 -1.1047948 -0.6183358 6.8017558 3.1644217 0.0647671 107294143 leucine aminopeptidase 3
-1.0852450 -0.1891002 0.3488396 4.1959191 2.0568576 0.1606679 107282715 dual specificity protein phosphatase 14-like
-1.0858938 -0.5288788 -1.2657914 2.7900161 3.3458121 0.0564273 107299532 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2A
-1.0867816 -0.5309369 -0.2800639 2.3811282 2.2364641 0.1373912 107297326 zinc finger protein 658B-like
-1.0869169 -1.1481421 -0.3843345 3.0282128 4.5431878 0.0243514 107302962 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 30 NatC catalytic subunit
-1.0886899 -0.8325311 -1.8010007 5.0126683 3.3182199 0.0577388 107291144 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2
-1.0893535 -2.4538515 -6.8329300 2.8789201 25.9292055 0.0000179 107296202 GATA binding protein 5
-1.0894703 1.2114589 -0.0212920 4.7087245 2.0602505 0.1601922 107288554 cytokine inducible SH2-containing protein
-1.0895095 -0.1277432 0.8602680 5.3103777 6.0083928 0.0100121 107286304 protein NipSnap homolog 3A-like
-1.0900803 -1.0769426 -0.9679249 3.4681264 1.3566517 0.3036729 107292311 SET domain containing 9
-1.0902428 0.1525997 -0.0908258 1.1092464 0.2438531 0.8640645 107300144 lymphocyte antigen 96-like
-1.0909157 0.7244162 -0.4736704 3.9518233 1.9080707 0.1831916 107300228 serpin B6-like
-1.0910787 -0.6971060 -0.8320803 2.5077843 1.3234750 0.3133282 107292310 interleukin-6 receptor subunit beta-like
-1.0914368 -1.2667663 -2.0716812 -0.3886303 1.0977829 0.3885149 107284517 DIX domain containing 1
-1.0915873 -0.8996583 1.2566548 2.7484415 11.1095456 0.0009380 107285292 YES proto-oncogene 1 Src family tyrosine kinase
-1.0920751 -0.8943141 -2.0259956 2.0580134 3.1969490 0.0632924 107302054 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2
-1.0923369 -0.3656064 0.3098599 7.6460337 2.1942122 0.1426288 107300927 T-complex protein 1 subunit epsilon-like
-1.0924498 -3.6677224 -0.0526492 4.5956452 47.0592830 0.0000008 107288127 asparaginase like 1
-1.0933272 -0.1417615 1.9122032 4.8604575 5.6065307 0.0126266 107285462 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 2
-1.0935257 -2.0738716 1.8667066 3.0616265 8.7985772 0.0024615 107296459 ring finger protein 128 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-1.0938967 -0.7130418 -0.7694589 3.5442736 0.6210713 0.6149999 107288360 TYRO protein tyrosine kinase binding protein
-1.0944284 -1.0991321 -1.4698191 4.5550716 2.4577196 0.1141102 107297225 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S23
-1.0945723 0.1382160 0.1392044 1.3022217 0.5937164 0.6312132 107299039 AMME syndrome candidate gene 1 protein
-1.0954673 -0.0705202 1.5276316 3.3228565 5.3330620 0.0148637 107301019 nei like DNA glycosylase 1
-1.0973303 -7.0221733 -1.0432599 4.0815882 13.2115844 0.0004464 107287803 mucin-5AC-like
-1.0976141 -1.3033307 -2.2410851 0.1467532 1.2736185 0.3284725 107292326 cytotoxic and regulatory T-cell molecule
-1.0978485 -0.4591637 0.2904682 2.9794238 2.4033505 0.1194163 107285610 TBC1 domain family member 2
-1.0980174 -0.4276288 0.2958842 3.1503590 2.9833063 0.0746482 107283009 ribonuclease P/MRP 40kDa subunit
-1.0982956 -2.2087322 -0.9224828 -0.4702785 0.5727404 0.6438867 107301517 max dimerization protein 3-like
-1.0984373 -0.5383618 -0.0694597 4.0810177 6.0029894 0.0099920 107294960 D-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase
-1.0985451 -1.5982096 0.0023903 1.0205333 2.4629193 0.1136170 107290057 uncharacterized LOC107290057
-1.0988753 -0.7789045 -0.0707774 7.6581479 2.3783469 0.1219509 107296000 Finkel-Biskis-Reilly murine sarcoma virus (FBR-MuSV) ubiquitously expressed
-1.1000685 -0.6173680 -0.3430534 8.0026748 1.7741881 0.2065445 107282772 Tax1 (human T-cell leukemia virus type I) binding protein 1
-1.1006597 -0.4042313 -0.2892940 5.4881440 3.3698983 0.0554285 107282461 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4
-1.1006895 -1.3067557 -0.6551874 5.4905017 3.0050226 0.0733924 107286327 zinc finger protein 800
-1.1013007 0.2149900 0.6176305 4.5147923 7.7948239 0.0039062 107286780 coiled-coil domain containing 137
-1.1018423 1.3095510 4.7306602 2.3812494 7.8110584 0.0038988 107288790 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 11-like
-1.1023034 -3.1099003 -1.3538041 0.1340691 6.0640564 0.0096567 107294425 interleukin 15 receptor subunit alpha
-1.1026535 -0.7089339 -0.5102446 3.2739937 2.4572979 0.1139935 107283521 vacuolar protein sorting 4 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)
-1.1029446 -1.6846473 -0.6575647 1.1075336 2.2433148 0.1366595 107287466 ring finger protein 212
-1.1035705 -2.3651033 -2.0900711 2.0215069 2.7918942 0.0868554 107300597 succinyl-CoA ligase [GDP-forming] subunit beta mitochondrial-like
-1.1040515 -0.6437070 -1.0324170 6.5264564 2.9514596 0.0764516 107291511 transmembrane protein 14C-like
-1.1054065 -1.2636933 -1.0021981 1.2703653 0.2267470 0.8759467 107301155 splicing factor 3B subunit 5
-1.1057131 -0.6504970 -0.5179155 2.9877487 2.3102996 0.1290065 107298603 phosphoinositide 3-kinase adapter protein 1-like
-1.1058544 -0.6343411 -1.2148870 1.6776590 0.9999260 0.4268851 107282848 DAZ associated protein 1
-1.1063076 1.1809395 0.1775946 1.3895042 2.3646753 0.1233627 107299474 major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein-like
-1.1064520 -0.5600799 -0.3904630 1.4262330 0.2719786 0.8444164 107295127 CD101 molecule
-1.1074611 -0.3765823 -0.2794161 0.3495304 0.7178345 0.5605332 107301317 acidic fibroblast growth factor intracellular-binding protein-like
-1.1075359 -0.9572505 -0.2896147 6.7606756 3.6501873 0.0450824 107283249 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S24
-1.1076553 -1.4509460 -1.1308390 2.5390058 4.1416218 0.0318830 107290989 membrane associated guanylate kinase WW and PDZ domain containing 3
-1.1081726 -0.4210751 -3.8123917 1.8849280 4.9895745 0.0183603 107300285 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
-1.1082657 -1.5144899 -0.8573517 6.4442109 4.0364471 0.0343847 107289173 pleckstrin homology and FYVE domain containing 2
-1.1084431 -2.0147611 -0.6403174 2.1953895 3.7081264 0.0433492 107293767 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 2 binding protein
-1.1084787 -0.4753436 -0.0182946 2.9481447 2.5843623 0.1026297 107289619 zinc finger protein RFP-like
-1.1092771 -2.0666236 -1.4492572 8.2976264 2.6649006 0.0962230 107287734 glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1 soluble
-1.1100032 -1.4091863 2.9303629 2.4429062 3.7907138 0.0408621 107302421 proepiregulin-like
-1.1108328 -0.7676476 -1.2373061 5.6678364 2.9611428 0.0759554 107301654 protein FRG1-like
-1.1119608 -3.9267768 -1.2601683 3.3112880 29.6560731 0.0000089 107299414 rho GTPase-activating protein 42-like
-1.1119733 0.8035667 0.0119595 5.0908995 3.0632535 0.0701435 107284243 solute carrier family 9 member A7
-1.1122519 -0.7469778 -1.7361487 1.0273194 2.0703512 0.1587375 107292994 v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 3
-1.1143740 -1.0142928 -1.3787227 3.7185790 3.2883668 0.0590132 107290178 ARV1 homolog fatty acid homeostasis modulator
-1.1148765 -0.7403187 2.2853015 4.5161715 5.6833384 0.0120706 107294556 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase-like
-1.1156695 -0.7518918 -0.3067613 3.8786800 2.9917098 0.0740185 107303304 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C
-1.1157613 -1.1588544 -2.1435701 1.1702580 2.1911907 0.1429999 107296902 tRNA phosphotransferase 1
-1.1161499 -1.0951270 -1.5392977 1.9372932 2.9138750 0.0786889 107294190 sperm antigen with calponin homology and coiled-coil domains 1-like
-1.1161959 0.0875463 0.2987446 0.8358496 1.0728357 0.3979398 107301170 UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 1-like
-1.1165830 -1.6358847 -0.8367227 2.6293736 3.3620053 0.0558033 107283974 T-cell activation inhibitor mitochondrial
-1.1166510 0.7159885 -0.6485136 2.1555987 2.9255654 0.0781094 107297062 nidogen 2
-1.1169314 -0.5488242 0.4089377 4.8995121 2.6590362 0.0966829 107285754 transmembrane protein 55A
-1.1174103 0.2609632 0.5058729 0.7296960 1.6556884 0.2300314 107294689 block of proliferation 1
-1.1175029 -0.1802472 -1.0102028 0.8549140 1.8688480 0.1895499 107294418 family with sequence similarity 189 member A2
-1.1182511 0.2259375 0.0711300 3.6616020 2.8818064 0.0808558 107300169 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
-1.1183015 3.0987902 3.6044907 0.8847893 2.7040676 0.0932153 107301065 unconventional myosin-Ib-like
-1.1183058 -1.2215018 -0.1002896 4.2015330 2.5411445 0.1064844 107295570 MKRN2 opposite strand
-1.1193686 -0.7172386 -0.5150528 3.5932005 0.6900269 0.5757299 107301804 sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase mitochondrial-like
-1.1195287 -2.3490272 -1.0189827 2.2668064 9.4472327 0.0018376 107283360 quinone oxidoreductase-like protein 2
-1.1197537 -1.6658513 -1.8430464 0.8507267 1.6254635 0.2364903 107282159 delta-like 4 (Drosophila)
-1.1208424 -1.1446990 0.3088595 7.2700553 6.7244732 0.0067224 107303071 migration and invasion enhancer 1
-1.1212751 -0.6056490 -1.3127544 0.1100207 1.3049853 0.3187228 107292351 transmembrane protein 201
-1.1215696 -0.6202850 0.0174707 10.7122644 1.8140900 0.1990926 107286520 ribosomal protein L8
-1.1217263 -0.3135323 -1.9962790 6.2527175 3.8816413 0.0383128 107302426 receptor (G protein-coupled) activity modifying protein 2
-1.1217768 0.0989749 0.7230885 0.8126492 1.2520528 0.3352678 107301172 uncharacterized LOC107301172
-1.1219718 -0.0073651 0.5092505 7.6848012 5.8946409 0.0106293 107285834 ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 1
-1.1231163 0.7101313 1.1130747 -0.1447750 0.7079067 0.5659234 107297239 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
-1.1232240 -1.8448881 1.5377570 6.5898705 17.8153666 0.0001129 107298403 spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase 1
-1.1232380 -0.9355414 -0.3075732 8.4671773 2.2461589 0.1363198 107284955 leucine rich pentatricopeptide repeat containing
-1.1232994 -1.2582633 -2.8401657 0.5459648 2.6990188 0.0935969 107283747 eva-1 homolog B (C. elegans)
-1.1239188 -0.3259584 1.3305067 2.9536742 3.9789876 0.0357856 107293015 G protein-coupled receptor 39
-1.1246325 -0.5625106 0.7497574 3.1323165 3.5583413 0.0483217 107282714 BTB/POZ domain-containing adapter for CUL3-mediated RhoA degradation protein 1-like
-1.1257481 -0.0634440 -4.7376248 2.6311360 5.4679151 0.0137075 107303031 formin like 1
-1.1258831 0.5114582 0.6556072 10.1454744 1.6555512 0.2300602 ERCC-00136
-1.1261596 -1.0931646 -0.6818322 0.2424546 0.4827293 0.7005590 107295909 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type O
-1.1265641 -0.5983758 0.1643841 6.0708356 1.2526751 0.3350696 107297888 60S ribosomal protein L18-like
-1.1269014 -0.3924171 0.3233717 6.5252065 6.6088195 0.0071510 107286442 sorting nexin 17
-1.1286635 -0.5212256 0.2352442 -0.0275605 0.8315587 0.5022936 107299343 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like protein 2
-1.1289584 -0.8722400 -1.0128160 3.4742569 3.0581689 0.0702820 107295796 mitochondrial fission regulator 1-like
-1.1291368 -2.1855085 -0.2975663 5.3698481 6.8444846 0.0063465 107291469 protein lifeguard 3-like
-1.1298599 -0.6197199 -0.8339884 0.7928945 0.8622382 0.4875732 107289397 thromboxane-A synthase-like
-1.1308630 0.5349685 0.5420159 6.6755737 1.6637453 0.2283431 ERCC-00131
-1.1309489 -0.5889885 -0.6279032 0.3796012 0.5752459 0.6423621 107284004 chloride voltage-gated channel 7
-1.1310045 -0.9550761 -0.7356789 1.3815806 1.3480472 0.3060104 107294043 uncharacterized LOC107294043
-1.1311373 -1.8015708 0.2511700 4.1091277 12.8298252 0.0005025 107294499 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 7
-1.1311686 -0.4187472 -0.2189568 9.4250175 1.3126763 0.3165428 107302809 ribosomal protein L9
-1.1312507 -0.5466558 -0.1070975 2.2321052 1.2393732 0.3393339 107290617 forkhead box K1
-1.1322739 -0.5663577 0.1648575 5.0051187 3.4241307 0.0533453 107289975 polycomb group ring finger 5
-1.1329273 -0.7650531 0.8013264 5.2279595 6.6082217 0.0071942 107303171 von Hippel-Lindau binding protein 1
-1.1331380 -0.9560536 -1.0793890 6.0333524 2.1048573 0.1540845 107302914 RNA polymerase II associated protein 3
-1.1331457 -1.9706178 -1.0730826 2.8663721 3.7553404 0.0419066 107283760 retinoic acid receptor beta
-1.1335073 -1.6879344 -0.4069350 7.5165066 5.0265206 0.0179414 107294278 WD repeat and SOCS box containing 1
-1.1344388 -1.0720472 0.7573647 0.8933052 3.1261498 0.0667105 107287949 TM2 domain-containing protein 2
-1.1345775 -1.5777129 -2.6247245 1.8953678 3.7385155 0.0424142 107282451 fructosamine 3 kinase
-1.1357498 -1.0843917 -0.9651283 3.7307205 2.9639179 0.0756604 107288290 BEN domain containing 3
-1.1358769 -0.9673003 0.5910777 6.2781017 10.4830839 0.0011979 107285144 transmembrane protein 205
-1.1362693 0.0935232 -1.1026439 0.0218806 0.6861375 0.5778837 107285689 uncharacterized LOC107285689
-1.1370080 -0.5729431 0.0158888 8.1278757 2.0231215 0.1654861 107286990 ribosomal protein L6
-1.1372630 -0.2086699 -3.3456255 2.7727055 12.4510051 0.0005798 107283745 protein FAM49A-like
-1.1378229 -0.8523085 -1.0381726 4.3595418 0.7188786 0.5599821 107285430 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C10orf54
-1.1384067 0.6553765 0.7980453 2.7417333 3.2394729 0.0612776 107293506 WEE1 G2 checkpoint kinase
-1.1390003 -0.7893053 -0.1209875 7.1970136 1.2147236 0.3473918 107282826 hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase
-1.1394257 -0.0537732 -0.0630008 3.7199385 0.5563772 0.6539166 107286020 cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide
-1.1394791 -0.5272383 -0.1464907 8.5662946 2.1656117 0.1460977 107283414 ribosomal protein S8
-1.1408245 -1.0122877 0.5341989 3.6387024 8.4855132 0.0028157 107287236 6-phosphogluconolactonase
-1.1414217 0.5311185 0.8463258 3.3909438 2.2271380 0.1386544 ERCC-00019
-1.1417600 -1.0356588 0.1846734 2.7715437 4.8747868 0.0196597 107292163 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase epsilon-like
-1.1425154 0.9841977 0.6857891 0.1635043 0.7764661 0.5297473 107298793 major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein-like
-1.1427125 -0.3884047 -0.6475879 6.4636609 3.5075817 0.0500326 107285927 neighbor of BRCA1 gene 1
-1.1431980 1.6611285 -0.6058643 4.1684300 15.7590019 0.0001982 107286274 inverted formin FH2 and WH2 domain containing
-1.1434561 1.3993339 -0.6240137 5.5856752 5.4520145 0.0138382 107291002 LDL receptor related protein 1
-1.1438912 -0.6796242 -1.5229819 2.1777197 1.8886922 0.1863798 107291655 optic atrophy 3 (autosomal recessive with chorea and spastic paraplegia)
-1.1447851 -0.6485676 0.1502266 10.8578943 2.0545113 0.1608365 107303061 ribosomal protein L19
-1.1448212 -0.6657325 -0.3958152 7.0220135 2.5015895 0.1099786 107283703 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit I
-1.1449180 -1.4992973 -1.3885622 3.3631391 0.2101744 0.8873761 107290400 cullin-1-like
-1.1456149 -0.7495213 -1.2435759 6.2545321 2.6187620 0.0999100 107297704 mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 2
-1.1456798 -0.1753341 0.2270293 3.9641947 3.8427442 0.0393801 107295151 v-crk avian sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog-like
-1.1462422 -1.0816733 -0.2155793 6.4640737 6.1177867 0.0093648 107285626 exoribonuclease 1
-1.1462836 -0.7145346 -0.0324175 3.3473004 2.5651683 0.1043979 107292734 URI1 prefoldin-like chaperone
-1.1465143 -1.2570649 -3.4329339 2.6420190 5.6301978 0.0124522 107284870 zinc finger protein 395
-1.1469755 -1.5181450 -1.3386376 0.3188590 1.1800577 0.3590741 107284951 calmodulin-lysine N-methyltransferase-like
-1.1481436 -1.6723338 -1.6748154 4.7582910 1.1803737 0.3589658 107294007 neutrophil cytosolic factor 1
-1.1486423 1.2116260 1.4233590 4.8876908 10.3906717 0.0012546 107291486 paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia
-1.1500241 -0.2198752 0.1095860 2.6583299 2.8782634 0.0809574 107291613 RNA terminal phosphate cyclase-like 1
-1.1516375 -0.3455211 0.6645987 5.6638971 2.8537539 0.0826750 107295304 RWD domain containing 2A
-1.1529505 -0.2018688 -0.1152905 5.4013741 2.0818652 0.1571990 107282698 translational activator of cytochrome c oxidase 1
-1.1531294 -0.9796440 -0.9398739 5.3079788 2.4304256 0.1167394 107290517 THO complex 7
-1.1544899 -1.3460748 0.9441406 3.1459461 6.0157993 0.0099702 107303126 Nedd4 family interacting protein 2
-1.1558187 0.3403041 0.1534355 0.2080873 2.4315426 0.1164732 107301351 zinc finger protein 502-like
-1.1559075 -1.1662461 -1.0407235 4.4690529 4.1146945 0.0324781 107300838 zinc finger FYVE domain-containing protein 21-like
-1.1568254 0.5872238 -0.5845738 2.5168113 0.5704190 0.6453021 107282235 uncharacterized LOC107282235
-1.1586437 -1.6496676 -0.5710845 2.9529209 3.9448829 0.0366168 107283817 endothelial cell specific molecule 1
-1.1593444 -1.0537129 -0.5697359 2.7202575 1.2815876 0.3259994 107298982 exosome component 3
-1.1601501 -1.7874786 1.0479059 7.0383603 12.4357383 0.0005829 107284131 acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 2
-1.1609627 -2.8987998 -0.7416552 3.6690436 1.4767644 0.2713509 107296530 putative V-set and immunoglobulin domain-containing-like protein IGHV4OR15-8
-1.1614290 0.0338025 -0.7592334 1.3823592 1.9699341 0.1732577 107286657 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 2
-1.1621186 -1.9847963 0.8890746 3.7617364 6.4697323 0.0077523 107296556 androglobin-like
-1.1624502 0.3373183 2.9447729 3.6163220 12.7248884 0.0005270 107296107 transmembrane protein 243
-1.1634583 -0.8116239 0.5955825 5.9485365 5.3145160 0.0150314 107299024 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2D 3
-1.1636698 -0.8780052 0.7854496 8.3104440 2.4798755 0.1120256 107298972 MKI67 FHA domain-interacting nucleolar phosphoprotein-like
-1.1647587 0.5429485 0.6578785 5.2599851 1.5004913 0.2654254 107291214 C-X-C motif chemokine 11-like
-1.1649464 -0.9636288 -0.8337772 0.9791645 1.3814355 0.2965346 107290735 zinc finger protein 391-like
-1.1651315 -0.1371957 0.1325591 0.8641258 1.6829319 0.2242421 107285641 CD3e molecule associated protein
-1.1651449 -1.5150134 -0.5487832 2.4365811 4.1799275 0.0310580 107290059 UBA like domain containing 2
-1.1658440 -0.4988320 -0.6074793 8.0460410 1.5809747 0.2463685 107298679 voltage dependent anion channel 2
-1.1663524 -3.1219380 0.2540892 4.8222795 22.4934162 0.0000365 107299151 tec protein tyrosine kinase
-1.1675383 -1.6137323 0.2529729 3.9743981 5.4241124 0.0140711 107289464 DNA damage regulated autophagy modulator 1
-1.1676233 -0.0715549 0.5510286 5.6337185 2.5530856 0.1054414 107302847 uncharacterized LOC107302847
-1.1679746 -0.1154520 -0.4966491 6.2367351 2.3647663 0.1233533 107292167 adaptor related protein complex 2 alpha 2 subunit
-1.1680008 -3.2016968 -0.6088102 3.6896112 6.8048911 0.0064801 107295596 piggyBac transposable element derived 5
-1.1681286 -0.5697566 -2.4719079 8.1349693 4.1059608 0.0327742 107296817 superoxide dismutase 2 mitochondrial
-1.1684766 -1.0601686 -0.0650635 8.1793425 3.0961177 0.0683425 107297082 ribosomal protein S15a
-1.1687198 -1.0877730 -0.8872015 4.4585135 2.0327219 0.1640985 107282904 TBC1 domain family member 5
-1.1689097 -1.0846238 -1.2191521 6.9974945 3.4533944 0.0521076 107294307 SEC14 and spectrin domain containing 1
-1.1699765 -0.7831774 -0.2664480 2.3939824 3.5720705 0.0477200 107291958 transmembrane protein 160
-1.1700347 -2.1153033 -0.5277448 4.0732508 15.0674423 0.0002435 107285825 RAB11 family interacting protein 2 (class I)
-1.1703119 -1.5173429 1.1149590 6.9028209 6.2612130 0.0086908 107286546 tumor necrosis factor superfamily member 10
-1.1711334 -0.5027968 -1.6006830 6.8561949 2.4590697 0.1139819 107294471 uncharacterized LOC107294471
-1.1711689 0.4206290 -0.2770665 1.2338853 2.9411655 0.0770138 107298975 nudix hydrolase 2
-1.1712209 -0.1840287 -0.7743729 4.1568075 2.6727157 0.0956141 107291031 hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase/3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase/enoyl-CoA hydratase (trifunctional protein) alpha subunit
-1.1715869 -1.3653988 -0.8423970 1.2182332 1.3923176 0.2936428 107301306 ubiquinone biosynthesis O-methyltransferase mitochondrial-like
-1.1716981 -0.6248660 -0.0473752 6.0750016 3.5202857 0.0496883 107302298 mitochondrial translational initiation factor 2
-1.1721510 -0.0858606 -1.0167624 4.1674171 1.8314006 0.1961777 107282882 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L54
-1.1726813 -1.3189520 0.2793242 10.1181048 3.6387081 0.0454735 107291723 ribosomal protein L18a
-1.1728949 -2.0007529 -2.4935106 5.3229306 3.6009173 0.0468441 107289682 P2Y purinoceptor 8-like
-1.1728964 -0.6001734 -0.5904864 3.7336627 3.8118971 0.0401405 107294044 SMC5-SMC6 complex localization factor protein 2-like
-1.1729071 -0.0639069 5.3873466 2.6290288 10.0082545 0.0014651 107300419 stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 1
-1.1729340 0.5649146 0.8206993 2.4515363 3.3711719 0.0554919 107284765 SID1 transmembrane family member 2
-1.1748750 -0.8326249 0.6948858 5.2409192 5.1848158 0.0162681 107295095 zinc finger AN1-type containing 4
-1.1754796 0.0937689 1.5695251 5.1806311 7.5404055 0.0044511 107302484 triple QxxK/R motif containing
-1.1758344 -1.8732955 -0.3324254 3.4977671 7.0530304 0.0056772 107287729 cutC copper transporter
-1.1762505 -0.6361872 -0.2374095 6.1722456 1.8365417 0.1952751 107302684 arginine/serine-rich coiled-coil 1
-1.1771261 -1.5724518 -1.9949846 1.6611860 3.8147529 0.0400683 107301188 phospholipid phosphatase 6
-1.1771320 0.5027695 -0.4589055 1.4449954 0.9801907 0.4350910 107297241 class I histocompatibility antigen Gogo-OKO alpha chain-like
-1.1779765 -0.1725281 -1.5226285 4.6852619 4.5892374 0.0237124 107289572 protoheme IX farnesyltransferase mitochondrial
-1.1780750 -0.2669713 -0.1551586 3.9250787 1.6998911 0.2209372 107285450 transcobalamin 2
-1.1791859 -2.1665455 0.0291654 1.7278850 10.5594838 0.0011621 107291828 ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 6
-1.1792383 -2.1911572 -2.5096812 4.2061241 11.5641928 0.0007984 107289086 fermitin family member 2
-1.1798423 -2.7377997 -3.1255278 0.5817448 2.1182061 0.1523084 107291610 GLIS family zinc finger 3
-1.1806058 -1.2292514 0.3012114 6.4200483 7.7647507 0.0039637 107283318 carnitine O-octanoyltransferase
-1.1806122 -0.3719583 3.6449568 0.5687483 1.4028801 0.2907575 107301708 DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 13-like
-1.1813806 -0.9916293 -3.0665574 3.9869144 28.3437027 0.0000112 107293962 periphilin-1-like
-1.1814936 -1.1244499 -3.2062539 3.3893037 17.7333957 0.0001149 107285436 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L4
-1.1819247 -0.5879578 -1.1551416 1.5639338 2.5630953 0.1044219 107294766 protein phosphatase Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1M
-1.1821242 0.4399760 1.6037265 7.3156220 4.9755383 0.0185224 107285127 glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase
-1.1825234 -1.0487175 -0.4040506 10.0705156 1.5382066 0.2562548 107288532 ribosomal protein L7
-1.1838473 -0.9787148 -4.2497985 6.7365374 4.7928587 0.0207917 107287616 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type C
-1.1846440 0.8089675 3.3956815 1.2583159 3.9089377 0.0375839 107297247 neural proliferation differentiation and control 1
-1.1848791 -0.1967371 -1.3509368 3.6272538 1.8281945 0.1967429 107295091 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L52
-1.1851007 -0.8336111 0.5009054 8.2424089 3.8649572 0.0387665 107299374 40S ribosomal protein S29
-1.1858626 -1.5733790 -0.1937324 7.5503274 1.5306734 0.2580936 107298774 cystathionine beta-synthase-like
-1.1883326 -1.1390188 -0.7020149 5.3409222 2.8303189 0.0842309 107298261 caseinolytic mitochondrial matrix peptidase proteolytic subunit
-1.1884954 -0.6428427 -1.4969977 0.6488652 1.4084381 0.2892183 107298791 small vasohibin binding protein
-1.1885976 0.0857188 -1.4630717 0.8922524 2.5626500 0.1045293 107292502 programmed cell death protein 4-like
-1.1902154 -0.8778344 -1.7960469 7.1152824 2.9965704 0.0738782 107285141 ECSIT signalling integrator
-1.1903849 0.9570377 0.1089719 5.7141502 10.6224365 0.0011383 107289982 transmembrane anterior posterior transformation 1
-1.1913404 -0.6384676 -2.0766423 6.9168618 3.1855730 0.0638443 107292416 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B5
-1.1930852 0.1929755 0.7378408 0.6378823 0.6224408 0.6141976 107301332 HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-38 alpha chain-like
-1.1933815 -0.9719956 -3.0734347 1.5647116 11.2661032 0.0008837 107292678 myc target 1
-1.1936979 -0.4824029 -0.0690872 7.3972306 2.1041427 0.1541802 107286563 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 17 homolog B (yeast)
-1.1941884 -0.0379085 -0.6879978 4.2534764 2.1588013 0.1470486 107303048 inhibitor of DNA binding 3 dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein
-1.1950591 -1.7902375 -0.7640448 0.1087691 1.7874414 0.2039521 107301289 ras GTPase-activating protein 1-like
-1.1950677 -1.6309296 0.5114303 1.7221133 3.6426077 0.0454476 107294999 echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 5
-1.1962475 -1.5621271 -0.6859014 5.7159743 3.6045773 0.0467195 107290790 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L38
-1.1973970 -1.0164674 -1.1545044 3.0026288 3.2498195 0.0606672 107283261 transmembrane protein 150A
-1.1974880 -1.0105782 -1.6692174 7.7332177 2.1685921 0.1458112 107294755 arrestin domain containing 3
-1.1975813 -0.5900249 -0.4640266 5.4350669 3.4646791 0.0516593 107294858 autophagy related 13
-1.1980602 0.4431415 0.5158500 13.5912339 1.3473149 0.3063569 ERCC-00130
-1.1993425 -1.3223187 0.1394659 3.9085901 5.0100235 0.0181271 107290992 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class Y
-1.1994122 -0.5990674 0.8982270 5.9378840 10.8880087 0.0010216 107302751 mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase
-1.1998088 -0.8869499 -0.1484764 6.2801845 2.1840138 0.1438860 107295970 Ly1 antibody reactive
-1.2000845 -1.1026184 0.2500518 5.1368440 4.2319426 0.0300731 107296445 ER membrane protein complex subunit 7
-1.2005298 -1.9131835 -0.1206920 0.4616954 4.2604183 0.0294039 107301117 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L-like
-1.2023360 -0.5225733 -0.6300330 7.9799235 1.4935225 0.2671508 107282617 prohibitin
-1.2031807 -0.1573994 0.0805326 3.3813608 4.2957715 0.0287098 107286939 methyltransferase like 15
-1.2031948 0.3973373 1.7259584 1.9525076 3.1250671 0.0668748 107289195 staphylococcal nuclease domain-containing protein 1-like
-1.2037009 0.5027717 0.1770274 5.9005864 6.2556156 0.0087178 107296292 KIAA0922 ortholog
-1.2048175 -2.9252580 -0.4657828 2.9993151 7.9273837 0.0036863 107298472 guanine nucleotide exchange factor VAV3-like
-1.2049555 -0.7864307 -1.3685739 3.9743993 5.5492780 0.0130007 107299560 dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
-1.2058893 -1.4315941 0.0086290 5.2596862 2.2168293 0.1398850 107293260 methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase 1
-1.2067693 0.0222212 1.6138617 4.2649050 5.6263891 0.0124800 107295338 phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase-like
-1.2074214 0.5588567 0.7742709 2.9012654 9.8542779 0.0015475 107287123 ilvB (bacterial acetolactate synthase)-like
-1.2075201 -1.4344074 -1.3759605 2.3561112 1.7844447 0.2046416 107296038 ubiquinone biosynthesis O-methyltransferase mitochondrial-like
-1.2075241 -0.4502527 -0.2485618 1.7172857 0.4923063 0.6943598 107284203 purinergic receptor P2Y11
-1.2082108 0.4298664 -0.2835882 1.8603368 2.7755188 0.0879584 107295429 F-box/WD repeat-containing protein 8-like
-1.2096957 -1.1890165 -4.1923161 0.5005303 5.0783906 0.0173720 107297434 solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 3-like
-1.2112816 -0.8336474 -0.4991876 8.1832873 2.3784856 0.1217977 107283204 tumor protein translationally-controlled 1
-1.2122242 -0.6939127 -3.1673199 2.2900646 4.0133528 0.0349400 107287338 talin 1
-1.2125389 -0.9013268 0.2280006 4.7686192 8.0337987 0.0034788 107282490 ADP-ribose/CDP-alcohol diphosphatase manganese-dependent
-1.2127470 0.2690818 0.4463191 1.8984233 6.5628664 0.0073301 107289382 family with sequence similarity 65 member C
-1.2130566 -0.5398809 -1.2753774 6.2662751 2.7141587 0.0924580 107301044 trifunctional enzyme subunit beta mitochondrial-like
-1.2130931 -1.1429034 -1.2219590 1.1537323 2.2382041 0.1371866 107296859 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 6
-1.2142602 1.1885442 -3.3978147 0.9602412 18.6220393 0.0000900 107293572 zinc finger protein FOG family member 2
-1.2171129 -0.8164177 -1.1975779 3.6905531 2.3034768 0.1299159 107287815 serine/threonine kinase 4
-1.2172592 -0.2957687 0.3478823 2.3260396 2.0133931 0.1669058 107298491 gastrula zinc finger protein XlCGF26.1-like
-1.2173504 -0.7133399 0.0260935 4.9457564 6.9838571 0.0058655 107288020 CTP synthase 1
-1.2174092 0.6103669 -0.0874273 6.9325824 6.5628698 0.0073593 107302688 G elongation factor mitochondrial 1
-1.2183751 -0.8917522 -1.6350002 2.6954375 2.4518861 0.1146664 107299612 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A7
-1.2184123 -0.5129105 -1.8762552 6.3772288 2.6694516 0.0958679 107291189 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L15
-1.2187404 0.6032756 -0.6436068 1.4072326 3.7197654 0.0428744 107295081 solute carrier family 41 member 1
-1.2194538 1.7380682 -2.7278109 2.4729203 6.5278322 0.0075122 107284227 angiopoietin like 6
-1.2200109 1.4915470 0.4810756 2.0532284 1.9396034 0.1781346 107284103 SID1 transmembrane family member 1
-1.2201200 -1.9628320 0.2470173 0.5313111 3.4251885 0.0533034 107301553 pyruvate kinase PKLR-like
-1.2201699 -0.8216899 -0.1532941 4.5952200 6.5008273 0.0075803 107289334 tRNA methyltransferase 11 homolog
-1.2205631 -2.3409184 -0.3185787 0.7897109 3.6479267 0.0452729 107290318 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 3
-1.2206970 -0.3060264 -0.5509764 5.2053984 3.8188726 0.0399912 107290578 family with sequence similarity 45 member A
-1.2212119 -1.1767228 0.0433301 5.4855155 6.3664234 0.0081805 107285250 ribosome production factor 1 homolog
-1.2215311 -1.3582084 -0.7820032 8.2051673 1.4943355 0.2669489 107301632 ADP/ATP translocase 2
-1.2230507 -3.8520783 0.7650794 1.1479804 8.2849618 0.0031129 107284313 eva-1 homolog A regulator of programmed cell death
-1.2233303 -1.7056737 4.1198300 7.5991206 10.6980231 0.0011108 107282417 proline rich Gla (G-carboxyglutamic acid) 2
-1.2234859 -8.5368106 -1.2542834 4.7201778 56.5318373 0.0000003 107287184 amnion associated transmembrane protein
-1.2235485 -0.6016592 -2.1862072 -0.0743632 2.0358014 0.1636562 107299622 polymerase (DNA) epsilon 4 accessory subunit
-1.2246598 -0.9591188 -1.9051596 2.5912826 0.3483083 0.7911155 107300343 nucleolar protein 11-like
-1.2252254 -0.4561235 -6.9680857 2.3263203 17.6635950 0.0001176 107302365 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 6
-1.2255313 -0.8207324 -0.6115856 3.5513433 2.0483260 0.1618712 107300496 phospholipase D3-like
-1.2255739 -0.8646360 -0.7624691 5.1087933 3.6669453 0.0445486 107292213 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U11/U12 48KDa subunit
-1.2272286 -0.8876908 -0.3410775 0.3281459 0.2254501 0.8768445 107298837 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DRB1-1 beta chain-like
-1.2285999 -1.2050111 -0.6443418 0.2088125 1.1669001 0.3635003 107283086 O-acetyl-ADP-ribose deacetylase MACROD2-like
-1.2286406 -1.2037208 -2.1226361 0.0540912 1.4946994 0.2668585 107289133 5’3’-nucleotidase mitochondrial
-1.2294761 0.6083654 1.4363825 4.8762867 5.3625119 0.0146018 107295934 perilipin 2
-1.2301382 -0.6379030 -0.6453993 6.8118595 4.4666727 0.0256115 107302982 MDM4 p53 regulator
-1.2309646 -0.0115509 -0.1742156 4.3975806 2.2902020 0.1313893 107291744 aminoacyl tRNA synthetase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 2
-1.2311910 -2.6778880 2.0691155 5.8305875 39.3450474 0.0000020 107292754 plastin-1-like
-1.2315126 -0.0148459 2.2792188 10.1428269 14.0271928 0.0003373 107289684 ADP/ATP translocase 3
-1.2318507 -0.9173853 -1.7899464 5.7766895 4.0991771 0.0329274 107295354 phospholipid scramblase 1-like
-1.2334020 -0.4497711 0.0632661 1.4847459 0.1209791 0.9459453 107294854 serine/threonine-protein kinase tousled-like 2
-1.2335263 -2.8956377 -2.7038299 3.5821852 10.1323646 0.0013925 107293548 testis and ovary specific PAZ domain containing 1
-1.2336406 -0.4495899 0.0993682 2.8493693 2.2431313 0.1367695 107293971 methyltransferase like 6
-1.2337793 -1.2643110 0.1412730 0.1884610 0.5358834 0.6666528 107300058 ferrochelatase mitochondrial-like
-1.2348197 -0.6377772 -0.0453924 4.9342767 4.7724838 0.0210204 107286849 zinc finger AN1-type containing 6
-1.2350433 -0.8844760 -0.1653840 4.9120186 6.5208133 0.0074986 107301116 N-alpha-acetyltransferase 15 NatA auxiliary subunit-like
-1.2350528 -0.7073034 0.3471693 5.1033079 4.4182633 0.0265378 107302095 40S ribosomal protein S18
-1.2365010 3.9925575 0.4364510 -0.4339591 6.1020755 0.0094969 107300777 GTPase IMAP family member 5-like
-1.2373213 -1.4527497 -1.2658485 3.8640173 6.1201122 0.0093526 107302430 SERTA domain-containing protein 2-like
-1.2374543 0.6196944 2.1479064 -0.0374945 3.1733407 0.0644440 107298393 TNF receptor associated factor 4
-1.2383575 -1.3148860 -0.7977567 6.3498774 3.9251805 0.0371260 107300443 adenosine deaminase
-1.2383858 0.2991494 -0.1197925 0.3859078 0.7921303 0.5217966 107300840 AN1-type zinc finger protein 2B-like
-1.2393310 -0.8108133 -1.4627425 0.2959470 0.7626502 0.5368564 107299096 zinc finger protein 335
-1.2395989 -2.1570214 -1.4811499 0.3614421 2.3360560 0.1263318 107297220 LON peptidase N-terminal domain and ring finger 1
-1.2400588 -1.6936951 -0.1673939 3.4367753 7.8593204 0.0037826 107290341 sorting nexin family member 30
-1.2403310 -1.1672678 -2.1243075 1.6429862 1.7103167 0.2188514 107285200 tropomyosin 3
-1.2410048 0.4694538 -2.5335925 0.1222969 4.2090252 0.0305446 107284044 synaptotagmin 1
-1.2411054 1.6066339 -0.0706033 1.1437501 3.8282905 0.0397855 107302453 bifunctional heparan sulfate N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase 2-like
-1.2412829 -0.7919071 0.4729262 5.4223065 4.8716437 0.0197755 107282716 ubiquitin specific peptidase 10
-1.2415635 -0.5241215 -1.4226260 7.3409051 2.0906895 0.1559953 107303067 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial Fo complex subunit C2 (subunit 9)
-1.2427294 -0.7789035 -0.0219075 7.3593748 1.9688060 0.1735915 107282829 mitochondrial poly(A) polymerase
-1.2444597 -0.9834281 -0.8415983 1.7418921 1.8786633 0.1878945 107299488 autophagy-related protein 13-like
-1.2446769 2.3348782 0.8750336 0.5509950 7.2151864 0.0052218 107287000 RAD9 checkpoint clamp component B
-1.2490298 -0.6713987 0.0051474 1.0129575 1.8633106 0.1904911 107301937 uncharacterized LOC107301937
-1.2490425 -1.0405729 -1.4897029 1.2596433 0.9304923 0.4564827 107286994 BRCA1 associated protein
-1.2490890 -1.0357904 0.0040656 7.5471032 2.9730978 0.0752470 107296784 ribosomal protein L35
-1.2512245 -0.5278063 0.0610876 2.0549888 3.1995373 0.0630343 107285817 tryptophanyl tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial
-1.2513395 -0.7801483 -0.7026920 1.1725193 1.0667035 0.4002704 107294018 tubulin tyrosine ligase like 7
-1.2515976 -1.0105130 -0.5035885 5.3025027 2.2023831 0.1416305 107302915 ATP23 metallopeptidase and ATP synthase assembly factor homolog (S. cerevisiae)
-1.2519519 -0.0938763 -0.1310940 6.8039661 2.6366291 0.0984633 107289859 esterase D
-1.2520408 -1.9730840 1.1341119 6.7417970 4.2268753 0.0301766 107291081 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39B
-1.2520543 -1.0503473 0.0300590 7.0388320 3.0766288 0.0694209 107294141 mediator complex subunit 28
-1.2522064 -0.5089209 1.1573182 3.7841734 3.2968312 0.0586761 107297529 immunity-related GTPase family cinema
-1.2529249 -2.2350755 -0.7124081 -0.1253190 3.3648038 0.0556296 107289477 uncharacterized LOC107289477
-1.2532399 -0.8508628 0.7606444 3.6191441 3.0946958 0.0684584 107286749 sulfotransferase family cytosolic 1B member 1-like
-1.2537865 -1.7789685 -1.3279630 6.7075854 10.0730916 0.0014138 107294019 protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit beta
-1.2538418 -0.9112367 -0.3923844 7.5876720 2.2298344 0.1383345 107294089 40S ribosomal protein S7
-1.2539212 -1.4371858 -0.3563037 3.4630977 4.3292149 0.0281359 107289648 sorting nexin 1
-1.2549181 -0.2482579 -1.3252202 5.1143408 3.7974467 0.0406667 107294910 metallophosphoesterase 1
-1.2570234 -1.2820949 0.3939287 11.0562247 2.7721231 0.0882425 107285197 poly(A) binding protein cytoplasmic 1
-1.2593278 -0.6501544 0.8733188 -0.3144179 1.9382233 0.1782636 107292050 transmembrane protein 185A
-1.2603035 -1.8904031 -1.2649846 4.9608188 5.1329483 0.0167956 107292550 hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase
-1.2603705 -1.5597710 -2.8599201 3.9312877 2.0665180 0.1593177 107292265 TRAF3 interacting protein 3
-1.2614028 -0.5975822 -0.0073502 6.4710191 4.4375362 0.0261739 107289362 ecdysoneless cell cycle regulator
-1.2618767 -1.0827550 0.2092416 4.1346474 6.3173509 0.0084019 107297465 mediator complex subunit 22
-1.2623803 1.8706065 0.7477459 3.9903389 5.7911493 0.0113375 107303086 insulin like growth factor binding protein 4
-1.2628931 -0.8084143 -1.6826737 0.5103073 1.5879737 0.2447519 107296128 engulfment and cell motility 2
-1.2633645 -6.7150730 0.9094382 4.7950020 22.3277824 0.0000378 107300092 methyltransferase-like protein 7A
-1.2653398 0.7885453 -0.6869856 2.5796405 3.0878315 0.0688222 107294148 solute carrier family 46 member 3-like
-1.2654379 -1.0074827 -0.4045710 1.6542468 0.2084457 0.8885625 107301671 DNA repair protein SWI5 homolog
-1.2660118 -2.3700746 0.8785207 0.8092180 4.3288849 0.0281697 107295252 solute carrier family 7 member 6
-1.2664233 0.5368334 0.2859772 2.8831247 3.6098526 0.0465407 107286638 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9
-1.2667144 -1.4225777 0.3670758 3.6708185 8.9643466 0.0022681 107301337 alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde dehydrogenase-like
-1.2669055 -1.2308505 -0.6910963 1.7438094 2.8738341 0.0812232 107298428 liprin-beta-1-like
-1.2669951 1.7373898 -0.9603182 3.9478145 9.9200353 0.0015193 107297751 thrombomodulin
-1.2670947 -0.0749471 1.2234450 5.6433222 8.8195297 0.0024385 107293325 transmembrane protein 5
-1.2673214 -1.0753137 0.4720402 5.1324926 9.3253937 0.0019386 107295613 glutamate-cysteine ligase modifier subunit
-1.2678923 -0.6990780 -1.9412001 5.1999804 3.3607397 0.0559265 107283741 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit S5
-1.2689404 0.3628353 0.1831646 2.5120249 6.5422392 0.0074122 107287867 IQ motif and Sec7 domain 1
-1.2691015 -2.0404755 -0.1060313 7.1691705 11.7754803 0.0007316 107289275 epoxide hydrolase 1
-1.2691350 -0.2710448 -1.7191156 -0.1283715 2.2858588 0.1317156 107292827 zinc finger protein 574-like
-1.2693073 -0.5245557 -0.0588704 2.7791570 3.1317870 0.0664109 107302546 phosphohistidine phosphatase 1
-1.2694375 -0.7687395 -1.1845263 1.5674017 1.7841780 0.2045346 107286884 RING finger protein 11-like
-1.2703077 -0.7911843 -0.4513319 5.7433848 0.9474906 0.4490474 107300259 60S ribosomal export protein NMD3-like
-1.2704389 0.0763481 -1.0335697 1.3157938 0.9054200 0.4676790 107288971 endonuclease poly(U) specific
-1.2713615 -0.8529944 -1.3607690 -0.1272054 1.7961842 0.2023294 107283171 death-associated protein kinase 2
-1.2717273 -1.0950669 -0.6936197 4.2159076 5.2357809 0.0157015 107284173 SET domain containing 6
-1.2728798 -0.0167907 -1.7295757 5.2035753 14.5837214 0.0002827 107294640 Rho associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase 2
-1.2731943 -0.6985360 -1.2278649 5.1299398 4.8814898 0.0195825 107282993 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 1 subunit 5
-1.2735585 -1.2994163 -0.5588679 3.7122517 3.6249900 0.0459969 107285112 renalase FAD-dependent amine oxidase
-1.2738537 -1.1526222 -0.9643803 -0.0104917 0.1122379 0.9512390 107295493 G patch domain-containing protein 8-like
-1.2745118 -1.6942936 -0.6408148 5.7570056 13.9523663 0.0003456 107292830 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein 2
-1.2751566 -0.4313742 0.8182583 3.4040658 4.3571793 0.0276408 107284000 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C7orf26
-1.2761403 0.5764966 -0.8885762 -0.1259297 0.5127084 0.6812839 107301025 hepatocyte growth factor-like protein
-1.2763262 -0.4268411 -0.1245311 4.4949331 2.9263974 0.0780582 107291461 small integral membrane protein 12
-1.2767682 -1.3773070 0.2678550 0.6262108 2.3399946 0.1259217 107297760 MACRO domain containing 2
-1.2767961 -0.7642753 -0.6774783 5.0773917 7.3195916 0.0049384 107290540 FCH domain only 2
-1.2770898 -0.9988144 -0.5305896 0.3432099 0.5954465 0.6301772 107295510 SCY1 like pseudokinase 1
-1.2772144 -1.0521936 -1.0154256 1.4922692 1.5232085 0.2597580 107294906 centrosomal protein of 290 kDa-like
-1.2781719 -1.3409040 -1.3285919 2.7006725 3.3894688 0.0546130 107288739 LYR motif containing 2
-1.2794721 -0.5903191 -0.1466490 6.3084392 4.1174695 0.0324863 107283706 guanine nucleotide binding protein-like 2 (nucleolar)
-1.2798377 -0.9182530 -0.3231893 3.6955384 4.5446279 0.0243283 107301078 COMM domain containing 4
-1.2799065 2.4996456 0.0127200 3.5958681 7.2894956 0.0050463 107299295 major prion protein-like
-1.2799909 -0.4523812 -2.1281209 7.2350371 4.3426305 0.0279113 107292936 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S3
-1.2800756 -1.5776306 -0.9302566 0.8351375 1.2969425 0.3212909 107291609 programmed cell death 1 ligand 1-like
-1.2804219 -0.4136020 0.2557364 7.3381635 6.6612326 0.0069529 107286356 transmembrane protein 123
-1.2804860 -0.2023110 -1.2108607 4.2148352 4.6738615 0.0224441 107287733 solute carrier family 25 member 28
-1.2809898 -1.4894547 0.0571742 4.0746826 0.3096894 0.8180181 107295077 cystathionine beta-synthase-like
-1.2814500 -0.2460608 0.3395105 4.2735187 6.9010716 0.0061288 107297701 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase reductase
-1.2820038 -1.2908024 -0.0309391 2.4980027 2.2962934 0.1307108 107286167 glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 1 core 2
-1.2826584 0.2315889 -1.6461549 0.2510935 1.6517473 0.2308623 107299905 double-strand break repair protein MRE11A-like
-1.2827901 -0.7086528 -3.0816827 0.5094527 4.1897270 0.0309483 107291936 Rho GTPase activating protein 35
-1.2827921 -0.8409627 0.7049253 0.0410761 2.0708272 0.1586347 107286529 mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim23-like
-1.2894782 -0.7299849 -3.4348505 1.4543659 2.3229841 0.1277848 107291667 AF4/FMR2 family member 2
-1.2899328 -0.8736211 0.3896916 5.1398635 6.4254688 0.0079412 107300493 uncharacterized LOC107300493
-1.2911898 -0.7130755 -1.0656333 0.0773306 0.3736589 0.7736102 107292052 protein CXorf40A-like
-1.2925146 -0.5471645 -1.6000043 5.5213767 4.0579577 0.0338767 107285289 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A13
-1.2929042 -0.3190285 -0.2699134 1.5820708 1.8376226 0.1949981 ERCC-00150
-1.2931723 -0.7570043 -0.5685587 2.8654041 1.9839718 0.1712840 107285886 transmembrane protein 41A
-1.2946104 -2.2390642 -2.9643455 0.0753334 1.4681837 0.2735297 107284761 cell adhesion molecule 1
-1.2946187 -0.5921280 0.1065345 2.6636980 5.4687476 0.0136390 107288555 HemK methyltransferase family member 1
-1.2946485 -0.9529487 -0.2584703 6.5120748 4.3011644 0.0286548 107283183 SGT1 homolog MIS12 kinetochore complex assembly cochaperone
-1.2951258 -1.9674214 -1.1886290 5.7780569 4.3098276 0.0285326 107287656 spastic paraplegia 20 (Troyer syndrome)
-1.2953763 -1.0535174 -1.1538246 1.6255267 1.4600706 0.2756076 107298562 agrin
-1.2954697 -1.3409340 2.0221780 -0.0078632 1.5543476 0.2524997 107285239 di-N-acetylchitobiase-like
-1.2966206 -1.7417248 -1.4796975 6.5751488 4.5179166 0.0248463 107286491 ES1 protein homolog mitochondrial-like
-1.2974842 0.4792701 1.2063094 5.9410919 22.5754090 0.0000352 107293429 abhydrolase domain containing 12B
-1.2978916 -1.0450402 -0.4450438 10.2719044 2.5194305 0.1082563 107297945 60S ribosomal protein L17
-1.2982610 -1.4111492 -0.7286011 4.9431369 2.1493453 0.1482551 107285293 enolase superfamily member 1
-1.2984703 -1.6522743 -2.4437817 0.5637097 3.1917218 0.0635056 107292493 lysyl oxidase like 3
-1.2996184 -0.4919123 -0.7145438 2.9571129 3.5990628 0.0467889 107293903 ZXD family zinc finger C
-1.2997212 -1.0974235 -1.7543190 -0.5284847 0.9438068 0.4506482 107296795 secretion regulating guanine nucleotide exchange factor
-1.3002350 -0.3643482 -2.1854275 -0.2475772 2.7560150 0.0893023 107285449 oxysterol binding protein 2
-1.3013166 -0.8709886 -0.0759137 6.3025803 5.9233992 0.0104557 107297041 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 15
-1.3016824 -0.1761034 -0.5179486 4.5425653 1.8463405 0.1935679 107290914 late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor MAPK and MTOR activator 2
-1.3018905 -1.4657032 -1.0129404 0.9069280 2.5668957 0.1040956 107299126 protein DGCR6-like
-1.3031184 -1.2991063 -0.0916609 3.7207603 2.3352283 0.1264676 107284871 uncharacterized LOC107284871
-1.3031903 -1.0637452 0.1717248 -0.8920533 0.6483285 0.5992021 107285796 vesicle associated membrane protein 1
-1.3032965 -0.8252506 -0.5439859 6.2516527 2.6791899 0.0951130 107292720 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S7
-1.3040949 -0.8638954 -0.3627589 1.2697104 1.2262973 0.3435830 107290413 molybdenum cofactor synthesis 3
-1.3041969 -0.2723834 -1.8212049 10.8652317 2.5041283 0.1097936 107290551 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier) member 3
-1.3054917 -1.0028226 -1.8097444 1.0504624 1.8442220 0.1939356 107282302 BTB domain containing 2
-1.3061798 0.8373263 1.7422335 3.4466822 0.8254309 0.5052772 107286871 uncharacterized LOC107286871
-1.3069862 -2.5718666 -0.2842370 5.1803904 6.7353610 0.0067227 107283533 nudix hydrolase 6
-1.3074030 -1.4798718 -1.8101008 6.2401627 5.2825570 0.0153257 107287097 NFS1 cysteine desulfurase
-1.3083605 -0.1989045 -0.7555801 1.8558762 1.8632037 0.1906555 107284269 SET domain bifurcated 2
-1.3085058 -0.4109392 -0.9558713 3.6011633 3.0346040 0.0717090 107284496 MOB kinase activator 3C
-1.3086279 -1.9181618 0.7036271 0.5824229 7.8493944 0.0038008 107286309 uncharacterized LOC107286309
-1.3088523 -0.4177994 -0.9097441 1.6004282 0.6647834 0.5898390 107298110 signal-regulatory protein beta-1 isoform 3-like
-1.3088874 0.0507419 0.0530167 0.4268139 0.9783267 0.4358744 ERCC-00147
-1.3089072 1.2751675 0.9387404 0.2555762 3.1251143 0.0668724 107289640 mannosyl (alpha-13-)-glycoprotein beta-12-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
-1.3098678 -0.9633036 -0.4676598 6.3426509 5.9090432 0.0105419 107283826 TBC1 domain family member 15
-1.3099160 -0.7492187 0.5707889 -0.2124365 1.2838941 0.3252873 107293667 RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase-like
-1.3117573 -0.1530105 -1.1878054 3.8228713 6.0837866 0.0095457 107287653 UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 14- galactosyltransferase polypeptide 4
-1.3138770 -1.2584970 -1.2320972 2.9030933 1.1023189 0.3868267 107291660 glia maturation factor gamma
-1.3140204 -2.1047781 0.6643532 6.2758882 17.9800309 0.0001076 107285704 aspartylglucosaminidase
-1.3142849 0.3305392 1.2802282 3.6964569 2.4305793 0.1167244 107285330 RAB11 family interacting protein 4 (class II)
-1.3155484 -0.6177749 -0.1055064 3.8240785 4.1210954 0.0323801 107297397 alkB homolog 8 tRNA methyltransferase
-1.3157586 -1.3933804 -2.8191927 6.1949097 8.0333043 0.0035045 107286817 FRY microtubule binding protein
-1.3164719 -0.4473360 -1.6996342 1.2214688 0.2016506 0.8932131 107295748 HAUS augmin-like complex subunit 2
-1.3173901 -0.9628604 -0.3141905 11.4061769 2.0122055 0.1669188 107288827 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1
-1.3174171 1.2729135 -0.2218875 1.9358156 3.6530503 0.0451054 107289150 lethal giant larvae homolog 1 scribble cell polarity complex component
-1.3178201 -0.9457557 0.0333641 4.1119286 4.3395130 0.0279697 107286443 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit delta
-1.3186360 -2.4068893 -0.3245956 5.0231261 7.7097299 0.0040957 107289930 myotubularin related protein 11
-1.3194405 -0.8652605 -0.1970498 3.4764506 5.8883447 0.0106678 107286813 transforming growth factor beta receptor associated protein 1
-1.3206407 -1.1502035 -0.8035315 2.4499023 2.4998333 0.1100425 107299508 deoxynucleotidyltransferase terminal interacting protein 1
-1.3210081 -0.2871840 -2.4905161 5.1727524 13.3821991 0.0004217 107287013 fibulin 1
-1.3215450 1.9042921 -2.0067362 0.1419052 7.2053868 0.0052417 107296588 uncharacterized LOC107296588
-1.3221117 -0.0466437 1.3831293 2.5976945 5.6301410 0.0124526 107302924 phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase-like
-1.3228478 -0.4221238 0.0013484 5.4333609 2.8532611 0.0827074 107301845 60S ribosomal protein L35a-like
-1.3231074 1.4175969 0.9930263 4.2445199 21.1082861 0.0000490 107294326 N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase 2
-1.3231354 -0.1205785 1.5843225 6.1266621 13.8005289 0.0003674 107291550 caspase-7-like
-1.3236164 -0.0642073 -2.0824424 1.5408703 1.6997124 0.2209732 107285509 myotubularin-related protein 9-like
-1.3256470 -0.9603332 -1.4315328 5.5375297 5.0215964 0.0179566 107301295 nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 1
-1.3277523 -1.0892134 -0.5909910 4.3827721 4.1620121 0.0314801 107302939 SWI5 homologous recombination repair protein
-1.3281719 -2.2636153 -1.1800340 2.9214497 4.6757865 0.0224162 107291447 polyamine oxidase (exo-N4-amino)
-1.3282393 -0.2747351 -1.3710671 -0.1653474 0.7858054 0.5249930 107297859 ELK1 ETS transcription factor
-1.3286709 -0.0601193 -1.4061338 2.8593188 3.3458468 0.0565537 107285511 diacylglycerol kinase delta
-1.3291652 5.5743030 5.3981374 6.5546680 22.1298755 0.0000395 107290875 methylsterol monooxygenase 1
-1.3295423 -0.4752817 0.2867733 2.8174311 4.5442484 0.0243449 107291024 sarcosine dehydrogenase
-1.3297193 -0.2901560 -0.3995771 8.4522206 2.2782659 0.1327304 107287066 coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 2
-1.3317237 -2.2793249 -0.9516707 -0.5583276 1.5944332 0.2433325 107297372 occludin-like
-1.3319569 -9.7380182 -0.7490827 4.4677838 46.1638301 0.0000009 107292067 solute carrier family 22 member 2-like
-1.3324227 -1.7659312 2.5596890 1.6684884 8.0645196 0.0034529 107291630 fatty acid desaturase 1-like
-1.3324913 -1.1813070 -3.0511844 -0.4882276 2.6508424 0.0973296 107291704 ATPase 13A3
-1.3332013 -0.0432345 0.8019407 5.0362377 5.0824929 0.0173278 107290056 HEAT repeat containing 3
-1.3339551 -0.9514922 -2.0829845 4.2314988 3.7742967 0.0413430 107302500 uncharacterized oxidoreductase ZK1290.5-like
-1.3343854 -1.2030384 -1.0901406 5.0684523 1.5313286 0.2579370 107297922 adipogenesis associated Mth938 domain containing
-1.3346899 -1.6300553 -3.1879591 3.5927376 12.4201908 0.0005861 107301792 mitochondrial calcium uptake family member 3
-1.3355130 -0.2732538 -0.2384759 1.0233220 0.1822624 0.9063545 107300823 transmembrane protein 50B
-1.3358071 -1.6782395 -0.7037906 2.4870826 3.2837394 0.0592584 107286017 coiled-coil domain containing 12
-1.3359705 -0.1894424 0.3629350 4.9868849 4.1853368 0.0310411 107287522 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L20
-1.3365774 -2.6238662 0.2003015 7.0416241 14.4244016 0.0003010 107288018 cbp/p300-interacting transactivator 3-like
-1.3368102 -0.0922722 0.6461053 3.0893464 5.7616379 0.0115329 107293389 unc-51 like kinase 3
-1.3379922 -0.8196233 -0.3213186 2.2850994 2.1428414 0.1490515 107287009 dual specificity phosphatase 16
-1.3380377 -1.0910500 -1.4343347 4.1508832 6.0621145 0.0096631 107289388 LSM family member 14B
-1.3385728 -1.2927609 -1.5859883 2.0084012 2.4594130 0.1139027 107284174 Vac14 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
-1.3387394 -0.3915644 -1.1489031 1.4092850 1.9510288 0.1762296 107296116 adaptor related protein complex 4 mu 1 subunit
-1.3389133 1.0987994 -0.2184884 0.1027802 1.9642519 0.1742913 107299331 TBC1 domain family member 13
-1.3392767 -0.6005531 -2.1389741 0.9973843 3.7076900 0.0432997 107299555 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 1
-1.3396665 -0.8199061 0.2561080 5.7983172 2.2694481 0.1337311 107293418 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C22orf39
-1.3397368 -0.2953331 0.1089545 3.1467613 5.6005354 0.0126125 107287981 tripartite motif-containing protein 59-like
-1.3399143 -0.6498024 -0.3864388 5.1447693 1.9934720 0.1698562 107286209 GTP cyclohydrolase I feedback regulator
-1.3411337 -2.3460045 -1.3479927 -0.4792455 3.0400143 0.0712807 107283960 N-methylpurine DNA glycosylase
-1.3412475 -0.8577536 -0.8939122 2.1241575 2.6499540 0.0972482 107288658 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 10
-1.3422566 -0.5451462 0.8580832 5.8915586 7.9805167 0.0035937 107288382 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C20orf24
-1.3425648 -1.1854426 -0.8563588 6.9858355 0.9701910 0.4393109 107295627 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit F-like
-1.3432485 -1.6203104 -0.5692879 5.0904883 5.7296909 0.0117488 107298608 citrate lyase beta like
-1.3459559 -1.1652639 -0.3880682 5.6501775 4.1247913 0.0323531 107290522 protein kinase (cAMP-dependent catalytic) inhibitor beta
-1.3465380 -0.9483222 -1.2899551 2.6314042 1.6169645 0.2383428 107303062 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 20
-1.3466313 0.6546611 -0.3983768 3.5166288 6.1969281 0.0090065 107295258 receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2-like
-1.3475791 -0.0280912 0.5279873 3.3010521 7.7042865 0.0040787 107288578 solute carrier family 30 member 1
-1.3477174 -1.3528656 -3.3426196 12.0469691 6.3346145 0.0083449 107302287 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 5-like
-1.3495279 0.6101682 1.1936395 8.5583488 5.8562278 0.0109201 107295507 GM2 ganglioside activator
-1.3509182 -0.7933551 -0.1903770 3.9207847 6.2989781 0.0084658 107302620 NSE1 homolog SMC5-SMC6 complex component
-1.3509450 -2.3513381 -2.0061912 1.3262441 6.0334004 0.0098213 107293169 sodium/hydrogen exchanger 9-like
-1.3513642 -2.8710518 -2.7529047 1.1982842 3.5030107 0.0503234 107285402 GRB2-related adaptor protein 2
-1.3520698 0.0275557 0.8137259 7.9312010 9.2236039 0.0020239 107292158 glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit
-1.3522497 -0.0856653 1.4298422 4.5421132 10.0325014 0.0014506 107303257 motile sperm domain containing 1
-1.3530877 -0.9619281 -1.1394117 2.3131374 3.3054195 0.0581683 107284863 homeobox containing 1
-1.3532985 -0.6761157 -0.1083646 4.3975189 7.6690751 0.0041497 107296068 nudix hydrolase 21
-1.3552300 -2.0264406 1.5855767 1.1577780 4.2712658 0.0292836 107296396 band 4.1-like protein 1
-1.3566268 3.2880555 -0.6731720 1.9954157 3.8017388 0.0405427 107301821 SPARC-related modular calcium-binding protein 1-like
-1.3576182 0.4428301 0.3890848 -0.0166375 1.0680898 0.3997599 107285728 Rho family GTPase 1
-1.3576596 -0.6881425 1.0071960 4.4318488 10.4892426 0.0012063 107286970 endoplasmic reticulum protein 29
-1.3577510 -1.2632119 -0.0874977 2.8706360 7.7306675 0.0040265 107298023 MRG/MORF4L binding protein
-1.3601481 -0.7458573 -2.9113433 1.5410371 3.8995569 0.0378326 107293230 splicing factor 1
-1.3602345 -0.9602454 1.3194602 7.0154713 10.5313904 0.0011863 107295144 cordon-bleu protein-like 1
-1.3613510 -1.3453616 -2.5625740 3.2105825 0.5825341 0.6379436 107300949 zinc finger FYVE domain-containing protein 21-like
-1.3615309 -0.7741003 -0.8123665 2.6330382 2.7662101 0.0885139 107292081 serologically defined colon cancer antigen 3
-1.3618399 -1.3593466 0.5059175 5.3654593 6.5065191 0.0075993 107285375 reactive intermediate imine deaminase A homolog
-1.3627098 -0.8279744 0.3414322 4.1829117 0.1417964 0.9329239 107299808 60S ribosomal protein L28
-1.3632803 0.7017931 1.8710165 3.3358082 2.9245414 0.0781724 107302339 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-1.3644180 0.4082603 -1.2160696 1.1827571 4.5602448 0.0240804 107283101 Ras interacting protein 1
-1.3650722 -1.8386903 -1.0857451 3.2423698 1.7194574 0.2170408 107302363 zinc finger matrin-type protein 1-like
-1.3663878 -0.6928636 0.5982773 3.6284765 8.1751573 0.0032534 107286361 defective in cullin neddylation 1 domain containing 5
-1.3665210 -0.4505252 -1.3166493 0.1527645 1.3606056 0.3024689 107297948 hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2
-1.3670685 -0.8671918 -0.9266490 3.5759204 0.7325952 0.5526363 107294826 nck-associated protein 5-like
-1.3670830 -0.2144362 -1.3790560 2.3013743 1.4431596 0.2799948 107294215 clathrin heavy chain 1-like
-1.3682768 -2.6459111 -1.8886645 4.6923801 1.6007576 0.2419203 107289902 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A1
-1.3705591 -2.1267017 -0.5262241 2.4680753 8.5710011 0.0027075 107299557 COUP transcription factor 2
-1.3706315 -0.2508454 0.2786310 3.1488755 4.5559670 0.0242337 107287280 checkpoint kinase 2
-1.3712666 -1.9625180 2.1415609 6.1802482 17.6202659 0.0001190 107288390 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1-like 1
-1.3719636 -0.7780167 -0.1883540 5.0393803 5.3473821 0.0147001 107296959 RAD1 checkpoint DNA exonuclease
-1.3723007 -0.7210777 -0.7942207 4.0138471 2.5503904 0.1056758 107292434 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9C
-1.3724132 -2.6647520 1.7431691 1.2330370 5.9261167 0.0104917 107301211 uncharacterized LOC107301211
-1.3743436 -0.9247763 -0.6417665 4.7860033 3.7490793 0.0420946 107293956 transcription factor B1 mitochondrial
-1.3748887 -1.2437484 -0.7013509 3.3617561 2.2872807 0.1317160 107287172 general transcription factor IIIA
-1.3749930 -0.7348841 -1.0563551 1.4023907 1.4024957 0.2908624 107287305 ankyrin repeat domain 13A
-1.3755482 -1.2733690 -1.0577382 5.3385026 6.7718654 0.0065555 107294284 zinc finger AN1-type containing 3
-1.3762075 -0.4247153 -2.6422280 4.3956791 9.0862022 0.0021668 107285175 matrilin 2
-1.3764124 -1.3712942 0.1899225 6.5160191 9.0446223 0.0021911 107288636 uncharacterized LOC107288636
-1.3777723 -1.2121822 -1.4967744 0.3761400 1.0911757 0.3909879 107301497 lipoyl synthase mitochondrial-like
-1.3777791 -0.2944772 -0.4301166 2.7701246 1.6518582 0.2308389 107282646 CDGSH iron sulfur domain 3
-1.3794321 0.9886339 0.3858415 -0.5893454 1.3452495 0.3069541 107302145 transmembrane protein 169
-1.3815454 -1.4683238 0.5936373 3.3725873 9.9019479 0.0015188 107290324 vaccinia related kinase 3
-1.3815517 -0.2485087 -0.6510932 1.2262491 2.7563498 0.0892187 107293263 defective in cullin neddylation 1 domain containing 1
-1.3817952 -0.8021917 -0.0690795 0.6780241 1.6877975 0.2232919 107288749 transmembrane protein 179B-like
-1.3819958 -2.3897327 0.5018443 0.0395609 3.8626978 0.0388284 107284812 nicotinamide N-methyltransferase-like
-1.3832052 -0.6243861 -1.1057073 8.0096283 4.2711625 0.0291909 107286152 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 1
-1.3832698 -1.3003837 -1.6395874 4.9074209 6.7175004 0.0067507 107283839 zinc finger CCHC-type and RNA binding motif containing 1
-1.3836519 0.5248749 -2.3433867 1.1348316 2.2358948 0.1376187 107297164 atypical kinase ADCK3 mitochondrial-like
-1.3848646 -4.5766493 0.3466688 5.1643032 37.9037908 0.0000025 107292736 uncharacterized protein F13E9.13 mitochondrial-like
-1.3860032 -2.0235430 -3.3583004 3.4516658 2.0710116 0.1586940 107293270 SH2 domain-containing protein 1B-like
-1.3867468 0.4194208 1.2015391 5.3703485 5.7267545 0.0117689 107286449 solute carrier family 5 member 6
-1.3877383 -0.0848690 0.4026399 0.0424374 0.9363522 0.4539054 107282662 nerve growth factor receptor
-1.3879819 -0.6777498 0.9265257 2.6557596 3.3043389 0.0583451 107299043 chitobiosyldiphosphodolichol beta-mannosyltransferase-like
-1.3882675 -1.0803014 -2.8974608 0.3275927 4.5868325 0.0237244 107300923 DENN domain-containing protein 5A-like
-1.3887251 -1.1364106 0.2938986 5.4971153 2.7799331 0.0876916 107287173 mitochondrial translational initiation factor 3
-1.3898748 -0.7107459 -1.0558213 3.2151941 2.1319502 0.1505041 107288300 glutaminyl-tRNA synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing)-like 1
-1.3899887 -0.5824864 -2.8287485 0.5747487 2.9021259 0.0795669 107297640 bromodomain containing 2
-1.3906689 -0.4140833 -1.2644484 -0.3302914 0.9898426 0.4310576 107296891 zinc finger protein 576-like
-1.3914471 -1.1655636 -2.6565417 1.9088323 8.1289139 0.0033252 107298382 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit F
-1.3926343 -1.0893573 -0.1585516 5.9303331 11.6735178 0.0007589 107283036 Yip1 domain family member 1
-1.3927566 0.0512388 -1.1720872 3.3508687 3.6569796 0.0449774 107286929 C-type lectin domain family 5 member A-like
-1.3940703 -0.9530838 0.0083288 6.6012659 4.1242308 0.0323655 107295715 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf166
-1.3948461 -0.8449697 -1.4539121 3.0979943 5.1583248 0.0164661 107289983 PAP associated domain containing 7
-1.3964143 -1.0719828 -0.9736635 3.1031703 1.1092481 0.3842628 107295668 proto-oncogene Mas-like
-1.3971057 0.2194143 0.1098413 5.0396234 8.5028005 0.0028083 107301941 ribulose-5-phosphate-3-epimerase
-1.3972385 -1.1835617 -0.5381567 5.4258161 3.2419867 0.0611608 107299837 HUS1 checkpoint clamp component
-1.3983871 -1.3319895 -0.8938140 0.9006245 2.0122590 0.1669110 107292407 mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM40B-like
-1.3991919 -0.1640952 -0.9510551 4.9341621 1.7992403 0.2019311 107287360 stabilin 1
-1.3994783 -1.0148511 0.7163836 5.5610323 7.9933758 0.0035718 107295026 thioredoxin domain containing 15
-1.4003194 -0.5158139 0.1714085 10.0374212 3.1279855 0.0666055 107288792 ribosomal protein large P0
-1.4015553 -1.6348504 -2.2250455 -0.2425452 2.0023294 0.1684893 107291358 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C16
-1.4020276 -1.3790313 -1.0990134 6.7137575 2.7643193 0.0887970 107283802 dpy-19 like 1 (C. elegans)
-1.4033888 -0.1858930 -0.5949009 2.2184040 3.6471608 0.0451814 107287277 HPS4 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 3 subunit 2
-1.4039510 -0.3011729 -1.1214265 0.7113277 0.2207168 0.8801164 107298789 protein-arginine deiminase type-2-like
-1.4071303 -0.8996875 -0.5265040 3.3439634 0.7200192 0.5593678 107291894 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX19-like
-1.4078348 0.6119253 -1.7441455 4.7548005 2.5660739 0.1043202 107298180 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I
-1.4081306 -0.2252080 -1.3253911 1.5598651 2.6808683 0.0949002 107288606 G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5
-1.4100416 -0.5374707 0.1560702 8.3204693 3.6337332 0.0457408 107286516 ribosomal protein S12
-1.4106932 -1.7795477 -0.0338565 3.3749144 1.0154432 0.4205458 107292759 carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine-6-O) sulfotransferase 2
-1.4108438 -1.3468095 -0.6315501 9.9943357 3.7258817 0.0426863 107297071 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 6 interacting protein 1
-1.4117051 -0.2941436 0.0988480 3.8069494 2.7051176 0.0931362 107297986 zinc finger protein RFP-like
-1.4121533 -0.6284060 -0.1621445 9.2655722 2.9731447 0.0751201 107285212 ribosomal protein S27
-1.4123653 -2.5567737 0.5862318 2.2195076 7.0931541 0.0055774 107303330 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 11
-1.4125688 -0.4278872 -1.4916176 3.6065321 5.0827335 0.0173042 107290500 zinc finger protein 420-like
-1.4133280 -0.2309303 -2.0273625 1.8430936 2.4548170 0.1143865 107294488 rab GDP dissociation inhibitor beta
-1.4135332 -1.0726126 0.5637229 7.5494882 5.6667900 0.0121879 107288216 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit H
-1.4146987 -1.8103106 -0.4329493 3.1627507 8.1029964 0.0033663 107301045 sorting nexin-30
-1.4150094 -0.3064117 -0.9075970 3.8597920 2.6777354 0.0952253 107288678 T-cell leukemia translocation altered
-1.4152378 -0.9002483 -1.1602429 2.6712987 3.6852049 0.0439551 107286511 Sin3A associated protein 30kDa
-1.4153106 -1.2791227 -0.5120431 4.1075963 2.8561407 0.0825184 107284135 tetraspanin-3-like
-1.4164434 -0.1593874 -1.2575636 2.7214242 3.8479978 0.0392015 107287462 GDNF-inducible zinc finger protein 1-like
-1.4165688 -1.3390408 -4.6553532 4.5361870 23.2428224 0.0000310 107295502 coiled-coil domain containing 69
-1.4167559 -0.1773653 0.2711685 3.7623160 3.3256628 0.0574167 107301053 redox-regulatory protein FAM213A-like
-1.4178291 -0.8746136 -0.7640558 2.2147596 0.1947315 0.8979263 107298017 uncharacterized LOC107298017
-1.4188299 -1.8557346 -2.4079786 4.5974606 2.0842896 0.1568672 107290671 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C28
-1.4197628 -0.2396916 -0.2685659 6.8225828 3.7957594 0.0407156 107292822 FK506 binding protein 5
-1.4199065 -0.7030473 -0.3896080 1.9068850 1.5471962 0.2541752 107286115 mitochondrial calcium uptake 2
-1.4221580 -0.9144724 -0.3330279 0.3503379 1.7866623 0.2040747 107302444 PQ loop repeat containing 2
-1.4225453 0.1368325 -1.0486002 1.3431713 2.6618068 0.0964203 107294387 muskelin 1
-1.4234263 -0.6396480 -4.7056533 3.5220854 4.7247775 0.0217191 107291543 uncharacterized LOC107291543
-1.4242744 -0.5941678 -2.3761557 1.2768164 3.6183098 0.0462556 107285171 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2Q family member 1
-1.4249180 -1.5626672 -0.7099369 2.2342837 1.7157688 0.2177694 107295632 lymphoid-restricted membrane protein
-1.4260555 -1.9800168 -0.8424789 2.6952586 1.6981675 0.2212842 107297684 glycosyltransferase-like 1B
-1.4264313 -0.7872518 0.0464700 5.9385171 11.6578551 0.0007633 107302874 SCY1 like pseudokinase 3
-1.4266336 -1.2524248 0.2223926 8.1647137 3.6604296 0.0448654 107290112 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member A2
-1.4271156 -3.1974636 1.0039187 0.9336845 4.3682281 0.0274374 107299444 uncharacterized LOC107299444
-1.4274021 -3.4356677 4.5487615 3.0179107 11.6150464 0.0007836 107296539 putative DMBT1-like protein
-1.4276700 -2.3526984 -0.3593816 2.8769704 9.3233657 0.0019470 107297277 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A5
-1.4294179 -0.9940115 -0.6862883 2.7362174 2.3536224 0.1245178 107287131 centrosomal protein 63kDa
-1.4307721 -0.4943603 -0.3051441 1.3206008 1.3156942 0.3156408 107300420 uncharacterized LOC107300420
-1.4310952 -1.0111552 -1.7415978 1.4318375 3.6101636 0.0464121 107292921 endosulfine alpha
-1.4317735 -0.5398731 0.1555948 5.0116595 3.1602546 0.0650927 107288362 pseudouridine 5’-phosphatase
-1.4324325 -0.3518651 0.3934074 11.2147987 3.4631593 0.0517011 107285431 prosaposin
-1.4335609 -1.1012223 -3.7057886 7.7412555 5.0386409 0.0178064 107294761 platelet glycoprotein 4-like
-1.4338121 -0.8978996 0.0988916 4.8077737 4.0450610 0.0341802 107296482 translocator protein
-1.4340592 -10.8396999 -2.7245390 6.0965450 29.5996708 0.0000091 107282581 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 16
-1.4352127 -0.4735027 -0.1754769 6.2265186 3.8313168 0.0397002 107287978 carbonyl reductase 4
-1.4353103 -2.0103890 -0.1107504 2.0848755 3.5522060 0.0485391 107287375 lactate dehydrogenase D
-1.4353452 -2.5255360 -1.8988269 3.7593300 3.3611287 0.0559102 107294839 FYVE RhoGEF and PH domain containing 3
-1.4358038 3.1492870 3.5538845 3.1595293 35.5454048 0.0000035 107297676 transmembrane protein 62-like
-1.4369336 -2.3804735 5.4637761 3.2027391 15.0529193 0.0002478 107289731 receptor expression-enhancing protein 6-like
-1.4371216 -0.1029405 -3.2233757 1.6208261 3.8913710 0.0380511 107297020 ash1 (absent small or homeotic)-like (Drosophila)
-1.4380201 -0.6215104 -1.7022565 1.0722786 1.1236319 0.3789979 107286992 TRAF-type zinc finger domain containing 1
-1.4380584 -0.2758443 -0.0600435 4.9563082 3.5208222 0.0496688 107288080 sirtuin 1
-1.4398353 -0.4357885 0.9889436 2.3611811 5.5457880 0.0130876 107300825 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 11
-1.4404953 -1.0636806 -0.4045012 3.1836242 4.1209475 0.0323472 107297695 protein prenyltransferase alpha subunit repeat containing 1
-1.4407918 -1.3197699 0.4799826 3.6099494 11.9521449 0.0006853 107284654 isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase
-1.4410509 -1.6214827 0.1558856 5.3249989 9.4659043 0.0018385 107283928 calcium and integrin binding 1
-1.4413031 -6.3952155 -2.0248653 4.2095359 14.8654867 0.0002624 107286748 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2A1-like
-1.4418943 -1.6930231 0.1559013 2.0800780 8.4805484 0.0028222 107296296 sulfatase modifying factor 1
-1.4429216 -1.5438634 -1.1598708 6.6878884 2.6889606 0.0943625 107292982 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B8
-1.4450212 -0.4010594 -0.1724635 1.1730730 1.7718933 0.2069730 107291934 lipid droplet associated hydrolase
-1.4500956 -1.0244538 -1.0133865 3.5728510 2.3273376 0.1273147 107300234 cell division cycle protein 123 homolog
-1.4513086 0.2181304 -0.4689578 1.6139955 1.9811680 0.1717080 107283536 VPS9 domain containing 1
-1.4525255 -0.5408559 -1.0806169 2.0598683 2.5681144 0.1040101 107291310 procollagen-lysine 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 3
-1.4526857 -1.1225653 1.1222064 4.0444578 6.5392080 0.0074662 107289869 GDP-Man:Man(3)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-12-mannosyltransferase-like
-1.4527159 -1.5204387 -0.2449822 1.6269958 0.5259572 0.6728901 107295345 lymphocyte antigen 96
-1.4536000 -2.4486484 -2.2350144 -0.2372195 1.9339580 0.1790282 107285476 coiled-coil domain containing 92
-1.4547013 -1.1346518 -0.0122579 2.0144306 1.5268238 0.2590161 107291844 macrophage migration inhibitory factor (glycosylation-inhibiting factor)
-1.4549860 -1.0617922 -0.1699510 2.0462421 2.1189310 0.1522127 107291110 programmed cell death 5
-1.4560980 -0.4811622 -0.1102937 4.7667759 4.2674978 0.0293582 107285452 huntingtin interacting protein 1 related
-1.4566942 -2.6719712 -0.8901748 5.7460087 12.2758176 0.0006168 107293074 Niemann-Pick disease type C2
-1.4567531 1.4773342 -1.4499477 6.0545748 8.1022866 0.0033917 107290194 palmdelphin
-1.4569032 -0.7387169 -1.6278911 3.6485393 2.1160866 0.1525889 107290368 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 32
-1.4576202 0.0353096 1.0920947 2.1392184 12.2566714 0.0006142 107285783 solute carrier family 25 member 36-A-like
-1.4593766 -1.0771615 -1.3026765 2.8277679 1.0103841 0.4226018 107286025 G protein-coupled receptor 171
-1.4596574 -0.8553598 1.4890338 3.5448712 4.9889407 0.0183676 107298481 coiled-coil domain containing 149
-1.4601413 -1.4563274 -1.0213840 6.6302631 2.8986774 0.0797840 107285568 PIN2/TERF1 interacting telomerase inhibitor 1
-1.4620426 -1.2993265 -0.7635172 3.2893109 2.3677702 0.1230415 107293333 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase catalytic alpha
-1.4621271 -0.9965202 -0.3497524 3.6504907 6.3272248 0.0083349 107283749 LSM10 U7 small nuclear RNA associated
-1.4622025 -0.4819923 0.0541928 -0.0729742 0.6481970 0.5992775 107303267 armadillo repeat containing 10
-1.4627623 -0.7407825 0.2330931 0.2805160 1.9462660 0.1769976 107287526 cyclin-L1-like
-1.4648705 -1.8329466 0.2942047 4.1197406 10.5094051 0.0011967 107287196 FYVE RhoGEF and PH domain containing 4
-1.4651465 -0.8403125 -1.2575706 0.1491807 0.7870004 0.5243876 107296720 zinc finger protein 883-like
-1.4656410 -1.7292990 0.1576382 2.1852025 4.2889464 0.0289364 107290823 UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 14- galactosyltransferase polypeptide 5
-1.4659060 -0.7057370 -0.2205229 0.3515573 0.4716526 0.7077765 107286632 leukotriene B4 receptor
-1.4683777 -1.3338078 0.0282435 7.4793041 7.8467124 0.0038057 107292427 ubiquitin-fold modifier conjugating enzyme 1
-1.4685376 -2.9248657 0.4938048 2.6170692 3.7752836 0.0413140 107287489 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2
-1.4694502 0.1411805 0.4432265 7.1013286 1.7806574 0.2053419 ERCC-00095
-1.4701662 -0.1155876 0.2735018 4.5005816 6.8066933 0.0064739 107285615 UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 14- galactosyltransferase polypeptide 1
-1.4702934 -0.6002176 0.9731279 2.3316053 4.0360707 0.0343937 107299688 LY6/PLAUR domain containing 1
-1.4709583 -0.5232654 -1.0537607 6.0471989 1.6625708 0.2285883 107282487 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 15A
-1.4731466 -0.7747408 0.0414999 3.3884388 5.2854994 0.0152588 107283247 DEAD-box helicase 56
-1.4732775 0.2831113 0.3248939 7.2920033 6.2731774 0.0086335 107287902 adenosine kinase
-1.4749794 -1.5012995 2.4252034 7.9329641 5.5091257 0.0133752 107288134 aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member A1
-1.4756341 2.1880514 0.0412008 -0.4076162 2.7910307 0.0869155 107286857 BCL2 related protein A1
-1.4762503 0.8777510 -1.3047387 0.3594948 2.4118110 0.1185724 107283172 TBC1 domain family member 2B
-1.4778267 -0.4694258 -0.0717110 4.5657236 0.6065919 0.6235373 107297541 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-1.4787032 -1.2324758 -0.3549589 8.8204955 4.7507306 0.0212801 107296863 ribosomal protein L21
-1.4795441 -3.3645109 -1.5189374 1.7633198 14.4113151 0.0002984 107299308 alpha-catulin-like
-1.4804151 -1.4777542 -0.5550572 2.8689805 3.6238218 0.0460708 107292086 peptidase (mitochondrial processing) alpha
-1.4810809 -0.2927917 -0.1616783 5.8183572 8.6410633 0.0026224 107296515 LON peptidase N-terminal domain and RING finger protein 1-like
-1.4820611 -1.0987879 -1.8220039 4.6010319 8.2477068 0.0031444 107296091 RTF1 homolog Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component
-1.4824198 -0.5110872 -0.3052781 1.3813531 0.5176063 0.6781718 107301822 uncharacterized LOC107301822
-1.4824934 -0.6829104 -0.0794085 4.3759354 7.0803216 0.0055798 107297322 zinc finger protein 850-like
-1.4835585 -0.9902901 0.4245727 7.7669481 3.6520479 0.0451381 107292257 UFM1-specific ligase 1
-1.4836036 -0.4925976 -1.6596181 0.5601629 1.5764833 0.2473910 107285678 v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 2
-1.4842223 -1.3003160 0.7991541 5.3692282 12.7908103 0.0005151 107293521 copper metabolism domain containing 1
-1.4847067 -0.6680991 -2.6579175 5.2665602 2.7949433 0.0866438 107292105 bridging integrator 2
-1.4848371 -1.3429669 -0.0786293 7.4512621 4.6463604 0.0228474 107293713 programmed cell death 6
-1.4851563 -1.0165827 -0.0128711 4.4109926 6.6606129 0.0069834 107287771 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L44
-1.4865754 0.4272913 1.5172406 2.8876702 10.5677842 0.0011693 107301634 glutamate–cysteine ligase catalytic subunit-like
-1.4867248 1.0952405 1.0908779 4.6023874 7.3963992 0.0047820 107285560 translocation associated membrane protein 2
-1.4867531 -2.1883776 -1.7449964 1.9980851 4.5103660 0.0249286 107285425 thyrotrophic embryonic factor
-1.4870119 -1.1176721 -0.4637261 2.5205045 3.6935870 0.0436901 107294027 zinc finger protein 239-like
-1.4874164 -1.5803850 1.2269114 7.4539886 11.5282695 0.0008092 107290782 acyl-CoA oxidase 1 palmitoyl
-1.4876137 -1.0961739 -0.5596184 1.3869513 2.8937013 0.0799542 107286964 ras homolog family member F (in filopodia)
-1.4885220 -1.0305389 3.6428305 1.7556558 6.3584797 0.0082375 107291306 non-compact myelin associated protein
-1.4889414 -0.0398173 -0.8500908 3.1573325 2.6736337 0.0955428 107284886 family with sequence similarity 105 member A
-1.4890708 -0.2584872 -1.1233920 3.7862801 3.7813247 0.0411364 107288330 cat eye syndrome chromosome region candidate 5
-1.4905610 -0.8994331 -0.1308070 4.2512779 2.9302486 0.0778218 107295260 glioma tumor suppressor candidate region gene 2 protein-like
-1.4912657 -0.8446393 -0.6318392 1.7970895 2.4311552 0.1165110 107300565 RNA 3’-terminal phosphate cyclase-like protein
-1.4912904 -0.9231024 -0.5079456 1.4278106 1.4974042 0.2661882 107294764 HEN1 methyltransferase homolog 1 (Arabidopsis)
-1.4921271 -0.1163715 1.1847158 6.5592485 13.1839993 0.0004502 107297698 seryl-tRNA synthetase
-1.4945902 -2.5225715 0.2425040 5.2451172 20.6732531 0.0000550 107291182 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 28
-1.4959287 -1.1457296 -1.1994259 1.2182206 1.2360467 0.3404095 107283288 interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein-like
-1.4985584 -0.5271262 0.0532790 4.9655088 1.7938066 0.2029218 107291893 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX19-like
-1.4994146 1.4673299 0.1629009 7.7614973 16.9255525 0.0001418 107295377 gelsolin
-1.4994670 -0.6681916 -0.0137882 6.0967065 7.5642469 0.0043722 107292482 RWD domain containing 1
-1.4999725 -4.4751321 0.6946518 4.4808579 9.2055248 0.0020567 107300093 methyltransferase-like protein 7A
-1.5017066 -4.6329245 -1.4906445 0.2119196 7.0748714 0.0056301 107294683 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 5
-1.5017489 -0.5135158 -0.0509104 3.4492092 5.6779486 0.0120563 107294976 solute carrier family 38 member 9
-1.5019103 -0.0739212 -0.3508057 0.4805237 1.5521212 0.2530200 107295822 neuropeptide B
-1.5036189 -0.6683621 0.6450335 8.0060746 7.0638260 0.0056532 107298654 ribosomal protein L12
-1.5040239 -0.6738179 0.4674186 2.5416855 1.6552791 0.2301175 107297725 histocompatibility (minor) 13
-1.5047270 -1.4612665 -1.3742774 1.2855487 3.4901119 0.0506813 107299736 cysteine and histidine-rich domain-containing protein 1-like
-1.5064707 -1.1028447 -1.8412996 6.6278076 3.5114931 0.0500104 107283768 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B9
-1.5080798 -1.6870293 -3.0145613 3.4870590 1.9368979 0.1785622 107297634 gastrin releasing peptide
-1.5084890 -6.5703393 1.6676505 3.7864785 18.7123018 0.0000894 107291286 solute carrier family 25 member 47
-1.5086876 -0.2941722 -0.5407192 0.8723097 1.1407067 0.3728473 107295624 phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 1
-1.5088898 -0.4695383 0.0090045 6.4440583 8.0660198 0.0034258 107283394 insulin degrading enzyme
-1.5098692 -0.4453009 -1.0660040 1.9953135 3.2987043 0.0584637 107298007 FK506 binding protein 4
-1.5109859 -0.9674136 -0.6180449 1.7870980 0.9578548 0.4445749 107287430 cytosolic phospholipase A2 epsilon-like
-1.5110071 -0.5674673 -0.8371369 7.4402578 2.6711664 0.0957345 107284164 glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 2
-1.5111341 0.6966059 1.4601148 0.3482370 5.2420899 0.0156761 107287424 acyl-coenzyme A thioesterase 4-like
-1.5111488 1.4324234 -0.8139228 1.3124271 9.8641274 0.0015412 107291324 formin like 2
-1.5116781 -0.5173138 -0.2487708 7.0782587 2.1445866 0.1488665 107282988 transmembrane protein 14C
-1.5117165 -1.3319368 -0.3083411 10.3797622 3.4898934 0.0506894 107283564 GTP binding protein 4
-1.5120894 -1.2714308 4.3514013 4.9306363 14.0049380 0.0003439 107291670 monocarboxylate transporter 2-like
-1.5121324 -1.8012326 -1.8570295 3.1647645 1.7351027 0.2139805 107288883 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 1
-1.5134901 -0.2168420 -0.1043630 3.7868586 3.6185615 0.0462471 107292180 transmembrane protein 175
-1.5140082 -0.1394408 -0.5411813 4.1243983 9.3734363 0.0018968 107288609 arginyltransferase 1
-1.5142183 -1.1792751 -0.5140029 2.7499556 3.8430159 0.0392723 107285854 speckle type BTB/POZ protein like
-1.5145322 -0.3365430 0.4382188 6.2682636 11.7886650 0.0007274 107283420 uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
-1.5146870 0.1998380 -1.7886105 0.2538154 3.5179384 0.0496629 107284930 uncharacterized LOC107284930
-1.5162532 -1.7634924 -0.4364539 3.5426400 5.4041137 0.0142409 107291864 ubiquitin-associated domain-containing protein 2-like
-1.5165807 1.8528027 0.3818892 1.7347173 5.3079343 0.0150915 107286483 PX domain containing 1
-1.5168058 0.5684364 -1.4206060 3.8966750 9.9631662 0.0014914 107282382 histone deacetylase 5-like
-1.5172346 -0.6358709 -1.9572974 8.4811053 2.8599048 0.0822721 107289566 mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 1
-1.5180966 -0.8785457 0.4299873 4.0512020 8.6303338 0.0026450 107293916 proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 8
-1.5181584 -0.8302810 -0.0233078 4.4428608 7.5811018 0.0043359 107298018 WD repeat domain 43
-1.5184047 -3.6944952 -1.2567849 0.2501204 10.2642055 0.0013080 107284781 uncharacterized LOC107284781
-1.5199744 0.4300688 -1.3085358 1.0661347 3.6047176 0.0466796 107291733 cytohesin 3
-1.5208456 -1.3350107 -0.7520292 3.8611769 1.6849903 0.2239572 107301267 transmembrane protein 261
-1.5220705 -0.7222124 0.8177779 4.2741942 13.3118312 0.0004266 107285093 receptor accessory protein 3
-1.5222948 -0.5169189 -2.1725083 0.1794791 1.6993043 0.2210553 107288920 engulfment and cell motility 3
-1.5225852 -1.6422347 -1.1771688 4.6776964 4.7527781 0.0213320 107297572 ribosome binding factor A (putative)
-1.5247864 -1.3148144 -1.0470310 4.3136551 1.8375508 0.1950985 107293035 golgi integral membrane protein 4
-1.5248456 -0.3500433 0.5253729 2.1881562 2.4126127 0.1184928 107285904 sodium- and chloride-dependent betaine transporter-like
-1.5253290 0.2895388 -0.7063031 2.7413932 3.5838892 0.0474287 107287948 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 4
-1.5255560 -1.2406400 -0.9556715 3.2183721 5.4130609 0.0141018 107294973 DEAH-box helicase 29
-1.5255917 -1.1188847 -1.3569546 1.9973387 4.6354064 0.0229271 107290941 disrupted in schizophrenia 1
-1.5274174 0.4906122 2.1425025 0.3680066 2.8664734 0.0818444 107293836 N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase (non-lysosomal ceramidase) 2
-1.5275488 -0.3076557 -0.4795278 1.6289095 2.3635951 0.1234279 107285179 natriuretic peptide receptor 1
-1.5311077 -1.3097728 -0.1484792 4.1334390 3.1961818 0.0633294 107287930 methyltransferase like 25
-1.5313369 -0.6656259 0.8439490 3.0882865 5.5748652 0.0128645 107289314 nei like DNA glycosylase 2
-1.5316928 -0.3195358 -2.8961233 0.4504073 3.4108546 0.0538743 107303185 lin-54 DREAM MuvB core complex component
-1.5317710 -0.5379213 -2.2369441 0.2036173 2.7097332 0.0927893 107293227 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 2
-1.5338951 1.3621121 -1.6259722 0.7893648 3.2053083 0.0628904 107290069 glycine receptor alpha 2
-1.5339211 -0.3327408 -0.1514572 1.3339451 3.6128584 0.0463212 107293002 adenosine deaminase-like
-1.5366503 -0.5263110 -1.3079437 3.4053110 3.2950282 0.0587559 107284418 uncharacterized LOC107284418
-1.5369516 -0.7314288 -0.5790463 6.1165995 3.3052624 0.0583045 107290273 deltex 3 like E3 ubiquitin ligase
-1.5376197 1.5843994 0.8775167 3.8316842 20.7587614 0.0000536 107299692 pleckstrin homology-like domain family B member 3
-1.5380367 -0.4422854 -0.2819521 2.8324035 4.4097671 0.0266089 107283601 NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransferase family member 4
-1.5383104 -1.1592896 1.2231511 6.5890892 6.0177289 0.0099594 107297073 GDP-Man:Man(3)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-12-mannosyltransferase-like
-1.5403104 -1.0801545 0.1829219 2.2537710 4.6018619 0.0234713 107294750 ADP-ribosylhydrolase like 2
-1.5412796 -0.8142295 0.0293981 5.2045886 4.3969789 0.0269163 107289007 5-phosphohydroxy-L-lysine phospho-lyase
-1.5419695 -0.4900267 0.2923892 3.8417915 0.7821614 0.5268431 107293938 claudin domain containing 2
-1.5424186 -0.8224922 1.5997943 3.7955929 3.1930963 0.0634787 107301112 erlin-2
-1.5433371 -0.3972421 -0.1875308 1.3849725 2.4265430 0.1170723 107290072 disrupted in renal carcinoma 2
-1.5439794 -0.9065614 0.0067455 5.3825397 8.1757351 0.0032556 107283921 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit J
-1.5443859 0.0801534 -0.5230465 4.7980263 1.8636439 0.1905940 107283805 endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase family domain containing 1
-1.5446403 -0.2433858 -0.6231864 2.8298556 4.4198225 0.0264280 107300939 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
-1.5450695 -0.6097689 0.6946871 3.7805977 5.7259413 0.0117745 107289820 biorientation of chromosomes in cell division 1
-1.5456281 -1.6011576 0.0588493 7.3813850 4.2009338 0.0307131 107283290 aldehyde dehydrogenase 7 family member A1
-1.5459264 -1.1750972 -0.2140801 9.0112338 3.5558586 0.0483739 107285295 ribosomal protein L30
-1.5464663 -1.3962654 -0.9013569 9.6823148 3.7060278 0.0433002 107285923 ribosomal protein L27
-1.5467615 -1.0244280 -3.7510369 0.7569509 5.4058131 0.0142264 107297435 forkhead box J2
-1.5468040 1.5383875 0.1317218 1.8416775 4.8354210 0.0202354 107299155 forkhead box protein P4-like
-1.5480134 -0.8770537 0.3913630 5.6185879 9.9474585 0.0014958 107289390 oxysterol binding protein like 2
-1.5482278 -0.9672583 -0.7687991 0.4818201 1.0829818 0.3940779 107296890 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-1.5493725 -2.5942213 -0.6492071 0.6909096 3.1917690 0.0635430 107288354 NPHS1 nephrin
-1.5503470 -1.9241480 -0.9775243 1.4726670 2.1250868 0.1514021 107288291 EGF like fibronectin type III and laminin G domains
-1.5507643 -1.5978506 -0.8749194 3.2559499 1.7538819 0.2103709 107284031 O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase
-1.5509236 -1.6327413 -1.1470794 5.2102173 1.8469511 0.1934620 107291143 nucleoside-triphosphatase cancer-related
-1.5517070 0.9028842 0.8244433 1.5809209 3.2201848 0.0621821 107300858 protein PML-like
-1.5520679 -1.2570109 -1.6113933 4.9175119 3.8644663 0.0387799 107287641 growth factor receptor bound protein 10
-1.5522270 0.3712420 0.4820399 7.2039797 8.0721553 0.0034404 107296847 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 3
-1.5526921 -1.5007642 -0.5406449 9.8362043 1.8529009 0.1924342 107290336 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 beta 2
-1.5534795 -0.9315540 -1.1178292 0.7613597 0.8633080 0.4871118 107301389 PHD finger protein 10-like
-1.5535923 -1.6081571 -1.5413125 1.7960581 3.9557660 0.0362650 107294909 inositol(myo)-1(or 4)-monophosphatase 2
-1.5537961 -2.8913405 -0.6005715 3.8452285 7.7745002 0.0039685 107290187 family with sequence similarity 89 member A
-1.5543521 -0.7947273 1.3438998 2.2805707 3.1364306 0.0662932 107297761 fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 3
-1.5549112 -0.8809131 0.3264538 3.8519861 4.6447253 0.0228717 107292504 ancient ubiquitous protein 1
-1.5550600 -0.4636293 -0.8838809 4.6869602 1.7411621 0.2128083 107289851 NIMA related kinase 3
-1.5552843 -1.0637782 -0.3390922 7.3505727 5.4785321 0.0135670 107302785 endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1
-1.5561659 -0.3777343 -0.7551740 6.8282502 3.3280717 0.0573129 107288292 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf203
-1.5562957 -1.4612227 -0.7414912 1.6483909 0.9285467 0.4573417 107291012 serine peptidase inhibitor Kunitz type 1
-1.5565834 -2.3931753 1.3814084 1.8349187 2.5012845 0.1100527 107287500 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains protein 3-like
-1.5578467 -0.8076720 -0.2159329 6.7899724 2.7532014 0.0895938 107298395 60S ribosomal protein L35a
-1.5588858 -1.0177233 -4.6819823 2.0255317 4.4558348 0.0258848 107289961 putative P2Y purinoceptor 10
-1.5601134 -0.8388839 0.6622335 5.8425324 11.9518170 0.0006887 107302725 zinc finger protein 706
-1.5602319 -1.9328435 3.4264858 6.1632121 8.0199337 0.0035268 107292609 EPS8 like 3
-1.5615979 0.3784793 -0.9610461 3.8897136 6.6943247 0.0068708 107293685 carbohydrate (N-acetylgalactosamine 4-sulfate 6-O) sulfotransferase 15
-1.5622599 -0.6978933 -0.5311858 1.2445194 1.4994830 0.2656743 107292848 zinc finger protein 436-like
-1.5622943 0.2492626 -0.8796531 4.4284580 2.6579884 0.0967653 107302505 lysozyme g-like
-1.5623424 -0.8824291 -0.2238207 5.5057234 5.9294112 0.0104720 107297678 prostaglandin reductase 2-like
-1.5641099 -1.8065630 -0.7634363 -0.1066866 2.4465309 0.1150228 107300055 diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1
-1.5641367 -2.4110451 -3.7320916 3.1461309 17.8179850 0.0001127 107287895 endothelin receptor type A
-1.5647773 -3.8005992 -0.6013024 4.1180010 27.1958595 0.0000141 107299403 ethanolamine kinase 1
-1.5651456 -4.9391405 -2.6156855 1.7812071 8.1577963 0.0033040 107289569 solute carrier family 43 member 2
-1.5666111 -1.9498073 2.0527383 0.3468997 13.1656125 0.0004481 107286436 low density lipoprotein receptor adapter protein 1-like
-1.5673683 0.6496489 0.3593774 5.4655972 1.8321569 0.1960446 107289317 L-threonine 3-dehydrogenase mitochondrial-like
-1.5677301 -1.2343194 0.3232465 4.4854145 16.7367267 0.0001495 107303206 ras-related GTP-binding protein A-like
-1.5696863 -2.5182445 -2.4010065 2.1561809 2.7923489 0.0868238 107283571 solute carrier family 23 (ascorbic acid transporter) member 2
-1.5698464 -0.1523164 -0.3703292 4.8691647 1.9039398 0.1838661 107289153 tumor protein p53 inducible nuclear protein 1
-1.5703939 -1.2828433 -0.8777529 9.3443991 2.1639227 0.1463998 107290743 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit E
-1.5707926 -1.6539180 -1.8268309 2.2202780 3.9274382 0.0370400 107293855 WASH complex subunit FAM21-like
-1.5708009 -0.7972102 -0.9961078 5.9097906 8.4159630 0.0029075 107300505 trifunctional enzyme subunit alpha mitochondrial-like
-1.5721159 -1.6745923 2.6131746 0.2492711 3.9761812 0.0358557 107302867 extracellular leucine-rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 2
-1.5724419 -0.2933969 0.3664303 2.6445391 5.0814441 0.0173391 107298902 RBPJ interacting and tubulin associated 1
-1.5742528 -1.0683030 -0.0904946 6.9117055 5.6750389 0.0121293 107284708 Williams Beuren syndrome chromosome region 22
-1.5749328 -2.8198958 -1.7561978 -0.1507120 3.2478002 0.0608526 107290061 aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase
-1.5766034 -0.1330085 1.3117483 5.4572998 12.8203059 0.0005099 107285826 uncharacterized protein C11orf24-like
-1.5791331 -0.8563822 -1.5934414 0.1280767 1.7275850 0.2153018 107298420 stromal interaction molecule 1
-1.5792205 -3.1276462 -1.3359622 3.4670045 2.8851919 0.0806394 107303107 CD79b molecule
-1.5796422 0.1011413 -1.2671992 3.5091931 5.4347844 0.0139815 107282599 histone deacetylase 5
-1.5803047 0.2573412 -0.7538689 2.0614250 2.2530557 0.1356145 107300803 uveal autoantigen with coiled-coil domains and ankyrin repeats-like
-1.5811232 -0.7879728 -1.2614676 0.2442254 0.9490684 0.4483636 107292968 DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 14
-1.5824429 -0.8077416 -3.5795776 2.4576010 7.7630403 0.0039907 107295434 protein diaphanous homolog 2-like
-1.5832931 -1.3024215 -1.0308254 8.1852170 5.6744039 0.0120766 107295628 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit F-like
-1.5847807 -0.7261333 -2.7435973 1.3386492 2.8232439 0.0847072 107300929 caldesmon-like
-1.5849227 -0.0880502 -0.9158841 5.1485642 3.8383356 0.0395032 107289088 serine/threonine/tyrosine interacting protein
-1.5850851 -0.8016729 -0.1808925 1.4572661 2.2450337 0.1365472 107292114 telomerase reverse transcriptase
-1.5850866 -0.5104204 -2.8940656 2.0981029 5.6055435 0.0126340 107282287 myosin-11-like
-1.5851499 -1.6534290 -0.6988962 5.2005321 4.9880128 0.0183783 107300952 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2Q family member 2
-1.5851806 -2.5846125 -0.9963659 1.9132001 2.7487825 0.0899128 107298583 SH2B adaptor protein 2
-1.5854537 -0.6696365 -0.0990538 6.2326157 8.3948858 0.0029360 107286426 mediator complex subunit 31
-1.5873409 -0.7900899 -0.2143921 3.1101379 7.0215979 0.0057517 107287454 ran-binding protein 17-like
-1.5876572 -0.7708193 -1.6843154 4.4133498 4.7362499 0.0215595 107287373 coenzyme Q9
-1.5884033 -0.7970285 -0.2905846 5.7595173 5.1788830 0.0163275 107284303 mediator complex subunit 4
-1.5889314 0.0198779 2.0508509 1.9871440 7.0152441 0.0058060 107291745 transmembrane and tetratricopeptide repeat containing 2
-1.5892515 -0.7365550 -0.9048127 2.9292677 0.8006814 0.5175051 107295069 sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 16
-1.5897414 -1.6750349 -1.3429079 3.5610495 3.4864050 0.0509428 107303073 ORMDL sphingolipid biosynthesis regulator 3
-1.5902383 -1.4118989 -0.3982534 4.4529451 5.2420045 0.0157088 107284291 RAB20 member RAS oncogene family
-1.5909581 -0.4885283 -13.1280270 10.7959727 54.8745127 0.0000003 107293272 myosin heavy chain cardiac muscle isoform
-1.5909877 -0.7193284 -0.0061996 2.2011024 1.1250907 0.3784682 107287365 mixed lineage kinase domain-like
-1.5911035 -1.1410339 -0.8781372 5.4161516 2.3809473 0.1216845 107295085 MCF.2 cell line derived transforming sequence like
-1.5919168 0.7890476 2.2459450 1.4624708 8.8236425 0.0024341 107295378 phospholipid phosphatase 5
-1.5919624 -2.5959071 -0.3507992 -0.2846347 3.1986401 0.0632108 107295281 C2 domain-containing protein 2-like
-1.5921938 -1.1650325 -0.1280602 9.6878759 4.4592221 0.0257382 107288088 DEAD-box helicase 21
-1.5935581 -1.8935165 -4.1369482 1.2115315 4.8365851 0.0202204 107282274 microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase 3
-1.5945864 -1.5354349 -0.0581134 4.6049024 5.3419831 0.0147838 107289849 PRELI domain containing 2
-1.5949912 -1.3061570 1.0887910 3.6111894 9.3984092 0.0018924 107286452 ketohexokinase
-1.5964257 -1.6142136 0.5642340 0.5225302 4.6753167 0.0223409 107293341 contactin 5
-1.5964306 -0.1576707 -1.7814057 9.1899255 3.5619962 0.0481928 107290031 malate dehydrogenase 2
-1.5964626 -0.2199010 0.5398998 2.9767580 4.5362467 0.0245489 107299687 G-protein coupled receptor 39-like
-1.5984384 -1.2124737 -1.4575239 3.8542300 5.3415959 0.0147305 107297366 DNA mismatch repair protein Msh3-like
-1.5994954 -1.1727749 -1.0678960 4.4157262 1.1450926 0.3712847 107283005 lymphocyte antigen 86
-1.6018914 -2.1379867 -2.4788140 1.9884016 6.1686298 0.0091081 107287189 DENN domain containing 5B
-1.6031924 -1.4830336 1.0367253 0.3256619 4.1513684 0.0317400 107302325 mitochondrial-processing peptidase subunit alpha-like
-1.6055361 -1.9208531 -3.5965541 4.8482112 2.3609450 0.1237512 107286922 uncharacterized LOC107286922
-1.6064912 -0.9456971 -0.6219361 2.9994282 5.5247185 0.0131916 107287405 peptidylprolyl isomerase like 4
-1.6068109 -3.4006168 0.7851728 5.3500530 50.4544686 0.0000005 107291116 aminoacylase 1
-1.6077672 -1.8254784 1.0393977 1.6083381 12.8374841 0.0005012 107288845 solute carrier family 25 member 21
-1.6081770 -1.1708472 0.4990247 6.2543077 9.9921335 0.0014748 107283259 TIA1 cytotoxic granule-associated RNA binding protein
-1.6087065 -1.2925998 -0.3123738 6.8234592 6.0509140 0.0097730 107284664 ribosomal protein L22
-1.6100581 -1.3495127 -1.1848530 4.0030035 1.9986795 0.1690793 107283322 N-myristoyltransferase 2
-1.6107590 -0.6890677 0.0238713 3.9485009 9.7280110 0.0016314 107286707 family with sequence similarity 58 member A
-1.6113820 3.0747094 1.7749083 5.5949829 16.4024169 0.0001666 107285324 cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-5-like
-1.6115034 -0.8141811 4.9385143 2.6070073 16.7705432 0.0001502 107292320 purine nucleoside phosphorylase
-1.6125468 -1.4138602 0.3562599 7.2508512 4.6468582 0.0228401 107292357 MKI67 FHA domain-interacting nucleolar phosphoprotein-like
-1.6127842 -1.5182520 -0.7036083 5.2062640 0.1111160 0.9519100 107301645 ribosome biogenesis protein NSA2 homolog
-1.6135849 -2.2432896 -1.7019389 2.5225203 10.4735121 0.0012025 107292755 solute carrier family 9 member A9
-1.6146768 -1.5851941 -1.0452647 -0.1740092 0.7443063 0.5464361 107298384 RELT-like protein 1
-1.6158331 0.0146199 -1.0086162 -0.2940118 1.2039476 0.3509789 107299775 regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 1B
-1.6160687 -0.7895029 0.0757823 5.7414855 12.8413367 0.0005005 107288719 tumor suppressor candidate 2
-1.6162524 -1.0601702 -0.4089493 2.5787945 0.3236815 0.8082459 107298555 protein LTV1 homolog
-1.6176705 -2.4629267 -0.7778547 4.4287617 14.5972967 0.0002820 107296220 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial Fo complex subunit s (factor B)
-1.6180954 -1.1673024 -0.4220265 3.9590910 4.5763736 0.0239124 107288218 UTP23 small subunit processome component
-1.6186286 -2.2315685 -0.4257715 0.3768903 1.0524003 0.4058394 107285660 cytochrome P450 2A6-like
-1.6186598 -1.4053297 -2.2808065 4.4145272 1.6573219 0.2296879 107289300 dedicator of cytokinesis 8
-1.6206709 -0.9189953 -1.7060950 9.0037790 2.7072694 0.0929743 107295486 cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 1 mitochondrial-like
-1.6210835 0.0082913 0.6639706 1.5206059 1.6308790 0.2353183 107299076 vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1-like protein 1
-1.6211904 -3.3231370 -0.3894801 4.6651712 5.0515529 0.0176639 107295799 interaction protein for cytohesin exchange factors 1
-1.6216917 -1.6679123 -0.2055694 0.1915103 1.0255493 0.4164698 107293872 glioma tumor suppressor candidate region gene 2
-1.6230689 -1.2257862 0.4442664 7.2872618 6.5357204 0.0074803 107292445 NOP16 nucleolar protein
-1.6240833 -0.2743820 0.4510273 0.1901550 2.0272647 0.1648857 107285253 uncharacterized LOC107285253
-1.6241670 -1.5883756 -0.3773418 3.5930853 8.2016737 0.0032130 107290950 solute carrier family 38 member 6
-1.6246230 -1.3317833 -2.6822720 6.5583408 13.5575715 0.0003955 107290132 CD200 molecule
-1.6246274 -0.4817865 -1.2433126 7.3825752 4.1144569 0.0325834 107291032 hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase/3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase/enoyl-CoA hydratase (trifunctional protein) beta subunit
-1.6262707 -1.1656610 -2.1060537 8.2780665 3.6638376 0.0447551 107301510 uncharacterized LOC107301510
-1.6274714 1.3624668 -2.1878920 0.6337309 5.3676219 0.0145569 107293563 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3-like
-1.6280282 -0.4973689 -0.7825826 1.9492057 2.8986408 0.0797068 107302900 zinc finger protein 704
-1.6305625 0.1813772 0.2651332 4.6092375 1.9769521 0.1723478 ERCC-00144
-1.6308397 -3.1340885 -0.8272912 3.4029980 4.3829289 0.0271695 107290446 growth hormone regulated TBC protein 1
-1.6313225 -2.4486666 -3.8740944 4.2249361 14.0705527 0.0003368 107284427 dystrophin-like
-1.6323470 -1.7580951 0.0827072 2.8987323 9.0599909 0.0021742 107302452 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C12orf4
-1.6338915 1.4921210 2.0301719 0.4224323 8.4873542 0.0028283 107289073 apelin receptor
-1.6341074 -1.7507018 -1.2860242 2.5230719 3.7026931 0.0434848 107301312 putative ribosome-binding factor A mitochondrial
-1.6344982 -1.1442936 0.4048653 5.2164307 9.2236493 0.0020406 107302713 ceramide synthase 5
-1.6347336 -1.2470475 -0.2760259 4.9532086 4.8092985 0.0205748 107300625 uncharacterized LOC107300625
-1.6348286 -0.3894426 1.1125571 5.6503810 8.5319202 0.0027774 107294331 mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim23-like
-1.6357683 0.7471049 -0.0945432 2.9830186 4.4373778 0.0262033 107289857 forkhead box O1
-1.6362969 -0.2113697 0.5386436 6.1341553 8.5062885 0.0028102 107284788 RNA exonuclease 2
-1.6380720 -1.4154330 -0.9109266 9.8642484 4.2214905 0.0301908 107282491 ribosomal protein L13a
-1.6397089 1.0768362 4.3410578 3.8674832 17.0154357 0.0001403 107293697 uncharacterized LOC107293697
-1.6432176 -0.0753055 0.5659595 4.1009395 15.8908826 0.0001904 107282933 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 7
-1.6438434 0.4590244 0.3181636 8.8110767 1.0273871 0.4157330 107282385 epididymal sperm-binding protein 1-like
-1.6446902 -2.0740424 -0.8258419 1.0226217 4.2460167 0.0296922 107286706 solute carrier family 6 member 8
-1.6449732 -7.3525806 -5.4899815 2.8274090 17.7587743 0.0001147 107297331 Rho related BTB domain containing 1
-1.6500987 -0.4527835 0.7928068 0.4583857 2.2127090 0.1403803 107282737 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 7
-1.6509192 -0.9712678 -1.7831664 3.8156245 5.1450027 0.0166712 107296003 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 2
-1.6520648 -1.9608637 -0.3893314 6.8556673 15.4100902 0.0002196 107290121 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 21
-1.6534237 -1.2833802 -0.9473558 1.8062512 3.6503925 0.0450757 107286807 NEDD4 binding protein 2-like 1
-1.6539710 -2.7482278 0.4601470 4.2380212 22.3232819 0.0000379 107296470 LDL receptor related protein associated protein 1
-1.6553781 -1.6028245 0.6724247 2.7269060 8.8981911 0.0023489 107290938 egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor 1
-1.6559892 -1.1200881 -0.5032974 1.5936115 2.9662063 0.0755247 107295992 VPS51 GARP complex subunit
-1.6563121 -0.6885571 0.3914979 1.5815304 3.2736719 0.0597108 107298051 cyclin-dependent kinase 9
-1.6565795 -0.9827299 0.0870969 3.9704497 10.3854290 0.0012456 107282842 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C2
-1.6570786 -0.9339231 -1.4230830 4.2519850 5.8475763 0.0109463 107299642 mutS homolog 3
-1.6578468 -0.9043809 0.1003661 8.2689840 5.0040833 0.0181945 107286197 ATP binding cassette subfamily E member 1
-1.6586651 0.4024519 -1.7980697 3.0184346 3.3726067 0.0554325 107298766 insulin receptor substrate 2-B-like
-1.6592863 -2.3322043 0.1045485 5.3156082 30.4118403 0.0000078 107290181 programmed cell death 2
-1.6604115 -1.7503647 0.2496524 5.5934866 9.5917537 0.0017428 107296631 ring finger protein 130
-1.6608644 -1.7458201 -0.6543576 2.4039354 6.2569173 0.0086652 107294577 trans-L-3-hydroxyproline dehydratase-like
-1.6643182 -1.0343335 -1.9248303 6.0096229 5.3850642 0.0144049 107293701 aminoadipate-semialdehyde synthase
-1.6653617 0.9396123 -0.6553538 1.5753821 3.0606339 0.0702861 107283904 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 7
-1.6659800 -1.2785627 -0.3793934 7.3957546 2.8795995 0.0809973 107299375 40S ribosomal protein S29
-1.6665500 -0.9751551 -1.2820642 0.9937697 1.9670809 0.1737674 107300576 pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX15-like
-1.6680134 -0.5005394 -0.2408671 4.9836470 5.6479345 0.0123233 107282780 pleckstrin homology domain containing A8
-1.6699718 -2.9796557 -2.2587977 3.0156918 16.4163182 0.0001636 107282222 insulin receptor
-1.6700225 -1.2994464 -1.8401195 1.2681208 1.2517960 0.3353496 107293445 LON peptidase N-terminal domain and RING finger protein 3-like
-1.6703892 0.4839718 -2.8955975 0.1084576 5.5382011 0.0131465 107294045 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 7
-1.6759088 -1.2453626 0.2772102 1.7146163 1.2406348 0.3389270 107300757 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase-like 2
-1.6759369 -2.4521275 0.1650100 5.5709265 11.9509305 0.0006930 107283324 phosphotriesterase related
-1.6773994 -0.3130167 -1.3035904 0.9329901 1.4502995 0.2781332 107287770 solute carrier family 16 member 14
-1.6780540 -0.1806105 0.4066534 5.5021058 6.2965777 0.0085227 107282271 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 14-like
-1.6802002 -0.8291194 -0.5731960 5.7458144 8.3326499 0.0030221 107286030 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 4
-1.6809456 -0.6694966 -0.4109263 7.1389893 1.1984298 0.3528311 107283862 uncharacterized LOC107283862
-1.6822023 0.5304913 -0.4474994 7.0492792 2.0227869 0.1655347 107283331 mannose receptor C type 1
-1.6833282 -2.4695841 0.1887219 7.4045262 9.0897359 0.0021634 107285815 retinol binding protein 5
-1.6840411 -1.3354745 -0.6173683 0.5362034 1.8636156 0.1905498 107288076 ring finger protein 115
-1.6859966 -1.5450211 -1.7273621 0.4642738 1.4283142 0.2839097 107296897 THUMP domain containing 1
-1.6860400 -2.8234344 -1.1975322 1.6046287 4.9557608 0.0187537 107285213 RAB13 member RAS oncogene family
-1.6862278 0.0804701 -2.1446773 11.6325461 3.3507977 0.0563443 107285760 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
-1.6883168 -1.8753278 -0.7432559 5.3826321 6.5138042 0.0075694 107291865 ubiquitin-associated domain-containing protein 2-like
-1.6890192 -1.2419672 -0.2455463 3.6357409 3.7246426 0.0428381 107302264 ribosomal protein S18
-1.6896075 -0.6992951 -4.5186839 0.7245828 6.9760680 0.0059251 107303202 shroom family member 4
-1.6896243 -1.0657509 0.0888644 3.0634960 7.7314001 0.0040250 107284439 tudor domain containing 3
-1.6901758 1.2192631 1.2238427 5.3442760 23.2930152 0.0000307 107288201 interleukin-1 receptor type 1-like
-1.6909321 -1.2842515 -0.2529132 6.4525778 9.6991853 0.0016512 107288758 methionyl aminopeptidase 1
-1.6921993 -0.9242452 -1.1225582 0.9840664 2.0590371 0.1602205 107301022 zinc transporter 9-like
-1.6925795 -0.4084188 -0.7898464 4.6935122 10.8117009 0.0010524 107291326 lysine demethylase 7A
-1.6931284 -0.8556181 -0.0883594 2.4578240 1.4427744 0.2800957 107302447 monoglyceride lipase-like
-1.6951981 0.3513531 -1.3269789 1.1048959 2.5403902 0.1065507 107283614 uncharacterized mitochondrial protein AtMg00860-like
-1.6954753 1.5586940 -1.1892395 2.0252019 6.5394309 0.0074653 107288060 collagen beta(1-O)galactosyltransferase 2
-1.6961509 -1.3256434 -0.7848119 6.6518792 8.2724193 0.0031082 107286369 membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 7
-1.6983460 5.1267673 -0.4757528 0.9306141 3.0790111 0.0692931 107298387 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
-1.7007359 -2.5798752 0.0319572 0.6304026 2.9176342 0.0785991 107301616 protein Daple-like
-1.7019385 -4.1796008 -0.3898724 9.3421085 23.1613118 0.0000314 107283279 solute carrier family 20 member 1
-1.7023944 -2.0736341 -0.7614515 2.1126167 5.5365608 0.0131064 107297710 heparan sulfate-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 5
-1.7031059 -0.9760656 0.2903577 3.5154801 8.7178320 0.0025352 107298257 mannose-P-dolichol utilization defect 1
-1.7031245 -0.7623588 -1.1415787 3.2752403 2.5458452 0.1060724 107286872 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G6
-1.7034101 -7.9692803 -5.2739327 1.4036760 9.5559573 0.0017694 107286016 myosin light chain 3
-1.7039184 -0.5696613 0.5697603 2.6161533 5.9894744 0.0101201 107295862 NOP56 ribonucleoprotein
-1.7043188 -1.9477385 -1.4381252 2.9981315 7.3758976 0.0048002 107296384 cleft lip and palate associated transmembrane protein 1
-1.7047088 -0.5255219 0.3644702 1.3872113 1.9630201 0.1744811 107297697 serine–tRNA ligase cytoplasmic-like
-1.7052871 -0.7286262 -1.0463171 4.6892263 3.8756733 0.0384744 107300889 trifunctional enzyme subunit alpha mitochondrial-like
-1.7089305 -0.8184673 -1.1341876 7.6221792 4.1601886 0.0315784 107287634 inhibitor of DNA binding 2 dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein
-1.7102459 -1.3289168 -0.6806604 2.8797458 2.0197532 0.1659761 107299803 ferrochelatase
-1.7108769 -0.4999058 -1.4262483 0.8385610 0.2406420 0.8663002 107295300 nucleolar transcription factor 1-like
-1.7109634 -0.4306483 -0.3746594 6.1217558 8.2139553 0.0032004 107287868 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 9
-1.7138073 -1.4627653 -1.6950961 2.1122883 1.0667094 0.4002909 107300373 septin-6
-1.7140276 -0.7428634 -0.7333775 6.5444466 4.1440884 0.0319280 107285064 crystallin zeta
-1.7148610 -1.1512302 -0.2586926 8.0741697 6.6017215 0.0071783 107292291 RAD23 homolog B nucleotide excision repair protein
-1.7167814 -3.2048279 -1.2632665 3.2491082 27.9489799 0.0000120 107299202 nck-associated protein 1-like
-1.7173330 -1.2074434 -1.0774100 7.9190684 3.3232061 0.0575228 107297860 cystatin-2-like
-1.7174357 -0.5538211 -0.2597272 2.9587695 4.8426881 0.0201403 107301344 transmembrane protein 242-like
-1.7181607 -1.0676392 -2.2682323 0.3274641 1.1200459 0.3803033 107284941 neuronal PAS domain-containing protein 3-like
-1.7188830 -0.6000772 0.1477872 3.6562547 10.7886012 0.0010619 107291738 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 1
-1.7200132 -1.0361262 -0.6649506 0.4869595 1.7352415 0.2139070 107299805 dnaJ homolog subfamily C member 2-like
-1.7203600 -0.5578708 -0.9428543 2.6806922 2.2594526 0.1348760 107288363 anosmin 1
-1.7207986 -1.1154533 -0.4745725 5.6859232 5.0197926 0.0180169 107298368 uncharacterized LOC107298368
-1.7212775 -7.7257385 -2.3693941 1.0417334 20.2968634 0.0000604 107296006 solute carrier family 22 member 6-B-like
-1.7219278 -0.6486488 -1.9319724 0.2400210 1.2276458 0.3431421 107291022 vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
-1.7224456 -0.9155805 0.0375296 4.3480408 6.3114901 0.0084530 107283033 leucine rich repeat containing 42
-1.7229121 -1.1245554 -0.8655558 9.9891588 3.6623267 0.0446879 107295776 40S ribosomal protein S6
-1.7251981 -0.6874978 -0.3903367 3.2338931 3.6188043 0.0462389 107295638 proline and serine rich 2
-1.7273165 -1.0536103 -0.4856372 3.0209271 5.6556607 0.0122100 107295068 mitochondrial ribosome recycling factor
-1.7275230 -1.7970859 -2.2513541 -0.0037657 3.2277262 0.0616944 107289201 DENN domain containing 6B
-1.7286588 -1.7347163 0.1825628 6.8556201 19.5664373 0.0000709 107282620 SNF8 ESCRT-II complex subunit
-1.7298184 -1.1573702 -0.4072208 5.7708401 4.9571031 0.0187379 107293752 inner mitochondrial membrane peptidase subunit 1
-1.7298232 -2.9748183 -13.9625759 7.0373958 55.4958735 0.0000003 107301689 myosin heavy chain cardiac muscle isoform-like
-1.7299326 -0.1253653 0.1211907 3.5373843 6.9222067 0.0060935 107286326 mitogen-activated protein kinase 11
-1.7310193 -1.7190860 -2.1252858 2.2785855 1.9039005 0.1838725 107288255 synaptotagmin like 3
-1.7314533 -1.4639053 -1.4199680 4.0307789 2.7521980 0.0896661 107302369 gap junction protein gamma 1
-1.7315928 -0.5317899 0.3243536 3.7518192 7.2282483 0.0052054 107292770 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex assembly factor 3
-1.7337749 -0.2166613 -0.0514675 5.4338496 1.6017406 0.2417016 ERCC-00062
-1.7349232 0.2137965 -2.2745652 0.8757139 2.3146506 0.1286903 107299980 carbonic anhydrase 4-like
-1.7373383 -1.3290896 -2.2608869 5.0160419 1.0613186 0.4023718 107300552 ATP synthase subunit beta mitochondrial-like
-1.7401333 -0.0113005 -0.3829381 5.8724326 11.8725157 0.0007054 107287082 ubiquitin specific peptidase 1
-1.7410637 -2.6962524 -1.4747611 0.3275617 0.7994515 0.5181203 107291197 ubiquinone biosynthesis O-methyltransferase mitochondrial-like
-1.7421189 -1.2392465 1.2982593 4.3413042 5.3142532 0.0150338 107302593 fermitin family homolog 1-like
-1.7422422 -0.2933280 0.1156174 3.5104295 2.6861022 0.0945813 107289599 KIAA0319 ortholog
-1.7451432 -1.2005740 -1.4560802 4.9304625 2.2258178 0.1388113 107289942 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S21
-1.7472189 -0.6224918 0.2465732 0.0657631 3.1558566 0.0651775 107290973 SAP30-like
-1.7485006 -0.1099524 -0.7729547 1.5833482 4.0862386 0.0331211 107294564 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein gamma
-1.7486622 -1.5784618 0.7831326 5.4187544 17.6517753 0.0001173 107293918 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 11
-1.7501089 1.1587058 2.3048402 0.5162503 6.5953062 0.0072442 107296630 solute carrier family 5 (sodium/inositol cotransporter) member 11
-1.7512231 -0.1566020 -1.0401329 3.7153686 2.6789177 0.0951340 107293320 period circadian clock 2
-1.7517037 -1.4519991 0.4108926 2.3400076 9.5416254 0.0017650 107298172 amyloid beta precursor protein binding protein 2
-1.7519550 -4.0856022 1.7739280 2.3058242 25.8523578 0.0000182 107294220 peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma-like
-1.7552550 -0.0197260 0.9458566 7.1958990 7.0102845 0.0058210 107303043 ATP citrate lyase
-1.7558750 -0.0761293 1.2307660 -0.1750620 1.4227878 0.2853824 107294926 retinol dehydrogenase 5
-1.7580551 -6.4422240 2.9645664 4.0493407 47.8439969 0.0000007 107285557 polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1 (autosomal recessive)
-1.7585051 -2.3499652 0.8782425 6.4372466 4.1532922 0.0317276 107287468 sulfotransferase family 6B member 1
-1.7590811 1.7774962 2.9234934 3.0876872 13.4815062 0.0004080 107294029 tripartite motif-containing protein 7-like
-1.7603933 -3.2810368 -0.9793275 0.0216476 1.1995499 0.3524543 107301127 peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma-like
-1.7618751 -1.0703373 -1.5594939 1.1266163 0.4959443 0.6920151 107301805 myeloma overexpressed 2
-1.7619679 -1.7139063 -0.4070389 2.9695386 6.5493507 0.0074024 107286120 crystallin lambda 1
-1.7622118 -1.6055068 -0.3502039 5.1182516 7.8049126 0.0039104 107302660 toll like receptor 3
-1.7623522 -0.1337385 0.6969559 4.7996885 16.1099646 0.0001798 107286969 purinergic receptor P2X 4
-1.7638389 -1.6718607 -2.1575242 1.6973388 5.5614015 0.0129076 107291662 PAF1 homolog Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component
-1.7640824 -3.5209574 1.2425783 0.5813892 2.9818867 0.0747311 107297599 glutamyl aminopeptidase-like
-1.7643245 -1.1025856 -0.3490762 2.6976786 5.5016611 0.0133738 107294462 sirtuin 3
-1.7649566 -0.6215967 -2.3390042 -0.1640287 2.4956103 0.1105717 107290567 adhesion molecule with Ig-like domain 2
-1.7660969 -0.3530383 0.0105174 7.8804448 6.1297135 0.0093509 107284295 UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 2
-1.7671053 -2.5950164 2.6769577 5.5286818 53.5210670 0.0000004 107288632 arf-GAP with dual PH domain-containing protein 1-like
-1.7675196 -1.1642302 -0.4542796 4.0424957 4.2552353 0.0296025 107292737 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf12
-1.7694445 -0.8911052 -1.2937688 0.7391496 0.8264800 0.5047652 107302587 interleukin 2 receptor subunit beta
-1.7717020 -2.7771818 -0.7242676 0.3676664 5.2381491 0.0156869 107294579 trans-L-3-hydroxyproline dehydratase-like
-1.7722876 -0.0274092 1.2149759 5.1351305 7.9749916 0.0036032 107290356 UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 2
-1.7740779 0.2088843 0.0471130 3.9394036 2.3646403 0.1233664 107282283 leucine rich repeat containing 25
-1.7773827 -1.4692854 0.4528045 5.7474423 13.1778741 0.0004515 107295015 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C5orf24
-1.7773954 -1.9507892 -0.4704283 4.7758015 7.8738661 0.0037823 107288068 ribokinase
-1.7778227 -0.3939140 0.5151134 4.6644484 7.2233283 0.0052184 107282531 glutamate-rich WD repeat containing 1
-1.7787326 -0.9545793 -3.1322800 2.3219984 2.0916241 0.1558684 107301570 protein delta homolog 1-like
-1.7796067 -0.3918378 -1.5338027 0.1988989 1.8436886 0.1940283 107283136 pygopus family PHD finger 1
-1.7799718 -1.1293064 -1.6801362 4.6021923 5.3049757 0.0151186 107285106 multiple inositol-polyphosphate phosphatase 1
-1.7801575 -1.7622482 -1.9347802 -0.1254604 0.4808399 0.7017865 107300056 casein kinase 2 alpha 1 polypeptide
-1.7804621 -0.7418107 0.0377816 1.4325930 2.6545841 0.0970337 107283229 deoxyguanosine kinase
-1.7820668 -2.3160360 -0.4806907 7.9450018 10.3530902 0.0012672 107285068 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase C-4 to C-12 straight chain
-1.7830813 4.4948981 5.3947318 6.5925808 6.7568770 0.0066465 107295990 lectin-like
-1.7835597 -1.4127389 -0.3196690 -0.2338019 3.4199928 0.0533844 107294142 clarin 2
-1.7836746 1.1762864 0.3785927 1.9601255 5.1914919 0.0162016 107291546 forkhead box P4
-1.7856356 -1.5298519 0.2165991 3.6699446 7.5923939 0.0043383 107293516 torsin-1A-like
-1.7870257 -0.7443996 -0.3588038 6.7327243 7.6780257 0.0041441 107288044 guanine monophosphate synthase
-1.7891654 -2.8528101 2.5039746 4.8930644 45.2052523 0.0000010 107292037 plastin-1
-1.7900061 -0.6629764 -1.4147458 0.6736456 1.1167954 0.3814907 107284533 FYVE RhoGEF and PH domain containing 2
-1.7911295 -1.7490047 -2.0756747 0.5513569 0.3196392 0.8110668 107290040 proline-rich protein 12-like
-1.7973535 -1.9754918 -0.9461376 3.3294559 8.7523283 0.0024936 107298739 tyrosine-protein kinase RYK-like
-1.8006403 -1.5019601 -1.1344820 0.3338887 2.7324371 0.0909548 107287200 electron transfer flavoprotein beta subunit lysine methyltransferase
-1.8017332 -0.9859939 -0.0994492 8.5011169 6.9886088 0.0058510 107290778 cathepsin D
-1.8046933 -0.4159381 0.8478911 0.7092606 1.9890198 0.1705237 107290911 NAD(P)H-hydrate epimerase-like
-1.8047258 1.3877272 2.8599443 9.5276255 7.1497113 0.0054180 107298667 complement factor H-like
-1.8049458 -3.6452018 4.0636009 4.4074276 7.4759484 0.0045958 107288512 unconventional myosin-Ia-like
-1.8050981 -1.3058123 -1.0314312 3.0734217 3.7420374 0.0423073 107303231 ATPase phospholipid transporting 11C
-1.8062871 -1.0364058 -0.2868367 3.3963966 5.8067545 0.0112357 107300667 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-1-like
-1.8072360 -1.8368191 -0.1093315 2.2717746 3.4668413 0.0516838 107286791 G protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member C
-1.8086108 0.0984633 2.1854008 0.8441520 5.3253675 0.0149330 107302940 solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter) member 4
-1.8100296 1.8282415 1.5362966 5.0089693 6.9964073 0.0058629 107290874 carboxypeptidase E
-1.8102379 -2.1676376 -1.0852415 -0.0366476 2.0199355 0.1659496 107282940 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 15
-1.8117255 -5.9574106 0.7430728 7.2777044 26.7981990 0.0000152 107295219 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase 1
-1.8127124 -1.6720818 -0.0936811 3.1407948 5.2755488 0.0153911 107300900 30S ribosomal protein S11-like
-1.8131420 -1.6605756 -1.5198114 5.2693671 6.2074124 0.0089541 107289705 family with sequence similarity 168 member B
-1.8131575 -0.1030092 -0.9995476 4.2839380 2.7442782 0.0902393 107286022 purinergic receptor P2Y13
-1.8159565 -0.9690067 -0.0917082 6.0897284 6.5139010 0.0075690 107298587 propionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha subunit
-1.8161189 -2.5431748 -7.7576757 5.8634470 29.3940857 0.0000095 107286233 popeye domain containing 2
-1.8166711 -0.0760762 1.1199135 5.6853755 5.5776236 0.0128436 107288744 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2
-1.8188245 -1.7338728 -0.0046935 4.2627764 6.4630537 0.0077805 107283164 general transcription factor IIA 2
-1.8205622 -0.9122408 -1.0469988 3.1897801 1.1540512 0.3681144 107295690 leupaxin
-1.8210396 -1.8145069 -1.0657845 3.0759628 4.3043675 0.0286375 107302056 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase listerin-like
-1.8220825 -0.8986304 0.3928890 4.8244003 11.2579419 0.0008954 107289459 molybdenum cofactor sulfurase
-1.8232002 -1.7474722 -1.8218549 2.1964261 1.4302186 0.2834041 107284055 tetraspanin 2
-1.8234725 -1.8329738 -1.4147113 2.3648783 3.5736933 0.0477828 107289781 MOB kinase activator 1B
-1.8235037 -0.3394688 -4.9483860 8.3577627 6.3912981 0.0080908 107285281 FK506 binding protein 8
-1.8246892 1.9752699 0.0416065 4.5669176 9.8115245 0.0015892 107289251 bone morphogenetic protein 1
-1.8247849 -1.5205483 -0.8145699 0.0567606 2.6137388 0.1001683 107297333 rab-like protein 2A
-1.8252685 1.3483690 -2.2225106 4.5640948 8.4529685 0.0028798 107286508 hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase 15-(NAD)
-1.8268550 -0.6356704 0.2473231 0.6379935 2.0175465 0.1662980 107294561 sulfotransferase family cytosolic 1B member 1-like
-1.8315206 -0.6553959 -0.5545717 1.3458941 1.1525264 0.3686520 107294332 synuclein gamma
-1.8323346 -1.0786653 -1.4212071 0.5879156 2.8899825 0.0801900 107298187 protein SFI1 homolog
-1.8335354 -1.9167242 -0.5579419 4.1452037 9.6781816 0.0016760 107286838 pituitary tumor-transforming gene 1 protein-interacting protein-like
-1.8393248 -1.1406227 -0.1204015 5.4622317 10.4137354 0.0012367 107290287 caseinolytic mitochondrial matrix peptidase chaperone subunit
-1.8405277 -2.9359646 -0.6216161 2.6567755 7.3645662 0.0048590 107301447 voltage-gated hydrogen channel 1-like
-1.8415662 -2.0382323 -2.6774735 1.6297717 3.5359002 0.0491223 107302791 Rho related BTB domain containing 3
-1.8435334 -4.5613048 0.2384291 5.6942634 17.8999128 0.0001104 107298778 methyltransferase-like protein 7A
-1.8456182 -2.3199893 -0.0364312 0.1615248 2.6635624 0.0963277 107285537 sortilin-related receptor-like
-1.8456895 -0.7920690 -0.3433771 4.5195323 7.8529526 0.0038207 107290590 dipeptidyl peptidase 8
-1.8462491 -1.2493836 -0.7982215 7.6578039 3.5673418 0.0480049 107296911 complement component 1 q subcomponent binding protein
-1.8479863 0.2537297 -0.0984661 5.1924488 4.4257796 0.0264057 107296985 complement factor properdin
-1.8502592 0.1948588 -3.5272130 6.2118956 17.3022538 0.0001297 107290146 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1-like 3
-1.8504015 -2.1303630 -1.6427774 5.7679356 5.9986166 0.0100678 107291074 synaptojanin-2-binding protein-like
-1.8528394 -2.0364507 -0.1340825 3.6670792 8.4205138 0.0029232 107284007 FGFR1OP N-terminal like
-1.8533202 -1.3842280 -0.3770001 5.5120624 7.2322483 0.0051948 107302623 N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase gamma subunit
-1.8541384 -5.8075081 -4.9617728 0.8559209 8.2873547 0.0031094 107294695 5-oxoprolinase (ATP-hydrolysing)
-1.8546871 -0.4819883 -1.1841956 0.9792456 0.6457024 0.6007085 107300065 vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 52 homolog
-1.8550139 -1.2493877 -0.5688216 4.9882854 8.3870795 0.0029582 107296124 COP9 signalosome subunit 6
-1.8568271 -0.5471612 -0.9706245 6.2708155 3.1133884 0.0674787 107299332 nuclear factor interleukin 3 regulated
-1.8572755 -0.7187119 -1.1163392 1.7169547 1.1394969 0.3732796 107300906 tripartite motif-containing protein 15-like
-1.8573035 2.6679859 0.9802369 6.8075410 17.7102558 0.0001162 107296160 cholinesterase-like
-1.8591417 -2.4770515 0.6609689 0.5410458 3.3367297 0.0569417 107297021 pyruvate kinase liver and RBC
-1.8610925 -1.5511871 -1.6055838 0.0069269 1.5981884 0.2424929 107290804 membrane spanning 4-domains A4A
-1.8625735 2.8846089 0.1581706 1.0286688 7.4733324 0.0046018 107292015 uncharacterized LOC107292015
-1.8645149 1.4608446 -1.1280260 4.3599446 6.3738551 0.0081684 107286138 MYCBP-associated testis expressed 1
-1.8653030 0.1248831 0.6138273 5.8457426 31.9931926 0.0000060 107292778 solute carrier family 25 (carnitine/acylcarnitine translocase) member 20
-1.8653363 -1.0439947 -0.7134562 3.6754937 1.3525635 0.3048449 107288247 interferon regulatory factor 8
-1.8655277 0.7072650 1.1506001 4.3701950 2.7899581 0.0869902 107282386 platelet basic protein-like
-1.8661149 0.8326297 -2.9990864 0.6652174 3.8130979 0.0402167 107284060 thyroid stimulating hormone beta
-1.8685333 -3.2674622 0.3352608 0.2817940 4.0441856 0.0342009 107298273 transmembrane and immunoglobulin domain containing 1
-1.8700856 -1.5236279 -3.0705393 0.4015250 2.2407831 0.1370444 107289993 uncharacterized LOC107289993
-1.8726878 -0.8346442 0.9061110 2.3193385 8.1339998 0.0033412 107296702 CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 1B
-1.8738629 -0.4463379 0.2146320 8.5201283 6.6723982 0.0069515 107284127 adipocyte plasma membrane associated protein
-1.8755848 -1.1162155 -0.2560115 3.0306464 7.0997664 0.0055270 107290575 uncharacterized LOC107290575
-1.8760348 -1.8346367 -1.0178764 5.9779533 4.6430820 0.0228961 107283280 NFU1 iron-sulfur cluster scaffold
-1.8774869 -1.5313757 -0.4413625 3.2934581 7.8384909 0.0038229 107283238 ring finger protein 181
-1.8780652 -2.5868883 0.3254894 0.7365110 2.1778319 0.1446542 107284417 interferon gamma
-1.8787952 -0.9247662 -0.2765895 1.0652225 2.8526163 0.0827497 107302542 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 5
-1.8805274 -0.4907219 -0.0840847 2.2372726 4.8446302 0.0201173 107291506 growth regulation by estrogen in breast cancer-like
-1.8810993 -0.5987855 -0.4669834 2.4350860 4.3042256 0.0286403 107300652 sorting nexin-9-like
-1.8812215 -0.9010546 0.3170726 7.7076322 7.2213706 0.0052236 107290543 superoxide dismutase 1 soluble
-1.8819214 -2.3328231 -1.0291113 2.0150193 3.3140157 0.0579217 107301445 isobutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase mitochondrial-like
-1.8821803 0.1078711 -0.0268223 0.2803237 1.4919406 0.2675442 107284428 nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1
-1.8828919 -2.0931778 -0.1494516 2.5886248 4.9519211 0.0187989 107299903 transmembrane protein 33
-1.8839865 0.5672952 -0.9012764 5.2940574 3.9567133 0.0363463 107288351 formin homology 2 domain containing 3
-1.8884100 0.2145074 1.2462069 3.7706522 4.6690841 0.0225136 107301741 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-1.8900746 -1.5660984 -1.0645342 7.7530624 4.1615221 0.0315496 107294946 death associated protein like 1
-1.8935734 -7.3234282 -0.9224097 5.1620822 15.2613437 0.0002327 107296674 glycine N-acyltransferase-like protein 3
-1.8940993 -1.3243852 -0.2519221 9.2072913 6.2502425 0.0086973 107302309 ribosomal protein S27a
-1.8948062 -1.1740083 -1.0210258 3.1346732 5.7759741 0.0113823 107292976 mediator complex subunit 27
-1.8950732 -0.6446561 -0.1317013 4.3875933 1.7814777 0.2051900 107283833 CMRF35-like molecule 7
-1.9006007 -6.6949280 -1.2542575 3.3770290 34.5719484 0.0000041 107286643 Dab reelin signal transducer homolog 1 (Drosophila)
-1.9011211 -1.5928169 -2.6608452 5.9077107 4.6836427 0.0223027 107288687 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B2
-1.9023364 -1.1150900 0.4698277 12.5483918 6.5712507 0.0072970 107286753 actin gamma 1
-1.9024954 -1.6696460 0.5249187 4.6532414 18.1136635 0.0001030 107286137 WD repeat domain 91
-1.9038314 -8.6222156 -2.7511498 6.0540599 14.6241785 0.0002828 107285807 sodium channel epithelial 1 alpha subunit
-1.9060121 -3.2615292 -0.8695907 2.4778515 4.6812203 0.0223376 107294451 inner centromere protein-like
-1.9060803 -1.1558185 -1.3335173 7.9906957 2.0912219 0.1559230 107300008 cytochrome c-type heme lyase
-1.9107320 0.3575585 -0.0939548 2.9497908 3.1807820 0.0640784 107289162 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex assembly factor 6
-1.9118524 0.8808466 2.3479369 3.8159034 6.3397976 0.0083224 107294447 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-1.9120812 -1.9039917 -0.2885005 4.7649211 8.5779067 0.0027197 107283007 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial
-1.9127893 0.1549874 -1.2421124 0.0635037 1.0719601 0.3982749 107296289 integrin alpha-D-like
-1.9129712 -1.2693226 0.7147813 7.1322875 10.2594185 0.0013226 107285601 ETS proto-oncogene 2 transcription factor
-1.9135486 -0.9311576 0.0148727 4.0104244 11.0830985 0.0009483 107283964 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member A3
-1.9142213 -1.9895938 -0.0573801 6.5303152 9.3783441 0.0019087 107290180 glyceronephosphate O-acyltransferase
-1.9148066 -0.5232892 -1.9686153 5.4223158 6.8791719 0.0062321 107287120 cytochrome P450 4F22
-1.9149047 -1.9559195 0.0579611 0.9410603 3.8106045 0.0402880 107297981 N-acetylglucosamine kinase
-1.9162628 -0.3965805 1.9772444 6.7464364 35.6838546 0.0000034 107288389 adenosylhomocysteinase
-1.9168654 -0.8537492 -3.1839035 2.8209674 12.6339844 0.0005439 107291305 chloride intracellular channel 4
-1.9176240 -0.0228763 -0.6501812 3.1320548 11.3361776 0.0008606 107303003 histone deacetylase 4
-1.9186498 -3.3813968 -0.3088213 6.2272546 17.6746907 0.0001173 107283834 RAB3A interacting protein
-1.9187641 -1.4287338 -1.8588509 1.3421263 1.7409708 0.2128452 107302929 SMAD specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
-1.9187925 3.5255899 3.7597241 0.7143246 3.9492751 0.0365359 107291330 cystine/glutamate transporter-like
-1.9202995 -1.0292711 -3.8094039 6.6727218 15.6487081 0.0002073 107290382 pleckstrin homology domain containing A7
-1.9211845 -0.9154860 0.0967964 7.2158525 11.0138886 0.0009742 107286766 mitochondrial carrier 2
-1.9229719 -1.8208543 -2.8213415 -0.0728298 3.7014433 0.0434531 107284088 pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase regulatory subunit
-1.9257011 -1.1724983 -2.8576335 0.5190134 3.6727533 0.0444679 107286419 protein kinase domain containing cytoplasmic
-1.9258184 -0.2394524 -1.7632787 3.7942295 2.2286375 0.1384764 107292669 solute carrier family 15 member 3
-1.9271337 -1.7397696 -0.9081896 3.6509139 7.6521033 0.0041879 107299461 tyrosine-protein kinase RYK
-1.9292494 -4.0338421 0.8178717 3.0770209 30.2671404 0.0000081 107295580 peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma
-1.9299383 -1.4750722 0.0531451 6.3379595 11.7133239 0.0007533 107299933 ATP binding cassette subfamily D member 3
-1.9300051 0.1691488 -2.2364693 4.0824179 11.9662569 0.0006891 107288724 macrophage stimulating 1
-1.9300789 0.1899003 0.1462322 4.0073332 3.9593522 0.0362794 107295035 complement C2-like
-1.9343405 0.3148339 0.4358355 1.2111274 3.3617656 0.0558836 107288994 spectrin beta non-erythrocytic 2
-1.9356565 -0.9599428 -0.0006934 0.8633113 3.9910019 0.0353918 107296799 stomatin like 2
-1.9378946 -0.8112795 -0.6959123 -0.1885554 0.2799056 0.8388664 107299604 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 38 NatC auxiliary subunit
-1.9391232 -1.8862611 -0.7881052 2.8757496 9.6214787 0.0017063 107303194 RNA binding motif protein 41
-1.9412058 -0.9862398 -1.3872858 7.6381324 3.0826585 0.0690979 107289409 fumarate hydratase
-1.9413246 -1.1426221 -1.3422565 5.9623624 3.6933921 0.0438112 107283266 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A10
-1.9418176 -3.0895593 -3.4129117 -0.6364914 2.7337648 0.0910068 107302226 zinc finger protein 665-like
-1.9420497 0.1066093 -0.2390395 1.6852856 4.6438369 0.0228849 107292515 uncharacterized LOC107292515
-1.9427877 -2.6218673 0.4707935 3.0872629 13.0611930 0.0004697 107295117 fatty acid desaturase 1-like
-1.9439936 0.7115462 -0.0300545 1.2355610 2.3480582 0.1251040 107283958 transmembrane protein 8A
-1.9445262 -1.3407750 -1.1918215 0.1393740 3.8426009 0.0392746 107301094 MOB kinase activator 1B-like
-1.9452157 -0.2255222 -3.3921992 1.6873855 3.9675659 0.0360719 107297271 amine oxidase [flavin-containing] A-like
-1.9460030 -0.8742496 -1.3855922 3.7957174 2.5183211 0.1085111 107296715 ecotropic viral integration site 2A
-1.9472316 -0.7034855 1.5229516 1.1114443 5.0738085 0.0174214 107303276 N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D-like
-1.9480888 -2.0251738 -1.9488076 1.0418631 2.6329930 0.0987558 107284808 zw10 kinetochore protein
-1.9486289 3.6505861 0.9836699 8.9841148 4.7263417 0.0216972 107289228 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C8orf22
-1.9496014 -2.4547095 -1.8500207 5.2104584 2.1397363 0.1494927 107299406 growth arrest and DNA damage inducible alpha
-1.9554255 0.3445904 1.7457238 -0.3200955 2.9711581 0.0753614 107301797 zinc finger protein 501-like
-1.9560657 0.3064906 1.1592062 4.9625670 11.2409129 0.0009012 107287959 N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase-like
-1.9567047 -1.2170188 -2.3308749 1.1843328 3.7254982 0.0428118 107299099 PDX1 C-terminal inhibiting factor 1
-1.9572334 -0.9882137 -0.8189010 3.2374166 1.7577444 0.2096370 107297179 H-2 class II histocompatibility antigen E-S beta chain-like
-1.9591455 -1.4189232 1.2635944 -0.0128050 3.4420859 0.0526394 107298651 zinc finger MYND-type containing 19
-1.9601222 -2.7268316 -3.1105767 0.6373972 7.7041642 0.0040790 107288369 synaptotagmin 6
-1.9634457 -1.4734821 -0.1755150 4.3439768 2.2681543 0.1338787 107285995 ADP ribosylation factor 1
-1.9647406 -1.3690245 -1.5296940 8.7427262 3.7200082 0.0429808 107289971 glutathione S-transferase kappa 1-like
-1.9653405 -0.9352275 -0.5691077 4.1101744 7.2427594 0.0051672 107293446 COMM domain containing 5
-1.9663015 -1.5291049 -0.3574517 2.1339167 5.4651068 0.0136934 107291776 Ras association domain family member 3
-1.9668074 -1.2865620 0.7271274 3.3100565 13.5102122 0.0003999 107291432 solute carrier family 44 member 1
-1.9669006 -1.5608655 -2.6006736 5.1403039 0.5831731 0.6375574 107301038 phospholipid scramblase 1-like
-1.9683598 0.1109963 2.4068507 6.4775081 7.1895689 0.0053088 107286429 solute carrier family 13 (sodium-dependent citrate transporter) member 5
-1.9685092 -0.4149207 4.9627692 -0.5257992 1.6571211 0.2398046 107301734 G-protein-signaling modulator 2-like
-1.9692581 -0.9207783 -0.6423992 4.5525657 12.7849246 0.0005104 107283246 gamma-glutamyl carboxylase
-1.9716504 0.7820540 0.5256906 6.3676381 8.1481829 0.0033190 107299533 ribosome binding protein 1
-1.9726979 -1.0656909 -0.7881476 0.7844794 3.5797567 0.0474527 107299241 zinc finger protein 260-like
-1.9732921 -0.2180657 -1.9181210 8.1893237 6.0422836 0.0098221 107284898 acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase 1
-1.9756485 -1.0258529 1.1569898 7.9435869 7.6062372 0.0043088 107297199 male-enhanced antigen 1
-1.9762646 -1.5314438 1.1264017 4.8667727 10.9468031 0.0010084 107300725 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A2 mitochondrial-like
-1.9770010 0.3806784 0.9535905 5.0013161 30.8207604 0.0000072 107285220 S100 calcium binding protein A13
-1.9776830 -2.1283052 -0.9993334 1.8040493 3.6066943 0.0466476 107287048 cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 4 homolog mitochondrial
-1.9777482 -1.3580451 -0.5495010 0.8965208 2.3448508 0.1254433 107300763 DNA mismatch repair protein Msh3-like
-1.9778256 -2.5088003 -1.2256968 2.1412015 3.3806098 0.0551022 107293175 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 8
-1.9788273 -1.0534267 -0.9954663 -0.2830407 1.1596515 0.3661473 107299468 Cdk5 and Abl enzyme substrate 2
-1.9796877 -1.8947531 -0.2445028 3.8058135 18.9907509 0.0000819 107283686 UTP11 small subunit processome component homolog (S. cerevisiae)
-1.9806686 -1.5256834 -1.4636645 7.2798493 1.2427151 0.3382571 107283097 ethanolamine-phosphate phospho-lyase
-1.9817781 -1.2113629 -1.4166498 0.1421949 1.4620830 0.2750906 107298016 zinc finger protein 839
-1.9821940 -1.2821291 -2.3290960 4.8146723 3.7233277 0.0428786 107283313 macrophage mannose receptor 1-like
-1.9822120 0.4027639 -0.1686045 3.4656927 2.3273300 0.1273155 107295070 sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 11
-1.9844948 3.5395092 2.0935359 4.3105525 13.5555078 0.0003981 107283648 paraoxonase 2
-1.9845794 -0.9273416 -1.1277733 5.9821979 7.1042152 0.0055458 107294857 glucan (14-alpha-) branching enzyme 1
-1.9865815 -0.8720693 -1.6379571 6.7166646 2.5976462 0.1016513 107288818 cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 9
-1.9876701 -0.9525294 -0.9878994 2.3822245 4.0333574 0.0344584 107298659 acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member B-like
-1.9885126 -0.5470341 1.0408548 8.0140038 21.3678490 0.0000462 107290271 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1-like protein
-1.9891363 -0.7157635 -4.7905718 1.3024328 31.5508227 0.0000064 107285567 SRY-box 7
-1.9927264 -1.0304990 -2.6648889 1.2372730 2.0649850 0.1595311 107285007 serrate RNA effector molecule
-1.9930799 -3.2591239 -3.1565371 10.5522952 5.3765299 0.0144790 107284309 malate dehydrogenase 1
-1.9972910 -1.5318065 -1.1258654 2.7001667 5.5534252 0.0129738 107283211 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C15
-1.9983751 0.2299225 -2.5404823 1.8638326 2.8154046 0.0852386 107302958 cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 2
-2.0009217 -3.0651552 -3.2483705 2.1245789 3.3011212 0.0584867 107287178 fms related tyrosine kinase 3
-2.0042899 0.5262934 0.9399799 6.1763396 24.0345031 0.0000260 107285779 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 3
-2.0043290 -3.2342857 0.4920330 0.4194825 7.0938697 0.0055753 107294183 RAB36 member RAS oncogene family
-2.0043446 -0.5812506 -0.4257891 6.7325073 5.7583475 0.0115549 107302495 cell division cycle 14A
-2.0062543 -0.7599069 2.2731810 0.6944735 3.0934997 0.0685216 107297286 translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon-like
-2.0076254 -1.1486261 -0.3529709 2.8272984 4.2156827 0.0304068 107303050 ataxin 7 like 3
-2.0082173 -1.3621149 0.1803966 3.9210782 5.2974518 0.0151877 107295340 ALG1 chitobiosyldiphosphodolichol beta-mannosyltransferase
-2.0101740 -1.8697103 -0.5702573 5.4487201 10.6663500 0.0011247 107285096 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 1 subunit 2
-2.0125956 -0.4331490 -3.4492066 7.1684151 20.7852507 0.0000538 107297273 amine oxidase [flavin-containing] A-like
-2.0128688 -1.1122314 -0.3953091 -0.2491046 1.5602316 0.2511304 107301663 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7
-2.0136853 -5.1143529 -3.0117983 1.5407641 5.0015872 0.0182229 107287243 hepatic lectin-like
-2.0156497 0.1147106 0.5623574 3.7888910 13.4314256 0.0004148 107294506 adiponectin receptor 2
-2.0172904 -2.9143331 -0.9670081 8.2354366 5.9688596 0.0102393 107290492 aldehyde dehydrogenase 6 family member A1
-2.0187214 0.4385548 -2.3563293 -0.2815487 1.6720248 0.2266225 107283944 Ras protein specific guanine nucleotide releasing factor 1
-2.0191616 -0.4616272 -0.6958037 3.2928876 3.5065327 0.0501932 107293526 transmembrane protein 245-like
-2.0194442 0.0122121 -0.7161841 0.9963501 1.2332057 0.3413309 107299225 class I histocompatibility antigen F10 alpha chain-like
-2.0211531 -2.2433655 -0.9331640 3.6685439 1.8134835 0.1993599 107293830 C-X-C chemokine receptor type 6-like
-2.0213054 -1.9868585 -0.7806817 1.7967222 3.1109303 0.0676066 107303132 COMM domain containing 6
-2.0221983 0.2534767 0.3598412 5.0145821 11.7489867 0.0007459 107291998 phosphatidylserine synthase 2-like
-2.0234848 -1.6887927 0.1450151 3.3498584 8.4186090 0.0029258 107288795 mitochondrial fission process 1
-2.0279385 -1.9909063 1.7441405 7.4479455 13.2267585 0.0004442 107288761 alcohol dehydrogenase 1
-2.0292511 -1.5954861 1.9262037 3.6273902 3.1374486 0.0662414 107296252 phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase domain containing 1
-2.0297511 -2.3204726 -0.5661230 3.4271446 14.0361373 0.0003363 107291642 acid phosphatase 7 tartrate resistant (putative)
-2.0304777 -1.0480510 2.9393876 5.4170789 5.9628117 0.0102746 107286164 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5
-2.0308520 -0.4927784 -1.2514134 1.3988143 1.4525749 0.2775428 107284805 suppressor of cytokine signaling 2
-2.0310532 -0.7440761 -0.2285134 5.7151590 4.6553484 0.0227147 107296653 redox-regulatory protein FAM213A-like
-2.0354804 -1.6254229 0.2764896 3.6902261 8.0799547 0.0034277 107297362 cardiolipin synthase 1
-2.0364044 0.3532512 0.0474340 0.1420787 2.5121545 0.1090662 107299413 epithelial chloride channel protein-like
-2.0367497 -0.9263646 1.3642016 5.2608335 8.8937937 0.0023590 107284217 transketolase-like 1
-2.0382870 0.2487452 0.6054394 1.9195150 5.0048392 0.0181859 107286033 mediator complex subunit 12 like
-2.0385008 0.4386420 1.2867517 0.1558545 5.7208709 0.0118093 107289378 CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta
-2.0416014 -1.1602515 -0.7509304 10.1071719 4.0212230 0.0346694 107283913 ribosomal protein L4
-2.0432260 -1.6984075 0.2756331 2.6242053 7.9909546 0.0035759 107297002 F-box protein 42
-2.0434050 -0.7586629 -2.6736449 1.4980122 3.8145766 0.0401745 107282914 collagen-like tail subunit (single strand of homotrimer) of asymmetric acetylcholinesterase
-2.0452788 -1.2152267 -0.7744380 2.0805004 3.0740464 0.0695597 107303079 male-specific lethal 1 homolog (Drosophila)
-2.0468483 -1.2570980 -0.3355076 2.4423620 1.2008209 0.3520272 107293936 protein NKG7-like
-2.0474391 -1.3449255 0.1310373 4.4721081 13.3429480 0.0004257 107283504 adenosine deaminase tRNA-specific 1
-2.0515418 -8.9017068 -3.3950608 4.9022050 15.6305108 0.0002084 107282555 sulfotransferase 1C2-like
-2.0531296 0.2413559 -2.7401189 0.1089100 6.2118212 0.0089062 107303214 forkhead box O4
-2.0554334 -2.1774833 -0.2558536 4.2325581 25.2700435 0.0000200 107286987 cAMP responsive element binding protein-like 2
-2.0564440 -1.2331478 -2.0804846 1.8631947 1.0845323 0.3934912 107294897 kynurenine formamidase-like
-2.0593413 -2.1209979 -1.7388199 2.8597703 1.3109940 0.3170468 107293177 thymocyte nuclear protein 1
-2.0608608 -1.3907025 -0.3646605 4.9478448 3.1882950 0.0637118 107296825 holocarboxylase synthetase
-2.0638270 0.2424811 -1.0339037 1.0169962 1.6973629 0.2214464 107293003 La ribonucleoprotein domain family member 6
-2.0648265 -0.3810291 1.2214998 4.2487632 12.6493846 0.0005410 107282910 2-hydroxyacyl-CoA lyase 1
-2.0679965 1.5474873 -0.1503094 3.7305227 4.8613377 0.0199051 107297122 complement C4-B-like
-2.0698913 -1.5893677 -2.3051145 3.2544682 1.4394719 0.2809617 107289588 cytohesin 1 interacting protein
-2.0704005 -1.5613567 0.6552119 5.0783004 30.6667157 0.0000074 107282205 erlin-1-like
-2.0717289 -0.1901271 -0.8713761 6.1719417 6.3450139 0.0082986 107296638 nectin cell adhesion molecule 3
-2.0724806 -0.1495639 -0.1142179 2.1252755 6.4471020 0.0078482 107297300 NFKB inhibitor beta
-2.0734859 -1.0583980 -1.2758833 2.1614158 0.3857091 0.7653460 107300662 arylsulfatase K-like
-2.0740512 -0.9899933 0.1689230 3.2004412 10.9315301 0.0010057 107292028 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf106
-2.0752931 -3.3974696 1.6029853 5.5981433 12.3593422 0.0005988 107289722 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 14
-2.0771517 0.6696765 1.3353626 7.5582415 32.0135296 0.0000060 107296580 PX domain containing serine/threonine kinase like
-2.0779923 -1.1669272 -0.0386372 1.2519933 3.4806578 0.0511592 107295450 PGAM family member 5 serine/threonine protein phosphatase mitochondrial
-2.0787366 -1.2396109 -1.1991105 1.6896300 2.1390693 0.1495790 107283959 patatin like phospholipase domain containing 2
-2.0801974 -2.9847215 -2.9972100 1.5078193 2.2258731 0.1388047 107284607 lipoma HMGIC fusion partner-like 2
-2.0809161 -1.7383683 -0.5839152 3.5285329 5.5373003 0.0131535 107297253 transmembrane protein 141
-2.0812433 0.5476835 0.8347602 6.7418024 15.2922399 0.0002305 107288857 fatty acid synthase
-2.0813722 -4.8298602 -0.7191619 4.4335736 32.9880396 0.0000052 107297575 USH1 protein network component harmonin
-2.0829328 -1.8720710 -0.7176735 5.8596614 6.0091831 0.0100077 107296609 mannosyl (alpha-13-)-glycoprotein beta-14-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase isozyme B
-2.0831736 -3.8242692 -7.7560958 2.9599610 36.8975429 0.0000029 107292118 corin serine peptidase
-2.0837266 -6.6006292 -13.1801926 11.0237594 39.9471391 0.0000019 107287361 troponin C1 slow skeletal and cardiac type
-2.0839802 3.3865273 0.6462745 9.2720643 12.4255706 0.0005850 107284992 glutamate-ammonia ligase
-2.0851992 -0.6906095 1.1113338 0.8284956 3.1131593 0.0674906 107286862 510-methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase)
-2.0868427 -1.6284447 -1.4161924 5.8762974 3.8718099 0.0385794 107302703 thioredoxin 2
-2.0870117 -0.4199986 -2.0688000 0.9487120 1.4653792 0.2742460 107297512 integrin alpha-X-like
-2.0889110 -0.6946542 1.0160064 2.1019443 4.2633840 0.0294399 107289203 staphylococcal nuclease and tudor domain containing 1
-2.0909878 -1.3232465 -1.1874319 3.4706441 1.9413594 0.1778576 107289685 interleukin-5 receptor subunit alpha-like
-2.0978354 -1.7374058 0.4503495 4.9919539 24.9791762 0.0000212 107294822 makorin ring finger protein 1
-2.0981620 -2.0054033 -1.0910710 0.2783077 2.2879540 0.1316406 107300180 solute carrier family 30 member 9
-2.0983856 -1.0072313 -0.0533521 6.4137277 14.2640475 0.0003130 107291931 HCLS1 binding protein 3
-2.0986096 -0.2265937 -1.0233269 3.0055363 8.2027647 0.0032219 107289582 NUAK family SNF1-like kinase 1
-2.0996260 -0.7616912 0.0589711 1.2115798 6.9526544 0.0059615 107295059 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase 1 like 1
-2.1001205 -1.4183996 -2.1212918 1.8274233 0.2630605 0.8506561 107298572 DNA topoisomerase 2-beta-like
-2.1013867 -1.4071022 -1.5889350 5.1858239 8.5169992 0.0027919 107287472 fasciculation and elongation protein zeta 2
-2.1035748 -1.2027071 -0.7419798 3.8733982 8.8940150 0.0023426 107283751 radical S-adenosyl methionine domain containing 1
-2.1036403 -2.2545526 -1.1842943 4.0688954 12.7658744 0.0005137 107284961 WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
-2.1057800 -1.0523961 -1.2825702 0.1512507 2.3452115 0.1252656 107302451 monoglyceride lipase-like
-2.1065412 -1.4796781 -0.0011688 1.5867844 4.8356613 0.0202323 107297977 lactase like
-2.1067811 -0.4675920 1.2968239 6.1788094 2.0874188 0.1564402 107300994 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1-like protein
-2.1088178 -1.6310154 -0.7356045 2.7270515 8.5072154 0.0027878 107297594 probable 2-ketogluconate reductase
-2.1114521 -2.2340585 -1.7454050 4.0797699 2.9982373 0.0737821 107283808 acyloxyacyl hydrolase
-2.1147106 -1.4136919 -0.5999806 4.8463999 12.1883350 0.0006300 107284168 family with sequence similarity 96 member B
-2.1152248 -1.6799136 -0.9539241 3.4192008 5.4537543 0.0138238 107287514 prefoldin subunit 6
-2.1159843 -1.6131246 -1.8356081 0.7220306 2.0248415 0.1652366 107295967 syntaxin 18
-2.1169157 1.1590850 0.6100681 0.0449645 4.5213880 0.0247896 107302419 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 11
-2.1183908 -1.5869247 -2.3806195 -0.2498071 1.7208586 0.2167647 107295819 syntaxin 2
-2.1189254 -2.9685230 4.3637391 -0.0938517 4.4804703 0.0315503 107299887 leucine-rich repeats and IQ motif containing 4
-2.1190079 -1.8971289 -1.9545103 5.8079081 3.7125014 0.0432132 107287932 protein CEBPZOS-like
-2.1199638 3.4065164 1.6878973 3.3974187 8.8315833 0.0024254 107283222 somatostatin receptor 2
-2.1212625 -4.2133690 -3.9994756 -0.4133493 2.1092178 0.1535017 107301320 fermitin family homolog 2-like
-2.1212714 2.2039782 0.0211876 0.7142735 8.9414520 0.0023096 107287660 serine rich and transmembrane domain containing 1
-2.1237669 -0.2892869 0.1332848 -0.4393624 2.6476439 0.0975834 107302118 uncharacterized LOC107302118
-2.1238176 -2.0425016 -0.1564896 4.5791812 16.1076504 0.0001799 107296862 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 12
-2.1258276 -0.2074531 2.4731869 6.4014874 6.3099646 0.0084601 107289222 myosin IB
-2.1306076 0.8871725 -3.7372541 3.8090113 12.8717429 0.0005010 107284582 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 6
-2.1309623 -3.3390349 0.1063000 6.2378041 11.7226851 0.0007531 107284253 regucalcin
-2.1313509 -1.4171721 -2.6798336 1.3128274 3.9073434 0.0376260 107291492 G protein-coupled bile acid receptor 1
-2.1324619 -1.3971867 1.1369211 4.1446944 1.0950386 0.3895400 107300271 glutamate dehydrogenase 1 mitochondrial
-2.1331541 -0.6508856 -1.1230248 4.7239027 2.3736929 0.1224294 107302789 ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 2 (rho family small GTP binding protein Rac2)
-2.1332174 -4.1341060 -0.2316175 2.4872689 11.6744790 0.0007666 107286472 flavin-containing monooxygenase FMO GS-OX-like 2
-2.1359098 -2.4521069 -0.2143041 4.8469904 6.7907383 0.0065286 107292858 pantothenate kinase 3
-2.1404995 -2.0910936 -0.7158958 2.5878641 8.2984877 0.0030725 107286943 gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase 1
-2.1425614 -1.7856861 1.5013270 7.2475801 19.8424705 0.0000674 107296189 cytochrome b5
-2.1436832 -2.1927998 -1.3925257 4.8809329 9.2536752 0.0020142 107302485 family with sequence similarity 92 member A1
-2.1458383 -2.0546267 -1.8860980 5.0996162 5.0478804 0.0177043 107287721 kelch like family member 24
-2.1462360 -1.3560334 -3.1209458 2.2829446 10.8310934 0.0010473 107289297 FYVE RhoGEF and PH domain-containing protein 5-like
-2.1495618 -1.9478431 -0.2958394 5.6796882 6.7100413 0.0068136 107283448 hydroxypyruvate isomerase (putative)
-2.1537511 -1.1157592 -1.9551492 3.0920567 3.7850008 0.0410287 107302440 ER membrane protein complex subunit 1
-2.1539023 0.0199090 -0.2292243 1.5798706 1.6650838 0.2280639 107300892 DENN domain-containing protein 4C-like
-2.1540292 -1.9623184 -1.2470088 5.3137590 2.3311456 0.1269051 107289252 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C8orf4
-2.1553617 -0.1006669 -0.4852513 2.6294780 2.6931955 0.0940393 107293374 phospholipase A2 inhibitor subunit gamma B-like
-2.1569887 -1.6627170 -1.8715735 4.1334690 4.5708668 0.0239986 107289810 cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 4
-2.1571897 4.5800488 3.8508197 6.3047979 22.7007743 0.0000349 107299790 phospholipase A2 inhibitor
-2.1582448 -0.4461854 -0.0758371 0.7506405 6.3077918 0.0084247 107286275 peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha
-2.1582776 -0.8507163 -2.6749301 3.3085746 2.2938309 0.1309846 107299643 dedicator of cytokinesis 10
-2.1595089 1.4018818 1.3377667 6.0471193 16.3118345 0.0001710 107289838 nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group H member 3
-2.1629603 -1.5342303 2.2655070 1.8207556 5.7594847 0.0115473 107288161 AF4/FMR2 family member 3-like
-2.1651641 -0.1485873 1.0153856 1.6688407 5.1005203 0.0171354 107298912 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase family member 2-like
-2.1671575 -4.2213949 0.9588473 0.3669797 6.3135719 0.0084433 107284921 visinin like 1
-2.1671905 -1.8585878 -1.0815410 4.9067239 7.7586112 0.0039993 107296216 leucine carboxyl methyltransferase 1
-2.1673867 3.1411303 2.5183480 2.3053948 6.5086444 0.0075905 107288543 glutathione S-transferase 3-like
-2.1742829 -0.8078418 -2.6290411 1.1118890 2.9895188 0.0742864 107285040 misshapen-like kinase 1
-2.1749241 -1.9864072 -0.9332483 8.7937424 6.7354315 0.0067008 107291125 ribosomal protein L37
-2.1755196 -1.7574688 0.2082540 0.9775037 6.9251920 0.0060475 107301851 stomatin-like protein 2 mitochondrial
-2.1760468 -2.2646568 0.7019720 4.7421979 4.3763669 0.0272887 107285665 cytochrome P450 2A13-like
-2.1768954 -0.1135640 1.1108156 2.3164741 3.0836084 0.0690472 107298997 proteasome subunit beta type-8-like
-2.1792908 -0.5139275 0.3815260 3.4735411 8.0111443 0.0035416 107289259 protein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit gamma
-2.1816574 -1.6842573 -0.7859257 3.5482102 4.3196437 0.0283450 107302266 cutA divalent cation tolerance homolog (E. coli)
-2.1817268 -2.4779080 -5.8293628 4.2317496 5.4364485 0.0139676 107292799 ubiquitin associated and SH3 domain containing A
-2.1820536 -2.7884123 -1.9900290 3.9179294 3.7331010 0.0425791 107282931 solute carrier family 16 member 2 (thyroid hormone transporter)
-2.1822863 -1.6474639 -1.4346049 4.8663513 4.6004976 0.0235389 107298585 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S35
-2.1861074 -2.4662129 -1.8337707 1.6404515 0.9438377 0.4506348 107287769 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 38
-2.1862631 0.6994617 -0.9277084 0.9154645 2.2822990 0.1322755 107294024 tripartite motif-containing protein 52-like
-2.1864247 -2.2078164 -6.5841044 2.2443813 17.2904079 0.0001301 107289032 gap junction protein alpha 5
-2.1872432 -1.0921766 -3.4750000 0.8886534 3.8234110 0.0399234 107285215 CREB regulated transcription coactivator 2
-2.1880202 -0.7532235 -1.6495944 9.6414517 3.7849813 0.0410293 107301383 ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C3 mitochondrial-like
-2.1910504 -1.9001617 -2.5495829 4.1644512 3.4807949 0.0511540 107285218 protein S100-A16-like
-2.1915027 -1.6037133 -0.8109017 5.1089172 8.9109208 0.0023411 107301928 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase long chain
-2.1956655 -8.4037863 -0.0043099 4.2390224 42.4113621 0.0000014 107289604 doublecortin domain containing 2
-2.1975324 -2.1356073 -1.0363547 1.3752173 5.8579922 0.0108555 107283459 adrenoceptor alpha 2B
-2.1991102 -2.1190547 -6.1282147 7.2664653 4.9829976 0.0184361 107302422 CD8a molecule
-2.2003838 -2.5065569 0.3638814 5.2703384 10.4712010 0.0012150 107285749 transmembrane protein 64
-2.2019707 -1.8826498 -0.2020524 2.1843163 10.8416424 0.0010402 107284183 GINS complex subunit 3 (Psf3 homolog)
-2.2034069 -1.4896168 0.6170703 0.3688281 4.5389033 0.0245062 107295147 cordon-bleu protein-like 1
-2.2056275 -1.0790527 -0.6184189 -0.2674850 0.3948771 0.7590860 107298787 uncharacterized LOC107298787
-2.2101708 -1.3693176 -0.4392303 5.5574944 11.1339209 0.0009386 107298718 B-cell receptor-associated protein 29
-2.2208847 -1.1761985 -1.7264560 3.1996612 5.1343902 0.0167806 107300816 casein kinase II subunit alpha
-2.2214070 -1.8437621 -0.9927902 1.9345248 3.2038550 0.0629600 107294452 glucose-dependent insulinotropic receptor-like
-2.2230909 -0.9205809 -1.5189878 0.1799108 1.1439892 0.3716771 107299971 DLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain-like
-2.2236964 -0.0623221 -2.4296524 -0.1756143 2.2822730 0.1322784 107301614 serine/threonine-protein kinase VRK2-like
-2.2237203 -1.4693378 3.8245980 3.1188211 9.9351139 0.0015099 107301066 proliferation-associated protein 2G4-like
-2.2239932 -0.9212838 -0.8005162 4.3143388 2.1769372 0.1447658 107301643 rano class II histocompatibility antigen A beta chain-like
-2.2256026 -1.6429759 -0.2164088 4.5864694 9.3299089 0.0019489 107295891 prostaglandin E synthase 2
-2.2294807 -2.5361033 -3.1597906 2.1223914 8.5829378 0.0027073 107288626 B-Raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine kinase
-2.2300570 -1.7566986 1.4658513 1.9592709 7.4976481 0.0045465 107289855 uncharacterized LOC107289855
-2.2312502 -0.6615918 -0.8785346 4.6938932 16.7725305 0.0001480 107292721 MIF4G domain containing
-2.2325917 -1.7002643 -2.3425822 6.1002978 3.9236579 0.0371974 107295064 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A8
-2.2355998 -2.4464351 -1.6368604 5.5085085 5.8135259 0.0111919 107291716 amyloid beta precursor like protein 2
-2.2408674 -0.4029800 0.2902709 5.8398117 5.2168858 0.0159517 107302885 complement C2-like
-2.2425860 -1.2846422 -2.1823977 0.2679472 4.0916820 0.0329970 107291441 negative elongation factor complex member A
-2.2429572 -1.1646562 -0.5257928 2.1031783 3.8846181 0.0382325 107296121 cyclin D-type binding-protein 1
-2.2451428 -0.5945667 -3.7561160 4.2668326 20.5863990 0.0000563 107290679 TEK receptor tyrosine kinase
-2.2463481 0.0825518 -0.5549610 3.5319495 26.9651210 0.0000144 107287157 scaffolding protein involved in DNA repair
-2.2470743 -1.7092805 -2.4692273 1.9525854 1.8643882 0.1904672 107289482 CD226 molecule
-2.2482343 -1.6586145 1.4001685 7.3317749 18.6276873 0.0000913 107302698 protein phosphatase Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1L
-2.2509902 -1.7471285 -3.0046033 0.4542251 4.3423087 0.0278899 107287752 kelch like family member 6
-2.2520923 -1.3510818 -3.0620474 0.2625825 1.9501439 0.1764795 107294691 maestro heat like repeat family member 1
-2.2531702 -1.9110243 -1.1616456 1.3639015 3.9689468 0.0360059 107295133 nuclear pore complex protein Nup160-like
-2.2541530 -1.8217591 -3.1706321 3.2269932 2.5941013 0.1019470 107285851 dedicator of cytokinesis 2
-2.2546096 -0.4862749 -0.9008105 3.4723519 4.3268410 0.0282084 107293524 transmembrane protein 245-like
-2.2556126 -1.8181594 -1.2218026 5.6517066 8.5530311 0.0027507 107297483 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 1 subunit 4
-2.2562845 -0.7163232 -0.9210003 7.4606872 5.9416125 0.0103993 107286042 electron transfer flavoprotein dehydrogenase
-2.2583726 -1.5563759 -2.1473796 3.1202241 7.4800327 0.0045775 107290582 sideroflexin 4
-2.2608518 -10.8117168 -1.1213476 7.5846532 76.1875093 0.0000001 107289034 PDZ domain containing 1
-2.2618642 0.7999430 1.6329766 4.1041858 18.3261469 0.0000987 107284038 acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 3
-2.2650107 -0.7513497 0.0805077 1.7256227 10.7706429 0.0010694 107294525 tRNA 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate methyltransferase
-2.2657164 -1.7376397 -0.6767784 9.3028809 8.1264106 0.0033291 107283511 ribosomal protein L13
-2.2664917 -0.4930292 -1.1201534 4.5530912 7.0741750 0.0056321 107283966 enoyl-CoA delta isomerase 1
-2.2669305 0.1316129 -1.0365224 5.4745724 11.3562942 0.0008629 107284660 complement component 1 q subcomponent C chain
-2.2670642 1.3007598 0.8059210 3.3041558 3.4641485 0.0517867 107301009 complement C4-like
-2.2690128 3.1849191 -0.2378867 0.1358102 9.8038830 0.0015939 107296651 leukotriene C4 synthase
-2.2691141 0.9027848 -0.8699914 3.7226354 3.2609594 0.0602877 107294224 integrin subunit alpha 4
-2.2692551 -2.4207133 -0.6520234 5.9404390 6.7583619 0.0066413 107286342 thiopurine S-methyltransferase
-2.2693633 -1.0034605 -0.8882707 6.0880583 2.1267138 0.1511886 107290884 allograft inflammatory factor 1
-2.2696545 -1.3289814 0.2252503 1.8350494 8.0666245 0.0034281 107300699 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 1 subunit 6
-2.2716232 0.8788922 1.2228340 4.0350705 4.5209469 0.0247968 107283791 uncharacterized LOC107283791
-2.2745932 0.0192478 -0.3507043 2.7514415 14.4651314 0.0002934 107285545 tubulin folding cofactor E-like
-2.2750739 0.0792886 -0.8923844 1.2755701 5.9370251 0.0104111 107298022 calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-3-like
-2.2761850 1.9029420 2.9916725 7.0523254 7.2215540 0.0052231 107298860 C4b-binding protein alpha chain-like
-2.2762612 -1.3478052 0.1082345 0.0225404 2.3766455 0.1221256 107296559 protein kinase C alpha type-like
-2.2768731 -0.1080700 -1.2563043 4.3358144 6.3141342 0.0084407 107289339 neuronal cell adhesion molecule
-2.2800114 2.3301773 -0.4916596 1.1610163 8.5133496 0.0028011 107296299 ADAMTS like 3
-2.2810821 -2.8092489 0.7287684 5.6876256 12.5373383 0.0005625 107290491 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 5
-2.2813174 -7.9049770 1.8594346 7.0294083 38.0921970 0.0000024 107291835 solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 11-like
-2.2815862 0.0391456 -0.6322732 0.1337581 2.5252218 0.1078937 107301974 eosinophil peroxidase-like
-2.2824254 0.0057282 0.0127571 3.1111629 14.8748764 0.0002587 107292772 DALR anticodon binding domain containing 3
-2.2844086 -1.7172583 -0.9044555 7.4713997 7.9203647 0.0036987 107282771 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase
-2.2846513 -0.1511233 1.3270314 2.0289079 2.1920151 0.1428986 107289609 catalase-like
-2.2849009 -2.1994605 -0.8562445 9.0895608 8.9745752 0.0022578 107298535 ribosomal protein S11
-2.2849618 -1.5715568 1.2152586 2.3165080 17.0315559 0.0001377 107300623 RING finger and transmembrane domain-containing protein 1-like
-2.2850973 -2.2058776 -0.2731077 4.3241856 15.9845491 0.0001871 107291051 uridine-cytidine kinase 1
-2.2864668 0.4201283 0.4729231 0.2386419 4.2393557 0.0299224 107300944 uncharacterized LOC107300944
-2.2874192 -0.7811671 -0.9527926 3.2444871 11.6631314 0.0007618 107302936 coenzyme Q4
-2.2895539 -2.2507752 0.1534634 4.1947004 7.6251055 0.0042690 107292324 sortilin-related receptor L(DLR class) A repeats containing
-2.2896489 -0.2902693 -1.2340086 3.2552854 3.4823811 0.0510942 107284659 complement component 1 q subcomponent B chain
-2.2902018 -1.6894168 0.1902831 6.1982414 15.2074442 0.0002365 107289465 choline phosphotransferase 1
-2.2913269 -1.8354716 -0.2043360 5.1596004 11.6606380 0.0007705 107284934 succinyl-CoA:glutarate-CoA transferase
-2.2938255 0.1037225 -1.5790572 3.1415013 2.1095691 0.1534549 107288269 FYN binding protein
-2.2940636 -2.5389744 0.8870259 3.5431188 8.9462306 0.0023047 107297459 interleukin-36 receptor antagonist protein-like
-2.2943936 0.0041446 -0.9862559 1.9915943 7.5438086 0.0044304 107284045 neuron navigator 3
-2.2950944 -0.8743139 0.0540464 7.9657061 7.3051336 0.0050066 107284324 short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 16C member 5
-2.2964808 -1.5322691 -0.9994660 1.7309170 1.6117977 0.2394769 107288209 interleukin 18 receptor accessory protein
-2.2984429 -1.7542828 -2.2543573 0.1683740 2.4345782 0.1163350 107297172 lipase maturation factor 2
-2.2991932 -2.3719815 -0.8905822 6.0209697 11.5155489 0.0008130 107287287 iron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme
-2.3059246 -2.6255140 -0.4473960 2.0449558 7.5664973 0.0043941 107288528 cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase
-2.3064076 -1.7963712 -1.3979428 1.0382604 0.3067055 0.8201047 107298310 zinc finger E-box-binding homeobox 1-like
-2.3076282 -0.1443485 -0.1101222 0.2821958 3.1082597 0.0677458 107302353 uncharacterized LOC107302353
-2.3080221 -3.5653310 -3.7712422 0.2410241 4.0894773 0.0331480 107293461 estrogen related receptor gamma
-2.3082538 0.8399914 -0.7188876 1.4686833 5.2773057 0.0153747 107289799 furin paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme
-2.3086351 -1.2377153 0.4377823 5.2049937 11.8021524 0.0007315 107295197 platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase IB subunit alpha
-2.3093278 -0.3593045 -1.4767181 3.6396274 4.1329017 0.0321736 107291001 signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 interleukin-4 induced
-2.3108887 -2.4927301 -0.4067385 11.0197013 10.0333510 0.0014371 107286232 peptidylprolyl isomerase A
-2.3130108 0.0217728 -0.9682170 3.1597271 8.0875463 0.0034154 107294032 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM39-like
-2.3130325 -2.4429734 1.4939565 1.5518806 9.8379404 0.0015719 107297254 uncharacterized LOC107297254
-2.3148614 -2.0067479 -1.3642897 6.5327943 10.8429395 0.0010442 107297845 TatD DNase domain containing 2
-2.3152119 -1.8798490 -0.2344466 4.6493509 7.8740067 0.0037821 107285050 profilin 1
-2.3178710 -1.0055530 -1.6282955 5.6207395 8.2340591 0.0031878 107296412 serine/threonine kinase 10
-2.3196485 -0.5498110 -1.1493465 0.4863714 2.4772290 0.1122723 107300430 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DRB1-1 beta chain-like
-2.3196572 -2.3457643 -2.2490937 2.6429838 3.6958933 0.0437324 107284738 mitochondrial transcription termination factor 2
-2.3219912 -1.5924482 -0.6692348 6.1525647 9.0381541 0.0022130 107297897 N-myc and STAT interactor
-2.3245985 -1.7612013 -1.6643916 4.1216555 10.2753691 0.0013036 107295908 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 15
-2.3256352 -10.4943276 -3.4332521 4.2262175 45.2999559 0.0000010 107301098 avidin-related protein 1-like
-2.3266521 -1.8876846 -1.8768765 5.9061908 2.2747434 0.1331291 107295236 Fc fragment of IgE receptor II
-2.3270572 -1.4411793 4.5295475 2.2553033 14.6440490 0.0002810 107302701 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 14
-2.3289276 -0.7613867 -0.7693494 0.0069634 2.1912356 0.1429944 107302945 frizzled class receptor 4
-2.3308695 -1.7907037 1.0298134 3.0340595 20.3116507 0.0000592 107299621 ribosomal protein S28
-2.3312708 0.6589185 -0.6216558 2.2714598 1.3075567 0.3180794 107296224 suppressor of cytokine signaling 3-like
-2.3360783 0.6505572 -3.0253965 3.3427330 13.5939939 0.0003931 107303164 anthrax toxin receptor 2
-2.3381175 -1.6483709 -2.5495959 3.1672736 1.4902270 0.2679710 107294263 dedicator of cytokinesis protein 10-like
-2.3383284 2.6437542 3.8780297 4.0485092 31.4213958 0.0000067 107296136 solute carrier family 17 member 9
-2.3421738 -0.6693591 0.5019992 3.9309959 10.8968849 0.0010281 107283906 family with sequence similarity 96 member A
-2.3429010 0.3094402 3.9007799 5.5468704 19.3463194 0.0000761 107288801 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 11-like
-2.3430409 -1.6391998 -4.0282332 3.9126962 25.9190919 0.0000179 107291140 endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule-like
-2.3435518 -1.4844219 1.0367627 2.3843603 3.8323848 0.0396701 107294753 G-protein coupled receptor 98-like
-2.3446064 -2.2610974 1.3123001 3.4666436 6.0774379 0.0096294 107283516 sulfotransferase family cytosolic 2B member 1-like
-2.3460803 -1.2676109 -1.8131772 4.7902300 7.1533722 0.0054079 107285396 lysosomal protein transmembrane 4 beta
-2.3511398 -2.1062697 0.0288517 5.5601407 8.6276133 0.0026589 107296452 methyltransferase-like protein 17 mitochondrial
-2.3512713 0.4895487 2.0311326 6.6340558 24.0556776 0.0000261 107297467 surfeit 4
-2.3519303 -2.1712638 0.3446247 3.5533524 5.9601624 0.0102901 107293679 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S11
-2.3520284 -2.0749588 -0.3526466 3.7064362 19.5025672 0.0000721 107283916 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 5
-2.3561298 -3.7689923 0.9539986 0.1138676 5.4268973 0.0140477 107288498 coiled-coil domain containing 152
-2.3570837 -1.5390783 0.1428941 8.5011014 7.3324543 0.0049381 107287714 ribosomal protein S2
-2.3589422 -5.0174545 -3.4610417 3.4900747 12.0141311 0.0006773 107285937 Rho GTPase activating protein 15
-2.3608924 0.5822159 -1.0557555 -0.3842150 2.0144851 0.1667458 107299966 dysferlin-like
-2.3642912 -0.0888707 -0.3496048 0.6532430 5.5842388 0.0127609 107293694 ras-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor RalGPS1-like
-2.3655056 -1.1780169 -1.2141897 2.5846247 4.0455313 0.0341691 107291290 translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 40
-2.3655436 -1.6374485 -0.1951549 5.3647905 6.5105180 0.0075828 107299079 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase type 2
-2.3657640 -1.1871139 -1.1170590 1.8805689 4.7307049 0.0216365 107293513 N-terminal Xaa-Pro-Lys N-methyltransferase 1
-2.3713340 -1.2472274 0.9410343 -0.1344301 5.7179863 0.0117732 107293447 family with sequence similarity 199 X-linked
-2.3729187 -0.6057302 -2.7904216 0.9418672 2.4304393 0.1167381 107293578 DENN domain containing 1C
-2.3733150 -0.7769901 1.0354308 6.0144137 13.0993779 0.0004637 107299997 hexosaminidase subunit alpha
-2.3768242 -1.4334527 1.4410614 -0.0382099 1.7096743 0.2189793 107300961 translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon-like
-2.3769404 -1.8512045 -0.6129715 1.6902430 6.7731126 0.0065544 107299746 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L9
-2.3802878 -3.1646356 0.3425778 7.2259549 12.6602214 0.0005389 107295542 cathepsin Z-like
-2.3839854 2.1242053 0.3414011 0.2501683 3.8661244 0.0387345 107284003 deoxyribonuclease-1-like 2
-2.3870244 -1.0035311 -2.3562724 0.3995330 2.5736325 0.1036740 107287778 sulfite oxidase
-2.3904186 -2.3917746 -1.0710243 4.4490925 14.2011027 0.0003218 107283729 MYST/Esa1-associated factor 6
-2.3906981 -2.3477548 0.6219607 3.3132820 21.3857808 0.0000461 107303187 family with sequence similarity 175 member A
-2.3924058 -1.1256688 -0.9502835 0.0718446 2.1448891 0.1488276 107296743 zinc finger protein 467
-2.3928719 -2.6448208 0.5107931 5.6216181 14.2461594 0.0003184 107297767 placenta specific 9
-2.3932388 -2.0556810 -1.4051384 5.4194407 4.5347388 0.0245732 107288223 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1 beta polypeptide
-2.4009397 -1.8064528 5.6224869 5.5391127 12.2779186 0.0006163 107290074 solute carrier family 15 member 2
-2.4017720 -0.7402053 0.1317065 4.4290850 24.7946482 0.0000220 107291206 uncharacterized LOC107291206
-2.4068995 -4.8189963 -4.4455727 1.3032853 2.3875417 0.1210118 107293441 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 4
-2.4069707 -1.7807981 -0.7928048 3.5115586 8.4831099 0.0028402 107294421 frataxin
-2.4089906 0.2884023 2.8247712 7.3195173 28.7433456 0.0000106 107292005 3-beta-hydroxysteroid-Delta(8)Delta(7)-isomerase-like
-2.4093162 -2.0179076 2.0158375 2.9370266 22.0176321 0.0000405 107292672 bile acid-CoA:amino acid N-acyltransferase-like
-2.4122093 -1.1619811 -2.1190439 3.8662345 21.4535132 0.0000453 107298556 phosphatase and actin regulator 2
-2.4123706 -1.1854097 -1.3479597 1.5657140 7.0408079 0.0056948 107291581 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 8 homolog A (yeast)
-2.4141168 -2.6517921 -3.8150019 0.5041742 0.7389983 0.5492381 107294226 zinc finger MYND domain-containing protein 11-like
-2.4147389 -1.0283355 0.3042435 7.0017845 5.7091162 0.0118904 107292169 sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase 1
-2.4208668 -0.2106406 1.1401514 0.7032415 3.7335414 0.0425656 107285078 hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 gamma
-2.4216101 -0.8505707 1.6183620 4.8028830 7.1706354 0.0053604 107289627 FERM domain containing 1
-2.4224819 -1.0629857 -0.5074191 4.4388476 5.6824932 0.0120765 107286161 nicotinamide riboside kinase 1
-2.4255870 -6.9431668 -1.6360501 1.7307965 17.2591255 0.0001312 107296942 aspartoacylase
-2.4256206 -8.5048245 -2.2136755 0.3291497 21.1549762 0.0001353 107290909 Rh family B glycoprotein
-2.4308168 -0.4951184 -1.8880255 0.5608583 1.9441291 0.1774218 107303333 myeloid differentiation primary response 88
-2.4318507 -1.0896702 -0.1017054 -0.3186966 2.5717115 0.1038378 107297560 male-specific lethal 1 homolog
-2.4344680 -1.8928689 -1.6777321 0.8320096 2.3970518 0.1200491 107303281 sestrin-3-like
-2.4345638 -1.0950539 -2.3011063 2.8612652 2.3032710 0.1299386 107301577 TNFAIP3-interacting protein 1-like
-2.4346315 -2.3720675 -0.3818113 5.2691924 7.2240987 0.0052164 107288109 galactosidase beta 1 like
-2.4351365 -2.3469831 0.6227414 2.9401519 9.9135486 0.0015234 107302441 aldo-keto reductase family 7 member A2
-2.4365946 -1.0709772 -3.3018356 2.6647544 2.3427276 0.1256685 107300702 pleckstrin homology domain-containing family A member 7-like
-2.4429296 -1.4638084 -2.1372229 2.1424937 3.0775698 0.0693704 107285596 SAM domain SH3 domain and nuclear localization signals 1
-2.4432650 -0.7483456 -3.1589661 4.6796323 29.6683131 0.0000088 107287860 endothelial PAS domain protein 1
-2.4446348 -2.6535897 -0.0525798 4.3295153 5.6122042 0.0125845 107294358 catechol-O-methyltransferase
-2.4488067 -4.0821676 -1.6908186 2.7136199 5.0605307 0.0175656 107298279 paralemmin 3
-2.4488860 0.3521391 0.7739299 1.8909613 5.8756713 0.0107989 107301760 cytoplasmic aconitate hydratase-like
-2.4502754 1.0218906 0.5559559 2.5273298 11.7261686 0.0007521 107291459 ZMYM6 neighbor
-2.4520729 -1.7870515 -0.6510609 4.6925359 10.1377890 0.0013895 107283711 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 8 opposite strand
-2.4549024 -0.3952653 -7.7511612 4.5951484 10.4301117 0.0012350 107294371 solute carrier family 22 member 20
-2.4561132 -1.0806711 0.7795957 7.7740890 15.5231913 0.0002151 107297292 ras homolog family member C
-2.4566527 -2.2220595 -1.6478913 4.3207695 5.7067030 0.0119071 107291869 CXXC finger protein 5
-2.4599803 -3.0393666 4.5758082 3.9208182 14.6114108 0.0002839 107290258 leucine rich repeat containing 31
-2.4608868 -1.7440080 -0.5026541 4.9693010 10.4019247 0.0012490 107293194 ATR interacting protein
-2.4624501 -2.0795143 -0.8517046 2.9691048 6.6613717 0.0069925 107287044 protein phosphatase methylesterase 1
-2.4626419 -0.8305698 -0.5350855 8.8972831 10.3720282 0.0012524 107290749 proline rich nuclear receptor coactivator 2
-2.4640956 0.7321618 0.5591105 3.7708032 8.7135763 0.0025574 107300490 complement C4-like
-2.4644742 -4.0147734 3.8410817 4.9482276 27.1949702 0.0000141 107291933 3-beta-hydroxysteroid-Delta(8)Delta(7)-isomerase-like
-2.4652952 -1.9438390 -1.1087753 0.3859522 2.4353354 0.1162614 107300828 mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation protein 1-like
-2.4689297 -2.0709043 -1.7613186 -0.8754731 0.4239381 0.7394173 107294449 Krueppel-like factor 6
-2.4714869 -1.2793059 -0.9899821 3.7434409 7.7908242 0.0039372 107287434 serine carboxypeptidase 1
-2.4725067 -5.3359369 -2.8215100 6.1509188 5.1162511 0.0169696 107285254 mucolipin 2
-2.4731008 -2.1375668 -1.3892713 5.0275328 1.8526368 0.1924797 107294161 cathepsin C
-2.4796751 -0.6775553 -3.0428753 0.4070707 5.1237298 0.0168914 107298516 regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 2
-2.4811095 -1.5237584 -1.0094171 3.5814808 13.0170194 0.0004713 107292726 sorting nexin 24
-2.4814507 -0.7967047 0.9383044 4.6192613 2.8429958 0.0833851 107298155 uncharacterized LOC107298155
-2.4823341 0.1474434 -0.3561456 3.1996912 4.6124211 0.0233568 107294964 transmembrane 4 L six family member 19
-2.4828139 -1.9249316 -2.5951152 3.0536563 3.5566544 0.0483814 107285512 inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase D
-2.4917930 -0.8303006 0.1655928 3.8294313 32.3828456 0.0000056 107300842 putative tRNA pseudouridine synthase Pus10
-2.4958613 -1.4000035 -2.9241188 8.8456432 4.5344381 0.0245781 107282173 paralemmin
-2.4972837 -3.7785509 -4.2897520 3.6842331 3.3048801 0.0583213 107282513 linker for activation of T-cells
-2.4980870 -4.2864350 -1.1037133 6.4365759 12.5036920 0.0005692 107299104 SH3 domain binding glutamate rich protein like
-2.4984942 -0.4547068 -0.6300828 1.3910000 3.8678286 0.0386879 107296391 advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor-like
-2.4988270 -0.1146943 0.3278006 3.1753236 15.4786642 0.0002180 107293443 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 3
-2.5037871 -2.2716132 -1.1122830 -0.0916527 4.3111978 0.0284129 107293388 family with sequence similarity 219 member B
-2.5045840 -0.4913701 1.6062227 4.1121253 28.5142860 0.0000110 107299866 BCL2 like 15
-2.5062537 2.9698488 4.0443577 10.3496726 23.3888333 0.0000301 107299289 SLIT and NTRK-like protein 6
-2.5082782 -1.2428350 -1.0570841 3.5538457 8.3027071 0.0030872 107293547 abhydrolase domain containing 3
-2.5090058 -2.2025998 -0.7813922 4.0368981 8.6559775 0.0026249 107295010 DEP domain containing MTOR-interacting protein
-2.5090615 -1.1541182 0.5589019 2.6573295 10.7570101 0.0010855 107298703 ribosomal protein S6 kinase B1
-2.5094521 -2.3800949 -3.1036158 5.6544811 5.0531474 0.0176464 107292832 coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 10
-2.5140827 -0.5587929 -0.9112984 3.1441075 6.8276086 0.0064030 107293426 atlastin GTPase 1
-2.5177260 -1.4189044 -0.2531556 0.1192124 3.0477315 0.0709930 107291966 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 50 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
-2.5209989 -1.8274743 -0.3036577 5.4211797 26.2214271 0.0000166 107289973 glutathione S-transferase kappa 1-like
-2.5210928 3.3654587 2.3316941 0.7120777 26.5112534 0.0000157 107290926 copine family member 9
-2.5213822 0.4925018 -4.2463571 0.6884558 10.8594298 0.0010431 107282875 midnolin
-2.5214207 -1.2820998 -2.2160517 3.1446892 5.2367410 0.0157593 107295676 fibroblast growth factor receptor 4
-2.5251775 6.3545973 4.9051144 6.1838498 10.9186692 0.0010194 107295232 resistin
-2.5252090 -1.9668437 -0.1376697 0.9764984 2.4840097 0.1116415 107299108 uncharacterized protein CXorf21 homolog
-2.5288410 3.6027688 1.6952066 -0.1891132 4.6849911 0.0222833 107290205 serpin A12-like
-2.5289808 -1.0802031 -1.4484201 10.1183704 7.3583311 0.0048429 107289312 cathepsin B
-2.5297828 -0.9556178 -0.2513233 6.7679713 5.3063192 0.0151063 107282764 oxysterol binding protein like 3
-2.5346834 -2.2524393 -1.8924868 -0.3850805 2.4001571 0.1196897 107291645 leucine-rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 1-like protein
-2.5359348 -1.3876406 2.4712599 6.4142851 29.9765098 0.0000086 107294417 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase
-2.5377758 -12.4394484 2.2401168 6.2038910 49.4937307 0.0000032 107301247 glycine N-acyltransferase-like protein 3
-2.5437436 -0.7353073 -0.9833694 2.1579488 6.7467381 0.0066822 107302051 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 1-like
-2.5459778 -1.7170347 -1.5211186 1.4272697 3.2908388 0.0589418 107284105 leucine rich repeat containing 58
-2.5462363 -2.1435919 -0.8564643 3.6904096 5.1264627 0.0168629 107293963 prickle planar cell polarity protein 4
-2.5514820 -1.1636634 -1.9204429 1.5841307 2.8423375 0.0834288 107302356 meiosis specific with coiled-coil domain
-2.5521619 -2.7827491 0.9258590 0.0574514 8.2306543 0.0031724 107301349 mitochondrial-processing peptidase subunit alpha-like
-2.5530220 -1.2811674 -1.2266644 5.8385337 9.2382958 0.0020277 107302783 arylsulfatase family member K
-2.5547897 -2.7122766 -1.9095319 0.4142540 5.6228615 0.0124476 107285107 inositol polyphosphate multikinase
-2.5582922 -2.2281040 -3.6830400 2.5638978 3.8635679 0.0388045 107285398 dedicator of cytokinesis protein 2-like
-2.5597600 -1.7471608 -0.2603054 4.9172747 11.5026023 0.0008169 107283722 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S15
-2.5598319 -1.9547075 -1.6201976 6.4524733 4.7401571 0.0215055 107283271 polymerase (DNA) beta
-2.5602153 -2.9919802 -0.6297909 -0.6600441 2.4803244 0.1119838 107293768 RING finger and SPRY domain-containing protein 1-like
-2.5605435 0.3930171 -2.0239436 0.4921624 4.1009712 0.0328868 107284704 frizzled class receptor 9
-2.5630820 -1.1608229 -0.8949325 0.4282270 6.2832660 0.0085396 107292773 DALR anticodon-binding domain-containing protein 3-like
-2.5663185 -2.2901237 -0.8907387 4.6523041 17.9086789 0.0001087 107302537 aminolevulinate dehydratase
-2.5665805 -2.6855569 -1.1749635 2.4713476 6.1360043 0.0093180 107293902 Kruppel-like factor 15
-2.5717971 -1.7933558 -0.0700486 9.0412005 5.9484002 0.0103592 107302669 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 1
-2.5729648 1.8849126 0.6489142 3.7744205 41.4131531 0.0000015 107297968 S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-2.5774035 -2.4167232 1.7587235 4.6277162 17.2232689 0.0001325 107289854 solute carrier family 25 member 15
-2.5779128 -2.9239244 -0.3476985 3.9013574 6.7425471 0.0066971 107299934 ester hydrolase C11orf54 homolog
-2.5785155 -3.4433457 -1.2547418 3.0771436 12.5737214 0.0005554 107303305 limb development membrane protein 1
-2.5811345 -0.6609661 1.1542539 4.0042097 27.5030872 0.0000132 107292705 arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2-like
-2.5812292 -2.0737863 -0.5177791 6.1256810 26.1303758 0.0000169 107289266 reticulocalbin 2
-2.5834929 -1.6937126 -13.9152125 10.1764175 68.9516509 0.0000001 107287797 troponin T2 cardiac type
-2.5863105 -0.9159198 0.5215429 -0.4679504 1.9131768 0.1823618 107293477 mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member H-like
-2.5887296 -1.4798099 -1.1121075 1.5306506 4.6562092 0.0227020 107298392 Era-like 12S mitochondrial rRNA chaperone 1
-2.5902220 -6.2442919 -5.4855508 1.9648218 3.5656564 0.0480641 107282594 src kinase associated phosphoprotein 1
-2.5928345 -1.9035774 -2.4642890 7.2666602 6.6126158 0.0071772 107296590 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial F1 complex gamma polypeptide 1
-2.5929077 -2.8943366 -1.3145835 9.6412217 8.0472127 0.0034765 107299847 5’-aminolevulinate synthase 1
-2.5944697 -2.5077398 -0.6586402 2.8539909 13.4181242 0.0004124 107302533 transmembrane protein 203
-2.5954591 -2.3810253 -3.1488030 0.0069356 5.8832178 0.0106992 107293370 DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 3 alpha
-2.6028550 -1.5260286 0.2560829 8.8369973 15.4642664 0.0002160 107283044 sterol carrier protein 2
-2.6085476 -2.2549271 0.1701178 2.6182058 9.7413885 0.0016365 107291734 brain protein I3
-2.6087649 -1.8760222 1.4208474 3.1915637 9.8081746 0.0015915 107297359 fermitin family member 1
-2.6090916 0.9182712 0.6860227 2.8516068 13.7890549 0.0003688 107301360 uncharacterized LOC107301360
-2.6095574 -1.6937029 -1.8103878 1.5274503 4.6203129 0.0232372 107294812 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 46
-2.6107949 1.9965726 -1.2147900 2.6863408 6.6855201 0.0069031 107292629 hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 7
-2.6119918 -2.1316791 -1.7631009 1.8199823 3.4218534 0.0534356 107287831 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 6 like
-2.6126402 -1.4858370 0.4351076 4.4816491 11.4390664 0.0008365 107292430 solute carrier family 3 member 2
-2.6133143 -0.8141041 2.8905046 2.3458332 5.5462133 0.0130843 107303260 N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D-like
-2.6143388 -0.8386055 -0.1341281 2.2151797 2.8899780 0.0803346 107300463 complement C2-like
-2.6144456 1.9116616 0.8590220 6.7833184 19.1169000 0.0000806 107292371 metallothionein-2-like
-2.6166428 -0.5559678 -0.4065649 4.2382234 8.2940629 0.0030997 107293112 transmembrane protein 57
-2.6235200 -0.2999136 -0.2035151 5.1963273 20.6022546 0.0000561 107285827 LDL receptor related protein 5
-2.6237216 -2.3175553 1.4885348 6.1479742 36.2916023 0.0000031 107285109 3’-phosphoadenosine 5’-phosphosulfate synthase 2
-2.6255337 1.4244767 2.5833445 2.7283514 9.5969537 0.0017390 107295830 glucagon receptor
-2.6262026 -1.7810964 -2.0675955 5.4276832 5.9557198 0.0103161 107295465 glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase family member 7
-2.6294961 -4.9035192 0.3367965 1.4917499 7.8408148 0.0038431 107300364 peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma-like
-2.6299330 -1.4183469 -1.1065209 3.8133475 2.9939278 0.0740309 107298836 H-2 class II histocompatibility antigen E-S beta chain-like
-2.6305414 3.8741904 1.8321769 1.8911234 12.4836331 0.0005732 107295135 RAB15 member RAS oncogene family
-2.6314781 -1.6920979 -1.1243443 2.5819254 2.3916366 0.1205962 107285973 HECT C2 and WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
-2.6317410 -2.5862368 1.1758846 4.4073553 24.1282143 0.0000257 107297505 dimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 5-like
-2.6350868 -1.3358290 -1.3406878 3.7068317 8.6860772 0.0025894 107286915 C-type lectin domain family 5 member A-like
-2.6405282 -0.7401579 -2.8938478 3.4364139 12.5083812 0.0005682 107295913 ras-related protein Rab-6B
-2.6420481 -2.2658882 -0.1940611 6.3377054 9.3698987 0.0019157 107285777 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 6
-2.6425196 2.0193880 -0.4734152 2.6112033 14.6324144 0.0002820 107283627 plexin domain containing 2
-2.6448582 -5.7805772 -1.4825395 -0.4446476 9.2365343 0.0020292 107289656 sorting nexin 22
-2.6452451 -1.1248652 -0.6349677 6.1318865 22.5910298 0.0000351 107287404 glycoprotein integral membrane 1
-2.6491151 -1.6941518 -0.7673522 8.0565732 17.8797859 0.0001094 107288323 carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase 1 liver isoform-like
-2.6549607 -1.9133301 -0.7992260 1.5422878 7.1341659 0.0054315 107301224 N-alpha-acetyltransferase 38 NatC auxiliary subunit-like
-2.6590933 -2.0510730 -1.7619249 0.8508197 3.5272142 0.0494362 107297903 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C20orf27
-2.6610069 1.6771405 -0.1172751 5.3930886 10.8856836 0.0010325 107302738 monocyte to macrophage differentiation-associated
-2.6616690 -1.8910924 -3.3752072 5.3559221 5.5436922 0.0131038 107291980 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7A2 mitochondrial
-2.6651275 0.0251897 0.1660744 3.1543343 14.0482824 0.0003392 107284120 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L3
-2.6672992 -3.6863999 0.1457874 5.2587248 35.5072259 0.0000035 107299441 transmembrane 7 superfamily member 3
-2.6682886 -0.7598611 -1.2886098 6.2042420 1.3384524 0.3089285 107301213 cathepsin B-like
-2.6693833 -1.2513543 -1.0492420 5.1483226 2.3511043 0.1247827 107289839 Spi-1 proto-oncogene
-2.6709439 -1.9143973 -0.2841749 1.1979732 4.3052741 0.0286201 107301167 MKRN2 opposite strand protein-like
-2.6715296 -1.4654188 -2.4018442 -0.0245944 1.2170884 0.3466099 107300549 protein kinase C-binding protein 1-like
-2.6738287 -2.1740494 -1.4110095 10.2539169 3.1229328 0.0669847 107290981 CD74 molecule
-2.6805256 -2.5855028 0.2884377 2.3181816 21.4042731 0.0000458 107290829 proline synthetase co-transcribed homolog (bacterial)
-2.6812324 -1.8629938 -3.0967540 0.0696245 5.6113283 0.0125325 107289766 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 5
-2.6812860 -1.9271302 -0.5483750 0.4754992 3.9078770 0.0376119 107290991 PIGY upstream reading frame
-2.6819492 1.1559597 1.3737372 2.2495664 16.2824480 0.0001724 107291766 aldehyde oxidase 1
-2.6829571 -0.9945913 -0.1637403 6.0662890 11.3806930 0.0008550 107288414 mitochondrial intermediate peptidase
-2.6838559 -6.5091696 -0.2827078 1.0617502 16.3720206 0.0001681 107298897 serine dehydratase-like
-2.6885211 -3.3699023 -1.7090201 3.0140777 0.6478355 0.5994846 107290401 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase EZH2-like
-2.6889970 -1.4824286 8.2972288 3.1925973 41.6042215 0.0000071 107292645 bile acid-CoA:amino acid N-acyltransferase-like
-2.6962767 0.7566065 0.2442613 0.4260811 5.3987545 0.0142868 107297791 pyruvate carboxylase
-2.6966938 -3.1904459 -2.8349103 5.1389834 1.9411709 0.1778873 107288169 PRELI domain containing 3A
-2.6976837 -0.2015505 0.1259016 6.2077944 29.1679080 0.0000097 107284204 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C19orf66
-2.7006841 0.1318893 -0.7816665 6.7179629 24.0321968 0.0000258 107291021 nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase
-2.7035330 -0.7030815 -0.8522847 8.1411545 11.2433281 0.0009004 107293652 lectin galactoside-binding soluble 8
-2.7112513 -2.8767676 -0.4529314 6.2767168 16.4173892 0.0001659 107298851 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf54
-2.7113453 -2.9294187 6.3110743 1.8222579 12.6418295 0.0010601 107289083 uncharacterized LOC107289083
-2.7134722 -1.8155555 0.9456074 3.0352614 13.2177009 0.0004455 107283286 family with sequence similarity 136 member A
-2.7147798 -1.1841356 -1.6105247 1.4165414 3.1415530 0.0660329 107292912 ceramide synthase 2
-2.7210903 -2.1178098 -0.7873649 0.2297836 0.8641951 0.4866943 107299584 HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-25 alpha chain-like
-2.7257134 -3.3687862 -0.7194931 6.9423222 11.7837379 0.0007364 107295879 choline kinase alpha
-2.7273771 -0.0055295 1.1245197 6.8201880 15.9246502 0.0001912 107296929 aconitase 1
-2.7274121 -2.3915053 -0.5316090 4.7958374 12.0341638 0.0006724 107298820 methyltransferase-like protein 17 mitochondrial
-2.7293706 0.7233735 0.1624745 5.0548853 10.7944943 0.0010697 107282567 ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 10-like
-2.7311539 -1.4432853 -0.2508849 0.5983390 4.7988512 0.0207123 107297116 DR1 associated protein 1
-2.7315726 -1.3004541 1.5214336 7.2598844 24.6837932 0.0000230 107282909 biotinidase
-2.7350002 -1.6190571 -2.8844329 0.6167089 3.3923953 0.0546199 107295648 casein kinase II subunit alpha-like
-2.7350778 -3.2280612 -1.0041061 4.0651925 14.8546385 0.0002633 107298641 nicalin
-2.7373760 -1.2313800 0.9932683 7.1064814 18.4229932 0.0000963 107282819 acyl-CoA binding domain containing 5
-2.7399624 -1.2223988 -0.6988683 3.9565742 15.4032967 0.0002221 107294134 transmembrane 4 L six family member 18
-2.7408252 -3.1881208 -2.2288880 5.1524041 12.5661355 0.0005569 107283045 enoyl-CoA hydratase domain containing 2
-2.7428552 -4.3578246 -3.6880054 1.3862876 5.1264035 0.0168635 107282791 homeobox A3
-2.7431458 -3.2535146 0.2845750 7.1207675 37.1323844 0.0000027 107291088 abhydrolase domain containing 14B
-2.7440952 -1.3586011 -4.4905585 0.4714475 2.4708102 0.1128732 107287705 thymocyte selection associated
-2.7443858 -1.0755237 -2.6522406 4.4952400 7.3051914 0.0050064 107294150 fms related tyrosine kinase 1
-2.7455096 0.6071936 3.2350798 6.4308269 10.8976912 0.0010277 107288096 guanine deaminase
-2.7455153 -1.8326107 -1.6204079 0.4323270 4.4235949 0.0263542 107296946 family with sequence similarity 210 member B
-2.7486254 -2.4178451 -1.6156739 4.1332658 2.3131201 0.1288574 107289928 carbonic anhydrase XIV
-2.7588973 -2.1611838 -0.0642255 5.4072725 13.2433216 0.0004417 107298696 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 4
-2.7591179 2.8601554 2.0180240 2.5190139 7.9226908 0.0036946 107287990 lecithin retinol acyltransferase (phosphatidylcholine–retinol O-acyltransferase)
-2.7600744 -1.8182920 -0.6764634 3.8063426 7.1602875 0.0053888 107302876 NUF2 NDC80 kinetochore complex component
-2.7613531 -0.8848942 0.3220746 0.1224852 10.3159845 0.0012809 107295289 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 2
-2.7636827 0.8759723 -0.7438578 3.0087723 19.7134004 0.0000695 107301990 bone morphogenetic protein 1-like
-2.7690806 -1.4407487 -1.9596942 6.0922425 0.8720315 0.4830209 107285316 carboxypeptidase Q
-2.7720842 -3.6987883 6.8160776 7.4632799 23.3571386 0.0000303 107283455 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf210
-2.7733252 -1.2680905 -0.7267630 -0.1820599 3.7208852 0.0429199 107295662 proto-oncogene Mas-like
-2.7742731 -0.9280127 -0.2492428 2.7368477 13.0281228 0.0004734 107297615 MALT1 paracaspase
-2.7750603 -1.6786911 -0.5726989 1.7461781 3.3483418 0.0564481 107292476 protein FAM26F-like
-2.7785489 -2.0732410 -1.1196775 2.0330032 7.0992107 0.0055601 107299396 hepatoma-derived growth factor
-2.7795834 -2.4494536 4.0875931 2.9158294 11.9991371 0.0006810 107301697 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase-like
-2.7824364 3.0430649 3.7315814 4.8904659 7.0357883 0.0057447 107299200 pantetheinase-like
-2.7834654 -0.3570161 -0.1643634 3.7242893 26.4957540 0.0000157 107287465 regulator of microtubule dynamics 2
-2.7874841 -6.1397519 -1.6178657 2.7396737 5.3793081 0.0144548 107302727 lysosomal acid lipase/cholesteryl ester hydrolase-like
-2.7956885 1.9421965 0.0558491 5.2999434 13.8770738 0.0003584 107288872 C-factor-like
-2.7972693 -1.6411505 2.0266835 -0.4483412 4.6152341 0.0233141 107301458 uncharacterized LOC107301458
-2.7983585 -1.0436576 1.2608978 6.7931851 12.0093541 0.0006785 107297201 glycine N-methyltransferase
-2.7999972 0.3515461 -1.0202441 4.1026784 5.9790787 0.0101800 107297788 starch binding domain 1
-2.8019602 -1.5594147 0.0317880 6.9604946 10.4574519 0.0012216 107296205 galectin-9B-like
-2.8032361 -0.7938520 0.5793855 7.5518440 16.3446554 0.0001694 107302627 heme oxygenase 1
-2.8075872 -1.5047366 -0.6534059 8.8383090 9.0107491 0.0022399 107285746 24-dienoyl-CoA reductase 1 mitochondrial
-2.8077563 -1.3631706 0.2193773 3.2587337 9.6963356 0.0016677 107302774 toll like receptor 5
-2.8111808 0.2156702 -1.6658413 5.7810346 23.3531683 0.0000303 107288892 cadherin 5
-2.8136351 -0.1477957 1.3672282 0.2357266 9.4103219 0.0018780 107301803 myotubularin related protein 7
-2.8163459 0.4744977 -0.8185270 4.3085376 5.4717056 0.0136765 107284019 cAMP responsive element modulator
-2.8327622 -4.5001709 -0.6461400 5.2070231 28.2467033 0.0000116 107293034 serpin peptidase inhibitor clade I (neuroserpin) member 1
-2.8353132 -2.5518025 0.0475648 0.3828461 8.3196484 0.0030404 107295062 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C9orf69
-2.8401654 -1.7038882 -2.5958475 2.0535044 2.2254045 0.1388604 107283311 macrophage mannose receptor 1-like
-2.8408144 -1.7225216 -0.3206804 2.8006901 21.0904686 0.0000492 107285051 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) beta polypeptide 2
-2.8415951 -1.8545246 -5.0829150 3.6499599 14.8993615 0.0002597 107301569 solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1-like
-2.8508119 2.5632085 2.6996308 5.8784742 9.3661493 0.0019188 107297839 pantetheinase-like
-2.8510777 -2.3355814 -0.4907037 3.6377188 13.1580927 0.0004545 107283977 coronin-7-like
-2.8526274 0.6850175 0.8282535 5.6454901 38.8605464 0.0000022 107283653 solute carrier family 25 (aspartate/glutamate carrier) member 13
-2.8549180 -2.0904944 -0.7246642 1.9778028 8.2502323 0.0031638 107289545 RING1 and YY1 binding protein
-2.8585662 -1.9319915 -2.7843043 -0.3775633 1.4987490 0.2658556 107295350 sorting nexin 20
-2.8641848 -1.0205199 -1.2243880 3.2498485 12.0439264 0.0006701 107285019 solute carrier family 25 member 11
-2.8676518 -1.6565126 0.2303489 3.0739066 15.2176299 0.0002358 107300045 oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 2-like
-2.8694106 -1.8454520 -2.6027129 1.1849523 3.6289824 0.0458986 107297013 DENN domain containing 1A
-2.8731237 -2.7565078 -0.4555786 2.2336307 3.0234529 0.0723457 107298719 spalt-like transcription factor 1
-2.8734112 -1.8227836 -0.3158654 6.6141649 20.6283580 0.0000555 107284205 selenide water dikinase 2
-2.8777449 -0.5827436 -0.1096086 6.9038234 18.9094328 0.0000850 107301633 legumain-like
-2.8786320 -1.6547388 -0.0617285 5.2079627 23.3334290 0.0000304 107288762 alcohol dehydrogenase 1-like
-2.8798524 -1.7016271 -2.0392295 3.1547792 4.2609544 0.0294882 107284307 tumor necrosis factor superfamily member 13b
-2.8804612 0.5435772 1.2380664 0.9764106 10.4114204 0.0012443 107303081 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor like 1
-2.8832595 -1.3982354 -1.7320417 1.4173323 4.2954090 0.0288107 107296714 ecotropic viral integration site 2B
-2.8835852 -2.6108019 -0.9110969 5.0789086 34.4741359 0.0000040 107300926 mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM70
-2.8840100 -1.9766284 -1.6521617 7.3895649 5.6688162 0.0121735 107293393 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5A mitochondrial
-2.8841084 -1.2131715 1.6026184 8.3544087 25.2908988 0.0000202 107286427 thioredoxin domain containing 17
-2.8852381 -0.7261167 0.3643474 5.7536724 22.7627129 0.0000344 107285407 nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase
-2.8860119 -0.1577271 -1.1329946 0.5391096 4.9964517 0.0182815 107300184 dysferlin-like
-2.8888256 -2.4639030 -1.3788323 3.1519797 9.3321188 0.0019471 107283522 peptide deformylase (mitochondrial)
-2.8932777 -0.2103377 1.2151601 0.6425390 8.9197947 0.0023319 107294819 pseudouridine-metabolizing bifunctional protein C1861.05-like
-2.8969601 -3.9619064 -0.0491034 3.3388737 34.3028303 0.0000042 107290541 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 28-like
-2.8971429 -1.5345086 -1.1455844 3.4473247 9.4365375 0.0018617 107282237 mitotic spindle positioning
-2.8982737 -0.0757448 -0.6161886 4.4589991 25.6708484 0.0000187 107288143 cytochrome P450 1A1-like
-2.9005135 -1.8562317 -3.3771375 0.7862609 2.1741360 0.1451157 107300143 dedicator of cytokinesis protein 10-like
-2.9010493 -2.0605589 -0.2337104 2.0013676 8.0256219 0.0035173 107285022 proteasome subunit beta 6
-2.9042168 -1.7957037 0.7352087 0.3338099 4.3513464 0.0277489 107296086 Opa interacting protein 5
-2.9064642 -2.4486732 -2.4959704 0.7336059 2.9477216 0.0767598 107285046 ring finger protein 167
-2.9102518 -2.2015424 -0.4860579 7.8541618 28.7103539 0.0000104 107290200 ecotropic viral integration site 5
-2.9175275 -2.0358452 -0.9924934 4.0106008 22.3069650 0.0000373 107293565 zinc-binding protein A33-like
-2.9185607 -2.2413728 0.7352683 5.0146569 39.8373941 0.0000019 107290746 fucosidase alpha-L- 1 tissue
-2.9220840 -0.3200333 -1.1740424 7.3281941 6.2065508 0.0089584 107285328 deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein-like
-2.9236260 -3.3194867 0.0639895 3.6518099 9.8305074 0.0015767 107301678 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 5-like
-2.9245713 -1.8222678 1.0923564 8.3494547 12.9592497 0.0004863 107286957 aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 family (mitochondrial)
-2.9245912 -1.2612364 0.0235451 3.4974781 37.1585478 0.0000027 107300784 putative tRNA pseudouridine synthase Pus10
-2.9262190 -1.8681421 0.0390091 0.7792330 8.1578117 0.0032863 107287003 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 7A
-2.9288963 5.7136831 5.6013778 6.3212009 8.7902412 0.0024707 107301783 uncharacterized LOC107301783
-2.9292530 -12.8384052 2.2399231 6.6015207 283.5371104 0.0000000 107282463 probable proline dehydrogenase 2
-2.9377610 -10.2978114 -1.9831447 3.4192315 48.6736653 0.0000007 107301756 avidin-related protein 1-like
-2.9383898 0.8422395 0.7086206 5.2749302 5.4154803 0.0141441 107295697 macrophage-expressed gene 1 protein-like
-2.9405344 -0.9282121 -0.2351941 10.1931379 12.7365602 0.0005190 107298068 legumain
-2.9437664 -3.0069357 4.9795413 5.0542001 17.0132032 0.0001404 107289081 CD276 antigen-like
-2.9451794 -2.5768844 -1.3099621 1.1448369 6.5025084 0.0076032 107293846 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase C-2 to C-3 short chain
-2.9464366 -1.4822793 2.3702690 5.7958118 20.9760805 0.0000514 107288187 alkylglycerol monooxygenase
-2.9491639 -1.9365589 -2.0926731 3.2426543 3.0146496 0.0728435 107285399 lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2
-2.9492850 -1.2118028 2.7293729 2.6753092 12.3399032 0.0006029 107291335 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 12
-2.9563520 -0.3786172 1.8550327 1.0407297 2.8826844 0.0807996 107300893 FERM domain-containing protein 6-like
-2.9569731 -2.2078204 -2.9724196 -0.4989968 2.5112827 0.1091449 107294529 nuclear receptor interacting protein 3
-2.9579505 -0.4901226 0.2302056 4.4859402 17.5149894 0.0001224 107301666 nucleoside diphosphate-linked moiety X motif 8-like
-2.9595264 -3.7095058 -0.8326188 0.1947797 6.9879608 0.0058887 107282921 ras-like protein family member 11A-like
-2.9599011 -0.9266542 1.3471504 8.3764828 23.6403224 0.0000285 107290035 P450 (cytochrome) oxidoreductase
-2.9655856 -2.7847555 -1.0532365 3.7925966 7.6752053 0.0041654 107283949 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier: glutamate) member 22
-2.9666103 -1.6916074 0.0777693 4.6495832 25.5588974 0.0000192 107297191 dehydrogenase E1 and transketolase domain containing 1
-2.9680728 -3.9054276 0.6529226 4.7337103 17.8533265 0.0001118 107285255 semaphorin 4G
-2.9699077 3.5805716 2.7515491 8.2155932 21.9687117 0.0000410 107282518 sulfotransferase family cytosolic 1B member 1-like
-2.9739357 -0.2845438 0.9854087 7.8658195 10.7171155 0.0011026 107285781 complement component 1 r subcomponent
-2.9790466 -1.2712054 -1.8625844 1.5916866 0.6769018 0.5830272 107299711 lysozyme C milk isozyme-like
-2.9862026 -3.2747880 1.3680247 7.6754949 22.9933170 0.0000327 107293983 carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 1-like
-2.9948512 1.2915315 2.0736255 4.4702170 13.4916794 0.0004066 107291176 glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 4 core 2
-2.9954334 -1.4997379 -1.1298719 2.7994227 8.5879508 0.0027073 107287086 tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase 1
-2.9962805 -0.3828726 5.4276702 7.4482670 22.5725174 0.0000358 107290893 cysteine dioxygenase type 1
-3.0003715 -2.8515971 -3.8975007 1.5366441 4.9046261 0.0193673 107289311 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 44
-3.0003992 -2.3188890 1.2738757 1.0008638 7.2661712 0.0051062 107301158 activin receptor type-1C-like
-3.0027424 -1.5516831 -2.2818205 2.3712555 7.0227689 0.0057835 107289826 regulator of G-protein signaling 13
-3.0029741 -2.9465455 -0.0245215 7.5650402 33.4802041 0.0000047 107294349 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 4
-3.0029923 -2.1158037 2.3368187 0.7835568 14.3419325 0.0003066 107289936 bolA family member 1
-3.0047306 -1.3703440 -0.6491433 3.7680922 10.0064550 0.0014661 107300681 nectin-3-like
-3.0050709 -0.6633079 -3.4554601 3.9395354 20.6254873 0.0000558 107285149 acid phosphatase 5 tartrate resistant
-3.0074001 -1.4198510 -2.6607105 6.5461642 8.9920050 0.0022585 107291124 complement component 7
-3.0116656 0.8559570 -0.5736548 2.1458757 10.8428191 0.0010498 107283219 cannabinoid receptor interacting protein 1
-3.0187256 -2.3081572 1.0802509 5.1595515 19.0536619 0.0000819 107294335 glutamate dehydrogenase 1
-3.0241758 -1.1435606 -0.8739994 6.0800399 13.5073075 0.0004045 107291253 glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase
-3.0283107 -0.8494704 -2.3556738 0.0574844 1.6855548 0.2238419 107299984 macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor-like
-3.0292592 -2.8963092 -2.2488054 3.7133346 12.7136125 0.0005291 107291526 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1
-3.0308834 -1.4661878 0.7308704 5.1232922 14.2033106 0.0003228 107299201 solute carrier family 18 member B1
-3.0311196 1.5770555 -0.9500199 1.5904625 13.3753829 0.0004226 107299717 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 7-like
-3.0313016 -0.5448360 -0.8688555 0.5420347 5.2819843 0.0153310 107292191 C-type lectin domain family 2 member D-like
-3.0325052 3.4390493 3.9912955 1.8030792 17.7397214 0.0001152 107287753 dual specificity phosphatase 28
-3.0352829 -0.4511086 -1.8017839 1.7930948 12.0679594 0.0006572 107287451 sestrin 2
-3.0407021 -14.0583737 -0.7035841 7.0654985 33.8946653 0.0000045 107299860 metalloproteinase inhibitor 4-like
-3.0407725 -2.3685007 -1.2837629 3.4537876 15.0017714 0.0002499 107286331 selenoprotein O
-3.0415628 -0.3524533 -2.3558613 0.1482233 5.3599401 0.0146244 107299929 cytohesin-3-like
-3.0427405 -2.4181290 -0.9916929 3.3948529 6.1353860 0.0093212 107292546 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase
-3.0473281 -2.8649764 -1.4483930 1.7617285 1.3301989 0.3113447 107291777 translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 70
-3.0515969 -0.3051835 -7.2268951 4.2306175 24.0946108 0.0000259 107292539 immunoglobulin superfamily member 10-like
-3.0526055 -2.7539707 -0.9214347 1.0093267 9.2617050 0.0019906 107293827 spindlin 1
-3.0577711 1.6319980 0.2413883 0.2887672 6.8249417 0.0064120 107290449 glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 1
-3.0585751 -1.2025879 -5.0204111 -0.1148175 10.2305540 0.0013381 107296692 mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 6-like
-3.0629966 -2.2446914 -0.3625764 4.1048729 25.2948595 0.0000200 107296389 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S26
-3.0659400 -1.0856112 -2.2482215 4.5398929 5.7994229 0.0112834 107288569 myeloperoxidase-like
-3.0659947 -6.1300239 -2.7995411 -0.2324090 11.2283629 0.0009055 107297256 ubiquitin specific peptidase 35
-3.0703705 -2.6193373 0.0091615 3.5914101 15.9988915 0.0001871 107302996 transcription elongation factor A3
-3.0849941 -1.9851247 -3.2229692 6.9984051 5.9215171 0.0105193 107291060 kelch-like protein 6
-3.0929194 -0.7187460 2.0614225 7.2749079 23.4640197 0.0000296 107292776 IMP (inosine 5’-monophosphate) dehydrogenase 2
-3.0951403 -2.1077103 -1.4073457 2.3217991 19.0389134 0.0000810 107285645 egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor 2
-3.0964661 -1.8239092 -2.0181739 2.3283990 1.6182893 0.2380530 107285622 cystatin-F-like
-3.1009884 0.8561073 -1.5331179 1.0804882 5.8678778 0.0108473 107294306 zinc finger protein 385B
-3.1088398 0.6918793 2.8799473 9.3474003 32.9012282 0.0000053 107286154 isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (NADP+)
-3.1097702 6.9502349 7.7356630 9.7325263 25.3752006 0.0000200 107294419 ryncolin-3-like
-3.1145860 -2.9163543 -0.7695987 2.6207507 22.7369039 0.0000340 107300902 39S ribosomal protein L46 mitochondrial-like
-3.1163983 -0.5206741 0.3306949 6.6554912 7.4347924 0.0046911 107282769 sorting nexin 10
-3.1202650 -1.4475487 1.5466757 5.7791234 23.5688732 0.0000289 107289602 aldehyde dehydrogenase 5 family member A1
-3.1220405 -1.6578097 -3.3303804 5.9463499 7.6218618 0.0042758 107285919 membrane primary amine oxidase-like
-3.1231727 -1.3127138 -2.4914179 0.7221143 7.0834323 0.0055708 107283680 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 7
-3.1325364 -2.2829009 0.0541254 4.3370317 1.2314105 0.3419146 107300563 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A2 mitochondrial
-3.1364234 -3.6049231 0.9677828 2.6007372 17.6560173 0.0001179 107295526 sideroflexin 1
-3.1417743 -1.9183947 -1.0819739 4.7392122 23.0898253 0.0000316 107288407 alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase
-3.1451848 1.1023877 0.9983193 3.5311868 6.0503325 0.0097776 107295257 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-3.1459515 -4.4093229 -3.4372492 0.5941268 4.3967808 0.0269198 107290430 polycystin 2 transient receptor potential cation channel
-3.1477252 -0.1306620 -1.1379159 2.3707462 4.8324230 0.0202740 107284576 plexin C1
-3.1531033 1.2406592 -1.0535130 0.3226008 5.9373537 0.0104246 107283310 ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-28-sialyltransferase 6
-3.1533908 -1.2245460 -2.3284153 2.7522705 3.8102197 0.0402991 107298558 colony stimulating factor 1 receptor
-3.1574737 -2.8962269 -0.4923353 6.1663600 20.7559162 0.0000541 107302754 malignant T-cell amplified sequence 1
-3.1575403 0.7989855 0.5511586 6.7456895 42.3584838 0.0000014 107285543 sterol-C5-desaturase
-3.1683840 -0.2346441 -2.1615643 3.9476417 9.8141641 0.0015875 107293315 G protein-coupled receptor 182
-3.1689796 -1.8535855 -0.3269602 6.8165922 13.1887341 0.0004499 107293188 protein BTG1-like
-3.1739154 -1.1023284 -1.2172102 2.5963935 3.5192716 0.0497254 107301996 peroxisomal trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase
-3.1739350 -13.4681977 -0.2430958 7.7946027 64.9896239 0.0000001 107297102 acyl-coenzyme A synthetase ACSM4 mitochondrial-like
-3.1740946 -2.0833880 -2.1189391 0.2565615 3.9255003 0.0371494 107301103 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase subunit beta mitochondrial-like
-3.1748908 -1.9754837 0.9451125 2.8265283 8.4363601 0.0029019 107291178 N-acylethanolamine acid amidase
-3.1749048 -2.1935625 -0.6168703 4.3351260 38.4219690 0.0000023 107292148 sorting nexin 9
-3.1763697 -2.4104929 -0.2366386 1.1845409 10.7639604 0.0010734 107301231 39S ribosomal protein L9 mitochondrial-like
-3.1812852 -0.9367523 -1.4303336 5.2146921 6.3701784 0.0081848 107290053 cytoglobin
-3.1857091 0.4626194 -1.0719041 0.5722179 4.4460376 0.0260533 107294095 acetyl-CoA carboxylase alpha
-3.1865596 -1.2495605 -1.5572926 1.8422654 2.9530385 0.0764400 107294115 CX3C chemokine receptor 1-like
-3.1877781 -2.6445555 -1.7571912 1.5527924 12.9499545 0.0004822 107298653 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L41
-3.1888020 -1.0199726 -1.7653810 -0.2938159 2.1289320 0.1508982 107298985 DLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain-like
-3.1943020 -1.5251319 0.4126909 5.5412237 26.8233293 0.0000151 107284797 solute carrier family 37 (glucose-6-phosphate transporter) member 4
-3.1968759 -2.8954761 -0.5476537 6.6128158 9.5147214 0.0018007 107290063 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 9
-3.1974583 0.9465894 0.7894866 4.7624827 7.9915147 0.0035749 107298925 ankyrin repeat domain 9
-3.1981299 -4.5486437 -0.5015366 5.3622681 16.5621913 0.0001592 107286270 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 38
-3.1993711 -2.3617905 -1.4791993 4.5334226 7.3888586 0.0048001 107293604 transmembrane protein 126A-like
-3.2010594 -1.0597269 -0.8169074 3.9365498 4.9368331 0.0189781 107302833 family with sequence similarity 180 member A
-3.2023543 1.2957237 4.1802910 3.3754598 33.5044988 0.0000048 107291560 X-prolyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase P) 2 membrane-bound
-3.2090953 -2.3607982 -3.2423927 8.0255683 16.0457077 0.0001824 107291463 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylate transporter) member 1
-3.2109524 -1.8035597 1.4160219 3.7111868 6.5745698 0.0073254 107297272 amine oxidase [flavin-containing] B-like
-3.2116984 0.3034295 -0.9316095 1.3330359 20.2765875 0.0000597 107294087 collectin subfamily member 11
-3.2137431 -2.1555593 -0.7780477 3.0735657 17.4852982 0.0001221 107293979 SET domain containing 4
-3.2146636 -0.7525872 1.3184486 7.7714568 67.9744033 0.0000001 107297765 annexin A11
-3.2151995 -3.3333904 -1.1210422 6.2131304 11.9247546 0.0006996 107291897 methyltransferase-like protein 7A
-3.2200009 -2.0216691 -2.3803367 0.4083872 2.1396575 0.1495029 107299477 major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein-like
-3.2204886 -1.6959723 -0.4434295 2.6945104 13.0684461 0.0004685 107288800 nipsnap homolog 1 (C. elegans)
-3.2224770 -2.0860847 0.0804956 6.8623499 13.9322301 0.0003521 107282520 nuclear protein 1-like
-3.2265540 -0.0129161 -0.1818775 4.3532833 45.1172659 0.0000010 107295591 mannosidase alpha class 1C member 1
-3.2276414 -1.6917371 -3.1303933 0.9958226 5.3170514 0.0150084 107292913 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator
-3.2288754 -2.2773052 1.5492800 4.6358703 12.7077680 0.0005301 107284487 cytochrome P450 4B1-like
-3.2293462 -2.2243046 -2.1747324 3.2286800 1.8575785 0.1916305 107294658 cytochrome b-245 heavy chain
-3.2317612 -6.8090998 3.7493135 2.2727227 25.8898979 0.0000575 107288521 sterol O-acyltransferase 2-like
-3.2328112 0.8218197 -1.2602423 8.6855340 17.0622855 0.0001385 107283779 acyl-CoA synthetase family member 2
-3.2348124 -0.1002210 1.0779676 3.0626005 41.5455690 0.0000015 107288949 25-hydroxycholesterol 7-alpha-hydroxylase
-3.2354153 -2.2257740 -0.4879879 5.0941219 33.2185585 0.0000049 107284165 solute carrier family 38 member 7
-3.2392638 -3.3281405 -0.8584853 4.2840304 10.1437541 0.0013861 107292009 putative methyltransferase DDB_G0268948
-3.2444624 -0.8401295 -0.6353355 6.3978451 20.4438172 0.0000583 107285326 syndecan 2
-3.2476460 -1.4245032 -0.7518057 3.0070201 5.8455895 0.0109871 107300659 H-2 class II histocompatibility antigen E-S beta chain-like
-3.2503298 -5.8046072 -3.5303486 0.3864520 13.9389558 0.0003488 107293340 rho GTPase-activating protein 42-like
-3.2543796 -1.8030399 -1.8699319 1.5779838 4.1734226 0.0312943 107301255 dr1-associated corepressor-like
-3.2569561 -0.8643174 -0.7047140 4.3418108 12.6077781 0.0005488 107284167 lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase
-3.2571995 -1.5480164 -0.8662493 3.2893569 4.0562665 0.0339163 107299360 arylsulfatase K-like
-3.2628884 -0.1987193 1.1034985 5.5591409 12.5090653 0.0005681 107287071 KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 4
-3.2768248 -2.4559621 -0.4419375 3.6728650 16.5670338 0.0001590 107295395 ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2-like
-3.2780375 -5.8493134 -0.4746758 1.7445343 14.9270713 0.0002575 107285243 dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1
-3.2784351 2.5507479 1.7583794 3.9026413 16.8090313 0.0001486 107287072 angiopoietin like 3
-3.2798399 -1.3314184 1.5669139 7.5943288 9.3041794 0.0019707 107285693 FK506 binding protein 11
-3.2807323 -1.1036810 2.8385346 1.1925680 11.3300668 0.0008714 107300687 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 13-like
-3.2839260 -14.3229728 -3.5775833 5.8484121 81.4674342 0.0000003 107299940 solute carrier family 22 member 6-A-like
-3.2864467 -12.1840009 -3.0487972 3.7338372 83.4357995 0.0000003 107297171 myo-inositol oxygenase
-3.2873801 -1.7201433 4.0317938 8.2689701 23.8948856 0.0000270 107288513 retinol dehydrogenase 16-like
-3.2909458 -8.3436445 -3.5684732 0.2413408 24.9035522 0.0000676 107289501 homeobox C8
-3.2958498 -4.0080386 1.5747794 1.0334945 20.5726105 0.0000557 107295651 alanine aminotransferase 2-like
-3.2974151 -1.1951899 -0.0993661 0.4548370 8.5785835 0.0027127 107292007 protein spinster homolog 3-like
-3.3061330 -1.4330402 2.6324437 5.0938361 12.3425108 0.0006024 107295002 adrenoceptor alpha 1A
-3.3074090 -0.6762867 -0.5457558 2.8487612 7.4399665 0.0046790 107284661 complement component 1 q subcomponent A chain
-3.3108858 -3.0866767 -0.3193654 0.0369528 11.9168422 0.0006942 107294700 exosome component 4
-3.3154197 -2.5788709 -0.5034023 6.4256218 21.5540443 0.0000450 107295527 ras homolog family member U
-3.3273904 -3.2171552 -1.7419683 -0.1898503 3.0375553 0.0715564 107291843 D-dopachrome tautomerase
-3.3298344 -2.2705848 6.1166082 4.6478111 16.0271257 0.0001856 107283877 STEAP2 metalloreductase
-3.3315564 1.1784450 -0.3718404 3.5915239 9.0848642 0.0021681 107293123 stabilin 2
-3.3367582 -3.4249517 0.6852905 2.2592523 4.3735895 0.0273394 107288815 cell death inducing DFFA like effector c
-3.3402583 -1.8723397 -5.5263507 1.7278388 3.6164194 0.0463191 107292642 T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5-like
-3.3410051 -0.8137976 -0.5031314 8.3607842 20.7240859 0.0000543 107288979 quinoid dihydropteridine reductase
-3.3411972 -1.6923710 -3.4876387 2.5612116 1.2762848 0.3276428 107301812 acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase mitochondrial-like
-3.3414470 -0.3350229 -0.1068701 6.7988355 22.8152787 0.0000340 107293143 tetraspanin 12
-3.3442451 -0.1052732 -0.2749263 6.2155644 12.5599001 0.0005581 107302690 latexin
-3.3444527 2.2303183 4.6976251 -0.0940749 16.4878544 0.0003755 107294667 one cut domain family member 2-like
-3.3455997 -1.4052403 -0.4724136 0.2220344 2.1345405 0.1501667 107300768 pigment epithelium-derived factor-like
-3.3484385 5.8497484 -0.8374984 1.1282012 10.5116959 0.0021051 107294297 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9
-3.3499569 -2.9803289 -0.0537708 1.9528845 11.4031065 0.0008478 107295999 zinc finger HIT-type containing 2
-3.3550981 -3.1993806 -1.4981278 4.2856875 10.7456217 0.0010903 107288400 natriuretic peptide receptor 3
-3.3560538 -3.0107788 0.4909444 1.3090902 11.2211662 0.0009080 107298043 FAD-dependent oxidoreductase domain containing 1
-3.3602459 -0.3461993 0.5174152 2.7911002 7.9646488 0.0036211 107302248 leukocyte cysteine proteinase inhibitor 1-like
-3.3645921 -1.6253749 -1.5278754 0.2718510 3.4856908 0.0509696 107284620 androgen receptor
-3.3666741 -3.6290713 -2.5517585 3.4068902 7.2638048 0.0051123 107283550 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase quinone 1
-3.3732422 1.5082186 1.7540942 0.0505101 11.2321557 0.0009042 107284001 deoxyribonuclease-1-like
-3.3734157 -1.4668779 -2.5953858 1.6997414 11.4131372 0.0008361 107284335 UBX domain protein 2B
-3.3743619 -0.9124355 -2.2084799 5.1488235 6.1324200 0.0093367 107291720 lipin 1
-3.3745983 -5.6254190 -1.9003729 5.1741288 20.4425993 0.0000583 107290349 prostaglandin reductase 1
-3.3749804 -1.5262423 -0.4259245 0.8514834 15.1500426 0.0002375 107289413 fidgetin like 2
-3.3808761 -1.0312949 0.4070988 6.6701593 37.0871606 0.0000028 107285847 gephyrin
-3.3838136 -0.9717868 -3.3930639 1.0099510 5.8720202 0.0108215 107289552 gastrin releasing peptide receptor
-3.3843901 -1.3454405 -0.6500006 6.5132354 19.5630507 0.0000722 107291367 delta(4)-desaturase sphingolipid 2
-3.3915224 -1.6215937 -2.2832836 1.6128297 4.0945353 0.0330328 107289828 regulator of G-protein signaling 18
-3.4083111 1.7542230 -0.2252150 6.7232917 8.2613029 0.0031474 107282474 suppressor of cytokine signaling 3-like
-3.4105242 -2.1713519 -2.2325379 -0.1786765 4.6170379 0.0232140 107293818 death effector domain containing
-3.4112649 2.2458209 -0.1218558 6.1984927 75.3265585 0.0000001 107283676 tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2
-3.4173379 0.0143998 -2.3516151 2.5086918 2.8071058 0.0858053 107289632 L-amino-acid oxidase-like
-3.4202958 -2.6925857 -0.0885053 7.1310904 31.9465385 0.0000060 107293675 mannosidase alpha class 2A member 1
-3.4204793 -2.9490608 -2.3671370 0.8714337 1.7331742 0.2143551 107301030 RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase-like
-3.4214289 -3.6683186 -2.4115761 1.3633171 11.6793584 0.0007572 107295320 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2
-3.4244013 1.8825398 3.5165046 5.8045800 14.4312045 0.0003003 107288542 glutathione S-transferase 3-like
-3.4254408 7.9400631 5.7316032 3.0289785 41.8090993 0.0000070 107291969 forkhead box A3
-3.4259212 -13.5596709 1.5536485 6.6361396 209.3569465 0.0000000 107296908 acyl-coenzyme A synthetase ACSM4 mitochondrial-like
-3.4323345 -2.8919656 -1.2406037 8.6382848 7.9837994 0.0035881 107301459 ornithine aminotransferase
-3.4332780 -2.5369827 -0.9096542 2.6514275 13.9583243 0.0003491 107287282 HscB mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster co-chaperone
-3.4462937 -3.2841977 -0.2374959 5.9393427 13.9697852 0.0003479 107291768 nitrilase family member 2
-3.4463313 -1.5230744 -2.6382171 2.9317337 4.4764966 0.0255337 107300232 macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor-like
-3.4478218 -7.4803100 1.8366449 3.1747994 30.9878316 0.0000072 107289884 asparaginase
-3.4609861 -0.5141433 0.8297062 4.4223643 27.8974970 0.0000124 107295083 peptidase M20 domain containing 1
-3.4641856 -3.2047295 2.2199415 5.9239253 35.1245598 0.0000038 107287673 choline dehydrogenase
-3.4740763 2.5400701 0.9311975 1.5220730 17.6489334 0.0001181 107298666 GTP cyclohydrolase 1
-3.4809518 -2.8314171 2.1522903 0.3269148 5.7072477 0.0119034 107294507 leucine-rich repeats and transmembrane domains 2
-3.4843884 -2.2763432 -0.2132714 2.0447058 18.7364640 0.0000874 107295620 peptidylprolyl isomerase F
-3.4851404 -1.6035869 -2.0291524 3.8720560 4.6030600 0.0234996 107294957 negative regulator of reactive oxygen species
-3.4882743 -0.3423959 3.1487592 4.2386593 44.5245054 0.0000011 107302721 tocopherol (alpha) transfer protein
-3.4895618 -2.1771988 -1.2231582 10.0352709 12.0958773 0.0006515 107298633 cathepsin L1-like
-3.4975617 -0.8328925 -2.3814010 1.4984773 8.4644969 0.0028646 107297829 RAB30 member RAS oncogene family
-3.5000996 -1.9803741 -2.5186117 6.8885135 3.5810689 0.0475263 107288352 IgGFc-binding protein-like
-3.5018387 -2.1553851 -0.1365971 8.9023176 15.5130564 0.0002158 107301157 aldehyde dehydrogenase 9 family member A1
-3.5032867 -2.7334145 -2.8119235 2.8148966 5.5498272 0.0130563 107302566 colony stimulating factor 2 receptor beta common subunit
-3.5066127 -3.1614575 -0.4674470 4.1431723 16.4932696 0.0001624 107284554 coiled-coil domain containing 38
-3.5071550 2.6190173 0.0862697 5.0429920 8.2695678 0.0031353 107290566 solute carrier family 38 member 4
-3.5102795 -3.2940172 0.5433570 6.3791408 22.1682462 0.0000392 107284548 glutathione S-transferase zeta 1
-3.5105283 -2.6634906 -0.9530206 4.1415057 14.2770670 0.0003153 107297771 zinc finger CCHC-type containing 4
-3.5114870 -3.6630136 -1.9838415 -0.4842162 3.9256041 0.0371467 107285011 insulin receptor substrate 1-like
-3.5144267 -0.4984024 0.8095549 1.7115738 9.9667489 0.0014903 107301925 sterol 26-hydroxylase mitochondrial-like
-3.5211705 -1.8434626 -0.7204702 4.8022314 16.1708097 0.0001780 107291109 dpy-19 like 3 (C. elegans)
-3.5228717 -0.6387242 -1.9485689 2.6579687 19.3438308 0.0000754 107289322 C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 7
-3.5272814 -1.3493954 -1.1686834 0.8293415 3.4518280 0.0522609 107291107 phosphatidylserine synthase 2
-3.5277076 -1.4280659 -0.8068592 -0.2561139 7.1238987 0.0054589 107295859 sideroflexin 5
-3.5289705 -2.7294474 -2.1536862 3.2621065 4.0543541 0.0339612 107292073 cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein
-3.5337713 -5.0090200 -2.8048458 0.7507485 8.9521442 0.0022987 107291047 uncharacterized LOC107291047
-3.5438639 -2.1286137 -2.0546570 6.1417455 23.7399165 0.0000276 107284336 BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 3
-3.5533382 -3.3242428 0.3091685 3.5455744 15.4098904 0.0002225 107285178 SNAP associated protein
-3.5550036 -3.1479854 -1.0677153 3.3821139 15.7478085 0.0002013 107302775 mitochondrial amidoxime reducing component 2-like
-3.5550036 -3.1479854 -1.0677153 3.3821139 15.7478085 0.0002013 107302776 mitochondrial amidoxime reducing component 2-like
-3.5593124 -3.2801281 -0.2432249 4.8856581 22.4560586 0.0000368 107287995 phospholipid phosphatase 3-like
-3.5598720 -3.9875093 -1.0529512 1.2549658 5.1691520 0.0164254 107289145 RAS dexamethasone-induced 1
-3.5601497 0.1975720 0.5263086 1.0220436 14.1863192 0.0003245 107293693 ras-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor RalGPS1-like
-3.5613647 -1.6988239 -0.2933537 2.3655678 1.8488476 0.1931338 107300248 probable 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase E1 component DHKTD1 mitochondrial
-3.5667020 -6.2725937 1.0062904 5.7280903 10.2322942 0.0013372 107295996 toll-like receptor 5
-3.5777606 -2.1884908 -1.3137465 0.1182956 2.4861004 0.1114478 107302151 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DRB1-4 beta chain-like
-3.5788431 -2.2916587 0.5879432 5.1986659 20.1865389 0.0000620 107290138 solute carrier family 22 member 16
-3.5800582 0.0423357 -2.2858215 5.6386218 8.7075711 0.0025644 107283400 hematopoietically expressed homeobox
-3.5883465 3.7601803 2.2672090 4.5704511 69.9313387 0.0000001 107300387 complement C5-like
-3.5893575 -0.9886628 -0.0129620 3.1284213 8.7133384 0.0025577 107292131 nucleoside diphosphate-linked moiety X motif 8-like
-3.5944966 -1.0890276 1.0735181 1.9490362 24.4184948 0.0000239 107283995 cytoglobin-1-like
-3.6008049 -1.2895655 -0.2039707 5.9826146 35.5502197 0.0000035 107302946 transmembrane protein 135
-3.6043511 -4.5331651 -1.7690542 2.9269463 36.8787191 0.0000028 107299556 uncharacterized LOC107299556
-3.6148660 -1.0801336 3.2342270 3.2275297 9.6843276 0.0016761 107302540 lipocalin-like
-3.6163600 -2.8591063 2.2894653 6.6135875 17.7735837 0.0001142 107285249 di-N-acetylchitobiase-like
-3.6174307 -0.0036308 0.5391727 1.0686190 9.8833851 0.0015425 107292302 pancreatic alpha-amylase-like
-3.6175748 -2.5017921 -0.0145271 0.2541893 7.6234223 0.0042725 107297368 BRISC and BRCA1 A complex member 1
-3.6185320 -5.1040288 -5.2566358 0.3855951 2.9310887 0.0777704 107291283 galectin-9-like
-3.6241007 -3.1736684 3.5914752 1.8420765 11.9820791 0.0006852 107295023 calcitonin-like
-3.6249133 -2.7055596 -3.0224961 0.8666347 4.8115735 0.0205449 107284810 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 16
-3.6255757 -2.9260466 -4.0647560 5.9025747 14.1865061 0.0003245 107286249 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase mitochondrial
-3.6313793 -0.5662662 1.9020131 0.5228363 2.4408951 0.1157228 107294076 GTPase IMAP family member 7-like
-3.6336927 -2.2750088 -1.4866457 6.8769885 13.4460236 0.0004128 107293218 protein S (alpha)
-3.6340146 -3.3428671 -3.2389374 0.7348390 2.7183630 0.0921446 107283615 CD14 molecule
-3.6363544 -4.0993557 0.6956129 12.1528520 24.7607920 0.0000222 107292610 glutathione S-transferase Mu 1-like
-3.6374281 -0.6627861 0.4883480 8.7503871 12.1277518 0.0006502 107285780 complement component 1 s subcomponent
-3.6407935 -7.6339181 -1.6445920 3.1779424 18.3199277 0.0000989 107292144 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase cytosolic [GTP]
-3.6429309 -2.1428018 0.0616675 6.5901958 29.0805447 0.0000100 107288677 aminomethyltransferase
-3.6479016 -2.8675713 3.6895030 1.8588394 26.1939436 0.0000170 107297776 signal-transducing adaptor protein 2-like
-3.6512045 4.9447563 6.3347273 3.8343787 62.2454433 0.0000002 107298669 complement component 5
-3.6524467 -3.2871284 -1.6540709 0.0379957 5.2803566 0.0153462 107296695 ephrin-A4
-3.6587935 -1.6889221 -1.2300647 3.2002982 5.4119206 0.0141744 107284387 NCK associated protein 5
-3.6621511 -3.5769316 1.9084596 6.5619304 23.4854401 0.0000294 107287143 argininosuccinate lyase
-3.6629053 -4.3833524 1.8978632 4.8912654 19.3819715 0.0000755 107289130 cytochrome P450 2W1-like
-3.6669385 -5.4488813 -3.3954363 9.8610951 3.5897038 0.0472281 107291224 uncharacterized LOC107291224
-3.6735053 0.6236933 2.7319885 3.2186900 21.5871949 0.0000447 107302588 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-3.6765035 -3.1617296 2.6647499 7.0060015 28.9447982 0.0000102 107297753 protein Shroom1-like
-3.6782944 -2.0428611 -0.9965350 7.8902513 9.3796612 0.0019077 107290577 peroxiredoxin 3
-3.6802596 -0.5865132 -0.4604684 0.5300031 5.0180064 0.0180370 107300316 molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein 1-like
-3.6817753 -0.4798089 1.6118823 2.8084488 25.5138239 0.0000194 107292341 solute carrier family 25 member 33
-3.6834862 -3.9501622 -0.7759958 0.2071463 4.2277558 0.0301586 107296462 protein-arginine deiminase type-3-like
-3.6839588 -3.7880637 -3.2788358 5.1718850 4.9344825 0.0190062 107286068 collagen alpha-6(VI) chain-like
-3.7034704 -3.3690046 0.8521557 6.5003475 25.2725584 0.0000204 107293569 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 1
-3.7045936 -2.7671329 -0.8463702 2.3789109 16.3600597 0.0001679 107296745 uncharacterized LOC107296745
-3.7083882 -0.1508187 -0.5730408 8.7533934 20.9478204 0.0000518 107292554 fibronectin 1
-3.7111723 0.3856191 0.3167263 1.6987397 22.1926194 0.0000390 107288153 Na+/K+ transporting ATPase interacting 4
-3.7130014 -2.7220848 1.2872023 2.4833458 18.3331285 0.0000986 107284776 transmembrane protein 25
-3.7171814 -5.3467262 -2.8112433 -0.6201223 11.7365411 0.0007415 107282793 homeobox A6
-3.7229734 1.0310884 -1.8645545 7.1507424 27.9643235 0.0000122 107290445 coagulation factor X-like
-3.7230988 -3.0777216 3.0906234 6.4010257 33.9134206 0.0000045 107291090 NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase 2-like
-3.7331590 -2.5917651 -2.7825403 2.7955643 17.6695749 0.0001157 107294133 putative gamma-glutamyltransferase YwrD
-3.7449691 -2.8020769 0.1535808 5.3503260 9.2984105 0.0019756 107299012 cornifelin homolog
-3.7471889 -1.9396190 -3.8381578 2.8066982 30.4924144 0.0000077 107284836 angiotensin II receptor type 1
-3.7490052 -2.8540871 -2.2084892 2.0556157 5.6401311 0.0123798 107282566 claudin-9-like
-3.7552490 -2.4972817 -1.5039901 2.0675523 4.6383331 0.0229667 107291982 calcineurin like EF-hand protein 2
-3.7574520 -1.9074491 -2.8108653 0.8874443 6.5594516 0.0073852 107287181 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1-like
-3.7677439 -0.4689215 1.4758312 3.0129649 21.2645189 0.0000481 107288284 sulfate transporter-like
-3.7702208 -3.3046042 -0.8792993 7.5283200 16.1305008 0.0001801 107288760 alcohol dehydrogenase 1-like
-3.7844441 -2.5261894 -1.2971625 3.3454404 18.4307999 0.0000961 107302855 regulator of G-protein signaling 5
-3.7915462 -0.2123108 -10.3438791 4.0669281 85.8595473 0.0000000 107283816 T-box 20
-3.7916997 0.9803739 -2.4242952 0.9841649 15.9357750 0.0001898 107287915 myelin regulatory factor
-3.7937068 -1.6834346 -16.2321759 7.7512488 51.6487360 0.0000027 107294166 natriuretic peptides A-like
-3.8032816 -2.8437722 -1.5976607 0.2662007 4.0366567 0.0343797 107298578 Myb/SANT DNA binding domain containing 1
-3.8036638 0.2016927 -1.0032912 1.1065364 6.7346605 0.0067252 107289573 heparan sulfate glucosamine 3-O-sulfotransferase 3B1-like
-3.8037488 -2.4187791 -14.8833502 6.4040813 26.1441101 0.0000552 107294165 natriuretic peptides A-like
-3.8115891 -3.4019252 -1.3228445 4.1452252 26.0873546 0.0000174 107298742 mitochondrial amidoxime-reducing component 1-like
-3.8123576 -0.4891469 -2.0550742 1.0570792 5.3903464 0.0143592 107301968 S-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-1-like
-3.8134958 -0.4296971 -0.2945542 3.4697393 11.1757438 0.0009238 107282835 threonine synthase like 1
-3.8188940 -5.9719247 0.4260600 3.6283133 22.6716487 0.0000351 107285555 cytochrome P450 2K1-like
-3.8299793 0.2970371 -1.9535102 4.2194464 14.1950907 0.0003236 107286554 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-26-biphosphatase 1
-3.8324510 -8.8360285 0.0000000 0.6304648 16.0060016 0.0010873 107298137 avidin-related protein 1-like
-3.8366419 -0.5556265 -1.4251481 5.0996603 9.7502391 0.0016304 107282161 cytochrome P450 2H2
-3.8386011 2.4083544 -3.0606982 5.5871866 18.6091111 0.0000918 107298743 phospholemman-like
-3.8459862 -0.1341307 -2.3369453 0.2085534 3.6834405 0.0441264 107282442 protein kinase C gamma type
-3.8663237 -1.9731590 -5.4469107 7.7780459 20.8338865 0.0000532 107295914 solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1
-3.8707842 -2.3553041 -2.4231791 6.9540347 14.5256399 0.0002916 107292597 myosin heavy chain 10 non-muscle
-3.8838385 -2.3094261 -1.0916059 4.1583213 1.6427123 0.2327799 107299958 galectin-9-like
-3.8855536 -1.6329329 -1.6833363 -0.0366625 1.8298781 0.1964458 107298838 DLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain-like
-3.8878972 -1.8226473 4.6656224 0.5808372 15.4465932 0.0004870 107297173 hepatocyte growth factor-like
-3.8922517 -3.7098689 1.9120314 5.5144183 28.3533801 0.0000114 107287743 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 2
-3.8987449 -3.1704806 -0.2115001 3.2378005 26.4091847 0.0000163 107285845 protein kinase C alpha type
-3.8990769 -0.5229020 -1.7868068 3.0383205 12.0365691 0.0006719 107299265 S-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-1-like
-3.9019055 -3.8833414 3.9953299 7.2755992 15.4435315 0.0002203 107292571 C-factor-like
-3.9039706 -0.3936019 0.8791407 3.8611707 32.6499759 0.0000055 107292971 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; citrate transporter) member 1
-3.9154647 -0.6591109 -1.4751331 11.5696113 10.1616924 0.0013760 107282499 ferritin light chain oocyte isoform-like
-3.9171500 -0.7198902 -0.4402956 2.9464014 28.6706602 0.0000107 107292051 uncharacterized LOC107292051
-3.9288665 -1.7852962 -4.4675668 -0.1310065 2.7922694 0.0868294 107300856 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DM alpha chain-like
-3.9342044 -0.3598648 -0.6298395 7.9695032 22.9115567 0.0000333 107288496 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 1
-3.9342708 -2.0971872 -3.0863162 1.5807162 4.2250262 0.0302145 107299712 myeloperoxidase-like
-3.9436631 6.2452937 4.8062055 8.6985363 7.3948178 0.0047858 107299972 resistin-like
-3.9476629 -1.4621227 -0.1478175 8.1469423 21.5018855 0.0000455 107290332 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase like 2
-3.9543150 -1.1693641 -0.5971106 3.0498494 12.4116653 0.0005878 107285067 solute carrier family 44 member 5
-3.9582702 -2.4742284 1.2602023 0.4360045 17.8860089 0.0001092 107293782 RAB43 member RAS oncogene family
-3.9623388 -3.4921146 -1.6410980 3.6684664 16.5683898 0.0001590 107288416 spermatogenesis associated 13
-3.9676026 -1.4901131 -1.3143003 3.4513960 10.9813714 0.0009951 107287165 solute carrier family 16 member 10
-3.9695927 -3.3070995 -3.1459768 4.4466240 4.4013537 0.0268380 107284512 beta-carotene oxygenase 2
-3.9699514 0.7739044 1.0837338 5.2433430 7.1607202 0.0053876 107301560 leukocyte cysteine proteinase inhibitor 1-like
-3.9934310 -2.8147798 -1.6372503 4.6780179 5.7056743 0.0119143 107297348 hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2
-3.9960683 -1.6125268 1.5409472 1.0648883 16.7530515 0.0001509 107296201 pigment epithelium-derived factor-like
-3.9963520 -3.0032209 -1.5999345 0.0244144 8.1003085 0.0033705 107301131 BRISC and BRCA1-A complex member 1-like
-3.9975942 0.2991686 -0.1648403 1.0071564 8.0837008 0.0034216 107303117 keratin 222 type II
-4.0000475 -3.9730519 -2.9367048 -0.5486549 4.8405715 0.0201468 107284333 proenkephalin
-4.0011078 -2.8053751 -0.9189695 1.5154643 3.0968411 0.0683451 107297453 interleukin-1 family member 10-like
-4.0040398 -1.4664448 0.2738427 8.5831525 32.4204993 0.0000056 107294455 selenoprotein T
-4.0119959 -3.5466854 0.5013229 6.5899022 26.8226161 0.0000151 107300218 solute carrier family 38 member 5
-4.0259940 -3.8612765 0.9026028 5.8360057 28.9828953 0.0000102 107302866 dimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 1-like
-4.0269375 -1.5135893 0.7087328 3.5483454 2.2167345 0.1398964 107288661 cystatin-A-like
-4.0287752 -1.5308262 -0.3683724 6.3875526 27.4850471 0.0000133 107286681 enoyl-CoA delta isomerase 2
-4.0320040 -2.1332904 -6.6927730 0.1246768 22.7185048 0.0000341 107299000 solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter) member 4
-4.0327571 -1.5131942 1.5722593 6.7105989 68.7717979 0.0000001 107291421 microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1
-4.0340273 0.4553960 -2.7808405 3.9379982 19.1827078 0.0000793 107283169 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2
-4.0348314 -3.6454619 0.4210054 7.0101295 23.8552091 0.0000272 107285887 enoyl-CoA hydratase/3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase
-4.0361748 -2.9763938 -2.2510241 6.4796786 13.2130855 0.0004462 107295186 muscle RAS oncogene homolog
-4.0458890 5.0820255 6.4586606 9.0850722 50.0283924 0.0000006 107294252 C-reactive protein-like
-4.0546703 -2.2977804 -0.3423693 3.1352589 21.6461279 0.0000441 107289146 phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase
-4.0597783 -2.1003242 -0.4633032 0.2601527 20.1984220 0.0000608 107286159 frizzled class receptor 5
-4.0659985 -2.0362812 0.8051984 0.4948758 7.5098215 0.0045191 107300150 phosphatidylserine synthase 2
-4.0703507 -1.9118061 0.3097887 0.3819573 6.5660935 0.0073588 107300209 proline and serine-rich protein 2-like
-4.0757070 -2.4887027 -0.5845539 3.0293596 23.5481557 0.0000291 107292069 solute carrier family 22 member 3
-4.0765306 -2.8911912 1.8715722 1.2057705 10.0239780 0.0014556 107293893 solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1C1-like
-4.0797057 -1.9333537 -0.4431968 5.2282535 38.9923991 0.0000022 107284371 acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 1
-4.0820768 -4.3588976 3.5154538 0.4850251 5.9524238 0.0140535 107294231 vitelline membrane outer layer protein 1-like
-4.0862639 -4.5817288 -2.2857662 2.2056986 13.9663678 0.0003482 107288287 enoyl-CoA hydratase short chain 1 mitochondrial
-4.0892578 1.3620496 1.3417588 3.7143989 6.4863868 0.0076826 107298861 complement factor H-related protein 5-like
-4.0899768 0.8820745 -0.6361344 2.3837120 29.0211315 0.0000101 107302515 coiled-coil domain containing 183
-4.1028624 -4.7460024 0.2703226 2.1205937 8.5372533 0.0027706 107288229 leucine rich adaptor protein 1-like
-4.1095973 -4.3453404 -5.5169429 9.1927546 5.6332952 0.0124295 107283650 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4
-4.1159545 -1.3922073 1.3118281 8.9535556 22.9702349 0.0000329 107284527 phosphoserine aminotransferase 1
-4.1182070 -4.9044317 -9.9810580 8.9364076 11.9747482 0.0006870 107288215 uncharacterized LOC107288215
-4.1483362 -3.5885825 2.7466695 3.2081044 13.2864032 0.0004354 107292572 C-factor-like
-4.1605609 -3.1582518 -3.5285534 -0.1837957 1.8132840 0.1993957 107284185 CD180 molecule
-4.1795331 -3.6080226 3.4626075 3.9007039 32.0374364 0.0000061 107302585 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-4.1889300 -2.4348088 -0.1538456 2.2721212 39.4263372 0.0000020 107300171 mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation protein 1-like
-4.1926077 -2.1645967 1.1733111 4.7514350 8.2596613 0.0031498 107290604 G0/G1 switch 2
-4.1991870 -3.6024421 -0.3041044 2.6843226 10.2523347 0.0013264 107289585 activin A receptor type IC
-4.2040690 -5.7573218 -0.9304932 4.6003722 39.9354173 0.0000019 107291709 melanotransferrin
-4.2275866 0.2068945 -0.2744130 0.4760234 12.4748633 0.0005749 107293110 mannosyl-oligosaccharide 12-alpha-mannosidase IC-like
-4.2449235 -1.2523311 -1.2772246 7.6728685 12.3166752 0.0006079 107292171 pterin-4 alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase 1
-4.2541880 -2.0358635 -0.9330007 4.3439036 5.3166514 0.0150120 107299349 Fc fragment of IgE receptor Ig
-4.2563641 -6.3015695 1.3198618 2.5352293 30.3145610 0.0000081 107302966 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf105
-4.2648653 -14.0335769 -1.5748781 8.7250062 70.6162264 0.0000001 107284479 vitamin D3 hydroxylase-associated protein-like
-4.2678181 -0.8694151 0.2816965 5.4918723 42.4721811 0.0000014 107292512 sterol 26-hydroxylase mitochondrial
-4.2755199 -5.4180537 1.6870759 4.4387207 34.9246803 0.0000039 107294873 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 11
-4.2759061 -3.7748222 -1.5001905 -0.2305988 7.7699253 0.0039644 107301287 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RING2-A
-4.2768630 -4.2387371 -4.0972099 5.4761736 13.6623117 0.0003844 107291614 adenylate kinase 3
-4.2809675 -1.2160925 -0.0573408 3.1823184 23.0991515 0.0000320 107282878 guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase
-4.2881178 -2.1203400 -1.1046043 9.4361577 27.6937125 0.0000126 107301744 solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter y+ system) member 2
-4.3041975 1.0802155 -0.5358345 -0.3263312 8.2234141 0.0032037 107285539 glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 4
-4.3044055 -6.1789355 0.1986262 8.4787561 64.9625626 0.0000001 107285526 alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase
-4.3143801 -2.8810569 0.3565982 4.0932819 11.3871453 0.0008529 107284674 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 3
-4.3181878 4.6923910 2.7459211 13.0804982 24.6754703 0.0000230 107294969 ovotransferrin-like
-4.3286306 -2.6934992 -0.3237494 9.3755770 24.1886238 0.0000252 107290848 5’-nucleotidase cytosolic II
-4.3338930 -3.5528070 3.6920906 3.2958815 28.0516725 0.0000120 107302578 cytochrome P450 2J5-like
-4.3395752 -0.9156258 -2.0705885 4.0553835 10.4654457 0.0012178 107289112 S-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-1-like
-4.3447989 -1.8646215 0.3929917 4.9257243 32.9286280 0.0000052 107289758 dihydrofolate reductase
-4.3463375 -3.9081876 -15.7860429 10.3869143 41.6648390 0.0000015 107286245 myosin light chain 7
-4.3590487 1.0426460 3.0886259 7.2453694 11.1043111 0.0009493 107287785 deoxyribonuclease I-like 3
-4.3613103 -3.4532938 -1.8336023 6.4898588 10.7729137 0.0010788 107288698 uncharacterized LOC107288698
-4.3629667 -0.8642379 0.4941267 6.9790333 23.8540263 0.0000272 107292618 uncharacterized LOC107292618
-4.3640802 0.2657953 -1.4326989 3.2428286 22.0135812 0.0000406 107284500 dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase
-4.4072298 -3.4432148 -0.6818448 4.6637537 52.6686280 0.0000004 107283909 cathepsin H
-4.4153018 -3.7302079 -2.3351319 -0.2144846 3.3577350 0.0560524 107300980 NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-3 mitochondrial-like
-4.4298438 -3.6817427 1.7527314 4.1728190 9.5623268 0.0017646 107293436 solute carrier family 38 member 3
-4.4392334 -3.2167064 -3.8792874 1.9602210 11.6439280 0.0007752 107293856 endothelin B receptor-like
-4.4422911 -2.4025294 1.9770221 2.6100721 14.3466798 0.0003085 107296084 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 13-like
-4.4672183 -2.2300699 -0.8344268 10.3709144 14.6775221 0.0002781 107290842 phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
-4.4685402 -2.2857206 -4.2163034 1.4193481 3.6829565 0.0441418 107300726 complement component C7-like
-4.4838802 -2.2948875 -1.2738188 -0.0965474 6.4058449 0.0080267 107297587 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 13-like
-4.4855848 2.0730466 0.4418216 4.8289965 21.4057613 0.0000466 107295524 mannan-binding lectin serine peptidase 2
-4.4994858 -3.0903850 0.3055183 0.8964635 12.9632784 0.0004856 107297923 aquaporin 11
-4.5050913 -0.6243586 -0.0967356 1.4118722 8.0357482 0.0035004 107297258 thyroid hormone responsive
-4.5208002 -0.7353007 -1.1589769 2.0831603 10.7089767 0.0011061 107302135 sepiapterin reductase-like
-4.5241642 -1.9628134 2.1634965 8.3024420 54.6748485 0.0000003 107297930 transmembrane protein 97-like
-4.5385137 3.9625431 -5.2273327 1.4854757 25.5526844 0.0000609 107289315 GATA binding protein 4
-4.5412059 -3.7010670 -3.1130693 4.0354426 5.9845102 0.0101487 107282838 amyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 1 interacting protein
-4.5423347 -0.1993643 1.6201366 5.3085814 37.1601727 0.0000028 107283544 5-hydroxyisourate hydrolase-like
-4.5452220 -2.5097977 1.4503870 6.9179119 33.9550176 0.0000045 107282392 very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase-like
-4.5868795 -2.5305068 -0.4910677 11.3912883 23.5556324 0.0000285 107289608 catalase
-4.5924370 -6.5408059 -0.0359655 2.9063302 22.3116163 0.0000380 107291497 solute carrier family 23 member 3
-4.5963227 10.1962840 3.9596421 6.3737691 18.0511663 0.0002604 107299989 alpha-2-macroglobulin-like
-4.6000370 -4.0878207 -1.4442172 1.8167698 20.4013392 0.0000583 107293088 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 4-like
-4.6164302 -3.6711689 -2.8805472 0.6079402 4.5095760 0.0249829 107297675 prostaglandin reductase 2-like
-4.6201404 -1.2142794 -0.7100602 3.2770848 18.5041918 0.0000943 107292807 ring finger protein 125 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
-4.6254819 -3.3875281 2.0403939 4.8096581 43.0635048 0.0000013 107282553 protein ADP-ribosylarginine hydrolase-like
-4.6278085 -4.2224627 -0.7997852 1.8222556 6.0890253 0.0095668 107282658 membrane protein palmitoylated 2
-4.6308464 -1.8673536 -2.2688934 1.1847219 25.3289253 0.0000198 107290729 molybdenum cofactor synthesis 1
-4.6590987 -0.8274026 -0.4804180 4.4975471 8.2655525 0.0031412 107292528 CD22 molecule
-4.6650265 -4.9677044 0.8855201 4.9082050 13.0354413 0.0004738 107291915 cytochrome P450 1A5
-4.6685898 -7.3116696 -2.2991353 2.3456456 5.0351195 0.0178455 107294424 endonuclease domain-containing 1 protein-like
-4.6734387 1.6095177 0.4491386 3.8477816 48.3064198 0.0000007 107299015 insulin like growth factor 2
-4.6837484 0.1864364 0.3423503 9.7386674 23.9493603 0.0000267 107291537 serpin peptidase inhibitor clade G (C1 inhibitor) member 1
-4.6859879 -3.3229296 -0.0263692 4.3102051 40.4268440 0.0000018 107293232 ethylmalonic encephalopathy 1
-4.7035222 -6.3438503 2.7261043 3.2423297 54.9583123 0.0000003 107300465 hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha
-4.7062407 -0.1528639 -0.5262206 6.9632142 18.5772271 0.0000925 107285848 zinc finger FYVE-type containing 26
-4.7493465 -1.0988706 2.4409721 3.6252264 31.5066669 0.0000066 107293099 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2 mitochondrial
-4.7526042 -11.2339018 -4.8649336 4.2895556 43.1717648 0.0000013 107299285 avidin-like
-4.7944674 -1.1303789 -0.3435471 8.2115590 21.1877759 0.0000490 107282578 ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 10-like
-4.7969820 -3.7000686 -4.0339924 0.9273210 8.2013435 0.0032370 107289217 carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1B
-4.8035632 -2.6175387 -3.4168273 7.8521073 11.7656257 0.0007413 107283925 isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (NADP+) mitochondrial
-4.8254061 -4.0561969 -1.0143516 2.2289534 24.3874892 0.0000244 107292771 estrogen receptor 1
-4.8383840 -2.3152875 0.4054696 7.7357443 33.8332782 0.0000046 107290593 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 3
-4.8461618 -3.3963039 -0.4463441 4.3240310 29.5762346 0.0000092 107297539 progesterone receptor membrane component 1
-4.8604748 -1.8268324 1.0102646 2.1887900 6.4360594 0.0078955 107300688 dihydrofolate reductase-like
-4.8785797 -2.1234833 1.4290843 6.8243013 19.6027076 0.0000715 107290434 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 11
-4.8830021 -0.4397103 -3.8689950 0.3448610 8.0097931 0.0035439 107296950 phospholipid-transporting ATPase ID-like
-4.9152616 -4.6848644 -3.3892088 0.4194852 9.2980227 0.0019710 107292765 serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-1-like
-4.9227876 -4.8954348 -2.8438188 4.2715542 5.9361681 0.0104317 107301058 mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM70-like
-4.9365995 -1.8786029 1.1336795 5.9029629 13.9935970 0.0003452 107293598 estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 11-like
-4.9379131 -2.3385722 2.4712185 10.4178360 28.1273050 0.0000118 107291722 fructose-bisphosphatase 1
-4.9492949 -3.1158057 -3.2669092 5.1756696 10.8350278 0.0010530 107290319 family with sequence similarity 195 member A
-4.9581065 -3.8536697 -0.7738297 3.1130767 27.4498689 0.0000134 107295635 enoyl-CoA hydratase domain containing 3
-4.9669909 -8.6688933 -2.2132997 0.5377511 22.1597375 0.0001114 107301809 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase cytosolic [GTP]-like
-4.9680470 6.5338239 -0.2028815 3.1261259 9.3944108 0.0031473 107291420 cytochrome P450 2J5-like
-4.9714342 -11.7585682 0.0000000 3.3237163 83.2963560 0.0000030 107298136 avidin-like
-4.9883485 -2.1176071 -0.9224430 -0.3124210 7.6117119 0.0042972 107303268 claudin 2
-5.0020929 -6.3953555 -0.5768337 4.9638308 8.9215987 0.0023301 107290677 leucine rich repeat containing 19
-5.0037741 -8.1830438 -2.9445769 6.4442033 40.6260725 0.0000017 107283317 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 1
-5.0090869 -5.6734778 0.2382604 5.2318404 87.2340743 0.0000000 107292937 solute carrier family 22 member 18
-5.0103296 -2.3840257 -0.1594594 7.7893798 36.1441698 0.0000032 107295057 phytanoyl-CoA 2-hydroxylase
-5.0124585 -5.9942337 -1.3224145 5.0529354 23.7599451 0.0000278 107287290 D-amino-acid oxidase
-5.0131602 0.6034938 0.6879299 3.9567200 37.3369590 0.0000027 107297018 acyl-coenzyme A synthetase ACSM3 mitochondrial-like
-5.0169273 -3.4126216 -2.3401948 0.9690663 2.4635793 0.1135546 107300644 putative tRNA pseudouridine synthase Pus10
-5.0205082 -1.6224274 4.0637487 0.8481899 8.0174092 0.0054310 107294836 HFM1 ATP-dependent DNA helicase homolog
-5.0234777 -2.4757050 3.8548289 5.7343817 41.2293710 0.0000016 107300612 fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B-like
-5.0253753 -0.2610036 -3.0962933 1.8580626 19.5060594 0.0000732 107301076 collectin-11-like
-5.0429990 -3.3015466 -2.0212655 1.2406651 12.6422091 0.0005423 107298744 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf115
-5.0466412 -4.1459612 0.6457398 5.9555343 19.2289425 0.0000784 107302652 family with sequence similarity 149 member A
-5.0518107 -4.3832421 -0.0779633 10.0225193 40.9315691 0.0000016 107282219 interferon gamma-inducible protein 30
-5.0567241 -3.9663235 -1.5343156 2.5881767 22.0974355 0.0000398 107282743 nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphorylase [carboxylating]-like
-5.0575969 0.9664918 0.7539144 8.2522920 65.3886664 0.0000001 107286758 integrin subunit alpha 2
-5.0731368 1.5639895 -0.8291209 2.8536581 14.0675246 0.0003371 107290004 uncharacterized LOC107290004
-5.0735466 -1.1831840 2.2163743 1.2160884 24.4202942 0.0000242 107288796 SEC14 like lipid binding 2
-5.0783123 1.2835181 5.2102978 9.9086010 17.6922915 0.0001167 107291832 glutathione S-transferase theta-1-like
-5.0855493 1.9667375 2.2652548 10.1259094 35.2035626 0.0000037 107284831 ceruloplasmin (ferroxidase)
-5.0866060 -1.9341253 -1.3941642 2.6012927 14.3325528 0.0003098 107301808 putative inactive cytochrome P450 2G1
-5.0965805 -12.1074557 0.3053695 8.6763026 92.8706911 0.0000000 107286940 solute carrier family 5 member 12
-5.1035386 0.8643584 -0.7600791 2.2082958 23.6651516 0.0000283 107299480 scavenger receptor class B member 1
-5.1041960 0.4110289 -4.4264447 2.8529872 63.0588811 0.0000002 107289294 prospero homeobox 1
-5.1182756 -0.0878356 -1.1176634 2.4271872 5.8218459 0.0111384 107292644 zona pellucida glycoprotein 1
-5.1252958 -9.0453383 -4.6538020 0.8945468 11.3279180 0.0016001 107282672 homeobox B2
-5.1573295 -8.3076679 -0.1157139 4.1546037 33.7363220 0.0000046 107282974 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 5
-5.1596290 -2.3346027 -0.0970969 7.6957401 38.1024518 0.0000024 107302659 cytochrome P450 4V2
-5.1653501 -5.0072305 -3.7181544 8.1832151 12.6869272 0.0005340 107297843 pantetheinase-like
-5.1668310 -1.8978972 0.0571873 9.4245687 71.6134383 0.0000001 107294581 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 7
-5.1714271 -6.2523892 -2.9968120 1.6247198 9.3052562 0.0019698 107284155 hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 2
-5.1785527 -11.8310344 -2.2079241 3.3984353 37.6997131 0.0000111 107298134 avidin-like
-5.1895174 -4.8313202 -1.8691437 0.1943957 8.2585605 0.0031515 107291700 D-beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase mitochondrial-like
-5.1975598 -8.4810727 -0.3845064 7.6814041 43.8578922 0.0000012 107284786 nicotinamide N-methyltransferase-like
-5.1992697 6.4453332 5.2866538 5.6236065 46.4075617 0.0000009 107291856 pulmonary surfactant-associated protein D-like
-5.2111223 -0.7884787 -0.9564209 4.4562884 9.6158474 0.0017251 107294865 macrophage receptor MARCO-like
-5.2475820 1.3681840 -0.1135075 4.6860303 75.1907711 0.0000001 107283609 probable acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 6
-5.2638168 -4.9979857 -0.6180383 11.1440290 32.4507312 0.0000055 107288494 selenoprotein P plasma 1
-5.2660485 -1.5257199 -2.3552969 3.0923083 19.3983692 0.0000752 107289318 BLK proto-oncogene Src family tyrosine kinase
-5.2923542 -6.0913169 0.2431143 6.1264235 16.1635205 0.0001784 107299109 glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating)
-5.3043354 -0.0614437 3.0630303 7.7223942 20.5811543 0.0000564 107286756 follistatin
-5.3188366 0.8560057 4.6053279 7.3985852 12.8250240 0.0005091 107287786 abhydrolase domain containing 6
-5.3400279 -0.0980808 2.3476692 1.5066228 16.0946679 0.0001820 107282557 sulfotransferase 1C2-like
-5.3538220 -1.0189445 1.6673589 0.9248057 20.8045012 0.0000535 107297105 phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase 3-like
-5.3623693 1.7420174 -4.8753988 6.9150553 23.7260566 0.0000280 107283466 selenoprotein Pb-like
-5.3816378 0.9190744 5.4196848 5.4203177 37.7682532 0.0000026 107291681 cytochrome P450 2K1-like
-5.3891218 -3.0264064 9.3969036 6.5902547 28.7928846 0.0000364 107301571 fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B-like
-5.4022359 -6.4149398 -1.0872286 6.9587258 31.3730478 0.0000068 107285787 hydroxyacid oxidase 2 (long chain)
-5.4058229 -5.2145916 -1.7570935 1.5688636 1.7766564 0.2060847 107291991 linker for activation of T-cells family member 1-like
-5.4066864 0.1993469 2.1113521 2.6607789 18.1045949 0.0001046 107300059 3-beta-hydroxysteroid-Delta(8)Delta(7)-isomerase-like
-5.4077346 -2.6054946 -2.1285219 2.1136601 10.0336240 0.0014499 107295866 sepiapterin reductase (78-dihydrobiopterin:NADP+ oxidoreductase)
-5.4163469 -9.0782535 4.4555754 9.8857628 20.7210357 0.0000546 107288551 glutathione S-transferase-like
-5.4313016 -4.6756389 -2.5645939 1.6327520 16.7663000 0.0001504 107287442 basic leucine zipper ATF-like transcription factor 3
-5.4458109 -1.7166046 -1.3281122 3.8879924 45.0820480 0.0000010 107288499 growth hormone receptor
-5.4467034 -4.7298864 1.5770474 -0.4299971 13.4800196 0.0008258 107301917 pipecolic acid oxidase
-5.4534837 0.5832258 -1.0818131 2.2164564 27.9025545 0.0000123 107290448 coagulation factor VII-like
-5.4566124 -1.0831828 0.0656228 6.2443791 24.4412823 0.0000241 107297339 complement factor H-like
-5.4606841 -0.8031032 -1.7701561 1.2740221 15.1773001 0.0002386 107284673 ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1
-5.4609014 -5.1137859 0.3835180 5.7537236 82.0913487 0.0000000 107292366 uncharacterized LOC107292366
-5.4660816 -0.8938999 0.6152856 1.7050394 22.4516374 0.0000368 107299833 synaptoporin-like
-5.4785170 -3.0080610 3.9924028 10.8675271 32.6505488 0.0000055 107298174 aldolase fructose-bisphosphate B
-5.4928324 -2.6723953 1.3572590 9.6345653 28.3692914 0.0000113 107297766 transmembrane protein 254
-5.4939986 -5.5761624 2.7428941 7.4764727 23.0406333 0.0000324 107302840 thiosulfate sulfurtransferase
-5.5040055 -2.2309514 0.2086897 3.0022240 59.5702503 0.0000002 107295036 pterin-4 alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase 2
-5.5055819 -0.0657429 -0.0869365 4.1095496 18.5306024 0.0000936 107294276 ryncolin-3-like
-5.5079233 -6.7060423 0.9220607 1.9611507 15.3274888 0.0002281 107286787 cytochrome P450 2C5-like
-5.5198702 -3.1805209 0.4272602 8.5385343 24.9183689 0.0000219 107302868 dimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 3-like
-5.5286002 -1.6489418 -2.3231190 2.6134466 6.6077418 0.0071960 107294426 TRPM8 channel-associated factor 2
-5.5345668 -0.0941331 0.2147705 8.1640374 28.8537335 0.0000104 107290750 3-hydroxymethyl-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase
-5.5355451 2.9905613 5.8536020 2.9538268 51.7987720 0.0000026 107297821 uncharacterized LOC107297821
-5.5528008 0.0500768 -1.8223076 5.0161996 76.0862378 0.0000001 107297970 NAD kinase 2 mitochondrial
-5.5583096 -3.6338586 -3.6357897 4.8398826 10.0496694 0.0014404 107300843 isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP] mitochondrial-like
-5.5655961 1.4951489 3.5805840 4.6668545 52.8418594 0.0000004 107294445 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-5.5706657 1.8418656 -0.3753931 6.2254988 19.9456172 0.0000657 107295939 cholinesterase-like
-5.5769590 -1.0357155 3.0164809 2.4253291 23.3995574 0.0000300 107288520 sterol O-acyltransferase 2-like
-5.5808257 -2.3822986 -1.7415615 6.9349439 24.7777346 0.0000225 107293840 pantothenate kinase 1
-5.6017484 -3.9446739 -5.9385814 0.1273949 4.4526904 0.0259388 107301189 major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein-like
-5.6528462 9.2957016 4.3351325 9.7335340 36.8473981 0.0000029 107292016 alpha-2-macroglobulin-like
-5.6538997 -3.2608064 2.8192793 8.7986168 36.1534398 0.0000032 107284107 homogentisate 12-dioxygenase
-5.6593691 -1.3595534 -3.0050481 9.7081527 1.4730498 0.2722918 107295833 ferritin light chain oocyte isoform-like
-5.6933600 -6.4519109 -1.2347203 5.0993578 9.4582229 0.0018445 107303159 heparanase
-5.6944440 -1.7634980 -1.6478163 8.2005720 7.4080104 0.0047543 107302884 complement factor B-like
-5.7233020 -4.4682841 -4.9194058 0.5173161 2.4555477 0.1143169 107290451 uncharacterized LOC107290451
-5.7419460 -4.8433080 -2.0309514 6.8988530 60.4357663 0.0000002 107292605 glycine cleavage system protein H (aminomethyl carrier)
-5.7463752 -15.2101919 0.0000000 6.7334755 224.6099371 0.0000001 107288415 complement C1q and tumor necrosis factor-related protein 9A-like
-5.7469262 -2.4091225 1.0957034 5.8235658 28.3869299 0.0000113 107298955 phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase
-5.7518293 5.4676033 3.7502206 6.2793666 53.4516313 0.0000004 107291123 complement component C6-like
-5.7673464 -0.3857400 -1.5496509 1.8360572 8.4475834 0.0028870 107283782 uncharacterized LOC107283782
-5.7936488 -1.5121640 -1.7049307 3.6529144 10.3430616 0.0012788 107294866 macrophage receptor MARCO-like
-5.8083400 -2.2275508 -0.7279157 8.5986453 43.6482669 0.0000012 107290292 solute carrier family 51 beta subunit
-5.8269034 -4.3172939 3.5079273 7.3726191 26.7930571 0.0000152 107297206 xanthine dehydrogenase
-5.8381314 -6.4906721 -2.7164572 0.5434354 7.8585113 0.0038104 107296215 aquaporin 8
-5.8472550 -1.4337004 -0.8186059 6.7115304 54.6251723 0.0000004 107287879 betaine–homocysteine S-methyltransferase 1
-5.8658978 -3.2168126 4.8655106 4.6948636 19.9937353 0.0000649 107287742 carboxypeptidase N subunit 1
-5.8819205 -2.5050826 -1.8210117 2.6985208 16.8083629 0.0001486 107287642 dopa decarboxylase
-5.8842519 -0.5371630 2.5880709 8.9577451 28.6042670 0.0000109 107298569 complement factor I
-5.8966807 -8.5728515 -1.6252058 3.4388414 65.9241969 0.0000001 107297583 probable 2-ketogluconate reductase
-5.9084471 -2.6653644 0.5997294 9.4554314 44.0365151 0.0000011 107285163 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 1 methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase
-5.9216733 -2.0388924 -0.7723491 10.4812313 47.1962424 0.0000008 107302469 phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 2
-5.9219528 4.5135280 3.1635558 3.6718972 44.9209092 0.0000010 107292452 extracellular serine/threonine protein kinase FAM20C-like
-5.9556452 -1.8792998 -0.9141602 7.7582995 104.5812541 0.0000000 107287406 coagulation factor V
-5.9573570 -5.6116506 -5.3667088 3.5430249 10.9654884 0.0010012 107300219 GTP:AMP phosphotransferase AK3 mitochondrial-like
-5.9676542 -8.1266972 -3.0350726 0.2321067 17.3818668 0.0003035 107299119 HNF1 homeobox B
-5.9690498 4.8918025 2.7849781 4.8204553 52.6088523 0.0000004 107291130 complement component 6
-5.9692929 -13.1447150 -4.7078555 4.6901920 91.7851500 0.0000002 107301914 avidin-like
-5.9718475 2.9432257 0.6677361 7.7483960 18.9274730 0.0000846 107298145 cholinesterase-like
-5.9747709 0.4506368 -3.1393558 -0.0009997 8.9973379 0.0022532 107298291 GTPase IMAP family member 7-like
-5.9988319 -8.2033157 1.4660760 1.5757101 36.2850132 0.0000132 107289511 sulfotransferase 6B1-like
-6.0033806 -0.7776376 -0.0851101 -0.1085757 18.7806229 0.0000878 107302802 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 13
-6.0037638 1.2534498 -0.0843427 5.3033243 26.5090938 0.0000160 107286300 lipoprotein lipase
-6.0144425 -5.7879766 0.7588578 3.9627512 16.4404385 0.0001648 107302865 dimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 2-like
-6.0238336 -3.4443898 -2.9990695 5.7768438 17.4623664 0.0001242 107289544 CD209 antigen-like protein C
-6.0269199 -1.7941477 0.6475202 1.4017797 15.3165051 0.0002288 107290515 synaptoporin
-6.0457615 2.6331871 0.3283998 3.1588294 92.7787203 0.0000000 107294643 nuclear receptor subfamily 5 group A member 2
-6.0565249 -4.3024957 3.7435698 1.7570715 22.8105654 0.0000986 107298864 Y-box-binding protein 2-like
-6.0705018 -3.4332134 -0.6842706 2.1032292 21.4848287 0.0000457 107295882 synaptosome associated protein 91kDa
-6.0712933 4.2068778 2.0071309 1.8516593 31.3742692 0.0000250 107293799 insulin like growth factor binding protein acid labile subunit
-6.0970665 -3.9644020 -0.5828170 9.4249766 53.0864537 0.0000004 107286863 fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (fumarylacetoacetase)
-6.0982264 3.4132353 -0.1762247 1.1291256 32.2167993 0.0000223 107298577 HGF activator
-6.1069433 0.7391252 2.6887891 3.4013661 18.5247564 0.0000938 107301119 interleukin-27 subunit beta-like
-6.1194707 -1.7918822 -1.7274927 5.5766799 42.3096243 0.0000014 107300074 asialoglycoprotein receptor 1-like
-6.1303748 -6.5057119 -4.4981621 -0.5624512 11.4987520 0.0014956 107289498 homeobox C4
-6.1459374 -3.3053214 -1.3122623 3.8148457 20.1536183 0.0000625 107287877 dimethylglycine dehydrogenase
-6.1507026 -6.3658247 0.5946141 7.8365287 33.9794115 0.0000045 107288763 alcohol dehydrogenase 1B-like
-6.1688090 -4.4134304 -0.6376374 -0.1147175 10.7617095 0.0010835 107296441 transmembrane protein 82
-6.1699351 -6.1915685 -0.1900074 1.6571516 19.4047987 0.0000750 107303039 mitochondrial peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase-like
-6.1880365 1.7145931 -1.2773128 7.6085106 56.0381676 0.0000003 107282291 complement factor D (adipsin)
-6.1907105 -12.2856048 0.0000000 3.8473109 22.8061938 0.0003298 107284790 apolipoprotein A-IV
-6.2038995 2.2317532 2.2317532 0.1099848 34.0012711 0.0000797 107302702 serine palmitoyltransferase small subunit B
-6.2276505 -6.3801921 -0.1369082 4.1050211 14.1881309 0.0003244 107301338 uncharacterized LOC107301338
-6.2462548 -6.8380810 -0.4012658 4.5355315 30.3925896 0.0000080 107294067 sorbitol dehydrogenase
-6.2485146 -0.2252872 -1.0187746 4.4881984 24.5521864 0.0000236 107285920 glucose-6-phosphatase-like
-6.2844037 -1.4437665 1.5597266 6.6556292 107.3402790 0.0000000 107297929 transmembrane protein 97-like
-6.3114647 3.2528803 0.3808137 8.3392088 177.8286270 0.0000000 107287994 venom factor-like
-6.3233639 -1.0675229 -1.4611625 0.1957871 11.6493832 0.0007737 107285004 N-acetyllactosaminide beta-13-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 3-like
-6.3376184 -7.0240859 -1.2959906 1.9983228 23.0537971 0.0000323 107287842 N-acetyltransferase 8-like
-6.3700828 -0.6684144 -1.5102116 2.1484138 31.1000399 0.0000071 107299057 vascular endothelial growth factor B
-6.3808004 -3.8887085 0.7276221 5.5513063 19.0454011 0.0000821 107295111 alcohol dehydrogenase iron containing 1
-6.3961749 -10.1617387 7.5744760 9.3581710 22.2029130 0.0001105 107297218 solute carrier family 13 member 3
-6.4084959 -6.2935608 3.4922813 2.4115635 24.4734645 0.0000732 107298710 mannan-binding lectin serine protease 1-like
-6.4220003 -1.9489158 -6.9183255 4.7571309 27.7635405 0.0000127 107291102 GATA binding protein 6
-6.4557974 -6.6716931 0.0000000 -0.5237768 10.9256927 0.0036621 107291499 indian hedgehog
-6.4568054 -2.2425952 2.2929415 4.8771236 17.0945761 0.0001373 107289460 insulin like growth factor 1
-6.4786050 6.6716031 3.7462170 10.8110904 43.7659717 0.0000012 107295168 alpha-2-macroglobulin-like
-6.4830352 1.4695481 1.2140659 2.8135308 30.5829134 0.0000077 107289345 phospholipase A1 member A-like
-6.4834970 0.8371222 -1.6327554 3.4221746 21.3359705 0.0000473 107284348 7-alpha-hydroxycholest-4-en-3-one 12-alpha-hydroxylase-like
-6.5250541 -3.7404994 -3.1869439 5.6663530 18.0173094 0.0001071 107293478 mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member H-like
-6.5266378 -1.8963442 0.6511328 5.3513568 58.7564197 0.0000002 107288097 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C12
-6.5281520 -6.9184288 0.9935706 5.1588902 62.9756741 0.0000002 107288098 phenazine biosynthesis-like protein domain containing
-6.5343059 1.1537841 -4.8119590 4.4086750 19.1572371 0.0000798 107286096 phospholipase A1 member A
-6.5384496 -5.7454754 -1.7824393 2.2513519 15.1251469 0.0002424 107289980 multidrug resistance-associated protein 6-like
-6.5592414 -3.8640910 -0.7876291 2.1024662 10.4440574 0.0012282 107301841 adenine phosphoribosyltransferase-like
-6.5952708 -0.1780133 -0.6158912 6.1599406 11.4195969 0.0008426 107294268 veficolin-1-like
-6.6048549 -2.5638929 -3.7727444 2.6713037 16.9427869 0.0001432 107298248 vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 29-like
-6.6077314 -6.4623396 -7.5737962 0.2571224 12.9017277 0.0009772 107292403 UBX domain-containing protein 1-like
-6.6096921 -2.7381637 3.5615156 6.0507131 30.2001997 0.0000082 107302869 dimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 2-like
-6.6257097 2.5431911 0.2434507 3.6695859 28.3700871 0.0000113 107302576 transmembrane protease serine 6
-6.6479401 -4.2719106 2.6543825 6.8165059 19.4071518 0.0000750 107284296 kynurenine 3-monooxygenase (kynurenine 3-hydroxylase)
-6.6531319 2.0007175 4.0803644 5.8352399 79.9696773 0.0000000 107294444 cytochrome P450 2J5-like
-6.6747419 0.5249058 -5.0837102 4.8128632 4.6857764 0.0222720 107300231 complement factor B-like
-6.6845870 -2.7784105 0.9994792 8.3496499 76.1237998 0.0000001 107293567 amine sulfotransferase-like
-6.6908282 -7.7438493 -3.2446918 4.2161984 31.8215703 0.0000063 107284228 solute carrier family 1 member 4
-6.6916323 -4.7610822 -1.1634398 6.2656146 34.4582623 0.0000041 107297222 phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate amidotransferase
-6.6986290 -0.7788537 0.6820643 5.7125393 10.5629092 0.0011716 107294599 solute carrier family 2 member 9
-6.7078609 -4.9611037 -3.8369428 8.6009478 22.2726299 0.0000383 107284811 nicotinamide N-methyltransferase-like
-6.7327833 -1.8413425 -0.6701241 3.7081905 52.4611511 0.0000004 107282645 coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog B mitochondrial-like
-6.7355628 2.3310698 2.3310698 0.6842358 23.4440069 0.0002998 107298151 cholinesterase-like
-6.7623936 -2.0034001 -2.9204625 0.1464126 18.6473456 0.0000909 107299300 asialoglycoprotein receptor 1
-6.7804990 -0.4578211 2.5118502 6.5414911 9.6782838 0.0016804 107283015 family with sequence similarity 151 member A
-6.7836042 0.4732231 0.5724946 6.0571973 45.8899017 0.0000009 107298920 uncharacterized LOC107298920
-6.7866440 -2.7270652 0.1686729 6.1390529 67.6410447 0.0000001 107289152 serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1 (soluble)
-6.7925255 2.7485955 -3.6352042 1.2775120 17.8344931 0.0002735 107284998 transferrin receptor 2
-6.8023810 -8.8910884 2.6824336 3.4260774 74.2848238 0.0000005 107293994 solute carrier family 25 member 48
-6.8176882 -7.8417473 -3.2418962 3.0210490 15.0673500 0.0002467 107303301 solute carrier family 22 member 13-like
-6.8280150 -0.2001215 3.3951263 1.7978102 67.0528981 0.0000008 107302682 kallikrein B1
-6.8371970 -3.0266139 0.8853737 5.7095185 36.4108205 0.0000031 107289603 glycosylphosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase D1
-6.8381453 1.7299005 0.3787570 4.1068097 107.7654577 0.0000000 107292781 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 11
-6.8479944 -7.3260531 -2.1819723 -0.0758483 15.0676280 0.0005372 107299707 HNF1 homeobox A
-6.8695641 9.1542468 3.5638429 7.5555836 31.9627989 0.0000230 107295653 fucolectin-like
-6.8784712 -0.5913696 -7.1952998 4.2805506 25.6422223 0.0000190 107283823 cathepsin E-like
-6.8881125 -2.5955220 3.3146710 4.0177412 49.3279023 0.0000006 107302514 DEP domain containing 7
-6.8915679 -11.3134937 1.5534752 4.4664563 120.6182139 0.0000001 107289522 sulfotransferase 6B1-like
-6.8976950 -3.4509923 -0.5722249 11.6943197 38.5610492 0.0000022 107292555 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase/IMP cyclohydrolase
-6.9014220 -10.5325756 4.5412566 6.7078605 34.0159398 0.0000175 107301495 solute carrier family 13 member 3-like
-6.9084547 -6.2740674 -7.5534026 0.2803303 6.5315710 0.0105629 107282790 homeobox A2
-6.9168296 1.4562361 -4.6539258 0.2897606 9.3506560 0.0031994 107299286 natriuretic peptide receptor 2
-6.9582722 2.1190028 -1.0629862 3.5492807 26.2030118 0.0000170 107298147 cholinesterase-like
-6.9633563 -0.1250786 1.0790144 4.3298256 58.9014585 0.0000002 107294391 cytochrome P450 2J5-like
-6.9855107 -4.8821538 6.5510359 5.3688426 11.6386493 0.0014470 107294554 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase-like
-6.9988506 -4.9303733 0.5617375 3.0028864 17.2425782 0.0001318 107298100 adenine phosphoribosyltransferase-like
-7.0191382 -6.2888646 4.4831787 3.7217871 33.0091520 0.0000200 107288524 sterol O-acyltransferase 2-like
-7.0204367 -3.9530768 0.9222007 1.8830563 22.2399582 0.0000386 107282455 transmembrane protein 86B
-7.0760277 -4.8915142 -6.6881785 -0.1930933 3.5757756 0.0557771 107300138 DLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain-like
-7.0788782 -7.5136606 -1.9655536 2.2216857 14.3833469 0.0003049 107294050 retinol dehydrogenase 8-like
-7.0903226 -3.8986299 1.4877855 7.3379432 21.8653023 0.0000419 107293732 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 6-like
-7.1020870 -0.2455256 0.7420648 10.1442255 28.8329567 0.0000104 107302846 serpin peptidase inhibitor clade C (antithrombin) member 1
-7.1083861 -4.1322570 1.4184904 2.4619722 15.9642138 0.0001890 107301720 hydroxysteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 1-like protein A
-7.1370938 -13.7324770 -5.2022148 5.2780215 110.7547925 0.0000001 107298809 avidin-like
-7.1833036 -8.0598778 -1.7033159 2.5185850 37.2762020 0.0000027 107285661 cytochrome P450 2F3-like
-7.1985272 -7.0796842 2.1389527 7.1640975 29.2520555 0.0000097 107297441 carboxymethylenebutenolidase homolog
-7.2215708 -8.3420552 3.4307335 3.8581957 58.4897321 0.0000015 107289675 sulfotransferase 6B1-like
-7.2309706 -0.8294317 -1.8406241 1.0059367 15.0551690 0.0002476 107285006 beta-13-galactosyltransferase 5-like
-7.2313566 -0.6171367 0.1188120 5.9814668 68.0672862 0.0000001 107298921 complement factor H-related protein 1-like
-7.2351986 -2.4333264 -0.9538973 6.5074826 63.1318636 0.0000002 107295256 cytochrome P450 2J5-like
-7.2380693 3.1327417 3.1327417 1.9274548 52.6685450 0.0000165 107284346 7-alpha-hydroxycholest-4-en-3-one 12-alpha-hydroxylase-like
-7.2645887 2.7190963 1.9915403 11.2780011 60.0716204 0.0000002 107299290 phospholipase A2 inhibitor-like
-7.2869022 -4.4842952 2.6579289 3.8727744 28.0572640 0.0000120 107301624 hydroxysteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 1-like protein B
-7.2931080 -8.6068050 2.8087529 3.4491595 42.1350839 0.0000067 107300329 sulfotransferase 6B1-like
-7.3434717 -2.3107416 -2.0810465 9.1825924 30.3746646 0.0000080 107292523 complement factor H-like
-7.3645469 -0.9798180 -0.7052145 1.2949577 22.8436211 0.0000338 107300075 asialoglycoprotein receptor 1-like
-7.3669630 -5.9039240 -5.6441094 -0.1497474 2.7188071 0.1020637 107300495 uncharacterized LOC107300495
-7.3751102 -5.4571578 -1.1482277 3.3663833 14.0015195 0.0003443 107291359 agmatinase
-7.3930456 -2.0388675 -0.5807729 8.4889271 69.5522407 0.0000001 107297192 nudix hydrolase 5
-7.4491223 5.0834782 2.7806936 6.4931590 56.3320578 0.0000003 107300729 pulmonary surfactant-associated protein D-like
-7.4499700 -2.9381755 -6.6396212 -0.1513856 3.6628062 0.0526529 107299074 erythroblast NAD(P)(+)–arginine ADP-ribosyltransferase-like
-7.4604825 0.3721425 -1.7628601 4.5520217 47.0654285 0.0000008 107296158 cholinesterase-like
-7.5758559 -8.0156684 0.6271154 4.9372039 24.1319470 0.0000257 107296961 alanine–glyoxylate aminotransferase 2
-7.5817726 -7.6653839 1.0884057 4.2722184 15.2491055 0.0002335 107291528 uridine phosphorylase 2
-7.6223727 -5.1096579 -6.1106320 -0.0617270 2.9830257 0.0840867 107300205 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DRB1-9 beta chain-like
-7.6275661 3.6759606 5.3273497 4.4851649 33.6088873 0.0000185 107282330 olfactory receptor 10A2-like
-7.6713363 -6.4554773 1.9009513 4.6359298 72.7794329 0.0000001 107285113 APOBEC1 complementation factor
-7.7092038 -5.5899987 -1.4490575 5.1459653 78.4409965 0.0000000 107285654 aldehyde dehydrogenase 8 family member A1
-7.7134151 -7.9054070 -0.1263108 5.2983600 17.3951958 0.0001265 107294557 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase-like
-7.7176832 -3.1247418 -0.3360252 12.3214530 36.0001812 0.0000033 107285406 adenylosuccinate lyase
-7.7297900 -0.5233119 0.7602081 3.9834166 42.5229110 0.0000014 107291329 cystine/glutamate transporter-like
-7.7393122 -10.3084136 -1.2101769 4.8084804 41.4924999 0.0000016 107295241 arylsulfatase H-like
-7.7672327 -0.8667346 -0.6406723 0.9471614 29.2674951 0.0000097 107300846 zona pellucida sperm-binding protein 3-like
-7.8203047 -12.2324108 0.3701945 9.4219305 33.1032221 0.0000051 107285558 cytochrome P450 2K4-like
-7.8274229 -3.3300545 -0.2582067 10.6088984 62.3363262 0.0000002 107290689 trifunctional purine biosynthetic protein adenosine-3-like
-7.8937770 4.4598529 2.2710281 3.8844910 114.5651180 0.0000001 107297153 carbohydrate sulfotransferase 8-like
-7.9100463 -7.5647261 -1.0078752 3.7382703 24.4390589 0.0000241 107295951 uncharacterized LOC107295951
-7.9188188 -13.6132190 0.0000000 5.1681915 38.8869397 0.0000500 107291838 solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 11-like
-7.9248019 -9.9557921 -2.1492517 5.5470236 78.6675043 0.0000000 107293628 aminoacylase 3
-7.9389902 -0.1207459 -2.9161327 1.1349881 39.9512890 0.0000019 107290231 olfactory receptor 10A4-like
-7.9594874 -5.0484527 -0.9036857 1.8587677 26.1706703 0.0000171 107299528 diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2-like
-7.9813161 1.1596431 1.1001463 9.2554256 22.0221059 0.0000405 107285841 retinol dehydrogenase 12-like
-7.9982173 -6.6622910 -4.5211020 0.2536934 6.8145499 0.0092404 107300215 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-8.0013073 -6.9234119 -2.2001240 0.2662669 7.4667858 0.0068781 107299552 glucosylceramidase-like
-8.0344987 3.2270727 -1.5397569 4.4560212 41.8428418 0.0000015 107291415 cytochrome P450 2K1-like
-8.0740939 -5.6281506 -0.8162544 6.5723525 43.6902601 0.0000012 107284568 amidohydrolase domain containing 1
-8.0857144 -6.7384603 -3.9223181 1.6661208 5.1656939 0.0164603 107302735 lipase member M-like
-8.1479284 -5.6629878 0.0591132 3.0097683 92.1312725 0.0000000 107292406 nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 3
-8.1541568 -2.0834562 -0.3777632 3.5740143 34.7977679 0.0000039 107297074 ATPase copper transporting beta
-8.1671418 -3.8014784 -1.8165813 5.1925017 25.4946140 0.0000195 107292519 complement factor H-like
-8.1809978 -5.6966986 -0.8255295 4.3221580 101.9527516 0.0000000 107282369 aspartate dehydrogenase domain containing
-8.1937790 -6.1367202 -0.9858097 4.8110417 45.1632591 0.0000010 107288768 microsomal triglyceride transfer protein
-8.2272348 -5.9097921 -0.2631695 12.9018736 33.7791745 0.0000045 107297224 phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase; phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide synthase
-8.2956766 2.3180308 -1.3524211 4.5432486 98.4208844 0.0000000 107293282 16 kDa beta-galactoside-binding lectin-like
-8.3074874 -1.4486311 0.5372518 2.6072514 68.6846332 0.0000001 107293323 serpin peptidase inhibitor clade D (heparin cofactor) member 1
-8.3129598 2.1922016 -2.4367513 6.6910388 39.3890758 0.0000020 107288654 hemopexin
-8.3183861 1.1130518 1.6779253 6.0404608 37.0000768 0.0000028 107283554 tyrosine aminotransferase
-8.3551888 -0.0503517 -1.4399234 1.5204459 42.2740298 0.0000014 107283176 aquaporin 9
-8.3720073 0.9540766 1.1927767 4.6598929 50.4319098 0.0000005 107294443 cytochrome P450 2J5-like
-8.4196940 -6.8176101 1.6434200 5.9592882 23.3428712 0.0000303 107285659 cytochrome P450 2G1-like
-8.4299301 -2.0344590 2.1394625 5.6886024 18.8666761 0.0000859 107296372 UDP glycosyltransferase 8
-8.4305300 -6.4560660 -0.2021721 7.4540872 23.6155405 0.0000286 107296221 formimidoyltransferase cyclodeaminase
-8.4430900 -7.1739539 0.0000000 0.5921642 44.0968803 0.0000306 107295794 phospholipase A2 group XIIB
-8.4517964 -10.5528572 2.1947906 12.0163173 29.3442643 0.0000095 107293176 gallinacin-9-like
-8.4718231 4.4395062 0.3640496 7.7248570 118.5372323 0.0000000 107291327 aldo-keto reductase family 1 member D1
-8.4986008 2.3168604 2.3168604 2.3568024 39.4384523 0.0000475 107288146 protein lev-9-like
-8.5310912 -2.4138341 -1.3567224 4.1409243 31.0621229 0.0000071 107295793 oncoprotein induced transcript 3
-8.5340116 -7.3204178 -1.4254483 4.8792722 28.8737993 0.0000104 107284791 apolipoprotein A-I
-8.5730589 -3.2223567 -4.8965501 2.9947616 59.3905493 0.0000002 107285087 protein LBH-like
-8.5909463 -3.3452565 -2.8191954 1.6815880 13.3256763 0.0004297 107285663 cytochrome P450 2A13-like
-8.6035671 -6.2381664 1.6745091 6.3266859 62.0510834 0.0000002 107291683 cytochrome P450 2K4-like
-8.6069053 -0.1966485 0.9193260 3.2718478 41.7929929 0.0000015 107292732 dihydropyrimidinase
-8.6174270 -0.7775642 -0.7021245 7.6226674 159.1891342 0.0000000 107286760 molybdopterin synthase sulfur carrier subunit-like
-8.6440549 -9.0764682 0.0595619 5.0414416 22.5256253 0.0000362 107299675 alanine–glyoxylate aminotransferase 2 mitochondrial-like
-8.6992460 -5.8794911 -2.5077944 1.9320356 14.6709924 0.0002787 107285035 2-acylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2-B-like
-8.7188667 -3.1078368 1.4677556 1.7686487 46.7918451 0.0000042 107295261 insulin like growth factor binding protein 1
-8.7337379 3.1491487 1.3066281 5.8393245 68.6819651 0.0000001 107294390 cytochrome P450 2C31-like
-8.7428526 -0.8110430 -0.9540923 9.8429834 113.0150294 0.0000000 107286759 molybdenum cofactor synthesis 2
-8.7547499 6.4852000 2.4248115 11.1160810 31.5047021 0.0000066 107291858 phospholipase A2 inhibitor subunit A
-8.7601650 -2.3213145 3.6845924 3.9887235 38.6464106 0.0000099 107288522 sterol O-acyltransferase 2-like
-8.7657894 -0.5144286 -2.0057541 3.0613874 34.0895932 0.0000044 107284703 MLX interacting protein-like
-8.8044778 -7.7125087 -2.2124598 0.9825296 21.1095060 0.0001365 107285034 monoacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 3
-8.8228210 -2.8387163 -0.0658467 5.3775406 19.2267887 0.0000785 107301212 cytochrome P450 3A19-like
-8.9598119 1.0973363 -0.8143038 3.2426212 55.4438568 0.0000003 107290861 solute carrier family 39 member 5
-8.9824412 -8.6045822 0.1033640 5.0140084 41.7621209 0.0000015 107292363 immunoglobulin superfamily member 5
-9.0309787 -2.6538412 -2.0794535 5.2140349 26.5029805 0.0000160 107292303 pancreatic alpha-amylase-like
-9.0927396 -4.0675570 2.0669420 4.9334816 55.0833824 0.0000003 107282559 sulfotransferase 1C2-like
-9.1269918 -6.6873983 -2.0272095 5.0258868 71.3176369 0.0000001 107284777 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 36
-9.1682130 -5.6197913 -0.7271006 2.3042524 23.3235382 0.0000305 107301836 phosphatidylinositol-glycan-specific phospholipase D-like
-9.1997555 -6.6602438 -2.7429870 7.9690496 21.5546401 0.0000450 107292170 microsomal triglyceride transfer protein large subunit-like
-9.2969889 -6.5640087 -0.6376018 2.6046019 60.4421816 0.0000002 107302991 golgi transport 1A
-9.3063505 -0.1721934 -4.3686938 2.3673464 23.8453982 0.0000273 107298512 neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type 1
-9.3707554 -7.2484808 -2.4104437 7.1149573 92.1434090 0.0000000 107287127 peptidoglycan recognition protein 2
-9.3804754 -8.5261392 1.0095806 7.0765992 36.0665465 0.0000033 107303278 gap junction protein beta 1
-9.4250383 -11.9025388 -1.4281675 7.6950666 61.5671179 0.0000002 107283018 deiodinase iodothyronine type I
-9.4423278 2.0624842 0.6895532 4.7041167 66.5563859 0.0000001 107294634 alpha-1-macroglobulin-like
-9.4751376 -1.6404708 -2.2122997 1.0635871 45.6454227 0.0000047 107293947 growth differentiation factor 2
-9.4796960 3.0569413 0.2496739 5.7418128 102.6475873 0.0000000 107299451 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-9.4980469 1.0708013 -1.1091724 6.7157342 50.7954709 0.0000005 107287873 complement factor B-like
-9.6012833 0.3661265 1.7691707 8.5900182 24.0403062 0.0000262 107288704 hepcidin-like
-9.6165844 3.3435640 2.7217257 6.8997906 84.4574551 0.0000000 107298271 serpin peptidase inhibitor clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase antitrypsin) member 10
-9.6182462 -1.7169095 0.5920215 5.3167290 53.2222241 0.0000004 107283490 cadherin-1-like
-9.6192476 1.1214740 0.5643839 3.9187293 95.3138640 0.0000000 107289905 nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 2
-9.6512506 -7.7855902 2.2651647 5.9873322 57.0081176 0.0000003 107296419 solute carrier family 2 member 2
-9.6966034 -3.1622965 -0.9573897 5.7675629 21.6845398 0.0000437 107290608 cytochrome P450 3A24-like
-9.7306121 -9.7900634 0.0000000 2.3252016 56.3944581 0.0000128 107301732 sulfotransferase 6B1-like
-9.7496281 1.5207771 1.7334795 5.2121650 58.1937912 0.0000002 107287741 claudin-15-like
-9.8130346 1.4768022 1.4768022 2.8230290 130.4976181 0.0000005 107300655 coagulation factor X-like
-9.8529921 -4.5710193 -1.4458809 9.2300221 114.7688956 0.0000000 107294859 coagulation factor II thrombin
-9.8583283 -8.4195811 -1.9430048 5.6954632 49.7774723 0.0000006 107283250 5’-nucleotidase domain containing 4
-9.8918657 -8.0583312 0.4257110 6.1311906 102.4278483 0.0000000 107285361 hydroxyacid oxidase (glycolate oxidase) 1
-9.9025964 -0.8929850 1.5599457 2.9968579 66.6444194 0.0000008 107295333 inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 2
-9.9071916 -7.9874261 2.3032688 4.0761913 28.4941537 0.0000380 107293730 retinol dehydrogenase 7-like
-9.9107602 -7.2440286 -2.1842945 5.6908938 51.1155834 0.0000005 107289994 kynureninase
-9.9292869 -8.5030350 -0.2527678 6.7439946 51.2434840 0.0000005 107293892 solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2-like
-9.9667059 -8.6380969 1.3471608 6.8609402 86.3904316 0.0000000 107295643 urocanate hydratase 1
-9.9955531 6.6254454 0.6627546 8.1415746 41.6106032 0.0000071 107289093 pulmonary surfactant-associated protein A-like
-10.0337185 -6.6173386 2.7998816 4.4870090 38.4098748 0.0000102 107293636 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C22
-10.0539374 -2.6763522 -0.8679706 3.7645585 42.9715187 0.0000013 107296192 serpin peptidase inhibitor clade F (alpha-2 antiplasmin pigment epithelium derived factor) member 2
-10.0780820 0.9895711 -1.2982841 8.6558830 46.5837341 0.0000008 107287359 inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H3-like
-10.1830004 -6.0402758 4.2470058 6.0300546 156.9172891 0.0000000 107298123 solute carrier family 51 alpha subunit
-10.1971227 -11.8430536 -0.0638960 8.5979759 76.9838092 0.0000001 107296151 cytochrome P450 2C5-like
-10.2627466 -4.9719714 -6.1655895 1.9259063 15.8714253 0.0004372 107282467 sulfotransferase 1C2-like
-10.2719265 -4.5259241 0.4415874 7.4853451 28.8139772 0.0000105 107282428 very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase-like
-10.3007117 -10.0762732 0.0000000 2.7428661 65.4465081 0.0000074 107292208 carboxymethylenebutenolidase homolog
-10.3130042 -3.5890841 -0.6300343 3.4140394 43.3363647 0.0000012 107291686 cytochrome P450 2K1-like
-10.3324158 -3.9329761 -0.3331110 6.0667196 63.7717015 0.0000002 107289408 nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group H member 4
-10.4107547 2.6250685 1.1091598 6.9748962 142.3047890 0.0000000 107290447 protein Z vitamin K-dependent plasma glycoprotein
-10.4110737 -11.9656270 -0.7177460 5.4017962 107.0492253 0.0000000 107291346 argininosuccinate synthase 1
-10.4424106 -8.9124315 -4.2827037 2.4353695 24.6300531 0.0000712 107285662 cytochrome P450 2F3-like
-10.4592407 -7.3138971 -0.0028506 10.3408609 34.7963079 0.0000039 107290618 cytochrome P450 3A9-like
-10.5222916 -3.3308077 -4.5191757 2.0947423 21.0139359 0.0001391 107291598 ceramide synthase 4-like
-10.5273473 3.7238132 0.4302195 11.2981180 71.9258800 0.0000001 107291857 phospholipase A2 inhibitor subunit B
-10.6115617 -2.5997182 -0.7459652 4.4427031 72.5749640 0.0000001 107285510 coagulation factor X-like
-10.6148326 -6.0539180 -3.5853596 2.2295250 8.7869357 0.0039742 107301079 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-10.6173685 -8.4731796 -0.9079568 11.5658481 61.7880479 0.0000002 107288577 phosphoserine phosphatase
-10.6414300 -1.4836018 -1.2075165 7.3042702 43.2243256 0.0000013 107284569 histidine ammonia-lyase
-10.6476823 4.3028895 0.5707750 10.7601801 41.4071478 0.0000016 107289103 pulmonary surfactant-associated protein A-like
-10.8210031 -9.9531325 -0.5937470 6.6316859 110.8421306 0.0000000 107289813 ureidopropionase beta
-10.8518237 0.6184330 -1.2633413 4.6766363 78.9693903 0.0000000 107282536 beta-2-glycoprotein 1-like
-10.8716352 -8.9878248 -2.8398220 4.9976529 24.0931993 0.0000259 107282429 very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase-like
-10.8963628 -8.9631914 0.0504248 4.9956211 110.6054031 0.0000000 107285280 transmembrane 6 superfamily member 2
-10.9049724 -5.0118524 -3.9669978 2.4773138 64.4558512 0.0000010 107297853 glycogen synthase 2
-10.9649498 -8.5773533 -2.0858583 4.2312562 93.0855585 0.0000000 107299028 amine oxidase copper containing 1
-11.0697343 -3.4329501 -2.4553182 4.0894191 97.0512445 0.0000000 107282776 hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-beta-like
-11.1077709 -8.9394852 -3.5750490 2.9402434 39.7009978 0.0000088 107295869 retinol dehydrogenase 12
-11.1809494 0.0854569 -0.5533246 6.4055695 118.4687309 0.0000000 107289646 alpha-2-macroglobulin-like
-11.1858645 -11.7940164 -3.1393848 7.2218421 28.3669684 0.0000113 107282466 sulfotransferase 1C2A-like
-11.2125411 -1.9629538 -0.4457608 7.0160247 105.4922910 0.0000000 107293894 solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3-like
-11.2156468 -12.9914896 -0.8695825 7.0595849 69.2642358 0.0000001 107300255 amine sulfotransferase-like
-11.2686525 -12.3931587 -1.2890298 9.5072074 59.8294683 0.0000002 107286792 cytochrome P450 2B4-like
-11.2775269 0.2307974 -0.8170176 7.2250450 77.6150797 0.0000001 107283387 retinol binding protein 4
-11.2775818 0.2271027 -0.7873373 6.9004843 56.6845943 0.0000003 107287988 tryptophan 23-dioxygenase
-11.4113696 -0.3282143 -1.8747185 9.8381414 49.6744398 0.0000006 107283590 venom factor
-11.4956653 -8.2833668 -1.2759568 8.8278429 76.6774521 0.0000001 107285529 vitamin K-dependent protein C-like
-11.5020031 -4.5990908 -3.9721581 3.0525465 22.9862459 0.0000955 107300766 alpha-2-antiplasmin-like
-11.5194354 2.1825052 2.1825052 5.2228468 125.9917364 0.0000006 107298150 cholinesterase-like
-11.5254845 -5.4694238 -0.9167775 7.8716909 79.2052825 0.0000000 107290824 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 2
-11.6001143 -7.7285330 -3.4427708 8.3697207 23.5789732 0.0000289 107294132 transmembrane 4 L six family member 4
-11.6418852 -13.0562674 -1.2625134 7.3393779 73.1386456 0.0000001 107285554 cytochrome P450 2K1-like
-11.6609288 -7.9382706 -1.1433158 6.0860563 85.3947983 0.0000000 107284059 bile acid receptor-like
-11.7001628 -5.4810909 -2.2081310 3.2493143 113.0582208 0.0000001 107296963 vitronectin
-11.7859284 -9.2464772 -2.9925354 8.7149441 29.9584239 0.0000086 107286781 cytochrome P450 2C5-like
-11.8251919 4.1515355 -0.4996884 9.1428515 50.5021234 0.0000005 107301353 serum amyloid P-component-like
-11.8398117 -9.6970195 -2.1216763 7.0347994 49.8760320 0.0000006 107284400 aminocarboxymuconate semialdehyde decarboxylase
-11.8922764 -2.4336818 -6.4539819 3.4544396 21.8221762 0.0001188 107284344 7-alpha-hydroxycholest-4-en-3-one 12-alpha-hydroxylase-like
-11.8924345 -6.8331287 -0.6535304 5.0096086 92.3860231 0.0000000 107288523 sterol O-acyltransferase 2-like
-11.9521021 2.2998488 2.2998488 5.7720270 80.6411023 0.0000034 107299243 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-11.9671617 0.6260678 2.2998633 5.7870884 108.1936315 0.0000001 107301411 retinol dehydrogenase 16-like
-11.9991741 -9.7328729 -3.3971747 7.3967087 77.2837113 0.0000001 107291925 cytochrome P450 1A5-like
-12.0198470 2.2402282 -1.7208161 5.7811324 142.3236079 0.0000000 107289863 carboxypeptidase B2
-12.0753291 -6.7211494 -3.0315439 3.6386851 27.4419588 0.0000448 107299318 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like
-12.0964953 -0.0830743 -2.1869568 7.3476439 56.0177357 0.0000003 107292520 coagulation factor XIII B chain
-12.1014841 -5.0472826 -1.8670911 7.6764389 64.2944614 0.0000001 107292348 retinol binding protein 7
-12.1139106 -10.6457304 -2.6525384 7.6706020 91.9147899 0.0000000 107292066 solute carrier family 22 member 2-like
-12.1196108 -10.1235595 -3.5750601 6.2055347 45.9229031 0.0000009 107285935 glucose-6-phosphatase-like
-12.1443172 1.4883458 -2.7857444 5.1556650 80.9887964 0.0000003 107283129 lipase C hepatic type
-12.1825875 0.0000000 -3.5644235 3.7108532 53.5578918 0.0000155 107296155 acetylcholinesterase-like
-12.2846240 1.7705966 -1.7712731 7.2578188 111.0776703 0.0000000 107294244 serum amyloid P-component-like
-12.3912479 -3.0004708 -2.9202164 6.0962506 62.0056733 0.0000002 107293734 retinol dehydrogenase 3-like
-12.5187070 -1.5962824 -1.2736133 10.3919531 63.0243118 0.0000002 107286641 complement component 8 alpha subunit
-12.5376711 -8.8075960 0.5373088 6.9055158 92.2359393 0.0000000 107286484 apovitellenin-1-like
-12.5479824 -10.5831983 -1.9554859 6.6987931 72.7690310 0.0000001 107296915 acyl-coenzyme A synthetase ACSM5 mitochondrial-like
-12.7502039 -10.9096878 -2.2062920 4.6300718 75.4539248 0.0000005 107297097 cell death-inducing DFFA-like effector b
-12.7760574 4.3742500 -0.8531140 8.6690001 86.9786234 0.0000002 107283404 riboflavin-binding protein-like
-12.8060632 -9.1007889 -2.6069263 9.3755397 68.6840778 0.0000001 107286786 cytochrome P450 2C20-like
-12.8188845 -2.1394951 0.0948623 6.6402825 59.9254563 0.0000002 107295938 cholinesterase-like
-12.8390468 2.8041442 -0.2200427 8.8470602 182.8149045 0.0000000 107299183 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-12.8446192 -8.6757302 -10.5354094 4.6971350 7.2249590 0.0076582 107287409 iodotyrosine deiodinase
-12.8676321 -8.5872916 -1.5777589 7.1461824 92.6519923 0.0000000 107286785 cytochrome P450 2C4-like
-12.9714577 -0.7496242 -1.4493259 7.9743307 49.8133802 0.0000006 107289467 phenylalanine hydroxylase
-12.9797628 0.0000000 -3.0161525 4.5033132 124.8430847 0.0000007 107298149 cholinesterase-like
-13.0311114 -0.1379407 -1.9495655 6.8528533 123.0782689 0.0000000 107290323 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 4
-13.0611266 -9.1134163 -3.0065588 7.0020543 105.8209245 0.0000000 107296214 rab GTPase-binding effector protein 2-like
-13.0882974 0.2103837 -1.6431344 10.6910182 110.6565619 0.0000000 107292475 amine sulfotransferase-like
-13.1083811 -1.2267123 -2.5845771 11.7504293 92.5214133 0.0000000 107287363 inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 3
-13.1357302 1.5530587 -2.3875019 6.2089672 133.8672550 0.0000000 107302582 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-13.1419949 -5.4049012 -1.6464656 7.2975017 48.4620627 0.0000007 107294247 serum amyloid P-component-like
-13.2413482 -0.3136382 -2.8258349 9.1604336 85.5697196 0.0000000 107287362 inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H3-like
-13.3665216 -8.7915010 -1.2876013 9.0011108 57.2358331 0.0000003 107287005 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase
-13.4304133 -3.5331023 -3.1207233 7.1912394 53.2727036 0.0000004 107290757 fatty acid-binding protein liver
-13.5320259 -7.2413854 -3.0465943 5.0720480 74.5436368 0.0000005 107302541 complement component 8 gamma polypeptide
-13.5936127 1.9753527 -1.9839829 9.5421224 74.8367974 0.0000001 107286642 complement component 8 beta polypeptide
-13.6451417 -11.8398256 -3.4216264 7.0139673 61.0490676 0.0000002 107284968 3-hydroxyanthranilate 34-dioxygenase
-13.7885305 -2.5511288 -3.1047530 9.5682756 61.0857698 0.0000002 107290776 inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4-like
-13.9792995 -11.4343919 -3.2663140 11.1354258 80.3011122 0.0000000 107291935 apolipoprotein B
-13.9918901 -2.8457309 -3.1661214 7.0664419 160.8335937 0.0000000 107303228 coagulation factor IX
-14.0697863 -7.1663720 -2.6367762 10.4578153 51.2095208 0.0000005 107285829 apolipoprotein H
-14.1450255 1.4854650 -3.6178005 7.1500735 73.2959731 0.0000005 107296025 cystatin-1-like
-14.1510825 -10.5961681 -3.5775592 5.7895789 46.0094237 0.0000045 107285024 transmembrane 4 L six family member 5
-14.1919306 -1.6816286 -3.5714293 5.7126493 138.4628109 0.0000000 107287242 hepatic lectin-like
-14.7287902 -1.6818294 -4.4939354 6.2492578 117.9184698 0.0000001 107289647 alpha-2-macroglobulin-like
-14.7476889 -15.9295681 -3.4523319 11.1902917 54.6673939 0.0000004 107290631 cytochrome P450 3A9-like
-14.9305740 -4.0426545 -4.1160571 12.9436830 78.5059638 0.0000000 107290652 fibrinogen gamma chain
-15.0113745 2.3107628 -3.3957263 8.8407355 109.3736220 0.0000001 107293329 antihemorrhagic factor HSF-like
-15.0178678 -10.9592073 -3.7791590 8.1782582 153.9703754 0.0000000 107291553 hyaluronan binding protein 2
-15.0429180 -9.3112620 -3.4512412 8.0705177 35.2818342 0.0000037 107292408 apolipoprotein A-II-like
-15.0501757 -5.0984543 -5.2357171 6.5721429 41.7505629 0.0000070 107291494 CD59B glycoprotein-like
-15.2243893 -7.5141603 -3.7449399 13.1150317 77.5872404 0.0000000 107290654 fibrinogen alpha chain
-15.4702315 -12.1434391 -3.5004454 8.6848823 156.8028073 0.0000000 107293735 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 6-like
-15.5529933 -1.6825686 -2.2067396 7.0717958 179.7728585 0.0000000 107287241 hepatic lectin-like
-15.5771211 -4.2435562 -4.3807830 9.8429154 68.9539474 0.0000001 107287966 uncharacterized LOC107287966
-15.6490055 0.0000000 -3.9423515 7.1680456 50.4536786 0.0000194 107294388 cytochrome P450 2J2-like
-15.7940055 -2.5657677 -4.4238873 10.5418171 51.7556096 0.0000005 107292070 plasminogen
-15.7982230 -4.8960620 -4.8463876 11.2953453 74.7013283 0.0000001 107290775 inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4-like
-15.8449494 -6.3374936 -4.7359107 7.3660358 73.2476265 0.0000005 107289760 group-specific component (vitamin D binding protein)
-16.1189595 -2.3651744 -6.1776401 9.1160132 21.9577003 0.0000411 107282334 serum albumin-like
-16.2951617 0.0000000 -3.9632342 7.8137679 139.1880634 0.0000004 107294243 C-reactive protein-like
-16.4559526 1.5617350 -5.2877076 9.5363515 95.7022711 0.0000002 107301735 antihemorrhagic factor HSF-like
-16.5260297 -3.0233819 -4.5968402 10.8653576 47.9223135 0.0000007 107302344 serpin A12-like
-16.7627508 -3.1914726 -4.8240626 9.7559186 85.1901301 0.0000000 107301543 alpha-1-antitrypsin-like
-16.9212179 -5.8898118 -5.8930569 8.4407567 135.6339366 0.0000000 107302516 alpha-1-microglobulin/bikunin precursor
-17.1160706 -11.0600971 -5.7437365 11.5156449 58.8291937 0.0000002 107302085 phospholipase A2 inhibitor and Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein-like
-17.2507407 -3.3040526 -5.5142898 8.7693732 67.2691437 0.0000008 107300875 amine sulfotransferase-like
-17.4934375 -11.4716255 -5.8684868 11.3733390 81.7342544 0.0000000 107293231 phospholipase A2 inhibitor and Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein-like
-17.5799322 -8.0084745 -5.6436727 11.4202361 44.7018846 0.0000010 107295594 angiotensinogen
-17.7159848 -2.9526175 -6.4995029 13.4628035 100.6171104 0.0000000 107290653 fibrinogen beta chain
-17.7217580 -3.6347636 -5.3353705 9.2401626 87.2387019 0.0000002 107302328 serum amyloid P-component-like
-17.8655185 -2.0749878 -7.0094671 10.9490254 65.0164015 0.0000001 107293375 phospholipase A2 inhibitor subunit gamma B-like
-18.1477305 -3.6364804 -6.4111564 9.6662322 79.9643706 0.0000004 107301355 serum amyloid P-component-like
-18.2205952 0.0000000 -7.1523550 9.7392782 87.1826582 0.0000025 107302330 C-reactive protein-like
-18.2449801 -6.2124434 -6.6522955 12.9849867 40.9457767 0.0000017 107302069 alpha-1-antitrypsin-like
-19.0028685 -6.7394825 -6.9658173 12.0882225 31.7995118 0.0000063 107302315 alpha-1-antiproteinase F-like
-19.9539820 -4.5862475 -8.8166778 11.4725982 59.7879394 0.0000014 107293376 phospholipase A2 inhibitor subunit gamma B
-20.7347899 -4.8382587 -9.3023220 12.2532625 74.1405384 0.0000005 107296238 antihemorrhagic factor HSF-like
-20.7905811 -4.7043745 -9.0849731 12.3089602 67.8009852 0.0000008 107293328 HSF-like protein
-21.9440882 -6.3808191 -10.7726332 13.4626610 56.2652875 0.0000018 107293377 phospholipase A2 inhibitor 1
-22.4201592 -10.5089714 -10.9456203 13.9389552 40.0782592 0.0000084 107282333 serum albumin-like
## [1] 14253     8

Significantly differentially expressed genes in the meta-venom

logFC..venom…liver logFC..venom…kidney logFC..venom…heart logCPM F PValue genes description MM.turq
0.5897806 1.4579193 2.1089188 7.1534617 4.934371 0.0190076 107294296 ADP ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 3 0.9749060
0.9879850 1.6880913 2.8514916 8.5496394 6.828468 0.0064001 107295193 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 9 0.9726984
2.2286638 2.3948662 2.2147789 6.8687613 4.132530 0.0321818 107289360 prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 1 0.9709821
2.2816516 2.9484924 3.4424579 6.4366616 10.028624 0.0014529 107297104 transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 10-like 0.9671319
3.1610151 3.2686122 2.4135143 3.1898464 10.204711 0.0013522 107300978 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase VA 0.9637500
2.7373639 3.7604375 0.8701593 5.2622432 5.298439 0.0151786 107288987 family with sequence similarity 234 member B 0.9636931
-1.3602345 -0.9602454 1.3194602 7.0154713 10.531390 0.0011863 107295144 cordon-bleu protein-like 1 0.9627749
-0.1350142 -2.1026118 4.0957925 8.3495564 8.450019 0.0028837 107294130 cystathionine gamma-lyase 0.9617600
1.2394904 1.9049712 2.4335850 6.1230424 5.157782 0.0165406 107289866 SIL1 nucleotide exchange factor 0.9616642
4.4506150 0.9991073 2.2103170 5.8252480 10.034616 0.0014493 107284549 transmembrane protein 63C 0.9613684
5.8744786 4.9667860 1.9270247 9.6708035 6.607992 0.0071951 107287167 adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 1 0.9600070
0.1825401 1.0259896 2.2738925 6.8705031 4.236468 0.0299810 107291066 solute carrier family 39 member 9 0.9594623
1.1588440 0.7490091 2.3690163 6.3291134 3.997990 0.0353151 107286321 TraB domain containing 0.9585438
1.5268322 1.6429832 3.5886208 2.4859984 5.941535 0.0103998 107283214 zinc transporter ZIP11-like 0.9570864
2.3634122 2.9042503 4.2365039 5.5267330 21.963759 0.0000410 107302793 vacuole membrane protein 1 0.9567660
-0.2923397 0.5871218 2.2265806 8.2310818 7.698564 0.0041181 107292969 ribophorin I 0.9553937
0.9822706 -1.2698893 1.1927839 3.7361985 5.982197 0.0101620 107286324 histone deacetylase 10 0.9548644
4.1240788 0.1940977 2.9691042 6.9054120 14.579387 0.0002867 107302526 sortilin 1 0.9547034
0.9528352 1.0728450 2.8273735 4.2780037 5.259203 0.0155450 107292092 methyltransferase like 9 0.9523462
-0.8025586 0.0424634 1.1761263 9.0749372 4.405990 0.0266831 107287251 ribophorin II 0.9518876
4.0685852 3.3119719 3.4487352 5.2975511 10.112551 0.0014038 107295506 proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1-like 0.9518400
-2.0172904 -2.9143331 -0.9670081 8.2354366 5.968860 0.0102393 107290492 aldehyde dehydrogenase 6 family member A1 0.9514496
3.2210662 2.5926120 1.8091769 4.0059241 10.098809 0.0014117 107293249 mutated in colorectal cancers 0.9507834
17.5096516 17.5096516 15.3222038 9.0282263 12.430085 0.0024532 107301016 uncharacterized LOC107301016 0.9495660
0.1122220 1.2872067 1.6773976 6.7758710 3.908192 0.0376036 107282996 oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit (non-catalytic) 0.9490016
5.7906219 5.4758642 7.4219895 5.7605807 14.434249 0.0003001 107291265 grainyhead like transcription factor 1 0.9489548
4.5784128 2.1107484 1.3246918 4.6166633 8.696011 0.0025778 107289270 alpha-13-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase C-like 0.9480760
7.7416511 3.8158086 4.7267523 4.9010584 16.736038 0.0001517 107294495 ARFGEF family member 3 0.9476660
0.2535617 1.9471640 1.7661355 5.0346330 5.464789 0.0137330 107296798 fucosyltransferase 8 (alpha (16) fucosyltransferase) 0.9459751
10.4476205 3.1722825 5.9222391 2.2103018 11.239892 0.0016469 107287636 iroquois homeobox 1 0.9447259
4.4284514 3.1386915 3.1261297 2.0981406 10.958115 0.0010040 107288766 TBC1 domain family member 16 0.9444445
-0.9990219 -0.4634106 2.1833331 5.6520766 7.424479 0.0047153 107291004 serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2 (mitochondrial) 0.9444401
0.9533447 1.3540181 2.1226982 7.7855298 4.991190 0.0183417 107290894 transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 7-like 0.9439649
3.8717349 3.4510963 3.9672850 6.2342467 9.546733 0.0017763 107294533 transmembrane protein 41B 0.9435490
2.6950140 1.0724216 1.9023021 8.2846989 5.394144 0.0143264 107294079 ornithine decarboxylase 1 0.9435477
6.9826947 -1.3608944 7.6752613 6.4172398 20.493829 0.0000576 107289045 KIAA1324 ortholog 0.9432449
2.7330516 2.7565509 2.4062960 6.1513237 13.518690 0.0004030 107284111 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 6 (putative) 0.9427115
1.1453712 -0.5235706 1.4020457 6.3634290 5.433788 0.0139899 107289913 AKT interacting protein 0.9426646
0.2512603 0.3150409 1.7574942 7.6601221 4.730385 0.0216383 107284249 aftiphilin 0.9424710
-1.0933272 -0.1417615 1.9122032 4.8604575 5.606531 0.0126266 107285462 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 2 0.9422532
5.4448517 8.4433159 6.2830056 5.4664639 19.762403 0.0000687 107289098 solute carrier family 45 member 3 0.9419142
2.7020857 1.7550586 3.6182106 5.9914235 19.682383 0.0000701 107290839 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 13A 0.9417079
5.0226585 3.1757334 4.1120488 4.2059839 19.240169 0.0000782 107285134 tetratricopeptide repeat protein 39A-like 0.9406100
-0.1265995 -0.7345566 -3.6211378 5.9910919 6.011613 0.0099939 107290494 acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase 2-like mitochondrial 0.9401707
2.4607001 1.5868633 1.6945886 3.8773864 5.228072 0.0158430 107285838 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class H 0.9398404
9.2758921 1.9394176 7.0917310 1.2726421 7.811110 0.0059258 107292581 solute carrier family 7 (amino acid transporter light chain bo+ system) member 9 0.9387326
2.4969746 0.9704420 3.4676570 2.1174525 5.263469 0.0155046 107287688 solute carrier family 30 member 4 0.9379678
1.7820498 2.0779497 3.8119406 1.2981677 6.476554 0.0077237 107283220 uncharacterized LOC107283220 0.9368431
6.7787836 0.4961397 4.7684089 5.1746094 8.420469 0.0029233 107294778 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit C2 0.9358930
1.4884001 2.0514469 3.3552410 8.8627532 4.250919 0.0296890 107286125 spermine synthase 0.9355023
1.5951725 2.5600234 1.1275747 4.6017512 6.746401 0.0066834 107292631 sperm-specific antigen 2 homolog 0.9354190
10.8932143 0.7426282 6.2032544 3.1376490 10.246420 0.0023092 107286906 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6-like 0.9353935
1.8545761 1.5384824 3.4835111 3.1892250 7.723560 0.0040681 107283218 zinc transporter ZIP11-like 0.9353235
1.6253015 2.7371611 0.0508176 3.5064723 5.026158 0.0179455 107288241 Gse1 coiled-coil protein 0.9352415
0.3527398 3.7924026 4.4214754 4.4459873 12.477753 0.0005744 107285356 solute carrier family 7 member 11 0.9352388
2.4773306 -1.2915447 -0.7077604 1.6364085 8.273204 0.0031300 107286682 arf-GAP with GTPase ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 1-like 0.9351719
-0.8634352 3.4709139 2.3792761 1.6758195 5.098320 0.0171588 107291533 solute carrier family 43 member 1 0.9348046
5.7706099 4.7293726 4.2776560 4.9085224 25.405649 0.0000199 107287632 membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 2 0.9347388
6.3643434 5.9063795 2.1236704 5.1918877 7.503416 0.0045335 107289840 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter) member 13 0.9347221
-0.9813960 0.5811224 3.4153394 9.7089651 7.713740 0.0040877 107290246 translocation associated membrane protein 1 0.9340314
1.7748111 3.7602007 -0.1780472 3.2712277 9.574820 0.0017553 107282225 excitatory amino acid transporter 1-like 0.9334397
5.7964939 -1.0085474 -0.7690662 5.5095450 5.364658 0.0145829 107284953 solute carrier family 3 member 1 0.9333943
2.3313316 2.5781553 2.6003981 4.4842399 6.129479 0.0093521 107298042 SRP receptor alpha subunit 0.9332027
1.8144935 0.8107092 3.0682509 4.2639053 4.010911 0.0349993 107296008 MAP7 domain containing 2 0.9331588
1.2376645 1.2478342 2.1743235 6.6763493 4.130704 0.0322221 107284462 Sec23 homolog B COPII coat complex component 0.9329013
1.4672285 1.3722998 1.5614367 6.0107674 3.857810 0.0389627 107283892 golgi reassembly stacking protein 2 0.9323732
-2.0156497 0.1147106 0.5623574 3.7888910 13.431426 0.0004148 107294506 adiponectin receptor 2 0.9322094
2.3797050 -4.5960541 2.8313558 6.3845660 12.915667 0.0004935 107295484 cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3-like 0.9315412
2.9642985 2.1429262 2.8025229 7.5359319 7.261530 0.0051182 107285595 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 13 0.9314676
2.7055725 2.7861811 1.3723720 2.4138152 6.483610 0.0076942 107286967 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 beta 0.9310926
1.5083680 1.3852204 1.4035863 6.3578244 4.745796 0.0214277 107302770 melanoma inhibitory activity family member 3 0.9305962
0.5052691 -0.0317791 2.9138951 4.8904101 4.026391 0.0346252 107298201 cysteine conjugate-beta lyase 2 0.9304541
7.3715551 2.5398417 5.2574111 3.3983931 9.956622 0.0014965 107283456 transmembrane protein 125 0.9304124
1.2770455 2.9832620 3.8602438 9.0252633 7.917118 0.0037045 107294779 protein disulfide isomerase family A member 6 0.9300941
0.8975644 1.3417544 2.9284072 7.4974539 6.324461 0.0083928 107289650 peptidylprolyl isomerase B 0.9300012
5.9265753 0.2513851 2.8356316 2.3338515 9.948652 0.0015014 107294480 myosin VC 0.9299847
2.5599642 3.9288173 2.1904646 2.4170279 9.747083 0.0016326 107283147 RAR related orphan receptor A 0.9297336
0.2123332 0.5138920 2.1754583 8.3970763 5.212340 0.0159961 107296401 STT3A catalytic subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex 0.9295561
3.1957168 2.9521125 2.3918346 0.9709254 6.154998 0.0092195 107297693 ADP-dependent glucokinase 0.9294708
1.0934327 1.8837652 1.9024214 4.1279216 5.503394 0.0134209 107286450 prolactin regulatory element binding 0.9290282
2.9850985 1.1420649 3.6892664 5.2378308 6.537094 0.0074747 107302807 uncharacterized LOC107302807 0.9286429
0.6265091 1.2082327 2.8195811 3.6720354 5.503783 0.0134178 107296690 vesicle-trafficking protein SEC22b-B-like 0.9285705
-1.9716504 0.7820540 0.5256906 6.3676381 8.148183 0.0033190 107299533 ribosome binding protein 1 0.9281935
0.3605969 1.9447165 2.2170893 8.7535465 3.811480 0.0402630 107289787 protein disulfide isomerase family A member 3 0.9276375
1.0743666 2.7573330 3.2927794 4.8511143 6.956631 0.0059853 107284796 hypoxia up-regulated 1 0.9273649
-1.7722876 -0.0274092 1.2149759 5.1351305 7.974992 0.0036032 107290356 UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 2 0.9272206
-1.4596574 -0.8553598 1.4890338 3.5448712 4.988941 0.0183676 107298481 coiled-coil domain containing 149 0.9271335
1.2266292 1.1119514 2.4695183 7.4148756 3.772868 0.0413852 107295759 transmembrane protein 87A 0.9267661
3.8572567 5.2331588 5.5314100 5.4789316 11.926590 0.0006991 107287945 methionine adenosyltransferase 2A 0.9261114
1.4843769 3.5456054 4.1013177 11.7172412 8.530834 0.0027788 107285132 calreticulin 0.9258413
-0.9017416 0.8192459 3.5411125 2.5219538 10.257838 0.0013235 107294605 spermidine synthase 0.9250751
-0.8898652 0.0002960 2.4072135 4.4248951 5.846077 0.0109840 107284894 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 26 0.9246639
9.2675740 2.4871954 2.3092566 1.3718145 5.950792 0.0140651 107288122 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type N 0.9242117
1.1413956 0.9736922 3.3217216 6.7927584 4.079306 0.0333811 107290355 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C3 0.9238398
0.5038027 -0.0049767 2.1239477 6.1810198 4.586176 0.0237598 107292113 CLPTM1-like 0.9230754
14.0154237 3.8767512 7.2809024 5.6440231 14.596772 0.0006086 107287604 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit G3 0.9229790
0.0580801 0.8719513 1.8623095 5.7414417 4.162506 0.0315284 107286460 transmembrane protein 214 0.9225900
16.5671866 16.5671866 14.3787781 8.0863811 13.434899 0.0019176 107298828 uncharacterized LOC107298828 0.9223246
4.9490536 1.3290132 1.4568461 1.2592980 7.732841 0.0040498 107288213 transcriptional repressor GATA binding 1 0.9213434
-0.9352115 0.1429816 1.7327241 4.6293456 4.421555 0.0264799 107298374 peroxiredoxin 4 0.9210754
-1.3365774 -2.6238662 0.2003015 7.0416241 14.424402 0.0003010 107288018 cbp/p300-interacting transactivator 3-like 0.9199276
6.8140287 3.8371972 2.0610600 2.6066177 7.266850 0.0051044 107289985 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2Q family like 1 0.9198065
1.5395873 1.6605882 2.7862202 4.6276722 7.543283 0.0044448 107290316 24-dienoyl-CoA reductase 2 peroxisomal 0.9196531
8.8043271 0.2839774 1.6416062 1.5341476 9.334337 0.0032192 107286654 HID1 domain containing 0.9196120
-5.0783123 1.2835181 5.2102978 9.9086010 17.692291 0.0001167 107291832 glutathione S-transferase theta-1-like 0.9185208
12.0412265 4.9627395 8.4606355 3.6352211 8.722738 0.0040761 107291742 basic helix-loop-helix family member a15 0.9182053
2.7773277 2.5153939 3.1488131 5.4468323 7.030948 0.0057591 107283119 ATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 1 0.9181981
2.2856392 3.1407550 3.4205101 5.3490506 7.606612 0.0043080 107287731 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 7 0.9173847
-0.4662958 0.7443464 1.6167543 5.3120328 5.432240 0.0140028 107298348 stromal cell derived factor 4 0.9170996
-1.8805274 -0.4907219 -0.0840847 2.2372726 4.844630 0.0201173 107291506 growth regulation by estrogen in breast cancer-like 0.9170884
7.0941983 4.0018315 5.0643426 3.7556565 7.464409 0.0046223 107296102 transcription factor-like 5 (basic helix-loop-helix) 0.9169035
4.1442023 -1.4464901 5.8645006 7.2223854 21.350824 0.0000471 107285839 arginase 2 0.9168684
2.6675876 1.8964855 2.2382087 2.5006643 6.035602 0.0098592 107296034 uncharacterized LOC107296034 0.9164426
2.5538966 3.0163961 3.0215577 7.8943911 6.648416 0.0070411 107292587 solute carrier family 39 member 6 0.9159981
2.4182631 4.9879310 2.2980671 2.4051176 6.540896 0.0074594 107299022 solute carrier family 31 member 2 0.9155765
-0.3173589 1.8692485 2.2186349 5.6784488 8.937966 0.0023132 107287724 aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family member A1 0.9141036
1.8663780 1.7816253 2.2172117 5.0497446 6.495215 0.0076459 107288527 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 5 0.9138917
1.4018561 1.6413301 1.6819290 5.2728167 5.614061 0.0125708 107298041 family with sequence similarity 118 member B 0.9136127
2.8377653 2.4559762 1.9749753 5.6202299 8.582248 0.0027143 107294315 histone acetyltransferase KAT8 0.9132486
4.3151336 4.4143380 1.9402221 1.5047279 5.800691 0.0112752 107289654 adaptor related protein complex 3 beta 2 subunit 0.9125855
7.1493210 5.9116285 8.1128181 3.2683635 15.998223 0.0001871 107296041 fer-1 like family member 6 0.9122243
3.7576462 1.4508439 4.9652473 7.5345592 9.875248 0.0015477 107294825 methylthioadenosine phosphorylase 0.9117748
-1.1821242 0.4399760 1.6037265 7.3156220 4.975538 0.0185224 107285127 glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.9106424
2.8346208 1.1071758 3.6295949 4.6665073 5.881622 0.0107621 107302795 small integral membrane protein 14 0.9101152
1.8900094 2.5516967 3.7655486 6.3318912 12.044180 0.0006700 107302498 solute carrier family 30 member 7 0.9098756
-3.2109524 -1.8035597 1.4160219 3.7111868 6.574570 0.0073254 107297272 amine oxidase [flavin-containing] B-like 0.9097314
0.3459992 1.3367906 2.7859369 4.9126491 5.672491 0.0121474 107291261 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 5 0.9090267
0.9942571 5.3528566 3.7624988 4.8581947 12.500193 0.0005699 107292372 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-23-sialyltransferase 4 0.9077489
2.6755627 2.1321949 0.8136056 5.3846424 4.828851 0.0203201 107300237 acyl-CoA oxidase 3 pristanoyl 0.9077274
5.0820139 0.2396704 1.5830859 5.8294105 19.174811 0.0000795 107291606 solute carrier family 1 member 1 0.9076110
-0.6167027 0.3680703 1.5336268 8.8785257 4.397300 0.0269105 107294656 death-associated protein 0.9075334
1.5596904 -0.3903933 0.5046565 3.5140485 3.670694 0.0445340 107283228 AP2 associated kinase 1 0.9063070
6.9110113 4.2416811 4.7729658 6.6376023 12.666757 0.0005377 107285463 selenoprotein M 0.9062934
-0.6823209 0.2225400 1.1237902 9.2345793 3.547944 0.0486241 107283001 signal sequence receptor alpha 0.9062241
1.9541580 2.8111159 4.9552681 9.3143765 10.060517 0.0014340 107284495 mesencephalic astrocyte derived neurotrophic factor 0.9056633
6.2961638 3.9080102 1.9311180 1.6119448 13.562400 0.0003972 107285864 uncharacterized LOC107285864 0.9055332
2.0247303 1.6634247 1.6611650 3.7947906 3.709857 0.0432953 107301958 mannosyl (alpha-13-)-glycoprotein beta-14-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase isozyme A 0.9046301
3.2238937 2.5184400 0.8006058 2.8093786 7.029747 0.0057627 107292325 ubiquitin associated and SH3 domain containing B 0.9045324
1.1551405 1.4545911 1.9958362 8.2985529 4.421626 0.0264786 107288132 activating transcription factor 4 0.9038904
1.5648041 1.0807497 4.6194637 7.8444996 4.853716 0.0200016 107282415 reticulocalbin 3 0.9038119
1.7334069 2.0624933 2.6444215 5.2394461 4.428869 0.0263516 107283055 thioredoxin domain containing 12 (endoplasmic reticulum) 0.9025977
4.8090381 1.4827024 4.5095936 5.7765205 6.655717 0.0070137 107287667 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2 0.9017212
-1.1680008 -3.2016968 -0.6088102 3.6896112 6.804891 0.0064801 107295596 piggyBac transposable element derived 5 0.9016522
0.4857561 2.4453748 3.7058177 5.1383309 4.585974 0.0237629 107294535 dipeptidyl peptidase 4 0.9014753
-0.2560517 0.4039694 1.4140408 7.5941386 5.448241 0.0138073 107295192 lectin mannose binding 2 0.9014473
3.7708454 2.9326562 3.4893464 4.2067847 5.147063 0.0166501 107294090 acireductone dioxygenase 1 0.9007234
2.4037441 2.3729878 0.7209167 6.0207612 4.988311 0.0183748 107286689 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta 0.9007065
6.1924500 1.9562230 4.5151409 3.9965268 8.618693 0.0026697 107287736 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2-like 0.9006032
-1.4921271 -0.1163715 1.1847158 6.5592485 13.183999 0.0004502 107297698 seryl-tRNA synthetase 0.9003072
1.2378987 2.0954292 1.9633067 2.7256514 5.414097 0.0141559 107283714 tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 0.8995230
4.3582471 -0.0639816 3.2332911 3.9277315 14.666575 0.0002791 107286703 plexin B3 0.8984429
-0.0726787 0.7824809 1.5955019 8.0749469 4.013432 0.0349380 107284225 signal sequence receptor delta 0.8970382
-0.7044317 -0.0709951 2.8562766 6.2252662 8.444483 0.0028911 107288180 keratin 8 type II 0.8966556
6.8113686 -0.7579346 6.2027297 7.9936143 15.911459 0.0001919 107286675 solute carrier family 41 member 2 0.8956634
0.9190069 1.8887224 2.0845789 5.2930174 5.892628 0.0106945 107296633 phosphomannomutase 2 0.8953183
-4.1159545 -1.3922073 1.3118281 8.9535556 22.970235 0.0000329 107284527 phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 0.8949674
4.9712623 -1.9636865 9.1173359 5.9687846 10.299838 0.0013012 107285882 tumor protein D52-like 1 0.8949194
-0.5090969 -2.5438380 -0.3114656 4.4425713 7.827457 0.0038680 107284579 testis development related protein 0.8948148
5.7111747 1.6049192 0.8553795 3.1679962 6.799346 0.0064990 107292447 calmegin 0.8947097
0.8991699 1.5229803 2.9938713 5.8551362 6.076248 0.0096358 107296710 keratinocyte associated protein 2 0.8946002
3.7250777 3.6936220 4.0744883 7.3615869 6.640417 0.0070712 107293306 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B9 0.8943933
4.5165383 3.6279483 2.9313942 2.7048397 9.131100 0.0021246 107291926 solute carrier family 39 member 10 0.8940659
-0.2363404 2.2987289 1.4787072 6.6914263 6.012986 0.0099861 107290862 lectin mannose binding 1 0.8940466
1.2043421 1.0998891 1.4175955 5.4914632 4.918632 0.0191969 107285408 small G protein signaling modulator 3 0.8936560
3.3097838 1.2758824 3.7775274 0.8544028 5.206047 0.0160578 107286390 uncharacterized LOC107286390 0.8932567
1.6297361 1.6827684 1.0600009 4.7456933 7.093247 0.0055771 107294832 golgi brefeldin A resistant guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1 0.8931271
7.9043763 4.0433597 5.1345276 5.0590136 19.964583 0.0000654 107282423 zinc finger protein 750 0.8930831
2.5707610 1.3072366 2.1699601 6.1888579 17.148582 0.0001343 107294046 chloride intracellular channel 1 0.8930151
1.1795831 1.7245362 2.1539329 5.8952000 5.520595 0.0132845 107285582 ER degradation enhancer mannosidase alpha-like 2 0.8929571
-0.1580045 1.6208193 3.3775552 3.5346248 5.357984 0.0146417 107290107 glutamic pyruvate transaminase (alanine aminotransferase) 2 0.8923374
0.6889571 -0.3007755 2.6995664 1.9925675 5.867844 0.0108475 107287283 solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 11-like 0.8915090
3.5833064 -1.9438624 1.1017532 3.4185304 16.109167 0.0001812 107294038 zinc finger transcription factor Trps1-like 0.8907095
4.1864137 1.6880501 1.6960631 0.4837059 3.850556 0.0391630 107297578 catenin delta-2-like 0.8903557
0.8025553 1.7268186 2.0254056 5.2398133 5.233143 0.0157940 107297526 dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycosyltransferase non-catalytic subunit 0.8897196
-0.9047334 -2.1457414 0.0621267 7.5231296 7.081699 0.0056103 107291405 solute carrier family 25 member 29 0.8884685
1.6911520 1.3693657 1.8078819 4.0104505 5.007469 0.0181560 107290915 transmembrane protein 104 0.8884472
8.8984219 1.5848915 2.6299625 1.1473233 25.696043 0.0000581 107284252 phosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase C X domain containing 1 0.8883624
9.1774810 2.4312301 7.3176816 5.1768673 22.772274 0.0000343 107292463 ADP-ribosyl cyclase/cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1-like 0.8881339
4.8560975 1.6352660 -4.2203975 7.1135414 26.585513 0.0000158 107283629 LIM zinc-binding domain-containing Nebulette 0.8881276
1.2818625 1.3060782 1.9785530 3.2967835 5.636503 0.0124062 107293199 RFT1 homolog 0.8873087
1.7206667 3.9548019 3.7839143 6.1049489 6.459919 0.0077937 107285786 mannosidase alpha class 1A member 2 0.8870484
1.2717330 0.9470974 1.6739618 5.1327348 8.725466 0.0025240 107287163 TRAF3 interacting protein 2 0.8869529
1.7099616 -0.2517218 1.3570290 5.9910840 4.918143 0.0192029 107286518 calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase (MAGUK family) 0.8863847
0.5619374 2.4147245 3.7506713 4.5129561 5.521826 0.0132748 107285533 dipeptidyl peptidase 4-like 0.8857904
1.9832466 2.1211971 1.6202548 3.9664852 3.975724 0.0358671 107283217 SRY-box 9 0.8853295
6.6470354 -0.0220494 1.9368864 -0.2465050 4.695468 0.0278004 107292286 cholinergic receptor muscarinic 3 0.8851243
2.0988593 -7.3998733 -0.6302170 5.8218067 27.710883 0.0000128 107284959 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit d2 0.8848771
-2.1595089 1.4018818 1.3377667 6.0471193 16.311834 0.0001710 107289838 nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group H member 3 0.8847022
2.0365675 2.5584549 2.6040926 1.9509276 4.607845 0.0234265 107294346 DTW domain containing 2 0.8844859
-0.5847234 0.6266196 1.9850353 8.3434931 6.519441 0.0075464 107294279 Sec61 translocon alpha 1 subunit 0.8844308
9.9790132 5.6876018 7.6482956 6.2692270 8.524410 0.0027869 107295677 solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter) member 2 0.8843100
-1.4732775 0.2831113 0.3248939 7.2920033 6.273177 0.0086335 107287902 adenosine kinase 0.8842764
4.5064155 0.9378144 -1.0387511 1.7437705 6.001141 0.0100534 107283801 BMP binding endothelial regulator 0.8840596
8.1482322 3.8655956 5.2074393 3.1283242 8.252261 0.0031608 107295614 brefeldin A-inhibited guanine nucleotide-exchange protein 3-like 0.8836628
-0.5165935 -0.5953016 1.7544161 5.9380544 8.264574 0.0031426 107292121 transmembrane protein 165 0.8832273
6.9809202 5.3691510 5.9845793 1.9391922 9.628321 0.0017161 107289979 adenylate cyclase 8 (brain) 0.8831849
-1.1846440 0.8089675 3.3956815 1.2583159 3.908938 0.0375839 107297247 neural proliferation differentiation and control 1 0.8829327
4.0823044 4.9435946 1.8045138 0.7322830 5.111036 0.0170244 107287971 adaptor related protein complex 3 mu 2 subunit 0.8828453
0.4527952 1.0494377 2.4479033 4.3497787 4.288738 0.0289405 107301438 keratinocyte-associated protein 2-like 0.8823078
4.5743871 5.7039167 5.3189452 3.6808246 12.443056 0.0005814 107290331 solute carrier family 46 member 2 0.8822124
0.3844914 1.1335170 2.2018000 5.8995327 6.506813 0.0075981 107293084 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 10 0.8816230
-1.3867468 0.4194208 1.2015391 5.3703485 5.726755 0.0117689 107286449 solute carrier family 5 member 6 0.8810116
3.1550555 3.3986343 3.1450022 6.5284870 11.005831 0.0009858 107294083 SEC24 homolog D COPII coat complex component 0.8806454
4.0930539 1.9673843 1.6712639 4.6259293 16.928545 0.0001437 107294339 ribonucleoprotein PTB-binding 2 0.8804050
-3.1202650 -1.4475487 1.5466757 5.7791234 23.568873 0.0000289 107289602 aldehyde dehydrogenase 5 family member A1 0.8802781
1.9037585 3.4967915 2.8744910 5.3132987 8.395176 0.0029576 107285125 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily a member 4 0.8801126
-1.6901758 1.2192631 1.2238427 5.3442760 23.293015 0.0000307 107288201 interleukin-1 receptor type 1-like 0.8798552
-2.3512713 0.4895487 2.0311326 6.6340558 24.055678 0.0000261 107297467 surfeit 4 0.8795963
-1.7623522 -0.1337385 0.6969559 4.7996885 16.109965 0.0001798 107286969 purinergic receptor P2X 4 0.8785464
1.5136696 0.8963618 2.2315177 5.5708031 5.309328 0.0150788 107289551 SFT2 domain containing 1 0.8784016
0.8875324 -0.0800079 -2.1949875 4.5328656 7.867209 0.0037945 107289099 Krueppel-like factor 15 0.8777584
3.1338980 0.5177013 0.5773250 6.5771241 9.658053 0.0016947 107282403 meteorin glial cell differentiation regulator-like 0.8776581
2.6522475 3.0252053 2.6756023 1.5642182 9.960529 0.0014941 107301472 adenosine monophosphate-protein transferase FICD-like 0.8775759
0.8300773 0.5715188 3.7250582 2.4813294 3.811090 0.0402741 107297475 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C4orf19 0.8772641
-1.4685376 -2.9248657 0.4938048 2.6170692 3.775284 0.0413140 107287489 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 0.8768751
3.2782176 4.1277302 2.4223481 2.9389942 7.102004 0.0055521 107292089 cerebellar degeneration related protein 2 0.8765659
8.5423848 1.7955802 6.3293139 0.6524085 6.509337 0.0106762 107287686 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2-like 0.8762803
-0.8004191 -1.7370235 1.4012308 6.5157609 13.047183 0.0004719 107286825 isochorismatase domain containing 1 0.8756243
-1.8086108 0.0984633 2.1854008 0.8441520 5.325367 0.0149330 107302940 solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter) member 4 0.8753138
2.6489761 0.3974174 1.2102400 3.2324290 3.589934 0.0472202 107288233 LIM domain only 4 0.8753134
3.2447654 -0.7522471 1.0064082 2.7707658 10.518119 0.0011925 107295666 exostosin-like glycosyltransferase 1 0.8752144
2.6756005 -3.6123942 2.1269467 6.1743543 16.448532 0.0001645 107292272 hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 1 0.8747010
1.7058266 1.6596247 1.4065915 5.4214588 5.161202 0.0165058 107291318 cyclin K 0.8746587
1.6824712 1.3279245 1.8641238 3.7690737 5.771366 0.0114680 107297554 thiosulfate sulfurtransferase (rhodanese)-like domain containing 2 0.8743393
-1.2067693 0.0222212 1.6138617 4.2649050 5.626389 0.0124800 107295338 phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase-like 0.8735577
-0.2888291 1.1059539 1.3878444 6.2330712 6.243580 0.0087761 107284379 STT3B catalytic subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex 0.8732658
2.7959997 2.7263796 1.5624876 5.3616207 10.619498 0.0011457 107289696 prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 2 0.8727459
4.2581116 3.7806025 -0.5587927 -0.1301421 4.761171 0.0212175 107292886 solute carrier family 7 member 5 0.8727195
0.4641790 2.3247355 1.2250993 1.6392389 3.553822 0.0484817 107286736 putative sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 10 0.8725463
2.6815493 -1.1222002 1.7138860 3.4457627 14.316842 0.0003114 107299955 solute carrier family 44 member 3 0.8723818
-0.8859299 3.2936977 -0.0060289 2.9284219 6.170754 0.0091388 107293392 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C15orf39 0.8719771
1.3735075 -0.2471501 4.2762506 5.2342600 7.121485 0.0054969 107298612 RNA binding motif protein 47 0.8714382
-0.0635461 -0.7747757 1.2280544 6.7109892 3.857378 0.0389746 107293139 family with sequence similarity 3 member C 0.8713239
-1.4369336 -2.3804735 5.4637761 3.2027391 15.052919 0.0002478 107289731 receptor expression-enhancing protein 6-like 0.8713188
-4.0119959 -3.5466854 0.5013229 6.5899022 26.822616 0.0000151 107300218 solute carrier family 38 member 5 0.8713103
-0.6720507 -0.0089302 1.5289935 6.7678549 5.938533 0.0104176 107284623 magnesium transporter 1 0.8711804
1.6112053 2.0255428 1.4902224 4.8354125 7.453072 0.0046485 107284732 cryptochrome circadian clock 1 0.8711443
0.2908067 0.6125731 1.6673987 5.6897098 4.384952 0.0271329 107296153 Golgi apparatus membrane protein TVP23 homolog B-like 0.8709837
0.9283940 3.1034514 2.4518614 0.9314079 5.968189 0.0102432 107294409 pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 1 0.8708522
6.3097566 4.4791091 4.2229620 0.5986538 9.955103 0.0014975 107287904 synaptotagmin 7 0.8703933
2.4906174 4.1967964 3.1864784 4.4029236 23.574816 0.0000289 107293465 methionyl-tRNA synthetase 0.8702675
2.9469144 1.6658194 0.1542392 3.1436422 9.509255 0.0018049 107292290 zinc finger protein 462 0.8700129
3.5415309 3.8354326 -0.9000127 2.9798876 11.633381 0.0007783 107290477 phosphodiesterase 3A 0.8695026
-1.6113820 3.0747094 1.7749083 5.5949829 16.402417 0.0001666 107285324 cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-5-like 0.8694815
-0.9398589 0.1632509 1.2775170 3.5616598 7.979617 0.0035801 107294319 vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1-like protein 1 0.8682999
4.9737648 2.6274620 2.5525664 1.2569121 4.484325 0.0254021 107289531 leucine-rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 6 0.8680390
1.4236000 0.0590161 3.8559553 4.7756020 11.639902 0.0007764 107282178 microtubule associated protein 7 0.8676222
0.1035992 1.1469169 2.1226207 6.2007511 6.297237 0.0085196 107287152 defender against cell death 1 0.8675904
1.0575542 1.6865550 1.3604970 4.0633511 4.200550 0.0307212 107292774 glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase 0.8673106
0.8108947 -0.8406610 1.6939459 4.1613993 5.058461 0.0175882 107285840 vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1B 0.8671786
5.8620885 -1.0690914 3.4506333 2.9325153 19.024078 0.0000826 107290465 inactive N-acetylated-alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase-like protein 2 0.8660340
-0.0755455 0.0371714 2.4130317 4.4017684 5.682127 0.0120791 107283883 VCP interacting membrane selenoprotein 0.8659496
3.6381784 2.5200302 3.0761847 1.5808670 14.919095 0.0002563 107296203 RBBP8 N-terminal like 0.8658061
2.6382255 2.5639657 1.5485407 4.7135248 11.056131 0.0009669 107303033 N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor 0.8653693
3.9503366 3.0725339 4.5434463 6.0440621 23.303348 0.0000306 107290745 UDP-galactose-4-epimerase 0.8646750
2.0135995 1.6207218 2.4089038 6.3997212 12.366630 0.0005973 107285410 solute carrier family 25 member 17 0.8645387
6.4750604 3.0115063 7.6668063 2.9977424 9.025271 0.0022256 107290359 carbohydrate (N-acetylgalactosamine 4-0) sulfotransferase 9 0.8636990
4.5209700 0.7974490 0.6940806 3.8435655 11.021710 0.0009798 107287515 Golgi integral membrane protein 4-like 0.8636473
-1.5120894 -1.2714308 4.3514013 4.9306363 14.004938 0.0003439 107291670 monocarboxylate transporter 2-like 0.8635706
0.8024464 -0.0124137 1.5527488 7.0728965 7.342896 0.0048807 107294896 synaptogyrin 2 0.8634660
1.7213900 1.5622054 2.0291120 2.2921758 6.046848 0.0097819 107302488 SAS-6 centriolar assembly protein 0.8631584
5.8599808 2.2020104 2.4651569 2.1570670 14.970832 0.0002541 107286783 ubiquitin specific peptidase 43 0.8628765
6.8079352 1.8856774 3.8455560 1.3238465 9.653057 0.0016983 107293105 adaptor related protein complex 1 gamma 2 subunit 0.8628614
1.5401440 2.3713490 3.8525600 1.9622274 4.186920 0.0310076 107297302 glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase-like 0.8628600
0.5506940 -1.1888776 -0.7988089 4.2355856 8.060909 0.0034342 107289773 ubiquitin specific peptidase 53 0.8628296
0.3500627 1.2035317 2.2412995 8.1189720 3.943132 0.0366933 107286945 signal sequence receptor gamma (translocon-associated protein gamma) 0.8626890
1.9337858 -0.1927430 -0.4869620 7.9602747 5.256127 0.0155741 107295417 influenza virus NS1A binding protein 0.8620576
-0.8883579 0.1028806 1.4884694 4.8576821 8.592044 0.0027022 107292887 carbonic anhydrase VA mitochondrial 0.8617929
3.8904746 2.8259182 2.4564852 0.0004101 3.820936 0.0399936 107292925 kinesin family member 5C 0.8611557
5.5825439 1.6152421 3.7357195 2.8193749 10.327449 0.0012869 107286774 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 6-like 0.8605239
-0.2995728 -0.7704202 0.4517176 6.5827168 4.072197 0.0334438 107294317 protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 2 0.8599887
1.9746928 1.9780843 0.5548163 4.0612907 6.796435 0.0065090 107301284 Rho GTPase activating protein 26 0.8591800
1.2446694 0.7688267 0.4992537 5.1902937 4.207478 0.0304799 107289721 ATP/GTP binding protein 1 0.8588063
3.9834268 1.9406697 3.3114744 5.4920555 15.696324 0.0002044 107288616 KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 3 0.8581563
8.0409669 3.3925949 5.8269741 0.0428539 14.551328 0.0006161 107297039 kelch domain containing 7A 0.8580689
0.4323386 1.3412391 2.1317373 5.0408647 6.817612 0.0064368 107295160 derlin 1 0.8580588
2.3665160 1.1883865 1.5774804 5.1493360 13.166625 0.0004507 107302871 golgin RAB6-interacting 0.8579278
6.3306855 -0.9725736 6.3306855 -0.1828639 9.864283 0.0049915 107293770 cell cycle control protein 50B-like 0.8570836
1.6662515 2.5184079 3.2056540 3.9329896 6.602590 0.0072159 107298231 mannosyl (alpha-16-)-glycoprotein beta-12-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 0.8567778
0.6923345 0.9829476 2.2704136 5.5183464 9.647110 0.0017023 107291422 tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase 0.8562269
0.0760419 0.7259805 1.6682158 4.3631616 3.743699 0.0422571 107288621 protein interacting with PRKCA 1 0.8558186
-0.7416382 -2.2197179 -0.8803573 5.0344082 4.216093 0.0303983 107288322 leukemia inhibitory factor receptor alpha 0.8554083
2.6481236 3.4689359 3.2142503 1.2637279 5.173709 0.0163794 107286165 riboflavin kinase 0.8553286
7.4811679 3.8049122 3.2726539 5.2187754 29.446637 0.0000094 107290944 heparan sulfate-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 1 0.8553127
1.9350634 1.4364533 1.0285041 3.4576267 5.287900 0.0152760 107300341 RAD50-interacting protein 1-like 0.8551635
3.7629216 2.6760305 2.4000396 3.4542618 3.977117 0.0358323 107296295 prostasin-like 0.8545359
3.6429662 4.8525169 5.7403936 7.8748057 11.685926 0.0007633 107289330 cysteine rich with EGF like domains 2 0.8539134
2.3386143 3.0665702 3.0308365 7.4631326 8.286729 0.0031103 107295943 reticulocalbin-1-like 0.8535969
1.1295281 1.2016696 1.3249927 4.9970005 6.149996 0.0092030 107294777 nucleolar protein 10 0.8534255
-2.0221983 0.2534767 0.3598412 5.0145821 11.748987 0.0007459 107291998 phosphatidylserine synthase 2-like 0.8529808
1.0597006 1.2447813 2.4495193 7.2173349 4.760264 0.0212298 107301307 Yip1 domain family member 5 0.8529686
2.4279455 2.1512855 2.3078819 4.6436825 11.029767 0.0009767 107286230 YKT6 v-SNARE homolog (S. cerevisiae) 0.8525349
-1.3295423 -0.4752817 0.2867733 2.8174311 4.544248 0.0243449 107291024 sarcosine dehydrogenase 0.8524421
1.1481930 1.5262118 1.7736474 8.1073269 4.728434 0.0216681 107292247 coatomer protein complex subunit beta 2 (beta prime) 0.8520913
0.2977710 1.2844330 1.7469019 3.2068953 6.123127 0.0093432 107291866 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 2-like 0.8519834
1.1799414 0.8828141 1.1738262 4.6969954 3.641472 0.0454850 107288628 ankyrin repeat domain 54 0.8518767
0.6525532 0.5800181 1.8308406 6.7454732 4.242355 0.0298616 107286705 B-cell receptor-associated protein 31 0.8515717
1.9081005 0.8488069 -1.0529012 6.0812604 8.693104 0.0025812 107287419 EH domain containing 4 0.8514004
0.0085630 0.9508937 1.1229382 4.9537934 4.255269 0.0295937 107302350 MYB binding protein (P160) 1a 0.8511292
0.5440715 -0.0401784 1.6938425 4.7168058 6.525248 0.0075227 107301316 uncharacterized LOC107301316 0.8507959
3.0472454 2.0074733 2.3627876 2.8421255 8.527842 0.0027826 107289075 2-oxoglutarate and iron-dependent oxygenase domain containing 3 0.8503824
5.6014175 -3.6441169 5.6014175 1.0463099 10.015563 0.0047687 107301839 uncharacterized LOC107301839 0.8501520
2.3300417 2.1322731 0.3106286 1.8501209 5.261804 0.0155204 107288794 TAO kinase 3 0.8500923
3.6374219 4.9549206 4.4771724 5.3358195 12.173408 0.0006397 107296774 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 5 0.8499959
4.0414798 3.6020988 2.4930105 1.6624933 8.144210 0.0033252 107282443 uncharacterized LOC107282443 0.8496579
1.1474810 1.1042550 2.5577536 6.7580865 6.553393 0.0074093 107288947 mitochondrial fission regulator 1 0.8494789
2.1691199 -0.0880300 1.4497543 4.2150476 15.783984 0.0001965 107297046 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 16A-like 0.8489754
3.1420151 -5.7756560 0.9302165 3.7915903 17.118696 0.0001364 107293157 V-type proton ATPase subunit S1-like 0.8484597
9.9220149 0.2410218 3.4432847 2.4565606 5.613006 0.0167455 107302787 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1 0.8484353
2.0252370 4.5573614 3.0081737 0.0559968 5.051975 0.0176593 107302050 spindle assembly abnormal protein 6 homolog 0.8483432
1.8909673 1.4416220 -7.2871048 6.9498023 55.007754 0.0000003 107283628 nebulette-like 0.8478231
0.1060210 0.3483985 2.7424689 1.5493328 4.291732 0.0288822 107297403 folate receptor alpha-like 0.8476900
-0.6301133 -0.3598119 0.4996833 6.3882393 4.032501 0.0343761 107285635 store-operated calcium entry-associated regulatory factor 0.8465468
9.7631809 2.0502088 7.9381285 4.0447996 18.397190 0.0000969 107296514 uncharacterized LOC107296514 0.8460414
2.2475014 3.0108247 2.1838057 2.9503559 8.615455 0.0026736 107293802 excision repair cross-complementation group 4 0.8459349
5.5690317 0.0134929 1.6406924 5.3612495 18.129026 0.0001040 107282485 branched chain amino-acid transaminase 2 mitochondrial 0.8454252
2.6418725 2.6107700 0.7336775 2.4488127 11.240158 0.0008988 107284282 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 21 0.8452318
1.1048698 0.9347192 -0.3170058 3.7394399 5.524929 0.0131950 107287650 neurobeachin 0.8447315
0.5440366 1.0283250 1.4870400 7.6953755 4.399465 0.0267888 107298597 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 2 0.8446171
2.3544125 2.3149894 3.4023615 1.9201963 4.006784 0.0350998 107288303 solute carrier family 38 member 1 0.8443797
0.5133873 1.0937972 2.0951159 6.9228216 4.333174 0.0280888 107295027 coatomer protein complex subunit beta 1 0.8433868
1.9117682 2.6552534 1.9049285 5.2704100 21.202706 0.0000481 107291089 fatty acyl-CoA reductase 1 0.8429401
8.5208141 -0.1689879 7.1396113 5.9068062 14.650856 0.0002804 107285747 calbindin 1 0.8427733
2.1221275 2.2916694 3.2053455 5.4819152 10.538927 0.0011827 107288043 solute carrier family 33 (acetyl-CoA transporter) member 1 0.8427384
1.8971897 2.3741577 2.5038006 2.7197323 11.999170 0.0006777 107287124 uncharacterized LOC107287124 0.8426093
-1.8159565 -0.9690067 -0.0917082 6.0897284 6.513901 0.0075690 107298587 propionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha subunit 0.8424524
-0.3317299 1.3509816 1.4908176 4.2446932 4.163362 0.0315100 107293266 protein BTG3-like 0.8420222
0.0201986 -0.6718060 0.9651113 8.3296688 4.241172 0.0297899 107283032 transmembrane protein 59 0.8419657
-0.3078349 -0.9891490 0.2188483 6.8422340 4.255476 0.0295024 107292800 oxysterol binding protein like 1A 0.8419181
7.8656993 2.7147439 2.0038971 0.1685377 10.749237 0.0019405 107288622 SRY-box 10 0.8418846
2.9359404 0.4711701 1.8137556 4.5616771 5.721862 0.0118025 107292634 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C10 0.8411430
-0.1857252 0.1168512 0.8767770 6.0186778 3.551849 0.0484316 107292041 VMA21 vacuolar H+-ATPase homolog (S. cerevisiae) 0.8394703
8.8298193 0.3525136 7.7693724 7.2650112 12.116896 0.0006527 107289611 ETS homologous factor 0.8394403
6.0060313 3.1197071 1.1543668 0.7654440 3.745244 0.0422103 107294320 prostasin-like 0.8392352
9.7390615 -0.0173391 7.3075736 5.5550364 24.905814 0.0000219 107289610 E74 like ETS transcription factor 5 0.8391812
0.7376505 0.1969184 -0.9221542 4.3707247 4.046460 0.0341471 107282815 UPF0061 protein PFLU_0444 0.8390849
5.2877300 -1.5877090 3.4041408 7.7364005 25.842470 0.0000182 107282962 tetraspanin 13 0.8383030
0.6792588 0.8470023 1.8601572 4.7581891 8.275576 0.0031036 107283869 LysM domain containing 4 0.8379866
-0.7281413 -0.3923465 1.8666617 8.2612389 7.087501 0.0055936 107291672 Sec61 translocon beta subunit 0.8373650
1.0710740 1.0507700 2.3605724 8.6090653 4.697596 0.0221027 107287781 ADP ribosylation factor 4 0.8371420
-2.7350778 -3.2280612 -1.0041061 4.0651925 14.854639 0.0002633 107298641 nicalin 0.8370811
1.8231288 1.3999237 2.0617477 5.6157984 3.879228 0.0383781 107296913 derlin 2 0.8369575
1.5099465 1.2067732 0.2206569 4.3608894 3.869005 0.0386558 107283115 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C12orf29 0.8366887
0.8374064 1.3632602 1.7463554 4.2490139 4.191662 0.0309076 107283630 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C1 0.8363065
0.4762386 1.1471366 1.6905048 4.1146902 6.506622 0.0075684 107289981 nodal modulator 3-like 0.8360083
3.4168494 2.6770222 2.4230422 4.1085748 20.379822 0.0000592 107290408 cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 1 0.8331943
1.1008355 1.2360760 1.4669670 3.9864824 5.927145 0.0104377 107288112 serine/threonine kinase 16 0.8326948
1.8621269 1.5567861 1.8771978 7.0331823 7.959092 0.0036307 107300483 RAB1A member RAS oncogene family 0.8326039
-0.6024493 -0.5718561 0.7711135 5.4124432 4.537121 0.0245349 107303227 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 2-like 0.8322970
2.7168674 1.0911429 2.0083448 3.9230891 4.123238 0.0323876 107282253 methyl-CpG binding domain protein 3 0.8322532
7.4864625 -1.1632215 2.4279475 0.9564169 21.857684 0.0001160 107290464 inactive N-acetylated-alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase-like protein 2 0.8318653
-0.6155551 -1.0699064 0.3154762 7.8246976 3.850634 0.0390650 107292448 KIAA1191 ortholog 0.8315740
1.3376965 1.3142400 1.0485334 6.1625500 3.774379 0.0413406 107289596 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf62 0.8298647
1.1929386 1.6775464 3.0459992 3.4266072 8.848871 0.0024068 107288921 transmembrane protein 208 0.8298096
1.0160649 1.8276997 1.6834647 4.6609809 4.025689 0.0346421 107287675 selenoprotein K 0.8290608
2.1585763 3.2966185 2.6155501 3.4573693 7.118196 0.0055061 107298757 gamma-secretase activating protein 0.8289492
5.1144319 2.9268357 3.8752145 0.4421469 9.719437 0.0016516 107298286 zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like NaMP 0.8284317
0.9197235 1.9182586 1.5533468 3.1811155 4.498378 0.0251678 107302577 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E family member 2 0.8283285
3.0639101 3.5650375 3.3253367 2.9248635 9.071420 0.0021809 107285151 SWIM-type zinc finger 7 associated protein 1 0.8276723
-1.5383104 -1.1592896 1.2231511 6.5890892 6.017729 0.0099594 107297073 GDP-Man:Man(3)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-12-mannosyltransferase-like 0.8273813
-1.8050981 -1.3058123 -1.0314312 3.0734217 3.742037 0.0423073 107303231 ATPase phospholipid transporting 11C 0.8273187
4.8580876 3.6674199 4.0562758 3.8618988 20.261043 0.0000609 107291927 dynein heavy chain 7 axonemal-like 0.8266841
3.3974182 -0.7077814 2.1111287 3.0424920 18.727103 0.0000890 107282288 coiled-coil serine rich protein 1 0.8262280
1.1903115 1.4322192 2.0256908 5.6181503 4.903429 0.0193819 107300940 signal recognition particle 9kDa 0.8258244
1.3970727 -0.2859534 -0.0368901 5.2134357 6.400409 0.0080296 107284972 echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 4 0.8255276
3.9204265 5.2656214 3.4455302 1.9025234 28.881764 0.0000103 107293422 YdjC homolog (bacterial) 0.8255105
2.5614226 3.2424673 3.0017481 2.7214082 14.882036 0.0002611 107287076 vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 like 1 0.8249717
-1.1075359 -0.9572505 -0.2896147 6.7606756 3.650187 0.0450824 107283249 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S24 0.8239790
1.2994098 0.1898216 0.5460904 3.0700435 4.003736 0.0350705 107292741 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia; translocated to 3 0.8239296
-6.8371970 -3.0266139 0.8853737 5.7095185 36.410820 0.0000031 107289603 glycosylphosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase D1 0.8236796
2.7534888 3.2158236 1.8260009 3.8362139 12.990430 0.0004811 107288722 interferon-related developmental regulator 2 0.8236733
3.5433546 -0.7645598 1.0251901 5.8428771 4.031770 0.0344963 107296585 family with sequence similarity 107 member A 0.8234249
3.6318848 0.5363670 3.1653348 0.1714735 4.482189 0.0254379 107295906 solute carrier family 12 member 9 0.8232170
0.8161762 1.8236548 0.6469057 2.6397983 3.606981 0.0466379 107285415 l(3)mbt-like 2 (Drosophila) 0.8231328
2.3061576 0.9770946 5.4637450 4.3040910 7.072272 0.0056376 107292748 epithelial splicing regulatory protein 1 0.8223998
-5.5808257 -2.3822986 -1.7415615 6.9349439 24.777735 0.0000225 107293840 pantothenate kinase 1 0.8218974
1.3342515 0.4048161 0.9143385 4.6761589 5.760372 0.0114859 107294847 ring finger protein 170 0.8217028
2.5434102 1.4708347 -0.9166035 3.8340640 19.554879 0.0000723 107282830 KIAA1462 ortholog 0.8216684
4.8696127 -1.0929514 0.8681949 1.6590553 7.716796 0.0040816 107286565 WNK lysine deficient protein kinase 3 0.8207463
5.1597706 5.5184777 -1.1130614 1.7182351 5.182007 0.0162962 107291248 B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11B-like 0.8198662
0.0532420 2.2321597 3.6264624 3.6271956 4.733236 0.0216013 107293421 stromal cell derived factor 2 like 1 0.8196493
10.1349770 -2.0791277 5.0461876 4.0681292 10.437450 0.0021600 107285400 forkhead box I1 0.8195213
3.3868130 -3.6351858 1.5268765 1.2681650 7.741954 0.0040318 107301787 forkhead box protein I1-ema-like 0.8190922
1.1345394 3.2450766 3.9704794 5.0186910 11.849307 0.0007190 107303308 insulin induced gene 1 0.8187698
-2.6144456 1.9116616 0.8590220 6.7833184 19.116900 0.0000806 107292371 metallothionein-2-like 0.8181023
1.2491813 1.6248032 2.3192752 5.4656116 9.885227 0.0015413 107299014 Rab acceptor 1 (prenylated) 0.8180413
0.6230035 1.2162462 1.5171346 3.0943750 3.857419 0.0389411 107289431 solute carrier family 10 member 7 0.8178542
-3.1748908 -1.9754837 0.9451125 2.8265283 8.436360 0.0029019 107291178 N-acylethanolamine acid amidase 0.8178333
-3.6241007 -3.1736684 3.5914752 1.8420765 11.982079 0.0006852 107295023 calcitonin-like 0.8175700
-2.0889110 -0.6946542 1.0160064 2.1019443 4.263384 0.0294399 107289203 staphylococcal nuclease and tudor domain containing 1 0.8170982
1.8722527 1.2393917 1.9441443 5.2047567 5.985499 0.0101430 107287353 glycosyltransferase 8 domain containing 1 0.8165737
0.6426034 -0.0368003 2.0311991 4.8507888 6.422499 0.0079541 107282991 solute carrier family 35 member B3 0.8156857
7.3651151 0.3692885 3.3818390 0.1039540 5.645397 0.0164633 107299732 uncharacterized LOC107299732 0.8155833
1.2541129 0.4700765 -0.3373348 3.8024728 4.154928 0.0316921 107286550 family with sequence similarity 120C 0.8150086
-0.3212134 0.4381909 1.1768509 3.6971210 4.489818 0.0252299 107302000 TP53 regulated inhibitor of apoptosis 1 0.8143829
2.7117922 2.5641337 3.6028881 3.0820053 7.622583 0.0042743 107297246 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 2 0.8141161
0.8584197 1.3458283 -1.3130378 0.7233368 6.382933 0.0080836 107302887 discoidin CUB and LCCL domain-containing protein 1-like 0.8137459
-1.3994783 -1.0148511 0.7163836 5.5610323 7.993376 0.0035718 107295026 thioredoxin domain containing 15 0.8135465
1.9607273 1.8681592 1.1212674 2.6622785 10.087657 0.0014054 107296756 protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit 4 0.8130949
-0.0711742 -0.1587208 2.2182428 4.9876460 5.546782 0.0130799 107284820 myelin protein zero like 3 0.8130695
-6.0970665 -3.9644020 -0.5828170 9.4249766 53.086454 0.0000004 107286863 fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (fumarylacetoacetase) 0.8130418
-2.6235200 -0.2999136 -0.2035151 5.1963273 20.602255 0.0000561 107285827 LDL receptor related protein 5 0.8119319
0.5586818 1.7589023 2.6597823 4.6964492 7.591130 0.0043410 107297059 myeloid-derived growth factor 0.8116195
-0.1552051 0.8770509 -0.7810880 4.1009671 6.154345 0.0091748 107296658 slingshot protein phosphatase 3 0.8111196
-1.1729071 -0.0639069 5.3873466 2.6290288 10.008254 0.0014651 107300419 stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 1 0.8107349
1.6591941 0.4674524 -0.2775503 3.8945581 6.608116 0.0071824 107288876 family with sequence similarity 65 member A 0.8106607
-3.9676026 -1.4901131 -1.3143003 3.4513960 10.981371 0.0009951 107287165 solute carrier family 16 member 10 0.8106537
-1.3576596 -0.6881425 1.0071960 4.4318488 10.489243 0.0012063 107286970 endoplasmic reticulum protein 29 0.8104686
-1.2670947 -0.0749471 1.2234450 5.6433222 8.819530 0.0024385 107293325 transmembrane protein 5 0.8104024
7.9403764 3.5252521 5.6938806 3.4667363 14.684309 0.0002775 107283721 calcium release activated channel regulator 2A 0.8103770
0.9325491 1.1232520 3.3670240 5.9437986 4.733557 0.0215968 107288181 keratin 18 type I 0.8089688
0.6500643 1.2306704 1.8360083 2.6720918 5.123632 0.0168284 107292099 polymerase (RNA) III subunit E 0.8083700
-0.3481460 2.0388945 2.4488227 0.8750614 4.185787 0.0310315 107302041 uncharacterized LOC107302041 0.8083044
-0.1172749 1.0832580 1.9818361 7.6159243 6.089192 0.0095659 107285871 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B11 0.8065582
-0.1335521 0.9008534 0.6904780 4.7850616 3.684741 0.0439795 107295910 epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8 0.8064020
0.2347093 0.6958016 2.4397837 5.5065514 4.876678 0.0197126 107298764 Yip1 interacting factor homolog A membrane trafficking protein 0.8064008
1.2477756 0.8744586 1.6051144 4.1279058 4.089272 0.0331527 107286431 transmembrane protein 248 0.8057023
0.1162842 0.8979112 2.0897683 3.2921951 4.365209 0.0274928 107294381 glycosyltransferase 1 domain containing 1 0.8044142
0.4498509 1.2223675 2.0494063 5.6018725 4.866485 0.0198403 107302504 15 kDa selenoprotein 0.8033671
1.1020382 -4.1167634 1.1551201 3.6485166 19.371477 0.0000757 107284856 solute carrier family 35 member F2 0.8028981
0.0180160 0.9978796 2.2433533 1.5381886 4.703619 0.0219721 107291328 solute carrier family 37 member 3 0.8028488
-2.5717971 -1.7933558 -0.0700486 9.0412005 5.948400 0.0103592 107302669 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 1 0.8027995
0.9223550 3.3153473 3.2980377 4.0153234 11.605934 0.0007862 107291847 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 7 0.8025082
0.6479544 1.1844223 1.5502725 4.7268831 3.930544 0.0370183 107294238 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 16 0.8022405
0.1763271 0.7835176 1.8125622 5.9535474 3.702859 0.0435137 107285495 endoplasmic reticulum lectin 1 0.8020139
-1.0082228 -3.6974544 0.5416849 6.4727633 7.332816 0.0049372 107291626 fatty acid desaturase 1-like 0.8018080
-3.6429309 -2.1428018 0.0616675 6.5901958 29.080545 0.0000100 107288677 aminomethyltransferase 0.8016123
-2.1792908 -0.5139275 0.3815260 3.4735411 8.011144 0.0035416 107289259 protein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit gamma 0.8011509
-3.0292592 -2.8963092 -2.2488054 3.7133346 12.713612 0.0005291 107291526 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1 0.8006132
-1.2205631 -2.3409184 -0.3185787 0.7897109 3.647927 0.0452729 107290318 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 3 0.8002508
1.5398083 1.5956250 0.9098911 4.2342809 6.753101 0.0066482 107291914 CDC like kinase 3 0.8001783
-0.2568424 1.0198413 2.6557451 4.7933578 14.026903 0.0003415 107286870 fucosidase alpha-L- 2 plasma 0.8001576
1.6816670 1.5831494 0.8879386 3.2628004 5.193534 0.0161814 107293910 solute carrier family 36 (proton/amino acid symporter) member 4 0.7991733
-1.8738629 -0.4463379 0.2146320 8.5201283 6.672398 0.0069515 107284127 adipocyte plasma membrane associated protein 0.7990943
1.1762783 1.8834227 1.3367902 3.5337432 12.152606 0.0006375 107299013 mannosidase beta 0.7985006
4.6681611 3.5033622 5.2906517 2.9228416 11.431354 0.0008389 107293646 myosin VIIA and Rab interacting protein 0.7971356
0.1779967 -0.9418727 0.6005757 6.8180712 4.305583 0.0286141 107286259 adenosylhomocysteinase like 1 0.7963601
-3.5102795 -3.2940172 0.5433570 6.3791408 22.168246 0.0000392 107284548 glutathione S-transferase zeta 1 0.7951748
-0.5323165 0.3122249 1.4080558 5.4223988 3.617057 0.0462977 107291762 peptidylprolyl isomerase like 3 0.7949697
2.6211006 1.1636727 -0.1545748 4.5612261 11.886126 0.0007094 107293631 carnosine synthase 1 0.7942294
0.9917491 1.9058040 1.6148861 6.4370892 7.749455 0.0040171 107299804 asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase 0.7938794
2.3096303 1.8564761 1.0677185 1.4170787 6.465726 0.0077262 107285703 zinc finger matrin-type 3 0.7931642
0.9702720 0.2857204 -0.1833693 6.4409163 4.719437 0.0217130 107287633 kinase D-interacting substrate 220kDa 0.7929251
-0.2450881 -1.7341170 -0.0510045 6.9200013 12.211909 0.0006241 107292633 NCK associated protein 1 0.7926246
1.8417667 2.1123664 0.8754488 1.5778847 5.121831 0.0168626 107295451 golgin A3 0.7921864
0.6407231 0.8193426 -1.5180411 1.5850801 4.216567 0.0303885 107297833 fibrosin-like 1 0.7916784
-2.5774035 -2.4167232 1.7587235 4.6277162 17.223269 0.0001325 107289854 solute carrier family 25 member 15 0.7914741
-1.7622118 -1.6055068 -0.3502039 5.1182516 7.804913 0.0039104 107302660 toll like receptor 3 0.7914515
4.4360992 1.6770157 0.5420460 1.5799058 4.898759 0.0194392 107291403 alpha-2C adrenergic receptor-like 0.7899199
-1.4410509 -1.6214827 0.1558856 5.3249989 9.465904 0.0018385 107283928 calcium and integrin binding 1 0.7896479
-1.5935581 -1.8935165 -4.1369482 1.2115315 4.836585 0.0202204 107282274 microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase 3 0.7892606
1.4056898 2.4700481 1.7201511 2.4068964 3.812989 0.0402199 107287237 collagen beta(1-O)galactosyltransferase 1 0.7887973
1.1766722 1.5408525 -2.8722968 1.4095651 4.859959 0.0199225 107282175 histocompatibility (minor) HA-1 0.7886467
6.1920726 3.0841230 5.1822268 2.2178255 11.274743 0.0008898 107299565 neuron-derived neurotrophic factor 0.7881706
-1.4526857 -1.1225653 1.1222064 4.0444578 6.539208 0.0074662 107289869 GDP-Man:Man(3)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-12-mannosyltransferase-like 0.7880358
-0.5025221 -2.9963493 -1.9696652 3.8450020 4.221859 0.0302795 107292601 phospholipase C gamma 2 0.7876216
2.7679472 1.5695730 0.4809795 2.6655509 6.753665 0.0066578 107290281 uncharacterized LOC107290281 0.7863285
1.4232531 0.8671862 0.9776415 5.6718716 4.913849 0.0192164 107287109 lysine demethylase 5B 0.7863065
-2.0648265 -0.3810291 1.2214998 4.2487632 12.649385 0.0005410 107282910 2-hydroxyacyl-CoA lyase 1 0.7861184
-0.6427686 0.2428245 1.5868716 3.2927225 5.182578 0.0162905 107289329 ALG12 alpha-16-mannosyltransferase 0.7857402
0.5673908 -0.4854043 1.2643483 4.6340628 4.708569 0.0219469 107290742 PITH (C-terminal proteasome-interacting domain of thioredoxin-like) domain containing 1 0.7856134
0.8765487 0.7658395 -1.2740906 3.4359663 6.217706 0.0089030 107290879 proline rich coiled-coil 2A 0.7855956
0.6715019 -2.0886808 0.6796158 3.5151952 8.393420 0.0029600 107289068 LysM domain containing 2 0.7852646
1.0513545 1.0018643 -1.1142849 2.4799898 5.071640 0.0174449 107296663 adrenergic beta receptor kinase 1 0.7838426
-0.3204068 -0.3110372 1.4567643 3.7206579 3.694737 0.0437688 107287074 ALG6 alpha-13-glucosyltransferase 0.7828900
-4.2449235 -1.2523311 -1.2772246 7.6728685 12.316675 0.0006079 107292171 pterin-4 alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase 1 0.7827489
3.3433526 3.3169590 -0.7975220 5.0155124 17.613707 0.0001192 107302903 myelin P2 protein-like 0.7821904
4.3713514 -0.9997083 3.5483894 2.8920245 11.686163 0.0007633 107291941 neutral amino acid transporter B(0)-like 0.7816406
-1.3522497 -0.0856653 1.4298422 4.5421132 10.032501 0.0014506 107303257 motile sperm domain containing 1 0.7814109
-0.4361617 -0.7134393 0.6475132 6.7431092 4.094487 0.0329465 107290411 dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 1 catalytic subunit 0.7805958
10.7844684 1.0832443 7.9659089 5.2979513 5.243173 0.0156976 107282362 solute carrier family 15 (oligopeptide transporter) member 1 0.7800224
-0.2741983 1.6976795 -0.0162624 3.0043561 4.288626 0.0289427 107290619 sidekick cell adhesion molecule 1 0.7782712
0.6579876 1.4557664 1.4110051 5.2188899 3.593580 0.0470950 107293009 coatomer protein complex subunit gamma 1 0.7780335
-7.9813161 1.1596431 1.1001463 9.2554256 22.022106 0.0000405 107285841 retinol dehydrogenase 12-like 0.7774713
1.3423617 5.6902285 1.7447398 -0.0387942 6.129434 0.0093523 107284351 vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1 0.7771988
1.0685107 0.3348187 3.4622838 5.7759168 3.995973 0.0353647 107287252 lipin 3 0.7766548
4.2831776 2.8646514 3.9014879 3.7933734 25.460426 0.0000196 107283970 calcium release activated channel regulator 2B 0.7756109
2.3479300 0.7447360 2.8120941 5.9771073 17.568848 0.0001207 107291259 solute carrier family 35 (UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) transporter) member A3 0.7753686
0.7314508 2.1040243 3.6194680 1.7444858 10.643041 0.0011319 107298236 spermine oxidase 0.7752181
-1.6643182 -1.0343335 -1.9248303 6.0096229 5.385064 0.0144049 107293701 aminoadipate-semialdehyde synthase 0.7749514
5.3643239 1.0905673 2.7613092 3.1306301 19.421150 0.0000747 107299460 calcium permeable stress-gated cation channel 1-like 0.7746951
-0.2092931 -0.2790320 0.8110674 4.0718503 4.173780 0.0311887 107288375 YOD1 deubiquitinase 0.7746328
1.6407177 4.6080874 3.4410400 2.1418961 12.996039 0.0004802 107284382 CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 8 0.7746276
-0.3947433 0.7133594 0.4196883 5.9030757 3.738641 0.0422971 107284415 cullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated 1 0.7742468
-0.6643730 1.1088947 2.2089191 3.2078286 5.306554 0.0151041 107292712 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 1-like 0.7738708
1.4261096 3.3356356 1.3909937 2.0263989 6.538471 0.0074692 107297026 farnesyl diphosphate synthase 0.7726615
2.6742623 3.3395401 5.5500116 4.9046431 12.848087 0.0005051 107285591 ATPase phospholipid transporting 8B1 0.7720431
0.7734235 1.7001230 1.9517126 5.2469356 5.636360 0.0124072 107296957 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C21 0.7709370
5.4754994 1.8213391 0.5684468 5.8208476 8.393003 0.0029606 107302904 fatty acid-binding protein adipocyte-like 0.7708401
5.1589436 4.2183768 2.5991979 2.7659684 18.464257 0.0000953 107289331 Pim-3 proto-oncogene serine/threonine kinase 0.7707714
-4.7493465 -1.0988706 2.4409721 3.6252264 31.506667 0.0000066 107293099 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2 mitochondrial 0.7705354
-1.3221117 -0.0466437 1.3831293 2.5976945 5.630141 0.0124526 107302924 phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase-like 0.7704845
0.3381840 1.1766677 2.9345892 4.5901326 6.031232 0.0098836 107288052 translocon-associated protein subunit beta-like 0.7696355
0.3742780 0.6123706 3.0404443 3.0192816 7.009942 0.0058220 107295152 sterile alpha motif domain containing 12 0.7684288
-2.9010493 -2.0605589 -0.2337104 2.0013676 8.025622 0.0035173 107285022 proteasome subunit beta 6 0.7682520
0.9597924 2.8259178 1.7162849 1.8955260 7.379757 0.0048128 107296256 valyl-tRNA synthetase 0.7682266
-4.5241642 -1.9628134 2.1634965 8.3024420 54.674849 0.0000003 107297930 transmembrane protein 97-like 0.7681176
0.0424906 -0.2603763 0.9794517 4.6281594 3.756977 0.0417545 107293166 vesicle associated membrane protein 7 0.7663038
-0.9937440 1.1276204 1.7916639 7.1652079 11.383153 0.0008542 107286869 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 3 0.7660030
6.8817465 -1.5060589 3.8467759 0.5936931 11.219857 0.0016578 107295724 ligand of numb-protein X 1 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 0.7657302
4.1777647 1.7276420 1.9666775 -0.0063204 6.471835 0.0077198 107298799 multiple EGF like domains 9 0.7644369
-0.0807026 -0.1800548 1.3006699 6.0737556 6.501535 0.0075773 107285142 protein kinase C substrate 80K-H 0.7639166
-3.0407725 -2.3685007 -1.2837629 3.4537876 15.001771 0.0002499 107286331 selenoprotein O 0.7634901
4.6422891 1.5440764 1.5424586 6.4360633 8.499962 0.0028183 107285366 phospholipase C beta 4 0.7634049
0.5952354 -0.0996802 -1.8023744 6.5120142 7.623770 0.0042718 107295275 uncharacterized LOC107295275 0.7631610
0.4702534 1.0793600 2.6378886 3.4333664 7.122043 0.0054953 107288809 solute carrier family 26 member 11 0.7620057
-1.7421189 -1.2392465 1.2982593 4.3413042 5.314253 0.0150338 107302593 fermitin family homolog 1-like 0.7619004
0.1307978 3.0599258 1.3075924 2.0032019 9.073693 0.0021735 107288885 pyruvate dehyrogenase phosphatase catalytic subunit 2 0.7608663
-1.9692581 -0.9207783 -0.6423992 4.5525657 12.784925 0.0005104 107283246 gamma-glutamyl carboxylase 0.7606220
2.3039967 2.1608484 2.7756232 0.7222534 8.982144 0.0022502 107298367 FK506 binding protein like 0.7605475
-7.0903226 -3.8986299 1.4877855 7.3379432 21.865302 0.0000419 107293732 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 6-like 0.7601869
0.9981209 -0.7621204 0.3171382 3.5234431 3.833419 0.0396411 107289376 transmembrane protein 189-like 0.7601828
1.5825833 1.9305130 2.5131863 1.1795130 8.150707 0.0032911 107302753 C1GALT1 specific chaperone 1 0.7597061
1.6132670 0.8359123 0.9463125 5.4081649 4.343820 0.0278891 107282806 ankyrin repeat and IBR domain containing 1 0.7592081
4.7802075 1.6439687 -0.7015048 1.7638997 19.754860 0.0000679 107291772 collagen type VIII alpha 1 0.7585785
1.0474429 0.3097843 0.6164895 5.7978406 3.544642 0.0486882 107282832 Rho GTPase activating protein 12 0.7583617
2.8560074 1.2590830 0.1280789 4.8831798 21.286800 0.0000470 107290589 insulin like growth factor 1 receptor 0.7581237
-2.7373760 -1.2313800 0.9932683 7.1064814 18.422993 0.0000963 107282819 acyl-CoA binding domain containing 5 0.7579085
7.3653451 2.2593918 4.0800947 1.7573205 22.072022 0.0000400 107290020 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 16 0.7577851
2.0745223 2.0599008 1.7314334 4.8970919 5.878609 0.0107807 107284918 serine/threonine kinase 17b 0.7577689
-0.9927136 -1.0704743 0.7505754 2.1550867 6.013175 0.0099345 107284852 endoplasmic reticulum to nucleus signaling 1 0.7568006
5.7740337 4.3890212 3.3236716 2.7463548 23.735769 0.0000279 107293219 multiple C2 domains transmembrane 2 0.7560300
-2.2300570 -1.7566986 1.4658513 1.9592709 7.497648 0.0045465 107289855 uncharacterized LOC107289855 0.7556961
-0.5223601 -0.6735546 1.1794736 5.0490761 5.215155 0.0159685 107288977 transmembrane protein 128 0.7555924
-0.5830898 0.7908651 0.8476031 3.5526466 6.735223 0.0066841 107285743 receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 2 0.7547335
3.8974832 3.3335481 4.1458928 1.0164024 5.722059 0.0118011 107291067 pleckstrin homology and coiled-coil domain containing D1 0.7532869
-1.0935257 -2.0738716 1.8667066 3.0616265 8.798577 0.0024615 107296459 ring finger protein 128 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 0.7531773
0.3859170 1.3767981 2.0719991 3.9057151 4.818456 0.0204550 107283644 Bet1 golgi vesicular membrane trafficking protein 0.7530134
4.4633848 2.3971769 3.7432650 3.3846339 14.208588 0.0003223 107285837 transmembrane protein 229B 0.7508095
5.8005155 2.5367405 -0.9612585 -0.6104824 8.092021 0.0052644 107292756 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 1 0.7497892
-2.6962767 0.7566065 0.2442613 0.4260811 5.398754 0.0142868 107297791 pyruvate carboxylase 0.7497015
-0.9196897 -0.5735666 0.0090119 6.9987862 3.941333 0.0366335 107284391 UBX domain protein 4 0.7492083
2.5892982 1.9041956 0.1359701 1.4880117 5.722518 0.0117980 107284839 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 16B 0.7486242
0.9560026 1.1535585 0.4379236 4.6377515 4.084334 0.0331647 107285519 GRB10 interacting GYF protein 2 0.7476206
1.6855144 1.5479079 1.0285997 2.2188497 5.713391 0.0118044 107288207 interleukin-1 receptor type 1-like 0.7469719
-0.7002329 4.1820323 5.0101508 5.9458915 19.569573 0.0000720 107282526 claudin-4-like 0.7463268
1.8913552 1.2722723 -0.0105375 1.9403012 4.477544 0.0254898 107298432 focal adhesion kinase 1-like 0.7460768
8.5560539 2.1861016 2.3768933 0.7673410 5.952702 0.0140515 107300881 SEL1L family member 3 0.7458477
-0.7382622 0.6957400 1.8415931 6.0319676 9.309607 0.0019661 107283656 asparagine synthetase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.7454133
-0.2652160 -0.6040072 -1.6244924 2.7130166 4.136465 0.0320657 107290598 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 37 0.7449838
0.4321043 -0.5974682 1.1369855 2.4966821 4.148976 0.0317310 107284946 D-tyrosyl-tRNA deacylase 2 (putative) 0.7441467
7.7681389 8.0519433 8.2343011 4.3037416 36.439170 0.0000031 107292027 SAM pointed domain containing ETS transcription factor 0.7435261
-1.7836746 1.1762864 0.3785927 1.9601255 5.191492 0.0162016 107291546 forkhead box P4 0.7432894
0.3641889 1.1532888 1.3224925 8.6899483 5.048552 0.0176251 107284850 DEAD-box helicase 5 0.7432769
-1.5253290 0.2895388 -0.7063031 2.7413932 3.583889 0.0474287 107287948 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 4 0.7421611
0.2110797 -0.7439551 5.8560429 4.1561737 10.208065 0.0013504 107291103 single immunoglobulin and toll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain 0.7390770
0.3396833 -0.1317388 1.2883080 5.1409194 7.531439 0.0044414 107285525 ILK associated serine/threonine phosphatase 0.7388249
-2.2849618 -1.5715568 1.2152586 2.3165080 17.031556 0.0001377 107300623 RING finger and transmembrane domain-containing protein 1-like 0.7387487
1.9823098 -7.1317403 0.4362648 3.1179363 20.698084 0.0000549 107286782 TBC1 domain family member 24-like 0.7387228
2.3192684 1.8848048 1.6130088 3.7461191 4.953703 0.0187779 107286846 abhydrolase domain containing 2 0.7386313
0.0967248 1.1277103 3.4478470 5.0196589 9.711477 0.0016571 107289837 acid phosphatase 2 lysosomal 0.7372851
4.5279952 0.3720302 0.2386981 0.1403666 4.326073 0.0282229 107282407 PTPRF interacting protein alpha 3 0.7370839
5.5964085 2.8462262 1.7671017 0.3356024 4.981199 0.0184568 107302535 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 5-like 0.7369809
1.3212925 1.4356364 2.0559320 4.1321633 9.575588 0.0017465 107302478 protein MEMO1-like 0.7363786
3.8274618 0.6310300 4.9884103 0.5979556 7.424478 0.0047153 107292433 dapper homolog 2-like 0.7358301
-2.0812433 0.5476835 0.8347602 6.7418024 15.292240 0.0002305 107288857 fatty acid synthase 0.7349280
0.3685399 -0.5830216 -0.9666549 3.3402031 5.140013 0.0166531 107289163 rabaptin RAB GTPase binding effector protein 1 0.7344714
-0.1530191 -1.5657469 -0.1162489 4.6497697 8.187544 0.0032450 107293060 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome-like 0.7309981
2.2886632 1.5505077 3.1552711 3.7848246 10.134609 0.0013913 107292091 transmembrane protein 180 0.7307009
-3.2090953 -2.3607982 -3.2423927 8.0255683 16.045708 0.0001824 107291463 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylate transporter) member 1 0.7302650
1.1913701 0.4542934 1.4004301 3.0578647 3.671984 0.0444287 107284693 vesicular overexpressed in cancer prosurvival protein 1 0.7297353
0.5375535 0.9357381 1.4101311 4.3849641 5.785090 0.0113223 107293511 torsin family 1 member B 0.7292644
2.6005136 1.0190588 0.5052113 5.8551906 5.523456 0.0132619 107283889 cytochrome b reductase 1 0.7289097
3.4611567 0.4525410 1.0705374 3.6268573 20.120911 0.0000619 107283915 EPS8 like 2 0.7287641
-0.0857635 0.8930883 0.7714511 6.0681391 3.998163 0.0352069 107298229 ADP ribosylation factor 6 0.7274722
-1.8393248 -1.1406227 -0.1204015 5.4622317 10.413735 0.0012367 107290287 caseinolytic mitochondrial matrix peptidase chaperone subunit 0.7271213
-0.5606033 1.3546422 1.0107790 3.1301661 5.409184 0.0141976 107290093 CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 1 0.7267701
2.3759716 1.1894500 2.3246700 4.9009580 7.427773 0.0047075 107296606 syntaxin-binding protein 2-like 0.7263487
-1.0264223 -1.4699697 0.5646103 4.5894738 8.031447 0.0035076 107288397 myotubularin related protein 12 0.7244126
-2.7315726 -1.3004541 1.5214336 7.2598844 24.683793 0.0000230 107282909 biotinidase 0.7241025
1.4996521 -2.2117909 -1.4706798 0.5384695 6.839228 0.0063529 107303113 transcription factor CP2-like protein 1 0.7238638
-1.5145322 -0.3365430 0.4382188 6.2682636 11.788665 0.0007274 107283420 uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase 0.7237718
1.2069008 1.3085092 1.8423274 3.7936957 5.696333 0.0119794 107300295 GDP-L-fucose synthase-like 0.7234531
3.8146721 2.5260404 2.8388239 1.9147761 9.271679 0.0019986 107287761 solute carrier family 19 member 3 0.7221319
0.1686995 1.1772518 2.6820907 4.7019597 7.008878 0.0058252 107300395 translocon-associated protein subunit beta-like 0.7213077
-2.1880202 -0.7532235 -1.6495944 9.6414517 3.784981 0.0410293 107301383 ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C3 mitochondrial-like 0.7190106
-1.4867248 1.0952405 1.0908779 4.6023874 7.396399 0.0047820 107285560 translocation associated membrane protein 2 0.7186245
1.5574657 -0.2284028 1.8550539 1.7422990 5.228666 0.0158240 107299388 leucine-rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 1-like protein 0.7176295
-0.4921623 1.5498649 0.9715061 3.6883468 8.527766 0.0027710 107299872 valine–tRNA ligase-like 0.7174419
2.4636771 1.8786974 2.0581812 5.2888715 17.988201 0.0001074 107292203 calcium activated nucleotidase 1 0.7170462
-1.0984373 -0.5383618 -0.0694597 4.0810177 6.002989 0.0099920 107294960 D-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase 0.7166373
0.1753334 -0.1859529 -2.7373453 7.3686883 7.266756 0.0051047 107298751 mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 2 0.7161067
1.3745685 -0.1307678 0.7372558 5.5461028 4.157540 0.0316356 107302910 sorting nexin 16 0.7160228
1.1545787 1.1467871 -0.3069455 3.5648458 3.608922 0.0465722 107287947 lysine acetyltransferase 6A 0.7149648
-2.8804612 0.5435772 1.2380664 0.9764106 10.411420 0.0012443 107303081 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor like 1 0.7148217
-1.4702934 -0.6002176 0.9731279 2.3316053 4.036071 0.0343937 107299688 LY6/PLAUR domain containing 1 0.7147528
4.6013986 7.8568599 5.6566770 -0.1470801 15.528483 0.0004769 107291304 grainyhead like transcription factor 3 0.7135430
-1.0288296 -0.1779369 0.4016919 4.6935542 5.583523 0.0127448 107285263 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 4 0.7133222
1.9094439 1.2521949 -3.8139478 2.6142210 20.012126 0.0000647 107285367 p21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 7 0.7129685
-0.2188103 0.2550412 -1.3052213 4.4801419 5.322631 0.0149578 107285340 ubinuclein 2 0.7118704
-4.0040398 -1.4664448 0.2738427 8.5831525 32.420499 0.0000056 107294455 selenoprotein T 0.7110765
1.4001052 0.7029032 -0.0131603 5.0096580 5.461475 0.0137308 107284149 A-kinase anchoring protein 13 0.7099616
12.5276689 7.9361876 12.5276689 4.0726931 69.449592 0.0000059 107291156 glycoprotein A33 0.7098525
1.9301187 1.6144371 0.3791911 1.2538318 4.131837 0.0321099 107299064 phospholipase C beta 3 0.7089482
-3.4609861 -0.5141433 0.8297062 4.4223643 27.897497 0.0000124 107295083 peptidase M20 domain containing 1 0.7083270
-2.4224819 -1.0629857 -0.5074191 4.4388476 5.682493 0.0120765 107286161 nicotinamide riboside kinase 1 0.7078117
4.5770230 1.4304547 1.8300868 2.2364231 17.271063 0.0001297 107290363 uncharacterized LOC107290363 0.7076549
1.3116253 0.8504060 1.0769717 4.5103034 6.556993 0.0073534 107290937 SprT-like N-terminal domain 0.7072303
1.2161436 0.5772124 0.8889378 4.0877951 3.570848 0.0477728 107287474 HEAT repeat containing 5B 0.7071436
2.8416899 3.4356118 2.1008298 3.5117450 4.855566 0.0199781 107287234 GEM interacting protein 0.7069321
-1.1239188 -0.3259584 1.3305067 2.9536742 3.978988 0.0357856 107293015 G protein-coupled receptor 39 0.7063212
6.6526566 -1.3861827 2.3699042 0.3690463 11.408545 0.0015586 107292995 serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK3-like 0.7062510
5.6603971 5.1422032 -1.8824582 1.8873267 6.788689 0.0065357 107291242 B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11B-like 0.7059759
0.0254553 -0.8722947 2.1447236 2.1712068 5.274896 0.0153972 107286794 shootin 1 0.7058785
-0.7715531 -0.2498979 0.8145518 3.4031394 4.320776 0.0282382 107296813 uncharacterized LOC107296813 0.7056704
5.2084150 -1.7652955 1.8038868 4.3110226 12.644526 0.0005419 107291319 claudin 15 0.7052426
2.4699574 1.7885493 1.0061393 4.6918001 6.108985 0.0094602 107294181 cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 2 0.7047391
-2.2902018 -1.6894168 0.1902831 6.1982414 15.207444 0.0002365 107289465 choline phosphotransferase 1 0.7041343
1.8576634 0.1515399 -1.8978898 1.2033782 4.273146 0.0292464 107296055 SET binding protein 1 0.7026763
1.7787762 0.0779016 -1.1923874 5.3329728 11.299013 0.0008817 107288067 uncharacterized LOC107288067 0.7024375
-0.3539185 1.2834758 1.5748401 5.0273209 5.082207 0.0173309 107290607 cytochrome P450 3A24-like 0.7021627
6.2994794 4.5159863 3.4761051 3.3598540 6.892809 0.0061878 107289872 cytoskeleton associated protein 2 0.7011216
4.6465847 -3.1343659 -0.0778312 -0.0532408 13.381701 0.0008494 107291750 discs large homolog associated protein 2 0.7006427
-1.9149047 -1.9559195 0.0579611 0.9410603 3.810605 0.0402880 107297981 N-acetylglucosamine kinase 0.7005418
0.8713258 0.8476581 1.4109986 3.4429498 6.468931 0.0077127 107296455 katanin p80 subunit B-like 1 0.7003592
7.3138625 -0.9061744 3.4141359 0.6221243 9.441587 0.0030922 107297182 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase LNX-like 0.7003577
1.0036745 1.3038532 1.8915571 5.5268086 4.959203 0.0187132 107282208 adaptor related protein complex 1 mu 1 subunit 0.6999887
12.2703654 12.2703654 12.2703654 3.8127061 26.468193 0.0008962 107301906 snake venom metalloproteinase ACLF-like 0.6997451
1.6666969 0.8766089 -0.2585466 4.0028282 4.350296 0.0277684 107289900 AT-rich interaction domain 1A 0.6988049
1.2061681 0.6150717 0.6063979 4.2423071 3.760260 0.0416470 107285692 ribonucleoprotein PTB-binding 1 0.6983898
-4.5423347 -0.1993643 1.6201366 5.3085814 37.160173 0.0000028 107283544 5-hydroxyisourate hydrolase-like 0.6981696
-1.3618399 -1.3593466 0.5059175 5.3654593 6.506519 0.0075993 107285375 reactive intermediate imine deaminase A homolog 0.6980285
1.6371074 1.0433558 1.3310922 1.8781044 3.669861 0.0444450 107288259 zinc finger DHHC-type containing 23 0.6970730
1.5631494 1.8912431 0.6700903 6.9378087 5.982248 0.0101617 107294978 phospholipid phosphatase 1 0.6963815
-1.4146987 -1.8103106 -0.4329493 3.1627507 8.102996 0.0033663 107301045 sorting nexin-30 0.6949713
-0.3644024 -1.2913213 0.0650812 7.8262635 5.696022 0.0119248 107290820 LMBR1 domain containing 1 0.6937839
0.9203242 0.5415432 -0.9303842 5.1824117 13.045741 0.0004667 107287939 protein kinase D3 0.6930274
1.8059432 2.4730131 -0.5781662 2.9311522 14.145280 0.0003287 107291851 sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 3 0.6924827
2.7048905 2.3206967 1.3238206 0.0758063 5.302576 0.0150751 107293923 cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-6 beta-like 0.6918333
1.5249840 -0.1144920 2.4925961 2.2642943 5.789882 0.0113458 107303189 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase 1 0.6917521
1.2886258 1.2380900 1.4697032 2.4365647 4.193021 0.0307817 107299996 ALG14 UDP-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase subunit 0.6916201
-0.7842366 -0.3628628 1.3907523 3.9152959 7.928402 0.0036768 107292935 protein tyrosine phosphatase mitochondrial 1 0.6915483
1.0189064 -0.0356985 1.0816085 5.0745866 5.091912 0.0171878 107294273 RAB28 member RAS oncogene family 0.6908349
0.8896041 -0.2602214 1.1339415 3.0865476 3.915126 0.0373618 107284447 idnK gluconokinase homolog (E. coli) 0.6905374
3.8934659 3.9288658 -0.2644878 0.9885264 13.034833 0.0004739 107289273 PTPRF interacting protein alpha 4 0.6888389
-1.4621271 -0.9965202 -0.3497524 3.6504907 6.327225 0.0083349 107283749 LSM10 U7 small nuclear RNA associated 0.6887782
2.6353915 1.3615508 1.2854845 3.0154837 8.262489 0.0031457 107290958 chromobox 4 0.6880151
-0.8456154 -0.6392411 0.9356031 7.2282235 5.645975 0.0123336 107291673 ALG2 alpha-13/16-mannosyltransferase 0.6879351
-1.1716981 -0.6248660 -0.0473752 6.0750016 3.520286 0.0496883 107302298 mitochondrial translational initiation factor 2 0.6878266
1.3425073 0.5155627 -1.0330954 1.8266329 5.125237 0.0168549 107303133 TBC1 domain family member 4 0.6875953
-3.1857091 0.4626194 -1.0719041 0.5722179 4.446038 0.0260533 107294095 acetyl-CoA carboxylase alpha 0.6862575
1.3988859 0.0884802 -1.3437765 1.6361518 5.492211 0.0135104 107286199 zinc finger protein 827 0.6861306
-1.7517037 -1.4519991 0.4108926 2.3400076 9.541625 0.0017650 107298172 amyloid beta precursor protein binding protein 2 0.6858211
1.0329222 -0.7363914 0.5090393 7.7263398 6.494053 0.0076082 107293247 receptor accessory protein 5 0.6857737
0.8080316 1.2438989 1.9799905 5.6255039 3.637241 0.0456247 107301358 uncharacterized LOC107301358 0.6855513
-2.0354804 -1.6254229 0.2764896 3.6902261 8.079955 0.0034277 107297362 cardiolipin synthase 1 0.6855164
1.5106009 -3.6130349 -0.1487347 1.4937473 4.354744 0.0276859 107286140 pentraxin fusion protein-like 0.6851933
-0.4361429 -0.1219059 0.7722975 7.5173845 4.612664 0.0232692 107283374 torsin-1A-interacting protein 1-like 0.6834796
-0.9158384 -3.0640959 -3.1658512 0.3020298 4.257574 0.0295557 107284633 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 8 0.6832325
-2.1199638 3.4065164 1.6878973 3.3974187 8.831583 0.0024254 107283222 somatostatin receptor 2 0.6822856
0.0485293 0.4815727 -1.7130498 0.7357931 4.639209 0.0228775 107282917 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor kdr-like 0.6818984
-1.0409517 0.0053480 6.4561417 0.2056859 5.039300 0.0228524 107300876 UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 2-like 0.6811577
0.5348521 0.3648562 -1.1428855 1.8019390 6.542305 0.0074119 107295844 sex comb on midleg-like protein 2 0.6802570
-2.1816574 -1.6842573 -0.7859257 3.5482102 4.319644 0.0283450 107302266 cutA divalent cation tolerance homolog (E. coli) 0.6798199
-3.2010594 -1.0597269 -0.8169074 3.9365498 4.936833 0.0189781 107302833 family with sequence similarity 180 member A 0.6787560
-6.3808004 -3.8887085 0.7276221 5.5513063 19.045401 0.0000821 107295111 alcohol dehydrogenase iron containing 1 0.6776479
-1.5468040 1.5383875 0.1317218 1.8416775 4.835421 0.0202354 107299155 forkhead box protein P4-like 0.6763394
-2.6126402 -1.4858370 0.4351076 4.4816491 11.439066 0.0008365 107292430 solute carrier family 3 member 2 0.6762897
5.1373575 -0.8045763 5.6892614 4.5659939 24.437089 0.0000241 107288147 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C2orf54 0.6762268
2.3046957 1.8850715 1.8175942 5.7480761 14.023101 0.0003419 107288064 ER degradation enhancer mannosidase alpha-like 3 0.6751242
-2.6087649 -1.8760222 1.4208474 3.1915637 9.808175 0.0015915 107297359 fermitin family member 1 0.6751019
-0.4102080 -2.9448629 -6.5239233 7.7170711 44.059355 0.0000011 107302661 sorbin and SH3 domain containing 2 0.6743914
1.5259739 -2.0361705 1.5884466 6.6029406 11.709491 0.0007567 107291565 transmembrane protein 106C 0.6743320
-0.5696145 -0.1456897 1.4481227 1.4745441 3.563643 0.0480151 107291234 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C3orf14 0.6714060
1.2635757 1.7477102 -0.1152211 3.1463552 8.373455 0.0029653 107303077 nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1 0.6702663
0.5898927 1.5678067 0.7535705 3.0744246 3.599260 0.0468296 107287626 HEAT repeat containing 5A 0.6701181
1.9781189 1.2008987 -0.3493129 2.4706473 6.904125 0.0061404 107285136 nuclear factor I/X (CCAAT-binding transcription factor) 0.6695761
3.3118151 3.4808531 -3.2660261 4.6633901 44.266677 0.0000011 107292055 solute carrier family 41 member 3 0.6690715
-1.4358038 3.1492870 3.5538845 3.1595293 35.545405 0.0000035 107297676 transmembrane protein 62-like 0.6684126
0.1385262 0.4550724 2.0080946 5.6500831 9.180269 0.0020701 107285092 solute carrier family 22 member 15-like 0.6656432
4.5667021 2.9901675 1.2330771 3.2539138 29.712326 0.0000088 107286421 SERTA domain containing 4 0.6654118
3.4700826 4.0194783 3.3950369 2.6205071 9.276229 0.0019946 107302349 ChaC glutathione-specific gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 1 0.6653184
2.8209036 -0.9034002 -0.1770426 5.6178739 15.264655 0.0002324 107287134 angiomotin like 2 0.6643595
-3.5211705 -1.8434626 -0.7204702 4.8022314 16.170810 0.0001780 107291109 dpy-19 like 3 (C. elegans) 0.6640958
2.0657595 3.8851297 3.4093671 1.6737745 18.124254 0.0001027 107296757 dolichyldiphosphatase 1 0.6637884
-0.8082709 -1.0881916 0.0382393 4.0515764 3.641149 0.0454609 107293590 uncharacterized LOC107293590 0.6635375
-2.9655856 -2.7847555 -1.0532365 3.7925966 7.675205 0.0041654 107283949 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier: glutamate) member 22 0.6630098
-1.4165688 -1.3390408 -4.6553532 4.5361870 23.242822 0.0000310 107295502 coiled-coil domain containing 69 0.6608320
5.6894147 1.1313257 -2.1298403 5.3561862 31.054544 0.0000071 107286690 ankyrin 2 neuronal 0.6607714
-0.0593706 -7.1683906 0.1490776 1.2110614 36.616783 0.0000030 107286637 barttin CLCNK type accessory beta subunit 0.6603023
5.3658047 -0.3469853 3.0813425 4.3215420 8.370403 0.0029917 107294821 RAB19 member RAS oncogene family 0.6601408
7.5121400 0.2256127 4.8569559 3.2658839 14.545677 0.0002898 107284365 villin-like 0.6598396
2.5424087 2.2276469 1.3929711 0.6874098 4.642691 0.0229019 107298256 neuraminidase 1 (lysosomal sialidase) 0.6590127
0.7765092 0.8128007 -1.8121607 3.8432121 13.390555 0.0004205 107283698 microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1 0.6586127
-1.6592863 -2.3322043 0.1045485 5.3156082 30.411840 0.0000078 107290181 programmed cell death 2 0.6582394
1.7357515 -0.4012393 4.2245766 1.5073765 4.390325 0.0270359 107285816 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta 5–>4-isomerase-like 0.6582108
1.3139692 1.3225479 1.0360387 2.1217259 4.801490 0.0205990 107285672 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A 0.6581544
3.7577544 -0.4250129 2.3407561 1.5375221 5.519045 0.0132967 107293217 syntaxin 19 0.6581145
5.7658913 2.0132983 3.3639449 4.4066373 13.581411 0.0003948 107284889 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C11orf65 0.6572689
-1.5964626 -0.2199010 0.5398998 2.9767580 4.536247 0.0245489 107299687 G-protein coupled receptor 39-like 0.6569415
-1.4418943 -1.6930231 0.1559013 2.0800780 8.480548 0.0028222 107296296 sulfatase modifying factor 1 0.6558920
1.5792118 2.2479082 1.3006019 1.5437196 3.539281 0.0490007 107286775 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 6 0.6545926
9.3129521 1.8512026 5.7456732 1.3392083 11.398675 0.0015636 107286893 ATPase phospholipid transporting 10B (putative) 0.6514766
-2.8734112 -1.8227836 -0.3158654 6.6141649 20.628358 0.0000555 107284205 selenide water dikinase 2 0.6514589
1.8371700 0.1331767 1.2408056 3.6391713 7.460434 0.0046147 107299813 leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 16A-like 0.6511893
2.6767044 0.1567418 1.7285091 5.7337318 12.635686 0.0005435 107288221 SH3 domain binding glutamate rich protein like 2 0.6506195
3.0883084 3.6602442 1.9346833 0.3539077 8.561106 0.0027344 107285426 phosphomannomutase 1 0.6505213
0.5388990 1.4214751 1.0538352 4.9775627 6.936706 0.0060113 ERCC-00025 0.6503816
2.0907149 1.3299681 -0.5177023 1.3883896 4.181335 0.0311258 107282778 secernin 1 0.6493030
-1.6703892 0.4839718 -2.8955975 0.1084576 5.538201 0.0131465 107294045 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 7 0.6489316
-4.6254819 -3.3875281 2.0403939 4.8096581 43.063505 0.0000013 107282553 protein ADP-ribosylarginine hydrolase-like 0.6484420
-2.5665805 -2.6855569 -1.1749635 2.4713476 6.136004 0.0093180 107293902 Kruppel-like factor 15 0.6464249
1.3012899 1.2502826 1.3372645 3.4378585 4.082699 0.0333032 107283641 transmembrane protein 230 0.6445914
-3.5593124 -3.2801281 -0.2432249 4.8856581 22.456059 0.0000368 107287995 phospholipid phosphatase 3-like 0.6442346
1.0450367 0.8492325 -0.9172368 3.2026178 3.868373 0.0386731 107287999 lysine methyltransferase 2B 0.6439504
-0.7697982 -4.2398813 -2.6499802 0.6960563 6.238609 0.0088003 107296436 chloride voltage-gated channel Ka 0.6437929
2.6939861 0.0503990 0.8456359 2.2876198 7.564296 0.0043902 107287618 protein kinase D1 0.6434098
1.9954185 0.3090829 0.5115138 3.3891580 4.409373 0.0266951 107294724 phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase type II gamma 0.6426032
-0.9234425 -1.5263356 -0.7244986 5.7668798 4.350325 0.0277679 107297055 AU RNA binding protein/enoyl-CoA hydratase 0.6423940
-1.2814500 -0.2460608 0.3395105 4.2735187 6.901072 0.0061288 107297701 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase reductase 0.6418545
-3.9623388 -3.4921146 -1.6410980 3.6684664 16.568390 0.0001590 107288416 spermatogenesis associated 13 0.6399583
-2.3270572 -1.4411793 4.5295475 2.2553033 14.644049 0.0002810 107302701 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 14 0.6383580
-0.0926364 -3.6108099 0.2187302 6.3065696 49.599572 0.0000006 107289997 X-prolyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase P) 1 soluble 0.6380431
0.8342506 -1.3548057 7.7173283 1.3982777 13.478175 0.0008296 107291693 carnosine dipeptidase 1 (metallopeptidase M20 family) 0.6361036
-3.0241758 -1.1435606 -0.8739994 6.0800399 13.507307 0.0004045 107291253 glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase 0.6359997
-3.5018387 -2.1553851 -0.1365971 8.9023176 15.513056 0.0002158 107301157 aldehyde dehydrogenase 9 family member A1 0.6344660
1.3242771 1.6750964 -0.6551389 2.0270127 7.383730 0.0047855 107292468 prenylcysteine oxidase 1 like 0.6344235
-3.3444527 2.2303183 4.6976251 -0.0940749 16.487854 0.0003755 107294667 one cut domain family member 2-like 0.6340283
1.8181035 0.3868700 1.0135325 3.4066726 4.147177 0.0318606 107294158 neogenin 1 0.6331314
-3.6587935 -1.6889221 -1.2300647 3.2002982 5.411921 0.0141744 107284387 NCK associated protein 5 0.6327913
1.2882793 1.3464507 0.1521893 3.2318772 7.419569 0.0046962 107289167 nuclear pore complex protein Nup88-like 0.6325670
1.3887858 -0.0416933 0.2226782 4.4546920 7.843648 0.0038113 107292108 transcription factor CP2 0.6319202
-0.8178582 0.3465114 1.2943808 4.2367936 5.197854 0.0161386 107299175 nucleolar complex associated 4 homolog 0.6316437
0.8913139 0.9031393 1.4498344 2.6476542 4.518757 0.0247457 107296239 sentrin-specific protease 5-like 0.6309036
3.1828261 4.2107467 1.4613836 2.5824656 13.802909 0.0003672 107290521 T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1 0.6301219
1.2025696 0.7086674 2.2709808 5.0278881 3.966236 0.0361054 107288251 transmembrane protein 181 0.6295436
0.7147498 1.6981680 1.6267634 1.7938924 4.593150 0.0235674 107302922 ubiquitin protein ligase E3D 0.6290829
0.3717045 -0.3031763 2.8295889 5.8908784 26.875681 0.0000146 107283276 vesicle associated membrane protein 8 0.6285026
0.8212437 1.7174544 3.0421359 1.8117970 5.557434 0.0129977 107301607 uncharacterized LOC107301607 0.6283834
4.3356477 -0.7719662 3.1295530 4.4683089 27.931171 0.0000123 107284575 SH3 and SYLF domain containing 1 0.6270627
0.1672500 1.1857338 1.7404982 4.4285902 4.954658 0.0187667 107291551 tetraspanin 31 0.6267333
-3.1417743 -1.9183947 -1.0819739 4.7392122 23.089825 0.0000316 107288407 alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase 0.6232249
-2.2294807 -2.5361033 -3.1597906 2.1223914 8.582938 0.0027073 107288626 B-Raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine kinase 0.6208585
5.5356228 -0.6336149 4.6147035 7.1108195 15.896318 0.0001928 107292308 solute carrier family 12 (sodium/potassium/chloride transporter) member 2 0.6204902
-1.2350528 -0.7073034 0.3471693 5.1033079 4.418263 0.0265378 107302095 40S ribosomal protein S18 0.6199057
1.9238573 0.8741745 1.2929164 3.5789478 9.972595 0.0014735 107291302 NIPA like domain containing 3 0.6197889
-1.7043188 -1.9477385 -1.4381252 2.9981315 7.375898 0.0048002 107296384 cleft lip and palate associated transmembrane protein 1 0.6196522
0.5530511 0.8065632 -0.6066734 5.5832853 7.207660 0.0052271 107302851 kelch like family member 20 0.6194650
2.8474751 1.9761455 -0.2873245 1.7900697 6.711207 0.0068094 107284611 oligophrenin 1 0.6183783
0.2153941 -0.3940613 -2.4506300 1.6977700 4.492169 0.0252710 107302654 helt bHLH transcription factor 0.6155875
-0.0944039 -0.8775447 0.0097747 6.0386554 3.731604 0.0425112 107296101 transmembrane protein 144 0.6149066
-2.5359348 -1.3876406 2.4712599 6.4142851 29.976510 0.0000086 107294417 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase 0.6144989
-1.0283519 -0.9285544 0.6116877 6.8305622 3.607172 0.0466314 107292446 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 10 0.6144433
0.5899071 2.3864284 4.3536282 5.3270981 10.733450 0.0010955 107292983 stearoyl-CoA desaturase (delta-9-desaturase) 0.6143565
-2.9185607 -2.2413728 0.7352683 5.0146569 39.837394 0.0000019 107290746 fucosidase alpha-L- 1 tissue 0.6141796
1.1904433 0.8448562 0.5658866 5.6950266 4.366390 0.0273796 107283888 dynein cytoplasmic 1 intermediate chain 2 0.6140589
1.1057328 0.9904606 0.4494050 4.5084939 5.790774 0.0112851 107292300 RAB3 GTPase activating non-catalytic protein subunit 2 0.6129508
-0.8655641 2.3210437 4.2265741 4.8319820 11.254842 0.0008965 107291410 cytochrome P450 2J2-like 0.6128416
-2.2562845 -0.7163232 -0.9210003 7.4606872 5.941612 0.0103993 107286042 electron transfer flavoprotein dehydrogenase 0.6113146
-0.3657803 1.7352915 1.3106193 3.5861076 4.939015 0.0189521 107287119 low density lipoprotein receptor 0.6111668
-0.3193885 -0.2814494 -1.8986554 1.4748695 4.097143 0.0329436 107296147 lysine demethylase 4B 0.6107674
2.2713720 0.0983919 -0.1126816 3.4520062 6.038532 0.0098429 107297511 heat shock factor binding protein 1-like 1 0.6100300
-1.0068446 -0.8109062 1.0286591 5.1371771 8.715131 0.0025556 107282339 FERM ARH/RhoGEF and pleckstrin domain protein 1 0.6096935
1.2678396 1.7923167 -0.8078553 1.2093705 8.483370 0.0028185 107283130 myocardial zonula adherens protein 0.6094596
1.2006764 1.1725384 0.4177733 5.3303569 4.814742 0.0204603 107287263 phosphatidylinositol transfer protein beta 0.6094256
2.1038761 1.7810900 0.8699658 0.6058842 4.248860 0.0296350 107282888 armadillo repeat containing 6 0.6091268
1.4068360 0.9258031 1.3936784 6.0122494 4.899456 0.0194306 107282779 FK506 binding protein 14 0.6090361
1.8528275 -0.5323870 1.1838799 9.1822977 4.475454 0.0255513 107299985 calponin 3 0.6088197
-0.4236158 -0.5990844 -10.5769968 12.9522263 12.224243 0.0006282 107296511 coiled-coil domain-containing protein 91-like 0.6080159
1.3500057 0.1725497 0.9749112 5.4592388 5.911908 0.0105291 107285108 sphingomyelin synthase 1 0.6069388
-3.1364234 -3.6049231 0.9677828 2.6007372 17.656017 0.0001179 107295526 sideroflexin 1 0.6068921
-1.4353103 -2.0103890 -0.1107504 2.0848755 3.552206 0.0485391 107287375 lactate dehydrogenase D 0.6068510
-1.3346899 -1.6300553 -3.1879591 3.5927376 12.420191 0.0005861 107301792 mitochondrial calcium uptake family member 3 0.6064053
0.6519836 -0.9718092 1.5712700 4.6128072 4.550531 0.0243201 107287928 tumor suppressor candidate 3 0.6061533
2.1062873 2.1615831 3.0907484 2.3687168 9.351320 0.0019310 107296804 ras-related protein Rab-27B 0.6038845
4.2611177 3.8823030 5.9304861 4.6475722 21.778637 0.0000428 107282697 ATPase secretory pathway Ca2+ transporting 2 0.6025863
-4.3286306 -2.6934992 -0.3237494 9.3755770 24.188624 0.0000252 107290848 5’-nucleotidase cytosolic II 0.6025804
1.4444862 1.8251421 0.9278574 5.0094864 7.886400 0.0037596 107290927 probable peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase 2 0.6023677
-1.9142213 -1.9895938 -0.0573801 6.5303152 9.378344 0.0019087 107290180 glyceronephosphate O-acyltransferase 0.6019698
4.0244864 2.8045819 0.2386523 1.2144414 10.054920 0.0014373 107301598 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 2A 0.6017144
3.9423434 1.2769541 0.3043137 4.8067913 21.575456 0.0000448 107298128 protein jagged-2-like 0.6013504
1.4890565 1.1685361 -0.4945234 1.7501388 3.628146 0.0459265 107283088 D site of albumin promoter (albumin D-box) binding protein 0.6010877
-0.9887344 -1.8244583 -0.0373713 6.1200413 10.157676 0.0013714 107283429 aldo-keto reductase family 1 member A1 (aldehyde reductase) 0.6008895
-4.5050913 -0.6243586 -0.0967356 1.4118722 8.035748 0.0035004 107297258 thyroid hormone responsive 0.6002916
0.0365592 -1.4413124 1.8267407 1.6792728 6.101534 0.0094998 107283124 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1 0.5995051
-0.7863913 -1.3890429 0.3171346 5.6481966 6.858405 0.0063003 107290892 adaptor related protein complex 3 sigma 1 subunit 0.5989408
-1.4994670 -0.6681916 -0.0137882 6.0967065 7.564247 0.0043722 107292482 RWD domain containing 1 0.5986806
-7.1083861 -4.1322570 1.4184904 2.4619722 15.964214 0.0001890 107301720 hydroxysteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase 1-like protein A 0.5974729
-3.4882743 -0.3423959 3.1487592 4.2386593 44.524505 0.0000011 107302721 tocopherol (alpha) transfer protein 0.5964064
-5.0103296 -2.3840257 -0.1594594 7.7893798 36.144170 0.0000032 107295057 phytanoyl-CoA 2-hydroxylase 0.5959289
1.7656289 -1.0235908 1.5717682 3.4148221 5.489137 0.0135352 107296058 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 4A 0.5958015
-2.2019707 -1.8826498 -0.2020524 2.1843163 10.841642 0.0010402 107284183 GINS complex subunit 3 (Psf3 homolog) 0.5957183
0.3945578 -1.2130755 1.0767908 2.2947021 7.641925 0.0042055 107292577 rhophilin Rho GTPase binding protein 2 0.5930040
4.2375438 2.0873155 3.0092048 2.6982118 29.494944 0.0000091 107289844 anoctamin 7 0.5905526
3.9526058 0.7481814 2.1803827 2.7330034 24.445250 0.0000236 107285145 RAB3D member RAS oncogene family 0.5899883
-0.9921578 -0.3342416 2.0064384 2.8704947 6.148241 0.0092544 107296706 solute carrier family 50 member 1 0.5874919
-2.0101740 -1.8697103 -0.5702573 5.4487201 10.666350 0.0011247 107285096 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 1 subunit 2 0.5867883
3.5400506 -0.4385319 -4.0770320 4.3046668 27.302771 0.0000138 107288664 FERM and PDZ domain containing 1 0.5866519
0.7391339 1.3197133 1.2153165 5.2483632 5.738006 0.0116410 107283140 M-phase phosphoprotein 10 0.5866026
-1.9271337 -1.7397696 -0.9081896 3.6509139 7.652103 0.0041879 107299461 tyrosine-protein kinase RYK 0.5864343
-0.3353469 -0.0811141 1.4885400 5.2152575 10.713050 0.0010938 107286329 plexin B2 0.5855242
-2.1537511 -1.1157592 -1.9551492 3.0920567 3.785001 0.0410287 107302440 ER membrane protein complex subunit 1 0.5847519
-0.3583182 -2.2793595 -0.1110388 3.3256511 8.035320 0.0035011 107287748 pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase domain 2 0.5843796
4.9259911 2.3739047 5.9842121 2.1759705 16.665852 0.0001547 107289557 claudin 23 0.5841343
0.1301604 -0.2066248 1.8927459 4.9318586 5.962372 0.0102771 107302790 glutaredoxin 0.5838550
-1.0171960 -0.9422625 -2.0952881 0.7803734 3.985392 0.0355218 107293415 topoisomerase (DNA) III beta 0.5837308
0.4801134 2.9641990 -5.2728848 3.8216414 14.526067 0.0002915 107297574 ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8-like 0.5832715
0.9901935 1.0803317 0.5852609 3.8743813 4.068472 0.0335300 107286927 polymerase (RNA) II subunit B 0.5831583
-0.9837977 1.3406172 1.4705245 2.2778958 16.159029 0.0001762 107286650 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylate transporter) member 5 0.5824822
0.5152680 1.3555886 0.3248475 4.1414231 4.362796 0.0274455 107287703 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type K 0.5814781
1.7264764 0.0747123 -0.5014380 3.9492326 7.844275 0.0038288 107291207 inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase B 0.5812921
0.3890550 0.8877319 1.5178359 3.6181769 4.006574 0.0350741 107284022 par-3 family cell polarity regulator 0.5809814
-2.3383284 2.6437542 3.8780297 4.0485092 31.421396 0.0000067 107296136 solute carrier family 17 member 9 0.5806831
0.1034205 -1.0233882 -0.0405502 3.7091007 6.520606 0.0074994 107291250 solute carrier family 25 member 51 0.5804186
-2.2546096 -0.4862749 -0.9008105 3.4723519 4.326841 0.0282084 107293524 transmembrane protein 245-like 0.5803088
-1.6338915 1.4921210 2.0301719 0.4224323 8.487354 0.0028283 107289073 apelin receptor 0.5788570
-2.1495618 -1.9478431 -0.2958394 5.6796882 6.710041 0.0068136 107283448 hydroxypyruvate isomerase (putative) 0.5784809
1.3945817 1.2859724 1.8879292 2.3784224 6.344428 0.0082563 107295205 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A6 0.5753289
1.1117453 -4.4960914 3.8038551 6.9468458 82.642419 0.0000000 107284760 nicotinamide N-methyltransferase-like 0.5751388
-2.0978354 -1.7374058 0.4503495 4.9919539 24.979176 0.0000212 107294822 makorin ring finger protein 1 0.5744672
-1.2074214 0.5588567 0.7742709 2.9012654 9.854278 0.0015475 107287123 ilvB (bacterial acetolactate synthase)-like 0.5730099
-0.7998966 -3.5242192 -0.4170869 6.8811609 16.580891 0.0001584 107297288 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C14orf159 0.5726081
4.2059321 0.7413705 -0.7014849 0.1199998 4.985271 0.0184098 107295751 cytosolic phospholipase A2 zeta-like 0.5721057
2.4050177 2.9559236 2.5369913 3.6485483 10.179884 0.0013659 107303322 golgi reassembly stacking protein 1 0.5718102
-0.2489675 -0.6476636 0.7828809 3.5122150 5.206403 0.0159865 107284369 transmembrane protein 17 0.5710620
5.6336828 4.2497193 2.5524754 0.1755009 12.797652 0.0005139 107286694 arylsulfatase family member J 0.5706045
-0.2350398 0.1274083 0.9204085 6.0586585 3.713770 0.0430596 107283671 histidine–tRNA ligase cytoplasmic-like 0.5702570
-3.1981299 -4.5486437 -0.5015366 5.3622681 16.562191 0.0001592 107286270 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 38 0.5690662
0.0786491 1.3260217 1.1641745 3.6970402 5.341102 0.0147349 107297971 LMBR1 domain containing 2 0.5688204
-2.2813174 -7.9049770 1.8594346 7.0294083 38.092197 0.0000024 107291835 solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 11-like 0.5677156
-9.9292869 -8.5030350 -0.2527678 6.7439946 51.243484 0.0000005 107293892 solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2-like 0.5671656
-2.9236260 -3.3194867 0.0639895 3.6518099 9.830507 0.0015767 107301678 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 5-like 0.5642299
-1.6890192 -1.2419672 -0.2455463 3.6357409 3.724643 0.0428381 107302264 ribosomal protein S18 0.5639159
-0.0858456 -0.0591964 -2.3194615 0.3547510 8.624599 0.0026421 107292885 F-box protein 31 0.5638100
-4.2678181 -0.8694151 0.2816965 5.4918723 42.472181 0.0000014 107292512 sterol 26-hydroxylase mitochondrial 0.5637452
-2.9175275 -2.0358452 -0.9924934 4.0106008 22.306965 0.0000373 107293565 zinc-binding protein A33-like 0.5634253
-2.7134722 -1.8155555 0.9456074 3.0352614 13.217701 0.0004455 107283286 family with sequence similarity 136 member A 0.5614923
1.1452609 0.4905451 -0.3192566 3.6784249 4.887497 0.0195020 107293745 SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily c member 2 0.5604600
4.2051365 2.1593950 1.0590450 2.3199701 11.673319 0.0007669 107300880 protein jagged-1b-like 0.5601828
0.1353737 0.4674189 1.6243554 2.8479531 4.029852 0.0344519 107287343 gamma-secretase subunit Aph-1b-like 0.5589047
2.4024249 -1.4225730 1.4181129 2.0204438 17.084574 0.0001358 107299583 band 4.1-like protein 4A 0.5586791
5.2800186 -2.0085771 2.2204673 -0.3666404 9.856547 0.0026543 107296493 hyaluronidase-4-like 0.5578185
-2.8075872 -1.5047366 -0.6534059 8.8383090 9.010749 0.0022399 107285746 24-dienoyl-CoA reductase 1 mitochondrial 0.5573055
-0.6158424 0.1051715 1.4217261 3.3973399 6.177662 0.0090773 107290039 rhomboid domain containing 2 0.5570057
1.6747320 1.5260648 1.1127160 2.7134834 4.970321 0.0185423 107288474 asparagine synthetase domain containing 1 0.5568001
0.6600765 0.0910242 1.2493093 5.9548290 4.427223 0.0262983 107291617 transmembrane protein 192 0.5563258
-4.0862639 -4.5817288 -2.2857662 2.2056986 13.966368 0.0003482 107288287 enoyl-CoA hydratase short chain 1 mitochondrial 0.5555969
-1.6954753 1.5586940 -1.1892395 2.0252019 6.539431 0.0074653 107288060 collagen beta(1-O)galactosyltransferase 2 0.5550887
-1.3819958 -2.3897327 0.5018443 0.0395609 3.862698 0.0388284 107284812 nicotinamide N-methyltransferase-like 0.5541522
1.1299711 0.9063397 -1.0704859 2.3974015 4.254022 0.0296268 107290922 SET domain containing 5 0.5531231
1.6246023 1.3436754 1.8356043 4.2164073 5.987211 0.0101331 107287684 galactokinase 2 0.5528943
0.1767620 -0.7685810 1.0702597 4.3700698 5.245950 0.0156710 107284787 RNA binding motif protein 7 0.5514370
2.5719310 -0.6241936 0.0157929 0.4127847 3.891321 0.0380292 107287647 zona pellucida binding protein 0.5512793
-2.8510777 -2.3355814 -0.4907037 3.6377188 13.158093 0.0004545 107283977 coronin-7-like 0.5512383
-1.9356565 -0.9599428 -0.0006934 0.8633113 3.991002 0.0353918 107296799 stomatin like 2 0.5493333
2.7804739 -2.8891118 0.9308807 5.4661994 12.989781 0.0004812 107282573 solute carrier family 16 member 6 0.5484128
-2.6829571 -0.9945913 -0.1637403 6.0662890 11.380693 0.0008550 107288414 mitochondrial intermediate peptidase 0.5474133
-2.6672992 -3.6863999 0.1457874 5.2587248 35.507226 0.0000035 107299441 transmembrane 7 superfamily member 3 0.5473419
1.3823307 1.2936208 1.8121671 5.0756856 6.583064 0.0072920 107291608 endoplasmic reticulum metallopeptidase 1 0.5472064
1.7019489 1.2497748 -0.0050973 2.9652544 4.229794 0.0301169 107294952 methyl-CpG binding domain protein 1 0.5468237
1.0652832 1.2091130 1.3321734 3.3444427 5.206598 0.0159846 107286477 protein phosphatase Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1G 0.5458932
0.4999780 -1.4710221 1.0815114 4.1014024 5.571477 0.0128903 107282464 ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal 3 0.5448812
0.2032072 1.1417742 -0.6117168 2.0855080 4.306060 0.0285114 107284219 A-kinase anchor protein 1 mitochondrial-like 0.5418913
-1.6699718 -2.9796557 -2.2587977 3.0156918 16.416318 0.0001636 107282222 insulin receptor 0.5408203
0.9022383 -0.6619169 -1.0598913 4.8514580 7.097500 0.0055650 107283581 3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase 0.5398175
1.4458101 1.9724702 2.2371340 1.9528008 4.469559 0.0256510 107286381 limb development membrane protein 1-like 0.5385455
3.6343751 3.5015957 1.7022926 3.9554831 22.512595 0.0000363 107290682 matrix metallopeptidase 23B 0.5377540
-1.2315126 -0.0148459 2.2792188 10.1428269 14.027193 0.0003373 107289684 ADP/ATP translocase 3 0.5370884
0.9631961 -0.1109228 -1.8648342 2.1775972 12.763321 0.0005142 107292488 TBC1 domain family member 9 0.5353616
1.3464126 1.1539177 0.2382875 4.6290483 7.913487 0.0036851 107290963 bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 2A 0.5350455
3.5468965 -1.4318342 0.3127146 0.7302332 7.551803 0.0044261 107297556 long-chain-fatty-acid–CoA ligase ACSBG2-like 0.5341725
-1.4835585 -0.9902901 0.4245727 7.7669481 3.652048 0.0451381 107292257 UFM1-specific ligase 1 0.5322126
1.1814936 1.2540816 -1.3740628 1.2434853 6.197910 0.0090016 107303220 WD repeat domain 44 0.5319834
-3.2224770 -2.0860847 0.0804956 6.8623499 13.932230 0.0003521 107282520 nuclear protein 1-like 0.5308057
-1.3397368 -0.2953331 0.1089545 3.1467613 5.600535 0.0126125 107287981 tripartite motif-containing protein 59-like 0.5305209
5.4259531 1.9742398 0.9347922 2.8080471 18.098255 0.0001048 107293106 protein jagged-2-like 0.5304411
-0.2638089 -0.4722413 -1.6367990 4.2488770 4.400238 0.0268579 107294921 ubiquitin specific peptidase 34 0.5289055
2.3145997 0.4506970 1.5664098 3.0885033 11.433230 0.0008298 107287728 dynamin binding protein 0.5282464
-2.4009397 -1.8064528 5.6224869 5.5391127 12.277919 0.0006163 107290074 solute carrier family 15 member 2 0.5273426
14.3638788 14.3638788 14.3638788 5.8875232 12.028749 0.0067451 107302083 snake venom metalloproteinase BjussuMP-2-like 0.5272460
-1.9663015 -1.5291049 -0.3574517 2.1339167 5.465107 0.0136934 107291776 Ras association domain family member 3 0.5241224
1.2618867 0.8414882 -0.3269754 1.9184776 3.784976 0.0409179 107291199 trafficking protein particle complex 9 0.5236503
0.7512229 -0.8451774 -0.7149270 2.0239453 4.063306 0.0336501 107290479 utrophin-like 0.5215401
1.2824306 0.5223736 -1.1000510 2.7770984 6.638936 0.0070768 107285587 LIM domain binding 1 0.5213920
4.0227318 2.2133059 1.5639558 4.5966814 20.715246 0.0000547 107287061 inositol 145-trisphosphate receptor type 3 0.5195232
1.8098841 0.8100928 5.2073675 4.6539685 8.198978 0.0032406 107288741 mal T-cell differentiation protein 2 0.5194280
-0.6497209 -1.4601381 1.0359698 5.2277428 11.127440 0.0009409 107283235 prenylcysteine oxidase 1 0.5187848
-4.8461618 -3.3963039 -0.4463441 4.3240310 29.576235 0.0000092 107297539 progesterone receptor membrane component 1 0.5182399
1.5259311 0.3717419 1.0022340 5.7456005 4.011617 0.0349821 107287888 LPS responsive beige-like anchor protein 0.5169469
2.9589359 -3.0309413 0.5240214 5.2711410 31.103032 0.0000071 107295779 Rho GTPase activating protein 40 0.5163883
2.2378098 -0.5397731 -0.5199719 0.9028865 4.131110 0.0322132 107282257 IZUMO family member 4 0.5149816
-1.2520408 -1.9730840 1.1341119 6.7417970 4.226875 0.0301766 107291081 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39B 0.5124614
1.6680019 1.6534650 -0.6546854 5.5105518 14.000481 0.0003444 107290887 LIM zinc finger domain containing 1 0.5118453
-1.6068109 -3.4006168 0.7851728 5.3500530 50.454469 0.0000005 107291116 aminoacylase 1 0.5105278
0.4239380 0.6752449 -0.8573683 4.0726248 4.137891 0.0320638 107283408 seizure threshold 2 homolog (mouse) 0.5097564
5.0369885 1.9631346 1.6699633 1.1895007 5.369078 0.0145441 107293655 suppressor of cytokine signaling 4 0.5088079
1.0169091 0.2454751 -0.0439048 4.0306989 3.929463 0.0369399 107286116 zinc finger MYM-type containing 2 0.5082442
0.5527766 -0.7124379 -1.2444102 2.3553913 5.214833 0.0159041 107290645 methylcytosine dioxygenase TET2-like 0.5080173
-0.4285465 2.0738464 2.2146067 4.0066423 6.922810 0.0060916 107297677 transmembrane protein 62-like 0.5073216
2.4412994 1.9969664 1.7810475 0.3139083 5.881357 0.0107107 107300608 zinc finger CCCH-type with G patch domain-containing protein-like 0.5064130
7.9974038 2.0487900 3.4513532 0.2289439 8.212196 0.0050087 107302411 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 38-like 0.5062136
-0.1447647 -1.2121314 0.9603068 5.1048946 6.594361 0.0072479 107284090 abhydrolase domain containing 12 0.5058871
3.9069590 0.7095579 0.5918744 5.3083701 25.497201 0.0000194 107303070 erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2 0.5057413
3.4947961 1.7989131 1.5198543 2.7286768 12.034614 0.0006723 107294707 NEDD4 binding protein 3 0.5042716
0.7202654 0.5566227 -1.6591283 3.6923358 6.831294 0.0063906 107285706 vascular endothelial growth factor C 0.5033402
-1.2946187 -0.5921280 0.1065345 2.6636980 5.468748 0.0136390 107288555 HemK methyltransferase family member 1 0.5020284
-3.6735053 0.6236933 2.7319885 3.2186900 21.587195 0.0000447 107302588 cytochrome P450 2J2-like 0.5018088
2.1421083 -0.4487995 -1.3709783 3.4719672 11.228500 0.0009055 107283224 CDC42 effector protein 4 0.5013582
-0.4030440 -2.7999057 0.4801321 4.5932409 44.498446 0.0000010 107303317 xylulokinase homolog (H. influenzae) 0.5002743
1.1266588 0.8329350 0.4040294 2.8548262 3.719417 0.0428851 107291084 coiled-coil domain containing 171 0.4994270
2.2233405 1.4157443 0.3494253 4.8962159 7.234573 0.0051887 107283256 tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 3 0.4992122
-1.5919168 0.7890476 2.2459450 1.4624708 8.823643 0.0024341 107295378 phospholipid phosphatase 5 0.4985610
-3.2628884 -0.1987193 1.1034985 5.5591409 12.509065 0.0005681 107287071 KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 4 0.4971070
2.2584053 -0.2534771 2.2189749 5.8280426 10.318568 0.0012915 107293197 protein kinase C delta 0.4967720
-2.4147389 -1.0283355 0.3042435 7.0017845 5.709116 0.0118904 107292169 sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase 1 0.4948284
-1.0040861 1.3945127 0.0028654 1.3942970 5.032560 0.0178018 107292040 TBC1 domain family member 8B 0.4943404
6.5435975 2.4934643 7.6777840 3.9747213 23.078441 0.0000321 107285273 NIPA like domain containing 2 0.4939688
-1.5456281 -1.6011576 0.0588493 7.3813850 4.200934 0.0307131 107283290 aldehyde dehydrogenase 7 family member A1 0.4917118
0.5801764 2.5080626 2.3525412 5.4857435 12.459020 0.0005781 107293128 glucosamine (UDP-N-acetyl)-2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase 0.4915169
-0.2638775 0.6083862 2.2307577 4.3978573 6.304614 0.0084850 107287238 HIV-1 Tat interactive protein 2 0.4907227
-2.3932388 -2.0556810 -1.4051384 5.4194407 4.534739 0.0245732 107288223 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1 beta polypeptide 0.4903472
-4.0797057 -1.9333537 -0.4431968 5.2282535 38.992399 0.0000022 107284371 acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 1 0.4893043
3.8433034 3.7728412 1.5165556 0.6239174 8.774573 0.0024882 107303098 pleckstrin homology domain-containing family A member 3-like 0.4892681
2.1739946 1.6501471 1.8628964 2.8367721 5.559583 0.0129812 107286380 ORMDL sphingolipid biosynthesis regulator 2 0.4892304
-3.5550036 -3.1479854 -1.0677153 3.3821139 15.747808 0.0002013 107302775 mitochondrial amidoxime reducing component 2-like 0.4882457
-3.5550036 -3.1479854 -1.0677153 3.3821139 15.747808 0.0002013 107302776 mitochondrial amidoxime reducing component 2-like 0.4882457
1.0596969 1.0374588 1.3257090 3.7613477 3.785509 0.0409807 107283794 AVL9 cell migration associated 0.4859224
0.2077064 0.1014224 -1.8800699 3.6796681 7.843581 0.0038380 107285404 trinucleotide repeat containing 6B 0.4858217
0.1117793 -0.2433077 -1.7724417 1.6928079 6.258360 0.0086583 107300079 cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1-like 0.4854165
1.5183575 0.7397006 -0.9134643 1.4274616 6.272222 0.0085920 107282221 Rho/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor 18 0.4849186
-4.4672183 -2.2300699 -0.8344268 10.3709144 14.677522 0.0002781 107290842 phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase 0.4847020
2.4634254 2.1159257 -0.4756732 0.4221682 4.045184 0.0341773 107293853 anoctamin 3 0.4843825
-1.9211845 -0.9154860 0.0967964 7.2158525 11.013889 0.0009742 107286766 mitochondrial carrier 2 0.4839985
-1.0443972 -0.0603941 2.3647627 2.6703341 6.542869 0.0074515 107286842 lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase 0.4837475
-0.4356585 0.3937766 -2.6633504 2.8949631 7.054209 0.0056903 107296437 spen family transcriptional repressor 0.4833479
1.0561422 1.1563732 0.2553581 5.5648617 4.637345 0.0229084 107294977 Ski2 like RNA helicase 2 0.4825649
-0.2650966 -0.9519934 0.6387693 2.9100939 3.593884 0.0470190 107291758 family with sequence similarity 126 member B 0.4811446
0.1239006 -1.8266019 2.0256035 2.0735350 13.130147 0.0004573 107295821 mitochondrial dicarboxylate carrier-like 0.4806525
-0.2717611 -0.5141268 0.7393535 8.2978750 3.633819 0.0456208 107284301 integral membrane protein 2B 0.4798502
-1.4398353 -0.4357885 0.9889436 2.3611811 5.545788 0.0130876 107300825 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 11 0.4792308
-2.5209989 -1.8274743 -0.3036577 5.4211797 26.221427 0.0000166 107289973 glutathione S-transferase kappa 1-like 0.4791052
-3.4214289 -3.6683186 -2.4115761 1.3633171 11.679358 0.0007572 107295320 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2 0.4791018
0.7571545 -0.3966464 2.8537838 1.9443476 14.893113 0.0002569 107298685 coiled-coil domain containing 91 0.4786864
0.8877167 0.9853466 1.2105820 2.1539523 3.724283 0.0427354 107289906 G-patch domain containing 3 0.4777104
0.0406792 -0.5254482 -0.8234785 5.1383214 3.723929 0.0427463 107289950 jade family PHD finger 1 0.4771979
3.5270309 -5.9019782 0.4707465 1.1455908 20.846682 0.0001438 107287368 fatty acid 2-hydroxylase 0.4768940
-0.0675583 -0.8301503 0.9898209 5.5261647 5.316644 0.0150121 107297028 transmembrane protein 63A 0.4766991
3.8635600 1.9252599 5.8245340 3.6406272 12.132576 0.0006491 107292268 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C6orf132 0.4740831
-2.5663185 -2.2901237 -0.8907387 4.6523041 17.908679 0.0001087 107302537 aminolevulinate dehydratase 0.4737336
3.0861575 -0.1591940 2.7693207 0.3418977 5.172555 0.0163910 107283369 angiopoietin like 1 0.4730976
-4.0348314 -3.6454619 0.4210054 7.0101295 23.855209 0.0000272 107285887 enoyl-CoA hydratase/3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase 0.4726086
-2.6317410 -2.5862368 1.1758846 4.4073553 24.128214 0.0000257 107297505 dimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 5-like 0.4722691
-1.0277984 0.2799358 -3.5996867 1.7915267 6.513514 0.0075706 107302743 hepatic leukemia factor 0.4716421
8.2474852 0.7036560 6.2685117 3.7725842 21.561800 0.0000449 107283103 transmembrane protein 238 0.4708465
5.6573173 2.2429159 0.5781253 1.4981187 9.350438 0.0019318 107293307 thrombospondin-2 0.4708178
0.3247142 -0.1239903 1.8671136 7.6109965 6.075793 0.0096383 107290342 thioredoxin 0.4707066
0.8572763 0.7828989 1.6305785 2.1812607 3.534905 0.0490373 107286648 armadillo repeat containing 7 0.4699664
-2.5090058 -2.2025998 -0.7813922 4.0368981 8.655978 0.0026249 107295010 DEP domain containing MTOR-interacting protein 0.4698687
3.2728785 -1.0270236 4.2138247 3.2536601 21.214436 0.0000487 107290265 solute carrier family 12 member 8 0.4696268
8.9469810 0.7976145 4.7686649 5.3809829 11.862487 0.0007156 107282202 cytochrome b561 0.4688298
7.1244189 1.0512940 7.1244189 -0.3351063 10.213365 0.0044958 107298463 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase VA 0.4681169
2.7475427 9.2792951 6.9746199 4.3065005 37.121554 0.0000028 107282478 EPS8 like 1 0.4672904
-0.9924282 -0.9424192 -1.4118477 4.7329469 4.419124 0.0264561 107291690 zinc finger protein 407 0.4668256
0.8127541 -0.8692130 0.7043210 3.7005419 4.981237 0.0184564 107297783 Ral GTPase activating protein catalytic alpha subunit 2 0.4665769
-2.3657640 -1.1871139 -1.1170590 1.8805689 4.730705 0.0216365 107293513 N-terminal Xaa-Pro-Lys N-methyltransferase 1 0.4661048
-0.1948334 1.9206331 1.4167845 3.5634642 7.728162 0.0040590 107301913 uncharacterized LOC107301913 0.4660700
0.0868994 -0.0884252 -2.5697648 2.8362823 10.783004 0.0010745 107290100 acyl-coenzyme A thioesterase 1-like 0.4656895
5.7225045 -2.6269647 2.1305257 0.3908296 7.087178 0.0081501 107289212 adrenomedullin 2 0.4650142
-5.3623693 1.7420174 -4.8753988 6.9150553 23.726057 0.0000280 107283466 selenoprotein Pb-like 0.4648691
5.7042018 3.1882496 2.1575095 1.0999273 5.024499 0.0179641 107298872 transforming acidic coiled-coil containing protein 3 0.4630499
1.0282251 -9.3682130 -0.1123967 4.3599534 110.793970 0.0000000 107287563 hepsin 0.4627039
-1.4271156 -3.1974636 1.0039187 0.9336845 4.368228 0.0274374 107299444 uncharacterized LOC107299444 0.4619158
-1.6160687 -0.7895029 0.0757823 5.7414855 12.841337 0.0005005 107288719 tumor suppressor candidate 2 0.4617975
-0.4882224 2.0613928 1.7829312 0.8026669 3.727447 0.0427520 107284032 PTPRF interacting protein alpha 2 0.4614844
6.5232610 -1.1524596 3.4642892 0.0952391 12.544704 0.0010916 107290405 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-13-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 7 0.4606078
-0.7849855 -0.3535761 0.8534742 5.9641336 6.710409 0.0067729 107294751 trafficking protein particle complex 3 0.4594311
-1.1771261 -1.5724518 -1.9949846 1.6611860 3.814753 0.0400683 107301188 phospholipid phosphatase 6 0.4583915
-4.8383840 -2.3152875 0.4054696 7.7357443 33.833278 0.0000046 107290593 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 3 0.4566357
1.5683812 0.9588645 -1.1932927 4.7032353 4.166095 0.0314512 107298085 homeobox protein unc-4 homolog 0.4525990
-0.6846314 -0.9776466 0.2836931 3.1684848 4.598790 0.0234807 107294524 dol-P-Glc:Glc(2)Man(9)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-12-glucosyltransferase-like 0.4522042
0.6594839 -0.7489192 -0.2755559 5.7794818 9.828079 0.0015645 107290483 utrophin-like 0.4510148
2.8168302 4.1162703 4.6371551 2.0666014 4.543374 0.0244345 107298865 claudin-7-like 0.4509676
2.4813170 -0.5605139 -0.7104586 0.4975058 4.947223 0.0187891 107298790 CDP-diacylglycerol–serine O-phosphatidyltransferase 0.4509380
0.0507092 1.3536717 -3.1066699 1.6409391 5.157350 0.0165450 107293046 human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 3 0.4508527
-2.6590933 -2.0510730 -1.7619249 0.8508197 3.527214 0.0494362 107297903 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C20orf27 0.4507506
5.0523241 2.7849269 2.2340053 2.8241322 6.754902 0.0066534 107297419 potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily N member 4 0.4459687
2.3083132 -0.2370577 1.7855028 1.5714616 9.477211 0.0018142 107288374 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-26-biphosphatase 2 0.4439936
-6.1069433 0.7391252 2.6887891 3.4013661 18.524756 0.0000938 107301119 interleukin-27 subunit beta-like 0.4434077
-2.0554334 -2.1774833 -0.2558536 4.2325581 25.270043 0.0000200 107286987 cAMP responsive element binding protein-like 2 0.4423901
2.4549711 -0.3703833 1.1519817 4.7536725 25.972369 0.0000174 107287630 ArfGAP with SH3 domain ankyrin repeat and PH domain 2 0.4413799
-9.1682130 -5.6197913 -0.7271006 2.3042524 23.323538 0.0000305 107301836 phosphatidylinositol-glycan-specific phospholipase D-like 0.4401740
-2.1915027 -1.6037133 -0.8109017 5.1089172 8.910921 0.0023411 107301928 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase long chain 0.4389191
0.3545071 -2.0992771 -0.2189669 2.5330275 5.527964 0.0132265 107289380 par-6 family cell polarity regulator beta 0.4387550
-1.0954673 -0.0705202 1.5276316 3.3228565 5.333062 0.0148637 107301019 nei like DNA glycosylase 1 0.4375062
-2.7443858 -1.0755237 -2.6522406 4.4952400 7.305191 0.0050064 107294150 fms related tyrosine kinase 1 0.4373898
5.5088124 2.3864779 5.7239036 0.0793803 12.423079 0.0005855 107302907 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 38-like 0.4366402
-1.0375065 -2.0926887 -0.8565504 3.8928304 16.628898 0.0001541 107298200 protein kinase N2 0.4365166
-3.6363544 -4.0993557 0.6956129 12.1528520 24.760792 0.0000222 107292610 glutathione S-transferase Mu 1-like 0.4343275
-1.6604115 -1.7503647 0.2496524 5.5934866 9.591754 0.0017428 107296631 ring finger protein 130 0.4337368
5.1421130 -3.1481869 1.2428266 2.5093588 29.179087 0.0000098 107302768 sushi domain containing 4 0.4334868
5.5962201 4.2883197 2.1757912 0.1924243 10.304605 0.0012987 107288615 insulin like growth factor binding protein-like 1 0.4306145
-0.0919245 -0.9029249 0.7511856 5.2299468 3.600285 0.0468656 107290783 TEN1 CST complex subunit 0.4301642
1.1778807 -1.4821388 -1.6840510 2.8513260 7.995231 0.0035686 107289697 PDZ and LIM domain protein 4-like 0.4299512
-1.7174357 -0.5538211 -0.2597272 2.9587695 4.842688 0.0201403 107301344 transmembrane protein 242-like 0.4295687
-5.1895174 -4.8313202 -1.8691437 0.1943957 8.258560 0.0031515 107291700 D-beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase mitochondrial-like 0.4288182
2.2936158 1.0656678 -0.1932394 2.7635801 9.477910 0.0018150 107293740 C-type lectin domain family 3 member B 0.4281600
-2.5605435 0.3930171 -2.0239436 0.4921624 4.100971 0.0328868 107284704 frizzled class receptor 9 0.4280096
-1.1754796 0.0937689 1.5695251 5.1806311 7.540406 0.0044511 107302484 triple QxxK/R motif containing 0.4277760
-0.0249615 -0.0979478 -1.0358763 5.1985226 5.416642 0.0140714 107284258 HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 0.4277309
2.9255507 -1.8675805 0.8926786 1.4907307 5.638621 0.0123908 107291870 leucine rich repeat neuronal 1 0.4246351
3.0058847 4.2091099 2.8067041 2.2900686 5.928318 0.0104785 107292110 nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 2-like 0.4235524
-0.8972037 -1.5960228 -0.1266015 6.0640248 9.860525 0.0015435 107285597 nuclear receptor interacting protein 1 0.4229829
1.1087276 0.5840131 4.5328423 1.2335244 6.275290 0.0086235 107284577 family with sequence similarity 110 member C 0.4209232
0.5431186 -0.8077930 2.2964398 5.9114098 20.003697 0.0000639 107292296 3’(2’) 5’-bisphosphate nucleotidase 1 0.4209227
0.8253846 0.5478834 -0.6651264 2.3835530 3.812946 0.0401105 107286129 glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta 0.4195415
-5.5345668 -0.0941331 0.2147705 8.1640374 28.853734 0.0000104 107290750 3-hydroxymethyl-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase 0.4175955
1.3160011 -1.2450284 -0.4932083 5.7673009 10.233463 0.0013366 107297639 oxysterol binding protein like 5 0.4161223
-0.5431898 -0.6558895 -1.3044714 5.2030362 5.453049 0.0137676 107302675 trafficking protein particle complex 11 0.4151524
2.6960603 -1.8328138 2.1281724 2.2078808 4.378644 0.0272473 107289472 myosin binding protein C slow type 0.4150240
1.3942679 1.1906579 0.3987993 4.4799927 3.990731 0.0354940 107286059 toll interacting protein 0.4149791
-2.7874841 -6.1397519 -1.6178657 2.7396737 5.379308 0.0144548 107302727 lysosomal acid lipase/cholesteryl ester hydrolase-like 0.4146073
1.0967203 1.6969423 1.8337963 3.5542091 9.133433 0.0021052 107286446 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C5 gamma 0.4130449
2.1480390 1.4465520 -0.4287039 4.1241911 11.809283 0.0007296 107286725 cAMP-specific 3’5’-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4D-like 0.4116250
-3.9039706 -0.3936019 0.8791407 3.8611707 32.649976 0.0000055 107292971 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; citrate transporter) member 1 0.4111710
-3.5144267 -0.4984024 0.8095549 1.7115738 9.966749 0.0014903 107301925 sterol 26-hydroxylase mitochondrial-like 0.4083447
-2.4122093 -1.1619811 -2.1190439 3.8662345 21.453513 0.0000453 107298556 phosphatase and actin regulator 2 0.4079482
1.1628676 1.1164496 1.1738630 2.4358583 4.484048 0.0253188 107289690 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 10 0.4076629
-2.1212714 2.2039782 0.0211876 0.7142735 8.941452 0.0023096 107287660 serine rich and transmembrane domain containing 1 0.4074401
-0.6192902 -3.7681197 -4.7359443 0.3134560 12.693297 0.0005299 107298162 PPARG coactivator 1 alpha 0.4036259
0.2656198 -1.4856909 1.4783872 7.7255221 9.441336 0.0018579 107289370 programmed cell death 4 (neoplastic transformation inhibitor) 0.4026425
1.7083490 -2.1996921 0.7816935 0.6476609 5.573877 0.0128720 107293786 tachykinin receptor 2 0.4015938
-1.1119608 -3.9267768 -1.2601683 3.3112880 29.656073 0.0000089 107299414 rho GTPase-activating protein 42-like 0.4015322
-3.3108858 -3.0866767 -0.3193654 0.0369528 11.916842 0.0006942 107294700 exosome component 4 0.4007007
-3.0703705 -2.6193373 0.0091615 3.5914101 15.998891 0.0001871 107302996 transcription elongation factor A3 0.3999172
2.0587478 -1.2965064 -2.8394612 0.4848093 7.932916 0.0036765 107286318 Ras protein specific guanine nucleotide releasing factor 2 0.3997581
1.5842943 -0.5923470 0.0867654 4.0546074 3.972712 0.0359425 107287385 G protein-coupled receptor 155 0.3984827
4.3168581 2.5209830 -0.9252168 3.5758714 11.520549 0.0008115 107285261 Kazal type serine peptidase inhibitor domain 1 0.3980650
-5.3043354 -0.0614437 3.0630303 7.7223942 20.581154 0.0000564 107286756 follistatin 0.3974286
-1.8502592 0.1948588 -3.5272130 6.2118956 17.302254 0.0001297 107290146 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1-like 3 0.3971112
0.0962831 1.6115810 -1.1428282 1.7655497 5.081219 0.0173415 107286839 cyclin-dependent kinase 14 0.3934945
-1.9776830 -2.1283052 -0.9993334 1.8040493 3.606694 0.0466476 107287048 cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 4 homolog mitochondrial 0.3931879
2.7713221 -0.0728159 2.3425771 5.7767622 26.734276 0.0000152 107292011 myosin VI 0.3926814
0.8552599 1.2596764 -0.6901333 3.5053515 5.520721 0.0132835 107295598 nuclear receptor corepressor 2 0.3909788
1.5945786 0.9417796 0.6051294 3.1005357 6.683029 0.0068724 107287096 RAB guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1 0.3895804
1.2465511 -1.3953331 -1.6798937 4.6548526 10.848626 0.0010475 107297048 PDZ and LIM domain protein 4-like 0.3885955
2.5542384 1.3063077 1.1797996 0.7406871 4.660011 0.0225636 107282376 lin-7 homolog B crumbs cell polarity complex component 0.3831259
-1.5255560 -1.2406400 -0.9556715 3.2183721 5.413061 0.0141018 107294973 DEAH-box helicase 29 0.3831195
7.9400277 4.6760495 4.3954432 -0.0549506 20.688981 0.0001460 107284441 uncharacterized F-box/LRR-repeat protein C02F5.7-like 0.3827713
-1.5467615 -1.0244280 -3.7510369 0.7569509 5.405813 0.0142264 107297435 forkhead box J2 0.3810859
1.3180741 1.5511062 -0.9117246 1.7331768 3.935049 0.0369016 107283095 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 3-like 0.3808534
-0.3766573 -1.1868279 -3.0057518 1.6657311 5.195258 0.0161643 107286343 transforming growth factor beta receptor III 0.3806429
0.2053054 -0.4204238 -3.1230580 2.9366985 23.178194 0.0000312 107290276 heart development protein with EGF like domains 1 0.3799580
0.4685911 0.3628756 -1.6163614 0.9057814 5.204115 0.0160089 107298458 uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like 0.3754886
-0.3779279 -4.6352817 -0.8529952 4.7837041 47.280064 0.0000008 107283309 cubilin 0.3754643
0.0110043 -0.5650277 -1.2687917 4.9511865 6.563024 0.0073295 107287890 nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 2 0.3752518
-0.8054463 -0.1586183 -1.2598139 4.8427894 4.392662 0.0269668 107289560 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein epsilon 0.3748381
0.6745089 -0.1870130 -2.0810341 0.1902563 6.446186 0.0078088 107287861 protein kinase C epsilon 0.3736881
-0.8719518 -0.3792398 0.4567522 5.2006714 6.463100 0.0077372 107295213 serine/threonine kinase 25 0.3705185
0.8174816 -1.0504666 -0.6278375 5.8385107 13.715861 0.0003732 107287169 REV3 like DNA directed polymerase zeta catalytic subunit 0.3696261
2.0764288 1.1707593 -0.2430511 3.5339529 10.623319 0.0011345 107295622 inactive ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 54-like 0.3683023
-1.5146870 0.1998380 -1.7886105 0.2538154 3.517938 0.0496629 107284930 uncharacterized LOC107284930 0.3674551
-7.1833036 -8.0598778 -1.7033159 2.5185850 37.276202 0.0000027 107285661 cytochrome P450 2F3-like 0.3655329
3.2392222 -1.1076570 -0.0033492 -0.3209466 3.568624 0.0479600 107293857 testis expressed 30 0.3646773
-0.8241811 -1.2182683 1.8291864 4.0474961 9.337562 0.0019425 107291589 vitamin D (125- dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor 0.3632418
-1.6064912 -0.9456971 -0.6219361 2.9994282 5.524718 0.0131916 107287405 peptidylprolyl isomerase like 4 0.3598942
-1.1417600 -1.0356588 0.1846734 2.7715437 4.874787 0.0196597 107292163 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase epsilon-like 0.3592872
-0.1600947 -1.1046826 -1.3013543 4.3455730 8.438451 0.0028774 107296973 trafficking protein kinesin binding 2 0.3591173
0.1215748 2.8038047 -0.6775513 -0.5228721 5.909921 0.0105366 107299007 testis-expressed sequence 264 protein-like 0.3582791
0.3828388 2.4049304 3.4194736 0.9710265 5.316857 0.0150101 107301072 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactosamide-alpha-23-sialyltransferase 1-like 0.3563866
1.9924091 0.3714418 -0.4101948 3.6860227 7.737930 0.0040397 107290008 oxysterol binding protein like 6 0.3546656
-2.1065412 -1.4796781 -0.0011688 1.5867844 4.835661 0.0202323 107297977 lactase like 0.3545874
-2.1035748 -1.2027071 -0.7419798 3.8733982 8.894015 0.0023426 107283751 radical S-adenosyl methionine domain containing 1 0.3545610
-1.7973535 -1.9754918 -0.9461376 3.3294559 8.752328 0.0024936 107298739 tyrosine-protein kinase RYK-like 0.3543501
-3.2543796 -1.8030399 -1.8699319 1.5779838 4.173423 0.0312943 107301255 dr1-associated corepressor-like 0.3542098
-3.0585751 -1.2025879 -5.0204111 -0.1148175 10.230554 0.0013381 107296692 mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 6-like 0.3535196
2.8943935 1.9477575 -0.3321828 -0.0602297 3.856096 0.0390099 107289784 mannosidase alpha class 2A member 2 0.3517991
0.7738869 0.5611806 3.7464765 5.1958810 10.051766 0.0014391 107285866 coxsackie virus and adenovirus receptor 0.3508668
-2.3082538 0.8399914 -0.7188876 1.4686833 5.277306 0.0153747 107289799 furin paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme 0.3500162
-2.3080221 -3.5653310 -3.7712422 0.2410241 4.089477 0.0331480 107293461 estrogen related receptor gamma 0.3496264
-1.3392767 -0.6005531 -2.1389741 0.9973843 3.707690 0.0432997 107299555 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 1 0.3492506
-3.8115891 -3.4019252 -1.3228445 4.1452252 26.087355 0.0000174 107298742 mitochondrial amidoxime-reducing component 1-like 0.3473970
-4.9581065 -3.8536697 -0.7738297 3.1130767 27.449869 0.0000134 107295635 enoyl-CoA hydratase domain containing 3 0.3461845
-0.4174020 -1.1399409 -1.4957514 3.3333832 5.055876 0.0175449 107300433 protein kinase C-binding protein 1-like 0.3444677
3.3445461 -0.2462738 1.3047078 2.8582144 16.706664 0.0001510 107282393 tripartite motif-containing protein 16-like protein 0.3437684
4.1907077 3.0203989 4.9357332 2.5353788 6.160703 0.0091902 107300207 claudin-7-like 0.3429145
1.5664970 -6.5980778 -0.5475737 2.2198856 27.862365 0.0000124 107291095 ovochymase-2-like 0.3425037
0.2871027 -0.7271104 1.1111996 3.9334644 6.698755 0.0068199 107287081 PATJ crumbs cell polarity complex component 0.3416784
-2.5090615 -1.1541182 0.5589019 2.6573295 10.757010 0.0010855 107298703 ribosomal protein S6 kinase B1 0.3407622
-0.6154302 -1.4923075 0.0231114 5.5387046 9.199896 0.0020449 107303179 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3 0.3405444
5.8684950 1.4673659 3.8076779 5.8551141 50.136228 0.0000006 107294852 solute carrier family 44 member 4 0.3389046
-0.2198019 0.3098488 1.0188963 4.7194544 3.847670 0.0391429 107291821 eukaryotic elongation factor selenocysteine-tRNA-specific 0.3376100
1.4741590 -2.0057789 0.5548251 1.4527974 7.457071 0.0046392 107297899 protein shisa-3 homolog 0.3370248
2.9206262 1.8314774 1.3460855 1.6320820 5.089192 0.0172561 107290864 PDZ domain containing 2 0.3364778
4.0311483 0.2236843 -1.2969773 1.0741994 11.553951 0.0007984 107294110 uncharacterized LOC107294110 0.3359860
0.6352752 1.1855254 -1.9979903 3.5909241 9.104730 0.0021493 107289216 rheacalcin-1-like 0.3355590
-0.1267030 -2.6236472 -1.0084324 3.7967433 5.476781 0.0136352 107283363 tudor domain containing 5 0.3355140
-2.7311539 -1.4432853 -0.2508849 0.5983390 4.798851 0.0207123 107297116 DR1 associated protein 1 0.3341435
-1.8062871 -1.0364058 -0.2868367 3.3963966 5.806755 0.0112357 107300667 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-1-like 0.3336178
-1.2206970 -0.3060264 -0.5509764 5.2053984 3.818873 0.0399912 107290578 family with sequence similarity 45 member A 0.3328457
1.6598153 1.5496376 -1.4862606 0.6478120 10.336272 0.0012705 107290078 semaphorin 5B 0.3323455
-0.2330874 -0.2777483 3.1553727 1.1097699 8.740356 0.0025071 107288844 mirror-image polydactyly 1 0.3313452
-4.0757070 -2.4887027 -0.5845539 3.0293596 23.548156 0.0000291 107292069 solute carrier family 22 member 3 0.3293565
-1.9120812 -1.9039917 -0.2885005 4.7649211 8.577907 0.0027197 107283007 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial 0.3291853
0.2980144 -1.4441268 -0.4737179 4.2153575 3.837614 0.0395234 107295102 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase parkin-like 0.3285366
1.7497653 1.6414934 1.8078003 3.0954379 6.100066 0.0095076 107297140 cystinosin lysosomal cystine transporter 0.3272736
-1.7638389 -1.6718607 -2.1575242 1.6973388 5.561401 0.0129076 107291662 PAF1 homolog Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component 0.3265221
-1.6031924 -1.4830336 1.0367253 0.3256619 4.151368 0.0317400 107302325 mitochondrial-processing peptidase subunit alpha-like 0.3261340
3.1224125 0.5245455 -1.1234360 2.6331287 23.071893 0.0000316 107294109 uncharacterized LOC107294109 0.3244287
-5.1975598 -8.4810727 -0.3845064 7.6814041 43.857892 0.0000012 107284786 nicotinamide N-methyltransferase-like 0.3231419
-0.9741652 -0.8851197 -0.3277233 4.2437609 3.799308 0.0405018 107294092 tumor suppressing subtransferable candidate 1 0.3228576
-1.5964257 -1.6142136 0.5642340 0.5225302 4.675317 0.0223409 107293341 contactin 5 0.3211252
-2.2034069 -1.4896168 0.6170703 0.3688281 4.538903 0.0245062 107295147 cordon-bleu protein-like 1 0.3163597
1.7330214 2.3907314 1.9170668 3.6636281 15.503913 0.0002135 107288399 threonyl-tRNA synthetase 0.3154394
-1.6883168 -1.8753278 -0.7432559 5.3826321 6.513804 0.0075694 107291865 ubiquitin-associated domain-containing protein 2-like 0.3153876
1.6609480 1.3504109 1.1505567 3.9655376 6.749991 0.0066474 107294927 microspherule protein 1 0.3152540
-2.2824254 0.0057282 0.0127571 3.1111629 14.874876 0.0002587 107292772 DALR anticodon binding domain containing 3 0.3143315
-4.0327571 -1.5131942 1.5722593 6.7105989 68.771798 0.0000001 107291421 microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1 0.3118137
3.8685637 0.5910427 1.9035300 1.0523253 4.271136 0.0292861 107291685 WNT inhibitory factor 1 0.3110528
4.6772565 2.7516663 1.8872392 2.9343115 12.435790 0.0005829 107282361 dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 2 0.3102561
-0.7899547 -0.2603864 0.8128317 3.4430514 5.256402 0.0155049 107285453 2-oxoglutarate and iron-dependent oxygenase domain containing 2 0.3093248
-1.7501089 1.1587058 2.3048402 0.5162503 6.595306 0.0072442 107296630 solute carrier family 5 (sodium/inositol cotransporter) member 11 0.3077786
0.5868552 0.2604948 -0.9026488 0.8325580 3.618610 0.0461278 107282854 kelch like family member 26 0.3039719
6.1233072 -3.3436217 -0.4330139 1.4094347 10.034393 0.0024897 107286680 calsyntenin 2 0.3037948
-6.9014220 -10.5325756 4.5412566 6.7078605 34.015940 0.0000175 107301495 solute carrier family 13 member 3-like 0.3031977
4.3448248 1.8039226 0.9896748 -0.4096983 6.539839 0.0074218 107303310 dipeptidyl peptidase like 6 0.3027584
2.0313718 -0.7716262 -0.3793075 0.9736697 3.685568 0.0440588 107299496 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase IH 0.3026643
-10.0780820 0.9895711 -1.2982841 8.6558830 46.583734 0.0000008 107287359 inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H3-like 0.3022547
-5.2475820 1.3681840 -0.1135075 4.6860303 75.190771 0.0000001 107283609 probable acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 6 0.3003636
-1.3926343 -1.0893573 -0.1585516 5.9303331 11.673518 0.0007589 107283036 Yip1 domain family member 1 0.2994593
-1.5945864 -1.5354349 -0.0581134 4.6049024 5.341983 0.0147838 107289849 PRELI domain containing 2 0.2994549
1.0420440 0.1895658 0.3884981 6.1526574 3.578841 0.0474845 107285527 armadillo repeat containing 8 0.2987569
0.4300894 -0.3115444 -0.8457000 5.7176419 6.594920 0.0072046 107287423 MGA MAX dimerization protein 0.2967291
-10.3007117 -10.0762732 0.0000000 2.7428661 65.446508 0.0000074 107292208 carboxymethylenebutenolidase homolog 0.2955932
-1.1076553 -1.4509460 -1.1308390 2.5390058 4.141622 0.0318830 107290989 membrane associated guanylate kinase WW and PDZ domain containing 3 0.2946681
1.6858038 1.6392512 0.1198832 3.8268450 3.524019 0.0495523 107294175 very low density lipoprotein receptor 0.2927272
0.3712197 -2.2824277 0.4288109 6.6546188 31.253679 0.0000067 107294341 adenylate kinase 4 0.2926358
3.9632433 1.9418649 1.3169721 2.2147959 5.494847 0.0134893 107290322 small integral membrane protein 5 0.2909464
-1.6176705 -2.4629267 -0.7778547 4.4287617 14.597297 0.0002820 107296220 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial Fo complex subunit s (factor B) 0.2908851
-1.0416955 -1.3306883 0.2150483 3.9512636 5.672692 0.0121459 107297083 RNA pseudouridylate synthase domain containing 3 0.2902333
0.8858935 2.3692691 -1.5031057 2.1491418 5.184689 0.0162694 107285309 zinc finger protein 219-like 0.2899222
-1.7820668 -2.3160360 -0.4806907 7.9450018 10.353090 0.0012672 107285068 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase C-4 to C-12 straight chain 0.2879123
-0.9989046 -0.0842375 -2.2872079 1.3659740 3.892112 0.0380313 107298177 arginine-glutamic acid dipeptide repeats protein-like 0.2875334
0.8340320 2.0320045 1.7433493 2.7386032 3.815715 0.0401421 107285563 asparagine–tRNA ligase cytoplasmic-like 0.2871126
0.8460756 -2.5462733 -1.9116217 1.4195525 9.774959 0.0016095 107297236 microphthalmia-associated transcription factor 0.2867190
-2.5954591 -2.3810253 -3.1488030 0.0069356 5.883218 0.0106992 107293370 DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 3 alpha 0.2859510
0.4805520 -0.1793213 -1.1354687 2.2253132 3.827972 0.0396844 107286424 huntingtin interacting protein 1 0.2848458
2.2762141 1.1238525 -1.3481448 1.1618326 4.837652 0.0202067 107286373 phospholipase A2 receptor 1 0.2844232
0.5286862 -2.3959180 0.6805043 2.5875961 13.402015 0.0004189 107300052 leucine rich repeat containing 20 0.2843508
0.4526110 0.4077602 1.8951203 3.9391551 3.672939 0.0444619 107293812 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A domain containing 0.2832527
-1.0446347 -0.3796829 -3.0861490 0.0787592 4.442484 0.0261147 107297622 RAB11B member RAS oncogene family 0.2823406
-1.4865754 0.4272913 1.5172406 2.8876702 10.567784 0.0011693 107301634 glutamate–cysteine ligase catalytic subunit-like 0.2821979
6.6373173 6.6373173 -0.0668507 -0.4050515 11.347555 0.0032592 107302420 betacellulin 0.2820513
-1.3466313 0.6546611 -0.3983768 3.5166288 6.196928 0.0090065 107295258 receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2-like 0.2807475
1.8922724 0.9360437 0.9156855 1.9664818 4.016007 0.0347723 107298701 tubulin delta 1 0.2798281
-4.3395752 -0.9156258 -2.0705885 4.0553835 10.465446 0.0012178 107289112 S-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-1-like 0.2779190
-0.5367922 0.2541569 1.0905805 3.7404522 4.376591 0.0272575 107296260 protein arginine methyltransferase 3 0.2772267
0.8938427 0.5107186 0.7782986 5.6557380 4.219938 0.0302226 107296040 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A3 0.2769100
-3.0415628 -0.3524533 -2.3558613 0.1482233 5.359940 0.0146244 107299929 cytohesin-3-like 0.2761042
-6.1699351 -6.1915685 -0.1900074 1.6571516 19.404799 0.0000750 107303039 mitochondrial peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase-like 0.2743047
2.4211079 1.1546774 -1.1106629 1.7870769 13.270539 0.0004326 107289288 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 14 0.2734544
-2.5785155 -3.4433457 -1.2547418 3.0771436 12.573721 0.0005554 107303305 limb development membrane protein 1 0.2729098
-3.8990769 -0.5229020 -1.7868068 3.0383205 12.036569 0.0006719 107299265 S-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-1-like 0.2709143
0.8086573 0.3902883 -0.9576448 3.6281167 3.624164 0.0460594 107288614 DEAD-box helicase 17 0.2693433
2.4341259 -0.1027507 1.3758600 1.6863260 4.390476 0.0270331 107286039 transmembrane protein 200B 0.2690261
-0.4044813 0.2796369 -1.9934020 0.9492789 4.947814 0.0188064 107298939 attractin 0.2680268
1.3963593 0.3366921 2.7403673 2.9792521 4.347789 0.0278151 107286525 immunoglobulin like domain containing receptor 1 0.2679889
0.3146732 -0.0973664 -2.9723744 0.8566165 12.252628 0.0006157 107296232 notch 1 0.2669578
0.4926997 -0.1240848 -1.6161490 1.8894534 5.251391 0.0155874 107299042 MICOS complex subunit MIC19-like 0.2658205
-2.3519303 -2.1712638 0.3446247 3.5533524 5.960162 0.0102901 107293679 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S11 0.2654093
0.6736556 -3.6460318 -1.8098775 -0.7299670 9.166101 0.0020753 107294627 protein FAM19A2-like 0.2646988
-4.1991870 -3.6024421 -0.3041044 2.6843226 10.252335 0.0013264 107289585 activin A receptor type IC 0.2640087
0.7344934 -1.1185434 0.5050193 6.0297791 5.740702 0.0116739 107291177 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase 0.2631190
-2.6448582 -5.7805772 -1.4825395 -0.4446476 9.236534 0.0020292 107289656 sorting nexin 22 0.2615431
0.7588354 -0.9935568 0.7231775 1.8040590 7.020884 0.0057538 107294869 transmembrane protein 218 0.2595386
0.9378623 1.6192512 0.0741151 4.1975709 7.294392 0.0050044 107288685 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 4-like 0.2588677
1.5625367 1.4700260 0.1824259 2.4839192 4.156148 0.0316657 107299575 isocitrate dehydrogenase [NAD] subunit alpha mitochondrial 0.2577651
2.7042335 2.4574997 0.0249093 1.3812180 13.766536 0.0003671 107282894 homeobox protein Meis1 0.2575119
2.2329490 1.8126576 -0.2592247 3.0124585 9.389275 0.0018998 107293170 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C3orf58 0.2574010
-2.4123706 -1.1854097 -1.3479597 1.5657140 7.040808 0.0056948 107291581 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 8 homolog A (yeast) 0.2567870
-3.1877781 -2.6445555 -1.7571912 1.5527924 12.949955 0.0004822 107298653 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L41 0.2559599
8.3646454 4.7811018 2.7002562 2.6021429 31.084901 0.0000071 107288965 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM58-like 0.2548347
-3.3749804 -1.5262423 -0.4259245 0.8514834 15.150043 0.0002375 107289413 fidgetin like 2 0.2512186
-2.3196572 -2.3457643 -2.2490937 2.6429838 3.695893 0.0437324 107284738 mitochondrial transcription termination factor 2 0.2509016
-0.0595376 0.2938297 -1.2668472 2.2094112 3.737329 0.0423508 107292457 Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 2 0.2508738
-1.1018423 1.3095510 4.7306602 2.3812494 7.811058 0.0038988 107288790 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 11-like 0.2501122
1.1176702 0.7458295 0.6613484 4.5653159 3.725211 0.0427069 107287231 pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 4 0.2483549
-0.2570746 -1.7055534 -1.0698765 2.8477178 3.940981 0.0367486 107297926 nemo-like kinase 0.2471243
1.6540622 1.6362699 1.5444380 2.2434520 6.160411 0.0091437 107289096 endoplasmic reticulum oxidoreductase alpha 0.2441023
-0.1408747 -2.0881449 5.5288155 4.9726424 8.266600 0.0031397 107296551 deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein-like 0.2435338
7.8970014 3.3545656 2.0568377 0.1461207 11.070900 0.0017416 107292757 procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer 2 0.2426090
0.9537924 1.2617339 0.4298940 6.0776767 4.092567 0.0330195 107299479 ubiquitin B 0.2425449
-3.1231727 -1.3127138 -2.4914179 0.7221143 7.083432 0.0055708 107283680 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 7 0.2421328
1.7647703 1.0066160 -1.0987703 4.9203334 17.373727 0.0001272 107284186 microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase family member 4 0.2412502
0.5475931 0.0660779 -2.6430962 0.8080946 4.594015 0.0236386 107282269 SIN3 transcription regulator family member B 0.2409104
-1.9011211 -1.5928169 -2.6608452 5.9077107 4.683643 0.0223027 107288687 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B2 0.2404517
1.7972016 1.4647513 0.9314218 2.6749095 3.687821 0.0439873 107288155 carbohydrate sulfotransferase 10 0.2401402
-1.8948062 -1.1740083 -1.0210258 3.1346732 5.775974 0.0113823 107292976 mediator complex subunit 27 0.2397531
-1.2667144 -1.4225777 0.3670758 3.6708185 8.964347 0.0022681 107301337 alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde dehydrogenase-like 0.2342855
4.9608563 -1.1322056 -2.1075635 -0.2778815 9.112504 0.0034715 107295725 RAS like family 11 member B 0.2332325
-3.2958498 -4.0080386 1.5747794 1.0334945 20.572610 0.0000557 107295651 alanine aminotransferase 2-like 0.2324192
0.7446232 1.6752536 -4.2215740 3.4259125 41.714593 0.0000015 107299114 endoglin-like 0.2318510
-0.7717786 -1.0597336 -0.1022173 6.7109826 4.237529 0.0298636 107283412 transmembrane protein 69 0.2295260
-2.1088178 -1.6310154 -0.7356045 2.7270515 8.507215 0.0027878 107297594 probable 2-ketogluconate reductase 0.2295202
2.7437926 -0.8635634 -0.4578511 1.4622178 7.418615 0.0047231 107295084 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase IH 0.2290871
-0.5904095 0.5342920 -2.4166737 0.8554821 4.076994 0.0334344 107289562 WD repeat domain 81 0.2274092
2.7152890 2.1840232 -1.2495868 5.2795318 21.107743 0.0000499 107288595 BCL2 associated athanogene 3 0.2272813
0.2660195 0.1646555 1.3384709 7.3703635 5.128894 0.0167679 107288005 zinc metallopeptidase STE24 0.2220462
0.4183074 -1.2533065 0.7092088 4.5684643 13.630138 0.0003838 107292269 phosphatidylinositol-45-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta 0.2213797
-2.0385008 0.4386420 1.2867517 0.1558545 5.720871 0.0118093 107289378 CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta 0.2181071
-1.5084890 -6.5703393 1.6676505 3.7864785 18.712302 0.0000894 107291286 solute carrier family 25 member 47 0.2175813
2.0382784 0.5719384 1.8053071 0.5428889 4.026412 0.0345217 107283738 transmembrane protein 54 0.2159258
-3.9582702 -2.4742284 1.2602023 0.4360045 17.886009 0.0001092 107293782 RAB43 member RAS oncogene family 0.2158319
1.3837487 -0.0366852 1.0431320 4.2182401 5.465196 0.0137297 107302909 charged multivesicular body protein 4C 0.2158061
-3.0116656 0.8559570 -0.5736548 2.1458757 10.842819 0.0010498 107283219 cannabinoid receptor interacting protein 1 0.2157418
-1.1814936 -1.1244499 -3.2062539 3.3893037 17.733396 0.0001149 107285436 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L4 0.2145823
-0.0480166 -0.3365251 0.8500097 6.2193675 5.851290 0.0108975 107298298 solute carrier family 35 member F5 0.2141679
-1.4274021 -3.4356677 4.5487615 3.0179107 11.615046 0.0007836 107296539 putative DMBT1-like protein 0.2141619
-2.0434050 -0.7586629 -2.6736449 1.4980122 3.814577 0.0401745 107282914 collagen-like tail subunit (single strand of homotrimer) of asymmetric acetylcholinesterase 0.2124484
3.7912088 -0.0508835 -1.6415329 5.2191021 29.913491 0.0000086 107295926 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase 1 0.2117259
-4.0659985 -2.0362812 0.8051984 0.4948758 7.509822 0.0045191 107300150 phosphatidylserine synthase 2 0.2101239
0.9809504 1.5390006 0.6901065 2.5725254 5.269949 0.0153774 107300800 TRIO and F-actin-binding protein-like 0.2100480
3.7269540 -4.5767205 -2.5887685 0.4291040 14.029924 0.0007103 107301535 kelch-like protein 32 0.2088268
1.2096835 -0.7782485 -1.7215648 7.0687443 18.792167 0.0000862 107282234 plasmalemma vesicle associated protein 0.2077156
-0.3371036 -1.6340751 -0.3063472 1.8206956 4.104613 0.0327043 107289134 mediator complex subunit 9 0.2049542
-1.5601134 -0.8388839 0.6622335 5.8425324 11.951817 0.0006887 107302725 zinc finger protein 706 0.2039389
-5.0037741 -8.1830438 -2.9445769 6.4442033 40.626072 0.0000017 107283317 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 1 0.2034962
4.7396594 2.2640816 1.9166086 0.8473440 12.133196 0.0006428 107294354 bisphosphoglycerate mutase 0.2025720
1.5998363 -4.1156473 -1.5532772 3.1769549 20.733231 0.0000544 107293505 adrenomedullin 0.2022345
-4.4838802 -2.2948875 -1.2738188 -0.0965474 6.405845 0.0080267 107297587 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 13-like 0.2008163
1.6412709 3.0343164 -1.5929518 0.4840867 5.208129 0.0160373 107300773 PDZ and LIM domain protein 5-like 0.2001364
-1.5403104 -1.0801545 0.1829219 2.2537710 4.601862 0.0234713 107294750 ADP-ribosylhydrolase like 2 0.1985633
4.9673829 2.4908648 2.6791586 0.4425218 10.664794 0.0011222 107291556 XK related X-linked 0.1975425
-0.1159436 -1.1859964 -1.1227986 7.2188050 5.528294 0.0131636 107296562 RUN and FYVE domain containing 1 0.1969174
-1.3532985 -0.6761157 -0.1083646 4.3975189 7.669075 0.0041497 107296068 nudix hydrolase 21 0.1963896
1.1035857 1.1679651 -3.3812484 2.3083962 16.278466 0.0001726 107298932 amyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 2 0.1959466
-4.9227876 -4.8954348 -2.8438188 4.2715542 5.936168 0.0104317 107301058 mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM70-like 0.1942581
0.6544225 -1.8340421 -0.1977685 2.7980169 9.328253 0.0019455 107282231 pyroglutamyl-peptidase I 0.1942527
-11.7859284 -9.2464772 -2.9925354 8.7149441 29.958424 0.0000086 107286781 cytochrome P450 2C5-like 0.1920900
3.5967468 -4.6926114 -0.3583147 0.2205012 22.759036 0.0000984 107287697 uncharacterized LOC107287697 0.1909458
0.2804892 -0.4420726 0.7450734 6.2152719 4.990791 0.0182730 107291240 proline rich 13 0.1885436
-10.6148326 -6.0539180 -3.5853596 2.2295250 8.786936 0.0039742 107301079 interferon-inducible GTPase 5-like 0.1881794
-3.0074001 -1.4198510 -2.6607105 6.5461642 8.992005 0.0022585 107291124 complement component 7 0.1869415
-1.1559075 -1.1662461 -1.0407235 4.4690529 4.114694 0.0324781 107300838 zinc finger FYVE domain-containing protein 21-like 0.1794194
-5.4606841 -0.8031032 -1.7701561 1.2740221 15.177300 0.0002386 107284673 ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 0.1775951
-2.6709439 -1.9143973 -0.2841749 1.1979732 4.305274 0.0286201 107301167 MKRN2 opposite strand protein-like 0.1753740
-2.3130325 -2.4429734 1.4939565 1.5518806 9.837940 0.0015719 107297254 uncharacterized LOC107297254 0.1753053
-9.6192476 1.1214740 0.5643839 3.9187293 95.313864 0.0000000 107289905 nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 2 0.1726183
0.4012290 4.1338208 -4.8013811 5.4890845 23.991393 0.0000265 107299624 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 8 0.1717636
5.8436481 0.5303564 3.7926505 0.8197464 14.518040 0.0002923 107288140 mannosyl (beta-14-)-glycoprotein beta-14-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 0.1699203
0.4395429 -1.1026731 -1.2411819 3.2213272 7.485041 0.0045451 107296603 uncharacterized protein KIAA1109-like 0.1698422
0.6348998 0.2231723 1.3170114 8.4113510 5.040809 0.0177104 107289763 ARP3 actin-related protein 3 homolog (yeast) 0.1693313
1.3712199 2.7001867 1.9542345 0.2031545 3.780109 0.0411720 107282891 regulatory factor X associated ankyrin containing protein 0.1679733
-6.4834970 0.8371222 -1.6327554 3.4221746 21.335970 0.0000473 107284348 7-alpha-hydroxycholest-4-en-3-one 12-alpha-hydroxylase-like 0.1648210
-0.9412597 -0.7364039 -0.7490230 6.2699723 3.602097 0.0466856 107286578 pre-mRNA processing factor 4B 0.1644905
2.3836779 -0.8626878 -0.2812220 2.1121289 11.683094 0.0007562 107290192 family with sequence similarity 69 member A 0.1623760
1.0453145 -0.5649424 -1.0403060 2.6378700 4.696288 0.0221214 107303224 hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1 0.1621512
4.0373855 0.1814925 -1.7398640 1.8547163 5.843568 0.0109999 107283863 SLIT and NTRK like family member 6 0.1606517
-7.2309706 -0.8294317 -1.8406241 1.0059367 15.055169 0.0002476 107285006 beta-13-galactosyltransferase 5-like 0.1603402
1.1116496 1.4718242 -1.6022927 1.5298536 13.196980 0.0004434 107287211 proline rich membrane anchor 1 0.1577820
0.9197342 0.4941543 -2.7520620 0.2992312 7.248643 0.0051518 107295358 G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5-like 0.1530910
-0.4863654 -0.7649844 -1.2689278 6.2776521 5.309759 0.0150095 107286919 RE1-silencing transcription factor-like 0.1530605
-1.0869169 -1.1481421 -0.3843345 3.0282128 4.543188 0.0243514 107302962 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 30 NatC catalytic subunit 0.1515479
-3.1740946 -2.0833880 -2.1189391 0.2565615 3.925500 0.0371494 107301103 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase subunit beta mitochondrial-like 0.1511898
0.9226886 0.7117577 -2.1827638 0.7435316 3.588497 0.0472697 107286991 HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 4 0.1504869
-3.2288754 -2.2773052 1.5492800 4.6358703 12.707768 0.0005301 107284487 cytochrome P450 4B1-like 0.1502088
-4.6000370 -4.0878207 -1.4442172 1.8167698 20.401339 0.0000583 107293088 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 4-like 0.1493457
1.2947464 0.6173585 0.8403704 5.3300103 5.209641 0.0159548 107285147 ring finger protein 19A RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 0.1480684
-1.0924498 -3.6677224 -0.0526492 4.5956452 47.059283 0.0000008 107288127 asparaginase like 1 0.1460546
-1.5162532 -1.7634924 -0.4364539 3.5426400 5.404114 0.0142409 107291864 ubiquitin-associated domain-containing protein 2-like 0.1443176
3.5033605 -4.9600380 1.2896767 0.3214108 20.898620 0.0001424 107300334 uncharacterized LOC107300334 0.1391769
1.2845378 -1.6393217 -1.7006918 1.4521083 6.434761 0.0079011 107286653 cerebellar degeneration-related protein 2-like 0.1387103
-2.5928345 -1.9035774 -2.4642890 7.2666602 6.612616 0.0071772 107296590 ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial F1 complex gamma polypeptide 1 0.1364007
-12.8676321 -8.5872916 -1.5777589 7.1461824 92.651992 0.0000000 107286785 cytochrome P450 2C4-like 0.1363159
-1.7643245 -1.1025856 -0.3490762 2.6976786 5.501661 0.0133738 107294462 sirtuin 3 0.1349508
-1.2549181 -0.2482579 -1.3252202 5.1143408 3.797447 0.0406667 107294910 metallophosphoesterase 1 0.1348050
-0.7488488 -0.7972818 -4.7903866 2.7838699 14.486774 0.0002952 107288404 solute carrier family 45 member 2 0.1307068
3.2352292 -0.7986758 2.9612600 7.0517777 13.836702 0.0003632 107302740 target of myb1 like 1 membrane trafficking protein 0.1306658
-12.8446192 -8.6757302 -10.5354094 4.6971350 7.224959 0.0076582 107287409 iodotyrosine deiodinase 0.1267155
-5.0429990 -3.3015466 -2.0212655 1.2406651 12.642209 0.0005423 107298744 chromosome unknown open reading frame human C1orf115 0.1228043
-1.8017332 -0.9859939 -0.0994492 8.5011169 6.988609 0.0058510 107290778 cathepsin D 0.1162841
-3.1763697 -2.4104929 -0.2366386 1.1845409 10.763960 0.0010734 107301231 39S ribosomal protein L9 mitochondrial-like 0.1136524
1.9447628 2.1190745 -0.5843369 2.6610889 9.902236 0.0015305 107286555 5’-aminolevulinate synthase 2 0.1136011
1.1867190 2.1107182 -0.3958588 4.3493411 20.082452 0.0000625 107282999 hemoglobin subunit alpha-like 0.1132182
-0.7906814 -3.7162623 -0.6631307 2.4903684 23.576395 0.0000286 107300512 rho GTPase-activating protein 42-like 0.1057936
-0.7838878 -0.8861799 0.1804163 5.6634024 4.177258 0.0311229 107296856 DSCR3 arrestin fold containing 0.1054560
2.2813929 0.3886474 -0.6475243 1.0801328 6.714628 0.0067577 107286573 MAGI family member X-linked 0.1052370
-11.9671617 0.6260678 2.2998633 5.7870884 108.193631 0.0000001 107301411 retinol dehydrogenase 16-like 0.1046082
-0.4854590 -1.9974063 -1.1939742 4.9480301 11.347372 0.0008578 107288371 uncharacterized LOC107288371 0.1045614
-1.0686981 -0.0641358 -1.9932907 2.7971294 5.158526 0.0165330 107282186 DOT1 like histone H3K79 methyltransferase 0.0992448
-1.7298232 -2.9748183 -13.9625759 7.0373958 55.495874 0.0000003 107301689 myosin heavy chain cardiac muscle isoform-like 0.0982195
5.5098848 -3.3803729 1.9292017 0.7714253 16.771068 0.0003507 107284432 interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein like 1 0.0935097
-0.7751727 -0.5372429 1.2639218 3.0977816 8.881192 0.0023536 107299044 protein-lysine N-methyltransferase EEF2KMT-like 0.0927892
-2.6107949 1.9965726 -1.2147900 2.6863408 6.685520 0.0069031 107292629 hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 7 0.0927361
0.6894887 -0.2822488 1.7226460 1.1224781 5.629122 0.0124019 107299065 BCL2 associated agonist of cell death 0.0925838
-3.2276414 -1.6917371 -3.1303933 0.9958226 5.317051 0.0150084 107292913 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 0.0874430
5.3000466 3.5762300 3.8518598 3.4820849 28.451703 0.0000112 107285358 myelin basic protein 0.0869664
-1.6909321 -1.2842515 -0.2529132 6.4525778 9.699185 0.0016512 107288758 methionyl aminopeptidase 1 0.0832266
-15.0429180 -9.3112620 -3.4512412 8.0705177 35.281834 0.0000037 107292408 apolipoprotein A-II-like 0.0775437
0.5104059 -1.6528478 -0.1430620 1.6261333 3.960725 0.0362446 107299327 kynurenine–oxoglutarate transaminase 1-like 0.0759988
-2.0136853 -5.1143529 -3.0117983 1.5407641 5.001587 0.0182229 107287243 hepatic lectin-like 0.0623957
1.5559628 -0.6274920 -0.9159611 0.5036967 4.626676 0.0230577 107299527 acyl-CoA:lysophosphatidylglycerol acyltransferase 1-like 0.0619177
-1.3755482 -1.2733690 -1.0577382 5.3385026 6.771865 0.0065555 107294284 zinc finger AN1-type containing 3 0.0613301
-1.6446902 -2.0740424 -0.8258419 1.0226217 4.246017 0.0296922 107286706 solute carrier family 6 member 8 0.0478562
-1.2348197 -0.6377772 -0.0453924 4.9342767 4.772484 0.0210204 107286849 zinc finger AN1-type containing 6 0.0446242
-14.9305740 -4.0426545 -4.1160571 12.9436830 78.505964 0.0000000 107290652 fibrinogen gamma chain 0.0277124
## [1] 1295    9

Significantly differentially expressed genes of the upr and their module membership

logFC..venom…liver logFC..venom…kidney logFC..venom…heart logCPM F PValue genes description MM.MM.turquoise mean.tpm
1.4843769 3.5456054 4.1013177 11.7172412 8.530834 0.0027788 107285132 calreticulin 0.9258413 87540.00233
17.5096516 17.5096516 15.3222038 9.0282263 12.430085 0.0024532 107301016 uncharacterized LOC107301016 0.9495660 43053.49100
16.5671866 16.5671866 14.3787781 8.0863811 13.434899 0.0019176 107298828 uncharacterized LOC107298828 0.9223246 40514.71167
5.8744786 4.9667860 1.9270247 9.6708035 6.607992 0.0071951 107287167 adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 1 0.9600070 38826.70000
1.4884001 2.0514469 3.3552410 8.8627532 4.250919 0.0296890 107286125 spermine synthase 0.9355023 18623.93333
1.9541580 2.8111159 4.9552681 9.3143765 10.060517 0.0014340 107284495 mesencephalic astrocyte derived neurotrophic factor 0.9056633 15621.80000
1.2770455 2.9832620 3.8602438 9.0252633 7.917118 0.0037045 107294779 protein disulfide isomerase family A member 6 0.9300941 10880.03333
0.3605969 1.9447165 2.2170893 8.7535465 3.811480 0.0402630 107289787 protein disulfide isomerase family A member 3 0.9276375 8930.50000
2.5538966 3.0163961 3.0215577 7.8943911 6.648416 0.0070411 107292587 solute carrier family 39 member 6 0.9159981 8294.20000
-0.9813960 0.5811224 3.4153394 9.7089651 7.713740 0.0040877 107290246 translocation associated membrane protein 1 0.9340314 7962.03333
1.5648041 1.0807497 4.6194637 7.8444996 4.853716 0.0200016 107282415 reticulocalbin 3 0.9038119 7416.14100
0.9879850 1.6880913 2.8514916 8.5496394 6.828468 0.0064001 107295193 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 9 0.9726984 7227.06700
6.9110113 4.2416811 4.7729658 6.6376023 12.666757 0.0005377 107285463 selenoprotein M 0.9062934 6534.40000
2.6950140 1.0724216 1.9023021 8.2846989 5.394144 0.0143264 107294079 ornithine decarboxylase 1 0.9435477 6336.83333
-0.6167027 0.3680703 1.5336268 8.8785257 4.397300 0.0269105 107294656 death-associated protein 0.9075334 5958.66667
-0.6823209 0.2225400 1.1237902 9.2345793 3.547944 0.0486241 107283001 signal sequence receptor alpha 0.9062241 5504.56667
-0.8025586 0.0424634 1.1761263 9.0749372 4.405990 0.0266831 107287251 ribophorin II 0.9518876 5382.76667
1.1551405 1.4545911 1.9958362 8.2985529 4.421626 0.0264786 107288132 activating transcription factor 4 0.9038904 5356.56667
0.8975644 1.3417544 2.9284072 7.4974539 6.324461 0.0083928 107289650 peptidylprolyl isomerase B 0.9300012 5169.29133
2.9642985 2.1429262 2.8025229 7.5359319 7.261530 0.0051182 107285595 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 13 0.9314676 5164.56667
0.2123332 0.5138920 2.1754583 8.3970763 5.212340 0.0159961 107296401 STT3A catalytic subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex 0.9295561 5134.76667
3.7576462 1.4508439 4.9652473 7.5345592 9.875248 0.0015477 107294825 methylthioadenosine phosphorylase 0.9117748 4105.76667
2.2286638 2.3948662 2.2147789 6.8687613 4.132530 0.0321818 107289360 prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 1 0.9709821 4009.76667
0.9533447 1.3540181 2.1226982 7.7855298 4.991190 0.0183417 107290894 transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 7-like 0.9439649 3769.60000
-0.2923397 0.5871218 2.2265806 8.2310818 7.698564 0.0041181 107292969 ribophorin I 0.9553937 3766.13333
2.2816516 2.9484924 3.4424579 6.4366616 10.028624 0.0014529 107297104 transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 10-like 0.9671319 3738.16667
-0.2560517 0.4039694 1.4140408 7.5941386 5.448241 0.0138073 107295192 lectin mannose binding 2 0.9014473 2985.63333
3.8717349 3.4510963 3.9672850 6.2342467 9.546733 0.0017763 107294533 transmembrane protein 41B 0.9435490 2789.10000
4.1240788 0.1940977 2.9691042 6.9054120 14.579387 0.0002867 107302526 sortilin 1 0.9547034 2676.33333
0.2512603 0.3150409 1.7574942 7.6601221 4.730385 0.0216383 107284249 aftiphilin 0.9424710 2671.59967
5.4448517 8.4433159 6.2830056 5.4664639 19.762403 0.0000687 107289098 solute carrier family 45 member 3 0.9419142 2649.20000
1.2266292 1.1119514 2.4695183 7.4148756 3.772868 0.0413852 107295759 transmembrane protein 87A 0.9267661 2482.93333
0.5897806 1.4579193 2.1089188 7.1534617 4.934371 0.0190076 107294296 ADP ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 3 0.9749060 2409.79467
2.7330516 2.7565509 2.4062960 6.1513237 13.518690 0.0004030 107284111 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 6 (putative) 0.9427115 2246.26667
4.8090381 1.4827024 4.5095936 5.7765205 6.655717 0.0070137 107287667 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2 0.9017212 2168.09633
14.0154237 3.8767512 7.2809024 5.6440231 14.596772 0.0006086 107287604 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit G3 0.9229790 2125.26667
1.2394904 1.9049712 2.4335850 6.1230424 5.157782 0.0165406 107289866 SIL1 nucleotide exchange factor 0.9616642 1946.36667
3.8572567 5.2331588 5.5314100 5.4789316 11.926590 0.0006991 107287945 methionine adenosyltransferase 2A 0.9261114 1878.00000
1.1413956 0.9736922 3.3217216 6.7927584 4.079306 0.0333811 107290355 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C3 0.9238398 1856.36667
2.7020857 1.7550586 3.6182106 5.9914235 19.682383 0.0000701 107290839 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 13A 0.9417079 1855.06667
-0.1350142 -2.1026118 4.0957925 8.3495564 8.450019 0.0028837 107294130 cystathionine gamma-lyase 0.9617600 1817.10000
5.7906219 5.4758642 7.4219895 5.7605807 14.434249 0.0003001 107291265 grainyhead like transcription factor 1 0.9489548 1784.80000
2.9850985 1.1420649 3.6892664 5.2378308 6.537094 0.0074747 107302807 uncharacterized LOC107302807 0.9286429 1662.10933
1.2376645 1.2478342 2.1743235 6.6763493 4.130704 0.0322221 107284462 Sec23 homolog B COPII coat complex component 0.9329013 1620.50000
2.7373639 3.7604375 0.8701593 5.2622432 5.298439 0.0151786 107288987 family with sequence similarity 234 member B 0.9636931 1610.66667
2.3634122 2.9042503 4.2365039 5.5267330 21.963759 0.0000410 107302793 vacuole membrane protein 1 0.9567660 1606.59800
4.4506150 0.9991073 2.2103170 5.8252480 10.034616 0.0014493 107284549 transmembrane protein 63C 0.9613684 1600.20633
2.8377653 2.4559762 1.9749753 5.6202299 8.582248 0.0027143 107294315 histone acetyltransferase KAT8 0.9132486 1560.41033
0.1122220 1.2872067 1.6773976 6.7758710 3.908192 0.0376036 107282996 oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit (non-catalytic) 0.9490016 1554.90000
2.4037441 2.3729878 0.7209167 6.0207612 4.988311 0.0183748 107286689 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta 0.9007065 1457.80000
1.8900094 2.5516967 3.7655486 6.3318912 12.044180 0.0006700 107302498 solute carrier family 30 member 7 0.9098756 1451.53300
0.1825401 1.0259896 2.2738925 6.8705031 4.236468 0.0299810 107291066 solute carrier family 39 member 9 0.9594623 1445.83133
1.5083680 1.3852204 1.4035863 6.3578244 4.745796 0.0214277 107302770 melanoma inhibitory activity family member 3 0.9305962 1445.62233
1.1588440 0.7490091 2.3690163 6.3291134 3.997990 0.0353151 107286321 TraB domain containing 0.9585438 1436.60000
6.7787836 0.4961397 4.7684089 5.1746094 8.420469 0.0029233 107294778 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit C2 0.9358930 1395.73333
2.7773277 2.5153939 3.1488131 5.4468323 7.030948 0.0057591 107283119 ATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 1 0.9181981 1384.60000
4.0685852 3.3119719 3.4487352 5.2975511 10.112551 0.0014038 107295506 proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1-like 0.9518400 1311.30000
-2.0172904 -2.9143331 -0.9670081 8.2354366 5.968860 0.0102393 107290492 aldehyde dehydrogenase 6 family member A1 0.9514496 1237.80000
-5.0783123 1.2835181 5.2102978 9.9086010 17.692291 0.0001167 107291832 glutathione S-transferase theta-1-like 0.9185208 1232.33333
6.9826947 -1.3608944 7.6752613 6.4172398 20.493829 0.0000576 107289045 KIAA1324 ortholog 0.9432449 1214.36667
2.8346208 1.1071758 3.6295949 4.6665073 5.881622 0.0107621 107302795 small integral membrane protein 14 0.9101152 1150.92400
-1.3602345 -0.9602454 1.3194602 7.0154713 10.531390 0.0011863 107295144 cordon-bleu protein-like 1 0.9627749 1138.95767
1.4672285 1.3722998 1.5614367 6.0107674 3.857810 0.0389627 107283892 golgi reassembly stacking protein 2 0.9323732 1134.20000
1.1453712 -0.5235706 1.4020457 6.3634290 5.433788 0.0139899 107289913 AKT interacting protein 0.9426646 1132.03333
5.7706099 4.7293726 4.2776560 4.9085224 25.405649 0.0000199 107287632 membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 2 0.9347388 1129.90000
-1.1821242 0.4399760 1.6037265 7.3156220 4.975538 0.0185224 107285127 glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.9106424 1123.53333
6.3643434 5.9063795 2.1236704 5.1918877 7.503416 0.0045335 107289840 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter) member 13 0.9347221 1116.26667
4.1442023 -1.4464901 5.8645006 7.2223854 21.350824 0.0000471 107285839 arginase 2 0.9168684 1115.40000
7.7416511 3.8158086 4.7267523 4.9010584 16.736038 0.0001517 107294495 ARFGEF family member 3 0.9476660 1036.74600
0.9942571 5.3528566 3.7624988 4.8581947 12.500193 0.0005699 107292372 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-23-sialyltransferase 4 0.9077489 965.16667
2.6755627 2.1321949 0.8136056 5.3846424 4.828851 0.0203201 107300237 acyl-CoA oxidase 3 pristanoyl 0.9077274 936.53367
5.0820139 0.2396704 1.5830859 5.8294105 19.174811 0.0000795 107291606 solute carrier family 1 member 1 0.9076110 883.56633
0.5038027 -0.0049767 2.1239477 6.1810198 4.586176 0.0237598 107292113 CLPTM1-like 0.9230754 883.03333
1.0743666 2.7573330 3.2927794 4.8511143 6.956631 0.0059853 107284796 hypoxia up-regulated 1 0.9273649 856.30000
0.4857561 2.4453748 3.7058177 5.1383309 4.585974 0.0237629 107294535 dipeptidyl peptidase 4 0.9014753 853.44667
1.5395873 1.6605882 2.7862202 4.6276722 7.543283 0.0044448 107290316 24-dienoyl-CoA reductase 2 peroxisomal 0.9196531 808.30000
-1.4921271 -0.1163715 1.1847158 6.5592485 13.183999 0.0004502 107297698 seryl-tRNA synthetase 0.9003072 804.96067
2.2856392 3.1407550 3.4205101 5.3490506 7.606612 0.0043080 107287731 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 7 0.9173847 798.33333
0.0580801 0.8719513 1.8623095 5.7414417 4.162506 0.0315284 107286460 transmembrane protein 214 0.9225900 756.86667
7.0941983 4.0018315 5.0643426 3.7556565 7.464409 0.0046223 107296102 transcription factor-like 5 (basic helix-loop-helix) 0.9169035 755.13267
4.5784128 2.1107484 1.3246918 4.6166633 8.696011 0.0025778 107289270 alpha-13-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase C-like 0.9480760 740.30000
-0.3173589 1.8692485 2.2186349 5.6784488 8.937966 0.0023132 107287724 aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family member A1 0.9141036 722.90000
1.8663780 1.7816253 2.2172117 5.0497446 6.495215 0.0076459 107288527 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 5 0.9138917 712.20000
-1.3365774 -2.6238662 0.2003015 7.0416241 14.424402 0.0003010 107288018 cbp/p300-interacting transactivator 3-like 0.9199276 708.83333
3.7708454 2.9326562 3.4893464 4.2067847 5.147063 0.0166501 107294090 acireductone dioxygenase 1 0.9007234 690.86667
0.5052691 -0.0317791 2.9138951 4.8904101 4.026391 0.0346252 107298201 cysteine conjugate-beta lyase 2 0.9304541 664.16667
6.1924500 1.9562230 4.5151409 3.9965268 8.618693 0.0026697 107287736 lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2-like 0.9006032 644.03800
7.1493210 5.9116285 8.1128181 3.2683635 15.998223 0.0001871 107296041 fer-1 like family member 6 0.9122243 637.52167
1.4018561 1.6413301 1.6819290 5.2728167 5.614061 0.0125708 107298041 family with sequence similarity 118 member B 0.9136127 632.21400
-0.4662958 0.7443464 1.6167543 5.3120328 5.432240 0.0140028 107298348 stromal cell derived factor 4 0.9170996 630.06667
1.7334069 2.0624933 2.6444215 5.2394461 4.428869 0.0263516 107283055 thioredoxin domain containing 12 (endoplasmic reticulum) 0.9025977 620.36667
0.3527398 3.7924026 4.4214754 4.4459873 12.477753 0.0005744 107285356 solute carrier family 7 member 11 0.9352388 612.73333
12.0412265 4.9627395 8.4606355 3.6352211 8.722738 0.0040761 107291742 basic helix-loop-helix family member a15 0.9182053 608.00000
0.2535617 1.9471640 1.7661355 5.0346330 5.464789 0.0137330 107296798 fucosyltransferase 8 (alpha (16) fucosyltransferase) 0.9459751 588.46667
5.0226585 3.1757334 4.1120488 4.2059839 19.240169 0.0000782 107285134 tetratricopeptide repeat protein 39A-like 0.9406100 587.00000
5.7964939 -1.0085474 -0.7690662 5.5095450 5.364658 0.0145829 107284953 solute carrier family 3 member 1 0.9333943 566.93333
-1.9716504 0.7820540 0.5256906 6.3676381 8.148183 0.0033190 107299533 ribosome binding protein 1 0.9281935 558.56667
-0.9990219 -0.4634106 2.1833331 5.6520766 7.424479 0.0047153 107291004 serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2 (mitochondrial) 0.9444401 538.46400
2.3313316 2.5781553 2.6003981 4.4842399 6.129479 0.0093521 107298042 SRP receptor alpha subunit 0.9332027 503.80000
1.5951725 2.5600234 1.1275747 4.6017512 6.746401 0.0066834 107292631 sperm-specific antigen 2 homolog 0.9354190 486.09933
0.3459992 1.3367906 2.7859369 4.9126491 5.672491 0.0121474 107291261 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 5 0.9090267 480.10000
-0.9352115 0.1429816 1.7327241 4.6293456 4.421555 0.0264799 107298374 peroxiredoxin 4 0.9210754 428.63333
0.9528352 1.0728450 2.8273735 4.2780037 5.259203 0.0155450 107292092 methyltransferase like 9 0.9523462 399.30000
2.4607001 1.5868633 1.6945886 3.8773864 5.228072 0.0158430 107285838 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class H 0.9398404 398.53333
2.3797050 -4.5960541 2.8313558 6.3845660 12.915667 0.0004935 107295484 cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3-like 0.9315412 389.41867
3.2210662 2.5926120 1.8091769 4.0059241 10.098809 0.0014117 107293249 mutated in colorectal cancers 0.9507834 367.53333
-1.0933272 -0.1417615 1.9122032 4.8604575 5.606531 0.0126266 107285462 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 2 0.9422532 367.30000
0.6265091 1.2082327 2.8195811 3.6720354 5.503783 0.0134178 107296690 vesicle-trafficking protein SEC22b-B-like 0.9285705 363.43333
1.8144935 0.8107092 3.0682509 4.2639053 4.010911 0.0349993 107296008 MAP7 domain containing 2 0.9331588 348.06567
-0.8898652 0.0002960 2.4072135 4.4248951 5.846077 0.0109840 107284894 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 26 0.9246639 348.00000
-1.7722876 -0.0274092 1.2149759 5.1351305 7.974992 0.0036032 107290356 UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 2 0.9272206 334.20733
1.0934327 1.8837652 1.9024214 4.1279216 5.503394 0.0134209 107286450 prolactin regulatory element binding 0.9290282 324.73333
7.3715551 2.5398417 5.2574111 3.3983931 9.956622 0.0014965 107283456 transmembrane protein 125 0.9304124 322.33333
2.0247303 1.6634247 1.6611650 3.7947906 3.709857 0.0432953 107301958 mannosyl (alpha-13-)-glycoprotein beta-14-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase isozyme A 0.9046301 311.20000
10.8932143 0.7426282 6.2032544 3.1376490 10.246420 0.0023092 107286906 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6-like 0.9353935 299.40000
3.1610151 3.2686122 2.4135143 3.1898464 10.204711 0.0013522 107300978 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase VA 0.9637500 275.96600
6.8140287 3.8371972 2.0610600 2.6066177 7.266850 0.0051044 107289985 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2Q family like 1 0.9198065 273.86667
1.8545761 1.5384824 3.4835111 3.1892250 7.723560 0.0040681 107283218 zinc transporter ZIP11-like 0.9353235 261.73333
1.7748111 3.7602007 -0.1780472 3.2712277 9.574820 0.0017553 107282225 excitatory amino acid transporter 1-like 0.9334397 256.66667
4.4284514 3.1386915 3.1261297 2.0981406 10.958115 0.0010040 107288766 TBC1 domain family member 16 0.9444445 255.66667
2.6675876 1.8964855 2.2382087 2.5006643 6.035602 0.0098592 107296034 uncharacterized LOC107296034 0.9164426 213.90000
2.5599642 3.9288173 2.1904646 2.4170279 9.747083 0.0016326 107283147 RAR related orphan receptor A 0.9297336 195.63333
1.6253015 2.7371611 0.0508176 3.5064723 5.026158 0.0179455 107288241 Gse1 coiled-coil protein 0.9352415 195.20000
2.4182631 4.9879310 2.2980671 2.4051176 6.540896 0.0074594 107299022 solute carrier family 31 member 2 0.9155765 194.33333
10.4476205 3.1722825 5.9222391 2.2103018 11.239892 0.0016469 107287636 iroquois homeobox 1 0.9447259 182.07633
-0.1265995 -0.7345566 -3.6211378 5.9910919 6.011613 0.0099939 107290494 acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase 2-like mitochondrial 0.9401707 168.29967
3.2238937 2.5184400 0.8006058 2.8093786 7.029747 0.0057627 107292325 ubiquitin associated and SH3 domain containing B 0.9045324 163.66667
1.5268322 1.6429832 3.5886208 2.4859984 5.941535 0.0103998 107283214 zinc transporter ZIP11-like 0.9570864 150.66667
2.7055725 2.7861811 1.3723720 2.4138152 6.483610 0.0076942 107286967 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 beta 0.9310926 148.80000
1.5596904 -0.3903933 0.5046565 3.5140485 3.670694 0.0445340 107283228 AP2 associated kinase 1 0.9063070 142.16667
0.9822706 -1.2698893 1.1927839 3.7361985 5.982197 0.0101620 107286324 histone deacetylase 10 0.9548644 140.46667
9.2675740 2.4871954 2.3092566 1.3718145 5.950792 0.0140651 107288122 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type N 0.9242117 140.06667
6.2961638 3.9080102 1.9311180 1.6119448 13.562400 0.0003972 107285864 uncharacterized LOC107285864 0.9055332 134.33333
5.9265753 0.2513851 2.8356316 2.3338515 9.948652 0.0015014 107294480 myosin VC 0.9299847 131.23333
9.2758921 1.9394176 7.0917310 1.2726421 7.811110 0.0059258 107292581 solute carrier family 7 (amino acid transporter light chain bo+ system) member 9 0.9387326 130.80000
2.4969746 0.9704420 3.4676570 2.1174525 5.263469 0.0155046 107287688 solute carrier family 30 member 4 0.9379678 123.26933
-2.0156497 0.1147106 0.5623574 3.7888910 13.431426 0.0004148 107294506 adiponectin receptor 2 0.9322094 117.56667
-1.4596574 -0.8553598 1.4890338 3.5448712 4.988941 0.0183676 107298481 coiled-coil domain containing 149 0.9271335 117.40000
4.3151336 4.4143380 1.9402221 1.5047279 5.800691 0.0112752 107289654 adaptor related protein complex 3 beta 2 subunit 0.9125855 97.15600
-0.9017416 0.8192459 3.5411125 2.5219538 10.257838 0.0013235 107294605 spermidine synthase 0.9250751 96.33333
4.9490536 1.3290132 1.4568461 1.2592980 7.732841 0.0040498 107288213 transcriptional repressor GATA binding 1 0.9213434 83.66667
1.7820498 2.0779497 3.8119406 1.2981677 6.476554 0.0077237 107283220 uncharacterized LOC107283220 0.9368431 73.60000
8.8043271 0.2839774 1.6416062 1.5341476 9.334337 0.0032192 107286654 HID1 domain containing 0.9196120 71.60000
-0.8634352 3.4709139 2.3792761 1.6758195 5.098320 0.0171588 107291533 solute carrier family 43 member 1 0.9348046 69.30000
3.1957168 2.9521125 2.3918346 0.9709254 6.154998 0.0092195 107297693 ADP-dependent glucokinase 0.9294708 67.16667
-1.1680008 -3.2016968 -0.6088102 3.6896112 6.804891 0.0064801 107295596 piggyBac transposable element derived 5 0.9016522 55.00000
-1.8805274 -0.4907219 -0.0840847 2.2372726 4.844630 0.0201173 107291506 growth regulation by estrogen in breast cancer-like 0.9170884 40.56667
-3.2109524 -1.8035597 1.4160219 3.7111868 6.574570 0.0073254 107297272 amine oxidase [flavin-containing] B-like 0.9097314 39.30000
2.4773306 -1.2915447 -0.7077604 1.6364085 8.273204 0.0031300 107286682 arf-GAP with GTPase ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 1-like 0.9351719 33.63333
## [1] 149  10

On an average most of the DE genes that have high module membership are upregulated in the venom gland

## [1] 2.558521
## [1] 1.87545
## [1] 2.869501

Significantly differentially expressed genes of the meta-venom that are involved in protein ubiquitination

logFC..venom…liver logFC..venom…kidney logFC..venom…heart logCPM F PValue genes description
8.3646454 4.7811018 2.7002562 2.6021429 31.084901 0.0000071 107288965 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM58-like
8.0409669 3.3925949 5.8269741 0.0428539 14.551328 0.0006161 107297039 kelch domain containing 7A
7.9400277 4.6760495 4.3954432 -0.0549506 20.688981 0.0001460 107284441 uncharacterized F-box/LRR-repeat protein C02F5.7-like
7.3138625 -0.9061744 3.4141359 0.6221243 9.441587 0.0030922 107297182 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase LNX-like
6.8140287 3.8371972 2.0610600 2.6066177 7.266850 0.0051044 107289985 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2Q family like 1
5.0369885 1.9631346 1.6699633 1.1895007 5.369078 0.0145441 107293655 suppressor of cytokine signaling 4
3.7269540 -4.5767205 -2.5887685 0.4291040 14.029924 0.0007103 107301535 kelch-like protein 32
1.5945786 0.9417796 0.6051294 3.1005357 6.683029 0.0068724 107287096 RAB guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1
1.3342515 0.4048161 0.9143385 4.6761589 5.760372 0.0114859 107294847 ring finger protein 170
1.2947464 0.6173585 0.8403704 5.3300103 5.209641 0.0159548 107285147 ring finger protein 19A RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
0.9981209 -0.7621204 0.3171382 3.5234431 3.833419 0.0396411 107289376 transmembrane protein 189-like
0.9226886 0.7117577 -2.1827638 0.7435316 3.588497 0.0472697 107286991 HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 4
0.7147498 1.6981680 1.6267634 1.7938924 4.593150 0.0235674 107302922 ubiquitin protein ligase E3D
0.5868552 0.2604948 -0.9026488 0.8325580 3.618610 0.0461278 107282854 kelch like family member 26
0.5530511 0.8065632 -0.6066734 5.5832853 7.207660 0.0052271 107302851 kelch like family member 20
0.4323386 1.3412391 2.1317373 5.0408647 6.817612 0.0064368 107295160 derlin 1
0.2980144 -1.4441268 -0.4737179 4.2153575 3.837614 0.0395234 107295102 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase parkin-like
-0.0249615 -0.0979478 -1.0358763 5.1985226 5.416642 0.0140714 107284258 HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
-0.0755455 0.0371714 2.4130317 4.4017684 5.682127 0.0120791 107283883 VCP interacting membrane selenoprotein
-0.0858456 -0.0591964 -2.3194615 0.3547510 8.624599 0.0026421 107292885 F-box protein 31
-0.3947433 0.7133594 0.4196883 5.9030757 3.738641 0.0422971 107284415 cullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated 1
-1.0288296 -0.1779369 0.4016919 4.6935542 5.583523 0.0127448 107285263 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 4
-1.3397368 -0.2953331 0.1089545 3.1467613 5.600535 0.0126125 107287981 tripartite motif-containing protein 59-like
-1.7638389 -1.6718607 -2.1575242 1.6973388 5.561401 0.0129076 107291662 PAF1 homolog Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component
-1.8948062 -1.1740083 -1.0210258 3.1346732 5.775974 0.0113823 107292976 mediator complex subunit 27
-2.0978354 -1.7374058 0.4503495 4.9919539 24.979176 0.0000212 107294822 makorin ring finger protein 1
-2.2849618 -1.5715568 1.2152586 2.3165080 17.031556 0.0001377 107300623 RING finger and transmembrane domain-containing protein 1-like
## [1] 27  8

On an average most of the DE genes are upregulated in the venom gland

## [1] 1.665769
## [1] 0.4336444
## [1] 0.6749565

Cross tabulated data

Make crosstabulation table from module assignment of orthologs in venom gland from habu and salivary gland from humans.

Pm_gene_sym<-read.csv("./Cross_tabulation/Pm_geneid_symbol.csv") #get gene symbol data

tpmVenom<-tpmVenom  %>% bind_cols(wgcna.results$moduleColors) %>% 
  dplyr::select(gene, moduleColors)
tpmVenom<- tpmVenom %>% filter(gene %in% Pm_gene_sym$gene) %>% arrange(desc(gene))
Pm_gene_sym<-Pm_gene_sym %>% filter(gene %in% tpmVenom$gene) %>% arrange(desc(gene))

Pm_gene_sym<-Pm_gene_sym %>% mutate(mod_cols = tpmVenom$moduleColors)

Hu_data<-read.csv("./Cross_tabulation/ar4081-S1.csv")#Human salivary gland network data

Hu_data<-Hu_data %>% dplyr::select(geneSymbol,moduleColorBasedOnClusterTree) %>% 
  filter(geneSymbol %in% Pm_gene_sym$symbol) %>% 

Pm_gene_sym<-Pm_gene_sym %>% dplyr::filter(symbol %in% Hu_data$geneSymbol) %>% 

Cross_tab_data<-bind_cols(pm_gene = Pm_gene_sym$gene,symbol = Pm_gene_sym$symbol,Pm_col = Pm_gene_sym$mod_cols, Hs_col = Hu_data$moduleColorBasedOnClusterTree)
Cross_tab_data %>% write.csv("./Cross_tab_data.csv")
pm_gene symbol Pm_col Hs_col
107285113 A1CF salmon grey
107285897 A4GNT turquoise green
107291665 AAAS yellow turquoise
107282864 AACS turquoise turquoise
107286026 AADAC purple greenyellow
107286149 AADAT tan green
107283936 AAGAB yellow blue
107283228 AAK1 turquoise lightcyan
107291468 AAMP darkgrey turquoise
107290061 AANAT tan turquoise
107294664 AARS2 blue magenta
107298927 AASDH yellow lightcyan
107294267 AASDHPPT turquoise blue
107293701 AASS turquoise grey
107292546 ABAT red lightcyan
107286307 ABCA1 magenta brown
107290456 ABCA12 blue purple
107297250 ABCA2 brown turquoise
107290318 ABCA3 turquoise turquoise
107299902 ABCA4 blue purple
107283317 ABCB1 turquoise purple
107295106 ABCB10 blue brown
107292781 ABCB11 pink red
107288119 ABCB6 yellow turquoise
107282933 ABCB7 yellow brown
107299601 ABCB8 green turquoise
107285439 ABCB9 red greenyellow
107283988 ABCC1 darkgrey turquoise
107289690 ABCC10 turquoise turquoise
107287743 ABCC2 blue magenta
107293901 ABCC3 blue brown
107295142 ABCC4 blue brown
107302584 ABCC5 yellow green
107299624 ABCC8 turquoise cyan
107286704 ABCD1 turquoise turquoise
107299933 ABCD3 yellow blue
107290495 ABCD4 turquoise turquoise
107286197 ABCE1 lightgreen blue
107300918 ABCF2 salmon green
107294400 ABCF3 salmon turquoise
107295285 ABCG1 green turquoise
107284524 ABCG4 pink black
107286451 ABHD1 green green
107292381 ABHD10 darkred blue
107284713 ABHD11 turquoise cyan
107284090 ABHD12 turquoise yellow
107293429 ABHD12B cyan yellow
107284306 ABHD13 turquoise brown
107291097 ABHD14A grey60 turquoise
107291088 ABHD14B darkturquoise turquoise
107286846 ABHD2 turquoise grey
107293547 ABHD3 brown brown
107287151 ABHD4 yellow turquoise
107294103 ABHD5 lightcyan blue
107287786 ABHD6 pink brown
107282816 ABI1 darkorange blue
107290642 ABI2 turquoise blue
107282619 ABI3 darkorange turquoise
107289693 ABI3BP pink brown
107291344 ABL1 brown turquoise
107283361 ABL2 brown turquoise
107287320 ABLIM1 blue tan
107299968 ABLIM2 red grey
107292467 ABLIM3 blue black
107294510 ABR yellow tan
107300240 ABT1 grey60 turquoise
107302450 ABTB1 yellow turquoise
107287502 ABTB2 blue turquoise
107284371 ACAA1 turquoise turquoise
107284131 ACAA2 yellow blue
107287268 ACACB blue turquoise
107286993 ACAD10 yellow turquoise
107293175 ACAD8 turquoise turquoise
107287868 ACAD9 brown turquoise
107301928 ACADL turquoise blue
107285068 ACADM turquoise blue
107293846 ACADS brown turquoise
107285940 ACADSB turquoise lightcyan
107295343 ACADVL brown turquoise
107299337 ACAP1 blue turquoise
107291706 ACAP2 brown brown
107287531 ACAP3 brown turquoise
107284898 ACAT1 brown blue
107297601 ACAT2 black blue
107291210 ACBD3 brown blue
107286282 ACBD4 lightcyan yellow
107282819 ACBD5 turquoise brown
107283379 ACBD6 brown turquoise
107302594 ACCS green turquoise
107302404 ACE turquoise turquoise
107290068 ACE2 black blue
107298307 ACER3 turquoise brown
107285030 ACHE pink yellow
107294114 ACIN1 orange turquoise
107303043 ACLY darkgrey grey
107284400 ACMSD pink green
107296929 ACO1 black grey
107285421 ACO2 red turquoise
107283027 ACOT11 magenta grey
107286315 ACOT12 black green
107289605 ACOT13 brown blue
107284665 ACOT7 yellow grey60
107298443 ACOT8 turquoise turquoise
107298385 ACOT9 darkred grey
107290782 ACOX1 yellow blue
107296584 ACOX2 yellow turquoise
107300237 ACOX3 turquoise turquoise
107284589 ACP1 brown blue
107289837 ACP2 turquoise turquoise
107285149 ACP5 black magenta
107289025 ACP6 royalblue turquoise
107285797 ACRBP black purple
107283779 ACSF2 brown turquoise
107283518 ACSF3 yellow green
107302669 ACSL1 turquoise blue
107289159 ACSL3 turquoise blue
107286255 ACSL5 brown brown
107289490 ACSL6 blue green
107284049 ACSS1 pink turquoise
107285579 ACSS2 yellow turquoise
107284038 ACSS3 red blue
107295108 ACTA1 red lightgreen
107286753 ACTG1 purple turquoise
107292367 ACTL6A black blue
107285001 ACTL6B brown red
107285621 ACTL7A turquoise turquoise
107285832 ACTN1 black grey
107302624 ACTN3 red greenyellow
107295483 ACTN4 darkgrey turquoise
107302963 ACTR10 black blue
107290840 ACTR1A yellow turquoise
107287969 ACTR1B darkgrey turquoise
107287052 ACTR2 blue brown
107289763 ACTR3 turquoise brown
107303329 ACTR3B red grey
107297687 ACTR5 brown brown
107289400 ACTR6 brown brown
107287679 ACTR8 turquoise grey
107289583 ACVR1 black brown
107291020 ACVR1B blue turquoise
107289585 ACVR1C turquoise grey
107294303 ACVR2A turquoise blue
107303318 ACVR2B green blue
107290871 ACVRL1 blue turquoise
107291116 ACY1 turquoise turquoise
107293628 ACY3 blue black
107293073 ACYP1 pink brown
107285497 ACYP2 red blue
107300443 ADA blue magenta
107283357 ADAD1 green greenyellow
107293002 ADAL blue yellow
107283154 ADAM10 blue brown
107302419 ADAM11 blue yellow
107288829 ADAM12 black brown
107295813 ADAM17 purple brown
107302949 ADAM19 blue magenta
107283303 ADAM22 black greenyellow
107289260 ADAM23 blue yellow
107299788 ADAM9 yellow blue
107286723 ADAMTS1 brown blue
107282188 ADAMTS10 blue turquoise
107288401 ADAMTS12 blue grey
107289308 ADAMTS15 blue salmon
107287638 ADAMTS16 blue black
107283870 ADAMTS17 midnightblue yellow
107286398 ADAMTS18 greenyellow blue
107286826 ADAMTS19 blue cyan
107285860 ADAMTS2 blue greenyellow
107291823 ADAMTS3 blue purple
107299416 ADAMTS4 blue black
107286724 ADAMTS5 black blue
107284582 ADAMTS6 magenta brown
107283904 ADAMTS7 black black
107289309 ADAMTS8 magenta black
107296518 ADAMTS9 blue brown
107291025 ADAMTSL2 yellow red
107291892 ADAP1 turquoise green
107285169 ADAR yellow magenta
107284292 ADARB1 turquoise brown
107283567 ADARB2 red turquoise
107283504 ADAT1 brown lightcyan
107286873 ADAT2 purple brown
107291314 ADAT3 blue purple
107284550 ADCK1 blue grey
107288604 ADCK2 pink turquoise
107297503 ADCK5 darkgreen tan
107287848 ADCY1 pink yellow
107297625 ADCY2 brown blue
107284867 ADCY3 blue salmon
107286594 ADCY4 blue tan
107290046 ADCY7 blue brown
107289979 ADCY8 turquoise green
107283963 ADCY9 darkgrey turquoise
107285299 ADCYAP1 green black
107296618 ADD1 yellow tan
107283283 ADD2 turquoise turquoise
107289999 ADD3 blue brown
107295111 ADHFE1 turquoise grey
107294090 ADI1 turquoise grey
107296822 ADIPOQ red turquoise
107294506 ADIPOR2 turquoise grey
107287902 ADK turquoise blue
107293505 ADM turquoise turquoise
107289384 ADNP brown brown
107297552 ADNP2 magenta brown
107297693 ADPGK turquoise magenta
107289021 ADPRH royalblue brown
107290441 ADPRHL1 red turquoise
107295002 ADRA1A red turquoise
107289372 ADRA2A midnightblue brown
107283459 ADRA2B brown purple
107287322 ADRB1 blue grey
107296755 ADRB3 turquoise green
107299213 ADRM1 yellow turquoise
107285406 ADSL purple grey
107286238 AEBP1 blue grey60
107290478 AEBP2 brown blue
107284465 AFAP1 blue purple
107292466 AFAP1L1 blue brown
107287321 AFAP1L2 midnightblue blue
107293599 AFF1 yellow lightcyan
107291667 AFF2 green brown
107298306 AFF4 turquoise blue
107288167 AFG3L2 brown grey
107284249 AFTPH turquoise turquoise
107285704 AGA pink blue
107291498 AGAP2 royalblue turquoise
107297807 AGAP3 turquoise yellow
107284150 AGBL1 red red
107286767 AGBL2 green brown
107286143 AGBL3 green blue
107284474 AGBL4 pink yellow
107286459 AGBL5 yellow turquoise
107287762 AGFG1 purple blue
107284600 AGGF1 tan green
107290163 AGK blue lightcyan
107290193 AGL red blue
107291359 AGMAT red pink
107296716 AGPAT1 brown green
107295289 AGPAT2 salmon turquoise
107293443 AGPAT3 red turquoise
107295101 AGPAT4 green brown
107286583 AGPS turquoise blue
107282963 AGR2 pink grey
107282964 AGR3 magenta greenyellow
107298562 AGRN yellow turquoise
107284178 AGRP black red
107289721 AGTPBP1 turquoise brown
107284836 AGTR1 red blue
107303217 AGTR2 blue green
107294168 AGTRAP white tan
107285526 AGXT brown purple
107296961 AGXT2 black grey
107302480 AHCTF1 yellow blue
107288389 AHCY red turquoise
107286259 AHCYL1 turquoise tan
107286751 AHDC1 red midnightblue
107285627 AHI1 pink blue
107282951 AHR darkorange magenta
107284551 AHSA1 brown tan
107288413 AICDA magenta brown
107302771 AIDA turquoise brown
107291351 AIF1L turquoise turquoise
107291569 AIFM1 brown grey
107285433 AIFM2 purple midnightblue
107286868 AIG1 brown blue
107303303 AIMP1 brown brown
107291744 AIMP2 turquoise turquoise
107286765 AIP yellow turquoise
107291564 AIPL1 cyan purple
107283739 AK2 lightgreen turquoise
107291614 AK3 purple grey
107295815 AK5 red blue
107294511 AK7 green grey
107297795 AKAP10 yellow magenta
107283187 AKAP11 blue brown
107292689 AKAP12 black blue
107284149 AKAP13 turquoise salmon
107302750 AKAP14 green yellow
107284944 AKAP6 red midnightblue
107301416 AKAP8 turquoise brown
107301427 AKAP8L brown salmon
107286841 AKAP9 lightcyan lightcyan
107284742 AKIRIN2 grey60 brown
107294726 AKNAD1 magenta greenyellow
107283429 AKR1A1 turquoise turquoise
107291327 AKR1D1 tan black
107302433 AKT1 yellow turquoise
107285678 AKT2 brown turquoise
107292994 AKT3 brown brown
107289913 AKTIP turquoise brown
107302537 ALAD turquoise grey
107299847 ALAS1 midnightblue turquoise
107286555 ALAS2 turquoise black
107287382 ALCAM yellow blue
107282492 ALDH16A1 turquoise magenta
107287724 ALDH18A1 turquoise turquoise
107288134 ALDH1A1 magenta blue
107283177 ALDH1A2 yellow pink
107283882 ALDH1A3 midnightblue grey
107286673 ALDH1L2 midnightblue blue
107286957 ALDH2 lightgreen turquoise
107298857 ALDH4A1 yellow yellow
107289602 ALDH5A1 turquoise brown
107290492 ALDH6A1 turquoise grey
107283290 ALDH7A1 turquoise grey
107285654 ALDH8A1 pink greenyellow
107301157 ALDH9A1 turquoise blue
107298174 ALDOB brown yellow
107295340 ALG1 lightgreen grey
107289329 ALG12 turquoise green
107289818 ALG13 lightgreen brown
107299996 ALG14 turquoise blue
107291673 ALG2 turquoise blue
107294401 ALG3 brown turquoise
107298192 ALG5 turquoise grey
107287074 ALG6 turquoise brown
107297263 ALG8 turquoise grey
107284542 ALKBH1 salmon turquoise
107287267 ALKBH2 brown turquoise
107289669 ALKBH3 yellow blue
107297547 ALKBH4 turquoise turquoise
107289149 ALKBH5 darkgrey turquoise
107291978 ALKBH6 turquoise turquoise
107298055 ALKBH7 green turquoise
107297397 ALKBH8 blue brown
107292379 ALOX5 darkturquoise magenta
107286801 ALOX5AP darkturquoise magenta
107286687 ALPK1 yellow salmon
107298053 ALPL blue turquoise
107294762 ALS2 turquoise blue
107286000 ALS2CL yellow turquoise
107302596 ALX4 black greenyellow
107288407 AMACR turquoise yellow
107286295 AMBN midnightblue pink
107287167 AMD1 turquoise blue
107284568 AMDHD1 blue brown
107292224 AMDHD2 yellow grey60
107296064 AMFR turquoise tan
107287316 AMIGO1 red turquoise
107290567 AMIGO2 blue brown
107288679 AMIGO3 blue turquoise
107287668 AMMECR1L brown brown
107287184 AMN green midnightblue
107287190 AMN1 green brown
107284625 AMOT yellow greenyellow
107294582 AMOTL1 blue grey
107287134 AMOTL2 turquoise yellow
107284051 AMPD1 red red
107292613 AMPD2 yellow red
107292138 AMPD3 yellow brown
107288677 AMT turquoise turquoise
107290632 AMZ1 blue red
107282572 AMZ2 green blue
107291896 ANAPC1 turquoise lightcyan
107286198 ANAPC10 brown blue
107295824 ANAPC11 darkred turquoise
107287133 ANAPC13 red blue
107288089 ANAPC16 purple lightcyan
107302520 ANAPC2 brown grey
107297773 ANAPC4 yellow brown
107287010 ANAPC5 yellow tan
107285451 ANAPC7 yellow tan
107285968 ANGEL1 turquoise grey
107287433 ANGEL2 green brown
107290751 ANGPT1 brown blue
107288547 ANGPT2 black brown
107283369 ANGPTL1 turquoise blue
107293698 ANGPTL2 blue green
107287072 ANGPTL3 brown pink
107286690 ANK2 turquoise brown
107290664 ANK3 turquoise blue
107288385 ANKAR tan purple
107290296 ANKDD1A blue blue
107288591 ANKFN1 greenyellow salmon
107292006 ANKFY1 yellow brown
107284878 ANKH turquoise turquoise
107282806 ANKIB1 turquoise blue
107301132 ANKLE1 tan yellow
107295448 ANKLE2 turquoise blue
107288150 ANKMY1 green turquoise
107282960 ANKMY2 darkorange lightcyan
107290538 ANKRA2 darkred brown
107296610 ANKRD1 red grey
107283851 ANKRD10 darkred brown
107283517 ANKRD11 orange tan
107285983 ANKRD12 brown brown
107287305 ANKRD13A turquoise lightcyan
107296934 ANKRD13C brown blue
107296659 ANKRD13D brown tan
107302389 ANKRD17 lightcyan grey
107295217 ANKRD2 orange grey
107302733 ANKRD22 magenta brown
107291108 ANKRD27 turquoise blue
107282911 ANKRD28 lightcyan lightcyan
107292496 ANKRD29 blue brown
107302665 ANKRD37 green lightgreen
107287967 ANKRD39 brown turquoise
107293899 ANKRD40 lightcyan salmon
107284913 ANKRD44 blue magenta
107302852 ANKRD45 green red
107285210 ANKRD46 brown blue
107297681 ANKRD49 turquoise lightcyan
107283561 ANKRD50 yellow blue
107290851 ANKRD52 yellow yellow
107288628 ANKRD54 turquoise turquoise
107292309 ANKRD55 midnightblue black
107288734 ANKRD6 greenyellow blue
107298925 ANKRD9 red turquoise
107290392 ANKS3 yellow turquoise
107291828 ANKS6 darkred grey
107288111 ANKZF1 red tan
107283807 ANLN cyan brown
107301342 ANO1 blue turquoise
107294086 ANO10 lightcyan turquoise
107293853 ANO3 turquoise greenyellow
107289406 ANO4 green pink
107294093 ANO5 yellow blue
107289844 ANO7 turquoise lightgreen
107282169 ANO8 red turquoise
107291104 ANO9 yellow magenta
107283919 ANP32A red brown
107289929 ANP32E purple brown
107283923 ANPEP turquoise turquoise
107283226 ANTXR1 black brown
107303164 ANTXR2 blue brown
107298130 ANXA1 magenta grey
107297765 ANXA11 blue grey60
107283146 ANXA2 blue tan
107303162 ANXA3 blue blue
107283252 ANXA4 blue grey
107296598 ANXA5 darkred grey
107294936 ANXA6 red magenta
107295626 ANXA7 darkred brown
107283808 AOAH white magenta
107291766 AOX1 pink brown
107286688 AP1AR brown blue
107288783 AP1B1 darkgrey red
107283529 AP1G1 yellow grey
107293105 AP1G2 turquoise turquoise
107282208 AP1M1 turquoise grey60
107291621 AP1M2 green turquoise
107285054 AP1S1 brown turquoise
107296335 AP1S2 red brown
107290158 AP1S3 green brown
107282414 AP2A1 turquoise salmon
107292167 AP2A2 yellow turquoise
107288934 AP2B1 yellow tan
107291412 AP2M1 yellow tan
107291944 AP2S1 turquoise tan
107284602 AP3B1 black blue
107289654 AP3B2 turquoise red
107282258 AP3D1 darkgrey tan
107287899 AP3M1 darkgrey blue
107287971 AP3M2 turquoise brown
107290892 AP3S1 turquoise blue
107299884 AP4B1 blue magenta
107288672 AP4E1 turquoise brown
107296116 AP4M1 brown turquoise
107287622 AP4S1 saddlebrown blue
107290550 APAF1 yellow brown
107294423 APBA1 yellow grey
107282838 APBB1IP white magenta
107298932 APBB2 turquoise brown
107284139 APBB3 green turquoise
107293244 APC turquoise brown
107285977 APCDD1 black turquoise
107302917 APCDD1L magenta red
107292315 APEX1 turquoise turquoise
107286572 APEX2 yellow grey60
107289943 APH1A yellow turquoise
107289666 API5 yellow blue
107289613 APIP turquoise blue
107283149 APLF purple blue
107289073 APLNR turquoise grey
107288349 APLP1 pink turquoise
107291716 APLP2 black grey
107284791 APOA1 blue red
107287060 APOBEC2 red grey
107285829 APOH pink grey
107288991 APOLD1 brown blue
107298412 APOO green greenyellow
107296187 APOOL pink lightcyan
107292284 APP blue blue
107298172 APPBP2 turquoise blue
107297188 APPL1 red blue
107286672 APPL2 turquoise blue
107283514 APRT lightgreen turquoise
107285612 APTX turquoise red
107284354 AQP1 red turquoise
107297923 AQP11 pink yellow
107292786 AQP2 blue grey
107290364 AQP4 red blue
107292790 AQP5 turquoise turquoise
107283176 AQP9 green midnightblue
107285395 AQR yellow brown
107284620 AR green blue
107297295 ARAF yellow turquoise
107299164 ARAP3 blue turquoise
107298495 ARC midnightblue grey
107284802 ARCN1 turquoise grey
107302391 AREG darkorange blue
107285995 ARF1 turquoise turquoise
107298590 ARF3 darkgrey turquoise
107298229 ARF6 turquoise brown
107288171 ARFGAP1 salmon tan
107289831 ARFGAP2 yellow turquoise
107294296 ARFGAP3 turquoise grey
107297311 ARFGEF1 salmon lightcyan
107293640 ARFGEF2 turquoise blue
107296325 ARFIP1 brown blue
107288667 ARFIP2 turquoise turquoise
107294814 ARFRP1 tan turquoise
107285839 ARG2 turquoise grey
107283855 ARGLU1 skyblue tan
107294862 ARHGAP1 yellow turquoise
107287891 ARHGAP10 blue grey
107287239 ARHGAP11A cyan brown
107282832 ARHGAP12 turquoise yellow
107285937 ARHGAP15 darkturquoise brown
107299310 ARHGAP17 grey60 magenta
107288963 ARHGAP18 blue lightcyan
107294237 ARHGAP19 cyan grey
107282812 ARHGAP21 lightcyan blue
107293945 ARHGAP22 yellow yellow
107282641 ARHGAP23 lightcyan turquoise
107303181 ARHGAP24 midnightblue lightcyan
107283399 ARHGAP25 blue magenta
107301284 ARHGAP26 turquoise brown
107286408 ARHGAP27 green tan
107285989 ARHGAP28 midnightblue blue
107299922 ARHGAP29 blue blue
107295514 ARHGAP30 white magenta
107290313 ARHGAP31 blue magenta
107292248 ARHGAP32 black salmon
107288022 ARHGAP33 royalblue grey
107284236 ARHGAP4 blue magenta
107284943 ARHGAP5 brown blue
107288403 ARHGAP6 greenyellow blue
107294772 ARHGAP8 yellow turquoise
107293467 ARHGAP9 white magenta
107295826 ARHGDIA yellow turquoise
107286134 ARHGDIB darkturquoise brown
107289707 ARHGEF1 yellow salmon
107291749 ARHGEF10 blue grey
107296460 ARHGEF10L magenta turquoise
107285540 ARHGEF12 turquoise blue
107290020 ARHGEF16 turquoise turquoise
107282221 ARHGEF18 turquoise tan
107296494 ARHGEF3 blue brown
107289704 ARHGEF4 midnightblue turquoise
107303263 ARHGEF6 blue brown
107283850 ARHGEF7 brown tan
107282936 ARHGEF9 black blue
107289900 ARID1A turquoise brown
107292145 ARID1B yellow grey
107288301 ARID2 blue blue
107282241 ARID3A turquoise greenyellow
107291923 ARID3B green turquoise
107292187 ARID4A pink blue
107288316 ARID4B brown brown
107283492 ARID5A purple red
107293181 ARID5B black brown
107297692 ARIH1 grey60 blue
107292777 ARIH2 turquoise tan
107291873 ARL1 salmon blue
107292446 ARL10 turquoise cyan
107293216 ARL13B pink blue
107302701 ARL14 turquoise greenyellow
107293716 ARL15 turquoise blue
107294892 ARL16 green turquoise
107296003 ARL2 purple turquoise
107293767 ARL2BP green grey
107290844 ARL3 green grey
107283861 ARL4A turquoise blue
107294938 ARL4C yellow magenta
107285929 ARL4D darkorange turquoise
107286063 ARL5A lightgreen grey
107282440 ARL5C blue turquoise
107302764 ARL6 green greenyellow
107297071 ARL6IP1 purple lightcyan
107285454 ARL6IP4 brown turquoise
107302646 ARL6IP5 grey60 brown
107291322 ARL6IP6 turquoise brown
107289529 ARL8A turquoise turquoise
107298917 ARL8B purple lightcyan
107285632 ARL9 darkgreen green
107288948 ARMC1 turquoise brown
107303267 ARMC10 turquoise blue
107292240 ARMC2 green brown
107283637 ARMC3 green lightgreen
107282823 ARMC4 green yellow
107299379 ARMC5 yellow turquoise
107282888 ARMC6 turquoise turquoise
107286648 ARMC7 turquoise turquoise
107285527 ARMC8 turquoise brown
107290404 ARMC9 green midnightblue
107292913 ARNT turquoise pink
107286864 ARNT2 black brown
107291094 ARNTL blue brown
107299820 ARPC1B lightgreen magenta
107291465 ARPC2 blue brown
107285466 ARPC3 orange brown
107298182 ARPC4 green turquoise
107284983 ARPC5 darkred brown
107296783 ARPC5L orange magenta
107294481 ARPP19 green blue
107293558 ARPP21 red green
107291217 ARR3 midnightblue grey
107287033 ARRB1 darkred turquoise
107285049 ARRB2 turquoise green
107301137 ARRDC1 turquoise turquoise
107282220 ARRDC2 red turquoise
107294755 ARRDC3 blue brown
107298546 ARSA black tan
107287875 ARSB purple red
107282575 ARSG turquoise turquoise
107293911 ARSI midnightblue grey
107286694 ARSJ turquoise blue
107302783 ARSK magenta turquoise
107298418 ART1 red lightgreen
107283407 ARTN blue grey
107290178 ARV1 pink blue
107294357 ARVCF blue turquoise
107301677 ASAH1 black blue
107283856 ASAP1 blue brown
107287630 ASAP2 turquoise blue
107302985 ASAP3 turquoise turquoise
107282930 ASB12 red lightgreen
107297187 ASB14 red lightgreen
107293120 ASB15 red yellow
107303047 ASB16 red yellow
107287215 ASB2 red grey60
107285493 ASB3 pink turquoise
107283649 ASB4 red pink
107285708 ASB5 red blue
107293517 ASB6 yellow turquoise
107283881 ASB7 brown brown
107288526 ASB8 red turquoise
107290063 ASB9 tan red
107288090 ASCC1 brown blue
107288786 ASCC2 darkgrey turquoise
107289278 ASCC3 brown blue
107294009 ASCL2 black turquoise
107298822 ASCL3 turquoise red
107299768 ASF1A brown blue
107291154 ASF1B pink black
107299300 ASGR1 red greenyellow
107297020 ASH1L skyblue tan
107296752 ASH2L yellow grey
107288395 ASIP black purple
107287143 ASL red turquoise
107289683 ASMTL darkred turquoise
107283656 ASNS turquoise grey
107296942 ASPA blue blue
107282369 ASPDH green grey
107289884 ASPG black red
107287308 ASPHD2 turquoise salmon
107292521 ASPM cyan brown
107293190 ASPN black brown
107296181 ASPSCR1 salmon midnightblue
107288127 ASRGL1 turquoise grey
107286064 ASTE1 darkorange brown
107289719 ASTN1 blue grey
107288775 ASTN2 turquoise green
107298441 ASXL1 pink black
107293371 ASXL2 turquoise grey
107285374 ASZ1 turquoise yellow
107285110 ATAD1 turquoise blue
107295154 ATAD2 turquoise brown
107293406 ATAD2B turquoise brown
107287536 ATAD3A salmon turquoise
107294651 ATAD5 royalblue red
107295873 ATCAY black grey
107288609 ATE1 purple blue
107302709 ATF1 turquoise blue
107301365 ATF2 turquoise blue
107287443 ATF3 royalblue grey
107288132 ATF4 turquoise turquoise
107302856 ATF6 turquoise blue
107303078 ATF7 turquoise blue
107302978 ATF7IP turquoise salmon
107290902 ATG12 pink grey
107285517 ATG16L1 blue grey
107287032 ATG16L2 green tan
107298964 ATG2A brown green
107294532 ATG2B turquoise grey
107287395 ATG3 grey60 brown
107303190 ATG4A turquoise blue
107295167 ATG4B blue turquoise
107291618 ATG4D turquoise turquoise
107293253 ATG5 brown blue
107288238 ATG7 yellow grey
107288110 ATG9A yellow turquoise
107292555 ATIC purple brown
107293426 ATL1 black blue
107284021 ATL2 red blue
107293663 ATL3 yellow blue
107284835 ATM greenyellow tan
107288196 ATMIN purple blue
107285776 ATN1 yellow grey
107288093 ATOH7 blue red
107283195 ATOH8 green turquoise
107293201 ATOX1 black grey
107286893 ATP10B turquoise grey
107284644 ATP10D green brown
107303231 ATP11C turquoise blue
107286485 ATP12A blue black
107287229 ATP13A1 turquoise tan
107297000 ATP13A2 turquoise tan
107291704 ATP13A3 turquoise brown
107299367 ATP13A4 turquoise grey
107289344 ATP1A1 black turquoise
107299011 ATP1A3 blue black
107287477 ATP1B1 purple grey
107299048 ATP1B2 blue turquoise
107292033 ATP1B3 black brown
107302749 ATP1B4 red black
107282510 ATP2A1 red pink
107283119 ATP2B1 turquoise brown
107286722 ATP2B3 magenta lightgreen
107302988 ATP2B4 blue brown
107286062 ATP2C1 lightcyan blue
107282697 ATP2C2 turquoise midnightblue
107292625 ATP4A green red
107290450 ATP4B greenyellow green
107286697 ATP6AP1 turquoise turquoise
107303336 ATP6AP1L blue grey
107286523 ATP6AP2 brown brown
107282653 ATP6V0A1 lightcyan red
107285456 ATP6V0A2 turquoise blue
107291333 ATP6V0A4 turquoise turquoise
107283442 ATP6V0B brown turquoise
107292229 ATP6V0C turquoise red
107284169 ATP6V0D1 yellow turquoise
107284959 ATP6V0D2 turquoise green
107289861 ATP6V0E1 brown grey
107284113 ATP6V1A turquoise blue
107297460 ATP6V1B2 turquoise grey
107287824 ATP6V1C1 darkred brown
107294778 ATP6V1C2 turquoise turquoise
107285844 ATP6V1D brown blue
107292280 ATP6V1E1 orange grey
107298382 ATP6V1F green turquoise
107294125 ATP6V1G1 darkred grey
107298254 ATP6V1G2 purple grey
107287604 ATP6V1G3 turquoise pink
107291185 ATP6V1H brown grey
107284624 ATP7A yellow yellow
107297900 ATP8A1 brown brown
107288419 ATP8A2 blue salmon
107285591 ATP8B1 turquoise blue
107285207 ATP8B2 black yellow
107282183 ATP8B3 blue brown
107286072 ATP9A turquoise grey
107287410 ATP9B tan turquoise
107284489 ATPAF1 purple grey
107289137 ATPAF2 brown turquoise
107292039 ATR blue lightcyan
107293194 ATRIP blue turquoise
107298939 ATRN turquoise greenyellow
107287318 ATRNL1 turquoise blue
107284622 ATRX grey60 blue
107286333 ATXN1 yellow blue
107287014 ATXN10 brown lightcyan
107283500 ATXN1L brown grey
107286995 ATXN2 orange cyan
107282462 ATXN2L saddlebrown pink
107297374 ATXN3 yellow blue
107290512 ATXN7 darkred salmon
107285480 ATXN7L1 black salmon
107287292 ATXN7L2 yellow grey
107303050 ATXN7L3 blue cyan
107297055 AUH turquoise blue
107292504 AUP1 brown turquoise
107296945 AURKA cyan brown
107287540 AURKAIP1 lightgreen turquoise
107300299 AUTS2 blue tan
107296410 AVEN purple turquoise
107291622 AVIL tan salmon
107283794 AVL9 turquoise lightcyan
107295220 AVPI1 grey60 turquoise
107288332 AXIN2 black red
107295267 AXL yellow tan
107283766 AZI2 darkorange blue
107287822 AZIN1 purple blue
107294069 B2M royalblue brown
107288312 B3GALNT2 purple grey
107287847 B3GALT1 purple purple
107289821 B3GALT2 orange red
107298347 B3GALT6 turquoise turquoise
107292413 B3GAT3 yellow turquoise
107284337 B3GNT2 brown brown
107296837 B3GNT3 darkred turquoise
107290405 B3GNT7 turquoise turquoise
107295262 B3GNT8 turquoise black
107293780 B3GNT9 blue turquoise
107282433 B3GNTL1 turquoise blue
107294728 B4GALNT1 yellow green
107282587 B4GALNT2 green yellow
107285910 B4GALNT3 brown turquoise
107291100 B4GALNT4 green greenyellow
107285615 B4GALT1 salmon turquoise
107283468 B4GALT2 black greenyellow
107300024 B4GALT3 yellow turquoise
107287653 B4GALT4 tan red
107290823 B4GALT5 blue grey
107294701 B4GALT7 brown green
107289155 B9D1 pink turquoise
107295273 B9D2 turquoise turquoise
107297646 BAALC red green
107284814 BACE1 yellow grey
107288321 BACE2 brown turquoise
107290511 BACH1 brown blue
107288740 BACH2 royalblue brown
107299065 BAD turquoise turquoise
107289430 BAG1 saddlebrown grey
107295497 BAG2 turquoise salmon
107288595 BAG3 turquoise turquoise
107295401 BAG4 turquoise blue
107285084 BAG5 yellow grey
107286745 BAHCC1 greenyellow red
107286217 BAHD1 blue grey
107286708 BAIAP2 blue black
107291730 BAIAP2L1 pink grey
107288640 BAIAP2L2 magenta turquoise
107287068 BAK1 blue grey60
107282840 BAMBI midnightblue grey
107293811 BANF1 brown turquoise
107298852 BANK1 magenta brown
107292895 BANP darkgrey brown
107291052 BAP1 yellow turquoise
107296717 BARD1 turquoise brown
107285551 BARX1 green grey
107284880 BASP1 magenta magenta
107285964 BATF white grey60
107287442 BATF3 royalblue grey60
107290219 BAZ1A purple brown
107284712 BAZ1B turquoise grey
107290963 BAZ2A turquoise turquoise
107286370 BAZ2B black blue
107286943 BBOX1 yellow grey
107297108 BBS1 green turquoise
107295854 BBS10 green blue
107283524 BBS12 blue brown
107296066 BBS2 green blue
107297690 BBS4 cyan cyan
107297958 BBS5 pink pink
107296601 BBS7 pink brown
107283781 BBS9 green blue
107293887 BBX black blue
107298036 BCAM blue turquoise
107298718 BCAP29 purple blue
107286705 BCAP31 turquoise turquoise
107287376 BCAR1 purple turquoise
107295735 BCAR3 red grey
107287089 BCAS1 red green
107284048 BCAS2 brown blue
107289383 BCAS4 brown grey
107297797 BCAT1 brown blue
107282485 BCAT2 turquoise turquoise
107288925 BCCIP turquoise blue
107292788 BCDIN3D black blue
107292518 BCHE red green
107295271 BCKDHA turquoise turquoise
107288223 BCKDHB turquoise blue
107294318 BCKDK yellow turquoise
107285244 BCL10 pink brown
107284450 BCL11A blue grey
107283580 BCL2 pink brown
107286857 BCL2A1 green brown
107294476 BCL2L10 turquoise grey
107291880 BCL2L11 blue magenta
107282375 BCL2L12 darkorange tan
107292279 BCL2L13 turquoise turquoise
107286277 BCL2L14 royalblue brown
107299866 BCL2L15 pink yellow
107298037 BCL3 black turquoise
107298086 BCL6 turquoise grey
107287003 BCL7A brown grey
107284710 BCL7B turquoise turquoise
107289024 BCL9 yellow grey
107284817 BCL9L tan turquoise
107282247 BCLAF1 purple lightcyan
107284512 BCO2 midnightblue pink
107286526 BCOR yellow brown
107291590 BCORL1 brown turquoise
107294184 BCR yellow turquoise
107291708 BDH1 salmon turquoise
107299079 BDH2 brown lightcyan
107294490 BDKRB2 magenta grey
107286944 BDNF blue green
107289756 BDP1 brown brown
107285915 BECN1 lightcyan grey
107291297 BEGAIN midnightblue grey
107288290 BEND3 blue turquoise
107284492 BEND5 darkred brown
107297066 BEND7 brown grey
107286894 BEST2 blue purple
107283835 BEST3 red grey
107283462 BEST4 salmon cyan
107283644 BET1 turquoise blue
107294372 BET1L grey60 turquoise
107283984 BFAR turquoise salmon
107283075 BFSP1 greenyellow grey
107293493 BFSP2 greenyellow red
107297414 BGLAP midnightblue turquoise
107286709 BGN black salmon
107293432 BHLHE40 darkred grey
107299830 BICC1 blue greenyellow
107287193 BICD1 pink pink
107294838 BICD2 blue brown
107292278 BID darkturquoise brown
107302076 BIN1 red grey60
107292105 BIN2 white magenta
107289238 BIN3 magenta tan
107290052 BIRC5 cyan brown
107287473 BIRC6 brown brown
107293860 BIVM turquoise blue
107287250 BLCAP brown turquoise
107289318 BLK cyan salmon
107283943 BLM cyan grey
107298999 BLMH turquoise grey
107283000 BLNK blue brown
107294925 BLOC1S1 brown turquoise
107285096 BLOC1S2 turquoise brown
107291287 BLOC1S3 brown turquoise
107285970 BLVRA salmon grey
107285666 BLVRB yellow turquoise
107287456 BLZF1 turquoise blue
107290819 BMF blue black
107283632 BMI1 turquoise brown
107289251 BMP1 black turquoise
107285368 BMP2 black brown
107303153 BMP2K brown brown
107303156 BMP3 turquoise midnightblue
107293299 BMP4 midnightblue turquoise
107290943 BMP5 midnightblue cyan
107282995 BMP6 brown green
107294610 BMP7 midnightblue green
107283699 BMP8A blue red
107283801 BMPER turquoise yellow
107295501 BMPR1A brown blue
107294782 BMPR1B blue pink
107290699 BMPR2 blue blue
107297763 BMS1 yellow brown
107302558 BNC1 blue purple
107288126 BNC2 red salmon
107289845 BNIP1 turquoise purple
107283145 BNIP2 red brown
107284336 BNIP3 magenta blue
107295003 BNIP3L black blue
107292910 BNIPL pink grey
107292244 BOC blue turquoise
107289820 BOD1 brown blue
107295202 BOK black yellow
107289936 BOLA1 salmon green
107283281 BOLA3 brown grey
107284900 BOLL greenyellow yellow
107294354 BPGM turquoise blue
107285976 BPHL blue green
107292296 BPNT1 turquoise blue
107284847 BPTF brown tan
107288626 BRAF turquoise grey
107286994 BRAP brown brown
107285925 BRCA1 green brown
107286819 BRCA2 royalblue brown
107295413 BRCC3 brown blue
107289327 BRD1 tan grey
107297640 BRD2 brown tan
107291023 BRD3 brown brown
107301404 BRD4 yellow tan
107290067 BRD7 brown grey
107294704 BRD8 brown grey
107294271 BRF1 turquoise pink
107296747 BRF2 yellow turquoise
107291734 BRI3 purple turquoise
107282797 BRI3BP brown brown
107297891 BRIP1 cyan green
107296958 BRIX1 salmon brown
107302636 BRMS1 turquoise turquoise
107284888 BRMS1L blue blue
107290928 BRPF1 turquoise tan
107284532 BRPF3 blue turquoise
107303225 BRS3 darkred purple
107285603 BRWD1 turquoise blue
107289955 BRWD3 brown grey
107292422 BSCL2 yellow turquoise
107283695 BSDC1 turquoise turquoise
107296111 BSG yellow turquoise
107286637 BSND turquoise black
107282978 BTAF1 brown brown
107291086 BTBD10 salmon brown
107284731 BTBD11 darkturquoise cyan
107288611 BTBD16 greenyellow lightgreen
107283416 BTBD19 pink lightgreen
107282302 BTBD2 yellow red
107293293 BTBD3 turquoise blue
107294272 BTBD6 blue turquoise
107287213 BTBD7 turquoise blue
107292001 BTBD9 darkgreen purple
107302420 BTC turquoise red
107282909 BTD turquoise grey
107290539 BTF3 lightgreen blue
107283054 BTF3L4 purple lightcyan
107284762 BTG1 darkred brown
107293966 BTG2 salmon lightgreen
107284511 BTG4 pink black
107291582 BTK darkturquoise magenta
107290136 BTLA darkturquoise brown
107285262 BTRC yellow blue
107290416 BUB1 cyan brown
107290815 BUB1B cyan brown
107285939 BUB3 purple brown
107284763 BUD13 brown grey
107298694 BUD31 orange grey
107284182 BVES red grey
107293965 BYSL turquoise yellow
107291763 BZW1 brown brown
107282961 BZW2 darkorange brown
107283098 C1D purple blue
107283657 C1GALT1 salmon blue
107302753 C1GALT1C1 turquoise blue
107284661 C1QA green magenta
107284659 C1QB darkturquoise magenta
107296911 C1QBP purple turquoise
107284660 C1QC white red
107286279 C1QL1 lightcyan green
107292202 C1QTNF1 blue turquoise
107286898 C1QTNF2 magenta turquoise
107288408 C1QTNF3 greenyellow grey
107292931 C1QTNF4 black green
107302848 C1QTNF6 midnightblue lightgreen
107289322 C1QTNF7 blue green
107285781 C1R green magenta
107285780 C1S darkturquoise magenta
107293433 C2CD2 brown cyan
107284768 C2CD2L salmon turquoise
107287035 C2CD3 pink grey
107297428 C3AR1 green brown
107298669 C5 magenta blue
107285685 C5AR1 darkturquoise midnightblue
107291130 C6 green grey
107291124 C7 turquoise brown
107286641 C8A greenyellow black
107286642 C8B blue black
107290673 C9orf72 red blue
107288842 CA10 blue yellow
107283168 CA12 blue turquoise
107289928 CA14 red grey
107294436 CA2 grey60 grey
107292887 CA5A turquoise green
107292344 CA6 midnightblue grey
107288903 CA7 turquoise salmon
107284329 CA8 brown blue
107287337 CA9 brown grey
107296821 CAB39 brown brown
107291836 CABIN1 brown turquoise
107291204 CABLES1 turquoise turquoise
107282554 CABP5 lightcyan yellow
107293718 CABYR green greenyellow
107294337 CACHD1 blue grey
107286895 CACNA1A magenta blue
107288329 CACNA1C blue cyan
107287678 CACNA1D greenyellow greenyellow
107284993 CACNA1E magenta red
107284195 CACNA1F pink grey
107284096 CACNA1G blue turquoise
107288138 CACNA1I red green
107289042 CACNA1S red grey
107288727 CACNA2D2 black turquoise
107289410 CACNA2D3 black greenyellow
107294503 CACNA2D4 greenyellow pink
107303060 CACNB1 red turquoise
107286931 CACNB2 darkorange grey
107285719 CACNB3 blue turquoise
107288347 CACNG1 red red
107302730 CACNG2 greenyellow cyan
107288348 CACNG4 red turquoise
107302842 CACYBP orange blue
107286448 CAD salmon tan
107284761 CADM1 red blue
107290044 CADM2 red green
107295700 CADM4 midnightblue turquoise
107293080 CADPS2 tan blue
107285747 CALB1 turquoise black
107295762 CALCOCO1 yellow turquoise
107282623 CALCOCO2 lightcyan grey
107283675 CALCR red pink
107292018 CALD1 blue brown
107284679 CALHM1 greenyellow grey
107284691 CALHM2 tan grey60
107284678 CALHM3 blue greenyellow
107292392 CALM1 darkred blue
107287851 CALM2 green blue
107291942 CALM3 grey60 grey
107290686 CALML6 red green
107298178 CALN1 darkgreen red
107285132 CALR turquoise turquoise
107282162 CALR3 blue grey
107296490 CALU brown grey
107298180 CAMK1 turquoise greenyellow
107290605 CAMK1G black pink
107286231 CAMK2B red grey
107286689 CAMK2D turquoise brown
107291371 CAMK2N1 purple grey
107286967 CAMKK2 turquoise salmon
107294995 CAMLG turquoise grey
107300222 CAMSAP1 blue blue
107284655 CAMTA1 turquoise turquoise
107284415 CAND1 turquoise brown
107292203 CANT1 turquoise turquoise
107296594 CANX turquoise blue
107291514 CAP2 red blue
107286228 CAPG darkred black
107294378 CAPN1 yellow turquoise
107302583 CAPN10 brown turquoise
107289732 CAPN13 darkred grey
107289711 CAPN14 magenta brown
107288074 CAPN2 black tan
107295757 CAPN3 red salmon
107296130 CAPN5 darkgrey grey
107293939 CAPN7 lightcyan blue
107295592 CAPN9 red green
107291979 CAPNS1 blue turquoise
107287501 CAPRIN1 yellow blue
107287198 CAPRIN2 midnightblue brown
107282226 CAPS pink grey
107290759 CAPS2 skyblue grey
107297969 CAPSL green green
107297290 CAPZA1 red brown
107285372 CAPZA2 red blue
107288637 CARD10 red turquoise
107290620 CARD11 greenyellow magenta
107288717 CARD14 magenta grey
107292080 CARD9 black cyan
107296634 CARHSP1 black turquoise
107295009 CARM1 yellow grey
107293631 CARNS1 turquoise turquoise
107283852 CARS2 brown turquoise
107289761 CARTPT white green
107295634 CASC1 green yellow
107303080 CASC3 lightcyan turquoise
107283646 CASD1 lightcyan blue
107286518 CASK turquoise brown
107293670 CASKIN1 blue turquoise
107292715 CASKIN2 greenyellow turquoise
107296977 CASP10 cyan brown
107289968 CASP2 blue magenta
107302670 CASP3 cyan brown
107283297 CASP6 green grey
107291550 CASP7 royalblue blue
107288735 CASP8AP2 purple brown
107291376 CASP9 turquoise green
107298219 CASQ1 red grey
107285802 CASR greenyellow green
107295462 CASS4 darkturquoise yellow
107292346 CASZ1 turquoise grey
107289608 CAT brown blue
107294877 CATSPER3 green purple
107287882 CAV1 magenta grey
107287881 CAV2 blue blue
107295566 CBFA2T2 blue salmon
107283510 CBFA2T3 green brown
107296067 CBFB blue brown
107285391 CBL yellow brown
107287381 CBLB black brown
107298035 CBLC turquoise turquoise
107298717 CBLL1 pink blue
107288200 CBLN2 blue midnightblue
107287978 CBR4 brown blue
107289299 CBWD1 orange blue
107282627 CBX1 lightcyan lightcyan
107290961 CBX2 brown green
107282768 CBX3 lightcyan brown
107290958 CBX4 turquoise turquoise
107289493 CBX5 blue grey
107292454 CBX6 blue turquoise
107292456 CBX7 red turquoise
107297881 CBY1 green turquoise
107298124 CC2D1A yellow turquoise
107283052 CC2D1B yellow grey
107289321 CC2D2A black blue
107282958 CC2D2B red pink
107288086 CCAR1 turquoise tan
107290863 CCBE1 magenta purple
107287380 CCDC102A blue turquoise
107286290 CCDC103 pink grey
107293480 CCDC106 tan turquoise
107290761 CCDC107 brown turquoise
107290897 CCDC112 green red
107284153 CCDC113 brown blue
107282471 CCDC114 green black
107295435 CCDC115 turquoise turquoise
107287311 CCDC117 skyblue lightcyan
107286017 CCDC12 saddlebrown tan
107292100 CCDC120 darkgrey turquoise
107283190 CCDC122 blue lightcyan
107296851 CCDC124 blue tan
107289751 CCDC125 turquoise grey
107282760 CCDC126 lightcyan blue
107289396 CCDC127 lightcyan turquoise
107284367 CCDC13 green grey
107285718 CCDC130 turquoise turquoise
107285351 CCDC134 salmon turquoise
107286780 CCDC137 brown turquoise
107290885 CCDC138 green greenyellow
107288927 CCDC14 cyan blue
107290009 CCDC141 red brown
107300220 CCDC146 green blue
107291527 CCDC148 green grey
107298481 CCDC149 turquoise turquoise
107295315 CCDC15 cyan lightcyan
107284915 CCDC150 green midnightblue
107285143 CCDC151 green yellow
107288498 CCDC152 blue salmon
107285384 CCDC153 green turquoise
107297789 CCDC158 green purple
107285121 CCDC159 purple turquoise
107283432 CCDC17 green turquoise
107291256 CCDC18 green yellow
107284214 CCDC22 black grey60
107291033 CCDC25 tan blue
107295618 CCDC28A brown blue
107283709 CCDC28B yellow green
107291921 CCDC33 green midnightblue
107286934 CCDC34 green brown
107284554 CCDC38 magenta grey
107292393 CCDC39 green cyan
107288777 CCDC40 green green
107286788 CCDC42 greenyellow turquoise
107302373 CCDC43 lightcyan brown
107282424 CCDC47 lightcyan grey
107299081 CCDC50 blue lightcyan
107295896 CCDC51 grey60 turquoise
107288856 CCDC57 pink yellow
107284122 CCDC58 grey60 blue
107287929 CCDC59 brown blue
107290666 CCDC6 brown grey
107288805 CCDC60 green turquoise
107297304 CCDC61 green red
107285437 CCDC62 darkgreen blue
107285682 CCDC65 green green
107296808 CCDC68 brown blue
107295502 CCDC69 turquoise grey
107298461 CCDC71 blue turquoise
107285906 CCDC77 green black
107290381 CCDC78 pink black
107287377 CCDC80 black brown
107294671 CCDC81 pink greenyellow
107296340 CCDC82 darkgreen brown
107299720 CCDC83 pink cyan
107284770 CCDC84 brown grey
107302249 CCDC85A blue blue
107292662 CCDC86 grey60 turquoise
107302288 CCDC88A black brown
107297317 CCDC88C green grey
107293603 CCDC89 green green
107285684 CCDC9 purple turquoise
107298685 CCDC91 turquoise blue
107285476 CCDC92 blue yellow
107291292 CCDC93 purple grey
107284473 CCDC96 pink turquoise
107295265 CCDC97 yellow turquoise
107294146 CCK midnightblue red
107288497 CCL28 pink blue
107298845 CCM2 yellow tan
107287659 CCNA1 cyan grey
107296600 CCNA2 cyan brown
107300638 CCNB1 cyan brown
107303272 CCNB3 cyan grey
107291191 CCNC blue blue
107285821 CCND1 turquoise turquoise
107293964 CCND3 blue grey60
107296121 CCNDBP1 brown grey
107292735 CCNE1 red turquoise
107289143 CCNE2 cyan brown
107297588 CCNF yellow midnightblue
107293585 CCNG1 blue blue
107287828 CCNG2 pink brown
107302941 CCNH orange black
107287826 CCNI red tan
107282969 CCNJ blue blue
107286899 CCNJL blue turquoise
107291318 CCNK turquoise tan
107286949 CCNL1 brown brown
107283785 CCNO cyan turquoise
107290976 CCNT1 blue lightgreen
107284396 CCNT2 yellow brown
107284018 CCNY lightcyan blue
107286158 CCNYL1 lightgreen blue
107283160 CCPG1 yellow blue
107302424 CCR10 green yellow
107303021 CCR7 cyan magenta
107289003 CCS turquoise turquoise
107283836 CCT2 grey60 brown
107288041 CCT3 darkgrey tan
107293522 CCT4 grey60 brown
107297740 CCT5 brown brown
107287042 CCT6A purple brown
107296566 CCT7 yellow turquoise
107299548 CCT8 grey60 brown
107295127 CD101 royalblue red
107288830 CD109 black brown
107283615 CD14 green turquoise
107283980 CD151 black turquoise
107284185 CD180 white magenta
107287366 CD200R1 white brown
107292528 CD22 green magenta
107289482 CD226 white greenyellow
107297203 CD247 royalblue brown
107290808 CD28 royalblue brown
107284265 CD2AP yellow blue
107299615 CD320 turquoise cyan
107288370 CD34 blue turquoise
107294760 CD36 blue grey
107282495 CD37 darkred magenta
107284819 CD3E royalblue green
107285641 CD3EAP brown yellow
107303226 CD40LG white brown
107290423 CD44 black grey
107293885 CD47 salmon brown
107292642 CD5 royalblue magenta
107294929 CD63 brown turquoise
107290981 CD74 white magenta
107289715 CD79A green grey60
107303107 CD79B green magenta
107294011 CD81 darkred tan
107302597 CD82 blue turquoise
107302422 CD8A royalblue magenta
107302525 CD9 purple grey
107297871 CD93 black brown
107292051 CD99L2 midnightblue red
107291361 CDA blue greenyellow
107294466 CDAN1 yellow turquoise
107297194 CDC123 brown brown
107302495 CDC14A darkred grey
107287914 CDC16 green lightcyan
107283451 CDC20 cyan brown
107294702 CDC23 yellow blue
107297885 CDC25B white green
107302814 CDC26 brown blue
107285690 CDC37 purple tan
107291604 CDC37L1 darkred blue
107290017 CDC42 blue turquoise
107297217 CDC42BPA cyan turquoise
107287183 CDC42BPB turquoise green
107295508 CDC42BPG brown black
107288635 CDC42EP1 turquoise turquoise
107294377 CDC42EP2 blue grey
107287480 CDC42EP3 magenta brown
107283224 CDC42EP4 turquoise turquoise
107295577 CDC42SE1 blue tan
107293305 CDC42SE2 black brown
107293411 CDC45 cyan black
107291679 CDC5L salmon blue
107303083 CDC6 darkorange brown
107294837 CDC7 yellow brown
107289822 CDC73 brown blue
107285809 CDCA3 cyan black
107302428 CDCA4 brown yellow
107295991 CDCA5 green brown
107290415 CDCA7 magenta brown
107282956 CDCA7L black grey
107293749 CDCP1 midnightblue cyan
107287444 CDH11 midnightblue brown
107282644 CDH13 red green
107283507 CDH15 yellow greenyellow
107292744 CDH17 green yellow
107290361 CDH2 black grey
107283575 CDH20 greenyellow black
107285429 CDH23 magenta yellow
107296405 CDH26 green greenyellow
107288892 CDH5 magenta grey
107288190 CDH7 black pink
107286055 CDH9 blue green
107285427 CDHR3 pink cyan
107282725 CDIPT lightcyan turquoise
107297330 CDK1 cyan brown
107283509 CDK10 yellow grey60
107290683 CDK11A black tan
107303064 CDK12 lightcyan brown
107284929 CDK13 lightcyan salmon
107286839 CDK14 turquoise brown
107296309 CDK16 yellow turquoise
107284563 CDK17 brown brown
107289104 CDK18 black grey
107290139 CDK19 turquoise brown
107287774 CDK2 blue black
107286561 CDK20 darkgreen grey
107285473 CDK2AP1 black grey
107290806 CDK2AP2 turquoise turquoise
107290792 CDK3 blue turquoise
107291540 CDK4 black turquoise
107297802 CDK5 brown turquoise
107300201 CDK5RAP1 darkgreen grey
107285741 CDK5RAP2 tan cyan
107282630 CDK5RAP3 saddlebrown turquoise
107283642 CDK6 lightcyan brown
107300604 CDK7 green blue
107288412 CDK8 salmon blue
107298051 CDK9 turquoise green
107302572 CDKAL1 brown grey
107296222 CDKL1 pink brown
107302382 CDKL2 darkorange blue
107294941 CDKL3 pink pink
107295947 CDKL5 brown pink
107287054 CDKN1A grey60 grey
107286956 CDKN1B brown brown
107302679 CDKN2AIP salmon blue
107295046 CDKN2AIPNL grey60 turquoise
107283071 CDKN2C red turquoise
107291620 CDKN2D blue greenyellow
107294105 CDKN3 cyan brown
107295849 CDNF red blue
107290893 CDO1 darkred blue
107298849 CDON yellow grey
107292089 CDR2 turquoise grey
107286653 CDR2L turquoise turquoise
107303189 CDS1 turquoise blue
107283409 CDS2 black blue
107283479 CDT1 salmon brown
107293865 CDV3 salmon magenta
107282986 CDYL turquoise brown
107288195 CDYL2 brown midnightblue
107289378 CEBPB turquoise turquoise
107287158 CEBPD brown grey
107284078 CEBPG turquoise grey
107287931 CEBPZ salmon lightcyan
107299324 CEL tan grey
107292933 CELF1 yellow lightcyan
107294521 CELSR1 blue turquoise
107302529 CELSR2 blue grey
107284002 CEND1 midnightblue red
107289292 CENPF cyan brown
107300649 CENPH cyan brown
107291579 CENPI cyan purple
107288234 CENPJ green brown
107284590 CENPK cyan brown
107302879 CENPL cyan green
107285350 CENPM purple brown
107288198 CENPN cyan brown
107284873 CENPO white purple
107288898 CENPT white turquoise
107299335 CENPV yellow turquoise
107289338 CENPW green brown
107292730 CEP120 cyan brown
107294731 CEP135 green brown
107287691 CEP152 cyan blue
107284783 CEP164 blue magenta
107292993 CEP170 green brown
107288177 CEP192 brown lightcyan
107287116 CEP250 black magenta
107283114 CEP290 green brown
107283375 CEP350 brown brown
107283402 CEP55 cyan brown
107287131 CEP63 green blue
107290275 CEP70 green blue
107288172 CEP76 cyan blue
107284537 CEP78 cyan brown
107285063 CEP97 turquoise brown
107289358 CER1 green purple
107294274 CERK black red
107293163 CETN2 pink blue
107295175 CETN3 green lightcyan
107282291 CFD pink turquoise
107287367 CFDP1 yellow grey
107297339 CFHR5 green green
107298569 CFI magenta brown
107297112 CFL1 tan grey
107292954 CFL2 red blue
107296985 CFP pink magenta
107285369 CFTR blue purple
107284754 CGA tan greenyellow
107290135 CGGBP1 blue brown
107292909 CGN turquoise greenyellow
107283131 CGNL1 turquoise grey
107286480 CGREF1 midnightblue turquoise
107294108 CGRRF1 blue blue
107293838 CH25H pink brown
107302349 CHAC1 turquoise grey
107285494 CHAC2 turquoise brown
107283731 CHAD blue grey
107299954 CHAF1A black turquoise
107293986 CHAF1B green blue
107292832 CHCHD10 darkred turquoise
107287066 CHCHD2 brown turquoise
107295645 CHCHD4 salmon grey
107287226 CHCHD5 salmon turquoise
107302445 CHCHD6 darkred turquoise
107284325 CHCHD7 lightgreen blue
107295121 CHD1 yellow brown
107296242 CHD2 blue blue
107285763 CHD4 yellow turquoise
107285570 CHD6 tan blue
107284331 CHD7 darkgrey brown
107286592 CHD8 brown tan
107289914 CHD9 turquoise grey
107287673 CHDH cyan grey
107287280 CHEK2 brown blue
107282215 CHERP salmon turquoise
107297832 CHFR yellow magenta
107295461 CHGA black yellow
107297365 CHGB red blue
107282939 CHIC1 brown brown
107292150 CHID1 turquoise turquoise
107295879 CHKA brown grey
107289207 CHKB turquoise tan
107297315 CHL1 blue blue
107296185 CHM blue blue
107283512 CHMP1A yellow cyan
107289953 CHMP1B green grey
107282387 CHMP2A lightcyan turquoise
107289027 CHMP2B darkred blue
107292250 CHMP4A turquoise tan
107294016 CHMP4B purple grey
107302909 CHMP4C turquoise blue
107289419 CHMP5 lightcyan blue
107286698 CHMP6 blue turquoise
107299234 CHMP7 yellow grey60
107287383 CHN1 midnightblue brown
107282777 CHN2 black brown
107285868 CHODL black grey
107300560 CHORDC1 magenta brown
107291982 CHP2 blue red
107286761 CHPF blue turquoise
107289465 CHPT1 turquoise blue
107291198 CHRAC1 orange grey
107294225 CHRDL1 blue magenta
107296429 CHRM5 turquoise grey
107287384 CHRNA1 red green
107293494 CHRNA2 turquoise turquoise
107300974 CHRNA5 pink pink
107294844 CHRNA6 blue pink
107298611 CHRNA9 brown grey
107301050 CHRNB4 blue midnightblue
107297924 CHRND red blue
107295531 CHST1 red turquoise
107288155 CHST10 turquoise turquoise
107286677 CHST11 midnightblue brown
107290634 CHST12 blue turquoise
107292485 CHST14 lightcyan turquoise
107293685 CHST15 black magenta
107292759 CHST2 black grey60
107283501 CHST4 purple pink
107284071 CHST8 midnightblue pink
107290359 CHST9 turquoise blue
107283872 CHSY1 blue brown
107286828 CHSY3 blue black
107289485 CHTF18 blue grey
107283494 CHTF8 purple turquoise
107291445 CHUK yellow blue
107295138 CHURC1 royalblue grey
107283480 CIAO1 yellow blue
107287378 CIAPIN1 brown turquoise
107283928 CIB1 turquoise turquoise
107299576 CIB2 greenyellow turquoise
107296017 CIC orange tan
107294907 CIDEA blue turquoise
107297097 CIDEB red grey
107288815 CIDEC green turquoise
107290293 CILP tan brown
107282177 CILP2 turquoise yellow
107298015 CINP grey60 green
107287388 CIR1 purple blue
107282865 CIRBP grey60 turquoise
107290003 CISD1 brown blue
107299041 CISD2 tan blue
107282646 CISD3 lightcyan turquoise
107288554 CISH black red
107288823 CIT yellow yellow
107293042 CITED2 red tan
107289872 CKAP2 turquoise brown
107289581 CKAP4 salmon turquoise
107294860 CKAP5 yellow brown
107285083 CKB black turquoise
107291634 CKM red red
107286319 CKMT2 red blue
107296702 CKS1B brown brown
107293824 CKS2 cyan brown
107288959 CLASP1 blue turquoise
107293595 CLASP2 lightcyan blue
107294698 CLCC1 turquoise black
107289972 CLCN1 red salmon
107286191 CLCN3 turquoise blue
107288519 CLCN4 blue blue
107303236 CLCN5 blue yellow
107284004 CLCN7 yellow turquoise
107290358 CLDN10 midnightblue turquoise
107290261 CLDN11 red blue
107286837 CLDN12 turquoise blue
107291319 CLDN15 turquoise midnightblue
107290030 CLDN19 lightcyan greenyellow
107303268 CLDN2 pink grey
107293957 CLDN20 turquoise purple
107289557 CLDN23 turquoise grey
107284707 CLDN4 magenta turquoise
107286512 CLDND1 purple brown
107282399 CLEC11A black grey
107283989 CLEC16A yellow turquoise
107293740 CLEC3B turquoise tan
107292447 CLGN turquoise blue
107294046 CLIC1 turquoise turquoise
107295407 CLIC2 purple brown
107297252 CLIC3 magenta cyan
107291305 CLIC4 pink blue
107284278 CLIC5 pink brown
107302954 CLINT1 brown blue
107286963 CLIP1 yellow blue
107302205 CLIP2 black magenta
107296236 CLIP4 red brown
107291761 CLK1 skyblue brown
107291914 CLK3 turquoise turquoise
107296275 CLK4 brown brown
107290204 CLMN brown grey
107282464 CLN3 turquoise turquoise
107303130 CLN5 yellow lightcyan
107283937 CLN6 turquoise green
107291747 CLN8 blue turquoise
107297919 CLNS1A blue brown
107292122 CLOCK turquoise grey
107291539 CLP1 yellow blue
107298636 CLPB brown turquoise
107298261 CLPP turquoise turquoise
107296384 CLPTM1 turquoise turquoise
107292113 CLPTM1L turquoise turquoise
107290287 CLPX turquoise blue
107286037 CLRN1 turquoise pink
107288875 CLRN3 greenyellow green
107294879 CLSPN cyan yellow
107292338 CLSTN1 brown tan
107286680 CLSTN2 turquoise purple
107285782 CLSTN3 black red
107293129 CLTA lightgreen turquoise
107292443 CLTB salmon tan
107292966 CLTCL1 blue turquoise
107291034 CLU black magenta
107290369 CLUAP1 green blue
107294152 CLVS1 greenyellow black
107290526 CLVS2 blue black
107298608 CLYBL purple blue
107295787 CMAS turquoise blue
107283765 CMC1 lightcyan blue
107292602 CMIP grey60 turquoise
107287262 CMKLR1 darkturquoise yellow
107284483 CMPK1 salmon blue
107298091 CMPK2 darkgreen brown
107288905 CMTM3 blue magenta
107288889 CMTM4 black grey
107284385 CMTM7 black grey60
107284382 CMTM8 turquoise grey
107287870 CMYA5 red grey
107293668 CNBP grey60 lightcyan
107291693 CNDP1 turquoise midnightblue
107291689 CNDP2 brown grey
107284075 CNGB1 blue red
107284958 CNGB3 tan greenyellow
107298763 CNIH2 blue grey
107285128 CNIH3 green grey
107295397 CNIH4 grey60 grey
107295734 CNKSR1 yellow cyan
107286128 CNKSR2 red blue
107293014 CNKSR3 blue grey
107285138 CNN1 blue turquoise
107282244 CNN2 brown turquoise
107299985 CNN3 turquoise grey
107287745 CNNM1 darkgrey red
107290853 CNNM2 turquoise yellow
107287953 CNNM3 turquoise green
107287952 CNNM4 blue red
107284172 CNOT1 darkgrey grey
107284072 CNOT10 lightcyan lightcyan
107283832 CNOT2 purple brown
107286145 CNOT4 turquoise grey
107285859 CNOT6 yellow brown
107287831 CNOT6L brown brown
107301780 CNOT7 turquoise blue
107290970 CNOT8 blue blue
107303041 CNP lightcyan turquoise
107303293 CNPY1 red black
107293748 CNPY2 turquoise turquoise
107297202 CNPY3 salmon turquoise
107294949 CNR1 yellow blue
107290752 CNR2 blue yellow
107283219 CNRIP1 turquoise brown
107302482 CNST purple blue
107285930 CNTD1 lightcyan black
107297901 CNTFR pink red
107293280 CNTLN green brown
107293543 CNTN1 blue blue
107289115 CNTN2 greenyellow yellow
107293341 CNTN5 turquoise blue
107302425 CNTNAP1 green grey
107289592 CNTNAP5 greenyellow salmon
107282647 COASY lightcyan turquoise
107292073 COBL pink grey
107287620 COCH brown yellow
107283215 COG1 brown turquoise
107295595 COG2 salmon blue
107291437 COG3 brown blue
107284160 COG4 yellow turquoise
107289873 COG6 salmon blue
107302630 COG7 darkgrey turquoise
107286932 COIL grey60 brown
107292480 COL10A1 midnightblue salmon
107288836 COL12A1 brown blue
107296684 COL14A1 blue brown
107290173 COL16A1 darkred tan
107284686 COL17A1 blue cyan
107292130 COL18A1 yellow turquoise
107293895 COL19A1 red red
107282605 COL1A1 midnightblue brown
107283645 COL1A2 midnightblue grey60
107298817 COL21A1 blue blue
107296379 COL22A1 midnightblue brown
107290143 COL24A1 black blue
107302710 COL25A1 brown red
107283658 COL28A1 turquoise blue
107288503 COL2A1 midnightblue black
107288423 COL3A1 blue brown
107284271 COL4A1 midnightblue brown
107284270 COL4A2 black turquoise
107286669 COL4A4 greenyellow brown
107303151 COL4A5 blue grey
107303140 COL4A6 black grey
107288434 COL5A2 midnightblue brown
107296188 COL6A1 black turquoise
107296179 COL6A2 blue turquoise
107291711 COL6A3 tan magenta
107291772 COL8A1 turquoise black
107294747 COL8A2 tan brown
107288742 COLEC10 black greenyellow
107294087 COLEC11 brown grey
107285294 COLEC12 black brown
107282914 COLQ turquoise purple
107293521 COMMD1 grey60 grey
107293013 COMMD10 yellow blue
107289059 COMMD2 brown blue
107283634 COMMD3 saddlebrown blue
107301078 COMMD4 blue turquoise
107293446 COMMD5 purple turquoise
107303144 COMMD6 turquoise brown
107299514 COMMD7 turquoise turquoise
107284656 COMMD8 orange brown
107292025 COMMD9 purple turquoise
107282855 COMP greenyellow magenta
107294358 COMT blue turquoise
107300014 COMTD1 brown turquoise
107288748 COPA turquoise turquoise
107295027 COPB1 turquoise blue
107292247 COPB2 turquoise grey
107282871 COPE salmon turquoise
107287683 COPS2 grey60 blue
107289120 COPS3 brown grey
107303174 COPS4 brown blue
107297313 COPS5 grey60 blue
107296124 COPS6 orange turquoise
107285768 COPS7A turquoise turquoise
107296049 COPS7B turquoise grey
107290366 COPS8 darkred grey
107282629 COPZ2 saddlebrown turquoise
107290880 COQ10A red turquoise
107284911 COQ10B red blue
107303158 COQ2 grey60 blue
107302936 COQ4 yellow green
107293455 COQ5 brown blue
107290489 COQ6 green turquoise
107297133 COQ7 brown green
107287373 COQ9 purple turquoise
107293633 CORO1B yellow turquoise
107287289 CORO1C darkturquoise grey
107285608 CORO2A blue brown
107283940 CORO2B red turquoise
107299112 CORO6 red salmon
107282707 COTL1 black magenta
107284831 CP darkred brown
107296621 CPA6 midnightblue midnightblue
107282164 CPAMD8 blue turquoise
107284837 CPB1 blue grey
107298419 CPD orange blue
107290874 CPE tan blue
107283384 CPEB3 turquoise blue
107289810 CPEB4 yellow blue
107284409 CPM black blue
107287742 CPN1 midnightblue yellow
107293775 CPNE2 black turquoise
107284962 CPNE3 turquoise blue
107290926 CPNE9 black green
107291774 CPOX black brown
107293927 CPPED1 yellow grey
107301875 CPS1 magenta pink
107297504 CPSF1 darkgrey turquoise
107297402 CPSF2 salmon blue
107287629 CPSF3 turquoise brown
107298696 CPSF4 lightgreen turquoise
107284406 CPSF6 turquoise brown
107287934 CPSF7 yellow grey
107282437 CPT1C blue cyan
107283066 CPT2 turquoise blue
107282775 CPVL turquoise brown
107285946 CPXM2 blue yellow
107299930 CPZ midnightblue red
107287804 CRABP1 black yellow
107298212 CRABP2 midnightblue grey
107284706 CRADD purple turquoise
107296759 CRAT magenta turquoise
107293577 CRB3 grey60 turquoise
107290920 CRBN magenta lightcyan
107287154 CRCP turquoise red
107295640 CREB1 pink brown
107290408 CREB3L1 turquoise turquoise
107294181 CREB3L2 turquoise grey
107283968 CREBBP brown brown
107286987 CREBL2 turquoise grey
107298059 CREG1 turquoise blue
107294460 CREG2 black grey
107289330 CRELD2 turquoise turquoise
107284019 CREM red blue
107293555 CRHBP darkred greenyellow
107301146 CRIP1 pink grey60
107301135 CRIP2 darkred tan
107287856 CRIPT salmon blue
107282727 CRISPLD2 magenta turquoise
107289561 CRK brown turquoise
107295151 CRKL lightgreen brown
107282851 CRLF1 blue turquoise
107292196 CRLF3 yellow brown
107297362 CRLS1 turquoise turquoise
107297805 CRNKL1 purple blue
107283318 CROT green lightcyan
107287738 CRTAC1 blue turquoise
107292326 CRTAM royalblue brown
107293617 CRTAP midnightblue turquoise
107282870 CRTC1 brown black
107285215 CRTC2 brown turquoise
107284732 CRY1 turquoise blue
107290556 CRY2 yellow turquoise
107284519 CRYAB green turquoise
107291500 CRYBA2 turquoise yellow
107302763 CRYBG3 turquoise grey
107285901 CRYGS blue grey
107286120 CRYL1 green turquoise
107292093 CRYM blue grey
107285064 CRYZ purple blue
107290712 CRYZL1 brown blue
107300526 CS brown grey
107288528 CSAD green grey
107285422 CSDC2 black cyan
107284052 CSDE1 red grey
107293641 CSE1L grey60 lightcyan
107286268 CSF1 magenta grey
107298558 CSF1R darkturquoise grey60
107302566 CSF2RB white brown
107302358 CSGALNACT1 red blue
107293256 CSGALNACT2 yellow brown
107298221 CSK cyan magenta
107290597 CSNK1A1 yellow blue
107288854 CSNK1D yellow turquoise
107288617 CSNK1E yellow turquoise
107289651 CSNK1G1 black blue
107282254 CSNK1G2 turquoise tan
107292731 CSNK1G3 tan brown
107285996 CSNK2B grey60 turquoise
107291727 CSPG4 magenta black
107297314 CSPP1 pink brown
107303332 CSRNP1 black turquoise
107291601 CSRNP2 blue blue
107294406 CSRNP3 black blue
107290771 CSRP2 midnightblue magenta
107294559 CSRP3 pink greenyellow
107291576 CSTF2 tan turquoise
107302418 CSTF3 turquoise blue
107288877 CTCF turquoise brown
107287412 CTDP1 purple turquoise
107291473 CTDSP1 pink turquoise
107291467 CTDSP2 yellow turquoise
107284366 CTDSPL darkorange grey
107283941 CTDSPL2 turquoise brown
107294130 CTH turquoise blue
107301610 CTHRC1 midnightblue grey
107289736 CTLA4 green greenyellow
107289867 CTNNA1 blue grey
107292588 CTNNAL1 darkred grey
107293683 CTNNB1 darkorange grey
107292350 CTNNBIP1 yellow turquoise
107299906 CTNNBL1 yellow turquoise
107295696 CTNND1 yellow grey
107297140 CTNS turquoise turquoise
107289546 CTPS2 pink brown
107292135 CTR9 turquoise brown
107291360 CTRC green turquoise
107288901 CTRL green turquoise
107298445 CTSA magenta turquoise
107289312 CTSB darkturquoise turquoise
107294161 CTSC blue midnightblue
107290778 CTSD turquoise cyan
107292374 CTSE pink grey
107283909 CTSH royalblue grey60
107292918 CTSK blue brown
107287975 CTSO pink brown
107292919 CTSS cyan brown
107297107 CTSW white grey
107287488 CTTN purple turquoise
107285370 CTTNBP2 blue red
107300550 CTTNBP2NL greenyellow brown
107283535 CTU2 brown turquoise
107292327 CTXN3 midnightblue blue
107283309 CUBN turquoise grey
107297226 CUEDC1 magenta turquoise
107284020 CUL2 lightcyan brown
107293616 CUL3 grey60 brown
107302745 CUL4B turquoise brown
107284909 CUL5 brown brown
107302266 CUTA turquoise turquoise
107287729 CUTC cyan brown
107292336 CUX1 black salmon
107286974 CUX2 midnightblue brown
107294612 CWC15 grey60 grey
107297561 CWC22 salmon brown
107286405 CWC25 lightcyan grey
107284581 CWC27 purple grey
107282206 CWF19L1 yellow grey
107297398 CWF19L2 purple brown
107285866 CXADR turquoise salmon
107299644 CXCL14 blue brown
107284398 CXCR4 blue brown
107293830 CXCR6 royalblue brown
107295119 CXXC1 yellow turquoise
107291869 CXXC5 red turquoise
107284256 CYFIP1 yellow grey
107302958 CYFIP2 blue magenta
107290053 CYGB midnightblue grey
107299647 CYHR1 turquoise turquoise
107295351 CYLD brown brown
107288712 CYSLTR1 blue brown
107291733 CYTH3 tan grey
107302800 CYTH4 darkturquoise magenta
107289588 CYTIP white brown
107294960 D2HGDH turquoise tan
107294586 DAAM1 midnightblue blue
107290723 DAAM2 blue turquoise
107286643 DAB1 black blue
107288299 DAB2 darkred grey
107295065 DAB2IP blue turquoise
107303139 DACH1 black blue
107292182 DACT1 tan brown
107289500 DACT2 blue turquoise
107287152 DAD1 turquoise turquoise
107289185 DAG1 turquoise turquoise
107287951 DAGLA turquoise red
107285513 DAGLB yellow yellow
107292772 DALRD3 turquoise turquoise
107287290 DAO pink yellow
107294656 DAP turquoise turquoise
107299347 DAP3 turquoise tan
107297726 DAPK1 blue brown
107283171 DAPK2 red turquoise
107297063 DAPK3 yellow grey
107294946 DAPL1 midnightblue purple
107302850 DARS2 yellow red
107282848 DAZAP1 turquoise tan
107292106 DAZAP2 yellow brown
107283304 DBF4 cyan brown
107291028 DBH black cyan
107296263 DBI brown lightcyan
107291401 DBN1 black turquoise
107286236 DBNL yellow turquoise
107288002 DBR1 purple brown
107302494 DBT turquoise salmon
107291252 DCAF10 turquoise blue
107293104 DCAF11 yellow turquoise
107294785 DCAF12 brown blue
107292865 DCAF13 darkred blue
107298103 DCAF15 brown yellow
107283890 DCAF17 grey60 brown
107294174 DCAF4 turquoise yellow
107285831 DCAF5 yellow black
107302761 DCAF6 red turquoise
107302403 DCAF7 darkorange grey
107298206 DCAF8 turquoise turquoise
107286293 DCAKD saddlebrown yellow
107295730 DCBLD1 black yellow
107291771 DCBLD2 blue blue
107289604 DCDC2 red grey
107283708 DCDC2B green grey
107289800 DCK pink brown
107287658 DCLK1 midnightblue brown
107287889 DCLK2 blue salmon
107283788 DCLK3 darkorange purple
107291554 DCLRE1A blue blue
107299891 DCLRE1B blue brown
107295847 DCLRE1C yellow salmon
107284773 DCN black magenta
107287677 DCP1A turquoise brown
107292529 DCP1B yellow grey
107293248 DCP2 darkorange brown
107292369 DCPS brown turquoise
107293449 DCT midnightblue red
107288733 DCTD pink turquoise
107295868 DCTN1 brown turquoise
107293463 DCTN2 turquoise turquoise
107299869 DCTN3 brown turquoise
107300002 DCTN4 purple blue
107285098 DCTN5 yellow turquoise
107294784 DCTN6 brown grey
107293263 DCUN1D1 yellow blue
107290440 DCUN1D2 grey60 green
107295294 DCUN1D3 yellow red
107296283 DCUN1D4 darkred blue
107286361 DCUN1D5 grey60 blue
107292483 DCX black blue
107288861 DCXR darkred turquoise
107282233 DDA1 brown purple
107285243 DDAH1 magenta grey
107292639 DDB1 yellow turquoise
107289836 DDB2 darkred grey60
107287642 DDC black black
107289085 DDHD1 black brown
107295389 DDHD2 yellow blue
107296443 DDI2 brown salmon
107293466 DDIT3 brown turquoise
107288102 DDIT4 black grey
107298930 DDIT4L red blue
107290137 DDO yellow grey
107297526 DDOST turquoise turquoise
107292193 DDR1 greenyellow turquoise
107302837 DDR2 midnightblue tan
107291843 DDT brown turquoise
107287810 DDX1 salmon blue
107284815 DDX10 brown brown
107297812 DDX11 salmon grey
107288614 DDX17 turquoise brown
107291293 DDX18 purple brown
107292542 DDX20 purple brown
107288088 DDX21 purple brown
107285673 DDX23 yellow turquoise
107287217 DDX24 turquoise grey
107296126 DDX27 brown turquoise
107292598 DDX28 brown turquoise
107296499 DDX31 yellow blue
107286519 DDX3X brown blue
107294974 DDX4 blue brown
107291406 DDX41 yellow turquoise
107282422 DDX42 lightcyan salmon
107295005 DDX46 brown lightcyan
107288983 DDX47 brown brown
107282887 DDX49 yellow turquoise
107284850 DDX5 turquoise brown
107291834 DDX51 brown green
107298675 DDX52 greenyellow blue
107298905 DDX54 darkgrey cyan
107285460 DDX55 yellow brown
107283247 DDX56 brown turquoise
107296930 DDX58 darkgreen magenta
107294670 DDX59 turquoise salmon
107284800 DDX6 salmon grey
107283991 DEAF1 blue turquoise
107285746 DECR1 turquoise blue
107290316 DECR2 turquoise turquoise
107293818 DEDD brown turquoise
107296362 DEDD2 brown turquoise
107302827 DEF6 blue magenta
107283540 DEF8 brown grey60
107292031 DEGS1 grey60 magenta
107291367 DEGS2 brown purple
107286345 DEK purple brown
107297013 DENND1A blue tan
107287582 DENND1B red grey
107299298 DENND2A midnightblue pink
107284050 DENND2C blue blue
107294289 DENND2D brown brown
107299734 DENND3 turquoise grey
107290595 DENND4A black blue
107285183 DENND4B magenta grey60
107295933 DENND4C blue blue
107294534 DENND5A black grey
107287189 DENND5B red brown
107285468 DENR lightgreen blue
107298889 DEPDC1 cyan black
107295764 DEPDC1B green brown
107299811 DEPDC5 darkgrey black
107302514 DEPDC7 blue blue
107291427 DERA blue blue
107295160 DERL1 turquoise brown
107296913 DERL2 turquoise grey
107288118 DES red yellow
107293681 DET1 yellow turquoise
107292347 DFFA black blue
107291387 DFFB purple yellow
107300055 DGAT1 turquoise turquoise
107292970 DGCR2 darkgrey turquoise
107295454 DGCR8 salmon turquoise
107287775 DGKA magenta tan
107285511 DGKD yellow magenta
107288593 DGKE pink brown
107285879 DGKG blue yellow
107283186 DGKH blue grey
107291850 DGKQ blue grey
107288588 DGKZ midnightblue salmon
107283229 DGUOK turquoise turquoise
107294417 DHCR24 turquoise turquoise
107293795 DHDDS salmon turquoise
107282543 DHDH blue pink
107289758 DHFR royalblue grey
107286391 DHH black pink
107283498 DHODH brown turquoise
107293569 DHRS1 brown turquoise
107294873 DHRS11 black turquoise
107284674 DHRS3 blue turquoise
107294581 DHRS7 purple blue
107298390 DHRS7B turquoise turquoise
107292538 DHRS7C red turquoise
107292783 DHRS9 magenta brown
107296114 DHRSX turquoise turquoise
107297191 DHTKD1 brown grey
107298625 DHX15 purple brown
107297733 DHX16 salmon cyan
107294973 DHX29 turquoise blue
107298621 DHX30 brown turquoise
107296912 DHX33 yellow blue
107285658 DHX34 brown grey
107284840 DHX35 yellow grey
107284893 DHX36 tan grey
107282786 DHX37 salmon grey
107283527 DHX38 brown turquoise
107294213 DHX40 yellow blue
107291908 DHX57 yellow brown
107287194 DHX58 darkgreen magenta
107302409 DHX8 lightcyan salmon
107284978 DHX9 turquoise turquoise
107287002 DIABLO yellow turquoise
107299173 DIAPH1 turquoise magenta
107284437 DIAPH3 cyan grey
107290203 DICER1 brown brown
107296105 DIDO1 green turquoise
107283018 DIO1 magenta cyan
107283948 DIO2 brown yellow
107295366 DIO3 turquoise cyan
107302708 DIP2B darkred blue
107283562 DIP2C darkorange blue
107291986 DIRAS2 blue blue
107300322 DIRAS3 blue blue
107303137 DIS3 yellow blue
107289779 DIS3L turquoise grey
107290941 DISC1 tan green
107302773 DISP1 yellow brown
107284517 DIXDC1 cyan salmon
107295399 DKC1 darkgrey brown
107294547 DKK1 blue blue
107282361 DKK2 turquoise lightgreen
107284503 DLAT turquoise blue
107299215 DLC1 blue blue
107299560 DLD yellow blue
107284357 DLEC1 lightcyan purple
107291694 DLG1 brown blue
107303240 DLG3 yellow grey
107296046 DLG5 yellow salmon
107293999 DLGAP1 blue turquoise
107291750 DLGAP2 turquoise green
107288380 DLGAP4 yellow salmon
107293660 DLGAP5 green brown
107289695 DLK2 purple turquoise
107290188 DLL1 yellow brown
107282159 DLL4 blue turquoise
107293078 DLST turquoise turquoise
107283896 DLX1 blue turquoise
107283895 DLX2 midnightblue grey
107282611 DLX3 midnightblue greenyellow
107282585 DLX4 midnightblue green
107283679 DLX5 midnightblue brown
107283613 DLX6 midnightblue brown
107283439 DMAP1 black turquoise
107285949 DMBT1 steelblue salmon
107284498 DMBX1 pink lightgreen
107288644 DMC1 greenyellow green
107287877 DMGDH darkred blue
107290432 DMP1 midnightblue lightgreen
107291948 DMPK red turquoise
107289302 DMRT1 greenyellow cyan
107289305 DMRT2 magenta pink
107289304 DMRT3 greenyellow yellow
107296106 DMTF1 yellow brown
107294347 DMXL1 turquoise blue
107298089 DMXL2 pink brown
107288094 DNA2 green brown
107291126 DNAH1 green tan
107285444 DNAH10 green black
107282970 DNAH11 pink greenyellow
107297189 DNAH12 pink cyan
107286112 DNAH14 pink blue
107290045 DNAH17 darkred black
107295238 DNAH2 green midnightblue
107284879 DNAH5 pink greenyellow
107302979 DNAH6 green yellow
107299861 DNAI1 green pink
107286802 DNAI2 green red
107285613 DNAJA1 grey60 brown
107290112 DNAJA2 grey60 blue
107283964 DNAJA3 orange tan
107287784 DNAJA4 pink grey
107292472 DNAJB1 pink turquoise
107285871 DNAJB11 turquoise grey
107288101 DNAJB12 brown turquoise
107287045 DNAJB13 green yellow
107298908 DNAJB14 brown brown
107289440 DNAJB4 red blue
107299181 DNAJB5 red grey
107303302 DNAJB6 lightcyan grey
107293306 DNAJB9 turquoise blue
107283630 DNAJC1 turquoise tan
107292634 DNAJC10 turquoise blue
107284668 DNAJC11 yellow greenyellow
107288097 DNAJC12 black blue
107293930 DNAJC13 lightcyan blue
107286378 DNAJC14 yellow turquoise
107283211 DNAJC15 brown blue
107291358 DNAJC16 orange blue
107286207 DNAJC17 brown turquoise
107289860 DNAJC18 yellow grey
107296733 DNAJC19 brown blue
107282842 DNAJC2 grey60 lightcyan
107296957 DNAJC21 turquoise brown
107293636 DNAJC22 red turquoise
107293753 DNAJC24 brown blue
107290337 DNAJC25 brown blue
107284872 DNAJC27 black blue
107290671 DNAJC28 turquoise blue
107290355 DNAJC3 turquoise blue
107284717 DNAJC30 black turquoise
107299059 DNAJC4 turquoise turquoise
107293440 DNAJC5 purple turquoise
107288951 DNAJC5B greenyellow red
107286446 DNAJC5G turquoise purple
107303038 DNAJC7 lightcyan grey
107288009 DNAJC8 purple grey
107289364 DNAJC9 green brown
107290104 DNAL1 green yellow
107282264 DNAL4 pink turquoise
107283707 DNALI1 green blue
107286718 DNASE1L1 blue turquoise
107287785 DNASE1L3 royalblue brown
107285126 DNASE2 turquoise turquoise
107283616 DND1 magenta turquoise
107287764 DNER midnightblue blue
107300385 DNLZ green grey60
107287195 DNM1L yellow brown
107298166 DNM2 turquoise tan
107287728 DNMBP turquoise purple
107284200 DNMT1 yellow magenta
107288117 DNPEP yellow turquoise
107296133 DNTT midnightblue grey
107299508 DNTTIP1 brown turquoise
107295611 DNTTIP2 purple brown
107299643 DOCK10 white brown
107303245 DOCK11 magenta brown
107285851 DOCK2 royalblue magenta
107284486 DOCK3 midnightblue red
107285784 DOCK4 green blue
107289699 DOCK5 blue blue
107287083 DOCK7 turquoise blue
107289300 DOCK8 darkturquoise brown
107282373 DOCK9 brown grey
107282249 DOHH turquoise turquoise
107292492 DOK1 blue purple
107291398 DOK3 tan brown
107292017 DOK5 red blue
107289479 DOK6 blue pink
107298576 DOK7 brown green
107296251 DOLK darkgrey turquoise
107296757 DOLPP1 turquoise turquoise
107290490 DONSON brown brown
107282186 DOT1L turquoise turquoise
107284793 DPAGT1 orange turquoise
107285275 DPCD green turquoise
107283508 DPEP1 magenta yellow
107294379 DPF2 yellow turquoise
107298668 DPF3 turquoise cyan
107283444 DPH2 brown turquoise
107282908 DPH3 lightcyan blue
107302499 DPH5 turquoise grey
107290411 DPM1 turquoise blue
107298942 DPM2 cyan turquoise
107296708 DPM3 turquoise turquoise
107297617 DPP10 blue red
107297103 DPP3 yellow grey60
107294535 DPP4 turquoise grey
107303310 DPP6 turquoise lightgreen
107295056 DPP7 orange turquoise
107290590 DPP8 yellow grey
107296144 DPP9 yellow red
107287487 DPT black turquoise
107283802 DPY19L1 blue brown
107291109 DPY19L3 turquoise blue
107289122 DPY19L4 tan blue
107287937 DPY30 green blue
107284500 DPYD pink blue
107291995 DPYSL3 black magenta
107284340 DPYSL4 black purple
107286461 DPYSL5 turquoise yellow
107292505 DQX1 brown green
107291255 DR1 brown brown
107289464 DRAM1 royalblue brown
107289534 DRAM2 turquoise brown
107297116 DRAP1 turquoise turquoise
107293342 DRD1 pink green
107283884 DRD4 magenta green
107293501 DRG1 salmon turquoise
107289123 DRG2 yellow turquoise
107291563 DRP2 turquoise grey
107292362 DSCAM turquoise red
107284782 DSCAML1 salmon grey
107295011 DSCC1 brown blue
107292481 DSE blue brown
107297390 DSEL blue midnightblue
107292802 DSG2 blue blue
107287230 DSN1 cyan grey
107282997 DSP blue salmon
107290433 DSPP midnightblue cyan
107289107 DSTYK blue lightcyan
107284460 DTD1 turquoise turquoise
107294575 DTHD1 green greenyellow
107286292 DTL cyan brown
107287156 DTNA red blue
107286337 DTNBP1 purple turquoise
107287698 DTWD1 purple tan
107294346 DTWD2 turquoise yellow
107296968 DTX1 blue turquoise
107294573 DTX2 blue cyan
107294725 DTX3 yellow turquoise
107290273 DTX3L darkgreen brown
107295699 DTX4 yellow turquoise
107295157 DTYMK green turquoise
107294062 DUOX2 black turquoise
107294064 DUOXA2 midnightblue turquoise
107288858 DUS1L brown turquoise
107297530 DUS3L brown tan
107298716 DUS4L turquoise blue
107294676 DUSP1 turquoise grey
107302769 DUSP10 red blue
107283270 DUSP11 orange blue
107285791 DUSP12 brown brown
107294097 DUSP14 midnightblue turquoise
107300166 DUSP15 yellow yellow
107287009 DUSP16 purple grey
107285482 DUSP18 pink grey
107299203 DUSP19 blue blue
107283469 DUSP2 blue brown
107285224 DUSP22 magenta magenta
107294248 DUSP23 green turquoise
107291996 DUSP26 red black
107291155 DUSP27 red lightgreen
107287753 DUSP28 red grey60
107282603 DUSP3 red turquoise
107285630 DUSP4 blue salmon
107289367 DUSP5 black brown
107283121 DUSP6 brown grey
107286721 DUSP9 salmon purple
107287695 DUT cyan brown
107287527 DVL1 turquoise turquoise
107295342 DVL2 brown turquoise
107294971 DVL3 blue yellow
107294788 DYNC1H1 yellow tan
107283652 DYNC1I1 midnightblue green
107283888 DYNC1I2 turquoise blue
107284383 DYNC1LI1 lightcyan brown
107288888 DYNC1LI2 yellow lightcyan
107286362 DYNC2H1 green blue
107284956 DYNC2LI1 green blue
107293459 DYNLL1 green blue
107288387 DYNLRB1 orange turquoise
107288191 DYNLRB2 green cyan
107288250 DYNLT1 green magenta
107294662 DYNLT3 orange blue
107285598 DYRK1A yellow brown
107288034 DYRK1B yellow red
107284413 DYRK2 darkgreen brown
107286172 DYRK3 green greenyellow
107298800 DYRK4 purple blue
107290357 DZIP1 brown brown
107285891 DZIP1L cyan grey
107294015 E2F1 green yellow
107302908 E2F2 blue brown
107302570 E2F3 cyan tan
107288919 E2F4 magenta turquoise
107294439 E2F5 grey60 brown
107294641 E2F6 purple salmon
107290768 E2F7 cyan grey
107294552 E2F8 cyan brown
107297961 E4F1 salmon turquoise
107293960 EAF1 lightcyan blue
107290075 EAF2 brown brown
107292953 EAPP brown blue
107302601 EARS2 brown blue
107297909 EBAG9 turquoise blue
107289700 EBF2 pink salmon
107284028 EBF3 red brown
107283458 EBNA1BP2 salmon blue
107289362 ECD brown grey
107298054 ECE1 magenta turquoise
107294981 ECE2 turquoise red
107287702 ECHDC1 red blue
107283045 ECHDC2 black tan
107295635 ECHDC3 turquoise turquoise
107288287 ECHS1 turquoise turquoise
107293191 ECM2 blue brown
107284470 ECSCR pink magenta
107285141 ECSIT lightgreen turquoise
107286549 ECT2 cyan blue
107282929 EDA blue greenyellow
107284614 EDA2R black black
107290891 EDAR black grey
107293649 EDARADD turquoise green
107291916 EDC3 yellow turquoise
107288916 EDC4 red salmon
107298918 EDEM1 turquoise yellow
107288064 EDEM3 turquoise blue
107302544 EDF1 turquoise turquoise
107303334 EDIL3 blue blue
107283011 EDN1 pink red
107287895 EDNRA black blue
107284583 EEA1 purple blue
107294668 EED turquoise brown
107288827 EEF1A1 lightgreen grey
107290336 EEF1B2 lightgreen brown
107294155 EEF1D lightgreen grey
107282992 EEF1E1 brown blue
107296002 EEF1G turquoise turquoise
107297064 EEF2 turquoise turquoise
107292088 EEF2K yellow turquoise
107291821 EEFSEC turquoise yellow
107283805 EEPD1 red grey
107282811 EFCAB1 green red
107286740 EFCAB2 green blue
107302260 EFEMP1 magenta grey
107297114 EFEMP2 blue turquoise
107282902 EFHB green blue
107285561 EFHC1 green blue
107286493 EFHC2 pink grey
107285521 EFHD1 darkred turquoise
107296705 EFNA1 black turquoise
107282844 EFNA2 black yellow
107296696 EFNA3 blue turquoise
107296695 EFNA4 blue turquoise
107299603 EFR3A yellow blue
107291036 EFR3B black green
107293092 EFS black turquoise
107286278 EFTUD2 lightcyan grey60
107290128 EGF red blue
107295290 EGFL7 blue turquoise
107288291 EGFLAM turquoise grey
107284695 EGFR lightcyan blue
107290938 EGLN1 brown blue
107285645 EGLN2 brown pink
107292951 EGLN3 blue red
107289193 EGR1 black grey
107289256 EGR3 red grey
107284327 EHBP1 blue grey
107296984 EHD1 black magenta
107293878 EHD2 yellow turquoise
107287419 EHD4 turquoise brown
107289611 EHF turquoise blue
107285887 EHHADH turquoise blue
107297347 EHMT1 black salmon
107295037 EHMT2 brown grey
107296404 EI24 brown turquoise
107303096 EIF1 lightcyan turquoise
107293812 EIF1AD turquoise grey
107296030 EIF1AX lightgreen lightcyan
107294136 EIF1B lightcyan lightcyan
107294454 EIF2A turquoise blue
107291738 EIF2AK1 brown turquoise
107287469 EIF2AK2 darkgreen black
107302385 EIF2AK3 turquoise blue
107296475 EIF2AK4 blue grey
107285461 EIF2B1 turquoise tan
107293079 EIF2B2 lightgreen grey
107283417 EIF2B3 salmon grey
107286443 EIF2B4 brown turquoise
107294970 EIF2B5 turquoise grey
107285843 EIF2S1 grey60 blue
107295469 EIF2S2 brown blue
107298451 EIF2S3 salmon lightcyan
107290579 EIF3A brown blue
107290627 EIF3B lightgreen tan
107282514 EIF3C saddlebrown purple
107302719 EIF3D salmon tan
107290743 EIF3E lightgreen blue
107284201 EIF3G lightgreen turquoise
107288216 EIF3H lightgreen blue
107283703 EIF3I lightgreen turquoise
107283921 EIF3J orange blue
107293915 EIF3K lightgreen turquoise
107288627 EIF3L lightgreen blue
107302479 EIF3M brown blue
107293331 EIF4A2 red brown
107284079 EIF4A3 salmon grey60
107288183 EIF4B lightgreen grey
107288757 EIF4E salmon blue
107302577 EIF4E2 turquoise grey
107293710 EIF4E3 darkred blue
107292830 EIF4EBP2 red tan
107293500 EIF4ENIF1 brown grey
107294982 EIF4G1 salmon tan
107292140 EIF4G2 turquoise brown
107297525 EIF4G3 grey60 blue
107302348 EIF4H brown grey
107285081 EIF5 brown grey
107296422 EIF5A2 salmon brown
107302388 EIF5B turquoise grey
107287107 EIF6 purple turquoise
107284130 ELAC1 turquoise blue
107293619 ELAC2 salmon turquoise
107289728 ELAVL1 purple turquoise
107288231 ELAVL2 black black
107285150 ELAVL3 blue grey
107283062 ELAVL4 black brown
107283198 ELF1 white brown
107293156 ELF2 darkred brown
107295843 ELF3 magenta turquoise
107289610 ELF5 turquoise grey
107290637 ELFN1 midnightblue turquoise
107302867 ELFN2 black red
107297859 ELK1 brown turquoise
107284562 ELK3 turquoise brown
107289100 ELK4 lightcyan brown
107282232 ELL turquoise grey
107302788 ELL2 turquoise blue
107283289 ELMO1 turquoise brown
107296128 ELMO2 green turquoise
107288920 ELMO3 yellow turquoise
107284948 ELMOD1 pink green
107292465 ELMOD2 green blue
107286242 ELMOD3 blue turquoise
107284700 ELN magenta grey
107285137 ELOF1 pink turquoise
107283452 ELOVL1 yellow turquoise
107282982 ELOVL2 brown blue
107288224 ELOVL4 red blue
107292159 ELOVL5 magenta brown
107290129 ELOVL6 salmon grey
107295765 ELOVL7 darkred blue
107291115 ELP2 turquoise blue
107295745 ELP3 blue brown
107293754 ELP4 red blue
107290966 EMB darkturquoise brown
107298941 EMCN darkred blue
107284215 EMD black green
107283761 EME1 cyan grey
107293805 EME2 turquoise turquoise
107285814 EMG1 brown turquoise
107286481 EMILIN1 black yellow
107293996 EMILIN2 black magenta
107287256 EMILIN3 blue purple
107291357 EML1 magenta blue
107291656 EML2 brown turquoise
107292399 EML3 blue cyan
107284972 EML4 turquoise lightcyan
107294999 EML5 red salmon
107288988 EMP1 blue grey
107284014 EMP2 darkred blue
107282534 EMP3 black grey60
107299157 ENAH blue blue
107286294 ENAM midnightblue pink
107291184 ENC1 pink blue
107295227 ENDOD1 royalblue purple
107299329 ENDOG brown turquoise
107288971 ENDOU darkred pink
107292201 ENGASE brown tan
107282814 ENKUR green purple
107292361 ENO1 yellow turquoise
107285812 ENO2 midnightblue brown
107285047 ENO3 red yellow
107303169 ENOPH1 turquoise brown
107285293 ENOSF1 turquoise grey
107283189 ENOX1 blue green
107291558 ENOX2 red brown
107288744 ENPP2 black brown
107290870 ENPP3 turquoise grey
107302673 ENPP6 darkred brown
107292921 ENSA brown turquoise
107287727 ENTPD1 blue brown
107297246 ENTPD2 turquoise yellow
107294053 ENTPD3 black grey
107293144 ENTPD4 turquoise brown
107290491 ENTPD5 salmon grey
107284111 ENTPD6 turquoise turquoise
107287731 ENTPD7 turquoise blue
107297907 ENY2 lightgreen blue
107285414 EP300 yellow blue
107299177 EP400 yellow brown
107287860 EPAS1 brown grey60
107302919 EPB41 turquoise grey
107288390 EPB41L1 yellow turquoise
107295839 EPB41L2 blue lightcyan
107290146 EPB41L3 turquoise brown
107296373 EPB41L5 blue blue
107284026 EPC1 lightcyan blue
107292947 EPC2 grey60 blue
107283295 EPDR1 lightcyan grey
107289965 EPHA1 blue turquoise
107296444 EPHA2 black turquoise
107291013 EPHA3 blue brown
107289160 EPHA4 blue brown
107294991 EPHA6 green lightgreen
107296644 EPHB3 yellow turquoise
107297486 EPHB4 blue turquoise
107289275 EPHX1 pink tan
107301394 EPHX3 blue red
107283056 EPHX4 midnightblue pink
107293223 EPM2A red blue
107289129 EPN2 greenyellow grey
107284098 EPN3 turquoise cyan
107285119 EPOR salmon turquoise
107288492 EPPK1 magenta turquoise
107283059 EPS15 salmon blue
107282213 EPS15L1 darkgrey grey
107295910 EPS8 turquoise blue
107282478 EPS8L1 turquoise turquoise
107283915 EPS8L2 turquoise turquoise
107292609 EPS8L3 black greenyellow
107298392 ERAL1 brown turquoise
107302785 ERAP1 royalblue blue
107303070 ERBB2 turquoise turquoise
107284855 ERBB3 turquoise blue
107301863 ERBB4 greenyellow grey
107285908 ERC1 brown grey
107285642 ERCC1 brown turquoise
107291651 ERCC2 turquoise turquoise
107293802 ERCC4 turquoise blue
107282310 ERCC5 blue lightcyan
107293949 ERCC6 brown blue
107295768 ERCC8 purple blue
107296361 ERF black green
107285600 ERG darkred grey
107289890 ERGIC1 turquoise turquoise
107296987 ERGIC2 turquoise blue
107287101 ERGIC3 brown turquoise
107291065 ERH grey60 blue
107285626 ERI1 purple brown
107283438 ERI3 yellow tan
107291748 ERICH1 orange brown
107285495 ERLEC1 turquoise blue
107289589 ERMN magenta brown
107291608 ERMP1 turquoise grey
107284852 ERN1 turquoise pink
107286148 ERP27 purple lightcyan
107286970 ERP29 turquoise turquoise
107284065 ERP44 saddlebrown blue
107284673 ERRFI1 turquoise brown
107291600 ESCO1 turquoise blue
107291038 ESCO2 cyan green
107289859 ESD brown blue
107293259 ESF1 grey60 blue
107283817 ESM1 brown black
107288516 ESPL1 cyan brown
107292771 ESR1 black brown
107285162 ESR2 darkred turquoise
107292748 ESRP1 turquoise blue
107295033 ESRP2 yellow grey
107299191 ESRRA pink turquoise
107285966 ESRRB greenyellow red
107293461 ESRRG turquoise blue
107293742 ESYT1 blue turquoise
107283558 ESYT2 red tan
107290280 ESYT3 red grey
107294904 ETF1 turquoise blue
107300922 ETFA turquoise blue
107293937 ETFB turquoise turquoise
107286042 ETFDH turquoise blue
107293232 ETHE1 brown turquoise
107295786 ETNK1 orange brown
107302994 ETNK2 black pink
107291170 ETS1 black brown
107285601 ETS2 purple grey
107288188 ETV1 blue grey
107282656 ETV4 black grey
107285880 ETV5 yellow grey
107286272 ETV6 turquoise turquoise
107287067 ETV7 darkgreen turquoise
107296714 EVI2B green brown
107290200 EVI5 blue blue
107289541 EVI5L blue greenyellow
107291275 EVL yellow grey60
107290784 EVPL magenta turquoise
107288782 EWSR1 brown grey
107282158 EXD1 green green
107285830 EXD2 turquoise grey
107302518 EXD3 green turquoise
107294734 EXOC1 yellow brown
107285698 EXOC2 blue brown
107292072 EXOC3 lightcyan tan
107299981 EXOC4 tan grey
107302960 EXOC5 brown blue
107283385 EXOC6 red blue
107297446 EXOC6B darkred grey
107290786 EXOC7 turquoise turquoise
107290940 EXOC8 turquoise blue
107303319 EXOG lightcyan brown
107294239 EXOSC1 salmon grey
107294606 EXOSC10 turquoise brown
107291338 EXOSC2 magenta blue
107298982 EXOSC3 turquoise blue
107294700 EXOSC4 turquoise turquoise
107295263 EXOSC5 darkgrey turquoise
107293733 EXOSC7 lightcyan turquoise
107298252 EXOSC8 purple brown
107296599 EXOSC9 grey60 brown
107284866 EXPH5 turquoise grey
107302595 EXT2 yellow turquoise
107295666 EXTL1 turquoise yellow
107302497 EXTL2 turquoise blue
107284865 EXTL3 black turquoise
107290244 EYA1 red blue
107288073 EYA2 blue turquoise
107288010 EYA3 yellow magenta
107286517 EYA4 red greenyellow
107302416 EZH1 lightcyan tan
107288847 EZH2 darkorange brown
107288249 EZR orange grey60
107290445 F10 darkred turquoise
107295512 F11R blue turquoise
107283006 F13A1 blue brown
107292520 F13B pink red
107294859 F2 darkturquoise yellow
107293559 F2RL1 black blue
107293562 F2RL2 darkred brown
107282270 F2RL3 blue black
107299944 F3 blue blue
107287406 F5 darkturquoise purple
107290448 F7 greenyellow turquoise
107295403 F8 blue greenyellow
107287368 FA2H turquoise turquoise
107295400 FAAH2 green red
107289777 FABP2 pink grey
107293052 FABP3 black grey
107286900 FABP6 midnightblue pink
107290527 FABP7 brown blue
107287485 FADD brown turquoise
107283061 FAF1 brown grey
107292442 FAF2 salmon grey
107286863 FAH turquoise turquoise
107292549 FAHD1 blue blue
107290274 FAIM green blue
107292787 FAIM2 turquoise red
107294754 FAM102B darkred blue
107283223 FAM104A grey60 brown
107296585 FAM107A turquoise turquoise
107287031 FAM107B tan grey
107284334 FAM110B blue grey
107284577 FAM110C turquoise grey
107295698 FAM111A darkgreen brown
107296513 FAM114A2 salmon lightcyan
107282613 FAM117A red turquoise
107290701 FAM117B brown brown
107294344 FAM118A blue grey
107298041 FAM118B turquoise brown
107297686 FAM120A turquoise grey
107290184 FAM120B turquoise blue
107286550 FAM120C turquoise blue
107303255 FAM122B blue blue
107293615 FAM124B greenyellow pink
107282754 FAM126A lightcyan brown
107291758 FAM126B turquoise brown
107289974 FAM131B blue cyan
107283607 FAM133B saddlebrown brown
107295986 FAM135A brown brown
107297533 FAM135B red grey
107283286 FAM136A turquoise blue
107290995 FAM13A darkred blue
107289009 FAM13B turquoise brown
107302652 FAM149A pink purple
107289363 FAM149B1 darkred blue
107283015 FAM151A blue pink
107295902 FAM160A1 yellow blue
107288663 FAM160A2 pink red
107287319 FAM160B1 salmon brown
107283265 FAM160B2 yellow turquoise
107293523 FAM161A brown blue
107290487 FAM161B green salmon
107284117 FAM162A purple blue
107302519 FAM166A lightgreen yellow
107296949 FAM166B pink lightgreen
107289319 FAM167A brown grey
107285508 FAM167B turquoise grey
107287036 FAM168A black turquoise
107289705 FAM168B tan grey
107291174 FAM169A turquoise blue
107290591 FAM169B red black
107302417 FAM171A2 darkorange midnightblue
107294820 FAM171B blue grey
107284591 FAM172A lightgreen blue
107293469 FAM174A orange blue
107294944 FAM174B brown turquoise
107290214 FAM177A1 purple blue
107299738 FAM184A pink grey
107298952 FAM185A turquoise green
107293000 FAM189A1 black grey
107294418 FAM189A2 turquoise turquoise
107291397 FAM193B black turquoise
107293447 FAM199X tan blue
107282577 FAM20A black turquoise
107283370 FAM20B darkgrey blue
107291885 FAM20C black turquoise
107282210 FAM32A pink tan
107288320 FAM3B brown grey
107293139 FAM3C turquoise blue
107296587 FAM3D magenta turquoise
107286696 FAM50A grey60 turquoise
107301487 FAM53B green tan
107289183 FAM53C yellow turquoise
107287446 FAM76A blue blue
107295226 FAM76B blue brown
107295984 FAM78A pink brown
107283173 FAM81A green grey
107284596 FAM81B green black
107297234 FAM83B blue yellow
107287106 FAM83C cyan grey
107284841 FAM83D cyan brown
107283080 FAM83E green black
107285403 FAM83F brown turquoise
107288493 FAM83H yellow turquoise
107290187 FAM89A blue greenyellow
107291520 FAM8A1 brown blue
107295155 FAM91A1 yellow blue
107289692 FAM98A grey60 blue
107287227 FAM98B blue brown
107293914 FAM98C yellow turquoise
107283487 FANCA green turquoise
107290065 FANCB blue black
107291725 FANCC green green
107288693 FANCD2 blue brown
107302830 FANCE blue green
107282758 FANCF lightcyan blue
107286847 FANCI cyan brown
107302238 FANCL cyan blue
107290155 FANCM cyan brown
107288935 FANK1 green yellow
107285544 FAP black brown
107291089 FAR1 turquoise blue
107282339 FARP1 turquoise grey
107295224 FARP2 blue tan
107283007 FARS2 turquoise turquoise
107285131 FARSA salmon turquoise
107289158 FARSB salmon grey
107290564 FASLG royalblue brown
107288857 FASN turquoise salmon
107289834 FASTKD2 darkred blue
107297691 FASTKD3 tan grey
107299140 FASTKD5 yellow grey
107302651 FAT1 black turquoise
107295505 FAT2 blue turquoise
107293906 FAT3 red salmon
107289846 FAT4 black blue
107296000 FAU lightgreen grey60
107290791 FBF1 yellow turquoise
107288003 FBL salmon turquoise
107287013 FBLN1 black turquoise
107297352 FBLN5 blue turquoise
107296308 FBLN7 red purple
107287690 FBN1 black brown
107291722 FBP1 brown turquoise
107297508 FBRS darkgrey turquoise
107297833 FBRSL1 turquoise turquoise
107287224 FBXL12 turquoise turquoise
107294504 FBXL14 yellow grey
107294834 FBXL15 turquoise turquoise
107289005 FBXL17 skyblue grey
107298105 FBXL18 blue turquoise
107290236 FBXL19 turquoise black
107303062 FBXL20 darkorange grey
107283151 FBXL22 red purple
107303128 FBXL3 pink blue
107299658 FBXL4 yellow blue
107289320 FBXL5 turquoise blue
107296859 FBXL6 turquoise pink
107284883 FBXL7 blue yellow
107291254 FBXO10 blue turquoise
107290123 FBXO11 pink blue
107296191 FBXO15 cyan brown
107295747 FBXO16 green blue
107295432 FBXO21 turquoise grey
107300933 FBXO22 blue grey
107284578 FBXO25 blue turquoise
107291037 FBXO28 magenta blue
107287496 FBXO3 blue blue
107293222 FBXO30 yellow blue
107292885 FBXO31 turquoise turquoise
107295162 FBXO32 red grey
107290486 FBXO33 green blue
107302964 FBXO34 blue grey
107287757 FBXO36 green grey
107288282 FBXO38 blue lightcyan
107295924 FBXO4 brown brown
107284119 FBXO40 red black
107297002 FBXO42 brown turquoise
107285155 FBXO43 cyan brown
107294954 FBXO45 turquoise grey
107297303 FBXO46 yellow grey
107292876 FBXO5 cyan brown
107284724 FBXO7 purple turquoise
107286510 FBXO8 turquoise blue
107292161 FBXO9 turquoise grey
107290414 FBXW11 yellow brown
107285549 FBXW12 pink salmon
107291053 FBXW2 darkgrey brown
107285263 FBXW4 turquoise turquoise
107302542 FBXW5 turquoise turquoise
107296355 FBXW7 blue brown
107295603 FBXW8 turquoise grey
107286887 FBXW9 yellow turquoise
107299349 FCER1G royalblue brown
107295236 FCER2 darkturquoise magenta
107293076 FCF1 orange tan
107290540 FCHO2 yellow blue
107289765 FCHSD2 darkgreen brown
107289313 FDFT1 salmon turquoise
107297026 FDPS turquoise turquoise
107286655 FDXR midnightblue turquoise
107299803 FECH black blue
107296145 FEM1A brown turquoise
107283938 FEM1B grey60 blue
107290896 FEM1C red blue
107287983 FEN1 blue brown
107297014 FER blue lightcyan
107297359 FERMT1 turquoise salmon
107289086 FERMT2 blue blue
107296903 FERMT3 blue black
107289798 FES blue turquoise
107291501 FEV green turquoise
107291264 FEZ1 tan grey60
107287472 FEZ2 darkred brown
107290654 FGA greenyellow purple
107290653 FGB tan green
107292999 FGD1 yellow turquoise
107284533 FGD2 white magenta
107294839 FGD3 darkturquoise magenta
107287196 FGD4 green grey
107284652 FGD6 black brown
107301319 FGF1 black blue
107291018 FGF10 brown black
107303265 FGF13 red blue
107289280 FGF14 black greenyellow
107284612 FGF16 purple grey
107287457 FGF18 darkred grey
107283368 FGF2 purple blue
107282293 FGF22 blue grey
107301330 FGF3 midnightblue cyan
107303155 FGF5 red cyan
107287685 FGF7 pink yellow
107286506 FGF9 black salmon
107292461 FGFBP1 red grey
107293538 FGFBP3 midnightblue brown
107289991 FGFR1 midnightblue salmon
107299443 FGFR1OP2 turquoise brown
107288600 FGFR2 blue grey
107291438 FGFR3 blue turquoise
107295676 FGFR4 red grey
107283196 FGFRL1 yellow cyan
107290652 FGG turquoise purple
107292525 FGGY turquoise pink
107301699 FGL1 green yellow
107289409 FH saddlebrown blue
107296314 FHDC1 blue grey
107286418 FHIT pink pink
107303259 FHL1 blue grey
107286811 FHL2 black turquoise
107283704 FHL3 red grey
107292256 FHL5 blue purple
107284179 FHOD1 green turquoise
107288351 FHOD3 red grey
107291343 FIBCD1 greenyellow salmon
107286941 FIBIN yellow brown
107297106 FIBP turquoise turquoise
107287286 FICD turquoise tan
107302944 FIG4 turquoise blue
107288780 FIGN turquoise tan
107285971 FIGNL1 lightcyan brown
107288833 FILIP1 red red
107291775 FILIP1L blue brown
107295722 FIP1L1 grey60 grey
107291309 FIS1 brown turquoise
107293098 FITM1 red turquoise
107300411 FITM2 brown pink
107293487 FIZ1 yellow turquoise
107303044 FKBP10 midnightblue red
107285693 FKBP11 brown turquoise
107282779 FKBP14 turquoise blue
107302817 FKBP15 turquoise tan
107293404 FKBP1B red turquoise
107299055 FKBP2 turquoise turquoise
107290153 FKBP3 pink blue
107298007 FKBP4 brown turquoise
107292822 FKBP5 darkred grey
107286462 FKBP6 green purple
107290006 FKBP7 midnightblue blue
107285281 FKBP8 purple turquoise
107283798 FKBP9 lightcyan grey
107298367 FKBPL turquoise cyan
107291938 FKRP black turquoise
107291436 FKTN turquoise blue
107296703 FLAD1 darkgrey grey60
107289144 FLCN turquoise purple
107291169 FLI1 brown brown
107289124 FLII red turquoise
107286711 FLNA yellow turquoise
107287783 FLNB blue turquoise
107291119 FLOT1 blue turquoise
107296900 FLRT1 midnightblue green
107282160 FLRT2 blue magenta
107297761 FLRT3 midnightblue green
107294150 FLT1 turquoise blue
107287178 FLT3 white brown
107282545 FLT3LG royalblue brown
107296517 FLT4 blue green
107287436 FLVCR1 salmon brown
107285965 FLVCR2 blue red
107287249 FMN1 blue midnightblue
107288108 FMN2 brown turquoise
107303031 FMNL1 white magenta
107291324 FMNL2 black blue
107286386 FMNL3 black brown
107297505 FMO5 turquoise grey
107299694 FMOD black turquoise
107291664 FMR1 grey60 brown
107292554 FN1 black brown
107293620 FN3KRP magenta turquoise
107300108 FNBP4 purple magenta
107293251 FNDC1 black brown
107288709 FNDC3A turquoise blue
107286544 FNDC3B turquoise blue
107286435 FNDC4 turquoise black
107294638 FNDC7 red cyan
107289489 FNIP1 green blue
107286041 FNIP2 pink blue
107289674 FNTA turquoise brown
107285955 FOS yellow grey
107290600 FOSL2 blue grey
107296853 FOXA1 green red
107291969 FOXA3 pink green
107284931 FOXC1 turquoise tan
107297385 FOXF1 black yellow
107285400 FOXI1 turquoise turquoise
107290788 FOXJ1 pink green
107297435 FOXJ2 turquoise turquoise
107290617 FOXK1 turquoise black
107293623 FOXK2 turquoise turquoise
107290125 FOXN2 turquoise brown
107292386 FOXN3 green brown
107289857 FOXO1 midnightblue brown
107303214 FOXO4 black red
107293224 FOXP1 turquoise grey
107288481 FOXP2 magenta grey
107287135 FOXQ1 black turquoise
107284771 FOXR1 pink lightgreen
107298043 FOXRED1 brown turquoise
107302556 FOXRED2 blue grey
107300852 FPGS darkgrey turquoise
107285062 FPGT cyan blue
107298331 FRAS1 blue brown
107289357 FREM1 blue red
107292478 FRK pink blue
107289627 FRMD1 yellow purple
107284445 FRMD3 red grey
107297067 FRMD4A black green
107292621 FRMD4B darkred blue
107291678 FRMD6 blue brown
107303221 FRMD7 green grey
107296032 FRMD8 darkgrey turquoise
107288664 FRMPD1 turquoise turquoise
107303197 FRMPD3 black black
107302464 FRMPD4 blue yellow
107290201 FRRS1 midnightblue midnightblue
107283837 FRS2 salmon blue
107297527 FRS3 yellow yellow
107286817 FRY red grey
107293676 FRYL tan brown
107292630 FRZB brown brown
107291433 FSD1L red yellow
107302509 FSD2 red pink
107291062 FSHB magenta pink
107296486 FSIP1 green greenyellow
107286756 FST turquoise grey
107284106 FSTL1 black tan
107282869 FSTL3 black red
107285992 FSTL4 magenta midnightblue
107291308 FSTL5 blue purple
107296221 FTCD blue yellow
107289918 FTO yellow grey
107292090 FTSJ1 darkgrey turquoise
107303105 FTSJ3 saddlebrown red
107289441 FUBP1 salmon blue
107291339 FUBP3 brown blue
107290746 FUCA1 turquoise brown
107286870 FUCA2 turquoise midnightblue
107286488 FUNDC1 brown grey
107295411 FUNDC2 red grey
107289799 FURIN turquoise turquoise
107294321 FUS brown magenta
107289673 FUT10 blue grey
107282448 FUT2 green greenyellow
107296798 FUT8 turquoise blue
107292255 FUT9 red black
107282412 FUZ green turquoise
107294421 FXN pink blue
107296732 FXR1 red lightcyan
107297487 FXR2 purple turquoise
107293839 FYCO1 lightcyan tan
107287161 FYN darkred magenta
107293705 FYTTD1 yellow brown
107286840 FZD1 lightcyan blue
107302372 FZD2 black green
107295746 FZD3 yellow blue
107302945 FZD4 black turquoise
107286159 FZD5 brown blue
107297647 FZD6 blue blue
107284016 FZD8 blue yellow
107284704 FZD9 turquoise black
107282246 FZR1 yellow turquoise
107290604 G0S2 darkturquoise turquoise
107287628 G2E3 green blue
107293203 G3BP1 blue brown
107302381 G3BP2 lightcyan brown
107282655 G6PC3 lightcyan turquoise
107284207 G6PD magenta grey
107288787 GAA yellow turquoise
107292173 GAB1 blue blue
107299449 GAB2 turquoise turquoise
107303129 GAB3 green magenta
107295344 GABARAP brown turquoise
107283530 GABARAPL2 brown grey
107296597 GABBR1 red grey
107292282 GABPA magenta brown
107299482 GABPB1 grey60 blue
107290670 GABRB2 red salmon
107290695 GABRD green black
107287458 GABRP turquoise brown
107296805 GABRR1 magenta greenyellow
107302760 GABRR3 red pink
107283897 GAD1 blue greenyellow
107299406 GADD45A pink brown
107290157 GADD45G turquoise turquoise
107285135 GADD45GIP1 lightgreen turquoise
107284375 GADL1 purple salmon
107292175 GAK salmon tan
107288326 GAL black black
107285485 GAL3ST1 black red
107294961 GAL3ST2 royalblue pink
107302615 GAL3ST3 red green
107291164 GALC blue brown
107290745 GALE turquoise turquoise
107290291 GALK1 cyan grey
107287684 GALK2 turquoise cyan
107291905 GALM turquoise grey
107283519 GALNS cyan tan
107296265 GALNT1 lightcyan brown
107290975 GALNT10 turquoise grey
107303330 GALNT11 lightcyan grey
107291827 GALNT12 tan yellow
107289722 GALNT14 red turquoise
107295597 GALNT2 yellow grey
107294404 GALNT3 pink blue
107289587 GALNT5 black blue
107292104 GALNT6 magenta tan
107294997 GALNT7 green brown
107298758 GALNT8 darkgrey pink
107296332 GALNT9 red yellow
107294996 GALNTL6 greenyellow yellow
107285357 GALR1 turquoise salmon
107300461 GALT yellow turquoise
107282878 GAMT blue grey60
107292603 GAN blue yellow
107292414 GANAB brown turquoise
107295758 GANC cyan grey
107285428 GAP43 midnightblue turquoise
107285760 GAPDH red turquoise
107292636 GAPDHS green green
107296777 GAPVD1 turquoise blue
107298570 GAR1 salmon turquoise
107291055 GARNL3 black grey
107293017 GAS2 turquoise blue
107288812 GAS2L1 turquoise turquoise
107289405 GAS2L3 blue brown
107297145 GAS6 steelblue tan
107292534 GAS7 black grey60
107283543 GAS8 green turquoise
107286559 GATA1 salmon grey
107296679 GATA2 red turquoise
107289315 GATA4 magenta grey
107296202 GATA5 blue turquoise
107291102 GATA6 greenyellow brown
107282808 GATAD1 saddlebrown blue
107285283 GATAD2A yellow pink
107285226 GATAD2B turquoise red
107300561 GATC brown grey
107302512 GATM red blue
107287341 GBA2 turquoise turquoise
107294857 GBE1 red blue
107294832 GBF1 turquoise turquoise
107296924 GCA salmon brown
107288629 GCAT turquoise turquoise
107289202 GCC1 brown grey
107296855 GCC2 salmon lightcyan
107285127 GCDH turquoise turquoise
107285552 GCG red yellow
107295830 GCGR darkred grey
107298666 GCH1 black brown
107286209 GCHFR turquoise turquoise
107286239 GCK blue midnightblue
107292158 GCLC salmon brown
107295613 GCLM darkred blue
107286167 GCNT1 blue blue
107282985 GCNT2 darkred lightcyan
107283144 GCNT3 magenta salmon
107291176 GCNT4 pink greenyellow
107295465 GCNT7 blue tan
107288096 GDA magenta black
107295347 GDAP1 darkred blue
107300379 GDAP1L1 blue yellow
107285790 GDAP2 cyan blue
107296936 GDE1 purple grey
107286388 GDF11 greenyellow turquoise
107287104 GDF5 turquoise turquoise
107286717 GDI1 yellow grey
107294488 GDI2 turquoise lightcyan
107288338 GDNF blue yellow
107299555 GDPD1 turquoise blue
107303215 GDPD2 blue yellow
107289766 GDPD5 pink turquoise
107292746 GEM magenta grey
107299314 GEMIN4 brown turquoise
107290969 GEMIN5 brown brown
107291907 GEMIN6 grey60 blue
107299924 GEMIN7 lightgreen turquoise
107302765 GEMIN8 magenta blue
107291884 GET4 grey60 turquoise
107287720 GFER pink turquoise
107290199 GFI1 royalblue brown
107299326 GFI1B black red
107302688 GFM1 salmon blue
107291172 GFM2 black blue
107291510 GFOD1 blue turquoise
107288907 GFOD2 turquoise turquoise
107283251 GFPT1 darkgrey blue
107294633 GFPT2 blue grey
107287326 GFRA1 black brown
107283244 GFRA2 black grey
107289181 GFRA3 turquoise turquoise
107288634 GGA1 turquoise tan
107292718 GGA3 yellow grey60
107294022 GGCT lightcyan grey
107283246 GGCX turquoise grey
107302720 GGH turquoise blue
107294878 GGNBP2 yellow brown
107288311 GGPS1 grey60 blue
107289806 GGT1 blue yellow
107289811 GGT5 blue grey
107288394 GGT7 purple turquoise
107294207 GHITM yellow blue
107288499 GHR pink blue
107287255 GHRH purple green
107285002 GIGYF1 green yellow
107285519 GIGYF2 turquoise blue
107284148 GINS1 cyan brown
107288242 GINS2 pink brown
107284183 GINS3 turquoise brown
107289255 GINS4 pink yellow
107292473 GIPC1 blue turquoise
107289449 GIPC2 brown blue
107287304 GIT2 turquoise brown
107298330 GJA1 midnightblue brown
107291453 GJA4 blue green
107289032 GJA5 green black
107289033 GJA8 red purple
107303278 GJB1 black turquoise
107291454 GJB3 blue grey
107302369 GJC1 darkorange brown
107286010 GJC2 midnightblue cyan
107284017 GJD4 turquoise purple
107284431 GK brown brown
107292034 GK5 turquoise blue
107284449 GKAP1 pink blue
107291584 GLA purple turquoise
107293627 GLB1 turquoise turquoise
107288109 GLB1L midnightblue turquoise
107283662 GLCCI1 lightcyan brown
107283920 GLCE yellow blue
107299109 GLDC steelblue purple
107286946 GLDN pink grey
107295888 GLE1 turquoise grey
107284066 GLG1 turquoise grey
107300291 GLI1 midnightblue turquoise
107288958 GLI2 midnightblue turquoise
107284936 GLI3 darkorange red
107291674 GLIPR2 pink tan
107283039 GLIS1 midnightblue purple
107283998 GLIS2 yellow turquoise
107291610 GLIS3 blue blue
107290189 GLMN darkred brown
107292000 GLO1 grey60 lightcyan
107290724 GLP1R royalblue turquoise
107292536 GLP2R black red
107293200 GLRA1 greenyellow midnightblue
107290069 GLRA2 red midnightblue
107286513 GLRA3 greenyellow yellow
107290462 GLRB blue blue
107302790 GLRX turquoise brown
107289823 GLRX2 turquoise blue
107284029 GLRX3 lightgreen grey
107292486 GLRX5 lightcyan turquoise
107290945 GLS2 blue red
107294381 GLT1D1 turquoise grey
107287353 GLT8D1 turquoise grey
107294619 GLT8D2 black blue
107287303 GLTP turquoise purple
107284992 GLUL grey60 brown
107294767 GLYCTK black turquoise
107290376 GLYR1 turquoise tan
107295507 GM2A turquoise magenta
107283255 GMCL1 brown blue
107285532 GMDS brown turquoise
107302967 GMEB1 yellow brown
107298843 GMEB2 yellow tan
107294107 GMFB turquoise brown
107291660 GMFG darkturquoise magenta
107287234 GMIP turquoise magenta
107289595 GMNN brown brown
107297689 GMPPA darkgrey turquoise
107288680 GMPPB salmon turquoise
107286335 GMPR red grey
107292252 GMPR2 yellow turquoise
107288044 GMPS salmon grey
107295332 GNA11 purple turquoise
107290610 GNA12 brown grey60
107282571 GNA13 yellow brown
107295331 GNA15 black pink
107292615 GNAI3 black lightcyan
107294911 GNAL red yellow
107296063 GNAO1 yellow red
107295540 GNAS turquoise turquoise
107295442 GNAT1 red lightgreen
107292614 GNAT2 tan purple
107299455 GNAZ blue green
107290693 GNB1 blue tan
107294361 GNB1L yellow tan
107285051 GNB2 tan tan
107294473 GNB5 black grey60
107293128 GNE turquoise blue
107290338 GNG10 blue blue
107299301 GNG12 yellow blue
107289488 GNG13 black greenyellow
107295714 GNG2 darkturquoise brown
107292421 GNG3 brown black
107288313 GNG4 brown grey
107285251 GNG5 purple turquoise
107296849 GNG7 royalblue turquoise
107291945 GNG8 turquoise grey
107282663 GNGT2 turquoise brown
107302886 GNL1 darkgrey blue
107283706 GNL2 brown brown
107287352 GNL3 salmon grey
107292996 GNL3L yellow tan
107297201 GNMT blue turquoise
107290180 GNPAT turquoise blue
107286833 GNPDA1 turquoise turquoise
107298003 GNPDA2 tan blue
107289087 GNPNAT1 salmon blue
107289471 GNPTAB blue grey
107302623 GNPTG brown turquoise
107289701 GNRH1 midnightblue blue
107291795 GNS turquoise magenta
107296778 GOLGA1 yellow grey
107302934 GOLGA2 turquoise green
107295451 GOLGA3 turquoise grey
107283792 GOLGA4 saddlebrown blue
107298069 GOLGA5 turquoise blue
107289236 GOLGA7 turquoise blue
107287754 GOLGA7B red lightgreen
107297170 GOLGB1 turquoise salmon
107293035 GOLIM4 turquoise blue
107289724 GOLM1 pink grey
107288405 GOLPH3 brown blue
107292920 GOLPH3L darkgrey blue
107297799 GOLT1B salmon blue
107299353 GON4L green grey
107295729 GOPC salmon brown
107302871 GORAB turquoise brown
107303322 GORASP1 turquoise turquoise
107283892 GORASP2 turquoise turquoise
107303034 GOSR2 turquoise blue
107287734 GOT1 grey60 turquoise
107296750 GOT1L1 green lightgreen
107284164 GOT2 turquoise grey
107291156 GPA33 turquoise turquoise
107294696 GPAA1 brown turquoise
107286249 GPAM red salmon
107283449 GPAT2 brown grey
107292576 GPATCH1 grey60 grey
107293356 GPATCH2 blue brown
107289906 GPATCH3 turquoise tan
107302371 GPATCH8 lightcyan tan
107291492 GPBAR1 darkturquoise green
107292306 GPBP1 turquoise blue
107283413 GPBP1L1 blue yellow
107288149 GPC1 turquoise tan
107285039 GPC2 black black
107303223 GPC3 midnightblue grey
107303251 GPC4 black grey
107293448 GPC6 blue blue
107287452 GPCPD1 brown grey
107302714 GPD1 red turquoise
107284384 GPD1L turquoise grey
107289584 GPD2 red blue
107285847 GPHN darkred grey
107284083 GPI red turquoise
107292013 GPKOW darkgrey grey
107289603 GPLD1 turquoise green
107285712 GPM6A tan salmon
107286433 GPN1 salmon blue
107289896 GPN2 yellow turquoise
107285467 GPN3 purple blue
107282756 GPNMB black brown
107290165 GPR1 black cyan
107291349 GPR107 turquoise grey
107288422 GPR12 greenyellow yellow
107302435 GPR132 darkturquoise magenta
107294578 GPR135 blue black
107299066 GPR137 turquoise grey
107289091 GPR137C magenta brown
107296056 GPR143 pink turquoise
107289118 GPR146 yellow turquoise
107286475 GPR15 white yellow
107284636 GPR153 darkgreen grey
107287385 GPR155 turquoise blue
107290260 GPR160 pink blue
107300294 GPR161 black grey
107295310 GPR17 blue yellow
107286025 GPR171 royalblue brown
107284229 GPR173 blue grey
107296496 GPR176 greenyellow yellow
107291863 GPR18 brown brown
107293451 GPR180 turquoise blue
107293315 GPR182 pink grey
107291861 GPR183 darkturquoise brown
107286976 GPR19 turquoise brown
107292923 GPR20 turquoise black
107285950 GPR26 darkred pink
107286755 GPR3 turquoise green
107303306 GPR37 darkred green
107289528 GPR37L1 blue lightgreen
107293015 GPR39 turquoise purple
107291639 GPR4 midnightblue turquoise
107286821 GPR45 black grey
107302844 GPR52 black black
107297818 GPR6 greenyellow green
107287327 GPR61 midnightblue pink
107291146 GPR62 brown turquoise
107297216 GPR63 blue cyan
107291163 GPR65 darkturquoise brown
107297299 GPR68 black turquoise
107285487 GPR75 blue yellow
107288530 GPR84 blue brown
107294646 GPR85 blue grey
107302491 GPR88 black red
107297029 GPRC5B red turquoise
107286791 GPRC5C red turquoise
107293566 GPRC6A greenyellow salmon
107295804 GPRIN3 darkorange brown
107288859 GPS1 darkgrey turquoise
107300668 GPS2 brown turquoise
107294715 GPSM2 green blue
107296670 GPSM3 blue magenta
107290107 GPT2 turquoise turquoise
107288695 GPX1 midnightblue grey60
107295137 GPX2 blue turquoise
107294934 GPX3 turquoise tan
107295211 GPX4 purple turquoise
107283023 GPX7 tan turquoise
107283809 GPX8 darkred blue
107287556 GRAMD1A blue turquoise
107286487 GRAMD1B green grey
107288263 GRAMD1C pink blue
107302971 GRAMD4 brown tan
107289140 GRAP cyan pink
107291011 GRASP tan greenyellow
107287641 GRB10 lightcyan grey
107295143 GRB14 blue blue
107292723 GRB2 midnightblue tan
107303072 GRB7 lightcyan turquoise
107294639 GREB1 greenyellow green
107291506 GREB1L turquoise green
107287270 GREM1 black green
107288105 GREM2 black blue
107291265 GRHL1 turquoise blue
107302724 GRHL2 blue grey
107291304 GRHL3 turquoise purple
107291253 GRHPR turquoise turquoise
107289398 GRIA1 turquoise yellow
107297411 GRIA3 magenta grey
107294266 GRIA4 green blue
107293614 GRID1 greenyellow green
107290449 GRIK1 pink pink
107302534 GRIN1 cyan turquoise
107286661 GRIN2C red turquoise
107294694 GRINA turquoise yellow
107286502 GRIP1 blue blue
107292047 GRIPAP1 yellow grey
107288606 GRK5 blue brown
107291402 GRK6 yellow grey60
107287767 GRK7 brown grey
107302370 GRN darkorange tan
107297634 GRP royalblue grey
107284467 GRPEL1 brown turquoise
107292469 GRPEL2 blue brown
107294587 GRSF1 orange grey
107290446 GRTP1 black turquoise
107282531 GRWD1 yellow turquoise
107292964 GSC2 pink lightgreen
107296360 GSK3A salmon turquoise
107286129 GSK3B turquoise blue
107295377 GSN yellow tan
107298531 GSPT1 brown grey
107285616 GSR black grey
107285580 GSS brown turquoise
107302511 GSTCD pink pink
107290800 GSTP1 brown turquoise
107284548 GSTZ1 turquoise turquoise
107285938 GTDC1 black blue
107290124 GTF2A1L midnightblue lightgreen
107283164 GTF2A2 brown pink
107298199 GTF2B grey60 blue
107284109 GTF2E1 blue brown
107285607 GTF2E2 purple brown
107298044 GTF2F1 brown tan
107283203 GTF2F2 grey60 blue
107290710 GTF2H1 grey60 lightcyan
107285458 GTF2H3 lightgreen salmon
107295942 GTF2H4 yellow turquoise
107297341 GTF2H5 green blue
107294006 GTF2I green green
107294004 GTF2IRD1 yellow turquoise
107287172 GTF3A black blue
107283961 GTF3C1 turquoise red
107286444 GTF3C2 salmon grey
107284916 GTF3C3 blue brown
107296497 GTF3C4 brown blue
107299321 GTF3C5 turquoise turquoise
107287170 GTF3C6 lightcyan brown
107297880 GTPBP1 yellow turquoise
107289349 GTPBP2 turquoise turquoise
107282170 GTPBP3 turquoise turquoise
107283564 GTPBP4 purple lightcyan
107284251 GTPBP6 green turquoise
107287519 GTPBP8 brown grey
107294523 GTSE1 cyan salmon
107288185 GTSF1 blue brown
107292264 GUCA1B darkgreen yellow
107293269 GUCA1C greenyellow pink
107302973 GUCY2C brown cyan
107298006 GUF1 turquoise blue
107286011 GUK1 saddlebrown tan
107295927 GULP1 blue blue
107287132 GUSB blue turquoise
107302568 GXYLT1 skyblue brown
107295297 GXYLT2 purple yellow
107284830 GYG1 red grey
107289591 GYPC darkred grey60
107292353 H6PD yellow turquoise
107284968 HAAO blue red
107291553 HABP2 magenta pink
107296898 HABP4 lightgreen grey
107284170 HACE1 pink blue
107282910 HACL1 turquoise blue
107282826 HADH brown blue
107291031 HADHA yellow turquoise
107291032 HADHB black grey
107292550 HAGH skyblue turquoise
107292552 HAGHL magenta turquoise
107284569 HAL greenyellow purple
107285361 HAO1 blue yellow
107285787 HAO2 black yellow
107303099 HAP1 magenta yellow
107282195 HAPLN1 blue turquoise
107299220 HAPLN3 black grey
107282863 HAPLN4 green black
107299489 HARBI1 green red
107293265 HAS1 black yellow
107294817 HAS2 blue brown
107283886 HAT1 grey60 blue
107295899 HAUS1 purple brown
107295752 HAUS2 green salmon
107297278 HAUS3 darkred brown
107294117 HAUS4 black turquoise
107287567 HAUS5 green grey
107295930 HAUS6 blue brown
107286710 HAUS7 black turquoise
107282277 HAUS8 darkred grey
107297348 HAVCR2 royalblue brown
107285209 HAX1 turquoise turquoise
107284145 HBEGF red grey
107299434 HBP1 turquoise grey
107285602 HBS1L magenta blue
107284221 HCFC1 darkgrey turquoise
107294622 HCFC2 turquoise yellow
107299503 HCK darkturquoise magenta
107290964 HCN1 pink turquoise
107297196 HCRTR2 blue pink
107285501 HDAC1 turquoise grey
107286324 HDAC10 turquoise cyan
107292860 HDAC11 yellow turquoise
107299579 HDAC3 turquoise turquoise
107303003 HDAC4 greenyellow brown
107282599 HDAC5 darkorange turquoise
107286558 HDAC6 yellow turquoise
107288969 HDAC7 blue red
107303234 HDAC8 brown red
107282952 HDAC9 green blue
107302508 HDC darkred grey
107285898 HDDC2 orange blue
107299396 HDGF orange turquoise
107299158 HDHD2 blue lightcyan
107284124 HDHD3 turquoise turquoise
107289843 HDLBP turquoise turquoise
107295203 HDX turquoise green
107293653 HEATR1 turquoise grey
107290056 HEATR3 salmon blue
107290102 HEATR4 pink green
107287626 HEATR5A turquoise blue
107287474 HEATR5B turquoise blue
107296074 HEATR6 green brown
107288985 HEBP1 turquoise turquoise
107295617 HEBP2 black turquoise
107293044 HECA magenta lightcyan
107287623 HECTD1 green grey
107289978 HECTD2 red blue
107283418 HECTD3 turquoise turquoise
107285973 HECW1 blue greenyellow
107284901 HECW2 yellow brown
107285091 HELLS magenta brown
107303178 HELQ yellow brown
107288346 HELZ turquoise blue
107297212 HEMGN brown cyan
107288555 HEMK1 turquoise turquoise
107295314 HEPACAM pink yellow
107283608 HEPACAM2 blue greenyellow
107284608 HEPH yellow grey
107283150 HERC1 darkgrey grey
107288081 HERC4 magenta brown
107293777 HERPUD1 turquoise grey
107283803 HERPUD2 lightcyan brown
107291701 HES1 turquoise turquoise
107284638 HES2 green grey
107299500 HESX1 turquoise grey
107299997 HEXA turquoise turquoise
107291173 HEXB black grey
107302894 HEY1 black brown
107289337 HEY2 black blue
107284107 HGD darkred turquoise
107294891 HGS yellow grey
107302378 HGSNAT darkorange turquoise
107286422 HHAT blue pink
107284368 HHATL red grey
107283400 HHEX greenyellow brown
107286200 HHIP black yellow
107291336 HHIPL1 orange midnightblue
107302777 HHIPL2 blue green
107299910 HHLA1 green grey
107282771 HIBADH saddlebrown blue
107294915 HIF1A midnightblue lightcyan
107292978 HIF1AN greenyellow grey
107291952 HIF3A brown grey
107292444 HIGD2A yellow turquoise
107284523 HINFP yellow turquoise
107293303 HINT1 brown grey
107289335 HINT3 purple grey
107286424 HIP1 turquoise brown
107288368 HIPK1 salmon brown
107289395 HIPK2 red grey
107302407 HIPK3 red turquoise
107282729 HIRIP3 green turquoise
107282979 HIVEP1 yellow brown
107286866 HIVEP2 blue grey
107293046 HIVEP3 turquoise grey
107293789 HK1 yellow tan
107293790 HKDC1 darkgreen pink
107296825 HLCS salmon grey
107302743 HLF turquoise grey
107284828 HLTF pink blue
107302767 HLX red red
107297725 HM13 turquoise turquoise
107284863 HMBOX1 turquoise grey
107284794 HMBS turquoise turquoise
107285152 HMCN1 blue blue
107289264 HMG20A yellow blue
107282295 HMG20B yellow turquoise
107291431 HMGA1 darkred grey60
107302877 HMGA2 blue pink
107286799 HMGB1 purple magenta
107292042 HMGB3 darkred blue
107290750 HMGCL turquoise turquoise
107291177 HMGCR turquoise brown
107288496 HMGCS1 black blue
107290824 HMGCS2 blue midnightblue
107285604 HMGN1 lightgreen brown
107293793 HMGN2 green tan
107292624 HMGN3 red brown
107298559 HMGXB3 yellow turquoise
107302598 HMGXB4 tan blue
107293583 HMMR cyan brown
107302627 HMOX1 green yellow
107283999 HMOX2 brown turquoise
107300465 HNF4A red pink
107285078 HNF4G pink blue
107285856 HNMT turquoise brown
107289011 HNRNPA0 grey60 lightcyan
107289492 HNRNPA1 brown lightcyan
107282766 HNRNPA2B1 lightcyan lightcyan
107286579 HNRNPA3 tan brown
107289008 HNRNPAB salmon turquoise
107303167 HNRNPD skyblue magenta
107296586 HNRNPH1 grey60 brown
107288082 HNRNPH3 tan brown
107298594 HNRNPK salmon blue
107295482 HNRNPL grey60 brown
107297619 HNRNPM purple brown
107288008 HNRNPR brown brown
107286734 HNRNPU purple magenta
107295266 HNRNPUL1 brown turquoise
107292420 HNRNPUL2 brown turquoise
107287872 HOMER1 red grey
107297679 HOMER2 darkred turquoise
107282858 HOMER3 red tan
107294805 HOMEZ black red
107292526 HOOK1 turquoise blue
107286881 HOOK2 blue turquoise
107285639 HOPX blue grey
107292900 HORMAD1 green black
107288789 HORMAD2 brown greenyellow
107282791 HOXA3 red purple
107282593 HOXB1 red pink
107282592 HOXB4 greenyellow grey
107282668 HOXB7 greenyellow green
107289499 HOXC6 greenyellow lightgreen
107289501 HOXC8 greenyellow grey
107289502 HOXC9 red black
107286586 HOXD8 blue red
107297523 HP1BP3 brown brown
107294078 HPCAL1 black grey60
107283744 HPCAL4 blue midnightblue
107287005 HPD magenta cyan
107283465 HPDL cyan greenyellow
107286508 HPGD blue brown
107287563 HPN turquoise turquoise
107303224 HPRT1 turquoise brown
107287735 HPS1 yellow turquoise
107284833 HPS3 yellow brown
107287277 HPS4 brown brown
107290709 HPS5 white brown
107285590 HPS6 blue turquoise
107303159 HPSE midnightblue greenyellow
107287746 HPSE2 darkred grey
107288654 HPX pink black
107287923 HRAS blue turquoise
107282406 HRC red turquoise
107288232 HRH1 darkred green
107294780 HRH2 cyan grey
107291931 HS1BP3 salmon turquoise
107290888 HS2ST1 brown blue
107290944 HS3ST1 turquoise turquoise
107297710 HS3ST5 black yellow
107287664 HS6ST1 brown turquoise
107303222 HS6ST2 black purple
107282674 HSBP1 green blue
107297511 HSBP1L1 turquoise yellow
107287282 HSCB brown turquoise
107292272 HSD11B1 turquoise brown
107284155 HSD11B2 salmon turquoise
107284213 HSD17B10 brown turquoise
107289668 HSD17B12 salmon blue
107282486 HSD17B14 saddlebrown grey
107287717 HSD17B2 black turquoise
107299705 HSD17B3 darkred grey
107294349 HSD17B4 blue blue
107302880 HSD17B7 black grey
107298989 HSD17B8 purple turquoise
107292629 HSD3B7 turquoise tan
107293779 HSDL1 turquoise grey
107290332 HSDL2 grey60 blue
107294693 HSF1 brown salmon
107290524 HSF2 green blue
107286410 HSF2BP turquoise yellow
107288567 HSF5 blue brown
107294792 HSP90AA1 grey60 lightcyan
107295973 HSP90AB1 purple magenta
107294617 HSP90B1 turquoise brown
107296428 HSPA12A blue blue
107297904 HSPA12B darkgreen midnightblue
107285595 HSPA13 turquoise blue
107295848 HSPA14 turquoise brown
107285167 HSPA2 blue grey
107286834 HSPA4 purple brown
107290574 HSPA4L blue blue
107296774 HSPA5 turquoise blue
107292332 HSPA8 darkgrey brown
107294903 HSPA9 salmon lightcyan
107294601 HSPB1 red turquoise
107283035 HSPB11 green brown
107284518 HSPB2 red pink
107293720 HSPB3 red greenyellow
107287998 HSPB6 red turquoise
107296446 HSPB7 purple turquoise
107288825 HSPB8 red turquoise
107290073 HSPBAP1 blue brown
107282482 HSPBP1 lightcyan turquoise
107284910 HSPD1 salmon brown
107298504 HSPG2 black tan
107286804 HSPH1 grey60 brown
107287238 HTATIP2 turquoise brown
107303261 HTATSF1 turquoise lightcyan
107288035 HTR1D turquoise red
107284755 HTR1E midnightblue green
107289035 HTR1F greenyellow midnightblue
107284273 HTR2A darkred grey
107303283 HTR2C blue midnightblue
107288283 HTR4 tan purple
107296612 HTR7 blue brown
107288605 HTRA1 blue grey
107292494 HTRA2 brown turquoise
107298580 HTT salmon grey
107290461 HUNK green greenyellow
107299837 HUS1 saddlebrown blue
107289351 HUWE1 darkgrey grey
107286999 HVCN1 pink magenta
107288729 HYAL1 black grey
107288720 HYAL2 midnightblue turquoise
107288731 HYAL3 magenta turquoise
107284162 HYDIN green black
107283448 HYI turquoise turquoise
107284796 HYOU1 turquoise turquoise
107295812 IAH1 green grey
107292299 IARS2 yellow blue
107290431 IBSP black blue
107302923 IBTK red brown
107283663 ICA1 brown grey
107285686 ICAM5 brown red
107284654 ICMT orange grey
107286497 ICOSLG turquoise pink
107287634 ID2 midnightblue grey
107303048 ID3 black magenta
107302571 ID4 magenta blue
107283394 IDE yellow blue
107286154 IDH1 salmon lightcyan
107283925 IDH2 brown turquoise
107295861 IDH3B brown turquoise
107286701 IDH3G black turquoise
107291666 IDS blue magenta
107291845 IDUA pink turquoise
107286902 IER2 purple grey60
107299156 IER3IP1 salmon blue
107284981 IER5 turquoise magenta
107285761 IFFO1 pink magenta
107298858 IFFO2 brown turquoise
107282219 IFI30 white magenta
107285936 IFI35 green grey60
107290638 IFNAR1 blue blue
107290611 IFNAR2 yellow brown
107284417 IFNG royalblue brown
107294497 IFNGR1 blue brown
107290470 IFNGR2 blue magenta
107291058 IFRD1 brown grey
107288722 IFRD2 turquoise turquoise
107294261 IFT122 green greenyellow
107292218 IFT140 cyan red
107286437 IFT172 green turquoise
107297931 IFT20 salmon blue
107302741 IFT27 green turquoise
107284775 IFT46 green turquoise
107290467 IFT52 pink blue
107293273 IFT57 green blue
107290676 IFT74 green blue
107302694 IFT80 pink brown
107287011 IFT81 cyan blue
107286108 IFT88 green blue
107291218 IGBP1 orange grey
107290294 IGDCC3 greenyellow red
107289460 IGF1 blue lightcyan
107290589 IGF1R turquoise grey
107282664 IGF2BP1 magenta cyan
107285883 IGF2BP2 blue salmon
107282787 IGF2BP3 blue brown
107293799 IGFALS blue turquoise
107295282 IGFBP3 pink magenta
107303086 IGFBP4 blue turquoise
107284940 IGFBP5 darkred tan
107291006 IGFBP6 black turquoise
107286914 IGFBP7 brown grey60
107288615 IGFBPL1 turquoise greenyellow
107297649 IGLON5 pink green
107286035 IGSF10 blue blue
107287711 IGSF11 pink red
107290716 IGSF22 red red
107289029 IGSF3 blue greenyellow
107292363 IGSF5 pink yellow
107294250 IGSF9 pink grey
107283664 IK salmon grey
107290553 IKBIP brown brown
107287960 IKBKB orange brown
107284206 IKBKG turquoise turquoise
107287644 IKZF1 white brown
107301853 IKZF2 green blue
107303017 IKZF3 white midnightblue
107287772 IKZF4 blue blue
107285942 IKZF5 turquoise blue
107297703 IL10 royalblue grey
107290621 IL10RB black tan
107300035 IL11RA tan turquoise
107303246 IL13RA1 pink green
107296563 IL15 purple brown
107294425 IL15RA darkred turquoise
107291222 IL16 green magenta
107292464 IL17B turquoise green
107286121 IL17D cyan turquoise
107288328 IL17RA yellow brown
107287674 IL17RB tan grey
107290904 IL17RC yellow turquoise
107299125 IL17RD black grey
107291003 IL17RE blue red
107288208 IL18R1 brown brown
107288209 IL18RAP white brown
107283245 IL1B darkred grey
107288206 IL1R2 tan brown
107299035 IL1RAP brown blue
107284432 IL1RAPL1 turquoise green
107296456 IL1RAPL2 greenyellow red
107288033 IL20RB cyan brown
107302632 IL21R white brown
107284403 IL22 pink yellow
107290758 IL22RA1 magenta grey
107298081 IL27RA black magenta
107302587 IL2RB white magenta
107303211 IL2RG white magenta
107294975 IL31RA darkred yellow
107282781 IL6 saddlebrown grey
107294972 IL6ST yellow brown
107297967 IL7R royalblue brown
107286525 ILDR1 turquoise grey
107285225 ILF2 yellow turquoise
107298135 ILF3 brown grey
107288657 ILK tan turquoise
107285525 ILKAP turquoise grey
107293752 IMMP1L purple turquoise
107285774 IMMP2L pink blue
107302396 IMMT saddlebrown lightcyan
107293656 IMP3 salmon turquoise
107295326 IMP4 grey60 turquoise
107302905 IMPA1 blue blue
107294909 IMPA2 blue turquoise
107292901 IMPACT brown blue
107289215 IMPDH1 brown grey
107292776 IMPDH2 grey60 turquoise
107285032 IMPG2 greenyellow midnightblue
107290856 INA darkred green
107294360 INCENP cyan grey
107286274 INF2 tan turquoise
107283853 ING1 pink brown
107302678 ING2 greenyellow blue
107293141 ING3 purple blue
107285765 ING4 darkred grey
107295146 ING5 brown turquoise
107286770 INHA blue green
107284935 INHBA blue grey
107288961 INHBB black turquoise
107292030 INO80 brown turquoise
107292509 INO80B brown turquoise
107296255 INO80C lightgreen grey
107289356 INO80D darkgrey magenta
107282730 INO80E darkorange turquoise
107293737 INPP1 yellow grey
107301415 INPP4A blue brown
107288553 INPP4B blue brown
107285512 INPP5D white turquoise
107296233 INPP5E yellow turquoise
107288596 INPP5F yellow blue
107285446 INPP5J brown turquoise
107289571 INPP5K brown turquoise
107294042 INS brown grey
107295020 INSC midnightblue red
107303308 INSIG1 turquoise blue
107291291 INSIG2 brown blue
107282222 INSR turquoise grey
107290643 INTS1 brown tan
107302377 INTS10 lightcyan lightcyan
107303001 INTS12 turquoise blue
107297893 INTS2 yellow brown
107285180 INTS3 brown tan
107297918 INTS4 darkgrey grey
107292400 INTS5 turquoise turquoise
107286302 INTS7 yellow brown
107289132 INTS8 blue brown
107284864 INTS9 yellow green
107284062 INVS lightcyan blue
107289186 IP6K1 yellow turquoise
107296516 IP6K2 black turquoise
107287062 IP6K3 darkred grey
107295799 IPCEF1 darkturquoise brown
107285107 IPMK blue blue
107289921 IPO11 turquoise brown
107283406 IPO13 magenta turquoise
107292249 IPO4 brown turquoise
107282321 IPO5 salmon grey
107294531 IPO7 turquoise blue
107287188 IPO8 turquoise lightcyan
107287117 IPO9 salmon tan
107283461 IPP black grey
107293193 IPPK salmon grey
107290836 IQCA1 green yellow
107290076 IQCB1 green brown
107283693 IQCC green grey
107298904 IQCD cyan grey
107290623 IQCE green turquoise
107293707 IQCG green brown
107283899 IQCH pink grey
107297038 IQCK cyan turquoise
107289788 IQGAP1 turquoise blue
107293561 IQGAP2 darkred blue
107290910 IQGAP3 cyan grey
107287867 IQSEC1 blue turquoise
107284191 IQSEC2 black turquoise
107293097 IQUB green greenyellow
107284218 IRAK1 yellow turquoise
107292627 IRAK1BP1 pink blue
107297847 IRAK2 salmon brown
107284404 IRAK3 darkred brown
107301061 IREB2 black brown
107290656 IRF1 royalblue brown
107302672 IRF2 darkred brown
107291946 IRF2BP1 black turquoise
107288317 IRF2BP2 brown tan
107282419 IRF3 darkorange tan
107285129 IRF4 white magenta
107296491 IRF5 pink magenta
107292270 IRF6 blue grey
107288247 IRF8 royalblue magenta
107286667 IRS1 magenta grey
107296125 IRS2 darkred grey
107287636 IRX1 turquoise turquoise
107287137 IRX2 brown grey
107289725 ISCA1 red blue
107293068 ISCA2 tan turquoise
107287287 ISCU purple brown
107285475 ISG15 darkgreen magenta
107298214 ISG20L2 brown turquoise
107293285 ISM1 blue blue
107284534 ISM2 blue grey
107286825 ISOC1 turquoise blue
107283099 ISOC2 turquoise turquoise
107293783 ISY1 orange salmon
107282285 ISYNA1 blue green
107288388 ITCH yellow red
107290108 ITFG1 brown blue
107298005 ITFG2 yellow grey
107288019 ITGA10 midnightblue grey
107283939 ITGA11 black green
107286758 ITGA2 blue brown
107302354 ITGA2B lightcyan green
107282610 ITGA3 darkorange turquoise
107294224 ITGA4 black brown
107288179 ITGA5 black turquoise
107291524 ITGA6 yellow blue
107294928 ITGA7 red grey
107283308 ITGA8 blue brown
107297042 ITGAV midnightblue brown
107284025 ITGB1 blue blue
107287631 ITGB1BP1 lightgreen blue
107303275 ITGB1BP2 red black
107284294 ITGB2 green magenta
107303035 ITGB3 midnightblue turquoise
107287075 ITGB3BP cyan brown
107290217 ITGB4 blue turquoise
107294611 ITGB6 blue blue
107288518 ITGB7 cyan magenta
107282955 ITGB8 yellow blue
107289281 ITGBL1 tan blue
107295335 ITIH5 magenta turquoise
107302950 ITK blue brown
107295519 ITLN1 pink purple
107289954 ITM2A pink blue
107284301 ITM2B turquoise blue
107302861 ITPA turquoise turquoise
107295460 ITPK1 turquoise turquoise
107295459 ITPKA tan purple
107291207 ITPKB turquoise turquoise
107285647 ITPKC brown grey
107293430 ITPR1 pink blue
107296465 ITPR2 turquoise blue
107287061 ITPR3 turquoise grey60
107284676 ITPRIP black grey
107290722 ITSN1 black blue
107284284 ITSN2 turquoise brown
107286214 IVD turquoise grey
107295417 IVNS1ABP turquoise grey
107295312 IWS1 grey60 grey
107287409 IYD turquoise cyan
107286320 JAG1 black brown
107297081 JAGN1 turquoise turquoise
107294340 JAK1 darkred brown
107291603 JAK2 darkred brown
107284341 JAKMIP3 red green
107292281 JAM2 blue brown
107293173 JAM3 midnightblue salmon
107286347 JARID2 blue green
107282773 JAZF1 black brown
107285963 JDP2 tan black
107294585 JKAMP darkred lightcyan
107285094 JMJD1C blue brown
107286015 JMJD4 brown turquoise
107300793 JMJD6 yellow turquoise
107290373 JMJD8 blue turquoise
107287874 JMY brown blue
107297878 JOSD1 green turquoise
107282397 JOSD2 lightcyan turquoise
107295346 JPH1 red blue
107300351 JPH2 red turquoise
107282260 JSRP1 red grey
107285174 JTB turquoise turquoise
107302456 JUN blue grey
107286880 JUNB black grey
107282279 JUND green turquoise
107303097 JUP lightcyan tan
107288929 KALRN pink turquoise
107289301 KANK1 magenta grey
107287125 KANK2 blue turquoise
107299614 KANK3 tan magenta
107287071 KANK4 turquoise turquoise
107282649 KAT2A darkorange turquoise
107282900 KAT2B lightcyan blue
107297119 KAT5 yellow turquoise
107287403 KATNA1 skyblue black
107299159 KATNAL2 pink pink
107284092 KATNB1 yellow turquoise
107285261 KAZALD1 turquoise turquoise
107290283 KBTBD11 darkred blue
107302448 KBTBD12 red yellow
107283797 KBTBD2 lightcyan brown
107294269 KBTBD3 turquoise yellow
107292934 KBTBD4 yellow grey
107296039 KBTBD8 turquoise brown
107289676 KCMF1 brown blue
107286262 KCNA10 blue grey
107282409 KCNA7 red pink
107284663 KCNAB2 blue magenta
107296627 KCNB1 pink black
107288535 KCNB2 blue yellow
107286266 KCNC4 darkturquoise turquoise
107291943 KCND1 greenyellow green
107293138 KCND2 magenta pink
107297737 KCNE1 turquoise black
107297742 KCNE2 green purple
107287043 KCNE3 blue brown
107289161 KCNE4 turquoise brown
107290412 KCNG1 darkgreen greenyellow
107287413 KCNG2 turquoise purple
107284975 KCNG3 turquoise greenyellow
107282654 KCNG4 black yellow
107294924 KCNH3 magenta lightgreen
107282597 KCNH4 pink green
107296926 KCNH7 blue grey
107282896 KCNH8 midnightblue blue
107285268 KCNIP2 red turquoise
107283659 KCNIP3 pink turquoise
107296072 KCNIP4 black grey
107291171 KCNJ1 blue black
107299623 KCNJ11 red black
107285520 KCNJ13 tan purple
107285599 KCNJ15 greenyellow grey
107282581 KCNJ16 red blue
107299370 KCNJ8 blue brown
107291594 KCNK1 salmon grey
107299920 KCNK10 magenta green
107292384 KCNK13 black midnightblue
107290726 KCNK16 red yellow
107290725 KCNK17 darkgreen turquoise
107289055 KCNK3 black grey
107290728 KCNK5 blue turquoise
107285655 KCNK6 yellow turquoise
107283844 KCNMB4 pink turquoise
107296867 KCNN2 blue blue
107297419 KCNN4 turquoise turquoise
107290119 KCNQ1 pink yellow
107299909 KCNQ3 black red
107288834 KCNQ5 midnightblue blue
107284314 KCNRG pink blue
107287817 KCNS1 greenyellow grey
107284928 KCNS3 midnightblue pink
107295537 KCNT1 red grey
107285546 KCNT2 blue brown
107290830 KCNU1 brown yellow
107299952 KCNV1 magenta red
107299186 KCP blue green
107290363 KCTD1 turquoise grey
107287297 KCTD10 turquoise grey
107282714 KCTD13 green turquoise
107297255 KCTD14 turquoise turquoise
107284089 KCTD15 black turquoise
107302779 KCTD17 green green
107291764 KCTD18 green blue
107284157 KCTD19 midnightblue pink
107286657 KCTD2 brown yellow
107287058 KCTD20 blue lightcyan
107297261 KCTD21 pink turquoise
107289291 KCTD3 blue blue
107302621 KCTD5 purple turquoise
107296583 KCTD6 black brown
107287103 KCTD7 blue magenta
107289698 KCTD9 yellow blue
107282469 KDELR1 lightcyan turquoise
107288616 KDELR3 turquoise grey
107288027 KDM1A black grey
107286344 KDM1B turquoise brown
107296660 KDM2A yellow magenta
107286966 KDM2B yellow brown
107289184 KDM3B yellow grey
107283446 KDM4A yellow grey
107296147 KDM4B turquoise grey60
107299130 KDM4C darkgreen grey
107285905 KDM5A brown lightcyan
107287109 KDM5B turquoise grey
107289352 KDM5C yellow yellow
107299463 KDM6B brown grey
107295912 KDR cyan grey
107283581 KDSR turquoise grey
107285715 KEAP1 black turquoise
107286905 KEL black grey
107285505 KHDRBS1 orange lightcyan
107297568 KHDRBS3 pink grey
107286452 KHK brown turquoise
107297992 KHSRP darkgrey turquoise
107287317 KIAA0040 blue grey
107284469 KIAA0232 yellow grey
107289599 KIAA0319 turquoise black
107294884 KIAA0319L turquoise turquoise
107284084 KIAA0355 green grey
107287710 KIAA0408 red red
107292893 KIAA0513 yellow turquoise
107283962 KIAA0556 green turquoise
107292185 KIAA0586 green blue
107286425 KIAA0753 midnightblue grey
107283806 KIAA0895 lightcyan yellow
107290197 KIAA1107 pink blue
107283346 KIAA1109 pink brown
107293700 KIAA1143 lightcyan brown
107292448 KIAA1191 turquoise turquoise
107283638 KIAA1217 greenyellow grey
107289045 KIAA1324 turquoise grey
107298326 KIAA1324L pink blue
107283696 KIAA1522 turquoise turquoise
107291334 KIAA1549 blue purple
107291237 KIAA1586 black brown
107287273 KIAA1671 pink grey
107294922 KIAA1841 pink brown
107299963 KIAA2013 darkgrey turquoise
107291607 KIAA2026 brown lightcyan
107287633 KIDINS220 turquoise lightcyan
107283397 KIF11 cyan brown
107286341 KIF13A purple salmon
107284862 KIF13B turquoise turquoise
107294620 KIF14 cyan green
107283188 KIF16B turquoise blue
107284190 KIF17 magenta red
107286938 KIF18A cyan brown
107286288 KIF18B cyan brown
107286907 KIF19 magenta turquoise
107292358 KIF1B brown blue
107285041 KIF1C darkgreen blue
107294703 KIF20A cyan brown
107293689 KIF20B cyan brown
107294230 KIF21A black blue
107289046 KIF21B magenta magenta
107282726 KIF22 cyan turquoise
107283929 KIF23 cyan brown
107298976 KIF24 green purple
107289491 KIF25 cyan turquoise
107296814 KIF26A yellow turquoise
107289919 KIF2A pink brown
107283433 KIF2C cyan brown
107297597 KIF3A green brown
107294595 KIF3B brown yellow
107297091 KIF4A green brown
107294723 KIF5A greenyellow salmon
107284027 KIF5B lightcyan tan
107292925 KIF5C turquoise brown
107290721 KIF6 pink grey
107286855 KIF7 black magenta
107286006 KIF9 green grey
107302872 KIFAP3 pink blue
107295472 KIFC1 cyan red
107284093 KIFC3 darkgrey grey
107296592 KIN salmon blue
107292370 KIRREL3 greenyellow yellow
107282174 KISS1R red brown
107294049 KIT royalblue blue
107283118 KITLG pink blue
107286822 KL greenyellow brown
107285086 KLC1 brown tan
107291635 KLC3 turquoise turquoise
107285146 KLF1 turquoise grey
107287821 KLF10 darkred grey
107291268 KLF11 blue blue
107303134 KLF12 darkgreen brown
107283142 KLF13 turquoise magenta
107293902 KLF15 turquoise turquoise
107282297 KLF16 black yellow
107282212 KLF2 darkred magenta
107293703 KLF3 blue blue
107292289 KLF4 pink grey
107303136 KLF5 magenta blue
107283953 KLF6 darkorange brown
107287837 KLF7 blue tan
107303273 KLF8 cyan blue
107284422 KLF9 turquoise blue
107298234 KLHDC1 darkred yellow
107300036 KLHDC10 orange grey
107298232 KLHDC2 darkred blue
107296313 KLHDC3 darkgrey green
107292891 KLHDC4 turquoise turquoise
107297039 KLHDC7A turquoise grey
107289113 KLHDC8A magenta grey
107297388 KLHDC8B blue turquoise
107293808 KLHDC9 pink turquoise
107303141 KLHL1 greenyellow pink
107303010 KLHL11 saddlebrown green
107287112 KLHL12 turquoise lightcyan
107303287 KLHL13 yellow blue
107294219 KLHL14 black brown
107298440 KLHL15 pink blue
107291616 KLHL2 turquoise blue
107302851 KLHL20 turquoise blue
107284642 KLHL21 magenta grey
107295150 KLHL22 brown tan
107290308 KLHL23 red brown
107287721 KLHL24 darkorange salmon
107284151 KLHL25 blue turquoise
107290150 KLHL28 yellow brown
107293407 KLHL29 magenta grey
107289013 KLHL3 yellow brown
107292157 KLHL31 red blue
107289047 KLHL32 green grey
107286130 KLHL34 red pink
107282767 KLHL36 yellow tan
107287752 KLHL6 cyan brown
107282783 KLHL7 lightcyan blue
107293597 KLHL8 blue blue
107284296 KMO magenta brown
107290946 KNDC1 pink grey
107286979 KNTC1 blue brown
107284118 KPNA1 red purple
107284848 KPNA2 black brown
107284288 KPNA3 purple brown
107302697 KPNA4 grey60 lightcyan
107293571 KPNA5 yellow brown
107283733 KPNA6 yellow pink
107282638 KPNB1 lightcyan tan
107293875 KPTN brown turquoise
107295639 KRAS blue lightcyan
107302363 KRCC1 lightcyan brown
107282563 KREMEN2 turquoise red
107291619 KRI1 turquoise turquoise
107282805 KRIT1 darkorange blue
107290763 KRR1 orange brown
107288181 KRT18 turquoise turquoise
107303117 KRT222 darkturquoise grey
107303090 KRT24 magenta yellow
107288180 KRT8 turquoise turquoise
107296710 KRTCAP2 turquoise turquoise
107296206 KSR1 greenyellow magenta
107287438 KTI12 lightcyan brown
107292189 KTN1 red blue
107287130 KY red purple
107289994 KYNU pink brown
107284224 L1CAM green turquoise
107296219 L2HGDH brown tan
107285415 L3MBTL2 turquoise red
107283128 LACTB green brown
107290245 LACTB2 turquoise blue
107287795 LAD1 darkred turquoise
107285799 LAG3 cyan magenta
107286716 LAGE3 orange turquoise
107285988 LAMA1 black grey
107291296 LAMA3 midnightblue grey
107287159 LAMA4 blue grey
107296589 LAMA5 blue salmon
107297531 LAMB2 red turquoise
107290603 LAMB3 black salmon
107296988 LAMB4 black black
107284987 LAMC1 yellow grey
107284986 LAMC2 black brown
107291342 LAMC3 green turquoise
107290442 LAMP1 darkred turquoise
107302746 LAMP2 salmon blue
107293261 LAMP3 royalblue brown
107301909 LANCL1 blue blue
107284694 LANCL2 lightcyan blue
107294143 LAP3 blue brown
107290367 LAPTM4A brown blue
107285396 LAPTM4B black grey
107290971 LARP1 turquoise red
107290569 LARP1B brown blue
107302711 LARP4 turquoise blue
107283563 LARP4B lightcyan magenta
107293003 LARP6 black turquoise
107286685 LARP7 brown brown
107293766 LARS2 lightcyan grey
107291294 LAS1L midnightblue turquoise
107282420 LASP1 lightcyan grey60
107287402 LATS1 yellow lightgreen
107286110 LATS2 blue blue
107284506 LAYN black blue
107291902 LBH blue grey60
107297430 LBR green brown
107288220 LCA5 pink yellow
107284167 LCAT blue tan
107285506 LCK royalblue magenta
107291899 LCLAT1 yellow brown
107296216 LCMT1 brown grey
107288485 LCMT2 grey60 blue
107285589 LCOR yellow grey
107287982 LCORL green brown
107285399 LCP2 darkturquoise brown
107297977 LCTL turquoise purple
107285587 LDB1 turquoise turquoise
107288978 LDB2 blue blue
107295478 LDB3 red salmon
107297854 LDHB lightgreen brown
107287375 LDHD turquoise turquoise
107287119 LDLR turquoise grey
107292026 LDLRAD3 red turquoise
107293111 LDLRAP1 turquoise turquoise
107302616 LEF1 midnightblue brown
107286948 LEKR1 green grey
107289111 LEMD1 red grey
107287063 LEMD2 blue tan
107291831 LEMD3 tan brown
107283108 LENG1 lightcyan turquoise
107282481 LENG8 lightcyan grey
107294477 LEO1 darkgrey brown
107298129 LEPR brown brown
107294342 LEPROT blue brown
107285634 LEPROTL1 blue brown
107291448 LETM1 brown turquoise
107289992 LETM2 blue purple
107291612 LETMD1 tan turquoise
107290633 LFNG green magenta
107288633 LGALS1 pink turquoise
107293659 LGALS3 brown turquoise
107293652 LGALS8 brown brown
107293537 LGI1 pink purple
107283434 LGI3 blue grey
107298068 LGMN darkturquoise magenta
107286935 LGR4 blue blue
107283821 LGR5 darkred brown
107289531 LGR6 turquoise turquoise
107284607 LHFPL2 white green
107292819 LHFPL5 brown lightgreen
107301475 LHPP brown turquoise
107283365 LHX4 lightcyan black
107285066 LHX8 black greenyellow
107302796 LIAS brown blue
107288322 LIFR turquoise blue
107285325 LIG1 lightcyan grey60
107288940 LIG3 yellow turquoise
107284305 LIG4 blue brown
107302712 LIMA1 purple blue
107293776 LIMD1 lightcyan grey
107302402 LIMD2 midnightblue magenta
107284701 LIMK1 green purple
107293502 LIMK2 yellow grey
107290887 LIMS1 turquoise brown
107295311 LIMS2 blue turquoise
107284199 LIN28B brown cyan
107287997 LIN37 green turquoise
107290493 LIN52 turquoise blue
107303185 LIN54 red grey
107284046 LIN7A turquoise grey
107282376 LIN7B turquoise turquoise
107286937 LIN7C turquoise blue
107291209 LIN9 magenta brown
107295006 LINGO1 red red
107290681 LINGO2 turquoise green
107283880 LINS1 turquoise brown
107293843 LIPA darkred brown
107289716 LIPE blue turquoise
107285593 LIPI green black
107302343 LIPT1 darkred grey
107284006 LITAF yellow grey
107285730 LIX1 midnightblue yellow
107296029 LIX1L turquoise brown
107289150 LLGL1 brown salmon
107290351 LLGL2 yellow turquoise
107286500 LLPH salmon blue
107290862 LMAN1 turquoise blue
107295192 LMAN2 turquoise turquoise
107287950 LMAN2L turquoise turquoise
107303305 LMBR1 turquoise blue
107286381 LMBR1L turquoise greenyellow
107290820 LMBRD1 turquoise blue
107297971 LMBRD2 turquoise red
107293508 LMCD1 blue yellow
107297172 LMF2 turquoise tan
107290282 LMLN green grey
107297417 LMNA black turquoise
107283264 LMNB1 blue brown
107284177 LMO1 blue green
107287497 LMO2 midnightblue brown
107291426 LMO3 midnightblue blue
107288233 LMO4 turquoise tan
107303143 LMO7 yellow black
107289272 LMOD1 blue turquoise
107293131 LMOD2 red cyan
107302645 LMOD3 red grey
107291735 LMTK2 turquoise blue
107302784 LNPEP green green
107287179 LNX2 midnightblue blue
107282224 LONP1 brown turquoise
107290811 LONP2 turquoise grey
107297220 LONRF1 turquoise blue
107288154 LONRF2 brown blue
107289433 LOX midnightblue brown
107292493 LOXL3 green red
107287749 LOXL4 midnightblue turquoise
107287233 LPAR2 blue turquoise
107285247 LPAR3 blue blue
107289964 LPAR4 pink red
107285764 LPAR5 blue brown
107284300 LPAR6 pink lightcyan
107292116 LPCAT1 magenta magenta
107287667 LPCAT2 turquoise blue
107285779 LPCAT3 brown turquoise
107292696 LPCAT4 magenta grey60
107288583 LPGAT1 green brown
107291720 LPIN1 brown magenta
107294001 LPIN2 tan brown
107287252 LPIN3 turquoise purple
107286300 LPL blue grey
107295690 LPXN darkturquoise brown
107287990 LRAT midnightblue midnightblue
107303284 LRCH2 blue lightcyan
107293706 LRCH3 black brown
107285017 LRCH4 brown magenta
107293010 LRFN2 black green
107293686 LRFN5 midnightblue brown
107295096 LRIG1 yellow grey
107295632 LRMP royalblue brown
107291002 LRP1 blue turquoise
107299796 LRP10 brown turquoise
107287399 LRP11 tan blue
107292722 LRP12 tan lightgreen
107287789 LRP1B greenyellow purple
107302666 LRP2BP green grey
107292568 LRP3 turquoise turquoise
107294856 LRP4 blue grey
107286273 LRP6 blue blue
107283040 LRP8 magenta brown
107296470 LRPAP1 lightgreen turquoise
107284955 LRPPRC salmon blue
107292156 LRRC1 brown blue
107287974 LRRC10B green turquoise
107297501 LRRC14 blue tan
107303286 LRRC17 black blue
107293953 LRRC18 green salmon
107288341 LRRC2 red brown
107300052 LRRC20 turquoise cyan
107285811 LRRC23 green grey
107282283 LRRC25 darkturquoise brown
107285733 LRRC27 green green
107283867 LRRC28 magenta turquoise
107285903 LRRC3 brown black
107290258 LRRC31 pink purple
107299888 LRRC34 green blue
107291382 LRRC38 blue grey
107302493 LRRC39 skyblue blue
107283774 LRRC3B darkorange yellow
107292134 LRRC40 pink brown
107283599 LRRC41 pink turquoise
107283033 LRRC42 brown grey60
107286980 LRRC43 cyan turquoise
107288863 LRRC45 cyan turquoise
107282675 LRRC46 green yellow
107291363 LRRC47 brown turquoise
107293005 LRRC49 green blue
107282431 LRRC4B lightcyan yellow
107287312 LRRC4C midnightblue grey
107289074 LRRC55 black pink
107287926 LRRC56 green turquoise
107295753 LRRC57 brown blue
107284105 LRRC58 pink blue
107283796 LRRC59 salmon grey
107298782 LRRC6 green brown
107296744 LRRC61 green turquoise
107285755 LRRC69 magenta brown
107292133 LRRC7 greenyellow grey
107296254 LRRC8A yellow turquoise
107298203 LRRC8B brown blue
107298497 LRRC8C black brown
107295317 LRRC8D turquoise grey
107291149 LRRC8E blue turquoise
107294441 LRRCC1 green yellow
107302999 LRRFIP1 brown salmon
107283790 LRRFIP2 red grey
107289436 LRRIQ1 pink salmon
107285058 LRRIQ3 green brown
107283871 LRRK1 blue brown
107303316 LRRK2 magenta brown
107291870 LRRN1 turquoise blue
107302990 LRRN2 blue cyan
107299545 LRRN3 black blue
107297360 LRRN4 black green
107289868 LRRTM2 brown black
107288866 LRRTM4 midnightblue green
107298652 LRSAM1 yellow turquoise
107294507 LRTM2 midnightblue pink
107297549 LRWD1 black tan
107295436 LSM1 brown blue
107283749 LSM10 turquoise turquoise
107302948 LSM11 lightgreen black
107282600 LSM12 lightcyan turquoise
107284081 LSM14A orange lightcyan
107289388 LSM14B yellow grey
107296257 LSM2 purple turquoise
107282280 LSM4 purple turquoise
107283795 LSM5 lightcyan blue
107286202 LSM6 brown brown
107293613 LSM7 orange grey60
107297946 LSP1 darkturquoise cyan
107292548 LSR blue turquoise
107296168 LSS brown turquoise
107284561 LTA4H blue brown
107286632 LTB4R darkturquoise cyan
107292894 LTBP1 purple brown
107293066 LTBP2 blue grey
107293225 LTBP3 midnightblue grey
107285667 LTBP4 yellow turquoise
107296651 LTC4S black cyan
107298557 LTV1 brown blue
107290370 LUC7L turquoise tan
107293900 LUC7L3 pink blue
107284784 LUM black brown
107288006 LUZP1 blue turquoise
107296271 LUZP2 black grey
107302690 LXN red blue
107286374 LY75 darkturquoise brown
107283005 LY86 darkturquoise brown
107295345 LY96 darkturquoise brown
107295970 LYAR grey60 blue
107285148 LYL1 black magenta
107284322 LYN darkturquoise brown
107299688 LYPD1 turquoise turquoise
107292958 LYPD6 black green
107292915 LYPD6B pink grey
107291188 LYPLA1 yellow blue
107290744 LYPLA2 turquoise turquoise
107292294 LYPLAL1 darkred blue
107295295 LYRM1 darkred blue
107288739 LYRM2 blue yellow
107283008 LYRM4 brown grey
107293304 LYRM7 turquoise blue
107295585 LYSMD1 turquoise midnightblue
107289068 LYSMD2 turquoise brown
107295176 LYSMD3 turquoise blue
107283869 LYSMD4 turquoise turquoise
107288314 LYST tan brown
107292136 LYVE1 darkred purple
107292360 LZIC brown blue
107293820 LZTFL1 green blue
107287108 LZTR1 blue turquoise
107297455 LZTS1 midnightblue purple
107285259 LZTS2 yellow turquoise
107295563 M6PR green tan
107287649 MAB21L1 yellow blue
107282967 MACC1 lightcyan blue
107283698 MACF1 turquoise brown
107296905 MACROD1 red turquoise
107297760 MACROD2 green brown
107290612 MAD1L1 yellow tan
107289776 MAD2L1 cyan brown
107289285 MAD2L1BP blue yellow
107294162 MAD2L2 brown turquoise
107299571 MADCAM1 blue green
107289841 MADD yellow salmon
107299132 MAEA yellow tan
107291159 MAEL turquoise green
107288193 MAF blue brown
107294699 MAF1 blue turquoise
107291168 MAFB black grey60
107288619 MAFF turquoise grey
107294407 MAFG purple turquoise
107290640 MAFK red turquoise
107287568 MAG blue grey
107296507 MAGI1 black salmon
107290989 MAGI3 turquoise blue
107286573 MAGIX turquoise black
107283041 MAGOH grey60 pink
107284623 MAGT1 turquoise blue
107282987 MAK green grey
107291994 MAK16 grey60 lightcyan
107288741 MAL2 turquoise blue
107290418 MALL magenta turquoise
107297615 MALT1 blue brown
107284420 MAMDC2 blue yellow
107296642 MAML1 turquoise green
107296341 MAML2 blue lightcyan
107293152 MAML3 blue blue
107292048 MAMLD1 blue grey
107283078 MAMSTR red turquoise
107299749 MAN1A1 brown blue
107285786 MAN1A2 turquoise blue
107295058 MAN1B1 turquoise tan
107295591 MAN1C1 brown turquoise
107293675 MAN2A1 brown brown
107289784 MAN2A2 turquoise turquoise
107286892 MAN2B1 yellow tan
107301007 MAN2C1 yellow grey
107299013 MANBA turquoise yellow
107287261 MANBAL pink turquoise
107294537 MANEA cyan brown
107284495 MANF turquoise grey
107286998 MANSC1 yellow grey
107297272 MAOB turquoise turquoise
107289802 MAP1A turquoise turquoise
107289739 MAP1B midnightblue turquoise
107292888 MAP1LC3B green blue
107286247 MAP2 turquoise blue
107283932 MAP2K1 yellow brown
107295320 MAP2K2 turquoise turquoise
107298600 MAP2K3 red salmon
107282461 MAP2K4 red grey
107283916 MAP2K5 brown grey
107282569 MAP2K6 red brown
107291150 MAP2K7 brown salmon
107292307 MAP3K1 blue lightcyan
107288998 MAP3K11 brown turquoise
107291245 MAP3K12 magenta red
107285893 MAP3K13 turquoise grey
107303029 MAP3K14 darkorange turquoise
107295908 MAP3K15 darkred purple
107302054 MAP3K2 brown tan
107302364 MAP3K3 blue red
107292071 MAP3K4 yellow tan
107282238 MAP3K5 blue brown
107294312 MAP3K6 turquoise yellow
107302815 MAP3K7 brown brown
107282828 MAP3K8 saddlebrown brown
107294300 MAP3K9 red blue
107293227 MAP4K2 turquoise pink
107289229 MAP4K3 brown blue
107286534 MAP4K4 blue brown
107298269 MAP4K5 blue blue
107287740 MAP6D1 turquoise green
107282178 MAP7 turquoise blue
107291458 MAP7D1 pink tan
107296008 MAP7D2 turquoise grey
107293420 MAPK1 brown brown
107303183 MAPK10 pink black
107286326 MAPK11 darkturquoise tan
107286325 MAPK12 turquoise grey
107292825 MAPK13 black turquoise
107292823 MAPK14 blue brown
107288487 MAPK15 green greenyellow
107293658 MAPK1IP1L yellow grey
107284133 MAPK4 midnightblue red
107294478 MAPK6 yellow lightcyan
107290240 MAPK7 turquoise turquoise
107293954 MAPK8 skyblue blue
107297683 MAPK8IP1 midnightblue pink
107294632 MAPK9 brown blue
107297704 MAPKAPK2 red turquoise
107286958 MAPKAPK5 brown blue
107287416 MAPKBP1 red tan
107302758 MAPRE1 orange lightcyan
107287155 MAPRE2 yellow grey
107286454 MAPRE3 red grey
107303054 MAPT lightcyan turquoise
107293728 MARCKS black brown
107285500 MARCKSL1 blue turquoise
107298746 MARK1 brown blue
107296910 MARK2 turquoise green
107285082 MARK3 yellow black
107291568 MARS2 magenta red
107295222 MARVELD1 darkred greenyellow
107289747 MARVELD2 blue blue
107295524 MASP2 pink green
107283595 MAST2 orange turquoise
107282274 MAST3 turquoise grey60
107284186 MAST4 turquoise blue
107282820 MASTL cyan brown
107287945 MAT2A turquoise magenta
107293582 MAT2B green lightcyan
107285175 MATN2 blue blue
107298687 MATN4 blue turquoise
107289865 MATR3 purple brown
107295134 MAX yellow magenta
107302648 MB red turquoise
107294952 MBD1 turquoise turquoise
107296802 MBD2 brown brown
107282253 MBD3 turquoise turquoise
107294259 MBD4 brown brown
107294540 MBD5 yellow blue
107293464 MBD6 brown tan
107284890 MBIP purple blue
107285036 MBLAC1 brown turquoise
107295174 MBLAC2 turquoise blue
107284896 MBNL1 red brown
107299030 MBNL2 turquoise blue
107303249 MBNL3 brown blue
107302573 MBOAT1 green black
107287632 MBOAT2 turquoise blue
107282529 MBOAT7 darkorange turquoise
107285358 MBP turquoise grey
107288852 MBTD1 blue brown
107293778 MBTPS1 yellow grey
107286126 MBTPS2 yellow blue
107283539 MC1R blue grey
107296947 MC3R pink greenyellow
107290085 MC5R blue green
107285383 MCAM blue turquoise
107296481 MCAT brown turquoise
107293249 MCC turquoise blue
107293260 MCCC1 turquoise grey
107289740 MCCC2 turquoise turquoise
107283162 MCEE turquoise blue
107303229 MCF2 turquoise blue
107295085 MCF2L turquoise turquoise
107287854 MCFD2 turquoise blue
107292903 MCL1 brown magenta
107297426 MCM10 cyan grey
107302449 MCM2 blue brown
107285564 MCM3 magenta brown
107296157 MCM3AP blue magenta
107289323 MCM4 blue brown
107302638 MCM5 magenta magenta
107284389 MCM6 green brown
107296115 MCM7 green tan
107297361 MCM8 cyan grey
107299757 MCM9 blue brown
107287121 MCOLN1 blue turquoise
107285254 MCOLN2 cyan brown
107285236 MCOLN3 turquoise blue
107288549 MCPH1 green grey
107284598 MCTP1 greenyellow magenta
107293219 MCTP2 turquoise grey
107302754 MCTS1 lightgreen grey
107296327 MDC1 blue grey
107291545 MDFI black turquoise
107288869 MDFIC blue brown
107291238 MDGA2 pink purple
107284309 MDH1 grey60 blue
107289169 MDH1B green blue
107290031 MDH2 brown turquoise
107288587 MDK midnightblue turquoise
107284412 MDM1 green brown
107284408 MDM2 purple lightcyan
107302982 MDM4 blue magenta
107288737 MDN1 brown brown
107284132 ME2 yellow brown
107294672 ME3 blue turquoise
107297199 MEA1 brown turquoise
107283729 MEAF6 orange brown
107292215 MECOM blue blue
107284234 MECP2 yellow red
107286036 MECR blue turquoise
107303063 MED1 lightcyan tan
107289987 MED10 brown turquoise
107285027 MED11 brown turquoise
107303280 MED12 salmon turquoise
107286033 MED12L brown green
107297894 MED13 blue blue
107295599 MED13L greenyellow lightcyan
107286522 MED14 turquoise brown
107282292 MED16 yellow salmon
107298855 MED17 blue brown
107287450 MED18 purple cyan
107300630 MED19 grey60 turquoise
107293973 MED20 purple yellow
107297465 MED22 purple turquoise
107290869 MED23 yellow brown
107303076 MED24 lightcyan turquoise
107282411 MED25 lightcyan turquoise
107282266 MED26 brown red
107292976 MED27 turquoise grey
107294141 MED28 purple blue
107291647 MED29 orange grey
107292261 MED30 brown brown
107286426 MED31 purple blue
107284303 MED4 purple blue
107294301 MED6 purple salmon
107297349 MED7 darkred blue
107283450 MED8 green grey
107289134 MED9 turquoise turquoise
107283868 MEF2A red lightcyan
107287615 MEF2C red magenta
107290903 MEF2D brown turquoise
107292339 MEGF10 red blue
107290021 MEGF6 yellow grey
107289712 MEGF8 magenta turquoise
107298799 MEGF9 turquoise blue
107285337 MEI1 pink greenyellow
107285392 MEIS2 magenta blue
107294048 MELK cyan brown
107293226 MEN1 turquoise turquoise
107282584 MEOX1 lightcyan brown
107282957 MEOX2 red brown
107284263 MEP1A blue yellow
107300254 MEPCE turquoise turquoise
107296306 MERTK blue brown
107299425 MEST yellow yellow
107285371 MET blue blue
107288758 METAP1 turquoise blue
107284552 METAP2 purple blue
107282403 METRNL turquoise turquoise
107291633 METTL1 salmon turquoise
107294082 METTL14 darkred blue
107286571 METTL3 brown brown
107285291 METTL4 tan brown
107290301 METTL5 brown blue
107293971 METTL6 lightcyan blue
107292092 METTL9 turquoise blue
107294040 MEX3A midnightblue turquoise
107287333 MEX3C blue brown
107282298 MEX3D turquoise black
107289785 MFAP1 brown green
107297005 MFAP2 brown turquoise
107296512 MFAP3 brown blue
107286162 MFAP3L turquoise blue
107288556 MFAP5 blue brown
107287763 MFF darkred grey
107289553 MFHAS1 blue brown
107285701 MFN1 darkgrey blue
107295427 MFN2 yellow turquoise
107302692 MFSD1 turquoise lightcyan
107296617 MFSD10 blue green
107300825 MFSD11 turquoise salmon
107301598 MFSD2A turquoise grey
107297506 MFSD3 cyan turquoise
107288527 MFSD5 turquoise turquoise
107292120 MFSD6 yellow blue
107286774 MFSD6L turquoise yellow
107290571 MFSD8 turquoise blue
107288204 MFSD9 brown grey
107287423 MGA turquoise brown
107289640 MGAT1 yellow turquoise
107298231 MGAT2 turquoise blue
107288140 MGAT3 turquoise yellow
107301958 MGAT4A turquoise lightcyan
107296609 MGAT4B black turquoise
107289197 MGAT4C red purple
107284397 MGAT5 tan pink
107284031 MGMT purple turquoise
107286133 MGP purple grey
107283981 MGRN1 yellow tan
107291421 MGST1 turquoise turquoise
107292563 MGST3 green turquoise
107290485 MIA2 brown red
107302770 MIA3 turquoise blue
107291702 MIB1 orange grey
107287534 MIB2 yellow turquoise
107289040 MICAL1 blue magenta
107292277 MICAL3 red turquoise
107288625 MICALL1 black turquoise
107298084 MICALL2 black tan
107288529 MID1 blue grey
107286527 MID1IP1 green midnightblue
107282875 MIDN blue turquoise
107299895 MIER1 blue blue
107295019 MIER2 tan purple
107292312 MIER3 yellow blue
107291844 MIF brown turquoise
107292721 MIF4GD pink tan
107295424 MIIP brown yellow
107285040 MINK1 brown turquoise
107285106 MINPP1 darkturquoise brown
107283660 MIOS lightcyan grey
107288414 MIPEP turquoise blue
107288844 MIPOL1 turquoise blue
107296919 MIS12 green blue
107302357 MITD1 darkgreen brown
107297236 MITF turquoise blue
107288986 MKI67 cyan brown
107294387 MKLN1 black blue
107284497 MKNK1 pink grey
107282255 MKNK2 darkred turquoise
107294822 MKRN1 turquoise grey
107295535 MKRN2 turquoise blue
107284711 MKS1 pink grey
107282839 MKX turquoise blue
107294516 MLC1 blue yellow
107293848 MLEC turquoise turquoise
107302687 MLF1 darkred grey
107285769 MLF2 blue turquoise
107283789 MLH1 lightcyan magenta
107293081 MLH3 turquoise grey
107287365 MLKL white grey
107283631 MLLT10 lightcyan brown
107295578 MLLT11 red blue
107292741 MLLT3 turquoise salmon
107282643 MLLT6 green turquoise
107291710 MLPH darkturquoise turquoise
107297962 MLST8 turquoise turquoise
107302410 MLX lightcyan turquoise
107286981 MLXIP magenta turquoise
107284703 MLXIPL purple salmon
107282665 MLYCD darkred turquoise
107286194 MMAA turquoise blue
107287269 MMAB brown turquoise
107283422 MMACHC turquoise turquoise
107292905 MMADHC turquoise blue
107302738 MMD midnightblue brown
107288042 MME steelblue blue
107303258 MMGT1 turquoise grey
107295092 MMP14 blue green
107284095 MMP15 magenta midnightblue
107284965 MMP16 midnightblue blue
107298775 MMP17 turquoise black
107286377 MMP19 blue brown
107295718 MMP2 midnightblue turquoise
107290038 MMP28 blue turquoise
107296094 MMRN1 darkred greenyellow
107295458 MMRN2 yellow turquoise
107294241 MMS19 yellow turquoise
107290953 MNAT1 green blue
107296382 MND1 brown brown
107283156 MNS1 brown yellow
107297484 MNT magenta turquoise
107295949 MOB2 blue turquoise
107289459 MOCOS darkorange grey
107290729 MOCS1 blue red
107290413 MOCS3 brown turquoise
107292508 MOGS brown turquoise
107290535 MON1A turquoise turquoise
107285464 MORC2 blue tan
107293985 MORC3 darkred brown
107289804 MORF4L1 turquoise brown
107291911 MORN2 green yellow
107287006 MORN3 pink lightgreen
107295221 MORN4 brown turquoise
107295063 MORN5 green purple
107284317 MOS blue yellow
107303257 MOSPD1 turquoise blue
107290064 MOSPD2 brown grey
107297291 MOV10 darkgreen turquoise
107294513 MOV10L1 turquoise pink
107302639 MOXD1 black brown
107298257 MPDU1 yellow grey
107288228 MPDZ blue blue
107295692 MPEG1 magenta brown
107283960 MPG turquoise turquoise
107283140 MPHOSPH10 turquoise blue
107287696 MPHOSPH6 lightgreen lightcyan
107288240 MPHOSPH8 orange lightcyan
107285471 MPHOSPH9 blue brown
107293394 MPI yellow green
107283453 MPL tan purple
107297778 MPND black turquoise
107288571 MPO green turquoise
107295410 MPP1 lightgreen turquoise
107282658 MPP2 black turquoise
107282601 MPP3 pink pink
107296976 MPP4 pink yellow
107285846 MPP5 green blue
107282762 MPP6 darkorange blue
107282824 MPP7 lightcyan yellow
107294910 MPPE1 turquoise grey
107283513 MPPED2 steelblue blue
107289119 MPRIP brown turquoise
107302751 MPST green turquoise
107286479 MPV17 tan turquoise
107282278 MPV17L2 turquoise turquoise
107292435 MPZ magenta grey
107284779 MPZL2 yellow blue
107284820 MPZL3 turquoise grey
107295881 MRAP2 green greenyellow
107295186 MRAS darkred turquoise
107302408 MRC2 midnightblue turquoise
107303014 MREG lightcyan brown
107292230 MRI1 turquoise grey
107294874 MRM1 salmon yellow
107287830 MRPL1 pink blue
107282636 MRPL10 lightcyan turquoise
107302634 MRPL11 brown turquoise
107294889 MRPL12 orange turquoise
107296686 MRPL13 lightgreen blue
107295871 MRPL14 lightgreen turquoise
107291189 MRPL15 purple grey
107290798 MRPL16 brown grey
107297602 MRPL18 purple grey
107284283 MRPL19 darkred blue
107283391 MRPL2 brown turquoise
107287522 MRPL20 brown grey
107298171 MRPL21 orange turquoise
107290968 MRPL22 darkred blue
107297910 MRPL23 orange turquoise
107298209 MRPL24 skyblue turquoise
107283814 MRPL27 purple turquoise
107286060 MRPL3 lightcyan blue
107302366 MRPL30 brown grey
107290474 MRPL32 lightcyan brown
107288072 MRPL33 orange blue
107282286 MRPL34 brown turquoise
107302395 MRPL35 lightcyan blue
107283029 MRPL37 orange turquoise
107290790 MRPL38 purple turquoise
107285696 MRPL4 green tan
107293412 MRPL40 grey60 turquoise
107298653 MRPL41 turquoise turquoise
107284716 MRPL42 brown blue
107285269 MRPL43 lightgreen turquoise
107287771 MRPL44 brown blue
107282640 MRPL45 lightcyan grey
107292405 MRPL47 brown lightcyan
107287049 MRPL48 lightgreen blue
107296001 MRPL49 brown turquoise
107298175 MRPL50 purple blue
107285808 MRPL51 brown turquoise
107295091 MRPL52 tan turquoise
107282882 MRPL54 turquoise turquoise
107286012 MRPL55 saddlebrown turquoise
107286416 MRPS10 grey60 grey
107293679 MRPS11 turquoise turquoise
107287315 MRPS14 green grey
107283722 MRPS15 skyblue turquoise
107290014 MRPS16 brown turquoise
107289257 MRPS18A orange turquoise
107297732 MRPS18B grey60 grey
107303186 MRPS18C brown blue
107289942 MRPS21 lightgreen grey
107292258 MRPS22 lightgreen blue
107297225 MRPS23 green blue
107283249 MRPS24 turquoise turquoise
107300118 MRPS25 grey60 blue
107296389 MRPS26 orange turquoise
107289738 MRPS27 grey60 red
107302897 MRPS28 salmon blue
107291017 MRPS30 salmon blue
107289856 MRPS31 grey60 brown
107288676 MRPS33 lightgreen blue
107293801 MRPS34 grey60 turquoise
107298585 MRPS35 orange grey
107300616 MRPS36 darkred blue
107289234 MRPS5 magenta turquoise
107293891 MRPS6 salmon grey
107292720 MRPS7 grey60 turquoise
107286814 MRPS9 pink blue
107295068 MRRF brown red
107289600 MRS2 magenta blue
107302443 MRTO4 salmon turquoise
107292141 MRVI1 blue pink
107292673 MS4A15 darkred red
107288537 MSC blue grey
107284056 MSH2 brown brown
107299642 MSH3 blue grey
107290122 MSH6 turquoise brown
107298979 MSI1 green grey
107303079 MSL1 lightcyan grey
107290042 MSL2 purple blue
107290458 MSL3 blue brown
107289484 MSLN magenta turquoise
107284618 MSN black magenta
107285566 MSRA purple turquoise
107291703 MSRB3 red blue
107288724 MST1 blue turquoise
107290536 MST1R blue grey
107288508 MSTN red yellow
107299355 MSTO1 darkgrey pink
107292054 MSX2 midnightblue yellow
107292412 MTA2 brown red
107284970 MTA3 brown grey
107294825 MTAP turquoise blue
107296685 MTBP cyan salmon
107284529 MTCH1 turquoise turquoise
107286766 MTCH2 turquoise yellow
107295405 MTCP1 yellow green
107285305 MTDH turquoise tan
107283726 MTF1 tan brown
107291257 MTF2 brown brown
107290298 MTFMT tan blue
107288947 MTFR1 turquoise blue
107291446 MTG1 turquoise turquoise
107285163 MTHFD1 yellow black
107292712 MTHFD1L turquoise brown
107283230 MTHFD2 turquoise grey
107302390 MTHFD2L darkred blue
107294169 MTHFR yellow turquoise
107286862 MTHFS purple turquoise
107297384 MTHFSD turquoise yellow
107302298 MTIF2 turquoise lightcyan
107287173 MTIF3 purple blue
107283141 MTMR10 turquoise grey
107289930 MTMR11 green turquoise
107288397 MTMR12 turquoise blue
107290924 MTMR14 brown turquoise
107295225 MTMR2 black blue
107288788 MTMR3 yellow turquoise
107288560 MTMR4 darkgrey lightcyan
107288410 MTMR6 turquoise blue
107301803 MTMR7 green yellow
107282916 MTMR8 yellow black
107294144 MTMR9 yellow magenta
107298545 MTO1 brown brown
107294607 MTOR yellow blue
107282829 MTPAP purple lightcyan
107302834 MTPN turquoise blue
107290169 MTR turquoise brown
107283207 MTRF1 pink brown
107292658 MTRF1L turquoise tan
107297701 MTRR turquoise lightcyan
107283767 MTSS1 blue brown
107288768 MTTP greenyellow cyan
107301709 MTUS1 turquoise blue
107302561 MTUS2 pink midnightblue
107296698 MTX1 turquoise turquoise
107286577 MTX2 green blue
107287876 MTX3 blue blue
107296687 MUC1 royalblue turquoise
107293854 MUC15 magenta blue
107287802 MUC2 greenyellow grey
107285031 MUC3A magenta grey
107287803 MUC5AC darkgreen turquoise
107291392 MUL1 yellow yellow
107297113 MUS81 yellow turquoise
107294810 MUSK red green
107290773 MUSTN1 pink grey60
107283428 MUTYH blue yellow
107283477 MVD brown black
107287299 MVK yellow grey
107282706 MVP darkorange grey60
107283284 MXD1 pink blue
107295672 MXD3 cyan tan
107291444 MXD4 black turquoise
107290000 MXI1 blue grey
107286179 MXRA5 blue magenta
107287523 MXRA8 darkred turquoise
107296178 MYADML2 cyan grey
107285617 MYB green brown
107302350 MYBBP1A turquoise yellow
107295110 MYBL1 green brown
107290469 MYBL2 blue magenta
107289472 MYBPC1 turquoise purple
107282374 MYBPC2 red green
107289842 MYBPC3 pink turquoise
107294285 MYBPH red yellow
107299311 MYC turquoise grey
107283728 MYCBP brown blue
107303127 MYCBP2 brown magenta
107283742 MYCBPAP green green
107287812 MYCN blue turquoise
107292678 MYCT1 blue brown
107303333 MYD88 darkorange magenta
107287681 MYEF2 orange blue
107284033 MYF5 red purple
107284040 MYF6 red grey
107292597 MYH10 black grey
107284008 MYH11 blue turquoise
107302689 MYH9 black turquoise
107301970 MYL1 white green
107286997 MYL2 red brown
107286016 MYL3 red red
107303059 MYL4 red lightgreen
107292177 MYL5 red turquoise
107286245 MYL7 brown grey
107288381 MYL9 darkred turquoise
107286336 MYLIP red tan
107288928 MYLK darkred blue
107290115 MYLK3 blue yellow
107284832 MYLK4 red greenyellow
107299890 MYNN turquoise blue
107284876 MYO10 yellow grey
107290239 MYO15B pink tan
107287275 MYO18B red red
107294875 MYO19 turquoise turquoise
107289222 MYO1B black brown
107289559 MYO1C blue turquoise
107283152 MYO1E brown tan
107282262 MYO1F cyan magenta
107287296 MYO1H green cyan
107282802 MYO3A red lightgreen
107290306 MYO3B magenta salmon
107294474 MYO5A darkturquoise brown
107284128 MYO5B turquoise grey
107294480 MYO5C turquoise grey
107292011 MYO6 turquoise blue
107299722 MYO7A pink brown
107295309 MYO7B magenta green
107297914 MYO9A turquoise green
107282229 MYO9B midnightblue magenta
107302838 MYOC lightcyan turquoise
107282516 MYOCD blue red
107296036 MYOD1 red yellow
107283398 MYOF blue grey
107289274 MYOG red cyan
107293997 MYOM1 red grey
107290285 MYOM2 midnightblue blue
107290753 MYOM3 pink black
107289010 MYOT red blue
107299541 MYOZ1 red yellow
107289774 MYOZ2 red purple
107300402 MYOZ3 red cyan
107288092 MYPN red purple
107291968 MYPOP darkred yellow
107293646 MYRIP turquoise blue
107302458 MYSM1 yellow blue
107288272 MYT1L greenyellow green
107290812 N4BP1 brown turquoise
107302803 N4BP2 yellow blue
107286807 N4BP2L1 green brown
107294707 N4BP3 turquoise pink
107294470 N6AMT1 brown lightgreen
107284223 NAA10 lightgreen turquoise
107293155 NAA15 grey60 grey
107283199 NAA16 red blue
107298754 NAA20 orange blue
107286955 NAA25 turquoise salmon
107302962 NAA30 turquoise blue
107289723 NAA35 darkred blue
107299604 NAA38 brown blue
107296909 NAA40 cyan grey
107284114 NAA50 orange blue
107291178 NAAA turquoise brown
107296011 NAB1 blue blue
107291007 NAB2 blue turquoise
107293738 NACA lightgreen blue
107286904 NACC1 yellow grey
107295047 NACC2 brown turquoise
107290692 NADK yellow turquoise
107294555 NADSYN1 blue grey60
107288887 NAE1 purple blue
107297705 NAF1 purple blue
107285348 NAGA darkturquoise turquoise
107297981 NAGK turquoise turquoise
107282677 NAGLU lightcyan turquoise
107295339 NAGPA blue lightgreen
107296207 NAIF1 turquoise turquoise
107289757 NAIP green green
107289282 NALCN greenyellow blue
107285407 NAMPT darkgreen grey
107290584 NANOS1 blue turquoise
107287482 NANP turquoise blue
107293127 NANS grey60 turquoise
107290765 NAP1L1 purple brown
107292940 NAP1L4 grey60 turquoise
107293880 NAPA turquoise tan
107285975 NAPG brown blue
107289078 NARF midnightblue turquoise
107283431 NASP darkred brown
107287499 NAT10 turquoise green
107285332 NAT14 darkorange magenta
107291443 NAT8L black turquoise
107290916 NAT9 green turquoise
107297477 NAV2 magenta turquoise
107284045 NAV3 green blue
107287811 NBAS turquoise grey
107290703 NBEAL1 magenta greenyellow
107286003 NBEAL2 darkorange tan
107295421 NBL1 yellow turquoise
107285753 NBN purple blue
107285927 NBR1 lightcyan blue
107287825 NCALD turquoise grey
107291592 NCAM1 midnightblue green
107298910 NCAM2 green black
107285758 NCAPD2 white grey
107293172 NCAPD3 blue blue
107287984 NCAPG cyan brown
107283556 NCAPG2 cyan brown
107283603 NCAPH yellow brown
107303282 NCBP2 brown lightcyan
107294881 NCDN turquoise midnightblue
107286547 NCEH1 turquoise brown
107284984 NCF2 blue brown
107302832 NCF4 darkturquoise magenta
107288838 NCK2 darkturquoise grey
107292633 NCKAP1 turquoise blue
107288178 NCKAP1L white magenta
107284387 NCKAP5 turquoise blue
107290980 NCKAP5L midnightblue cyan
107295445 NCKIPSD midnightblue pink
107290402 NCL salmon grey
107298641 NCLN turquoise tan
107284860 NCOA1 yellow grey
107290247 NCOA2 turquoise grey
107290352 NCOA3 yellow brown
107294328 NCOA4 yellow lightcyan
107299408 NCOA5 yellow grey
107288383 NCOA6 turquoise grey
107289332 NCOA7 magenta grey
107295598 NCOR2 turquoise turquoise
107291348 NCS1 pink grey
107288746 NCSTN salmon turquoise
107285290 NDC80 cyan brown
107284009 NDE1 blue brown
107292594 NDEL1 red salmon
107286830 NDFIP1 brown blue
107303126 NDFIP2 brown blue
107302532 NDOR1 turquoise turquoise
107286498 NDP black yellow
107300242 NDRG3 black grey
107284181 NDRG4 red grey
107290984 NDST1 turquoise turquoise
107294326 NDST2 brown turquoise
107289577 NDST4 blue lightgreen
107283266 NDUFA10 lightgreen pink
107282276 NDUFA11 orange turquoise
107284669 NDUFA12 orange lightcyan
107283666 NDUFA2 orange turquoise
107298969 NDUFA4 lightgreen blue
107293109 NDUFA5 red blue
107285345 NDUFA6 orange grey
107299612 NDUFA7 brown grey
107295064 NDUFA8 pink turquoise
107300260 NDUFA9 brown turquoise
107296090 NDUFAF1 yellow blue
107295766 NDUFAF2 lightgreen turquoise
107292770 NDUFAF3 purple turquoise
107302108 NDUFAF4 purple blue
107287715 NDUFB10 lightgreen turquoise
107295807 NDUFB11 lightgreen turquoise
107288687 NDUFB2 turquoise turquoise
107291757 NDUFB3 orange green
107284121 NDUFB4 pink grey
107292416 NDUFB5 orange lightcyan
107296097 NDUFB6 lightgreen turquoise
107292470 NDUFB7 lightgreen salmon
107292982 NDUFB8 lightgreen grey
107283768 NDUFB9 lightgreen turquoise
107290438 NDUFS1 blue blue
107299346 NDUFS2 yellow turquoise
107292936 NDUFS3 grey60 turquoise
107293719 NDUFS4 lightgreen blue
107293238 NDUFS6 orange turquoise
107282877 NDUFS7 brown turquoise
107290801 NDUFV1 yellow turquoise
107285984 NDUFV2 red grey
107296829 NDUFV3 brown turquoise
107286053 NEB red blue
107285756 NECAB1 green lightgreen
107296998 NECAP2 turquoise brown
107284565 NEDD1 salmon brown
107285574 NEDD4L darkred grey
107292254 NEDD8 turquoise turquoise
107282981 NEDD9 yellow brown
107294127 NEGR1 black blue
107301019 NEIL1 turquoise turquoise
107289314 NEIL2 purple turquoise
107285705 NEIL3 cyan pink
107286213 NEK1 green blue
107283750 NEK10 darkorange red
107286061 NEK11 pink grey
107288584 NEK2 cyan brown
107289851 NEK3 blue brown
107298815 NEK6 turquoise grey
107299587 NEK8 darkred salmon
107293083 NEK9 blue magenta
107288305 NELL2 green brown
107286314 NENF turquoise turquoise
107294158 NEO1 turquoise turquoise
107297356 NET1 blue lightcyan
107290118 NETO2 blue brown
107298256 NEU1 turquoise turquoise
107294963 NEU4 yellow greenyellow
107293275 NEURL1B blue grey60
107298444 NEURL2 red turquoise
107283712 NEURL3 royalblue turquoise
107289442 NEXN red blue
107296711 NF1 darkgrey blue
107288785 NF2 yellow grey
107289109 NFASC greenyellow grey
107283523 NFAT5 brown lightcyan
107287411 NFATC1 pink brown
107286073 NFATC2 blue magenta
107282511 NFATC2IP lightcyan magenta
107295032 NFATC3 brown grey
107286616 NFATC4 blue grey
107289496 NFE2 black red
107282628 NFE2L1 lightcyan turquoise
107286580 NFE2L2 blue brown
107288226 NFIB turquoise salmon
107282182 NFIC turquoise turquoise
107299332 NFIL3 darkred grey
107285136 NFIX turquoise turquoise
107299002 NFKB1 blue tan
107294835 NFKB2 blue grey
107290218 NFKBIA darkred turquoise
107297300 NFKBIB brown yellow
107295976 NFKBIE cyan magenta
107286023 NFKBIL1 green grey
107285043 NFKBIZ brown grey
107287097 NFS1 black grey
107283280 NFU1 darkred lightcyan
107297443 NFX1 turquoise blue
107292119 NFXL1 turquoise blue
107287059 NFYA yellow red
107294623 NFYB grey60 blue
107302564 NFYC black turquoise
107284540 NGB blue turquoise
107293103 NGDN salmon grey60
107285518 NGEF blue turquoise
107284057 NGF turquoise grey
107282662 NGFR black turquoise
107283763 NGLY1 lightcyan magenta
107291481 NHEJ1 pink red
107291555 NHLRC2 blue blue
107289858 NHLRC3 green brown
107290327 NHLRC4 pink turquoise
107294706 NHP2 salmon turquoise
107293204 NHS black blue
107295615 NHSL1 magenta blue
107288699 NICN1 turquoise turquoise
107297852 NID1 blue blue
107297062 NID2 blue brown
107291759 NIF3L1 brown grey
107293428 NIN turquoise brown
107288976 NINJ1 blue tan
107285911 NINJ2 magenta brown
107284030 NINL black purple
107283547 NIP7 turquoise brown
107284259 NIPA1 black blue
107284257 NIPA2 turquoise blue
107285273 NIPAL2 turquoise grey
107291302 NIPAL3 turquoise grey
107302957 NIPAL4 blue red
107288336 NIPBL black brown
107288800 NIPSNAP1 brown turquoise
107287349 NISCH tan tan
107293817 NIT1 turquoise turquoise
107291768 NIT2 purple grey
107293048 NKAIN1 cyan pink
107292532 NKAIN2 greenyellow purple
107302718 NKAIN3 turquoise grey
107302747 NKAP brown blue
107283772 NKIRAS1 yellow blue
107303040 NKIRAS2 lightcyan turquoise
107299530 NKRF turquoise brown
107284363 NKTR turquoise brown
107293146 NKX3-1 darkgreen blue
107297793 NLE1 darkgrey turquoise
107297926 NLK turquoise brown
107284588 NLN darkred salmon
107290380 NLRC3 turquoise brown
107287479 NLRC4 blue greenyellow
107285381 NLRX1 blue turquoise
107291822 NMBR greenyellow yellow
107302699 NMD3 purple blue
107293797 NME3 black turquoise
107289017 NME5 green blue
107297334 NME6 turquoise turquoise
107287467 NME7 green turquoise
107297897 NMI green brown
107292349 NMNAT1 magenta green
107284995 NMNAT2 black green
107292192 NMNAT3 brown cyan
107286280 NMT1 lightcyan grey
107283322 NMT2 darkorange blue
107290406 NMUR1 midnightblue yellow
107283551 NOB1 salmon turquoise
107297736 NOC2L yellow turquoise
107293539 NOC3L salmon brown
107299175 NOC4L turquoise turquoise
107294013 NOD1 cyan green
107296751 NODAL red green
107288592 NOG blue yellow
107294777 NOL10 turquoise grey
107284845 NOL11 purple brown
107288648 NOL12 grey60 yellow
107291162 NOL4 black salmon
107284446 NOL6 turquoise turquoise
107286348 NOL7 lightgreen lightcyan
107293184 NOL8 brown brown
107284641 NOL9 orange red
107303291 NOM1 saddlebrown brown
107303239 NONO grey60 turquoise
107292445 NOP16 brown grey
107285762 NOP2 darkgrey turquoise
107295862 NOP56 brown salmon
107290698 NOP58 salmon brown
107295430 NOS1 red turquoise
107292560 NOS1AP turquoise yellow
107296204 NOS2 black grey
107282416 NOSIP lightcyan turquoise
107287845 NOSTRIN magenta blue
107296232 NOTCH1 turquoise tan
107301354 NOTCH3 yellow turquoise
107296177 NOTUM blue black
107289175 NOVA1 red blue
107291577 NOX1 red cyan
107295571 NOX4 blue purple
107283903 NOX5 blue purple
107296775 NOXA1 pink turquoise
107287718 NOXO1 magenta turquoise
107288157 NPAS2 darkred grey
107295822 NPB black blue
107292297 NPC1 darkgrey grey
107293074 NPC2 black brown
107297247 NPDC1 turquoise turquoise
107293528 NPEPL1 yellow tan
107282639 NPEPPS lightcyan grey
107296303 NPFFR1 red black
107290417 NPHP1 pink yellow
107293897 NPHP3 turquoise blue
107284635 NPHP4 pink midnightblue
107288354 NPHS1 cyan black
107283362 NPHS2 red red
107284988 NPL blue brown
107286772 NPLOC4 yellow turquoise
107287455 NPM1 salmon brown
107285265 NPM3 darkred grey
107303102 NPNT blue blue
107285179 NPR1 blue grey
107288400 NPR3 black pink
107288714 NPRL2 blue turquoise
107283972 NPRL3 yellow turquoise
107297836 NPTN brown blue
107292453 NPTXR turquoise turquoise
107282749 NPVF greenyellow greenyellow
107282788 NPY darkorange purple
107294729 NPY1R blue blue
107293564 NPY2R turquoise lightgreen
107283550 NQO1 pink grey
107287232 NQO2 grey60 turquoise
107284428 NR0B1 darkturquoise cyan
107289905 NR0B2 turquoise yellow
107283758 NR1D2 lightcyan blue
107282402 NR1H2 lightcyan tan
107289838 NR1H3 turquoise turquoise
107289408 NR1H4 red black
107292406 NR1I3 pink yellow
107284662 NR2C1 brown brown
107294829 NR2C2 greenyellow brown
107282892 NR2C2AP orange turquoise
107289665 NR2E3 brown green
107284597 NR2F1 blue grey
107301295 NR3C1 red grey
107290999 NR4A1 yellow turquoise
107291504 NR4A2 brown pink
107292926 NR4A3 purple grey
107291549 NRAP red pink
107284053 NRAS purple brown
107287901 NRBF2 turquoise blue
107286439 NRBP1 yellow tan
107289339 NRCAM darkturquoise blue
107297720 NRF1 brown blue
107289677 NRG1 brown grey
107284140 NRG2 pink grey
107285597 NRIP1 turquoise brown
107294529 NRIP3 greenyellow blue
107293100 NRL green turquoise
107283014 NRN1 yellow brown
107284024 NRP1 blue brown
107289445 NRP2 blue pink
107289606 NRSN1 pink grey
107285492 NRXN1 red blue
107283947 NRXN3 magenta blue
107291175 NSA2 grey60 lightcyan
107295675 NSD1 cyan red
107293162 NSDHL brown grey
107303033 NSF turquoise blue
107287437 NSL1 green brown
107284328 NSMAF turquoise brown
107302620 NSMCE1 brown turquoise
107288601 NSMCE4A black lightcyan
107289984 NSUN2 salmon lightcyan
107293215 NSUN3 brown grey
107283601 NSUN4 purple purple
107286465 NSUN5 yellow tan
107286930 NSUN6 lightcyan salmon
107298933 NSUN7 yellow blue
107286649 NT5C brown turquoise
107283743 NT5C1A yellow cyan
107290848 NT5C2 turquoise salmon
107292479 NT5DC1 brown blue
107287350 NT5DC2 turquoise turquoise
107283250 NT5DC4 blue black
107284752 NT5E turquoise brown
107289133 NT5M yellow purple
107297517 NTAN1 blue brown
107298399 NTF3 blue grey
107282436 NTF4 blue purple
107302612 NTHL1 brown turquoise
107286776 NTN1 red pink
107284553 NTN4 magenta brown
107298579 NTNG1 blue grey
107292975 NTNG2 blue greenyellow
107294568 NTRK2 blue blue
107288613 NTRK3 blue blue
107289218 NTS darkred midnightblue
107289582 NUAK1 blue brown
107303315 NUB1 darkorange grey
107283990 NUBP1 lightgreen turquoise
107293803 NUBP2 brown green
107284942 NUBPL turquoise tan
107282488 NUCB1 lightcyan turquoise
107289097 NUCKS1 turquoise tan
107289895 NUDC brown turquoise
107297908 NUDCD1 salmon brown
107293581 NUDCD2 purple blue
107286240 NUDCD3 brown turquoise
107290635 NUDT1 skyblue grey60
107292590 NUDT12 green blue
107289361 NUDT13 turquoise grey
107293107 NUDT14 purple cyan
107284302 NUDT15 brown lightcyan
107284197 NUDT16 pink blue
107296027 NUDT17 brown turquoise
107283241 NUDT18 brown turquoise
107292570 NUDT19 turquoise grey
107298975 NUDT2 pink turquoise
107296068 NUDT21 turquoise brown
107299056 NUDT22 green turquoise
107291428 NUDT3 brown turquoise
107284736 NUDT4 midnightblue grey
107297192 NUDT5 brown blue
107283533 NUDT6 lightgreen blue
107286400 NUDT7 black blue
107290429 NUDT9 green grey
107302876 NUF2 cyan brown
107283193 NUFIP1 brown blue
107299627 NUMA1 black tan
107290098 NUMB black blue
107284410 NUP107 magenta brown
107295107 NUP133 blue blue
107291519 NUP153 salmon brown
107288335 NUP155 yellow blue
107299700 NUP160 black blue
107296250 NUP188 brown pink
107291875 NUP205 yellow blue
107298259 NUP210 greenyellow tan
107285173 NUP210L red greenyellow
107299204 NUP35 purple blue
107287401 NUP43 purple grey
107290832 NUP50 yellow brown
107297790 NUP54 darkgrey lightcyan
107303195 NUP62CL grey60 blue
107292719 NUP85 black brown
107295255 NUP93 darkgrey brown
107298415 NUP98 blue blue
107295731 NUS1 brown blue
107296089 NUSAP1 cyan brown
107288882 NUTF2 brown turquoise
107294382 NVL turquoise grey
107292431 NXF1 brown turquoise
107298351 NXN red turquoise
107287245 NXNL1 blue black
107293826 NXNL2 blue yellow
107283683 NXPH1 red yellow
107285857 NXPH2 turquoise purple
107282660 NXPH3 turquoise cyan
107287191 NXT2 brown blue
107286530 NYX pink pink
107285378 OAF blue turquoise
107301459 OAT lightgreen blue
107282261 OAZ1 brown turquoise
107289653 OAZ2 green turquoise
107286769 OBSL1 red turquoise
107284247 OCA2 greenyellow blue
107289746 OCLN blue blue
107291571 OCRL brown blue
107294079 ODC1 turquoise brown
107287823 ODF1 brown yellow
107295892 ODF2 green brown
107290144 ODF2L green blue
107297490 ODF3B royalblue grey60
107286175 OFD1 green brown
107297456 OGDH darkgrey tan
107293835 OGDHL green turquoise
107296065 OGFOD1 yellow grey
107285453 OGFOD2 turquoise turquoise
107288130 OGFRL1 pink blue
107298179 OGG1 black yellow
107293186 OGN blue brown
107303237 OGT turquoise brown
107296086 OIP5 cyan brown
107295793 OIT3 greenyellow greenyellow
107287389 OLA1 brown lightcyan
107292087 OLFM1 blue brown
107290210 OLFM2 turquoise red
107288219 OLFM3 tan yellow
107283197 OLFM4 steelblue magenta
107294863 OLFML1 green brown
107302857 OLFML2B blue grey60
107288366 OLFML3 green turquoise
107302460 OMA1 blue blue
107293189 OMD midnightblue green
107296713 OMG black purple
107296129 OMP turquoise yellow
107291695 OPA1 brown blue
107291655 OPA3 turquoise turquoise
107284611 OPHN1 turquoise salmon
107288107 OPN3 blue brown
107287208 OPN4 greenyellow cyan
107284311 OPN5 greenyellow red
107289180 OPRK1 blue green
107297427 OPTN blue grey
107300191 ORAI2 green salmon
107288483 ORMDL1 midnightblue blue
107286380 ORMDL2 turquoise turquoise
107303073 ORMDL3 saddlebrown turquoise
107288515 OS9 turquoise turquoise
107295989 OSBP turquoise grey
107285449 OSBP2 turquoise turquoise
107284381 OSBPL10 saddlebrown brown
107290269 OSBPL11 salmon brown
107292800 OSBPL1A turquoise blue
107289390 OSBPL2 brown grey
107282764 OSBPL3 darkorange brown
107297639 OSBPL5 turquoise turquoise
107290008 OSBPL6 turquoise salmon
107282676 OSBPL7 cyan tan
107290766 OSBPL8 tan brown
107283058 OSBPL9 pink brown
107283720 OSCP1 green turquoise
107292316 OSGEP blue greenyellow
107288566 OSGEPL1 turquoise brown
107293771 OSGIN1 grey60 cyan
107285745 OSGIN2 darkturquoise pink
107288280 OSMR blue magenta
107285954 OSR1 blue turquoise
107285347 OSR2 blue turquoise
107286482 OST4 turquoise turquoise
107282996 OSTC turquoise blue
107286163 OSTF1 black grey
107292060 OSTM1 brown brown
107286531 OTC magenta purple
107289054 OTOF blue midnightblue
107286663 OTOP2 midnightblue grey
107296907 OTUB1 yellow turquoise
107283674 OTUD1 saddlebrown brown
107291391 OTUD3 brown grey
107286196 OTUD4 royalblue lightcyan
107286570 OTUD5 blue turquoise
107285750 OTUD6B grey60 blue
107283143 OTUD7A blue black
107289934 OTUD7B yellow turquoise
107302965 OTX2 red yellow
107299493 OVOL2 pink turquoise
107295089 OXA1L darkgrey tan
107295926 OXCT1 turquoise blue
107282907 OXNAD1 lightcyan pink
107293573 OXR1 red blue
107283773 OXSM green blue
107303324 OXSR1 darkorange brown
107294281 OXTR yellow yellow
107291854 P2RX1 blue salmon
107289071 P2RX3 greenyellow black
107286969 P2RX4 turquoise turquoise
107297144 P2RX5 greenyellow magenta
107286968 P2RX7 yellow greenyellow
107284899 P2RY1 pink grey
107284203 P2RY11 green pink
107286024 P2RY12 darkturquoise brown
107286022 P2RY13 darkturquoise brown
107287051 P2RY6 yellow magenta
107289360 P4HA1 turquoise brown
107289696 P4HA2 turquoise turquoise
107295827 P4HB turquoise turquoise
107292767 P4HTM brown turquoise
107284854 PA2G4 salmon green
107287047 PAAF1 yellow turquoise
107285197 PABPC1 lightgreen grey
107283718 PABPC4 red grey60
107294807 PABPN1 grey60 turquoise
107286253 PACRG pink black
107296071 PACRGL green lightgreen
107292029 PACSIN1 tan magenta
107294317 PACSIN2 turquoise tan
107289833 PACSIN3 pink turquoise
107298789 PADI2 red turquoise
107291662 PAF1 turquoise black
107284792 PAFAH1B2 darkgrey grey
107296020 PAFAH1B3 turquoise turquoise
107295655 PAFAH2 turquoise tan
107302901 PAG1 greenyellow brown
107289467 PAH red black
107297224 PAICS lightgreen grey
107291019 PAIP1 brown blue
107289864 PAIP2 purple blue
107297980 PAIP2B orange grey
107291512 PAK1IP1 grey60 brown
107294968 PAK2 yellow brown
107291657 PAK4 turquoise turquoise
107285099 PALB2 red brown
107287980 PALLD blue blue
107282173 PALM lightgreen red
107298279 PALM3 royalblue tan
107290194 PALMD purple grey
107290422 PAMR1 blue cyan
107290890 PAN2 darkgrey grey
107287175 PAN3 tan brown
107293840 PANK1 turquoise yellow
107293864 PANK4 yellow cyan
107297838 PANX1 red brown
107294515 PANX2 blue turquoise
107291141 PANX3 midnightblue pink
107291447 PAOX brown turquoise
107290101 PAPLN black magenta
107302890 PAPOLA yellow lightcyan
107284451 PAPOLG pink brown
107288776 PAPPA yellow brown
107289718 PAPPA2 blue yellow
107282465 PAPSS1 turquoise grey
107285109 PAPSS2 salmon brown
107303163 PAQR3 turquoise blue
107300429 PAQR6 green turquoise
107295816 PAQR7 blue grey
107285562 PAQR8 magenta brown
107284022 PARD3 turquoise tan
107288893 PARD6A turquoise green
107289380 PARD6B turquoise blue
107284672 PARK7 turquoise blue
107287723 PARL turquoise grey
107302383 PARM1 darkorange blue
107283983 PARN yellow turquoise
107291208 PARP1 turquoise brown
107290299 PARP16 turquoise turquoise
107295708 PARP2 yellow blue
107291041 PARP3 blue turquoise
107288235 PARP4 yellow magenta
107294066 PARP6 cyan turquoise
107290965 PARP8 blue brown
107290279 PARP9 pink magenta
107294414 PARS2 black turquoise
107293553 PARVA blue blue
107298522 PARVB darkturquoise grey
107297266 PASK green brown
107290795 PATL1 yellow brown
107289655 PATL2 magenta brown
107293496 PATZ1 yellow grey
107284043 PAWR purple blue
107297636 PAX1 pink blue
107290860 PAX2 greenyellow grey
107289156 PAX3 tan pink
107291251 PAX5 green magenta
107288843 PAX9 magenta turquoise
107303309 PAXIP1 lightcyan grey
107291043 PBK cyan brown
107288098 PBLD greenyellow blue
107287354 PBRM1 green lightcyan
107291878 PBX3 turquoise brown
107296700 PBXIP1 red turquoise
107297791 PC turquoise turquoise
107292171 PCBD1 turquoise turquoise
107295036 PCBD2 pink blue
107291241 PCBP2 lightgreen turquoise
107296082 PCBP3 black midnightblue
107291080 PCBP4 midnightblue turquoise
107298587 PCCA turquoise blue
107285889 PCCB turquoise turquoise
107288771 PCDH1 turquoise turquoise
107285071 PCDH10 darkturquoise red
107291337 PCDH15 pink midnightblue
107284434 PCDH17 turquoise salmon
107285355 PCDH18 midnightblue blue
107291572 PCDH19 pink grey
107284438 PCDH20 midnightblue blue
107299078 PCDH7 blue pink
107282976 PCDH9 blue tan
107282633 PCF11 brown blue
107292506 PCGF1 turquoise turquoise
107286402 PCGF2 lightcyan turquoise
107291848 PCGF3 black grey
107289975 PCGF5 turquoise blue
107290849 PCGF6 black brown
107290444 PCID2 blue grey
107299099 PCIF1 pink grey
107293099 PCK2 turquoise salmon
107287012 PCLO red blue
107301688 PCM1 green brown
107287400 PCMT1 pink lightcyan
107293551 PCMTD1 green blue
107296411 PCMTD2 black brown
107283633 PCNA pink brown
107285090 PCNP turquoise lightcyan
107284298 PCNT green brown
107285015 PCOLCE black grey60
107292757 PCOLCE2 turquoise blue
107292364 PCP4 blue black
107302787 PCSK1 turquoise cyan
107286574 PCSK1N black yellow
107283169 PCSK2 blue blue
107286164 PCSK5 black brown
107283875 PCSK6 black grey
107284766 PCSK7 yellow grey60
107286638 PCSK9 yellow yellow
107302739 PCTP black blue
107283235 PCYOX1 turquoise blue
107292468 PCYOX1L turquoise brown
107298496 PCYT1B green red
107294410 PCYT2 pink green
107299819 PDAP1 brown cyan
107285154 PDC midnightblue pink
107293033 PDCD10 purple blue
107284681 PDCD11 salmon grey
107290181 PDCD2 turquoise blue
107284073 PDCD2L brown turquoise
107289370 PDCD4 turquoise grey
107291110 PDCD5 turquoise cyan
107293713 PDCD6 lightcyan grey
107293568 PDCD6IP lightcyan grey
107290288 PDCD7 purple turquoise
107293025 PDCL yellow green
107298656 PDCL2 greenyellow greenyellow
107289348 PDE10A darkred brown
107286587 PDE11A turquoise blue
107300669 PDE12 brown blue
107292635 PDE1A blue blue
107290531 PDE1B blue yellow
107283793 PDE1C pink red
107290477 PDE3A turquoise salmon
107295022 PDE3B brown blue
107300105 PDE4B red brown
107282168 PDE4C red salmon
107295136 PDE4DIP red grey
107289772 PDE5A purple blue
107293542 PDE6C pink grey
107296048 PDE6D green turquoise
107286886 PDE6G cyan black
107286150 PDE6H pink pink
107288946 PDE7A blue magenta
107285636 PDE7B brown grey
107302510 PDE8A darkturquoise blue
107284601 PDE8B magenta tan
107296831 PDE9A darkred turquoise
107291891 PDGFA tan turquoise
107288137 PDGFB yellow turquoise
107290460 PDGFC blue grey
107294823 PDGFD blue blue
107298631 PDGFRA blue brown
107301733 PDGFRL black turquoise
107295966 PDHA1 pink turquoise
107296582 PDHB lightcyan grey
107290424 PDHX turquoise blue
107283994 PDIA2 darkred black
107289787 PDIA3 turquoise tan
107292484 PDIA4 turquoise tan
107285739 PDIA5 turquoise grey
107294779 PDIA6 turquoise grey
107295695 PDIK1L yellow blue
107291526 PDK1 turquoise brown
107282609 PDK2 lightcyan turquoise
107298473 PDK3 turquoise lightcyan
107283650 PDK4 darkred grey
107289240 PDLIM2 magenta red
107302662 PDLIM3 red grey
107287206 PDLIM5 red blue
107291407 PDLIM7 red turquoise
107292753 PDP1 red blue
107288885 PDP2 turquoise green
107302608 PDPK1 turquoise grey
107291381 PDPN red brown
107284088 PDPR pink tan
107302804 PDS5A turquoise blue
107286808 PDS5B blue brown
107282818 PDSS1 lightcyan lightcyan
107288296 PDSS2 yellow lightcyan
107297521 PDXDC1 darkgrey grey
107293442 PDXK darkorange turquoise
107290864 PDZD2 turquoise blue
107285380 PDZD3 blue yellow
107284240 PDZD4 blue greenyellow
107285256 PDZD7 cyan lightgreen
107286795 PDZD8 red blue
107289034 PDZK1 greenyellow brown
107284485 PDZK1IP1 grey60 turquoise
107289414 PDZRN3 red grey
107298218 PEA15 pink turquoise
107298514 PEAR1 blue turquoise
107292836 PEBP1 blue grey
107284851 PECAM1 darkred magenta
107301996 PECR darkred salmon
107284276 PELI1 blue brown
107292190 PELI2 black blue
107299292 PELO salmon turquoise
107285042 PELP1 brown turquoise
107289146 PEMT green turquoise
107284333 PENK pink turquoise
107284080 PEPD yellow turquoise
107297099 PER1 brown salmon
107285465 PES1 darkgrey turquoise
107282809 PEX1 lightcyan blue
107293863 PEX10 turquoise turquoise
107286859 PEX11A darkgreen blue
107296031 PEX11B darkgrey turquoise
107282165 PEX11G green turquoise
107288937 PEX12 blue blue
107300783 PEX13 blue blue
107292337 PEX14 brown turquoise
107297685 PEX16 black turquoise
107285075 PEX2 lightgreen blue
107294350 PEX26 white yellow
107286869 PEX3 turquoise blue
107285785 PEX5 turquoise turquoise
107297197 PEX6 brown turquoise
107294499 PEX7 blue blue
107298955 PFAS brown brown
107284144 PFDN1 orange turquoise
107293816 PFDN2 orange turquoise
107287091 PFDN4 orange blue
107288507 PFDN5 purple turquoise
107287514 PFDN6 brown turquoise
107286554 PFKFB1 red black
107288374 PFKFB2 turquoise blue
107298408 PFKFB3 blue salmon
107293196 PFKFB4 brown grey
107285874 PFKL yellow red
107288505 PFKM red turquoise
107283952 PFKP darkorange turquoise
107285050 PFN1 brown grey60
107289028 PFN2 lightgreen grey
107289165 PFN4 pink grey
107294240 PGAM1 purple turquoise
107286246 PGAM2 red purple
107295450 PGAM5 yellow grey
107284914 PGAP1 blue blue
107298416 PGAP2 black turquoise
107303069 PGAP3 lightcyan turquoise
107295596 PGBD5 turquoise turquoise
107292356 PGD blue turquoise
107293072 PGF purple salmon
107290898 PGGT1B purple brown
107284626 PGK1 lightgreen tan
107287236 PGLS purple turquoise
107287127 PGLYRP2 blue cyan
107287077 PGM1 red turquoise
107287026 PGM2L1 red yellow
107289298 PGM5 red grey
107297963 PGP black turquoise
107282231 PGPEP1 turquoise turquoise
107297539 PGRMC1 turquoise blue
107290568 PGRMC2 turquoise blue
107290047 PGS1 pink tan
107298556 PHACTR2 turquoise brown
107298680 PHACTR3 pink black
107287447 PHACTR4 yellow grey
107283274 PHAX darkgreen blue
107282617 PHB saddlebrown grey60
107285778 PHB2 salmon turquoise
107295564 PHC1 blue grey
107291364 PHC2 yellow turquoise
107290254 PHC3 yellow brown
107286124 PHEX midnightblue green
107295473 PHF1 pink turquoise
107298335 PHF10 brown brown
107284290 PHF11 green magenta
107297585 PHF12 tan grey
107284667 PHF13 magenta turquoise
107283857 PHF14 lightcyan brown
107297716 PHF19 blue turquoise
107294787 PHF2 cyan grey
107287093 PHF20 grey60 brown
107298783 PHF20L1 brown blue
107297682 PHF21A blue magenta
107294773 PHF21B blue blue
107287396 PHF3 turquoise brown
107285420 PHF5A grey60 turquoise
107303252 PHF6 yellow brown
107286551 PHF8 brown yellow
107290842 PHGDH turquoise turquoise
107292626 PHIP green brown
107303271 PHKA1 yellow blue
107295956 PHKA2 yellow tan
107290113 PHKB yellow blue
107287056 PHKG1 red yellow
107290770 PHLDA1 magenta turquoise
107292938 PHLDA2 turquoise grey
107287796 PHLDA3 blue turquoise
107284774 PHLDB1 blue turquoise
107292383 PHLDB2 black blue
107293233 PHLDB3 turquoise tan
107283570 PHLPP1 black turquoise
107282586 PHOSPHO1 midnightblue midnightblue
107290303 PHOSPHO2 turquoise blue
107302546 PHPT1 purple turquoise
107292764 PHRF1 darkgrey tan
107290986 PHTF1 blue brown
107298276 PHTF2 black brown
107295057 PHYH turquoise blue
107296252 PHYHD1 brown turquoise
107289242 PHYHIP turquoise midnightblue
107285076 PI15 magenta blue
107284528 PI16 blue green
107295218 PI4K2A black black
107297770 PI4K2B turquoise blue
107293333 PI4KA darkgrey tan
107295582 PI4KB black tan
107283917 PIAS1 yellow brown
107295165 PIAS2 blue blue
107295562 PIAS3 blue turquoise
107297065 PIAS4 brown turquoise
107303145 PIBF1 pink blue
107295781 PICALM blue brown
107288621 PICK1 turquoise turquoise
107287759 PID1 turquoise brown
107283410 PIF1 cyan yellow
107292487 PIGA lightcyan blue
107283161 PIGB brown purple
107290565 PIGC black yellow
107287857 PIGF turquoise grey
107292176 PIGG yellow magenta
107285838 PIGH turquoise grey
107287800 PIGK salmon blue
107299333 PIGL yellow blue
107298769 PIGM turquoise yellow
107283577 PIGN yellow blue
107296836 PIGP brown turquoise
107290326 PIGQ yellow grey
107300211 PIGS turquoise green
107287248 PIGT salmon turquoise
107288386 PIGU yellow grey
107289899 PIGV turquoise turquoise
107294876 PIGW green blue
107294967 PIGX turquoise blue
107290992 PIGY orange blue
107282544 PIH1D1 lightcyan turquoise
107284515 PIH1D2 green grey
107290371 PIK3C2A brown blue
107302983 PIK3C2B magenta turquoise
107298510 PIK3C3 yellow brown
107285699 PIK3CA turquoise brown
107292269 PIK3CB turquoise blue
107292340 PIK3CD darkgreen magenta
107297786 PIK3CG turquoise brown
107286152 PIK3R1 black grey
107282273 PIK3R2 yellow turquoise
107286065 PIK3R4 lightcyan brown
107286790 PIK3R5 darkturquoise brown
107286775 PIK3R6 turquoise pink
107286153 PIKFYVE yellow brown
107284530 PIM1 black green
107286569 PIM2 black magenta
107289331 PIM3 turquoise tan
107287223 PIN1 blue cyan
107291585 PIN4 lightgreen blue
107291375 PINK1 red turquoise
107285568 PINX1 grey60 turquoise
107283636 PIP4K2A lightcyan brown
107286404 PIP4K2B green turquoise
107294724 PIP4K2C turquoise grey
107294420 PIP5K1B darkred blue
107282850 PIP5K1C brown turquoise
107295086 PIRT black greenyellow
107298188 PISD darkgrey turquoise
107289570 PITPNA purple turquoise
107287263 PITPNB turquoise lightcyan
107284844 PITPNC1 pink turquoise
107290805 PITPNM1 blue grey
107285440 PITPNM2 darkgrey greenyellow
107286455 PITPNM3 turquoise lightgreen
107283951 PITRM1 green turquoise
107286540 PITX1 blue turquoise
107294647 PITX2 black grey
107297035 PIWIL1 cyan red
107294546 PIWIL4 salmon blue
107293674 PJA2 tan blue
107285097 PKD1 blue turquoise
107292604 PKD1L2 turquoise purple
107292981 PKD2L1 green lightgreen
107286419 PKDCC blue grey
107285557 PKHD1 red green
107286203 PKIA red brown
107290522 PKIB green brown
107297021 PKLR yellow grey
107282525 PKMYT1 darkorange purple
107293241 PKN1 turquoise turquoise
107298200 PKN2 turquoise tan
107296828 PKNOX1 darkred brown
107291263 PKNOX2 red turquoise
107287794 PKP1 yellow greenyellow
107287197 PKP2 magenta blue
107291101 PKP3 yellow turquoise
107294947 PKP4 black blue
107286096 PLA1A black brown
107283488 PLA2G12A turquoise blue
107297626 PLA2G15 brown grey
107288814 PLA2G1B turquoise red
107285445 PLA2G3 brown turquoise
107285159 PLA2G4A turquoise lightcyan
107288620 PLA2G6 green turquoise
107284261 PLA2G7 black brown
107286373 PLA2R1 turquoise blue
107290678 PLAA darkgreen brown
107303176 PLAC8 pink brown
107300467 PLAC8L1 green black
107297767 PLAC9 darkred red
107284332 PLAG1 blue blue
107294597 PLAGL2 turquoise grey
107287961 PLAT pink grey
107287900 PLAU blue grey
107302977 PLBD1 turquoise grey
107298899 PLBD2 yellow turquoise
107285365 PLCB1 red blue
107299064 PLCB3 turquoise turquoise
107285366 PLCB4 turquoise blue
107284364 PLCD1 turquoise turquoise
107286281 PLCD3 red turquoise
107291489 PLCD4 red grey
107293540 PLCE1 red grey
107287257 PLCG1 blue tan
107292601 PLCG2 turquoise brown
107288049 PLCH1 cyan black
107284906 PLCL1 greenyellow blue
107282905 PLCL2 red brown
107284252 PLCXD1 turquoise turquoise
107296639 PLCXD2 turquoise blue
107286542 PLD1 magenta blue
107285044 PLD2 black tan
107285680 PLD3 turquoise green
107295488 PLD5 red red
107288484 PLEC yellow tan
107283122 PLEK brown brown
107285842 PLEK2 blue turquoise
107288603 PLEKHA1 magenta blue
107296175 PLEKHA2 magenta magenta
107290012 PLEKHA3 turquoise blue
107282541 PLEKHA4 black purple
107290476 PLEKHA5 blue blue
107302984 PLEKHA6 pink grey
107290382 PLEKHA7 magenta blue
107282780 PLEKHA8 saddlebrown blue
107287050 PLEKHB1 red turquoise
107289706 PLEKHB2 blue lightcyan
107292738 PLEKHF1 black turquoise
107289173 PLEKHF2 blue brown
107292835 PLEKHG1 black brown
107295140 PLEKHG3 darkred turquoise
107284156 PLEKHG4 midnightblue red
107284640 PLEKHG5 blue cyan
107284957 PLEKHH2 darkred blue
107302415 PLEKHH3 darkorange turquoise
107282259 PLEKHJ1 brown turquoise
107294563 PLEKHM1 lightcyan turquoise
107296442 PLEKHM2 brown turquoise
107286156 PLEKHM3 turquoise grey
107289540 PLEKHO2 blue grey60
107292070 PLG green black
107295934 PLIN2 darkred grey
107286728 PLK2 blue grey
107283415 PLK3 yellow salmon
107290572 PLK4 cyan brown
107293759 PLLP blue turquoise
107299791 PLN purple brown
107295418 PLOD1 darkgrey turquoise
107295355 PLOD2 black grey
107291310 PLOD3 yellow turquoise
107303269 PLP1 turquoise blue
107286557 PLP2 blue turquoise
107290648 PLRG1 yellow blue
107292037 PLS1 green blue
107303244 PLS3 yellow brown
107298446 PLTP midnightblue turquoise
107282234 PLVAP turquoise turquoise
107282421 PLXDC1 blue brown
107283627 PLXDC2 lightcyan brown
107291615 PLXNA1 blue turquoise
107288377 PLXNA2 black black
107286713 PLXNA3 black turquoise
107298127 PLXNB1 yellow yellow
107286329 PLXNB2 turquoise tan
107286703 PLXNB3 turquoise turquoise
107284576 PLXNC1 darkturquoise brown
107294255 PLXND1 black magenta
107295083 PM20D1 turquoise greenyellow
107296754 PM20D2 purple blue
107290866 PMAIP1 greenyellow brown
107289462 PMCH green brown
107292142 PMEPA1 midnightblue grey60
107297415 PMF1 green turquoise
107285426 PMM1 turquoise turquoise
107296633 PMM2 turquoise turquoise
107294900 PMP22 darkred turquoise
107292086 PMPCA purple turquoise
107282880 PMPCB turquoise brown
107288500 PMS1 cyan lightcyan
107296689 PMVK green turquoise
107286720 PNCK yellow midnightblue
107291486 PNKD blue turquoise
107282435 PNKP green turquoise
107297600 PNLDC1 pink greenyellow
107303015 PNMT green red
107295959 PNN brown brown
107283113 PNO1 salmon red
107284875 PNOC black brown
107292320 PNP blue magenta
107283959 PNPLA2 turquoise greenyellow
107287122 PNPLA6 yellow tan
107298648 PNPLA7 magenta tan
107295181 PNPLA8 blue blue
107282673 PNPO blue turquoise
107302184 PNPT1 darkgreen brown
107296776 PNRC1 pink brown
107290749 PNRC2 grey60 brown
107287346 POC1A green grey
107283120 POC1B cyan brown
107291181 POC5 cyan brown
107283043 PODN green turquoise
107298114 PODNL1 black salmon
107294386 PODXL purple brown
107296183 POF1B blue blue
107294596 POFUT1 green grey
107296135 POFUT2 purple turquoise
107293049 POGK tan grey
107292908 POGZ pink grey
107294370 POLA2 blue greenyellow
107283271 POLB tan blue
107282401 POLD1 lightcyan turquoise
107286229 POLD2 tan turquoise
107287041 POLD3 pink brown
107296657 POLD4 tan turquoise
107296966 POLDIP2 brown turquoise
107285342 POLDIP3 purple turquoise
107285443 POLE yellow red
107298233 POLE2 blue brown
107302552 POLE3 green grey
107299622 POLE4 brown turquoise
107286848 POLG blue green
107284858 POLG2 brown pink
107289296 POLH yellow brown
107296803 POLI turquoise blue
107291180 POLK blue blue
107285274 POLL turquoise turquoise
107287958 POLM turquoise grey
107284099 POLQ cyan green
107302399 POLR1A turquoise purple
107296311 POLR1B yellow salmon
107289316 POLR1C salmon grey
107291249 POLR1E purple red
107295439 POLR2A brown turquoise
107295249 POLR2C turquoise turquoise
107287669 POLR2D brown brown
107282243 POLR2E salmon turquoise
107288624 POLR2F lightgreen turquoise
107292417 POLR2G lightgreen turquoise
107298410 POLR2H purple turquoise
107291975 POLR2I grey60 turquoise
107297548 POLR2J orange turquoise
107285231 POLR2K orange blue
107282548 POLR2L lightcyan grey
107297399 POLR3A brown grey
107289579 POLR3B turquoise blue
107288085 POLR3C blue blue
107292099 POLR3E turquoise grey
107288769 POLR3F darkred blue
107295518 POLR3GL tan brown
107291872 POLR3H brown turquoise
107283973 POLR3K brown turquoise
107295209 POLRMT yellow turquoise
107286423 POM121 yellow green
107291045 POMC midnightblue turquoise
107283598 POMGNT1 turquoise turquoise
107294149 POMP orange lightcyan
107284539 POMT2 yellow turquoise
107285284 POP1 blue greenyellow
107294615 POP4 brown grey
107293457 POP5 purple black
107285000 POP7 turquoise turquoise
107286233 POPDC2 red greenyellow
107291924 PORCN black turquoise
107293055 POSTN magenta brown
107303296 POT1 blue blue
107289036 POU1F1 red black
107284522 POU2AF1 green magenta
107297204 POU2F1 blue red
107292826 POU2F2 green magenta
107292112 POU6F1 turquoise turquoise
107283299 POU6F2 red grey
107296305 PPA1 brown brown
107302812 PPA2 blue blue
107284202 PPAN salmon grey
107286275 PPARA darkgrey salmon
107302828 PPARD turquoise turquoise
107298162 PPARGC1A turquoise blue
107288281 PPARGC1B red brown
107297222 PPAT green blue
107293386 PPCDC turquoise turquoise
107291366 PPCS brown black
107301113 PPDPF green turquoise
107295887 PPEF1 red greenyellow
107287486 PPFIA1 brown brown
107284032 PPFIA2 turquoise black
107282407 PPFIA3 turquoise turquoise
107289273 PPFIA4 turquoise yellow
107291091 PPFIBP2 blue grey
107283838 PPHLN1 brown brown
107286232 PPIA lightgreen grey
107289650 PPIB turquoise tan
107292728 PPIC tan grey
107286043 PPID cyan lightcyan
107283717 PPIE grey60 turquoise
107295620 PPIF darkred turquoise
107290305 PPIG grey60 tan
107291390 PPIH orange blue
107302555 PPIL1 purple blue
107293413 PPIL2 yellow turquoise
107291762 PPIL3 turquoise lightcyan
107287405 PPIL4 turquoise blue
107298142 PPIL6 green yellow
107292592 PPIP5K2 yellow blue
107290378 PPL magenta turquoise
107294580 PPM1A brown grey
107284954 PPM1B red lightcyan
107296467 PPM1D purple brown
107295179 PPM1E black green
107293409 PPM1F green turquoise
107286477 PPM1G turquoise turquoise
107290996 PPM1K turquoise magenta
107302698 PPM1L brown yellow
107294766 PPM1M black turquoise
107287044 PPME1 brown turquoise
107300025 PPOX turquoise cyan
107302715 PPP1CA purple turquoise
107298021 PPP1CB steelblue blue
107286959 PPP1CC purple blue
107297731 PPP1R10 brown tan
107298028 PPP1R11 green turquoise
107284036 PPP1R12A black brown
107284458 PPP1R12B yellow turquoise
107282540 PPP1R12C turquoise cyan
107289880 PPP1R13B midnightblue grey
107291636 PPP1R13L turquoise turquoise
107299061 PPP1R14B brown turquoise
107287398 PPP1R14C turquoise pink
107282487 PPP1R15A darkorange turquoise
107302980 PPP1R15B turquoise blue
107284839 PPP1R16B turquoise brown
107303065 PPP1R1B turquoise turquoise
107292632 PPP1R1C steelblue red
107291699 PPP1R2 orange brown
107291877 PPP1R3A red yellow
107285628 PPP1R3B salmon blue
107289976 PPP1R3C red grey
107296408 PPP1R3D red blue
107284193 PPP1R3F brown yellow
107297269 PPP1R7 pink grey
107288016 PPP1R8 yellow brown
107283678 PPP1R9A black blue
107282607 PPP1R9B blue grey
107294933 PPP2CA black brown
107285618 PPP2CB brown blue
107295075 PPP2R1A yellow turquoise
107295004 PPP2R2A blue brown
107291985 PPP2R2B red brown
107284338 PPP2R2D brown grey
107290041 PPP2R3A yellow grey
107284248 PPP2R3B blue purple
107290213 PPP2R3C purple blue
107286334 PPP2R5A magenta turquoise
107295995 PPP2R5B red turquoise
107295367 PPP2R5C yellow lightcyan
107293312 PPP2R5E brown brown
107298959 PPP3CA red blue
107289259 PPP3CC turquoise brown
107285980 PPP4R1 yellow grey
107295298 PPP4R2 purple brown
107296772 PPP6C brown grey
107285588 PPRC1 brown green
107301587 PPT1 yellow grey
107294851 PPT2 blue red
107286978 PPTC7 red lightcyan
107284584 PPWD1 blue brown
107286562 PQBP1 yellow turquoise
107292024 PRAF2 blue turquoise
107289792 PRC1 cyan brown
107299394 PRCC magenta turquoise
107297830 PRCP blue grey
107293254 PRDM1 yellow brown
107291718 PRDM10 turquoise blue
107302600 PRDM11 greenyellow grey
107293435 PRDM15 tan brown
107291380 PRDM2 brown lightcyan
107284727 PRDM4 turquoise grey
107289769 PRDM5 turquoise yellow
107292729 PRDM6 blue grey
107283430 PRDX1 pink grey
107286879 PRDX2 darkred turquoise
107290577 PRDX3 brown blue
107298374 PRDX4 turquoise turquoise
107299188 PRDX5 pink turquoise
107302853 PRDX6 purple lightcyan
107286450 PREB turquoise turquoise
107295673 PRELID1 brown turquoise
107289849 PRELID2 turquoise purple
107302989 PRELP darkred turquoise
107284188 PREP blue grey
107284952 PREPL turquoise blue
107297080 PREX1 cyan magenta
107290507 PREX2 turquoise black
107290514 PRICKLE2 blue blue
107286556 PRICKLE3 midnightblue grey
107293736 PRIM1 pink brown
107295496 PRIM2 pink yellow
107287211 PRIMA1 turquoise yellow
107291127 PRKAA1 darkred blue
107286634 PRKAA2 red blue
107288822 PRKAB1 darkgrey grey60
107301177 PRKAB2 red blue
107293741 PRKAG1 yellow turquoise
107303313 PRKAG2 midnightblue blue
107282576 PRKAR1A yellow blue
107291882 PRKAR1B midnightblue pink
107292779 PRKAR2A purple blue
107299432 PRKAR2B magenta blue
107285104 PRKCB cyan magenta
107293197 PRKCD turquoise grey
107287861 PRKCE turquoise brown
107290949 PRKCH blue grey
107290257 PRKCI blue blue
107298816 PRKCQ red brown
107285142 PRKCSH turquoise grey
107290687 PRKCZ brown turquoise
107287618 PRKD1 turquoise blue
107291937 PRKD2 brown grey60
107287939 PRKD3 turquoise brown
107287153 PRKDC green brown
107294548 PRKG1 darkred blue
107303184 PRKG2 green yellow
107290007 PRKRA brown blue
107298582 PRKRIP1 purple turquoise
107290410 PRKX blue magenta
107289607 PRL pink green
107296260 PRMT3 turquoise blue
107294118 PRMT5 brown turquoise
107295259 PRMT7 darkgrey green
107298431 PRMT8 turquoise grey
107285873 PROCR brown brown
107286260 PROK1 greenyellow yellow
107293708 PROK2 magenta green
107292462 PROM1 black blue
107283443 PROM2 blue turquoise
107293218 PROS1 darkred yellow
107289294 PROX1 magenta turquoise
107293067 PROX2 red midnightblue
107290447 PROZ brown cyan
107297069 PRPF18 lightcyan blue
107289927 PRPF3 grey60 brown
107283094 PRPF31 lightcyan turquoise
107283050 PRPF38A grey60 brown
107294744 PRPF38B brown brown
107290152 PRPF39 turquoise blue
107302799 PRPF4 yellow blue
107291323 PRPF40A orange lightcyan
107286387 PRPF40B blue turquoise
107286578 PRPF4B turquoise brown
107297997 PRPF6 purple turquoise
107289568 PRPF8 darkgrey turquoise
107286393 PRPH greenyellow black
107286413 PRPH2 blue cyan
107303232 PRPS1 turquoise green
107302469 PRPS2 purple lightcyan
107290058 PRPSAP1 yellow turquoise
107289154 PRPSAP2 turquoise lightcyan
107282379 PRR12 darkorange grey
107291240 PRR13 turquoise grey
107282631 PRR15L saddlebrown turquoise
107295126 PRR16 blue blue
107294775 PRR5 turquoise turquoise
107293339 PRR5L blue brown
107291399 PRR7 blue black
107296026 PRRC1 turquoise blue
107288707 PRRG1 turquoise blue
107282417 PRRG2 darkorange turquoise
107302457 PRRG4 blue blue
107298365 PRRT1 turquoise purple
107302870 PRRX1 darkturquoise brown
107293515 PRRX2 black blue
107294080 PRSS12 black yellow
107295277 PRSS16 white turquoise
107299677 PRSS23 blue blue
107295043 PRSS35 black yellow
107294322 PRSS53 royalblue turquoise
107282813 PRTFDC1 saddlebrown blue
107284527 PSAT1 turquoise grey
107294833 PSD greenyellow yellow
107284136 PSD2 greenyellow grey
107286301 PSD3 blue salmon
107294171 PSEN1 yellow blue
107291203 PSEN2 turquoise turquoise
107288031 PSENEN purple tan
107291083 PSIP1 purple brown
107288917 PSKH1 yellow grey
107295025 PSMA1 grey60 brown
107290473 PSMA2 saddlebrown blue
107292188 PSMA3 orange brown
107302538 PSMA5 orange grey
107290216 PSMA6 orange brown
107289389 PSMA7 orange grey60
107290183 PSMB1 brown lightcyan
107294885 PSMB2 orange turquoise
107286403 PSMB3 saddlebrown turquoise
107292916 PSMB4 brown turquoise
107294116 PSMB5 salmon turquoise
107285022 PSMB6 turquoise turquoise
107298832 PSMB7 orange turquoise
107296740 PSMB9 darkgreen magenta
107292391 PSMC1 purple green
107282807 PSMC2 brown brown
107292932 PSMC3 salmon turquoise
107302412 PSMC3IP lightcyan grey
107287544 PSMC4 darkgrey turquoise
107303104 PSMC5 saddlebrown grey60
107289089 PSMC6 grey60 lightcyan
107298397 PSMD1 darkgrey lightcyan
107303230 PSMD10 yellow blue
107288345 PSMD12 salmon blue
107294408 PSMD13 grey60 tan
107290161 PSMD14 grey60 lightcyan
107294979 PSMD2 salmon green
107303075 PSMD3 lightcyan tan
107297714 PSMD5 lightgreen blue
107290513 PSMD6 grey60 grey
107283526 PSMD7 brown brown
107293916 PSMD8 orange turquoise
107287004 PSMD9 purple turquoise
107293096 PSME1 green magenta
107293094 PSME2 darkgreen magenta
107285916 PSME3 orange grey
107285488 PSME4 red brown
107294539 PSMF1 cyan grey
107288174 PSMG2 grey60 brown
107290639 PSMG3 turquoise turquoise
107287332 PSMG4 purple turquoise
107288236 PSPC1 black blue
107288577 PSPH brown cyan
107302528 PSRC1 cyan pink
107285943 PSTK turquoise blue
107289268 PSTPIP1 cyan magenta
107295900 PSTPIP2 blue brown
107288012 PTAFR magenta magenta
107297695 PTAR1 brown lightcyan
107282239 PTBP1 turquoise turquoise
107284499 PTBP2 brown blue
107298693 PTCD1 lightgreen yellow
107289737 PTCD2 grey60 blue
107302398 PTCD3 lightcyan brown
107294604 PTCH1 midnightblue blue
107283405 PTCH2 midnightblue grey
107298554 PTCHD1 blue grey
107297198 PTCRA steelblue turquoise
107291107 PTDSS2 turquoise turquoise
107285111 PTEN turquoise blue
107283324 PTER lightcyan blue
107294128 PTGER3 black blue
107291129 PTGER4 magenta brown
107293518 PTGES magenta grey
107295891 PTGES2 purple yellow
107293739 PTGES3 purple brown
107289439 PTGFR blue green
107295128 PTGFRN blue grey
107290825 PTGIS brown turquoise
107290349 PTGR1 greenyellow grey
107293024 PTGS1 yellow magenta
107285158 PTGS2 blue brown
107291087 PTH turquoise yellow
107286002 PTH1R yellow salmon
107293934 PTK2 darkgrey grey
107293495 PTK2B yellow turquoise
107283382 PTK7 blue turquoise
107296051 PTMA green tan
107285770 PTMS grey60 turquoise
107294182 PTN black blue
107287394 PTP4A1 salmon grey
107285503 PTP4A2 brown brown
107292924 PTP4A3 red turquoise
107285550 PTPDC1 black blue
107292935 PTPMT1 turquoise turquoise
107289379 PTPN1 yellow magenta
107286989 PTPN11 darkgrey blue
107296331 PTPN12 black brown
107303160 PTPN13 blue brown
107289288 PTPN14 turquoise purple
107295223 PTPN18 turquoise turquoise
107288173 PTPN2 brown brown
107296138 PTPN21 red blue
107290988 PTPN22 white brown
107300557 PTPN23 yellow turquoise
107290720 PTPN5 red yellow
107285777 PTPN6 darkturquoise magenta
107289530 PTPN7 darkturquoise greenyellow
107287747 PTPN9 yellow turquoise
107296390 PTPRA turquoise turquoise
107283831 PTPRB midnightblue brown
107287616 PTPRC white brown
107293625 PTPRCAP turquoise magenta
107299141 PTPRD blue blue
107288972 PTPRE blue brown
107283447 PTPRF blue turquoise
107283326 PTPRG black blue
107293531 PTPRJ magenta grey
107287703 PTPRK turquoise blue
107285987 PTPRM purple brown
107288122 PTPRN turquoise black
107288125 PTPRN2 greenyellow brown
107295909 PTPRO green turquoise
107283830 PTPRR red black
107284824 PTPRU turquoise turquoise
107293699 PTPRZ1 blue grey
107298052 PTRH1 yellow turquoise
107302794 PTRH2 turquoise blue
107284508 PTS green grey
107286897 PTTG1 green brown
107285878 PTTG1IP darkred tan
107286950 PTX3 brown blue
107288490 PUF60 brown turquoise
107293054 PUM1 purple blue
107294745 PUM2 brown lightcyan
107284141 PURA lightgreen turquoise
107285619 PURG turquoise red
107299176 PUS1 salmon grey60
107285470 PUS7 tan brown
107287542 PUSL1 cyan turquoise
107302823 PVALB brown greenyellow
107286492 PWP2 salmon turquoise
107286875 PWWP2A black brown
107285732 PWWP2B turquoise turquoise
107288277 PXDN blue green
107296580 PXK pink grey
107294017 PXMP4 turquoise yellow
107288824 PXN darkgrey turquoise
107294409 PYCR1 turquoise salmon
107284101 PYGB yellow tan
107293229 PYGM red yellow
107283136 PYGO1 turquoise black
107297796 PYROXD1 turquoise lightcyan
107287748 PYROXD2 turquoise turquoise
107288979 QDPR blue turquoise
107286244 QKI blue brown
107287935 QPCT turquoise grey
107297302 QPCTL turquoise red
107296602 QRFPR black green
107292775 QRICH1 yellow grey
107290060 QRICH2 black grey
107288300 QRSL1 blue brown
107302439 QSER1 brown blue
107283376 QSOX1 brown turquoise
107295049 QSOX2 turquoise grey
107298152 QTRT1 turquoise turquoise
107300415 R3HCC1 red turquoise
107284392 R3HDM1 brown brown
107287805 R3HDM2 grey60 turquoise
107300340 R3HDML magenta purple
107300494 RAB10 brown blue
107289778 RAB11A yellow lightcyan
107297622 RAB11B turquoise turquoise
107296748 RAB11FIP1 yellow grey
107285825 RAB11FIP2 pink blue
107290315 RAB11FIP3 turquoise salmon
107285330 RAB11FIP4 green grey
107285985 RAB12 red purple
107285213 RAB13 tan turquoise
107295374 RAB14 brown blue
107295135 RAB15 black turquoise
107282822 RAB18 saddlebrown blue
107300483 RAB1A turquoise blue
107284291 RAB20 blue turquoise
107283827 RAB21 brown blue
107302918 RAB22A yellow blue
107295500 RAB23 grey60 blue
107295674 RAB24 brown turquoise
107293671 RAB26 turquoise turquoise
107283137 RAB27A green brown
107296804 RAB27B turquoise blue
107294273 RAB28 turquoise blue
107284330 RAB2A salmon blue
107286581 RAB2B green brown
107297829 RAB30 blue brown
107285990 RAB31 blue brown
107296555 RAB32 black grey
107291567 RAB33A pink brown
107293151 RAB33B pink blue
107288804 RAB35 brown turquoise
107294183 RAB36 green turquoise
107290917 RAB37 white brown
107282230 RAB3A yellow turquoise
107283070 RAB3B black grey
107285145 RAB3D turquoise grey
107284394 RAB3GAP1 turquoise grey
107292300 RAB3GAP2 turquoise brown
107283834 RAB3IP pink blue
107293621 RAB40B turquoise grey
107290325 RAB40C black turquoise
107293782 RAB43 turquoise tan
107295109 RAB4A purple blue
107285671 RAB4B brown turquoise
107282901 RAB5A lightcyan lightcyan
107287773 RAB5B turquoise turquoise
107282648 RAB5C lightcyan turquoise
107287019 RAB6A brown blue
107292980 RAB7A grey60 grey
107292377 RAB7B blue black
107282209 RAB8A grey60 grey60
107283167 RAB8B royalblue brown
107286178 RAB9A green lightcyan
107299014 RABAC1 turquoise turquoise
107289163 RABEP1 turquoise brown
107282507 RABEP2 darkorange tan
107296773 RABEPK purple turquoise
107302843 RABGAP1L blue lightcyan
107287096 RABGEF1 turquoise blue
107297095 RABGGTA yellow turquoise
107285069 RABGGTB grey60 brown
107287111 RABIF salmon grey
107284108 RABL3 brown blue
107285491 RAC1 grey60 lightcyan
107302789 RAC2 darkturquoise magenta
107288862 RAC3 black cyan
107289411 RACGAP1 cyan brown
107296959 RAD1 purple black
107289748 RAD17 brown lightcyan
107301565 RAD18 green blue
107288217 RAD21 brown brown
107285133 RAD23A yellow turquoise
107292291 RAD23B brown blue
107290655 RAD50 purple blue
107286222 RAD51 cyan brown
107285913 RAD52 cyan brown
107292752 RAD54B turquoise brown
107283592 RAD54L blue grey
107303208 RAD54L2 turquoise green
107302716 RAD9A green turquoise
107287000 RAD9B magenta red
107290629 RADIL green grey
107296080 RAE1 purple grey
107293335 RAG2 blue midnightblue
107289135 RAI1 yellow tan
107296960 RAI14 yellow brown
107295936 RAI2 turquoise purple
107284933 RALA darkorange lightcyan
107298364 RALB blue blue
107285981 RALBP1 brown grey
107284887 RALGAPA1 tan blue
107297783 RALGAPA2 turquoise grey
107285576 RALGAPB yellow blue
107299323 RALGDS turquoise tan
107283367 RALGPS2 black brown
107295467 RALY greenyellow turquoise
107294435 RALYL green grey
107303000 RAMP1 red turquoise
107302426 RAMP2 darkorange grey60
107295820 RAN pink brown
107295453 RANBP1 salmon turquoise
107288915 RANBP10 yellow yellow
107282228 RANBP3 yellow turquoise
107286339 RANBP9 brown lightcyan
107285417 RANGAP1 brown turquoise
107298698 RANGRF blue turquoise
107292543 RAP1A blue brown
107284411 RAP1B purple brown
107293510 RAP1GAP2 magenta turquoise
107288754 RAP1GDS1 blue blue
107299031 RAP2A darkred brown
107284895 RAP2B blue brown
107303248 RAP2C grey60 brown
107291046 RAPGEF1 tan grey
107286040 RAPGEF2 turquoise blue
107288970 RAPGEF3 turquoise turquoise
107290439 RAPGEF4 pink brown
107282971 RAPGEF5 pink blue
107303081 RAPGEFL1 turquoise midnightblue
107290542 RAPH1 yellow lightcyan
107292930 RAPSN red red
107303084 RARA lightcyan turquoise
107283760 RARB darkorange blue
107288510 RARG blue black
107296745 RARRES2 tan turquoise
107284743 RARS2 grey60 blue
107302942 RASA1 darkred brown
107287755 RASA2 purple grey
107287912 RASA3 pink magenta
107296970 RASAL1 steelblue turquoise
107283366 RASAL2 brown blue
107289145 RASD1 black turquoise
107302813 RASD2 black turquoise
107284440 RASEF turquoise salmon
107293257 RASGEF1A turquoise magenta
107303166 RASGEF1B blue lightcyan
107283944 RASGRF1 blue black
107286318 RASGRF2 turquoise yellow
107287220 RASGRP1 turquoise brown
107289925 RASGRP2 red magenta
107289694 RASGRP3 blue brown
107293913 RASGRP4 black pink
107283101 RASIP1 green yellow
107288813 RASL10A brown yellow
107288942 RASL10B brown turquoise
107296864 RASL11A black yellow
107295725 RASL11B turquoise midnightblue
107290297 RASL12 blue turquoise
107288718 RASSF1 brown turquoise
107283651 RASSF2 blue magenta
107286171 RASSF5 blue brown
107295125 RASSF8 blue lightcyan
107289208 RASSF9 blue yellow
107285692 RAVER1 turquoise tan
107294339 RAVER2 turquoise blue
107284299 RB1 blue brown
107289178 RB1CC1 red blue
107283713 RBBP4 brown brown
107289108 RBBP5 blue green
107285100 RBBP6 brown tan
107291929 RBBP8 purple blue
107288068 RBKS blue turquoise
107285577 RBL1 magenta brown
107289912 RBL2 yellow blue
107295705 RBM10 yellow grey60
107285594 RBM11 turquoise brown
107302486 RBM12B yellow brown
107286265 RBM15 salmon brown
107284505 RBM15B brown turquoise
107298407 RBM17 brown grey
107295050 RBM18 lightgreen blue
107297706 RBM19 salmon grey
107289369 RBM20 red blue
107300003 RBM22 purple brown
107294120 RBM23 turquoise grey60
107291515 RBM24 red grey
107303142 RBM26 brown lightcyan
107291965 RBM27 brown grey
107303307 RBM33 lightcyan grey
107288309 RBM34 orange lightcyan
107296081 RBM38 green tan
107287095 RBM39 black brown
107303194 RBM41 brown brown
107287559 RBM42 brown turquoise
107287989 RBM46 greenyellow midnightblue
107298612 RBM47 turquoise grey
107290533 RBM5 turquoise tan
107290534 RBM6 purple tan
107284787 RBM7 turquoise brown
107296028 RBM8A brown grey
107294613 RBMS1 darkred salmon
107290952 RBMS2 yellow grey
107303264 RBMX black brown
107291587 RBMX2 grey60 grey
107292221 RBP1 pink turquoise
107292211 RBP2 red turquoise
107283387 RBP4 pink turquoise
107285815 RBP5 darkred yellow
107292348 RBP7 black blue
107298588 RBPJ darkgrey salmon
107299686 RBPJL red green
107294774 RBPMS magenta turquoise
107289657 RBPMS2 purple yellow
107285413 RBX1 lightgreen blue
107302845 RC3H1 yellow brown
107293026 RC3H2 brown brown
107295965 RCAN1 red grey
107284280 RCAN2 red blue
107291301 RCAN3 blue blue
107284289 RCBTB1 green brown
107296463 RCC2 blue tan
107289793 RCCD1 brown turquoise
107302626 RCE1 turquoise turquoise
107291613 RCL1 turquoise turquoise
107289266 RCN2 brown brown
107302155 RCOR1 darkgrey brown
107288581 RCOR3 yellow blue
107298058 RCSD1 red brown
107288585 RD3 royalblue red
107288531 RDH10 darkred blue
107284927 RDH14 tan brown
107294926 RDH5 darkgreen tan
107303100 RDM1 pink pink
107296356 RDX grey60 blue
107298543 RECK turquoise salmon
107297798 RECQL darkgrey brown
107297502 RECQL4 blue turquoise
107302394 REEP1 green cyan
107289192 REEP2 green turquoise
107283263 REEP4 darkturquoise red
107293247 REEP5 turquoise blue
107284453 REL magenta tan
107299152 RELL2 turquoise purple
107282817 RELN pink blue
107287037 RELT midnightblue grey60
107284222 RENBP royalblue purple
107293043 REPS1 yellow turquoise
107293866 RER1 brown turquoise
107293168 RERGL black grey
107293255 RET blue blue
107295232 RETN pink red
107302397 REV1 turquoise lightcyan
107287169 REV3L turquoise brown
107282251 REXO1 turquoise turquoise
107284788 REXO2 salmon blue
107297470 REXO4 salmon grey
107302798 RFC1 yellow yellow
107302352 RFC2 pink turquoise
107286810 RFC3 blue brown
107293330 RFC4 darkred brown
107292839 RFC5 green brown
107302792 RFESD purple blue
107288939 RFFL yellow brown
107286165 RFK turquoise lightcyan
107288860 RFNG pink tan
107293199 RFT1 turquoise turquoise
107282906 RFTN1 darkorange magenta
107284907 RFTN2 darkred grey
107287364 RFWD3 brown black
107298092 RFX1 brown turquoise
107294988 RFX3 pink pink
107284739 RFX4 magenta salmon
107292904 RFX5 blue magenta
107299087 RFX6 turquoise yellow
107283134 RFX7 yellow brown
107282891 RFXANK turquoise turquoise
107287661 RFXAP purple blue
107288059 RGL1 midnightblue magenta
107285118 RGL3 turquoise black
107283866 RGMA yellow cyan
107295120 RGMB blue grey
107284253 RGN midnightblue grey
107287344 RGP1 darkgrey red
107288612 RGS10 black brown
107283993 RGS11 blue yellow
107298581 RGS12 yellow grey
107289826 RGS13 black brown
107295188 RGS14 black turquoise
107284989 RGS16 red magenta
107292335 RGS17 green salmon
107289828 RGS18 royalblue brown
107297032 RGS19 pink grey60
107289825 RGS2 turquoise grey
107291190 RGS20 brown black
107285165 RGS22 cyan red
107302536 RGS3 blue grey
107302855 RGS5 pink brown
107293721 RGS6 blue salmon
107288103 RGS7 black green
107284573 RGS7BP blue greenyellow
107284996 RGS8 greenyellow purple
107282570 RGS9 turquoise brown
107284979 RGSL1 red salmon
107285559 RHAG darkred red
107286668 RHBDD1 turquoise brown
107290039 RHBDD2 turquoise turquoise
107288811 RHBDD3 yellow grey
107283996 RHBDF1 darkgrey turquoise
107290054 RHBDF2 blue grey60
107283705 RHBDL2 green turquoise
107296932 RHBDL3 midnightblue red
107286853 RHCG yellow turquoise
107303314 RHEB lightcyan blue
107286396 RHEBL1 pink brown
107288686 RHOA darkred tan
107294743 RHOB turquoise turquoise
107297331 RHOBTB1 pink blue
107299235 RHOBTB2 yellow grey60
107302791 RHOBTB3 darkred grey
107297292 RHOC purple turquoise
107296675 RHOD magenta turquoise
107286964 RHOF darkturquoise grey60
107298414 RHOG blue grey60
107299071 RHOH royalblue magenta
107296990 RHOJ blue yellow
107287858 RHOQ yellow blue
107294653 RHOT1 turquoise blue
107290386 RHOT2 yellow turquoise
107295527 RHOU pink blue
107291009 RHOV blue grey
107292577 RHPN2 turquoise grey
107284212 RIBC1 green midnightblue
107294345 RIBC2 green red
107294102 RIC3 brown yellow
107294397 RIC8A yellow turquoise
107284734 RIC8B green blue
107288308 RICTOR blue brown
107289564 RILP pink turquoise
107285477 RILPL1 brown turquoise
107285474 RILPL2 royalblue turquoise
107288539 RIMKLB tan red
107287205 RIMS1 black blue
107292846 RIMS2 blue midnightblue
107295372 RIMS3 brown turquoise
107302619 RIN1 blue turquoise
107297816 RIN2 magenta grey
107285438 RINT1 turquoise blue
107282998 RIOK1 grey60 blue
107285727 RIOK2 blue blue
107292200 RIOK3 darkred lightcyan
107285792 RIPK1 yellow salmon
107285743 RIPK2 turquoise blue
107286631 RIPK3 blue magenta
107293434 RIPK4 magenta turquoise
107299350 RIT1 pink brown
107286852 RLBP1 turquoise grey
107288026 RLF orange grey
107282932 RLIM brown blue
107298001 RLN3 brown green
107298595 RMI1 cyan blue
107292814 RMND1 purple blue
107302392 RMND5A lightcyan blue
107294705 RMND5B black turquoise
107294088 RNASEH1 brown tan
107286878 RNASEH2A pink green
107293402 RNASEH2B orange brown
107297110 RNASEH2C magenta turquoise
107285048 RNASEK yellow turquoise
107284990 RNASEL magenta brown
107289586 RNASET2 green turquoise
107285728 RND1 black grey
107285933 RND2 black turquoise
107294542 RND3 blue grey
107293456 RNF10 brown turquoise
107283060 RNF11 brown blue
107283174 RNF111 purple brown
107302401 RNF113A lightcyan turquoise
107289375 RNF114 yellow magenta
107288076 RNF115 darkgrey blue
107291992 RNF122 darkred red
107288690 RNF123 yellow turquoise
107292807 RNF125 black brown
107282242 RNF126 salmon turquoise
107296459 RNF128 turquoise blue
107289038 RNF13 blue blue
107296631 RNF130 turquoise grey
107292809 RNF138 turquoise brown
107283770 RNF139 brown blue
107286831 RNF14 turquoise blue
107292137 RNF141 turquoise blue
107298093 RNF144A darkturquoise blue
107286346 RNF144B magenta brown
107287701 RNF146 red brown
107288160 RNF149 brown brown
107292455 RNF150 red grey
107283576 RNF152 blue green
107299792 RNF157 blue purple
107283534 RNF166 purple magenta
107285046 RNF167 green turquoise
107294965 RNF168 grey60 black
107287024 RNF169 greenyellow yellow
107288239 RNF17 greenyellow purple
107284572 RNF180 blue blue
107283238 RNF181 grey60 turquoise
107286349 RNF182 blue blue
107302818 RNF183 green yellow
107293503 RNF185 turquoise turquoise
107295425 RNF186 pink grey
107285147 RNF19A turquoise brown
107283716 RNF19B darkgreen grey
107295414 RNF2 grey60 purple
107297354 RNF20 brown blue
107284637 RNF207 magenta tan
107287466 RNF212 green black
107284767 RNF214 brown grey
107288807 RNF215 turquoise green
107302933 RNF216 brown turquoise
107292531 RNF217 turquoise pink
107283437 RNF220 yellow turquoise
107295885 RNF24 yellow turquoise
107291478 RNF25 purple turquoise
107285390 RNF26 yellow turquoise
107293085 RNF31 blue turquoise
107303292 RNF32 green pink
107287008 RNF34 yellow brown
107293126 RNF38 yellow blue
107299229 RNF40 brown yellow
107293746 RNF41 blue turquoise
107288561 RNF43 yellow grey
107292440 RNF44 yellow grey60
107296707 RNF5 turquoise turquoise
107288411 RNF6 turquoise blue
107287768 RNF7 brown grey
107294665 RNF8 darkred lightcyan
107298702 RNFT1 brown brown
107296765 RNGTT salmon brown
107285112 RNLS pink blue
107290080 RNMT purple purple
107292304 RNPC3 skyblue blue
107295845 RNPEP black turquoise
107302590 RNPEPL1 yellow grey60
107292231 RNPS1 yellow grey
107294850 ROBO1 blue brown
107294840 ROBO2 blue brown
107290587 ROBO3 black turquoise
107290588 ROBO4 yellow turquoise
107285298 ROCK1 tan brown
107294640 ROCK2 pink blue
107290391 ROGDI brown yellow
107287098 ROMO1 orange grey
107292212 ROPN1L cyan green
107287078 ROR1 yellow salmon
107293302 ROR2 black yellow
107283147 RORA turquoise blue
107299384 RORB red grey
107285233 RORC turquoise turquoise
107284254 RP2 brown brown
107283799 RP9 lightcyan grey
107296194 RPA1 blue grey
107288015 RPA2 darkred brown
107283682 RPA3 darkorange brown
107296914 RPAIN pink grey
107287421 RPAP1 yellow turquoise
107290198 RPAP2 salmon blue
107302914 RPAP3 purple brown
107301941 RPE brown blue
107300213 RPE65 purple midnightblue
107285250 RPF1 grey60 blue
107287166 RPF2 turquoise blue
107289911 RPGRIP1L greenyellow blue
107299134 RPH3AL green lightgreen
107302386 RPIA saddlebrown brown
107286700 RPL10 lightgreen turquoise
107289041 RPL10A lightgreen lightcyan
107290741 RPL11 lightgreen brown
107298654 RPL12 lightgreen blue
107283511 RPL13 lightgreen turquoise
107282491 RPL13A saddlebrown grey
107294063 RPL14 saddlebrown grey
107283757 RPL15 saddlebrown turquoise
107283089 RPL18 saddlebrown turquoise
107303061 RPL19 saddlebrown blue
107296863 RPL21 lightgreen lightcyan
107284664 RPL22 lightgreen blue
107296423 RPL22L1 turquoise brown
107286406 RPL23 saddlebrown lightcyan
107285070 RPL24 lightgreen blue
107289881 RPL26L1 lightgreen grey
107285923 RPL27 saddlebrown blue
107288136 RPL3 turquoise tan
107285295 RPL30 lightgreen lightcyan
107288166 RPL31 lightgreen blue
107294257 RPL32 lightgreen blue
107283687 RPL34 lightgreen grey
107296784 RPL35 lightgreen turquoise
107282275 RPL36 lightgreen grey
107291125 RPL37 lightgreen blue
107302031 RPL37A lightgreen grey
107286816 RPL38 lightgreen blue
107302757 RPL39 lightgreen blue
107287716 RPL3L red yellow
107283913 RPL4 lightgreen lightcyan
107290191 RPL5 lightgreen blue
107286990 RPL6 lightgreen blue
107288532 RPL7 lightgreen blue
107297468 RPL7A lightgreen turquoise
107289770 RPL7L1 grey60 blue
107286520 RPL8 lightgreen turquoise
107302809 RPL9 lightgreen blue
107288792 RPLP0 turquoise turquoise
107298433 RPLP1 lightgreen turquoise
107284012 RPLP2 brown salmon
107292969 RPN1 turquoise turquoise
107287251 RPN2 turquoise tan
107298909 RPP14 brown turquoise
107296611 RPP30 blue blue
107283321 RPP38 saddlebrown turquoise
107283009 RPP40 darkred brown
107299775 RPRD1B brown blue
107298516 RPRD2 green turquoise
107298535 RPS11 lightgreen turquoise
107286516 RPS12 lightgreen lightcyan
107290393 RPS13 lightgreen blue
107290983 RPS14 lightgreen turquoise
107282879 RPS15 brown turquoise
107297082 RPS15A lightgreen blue
107284041 RPS16 lightgreen turquoise
107289662 RPS17 lightgreen blue
107296022 RPS19 lightgreen grey60
107288131 RPS19BP1 brown turquoise
107287714 RPS2 lightgreen grey60
107284323 RPS20 lightgreen blue
107297337 RPS21 lightgreen brown
107282200 RPS23 lightgreen brown
107297400 RPS24 lightgreen lightcyan
107284799 RPS25 lightgreen blue
107287776 RPS26 lightgreen grey
107285212 RPS27 lightgreen brown
107302309 RPS27A lightgreen blue
107299621 RPS28 lightgreen grey
107289764 RPS3 brown grey
107287886 RPS3A lightgreen brown
107296593 RPS5 lightgreen turquoise
107289902 RPS6KA1 cyan turquoise
107289576 RPS6KA2 black turquoise
107296040 RPS6KA3 turquoise blue
107292394 RPS6KA4 black turquoise
107297277 RPS6KA5 green tan
107295205 RPS6KA6 turquoise blue
107298703 RPS6KB1 turquoise blue
107293632 RPS6KB2 yellow green
107287432 RPS6KC1 turquoise blue
107293070 RPS6KL1 black turquoise
107283414 RPS8 lightgreen blue
107293638 RPSA turquoise turquoise
107286684 RPTOR magenta pink
107286216 RPUSD2 brown grey
107297083 RPUSD3 turquoise turquoise
107288922 RRAD greenyellow grey
107283689 RRAGC turquoise brown
107296170 RRAGD pink grey
107282439 RRAS blue turquoise
107294100 RRAS2 turquoise blue
107299533 RRBP1 turquoise turquoise
107283003 RREB1 turquoise cyan
107298422 RRM1 yellow lightcyan
107287819 RRM2B brown blue
107297520 RRN3 salmon brown
107294242 RRP12 brown turquoise
107294098 RRP15 salmon blue
107286383 RRP1B turquoise grey
107285343 RRP7A salmon turquoise
107288656 RRP8 brown turquoise
107291070 RRP9 grey60 turquoise
107295112 RRS1 salmon turquoise
107295876 RS1 blue purple
107283751 RSAD1 turquoise turquoise
107298090 RSAD2 darkgreen magenta
107290987 RSBN1 pink blue
107297921 RSF1 brown tan
107298529 RSL1D1 salmon grey
107283179 RSL24D1 orange blue
107292801 RSPH1 green grey
107288253 RSPH3 greenyellow grey
107289267 RSPH9 green grey
107290809 RSPO2 midnightblue yellow
107287704 RSPO3 midnightblue brown
107302684 RSRC1 brown blue
107286961 RSRC2 brown brown
107283325 RSU1 darkorange blue
107286901 RTBDN blue midnightblue
107296091 RTF1 purple brown
107292510 RTKN blue turquoise
107294584 RTN1 black brown
107291653 RTN2 red turquoise
107302337 RTN4 red blue
107288293 RTN4IP1 brown blue
107297476 RTN4R black turquoise
107296333 RTN4RL2 magenta greenyellow
107289480 RTTN green brown
107296562 RUFY1 turquoise salmon
107288083 RUFY2 turquoise grey
107294588 RUFY3 turquoise salmon
107285922 RUNDC1 lightcyan brown
107303111 RUNDC3A pink salmon
107283334 RUNDC3B black greenyellow
107285752 RUNX1T1 blue black
107284274 RUNX2 blue blue
107296731 RUNX3 greenyellow magenta
107296952 RUSC2 red tan
107294280 RUVBL1 pink grey60
107282404 RUVBL2 lightcyan turquoise
107292482 RWDD1 turquoise blue
107295304 RWDD2A turquoise blue
107294468 RWDD2B grey60 blue
107300026 RWDD3 blue brown
107288402 RXFP3 greenyellow lightgreen
107292556 RXRG brown grey
107289545 RYBP brown brown
107293912 RYR1 red black
107290170 RYR2 greenyellow blue
107285222 S100A1 darkred grey
107285205 S100A10 pink brown
107285204 S100A11 pink turquoise
107285220 S100A13 darkturquoise turquoise
107283715 S100PBP brown brown
107293556 S100Z greenyellow cyan
107302502 S1PR1 black brown
107284226 S1PR2 green turquoise
107293825 S1PR3 blue brown
107295324 S1PR4 blue grey
107296793 SAAL1 darkred blue
107293785 SACM1L saddlebrown brown
107286507 SACS red blue
107285683 SAE1 grey60 tan
107299405 SAFB brown tan
107285516 SAG black midnightblue
107298719 SALL1 midnightblue pink
107295390 SALL2 blue greenyellow
107296468 SALL3 pink greenyellow
107286076 SALL4 black red
107291151 SAMD1 yellow green
107297284 SAMD10 blue yellow
107295152 SAMD12 turquoise cyan
107282608 SAMD14 blue grey
107294104 SAMD4A red brown
107291661 SAMD4B turquoise salmon
107298678 SAMD8 turquoise blue
107285578 SAMHD1 yellow brown
107297382 SAMM50 salmon grey
107285596 SAMSN1 darkturquoise brown
107287666 SAP130 yellow purple
107286111 SAP18 grey60 turquoise
107286511 SAP30 pink blue
107290302 SAP30BP purple green
107290973 SAP30L green salmon
107296304 SAR1A salmon lightcyan
107294962 SAR1B red grey
107291024 SARDH turquoise greenyellow
107286379 SARNP darkred brown
107297301 SARS2 turquoise yellow
107293807 SART1 brown turquoise
107287264 SART3 yellow brown
107296643 SASH1 black grey
107291591 SASH3 white magenta
107302488 SASS6 turquoise red
107282903 SATB1 darkorange grey
107284905 SATB2 midnightblue blue
107293427 SAV1 purple blue
107289199 SBF1 darkgrey salmon
107293507 SBF2 brown blue
107285455 SBNO1 salmon grey
107295210 SBNO2 blue turquoise
107282418 SCAF1 saddlebrown grey
107296779 SCAI black blue
107284605 SCAMP1 brown blue
107293395 SCAMP2 yellow turquoise
107282301 SCAMP4 turquoise tan
107289265 SCAPER red blue
107291039 SCARA3 black grey60
107289051 SCARA5 blue turquoise
107299480 SCARB1 black turquoise
107297787 SCARB2 black grey
107299083 SCARF2 blue grey
107302481 SCCPDH black blue
107292983 SCD turquoise salmon
107303157 SCD5 red blue
107287619 SCFD1 salmon blue
107295721 SCFD2 brown turquoise
107290162 SCG2 brown grey
107288968 SCG3 grey60 yellow
107287259 SCG5 tan yellow
107283860 SCIN black blue
107289949 SCLT1 brown brown
107285514 SCLY magenta turquoise
107288021 SCMH1 yellow turquoise
107288297 SCML4 midnightblue brown
107294405 SCN1A magenta black
107287564 SCN1B red grey
107284821 SCN2B red purple
107286486 SCN3B green grey
107284822 SCN4B red tan
107295573 SCNM1 darkred brown
107285807 SCNN1A blue turquoise
107302602 SCNN1B blue turquoise
107287532 SCNN1D turquoise red
107302631 SCNN1G blue grey
107300332 SCOC darkred blue
107283044 SCP2 pink blue
107287434 SCPEP1 magenta grey
107282778 SCRN1 turquoise brown
107282635 SCRN2 darkorange turquoise
107287387 SCRN3 cyan blue
107291231 SCUBE1 blue lightgreen
107294527 SCUBE2 midnightblue brown
107302825 SCUBE3 midnightblue grey
107295510 SCYL1 turquoise grey
107289401 SCYL2 turquoise blue
107302874 SCYL3 pink brown
107291187 SDAD1 salmon lightcyan
107294746 SDC1 blue turquoise
107285326 SDC2 purple blue
107298624 SDC3 midnightblue turquoise
107287246 SDC4 blue turquoise
107284326 SDCBP black lightcyan
107292992 SDCCAG8 green cyan
107293421 SDF2L1 turquoise turquoise
107298348 SDF4 turquoise turquoise
107289374 SDHA lightcyan turquoise
107287943 SDHAF2 brown turquoise
107297006 SDHB lightgreen turquoise
107292424 SDHC red grey
107284502 SDHD turquoise blue
107290619 SDK1 turquoise black
107283216 SDK2 black brown
107284324 SDR16C5 purple blue
107292706 SDR39U1 turquoise turquoise
107287725 SDR42E1 black grey
107298897 SDSL pink grey
107294070 SEC11A orange lightcyan
107297635 SEC11C turquoise grey
107297846 SEC13 salmon turquoise
107291753 SEC14L1 turquoise grey
107288796 SEC14L2 yellow turquoise
107296230 SEC16A turquoise turquoise
107285759 SEC22A turquoise blue
107292378 SEC22B turquoise blue
107284370 SEC22C lightcyan turquoise
107295957 SEC23A purple brown
107284462 SEC23B turquoise blue
107288599 SEC23IP turquoise blue
107294985 SEC24A darkgrey blue
107283192 SEC24B brown brown
107298833 SEC24C darkgrey tan
107294083 SEC24D turquoise blue
107303172 SEC31A darkgrey blue
107294279 SEC61A1 turquoise tan
107297193 SEC61A2 darkred lightcyan
107291672 SEC61B turquoise blue
107284698 SEC61G saddlebrown blue
107290253 SEC62 turquoise blue
107292061 SEC63 turquoise blue
107293829 SECISBP2 turquoise grey
107287692 SECISBP2L brown blue
107288176 SEH1L salmon blue
107296453 SEL1L turquoise lightcyan
107293228 SEL1L2 green red
107300881 SEL1L3 turquoise brown
107302883 SELE darkred brown
107302836 SELP blue brown
107297391 SEMA3A blue pink
107291826 SEMA3B blue turquoise
107290558 SEMA3D blue red
107295647 SEMA3E midnightblue pink
107295443 SEMA3F yellow tan
107291157 SEMA3G black turquoise
107297416 SEMA4A green turquoise
107283927 SEMA4B yellow turquoise
107287942 SEMA4C blue turquoise
107293828 SEMA4D black brown
107285255 SEMA4G blue salmon
107297712 SEMA5A midnightblue brown
107290078 SEMA5B turquoise green
107293012 SEMA6A blue grey
107295572 SEMA6C red black
107287680 SEMA6D yellow blue
107291918 SEMA7A blue turquoise
107288504 SENP1 yellow blue
107285884 SENP2 turquoise grey
107296239 SENP5 turquoise pink
107292010 SENP6 turquoise blue
107285130 SENP7 yellow blue
107297916 SENP8 brown grey
107297774 SEPSECS yellow blue
107297342 SERAC1 blue blue
107299509 SERBP1 brown blue
107296795 SERGEF cyan turquoise
107290523 SERINC1 yellow blue
107293051 SERINC2 yellow turquoise
107300431 SERINC3 royalblue grey
107300584 SERINC5 brown blue
107298271 SERPINA10 greenyellow turquoise
107283584 SERPINB5 blue blue
107302846 SERPINC1 turquoise pink
107293323 SERPIND1 red yellow
107285052 SERPINE1 blue grey
107290160 SERPINE2 darkred brown
107291537 SERPING1 green magenta
107289768 SERPINH1 black turquoise
107293034 SERPINI1 black blue
107285681 SERTAD1 brown grey
107284238 SERTAD2 magenta tan
107286421 SERTAD4 turquoise grey
107292241 SESN1 black brown
107287451 SESN2 pink grey
107295230 SESN3 magenta brown
107294307 SESTD1 blue red
107296055 SETBP1 turquoise brown
107290222 SETD1A pink turquoise
107286983 SETD1B brown turquoise
107286005 SETD2 lightcyan lightcyan
107291307 SETD3 red grey
107293979 SETD4 blue grey
107290922 SETD5 turquoise tan
107284173 SETD6 brown salmon
107293153 SETD7 red lightcyan
107292899 SETDB1 purple tan
107284269 SETDB2 black grey
107292972 SETX yellow brown
107282685 SEZ6L2 magenta turquoise
107293230 SF1 brown turquoise
107288781 SF3A1 salmon turquoise
107282303 SF3A2 turquoise tan
107283727 SF3A3 yellow grey
107284912 SF3B1 turquoise brown
107302628 SF3B2 darkgrey tan
107284171 SF3B3 turquoise yellow
107289945 SF3B4 purple turquoise
107298553 SF3B5 pink turquoise
107290774 SFMBT1 blue green
107299362 SFMBT2 cyan brown
107289897 SFN black tan
107291452 SFPQ purple grey
107289254 SFRP1 tan lightcyan
107289578 SFRP2 black brown
107283292 SFRP4 black brown
107287750 SFRP5 pink black
107289551 SFT2D1 turquoise blue
107287498 SFT2D2 turquoise brown
107287671 SFT2D3 yellow turquoise
107283262 SFTPB cyan red
107295526 SFXN1 turquoise yellow
107290845 SFXN2 turquoise turquoise
107285260 SFXN3 blue turquoise
107290582 SFXN4 blue turquoise
107295859 SFXN5 darkred turquoise
107282606 SGCA red yellow
107296282 SGCB blue blue
107293332 SGCD red yellow
107283647 SGCE darkorange yellow
107286504 SGCG red yellow
107288212 SGCZ midnightblue green
107299084 SGIP1 greenyellow blue
107289907 SGK1 black grey
107290466 SGK2 blue midnightblue
107285108 SGMS1 turquoise blue
107282562 SGMS2 salmon blue
107292169 SGPL1 turquoise magenta
107289157 SGPP2 blue cyan
107288798 SGSH yellow turquoise
107285408 SGSM3 turquoise tan
107296843 SGTA turquoise turquoise
107284587 SGTB darkred brown
107282509 SH2B1 lightcyan tan
107298583 SH2B2 blue red
107286973 SH2B3 blue brown
107298049 SH2D3C blue magenta
107302379 SH2D4A darkorange grey
107299104 SH3BGRL darkturquoise blue
107288221 SH3BGRL2 turquoise grey
107295754 SH3BGRL3 black grey60
107288643 SH3BP1 black purple
107294036 SH3BP4 cyan turquoise
107293950 SH3BP5 red brown
107292859 SH3BP5L turquoise yellow
107287885 SH3D19 yellow blue
107297777 SH3GL1 turquoise turquoise
107299216 SH3GLB1 grey60 blue
107296249 SH3GLB2 turquoise grey
107295918 SH3KBP1 darkturquoise grey
107284689 SH3PXD2A black turquoise
107293276 SH3PXD2B midnightblue turquoise
107286119 SH3RF1 magenta grey
107289848 SH3RF2 blue grey
107300236 SH3TC1 pink black
107298571 SH3TC2 blue black
107284575 SH3YL1 turquoise blue
107282370 SHANK1 blue midnightblue
107287489 SHANK2 turquoise blue
107294697 SHARPIN turquoise turquoise
107292368 SHB blue turquoise
107296691 SHC1 blue turquoise
107293823 SHC3 blue turquoise
107287682 SHC4 blue blue
107290109 SHCBP1 green brown
107285206 SHE brown brown
107303327 SHH midnightblue grey
107288418 SHISA2 turquoise grey
107289277 SHISA4 darkred turquoise
107293195 SHISA5 blue magenta
107285354 SHISA8 pink grey
107285668 SHKBP1 turquoise turquoise
107291004 SHMT2 turquoise turquoise
107289371 SHOC2 yellow brown
107302700 SHOX2 greenyellow brown
107297139 SHPK red turquoise
107293221 SHPRH tan blue
107295296 SHQ1 turquoise blue
107287829 SHROOM3 turquoise blue
107303202 SHROOM4 yellow grey
107291138 SIAE yellow blue
107294453 SIAH2 blue turquoise
107284103 SIDT1 blue grey
107284765 SIDT2 darkgrey turquoise
107291103 SIGIRR turquoise turquoise
107298438 SIGMAR1 turquoise turquoise
107286401 SIK1 blue grey
107284504 SIK2 salmon blue
107284789 SIK3 yellow tan
107284054 SIKE1 brown blue
107289866 SIL1 turquoise turquoise
107289279 SIM1 brown black
107296815 SIM2 brown cyan
107287793 SIN3A black grey
107282269 SIN3B turquoise red
107297820 SIPA1L1 magenta blue
107291144 SIPA1L2 blue blue
107285676 SIPA1L3 pink turquoise
107288080 SIRT1 brown blue
107297307 SIRT2 green turquoise
107294462 SIRT3 turquoise red
107300028 SIRT4 green blue
107286340 SIRT5 brown yellow
107295322 SIRT6 brown purple
107294411 SIRT7 brown turquoise
107302436 SIVA1 pink turquoise
107290956 SIX1 pink grey
107288868 SIX2 pink turquoise
107290954 SIX4 red blue
107291949 SIX5 magenta turquoise
107284134 SKA1 cyan greenyellow
107295178 SKA2 grey60 brown
107286123 SKA3 cyan brown
107282594 SKAP1 green grey
107282770 SKAP2 lightcyan brown
107290691 SKI black turquoise
107290255 SKIL brown brown
107298249 SKIV2L darkgrey green
107294918 SKP1 pink lightcyan
107297968 SKP2 cyan brown
107296792 SLA darkturquoise brown
107287092 SLA2 pink pink
107298498 SLAIN2 magenta blue
107282299 SLC10A2 midnightblue turquoise
107286712 SLC10A3 yellow turquoise
107289431 SLC10A7 turquoise blue
107291471 SLC11A1 blue turquoise
107291517 SLC11A2 turquoise blue
107287689 SLC12A1 green grey
107292308 SLC12A2 turquoise blue
107292600 SLC12A4 midnightblue turquoise
107292711 SLC12A6 yellow brown
107290265 SLC12A8 turquoise turquoise
107293050 SLC13A1 greenyellow pink
107297218 SLC13A3 salmon red
107302822 SLC13A4 red red
107286429 SLC13A5 black grey
107282362 SLC15A1 turquoise black
107290074 SLC15A2 turquoise lightcyan
107292669 SLC15A3 darkturquoise grey60
107294384 SLC15A4 yellow brown
107291463 SLC16A1 turquoise blue
107287165 SLC16A10 turquoise blue
107287770 SLC16A14 darkturquoise grey
107282931 SLC16A2 brown turquoise
107288865 SLC16A3 red turquoise
107286261 SLC16A4 black blue
107286650 SLC16A5 turquoise tan
107282573 SLC16A6 turquoise brown
107288641 SLC16A8 turquoise turquoise
107290667 SLC16A9 magenta yellow
107288828 SLC17A5 magenta grey
107294094 SLC17A6 pink purple
107296136 SLC17A9 turquoise purple
107286798 SLC18A2 greenyellow brown
107292129 SLC19A1 blue tan
107287417 SLC19A2 salmon blue
107287761 SLC19A3 turquoise blue
107291606 SLC1A1 turquoise blue
107290425 SLC1A2 green blue
107284228 SLC1A4 red magenta
107283067 SLC1A7 blue cyan
107283279 SLC20A1 grey60 brown
107294566 SLC20A2 darkorange grey
107289343 SLC22A15 turquoise blue
107290138 SLC22A16 red purple
107292937 SLC22A18 blue turquoise
107286173 SLC22A23 brown grey
107292069 SLC22A3 turquoise blue
107289878 SLC23A1 pink black
107283571 SLC23A2 blue blue
107291497 SLC23A3 red green
107295773 SLC24A2 greenyellow black
107297828 SLC24A3 turquoise pink
107297259 SLC24A4 cyan brown
107287693 SLC24A5 turquoise purple
107292971 SLC25A1 turquoise turquoise
107285019 SLC25A11 brown turquoise
107283887 SLC25A12 red blue
107283653 SLC25A13 lightcyan grey
107291586 SLC25A14 blue blue
107289854 SLC25A15 turquoise brown
107288084 SLC25A16 turquoise blue
107285410 SLC25A17 turquoise blue
107292276 SLC25A18 blue turquoise
107292716 SLC25A19 turquoise grey
107292778 SLC25A20 orange turquoise
107288845 SLC25A21 pink purple
107283949 SLC25A22 turquoise salmon
107294648 SLC25A24 blue brown
107296209 SLC25A25 red grey
107287733 SLC25A28 orange turquoise
107291405 SLC25A29 turquoise turquoise
107290551 SLC25A3 lightgreen grey
107283213 SLC25A30 red brown
107290576 SLC25A31 green grey
107292751 SLC25A32 purple brown
107292341 SLC25A33 brown turquoise
107296448 SLC25A34 black turquoise
107298699 SLC25A35 brown green
107291860 SLC25A36 brown blue
107294126 SLC25A38 lightcyan purple
107303053 SLC25A39 turquoise turquoise
107302668 SLC25A4 red grey
107283333 SLC25A40 darkorange blue
107282873 SLC25A42 turquoise cyan
107297540 SLC25A43 turquoise blue
107297418 SLC25A44 brown red
107296810 SLC25A46 turquoise blue
107291846 SLC26A1 midnightblue greenyellow
107294722 SLC26A10 black tan
107288809 SLC26A11 turquoise turquoise
107298715 SLC26A3 blue salmon
107298714 SLC26A4 brown lightgreen
107285751 SLC26A7 turquoise brown
107295082 SLC26A9 midnightblue turquoise
107287235 SLC27A1 magenta turquoise
107285181 SLC27A3 black green
107302940 SLC27A4 turquoise red
107294065 SLC28A2 red grey
107298066 SLC28A3 magenta cyan
107295972 SLC29A1 red turquoise
107302618 SLC29A2 cyan turquoise
107299956 SLC29A3 turquoise turquoise
107291389 SLC2A1 yellow red
107288077 SLC2A10 brown blue
107289908 SLC2A12 green blue
107296330 SLC2A13 brown blue
107296419 SLC2A2 greenyellow grey
107298863 SLC2A4 red midnightblue
107302801 SLC2A6 black magenta
107291054 SLC2A8 turquoise turquoise
107294599 SLC2A9 pink turquoise
107288578 SLC30A1 pink blue
107292293 SLC30A10 magenta grey
107295677 SLC30A2 turquoise turquoise
107300627 SLC30A5 turquoise blue
107287936 SLC30A6 turquoise brown
107302498 SLC30A7 turquoise grey
107300180 SLC30A9 brown blue
107302811 SLC31A1 yellow grey
107299022 SLC31A2 turquoise grey
107288043 SLC33A1 turquoise blue
107299733 SLC34A2 red grey
107284744 SLC35A1 brown blue
107286564 SLC35A2 yellow turquoise
107291259 SLC35A3 turquoise blue
107287386 SLC35A5 turquoise blue
107282615 SLC35B1 turquoise turquoise
107295974 SLC35B2 salmon turquoise
107282991 SLC35B3 turquoise brown
107298662 SLC35B4 yellow brown
107290555 SLC35C1 yellow turquoise
107296122 SLC35C2 orange turquoise
107299794 SLC35D1 blue blue
107296896 SLC35D2 red grey
107282217 SLC35E1 turquoise salmon
107284416 SLC35E3 turquoise blue
107285484 SLC35E4 blue pink
107299802 SLC35F1 midnightblue green
107284856 SLC35F2 turquoise grey
107295945 SLC35F3 green blue
107302968 SLC35F4 red yellow
107298298 SLC35F5 turquoise blue
107293910 SLC36A4 turquoise blue
107296832 SLC37A1 magenta tan
107291328 SLC37A3 turquoise blue
107284797 SLC37A4 magenta tan
107288303 SLC38A1 turquoise brown
107288304 SLC38A2 purple lightcyan
107293436 SLC38A3 midnightblue cyan
107290566 SLC38A4 blue cyan
107300218 SLC38A5 turquoise grey
107290950 SLC38A6 darkturquoise blue
107284165 SLC38A7 brown black
107294976 SLC38A9 blue brown
107285214 SLC39A1 yellow green
107291926 SLC39A10 turquoise brown
107289840 SLC39A13 turquoise turquoise
107289246 SLC39A14 black grey
107296451 SLC39A2 turquoise turquoise
107292587 SLC39A6 turquoise lightcyan
107298992 SLC39A8 magenta blue
107291066 SLC39A9 turquoise grey
107284953 SLC3A1 turquoise grey
107292430 SLC3A2 turquoise turquoise
107288445 SLC40A1 blue brown
107295081 SLC41A1 red tan
107286675 SLC41A2 turquoise blue
107292055 SLC41A3 turquoise turquoise
107291533 SLC43A1 turquoise turquoise
107289569 SLC43A2 magenta grey
107289070 SLC43A3 white salmon
107291432 SLC44A1 blue brown
107285721 SLC44A2 tan turquoise
107299955 SLC44A3 turquoise blue
107294852 SLC44A4 turquoise midnightblue
107285067 SLC44A5 brown yellow
107290029 SLC45A1 midnightblue greenyellow
107288404 SLC45A2 turquoise grey
107289098 SLC45A3 turquoise midnightblue
107299960 SLC45A4 brown turquoise
107300069 SLC46A1 turquoise turquoise
107290331 SLC46A2 turquoise black
107288966 SLC48A1 salmon turquoise
107303052 SLC4A1 lightcyan green
107294536 SLC4A10 midnightblue greenyellow
107293852 SLC4A11 pink turquoise
107288066 SLC4A1AP salmon blue
107297800 SLC4A2 brown turquoise
107286763 SLC4A3 red yellow
107289771 SLC4A4 black blue
107283232 SLC4A5 tan turquoise
107283764 SLC4A7 darkorange brown
107284137 SLC4A9 red grey
107294185 SLC5A1 yellow turquoise
107289128 SLC5A10 black red
107296630 SLC5A11 turquoise black
107286940 SLC5A12 salmon black
107293890 SLC5A3 brown magenta
107296835 SLC5A5 black turquoise
107286449 SLC5A6 turquoise grey60
107296857 SLC5A7 blue blue
107289402 SLC5A8 yellow turquoise
107284482 SLC5A9 blue grey
107303218 SLC6A14 blue grey
107289437 SLC6A15 black cyan
107282496 SLC6A16 turquoise brown
107286267 SLC6A17 blue pink
107293794 SLC6A20 red midnightblue
107296258 SLC6A5 greenyellow red
107292490 SLC6A6 blue grey
107286706 SLC6A8 turquoise turquoise
107283441 SLC6A9 blue grey
107302563 SLC7A1 turquoise grey
107292567 SLC7A10 brown turquoise
107285356 SLC7A11 turquoise brown
107301744 SLC7A2 yellow black
107303242 SLC7A3 turquoise turquoise
107298322 SLC7A4 turquoise grey
107292886 SLC7A5 turquoise turquoise
107295252 SLC7A6 blue brown
107295253 SLC7A6OS grey60 brown
107295090 SLC7A7 green brown
107294808 SLC7A8 blue turquoise
107292581 SLC7A9 turquoise grey
107289232 SLC8A1 blue grey
107291072 SLC8A3 red black
107294309 SLC9A1 turquoise turquoise
107288210 SLC9A2 red yellow
107283335 SLC9A3 steelblue red
107302613 SLC9A3R2 brown turquoise
107303288 SLC9A6 yellow blue
107284243 SLC9A7 turquoise green
107289386 SLC9A8 purple turquoise
107292755 SLC9A9 white brown
107295914 SLCO2A1 blue turquoise
107294940 SLCO3A1 blue magenta
107300022 SLCO4A1 cyan turquoise
107287186 SLCO4C1 magenta grey
107290510 SLCO5A1 magenta grey
107285592 SLIT1 midnightblue red
107296070 SLIT2 black salmon
107291668 SLITRK4 midnightblue greenyellow
107289340 SLITRK5 blue grey
107283863 SLITRK6 turquoise grey
107284687 SLK black blue
107287782 SLMAP yellow blue
107284917 SLN red green
107283153 SLTM lightgreen brown
107286874 SLU7 purple blue
107286195 SMAD1 blue blue
107283914 SMAD3 black green
107284129 SMAD4 brown blue
107283935 SMAD6 brown turquoise
107297125 SMAD7 yellow brown
107287652 SMAD9 blue blue
107292107 SMAGP brown turquoise
107296213 SMAP1 salmon blue
107295373 SMAP2 yellow magenta
107296735 SMARCA2 yellow blue
107285125 SMARCA4 turquoise turquoise
107292174 SMARCA5 blue brown
107287207 SMARCAD1 purple brown
107301985 SMARCAL1 turquoise brown
107285806 SMARCB1 yellow turquoise
107297392 SMARCC1 brown grey
107293745 SMARCC2 turquoise turquoise
107302705 SMARCD1 yellow black
107303103 SMARCD2 purple turquoise
107303088 SMARCE1 darkorange brown
107284211 SMC1A yellow brown
107294343 SMC1B magenta turquoise
107290340 SMC2 cyan brown
107289368 SMC3 black brown
107302695 SMC4 cyan brown
107284421 SMC5 purple blue
107284923 SMC6 blue brown
107294000 SMCHD1 darkgreen brown
107289126 SMCR8 darkgrey tan
107297060 SMG1 yellow brown
107296400 SMG5 brown turquoise
107284985 SMG7 turquoise grey
107290001 SMNDC1 darkred brown
107291075 SMOC1 black purple
107293308 SMOC2 blue grey
107298236 SMOX turquoise turquoise
107288653 SMPD1 brown turquoise
107289039 SMPD2 blue tan
107295254 SMPD3 midnightblue magenta
107288014 SMPDL3B blue turquoise
107286127 SMPX red blue
107286125 SMS turquoise brown
107286430 SMTNL2 red lightgreen
107285614 SMU1 yellow yellow
107289494 SMUG1 yellow turquoise
107302929 SMURF1 red grey
107284842 SMURF2 turquoise blue
107302384 SMYD1 red turquoise
107289289 SMYD2 red blue
107289387 SNAI1 black pink
107289227 SNAI2 black grey
107283478 SNAI3 red grey
107295755 SNAP23 turquoise brown
107297016 SNAP25 blue lightgreen
107293345 SNAP29 yellow turquoise
107285999 SNAP47 brown turquoise
107295882 SNAP91 magenta brown
107294916 SNAPC1 black cyan
107283470 SNAPC2 purple turquoise
107291082 SNAPC3 blue brown
107283912 SNAPC5 orange blue
107285178 SNAPIN brown turquoise
107296092 SNCA midnightblue pink
107292985 SNCAIP midnightblue purple
107294986 SNCB steelblue pink
107289203 SND1 turquoise turquoise
107288152 SNED1 blue turquoise
107282620 SNF8 lightcyan turquoise
107283690 SNIP1 grey60 brown
107283986 SNN turquoise turquoise
107294074 SNRK lightcyan brown
107283593 SNRNP200 salmon tan
107283997 SNRNP25 turquoise turquoise
107283258 SNRNP27 brown blue
107285478 SNRNP35 brown turquoise
107293053 SNRNP40 purple grey
107292213 SNRNP48 green blue
107282408 SNRNP70 saddlebrown tan
107285672 SNRPA turquoise grey
107283874 SNRPA1 salmon brown
107296127 SNRPB brown tan
107283178 SNRPB2 grey60 brown
107293810 SNRPD1 lightcyan blue
107291971 SNRPD2 grey60 grey60
107289812 SNRPD3 purple brown
107302986 SNRPE grey60 blue
107284560 SNRPF orange blue
107283260 SNRPG orange grey
107296683 SNTB1 turquoise blue
107283546 SNTB2 black blue
107288274 SNTG2 pink black
107290516 SNTN green pink
107291728 SNUPN yellow turquoise
107284541 SNW1 salmon lightcyan
107289648 SNX1 brown lightcyan
107282769 SNX10 darkorange brown
107282626 SNX11 saddlebrown turquoise
107303243 SNX12 turquoise turquoise
107282965 SNX13 lightcyan blue
107284753 SNX14 purple blue
107296004 SNX15 black turquoise
107302910 SNX16 turquoise blue
107286442 SNX17 yellow turquoise
107293717 SNX18 darkred blue
107289306 SNX19 blue grey
107292727 SNX2 brown blue
107295350 SNX20 blue magenta
107298447 SNX21 brown turquoise
107289656 SNX22 turquoise grey60
107292726 SNX24 darkred black
107302653 SNX25 brown brown
107299747 SNX27 turquoise tan
107298530 SNX29 midnightblue brown
107292059 SNX3 darkred blue
107290341 SNX30 brown blue
107285338 SNX31 pink salmon
107291729 SNX33 magenta lightgreen
107290267 SNX4 black blue
107292949 SNX6 grey60 brown
107289170 SNX7 pink blue
107290628 SNX8 turquoise turquoise
107292148 SNX9 blue grey
107283372 SOAT1 blue grey
107284010 SOCS1 royalblue magenta
107284805 SOCS2 blue grey
107290050 SOCS3 black grey
107293655 SOCS4 turquoise brown
107287855 SOCS5 turquoise blue
107289478 SOCS6 yellow blue
107282596 SOCS7 brown cyan
107290543 SOD1 brown brown
107296817 SOD2 red brown
107299217 SOD3 blue turquoise
107290700 SON brown brown
107302661 SORBS2 turquoise blue
107289245 SORBS3 turquoise turquoise
107286078 SORCS1 red pink
107284457 SORCS2 pink green
107284675 SORCS3 red cyan
107294067 SORD green grey
107292324 SORL1 blue blue
107302526 SORT1 turquoise turquoise
107291909 SOS1 turquoise brown
107296218 SOS2 turquoise grey
107282959 SOSTDC1 black blue
107288622 SOX10 turquoise turquoise
107297645 SOX11 red midnightblue
107302995 SOX13 blue turquoise
107299233 SOX2 pink green
107302955 SOX30 red black
107302574 SOX4 magenta grey60
107295726 SOX5 blue red
107286428 SOX6 red tan
107285567 SOX7 magenta grey
107295212 SOX8 turquoise turquoise
107283217 SOX9 turquoise grey
107291239 SP1 turquoise tan
107282632 SP2 lightcyan turquoise
107287392 SP3 brown brown
107282968 SP4 blue brown
107282634 SP6 midnightblue green
107291243 SP7 midnightblue turquoise
107291139 SPA17 pink blue
107294948 SPACA1 greenyellow grey
107285221 SPAG1 yellow brown
107301898 SPAG16 pink lightcyan
107285804 SPAG17 green yellow
107283635 SPAG6 green green
107287221 SPAG9 yellow brown
107293202 SPARC black magenta
107287940 SPAST turquoise brown
107285240 SPATA1 pink turquoise
107288416 SPATA13 turquoise brown
107293379 SPATA17 green blue
107296280 SPATA18 green blue
107289373 SPATA2 lightcyan grey
107284097 SPATA20 yellow turquoise
107289877 SPATA24 cyan turquoise
107285709 SPATA4 green grey
107283542 SPATA5 turquoise blue
107287699 SPATA5L1 blue brown
107284481 SPATA6 pink purple
107302782 SPATA9 blue blue
107293635 SPATS2 turquoise grey
107291765 SPATS2L pink grey
107285716 SPC24 cyan midnightblue
107287844 SPC25 cyan brown
107287356 SPCS1 turquoise blue
107287040 SPCS2 turquoise blue
107285707 SPCS3 turquoise blue
107292027 SPDEF turquoise turquoise
107298020 SPDYA turquoise green
107297886 SPEF1 green turquoise
107294756 SPEF2 green blue
107288123 SPEG red yellow
107296437 SPEN turquoise tan
107283907 SPG11 brown lightcyan
107290286 SPG21 blue blue
107283483 SPG7 black tan
107290062 SPHK1 midnightblue red
107283100 SPHK2 lightcyan tan
107289839 SPI1 darkturquoise grey
107282434 SPIB darkturquoise magenta
107293827 SPIN1 pink blue
107285638 SPINK2 pink grey
107291012 SPINT1 brown turquoise
107285669 SPINT2 yellow turquoise
107288170 SPIRE1 pink blue
107283489 SPIRE2 royalblue turquoise
107302216 SPNS2 black turquoise
107292007 SPNS3 blue grey
107296079 SPO11 black cyan
107297592 SPOCK1 midnightblue blue
107298267 SPOCK2 darkorange magenta
107290650 SPOCK3 blue blue
107290472 SPON1 blue blue
107289686 SPON2 darkred turquoise
107282616 SPOP black grey
107285854 SPOPL blue blue
107290427 SPP1 black brown
107293589 SPPL2A salmon blue
107293608 SPPL2B turquoise turquoise
107293844 SPPL3 black grey
107295866 SPR brown turquoise
107287053 SPRED2 magenta turquoise
107283553 SPRY1 yellow blue
107303146 SPRY2 blue blue
107286829 SPRY4 turquoise grey
107290998 SPRYD3 brown turquoise
107290934 SPRYD4 brown turquoise
107292352 SPSB1 royalblue turquoise
107293804 SPSB3 turquoise turquoise
107286678 SPSB4 red pink
107298924 SPTAN1 salmon turquoise
107295139 SPTB red purple
107285498 SPTBN1 blue salmon
107288994 SPTBN2 turquoise green
107293301 SPTLC1 salmon lightcyan
107284544 SPTLC2 purple greenyellow
107293250 SPTLC3 turquoise salmon
107290715 SPTY2D1 brown blue
107295853 SQLE darkgrey brown
107296620 SQSTM1 black turquoise
107284147 SRA1 salmon turquoise
107287254 SRC blue pink
107282642 SRCIN1 pink cyan
107289989 SRD5A1 turquoise brown
107292123 SRD5A3 turquoise lightgreen
107289136 SREBF1 turquoise turquoise
107285336 SREBF2 turquoise turquoise
107287862 SRF red turquoise
107289434 SRFBP1 purple black
107291714 SRGAP1 cyan grey
107286170 SRGAP2 blue grey
107292194 SRGAP3 turquoise yellow
107288100 SRGN midnightblue brown
107283315 SRI lightcyan grey
107283975 SRL red grey
107294605 SRM turquoise turquoise
107290818 SRP14 brown lightcyan
107290212 SRP54 turquoise blue
107290785 SRP68 turquoise turquoise
107285633 SRP72 turquoise blue
107300940 SRP9 turquoise brown
107292820 SRPK1 salmon lightcyan
107286702 SRPK3 red turquoise
107294770 SRPX black turquoise
107291574 SRPX2 yellow grey
107291300 SRRM1 brown magenta
107294591 SRRM3 red grey
107285007 SRRT turquoise tan
107293108 SS18 black brown
107289392 SS18L1 turquoise brown
107284091 SS18L2 purple brown
107290300 SSB orange brown
107290168 SSBP1 grey60 blue
107286317 SSBP2 blue turquoise
107283016 SSBP3 turquoise turquoise
107282284 SSBP4 magenta turquoise
107287266 SSH1 blue brown
107296658 SSH3 turquoise turquoise
107302549 SSNA1 green turquoise
107295123 SSPN red lightcyan
107283001 SSR1 turquoise blue
107286945 SSR3 turquoise grey
107284225 SSR4 turquoise turquoise
107289056 SSRP1 yellow turquoise
107283222 SSTR2 turquoise yellow
107302858 SSTR3 midnightblue purple
107287517 SSU72 grey60 turquoise
107285248 SSX2IP darkturquoise blue
107285411 ST13 salmon grey
107289310 ST14 yellow turquoise
107299399 ST3GAL1 yellow turquoise
107284180 ST3GAL2 blue grey
107283445 ST3GAL3 brown green
107292372 ST3GAL4 turquoise turquoise
107291773 ST3GAL6 turquoise blue
107288840 ST6GAL2 turquoise blue
107300765 ST6GALNAC1 pink magenta
107300752 ST6GALNAC2 blue purple
107287801 ST6GALNAC3 black greenyellow
107298943 ST6GALNAC4 blue midnightblue
107287799 ST6GALNAC5 magenta yellow
107298945 ST6GALNAC6 blue yellow
107285373 ST7 purple grey
107296993 ST8SIA3 greenyellow grey
107288669 ST8SIA4 black brown
107287360 STAB1 darkturquoise turquoise
107293123 STAB2 pink grey
107283776 STAC red grey
107303112 STAC2 lightcyan turquoise
107287806 STAC3 red black
107283330 STAM lightcyan blue
107286085 STAM2 yellow blue
107283269 STAMBP darkgrey blue
107302732 STAMBPL1 magenta brown
107295369 STAR turquoise pink
107288711 STARD10 turquoise turquoise
107286809 STARD13 blue blue
107303066 STARD3 lightcyan grey60
107283296 STARD3NL lightcyan blue
107298154 STARD4 turquoise brown
107291223 STARD5 brown turquoise
107283680 STARD7 turquoise tan
107284633 STARD8 turquoise turquoise
107289220 STAT1 darkgreen brown
107290900 STAT2 darkgreen magenta
107282651 STAT3 blue tan
107289221 STAT4 blue brown
107291001 STAT6 pink magenta
107293642 STAU1 red grey
107297788 STBD1 red green
107293147 STC1 black turquoise
107289835 STC2 salmon midnightblue
107283878 STEAP1 blue yellow
107283877 STEAP2 blue grey
107297606 STEAP3 midnightblue turquoise
107283314 STEAP4 pink grey
107284484 STIL cyan brown
107298420 STIM1 turquoise turquoise
107297748 STIM2 red brown
107296904 STIP1 yellow turquoise
107296412 STK10 royalblue magenta
107282874 STK11 yellow turquoise
107286764 STK11IP blue pink
107288112 STK16 turquoise red
107285972 STK17A darkorange brown
107284918 STK17B turquoise brown
107298253 STK19 brown turquoise
107282350 STK24 brown brown
107295213 STK25 turquoise turquoise
107285264 STK3 yellow blue
107282747 STK31 darkorange green
107292079 STK32A blue green
107284339 STK32C midnightblue yellow
107297746 STK35 midnightblue turquoise
107291490 STK36 green turquoise
107287057 STK38 black magenta
107287843 STK39 turquoise blue
107287815 STK4 blue brown
107283748 STK40 turquoise turquoise
107295633 STMN1 turquoise brown
107302911 STMN2 purple brown
107298844 STMN3 black salmon
107291044 STMN4 greenyellow grey
107295375 STOM pink brown
107290120 STON1 blue green
107295476 STON2 darkred blue
107288087 STOX1 pink pink
107302674 STOX2 green salmon
107302400 STRADA lightcyan tan
107296972 STRADB red blue
107291423 STRAP brown lightcyan
107298402 STRBP red blue
107287471 STRN yellow blue
107287621 STRN3 magenta blue
107291939 STRN4 turquoise turquoise
107296401 STT3A turquoise greenyellow
107284379 STT3B turquoise blue
107290384 STUB1 turquoise turquoise
107290484 STX11 white brown
107288017 STX12 turquoise lightcyan
107293529 STX16 turquoise grey
107298755 STX17 black blue
107295967 STX18 blue turquoise
107293217 STX19 turquoise blue
107284718 STX1A black green
107295819 STX2 pink grey
107290796 STX3 blue blue
107292410 STX5 turquoise turquoise
107284994 STX6 yellow brown
107302644 STX7 blue brown
107286777 STX8 grey60 grey
107299021 STXBP1 black grey
107294735 STXBP3 darkred blue
107302737 STXBP4 blue yellow
107295247 STXBP5 yellow green
107284110 STXBP5L blue grey
107288039 STXBP6 darkred turquoise
107289088 STYX purple blue
107290032 STYXL1 turquoise turquoise
107288398 SUB1 grey60 brown
107284304 SUCLA2 turquoise blue
107297993 SUCLG1 yellow turquoise
107286038 SUCNR1 darkred green
107288826 SUDS3 brown grey
107290841 SUFU black pink
107283183 SUGT1 lightgreen lightcyan
107290509 SULF1 black brown
107290350 SULF2 black brown
107291232 SULT4A1 brown green
107296296 SUMF1 turquoise grey
107287113 SUMF2 turquoise turquoise
107290697 SUMO1 purple lightcyan
107286645 SUMO2 purple brown
107287778 SUOX magenta turquoise
107286603 SUPT16H yellow grey
107284260 SUPT3H black blue
107288562 SUPT4H1 purple turquoise
107291983 SUPT5H salmon turquoise
107298097 SUPT6H salmon turquoise
107288071 SUPT7L yellow grey
107293784 SUPV3L1 brown grey
107297469 SURF2 salmon turquoise
107297467 SURF4 turquoise turquoise
107297464 SURF6 salmon turquoise
107290334 SUSD1 blue blue
107296614 SUSD2 pink grey
107288974 SUSD3 blue grey60
107302768 SUSD4 turquoise grey
107300048 SUV39H1 turquoise turquoise
107292197 SUZ12 darkred brown
107293557 SV2C blue yellow
107290346 SVEP1 magenta brown
107282831 SVIL red grey
107293016 SVIP blue blue
107287291 SVOP red grey
107291332 SVOPL black cyan
107293504 SWAP70 brown brown
107289547 SYAP1 purple grey
107297911 SYBU black grey
107285115 SYCE2 brown midnightblue
107291658 SYCN pink grey
107296407 SYCP2 green green
107289466 SYCP3 turquoise black
107287128 SYDE1 yellow turquoise
107285235 SYDE2 turquoise grey
107293116 SYF2 pink grey
107291984 SYK blue magenta
107291970 SYMPK turquoise salmon
107284722 SYN3 purple black
107283736 SYNC magenta blue
107284750 SYNCRIP salmon blue
107292761 SYNE1 green brown
107285161 SYNE2 green grey
107294896 SYNGR2 turquoise turquoise
107287719 SYNGR3 pink brown
107282441 SYNGR4 green black
107290594 SYNJ1 yellow blue
107297343 SYNJ2 blue blue
107291074 SYNJ2BP pink grey
107290592 SYNM red grey
107297444 SYNPO red grey60
107297628 SYNPO2 red brown
107297051 SYNPO2L red grey
107290515 SYNPR black blue
107294096 SYNRG turquoise grey
107284230 SYP blue lightgreen
107285416 SYPL1 pink blue
107287281 SYPL2 red turquoise
107287260 SYS1 brown turquoise
107284044 SYT1 red brown
107299352 SYT11 blue brown
107291999 SYT12 blue turquoise
107302592 SYT13 red greenyellow
107286420 SYT14 midnightblue greenyellow
107294917 SYT16 blue yellow
107296986 SYT17 blue red
107288369 SYT6 brown midnightblue
107287904 SYT7 turquoise turquoise
107294864 SYT9 black lightgreen
107294313 SYTL1 yellow turquoise
107288255 SYTL3 white grey
107291562 SYTL4 blue grey
107294375 SYVN1 turquoise turquoise
107302640 TAAR5 greenyellow turquoise
107287407 TAB2 brown blue
107284430 TAB3 yellow blue
107283681 TAC1 brown blue
107293313 TAC3 cyan green
107296173 TACC1 blue brown
107288602 TACC2 red grey
107283233 TACR1 green brown
107293786 TACR2 turquoise turquoise
107291122 TACR3 greenyellow yellow
107302459 TACSTD2 magenta turquoise
107302854 TADA1 turquoise blue
107294099 TADA2A darkgrey grey
107284468 TADA2B brown grey
107298184 TADA3 yellow turquoise
107303210 TAF1 darkgrey brown
107288658 TAF10 skyblue turquoise
107299196 TAF11 green magenta
107302953 TAF12 orange brown
107287355 TAF13 turquoise green
107302778 TAF1A blue brown
107291267 TAF1B green red
107299856 TAF2 blue blue
107296591 TAF3 brown brown
107289391 TAF4 purple brown
107290850 TAF5 blue brown
107295105 TAF5L yellow blue
107285056 TAF6 brown turquoise
107288750 TAF6L brown yellow
107291580 TAF7L yellow green
107293972 TAF8 black midnightblue
107288254 TAGAP darkturquoise brown
107284813 TAGLN blue turquoise
107294253 TAGLN2 salmon turquoise
107292382 TAGLN3 red midnightblue
107284493 TAL1 purple yellow
107291434 TAL2 turquoise cyan
107283926 TALDO1 orange turquoise
107286376 TANC1 blue blue
107302405 TANC2 darkorange blue
107289615 TANK turquoise brown
107282710 TAOK2 lightcyan turquoise
107288794 TAOK3 turquoise brown
107296739 TAP1 royalblue magenta
107289982 TAPT1 red lightcyan
107288315 TARBP1 green blue
107303089 TARBP2 salmon green
107295523 TARDBP black brown
107293274 TASP1 blue blue
107283554 TAT blue lightgreen
107283771 TATDN1 green blue
107287441 TATDN3 brown brown
107282772 TAX1BP1 red lightcyan
107297141 TAX1BP3 blue turquoise
107286699 TAZ purple tan
107299221 TBC1D1 magenta grey
107288802 TBC1D10A blue turquoise
107293534 TBC1D12 brown blue
107299331 TBC1D13 black turquoise
107283826 TBC1D15 brown blue
107288766 TBC1D16 turquoise turquoise
107297657 TBC1D19 cyan brown
107285610 TBC1D2 turquoise turquoise
107299781 TBC1D20 yellow turquoise
107294277 TBC1D22A yellow turquoise
107284531 TBC1D22B turquoise turquoise
107291769 TBC1D23 turquoise blue
107292223 TBC1D24 blue turquoise
107300037 TBC1D25 magenta turquoise
107283172 TBC1D2B yellow magenta
107291784 TBC1D30 yellow blue
107303133 TBC1D4 turquoise lightcyan
107282904 TBC1D5 lightcyan tan
107288158 TBC1D8 yellow grey
107292040 TBC1D8B turquoise grey
107292488 TBC1D9 turquoise brown
107296506 TBC1D9B brown turquoise
107284604 TBCA grey60 grey
107291973 TBCB purple grey60
107286412 TBCC turquoise turquoise
107285870 TBCCD1 blue blue
107282413 TBCD turquoise turquoise
107288310 TBCE brown blue
107285545 TBCEL green pink
107303204 TBCK yellow blue
107291767 TBK1 green brown
107282637 TBKBP1 darkorange turquoise
107284709 TBL2 salmon turquoise
107287713 TBL3 yellow turquoise
107290182 TBP purple grey
107289909 TBPL1 pink brown
107299743 TBRG4 grey60 yellow
107299287 TBX1 red yellow
107285788 TBX15 red brown
107290202 TBX18 red yellow
107287345 TBX19 purple grey
107297563 TBX2 midnightblue turquoise
107283816 TBX20 green yellow
107282595 TBX21 red magenta
107289959 TBX22 magenta purple
107297707 TBX3 turquoise turquoise
107282294 TBXA2R blue yellow
107289397 TBXAS1 green greenyellow
107297338 TC2N steelblue blue
107303068 TCAP red grey
107291186 TCEA1 salmon blue
107297994 TCEA2 green turquoise
107302996 TCEA3 turquoise turquoise
107291974 TCERG1 brown brown
107283155 TCF12 turquoise lightcyan
107297630 TCF19 green grey
107285344 TCF20 turquoise grey
107283537 TCF25 brown turquoise
107282185 TCF3 purple grey
107295560 TCF4 tan brown
107294908 TCF7 red brown
107286235 TCF7L1 blue turquoise
107286251 TCF7L2 blue grey
107296102 TCFL5 turquoise blue
107287271 TCHP green grey
107293634 TCIRG1 blue tan
107285450 TCN2 yellow cyan
107297603 TCP1 purple blue
107302821 TCP11 greenyellow yellow
107302429 TCP11L1 blue blue
107289580 TCP11L2 pink tan
107288678 TCTA turquoise turquoise
107295977 TCTE1 green purple
107298337 TCTE3 pink lightcyan
107300001 TCTEX1D1 green cyan
107298711 TCTEX1D2 pink purple
107286977 TCTN1 green turquoise
107285457 TCTN2 green greenyellow
107287726 TCTN3 green grey
107294621 TDG blue brown
107287988 TDO2 darkred brown
107292390 TDP1 turquoise brown
107289598 TDP2 brown brown
107287329 TDRD1 turquoise black
107285172 TDRD10 brown brown
107292569 TDRD12 pink cyan
107284439 TDRD3 red red
107283363 TDRD5 turquoise grey
107284308 TDRD6 darkred blue
107297553 TDRD7 darkgreen brown
107289883 TDRD9 blue red
107285196 TDRKH turquoise grey
107291085 TEAD1 red blue
107282494 TEAD2 red turquoise
107289037 TEAD3 red turquoise
107299151 TEC blue pink
107291741 TECPR1 turquoise turquoise
107298014 TECPR2 brown turquoise
107292471 TECR red turquoise
107286252 TECTB tan red
107285425 TEF cyan turquoise
107290679 TEK blue brown
107286470 TEKT1 green greenyellow
107294748 TEKT2 green grey
107296152 TEKT3 pink pink
107284013 TEKT5 green grey
107292217 TELO2 yellow turquoise
107295709 TEP1 blue brown
107288540 TERF1 pink grey
107283497 TERF2 brown turquoise
107292114 TERT blue yellow
107287880 TES blue brown
107295604 TESC turquoise turquoise
107283425 TESK2 yellow turquoise
107302030 TET2 greenyellow brown
107283256 TET3 turquoise brown
107284063 TEX10 lightcyan grey
107303213 TEX11 blue grey
107284843 TEX2 turquoise grey
107297982 TEX261 blue turquoise
107299581 TEX264 turquoise turquoise
107283133 TEX9 lightgreen red
107289365 TFAM grey60 lightcyan
107282990 TFAP2A darkgrey blue
107295031 TFAP2B brown turquoise
107295464 TFAP2C blue turquoise
107283976 TFAP4 pink grey
107293956 TFB1M brown grey
107303326 TFB2M turquoise lightcyan
107292108 TFCP2 turquoise blue
107288962 TFCP2L1 red turquoise
107290436 TFDP1 green brown
107292057 TFE3 yellow turquoise
107291547 TFEB yellow grey60
107287884 TFEC greenyellow brown
107287278 TFIP11 brown grey60
107297037 TFPI black brown
107283676 TFPI2 black blue
107298125 TFRC black brown
107293450 TGDS darkred blue
107283236 TGFA blue blue
107295274 TGFB1 turquoise black
107297134 TGFB1I1 blue turquoise
107293669 TGFB2 purple blue
107285957 TGFB3 midnightblue turquoise
107293995 TGFBI darkred grey60
107284378 TGFBR2 yellow brown
107286343 TGFBR3 turquoise turquoise
107286813 TGFBRAP1 black turquoise
107293998 TGIF1 darkred grey
107288393 TGIF2 blue red
107292253 TGM1 blue grey
107299773 TGM2 yellow grey60
107293711 TGM4 pink salmon
107286226 TGOLN2 salmon brown
107284321 TGS1 brown grey
107284950 THADA yellow grey
107294846 THAP1 brown blue
107295184 THAP4 grey60 turquoise
107293295 THAP5 turquoise blue
107282395 THAP7 lightcyan turquoise
107291976 THAP8 tan purple
107297751 THBD darkred brown
107296464 THBS1 black grey
107293307 THBS2 turquoise brown
107296697 THBS3 magenta turquoise
107300595 THBS4 blue grey
107287705 THEMIS royalblue brown
107302956 THG1L pink blue
107282835 THNSL1 darkorange blue
107285296 THOC1 grey60 brown
107297410 THOC2 brown brown
107288784 THOC5 yellow grey
107282717 THOC6 lightcyan grey60
107290517 THOC7 pink blue
107296844 THOP1 brown grey
107303020 THRA yellow turquoise
107283719 THRAP3 turquoise turquoise
107283759 THRB saddlebrown grey
107297258 THRSP turquoise turquoise
107293121 THSD4 yellow turquoise
107283858 THSD7A pink green
107287663 THSD7B greenyellow blue
107293102 THTPA pink turquoise
107296897 THUMPD1 brown blue
107289231 THUMPD2 grey60 blue
107298607 THUMPD3 black blue
107285387 THY1 midnightblue black
107293177 THYN1 turquoise brown
107283259 TIA1 orange brown
107288594 TIAL1 turquoise lightcyan
107290521 TIAM1 turquoise brown
107293958 TIAM2 turquoise magenta
107296141 TICAM1 green turquoise
107283454 TIE1 yellow turquoise
107286686 TIFA green blue
107290925 TIMELESS blue brown
107291544 TIMM10 grey60 turquoise
107289271 TIMM17A salmon blue
107286563 TIMM17B lightgreen turquoise
107294512 TIMM22 yellow turquoise
107297620 TIMM44 turquoise turquoise
107291966 TIMM50 brown turquoise
107291581 TIMM8A turquoise blue
107284509 TIMM8B orange turquoise
107292186 TIMM9 orange purple
107297195 TIMP1 darkred turquoise
107292204 TIMP2 blue brown
107284723 TIMP3 purple turquoise
107299465 TINAGL1 turquoise turquoise
107286947 TIPARP black blue
107289782 TIPIN orange brown
107287509 TIPRL purple blue
107298040 TIRAP turquoise blue
107289333 TJAP1 yellow tan
107293008 TJP1 brown blue
107294422 TJP2 yellow grey
107282867 TJP3 yellow turquoise
107294895 TK1 green red
107288890 TK2 turquoise turquoise
107296045 TKT lightgreen turquoise
107284217 TKTL1 black purple
107299586 TLCD1 turquoise turquoise
107284444 TLE1 black turquoise
107283930 TLE3 black tan
107283891 TLK1 turquoise brown
107303037 TLK2 lightcyan blue
107287338 TLN1 blue blue
107289574 TLR2 turquoise magenta
107302660 TLR3 turquoise brown
107285740 TLR4 royalblue brown
107302774 TLR5 blue grey
107302471 TLR7 green brown
107287080 TM2D1 salmon blue
107287949 TM2D2 turquoise blue
107293007 TM2D3 brown blue
107294134 TM4SF18 pink brown
107294132 TM4SF4 greenyellow greenyellow
107302560 TM6SF1 pink brown
107285280 TM6SF2 pink red
107295998 TM7SF2 yellow turquoise
107299441 TM7SF3 turquoise grey
107298597 TM9SF2 turquoise blue
107295629 TM9SF3 turquoise blue
107294598 TM9SF4 darkgrey turquoise
107286499 TMBIM4 turquoise blue
107290978 TMBIM6 turquoise grey
107293462 TMC2 green greenyellow
107296944 TMC5 pink red
107294893 TMC6 blue magenta
107296955 TMC7 yellow blue
107292451 TMCC1 yellow midnightblue
107289106 TMCC2 red grey
107284680 TMCC3 black blue
107301166 TMCO1 brown blue
107290437 TMCO3 brown blue
107295419 TMCO4 turquoise tan
107283665 TMCO6 orange tan
107293084 TMED10 turquoise blue
107285462 TMED2 turquoise blue
107283278 TMED4 turquoise turquoise
107291261 TMED5 turquoise blue
107283548 TMED6 purple greenyellow
107284538 TMED8 pink brown
107295193 TMED9 turquoise turquoise
107292582 TMEFF1 brown blue
107302744 TMEM100 darkred blue
107282604 TMEM101 lightcyan turquoise
107290915 TMEM104 turquoise turquoise
107285928 TMEM106A darkorange magenta
107283859 TMEM106B lightcyan blue
107291565 TMEM106C turquoise blue
107294203 TMEM108 turquoise turquoise
107292670 TMEM109 magenta turquoise
107298598 TMEM11 brown turquoise
107288713 TMEM115 turquoise turquoise
107286971 TMEM116 green grey
107287288 TMEM119 blue black
107290034 TMEM120A darkgrey turquoise
107292557 TMEM121 black turquoise
107286356 TMEM123 blue brown
107283456 TMEM125 turquoise turquoise
107283691 TMEM127 yellow turquoise
107288977 TMEM128 turquoise blue
107298970 TMEM129 brown turquoise
107301303 TMEM131 yellow brown
107292661 TMEM132A blue salmon
107294385 TMEM132C greenyellow purple
107295840 TMEM132E blue purple
107302946 TMEM135 brown blue
107292665 TMEM138 pink green
107289969 TMEM139 blue turquoise
107286135 TMEM140 green brown
107297253 TMEM141 pink turquoise
107282470 TMEM143 red turquoise
107296101 TMEM144 turquoise blue
107289710 TMEM145 blue yellow
107292596 TMEM147 brown turquoise
107288546 TMEM14A brown blue
107282988 TMEM14C lightgreen turquoise
107283261 TMEM150A blue turquoise
107303170 TMEM150C blue brown
107298478 TMEM159 turquoise turquoise
107291958 TMEM160 grey60 green
107282889 TMEM161A red salmon
107287614 TMEM161B brown blue
107284401 TMEM163 green grey60
107299040 TMEM164 turquoise turquoise
107292121 TMEM165 turquoise brown
107282197 TMEM167A turquoise blue
107293990 TMEM168 yellow blue
107302145 TMEM169 blue brown
107284369 TMEM17 turquoise grey
107287372 TMEM170A royalblue brown
107283012 TMEM170B turquoise blue
107290548 TMEM171 blue green
107292180 TMEM175 yellow turquoise
107295185 TMEM177 lightgreen purple
107288749 TMEM179B turquoise turquoise
107293586 TMEM18 green turquoise
107288251 TMEM181 turquoise blue
107288205 TMEM182 red grey
107289269 TMEM183A turquoise blue
107290613 TMEM184A yellow turquoise
107288618 TMEM184B yellow turquoise
107287893 TMEM184C brown blue
107292050 TMEM185A black turquoise
107296632 TMEM186 turquoise green
107284220 TMEM187 turquoise yellow
107283828 TMEM19 yellow brown
107291617 TMEM192 turquoise tan
107286773 TMEM198 blue turquoise
107296965 TMEM199 brown blue
107295201 TMEM200A black brown
107296266 TMEM200C brown grey
107292351 TMEM201 turquoise turquoise
107302533 TMEM203 brown turquoise
107292232 TMEM204 turquoise yellow
107285144 TMEM205 brown turquoise
107288921 TMEM208 turquoise turquoise
107300113 TMEM209 brown blue
107286543 TMEM212 pink cyan
107286460 TMEM214 turquoise turquoise
107292659 TMEM216 green turquoise
107294869 TMEM218 turquoise turquoise
107282711 TMEM219 turquoise turquoise
107282473 TMEM220 brown turquoise
107282861 TMEM221 brown purple
107294311 TMEM222 turquoise turquoise
107292395 TMEM223 brown turquoise
107285837 TMEM229B turquoise turquoise
107283505 TMEM231 green grey
107296812 TMEM232 pink purple
107284776 TMEM25 black turquoise
107293179 TMEM26 blue pink
107288832 TMEM30A brown lightcyan
107293770 TMEM30B turquoise blue
107299903 TMEM33 brown blue
107296253 TMEM37 blue grey
107282218 TMEM38A red turquoise
107291435 TMEM38B red blue
107298183 TMEM39A turquoise turquoise
107285507 TMEM39B purple turquoise
107296044 TMEM40 royalblue yellow
107285886 TMEM41A turquoise blue
107294533 TMEM41B turquoise blue
107294156 TMEM42 lightcyan turquoise
107295644 TMEM43 blue grey
107291719 TMEM45B darkred yellow
107292977 TMEM47 red blue
107293114 TMEM50A grey60 blue
107290649 TMEM50B brown grey
107283436 TMEM53 pink turquoise
107283738 TMEM54 turquoise turquoise
107283032 TMEM59 turquoise grey
107282852 TMEM59L turquoise purple
107298275 TMEM60 turquoise blue
107286644 TMEM61 midnightblue turquoise
107297028 TMEM63A turquoise turquoise
107294459 TMEM63B yellow turquoise
107284549 TMEM63C turquoise salmon
107285749 TMEM64 black blue
107283775 TMEM65 brown blue
107283412 TMEM69 turquoise blue
107297178 TMEM74 magenta pink
107298501 TMEM79 yellow grey
107283905 TMEM80 green turquoise
107290719 TMEM86A red turquoise
107282455 TMEM86B brown magenta
107295759 TMEM87A turquoise blue
107287791 TMEM9 green turquoise
107286407 TMEM98 darkorange turquoise
107298821 TMEM9B brown blue
107302649 TMF1 salmon blue
107286001 TMIE brown red
107295409 TMLHE yellow blue
107297555 TMOD1 red grey
107295583 TMOD4 red black
107290554 TMPO darkred brown
107286742 TMPRSS11E darkorange yellow
107285869 TMPRSS15 greenyellow grey
107288318 TMPRSS2 magenta turquoise
107292796 TMPRSS3 red turquoise
107302576 TMPRSS6 greenyellow red
107303233 TMSB15B green brown
107295679 TMTC1 brown blue
107291745 TMTC2 midnightblue green
107283117 TMTC3 brown blue
107289284 TMTC4 blue blue
107303049 TMUB2 lightcyan turquoise
107290149 TMX1 turquoise brown
107295693 TMX2 grey60 turquoise
107289483 TMX3 pink brown
107285363 TMX4 black blue
107298540 TNC blue grey60
107297927 TNFAIP1 yellow turquoise
107285079 TNFAIP2 yellow magenta
107294501 TNFAIP3 yellow magenta
107297896 TNFAIP6 darkred blue
107294348 TNFAIP8 salmon brown
107297061 TNFAIP8L1 pink grey60
107283579 TNFRSF11A magenta blue
107288745 TNFRSF11B midnightblue brown
107291889 TNFRSF13B green grey
107288409 TNFRSF19 black grey
107284282 TNFRSF21 turquoise brown
107286546 TNFSF10 magenta brown
107297237 TNFSF12 red grey
107284307 TNFSF13B green brown
107294122 TNFSF15 magenta purple
107296420 TNIK pink blue
107294935 TNIP1 blue turquoise
107298126 TNK2 cyan tan
107285629 TNKS blue grey
107289057 TNKS1BP1 yellow turquoise
107293532 TNKS2 turquoise grey
107291561 TNMD brown yellow
107287314 TNN blue turquoise
107287361 TNNC1 red grey
107299510 TNNC2 red grey
107287798 TNNI1 red turquoise
107297964 TNNI2 red lightgreen
107282539 TNNT1 red greenyellow
107287797 TNNT2 purple turquoise
107297920 TNNT3 red turquoise
107290547 TNPO1 yellow tan
107286885 TNPO2 yellow tan
107296485 TNPO3 brown tan
107287313 TNR greenyellow green
107290614 TNRC18 yellow turquoise
107285102 TNRC6A greenyellow blue
107285404 TNRC6B turquoise salmon
107291752 TNRC6C red blue
107284939 TNS1 blue turquoise
107303087 TNS4 darkorange turquoise
107287219 TOB1 brown blue
107285419 TOB2 blue grey
107283426 TOE1 blue turquoise
107286059 TOLLIP turquoise green
107302609 TOM1 red turquoise
107302740 TOM1L1 turquoise blue
107289147 TOM1L2 yellow pink
107288307 TOMM20 lightgreen blue
107297879 TOMM22 grey60 turquoise
107287814 TOMM34 darkgreen grey
107291290 TOMM40 brown grey
107292425 TOMM40L cyan grey
107302063 TOMM5 brown blue
107287258 TOP1 orange brown
107303085 TOP2A cyan brown
107283762 TOP2B lightcyan brown
107293415 TOP3B turquoise cyan
107293886 TOPBP1 lightcyan brown
107296931 TOPORS turquoise blue
107293511 TOR1B turquoise grey
107298048 TOR2A brown greenyellow
107283371 TOR3A magenta turquoise
107284320 TOX blue brown
107285583 TOX2 blue brown
107296640 TOX3 turquoise blue
107286614 TOX4 brown blue
107289796 TP53BP1 pink grey
107290033 TP53BP2 turquoise blue
107302599 TP53I11 black turquoise
107289153 TP53INP1 turquoise brown
107288384 TP53INP2 magenta turquoise
107297174 TP63 blue lightgreen
107290028 TP73 blue grey
107302925 TPBG midnightblue turquoise
107298901 TPCN1 blue turquoise
107294551 TPCN2 yellow turquoise
107302895 TPD52 turquoise blue
107285882 TPD52L1 turquoise grey
107298813 TPD52L2 lightgreen turquoise
107296796 TPH1 darkred greenyellow
107283841 TPH2 magenta greenyellow
107285775 TPI1 red turquoise
107284697 TPK1 lightcyan lightcyan
107283148 TPM1 red grey
107287331 TPM2 red turquoise
107285200 TPM3 blue magenta
107282211 TPM4 black turquoise
107286342 TPMT brown blue
107288659 TPP1 steelblue magenta
107288884 TPPP3 green black
107285153 TPR turquoise grey
107302446 TPRA1 yellow tan
107290026 TPRG1L turquoise turquoise
107294526 TPRKB green blue
107302521 TPRN salmon turquoise
107287086 TPST1 blue brown
107287309 TPST2 brown grey60
107283204 TPT1 lightgreen blue
107297978 TPX2 green brown
107282757 TRA2A lightcyan brown
107285881 TRA2B grey60 lightcyan
107286321 TRABD turquoise turquoise
107293774 TRADD yellow turquoise
107302543 TRAF2 cyan magenta
107287185 TRAF3 magenta brown
107294037 TRAF3IP1 green blue
107287163 TRAF3IP2 turquoise turquoise
107292265 TRAF3IP3 royalblue brown
107298393 TRAF4 blue turquoise
107288580 TRAF5 royalblue brown
107293338 TRAF6 yellow blue
107293673 TRAF7 yellow turquoise
107286992 TRAFD1 yellow grey60
107288696 TRAIP blue midnightblue
107293657 TRAK1 darkorange grey
107296973 TRAK2 turquoise blue
107290246 TRAM1 turquoise blue
107285560 TRAM2 turquoise brown
107283777 TRANK1 darkgreen salmon
107283955 TRAP1 turquoise turquoise
107298315 TRAPPC1 green turquoise
107293438 TRAPPC10 brown lightcyan
107286176 TRAPPC2 brown brown
107283515 TRAPPC2L green turquoise
107294751 TRAPPC3 turquoise turquoise
107284798 TRAPPC4 turquoise green
107295234 TRAPPC5 green turquoise
107295954 TRAPPC6B brown blue
107291199 TRAPPC9 turquoise turquoise
107283327 TRDMT1 lightcyan lightcyan
107284801 TREH blue lightgreen
107286415 TRERF1 blue brown
107284231 TREX2 magenta purple
107294644 TRH black purple
107283818 TRHDE greenyellow blue
107302000 TRIAP1 turquoise grey
107297632 TRIB1 turquoise grey
107292533 TRIB2 yellow brown
107299798 TRIB3 turquoise grey
107282800 TRIL darkred turquoise
107284286 TRIM13 darkred blue
107296302 TRIM2 blue blue
107284585 TRIM23 pink brown
107291331 TRIM24 steelblue grey
107287038 TRIM25 darkgreen tan
107282389 TRIM28 lightcyan turquoise
107285385 TRIM29 magenta turquoise
107288666 TRIM3 blue turquoise
107288774 TRIM32 yellow blue
107284047 TRIM33 brown brown
107290899 TRIM36 turquoise grey
107289618 TRIM41 tan tan
107286679 TRIM42 red midnightblue
107290248 TRIM47 magenta turquoise
107286463 TRIM50 pink red
107286447 TRIM54 red purple
107288944 TRIM55 red yellow
107285033 TRIM56 darkgreen turquoise
107302696 TRIM59 cyan brown
107298792 TRIM62 turquoise turquoise
107295685 TRIM63 red midnightblue
107290185 TRIM65 magenta pink
107283873 TRIM66 magenta tan
107290843 TRIM8 blue turquoise
107289090 TRIM9 green blue
107284885 TRIO black brown
107288631 TRIOBP yellow turquoise
107285122 TRIP10 red turquoise
107297363 TRIP11 turquoise blue
107287756 TRIP12 yellow brown
107298521 TRIP13 cyan brown
107289659 TRIP4 yellow lightcyan
107283700 TRIT1 black grey
107286891 TRMT1 turquoise tan
107289334 TRMT11 blue brown
107299189 TRMT112 lightgreen turquoise
107291575 TRMT12 yellow grey
107295449 TRMT2A yellow turquoise
107290951 TRMT5 darkred turquoise
107297364 TRMT6 brown brown
107285088 TRMT61A salmon turquoise
107298019 TRMT61B turquoise blue
107294525 TRMU brown tan
107302937 TRNAU1AP orange grey
107290919 TRNT1 grey60 brown
107288536 TRPA1 red purple
107292756 TRPC1 turquoise yellow
107296604 TRPC3 green green
107292285 TRPC4 black grey
107285581 TRPC4AP red yellow
107293575 TRPC6 black brown
107283124 TRPM1 turquoise red
107285902 TRPM2 greenyellow yellow
107282405 TRPM4 darkorange turquoise
107294010 TRPM5 green grey
107286166 TRPM6 pink yellow
107293588 TRPM7 midnightblue blue
107294937 TRPM8 magenta purple
107288213 TRPS1 turquoise grey
107296503 TRRAP brown brown
107302935 TRUB2 turquoise turquoise
107296501 TSC1 darkgrey salmon
107302611 TSC2 turquoise turquoise
107283200 TSC22D1 blue grey
107289012 TSC22D2 purple salmon
107303270 TSC22D3 black turquoise
107285045 TSC22D4 turquoise tan
107288061 TSEN15 salmon brown
107295546 TSEN2 green grey
107282530 TSEN34 lightcyan turquoise
107292725 TSEN54 black greenyellow
107291477 TSFM brown yellow
107290713 TSG101 brown blue
107302242 TSGA10 turquoise brown
107302614 TSGA10IP black turquoise
107284060 TSHB red green
107295475 TSHR red black
107293117 TSHZ1 blue blue
107287090 TSHZ2 midnightblue grey
107293549 TSHZ3 blue cyan
107299886 TSKU black red
107290077 TSN salmon lightcyan
107290939 TSNAX brown blue
107288897 TSNAXIP1 pink grey
107283597 TSPAN1 pink grey
107286876 TSPAN10 midnightblue grey
107293143 TSPAN12 blue blue
107282962 TSPAN13 turquoise blue
107296652 TSPAN14 brown turquoise
107293791 TSPAN15 brown green
107294987 TSPAN17 yellow grey
107302591 TSPAN18 black turquoise
107284055 TSPAN2 pink blue
107289262 TSPAN3 brown grey
107291551 TSPAN31 turquoise turquoise
107292139 TSPAN4 darkred turquoise
107288755 TSPAN5 darkturquoise blue
107291573 TSPAN6 brown grey
107286528 TSPAN7 red brown
107283843 TSPAN8 green blue
107298430 TSPAN9 black turquoise
107296482 TSPO lightgreen tan
107283254 TSR1 brown salmon
107292998 TSR2 salmon turquoise
107294012 TSSC4 purple turquoise
107283734 TSSK3 black grey
107302840 TST pink turquoise
107297554 TSTD2 turquoise red
107287850 TTBK1 black yellow
107294465 TTBK2 blue grey
107286877 TTC1 brown grey
107284756 TTC12 green blue
107295590 TTC13 turquoise brown
107292387 TTC14 turquoise blue
107289667 TTC17 turquoise grey
107303299 TTC21A pink grey
107294403 TTC21B green grey
107294416 TTC22 green turquoise
107296962 TTC23L green purple
107303042 TTC25 green grey
107287478 TTC27 turquoise brown
107287310 TTC28 brown blue
107289429 TTC29 pink blue
107296847 TTC3 salmon grey
107286584 TTC30B green blue
107292500 TTC31 blue grey60
107290368 TTC32 blue blue
107291128 TTC33 turquoise blue
107284777 TTC36 pink turquoise
107284594 TTC37 yellow blue
107286270 TTC38 turquoise turquoise
107283025 TTC39A turquoise turquoise
107291081 TTC39B turquoise blue
107292700 TTC39C turquoise yellow
107295712 TTC5 yellow yellow
107296852 TTC6 pink pink
107287852 TTC7A yellow green
107297248 TTC7B turquoise grey
107294998 TTC8 green yellow
107294297 TTC9 midnightblue brown
107292434 TTC9C pink grey60
107292973 TTF1 yellow tan
107300293 TTF2 cyan brown
107288222 TTK cyan brown
107296307 TTL turquoise brown
107294334 TTLL1 brown turquoise
107297728 TTLL10 pink greenyellow
107299341 TTLL12 yellow turquoise
107289481 TTLL2 green red
107298011 TTLL4 yellow grey
107285959 TTLL5 green grey
107282589 TTLL6 pink red
107294018 TTLL7 red blue
107299760 TTLL9 pink grey
107290010 TTN red blue
107302721 TTPA turquoise green
107300418 TTPAL turquoise brown
107286665 TTYH2 black turquoise
107290624 TTYH3 blue yellow
107286384 TUBA1A cyan magenta
107286385 TUBA1C black grey60
107288113 TUBA4A grey60 turquoise
107296328 TUBB salmon turquoise
107285885 TUBB2A midnightblue turquoise
107288168 TUBB6 grey60 turquoise
107298701 TUBD1 turquoise yellow
107287160 TUBE1 green blue
107302414 TUBG1 lightcyan turquoise
107282204 TUBGCP2 blue turquoise
107297984 TUBGCP3 brown brown
107289803 TUBGCP4 turquoise grey
107284255 TUBGCP5 purple grey
107286322 TUBGCP6 turquoise tan
107282508 TUFM saddlebrown turquoise
107300618 TUFT1 turquoise grey
107292817 TULP1 red grey
107282489 TULP2 lightcyan yellow
107288252 TULP4 black blue
107288719 TUSC2 turquoise turquoise
107287928 TUSC3 turquoise grey
107292411 TUT1 yellow salmon
107296492 TWF2 yellow grey60
107282966 TWISTNB lightcyan brown
107285982 TWSG1 black brown
107283732 TXLNA brown turquoise
107293045 TXLNB red brown
107289549 TXLNG yellow brown
107302703 TXN2 red turquoise
107283987 TXNDC11 turquoise grey60
107283055 TXNDC12 turquoise grey
107295026 TXNDC15 turquoise grey60
107289092 TXNDC16 yellow brown
107286427 TXNDC17 lightgreen turquoise
107302376 TXNDC9 grey60 blue
107295521 TXNIP darkred brown
107286044 TXNL1 grey60 grey
107297494 TXNL4A brown turquoise
107285139 TXNL4B lightgreen grey
107294624 TXNRD1 salmon brown
107294359 TXNRD2 yellow turquoise
107294336 TXNRD3 blue grey
107285691 TYK2 turquoise turquoise
107297488 TYMP royalblue magenta
107285300 TYMS midnightblue brown
107287415 TYRO3 blue green
107288360 TYROBP darkturquoise magenta
107288227 TYRP1 magenta yellow
107296301 TYSND1 black turquoise
107288563 TYW1 turquoise grey
107285065 TYW3 magenta blue
107302859 UAP1 turquoise grey
107295059 UAP1L1 green turquoise
107295907 UBA1 yellow turquoise
107284082 UBA2 grey60 blue
107302647 UBA3 grey60 brown
107293908 UBA5 turquoise blue
107282884 UBA52 lightgreen turquoise
107286744 UBA6 lightcyan brown
107295061 UBAC1 brown turquoise
107294786 UBAP1 turquoise turquoise
107284414 UBAP2 red turquoise
107285199 UBAP2L brown red
107292799 UBASH3A royalblue magenta
107292325 UBASH3B turquoise brown
107299479 UBB turquoise grey
107282827 UBC yellow turquoise
107299532 UBE2A brown lightcyan
107294953 UBE2B green blue
107299511 UBE2C cyan brown
107290002 UBE2D1 pink brown
107284471 UBE2D2 purple lightcyan
107299024 UBE2D3 grey60 lightcyan
107283756 UBE2E1 darkred lightcyan
107293692 UBE2E3 turquoise blue
107302998 UBE2F darkturquoise blue
107292004 UBE2G1 red blue
107285876 UBE2G2 brown grey
107299526 UBE2H darkred grey
107302610 UBE2I orange turquoise
107296171 UBE2J1 salmon brown
107287524 UBE2J2 turquoise turquoise
107302805 UBE2K orange blue
107293423 UBE2L3 grey60 grey
107282388 UBE2M lightcyan turquoise
107284726 UBE2N black grey
107290055 UBE2O blue magenta
107285171 UBE2Q1 brown grey
107300952 UBE2Q2 brown blue
107289985 UBE2QL1 turquoise grey
107284425 UBE2R2 grey60 turquoise
107289537 UBE2T cyan brown
107287084 UBE2U pink yellow
107289324 UBE2V2 red blue
107297275 UBE2W brown blue
107282621 UBE2Z saddlebrown turquoise
107301086 UBE3A turquoise blue
107287298 UBE3B brown blue
107303304 UBE3C lightcyan grey
107284804 UBE4A darkgrey lightcyan
107292359 UBE4B yellow grey
107302629 UBFD1 turquoise grey
107302562 UBL3 brown blue
107286695 UBL4A darkred turquoise
107287225 UBL5 lightgreen turquoise
107291922 UBL7 blue turquoise
107298776 UBLCP1 purple brown
107290377 UBN1 turquoise tan
107285340 UBN2 turquoise blue
107299142 UBOX5 blue turquoise
107293606 UBP1 lightcyan brown
107284448 UBQLN1 salmon lightcyan
107290912 UBQLN4 salmon salmon
107294463 UBR1 yellow blue
107286414 UBR2 salmon lightcyan
107290307 UBR3 turquoise blue
107302438 UBR4 brown tan
107287820 UBR5 brown brown
107287214 UBR7 salmon blue
107295216 UBTD1 black midnightblue
107296413 UBTD2 brown blue
107303051 UBTF blue turquoise
107291395 UBXN10 pink red
107295612 UBXN11 green tan
107293405 UBXN2A turquoise salmon
107284335 UBXN2B black blue
107284391 UBXN4 turquoise lightcyan
107297949 UBXN6 yellow turquoise
107294951 UBXN7 turquoise grey
107303150 UCHL3 turquoise blue
107289824 UCHL5 turquoise blue
107291051 UCK1 pink turquoise
107301221 UCK2 pink grey
107293337 UCKL1 red tan
107292427 UFC1 lightgreen grey
107283272 UFM1 turquoise blue
107285003 UFSP1 turquoise pink
107302664 UFSP2 salmon grey
107290335 UGCG pink brown
107302808 UGDH blue blue
107287665 UGGT1 turquoise grey
107290356 UGGT2 turquoise blue
107284295 UGP2 purple blue
107296372 UGT8 magenta blue
107292558 UHMK1 tan brown
107296146 UHRF1 yellow brown
107299195 UHRF1BP1 red blue
107289399 UHRF1BP1L turquoise blue
107299120 UHRF2 brown brown
107299178 ULK1 brown grey
107298520 ULK2 black brown
107293389 ULK3 brown red
107293672 ULK4 cyan yellow
107288924 UMPS blue black
107293847 UNC119B purple turquoise
107296951 UNC13B turquoise grey
107283180 UNC13C pink black
107290196 UNC13D turquoise black
107289797 UNC45A yellow yellow
107288938 UNC45B red turquoise
107301627 UNC50 black blue
107291529 UNC5A green blue
107295000 UNC5B midnightblue salmon
107294781 UNC5C midnightblue grey
107298320 UNC5D red salmon
107301886 UNC80 magenta green
107289664 UNC93A pink purple
107295131 UNC93B1 yellow turquoise
107287294 UNG darkgreen grey
107290206 UNK tan blue
107289813 UPB1 green midnightblue
107282856 UPF1 brown tan
107297053 UPF2 yellow brown
107287916 UPF3A pink brown
107302752 UPF3B purple lightcyan
107299259 UPK1A green greenyellow
107290311 UPK1B magenta red
107299855 UPP1 pink brown
107291528 UPP2 tan grey
107282927 UPRT brown blue
107290562 URB1 turquoise blue
107295104 URB2 darkgrey blue
107302938 URM1 turquoise turquoise
107295643 UROC1 blue pink
107283420 UROD turquoise turquoise
107288896 UROS brown turquoise
107282223 USE1 yellow turquoise
107295513 USF1 yellow turquoise
107297575 USH1C red grey
107302380 USO1 turquoise blue
107287082 USP1 blue brown
107282716 USP10 salmon blue
107296479 USP11 brown grey60
107292376 USP13 red grey
107285297 USP14 salmon brown
107294467 USP16 brown blue
107294353 USP18 darkgreen brown
107297532 USP19 blue turquoise
107285388 USP2 yellow turquoise
107293512 USP20 turquoise grey60
107301300 USP21 tan turquoise
107286639 USP24 brown brown
107285861 USP25 red lightcyan
107284758 USP28 red blue
107283170 USP3 yellow lightcyan
107287293 USP30 brown grey
107302603 USP31 black grey
107293715 USP32 brown brown
107289444 USP33 purple brown
107294921 USP34 turquoise lightcyan
107292205 USP36 darkgrey green
107291474 USP37 yellow brown
107288552 USP38 brown blue
107283240 USP39 turquoise turquoise
107291739 USP42 blue brown
107286783 USP43 turquoise black
107284559 USP44 purple midnightblue
107291193 USP45 darkred brown
107298288 USP47 turquoise grey
107298506 USP48 brown lightcyan
107293961 USP49 blue greenyellow
107285773 USP5 yellow grey
107289773 USP53 turquoise blue
107295622 USP54 turquoise grey
107297044 USP6NL black brown
107296635 USP7 brown magenta
107293591 USP8 brown blue
107286521 USP9X turquoise tan
107286800 USPL1 brown brown
107287408 UST black brown
107291559 UTP14A darkgrey blue
107290537 UTP15 salmon brown
107288853 UTP18 grey60 brown
107291874 UTP20 turquoise red
107288218 UTP23 pink brown
107294592 UTP3 purple blue
107292198 UTP6 darkgrey brown
107299020 UVRAG brown brown
107288837 UXS1 brown brown
107296742 UXT blue turquoise
107284174 VAC14 yellow tan
107285796 VAMP1 black magenta
107297100 VAMP2 purple turquoise
107284657 VAMP3 darkred grey60
107302862 VAMP4 grey60 grey
107283237 VAMP5 green grey60
107293166 VAMP7 turquoise lightcyan
107283276 VAMP8 turquoise turquoise
107288752 VANGL2 turquoise purple
107285978 VAPA purple blue
107302920 VAPB yellow grey
107295941 VARS2 yellow turquoise
107285967 VASH1 black magenta
107287439 VASH2 midnightblue brown
107291638 VASP turquoise tan
107285924 VAT1 black turquoise
107286399 VAT1L black brown
107285124 VAV1 white magenta
107291022 VAV2 turquoise tan
107303171 VBP1 grey60 blue
107302490 VCAM1 pink brown
107303335 VCAN black red
107287903 VCL yellow tan
107299182 VCP darkgrey green
107295115 VCPIP1 darkgreen blue
107294898 VDAC1 purple grey
107298679 VDAC2 brown grey
107287946 VDAC3 purple lightcyan
107291589 VDR turquoise brown
107289233 VEGFA turquoise grey
107299057 VEGFB green tan
107285706 VEGFC turquoise blue
107286951 VEPH1 blue blue
107297227 VEZF1 blue lightcyan
107284621 VEZT turquoise blue
107303262 VGLL1 magenta pink
107295728 VGLL2 red turquoise
107289031 VGLL3 blue brown
107288225 VGLL4 blue turquoise
107298606 VHL green midnightblue
107291496 VIL1 red red
107284365 VILL turquoise purple
107283328 VIM purple grey60
107292668 VIP yellow brown
107284351 VIPR1 turquoise grey
107283557 VIPR2 pink turquoise
107287483 VIT midnightblue cyan
107287076 VKORC1L1 turquoise blue
107294175 VLDLR turquoise grey
107292041 VMA21 turquoise brown
107285023 VMO1 red grey
107284693 VOPP1 turquoise brown
107284769 VPS11 yellow yellow
107284566 VPS13A red blue
107285252 VPS13B turquoise lightcyan
107283126 VPS13C turquoise brown
107284648 VPS13D brown grey
107296568 VPS16 yellow tan
107291010 VPS18 turquoise turquoise
107285914 VPS25 lightcyan turquoise
107293788 VPS26A purple blue
107293178 VPS26B turquoise turquoise
107299636 VPS28 brown turquoise
107286960 VPS29 grey60 lightcyan
107287001 VPS33A yellow midnightblue
107289780 VPS33B turquoise turquoise
107290106 VPS35 brown brown
107289852 VPS36 darkred lightcyan
107301769 VPS37A brown blue
107285469 VPS37B blue tan
107292667 VPS37C yellow turquoise
107295749 VPS39 blue turquoise
107283298 VPS41 lightcyan brown
107289944 VPS45 turquoise brown
107283521 VPS4A brown turquoise
107283583 VPS4B blue brown
107299136 VPS53 brown turquoise
107284285 VPS54 turquoise blue
107295574 VPS72 turquoise turquoise
107285888 VPS8 yellow black
107302891 VRK1 darkturquoise brown
107302227 VRK2 red brown
107290324 VRK3 green turquoise
107303219 VSIG1 greenyellow red
107292833 VSIG10 magenta tan
107284616 VSIG4 darkturquoise turquoise
107284921 VSNL1 black grey
107284039 VSX1 turquoise purple
107286865 VTA1 pink blue
107286256 VTI1A purple blue
107285840 VTI1B turquoise turquoise
107287520 VWA1 yellow turquoise
107292096 VWA3A pink black
107301196 VWA3B green blue
107285329 VWA5A pink turquoise
107294395 VWA5B2 black cyan
107292640 VWCE blue turquoise
107295792 VWDE red grey
107298567 VWF blue grey60
107282825 WAC lightcyan brown
107285817 WARS2 brown blue
107300285 WAS white magenta
107297819 WASF1 turquoise blue
107286750 WASF2 orange tan
107288421 WASF3 tan blue
107293060 WASL turquoise blue
107286132 WBP11 yellow grey
107290259 WBP2 turquoise turquoise
107285349 WBP2NL grey60 blue
107283205 WBP4 purple blue
107290159 WDFY1 blue brown
107297072 WDFY2 blue grey
107303180 WDFY3 yellow blue
107293944 WDFY4 pink magenta
107294602 WDR1 turquoise turquoise
107288608 WDR11 yellow lightcyan
107290702 WDR12 salmon brown
107300229 WDR13 green turquoise
107285711 WDR17 green red
107285278 WDR18 brown salmon
107299037 WDR19 green blue
107294791 WDR20 turquoise brown
107290396 WDR24 darkgrey turquoise
107291439 WDR25 brown purple
107296414 WDR26 brown brown
107298333 WDR27 pink turquoise
107285789 WDR3 darkgrey brown
107287670 WDR33 turquoise lightcyan
107298923 WDR34 green turquoise
107284924 WDR35 green blue
107296809 WDR36 salmon blue
107283566 WDR37 saddlebrown brown
107284603 WDR41 tan blue
107298018 WDR43 brown brown
107303220 WDR44 turquoise brown
107292036 WDR45 blue turquoise
107294687 WDR47 magenta blue
107303321 WDR48 lightcyan blue
107293031 WDR49 green yellow
107291027 WDR5 orange tan
107294966 WDR53 brown blue
107295870 WDR54 green brown
107283667 WDR55 brown midnightblue
107287374 WDR59 brown tan
107292766 WDR6 turquoise tan
107283559 WDR60 pink grey
107287758 WDR61 brown blue
107291960 WDR62 blue black
107285246 WDR63 green lightgreen
107286982 WDR66 green grey
107288334 WDR70 brown blue
107283138 WDR72 magenta grey
107297010 WDR73 yellow salmon
107292396 WDR74 darkgrey turquoise
107288456 WDR75 darkgrey blue
107283908 WDR76 darkturquoise brown
107292266 WDR77 salmon turquoise
107298981 WDR78 green grey
107289562 WDR81 turquoise turquoise
107294768 WDR82 turquoise brown
107286888 WDR83 turquoise turquoise
107303331 WDR86 darkorange green
107293311 WDR89 darkred cyan
107295337 WDR90 cyan turquoise
107286137 WDR91 brown red
107283064 WDR92 green tan
107286856 WDR93 cyan yellow
107286371 WDSUB1 turquoise blue
107294310 WDTC1 brown turquoise
107295158 WDYHV1 brown blue
107293506 WEE1 steelblue brown
107282748 WFDC1 black grey
107287222 WFIKKN2 magenta midnightblue
107299172 WFS1 blue turquoise
107302506 WHAMM brown brown
107291685 WIF1 turquoise blue
107287390 WIPF1 yellow brown
107303082 WIPF2 lightcyan tan
107282753 WIPF3 red grey
107282574 WIPI1 turquoise grey
107290606 WIPI2 yellow turquoise
107301436 WIZ turquoise turquoise
107299192 WLS black grey
107285907 WNK1 black grey60
107288975 WNK2 darkred turquoise
107286565 WNK3 turquoise blue
107285934 WNK4 blue yellow
107292514 WNT10A blue green
107293140 WNT16 midnightblue purple
107300573 WNT2B darkred grey
107303109 WNT3 turquoise blue
107290018 WNT4 blue grey
107292714 WNT5A blue blue
107294505 WNT5B midnightblue turquoise
107292513 WNT6 black greenyellow
107287015 WNT7B magenta grey
107289015 WNT8A red yellow
107292979 WNT8B green black
107285998 WNT9A black grey
107303007 WNT9B darkorange purple
107285620 WRN yellow blue
107285434 WRNIP1 turquoise grey
107294278 WSB1 black brown
107292834 WSB2 magenta blue
107293647 WSCD1 blue pink
107296816 WTAP purple grey
107284074 WTIP blue lightgreen
107290454 WWC1 turquoise turquoise
107302680 WWC2 blue blue
107288392 WWC3 cyan tan
107284961 WWP1 green blue
107283525 WWP2 darkgrey grey
107294131 WWTR1 brown blue
107296162 XAB2 yellow turquoise
107286469 XAF1 darkgreen brown
107287284 XBP1 turquoise grey
107294178 XCR1 pink cyan
107297206 XDH green blue
107297409 XIAP magenta brown
107303323 XIRP1 red black
107293214 XIRP2 red yellow
107292682 XKR4 magenta yellow
107288037 XKR8 blue turquoise
107291556 XKRX turquoise grey
107295642 XPC turquoise turquoise
107289997 XPNPEP1 turquoise grey
107291560 XPNPEP2 cyan yellow
107285412 XPNPEP3 turquoise blue
107290858 XPO1 pink brown
107286109 XPO4 turquoise blue
107289307 XPO5 brown black
107290317 XPO6 yellow turquoise
107283267 XPO7 darkgrey blue
107291740 XPOT turquoise blue
107283380 XPR1 green blue
107293236 XRCC1 brown turquoise
107303311 XRCC2 lightcyan salmon
107285089 XRCC3 brown grey
107282196 XRCC4 black brown
107302042 XRCC5 blue grey
107285423 XRCC6 darkred grey
107292035 XRN1 brown brown
107297762 XRN2 grey60 grey
107303317 XYLB turquoise turquoise
107296997 XYLT1 brown brown
107283824 XYLT2 black tan
107302569 YAF2 darkred brown
107286354 YAP1 purple blue
107287201 YARS2 brown grey
107291369 YBX1 skyblue grey
107293422 YDJC turquoise turquoise
107287722 YEATS2 yellow brown
107284405 YEATS4 grey60 brown
107285292 YES1 cyan blue
107298764 YIF1A turquoise turquoise
107283036 YIPF1 turquoise turquoise
107295008 YIPF2 salmon turquoise
107289325 YIPF3 brown turquoise
107287464 YIPF4 turquoise blue
107301307 YIPF5 turquoise blue
107284627 YIPF6 brown grey
107282176 YJEFN3 turquoise cyan
107286230 YKT6 turquoise turquoise
107293077 YLPM1 brown grey
107282821 YME1L1 lightcyan blue
107288375 YOD1 turquoise blue
107293414 YPEL1 black brown
107291538 YPEL4 black yellow
107291900 YPEL5 darkred blue
107283725 YRDC orange turquoise
107286741 YTHDC1 lightcyan brown
107297758 YTHDC2 brown blue
107295041 YTHDF1 brown lightgreen
107302976 YTHDF2 yellow blue
107302723 YTHDF3 yellow blue
107289560 YWHAE turquoise tan
107294564 YWHAG yellow lightcyan
107295814 YWHAQ black lightcyan
107291393 YY1 brown brown
107290794 ZACN black grey
107293118 ZADH2 green grey
107293032 ZBBX green green
107289328 ZBED4 turquoise brown
107285166 ZBTB1 blue brown
107302898 ZBTB10 turquoise blue
107285080 ZBTB11 turquoise brown
107295039 ZBTB12 black purple
107284810 ZBTB16 black salmon
107296447 ZBTB17 turquoise turquoise
107292824 ZBTB2 pink green
107288262 ZBTB20 yellow salmon
107298141 ZBTB24 blue lightcyan
107285164 ZBTB25 blue brown
107293028 ZBTB26 green blue
107292418 ZBTB3 green turquoise
107302756 ZBTB33 yellow blue
107293696 ZBTB34 brown blue
107302878 ZBTB37 cyan purple
107287769 ZBTB38 cyan brown
107293314 ZBTB39 blue midnightblue
107295440 ZBTB4 red turquoise
107292524 ZBTB41 brown blue
107302437 ZBTB42 yellow turquoise
107293695 ZBTB43 turquoise grey
107289311 ZBTB44 magenta lightcyan
107282426 ZBTB45 pink turquoise
107294812 ZBTB46 red brown
107284350 ZBTB47 turquoise turquoise
107284666 ZBTB48 brown turquoise
107295969 ZBTB49 red grey
107291247 ZBTB5 brown grey
107293027 ZBTB6 yellow greenyellow
107295761 ZBTB7A turquoise green
107296704 ZBTB7B magenta turquoise
107283710 ZBTB8A black grey
107283711 ZBTB8OS orange grey
107284859 ZC3H10 yellow turquoise
107302987 ZC3H11A brown brown
107283692 ZC3H12A green grey60
107291295 ZC3H12B brown green
107296354 ZC3H12C greenyellow blue
107289862 ZC3H13 brown brown
107296140 ZC3H14 blue grey
107297041 ZC3H15 lightgreen blue
107283531 ZC3H18 brown turquoise
107285657 ZC3H4 blue turquoise
107296310 ZC3H6 darkred yellow
107283985 ZC3H7A brown blue
107285418 ZC3H7B yellow salmon
107300642 ZC3HC1 yellow turquoise
107291298 ZC4H2 turquoise yellow
107286835 ZCCHC10 turquoise brown
107292889 ZCCHC14 black grey
107293047 ZCCHC17 grey60 grey
107283569 ZCCHC2 green blue
107295621 ZCCHC24 darkgreen turquoise
107297771 ZCCHC4 brown purple
107291246 ZCCHC7 blue brown
107286962 ZCCHC8 brown brown
107286316 ZCCHC9 brown blue
107283839 ZCRB1 brown blue
107283755 ZCWPW2 yellow blue
107290066 ZDBF2 yellow blue
107288883 ZDHHC1 green cyan
107294558 ZDHHC13 brown brown
107292147 ZDHHC14 turquoise grey
107282940 ZDHHC15 turquoise blue
107294238 ZDHHC16 turquoise turquoise
107290767 ZDHHC17 yellow brown
107289898 ZDHHC18 lightgreen black
107301815 ZDHHC2 blue blue
107286114 ZDHHC20 magenta brown
107289355 ZDHHC21 turquoise lightcyan
107288259 ZDHHC23 turquoise red
107302625 ZDHHC24 green turquoise
107293722 ZDHHC3 darkorange yellow
107297965 ZDHHC4 brown turquoise
107291541 ZDHHC5 yellow turquoise
107286250 ZDHHC6 cyan lightcyan
107282737 ZDHHC7 brown tan
107295452 ZDHHC8 red greenyellow
107291570 ZDHHC9 brown turquoise
107282833 ZEB1 red brown
107289168 ZEB2 red brown
107299330 ZER1 yellow turquoise
107302906 ZFAND1 turquoise blue
107289142 ZFAND2A purple turquoise
107298010 ZFAND2B turquoise turquoise
107294284 ZFAND3 turquoise grey
107288124 ZFAND5 blue brown
107286849 ZFAND6 turquoise brown
107297593 ZFAT turquoise turquoise
107283829 ZFC3H1 turquoise brown
107293089 ZFHX2 brown turquoise
107283552 ZFHX3 darkgrey cyan
107291648 ZFP36 blue grey
107285834 ZFP36L1 magenta brown
107284974 ZFP36L2 pink brown
107286077 ZFP64 yellow grey
107295688 ZFP91 brown blue
107296009 ZFPL1 darkgrey cyan
107283475 ZFPM1 yellow turquoise
107293572 ZFPM2 red brown
107288396 ZFR turquoise blue
107298462 ZFX brown blue
107294170 ZFYVE1 blue grey
107289752 ZFYVE16 yellow blue
107286206 ZFYVE19 turquoise turquoise
107289882 ZFYVE21 purple turquoise
107285848 ZFYVE26 tan grey
107287751 ZFYVE27 turquoise yellow
107283053 ZFYVE9 black black
107282686 ZG16 pink black
107294813 ZGPAT yellow turquoise
107295156 ZHX1 cyan grey
107295159 ZHX2 yellow grey
107287253 ZHX3 turquoise grey
107283670 ZMAT2 orange grey
107285703 ZMAT3 turquoise brown
107289253 ZMAT4 green yellow
107288817 ZMAT5 red turquoise
107295619 ZMIZ1 blue turquoise
107286234 ZMIZ2 yellow tan
107288005 ZMPSTE24 turquoise blue
107286116 ZMYM2 turquoise lightcyan
107303277 ZMYM3 turquoise grey
107291451 ZMYM4 brown brown
107288716 ZMYND10 green greenyellow
107283560 ZMYND11 greenyellow blue
107291365 ZMYND12 green pink
107298651 ZMYND19 brown turquoise
107290354 ZMYND8 turquoise brown
107288495 ZNF131 salmon brown
107291476 ZNF142 yellow grey60
107294530 ZNF143 purple brown
107290266 ZNF148 turquoise grey
107293167 ZNF185 blue grey
107294930 ZNF207 yellow tan
107287087 ZNF217 turquoise brown
107285359 ZNF236 brown blue
107283486 ZNF276 purple green
107291057 ZNF277 grey60 blue
107283157 ZNF280D yellow blue
107294659 ZNF281 purple brown
107284748 ZNF292 brown brown
107289691 ZNF318 black brown
107284094 ZNF319 blue turquoise
107295316 ZNF326 grey60 grey
107296561 ZNF330 turquoise lightcyan
107299096 ZNF335 brown black
107294014 ZNF341 turquoise black
107295678 ZNF346 purple salmon
107291388 ZNF362 yellow turquoise
107287909 ZNF365 darkgrey grey
107289759 ZNF366 cyan black
107296899 ZNF367 pink black
107285767 ZNF384 yellow turquoise
107288514 ZNF385A black green
107294306 ZNF385B midnightblue brown
107284692 ZNF385D pink yellow
107284870 ZNF395 yellow turquoise
107291690 ZNF407 turquoise brown
107294861 ZNF408 green salmon
107290488 ZNF410 salmon tan
107282167 ZNF414 brown red
107290126 ZNF423 red grey
107295499 ZNF451 turquoise blue
107292290 ZNF462 turquoise tan
107291111 ZNF507 yellow blue
107282203 ZNF511 brown turquoise
107286434 ZNF512 turquoise brown
107297285 ZNF512B blue turquoise
107286441 ZNF513 brown turquoise
107282989 ZNF518A yellow blue
107293004 ZNF521 blue blue
107292733 ZNF536 greenyellow greenyellow
107293234 ZNF575 yellow turquoise
107294071 ZNF592 turquoise black
107295723 ZNF593 lightgreen turquoise
107287712 ZNF598 brown turquoise
107285820 ZNF608 blue brown
107289652 ZNF609 turquoise grey
107302553 ZNF618 magenta pink
107284882 ZNF622 salmon green
107297983 ZNF638 grey60 brown
107285700 ZNF639 yellow blue
107294741 ZNF644 black brown
107282618 ZNF652 turquoise grey
107285116 ZNF653 green black
107290131 ZNF654 yellow blue
107290831 ZNF703 blue salmon
107302900 ZNF704 turquoise grey
107302725 ZNF706 turquoise grey60
107283924 ZNF710 yellow grey
107296186 ZNF711 yellow blue
107288511 ZNF740 yellow turquoise
107282423 ZNF750 turquoise grey
107302826 ZNF76 yellow tan
107293058 ZNF777 brown turquoise
107286327 ZNF800 turquoise tan
107283499 ZNF821 brown turquoise
107286199 ZNF827 turquoise grey
107289448 ZNF830 lightcyan blue
107298016 ZNF839 turquoise black
107291320 ZNHIT1 purple turquoise
107295999 ZNHIT2 brown turquoise
107294872 ZNHIT3 brown blue
107290142 ZNHIT6 brown brown
107298029 ZNRD1 salmon turquoise
107287369 ZNRF1 green turquoise
107294005 ZNRF2 brown blue
107287285 ZNRF3 turquoise grey
107292644 ZP1 green pink
107287647 ZPBP turquoise yellow
107303018 ZPBP2 green pink
107291132 ZRANB1 purple blue
107294129 ZRANB2 brown blue
107284393 ZRANB3 cyan brown
107296334 ZRSR2 lightgreen tan
107294830 ZSWIM2 green greenyellow
107285723 ZSWIM4 yellow green
107283421 ZSWIM5 blue blue
107289922 ZSWIM6 tan brown
107284808 ZW10 turquoise blue
107283934 ZWILCH green brown
107293903 ZXDC brown turquoise
107289966 ZYX black grey
107295017 ZZEF1 turquoise tan
107289446 ZZZ3 darkgrey blue
dat <- read.csv("./Data_sets/Cross_tab_data.csv")
pvals = data.frame()
for (i in unique(dat$Hs_col)) 
  pvals[i, c("module", "pval")] <- c(i, fisher.test(dat$Pm_col == "turquoise",  dat$Hs_col == i)$p.value)
turq <- table(dat[dat$Hs_col != "grey",c("Pm_col", "Hs_col")])["turquoise",]
others <- matrix(0, nrow = length(turq), ncol = length(turq))
rownames(others) <- names(turq)
sorted <- c("turq", names(sort(table(dat[dat$Hs_col != "grey","Hs_col"]))))
cols = rep(NA, 19)
names(cols) <- sorted[-1]
cols[pvals$module[pvals$pval < 0.05]] <- "red"
chordDiagram(rbind(turq, others), col = cols, 
             order = sorted,
             annotationTrack = c("grid"), grid.col = c("black", rep("grey", 18)))

Supplementary Figure 2: Cross tabulation of human and habu modules

Supplementary Figure 3: Orthologs from NCBI and OrthoFinder have conserved synteny

Only 5 genes are shown.
Comparisons can be madde by using Pm_naja_alltissueExpr.csv and Hum_mus_pm_gal_anole_xen_pan_canis_orthologs_NCBI.csv files located in data/Comparative_transcriptomics_and_orthologs


GeneID:107297140 (Pm)
GeneID:1497 (Hs)
GeneID:83429 (Mm)


GeneID:107298918 (Pm)
GeneID:9695 (Hs)
GeneID:192193 (Mm)


GeneID:107284796 (Pm)
GeneID:10525 (Hs)
GeneID:12282 (Ms)


GeneID:107289096 (Pm)
GeneID:30001 (Hs)
GeneID:50527 (Mm)


GeneID:107293778 (Pm)
GeneID:8720 (Hs)
GeneID:56453 (Mm)

Comparative transcriptomics

Clustering with all 2682 expressed orthologs

Load ortholog expression data

Expression data of one-to-one orthologs expressed across 4 tissues in all taxa

First 100 entries of dataset
gene description Pm_1 Pm_10 Pm_11 Pm_12 Pm_13 Pm_14 Pm_15 Pm_16 Pm_17 Pm_18 Pm_19 Pm_2 Pm_20 Pm_21 Pm_22 Pm_23 Pm_24 Pm_25 Pm_26 Pm_27 Pm_28 Pm_29 Pm_3 Pm_30 Pm_4 Pm_5 Pm_6 Pm_7 Pm_8 Pm_9 Pm_1_heart Pm_10_heart Pm_3_heart Pm_5_heart Pm_8_heart Pm_1_kidney Pm_10_kidney Pm_3_kidney Pm_5_kidney Pm_8_kidney Pm_1_liver Pm_10_liver Pm_3_liver Pm_5_liver Pm_8_liver Naja_vg_1 Naja_vg_2 Naja_vg_3 Naja_vg_4 Naja_vg_5 Naja_vg_6 Naja_liv_1 Naja_liv_2 Naja_kid_1 Naja_kid_2 Naja_pan_1 Naja_pan_2 Naja_sg_1 Mus_sg_1 Mus_sg_2 Mus_sg_3 Mus_sg_4 Mus_hrt_1 Mus_hrt_2 Mus_hrt_3 Mus_kidn_1 Mus_kidn_2 Mus_kidn_3 Mus_livr_1 Mus_livr_2 Mus_livr_3 Mus_livr_4 Anole_hrt_1 Anole_hrt_2 Anole_hrt_3 Anole_hrt_4 Anole_kidn_1 Anole_kidn_2 Anole_kidn_3 Anole_kidn_4 Anole_livr_1 Anole_livr_2 Anole_livr_3 Gal_hrt_1 Gal_hrt_2 Gal_hrt_3 Gal_kidn_1 Gal_kidn_2 Gal_kidn_3 Gal_livr_1 Gal_livr_2 Gal_livr_3 Xeno_hrt_2 Xeno_hrt_3 Xeno_kidn_1 Xeno_kidn_2 Xeno_kidn_3 Xeno_livr_1 Xeno_livr_2 Xeno_livr_3 Pan_hrt_1 Pan_hrt_2 Pan_kid_1 Pan_kid_2 Pan_liv Homo_sg_1 Homo_sg_2 Homo_hrt_1 Homo_hrt_2 Homo_hrt_3 Homo_kidn_1 Homo_kidn_2 Homo_kidn_3 Homo_livr_1 Homo_livr_2 Homo_livr_3 Canis_sg_1 Canis_sg_2 Canis_hrt_1 Canis_hrt_2 Canis_hrt_3 Canis_kidn_1 Canis_kidn_2 Canis_kidn_3 Canis_livr_1 Canis_livr_2 Canis_livr_3
107282159 delta-like 4 (Drosophila) 2.00 14.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 16.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 3.00 6.00 1.00 4.00 11.00 6.00 2.00 15.00 24.00 7.00 5.00 9.00 4.00 0.00 9.00 1.00 40.00 9.00 12.00 7.00 14.00 48.00 41.00 17.00 17.00 28.00 16.00 5.00 7.00 6.00 23.00 1.3011600 1.3541900 3.7208400 2.2030200 1.7348000 1.6446600 7.5089100 1.9916600 3.9651400 4.5103300 2.7964000 0.4154600 9.374500 0.2613650 0.4142250 0.4180770 0.4234070 14.5213000 16.6968200 13.9656900 14.5495100 12.2522000 12.2953200 2.7546100 3.2489500 4.0296500 4.1669600 2.8004900 9.220960 3.9447000 2.4476100 3.6321900 11.475900 13.7397000 4.7498400 3.4459300 9.1858800 2.9705200 12.7547600 15.7940500 11.8979900 6.0453460 6.9522700 7.5556530 2.2967400 3.8479840 3.9565120 4.2080700 9.1773140 5.0151600 9.4872810 11.6322800 3.3034520 8.9516510 13.0999100 2.9835100 7.2933020 9.7843410 7.5040300 1.2543100 0.8078245 0.7776995 7.2279160 8.8752690 10.1583670 2.8513530 3.7226126 2.0016850 1.0726300 0.3708940 0.5503727 1.6483830 1.5803980 4.4804300 11.1060900 13.0792600 2.3252570 7.0733700 19.5854800 4.2649860 3.3300540 0.7817370
107282160 fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 2 401.01 1107.00 1511.25 192.00 291.00 380.00 119.00 85.00 593.04 92.00 571.10 509.00 489.00 205.00 235.00 191.00 208.00 97.00 646.00 358.02 116.00 639.03 2290.75 765.04 715.01 312.01 559.22 147.00 913.00 251.03 40.00 307.00 74.00 284.00 111.00 348.00 385.00 558.00 257.00 237.00 18.00 16.00 4.00 7.00 12.00 1.7816200 0.2785640 2.1286600 4.8004400 19.3185000 0.8919760 0.4529350 0.3972700 17.2049000 13.2911000 0.3178570 0.0520485 9.784830 0.1051800 0.2292530 0.1438070 0.0875200 1.7209190 1.2741190 1.3148290 1.5966820 1.5316690 1.2811550 0.0987124 0.0825726 0.0400982 0.0481196 0.3892570 4.199980 0.8801110 1.3180000 3.8020600 8.513700 7.2301800 5.3173100 0.2782420 1.1383400 0.2821050 0.9374360 0.9532270 0.9705090 2.1244100 3.6560800 5.3093500 0.7090900 0.9122640 1.3071300 3.5958900 6.9071100 13.6639000 12.4163000 17.6373000 3.1501200 2.5832100 3.9303900 0.7475020 0.7185420 1.8001300 1.5809900 0.2681290 2.2424550 2.0340160 1.2478860 1.8667490 2.0865890 1.0813010 3.4676180 2.0636320 0.7381230 0.1381067 0.9197891 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3873820 10.0525000 9.1430200 2.4246300 0.0261156 2.4429600 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.6894450
107282165 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 gamma 169.00 251.00 348.00 154.00 97.00 174.00 89.00 204.00 202.00 80.00 145.00 271.00 234.00 113.00 172.00 160.00 125.00 87.00 375.00 153.00 184.00 365.00 288.00 277.00 180.00 231.00 225.00 73.00 198.00 156.00 68.00 105.00 99.00 96.00 88.00 279.00 210.00 320.00 250.00 224.00 131.00 240.00 143.00 136.00 297.00 4.7177900 3.1846800 8.0585900 6.4149600 7.8400400 6.2616300 10.7617000 6.4886400 10.3118000 10.3704000 7.5865500 3.3614800 10.195700 4.4330360 3.5263600 3.9567000 5.1334940 2.2570940 3.4475350 3.1396540 12.6843700 10.0913000 11.6358000 49.2717100 51.3351500 55.0909600 52.2616800 24.9335000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 76.6230000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.8928400 2.7169570 4.1766200 16.5031300 42.7018900 19.9514900 16.7226000 37.8055500 31.8438000 5.4706000 4.7847400 14.6279000 14.2489000 13.9254000 10.9001000 25.0071000 23.4151000 0.7411220 0.2909010 28.0858500 23.6867200 6.8018100 0.2030506 1.2708056 1.6752670 2.5038298 2.3472850 16.7157547 25.0852900 11.9639084 23.3580900 5.6045890 11.7040270 1.8206660 2.0994670 0.1102765 0.5191150 1.0376660 4.6799600 6.7489100 1.9516280 2.8022660 5.7744350 3.3506270
107282178 microtubule associated protein 7 857.00 543.00 514.00 389.00 323.00 305.00 306.00 347.00 423.00 453.00 489.00 534.00 253.00 348.00 469.00 354.00 841.00 560.00 528.00 763.00 470.00 275.00 967.00 448.00 579.00 268.00 448.00 567.00 363.00 484.00 9.00 51.00 12.00 54.00 7.00 494.00 317.00 742.00 560.00 682.00 121.00 220.00 118.00 106.00 186.00 13.7141000 3.8050600 20.1827000 21.7300000 26.8861000 14.4029000 1.7649800 5.0731400 16.1013000 23.3589000 6.2276700 7.2838000 46.243300 6.2959550 10.0220120 11.2070340 12.4041770 3.1342465 5.4315133 6.0542250 28.6576930 26.0940769 28.3737900 10.0446513 12.0773360 11.7087920 11.3958230 0.0991053 0.649615 0.1836200 1.2163600 19.2943000 53.357000 72.9321000 84.9702000 17.0116000 18.3681000 29.0735000 0.1342240 0.4696330 2.2030990 41.9755900 115.0074000 77.9415100 17.4619800 33.9317400 31.2505200 0.5982540 0.3627031 8.6427640 8.4970040 9.9378950 2.7343230 7.0903390 7.5113160 1.3134782 2.3226752 33.1941990 50.8454110 14.5404852 6.9638500 11.8931006 1.1605530 0.3981070 0.9710383 57.8030490 12.8086476 30.2458301 11.7961990 2.8032972 4.2958990 21.9162410 14.7297704 0.0576880 0.2689849 0.0299166 31.8731670 23.5222700 11.5711900 7.0637688 7.9028140 6.8256937
107282182 nuclear factor I/C (CCAAT-binding transcription factor) 154.00 129.00 179.00 106.00 195.00 96.00 163.00 182.00 181.00 179.00 199.00 304.00 117.00 160.00 106.00 138.00 123.00 167.00 160.00 111.00 55.00 146.00 421.00 133.00 398.00 84.00 172.00 263.00 275.00 184.00 34.00 31.00 68.00 151.00 24.00 87.00 41.00 76.00 47.00 45.00 32.00 56.00 48.00 64.00 113.00 1.8710000 4.8184300 2.1734200 2.8530600 4.3154900 0.1666700 5.6248400 1.9151800 6.2466600 4.6219800 2.8927900 0.9920010 6.134820 8.8588520 9.6665470 9.8047898 9.7134590 19.8887424 45.2219720 42.3787190 59.4031230 50.5865110 59.3143990 52.5257500 27.6677356 32.3466600 30.1087090 2.6027300 9.933640 9.4593300 4.4743600 7.8596000 13.595200 16.0419400 4.3363900 18.9116500 7.5173200 13.6897700 78.8597700 43.5037500 33.2955800 57.5248000 33.4917900 31.1974100 61.6363000 31.7205900 35.3701900 9.5963880 8.5144180 37.5720200 26.9334700 32.4584200 16.0923500 26.0073000 30.8294300 72.4911100 30.1651700 88.9304642 62.7170556 62.7767920 9.2756199 12.9953675 76.4544783 157.5565657 159.0217696 50.2800900 55.4067730 21.3046220 85.5447477 5.6398580 13.4263470 63.1336700 48.3001800 15.0679800 42.5601700 56.4397600 30.2756400 41.5020700 37.6564900 71.2510300 93.8343000 32.1660400
107282195 hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1 19.00 132.00 97.00 19.00 9.00 35.00 9.00 4.00 51.00 17.00 63.00 22.00 25.00 22.00 28.00 34.00 35.00 6.00 152.00 19.00 29.00 49.00 40.00 29.00 31.00 28.00 52.00 3.00 75.00 20.00 0.00 22.00 1.00 21.00 21.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.1563110 0.0000000 0.4445940 0.0501089 0.1643980 1.4167900 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0438847 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.398765 0.0187647 0.0572853 0.0199607 0.0182225 0.1198180 0.1781780 0.1452100 0.2734000 0.2983560 0.1739560 0.1243180 0.0482268 0.0250873 0.0739056 0.2727210 4.386200 0.0694099 0.8204140 0.1692860 1.149100 2.3426100 0.3133600 0.0000000 0.1173980 0.0000000 0.2803320 0.1107232 1.3095350 0.2674840 0.6809992 0.5566605 0.0000000 0.1653060 0.0000000 0.6668024 2.3045300 0.0704374 0.1386965 0.3570043 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0301461 0.2051840 0.6173710 1.7652900 1.9719200 0.1849800 0.1284360 0.0819920 0.0300837 1.9124310 1.3412910 0.0000000 0.3522740 0.0108088 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 17.8998000 24.7711000 1.4997500 1.0972700 8.3593500 3.5027400 37.8804000 8.9221600 6.2345100 0.0000000 2.8376300
107282230 RAB3A, member RAS oncogene family 124.00 118.00 114.00 64.00 95.00 89.00 37.00 84.00 39.00 69.00 101.00 104.00 76.00 84.00 33.00 65.00 70.00 52.00 106.00 76.00 48.00 195.00 202.00 93.00 232.00 53.00 90.00 33.00 106.00 38.00 13.00 10.00 19.00 15.00 15.00 38.00 3.00 17.00 17.00 13.00 4.00 7.00 4.00 4.00 14.00 4.1975900 6.0503600 7.1657600 6.7429300 7.0722300 3.9191200 5.0121500 2.5189400 6.9068500 6.9244000 5.6982200 3.0281400 14.028100 5.0496930 6.0282850 6.3253080 5.8671720 34.3849150 48.4868980 48.3605910 21.0340120 21.1383450 21.0756530 10.1684130 8.7885670 10.6096140 8.9512590 22.6538000 22.588300 13.3222000 9.2500200 42.1931000 44.507400 30.1921000 22.2649000 15.4919000 14.1961000 8.8698700 32.2627000 16.1012000 15.5356000 18.4011000 14.1775000 18.0840000 9.8868100 7.3392900 4.3860900 0.4679880 0.0000000 3.0577700 4.0198600 4.4250100 0.0000000 0.6863820 0.2291750 15.9839600 29.6325000 12.3427445 17.4854000 0.9789410 0.7558877 0.5621150 15.7037704 70.7378810 56.6890900 19.5921800 17.8806940 9.6844180 1.5246050 0.4843200 1.1438940 16.7926030 13.5842600 22.1048300 46.7443000 72.6631200 11.4960600 17.8360600 16.6884900 3.7394100 5.3517500 3.1011200
107282238 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5 30.00 88.00 123.00 18.00 31.00 41.00 9.00 32.00 54.00 25.00 151.00 37.00 50.00 22.00 49.00 38.00 14.00 46.00 98.00 37.00 28.00 93.00 169.00 57.00 97.00 79.98 53.00 14.00 67.00 18.00 37.00 35.00 38.00 77.00 66.00 351.00 240.00 277.00 157.00 158.00 36.00 117.00 99.00 72.00 154.00 0.8395190 1.8802300 0.9959520 1.2752400 1.9172700 0.8939650 17.1801000 19.9305000 27.5003000 24.6064000 2.8269300 0.5961660 5.974780 3.1751000 2.5667400 3.7810600 2.5979292 7.3372050 7.3011201 8.2019568 13.3973520 14.1246070 11.5904540 3.3358350 6.5837800 3.8656130 4.9112100 1.7841500 6.200330 4.6403100 4.0701500 7.0586800 20.505800 25.9431000 30.5202000 7.0090200 11.4496000 9.2019000 6.4446300 13.4299400 8.0327600 6.2551200 20.5785100 25.5478300 3.5316000 5.0291900 5.4032400 2.9737250 11.3520000 7.2049600 7.8235220 6.6036780 2.9329260 6.4548130 8.6552960 6.4400300 9.0219900 22.7170810 22.3634660 3.5534500 3.3962800 2.3552240 8.0523300 5.7313700 6.5149700 6.9259500 3.3886710 12.7459000 1.4806200 4.4468100 5.0962000 5.1108400 2.6740400 3.0889800 10.1929340 6.2485800 6.5436980 5.9603000 4.4408200 5.4075900 4.5702200 3.1720000
107282273 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 2 41.00 36.00 57.00 25.00 36.00 24.00 29.00 38.00 28.00 39.00 35.00 79.00 31.00 27.00 33.00 37.00 32.00 33.00 57.00 53.00 29.00 48.00 187.00 65.00 106.00 12.00 41.00 21.00 20.00 12.00 20.00 6.00 15.00 48.00 11.00 93.00 35.00 59.00 26.00 42.00 26.00 46.00 24.00 26.00 30.00 14.6352000 2.2047630 25.0073000 36.6089000 32.2381727 8.8023950 19.6469322 14.5748000 201.6511760 154.4144300 24.4039000 9.4756000 57.856468 1.8439520 1.8082060 1.9074580 1.6859870 6.1506900 11.6645370 12.5211360 22.0271340 20.2676220 20.6134830 14.1587530 23.4366010 23.0095310 19.7048370 24.0981000 16.992200 23.0401000 13.0588000 26.2083000 26.419600 32.7341000 33.0964000 14.4734000 14.4238000 22.3376000 26.6132000 16.1164000 17.1626000 56.3811000 32.3611000 30.5777000 22.8628000 15.1822000 16.3145000 5.4791150 5.0411370 10.0654151 7.0920420 11.6833450 3.3539618 4.9496440 9.3537900 8.3087400 10.2179551 25.6539530 35.0517890 18.0431289 3.1714521 4.3992606 18.0260210 19.5779452 20.4061200 44.5803780 20.7707870 11.2117400 27.9898610 0.5511150 1.9916941 14.1743343 10.9386790 0.6346310 2.9700700 3.7133400 13.2576270 10.2238770 5.7308113 1.6715400 3.8816107 4.9474900
107282274 microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase 3 4.00 10.00 4.00 27.00 15.00 8.00 15.00 5.00 8.00 5.00 11.00 6.00 1.00 12.00 11.00 15.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 4.00 18.00 2.00 17.00 28.00 2.00 23.00 6.00 9.00 9.00 128.00 14.00 31.00 5.00 12.00 7.00 10.00 12.00 25.00 3.00 6.00 31.00 2.6983330 0.2728050 3.4917900 8.2613400 8.6491300 0.3396940 6.2862100 8.0258300 19.5394200 11.9706200 8.0248400 2.0815220 4.461257 0.6488489 1.2454340 1.0568566 1.0831960 2.7145685 5.1098926 5.6570510 10.3146240 8.6637124 11.3863180 18.1307453 19.8581300 25.1759336 23.1981270 2.0584900 3.746180 4.7449600 0.8954010 6.0044600 12.977000 16.2193000 4.9175600 10.4786000 13.0730000 4.6507600 6.1313800 4.0730140 5.4688800 3.9151920 1.4852700 4.5514800 4.6102800 2.1933150 1.9598200 3.3901920 3.1073320 5.5744940 3.6245160 3.2279280 1.4007190 6.6368640 5.1942230 1.2802700 0.9429810 18.9519000 16.4505000 7.4039600 1.1098113 1.3409000 2.4173740 4.6235710 3.3934310 9.3328700 14.3464500 7.2456770 11.4003700 0.5193051 2.6748912 2.9322204 2.5630371 0.4058573 1.3607690 1.9409529 13.8268333 15.6615870 4.0091204 7.5734889 13.7386242 12.1996220
107282288 coiled-coil serine rich protein 1 187.00 171.00 227.00 127.00 108.00 97.00 75.00 88.00 115.00 87.00 136.00 97.00 94.00 120.00 153.00 89.00 168.00 113.00 175.00 131.00 133.00 107.00 247.00 124.00 163.00 75.00 182.00 147.00 101.00 112.00 9.00 24.00 17.00 35.00 15.00 238.00 202.00 306.00 185.00 212.00 4.00 12.00 8.00 9.00 86.00 6.1481100 0.3722620 8.7371500 7.5744800 48.1432000 2.9800000 0.9312070 0.5308960 1.4891800 4.3902200 6.6464200 2.8749600 6.879740 2.7725150 2.1932360 2.5005699 1.5169632 0.2797109 0.2597397 0.2358936 3.7939220 3.9285650 3.5652089 0.0156553 0.1111240 0.0765373 0.0361145 0.3606850 0.702481 0.4511140 0.4101610 0.4028910 1.698670 1.2353100 1.2878600 0.3803120 0.7181210 0.4916310 0.5379840 0.3886290 0.8254128 3.5225310 5.9200960 3.8207500 2.0765500 1.8140330 1.7429950 1.3591500 2.2521700 3.9721200 6.1473800 6.2369700 1.0375000 2.8659400 3.4744700 1.3288440 1.8368650 1.9450109 3.4694813 0.1457290 1.8002870 2.5673480 1.2788650 1.4289050 2.2601070 3.6490030 1.4699820 4.2102600 0.0970815 0.0000000 0.0069020 2.4161040 2.7376512 0.1098417 0.1348210 0.7405360 1.1961368 1.8835266 0.4709314 3.0200703 3.1296900 2.7595244
107282350 serine/threonine kinase 24 261.00 225.00 236.00 282.00 191.00 112.00 70.00 145.99 208.00 68.00 203.00 97.00 139.00 124.00 115.00 112.00 114.00 149.00 158.00 86.00 137.00 177.00 226.00 164.00 175.00 216.00 181.00 61.00 191.00 199.00 158.00 113.00 176.00 118.00 150.00 256.00 203.00 437.00 358.00 454.00 220.00 146.00 219.00 120.00 159.00 1.8416600 4.8279800 4.2288100 3.5297500 5.1643000 4.1136000 4.7464900 2.7232800 6.8077100 7.3781400 4.3498000 1.8165800 7.501690 6.3708500 8.9865141 9.2318150 9.3745240 16.2193203 14.0350043 13.7566567 19.8428510 19.7760310 19.0891272 7.2881800 7.9544970 8.7356878 8.8081920 1.7328900 14.405700 17.3935000 3.4547700 3.5475900 26.427400 23.7117000 7.7268300 17.8980000 19.5019000 4.5693700 4.6428000 9.2478960 12.4898600 3.8071300 16.6345800 13.0626500 3.3007300 6.3165900 8.8823600 4.0892100 4.5047800 13.8443300 11.1947700 15.7150900 8.0553400 8.0477400 9.2003270 21.8281400 20.4077300 55.4527403 75.1863918 22.8546510 26.6503183 23.9073091 15.9114839 18.7536145 20.2245580 43.3331240 48.3896340 60.9220160 11.4973960 8.7946956 8.9434832 55.7224006 27.1487249 7.9842601 18.8492702 28.5841302 41.1732301 40.8316004 57.3956373 19.9783909 19.9754224 12.9956552
107282380 F-box protein 47 0.00 9.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 3.98 8.00 3.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 17.00 3.00 6.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 19.00 20.00 5.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.0116412 0.0616251 0.1471600 0.0000000 0.0139925 0.3069530 0.0539540 0.0410133 0.5490720 2.2610600 0.0289543 0.0268669 0.844738 0.2940780 0.1519140 0.1580660 0.0000000 0.1494911 0.2543930 0.1783771 0.1332900 0.3003280 0.2275527 0.3430541 0.0787096 0.1779790 0.1422680 0.2093680 0.173676 0.2903580 0.3519990 2.3599300 0.320463 0.3379200 0.3823340 0.2600860 0.1637020 0.0000000 0.0473027 0.0000000 6.1368500 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0570093 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 3.3839600 0.3824923 1.2675580 1.4719070 1.1299610 0.6845914 1.3356740 0.5822529 0.0000000 0.0259065 0.0407958 0.1650040 0.0303826 0.0155640 0.0143832 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0835590 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0268037 0.0538935 0.0838598 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0175877 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
107282413 tubulin folding cofactor D 2228.62 545.85 629.62 1889.44 1251.70 1019.47 2603.91 2745.77 1621.09 1492.39 1071.94 888.71 328.07 1243.69 3154.29 2054.24 3725.42 3132.22 758.01 1795.75 2540.00 514.43 787.55 524.34 1052.60 360.37 1938.01 1428.81 405.47 937.80 422.09 355.45 630.99 367.15 525.06 608.05 405.68 742.81 476.54 546.95 184.87 205.14 208.19 191.52 388.77 7.8844700 3.4397400 4.2162000 11.9719000 10.0523000 6.0371200 4.6149800 3.8719100 7.7888700 11.8463000 5.4784500 2.8685400 8.240770 5.0468220 5.1301110 5.4359738 4.9080220 7.7200800 9.9810060 8.5778640 38.8994670 44.1733690 36.8418130 25.8854250 24.2660940 24.2624160 27.0349900 18.6316000 31.606800 26.6311000 19.2298000 10.8745000 56.156800 28.8992000 19.4967000 38.9310000 28.6085000 22.2650000 5.2146940 9.6962300 17.3083500 11.6404800 22.3335900 15.6164430 4.6442800 8.1209700 9.6365300 5.6185990 6.0782730 12.0325700 12.6553300 13.6304600 4.3028800 5.1861500 7.2793430 5.2343650 7.1325000 24.7539000 32.8151500 13.8319990 26.9513007 45.1522738 32.9403790 57.8064190 63.8691454 32.8482400 38.5100230 45.4293068 18.8520899 5.6787149 15.9018157 0.6214020 0.6653408 7.8442721 22.3705910 1.1144040 26.4973000 1.2355465 10.3972740 0.1851700 0.2654850 18.5166500
107282421 plexin domain containing 1 5.56 79.00 89.00 70.00 5.00 28.00 6.00 26.00 73.00 10.00 66.00 70.00 36.00 14.00 19.00 13.00 9.00 5.00 86.00 10.00 17.00 90.00 127.00 52.00 28.00 117.00 24.00 8.00 67.00 6.00 11.00 161.00 42.00 101.00 59.00 10.00 9.00 24.00 33.00 9.00 12.00 41.00 3.00 22.00 32.00 0.1665140 0.0000000 0.4975340 0.1552860 0.1455620 0.0997866 0.4209550 0.1066640 2.4819500 9.7284900 0.6400630 0.2794910 1.064130 0.0913170 0.1951150 0.2445810 0.2233223 3.0605537 3.9857727 3.8761500 0.6610830 0.8815100 0.8545450 0.6386390 0.9314588 1.2207080 1.1230190 0.0407028 0.533161 0.1469040 0.2003520 0.0640988 0.810677 0.2991930 0.0414511 0.1973820 0.1863530 0.0000000 15.4606000 17.5353000 10.7961000 1.0224500 0.4941260 0.7854180 0.9295770 3.0821400 2.3665900 2.8987030 2.9972420 3.2718100 6.1244700 3.6563650 2.5762600 4.6067900 9.2833300 4.4700550 11.3793900 2.9324960 3.0515580 0.7213480 4.1603723 1.7526945 9.9641647 26.4430120 29.7261040 2.5266560 7.9207436 1.6003240 0.6071210 0.1773222 0.6165630 0.0489581 0.0253994 3.2164330 11.4607000 2.4582380 1.3914700 0.0000000 3.8635160 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.4789950
107282422 DEAD-box helicase 42 442.23 722.52 723.47 483.00 278.03 615.62 207.00 487.01 408.08 315.04 450.06 601.09 365.00 199.00 269.00 237.47 301.08 511.00 773.51 472.22 399.00 878.94 2438.04 485.01 608.85 684.25 362.97 135.03 601.51 418.00 401.00 588.00 785.00 1041.00 745.00 508.00 529.00 1208.00 1069.00 875.00 223.00 451.00 430.00 449.00 830.00 4.9885200 6.4871900 9.3437500 6.9991100 10.2330000 5.2355700 9.0460800 6.6123500 11.7163000 21.8611000 7.3028800 5.4941500 24.126800 3.2926210 2.9209700 4.4140700 3.1811900 4.7440860 3.4690090 3.5127100 7.5396520 6.8405980 7.0655790 4.1980000 4.5941000 4.6671300 4.5623900 7.7503400 15.167600 17.2574000 8.9497500 7.9723800 19.590400 16.0433000 10.4502000 10.6339000 15.3890000 7.2556800 17.9476000 20.3155000 19.9387000 14.8414000 35.2443000 22.5277000 12.1505000 14.4619000 13.9253000 17.4849200 21.9683000 26.9475600 30.6737400 30.3569400 13.9789800 15.7717200 19.1150300 48.0893100 35.8689203 59.7317630 47.9619416 47.0199910 37.7437500 28.1461000 35.0565400 32.1839200 32.9079100 50.4607900 33.6480200 43.1188200 25.3584800 6.6741520 17.7956300 0.0841670 0.1455650 3.6497000 10.0580000 22.1707000 12.7651000 0.1631500 15.5372000 0.0000000 0.0000000 7.7673900
107282465 3’-phosphoadenosine 5’-phosphosulfate synthase 1 269.00 267.00 288.00 139.00 147.00 197.00 109.00 138.00 253.00 124.00 207.00 267.00 212.00 193.00 167.00 144.00 233.00 188.00 376.00 238.00 99.00 205.00 545.00 244.00 280.00 102.00 250.00 80.00 124.00 162.00 74.00 102.00 116.00 119.00 103.00 175.00 99.00 205.00 136.00 140.00 51.00 61.00 58.00 68.00 183.00 5.4513100 0.5144800 11.2358000 9.3579600 16.0571000 3.7856800 5.1595600 4.7313700 11.8468000 14.6117000 12.1742000 3.3033200 15.126500 13.5291500 15.4679180 15.8017260 14.1795500 5.3239100 5.3870170 4.4668320 37.8411670 37.7836560 36.3583600 5.9103230 5.6865168 6.2082720 6.0108897 9.8692300 21.082300 15.1631000 9.2103400 19.5339000 49.045400 55.7210000 18.2644000 14.8948000 12.6616000 5.9017700 6.9174400 10.6283000 16.9443000 6.1299300 18.9368000 19.2379000 2.4228300 6.4384000 6.0576700 2.8072300 5.9485540 18.5213500 17.2436700 13.8864600 3.5367300 4.3122660 6.1610340 6.5764200 6.3175250 18.3842200 27.1075000 6.1092200 31.3235593 26.7803773 9.1601830 11.6978900 7.0716360 20.7055300 16.3887550 28.8889740 3.2832210 1.9320700 3.0971750 75.7961370 44.8359400 3.0640900 4.6747210 10.8453480 12.1210520 28.1989800 25.3653190 8.4907190 10.3100640 2.7372500
107282490 ADP-ribose/CDP-alcohol diphosphatase, manganese-dependent 192.00 198.00 270.00 213.00 127.00 149.00 58.00 113.00 170.00 56.00 191.00 146.00 181.00 117.00 95.00 102.00 61.00 72.00 269.00 82.00 142.00 257.00 286.00 163.00 175.00 334.00 168.00 78.00 120.00 116.00 144.00 202.00 140.00 99.00 134.00 468.00 311.00 455.00 438.00 296.00 361.00 235.00 229.00 260.00 194.00 1.5554100 4.1676800 3.6066500 1.7303000 7.8868000 6.3620400 1.9281700 1.4736800 2.9149300 2.4936400 2.6107000 1.0131700 2.964210 1.6183560 1.6731520 2.1896080 2.3838430 9.3044150 6.8554360 6.2225840 16.5421000 15.3897450 15.7271360 12.1278970 17.6558080 16.8485020 19.2721930 12.0838000 14.856200 15.4125000 12.1385000 8.1325600 8.757120 10.8104000 11.3869000 2.3886100 5.1485200 3.8823200 4.9946900 8.4435300 8.8743800 5.6948300 18.6224400 9.6213500 3.2485980 4.2092700 4.1589890 4.5275800 6.0973960 9.7943500 10.8179500 10.0987800 9.4489400 7.8323200 5.9863810 0.8173870 0.5223250 1.7083200 2.2008100 1.2251400 4.0640100 3.1913920 1.6759270 1.0554080 1.2297210 1.0492480 1.0580140 3.6546940 3.7458010 3.9972580 4.8497480 5.5129000 8.7519300 1.2589000 2.0903700 8.9055300 3.3998300 9.9464300 4.6785200 0.0000000 0.0000000 4.6928100
107282516 myocardin 7.00 17.00 14.00 9.00 2.00 9.00 0.00 7.00 9.00 4.00 4.00 9.00 10.00 1.00 7.00 9.00 3.00 5.00 10.00 6.00 1.00 17.00 31.00 16.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 3.00 9.00 4.00 290.00 90.00 395.00 212.00 572.00 45.00 20.00 12.00 23.00 16.00 0.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 19.00 0.1199420 0.0488412 0.1049690 0.0828151 0.4214140 0.1216380 0.3634720 0.3413060 0.2901130 0.6983570 0.3212700 0.0319402 0.292907 0.0000000 0.0444357 0.0000000 0.0000000 16.8825390 19.9676610 20.7935480 0.1799672 0.2060387 0.2670779 0.0386942 0.0673074 0.0365689 0.0405754 8.0232300 38.975800 31.0474000 4.7129200 0.7064940 0.995221 1.0575000 0.3236570 0.3026710 0.4267120 0.2797050 25.2876230 15.8366540 10.7587030 0.5255190 0.2199300 0.8926250 0.3786530 0.5183720 0.1790814 75.1616400 68.3208800 2.2627600 2.5901500 3.2672600 0.5379160 1.1305800 2.1669880 10.3333670 6.6917400 0.5197120 0.3853245 0.0000000 0.6536609 0.0881223 3.8263390 12.7937200 13.7174800 0.4748378 0.2864345 0.5661580 0.0938763 0.0040139 0.0547302 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.7246700 15.1828440 15.4123000 0.1413740 0.1114010 1.2927100 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0779295
107282539 troponin T1, slow skeletal type 0.00 53.00 1.00 16.00 21.00 1293.00 5.00 50.00 13.00 25.00 115.85 84.00 3.00 9.00 1.00 36.00 9.00 1.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 121.00 3.00 16.00 2.00 2.00 15.00 79.00 1360.00 41.00 275.00 1205.00 230.00 103.00 254.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.2764400 6.1449200 0.0473353 0.0000000 0.0225042 5.8006400 0.0000000 0.0659617 0.5046120 0.0534772 0.0465672 0.0000000 4.457880 0.6117780 0.3388370 0.1884290 0.0000000 5.4098836 9.9477660 9.3355880 11.8867180 10.2622620 9.5878530 2.3553930 4.1437820 3.6400518 4.1419868 0.7716680 0.236991 0.6100430 2.0133100 0.1900090 0.453891 0.0703367 0.4998420 0.0000000 0.3079190 0.0973060 0.7913621 0.1633390 1.0686450 2.3390400 1.5787350 1.6777280 0.9061570 0.9417280 0.3787654 1.4370400 3.0335400 3.2991500 4.6441500 8.5149600 6.1314100 4.6453700 1.9652000 35.6359300 65.7913000 0.0000000 0.2800320 1.0555070 0.0000000 0.0257486 9.6645060 51.8250600 47.5130160 0.9484820 0.3272620 0.7276500 0.2767260 0.0000000 0.3075552 0.4348650 0.4347260 115.1170800 123.6595070 18.6885060 3.3723200 0.6847630 0.4357454 0.0736281 0.0620547 2.2095530
107282562 sphingomyelin synthase 2 917.00 725.00 1032.00 627.00 366.00 406.00 171.00 451.00 420.00 235.00 875.00 556.00 578.00 322.00 344.00 344.00 300.00 329.00 618.00 264.00 233.00 470.00 1071.00 469.00 787.00 1235.00 553.00 216.00 538.00 548.00 116.00 213.00 81.00 192.00 82.00 142.00 96.00 124.00 196.00 94.00 379.00 486.00 134.00 213.00 263.00 1.1150000 1.6881100 2.2283400 1.7302500 7.0962400 1.6349700 0.2737420 0.1466520 3.0809200 1.9861500 0.8470610 0.4395380 4.381550 0.4813720 0.8928860 1.3616480 1.1431250 0.2123250 0.4051930 0.2831690 20.3573160 18.1548660 20.6446660 16.2418030 14.0424575 11.2771330 9.8356809 1.8922300 9.369670 4.1496900 2.6219000 0.7419010 3.570800 1.9645100 0.8732100 1.6380200 0.7137660 0.6132070 2.1827750 7.1227700 24.1797000 1.3105200 10.6562200 11.0878500 5.4648700 29.3262800 40.8463000 1.2683800 3.1353900 8.9059700 6.3508000 8.1023600 0.2954660 0.8928550 0.3509850 2.6211500 3.6528200 7.0621400 9.7669600 5.8533200 8.2378489 4.1742722 3.7195910 9.4219130 3.8414477 6.9591019 3.5492870 13.4713490 6.1400080 1.9157516 3.5119110 15.7018500 7.5297300 0.4707000 1.8566770 5.2167100 11.5283500 43.0481000 17.7708000 8.7084200 9.5464600 9.2328900
107282571 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 13 990.00 1622.00 1773.00 830.00 573.00 962.00 278.00 506.00 769.00 379.00 1023.00 440.00 609.00 410.00 546.00 388.00 571.00 559.00 913.00 509.00 410.00 1000.00 1789.00 700.00 1204.00 1513.00 805.00 252.00 1016.00 458.00 1060.00 958.00 1158.00 659.00 1089.00 1453.00 1249.00 2410.00 2260.00 1781.00 770.00 568.00 632.00 491.00 504.00 6.1482100 4.7205300 6.5262200 10.1105000 22.3394000 2.1656600 7.3957500 4.1337600 10.2250000 8.0432900 8.2880400 1.7330800 14.261200 2.0502000 2.1036300 3.2266040 3.3495100 8.1247810 8.0220800 8.3023900 22.1517100 21.6425500 22.0909300 10.0907900 14.6564200 14.5706700 12.9715400 4.7588200 19.688800 15.2624000 3.3462000 5.2087100 28.074800 23.9353000 9.1628000 10.4716000 12.2665000 4.1288200 5.5081000 10.3524000 14.6822000 4.8440800 15.9503000 19.6204000 4.6014500 8.4135400 11.3746000 13.4655000 12.6726000 21.6982000 15.9987000 20.5974000 10.0081000 8.8252000 13.1790000 5.4077500 6.6620500 10.3095000 16.2827000 10.4490000 9.1433000 5.4817800 2.6840300 3.1611417 2.9778040 5.6406800 2.0589000 13.6193789 3.8248710 4.3025800 3.5353600 0.2502280 0.0432741 0.7377190 3.5082800 7.8378000 10.7209000 0.1831600 7.7727800 0.0463474 0.0000000 2.8028700
107282575 arylsulfatase G 1043.00 498.00 457.00 533.00 327.00 384.00 268.00 332.00 587.00 347.00 286.00 510.00 300.00 386.00 434.00 362.00 643.00 396.00 527.00 431.00 285.00 216.00 516.00 465.00 694.00 496.00 550.00 446.00 395.00 645.00 204.00 288.00 207.00 494.00 234.00 405.00 323.00 408.00 1016.00 589.00 209.00 189.00 218.00 263.00 290.00 13.6665000 0.8121030 16.8845000 17.0631000 23.9597000 6.4348500 13.2169000 26.8324000 17.9559000 12.8870000 6.9145700 2.2081600 13.312500 0.3851745 0.4249295 0.6586912 0.7037364 0.7294851 0.9904620 0.8988848 14.4921451 13.6780660 14.5960520 7.0619420 7.8794009 7.0059190 6.3476570 5.7786900 11.203300 6.9507500 6.8494500 11.0223000 17.586600 24.7348000 19.6968000 15.9766000 9.7240100 7.0890400 4.5372730 1.6131470 1.8245057 4.8057200 2.5678590 2.1369820 4.5595340 1.4518440 1.9910410 2.8955200 3.1723300 3.3102200 1.6770200 2.4785800 0.8074090 1.3308300 1.0645900 4.6050100 1.1866500 2.1022500 2.7083000 0.9567810 1.7850904 2.1013273 2.9497825 4.5295140 4.0707270 9.3799395 6.7971300 6.2070625 2.3474820 0.2968240 1.3553251 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.5144460 1.1826100 2.4841200 14.7437000 0.0000000 6.5513200 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.9097340
107282576 protein kinase cAMP-dependent type I regulatory subunit alpha 183.00 106.00 148.00 80.00 70.00 80.00 31.00 100.00 72.00 44.00 130.00 124.00 109.00 75.00 72.00 96.00 92.00 91.00 193.00 96.00 73.00 180.00 388.00 133.00 211.00 118.00 120.00 51.00 133.00 75.00 142.00 36.00 130.00 98.00 94.00 261.00 125.00 245.00 143.00 126.00 77.00 124.00 135.00 106.00 227.00 17.2173000 11.2276000 36.4805000 27.2061000 43.0878000 14.8166000 27.3997000 19.9087000 47.8460000 37.0617000 25.9313000 5.7208200 48.129200 13.0200890 15.3852060 13.6003010 15.8961490 92.8189300 91.4589300 90.9063230 70.3293600 68.7604100 70.2331400 41.3742520 49.3731720 52.6966500 49.3603710 61.3574000 88.014300 73.2934000 27.0035000 52.0861000 91.521300 114.5590000 44.2241000 80.7315000 47.1248000 36.6133000 30.3103500 53.7956360 68.6510400 57.8368800 199.1889000 186.2650800 36.5204000 67.3928600 110.1943800 97.2723200 98.3780000 114.8659000 111.6527000 134.6507000 36.0041100 59.4269000 65.8983200 240.6380000 438.5800000 128.1396000 130.4950000 38.7248700 94.6482822 97.5195664 209.7731675 279.1313003 286.3340120 225.7349603 60.4909000 188.4816638 64.7607560 32.9780218 37.8487483 0.7371770 1.1402242 57.6167860 88.1548400 97.5980300 106.1971190 0.5905110 197.9438500 0.1365990 0.4646400 70.8477200
107282581 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 16 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 1.00 0.00 8.02 0.00 1.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 1.00 3.03 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 23.00 1.00 4208.00 3372.00 4495.00 2410.00 2149.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 0.0382354 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0980574 0.0000000 3.1925800 1.6539700 0.5837340 223.9680000 104.2250000 2.8847100 0.2353180 1.936390 1.1914600 1.8801180 2.2121700 1.8168300 0.0680979 0.0673476 0.0375073 120.4115000 122.9575150 122.9304500 0.1357621 0.4311990 0.4319882 0.4895020 0.0910401 0.000000 0.7335340 0.0000000 146.5040000 319.990000 302.3130000 170.1350000 0.0000000 1.0856000 0.1998540 0.0000000 0.1006280 0.1306270 84.6193000 391.0300000 452.9320000 0.3465130 0.6906800 1.1806200 0.0000000 0.3904820 317.7320000 211.7360000 327.1770000 0.0000000 0.6481260 1.1206500 0.0662966 0.0467551 122.8755000 128.2095000 0.0611501 5.9039799 2.4067159 0.4867280 0.0000000 0.1426573 74.6613700 23.8310238 135.5265000 0.8056910 0.2985580 0.6847888 0.0904400 0.1757780 0.1054670 0.5371150 1.5868100 32.7362000 0.1627170 10.2695000 0.1008400 0.0351468 0.4585780
107282586 phosphatase, orphan 1 4.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 13.00 1.00 5.00 83.00 2.00 8.00 42.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 22.00 244.00 4.00 18.00 13.00 3.00 0.00 15.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 12.00 17.00 13.00 5.00 4.00 9.00 9.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 0.5083990 0.4934080 1.5959900 0.7931620 2.5869400 6.0045000 1.2763300 0.2612100 0.2949840 0.8591860 1.0221400 0.1368900 29.186800 14.7252500 12.5816600 17.9916300 15.4062400 72.3487000 132.6497600 134.9957000 27.1551074 27.0950000 28.8973000 24.5703700 24.3591900 27.2325800 20.6226300 2.3514900 6.405101 5.9508800 5.6072100 3.4053790 2.668198 2.3807000 1.5049700 1.4930000 2.5372320 0.4053350 23.1574000 19.6985000 21.0415000 32.9351000 25.5554000 29.4407000 28.8522000 34.9855000 32.9744000 3.0336200 0.6404190 2.2042400 0.3492980 1.5011000 2.1163400 0.0000000 0.2429480 0.4913790 0.1620650 0.8955930 0.4659160 0.4773550 0.2823959 0.1276520 0.8452720 1.3674570 1.1719970 1.1049980 0.8909820 0.7335250 0.4347870 0.7073190 0.3273043 0.0000000 0.0000000 4.2940820 16.5075200 0.2754420 0.9642710 0.0000000 0.5216150 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.6254980
107282604 transmembrane protein 101 30.00 27.00 38.00 36.00 20.00 45.00 15.00 24.00 12.00 20.00 15.00 26.00 19.00 12.00 21.00 17.00 12.00 38.00 21.00 13.00 17.00 56.00 127.00 5.00 21.00 51.00 20.00 3.00 22.00 10.00 18.00 8.00 44.00 9.00 21.00 26.00 16.00 88.00 76.00 58.00 5.00 18.00 17.00 28.00 40.00 2.8516100 6.1382500 5.4991000 3.8499800 8.4543400 2.5914100 2.3691000 3.0831900 4.3348100 7.3027700 2.8790600 1.5130400 12.419900 1.8364100 1.6551100 1.8052400 2.5805600 7.7226960 11.0021674 11.3490020 14.0785495 12.4316500 13.2641580 13.4447870 10.7683310 9.5809440 7.9852400 15.3915000 10.814900 14.4180000 9.2118000 11.3049000 15.697800 12.9249000 9.8957200 11.1695000 10.5454000 7.2194600 32.0177000 21.2428000 15.4657000 44.9906000 24.2026000 24.4213000 33.0103000 15.1718000 13.5488000 3.4549500 3.8531300 8.1777800 5.6525200 4.6974000 3.1969100 1.4492200 2.5201900 11.6586000 14.1417000 135.8430000 145.8000000 15.6756000 4.0105863 10.0902814 10.1176030 21.2292400 21.6348860 69.9888020 56.5796520 63.8629134 15.6325560 7.7806434 10.1635500 0.0500100 0.1037800 4.3327300 7.4000000 18.3666000 14.8320000 0.0000000 13.8550000 0.0555872 0.0000000 18.1262000
107282607 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 9B 0.00 22.00 21.00 5.00 4.00 9.00 1.00 9.00 5.00 8.00 41.00 8.00 16.00 9.00 4.00 7.00 4.00 8.00 21.00 11.35 4.00 26.00 50.00 22.00 14.00 12.00 6.00 0.00 21.00 5.00 16.00 11.00 32.00 46.00 15.00 10.00 12.00 26.00 19.00 16.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.39 3.00 0.4292210 0.0000000 0.4452030 0.5644970 0.7011180 0.0725489 3.0605100 0.8142610 15.3999000 30.0839000 5.4747300 1.2192100 4.666950 5.8241650 8.0319900 7.1680500 7.4737100 8.7884300 11.6554570 11.9306600 19.7352030 18.5767700 19.8246600 2.5690970 2.8404800 3.1549800 3.1165300 1.2953800 4.196300 1.6637800 1.2664800 1.0527950 2.690370 3.1971700 1.0917700 1.6636100 1.1125400 0.6882700 36.9254000 13.2845000 10.0814000 25.4258000 7.3898500 8.0572800 10.7606000 3.0115400 3.4101300 7.3854300 9.1886520 4.9579500 4.1343720 8.4167850 4.5107100 5.8241300 8.2606610 16.1296000 13.5220000 46.3554000 23.6166000 21.9994000 1.7987530 4.6165400 58.4050000 29.0391000 26.9572800 91.1380000 33.0412600 22.8140400 7.6549920 0.7088450 2.4930410 0.0000000 0.0000000 5.8141800 14.0473900 0.1839110 5.1048000 0.1704930 17.7258400 0.0000000 0.0000000 3.1472490
107282610 integrin subunit alpha 3 7.00 24.00 27.00 17.00 16.00 24.00 7.00 18.00 22.00 18.00 32.00 28.00 13.00 11.00 3.00 14.00 4.00 28.00 27.00 6.00 15.00 43.00 237.00 19.00 29.00 49.00 21.00 3.00 44.00 21.00 1.00 2.00 19.00 25.00 14.00 6.00 3.00 18.00 25.00 9.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 6.00 2.0464300 0.0509799 3.1895700 3.9886600 2.6507800 0.5713410 0.8034100 1.0433100 2.1954200 4.4286300 0.8263690 0.5445340 14.303900 1.2410039 1.9680298 2.0035780 2.1035171 6.2645680 6.5432465 6.9694970 34.8540500 33.3197501 34.4962730 7.6053540 4.8897290 4.8899160 7.1582780 0.2636420 2.253830 2.0192600 0.4641060 0.8543180 4.030670 3.9884500 1.1738200 3.3764000 2.4145900 0.9661880 8.2581370 4.0444100 2.6210470 46.4027000 13.9900800 14.3471100 12.6716300 4.9575000 3.3600340 1.1652690 3.7443080 11.5995800 11.9626600 15.1376600 4.5193770 3.8502910 3.5708820 4.4174090 2.2788500 63.1127880 48.4767000 0.8694140 6.1326419 4.5571329 6.6029420 23.1233110 16.5499720 52.3817150 87.7380914 33.6800866 2.6693481 0.7324362 0.6023476 0.0208035 0.0323823 0.5012940 3.2029090 0.0182695 21.3544700 0.0904002 22.5584100 0.0000000 0.0212033 0.8706636
107282615 solute carrier family 35 member B1 500.00 105.00 166.00 1319.00 272.00 277.00 227.00 743.00 242.00 656.00 127.00 501.00 89.00 431.00 305.00 256.00 454.00 725.00 160.00 206.00 520.00 253.00 355.00 136.00 267.00 268.00 304.00 323.00 195.00 395.00 83.00 121.00 192.00 108.00 248.00 181.00 197.00 513.00 535.00 432.00 149.00 209.00 332.00 485.00 570.00 36.1401000 22.6627000 49.4915000 42.3773000 70.9272000 30.6160000 37.1312000 40.7150000 34.7661000 27.9619000 27.3862000 11.4797000 39.037800 14.1687420 17.2658600 16.2872970 18.2448580 29.9143830 27.3614150 27.3830100 43.9656510 44.5931200 44.4696480 68.3067250 85.2949000 75.1629100 82.4287790 11.1740000 10.386500 12.2620000 9.6876000 38.5685000 37.424800 24.6849000 39.3018000 17.4885000 16.3770000 17.5799000 23.2543000 30.5575000 27.2480000 50.6132000 74.3050000 73.4107000 101.8650000 89.8872000 108.3460000 13.2737000 14.9140900 39.4161600 26.3239700 32.0051400 21.5299400 47.0655000 14.0997500 55.5343000 33.4530000 95.8577000 40.2420000 97.4554000 17.3377218 13.0896131 25.0135710 36.3164641 33.6743593 50.2814350 33.2375861 76.8713650 53.1962364 57.3000350 28.7511542 0.0380593 0.1777140 7.3876300 12.6855000 0.1352600 16.5450000 0.0278065 15.1735000 0.0422927 0.0375463 9.7675600
107282616 speckle type BTB/POZ protein 54.07 52.08 49.17 42.00 31.91 32.00 23.15 24.00 41.47 21.00 56.75 58.00 25.03 12.99 15.74 23.35 21.58 9.77 57.54 33.45 18.00 61.00 112.00 52.59 51.79 37.00 28.70 7.43 51.00 19.45 14.23 4.42 17.00 22.00 10.00 18.98 7.38 33.00 16.00 14.00 1.00 16.51 5.00 15.00 12.00 4.1923500 4.4861900 8.2132700 6.7176800 8.1799100 6.4328300 9.3135300 6.2654400 5.6236900 9.5723700 5.5410200 3.3338600 16.043600 13.3094890 15.0764690 18.0272400 12.0961900 35.9725490 36.3498580 35.6752390 38.6173930 37.5435280 45.7009880 43.7704661 33.6369380 34.3529150 32.8343870 9.4597000 10.452100 14.7058000 9.6336000 3.3595400 7.117220 5.1450200 4.6597500 3.3054200 6.3032300 2.2297900 17.3558900 24.7688000 34.5955000 24.8837200 53.8414000 49.0897000 13.0604900 18.5870300 21.6965900 9.3718100 13.5869000 16.2676000 15.0344000 16.7396000 7.2113900 10.1285000 9.4835100 16.9815000 24.3370500 22.1221800 29.9934300 13.3428000 20.4389356 19.3068960 22.2531966 18.6551231 20.9370244 28.5604830 10.6217010 28.7296533 19.9612180 7.0510705 11.3025113 0.3387740 0.1977300 6.2352900 10.8616000 0.0000000 15.6458000 0.0620136 29.8857000 0.0000000 0.1657830 9.3079500
107282630 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 3 1165.00 579.00 813.00 880.00 574.00 1175.00 276.00 587.00 503.00 546.00 442.00 2457.00 281.00 424.00 533.00 300.00 370.00 1132.00 706.00 397.00 726.00 803.00 1695.00 580.00 801.00 778.00 687.00 578.00 945.00 474.00 552.00 364.00 1221.00 494.00 1184.00 990.00 792.00 3135.00 2190.00 2491.00 659.00 993.00 1196.00 1210.00 2097.00 23.2233000 21.3700000 41.3792000 31.3105000 151.9100000 72.5069000 31.3582000 41.1756000 25.0612000 60.7403000 13.8387000 14.6206000 34.765200 12.4788170 15.7426550 15.3240750 13.2743651 6.8155100 7.9753336 8.5751620 26.5491810 23.7244790 25.9203941 31.9693286 47.8430580 43.6775716 44.0072534 80.2708000 100.107000 88.9750000 91.9205000 75.8741000 187.559000 177.5130000 154.7930000 102.0870000 140.3730000 79.4472000 18.7809100 10.8191200 8.8373000 55.2570100 14.9206300 14.5748600 25.1592700 10.6983100 12.1493300 16.5889000 19.1122400 27.9225400 21.5795400 26.1953000 23.0000000 19.9607000 20.5717600 20.8153600 18.0706930 99.9854000 87.9223445 68.9091890 48.4526150 48.9121301 55.8047711 67.6859159 61.6537120 112.2570170 73.2758983 102.5025461 50.4154323 36.6772293 58.5255842 0.2356160 0.2444840 21.9119000 22.5219000 27.8653000 26.5942000 0.0287083 24.3444000 0.0000000 0.1159590 18.7199000
107282631 proline rich 15 like 465.00 173.00 285.00 374.00 134.00 271.00 131.00 270.00 134.00 216.00 93.00 582.00 106.00 115.00 141.00 127.00 213.00 419.00 175.00 186.00 384.00 244.00 449.00 280.00 441.00 304.00 274.00 106.00 324.00 206.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 2.00 208.00 192.00 343.00 496.00 544.00 134.00 373.00 131.00 219.00 608.00 0.0000000 3.0409900 0.0000000 0.0000000 13.1192000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 7.6853790 9.4491390 9.1904970 10.1101900 1.4379715 2.1737645 1.7338890 95.3388600 91.1818870 91.0929150 1.1750419 2.7372690 2.9715784 3.2701724 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 27.9053000 9.749310 1.8691600 3.6254300 5.7545300 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 64.9872000 0.5330890 0.0000000 65.3561000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 3.7290100 0.5136310 4.4562500 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.0112900 0.0000000 6.2869000 8.9695900 0.0577502 0.3875580 0.3437480 25.3359000 34.0205000 37.8462000 0.6419630 0.4727400 0.6740760 0.0000000 2.9938900 0.0000000 1.0040000 0.6152260 158.9650000 0.4995700 735.7780000 0.0000000 0.0000000 5.6852700
107282635 secernin 2 28.00 54.00 60.00 41.00 13.00 41.00 11.00 39.00 15.00 47.00 34.00 105.00 28.00 29.00 14.00 29.00 11.00 39.00 66.00 24.00 51.00 81.00 126.00 44.00 49.00 47.00 32.00 2.00 65.00 15.00 48.00 20.00 62.00 67.00 50.00 61.00 36.00 133.00 90.00 87.00 28.00 49.00 25.00 32.00 79.00 1.9802400 1.1946800 4.0394400 2.2733600 1.5194600 2.1694300 5.6552600 2.9512600 9.2392600 11.5499000 3.2310200 1.8321400 7.600560 2.5118720 3.3092630 1.9443000 2.2680230 6.2420800 7.7219628 7.4764265 74.1834380 66.6161450 76.1673410 48.1153650 45.2723500 49.6536410 49.9883610 6.1876300 8.595450 7.7230500 6.9588700 14.2409000 30.126800 27.0423000 42.2331000 30.2765000 31.4540000 43.5673000 5.8886000 7.3834460 5.4393780 121.0392000 48.2752700 52.5962300 24.1757300 16.4897600 21.5984000 7.6314900 17.9150000 25.8135000 23.0658000 21.2448000 8.5228800 8.6470100 11.3848000 10.0686700 9.0289600 109.1990400 135.3784700 25.2284000 3.5264150 12.3783738 18.7978010 34.7908690 43.5448180 230.0985710 194.3681900 133.9156930 34.2921880 3.9619720 24.3501620 0.0531268 0.0551234 2.8125800 4.4148700 7.6781500 22.4406000 0.0782313 13.5817000 0.0000000 0.0509828 7.9101900
107282636 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L10 121.00 94.00 112.77 270.96 108.97 139.00 33.00 82.00 101.00 80.92 84.88 114.95 84.00 50.00 35.81 55.00 33.00 84.91 103.82 54.00 100.00 326.87 345.00 82.00 113.00 251.00 108.94 25.64 177.00 57.00 61.00 40.00 170.91 48.00 157.00 89.97 66.00 258.99 163.99 156.85 51.94 65.00 148.98 155.00 132.91 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1188990 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 6.6176100 7.8691300 7.5207300 9.1263300 39.0641000 72.5828000 73.7950000 140.4484000 136.4627000 145.6638000 168.1722000 119.3847000 123.4812000 123.7179000 13.1156000 12.305100 11.7879000 9.8892500 8.8419500 16.222100 11.4719000 9.8871500 8.9598500 14.0211000 6.6315700 65.0505000 38.9161000 32.1944000 163.1870000 41.0637000 44.0071000 72.0350000 26.6502000 28.2364000 32.3237000 37.5025000 39.4310000 28.3264000 25.5220000 17.7404000 5.2506600 6.8873100 40.3255900 33.3471000 60.1643000 52.4913300 30.4289200 6.0934610 7.6576262 45.9469198 84.3112030 88.8865200 104.5093700 70.7895880 38.0947210 28.5636375 8.3095020 10.2947906 0.0000000 0.0146039 5.3133500 7.7830700 17.6122000 18.6019000 0.0613833 13.6539000 0.0000000 0.0282889 7.8882200
107282642 SRC kinase signaling inhibitor 1 3.00 15.00 16.00 14.00 4.00 18.00 1.00 15.00 2.00 13.00 16.00 8.00 3.00 4.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 2.00 17.00 8.00 6.00 38.00 49.00 17.00 9.00 20.00 1.00 3.00 18.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 15.00 3.00 25.00 19.00 13.00 11.00 6.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0105270 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.4666030 0.0385958 0.0000000 0.1589810 3.2824500 0.1035620 0.2306300 0.481536 0.1209900 0.1674663 0.1512406 0.1253347 0.0866757 0.2301434 0.2192972 10.1251700 9.5707720 13.5630280 0.0753322 0.1808814 0.1241564 0.1874710 16.0616000 41.255400 22.8921000 30.1411000 0.3621160 1.450120 1.2644600 0.1140720 0.0000000 0.0427364 0.0000000 5.1553500 15.1888700 13.3243000 6.4489020 4.8225100 4.1726630 1.4610040 0.3587249 0.3451480 0.7141830 0.6168228 21.8174600 13.5028400 16.2542800 0.3284780 0.2235772 0.5030670 0.0823971 0.1296080 0.1530744 0.2447550 3.5252318 0.9173663 2.4126640 0.1664383 0.5078703 0.8085913 0.4062282 0.1972590 0.0896119 3.5310030 0.6286561 0.8583714 0.0000000 0.0108563 0.1461288 0.1461436 0.1550136 0.5106664 0.0000000 0.4355485 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1300528
107282643 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia; translocated to, 6 14.00 23.00 20.00 38.00 13.00 28.00 10.00 41.00 33.00 30.00 39.00 64.00 31.00 24.00 24.00 19.00 10.00 28.00 47.00 16.00 53.00 74.00 86.00 35.00 45.00 51.00 37.00 20.00 50.00 3.00 25.00 18.00 85.00 121.00 72.00 40.00 32.00 79.00 53.00 52.00 9.00 28.00 26.00 23.00 71.00 1.2268200 0.6474590 1.2771000 2.4171800 1.6338500 1.3208300 4.5879300 1.7803900 2.2546400 6.0094000 4.5520500 2.1893400 8.359110 3.0779300 3.6533152 4.4968244 4.4959210 19.4440600 26.0919500 25.8365480 29.3245930 27.3816000 29.5629320 8.9585980 12.5809300 12.4709100 9.7669300 1.6582600 2.986064 1.9747760 0.7433334 1.3720880 4.882182 2.7432840 0.8587200 3.3627310 2.3083540 1.1276700 28.2510000 17.2170000 10.0599000 27.1956000 13.3960000 12.2969000 16.4339000 9.8701400 5.7676600 11.1813100 7.8843420 9.2606510 12.2536500 9.1188130 5.4583100 7.1353890 6.7767130 57.2695900 27.8670790 75.5155070 63.9329850 25.9393825 5.2564500 1.7097020 43.8845000 35.5438400 36.7250400 44.4980900 18.1253300 12.3083700 5.6631850 0.4879787 0.7320444 0.0262897 0.0477437 3.2235800 11.7594000 30.1472000 10.2580000 0.0189666 11.9610000 0.0000000 0.0407923 9.4362900
107282646 CDGSH iron sulfur domain 3 14.00 23.00 47.00 84.00 13.00 51.00 9.00 64.00 31.00 23.00 25.00 64.00 23.00 22.00 13.00 39.00 21.00 38.00 54.00 19.00 38.00 77.00 95.00 49.00 31.00 101.00 30.00 32.00 76.00 14.00 33.00 35.00 100.00 17.00 95.00 42.00 35.00 101.00 79.00 84.00 80.00 36.00 80.00 70.00 99.00 0.5032010 1.1416300 0.8632930 0.7835150 0.5400350 5.0940800 12.6606000 3.4507000 19.0922000 34.4438000 2.9948400 4.3965200 6.112930 4.5170580 6.7893760 5.1922840 5.8144912 37.0943000 63.9935000 58.4948900 111.0262600 110.9798700 119.3106000 82.8629200 60.6942700 66.0681000 65.6795600 8.5688600 12.184400 14.4602000 7.2782600 14.8230000 28.113000 39.0168000 21.5433000 43.5933000 63.1571000 31.2048000 33.0347000 13.0238000 4.8531600 131.9370000 21.9947000 25.8654000 36.5452000 15.0803000 11.4204000 47.8341000 74.8743000 145.0852000 152.2299000 160.7113000 15.9475200 32.4332500 47.3667200 13.1289000 12.7695000 41.8016000 52.3801000 46.9919110 1.1016930 2.3666050 11.8898000 24.4216700 21.7235100 36.5633000 56.6566700 48.8651100 60.4524000 37.8093800 48.6719100 0.0000000 0.0000000 401.4460000 329.3830000 514.8850000 345.5290000 0.1351970 323.0770000 0.3871100 0.2785630 315.9110000
107282649 lysine acetyltransferase 2A 92.00 100.00 161.00 97.00 69.00 145.00 23.00 64.00 87.00 61.00 104.00 169.00 95.00 48.00 41.00 38.00 51.00 62.00 89.00 52.00 50.00 208.00 511.00 72.00 172.00 198.00 63.00 41.00 177.00 46.00 35.00 57.00 73.00 124.00 64.00 56.00 43.00 137.00 95.00 85.00 41.00 56.00 62.00 61.00 110.00 0.6701520 0.0865265 1.2190800 1.0689200 1.5226100 0.3232400 2.1969100 1.0941300 1.9640600 5.0888600 2.3172900 0.9619440 5.003780 3.4134380 4.5664400 3.9125990 4.5115460 8.0840210 10.5582950 10.5698390 18.4317340 17.4250530 18.0899800 13.3178800 16.7625700 15.9022700 15.6546520 1.8944200 2.352600 2.1974300 1.2749900 2.1958600 3.012320 3.4193300 1.4892200 1.0637100 1.7605000 0.5572140 11.7890000 7.1666900 7.0205300 13.3566000 9.0243800 18.4826000 9.6541500 5.9567300 6.2090400 3.9354850 4.6271600 6.8462180 7.7779489 6.8725191 3.5613850 4.2309811 5.8773324 4.6930700 8.1067200 15.7569000 50.3764000 9.2714566 7.2280970 8.9099815 17.9745040 17.6132390 17.7538200 17.0921400 22.0327440 19.8389700 25.4532900 6.7833540 16.7647800 0.0000000 0.0308551 3.0477300 6.2744400 5.5668400 3.4868000 0.0000000 6.0779000 0.0000000 0.0202414 5.1545900
107282663 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma transducing activity polypeptide 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 2.7552750 3.7330810 3.2446620 3.2464310 5.6900970 7.9075350 7.4744160 7.6260170 7.9910800 9.3986730 3.5791860 5.5407620 4.7436931 4.7521808 0.4823990 1.648170 0.2710890 0.5353580 0.0400361 0.279793 0.3577290 0.0000000 0.6040370 0.5125130 0.1841010 6.3401700 9.2531200 5.2224400 12.6336000 15.6233000 7.9467100 11.9039000 14.1901000 5.7381500 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.3915000 2.6578200 3.5698600 2.7881800 5.1339300 0.6788950 0.2602290 1.6755420 1.0530700 0.6289220 1.8231410 3.7684070 1.5704410 1.6179000 0.1728810 1.2774600 0.2287870 0.9891660 2.9998200 3.2210500 0.2710450 1.1214700 0.6965030 9.1384400 0.1694910 0.0376123 1.4469800
107282673 pyridoxamine 5’-phosphate oxidase 4.00 20.00 28.00 9.00 7.00 13.00 5.00 15.00 9.00 13.00 24.00 18.00 10.00 6.00 14.00 11.00 8.00 17.00 9.00 9.00 14.00 39.00 65.00 17.00 15.00 9.00 5.00 0.00 44.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 17.00 4.00 26.00 29.00 17.00 29.00 32.00 65.00 12.00 20.00 18.00 15.00 74.00 8.9910500 30.0606000 12.0837000 11.6505000 69.6489000 9.6701300 32.7887000 16.0467000 76.5247000 99.2105000 11.8287000 7.0988900 15.613300 5.8789860 6.5788380 6.9633100 7.1824860 7.6930190 12.3960930 13.3328300 52.0141910 51.1065170 52.6865200 139.4203400 152.8791700 146.5681400 151.3320300 10.3046000 10.596300 17.3517000 4.2193000 21.3913000 36.854100 47.0802000 19.9257000 42.6520000 42.9987000 7.3661800 6.3515600 5.9574800 4.9848400 172.3220000 107.5430000 183.1650000 66.5780000 37.0037000 40.7521000 6.1712650 8.1819100 23.9072600 27.1498600 21.8772000 6.1424600 17.4731900 11.4501000 7.2965300 9.0777300 44.5182890 80.1601000 27.4354000 3.7841020 2.7857052 5.9447953 19.6238241 10.5584505 48.3185560 53.8915618 70.7056920 48.2004943 12.0499549 41.0556966 0.1047730 0.4445540 8.2010120 23.4047560 53.9285000 149.2526400 0.2375430 85.9929400 0.0000000 0.3568270 86.3342080
107282727 cysteine rich secretory protein LCCL domain containing 2 65.00 197.00 129.00 22.00 13.00 76.00 24.00 12.00 31.00 40.00 68.00 58.00 66.00 50.00 40.00 57.00 42.00 19.00 75.00 40.00 21.00 78.00 97.00 71.00 92.00 106.00 58.00 16.00 51.00 10.00 31.00 232.00 54.00 164.00 27.00 49.00 30.00 17.00 30.00 8.00 34.00 27.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 7.4649300 83.1856000 13.5459100 7.9812900 14.3920600 0.5146370 6.3949910 16.5711400 4.4845130 5.5380470 5.3038060 0.5336910 16.011700 1.6320100 2.3744800 2.1874910 2.0641300 17.4087345 17.4488669 17.8124745 11.9777800 12.0451500 11.7880700 0.4964148 0.3718997 0.3051940 1.0073043 2.2892000 22.222700 2.2480800 3.6544200 3.1098100 5.413440 9.9895900 2.7679700 1.3424600 0.8065590 0.5939370 3.4298400 2.1441900 8.9795200 1.1726700 0.7049130 3.2269400 0.6014180 1.0237900 1.4412000 2.2002700 5.2181127 2.3397400 11.1380830 6.3512657 1.2861820 1.9614470 1.3377288 7.5861800 8.0231300 7.8765400 7.3833700 5.2029200 9.2995455 4.5403194 13.3016470 25.4612970 27.4051760 2.6447220 12.7097090 2.7078670 1.2040220 1.4192274 1.0965443 0.0684171 12.3174000 2.1527100 3.5044500 17.2186000 1.0203800 18.2342000 51.9430000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.8222910
107282747 serine/threonine kinase 31 0.00 10.00 11.00 8.00 5.00 14.00 0.00 10.00 6.00 3.00 13.00 9.00 2.00 0.00 8.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 8.00 17.00 43.00 27.00 1.00 22.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 3.00 73.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.0403378 0.3660630 0.0145692 0.0591138 0.0069265 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.5953670 0.3950300 0.0143328 0.0132995 0.169876 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0804532 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0912923 0.226364 0.3828890 0.0803376 0.0270386 0.178787 0.3084970 0.0831058 0.0527645 0.1743560 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0083503 29.7019800 0.0307461 0.0000000 0.0687271 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0224119 0.0000000 0.2159010 0.0699391 0.0110168 0.0168685 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.1952810 1.4103980 3.2320100 5.0914890 1.6293790 0.2230833 0.0881644 0.3261736 0.2630910 1.2634120 0.0517138 0.8719046 0.3792834 0.1581535 0.0504055 0.2642331 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0377866 0.0784950 0.0117503 0.0000000 0.0251309 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0302418
107282748 WAP four-disulfide core domain 1 24.00 105.00 89.00 11.00 6.00 31.00 3.00 8.00 86.00 11.00 6.00 109.00 53.00 10.00 20.00 12.00 5.00 3.00 37.00 12.00 5.00 83.00 158.00 41.00 29.00 95.00 18.00 29.00 67.00 3.00 2.00 858.00 14.00 80.00 81.00 21.00 14.00 14.00 32.00 40.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 9.00 1.2934200 0.8018980 1.1784100 2.3607900 5.7463900 0.4608730 0.9181010 1.4163200 1.7273200 3.0287400 1.0723400 0.5647490 1.056940 0.5142080 0.4395020 0.2919830 0.2511690 17.3111030 26.4882500 28.1476000 6.9483000 5.6945600 6.5971400 15.6423600 10.7415600 10.7492600 11.6105700 192.0540000 123.179000 114.5780000 79.5275000 6.9491000 4.798610 4.1670600 2.8865900 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2787250 9.2311020 12.9774200 21.5167600 1.4145500 2.0875150 1.2328990 0.6319040 1.1491320 0.5924020 1.1003900 1.8094300 1.5386400 1.1250700 1.3253700 0.1159160 0.2467000 0.3603700 2.0541100 0.6011250 10.5311000 6.8916500 0.7049860 0.6467793 0.3425730 1.6257420 4.1605120 3.2276280 6.0101530 13.1519140 6.3283080 2.3347580 0.2452988 1.2767349 0.7815610 5.5658500 1.9964630 2.9390360 16.6076000 7.2280050 34.1420700 31.1739000 0.8948760 0.5271990 2.8121490
107282756 glycoprotein nmb 81.00 185.00 128.00 81.00 13.00 72.00 26.00 46.00 104.00 22.00 112.00 162.00 749.00 42.00 55.00 27.00 37.00 49.00 426.00 41.00 197.00 259.00 207.00 135.00 101.00 50.00 80.00 11.00 196.00 26.00 9.00 24.00 21.00 69.00 34.00 27.00 11.00 88.00 154.00 21.00 21.00 2.00 11.00 5.00 69.00 1.2097200 0.8152720 2.9147200 2.0262400 4.6372000 7.0389200 3.3828700 2.6713500 8.4022800 13.4492000 3.7714900 3.4412700 10.268700 0.1080063 0.3073270 0.0939576 0.0571882 1.0352461 2.8495686 2.8647668 1.3712953 1.0676290 0.6168485 0.3037090 0.1395910 0.1304133 0.2083844 1.6551800 4.224700 2.9350800 2.8696600 3.1116200 5.990030 5.8466900 3.9794900 16.1268000 12.5953000 1.7631100 0.0162729 0.0183325 0.1903820 0.0589437 0.1054710 0.0344874 0.0184204 0.0699047 0.0337390 3.7243200 2.2258800 10.6656000 5.9353100 6.3163100 24.5318000 104.6908290 19.1163000 6.4023320 69.1051200 26.0444000 31.0587300 10.8660600 24.9352529 13.5544463 24.6287660 103.3140270 114.6888800 42.1523240 22.8531590 65.4554150 1.5605230 1.0902931 3.0795200 6.9905700 3.6116200 0.1684870 0.3192400 0.2878470 6.9888800 92.0778000 24.1593000 7.3718000 28.0547000 2.2663000
107282760 coiled-coil domain containing 126 167.00 165.00 211.00 244.00 80.00 184.00 75.00 134.00 105.00 140.00 132.00 178.00 78.00 94.00 115.00 77.00 84.00 148.00 175.00 108.00 184.00 200.00 418.00 128.00 157.00 210.00 152.00 67.00 220.00 62.00 101.00 99.00 220.00 207.00 213.00 138.00 119.00 525.00 407.00 373.00 50.00 48.00 112.00 96.00 130.00 3.7671800 11.5351000 7.8394200 5.9397700 7.7608300 10.1887000 4.7757400 4.1881700 5.7009300 12.8529000 3.9031300 2.3454000 21.394100 0.5698400 0.5818330 0.8101108 0.7859520 1.3791000 1.4447400 1.4092600 2.9525680 3.4158018 2.8962740 0.7718010 0.7191460 0.7294745 0.8066490 11.8001000 14.080000 14.7214000 10.7080000 9.4777400 26.646300 16.4475000 11.9631000 16.8788000 26.8914000 8.3426800 10.4561200 32.8648000 29.4081500 11.8849300 54.1867900 45.8446100 6.0075900 18.1591400 15.4667700 26.5239000 29.5223000 41.4473000 35.8035000 42.9197000 22.3223000 25.0699000 38.5976000 1.0820900 1.1032000 2.0102500 2.9310700 4.0293100 6.7189570 3.6057900 2.0144600 1.1265750 3.4036360 5.6815600 1.4920010 7.5445160 4.1428130 2.2296140 5.3804000 10.8494800 13.0593400 1.6351740 4.6156600 17.6515000 22.9576200 69.6096400 14.4417600 8.6218800 3.0828100 3.5760500
107282761 family with sequence similarity 221 member A 71.00 83.00 93.00 193.00 76.00 112.00 28.00 110.00 68.00 61.00 62.00 152.00 65.00 83.00 58.00 47.00 33.00 78.00 120.00 50.00 159.00 226.00 107.99 76.99 75.00 154.00 86.00 65.00 72.00 47.00 13.00 40.00 47.00 43.00 25.00 62.00 42.00 116.00 74.00 83.00 46.00 46.00 87.00 21.00 78.00 0.3827570 4.3225700 2.4837900 0.3599230 3.6805400 3.0277400 1.0643900 1.1237500 11.3764000 16.5084000 2.3482800 1.6489600 3.790080 2.8892040 5.4229240 4.0285367 3.9487330 0.5015800 1.2818649 0.6777704 1.6492950 1.4291400 1.9675876 0.0830587 0.2047053 0.3776182 0.2226072 22.8589000 16.320100 22.5985000 19.9129000 20.7698000 39.259900 35.8788000 25.6635000 14.4946000 33.7398000 14.8986000 0.3205960 1.4778300 13.7942000 1.3878500 2.3713800 2.2505700 0.0000000 0.4293470 0.5180540 2.8865000 6.2452900 16.9920000 15.6504000 12.9591000 4.3376800 3.0910300 5.7444800 0.7024980 0.0000000 4.0808180 3.9944218 2.1516060 5.1152600 4.4922690 2.4616700 2.8490390 2.5180200 6.2854830 2.8214960 8.3704550 2.6115400 3.5137620 7.5535040 14.3745800 4.4147570 0.7372838 1.6290950 4.1046400 6.4819170 4.6024560 7.5740100 4.4969700 3.3739590 2.3797870
107282762 membrane protein, palmitoylated 6 26.00 58.00 87.00 64.00 12.00 131.00 7.00 70.00 97.00 16.00 88.00 92.00 47.00 19.00 30.00 18.00 15.00 37.00 62.00 28.00 58.00 243.00 505.00 51.00 24.00 161.00 25.00 8.00 124.00 20.00 28.00 22.00 91.00 84.00 81.00 56.00 34.00 323.00 162.00 169.00 41.00 51.00 113.00 59.00 134.00 0.0692857 0.0523969 0.2502460 0.2284560 0.5234760 2.0879000 1.5138600 1.9005100 1.2227000 5.9370400 0.6154630 0.8680600 3.254530 6.7970243 5.8427352 8.5735504 7.6171980 11.3010930 7.0912369 7.2216243 16.3345688 12.8918460 14.7905105 18.7002744 14.0281050 19.7382770 14.6875700 0.5289200 4.224080 3.6249000 0.5149730 6.2462200 27.671800 37.1331000 9.7167700 40.4519000 72.4873000 20.7400000 2.0219200 3.0448300 55.6999000 21.2072000 50.0146000 47.2456000 26.5407000 55.5652000 76.5835000 1.7265870 1.8645876 6.0003406 3.7105472 6.6082239 1.4253110 2.2295190 3.5424438 2.1093270 1.7546573 7.7924260 11.1387850 10.7582030 2.5022315 2.5530721 0.6686805 0.3417967 0.4597678 6.2282320 3.2221570 7.0173662 7.4719780 1.0394292 1.7776573 3.2305780 2.2299730 0.4919550 0.9445560 3.6108610 6.4640224 10.2516800 2.7190270 14.8679920 11.0622110 6.9163200
107282763 deafness, autosomal dominant 5 91.00 134.00 218.00 89.00 17.00 38.00 4.00 13.00 90.00 11.00 67.00 153.00 37.00 20.00 29.00 17.00 13.00 39.00 72.00 21.00 45.00 130.00 450.00 79.00 87.00 140.00 48.00 4.00 61.00 71.00 125.00 123.00 296.00 118.00 191.00 44.00 42.00 110.00 94.00 64.00 30.00 77.00 119.00 93.00 166.00 0.1908730 0.3722620 0.3809800 0.3864530 1.5093800 1.0595600 0.3724830 0.1061790 0.1353800 1.2912400 0.4497580 0.0927407 4.214410 0.7709550 0.6083202 0.5376580 0.6847279 0.8399873 0.7507969 0.6323400 4.8153350 4.7957631 4.7410081 1.6843805 1.9883690 1.5985480 1.8954258 1.2884300 2.132500 2.7622800 2.0516000 15.2814000 39.264800 22.0426000 28.6540000 1.4967500 1.6598000 1.0165600 2.7952300 7.8591700 12.8898500 1.8372180 2.3067600 2.9283670 0.0932660 0.4114200 0.2707760 1.4933900 2.5332000 20.1947000 9.9627700 14.2742000 0.8916600 1.6035500 2.5225900 3.3648500 1.2874400 6.9080900 7.6836800 9.8701400 1.2003278 0.7143526 2.8832790 5.8391410 4.2483382 21.8699500 9.7307451 15.6320703 1.0913815 0.6560447 1.2148767 5.8818600 3.8327200 1.1158600 0.9732050 1.8929000 6.8553200 8.3234900 19.1419000 0.4183940 0.3196010 0.1312380
107282764 oxysterol binding protein like 3 77.00 469.00 726.00 267.00 93.00 323.00 37.00 293.00 303.00 107.00 463.00 299.00 269.00 132.00 151.00 121.00 88.00 186.00 313.00 195.00 313.00 1157.00 1984.00 443.00 193.00 486.99 223.00 37.00 990.00 78.00 205.00 103.00 525.00 568.00 594.00 703.00 723.00 1422.00 1414.00 1099.00 1247.00 1637.00 1169.00 2884.00 1063.00 0.5108287 1.3065990 1.2694180 0.8771940 2.2101060 3.1067310 1.6862150 0.5679610 4.4272700 4.8126200 3.5598470 1.8372480 5.771270 0.4003349 0.6351040 0.5052760 0.5936919 6.9939212 9.0253110 8.6079210 27.2173680 25.2337117 23.1632640 0.1389964 0.5315282 0.4578022 0.2480446 0.4092400 3.795170 3.1695200 0.6577990 2.5081500 16.615700 13.6321000 4.6271600 1.6664100 1.6898400 0.0375456 3.8077340 6.0106890 7.8523810 0.4711450 2.4308180 3.4619350 1.4149630 5.9889810 3.2577500 0.4949515 0.5109580 4.4356300 7.1348575 5.2325160 0.4670857 0.4730790 0.5711220 2.3416020 1.5706304 5.9034195 8.2802090 1.0489150 3.0121531 1.4181308 2.6848700 1.5491140 1.0904362 5.7704713 4.5196240 6.5646470 1.0670944 0.1435724 0.8827395 8.8721910 2.4270290 2.4714650 7.5080710 5.3351320 2.4575700 2.0206349 4.0495650 0.5086900 1.1813411 0.5512616
107282769 sorting nexin 10 218.00 608.00 790.00 513.00 150.00 338.00 42.00 312.00 251.00 188.00 535.00 398.00 263.00 129.00 157.00 136.00 64.00 259.00 363.00 120.00 383.00 565.00 600.00 360.00 263.00 757.00 301.00 46.00 671.00 160.00 98.00 116.00 270.00 299.00 287.00 49.00 78.00 1003.00 1019.00 386.00 2593.00 496.00 2661.00 655.00 681.00 3.7053900 0.0000000 12.8813000 7.9189600 13.6398000 21.3726000 2.5044800 0.1359850 0.3467650 2.2049500 1.1520200 0.3563220 22.231600 9.5636520 9.6898220 11.0590036 9.8639130 3.7690530 3.1218280 3.0145410 3.5833887 4.0407130 3.7037960 4.2079680 3.7946000 5.1924270 4.6907000 4.7712700 5.397330 7.7382700 3.1682900 2.7847500 8.142730 5.6216500 2.8479900 12.0548000 10.8121000 3.6666500 5.7357550 14.0260600 12.3538500 2.2474950 3.7513900 12.5962400 5.0260150 10.3177100 14.3132300 1.3176700 1.8594967 16.9515500 11.7066300 9.4216120 6.0640030 4.8025980 14.1337300 4.0485100 1.4191830 46.2930000 29.6998000 45.2556700 1.4969423 0.6238165 0.2020730 1.7782697 0.3007010 61.3082100 3.7374320 105.0706600 10.6926150 28.3872670 10.0631047 3.3269900 5.5045400 9.6879100 5.3355720 19.2822900 39.6079000 76.9792800 28.5522000 40.5809500 10.8395400 13.8822100
107282770 src kinase associated phosphoprotein 2 112.94 211.99 266.00 216.89 67.00 171.98 51.00 130.97 141.00 83.11 126.95 143.52 116.00 66.00 70.00 81.00 60.44 123.00 142.00 107.00 130.00 272.00 580.00 156.98 115.00 355.99 123.93 10.33 236.86 58.94 91.00 122.00 239.00 308.00 266.00 248.00 194.00 609.00 696.00 509.00 137.00 190.00 259.00 314.00 300.00 1.6487700 0.0000000 4.5310000 2.3899600 11.3738000 18.9020000 5.9804200 3.0306900 5.9572700 9.6235600 4.1008800 0.8272240 18.856700 3.0798474 4.1991490 3.2184069 3.5934471 3.1305176 3.3561026 2.9537783 15.7418451 18.5113143 17.5893112 4.3874810 3.7136487 6.1820888 4.5224078 1.4385900 4.704910 1.7160900 1.8066600 6.3315000 17.743900 16.6082000 7.2378000 10.6793000 10.0826000 3.7404400 4.5952000 7.2948510 18.6116300 13.1741400 31.5646600 28.9555900 11.4152100 14.7688800 21.6123300 1.1509700 1.5438100 9.4898700 10.1230400 7.7694600 4.9111786 6.8604500 12.7554600 5.3457500 2.1149710 23.5840300 26.7056000 6.6938300 5.7511281 2.8559700 2.5299150 0.6583790 1.8823630 19.7185770 6.0430000 26.1406000 1.8615130 1.3454500 1.9478450 6.6536600 2.6000512 1.0642700 2.3872000 4.4185700 12.1097230 29.2153320 30.6961000 9.7837900 5.2617920 1.8381500
107282778 secernin 1 68.00 13.00 7.00 167.00 54.00 65.00 16.00 15.00 67.00 38.00 5.00 44.00 8.00 42.00 44.00 3.00 27.00 80.00 15.00 24.00 7.00 16.00 65.00 11.00 46.00 12.00 121.00 59.00 9.00 62.00 22.00 46.00 60.00 33.00 41.00 13.00 20.00 21.00 18.00 19.00 2.00 9.00 11.00 2.00 16.00 1.1942600 0.3870640 2.1567000 1.5626300 0.5566130 0.6426510 0.9036850 0.5152050 0.7116350 1.6707700 2.6672900 2.1374900 7.627020 0.1568800 0.0456316 0.1430820 0.0435418 5.9943220 4.0841920 4.6021990 2.2342610 1.9123845 1.7222007 0.0100438 0.0612861 0.1055230 0.0211076 1.8139700 2.218690 2.0573600 1.2939600 2.2987800 4.884490 3.1029400 1.7141600 8.2140600 7.9970900 4.5544100 1.4080300 5.9920400 10.2556900 3.7287700 16.1135900 14.9798100 0.3025970 0.9240900 0.4822888 0.3563080 0.2847340 0.4323610 1.6073500 1.2096600 0.0000000 0.0485263 0.0810118 14.4187800 11.2354910 34.5276800 29.8277900 1.4784800 9.2528091 6.4723520 6.4499500 6.6113890 6.4997960 21.3230800 13.2268201 21.0307400 0.8923398 0.2923540 0.5888815 17.4386940 16.5608090 0.9368050 1.5167281 2.9890426 4.1848537 8.5410430 4.4670200 6.0774100 5.2589530 1.5975157
107282780 pleckstrin homology domain containing A8 157.00 207.00 186.00 368.00 115.00 254.00 83.00 135.00 177.00 174.00 101.00 294.00 93.00 107.00 132.00 118.00 136.00 165.00 167.00 155.00 195.00 195.00 559.00 147.00 189.00 234.00 184.00 73.00 212.00 152.00 139.00 129.00 309.00 111.00 223.00 169.00 172.00 605.00 348.00 325.00 325.00 301.00 500.00 387.00 602.00 2.1065400 4.9212800 4.1256800 3.1957700 9.9260300 13.6906000 16.3180000 10.5227000 2.0657900 4.8587400 3.3453800 2.9672500 11.841300 0.8672430 0.4606600 0.4128870 0.7217420 2.4178150 1.4397800 1.4552700 4.5354090 4.5017150 4.3640083 4.3248900 2.8027920 3.2831617 2.9109800 1.5992316 4.325290 3.4039120 2.9121100 6.8307000 10.358200 10.8358000 12.9995950 14.4115000 17.1337000 19.5633000 7.9114180 11.0961500 25.1673600 4.8064590 10.4989500 9.2245000 3.0434110 4.4491000 3.6097290 3.7438600 3.3928400 5.5602100 5.4258900 4.7640500 1.6782000 9.9935800 4.4077000 2.2058710 1.7222220 8.4224940 8.6570120 4.4683930 1.9792953 1.3588674 1.5794041 0.8555210 0.9312560 4.6729660 1.8297330 6.5843587 0.9096208 0.6085723 0.5686247 2.1810530 1.5890961 1.1106315 1.6654570 1.5247370 3.6990880 3.3199470 3.0629990 2.9942300 1.9656940 1.8701549
107282787 insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3 2.00 49.00 46.00 8.00 6.00 20.00 1.00 3.00 19.00 1.00 27.00 14.00 10.00 1.00 11.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 18.00 9.00 4.00 70.00 171.00 32.00 28.00 13.98 11.00 0.00 33.00 0.00 1.00 6.00 8.00 24.00 5.00 10.00 13.00 47.00 26.00 17.00 2.00 7.00 5.00 0.00 7.00 0.1419920 0.0000000 0.6200770 0.3641480 1.1016100 0.5105470 1.6153300 0.7049040 3.8269900 6.9316000 3.2106000 2.5918500 5.795760 0.5354750 0.0797449 0.4553580 0.1268080 0.7681976 0.6384936 0.7264924 1.5508215 1.3180310 1.2084495 0.3035750 0.4199759 0.3409447 0.7704270 0.1146040 0.137167 0.1606250 0.2434050 0.2251160 1.240950 0.3115600 0.7855920 0.0959190 0.2716780 0.4668040 2.5695340 2.2659000 1.9672400 2.1419010 1.0539200 1.7132800 2.8811100 0.4222880 0.7508950 0.8028040 1.2074500 1.2567950 1.7915731 2.0228320 0.6929870 0.3613650 0.6445980 0.0680322 0.0133765 0.0421290 0.1703960 0.1725650 0.1146664 0.0416867 0.0829563 0.0588238 0.0973349 0.3379202 0.3018210 0.2057848 0.2391541 0.0000000 0.3068279 0.0871949 0.0226188 0.0497795 0.1249180 0.3110550 0.0468845 0.0958290 0.0000000 0.0484528 0.1277150 0.3764590
107282855 cartilage oligomeric matrix protein 4.00 20.00 22.00 19.00 11.00 7.00 3.00 10.00 18.00 11.00 11.00 7.00 2.00 3.00 7.00 14.00 2.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 44.00 21.00 22.00 27.00 20.00 15.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 13.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.3651080 4.7799900 1.2307800 0.3926620 0.5992960 0.5952250 0.2365420 0.1936400 0.2733460 0.3700480 0.2734090 0.0815458 10.104400 0.0461226 0.5942600 0.1475160 0.5208548 7.3593160 6.8024120 7.1150210 1.1605896 1.1236300 1.5030620 0.1040690 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.7562900 10.376700 1.1412800 3.3571800 1.6748400 1.012630 2.1355800 0.9597720 0.8017980 0.4920470 0.2438800 32.9088000 11.2063600 8.6160800 2.5151100 1.7507340 2.3811100 1.5821640 1.3655290 1.1931290 13.0385557 9.5869631 0.1060137 0.1744828 0.3005955 0.2341070 0.2974598 0.0748859 0.5807620 0.0302143 0.0000000 0.2694182 0.0000000 0.1075691 0.2328140 1.8820120 4.1863347 6.1680380 1.7265660 2.6241120 0.5692920 0.9402810 0.0000000 0.2377035 0.3784190 0.1963372 0.8712820 0.6350690 0.3905250 0.7439284 0.8955710 1.4523880 0.0350376 0.1259670 0.2060970
107282880 peptidase (mitochondrial processing) beta 600.00 311.00 309.00 203.00 342.00 238.00 123.00 156.00 243.00 224.00 305.00 648.00 200.00 268.00 234.00 278.00 211.00 232.00 391.00 221.00 188.00 510.00 750.00 369.00 490.00 127.00 372.00 656.00 319.00 353.00 160.00 253.00 194.00 189.00 176.00 850.00 731.00 626.00 481.00 439.00 303.00 873.00 381.00 336.00 597.00 14.0077000 14.6166000 27.1061000 17.8928000 87.1962000 22.6405000 78.6555000 125.8920000 104.7300000 149.5000000 39.0948000 34.5045000 48.685000 12.0285267 11.9981560 10.1468370 10.6645240 67.7017005 54.1654450 54.6866525 93.6252042 101.1424449 95.6894880 58.0687130 52.7832850 53.9712020 53.4622630 52.3980000 61.387800 58.3544000 46.2088000 44.6504000 61.700200 64.3659000 58.3557000 30.0936000 32.9597000 25.9056000 20.6842000 32.7194000 51.7879000 30.9161000 50.4445000 41.7823000 22.0496000 29.8356000 35.3497000 32.8425400 61.8418000 74.1316600 48.8458000 57.8350400 14.7865600 19.1407000 22.7328100 29.4646600 39.7948000 78.9777000 87.4536000 32.9970000 32.4912721 27.2284085 24.4059180 33.7127090 30.0616030 74.2115810 27.1268480 95.5209420 26.5042230 23.8089950 39.0006464 24.4501000 12.1907000 24.5360000 55.4667000 40.7473000 68.7347000 28.3758000 31.8742000 30.4511000 30.2878000 24.9054000
107282899 shugoshin-like 1 (S. pombe) 13.00 50.00 65.00 89.00 27.00 148.00 16.00 226.00 87.00 39.00 266.00 52.00 205.00 75.00 29.00 84.00 27.00 21.00 144.00 41.00 131.00 713.00 346.00 164.00 33.00 145.00 36.00 5.00 175.00 4.00 2.00 26.00 6.00 151.00 19.00 11.00 9.00 30.00 104.00 24.00 3.00 2.00 18.00 4.00 17.00 0.1091190 2.7104800 0.3607670 0.4305280 0.0302675 0.1659940 0.3112230 0.0295722 0.1885250 0.1918010 0.4384210 0.0774884 1.522720 0.4558225 0.1224170 0.0000000 0.0291964 0.0192227 0.0910814 0.0173538 0.0327498 0.0234609 0.0222022 0.0000000 0.0156561 0.0176964 0.0000000 5.6538900 7.405860 6.5435600 6.1241800 1.5891600 5.412890 4.2929700 5.3020700 3.8858600 3.2977100 6.0221800 0.6413010 0.2010790 5.1272400 0.1606690 0.1652640 0.5944270 0.1397850 0.2190690 0.4229290 1.0036690 1.9470920 2.0067440 2.5835940 2.1169940 0.5098220 1.0008980 1.7874100 0.8286070 0.5343200 1.3122770 1.9558330 1.3779410 0.2083874 0.1673312 0.1300483 0.0801518 0.1740860 0.3417359 0.4275032 0.3466267 0.3681716 0.1027565 0.2707122 0.1944790 0.1009020 0.0184504 0.0552697 0.0860656 0.0344674 0.7084020 0.0972727 0.1440560 0.0323155 0.0222143
107282904 TBC1 domain family member 5 81.00 170.00 142.00 150.00 41.00 133.00 53.00 97.00 117.00 112.00 205.00 109.00 83.00 72.00 70.00 55.00 84.00 130.00 100.00 89.00 97.00 270.00 461.00 84.00 124.00 116.00 116.00 34.00 220.00 31.00 79.00 63.00 183.00 287.00 140.00 294.00 219.00 413.00 351.00 337.00 175.00 157.00 189.00 194.00 260.00 3.1432800 2.8642000 3.3872600 3.8323600 7.4015000 4.0761400 4.1794300 0.9531040 7.3491900 11.7011000 5.1266000 2.1406500 13.671400 1.2646100 1.4258450 1.4013620 1.2585010 4.9267446 4.9280514 5.0429373 8.7528029 8.0665475 8.3161225 4.3876308 4.7848009 4.9693565 4.7303304 2.9001000 5.891450 6.8300000 3.7328300 5.8195300 18.360200 15.7245000 9.8778100 7.2283500 10.1882000 4.4038600 3.9480860 6.0829060 6.6512940 9.7280650 22.9692000 18.3183500 4.5304900 6.6247070 7.8247330 4.6888050 3.5429060 8.8381950 7.2254390 9.3312900 2.5072480 5.1689480 5.6828850 4.4756250 4.8238790 10.4973579 18.9531760 2.5242770 10.6024838 7.3044949 3.8346390 7.3626140 4.7461341 12.6992630 9.1401490 17.2157656 6.6672409 1.0506200 2.9409670 9.0132830 7.5629070 1.4984380 4.8308720 8.2081147 8.5402230 14.8573260 6.6612870 4.1218146 5.7391440 3.9018870
107282905 phospholipase C like 2 6.00 56.00 57.00 45.00 20.00 109.00 7.00 59.00 45.00 35.00 119.00 40.00 45.00 22.00 27.00 32.00 11.00 11.00 59.00 16.00 26.00 136.00 98.00 71.00 68.00 123.00 47.00 3.00 156.00 3.00 66.00 71.00 138.00 172.00 148.00 25.00 31.00 66.00 77.00 33.00 9.00 25.00 37.00 42.00 43.00 0.2793680 0.8489950 0.6147560 0.5837820 0.3606700 0.6479640 0.6713780 0.3371960 0.2323950 0.9014010 0.9522060 0.4417790 2.076500 0.8283410 0.4978482 0.7989940 0.7294530 2.5671939 1.5174560 1.6385250 2.7335600 2.9057599 3.1224573 2.8200000 3.5436887 3.4121793 3.6922503 11.2933000 11.663900 23.3118000 7.9244700 0.3368220 1.888680 0.7300270 0.6109690 10.7848000 16.4203000 6.9639600 3.2345900 14.3196600 16.1585200 2.6822700 8.7614110 10.0420600 1.3208170 1.5588980 1.6868960 19.8802000 15.4475000 7.6643000 10.1570000 9.9537000 2.2142600 5.0514900 7.3689300 11.2556500 10.0500100 10.4214400 12.4320500 6.9567200 1.0212313 0.5209879 3.3861540 3.8131690 3.6585500 2.8290000 2.6351410 5.3412009 1.0371380 0.3177480 1.4510520 1.3047592 2.3583703 1.0486700 2.8644506 8.8596939 3.2439184 8.4201410 2.3037401 1.4097179 1.7271367 0.4645098
107282907 oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain containing 1 71.00 119.00 129.00 186.00 69.00 128.00 23.00 90.00 59.00 64.00 69.00 150.00 60.00 54.00 65.00 27.00 22.00 68.00 85.00 45.00 97.00 142.00 288.00 34.00 69.00 246.00 59.00 44.00 129.00 51.00 36.00 49.00 103.00 41.00 103.00 71.00 95.00 193.00 146.00 114.00 33.00 62.00 76.00 106.00 64.00 1.6587000 1.4100300 2.0508900 1.8009000 3.9438000 2.8731800 1.2345100 0.9170910 1.4956200 2.0057600 0.8431800 0.6426800 4.612440 4.8836860 5.1362561 4.6336110 4.0027465 35.7874250 33.9760100 36.6244540 38.1138230 33.4213830 37.6566770 28.0141910 22.4604657 29.1422640 30.2396390 17.5110000 25.474100 31.1516000 12.0100000 16.1652000 52.212100 40.6100000 43.4835000 11.3655000 21.1070000 11.2765000 17.9897700 26.0177600 37.4800300 35.2479800 56.1772500 45.7372700 26.9992200 27.8766100 34.6453700 8.0252900 12.9599200 16.7529600 6.8841850 10.4283100 1.9227800 1.1710000 1.7635000 4.6892700 7.0994200 9.7599800 13.4069600 7.8280900 4.2195518 2.1642430 2.8779549 3.4639428 5.8651250 10.0354431 4.1467100 15.1681531 6.5247880 4.5810360 7.2315795 8.8867490 10.7245050 2.9236300 6.3809628 7.4533090 12.4558290 16.4906310 10.4432370 13.6469600 7.4448660 6.4177090
107282909 biotinidase 1207.75 280.29 419.12 2077.07 707.59 587.18 320.15 795.36 430.15 1024.67 229.44 921.04 214.38 435.90 339.00 442.74 538.23 797.59 510.00 294.62 781.13 408.34 661.50 392.32 762.78 593.03 648.76 268.71 438.16 563.83 129.60 165.66 262.35 123.64 156.00 1218.90 1080.28 2904.37 1945.86 1098.88 2119.76 1547.57 2630.99 3285.49 1960.07 1.0921700 0.4314670 3.7504200 2.3829100 2.5471800 6.2861900 11.7483000 3.7330000 12.3201000 8.4508200 5.3721600 3.4235700 12.900800 1.9711700 2.3894280 1.8967800 2.4981900 10.9580900 10.5571500 11.4575000 79.4479000 81.3881000 78.6961000 75.8054000 91.4170000 78.0230000 81.9081000 1.8814500 5.874880 3.2624900 5.8036700 2.2416100 8.140840 6.6858500 6.0837000 2.9223500 2.6391000 1.7004700 2.4495700 5.3748300 32.4343000 8.2480110 20.2027900 16.3966000 6.9773460 16.4518800 18.5586800 1.2860900 3.8635600 7.9954400 4.1379100 5.5838900 1.5631200 2.8107900 5.2138400 4.9794400 3.6340730 34.8469750 57.7085500 27.2815700 7.5363100 5.7503140 5.1480800 6.5338020 7.6508570 35.0650400 32.5421100 43.0389300 43.4223700 11.2616900 40.3352300 50.6184502 48.2238300 4.2889700 7.9564840 23.7180800 42.9141400 88.3570081 25.9276900 80.9381700 105.5781000 70.4605500
107282911 ankyrin repeat domain 28 611.00 629.00 698.00 729.00 216.00 573.00 202.00 573.00 565.00 391.00 669.00 918.00 454.00 294.00 300.00 317.00 296.00 605.00 715.00 327.00 530.00 845.00 1719.00 641.00 741.00 855.00 515.00 86.00 855.00 396.00 428.00 307.00 636.00 660.00 626.00 647.00 428.00 1683.00 1409.00 1220.00 215.00 149.00 412.00 223.00 325.00 1.2235800 2.0984800 2.8195900 1.8028100 4.7965400 2.4737500 1.4943000 1.0660700 3.1399400 6.4539200 2.1756900 1.8297600 6.729880 1.4616178 2.0447266 2.1040680 2.5265964 6.6819687 4.0551490 4.1723303 6.1194800 5.6289502 5.8981353 3.9152620 4.6623480 4.1504950 3.9659716 4.2493900 8.498110 11.2861000 4.5108400 3.9420300 23.055200 17.8619000 8.6448700 10.0314000 10.4033000 4.1420600 4.8034050 7.1399010 8.5851120 7.8916100 21.3009700 18.0316700 3.3683640 11.9966800 10.5571700 7.6150840 10.1287000 19.5203800 20.4893700 24.0495500 7.5452000 14.2065700 19.0430300 11.5865179 6.0230051 25.8239200 13.6376955 8.8641801 12.4397700 7.3497360 7.3868010 8.6420300 7.7495420 29.9804200 4.8904600 22.4430000 14.4866700 3.2614550 5.8518540 8.0687063 5.4235071 1.1053934 3.3882230 4.9755178 8.0316080 12.6618930 6.6713400 3.3464200 5.7985546 5.1708130
107282932 ring finger protein, LIM domain interacting 118.00 88.00 111.00 86.00 55.00 48.00 31.00 40.00 107.00 42.00 80.00 100.00 42.00 53.00 50.00 53.00 52.00 48.00 85.00 52.00 33.00 68.00 140.00 70.00 130.00 91.00 60.00 182.00 91.00 146.00 45.00 55.00 34.00 88.00 38.00 108.00 56.00 157.00 102.00 82.00 56.00 77.00 61.00 65.00 97.00 7.6463000 5.9835000 10.9521000 10.0495000 19.6897000 4.3274500 8.6831300 9.7900300 10.4245000 12.1859000 5.5375500 2.6513200 18.642100 2.0799081 2.7970185 2.6387519 2.4212500 3.2000640 2.1680866 2.3102820 4.7132710 5.0323270 4.8149750 2.1000770 2.5416240 2.1956910 2.1601898 38.3531000 26.785200 22.7094000 17.1725000 22.8873000 17.681300 19.2987000 23.9182000 14.2997000 11.6942000 16.0502000 10.8776900 12.5888000 17.7033600 13.7777300 28.6470200 19.7351900 10.1238500 15.4698000 15.4350800 14.7268000 17.5020000 28.2668000 22.4836000 30.2680000 14.9571000 12.0338000 17.9209000 10.2632300 8.8236200 13.6005000 10.1864300 6.5916100 4.8819260 2.3906090 2.5969120 2.7109680 2.5852470 4.5781600 1.9558500 6.5148290 1.5432740 1.0328500 1.6483800 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.1783300 5.8628880 0.0000000 5.2430200 0.0000000 5.8644200 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.9803800
107282955 integrin subunit beta 8 6.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 10.00 6.00 11.00 19.00 1.00 9.00 8.00 5.00 3.00 8.00 6.00 8.00 14.00 5.00 8.00 4.00 19.00 90.00 7.00 11.00 14.00 16.00 2.00 8.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 14.00 16.00 26.00 16.00 42.00 46.00 26.00 3.00 7.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 0.7627760 0.0000000 2.1056000 1.8963100 1.5062400 1.6418600 0.0721484 0.0411329 6.3283700 16.3626000 1.1809100 1.1855900 8.419070 0.4933760 0.7038506 0.5380100 0.6016440 0.3571931 0.2551081 0.2683602 12.5194780 12.1197570 12.3593730 0.0000000 0.0065687 0.0074245 0.0059407 1.1657400 1.198120 4.4731700 0.7203710 2.7010500 13.827100 6.9155800 4.9182700 0.7392640 3.7131200 0.8994350 0.8326840 2.5409190 4.8701130 10.5479400 38.3171100 32.8583500 0.0498234 0.3091300 0.4120360 1.0638900 1.3473000 1.0767600 1.0326500 1.0284200 0.0000000 0.1208510 0.0000000 0.4871080 0.9818310 16.7417800 19.5591300 0.0000000 9.2642946 6.0110631 1.2004847 1.0570660 1.0535530 10.5597924 2.6364890 20.7671157 0.2861156 0.0321183 0.1113001 7.4099400 4.6246456 0.1383020 1.1873982 5.1599070 20.4999120 45.4649100 19.4674850 0.3156340 0.1605440 0.2438970
107282956 cell division cycle associated 7 like 0.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 7.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0411383 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0360283 0.2290900 0.0000000 0.0370213 0.218252 1.5058550 0.9196890 1.2312220 1.6520492 0.1434300 0.0512607 0.0706770 1.6637700 1.8218900 1.9452600 0.1181745 0.1955742 0.0439345 0.2651040 0.4588580 0.946292 0.8473920 1.1260600 0.6371060 2.589920 1.7827400 1.1403400 1.7516400 2.6460200 0.9235010 3.5452000 7.6277700 12.1432000 7.5715200 38.5519000 21.9815000 14.3135000 36.7441000 45.5698000 4.5217800 5.0945400 6.7051700 5.7647900 5.8882000 1.3505700 2.0705200 3.3362200 9.4540100 16.8735300 4.5590800 4.3414160 4.3789180 5.0168670 5.4538210 9.5952440 12.0020000 13.0002000 1.9295110 2.0998980 2.5894750 3.2247450 1.5768020 3.0280240 35.1940100 17.0175130 1.3672007 2.3755780 7.8401300 5.4948810 10.4854250 6.2977060 9.1565400 10.4849300 5.7868400
107282960 ankyrin repeat and MYND domain containing 2 75.00 276.00 365.00 150.00 71.00 332.00 39.00 179.00 149.00 97.00 150.00 294.00 124.00 76.00 86.00 82.00 64.00 92.00 232.00 53.00 138.00 289.00 414.00 165.00 168.00 528.00 104.00 43.00 366.00 47.00 143.00 227.00 335.00 139.00 343.00 144.00 183.00 693.00 429.00 483.00 123.00 179.00 228.00 163.00 333.00 0.6213430 1.5366600 1.2717200 0.9905410 1.2831900 1.4074600 0.9117400 0.8578770 1.7188400 2.9876000 1.1754800 0.6976250 3.889670 2.6374086 3.8398700 3.4984961 3.9263200 4.6494845 4.0236610 3.9031458 11.0049110 12.3055090 11.3834943 2.1669970 2.6163615 3.3894660 2.7862588 23.4311000 31.818700 25.1303000 20.3814000 7.4690800 21.711500 13.7037000 19.5080000 6.8684900 13.1905000 7.2213100 7.7044500 15.7214000 13.2694000 9.8955200 32.5965000 21.3036000 9.2957900 16.3747000 15.8616000 10.2802000 18.7214000 16.6194000 14.4394000 15.5883000 2.5340400 5.1540800 6.6695800 0.0000004 1.5658700 0.0000002 0.0000002 0.0000001 8.7243850 6.0423914 6.8329850 11.0097470 9.8691490 11.3370510 8.4029960 17.6084950 2.9478500 1.2348800 3.7381530 58.9084000 33.1763000 17.0740000 36.1085000 74.7195000 18.8737000 31.3408000 24.4065000 16.7093000 22.2289000 7.4500600
107282961 basic leucine zipper and W2 domains 2 33.00 126.00 159.00 46.00 38.00 137.00 12.00 33.00 72.00 21.00 71.00 141.00 32.00 21.00 26.00 20.00 15.00 32.00 67.00 30.00 45.00 112.00 274.00 51.00 57.00 201.00 37.00 7.00 93.00 20.00 161.00 140.00 426.00 101.00 360.00 112.00 94.00 567.00 208.00 276.00 44.00 64.00 128.00 58.00 113.00 1.8400900 3.0291800 2.9501900 2.3883000 6.0823400 6.3607400 1.8200700 2.6484900 2.2428400 4.4867100 3.7674300 2.3305500 6.411660 4.6041600 5.6349520 6.0885100 6.8119410 41.9911290 36.1245816 35.6662530 8.3178500 8.1517988 8.4430250 9.1645310 3.2671768 3.1278680 3.1125103 90.0946000 123.359000 102.8530000 73.6324000 7.7077000 15.992400 12.9322000 10.5350000 13.3775000 11.5775000 10.1724000 79.6366100 147.0948000 148.5862000 25.7217500 70.3890000 67.8392000 10.9747800 21.4202500 18.8354200 174.1081000 230.6346000 34.9327600 29.0660200 25.3800000 5.4070700 4.6089670 4.5192210 142.0594200 145.2455000 27.5259000 22.9069000 11.0418757 8.6109141 6.5900610 25.3270243 111.6435800 100.1267700 10.9777640 10.2429119 21.6048591 7.7326420 5.6619315 6.1391195 70.8293470 24.2603410 77.8350676 186.3582820 157.4488500 21.6065610 31.8669760 54.3036740 13.9560650 14.3931750 7.6901980
107282962 tetraspanin 13 4599.00 886.00 964.00 5296.00 2138.00 1413.00 1656.00 2322.00 1108.00 2375.00 502.00 1739.00 367.00 1804.00 1731.00 1412.00 1364.00 2841.00 1496.00 1189.00 2591.00 938.00 2098.00 1325.00 2826.00 1841.00 2087.00 1052.00 1105.00 2095.00 76.00 117.00 109.00 288.00 69.00 1914.00 1977.00 13015.00 11494.00 6186.00 33.00 20.00 29.00 47.00 21.00 34.0811000 20.7896000 36.8902000 55.9643000 151.6730000 88.7910000 1.7654700 1.2235200 5.9166000 20.8155000 19.7261000 12.7146000 166.322000 41.6640900 35.3169400 36.5563820 36.4578600 32.1606230 47.7586438 43.9252600 21.6102673 18.2062359 22.1129669 2.0160570 1.8828360 1.7454750 2.3413890 0.5595160 2.773030 0.4331000 1.4713700 40.4331000 75.374500 69.9030000 42.2192000 2.6805300 3.0730500 0.6988510 6.1791500 31.2196400 32.0993200 44.6458000 156.4255000 133.6466000 15.7764300 48.7483300 48.2754600 6.7664100 7.3434700 26.1949000 29.3381000 26.8138000 0.3618040 1.3311000 0.4589320 6.4670100 7.0354000 2.5419100 6.8281900 1.7859200 79.7767000 61.7619530 12.9469000 8.2872000 4.5682300 1.7860240 1.3732220 5.5289260 7.7978488 14.5038000 12.3661000 383.3220000 274.8150000 51.9618000 54.1000000 142.7140000 26.9928000 54.6727000 78.2689000 32.2436000 20.5083000 5.9611100
107282965 sorting nexin 13 713.00 783.00 730.00 1144.00 484.00 783.00 314.00 677.00 441.00 634.00 521.00 449.00 402.00 395.00 359.00 293.00 401.00 785.00 549.00 372.00 518.00 854.00 1807.00 437.00 827.00 894.00 656.00 160.00 994.00 365.00 659.00 492.00 954.00 584.00 1064.00 935.00 656.00 2244.00 1414.00 1387.00 541.00 387.00 675.00 449.00 581.00 1.4181400 7.7095000 2.5228700 3.1873600 3.5739600 4.8149100 1.9062000 1.3183600 2.6299100 6.4386800 3.1024100 2.7594500 8.271500 4.6367797 5.1611000 5.8649680 5.3643640 11.2775680 7.8719440 6.8523941 6.5279741 8.2366543 6.7214003 3.3914011 6.8369490 10.1902280 8.7291521 6.1935500 16.435700 21.3989000 6.9936600 4.9154800 19.705500 20.2471000 7.3748300 12.2542000 16.9588000 3.2632000 8.5750100 17.8776100 25.5709600 6.3752480 23.1178500 18.8715400 5.8167800 15.5563400 20.3777600 2.8444500 3.2576700 6.2703300 5.8283730 5.6725120 1.2872570 3.6100300 3.6582790 7.4217972 12.5521836 8.6554111 11.6608840 2.3937615 10.0773010 7.4173751 4.6420230 4.6654303 7.1852070 11.5505699 3.0030146 20.5822939 3.6828607 2.4538263 4.2200779 17.9845068 10.5328850 1.5959450 7.2085570 12.4279675 8.6643680 15.0279125 8.1040940 8.5344019 5.2494537 2.8234250
107282966 TWIST neighbor 173.00 204.00 274.00 291.00 95.00 256.00 33.00 134.00 209.00 108.00 156.00 359.00 80.00 97.00 107.00 78.00 81.00 102.00 179.00 83.00 158.00 277.00 421.00 192.00 233.00 359.00 129.00 133.00 330.00 148.00 244.00 305.00 365.00 216.00 483.00 201.00 204.00 434.00 448.00 376.00 130.00 129.00 131.00 146.00 221.00 2.2587000 15.8517000 4.8363300 2.8680000 5.0849600 4.0254400 2.6938500 3.2012200 3.1727400 5.5269000 2.1044300 1.9017800 5.205360 1.0507100 1.0293640 1.2513800 1.2482288 3.5476000 7.5707290 6.7690880 14.4564000 12.4837600 14.4086830 30.1670900 29.7840600 35.0462600 30.7103000 10.0168000 11.713000 16.5949000 3.6951200 8.9974900 16.072800 13.9922000 6.3070300 10.9210000 12.6021000 5.9054400 3.3224300 6.2619700 5.5777200 5.4594400 10.9503000 8.2711400 3.1997000 6.2996900 3.7393300 0.8182330 2.2901400 4.7173400 1.6944200 4.0259600 2.4478000 1.3575700 2.6441200 5.1359000 5.4946400 7.0156100 4.9941000 3.7967300 5.8313020 3.5630070 1.4136900 1.5812000 1.7056900 2.4544900 0.9205790 5.4636200 1.4212000 1.6650300 1.7281400 13.4122000 16.0101000 1.5578200 3.7581700 12.9285000 7.0337400 17.5454000 7.2496400 11.8654000 9.1962700 3.9078200
107282968 Sp4 transcription factor 12.00 42.00 35.00 4.00 9.00 27.00 5.00 11.00 21.00 8.00 15.00 26.00 11.00 13.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 4.00 34.00 13.00 5.00 15.00 59.00 13.00 41.00 25.00 20.00 3.00 32.00 5.00 32.00 46.00 58.00 83.00 58.00 26.00 17.00 41.00 22.00 19.00 8.00 21.00 9.00 14.00 50.00 0.1065240 0.0000000 0.0734510 0.3973650 0.9544820 0.3191830 0.8527750 0.4094150 0.5002600 2.9596700 1.9991700 1.5644900 2.393630 0.5334110 0.6569780 0.3084870 0.4426241 2.5545200 2.3634580 2.3403000 2.5577740 2.6179850 2.3002990 1.5036640 1.5479440 1.2803990 1.2554650 4.6513300 12.816900 9.0718300 3.0973300 3.2642900 9.541710 7.5525300 3.3365100 8.4829800 13.7377000 2.4949900 1.5092400 3.4466820 8.6852900 2.3645260 9.8638100 7.2569700 2.1187210 3.2209700 5.2338100 2.3504500 1.7533100 2.4431100 2.4751100 1.8332200 1.6694600 1.4999200 1.8388900 1.4989300 1.4442600 1.4231700 2.1614800 0.4920930 2.2348717 1.1927732 0.5342770 1.2046294 1.5584530 0.6451840 0.1901840 1.3376600 0.2237320 0.3394020 0.6167820 2.5183900 1.3166000 0.4383010 2.2231600 5.2214600 1.2164200 2.9819900 2.1832512 1.2715300 2.2241400 0.5211350
107282969 cyclin J 22.00 18.00 19.00 6.00 8.00 19.00 6.00 5.00 17.00 5.00 10.00 9.00 12.00 8.00 9.00 14.00 14.00 8.00 23.00 8.00 7.00 9.00 39.00 11.00 14.00 21.00 7.00 3.00 13.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 16.00 6.00 13.00 10.00 7.00 20.00 7.00 14.00 33.00 15.00 30.00 25.00 0.1248510 0.8261560 0.3156560 0.1200710 0.2813790 0.0000000 0.7233160 0.2199330 1.2969300 2.0505200 0.9315990 0.1800910 0.920132 0.3985820 0.3770570 0.4243220 0.4427410 2.8765560 2.4599320 2.5316300 1.8209850 2.2088190 2.4902500 1.9071380 2.3356330 2.5651900 2.8243740 0.9228690 1.090130 1.5956300 0.4277240 0.6829390 1.890610 1.3674100 0.5115070 5.0770800 7.9962000 1.1555600 3.0852700 9.2993200 11.0780000 0.7829090 4.4033700 4.1035300 1.9527000 1.5176200 1.6903100 0.4069250 0.6927130 3.0140800 1.9866500 2.4576500 0.2793410 0.6868760 1.0750300 1.1458000 0.7040280 2.7051200 2.7442700 1.3706100 1.6177927 1.0604922 0.6242868 0.6107430 1.2053270 1.4508370 0.3163050 2.9016680 0.8221939 0.1264290 0.4720140 2.2158900 1.8569900 0.2929530 1.5781600 1.2783200 1.7340100 2.5566700 1.3203000 4.8635900 2.2748500 2.3247100
107282978 B-TFIID TATA-box binding protein associated factor 1 379.00 527.00 529.00 320.00 206.00 282.00 135.00 253.00 408.00 159.00 556.00 288.00 304.00 218.00 221.00 221.00 218.00 236.00 441.00 186.00 190.00 421.00 842.00 379.00 494.00 562.00 370.00 183.00 347.00 340.00 259.00 381.00 291.00 401.00 222.00 403.00 383.00 491.00 375.00 335.00 177.00 223.00 188.00 158.00 192.00 3.7123100 3.2893000 4.8389000 5.6272800 7.6763400 1.6632200 6.0389600 3.3165500 7.8093900 7.1906200 6.0588600 1.9120700 9.287880 1.3321700 1.5343846 1.5506794 1.8679900 2.3628291 1.6855156 1.5998674 3.6221460 3.7911504 3.4551168 2.1064272 2.3501012 2.7011160 2.1727416 1.9272300 4.568250 4.8762800 1.8684300 1.6888100 5.552770 4.7581600 2.1736600 3.3538100 4.1308800 1.8541900 4.3800100 8.1953000 13.3977000 3.7106300 15.9267000 13.6621000 4.5298100 9.2669100 11.0294000 3.4827140 5.4085190 9.0594750 8.5340510 8.1109670 2.4423150 5.1927560 6.3287800 8.6537700 4.9097800 14.0589300 9.2051800 15.7716300 11.3381500 6.1931400 4.3416170 4.4621537 3.9020570 4.6735480 1.1121470 8.7440880 3.3823170 1.7209690 4.6932304 5.5239700 3.0352140 0.6162840 2.0931900 2.1823130 3.0869856 3.4828300 2.6687040 4.8303900 3.6442900 2.6842000
107282981 neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 9 1064.00 603.00 457.00 183.00 285.00 657.00 192.00 202.00 310.00 461.00 571.00 953.00 444.00 309.00 334.00 235.00 357.00 290.00 559.00 341.00 180.00 855.00 1654.00 376.00 1058.00 520.00 338.00 83.00 745.00 235.00 531.00 317.00 495.00 223.00 306.00 620.00 243.00 474.00 376.00 402.00 207.00 118.00 97.00 74.00 129.00 3.8563500 2.7506100 5.1743000 5.9466200 22.9852000 3.5882800 1.7856800 2.3287400 10.3445000 9.9548200 7.2091000 0.6934110 20.840100 3.7629810 5.2572400 5.3599140 5.8294830 9.0680500 7.5937980 9.6263360 15.2781040 16.6510226 15.7553270 1.0604060 3.1465873 2.4562210 3.2042500 4.7004800 9.667560 4.9868500 3.9855300 8.9736600 13.510200 22.0472000 12.0595000 4.9617000 3.8923900 1.8987400 6.8874800 8.6872100 6.6785600 4.0656490 6.4164360 7.8710200 3.7216810 3.4959400 4.8097800 5.4005100 9.9911000 12.6810000 29.6034000 36.7112000 4.0804500 7.8110700 8.4532400 5.9587680 6.0153984 50.7768450 20.3020761 9.6233600 15.7154888 6.5531307 17.4907800 13.5259964 13.8794810 13.2735920 21.6677270 13.5151570 1.1635040 15.2065500 1.2916190 14.0137500 12.9823640 9.8703000 13.1751440 32.7084600 14.4796330 38.1882700 38.8162020 21.1894300 10.7736100 5.4743600
107282982 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 2 0.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000000 0.3629160 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0979085 0.0000000 0.0791108 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0452562 0.0078612 0.0330792 21.0887000 21.1473000 20.7549000 127.7314540 149.8652750 138.5531970 149.9492620 7.4755600 17.894400 24.7588000 12.1672000 0.3146630 1.414140 1.2741300 0.6008950 223.9190000 164.0440000 103.3700000 0.0767193 0.8476310 0.0733549 0.0552182 0.0928876 0.0000000 72.5231000 181.9730000 31.7779900 0.1100700 0.0330313 0.4594730 0.7350522 0.1161343 9.8112200 109.1553000 16.0930000 1.1128810 0.6172600 0.4038160 1.0162700 4.1789205 0.6373480 0.2187040 0.5209310 0.5826550 0.7198170 0.0388674 0.0224130 0.1470580 8.0020900 0.2687590 14.6718000 1.4630200 0.3035940 0.1173940 0.8476670 0.1054550 2.2044400 2.3331700 0.3728470 1.4963600 1.7797300 0.1654690
107282989 zinc finger protein 518A 210.00 368.00 411.00 241.00 133.00 239.00 95.00 127.00 300.00 111.00 307.00 105.00 187.00 179.00 119.00 149.00 140.00 188.00 252.00 136.00 114.00 279.00 513.00 260.00 278.00 269.00 257.00 66.00 285.00 121.00 308.00 232.00 373.00 225.00 355.00 425.00 370.00 618.00 458.00 528.00 169.00 227.00 240.00 222.00 299.00 1.1994700 1.1092700 3.1193400 1.9040400 2.3319700 1.0717100 1.6158600 0.7287080 3.5298200 3.0287500 2.6373900 0.7546040 3.596580 0.8584230 0.6826940 0.8481948 1.2722660 0.6944630 0.4815100 0.7509890 0.8923580 1.0586970 0.8549630 0.4406520 0.1702980 0.2291500 0.2420240 1.5171200 5.457790 5.4664100 1.7750600 1.1724100 6.895060 5.4290800 2.3194400 5.2278300 5.8741900 1.5005400 1.5586400 3.6164600 3.9973700 2.5951900 11.1477000 6.9111000 1.9237000 4.2926800 4.2701900 4.5098700 6.7120800 10.1101000 9.8970900 12.1386000 2.9155200 6.4690600 6.8705500 1.1881600 1.5704200 3.2905200 4.9267900 0.9437120 6.1834650 3.6362450 0.8972086 1.1075340 0.9637380 2.6910450 0.6605130 8.1497320 0.5978238 0.8097638 1.6478830 3.9081600 4.9419100 0.3157290 1.1938200 3.6707600 1.3155300 5.1307900 1.1301400 2.1703200 2.1654800 1.2243200
107282996 oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit (non-catalytic) 4116.00 735.00 1064.00 2197.00 2092.00 794.00 1671.00 1376.00 1725.00 1395.00 1049.00 1108.00 711.00 1854.00 1219.00 1717.00 1787.00 1863.00 1352.00 1339.00 1555.00 1029.00 1479.00 1306.00 2462.00 1100.00 2215.00 1963.00 853.00 1521.00 557.00 825.00 486.00 255.00 504.00 726.00 709.00 942.00 1101.00 727.00 1390.00 1188.00 784.00 950.00 1167.00 81.4642000 124.1020000 159.1070000 95.3025000 156.7780000 89.5131000 75.0580000 62.1331000 51.9825000 36.4993000 36.4031000 11.6045000 59.576100 27.1457760 27.0511820 21.0085598 25.0729750 22.2087078 18.7351950 16.3123031 26.5354005 27.7252330 26.2955790 41.1787857 35.8605546 33.6019510 34.1653370 23.3951000 34.122600 42.4104000 25.2846000 47.5751000 77.192500 64.5991000 45.5395000 96.5444000 93.5061000 40.2067000 40.9653300 60.1644000 77.0026100 63.1360000 129.5183000 127.7281000 74.4928800 118.4997000 112.6982000 64.2468800 76.8260700 208.5597000 199.9925000 177.1440000 114.1750000 362.4572000 242.2615000 12.9792600 8.4826060 42.4532600 45.8259400 59.6432200 60.1737400 33.5943500 9.1835190 9.7277900 7.3548350 20.5234000 14.4776000 66.7542500 34.5063000 108.1297000 82.1559800 47.2546000 230.9794000 10.3091000 14.6854000 74.3241200 44.3321710 98.1538000 36.6829100 141.6036000 66.4867000 45.6456910
107283003 ras responsive element binding protein 1 70.00 84.00 69.00 56.00 65.00 38.00 53.00 69.00 74.00 52.00 107.00 50.00 45.00 80.00 56.00 56.00 55.00 66.00 61.00 61.00 47.00 89.00 125.00 60.00 107.00 50.00 88.00 70.00 79.00 53.00 15.00 18.00 28.00 121.00 23.00 32.00 33.00 35.00 31.00 10.00 12.00 50.00 9.00 46.00 33.00 3.8832800 1.2572400 8.3642100 7.5440200 6.9263400 1.2085100 9.4431700 3.3762800 11.3422000 9.8303300 3.5753500 1.3751200 16.402400 1.7906910 2.8502155 3.0907564 3.2863919 6.5504192 7.7222780 7.9233579 12.3859140 11.3831295 13.8316120 15.5471190 14.3870054 12.6673850 11.7438374 0.8783880 4.414320 4.5061000 0.6493410 2.5463800 16.271100 8.9250600 0.9979760 19.7703000 8.3980500 3.8174700 10.5322100 6.1367600 8.7696500 17.2082500 16.7006400 9.2554600 11.2240600 8.6241500 9.5380600 2.8210300 2.5118989 8.8190986 6.2853722 7.2814240 2.3884500 4.3891820 6.1979390 5.4327640 3.7574388 15.2042931 11.3048600 8.7679700 4.6186451 4.9920135 6.5284450 12.7296400 12.5510250 15.6885200 9.6310118 10.5937210 14.1889965 0.8407697 4.7724523 6.5877308 6.0695519 0.7034961 5.7934300 7.5422900 10.1835410 11.3756500 1.9933477 6.0632446 11.7142300 6.6320680
107283006 coagulation factor XIII A chain 140.00 280.00 381.00 156.00 51.00 56.00 13.00 36.00 109.00 33.00 123.00 60.00 114.00 97.00 53.00 31.00 78.00 51.00 135.00 116.00 28.00 100.00 275.00 348.00 163.00 114.00 155.00 25.00 134.00 38.00 114.00 108.00 98.00 183.00 79.00 41.00 24.00 88.00 137.00 55.00 62.00 240.00 130.00 99.00 172.00 0.0216894 0.3444530 0.1462310 0.0741656 0.3910550 0.9055140 4.2890700 1.2481000 0.5033860 0.5369150 0.3596440 0.0166858 5.180710 0.6318870 0.8044170 0.8405990 0.9345050 5.9798020 4.5993634 4.5383961 1.1507226 1.2387894 1.0102253 0.0754074 0.0939595 0.1552690 0.2349447 0.4871480 4.041700 0.8352190 0.9281520 0.5548360 1.280300 0.9180290 0.4713380 14.2147000 4.7873900 2.4272900 9.4994100 7.2667400 17.4678200 0.4963925 1.4528480 2.7429540 0.8195780 1.1857520 1.0760120 1.1561780 0.6748092 3.9550490 2.4547620 2.9546360 4.2824240 10.9855000 3.7014530 24.6041000 2.9021150 7.8184100 1.0862000 0.1774240 10.0297000 3.8230300 2.2380500 12.9155900 12.8225880 45.7515500 10.0083700 59.9596380 0.1497710 0.5813740 0.3478350 3.2386700 15.0204000 0.8287870 4.0814000 3.3111900 1.1288400 12.6073300 0.6016430 1.8017520 3.2878400 0.2965420
107283007 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial 156.00 179.00 203.00 138.00 78.00 89.00 31.00 90.00 141.00 97.00 167.00 131.00 115.00 89.00 122.00 95.00 105.00 89.00 206.00 143.00 87.00 150.00 219.00 172.00 143.00 139.00 119.00 71.00 147.00 97.00 180.00 175.00 131.00 32.00 157.00 599.00 529.00 661.00 443.00 493.00 276.00 397.00 232.00 355.00 493.00 1.5418400 2.3579200 2.7287100 2.7679100 7.8042900 1.9198100 7.1460200 7.6049100 10.0042000 8.1717900 3.4514100 2.9258200 8.274660 4.8744306 4.7815420 4.3962008 6.4799079 39.1434110 34.8067797 34.7313595 52.3354668 52.6621850 53.7483007 33.2120110 44.7542140 39.7608860 46.4658980 5.6390400 8.476630 7.4787200 5.6561900 11.0250000 13.619300 15.7459000 13.9275000 6.3336000 6.5546600 3.9270200 26.8616900 26.2038700 31.1890300 22.9784500 27.5208700 41.8614400 32.2821900 17.0235500 17.6633500 2.3393900 4.9557900 5.9768800 4.5970300 5.5990900 5.3431100 8.0206500 13.6740000 10.5148000 11.3239000 21.0138000 26.8746000 10.5252000 2.6770853 3.5238646 6.8853551 12.9185422 12.2698909 11.8484100 17.6070487 14.0762662 6.2302500 3.2860660 6.2025030 31.1537352 16.7576150 9.8863578 15.2085164 30.9398800 27.6116967 35.9214070 21.1319914 15.3862286 18.5725400 10.4021867
107283009 ribonuclease P/MRP 40kDa subunit 74.00 121.00 169.00 65.00 56.00 39.00 36.00 49.00 72.00 29.00 51.00 100.00 69.00 45.00 46.00 55.00 28.00 12.00 89.00 46.00 31.00 101.00 99.00 146.00 78.00 122.00 35.00 93.00 40.00 87.00 66.00 54.00 26.00 40.00 43.00 101.00 91.00 165.00 102.00 108.00 138.00 50.00 96.00 51.00 42.00 1.0123000 1.1106500 1.3668800 1.2572800 3.4882700 1.5934600 1.8428800 1.0609800 2.9488400 3.1649900 1.2300800 0.6159180 2.151790 1.6401968 1.0745460 0.8853825 5.0566780 2.1152810 1.8944788 2.0495946 4.4949550 5.7857440 3.8119820 3.3249215 4.5048930 3.7078200 4.5224430 2.1363000 3.269290 5.2499100 2.1631000 1.9975500 5.811110 4.9593700 2.4540800 3.3308900 4.2570500 1.1739300 5.3852000 1.9669100 2.9372600 5.7138100 4.7425900 3.1688600 5.5831800 2.1182700 0.8928790 6.1292900 12.7143000 11.8596000 9.5103500 12.5325000 6.5284700 6.1291620 9.5604080 2.1204710 1.8274480 2.5023900 4.2509200 6.0432370 1.5460040 1.2879588 1.6351750 1.0758980 1.4613665 2.9280770 1.2879790 5.7573098 3.5948630 2.8997790 3.3736287 5.1110020 5.6607210 2.7851159 4.4771047 4.1458330 7.9215230 9.3438130 7.6532650 11.7291720 10.5261505 7.3493590
107283035 heat shock protein family B (small) member 11 95.00 81.00 101.00 150.00 72.00 51.00 16.00 128.00 101.00 40.00 97.00 82.00 151.00 63.00 43.00 145.00 47.00 58.00 137.00 40.00 107.00 275.00 111.00 187.00 96.00 207.00 87.00 97.00 82.00 44.00 89.00 75.00 36.00 36.00 50.00 95.00 112.00 225.00 220.00 132.00 42.00 17.00 10.00 37.00 17.00 1.5421300 2.5580200 2.3233500 1.5338300 2.6808200 9.9021700 3.2051000 2.4262600 6.4804600 6.7618200 2.1947000 0.8879330 6.049490 1.1499600 2.7641220 0.6501078 0.9213530 1.7290270 2.0680230 1.1922230 5.9488580 6.4282750 4.9761770 1.0897750 2.1028600 1.9402630 1.7682060 1.6860500 3.683800 2.0770200 1.8884700 4.0422600 7.406110 4.6485400 4.6884900 1.7173600 2.4320900 1.5670900 3.6922700 3.3642900 4.7554300 32.9130000 21.7109000 23.9093000 25.4203000 13.7598000 22.7943000 1.7565100 2.7398000 5.7055900 12.6623000 5.4062000 0.8557220 1.4484500 0.8908830 7.5151100 7.9585000 15.5854800 22.9518000 8.3607000 15.3344467 10.2740550 5.3252240 4.0756430 3.7927390 9.9210270 3.7446230 26.9280160 6.6669700 10.8511452 21.4661620 6.8878200 6.0288700 10.2734000 7.1122600 4.8188200 6.2396800 4.7095100 13.9173000 0.0000000 0.0000000 4.0825100
107283040 LDL receptor related protein 8 11.00 26.00 29.00 13.00 30.00 13.00 3.00 16.00 9.00 5.00 42.00 19.00 11.00 12.00 9.00 18.00 22.00 6.00 23.00 4.00 14.00 32.00 87.00 23.00 31.00 23.00 18.00 3.00 32.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.9503220 0.0955202 1.0796800 0.5707300 1.5977400 0.5550810 0.1115060 0.0211905 0.3512370 0.4123160 0.4338380 0.0277629 5.987610 0.2011749 0.0164397 0.0171695 0.1985801 0.5123382 0.7749327 0.7561730 3.8228738 2.3693630 2.7469570 0.0161162 0.1635787 0.4049118 0.1217040 0.0923997 1.239310 0.5249250 0.5053460 0.1092190 0.374873 0.3952940 0.2091030 0.0000000 0.1566790 0.2692100 0.2605360 0.5499320 3.4950100 0.0870758 0.1883260 0.5603750 0.1815950 0.0349496 0.1475960 0.8443592 0.8469944 1.9661413 1.0463730 1.0735610 0.0490310 0.4000990 1.1153600 0.6947780 0.5810503 2.4591836 0.5422520 0.6911947 0.4388389 0.2889854 1.3200531 1.2498365 1.4144378 2.4955282 1.4459390 2.6602726 0.1855454 0.1207393 0.4382468 17.8206900 21.5454800 2.6577120 3.1699130 14.2785900 4.6553890 17.5456600 13.5377600 5.8776200 4.6626300 2.7725680
107283043 podocan 19.00 84.00 96.00 16.00 12.00 48.00 8.00 17.00 56.00 16.00 54.00 18.00 46.00 33.00 44.00 32.00 25.00 8.00 123.00 26.00 29.00 92.00 60.99 84.00 58.00 60.00 69.00 5.00 36.00 14.00 50.00 105.00 87.00 71.00 114.00 12.00 30.00 68.00 98.00 19.00 10.00 4.00 50.00 26.00 65.00 0.7682440 1.0993600 1.6351400 1.8538300 0.9298330 0.8454660 1.6238600 1.1010500 0.2787330 1.5248300 0.5297030 0.1929210 1.503500 0.6194440 0.6624150 0.5083463 0.6548638 24.0091990 50.4587100 49.4608201 21.2996490 20.1286100 22.8371110 2.3955360 3.5294218 3.1542838 3.1658132 1.9669200 14.390600 2.5088300 3.9165600 1.6542300 6.687260 7.4371800 2.2973400 7.3777900 5.0440100 2.9405100 20.6741900 30.6877300 44.8362700 2.7971600 5.6396600 14.1008300 3.7798100 8.5331350 7.6011830 6.0829300 12.3388000 5.6695200 8.6133400 8.7679500 0.8218710 1.0924000 1.5957300 6.7144200 6.2777500 1.2772900 3.4821200 1.7466400 5.4353000 7.3142670 60.7536800 100.9061000 105.9396000 3.1666130 4.7754000 1.2784290 2.1292860 0.8723980 1.3084220 8.7429200 7.0269300 5.1234300 19.1628000 10.2164000 27.4300000 30.2215000 15.4664000 2.8522700 1.8669400 15.3592000
107283044 sterol carrier protein 2 1927.00 2587.00 4441.00 1835.00 1380.00 1637.00 783.00 1508.00 2404.00 1062.00 2086.00 2389.00 2051.00 1301.00 1356.00 1105.00 1167.00 932.00 3298.00 954.00 1511.00 2654.00 3130.00 2973.00 2099.00 2762.00 1872.00 668.00 2502.00 1225.00 1845.00 1720.00 981.00 712.00 1496.00 5437.00 3842.00 7096.00 7454.00 6089.00 9641.00 5056.00 6951.00 4271.00 5198.00 11.0869000 30.8646000 21.2405000 18.4320000 17.9091000 25.8902000 52.5135000 52.9589000 38.9107000 28.1003000 9.0678500 2.8180900 30.584200 54.9748000 44.1923300 52.2947700 58.0656950 158.0698310 135.3359500 130.7298600 450.5975760 473.4061000 451.6468540 1361.9825580 952.6238100 904.1261380 962.5509500 12.1958000 20.400300 25.3533000 9.9093900 44.2508000 152.621000 138.6640000 64.4942000 238.3320000 221.3190000 90.1725000 21.3600000 52.5592000 50.0048000 174.2790000 461.1740000 350.5100000 298.7430000 569.8410000 696.9180000 59.8681500 100.8721000 221.4851000 240.6405000 217.8019000 195.0102000 460.9251000 390.0126000 48.4525100 61.1746250 119.8094482 187.6654701 422.5571540 79.1182897 57.7175996 38.3787140 42.1742880 41.0991350 165.6465150 24.0094185 376.8795464 384.7240319 289.2948450 492.4744500 121.3505000 93.6218400 23.9408100 25.4499600 96.7311000 134.9045000 677.6340000 217.2329000 1.4546000 4.3046100 401.7461000
107283045 enoyl-CoA hydratase domain containing 2 88.00 180.00 163.00 39.00 29.00 91.00 14.00 37.00 88.00 32.00 120.00 159.00 69.00 29.00 59.00 19.00 32.00 30.00 105.00 50.00 27.00 60.00 168.00 98.00 52.00 64.00 59.00 17.00 63.00 44.00 283.00 325.00 387.00 115.00 355.00 962.00 954.00 1130.00 389.00 659.00 377.00 584.00 315.00 203.00 511.00 9.9261400 0.6794080 2.0546700 13.2603000 6.7258000 2.9994400 6.4768100 14.4441000 16.0242000 44.2613000 2.2998000 9.7823300 11.375500 3.9166896 4.6672240 3.4483390 3.6221780 32.1751830 37.3404120 38.5424880 157.1631510 147.7172200 155.4069540 167.6076150 230.7397260 223.3275530 228.7615940 14.2393000 20.638800 17.6500000 14.3153000 48.0927000 149.973000 112.3920000 129.7110000 84.0794000 77.8546000 50.3831000 33.1415000 57.2676000 45.0645000 177.0600000 222.8420000 213.2410000 27.1589000 34.3981000 37.3079000 69.6778400 73.4268500 34.9597200 50.2242400 40.1982300 20.4817100 42.2926100 35.5458700 21.4261300 27.4646344 159.0670200 254.7352800 254.3080100 33.5835930 40.2873231 85.7286060 164.0791370 161.7213970 230.9980138 206.2201200 246.9257680 491.6371600 244.5115481 556.4569250 40.5517000 53.9713000 10.1506800 58.3600000 88.4193000 56.4216000 174.1625000 12.7570400 0.0000000 0.9481381 176.8627000
107283050 pre-mRNA processing factor 38A 1259.00 1344.00 1798.00 1214.00 875.34 1006.00 286.00 424.00 1129.00 386.00 974.00 1538.73 900.00 505.00 428.00 544.00 661.00 604.00 1677.28 511.00 510.00 1059.00 2018.00 1356.00 1468.00 1605.00 960.00 463.00 1024.00 737.00 585.00 1004.00 704.00 561.00 623.00 1178.00 993.00 1932.00 1354.00 1091.00 877.00 1037.00 721.00 649.00 791.00 9.3984100 7.4432800 19.4999000 14.4238000 40.8877000 13.8759000 30.6401000 29.8093000 31.4141000 43.7078000 25.7688000 14.4225000 23.139500 3.4370530 4.5835730 3.1573660 3.9996853 3.3951505 2.2756787 1.9512914 4.4150350 3.9072654 4.1044238 2.1859771 2.2004032 2.4196430 2.2419924 23.3547000 27.934000 27.7972000 32.1994000 18.4439000 21.588800 19.2289000 26.6205000 10.8503000 18.7807000 20.6269000 13.0498000 14.8998000 15.1422000 14.3403000 29.7584000 26.2157000 10.6123000 12.8575000 12.4799000 10.8786000 17.6615000 31.1702000 25.1444000 25.7478000 13.2891000 12.9811000 16.9035000 14.4620700 15.8610100 17.1620400 22.1933000 12.5591500 10.6088400 7.4596600 9.2483340 10.3053700 10.9359900 23.7995700 16.2731500 23.0591500 8.4756200 7.2873000 5.5499770 21.0830000 15.4210000 6.6263500 7.2705000 9.2563000 12.3883000 15.1388000 25.0896000 22.1161000 14.1944000 9.3726000
107283052 coiled-coil and C2 domain containing 1B 113.00 175.00 189.00 121.00 76.00 113.00 56.00 121.00 150.00 89.00 185.00 107.00 148.00 83.00 83.00 112.00 141.00 102.00 200.00 105.00 66.00 169.00 378.00 160.00 177.00 119.00 100.00 67.00 99.00 98.00 93.00 146.00 102.00 124.00 140.00 141.00 102.00 159.00 137.00 154.00 66.00 208.00 137.00 109.00 218.00 0.7084550 2.2595700 1.2140200 1.0583400 2.3186200 0.9938340 3.2901600 2.8760300 2.9346900 3.8473100 2.2734400 0.8978290 5.881930 3.3012500 3.8699860 5.2053820 4.2099090 6.9751900 9.9708840 9.8821090 19.2920160 18.8374170 23.8055520 6.2644650 9.2618220 8.2637681 9.0295130 12.6454000 19.974700 19.1289000 14.5086000 5.8724600 24.102100 16.6486000 19.7255000 13.9680000 16.3168000 10.8375000 14.4732000 19.7447000 28.9979000 15.5010000 27.3365000 25.8414000 13.6277000 13.7930000 15.4087000 6.0406700 6.9247450 13.1850399 11.2060745 13.4578900 5.5498100 8.2036000 10.6504800 11.0163200 5.1744130 50.1280700 25.2647900 30.0177500 4.7728086 4.7834168 9.1069310 9.4087540 8.2653910 26.0390600 17.8498690 31.5714520 4.9140100 4.3231993 4.9340207 15.9259600 11.8221000 4.5786940 7.7670700 12.3153190 19.3417700 18.5603700 15.7199100 10.8066060 15.9947270 8.9282300
107283057 nardilysin convertase 1464.00 1308.98 1608.00 776.00 884.00 979.00 455.00 561.00 771.00 589.00 1265.00 801.00 773.00 698.00 582.00 454.98 789.00 772.00 1009.00 731.00 502.99 1187.00 2466.98 1129.00 1679.98 1020.00 928.00 415.00 1381.00 725.00 896.00 876.00 817.00 496.00 860.00 1033.00 763.00 981.00 737.00 728.00 722.00 746.00 781.00 576.00 686.00 6.6945900 10.9097000 13.3160000 8.9596600 15.8412000 4.1895800 10.7489000 10.1648000 15.0356000 14.5405000 9.7088800 5.6198500 14.593900 7.6415456 13.5395111 10.6822259 8.4830250 58.7974660 37.7736600 44.3277730 33.3750370 30.7307680 38.3099190 11.2572202 12.2355530 12.8133976 26.5302180 16.8535000 33.079200 31.5610000 16.0735000 13.6462000 31.218000 33.9473000 20.2755000 25.5692000 18.7319000 12.2113000 45.9419000 48.4728000 104.4220000 39.4438000 55.7445000 52.1856000 34.2595000 38.1603000 50.7312000 3.6614350 4.9002731 10.4942278 7.9007836 8.4738040 1.8363740 4.6545180 10.7348390 48.0058580 49.8102660 42.2105500 44.9202300 38.3989000 29.9234895 19.2397739 79.4136820 56.0471480 45.2733512 57.1637200 30.3443763 63.6562910 40.8842850 62.6593750 55.0559917 13.0330330 7.9900000 11.2171820 20.7049090 16.4956930 18.2620100 13.1068860 14.5355190 12.6895700 12.4036100 11.0762600
107283060 ring finger protein 11 1946.00 1747.99 2466.00 1316.00 894.00 992.00 555.00 650.00 1181.00 500.00 851.00 1542.00 925.00 724.00 854.00 671.00 787.00 827.00 1603.00 852.00 643.00 942.00 2741.00 767.00 1582.00 1494.00 1400.00 559.00 828.00 931.00 583.00 847.00 525.00 486.00 503.00 985.00 709.00 979.00 1055.00 570.00 537.00 644.00 497.00 692.00 499.00 3.7210900 6.3391700 8.1477300 7.5387300 13.9674000 5.6257900 4.0285500 3.4314700 8.2270200 8.0097500 5.1427700 1.5678400 11.963000 14.3071100 16.4026700 18.7293000 17.6112100 30.4417700 21.6048500 19.8129500 41.5967000 39.5236000 38.1903300 35.4292570 29.6655300 35.3011750 27.9653700 24.7801000 21.155400 13.3395000 13.8612000 12.2623000 11.567700 10.5345000 5.9147500 6.8278500 14.5042000 17.6528000 25.3662000 42.8278000 49.7163000 28.0331000 88.0615000 123.2540000 16.9247000 30.5291000 34.5152000 13.3478400 15.0680200 16.9794900 21.2333800 24.1953300 4.9983670 8.4595800 7.0664500 69.4039000 60.8954000 83.4726000 91.6386000 34.7833000 34.1954418 24.6086108 32.1377000 45.9564800 61.7010700 78.3626000 21.8049300 107.6668330 55.3767100 14.4930000 19.5257120 250.4080000 189.7110001 65.7155000 120.5930000 636.9216500 66.1901000 243.6340000 102.8901000 69.9414000 62.2365500 25.4475000
107283061 Fas associated factor 1 257.00 205.00 176.00 170.00 191.00 130.00 62.00 73.00 137.00 80.00 236.00 143.00 121.00 85.00 100.00 82.00 74.00 131.00 184.00 87.00 103.00 176.00 226.00 217.00 358.00 166.00 134.00 59.00 240.00 156.00 195.00 96.00 124.00 95.00 182.00 123.00 88.00 154.00 131.00 131.00 80.00 41.00 55.00 55.00 100.00 6.9900800 5.3310100 11.2327000 10.3306000 18.5840000 5.0764200 8.2365900 4.6958100 8.6482100 13.5361000 6.0408800 1.6406000 11.686800 3.6442400 4.4950500 2.8560860 4.3831860 6.9237000 9.3463000 18.0465500 5.7631875 6.4448624 6.2529300 12.0790200 3.9915500 4.9102000 4.4068400 8.7564600 11.602800 13.5029000 10.2778000 7.7123600 11.110500 13.3725000 9.3758100 4.9238100 6.1496800 2.6906900 8.4133000 11.5229000 21.7871000 9.6790200 18.0321000 16.3070000 6.8704300 9.8249100 15.9531000 13.1253100 14.0261400 18.0943300 14.4166700 15.8687100 5.3849030 7.4442410 8.8885130 32.0683304 31.5764000 38.0402830 24.7953001 19.3159842 23.4134300 23.0580100 19.2860200 19.7450500 21.2569600 35.2095100 23.4546800 47.2961600 11.9060100 11.2098900 13.1953500 4.6814720 39.3564000 27.3286000 41.9644250 138.7240000 34.7651390 9.8152700 25.2923912 3.7474600 6.9063400 14.0042000
107283067 solute carrier family 1 (glutamate transporter), member 7 0.00 5.00 4.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 5.00 7.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 7.00 1.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 5.00 1.00 9.00 13.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.0106943 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0274263 0.0771263 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2449030 0.0720587 0.0305462 0.0531984 0.0246816 0.169756 0.0746538 0.0616366 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.6902090 1.3607920 1.2838740 0.1225527 0.1361496 0.3433180 0.0715223 0.2357607 0.1826680 0.0561981 0.1611640 0.171253 0.2005410 0.1975300 0.1527020 0.848443 0.7001700 0.6601630 0.3293270 0.2261270 0.2003400 0.3633383 0.0229908 0.4801010 0.0812052 0.0536413 0.0000000 0.2113270 0.0497739 0.1692480 0.3789008 0.0346662 0.3532673 0.1647064 0.2314369 0.2868140 0.0000000 0.1578100 0.1589620 0.1856693 77.8649000 41.2998000 2.4065100 0.1386936 0.3314395 1.1052911 1.9999300 2.8264500 1.1071903 0.4615880 0.8235880 4.7550345 0.2152509 0.2245908 0.0857572 0.3794806 0.3152611 0.9124810 0.9730210 4.4955100 55.1596600 2.6607950 0.5336520 0.0967305 0.6083370
107283068 cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 7 292.00 226.00 281.00 337.00 179.00 153.00 68.00 186.00 274.00 115.00 236.00 204.00 232.00 156.00 142.00 176.00 141.00 131.00 277.00 96.00 179.00 346.00 277.00 229.00 280.00 358.00 191.00 187.00 291.00 171.00 271.00 364.00 281.00 51.00 350.00 197.00 141.00 264.00 193.00 165.00 137.00 161.00 124.00 139.00 120.00 2.0678600 14.1196000 3.9400100 2.7668800 6.5200300 10.2728000 10.0007000 10.0833000 5.5194900 9.5016800 2.2361900 1.4524900 10.261800 1.3204670 0.8513890 1.2230570 0.8523222 7.6353700 6.6418290 6.2155000 18.7677800 21.2570700 17.9295740 18.1513300 16.6522400 16.1399900 16.2500280 16.4630000 25.396500 29.9131000 15.0689000 7.9881800 17.080900 17.6081000 12.4488000 5.7933800 11.7207000 7.4891300 16.8858600 28.5763800 38.5031000 24.4310300 45.6100500 47.8785100 22.7465300 33.4681900 33.2220100 4.7908200 5.7304500 8.5339600 11.6686000 10.8201000 5.1157500 10.3016000 7.9467600 5.4879500 4.1154100 9.9024700 10.9072000 17.6902000 2.2107200 1.5529350 3.3519700 7.3582500 7.9150000 15.7269100 5.1356500 16.9731900 17.5128700 1.7599070 3.7034600 14.5795000 13.3820000 2.0220300 4.6388300 18.9600000 34.0728000 63.2157000 21.0908000 21.1458000 25.0335000 12.1555000
107283121 dual specificity phosphatase 6 79.00 106.00 71.00 102.00 53.00 61.00 19.00 48.00 88.00 41.00 54.00 39.00 38.00 60.00 28.00 84.00 42.00 25.00 85.00 28.00 44.00 80.00 78.00 60.00 93.00 88.00 78.00 38.00 65.00 60.00 30.00 51.00 19.00 62.00 28.00 63.00 48.00 107.00 63.00 67.00 8.00 5.00 12.00 7.00 10.00 4.0085000 0.0000000 4.0884600 7.3704800 3.1551700 2.3938300 1.2654300 0.3074810 72.9231000 23.4877000 2.6342000 0.5438550 7.208130 9.4471780 12.5926000 10.9948210 11.4003700 10.9417680 16.6458200 15.0668300 37.9216100 35.1600600 37.1293700 43.4916900 47.6785400 42.1780980 50.0598200 2.8685000 3.663550 1.7719900 3.7310400 16.0823000 28.409300 26.8635000 19.9997000 1.0860100 1.1830700 1.0163900 17.4817700 11.8308000 7.0796900 15.1868700 10.8559000 18.9699000 7.8879000 7.1270500 8.7825100 5.6107300 52.9516000 11.4817000 49.4284000 42.9235000 8.9158400 10.4005000 25.8964000 7.5523100 7.2762200 27.1253500 19.2941700 30.9989000 108.4943000 47.0899100 11.1983340 25.4610400 22.2424700 13.8014630 13.1279000 23.0940700 17.1713900 8.8860180 10.0109280 56.7614000 72.6054000 10.2307000 14.6723000 25.7640000 23.6371000 52.2420000 62.3118000 35.7259000 37.2601000 19.0852000
107283122 pleckstrin 99.00 117.00 206.00 219.00 34.00 57.00 66.00 129.00 261.00 18.00 219.00 76.00 94.00 41.00 215.00 64.00 23.00 155.00 263.00 89.00 76.00 109.00 106.00 135.00 93.00 177.00 126.00 78.00 81.00 466.00 32.00 125.00 51.00 137.00 97.00 10.00 16.00 88.00 147.00 25.00 113.00 189.00 53.00 124.00 109.00 0.1591480 0.2246620 1.1266300 0.2993080 0.7269160 4.1264500 10.1790000 4.7098700 1.2868200 1.1515900 7.0987000 0.0979469 17.635600 1.5333100 1.4202870 1.8128510 1.6184714 1.0208820 1.0812170 1.1758350 0.8923880 1.0076500 0.9047571 0.1659560 0.2753830 0.1970550 0.3126319 1.5495100 3.988510 2.1017800 1.2739900 0.9500560 4.252770 0.9512450 0.6589410 1.8826500 5.3323600 0.3817590 4.2570100 9.7815600 16.1476900 2.2875000 8.2855900 9.3346800 4.9383100 5.3235300 7.1055400 1.3884100 1.3764600 2.7057000 1.7586800 2.7579610 5.7432900 5.3350330 10.8013400 4.4465700 1.0102910 3.1818800 2.7271800 18.4107200 3.1191061 2.2645810 1.5399440 0.6285040 1.4245650 2.8215500 0.9138780 3.2552520 1.2252700 0.6764510 2.9387004 0.6368490 1.5356260 0.2895600 0.5995300 1.2077580 1.6843600 11.7034430 4.0236766 7.4894000 5.9238600 2.1342780
107283124 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1 40.00 24.00 40.00 26.00 21.00 25.00 43.00 34.00 31.00 30.00 34.00 27.00 26.64 27.00 40.00 26.00 72.01 25.00 35.00 52.00 32.00 58.00 30.00 63.00 52.00 34.00 31.00 13.00 35.00 9.00 6.00 2.00 9.00 2.00 6.00 57.00 27.00 193.00 35.00 48.00 8.00 21.00 27.00 13.00 30.00 1.5223100 0.2627830 7.0770500 2.1359300 2.0253700 1.5270700 0.1661630 1.7003200 0.1982110 0.5120150 0.9877410 0.5219140 10.687600 0.0000000 0.3839735 1.0785700 0.4930710 0.0370203 0.0608661 0.1372980 0.2899231 0.2701045 0.5015374 0.2264006 0.1106264 0.1143980 0.1030263 0.7292750 0.936632 0.7698120 0.8700830 1.0345600 1.244040 1.0723900 0.4497360 0.4062840 0.4380460 0.5796930 0.0492503 0.0341510 1.3510625 0.1937454 0.1163645 0.1331738 1.6296681 2.8023920 1.6764248 0.1318098 0.3767830 0.9250733 0.7882280 0.8565191 0.9505980 12.9630300 3.0624450 0.0929825 0.0888603 0.2890360 0.3416220 0.1992960 0.0030970 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0545056 0.2510470 0.3665370 0.0446191 0.0000000 0.0001654 0.1714412 0.1026423 0.0784263 0.0665313 0.1843602 0.0275185 0.0856303 0.4158459 0.2197016 0.0409222 0.0088400
107283138 WD repeat domain 72 29.00 135.00 185.00 68.00 45.00 49.00 10.00 74.00 90.00 25.00 127.00 74.00 71.00 45.00 50.00 48.00 29.00 15.00 118.00 33.00 43.00 76.00 162.00 80.00 81.00 115.00 36.00 14.00 107.00 26.00 41.00 28.00 38.00 21.00 50.00 42.00 48.00 68.00 31.00 45.00 0.00 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.4336480 0.0204965 0.9201720 0.7943740 0.6887790 0.4849400 0.5921880 0.1636920 2.1218900 1.4930000 0.6837450 0.8399780 6.936200 0.6208790 1.1164555 1.4464136 1.2021704 0.2419674 0.1973145 0.1677722 7.9852559 8.5805800 8.9328010 0.0446208 1.9664320 2.3303650 2.1062660 0.4981330 0.519547 0.2808000 0.2765840 7.7465400 4.338790 4.7113100 4.4369800 0.0838414 0.0791565 0.1275080 0.0000000 0.0181529 0.0942585 5.4897300 22.2005000 17.4504000 0.0912509 0.6368240 0.4510150 0.3597000 0.4639470 8.3373000 11.0049000 14.1557000 0.0000000 0.0436243 0.1092420 0.2541290 0.3701270 10.0367000 22.2540000 0.2430830 16.7914200 6.1121040 0.8123680 1.4790200 1.1087600 56.9588000 14.8302600 155.4282000 2.2238270 9.3310570 10.2856400 2.0313990 2.0135160 0.0829246 0.4114643 0.9446350 17.2182140 28.8790925 3.1136580 0.3791500 0.1671360 0.1236173
107283141 myotubularin related protein 10 57.00 22.99 33.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 11.00 31.00 18.00 14.00 15.00 8.00 7.00 20.00 11.00 26.00 10.00 22.00 22.00 31.00 14.00 41.00 9.00 13.00 22.00 26.00 17.00 9.00 8.00 17.00 18.00 8.00 61.00 56.00 68.00 44.00 38.00 11.00 30.00 10.00 23.00 26.00 5.9456700 43.7975000 5.2728000 9.2248200 6.7046500 4.2884900 14.1570000 31.8686000 22.3399000 25.3357000 5.4453500 3.0399300 9.144160 4.7658119 7.2103650 5.0358020 6.0783602 3.1012250 2.8220600 2.4935430 6.9221110 7.5889970 7.8655740 7.2858810 5.9334004 6.2465130 6.6488331 0.7552400 5.464060 4.2932000 1.2010700 1.6403300 16.766400 9.2242100 2.8421000 10.6494000 7.1916100 4.3188900 12.6566000 19.7824000 23.8894800 20.6354000 46.8235000 44.7601004 20.8466000 34.2868530 36.5518000 3.8779900 4.8224200 12.0262100 12.8861500 13.8988200 5.8694500 16.4582100 14.2248200 19.4171872 11.3316690 34.6208500 30.9596500 11.6486780 12.9914000 11.5842400 5.2592090 6.5342640 5.8246520 21.9050000 9.8447420 37.2767100 6.6401160 2.1797970 8.5209600 16.2843000 11.7323000 2.0479700 7.9450200 15.7348000 24.1132000 29.9200000 15.1878000 18.1098000 21.3625000 17.6763000
107283146 annexin A2 4338.00 16948.00 26161.00 4095.00 4357.00 9858.00 1978.00 4250.00 11221.00 3213.00 10206.00 15146.00 11111.00 4546.00 3618.00 4859.00 1402.00 1504.00 24324.00 6234.00 4914.00 14714.00 34031.00 10205.00 7590.00 8132.00 3913.00 2887.00 8179.00 3404.00 1343.00 3822.00 2011.00 3332.00 1356.00 5868.00 1707.00 1891.00 2200.00 1288.00 434.00 475.00 752.00 401.00 821.00 89.4787000 20.6177000 273.4900000 160.4580000 578.3220000 159.8410000 24.1070000 28.9040000 21.5023000 52.4650000 28.6864000 3.4215300 718.917000 23.3127000 22.1306200 26.7969450 25.7138600 47.5845130 55.8339010 53.1898390 88.0312010 91.2110110 90.1882030 11.8367506 11.4485940 11.9934504 11.5510222 147.8260000 415.000000 132.5960000 336.8840000 103.7610000 176.107000 74.3000000 91.8345000 41.3660000 64.4720000 57.8291000 76.7991500 69.6885330 66.6609000 16.4722690 18.3266830 42.3300430 8.6258020 15.0685260 9.3012200 79.8469400 161.1499000 110.5109000 156.1332000 105.4110000 17.7634000 43.1802400 40.6697800 192.3449370 114.7950700 365.9030000 233.0580000 518.4196400 137.4015000 112.6043000 168.4284000 111.7108000 119.6543000 193.1887000 155.4581000 291.2917000 52.1931700 21.4579500 41.5534300 1224.9026770 1124.5192060 69.1575841 65.9568590 199.5696090 54.3919160 593.3890830 378.9680580 26.0132000 38.2508000 11.4243440

Process the data

Final_data<-Final_data %>% column_to_rownames('gene')
Final_data$Naja_pan_1<-NULL #remove pancreas data from because not comparing pancreas in other animals


          rep("livr",3), rep("vg/sg",2),rep("hrt",3),rep("kid",3),rep("livr",3))

ids <- data.frame(
  id = sampleIDs,
  species = species,
  tissue = tissue

Design matrix

id species tissue
Pm_30 Habu vg/sg
Pm_4 Habu vg/sg
Pm_5 Habu vg/sg
Pm_6 Habu vg/sg
Pm_7 Habu vg/sg
Pm_8 Habu vg/sg
Pm_9 Habu vg/sg
Pm_1_heart Habu hrt
Pm_10_heart Habu hrt
Pm_3_heart Habu hrt
Pm_5_heart Habu hrt
Pm_8_heart Habu hrt
Pm_1_kidney Habu kid
Pm_10_kidney Habu kid
Pm_3_kidney Habu kid
Pm_5_kidney Habu kid
Pm_8_kidney Habu kid
Pm_1_liver Habu livr
Pm_10_liver Habu livr
Pm_3_liver Habu livr
Pm_5_liver Habu livr
Pm_8_liver Habu livr
Naja_vg_1 Cobra vg/sg
Naja_vg_2 Cobra vg/sg
Naja_vg_3 Cobra vg/sg
Naja_vg_4 Cobra vg/sg
Naja_vg_5 Cobra vg/sg
Naja_vg_6 Cobra vg/sg
Naja_liv_1 Cobra livr
Naja_liv_2 Cobra livr
Naja_kid_1 Cobra kid
Naja_kid_2 Cobra kid
Naja_sg_1 Cobra vg/sg
Mus_sg_1 Mouse vg/sg
Mus_sg_2 Mouse vg/sg
Mus_sg_3 Mouse vg/sg
Mus_sg_4 Mouse vg/sg
Mus_hrt_1 Mouse hrt
Mus_hrt_2 Mouse hrt
Mus_hrt_3 Mouse hrt
Mus_kidn_1 Mouse kid
Mus_kidn_2 Mouse kid
Mus_kidn_3 Mouse kid
Mus_livr_1 Mouse livr
Mus_livr_2 Mouse livr
Mus_livr_3 Mouse livr
Mus_livr_4 Mouse livr
Anole_hrt_1 Anole hrt
Anole_hrt_2 Anole hrt
Anole_hrt_3 Anole hrt
Anole_hrt_4 Anole hrt
Anole_kidn_1 Anole kid
Anole_kidn_2 Anole kid
Anole_kidn_3 Anole kid
Anole_kidn_4 Anole kid
Anole_livr_1 Anole livr
Anole_livr_2 Anole livr
Anole_livr_3 Anole livr
Gal_hrt_1 Chicken hrt
Gal_hrt_2 Chicken hrt
Gal_hrt_3 Chicken hrt
Gal_kidn_1 Chicken kid
Gal_kidn_2 Chicken kid
Gal_kidn_3 Chicken kid
Gal_livr_1 Chicken livr
Gal_livr_2 Chicken livr
Gal_livr_3 Chicken livr
Xeno_hrt_2 Frog hrt
Xeno_hrt_3 Frog hrt
Xeno_kidn_1 Frog kid
Xeno_kidn_2 Frog kid
Xeno_kidn_3 Frog kid
Xeno_livr_1 Frog livr
Xeno_livr_2 Frog livr
Xeno_livr_3 Frog livr
Pan_hrt_1 Chimp hrt
Pan_hrt_2 Chimp hrt
Pan_kid_1 Chimp kid
Pan_kid_2 Chimp kid
Pan_liv Chimp livr
Homo_sg_1 Human vg/sg
Homo_sg_2 Human vg/sg
Homo_hrt_1 Human hrt
Homo_hrt_2 Human hrt
Homo_hrt_3 Human hrt
Homo_kidn_1 Human kid
Homo_kidn_2 Human kid
Homo_kidn_3 Human kid
Homo_livr_1 Human livr
Homo_livr_2 Human livr
Homo_livr_3 Human livr
Canis_sg_1 Dog vg/sg
Canis_sg_2 Dog vg/sg
Canis_hrt_1 Dog hrt
Canis_hrt_2 Dog hrt
Canis_hrt_3 Dog hrt
Canis_kidn_1 Dog kid
Canis_kidn_2 Dog kid
Canis_kidn_3 Dog kid
Canis_livr_1 Dog livr
Canis_livr_2 Dog livr
Canis_livr_3 Dog livr

Normalize ComBat Data prep

To allow for comparisons across samples, expression levels were normalized. Normalization was carried out by adding a pseudo count of 1 x 10-5 (to prevent log[0] scores), followed by log2 transformation. The transformed data was then quantile normalized among samples. Quantile normalization ensured equal across sample distribution of gene expression levels so as to minimize the effects of technical artefacts(Bolstad et al. 2003; Qiu et al. 2018).

Our aim was to identify any conserved pattern of expression present between homologous tissues from multiple taxa, however identifying patterns in expression data from multiple species as well as multiple studies requires the removal of their respective batch effects(Gilad and Mizrahi-Man 2015). The batch effect imparted by species is due to the level of shared functionality of genetic processes, where evolutionary changes (during speciation) in shared molecular machinery will simultaneously alter the expression of genes in all tissues, thereby masking any historical signals of homology(Musser and Wagner 2015; Liang et al. 2018). To remove these batch effects and identify patterns (if any) of homology in expression between tissues we used an empirical Bayes method (implemented via the ComBat function in the sva R package)(Leek et al. 2012).

exp_data = log2(Final_data + 1e-5) # Log transformation, add 1e-5 to avoid log0
exp = normalizeQuantiles(as.matrix(exp_data)) # Quantile normalization
row.names(exp) = row.names(Final_data)
colnames(exp) = colnames(Final_data)
exp = exp[!apply(exp, 1, anyNA),] #removed genes without expresion

batch = filter_table$species
modcombat = model.matrix(~1, data=filter_table)
combat_edata = ComBat(dat=exp, batch=batch, mod=modcombat,mean.only = F,
                      par.prior=TRUE,  prior.plots=FALSE)
## Found9batches
## Adjusting for0covariate(s) or covariate level(s)
## Standardizing Data across genes
## Fitting L/S model and finding priors
## Finding parametric adjustments
## Adjusting the Data

Clustering of orthologs based on gene expression

We used the plotPCA function in the DESeq2 package(Love, Huber, and Anders 2014) to carry out principal component analysis.

se <- SummarizedExperiment(combat_edata - rowMeans(combat_edata),colData=ids)
pcaData <- plotPCA(DESeqTransform( se ), intgroup=c("species", "tissue"),ntop = 500, returnData=TRUE)
percentVar_all <- round(100 * attr(pcaData, "percentVar"))
names(pcaData)[c(4,5)] = c('Species',"Tissue")

Supplementary Figure 4: clustering of 2682 one-to-one orthologs

Performing a PCA using all 2682 expressed orthologs between 9 taxa, including those outside the meta-venom, homologous tissues clustered more tightly.

ggplot(pcaData, aes(PC1, PC2, color=Tissue, group = Tissue,shape=Species)) +
  geom_point(size=3,alpha = 1) +
  scale_shape_manual(values = c(3,8,2,18,5,4,17,23,6))+
  scale_color_manual(values = c('#C24C3D','#71C23D','#3DB3C2','#8E3DC2'))+
  xlab(paste0("PC1 (",percentVar_all[1],"%)")) +
  ylab(paste0("PC2 (",percentVar_all[2],"%)")) + 
  coord_fixed() + 
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "gray97", 
    size = 0.5), panel.grid.minor = element_line(linetype = "dotted"), 
    axis.title = element_text(family = "Palatino", 
        size = 12), axis.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    axis.text.x = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.text = element_text(size = 11, 
        family = "Palatino"), legend.title = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), panel.background = element_rect(fill = NA), 
    strip.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.key = element_rect(fill = "gray100")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(size = 0.5, 
    linetype = "solid"))+
  stat_ellipse(type = "norm",geom = "polygon",
               aes(fill = Tissue),
               alpha = 0.1,
               level = 0.95,show.legend = F)

Changing ntop does not change overall clustering.

se <- SummarizedExperiment(combat_edata - rowMeans(combat_edata),colData=ids)
pcaData <- plotPCA(DESeqTransform( se ), intgroup=c("species", "tissue"),ntop = 2682, returnData=TRUE)
percentVar_all <- round(100 * attr(pcaData, "percentVar"))
names(pcaData)[c(4,5)] = c('Species',"Tissue")

Clustering with only meta-venom

Filtering for meta-venom orthologs expressed across 4 tissues in all 9 taxa.

#Load ortholog data
Final_data<-Final_data %>% filter(gene %in% meta_venom$gene)
gene description Pm_1 Pm_10 Pm_11 Pm_12 Pm_13 Pm_14 Pm_15 Pm_16 Pm_17 Pm_18 Pm_19 Pm_2 Pm_20 Pm_21 Pm_22 Pm_23 Pm_24 Pm_25 Pm_26 Pm_27 Pm_28 Pm_29 Pm_3 Pm_30 Pm_4 Pm_5 Pm_6 Pm_7 Pm_8 Pm_9 Pm_1_heart Pm_10_heart Pm_3_heart Pm_5_heart Pm_8_heart Pm_1_kidney Pm_10_kidney Pm_3_kidney Pm_5_kidney Pm_8_kidney Pm_1_liver Pm_10_liver Pm_3_liver Pm_5_liver Pm_8_liver Naja_vg_1 Naja_vg_2 Naja_vg_3 Naja_vg_4 Naja_vg_5 Naja_vg_6 Naja_liv_1 Naja_liv_2 Naja_kid_1 Naja_kid_2 Naja_pan_1 Naja_pan_2 Naja_sg_1 Mus_sg_1 Mus_sg_2 Mus_sg_3 Mus_sg_4 Mus_hrt_1 Mus_hrt_2 Mus_hrt_3 Mus_kidn_1 Mus_kidn_2 Mus_kidn_3 Mus_livr_1 Mus_livr_2 Mus_livr_3 Mus_livr_4 Anole_hrt_1 Anole_hrt_2 Anole_hrt_3 Anole_hrt_4 Anole_kidn_1 Anole_kidn_2 Anole_kidn_3 Anole_kidn_4 Anole_livr_1 Anole_livr_2 Anole_livr_3 Gal_hrt_1 Gal_hrt_2 Gal_hrt_3 Gal_kidn_1 Gal_kidn_2 Gal_kidn_3 Gal_livr_1 Gal_livr_2 Gal_livr_3 Xeno_hrt_2 Xeno_hrt_3 Xeno_kidn_1 Xeno_kidn_2 Xeno_kidn_3 Xeno_livr_1 Xeno_livr_2 Xeno_livr_3 Pan_hrt_1 Pan_hrt_2 Pan_kid_1 Pan_kid_2 Pan_liv Homo_sg_1 Homo_sg_2 Homo_hrt_1 Homo_hrt_2 Homo_hrt_3 Homo_kidn_1 Homo_kidn_2 Homo_kidn_3 Homo_livr_1 Homo_livr_2 Homo_livr_3 Canis_sg_1 Canis_sg_2 Canis_hrt_1 Canis_hrt_2 Canis_hrt_3 Canis_kidn_1 Canis_kidn_2 Canis_kidn_3 Canis_livr_1 Canis_livr_2 Canis_livr_3
107282178 microtubule associated protein 7 857.00 543.00 514.00 389.00 323.00 305.00 306.00 347.00 423.00 453.00 489.00 534.00 253.00 348.00 469.00 354.00 841.00 560.00 528.00 763.00 470.00 275.00 967.00 448.00 579.00 268.00 448.00 567.00 363.00 484.00 9.00 51.00 12.00 54.00 7.00 494.00 317.00 742.00 560.00 682.00 121.00 220.00 118.00 106.00 186.00 13.7141000 3.8050600 20.182700 21.730000 26.8861000 14.4029000 1.764980 5.0731400 16.1013000 23.358900 6.2276700 7.2838000 46.243300 6.2959550 10.0220120 11.2070340 12.4041770 3.1342465 5.4315133 6.0542250 28.6576930 26.0940769 28.3737900 10.0446513 12.0773360 11.7087920 11.3958230 0.0991053 0.649615 0.1836200 1.2163600 19.2943000 53.357000 72.932100 84.9702000 17.011600 18.368100 29.0735000 0.1342240 0.4696330 2.2030990 41.9755900 115.0074000 77.9415100 17.4619800 33.9317400 31.2505200 0.5982540 0.3627031 8.6427640 8.497004 9.9378950 2.7343230 7.0903390 7.5113160 1.3134782 2.3226752 33.194199 50.845411 14.5404852 6.9638500 11.8931006 1.1605530 0.3981070 0.9710383 57.8030490 12.8086476 30.2458301 11.7961990 2.8032972 4.2958990 21.9162410 14.7297704 0.0576880 0.2689849 0.0299166 31.8731670 23.5222700 11.5711900 7.0637688 7.9028140 6.8256937
107282182 nuclear factor I/C (CCAAT-binding transcription factor) 154.00 129.00 179.00 106.00 195.00 96.00 163.00 182.00 181.00 179.00 199.00 304.00 117.00 160.00 106.00 138.00 123.00 167.00 160.00 111.00 55.00 146.00 421.00 133.00 398.00 84.00 172.00 263.00 275.00 184.00 34.00 31.00 68.00 151.00 24.00 87.00 41.00 76.00 47.00 45.00 32.00 56.00 48.00 64.00 113.00 1.8710000 4.8184300 2.173420 2.853060 4.3154900 0.1666700 5.624840 1.9151800 6.2466600 4.621980 2.8927900 0.9920010 6.134820 8.8588520 9.6665470 9.8047898 9.7134590 19.8887424 45.2219720 42.3787190 59.4031230 50.5865110 59.3143990 52.5257500 27.6677356 32.3466600 30.1087090 2.6027300 9.933640 9.4593300 4.4743600 7.8596000 13.595200 16.041940 4.3363900 18.911650 7.517320 13.6897700 78.8597700 43.5037500 33.2955800 57.5248000 33.4917900 31.1974100 61.6363000 31.7205900 35.3701900 9.5963880 8.5144180 37.5720200 26.933470 32.4584200 16.0923500 26.0073000 30.8294300 72.4911100 30.1651700 88.930464 62.717056 62.7767920 9.2756199 12.9953675 76.4544783 157.5565657 159.0217696 50.2800900 55.4067730 21.3046220 85.5447477 5.6398580 13.4263470 63.1336700 48.3001800 15.0679800 42.5601700 56.4397600 30.2756400 41.5020700 37.6564900 71.2510300 93.8343000 32.1660400
107282274 microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase 3 4.00 10.00 4.00 27.00 15.00 8.00 15.00 5.00 8.00 5.00 11.00 6.00 1.00 12.00 11.00 15.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 4.00 18.00 2.00 17.00 28.00 2.00 23.00 6.00 9.00 9.00 128.00 14.00 31.00 5.00 12.00 7.00 10.00 12.00 25.00 3.00 6.00 31.00 2.6983330 0.2728050 3.491790 8.261340 8.6491300 0.3396940 6.286210 8.0258300 19.5394200 11.970620 8.0248400 2.0815220 4.461257 0.6488489 1.2454340 1.0568566 1.0831960 2.7145685 5.1098926 5.6570510 10.3146240 8.6637124 11.3863180 18.1307453 19.8581300 25.1759336 23.1981270 2.0584900 3.746180 4.7449600 0.8954010 6.0044600 12.977000 16.219300 4.9175600 10.478600 13.073000 4.6507600 6.1313800 4.0730140 5.4688800 3.9151920 1.4852700 4.5514800 4.6102800 2.1933150 1.9598200 3.3901920 3.1073320 5.5744940 3.624516 3.2279280 1.4007190 6.6368640 5.1942230 1.2802700 0.9429810 18.951900 16.450500 7.4039600 1.1098113 1.3409000 2.4173740 4.6235710 3.3934310 9.3328700 14.3464500 7.2456770 11.4003700 0.5193051 2.6748912 2.9322204 2.5630371 0.4058573 1.3607690 1.9409529 13.8268333 15.6615870 4.0091204 7.5734889 13.7386242 12.1996220
107282288 coiled-coil serine rich protein 1 187.00 171.00 227.00 127.00 108.00 97.00 75.00 88.00 115.00 87.00 136.00 97.00 94.00 120.00 153.00 89.00 168.00 113.00 175.00 131.00 133.00 107.00 247.00 124.00 163.00 75.00 182.00 147.00 101.00 112.00 9.00 24.00 17.00 35.00 15.00 238.00 202.00 306.00 185.00 212.00 4.00 12.00 8.00 9.00 86.00 6.1481100 0.3722620 8.737150 7.574480 48.1432000 2.9800000 0.931207 0.5308960 1.4891800 4.390220 6.6464200 2.8749600 6.879740 2.7725150 2.1932360 2.5005699 1.5169632 0.2797109 0.2597397 0.2358936 3.7939220 3.9285650 3.5652089 0.0156553 0.1111240 0.0765373 0.0361145 0.3606850 0.702481 0.4511140 0.4101610 0.4028910 1.698670 1.235310 1.2878600 0.380312 0.718121 0.4916310 0.5379840 0.3886290 0.8254128 3.5225310 5.9200960 3.8207500 2.0765500 1.8140330 1.7429950 1.3591500 2.2521700 3.9721200 6.147380 6.2369700 1.0375000 2.8659400 3.4744700 1.3288440 1.8368650 1.945011 3.469481 0.1457290 1.8002870 2.5673480 1.2788650 1.4289050 2.2601070 3.6490030 1.4699820 4.2102600 0.0970815 0.0000000 0.0069020 2.4161040 2.7376512 0.1098417 0.1348210 0.7405360 1.1961368 1.8835266 0.4709314 3.0200703 3.1296900 2.7595244
107282413 tubulin folding cofactor D 2228.62 545.85 629.62 1889.44 1251.70 1019.47 2603.91 2745.77 1621.09 1492.39 1071.94 888.71 328.07 1243.69 3154.29 2054.24 3725.42 3132.22 758.01 1795.75 2540.00 514.43 787.55 524.34 1052.60 360.37 1938.01 1428.81 405.47 937.80 422.09 355.45 630.99 367.15 525.06 608.05 405.68 742.81 476.54 546.95 184.87 205.14 208.19 191.52 388.77 7.8844700 3.4397400 4.216200 11.971900 10.0523000 6.0371200 4.614980 3.8719100 7.7888700 11.846300 5.4784500 2.8685400 8.240770 5.0468220 5.1301110 5.4359738 4.9080220 7.7200800 9.9810060 8.5778640 38.8994670 44.1733690 36.8418130 25.8854250 24.2660940 24.2624160 27.0349900 18.6316000 31.606800 26.6311000 19.2298000 10.8745000 56.156800 28.899200 19.4967000 38.931000 28.608500 22.2650000 5.2146940 9.6962300 17.3083500 11.6404800 22.3335900 15.6164430 4.6442800 8.1209700 9.6365300 5.6185990 6.0782730 12.0325700 12.655330 13.6304600 4.3028800 5.1861500 7.2793430 5.2343650 7.1325000 24.753900 32.815150 13.8319990 26.9513007 45.1522738 32.9403790 57.8064190 63.8691454 32.8482400 38.5100230 45.4293068 18.8520899 5.6787149 15.9018157 0.6214020 0.6653408 7.8442721 22.3705910 1.1144040 26.4973000 1.2355465 10.3972740 0.1851700 0.2654850 18.5166500
107282465 3’-phosphoadenosine 5’-phosphosulfate synthase 1 269.00 267.00 288.00 139.00 147.00 197.00 109.00 138.00 253.00 124.00 207.00 267.00 212.00 193.00 167.00 144.00 233.00 188.00 376.00 238.00 99.00 205.00 545.00 244.00 280.00 102.00 250.00 80.00 124.00 162.00 74.00 102.00 116.00 119.00 103.00 175.00 99.00 205.00 136.00 140.00 51.00 61.00 58.00 68.00 183.00 5.4513100 0.5144800 11.235800 9.357960 16.0571000 3.7856800 5.159560 4.7313700 11.8468000 14.611700 12.1742000 3.3033200 15.126500 13.5291500 15.4679180 15.8017260 14.1795500 5.3239100 5.3870170 4.4668320 37.8411670 37.7836560 36.3583600 5.9103230 5.6865168 6.2082720 6.0108897 9.8692300 21.082300 15.1631000 9.2103400 19.5339000 49.045400 55.721000 18.2644000 14.894800 12.661600 5.9017700 6.9174400 10.6283000 16.9443000 6.1299300 18.9368000 19.2379000 2.4228300 6.4384000 6.0576700 2.8072300 5.9485540 18.5213500 17.243670 13.8864600 3.5367300 4.3122660 6.1610340 6.5764200 6.3175250 18.384220 27.107500 6.1092200 31.3235593 26.7803773 9.1601830 11.6978900 7.0716360 20.7055300 16.3887550 28.8889740 3.2832210 1.9320700 3.0971750 75.7961370 44.8359400 3.0640900 4.6747210 10.8453480 12.1210520 28.1989800 25.3653190 8.4907190 10.3100640 2.7372500
107282575 arylsulfatase G 1043.00 498.00 457.00 533.00 327.00 384.00 268.00 332.00 587.00 347.00 286.00 510.00 300.00 386.00 434.00 362.00 643.00 396.00 527.00 431.00 285.00 216.00 516.00 465.00 694.00 496.00 550.00 446.00 395.00 645.00 204.00 288.00 207.00 494.00 234.00 405.00 323.00 408.00 1016.00 589.00 209.00 189.00 218.00 263.00 290.00 13.6665000 0.8121030 16.884500 17.063100 23.9597000 6.4348500 13.216900 26.8324000 17.9559000 12.887000 6.9145700 2.2081600 13.312500 0.3851745 0.4249295 0.6586912 0.7037364 0.7294851 0.9904620 0.8988848 14.4921451 13.6780660 14.5960520 7.0619420 7.8794009 7.0059190 6.3476570 5.7786900 11.203300 6.9507500 6.8494500 11.0223000 17.586600 24.734800 19.6968000 15.976600 9.724010 7.0890400 4.5372730 1.6131470 1.8245057 4.8057200 2.5678590 2.1369820 4.5595340 1.4518440 1.9910410 2.8955200 3.1723300 3.3102200 1.677020 2.4785800 0.8074090 1.3308300 1.0645900 4.6050100 1.1866500 2.102250 2.708300 0.9567810 1.7850904 2.1013273 2.9497825 4.5295140 4.0707270 9.3799395 6.7971300 6.2070625 2.3474820 0.2968240 1.3553251 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.5144460 1.1826100 2.4841200 14.7437000 0.0000000 6.5513200 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.9097340
107282615 solute carrier family 35 member B1 500.00 105.00 166.00 1319.00 272.00 277.00 227.00 743.00 242.00 656.00 127.00 501.00 89.00 431.00 305.00 256.00 454.00 725.00 160.00 206.00 520.00 253.00 355.00 136.00 267.00 268.00 304.00 323.00 195.00 395.00 83.00 121.00 192.00 108.00 248.00 181.00 197.00 513.00 535.00 432.00 149.00 209.00 332.00 485.00 570.00 36.1401000 22.6627000 49.491500 42.377300 70.9272000 30.6160000 37.131200 40.7150000 34.7661000 27.961900 27.3862000 11.4797000 39.037800 14.1687420 17.2658600 16.2872970 18.2448580 29.9143830 27.3614150 27.3830100 43.9656510 44.5931200 44.4696480 68.3067250 85.2949000 75.1629100 82.4287790 11.1740000 10.386500 12.2620000 9.6876000 38.5685000 37.424800 24.684900 39.3018000 17.488500 16.377000 17.5799000 23.2543000 30.5575000 27.2480000 50.6132000 74.3050000 73.4107000 101.8650000 89.8872000 108.3460000 13.2737000 14.9140900 39.4161600 26.323970 32.0051400 21.5299400 47.0655000 14.0997500 55.5343000 33.4530000 95.857700 40.242000 97.4554000 17.3377218 13.0896131 25.0135710 36.3164641 33.6743593 50.2814350 33.2375861 76.8713650 53.1962364 57.3000350 28.7511542 0.0380593 0.1777140 7.3876300 12.6855000 0.1352600 16.5450000 0.0278065 15.1735000 0.0422927 0.0375463 9.7675600
107282663 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma transducing activity polypeptide 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 2.7552750 3.7330810 3.2446620 3.2464310 5.6900970 7.9075350 7.4744160 7.6260170 7.9910800 9.3986730 3.5791860 5.5407620 4.7436931 4.7521808 0.4823990 1.648170 0.2710890 0.5353580 0.0400361 0.279793 0.357729 0.0000000 0.604037 0.512513 0.1841010 6.3401700 9.2531200 5.2224400 12.6336000 15.6233000 7.9467100 11.9039000 14.1901000 5.7381500 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.3915000 2.6578200 3.569860 2.788180 5.1339300 0.6788950 0.2602290 1.6755420 1.0530700 0.6289220 1.8231410 3.7684070 1.5704410 1.6179000 0.1728810 1.2774600 0.2287870 0.9891660 2.9998200 3.2210500 0.2710450 1.1214700 0.6965030 9.1384400 0.1694910 0.0376123 1.4469800
107282778 secernin 1 68.00 13.00 7.00 167.00 54.00 65.00 16.00 15.00 67.00 38.00 5.00 44.00 8.00 42.00 44.00 3.00 27.00 80.00 15.00 24.00 7.00 16.00 65.00 11.00 46.00 12.00 121.00 59.00 9.00 62.00 22.00 46.00 60.00 33.00 41.00 13.00 20.00 21.00 18.00 19.00 2.00 9.00 11.00 2.00 16.00 1.1942600 0.3870640 2.156700 1.562630 0.5566130 0.6426510 0.903685 0.5152050 0.7116350 1.670770 2.6672900 2.1374900 7.627020 0.1568800 0.0456316 0.1430820 0.0435418 5.9943220 4.0841920 4.6021990 2.2342610 1.9123845 1.7222007 0.0100438 0.0612861 0.1055230 0.0211076 1.8139700 2.218690 2.0573600 1.2939600 2.2987800 4.884490 3.102940 1.7141600 8.214060 7.997090 4.5544100 1.4080300 5.9920400 10.2556900 3.7287700 16.1135900 14.9798100 0.3025970 0.9240900 0.4822888 0.3563080 0.2847340 0.4323610 1.607350 1.2096600 0.0000000 0.0485263 0.0810118 14.4187800 11.2354910 34.527680 29.827790 1.4784800 9.2528091 6.4723520 6.4499500 6.6113890 6.4997960 21.3230800 13.2268201 21.0307400 0.8923398 0.2923540 0.5888815 17.4386940 16.5608090 0.9368050 1.5167281 2.9890426 4.1848537 8.5410430 4.4670200 6.0774100 5.2589530 1.5975157
107282880 peptidase (mitochondrial processing) beta 600.00 311.00 309.00 203.00 342.00 238.00 123.00 156.00 243.00 224.00 305.00 648.00 200.00 268.00 234.00 278.00 211.00 232.00 391.00 221.00 188.00 510.00 750.00 369.00 490.00 127.00 372.00 656.00 319.00 353.00 160.00 253.00 194.00 189.00 176.00 850.00 731.00 626.00 481.00 439.00 303.00 873.00 381.00 336.00 597.00 14.0077000 14.6166000 27.106100 17.892800 87.1962000 22.6405000 78.655500 125.8920000 104.7300000 149.500000 39.0948000 34.5045000 48.685000 12.0285267 11.9981560 10.1468370 10.6645240 67.7017005 54.1654450 54.6866525 93.6252042 101.1424449 95.6894880 58.0687130 52.7832850 53.9712020 53.4622630 52.3980000 61.387800 58.3544000 46.2088000 44.6504000 61.700200 64.365900 58.3557000 30.093600 32.959700 25.9056000 20.6842000 32.7194000 51.7879000 30.9161000 50.4445000 41.7823000 22.0496000 29.8356000 35.3497000 32.8425400 61.8418000 74.1316600 48.845800 57.8350400 14.7865600 19.1407000 22.7328100 29.4646600 39.7948000 78.977700 87.453600 32.9970000 32.4912721 27.2284085 24.4059180 33.7127090 30.0616030 74.2115810 27.1268480 95.5209420 26.5042230 23.8089950 39.0006464 24.4501000 12.1907000 24.5360000 55.4667000 40.7473000 68.7347000 28.3758000 31.8742000 30.4511000 30.2878000 24.9054000
107282909 biotinidase 1207.75 280.29 419.12 2077.07 707.59 587.18 320.15 795.36 430.15 1024.67 229.44 921.04 214.38 435.90 339.00 442.74 538.23 797.59 510.00 294.62 781.13 408.34 661.50 392.32 762.78 593.03 648.76 268.71 438.16 563.83 129.60 165.66 262.35 123.64 156.00 1218.90 1080.28 2904.37 1945.86 1098.88 2119.76 1547.57 2630.99 3285.49 1960.07 1.0921700 0.4314670 3.750420 2.382910 2.5471800 6.2861900 11.748300 3.7330000 12.3201000 8.450820 5.3721600 3.4235700 12.900800 1.9711700 2.3894280 1.8967800 2.4981900 10.9580900 10.5571500 11.4575000 79.4479000 81.3881000 78.6961000 75.8054000 91.4170000 78.0230000 81.9081000 1.8814500 5.874880 3.2624900 5.8036700 2.2416100 8.140840 6.685850 6.0837000 2.922350 2.639100 1.7004700 2.4495700 5.3748300 32.4343000 8.2480110 20.2027900 16.3966000 6.9773460 16.4518800 18.5586800 1.2860900 3.8635600 7.9954400 4.137910 5.5838900 1.5631200 2.8107900 5.2138400 4.9794400 3.6340730 34.846975 57.708550 27.2815700 7.5363100 5.7503140 5.1480800 6.5338020 7.6508570 35.0650400 32.5421100 43.0389300 43.4223700 11.2616900 40.3352300 50.6184502 48.2238300 4.2889700 7.9564840 23.7180800 42.9141400 88.3570081 25.9276900 80.9381700 105.5781000 70.4605500
107282962 tetraspanin 13 4599.00 886.00 964.00 5296.00 2138.00 1413.00 1656.00 2322.00 1108.00 2375.00 502.00 1739.00 367.00 1804.00 1731.00 1412.00 1364.00 2841.00 1496.00 1189.00 2591.00 938.00 2098.00 1325.00 2826.00 1841.00 2087.00 1052.00 1105.00 2095.00 76.00 117.00 109.00 288.00 69.00 1914.00 1977.00 13015.00 11494.00 6186.00 33.00 20.00 29.00 47.00 21.00 34.0811000 20.7896000 36.890200 55.964300 151.6730000 88.7910000 1.765470 1.2235200 5.9166000 20.815500 19.7261000 12.7146000 166.322000 41.6640900 35.3169400 36.5563820 36.4578600 32.1606230 47.7586438 43.9252600 21.6102673 18.2062359 22.1129669 2.0160570 1.8828360 1.7454750 2.3413890 0.5595160 2.773030 0.4331000 1.4713700 40.4331000 75.374500 69.903000 42.2192000 2.680530 3.073050 0.6988510 6.1791500 31.2196400 32.0993200 44.6458000 156.4255000 133.6466000 15.7764300 48.7483300 48.2754600 6.7664100 7.3434700 26.1949000 29.338100 26.8138000 0.3618040 1.3311000 0.4589320 6.4670100 7.0354000 2.541910 6.828190 1.7859200 79.7767000 61.7619530 12.9469000 8.2872000 4.5682300 1.7860240 1.3732220 5.5289260 7.7978488 14.5038000 12.3661000 383.3220000 274.8150000 51.9618000 54.1000000 142.7140000 26.9928000 54.6727000 78.2689000 32.2436000 20.5083000 5.9611100
107282996 oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit (non-catalytic) 4116.00 735.00 1064.00 2197.00 2092.00 794.00 1671.00 1376.00 1725.00 1395.00 1049.00 1108.00 711.00 1854.00 1219.00 1717.00 1787.00 1863.00 1352.00 1339.00 1555.00 1029.00 1479.00 1306.00 2462.00 1100.00 2215.00 1963.00 853.00 1521.00 557.00 825.00 486.00 255.00 504.00 726.00 709.00 942.00 1101.00 727.00 1390.00 1188.00 784.00 950.00 1167.00 81.4642000 124.1020000 159.107000 95.302500 156.7780000 89.5131000 75.058000 62.1331000 51.9825000 36.499300 36.4031000 11.6045000 59.576100 27.1457760 27.0511820 21.0085598 25.0729750 22.2087078 18.7351950 16.3123031 26.5354005 27.7252330 26.2955790 41.1787857 35.8605546 33.6019510 34.1653370 23.3951000 34.122600 42.4104000 25.2846000 47.5751000 77.192500 64.599100 45.5395000 96.544400 93.506100 40.2067000 40.9653300 60.1644000 77.0026100 63.1360000 129.5183000 127.7281000 74.4928800 118.4997000 112.6982000 64.2468800 76.8260700 208.5597000 199.992500 177.1440000 114.1750000 362.4572000 242.2615000 12.9792600 8.4826060 42.453260 45.825940 59.6432200 60.1737400 33.5943500 9.1835190 9.7277900 7.3548350 20.5234000 14.4776000 66.7542500 34.5063000 108.1297000 82.1559800 47.2546000 230.9794000 10.3091000 14.6854000 74.3241200 44.3321710 98.1538000 36.6829100 141.6036000 66.4867000 45.6456910
107283003 ras responsive element binding protein 1 70.00 84.00 69.00 56.00 65.00 38.00 53.00 69.00 74.00 52.00 107.00 50.00 45.00 80.00 56.00 56.00 55.00 66.00 61.00 61.00 47.00 89.00 125.00 60.00 107.00 50.00 88.00 70.00 79.00 53.00 15.00 18.00 28.00 121.00 23.00 32.00 33.00 35.00 31.00 10.00 12.00 50.00 9.00 46.00 33.00 3.8832800 1.2572400 8.364210 7.544020 6.9263400 1.2085100 9.443170 3.3762800 11.3422000 9.830330 3.5753500 1.3751200 16.402400 1.7906910 2.8502155 3.0907564 3.2863919 6.5504192 7.7222780 7.9233579 12.3859140 11.3831295 13.8316120 15.5471190 14.3870054 12.6673850 11.7438374 0.8783880 4.414320 4.5061000 0.6493410 2.5463800 16.271100 8.925060 0.9979760 19.770300 8.398050 3.8174700 10.5322100 6.1367600 8.7696500 17.2082500 16.7006400 9.2554600 11.2240600 8.6241500 9.5380600 2.8210300 2.5118989 8.8190986 6.285372 7.2814240 2.3884500 4.3891820 6.1979390 5.4327640 3.7574388 15.204293 11.304860 8.7679700 4.6186451 4.9920135 6.5284450 12.7296400 12.5510250 15.6885200 9.6310118 10.5937210 14.1889965 0.8407697 4.7724523 6.5877308 6.0695519 0.7034961 5.7934300 7.5422900 10.1835410 11.3756500 1.9933477 6.0632446 11.7142300 6.6320680
107283007 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial 156.00 179.00 203.00 138.00 78.00 89.00 31.00 90.00 141.00 97.00 167.00 131.00 115.00 89.00 122.00 95.00 105.00 89.00 206.00 143.00 87.00 150.00 219.00 172.00 143.00 139.00 119.00 71.00 147.00 97.00 180.00 175.00 131.00 32.00 157.00 599.00 529.00 661.00 443.00 493.00 276.00 397.00 232.00 355.00 493.00 1.5418400 2.3579200 2.728710 2.767910 7.8042900 1.9198100 7.146020 7.6049100 10.0042000 8.171790 3.4514100 2.9258200 8.274660 4.8744306 4.7815420 4.3962008 6.4799079 39.1434110 34.8067797 34.7313595 52.3354668 52.6621850 53.7483007 33.2120110 44.7542140 39.7608860 46.4658980 5.6390400 8.476630 7.4787200 5.6561900 11.0250000 13.619300 15.745900 13.9275000 6.333600 6.554660 3.9270200 26.8616900 26.2038700 31.1890300 22.9784500 27.5208700 41.8614400 32.2821900 17.0235500 17.6633500 2.3393900 4.9557900 5.9768800 4.597030 5.5990900 5.3431100 8.0206500 13.6740000 10.5148000 11.3239000 21.013800 26.874600 10.5252000 2.6770853 3.5238646 6.8853551 12.9185422 12.2698909 11.8484100 17.6070487 14.0762662 6.2302500 3.2860660 6.2025030 31.1537352 16.7576150 9.8863578 15.2085164 30.9398800 27.6116967 35.9214070 21.1319914 15.3862286 18.5725400 10.4021867
107283057 nardilysin convertase 1464.00 1308.98 1608.00 776.00 884.00 979.00 455.00 561.00 771.00 589.00 1265.00 801.00 773.00 698.00 582.00 454.98 789.00 772.00 1009.00 731.00 502.99 1187.00 2466.98 1129.00 1679.98 1020.00 928.00 415.00 1381.00 725.00 896.00 876.00 817.00 496.00 860.00 1033.00 763.00 981.00 737.00 728.00 722.00 746.00 781.00 576.00 686.00 6.6945900 10.9097000 13.316000 8.959660 15.8412000 4.1895800 10.748900 10.1648000 15.0356000 14.540500 9.7088800 5.6198500 14.593900 7.6415456 13.5395111 10.6822259 8.4830250 58.7974660 37.7736600 44.3277730 33.3750370 30.7307680 38.3099190 11.2572202 12.2355530 12.8133976 26.5302180 16.8535000 33.079200 31.5610000 16.0735000 13.6462000 31.218000 33.947300 20.2755000 25.569200 18.731900 12.2113000 45.9419000 48.4728000 104.4220000 39.4438000 55.7445000 52.1856000 34.2595000 38.1603000 50.7312000 3.6614350 4.9002731 10.4942278 7.900784 8.4738040 1.8363740 4.6545180 10.7348390 48.0058580 49.8102660 42.210550 44.920230 38.3989000 29.9234895 19.2397739 79.4136820 56.0471480 45.2733512 57.1637200 30.3443763 63.6562910 40.8842850 62.6593750 55.0559917 13.0330330 7.9900000 11.2171820 20.7049090 16.4956930 18.2620100 13.1068860 14.5355190 12.6895700 12.4036100 11.0762600
107283124 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1 40.00 24.00 40.00 26.00 21.00 25.00 43.00 34.00 31.00 30.00 34.00 27.00 26.64 27.00 40.00 26.00 72.01 25.00 35.00 52.00 32.00 58.00 30.00 63.00 52.00 34.00 31.00 13.00 35.00 9.00 6.00 2.00 9.00 2.00 6.00 57.00 27.00 193.00 35.00 48.00 8.00 21.00 27.00 13.00 30.00 1.5223100 0.2627830 7.077050 2.135930 2.0253700 1.5270700 0.166163 1.7003200 0.1982110 0.512015 0.9877410 0.5219140 10.687600 0.0000000 0.3839735 1.0785700 0.4930710 0.0370203 0.0608661 0.1372980 0.2899231 0.2701045 0.5015374 0.2264006 0.1106264 0.1143980 0.1030263 0.7292750 0.936632 0.7698120 0.8700830 1.0345600 1.244040 1.072390 0.4497360 0.406284 0.438046 0.5796930 0.0492503 0.0341510 1.3510625 0.1937454 0.1163645 0.1331738 1.6296681 2.8023920 1.6764248 0.1318098 0.3767830 0.9250733 0.788228 0.8565191 0.9505980 12.9630300 3.0624450 0.0929825 0.0888603 0.289036 0.341622 0.1992960 0.0030970 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0545056 0.2510470 0.3665370 0.0446191 0.0000000 0.0001654 0.1714412 0.1026423 0.0784263 0.0665313 0.1843602 0.0275185 0.0856303 0.4158459 0.2197016 0.0409222 0.0088400
107283141 myotubularin related protein 10 57.00 22.99 33.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 11.00 31.00 18.00 14.00 15.00 8.00 7.00 20.00 11.00 26.00 10.00 22.00 22.00 31.00 14.00 41.00 9.00 13.00 22.00 26.00 17.00 9.00 8.00 17.00 18.00 8.00 61.00 56.00 68.00 44.00 38.00 11.00 30.00 10.00 23.00 26.00 5.9456700 43.7975000 5.272800 9.224820 6.7046500 4.2884900 14.157000 31.8686000 22.3399000 25.335700 5.4453500 3.0399300 9.144160 4.7658119 7.2103650 5.0358020 6.0783602 3.1012250 2.8220600 2.4935430 6.9221110 7.5889970 7.8655740 7.2858810 5.9334004 6.2465130 6.6488331 0.7552400 5.464060 4.2932000 1.2010700 1.6403300 16.766400 9.224210 2.8421000 10.649400 7.191610 4.3188900 12.6566000 19.7824000 23.8894800 20.6354000 46.8235000 44.7601004 20.8466000 34.2868530 36.5518000 3.8779900 4.8224200 12.0262100 12.886150 13.8988200 5.8694500 16.4582100 14.2248200 19.4171872 11.3316690 34.620850 30.959650 11.6486780 12.9914000 11.5842400 5.2592090 6.5342640 5.8246520 21.9050000 9.8447420 37.2767100 6.6401160 2.1797970 8.5209600 16.2843000 11.7323000 2.0479700 7.9450200 15.7348000 24.1132000 29.9200000 15.1878000 18.1098000 21.3625000 17.6763000
107283147 RAR related orphan receptor A 390.00 63.00 90.00 173.00 286.00 117.00 213.00 188.00 244.00 184.00 99.00 124.00 42.00 241.00 363.00 171.00 394.00 211.00 164.00 172.00 179.00 50.00 100.00 96.00 188.00 68.00 209.00 383.00 168.00 499.00 30.00 31.00 17.00 29.00 24.00 10.00 6.00 16.00 12.00 16.00 9.00 26.00 11.00 30.00 69.00 0.5670930 3.6183600 0.635863 0.839422 1.5027800 0.3263780 0.424085 0.1498940 0.2141630 0.781614 1.1892000 0.5238010 3.114430 1.0607000 1.1870500 1.3550400 1.5222870 5.8835020 5.5880350 5.3217050 12.2530540 13.5439370 12.2600470 16.8413645 14.6013650 13.2948730 13.6381400 0.2843740 0.582211 0.5302740 0.0688765 0.0607789 1.421330 1.322430 0.0854997 2.578510 1.921920 0.0825573 0.6348630 0.5704730 1.9552900 5.5221700 9.8354900 5.0959100 1.8412560 3.2046900 3.3522300 0.7540346 0.5125796 2.6559078 1.146458 2.7766573 0.2531276 1.1553573 1.8131109 3.7056070 5.5859360 6.368483 9.842395 5.9814060 3.0740855 2.2428605 1.7459555 6.8959998 6.6900990 7.1599680 7.2713640 8.3526510 3.4041766 3.7698380 6.7882642 4.4074000 2.3771030 0.1201450 1.9755340 2.1837200 2.4132850 2.8985300 1.1651700 4.5703200 4.5852700 4.4394140
107283162 methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase 87.00 86.00 96.00 36.00 40.00 60.00 40.00 72.00 85.00 70.00 83.00 105.00 51.00 52.75 90.00 71.00 56.00 47.00 130.00 51.68 57.00 109.00 132.00 125.00 82.00 48.00 87.00 51.00 76.00 30.00 223.00 189.00 123.00 43.00 241.00 224.00 166.00 85.00 133.00 107.00 105.00 177.00 48.00 71.00 145.00 3.4980700 7.5272400 4.002080 4.257370 9.6685100 5.1888300 4.469120 7.7596900 12.4128000 8.538830 3.8316200 2.0614400 8.186350 21.6144200 17.5160000 15.3583100 19.5180400 49.3928300 53.0823300 48.3028700 68.0330500 71.3854100 72.8595500 40.5130700 33.1201900 36.6026200 32.2696800 35.5287000 30.054300 39.3347000 33.1286000 41.0248000 43.412900 47.223500 66.3594000 27.445200 29.413200 51.8923000 9.0747300 12.1120000 19.7940000 12.4910000 18.9861000 18.2062000 4.6996200 7.2289600 11.0916000 23.6359000 34.9446500 40.8127900 45.189000 43.6463200 12.9959000 17.2110000 22.5301300 17.1106000 19.6293000 13.543400 17.271200 8.3064600 24.0958370 15.8826060 9.2668210 11.6851170 15.5492100 16.2072420 5.5391220 42.2119100 19.8928580 27.2359050 38.8162690 393.0040000 515.8270000 55.2441000 76.8263000 620.5290000 130.6700000 427.0960000 176.9560000 231.4510000 257.7590000 87.4075000
107283235 prenylcysteine oxidase 1 479.00 363.00 330.00 298.00 178.00 192.00 144.00 220.00 347.00 159.00 330.00 264.00 211.00 178.00 237.00 362.00 200.00 206.00 428.00 122.00 257.00 318.00 319.00 528.00 498.00 300.00 414.00 214.00 288.00 216.00 91.00 162.00 78.00 138.00 120.00 1183.00 1079.00 795.00 850.00 696.00 295.00 362.00 239.00 293.00 357.00 10.6036000 5.5909800 18.716100 14.520400 21.7210000 9.7725400 43.980300 43.1097000 38.2807000 28.128300 15.8659000 10.0259000 29.977600 4.4852700 6.9279160 6.1984500 6.6464140 18.3642448 15.8422450 14.7642280 37.0326160 38.3942180 37.3211219 64.6893500 64.0110150 66.3248810 57.1128940 32.6040000 20.628800 13.3125000 34.3996000 100.1950000 67.243700 117.498000 140.5820000 82.931000 42.780200 175.5380000 20.8716000 21.4594000 40.2242000 65.0550000 68.4279000 62.6170000 55.5180000 64.4065000 91.1889000 2.7900300 3.8164780 18.7976200 16.054700 17.5251900 5.9883330 10.0284600 16.0707000 13.8507000 17.1834000 18.644200 40.776200 7.1879500 43.2079603 39.7547400 16.9258770 24.2482400 23.4566290 42.8847210 31.6185500 74.2026000 36.4386500 4.5829800 30.9799900 64.4629000 47.6660846 8.8942600 68.2412000 123.1908000 77.6514000 134.9898000 38.4339400 130.0880000 204.6865000 84.2975000
107283272 ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 4270.00 1840.00 2504.00 4930.00 2524.00 1285.00 1463.00 1709.00 2780.00 2092.00 1360.00 1872.00 1362.00 2581.00 1553.00 1514.00 3102.00 2519.00 2116.00 1251.00 1516.00 1427.00 3037.00 2181.00 2624.00 1876.00 2280.00 2998.00 2250.00 3329.00 1698.00 2076.00 1058.00 638.00 1950.00 2247.00 2305.00 2026.00 2572.00 2128.00 1669.00 1741.00 981.00 1555.00 1900.00 53.2833000 147.3260000 69.874000 52.281800 116.9470000 62.0011000 24.172100 21.1228000 21.4921000 21.475200 18.6263000 10.4593000 39.894000 22.3392200 29.5767700 23.5702710 20.5092660 10.5121900 7.8756380 8.9899072 25.4045576 30.0787697 21.0862330 13.2583830 13.8283490 10.5369270 12.2953170 163.7770000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 203.1100000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 9.3184800 26.9931000 27.8542000 18.4463000 76.9262000 54.3832000 16.4425000 44.7097000 44.6971000 11.5478000 19.7165000 41.6296000 28.011100 32.6434000 26.9169000 42.1362000 29.4732000 5.7296500 4.1650300 12.873600 17.561400 16.6198000 34.3919660 22.9732906 7.6464770 8.3044990 6.2096150 20.2456230 3.4128200 64.2050930 10.1987610 18.1240710 17.1753330 60.7583140 92.1712790 8.3145350 6.8028280 51.3886910 18.8092830 82.4444990 37.9122230 39.8997420 30.2820820 11.7998990
107283283 adducin 2 12.00 2.00 0.00 7.00 5.00 2.00 9.00 1.00 15.00 13.00 1.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 7.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 23.00 2.00 3.00 21.00 0.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.2430750 0.1728500 1.825320 2.623800 1.1948500 0.0503272 0.201778 0.0766911 0.3911290 1.575120 3.3528900 2.2105000 1.371350 0.0000000 0.0132188 0.0000000 0.0126168 0.1491281 0.2032262 0.1141747 1.0885737 1.0509032 0.8843945 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1707780 0.282488 0.0453556 0.1718680 0.5549100 0.156470 0.219991 0.1066740 0.000000 0.000000 0.0515014 10.5760000 8.6773000 5.9187300 5.3595000 3.1601800 5.0340000 3.0340700 0.7925240 0.6454790 1.8740050 6.4916610 10.6650300 9.156064 3.4372930 3.0876910 5.1645900 3.5121430 14.5645400 5.1515723 0.000000 0.000000 0.4126760 0.1813414 0.1903527 1.7961644 2.9484940 0.9675782 0.0099910 0.1202016 0.0932418 0.0449155 0.1488078 0.0206318 0.4461740 0.6368471 0.0283866 0.0338193 0.0526963 0.0420406 0.0869278 0.1276800 0.0444594 0.0204280 0.0988506
107283289 engulfment and cell motility 1 153.00 77.00 147.00 277.00 115.00 123.00 151.00 234.00 155.00 222.00 171.00 127.00 43.00 146.00 134.00 106.00 215.00 305.00 123.00 142.00 159.00 186.00 338.00 89.00 162.00 127.00 234.00 39.00 195.00 74.00 107.00 58.00 237.00 234.00 210.00 111.00 111.00 360.00 402.00 267.00 27.00 76.00 152.00 237.00 235.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.515404 1.307020 0.9801330 0.0000000 1.417240 0.3591070 0.0000000 0.582279 2.5352000 0.0000000 2.311380 1.7443532 2.9196325 3.5345229 2.1550756 4.3319378 4.2310403 4.3123821 3.1321241 3.1464900 3.4393497 0.9291377 1.3385860 1.5505863 1.8338186 5.0523200 7.811110 4.9287100 2.2204500 1.7903100 3.675490 1.808660 0.7016170 1.670480 2.253060 0.5322990 9.1214500 9.6803000 14.1053000 1.5239700 4.3244700 8.2253100 2.7534500 3.3203600 3.8529300 1.8072850 3.5124800 2.8947970 3.579140 3.1808930 3.1984400 4.9579960 10.2209500 2.9640150 3.9425000 2.641870 2.991910 4.3741890 4.6589990 1.7472600 8.7266440 7.2736020 11.5766309 2.8077326 5.4418260 4.9346734 9.6286250 2.9757139 10.4386608 6.9299567 3.8570620 2.9467400 6.2668040 2.9416400 15.8093420 11.5735031 14.2521250 5.2558100 15.3611510 11.1608400
107283290 aldehyde dehydrogenase 7 family member A1 1628.05 1329.13 1182.17 620.67 904.99 879.53 475.09 565.19 743.07 446.33 1168.70 1266.52 912.80 734.13 1061.81 1122.81 849.35 542.84 1226.06 635.94 591.68 1506.16 1271.94 570.12 1032.02 780.25 786.89 683.26 1030.46 728.91 782.85 640.58 1023.16 251.92 743.21 5136.36 3406.10 3695.87 1465.35 2974.17 2170.62 3622.32 1874.59 931.06 3024.75 41.1935000 27.4998000 52.038400 56.278500 101.9810000 48.1267000 115.861000 188.9680000 134.6350000 125.120000 58.7019000 58.0342000 39.956400 20.3237890 22.9401970 25.6630530 25.3873260 13.6509380 12.5801530 12.8224120 220.5991280 216.2122880 221.6289220 262.4409770 220.6661470 206.6561090 214.7658450 57.6670000 63.613600 79.9756000 29.1127000 422.8110000 1281.110000 1733.410000 697.5940000 113.611000 76.444300 44.2963000 65.2551000 100.4910000 136.5490000 270.8150000 284.0270000 539.9810000 315.7830000 194.7300000 521.5490000 31.0183800 47.4504200 312.6237000 371.226600 200.8589000 47.7879700 70.3281200 160.4003000 14.1896670 23.2406975 39.052497 94.457187 30.8984400 24.4408600 25.7539600 28.8606100 29.5183900 29.3599600 261.8851000 135.6058000 267.6163000 96.9063400 74.6347100 155.7740000 97.3376029 55.7303410 26.8832440 53.2563751 55.2771293 294.2519200 191.4979827 85.4097367 404.8277240 601.9540680 306.8179650
107283369 angiopoietin like 1 20.00 21.00 11.00 18.00 6.00 5.00 9.00 22.00 27.00 16.00 14.00 17.00 13.00 19.00 37.00 6.00 29.00 7.00 23.00 13.00 6.00 19.00 58.00 13.00 29.00 13.00 13.00 3.00 10.00 12.00 1.00 6.00 0.00 5.00 13.00 33.00 17.00 23.00 23.00 10.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 0.3189160 0.5002220 0.328493 1.029930 0.4259240 2.7251800 0.000000 0.0208070 0.3183510 0.371116 0.0587568 0.0000000 3.267740 0.0000000 0.0426340 0.1894386 0.0406590 0.6120300 0.5479527 0.7379670 0.4607177 0.4949730 0.5355420 0.2835980 0.4208740 0.1736700 0.2959330 4.7952200 16.588500 10.5494000 20.1758000 1.7621000 6.825340 5.757710 9.1969000 42.881500 11.813400 37.5831000 4.2965960 4.0294460 13.6894580 1.2466500 0.5690930 0.4693020 0.4126470 0.0705259 0.0000000 0.9394240 2.0169400 0.8026840 2.109060 1.3747100 0.1435290 0.3408140 0.3277940 0.7926470 0.9101700 1.767050 4.351770 0.3070680 22.9227630 20.8673900 4.8882980 6.4088270 4.7663340 5.9852260 0.7669775 4.9606300 0.5077810 1.3456250 6.6085600 0.0000000 1.4705190 1.2365500 1.4758250 2.3256940 1.5881260 0.0000000 5.6012900 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2042840
107283384 cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3 38.00 26.00 23.13 17.09 11.00 21.82 14.00 16.00 16.00 15.00 22.03 12.00 8.00 9.00 16.00 15.00 25.00 36.00 26.00 16.00 6.00 17.00 44.00 20.00 68.00 11.00 28.00 9.58 37.94 11.07 5.00 3.00 14.00 17.00 8.00 21.00 7.00 17.00 20.00 7.00 2.00 8.00 9.00 3.00 16.00 5.4326100 2.0991700 6.366240 6.406840 5.9102800 1.1762900 10.200200 2.3400800 10.0197000 8.381550 6.7067600 1.9218900 16.770300 1.5596990 1.6680336 1.8286030 1.6777300 10.8476567 10.8346077 10.8550318 5.5666262 5.2239477 5.6106962 2.2594192 2.1255414 2.7101175 1.9365395 4.4351700 18.603600 17.7379000 5.1790300 6.7327100 16.709400 17.328900 4.9063200 13.606000 8.282120 4.7919300 6.6550300 5.6662280 14.1127110 3.5224440 4.0047200 3.2565430 6.7400600 4.4752400 8.8799800 9.1635060 3.4583700 2.7433600 3.057794 2.9372180 3.5337680 0.8631970 3.3118930 2.3565210 2.4691920 4.207850 5.989475 1.5274800 4.3868250 2.6923763 0.8459780 3.2018486 3.6502353 1.7718910 0.5008845 4.1985800 4.9679770 1.6234524 5.0379440 2.3830340 1.9019440 0.1617250 3.6713100 2.5975990 1.4654820 1.0896000 1.5508493 1.5808700 1.5198630 1.9212170
107283422 methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblC type, with homocystinuria 188.00 129.00 245.00 120.00 123.00 103.00 101.00 93.00 71.00 64.00 121.00 109.00 61.00 107.00 90.00 69.00 108.00 99.00 130.00 147.00 74.00 79.00 170.00 122.00 160.00 130.00 103.00 92.00 135.00 102.00 127.00 91.00 114.00 45.00 111.00 182.00 140.00 275.00 240.00 321.00 82.00 70.00 101.00 43.00 124.00 1.3334700 1.8057900 2.116900 2.147300 4.2493100 1.4309600 0.862366 0.9832970 8.2188100 6.023210 2.1596700 0.6441350 1.617400 2.8740600 3.3236100 3.7622200 3.4114600 34.8712590 36.4309220 35.8622940 19.7680000 22.3220870 20.3009860 14.2381300 12.7503000 12.0393000 13.7944000 10.0699000 19.288800 14.9239000 8.6182300 15.1776000 20.700400 26.991700 19.3479000 14.451900 9.892150 10.1103000 2.2364700 2.8315700 5.9228500 10.3695000 19.8170000 13.0029000 5.4571600 7.6759100 9.4893700 7.2248200 8.9144100 16.4346800 9.026370 12.8134500 10.2841200 6.1551800 4.7145500 5.9859200 13.0280000 16.345400 27.531000 9.5787000 1.7157450 1.3959480 4.2419700 7.9109700 6.8711700 13.3560000 13.2470000 4.8925690 14.7298250 2.1389980 10.3624520 24.6000000 21.1796000 31.6863000 65.5643000 115.8570000 11.5401000 18.4495000 20.2550000 20.9578000 12.3299000 5.9077400
107283547 NIP7, nucleolar pre-rRNA processing protein 2362.00 796.00 1007.00 1947.00 1005.00 643.00 1040.00 1005.00 1487.00 1153.00 724.00 995.00 537.00 1351.00 1075.00 1016.00 1356.00 1059.00 946.00 716.00 928.00 715.00 1177.00 847.00 1285.00 810.00 1108.00 6598.00 761.00 1920.00 424.00 715.00 379.00 93.00 332.00 906.00 683.00 743.00 596.00 352.00 825.00 1058.00 551.00 688.00 810.00 21.4245000 21.0743000 43.871200 22.796200 83.4289000 24.3395000 53.592300 72.1621000 44.7411000 35.805600 28.5713000 21.9877000 33.250200 3.4574800 2.6455900 3.8940260 3.7628640 9.2422000 14.0537620 16.8353500 39.8036500 36.4211900 37.3357800 23.0719300 15.1675100 14.8794200 14.9273400 38.0496000 34.958400 34.8156000 32.0028000 103.6440000 70.516700 57.438300 64.3399000 26.730600 38.826100 40.8612000 43.1651470 27.9831000 24.1871000 130.9474900 38.0866300 34.0169000 69.2023900 27.6853300 30.2419300 9.9408400 16.9839400 23.1128500 15.863810 19.2651900 12.6916500 11.8882800 10.7982800 6.4454300 3.1195200 7.522410 7.072590 12.8913000 6.1947649 3.8993519 4.5238910 6.6857640 4.4328710 13.9293100 6.7617560 19.7186330 14.3789540 5.1106500 6.2410420 7.9669500 53.7538600 4.2302200 11.9642800 35.2093200 22.9836300 48.9560800 27.5651300 3.8800300 0.5233420 15.1350200
107283630 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C1 786.00 111.00 165.00 618.00 292.00 174.00 181.00 285.00 250.00 240.00 126.00 294.00 79.00 277.00 243.00 187.00 249.00 388.00 140.00 110.00 284.00 178.00 352.00 129.00 369.00 248.00 306.00 556.00 176.00 493.00 57.00 81.00 111.00 82.00 111.00 103.00 75.00 231.00 209.00 211.00 115.00 92.00 152.00 117.00 132.00 8.0504700 33.6274000 9.381760 5.967990 28.7272000 7.0481400 10.494000 15.0677000 7.2043400 15.988400 8.9166500 11.9027000 18.540800 7.3534760 9.2927924 7.0196579 9.1101100 4.8634930 6.4182344 5.2640878 8.6678280 7.2049240 12.6788510 17.9604060 13.7973260 18.5037860 13.6605160 2.2491500 6.435500 5.5843900 5.9449200 12.1575000 27.696200 39.397100 20.8459000 22.172000 19.146900 16.2461000 15.3736600 17.9679500 22.5865600 29.6211500 29.9493700 29.1422700 38.1039200 42.2862300 41.2166600 5.3815880 8.0443710 15.5978600 13.932920 18.0717600 11.8516800 15.0176400 13.5075700 8.0863000 8.2014800 26.510000 24.010700 49.7463000 15.6190476 17.3185471 8.4775400 5.3303800 5.1437570 22.3877240 4.9898400 29.1085050 15.5524980 21.5319417 16.1529423 25.0668520 19.0878480 1.6579493 3.0223590 6.4159970 11.1521100 19.9686800 6.1166240 16.2584130 17.5721170 13.7121390
107283749 LSM10, U7 small nuclear RNA associated 113.00 77.00 100.00 94.00 38.00 70.00 36.00 38.00 100.00 57.00 111.00 90.00 44.00 94.00 65.00 74.00 58.00 75.00 94.00 57.00 68.00 86.00 140.00 82.00 92.00 72.00 67.00 167.00 62.00 83.00 82.00 111.00 68.00 73.00 75.00 221.00 142.00 177.00 170.00 133.00 140.00 195.00 99.00 162.00 170.00 6.9116400 7.6225500 7.038300 4.677540 18.5769000 5.6951500 9.788080 19.1084000 9.2710700 9.048310 5.2527600 5.7602600 6.312790 1.9126770 2.3998540 2.3095450 2.1944000 11.5685400 17.5371300 18.5746800 26.4315000 25.5263640 22.2965700 23.1672000 19.5976000 24.0871600 25.6875500 31.2720000 8.183780 7.5297900 10.5805000 92.6516000 27.198000 33.459500 43.2654000 23.300000 24.313700 23.8723000 7.2082300 3.8908200 3.8761400 18.0776000 12.4938000 10.5536000 6.4526500 4.9684300 4.3296800 8.8297250 14.4646200 21.6800200 24.236000 19.5285400 10.4376000 8.7023500 13.5214600 7.1250300 6.4658300 15.612300 13.178300 7.0774500 6.5500180 10.1103200 54.8859000 72.5109300 66.6045000 83.4156200 66.7497500 44.3220800 52.7669600 23.8978800 19.6540200 255.7200000 417.1320000 97.1204000 241.6840000 572.0370000 259.3750000 420.1200000 221.2410000 285.7060000 350.2910000 301.1080000
107283794 AVL9 cell migration associated 301.00 173.00 152.00 229.00 132.00 170.00 71.00 171.00 104.00 173.00 110.00 201.00 82.00 102.00 77.00 90.00 114.00 230.00 174.00 125.00 84.00 185.00 586.00 133.00 202.00 216.00 140.00 30.00 194.00 105.00 51.00 29.00 112.00 64.00 85.00 101.00 60.00 190.00 166.00 137.00 35.00 71.00 85.00 105.00 144.00 2.3537700 1.1327400 7.141110 2.524320 2.6748700 6.7705800 1.983470 1.2062000 7.6895900 8.189930 4.0448300 0.9876910 7.666600 1.8009990 2.3489490 2.0949000 2.2821350 1.2426943 1.1114720 1.1868823 5.5499640 5.5587880 5.4771011 3.3590314 2.4334056 2.6923733 2.4849188 1.1842400 7.818500 7.7635400 1.6064800 1.8009200 12.941400 14.082500 3.4445200 6.330650 6.973060 1.7505200 3.5742600 6.1191000 6.6344600 6.0190300 15.9449000 14.5200000 6.2142100 16.0945000 14.7488000 3.3947647 4.0699941 9.3517264 12.356796 11.2095322 3.7854500 8.3963552 7.1075010 3.6615020 2.1142700 10.790917 11.226582 7.6860800 7.1598348 4.9220570 3.3093475 4.7717129 5.7427063 7.8335930 4.1387565 12.7708740 4.9715000 2.2923132 2.0419966 22.3164000 12.2812000 0.7713440 2.1773100 3.1502300 10.0006220 13.1837000 4.8905400 6.0203800 7.6595270 6.1374900
107283801 BMP binding endothelial regulator 105.00 16.00 12.00 100.00 113.00 98.00 70.00 119.00 80.00 103.00 14.00 126.00 5.00 111.00 130.00 62.00 106.00 226.00 78.00 130.00 138.00 19.00 18.00 63.00 174.00 12.00 172.00 82.00 10.00 143.00 41.00 37.00 102.00 40.00 35.00 9.00 7.00 44.00 25.00 23.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.0377960 0.0000000 0.000000 0.145396 0.2046560 0.3765890 0.437937 0.0998699 0.1276880 0.867092 0.1884530 0.1308450 0.214270 0.4287990 0.1169140 0.0610851 0.1951940 1.2786400 1.0936075 1.1514200 0.1563320 0.2351830 0.1907680 0.4119520 0.2541510 0.1520850 0.3159450 0.2792320 0.170533 0.3267770 0.1980750 0.3306440 0.320803 0.338049 0.3688200 1.268400 7.707150 2.3148300 2.1935900 3.6103200 1.9527600 0.7170940 0.1348760 0.1286320 2.2988000 2.0441500 2.7685000 0.0590916 0.0336371 0.7512687 0.888177 1.3685584 5.3050800 7.8860949 10.8682201 1.1709100 0.1042530 2.599360 1.372280 5.9706200 1.6972670 1.0541710 1.7044260 2.8454630 4.4422540 0.2743567 0.4729530 0.5951822 5.0114260 1.3306570 2.9264140 1.4352930 0.6172093 0.4171020 0.6714310 2.4952590 0.8807962 1.5727490 0.8893450 7.4182740 4.7847510 0.8636740
107283883 VCP interacting membrane selenoprotein 657.00 187.00 308.00 472.00 417.00 233.00 264.00 202.00 388.00 276.00 249.00 198.00 91.00 465.00 283.00 339.00 420.00 400.00 473.00 375.00 218.00 162.00 209.00 320.00 363.00 180.00 290.00 1193.00 178.00 1088.00 37.00 84.00 65.00 22.00 82.00 254.00 203.00 299.00 478.00 252.00 172.00 265.00 171.00 223.00 405.00 14.2473000 14.6464000 26.619000 17.218100 33.8052000 17.8200000 10.243100 14.2377000 8.3326800 10.866700 7.2198300 3.2563200 23.572700 36.5458000 31.7062050 33.9882600 31.0090200 16.9497520 20.0555330 20.3587690 55.1501070 57.2261490 55.9680830 112.2461000 144.6692300 141.7846250 136.2629500 81.1741000 109.147000 94.7987000 51.8872000 95.3200000 134.298000 124.598000 73.9917000 66.749200 88.546200 49.8576000 25.9390900 43.3231300 44.3661400 50.9856800 116.7953000 114.4259000 60.4992300 108.5757000 96.2989000 30.8699000 47.9701000 94.1153000 99.260800 94.5437000 64.8038000 92.7790000 77.1507000 57.4529000 36.5762520 78.582700 36.826200 185.5437500 29.5083160 28.7991210 18.3818140 22.8969540 20.4949590 38.7625020 19.1868920 60.4539100 30.5368540 51.2968635 26.6432697 276.2561000 174.5349000 45.4799000 58.5046830 157.5164000 82.3449010 132.6887000 101.9650690 190.1480000 73.6250000 50.8025000
107283888 dynein, cytoplasmic 1, intermediate chain 2 1297.00 801.00 989.00 558.00 494.00 499.00 419.00 279.00 612.00 318.00 585.00 826.00 493.00 484.00 498.00 319.00 532.00 526.00 802.00 538.00 379.00 610.00 1605.00 838.00 968.00 677.00 635.00 512.00 536.00 613.00 555.00 509.00 440.00 310.00 556.00 522.00 388.00 627.00 611.00 498.00 218.00 344.00 217.00 262.00 416.00 12.6640000 12.6897000 24.195900 16.091900 23.8052000 6.8585100 13.871700 10.0198000 17.4388000 15.984900 10.5108000 2.8455200 31.076800 7.0224670 7.0228367 8.5495369 7.6836071 13.8138501 11.0367370 10.8739233 19.9692272 21.1709480 19.4933179 9.1921290 7.5209913 8.2498188 8.4441890 47.8845000 59.511600 56.3049000 28.9087000 23.0286000 38.270400 37.266100 22.8827000 16.895900 21.300800 11.2630000 15.0964000 33.2497000 30.4176000 13.1643000 46.7421000 40.2033000 7.4266100 19.1937000 19.9400000 39.2213000 60.6693300 42.0411600 51.482550 56.9352200 19.9393800 28.1471300 27.3168100 37.7212900 43.6397010 35.043300 62.420360 19.3967200 27.5898234 19.6417677 37.7724420 34.3485903 28.7589200 61.9098136 24.8092468 120.6690290 10.6837794 12.4267200 15.1471040 35.7325900 20.3535900 13.4441100 22.1320000 26.4072800 25.4232840 23.6422800 37.1682140 25.5676200 29.8133700 15.2736418
107283891 tousled like kinase 1 502.00 468.00 416.00 505.00 211.00 228.00 251.00 249.00 498.00 192.00 343.00 291.00 206.00 281.00 376.00 237.00 333.00 296.00 416.00 282.00 283.00 289.00 447.00 290.00 468.00 329.00 419.00 322.00 272.00 468.00 186.00 425.00 213.00 273.00 267.00 527.00 453.00 563.00 453.00 405.00 209.00 262.00 158.00 247.00 325.00 8.3326900 10.1140000 15.726900 13.332000 17.5296000 10.0259000 7.175880 5.3765100 10.9928000 12.642300 11.0172000 4.1964600 16.965700 5.8955120 5.1542317 5.2512600 5.0646559 6.0440480 3.9249039 3.9142267 10.1393204 10.5743790 9.3757448 5.5095300 5.5589089 5.5874251 5.2230544 6.7905200 13.019500 11.6622000 5.3685300 7.1419600 20.263500 22.734900 13.8589000 16.472100 13.961700 6.3708500 6.7099280 12.6173800 23.7536700 6.7434050 32.9351700 24.8824000 7.5260700 13.1537100 13.0645100 5.2854481 5.6052361 23.5203800 18.279450 23.5552978 3.7483720 6.4096427 6.6215750 13.1267410 8.6196700 21.722459 20.396667 9.5402800 11.4247300 9.1429010 6.9499710 3.2765010 3.0313770 20.2330000 5.6219200 22.4820500 11.6971000 4.0270630 8.7662170 14.1396636 8.8087940 1.9070762 4.3715120 7.9198493 14.9860860 19.8872744 14.6703320 9.5530420 9.2658559 5.3285810
107283892 golgi reassembly stacking protein 2 3159.00 569.00 632.00 1693.00 1800.00 833.00 990.00 723.00 1154.00 999.00 611.00 1043.00 341.00 1229.00 669.00 918.00 1382.00 1684.00 899.00 964.00 738.00 481.00 1262.00 645.00 1868.00 620.00 1437.00 2428.00 657.00 1598.00 320.00 445.00 295.00 414.00 288.00 610.00 493.00 639.00 686.00 499.00 343.00 448.00 268.00 302.00 489.00 108.0290000 49.3430000 120.662000 120.068000 196.4350000 42.7179000 45.150500 38.4929000 35.9360000 41.326300 37.9732000 22.2540000 68.137400 27.6078550 32.2574800 33.2253480 31.2425670 35.4010860 47.2153150 44.1966730 56.6969940 55.2164450 58.9761350 80.4955100 84.5567341 81.7002000 85.2091000 39.5875000 40.599500 45.6487000 44.3176000 29.0228000 32.194100 33.727400 44.5382000 21.264800 21.892000 22.8445000 41.7554000 53.5458000 58.4359000 40.9013000 72.3168000 70.4957000 26.6797000 42.0432000 39.2301000 39.9968956 52.4908500 80.0348500 60.306880 67.9426100 23.1852270 37.3770600 37.9687100 25.2670900 26.4362000 34.833300 32.988410 50.0913000 30.2031813 28.3027250 21.6348410 44.2425520 39.1637270 46.6122040 46.9119830 50.5403280 40.0312550 16.5381360 17.2426134 121.7250000 71.5741000 12.3780000 29.9101000 56.5469000 36.7768000 51.1016000 35.0888000 66.6761000 67.2380000 35.1438000
107283923 alanyl aminopeptidase, membrane 182.00 130.00 293.00 199.00 476.00 141.00 521.00 309.00 334.00 563.00 155.00 353.00 60.00 338.00 224.00 309.00 429.00 446.00 220.00 360.00 132.00 104.00 297.00 408.00 833.00 110.00 222.00 466.00 158.00 534.00 18.00 143.00 21.00 58.00 15.00 388.00 361.00 251.00 148.00 149.00 76.00 110.00 96.00 55.00 170.00 113.9420000 11.7546000 216.163000 107.924000 94.2384000 31.8450000 935.811000 336.9760000 717.1480000 227.552000 56.1779000 9.0463600 100.622000 10.2115270 14.4198200 15.7466500 17.1069250 7.6288200 9.8249410 13.2141925 82.9695100 91.1101800 90.1287260 88.8314050 70.9044700 60.6571200 70.7187400 2.9429900 3.124340 0.7896390 2.7760900 856.4770000 413.735000 530.591000 541.9580000 3.772330 3.828660 3.4135600 39.0528000 33.6788000 19.3758000 528.7220000 186.2980000 140.4750000 194.2710000 114.7330000 144.5630000 3.5429560 2.0066270 394.6118000 249.119400 164.5294000 10.0661500 19.8359200 17.2117900 0.5232970 0.2787690 764.767000 608.308000 79.1931000 4.2516620 1.8105470 2.8770210 2.9896380 2.0588000 1113.5180000 635.1852000 843.7342000 274.8302000 75.2706300 174.2595000 10.8790000 15.2637900 0.0981769 0.8201400 0.6616082 225.4399640 308.2019860 7.5917100 18.8849000 15.1937000 18.5941020
107283941 CTD small phosphatase like 2 52.00 19.00 119.00 75.00 117.00 64.00 65.00 96.00 97.00 39.00 132.00 18.00 61.00 24.00 57.00 74.00 12.00 77.00 41.00 18.00 14.00 26.00 30.00 27.00 56.00 69.00 24.00 44.00 27.00 37.00 25.00 56.00 22.00 305.00 32.00 51.00 60.00 90.00 101.00 63.00 36.00 56.00 33.00 59.00 45.00 11.5880000 11.1648000 18.652700 18.707800 19.3201000 12.7148000 7.384590 8.7973800 13.8994000 17.377600 10.8727000 4.3545100 21.328900 0.9716038 2.9394611 1.1095700 2.1847840 2.5757220 1.9603653 1.7688435 3.4718023 3.2967160 3.4713737 1.3385616 1.2969330 1.2724372 1.6665032 6.8130400 15.909000 14.4279000 5.3853400 6.6402600 15.421000 17.321500 9.6562200 11.880700 11.216800 3.6964600 4.8706500 9.2451300 14.9977400 4.2803140 18.6878600 17.5421200 3.0540260 6.9326600 8.4040400 17.8119700 21.3669900 27.7470500 34.834800 34.1810000 14.2041000 19.4195000 21.4437000 2.3593214 1.8555610 2.971870 3.875640 1.9510428 8.3690922 5.2016324 3.5623005 4.1770328 5.1685638 7.6632450 3.3400960 13.5184203 8.0022300 1.8538997 2.8343020 7.2159100 4.2786900 0.9709560 3.6363800 5.9831303 4.2742500 6.7636001 4.6262600 5.1385800 3.5944700 2.6087600
107283959 patatin like phospholipase domain containing 2 23.00 21.00 24.00 14.00 14.00 5.00 16.00 14.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 13.00 3.00 17.00 17.00 13.00 23.00 14.00 14.00 16.00 8.00 12.00 17.00 13.00 28.00 14.00 13.00 14.00 12.00 29.00 16.00 6.00 10.00 43.00 15.00 44.00 29.00 58.00 20.00 14.00 74.00 13.00 17.00 15.00 24.00 3.5502500 102.5270000 8.698310 5.886820 27.4816000 3.2915500 29.534700 60.4394000 19.9389000 13.717000 5.3879200 1.0956400 7.643970 30.0656600 35.9731410 37.8095620 36.2343780 243.9610900 378.5839560 372.0029100 242.0209680 245.0545900 245.9156290 70.7683100 71.9318780 74.6270460 72.4427940 26.8988000 263.223000 227.6990000 36.7894000 8.7327800 49.751900 178.694000 19.8823000 180.669000 103.958000 66.3129000 93.6039000 56.2367000 141.1050000 11.4909000 13.8169000 17.5751000 20.7740000 15.2419000 70.1158000 28.1165000 8.9466300 5.5388200 6.896330 9.1380100 11.5569900 7.7314700 8.4594700 41.2696200 39.3997500 82.252600 78.466200 55.8336000 12.6008300 24.7958700 227.6437000 444.1051000 485.2691000 86.7775700 160.5264000 41.8923600 37.5337800 16.3935500 18.8463400 26.0960000 19.1308000 73.0909000 217.8870000 346.5130000 58.9646000 54.5532000 82.8106000 55.9075000 46.5864000 25.1246000
107283960 N-methylpurine DNA glycosylase 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 11.00 3.00 4.00 7.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 5.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 18.00 1.00 6.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 15.00 11.00 13.00 12.00 3.00 5.00 12.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 0.5989200 1.4829800 1.191750 0.871825 4.2505900 4.3527400 0.847778 2.3491100 1.1263000 1.771110 2.0291100 1.6301300 1.118650 1.8254020 2.1843460 1.6661830 2.0890700 2.8198800 3.1625770 2.5834520 9.1897500 8.6739310 8.1577270 6.2915010 7.6265780 7.9800140 7.9682620 65.5939000 38.081200 34.5728000 29.6119000 125.3600000 83.503600 97.965700 72.3864000 41.291000 42.373600 36.5858000 8.6176100 9.0391400 13.2309000 12.7915000 21.8263000 12.3723000 8.6474100 7.5591100 8.0309600 2.3842410 6.3059800 6.5852300 11.730210 0.4213818 3.3258250 6.1088700 7.8061800 14.2882800 8.6942800 46.364900 23.941700 62.3215000 4.1043040 16.4150120 45.2906000 29.3361994 37.9743600 36.2820800 42.8216940 23.7181219 97.7377000 30.9958000 26.9150499 0.0000000 13.9225000 1.8741300 2.4450200 9.6515800 6.4980100 0.0305052 5.2877500 0.0000000 0.0000000 6.0339200
107283986 stannin 4.00 4.00 3.00 10.00 12.00 5.00 0.00 3.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 14.00 5.00 10.00 2.00 2.00 11.00 9.00 4.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 19.00 2.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 15.1240700 16.2019120 20.482040 15.659180 51.5538700 15.7246810 21.868330 8.2497270 21.1023900 24.471500 12.5622500 7.5753800 29.455020 1.5354700 2.1767270 1.8404500 1.9418200 11.9754000 12.0327790 14.9859300 48.4641300 46.2727100 44.9203000 1.1946470 2.4176300 2.1867400 1.8207440 34.0848000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 11.2255000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 5.0073010 5.5292700 10.7544800 3.1848700 13.2776900 16.5416000 3.2891300 8.3571900 8.4919140 9.9547100 18.1493000 18.5551000 20.431600 17.1184000 8.5491800 7.3641400 8.8569700 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 3.4590600 4.1917100 15.4027000 10.1859000 13.1715000 13.3468000 12.5383000 13.2716000 2.9798000 0.5369620 2.2710300 0.0000000 50.9122000 50.6787000 73.0334000 100.5330000 60.0865000 0.0000000 242.6540000 0.0000000 0.0000000 13.3441000
107284022 par-3 family cell polarity regulator 199.00 226.00 313.00 241.00 123.00 158.00 125.00 187.00 220.00 160.00 268.00 236.00 147.00 158.00 193.00 154.00 164.00 239.00 187.00 140.00 168.00 321.00 547.00 130.00 250.00 179.00 181.00 97.00 278.00 134.00 25.00 32.00 57.00 75.00 37.00 103.00 89.00 188.00 120.00 133.00 66.00 183.00 98.00 124.00 180.00 5.1221200 0.4397030 7.140020 9.017720 25.4255000 2.0076300 9.880850 6.0965700 8.2707000 9.252700 2.2725200 2.0447900 20.970000 4.4807646 5.6519975 4.3575344 4.3445464 7.8731662 13.4851473 12.6251149 37.5244037 29.1268841 37.7629482 50.0371960 53.1249148 49.6378950 50.2759856 4.0231900 6.740800 9.3180300 3.7638900 2.3558700 11.970900 10.792500 6.7656200 6.140290 10.189000 4.9481000 6.7083180 8.1227400 5.3658510 7.2764390 15.4937000 11.9826600 10.3199200 18.1208900 22.3703400 3.0195920 1.7007340 2.7051470 2.390526 2.9437330 4.1993780 3.1728650 4.2060440 10.3169368 6.8429412 14.754070 19.027484 14.4922744 9.9034198 9.3438085 12.0572819 7.2625416 7.6785470 24.1567620 10.5716129 35.1727310 11.3276279 5.0509770 6.7122106 24.7839857 11.6467072 2.7161164 5.8059871 13.9763412 13.9931683 17.8489756 11.8950177 18.2365180 26.0456957 11.4187089
107284039 visual system homeobox 1 1.00 2.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.4452060 0.7855970 0.562797 0.999042 0.9141810 0.3668470 0.000000 0.7189020 0.0416641 0.158956 0.1384160 0.0428124 0.294457 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0278848 0.0000000 0.0078766 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0112226 0.0105995 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0169231 0.0000000 0.1719000 0.463739 0.2861150 0.1299770 0.3302870 1.924550 1.064420 1.2580900 0.000000 0.096684 0.0934455 0.0000000 0.0877372 0.6264120 0.3206050 0.2163300 0.4126310 0.0724721 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.4102090 0.0638771 0.405063 0.208043 0.1549640 0.0359558 0.0284859 0.0367737 0.3746420 0.1239330 0.0438130 0.0501659 0.0000000 0.1780390 0.3762930 0.0151893 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0550043 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
107284090 abhydrolase domain containing 12 423.00 374.00 525.00 326.00 248.00 224.00 135.00 208.00 331.00 223.00 302.00 209.00 247.00 210.00 144.00 208.00 174.00 201.00 478.00 245.00 206.00 399.00 600.00 272.00 424.00 276.00 395.00 121.00 231.00 178.00 109.00 99.00 165.00 85.00 182.00 274.00 261.00 1105.00 1311.00 950.00 180.00 225.00 164.00 291.00 268.00 9.9498200 1.3102300 28.326200 16.418900 36.5132000 7.9402600 37.014300 28.8923000 42.1377000 42.558900 24.5423000 13.5191000 35.958000 6.0486800 6.3963900 6.4727100 7.1662810 23.0298434 25.1001470 24.2440610 41.7960830 39.1352360 40.9232090 24.1630670 22.0039780 23.3676000 24.1049810 3.9721100 10.949500 7.9323000 3.5567000 8.1634000 24.585200 21.119000 10.0566000 9.343940 9.005610 6.8684300 16.3073000 13.9978000 21.4242000 26.6104000 52.6569000 57.8747000 13.5300000 18.8464000 20.7663000 10.6779300 5.2763400 7.8526650 9.992652 7.5111040 4.2654420 5.8000400 8.6136250 15.7098000 8.6609500 51.895850 72.642990 43.2215120 10.4831378 9.0681668 22.1343352 29.9728740 23.9993682 65.8205040 133.5775296 71.8967883 10.5289023 8.4377670 19.8521980 56.7036000 33.6392000 6.5218700 11.8224000 25.8315000 26.0872000 55.3948000 17.9513000 8.2339500 16.7993000 8.1972300
107284113 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit A 1206.00 1124.00 1265.00 836.00 747.00 579.00 519.00 636.00 783.00 596.00 1114.00 730.00 838.00 691.00 626.00 625.00 905.00 806.00 959.00 961.00 537.00 1259.00 2972.00 822.00 984.00 751.00 963.00 214.00 736.00 553.00 458.00 275.00 553.00 287.00 498.00 662.00 464.00 752.00 666.00 690.00 359.00 481.00 404.00 453.00 594.00 6.2079100 6.4107700 11.365000 8.119300 9.8289300 4.9798500 7.082770 2.5650200 10.2258000 4.595580 4.5611500 0.8384780 15.947300 9.6054679 10.9723911 13.2844364 10.8322766 6.0909290 4.9904110 4.2997569 92.8446210 98.6939730 91.5143920 11.2299000 9.2544900 10.2907330 11.2755528 7.7978900 14.718300 13.4205000 7.9274700 15.3338000 26.233000 27.948100 16.8307000 17.018100 17.699000 7.1301300 15.0138200 20.3980200 30.4393500 15.0669400 38.3728800 33.6157000 8.7726670 19.4115700 21.4516600 4.6645100 5.8992800 36.4082000 15.671820 21.8920900 7.2036400 8.3814200 11.7334600 4.3961800 3.9818200 57.767000 86.430900 7.6168500 22.8604858 14.7319208 1.9803950 4.2498200 4.8576630 77.1867800 12.3942550 131.1297850 7.8784500 4.9718195 10.5473809 33.9444000 15.7078000 1.1827000 4.2902600 6.7120800 62.4327000 77.9345000 36.2344000 12.0241000 12.7459000 7.0222600
107284127 adipocyte plasma membrane associated protein 4323.00 1975.00 2652.00 2803.00 1861.00 1457.00 971.00 1010.00 1782.00 1271.00 1571.00 2302.00 1052.00 1595.00 1606.00 1239.00 1675.00 1270.00 2489.00 1453.00 1317.00 1605.00 3316.00 1896.00 2840.00 1683.00 2827.00 1057.00 1704.00 1622.00 2418.00 1565.00 1578.00 623.00 2022.00 3862.00 2169.00 4985.00 3123.00 3315.00 6265.00 5047.00 4978.00 4711.00 8798.00 8.8035600 12.8522000 15.449700 12.942700 21.0330000 14.0286000 177.038000 552.3970000 24.0553000 22.577800 14.4968000 6.8060400 31.161300 8.2719000 7.8341800 7.6376880 6.7860000 30.5227600 33.8833000 34.8695110 181.5021580 180.9345720 188.6054360 57.3457000 33.3257000 30.6183000 33.8734610 24.3316000 40.402700 46.1811000 23.0841000 25.3931000 36.941200 47.758800 29.3951000 82.301000 97.211000 68.8856000 12.9453000 19.8149000 20.3159000 30.8633000 66.6114000 52.4439000 71.3217000 148.7070000 152.2380000 16.2495400 21.1873000 47.4725300 36.037050 38.2051100 17.6116700 20.3486000 35.4990200 26.9386000 19.9997000 77.699200 65.942900 391.1720000 10.5502040 14.4091720 18.1045000 18.8997000 19.9200000 49.7680500 54.0636000 46.7709710 95.6120600 211.1607500 78.9116100 73.1878000 48.8079100 1.3431800 3.9928700 3.2289400 165.7661000 172.9258400 42.6221930 106.1676100 142.8520000 74.2374000
107284171 splicing factor 3b subunit 3 259.00 155.00 192.00 143.00 158.00 103.00 91.00 98.00 211.00 94.00 156.00 222.00 127.00 151.00 105.00 116.00 122.00 168.00 149.00 161.00 124.00 136.00 559.00 194.00 289.00 133.00 140.00 285.00 184.00 250.00 96.00 124.00 111.00 210.00 98.00 134.00 99.00 156.00 124.00 101.00 92.00 121.00 114.00 107.00 154.00 8.3432800 2.9531900 12.712900 9.745450 14.9192000 3.5701100 12.657100 10.7905000 16.9069000 18.348400 10.1517000 4.8680900 18.569400 6.4462320 7.2254263 6.9566297 7.3286960 13.1775133 10.9852414 10.9540098 18.1615410 18.2930199 17.9627635 9.2624776 10.6835528 9.1318286 11.3624020 26.6120000 27.394600 20.2449000 13.7856000 34.4912000 21.993700 24.907600 19.9258000 21.091900 20.021800 19.5612000 23.6011000 30.3273000 35.6149000 36.5163000 43.7125000 41.8605000 30.8055000 29.2138000 35.6034000 7.6605750 15.3829070 26.1775140 23.115460 22.2036010 5.7144990 12.7307801 15.8211000 16.5850200 26.7045800 23.316270 44.009370 17.4681000 28.0934800 24.8648100 47.0732800 72.2191500 78.3662500 60.9972600 84.1351600 81.1616700 43.7774900 14.9601900 26.3966000 0.1054070 10.2978000 5.8469220 12.9233000 14.0554900 16.2722400 18.1916800 22.9559800 0.0000000 0.0465561 8.9216300
107284292 adenosine deaminase, RNA-specific, B1 77.00 58.00 55.00 47.00 38.00 41.00 16.00 38.00 45.00 26.00 66.00 26.00 39.00 37.00 47.00 57.00 34.00 45.00 48.00 21.00 31.00 86.00 92.00 47.00 52.00 56.99 51.00 15.00 39.00 39.00 31.00 24.00 29.00 55.00 25.00 27.00 17.00 46.00 25.00 17.00 18.00 18.00 11.00 17.00 25.00 0.9758340 1.2597000 1.286590 1.606930 1.2865600 1.3840900 3.648440 1.6319000 2.0384500 4.125070 3.1448300 0.8857020 5.880150 0.1989067 0.3451460 0.2261004 0.3782295 6.4732736 6.2074470 6.6158298 4.4550085 4.1252100 4.7309690 3.6666931 4.3607980 4.4114821 4.6597895 2.2066700 5.078310 5.7915700 2.4863300 2.0083900 5.627630 4.474970 2.0755700 7.273540 15.026900 6.2336600 4.7445400 7.1843300 6.0318000 3.5188400 7.3735400 6.5222900 2.3504700 3.6526600 4.1442000 3.5867650 6.5756445 7.9295934 11.480092 13.7518110 2.6534400 3.9018300 4.7979944 6.7450177 4.7695510 9.788512 10.119205 4.1977131 2.7019960 2.1752650 5.7675230 5.5156690 5.3795120 5.1923910 5.0298010 4.2802550 2.6852370 0.5810931 1.3592020 1.9845400 2.0830500 0.3950320 2.3047000 1.7251000 3.5558400 3.6381900 3.9290100 1.1149500 0.8800750 0.8193880
107284301 integral membrane protein 2B 4497.00 5038.00 5488.00 3994.00 2329.00 2440.00 1786.00 2374.00 3591.00 1841.00 3190.00 4598.00 3039.00 2656.00 2508.00 2341.00 2858.00 2031.00 6062.00 2074.00 3084.00 3571.00 5516.00 5981.00 4752.00 3552.00 4576.00 2463.00 3294.00 2401.00 1938.00 3718.00 1571.00 950.00 2208.00 5617.00 6438.00 6372.00 5360.00 5636.00 2912.00 4572.00 1988.00 2449.00 3465.00 19.3800000 25.6280000 40.115200 35.262000 52.2257000 51.7212000 21.347600 17.9518000 33.3021000 31.080500 19.7793000 7.5129700 65.180700 106.8239200 130.6784000 130.4470000 138.0995200 466.8216240 451.0670070 445.5869115 1484.4377610 1524.5972660 1453.0047390 1050.1580730 1014.9104420 926.2661390 1003.3541050 151.9690000 156.382000 172.4730000 124.7610000 201.4460000 454.054000 349.793000 393.3340000 351.241000 315.741000 239.1010000 135.8020000 286.7630000 293.9390000 152.7700000 366.5260000 371.8850000 46.5699000 138.8030000 133.3840000 173.6070000 225.0260000 349.9290000 490.496000 408.7830000 123.5230000 215.5040000 233.1490000 350.3750000 230.2900000 771.311000 1149.730000 143.7420000 577.2835810 311.5015530 353.3538942 231.2944070 257.7034737 1173.9314310 988.7081599 2760.3975200 173.6636180 219.2792851 280.6937020 1105.6300000 633.6660000 241.1610000 384.6420000 952.2820000 2642.4800000 2367.4900000 943.1170000 1117.0400000 1044.6400000 600.1980000
107284304 succinate-CoA ligase, ADP-forming, beta subunit 1207.00 1658.00 1319.00 1315.00 553.00 1011.00 539.00 754.00 926.00 562.00 1372.00 1068.00 926.00 696.00 825.00 698.00 841.00 745.00 1619.00 951.00 882.00 1474.00 1898.00 1567.00 1316.00 1478.00 1032.00 226.00 1756.00 673.00 2794.00 1341.00 2162.00 457.00 2501.00 1767.00 1550.00 1757.00 1286.00 1384.00 1024.00 864.00 583.00 607.00 696.00 20.8852000 64.8287000 35.659700 26.548700 29.8895000 21.9515000 16.384600 12.4761000 30.3103000 26.415500 13.0691000 6.5159500 28.522800 16.4604740 13.2119800 14.5042700 14.8249610 98.6422550 66.3311390 65.8966490 36.7492250 39.2117020 35.5702520 30.3107356 31.1722930 29.9812040 28.7688590 92.1710000 95.947300 130.0270000 95.1988000 28.3243000 59.727400 62.054000 61.7409000 23.507000 30.875800 18.3872000 42.4893000 99.9515000 133.4070000 32.6846000 104.9300000 82.4026000 2.3954900 12.5324000 13.3502000 122.1433427 183.9281100 121.4984030 153.060440 156.0047020 12.3345000 34.8375210 40.9722990 47.6205000 96.3250000 30.242070 68.376120 6.0257200 23.0839071 14.8574816 36.7666011 53.0258320 44.1101174 51.7912690 21.6631770 63.7399266 10.4734912 8.0306650 9.8922311 77.0999000 34.6109000 107.6850000 211.6090000 371.5050000 91.2298000 121.7190000 96.0077000 51.2839000 36.9575000 13.9820000
107284365 villin-like 212.00 126.00 175.00 395.00 117.00 246.00 188.00 350.00 207.00 371.00 143.00 491.00 65.00 169.00 209.00 139.00 161.00 340.00 96.00 201.00 238.00 213.00 584.00 114.00 212.00 204.00 210.00 239.00 286.00 287.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.00 1.00 129.00 97.00 348.00 236.00 279.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 7.00 16.4561800 4.4112400 39.781900 38.645800 24.0748400 15.8038000 0.411437 2.5802340 80.1524000 163.642300 2.6771600 3.3805100 121.109500 1.8704180 2.3247400 2.0434680 2.3294794 0.5757311 0.8155267 0.7714084 33.9905190 37.9903910 37.8056800 1.5883170 0.9668031 0.8929416 1.3837250 0.8787510 10.128100 0.9912970 4.1524400 102.7850000 145.590000 147.052000 134.1400000 0.697672 1.736540 0.9259980 0.0813186 0.2656620 0.4043190 153.2620000 168.3360000 156.2720000 2.7983200 0.9641070 2.1748600 0.2800971 0.6562870 84.9087460 74.680959 71.4712758 0.8085183 2.2520540 3.0465581 1.4307640 0.4656300 8.759680 8.875150 1.7292550 0.5467195 1.5467245 2.9420646 4.1820654 4.9404960 4.6425563 6.6775229 4.8188740 1.2619742 0.4013241 0.4509230 8.1692800 11.3620800 0.0345825 0.1100890 0.1071880 4.1239900 1.3322280 1.2599830 0.6127850 0.0493055 0.6268520
107284371 acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 1 68.00 88.00 67.00 80.00 44.00 120.00 48.00 125.00 63.00 99.00 98.00 80.00 27.00 84.00 48.00 70.00 51.00 87.00 98.00 123.00 116.00 94.00 142.00 80.00 109.00 98.00 52.00 85.00 145.00 71.00 45.00 73.00 90.00 84.00 79.00 256.00 259.00 471.00 305.00 192.00 332.00 758.00 795.00 1155.00 1477.00 10.8110000 1.0533900 15.523200 12.275300 13.1574000 2.5608600 71.395200 29.7116000 41.7432000 34.474800 6.1393500 4.1935800 33.571100 0.4220270 0.4230340 0.6209030 0.2550630 0.6081110 1.5154900 1.3330100 306.8828000 281.9643000 313.8467000 1208.8989000 1373.7074000 1482.1304000 1377.6903000 20.7009000 26.886000 30.0681000 10.8294000 464.1690000 841.865000 555.531000 417.2030000 234.565000 178.913000 144.9630000 18.5500000 20.8576000 20.5341000 117.6650000 124.0540000 104.2500000 75.6095000 60.8524000 154.6970000 10.3526200 23.5626500 215.8939000 179.114400 203.3567000 153.9913000 114.1097000 166.2134000 51.5426120 42.0474520 328.626637 761.025720 115.3535900 6.5198097 21.5765521 45.0634020 93.8346091 98.6344740 518.0472124 542.0881090 428.8400740 405.9805120 101.5635049 332.6409407 49.6683700 31.3184440 30.9283200 24.7277500 28.8935430 66.7446000 49.4534300 73.0306000 331.5184200 494.2702200 371.1920820
107284382 CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 8 194.00 126.00 148.00 324.00 118.00 109.00 146.00 259.00 88.00 223.00 50.00 337.00 47.00 183.00 215.00 133.00 257.00 318.00 274.00 156.00 509.00 104.00 186.00 131.00 235.00 136.00 314.00 80.00 142.00 137.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 3.00 9.00 2.00 4.00 13.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 16.00 24.00 48.00 76.00 0.0979352 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.6455840 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 6.2793890 5.1928900 5.6150780 6.7700455 20.5568310 18.2495610 19.0862330 23.5932220 20.4338330 21.8019412 166.3068340 152.4415910 152.0300280 142.9459420 2.7587700 6.365550 3.2798400 3.1176400 71.5780000 129.329000 111.563000 63.0991000 1.068320 1.765100 0.8123690 22.5366000 40.4529000 26.7194000 53.9155000 134.9760000 125.9740000 0.5150020 1.0883500 1.6162600 0.0891994 0.0778204 8.6971900 17.368500 9.8803100 0.0000000 0.0707343 0.1180870 4.3097100 2.6073200 17.244500 17.603000 12.5370000 5.6505800 2.2704930 6.6852220 4.2638200 3.5819410 8.5277000 3.1947600 11.7910000 50.0009000 6.9834100 21.1686100 58.9568000 56.3965000 2.6009935 7.3723700 7.9134400 5.4244460 10.3671100 9.9378900 68.7738000 42.1840000 60.2068000
107284384 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1-like 48.00 25.00 30.00 49.00 10.00 39.00 29.00 35.00 15.00 45.00 29.00 15.00 17.00 27.00 25.00 18.00 55.00 39.00 20.00 37.00 46.00 70.00 189.00 25.00 34.00 42.00 35.00 7.00 64.00 13.00 35.00 9.00 81.00 36.00 84.00 58.00 25.00 92.00 38.00 64.00 13.00 14.00 43.00 28.00 38.00 1.7468600 0.3998070 3.757810 3.786950 3.5298200 1.9796900 2.095530 0.7429490 6.8154700 10.571500 4.7492900 2.5304800 10.513800 7.9053800 11.9963800 11.1007850 11.9469190 22.9834930 18.3434390 18.3916416 19.9738000 21.6325910 20.5187030 13.1149140 11.0625190 9.9563500 10.4636100 2.4441600 6.236950 5.8017800 4.2545700 7.2234000 18.459700 17.404700 11.2765000 1.982470 2.994700 1.0681700 43.9338000 105.9950000 152.8310000 4.3348900 27.7932000 24.6525000 1.7467600 4.1244800 5.1407000 10.1624278 14.6780200 26.3161200 44.002400 27.6339600 5.7006000 46.2531000 8.3858400 63.1187000 30.2847000 43.715000 40.368900 3.4827500 14.0428364 11.6992638 63.4211530 45.7830500 45.6623070 30.6890280 14.1381080 48.3576500 3.1792410 0.2758901 0.7566830 75.6610290 36.3297630 14.2536874 79.8671480 74.1807700 8.4645560 6.4873300 12.5199270 0.7719330 1.2030200 0.1414110
107284394 RAB3 GTPase activating protein catalytic subunit 1 1904.00 1262.00 1404.00 934.00 761.00 1064.00 486.00 613.00 886.00 634.00 1139.00 1095.00 692.00 693.00 592.00 566.00 827.00 856.00 1328.00 744.00 581.00 1029.00 2289.00 1093.00 1408.00 1237.00 1144.00 505.00 1244.00 911.00 1108.00 691.00 1109.00 626.00 1164.00 1030.00 863.00 1362.00 1298.00 1028.00 418.00 653.00 516.00 646.00 873.00 7.5417000 11.9404000 12.756000 10.292200 13.0723000 5.1084000 8.772850 5.6056700 15.0501000 9.871180 6.8240500 2.0092200 13.736800 7.2747274 8.5629684 7.8103907 7.5800340 17.1378780 14.3409939 13.8239123 22.2964639 24.8082722 22.8433821 16.5898953 19.7692470 18.3878469 19.5455890 4.6892500 10.075400 10.1909400 7.5341000 3.9237900 10.459040 8.749000 6.7343300 7.213980 7.574240 4.5888690 9.0108900 16.8358000 17.6445000 8.1934500 27.5781000 20.4436000 5.9600200 11.8322000 11.3230000 10.4562520 11.5660400 13.6187300 13.058350 17.8013200 6.9339300 9.1923100 9.7868720 22.7538100 25.4949030 25.573608 19.116828 15.4431100 19.3416241 17.9162650 13.7464557 12.0404227 11.6725200 19.0571600 9.2915940 20.8854854 6.5542430 2.2661214 5.3285204 21.5656710 13.8442853 3.3045758 5.9854480 13.2617290 11.8318860 22.7386540 16.2488040 14.9722290 14.2919960 7.5653779
107284406 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 6 238.00 299.00 376.00 320.00 174.00 259.00 176.00 265.00 292.00 202.00 371.00 380.00 249.00 229.00 224.00 177.00 185.00 215.00 352.00 159.00 184.00 461.00 752.00 591.00 402.00 290.00 230.00 221.00 322.00 236.00 137.00 170.00 164.00 295.00 116.00 210.00 149.00 275.00 229.00 172.00 141.00 130.00 145.00 96.00 175.00 5.8774500 3.2527700 10.520000 7.724980 19.0343000 2.8177300 10.215200 9.9299300 17.8061000 18.123200 7.0268700 3.2524300 18.447100 5.5219600 5.8650550 4.1488470 4.9119920 8.0985498 10.6556140 11.2742912 19.3135460 17.4418780 18.9421580 13.9614680 20.2431590 21.0513660 19.7503700 16.4379000 23.475500 19.8496000 17.0739000 14.0099000 24.554500 28.347000 24.3872000 13.709200 15.092300 15.1563000 17.8972900 21.9938300 33.5576200 22.4956700 41.2787200 37.2901700 14.3842200 19.8548200 22.9942000 9.6508300 12.8052900 19.6192300 20.195110 19.3144500 7.9742800 12.7876600 13.7234900 20.2122800 15.0547860 23.709595 25.688930 27.7917930 10.8450162 9.5375508 12.4893301 13.5632650 16.4820520 23.5821100 12.7542720 20.4887492 18.5372460 4.0740150 5.1285357 18.8534300 10.9510700 3.1586660 9.0773200 13.0272030 14.4638500 18.4146600 17.8182200 11.6806100 12.5130070 8.5973400
107284446 nucleolar protein 6 9.00 11.00 22.00 9.00 11.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 19.00 6.00 19.00 7.00 16.00 13.00 15.00 18.00 9.00 8.00 8.00 60.00 9.00 27.00 7.00 9.00 25.00 14.00 23.00 0.00 7.00 3.00 14.00 0.00 11.00 1.00 6.00 5.00 7.00 3.00 7.00 8.00 4.00 10.00 3.5442700 1.2212200 5.328780 4.383420 9.2324400 0.7603560 3.329100 3.5927500 5.4051200 5.391230 3.2471000 1.1858400 4.303910 3.1221900 4.7601620 3.5472900 3.8314600 8.0489980 10.1370250 10.0713350 19.6127335 20.8673970 19.7670050 14.3933950 16.9482930 15.7520410 16.3019340 1.4239000 2.779470 1.5162200 2.0954400 3.1329600 2.253540 2.611580 1.8482000 1.158950 0.581287 1.3844100 5.3899600 3.0643700 6.4891600 10.2647300 4.0484100 8.7465000 4.3019910 2.3307900 3.7846900 13.5319900 13.4313250 14.2692800 8.923225 13.5712730 9.6935550 5.4942170 4.9471183 7.6413400 4.7561495 17.870360 13.644575 18.3051401 1.5767400 2.5903460 8.0992480 7.9707870 9.5842520 14.6051100 15.1461100 13.2612900 11.0635700 3.8550340 4.7815740 1.4873400 1.3033700 0.4075070 1.8385900 1.6208000 1.9547600 2.8304800 1.5073100 1.6530987 2.2078000 1.1231200
107284527 phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 1713.00 807.00 926.00 1732.00 1076.00 504.00 877.00 841.00 1012.00 785.00 506.00 537.00 535.00 859.00 712.00 743.00 1705.00 1231.00 868.00 999.00 647.00 731.00 1793.00 819.00 889.00 715.00 1021.00 733.00 579.00 1139.00 340.00 315.00 415.00 188.00 331.00 4055.00 3093.00 4118.00 1801.00 1919.00 15105.00 6680.00 14688.00 2503.00 2381.00 37.2924000 8.4885100 18.057100 42.523600 15.1014000 9.8560600 75.343000 130.1950000 71.4850000 44.242913 32.8549000 6.9914500 9.041340 6.9612110 7.1292778 7.9037700 7.1037820 1.3111850 1.4190031 1.3258990 20.5717800 21.4330600 20.1585300 0.1145540 0.1312859 0.2599810 0.1864574 0.9028150 0.821499 0.7922280 0.5659570 82.7275000 89.435300 165.630000 44.9632000 1234.960000 318.144000 206.4720000 1.6069500 7.3433800 8.3142400 119.0500000 214.9820000 244.1270000 225.0610000 274.5210000 569.2280000 1.2798200 1.7022540 9.8577730 9.948620 15.3970200 2.1525320 18.5230800 7.6087350 0.1932190 0.1266360 70.468860 238.554520 35.6740200 5.5061680 22.7867560 0.3649590 0.2859650 0.3804600 102.2504200 37.5765900 191.5773200 50.6029000 41.4001060 98.8511410 40.3123000 85.3209000 0.6875540 1.3313980 7.0090010 54.0370900 104.5414553 8.5322890 2.3789116 6.2588600 0.9311940
107284611 oligophrenin 1 100.00 52.00 73.00 57.65 65.00 43.00 35.00 46.00 66.00 34.00 73.00 78.00 36.00 37.00 54.00 53.00 43.00 35.00 84.00 35.00 38.00 57.00 109.00 72.00 133.00 23.00 100.00 72.00 64.95 27.00 16.00 24.17 33.00 99.00 25.00 9.00 16.00 24.00 20.00 3.00 5.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 13.00 7.1584500 0.0000000 17.449400 9.521030 6.8953400 5.2720600 5.537230 2.2263300 21.8217000 31.755900 9.7250500 5.6057800 56.199100 1.2963150 2.5854921 2.3242680 1.0284686 2.3510820 2.6189166 2.4791667 1.7241562 2.5983980 2.5113775 0.4733912 0.8184469 0.5464443 0.7991812 4.5077800 11.185200 7.8615400 5.7570600 4.3651200 11.989200 8.572830 6.1791100 6.303370 5.398710 2.4458600 12.8409900 11.4442700 10.7130700 6.8233900 7.4539830 6.6508000 2.7095190 2.4145000 1.9907900 1.5056280 4.2946883 4.2360600 4.309159 3.7641100 1.9633110 5.6956500 5.1387500 6.5219100 5.2811630 7.299060 9.412550 2.3741310 4.4411500 2.4224860 2.2992500 3.4697300 4.3477700 2.6053400 4.4842000 4.3879800 0.6130220 0.1019100 0.5862900 0.0000000 0.0147757 0.8501720 1.9207100 0.0000000 3.8308800 0.0000000 3.1626000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.8068300
107284623 magnesium transporter 1 2554.00 911.00 1068.00 2079.00 1646.00 744.00 1067.00 786.00 1324.00 1009.00 836.00 797.00 527.00 1520.00 1133.00 1050.00 1048.00 998.00 981.00 957.00 624.00 663.00 1085.00 788.00 1314.00 894.00 1033.00 2114.00 837.00 2521.00 367.00 1099.00 333.00 254.00 441.00 1722.00 1533.00 1341.00 1404.00 1113.00 1034.00 2019.00 1213.00 1372.00 2534.00 37.3150000 11.6147000 76.121000 55.793400 128.1260000 20.8800000 154.215000 164.6350000 169.2200000 155.957000 101.1410000 52.6787000 110.317000 12.2642750 13.7566600 15.1951829 15.2247200 7.4003290 3.5851500 3.7081400 10.2086500 11.3945500 11.0392600 8.0578800 7.8161250 6.9173630 7.5953550 18.6548000 22.389600 24.7652000 14.3390000 37.7233000 41.837100 37.727200 26.4999000 61.542200 48.732600 35.0065000 9.8891700 13.4240000 20.4980000 20.4894000 40.3298000 39.6156000 25.9732000 43.3566000 48.1805000 25.3666540 22.8235300 52.1931600 41.224720 28.4349100 37.2801600 28.9526200 51.0391000 18.4173000 18.6865000 34.217000 45.954500 26.6956000 26.4591846 16.2751450 9.0926144 12.3341300 14.8755400 25.5098960 9.8747120 45.4414790 19.7285993 22.2293426 25.4991222 0.0652743 0.2031720 2.8483900 7.0318600 0.2363490 27.9596817 0.0483613 26.1549890 0.0000000 0.2451750 28.1513791
107284672 Parkinsonism associated deglycase 2473.00 888.00 1069.00 1826.00 1411.00 1042.00 969.00 801.00 1423.00 1247.00 606.00 1517.00 443.00 857.00 1002.00 877.00 1009.00 992.00 1305.00 676.00 810.00 621.00 769.00 914.00 1629.00 1047.00 1037.00 5379.00 1215.00 1206.00 1553.00 1471.00 1743.00 404.00 1327.00 2791.00 1567.00 2087.00 1302.00 1265.00 1826.00 1547.00 686.00 1134.00 1533.00 182.9090000 277.3440000 453.052000 223.985000 1051.5900000 417.6590000 953.537000 811.3450000 659.0260000 589.538000 465.6760000 202.3660000 177.163000 22.9539515 21.3232060 25.5031500 23.0118620 82.8908130 87.5834468 87.1961544 337.6519260 318.7828300 328.4990461 174.4313140 138.3856220 142.6589290 142.0706040 375.1920000 247.987000 260.2500000 233.8020000 185.9990000 107.406000 107.582000 159.8770000 150.513000 103.484000 174.9100000 76.2550000 119.9070000 149.7860000 138.4656000 182.3170000 214.9878000 125.1810000 211.9410000 235.1733000 31.9888000 46.3422000 74.1849000 82.172100 60.0807000 21.8236000 22.6493000 25.5655000 152.5893000 194.8079000 224.444400 418.473000 207.2197000 70.1358710 101.4476549 251.1464571 154.4287218 158.2854675 387.2790660 280.5843900 313.0320813 236.8794750 158.8277232 205.9591427 131.1647000 106.5001000 104.1623000 131.8622000 214.8816000 816.3994000 545.9159000 506.3728000 90.6105900 86.3208000 169.9620000
107284710 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 7B 597.00 555.00 512.00 550.00 473.00 451.00 218.00 302.00 383.00 249.00 442.00 377.00 253.00 239.00 297.00 322.00 314.00 355.00 717.00 269.00 269.00 495.00 603.00 654.00 571.00 509.00 350.00 511.00 531.00 339.00 686.00 388.00 682.00 195.00 575.00 472.00 298.00 530.00 388.00 268.00 174.00 300.00 317.00 241.00 420.00 7.3435240 8.0067915 13.247090 9.703787 11.6360760 5.7066750 6.920868 3.7604610 13.4935600 22.041320 6.7207470 4.6219460 14.646620 5.2945610 6.0071570 3.2593160 5.3661710 15.7869550 23.5823800 24.5864990 33.3920590 32.0326700 34.4903300 13.8853210 15.5305920 15.8485460 17.5860310 37.7997000 37.708200 26.8403000 32.9417000 32.3657000 13.484700 20.015600 27.7373000 13.902100 12.708700 19.7920000 42.1157000 28.5806000 32.1541000 60.7983000 22.1881000 23.5794000 31.0097000 17.0170000 17.3641000 27.1494000 42.7613000 56.5737000 31.858700 27.9768000 6.0468800 6.7927400 9.1569700 74.6881000 52.6030000 104.694800 55.643900 62.2911000 7.5870214 8.1983637 35.4535127 40.5407900 40.3811840 53.5991880 42.8501146 43.6386165 35.1802800 12.5624720 13.6374492 0.4391930 25.8527700 17.4363000 50.9173800 86.9438900 24.8810800 42.8191200 26.2162100 0.5815530 0.5702600 19.1721600
107284796 hypoxia up-regulated 1 1973.00 138.00 186.00 1533.00 1442.00 252.00 1110.00 673.00 1360.00 1107.00 245.00 392.00 124.00 1802.00 874.00 637.00 1229.00 1409.00 333.00 580.00 445.00 142.00 400.00 336.00 654.00 200.00 660.00 2677.00 181.00 2595.00 39.00 106.00 36.00 90.00 38.00 99.00 74.00 123.00 178.00 64.00 195.00 187.00 171.00 287.00 325.00 101.5320400 17.8419560 105.131930 78.205946 65.9931905 12.9009672 116.102103 88.2602053 225.6439947 113.079823 30.4055927 23.5387286 42.475346 15.6367530 18.6381490 20.2502070 20.2966830 15.1191250 11.8040788 12.2391266 29.3993480 28.4856520 27.6365669 67.8203078 89.8325700 89.0472170 100.8387209 13.8615000 16.964200 9.1165600 7.2248200 28.7381000 7.784280 12.222900 15.5037000 22.015300 10.991600 22.0525000 21.0447000 35.8555000 38.8102000 38.6167000 67.5933000 91.6991000 109.7050000 114.7680000 141.8100000 3.6682240 5.2989727 23.3155700 7.196227 10.3065760 6.5784160 6.2401500 10.8383280 15.9104001 15.4970400 64.045550 45.019931 134.5242100 10.1666312 6.1350047 12.5940312 19.8949371 17.1662386 38.4945872 22.0442180 22.0351988 29.6544496 24.9873615 8.0401197 42.4475500 26.1821490 3.1702530 12.2103860 12.6351800 16.6997110 28.0999020 21.6749640 0.0513376 0.2110250 18.6802830
107284808 zw10 kinetochore protein 9.00 9.00 16.00 11.00 8.00 11.00 4.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 22.00 11.00 7.00 7.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 9.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 13.00 17.00 10.00 14.00 3.00 12.00 13.00 17.00 12.00 8.00 5.00 7.00 40.00 2.00 42.00 30.00 35.00 21.00 26.00 17.00 22.00 14.00 16.00 46.00 8.0566600 6.3088300 10.506900 9.775610 21.1475000 3.9482600 14.591700 21.2695000 25.8257000 30.925900 12.5825000 11.5372000 17.106500 2.5106460 2.5534200 2.8903570 2.8387120 6.6239010 4.7079030 4.1370880 7.9290010 7.9591440 8.0329780 5.4597630 5.4618740 5.7513430 5.0080830 11.5423000 16.719000 14.4083000 9.1654700 14.9657000 16.174400 14.244100 10.6603000 9.603170 12.302200 9.6097900 7.7252600 9.8640600 17.2281000 7.8008000 17.6064000 15.6511000 6.7741000 11.2004000 11.1856000 6.5843250 7.7854530 10.6375925 10.760789 11.0197120 4.2598730 6.1550821 7.4577030 2.3191900 2.8446400 4.757300 8.664730 4.6125600 5.1759408 4.4793110 1.9590500 2.4012900 2.2845610 3.8500560 3.9121299 8.0993370 4.3229082 2.4811000 3.4554300 17.4302000 11.7284000 2.7423300 4.5928700 7.8265600 6.3479100 11.3632000 8.6969100 0.0000000 0.0000000 4.0288000
107284824 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type U 19.99 24.00 21.21 12.00 12.00 13.00 20.00 25.00 26.51 26.01 49.88 14.00 18.00 19.00 31.00 37.61 29.00 18.00 23.00 34.00 19.00 19.22 60.63 25.00 42.31 9.00 17.00 21.00 16.00 20.00 17.00 17.00 21.00 68.20 15.00 37.00 24.00 16.00 18.00 17.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 1.00 11.00 0.1737640 0.3199490 0.152807 0.368129 0.6265830 0.0996036 0.210091 0.0931594 3.1222100 6.301130 1.3341500 0.2789790 3.460650 1.5103600 0.4717050 0.4998490 0.5039630 1.8336150 2.3439522 2.4793986 14.4837739 14.5122654 14.8934178 0.3591260 0.3572410 0.2892353 0.1959556 1.8378100 3.493380 3.6048900 1.5947300 1.3582800 3.600390 2.864700 1.7245100 1.510680 2.219640 0.7082260 7.4873100 4.0443360 2.9918150 38.3607000 18.8394900 26.7937600 14.6633400 12.4927000 9.1418510 10.7358200 16.1752200 7.0647140 13.436770 13.8015200 5.5337100 16.3766100 14.0306800 11.5838952 4.7257210 5.916121 5.490338 22.4361046 2.0068550 4.8051523 11.7519300 18.6263930 20.7968210 5.1032710 6.6537130 3.1272280 19.7925910 2.6746015 2.1110630 3.3080590 3.4749595 0.5899760 0.9714977 1.0328131 6.0918550 4.8051000 9.4181160 0.2026430 0.2608750 0.2003510
107284842 SMAD specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 81.00 44.00 103.00 48.00 29.00 44.00 38.00 29.00 62.00 57.00 56.00 47.00 34.00 42.00 43.00 52.00 51.00 66.00 46.00 53.00 46.00 71.00 121.00 62.00 151.00 44.00 93.00 24.00 49.00 52.00 43.00 39.00 54.00 84.00 41.00 121.00 108.00 101.00 104.00 101.00 28.00 54.00 31.00 51.00 76.00 2.9884900 1.9471000 4.533400 6.367170 20.1158000 3.1823000 6.499260 9.5569100 11.8754000 22.456300 6.9184500 7.1624500 10.373700 3.2229510 3.2676170 3.4010490 3.6939530 6.4333674 5.2863241 5.2941283 10.2804940 10.4401850 10.1465204 5.7607089 6.8691142 6.5756512 6.3924023 0.7046980 5.262130 3.5916000 1.5047100 2.2816300 11.075800 8.728650 4.5305900 7.948240 6.908550 3.1083200 5.7525000 7.1105300 9.9409800 4.5747560 11.1472600 8.0812500 2.7363000 3.6428000 3.4201700 4.4387640 4.6340664 6.8679902 6.778656 7.8887697 3.8575920 3.5341578 3.7262081 4.7989761 5.2336740 7.725490 15.255069 3.5944009 8.2962835 5.6969600 2.4470993 2.4943320 2.8794500 5.5115040 3.1746670 8.1588300 1.0606480 0.5918650 1.0138304 0.0520348 0.0809944 3.0013500 4.8574200 6.8327100 5.3056900 0.0000000 9.0592400 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.9291800
107284855 erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 3 621.09 1238.72 821.64 288.80 331.57 593.71 351.58 525.26 521.02 387.53 734.69 382.89 372.78 243.62 416.15 513.60 423.45 264.43 581.57 457.48 188.06 396.29 690.85 556.40 900.77 956.46 479.99 377.72 687.55 441.45 384.36 321.22 357.56 430.52 477.55 605.35 408.00 537.14 657.09 491.34 466.71 554.01 312.60 348.00 632.09 9.2876100 0.0427158 14.443900 16.389600 11.5079000 1.0904300 9.349640 9.7581400 3.9418600 9.783890 1.3045400 0.4283280 19.002500 4.5215400 4.0029000 4.6957300 4.5633600 3.1998800 3.2445300 3.1317700 19.0181000 18.2568000 17.7998000 31.7356000 33.1654000 32.1733000 32.8644000 1.0531100 5.982680 4.0957200 0.5879860 1.6943300 10.896500 4.440480 0.9245330 4.093510 4.849190 1.0806600 11.6291000 3.9260400 3.7968100 21.8618000 10.0623000 12.0405000 20.2882000 8.6605800 6.9753900 5.1552500 9.8793220 8.8470830 10.672970 7.3373570 1.6304490 3.4995560 5.0778090 1.0028100 1.0689700 56.228740 41.044598 23.2426000 31.4141530 31.0821623 2.1355284 6.1380700 3.2987871 29.2690000 40.1072840 40.7786670 38.6158210 12.7987050 30.4981500 134.4852000 95.2393000 1.2147410 1.1648780 2.1826250 86.5986000 106.7172000 13.4893200 36.8990000 80.0665000 52.0825000
107284856 solute carrier family 35 member F2 62.00 27.00 41.00 11.00 24.00 24.00 23.00 9.00 20.00 34.00 8.00 16.00 7.00 14.00 16.00 14.00 55.00 55.00 11.00 33.00 20.00 5.00 38.00 11.00 21.00 10.00 21.00 33.00 6.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 16.00 1.00 26.00 774.00 694.00 651.00 372.00 433.00 16.00 7.00 2.00 6.00 6.00 2.4283600 1.7626700 1.048570 3.476650 16.0232000 2.0093900 0.307784 0.0618737 68.5631000 46.449700 5.7626000 7.0059400 0.390616 0.1362670 0.0885824 0.0462582 0.0844750 0.0444119 0.1438010 0.1386660 11.6334300 12.4323200 11.7804700 0.0619375 0.0358210 0.0512959 0.1641410 0.6127530 0.865801 0.6480220 0.3432200 21.4939000 43.063100 46.005000 30.7357000 0.626456 0.413277 0.0967331 0.1751460 0.4971940 3.6573600 36.2448200 33.4688000 36.5984100 1.6427000 2.4435800 1.5268560 1.4124150 1.4900960 2.0999710 2.741544 3.6826602 1.2941100 0.8384255 1.7586837 0.4555940 0.1155960 26.452700 35.719900 0.5178830 15.7185120 31.5023010 0.6492150 1.5249200 0.8572325 12.2452900 6.1974410 14.1742538 0.2644930 0.3021166 0.1705622 14.8378000 13.7199000 1.1401600 0.3197450 2.0802000 20.3857000 43.2306000 12.5818000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0706661
107284878 ANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator 4653.00 290.00 253.00 1687.00 2403.00 823.00 1672.00 1487.00 940.00 1523.00 592.00 1107.00 110.00 1242.00 1906.00 1130.00 2443.00 2381.00 395.00 2120.00 1043.00 141.00 738.00 281.00 2414.00 122.00 1975.00 725.00 224.00 1770.00 727.00 246.00 716.00 403.00 574.00 754.00 316.00 353.00 628.00 538.00 504.00 389.00 109.00 835.00 318.00 21.6744000 1.9710300 34.544900 36.082800 61.3401000 10.3383000 10.720100 3.0806900 4.7895400 4.544050 14.8173000 11.1451000 73.328000 2.7311700 2.0033635 2.7881700 2.3146570 118.5993000 100.3791000 96.4432000 13.6086600 13.2126300 12.7574300 20.3323000 18.9646550 19.4740000 19.6524350 21.1206000 21.754400 37.5119000 21.5060000 1.6482700 2.794250 3.596310 3.3420600 2.960620 1.546790 2.0750700 32.1006800 58.4336500 58.0484000 3.6025000 2.9566270 4.2892100 49.2276000 116.0278000 73.9917000 17.4894580 20.2525480 11.9357340 11.138373 16.5000370 2.4781500 6.2054090 6.8547620 47.4306000 39.7146000 15.932804 24.030300 40.5880000 13.5921369 23.1540334 71.7938020 113.0363530 127.3485130 29.9201720 36.7052980 24.3853834 94.9731940 14.1101780 31.3390555 5.0665720 2.4788852 13.1348989 38.2191030 23.9224685 9.9680671 5.0577753 5.1050300 0.0000000 0.1700612 28.2220173
107284912 splicing factor 3b subunit 1 4017.00 4837.00 4823.00 2745.00 2567.00 2630.00 3515.00 3175.00 4447.00 2761.00 4797.00 2907.00 3241.00 3518.00 3909.00 3523.00 3359.00 3879.00 5718.00 4288.00 2756.00 4142.00 7259.00 3837.00 5524.00 2772.00 4004.00 1572.00 3465.00 3413.00 1706.00 2316.00 1623.00 2770.00 1799.00 3251.00 2783.00 3997.00 3112.00 2708.00 1173.00 1890.00 1422.00 1101.00 2430.00 117.3749000 31.3154200 210.022800 148.973110 156.8758100 100.3669000 174.105600 71.8556000 219.8428000 309.304000 145.9005400 74.1409100 254.679400 9.2042450 10.3658314 10.8769240 11.2779770 24.5878130 15.7144410 15.4081020 23.6180380 23.8958023 22.5196220 11.4628464 11.6626010 11.1605160 12.4381900 53.9964000 170.272000 172.7280000 69.1328000 51.7229000 197.132000 231.179000 108.0420000 121.024000 197.323000 59.7618000 39.9950000 91.0627000 92.3906000 40.7789000 190.7610000 156.9010000 35.2758000 72.4152000 72.1871000 17.6309740 26.6235090 45.5542700 44.050488 46.8339728 14.3224400 26.8083250 33.4811070 62.0703500 61.4104031 91.293200 130.159340 53.0098000 97.2068434 58.8688770 61.9608770 46.5456998 56.9182099 87.2496780 45.8804676 194.5714142 39.0584328 90.5087307 129.6094155 109.9126890 103.5606020 16.4658032 67.7398890 57.5682999 89.2131040 92.9027580 92.4676490 79.8897960 82.7256810 95.0915230
107284946 D-tyrosyl-tRNA deacylase 2 (putative) 116.00 80.00 153.00 65.00 63.00 60.00 94.00 110.00 97.00 128.00 142.00 118.00 72.00 92.00 105.00 97.00 204.00 138.00 176.00 109.00 129.00 82.00 79.00 127.00 212.00 58.00 175.00 12.00 112.00 45.00 14.00 8.00 33.00 20.00 25.00 108.00 52.00 120.00 134.00 103.00 24.00 33.00 39.00 26.00 52.00 16.7556000 1.8184400 21.422500 27.603200 15.8734000 3.0191900 6.014510 4.7736600 20.9169000 18.097100 10.3476000 5.5495300 9.866770 0.8319270 0.7408620 0.7382830 0.7652700 1.5996470 3.8340300 3.7056900 11.2497900 10.4755600 11.3226900 8.9876200 10.6558400 12.1193700 10.4166400 26.2599000 7.852670 16.5521000 4.4591200 27.8888000 35.183400 21.403800 11.0706000 8.786040 18.664000 2.6724100 11.3373000 19.3174000 15.4184000 20.1283000 34.7571000 23.5719000 6.7803300 8.7595700 8.6476600 7.0761100 11.1438000 15.2700000 13.186900 12.3288000 5.5536600 6.9282800 6.2904800 2.7565900 2.0339500 6.302070 8.198610 4.9145900 4.8968900 4.1090600 3.4587690 3.8080560 5.5238100 5.0134500 2.6828070 6.9904900 8.2687540 2.0137830 3.4924900 0.0000000 48.3607000 1.7180000 4.3148000 38.5731000 32.5765000 0.0000000 22.0390000 0.0000000 0.0000000 7.4343700
107285127 glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase 4084.00 469.00 628.00 1641.00 2769.00 703.00 1104.00 751.00 940.00 1080.00 621.00 643.00 337.00 1349.00 1007.00 1211.00 1322.00 1516.00 806.00 735.00 489.00 499.00 1081.00 697.00 1593.00 631.00 1467.00 958.00 606.00 1969.00 544.00 289.00 456.00 215.00 447.00 1740.00 1151.00 1942.00 773.00 1118.00 2594.00 3126.00 2382.00 1818.00 2554.00 5.6319700 5.6957400 5.914970 6.267990 8.6878700 3.5331200 15.666800 58.5853000 14.6443000 8.665780 2.2089900 1.1630300 5.734320 13.8820800 14.4617330 12.6593494 14.4340080 50.6966210 83.1738440 85.7879240 505.0519300 465.5772000 522.0524730 1528.7992390 1831.9681880 1811.3634960 1650.1294600 44.5251000 56.113400 71.2886000 20.9847000 106.3520000 351.035000 402.218000 154.6240000 115.463000 98.656900 34.4339000 37.5408300 26.5220100 24.6243900 179.3769000 81.3658000 118.4183000 137.1441000 62.2710200 94.5704600 40.0856500 47.5826700 169.3397000 154.475600 115.4928000 113.4093000 53.4352500 120.9307000 14.4315050 20.3438900 44.956650 79.442640 26.3842120 3.9096168 6.9537720 17.3339400 48.6622540 38.8946182 94.9326590 114.3939620 49.8838940 71.2776400 22.9148061 68.0978540 27.0962310 15.1248310 15.9836060 30.2493681 39.6097600 102.9919800 120.1024400 48.0801640 145.2122200 425.9992440 82.7161634
107285132 calreticulin 271125.73 21721.00 26336.00 214493.00 171256.00 41651.00 108219.00 60232.98 95394.00 107036.00 44163.00 49299.00 16151.00 159090.00 73960.00 62214.00 144204.00 171482.00 36527.00 50093.00 47934.00 25967.00 44605.16 35375.00 65973.00 26766.00 98583.00 122763.02 29781.18 203805.00 3900.00 4377.00 6448.00 2873.00 3391.00 7525.00 7468.00 11805.00 12310.00 5568.00 12630.00 27953.00 25714.00 27991.00 36462.00 849.1550000 496.5300000 1307.210000 759.015000 478.5180000 163.5880000 967.453000 744.5740000 171.1510000 125.610000 182.3090000 61.7109000 528.468000 112.6741700 119.5549900 117.5524240 117.3377400 104.5019460 84.6259630 84.8492420 229.7477650 229.4355150 227.3681190 307.4572600 262.7593700 254.3950900 269.0538100 156.5080000 205.357000 103.2750000 218.9850000 340.0460000 124.269000 163.690000 362.4140000 538.346000 266.114000 1010.8200000 614.6310000 785.6180000 611.3260000 1130.7000000 1093.6200000 1264.4700000 2722.1900000 1581.4400000 1722.6000000 44.5415600 114.8179000 631.6318000 313.446600 287.6110000 363.6328000 348.5962000 803.1559000 237.8820000 167.3750000 822.824000 520.038000 2668.3000000 85.4851300 82.4766200 377.6061000 269.8193000 268.7280000 1184.1100000 511.1068000 655.4099000 657.6218000 424.5092000 220.5135000 529.5270000 490.5080000 99.8618000 103.8330000 442.3700000 228.9930000 802.1760000 401.3080000 665.9200000 681.9960000 322.9830000
107285142 protein kinase C substrate 80K-H 1286.00 810.00 1003.00 815.00 597.00 528.00 375.00 459.00 737.00 409.00 724.00 1094.00 545.00 542.00 583.00 566.00 592.00 488.00 935.00 543.00 550.00 814.00 1368.00 953.00 882.00 728.00 744.00 520.00 610.00 767.00 233.00 373.00 210.00 304.00 292.00 973.00 870.00 1351.00 1160.00 1165.00 410.00 868.00 598.00 620.00 1245.00 20.8319000 31.7412000 37.422300 23.593100 26.0074000 7.9051100 46.131500 53.1740000 34.7453000 30.876600 19.1319000 10.9125000 53.183100 10.4688300 12.9282360 13.7328618 13.8543650 14.8381680 25.8031580 25.3748930 73.9234640 67.4010550 73.2275520 79.4329720 85.9041300 85.4166620 85.1779200 27.2996000 34.119000 31.9238000 35.4871000 61.9150000 60.083700 73.245000 107.3020000 53.450500 58.939300 74.2061000 30.6802000 15.0800000 12.1839000 86.4897000 23.2114000 18.6614000 81.5638000 20.9030000 27.1726000 9.2974680 14.8864400 53.9641200 44.202720 37.4592100 18.7922200 28.2407400 36.9726100 52.3648000 28.5225000 229.322000 167.431000 221.2660000 31.8697750 56.3621375 143.3300907 144.5603048 147.3610485 292.4876100 283.0908042 200.6030000 176.7506990 70.1953530 96.9240660 63.4190000 17.0061000 15.4603000 20.1054000 7.9522400 74.4492000 23.1852000 80.9342000 28.6315000 50.8894000 47.5897000
107285147 ring finger protein 19A, RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 729.08 884.16 1120.54 568.45 389.25 534.00 208.28 266.23 547.09 288.41 729.68 632.26 525.81 351.54 498.33 343.96 409.32 367.21 786.06 401.47 342.51 777.96 1858.28 566.26 910.17 516.80 683.82 298.20 395.37 336.88 280.14 440.16 266.08 299.52 271.14 555.07 366.27 536.81 526.15 354.08 137.68 294.77 196.85 177.46 288.62 4.1674400 3.6921100 4.153540 5.748590 18.4773000 2.4265800 7.186670 7.5173900 13.4832000 15.997600 6.6933500 1.6465500 14.088500 2.2713250 1.7526000 2.0887380 1.5000600 4.1372400 2.8232600 2.7141340 9.5287019 9.9435364 9.5578833 4.3560600 3.8875600 4.6475833 4.4333200 5.5938600 13.259300 8.1720300 8.6797800 14.8323000 36.651200 30.347600 28.6764000 30.477900 28.460700 24.7344000 6.9286600 8.3459100 17.2139000 7.2030600 20.6925000 26.1238000 5.9662400 7.6024500 12.1811000 10.5534600 13.7436100 48.8998000 55.163440 67.3909700 12.3655600 15.5134700 19.0104000 13.5629000 11.3637000 19.427000 17.872600 11.5520000 15.3971680 8.2257280 36.9901580 38.7662200 35.0381240 65.8113540 8.1458840 40.9799280 13.9731640 5.9725990 7.1737500 10.9062000 12.4555000 2.5837500 6.1535200 25.0373000 17.3449000 50.3276000 13.5992000 21.9466000 21.3885000 12.7701000
107285153 translocated promoter region, nuclear basket protein 864.00 979.00 1183.00 780.00 542.00 671.00 350.00 528.00 1156.00 500.00 1108.00 909.00 686.00 602.00 573.00 520.00 600.00 715.00 915.00 547.00 471.00 1081.00 1892.00 919.00 1066.00 763.00 886.00 519.00 966.00 724.00 483.00 744.00 581.00 768.00 638.00 768.00 678.00 856.00 785.00 769.00 389.00 616.00 393.00 433.00 706.00 9.8960700 9.7911200 17.485200 14.430800 17.8323000 4.5429600 23.299800 17.3964000 31.5517000 28.814200 15.1630000 4.7028500 31.830200 6.3029990 5.5337639 4.1700432 4.5927546 32.9657210 32.7977870 32.8055836 34.5790050 35.1986220 32.9974210 16.7436517 19.1214030 15.7400291 18.2903880 23.2808000 35.165300 34.4698000 22.0327000 13.6281000 29.803300 23.608600 19.8643000 14.649100 17.839700 17.2106000 17.1422200 17.2966860 25.0622940 18.6886730 33.5845800 27.6864180 12.9190000 14.2639250 16.5620100 5.6946300 8.3258640 13.7151100 12.192190 12.9969700 3.8298930 6.2077250 8.1536960 15.2175000 16.1417000 17.432800 19.278769 9.9358000 14.3577790 6.5855694 34.4934854 22.0536410 26.2247705 50.7420358 6.8843300 28.1855201 13.2625310 8.2933900 11.7034579 0.0432716 5.8377700 2.5213100 7.7995200 10.1395000 11.0479000 0.0449277 11.5966000 0.0288324 0.0270941 6.4638000
107285159 phospholipase A2 group IVA 517.00 260.00 432.00 259.00 356.00 215.00 116.00 176.00 220.00 149.00 394.00 134.00 201.00 225.00 235.00 208.00 243.00 256.00 312.00 236.00 177.00 322.00 649.00 304.00 555.00 223.00 435.00 68.00 241.00 147.00 75.00 60.00 121.00 251.00 73.00 189.00 150.00 428.00 425.00 317.00 97.00 217.00 199.00 80.00 110.00 4.0438900 2.1243400 6.448890 8.715100 5.6252600 2.3933600 3.450680 0.8903740 1.8621100 1.591500 3.6402300 1.1117800 8.386970 0.1930700 1.3608640 0.1658589 0.4883390 2.1166800 1.6643190 1.2734987 3.4571106 3.0455766 2.4583995 0.2433600 3.0773070 1.8728280 1.5187104 1.2499200 5.237540 3.5487600 2.9519400 3.4068100 16.006500 9.220910 4.2576700 2.357920 4.604760 0.6825440 9.7670590 19.2908650 25.5525000 2.9567170 13.1543440 11.2125930 1.9970400 4.0238802 6.1812727 2.2888390 3.9254340 10.3437900 10.655370 10.3449600 4.1613770 7.1004290 8.4496810 1.2601500 0.6918920 4.799890 4.240070 0.7237140 1.4808700 0.6592690 0.9638120 0.2395580 0.5577570 0.6152410 1.0966000 1.4428600 0.0686791 0.2707250 0.2929650 0.0000000 2.2805700 1.2819300 8.0076170 6.6932350 2.4627500 0.0412334 6.0432100 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0445600
107285236 mucolipin 3 41.00 24.00 18.00 14.00 14.00 11.00 12.00 14.00 10.00 8.00 13.00 2.00 5.00 12.00 48.00 7.00 44.00 44.00 8.00 17.00 2.00 3.00 39.00 5.00 24.00 17.00 27.00 17.00 13.00 13.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 49.00 2.00 10.00 9.00 9.00 8.00 21.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.1580450 0.2123680 0.305387 0.241951 0.6706000 0.9408170 0.444247 0.3109950 1.0951420 1.203560 22.7295000 12.1404000 6.868200 0.1103310 0.0750077 0.1567150 0.3216290 0.0000000 0.0101275 0.0000000 12.3777500 9.8436320 14.1008960 0.0000000 0.0191994 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.718631 0.1942000 0.1177130 0.2657330 2.143340 2.410780 0.8036780 0.347905 0.656930 0.0000000 0.1127260 0.1723495 0.9851120 0.0611676 0.2414877 0.3757690 0.3422519 0.6093370 0.7204250 0.5751920 0.2727560 0.7974220 1.867143 1.1038450 24.6472800 104.4314000 62.5913800 4.5701800 1.1807600 1.968760 4.155908 0.1018210 4.2237570 5.9518210 0.2339958 0.8059360 0.9538140 2.8707293 2.4714800 6.4625475 0.2585670 0.0373979 0.1127400 0.3235150 7.3746200 0.1491470 0.6721010 0.4614960 10.6681900 0.4684660 5.3602100 0.1123000 0.0618941 0.5192000
107285261 Kazal type serine peptidase inhibitor domain 1 109.92 187.23 133.48 60.09 91.96 191.49 126.72 177.00 223.10 43.41 122.39 265.94 178.41 277.53 275.77 247.64 515.02 105.99 341.93 143.15 217.80 132.97 627.09 48.33 137.46 102.39 196.87 53.00 386.29 151.45 347.94 159.56 343.34 37.84 392.53 38.90 38.20 36.17 31.04 37.92 12.17 6.06 2.00 1.00 11.09 0.3012560 0.0000000 0.507769 0.257531 0.0804678 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0589645 0.9773480 4.684830 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.531332 0.9357978 1.7768630 1.2738200 0.9141440 1.7892200 3.3339030 2.9562210 1.3864090 1.4435790 1.6804410 1.1769200 1.0326700 1.5226800 0.8750960 0.1781360 0.142772 0.4458390 0.5067060 0.2798530 0.676588 1.880900 2.7046900 0.000000 0.000000 0.0607352 14.7838000 7.2221000 3.8136100 0.7712090 0.0804848 0.3223870 0.0449084 0.0746820 0.0000000 6.6641300 11.5939000 8.6671100 10.652800 13.6748000 9.0117200 8.2076400 11.7145000 1.0681200 0.7219250 0.558085 0.702255 0.2770880 1.7694970 7.0217510 4.7639700 11.7269140 10.4060630 1.2757193 7.0898400 1.1620195 0.8150720 0.1711482 0.7021875 120.5310000 129.4510000 1.1725900 0.8834300 2.1592800 0.4157430 0.8852930 0.4912930 0.4856780 0.6794910 0.2689700
107285274 polymerase (DNA) lambda 34.00 49.00 39.00 24.00 39.00 34.00 20.00 33.00 41.00 45.00 81.00 48.00 63.00 73.00 52.00 83.00 29.00 47.00 53.00 64.00 42.00 64.00 113.00 26.00 103.00 32.00 59.00 8.00 44.00 17.00 16.00 18.00 30.00 38.00 45.00 30.00 35.00 35.00 25.00 27.00 17.00 43.00 20.00 26.00 47.00 2.3062000 3.7640400 4.014310 2.358740 8.7648200 0.8830600 7.729220 5.0896200 6.6059100 5.707400 2.6724100 0.5638670 5.467990 1.5865500 3.2401100 2.3068900 2.5745500 3.8175100 5.4931500 5.2888000 8.7620200 8.2615100 9.3758600 5.7530800 6.1396500 6.5418600 5.9384600 1.1434200 2.530590 1.9927600 0.4411840 0.4980060 4.260380 1.944970 0.8222040 1.912400 3.206950 0.2130560 26.5706600 26.8096200 27.9018000 25.0294400 16.9738100 14.9642500 15.7872500 12.1358700 10.5785200 7.2152000 10.7790000 7.5733600 8.621390 8.4430900 2.7638000 4.1695100 5.4278900 4.0964820 4.5078970 20.578610 25.960105 10.9686400 4.0386490 5.8309780 11.1114600 18.2242100 23.4448700 16.8775000 30.4240500 19.0129300 8.9880360 3.1567680 6.9030120 6.6184800 6.8231001 2.0046400 2.9526100 8.9600780 3.8465600 9.4028030 3.2977670 2.8623520 3.9285900 2.7897510
107285282 transmembrane protein 259 60.00 41.00 46.00 41.00 33.00 24.00 21.00 29.00 41.00 23.00 66.00 48.00 35.00 37.00 37.00 34.00 22.00 40.00 33.00 36.00 19.00 55.00 142.00 49.00 116.00 32.00 43.00 41.00 34.00 42.00 27.00 28.00 16.00 68.00 16.00 14.00 16.00 20.00 27.00 15.00 8.00 18.00 15.00 19.00 11.00 6.7235800 2.2207600 10.235700 10.397800 8.4117900 2.9837100 5.165550 3.6743200 5.1586000 7.658700 3.1550700 1.5767100 9.838480 10.8496080 9.6608620 11.2030310 11.7614308 71.0942500 131.7663890 126.6034070 196.3076890 172.2552770 191.5733200 189.4344810 225.7332570 241.4374480 221.0428580 59.4176000 33.116400 28.3825000 47.2682000 68.7691000 31.945500 28.453000 74.8519000 36.247200 34.697100 67.3759000 21.6908000 18.2525897 23.9058007 40.9772001 28.2989044 30.3135464 23.8535000 18.2694960 19.5001003 9.3722960 13.2052100 30.0902500 25.816832 25.5220990 12.8675300 19.9516600 18.7410860 67.8820800 47.4476000 253.524450 178.105700 188.6762000 13.7489900 20.7296800 85.6844400 155.1805000 152.9976000 136.9326000 133.8953000 72.0203800 132.1025000 29.8696900 46.8856200 41.0092000 35.4965600 14.6979100 47.0904500 49.8222900 60.1822100 45.3860700 31.5821200 27.6007500 30.9705400 29.3999300
107285316 carboxypeptidase Q 517.00 59.00 110.00 206.00 277.00 74.00 267.00 136.00 433.00 326.00 64.00 478.00 103.00 365.00 543.00 265.00 360.00 344.00 246.00 325.00 198.00 95.00 268.00 141.00 373.00 13.00 412.00 133.00 61.00 249.00 4.00 19.00 5.00 1706.00 4.00 1025.00 500.00 630.00 394.00 235.00 1336.00 1839.00 573.00 712.00 419.00 0.4043330 0.0000000 1.180250 0.513086 0.3473560 0.0000000 91.901600 90.4178000 5.4920900 7.873340 2.1563200 1.9495600 2.974130 4.8650953 5.7718840 6.0556230 5.0933640 20.2395849 9.8458090 10.7255337 21.4104420 23.5170230 21.7118820 28.2373770 20.3535662 19.5829950 20.7292460 6.8181400 7.735660 9.7605900 3.9145400 10.0056000 20.887200 18.724900 13.1897000 15.032300 17.575500 9.2607800 6.8163610 10.1025100 15.0879900 24.8117600 33.2522200 32.8262300 11.7402100 36.9522600 23.9313000 9.2179400 10.7730800 23.3046700 44.138800 47.1812900 14.0440000 12.6946600 17.1057200 12.3599100 17.3462900 41.750490 74.442630 12.8692900 14.5882790 12.7756571 17.8797660 14.2531430 15.7120710 55.0160440 44.8691680 79.3865990 22.0296240 10.0385170 19.6629844 15.5082000 5.7305904 0.0644863 0.9137530 0.1777920 19.0527710 28.1183490 21.3452000 24.4666970 30.3586450 21.0768550
107285344 transcription factor 20 (AR1) 187.00 304.00 354.00 122.00 81.00 121.00 87.00 149.00 199.00 89.00 287.00 126.00 120.00 98.00 144.00 124.00 91.00 139.00 191.00 120.00 97.00 193.00 404.00 217.00 222.00 103.00 202.00 94.00 170.00 111.00 137.00 185.00 161.00 319.00 111.00 212.00 139.00 267.00 171.00 142.00 80.00 150.00 101.00 95.00 174.00 3.0959400 0.8507620 5.485330 5.106170 7.1527700 1.1918300 4.551910 3.0315700 5.1336700 5.699780 4.2915200 1.3187900 10.017000 1.2243700 1.3472756 1.2758070 1.2341850 3.5827060 3.9176900 3.5382050 14.7680180 12.7045060 14.1813180 8.5881170 9.3569680 11.1429300 9.8456500 2.6597100 7.372960 7.2883500 1.6694200 3.9826200 9.281550 8.514830 2.5943700 5.800300 5.096890 2.5661900 12.6610200 9.7305100 12.5301100 13.8505900 15.0477200 14.9515200 8.2633600 6.9976200 7.1001700 4.6886790 6.9343420 10.8142900 10.324500 13.3689100 1.7080170 5.7583680 6.4047400 4.0094530 2.6700325 10.382020 9.339182 8.6763860 0.3700310 0.3855678 0.4817806 0.8247428 0.9608050 1.6719906 0.5383452 0.9413315 0.7101190 0.0808282 0.2534434 11.8997950 10.9488600 0.8656140 3.2264510 9.1697060 3.9238640 10.0613560 3.6440490 3.4263240 6.1317560 4.0701700
107285357 galanin receptor 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.2303120 0.0000000 0.349372 0.236261 0.1660990 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 1.8622200 0.657841 1.1456800 0.1063080 0.313359 0.0368290 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0643110 11.351580 1.5767480 7.9399900 4.3312800 4.283632 5.787390 5.7495000 0.651858 0.820578 0.2455300 0.0333608 0.0000000 0.0261315 0.0482452 0.0661793 0.2650860 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2091340 0.0617672 0.9991310 1.738364 4.9948480 0.0000000 0.0421072 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.407360 7.618690 0.0314540 0.0175079 0.0126838 0.0650029 0.0645221 0.1128250 0.0935762 0.0912016 0.1007620 0.1152610 0.0098543 0.0387480 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.4076640 0.1061890 0.4774110 0.3232850 0.0000000 0.0000000
107285366 phospholipase C beta 4 5089.99 1388.00 1261.23 1514.00 1448.00 1676.00 990.00 1098.00 1125.00 1307.00 845.00 1989.99 485.00 1048.00 1105.00 1057.00 1104.00 1519.00 1662.00 963.00 1270.00 659.00 1223.00 1180.00 4162.94 1554.00 2784.99 535.01 1390.97 1121.00 435.00 446.00 451.00 798.00 750.00 145.00 120.00 1324.00 1438.00 1628.00 50.00 32.00 36.00 80.00 68.00 4.0810800 12.2851000 15.663400 7.278080 6.8495600 13.4736000 1.082950 0.4795380 2.5221000 12.926800 3.0638000 1.1623000 35.016700 29.9937846 36.8036080 33.8698090 34.2151790 19.6817305 14.5126262 12.9387590 5.2578000 4.8211918 3.8522115 0.6829170 1.1494290 1.5544563 0.4517879 0.8072530 5.720010 1.6469200 3.6665400 3.8793300 15.402800 17.938300 10.6043000 1.267600 1.235040 0.6883700 2.6573540 5.7383890 6.5196690 1.4832320 6.4454540 4.1304240 0.1466440 0.8109249 0.4223630 0.8208670 0.7151941 11.1989500 11.231240 12.2984700 0.8815437 1.6773530 1.0685020 5.1876800 9.3491918 1.094763 1.969773 0.0383873 29.3646562 32.1864281 4.4979260 7.1815490 9.5515507 2.2295580 1.1035370 4.1734170 0.0545141 0.0320709 0.0372067 72.0330036 22.7002560 3.2696913 8.3206000 7.5838562 0.9113700 0.5188172 4.4268360 0.3570250 0.4040670 0.3185380
107285394 diphthamine biosynthesis 6 169.00 128.00 215.00 144.00 114.00 169.00 89.00 95.00 134.00 65.00 159.00 148.00 110.00 92.00 95.00 125.00 112.00 154.00 195.00 80.00 84.00 205.00 220.00 199.00 174.00 133.00 159.00 45.00 171.00 95.00 79.00 75.00 137.00 64.00 135.00 135.00 106.00 157.00 113.00 107.00 79.00 135.00 79.00 105.00 152.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.6325410 0.0000000 0.000000 0.9270170 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.397781 1.5626927 1.5065242 1.6455334 1.3886430 4.6280370 3.8077983 3.9724822 9.1590350 9.3776320 9.1489474 3.9542082 4.1962661 3.7396659 4.2442650 1.0900200 0.983300 0.6864660 0.7900780 1.2492900 1.872040 1.903810 1.4582700 0.904825 0.482315 0.8154240 2.3698300 3.5729200 4.0389800 4.3890900 6.7540400 5.8812500 2.1087100 3.7920400 3.7535600 1.5521000 3.3394500 8.2766100 6.108630 8.9290930 2.4529200 2.0752000 3.8238710 4.1573460 2.1598450 5.612336 6.752500 3.0214940 3.5270301 3.6505460 5.5073911 7.7314100 8.7978733 9.0849985 5.5203240 10.5523460 1.7541917 1.9546614 2.6878779 13.3641500 8.9342400 6.6032381 4.8285300 14.3480660 12.8224640 17.8693500 19.3655500 21.7758500 18.5470350 8.0887540
107285400 forkhead box I1 433.00 67.43 6.00 41.93 526.62 122.76 203.09 71.19 184.81 161.15 52.74 215.27 12.00 225.11 340.69 366.06 198.17 182.02 263.29 177.18 205.92 0.00 3.00 162.93 444.29 15.00 314.95 114.26 1.46 212.35 1.00 2.00 1.00 6.71 0.00 1056.16 824.57 587.65 470.29 594.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.37 30.1238000 13.5595000 34.464000 45.441600 29.2603000 22.0279000 0.000000 0.0000000 20.7196000 14.996900 0.0000000 0.0000000 6.186730 2.6993700 4.0616800 3.3830700 3.6884900 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0137780 24.8111000 24.0158000 24.2276000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.8737750 4.750720 1.3089900 2.1819500 17.7687000 42.257600 30.595000 27.8243000 0.586257 0.737997 0.1188800 0.3920960 0.5818590 0.8745820 11.4254000 51.4970000 54.5861000 0.3259850 0.7240030 0.8735870 0.0947124 1.0801500 58.7771000 95.965500 80.1409000 0.0000000 0.0755224 0.4412810 0.0000000 0.0215848 80.736200 29.592600 0.0000000 2.9199260 0.6227580 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 28.4345900 22.4253700 33.8403300 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 9.3150800 26.9558000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 13.6078000 30.3525000 1.6241100 0.0364438 0.0000000 0.0000000
107285408 small G protein signaling modulator 3 1623.00 704.00 996.00 898.00 1046.00 497.00 624.00 510.00 776.00 494.00 660.00 757.00 414.00 717.00 492.00 620.00 778.00 1133.00 779.00 801.00 390.00 539.00 1315.00 693.00 1265.00 540.00 962.00 922.00 459.00 1132.00 275.00 272.00 229.00 228.00 235.00 507.00 319.00 541.00 451.00 343.00 276.00 252.00 168.00 258.00 338.00 9.6672600 0.5222010 15.405300 11.150700 21.1420000 2.7511300 7.455830 4.7853600 10.4133000 9.601580 7.3040000 2.0840200 19.943100 6.6566420 10.0529480 9.8354080 12.2989010 7.6890415 12.2777451 10.8751142 18.3859840 16.5277170 20.8155290 9.9857690 13.1101940 15.9724575 12.3453800 7.7667500 15.080300 15.1387000 9.6284700 12.6947000 20.353700 18.663700 15.1734000 13.573300 19.283600 8.9833200 7.6160800 3.9834900 6.5061700 29.6965000 17.5238000 16.7689000 9.3903000 4.4323900 3.8158200 17.5281360 24.4229800 5.6842140 9.677599 5.2552371 1.7000150 2.0589870 1.6604790 5.9455200 10.0201000 26.234600 40.432400 10.7780000 11.4545842 27.4869930 31.3734601 26.7413600 26.9064480 33.1152820 42.4180980 25.1198840 20.1094707 13.6388100 15.0566950 30.5040000 23.1395000 1.4484000 2.0674500 5.4688800 58.3630000 53.4590000 15.0926000 3.5369400 3.3980800 3.9707100
107285434 Werner helicase interacting protein 1 225.00 227.00 239.00 101.00 83.00 218.00 110.00 163.00 163.00 176.00 184.00 187.00 128.00 125.00 165.00 134.00 68.00 121.00 212.00 174.00 113.00 207.00 270.00 214.00 337.00 132.00 157.00 64.00 235.00 160.00 99.00 67.00 77.00 77.00 88.00 121.00 71.00 172.00 144.00 101.00 57.00 43.00 52.00 28.00 59.00 0.8762850 3.3082900 0.920799 1.230200 1.8300500 0.6702730 1.327850 1.9131200 2.9815300 1.982160 1.6142700 0.6522010 1.297310 3.2440860 3.0994062 4.8270260 2.6352990 13.4210530 11.0097790 10.6838230 20.3694170 17.8329320 19.7459620 40.8575320 33.8168520 37.9072800 32.3049350 6.5755600 7.572410 10.5567000 3.6451800 14.2343000 34.049900 28.392400 17.2345000 18.115000 18.169100 13.3046000 4.3829800 4.4439100 5.4519700 5.3707000 9.7461000 7.3561600 5.2721800 11.6345000 10.3601000 4.7951800 7.5947000 12.9544000 9.952850 14.1358100 2.7798920 5.9763200 8.3979200 13.8755000 17.4562000 33.616500 32.842400 21.1096000 14.7989150 15.5739560 17.8612920 23.4467900 24.6947400 32.3859710 30.3138190 36.9300460 16.5946930 9.5844200 13.0710620 47.5405000 39.6528000 12.9834000 22.1254000 76.2941000 30.0436000 52.2058000 29.7030000 40.4880000 41.6896000 22.1345000
107285436 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L4 23.00 70.00 70.00 19.00 22.00 48.00 25.00 18.00 33.00 26.00 24.00 10.00 20.00 23.00 31.00 29.00 24.00 43.00 58.00 25.00 10.00 47.00 92.00 66.00 41.00 31.00 26.00 5.00 49.00 38.00 222.00 44.00 303.00 132.00 308.00 75.00 62.00 78.00 96.00 61.00 24.00 49.00 39.00 70.00 147.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.3146870 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 1.5854278 1.1617044 1.0117200 1.6262510 19.0273570 11.3561752 14.5835970 20.9257680 25.4476230 19.0125460 1.8705400 2.1541360 2.6227850 2.2392190 8.9132300 14.687900 18.6288000 11.2597000 2.4109500 7.534860 8.222480 4.8382600 6.968540 11.010000 3.1145000 19.7505500 20.0540800 18.5580900 3.4615590 12.0507700 10.3882400 3.2126760 3.7175810 3.3558950 3.5678770 5.7213960 2.6950800 2.904040 4.4585410 3.3484300 2.8519800 3.6784160 4.4393700 8.4970000 4.379080 8.619710 1.3913000 10.8741983 3.0960487 12.1907980 5.1809610 4.2032175 7.5579661 1.2009769 13.6108200 1.8069244 0.6132680 3.3029830 0.0287833 1.8757970 8.6458420 10.7001800 13.0743700 12.3500700 0.1256110 70.3784400 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2741020
107285449 oxysterol binding protein 2 2.00 7.00 6.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 5.00 11.00 8.00 3.00 8.00 7.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 7.00 0.00 3.00 13.00 13.00 11.00 20.00 1.00 8.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 16.00 7.00 19.00 2.00 8.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 0.00 6.00 10.00 3.00 6.00 15.00 1.8412200 17.2458000 1.571320 1.625590 2.6198900 1.8983800 2.981430 2.0607200 5.7641400 3.784210 2.2169600 1.4708100 4.832340 0.2461660 0.2511556 0.7052674 0.1388640 5.4772300 6.2011527 6.6638914 2.7598551 2.2701728 2.5754652 0.6526350 0.7447751 0.5331351 0.6055832 9.7068600 4.196480 6.1617200 5.3636700 3.2098500 3.432800 2.273760 3.9904300 1.804040 2.432470 2.6876500 24.0420100 14.2905000 14.2273000 13.0692300 6.4506000 8.2555600 6.3713280 2.3169800 3.8828900 3.2278300 2.6225200 1.2091780 3.212310 3.7890500 1.1441400 2.0033930 1.9406950 5.6878000 10.4243900 5.333810 4.098459 0.7141160 1.1016140 1.5047590 1.6547170 13.5412800 13.0585200 5.5518060 4.8108400 4.4766310 0.7428012 0.4252330 0.3136997 0.8566380 1.7887850 0.4586940 1.2812042 1.9620260 0.9623006 1.0128640 0.2476340 0.0543478 0.0000000 0.0741448
107285461 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit alpha 210.00 247.00 252.00 226.00 150.00 169.00 119.00 116.00 180.00 149.00 173.00 273.00 115.00 142.00 181.00 136.00 201.00 127.00 283.00 123.00 193.00 216.00 289.00 176.00 201.00 262.00 175.00 145.00 181.00 124.00 86.00 164.00 106.00 42.00 93.00 158.00 120.00 291.00 174.00 149.00 99.00 195.00 105.00 163.00 194.00 9.2380300 9.9821500 12.698500 10.374200 19.1294000 14.6159000 14.942000 14.0601000 15.7670000 16.586800 13.7624000 8.8554300 15.851000 3.5850550 3.5515150 4.1118050 3.8273800 10.6345660 11.0143690 9.7904410 16.3774100 16.2833400 16.2473770 11.3661770 11.5159260 11.6090880 12.4110240 17.6255000 17.954000 14.2915000 13.7615000 15.2067000 18.310500 15.606000 16.4234000 8.981440 8.920590 9.9643400 10.7128000 12.0168000 16.0749000 14.6383000 21.7318000 19.1902000 9.0049500 11.2243000 14.1504000 15.6652300 20.0555800 26.3587200 17.643230 21.7228900 8.9218400 14.0092700 14.9541400 12.7858400 8.8091900 24.956700 25.783500 14.3977330 11.5381570 10.2592640 10.0920300 13.5475200 15.7275640 29.4139100 14.6371600 29.0008490 19.5358360 6.9470100 12.0732600 22.5933000 18.0293000 7.2660900 11.3436000 19.0666000 11.3812000 19.0744000 15.8767000 11.5977000 10.1336000 6.2004500
107285494 ChaC, cation transport regulator homolog 2 (E. coli) 66.00 15.00 23.00 49.00 29.00 19.00 22.00 21.00 17.00 19.00 28.00 18.00 6.00 26.00 21.00 19.00 35.00 42.00 17.00 15.00 30.00 8.00 40.00 13.00 58.00 22.00 37.00 29.00 14.00 32.00 10.00 0.00 8.00 1.00 9.00 16.00 12.00 28.00 17.00 10.00 15.00 26.00 4.00 22.00 37.00 0.6441140 0.5682920 1.899900 1.101250 2.3226400 2.8306500 3.234080 1.8910800 3.2550500 2.299730 1.7355600 0.9910410 6.329360 1.1853660 1.3827400 0.4805770 0.7901180 5.0345020 3.6058630 3.3915510 7.2570200 6.2446500 7.1090600 11.5123780 8.7881200 8.5269400 8.7610400 0.7958540 0.511121 1.3586100 0.2268690 2.2822100 3.170670 6.419240 2.1597200 1.164760 1.078000 0.0906865 0.9852980 2.2388200 3.4466100 1.1273600 3.3657400 2.6878700 1.2498300 3.6893500 4.9485100 2.5656310 4.2341860 10.7427700 4.608460 5.8272260 1.6218090 1.3320960 1.7815630 0.6267470 0.4929260 1.034970 0.697678 1.6058100 1.0110300 0.3078590 0.2122110 0.3164740 0.6315760 0.8127800 0.2556500 3.0498100 1.2702200 1.7371500 1.0578800 44.3965000 35.8698000 1.6508700 3.7320100 31.2637000 8.8367400 18.3371000 6.3933600 18.5373000 7.7828800 12.2865000
107285501 histone deacetylase 1 95.00 63.00 98.00 67.00 61.00 32.00 28.00 81.00 84.00 78.00 175.00 62.00 59.00 78.00 37.00 67.00 38.00 39.00 106.00 47.00 32.00 114.00 122.00 75.00 133.00 37.00 57.00 55.00 77.00 43.00 18.00 10.00 34.00 37.00 29.00 17.00 19.00 43.00 22.00 22.00 13.00 31.00 30.00 23.00 30.00 10.7103000 5.5073800 18.606000 16.008500 28.7615000 12.6332000 34.818600 31.8112000 34.5335000 51.471200 21.4773000 7.5065100 41.844300 6.0799490 5.6240190 7.2269740 6.7791150 15.2889108 10.9686765 10.1472250 28.4246740 28.4680620 27.1902620 14.2214471 16.2844320 15.9428380 15.8676750 32.4156000 47.491300 26.2601000 37.1653000 27.1720000 33.065800 34.867100 36.4836000 31.399300 21.438600 42.3002000 16.2577000 19.6925000 20.7951000 18.5493000 30.6672000 31.2529000 12.4298000 16.5395000 14.0859000 11.3999200 15.1503800 42.0508900 32.777320 40.6365200 17.0713400 16.0424600 23.7364600 10.2333000 14.8761000 27.649700 36.372200 20.9480000 18.5465517 17.7610523 30.4455370 33.6661130 28.9514270 56.8487900 46.2192100 37.2252590 33.0796830 12.3061700 16.3286418 21.3142790 11.4712680 5.7095473 6.5669310 7.3659500 14.9450990 14.8388740 27.9464890 8.3138600 7.7806100 4.4626800
107285591 ATPase phospholipid transporting 8B1 1420.00 1673.00 1601.00 1086.00 750.00 814.00 593.00 768.00 910.00 804.00 1098.00 704.00 618.00 666.00 958.00 875.00 804.00 1003.00 1581.00 952.00 638.00 972.00 1476.00 910.00 1367.00 1255.00 950.00 447.00 880.00 920.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 43.00 0.00 54.00 50.00 186.00 148.00 159.00 103.00 110.00 83.00 114.00 311.00 8.8280200 1.9121500 13.672400 14.222600 4.9054500 14.6675000 0.357147 0.0805976 1.4502300 8.724310 2.2112900 1.1615500 37.927300 2.3240810 2.4254600 2.6976170 1.9372450 0.8639870 0.8506750 0.8675130 2.0400400 2.1551700 2.1386900 6.7977100 6.6901300 6.2734800 5.9234500 0.1559480 1.816140 0.3728700 0.7659350 0.4319860 1.859500 1.464630 0.7021940 0.445327 0.585702 0.1354530 0.0738302 0.3803730 4.4117100 3.3278000 6.6602490 8.9289800 0.0158032 0.1261240 0.1004430 0.0000000 0.0149506 5.1542090 7.934166 6.6244050 0.0044265 0.0373121 0.1125910 1.4355700 4.1321200 4.521380 6.502660 4.6986800 16.5673780 17.8669233 2.0990800 2.0945490 1.8781020 3.1521400 1.2425773 6.4323530 4.3704380 0.8249439 1.7493580 50.0808000 25.0816000 0.7921100 1.3969000 2.2021300 3.5417100 5.5174600 11.4738000 13.6758000 31.9350000 10.8620000
107285595 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 13 14569.00 982.00 1320.00 7623.00 12791.00 3064.00 7203.00 5448.00 4249.00 4000.00 2157.00 1943.00 429.00 4412.00 2549.00 5350.00 12283.00 17022.00 2578.00 4706.00 2467.00 1046.00 3269.00 1420.00 11995.00 1437.00 9388.00 2783.00 799.00 5655.00 503.00 429.00 505.00 739.00 448.00 950.00 852.00 1354.00 2263.00 619.00 343.00 354.00 399.00 570.00 253.00 23.4071000 40.3500000 35.548500 35.378800 40.6130000 10.5396000 3.513960 5.0163000 4.3336300 3.277600 7.0994100 1.9320300 12.337100 6.3969400 7.0123500 6.6063770 6.6131300 3.6498716 2.1833551 1.6834946 3.8235200 4.4198060 3.7451470 3.9808780 4.2020290 4.2472140 4.1435970 1.6787900 3.048980 3.5704200 1.3613500 1.7090200 6.228700 5.361640 5.0697200 3.095010 3.701280 6.2759700 1.3504400 2.7509200 4.0854800 1.4224500 6.2974300 7.4702200 4.0486500 9.3044000 12.3709000 2.3188800 2.7997860 5.1221700 3.863650 6.2462480 1.5791400 3.8020400 4.9407900 4.0536300 3.3573900 6.308850 6.199550 4.0367400 9.9194500 3.3154300 1.8827400 3.2360350 5.3611900 7.9382700 0.8618890 21.5579100 2.8596300 7.9546100 3.9118010 49.1753000 31.3206000 4.2786000 8.3327900 36.8703000 10.2485000 54.6137000 20.4563000 58.6465000 29.6914000 6.2924500
107285703 zinc finger matrin-type 3 104.00 38.00 30.00 56.00 69.00 29.00 40.00 39.00 50.00 47.00 42.00 39.00 33.00 53.00 37.00 56.00 54.00 45.00 48.00 35.00 14.00 18.00 69.00 59.00 115.00 45.00 53.00 113.00 52.00 96.00 20.00 18.00 21.00 19.00 17.00 19.00 15.00 22.00 16.00 15.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 10.00 13.00 1.0983400 4.2058900 1.949840 1.414250 3.6762100 0.8247820 4.767090 1.7069500 1.6803400 2.258370 1.5897000 0.7032280 3.391240 0.6951379 0.8064372 1.0170902 0.8648387 2.9558800 2.4830930 2.5368271 6.9599060 6.9539450 6.9237290 2.4252128 2.7412460 2.1446358 2.3328861 0.6097090 3.090010 2.5493700 0.5981770 0.7162050 2.632160 3.924050 0.3712730 2.357240 1.390950 0.0896240 6.3247060 6.9784600 14.0173800 6.3294400 10.9880300 15.2008100 2.8088000 6.6104700 5.2724300 5.9712800 8.1368900 9.9756300 10.749400 13.3814000 4.7711300 5.0101700 6.4865200 7.6774600 7.5232600 6.791050 4.785220 2.2371400 4.9890180 1.6263560 1.7317820 4.3557520 4.8780270 2.3428280 1.5867720 5.5591230 3.4423940 1.2414410 1.1490060 2.8513300 1.5066400 0.1661990 1.8278500 1.6586000 2.6938900 6.4524700 1.5834500 2.5825700 2.3322600 2.3354100
107285706 vascular endothelial growth factor C 144.00 163.00 172.00 81.00 55.00 92.00 72.00 48.00 103.00 57.00 76.00 126.00 57.00 98.00 187.00 66.00 41.00 89.00 144.00 102.00 66.00 72.00 213.00 119.00 111.00 86.00 83.00 64.00 114.00 118.00 424.00 291.00 271.00 54.00 171.00 97.00 30.00 86.00 75.00 93.00 61.00 56.00 20.00 35.00 55.00 45.0676000 20.3815000 103.186000 81.651600 42.5060000 46.7036000 1.833330 2.6788300 2.1717300 6.327130 2.3175200 1.1969400 16.145900 0.5195160 0.3712430 0.3392380 0.5155450 1.9930800 1.5703700 1.8205130 1.8448100 1.8036600 2.2100490 2.0660840 3.6877954 5.8371171 4.0588300 22.2679000 29.919700 30.5774000 25.9812000 5.4126900 12.253600 10.613700 11.2984000 14.346800 10.235800 10.5624000 7.5036500 8.9688000 7.4170600 4.3992800 14.7995600 15.3739000 16.6956000 14.5776500 28.1049300 15.2430000 21.8593000 12.7461000 20.008700 13.2267000 4.4598000 7.6826300 5.3071900 1.9955000 5.3237500 3.198330 5.919230 0.6857110 4.1063459 1.9833158 4.6043250 2.9699700 2.7983300 3.1026200 1.5815300 4.0909940 0.6978110 0.7175720 0.5176810 10.1152000 6.0570000 6.6286800 6.8483300 21.1162000 4.7487100 17.9002000 23.3419000 10.6477000 11.0325000 2.0755600

Same processing and normalization steps were performed as above.

#Normalize ComBat Data prep
exp_data = log2(Final_data + 1e-5) # Log transformation, add 1e-5 to avoid log0
exp = normalizeQuantiles(as.matrix(exp_data)) # Quantile normalization
row.names(exp) = row.names(Final_data)
colnames(exp) = colnames(Final_data)
exp = exp[!apply(exp, 1, anyNA),]

batch = filter_table$species
modcombat = model.matrix(~1, data=filter_table)
combat_edata = ComBat(dat=exp, batch=batch, mod=modcombat,mean.only = F,
                      par.prior=TRUE,  prior.plots=FALSE)
## Found9batches
## Adjusting for0covariate(s) or covariate level(s)
## Standardizing Data across genes
## Fitting L/S model and finding priors
## Finding parametric adjustments
## Adjusting the Data
se <- SummarizedExperiment(combat_edata - rowMeans(combat_edata),colData=ids)
pcaData <- plotPCA(DESeqTransform( se ), intgroup=c("species", "tissue"),ntop = 200, returnData=TRUE)
percentVar_all <- round(100 * attr(pcaData, "percentVar"))
names(pcaData)[c(4,5)] = c('Species',"Tissue")

changing ntop does not change overall clustering.

se <- SummarizedExperiment(combat_edata - rowMeans(combat_edata),colData=ids)
pcaData <- plotPCA(DESeqTransform( se ), intgroup=c("species", "tissue"),ntop = 546, returnData=TRUE)
percentVar_all <- round(100 * attr(pcaData, "percentVar"))
names(pcaData)[c(4,5)] = c('Species',"Tissue")

Sanity check; determine if genes cluster if selected randomly

Filter dataset randomly

#Load ortholog data
gene description Pm_1 Pm_10 Pm_11 Pm_12 Pm_13 Pm_14 Pm_15 Pm_16 Pm_17 Pm_18 Pm_19 Pm_2 Pm_20 Pm_21 Pm_22 Pm_23 Pm_24 Pm_25 Pm_26 Pm_27 Pm_28 Pm_29 Pm_3 Pm_30 Pm_4 Pm_5 Pm_6 Pm_7 Pm_8 Pm_9 Pm_1_heart Pm_10_heart Pm_3_heart Pm_5_heart Pm_8_heart Pm_1_kidney Pm_10_kidney Pm_3_kidney Pm_5_kidney Pm_8_kidney Pm_1_liver Pm_10_liver Pm_3_liver Pm_5_liver Pm_8_liver Naja_vg_1 Naja_vg_2 Naja_vg_3 Naja_vg_4 Naja_vg_5 Naja_vg_6 Naja_liv_1 Naja_liv_2 Naja_kid_1 Naja_kid_2 Naja_pan_1 Naja_pan_2 Naja_sg_1 Mus_sg_1 Mus_sg_2 Mus_sg_3 Mus_sg_4 Mus_hrt_1 Mus_hrt_2 Mus_hrt_3 Mus_kidn_1 Mus_kidn_2 Mus_kidn_3 Mus_livr_1 Mus_livr_2 Mus_livr_3 Mus_livr_4 Anole_hrt_1 Anole_hrt_2 Anole_hrt_3 Anole_hrt_4 Anole_kidn_1 Anole_kidn_2 Anole_kidn_3 Anole_kidn_4 Anole_livr_1 Anole_livr_2 Anole_livr_3 Gal_hrt_1 Gal_hrt_2 Gal_hrt_3 Gal_kidn_1 Gal_kidn_2 Gal_kidn_3 Gal_livr_1 Gal_livr_2 Gal_livr_3 Xeno_hrt_2 Xeno_hrt_3 Xeno_kidn_1 Xeno_kidn_2 Xeno_kidn_3 Xeno_livr_1 Xeno_livr_2 Xeno_livr_3 Pan_hrt_1 Pan_hrt_2 Pan_kid_1 Pan_kid_2 Pan_liv Homo_sg_1 Homo_sg_2 Homo_hrt_1 Homo_hrt_2 Homo_hrt_3 Homo_kidn_1 Homo_kidn_2 Homo_kidn_3 Homo_livr_1 Homo_livr_2 Homo_livr_3 Canis_sg_1 Canis_sg_2 Canis_hrt_1 Canis_hrt_2 Canis_hrt_3 Canis_kidn_1 Canis_kidn_2 Canis_kidn_3 Canis_livr_1 Canis_livr_2 Canis_livr_3
943 107288041 chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 3 562.00 242.00 428.00 259.00 473.00 257.00 93.0 138.00 167.00 159.00 318.00 549.00 207.00 236.00 103.00 182.00 92.00 93.00 397.00 168.00 109.00 366.00 1003.00 400.00 619.00 237.00 229.00 665.00 332.00 346.00 149.00 140.00 158.00 66.00 95.00 347.00 275.00 273.00 214.00 201.00 204.00 261.00 194.00 234.00 277.00 32.0895000 23.8578000 53.4084000 45.7424000 1.95988e+02 60.4043000 112.8140000 1.97837e+02 193.8770000 2.20414e+02 116.7430000 66.1016000 72.8632000 17.1344340 14.6144044 18.3296551 16.1903880 51.1227450 57.0341051 53.5770524 92.8108850 89.0389520 91.4893979 53.0057880 56.0770300 51.5002851 62.7860970 237.2900000 154.1720000 139.4560000 170.9770000 238.9090000 134.0380000 220.7100000 212.8170000 81.9993000 100.5790000 83.8416000 86.0507000 72.1517000 75.1702000 110.7340000 62.7468000 84.5442000 56.4146000 36.8301000 48.3292000 55.4780000 64.4763000 100.6210000 69.0602000 86.4849000 70.7533000 43.5689000 37.2249000 27.6466000 24.7192188 57.1002000 92.555900 57.8031000 28.9952265 27.2434105 54.0843380 63.6571648 58.9336230 147.5595283 127.1808300 131.2853700 87.6572270 40.9776630 46.1252164 19.4102800 47.7607500 37.2973400 41.5607300 91.3388000 84.8811710 56.1543100 69.3657000 27.2858700 30.1488700 32.0665260
992 107288277 peroxidasin 3.00 21.00 14.00 5.00 2.00 7.00 4.0 4.00 6.00 4.00 13.00 6.00 12.00 5.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 6.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 13.00 52.00 6.00 7.00 16.00 4.00 7.00 8.00 5.00 4.00 8.00 31.00 35.00 42.00 20.00 21.00 24.00 19.00 11.00 4.00 11.00 11.00 10.00 25.00 0.3579520 1.6474000 0.3915490 0.5770250 3.91617e-01 0.1637270 0.7787220 1.85306e-01 0.4725350 9.89035e-01 1.6134600 0.9913480 2.1336300 1.9165670 2.7703403 2.3365248 2.0348758 34.5083976 39.4579216 40.0176602 17.5756914 16.0657669 17.5266370 6.7248800 7.2510732 8.2459030 8.2678640 1.2948200 10.3981000 12.0422000 1.9352500 0.7316570 12.9309000 4.6641400 1.5582600 9.3438700 11.9029000 1.3583500 7.7157300 8.6037900 10.7727900 1.6812470 3.2403420 3.8495600 0.5792511 0.7084380 0.9258700 7.8796600 8.0034277 11.6974529 12.5104018 15.6655780 4.4824428 8.2853752 7.1184760 2.9647200 9.5178400 2.9531235 4.703720 3.2600600 2.4501047 1.1222302 24.5020163 17.0219522 14.4397501 5.4218384 3.4912900 3.8953166 4.5184513 0.5995080 1.5687284 1.4218900 1.0113300 2.0464500 15.9099000 4.5591000 6.0840100 5.1248700 10.2724000 2.3778100 2.9419900 1.9552900
1329 107290501 MAP3K7 C-terminal like 231.73 856.95 675.55 422.50 182.67 718.51 58.0 142.07 172.42 148.24 392.48 188.16 206.57 89.89 92.55 84.00 35.00 21.00 439.25 82.54 71.22 295.53 295.37 407.32 500.98 1014.51 156.06 54.59 1064.04 16.00 181.77 321.11 111.39 39.86 40.85 124.78 73.00 688.33 453.52 422.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.8095400 81.1354000 5.3757200 1.5904400 5.21794e+00 0.5840070 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.2203530 0.0000000 0.4017990 0.0696335 0.0712849 0.1487610 0.0000000 0.7267660 0.8163090 0.8791290 23.2533000 23.2722000 24.7209000 0.0316662 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 6.6663900 6.0434600 7.0295200 9.5006900 0.0426931 0.0262106 0.0276384 0.0000000 0.0425448 0.0803350 0.0000000 1.7526890 2.0591920 1.4749790 1.3008930 1.0329140 1.3775120 3.6763530 147.3285000 65.1700000 0.2891420 0.0000000 0.2677100 0.1802980 0.1937060 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1254030 3.3674700 2.2701120 3.1669860 2.023428 0.8874463 1.3099082 2.3234981 2.5274383 4.2036820 3.1905990 8.1669535 4.1828580 9.1281800 2.6812070 0.6487924 2.7482663 1.0585900 0.2351070 1.6904400 1.8711500 6.4015240 0.1809670 2.7915200 8.1211000 0.1676900 0.2479530 1.0655300
408 107284875 prepronociceptin 1.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.0 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 2.03907e-01 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0903937 0.0000000 0.0280099 0.0239848 0.0525329 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0640534 0.1494660 0.0000000 0.0504208 0.0246927 1.2197100 0.7396760 0.5249550 1.6705500 0.0234575 0.0579383 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0940448 0.1331850 0.0000000 159.7460000 14.5560000 1.8139600 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0463057 0.0425119 1.4459900 0.1112970 0.6476920 0.0000000 0.1159230 0.0967631 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.9937020 0.146151 0.0672778 1.2670950 0.3969040 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3114470 2.4197600 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0754309 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
1721 107293047 zinc finger CCHC-type containing 17 321.00 304.00 405.00 290.00 181.00 168.00 79.0 141.00 295.00 100.00 238.00 343.00 147.00 119.00 148.00 153.00 173.00 131.00 365.00 109.00 183.00 216.00 395.00 279.00 399.00 323.00 189.00 298.00 239.00 297.00 209.00 307.00 122.00 109.00 224.00 183.00 198.00 241.00 281.00 156.00 92.00 163.00 95.00 153.00 108.00 2.7619400 9.9000500 4.2904300 4.1300100 6.31700e+00 5.7073900 5.0962800 4.97209e+00 7.2340100 7.41907e+00 3.6609000 1.4786800 7.6767100 1.8812020 2.6019240 1.6520399 2.4111900 5.6461340 4.8460308 4.3372027 9.4277870 8.9354797 8.5009174 6.8046800 6.9524735 6.1848573 6.9708833 16.3397000 19.7258000 23.1657000 28.9289000 9.0528600 18.1095000 10.1669000 22.3740000 4.9479700 10.8300000 12.5870000 11.3515890 10.7610400 11.4775487 14.8386000 16.3638030 15.8606600 6.3174300 7.5873787 6.6846740 27.0049490 51.9926000 44.2768000 57.8532000 42.0881000 10.6777000 23.5184011 23.7905001 14.4337300 18.4809000 24.8997300 24.219900 14.6493503 9.8713949 9.1369408 14.4143935 14.9117620 17.0392638 18.4733160 19.2669500 25.6417590 5.8990800 6.2703380 5.8516078 69.7732400 97.7398000 31.4851400 28.4184500 140.3702000 30.9109000 94.6807300 63.7393100 48.6789700 45.1777000 16.0466300
351 107284508 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase 71.00 114.00 146.00 62.00 53.00 101.00 21.0 64.00 114.00 39.00 149.00 127.00 122.00 33.00 46.00 102.00 43.00 37.00 279.00 77.00 70.00 298.00 232.00 236.00 92.00 66.00 86.00 47.00 78.00 31.00 70.00 24.00 54.00 67.00 61.00 348.00 211.00 179.00 294.00 165.00 68.00 97.00 29.00 65.00 115.00 4.4620800 3.8384100 9.5689600 5.2925400 1.27858e+01 2.9413900 29.2114000 5.99343e+00 43.1775000 3.95287e+01 9.9884000 5.7375200 11.4916000 9.7512060 8.8312328 9.6848042 8.1728090 29.6816490 17.4665850 17.1686810 43.5999400 47.8987070 46.1933580 30.6530830 21.2212090 23.0358480 24.8151080 17.3568000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 219.3730000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.8522980 6.8744050 7.5393090 38.0457900 141.1803000 104.6998000 26.9008300 41.0641800 31.3461100 0.8927020 0.7259810 16.3680900 7.7826000 9.5410200 14.3527900 4.2359900 5.0592180 4.2645100 6.1059400 12.1883000 16.980200 17.4484000 21.5947310 10.1975570 12.8325620 10.5102550 10.1515840 33.3230700 7.1853180 63.2245711 16.3342380 49.6468770 42.2128140 100.9334600 104.8258500 16.7341490 19.4898600 67.2898210 27.0024000 55.9616300 45.8096100 1.3235500 0.3778070 18.5885000
1592 107292137 ring finger protein 141 1070.00 868.00 919.00 722.00 644.00 563.00 346.0 595.00 718.00 515.00 477.00 614.00 388.00 453.00 620.00 413.00 512.00 517.00 775.00 608.00 480.00 375.00 1122.00 687.00 1082.00 695.00 879.00 264.00 535.00 407.00 750.00 472.00 814.00 347.00 788.00 1287.00 1080.00 1858.00 1208.00 1153.00 611.00 730.00 467.00 617.00 763.00 5.9359600 17.1272000 8.3812600 10.4082000 8.36131e+00 14.4017000 5.1683200 3.64142e+00 10.8106000 1.39756e+01 7.2169500 2.6611600 15.6539000 9.1792465 8.1011887 10.6309470 9.9531630 23.3233590 12.4827099 11.2815316 16.2375370 15.8226224 10.4701680 24.3768019 18.8286830 18.6610230 17.5835470 22.5180000 33.9506000 39.7568000 7.4917400 27.4055000 71.1610000 60.6533000 16.7397000 20.6659000 23.3437000 4.7144000 8.6582900 21.2694900 32.5110700 16.1159600 53.3457000 43.2808200 7.7308270 22.0433200 27.3565900 43.1402000 52.3065000 40.5858000 44.4203000 46.1509000 22.4912000 51.9524000 56.8584000 28.0797100 21.5422700 40.3239000 31.756200 23.6753900 26.4792240 17.6473390 6.3767187 11.3634771 11.2513646 22.8002743 7.2959025 31.2041520 6.8814986 4.7756031 7.7534916 49.0605270 26.6191100 2.4347540 13.1615149 26.6209360 18.8630560 35.5188140 24.7725120 25.0824720 24.2122000 11.3587650
419 107284924 WD repeat domain 35 127.00 535.00 332.00 219.00 85.00 230.00 37.0 207.00 311.00 108.00 349.00 65.97 400.00 108.00 55.00 248.00 75.00 57.00 437.00 168.00 175.00 573.00 452.00 524.00 173.97 313.00 142.00 20.00 285.00 46.00 120.00 130.00 174.00 186.00 202.00 254.00 263.00 299.00 343.00 290.00 32.00 69.00 22.00 43.00 85.00 0.2799790 0.3663690 0.6362790 0.5889440 5.14249e-01 1.1612800 1.5600800 7.86905e-01 2.8827600 4.68143e+00 1.6822500 0.6534300 2.9889900 0.4151535 0.6480510 0.4485270 0.6150560 2.2826557 1.9687240 2.1146520 3.9553754 3.8958298 4.4489418 0.4167680 0.5346758 0.6852310 0.6513310 0.6982480 1.8133300 2.1183700 0.7991840 2.4151300 10.1317000 8.9090500 4.7592600 0.6403750 1.7887600 0.5986890 1.3771120 2.5162030 13.2523000 3.6660300 9.4877100 5.1671300 0.7313930 1.1399900 1.4670120 0.7397300 1.0718600 2.7288100 4.1644400 2.9466870 0.4706140 0.7620452 0.9734320 2.0060806 1.0760797 3.9625252 5.019371 0.7970596 2.6205410 1.2510767 0.7130090 1.4016530 1.8211387 4.8948201 1.9904157 6.8983840 0.3392241 0.2070120 0.5191306 4.8597700 2.9021700 0.3588170 1.5045670 3.5050800 3.8635470 4.7579150 3.4001400 0.9981230 0.8638824 0.3462310
440 107285089 X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 3 62.00 18.00 25.00 32.00 36.00 18.00 1.0 8.00 20.00 5.00 20.00 9.00 15.00 14.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 16.00 10.00 10.00 28.00 37.00 18.00 21.00 6.00 18.00 4.00 10.00 13.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 4.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.0826700 0.3275050 2.6590600 1.1106300 2.63988e+00 0.9176020 0.4301050 8.17366e-02 0.1736920 6.62664e-01 0.2308150 0.0713917 1.1223300 1.6648710 2.1964410 1.7873890 1.5608700 6.9627570 7.4382060 7.4267998 13.2414980 11.1382610 13.1248890 7.7163830 9.4275020 9.4552160 8.8280840 0.6635270 0.8006740 0.6250700 0.3552030 0.9981120 1.0348200 0.7274590 0.9700480 1.9596500 0.9250760 1.1921200 11.1853400 5.0604220 8.7395830 22.4900100 16.6864900 14.8693500 19.1456700 13.0878700 12.4434200 3.2918300 2.2052800 3.9086100 7.0275600 3.8344100 4.1233100 3.5982000 3.8263700 2.2678530 1.2472360 8.5604100 8.809540 3.9186280 1.6027717 1.8301943 5.9903030 11.0799300 9.7443615 5.4437890 11.5130583 4.2243780 4.9404530 0.4649712 2.5534067 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.7612680 3.3600800 3.3619400 9.1179500 0.0000000 4.2958300 0.0000000 0.0000000 7.1407800
896 107287821 Kruppel-like factor 10 549.00 1137.00 1348.00 371.00 200.00 317.00 71.0 140.00 327.00 115.00 469.00 581.00 266.00 172.00 127.00 231.00 105.00 303.00 595.00 211.00 226.00 440.00 1013.00 1120.00 658.00 1078.00 309.00 185.00 564.00 362.00 70.00 261.00 179.00 161.00 237.00 134.00 205.00 694.00 277.00 505.00 195.00 1108.00 196.00 427.00 315.00 3.0564900 14.6976000 12.1696000 6.4063500 1.13950e+01 34.7527000 8.4762900 8.31294e+00 8.0709600 9.06502e+00 7.5053000 2.4834600 18.5529000 4.6516268 3.0137248 2.9124070 3.2934540 9.0206770 14.1452230 12.7382080 19.7930770 12.1937410 28.3209080 10.9995910 15.8174805 20.2420020 13.1249801 2.4042100 5.9602500 3.2354700 3.3979800 3.6511100 11.8608000 10.3493000 4.1856900 58.7892000 9.4424700 22.7304000 23.6339000 12.8919000 13.9911000 7.9432300 3.3769200 7.0572800 26.0849000 48.0916000 29.6440000 31.3036000 8.4663600 44.3979000 51.5307000 78.0514000 24.8534000 12.8518000 13.0525000 7.4622740 5.7034600 23.1585000 23.503730 13.9481880 60.5162530 33.0765550 16.3191150 9.1978640 8.6246510 14.7279250 6.8464880 20.4707700 28.2463100 7.6900198 10.5923340 43.5383000 63.3600000 8.0024900 15.3816000 65.1937000 38.4561000 78.0257000 43.4150000 11.1919000 28.5664000 21.3197000
535 107285591 ATPase phospholipid transporting 8B1 1420.00 1673.00 1601.00 1086.00 750.00 814.00 593.0 768.00 910.00 804.00 1098.00 704.00 618.00 666.00 958.00 875.00 804.00 1003.00 1581.00 952.00 638.00 972.00 1476.00 910.00 1367.00 1255.00 950.00 447.00 880.00 920.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 43.00 0.00 54.00 50.00 186.00 148.00 159.00 103.00 110.00 83.00 114.00 311.00 8.8280200 1.9121500 13.6724000 14.2226000 4.90545e+00 14.6675000 0.3571470 8.05976e-02 1.4502300 8.72431e+00 2.2112900 1.1615500 37.9273000 2.3240810 2.4254600 2.6976170 1.9372450 0.8639870 0.8506750 0.8675130 2.0400400 2.1551700 2.1386900 6.7977100 6.6901300 6.2734800 5.9234500 0.1559480 1.8161400 0.3728700 0.7659350 0.4319860 1.8595000 1.4646300 0.7021940 0.4453270 0.5857020 0.1354530 0.0738302 0.3803730 4.4117100 3.3278000 6.6602490 8.9289800 0.0158032 0.1261240 0.1004430 0.0000000 0.0149506 5.1542090 7.9341660 6.6244050 0.0044265 0.0373121 0.1125910 1.4355700 4.1321200 4.5213800 6.502660 4.6986800 16.5673780 17.8669233 2.0990800 2.0945490 1.8781020 3.1521400 1.2425773 6.4323530 4.3704380 0.8249439 1.7493580 50.0808000 25.0816000 0.7921100 1.3969000 2.2021300 3.5417100 5.5174600 11.4738000 13.6758000 31.9350000 10.8620000
222 107283817 endothelial cell specific molecule 1 35.00 34.00 41.00 63.00 35.00 41.00 24.0 31.00 40.00 15.00 29.00 99.00 25.00 24.00 32.00 13.00 14.00 35.00 59.00 10.00 39.00 68.00 82.00 46.00 77.00 66.00 52.00 9.00 53.00 45.00 44.00 227.00 65.00 35.00 89.00 80.00 61.00 219.00 207.00 84.00 39.00 12.00 36.00 105.00 39.00 0.1593420 2.5305200 0.2929870 0.7801370 1.20139e+00 0.1432330 1.2084700 1.91380e-01 0.8784420 2.17220e+00 0.3422760 0.1504420 0.3613300 0.2684600 0.2194480 0.3436640 0.2092110 0.5393050 0.3855420 0.2604380 10.6572000 11.2850000 11.2711000 0.1214870 0.4466290 0.1593060 0.3507240 0.8029050 1.9556200 4.3107200 0.9553510 2.1635600 5.2631600 4.0761700 2.0069500 0.4826610 0.5468290 0.3229800 1.5523700 2.0832000 0.9979920 4.8548400 11.5163000 14.0196000 0.0977050 0.2080460 0.1369250 0.3397980 1.0715000 4.0676000 7.6266400 6.0825700 1.6588800 1.4608900 2.4388800 0.0322185 0.2280540 2.0350400 4.906300 0.0594348 9.8958869 1.7836442 0.0775981 0.1554730 0.0000000 9.1809900 1.3519740 9.7187400 0.0594301 0.0334667 0.0283045 3.4486800 1.1689400 0.6014130 3.0688440 2.1770100 0.3939000 3.2683000 14.8769900 0.2044240 0.0000000 0.1309410
1657 107292575 alanyl-tRNA synthetase 398.00 127.00 211.00 235.00 348.00 139.00 222.0 160.00 242.00 250.00 202.00 236.00 119.00 265.00 161.00 262.00 341.00 295.00 203.00 306.00 125.00 190.00 741.00 262.00 1083.00 105.00 161.00 649.00 192.00 474.00 47.00 42.00 42.00 62.00 35.00 37.00 28.00 34.00 43.00 29.00 112.00 246.00 86.00 199.00 168.00 60.9312000 34.3771000 64.7552000 56.9172000 5.19490e+01 11.2603000 118.5930000 6.28074e+01 74.6773000 5.47111e+01 28.4418000 8.1926300 44.6737000 7.2682016 8.1070520 8.9496850 10.0799520 10.7467922 10.5275888 10.2522707 25.2983570 23.7477141 26.3958180 48.9993460 54.8043540 49.1711270 52.8497570 19.6548000 24.4108000 19.3169000 14.7805000 23.2900000 23.9010000 27.9249000 21.4762000 44.2790000 29.3512000 21.8385000 46.0029000 41.3256000 42.0124000 91.9544000 52.6306000 45.5369000 166.9340000 102.2510000 98.5659000 5.8378740 9.6142390 29.1571400 16.9219700 19.8087000 6.3118650 111.5012000 21.4274100 31.8807260 32.2899000 56.5246000 70.503300 79.3672000 12.8430434 31.4705370 41.5260270 38.9261000 37.7568400 112.8332700 59.3490600 68.1501350 68.9576600 16.1065810 22.7341020 0.3290060 19.7219000 14.5798000 21.4118000 35.7076000 20.5686000 27.6761000 28.0366000 0.8383920 1.2659400 37.2082000
1443 107291145 pecanex homolog 2 (Drosophila) 3.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.0 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 3.00 7.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 7.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0636233 0.0000000 0.0714916 0.0725185 2.63411e-01 0.0000000 0.1310570 0.00000e+00 3.0008700 5.57298e+00 2.4440200 1.2725900 0.3366410 0.0000000 0.0811852 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2175232 0.5612472 0.4847311 0.1306478 0.2096325 0.2066709 0.1626172 0.0272193 0.0169405 0.0751895 0.0607601 0.1334110 0.1301890 0.0355112 0.2400030 0.6609620 0.5303010 0.1910210 0.1399390 0.1981790 0.0851294 0.3204260 0.3161260 2.4687200 3.5112100 12.5208000 9.8361500 0.3105500 0.3673710 0.3324540 0.6932380 0.8568850 1.3637220 1.7088890 2.3418800 0.2772810 1.0523870 1.4487130 0.2350760 0.2218600 3.0278800 2.760210 0.4648904 2.7144795 2.1084919 2.0934470 1.9826270 4.7707818 5.2527440 7.3607170 4.4387993 1.8987341 0.5342409 0.4001781 0.2607350 0.2705820 0.0983576 0.2753710 0.4377150 0.0150608 0.0347733 0.0217532 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0386828
1731 107293143 tetraspanin 12 195.00 706.00 929.00 255.00 210.00 282.07 69.0 205.00 418.00 141.00 771.00 157.00 549.00 202.00 176.00 208.00 116.00 131.00 618.00 151.00 172.00 429.00 906.00 394.00 365.00 564.00 195.00 30.01 449.00 232.00 363.00 312.00 440.00 102.00 476.00 663.00 519.00 551.00 469.00 342.00 2911.00 3410.00 1603.00 2346.00 2707.00 0.7954970 0.4597300 1.0363500 1.2917700 8.39262e-01 1.7861200 13.6046000 6.32122e+00 6.4992100 4.70312e+00 8.4413800 3.5516200 1.3627700 12.6043700 14.3416300 17.7119840 16.9717660 16.1226890 11.0736820 11.0697820 14.2072293 17.7754112 18.6062830 47.6127600 50.0777920 49.7929930 51.7617160 1.8474300 4.0401300 3.3722600 1.0622800 3.9470500 16.7851000 18.5703000 4.1422300 32.2638000 27.3802000 11.1507000 4.4082100 10.0829000 7.2931400 6.4175000 24.2822000 17.2206000 58.1366000 114.6690000 134.6650000 0.5998140 1.3000000 3.3840200 5.0443500 5.2236000 0.0334184 0.6963130 0.8454220 12.1711000 32.5635000 18.0337000 47.076600 3.6139400 27.1851580 34.2003590 10.7153900 26.4890800 20.2158300 73.0744580 18.7354910 63.6992277 29.6895100 6.5682480 11.5993910 79.4964000 78.7903000 34.0155000 33.9620000 167.3102000 48.8736000 118.8844000 84.1163300 49.9844000 69.9411500 16.4001000
1776 107293449 dopachrome tautomerase 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 4.99 0.00 0.00 14.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 1.00 7.00 51.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.80596e-02 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1362840 0.0509402 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1286617 1.0978443 1.3172257 0.9499384 0.3287820 0.5485180 0.5410582 38.3768380 10.7692210 10.4827010 11.2901720 0.0000000 0.0589391 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1139970 0.4919360 0.0866114 0.1982440 0.1676940 0.0267890 0.0323238 0.3663771 0.5548800 1.7049670 1.1322410 1.5874930 0.0000000 0.2225090 0.1114400 0.3718858 1.2483700 2.5513302 6.723700 0.0849120 0.1011890 0.0480130 0.0143250 0.0000000 0.0985648 0.0897798 0.0797944 0.3832355 0.0483901 0.0000000 0.2025138 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0311930 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
1252 107290056 HEAT repeat containing 3 513.00 223.00 254.00 294.00 215.00 150.00 112.0 109.00 212.00 122.00 163.00 223.00 110.00 214.00 62.00 71.00 184.00 175.00 164.00 131.00 108.00 170.00 359.00 268.00 229.00 230.00 147.00 435.00 331.00 460.00 166.00 189.00 124.00 76.00 127.00 453.00 407.00 383.00 229.00 323.00 739.00 289.00 364.00 192.00 381.00 5.6151500 12.3320000 9.3776700 6.7036600 1.69969e+01 4.5071900 7.0951200 9.43309e+00 9.1054300 9.38464e+00 5.8844500 2.8907000 11.2924000 3.4529080 2.9866930 3.2994490 3.0770970 12.5532930 7.9494230 7.5839950 10.7632000 11.0595510 11.0710690 9.5584203 10.6005890 10.6271118 9.7587906 25.5124000 28.0719300 30.0421000 15.8576800 19.9356700 28.2415100 23.7809700 17.8535700 20.4597200 24.5477200 13.9993000 6.6739370 12.1793800 11.4897300 6.7716590 18.1099400 19.3488300 7.5158320 13.1687500 12.4418800 9.4924990 14.5706700 19.2988900 11.4038500 19.2045500 3.6329860 7.2491700 9.7513500 4.4228900 3.7231100 4.4934700 5.919670 4.1751600 2.5738810 2.0659617 1.7740200 5.3929210 5.9043300 5.5421660 3.9945990 6.4323110 7.2199360 1.3611800 2.0891408 6.0326850 6.6017710 2.3910958 4.8812300 9.5791230 7.8446650 10.3531622 6.0073650 8.9333800 9.1448159 5.3505260
453 107285162 estrogen receptor 2 (ER beta) 17.00 143.00 105.00 38.00 21.00 44.00 4.0 21.00 50.00 17.00 57.00 42.00 29.00 22.00 6.00 24.00 9.00 2.00 64.00 21.00 13.00 42.00 45.00 86.00 71.00 84.00 26.00 19.00 97.00 12.00 6.00 6.00 2.00 7.00 3.00 18.00 24.00 25.00 16.00 11.00 16.00 12.00 32.00 17.00 52.00 0.0395075 0.4182820 0.1997700 0.0000000 9.49748e-02 0.0000000 4.0283600 9.04733e-01 1.7746900 1.69268e+00 0.7861140 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1187930 0.0416097 0.0000000 0.1083170 0.1448397 0.0650624 0.1417790 0.2886600 0.3210320 0.1406980 0.0182159 0.0646776 0.0230499 0.0639540 0.0366310 0.2181130 0.0510830 0.0000000 2.9366100 5.4688000 5.5883600 0.8648290 0.2745430 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0856883 0.0387439 0.8298510 16.9576000 39.1988000 29.2817000 3.9773900 7.6527400 13.0130000 0.1129440 0.0980955 29.2847000 27.5114000 24.2575000 0.3166260 0.6352880 0.4186480 0.2337058 0.0994857 0.5807610 0.196683 0.0724314 0.3097205 0.1710901 0.2904852 0.3776228 0.2619707 0.4235428 0.4305320 0.4098066 0.0408725 0.0915352 0.0924484 0.0986344 6.9889400 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.4544550 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0897718 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0234802
1793 107293572 zinc finger protein, FOG family member 2 5.00 13.00 6.00 2.00 10.00 12.00 4.0 6.00 11.00 4.00 15.00 3.00 7.00 3.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 9.00 7.00 0.00 9.00 6.00 16.00 14.00 11.00 4.00 2.00 16.00 1.00 64.00 29.00 38.00 31.00 80.00 2.00 3.00 6.00 1.00 2.00 8.00 5.00 7.00 9.00 3.00 0.3448610 1.7354400 1.0979400 0.2402130 1.02350e-01 0.1683930 0.5525130 6.52493e-01 0.1338750 2.55378e-01 0.7730320 0.1572170 0.2317100 0.0216176 0.0220056 0.0460016 0.1533030 2.7900414 2.6525404 2.7694901 0.4581161 0.4192161 0.4554347 0.0987481 0.1912020 0.1906910 0.2434766 9.6980000 15.9772000 8.2809700 10.0077000 0.1121770 0.5014220 0.5047030 0.2330770 0.7029160 0.5588530 0.3825950 3.5684100 4.4626120 5.1739470 0.0883113 0.1435210 0.1967997 0.3352210 0.6214768 0.3627240 3.4819300 6.1767800 0.3925330 0.5205930 0.5316350 0.1736750 0.4744510 0.4384660 4.7014600 4.7645100 0.7327267 0.938475 0.9322490 1.3730320 0.6409019 5.8438050 4.4095020 5.2035500 1.5927090 1.6447650 1.1250180 1.2581370 0.2692181 0.9537530 0.2334790 0.3541470 1.9462158 9.8533850 25.0126722 0.4626820 1.3902410 1.4624620 1.4818570 1.9531460 0.4267610
1181 107289533 ligand dependent nuclear receptor interacting factor 1 247.00 221.00 266.00 173.00 86.00 88.00 63.0 139.00 206.00 94.00 300.00 166.00 114.00 130.00 85.00 118.00 142.00 110.00 216.00 119.00 116.00 186.00 328.00 225.00 224.00 266.00 187.00 64.00 334.00 114.00 63.00 99.00 131.00 111.00 269.00 87.00 95.00 215.00 214.00 322.00 44.00 66.00 86.00 93.00 140.00 5.4077000 8.4361800 12.3693000 9.8495800 2.44036e+01 8.2640100 5.2440900 1.54400e+00 7.8267400 1.00748e+01 14.5732000 10.3596000 14.3105000 1.6826591 1.8878821 2.3867525 1.5461352 1.6897399 2.8473097 2.3356911 2.9948518 5.1300692 3.2947451 1.3681956 1.5003699 1.8839227 1.5549080 7.8499700 13.2082000 11.2290000 7.1467200 3.7025600 13.6725000 10.9184000 7.5633200 7.1381300 11.3342000 5.9608600 6.5044400 9.3515300 23.0960000 7.1057400 15.8740000 15.7481000 5.5617200 10.2074000 9.5272300 6.8025900 6.8299930 8.2392160 7.6483650 11.3212800 3.1929000 4.8035880 5.1651940 4.6323700 6.0048520 4.5278900 3.617230 4.2937100 5.2568300 2.9017800 1.9470316 3.5904500 2.0727080 1.2254770 0.5645810 4.6625106 2.8116200 5.6244160 4.7406120 0.0000000 11.3923000 1.5485500 1.6617500 9.2541900 3.1379100 0.0000000 5.3844500 0.0000000 0.0000000 4.6695200
565 107285756 N-terminal EF-hand calcium binding protein 1 0.00 8.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.0 5.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 6.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 14.00 2.00 6.00 19.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 0.00 1.00 5.00 0.0000000 0.0845799 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0397396 0.0368746 0.0000000 0.1632271 0.0445571 0.1213346 0.0433981 0.3370310 0.1859575 0.1742460 0.1672480 0.2305549 0.1970700 6.0693900 4.6073900 4.3991300 4.6171400 0.2801210 0.0000000 0.0832910 1.4388700 1.9082600 2.3900900 2.2294900 1.9741500 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 18.0247500 13.0508500 12.9819100 11.8624000 6.0907200 5.5070300 13.1341200 3.7132600 2.8908500 0.0869791 0.4574630 0.0000000 0.6825910 0.8041960 0.0000000 0.3742280 0.2082501 0.0382958 0.0000000 0.7494630 0.898601 0.0000000 1.3150905 1.3815372 1.0835670 0.6005240 0.4040050 0.2889000 0.1776604 2.6714740 0.0466156 0.1758490 0.1160401 0.1022210 0.0000000 0.0097020 0.0376093 0.0000000 0.0907337 0.5060750 0.4093520 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0453615
98 107283138 WD repeat domain 72 29.00 135.00 185.00 68.00 45.00 49.00 10.0 74.00 90.00 25.00 127.00 74.00 71.00 45.00 50.00 48.00 29.00 15.00 118.00 33.00 43.00 76.00 162.00 80.00 81.00 115.00 36.00 14.00 107.00 26.00 41.00 28.00 38.00 21.00 50.00 42.00 48.00 68.00 31.00 45.00 0.00 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.4336480 0.0204965 0.9201720 0.7943740 6.88779e-01 0.4849400 0.5921880 1.63692e-01 2.1218900 1.49300e+00 0.6837450 0.8399780 6.9362000 0.6208790 1.1164555 1.4464136 1.2021704 0.2419674 0.1973145 0.1677722 7.9852559 8.5805800 8.9328010 0.0446208 1.9664320 2.3303650 2.1062660 0.4981330 0.5195470 0.2808000 0.2765840 7.7465400 4.3387900 4.7113100 4.4369800 0.0838414 0.0791565 0.1275080 0.0000000 0.0181529 0.0942585 5.4897300 22.2005000 17.4504000 0.0912509 0.6368240 0.4510150 0.3597000 0.4639470 8.3373000 11.0049000 14.1557000 0.0000000 0.0436243 0.1092420 0.2541290 0.3701270 10.0367000 22.254000 0.2430830 16.7914200 6.1121040 0.8123680 1.4790200 1.1087600 56.9588000 14.8302600 155.4282000 2.2238270 9.3310570 10.2856400 2.0313990 2.0135160 0.0829246 0.4114643 0.9446350 17.2182140 28.8790925 3.1136580 0.3791500 0.1671360 0.1236173
1854 107294053 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 3 235.00 125.00 235.00 46.00 17.00 76.00 6.0 18.00 302.00 58.00 62.00 221.00 119.00 16.00 25.00 20.00 16.00 16.00 195.00 51.00 171.00 169.00 712.00 44.00 33.00 79.00 21.00 7.00 191.00 33.00 2.00 50.00 7.00 15.00 6.00 13.00 4.00 31.00 17.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 0.0331376 0.0000000 0.1117070 0.0566559 3.98309e-02 0.6553250 0.2559740 1.16748e-01 0.0248092 3.15504e-02 0.0549473 0.0000000 1.5529800 5.1383130 5.5192880 7.0487800 5.2868580 0.1418030 0.0956039 0.1645730 0.3245986 0.5104887 0.4739750 0.0707017 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3801950 0.8447650 0.4123550 0.4498960 56.0537000 99.4172000 64.3201000 94.4721000 0.2769300 0.3560410 0.1345250 0.9934710 1.4036400 1.9250300 0.2776660 0.6517700 0.7160800 0.0321203 0.0362867 0.0000000 0.6935757 0.5630230 0.5102731 1.4750478 0.9457942 0.9151931 0.7813783 1.3750804 1.8839800 0.6350240 1.4976800 1.679590 0.1241240 7.3882740 8.3153940 0.2591033 0.3600527 0.6169063 1.2636600 3.1538720 3.8066530 0.2613518 0.2899607 0.2197540 210.0820000 148.6420036 0.1534404 0.5419866 1.6870260 1.0129140 1.2600890 2.7255790 0.0000000 0.0472001 0.1022910
1957 107294729 neuropeptide Y receptor Y1 3.00 22.00 23.00 3.00 1.00 9.00 0.0 2.00 3.00 2.00 9.00 3.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 11.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 19.00 1.00 9.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 377.00 202.00 197.00 277.00 206.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 0.0454129 0.0000000 0.1148160 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.7717500 6.13315e-01 0.8159850 1.08094e+00 0.9789200 0.2445550 0.0686536 0.2214380 0.1742840 0.2053059 0.0388227 1.6280260 2.4988510 2.4874620 4.0261920 4.2344200 4.1460030 0.1189600 0.1833080 0.1794290 0.1661700 0.0000000 0.0980247 0.1147890 0.0521841 19.2412000 49.3459000 77.2160000 53.5720000 35.8846000 45.3344000 24.3943000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0375170 0.0328399 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1034280 0.0440817 0.0000000 0.4636660 0.1104830 0.1342130 0.1084680 0.1294830 0.0000000 0.0753173 0.0628689 0.4285480 0.6301290 8.8613400 31.491400 3.2481700 12.8406030 1.3908881 1.0250400 0.9112672 1.3045590 3.3303030 4.2302720 15.4501340 2.7050990 0.7840310 4.6021630 1.0716000 0.6949880 1.8710100 1.4015800 5.4965300 24.4350000 46.6261000 8.8780900 0.4299330 0.0894760 0.1220270
1891 107294279 Sec61 translocon alpha 1 subunit 9316.00 2138.00 2956.00 5865.00 6361.00 2394.00 3365.0 2611.00 4010.00 3017.00 2288.00 5144.00 1353.00 4746.00 4200.00 2756.00 2834.00 2947.00 2869.00 2876.00 2877.00 1865.00 4699.00 1884.00 5319.00 1985.00 4532.00 4921.00 1255.00 6479.00 821.00 1038.00 1012.00 591.00 781.00 2284.00 2155.00 4063.00 3894.00 2071.00 3425.00 5810.00 3723.00 4662.00 4273.00 55.4270000 30.1000000 118.1660000 72.0384000 1.46414e+02 56.7315000 75.8376000 9.45778e+01 34.4792000 4.93619e+01 59.4802000 31.6441000 68.4430000 49.0654171 56.6798280 60.8320210 59.5928480 34.5733570 39.1140180 41.0297772 109.7739196 98.3178700 104.3163320 216.9401830 310.3715740 272.6532870 281.8881680 60.1224000 80.5105000 77.1435000 109.8670000 129.1050000 248.5860000 173.7460000 239.2240000 193.3680000 256.4660000 206.3210000 15.5240800 23.6906300 29.4066900 60.4724900 124.3819000 102.4966000 108.1823600 178.6610000 256.3865000 59.1029000 41.4952600 118.9548000 79.3215500 101.6070000 196.6692000 254.3634000 142.3491000 23.7589000 12.7027000 100.0170000 71.952689 210.8600000 62.8843520 56.6393734 36.9484800 52.8277190 53.6891200 103.2316060 114.1691400 108.1889737 143.7213100 84.7906930 52.3313810 220.0914700 199.0910920 8.6075440 14.2960100 34.7205190 39.9403500 141.1974750 40.5667200 129.1312800 130.0235900 48.9682300
1721.1 107293047 zinc finger CCHC-type containing 17 321.00 304.00 405.00 290.00 181.00 168.00 79.0 141.00 295.00 100.00 238.00 343.00 147.00 119.00 148.00 153.00 173.00 131.00 365.00 109.00 183.00 216.00 395.00 279.00 399.00 323.00 189.00 298.00 239.00 297.00 209.00 307.00 122.00 109.00 224.00 183.00 198.00 241.00 281.00 156.00 92.00 163.00 95.00 153.00 108.00 2.7619400 9.9000500 4.2904300 4.1300100 6.31700e+00 5.7073900 5.0962800 4.97209e+00 7.2340100 7.41907e+00 3.6609000 1.4786800 7.6767100 1.8812020 2.6019240 1.6520399 2.4111900 5.6461340 4.8460308 4.3372027 9.4277870 8.9354797 8.5009174 6.8046800 6.9524735 6.1848573 6.9708833 16.3397000 19.7258000 23.1657000 28.9289000 9.0528600 18.1095000 10.1669000 22.3740000 4.9479700 10.8300000 12.5870000 11.3515890 10.7610400 11.4775487 14.8386000 16.3638030 15.8606600 6.3174300 7.5873787 6.6846740 27.0049490 51.9926000 44.2768000 57.8532000 42.0881000 10.6777000 23.5184011 23.7905001 14.4337300 18.4809000 24.8997300 24.219900 14.6493503 9.8713949 9.1369408 14.4143935 14.9117620 17.0392638 18.4733160 19.2669500 25.6417590 5.8990800 6.2703380 5.8516078 69.7732400 97.7398000 31.4851400 28.4184500 140.3702000 30.9109000 94.6807300 63.7393100 48.6789700 45.1777000 16.0466300
1357 107290633 LFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2.00 8.00 15.00 4.00 2.00 10.00 4.0 9.00 4.00 1.00 20.00 1.00 14.00 4.00 0.00 7.00 4.00 0.00 11.00 1.00 3.00 11.00 16.00 15.00 22.00 7.00 7.00 2.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 7.00 11.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 3.7804600 0.9362650 3.7449400 4.5925000 3.21539e+00 2.9147000 4.0985900 3.27134e+00 12.4634000 1.43344e+01 12.0973000 5.3574500 91.0416000 2.6069210 2.5659600 3.6893700 5.2171100 7.7270010 14.5562800 14.7818800 30.7429400 33.2996000 32.6302100 8.3952000 10.3486350 10.8005660 7.6720550 65.6565000 31.0282000 53.4915000 9.0314700 6.1620900 10.4895000 8.6086500 3.8466700 2.3388700 2.3314600 1.9754300 33.6206000 23.1744000 16.6073000 14.8360000 6.8762300 17.9357000 8.2186000 5.2452900 5.1954500 18.0370000 13.9895000 29.2733000 16.8041000 26.3224000 5.0583600 5.2369500 12.6540000 3.2502581 1.6662638 6.2615190 6.391894 4.3582970 1.1828340 1.5610799 2.7212587 13.7467500 14.7582046 2.1428250 12.2411670 2.0954590 1.6109417 0.2528592 1.5445604 0.7940620 87.7305000 5.2353000 8.2587700 9.6313300 3.5097900 16.9083000 19.6041000 0.0000000 0.0000000 3.0564400
319 107284320 thymocyte selection associated high mobility group box 2.00 41.00 87.00 5.00 8.00 28.00 6.0 9.00 33.00 5.00 35.00 38.00 38.00 15.00 12.00 7.00 8.00 4.00 23.00 5.00 7.00 39.00 92.00 23.00 14.00 35.00 20.00 4.00 31.00 3.00 23.00 12.00 13.00 75.00 24.00 11.00 8.00 16.00 29.00 13.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 13.00 7.00 0.0304412 0.0000000 0.0513088 0.1040910 1.21966e-02 0.0000000 0.4702900 2.32371e-01 0.1139520 1.15932e-01 3.0285700 0.7259760 0.5982580 0.2192670 0.5232540 0.5440160 0.3314577 0.5963271 0.5704405 0.5535742 1.0213870 1.0099963 1.2139580 4.3446959 5.4186990 4.8455150 5.2644716 4.9963000 8.3356900 9.1837200 5.2384900 2.8420500 13.0278000 13.1972000 19.1414000 0.9696550 2.8698200 1.5729900 0.2302530 0.7186320 0.5291799 0.2036640 0.5053500 1.3791350 0.3922390 0.5049850 0.6963640 0.3746080 0.3154277 1.6567230 3.1272970 3.1976340 0.6368710 0.7377459 1.5856160 3.3624300 2.3410300 1.6384400 0.883587 0.4087326 0.6398910 0.4170750 0.1453190 0.9345940 0.9190510 1.1384600 0.8315630 1.6446700 0.1242620 1.2770400 0.2054000 0.7030440 0.4033090 0.1201190 0.2597200 0.2494050 0.3206190 1.6613260 0.7368830 0.1559230 0.3875655 0.2177160
57 107282880 peptidase (mitochondrial processing) beta 600.00 311.00 309.00 203.00 342.00 238.00 123.0 156.00 243.00 224.00 305.00 648.00 200.00 268.00 234.00 278.00 211.00 232.00 391.00 221.00 188.00 510.00 750.00 369.00 490.00 127.00 372.00 656.00 319.00 353.00 160.00 253.00 194.00 189.00 176.00 850.00 731.00 626.00 481.00 439.00 303.00 873.00 381.00 336.00 597.00 14.0077000 14.6166000 27.1061000 17.8928000 8.71962e+01 22.6405000 78.6555000 1.25892e+02 104.7300000 1.49500e+02 39.0948000 34.5045000 48.6850000 12.0285267 11.9981560 10.1468370 10.6645240 67.7017005 54.1654450 54.6866525 93.6252042 101.1424449 95.6894880 58.0687130 52.7832850 53.9712020 53.4622630 52.3980000 61.3878000 58.3544000 46.2088000 44.6504000 61.7002000 64.3659000 58.3557000 30.0936000 32.9597000 25.9056000 20.6842000 32.7194000 51.7879000 30.9161000 50.4445000 41.7823000 22.0496000 29.8356000 35.3497000 32.8425400 61.8418000 74.1316600 48.8458000 57.8350400 14.7865600 19.1407000 22.7328100 29.4646600 39.7948000 78.9777000 87.453600 32.9970000 32.4912721 27.2284085 24.4059180 33.7127090 30.0616030 74.2115810 27.1268480 95.5209420 26.5042230 23.8089950 39.0006464 24.4501000 12.1907000 24.5360000 55.4667000 40.7473000 68.7347000 28.3758000 31.8742000 30.4511000 30.2878000 24.9054000
1987 107294872 zinc finger HIT-type containing 3 65.00 40.00 90.00 37.00 23.00 23.00 11.0 32.00 90.00 19.00 84.00 27.00 28.00 20.00 34.00 30.00 37.00 30.00 25.00 29.00 29.00 36.00 67.00 43.00 55.00 64.00 42.00 147.00 24.00 59.00 14.00 34.00 26.00 16.00 34.00 85.00 127.00 139.00 121.00 121.00 44.00 79.00 59.00 64.00 88.00 4.0064800 8.7331700 7.7460200 5.9433300 3.21992e+01 12.1696000 8.3742600 2.40791e+01 13.0568000 1.36876e+01 6.0571700 2.9915500 14.7858000 3.0458890 2.6100830 3.5757050 4.5642900 6.6259440 5.9479720 4.8802660 8.1074710 8.8345460 8.4005100 3.6340680 5.7001250 5.4959630 5.0606120 18.0501000 30.0923000 24.3664000 30.6244000 30.6677000 39.3239000 40.6665000 41.6930000 22.8294000 31.3997000 17.9661000 19.4745200 29.5145800 23.7289100 49.0699000 57.4604000 51.7089000 25.6199400 38.0269000 30.3199100 13.5738000 12.7569500 21.2042000 21.6254900 15.6811600 14.7692000 11.2255100 13.1857800 16.9298000 8.3044500 32.9977700 29.330400 17.3960100 13.8122800 12.2628300 5.8882710 10.5971400 8.9406280 20.1165500 13.8410100 19.0522200 10.1026900 5.1037650 6.5598330 0.1483220 0.5381150 11.3181500 6.0281400 0.1412440 21.7860000 0.2281060 34.8746500 0.0000000 0.0000000 10.6069200
899 107287829 shroom family member 3 20.00 7.00 19.00 15.00 20.00 17.00 46.0 35.00 16.00 20.00 30.00 36.00 7.00 18.00 19.00 31.00 32.00 28.00 13.00 29.00 17.00 22.00 41.00 19.00 65.00 7.00 24.00 21.00 18.00 26.00 14.00 3.00 16.00 23.00 13.00 13.00 10.00 23.00 14.00 30.00 4.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 3.0458400 1.0439900 3.3979000 5.4416700 1.79980e+00 1.1555700 0.7786190 1.54401e-01 3.3958900 4.49597e+00 1.0627800 0.5057230 7.1470500 5.8914723 10.5654984 6.2500334 5.2889550 11.7844120 15.7483396 14.3165356 14.6626000 12.8631640 14.1768916 2.6313270 3.9326620 4.3452780 4.3772940 0.6700020 7.4273100 4.3487700 2.1198100 0.7708740 1.8067100 1.7511800 0.5225530 0.1481130 0.3915430 0.1261430 9.9228400 2.8947200 3.9828600 9.2100500 13.2501000 12.7676000 0.2230840 0.2893860 0.3491750 0.0787367 0.1436100 4.1694700 6.6923500 8.9244400 0.0452611 0.2643300 0.2288140 1.1728300 1.5924700 8.9208910 8.247247 2.3166600 12.4647723 10.8435746 2.1847780 9.6346550 7.1737180 10.7704920 8.6457620 6.8615200 7.9506861 1.1547130 4.0536400 19.4856440 15.4785490 0.6115510 2.2642080 3.8461400 2.5574270 3.3600375 1.7783555 2.4436000 5.3233672 1.7000918
502 107285411 suppression of tumorigenicity 13 (colon carcinoma) (Hsp70 interacting protein) 4262.00 2932.00 2707.00 2866.00 2103.00 1622.00 738.0 1309.00 2004.00 1077.00 2267.00 2323.00 2498.00 1319.00 1523.00 1200.00 1616.00 1462.00 2395.00 1472.00 1290.00 2695.00 3936.00 2453.00 2831.00 2624.00 1952.00 2771.00 1993.00 2495.00 1445.00 1210.00 1321.00 807.00 1024.00 2838.00 2194.00 4347.00 3072.00 2953.00 2664.00 2588.00 2295.00 1834.00 1936.00 14.4037000 37.5731000 25.2910000 23.3506000 3.86646e+01 20.5111000 17.2850000 1.14621e+01 26.8986000 2.23821e+01 9.2417600 4.0530500 26.5760000 14.6705146 14.4221103 12.4909818 16.7830746 9.9685570 9.9222180 10.6680860 34.4847100 31.5054640 32.5042870 29.0027332 27.9009390 26.0159720 26.6878210 96.0286000 136.1850000 107.4940000 92.5179000 150.5710000 187.7040000 215.3970000 259.7140000 155.4040000 120.7730000 160.2080000 26.9394000 54.6680000 64.8706000 52.8513000 121.8610000 126.6900000 49.0791000 93.4271000 105.1300000 110.1258000 118.1336000 204.8742000 144.3711000 246.6937000 76.3029000 106.4997000 120.5316000 53.1962000 71.3994000 99.1168000 231.910000 49.7664000 60.8341074 86.9644720 127.6291300 90.2552200 96.7024000 449.8195890 214.5154670 443.6243050 221.9733150 39.3075300 136.4337070 276.0290000 246.4100000 73.1582000 116.4040000 535.9200000 206.8880000 511.4990000 270.0780000 437.3030000 377.5100000 139.0270000
30 107282615 solute carrier family 35 member B1 500.00 105.00 166.00 1319.00 272.00 277.00 227.0 743.00 242.00 656.00 127.00 501.00 89.00 431.00 305.00 256.00 454.00 725.00 160.00 206.00 520.00 253.00 355.00 136.00 267.00 268.00 304.00 323.00 195.00 395.00 83.00 121.00 192.00 108.00 248.00 181.00 197.00 513.00 535.00 432.00 149.00 209.00 332.00 485.00 570.00 36.1401000 22.6627000 49.4915000 42.3773000 7.09272e+01 30.6160000 37.1312000 4.07150e+01 34.7661000 2.79619e+01 27.3862000 11.4797000 39.0378000 14.1687420 17.2658600 16.2872970 18.2448580 29.9143830 27.3614150 27.3830100 43.9656510 44.5931200 44.4696480 68.3067250 85.2949000 75.1629100 82.4287790 11.1740000 10.3865000 12.2620000 9.6876000 38.5685000 37.4248000 24.6849000 39.3018000 17.4885000 16.3770000 17.5799000 23.2543000 30.5575000 27.2480000 50.6132000 74.3050000 73.4107000 101.8650000 89.8872000 108.3460000 13.2737000 14.9140900 39.4161600 26.3239700 32.0051400 21.5299400 47.0655000 14.0997500 55.5343000 33.4530000 95.8577000 40.242000 97.4554000 17.3377218 13.0896131 25.0135710 36.3164641 33.6743593 50.2814350 33.2375861 76.8713650 53.1962364 57.3000350 28.7511542 0.0380593 0.1777140 7.3876300 12.6855000 0.1352600 16.5450000 0.0278065 15.1735000 0.0422927 0.0375463 9.7675600
1306 107290398 MSS51 mitochondrial translational activator 4.00 126.00 28.00 41.00 27.00 44.00 6.0 27.00 12.00 21.00 5.00 21.00 36.00 7.00 14.00 14.00 2.00 3.00 88.00 20.00 16.00 70.00 56.00 7.00 19.00 157.00 11.00 0.00 27.00 6.00 8.00 30.00 32.00 21.00 19.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.9375600 29.3054000 5.8137900 0.9282780 5.37442e-01 0.7017760 0.3947300 1.01269e+00 0.1434660 6.08161e-02 0.1059160 0.0000000 0.0965648 0.3119520 0.3190770 0.3330200 0.4257630 0.3852770 0.4166930 0.6027020 0.3214070 0.4686670 0.4669640 0.1981350 0.0982774 0.4073400 0.2073370 9.7687700 18.9121000 34.2297000 8.9151800 2.3712600 13.4619000 18.1308000 3.4559900 9.5966700 11.6383000 3.6691400 82.3579000 73.2475000 61.2066000 0.1754790 0.0514980 0.0589367 0.1659380 0.0000000 0.0000000 93.7908000 123.2170000 0.0000000 0.6458877 0.0249181 0.0000000 0.2574760 0.5606990 0.9752810 3.3892800 2.6505800 2.563950 2.0744700 0.3871358 0.3201886 1.0554100 2.5576900 3.1311650 0.2588340 0.8557450 0.8671280 0.5723740 0.1000203 0.2520741 3.6892000 3.0076500 1.8347200 1.5975000 4.4569700 16.0683000 22.7625000 1.8681500 0.5325250 0.0000000 1.2707600
1916 107294420 phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type I, beta 37.00 281.00 316.00 103.00 44.00 137.00 16.0 67.00 167.00 27.00 171.00 249.00 158.00 33.00 28.00 57.00 30.00 32.00 349.00 44.00 75.00 183.00 376.00 129.00 134.00 260.00 75.00 10.00 129.00 47.00 41.00 204.00 77.00 79.00 44.00 178.00 229.00 231.00 283.00 182.00 21.00 39.00 31.00 30.00 18.00 0.1589920 0.0000000 0.6489660 0.9025760 1.14924e-01 2.2947600 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 4.8159200 5.42794e+00 2.5875800 0.9141440 8.2829100 4.8737000 6.0586310 6.5547900 6.1283000 9.7910920 8.1799140 8.2551204 2.9049000 2.6910610 3.2464455 0.1672609 0.1039640 0.0000000 0.0690956 1.6081400 4.1467300 2.1742800 2.5370200 4.9703400 14.4783000 9.9108900 4.9080400 1.6879200 2.3291100 0.3554350 19.5919000 40.8124700 57.5618300 3.3887440 18.1179200 18.0968600 0.5875837 1.7044130 0.5783517 16.4554500 16.9865100 22.6733800 32.5924600 23.6908000 4.9077340 6.0183410 7.2394740 31.8205000 43.3802340 7.5255950 13.010938 1.5137926 9.7951398 10.6065788 20.6369840 29.1546430 31.2696020 15.7592700 12.8749360 11.3078200 8.2185179 1.2272560 0.6162290 42.7420960 26.1531650 0.8273200 6.7913100 1.7038900 2.4102895 2.1666313 4.7593368 0.2108000 0.0480113 0.1046840
224 107283827 RAB21, member RAS oncogene family 1240.00 1132.00 1235.00 1480.00 827.00 709.00 495.0 627.00 981.00 620.00 1103.00 702.00 739.00 714.00 523.00 594.00 847.00 793.00 1226.00 699.00 625.00 881.00 1034.00 1243.00 1283.00 1180.00 774.00 1279.00 1337.00 1414.00 2730.00 2499.00 2932.00 628.00 2128.00 1347.00 1021.00 1822.00 1706.00 1200.00 764.00 448.00 450.00 458.00 477.00 15.9601000 108.7850000 28.4267000 23.2033000 6.01422e+01 38.8807000 15.8426000 1.70904e+01 18.8403000 1.89620e+01 11.8698000 3.7220900 32.5923000 3.3546800 3.0465380 4.0700230 4.3227720 19.2025620 17.1018900 17.8158700 25.2863000 23.2184500 23.6625600 18.2559400 22.6484200 24.6366300 17.4409500 87.3140000 127.5530000 95.8658000 70.2864000 63.1429000 95.6827000 127.0720000 80.8417000 90.7612000 62.0511000 68.5401000 24.9092000 50.7182000 56.2838000 19.0863000 55.5429000 53.1814000 14.5742000 46.3080000 35.0030000 40.3859000 46.4329000 35.8208000 36.4636000 39.5808000 14.0192000 17.5824000 16.3320000 79.7835000 84.6414000 49.1346000 61.705400 31.1342000 22.7676510 13.1767589 30.0864300 27.0252600 32.7797780 37.4387600 19.1020100 38.4545800 14.5471900 7.3965900 5.2414800 254.8543000 145.4475300 19.1062930 60.7726800 149.6970200 53.9066700 104.1713700 58.1162400 97.5803000 114.9909230 69.6642100
1727 107293109 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A5 355.00 429.00 447.00 429.00 204.00 404.00 158.0 275.00 358.00 210.00 364.00 308.00 272.00 251.00 181.00 203.00 129.00 108.00 398.00 139.00 197.00 412.00 324.00 358.00 482.00 554.00 257.00 496.00 699.00 178.00 2222.00 1405.00 1680.00 130.00 2373.00 359.00 338.00 388.00 227.00 278.00 407.00 260.00 290.00 138.00 235.00 13.6365000 132.4300000 31.3761000 16.4795000 4.48683e+01 61.4362000 44.5593000 5.16720e+01 23.6869000 2.77413e+01 15.6165000 8.8302200 22.6914000 25.0661200 20.2404500 23.5873300 28.1633300 49.7791600 48.1653270 55.9712700 21.6416200 23.9483900 22.6562160 6.4124700 5.7693100 6.7452800 6.6926600 30.3732000 21.2827000 22.7420000 16.7970000 20.4311000 14.8796000 14.4238000 11.3727000 9.3566100 10.6222000 10.9986000 141.3270000 124.9150000 108.1890000 91.9810000 102.9630000 87.3386000 54.5430000 27.7866000 33.0844000 69.3304000 176.2800000 58.8568000 50.2450000 42.6604000 14.8465000 21.4946000 25.7702000 91.1691000 90.4750000 40.0701900 60.372900 18.8908700 86.9175876 54.6060354 64.9084647 33.5798380 60.0179133 88.7575720 11.0037245 298.9359874 40.4197328 44.2831902 96.3391640 100.3940000 75.9704100 526.9167000 504.4788000 1498.7490000 219.2240000 112.3710000 331.9316000 145.4777000 70.4167200 116.2982000
1674 107292723 growth factor receptor bound protein 2 105.00 162.00 183.00 88.00 93.00 66.00 68.0 80.00 115.00 66.00 151.00 209.00 152.00 86.00 52.00 86.00 53.00 87.00 216.00 78.00 55.00 269.00 698.00 149.00 227.00 89.00 100.00 19.00 154.00 53.00 29.00 15.00 39.00 17.00 26.00 36.00 30.00 66.00 73.00 59.00 54.00 114.00 113.00 120.00 115.00 21.5040000 6.2518500 37.0745000 31.0447000 3.87416e+01 15.2458000 51.9994000 5.22700e+01 36.4723000 3.09218e+01 27.1710000 4.9970100 45.3042000 8.2112700 9.2786331 11.1654395 6.6751326 26.3766000 27.6495000 28.0829000 29.5486210 28.0932310 29.2863740 22.8856670 23.1108576 26.1004780 22.9833120 43.4198000 66.8722000 55.5195000 56.2244000 52.9540000 79.2681000 82.6547000 56.7196000 91.4631000 79.0138000 44.9893000 37.6891000 57.2234000 66.0745000 57.6879000 133.2610000 130.5050000 33.9472000 72.6075000 71.8159000 35.4556000 43.0477000 98.0913000 79.3836000 76.6420000 42.2522000 40.2939000 52.7176000 24.4564700 28.4209600 44.3734000 47.020400 63.9424500 13.6016700 11.7647100 20.5414400 17.1030600 16.7749700 47.7773400 42.4379300 55.0626000 28.5249100 11.5079000 17.5883900 4.8187200 18.1032400 12.8254000 29.8755800 76.7596500 45.4362700 12.8600300 51.7301600 8.1096600 4.3680080 35.4760700
183 107283647 sarcoglycan epsilon 49.00 207.00 211.00 78.00 29.00 177.00 21.0 52.00 154.00 59.00 88.00 331.00 155.00 39.00 34.00 58.00 43.00 45.00 237.00 52.00 94.00 276.00 364.00 159.00 67.00 295.00 51.00 18.00 199.00 35.00 44.00 822.00 104.00 228.00 169.00 113.00 52.00 254.00 163.00 100.00 37.00 32.00 18.00 24.00 24.00 0.0994566 0.2834970 0.2127670 0.2158230 2.11503e-01 0.1512950 0.0000000 2.02153e-01 0.1374650 9.17792e-01 0.9133710 1.2006600 1.0582700 2.7228520 2.4997213 3.0218369 2.8001306 7.5676333 6.4929110 7.0391151 5.8116920 4.7595623 5.6141548 1.6274100 1.0312900 1.3075185 1.7239566 3.7930100 15.4659000 4.7245700 9.7628800 43.2178000 65.5752000 89.8083000 68.1095000 0.1282420 0.6053810 0.7021240 11.2385700 12.2060400 13.1849900 3.3488010 5.1942620 8.0416800 2.1840490 2.3559890 1.8493410 5.6998100 2.9559720 4.1206340 5.5922920 6.0146740 13.5901600 1.1228370 2.4422090 9.1942540 10.2223207 15.4733600 22.135097 4.4377070 22.4525515 9.8835117 18.3902991 14.5882899 16.7702938 17.6471165 6.8576321 26.3416568 11.8400250 4.9406340 15.7550780 7.4471190 2.7651910 1.8437369 1.3256970 1.9155020 1.5277080 3.9021460 5.7793495 3.1516670 3.1357640 0.4983010
1728 107293116 SYF2 pre-mRNA-splicing factor 127.00 130.00 220.00 101.00 59.00 117.00 39.0 79.00 131.00 55.00 65.00 88.00 102.00 72.00 74.00 111.00 58.00 58.00 192.00 71.00 76.00 119.00 183.00 129.00 133.00 200.00 77.00 64.00 129.00 65.00 110.00 109.00 137.00 107.00 130.00 149.00 131.00 238.00 216.00 177.00 99.00 87.00 75.00 88.00 105.00 3.6891500 13.4556000 9.5056400 5.7943600 1.09319e+01 5.2651800 11.1466000 9.51480e+00 14.3219000 1.38397e+01 9.8343200 3.4016300 17.9822000 11.0128030 9.4209800 9.3703120 9.5145390 12.1463200 13.5539860 14.6738370 23.9255700 23.5924040 24.0466900 10.4208340 11.5197110 10.4295870 9.9282300 50.8534000 59.5910000 83.6157000 44.1616000 50.0333000 93.6422000 81.2128000 71.1271000 42.4055000 57.1943000 24.7916000 39.1478000 49.7238000 48.1777000 49.4177000 79.9322000 68.6285000 32.8226000 35.3156000 34.4622000 20.6927000 30.8127000 44.8973000 43.3529000 39.5748000 25.5032500 26.2570000 25.0081900 35.4608200 26.3579400 33.8567500 38.988460 24.9753900 30.1737995 26.1150774 35.3320250 13.7182230 13.9577160 43.4984614 19.0848420 80.8899450 14.1152020 21.3877500 25.4537746 29.8936000 19.6116000 13.7294000 15.1998000 43.4912000 17.2612000 24.9427000 43.0388000 22.6699000 18.4358000 15.0207000
1159 107289356 INO80 complex subunit D 145.00 111.00 201.00 88.00 72.00 77.00 69.0 110.00 115.00 74.00 186.00 208.00 86.00 81.00 45.00 80.00 64.00 121.00 128.00 76.00 86.00 137.00 299.00 168.00 237.00 103.00 118.00 86.00 162.00 134.00 43.00 41.00 74.00 132.00 51.00 72.00 60.00 84.00 64.00 43.00 21.00 48.00 33.00 37.00 61.00 1.0908400 0.6274920 1.4882500 1.6130000 2.44995e+00 0.3593640 1.8488100 9.59304e-01 2.7578200 3.84686e+00 2.1027300 0.6243740 3.4333300 0.6008003 0.6989027 0.7326900 0.8343331 3.2144694 3.4697772 3.6103859 5.7330140 5.3963577 5.4118355 3.0499324 4.2551460 4.5072410 4.6024157 1.0262000 1.0923100 0.3654630 0.4984290 1.6174100 1.7142600 1.1696500 0.5843500 2.0187200 1.3908100 0.3982870 9.9009500 2.8759900 4.0663400 7.9313000 3.7564200 3.3193200 8.2883500 2.3237300 2.9611800 1.4015470 0.8937680 1.1240500 1.2318900 0.6565090 0.5715080 0.9461880 1.2750440 1.7427860 1.3539160 3.3196100 2.486369 1.1967750 1.1877510 0.7841120 0.9119930 2.1769970 1.7773027 1.9712540 0.7766610 2.8898600 0.9499590 0.5572120 1.1312290 0.9128830 0.8219600 0.2091060 2.4686800 2.1703100 1.0647400 1.6176600 0.5543400 0.8349610 0.9576800 1.6112200
1801 107293617 cartilage associated protein 90.00 196.00 157.00 171.00 49.00 182.00 30.0 58.00 256.00 56.00 85.00 300.00 142.00 42.00 54.00 59.00 32.00 56.00 215.00 60.00 130.00 215.00 1107.00 147.00 112.00 240.00 67.00 38.00 234.00 77.00 217.00 369.00 462.00 166.00 343.00 105.00 100.00 192.00 152.00 95.00 27.00 34.00 55.00 57.00 117.00 1.3332900 3.0765900 4.7538400 1.3151200 4.15031e+00 3.1550200 1.1091300 3.25201e+00 2.6106700 7.90952e+00 7.2276200 5.9964500 5.6592400 2.7120770 2.8283300 4.1573300 2.4595350 36.2013000 32.9843000 32.8431000 60.2756000 62.8097000 58.3373000 7.3626800 8.8406200 9.7080400 10.5745800 8.4857700 7.6638200 11.4379000 4.2110700 6.9766700 17.9876000 13.4440000 6.9684800 16.4161000 18.0993000 11.1179000 22.4024700 30.8002600 33.6659300 12.3718700 32.6126700 31.9726600 3.5853500 8.7395700 7.7044100 14.5692000 17.5615000 9.1383500 8.8115600 13.4980000 1.7055400 1.8037200 2.0074800 27.0990053 17.9225000 73.2007100 74.512437 25.2589000 37.6777200 28.3219000 47.5065000 40.3196600 37.4991200 67.4928000 93.8530000 118.7237000 25.6222500 12.9973500 29.0535000 110.3517000 74.6830000 6.0056500 13.7764580 16.0753400 88.1288710 82.1299000 47.1403000 27.5602200 34.2949000 15.1432600
1388 107290853 cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 2 30.00 24.00 27.00 21.00 21.00 20.00 15.0 22.00 28.00 32.00 17.00 24.00 19.00 25.00 25.00 17.00 22.00 7.00 21.00 17.00 19.00 22.00 37.00 44.00 40.00 19.00 26.00 19.00 29.00 15.00 10.00 48.00 11.00 55.00 21.00 47.00 38.00 52.00 32.00 49.00 6.00 8.00 12.00 20.00 29.00 0.1632190 0.0454755 0.1737520 0.2423400 4.54327e-01 0.2265120 0.9555520 1.49813e+00 3.7816900 3.48426e+00 1.1965200 1.0507800 0.7207650 1.7096560 1.1017200 1.4376880 1.4200380 2.1154073 3.1549670 3.4786280 17.7429800 17.2555500 18.2703300 5.7824240 5.6101930 4.8290640 4.7412840 0.1162930 0.3718740 0.4354720 0.4807830 1.1271400 2.7807400 3.1856200 2.4223800 0.0557243 0.0526105 0.2033930 4.9555730 2.2021700 5.9656180 40.6078800 27.7655900 22.0848000 7.3197450 5.5978690 6.8149680 1.1522500 1.0287900 4.8532200 4.6910100 5.0740300 0.5943610 1.5429400 1.0147300 1.2199300 1.3097800 9.8470300 19.418680 4.0359200 0.9251155 1.0655580 1.5080430 2.9262670 4.3884200 15.4322100 12.1289700 13.1209460 6.3065550 0.9999143 2.3087010 2.2797300 1.5412840 0.0662456 1.2952780 1.3012400 12.7905800 8.2218300 3.3211400 3.9341300 9.3504800 13.0339800
308 107284274 runt related transcription factor 2 24.00 165.00 273.00 17.00 29.00 43.00 8.0 22.00 120.00 22.00 168.00 87.00 164.00 28.00 29.00 23.00 12.00 6.00 154.00 41.00 25.00 203.00 556.00 101.00 50.00 53.00 26.00 7.00 141.00 10.00 5.00 9.00 7.00 96.00 21.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.9810940 2.1771469 2.4489690 2.4687950 0.1031552 0.4476851 0.3982198 1.1126340 1.5821838 1.2859401 0.2025006 0.3777198 0.1817441 0.3222194 0.0806345 0.6772420 0.5551450 0.4326410 0.9474910 3.8512800 3.0458000 2.4167600 0.7103800 0.2682740 0.6050060 0.8182870 0.4062550 0.3164200 1.4932100 0.4897140 0.5604520 0.9791230 0.1652390 0.3987570 0.5213740 0.3808530 0.5617920 0.5613330 0.9128700 0.2159510 1.1624960 2.4068225 2.8289135 0.6056716 2.7275400 1.128241 0.1464280 8.6611241 3.8536948 0.3516818 0.5105700 0.8112110 0.6209490 0.2730430 0.6805296 0.1374629 0.0387907 0.2497650 6.1877700 9.3586100 0.2907759 0.4299450 0.7787830 1.3451900 3.7438300 1.3547470 0.9557900 1.1594200 0.8112612
1741 107293202 secreted protein acidic and cysteine rich 737.00 4243.00 3881.00 809.00 551.00 994.00 420.0 432.00 12495.00 365.00 1642.00 7946.00 9399.00 1016.00 1020.00 1084.00 576.00 222.00 6112.00 1601.00 532.00 4490.00 29745.00 1526.00 1469.00 1427.00 1093.00 285.00 1388.00 696.00 457.00 6547.00 738.00 700.00 1047.00 340.00 370.00 337.00 333.00 157.00 73.00 154.00 71.00 51.00 143.00 22.5088000 232.4180000 18.8652000 34.9314000 2.64309e+01 36.7411000 6.5727200 9.43629e+01 6.1295900 3.61967e+01 10.6637000 3.9960400 215.4980000 20.0542950 25.2769920 23.9873000 25.0541000 332.7887630 431.6656028 452.0191873 380.4007940 370.9008094 375.0206840 113.6726730 102.5676900 103.1172550 112.5829622 68.9671000 77.8864000 54.8581000 89.0794000 36.4740000 70.4560000 49.3297000 62.4890000 24.3524000 30.7328000 21.2935000 949.4870000 241.7450000 243.9710000 203.6820000 54.6024000 147.2600000 62.7053000 43.7377000 33.5004000 417.4762000 465.3260000 154.6175000 284.0002000 112.3237000 24.4897100 50.2591000 53.7713000 217.1600000 175.2740000 512.4540000 247.576000 81.8102000 90.2247454 86.2266780 771.1034200 659.1562500 682.5693300 1229.4050820 456.8560100 585.8908910 131.7337320 34.2247010 83.5025600 189.8099000 121.5649700 147.8576900 249.2518000 262.0040100 92.5280300 299.5669600 630.4611000 45.5532100 0.0709760 22.3490200
1626 107292360 leucine zipper and CTNNBIP1 domain containing 115.00 75.00 107.00 105.00 52.00 72.00 29.0 37.00 97.00 44.00 85.00 92.00 55.00 63.00 43.00 54.00 67.00 44.00 137.00 35.00 63.00 106.00 129.00 138.00 139.00 67.00 64.00 111.00 80.00 62.00 56.00 32.00 80.00 22.00 66.00 76.00 73.00 62.00 86.00 66.00 22.00 35.00 21.00 29.00 44.00 3.8263600 7.1975100 5.7613500 5.6558300 1.03950e+01 3.6973300 4.8997000 4.60910e+00 7.6838600 1.37979e+01 5.4487400 3.5174600 8.7300900 2.8713310 1.6231619 4.5047470 1.7734700 10.0392260 11.1128990 11.7658790 5.3116770 5.9049310 5.2355000 2.7240650 6.5129900 2.8297900 7.2098860 108.8440000 84.5517000 93.7134000 66.5390000 72.7745000 74.5571000 57.0370000 48.5871000 30.2551000 35.8456000 16.6007000 7.7974600 14.4493210 19.0163300 11.4368660 29.8976880 24.5215000 9.0435140 11.7097200 13.3421660 43.3975900 42.2268700 48.3717000 60.1595100 35.1465100 20.6072400 34.7076000 24.1089500 6.5472500 6.0962800 13.4323000 17.867900 7.4727400 12.0711010 10.3294630 4.1965900 8.5255520 7.5188050 8.0220220 5.8598500 20.0001420 5.9848900 4.5516420 8.3116960 0.1212630 14.2778400 3.5524750 5.6621700 15.3039100 8.5386200 20.5218400 22.1821000 0.0674088 0.0000000 3.5809600
1110 107289034 PDZ domain containing 1 3.00 7.00 4.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 4.0 2.00 9.00 3.00 10.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.95 3.00 5.00 8.00 12.00 3.00 0.00 12.00 1.00 3.00 8.00 13.00 7.00 12.00 12194.00 14363.00 15724.00 3838.00 5904.00 12.00 53.00 24.00 5.00 41.00 0.0173332 0.0000000 0.0218893 0.0000000 7.29349e-02 0.0570331 0.1202980 1.37175e-01 265.9620000 1.35171e+02 0.4952520 0.1797110 0.2551530 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2368743 0.2686214 274.0788930 274.5430670 268.1574900 16.9646960 14.6429631 13.9593430 14.2189120 0.0367104 0.4810120 0.2048270 0.1396750 277.6750000 497.1710000 679.9150000 538.0130000 5.7793800 8.4877900 3.4599700 0.3105084 0.8316510 1.4444390 252.6415000 659.2715000 573.0113000 8.7109000 4.2619700 1.7312700 15.1610800 12.7946200 368.8601000 248.1897000 307.4286000 32.1806000 44.3003000 33.8553500 1.0842500 2.0709550 185.7316000 569.737000 7.0005600 0.2802407 0.0995446 0.1201150 0.5072920 0.0005393 647.5502000 360.0144000 913.7132000 69.9594900 23.0597800 47.5905000 12.9611088 13.4515000 1.7653649 1.7849490 10.9325000 470.3539960 1303.1811940 307.7650000 71.0534000 52.0011470 33.6426000
1353 107290606 WD repeat domain, phosphoinositide interacting 2 181.00 272.00 419.00 158.00 143.00 371.00 107.0 236.00 170.00 393.00 516.00 279.00 188.00 195.00 129.00 238.00 210.00 177.00 557.00 278.00 195.00 321.00 471.00 527.00 765.00 187.00 190.00 144.00 413.00 84.00 168.00 151.00 158.00 278.00 170.00 190.00 104.00 209.00 162.00 137.00 100.00 148.00 122.00 137.00 262.00 7.2941200 8.4892500 10.9061000 8.3767900 1.20958e+01 3.8105400 11.5521000 1.00460e+01 12.5505000 1.27296e+01 7.5676000 3.7441300 10.6629000 4.0423920 5.8405240 4.9483260 5.5081210 13.9940855 15.2153593 15.6823041 45.7759050 45.8810300 46.4808530 36.7344450 39.1572790 41.5510020 40.8621500 41.0502000 38.8530000 35.3778000 21.1785000 30.3028000 33.2797000 31.9422000 34.3954000 22.3283000 22.9125000 25.2129000 20.7168000 28.7200000 29.0353000 27.1296000 42.4971000 30.9923000 14.9240000 18.9743000 19.6379000 18.5318700 23.2215000 24.8234600 33.5092300 34.7721600 10.4657000 18.6700600 22.9847000 8.0354800 6.4763200 34.1386100 29.687510 16.6843300 13.0043531 15.9988468 34.0758070 29.8120715 40.5433590 57.2256500 53.8547600 54.1911760 26.3601370 12.0128993 19.3963986 0.2986761 22.7820400 12.0800800 24.6360000 33.5531000 33.1618000 32.0059800 30.2331000 0.1690650 0.2251460 30.3623800
1375 107290751 angiopoietin 1 16.00 24.00 10.00 15.00 5.00 2.00 16.0 6.00 27.00 8.00 9.00 8.00 9.00 12.00 18.00 8.00 6.00 7.00 3.00 5.00 0.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 17.00 17.00 12.00 3.00 0.00 13.00 194.00 64.00 186.00 74.00 159.00 19.00 19.00 10.00 18.00 22.00 2.00 4.00 0.00 8.00 2.00 0.9968750 1.5382800 1.7856800 2.0597400 1.35346e+00 0.9577680 0.5050490 2.55943e-01 0.8792820 1.30265e+00 0.7629100 0.0186292 0.1555850 0.3811940 0.3623270 0.6307460 0.5926360 6.1367490 3.7676290 3.8717810 2.8973250 3.4952110 3.3230300 0.1307921 0.6170831 0.3380214 0.3282471 11.7316000 12.9545000 58.8597000 6.5989900 1.4504400 3.2472100 2.6469800 1.2271600 0.2076220 0.1470160 0.1263030 2.1750500 7.9897500 3.8685900 0.3057330 1.3073200 1.6681400 0.9370560 1.4501100 1.8506500 20.7227000 27.6461000 2.4858200 2.7469800 3.0711700 2.9925000 6.2062600 5.4894200 3.5651100 1.2798770 9.2039890 8.704510 0.6690710 12.4855156 6.9375180 1.3705470 2.1945214 1.3110540 4.4377410 0.5821567 8.2644452 0.2511246 0.0335978 0.3213647 3.0000200 3.7632340 0.0816931 0.4655610 0.7243980 6.8420840 13.2522039 5.9540570 4.1628270 2.6323900 1.1413010
771 107287045 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B13 21.00 80.00 65.00 32.00 14.00 45.00 3.0 32.00 56.00 28.00 69.00 37.00 106.00 20.00 4.00 109.00 17.00 13.00 205.00 25.00 77.00 152.00 62.00 173.00 11.00 54.00 22.00 7.00 36.00 7.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 7.00 7.00 17.00 5.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.1294620 0.1713340 0.0818286 0.0830040 2.72321e-01 10.4543000 0.0000000 3.42084e-01 4.2889300 4.43742e+00 1.0465100 0.2240920 6.1650700 0.0000000 0.1554800 0.2223006 0.2082320 0.1874087 0.8775820 0.8583770 0.3438490 0.5087490 0.6424110 0.1291977 0.3708600 0.2515740 0.2011077 2.8946700 2.3350500 1.5950600 3.4184800 6.6089900 5.1555800 7.5579600 8.1012600 0.2041090 1.5416300 0.4966650 1.0624200 0.3724340 12.2799000 9.4782600 5.0812400 3.1528300 0.1910720 0.4544470 0.3427120 0.1518660 0.5653990 4.5789100 11.7801000 3.3407500 0.2875430 0.4496760 0.2681100 0.4058810 0.4187450 2.5955300 1.801800 0.4055030 0.1577707 0.1312435 0.3789930 1.2582440 0.1983580 0.4996962 0.4291950 0.6282117 0.2281580 0.0213954 0.1297210 0.7272580 1.2449700 0.1673590 0.8880690 0.7914092 0.4770840 2.4248910 4.3114270 1.5263080 0.8088250 0.3661190
121 107283289 engulfment and cell motility 1 153.00 77.00 147.00 277.00 115.00 123.00 151.0 234.00 155.00 222.00 171.00 127.00 43.00 146.00 134.00 106.00 215.00 305.00 123.00 142.00 159.00 186.00 338.00 89.00 162.00 127.00 234.00 39.00 195.00 74.00 107.00 58.00 237.00 234.00 210.00 111.00 111.00 360.00 402.00 267.00 27.00 76.00 152.00 237.00 235.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.5154040 1.3070200 9.80133e-01 0.0000000 1.4172400 3.59107e-01 0.0000000 5.82279e-01 2.5352000 0.0000000 2.3113800 1.7443532 2.9196325 3.5345229 2.1550756 4.3319378 4.2310403 4.3123821 3.1321241 3.1464900 3.4393497 0.9291377 1.3385860 1.5505863 1.8338186 5.0523200 7.8111100 4.9287100 2.2204500 1.7903100 3.6754900 1.8086600 0.7016170 1.6704800 2.2530600 0.5322990 9.1214500 9.6803000 14.1053000 1.5239700 4.3244700 8.2253100 2.7534500 3.3203600 3.8529300 1.8072850 3.5124800 2.8947970 3.5791400 3.1808930 3.1984400 4.9579960 10.2209500 2.9640150 3.9425000 2.6418700 2.991910 4.3741890 4.6589990 1.7472600 8.7266440 7.2736020 11.5766309 2.8077326 5.4418260 4.9346734 9.6286250 2.9757139 10.4386608 6.9299567 3.8570620 2.9467400 6.2668040 2.9416400 15.8093420 11.5735031 14.2521250 5.2558100 15.3611510 11.1608400
1829 107293880 NSF attachment protein alpha 507.00 202.00 322.00 194.00 304.00 236.00 136.0 136.00 142.00 183.00 229.00 375.00 148.00 168.00 145.00 195.00 270.00 258.00 347.00 252.00 148.00 288.00 641.00 203.00 407.00 108.00 277.00 114.00 186.00 123.00 149.00 70.00 130.00 155.00 132.00 269.00 147.00 330.00 203.00 205.00 115.00 198.00 119.00 144.00 206.00 13.4071000 2.5686800 18.4055000 22.6902000 3.30691e+01 7.8188800 11.0925000 1.21567e+01 26.8200000 2.05827e+01 9.2049900 7.5128700 19.6161000 19.2352560 24.0185680 25.5139380 22.7290700 60.4438160 106.9220380 104.7523600 142.2419800 136.1440400 139.8709820 100.4855300 146.9690520 150.1251800 148.4289600 25.3530000 28.8252000 21.4658000 10.6671000 50.2494000 46.5639000 50.7610000 25.3913000 37.1329000 25.9320000 17.1672000 125.3065000 64.5935000 75.5006000 202.2378000 67.5621000 84.6329000 114.9085000 43.1755000 58.6159000 17.6586450 23.7636690 48.0849230 47.2307490 45.3871440 17.7607812 22.2549750 34.7405270 87.9115600 43.1790900 226.7307400 140.100150 283.2208950 29.1806130 32.0250020 72.1107511 139.7466351 135.9747510 205.5328309 215.5369800 159.7113564 106.3422730 101.4153351 102.8988789 96.5395280 122.4492480 44.4638030 69.8451220 99.5077000 89.7368080 140.6104000 100.9472360 36.0135000 39.6286325 43.4072130
1745 107293244 adenomatous polyposis coli 1455.00 946.00 1150.00 1221.00 988.00 681.00 750.0 835.00 1190.00 634.00 1174.00 511.00 635.00 911.00 995.00 758.00 1071.00 1020.00 899.00 653.00 580.00 966.00 1269.00 989.00 1221.00 767.00 1137.00 633.00 1165.00 1520.00 655.00 625.00 565.00 652.00 797.00 824.00 662.00 1030.00 910.00 808.00 365.00 445.00 308.00 413.00 568.00 2.6764200 6.5140200 4.1087500 3.7969500 1.73107e+01 1.5587600 4.2372200 2.50193e+00 7.4794200 8.62123e+00 4.3192800 1.4495200 11.3869000 1.3763958 1.8440502 3.0704166 1.7580938 3.6198606 3.1256170 2.6180663 5.6832141 5.9091719 6.6808144 2.4339171 2.6543858 2.2759136 2.3032385 1.2408300 6.6796100 4.5849200 2.0361000 3.0205300 11.0460000 11.5736000 4.1566100 6.2173900 5.7981700 3.1807800 6.4182550 7.3009700 30.7147690 5.0913110 11.3117500 12.4938296 4.5478300 5.5809100 6.6300510 4.6422040 6.1023200 5.1314730 5.2539990 4.4993700 1.0618100 2.4045500 3.1483812 5.4597000 4.5328000 4.6698300 6.049558 2.1590600 3.4490023 2.6022739 2.8032105 4.0122760 5.2569070 3.7027770 1.2340414 5.6907990 1.8364330 0.6575290 1.0628263 15.8106306 10.6562797 1.7948510 12.3797760 30.6898550 10.9463300 23.8229030 8.1651633 7.2957347 10.2605120 5.6279781
1729 107293128 glucosamine (UDP-N-acetyl)-2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase 1811.46 1148.32 1022.00 375.00 785.00 600.00 568.0 570.60 356.00 496.51 683.46 389.00 446.15 490.13 495.23 598.00 575.00 474.00 1359.00 711.57 243.48 461.90 1198.08 966.00 2519.00 750.43 747.00 95.43 641.00 357.00 129.94 64.00 152.85 143.00 94.00 201.67 140.00 226.52 199.00 249.00 642.67 683.13 197.52 351.53 350.37 2.7414000 1.6727100 3.8451700 4.4614200 4.29262e+00 3.8454200 57.2440000 1.69555e+01 18.0661000 2.28809e+01 14.6474000 2.2518900 56.0982000 77.9258330 96.1328493 103.8053990 101.8120462 5.7999956 8.3190110 6.9770394 14.6898140 14.7072390 15.3343658 52.7155160 61.8555237 60.8882420 59.0221190 7.5389800 16.0783000 15.1426000 7.9953800 7.1682600 30.1633000 19.7463000 10.6252000 111.5830000 106.0270000 74.7592000 5.8386700 10.2621500 12.9124600 16.7869000 47.0052700 65.8999100 31.1098300 44.9198200 55.7870500 2.3520450 4.6679250 11.4268500 11.9192200 12.9160400 19.0213000 25.8735200 14.1206400 2.9868523 3.5498442 8.9071646 17.087882 16.6144060 27.0659860 26.7316464 3.7561567 5.8408017 5.0550467 4.2449410 4.4216360 6.6391540 21.6103760 8.0929001 29.4745220 458.7976508 277.8454200 4.2204250 2.7460950 9.5459670 6.3966870 15.4621450 17.9214930 111.7928200 79.6886500 34.1098940
225 107283830 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type R 10.00 47.00 49.00 21.00 14.00 20.00 5.0 13.00 32.00 15.00 45.00 14.00 30.00 11.00 6.00 10.00 9.00 1.00 29.00 8.00 14.00 48.00 33.00 55.00 40.00 52.00 19.00 8.00 37.00 7.00 34.00 706.00 33.00 104.00 40.00 31.00 30.00 85.00 51.00 60.00 11.00 13.00 9.00 6.00 5.00 0.3365080 0.2095740 0.4504130 0.4061180 1.35619e+00 1.4353400 0.4587150 1.74347e-01 4.8015700 2.88351e+00 0.7877400 0.1370530 0.3590970 0.0516716 0.0903574 0.0943071 0.0000000 0.8144749 0.5053970 0.5439426 0.9825116 0.8921550 1.0398690 0.0000000 0.2622725 0.4952853 0.1222020 0.3533470 1.3787300 0.6552440 0.4325850 0.7127350 2.0185600 1.3388700 0.6081420 0.8254990 1.2227400 0.4495880 1.1729200 2.3149200 1.3417800 1.0549800 3.5574300 3.0787900 0.3213520 0.8211310 0.0792626 1.5172020 0.9258290 2.5825440 4.9270030 2.1371260 1.2706600 2.9404200 5.9325910 0.0674863 0.3357550 0.2507462 1.149398 0.0246104 0.1790215 0.0291622 0.2656120 0.0000000 0.2557400 0.2774470 0.1599909 0.1059480 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0179267 3.4202400 3.8210600 0.9251690 0.7967570 1.8006800 0.8173143 3.7083370 5.1433540 0.3370800 0.3607670 0.1879774
1978 107294834 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 15 92.00 166.00 129.00 97.00 80.00 83.00 44.0 98.00 90.00 95.00 155.00 67.00 56.00 85.00 175.00 69.00 67.00 114.00 173.00 90.00 91.00 192.00 252.00 298.00 214.00 113.00 100.00 14.00 144.00 35.00 28.00 14.00 46.00 63.00 56.00 127.00 146.00 147.00 191.00 148.00 18.00 99.00 36.00 87.00 83.00 1.4152300 0.5762920 1.8349000 2.7918800 1.52661e+00 0.0000000 3.1955100 1.59808e+00 5.8682100 3.73137e+00 2.0758900 0.9212420 4.8549800 0.6391230 0.7699870 0.9344166 0.9388190 2.1447620 5.0091500 4.5782400 18.0987100 17.9185600 21.6423900 18.5011300 12.5667500 14.0081300 13.9497000 1.7003200 1.9250200 3.2055700 0.9965940 1.8722400 2.9216500 1.5644700 1.3071500 0.9632960 1.2942400 0.6536190 5.0500700 3.0715100 4.3455700 7.3637900 7.6016600 8.5049300 5.0304900 4.0005400 2.6040900 2.3341430 4.8058300 4.7433900 5.3079300 4.1487700 1.4705390 3.2761700 2.2951790 10.8338000 2.9352700 61.4211000 40.007600 30.3229000 0.4190459 4.0986205 15.0453672 13.2064626 14.8797396 28.7317850 32.8418573 8.5825496 15.0622310 5.1923630 2.9489932 5.2184400 15.5133000 0.3528750 2.6160900 5.6532100 9.9883600 13.7239000 3.6477800 5.1496600 8.1898200 8.4149800
1485 107291433 fibronectin type III and SPRY domain containing 1-like 128.00 229.00 228.00 145.00 58.00 234.00 46.0 91.00 128.00 90.00 85.00 124.00 133.00 50.00 92.00 61.00 69.00 55.00 160.00 63.00 67.00 159.00 241.00 151.00 141.00 274.00 134.00 80.00 171.00 66.00 105.00 111.00 161.00 115.00 116.00 654.00 168.00 353.00 358.00 412.00 45.00 60.00 62.00 69.00 110.00 0.6458450 4.0212900 0.9175130 0.7256240 7.20845e-01 3.5072700 0.6414270 1.78781e-01 3.0324000 5.16524e+00 1.9964800 0.7665720 4.9794500 1.1975974 0.9494874 1.0743550 1.0821617 7.2709980 3.9692647 3.4677321 0.6150330 0.6457645 0.5915392 0.0256831 0.0902585 0.1546585 0.1482222 8.5825300 21.1158000 31.3026000 10.0310000 2.8878800 9.1427600 8.5241800 4.7203100 8.2426000 9.7258300 2.7914600 4.3646850 4.0389600 26.5736100 0.8395550 1.7310100 1.3867700 0.8034050 1.1005500 2.3630970 0.4268451 1.5029947 0.6963326 0.9656740 0.7023170 0.0135703 0.1485211 0.1675850 2.4203100 1.4588079 2.8976380 1.940220 0.8929680 0.6336031 0.3437017 0.6518300 1.1521930 1.3098976 1.1744410 0.3455208 2.2701207 0.0603370 0.1384521 0.1012239 4.4928600 2.7980300 0.3844910 2.6047070 3.5194200 2.0266140 2.9322470 1.7274650 9.5868300 4.6373860 6.4883410
1388.1 107290853 cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 2 30.00 24.00 27.00 21.00 21.00 20.00 15.0 22.00 28.00 32.00 17.00 24.00 19.00 25.00 25.00 17.00 22.00 7.00 21.00 17.00 19.00 22.00 37.00 44.00 40.00 19.00 26.00 19.00 29.00 15.00 10.00 48.00 11.00 55.00 21.00 47.00 38.00 52.00 32.00 49.00 6.00 8.00 12.00 20.00 29.00 0.1632190 0.0454755 0.1737520 0.2423400 4.54327e-01 0.2265120 0.9555520 1.49813e+00 3.7816900 3.48426e+00 1.1965200 1.0507800 0.7207650 1.7096560 1.1017200 1.4376880 1.4200380 2.1154073 3.1549670 3.4786280 17.7429800 17.2555500 18.2703300 5.7824240 5.6101930 4.8290640 4.7412840 0.1162930 0.3718740 0.4354720 0.4807830 1.1271400 2.7807400 3.1856200 2.4223800 0.0557243 0.0526105 0.2033930 4.9555730 2.2021700 5.9656180 40.6078800 27.7655900 22.0848000 7.3197450 5.5978690 6.8149680 1.1522500 1.0287900 4.8532200 4.6910100 5.0740300 0.5943610 1.5429400 1.0147300 1.2199300 1.3097800 9.8470300 19.418680 4.0359200 0.9251155 1.0655580 1.5080430 2.9262670 4.3884200 15.4322100 12.1289700 13.1209460 6.3065550 0.9999143 2.3087010 2.2797300 1.5412840 0.0662456 1.2952780 1.3012400 12.7905800 8.2218300 3.3211400 3.9341300 9.3504800 13.0339800
737 107286843 ENTH domain containing 2 18.00 17.00 38.00 3.00 29.00 23.00 12.0 18.00 16.00 18.00 39.00 50.00 21.00 30.00 7.00 17.00 9.00 10.00 59.00 16.00 15.00 18.00 70.00 20.00 51.00 14.00 12.00 35.00 21.00 19.00 10.00 11.00 16.00 19.00 8.00 11.00 8.00 18.00 6.00 7.00 4.00 9.00 11.00 10.00 29.00 2.1056900 0.8037530 5.6273500 2.2411700 3.94705e+00 1.1057900 4.1980300 2.19998e+00 3.6642700 3.83185e+00 1.9747400 0.8515940 5.0484000 1.3065053 1.4361730 1.7511220 1.9677342 9.8177480 11.9142830 11.9884160 21.1429400 21.5947000 22.0390400 14.2576600 24.7924290 22.7049800 22.3570630 5.9827400 5.9054100 4.4856300 2.4357200 4.1645100 2.9566700 5.2929000 1.9688400 2.7902600 2.0021000 1.0863400 10.7682000 4.6521600 4.3387300 24.9491000 8.3524100 7.8595400 16.2489000 7.5091000 5.6524400 1.8892700 1.5471300 2.9931330 3.2116520 3.0268110 0.3688960 0.6903430 1.5950930 2.0336491 1.8747660 17.0760800 18.209710 11.6311300 2.4898560 4.1818690 9.6590640 26.6005100 16.9477100 14.2575000 20.9282600 14.9498200 11.3577100 2.7554490 5.7416050 0.0182889 0.0718306 0.9088508 1.9112854 4.2348800 2.9386940 0.0572633 2.8592279 0.0439362 0.0000000 2.1371250
1806 107293669 transforming growth factor beta 2 806.00 1314.00 1213.00 595.00 307.00 734.00 116.0 237.00 718.00 294.00 490.00 1073.00 517.00 328.00 231.00 324.00 297.00 280.00 933.00 255.00 327.00 774.00 1177.00 659.00 1050.00 763.99 484.00 325.00 781.00 384.00 242.00 697.00 346.00 195.00 377.00 54.00 85.00 61.00 63.00 50.00 137.00 79.00 47.00 112.00 88.00 3.6456600 5.2954800 5.8450400 8.8934900 2.48760e+01 1.3188300 0.2060580 7.83177e-01 1.9971200 2.92076e+00 0.1658710 0.1026080 12.1485000 1.9107740 4.4679890 4.6120690 4.1509400 0.9326851 1.5667730 1.5932850 1.5191932 1.1235220 2.0201670 0.0832534 0.1060075 0.1292293 0.1476987 5.0247100 13.3332000 4.4386000 4.7953200 1.6293600 1.9018900 1.2762200 0.7661840 1.0290400 1.0598600 0.7967250 3.9349300 4.1965200 3.2365500 2.0962400 1.8823900 3.5859500 0.6338890 0.7406780 0.4135060 13.7015000 10.0272000 3.9161800 3.5897000 6.5259000 1.5204900 2.1976700 2.5015100 1.7970370 4.2414320 2.9221220 2.703240 1.7265970 9.4115090 3.2755410 0.2342005 1.4968710 1.3284848 0.7339100 0.2116057 1.4725506 0.1579030 0.0563868 0.1708533 28.8194806 8.9779630 0.6693487 2.1471030 3.8837260 2.0067530 2.9017320 2.2292670 5.0273650 0.2081680 3.2971783
588 107285889 propionyl-CoA carboxylase beta subunit 491.00 656.00 584.00 626.00 329.00 325.00 247.0 301.00 475.00 289.00 348.00 553.00 345.00 363.00 299.00 318.00 396.00 356.00 572.00 398.00 360.00 472.00 783.00 412.00 536.00 522.00 407.00 186.00 460.00 319.00 942.00 668.00 913.00 208.00 1164.00 1197.00 1062.00 1103.00 835.00 869.00 299.00 531.00 255.00 336.00 393.00 6.1463400 6.8944100 6.9362200 6.7706400 7.90465e+00 2.8184600 12.0441000 1.22198e+01 22.0892000 8.18407e+00 3.8883800 1.1977200 6.0556200 15.6291320 17.8814320 18.6954240 19.9497200 73.8303390 71.7586900 70.2470120 245.6814270 234.0450510 241.8697340 193.0127820 234.0212200 244.5814470 196.5791500 42.7974000 61.9208000 71.4457000 32.4315000 49.5907000 141.5480000 150.0020000 89.5307000 73.3437000 62.4019000 36.4365000 77.7856000 80.1586000 83.5320000 137.4330000 168.5400000 177.1590000 87.0081000 75.0826000 106.1840000 40.1766400 91.6592800 132.0317000 115.6625000 106.0560000 19.3279400 43.2527300 79.7206000 34.5255300 35.5640960 64.5607540 76.406420 33.4923320 8.6122089 7.5044705 25.3691600 87.3824420 80.6829631 121.4211370 64.6497670 139.6028780 70.2834720 54.5045925 82.0696350 14.4116220 8.8283532 38.4221720 69.4348036 47.7710950 92.9679625 51.2082770 72.0775339 48.2746130 65.3834330 31.2610200
510 107285439 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 9 0.00 2.00 7.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.0 1.00 2.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 0.0711156 0.0287997 0.0973224 0.0975035 5.22473e-02 0.2506220 0.0766524 1.43519e-01 0.8292990 1.96156e+00 0.8940380 0.6433360 0.8272260 0.8098273 0.8899664 1.4581483 1.2565220 3.0331980 5.5150830 6.3469940 5.8633280 5.6323471 6.1948440 2.1211450 1.9987290 2.6185538 2.4814316 0.4858900 1.4741600 2.3952100 0.5493470 0.7017820 1.3575000 1.4314400 0.4383840 0.1546300 0.4379680 0.2351650 4.9359400 4.1301300 4.2295400 6.3879000 7.4679000 7.0502400 11.3991000 7.6760900 7.6010500 0.0190574 0.0161105 0.2278766 0.2784048 0.1099223 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.5592233 1.4413896 5.0964091 5.309409 0.9730440 1.0066977 1.4274250 2.6690902 5.8157690 5.2335686 5.3485335 5.7487300 3.2433696 2.3029522 0.0305450 0.6488131 0.7901880 0.7301890 11.1779900 32.4121169 22.8608600 0.4260220 0.5705580 0.2439108 0.0000000 0.1311750 0.2032040
517 107285468 density-regulated protein 472.00 415.00 463.00 457.00 289.00 363.00 150.0 160.00 346.00 133.00 292.00 443.00 232.00 175.00 222.00 201.00 183.00 168.00 447.00 181.00 239.00 328.00 617.00 383.00 390.00 511.00 231.00 518.00 339.00 392.00 197.00 310.00 200.00 107.00 223.00 296.00 348.00 446.00 433.00 292.00 269.00 531.00 251.00 333.00 323.00 19.1173000 38.7261000 33.5266000 23.1476000 5.29224e+01 23.2385000 55.8671000 5.59451e+01 57.2769000 7.47417e+01 27.6021000 21.9093000 37.9899000 9.9304043 9.2442266 12.8215900 9.2658880 10.2139590 21.6384930 25.4981170 35.5934550 30.6493760 33.0770420 36.5249855 24.5199793 25.4200970 30.2595770 47.4112000 64.5801000 50.9374000 34.7317000 42.7618000 84.1257000 61.5024000 41.0550000 39.6346000 40.4317000 25.8176000 27.3480000 55.1455000 61.4692000 27.0349000 83.3036000 56.4923000 25.2476000 40.8064000 47.2277000 65.5374000 106.5940000 153.6840370 138.0760000 168.9037900 78.9362860 86.2101000 91.7578000 15.3428000 14.6128000 17.4130000 26.752000 15.9705000 21.9849210 16.2345910 7.6370030 5.9937510 5.1136430 17.3497580 6.4073080 28.6388440 10.8494090 6.7837800 8.2968600 50.2268000 25.8302700 14.2284200 14.9107400 31.3245500 20.0501500 36.1049500 42.8699000 24.4248400 13.3532400 9.2931000
1338 107290537 UTP15, small subunit processome component 1040.00 522.00 642.00 622.00 518.00 360.00 218.0 243.00 362.00 248.00 357.00 702.00 254.00 269.00 208.00 209.00 355.00 467.00 408.00 251.00 284.00 357.00 950.00 446.00 952.00 805.00 457.00 261.00 442.00 537.00 317.00 304.00 244.00 218.00 332.00 681.00 538.00 885.00 782.00 808.00 591.00 417.00 367.00 414.00 481.00 3.3856100 12.2489000 8.0412200 5.9923800 1.21613e+01 3.7439700 3.4699700 3.62270e+00 6.6512800 5.72334e+00 4.8709600 1.8771700 6.6469900 1.1835091 1.3743443 2.0377620 1.6239660 3.0913550 2.7574056 1.9683900 4.9955601 4.8442160 4.8656930 2.4178460 2.3522307 1.9495000 2.1537267 3.4804600 4.0303900 5.5649800 2.3321800 3.4818200 6.3791400 5.6519700 2.6634400 4.1050600 3.7021400 1.4908900 7.5204100 8.7215900 17.4826000 11.1577000 16.9560000 28.7290000 8.8649900 10.0705000 19.0486000 4.1664970 5.1905300 11.0072000 5.9744400 9.9649940 7.2970950 4.9110800 5.3215600 4.5308400 2.9623700 6.1523100 2.712890 6.8702000 4.0828100 2.4805480 0.9128012 1.5210380 2.3806002 3.8090550 1.9262620 9.1993330 2.6631433 1.5069127 2.8394730 6.7086700 4.6527200 1.3644900 2.7467400 5.0654500 4.4667600 6.9384700 5.5336200 6.9598600 6.2916300 2.2567500
251 107283926 transaldolase 1 1607.99 2181.40 3784.61 3404.26 1573.13 1320.51 569.6 1259.81 2321.44 804.71 1589.83 1985.12 2098.62 1197.65 697.04 1390.05 1395.08 984.17 2744.07 732.83 1118.69 2416.10 2601.59 2293.72 1627.21 3291.57 1823.19 800.41 2218.99 1998.55 374.55 659.68 287.50 374.77 428.38 659.05 697.20 1070.20 1209.70 896.23 470.91 487.75 394.59 572.04 556.43 15.0983000 9.9866800 30.5968000 22.0749000 3.07835e+01 29.0717000 31.9390000 2.67248e+01 36.1728000 3.59176e+01 17.7278000 7.6580800 55.9473000 76.4552120 88.1512240 86.8431330 89.5480570 48.8999880 72.8469500 71.6227130 252.7317100 242.7835250 252.2519500 134.2846080 134.7153990 136.0962440 133.9115800 32.5151000 62.6499000 42.2304000 43.4049000 68.2154000 166.7880000 165.2820000 140.4680000 254.1380000 136.7790000 93.3517000 20.2874000 29.5104000 26.0611000 157.9310000 173.5880000 171.7230000 26.9524000 33.8333000 36.4311000 73.4059000 78.2836000 310.7750000 134.8391000 237.1130000 199.8800000 107.5620000 216.8800000 33.8809000 26.1277000 115.8940000 127.252000 108.7690000 31.0328000 49.5784700 81.4630900 90.8374700 86.2660200 181.8139000 153.1409000 137.0219000 163.9586000 57.4877200 72.7725500 137.0498000 55.7951000 56.4231700 91.6125500 27.9500000 149.9079000 55.8711000 181.9049000 50.2863000 63.9683700 119.4300000
12 107282350 serine/threonine kinase 24 261.00 225.00 236.00 282.00 191.00 112.00 70.0 145.99 208.00 68.00 203.00 97.00 139.00 124.00 115.00 112.00 114.00 149.00 158.00 86.00 137.00 177.00 226.00 164.00 175.00 216.00 181.00 61.00 191.00 199.00 158.00 113.00 176.00 118.00 150.00 256.00 203.00 437.00 358.00 454.00 220.00 146.00 219.00 120.00 159.00 1.8416600 4.8279800 4.2288100 3.5297500 5.16430e+00 4.1136000 4.7464900 2.72328e+00 6.8077100 7.37814e+00 4.3498000 1.8165800 7.5016900 6.3708500 8.9865141 9.2318150 9.3745240 16.2193203 14.0350043 13.7566567 19.8428510 19.7760310 19.0891272 7.2881800 7.9544970 8.7356878 8.8081920 1.7328900 14.4057000 17.3935000 3.4547700 3.5475900 26.4274000 23.7117000 7.7268300 17.8980000 19.5019000 4.5693700 4.6428000 9.2478960 12.4898600 3.8071300 16.6345800 13.0626500 3.3007300 6.3165900 8.8823600 4.0892100 4.5047800 13.8443300 11.1947700 15.7150900 8.0553400 8.0477400 9.2003270 21.8281400 20.4077300 55.4527403 75.186392 22.8546510 26.6503183 23.9073091 15.9114839 18.7536145 20.2245580 43.3331240 48.3896340 60.9220160 11.4973960 8.7946956 8.9434832 55.7224006 27.1487249 7.9842601 18.8492702 28.5841302 41.1732301 40.8316004 57.3956373 19.9783909 19.9754224 12.9956552
1104 107289017 NME/NM23 family member 5 22.00 101.00 100.00 179.00 43.00 92.00 9.0 106.00 111.00 31.00 152.00 64.00 185.00 42.00 15.00 146.00 19.00 25.00 188.00 52.00 137.00 328.00 94.00 440.00 19.00 210.00 68.00 9.00 132.00 32.00 13.00 16.00 32.00 5.00 31.00 8.00 12.00 5.00 22.00 7.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 6.00 0.0781180 0.0000000 0.1975030 0.2003390 9.38966e-02 33.4718000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 4.0354500 4.01632e+00 1.0362500 0.3004830 9.1524400 0.3401960 0.5641060 0.3715150 0.1786010 0.8728217 1.7400950 1.6817280 3.8312730 4.2000560 3.5487650 0.5091230 0.1905390 0.2155380 0.0000000 0.3353010 0.6668300 0.4685230 0.8993120 4.2160000 10.5718000 11.8142000 6.8744200 3.2641400 2.7295500 1.0212100 0.9709110 1.9472310 34.6843000 4.3164210 11.0101800 6.5641020 0.2900658 1.0277810 0.5787156 0.0000000 0.1299370 6.7084200 19.6453000 7.1953200 0.0000000 0.8857910 0.0739388 1.2663000 0.5432310 8.9821600 8.995880 0.9025430 3.5103420 2.0874920 1.0062290 2.2380860 1.3797030 9.9703280 1.8971290 21.4666450 0.0000000 0.0761702 0.4963100 8.2465300 8.7631000 1.9805360 3.6637700 6.1873500 14.3878400 16.4168600 10.6726500 4.9262790 2.8540670 4.2532800
1229 107289848 SH3 domain containing ring finger 2 121.00 285.00 407.00 96.00 150.00 212.00 74.0 102.00 153.00 117.00 396.00 193.00 231.00 124.00 94.00 165.00 57.00 73.00 303.00 140.00 79.00 397.00 668.00 214.00 274.00 155.00 149.00 36.00 286.00 59.00 194.00 48.00 300.00 81.00 259.00 170.00 123.00 237.00 139.00 158.00 21.00 34.00 30.00 19.00 61.00 2.1071800 3.2648100 2.7287100 1.5816600 2.26510e+00 1.6939500 9.7662200 1.48175e+01 10.0811000 7.24206e+00 8.7350500 4.9422600 5.5552900 0.5916900 0.6237840 0.6069300 1.3538768 4.4679770 4.9775350 4.7709740 0.2241061 0.2405828 0.4562128 0.0000000 0.1118161 0.1264083 0.0505384 0.0872041 0.1968410 0.0768350 0.3958720 2.7736300 8.4518600 7.2132800 6.0126100 6.7906600 6.2379400 8.1782100 0.0890708 0.0000000 0.0333425 0.2901780 0.2322150 0.0966392 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0256910 0.0221452 0.1883110 0.7392010 0.1816740 0.0000000 0.0603861 0.0000000 4.3172800 16.8170000 5.5396500 3.818800 1.6139000 6.5738895 5.7121730 178.1684730 422.2540340 429.4370880 2.4896160 2.2619340 2.1713550 5.0717580 0.9198500 3.6829920 6.2675802 5.1790500 271.6266500 278.7236000 1304.2201000 0.5505940 0.6228000 0.8623730 0.2578700 0.0471007 0.3206591
1934 107294581 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 7 883.52 1307.05 1204.02 540.99 434.61 733.38 232.7 289.97 583.55 260.90 523.79 676.76 375.53 328.44 523.47 249.94 381.12 206.60 1632.20 356.81 423.25 609.09 1207.39 930.56 889.45 933.15 597.31 430.89 557.79 374.66 546.05 621.37 511.79 517.77 603.71 3512.95 4517.83 3931.88 2638.85 2106.90 14079.92 23533.99 21712.95 12622.99 13515.97 12.0606000 17.3563000 22.9834000 17.7876000 3.52232e+01 11.8621000 266.7230000 5.72521e+02 47.0220000 6.71678e+01 67.2229000 31.7461000 37.5573000 18.3182386 15.0612700 16.4252190 16.9901225 23.7164810 27.6011640 27.0516790 32.0718580 32.3545040 32.0374900 36.1046490 33.9462950 31.6444720 33.2656430 8.2816700 13.6794000 10.9036000 4.2837300 92.3497000 321.5040000 225.2810000 92.8300000 1068.5600000 1022.7400000 397.7110000 45.5949400 58.5453400 68.0225400 159.6837000 310.2862000 342.2014000 1634.1920000 1320.8220000 2367.0870000 22.7124000 32.8331000 77.5334000 60.3177000 71.5792000 13.6492000 20.1164000 29.9164000 14.0875000 9.4294300 84.2053000 63.911800 121.7370000 184.0890470 288.4439183 44.7120500 53.0550600 55.3284500 159.1078500 49.0624900 124.7218950 129.3155600 41.7153540 84.3863980 3.0494300 877.4036000 116.1967210 120.5036000 206.0851000 123.9000800 0.6626230 160.6375700 0.0000000 0.3314470 32.4390300
1652 107292543 RAP1A, member of RAS oncogene family 806.00 1949.00 2270.00 1166.00 583.00 1430.00 323.0 654.00 847.00 403.00 1585.00 879.00 1109.00 649.00 754.00 502.00 463.00 511.00 1691.00 740.00 690.00 1384.00 2459.00 1377.00 943.00 1906.00 706.00 699.00 1370.00 670.00 3355.00 2262.00 3276.00 645.00 2910.00 1918.00 1550.00 2455.00 2053.00 1603.00 1664.00 1303.00 909.00 803.00 1188.00 5.1420100 60.2546000 9.3580700 9.2364300 1.35013e+01 15.5141000 16.1964000 9.59817e+00 16.6107000 1.41168e+01 10.5898000 2.3043400 26.8784000 12.9217290 18.9082300 19.6545100 17.9274100 14.7575500 8.8137000 8.3363900 11.4248090 12.7928500 9.5843700 11.5932190 11.5103000 10.2904140 8.6165550 32.3743000 29.4490000 40.5350000 33.1568000 21.9316000 46.0716000 43.6241000 33.6560000 22.0315000 37.3315000 19.3680000 65.2296000 126.9380000 111.6390000 44.1482000 138.7730000 131.1200000 59.0030000 114.6520000 125.4200000 47.2717500 83.3279500 108.1891000 112.7769000 100.9042000 72.2918400 103.2629000 135.5342000 63.0244000 50.1898000 35.7243200 32.445200 46.4369000 54.3946880 39.6928300 41.0220900 43.2232700 41.9301300 34.8959100 12.0442600 51.1865500 37.0713500 17.7334940 17.4442730 192.1260000 123.4230000 32.0818000 27.4871000 102.6620000 70.0185000 129.5670000 159.8200000 132.7290000 88.6188000 46.7523000
1636 107292462 prominin 1 3.00 24.00 25.00 10.00 6.00 20.00 2.0 1.00 27.00 2.00 15.00 18.00 20.00 0.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 12.00 6.00 2.00 30.00 84.00 11.00 13.00 26.00 7.00 0.00 17.00 1.00 0.00 11.00 1.00 6.00 20.00 11.00 8.00 41.00 36.00 14.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 5.1348720 7.0070500 7.2290590 6.2690200 1.6935782 0.9871035 0.5472368 36.3951213 38.8177712 35.5287270 3.3672866 1.4135070 1.3593432 1.9397254 0.3395010 0.9738120 1.3693100 0.7013770 0.3045810 0.9399000 1.1658200 0.3982330 0.0315465 0.0904159 0.0955050 0.3900663 1.3615310 4.0311330 7.8835190 83.1753800 37.9715300 1.7884600 9.4784500 2.2198700 4.9092470 8.2461500 0.5899720 1.0191880 1.0634600 0.0000000 0.0947483 0.1391950 0.2349160 2.6049449 4.3074517 21.919075 0.3055910 31.9474629 17.1728000 1.0608747 3.2071722 2.2214776 10.2978374 20.7257021 11.0851490 1.0465921 0.5520575 0.9448748 134.1871320 60.8622000 2.2427990 2.3770532 0.5967344 3.2740591 5.4277688 25.1068752 0.0910590 0.0825056 0.4809232
1042 107288666 tripartite motif containing 3 5.00 7.00 15.00 6.00 2.00 4.00 3.0 6.00 10.00 5.00 6.00 12.00 8.00 6.00 5.00 11.00 3.00 7.00 12.00 12.00 6.00 5.00 18.00 21.00 16.00 5.00 1.00 12.00 8.00 5.00 9.00 7.00 8.00 47.00 6.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 7.00 12.00 4.00 4.00 14.00 9.9152700 1.3990700 13.5086000 13.4654000 1.56386e+01 7.7817600 11.0651000 3.66067e+00 7.8676900 1.14195e+01 12.1964000 7.1389400 26.4298000 2.3538920 2.9677901 3.6990550 2.8196110 16.1634700 23.4289610 21.3807253 32.7736540 29.7654420 34.2562080 9.5148130 13.3885930 14.1386620 14.8152930 12.9412000 10.8213000 12.1092000 8.9615200 11.0715000 8.4111200 6.4712700 8.8670100 10.6564000 12.1504000 8.6258300 44.5361400 19.1467000 15.6493900 76.0946300 41.2666800 38.3888400 53.8785600 25.9605100 17.1083700 19.9535000 24.3179000 12.9424000 14.7146000 14.6026000 5.5179100 10.0533000 13.1870000 4.3648571 3.1125410 14.0027400 9.917030 7.4290200 4.4626378 5.8674580 8.9020010 15.0109693 15.7552346 17.5694307 10.4266909 10.7564179 4.4500754 1.4858818 4.2491430 4.4637000 3.6603200 1.8804000 5.4701700 4.7238800 3.1431700 3.4269800 4.5818300 1.3394700 2.6941400 1.9014000
1378 107290774 Scm-like with four mbt domains 1 68.00 80.00 120.00 54.00 22.00 52.00 8.0 35.00 67.00 9.00 79.00 75.00 47.00 35.00 17.00 26.00 31.00 14.00 74.00 29.00 25.00 65.00 139.00 60.00 81.00 68.00 47.00 17.00 110.00 19.00 61.00 52.00 62.00 103.00 58.00 99.00 67.00 77.00 93.00 70.00 13.00 53.00 29.00 34.00 91.00 0.7542080 1.4280700 1.1911700 1.2131500 2.64428e+00 0.7764370 2.1396000 1.05751e+00 1.3312700 1.91549e+00 5.9820500 1.5608800 2.4297100 1.5924617 1.9940291 1.3779620 1.6998950 1.0969940 1.0298825 0.9674470 2.5242840 2.5230780 2.7681220 1.9329970 1.7166830 1.5929150 1.9452650 0.2157620 2.2808800 2.6709600 0.5699510 0.4131180 2.2259500 1.7128300 0.6152230 1.5624400 3.3190500 0.9504820 1.1775300 0.9808840 7.4917500 2.2546000 4.5745800 4.1196300 1.1754501 0.6785320 0.7556690 2.6529270 3.2126270 4.1617000 6.9664210 6.4965680 2.0019310 3.1052190 5.4031760 3.1316200 2.4183390 4.6621158 2.383240 3.7217400 3.5937849 3.8552125 2.2053850 4.7466900 3.4230310 4.4523917 3.8543830 4.7183560 4.1066630 0.6280340 1.3791721 6.6965700 6.9023000 1.4081500 2.6339300 14.8285000 8.8677400 19.0572000 5.9481900 10.4696000 11.9100000 4.8122400
429 107284984 neutrophil cytosolic factor 2 167.00 1169.00 1664.00 341.00 139.00 254.00 19.0 103.00 311.00 27.00 693.00 687.00 327.00 90.00 150.00 75.00 39.00 40.00 1056.00 315.00 99.00 514.00 2378.00 1027.00 305.00 350.00 243.00 63.00 765.00 111.00 120.00 239.00 294.00 600.00 214.00 62.00 94.00 724.00 1726.00 217.00 151.00 673.00 437.00 578.00 293.00 0.5283130 0.0768976 3.2349900 1.9281100 2.53650e+00 6.0817100 7.5704200 1.26725e+00 1.6023700 1.00396e+00 8.0810800 0.7860580 56.4591000 0.7796632 1.2732009 1.3746392 1.9246147 1.7941560 2.1031790 2.2258910 3.3546119 3.6724020 3.1116742 0.7267890 1.5916962 1.3556200 1.3711000 8.4189300 8.2712200 9.4251300 5.8894200 7.9076200 8.3497900 7.6424000 6.3015600 4.0787300 5.2703500 3.0320800 1.1224100 0.5210000 0.6255660 0.9682000 0.7439240 0.7892730 2.2391000 0.7773060 1.4150700 1.1764200 0.7964443 3.1571400 2.0898200 5.4413660 7.6124060 13.7034100 35.1097300 4.7931900 2.5402010 5.7655500 2.833029 17.5588540 2.6231138 1.8043610 3.7911530 3.6346000 2.4177990 2.1972110 1.8268700 2.7743611 1.5246019 2.2482600 1.4009733 0.0000000 3.8769053 0.6203297 1.5127679 4.9337280 1.7942683 0.0000000 2.4394710 0.0330393 0.0000000 2.2620435
1598 107292174 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 5 71.00 109.00 137.00 49.00 35.00 37.00 30.0 39.00 51.00 25.00 225.00 66.00 76.00 42.00 31.00 34.00 36.00 41.00 92.00 46.00 41.00 134.00 221.00 84.00 88.00 154.00 47.00 13.00 108.00 63.00 14.00 58.00 15.00 41.00 27.00 19.00 13.00 63.00 59.00 61.00 33.00 16.00 24.00 32.00 14.00 0.9001950 1.4423900 1.5957600 1.4329300 4.32808e+00 1.5233000 1.0550300 6.86550e-01 0.9450800 7.97969e-01 1.6385000 0.1273610 3.7385100 3.5055900 4.8861860 5.1068760 5.2478680 5.2589200 4.1306227 3.3652490 4.1629300 5.6931240 6.3474160 3.7071570 5.8555310 5.7117720 4.9600590 2.0943900 7.3307600 4.3702800 3.1693700 1.9771600 3.9620700 4.3898300 2.5249900 1.7243100 2.9039200 1.8427500 4.8618500 9.8478300 18.3433000 3.9118700 19.4813000 22.9742000 6.0562300 11.9063000 11.2378000 1.5811350 2.8353200 6.7224000 4.8037470 5.0856240 2.1969480 1.7633100 2.7173000 20.9740006 18.7102900 20.0692000 21.051110 9.1254003 13.9542470 6.1087522 5.3563800 4.0865900 3.8191100 6.6143800 1.9606800 13.8264820 2.3881600 3.4781500 3.0708200 28.7822000 10.7270000 14.9709000 13.3559506 23.1278000 11.3372020 16.2447156 35.3198000 28.6702220 22.6908840 11.8602440
1348 107290592 synemin 171.00 701.00 411.00 253.00 44.00 302.00 76.0 214.00 119.00 228.00 514.00 86.00 327.00 162.00 100.00 124.00 39.00 22.00 256.00 114.00 64.00 353.00 342.00 629.00 720.00 393.00 198.00 69.00 1027.00 23.00 46.00 139.00 70.00 323.00 84.00 61.00 47.00 85.00 63.00 67.00 20.00 48.00 34.00 41.00 131.00 3.8189100 41.3764000 4.8088100 2.5056300 3.63025e+00 2.3998700 2.9958600 9.09618e-01 1.3183100 2.68455e+00 1.7278400 0.3000790 2.6535800 0.5577420 0.9045970 0.7018530 0.5547910 1.3912240 1.4018370 1.3340860 0.7360657 0.7740828 0.8317007 0.2491059 0.2788209 0.2852844 0.2229664 0.5116601 7.5571560 1.8728170 1.4960500 0.3568410 2.6575630 2.9220920 0.3251955 0.8111290 0.6265670 0.1794306 5.5829600 14.9487700 14.1220300 3.1118000 8.0590960 10.6922400 1.0652020 1.6527650 1.3164700 71.4017000 115.9940000 9.3086500 22.0984000 3.7241300 2.4037800 11.9477000 6.5482800 150.0055000 171.5711000 2.4894000 4.854927 1.3766990 11.0605200 5.6420990 123.5540000 128.3247000 130.8357000 5.9976800 4.3473900 4.2953700 2.9325910 0.3611266 1.2241610 34.6526000 27.2853000 4.7581400 49.2477000 173.4713000 2.3050980 4.2897100 5.1312800 1.0358670 3.0822400 1.3239540
1159.1 107289356 INO80 complex subunit D 145.00 111.00 201.00 88.00 72.00 77.00 69.0 110.00 115.00 74.00 186.00 208.00 86.00 81.00 45.00 80.00 64.00 121.00 128.00 76.00 86.00 137.00 299.00 168.00 237.00 103.00 118.00 86.00 162.00 134.00 43.00 41.00 74.00 132.00 51.00 72.00 60.00 84.00 64.00 43.00 21.00 48.00 33.00 37.00 61.00 1.0908400 0.6274920 1.4882500 1.6130000 2.44995e+00 0.3593640 1.8488100 9.59304e-01 2.7578200 3.84686e+00 2.1027300 0.6243740 3.4333300 0.6008003 0.6989027 0.7326900 0.8343331 3.2144694 3.4697772 3.6103859 5.7330140 5.3963577 5.4118355 3.0499324 4.2551460 4.5072410 4.6024157 1.0262000 1.0923100 0.3654630 0.4984290 1.6174100 1.7142600 1.1696500 0.5843500 2.0187200 1.3908100 0.3982870 9.9009500 2.8759900 4.0663400 7.9313000 3.7564200 3.3193200 8.2883500 2.3237300 2.9611800 1.4015470 0.8937680 1.1240500 1.2318900 0.6565090 0.5715080 0.9461880 1.2750440 1.7427860 1.3539160 3.3196100 2.486369 1.1967750 1.1877510 0.7841120 0.9119930 2.1769970 1.7773027 1.9712540 0.7766610 2.8898600 0.9499590 0.5572120 1.1312290 0.9128830 0.8219600 0.2091060 2.4686800 2.1703100 1.0647400 1.6176600 0.5543400 0.8349610 0.9576800 1.6112200
471 107285279 MAU2 sister chromatid cohesion factor 14.00 11.00 29.00 12.00 2.00 10.00 1.0 13.00 16.00 11.00 25.00 14.00 11.00 19.00 8.00 10.00 7.00 4.00 12.00 12.00 9.00 17.00 25.00 14.00 31.00 25.00 23.00 10.00 13.00 13.00 6.00 4.00 15.00 35.00 12.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 7.00 16.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 5.2188900 12.1252000 7.9345100 7.7378700 1.17534e+01 3.0517100 10.9652000 8.82832e+00 15.6269000 1.97655e+01 8.8768700 5.7086900 14.6394000 3.5575298 3.4964540 4.0399908 4.2656932 21.4000250 21.8180100 23.5262990 39.3383000 37.7116610 39.9014070 30.7168843 38.6836310 40.4210250 41.0079740 11.8785000 10.4215000 8.7893000 7.4739700 13.3845000 11.7942000 11.0385000 11.2761000 6.3436600 7.7003900 6.0642200 14.6012141 14.5652000 18.5850000 18.9424000 25.1831000 19.2463000 14.0742000 14.3266000 13.4218000 3.8651230 5.4017800 8.2542570 7.9767350 5.3790620 3.4698410 5.3654620 4.9139690 10.4722000 7.1037800 27.6277000 28.666900 10.7926000 4.9808671 4.6877951 16.6466160 42.4634117 46.1181990 20.4895880 27.8815170 18.3359290 11.5087830 1.3685676 3.4726760 9.2379200 10.8362000 2.1154000 9.9954800 6.6110200 11.9003000 12.4181000 7.1942100 5.5041300 4.7624300 8.7046800
104 107283170 ubiquitin specific peptidase 3 75.00 69.00 107.00 53.00 45.00 44.00 13.0 28.00 40.00 33.00 104.00 101.00 46.00 54.00 38.00 29.00 29.00 39.00 88.00 31.00 36.00 98.00 213.00 79.00 131.00 48.00 43.00 77.00 72.00 71.00 13.00 38.00 19.00 24.00 13.00 55.00 49.00 69.00 71.00 45.00 35.00 78.00 51.00 123.00 99.00 2.5848900 1.3193200 4.5261900 2.8343600 5.02043e+00 1.4880500 8.8597300 6.30953e+00 8.6250100 1.01338e+01 6.2831600 4.6225900 7.9091700 2.6394360 5.7291375 3.0489590 4.2190920 6.7734982 4.6938980 5.7443650 24.4318570 22.1682177 25.8668150 10.2992160 10.3903330 9.7339447 10.6077490 11.1061000 11.7922000 14.4177000 8.1118500 10.0934000 24.7683000 18.3455000 12.0603000 23.2051000 31.9996000 16.6690000 8.2758000 13.6532000 21.6235000 7.7132300 24.6147000 25.9214000 16.2462000 47.9353000 36.7646000 4.6542090 6.4583490 13.9520000 15.2743700 14.9087800 5.0638660 6.3051860 8.5927750 4.8092596 2.5568550 19.4958978 11.154322 12.2249800 14.9037524 15.4381865 8.3012902 4.1680310 7.7899138 12.0854458 12.6249911 25.5840942 16.4656170 6.1929157 8.9749115 12.0610610 8.8130300 1.6442910 4.2993712 7.1852020 13.5358436 16.3783200 7.4821904 7.8557576 10.1503469 7.2260500
1277 107290191 ribosomal protein L5 16326.00 8869.00 11589.00 13578.00 8323.00 9786.00 5090.0 5217.00 13044.00 5208.00 6226.00 10994.00 6166.00 7191.00 6958.00 5053.00 4334.00 4037.00 11554.00 4522.00 5846.00 6677.00 8681.00 7604.00 10338.00 9670.00 10062.00 34367.00 8357.00 11890.00 5621.00 10927.00 7015.00 2256.00 6549.00 12400.00 11668.00 14241.00 9363.00 7870.00 9083.00 11138.00 6355.00 7044.00 8529.00 656.4210000 605.0970000 1666.2200000 1052.1100000 4.26087e+03 1367.4100000 1816.7000000 2.81661e+03 1555.0800000 2.03594e+03 1814.1500000 1132.6200000 1025.2400000 6.7975050 6.3354430 5.8899410 8.3321220 9.0511800 8.5954463 6.9022910 12.2316860 12.8568800 14.4836520 7.8838920 8.2414590 9.7958430 14.9528450 589.6040000 497.4720000 581.7800000 614.4300000 698.4640000 1048.4000000 826.0250000 951.9250000 463.1820000 660.9820000 506.0770000 540.0710000 812.6980000 613.2620000 646.8160000 1156.2900000 1018.9700000 450.4880000 536.5630000 424.6720000 1934.2190000 2847.6720000 2945.9200000 3089.3060000 3533.8380000 3042.8570000 3713.3490000 3160.4680000 415.5650700 334.0319000 683.4490000 967.040200 432.5686000 648.4257298 560.3087420 509.0657560 439.6559100 493.0012610 590.6909023 281.2555420 816.2733030 360.7135190 306.6239540 538.3791990 1861.6160000 2287.3180000 259.4478000 299.1892000 1406.0410000 543.8870000 1189.4120000 884.1181000 1255.8740000 1268.2840000 507.3179000
816 107287330 coiled-coil domain containing 186 1311.00 1208.00 1341.00 797.00 584.00 774.00 352.0 465.00 803.00 343.00 935.00 586.00 703.00 496.00 481.00 468.00 396.00 458.00 1121.00 488.00 533.00 932.00 1333.00 786.00 1059.00 1041.00 833.00 324.00 1048.00 520.00 278.00 351.00 287.00 235.00 304.00 1203.00 813.00 1200.00 750.00 1131.00 268.00 269.00 280.00 285.00 348.00 2.7599900 7.0210700 5.4936790 3.7940700 5.39685e+00 3.5522300 8.6060390 3.59737e+00 8.9621800 7.86065e+00 4.6184140 1.6750600 10.2853000 2.4194680 2.6346784 3.3508900 3.5131200 3.1997010 3.1424439 3.7762900 3.3224820 3.4043530 2.9028087 0.9370970 1.6903470 0.7405140 1.1815760 1.3396200 10.3098000 6.2145400 1.4714500 2.3390500 27.2926000 23.0536000 2.7764100 3.5951100 2.7372800 0.5996660 5.3288300 6.7815500 8.6897900 17.1309000 24.1114000 25.9514800 4.6957990 6.2436400 5.5581090 8.4854020 6.0458970 12.2512440 9.9220720 11.7962568 2.0369000 5.4022100 4.3319760 4.1416600 3.9006300 4.7360500 9.599700 2.4344400 12.7338700 8.4162460 2.9608730 1.4943750 1.5778750 4.1402090 0.7824957 10.7133600 0.9265280 0.9416200 1.3537890 17.8029460 11.0601800 0.9592880 2.9255900 10.8403252 5.6198900 21.8660930 7.4678680 5.8502000 3.7638200 2.4646380
370 107284623 magnesium transporter 1 2554.00 911.00 1068.00 2079.00 1646.00 744.00 1067.0 786.00 1324.00 1009.00 836.00 797.00 527.00 1520.00 1133.00 1050.00 1048.00 998.00 981.00 957.00 624.00 663.00 1085.00 788.00 1314.00 894.00 1033.00 2114.00 837.00 2521.00 367.00 1099.00 333.00 254.00 441.00 1722.00 1533.00 1341.00 1404.00 1113.00 1034.00 2019.00 1213.00 1372.00 2534.00 37.3150000 11.6147000 76.1210000 55.7934000 1.28126e+02 20.8800000 154.2150000 1.64635e+02 169.2200000 1.55957e+02 101.1410000 52.6787000 110.3170000 12.2642750 13.7566600 15.1951829 15.2247200 7.4003290 3.5851500 3.7081400 10.2086500 11.3945500 11.0392600 8.0578800 7.8161250 6.9173630 7.5953550 18.6548000 22.3896000 24.7652000 14.3390000 37.7233000 41.8371000 37.7272000 26.4999000 61.5422000 48.7326000 35.0065000 9.8891700 13.4240000 20.4980000 20.4894000 40.3298000 39.6156000 25.9732000 43.3566000 48.1805000 25.3666540 22.8235300 52.1931600 41.2247200 28.4349100 37.2801600 28.9526200 51.0391000 18.4173000 18.6865000 34.2170000 45.954500 26.6956000 26.4591846 16.2751450 9.0926144 12.3341300 14.8755400 25.5098960 9.8747120 45.4414790 19.7285993 22.2293426 25.4991222 0.0652743 0.2031720 2.8483900 7.0318600 0.2363490 27.9596817 0.0483613 26.1549890 0.0000000 0.2451750 28.1513791
917 107287893 transmembrane protein 184C 429.00 769.68 758.00 534.00 295.00 312.00 157.0 276.00 620.00 184.00 476.00 380.00 427.00 294.00 396.00 344.00 209.00 219.00 674.00 192.00 368.68 499.00 471.00 710.00 552.00 576.00 382.00 167.00 468.88 372.00 343.00 619.00 231.00 193.00 298.00 616.00 475.00 958.00 751.00 445.00 295.00 159.00 172.00 160.00 164.00 4.6923700 9.8816300 11.1170000 10.4689000 1.11903e+01 14.9774000 13.0763000 6.26429e+00 22.2751000 2.17378e+01 10.9220000 5.2903800 18.7824000 1.5294500 1.7292100 1.5418300 2.3642090 6.2054880 5.0126670 4.8247140 10.1211170 10.6871430 10.8537160 4.8897490 4.4809900 3.5405400 3.9229113 21.4257000 38.4842000 38.8724000 17.8549000 15.3489000 55.9625000 45.4157000 24.9489000 35.9021000 40.3686000 16.0236000 7.6737200 22.3574000 23.5564000 9.5730200 41.9509000 36.7990000 5.5727300 19.0809000 19.2098000 11.3390000 12.5549500 25.2112300 21.4845200 20.0673000 6.8417000 12.0886400 12.5241100 7.1496900 7.9450900 13.8771000 18.459800 6.7915200 10.1220700 9.2922530 5.2376180 9.0384100 5.7573760 16.9536830 8.5006600 25.9380020 11.6490680 3.7492655 4.9856670 72.7279000 50.5834690 9.8515350 11.8924000 48.9173000 34.4499000 65.8650200 34.2684200 32.7052000 46.6966000 18.6704000
1188 107289582 NUAK family, SNF1-like kinase, 1 21.00 55.00 69.00 22.00 16.00 59.00 18.0 29.00 83.00 26.00 116.00 37.00 39.00 19.00 23.00 21.00 22.00 14.00 51.00 15.00 19.00 43.00 151.00 53.00 34.00 34.00 42.00 8.00 53.00 12.00 58.00 116.00 73.00 58.00 61.00 50.00 41.00 75.00 55.00 51.00 81.00 208.00 134.00 113.00 82.00 0.3979400 2.1143700 0.7265190 0.5374960 6.52044e-01 0.6075930 3.4723200 1.64008e+00 1.4836700 3.02672e+00 2.9629200 0.3599960 2.4888800 0.1930980 0.6776730 0.3504448 0.3946740 12.1773400 8.6083500 9.0530900 7.7737500 8.4503800 9.0528500 2.2291530 1.1467800 1.2260200 1.7794840 26.3945000 36.9270000 69.3858000 22.6544000 1.2586100 4.2473800 3.3174700 1.1602700 8.8559500 11.5305000 3.1225400 31.4281000 33.9736000 34.4329000 53.3438000 69.8886000 37.2617000 10.9709000 13.0034000 15.7908000 8.4046600 9.6691000 1.2162400 1.3285300 1.7359400 0.2130610 0.1682940 0.2653480 10.1115000 4.7254000 5.4188900 3.869630 2.8192000 1.6613488 0.8392750 6.8174200 6.0279700 5.8750100 1.5272380 1.9125400 2.1682171 1.5718700 0.1508800 0.7048020 3.8701290 2.5016830 6.0779440 11.9256200 34.3576700 1.0001390 4.8241500 3.0746290 8.3780030 12.0343400 10.0083400
407 107284873 centromere protein O 6.00 44.00 34.00 19.00 10.00 33.00 4.0 21.00 24.00 2.00 74.00 38.00 57.00 29.00 17.00 15.00 8.00 2.00 45.00 17.00 15.00 83.00 53.00 41.00 36.00 39.00 22.00 2.00 20.00 6.00 18.00 25.00 6.00 25.00 19.00 13.00 5.00 5.00 23.00 8.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 8.00 0.0443868 0.0000000 0.3366630 0.2276660 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 7.81900e-02 0.0996933 0.00000e+00 0.3312000 0.0000000 0.5032670 0.6094230 0.8202310 1.0247090 0.4923330 2.2891690 1.7028835 2.0020762 4.3645547 4.6628022 4.3752908 2.1889820 4.0364360 3.0689980 3.2323430 1.1358000 0.0913829 0.9631010 0.9729660 0.8871670 1.8897000 0.6227000 1.6909100 0.0000000 0.5429890 0.4664900 1.4048900 0.1356630 12.2922000 0.7118720 0.5128970 0.4593790 0.6102910 0.7242230 1.4730700 4.4942440 7.1046900 5.5971590 7.8319200 7.8838720 4.8166700 4.4673790 8.1215300 2.3054400 0.9709010 8.7900800 5.435185 4.7822100 0.8780473 0.6781116 6.2991720 2.7345620 1.8994200 3.9060200 4.5644690 3.6508043 1.8781030 0.3570640 0.9300520 8.7693000 6.8839000 0.8523930 1.7657860 3.0518200 1.4347300 5.0792204 3.7872500 1.2757090 1.2053360 0.9271220
1457 107291223 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 5 178.00 19.00 73.00 101.00 74.00 36.00 35.0 35.00 71.00 36.00 28.00 57.00 14.00 48.00 28.00 43.00 41.00 24.00 56.00 45.00 29.00 36.00 24.00 24.00 59.00 46.00 62.00 67.00 45.00 122.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 17.00 11.00 40.00 35.00 318.00 375.00 392.00 127.00 85.00 71.00 72.00 106.00 2.3232700 2.7010600 3.3535200 3.7507700 1.34966e+01 1.4819300 41.8765000 5.65607e+01 2.0636800 3.11392e+00 6.6931000 3.4414300 8.6904200 4.0323417 4.5470170 4.5588750 4.6142610 5.3389300 5.0917080 4.9191040 62.5900520 63.4472550 62.1500080 60.3634500 59.4818997 58.9646800 59.5354175 0.7856220 1.7404500 4.6585300 0.0000000 0.9901070 5.4628800 5.7604700 1.9717100 23.9938000 9.8491700 1.9038500 2.7217500 6.9091600 6.9444800 13.1133000 36.5049000 30.7115000 13.5093000 54.1065000 20.1996000 0.8630130 0.2602830 1.7390300 2.0016900 5.3001300 0.1096170 0.8871860 2.0735500 1.0698900 0.9536470 3.5335100 5.859610 15.3393550 1.7566960 1.2034930 1.0688020 1.1532750 2.4302030 1.3095620 1.7109470 1.5435210 21.1287600 11.7174500 15.6503100 6.6166590 7.6388200 0.5054280 2.6278900 2.6240860 19.9867000 10.4328200 4.8662000 117.9386000 230.7653000 136.3493000
907 107287862 serum response factor 8.00 48.00 10.00 7.00 3.00 12.00 2.0 9.00 7.00 10.00 6.00 11.00 7.00 7.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 16.00 3.00 4.00 9.00 10.00 7.00 37.00 14.00 2.00 7.00 17.00 1.00 25.00 11.00 26.00 45.00 9.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 7.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 1.4471000 5.2414200 0.7702420 0.1953260 7.68995e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 5.36665e-01 0.6842560 2.17546e-01 0.3788710 0.0000000 2.0725300 2.8816400 3.8582000 5.3567300 5.4108880 85.5424400 125.5378300 128.9014200 54.3547900 44.7058700 52.5880900 28.7228400 38.3312600 41.6862200 40.6969600 32.5557000 77.1776000 49.6834000 26.4585000 3.6464500 4.7871500 7.8931300 2.1362100 7.2053300 5.4688400 5.2426900 181.6470000 50.6675000 107.1440000 43.9947000 10.4593000 17.3540000 16.1090000 8.1370900 6.1364200 42.8127000 25.5699000 8.8162100 9.7210200 10.7637000 8.5063100 3.5667700 6.1145900 28.2272000 24.6786000 18.9768000 23.519100 15.8861000 4.9271800 4.6098600 22.9147000 53.1712000 57.1171000 13.1519000 14.6430000 9.1101900 5.0849500 1.8809900 2.0482400 10.5557000 8.3365500 6.8663800 24.7678000 32.6057000 8.8620900 11.2046000 10.4004000 4.3219500 5.7260700 3.0535100
660 107286362 dynein, cytoplasmic 2, heavy chain 1 607.42 748.79 842.68 608.90 269.58 550.61 125.0 779.42 1098.03 279.00 1109.79 496.29 929.34 315.72 185.18 696.93 270.20 266.55 977.20 435.91 669.65 1763.55 1456.53 871.93 666.04 941.30 586.31 98.63 826.84 306.60 217.28 159.32 359.58 340.00 388.56 465.36 302.98 744.59 464.86 500.11 62.00 78.00 119.56 82.00 201.78 0.1272687 0.3145070 0.1713330 0.1550653 4.60837e-01 0.7002820 0.3891548 9.11602e-02 1.4104160 2.69219e+00 1.0774600 0.2618244 2.6087840 0.4592130 0.4832592 0.4087103 0.6561600 0.5015688 0.2434830 0.2011390 1.1489941 1.3391009 1.2496883 0.1662510 0.1342540 0.0807536 0.2892160 0.3107290 0.8280010 0.8062480 0.3162200 0.5838880 3.6524200 3.1215800 1.1003000 0.6702680 1.2121500 0.2699160 0.4205085 0.7642454 3.9278980 1.5260500 5.0733960 2.9481800 0.7008549 0.9213376 1.0345500 2.2166240 1.9546360 7.1677990 13.9109200 10.1078900 2.1870680 1.9018620 1.9525150 1.2227420 0.5329591 4.4329350 6.562561 0.4179782 2.7008700 1.7386870 4.0630570 0.5240428 1.9385690 10.0642900 5.3205140 10.7875600 0.1632004 0.8625350 0.5913555 1.8583360 0.8373785 0.6034810 0.8956066 1.5146592 2.9740075 2.0453820 2.1320060 0.0000000 0.0050884 0.4563900
1957.1 107294729 neuropeptide Y receptor Y1 3.00 22.00 23.00 3.00 1.00 9.00 0.0 2.00 3.00 2.00 9.00 3.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 11.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 19.00 1.00 9.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 377.00 202.00 197.00 277.00 206.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 0.0454129 0.0000000 0.1148160 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.7717500 6.13315e-01 0.8159850 1.08094e+00 0.9789200 0.2445550 0.0686536 0.2214380 0.1742840 0.2053059 0.0388227 1.6280260 2.4988510 2.4874620 4.0261920 4.2344200 4.1460030 0.1189600 0.1833080 0.1794290 0.1661700 0.0000000 0.0980247 0.1147890 0.0521841 19.2412000 49.3459000 77.2160000 53.5720000 35.8846000 45.3344000 24.3943000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0375170 0.0328399 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1034280 0.0440817 0.0000000 0.4636660 0.1104830 0.1342130 0.1084680 0.1294830 0.0000000 0.0753173 0.0628689 0.4285480 0.6301290 8.8613400 31.491400 3.2481700 12.8406030 1.3908881 1.0250400 0.9112672 1.3045590 3.3303030 4.2302720 15.4501340 2.7050990 0.7840310 4.6021630 1.0716000 0.6949880 1.8710100 1.4015800 5.4965300 24.4350000 46.6261000 8.8780900 0.4299330 0.0894760 0.1220270
354 107284518 heat shock protein family B (small) member 2 304.00 2062.00 937.00 451.00 622.00 2441.00 101.0 629.00 650.00 661.00 1113.00 576.00 708.00 251.00 365.00 251.00 66.00 71.00 1788.00 193.00 310.00 1300.00 314.00 384.00 1416.00 2434.00 297.00 429.00 1839.00 38.00 2919.00 1201.00 1966.00 143.00 1715.00 16.00 13.00 75.00 84.00 79.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 9.00 3.1916700 72.0293000 6.0874100 1.7232100 3.41008e+00 1.3534100 0.0000000 3.28791e-02 0.0000000 2.66561e-01 0.1392700 0.0861533 0.1269750 0.2617120 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 82.7527400 115.0128900 116.3784000 20.3338400 16.1094500 15.0180400 1.0013940 1.3292880 1.4039050 1.2221980 105.3850000 96.3495000 125.7070000 62.7687000 1.0352900 0.3790720 0.1998610 0.5814760 0.0000000 0.5809240 0.0000000 332.3727000 267.4580000 303.9540000 1.0584570 2.6766500 1.5316400 0.0000000 0.2069720 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.4633480 0.2496450 0.3352630 0.0000000 0.7800620 2.3874900 46.1756000 37.9394000 11.3738000 6.150950 0.4282900 1.4920300 1.3490600 35.0541000 129.7850000 142.3580000 9.9516400 8.6729400 11.5355000 0.3538210 0.8641640 0.8290450 17.0596000 33.0856000 133.4370000 99.4199000 649.0420000 8.8152500 43.4043000 25.8728000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.1271400
1105 107289027 charged multivesicular body protein 2B 1069.00 1834.00 2506.00 1041.00 731.00 1174.00 262.0 703.00 1039.00 426.00 1421.00 1284.00 1087.00 577.00 516.00 576.00 480.00 416.23 1657.00 589.00 659.00 1216.35 2141.00 1600.00 1500.00 2125.00 795.00 329.00 1647.00 686.00 815.00 726.00 775.00 418.00 858.00 1307.00 1128.00 2322.00 1589.00 1546.00 824.00 595.00 537.00 404.00 536.00 1.1358900 12.7367000 2.2202100 2.3029400 4.32981e+00 5.0481700 2.0215700 1.58062e+00 2.8641600 2.99892e+00 2.1860800 0.8201760 4.0579700 5.5764800 6.4043898 7.6727000 9.4075100 7.2763400 6.5179600 5.8794600 10.7402000 11.5638000 11.9448000 8.3973900 6.7883900 8.2860100 6.9735300 6.0903600 5.9330100 9.0071800 8.1603200 4.8877600 13.0766000 7.9899300 9.4951600 2.2550600 3.2832500 4.6703500 12.0057700 33.0041800 36.6918000 17.5886900 84.9241000 61.7163000 11.4381000 36.2743000 26.8861500 15.1637000 16.3509371 39.7272240 32.1041000 32.8179760 10.7815000 10.6967400 13.1334090 15.4022500 12.6402900 26.9548000 21.133510 17.2949800 15.8760930 9.4605465 8.8185590 4.2327000 7.5225980 20.4790511 1.4167895 41.5676257 11.1217290 11.4890490 9.0160470 89.0310100 57.4961900 24.8647300 49.0347000 145.9276700 52.6072000 98.3791400 81.8080000 45.0202100 24.8886700 20.3886700
1616 107292261 mediator complex subunit 30 299.00 179.00 205.00 310.00 196.00 161.00 112.0 150.00 199.00 157.00 218.00 180.00 173.00 173.00 131.00 201.00 180.00 114.00 224.00 96.00 188.00 214.00 178.00 229.00 242.00 266.00 241.00 555.00 224.00 176.00 232.00 233.00 152.00 65.00 253.00 95.00 59.00 112.00 126.00 97.00 100.00 66.00 38.00 77.00 92.00 8.1540100 12.5384000 9.3260300 11.0532000 2.42691e+01 7.4227400 10.4377000 9.84945e+00 4.8837400 8.76161e+00 6.4705700 2.4195600 10.4779000 3.1782200 3.7776000 4.8521000 2.6357900 5.9155020 14.5587000 16.6780500 34.4507000 27.8107000 36.0128000 29.0060400 32.6849100 40.5551100 28.5944600 1.8110900 2.3081600 2.8723400 1.9431700 1.7738100 3.9362700 2.8974700 2.2005900 2.3951500 2.4520800 1.3356300 4.0411200 6.5119500 6.3837800 6.6494000 8.8283100 8.1316800 2.6544300 2.6581900 2.3444300 9.1956300 17.2102000 14.9936000 19.3994000 15.7894000 13.9577000 14.2210000 13.0576000 5.4848100 3.7554700 8.0379300 9.670184 7.7295900 7.2828520 5.4388790 4.9218600 5.4947300 3.3436200 3.0176500 1.5467900 4.7106980 4.1171600 5.5128300 4.9590110 44.2700670 36.2540170 10.2121000 20.0416000 62.4531730 28.3958740 34.3201910 30.2182017 48.5452000 25.2283910 21.9290000
364 107284590 centromere protein K 6.00 48.00 55.00 48.00 18.00 79.00 13.0 83.00 80.00 10.00 208.00 27.00 183.00 57.00 27.00 57.00 12.00 8.00 97.00 23.00 48.00 257.00 113.00 189.00 21.00 54.00 37.00 0.00 91.00 4.00 4.00 22.00 4.00 51.00 12.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 25.00 6.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 0.1699270 0.0000000 0.3682440 0.4357890 9.92067e-01 0.8001060 0.0000000 4.27623e-02 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.1811340 0.0000000 1.9266700 0.5260870 0.4123670 0.5252070 0.1458950 0.0298308 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3224112 0.1045371 0.1388150 0.3423850 0.1069340 0.4228830 0.0257089 0.9948750 1.3754800 2.2929100 1.1655900 1.4513200 7.2356000 5.2695700 2.4274800 2.7631400 2.9765400 1.0221000 2.0721200 4.5641900 12.6479000 1.3311100 1.2828100 2.3133800 0.6102180 0.4328440 1.8714800 2.7358900 3.8320300 4.4307400 5.1974800 5.1944200 2.0955800 2.0772700 2.7848200 0.0000000 0.0441066 0.2993250 0.337110 1.3375260 1.0638086 0.4072720 0.3888490 1.7437518 0.8636640 0.4209210 1.2471780 1.4445607 0.5470410 0.4035380 0.6889720 0.1152500 0.0000000 0.1006930 0.1740080 2.0156570 0.2669140 1.7377460 0.7963990 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3297390
726 107286810 replication factor C subunit 3 96.00 191.00 276.00 102.00 79.00 160.00 47.0 74.00 134.00 68.00 211.00 127.00 152.00 81.00 95.00 63.00 61.00 50.00 182.00 58.00 82.00 171.00 228.00 210.00 107.00 188.00 103.00 73.00 132.00 89.00 86.00 153.00 96.00 70.00 78.00 155.00 122.00 188.00 138.00 187.00 155.00 146.00 66.00 106.00 144.00 5.8464000 4.4717400 10.3974000 7.1832000 1.68601e+01 6.8872300 12.4665000 2.03626e+01 10.0355000 1.53657e+01 9.0676000 3.5399900 15.2235000 0.8971613 1.0122500 1.5275750 0.9145875 1.8535205 2.2347646 2.0303350 4.3915160 4.0670488 3.8467480 3.3558375 5.0377726 4.3263275 4.2869903 7.2753900 5.7970200 10.2435000 4.6382300 3.9292900 7.3909300 4.6211700 5.2171900 1.9995100 4.5820400 2.1899200 1.4246500 2.2016500 14.0178000 1.7832100 4.5955800 2.6077800 0.5993680 1.2615100 1.3935100 5.1583800 5.3793800 5.9564600 6.6677700 6.7228800 4.9983600 4.3486700 5.2552700 4.3123900 3.2974140 7.1212100 4.920460 3.3146900 3.9039560 2.1304070 0.8831750 1.4241560 1.6022090 1.4025720 1.0428800 4.1239620 1.0640620 0.7364350 1.6780130 7.6635800 5.6695200 2.8133400 2.9522000 7.3060300 2.4213100 3.4585600 4.3943200 3.6308400 3.8079300 1.2368500
1554 107291870 leucine rich repeat neuronal 1 26.00 10.00 16.00 16.00 3.00 21.00 10.0 2.00 31.00 7.00 4.00 13.00 14.00 8.00 26.00 10.00 20.00 11.00 6.00 15.00 3.00 13.00 70.00 7.00 28.00 6.00 14.00 7.00 13.00 12.00 1.00 67.00 4.00 20.00 14.00 144.00 190.00 112.00 32.00 119.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 0.0739992 0.8190730 0.0850405 0.0172524 7.27739e-02 0.0000000 0.1247160 3.43661e-01 0.1359850 1.53720e-01 0.1840530 0.0155258 0.0457647 0.0588507 0.1199240 0.0626561 0.0572043 0.1788570 0.1696540 0.1529760 4.0845500 3.6996800 3.8382400 0.0396209 0.0000000 0.0346696 0.0554751 0.0170006 0.0803067 0.0470204 0.0855037 0.9625320 3.4770000 4.1041900 1.4328900 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3745250 1.0737700 3.8408900 1.9886900 10.0214000 6.8230500 0.0471389 0.8188860 0.4171870 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.6399990 0.7046360 1.1409300 0.0000000 0.0312307 0.0000000 0.1129430 0.4441400 0.6061490 1.697300 0.0000000 2.1385310 1.7296310 0.6325840 0.0269811 0.0717936 0.5896390 0.1743640 0.4930920 0.3547940 0.0348473 0.0747916 8.5938800 5.6241700 0.4262000 8.0864100 6.2239800 5.0199700 6.4035100 5.3729900 1.5552700 3.4068300 0.7809740
1147 107289288 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 14 27.47 59.81 40.00 30.65 17.00 30.00 23.0 26.00 67.28 25.00 43.50 36.00 29.67 27.19 39.57 41.00 21.12 29.00 45.23 24.00 6.00 35.10 107.96 18.79 44.00 43.00 43.84 15.00 34.80 23.92 35.00 29.63 54.00 93.79 20.38 24.00 24.00 17.00 21.00 15.00 6.00 15.00 3.00 4.00 11.93 0.3609760 0.2123420 0.3955140 0.7610470 1.71401e+00 0.0925461 0.2974550 1.97848e-01 1.2461600 2.54423e+00 1.4186600 0.3888170 2.7098500 0.5399391 0.9049745 0.8329958 0.6978960 4.8290479 6.6365920 6.1094537 7.6047200 6.8470370 7.7700330 0.3383540 0.4616715 0.3628905 0.4550460 0.2780310 5.8216700 2.7611200 1.0219600 0.6797880 7.6050200 3.8105900 0.8273530 0.6566160 0.5785970 0.1331470 6.0273000 3.2841300 5.8446800 3.3249700 3.5325700 5.1389700 0.9523190 0.7848450 0.6406170 6.9283700 4.2986810 3.2755100 2.8660800 5.6648500 0.2080686 0.6127140 0.5590220 6.6807420 4.1127800 6.5278277 8.121873 0.1596850 5.6392390 2.0028422 4.8661250 6.3536510 7.9303080 5.2151980 4.1943420 5.3009230 0.7743830 0.0591783 0.1668552 0.0144608 2.2564151 0.8290585 5.4317300 10.0685500 2.2840980 0.0000000 3.0820970 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3203380
809 107287291 SV2 related protein 2.00 19.00 19.00 0.00 5.00 12.00 2.0 6.00 6.00 4.00 12.00 9.00 7.00 0.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 9.00 8.00 0.00 10.00 8.00 13.00 11.00 16.00 6.00 3.00 16.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 8.00 3.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1904110 0.0375177 3.92601e-02 0.0000000 0.1146340 0.00000e+00 2.5424300 3.51273e-01 0.2849500 0.0789252 0.0572367 0.0682670 0.0000000 0.1458260 0.0666374 0.1439962 0.1170421 0.1254150 0.6382230 0.6614132 0.8260610 0.0620701 0.0717971 0.0405798 0.0000000 3.5131700 5.4369200 4.7750500 1.9295900 7.1786800 2.3422800 0.6174690 0.5988220 3.8019700 1.7947600 1.1564300 0.2429590 0.1745510 1.8127000 0.3711380 0.9651040 0.5373300 0.0306092 0.2904400 0.0876116 0.0318633 0.0812903 0.2304160 0.1773500 0.1875870 0.0000000 0.0762894 0.0318402 0.2584080 0.3768080 1.2403900 2.319690 0.4303830 0.0102996 0.0079021 0.6011810 0.5815150 0.0839345 0.5738350 0.3278430 0.1170040 0.2963840 0.0063218 0.1267960 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 3.6536130 1.1548100 0.2441670 0.3859520 0.5512390 0.8692517
1737 107293181 AT-rich interaction domain 5B 14.00 43.00 49.00 23.00 15.00 31.00 8.0 27.00 39.00 23.00 45.00 43.00 22.00 21.00 18.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 53.00 9.00 32.00 48.00 89.00 32.00 34.00 39.00 32.00 34.00 35.00 28.00 5.00 16.00 13.00 47.00 16.00 28.00 21.00 71.00 44.00 42.00 8.00 18.00 9.00 8.00 28.00 2.0190320 0.1229680 3.6495800 3.2180800 3.96914e+00 1.3125410 11.0193700 4.47075e+00 49.9249000 3.66231e+01 3.6138200 0.6096890 10.8684700 0.6884830 0.9104067 0.7918430 1.0771790 3.8906073 4.5642191 4.8754480 7.1126820 6.5422150 6.9645454 8.0752435 12.1161690 12.7483540 13.6535080 0.2491620 2.0437700 0.5190280 0.4456930 2.6898000 14.7984000 13.2890000 1.9201400 3.5126900 3.1213200 1.2884100 3.5132010 2.3897090 4.4643210 17.8167100 28.7399800 24.4465600 9.1693830 6.8394190 5.3931170 3.3099900 3.7279800 21.3776000 31.2333300 24.0283100 1.5463870 4.4506100 2.6553300 10.8425650 11.4341240 23.1886400 35.092830 5.4390760 10.1762388 3.5213956 14.2700190 5.8611000 6.0742600 8.5932793 9.4164064 9.4927181 0.6222517 0.5473860 0.9855406 2.9050100 3.4104100 0.5703350 1.7687100 5.5423200 3.9060900 7.4581200 6.5666800 1.2077200 0.0000000 2.1054500
1004 107288341 leucine rich repeat containing 2 84.00 420.00 149.00 197.00 112.00 594.00 35.0 88.00 62.00 109.00 166.00 38.00 114.00 31.00 73.00 54.00 5.00 24.00 146.00 49.00 28.00 107.00 123.00 110.00 122.00 403.00 39.00 26.00 345.00 17.00 2433.00 1611.00 3155.00 171.00 1619.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.0799700 43.7187000 2.2486000 0.6516860 7.63594e-01 0.4187720 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0313723 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0343792 36.1645200 41.5044700 41.1900000 0.1790740 0.5187860 0.3494758 0.0000000 0.0329158 0.0000000 0.0579407 37.4435000 43.3697000 70.9036000 30.2884000 0.2480920 2.2305200 1.0692200 0.8550820 1.0284500 1.7480400 1.8013300 18.9654000 48.2545000 74.3912000 0.0000000 0.0638644 0.0000000 0.1317590 0.0000000 0.0000000 16.3556000 20.5517000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0741281 0.0618763 30.2629000 51.4620000 7.8094500 7.441100 5.2484100 1.1558530 0.3909015 28.1813890 34.9159400 36.8961000 4.5535130 1.2275010 4.4991760 4.4595898 0.7196080 2.0156111 0.0553624 0.0861636 29.2632000 153.8640000 142.8000000 0.0903793 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1949320
510.1 107285439 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 9 0.00 2.00 7.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.0 1.00 2.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 0.0711156 0.0287997 0.0973224 0.0975035 5.22473e-02 0.2506220 0.0766524 1.43519e-01 0.8292990 1.96156e+00 0.8940380 0.6433360 0.8272260 0.8098273 0.8899664 1.4581483 1.2565220 3.0331980 5.5150830 6.3469940 5.8633280 5.6323471 6.1948440 2.1211450 1.9987290 2.6185538 2.4814316 0.4858900 1.4741600 2.3952100 0.5493470 0.7017820 1.3575000 1.4314400 0.4383840 0.1546300 0.4379680 0.2351650 4.9359400 4.1301300 4.2295400 6.3879000 7.4679000 7.0502400 11.3991000 7.6760900 7.6010500 0.0190574 0.0161105 0.2278766 0.2784048 0.1099223 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.5592233 1.4413896 5.0964091 5.309409 0.9730440 1.0066977 1.4274250 2.6690902 5.8157690 5.2335686 5.3485335 5.7487300 3.2433696 2.3029522 0.0305450 0.6488131 0.7901880 0.7301890 11.1779900 32.4121169 22.8608600 0.4260220 0.5705580 0.2439108 0.0000000 0.1311750 0.2032040
#Normalize ComBat Data prep
exp_data = log2(Final_data + 1e-5) # Log transformation, add 1e-5 to avoid log0
exp = normalizeQuantiles(as.matrix(exp_data)) # Quantile normalization
row.names(exp) = row.names(Final_data)
colnames(exp) = colnames(Final_data)
exp = exp[!apply(exp, 1, anyNA),]

batch = filter_table$species
modcombat = model.matrix(~1, data=filter_table)
combat_edata = ComBat(dat=exp, batch=batch, mod=modcombat,mean.only = F,
                      par.prior=TRUE,  prior.plots=FALSE)
## Found9batches
## Adjusting for0covariate(s) or covariate level(s)
## Standardizing Data across genes
## Fitting L/S model and finding priors
## Finding parametric adjustments
## Adjusting the Data

Supplementary Figure 5: Clustering disappears using arbritary gene set

This suggests that the UPR orthologs represent a more conserved pattern of expression between homologous tissues as compared to any random set of genes.

se <- SummarizedExperiment(combat_edata - rowMeans(combat_edata),colData=ids)
pcaData <- plotPCA(DESeqTransform( se ), intgroup=c("species", "tissue"),ntop = 200, returnData=TRUE)

percentVar_all <- round(100 * attr(pcaData, "percentVar"))
names(pcaData)[c(4,5)] = c('Species',"Tissue")

Study as a batch effect

Using study as bath effect also leads to clustering based on tissues Load ortholog data

Design matrix
id species tissue study
Pm_30 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_4 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_5 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_6 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_7 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_8 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_9 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_1_heart Habu hrt mikh
Pm_10_heart Habu hrt mikh
Pm_3_heart Habu hrt mikh
Pm_5_heart Habu hrt mikh
Pm_8_heart Habu hrt mikh
Pm_1_kidney Habu kid mikh
Pm_10_kidney Habu kid mikh
Pm_3_kidney Habu kid mikh
Pm_5_kidney Habu kid mikh
Pm_8_kidney Habu kid mikh
Pm_1_liver Habu livr mikh
Pm_10_liver Habu livr mikh
Pm_3_liver Habu livr mikh
Pm_5_liver Habu livr mikh
Pm_8_liver Habu livr mikh
Naja_vg_1 Cobra vg/sg surya
Naja_vg_2 Cobra vg/sg surya
Naja_vg_3 Cobra vg/sg surya
Naja_vg_4 Cobra vg/sg surya
Naja_vg_5 Cobra vg/sg surya
Naja_vg_6 Cobra vg/sg surya
Naja_liv_1 Cobra livr surya
Naja_liv_2 Cobra livr surya
Naja_kid_1 Cobra kid surya
Naja_kid_2 Cobra kid surya
Naja_sg_1 Cobra vg/sg surya
Mus_sg_1 Mouse vg/sg lyon
Mus_sg_2 Mouse vg/sg lyon
Mus_sg_3 Mouse vg/sg lyon
Mus_sg_4 Mouse vg/sg lyon
Mus_hrt_1 Mouse hrt encode
Mus_hrt_2 Mouse hrt encode
Mus_hrt_3 Mouse hrt encode
Mus_kidn_1 Mouse kid encode
Mus_kidn_2 Mouse kid encode
Mus_kidn_3 Mouse kid encode
Mus_livr_1 Mouse livr encode
Mus_livr_2 Mouse livr encode
Mus_livr_3 Mouse livr encode
Mus_livr_4 Mouse livr encode
Anole_hrt_1 Anole hrt marin
Anole_hrt_2 Anole hrt marin
Anole_hrt_3 Anole hrt marin
Anole_hrt_4 Anole hrt marin
Anole_kidn_1 Anole kid marin
Anole_kidn_2 Anole kid marin
Anole_kidn_3 Anole kid marin
Anole_kidn_4 Anole kid marin
Anole_livr_1 Anole livr marin
Anole_livr_2 Anole livr marin
Anole_livr_3 Anole livr marin
Gal_hrt_1 Chicken hrt marin
Gal_hrt_2 Chicken hrt marin
Gal_hrt_3 Chicken hrt marin
Gal_kidn_1 Chicken kid marin
Gal_kidn_2 Chicken kid marin
Gal_kidn_3 Chicken kid marin
Gal_livr_1 Chicken livr marin
Gal_livr_2 Chicken livr marin
Gal_livr_3 Chicken livr marin
Xeno_hrt_2 Frog hrt marin
Xeno_hrt_3 Frog hrt marin
Xeno_kidn_1 Frog kid marin
Xeno_kidn_2 Frog kid marin
Xeno_kidn_3 Frog kid marin
Xeno_livr_1 Frog livr marin
Xeno_livr_2 Frog livr marin
Xeno_livr_3 Frog livr marin
Pan_hrt_1 Chimp hrt braw
Pan_hrt_2 Chimp hrt braw
Pan_kid_1 Chimp kid braw
Pan_kid_2 Chimp kid braw
Pan_liv Chimp livr braw
Homo_sg_1 Human vg/sg Alame
Homo_sg_2 Human vg/sg Alame
Homo_hrt_1 Human hrt braw
Homo_hrt_2 Human hrt braw
Homo_hrt_3 Human hrt braw
Homo_kidn_1 Human kid braw
Homo_kidn_2 Human kid braw
Homo_kidn_3 Human kid marin
Homo_livr_1 Human livr marin
Homo_livr_2 Human livr marin
Homo_livr_3 Human livr braw
Canis_sg_1 Dog vg/sg broad
Canis_sg_2 Dog vg/sg broad
Canis_hrt_1 Dog hrt broad
Canis_hrt_2 Dog hrt broad
Canis_hrt_3 Dog hrt broad
Canis_kidn_1 Dog kid broad
Canis_kidn_2 Dog kid broad
Canis_kidn_3 Dog kid broad
Canis_livr_1 Dog livr broad
Canis_livr_2 Dog livr broad
Canis_livr_3 Dog livr broad

Normalize for study with ComBat

exp_data = log2(Final_data + 1e-5) # Log transformation, add 1e-5 to avoid log0
exp = normalizeQuantiles(as.matrix(exp_data)) # Quantile normalization
row.names(exp) = row.names(Final_data)
colnames(exp) = colnames(Final_data)
exp = exp[!apply(exp, 1, anyNA),] #removed genes without expresion

batch = filter_table$study
modcombat = model.matrix(~1, data=filter_table)
combat_edata = ComBat(dat=exp, batch=batch, mod=modcombat,mean.only = F,
                      par.prior=TRUE,  prior.plots=FALSE)
## Found8batches
## Adjusting for0covariate(s) or covariate level(s)
## Standardizing Data across genes
## Fitting L/S model and finding priors
## Finding parametric adjustments
## Adjusting the Data

Clustering of orthologs based on gene expression

se <- SummarizedExperiment(combat_edata - rowMeans(combat_edata),colData=ids)
pcaData <- plotPCA(DESeqTransform( se ), intgroup=c("species", "tissue"),ntop = 500, returnData=TRUE)
percentVar_all <- round(100 * attr(pcaData, "percentVar"))
names(pcaData)[c(4,5)] = c('Species',"Tissue")

Comparative transcriptomics using reptile salivary glands and different morphologies of mouse salivary gland.

Although our initial analysis had representation from all major amniote lineages, adding more specific comparisons between venomous and non-venomous reptiles would help further substantiate our claims of conservation of the meta-venom network across these diverse lineages. To do this we compared transcriptomes of salivary glands of royal python (Python regius), corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus) and leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) Hargreaves et al. 2014. As well as different gland morphologies of mice salivary gland to see whether they represent a transcriptionally unique group, different from overall salivary glands.

Including these additional data did not change our original pattern of conservation. Even when only looking at the meta-venom gene (which is now reduced to 460 genes as compared to 546 in the original dataset), we still get substantial clustering of salivary glands including the different morphologies of mouse salivary glands (which cluster together with the other salivary glands). Like with the case of module preservation, the close clustering between oral secretory tissues across a wider taxonomic sampling further substantiates our claim of a conserved gene regulatory network conserved across amniotes.

NOTE: It is important to remember that we are comparing expression levels of orthologs between different tissues. Owing to the different evolutionary histories of each taxa, we would not expect all orthologs to be expressed across all tissues in all species, resulting in a net loss of data. In other words, the more species we add to our comparisons, the lower the number of genes we will be able to compare. This will inevitably lead to a much reduced data set that will not have enough power to identify any real patterns. Therefore, while increasing taxonomic samples usually provides high resolution to lineage specific patterns, this has to be followed by a large increase in replicates for individual taxa to sustain the increased taxonomic upscaling. We have tried to include as much public data as possible and hope that in the future more tissue specific data would be made available for a larger number of taxa.

Clustering with all 2291 expressed orthologs

Load ortholog expression data

Expression data of one-to-one orthologs expressed across 4 tissues (and sub-tissues) in all taxa

First 100 entries of dataset
gene description Pm_1 Pm_10 Pm_11 Pm_12 Pm_13 Pm_14 Pm_15 Pm_16 Pm_17 Pm_18 Pm_19 Pm_2 Pm_20 Pm_21 Pm_22 Pm_23 Pm_24 Pm_25 Pm_26 Pm_27 Pm_28 Pm_29 Pm_3 Pm_30 Pm_4 Pm_5 Pm_6 Pm_7 Pm_8 Pm_9 Pm_1_heart Pm_10_heart Pm_3_heart Pm_5_heart Pm_8_heart Pm_1_kidney Pm_10_kidney Pm_3_kidney Pm_5_kidney Pm_8_kidney Pm_1_liver Pm_10_liver Pm_3_liver Pm_5_liver Pm_8_liver Naja_vg_1 Naja_vg_2 Naja_vg_3 Naja_vg_4 Naja_vg_5 Naja_vg_6 Naja_liv_1 Naja_liv_2 Naja_kid_1 Naja_kid_2 Naja_pan_1 Naja_pan_2 Naja_sg_1 Mus_sg_1 Mus_sg_2 Mus_sg_3 Mus_sg_4 Mus_hrt_1 Mus_hrt_2 Mus_hrt_3 Mus_kidn_1 Mus_kidn_2 Mus_kidn_3 Mus_livr_1 Mus_livr_2 Mus_livr_3 Mus_livr_4 Anole_hrt_1 Anole_hrt_2 Anole_hrt_3 Anole_hrt_4 Anole_kidn_1 Anole_kidn_2 Anole_kidn_3 Anole_kidn_4 Anole_livr_1 Anole_livr_2 Anole_livr_3 Gal_hrt_1 Gal_hrt_2 Gal_hrt_3 Gal_kidn_1 Gal_kidn_2 Gal_kidn_3 Gal_livr_1 Gal_livr_2 Gal_livr_3 Xeno_hrt_2 Xeno_hrt_3 Xeno_kidn_1 Xeno_kidn_2 Xeno_kidn_3 Xeno_livr_1 Xeno_livr_2 Xeno_livr_3 Pan_hrt_1 Pan_hrt_2 Pan_kid_1 Pan_kid_2 Pan_liv Homo_sg_1 Homo_sg_2 Homo_hrt_1 Homo_hrt_2 Homo_hrt_3 Homo_kidn_1 Homo_kidn_2 Homo_kidn_3 Homo_livr_1 Homo_livr_2 Homo_livr_3 Canis_sg_1 Canis_sg_2 Canis_hrt_1 Canis_hrt_2 Canis_hrt_3 Canis_kidn_1 Canis_kidn_2 Canis_kidn_3 Canis_livr_1 Canis_livr_2 Canis_livr_3 py_sg1 py_sg2 pg_sg1 pg_sg2 mus_slg_1 mus_slg_2 mus_smg_1 mus_smg_2 mus_pg_1 mus_pg_2 gekko_sg1 gekko_sg2
107282159 delta-like 4 (Drosophila) 2.00 14.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 16.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 3.00 6.00 1.00 4.00 11.00 6.00 2.00 15.00 24.00 7.00 5.00 9.00 4.00 0.00 9.00 1.00 40.00 9.00 12.00 7.00 14.00 48.00 41.00 17.00 17.00 28.00 16.00 5.00 7.00 6.00 23.00 1.3011600 1.3541900 3.7208400 2.20302e+00 1.7348000 1.6446600 7.5089100 1.99166e+00 3.9651400 4.5103300 2.7964000 0.4154600 9.374500 0.2613650 0.4142250 0.4180770 0.4234070 14.5213000 16.6968200 13.9656900 14.5495100 12.2522000 12.2953200 2.7546100 3.2489500 4.0296500 4.1669600 2.8004900 9.220960 3.9447000 2.4476100 3.6321900 11.475900 13.739700 4.7498400 3.4459300 9.1858800 2.9705200 12.7547600 15.7940500 11.8979900 6.0453460 6.9522700 7.5556530 2.2967400 3.8479840 3.9565120 4.2080700 9.1773140 5.0151600 9.4872810 11.6322800 3.3034520 8.9516510 13.0999100 2.9835100 7.2933020 9.7843410 7.5040300 1.2543100 0.8078245 0.7776995 7.2279160 8.8752690 10.1583670 2.8513530 3.7226126 2.0016850 1.0726300 0.3708940 0.5503727 1.6483830 1.5803980 4.4804300 11.1060900 13.0792600 2.3252570 7.0733700 19.5854800 4.2649860 3.3300540 0.7817370 9.57928e-01 2.637280 4.44237e-01 1.60050e-01 0.1136120 0.0175622 0.0628818 0.0906731 0.0120165 0.0771792 3.81211e-01 3.82342e-01
107282160 fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 2 401.01 1107.00 1511.25 192.00 291.00 380.00 119.00 85.00 593.04 92.00 571.10 509.00 489.00 205.00 235.00 191.00 208.00 97.00 646.00 358.02 116.00 639.03 2290.75 765.04 715.01 312.01 559.22 147.00 913.00 251.03 40.00 307.00 74.00 284.00 111.00 348.00 385.00 558.00 257.00 237.00 18.00 16.00 4.00 7.00 12.00 1.7816200 0.2785640 2.1286600 4.80044e+00 19.3185000 0.8919760 0.4529350 3.97270e-01 17.2049000 13.2911000 0.3178570 0.0520485 9.784830 0.1051800 0.2292530 0.1438070 0.0875200 1.7209190 1.2741190 1.3148290 1.5966820 1.5316690 1.2811550 0.0987124 0.0825726 0.0400982 0.0481196 0.3892570 4.199980 0.8801110 1.3180000 3.8020600 8.513700 7.230180 5.3173100 0.2782420 1.1383400 0.2821050 0.9374360 0.9532270 0.9705090 2.1244100 3.6560800 5.3093500 0.7090900 0.9122640 1.3071300 3.5958900 6.9071100 13.6639000 12.4163000 17.6373000 3.1501200 2.5832100 3.9303900 0.7475020 0.7185420 1.8001300 1.5809900 0.2681290 2.2424550 2.0340160 1.2478860 1.8667490 2.0865890 1.0813010 3.4676180 2.0636320 0.7381230 0.1381067 0.9197891 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3873820 10.0525000 9.1430200 2.4246300 0.0261156 2.4429600 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.6894450 2.11493e+00 1.041940 1.51021e+00 2.30091e+00 0.2395600 0.0630111 0.2908920 0.1526730 0.0423078 0.0332184 1.03869e+00 9.49710e-01
107282165 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 gamma 169.00 251.00 348.00 154.00 97.00 174.00 89.00 204.00 202.00 80.00 145.00 271.00 234.00 113.00 172.00 160.00 125.00 87.00 375.00 153.00 184.00 365.00 288.00 277.00 180.00 231.00 225.00 73.00 198.00 156.00 68.00 105.00 99.00 96.00 88.00 279.00 210.00 320.00 250.00 224.00 131.00 240.00 143.00 136.00 297.00 4.7177900 3.1846800 8.0585900 6.41496e+00 7.8400400 6.2616300 10.7617000 6.48864e+00 10.3118000 10.3704000 7.5865500 3.3614800 10.195700 4.4330360 3.5263600 3.9567000 5.1334940 2.2570940 3.4475350 3.1396540 12.6843700 10.0913000 11.6358000 49.2717100 51.3351500 55.0909600 52.2616800 24.9335000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 76.6230000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.8928400 2.7169570 4.1766200 16.5031300 42.7018900 19.9514900 16.7226000 37.8055500 31.8438000 5.4706000 4.7847400 14.6279000 14.2489000 13.9254000 10.9001000 25.0071000 23.4151000 0.7411220 0.2909010 28.0858500 23.6867200 6.8018100 0.2030506 1.2708056 1.6752670 2.5038298 2.3472850 16.7157547 25.0852900 11.9639084 23.3580900 5.6045890 11.7040270 1.8206660 2.0994670 0.1102765 0.5191150 1.0376660 4.6799600 6.7489100 1.9516280 2.8022660 5.7744350 3.3506270 0.00000e+00 0.000000 1.25911e+00 1.04618e+00 9.7732200 11.6631200 7.9436170 12.9400600 11.2305000 10.3271700 2.96317e+00 2.75499e+00
107282178 microtubule associated protein 7 857.00 543.00 514.00 389.00 323.00 305.00 306.00 347.00 423.00 453.00 489.00 534.00 253.00 348.00 469.00 354.00 841.00 560.00 528.00 763.00 470.00 275.00 967.00 448.00 579.00 268.00 448.00 567.00 363.00 484.00 9.00 51.00 12.00 54.00 7.00 494.00 317.00 742.00 560.00 682.00 121.00 220.00 118.00 106.00 186.00 13.7141000 3.8050600 20.1827000 2.17300e+01 26.8861000 14.4029000 1.7649800 5.07314e+00 16.1013000 23.3589000 6.2276700 7.2838000 46.243300 6.2959550 10.0220120 11.2070340 12.4041770 3.1342465 5.4315133 6.0542250 28.6576930 26.0940769 28.3737900 10.0446513 12.0773360 11.7087920 11.3958230 0.0991053 0.649615 0.1836200 1.2163600 19.2943000 53.357000 72.932100 84.9702000 17.0116000 18.3681000 29.0735000 0.1342240 0.4696330 2.2030990 41.9755900 115.0074000 77.9415100 17.4619800 33.9317400 31.2505200 0.5982540 0.3627031 8.6427640 8.4970040 9.9378950 2.7343230 7.0903390 7.5113160 1.3134782 2.3226752 33.1941990 50.8454110 14.5404852 6.9638500 11.8931006 1.1605530 0.3981070 0.9710383 57.8030490 12.8086476 30.2458301 11.7961990 2.8032972 4.2958990 21.9162410 14.7297704 0.0576880 0.2689849 0.0299166 31.8731670 23.5222700 11.5711900 7.0637688 7.9028140 6.8256937 2.85606e+00 23.506100 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 4.3935910 2.4497299 3.9305220 6.8248038 0.9952100 1.3063334 1.64533e+00 1.59019e+00
107282195 hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1 19.00 132.00 97.00 19.00 9.00 35.00 9.00 4.00 51.00 17.00 63.00 22.00 25.00 22.00 28.00 34.00 35.00 6.00 152.00 19.00 29.00 49.00 40.00 29.00 31.00 28.00 52.00 3.00 75.00 20.00 0.00 22.00 1.00 21.00 21.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.1563110 0.0000000 0.4445940 5.01089e-02 0.1643980 1.4167900 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0438847 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.398765 0.0187647 0.0572853 0.0199607 0.0182225 0.1198180 0.1781780 0.1452100 0.2734000 0.2983560 0.1739560 0.1243180 0.0482268 0.0250873 0.0739056 0.2727210 4.386200 0.0694099 0.8204140 0.1692860 1.149100 2.342610 0.3133600 0.0000000 0.1173980 0.0000000 0.2803320 0.1107232 1.3095350 0.2674840 0.6809992 0.5566605 0.0000000 0.1653060 0.0000000 0.6668024 2.3045300 0.0704374 0.1386965 0.3570043 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0301461 0.2051840 0.6173710 1.7652900 1.9719200 0.1849800 0.1284360 0.0819920 0.0300837 1.9124310 1.3412910 0.0000000 0.3522740 0.0108088 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 17.8998000 24.7711000 1.4997500 1.0972700 8.3593500 3.5027400 37.8804000 8.9221600 6.2345100 0.0000000 2.8376300 1.87505e+00 0.548485 0.00000e+00 3.30580e+00 0.0243138 0.0056589 0.0134784 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.71552e+00 8.94748e-01
107282230 RAB3A, member RAS oncogene family 124.00 118.00 114.00 64.00 95.00 89.00 37.00 84.00 39.00 69.00 101.00 104.00 76.00 84.00 33.00 65.00 70.00 52.00 106.00 76.00 48.00 195.00 202.00 93.00 232.00 53.00 90.00 33.00 106.00 38.00 13.00 10.00 19.00 15.00 15.00 38.00 3.00 17.00 17.00 13.00 4.00 7.00 4.00 4.00 14.00 4.1975900 6.0503600 7.1657600 6.74293e+00 7.0722300 3.9191200 5.0121500 2.51894e+00 6.9068500 6.9244000 5.6982200 3.0281400 14.028100 5.0496930 6.0282850 6.3253080 5.8671720 34.3849150 48.4868980 48.3605910 21.0340120 21.1383450 21.0756530 10.1684130 8.7885670 10.6096140 8.9512590 22.6538000 22.588300 13.3222000 9.2500200 42.1931000 44.507400 30.192100 22.2649000 15.4919000 14.1961000 8.8698700 32.2627000 16.1012000 15.5356000 18.4011000 14.1775000 18.0840000 9.8868100 7.3392900 4.3860900 0.4679880 0.0000000 3.0577700 4.0198600 4.4250100 0.0000000 0.6863820 0.2291750 15.9839600 29.6325000 12.3427445 17.4854000 0.9789410 0.7558877 0.5621150 15.7037704 70.7378810 56.6890900 19.5921800 17.8806940 9.6844180 1.5246050 0.4843200 1.1438940 16.7926030 13.5842600 22.1048300 46.7443000 72.6631200 11.4960600 17.8360600 16.6884900 3.7394100 5.3517500 3.1011200 3.85301e+00 0.000000 2.29553e+00 7.11247e+00 12.3996520 15.7894612 9.0438033 12.0138910 4.4542040 4.0432000 9.59557e+00 2.86688e+00
107282238 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5 30.00 88.00 123.00 18.00 31.00 41.00 9.00 32.00 54.00 25.00 151.00 37.00 50.00 22.00 49.00 38.00 14.00 46.00 98.00 37.00 28.00 93.00 169.00 57.00 97.00 79.98 53.00 14.00 67.00 18.00 37.00 35.00 38.00 77.00 66.00 351.00 240.00 277.00 157.00 158.00 36.00 117.00 99.00 72.00 154.00 0.8395190 1.8802300 0.9959520 1.27524e+00 1.9172700 0.8939650 17.1801000 1.99305e+01 27.5003000 24.6064000 2.8269300 0.5961660 5.974780 3.1751000 2.5667400 3.7810600 2.5979292 7.3372050 7.3011201 8.2019568 13.3973520 14.1246070 11.5904540 3.3358350 6.5837800 3.8656130 4.9112100 1.7841500 6.200330 4.6403100 4.0701500 7.0586800 20.505800 25.943100 30.5202000 7.0090200 11.4496000 9.2019000 6.4446300 13.4299400 8.0327600 6.2551200 20.5785100 25.5478300 3.5316000 5.0291900 5.4032400 2.9737250 11.3520000 7.2049600 7.8235220 6.6036780 2.9329260 6.4548130 8.6552960 6.4400300 9.0219900 22.7170810 22.3634660 3.5534500 3.3962800 2.3552240 8.0523300 5.7313700 6.5149700 6.9259500 3.3886710 12.7459000 1.4806200 4.4468100 5.0962000 5.1108400 2.6740400 3.0889800 10.1929340 6.2485800 6.5436980 5.9603000 4.4408200 5.4075900 4.5702200 3.1720000 1.96299e+00 3.865620 3.44328e-01 5.96414e-01 2.5323828 1.7299310 2.0706190 1.9546356 0.4138720 0.6110480 9.50445e-01 8.47346e-01
107282273 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 2 41.00 36.00 57.00 25.00 36.00 24.00 29.00 38.00 28.00 39.00 35.00 79.00 31.00 27.00 33.00 37.00 32.00 33.00 57.00 53.00 29.00 48.00 187.00 65.00 106.00 12.00 41.00 21.00 20.00 12.00 20.00 6.00 15.00 48.00 11.00 93.00 35.00 59.00 26.00 42.00 26.00 46.00 24.00 26.00 30.00 14.6352000 2.2047630 25.0073000 3.66089e+01 32.2381727 8.8023950 19.6469322 1.45748e+01 201.6511760 154.4144300 24.4039000 9.4756000 57.856468 1.8439520 1.8082060 1.9074580 1.6859870 6.1506900 11.6645370 12.5211360 22.0271340 20.2676220 20.6134830 14.1587530 23.4366010 23.0095310 19.7048370 24.0981000 16.992200 23.0401000 13.0588000 26.2083000 26.419600 32.734100 33.0964000 14.4734000 14.4238000 22.3376000 26.6132000 16.1164000 17.1626000 56.3811000 32.3611000 30.5777000 22.8628000 15.1822000 16.3145000 5.4791150 5.0411370 10.0654151 7.0920420 11.6833450 3.3539618 4.9496440 9.3537900 8.3087400 10.2179551 25.6539530 35.0517890 18.0431289 3.1714521 4.3992606 18.0260210 19.5779452 20.4061200 44.5803780 20.7707870 11.2117400 27.9898610 0.5511150 1.9916941 14.1743343 10.9386790 0.6346310 2.9700700 3.7133400 13.2576270 10.2238770 5.7308113 1.6715400 3.8816107 4.9474900 9.42051e+00 11.022600 9.78609e+00 8.37360e+00 0.8015448 0.4190790 0.6662150 0.3670635 0.1547407 0.1043840 3.90739e+00 3.39939e+00
107282288 coiled-coil serine rich protein 1 187.00 171.00 227.00 127.00 108.00 97.00 75.00 88.00 115.00 87.00 136.00 97.00 94.00 120.00 153.00 89.00 168.00 113.00 175.00 131.00 133.00 107.00 247.00 124.00 163.00 75.00 182.00 147.00 101.00 112.00 9.00 24.00 17.00 35.00 15.00 238.00 202.00 306.00 185.00 212.00 4.00 12.00 8.00 9.00 86.00 6.1481100 0.3722620 8.7371500 7.57448e+00 48.1432000 2.9800000 0.9312070 5.30896e-01 1.4891800 4.3902200 6.6464200 2.8749600 6.879740 2.7725150 2.1932360 2.5005699 1.5169632 0.2797109 0.2597397 0.2358936 3.7939220 3.9285650 3.5652089 0.0156553 0.1111240 0.0765373 0.0361145 0.3606850 0.702481 0.4511140 0.4101610 0.4028910 1.698670 1.235310 1.2878600 0.3803120 0.7181210 0.4916310 0.5379840 0.3886290 0.8254128 3.5225310 5.9200960 3.8207500 2.0765500 1.8140330 1.7429950 1.3591500 2.2521700 3.9721200 6.1473800 6.2369700 1.0375000 2.8659400 3.4744700 1.3288440 1.8368650 1.9450109 3.4694813 0.1457290 1.8002870 2.5673480 1.2788650 1.4289050 2.2601070 3.6490030 1.4699820 4.2102600 0.0970815 0.0000000 0.0069020 2.4161040 2.7376512 0.1098417 0.1348210 0.7405360 1.1961368 1.8835266 0.4709314 3.0200703 3.1296900 2.7595244 4.40553e+00 8.660020 1.26428e+01 1.11141e+01 2.4385639 1.5813484 1.8718417 1.1183659 1.0554512 1.6240849 5.61231e-01 4.76809e-01
107282380 F-box protein 47 0.00 9.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 3.98 8.00 3.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 17.00 3.00 6.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 19.00 20.00 5.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.0116412 0.0616251 0.1471600 0.00000e+00 0.0139925 0.3069530 0.0539540 4.10133e-02 0.5490720 2.2610600 0.0289543 0.0268669 0.844738 0.2940780 0.1519140 0.1580660 0.0000000 0.1494911 0.2543930 0.1783771 0.1332900 0.3003280 0.2275527 0.3430541 0.0787096 0.1779790 0.1422680 0.2093680 0.173676 0.2903580 0.3519990 2.3599300 0.320463 0.337920 0.3823340 0.2600860 0.1637020 0.0000000 0.0473027 0.0000000 6.1368500 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0570093 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 3.3839600 0.3824923 1.2675580 1.4719070 1.1299610 0.6845914 1.3356740 0.5822529 0.0000000 0.0259065 0.0407958 0.1650040 0.0303826 0.0155640 0.0143832 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0835590 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0268037 0.0538935 0.0838598 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0175877 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.000000 7.69405e-02 0.00000e+00 0.2760600 0.1931904 0.0758196 0.0000000 0.0646549 0.0583399 3.80555e-02 9.16049e-02
107282413 tubulin folding cofactor D 2228.62 545.85 629.62 1889.44 1251.70 1019.47 2603.91 2745.77 1621.09 1492.39 1071.94 888.71 328.07 1243.69 3154.29 2054.24 3725.42 3132.22 758.01 1795.75 2540.00 514.43 787.55 524.34 1052.60 360.37 1938.01 1428.81 405.47 937.80 422.09 355.45 630.99 367.15 525.06 608.05 405.68 742.81 476.54 546.95 184.87 205.14 208.19 191.52 388.77 7.8844700 3.4397400 4.2162000 1.19719e+01 10.0523000 6.0371200 4.6149800 3.87191e+00 7.7888700 11.8463000 5.4784500 2.8685400 8.240770 5.0468220 5.1301110 5.4359738 4.9080220 7.7200800 9.9810060 8.5778640 38.8994670 44.1733690 36.8418130 25.8854250 24.2660940 24.2624160 27.0349900 18.6316000 31.606800 26.6311000 19.2298000 10.8745000 56.156800 28.899200 19.4967000 38.9310000 28.6085000 22.2650000 5.2146940 9.6962300 17.3083500 11.6404800 22.3335900 15.6164430 4.6442800 8.1209700 9.6365300 5.6185990 6.0782730 12.0325700 12.6553300 13.6304600 4.3028800 5.1861500 7.2793430 5.2343650 7.1325000 24.7539000 32.8151500 13.8319990 26.9513007 45.1522738 32.9403790 57.8064190 63.8691454 32.8482400 38.5100230 45.4293068 18.8520899 5.6787149 15.9018157 0.6214020 0.6653408 7.8442721 22.3705910 1.1144040 26.4973000 1.2355465 10.3972740 0.1851700 0.2654850 18.5166500 5.77094e+00 14.995600 3.22690e+00 3.65556e+00 17.0962043 18.8561410 5.4056470 9.4578490 5.2386100 3.6468950 1.39739e+01 9.77375e+00
107282422 DEAD-box helicase 42 442.23 722.52 723.47 483.00 278.03 615.62 207.00 487.01 408.08 315.04 450.06 601.09 365.00 199.00 269.00 237.47 301.08 511.00 773.51 472.22 399.00 878.94 2438.04 485.01 608.85 684.25 362.97 135.03 601.51 418.00 401.00 588.00 785.00 1041.00 745.00 508.00 529.00 1208.00 1069.00 875.00 223.00 451.00 430.00 449.00 830.00 4.9885200 6.4871900 9.3437500 6.99911e+00 10.2330000 5.2355700 9.0460800 6.61235e+00 11.7163000 21.8611000 7.3028800 5.4941500 24.126800 3.2926210 2.9209700 4.4140700 3.1811900 4.7440860 3.4690090 3.5127100 7.5396520 6.8405980 7.0655790 4.1980000 4.5941000 4.6671300 4.5623900 7.7503400 15.167600 17.2574000 8.9497500 7.9723800 19.590400 16.043300 10.4502000 10.6339000 15.3890000 7.2556800 17.9476000 20.3155000 19.9387000 14.8414000 35.2443000 22.5277000 12.1505000 14.4619000 13.9253000 17.4849200 21.9683000 26.9475600 30.6737400 30.3569400 13.9789800 15.7717200 19.1150300 48.0893100 35.8689203 59.7317630 47.9619416 47.0199910 37.7437500 28.1461000 35.0565400 32.1839200 32.9079100 50.4607900 33.6480200 43.1188200 25.3584800 6.6741520 17.7956300 0.0841670 0.1455650 3.6497000 10.0580000 22.1707000 12.7651000 0.1631500 15.5372000 0.0000000 0.0000000 7.7673900 1.10397e+00 8.759680 6.53997e+00 2.78282e+00 4.0168000 3.9130500 2.2370740 4.4269200 1.2860500 1.4721060 2.72173e+00 1.13635e+00
107282465 3’-phosphoadenosine 5’-phosphosulfate synthase 1 269.00 267.00 288.00 139.00 147.00 197.00 109.00 138.00 253.00 124.00 207.00 267.00 212.00 193.00 167.00 144.00 233.00 188.00 376.00 238.00 99.00 205.00 545.00 244.00 280.00 102.00 250.00 80.00 124.00 162.00 74.00 102.00 116.00 119.00 103.00 175.00 99.00 205.00 136.00 140.00 51.00 61.00 58.00 68.00 183.00 5.4513100 0.5144800 11.2358000 9.35796e+00 16.0571000 3.7856800 5.1595600 4.73137e+00 11.8468000 14.6117000 12.1742000 3.3033200 15.126500 13.5291500 15.4679180 15.8017260 14.1795500 5.3239100 5.3870170 4.4668320 37.8411670 37.7836560 36.3583600 5.9103230 5.6865168 6.2082720 6.0108897 9.8692300 21.082300 15.1631000 9.2103400 19.5339000 49.045400 55.721000 18.2644000 14.8948000 12.6616000 5.9017700 6.9174400 10.6283000 16.9443000 6.1299300 18.9368000 19.2379000 2.4228300 6.4384000 6.0576700 2.8072300 5.9485540 18.5213500 17.2436700 13.8864600 3.5367300 4.3122660 6.1610340 6.5764200 6.3175250 18.3842200 27.1075000 6.1092200 31.3235593 26.7803773 9.1601830 11.6978900 7.0716360 20.7055300 16.3887550 28.8889740 3.2832210 1.9320700 3.0971750 75.7961370 44.8359400 3.0640900 4.6747210 10.8453480 12.1210520 28.1989800 25.3653190 8.4907190 10.3100640 2.7372500 6.89986e+00 9.132110 1.58613e+00 0.00000e+00 20.5710200 23.6336600 8.8490450 39.0711910 7.9834600 8.5501630 5.85624e+00 2.89697e+00
107282490 ADP-ribose/CDP-alcohol diphosphatase, manganese-dependent 192.00 198.00 270.00 213.00 127.00 149.00 58.00 113.00 170.00 56.00 191.00 146.00 181.00 117.00 95.00 102.00 61.00 72.00 269.00 82.00 142.00 257.00 286.00 163.00 175.00 334.00 168.00 78.00 120.00 116.00 144.00 202.00 140.00 99.00 134.00 468.00 311.00 455.00 438.00 296.00 361.00 235.00 229.00 260.00 194.00 1.5554100 4.1676800 3.6066500 1.73030e+00 7.8868000 6.3620400 1.9281700 1.47368e+00 2.9149300 2.4936400 2.6107000 1.0131700 2.964210 1.6183560 1.6731520 2.1896080 2.3838430 9.3044150 6.8554360 6.2225840 16.5421000 15.3897450 15.7271360 12.1278970 17.6558080 16.8485020 19.2721930 12.0838000 14.856200 15.4125000 12.1385000 8.1325600 8.757120 10.810400 11.3869000 2.3886100 5.1485200 3.8823200 4.9946900 8.4435300 8.8743800 5.6948300 18.6224400 9.6213500 3.2485980 4.2092700 4.1589890 4.5275800 6.0973960 9.7943500 10.8179500 10.0987800 9.4489400 7.8323200 5.9863810 0.8173870 0.5223250 1.7083200 2.2008100 1.2251400 4.0640100 3.1913920 1.6759270 1.0554080 1.2297210 1.0492480 1.0580140 3.6546940 3.7458010 3.9972580 4.8497480 5.5129000 8.7519300 1.2589000 2.0903700 8.9055300 3.3998300 9.9464300 4.6785200 0.0000000 0.0000000 4.6928100 0.00000e+00 0.000000 1.21882e+00 1.99738e+00 5.8219510 5.7201160 2.5000080 5.3184220 1.6872640 2.4346040 1.79732e+00 1.25606e+00
107282516 myocardin 7.00 17.00 14.00 9.00 2.00 9.00 0.00 7.00 9.00 4.00 4.00 9.00 10.00 1.00 7.00 9.00 3.00 5.00 10.00 6.00 1.00 17.00 31.00 16.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 3.00 9.00 4.00 290.00 90.00 395.00 212.00 572.00 45.00 20.00 12.00 23.00 16.00 0.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 19.00 0.1199420 0.0488412 0.1049690 8.28151e-02 0.4214140 0.1216380 0.3634720 3.41306e-01 0.2901130 0.6983570 0.3212700 0.0319402 0.292907 0.0000000 0.0444357 0.0000000 0.0000000 16.8825390 19.9676610 20.7935480 0.1799672 0.2060387 0.2670779 0.0386942 0.0673074 0.0365689 0.0405754 8.0232300 38.975800 31.0474000 4.7129200 0.7064940 0.995221 1.057500 0.3236570 0.3026710 0.4267120 0.2797050 25.2876230 15.8366540 10.7587030 0.5255190 0.2199300 0.8926250 0.3786530 0.5183720 0.1790814 75.1616400 68.3208800 2.2627600 2.5901500 3.2672600 0.5379160 1.1305800 2.1669880 10.3333670 6.6917400 0.5197120 0.3853245 0.0000000 0.6536609 0.0881223 3.8263390 12.7937200 13.7174800 0.4748378 0.2864345 0.5661580 0.0938763 0.0040139 0.0547302 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.7246700 15.1828440 15.4123000 0.1413740 0.1114010 1.2927100 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0779295 0.00000e+00 0.393850 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0774934 0.0224148 0.0000000 0.0128509 0.0000000 5.92323e-02 1.18815e-02
107282562 sphingomyelin synthase 2 917.00 725.00 1032.00 627.00 366.00 406.00 171.00 451.00 420.00 235.00 875.00 556.00 578.00 322.00 344.00 344.00 300.00 329.00 618.00 264.00 233.00 470.00 1071.00 469.00 787.00 1235.00 553.00 216.00 538.00 548.00 116.00 213.00 81.00 192.00 82.00 142.00 96.00 124.00 196.00 94.00 379.00 486.00 134.00 213.00 263.00 1.1150000 1.6881100 2.2283400 1.73025e+00 7.0962400 1.6349700 0.2737420 1.46652e-01 3.0809200 1.9861500 0.8470610 0.4395380 4.381550 0.4813720 0.8928860 1.3616480 1.1431250 0.2123250 0.4051930 0.2831690 20.3573160 18.1548660 20.6446660 16.2418030 14.0424575 11.2771330 9.8356809 1.8922300 9.369670 4.1496900 2.6219000 0.7419010 3.570800 1.964510 0.8732100 1.6380200 0.7137660 0.6132070 2.1827750 7.1227700 24.1797000 1.3105200 10.6562200 11.0878500 5.4648700 29.3262800 40.8463000 1.2683800 3.1353900 8.9059700 6.3508000 8.1023600 0.2954660 0.8928550 0.3509850 2.6211500 3.6528200 7.0621400 9.7669600 5.8533200 8.2378489 4.1742722 3.7195910 9.4219130 3.8414477 6.9591019 3.5492870 13.4713490 6.1400080 1.9157516 3.5119110 15.7018500 7.5297300 0.4707000 1.8566770 5.2167100 11.5283500 43.0481000 17.7708000 8.7084200 9.5464600 9.2328900 1.79706e+00 2.943760 1.48210e+00 1.96898e+00 2.4644970 4.9353006 0.4964390 2.7499647 0.1582470 0.2348062 3.76497e+00 1.19248e+00
107282571 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 13 990.00 1622.00 1773.00 830.00 573.00 962.00 278.00 506.00 769.00 379.00 1023.00 440.00 609.00 410.00 546.00 388.00 571.00 559.00 913.00 509.00 410.00 1000.00 1789.00 700.00 1204.00 1513.00 805.00 252.00 1016.00 458.00 1060.00 958.00 1158.00 659.00 1089.00 1453.00 1249.00 2410.00 2260.00 1781.00 770.00 568.00 632.00 491.00 504.00 6.1482100 4.7205300 6.5262200 1.01105e+01 22.3394000 2.1656600 7.3957500 4.13376e+00 10.2250000 8.0432900 8.2880400 1.7330800 14.261200 2.0502000 2.1036300 3.2266040 3.3495100 8.1247810 8.0220800 8.3023900 22.1517100 21.6425500 22.0909300 10.0907900 14.6564200 14.5706700 12.9715400 4.7588200 19.688800 15.2624000 3.3462000 5.2087100 28.074800 23.935300 9.1628000 10.4716000 12.2665000 4.1288200 5.5081000 10.3524000 14.6822000 4.8440800 15.9503000 19.6204000 4.6014500 8.4135400 11.3746000 13.4655000 12.6726000 21.6982000 15.9987000 20.5974000 10.0081000 8.8252000 13.1790000 5.4077500 6.6620500 10.3095000 16.2827000 10.4490000 9.1433000 5.4817800 2.6840300 3.1611417 2.9778040 5.6406800 2.0589000 13.6193789 3.8248710 4.3025800 3.5353600 0.2502280 0.0432741 0.7377190 3.5082800 7.8378000 10.7209000 0.1831600 7.7727800 0.0463474 0.0000000 2.8028700 7.00377e+00 15.269600 2.50031e+00 1.70031e+00 6.6147800 6.7032800 1.9175460 5.5009200 1.8348760 2.3385300 1.85308e+00 1.18188e+00
107282575 arylsulfatase G 1043.00 498.00 457.00 533.00 327.00 384.00 268.00 332.00 587.00 347.00 286.00 510.00 300.00 386.00 434.00 362.00 643.00 396.00 527.00 431.00 285.00 216.00 516.00 465.00 694.00 496.00 550.00 446.00 395.00 645.00 204.00 288.00 207.00 494.00 234.00 405.00 323.00 408.00 1016.00 589.00 209.00 189.00 218.00 263.00 290.00 13.6665000 0.8121030 16.8845000 1.70631e+01 23.9597000 6.4348500 13.2169000 2.68324e+01 17.9559000 12.8870000 6.9145700 2.2081600 13.312500 0.3851745 0.4249295 0.6586912 0.7037364 0.7294851 0.9904620 0.8988848 14.4921451 13.6780660 14.5960520 7.0619420 7.8794009 7.0059190 6.3476570 5.7786900 11.203300 6.9507500 6.8494500 11.0223000 17.586600 24.734800 19.6968000 15.9766000 9.7240100 7.0890400 4.5372730 1.6131470 1.8245057 4.8057200 2.5678590 2.1369820 4.5595340 1.4518440 1.9910410 2.8955200 3.1723300 3.3102200 1.6770200 2.4785800 0.8074090 1.3308300 1.0645900 4.6050100 1.1866500 2.1022500 2.7083000 0.9567810 1.7850904 2.1013273 2.9497825 4.5295140 4.0707270 9.3799395 6.7971300 6.2070625 2.3474820 0.2968240 1.3553251 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.5144460 1.1826100 2.4841200 14.7437000 0.0000000 6.5513200 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.9097340 4.27909e+00 20.027400 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 1.2774240 0.5884750 0.3413513 0.6747770 0.3519136 0.3497750 1.35648e+00 8.54188e-01
107282576 protein kinase cAMP-dependent type I regulatory subunit alpha 183.00 106.00 148.00 80.00 70.00 80.00 31.00 100.00 72.00 44.00 130.00 124.00 109.00 75.00 72.00 96.00 92.00 91.00 193.00 96.00 73.00 180.00 388.00 133.00 211.00 118.00 120.00 51.00 133.00 75.00 142.00 36.00 130.00 98.00 94.00 261.00 125.00 245.00 143.00 126.00 77.00 124.00 135.00 106.00 227.00 17.2173000 11.2276000 36.4805000 2.72061e+01 43.0878000 14.8166000 27.3997000 1.99087e+01 47.8460000 37.0617000 25.9313000 5.7208200 48.129200 13.0200890 15.3852060 13.6003010 15.8961490 92.8189300 91.4589300 90.9063230 70.3293600 68.7604100 70.2331400 41.3742520 49.3731720 52.6966500 49.3603710 61.3574000 88.014300 73.2934000 27.0035000 52.0861000 91.521300 114.559000 44.2241000 80.7315000 47.1248000 36.6133000 30.3103500 53.7956360 68.6510400 57.8368800 199.1889000 186.2650800 36.5204000 67.3928600 110.1943800 97.2723200 98.3780000 114.8659000 111.6527000 134.6507000 36.0041100 59.4269000 65.8983200 240.6380000 438.5800000 128.1396000 130.4950000 38.7248700 94.6482822 97.5195664 209.7731675 279.1313003 286.3340120 225.7349603 60.4909000 188.4816638 64.7607560 32.9780218 37.8487483 0.7371770 1.1402242 57.6167860 88.1548400 97.5980300 106.1971190 0.5905110 197.9438500 0.1365990 0.4646400 70.8477200 1.76644e+01 28.508500 8.20090e-03 2.41964e+00 26.3411470 31.6818170 7.4026140 18.6105570 7.5802241 6.7152950 2.15800e+01 1.13202e+01
107282581 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 16 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 1.00 0.00 8.02 0.00 1.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 1.00 3.03 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 23.00 1.00 4208.00 3372.00 4495.00 2410.00 2149.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 0.0382354 0.0000000 0.0000000 9.80574e-02 0.0000000 3.1925800 1.6539700 5.83734e-01 223.9680000 104.2250000 2.8847100 0.2353180 1.936390 1.1914600 1.8801180 2.2121700 1.8168300 0.0680979 0.0673476 0.0375073 120.4115000 122.9575150 122.9304500 0.1357621 0.4311990 0.4319882 0.4895020 0.0910401 0.000000 0.7335340 0.0000000 146.5040000 319.990000 302.313000 170.1350000 0.0000000 1.0856000 0.1998540 0.0000000 0.1006280 0.1306270 84.6193000 391.0300000 452.9320000 0.3465130 0.6906800 1.1806200 0.0000000 0.3904820 317.7320000 211.7360000 327.1770000 0.0000000 0.6481260 1.1206500 0.0662966 0.0467551 122.8755000 128.2095000 0.0611501 5.9039799 2.4067159 0.4867280 0.0000000 0.1426573 74.6613700 23.8310238 135.5265000 0.8056910 0.2985580 0.6847888 0.0904400 0.1757780 0.1054670 0.5371150 1.5868100 32.7362000 0.1627170 10.2695000 0.1008400 0.0351468 0.4585780 0.00000e+00 0.000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.0733310 0.4034455 1.1393020 13.6912800 0.2743590 0.3582650 6.01860e+00 7.60422e+00
107282586 phosphatase, orphan 1 4.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 13.00 1.00 5.00 83.00 2.00 8.00 42.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 22.00 244.00 4.00 18.00 13.00 3.00 0.00 15.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 12.00 17.00 13.00 5.00 4.00 9.00 9.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 0.5083990 0.4934080 1.5959900 7.93162e-01 2.5869400 6.0045000 1.2763300 2.61210e-01 0.2949840 0.8591860 1.0221400 0.1368900 29.186800 14.7252500 12.5816600 17.9916300 15.4062400 72.3487000 132.6497600 134.9957000 27.1551074 27.0950000 28.8973000 24.5703700 24.3591900 27.2325800 20.6226300 2.3514900 6.405101 5.9508800 5.6072100 3.4053790 2.668198 2.380700 1.5049700 1.4930000 2.5372320 0.4053350 23.1574000 19.6985000 21.0415000 32.9351000 25.5554000 29.4407000 28.8522000 34.9855000 32.9744000 3.0336200 0.6404190 2.2042400 0.3492980 1.5011000 2.1163400 0.0000000 0.2429480 0.4913790 0.1620650 0.8955930 0.4659160 0.4773550 0.2823959 0.1276520 0.8452720 1.3674570 1.1719970 1.1049980 0.8909820 0.7335250 0.4347870 0.7073190 0.3273043 0.0000000 0.0000000 4.2940820 16.5075200 0.2754420 0.9642710 0.0000000 0.5216150 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.6254980 0.00000e+00 0.000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0839370 0.1498160 0.6893123 0.0000000 0.0971623 8.99143e+00 1.34593e+01
107282604 transmembrane protein 101 30.00 27.00 38.00 36.00 20.00 45.00 15.00 24.00 12.00 20.00 15.00 26.00 19.00 12.00 21.00 17.00 12.00 38.00 21.00 13.00 17.00 56.00 127.00 5.00 21.00 51.00 20.00 3.00 22.00 10.00 18.00 8.00 44.00 9.00 21.00 26.00 16.00 88.00 76.00 58.00 5.00 18.00 17.00 28.00 40.00 2.8516100 6.1382500 5.4991000 3.84998e+00 8.4543400 2.5914100 2.3691000 3.08319e+00 4.3348100 7.3027700 2.8790600 1.5130400 12.419900 1.8364100 1.6551100 1.8052400 2.5805600 7.7226960 11.0021674 11.3490020 14.0785495 12.4316500 13.2641580 13.4447870 10.7683310 9.5809440 7.9852400 15.3915000 10.814900 14.4180000 9.2118000 11.3049000 15.697800 12.924900 9.8957200 11.1695000 10.5454000 7.2194600 32.0177000 21.2428000 15.4657000 44.9906000 24.2026000 24.4213000 33.0103000 15.1718000 13.5488000 3.4549500 3.8531300 8.1777800 5.6525200 4.6974000 3.1969100 1.4492200 2.5201900 11.6586000 14.1417000 135.8430000 145.8000000 15.6756000 4.0105863 10.0902814 10.1176030 21.2292400 21.6348860 69.9888020 56.5796520 63.8629134 15.6325560 7.7806434 10.1635500 0.0500100 0.1037800 4.3327300 7.4000000 18.3666000 14.8320000 0.0000000 13.8550000 0.0555872 0.0000000 18.1262000 1.96338e+00 3.063060 3.11699e+00 3.28188e-01 6.0498566 7.2586100 2.2745200 4.5516620 2.3159358 1.7760500 1.63839e+00 7.88768e-01
107282607 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 9B 0.00 22.00 21.00 5.00 4.00 9.00 1.00 9.00 5.00 8.00 41.00 8.00 16.00 9.00 4.00 7.00 4.00 8.00 21.00 11.35 4.00 26.00 50.00 22.00 14.00 12.00 6.00 0.00 21.00 5.00 16.00 11.00 32.00 46.00 15.00 10.00 12.00 26.00 19.00 16.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.39 3.00 0.4292210 0.0000000 0.4452030 5.64497e-01 0.7011180 0.0725489 3.0605100 8.14261e-01 15.3999000 30.0839000 5.4747300 1.2192100 4.666950 5.8241650 8.0319900 7.1680500 7.4737100 8.7884300 11.6554570 11.9306600 19.7352030 18.5767700 19.8246600 2.5690970 2.8404800 3.1549800 3.1165300 1.2953800 4.196300 1.6637800 1.2664800 1.0527950 2.690370 3.197170 1.0917700 1.6636100 1.1125400 0.6882700 36.9254000 13.2845000 10.0814000 25.4258000 7.3898500 8.0572800 10.7606000 3.0115400 3.4101300 7.3854300 9.1886520 4.9579500 4.1343720 8.4167850 4.5107100 5.8241300 8.2606610 16.1296000 13.5220000 46.3554000 23.6166000 21.9994000 1.7987530 4.6165400 58.4050000 29.0391000 26.9572800 91.1380000 33.0412600 22.8140400 7.6549920 0.7088450 2.4930410 0.0000000 0.0000000 5.8141800 14.0473900 0.1839110 5.1048000 0.1704930 17.7258400 0.0000000 0.0000000 3.1472490 8.68686e-01 0.451743 5.88839e-01 3.60135e-01 0.9754822 0.4189129 1.1323340 1.7927435 0.3703693 0.4483170 2.49071e-01 9.62225e-02
107282610 integrin subunit alpha 3 7.00 24.00 27.00 17.00 16.00 24.00 7.00 18.00 22.00 18.00 32.00 28.00 13.00 11.00 3.00 14.00 4.00 28.00 27.00 6.00 15.00 43.00 237.00 19.00 29.00 49.00 21.00 3.00 44.00 21.00 1.00 2.00 19.00 25.00 14.00 6.00 3.00 18.00 25.00 9.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 6.00 2.0464300 0.0509799 3.1895700 3.98866e+00 2.6507800 0.5713410 0.8034100 1.04331e+00 2.1954200 4.4286300 0.8263690 0.5445340 14.303900 1.2410039 1.9680298 2.0035780 2.1035171 6.2645680 6.5432465 6.9694970 34.8540500 33.3197501 34.4962730 7.6053540 4.8897290 4.8899160 7.1582780 0.2636420 2.253830 2.0192600 0.4641060 0.8543180 4.030670 3.988450 1.1738200 3.3764000 2.4145900 0.9661880 8.2581370 4.0444100 2.6210470 46.4027000 13.9900800 14.3471100 12.6716300 4.9575000 3.3600340 1.1652690 3.7443080 11.5995800 11.9626600 15.1376600 4.5193770 3.8502910 3.5708820 4.4174090 2.2788500 63.1127880 48.4767000 0.8694140 6.1326419 4.5571329 6.6029420 23.1233110 16.5499720 52.3817150 87.7380914 33.6800866 2.6693481 0.7324362 0.6023476 0.0208035 0.0323823 0.5012940 3.2029090 0.0182695 21.3544700 0.0904002 22.5584100 0.0000000 0.0212033 0.8706636 1.74733e+00 1.866710 5.01841e-02 4.69452e-02 1.3616820 0.9694050 0.9218500 1.8082030 0.9221580 0.7336040 2.81064e-01 1.03093e-01
107282615 solute carrier family 35 member B1 500.00 105.00 166.00 1319.00 272.00 277.00 227.00 743.00 242.00 656.00 127.00 501.00 89.00 431.00 305.00 256.00 454.00 725.00 160.00 206.00 520.00 253.00 355.00 136.00 267.00 268.00 304.00 323.00 195.00 395.00 83.00 121.00 192.00 108.00 248.00 181.00 197.00 513.00 535.00 432.00 149.00 209.00 332.00 485.00 570.00 36.1401000 22.6627000 49.4915000 4.23773e+01 70.9272000 30.6160000 37.1312000 4.07150e+01 34.7661000 27.9619000 27.3862000 11.4797000 39.037800 14.1687420 17.2658600 16.2872970 18.2448580 29.9143830 27.3614150 27.3830100 43.9656510 44.5931200 44.4696480 68.3067250 85.2949000 75.1629100 82.4287790 11.1740000 10.386500 12.2620000 9.6876000 38.5685000 37.424800 24.684900 39.3018000 17.4885000 16.3770000 17.5799000 23.2543000 30.5575000 27.2480000 50.6132000 74.3050000 73.4107000 101.8650000 89.8872000 108.3460000 13.2737000 14.9140900 39.4161600 26.3239700 32.0051400 21.5299400 47.0655000 14.0997500 55.5343000 33.4530000 95.8577000 40.2420000 97.4554000 17.3377218 13.0896131 25.0135710 36.3164641 33.6743593 50.2814350 33.2375861 76.8713650 53.1962364 57.3000350 28.7511542 0.0380593 0.1777140 7.3876300 12.6855000 0.1352600 16.5450000 0.0278065 15.1735000 0.0422927 0.0375463 9.7675600 6.23150e+01 190.437000 2.18203e+01 2.28015e+01 33.1661730 48.6234180 22.7862180 60.6505770 29.4722400 27.5457390 1.39759e+01 7.22084e+00
107282616 speckle type BTB/POZ protein 54.07 52.08 49.17 42.00 31.91 32.00 23.15 24.00 41.47 21.00 56.75 58.00 25.03 12.99 15.74 23.35 21.58 9.77 57.54 33.45 18.00 61.00 112.00 52.59 51.79 37.00 28.70 7.43 51.00 19.45 14.23 4.42 17.00 22.00 10.00 18.98 7.38 33.00 16.00 14.00 1.00 16.51 5.00 15.00 12.00 4.1923500 4.4861900 8.2132700 6.71768e+00 8.1799100 6.4328300 9.3135300 6.26544e+00 5.6236900 9.5723700 5.5410200 3.3338600 16.043600 13.3094890 15.0764690 18.0272400 12.0961900 35.9725490 36.3498580 35.6752390 38.6173930 37.5435280 45.7009880 43.7704661 33.6369380 34.3529150 32.8343870 9.4597000 10.452100 14.7058000 9.6336000 3.3595400 7.117220 5.145020 4.6597500 3.3054200 6.3032300 2.2297900 17.3558900 24.7688000 34.5955000 24.8837200 53.8414000 49.0897000 13.0604900 18.5870300 21.6965900 9.3718100 13.5869000 16.2676000 15.0344000 16.7396000 7.2113900 10.1285000 9.4835100 16.9815000 24.3370500 22.1221800 29.9934300 13.3428000 20.4389356 19.3068960 22.2531966 18.6551231 20.9370244 28.5604830 10.6217010 28.7296533 19.9612180 7.0510705 11.3025113 0.3387740 0.1977300 6.2352900 10.8616000 0.0000000 15.6458000 0.0620136 29.8857000 0.0000000 0.1657830 9.3079500 2.60177e-01 0.000000 0.00000e+00 1.42904e+00 27.6917640 32.8994720 13.3918700 29.9569440 17.2421770 16.3942260 5.32772e+00 3.98749e+00
107282630 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 3 1165.00 579.00 813.00 880.00 574.00 1175.00 276.00 587.00 503.00 546.00 442.00 2457.00 281.00 424.00 533.00 300.00 370.00 1132.00 706.00 397.00 726.00 803.00 1695.00 580.00 801.00 778.00 687.00 578.00 945.00 474.00 552.00 364.00 1221.00 494.00 1184.00 990.00 792.00 3135.00 2190.00 2491.00 659.00 993.00 1196.00 1210.00 2097.00 23.2233000 21.3700000 41.3792000 3.13105e+01 151.9100000 72.5069000 31.3582000 4.11756e+01 25.0612000 60.7403000 13.8387000 14.6206000 34.765200 12.4788170 15.7426550 15.3240750 13.2743651 6.8155100 7.9753336 8.5751620 26.5491810 23.7244790 25.9203941 31.9693286 47.8430580 43.6775716 44.0072534 80.2708000 100.107000 88.9750000 91.9205000 75.8741000 187.559000 177.513000 154.7930000 102.0870000 140.3730000 79.4472000 18.7809100 10.8191200 8.8373000 55.2570100 14.9206300 14.5748600 25.1592700 10.6983100 12.1493300 16.5889000 19.1122400 27.9225400 21.5795400 26.1953000 23.0000000 19.9607000 20.5717600 20.8153600 18.0706930 99.9854000 87.9223445 68.9091890 48.4526150 48.9121301 55.8047711 67.6859159 61.6537120 112.2570170 73.2758983 102.5025461 50.4154323 36.6772293 58.5255842 0.2356160 0.2444840 21.9119000 22.5219000 27.8653000 26.5942000 0.0287083 24.3444000 0.0000000 0.1159590 18.7199000 3.04155e+01 163.066000 3.49470e+01 2.55875e+01 55.9056230 94.9155040 14.2138690 31.2655110 18.5685390 18.3894630 2.43811e+01 1.78129e+01
107282631 proline rich 15 like 465.00 173.00 285.00 374.00 134.00 271.00 131.00 270.00 134.00 216.00 93.00 582.00 106.00 115.00 141.00 127.00 213.00 419.00 175.00 186.00 384.00 244.00 449.00 280.00 441.00 304.00 274.00 106.00 324.00 206.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 2.00 208.00 192.00 343.00 496.00 544.00 134.00 373.00 131.00 219.00 608.00 0.0000000 3.0409900 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 13.1192000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 7.6853790 9.4491390 9.1904970 10.1101900 1.4379715 2.1737645 1.7338890 95.3388600 91.1818870 91.0929150 1.1750419 2.7372690 2.9715784 3.2701724 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 27.9053000 9.749310 1.869160 3.6254300 5.7545300 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 64.9872000 0.5330890 0.0000000 65.3561000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 3.7290100 0.5136310 4.4562500 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.0112900 0.0000000 6.2869000 8.9695900 0.0577502 0.3875580 0.3437480 25.3359000 34.0205000 37.8462000 0.6419630 0.4727400 0.6740760 0.0000000 2.9938900 0.0000000 1.0040000 0.6152260 158.9650000 0.4995700 735.7780000 0.0000000 0.0000000 5.6852700 1.45780e+01 55.403200 1.25171e+01 9.71911e+00 71.5924350 90.1188500 16.0882000 58.5808600 12.3518771 11.0432507 1.31149e+02 1.52798e+02
107282642 SRC kinase signaling inhibitor 1 3.00 15.00 16.00 14.00 4.00 18.00 1.00 15.00 2.00 13.00 16.00 8.00 3.00 4.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 2.00 17.00 8.00 6.00 38.00 49.00 17.00 9.00 20.00 1.00 3.00 18.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 15.00 3.00 25.00 19.00 13.00 11.00 6.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0105270 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.4666030 0.0385958 0.00000e+00 0.1589810 3.2824500 0.1035620 0.2306300 0.481536 0.1209900 0.1674663 0.1512406 0.1253347 0.0866757 0.2301434 0.2192972 10.1251700 9.5707720 13.5630280 0.0753322 0.1808814 0.1241564 0.1874710 16.0616000 41.255400 22.8921000 30.1411000 0.3621160 1.450120 1.264460 0.1140720 0.0000000 0.0427364 0.0000000 5.1553500 15.1888700 13.3243000 6.4489020 4.8225100 4.1726630 1.4610040 0.3587249 0.3451480 0.7141830 0.6168228 21.8174600 13.5028400 16.2542800 0.3284780 0.2235772 0.5030670 0.0823971 0.1296080 0.1530744 0.2447550 3.5252318 0.9173663 2.4126640 0.1664383 0.5078703 0.8085913 0.4062282 0.1972590 0.0896119 3.5310030 0.6286561 0.8583714 0.0000000 0.0108563 0.1461288 0.1461436 0.1550136 0.5106664 0.0000000 0.4355485 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1300528 2.28408e-01 0.000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.0065172 0.0000000 0.0574220 0.0064032 0.0142639 0.0000000 4.94533e-01 4.95998e-01
107282646 CDGSH iron sulfur domain 3 14.00 23.00 47.00 84.00 13.00 51.00 9.00 64.00 31.00 23.00 25.00 64.00 23.00 22.00 13.00 39.00 21.00 38.00 54.00 19.00 38.00 77.00 95.00 49.00 31.00 101.00 30.00 32.00 76.00 14.00 33.00 35.00 100.00 17.00 95.00 42.00 35.00 101.00 79.00 84.00 80.00 36.00 80.00 70.00 99.00 0.5032010 1.1416300 0.8632930 7.83515e-01 0.5400350 5.0940800 12.6606000 3.45070e+00 19.0922000 34.4438000 2.9948400 4.3965200 6.112930 4.5170580 6.7893760 5.1922840 5.8144912 37.0943000 63.9935000 58.4948900 111.0262600 110.9798700 119.3106000 82.8629200 60.6942700 66.0681000 65.6795600 8.5688600 12.184400 14.4602000 7.2782600 14.8230000 28.113000 39.016800 21.5433000 43.5933000 63.1571000 31.2048000 33.0347000 13.0238000 4.8531600 131.9370000 21.9947000 25.8654000 36.5452000 15.0803000 11.4204000 47.8341000 74.8743000 145.0852000 152.2299000 160.7113000 15.9475200 32.4332500 47.3667200 13.1289000 12.7695000 41.8016000 52.3801000 46.9919110 1.1016930 2.3666050 11.8898000 24.4216700 21.7235100 36.5633000 56.6566700 48.8651100 60.4524000 37.8093800 48.6719100 0.0000000 0.0000000 401.4460000 329.3830000 514.8850000 345.5290000 0.1351970 323.0770000 0.3871100 0.2785630 315.9110000 4.55375e+01 50.949500 3.08487e+01 6.72227e+00 41.5581120 51.5050330 91.4230300 39.8546300 20.1992650 6.5680600 5.36105e+01 3.94364e+01
107282649 lysine acetyltransferase 2A 92.00 100.00 161.00 97.00 69.00 145.00 23.00 64.00 87.00 61.00 104.00 169.00 95.00 48.00 41.00 38.00 51.00 62.00 89.00 52.00 50.00 208.00 511.00 72.00 172.00 198.00 63.00 41.00 177.00 46.00 35.00 57.00 73.00 124.00 64.00 56.00 43.00 137.00 95.00 85.00 41.00 56.00 62.00 61.00 110.00 0.6701520 0.0865265 1.2190800 1.06892e+00 1.5226100 0.3232400 2.1969100 1.09413e+00 1.9640600 5.0888600 2.3172900 0.9619440 5.003780 3.4134380 4.5664400 3.9125990 4.5115460 8.0840210 10.5582950 10.5698390 18.4317340 17.4250530 18.0899800 13.3178800 16.7625700 15.9022700 15.6546520 1.8944200 2.352600 2.1974300 1.2749900 2.1958600 3.012320 3.419330 1.4892200 1.0637100 1.7605000 0.5572140 11.7890000 7.1666900 7.0205300 13.3566000 9.0243800 18.4826000 9.6541500 5.9567300 6.2090400 3.9354850 4.6271600 6.8462180 7.7779489 6.8725191 3.5613850 4.2309811 5.8773324 4.6930700 8.1067200 15.7569000 50.3764000 9.2714566 7.2280970 8.9099815 17.9745040 17.6132390 17.7538200 17.0921400 22.0327440 19.8389700 25.4532900 6.7833540 16.7647800 0.0000000 0.0308551 3.0477300 6.2744400 5.5668400 3.4868000 0.0000000 6.0779000 0.0000000 0.0202414 5.1545900 7.09799e-01 2.076290 1.53240e+00 1.04707e+00 1.7289660 1.3196560 2.1492443 2.1627535 1.3735696 1.0421420 8.76469e-01 3.18139e-01
107282663 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma transducing activity polypeptide 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 2.7552750 3.7330810 3.2446620 3.2464310 5.6900970 7.9075350 7.4744160 7.6260170 7.9910800 9.3986730 3.5791860 5.5407620 4.7436931 4.7521808 0.4823990 1.648170 0.2710890 0.5353580 0.0400361 0.279793 0.357729 0.0000000 0.6040370 0.5125130 0.1841010 6.3401700 9.2531200 5.2224400 12.6336000 15.6233000 7.9467100 11.9039000 14.1901000 5.7381500 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.3915000 2.6578200 3.5698600 2.7881800 5.1339300 0.6788950 0.2602290 1.6755420 1.0530700 0.6289220 1.8231410 3.7684070 1.5704410 1.6179000 0.1728810 1.2774600 0.2287870 0.9891660 2.9998200 3.2210500 0.2710450 1.1214700 0.6965030 9.1384400 0.1694910 0.0376123 1.4469800 0.00000e+00 0.000000 3.16759e-01 0.00000e+00 5.9477720 1.7936472 9.5393144 4.1451758 2.1985260 2.8239040 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
107282673 pyridoxamine 5’-phosphate oxidase 4.00 20.00 28.00 9.00 7.00 13.00 5.00 15.00 9.00 13.00 24.00 18.00 10.00 6.00 14.00 11.00 8.00 17.00 9.00 9.00 14.00 39.00 65.00 17.00 15.00 9.00 5.00 0.00 44.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 17.00 4.00 26.00 29.00 17.00 29.00 32.00 65.00 12.00 20.00 18.00 15.00 74.00 8.9910500 30.0606000 12.0837000 1.16505e+01 69.6489000 9.6701300 32.7887000 1.60467e+01 76.5247000 99.2105000 11.8287000 7.0988900 15.613300 5.8789860 6.5788380 6.9633100 7.1824860 7.6930190 12.3960930 13.3328300 52.0141910 51.1065170 52.6865200 139.4203400 152.8791700 146.5681400 151.3320300 10.3046000 10.596300 17.3517000 4.2193000 21.3913000 36.854100 47.080200 19.9257000 42.6520000 42.9987000 7.3661800 6.3515600 5.9574800 4.9848400 172.3220000 107.5430000 183.1650000 66.5780000 37.0037000 40.7521000 6.1712650 8.1819100 23.9072600 27.1498600 21.8772000 6.1424600 17.4731900 11.4501000 7.2965300 9.0777300 44.5182890 80.1601000 27.4354000 3.7841020 2.7857052 5.9447953 19.6238241 10.5584505 48.3185560 53.8915618 70.7056920 48.2004943 12.0499549 41.0556966 0.1047730 0.4445540 8.2010120 23.4047560 53.9285000 149.2526400 0.2375430 85.9929400 0.0000000 0.3568270 86.3342080 2.38598e+00 1.667360 1.57811e+00 1.11320e-03 12.1000590 16.0593337 3.3663310 14.0691000 4.3771300 4.2726571 1.83042e+00 1.40484e+00
107282747 serine/threonine kinase 31 0.00 10.00 11.00 8.00 5.00 14.00 0.00 10.00 6.00 3.00 13.00 9.00 2.00 0.00 8.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 8.00 17.00 43.00 27.00 1.00 22.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 3.00 73.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.0403378 0.3660630 0.0145692 5.91138e-02 0.0069265 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.5953670 0.3950300 0.0143328 0.0132995 0.169876 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0804532 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0912923 0.226364 0.3828890 0.0803376 0.0270386 0.178787 0.308497 0.0831058 0.0527645 0.1743560 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0083503 29.7019800 0.0307461 0.0000000 0.0687271 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0224119 0.0000000 0.2159010 0.0699391 0.0110168 0.0168685 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.1952810 1.4103980 3.2320100 5.0914890 1.6293790 0.2230833 0.0881644 0.3261736 0.2630910 1.2634120 0.0517138 0.8719046 0.3792834 0.1581535 0.0504055 0.2642331 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0377866 0.0784950 0.0117503 0.0000000 0.0251309 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0302418 2.33641e-01 0.182251 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.0431102 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 5.30096e-01 4.07104e-01
107282748 WAP four-disulfide core domain 1 24.00 105.00 89.00 11.00 6.00 31.00 3.00 8.00 86.00 11.00 6.00 109.00 53.00 10.00 20.00 12.00 5.00 3.00 37.00 12.00 5.00 83.00 158.00 41.00 29.00 95.00 18.00 29.00 67.00 3.00 2.00 858.00 14.00 80.00 81.00 21.00 14.00 14.00 32.00 40.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 9.00 1.2934200 0.8018980 1.1784100 2.36079e+00 5.7463900 0.4608730 0.9181010 1.41632e+00 1.7273200 3.0287400 1.0723400 0.5647490 1.056940 0.5142080 0.4395020 0.2919830 0.2511690 17.3111030 26.4882500 28.1476000 6.9483000 5.6945600 6.5971400 15.6423600 10.7415600 10.7492600 11.6105700 192.0540000 123.179000 114.5780000 79.5275000 6.9491000 4.798610 4.167060 2.8865900 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2787250 9.2311020 12.9774200 21.5167600 1.4145500 2.0875150 1.2328990 0.6319040 1.1491320 0.5924020 1.1003900 1.8094300 1.5386400 1.1250700 1.3253700 0.1159160 0.2467000 0.3603700 2.0541100 0.6011250 10.5311000 6.8916500 0.7049860 0.6467793 0.3425730 1.6257420 4.1605120 3.2276280 6.0101530 13.1519140 6.3283080 2.3347580 0.2452988 1.2767349 0.7815610 5.5658500 1.9964630 2.9390360 16.6076000 7.2280050 34.1420700 31.1739000 0.8948760 0.5271990 2.8121490 4.13980e+00 9.149500 1.90474e+00 1.37247e+00 0.6180070 0.0808333 0.4449090 0.1508650 0.1094860 0.0000000 7.24109e+00 6.30282e+00
107282756 glycoprotein nmb 81.00 185.00 128.00 81.00 13.00 72.00 26.00 46.00 104.00 22.00 112.00 162.00 749.00 42.00 55.00 27.00 37.00 49.00 426.00 41.00 197.00 259.00 207.00 135.00 101.00 50.00 80.00 11.00 196.00 26.00 9.00 24.00 21.00 69.00 34.00 27.00 11.00 88.00 154.00 21.00 21.00 2.00 11.00 5.00 69.00 1.2097200 0.8152720 2.9147200 2.02624e+00 4.6372000 7.0389200 3.3828700 2.67135e+00 8.4022800 13.4492000 3.7714900 3.4412700 10.268700 0.1080063 0.3073270 0.0939576 0.0571882 1.0352461 2.8495686 2.8647668 1.3712953 1.0676290 0.6168485 0.3037090 0.1395910 0.1304133 0.2083844 1.6551800 4.224700 2.9350800 2.8696600 3.1116200 5.990030 5.846690 3.9794900 16.1268000 12.5953000 1.7631100 0.0162729 0.0183325 0.1903820 0.0589437 0.1054710 0.0344874 0.0184204 0.0699047 0.0337390 3.7243200 2.2258800 10.6656000 5.9353100 6.3163100 24.5318000 104.6908290 19.1163000 6.4023320 69.1051200 26.0444000 31.0587300 10.8660600 24.9352529 13.5544463 24.6287660 103.3140270 114.6888800 42.1523240 22.8531590 65.4554150 1.5605230 1.0902931 3.0795200 6.9905700 3.6116200 0.1684870 0.3192400 0.2878470 6.9888800 92.0778000 24.1593000 7.3718000 28.0547000 2.2663000 0.00000e+00 0.000000 2.71083e+00 1.64669e+00 0.2578205 0.1847422 0.0679959 0.1274326 0.0382560 0.1026760 8.12550e-01 3.13912e-01
107282760 coiled-coil domain containing 126 167.00 165.00 211.00 244.00 80.00 184.00 75.00 134.00 105.00 140.00 132.00 178.00 78.00 94.00 115.00 77.00 84.00 148.00 175.00 108.00 184.00 200.00 418.00 128.00 157.00 210.00 152.00 67.00 220.00 62.00 101.00 99.00 220.00 207.00 213.00 138.00 119.00 525.00 407.00 373.00 50.00 48.00 112.00 96.00 130.00 3.7671800 11.5351000 7.8394200 5.93977e+00 7.7608300 10.1887000 4.7757400 4.18817e+00 5.7009300 12.8529000 3.9031300 2.3454000 21.394100 0.5698400 0.5818330 0.8101108 0.7859520 1.3791000 1.4447400 1.4092600 2.9525680 3.4158018 2.8962740 0.7718010 0.7191460 0.7294745 0.8066490 11.8001000 14.080000 14.7214000 10.7080000 9.4777400 26.646300 16.447500 11.9631000 16.8788000 26.8914000 8.3426800 10.4561200 32.8648000 29.4081500 11.8849300 54.1867900 45.8446100 6.0075900 18.1591400 15.4667700 26.5239000 29.5223000 41.4473000 35.8035000 42.9197000 22.3223000 25.0699000 38.5976000 1.0820900 1.1032000 2.0102500 2.9310700 4.0293100 6.7189570 3.6057900 2.0144600 1.1265750 3.4036360 5.6815600 1.4920010 7.5445160 4.1428130 2.2296140 5.3804000 10.8494800 13.0593400 1.6351740 4.6156600 17.6515000 22.9576200 69.6096400 14.4417600 8.6218800 3.0828100 3.5760500 9.35593e+00 16.597200 8.21684e-01 1.30127e+00 2.2136400 2.0791900 0.8298220 1.9626760 0.3768090 0.4080270 1.34809e+01 1.47735e+01
107282761 family with sequence similarity 221 member A 71.00 83.00 93.00 193.00 76.00 112.00 28.00 110.00 68.00 61.00 62.00 152.00 65.00 83.00 58.00 47.00 33.00 78.00 120.00 50.00 159.00 226.00 107.99 76.99 75.00 154.00 86.00 65.00 72.00 47.00 13.00 40.00 47.00 43.00 25.00 62.00 42.00 116.00 74.00 83.00 46.00 46.00 87.00 21.00 78.00 0.3827570 4.3225700 2.4837900 3.59923e-01 3.6805400 3.0277400 1.0643900 1.12375e+00 11.3764000 16.5084000 2.3482800 1.6489600 3.790080 2.8892040 5.4229240 4.0285367 3.9487330 0.5015800 1.2818649 0.6777704 1.6492950 1.4291400 1.9675876 0.0830587 0.2047053 0.3776182 0.2226072 22.8589000 16.320100 22.5985000 19.9129000 20.7698000 39.259900 35.878800 25.6635000 14.4946000 33.7398000 14.8986000 0.3205960 1.4778300 13.7942000 1.3878500 2.3713800 2.2505700 0.0000000 0.4293470 0.5180540 2.8865000 6.2452900 16.9920000 15.6504000 12.9591000 4.3376800 3.0910300 5.7444800 0.7024980 0.0000000 4.0808180 3.9944218 2.1516060 5.1152600 4.4922690 2.4616700 2.8490390 2.5180200 6.2854830 2.8214960 8.3704550 2.6115400 3.5137620 7.5535040 14.3745800 4.4147570 0.7372838 1.6290950 4.1046400 6.4819170 4.6024560 7.5740100 4.4969700 3.3739590 2.3797870 2.43883e-01 0.380480 1.43030e+00 3.66947e-01 10.0578360 13.5715160 4.4965630 8.9351710 7.9055560 8.7554390 8.82238e+00 1.58851e+01
107282762 membrane protein, palmitoylated 6 26.00 58.00 87.00 64.00 12.00 131.00 7.00 70.00 97.00 16.00 88.00 92.00 47.00 19.00 30.00 18.00 15.00 37.00 62.00 28.00 58.00 243.00 505.00 51.00 24.00 161.00 25.00 8.00 124.00 20.00 28.00 22.00 91.00 84.00 81.00 56.00 34.00 323.00 162.00 169.00 41.00 51.00 113.00 59.00 134.00 0.0692857 0.0523969 0.2502460 2.28456e-01 0.5234760 2.0879000 1.5138600 1.90051e+00 1.2227000 5.9370400 0.6154630 0.8680600 3.254530 6.7970243 5.8427352 8.5735504 7.6171980 11.3010930 7.0912369 7.2216243 16.3345688 12.8918460 14.7905105 18.7002744 14.0281050 19.7382770 14.6875700 0.5289200 4.224080 3.6249000 0.5149730 6.2462200 27.671800 37.133100 9.7167700 40.4519000 72.4873000 20.7400000 2.0219200 3.0448300 55.6999000 21.2072000 50.0146000 47.2456000 26.5407000 55.5652000 76.5835000 1.7265870 1.8645876 6.0003406 3.7105472 6.6082239 1.4253110 2.2295190 3.5424438 2.1093270 1.7546573 7.7924260 11.1387850 10.7582030 2.5022315 2.5530721 0.6686805 0.3417967 0.4597678 6.2282320 3.2221570 7.0173662 7.4719780 1.0394292 1.7776573 3.2305780 2.2299730 0.4919550 0.9445560 3.6108610 6.4640224 10.2516800 2.7190270 14.8679920 11.0622110 6.9163200 8.43307e-02 0.000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 4.4913022 3.0064169 7.7036470 16.5573920 2.4283983 2.9283569 1.82510e+00 6.27608e-01
107282763 deafness, autosomal dominant 5 91.00 134.00 218.00 89.00 17.00 38.00 4.00 13.00 90.00 11.00 67.00 153.00 37.00 20.00 29.00 17.00 13.00 39.00 72.00 21.00 45.00 130.00 450.00 79.00 87.00 140.00 48.00 4.00 61.00 71.00 125.00 123.00 296.00 118.00 191.00 44.00 42.00 110.00 94.00 64.00 30.00 77.00 119.00 93.00 166.00 0.1908730 0.3722620 0.3809800 3.86453e-01 1.5093800 1.0595600 0.3724830 1.06179e-01 0.1353800 1.2912400 0.4497580 0.0927407 4.214410 0.7709550 0.6083202 0.5376580 0.6847279 0.8399873 0.7507969 0.6323400 4.8153350 4.7957631 4.7410081 1.6843805 1.9883690 1.5985480 1.8954258 1.2884300 2.132500 2.7622800 2.0516000 15.2814000 39.264800 22.042600 28.6540000 1.4967500 1.6598000 1.0165600 2.7952300 7.8591700 12.8898500 1.8372180 2.3067600 2.9283670 0.0932660 0.4114200 0.2707760 1.4933900 2.5332000 20.1947000 9.9627700 14.2742000 0.8916600 1.6035500 2.5225900 3.3648500 1.2874400 6.9080900 7.6836800 9.8701400 1.2003278 0.7143526 2.8832790 5.8391410 4.2483382 21.8699500 9.7307451 15.6320703 1.0913815 0.6560447 1.2148767 5.8818600 3.8327200 1.1158600 0.9732050 1.8929000 6.8553200 8.3234900 19.1419000 0.4183940 0.3196010 0.1312380 4.39256e-01 1.670370 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 1.4553327 1.9889065 1.4528870 6.5986860 0.5311763 0.4285064 7.90775e-01 4.95701e-01
107282764 oxysterol binding protein like 3 77.00 469.00 726.00 267.00 93.00 323.00 37.00 293.00 303.00 107.00 463.00 299.00 269.00 132.00 151.00 121.00 88.00 186.00 313.00 195.00 313.00 1157.00 1984.00 443.00 193.00 486.99 223.00 37.00 990.00 78.00 205.00 103.00 525.00 568.00 594.00 703.00 723.00 1422.00 1414.00 1099.00 1247.00 1637.00 1169.00 2884.00 1063.00 0.5108287 1.3065990 1.2694180 8.77194e-01 2.2101060 3.1067310 1.6862150 5.67961e-01 4.4272700 4.8126200 3.5598470 1.8372480 5.771270 0.4003349 0.6351040 0.5052760 0.5936919 6.9939212 9.0253110 8.6079210 27.2173680 25.2337117 23.1632640 0.1389964 0.5315282 0.4578022 0.2480446 0.4092400 3.795170 3.1695200 0.6577990 2.5081500 16.615700 13.632100 4.6271600 1.6664100 1.6898400 0.0375456 3.8077340 6.0106890 7.8523810 0.4711450 2.4308180 3.4619350 1.4149630 5.9889810 3.2577500 0.4949515 0.5109580 4.4356300 7.1348575 5.2325160 0.4670857 0.4730790 0.5711220 2.3416020 1.5706304 5.9034195 8.2802090 1.0489150 3.0121531 1.4181308 2.6848700 1.5491140 1.0904362 5.7704713 4.5196240 6.5646470 1.0670944 0.1435724 0.8827395 8.8721910 2.4270290 2.4714650 7.5080710 5.3351320 2.4575700 2.0206349 4.0495650 0.5086900 1.1813411 0.5512616 1.14098e+00 1.068020 5.17575e-01 6.10944e-01 0.6275322 0.4976080 0.2709298 0.3116082 0.1354244 0.0901173 7.36627e-01 5.47801e-01
107282770 src kinase associated phosphoprotein 2 112.94 211.99 266.00 216.89 67.00 171.98 51.00 130.97 141.00 83.11 126.95 143.52 116.00 66.00 70.00 81.00 60.44 123.00 142.00 107.00 130.00 272.00 580.00 156.98 115.00 355.99 123.93 10.33 236.86 58.94 91.00 122.00 239.00 308.00 266.00 248.00 194.00 609.00 696.00 509.00 137.00 190.00 259.00 314.00 300.00 1.6487700 0.0000000 4.5310000 2.38996e+00 11.3738000 18.9020000 5.9804200 3.03069e+00 5.9572700 9.6235600 4.1008800 0.8272240 18.856700 3.0798474 4.1991490 3.2184069 3.5934471 3.1305176 3.3561026 2.9537783 15.7418451 18.5113143 17.5893112 4.3874810 3.7136487 6.1820888 4.5224078 1.4385900 4.704910 1.7160900 1.8066600 6.3315000 17.743900 16.608200 7.2378000 10.6793000 10.0826000 3.7404400 4.5952000 7.2948510 18.6116300 13.1741400 31.5646600 28.9555900 11.4152100 14.7688800 21.6123300 1.1509700 1.5438100 9.4898700 10.1230400 7.7694600 4.9111786 6.8604500 12.7554600 5.3457500 2.1149710 23.5840300 26.7056000 6.6938300 5.7511281 2.8559700 2.5299150 0.6583790 1.8823630 19.7185770 6.0430000 26.1406000 1.8615130 1.3454500 1.9478450 6.6536600 2.6000512 1.0642700 2.3872000 4.4185700 12.1097230 29.2153320 30.6961000 9.7837900 5.2617920 1.8381500 2.63049e+00 8.651280 7.80815e-01 0.00000e+00 6.2804372 7.4130472 3.6611765 3.8665771 3.0142402 2.2056440 2.06334e+01 1.86750e+01
107282778 secernin 1 68.00 13.00 7.00 167.00 54.00 65.00 16.00 15.00 67.00 38.00 5.00 44.00 8.00 42.00 44.00 3.00 27.00 80.00 15.00 24.00 7.00 16.00 65.00 11.00 46.00 12.00 121.00 59.00 9.00 62.00 22.00 46.00 60.00 33.00 41.00 13.00 20.00 21.00 18.00 19.00 2.00 9.00 11.00 2.00 16.00 1.1942600 0.3870640 2.1567000 1.56263e+00 0.5566130 0.6426510 0.9036850 5.15205e-01 0.7116350 1.6707700 2.6672900 2.1374900 7.627020 0.1568800 0.0456316 0.1430820 0.0435418 5.9943220 4.0841920 4.6021990 2.2342610 1.9123845 1.7222007 0.0100438 0.0612861 0.1055230 0.0211076 1.8139700 2.218690 2.0573600 1.2939600 2.2987800 4.884490 3.102940 1.7141600 8.2140600 7.9970900 4.5544100 1.4080300 5.9920400 10.2556900 3.7287700 16.1135900 14.9798100 0.3025970 0.9240900 0.4822888 0.3563080 0.2847340 0.4323610 1.6073500 1.2096600 0.0000000 0.0485263 0.0810118 14.4187800 11.2354910 34.5276800 29.8277900 1.4784800 9.2528091 6.4723520 6.4499500 6.6113890 6.4997960 21.3230800 13.2268201 21.0307400 0.8923398 0.2923540 0.5888815 17.4386940 16.5608090 0.9368050 1.5167281 2.9890426 4.1848537 8.5410430 4.4670200 6.0774100 5.2589530 1.5975157 6.65910e+00 15.457500 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.5291770 0.1863213 0.4474850 0.2864469 0.9452390 0.2144160 5.60651e-02 0.00000e+00
107282780 pleckstrin homology domain containing A8 157.00 207.00 186.00 368.00 115.00 254.00 83.00 135.00 177.00 174.00 101.00 294.00 93.00 107.00 132.00 118.00 136.00 165.00 167.00 155.00 195.00 195.00 559.00 147.00 189.00 234.00 184.00 73.00 212.00 152.00 139.00 129.00 309.00 111.00 223.00 169.00 172.00 605.00 348.00 325.00 325.00 301.00 500.00 387.00 602.00 2.1065400 4.9212800 4.1256800 3.19577e+00 9.9260300 13.6906000 16.3180000 1.05227e+01 2.0657900 4.8587400 3.3453800 2.9672500 11.841300 0.8672430 0.4606600 0.4128870 0.7217420 2.4178150 1.4397800 1.4552700 4.5354090 4.5017150 4.3640083 4.3248900 2.8027920 3.2831617 2.9109800 1.5992316 4.325290 3.4039120 2.9121100 6.8307000 10.358200 10.835800 12.9995950 14.4115000 17.1337000 19.5633000 7.9114180 11.0961500 25.1673600 4.8064590 10.4989500 9.2245000 3.0434110 4.4491000 3.6097290 3.7438600 3.3928400 5.5602100 5.4258900 4.7640500 1.6782000 9.9935800 4.4077000 2.2058710 1.7222220 8.4224940 8.6570120 4.4683930 1.9792953 1.3588674 1.5794041 0.8555210 0.9312560 4.6729660 1.8297330 6.5843587 0.9096208 0.6085723 0.5686247 2.1810530 1.5890961 1.1106315 1.6654570 1.5247370 3.6990880 3.3199470 3.0629990 2.9942300 1.9656940 1.8701549 1.14592e+00 4.669350 2.42531e+00 2.27550e+00 0.2927935 0.3029612 0.6358380 0.6886430 0.0834351 0.2739818 6.14737e-01 2.64669e-01
107282880 peptidase (mitochondrial processing) beta 600.00 311.00 309.00 203.00 342.00 238.00 123.00 156.00 243.00 224.00 305.00 648.00 200.00 268.00 234.00 278.00 211.00 232.00 391.00 221.00 188.00 510.00 750.00 369.00 490.00 127.00 372.00 656.00 319.00 353.00 160.00 253.00 194.00 189.00 176.00 850.00 731.00 626.00 481.00 439.00 303.00 873.00 381.00 336.00 597.00 14.0077000 14.6166000 27.1061000 1.78928e+01 87.1962000 22.6405000 78.6555000 1.25892e+02 104.7300000 149.5000000 39.0948000 34.5045000 48.685000 12.0285267 11.9981560 10.1468370 10.6645240 67.7017005 54.1654450 54.6866525 93.6252042 101.1424449 95.6894880 58.0687130 52.7832850 53.9712020 53.4622630 52.3980000 61.387800 58.3544000 46.2088000 44.6504000 61.700200 64.365900 58.3557000 30.0936000 32.9597000 25.9056000 20.6842000 32.7194000 51.7879000 30.9161000 50.4445000 41.7823000 22.0496000 29.8356000 35.3497000 32.8425400 61.8418000 74.1316600 48.8458000 57.8350400 14.7865600 19.1407000 22.7328100 29.4646600 39.7948000 78.9777000 87.4536000 32.9970000 32.4912721 27.2284085 24.4059180 33.7127090 30.0616030 74.2115810 27.1268480 95.5209420 26.5042230 23.8089950 39.0006464 24.4501000 12.1907000 24.5360000 55.4667000 40.7473000 68.7347000 28.3758000 31.8742000 30.4511000 30.2878000 24.9054000 1.26910e+01 39.650900 5.10436e+01 3.53067e+01 27.7008616 35.6199735 14.0105643 26.3093111 13.2292461 9.9978600 1.10368e+01 5.93244e+00
107282899 shugoshin-like 1 (S. pombe) 13.00 50.00 65.00 89.00 27.00 148.00 16.00 226.00 87.00 39.00 266.00 52.00 205.00 75.00 29.00 84.00 27.00 21.00 144.00 41.00 131.00 713.00 346.00 164.00 33.00 145.00 36.00 5.00 175.00 4.00 2.00 26.00 6.00 151.00 19.00 11.00 9.00 30.00 104.00 24.00 3.00 2.00 18.00 4.00 17.00 0.1091190 2.7104800 0.3607670 4.30528e-01 0.0302675 0.1659940 0.3112230 2.95722e-02 0.1885250 0.1918010 0.4384210 0.0774884 1.522720 0.4558225 0.1224170 0.0000000 0.0291964 0.0192227 0.0910814 0.0173538 0.0327498 0.0234609 0.0222022 0.0000000 0.0156561 0.0176964 0.0000000 5.6538900 7.405860 6.5435600 6.1241800 1.5891600 5.412890 4.292970 5.3020700 3.8858600 3.2977100 6.0221800 0.6413010 0.2010790 5.1272400 0.1606690 0.1652640 0.5944270 0.1397850 0.2190690 0.4229290 1.0036690 1.9470920 2.0067440 2.5835940 2.1169940 0.5098220 1.0008980 1.7874100 0.8286070 0.5343200 1.3122770 1.9558330 1.3779410 0.2083874 0.1673312 0.1300483 0.0801518 0.1740860 0.3417359 0.4275032 0.3466267 0.3681716 0.1027565 0.2707122 0.1944790 0.1009020 0.0184504 0.0552697 0.0860656 0.0344674 0.7084020 0.0972727 0.1440560 0.0323155 0.0222143 4.11032e+00 10.680600 4.17815e-01 1.11833e-01 0.0391920 0.2160675 0.0216886 0.1468920 0.2337297 0.0111374 9.48261e+00 7.09244e+00
107282904 TBC1 domain family member 5 81.00 170.00 142.00 150.00 41.00 133.00 53.00 97.00 117.00 112.00 205.00 109.00 83.00 72.00 70.00 55.00 84.00 130.00 100.00 89.00 97.00 270.00 461.00 84.00 124.00 116.00 116.00 34.00 220.00 31.00 79.00 63.00 183.00 287.00 140.00 294.00 219.00 413.00 351.00 337.00 175.00 157.00 189.00 194.00 260.00 3.1432800 2.8642000 3.3872600 3.83236e+00 7.4015000 4.0761400 4.1794300 9.53104e-01 7.3491900 11.7011000 5.1266000 2.1406500 13.671400 1.2646100 1.4258450 1.4013620 1.2585010 4.9267446 4.9280514 5.0429373 8.7528029 8.0665475 8.3161225 4.3876308 4.7848009 4.9693565 4.7303304 2.9001000 5.891450 6.8300000 3.7328300 5.8195300 18.360200 15.724500 9.8778100 7.2283500 10.1882000 4.4038600 3.9480860 6.0829060 6.6512940 9.7280650 22.9692000 18.3183500 4.5304900 6.6247070 7.8247330 4.6888050 3.5429060 8.8381950 7.2254390 9.3312900 2.5072480 5.1689480 5.6828850 4.4756250 4.8238790 10.4973579 18.9531760 2.5242770 10.6024838 7.3044949 3.8346390 7.3626140 4.7461341 12.6992630 9.1401490 17.2157656 6.6672409 1.0506200 2.9409670 9.0132830 7.5629070 1.4984380 4.8308720 8.2081147 8.5402230 14.8573260 6.6612870 4.1218146 5.7391440 3.9018870 4.16127e+00 4.868970 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 1.8491087 1.6482384 0.6089093 1.2393560 0.4738623 0.4854045 3.74647e+00 1.96185e+00
107282905 phospholipase C like 2 6.00 56.00 57.00 45.00 20.00 109.00 7.00 59.00 45.00 35.00 119.00 40.00 45.00 22.00 27.00 32.00 11.00 11.00 59.00 16.00 26.00 136.00 98.00 71.00 68.00 123.00 47.00 3.00 156.00 3.00 66.00 71.00 138.00 172.00 148.00 25.00 31.00 66.00 77.00 33.00 9.00 25.00 37.00 42.00 43.00 0.2793680 0.8489950 0.6147560 5.83782e-01 0.3606700 0.6479640 0.6713780 3.37196e-01 0.2323950 0.9014010 0.9522060 0.4417790 2.076500 0.8283410 0.4978482 0.7989940 0.7294530 2.5671939 1.5174560 1.6385250 2.7335600 2.9057599 3.1224573 2.8200000 3.5436887 3.4121793 3.6922503 11.2933000 11.663900 23.3118000 7.9244700 0.3368220 1.888680 0.730027 0.6109690 10.7848000 16.4203000 6.9639600 3.2345900 14.3196600 16.1585200 2.6822700 8.7614110 10.0420600 1.3208170 1.5588980 1.6868960 19.8802000 15.4475000 7.6643000 10.1570000 9.9537000 2.2142600 5.0514900 7.3689300 11.2556500 10.0500100 10.4214400 12.4320500 6.9567200 1.0212313 0.5209879 3.3861540 3.8131690 3.6585500 2.8290000 2.6351410 5.3412009 1.0371380 0.3177480 1.4510520 1.3047592 2.3583703 1.0486700 2.8644506 8.8596939 3.2439184 8.4201410 2.3037401 1.4097179 1.7271367 0.4645098 1.65337e+00 0.552731 7.53615e-01 2.18179e-01 0.2358290 0.1171580 0.4290810 0.3858220 0.0855537 0.0191637 3.29400e-01 6.32022e-02
107282907 oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain containing 1 71.00 119.00 129.00 186.00 69.00 128.00 23.00 90.00 59.00 64.00 69.00 150.00 60.00 54.00 65.00 27.00 22.00 68.00 85.00 45.00 97.00 142.00 288.00 34.00 69.00 246.00 59.00 44.00 129.00 51.00 36.00 49.00 103.00 41.00 103.00 71.00 95.00 193.00 146.00 114.00 33.00 62.00 76.00 106.00 64.00 1.6587000 1.4100300 2.0508900 1.80090e+00 3.9438000 2.8731800 1.2345100 9.17091e-01 1.4956200 2.0057600 0.8431800 0.6426800 4.612440 4.8836860 5.1362561 4.6336110 4.0027465 35.7874250 33.9760100 36.6244540 38.1138230 33.4213830 37.6566770 28.0141910 22.4604657 29.1422640 30.2396390 17.5110000 25.474100 31.1516000 12.0100000 16.1652000 52.212100 40.610000 43.4835000 11.3655000 21.1070000 11.2765000 17.9897700 26.0177600 37.4800300 35.2479800 56.1772500 45.7372700 26.9992200 27.8766100 34.6453700 8.0252900 12.9599200 16.7529600 6.8841850 10.4283100 1.9227800 1.1710000 1.7635000 4.6892700 7.0994200 9.7599800 13.4069600 7.8280900 4.2195518 2.1642430 2.8779549 3.4639428 5.8651250 10.0354431 4.1467100 15.1681531 6.5247880 4.5810360 7.2315795 8.8867490 10.7245050 2.9236300 6.3809628 7.4533090 12.4558290 16.4906310 10.4432370 13.6469600 7.4448660 6.4177090 2.72789e+00 5.769830 1.76541e+00 1.12253e+00 7.7258420 11.7540690 2.4706131 9.8121905 3.1406324 2.1743521 6.58697e+00 5.79538e+00
107282909 biotinidase 1207.75 280.29 419.12 2077.07 707.59 587.18 320.15 795.36 430.15 1024.67 229.44 921.04 214.38 435.90 339.00 442.74 538.23 797.59 510.00 294.62 781.13 408.34 661.50 392.32 762.78 593.03 648.76 268.71 438.16 563.83 129.60 165.66 262.35 123.64 156.00 1218.90 1080.28 2904.37 1945.86 1098.88 2119.76 1547.57 2630.99 3285.49 1960.07 1.0921700 0.4314670 3.7504200 2.38291e+00 2.5471800 6.2861900 11.7483000 3.73300e+00 12.3201000 8.4508200 5.3721600 3.4235700 12.900800 1.9711700 2.3894280 1.8967800 2.4981900 10.9580900 10.5571500 11.4575000 79.4479000 81.3881000 78.6961000 75.8054000 91.4170000 78.0230000 81.9081000 1.8814500 5.874880 3.2624900 5.8036700 2.2416100 8.140840 6.685850 6.0837000 2.9223500 2.6391000 1.7004700 2.4495700 5.3748300 32.4343000 8.2480110 20.2027900 16.3966000 6.9773460 16.4518800 18.5586800 1.2860900 3.8635600 7.9954400 4.1379100 5.5838900 1.5631200 2.8107900 5.2138400 4.9794400 3.6340730 34.8469750 57.7085500 27.2815700 7.5363100 5.7503140 5.1480800 6.5338020 7.6508570 35.0650400 32.5421100 43.0389300 43.4223700 11.2616900 40.3352300 50.6184502 48.2238300 4.2889700 7.9564840 23.7180800 42.9141400 88.3570081 25.9276900 80.9381700 105.5781000 70.4605500 1.95274e+00 0.000000 1.23069e+00 3.94453e-01 3.0870360 3.9241790 1.0154600 3.1021610 0.7029640 0.6287920 8.65685e-01 6.32583e-01
107282911 ankyrin repeat domain 28 611.00 629.00 698.00 729.00 216.00 573.00 202.00 573.00 565.00 391.00 669.00 918.00 454.00 294.00 300.00 317.00 296.00 605.00 715.00 327.00 530.00 845.00 1719.00 641.00 741.00 855.00 515.00 86.00 855.00 396.00 428.00 307.00 636.00 660.00 626.00 647.00 428.00 1683.00 1409.00 1220.00 215.00 149.00 412.00 223.00 325.00 1.2235800 2.0984800 2.8195900 1.80281e+00 4.7965400 2.4737500 1.4943000 1.06607e+00 3.1399400 6.4539200 2.1756900 1.8297600 6.729880 1.4616178 2.0447266 2.1040680 2.5265964 6.6819687 4.0551490 4.1723303 6.1194800 5.6289502 5.8981353 3.9152620 4.6623480 4.1504950 3.9659716 4.2493900 8.498110 11.2861000 4.5108400 3.9420300 23.055200 17.861900 8.6448700 10.0314000 10.4033000 4.1420600 4.8034050 7.1399010 8.5851120 7.8916100 21.3009700 18.0316700 3.3683640 11.9966800 10.5571700 7.6150840 10.1287000 19.5203800 20.4893700 24.0495500 7.5452000 14.2065700 19.0430300 11.5865179 6.0230051 25.8239200 13.6376955 8.8641801 12.4397700 7.3497360 7.3868010 8.6420300 7.7495420 29.9804200 4.8904600 22.4430000 14.4866700 3.2614550 5.8518540 8.0687063 5.4235071 1.1053934 3.3882230 4.9755178 8.0316080 12.6618930 6.6713400 3.3464200 5.7985546 5.1708130 0.00000e+00 1.213720 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 1.0465035 0.9736973 0.7112199 0.9789701 0.3338684 0.2944262 3.81073e+00 2.11681e+00
107282932 ring finger protein, LIM domain interacting 118.00 88.00 111.00 86.00 55.00 48.00 31.00 40.00 107.00 42.00 80.00 100.00 42.00 53.00 50.00 53.00 52.00 48.00 85.00 52.00 33.00 68.00 140.00 70.00 130.00 91.00 60.00 182.00 91.00 146.00 45.00 55.00 34.00 88.00 38.00 108.00 56.00 157.00 102.00 82.00 56.00 77.00 61.00 65.00 97.00 7.6463000 5.9835000 10.9521000 1.00495e+01 19.6897000 4.3274500 8.6831300 9.79003e+00 10.4245000 12.1859000 5.5375500 2.6513200 18.642100 2.0799081 2.7970185 2.6387519 2.4212500 3.2000640 2.1680866 2.3102820 4.7132710 5.0323270 4.8149750 2.1000770 2.5416240 2.1956910 2.1601898 38.3531000 26.785200 22.7094000 17.1725000 22.8873000 17.681300 19.298700 23.9182000 14.2997000 11.6942000 16.0502000 10.8776900 12.5888000 17.7033600 13.7777300 28.6470200 19.7351900 10.1238500 15.4698000 15.4350800 14.7268000 17.5020000 28.2668000 22.4836000 30.2680000 14.9571000 12.0338000 17.9209000 10.2632300 8.8236200 13.6005000 10.1864300 6.5916100 4.8819260 2.3906090 2.5969120 2.7109680 2.5852470 4.5781600 1.9558500 6.5148290 1.5432740 1.0328500 1.6483800 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.1783300 5.8628880 0.0000000 5.2430200 0.0000000 5.8644200 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.9803800 6.09044e+00 19.597200 5.34008e+00 2.81518e+00 3.9693570 3.4671170 1.2167310 2.7254530 0.6700634 0.7284393 4.44523e+00 2.45077e+00
107282955 integrin subunit beta 8 6.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 10.00 6.00 11.00 19.00 1.00 9.00 8.00 5.00 3.00 8.00 6.00 8.00 14.00 5.00 8.00 4.00 19.00 90.00 7.00 11.00 14.00 16.00 2.00 8.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 14.00 16.00 26.00 16.00 42.00 46.00 26.00 3.00 7.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 0.7627760 0.0000000 2.1056000 1.89631e+00 1.5062400 1.6418600 0.0721484 4.11329e-02 6.3283700 16.3626000 1.1809100 1.1855900 8.419070 0.4933760 0.7038506 0.5380100 0.6016440 0.3571931 0.2551081 0.2683602 12.5194780 12.1197570 12.3593730 0.0000000 0.0065687 0.0074245 0.0059407 1.1657400 1.198120 4.4731700 0.7203710 2.7010500 13.827100 6.915580 4.9182700 0.7392640 3.7131200 0.8994350 0.8326840 2.5409190 4.8701130 10.5479400 38.3171100 32.8583500 0.0498234 0.3091300 0.4120360 1.0638900 1.3473000 1.0767600 1.0326500 1.0284200 0.0000000 0.1208510 0.0000000 0.4871080 0.9818310 16.7417800 19.5591300 0.0000000 9.2642946 6.0110631 1.2004847 1.0570660 1.0535530 10.5597924 2.6364890 20.7671157 0.2861156 0.0321183 0.1113001 7.4099400 4.6246456 0.1383020 1.1873982 5.1599070 20.4999120 45.4649100 19.4674850 0.3156340 0.1605440 0.2438970 1.03249e+01 29.010500 8.35037e-01 6.85900e-04 1.0221403 0.4722665 0.4417090 0.3214311 0.2509128 0.1306065 3.43327e-01 1.80484e-01
107282956 cell division cycle associated 7 like 0.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 7.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 4.11383e-02 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0360283 0.2290900 0.0000000 0.0370213 0.218252 1.5058550 0.9196890 1.2312220 1.6520492 0.1434300 0.0512607 0.0706770 1.6637700 1.8218900 1.9452600 0.1181745 0.1955742 0.0439345 0.2651040 0.4588580 0.946292 0.8473920 1.1260600 0.6371060 2.589920 1.782740 1.1403400 1.7516400 2.6460200 0.9235010 3.5452000 7.6277700 12.1432000 7.5715200 38.5519000 21.9815000 14.3135000 36.7441000 45.5698000 4.5217800 5.0945400 6.7051700 5.7647900 5.8882000 1.3505700 2.0705200 3.3362200 9.4540100 16.8735300 4.5590800 4.3414160 4.3789180 5.0168670 5.4538210 9.5952440 12.0020000 13.0002000 1.9295110 2.0998980 2.5894750 3.2247450 1.5768020 3.0280240 35.1940100 17.0175130 1.3672007 2.3755780 7.8401300 5.4948810 10.4854250 6.2977060 9.1565400 10.4849300 5.7868400 3.03110e-03 0.000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.6663587 0.6203470 1.1180800 1.0903210 1.3428120 0.9467940 1.76546e+00 1.00734e+00
107282960 ankyrin repeat and MYND domain containing 2 75.00 276.00 365.00 150.00 71.00 332.00 39.00 179.00 149.00 97.00 150.00 294.00 124.00 76.00 86.00 82.00 64.00 92.00 232.00 53.00 138.00 289.00 414.00 165.00 168.00 528.00 104.00 43.00 366.00 47.00 143.00 227.00 335.00 139.00 343.00 144.00 183.00 693.00 429.00 483.00 123.00 179.00 228.00 163.00 333.00 0.6213430 1.5366600 1.2717200 9.90541e-01 1.2831900 1.4074600 0.9117400 8.57877e-01 1.7188400 2.9876000 1.1754800 0.6976250 3.889670 2.6374086 3.8398700 3.4984961 3.9263200 4.6494845 4.0236610 3.9031458 11.0049110 12.3055090 11.3834943 2.1669970 2.6163615 3.3894660 2.7862588 23.4311000 31.818700 25.1303000 20.3814000 7.4690800 21.711500 13.703700 19.5080000 6.8684900 13.1905000 7.2213100 7.7044500 15.7214000 13.2694000 9.8955200 32.5965000 21.3036000 9.2957900 16.3747000 15.8616000 10.2802000 18.7214000 16.6194000 14.4394000 15.5883000 2.5340400 5.1540800 6.6695800 0.0000004 1.5658700 0.0000002 0.0000002 0.0000001 8.7243850 6.0423914 6.8329850 11.0097470 9.8691490 11.3370510 8.4029960 17.6084950 2.9478500 1.2348800 3.7381530 58.9084000 33.1763000 17.0740000 36.1085000 74.7195000 18.8737000 31.3408000 24.4065000 16.7093000 22.2289000 7.4500600 3.36470e+00 0.063592 1.74367e+00 2.12020e+00 5.8610021 8.4362387 3.0931419 4.8703374 3.2335923 2.9003068 4.03599e+00 2.44761e+00
107282961 basic leucine zipper and W2 domains 2 33.00 126.00 159.00 46.00 38.00 137.00 12.00 33.00 72.00 21.00 71.00 141.00 32.00 21.00 26.00 20.00 15.00 32.00 67.00 30.00 45.00 112.00 274.00 51.00 57.00 201.00 37.00 7.00 93.00 20.00 161.00 140.00 426.00 101.00 360.00 112.00 94.00 567.00 208.00 276.00 44.00 64.00 128.00 58.00 113.00 1.8400900 3.0291800 2.9501900 2.38830e+00 6.0823400 6.3607400 1.8200700 2.64849e+00 2.2428400 4.4867100 3.7674300 2.3305500 6.411660 4.6041600 5.6349520 6.0885100 6.8119410 41.9911290 36.1245816 35.6662530 8.3178500 8.1517988 8.4430250 9.1645310 3.2671768 3.1278680 3.1125103 90.0946000 123.359000 102.8530000 73.6324000 7.7077000 15.992400 12.932200 10.5350000 13.3775000 11.5775000 10.1724000 79.6366100 147.0948000 148.5862000 25.7217500 70.3890000 67.8392000 10.9747800 21.4202500 18.8354200 174.1081000 230.6346000 34.9327600 29.0660200 25.3800000 5.4070700 4.6089670 4.5192210 142.0594200 145.2455000 27.5259000 22.9069000 11.0418757 8.6109141 6.5900610 25.3270243 111.6435800 100.1267700 10.9777640 10.2429119 21.6048591 7.7326420 5.6619315 6.1391195 70.8293470 24.2603410 77.8350676 186.3582820 157.4488500 21.6065610 31.8669760 54.3036740 13.9560650 14.3931750 7.6901980 6.91252e+00 11.151100 0.00000e+00 2.31500e-04 8.3325085 11.6102263 5.0385050 7.6975110 5.4371070 4.0331585 1.34317e+01 6.47965e+00
107282962 tetraspanin 13 4599.00 886.00 964.00 5296.00 2138.00 1413.00 1656.00 2322.00 1108.00 2375.00 502.00 1739.00 367.00 1804.00 1731.00 1412.00 1364.00 2841.00 1496.00 1189.00 2591.00 938.00 2098.00 1325.00 2826.00 1841.00 2087.00 1052.00 1105.00 2095.00 76.00 117.00 109.00 288.00 69.00 1914.00 1977.00 13015.00 11494.00 6186.00 33.00 20.00 29.00 47.00 21.00 34.0811000 20.7896000 36.8902000 5.59643e+01 151.6730000 88.7910000 1.7654700 1.22352e+00 5.9166000 20.8155000 19.7261000 12.7146000 166.322000 41.6640900 35.3169400 36.5563820 36.4578600 32.1606230 47.7586438 43.9252600 21.6102673 18.2062359 22.1129669 2.0160570 1.8828360 1.7454750 2.3413890 0.5595160 2.773030 0.4331000 1.4713700 40.4331000 75.374500 69.903000 42.2192000 2.6805300 3.0730500 0.6988510 6.1791500 31.2196400 32.0993200 44.6458000 156.4255000 133.6466000 15.7764300 48.7483300 48.2754600 6.7664100 7.3434700 26.1949000 29.3381000 26.8138000 0.3618040 1.3311000 0.4589320 6.4670100 7.0354000 2.5419100 6.8281900 1.7859200 79.7767000 61.7619530 12.9469000 8.2872000 4.5682300 1.7860240 1.3732220 5.5289260 7.7978488 14.5038000 12.3661000 383.3220000 274.8150000 51.9618000 54.1000000 142.7140000 26.9928000 54.6727000 78.2689000 32.2436000 20.5083000 5.9611100 1.03301e+02 340.633000 2.45169e+01 3.14741e+01 132.5602170 155.5229028 24.4463250 31.5557800 21.3745100 19.4383600 3.19091e+01 2.21720e+01
107282965 sorting nexin 13 713.00 783.00 730.00 1144.00 484.00 783.00 314.00 677.00 441.00 634.00 521.00 449.00 402.00 395.00 359.00 293.00 401.00 785.00 549.00 372.00 518.00 854.00 1807.00 437.00 827.00 894.00 656.00 160.00 994.00 365.00 659.00 492.00 954.00 584.00 1064.00 935.00 656.00 2244.00 1414.00 1387.00 541.00 387.00 675.00 449.00 581.00 1.4181400 7.7095000 2.5228700 3.18736e+00 3.5739600 4.8149100 1.9062000 1.31836e+00 2.6299100 6.4386800 3.1024100 2.7594500 8.271500 4.6367797 5.1611000 5.8649680 5.3643640 11.2775680 7.8719440 6.8523941 6.5279741 8.2366543 6.7214003 3.3914011 6.8369490 10.1902280 8.7291521 6.1935500 16.435700 21.3989000 6.9936600 4.9154800 19.705500 20.247100 7.3748300 12.2542000 16.9588000 3.2632000 8.5750100 17.8776100 25.5709600 6.3752480 23.1178500 18.8715400 5.8167800 15.5563400 20.3777600 2.8444500 3.2576700 6.2703300 5.8283730 5.6725120 1.2872570 3.6100300 3.6582790 7.4217972 12.5521836 8.6554111 11.6608840 2.3937615 10.0773010 7.4173751 4.6420230 4.6654303 7.1852070 11.5505699 3.0030146 20.5822939 3.6828607 2.4538263 4.2200779 17.9845068 10.5328850 1.5959450 7.2085570 12.4279675 8.6643680 15.0279125 8.1040940 8.5344019 5.2494537 2.8234250 0.00000e+00 4.910410 6.00888e-01 8.56173e-01 4.3027480 4.9624797 1.9829133 2.3927203 1.5653364 1.5757612 2.59822e+00 1.60564e+00
107282966 TWIST neighbor 173.00 204.00 274.00 291.00 95.00 256.00 33.00 134.00 209.00 108.00 156.00 359.00 80.00 97.00 107.00 78.00 81.00 102.00 179.00 83.00 158.00 277.00 421.00 192.00 233.00 359.00 129.00 133.00 330.00 148.00 244.00 305.00 365.00 216.00 483.00 201.00 204.00 434.00 448.00 376.00 130.00 129.00 131.00 146.00 221.00 2.2587000 15.8517000 4.8363300 2.86800e+00 5.0849600 4.0254400 2.6938500 3.20122e+00 3.1727400 5.5269000 2.1044300 1.9017800 5.205360 1.0507100 1.0293640 1.2513800 1.2482288 3.5476000 7.5707290 6.7690880 14.4564000 12.4837600 14.4086830 30.1670900 29.7840600 35.0462600 30.7103000 10.0168000 11.713000 16.5949000 3.6951200 8.9974900 16.072800 13.992200 6.3070300 10.9210000 12.6021000 5.9054400 3.3224300 6.2619700 5.5777200 5.4594400 10.9503000 8.2711400 3.1997000 6.2996900 3.7393300 0.8182330 2.2901400 4.7173400 1.6944200 4.0259600 2.4478000 1.3575700 2.6441200 5.1359000 5.4946400 7.0156100 4.9941000 3.7967300 5.8313020 3.5630070 1.4136900 1.5812000 1.7056900 2.4544900 0.9205790 5.4636200 1.4212000 1.6650300 1.7281400 13.4122000 16.0101000 1.5578200 3.7581700 12.9285000 7.0337400 17.5454000 7.2496400 11.8654000 9.1962700 3.9078200 5.53938e+00 15.190900 8.70365e+00 5.16009e+00 4.5703900 4.9563776 2.7266390 1.8328743 0.7024970 1.6316910 2.11563e+01 1.43800e+01
107282968 Sp4 transcription factor 12.00 42.00 35.00 4.00 9.00 27.00 5.00 11.00 21.00 8.00 15.00 26.00 11.00 13.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 4.00 34.00 13.00 5.00 15.00 59.00 13.00 41.00 25.00 20.00 3.00 32.00 5.00 32.00 46.00 58.00 83.00 58.00 26.00 17.00 41.00 22.00 19.00 8.00 21.00 9.00 14.00 50.00 0.1065240 0.0000000 0.0734510 3.97365e-01 0.9544820 0.3191830 0.8527750 4.09415e-01 0.5002600 2.9596700 1.9991700 1.5644900 2.393630 0.5334110 0.6569780 0.3084870 0.4426241 2.5545200 2.3634580 2.3403000 2.5577740 2.6179850 2.3002990 1.5036640 1.5479440 1.2803990 1.2554650 4.6513300 12.816900 9.0718300 3.0973300 3.2642900 9.541710 7.552530 3.3365100 8.4829800 13.7377000 2.4949900 1.5092400 3.4466820 8.6852900 2.3645260 9.8638100 7.2569700 2.1187210 3.2209700 5.2338100 2.3504500 1.7533100 2.4431100 2.4751100 1.8332200 1.6694600 1.4999200 1.8388900 1.4989300 1.4442600 1.4231700 2.1614800 0.4920930 2.2348717 1.1927732 0.5342770 1.2046294 1.5584530 0.6451840 0.1901840 1.3376600 0.2237320 0.3394020 0.6167820 2.5183900 1.3166000 0.4383010 2.2231600 5.2214600 1.2164200 2.9819900 2.1832512 1.2715300 2.2241400 0.5211350 0.00000e+00 0.000000 1.15893e+00 1.91369e-01 0.4886390 0.3681468 0.2029490 0.2157520 0.4093300 0.1251270 5.36955e-01 2.31990e-01
107282969 cyclin J 22.00 18.00 19.00 6.00 8.00 19.00 6.00 5.00 17.00 5.00 10.00 9.00 12.00 8.00 9.00 14.00 14.00 8.00 23.00 8.00 7.00 9.00 39.00 11.00 14.00 21.00 7.00 3.00 13.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 16.00 6.00 13.00 10.00 7.00 20.00 7.00 14.00 33.00 15.00 30.00 25.00 0.1248510 0.8261560 0.3156560 1.20071e-01 0.2813790 0.0000000 0.7233160 2.19933e-01 1.2969300 2.0505200 0.9315990 0.1800910 0.920132 0.3985820 0.3770570 0.4243220 0.4427410 2.8765560 2.4599320 2.5316300 1.8209850 2.2088190 2.4902500 1.9071380 2.3356330 2.5651900 2.8243740 0.9228690 1.090130 1.5956300 0.4277240 0.6829390 1.890610 1.367410 0.5115070 5.0770800 7.9962000 1.1555600 3.0852700 9.2993200 11.0780000 0.7829090 4.4033700 4.1035300 1.9527000 1.5176200 1.6903100 0.4069250 0.6927130 3.0140800 1.9866500 2.4576500 0.2793410 0.6868760 1.0750300 1.1458000 0.7040280 2.7051200 2.7442700 1.3706100 1.6177927 1.0604922 0.6242868 0.6107430 1.2053270 1.4508370 0.3163050 2.9016680 0.8221939 0.1264290 0.4720140 2.2158900 1.8569900 0.2929530 1.5781600 1.2783200 1.7340100 2.5566700 1.3203000 4.8635900 2.2748500 2.3247100 2.33344e-01 2.585900 8.54566e-01 1.01576e+00 0.5319600 0.3362254 0.2876070 0.4370780 0.1059940 0.0738506 3.23784e-01 2.22685e-01
107282978 B-TFIID TATA-box binding protein associated factor 1 379.00 527.00 529.00 320.00 206.00 282.00 135.00 253.00 408.00 159.00 556.00 288.00 304.00 218.00 221.00 221.00 218.00 236.00 441.00 186.00 190.00 421.00 842.00 379.00 494.00 562.00 370.00 183.00 347.00 340.00 259.00 381.00 291.00 401.00 222.00 403.00 383.00 491.00 375.00 335.00 177.00 223.00 188.00 158.00 192.00 3.7123100 3.2893000 4.8389000 5.62728e+00 7.6763400 1.6632200 6.0389600 3.31655e+00 7.8093900 7.1906200 6.0588600 1.9120700 9.287880 1.3321700 1.5343846 1.5506794 1.8679900 2.3628291 1.6855156 1.5998674 3.6221460 3.7911504 3.4551168 2.1064272 2.3501012 2.7011160 2.1727416 1.9272300 4.568250 4.8762800 1.8684300 1.6888100 5.552770 4.758160 2.1736600 3.3538100 4.1308800 1.8541900 4.3800100 8.1953000 13.3977000 3.7106300 15.9267000 13.6621000 4.5298100 9.2669100 11.0294000 3.4827140 5.4085190 9.0594750 8.5340510 8.1109670 2.4423150 5.1927560 6.3287800 8.6537700 4.9097800 14.0589300 9.2051800 15.7716300 11.3381500 6.1931400 4.3416170 4.4621537 3.9020570 4.6735480 1.1121470 8.7440880 3.3823170 1.7209690 4.6932304 5.5239700 3.0352140 0.6162840 2.0931900 2.1823130 3.0869856 3.4828300 2.6687040 4.8303900 3.6442900 2.6842000 1.77583e+00 5.984190 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 1.2265542 1.0003517 1.4865886 0.8570008 0.4000240 0.4138841 1.85773e+00 9.93722e-01
107282981 neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 9 1064.00 603.00 457.00 183.00 285.00 657.00 192.00 202.00 310.00 461.00 571.00 953.00 444.00 309.00 334.00 235.00 357.00 290.00 559.00 341.00 180.00 855.00 1654.00 376.00 1058.00 520.00 338.00 83.00 745.00 235.00 531.00 317.00 495.00 223.00 306.00 620.00 243.00 474.00 376.00 402.00 207.00 118.00 97.00 74.00 129.00 3.8563500 2.7506100 5.1743000 5.94662e+00 22.9852000 3.5882800 1.7856800 2.32874e+00 10.3445000 9.9548200 7.2091000 0.6934110 20.840100 3.7629810 5.2572400 5.3599140 5.8294830 9.0680500 7.5937980 9.6263360 15.2781040 16.6510226 15.7553270 1.0604060 3.1465873 2.4562210 3.2042500 4.7004800 9.667560 4.9868500 3.9855300 8.9736600 13.510200 22.047200 12.0595000 4.9617000 3.8923900 1.8987400 6.8874800 8.6872100 6.6785600 4.0656490 6.4164360 7.8710200 3.7216810 3.4959400 4.8097800 5.4005100 9.9911000 12.6810000 29.6034000 36.7112000 4.0804500 7.8110700 8.4532400 5.9587680 6.0153984 50.7768450 20.3020761 9.6233600 15.7154888 6.5531307 17.4907800 13.5259964 13.8794810 13.2735920 21.6677270 13.5151570 1.1635040 15.2065500 1.2916190 14.0137500 12.9823640 9.8703000 13.1751440 32.7084600 14.4796330 38.1882700 38.8162020 21.1894300 10.7736100 5.4743600 0.00000e+00 0.000000 3.60254e+00 2.54949e+00 2.8978090 1.9422000 3.1516200 6.4106800 0.8410532 0.6450138 7.36425e+00 1.84934e+00
107282982 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 2 0.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000000 0.3629160 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0979085 0.0000000 0.0791108 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0452562 0.0078612 0.0330792 21.0887000 21.1473000 20.7549000 127.7314540 149.8652750 138.5531970 149.9492620 7.4755600 17.894400 24.7588000 12.1672000 0.3146630 1.414140 1.274130 0.6008950 223.9190000 164.0440000 103.3700000 0.0767193 0.8476310 0.0733549 0.0552182 0.0928876 0.0000000 72.5231000 181.9730000 31.7779900 0.1100700 0.0330313 0.4594730 0.7350522 0.1161343 9.8112200 109.1553000 16.0930000 1.1128810 0.6172600 0.4038160 1.0162700 4.1789205 0.6373480 0.2187040 0.5209310 0.5826550 0.7198170 0.0388674 0.0224130 0.1470580 8.0020900 0.2687590 14.6718000 1.4630200 0.3035940 0.1173940 0.8476670 0.1054550 2.2044400 2.3331700 0.3728470 1.4963600 1.7797300 0.1654690 0.00000e+00 0.703679 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0244310 0.0000000 0.0000000 7.57328e-01 6.07674e-01
107282989 zinc finger protein 518A 210.00 368.00 411.00 241.00 133.00 239.00 95.00 127.00 300.00 111.00 307.00 105.00 187.00 179.00 119.00 149.00 140.00 188.00 252.00 136.00 114.00 279.00 513.00 260.00 278.00 269.00 257.00 66.00 285.00 121.00 308.00 232.00 373.00 225.00 355.00 425.00 370.00 618.00 458.00 528.00 169.00 227.00 240.00 222.00 299.00 1.1994700 1.1092700 3.1193400 1.90404e+00 2.3319700 1.0717100 1.6158600 7.28708e-01 3.5298200 3.0287500 2.6373900 0.7546040 3.596580 0.8584230 0.6826940 0.8481948 1.2722660 0.6944630 0.4815100 0.7509890 0.8923580 1.0586970 0.8549630 0.4406520 0.1702980 0.2291500 0.2420240 1.5171200 5.457790 5.4664100 1.7750600 1.1724100 6.895060 5.429080 2.3194400 5.2278300 5.8741900 1.5005400 1.5586400 3.6164600 3.9973700 2.5951900 11.1477000 6.9111000 1.9237000 4.2926800 4.2701900 4.5098700 6.7120800 10.1101000 9.8970900 12.1386000 2.9155200 6.4690600 6.8705500 1.1881600 1.5704200 3.2905200 4.9267900 0.9437120 6.1834650 3.6362450 0.8972086 1.1075340 0.9637380 2.6910450 0.6605130 8.1497320 0.5978238 0.8097638 1.6478830 3.9081600 4.9419100 0.3157290 1.1938200 3.6707600 1.3155300 5.1307900 1.1301400 2.1703200 2.1654800 1.2243200 0.00000e+00 3.056260 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 1.9022580 2.1141480 0.5200330 1.2345400 0.1866365 0.2662930 1.60510e+00 1.15990e+00
107282996 oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit (non-catalytic) 4116.00 735.00 1064.00 2197.00 2092.00 794.00 1671.00 1376.00 1725.00 1395.00 1049.00 1108.00 711.00 1854.00 1219.00 1717.00 1787.00 1863.00 1352.00 1339.00 1555.00 1029.00 1479.00 1306.00 2462.00 1100.00 2215.00 1963.00 853.00 1521.00 557.00 825.00 486.00 255.00 504.00 726.00 709.00 942.00 1101.00 727.00 1390.00 1188.00 784.00 950.00 1167.00 81.4642000 124.1020000 159.1070000 9.53025e+01 156.7780000 89.5131000 75.0580000 6.21331e+01 51.9825000 36.4993000 36.4031000 11.6045000 59.576100 27.1457760 27.0511820 21.0085598 25.0729750 22.2087078 18.7351950 16.3123031 26.5354005 27.7252330 26.2955790 41.1787857 35.8605546 33.6019510 34.1653370 23.3951000 34.122600 42.4104000 25.2846000 47.5751000 77.192500 64.599100 45.5395000 96.5444000 93.5061000 40.2067000 40.9653300 60.1644000 77.0026100 63.1360000 129.5183000 127.7281000 74.4928800 118.4997000 112.6982000 64.2468800 76.8260700 208.5597000 199.9925000 177.1440000 114.1750000 362.4572000 242.2615000 12.9792600 8.4826060 42.4532600 45.8259400 59.6432200 60.1737400 33.5943500 9.1835190 9.7277900 7.3548350 20.5234000 14.4776000 66.7542500 34.5063000 108.1297000 82.1559800 47.2546000 230.9794000 10.3091000 14.6854000 74.3241200 44.3321710 98.1538000 36.6829100 141.6036000 66.4867000 45.6456910 3.83426e+01 92.074400 3.75579e+01 7.42621e+01 110.2629930 139.8736720 30.1331160 55.5398260 20.9598236 20.7684108 6.64886e+01 3.22050e+01
107283003 ras responsive element binding protein 1 70.00 84.00 69.00 56.00 65.00 38.00 53.00 69.00 74.00 52.00 107.00 50.00 45.00 80.00 56.00 56.00 55.00 66.00 61.00 61.00 47.00 89.00 125.00 60.00 107.00 50.00 88.00 70.00 79.00 53.00 15.00 18.00 28.00 121.00 23.00 32.00 33.00 35.00 31.00 10.00 12.00 50.00 9.00 46.00 33.00 3.8832800 1.2572400 8.3642100 7.54402e+00 6.9263400 1.2085100 9.4431700 3.37628e+00 11.3422000 9.8303300 3.5753500 1.3751200 16.402400 1.7906910 2.8502155 3.0907564 3.2863919 6.5504192 7.7222780 7.9233579 12.3859140 11.3831295 13.8316120 15.5471190 14.3870054 12.6673850 11.7438374 0.8783880 4.414320 4.5061000 0.6493410 2.5463800 16.271100 8.925060 0.9979760 19.7703000 8.3980500 3.8174700 10.5322100 6.1367600 8.7696500 17.2082500 16.7006400 9.2554600 11.2240600 8.6241500 9.5380600 2.8210300 2.5118989 8.8190986 6.2853722 7.2814240 2.3884500 4.3891820 6.1979390 5.4327640 3.7574388 15.2042931 11.3048600 8.7679700 4.6186451 4.9920135 6.5284450 12.7296400 12.5510250 15.6885200 9.6310118 10.5937210 14.1889965 0.8407697 4.7724523 6.5877308 6.0695519 0.7034961 5.7934300 7.5422900 10.1835410 11.3756500 1.9933477 6.0632446 11.7142300 6.6320680 3.61470e-01 0.628402 1.07640e-03 1.72429e+00 2.2222955 1.6313649 0.8721069 1.8469360 0.5055935 0.4825587 1.21645e+00 4.54997e-01
107283006 coagulation factor XIII A chain 140.00 280.00 381.00 156.00 51.00 56.00 13.00 36.00 109.00 33.00 123.00 60.00 114.00 97.00 53.00 31.00 78.00 51.00 135.00 116.00 28.00 100.00 275.00 348.00 163.00 114.00 155.00 25.00 134.00 38.00 114.00 108.00 98.00 183.00 79.00 41.00 24.00 88.00 137.00 55.00 62.00 240.00 130.00 99.00 172.00 0.0216894 0.3444530 0.1462310 7.41656e-02 0.3910550 0.9055140 4.2890700 1.24810e+00 0.5033860 0.5369150 0.3596440 0.0166858 5.180710 0.6318870 0.8044170 0.8405990 0.9345050 5.9798020 4.5993634 4.5383961 1.1507226 1.2387894 1.0102253 0.0754074 0.0939595 0.1552690 0.2349447 0.4871480 4.041700 0.8352190 0.9281520 0.5548360 1.280300 0.918029 0.4713380 14.2147000 4.7873900 2.4272900 9.4994100 7.2667400 17.4678200 0.4963925 1.4528480 2.7429540 0.8195780 1.1857520 1.0760120 1.1561780 0.6748092 3.9550490 2.4547620 2.9546360 4.2824240 10.9855000 3.7014530 24.6041000 2.9021150 7.8184100 1.0862000 0.1774240 10.0297000 3.8230300 2.2380500 12.9155900 12.8225880 45.7515500 10.0083700 59.9596380 0.1497710 0.5813740 0.3478350 3.2386700 15.0204000 0.8287870 4.0814000 3.3111900 1.1288400 12.6073300 0.6016430 1.8017520 3.2878400 0.2965420 1.19547e+00 0.000000 5.11633e-01 8.06448e-01 8.1138920 1.9601780 3.6128251 4.1075782 0.8412243 0.8965631 7.28031e-01 3.26438e-01
107283007 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial 156.00 179.00 203.00 138.00 78.00 89.00 31.00 90.00 141.00 97.00 167.00 131.00 115.00 89.00 122.00 95.00 105.00 89.00 206.00 143.00 87.00 150.00 219.00 172.00 143.00 139.00 119.00 71.00 147.00 97.00 180.00 175.00 131.00 32.00 157.00 599.00 529.00 661.00 443.00 493.00 276.00 397.00 232.00 355.00 493.00 1.5418400 2.3579200 2.7287100 2.76791e+00 7.8042900 1.9198100 7.1460200 7.60491e+00 10.0042000 8.1717900 3.4514100 2.9258200 8.274660 4.8744306 4.7815420 4.3962008 6.4799079 39.1434110 34.8067797 34.7313595 52.3354668 52.6621850 53.7483007 33.2120110 44.7542140 39.7608860 46.4658980 5.6390400 8.476630 7.4787200 5.6561900 11.0250000 13.619300 15.745900 13.9275000 6.3336000 6.5546600 3.9270200 26.8616900 26.2038700 31.1890300 22.9784500 27.5208700 41.8614400 32.2821900 17.0235500 17.6633500 2.3393900 4.9557900 5.9768800 4.5970300 5.5990900 5.3431100 8.0206500 13.6740000 10.5148000 11.3239000 21.0138000 26.8746000 10.5252000 2.6770853 3.5238646 6.8853551 12.9185422 12.2698909 11.8484100 17.6070487 14.0762662 6.2302500 3.2860660 6.2025030 31.1537352 16.7576150 9.8863578 15.2085164 30.9398800 27.6116967 35.9214070 21.1319914 15.3862286 18.5725400 10.4021867 3.29075e+00 6.256910 4.97217e+00 3.22087e+00 9.8615730 8.9513650 4.9687456 11.1990819 6.2742320 6.4349530 2.81920e+00 2.19353e+00
107283009 ribonuclease P/MRP 40kDa subunit 74.00 121.00 169.00 65.00 56.00 39.00 36.00 49.00 72.00 29.00 51.00 100.00 69.00 45.00 46.00 55.00 28.00 12.00 89.00 46.00 31.00 101.00 99.00 146.00 78.00 122.00 35.00 93.00 40.00 87.00 66.00 54.00 26.00 40.00 43.00 101.00 91.00 165.00 102.00 108.00 138.00 50.00 96.00 51.00 42.00 1.0123000 1.1106500 1.3668800 1.25728e+00 3.4882700 1.5934600 1.8428800 1.06098e+00 2.9488400 3.1649900 1.2300800 0.6159180 2.151790 1.6401968 1.0745460 0.8853825 5.0566780 2.1152810 1.8944788 2.0495946 4.4949550 5.7857440 3.8119820 3.3249215 4.5048930 3.7078200 4.5224430 2.1363000 3.269290 5.2499100 2.1631000 1.9975500 5.811110 4.959370 2.4540800 3.3308900 4.2570500 1.1739300 5.3852000 1.9669100 2.9372600 5.7138100 4.7425900 3.1688600 5.5831800 2.1182700 0.8928790 6.1292900 12.7143000 11.8596000 9.5103500 12.5325000 6.5284700 6.1291620 9.5604080 2.1204710 1.8274480 2.5023900 4.2509200 6.0432370 1.5460040 1.2879588 1.6351750 1.0758980 1.4613665 2.9280770 1.2879790 5.7573098 3.5948630 2.8997790 3.3736287 5.1110020 5.6607210 2.7851159 4.4771047 4.1458330 7.9215230 9.3438130 7.6532650 11.7291720 10.5261505 7.3493590 2.82844e+00 17.820200 4.19876e+00 4.56219e+00 2.3114312 2.2974279 2.7966810 1.4669850 1.3547240 0.8977923 2.81457e+00 1.80670e+00
107283035 heat shock protein family B (small) member 11 95.00 81.00 101.00 150.00 72.00 51.00 16.00 128.00 101.00 40.00 97.00 82.00 151.00 63.00 43.00 145.00 47.00 58.00 137.00 40.00 107.00 275.00 111.00 187.00 96.00 207.00 87.00 97.00 82.00 44.00 89.00 75.00 36.00 36.00 50.00 95.00 112.00 225.00 220.00 132.00 42.00 17.00 10.00 37.00 17.00 1.5421300 2.5580200 2.3233500 1.53383e+00 2.6808200 9.9021700 3.2051000 2.42626e+00 6.4804600 6.7618200 2.1947000 0.8879330 6.049490 1.1499600 2.7641220 0.6501078 0.9213530 1.7290270 2.0680230 1.1922230 5.9488580 6.4282750 4.9761770 1.0897750 2.1028600 1.9402630 1.7682060 1.6860500 3.683800 2.0770200 1.8884700 4.0422600 7.406110 4.648540 4.6884900 1.7173600 2.4320900 1.5670900 3.6922700 3.3642900 4.7554300 32.9130000 21.7109000 23.9093000 25.4203000 13.7598000 22.7943000 1.7565100 2.7398000 5.7055900 12.6623000 5.4062000 0.8557220 1.4484500 0.8908830 7.5151100 7.9585000 15.5854800 22.9518000 8.3607000 15.3344467 10.2740550 5.3252240 4.0756430 3.7927390 9.9210270 3.7446230 26.9280160 6.6669700 10.8511452 21.4661620 6.8878200 6.0288700 10.2734000 7.1122600 4.8188200 6.2396800 4.7095100 13.9173000 0.0000000 0.0000000 4.0825100 2.03399e+00 4.164840 7.58784e-02 1.05387e+00 7.9041570 6.1300930 4.2161600 3.2204950 1.8227799 1.0453075 4.52589e+01 5.80439e+01
107283040 LDL receptor related protein 8 11.00 26.00 29.00 13.00 30.00 13.00 3.00 16.00 9.00 5.00 42.00 19.00 11.00 12.00 9.00 18.00 22.00 6.00 23.00 4.00 14.00 32.00 87.00 23.00 31.00 23.00 18.00 3.00 32.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.9503220 0.0955202 1.0796800 5.70730e-01 1.5977400 0.5550810 0.1115060 2.11905e-02 0.3512370 0.4123160 0.4338380 0.0277629 5.987610 0.2011749 0.0164397 0.0171695 0.1985801 0.5123382 0.7749327 0.7561730 3.8228738 2.3693630 2.7469570 0.0161162 0.1635787 0.4049118 0.1217040 0.0923997 1.239310 0.5249250 0.5053460 0.1092190 0.374873 0.395294 0.2091030 0.0000000 0.1566790 0.2692100 0.2605360 0.5499320 3.4950100 0.0870758 0.1883260 0.5603750 0.1815950 0.0349496 0.1475960 0.8443592 0.8469944 1.9661413 1.0463730 1.0735610 0.0490310 0.4000990 1.1153600 0.6947780 0.5810503 2.4591836 0.5422520 0.6911947 0.4388389 0.2889854 1.3200531 1.2498365 1.4144378 2.4955282 1.4459390 2.6602726 0.1855454 0.1207393 0.4382468 17.8206900 21.5454800 2.6577120 3.1699130 14.2785900 4.6553890 17.5456600 13.5377600 5.8776200 4.6626300 2.7725680 0.00000e+00 0.000000 9.14876e-02 1.92353e-01 0.1063930 0.0437816 0.0306156 0.0137244 0.0265119 0.0178866 5.41085e-02 1.44717e-02
107283043 podocan 19.00 84.00 96.00 16.00 12.00 48.00 8.00 17.00 56.00 16.00 54.00 18.00 46.00 33.00 44.00 32.00 25.00 8.00 123.00 26.00 29.00 92.00 60.99 84.00 58.00 60.00 69.00 5.00 36.00 14.00 50.00 105.00 87.00 71.00 114.00 12.00 30.00 68.00 98.00 19.00 10.00 4.00 50.00 26.00 65.00 0.7682440 1.0993600 1.6351400 1.85383e+00 0.9298330 0.8454660 1.6238600 1.10105e+00 0.2787330 1.5248300 0.5297030 0.1929210 1.503500 0.6194440 0.6624150 0.5083463 0.6548638 24.0091990 50.4587100 49.4608201 21.2996490 20.1286100 22.8371110 2.3955360 3.5294218 3.1542838 3.1658132 1.9669200 14.390600 2.5088300 3.9165600 1.6542300 6.687260 7.437180 2.2973400 7.3777900 5.0440100 2.9405100 20.6741900 30.6877300 44.8362700 2.7971600 5.6396600 14.1008300 3.7798100 8.5331350 7.6011830 6.0829300 12.3388000 5.6695200 8.6133400 8.7679500 0.8218710 1.0924000 1.5957300 6.7144200 6.2777500 1.2772900 3.4821200 1.7466400 5.4353000 7.3142670 60.7536800 100.9061000 105.9396000 3.1666130 4.7754000 1.2784290 2.1292860 0.8723980 1.3084220 8.7429200 7.0269300 5.1234300 19.1628000 10.2164000 27.4300000 30.2215000 15.4664000 2.8522700 1.8669400 15.3592000 6.66063e-01 1.870420 3.77727e+00 3.63356e+00 0.7623932 0.1163411 0.3877240 0.5249451 0.2019725 0.0710813 1.14467e+00 1.31207e+00
107283044 sterol carrier protein 2 1927.00 2587.00 4441.00 1835.00 1380.00 1637.00 783.00 1508.00 2404.00 1062.00 2086.00 2389.00 2051.00 1301.00 1356.00 1105.00 1167.00 932.00 3298.00 954.00 1511.00 2654.00 3130.00 2973.00 2099.00 2762.00 1872.00 668.00 2502.00 1225.00 1845.00 1720.00 981.00 712.00 1496.00 5437.00 3842.00 7096.00 7454.00 6089.00 9641.00 5056.00 6951.00 4271.00 5198.00 11.0869000 30.8646000 21.2405000 1.84320e+01 17.9091000 25.8902000 52.5135000 5.29589e+01 38.9107000 28.1003000 9.0678500 2.8180900 30.584200 54.9748000 44.1923300 52.2947700 58.0656950 158.0698310 135.3359500 130.7298600 450.5975760 473.4061000 451.6468540 1361.9825580 952.6238100 904.1261380 962.5509500 12.1958000 20.400300 25.3533000 9.9093900 44.2508000 152.621000 138.664000 64.4942000 238.3320000 221.3190000 90.1725000 21.3600000 52.5592000 50.0048000 174.2790000 461.1740000 350.5100000 298.7430000 569.8410000 696.9180000 59.8681500 100.8721000 221.4851000 240.6405000 217.8019000 195.0102000 460.9251000 390.0126000 48.4525100 61.1746250 119.8094482 187.6654701 422.5571540 79.1182897 57.7175996 38.3787140 42.1742880 41.0991350 165.6465150 24.0094185 376.8795464 384.7240319 289.2948450 492.4744500 121.3505000 93.6218400 23.9408100 25.4499600 96.7311000 134.9045000 677.6340000 217.2329000 1.4546000 4.3046100 401.7461000 3.69610e+01 88.686800 3.23674e+01 5.30350e+01 139.8817000 204.4195612 51.9026100 126.9123000 61.4770000 52.1758100 2.84236e+01 2.64833e+01
107283045 enoyl-CoA hydratase domain containing 2 88.00 180.00 163.00 39.00 29.00 91.00 14.00 37.00 88.00 32.00 120.00 159.00 69.00 29.00 59.00 19.00 32.00 30.00 105.00 50.00 27.00 60.00 168.00 98.00 52.00 64.00 59.00 17.00 63.00 44.00 283.00 325.00 387.00 115.00 355.00 962.00 954.00 1130.00 389.00 659.00 377.00 584.00 315.00 203.00 511.00 9.9261400 0.6794080 2.0546700 1.32603e+01 6.7258000 2.9994400 6.4768100 1.44441e+01 16.0242000 44.2613000 2.2998000 9.7823300 11.375500 3.9166896 4.6672240 3.4483390 3.6221780 32.1751830 37.3404120 38.5424880 157.1631510 147.7172200 155.4069540 167.6076150 230.7397260 223.3275530 228.7615940 14.2393000 20.638800 17.6500000 14.3153000 48.0927000 149.973000 112.392000 129.7110000 84.0794000 77.8546000 50.3831000 33.1415000 57.2676000 45.0645000 177.0600000 222.8420000 213.2410000 27.1589000 34.3981000 37.3079000 69.6778400 73.4268500 34.9597200 50.2242400 40.1982300 20.4817100 42.2926100 35.5458700 21.4261300 27.4646344 159.0670200 254.7352800 254.3080100 33.5835930 40.2873231 85.7286060 164.0791370 161.7213970 230.9980138 206.2201200 246.9257680 491.6371600 244.5115481 556.4569250 40.5517000 53.9713000 10.1506800 58.3600000 88.4193000 56.4216000 174.1625000 12.7570400 0.0000000 0.9481381 176.8627000 2.89212e+00 11.207100 3.95562e+00 3.03219e+00 8.1437000 8.6574203 8.1122390 11.9951900 5.7159990 3.0569230 5.60277e+00 4.28892e+00
107283050 pre-mRNA processing factor 38A 1259.00 1344.00 1798.00 1214.00 875.34 1006.00 286.00 424.00 1129.00 386.00 974.00 1538.73 900.00 505.00 428.00 544.00 661.00 604.00 1677.28 511.00 510.00 1059.00 2018.00 1356.00 1468.00 1605.00 960.00 463.00 1024.00 737.00 585.00 1004.00 704.00 561.00 623.00 1178.00 993.00 1932.00 1354.00 1091.00 877.00 1037.00 721.00 649.00 791.00 9.3984100 7.4432800 19.4999000 1.44238e+01 40.8877000 13.8759000 30.6401000 2.98093e+01 31.4141000 43.7078000 25.7688000 14.4225000 23.139500 3.4370530 4.5835730 3.1573660 3.9996853 3.3951505 2.2756787 1.9512914 4.4150350 3.9072654 4.1044238 2.1859771 2.2004032 2.4196430 2.2419924 23.3547000 27.934000 27.7972000 32.1994000 18.4439000 21.588800 19.228900 26.6205000 10.8503000 18.7807000 20.6269000 13.0498000 14.8998000 15.1422000 14.3403000 29.7584000 26.2157000 10.6123000 12.8575000 12.4799000 10.8786000 17.6615000 31.1702000 25.1444000 25.7478000 13.2891000 12.9811000 16.9035000 14.4620700 15.8610100 17.1620400 22.1933000 12.5591500 10.6088400 7.4596600 9.2483340 10.3053700 10.9359900 23.7995700 16.2731500 23.0591500 8.4756200 7.2873000 5.5499770 21.0830000 15.4210000 6.6263500 7.2705000 9.2563000 12.3883000 15.1388000 25.0896000 22.1161000 14.1944000 9.3726000 1.01096e+01 40.946500 1.90932e+01 2.56513e+01 8.8092772 9.8302931 3.5137849 6.1214182 3.8917452 3.3189585 4.35075e+01 3.42734e+01
107283052 coiled-coil and C2 domain containing 1B 113.00 175.00 189.00 121.00 76.00 113.00 56.00 121.00 150.00 89.00 185.00 107.00 148.00 83.00 83.00 112.00 141.00 102.00 200.00 105.00 66.00 169.00 378.00 160.00 177.00 119.00 100.00 67.00 99.00 98.00 93.00 146.00 102.00 124.00 140.00 141.00 102.00 159.00 137.00 154.00 66.00 208.00 137.00 109.00 218.00 0.7084550 2.2595700 1.2140200 1.05834e+00 2.3186200 0.9938340 3.2901600 2.87603e+00 2.9346900 3.8473100 2.2734400 0.8978290 5.881930 3.3012500 3.8699860 5.2053820 4.2099090 6.9751900 9.9708840 9.8821090 19.2920160 18.8374170 23.8055520 6.2644650 9.2618220 8.2637681 9.0295130 12.6454000 19.974700 19.1289000 14.5086000 5.8724600 24.102100 16.648600 19.7255000 13.9680000 16.3168000 10.8375000 14.4732000 19.7447000 28.9979000 15.5010000 27.3365000 25.8414000 13.6277000 13.7930000 15.4087000 6.0406700 6.9247450 13.1850399 11.2060745 13.4578900 5.5498100 8.2036000 10.6504800 11.0163200 5.1744130 50.1280700 25.2647900 30.0177500 4.7728086 4.7834168 9.1069310 9.4087540 8.2653910 26.0390600 17.8498690 31.5714520 4.9140100 4.3231993 4.9340207 15.9259600 11.8221000 4.5786940 7.7670700 12.3153190 19.3417700 18.5603700 15.7199100 10.8066060 15.9947270 8.9282300 5.54439e+00 13.595800 3.23969e+00 2.36309e+00 3.0463790 4.1744381 2.7677100 3.2623890 2.0559170 2.4511733 2.96903e+00 1.81966e+00
107283060 ring finger protein 11 1946.00 1747.99 2466.00 1316.00 894.00 992.00 555.00 650.00 1181.00 500.00 851.00 1542.00 925.00 724.00 854.00 671.00 787.00 827.00 1603.00 852.00 643.00 942.00 2741.00 767.00 1582.00 1494.00 1400.00 559.00 828.00 931.00 583.00 847.00 525.00 486.00 503.00 985.00 709.00 979.00 1055.00 570.00 537.00 644.00 497.00 692.00 499.00 3.7210900 6.3391700 8.1477300 7.53873e+00 13.9674000 5.6257900 4.0285500 3.43147e+00 8.2270200 8.0097500 5.1427700 1.5678400 11.963000 14.3071100 16.4026700 18.7293000 17.6112100 30.4417700 21.6048500 19.8129500 41.5967000 39.5236000 38.1903300 35.4292570 29.6655300 35.3011750 27.9653700 24.7801000 21.155400 13.3395000 13.8612000 12.2623000 11.567700 10.534500 5.9147500 6.8278500 14.5042000 17.6528000 25.3662000 42.8278000 49.7163000 28.0331000 88.0615000 123.2540000 16.9247000 30.5291000 34.5152000 13.3478400 15.0680200 16.9794900 21.2333800 24.1953300 4.9983670 8.4595800 7.0664500 69.4039000 60.8954000 83.4726000 91.6386000 34.7833000 34.1954418 24.6086108 32.1377000 45.9564800 61.7010700 78.3626000 21.8049300 107.6668330 55.3767100 14.4930000 19.5257120 250.4080000 189.7110001 65.7155000 120.5930000 636.9216500 66.1901000 243.6340000 102.8901000 69.9414000 62.2365500 25.4475000 5.39262e+00 17.090600 8.55191e+00 1.09659e+01 10.0263900 5.9829400 8.5195700 16.2525490 2.9912100 2.4127500 4.73113e+00 4.74569e+00
107283061 Fas associated factor 1 257.00 205.00 176.00 170.00 191.00 130.00 62.00 73.00 137.00 80.00 236.00 143.00 121.00 85.00 100.00 82.00 74.00 131.00 184.00 87.00 103.00 176.00 226.00 217.00 358.00 166.00 134.00 59.00 240.00 156.00 195.00 96.00 124.00 95.00 182.00 123.00 88.00 154.00 131.00 131.00 80.00 41.00 55.00 55.00 100.00 6.9900800 5.3310100 11.2327000 1.03306e+01 18.5840000 5.0764200 8.2365900 4.69581e+00 8.6482100 13.5361000 6.0408800 1.6406000 11.686800 3.6442400 4.4950500 2.8560860 4.3831860 6.9237000 9.3463000 18.0465500 5.7631875 6.4448624 6.2529300 12.0790200 3.9915500 4.9102000 4.4068400 8.7564600 11.602800 13.5029000 10.2778000 7.7123600 11.110500 13.372500 9.3758100 4.9238100 6.1496800 2.6906900 8.4133000 11.5229000 21.7871000 9.6790200 18.0321000 16.3070000 6.8704300 9.8249100 15.9531000 13.1253100 14.0261400 18.0943300 14.4166700 15.8687100 5.3849030 7.4442410 8.8885130 32.0683304 31.5764000 38.0402830 24.7953001 19.3159842 23.4134300 23.0580100 19.2860200 19.7450500 21.2569600 35.2095100 23.4546800 47.2961600 11.9060100 11.2098900 13.1953500 4.6814720 39.3564000 27.3286000 41.9644250 138.7240000 34.7651390 9.8152700 25.2923912 3.7474600 6.9063400 14.0042000 7.38397e+00 1.919950 4.67437e+00 5.63866e+00 2.1159480 1.3923700 1.9212730 2.9959760 1.5420330 1.1362600 2.71320e+00 1.71898e+00
107283068 cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 7 292.00 226.00 281.00 337.00 179.00 153.00 68.00 186.00 274.00 115.00 236.00 204.00 232.00 156.00 142.00 176.00 141.00 131.00 277.00 96.00 179.00 346.00 277.00 229.00 280.00 358.00 191.00 187.00 291.00 171.00 271.00 364.00 281.00 51.00 350.00 197.00 141.00 264.00 193.00 165.00 137.00 161.00 124.00 139.00 120.00 2.0678600 14.1196000 3.9400100 2.76688e+00 6.5200300 10.2728000 10.0007000 1.00833e+01 5.5194900 9.5016800 2.2361900 1.4524900 10.261800 1.3204670 0.8513890 1.2230570 0.8523222 7.6353700 6.6418290 6.2155000 18.7677800 21.2570700 17.9295740 18.1513300 16.6522400 16.1399900 16.2500280 16.4630000 25.396500 29.9131000 15.0689000 7.9881800 17.080900 17.608100 12.4488000 5.7933800 11.7207000 7.4891300 16.8858600 28.5763800 38.5031000 24.4310300 45.6100500 47.8785100 22.7465300 33.4681900 33.2220100 4.7908200 5.7304500 8.5339600 11.6686000 10.8201000 5.1157500 10.3016000 7.9467600 5.4879500 4.1154100 9.9024700 10.9072000 17.6902000 2.2107200 1.5529350 3.3519700 7.3582500 7.9150000 15.7269100 5.1356500 16.9731900 17.5128700 1.7599070 3.7034600 14.5795000 13.3820000 2.0220300 4.6388300 18.9600000 34.0728000 63.2157000 21.0908000 21.1458000 25.0335000 12.1555000 7.62346e+00 22.534700 6.88916e+00 5.19883e+00 3.9144800 4.2407967 2.4067260 3.8004910 1.3941590 1.8467357 1.12611e+01 1.09185e+01
107283121 dual specificity phosphatase 6 79.00 106.00 71.00 102.00 53.00 61.00 19.00 48.00 88.00 41.00 54.00 39.00 38.00 60.00 28.00 84.00 42.00 25.00 85.00 28.00 44.00 80.00 78.00 60.00 93.00 88.00 78.00 38.00 65.00 60.00 30.00 51.00 19.00 62.00 28.00 63.00 48.00 107.00 63.00 67.00 8.00 5.00 12.00 7.00 10.00 4.0085000 0.0000000 4.0884600 7.37048e+00 3.1551700 2.3938300 1.2654300 3.07481e-01 72.9231000 23.4877000 2.6342000 0.5438550 7.208130 9.4471780 12.5926000 10.9948210 11.4003700 10.9417680 16.6458200 15.0668300 37.9216100 35.1600600 37.1293700 43.4916900 47.6785400 42.1780980 50.0598200 2.8685000 3.663550 1.7719900 3.7310400 16.0823000 28.409300 26.863500 19.9997000 1.0860100 1.1830700 1.0163900 17.4817700 11.8308000 7.0796900 15.1868700 10.8559000 18.9699000 7.8879000 7.1270500 8.7825100 5.6107300 52.9516000 11.4817000 49.4284000 42.9235000 8.9158400 10.4005000 25.8964000 7.5523100 7.2762200 27.1253500 19.2941700 30.9989000 108.4943000 47.0899100 11.1983340 25.4610400 22.2424700 13.8014630 13.1279000 23.0940700 17.1713900 8.8860180 10.0109280 56.7614000 72.6054000 10.2307000 14.6723000 25.7640000 23.6371000 52.2420000 62.3118000 35.7259000 37.2601000 19.0852000 1.24631e+00 5.395580 2.37519e+00 9.05100e-01 15.6790990 12.9036280 6.3383690 15.4829820 6.5442029 5.7405309 6.29066e+00 3.22893e+00
107283122 pleckstrin 99.00 117.00 206.00 219.00 34.00 57.00 66.00 129.00 261.00 18.00 219.00 76.00 94.00 41.00 215.00 64.00 23.00 155.00 263.00 89.00 76.00 109.00 106.00 135.00 93.00 177.00 126.00 78.00 81.00 466.00 32.00 125.00 51.00 137.00 97.00 10.00 16.00 88.00 147.00 25.00 113.00 189.00 53.00 124.00 109.00 0.1591480 0.2246620 1.1266300 2.99308e-01 0.7269160 4.1264500 10.1790000 4.70987e+00 1.2868200 1.1515900 7.0987000 0.0979469 17.635600 1.5333100 1.4202870 1.8128510 1.6184714 1.0208820 1.0812170 1.1758350 0.8923880 1.0076500 0.9047571 0.1659560 0.2753830 0.1970550 0.3126319 1.5495100 3.988510 2.1017800 1.2739900 0.9500560 4.252770 0.951245 0.6589410 1.8826500 5.3323600 0.3817590 4.2570100 9.7815600 16.1476900 2.2875000 8.2855900 9.3346800 4.9383100 5.3235300 7.1055400 1.3884100 1.3764600 2.7057000 1.7586800 2.7579610 5.7432900 5.3350330 10.8013400 4.4465700 1.0102910 3.1818800 2.7271800 18.4107200 3.1191061 2.2645810 1.5399440 0.6285040 1.4245650 2.8215500 0.9138780 3.2552520 1.2252700 0.6764510 2.9387004 0.6368490 1.5356260 0.2895600 0.5995300 1.2077580 1.6843600 11.7034430 4.0236766 7.4894000 5.9238600 2.1342780 3.22493e-01 0.754678 1.20683e+00 1.53457e+00 2.4666600 0.3590850 0.3620940 0.4775454 0.3823670 0.3553160 2.53032e+00 1.94202e+00
107283124 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1 40.00 24.00 40.00 26.00 21.00 25.00 43.00 34.00 31.00 30.00 34.00 27.00 26.64 27.00 40.00 26.00 72.01 25.00 35.00 52.00 32.00 58.00 30.00 63.00 52.00 34.00 31.00 13.00 35.00 9.00 6.00 2.00 9.00 2.00 6.00 57.00 27.00 193.00 35.00 48.00 8.00 21.00 27.00 13.00 30.00 1.5223100 0.2627830 7.0770500 2.13593e+00 2.0253700 1.5270700 0.1661630 1.70032e+00 0.1982110 0.5120150 0.9877410 0.5219140 10.687600 0.0000000 0.3839735 1.0785700 0.4930710 0.0370203 0.0608661 0.1372980 0.2899231 0.2701045 0.5015374 0.2264006 0.1106264 0.1143980 0.1030263 0.7292750 0.936632 0.7698120 0.8700830 1.0345600 1.244040 1.072390 0.4497360 0.4062840 0.4380460 0.5796930 0.0492503 0.0341510 1.3510625 0.1937454 0.1163645 0.1331738 1.6296681 2.8023920 1.6764248 0.1318098 0.3767830 0.9250733 0.7882280 0.8565191 0.9505980 12.9630300 3.0624450 0.0929825 0.0888603 0.2890360 0.3416220 0.1992960 0.0030970 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0545056 0.2510470 0.3665370 0.0446191 0.0000000 0.0001654 0.1714412 0.1026423 0.0784263 0.0665313 0.1843602 0.0275185 0.0856303 0.4158459 0.2197016 0.0409222 0.0088400 3.83817e-01 0.112273 1.66944e-01 1.50366e-01 0.0000000 0.0149302 0.0259263 0.0311057 0.0332506 0.1777666 3.59952e-02 5.77628e-02
107283138 WD repeat domain 72 29.00 135.00 185.00 68.00 45.00 49.00 10.00 74.00 90.00 25.00 127.00 74.00 71.00 45.00 50.00 48.00 29.00 15.00 118.00 33.00 43.00 76.00 162.00 80.00 81.00 115.00 36.00 14.00 107.00 26.00 41.00 28.00 38.00 21.00 50.00 42.00 48.00 68.00 31.00 45.00 0.00 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.4336480 0.0204965 0.9201720 7.94374e-01 0.6887790 0.4849400 0.5921880 1.63692e-01 2.1218900 1.4930000 0.6837450 0.8399780 6.936200 0.6208790 1.1164555 1.4464136 1.2021704 0.2419674 0.1973145 0.1677722 7.9852559 8.5805800 8.9328010 0.0446208 1.9664320 2.3303650 2.1062660 0.4981330 0.519547 0.2808000 0.2765840 7.7465400 4.338790 4.711310 4.4369800 0.0838414 0.0791565 0.1275080 0.0000000 0.0181529 0.0942585 5.4897300 22.2005000 17.4504000 0.0912509 0.6368240 0.4510150 0.3597000 0.4639470 8.3373000 11.0049000 14.1557000 0.0000000 0.0436243 0.1092420 0.2541290 0.3701270 10.0367000 22.2540000 0.2430830 16.7914200 6.1121040 0.8123680 1.4790200 1.1087600 56.9588000 14.8302600 155.4282000 2.2238270 9.3310570 10.2856400 2.0313990 2.0135160 0.0829246 0.4114643 0.9446350 17.2182140 28.8790925 3.1136580 0.3791500 0.1671360 0.1236173 0.00000e+00 0.000000 1.44216e-01 0.00000e+00 0.5473021 0.7914111 1.0602300 2.3190500 0.1013296 0.0461966 2.50043e-01 1.58389e-01
107283141 myotubularin related protein 10 57.00 22.99 33.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 11.00 31.00 18.00 14.00 15.00 8.00 7.00 20.00 11.00 26.00 10.00 22.00 22.00 31.00 14.00 41.00 9.00 13.00 22.00 26.00 17.00 9.00 8.00 17.00 18.00 8.00 61.00 56.00 68.00 44.00 38.00 11.00 30.00 10.00 23.00 26.00 5.9456700 43.7975000 5.2728000 9.22482e+00 6.7046500 4.2884900 14.1570000 3.18686e+01 22.3399000 25.3357000 5.4453500 3.0399300 9.144160 4.7658119 7.2103650 5.0358020 6.0783602 3.1012250 2.8220600 2.4935430 6.9221110 7.5889970 7.8655740 7.2858810 5.9334004 6.2465130 6.6488331 0.7552400 5.464060 4.2932000 1.2010700 1.6403300 16.766400 9.224210 2.8421000 10.6494000 7.1916100 4.3188900 12.6566000 19.7824000 23.8894800 20.6354000 46.8235000 44.7601004 20.8466000 34.2868530 36.5518000 3.8779900 4.8224200 12.0262100 12.8861500 13.8988200 5.8694500 16.4582100 14.2248200 19.4171872 11.3316690 34.6208500 30.9596500 11.6486780 12.9914000 11.5842400 5.2592090 6.5342640 5.8246520 21.9050000 9.8447420 37.2767100 6.6401160 2.1797970 8.5209600 16.2843000 11.7323000 2.0479700 7.9450200 15.7348000 24.1132000 29.9200000 15.1878000 18.1098000 21.3625000 17.6763000 9.54425e+00 7.898920 1.39756e+00 2.51755e+00 4.0743998 4.7548430 2.7530634 4.6052630 3.4905050 4.7094266 1.89595e+00 5.01325e-01
107283146 annexin A2 4338.00 16948.00 26161.00 4095.00 4357.00 9858.00 1978.00 4250.00 11221.00 3213.00 10206.00 15146.00 11111.00 4546.00 3618.00 4859.00 1402.00 1504.00 24324.00 6234.00 4914.00 14714.00 34031.00 10205.00 7590.00 8132.00 3913.00 2887.00 8179.00 3404.00 1343.00 3822.00 2011.00 3332.00 1356.00 5868.00 1707.00 1891.00 2200.00 1288.00 434.00 475.00 752.00 401.00 821.00 89.4787000 20.6177000 273.4900000 1.60458e+02 578.3220000 159.8410000 24.1070000 2.89040e+01 21.5023000 52.4650000 28.6864000 3.4215300 718.917000 23.3127000 22.1306200 26.7969450 25.7138600 47.5845130 55.8339010 53.1898390 88.0312010 91.2110110 90.1882030 11.8367506 11.4485940 11.9934504 11.5510222 147.8260000 415.000000 132.5960000 336.8840000 103.7610000 176.107000 74.300000 91.8345000 41.3660000 64.4720000 57.8291000 76.7991500 69.6885330 66.6609000 16.4722690 18.3266830 42.3300430 8.6258020 15.0685260 9.3012200 79.8469400 161.1499000 110.5109000 156.1332000 105.4110000 17.7634000 43.1802400 40.6697800 192.3449370 114.7950700 365.9030000 233.0580000 518.4196400 137.4015000 112.6043000 168.4284000 111.7108000 119.6543000 193.1887000 155.4581000 291.2917000 52.1931700 21.4579500 41.5534300 1224.9026770 1124.5192060 69.1575841 65.9568590 199.5696090 54.3919160 593.3890830 378.9680580 26.0132000 38.2508000 11.4243440 9.34165e+02 3200.710000 6.14282e+02 6.71360e+02 187.0936360 229.6318497 19.1562450 59.8074230 23.9750999 6.6337700 7.99110e+02 5.82255e+02
107283147 RAR related orphan receptor A 390.00 63.00 90.00 173.00 286.00 117.00 213.00 188.00 244.00 184.00 99.00 124.00 42.00 241.00 363.00 171.00 394.00 211.00 164.00 172.00 179.00 50.00 100.00 96.00 188.00 68.00 209.00 383.00 168.00 499.00 30.00 31.00 17.00 29.00 24.00 10.00 6.00 16.00 12.00 16.00 9.00 26.00 11.00 30.00 69.00 0.5670930 3.6183600 0.6358630 8.39422e-01 1.5027800 0.3263780 0.4240850 1.49894e-01 0.2141630 0.7816140 1.1892000 0.5238010 3.114430 1.0607000 1.1870500 1.3550400 1.5222870 5.8835020 5.5880350 5.3217050 12.2530540 13.5439370 12.2600470 16.8413645 14.6013650 13.2948730 13.6381400 0.2843740 0.582211 0.5302740 0.0688765 0.0607789 1.421330 1.322430 0.0854997 2.5785100 1.9219200 0.0825573 0.6348630 0.5704730 1.9552900 5.5221700 9.8354900 5.0959100 1.8412560 3.2046900 3.3522300 0.7540346 0.5125796 2.6559078 1.1464580 2.7766573 0.2531276 1.1553573 1.8131109 3.7056070 5.5859360 6.3684830 9.8423950 5.9814060 3.0740855 2.2428605 1.7459555 6.8959998 6.6900990 7.1599680 7.2713640 8.3526510 3.4041766 3.7698380 6.7882642 4.4074000 2.3771030 0.1201450 1.9755340 2.1837200 2.4132850 2.8985300 1.1651700 4.5703200 4.5852700 4.4394140 2.12854e+00 1.827170 0.00000e+00 1.00000e-07 5.1046934 4.1082500 1.7872970 2.1559246 1.6294347 1.7600200 1.16079e+00 7.27654e-01
107283154 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 10 163.00 271.00 319.00 151.00 131.00 122.00 69.00 118.00 162.00 76.00 338.00 226.00 169.00 105.00 94.00 91.00 111.00 95.00 199.00 131.00 77.00 236.00 733.00 234.00 272.00 150.00 128.00 95.00 190.00 137.00 66.00 79.00 79.00 204.00 61.00 215.00 134.00 171.00 233.00 140.00 38.00 112.00 62.00 120.00 136.00 21.3411000 19.4589000 36.7047000 3.99201e+01 65.5573000 22.1036000 34.1924000 2.42004e+01 48.2211000 53.8021000 30.2483000 7.7452900 124.605000 4.6956020 6.3318830 5.2165940 5.5980070 8.4412790 5.6280678 5.8251120 13.5459070 12.2984730 15.1992260 5.8436400 8.0033130 9.6179730 6.3405300 17.7761000 36.491000 22.2456000 18.6824000 25.7818000 33.023000 46.182900 26.2365000 26.2756000 25.4576000 16.1079000 15.3078000 37.7909000 32.8834000 19.5789000 72.1142000 66.7131000 12.5505000 34.3045000 42.0996000 8.8294130 14.8664500 78.9111900 33.4654000 29.0095100 7.1655610 27.9005200 26.8874600 10.4248770 12.1421308 20.3531824 22.9760126 18.8099297 15.9784756 10.2935930 23.0723990 14.7903940 13.3201964 38.0945523 8.4463009 47.7224327 20.0220961 5.2760781 6.8157351 17.7056893 14.1223000 2.9116990 4.4546703 16.1621622 15.0583260 44.5983181 17.8399700 13.4146370 13.6784410 6.2721580 1.06906e+01 29.417100 2.80977e+00 3.16805e+00 3.8491000 4.0009900 1.7768400 4.1296230 1.2879995 0.9648700 8.94772e+00 5.26151e+00
107283162 methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase 87.00 86.00 96.00 36.00 40.00 60.00 40.00 72.00 85.00 70.00 83.00 105.00 51.00 52.75 90.00 71.00 56.00 47.00 130.00 51.68 57.00 109.00 132.00 125.00 82.00 48.00 87.00 51.00 76.00 30.00 223.00 189.00 123.00 43.00 241.00 224.00 166.00 85.00 133.00 107.00 105.00 177.00 48.00 71.00 145.00 3.4980700 7.5272400 4.0020800 4.25737e+00 9.6685100 5.1888300 4.4691200 7.75969e+00 12.4128000 8.5388300 3.8316200 2.0614400 8.186350 21.6144200 17.5160000 15.3583100 19.5180400 49.3928300 53.0823300 48.3028700 68.0330500 71.3854100 72.8595500 40.5130700 33.1201900 36.6026200 32.2696800 35.5287000 30.054300 39.3347000 33.1286000 41.0248000 43.412900 47.223500 66.3594000 27.4452000 29.4132000 51.8923000 9.0747300 12.1120000 19.7940000 12.4910000 18.9861000 18.2062000 4.6996200 7.2289600 11.0916000 23.6359000 34.9446500 40.8127900 45.1890000 43.6463200 12.9959000 17.2110000 22.5301300 17.1106000 19.6293000 13.5434000 17.2712000 8.3064600 24.0958370 15.8826060 9.2668210 11.6851170 15.5492100 16.2072420 5.5391220 42.2119100 19.8928580 27.2359050 38.8162690 393.0040000 515.8270000 55.2441000 76.8263000 620.5290000 130.6700000 427.0960000 176.9560000 231.4510000 257.7590000 87.4075000 3.81833e+00 10.424700 5.67895e+00 4.84532e+00 62.2326600 77.1820200 56.2738500 128.3008800 35.7119200 32.5509200 9.04510e+00 6.57725e+00
107283170 ubiquitin specific peptidase 3 75.00 69.00 107.00 53.00 45.00 44.00 13.00 28.00 40.00 33.00 104.00 101.00 46.00 54.00 38.00 29.00 29.00 39.00 88.00 31.00 36.00 98.00 213.00 79.00 131.00 48.00 43.00 77.00 72.00 71.00 13.00 38.00 19.00 24.00 13.00 55.00 49.00 69.00 71.00 45.00 35.00 78.00 51.00 123.00 99.00 2.5848900 1.3193200 4.5261900 2.83436e+00 5.0204300 1.4880500 8.8597300 6.30953e+00 8.6250100 10.1338000 6.2831600 4.6225900 7.909170 2.6394360 5.7291375 3.0489590 4.2190920 6.7734982 4.6938980 5.7443650 24.4318570 22.1682177 25.8668150 10.2992160 10.3903330 9.7339447 10.6077490 11.1061000 11.792200 14.4177000 8.1118500 10.0934000 24.768300 18.345500 12.0603000 23.2051000 31.9996000 16.6690000 8.2758000 13.6532000 21.6235000 7.7132300 24.6147000 25.9214000 16.2462000 47.9353000 36.7646000 4.6542090 6.4583490 13.9520000 15.2743700 14.9087800 5.0638660 6.3051860 8.5927750 4.8092596 2.5568550 19.4958978 11.1543220 12.2249800 14.9037524 15.4381865 8.3012902 4.1680310 7.7899138 12.0854458 12.6249911 25.5840942 16.4656170 6.1929157 8.9749115 12.0610610 8.8130300 1.6442910 4.2993712 7.1852020 13.5358436 16.3783200 7.4821904 7.8557576 10.1503469 7.2260500 5.26610e+00 10.838700 2.76346e+00 1.85831e+00 5.6941870 4.7904810 2.5563240 4.0702570 1.9350963 1.8415880 1.83633e+00 9.24007e-01
107283172 TBC1 domain family member 2B 5.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 9.00 4.00 2.00 5.00 0.00 4.00 1.00 5.00 11.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 29.00 8.00 10.00 3.00 4.00 8.00 7.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 8.00 29.00 4.00 8.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 9.00 14.00 8.00 22.00 7.00 14.6833000 2.3295400 22.6744000 1.55892e+01 22.5612000 4.9894600 43.6330000 2.26511e+01 31.7797000 35.4458000 18.1108000 9.3166200 34.899800 0.7553860 1.4091300 0.8949046 0.8557590 6.5462800 5.5601360 5.7731812 12.2908000 11.7066140 13.1709270 10.5967450 14.6740030 13.7512800 14.8394560 13.3122000 14.977100 14.0829000 10.4277000 28.6674000 31.115600 32.826100 27.1350000 18.1559000 20.0008000 15.9807000 2.2889900 6.1328600 6.4358900 4.1150800 29.8427000 25.5813000 3.0966000 7.1686400 8.9134500 3.0573700 5.9295700 8.9481020 9.2267800 10.9524000 3.4973000 9.2914300 16.0627900 4.4253460 2.5963500 6.8913200 9.0860050 7.3379900 4.2154990 3.3866550 10.3216600 9.6926260 8.0560200 5.6323850 9.0717340 7.0022060 10.8491200 4.9525100 9.4274240 4.7884900 2.9458350 1.2669250 3.1814130 3.4038020 2.6627280 6.3439880 4.6908300 3.6403720 6.0114800 3.4564190 3.40092e+00 4.502910 5.27512e-01 1.90086e+00 0.7453630 0.4662997 0.3197353 0.4100198 0.1166401 0.1658810 3.19413e+00 1.76387e+00
107283187 A-kinase anchoring protein 11 12.00 28.00 42.00 5.00 10.00 14.00 5.00 19.00 41.00 11.00 48.00 12.00 36.00 10.00 8.00 18.00 13.00 13.00 33.00 17.00 4.00 71.00 136.00 73.00 41.00 21.00 21.00 18.00 44.00 10.00 12.00 8.00 12.00 90.00 7.00 11.00 13.00 26.00 29.00 22.00 5.00 7.00 2.00 1.00 10.00 4.4514000 1.9652700 9.2325800 8.31022e+00 7.4886300 5.3251300 4.1683300 2.26511e+00 11.2624000 10.9951000 6.8574900 2.2382500 27.003200 1.7314060 1.6411526 1.2870704 2.1568360 4.9042600 3.0142694 3.4453573 5.9016890 6.5445694 6.6416080 2.7515452 2.7996864 2.6725256 3.1344855 2.2607500 8.839710 9.7227200 1.8963000 0.7169670 7.244130 7.478120 1.6096900 7.3353800 5.2654500 1.4707300 2.0472400 3.8397650 6.0679400 3.1148530 8.6044220 6.8117540 1.8069300 2.8251920 3.7054450 6.1514150 9.2448520 11.9418300 17.7125810 11.8222720 3.2817220 6.8809200 8.0399300 7.5830400 6.0992800 5.7046390 9.6734000 1.7781800 7.1772600 3.8985400 2.3375700 2.3103200 2.4310600 4.1658600 1.1417500 10.0935000 1.1552800 1.1477100 1.7026800 11.3851500 6.5791390 0.7104230 3.7816700 16.7349100 8.8442800 23.7227600 5.5695200 4.8596442 7.7905540 2.7078300 1.59364e-01 0.159159 1.78530e-03 4.04260e-03 0.7575530 0.5888418 0.7736310 1.1077727 0.2810560 0.3150810 1.60443e+00 9.06393e-01
107283192 SEC24 homolog B, COPII coat complex component 355.00 683.00 676.00 408.00 255.00 293.00 170.00 231.00 406.00 176.00 454.00 226.00 319.00 175.00 285.00 288.00 220.00 196.00 548.00 246.00 197.00 390.00 814.00 445.00 389.00 479.00 433.00 72.00 490.00 334.00 354.00 573.00 408.00 494.00 503.00 439.00 365.00 687.00 441.00 592.00 279.00 269.00 243.00 172.00 396.00 1.7438700 4.2371200 3.4047600 2.82254e+00 4.7998900 1.9247700 4.5819100 2.54062e+00 4.2559400 5.1146600 3.9465300 1.4619000 5.820320 3.8762510 5.7226200 6.2203160 5.5847060 12.8947030 16.1395670 17.7913820 29.1175900 26.1433630 28.0879200 8.6211050 12.5093160 15.8833280 13.1393410 3.0919600 6.387400 8.1082300 3.0250500 2.9125200 9.782140 8.332130 4.1584700 6.9096700 7.4406200 2.2829800 6.4181000 12.1586900 15.6445900 6.5249200 17.7241200 15.1363500 4.9071400 8.2645900 10.2012200 7.2082770 9.0898990 11.5535200 13.2445400 11.5051800 3.4393800 5.7056420 6.0786960 9.0711253 8.2970043 10.6692383 17.6147135 9.6507834 8.0849810 7.4720870 3.8925680 8.5541830 8.3470750 6.9507500 3.9980200 11.9721570 11.3248600 4.2600315 10.0381050 11.4061300 6.8428000 2.5609050 7.7960601 10.7161000 13.9317350 13.0105200 9.6536800 11.6093800 13.6510300 9.9903300 2.20766e+00 2.848120 1.62460e+00 2.61926e+00 4.0992270 3.2710139 3.7087510 3.3556106 1.0990350 1.9035040 2.01395e+00 9.24840e-01
107283204 tumor protein, translationally-controlled 1 3571.00 2835.00 3160.00 2826.00 1735.00 2584.00 1205.00 1038.00 3360.00 865.00 1579.00 2534.00 1295.00 1704.00 1995.00 1225.00 1354.00 1079.00 2984.00 1290.00 1267.00 1779.00 1951.00 1947.00 3088.00 1968.00 1854.00 3900.00 1969.00 2402.00 2098.00 4847.00 2481.00 1736.00 2689.00 4354.00 3668.00 5024.00 3657.00 3903.00 3649.00 3474.00 2538.00 2231.00 3326.00 1104.6500000 1378.4300000 2158.8000000 1.84158e+03 6812.5300000 1661.5100000 6369.1900000 6.69433e+03 5006.5100000 5417.9000000 2146.7600000 1102.6200000 2877.550000 677.0479410 689.2875990 669.1101460 666.0854530 383.5977890 570.6293610 576.1398400 875.6682240 826.6548710 889.9567778 1021.6555360 1126.8669400 1178.8544000 1044.0817760 721.6580000 668.701000 718.0570000 481.3760000 854.8290000 1195.110000 1211.250000 909.0850000 570.2100000 818.4590000 281.3000000 1372.1200000 1850.5300000 1539.2900000 1459.1200000 2429.2900000 1928.7000000 800.2340000 924.2400000 989.8730000 1843.7961740 2231.4128900 2844.5306600 2775.7937000 3401.9713700 1893.3700000 2791.1936500 1916.5291000 1715.7478500 2630.1744500 3201.0929000 5019.9177000 2440.3100000 4048.9058530 3723.7993390 3644.6721100 2143.9806930 2038.6287700 4898.9952230 2391.7720240 8441.4285850 3931.8278310 3910.3327240 6775.3673010 6570.6918000 4335.2760000 1956.1042000 2229.0330000 5489.3850000 3167.7560000 4141.9480000 3019.2670000 7413.0040000 5647.3173800 2450.9054000 2.33946e+03 4547.220000 1.90445e+03 1.58828e+03 537.6792230 327.1847670 377.6888330 353.7947592 307.2300760 273.9981320 7.31163e+03 4.86967e+03
107283212 laccase domain containing 1 15.00 70.00 128.00 39.00 35.00 45.00 5.00 16.00 47.00 5.00 82.00 90.00 44.00 20.00 7.00 33.00 7.00 3.00 105.00 8.00 16.00 97.00 90.00 63.00 51.00 212.00 20.00 8.00 59.00 9.00 15.00 11.00 12.00 56.00 6.00 11.00 9.00 64.00 56.00 17.00 23.00 91.00 58.00 74.00 26.00 0.3195020 2.7081900 0.5943200 3.83667e-01 2.3675100 7.9046500 4.5913000 4.34432e+00 9.1134200 2.9219700 1.7986800 0.2813520 30.283100 0.4120009 0.5131137 0.5368560 0.4456390 1.8182954 1.3697110 1.4607069 2.0628490 2.3875580 2.4966320 5.3879070 5.8766420 6.1578750 4.8259090 0.5054540 1.475200 0.4711340 0.8567280 0.4854690 1.848820 1.218460 0.5908320 1.2191500 1.0624900 1.2551000 1.2143470 1.1872850 1.1932430 1.3762430 1.8299400 1.1029070 1.5053060 1.4308170 0.9014811 0.7380470 0.5923060 1.2697400 1.7559100 1.5312400 0.8118380 0.6175450 1.1895600 1.1952900 1.3525600 1.1329300 1.6618500 2.2162500 3.3365680 2.5496200 1.3467870 0.6620390 0.7257450 1.7711810 0.9161960 3.7979200 0.7736990 0.7177510 0.8255327 13.4646000 13.5943020 1.4075132 2.7295400 14.7180296 9.4940400 31.1946300 7.2887490 12.6626060 16.6874760 5.5685130 2.03297e-01 2.140840 1.16361e+01 1.01742e+01 0.8609090 0.4194690 0.2982760 0.8073900 0.1721148 0.1020360 2.50383e+00 3.67275e+00
107283235 prenylcysteine oxidase 1 479.00 363.00 330.00 298.00 178.00 192.00 144.00 220.00 347.00 159.00 330.00 264.00 211.00 178.00 237.00 362.00 200.00 206.00 428.00 122.00 257.00 318.00 319.00 528.00 498.00 300.00 414.00 214.00 288.00 216.00 91.00 162.00 78.00 138.00 120.00 1183.00 1079.00 795.00 850.00 696.00 295.00 362.00 239.00 293.00 357.00 10.6036000 5.5909800 18.7161000 1.45204e+01 21.7210000 9.7725400 43.9803000 4.31097e+01 38.2807000 28.1283000 15.8659000 10.0259000 29.977600 4.4852700 6.9279160 6.1984500 6.6464140 18.3642448 15.8422450 14.7642280 37.0326160 38.3942180 37.3211219 64.6893500 64.0110150 66.3248810 57.1128940 32.6040000 20.628800 13.3125000 34.3996000 100.1950000 67.243700 117.498000 140.5820000 82.9310000 42.7802000 175.5380000 20.8716000 21.4594000 40.2242000 65.0550000 68.4279000 62.6170000 55.5180000 64.4065000 91.1889000 2.7900300 3.8164780 18.7976200 16.0547000 17.5251900 5.9883330 10.0284600 16.0707000 13.8507000 17.1834000 18.6442000 40.7762000 7.1879500 43.2079603 39.7547400 16.9258770 24.2482400 23.4566290 42.8847210 31.6185500 74.2026000 36.4386500 4.5829800 30.9799900 64.4629000 47.6660846 8.8942600 68.2412000 123.1908000 77.6514000 134.9898000 38.4339400 130.0880000 204.6865000 84.2975000 2.36200e+01 56.227100 1.16101e+01 1.44048e+01 10.9870290 13.0281760 1.9606718 7.3515680 3.5709200 2.4161090 4.08842e+00 3.25144e+00
107283252 annexin A4 399.00 1187.00 1176.00 26.00 280.00 490.00 96.00 390.00 409.00 110.00 1108.00 1022.00 1230.00 542.00 201.00 694.00 171.00 297.00 2615.00 370.00 701.00 2402.00 1795.00 2320.00 895.00 1149.00 592.00 178.00 1007.00 310.00 57.00 146.00 83.00 238.00 76.00 428.00 513.00 2720.00 3787.00 3083.00 303.00 1146.00 476.00 703.00 787.00 71.9940000 112.4940000 103.2060000 9.84852e+01 327.1100000 140.1710000 807.9120000 1.78028e+03 271.5910000 187.8470000 134.7280000 90.9773000 83.997200 9.0777023 8.5171360 8.6279610 8.8170480 9.7651373 10.6586612 10.1529592 49.9663150 47.5513770 48.3610130 25.3276403 29.8370290 27.2038920 30.2131500 8.8135200 16.022200 11.7552000 11.9985000 11.3253000 13.288500 20.513500 17.5080000 19.9667000 19.2728000 17.6075000 13.5433300 13.9405500 13.4675800 33.7222200 49.9872300 49.4214700 18.0929600 25.3835900 21.5246900 56.6131600 85.7652800 237.2045000 297.4341000 281.2064000 284.8664000 370.9015000 568.5327000 12.2055000 6.8068600 154.7385000 151.2957000 252.2815000 14.8782300 12.5021600 25.7073400 16.5550500 20.0756800 275.0511000 50.9146400 270.4423000 80.9856200 36.5202300 57.0531000 45.9751000 61.6835840 6.2719390 5.8051040 15.3904500 44.5747520 173.1296240 76.1910900 28.2965500 33.5899900 35.9611760 8.28321e+00 0.998100 4.04818e+01 5.78994e+01 31.2372840 44.6101430 7.6650790 24.3259190 8.8284180 6.1634811 2.04526e-01 1.09407e-01
107283253 membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 3 47.00 206.00 208.00 129.00 40.00 146.00 21.00 41.00 206.00 40.00 90.00 190.00 86.00 38.00 51.00 59.00 16.00 28.00 187.00 34.00 60.00 193.00 269.00 130.00 67.00 109.00 55.00 61.00 130.00 61.00 134.00 251.00 170.00 47.00 193.00 75.00 47.00 260.00 237.00 244.00 13.00 32.00 22.00 24.00 59.00 0.0000000 2.9000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 1.3169400 1.8056000 2.1158400 1.15802e+01 2.8709600 7.5629300 0.0000000 0.2107210 3.105660 0.6500650 1.3140965 1.1848874 1.1604600 4.5718923 6.6792018 6.7902238 10.8180484 9.5022840 10.3984648 3.9267400 3.2368800 2.9660156 2.6850673 9.4219700 10.774200 12.8965000 9.2788800 22.7517000 22.989700 33.475200 22.0899000 22.0394000 16.7882000 16.2639000 1.3889300 6.5241300 20.3822000 31.2146000 17.4447000 29.7832000 0.4319510 0.1326800 0.1600930 16.8925000 20.4968600 3.1976490 6.3851600 3.4838990 10.0911100 6.7654100 11.6634300 7.6591000 9.0830030 2.9860750 2.4279217 6.2672800 3.2387570 3.8868470 19.8047000 19.1819800 15.8953700 1.1886510 0.6852190 1.3151230 0.5485631 0.4818236 0.3165175 8.0984070 6.0965100 11.2494180 12.0612600 32.1417600 5.5978660 22.3289400 17.1738700 2.0386320 1.8560880 1.0635300 9.93618e-01 1.162600 2.28661e-02 1.49976e+00 0.0301351 0.1452142 0.0333884 0.0496740 0.0095968 0.0000000 3.28950e+00 2.50752e+00
107283260 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide G 655.00 263.00 485.00 682.00 376.00 315.00 157.00 227.00 509.00 192.00 352.00 315.00 374.00 294.00 153.00 221.00 236.00 225.00 442.00 156.00 241.00 465.00 614.00 376.00 405.00 540.00 274.00 1882.00 390.00 910.00 145.00 260.00 142.00 70.00 158.00 136.00 103.00 217.00 230.00 146.00 163.00 195.00 178.00 187.00 219.00 23.2968000 73.6071000 49.6143000 2.97387e+01 66.5373000 53.2659000 41.0986000 7.77334e+01 18.9737000 16.9355000 22.4470000 8.9612000 36.409100 17.0826900 13.7899500 8.4112700 17.4101900 16.6683000 19.8916560 15.4462900 65.9154000 70.8276670 68.4031600 37.6732580 25.8083690 20.8435930 25.7681000 209.2210000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 142.9120000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 95.6005000 4.5889600 4.3514300 74.1966000 7.4467000 5.9570600 78.6450000 4.2896270 4.8653200 18.6128000 26.6210000 43.9555000 34.1706000 30.4417000 55.5599000 30.6574000 38.5326000 59.2114000 91.3964000 126.6483000 167.5695000 120.7443000 53.9415830 35.8645720 107.8158500 65.5590900 42.9002500 189.8236200 36.1607800 135.6591810 70.2736000 63.3910900 60.3151780 197.0999000 409.5137000 110.1463000 116.3531000 225.9816000 194.7685000 298.0383000 493.5024000 616.4253000 178.9867000 202.7055000 3.38618e+00 6.779590 5.22892e+01 5.10769e+01 59.6542000 46.1112572 35.2746000 60.2330750 32.4152400 34.9822800 1.20776e+02 1.48636e+02
107283261 transmembrane protein 150A 25.00 97.00 90.00 33.00 28.00 86.00 14.00 37.00 55.00 31.00 114.00 83.00 74.00 29.00 18.00 32.00 20.00 24.00 104.00 43.00 30.00 61.00 134.00 90.00 78.00 58.00 34.00 52.00 104.00 34.00 72.00 203.00 76.00 82.00 113.00 117.00 98.00 119.00 107.00 85.00 75.00 75.00 53.00 68.00 123.00 4.9563500 5.5750000 4.7918700 5.90470e+00 5.2129500 2.0019600 6.7737500 3.02536e+00 11.1345000 10.5145000 6.9730600 1.2494500 10.544900 0.6302350 0.5597870 0.6737040 0.4614790 18.2919120 29.2818150 29.5428860 63.5941910 63.0250100 67.1749240 99.7279300 116.2967800 123.8868900 120.2449751 58.1236000 47.414100 29.0143000 27.8193000 60.4015000 27.364700 30.697200 30.2167000 27.4069000 23.8679000 25.2962000 3.5179600 1.6805400 1.0940300 34.6748000 9.1243800 9.8727300 5.5637500 4.4649600 3.4602100 23.6109000 19.6611000 21.2302000 23.2556000 24.5066000 30.8354000 34.6385000 26.2894000 3.7458400 3.1184200 36.1883000 47.5031000 12.6661900 3.5733180 5.7281800 9.8354690 21.3733400 14.2277500 60.0400800 63.2296300 47.5266900 22.9409400 10.3431800 13.1348600 21.6612000 24.6804700 7.9817800 12.2723000 29.5437000 148.6129000 149.9012000 47.0404000 163.2989000 206.6628000 191.0179000 5.00000e-07 4.801940 2.68375e+00 3.06185e+00 0.4862930 0.4208790 0.7596610 0.7942103 0.6505450 0.6798440 9.29381e+00 6.62209e+00

Process the data

Final_data<-Final_data %>% column_to_rownames('gene')
Final_data$Naja_pan_1<-NULL #remove pancreas data from because not comparing pancreas in other animals


          rep("livr",3), rep("vg/sg",2),rep("hrt",3),rep("kid",3),rep("livr",3),rep("vg/sg",4),rep("mus_slg",2),rep("mus_smg",2),rep("mus_pg",2),rep("vg/sg",2))

ids <- data.frame(
  id = sampleIDs,
  species = species,
  tissue = tissue

Design matrix

id species tissue
Pm_30 Habu vg/sg
Pm_4 Habu vg/sg
Pm_5 Habu vg/sg
Pm_6 Habu vg/sg
Pm_7 Habu vg/sg
Pm_8 Habu vg/sg
Pm_9 Habu vg/sg
Pm_1_heart Habu hrt
Pm_10_heart Habu hrt
Pm_3_heart Habu hrt
Pm_5_heart Habu hrt
Pm_8_heart Habu hrt
Pm_1_kidney Habu kid
Pm_10_kidney Habu kid
Pm_3_kidney Habu kid
Pm_5_kidney Habu kid
Pm_8_kidney Habu kid
Pm_1_liver Habu livr
Pm_10_liver Habu livr
Pm_3_liver Habu livr
Pm_5_liver Habu livr
Pm_8_liver Habu livr
Naja_vg_1 Cobra vg/sg
Naja_vg_2 Cobra vg/sg
Naja_vg_3 Cobra vg/sg
Naja_vg_4 Cobra vg/sg
Naja_vg_5 Cobra vg/sg
Naja_vg_6 Cobra vg/sg
Naja_liv_1 Cobra livr
Naja_liv_2 Cobra livr
Naja_kid_1 Cobra kid
Naja_kid_2 Cobra kid
Naja_sg_1 Cobra vg/sg
Mus_sg_1 Mouse vg/sg
Mus_sg_2 Mouse vg/sg
Mus_sg_3 Mouse vg/sg
Mus_sg_4 Mouse vg/sg
Mus_hrt_1 Mouse hrt
Mus_hrt_2 Mouse hrt
Mus_hrt_3 Mouse hrt
Mus_kidn_1 Mouse kid
Mus_kidn_2 Mouse kid
Mus_kidn_3 Mouse kid
Mus_livr_1 Mouse livr
Mus_livr_2 Mouse livr
Mus_livr_3 Mouse livr
Mus_livr_4 Mouse livr
Anole_hrt_1 Anole hrt
Anole_hrt_2 Anole hrt
Anole_hrt_3 Anole hrt
Anole_hrt_4 Anole hrt
Anole_kidn_1 Anole kid
Anole_kidn_2 Anole kid
Anole_kidn_3 Anole kid
Anole_kidn_4 Anole kid
Anole_livr_1 Anole livr
Anole_livr_2 Anole livr
Anole_livr_3 Anole livr
Gal_hrt_1 Chicken hrt
Gal_hrt_2 Chicken hrt
Gal_hrt_3 Chicken hrt
Gal_kidn_1 Chicken kid
Gal_kidn_2 Chicken kid
Gal_kidn_3 Chicken kid
Gal_livr_1 Chicken livr
Gal_livr_2 Chicken livr
Gal_livr_3 Chicken livr
Xeno_hrt_2 Frog hrt
Xeno_hrt_3 Frog hrt
Xeno_kidn_1 Frog kid
Xeno_kidn_2 Frog kid
Xeno_kidn_3 Frog kid
Xeno_livr_1 Frog livr
Xeno_livr_2 Frog livr
Xeno_livr_3 Frog livr
Pan_hrt_1 Chimp hrt
Pan_hrt_2 Chimp hrt
Pan_kid_1 Chimp kid
Pan_kid_2 Chimp kid
Pan_liv Chimp livr
Homo_sg_1 Human vg/sg
Homo_sg_2 Human vg/sg
Homo_hrt_1 Human hrt
Homo_hrt_2 Human hrt
Homo_hrt_3 Human hrt
Homo_kidn_1 Human kid
Homo_kidn_2 Human kid
Homo_kidn_3 Human kid
Homo_livr_1 Human livr
Homo_livr_2 Human livr
Homo_livr_3 Human livr
Canis_sg_1 Dog vg/sg
Canis_sg_2 Dog vg/sg
Canis_hrt_1 Dog hrt
Canis_hrt_2 Dog hrt
Canis_hrt_3 Dog hrt
Canis_kidn_1 Dog kid
Canis_kidn_2 Dog kid
Canis_kidn_3 Dog kid
Canis_livr_1 Dog livr
Canis_livr_2 Dog livr
Canis_livr_3 Dog livr
py_sg1 Python vg/sg
py_sg2 Python vg/sg
pg_sg1 Corn_snake vg/sg
pg_sg2 Corn_snake vg/sg
mus_slg_1 Mouse mus_slg
mus_slg_2 Mouse mus_slg
mus_smg_1 Mouse mus_smg
mus_smg_2 Mouse mus_smg
mus_pg_1 Mouse mus_pg
mus_pg_2 Mouse mus_pg
gekko_sg1 Gekko vg/sg
gekko_sg2 Gekko vg/sg

Normalize ComBat Data prep

exp_data = log2(Final_data + 1e-5) # Log transformation, add 1e-5 to avoid log0
exp = normalizeQuantiles(as.matrix(exp_data)) # Quantile normalization
row.names(exp) = row.names(Final_data)
colnames(exp) = colnames(Final_data)
exp = exp[!apply(exp, 1, anyNA),] #removed genes without expresion

batch = filter_table$species
modcombat = model.matrix(~1, data=filter_table)
combat_edata = ComBat(dat=exp, batch=batch, mod=modcombat,mean.only = F,
                      par.prior=TRUE,  prior.plots=FALSE)
## Found12batches
## Adjusting for0covariate(s) or covariate level(s)
## Standardizing Data across genes
## Fitting L/S model and finding priors
## Finding parametric adjustments
## Adjusting the Data

Clustering of orthologs based on gene expression

We used the plotPCA function in the DESeq2 package(Love, Huber, and Anders 2014) to carry out principal component analysis.

se <- SummarizedExperiment(combat_edata - rowMeans(combat_edata),colData=ids)
pcaData <- plotPCA(DESeqTransform( se ), intgroup=c("species", "tissue"),ntop = 500, returnData=TRUE)
percentVar_all <- round(100 * attr(pcaData, "percentVar"))
names(pcaData)[c(4,5)] = c('Species',"Tissue")

Supplementary Figure 6: clustering of 2291 expressed orthologs across non-venomous reptiles and different morphologies of mouse salivary gland

Performing a PCA using all 2291 expressed orthologs between 12 taxa, including those outside the meta-venom, homologous tissues clustered more tightly.

ggplot(pcaData, aes(PC1, PC2, color=Tissue, group = Tissue,shape=Species)) +
  geom_point(size=3,alpha = 1) +
  scale_shape_manual(values = c(3,8,2,18,5,4,17,23,15,25,13,19))+
  scale_color_manual(values = c('#C24C3D','#71C23D','#3DB3C2','#955F93','#C76BBB','#ed12ad','#8E3DC2'))+
  xlab(paste0("PC1 (",percentVar_all[1],"%)")) +
  ylab(paste0("PC2 (",percentVar_all[2],"%)")) + 
  coord_fixed() + 
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "gray97", 
    size = 0.5), panel.grid.minor = element_line(linetype = "dotted"), 
    axis.title = element_text(family = "Palatino", 
        size = 12), axis.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    axis.text.x = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    axis.text.y = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.text = element_text(size = 11, 
        family = "Palatino"), legend.title = element_text(size = 12, 
        family = "Palatino"), panel.background = element_rect(fill = NA), 
    strip.text = element_text(family = "Palatino"), 
    legend.key = element_rect(fill = "gray100")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(size = 0.5, 
    linetype = "solid"))+
  stat_ellipse(type = "norm",geom = "polygon",
               aes(fill = Tissue),
               alpha = 0.1,
               level = 0.95,show.legend = F)

Clustering with only meta-venom

Filtering for meta-venom orthologs expressed across 4 tissues (and mouse subtypes) in all 12 taxa. Dataset comrised of expression of only 460 orthologs.

#Load ortholog data
Final_data<-Final_data %>% filter(gene %in% meta_venom$gene)
gene description Pm_1 Pm_10 Pm_11 Pm_12 Pm_13 Pm_14 Pm_15 Pm_16 Pm_17 Pm_18 Pm_19 Pm_2 Pm_20 Pm_21 Pm_22 Pm_23 Pm_24 Pm_25 Pm_26 Pm_27 Pm_28 Pm_29 Pm_3 Pm_30 Pm_4 Pm_5 Pm_6 Pm_7 Pm_8 Pm_9 Pm_1_heart Pm_10_heart Pm_3_heart Pm_5_heart Pm_8_heart Pm_1_kidney Pm_10_kidney Pm_3_kidney Pm_5_kidney Pm_8_kidney Pm_1_liver Pm_10_liver Pm_3_liver Pm_5_liver Pm_8_liver Naja_vg_1 Naja_vg_2 Naja_vg_3 Naja_vg_4 Naja_vg_5 Naja_vg_6 Naja_liv_1 Naja_liv_2 Naja_kid_1 Naja_kid_2 Naja_pan_1 Naja_pan_2 Naja_sg_1 Mus_sg_1 Mus_sg_2 Mus_sg_3 Mus_sg_4 Mus_hrt_1 Mus_hrt_2 Mus_hrt_3 Mus_kidn_1 Mus_kidn_2 Mus_kidn_3 Mus_livr_1 Mus_livr_2 Mus_livr_3 Mus_livr_4 Anole_hrt_1 Anole_hrt_2 Anole_hrt_3 Anole_hrt_4 Anole_kidn_1 Anole_kidn_2 Anole_kidn_3 Anole_kidn_4 Anole_livr_1 Anole_livr_2 Anole_livr_3 Gal_hrt_1 Gal_hrt_2 Gal_hrt_3 Gal_kidn_1 Gal_kidn_2 Gal_kidn_3 Gal_livr_1 Gal_livr_2 Gal_livr_3 Xeno_hrt_2 Xeno_hrt_3 Xeno_kidn_1 Xeno_kidn_2 Xeno_kidn_3 Xeno_livr_1 Xeno_livr_2 Xeno_livr_3 Pan_hrt_1 Pan_hrt_2 Pan_kid_1 Pan_kid_2 Pan_liv Homo_sg_1 Homo_sg_2 Homo_hrt_1 Homo_hrt_2 Homo_hrt_3 Homo_kidn_1 Homo_kidn_2 Homo_kidn_3 Homo_livr_1 Homo_livr_2 Homo_livr_3 Canis_sg_1 Canis_sg_2 Canis_hrt_1 Canis_hrt_2 Canis_hrt_3 Canis_kidn_1 Canis_kidn_2 Canis_kidn_3 Canis_livr_1 Canis_livr_2 Canis_livr_3 py_sg1 py_sg2 pg_sg1 pg_sg2 mus_slg_1 mus_slg_2 mus_smg_1 mus_smg_2 mus_pg_1 mus_pg_2 gekko_sg1 gekko_sg2
107282178 microtubule associated protein 7 857.00 543.00 514.00 389.00 323.00 305.00 306.00 347.00 423.00 453.00 489.00 534.00 253.00 348.00 469.00 354.00 841.00 560.00 528.00 763.00 470.00 275.00 967.00 448.00 579.00 268.00 448.00 567.00 363.00 484.00 9.00 51.00 12.00 54.00 7.00 494.00 317.00 742.00 560.00 682.00 121.00 220.00 118.00 106.00 186.00 13.7141000 3.805060 20.182700 21.730000 26.8861000 14.4029000 1.7649800 5.0731400 16.1013000 23.358900 6.2276700 7.2838000 46.2433000 6.2959550 10.0220120 11.2070340 12.4041770 3.1342465 5.4315133 6.0542250 28.6576930 26.0940769 28.3737900 10.0446513 12.0773360 11.7087920 11.3958230 0.0991053 0.649615 0.1836200 1.2163600 19.2943000 53.357000 72.932100 84.9702000 17.0116000 18.368100 29.0735000 0.1342240 0.4696330 2.2030990 41.9755900 115.0074000 77.9415100 17.4619800 33.9317400 31.2505200 0.5982540 0.3627031 8.6427640 8.497004 9.9378950 2.7343230 7.0903390 7.5113160 1.3134782 2.3226752 33.194199 50.845411 14.540485 6.9638500 11.8931006 1.1605530 0.3981070 0.9710383 57.8030490 12.8086476 30.2458301 11.7961990 2.8032972 4.2958990 21.9162410 14.7297704 0.0576880 0.2689849 0.0299166 31.8731670 23.5222700 11.5711900 7.0637688 7.9028140 6.8256937 2.8560600 23.5061000 0.0000000 0.0000000 4.3935910 2.4497299 3.9305220 6.8248038 0.9952100 1.3063334 1.6453300 1.5901900
107282288 coiled-coil serine rich protein 1 187.00 171.00 227.00 127.00 108.00 97.00 75.00 88.00 115.00 87.00 136.00 97.00 94.00 120.00 153.00 89.00 168.00 113.00 175.00 131.00 133.00 107.00 247.00 124.00 163.00 75.00 182.00 147.00 101.00 112.00 9.00 24.00 17.00 35.00 15.00 238.00 202.00 306.00 185.00 212.00 4.00 12.00 8.00 9.00 86.00 6.1481100 0.372262 8.737150 7.574480 48.1432000 2.9800000 0.9312070 0.5308960 1.4891800 4.390220 6.6464200 2.8749600 6.8797400 2.7725150 2.1932360 2.5005699 1.5169632 0.2797109 0.2597397 0.2358936 3.7939220 3.9285650 3.5652089 0.0156553 0.1111240 0.0765373 0.0361145 0.3606850 0.702481 0.4511140 0.4101610 0.4028910 1.698670 1.235310 1.2878600 0.3803120 0.718121 0.4916310 0.5379840 0.3886290 0.8254128 3.5225310 5.9200960 3.8207500 2.0765500 1.8140330 1.7429950 1.3591500 2.2521700 3.9721200 6.147380 6.2369700 1.0375000 2.8659400 3.4744700 1.3288440 1.8368650 1.945011 3.469481 0.145729 1.8002870 2.5673480 1.2788650 1.4289050 2.2601070 3.6490030 1.4699820 4.2102600 0.0970815 0.0000000 0.0069020 2.4161040 2.7376512 0.1098417 0.1348210 0.7405360 1.1961368 1.8835266 0.4709314 3.0200703 3.1296900 2.7595244 4.4055300 8.6600200 12.6428000 11.1141000 2.4385639 1.5813484 1.8718417 1.1183659 1.0554512 1.6240849 0.5612310 0.4768090
107282413 tubulin folding cofactor D 2228.62 545.85 629.62 1889.44 1251.70 1019.47 2603.91 2745.77 1621.09 1492.39 1071.94 888.71 328.07 1243.69 3154.29 2054.24 3725.42 3132.22 758.01 1795.75 2540.00 514.43 787.55 524.34 1052.60 360.37 1938.01 1428.81 405.47 937.80 422.09 355.45 630.99 367.15 525.06 608.05 405.68 742.81 476.54 546.95 184.87 205.14 208.19 191.52 388.77 7.8844700 3.439740 4.216200 11.971900 10.0523000 6.0371200 4.6149800 3.8719100 7.7888700 11.846300 5.4784500 2.8685400 8.2407700 5.0468220 5.1301110 5.4359738 4.9080220 7.7200800 9.9810060 8.5778640 38.8994670 44.1733690 36.8418130 25.8854250 24.2660940 24.2624160 27.0349900 18.6316000 31.606800 26.6311000 19.2298000 10.8745000 56.156800 28.899200 19.4967000 38.9310000 28.608500 22.2650000 5.2146940 9.6962300 17.3083500 11.6404800 22.3335900 15.6164430 4.6442800 8.1209700 9.6365300 5.6185990 6.0782730 12.0325700 12.655330 13.6304600 4.3028800 5.1861500 7.2793430 5.2343650 7.1325000 24.753900 32.815150 13.831999 26.9513007 45.1522738 32.9403790 57.8064190 63.8691454 32.8482400 38.5100230 45.4293068 18.8520899 5.6787149 15.9018157 0.6214020 0.6653408 7.8442721 22.3705910 1.1144040 26.4973000 1.2355465 10.3972740 0.1851700 0.2654850 18.5166500 5.7709400 14.9956000 3.2269000 3.6555600 17.0962043 18.8561410 5.4056470 9.4578490 5.2386100 3.6468950 13.9739000 9.7737500
107282465 3’-phosphoadenosine 5’-phosphosulfate synthase 1 269.00 267.00 288.00 139.00 147.00 197.00 109.00 138.00 253.00 124.00 207.00 267.00 212.00 193.00 167.00 144.00 233.00 188.00 376.00 238.00 99.00 205.00 545.00 244.00 280.00 102.00 250.00 80.00 124.00 162.00 74.00 102.00 116.00 119.00 103.00 175.00 99.00 205.00 136.00 140.00 51.00 61.00 58.00 68.00 183.00 5.4513100 0.514480 11.235800 9.357960 16.0571000 3.7856800 5.1595600 4.7313700 11.8468000 14.611700 12.1742000 3.3033200 15.1265000 13.5291500 15.4679180 15.8017260 14.1795500 5.3239100 5.3870170 4.4668320 37.8411670 37.7836560 36.3583600 5.9103230 5.6865168 6.2082720 6.0108897 9.8692300 21.082300 15.1631000 9.2103400 19.5339000 49.045400 55.721000 18.2644000 14.8948000 12.661600 5.9017700 6.9174400 10.6283000 16.9443000 6.1299300 18.9368000 19.2379000 2.4228300 6.4384000 6.0576700 2.8072300 5.9485540 18.5213500 17.243670 13.8864600 3.5367300 4.3122660 6.1610340 6.5764200 6.3175250 18.384220 27.107500 6.109220 31.3235593 26.7803773 9.1601830 11.6978900 7.0716360 20.7055300 16.3887550 28.8889740 3.2832210 1.9320700 3.0971750 75.7961370 44.8359400 3.0640900 4.6747210 10.8453480 12.1210520 28.1989800 25.3653190 8.4907190 10.3100640 2.7372500 6.8998600 9.1321100 1.5861300 0.0000000 20.5710200 23.6336600 8.8490450 39.0711910 7.9834600 8.5501630 5.8562400 2.8969700
107282575 arylsulfatase G 1043.00 498.00 457.00 533.00 327.00 384.00 268.00 332.00 587.00 347.00 286.00 510.00 300.00 386.00 434.00 362.00 643.00 396.00 527.00 431.00 285.00 216.00 516.00 465.00 694.00 496.00 550.00 446.00 395.00 645.00 204.00 288.00 207.00 494.00 234.00 405.00 323.00 408.00 1016.00 589.00 209.00 189.00 218.00 263.00 290.00 13.6665000 0.812103 16.884500 17.063100 23.9597000 6.4348500 13.2169000 26.8324000 17.9559000 12.887000 6.9145700 2.2081600 13.3125000 0.3851745 0.4249295 0.6586912 0.7037364 0.7294851 0.9904620 0.8988848 14.4921451 13.6780660 14.5960520 7.0619420 7.8794009 7.0059190 6.3476570 5.7786900 11.203300 6.9507500 6.8494500 11.0223000 17.586600 24.734800 19.6968000 15.9766000 9.724010 7.0890400 4.5372730 1.6131470 1.8245057 4.8057200 2.5678590 2.1369820 4.5595340 1.4518440 1.9910410 2.8955200 3.1723300 3.3102200 1.677020 2.4785800 0.8074090 1.3308300 1.0645900 4.6050100 1.1866500 2.102250 2.708300 0.956781 1.7850904 2.1013273 2.9497825 4.5295140 4.0707270 9.3799395 6.7971300 6.2070625 2.3474820 0.2968240 1.3553251 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.5144460 1.1826100 2.4841200 14.7437000 0.0000000 6.5513200 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.9097340 4.2790900 20.0274000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.2774240 0.5884750 0.3413513 0.6747770 0.3519136 0.3497750 1.3564800 0.8541880
107282615 solute carrier family 35 member B1 500.00 105.00 166.00 1319.00 272.00 277.00 227.00 743.00 242.00 656.00 127.00 501.00 89.00 431.00 305.00 256.00 454.00 725.00 160.00 206.00 520.00 253.00 355.00 136.00 267.00 268.00 304.00 323.00 195.00 395.00 83.00 121.00 192.00 108.00 248.00 181.00 197.00 513.00 535.00 432.00 149.00 209.00 332.00 485.00 570.00 36.1401000 22.662700 49.491500 42.377300 70.9272000 30.6160000 37.1312000 40.7150000 34.7661000 27.961900 27.3862000 11.4797000 39.0378000 14.1687420 17.2658600 16.2872970 18.2448580 29.9143830 27.3614150 27.3830100 43.9656510 44.5931200 44.4696480 68.3067250 85.2949000 75.1629100 82.4287790 11.1740000 10.386500 12.2620000 9.6876000 38.5685000 37.424800 24.684900 39.3018000 17.4885000 16.377000 17.5799000 23.2543000 30.5575000 27.2480000 50.6132000 74.3050000 73.4107000 101.8650000 89.8872000 108.3460000 13.2737000 14.9140900 39.4161600 26.323970 32.0051400 21.5299400 47.0655000 14.0997500 55.5343000 33.4530000 95.857700 40.242000 97.455400 17.3377218 13.0896131 25.0135710 36.3164641 33.6743593 50.2814350 33.2375861 76.8713650 53.1962364 57.3000350 28.7511542 0.0380593 0.1777140 7.3876300 12.6855000 0.1352600 16.5450000 0.0278065 15.1735000 0.0422927 0.0375463 9.7675600 62.3150000 190.4370000 21.8203000 22.8015000 33.1661730 48.6234180 22.7862180 60.6505770 29.4722400 27.5457390 13.9759000 7.2208400
107282663 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma transducing activity polypeptide 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.7552750 3.7330810 3.2446620 3.2464310 5.6900970 7.9075350 7.4744160 7.6260170 7.9910800 9.3986730 3.5791860 5.5407620 4.7436931 4.7521808 0.4823990 1.648170 0.2710890 0.5353580 0.0400361 0.279793 0.357729 0.0000000 0.6040370 0.512513 0.1841010 6.3401700 9.2531200 5.2224400 12.6336000 15.6233000 7.9467100 11.9039000 14.1901000 5.7381500 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.3915000 2.6578200 3.569860 2.788180 5.133930 0.6788950 0.2602290 1.6755420 1.0530700 0.6289220 1.8231410 3.7684070 1.5704410 1.6179000 0.1728810 1.2774600 0.2287870 0.9891660 2.9998200 3.2210500 0.2710450 1.1214700 0.6965030 9.1384400 0.1694910 0.0376123 1.4469800 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3167590 0.0000000 5.9477720 1.7936472 9.5393144 4.1451758 2.1985260 2.8239040 0.0000000 0.0000000
107282778 secernin 1 68.00 13.00 7.00 167.00 54.00 65.00 16.00 15.00 67.00 38.00 5.00 44.00 8.00 42.00 44.00 3.00 27.00 80.00 15.00 24.00 7.00 16.00 65.00 11.00 46.00 12.00 121.00 59.00 9.00 62.00 22.00 46.00 60.00 33.00 41.00 13.00 20.00 21.00 18.00 19.00 2.00 9.00 11.00 2.00 16.00 1.1942600 0.387064 2.156700 1.562630 0.5566130 0.6426510 0.9036850 0.5152050 0.7116350 1.670770 2.6672900 2.1374900 7.6270200 0.1568800 0.0456316 0.1430820 0.0435418 5.9943220 4.0841920 4.6021990 2.2342610 1.9123845 1.7222007 0.0100438 0.0612861 0.1055230 0.0211076 1.8139700 2.218690 2.0573600 1.2939600 2.2987800 4.884490 3.102940 1.7141600 8.2140600 7.997090 4.5544100 1.4080300 5.9920400 10.2556900 3.7287700 16.1135900 14.9798100 0.3025970 0.9240900 0.4822888 0.3563080 0.2847340 0.4323610 1.607350 1.2096600 0.0000000 0.0485263 0.0810118 14.4187800 11.2354910 34.527680 29.827790 1.478480 9.2528091 6.4723520 6.4499500 6.6113890 6.4997960 21.3230800 13.2268201 21.0307400 0.8923398 0.2923540 0.5888815 17.4386940 16.5608090 0.9368050 1.5167281 2.9890426 4.1848537 8.5410430 4.4670200 6.0774100 5.2589530 1.5975157 6.6591000 15.4575000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.5291770 0.1863213 0.4474850 0.2864469 0.9452390 0.2144160 0.0560651 0.0000000
107282880 peptidase (mitochondrial processing) beta 600.00 311.00 309.00 203.00 342.00 238.00 123.00 156.00 243.00 224.00 305.00 648.00 200.00 268.00 234.00 278.00 211.00 232.00 391.00 221.00 188.00 510.00 750.00 369.00 490.00 127.00 372.00 656.00 319.00 353.00 160.00 253.00 194.00 189.00 176.00 850.00 731.00 626.00 481.00 439.00 303.00 873.00 381.00 336.00 597.00 14.0077000 14.616600 27.106100 17.892800 87.1962000 22.6405000 78.6555000 125.8920000 104.7300000 149.500000 39.0948000 34.5045000 48.6850000 12.0285267 11.9981560 10.1468370 10.6645240 67.7017005 54.1654450 54.6866525 93.6252042 101.1424449 95.6894880 58.0687130 52.7832850 53.9712020 53.4622630 52.3980000 61.387800 58.3544000 46.2088000 44.6504000 61.700200 64.365900 58.3557000 30.0936000 32.959700 25.9056000 20.6842000 32.7194000 51.7879000 30.9161000 50.4445000 41.7823000 22.0496000 29.8356000 35.3497000 32.8425400 61.8418000 74.1316600 48.845800 57.8350400 14.7865600 19.1407000 22.7328100 29.4646600 39.7948000 78.977700 87.453600 32.997000 32.4912721 27.2284085 24.4059180 33.7127090 30.0616030 74.2115810 27.1268480 95.5209420 26.5042230 23.8089950 39.0006464 24.4501000 12.1907000 24.5360000 55.4667000 40.7473000 68.7347000 28.3758000 31.8742000 30.4511000 30.2878000 24.9054000 12.6910000 39.6509000 51.0436000 35.3067000 27.7008616 35.6199735 14.0105643 26.3093111 13.2292461 9.9978600 11.0368000 5.9324400
107282909 biotinidase 1207.75 280.29 419.12 2077.07 707.59 587.18 320.15 795.36 430.15 1024.67 229.44 921.04 214.38 435.90 339.00 442.74 538.23 797.59 510.00 294.62 781.13 408.34 661.50 392.32 762.78 593.03 648.76 268.71 438.16 563.83 129.60 165.66 262.35 123.64 156.00 1218.90 1080.28 2904.37 1945.86 1098.88 2119.76 1547.57 2630.99 3285.49 1960.07 1.0921700 0.431467 3.750420 2.382910 2.5471800 6.2861900 11.7483000 3.7330000 12.3201000 8.450820 5.3721600 3.4235700 12.9008000 1.9711700 2.3894280 1.8967800 2.4981900 10.9580900 10.5571500 11.4575000 79.4479000 81.3881000 78.6961000 75.8054000 91.4170000 78.0230000 81.9081000 1.8814500 5.874880 3.2624900 5.8036700 2.2416100 8.140840 6.685850 6.0837000 2.9223500 2.639100 1.7004700 2.4495700 5.3748300 32.4343000 8.2480110 20.2027900 16.3966000 6.9773460 16.4518800 18.5586800 1.2860900 3.8635600 7.9954400 4.137910 5.5838900 1.5631200 2.8107900 5.2138400 4.9794400 3.6340730 34.846975 57.708550 27.281570 7.5363100 5.7503140 5.1480800 6.5338020 7.6508570 35.0650400 32.5421100 43.0389300 43.4223700 11.2616900 40.3352300 50.6184502 48.2238300 4.2889700 7.9564840 23.7180800 42.9141400 88.3570081 25.9276900 80.9381700 105.5781000 70.4605500 1.9527400 0.0000000 1.2306900 0.3944530 3.0870360 3.9241790 1.0154600 3.1021610 0.7029640 0.6287920 0.8656850 0.6325830
107282962 tetraspanin 13 4599.00 886.00 964.00 5296.00 2138.00 1413.00 1656.00 2322.00 1108.00 2375.00 502.00 1739.00 367.00 1804.00 1731.00 1412.00 1364.00 2841.00 1496.00 1189.00 2591.00 938.00 2098.00 1325.00 2826.00 1841.00 2087.00 1052.00 1105.00 2095.00 76.00 117.00 109.00 288.00 69.00 1914.00 1977.00 13015.00 11494.00 6186.00 33.00 20.00 29.00 47.00 21.00 34.0811000 20.789600 36.890200 55.964300 151.6730000 88.7910000 1.7654700 1.2235200 5.9166000 20.815500 19.7261000 12.7146000 166.3220000 41.6640900 35.3169400 36.5563820 36.4578600 32.1606230 47.7586438 43.9252600 21.6102673 18.2062359 22.1129669 2.0160570 1.8828360 1.7454750 2.3413890 0.5595160 2.773030 0.4331000 1.4713700 40.4331000 75.374500 69.903000 42.2192000 2.6805300 3.073050 0.6988510 6.1791500 31.2196400 32.0993200 44.6458000 156.4255000 133.6466000 15.7764300 48.7483300 48.2754600 6.7664100 7.3434700 26.1949000 29.338100 26.8138000 0.3618040 1.3311000 0.4589320 6.4670100 7.0354000 2.541910 6.828190 1.785920 79.7767000 61.7619530 12.9469000 8.2872000 4.5682300 1.7860240 1.3732220 5.5289260 7.7978488 14.5038000 12.3661000 383.3220000 274.8150000 51.9618000 54.1000000 142.7140000 26.9928000 54.6727000 78.2689000 32.2436000 20.5083000 5.9611100 103.3010000 340.6330000 24.5169000 31.4741000 132.5602170 155.5229028 24.4463250 31.5557800 21.3745100 19.4383600 31.9091000 22.1720000
107282996 oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit (non-catalytic) 4116.00 735.00 1064.00 2197.00 2092.00 794.00 1671.00 1376.00 1725.00 1395.00 1049.00 1108.00 711.00 1854.00 1219.00 1717.00 1787.00 1863.00 1352.00 1339.00 1555.00 1029.00 1479.00 1306.00 2462.00 1100.00 2215.00 1963.00 853.00 1521.00 557.00 825.00 486.00 255.00 504.00 726.00 709.00 942.00 1101.00 727.00 1390.00 1188.00 784.00 950.00 1167.00 81.4642000 124.102000 159.107000 95.302500 156.7780000 89.5131000 75.0580000 62.1331000 51.9825000 36.499300 36.4031000 11.6045000 59.5761000 27.1457760 27.0511820 21.0085598 25.0729750 22.2087078 18.7351950 16.3123031 26.5354005 27.7252330 26.2955790 41.1787857 35.8605546 33.6019510 34.1653370 23.3951000 34.122600 42.4104000 25.2846000 47.5751000 77.192500 64.599100 45.5395000 96.5444000 93.506100 40.2067000 40.9653300 60.1644000 77.0026100 63.1360000 129.5183000 127.7281000 74.4928800 118.4997000 112.6982000 64.2468800 76.8260700 208.5597000 199.992500 177.1440000 114.1750000 362.4572000 242.2615000 12.9792600 8.4826060 42.453260 45.825940 59.643220 60.1737400 33.5943500 9.1835190 9.7277900 7.3548350 20.5234000 14.4776000 66.7542500 34.5063000 108.1297000 82.1559800 47.2546000 230.9794000 10.3091000 14.6854000 74.3241200 44.3321710 98.1538000 36.6829100 141.6036000 66.4867000 45.6456910 38.3426000 92.0744000 37.5579000 74.2621000 110.2629930 139.8736720 30.1331160 55.5398260 20.9598236 20.7684108 66.4886000 32.2050000
107283003 ras responsive element binding protein 1 70.00 84.00 69.00 56.00 65.00 38.00 53.00 69.00 74.00 52.00 107.00 50.00 45.00 80.00 56.00 56.00 55.00 66.00 61.00 61.00 47.00 89.00 125.00 60.00 107.00 50.00 88.00 70.00 79.00 53.00 15.00 18.00 28.00 121.00 23.00 32.00 33.00 35.00 31.00 10.00 12.00 50.00 9.00 46.00 33.00 3.8832800 1.257240 8.364210 7.544020 6.9263400 1.2085100 9.4431700 3.3762800 11.3422000 9.830330 3.5753500 1.3751200 16.4024000 1.7906910 2.8502155 3.0907564 3.2863919 6.5504192 7.7222780 7.9233579 12.3859140 11.3831295 13.8316120 15.5471190 14.3870054 12.6673850 11.7438374 0.8783880 4.414320 4.5061000 0.6493410 2.5463800 16.271100 8.925060 0.9979760 19.7703000 8.398050 3.8174700 10.5322100 6.1367600 8.7696500 17.2082500 16.7006400 9.2554600 11.2240600 8.6241500 9.5380600 2.8210300 2.5118989 8.8190986 6.285372 7.2814240 2.3884500 4.3891820 6.1979390 5.4327640 3.7574388 15.204293 11.304860 8.767970 4.6186451 4.9920135 6.5284450 12.7296400 12.5510250 15.6885200 9.6310118 10.5937210 14.1889965 0.8407697 4.7724523 6.5877308 6.0695519 0.7034961 5.7934300 7.5422900 10.1835410 11.3756500 1.9933477 6.0632446 11.7142300 6.6320680 0.3614700 0.6284020 0.0010764 1.7242900 2.2222955 1.6313649 0.8721069 1.8469360 0.5055935 0.4825587 1.2164500 0.4549970
107283007 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial 156.00 179.00 203.00 138.00 78.00 89.00 31.00 90.00 141.00 97.00 167.00 131.00 115.00 89.00 122.00 95.00 105.00 89.00 206.00 143.00 87.00 150.00 219.00 172.00 143.00 139.00 119.00 71.00 147.00 97.00 180.00 175.00 131.00 32.00 157.00 599.00 529.00 661.00 443.00 493.00 276.00 397.00 232.00 355.00 493.00 1.5418400 2.357920 2.728710 2.767910 7.8042900 1.9198100 7.1460200 7.6049100 10.0042000 8.171790 3.4514100 2.9258200 8.2746600 4.8744306 4.7815420 4.3962008 6.4799079 39.1434110 34.8067797 34.7313595 52.3354668 52.6621850 53.7483007 33.2120110 44.7542140 39.7608860 46.4658980 5.6390400 8.476630 7.4787200 5.6561900 11.0250000 13.619300 15.745900 13.9275000 6.3336000 6.554660 3.9270200 26.8616900 26.2038700 31.1890300 22.9784500 27.5208700 41.8614400 32.2821900 17.0235500 17.6633500 2.3393900 4.9557900 5.9768800 4.597030 5.5990900 5.3431100 8.0206500 13.6740000 10.5148000 11.3239000 21.013800 26.874600 10.525200 2.6770853 3.5238646 6.8853551 12.9185422 12.2698909 11.8484100 17.6070487 14.0762662 6.2302500 3.2860660 6.2025030 31.1537352 16.7576150 9.8863578 15.2085164 30.9398800 27.6116967 35.9214070 21.1319914 15.3862286 18.5725400 10.4021867 3.2907500 6.2569100 4.9721700 3.2208700 9.8615730 8.9513650 4.9687456 11.1990819 6.2742320 6.4349530 2.8192000 2.1935300
107283124 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1 40.00 24.00 40.00 26.00 21.00 25.00 43.00 34.00 31.00 30.00 34.00 27.00 26.64 27.00 40.00 26.00 72.01 25.00 35.00 52.00 32.00 58.00 30.00 63.00 52.00 34.00 31.00 13.00 35.00 9.00 6.00 2.00 9.00 2.00 6.00 57.00 27.00 193.00 35.00 48.00 8.00 21.00 27.00 13.00 30.00 1.5223100 0.262783 7.077050 2.135930 2.0253700 1.5270700 0.1661630 1.7003200 0.1982110 0.512015 0.9877410 0.5219140 10.6876000 0.0000000 0.3839735 1.0785700 0.4930710 0.0370203 0.0608661 0.1372980 0.2899231 0.2701045 0.5015374 0.2264006 0.1106264 0.1143980 0.1030263 0.7292750 0.936632 0.7698120 0.8700830 1.0345600 1.244040 1.072390 0.4497360 0.4062840 0.438046 0.5796930 0.0492503 0.0341510 1.3510625 0.1937454 0.1163645 0.1331738 1.6296681 2.8023920 1.6764248 0.1318098 0.3767830 0.9250733 0.788228 0.8565191 0.9505980 12.9630300 3.0624450 0.0929825 0.0888603 0.289036 0.341622 0.199296 0.0030970 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0545056 0.2510470 0.3665370 0.0446191 0.0000000 0.0001654 0.1714412 0.1026423 0.0784263 0.0665313 0.1843602 0.0275185 0.0856303 0.4158459 0.2197016 0.0409222 0.0088400 0.3838170 0.1122730 0.1669440 0.1503660 0.0000000 0.0149302 0.0259263 0.0311057 0.0332506 0.1777666 0.0359952 0.0577628
107283141 myotubularin related protein 10 57.00 22.99 33.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 11.00 31.00 18.00 14.00 15.00 8.00 7.00 20.00 11.00 26.00 10.00 22.00 22.00 31.00 14.00 41.00 9.00 13.00 22.00 26.00 17.00 9.00 8.00 17.00 18.00 8.00 61.00 56.00 68.00 44.00 38.00 11.00 30.00 10.00 23.00 26.00 5.9456700 43.797500 5.272800 9.224820 6.7046500 4.2884900 14.1570000 31.8686000 22.3399000 25.335700 5.4453500 3.0399300 9.1441600 4.7658119 7.2103650 5.0358020 6.0783602 3.1012250 2.8220600 2.4935430 6.9221110 7.5889970 7.8655740 7.2858810 5.9334004 6.2465130 6.6488331 0.7552400 5.464060 4.2932000 1.2010700 1.6403300 16.766400 9.224210 2.8421000 10.6494000 7.191610 4.3188900 12.6566000 19.7824000 23.8894800 20.6354000 46.8235000 44.7601004 20.8466000 34.2868530 36.5518000 3.8779900 4.8224200 12.0262100 12.886150 13.8988200 5.8694500 16.4582100 14.2248200 19.4171872 11.3316690 34.620850 30.959650 11.648678 12.9914000 11.5842400 5.2592090 6.5342640 5.8246520 21.9050000 9.8447420 37.2767100 6.6401160 2.1797970 8.5209600 16.2843000 11.7323000 2.0479700 7.9450200 15.7348000 24.1132000 29.9200000 15.1878000 18.1098000 21.3625000 17.6763000 9.5442500 7.8989200 1.3975600 2.5175500 4.0743998 4.7548430 2.7530634 4.6052630 3.4905050 4.7094266 1.8959500 0.5013250
107283147 RAR related orphan receptor A 390.00 63.00 90.00 173.00 286.00 117.00 213.00 188.00 244.00 184.00 99.00 124.00 42.00 241.00 363.00 171.00 394.00 211.00 164.00 172.00 179.00 50.00 100.00 96.00 188.00 68.00 209.00 383.00 168.00 499.00 30.00 31.00 17.00 29.00 24.00 10.00 6.00 16.00 12.00 16.00 9.00 26.00 11.00 30.00 69.00 0.5670930 3.618360 0.635863 0.839422 1.5027800 0.3263780 0.4240850 0.1498940 0.2141630 0.781614 1.1892000 0.5238010 3.1144300 1.0607000 1.1870500 1.3550400 1.5222870 5.8835020 5.5880350 5.3217050 12.2530540 13.5439370 12.2600470 16.8413645 14.6013650 13.2948730 13.6381400 0.2843740 0.582211 0.5302740 0.0688765 0.0607789 1.421330 1.322430 0.0854997 2.5785100 1.921920 0.0825573 0.6348630 0.5704730 1.9552900 5.5221700 9.8354900 5.0959100 1.8412560 3.2046900 3.3522300 0.7540346 0.5125796 2.6559078 1.146458 2.7766573 0.2531276 1.1553573 1.8131109 3.7056070 5.5859360 6.368483 9.842395 5.981406 3.0740855 2.2428605 1.7459555 6.8959998 6.6900990 7.1599680 7.2713640 8.3526510 3.4041766 3.7698380 6.7882642 4.4074000 2.3771030 0.1201450 1.9755340 2.1837200 2.4132850 2.8985300 1.1651700 4.5703200 4.5852700 4.4394140 2.1285400 1.8271700 0.0000000 0.0000001 5.1046934 4.1082500 1.7872970 2.1559246 1.6294347 1.7600200 1.1607900 0.7276540
107283162 methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase 87.00 86.00 96.00 36.00 40.00 60.00 40.00 72.00 85.00 70.00 83.00 105.00 51.00 52.75 90.00 71.00 56.00 47.00 130.00 51.68 57.00 109.00 132.00 125.00 82.00 48.00 87.00 51.00 76.00 30.00 223.00 189.00 123.00 43.00 241.00 224.00 166.00 85.00 133.00 107.00 105.00 177.00 48.00 71.00 145.00 3.4980700 7.527240 4.002080 4.257370 9.6685100 5.1888300 4.4691200 7.7596900 12.4128000 8.538830 3.8316200 2.0614400 8.1863500 21.6144200 17.5160000 15.3583100 19.5180400 49.3928300 53.0823300 48.3028700 68.0330500 71.3854100 72.8595500 40.5130700 33.1201900 36.6026200 32.2696800 35.5287000 30.054300 39.3347000 33.1286000 41.0248000 43.412900 47.223500 66.3594000 27.4452000 29.413200 51.8923000 9.0747300 12.1120000 19.7940000 12.4910000 18.9861000 18.2062000 4.6996200 7.2289600 11.0916000 23.6359000 34.9446500 40.8127900 45.189000 43.6463200 12.9959000 17.2110000 22.5301300 17.1106000 19.6293000 13.543400 17.271200 8.306460 24.0958370 15.8826060 9.2668210 11.6851170 15.5492100 16.2072420 5.5391220 42.2119100 19.8928580 27.2359050 38.8162690 393.0040000 515.8270000 55.2441000 76.8263000 620.5290000 130.6700000 427.0960000 176.9560000 231.4510000 257.7590000 87.4075000 3.8183300 10.4247000 5.6789500 4.8453200 62.2326600 77.1820200 56.2738500 128.3008800 35.7119200 32.5509200 9.0451000 6.5772500
107283235 prenylcysteine oxidase 1 479.00 363.00 330.00 298.00 178.00 192.00 144.00 220.00 347.00 159.00 330.00 264.00 211.00 178.00 237.00 362.00 200.00 206.00 428.00 122.00 257.00 318.00 319.00 528.00 498.00 300.00 414.00 214.00 288.00 216.00 91.00 162.00 78.00 138.00 120.00 1183.00 1079.00 795.00 850.00 696.00 295.00 362.00 239.00 293.00 357.00 10.6036000 5.590980 18.716100 14.520400 21.7210000 9.7725400 43.9803000 43.1097000 38.2807000 28.128300 15.8659000 10.0259000 29.9776000 4.4852700 6.9279160 6.1984500 6.6464140 18.3642448 15.8422450 14.7642280 37.0326160 38.3942180 37.3211219 64.6893500 64.0110150 66.3248810 57.1128940 32.6040000 20.628800 13.3125000 34.3996000 100.1950000 67.243700 117.498000 140.5820000 82.9310000 42.780200 175.5380000 20.8716000 21.4594000 40.2242000 65.0550000 68.4279000 62.6170000 55.5180000 64.4065000 91.1889000 2.7900300 3.8164780 18.7976200 16.054700 17.5251900 5.9883330 10.0284600 16.0707000 13.8507000 17.1834000 18.644200 40.776200 7.187950 43.2079603 39.7547400 16.9258770 24.2482400 23.4566290 42.8847210 31.6185500 74.2026000 36.4386500 4.5829800 30.9799900 64.4629000 47.6660846 8.8942600 68.2412000 123.1908000 77.6514000 134.9898000 38.4339400 130.0880000 204.6865000 84.2975000 23.6200000 56.2271000 11.6101000 14.4048000 10.9870290 13.0281760 1.9606718 7.3515680 3.5709200 2.4161090 4.0884200 3.2514400
107283283 adducin 2 12.00 2.00 0.00 7.00 5.00 2.00 9.00 1.00 15.00 13.00 1.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 7.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 23.00 2.00 3.00 21.00 0.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.2430750 0.172850 1.825320 2.623800 1.1948500 0.0503272 0.2017780 0.0766911 0.3911290 1.575120 3.3528900 2.2105000 1.3713500 0.0000000 0.0132188 0.0000000 0.0126168 0.1491281 0.2032262 0.1141747 1.0885737 1.0509032 0.8843945 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1707780 0.282488 0.0453556 0.1718680 0.5549100 0.156470 0.219991 0.1066740 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0515014 10.5760000 8.6773000 5.9187300 5.3595000 3.1601800 5.0340000 3.0340700 0.7925240 0.6454790 1.8740050 6.4916610 10.6650300 9.156064 3.4372930 3.0876910 5.1645900 3.5121430 14.5645400 5.1515723 0.000000 0.000000 0.412676 0.1813414 0.1903527 1.7961644 2.9484940 0.9675782 0.0099910 0.1202016 0.0932418 0.0449155 0.1488078 0.0206318 0.4461740 0.6368471 0.0283866 0.0338193 0.0526963 0.0420406 0.0869278 0.1276800 0.0444594 0.0204280 0.0988506 0.7781960 0.6622130 0.2442940 0.1833630 0.1080980 0.0251287 0.0000000 0.0054973 0.0000000 0.0215526 0.0000000 0.0000000
107283289 engulfment and cell motility 1 153.00 77.00 147.00 277.00 115.00 123.00 151.00 234.00 155.00 222.00 171.00 127.00 43.00 146.00 134.00 106.00 215.00 305.00 123.00 142.00 159.00 186.00 338.00 89.00 162.00 127.00 234.00 39.00 195.00 74.00 107.00 58.00 237.00 234.00 210.00 111.00 111.00 360.00 402.00 267.00 27.00 76.00 152.00 237.00 235.00 0.0000000 0.000000 0.515404 1.307020 0.9801330 0.0000000 1.4172400 0.3591070 0.0000000 0.582279 2.5352000 0.0000000 2.3113800 1.7443532 2.9196325 3.5345229 2.1550756 4.3319378 4.2310403 4.3123821 3.1321241 3.1464900 3.4393497 0.9291377 1.3385860 1.5505863 1.8338186 5.0523200 7.811110 4.9287100 2.2204500 1.7903100 3.675490 1.808660 0.7016170 1.6704800 2.253060 0.5322990 9.1214500 9.6803000 14.1053000 1.5239700 4.3244700 8.2253100 2.7534500 3.3203600 3.8529300 1.8072850 3.5124800 2.8947970 3.579140 3.1808930 3.1984400 4.9579960 10.2209500 2.9640150 3.9425000 2.641870 2.991910 4.374189 4.6589990 1.7472600 8.7266440 7.2736020 11.5766309 2.8077326 5.4418260 4.9346734 9.6286250 2.9757139 10.4386608 6.9299567 3.8570620 2.9467400 6.2668040 2.9416400 15.8093420 11.5735031 14.2521250 5.2558100 15.3611510 11.1608400 0.9697700 0.6808190 1.5202200 0.5084280 3.3525690 4.1294601 1.1612420 1.3812993 0.8692951 1.0115857 1.0804400 0.6289400
107283290 aldehyde dehydrogenase 7 family member A1 1628.05 1329.13 1182.17 620.67 904.99 879.53 475.09 565.19 743.07 446.33 1168.70 1266.52 912.80 734.13 1061.81 1122.81 849.35 542.84 1226.06 635.94 591.68 1506.16 1271.94 570.12 1032.02 780.25 786.89 683.26 1030.46 728.91 782.85 640.58 1023.16 251.92 743.21 5136.36 3406.10 3695.87 1465.35 2974.17 2170.62 3622.32 1874.59 931.06 3024.75 41.1935000 27.499800 52.038400 56.278500 101.9810000 48.1267000 115.8610000 188.9680000 134.6350000 125.120000 58.7019000 58.0342000 39.9564000 20.3237890 22.9401970 25.6630530 25.3873260 13.6509380 12.5801530 12.8224120 220.5991280 216.2122880 221.6289220 262.4409770 220.6661470 206.6561090 214.7658450 57.6670000 63.613600 79.9756000 29.1127000 422.8110000 1281.110000 1733.410000 697.5940000 113.6110000 76.444300 44.2963000 65.2551000 100.4910000 136.5490000 270.8150000 284.0270000 539.9810000 315.7830000 194.7300000 521.5490000 31.0183800 47.4504200 312.6237000 371.226600 200.8589000 47.7879700 70.3281200 160.4003000 14.1896670 23.2406975 39.052497 94.457187 30.898440 24.4408600 25.7539600 28.8606100 29.5183900 29.3599600 261.8851000 135.6058000 267.6163000 96.9063400 74.6347100 155.7740000 97.3376029 55.7303410 26.8832440 53.2563751 55.2771293 294.2519200 191.4979827 85.4097367 404.8277240 601.9540680 306.8179650 49.8401000 155.5660000 42.7588000 36.7344000 48.7663270 62.3414592 13.5576996 23.8328500 26.5653660 28.9080960 20.4942000 16.0551000
107283422 methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblC type, with homocystinuria 188.00 129.00 245.00 120.00 123.00 103.00 101.00 93.00 71.00 64.00 121.00 109.00 61.00 107.00 90.00 69.00 108.00 99.00 130.00 147.00 74.00 79.00 170.00 122.00 160.00 130.00 103.00 92.00 135.00 102.00 127.00 91.00 114.00 45.00 111.00 182.00 140.00 275.00 240.00 321.00 82.00 70.00 101.00 43.00 124.00 1.3334700 1.805790 2.116900 2.147300 4.2493100 1.4309600 0.8623660 0.9832970 8.2188100 6.023210 2.1596700 0.6441350 1.6174000 2.8740600 3.3236100 3.7622200 3.4114600 34.8712590 36.4309220 35.8622940 19.7680000 22.3220870 20.3009860 14.2381300 12.7503000 12.0393000 13.7944000 10.0699000 19.288800 14.9239000 8.6182300 15.1776000 20.700400 26.991700 19.3479000 14.4519000 9.892150 10.1103000 2.2364700 2.8315700 5.9228500 10.3695000 19.8170000 13.0029000 5.4571600 7.6759100 9.4893700 7.2248200 8.9144100 16.4346800 9.026370 12.8134500 10.2841200 6.1551800 4.7145500 5.9859200 13.0280000 16.345400 27.531000 9.578700 1.7157450 1.3959480 4.2419700 7.9109700 6.8711700 13.3560000 13.2470000 4.8925690 14.7298250 2.1389980 10.3624520 24.6000000 21.1796000 31.6863000 65.5643000 115.8570000 11.5401000 18.4495000 20.2550000 20.9578000 12.3299000 5.9077400 0.4211310 2.2483600 1.7209000 3.7200300 3.8410500 3.5494590 5.1567660 3.8974930 1.9220220 1.1478900 5.0943100 4.1678900
107283547 NIP7, nucleolar pre-rRNA processing protein 2362.00 796.00 1007.00 1947.00 1005.00 643.00 1040.00 1005.00 1487.00 1153.00 724.00 995.00 537.00 1351.00 1075.00 1016.00 1356.00 1059.00 946.00 716.00 928.00 715.00 1177.00 847.00 1285.00 810.00 1108.00 6598.00 761.00 1920.00 424.00 715.00 379.00 93.00 332.00 906.00 683.00 743.00 596.00 352.00 825.00 1058.00 551.00 688.00 810.00 21.4245000 21.074300 43.871200 22.796200 83.4289000 24.3395000 53.5923000 72.1621000 44.7411000 35.805600 28.5713000 21.9877000 33.2502000 3.4574800 2.6455900 3.8940260 3.7628640 9.2422000 14.0537620 16.8353500 39.8036500 36.4211900 37.3357800 23.0719300 15.1675100 14.8794200 14.9273400 38.0496000 34.958400 34.8156000 32.0028000 103.6440000 70.516700 57.438300 64.3399000 26.7306000 38.826100 40.8612000 43.1651470 27.9831000 24.1871000 130.9474900 38.0866300 34.0169000 69.2023900 27.6853300 30.2419300 9.9408400 16.9839400 23.1128500 15.863810 19.2651900 12.6916500 11.8882800 10.7982800 6.4454300 3.1195200 7.522410 7.072590 12.891300 6.1947649 3.8993519 4.5238910 6.6857640 4.4328710 13.9293100 6.7617560 19.7186330 14.3789540 5.1106500 6.2410420 7.9669500 53.7538600 4.2302200 11.9642800 35.2093200 22.9836300 48.9560800 27.5651300 3.8800300 0.5233420 15.1350200 25.8313000 68.4026000 23.7982000 28.2136000 6.3914440 6.4109000 5.1081400 5.4033200 3.3361380 1.7289660 41.1017000 28.5862000
107283630 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C1 786.00 111.00 165.00 618.00 292.00 174.00 181.00 285.00 250.00 240.00 126.00 294.00 79.00 277.00 243.00 187.00 249.00 388.00 140.00 110.00 284.00 178.00 352.00 129.00 369.00 248.00 306.00 556.00 176.00 493.00 57.00 81.00 111.00 82.00 111.00 103.00 75.00 231.00 209.00 211.00 115.00 92.00 152.00 117.00 132.00 8.0504700 33.627400 9.381760 5.967990 28.7272000 7.0481400 10.4940000 15.0677000 7.2043400 15.988400 8.9166500 11.9027000 18.5408000 7.3534760 9.2927924 7.0196579 9.1101100 4.8634930 6.4182344 5.2640878 8.6678280 7.2049240 12.6788510 17.9604060 13.7973260 18.5037860 13.6605160 2.2491500 6.435500 5.5843900 5.9449200 12.1575000 27.696200 39.397100 20.8459000 22.1720000 19.146900 16.2461000 15.3736600 17.9679500 22.5865600 29.6211500 29.9493700 29.1422700 38.1039200 42.2862300 41.2166600 5.3815880 8.0443710 15.5978600 13.932920 18.0717600 11.8516800 15.0176400 13.5075700 8.0863000 8.2014800 26.510000 24.010700 49.746300 15.6190476 17.3185471 8.4775400 5.3303800 5.1437570 22.3877240 4.9898400 29.1085050 15.5524980 21.5319417 16.1529423 25.0668520 19.0878480 1.6579493 3.0223590 6.4159970 11.1521100 19.9686800 6.1166240 16.2584130 17.5721170 13.7121390 3.1757500 12.8626000 7.6535700 7.4238000 10.3065330 7.7115604 3.9519420 5.0304931 3.8017812 4.2598202 5.9234500 2.8676400
107283794 AVL9 cell migration associated 301.00 173.00 152.00 229.00 132.00 170.00 71.00 171.00 104.00 173.00 110.00 201.00 82.00 102.00 77.00 90.00 114.00 230.00 174.00 125.00 84.00 185.00 586.00 133.00 202.00 216.00 140.00 30.00 194.00 105.00 51.00 29.00 112.00 64.00 85.00 101.00 60.00 190.00 166.00 137.00 35.00 71.00 85.00 105.00 144.00 2.3537700 1.132740 7.141110 2.524320 2.6748700 6.7705800 1.9834700 1.2062000 7.6895900 8.189930 4.0448300 0.9876910 7.6666000 1.8009990 2.3489490 2.0949000 2.2821350 1.2426943 1.1114720 1.1868823 5.5499640 5.5587880 5.4771011 3.3590314 2.4334056 2.6923733 2.4849188 1.1842400 7.818500 7.7635400 1.6064800 1.8009200 12.941400 14.082500 3.4445200 6.3306500 6.973060 1.7505200 3.5742600 6.1191000 6.6344600 6.0190300 15.9449000 14.5200000 6.2142100 16.0945000 14.7488000 3.3947647 4.0699941 9.3517264 12.356796 11.2095322 3.7854500 8.3963552 7.1075010 3.6615020 2.1142700 10.790917 11.226582 7.686080 7.1598348 4.9220570 3.3093475 4.7717129 5.7427063 7.8335930 4.1387565 12.7708740 4.9715000 2.2923132 2.0419966 22.3164000 12.2812000 0.7713440 2.1773100 3.1502300 10.0006220 13.1837000 4.8905400 6.0203800 7.6595270 6.1374900 2.8221300 10.0916000 0.5555660 0.3923510 1.4498537 1.0171179 0.8804211 0.9996635 0.4502300 0.4524369 0.7253240 0.4157020
107283801 BMP binding endothelial regulator 105.00 16.00 12.00 100.00 113.00 98.00 70.00 119.00 80.00 103.00 14.00 126.00 5.00 111.00 130.00 62.00 106.00 226.00 78.00 130.00 138.00 19.00 18.00 63.00 174.00 12.00 172.00 82.00 10.00 143.00 41.00 37.00 102.00 40.00 35.00 9.00 7.00 44.00 25.00 23.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.0377960 0.000000 0.000000 0.145396 0.2046560 0.3765890 0.4379370 0.0998699 0.1276880 0.867092 0.1884530 0.1308450 0.2142700 0.4287990 0.1169140 0.0610851 0.1951940 1.2786400 1.0936075 1.1514200 0.1563320 0.2351830 0.1907680 0.4119520 0.2541510 0.1520850 0.3159450 0.2792320 0.170533 0.3267770 0.1980750 0.3306440 0.320803 0.338049 0.3688200 1.2684000 7.707150 2.3148300 2.1935900 3.6103200 1.9527600 0.7170940 0.1348760 0.1286320 2.2988000 2.0441500 2.7685000 0.0590916 0.0336371 0.7512687 0.888177 1.3685584 5.3050800 7.8860949 10.8682201 1.1709100 0.1042530 2.599360 1.372280 5.970620 1.6972670 1.0541710 1.7044260 2.8454630 4.4422540 0.2743567 0.4729530 0.5951822 5.0114260 1.3306570 2.9264140 1.4352930 0.6172093 0.4171020 0.6714310 2.4952590 0.8807962 1.5727490 0.8893450 7.4182740 4.7847510 0.8636740 0.4230510 0.4949990 1.2319500 0.1910140 0.0748086 0.0880287 0.0828146 0.2782529 0.4583290 0.1063230 0.7768630 0.1558410
107283883 VCP interacting membrane selenoprotein 657.00 187.00 308.00 472.00 417.00 233.00 264.00 202.00 388.00 276.00 249.00 198.00 91.00 465.00 283.00 339.00 420.00 400.00 473.00 375.00 218.00 162.00 209.00 320.00 363.00 180.00 290.00 1193.00 178.00 1088.00 37.00 84.00 65.00 22.00 82.00 254.00 203.00 299.00 478.00 252.00 172.00 265.00 171.00 223.00 405.00 14.2473000 14.646400 26.619000 17.218100 33.8052000 17.8200000 10.2431000 14.2377000 8.3326800 10.866700 7.2198300 3.2563200 23.5727000 36.5458000 31.7062050 33.9882600 31.0090200 16.9497520 20.0555330 20.3587690 55.1501070 57.2261490 55.9680830 112.2461000 144.6692300 141.7846250 136.2629500 81.1741000 109.147000 94.7987000 51.8872000 95.3200000 134.298000 124.598000 73.9917000 66.7492000 88.546200 49.8576000 25.9390900 43.3231300 44.3661400 50.9856800 116.7953000 114.4259000 60.4992300 108.5757000 96.2989000 30.8699000 47.9701000 94.1153000 99.260800 94.5437000 64.8038000 92.7790000 77.1507000 57.4529000 36.5762520 78.582700 36.826200 185.543750 29.5083160 28.7991210 18.3818140 22.8969540 20.4949590 38.7625020 19.1868920 60.4539100 30.5368540 51.2968635 26.6432697 276.2561000 174.5349000 45.4799000 58.5046830 157.5164000 82.3449010 132.6887000 101.9650690 190.1480000 73.6250000 50.8025000 104.6040000 414.7810000 76.3879000 94.4321000 171.6481100 268.8079510 71.8541660 132.5300090 58.2368640 51.9391720 18.3138000 10.4963000
107283888 dynein, cytoplasmic 1, intermediate chain 2 1297.00 801.00 989.00 558.00 494.00 499.00 419.00 279.00 612.00 318.00 585.00 826.00 493.00 484.00 498.00 319.00 532.00 526.00 802.00 538.00 379.00 610.00 1605.00 838.00 968.00 677.00 635.00 512.00 536.00 613.00 555.00 509.00 440.00 310.00 556.00 522.00 388.00 627.00 611.00 498.00 218.00 344.00 217.00 262.00 416.00 12.6640000 12.689700 24.195900 16.091900 23.8052000 6.8585100 13.8717000 10.0198000 17.4388000 15.984900 10.5108000 2.8455200 31.0768000 7.0224670 7.0228367 8.5495369 7.6836071 13.8138501 11.0367370 10.8739233 19.9692272 21.1709480 19.4933179 9.1921290 7.5209913 8.2498188 8.4441890 47.8845000 59.511600 56.3049000 28.9087000 23.0286000 38.270400 37.266100 22.8827000 16.8959000 21.300800 11.2630000 15.0964000 33.2497000 30.4176000 13.1643000 46.7421000 40.2033000 7.4266100 19.1937000 19.9400000 39.2213000 60.6693300 42.0411600 51.482550 56.9352200 19.9393800 28.1471300 27.3168100 37.7212900 43.6397010 35.043300 62.420360 19.396720 27.5898234 19.6417677 37.7724420 34.3485903 28.7589200 61.9098136 24.8092468 120.6690290 10.6837794 12.4267200 15.1471040 35.7325900 20.3535900 13.4441100 22.1320000 26.4072800 25.4232840 23.6422800 37.1682140 25.5676200 29.8133700 15.2736418 0.0000013 13.4166000 0.0000000 0.0000000 11.7853607 12.9141830 4.8438405 12.1299675 4.3893358 4.5645459 0.0759290 0.1015390
107283892 golgi reassembly stacking protein 2 3159.00 569.00 632.00 1693.00 1800.00 833.00 990.00 723.00 1154.00 999.00 611.00 1043.00 341.00 1229.00 669.00 918.00 1382.00 1684.00 899.00 964.00 738.00 481.00 1262.00 645.00 1868.00 620.00 1437.00 2428.00 657.00 1598.00 320.00 445.00 295.00 414.00 288.00 610.00 493.00 639.00 686.00 499.00 343.00 448.00 268.00 302.00 489.00 108.0290000 49.343000 120.662000 120.068000 196.4350000 42.7179000 45.1505000 38.4929000 35.9360000 41.326300 37.9732000 22.2540000 68.1374000 27.6078550 32.2574800 33.2253480 31.2425670 35.4010860 47.2153150 44.1966730 56.6969940 55.2164450 58.9761350 80.4955100 84.5567341 81.7002000 85.2091000 39.5875000 40.599500 45.6487000 44.3176000 29.0228000 32.194100 33.727400 44.5382000 21.2648000 21.892000 22.8445000 41.7554000 53.5458000 58.4359000 40.9013000 72.3168000 70.4957000 26.6797000 42.0432000 39.2301000 39.9968956 52.4908500 80.0348500 60.306880 67.9426100 23.1852270 37.3770600 37.9687100 25.2670900 26.4362000 34.833300 32.988410 50.091300 30.2031813 28.3027250 21.6348410 44.2425520 39.1637270 46.6122040 46.9119830 50.5403280 40.0312550 16.5381360 17.2426134 121.7250000 71.5741000 12.3780000 29.9101000 56.5469000 36.7768000 51.1016000 35.0888000 66.6761000 67.2380000 35.1438000 62.5873000 128.0330000 26.9898000 53.8317000 49.0851591 68.9324037 14.6698810 30.7324270 11.5608600 16.0930000 24.9958000 19.1196000
107283923 alanyl aminopeptidase, membrane 182.00 130.00 293.00 199.00 476.00 141.00 521.00 309.00 334.00 563.00 155.00 353.00 60.00 338.00 224.00 309.00 429.00 446.00 220.00 360.00 132.00 104.00 297.00 408.00 833.00 110.00 222.00 466.00 158.00 534.00 18.00 143.00 21.00 58.00 15.00 388.00 361.00 251.00 148.00 149.00 76.00 110.00 96.00 55.00 170.00 113.9420000 11.754600 216.163000 107.924000 94.2384000 31.8450000 935.8110000 336.9760000 717.1480000 227.552000 56.1779000 9.0463600 100.6220000 10.2115270 14.4198200 15.7466500 17.1069250 7.6288200 9.8249410 13.2141925 82.9695100 91.1101800 90.1287260 88.8314050 70.9044700 60.6571200 70.7187400 2.9429900 3.124340 0.7896390 2.7760900 856.4770000 413.735000 530.591000 541.9580000 3.7723300 3.828660 3.4135600 39.0528000 33.6788000 19.3758000 528.7220000 186.2980000 140.4750000 194.2710000 114.7330000 144.5630000 3.5429560 2.0066270 394.6118000 249.119400 164.5294000 10.0661500 19.8359200 17.2117900 0.5232970 0.2787690 764.767000 608.308000 79.193100 4.2516620 1.8105470 2.8770210 2.9896380 2.0588000 1113.5180000 635.1852000 843.7342000 274.8302000 75.2706300 174.2595000 10.8790000 15.2637900 0.0981769 0.8201400 0.6616082 225.4399640 308.2019860 7.5917100 18.8849000 15.1937000 18.5941020 25.3561000 103.7420000 1.5744300 1.6605900 16.7768500 19.5113400 15.3839490 20.2757800 5.1741830 4.9589372 5.4296400 4.0053000
107283941 CTD small phosphatase like 2 52.00 19.00 119.00 75.00 117.00 64.00 65.00 96.00 97.00 39.00 132.00 18.00 61.00 24.00 57.00 74.00 12.00 77.00 41.00 18.00 14.00 26.00 30.00 27.00 56.00 69.00 24.00 44.00 27.00 37.00 25.00 56.00 22.00 305.00 32.00 51.00 60.00 90.00 101.00 63.00 36.00 56.00 33.00 59.00 45.00 11.5880000 11.164800 18.652700 18.707800 19.3201000 12.7148000 7.3845900 8.7973800 13.8994000 17.377600 10.8727000 4.3545100 21.3289000 0.9716038 2.9394611 1.1095700 2.1847840 2.5757220 1.9603653 1.7688435 3.4718023 3.2967160 3.4713737 1.3385616 1.2969330 1.2724372 1.6665032 6.8130400 15.909000 14.4279000 5.3853400 6.6402600 15.421000 17.321500 9.6562200 11.8807000 11.216800 3.6964600 4.8706500 9.2451300 14.9977400 4.2803140 18.6878600 17.5421200 3.0540260 6.9326600 8.4040400 17.8119700 21.3669900 27.7470500 34.834800 34.1810000 14.2041000 19.4195000 21.4437000 2.3593214 1.8555610 2.971870 3.875640 1.951043 8.3690922 5.2016324 3.5623005 4.1770328 5.1685638 7.6632450 3.3400960 13.5184203 8.0022300 1.8538997 2.8343020 7.2159100 4.2786900 0.9709560 3.6363800 5.9831303 4.2742500 6.7636001 4.6262600 5.1385800 3.5944700 2.6087600 19.6086000 51.1935000 5.9913000 11.3392000 3.1420730 3.5234088 1.0971341 2.4752890 1.4540715 0.7289766 4.2813400 2.1453700
107283959 patatin like phospholipase domain containing 2 23.00 21.00 24.00 14.00 14.00 5.00 16.00 14.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 13.00 3.00 17.00 17.00 13.00 23.00 14.00 14.00 16.00 8.00 12.00 17.00 13.00 28.00 14.00 13.00 14.00 12.00 29.00 16.00 6.00 10.00 43.00 15.00 44.00 29.00 58.00 20.00 14.00 74.00 13.00 17.00 15.00 24.00 3.5502500 102.527000 8.698310 5.886820 27.4816000 3.2915500 29.5347000 60.4394000 19.9389000 13.717000 5.3879200 1.0956400 7.6439700 30.0656600 35.9731410 37.8095620 36.2343780 243.9610900 378.5839560 372.0029100 242.0209680 245.0545900 245.9156290 70.7683100 71.9318780 74.6270460 72.4427940 26.8988000 263.223000 227.6990000 36.7894000 8.7327800 49.751900 178.694000 19.8823000 180.6690000 103.958000 66.3129000 93.6039000 56.2367000 141.1050000 11.4909000 13.8169000 17.5751000 20.7740000 15.2419000 70.1158000 28.1165000 8.9466300 5.5388200 6.896330 9.1380100 11.5569900 7.7314700 8.4594700 41.2696200 39.3997500 82.252600 78.466200 55.833600 12.6008300 24.7958700 227.6437000 444.1051000 485.2691000 86.7775700 160.5264000 41.8923600 37.5337800 16.3935500 18.8463400 26.0960000 19.1308000 73.0909000 217.8870000 346.5130000 58.9646000 54.5532000 82.8106000 55.9075000 46.5864000 25.1246000 7.8624000 3.2979600 4.0849000 2.7160200 32.9772700 28.4754700 15.2500400 40.0042400 36.0446360 15.6884310 3.6946300 1.1150900
107283960 N-methylpurine DNA glycosylase 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 11.00 3.00 4.00 7.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 5.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 18.00 1.00 6.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 15.00 11.00 13.00 12.00 3.00 5.00 12.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 0.5989200 1.482980 1.191750 0.871825 4.2505900 4.3527400 0.8477780 2.3491100 1.1263000 1.771110 2.0291100 1.6301300 1.1186500 1.8254020 2.1843460 1.6661830 2.0890700 2.8198800 3.1625770 2.5834520 9.1897500 8.6739310 8.1577270 6.2915010 7.6265780 7.9800140 7.9682620 65.5939000 38.081200 34.5728000 29.6119000 125.3600000 83.503600 97.965700 72.3864000 41.2910000 42.373600 36.5858000 8.6176100 9.0391400 13.2309000 12.7915000 21.8263000 12.3723000 8.6474100 7.5591100 8.0309600 2.3842410 6.3059800 6.5852300 11.730210 0.4213818 3.3258250 6.1088700 7.8061800 14.2882800 8.6942800 46.364900 23.941700 62.321500 4.1043040 16.4150120 45.2906000 29.3361994 37.9743600 36.2820800 42.8216940 23.7181219 97.7377000 30.9958000 26.9150499 0.0000000 13.9225000 1.8741300 2.4450200 9.6515800 6.4980100 0.0305052 5.2877500 0.0000000 0.0000000 6.0339200 37.1537000 68.0132000 3.8008600 5.1351400 4.6199786 6.2196410 2.5394910 3.4657053 2.1310090 1.8943370 3.5171800 2.9636000
107283986 stannin 4.00 4.00 3.00 10.00 12.00 5.00 0.00 3.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 14.00 5.00 10.00 2.00 2.00 11.00 9.00 4.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 19.00 2.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 15.1240700 16.201912 20.482040 15.659180 51.5538700 15.7246810 21.8683300 8.2497270 21.1023900 24.471500 12.5622500 7.5753800 29.4550200 1.5354700 2.1767270 1.8404500 1.9418200 11.9754000 12.0327790 14.9859300 48.4641300 46.2727100 44.9203000 1.1946470 2.4176300 2.1867400 1.8207440 34.0848000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 11.2255000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 5.0073010 5.5292700 10.7544800 3.1848700 13.2776900 16.5416000 3.2891300 8.3571900 8.4919140 9.9547100 18.1493000 18.5551000 20.431600 17.1184000 8.5491800 7.3641400 8.8569700 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.4590600 4.1917100 15.4027000 10.1859000 13.1715000 13.3468000 12.5383000 13.2716000 2.9798000 0.5369620 2.2710300 0.0000000 50.9122000 50.6787000 73.0334000 100.5330000 60.0865000 0.0000000 242.6540000 0.0000000 0.0000000 13.3441000 2.5187200 4.7637600 5.2461000 6.5114900 0.1007080 0.0990687 0.1712450 0.1810420 0.0797919 0.0428551 26.1495000 10.3897000
107284022 par-3 family cell polarity regulator 199.00 226.00 313.00 241.00 123.00 158.00 125.00 187.00 220.00 160.00 268.00 236.00 147.00 158.00 193.00 154.00 164.00 239.00 187.00 140.00 168.00 321.00 547.00 130.00 250.00 179.00 181.00 97.00 278.00 134.00 25.00 32.00 57.00 75.00 37.00 103.00 89.00 188.00 120.00 133.00 66.00 183.00 98.00 124.00 180.00 5.1221200 0.439703 7.140020 9.017720 25.4255000 2.0076300 9.8808500 6.0965700 8.2707000 9.252700 2.2725200 2.0447900 20.9700000 4.4807646 5.6519975 4.3575344 4.3445464 7.8731662 13.4851473 12.6251149 37.5244037 29.1268841 37.7629482 50.0371960 53.1249148 49.6378950 50.2759856 4.0231900 6.740800 9.3180300 3.7638900 2.3558700 11.970900 10.792500 6.7656200 6.1402900 10.189000 4.9481000 6.7083180 8.1227400 5.3658510 7.2764390 15.4937000 11.9826600 10.3199200 18.1208900 22.3703400 3.0195920 1.7007340 2.7051470 2.390526 2.9437330 4.1993780 3.1728650 4.2060440 10.3169368 6.8429412 14.754070 19.027484 14.492274 9.9034198 9.3438085 12.0572819 7.2625416 7.6785470 24.1567620 10.5716129 35.1727310 11.3276279 5.0509770 6.7122106 24.7839857 11.6467072 2.7161164 5.8059871 13.9763412 13.9931683 17.8489756 11.8950177 18.2365180 26.0456957 11.4187089 4.0922200 12.2697000 0.1165550 0.0000000 3.6361940 2.7732531 3.5199260 4.2972224 1.3035440 1.3931153 0.7819970 0.3847130
107284039 visual system homeobox 1 1.00 2.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.4452060 0.785597 0.562797 0.999042 0.9141810 0.3668470 0.0000000 0.7189020 0.0416641 0.158956 0.1384160 0.0428124 0.2944570 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0278848 0.0000000 0.0078766 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0112226 0.0105995 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0169231 0.0000000 0.1719000 0.463739 0.2861150 0.1299770 0.3302870 1.924550 1.064420 1.2580900 0.0000000 0.096684 0.0934455 0.0000000 0.0877372 0.6264120 0.3206050 0.2163300 0.4126310 0.0724721 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.4102090 0.0638771 0.405063 0.208043 0.154964 0.0359558 0.0284859 0.0367737 0.3746420 0.1239330 0.0438130 0.0501659 0.0000000 0.1780390 0.3762930 0.0151893 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0550043 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.6761350 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0118691 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
107284090 abhydrolase domain containing 12 423.00 374.00 525.00 326.00 248.00 224.00 135.00 208.00 331.00 223.00 302.00 209.00 247.00 210.00 144.00 208.00 174.00 201.00 478.00 245.00 206.00 399.00 600.00 272.00 424.00 276.00 395.00 121.00 231.00 178.00 109.00 99.00 165.00 85.00 182.00 274.00 261.00 1105.00 1311.00 950.00 180.00 225.00 164.00 291.00 268.00 9.9498200 1.310230 28.326200 16.418900 36.5132000 7.9402600 37.0143000 28.8923000 42.1377000 42.558900 24.5423000 13.5191000 35.9580000 6.0486800 6.3963900 6.4727100 7.1662810 23.0298434 25.1001470 24.2440610 41.7960830 39.1352360 40.9232090 24.1630670 22.0039780 23.3676000 24.1049810 3.9721100 10.949500 7.9323000 3.5567000 8.1634000 24.585200 21.119000 10.0566000 9.3439400 9.005610 6.8684300 16.3073000 13.9978000 21.4242000 26.6104000 52.6569000 57.8747000 13.5300000 18.8464000 20.7663000 10.6779300 5.2763400 7.8526650 9.992652 7.5111040 4.2654420 5.8000400 8.6136250 15.7098000 8.6609500 51.895850 72.642990 43.221512 10.4831378 9.0681668 22.1343352 29.9728740 23.9993682 65.8205040 133.5775296 71.8967883 10.5289023 8.4377670 19.8521980 56.7036000 33.6392000 6.5218700 11.8224000 25.8315000 26.0872000 55.3948000 17.9513000 8.2339500 16.7993000 8.1972300 5.5129900 11.3960000 8.2931400 11.7529000 5.3072180 1.8807380 3.7490500 6.9480000 2.2705074 1.9637100 3.9121700 1.9282900
107284113 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit A 1206.00 1124.00 1265.00 836.00 747.00 579.00 519.00 636.00 783.00 596.00 1114.00 730.00 838.00 691.00 626.00 625.00 905.00 806.00 959.00 961.00 537.00 1259.00 2972.00 822.00 984.00 751.00 963.00 214.00 736.00 553.00 458.00 275.00 553.00 287.00 498.00 662.00 464.00 752.00 666.00 690.00 359.00 481.00 404.00 453.00 594.00 6.2079100 6.410770 11.365000 8.119300 9.8289300 4.9798500 7.0827700 2.5650200 10.2258000 4.595580 4.5611500 0.8384780 15.9473000 9.6054679 10.9723911 13.2844364 10.8322766 6.0909290 4.9904110 4.2997569 92.8446210 98.6939730 91.5143920 11.2299000 9.2544900 10.2907330 11.2755528 7.7978900 14.718300 13.4205000 7.9274700 15.3338000 26.233000 27.948100 16.8307000 17.0181000 17.699000 7.1301300 15.0138200 20.3980200 30.4393500 15.0669400 38.3728800 33.6157000 8.7726670 19.4115700 21.4516600 4.6645100 5.8992800 36.4082000 15.671820 21.8920900 7.2036400 8.3814200 11.7334600 4.3961800 3.9818200 57.767000 86.430900 7.616850 22.8604858 14.7319208 1.9803950 4.2498200 4.8576630 77.1867800 12.3942550 131.1297850 7.8784500 4.9718195 10.5473809 33.9444000 15.7078000 1.1827000 4.2902600 6.7120800 62.4327000 77.9345000 36.2344000 12.0241000 12.7459000 7.0222600 0.0000000 7.5168500 5.9911400 9.5135600 28.4321240 31.6530054 9.3018890 27.8719090 4.5658826 4.3957418 3.8174800 1.8462200
107284127 adipocyte plasma membrane associated protein 4323.00 1975.00 2652.00 2803.00 1861.00 1457.00 971.00 1010.00 1782.00 1271.00 1571.00 2302.00 1052.00 1595.00 1606.00 1239.00 1675.00 1270.00 2489.00 1453.00 1317.00 1605.00 3316.00 1896.00 2840.00 1683.00 2827.00 1057.00 1704.00 1622.00 2418.00 1565.00 1578.00 623.00 2022.00 3862.00 2169.00 4985.00 3123.00 3315.00 6265.00 5047.00 4978.00 4711.00 8798.00 8.8035600 12.852200 15.449700 12.942700 21.0330000 14.0286000 177.0380000 552.3970000 24.0553000 22.577800 14.4968000 6.8060400 31.1613000 8.2719000 7.8341800 7.6376880 6.7860000 30.5227600 33.8833000 34.8695110 181.5021580 180.9345720 188.6054360 57.3457000 33.3257000 30.6183000 33.8734610 24.3316000 40.402700 46.1811000 23.0841000 25.3931000 36.941200 47.758800 29.3951000 82.3010000 97.211000 68.8856000 12.9453000 19.8149000 20.3159000 30.8633000 66.6114000 52.4439000 71.3217000 148.7070000 152.2380000 16.2495400 21.1873000 47.4725300 36.037050 38.2051100 17.6116700 20.3486000 35.4990200 26.9386000 19.9997000 77.699200 65.942900 391.172000 10.5502040 14.4091720 18.1045000 18.8997000 19.9200000 49.7680500 54.0636000 46.7709710 95.6120600 211.1607500 78.9116100 73.1878000 48.8079100 1.3431800 3.9928700 3.2289400 165.7661000 172.9258400 42.6221930 106.1676100 142.8520000 74.2374000 7.3259600 31.0941000 12.2544000 12.6633000 5.0351700 7.5504900 2.9737250 6.3167900 2.2642300 2.2312600 22.4875000 14.8832000
107284171 splicing factor 3b subunit 3 259.00 155.00 192.00 143.00 158.00 103.00 91.00 98.00 211.00 94.00 156.00 222.00 127.00 151.00 105.00 116.00 122.00 168.00 149.00 161.00 124.00 136.00 559.00 194.00 289.00 133.00 140.00 285.00 184.00 250.00 96.00 124.00 111.00 210.00 98.00 134.00 99.00 156.00 124.00 101.00 92.00 121.00 114.00 107.00 154.00 8.3432800 2.953190 12.712900 9.745450 14.9192000 3.5701100 12.6571000 10.7905000 16.9069000 18.348400 10.1517000 4.8680900 18.5694000 6.4462320 7.2254263 6.9566297 7.3286960 13.1775133 10.9852414 10.9540098 18.1615410 18.2930199 17.9627635 9.2624776 10.6835528 9.1318286 11.3624020 26.6120000 27.394600 20.2449000 13.7856000 34.4912000 21.993700 24.907600 19.9258000 21.0919000 20.021800 19.5612000 23.6011000 30.3273000 35.6149000 36.5163000 43.7125000 41.8605000 30.8055000 29.2138000 35.6034000 7.6605750 15.3829070 26.1775140 23.115460 22.2036010 5.7144990 12.7307801 15.8211000 16.5850200 26.7045800 23.316270 44.009370 17.468100 28.0934800 24.8648100 47.0732800 72.2191500 78.3662500 60.9972600 84.1351600 81.1616700 43.7774900 14.9601900 26.3966000 0.1054070 10.2978000 5.8469220 12.9233000 14.0554900 16.2722400 18.1916800 22.9559800 0.0000000 0.0465561 8.9216300 19.6432000 28.0371000 1.9566700 2.6756000 7.9168800 8.7140710 3.4900445 4.5477448 2.2042012 2.2406347 2.3388900 1.4051000
107284292 adenosine deaminase, RNA-specific, B1 77.00 58.00 55.00 47.00 38.00 41.00 16.00 38.00 45.00 26.00 66.00 26.00 39.00 37.00 47.00 57.00 34.00 45.00 48.00 21.00 31.00 86.00 92.00 47.00 52.00 56.99 51.00 15.00 39.00 39.00 31.00 24.00 29.00 55.00 25.00 27.00 17.00 46.00 25.00 17.00 18.00 18.00 11.00 17.00 25.00 0.9758340 1.259700 1.286590 1.606930 1.2865600 1.3840900 3.6484400 1.6319000 2.0384500 4.125070 3.1448300 0.8857020 5.8801500 0.1989067 0.3451460 0.2261004 0.3782295 6.4732736 6.2074470 6.6158298 4.4550085 4.1252100 4.7309690 3.6666931 4.3607980 4.4114821 4.6597895 2.2066700 5.078310 5.7915700 2.4863300 2.0083900 5.627630 4.474970 2.0755700 7.2735400 15.026900 6.2336600 4.7445400 7.1843300 6.0318000 3.5188400 7.3735400 6.5222900 2.3504700 3.6526600 4.1442000 3.5867650 6.5756445 7.9295934 11.480092 13.7518110 2.6534400 3.9018300 4.7979944 6.7450177 4.7695510 9.788512 10.119205 4.197713 2.7019960 2.1752650 5.7675230 5.5156690 5.3795120 5.1923910 5.0298010 4.2802550 2.6852370 0.5810931 1.3592020 1.9845400 2.0830500 0.3950320 2.3047000 1.7251000 3.5558400 3.6381900 3.9290100 1.1149500 0.8800750 0.8193880 0.8060780 2.1378500 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0754087 0.0496109 0.2047460 0.1017571 0.0408385 0.0301440 0.6077450 0.3140710
107284301 integral membrane protein 2B 4497.00 5038.00 5488.00 3994.00 2329.00 2440.00 1786.00 2374.00 3591.00 1841.00 3190.00 4598.00 3039.00 2656.00 2508.00 2341.00 2858.00 2031.00 6062.00 2074.00 3084.00 3571.00 5516.00 5981.00 4752.00 3552.00 4576.00 2463.00 3294.00 2401.00 1938.00 3718.00 1571.00 950.00 2208.00 5617.00 6438.00 6372.00 5360.00 5636.00 2912.00 4572.00 1988.00 2449.00 3465.00 19.3800000 25.628000 40.115200 35.262000 52.2257000 51.7212000 21.3476000 17.9518000 33.3021000 31.080500 19.7793000 7.5129700 65.1807000 106.8239200 130.6784000 130.4470000 138.0995200 466.8216240 451.0670070 445.5869115 1484.4377610 1524.5972660 1453.0047390 1050.1580730 1014.9104420 926.2661390 1003.3541050 151.9690000 156.382000 172.4730000 124.7610000 201.4460000 454.054000 349.793000 393.3340000 351.2410000 315.741000 239.1010000 135.8020000 286.7630000 293.9390000 152.7700000 366.5260000 371.8850000 46.5699000 138.8030000 133.3840000 173.6070000 225.0260000 349.9290000 490.496000 408.7830000 123.5230000 215.5040000 233.1490000 350.3750000 230.2900000 771.311000 1149.730000 143.742000 577.2835810 311.5015530 353.3538942 231.2944070 257.7034737 1173.9314310 988.7081599 2760.3975200 173.6636180 219.2792851 280.6937020 1105.6300000 633.6660000 241.1610000 384.6420000 952.2820000 2642.4800000 2367.4900000 943.1170000 1117.0400000 1044.6400000 600.1980000 62.6243000 205.5590000 48.1462000 46.7888000 230.3533070 221.9821670 89.9923450 202.3264320 68.3207030 91.6104960 135.8180000 97.8241000
107284304 succinate-CoA ligase, ADP-forming, beta subunit 1207.00 1658.00 1319.00 1315.00 553.00 1011.00 539.00 754.00 926.00 562.00 1372.00 1068.00 926.00 696.00 825.00 698.00 841.00 745.00 1619.00 951.00 882.00 1474.00 1898.00 1567.00 1316.00 1478.00 1032.00 226.00 1756.00 673.00 2794.00 1341.00 2162.00 457.00 2501.00 1767.00 1550.00 1757.00 1286.00 1384.00 1024.00 864.00 583.00 607.00 696.00 20.8852000 64.828700 35.659700 26.548700 29.8895000 21.9515000 16.3846000 12.4761000 30.3103000 26.415500 13.0691000 6.5159500 28.5228000 16.4604740 13.2119800 14.5042700 14.8249610 98.6422550 66.3311390 65.8966490 36.7492250 39.2117020 35.5702520 30.3107356 31.1722930 29.9812040 28.7688590 92.1710000 95.947300 130.0270000 95.1988000 28.3243000 59.727400 62.054000 61.7409000 23.5070000 30.875800 18.3872000 42.4893000 99.9515000 133.4070000 32.6846000 104.9300000 82.4026000 2.3954900 12.5324000 13.3502000 122.1433427 183.9281100 121.4984030 153.060440 156.0047020 12.3345000 34.8375210 40.9722990 47.6205000 96.3250000 30.242070 68.376120 6.025720 23.0839071 14.8574816 36.7666011 53.0258320 44.1101174 51.7912690 21.6631770 63.7399266 10.4734912 8.0306650 9.8922311 77.0999000 34.6109000 107.6850000 211.6090000 371.5050000 91.2298000 121.7190000 96.0077000 51.2839000 36.9575000 13.9820000 2.2885900 6.5843900 41.5808000 38.7078000 19.1337262 25.2022483 7.5148056 20.9661550 10.3428880 7.9940900 32.0799000 22.5753000
107284365 villin-like 212.00 126.00 175.00 395.00 117.00 246.00 188.00 350.00 207.00 371.00 143.00 491.00 65.00 169.00 209.00 139.00 161.00 340.00 96.00 201.00 238.00 213.00 584.00 114.00 212.00 204.00 210.00 239.00 286.00 287.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.00 1.00 129.00 97.00 348.00 236.00 279.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 7.00 16.4561800 4.411240 39.781900 38.645800 24.0748400 15.8038000 0.4114370 2.5802340 80.1524000 163.642300 2.6771600 3.3805100 121.1095000 1.8704180 2.3247400 2.0434680 2.3294794 0.5757311 0.8155267 0.7714084 33.9905190 37.9903910 37.8056800 1.5883170 0.9668031 0.8929416 1.3837250 0.8787510 10.128100 0.9912970 4.1524400 102.7850000 145.590000 147.052000 134.1400000 0.6976720 1.736540 0.9259980 0.0813186 0.2656620 0.4043190 153.2620000 168.3360000 156.2720000 2.7983200 0.9641070 2.1748600 0.2800971 0.6562870 84.9087460 74.680959 71.4712758 0.8085183 2.2520540 3.0465581 1.4307640 0.4656300 8.759680 8.875150 1.729255 0.5467195 1.5467245 2.9420646 4.1820654 4.9404960 4.6425563 6.6775229 4.8188740 1.2619742 0.4013241 0.4509230 8.1692800 11.3620800 0.0345825 0.1100890 0.1071880 4.1239900 1.3322280 1.2599830 0.6127850 0.0493055 0.6268520 28.5957000 85.6485000 12.5163000 16.7587000 6.4425220 10.9389540 1.6886289 5.7685420 2.3281918 0.9158600 4.1274900 3.0615600
107284371 acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 1 68.00 88.00 67.00 80.00 44.00 120.00 48.00 125.00 63.00 99.00 98.00 80.00 27.00 84.00 48.00 70.00 51.00 87.00 98.00 123.00 116.00 94.00 142.00 80.00 109.00 98.00 52.00 85.00 145.00 71.00 45.00 73.00 90.00 84.00 79.00 256.00 259.00 471.00 305.00 192.00 332.00 758.00 795.00 1155.00 1477.00 10.8110000 1.053390 15.523200 12.275300 13.1574000 2.5608600 71.3952000 29.7116000 41.7432000 34.474800 6.1393500 4.1935800 33.5711000 0.4220270 0.4230340 0.6209030 0.2550630 0.6081110 1.5154900 1.3330100 306.8828000 281.9643000 313.8467000 1208.8989000 1373.7074000 1482.1304000 1377.6903000 20.7009000 26.886000 30.0681000 10.8294000 464.1690000 841.865000 555.531000 417.2030000 234.5650000 178.913000 144.9630000 18.5500000 20.8576000 20.5341000 117.6650000 124.0540000 104.2500000 75.6095000 60.8524000 154.6970000 10.3526200 23.5626500 215.8939000 179.114400 203.3567000 153.9913000 114.1097000 166.2134000 51.5426120 42.0474520 328.626637 761.025720 115.353590 6.5198097 21.5765521 45.0634020 93.8346091 98.6344740 518.0472124 542.0881090 428.8400740 405.9805120 101.5635049 332.6409407 49.6683700 31.3184440 30.9283200 24.7277500 28.8935430 66.7446000 49.4534300 73.0306000 331.5184200 494.2702200 371.1920820 9.7547100 33.1842000 10.8980000 12.9069000 1.1216430 1.3274600 0.2185598 0.2760650 0.2397290 0.1165025 14.9202000 38.1040000
107284382 CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 8 194.00 126.00 148.00 324.00 118.00 109.00 146.00 259.00 88.00 223.00 50.00 337.00 47.00 183.00 215.00 133.00 257.00 318.00 274.00 156.00 509.00 104.00 186.00 131.00 235.00 136.00 314.00 80.00 142.00 137.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 3.00 9.00 2.00 4.00 13.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 16.00 24.00 48.00 76.00 0.0979352 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.6455840 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 6.2793890 5.1928900 5.6150780 6.7700455 20.5568310 18.2495610 19.0862330 23.5932220 20.4338330 21.8019412 166.3068340 152.4415910 152.0300280 142.9459420 2.7587700 6.365550 3.2798400 3.1176400 71.5780000 129.329000 111.563000 63.0991000 1.0683200 1.765100 0.8123690 22.5366000 40.4529000 26.7194000 53.9155000 134.9760000 125.9740000 0.5150020 1.0883500 1.6162600 0.0891994 0.0778204 8.6971900 17.368500 9.8803100 0.0000000 0.0707343 0.1180870 4.3097100 2.6073200 17.244500 17.603000 12.537000 5.6505800 2.2704930 6.6852220 4.2638200 3.5819410 8.5277000 3.1947600 11.7910000 50.0009000 6.9834100 21.1686100 58.9568000 56.3965000 2.6009935 7.3723700 7.9134400 5.4244460 10.3671100 9.9378900 68.7738000 42.1840000 60.2068000 18.2318000 42.0885000 5.5153500 6.9547300 36.1282900 32.5792610 4.1187250 9.6492060 4.0679850 3.6207270 2.2629300 4.1620100
107284394 RAB3 GTPase activating protein catalytic subunit 1 1904.00 1262.00 1404.00 934.00 761.00 1064.00 486.00 613.00 886.00 634.00 1139.00 1095.00 692.00 693.00 592.00 566.00 827.00 856.00 1328.00 744.00 581.00 1029.00 2289.00 1093.00 1408.00 1237.00 1144.00 505.00 1244.00 911.00 1108.00 691.00 1109.00 626.00 1164.00 1030.00 863.00 1362.00 1298.00 1028.00 418.00 653.00 516.00 646.00 873.00 7.5417000 11.940400 12.756000 10.292200 13.0723000 5.1084000 8.7728500 5.6056700 15.0501000 9.871180 6.8240500 2.0092200 13.7368000 7.2747274 8.5629684 7.8103907 7.5800340 17.1378780 14.3409939 13.8239123 22.2964639 24.8082722 22.8433821 16.5898953 19.7692470 18.3878469 19.5455890 4.6892500 10.075400 10.1909400 7.5341000 3.9237900 10.459040 8.749000 6.7343300 7.2139800 7.574240 4.5888690 9.0108900 16.8358000 17.6445000 8.1934500 27.5781000 20.4436000 5.9600200 11.8322000 11.3230000 10.4562520 11.5660400 13.6187300 13.058350 17.8013200 6.9339300 9.1923100 9.7868720 22.7538100 25.4949030 25.573608 19.116828 15.443110 19.3416241 17.9162650 13.7464557 12.0404227 11.6725200 19.0571600 9.2915940 20.8854854 6.5542430 2.2661214 5.3285204 21.5656710 13.8442853 3.3045758 5.9854480 13.2617290 11.8318860 22.7386540 16.2488040 14.9722290 14.2919960 7.5653779 1.9869000 8.7461900 7.3956300 9.2497900 10.6986190 12.7650782 6.2037560 11.1672551 3.5663987 4.3784309 4.3854000 2.6762100
107284406 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 6 238.00 299.00 376.00 320.00 174.00 259.00 176.00 265.00 292.00 202.00 371.00 380.00 249.00 229.00 224.00 177.00 185.00 215.00 352.00 159.00 184.00 461.00 752.00 591.00 402.00 290.00 230.00 221.00 322.00 236.00 137.00 170.00 164.00 295.00 116.00 210.00 149.00 275.00 229.00 172.00 141.00 130.00 145.00 96.00 175.00 5.8774500 3.252770 10.520000 7.724980 19.0343000 2.8177300 10.2152000 9.9299300 17.8061000 18.123200 7.0268700 3.2524300 18.4471000 5.5219600 5.8650550 4.1488470 4.9119920 8.0985498 10.6556140 11.2742912 19.3135460 17.4418780 18.9421580 13.9614680 20.2431590 21.0513660 19.7503700 16.4379000 23.475500 19.8496000 17.0739000 14.0099000 24.554500 28.347000 24.3872000 13.7092000 15.092300 15.1563000 17.8972900 21.9938300 33.5576200 22.4956700 41.2787200 37.2901700 14.3842200 19.8548200 22.9942000 9.6508300 12.8052900 19.6192300 20.195110 19.3144500 7.9742800 12.7876600 13.7234900 20.2122800 15.0547860 23.709595 25.688930 27.791793 10.8450162 9.5375508 12.4893301 13.5632650 16.4820520 23.5821100 12.7542720 20.4887492 18.5372460 4.0740150 5.1285357 18.8534300 10.9510700 3.1586660 9.0773200 13.0272030 14.4638500 18.4146600 17.8182200 11.6806100 12.5130070 8.5973400 1.9026700 6.1598100 0.3019970 0.2753040 4.1178769 5.1043920 2.4972560 4.6319207 2.5723619 1.7310473 4.2504000 2.9805500
107284446 nucleolar protein 6 9.00 11.00 22.00 9.00 11.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 19.00 6.00 19.00 7.00 16.00 13.00 15.00 18.00 9.00 8.00 8.00 60.00 9.00 27.00 7.00 9.00 25.00 14.00 23.00 0.00 7.00 3.00 14.00 0.00 11.00 1.00 6.00 5.00 7.00 3.00 7.00 8.00 4.00 10.00 3.5442700 1.221220 5.328780 4.383420 9.2324400 0.7603560 3.3291000 3.5927500 5.4051200 5.391230 3.2471000 1.1858400 4.3039100 3.1221900 4.7601620 3.5472900 3.8314600 8.0489980 10.1370250 10.0713350 19.6127335 20.8673970 19.7670050 14.3933950 16.9482930 15.7520410 16.3019340 1.4239000 2.779470 1.5162200 2.0954400 3.1329600 2.253540 2.611580 1.8482000 1.1589500 0.581287 1.3844100 5.3899600 3.0643700 6.4891600 10.2647300 4.0484100 8.7465000 4.3019910 2.3307900 3.7846900 13.5319900 13.4313250 14.2692800 8.923225 13.5712730 9.6935550 5.4942170 4.9471183 7.6413400 4.7561495 17.870360 13.644575 18.305140 1.5767400 2.5903460 8.0992480 7.9707870 9.5842520 14.6051100 15.1461100 13.2612900 11.0635700 3.8550340 4.7815740 1.4873400 1.3033700 0.4075070 1.8385900 1.6208000 1.9547600 2.8304800 1.5073100 1.6530987 2.2078000 1.1231200 0.6964330 1.3724200 1.4471900 0.9931280 2.2168100 1.9730000 0.7942630 1.5674800 0.3874680 0.3645880 0.5700040 0.3190850
107284527 phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 1713.00 807.00 926.00 1732.00 1076.00 504.00 877.00 841.00 1012.00 785.00 506.00 537.00 535.00 859.00 712.00 743.00 1705.00 1231.00 868.00 999.00 647.00 731.00 1793.00 819.00 889.00 715.00 1021.00 733.00 579.00 1139.00 340.00 315.00 415.00 188.00 331.00 4055.00 3093.00 4118.00 1801.00 1919.00 15105.00 6680.00 14688.00 2503.00 2381.00 37.2924000 8.488510 18.057100 42.523600 15.1014000 9.8560600 75.3430000 130.1950000 71.4850000 44.242913 32.8549000 6.9914500 9.0413400 6.9612110 7.1292778 7.9037700 7.1037820 1.3111850 1.4190031 1.3258990 20.5717800 21.4330600 20.1585300 0.1145540 0.1312859 0.2599810 0.1864574 0.9028150 0.821499 0.7922280 0.5659570 82.7275000 89.435300 165.630000 44.9632000 1234.9600000 318.144000 206.4720000 1.6069500 7.3433800 8.3142400 119.0500000 214.9820000 244.1270000 225.0610000 274.5210000 569.2280000 1.2798200 1.7022540 9.8577730 9.948620 15.3970200 2.1525320 18.5230800 7.6087350 0.1932190 0.1266360 70.468860 238.554520 35.674020 5.5061680 22.7867560 0.3649590 0.2859650 0.3804600 102.2504200 37.5765900 191.5773200 50.6029000 41.4001060 98.8511410 40.3123000 85.3209000 0.6875540 1.3313980 7.0090010 54.0370900 104.5414553 8.5322890 2.3789116 6.2588600 0.9311940 3.4363100 13.3712000 7.5588600 7.7638000 5.1331740 6.9182840 1.0304540 3.9361850 4.2600330 4.7446410 6.9488600 5.2857600
107284611 oligophrenin 1 100.00 52.00 73.00 57.65 65.00 43.00 35.00 46.00 66.00 34.00 73.00 78.00 36.00 37.00 54.00 53.00 43.00 35.00 84.00 35.00 38.00 57.00 109.00 72.00 133.00 23.00 100.00 72.00 64.95 27.00 16.00 24.17 33.00 99.00 25.00 9.00 16.00 24.00 20.00 3.00 5.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 13.00 7.1584500 0.000000 17.449400 9.521030 6.8953400 5.2720600 5.5372300 2.2263300 21.8217000 31.755900 9.7250500 5.6057800 56.1991000 1.2963150 2.5854921 2.3242680 1.0284686 2.3510820 2.6189166 2.4791667 1.7241562 2.5983980 2.5113775 0.4733912 0.8184469 0.5464443 0.7991812 4.5077800 11.185200 7.8615400 5.7570600 4.3651200 11.989200 8.572830 6.1791100 6.3033700 5.398710 2.4458600 12.8409900 11.4442700 10.7130700 6.8233900 7.4539830 6.6508000 2.7095190 2.4145000 1.9907900 1.5056280 4.2946883 4.2360600 4.309159 3.7641100 1.9633110 5.6956500 5.1387500 6.5219100 5.2811630 7.299060 9.412550 2.374131 4.4411500 2.4224860 2.2992500 3.4697300 4.3477700 2.6053400 4.4842000 4.3879800 0.6130220 0.1019100 0.5862900 0.0000000 0.0147757 0.8501720 1.9207100 0.0000000 3.8308800 0.0000000 3.1626000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.8068300 6.8071600 22.5888000 0.6051750 0.1861710 2.5785331 1.5737870 1.3868580 1.1539603 0.8618987 0.5904686 3.3910900 1.7377400
107284672 Parkinsonism associated deglycase 2473.00 888.00 1069.00 1826.00 1411.00 1042.00 969.00 801.00 1423.00 1247.00 606.00 1517.00 443.00 857.00 1002.00 877.00 1009.00 992.00 1305.00 676.00 810.00 621.00 769.00 914.00 1629.00 1047.00 1037.00 5379.00 1215.00 1206.00 1553.00 1471.00 1743.00 404.00 1327.00 2791.00 1567.00 2087.00 1302.00 1265.00 1826.00 1547.00 686.00 1134.00 1533.00 182.9090000 277.344000 453.052000 223.985000 1051.5900000 417.6590000 953.5370000 811.3450000 659.0260000 589.538000 465.6760000 202.3660000 177.1630000 22.9539515 21.3232060 25.5031500 23.0118620 82.8908130 87.5834468 87.1961544 337.6519260 318.7828300 328.4990461 174.4313140 138.3856220 142.6589290 142.0706040 375.1920000 247.987000 260.2500000 233.8020000 185.9990000 107.406000 107.582000 159.8770000 150.5130000 103.484000 174.9100000 76.2550000 119.9070000 149.7860000 138.4656000 182.3170000 214.9878000 125.1810000 211.9410000 235.1733000 31.9888000 46.3422000 74.1849000 82.172100 60.0807000 21.8236000 22.6493000 25.5655000 152.5893000 194.8079000 224.444400 418.473000 207.219700 70.1358710 101.4476549 251.1464571 154.4287218 158.2854675 387.2790660 280.5843900 313.0320813 236.8794750 158.8277232 205.9591427 131.1647000 106.5001000 104.1623000 131.8622000 214.8816000 816.3994000 545.9159000 506.3728000 90.6105900 86.3208000 169.9620000 321.9510000 493.5950000 115.0920000 75.1027000 133.8863220 188.8461858 60.6216160 146.3849510 73.7349100 69.3881050 91.2859000 131.7040000
107284710 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 7B 597.00 555.00 512.00 550.00 473.00 451.00 218.00 302.00 383.00 249.00 442.00 377.00 253.00 239.00 297.00 322.00 314.00 355.00 717.00 269.00 269.00 495.00 603.00 654.00 571.00 509.00 350.00 511.00 531.00 339.00 686.00 388.00 682.00 195.00 575.00 472.00 298.00 530.00 388.00 268.00 174.00 300.00 317.00 241.00 420.00 7.3435240 8.006792 13.247090 9.703787 11.6360760 5.7066750 6.9208680 3.7604610 13.4935600 22.041320 6.7207470 4.6219460 14.6466200 5.2945610 6.0071570 3.2593160 5.3661710 15.7869550 23.5823800 24.5864990 33.3920590 32.0326700 34.4903300 13.8853210 15.5305920 15.8485460 17.5860310 37.7997000 37.708200 26.8403000 32.9417000 32.3657000 13.484700 20.015600 27.7373000 13.9021000 12.708700 19.7920000 42.1157000 28.5806000 32.1541000 60.7983000 22.1881000 23.5794000 31.0097000 17.0170000 17.3641000 27.1494000 42.7613000 56.5737000 31.858700 27.9768000 6.0468800 6.7927400 9.1569700 74.6881000 52.6030000 104.694800 55.643900 62.291100 7.5870214 8.1983637 35.4535127 40.5407900 40.3811840 53.5991880 42.8501146 43.6386165 35.1802800 12.5624720 13.6374492 0.4391930 25.8527700 17.4363000 50.9173800 86.9438900 24.8810800 42.8191200 26.2162100 0.5815530 0.5702600 19.1721600 7.9226800 10.0019000 9.6349300 9.1886500 12.2264257 11.4950570 7.6528830 12.7154520 4.6646570 3.8597843 12.4405000 4.9927100
107284796 hypoxia up-regulated 1 1973.00 138.00 186.00 1533.00 1442.00 252.00 1110.00 673.00 1360.00 1107.00 245.00 392.00 124.00 1802.00 874.00 637.00 1229.00 1409.00 333.00 580.00 445.00 142.00 400.00 336.00 654.00 200.00 660.00 2677.00 181.00 2595.00 39.00 106.00 36.00 90.00 38.00 99.00 74.00 123.00 178.00 64.00 195.00 187.00 171.00 287.00 325.00 101.5320400 17.841956 105.131930 78.205946 65.9931905 12.9009672 116.1021030 88.2602053 225.6439947 113.079823 30.4055927 23.5387286 42.4753460 15.6367530 18.6381490 20.2502070 20.2966830 15.1191250 11.8040788 12.2391266 29.3993480 28.4856520 27.6365669 67.8203078 89.8325700 89.0472170 100.8387209 13.8615000 16.964200 9.1165600 7.2248200 28.7381000 7.784280 12.222900 15.5037000 22.0153000 10.991600 22.0525000 21.0447000 35.8555000 38.8102000 38.6167000 67.5933000 91.6991000 109.7050000 114.7680000 141.8100000 3.6682240 5.2989727 23.3155700 7.196227 10.3065760 6.5784160 6.2401500 10.8383280 15.9104001 15.4970400 64.045550 45.019931 134.524210 10.1666312 6.1350047 12.5940312 19.8949371 17.1662386 38.4945872 22.0442180 22.0351988 29.6544496 24.9873615 8.0401197 42.4475500 26.1821490 3.1702530 12.2103860 12.6351800 16.6997110 28.0999020 21.6749640 0.0513376 0.2110250 18.6802830 52.1228000 67.5886000 8.5703400 12.0534000 4.4618070 4.8891421 2.3529333 8.9935669 1.1964360 1.3945221 9.0106000 3.6856600
107284808 zw10 kinetochore protein 9.00 9.00 16.00 11.00 8.00 11.00 4.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 22.00 11.00 7.00 7.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 9.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 13.00 17.00 10.00 14.00 3.00 12.00 13.00 17.00 12.00 8.00 5.00 7.00 40.00 2.00 42.00 30.00 35.00 21.00 26.00 17.00 22.00 14.00 16.00 46.00 8.0566600 6.308830 10.506900 9.775610 21.1475000 3.9482600 14.5917000 21.2695000 25.8257000 30.925900 12.5825000 11.5372000 17.1065000 2.5106460 2.5534200 2.8903570 2.8387120 6.6239010 4.7079030 4.1370880 7.9290010 7.9591440 8.0329780 5.4597630 5.4618740 5.7513430 5.0080830 11.5423000 16.719000 14.4083000 9.1654700 14.9657000 16.174400 14.244100 10.6603000 9.6031700 12.302200 9.6097900 7.7252600 9.8640600 17.2281000 7.8008000 17.6064000 15.6511000 6.7741000 11.2004000 11.1856000 6.5843250 7.7854530 10.6375925 10.760789 11.0197120 4.2598730 6.1550821 7.4577030 2.3191900 2.8446400 4.757300 8.664730 4.612560 5.1759408 4.4793110 1.9590500 2.4012900 2.2845610 3.8500560 3.9121299 8.0993370 4.3229082 2.4811000 3.4554300 17.4302000 11.7284000 2.7423300 4.5928700 7.8265600 6.3479100 11.3632000 8.6969100 0.0000000 0.0000000 4.0288000 9.3131700 18.4920000 5.5281800 5.1911100 4.7911944 6.6013780 1.2550570 3.0650683 1.1048600 1.0560104 8.8172000 5.7203000
107284842 SMAD specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 81.00 44.00 103.00 48.00 29.00 44.00 38.00 29.00 62.00 57.00 56.00 47.00 34.00 42.00 43.00 52.00 51.00 66.00 46.00 53.00 46.00 71.00 121.00 62.00 151.00 44.00 93.00 24.00 49.00 52.00 43.00 39.00 54.00 84.00 41.00 121.00 108.00 101.00 104.00 101.00 28.00 54.00 31.00 51.00 76.00 2.9884900 1.947100 4.533400 6.367170 20.1158000 3.1823000 6.4992600 9.5569100 11.8754000 22.456300 6.9184500 7.1624500 10.3737000 3.2229510 3.2676170 3.4010490 3.6939530 6.4333674 5.2863241 5.2941283 10.2804940 10.4401850 10.1465204 5.7607089 6.8691142 6.5756512 6.3924023 0.7046980 5.262130 3.5916000 1.5047100 2.2816300 11.075800 8.728650 4.5305900 7.9482400 6.908550 3.1083200 5.7525000 7.1105300 9.9409800 4.5747560 11.1472600 8.0812500 2.7363000 3.6428000 3.4201700 4.4387640 4.6340664 6.8679902 6.778656 7.8887697 3.8575920 3.5341578 3.7262081 4.7989761 5.2336740 7.725490 15.255069 3.594401 8.2962835 5.6969600 2.4470993 2.4943320 2.8794500 5.5115040 3.1746670 8.1588300 1.0606480 0.5918650 1.0138304 0.0520348 0.0809944 3.0013500 4.8574200 6.8327100 5.3056900 0.0000000 9.0592400 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.9291800 2.6112200 3.4264400 3.5400900 4.4745400 3.0335329 1.7367305 1.5216963 2.3207260 0.9475248 0.7199189 1.0706300 0.5154290
107284946 D-tyrosyl-tRNA deacylase 2 (putative) 116.00 80.00 153.00 65.00 63.00 60.00 94.00 110.00 97.00 128.00 142.00 118.00 72.00 92.00 105.00 97.00 204.00 138.00 176.00 109.00 129.00 82.00 79.00 127.00 212.00 58.00 175.00 12.00 112.00 45.00 14.00 8.00 33.00 20.00 25.00 108.00 52.00 120.00 134.00 103.00 24.00 33.00 39.00 26.00 52.00 16.7556000 1.818440 21.422500 27.603200 15.8734000 3.0191900 6.0145100 4.7736600 20.9169000 18.097100 10.3476000 5.5495300 9.8667700 0.8319270 0.7408620 0.7382830 0.7652700 1.5996470 3.8340300 3.7056900 11.2497900 10.4755600 11.3226900 8.9876200 10.6558400 12.1193700 10.4166400 26.2599000 7.852670 16.5521000 4.4591200 27.8888000 35.183400 21.403800 11.0706000 8.7860400 18.664000 2.6724100 11.3373000 19.3174000 15.4184000 20.1283000 34.7571000 23.5719000 6.7803300 8.7595700 8.6476600 7.0761100 11.1438000 15.2700000 13.186900 12.3288000 5.5536600 6.9282800 6.2904800 2.7565900 2.0339500 6.302070 8.198610 4.914590 4.8968900 4.1090600 3.4587690 3.8080560 5.5238100 5.0134500 2.6828070 6.9904900 8.2687540 2.0137830 3.4924900 0.0000000 48.3607000 1.7180000 4.3148000 38.5731000 32.5765000 0.0000000 22.0390000 0.0000000 0.0000000 7.4343700 4.9213300 7.3287400 0.6254200 5.3514900 7.4332200 7.8080400 2.0601480 7.0556200 3.1171300 2.8660540 3.3723400 2.0305400
107285127 glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase 4084.00 469.00 628.00 1641.00 2769.00 703.00 1104.00 751.00 940.00 1080.00 621.00 643.00 337.00 1349.00 1007.00 1211.00 1322.00 1516.00 806.00 735.00 489.00 499.00 1081.00 697.00 1593.00 631.00 1467.00 958.00 606.00 1969.00 544.00 289.00 456.00 215.00 447.00 1740.00 1151.00 1942.00 773.00 1118.00 2594.00 3126.00 2382.00 1818.00 2554.00 5.6319700 5.695740 5.914970 6.267990 8.6878700 3.5331200 15.6668000 58.5853000 14.6443000 8.665780 2.2089900 1.1630300 5.7343200 13.8820800 14.4617330 12.6593494 14.4340080 50.6966210 83.1738440 85.7879240 505.0519300 465.5772000 522.0524730 1528.7992390 1831.9681880 1811.3634960 1650.1294600 44.5251000 56.113400 71.2886000 20.9847000 106.3520000 351.035000 402.218000 154.6240000 115.4630000 98.656900 34.4339000 37.5408300 26.5220100 24.6243900 179.3769000 81.3658000 118.4183000 137.1441000 62.2710200 94.5704600 40.0856500 47.5826700 169.3397000 154.475600 115.4928000 113.4093000 53.4352500 120.9307000 14.4315050 20.3438900 44.956650 79.442640 26.384212 3.9096168 6.9537720 17.3339400 48.6622540 38.8946182 94.9326590 114.3939620 49.8838940 71.2776400 22.9148061 68.0978540 27.0962310 15.1248310 15.9836060 30.2493681 39.6097600 102.9919800 120.1024400 48.0801640 145.2122200 425.9992440 82.7161634 6.1446700 15.1782000 10.5172000 10.0367000 18.5633920 29.2865290 9.6419770 16.4639620 14.3005440 10.9693750 14.2621000 12.0513000
107285147 ring finger protein 19A, RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 729.08 884.16 1120.54 568.45 389.25 534.00 208.28 266.23 547.09 288.41 729.68 632.26 525.81 351.54 498.33 343.96 409.32 367.21 786.06 401.47 342.51 777.96 1858.28 566.26 910.17 516.80 683.82 298.20 395.37 336.88 280.14 440.16 266.08 299.52 271.14 555.07 366.27 536.81 526.15 354.08 137.68 294.77 196.85 177.46 288.62 4.1674400 3.692110 4.153540 5.748590 18.4773000 2.4265800 7.1866700 7.5173900 13.4832000 15.997600 6.6933500 1.6465500 14.0885000 2.2713250 1.7526000 2.0887380 1.5000600 4.1372400 2.8232600 2.7141340 9.5287019 9.9435364 9.5578833 4.3560600 3.8875600 4.6475833 4.4333200 5.5938600 13.259300 8.1720300 8.6797800 14.8323000 36.651200 30.347600 28.6764000 30.4779000 28.460700 24.7344000 6.9286600 8.3459100 17.2139000 7.2030600 20.6925000 26.1238000 5.9662400 7.6024500 12.1811000 10.5534600 13.7436100 48.8998000 55.163440 67.3909700 12.3655600 15.5134700 19.0104000 13.5629000 11.3637000 19.427000 17.872600 11.552000 15.3971680 8.2257280 36.9901580 38.7662200 35.0381240 65.8113540 8.1458840 40.9799280 13.9731640 5.9725990 7.1737500 10.9062000 12.4555000 2.5837500 6.1535200 25.0373000 17.3449000 50.3276000 13.5992000 21.9466000 21.3885000 12.7701000 0.0030434 9.6665800 5.7355600 6.7534300 3.2871740 2.7708800 0.8205540 1.4760600 0.8571140 0.8429200 4.8689900 2.6095800
107285153 translocated promoter region, nuclear basket protein 864.00 979.00 1183.00 780.00 542.00 671.00 350.00 528.00 1156.00 500.00 1108.00 909.00 686.00 602.00 573.00 520.00 600.00 715.00 915.00 547.00 471.00 1081.00 1892.00 919.00 1066.00 763.00 886.00 519.00 966.00 724.00 483.00 744.00 581.00 768.00 638.00 768.00 678.00 856.00 785.00 769.00 389.00 616.00 393.00 433.00 706.00 9.8960700 9.791120 17.485200 14.430800 17.8323000 4.5429600 23.2998000 17.3964000 31.5517000 28.814200 15.1630000 4.7028500 31.8302000 6.3029990 5.5337639 4.1700432 4.5927546 32.9657210 32.7977870 32.8055836 34.5790050 35.1986220 32.9974210 16.7436517 19.1214030 15.7400291 18.2903880 23.2808000 35.165300 34.4698000 22.0327000 13.6281000 29.803300 23.608600 19.8643000 14.6491000 17.839700 17.2106000 17.1422200 17.2966860 25.0622940 18.6886730 33.5845800 27.6864180 12.9190000 14.2639250 16.5620100 5.6946300 8.3258640 13.7151100 12.192190 12.9969700 3.8298930 6.2077250 8.1536960 15.2175000 16.1417000 17.432800 19.278769 9.935800 14.3577790 6.5855694 34.4934854 22.0536410 26.2247705 50.7420358 6.8843300 28.1855201 13.2625310 8.2933900 11.7034579 0.0432716 5.8377700 2.5213100 7.7995200 10.1395000 11.0479000 0.0449277 11.5966000 0.0288324 0.0270941 6.4638000 5.7268800 16.8960000 7.6041300 9.5133700 12.4513278 12.3435016 9.6691724 18.0244428 4.8089956 5.7034986 6.6298100 4.5400000
107285159 phospholipase A2 group IVA 517.00 260.00 432.00 259.00 356.00 215.00 116.00 176.00 220.00 149.00 394.00 134.00 201.00 225.00 235.00 208.00 243.00 256.00 312.00 236.00 177.00 322.00 649.00 304.00 555.00 223.00 435.00 68.00 241.00 147.00 75.00 60.00 121.00 251.00 73.00 189.00 150.00 428.00 425.00 317.00 97.00 217.00 199.00 80.00 110.00 4.0438900 2.124340 6.448890 8.715100 5.6252600 2.3933600 3.4506800 0.8903740 1.8621100 1.591500 3.6402300 1.1117800 8.3869700 0.1930700 1.3608640 0.1658589 0.4883390 2.1166800 1.6643190 1.2734987 3.4571106 3.0455766 2.4583995 0.2433600 3.0773070 1.8728280 1.5187104 1.2499200 5.237540 3.5487600 2.9519400 3.4068100 16.006500 9.220910 4.2576700 2.3579200 4.604760 0.6825440 9.7670590 19.2908650 25.5525000 2.9567170 13.1543440 11.2125930 1.9970400 4.0238802 6.1812727 2.2888390 3.9254340 10.3437900 10.655370 10.3449600 4.1613770 7.1004290 8.4496810 1.2601500 0.6918920 4.799890 4.240070 0.723714 1.4808700 0.6592690 0.9638120 0.2395580 0.5577570 0.6152410 1.0966000 1.4428600 0.0686791 0.2707250 0.2929650 0.0000000 2.2805700 1.2819300 8.0076170 6.6932350 2.4627500 0.0412334 6.0432100 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0445600 0.7474030 0.5830090 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0943808 0.5875910 0.3386432 0.3611080 0.2247660 0.0434562 1.0246600 0.3254400
107285236 mucolipin 3 41.00 24.00 18.00 14.00 14.00 11.00 12.00 14.00 10.00 8.00 13.00 2.00 5.00 12.00 48.00 7.00 44.00 44.00 8.00 17.00 2.00 3.00 39.00 5.00 24.00 17.00 27.00 17.00 13.00 13.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 49.00 2.00 10.00 9.00 9.00 8.00 21.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.1580450 0.212368 0.305387 0.241951 0.6706000 0.9408170 0.4442470 0.3109950 1.0951420 1.203560 22.7295000 12.1404000 6.8682000 0.1103310 0.0750077 0.1567150 0.3216290 0.0000000 0.0101275 0.0000000 12.3777500 9.8436320 14.1008960 0.0000000 0.0191994 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.718631 0.1942000 0.1177130 0.2657330 2.143340 2.410780 0.8036780 0.3479050 0.656930 0.0000000 0.1127260 0.1723495 0.9851120 0.0611676 0.2414877 0.3757690 0.3422519 0.6093370 0.7204250 0.5751920 0.2727560 0.7974220 1.867143 1.1038450 24.6472800 104.4314000 62.5913800 4.5701800 1.1807600 1.968760 4.155908 0.101821 4.2237570 5.9518210 0.2339958 0.8059360 0.9538140 2.8707293 2.4714800 6.4625475 0.2585670 0.0373979 0.1127400 0.3235150 7.3746200 0.1491470 0.6721010 0.4614960 10.6681900 0.4684660 5.3602100 0.1123000 0.0618941 0.5192000 0.0004830 0.0009197 0.0000000 0.4199640 0.0481933 0.1756460 0.0266420 0.0787721 0.0000000 0.1359690 0.9210100 0.9058680
107285261 Kazal type serine peptidase inhibitor domain 1 109.92 187.23 133.48 60.09 91.96 191.49 126.72 177.00 223.10 43.41 122.39 265.94 178.41 277.53 275.77 247.64 515.02 105.99 341.93 143.15 217.80 132.97 627.09 48.33 137.46 102.39 196.87 53.00 386.29 151.45 347.94 159.56 343.34 37.84 392.53 38.90 38.20 36.17 31.04 37.92 12.17 6.06 2.00 1.00 11.09 0.3012560 0.000000 0.507769 0.257531 0.0804678 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0589645 0.9773480 4.684830 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.5313320 0.9357978 1.7768630 1.2738200 0.9141440 1.7892200 3.3339030 2.9562210 1.3864090 1.4435790 1.6804410 1.1769200 1.0326700 1.5226800 0.8750960 0.1781360 0.142772 0.4458390 0.5067060 0.2798530 0.676588 1.880900 2.7046900 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0607352 14.7838000 7.2221000 3.8136100 0.7712090 0.0804848 0.3223870 0.0449084 0.0746820 0.0000000 6.6641300 11.5939000 8.6671100 10.652800 13.6748000 9.0117200 8.2076400 11.7145000 1.0681200 0.7219250 0.558085 0.702255 0.277088 1.7694970 7.0217510 4.7639700 11.7269140 10.4060630 1.2757193 7.0898400 1.1620195 0.8150720 0.1711482 0.7021875 120.5310000 129.4510000 1.1725900 0.8834300 2.1592800 0.4157430 0.8852930 0.4912930 0.4856780 0.6794910 0.2689700 0.7398680 0.5993290 1.8684200 2.3301400 3.5353410 4.0434635 1.7660400 1.6093300 0.6250570 1.0336600 7.3607000 3.8181400
107285274 polymerase (DNA) lambda 34.00 49.00 39.00 24.00 39.00 34.00 20.00 33.00 41.00 45.00 81.00 48.00 63.00 73.00 52.00 83.00 29.00 47.00 53.00 64.00 42.00 64.00 113.00 26.00 103.00 32.00 59.00 8.00 44.00 17.00 16.00 18.00 30.00 38.00 45.00 30.00 35.00 35.00 25.00 27.00 17.00 43.00 20.00 26.00 47.00 2.3062000 3.764040 4.014310 2.358740 8.7648200 0.8830600 7.7292200 5.0896200 6.6059100 5.707400 2.6724100 0.5638670 5.4679900 1.5865500 3.2401100 2.3068900 2.5745500 3.8175100 5.4931500 5.2888000 8.7620200 8.2615100 9.3758600 5.7530800 6.1396500 6.5418600 5.9384600 1.1434200 2.530590 1.9927600 0.4411840 0.4980060 4.260380 1.944970 0.8222040 1.9124000 3.206950 0.2130560 26.5706600 26.8096200 27.9018000 25.0294400 16.9738100 14.9642500 15.7872500 12.1358700 10.5785200 7.2152000 10.7790000 7.5733600 8.621390 8.4430900 2.7638000 4.1695100 5.4278900 4.0964820 4.5078970 20.578610 25.960105 10.968640 4.0386490 5.8309780 11.1114600 18.2242100 23.4448700 16.8775000 30.4240500 19.0129300 8.9880360 3.1567680 6.9030120 6.6184800 6.8231001 2.0046400 2.9526100 8.9600780 3.8465600 9.4028030 3.2977670 2.8623520 3.9285900 2.7897510 0.0000000 0.4761330 0.0000000 0.0000000 7.5086200 9.2482900 1.6807600 4.8698000 5.0814300 4.4554400 0.6242140 0.5647890
107285282 transmembrane protein 259 60.00 41.00 46.00 41.00 33.00 24.00 21.00 29.00 41.00 23.00 66.00 48.00 35.00 37.00 37.00 34.00 22.00 40.00 33.00 36.00 19.00 55.00 142.00 49.00 116.00 32.00 43.00 41.00 34.00 42.00 27.00 28.00 16.00 68.00 16.00 14.00 16.00 20.00 27.00 15.00 8.00 18.00 15.00 19.00 11.00 6.7235800 2.220760 10.235700 10.397800 8.4117900 2.9837100 5.1655500 3.6743200 5.1586000 7.658700 3.1550700 1.5767100 9.8384800 10.8496080 9.6608620 11.2030310 11.7614308 71.0942500 131.7663890 126.6034070 196.3076890 172.2552770 191.5733200 189.4344810 225.7332570 241.4374480 221.0428580 59.4176000 33.116400 28.3825000 47.2682000 68.7691000 31.945500 28.453000 74.8519000 36.2472000 34.697100 67.3759000 21.6908000 18.2525897 23.9058007 40.9772001 28.2989044 30.3135464 23.8535000 18.2694960 19.5001003 9.3722960 13.2052100 30.0902500 25.816832 25.5220990 12.8675300 19.9516600 18.7410860 67.8820800 47.4476000 253.524450 178.105700 188.676200 13.7489900 20.7296800 85.6844400 155.1805000 152.9976000 136.9326000 133.8953000 72.0203800 132.1025000 29.8696900 46.8856200 41.0092000 35.4965600 14.6979100 47.0904500 49.8222900 60.1822100 45.3860700 31.5821200 27.6007500 30.9705400 29.3999300 5.5899500 0.0039328 0.0000000 1.3995600 0.7049580 0.2069334 0.4879055 0.4074750 0.0815934 0.1884250 0.6536710 0.4042910
107285316 carboxypeptidase Q 517.00 59.00 110.00 206.00 277.00 74.00 267.00 136.00 433.00 326.00 64.00 478.00 103.00 365.00 543.00 265.00 360.00 344.00 246.00 325.00 198.00 95.00 268.00 141.00 373.00 13.00 412.00 133.00 61.00 249.00 4.00 19.00 5.00 1706.00 4.00 1025.00 500.00 630.00 394.00 235.00 1336.00 1839.00 573.00 712.00 419.00 0.4043330 0.000000 1.180250 0.513086 0.3473560 0.0000000 91.9016000 90.4178000 5.4920900 7.873340 2.1563200 1.9495600 2.9741300 4.8650953 5.7718840 6.0556230 5.0933640 20.2395849 9.8458090 10.7255337 21.4104420 23.5170230 21.7118820 28.2373770 20.3535662 19.5829950 20.7292460 6.8181400 7.735660 9.7605900 3.9145400 10.0056000 20.887200 18.724900 13.1897000 15.0323000 17.575500 9.2607800 6.8163610 10.1025100 15.0879900 24.8117600 33.2522200 32.8262300 11.7402100 36.9522600 23.9313000 9.2179400 10.7730800 23.3046700 44.138800 47.1812900 14.0440000 12.6946600 17.1057200 12.3599100 17.3462900 41.750490 74.442630 12.869290 14.5882790 12.7756571 17.8797660 14.2531430 15.7120710 55.0160440 44.8691680 79.3865990 22.0296240 10.0385170 19.6629844 15.5082000 5.7305904 0.0644863 0.9137530 0.1777920 19.0527710 28.1183490 21.3452000 24.4666970 30.3586450 21.0768550 3.7592500 14.1732000 0.0000000 0.3926370 17.5758150 21.0790264 4.1840685 19.1890930 2.7814805 2.0062141 1.1880000 0.3364390
107285344 transcription factor 20 (AR1) 187.00 304.00 354.00 122.00 81.00 121.00 87.00 149.00 199.00 89.00 287.00 126.00 120.00 98.00 144.00 124.00 91.00 139.00 191.00 120.00 97.00 193.00 404.00 217.00 222.00 103.00 202.00 94.00 170.00 111.00 137.00 185.00 161.00 319.00 111.00 212.00 139.00 267.00 171.00 142.00 80.00 150.00 101.00 95.00 174.00 3.0959400 0.850762 5.485330 5.106170 7.1527700 1.1918300 4.5519100 3.0315700 5.1336700 5.699780 4.2915200 1.3187900 10.0170000 1.2243700 1.3472756 1.2758070 1.2341850 3.5827060 3.9176900 3.5382050 14.7680180 12.7045060 14.1813180 8.5881170 9.3569680 11.1429300 9.8456500 2.6597100 7.372960 7.2883500 1.6694200 3.9826200 9.281550 8.514830 2.5943700 5.8003000 5.096890 2.5661900 12.6610200 9.7305100 12.5301100 13.8505900 15.0477200 14.9515200 8.2633600 6.9976200 7.1001700 4.6886790 6.9343420 10.8142900 10.324500 13.3689100 1.7080170 5.7583680 6.4047400 4.0094530 2.6700325 10.382020 9.339182 8.676386 0.3700310 0.3855678 0.4817806 0.8247428 0.9608050 1.6719906 0.5383452 0.9413315 0.7101190 0.0808282 0.2534434 11.8997950 10.9488600 0.8656140 3.2264510 9.1697060 3.9238640 10.0613560 3.6440490 3.4263240 6.1317560 4.0701700 0.6122070 0.5061440 0.7396770 1.1050200 1.1681590 0.7098330 0.6488320 1.0685428 0.3199850 0.4028796 0.7161070 0.4249510
107285357 galanin receptor 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.2303120 0.000000 0.349372 0.236261 0.1660990 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.8622200 0.657841 1.1456800 0.1063080 0.3133590 0.0368290 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0643110 11.351580 1.5767480 7.9399900 4.3312800 4.283632 5.787390 5.7495000 0.6518580 0.820578 0.2455300 0.0333608 0.0000000 0.0261315 0.0482452 0.0661793 0.2650860 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2091340 0.0617672 0.9991310 1.738364 4.9948480 0.0000000 0.0421072 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.407360 7.618690 0.031454 0.0175079 0.0126838 0.0650029 0.0645221 0.1128250 0.0935762 0.0912016 0.1007620 0.1152610 0.0098543 0.0387480 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.4076640 0.1061890 0.4774110 0.3232850 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1598810 0.0935358 0.2892440 0.2605210 0.0321753 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1005050 0.0000000
107285394 diphthamine biosynthesis 6 169.00 128.00 215.00 144.00 114.00 169.00 89.00 95.00 134.00 65.00 159.00 148.00 110.00 92.00 95.00 125.00 112.00 154.00 195.00 80.00 84.00 205.00 220.00 199.00 174.00 133.00 159.00 45.00 171.00 95.00 79.00 75.00 137.00 64.00 135.00 135.00 106.00 157.00 113.00 107.00 79.00 135.00 79.00 105.00 152.00 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.6325410 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.9270170 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3977810 1.5626927 1.5065242 1.6455334 1.3886430 4.6280370 3.8077983 3.9724822 9.1590350 9.3776320 9.1489474 3.9542082 4.1962661 3.7396659 4.2442650 1.0900200 0.983300 0.6864660 0.7900780 1.2492900 1.872040 1.903810 1.4582700 0.9048250 0.482315 0.8154240 2.3698300 3.5729200 4.0389800 4.3890900 6.7540400 5.8812500 2.1087100 3.7920400 3.7535600 1.5521000 3.3394500 8.2766100 6.108630 8.9290930 2.4529200 2.0752000 3.8238710 4.1573460 2.1598450 5.612336 6.752500 3.021494 3.5270301 3.6505460 5.5073911 7.7314100 8.7978733 9.0849985 5.5203240 10.5523460 1.7541917 1.9546614 2.6878779 13.3641500 8.9342400 6.6032381 4.8285300 14.3480660 12.8224640 17.8693500 19.3655500 21.7758500 18.5470350 8.0887540 0.0000000 1.6696200 0.5524480 1.0404100 4.8956026 5.8564640 1.4309834 2.2285436 1.3699832 1.5850949 1.2754400 0.5847880
107285400 forkhead box I1 433.00 67.43 6.00 41.93 526.62 122.76 203.09 71.19 184.81 161.15 52.74 215.27 12.00 225.11 340.69 366.06 198.17 182.02 263.29 177.18 205.92 0.00 3.00 162.93 444.29 15.00 314.95 114.26 1.46 212.35 1.00 2.00 1.00 6.71 0.00 1056.16 824.57 587.65 470.29 594.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.37 30.1238000 13.559500 34.464000 45.441600 29.2603000 22.0279000 0.0000000 0.0000000 20.7196000 14.996900 0.0000000 0.0000000 6.1867300 2.6993700 4.0616800 3.3830700 3.6884900 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0137780 24.8111000 24.0158000 24.2276000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.8737750 4.750720 1.3089900 2.1819500 17.7687000 42.257600 30.595000 27.8243000 0.5862570 0.737997 0.1188800 0.3920960 0.5818590 0.8745820 11.4254000 51.4970000 54.5861000 0.3259850 0.7240030 0.8735870 0.0947124 1.0801500 58.7771000 95.965500 80.1409000 0.0000000 0.0755224 0.4412810 0.0000000 0.0215848 80.736200 29.592600 0.000000 2.9199260 0.6227580 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 28.4345900 22.4253700 33.8403300 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 9.3150800 26.9558000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 13.6078000 30.3525000 1.6241100 0.0364438 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 4.1106900 0.1632560 0.5146550 0.3540220 0.2464810 2.2756600 7.1822900 0.8701770 0.3184380 0.3827250 0.1919330
107285434 Werner helicase interacting protein 1 225.00 227.00 239.00 101.00 83.00 218.00 110.00 163.00 163.00 176.00 184.00 187.00 128.00 125.00 165.00 134.00 68.00 121.00 212.00 174.00 113.00 207.00 270.00 214.00 337.00 132.00 157.00 64.00 235.00 160.00 99.00 67.00 77.00 77.00 88.00 121.00 71.00 172.00 144.00 101.00 57.00 43.00 52.00 28.00 59.00 0.8762850 3.308290 0.920799 1.230200 1.8300500 0.6702730 1.3278500 1.9131200 2.9815300 1.982160 1.6142700 0.6522010 1.2973100 3.2440860 3.0994062 4.8270260 2.6352990 13.4210530 11.0097790 10.6838230 20.3694170 17.8329320 19.7459620 40.8575320 33.8168520 37.9072800 32.3049350 6.5755600 7.572410 10.5567000 3.6451800 14.2343000 34.049900 28.392400 17.2345000 18.1150000 18.169100 13.3046000 4.3829800 4.4439100 5.4519700 5.3707000 9.7461000 7.3561600 5.2721800 11.6345000 10.3601000 4.7951800 7.5947000 12.9544000 9.952850 14.1358100 2.7798920 5.9763200 8.3979200 13.8755000 17.4562000 33.616500 32.842400 21.109600 14.7989150 15.5739560 17.8612920 23.4467900 24.6947400 32.3859710 30.3138190 36.9300460 16.5946930 9.5844200 13.0710620 47.5405000 39.6528000 12.9834000 22.1254000 76.2941000 30.0436000 52.2058000 29.7030000 40.4880000 41.6896000 22.1345000 4.2237400 6.7071000 6.6016800 6.2859000 2.2162635 1.6714110 2.2698870 2.3511080 0.6836310 0.4750715 2.3131000 1.5843700
107285436 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L4 23.00 70.00 70.00 19.00 22.00 48.00 25.00 18.00 33.00 26.00 24.00 10.00 20.00 23.00 31.00 29.00 24.00 43.00 58.00 25.00 10.00 47.00 92.00 66.00 41.00 31.00 26.00 5.00 49.00 38.00 222.00 44.00 303.00 132.00 308.00 75.00 62.00 78.00 96.00 61.00 24.00 49.00 39.00 70.00 147.00 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.3146870 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.5854278 1.1617044 1.0117200 1.6262510 19.0273570 11.3561752 14.5835970 20.9257680 25.4476230 19.0125460 1.8705400 2.1541360 2.6227850 2.2392190 8.9132300 14.687900 18.6288000 11.2597000 2.4109500 7.534860 8.222480 4.8382600 6.9685400 11.010000 3.1145000 19.7505500 20.0540800 18.5580900 3.4615590 12.0507700 10.3882400 3.2126760 3.7175810 3.3558950 3.5678770 5.7213960 2.6950800 2.904040 4.4585410 3.3484300 2.8519800 3.6784160 4.4393700 8.4970000 4.379080 8.619710 1.391300 10.8741983 3.0960487 12.1907980 5.1809610 4.2032175 7.5579661 1.2009769 13.6108200 1.8069244 0.6132680 3.3029830 0.0287833 1.8757970 8.6458420 10.7001800 13.0743700 12.3500700 0.1256110 70.3784400 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2741020 0.0000000 2.3967600 0.6714690 0.7660680 0.3504931 0.5753090 0.4933874 0.1462100 0.2291260 0.3809008 3.7095800 2.5630800
107285449 oxysterol binding protein 2 2.00 7.00 6.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 5.00 11.00 8.00 3.00 8.00 7.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 7.00 0.00 3.00 13.00 13.00 11.00 20.00 1.00 8.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 16.00 7.00 19.00 2.00 8.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 0.00 6.00 10.00 3.00 6.00 15.00 1.8412200 17.245800 1.571320 1.625590 2.6198900 1.8983800 2.9814300 2.0607200 5.7641400 3.784210 2.2169600 1.4708100 4.8323400 0.2461660 0.2511556 0.7052674 0.1388640 5.4772300 6.2011527 6.6638914 2.7598551 2.2701728 2.5754652 0.6526350 0.7447751 0.5331351 0.6055832 9.7068600 4.196480 6.1617200 5.3636700 3.2098500 3.432800 2.273760 3.9904300 1.8040400 2.432470 2.6876500 24.0420100 14.2905000 14.2273000 13.0692300 6.4506000 8.2555600 6.3713280 2.3169800 3.8828900 3.2278300 2.6225200 1.2091780 3.212310 3.7890500 1.1441400 2.0033930 1.9406950 5.6878000 10.4243900 5.333810 4.098459 0.714116 1.1016140 1.5047590 1.6547170 13.5412800 13.0585200 5.5518060 4.8108400 4.4766310 0.7428012 0.4252330 0.3136997 0.8566380 1.7887850 0.4586940 1.2812042 1.9620260 0.9623006 1.0128640 0.2476340 0.0543478 0.0000000 0.0741448 23.0263000 12.5485000 0.1710460 0.6162440 0.0718769 0.0893340 0.0000000 0.1628641 0.1147621 0.1364540 2.1358000 0.8839150
107285461 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit alpha 210.00 247.00 252.00 226.00 150.00 169.00 119.00 116.00 180.00 149.00 173.00 273.00 115.00 142.00 181.00 136.00 201.00 127.00 283.00 123.00 193.00 216.00 289.00 176.00 201.00 262.00 175.00 145.00 181.00 124.00 86.00 164.00 106.00 42.00 93.00 158.00 120.00 291.00 174.00 149.00 99.00 195.00 105.00 163.00 194.00 9.2380300 9.982150 12.698500 10.374200 19.1294000 14.6159000 14.9420000 14.0601000 15.7670000 16.586800 13.7624000 8.8554300 15.8510000 3.5850550 3.5515150 4.1118050 3.8273800 10.6345660 11.0143690 9.7904410 16.3774100 16.2833400 16.2473770 11.3661770 11.5159260 11.6090880 12.4110240 17.6255000 17.954000 14.2915000 13.7615000 15.2067000 18.310500 15.606000 16.4234000 8.9814400 8.920590 9.9643400 10.7128000 12.0168000 16.0749000 14.6383000 21.7318000 19.1902000 9.0049500 11.2243000 14.1504000 15.6652300 20.0555800 26.3587200 17.643230 21.7228900 8.9218400 14.0092700 14.9541400 12.7858400 8.8091900 24.956700 25.783500 14.397733 11.5381570 10.2592640 10.0920300 13.5475200 15.7275640 29.4139100 14.6371600 29.0008490 19.5358360 6.9470100 12.0732600 22.5933000 18.0293000 7.2660900 11.3436000 19.0666000 11.3812000 19.0744000 15.8767000 11.5977000 10.1336000 6.2004500 24.0686000 52.8577000 12.7675000 16.2349000 12.6650290 19.4095440 4.2974000 9.8626600 6.0582100 4.3439370 27.6325000 12.9379000
107285494 ChaC, cation transport regulator homolog 2 (E. coli) 66.00 15.00 23.00 49.00 29.00 19.00 22.00 21.00 17.00 19.00 28.00 18.00 6.00 26.00 21.00 19.00 35.00 42.00 17.00 15.00 30.00 8.00 40.00 13.00 58.00 22.00 37.00 29.00 14.00 32.00 10.00 0.00 8.00 1.00 9.00 16.00 12.00 28.00 17.00 10.00 15.00 26.00 4.00 22.00 37.00 0.6441140 0.568292 1.899900 1.101250 2.3226400 2.8306500 3.2340800 1.8910800 3.2550500 2.299730 1.7355600 0.9910410 6.3293600 1.1853660 1.3827400 0.4805770 0.7901180 5.0345020 3.6058630 3.3915510 7.2570200 6.2446500 7.1090600 11.5123780 8.7881200 8.5269400 8.7610400 0.7958540 0.511121 1.3586100 0.2268690 2.2822100 3.170670 6.419240 2.1597200 1.1647600 1.078000 0.0906865 0.9852980 2.2388200 3.4466100 1.1273600 3.3657400 2.6878700 1.2498300 3.6893500 4.9485100 2.5656310 4.2341860 10.7427700 4.608460 5.8272260 1.6218090 1.3320960 1.7815630 0.6267470 0.4929260 1.034970 0.697678 1.605810 1.0110300 0.3078590 0.2122110 0.3164740 0.6315760 0.8127800 0.2556500 3.0498100 1.2702200 1.7371500 1.0578800 44.3965000 35.8698000 1.6508700 3.7320100 31.2637000 8.8367400 18.3371000 6.3933600 18.5373000 7.7828800 12.2865000 0.0000155 1.7900900 0.2187000 0.4333620 5.5616900 4.8665950 1.6689000 3.1181560 1.0357160 0.9053900 0.2743960 0.3302750
107285595 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 13 14569.00 982.00 1320.00 7623.00 12791.00 3064.00 7203.00 5448.00 4249.00 4000.00 2157.00 1943.00 429.00 4412.00 2549.00 5350.00 12283.00 17022.00 2578.00 4706.00 2467.00 1046.00 3269.00 1420.00 11995.00 1437.00 9388.00 2783.00 799.00 5655.00 503.00 429.00 505.00 739.00 448.00 950.00 852.00 1354.00 2263.00 619.00 343.00 354.00 399.00 570.00 253.00 23.4071000 40.350000 35.548500 35.378800 40.6130000 10.5396000 3.5139600 5.0163000 4.3336300 3.277600 7.0994100 1.9320300 12.3371000 6.3969400 7.0123500 6.6063770 6.6131300 3.6498716 2.1833551 1.6834946 3.8235200 4.4198060 3.7451470 3.9808780 4.2020290 4.2472140 4.1435970 1.6787900 3.048980 3.5704200 1.3613500 1.7090200 6.228700 5.361640 5.0697200 3.0950100 3.701280 6.2759700 1.3504400 2.7509200 4.0854800 1.4224500 6.2974300 7.4702200 4.0486500 9.3044000 12.3709000 2.3188800 2.7997860 5.1221700 3.863650 6.2462480 1.5791400 3.8020400 4.9407900 4.0536300 3.3573900 6.308850 6.199550 4.036740 9.9194500 3.3154300 1.8827400 3.2360350 5.3611900 7.9382700 0.8618890 21.5579100 2.8596300 7.9546100 3.9118010 49.1753000 31.3206000 4.2786000 8.3327900 36.8703000 10.2485000 54.6137000 20.4563000 58.6465000 29.6914000 6.2924500 2.7815600 7.2531500 9.3600100 10.7703000 4.2129890 5.2857790 4.6206600 5.1984599 1.1245004 1.6997276 3.9289400 0.8311150
107285703 zinc finger matrin-type 3 104.00 38.00 30.00 56.00 69.00 29.00 40.00 39.00 50.00 47.00 42.00 39.00 33.00 53.00 37.00 56.00 54.00 45.00 48.00 35.00 14.00 18.00 69.00 59.00 115.00 45.00 53.00 113.00 52.00 96.00 20.00 18.00 21.00 19.00 17.00 19.00 15.00 22.00 16.00 15.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 10.00 13.00 1.0983400 4.205890 1.949840 1.414250 3.6762100 0.8247820 4.7670900 1.7069500 1.6803400 2.258370 1.5897000 0.7032280 3.3912400 0.6951379 0.8064372 1.0170902 0.8648387 2.9558800 2.4830930 2.5368271 6.9599060 6.9539450 6.9237290 2.4252128 2.7412460 2.1446358 2.3328861 0.6097090 3.090010 2.5493700 0.5981770 0.7162050 2.632160 3.924050 0.3712730 2.3572400 1.390950 0.0896240 6.3247060 6.9784600 14.0173800 6.3294400 10.9880300 15.2008100 2.8088000 6.6104700 5.2724300 5.9712800 8.1368900 9.9756300 10.749400 13.3814000 4.7711300 5.0101700 6.4865200 7.6774600 7.5232600 6.791050 4.785220 2.237140 4.9890180 1.6263560 1.7317820 4.3557520 4.8780270 2.3428280 1.5867720 5.5591230 3.4423940 1.2414410 1.1490060 2.8513300 1.5066400 0.1661990 1.8278500 1.6586000 2.6938900 6.4524700 1.5834500 2.5825700 2.3322600 2.3354100 0.0485077 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.5168740 1.0429764 0.5713272 0.4244498 0.6516702 0.3078366 0.2141682 0.6623370 0.1062910
107285747 calbindin 1 2494.00 90.00 31.00 754.00 1247.00 872.00 1005.00 1067.00 2831.00 2648.00 269.00 1281.00 144.00 1212.00 3581.00 1958.00 1464.00 2069.00 1441.00 1834.00 1464.00 169.00 2772.00 328.00 1649.00 8.00 1589.00 751.00 44.00 1260.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 13.00 3.00 3006.00 2722.00 783.00 1085.00 542.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 1.7822100 0.557312 6.064880 2.989210 1.9749700 0.9418420 0.3136740 0.0861036 2.0183200 15.078300 3.7033200 0.1995850 28.9805000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1769070 0.0659553 0.0000000 0.1695730 66.1798810 60.2812020 65.8646860 0.0900407 0.0000000 0.4025560 0.0948704 0.2673200 0.751757 0.2934410 0.1778680 9.7068800 58.907500 71.640700 37.8665000 0.0584105 0.330880 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2529880 0.4140790 99.1684000 524.5920000 440.2500000 0.0655635 0.1342160 0.0607300 0.0375716 0.8702940 240.3119000 170.475000 287.7364000 0.8993929 0.2247977 0.6247110 0.0616776 0.1940340 177.640000 154.882000 0.000000 0.7406526 0.5124164 0.9970811 1.0784167 2.1345190 207.7719599 39.8263135 304.2231861 2.0606900 0.2258588 0.6425182 0.0785802 0.0407624 0.0000000 0.0924335 0.0000000 150.2370000 219.6610000 15.7738000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1707630 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.4887300 13.2496000 2.3275700 49.1295000 4.1109258 3.5520600 2.3649600 0.0000000 0.0000000
107285751 solute carrier family 26 member 7 126.00 13.00 28.00 59.00 3.00 10.00 30.00 5.00 21.00 4.00 17.00 40.00 9.00 28.00 18.00 13.00 103.00 4.00 48.00 52.00 62.00 22.00 61.00 80.00 63.00 22.00 166.00 16.00 8.00 25.00 10.00 6.00 6.00 329.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 216.00 159.00 171.00 0.00 4.00 16.00 11.00 3.00 12.8835000 1.860130 12.437500 12.909000 10.6618000 4.9414700 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.9045260 1.178550 0.0194217 0.0000000 0.2282570 0.0208240 0.7099489 0.0000000 0.0202260 0.2921147 0.0544646 0.0572874 2.5341000 2.3889210 2.0759266 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0179272 0.1955970 0.4246860 1.444370 0.980594 0.4046730 0.2248140 0.121287 0.0195373 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0284450 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3353970 0.5524010 5.3467200 5.259960 10.3374000 0.2506920 0.3887230 0.1825170 0.0678266 0.0000000 89.434400 62.250290 0.000000 0.2485130 0.3523731 0.0357159 0.1324113 0.2161854 10.8637177 3.4633265 40.5588550 0.0305404 0.0085991 0.2057019 0.9055490 0.3087530 0.0075260 0.0599545 0.0700418 1.6421100 0.2442210 0.6951380 0.6610910 10.5472000 0.3519520 0.6260320 1.5123900 0.0000000 0.1915530 0.2841911 0.3082980 0.0000000 0.0088437 0.0000000 0.0076917 0.0000000 0.0329621
107285786 mannosidase alpha class 1A member 2 6406.00 229.00 258.00 2599.00 1125.00 237.00 925.00 695.00 1128.00 853.00 301.00 533.00 142.00 1095.00 644.00 580.00 893.00 1612.00 260.00 549.00 850.00 177.00 387.00 248.00 1769.00 174.00 959.00 1243.00 168.00 3788.00 122.00 240.00 83.00 135.00 73.00 188.00 83.00 157.00 151.00 87.00 389.00 416.00 336.00 466.00 396.00 51.1068000 4.589270 49.492700 64.260600 146.6240000 7.8347400 25.0800000 23.6215000 17.1787000 17.253600 9.1118900 2.9689300 15.5685000 1.3486700 2.9930420 3.0669900 2.3426900 3.2038173 2.2290800 1.8698700 6.2263700 6.5924400 6.2772900 4.4877800 6.1538700 8.3568100 6.9356300 11.9242000 20.680000 14.8652000 11.7464000 22.8838000 34.602600 34.726100 24.2209000 28.0833000 27.428300 21.1487000 6.3911500 7.3759500 12.2085000 8.6029700 16.1139000 14.6248000 10.5178000 13.3326000 21.0424000 6.1888360 10.9001400 24.9308100 21.453350 22.9721200 9.1663350 10.0401600 8.6155320 10.2054000 10.5992000 10.042300 11.204800 3.120540 11.8409800 7.3001640 8.1460140 2.3767330 4.6965880 11.8382000 4.3637260 15.5553500 8.6579730 6.3155230 5.1595030 20.8425715 8.8175020 1.1971300 7.3887220 16.0490010 12.6753834 21.0384774 8.7380570 10.1022578 13.9172593 7.2351060 11.2257000 23.3734000 2.7068100 4.8083100 1.5376320 0.7279830 1.5777890 1.9034400 0.9885170 0.5113320 2.6840700 1.0274200
107285871 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B11 6655.00 1546.00 2199.00 5411.00 4826.00 1591.00 1553.00 1170.00 1971.00 1757.00 1101.00 2068.00 731.00 3003.00 2029.00 1420.00 1986.00 2323.00 1542.00 1230.00 1142.00 1180.00 3002.00 1298.00 2475.00 1883.00 2850.00 2943.00 1084.00 4133.00 632.00 741.00 794.00 357.00 579.00 1402.00 1478.00 2020.00 1993.00 1239.00 1902.00 2528.00 1902.00 2432.00 2068.00 19.5743000 18.651000 30.115000 20.596500 47.8832000 20.5924000 40.2584000 65.0126000 23.1378000 15.112800 19.2757000 9.7969800 42.1971000 12.8592020 13.6557520 13.7203013 13.9343029 7.7858410 7.3796110 7.5586420 15.6632010 14.8743060 15.7987840 18.8146260 18.6045110 17.1655150 18.6249160 10.7982000 24.167800 20.4869000 15.7445000 10.6125000 11.360900 11.357300 12.4469000 10.8060000 8.716960 8.7058900 27.6379000 29.5595000 34.4505000 52.2108000 52.9133000 53.3131000 128.3477000 100.8960000 128.3555000 10.1194800 21.3237100 46.0941200 40.631870 42.0702200 40.4253600 127.2299000 124.2505000 17.5532000 12.6807000 39.945100 29.882400 90.899700 19.5046210 11.4117230 20.2288980 7.4417150 10.2992610 31.6103500 8.7494490 34.4794800 41.5152390 44.8231090 17.9827490 55.0414826 24.6762410 14.8899246 18.2797005 24.1305523 31.6531220 24.1101491 41.4884339 68.6978100 51.7265290 25.4954224 66.6236000 252.5040000 19.9001000 23.0824000 12.1791440 15.3436730 10.0583130 18.9789840 4.2152234 4.1682727 15.0372000 9.2530600
107285887 enoyl-CoA, hydratase/3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase 235.00 373.00 399.00 145.00 181.00 245.00 137.00 168.00 239.00 151.00 245.00 175.00 188.00 174.00 237.00 201.00 221.00 168.00 374.00 275.00 160.00 314.00 392.00 311.00 273.00 174.00 244.00 110.00 177.00 84.00 121.00 107.00 125.00 69.00 88.00 4378.00 2530.00 3188.00 923.00 2059.00 2102.00 2895.00 2749.00 705.00 3016.00 2.2282800 0.408768 3.625630 2.447090 2.0816900 2.9086600 132.1360000 43.6733000 101.6430000 47.199300 6.5848400 1.9221400 7.0165900 3.1002000 3.9142500 3.1454100 3.9129400 3.9102500 3.6691400 3.6780400 147.2160000 148.5920000 144.8660000 144.0340000 141.0990000 142.3270000 154.7220000 3.7570100 5.752910 9.2574900 4.1375500 166.1760000 635.074000 720.865000 373.0750000 185.9080000 162.465000 83.6776000 7.5569700 15.7931000 19.0197000 544.1170000 530.0220000 737.7450000 146.7160000 148.1700000 364.3210000 3.0460100 3.3938300 151.4530000 203.506000 143.0440000 35.9255000 114.0070000 181.4120000 5.5531030 5.5040400 55.415950 137.402800 25.330780 4.3387831 2.5601773 1.3576400 2.9147093 4.7404040 85.3322000 19.9618170 141.5711480 74.0202880 20.3166650 68.8383520 27.0841000 20.8258000 3.5145650 16.5943000 51.9164000 257.6367200 511.4187000 33.5046480 406.5847300 496.7937000 215.7367670 3.3996900 3.8775900 4.3987700 5.7778700 3.8855400 4.7457800 1.0695200 2.4981800 2.2384500 2.2235700 4.1494900 3.9732600
107285889 propionyl-CoA carboxylase beta subunit 491.00 656.00 584.00 626.00 329.00 325.00 247.00 301.00 475.00 289.00 348.00 553.00 345.00 363.00 299.00 318.00 396.00 356.00 572.00 398.00 360.00 472.00 783.00 412.00 536.00 522.00 407.00 186.00 460.00 319.00 942.00 668.00 913.00 208.00 1164.00 1197.00 1062.00 1103.00 835.00 869.00 299.00 531.00 255.00 336.00 393.00 6.1463400 6.894410 6.936220 6.770640 7.9046500 2.8184600 12.0441000 12.2198000 22.0892000 8.184070 3.8883800 1.1977200 6.0556200 15.6291320 17.8814320 18.6954240 19.9497200 73.8303390 71.7586900 70.2470120 245.6814270 234.0450510 241.8697340 193.0127820 234.0212200 244.5814470 196.5791500 42.7974000 61.920800 71.4457000 32.4315000 49.5907000 141.548000 150.002000 89.5307000 73.3437000 62.401900 36.4365000 77.7856000 80.1586000 83.5320000 137.4330000 168.5400000 177.1590000 87.0081000 75.0826000 106.1840000 40.1766400 91.6592800 132.0317000 115.662500 106.0560000 19.3279400 43.2527300 79.7206000 34.5255300 35.5640960 64.560754 76.406420 33.492332 8.6122089 7.5044705 25.3691600 87.3824420 80.6829631 121.4211370 64.6497670 139.6028780 70.2834720 54.5045925 82.0696350 14.4116220 8.8283532 38.4221720 69.4348036 47.7710950 92.9679625 51.2082770 72.0775339 48.2746130 65.3834330 31.2610200 10.7880000 33.7138000 3.8553200 2.3887100 20.2014120 26.7316860 10.7232520 20.0930770 7.3529440 8.4047990 4.1980800 4.2373000
107286059 toll interacting protein 510.00 299.00 393.00 231.00 363.00 196.00 138.00 162.00 164.00 224.00 409.00 135.00 247.00 158.00 131.00 260.00 331.00 335.00 381.00 238.00 134.00 459.00 939.00 323.00 620.00 239.00 334.00 102.00 352.00 142.00 209.00 51.00 292.00 155.00 234.00 217.00 144.00 215.00 180.00 137.00 44.00 140.00 77.00 152.00 142.00 39.2993000 7.715930 28.646400 46.549100 75.0703000 6.7076100 27.4042000 22.4785000 29.5870000 19.873600 11.4915000 2.2849400 26.1301000 5.2987930 6.8828907 6.2150490 7.4744020 36.2334490 37.0831170 37.4217687 58.0844820 60.0399390 58.3168180 44.7459830 48.7311800 52.4154250 48.3281150 11.9973700 28.013130 31.4001000 9.1391100 9.0233200 21.511270 25.488000 9.0938500 11.5983400 11.368610 2.5583560 17.3155000 51.5751000 91.0081000 18.2806000 72.0602000 68.3175000 9.8071800 25.3443000 35.9038000 8.9712100 7.8928300 19.3453300 12.398170 20.9487900 3.7108800 5.0365013 7.1860900 46.7851900 27.3728980 145.733896 154.882370 94.842500 3.7034606 8.8120952 26.9108180 120.4596730 109.5236800 154.5831910 154.7861390 72.5805190 248.2241260 22.0668020 48.1096850 66.7656000 70.9722200 14.8828000 30.3128000 67.8650520 34.8550990 59.6922000 26.1211490 41.9659000 67.3499000 34.2539170 10.0472000 9.3236900 0.0000000 0.3279940 6.8262510 8.1330781 2.4125905 8.0242980 2.3164100 2.4581100 2.2695900 1.2140500
107286072 ATPase phospholipid transporting 9A (putative) 394.00 435.00 641.00 261.00 296.00 268.00 200.00 248.00 316.00 271.00 580.00 476.00 323.00 276.00 255.00 393.00 442.00 269.00 658.00 465.00 125.00 259.00 1339.00 175.00 847.00 242.00 401.00 173.00 307.00 276.00 178.00 100.00 180.00 253.00 195.00 204.00 122.00 447.00 590.00 541.00 151.00 336.00 114.00 192.00 426.00 2.1552600 0.555277 2.368590 3.585180 1.8832800 3.1199400 5.7306200 5.9728800 6.8362400 10.712100 2.2758300 0.4669950 12.8186000 15.1992520 18.3643390 19.7756500 19.1521480 23.3978167 28.2292940 28.5291055 38.6607620 37.0223298 38.1546363 34.8041825 39.5775478 39.1613160 41.7326909 0.2335460 1.550890 1.3003200 0.3224380 0.5101500 6.549430 2.999110 0.9339340 9.6144600 10.356800 3.1691600 1.6762600 0.7623460 1.2919900 2.8462400 6.4048600 5.1589000 4.6188700 4.8287500 6.5863700 5.3040306 8.7967834 4.3966246 6.872483 8.5766774 0.4812140 1.6063234 1.4793000 8.9419480 6.8381840 23.595407 14.950665 19.910313 12.2397500 12.9511990 7.8236400 8.4566240 8.7425020 8.0957930 7.6973300 10.2722300 10.5448500 0.6297880 2.1913060 27.1317600 14.7103100 2.3076650 14.8652000 20.8581100 9.4933500 11.4015400 7.3094070 1.1154350 6.1970300 5.8659060 2.6133200 7.8451700 2.1689700 3.7683800 19.7569387 25.4028290 3.3335090 10.4492480 6.9036147 7.1452300 1.0521100 0.8798520
107286125 spermine synthase 35298.00 4455.00 2832.00 32869.00 23370.00 16763.00 27318.00 23557.00 14344.00 24775.00 9076.00 10750.00 1390.00 22251.00 33421.00 26730.00 39901.00 33226.00 5994.00 38361.00 29315.00 1538.00 2330.00 4482.00 19733.00 2763.00 44483.00 12053.00 3197.00 12143.00 1146.00 735.00 1015.00 534.00 825.00 4012.00 2661.00 4001.00 2784.00 3345.00 3095.00 1455.00 2301.00 2618.00 1702.00 6.0540300 15.609700 14.382500 10.239100 44.4139000 7.7407600 11.3687000 15.8589000 40.6165000 26.981800 19.5362000 5.4202500 18.1073000 2.1486370 2.1670840 2.7029833 3.5578940 10.0519530 11.6908660 10.2941744 16.7686840 18.7731070 16.5290617 2.5436449 2.3477900 2.2698860 2.2199970 9.8840800 19.937700 21.9071000 9.1706500 21.2160000 52.699900 59.760700 43.0875000 18.8260000 13.076500 6.5984100 12.8720000 21.5930000 36.5716000 65.4638000 215.6160000 157.1870000 13.1825000 25.2948000 29.7656000 42.4483000 35.9948000 9.9764900 11.888400 8.9528700 2.4821300 5.9012100 4.8416600 46.7643500 62.0421000 66.608400 149.307700 49.978200 17.2356881 11.6154946 25.2991200 25.1818300 28.6276600 106.2285200 39.0818400 117.7619000 15.0862200 7.9056420 15.6719600 30.2549000 36.8585000 11.3813000 10.0479000 54.4843960 73.1738289 183.3161980 105.2428250 24.0566000 33.2015000 20.2443000 0.0000000 0.0000000 16.3307000 20.0795000 4.3215590 3.2655196 2.3506583 3.6974202 1.5848695 1.1031489 17.7657000 8.9611600
107286174 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2D 211.00 174.00 188.00 103.00 107.00 158.00 65.00 48.00 117.00 71.00 92.00 177.00 79.00 99.00 79.00 81.00 101.00 103.00 125.00 83.00 59.00 135.00 300.00 61.00 147.00 108.00 116.00 52.00 81.00 121.00 121.00 90.00 138.00 53.00 136.00 261.00 255.00 311.00 188.00 195.00 188.00 193.00 168.00 109.00 161.00 10.0547000 25.258200 20.530800 12.145300 39.2738000 14.5310000 30.4521000 30.9020000 31.3670000 43.119500 20.5160000 11.1596000 16.0764000 6.7110921 7.6604219 6.0781070 6.8151470 14.0860882 14.1330720 14.6020940 23.1107135 20.9947710 22.5048080 20.7166870 24.1521654 24.9415580 25.8821690 8.0631100 12.885000 12.5226000 7.5865800 2.4767800 8.008320 4.705700 3.4019500 4.9388500 5.781960 3.4851700 22.2220000 27.3763000 30.3504000 11.5143000 21.1626000 18.0464000 9.1542200 15.0959000 11.3965000 3.4643970 6.3441861 7.5169600 5.722390 5.3344200 0.7977514 1.9652350 2.8319986 13.6997200 19.0618893 29.800795 53.633780 15.581140 14.7453667 19.8026619 15.9887290 18.4091150 18.6005310 33.9659823 34.7380620 38.7523780 12.8789580 8.3408813 12.1941960 21.0966660 14.6195400 7.1616433 13.7272420 11.2913300 16.5037550 12.4343498 16.7641287 12.4973190 14.1989530 14.1043183 0.5600910 0.0000000 5.0506300 0.0042342 13.1944689 14.3620519 5.7648655 9.7744050 7.3726783 6.0030737 3.1827100 2.7203300
107286209 GTP cyclohydrolase I feedback regulator 451.00 258.00 352.00 273.00 202.00 190.00 210.00 255.00 362.00 122.00 278.00 296.00 228.00 289.00 241.00 208.00 197.00 201.00 396.00 156.00 275.00 245.00 238.00 300.00 288.00 232.00 365.00 281.00 241.00 241.00 312.00 395.00 295.00 118.00 275.00 413.00 292.00 652.00 370.00 389.00 610.00 424.00 348.00 164.00 398.00 1.2622700 1.096120 2.050130 1.550960 4.7769500 4.3678000 4.3484700 4.3996000 3.7283600 5.420290 2.6712400 2.0421000 3.8177200 0.0000000 0.2209720 0.6881050 0.4193850 7.7339100 20.8329000 19.3964000 101.1560000 95.4638000 107.1490000 571.5800000 595.7240000 569.5150000 573.1620000 199.6200000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 251.4520000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.9949220 1.5781500 1.4852500 1.5192700 0.7782380 0.8164310 128.1750000 178.3660000 159.4520000 6.9277600 6.1680800 65.1415000 28.046800 19.9074000 46.4750000 125.7180000 126.4430000 7.5487400 3.9252600 86.692000 45.064000 38.323800 1.4499862 2.7426040 11.7639600 8.7504100 8.2351200 113.5422800 136.9423400 75.2125500 104.8616560 134.1097000 121.8600200 40.8628300 50.8470800 25.9842500 26.7163300 62.0263700 39.7728200 108.0176000 82.9530800 150.7976000 183.7579000 71.2308000 11.8259000 37.7375000 5.8456400 4.6269600 10.6213000 5.9977500 1.3411300 1.6068600 1.1595700 0.8526560 47.8309000 14.9926000
107286210 regulator of microtubule dynamics 3 490.00 224.00 310.00 353.00 395.00 163.00 150.00 165.00 231.00 130.00 345.00 90.00 153.00 212.00 216.00 240.00 325.00 426.00 176.00 217.00 170.00 300.00 447.00 312.00 434.00 281.00 388.00 74.00 217.00 218.00 308.00 143.00 238.00 165.00 329.00 296.00 220.00 379.00 352.00 406.00 288.00 310.00 235.00 286.00 315.00 1.6576200 2.693280 3.863680 2.509290 7.8340400 1.3630700 5.3261900 2.6020200 6.1467800 4.259960 2.4545800 0.5991060 3.1675300 4.3634100 4.3739400 6.0642900 4.9995850 5.3258760 6.0500580 5.6910840 21.3396630 19.2013880 20.3996430 30.0597050 23.9496780 25.7593610 25.3331500 2.5393200 12.918200 9.6910500 3.0087300 11.1821000 44.957300 57.676200 12.5385000 25.5480000 31.982900 9.0158800 6.9016420 9.9429880 21.1051200 9.6378700 20.5586300 20.2083100 15.7105500 27.8834000 44.1916700 7.3965380 6.6004580 19.3254200 13.386380 19.0736100 11.4830700 14.8526600 15.0297800 21.2189000 19.7556200 52.559200 34.375300 135.843300 6.4335874 11.4598938 17.7552504 18.0768485 17.3889200 57.1349590 23.7681070 35.7999130 53.9814520 13.6545955 17.5144162 15.0179560 19.5766820 9.4315090 12.5989150 27.8218080 22.3124870 33.9818840 24.7486660 46.7257890 52.4603430 31.2528170 0.9315730 2.3108100 0.0000000 0.0000000 8.8573783 8.9713900 3.1008280 6.4866834 2.3691200 2.2665700 0.8925520 0.2148510
107286329 plexin B2 559.00 785.00 992.00 699.00 288.00 270.00 288.00 439.00 557.00 296.00 756.00 486.00 440.00 410.00 503.00 335.00 377.00 471.00 521.00 438.00 406.00 700.00 976.00 573.00 601.00 399.00 606.00 209.00 465.00 497.00 106.00 167.00 166.00 89.00 131.00 602.00 468.00 612.00 519.00 468.00 404.00 499.00 291.00 345.00 604.00 3.9357900 1.609090 5.988960 8.413590 8.0440400 2.3491700 16.6849000 14.3185000 21.1874000 18.441200 8.3155100 4.3174900 19.6920000 11.8654520 14.9018520 16.5315180 12.9265600 24.7064500 42.3473590 39.0050150 125.7514780 121.3499420 133.6078440 89.3400000 108.3288170 106.7358270 110.8765140 2.9643800 8.820170 7.0075400 2.9362400 10.4582000 33.254900 37.836600 17.0030000 39.4889000 33.526100 14.8809000 5.1803000 9.0276100 9.4454300 21.3762200 51.8434000 44.6522000 15.3348100 23.5816900 36.2928000 15.8912000 32.9545900 28.8532700 35.868790 37.5882200 6.6202620 16.1540900 16.0528700 13.8200500 7.4458600 198.293640 163.943064 89.350900 9.4115810 15.6541500 37.2550500 69.2108200 66.1689000 232.2351000 291.0851000 125.0606000 76.5420600 19.5057200 45.0988100 24.9944000 16.7162000 2.2172700 8.3127100 9.2381900 55.1908000 44.7257000 30.7290000 18.9752000 30.6471000 26.7620000 2.9669800 6.5960000 0.0000000 0.0000000 17.5041119 11.4058939 19.2700510 29.5995380 3.9900030 3.7065000 2.8767100 1.2048200
107286343 transforming growth factor beta receptor III 16.00 28.00 23.00 12.00 4.00 15.00 7.00 4.00 19.00 6.00 23.00 13.00 1.00 11.00 12.00 8.00 11.00 17.00 21.00 12.00 7.00 13.00 14.00 9.00 27.00 12.00 30.00 8.00 15.00 7.00 37.00 23.00 66.00 87.00 44.00 33.00 21.00 22.00 32.00 23.00 7.00 11.00 0.00 19.00 17.00 4.4729000 4.790540 9.135890 6.418490 13.8327000 1.2324300 3.3058500 2.0397000 10.3250000 10.653400 2.5790600 0.7505720 5.6611000 1.0701120 1.9148200 1.7398000 1.6907500 13.4352340 16.3078590 19.5606500 20.1697610 19.7677510 19.3054400 2.8005380 3.9455300 3.4861700 4.6007020 1.7823400 18.844100 19.6557000 1.9980300 1.4586000 13.811100 10.407600 1.6535000 5.1397500 7.278830 1.0311400 9.3212440 23.5096390 19.2754010 3.4185315 17.5764440 17.1046220 1.2851660 2.4166522 3.3660660 18.8016000 26.9379000 4.6123100 5.569930 7.9213300 7.1205200 20.5057700 31.2718000 6.1234300 7.2001300 21.362470 20.985200 2.868330 20.2723470 12.0913592 17.9388800 10.2448868 10.6704000 15.4962600 5.4164579 23.3141747 2.0983270 6.1310700 3.9527010 0.0249553 8.1390500 1.6847480 10.8059200 26.2975000 20.9626300 0.0772934 16.3763000 0.0000000 0.0000000 3.4449300 0.0000000 1.4706900 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.5679730 0.6466369 0.6439470 0.9175315 0.2966900 0.2919440 0.9304720 0.2630810
107286344 lysine demethylase 1B 126.00 249.00 274.00 188.00 143.00 139.00 73.00 111.00 201.00 84.00 224.00 86.00 150.00 118.00 143.00 147.00 138.00 175.00 281.00 149.00 123.00 217.00 337.00 168.00 194.00 128.00 177.00 29.00 148.00 139.00 68.00 76.00 94.00 91.00 63.00 161.00 174.00 198.00 145.00 108.00 78.00 175.00 168.00 81.00 134.00 1.5434000 2.141700 2.309060 1.847550 1.6545200 1.0397900 3.2224600 1.9678800 5.4448100 5.388880 3.0404800 0.5210100 7.9915700 4.8075700 3.8067490 4.0407870 4.9904220 3.4787056 3.1037799 2.9134200 8.7373889 8.3662838 8.2412078 8.2954700 6.3394030 6.1534433 6.3958499 1.0931700 3.479350 3.4696000 0.8682460 1.9941500 7.166830 5.927240 2.6944900 3.4215000 4.091730 0.7978730 2.5360500 3.6359200 4.3463400 3.2456600 11.0718000 12.1052000 1.6677100 3.0521500 4.1882200 3.2654010 6.0944390 11.1954000 8.906319 10.1347600 3.5330270 6.4760920 7.8552480 3.3613700 3.5616400 5.965840 7.259146 3.341610 2.4191820 1.3032620 4.5663890 2.4238400 2.9255740 9.4317900 4.1114430 7.0074120 2.9050280 0.9533579 1.0257920 7.3234030 3.7217110 0.8489440 7.2070850 6.0257560 13.0946540 7.7100668 5.7373760 7.9629444 15.3021670 10.9336803 1.5880600 9.9663900 0.0000000 3.6385900 3.3536530 3.8604300 2.5091714 2.8148960 2.0555460 2.8613559 2.2986700 1.2146000
107286380 ORMDL sphingolipid biosynthesis regulator 2 265.00 103.00 189.00 158.00 220.00 72.00 58.00 143.00 146.00 78.00 160.00 63.00 82.00 149.00 52.00 87.00 166.00 127.00 142.00 75.00 95.00 260.00 285.00 157.00 97.00 144.00 167.00 183.00 163.00 123.98 27.00 15.00 28.00 48.00 30.00 52.00 38.00 43.00 100.00 40.00 7.00 18.00 19.00 45.00 33.00 32.4920000 9.966680 46.336100 37.370000 51.9199000 13.1866000 10.2485000 5.4239600 15.5161000 13.374200 10.9631000 3.1570700 32.7542000 5.7774660 10.0082600 9.7747030 10.1853400 10.1903230 8.9341560 8.3396300 54.5635300 56.3224000 59.6510900 76.7267830 74.8398600 73.9676420 76.5440990 3.9154400 4.087100 4.0450100 2.7514000 4.6964000 5.350460 5.138820 3.7290100 1.3829300 2.036820 1.2451000 28.2749000 12.7953000 25.6151000 85.9840000 24.4958000 28.0341000 28.9370000 15.9892000 12.7672000 16.8018000 14.0417000 61.9251000 64.332500 61.3294000 30.8833000 42.2208000 45.9723000 10.0034200 7.4861900 22.943200 26.322200 65.390400 11.3104392 7.6663891 18.4874420 19.4030600 18.5258700 55.0868270 42.6507400 55.5230400 39.3368243 25.2181920 21.3805190 139.0410000 217.4750000 10.7417000 16.1149000 50.4541000 84.4383000 272.4560000 68.5598000 75.1975000 73.4158000 55.7953000 1.8935900 7.0161800 8.4642100 9.0324300 42.9363400 60.6121900 15.2000100 34.7418000 18.3659000 18.0374760 26.1915000 21.8221000
107286410 heat shock transcription factor 2 binding protein 36.00 2.00 12.00 3.00 4.00 3.99 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 12.00 12.00 15.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 11.00 11.00 7.00 17.00 10.00 19.00 50.00 1.00 33.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 44.00 0.00 26.00 6.00 20.00 18.00 0.00 9.00 5.00 2.00 8.00 1.00 11.00 1.00 2.00 0.0000000 1.356080 0.000000 0.000000 0.0659806 0.0000000 0.0848051 0.0322325 0.1232910 0.940749 0.1820420 0.2956070 0.0829853 0.1001800 0.3224480 0.4291120 0.2939820 0.2735289 0.3440484 0.6198021 4.2514027 4.7847962 4.2551256 0.0717554 0.1061076 0.2811700 0.1918380 0.9546230 0.928493 1.6309300 0.2471450 0.0969949 0.900011 0.158173 0.3067930 0.2434810 0.919504 0.0000000 0.6586180 1.2066700 6.3989100 0.4758290 1.0550500 0.5312780 0.1871110 0.0783187 0.1890000 15.8433000 2.3463900 4.4085500 7.824470 4.5655500 9.6996900 1.9679300 2.2092200 0.9910110 0.9488510 2.614830 2.374210 0.596139 0.1249130 0.1521936 0.1063240 0.0000000 0.1582194 0.6663710 0.4213020 0.5201990 0.2242800 0.0000000 0.0797262 16.6555580 9.5510650 11.7936380 19.1971760 31.6842800 8.9953800 9.6976820 9.5763480 6.8056140 5.7184410 3.8330830 0.0000000 0.4788880 0.9255240 0.0000000 0.9248976 1.1379875 0.7482220 0.4444780 0.2337250 0.2465482 0.0414464 0.0000000
107286499 transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 4 3658.00 1854.00 2655.00 2890.00 1772.00 1266.00 2648.00 3260.00 2547.00 1869.00 2713.00 2024.00 1680.00 2239.00 2516.00 2668.00 3388.00 4425.00 2741.00 1459.00 2305.00 2151.00 2935.00 2852.00 3003.00 2295.00 2501.00 583.00 2535.00 1555.00 1134.00 1153.00 1267.00 173.00 914.00 1738.00 1735.00 3773.00 2314.00 1600.00 1312.00 759.00 1089.00 671.00 778.00 19.4977000 106.689000 43.700100 39.141500 64.1714000 26.4099000 15.4207000 9.1948900 32.8913000 23.889600 19.2273000 7.0448700 33.2426000 46.2842500 43.4037170 44.2133200 46.1551130 95.0667830 112.3588946 108.1130229 705.4473000 685.7471840 748.6579140 282.4843760 310.1266629 321.4121196 298.9299194 33.3997000 29.704600 49.2900000 24.5872000 60.0707000 121.520000 103.488000 58.7740000 72.4132000 96.575300 29.4956000 12.5567000 27.0091000 41.2467000 20.2465000 75.3948000 67.0600000 5.0683500 16.4846000 15.5242000 24.3119100 37.4133000 96.8648000 118.458900 97.3062000 60.9328000 92.6585000 78.0166000 30.5440856 16.1171175 47.876474 63.027200 43.452001 96.7829526 72.9406872 30.6488210 24.4071531 26.3037810 41.0167210 20.2083890 127.5285660 48.2997300 57.2764500 94.9277730 251.6292100 180.9368730 49.2057040 70.0331000 78.7206000 183.9433000 127.8920920 147.1759000 141.1019400 129.7807800 105.8536400 45.7464000 91.6988000 39.1828000 69.3574000 154.5316000 208.1142160 71.7127247 163.7303540 38.8386700 46.9293908 27.6909000 17.4858000
107286522 mediator complex subunit 14 138.00 123.00 179.00 85.00 112.00 104.00 48.00 71.00 122.00 61.00 134.00 112.00 85.00 79.00 89.00 89.00 85.00 100.00 188.00 94.00 53.00 105.00 231.00 107.00 202.00 99.00 116.00 61.00 115.00 108.00 79.00 76.00 105.00 189.00 114.00 286.00 166.00 293.00 198.00 188.00 109.00 148.00 110.00 102.00 207.00 8.0243300 1.664190 12.240100 11.710500 11.5817000 3.9374100 12.8219000 8.1406300 14.7571000 16.701700 10.3604000 4.7885800 19.5864000 1.6463650 2.4733600 1.7255993 2.1137195 9.4874600 8.0619408 7.2474500 11.8826375 12.1620746 12.1085050 3.9480270 3.7498290 4.6245460 4.0137321 5.7595100 15.961800 15.0138000 10.3201000 7.9896100 16.220300 16.919300 13.2341000 11.3944000 13.002000 9.5879100 7.2078200 9.9847300 14.1004500 6.5578600 20.3240700 18.9767400 5.9581400 9.5258600 12.3087300 4.2032410 6.2986060 7.9596350 9.931787 9.4384360 3.3562060 4.8837570 5.7517360 6.3882657 9.0707269 11.791744 13.716890 8.916121 6.3172390 4.9372240 8.1103800 9.4022910 9.5286000 11.4627100 5.2199560 10.8819900 4.7260600 1.7953840 3.7314170 0.0317099 0.0246799 1.9211380 8.6206170 0.0806842 9.5619080 0.0000000 4.7764339 0.0000000 0.0000000 6.7812600 3.2841100 7.0448300 0.4419350 0.0000000 1.2185453 0.6739031 1.1431240 1.0327327 0.5100612 0.4593741 0.7099560 0.2828310
107286544 fibronectin type III domain containing 3B 100.00 56.00 67.00 73.00 63.00 32.00 36.00 44.00 102.00 49.00 42.00 72.00 11.00 78.00 49.00 51.00 50.00 70.00 52.00 24.00 44.00 80.00 212.00 55.00 239.00 35.00 98.00 51.00 47.00 56.00 20.00 37.00 27.00 171.00 30.00 21.00 16.00 28.00 28.00 6.00 35.00 125.00 47.00 130.00 108.00 0.4806080 0.530041 0.987269 0.641955 5.5722400 0.2640120 45.1996000 21.2713000 2.3163300 5.348060 3.6359500 1.8948900 6.2212100 4.5344405 5.7903614 5.5809427 6.0657743 8.6157850 8.8938670 9.4701200 10.6336250 11.6921540 10.7493220 3.9752900 3.2335760 3.1734010 3.1377010 0.6577290 6.748510 2.6186300 0.8928390 0.6941170 3.044960 2.448940 0.2374980 3.5184200 4.705910 0.4076890 11.0776100 7.9433500 9.2562700 3.7453200 6.5791500 7.7843300 6.2469100 6.5274400 3.8515230 2.7820363 5.8960480 3.6120594 5.396166 6.2818620 0.9204890 7.5109410 4.4632710 8.8470500 12.1302700 11.832600 17.984500 10.511530 12.6411450 7.3219765 13.1845190 17.9176644 18.7328292 22.5340810 4.2695895 17.5857490 6.8193487 11.9539685 5.1790203 19.4876400 8.0486500 0.8663236 9.7507600 7.5794400 9.2870480 12.7355670 8.8614400 21.8422883 19.9844700 13.8171600 0.6656150 0.8761670 0.5630130 0.6643330 8.2963010 5.6825600 3.4645270 4.7361086 1.3828926 1.2542671 1.0339500 0.2592540
107286583 alkylglycerone phosphate synthase 1638.00 1259.00 1671.00 1224.00 879.00 952.00 432.00 784.00 954.00 653.00 1295.00 692.00 929.00 783.00 757.00 766.00 875.00 974.00 1203.00 835.00 658.00 1335.00 2520.00 1060.00 1499.00 1056.00 1293.00 449.00 1155.00 696.00 654.00 547.00 556.00 424.00 703.00 1302.00 1054.00 1872.00 1646.00 1783.00 732.00 942.00 851.00 793.00 1097.00 10.2429000 8.598910 19.424800 18.922800 15.4846000 8.8434400 9.9988100 11.0369000 12.3946000 10.325400 6.3398100 1.8075000 20.1111000 2.9208470 3.2081770 3.5687425 3.6814500 4.9655070 2.7915867 4.0542156 11.0759667 12.3715932 12.3776094 1.7409730 1.9711270 2.4991650 2.7485600 1.9086000 11.034200 10.3378000 2.5519900 2.4821800 12.637800 10.917200 4.1471800 6.2799800 7.979710 2.9536000 5.5348900 11.1625000 18.4545000 7.9642000 22.0054000 17.5570000 4.7489300 9.8781300 10.5624000 9.0145160 12.8170400 33.0114800 23.697600 38.4847800 17.8771700 20.4588300 23.6831500 9.2863600 7.6657300 12.636430 15.900820 11.502270 6.3121961 3.4634200 5.9533130 7.2778800 6.9504710 15.0341900 3.3533520 13.7941500 8.2170422 2.3565220 3.2355716 23.5551200 25.3052650 3.6984880 21.6623500 52.3566100 110.1068500 246.8818900 34.6474000 18.0969200 13.7655500 7.1174970 2.5024700 5.4855900 4.9659200 6.2776100 2.5778590 1.0464380 1.5696255 1.5250060 0.4801182 0.2240870 3.6264700 1.9475000
107286653 cerebellar degeneration-related protein 2-like 9.00 28.00 28.00 10.00 8.00 15.00 2.00 3.00 36.00 13.00 18.00 29.00 17.00 15.00 13.00 15.00 16.00 25.00 37.00 9.00 21.00 20.00 51.00 3.00 36.00 11.00 31.00 2.00 16.00 14.00 23.00 23.00 41.00 42.00 53.00 20.00 16.00 58.00 91.00 95.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 3.2136200 2.323390 4.024810 3.777380 1.3501600 0.3187410 0.5344020 0.4848530 1.8462300 5.258850 2.0260100 0.6266480 3.4496800 0.4863460 0.8394650 0.7518740 0.8008610 2.6153800 3.3676900 3.3488000 4.0481500 3.6469800 4.1173400 2.0206700 2.2407800 2.6157000 2.2635300 2.1202500 3.872740 2.8237100 1.3225900 1.2784900 2.549850 1.294580 0.8691830 0.3065840 0.289453 0.3730090 2.4468900 0.6474510 2.0247600 0.9000820 0.4353800 0.8304500 0.3675390 0.1795510 0.1624860 12.7893000 10.1362700 5.4726000 6.812170 6.3493100 1.6388700 3.0710900 3.0938900 2.8611100 4.3337500 5.722080 7.792420 1.544310 0.6642260 0.7386990 11.4307000 12.4048000 13.6900000 9.2102200 11.4669000 6.2748700 1.7441100 0.1943850 0.2867450 0.0000000 0.0288343 2.5147460 4.6845130 8.1249960 2.1070350 0.0000000 8.6459300 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.7112820 0.1540460 0.7209780 0.7411490 0.8277640 1.2786000 1.5752600 0.2370990 0.2762080 0.3775210 0.1745360 0.3675250 0.3833630

Same processing and normalization steps were performed as above.

#Normalize ComBat Data prep
exp_data = log2(Final_data + 1e-5) # Log transformation, add 1e-5 to avoid log0
exp = normalizeQuantiles(as.matrix(exp_data)) # Quantile normalization
row.names(exp) = row.names(Final_data)
colnames(exp) = colnames(Final_data)
exp = exp[!apply(exp, 1, anyNA),]

batch = filter_table$species
modcombat = model.matrix(~1, data=filter_table)
combat_edata = ComBat(dat=exp, batch=batch, mod=modcombat,mean.only = F,
                      par.prior=TRUE,  prior.plots=FALSE)
## Found12batches
## Adjusting for0covariate(s) or covariate level(s)
## Standardizing Data across genes
## Fitting L/S model and finding priors
## Finding parametric adjustments
## Adjusting the Data
se <- SummarizedExperiment(combat_edata - rowMeans(combat_edata),colData=ids)
pcaData <- plotPCA(DESeqTransform( se ), intgroup=c("species", "tissue"),ntop = 200, returnData=TRUE)
percentVar_all <- round(100 * attr(pcaData, "percentVar"))
names(pcaData)[c(4,5)] = c('Species',"Tissue")

Sanity check; determine if genes cluster if selected randomly

Filter dataset randomly

#Load ortholog data
gene description Pm_1 Pm_10 Pm_11 Pm_12 Pm_13 Pm_14 Pm_15 Pm_16 Pm_17 Pm_18 Pm_19 Pm_2 Pm_20 Pm_21 Pm_22 Pm_23 Pm_24 Pm_25 Pm_26 Pm_27 Pm_28 Pm_29 Pm_3 Pm_30 Pm_4 Pm_5 Pm_6 Pm_7 Pm_8 Pm_9 Pm_1_heart Pm_10_heart Pm_3_heart Pm_5_heart Pm_8_heart Pm_1_kidney Pm_10_kidney Pm_3_kidney Pm_5_kidney Pm_8_kidney Pm_1_liver Pm_10_liver Pm_3_liver Pm_5_liver Pm_8_liver Naja_vg_1 Naja_vg_2 Naja_vg_3 Naja_vg_4 Naja_vg_5 Naja_vg_6 Naja_liv_1 Naja_liv_2 Naja_kid_1 Naja_kid_2 Naja_pan_1 Naja_pan_2 Naja_sg_1 Mus_sg_1 Mus_sg_2 Mus_sg_3 Mus_sg_4 Mus_hrt_1 Mus_hrt_2 Mus_hrt_3 Mus_kidn_1 Mus_kidn_2 Mus_kidn_3 Mus_livr_1 Mus_livr_2 Mus_livr_3 Mus_livr_4 Anole_hrt_1 Anole_hrt_2 Anole_hrt_3 Anole_hrt_4 Anole_kidn_1 Anole_kidn_2 Anole_kidn_3 Anole_kidn_4 Anole_livr_1 Anole_livr_2 Anole_livr_3 Gal_hrt_1 Gal_hrt_2 Gal_hrt_3 Gal_kidn_1 Gal_kidn_2 Gal_kidn_3 Gal_livr_1 Gal_livr_2 Gal_livr_3 Xeno_hrt_2 Xeno_hrt_3 Xeno_kidn_1 Xeno_kidn_2 Xeno_kidn_3 Xeno_livr_1 Xeno_livr_2 Xeno_livr_3 Pan_hrt_1 Pan_hrt_2 Pan_kid_1 Pan_kid_2 Pan_liv Homo_sg_1 Homo_sg_2 Homo_hrt_1 Homo_hrt_2 Homo_hrt_3 Homo_kidn_1 Homo_kidn_2 Homo_kidn_3 Homo_livr_1 Homo_livr_2 Homo_livr_3 Canis_sg_1 Canis_sg_2 Canis_hrt_1 Canis_hrt_2 Canis_hrt_3 Canis_kidn_1 Canis_kidn_2 Canis_kidn_3 Canis_livr_1 Canis_livr_2 Canis_livr_3 py_sg1 py_sg2 pg_sg1 pg_sg2 mus_slg_1 mus_slg_2 mus_smg_1 mus_smg_2 mus_pg_1 mus_pg_2 gekko_sg1 gekko_sg2
456 107285585 chromosome unknown open reading frame, human C10orf76 123.28 247.54 247.73 71.76 61.15 204.88 30.32 73.23 98.76 41.50 160.30 184.12 102.33 71.72 81.16 83.71 58.04 76.06 170.68 108.58 96.88 166.01 329.04 127.60 161.79 117.28 94.50 13.39 134.16 51.70 161.03 71.75 239.00 59.32 125.51 176.79 145.61 232.31 181.09 144.16 75.27 95.60 91.28 44.61 129.38 1.2287800 0.9777900 1.7979100 1.5856600 2.4303300 0.6010120 3.9532100 2.1944100 3.0235600 3.668130 1.6189500 0.7412060 3.3253200 0.9184000 1.4912200 1.3563100 1.1807000 8.8621700 8.6660634 8.1867456 8.8707950 8.5572109 8.3640600 4.1958350 4.3699000 4.8521200 4.6151870 4.8011300 8.8559300 8.5909800 6.0620100 2.94742e+00 9.07450e+00 8.2953400 4.1582600 4.08279e+00 5.78213e+00 2.2999600 13.5209400 11.8359100 17.5090500 40.8794000 29.3392000 23.7689200 11.7132700 7.4772700 7.0532100 5.9025000 5.7869200 7.6807500 6.9319190 9.5297850 1.6588430 2.8956120 3.9515600 8.5642000 15.4025190 11.1205000 14.1775295 10.0869000 4.3899520 4.6350500 15.2936800 20.4455100 24.3286700 10.9373700 11.4464270 9.8650510 7.1646340 3.1376600 4.4547510 3.9281970 2.7854080 2.4758863 5.5730252 9.1710326 5.0562958 5.1541447 5.4939500 2.6104150 2.6500410 4.2400724 2.2615500 3.30772e+00 1.99762e-01 2.70875e+00 1.2356800 1.6916298 1.1520898 1.6106170 0.5481290 0.4393490 2.43274e+01 8.63957e+00
310 107284588 neurolysin 187.00 227.00 377.00 191.00 114.00 251.00 47.00 102.00 211.00 89.00 230.00 135.00 120.00 109.00 98.00 61.00 146.00 162.00 235.00 132.00 86.00 180.00 513.00 258.00 190.00 350.00 182.00 80.00 321.00 143.00 207.00 178.00 180.00 92.00 282.00 216.00 181.00 349.00 244.00 313.00 162.00 137.00 229.00 192.00 265.00 2.1849900 7.4949400 3.8377000 3.3254800 5.8458200 4.1056300 3.5175900 4.4425300 3.5774400 3.655170 2.6157100 1.1075300 6.4443000 3.0484620 3.0978185 2.3368664 2.8090514 2.0747675 3.4073494 2.9988610 8.7719271 7.4402554 8.9609607 9.4621862 7.9900500 7.3563473 10.0620201 18.4453000 30.3764000 31.7116000 23.5547000 7.37225e-01 2.55595e+00 2.1202100 1.5682800 2.76586e-01 7.31167e-01 0.1682560 4.2899500 10.9393000 14.3682000 3.8365800 9.1088400 9.1552800 4.4991600 4.4450200 5.5219200 2.7197220 4.1940000 9.6284940 6.9839210 13.0940400 3.3000800 4.9770270 3.8648050 4.1629000 3.0539500 8.1019100 7.3599400 15.6171000 1.9370750 0.9248340 3.0784474 1.9050525 4.4897040 13.5669400 2.3732430 22.3956360 11.9258720 5.6850464 7.8741340 2.6496960 1.5156886 0.5935483 3.2131510 4.9651310 3.0407540 6.1751210 1.7796810 1.5760720 1.2156280 0.6449030 3.1534800 4.70767e+00 1.44807e+00 6.52138e-01 3.1018400 3.0205204 1.2736252 2.9013016 1.3796963 1.0793900 2.55732e+00 1.55281e+00
606 107286763 solute carrier family 4 member 3 6.00 64.03 44.01 18.00 10.03 40.01 7.00 24.00 15.00 14.00 24.00 39.00 30.00 9.00 1.00 11.06 1.01 4.00 27.22 9.00 6.00 40.00 48.97 45.00 53.01 16.00 5.00 26.00 29.01 3.00 1865.00 762.00 1504.00 84.00 810.00 51.00 32.00 123.00 95.00 66.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.3739220 0.3838640 0.2735550 0.4863710 0.2754860 0.0919238 0.2714500 0.0736941 0.4009000 1.071120 0.7882300 0.4699930 2.5588600 1.1446865 0.8332646 0.8318650 0.6606940 120.1950140 139.7333380 138.2035022 16.7833140 17.1627610 16.1111027 0.8829238 1.6118816 0.7900358 0.8359276 52.6563000 125.7700000 83.8922000 61.1530000 5.72760e-01 8.32272e-01 0.3881730 0.2946140 1.03918e-01 2.69806e-01 0.2528670 7.0601400 4.0532300 27.2652000 5.3273400 3.8794900 3.4022900 2.4259600 1.2716600 1.0858800 0.1409298 0.1688764 0.3861432 0.9770247 0.5442314 0.2460012 0.2988816 0.1652710 156.5173000 92.2173000 2.6618700 1.4287920 0.1198120 0.4986716 0.9907340 306.9154700 342.7475800 345.0065800 2.2001780 4.9957710 1.3987520 0.1314800 0.1350200 0.1166895 1.3690245 0.8740250 41.7666800 104.8529800 181.1812000 3.8766260 1.8528330 4.9480980 0.1083880 0.0598196 0.5920135 0.0000000 5.00158e+00 1.24370e+00 7.12854e-01 0.8248330 0.1567427 0.2194846 0.1297072 0.0517415 0.0126741 2.93456e-01 3.48072e-01
1460 107293003 La ribonucleoprotein domain family member 6 2.00 22.00 15.00 8.00 8.00 17.00 3.00 3.00 27.00 1.00 19.00 17.00 9.00 1.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 11.00 23.00 3.00 4.00 13.00 39.00 29.00 8.00 11.00 9.00 6.00 5.00 7.00 1.00 27.00 17.00 29.00 5.00 3.00 7.00 22.00 9.00 10.00 4.00 18.00 61.00 15.00 17.00 0.8177950 0.7482520 3.3694200 0.9839170 1.4441300 0.5324320 3.9774500 1.1382500 6.5307800 0.836301 4.0429800 0.2097120 1.5339400 0.0000000 0.1863560 0.0000000 0.0888517 0.6032700 0.6054390 0.5970860 1.3682900 1.0040600 1.2387600 0.0411842 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 9.0878200 10.3016000 10.0528000 8.8790800 1.04016e+01 1.02498e+01 9.8053200 8.7527900 5.48861e+00 8.42061e+00 5.4257000 14.4385000 17.6011000 20.5175000 2.5916300 9.1670900 8.9559500 3.6364100 1.6182400 1.2015900 0.6298470 0.7667880 1.1918720 1.5263830 1.5053000 1.0098000 1.1226250 3.4330810 139.0380000 46.0643000 93.5031000 44.5926000 78.1190100 6.2234000 6.0621700 32.8955400 17.4008800 25.0197900 35.6794800 23.6935700 18.6197900 3.4961800 3.8168380 2.9735910 6.7282200 9.6410400 4.0088700 5.0588000 22.5900000 1.7595000 8.6698100 3.8449500 1.2016500 1.6926300 0.1661650 1.2088500 4.44414e+00 6.93830e-01 6.24932e-01 0.2405650 0.0558251 0.2656080 0.2357420 0.0190424 0.0000000 3.39860e+00 2.26140e+00
1435 107292746 GTP binding protein overexpressed in skeletal muscle 41.00 293.00 202.00 32.00 20.00 67.00 8.00 19.00 61.00 43.00 140.00 97.00 112.00 13.00 64.00 39.00 25.00 25.00 169.00 41.00 19.00 142.00 277.00 83.00 61.00 187.00 34.00 0.00 157.00 9.00 75.00 240.00 83.00 334.00 123.00 131.00 60.00 186.00 76.00 183.00 8.00 10.00 6.00 19.00 20.00 0.3942290 0.0000000 0.8372380 0.6470580 2.0470600 0.0000000 1.0232000 1.2222500 1.0271100 4.594230 1.0197600 0.5823020 1.9667300 0.2834772 0.5181700 0.5444665 0.4419530 2.0444700 3.6128620 3.8658518 5.0256789 5.1332800 5.2155900 1.1732100 1.4472700 1.0683900 1.0949600 9.0984300 17.2854000 7.6746800 8.5348000 3.00328e+00 7.32301e+00 8.7538900 2.9333700 5.31338e+00 3.46499e+00 1.1329700 14.7068000 15.0583000 14.8522000 6.6146800 13.3773000 21.1071000 0.9114060 1.9421400 1.4603800 3.9758900 4.2378300 5.3016100 11.1174000 12.0654000 5.2187500 8.8510800 8.9962800 6.5835700 25.8035000 5.2706700 9.3653100 3.4556200 13.9947800 5.7975840 10.0545000 8.4307790 9.9026080 4.6403170 2.6542830 4.5534840 1.1635060 2.7912000 2.1284430 7.7767700 15.6416000 1.4895600 0.9952780 3.4651300 1.4670300 11.9460000 35.9591000 0.0758552 0.1911760 0.1463730 0.6981560 2.61405e+00 1.74804e+00 7.87230e-01 0.9466450 0.6073220 0.3317040 0.4633990 0.2599330 0.0844946 8.52941e-01 7.37038e-01
1168 107290703 neurobeachin like 1 280.99 1064.13 1344.43 240.73 235.56 245.64 120.49 242.98 336.36 146.84 484.88 185.35 331.89 188.36 170.02 217.28 125.48 119.57 354.66 199.66 169.34 281.58 587.41 1187.28 629.80 496.53 385.33 407.12 387.88 247.03 319.91 386.97 204.59 860.18 175.02 406.09 397.87 610.98 329.48 259.97 169.10 79.51 116.31 109.60 131.37 0.5578990 0.7515710 0.5712830 0.7948740 6.1626600 1.0149800 0.8711750 0.2817990 1.8099600 2.970020 1.1339700 0.2584400 8.7152500 0.6122979 0.8964284 1.0333034 0.8746646 4.7738951 2.2882067 2.3160288 2.8108382 2.6031490 2.9799725 1.2942836 1.5408373 1.4266059 1.4973713 0.2242050 1.5037400 0.8603050 0.1691110 5.12393e-01 2.98222e+00 1.8492400 0.4116750 1.99605e+00 1.11786e+00 0.2362400 6.2831950 5.4945000 8.5955700 5.8660700 11.2665000 11.2573000 4.1779700 6.8279990 12.6465800 1.9135770 3.4357670 8.1460180 6.1917430 5.9887390 2.1491970 7.1570070 7.4782180 1.1188907 1.9838450 3.2708750 5.1423553 0.5475730 1.9248131 1.0381926 10.1728012 14.2970852 17.8065324 16.5641200 28.5090101 14.6161990 4.8434317 3.9868961 6.7431609 2.8442810 1.6515646 0.4852225 3.0004599 2.2679270 3.4379043 3.7341063 2.1145871 4.0177490 4.6353080 5.5947140 1.3378000 4.98300e+00 2.68005e-01 3.50201e-01 1.6484207 1.1723025 1.0003275 1.2210033 0.3072618 0.2570474 2.40737e-01 1.07312e-01
593 107286653 cerebellar degeneration-related protein 2-like 9.00 28.00 28.00 10.00 8.00 15.00 2.00 3.00 36.00 13.00 18.00 29.00 17.00 15.00 13.00 15.00 16.00 25.00 37.00 9.00 21.00 20.00 51.00 3.00 36.00 11.00 31.00 2.00 16.00 14.00 23.00 23.00 41.00 42.00 53.00 20.00 16.00 58.00 91.00 95.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 3.2136200 2.3233900 4.0248100 3.7773800 1.3501600 0.3187410 0.5344020 0.4848530 1.8462300 5.258850 2.0260100 0.6266480 3.4496800 0.4863460 0.8394650 0.7518740 0.8008610 2.6153800 3.3676900 3.3488000 4.0481500 3.6469800 4.1173400 2.0206700 2.2407800 2.6157000 2.2635300 2.1202500 3.8727400 2.8237100 1.3225900 1.27849e+00 2.54985e+00 1.2945800 0.8691830 3.06584e-01 2.89453e-01 0.3730090 2.4468900 0.6474510 2.0247600 0.9000820 0.4353800 0.8304500 0.3675390 0.1795510 0.1624860 12.7893000 10.1362700 5.4726000 6.8121700 6.3493100 1.6388700 3.0710900 3.0938900 2.8611100 4.3337500 5.7220800 7.7924200 1.5443100 0.6642260 0.7386990 11.4307000 12.4048000 13.6900000 9.2102200 11.4669000 6.2748700 1.7441100 0.1943850 0.2867450 0.0000000 0.0288343 2.5147460 4.6845130 8.1249960 2.1070350 0.0000000 8.6459300 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.7112820 0.1540460 7.20978e-01 7.41149e-01 8.27764e-01 1.2786000 1.5752600 0.2370990 0.2762080 0.3775210 0.1745360 3.67525e-01 3.83363e-01
1306 107291710 melanophilin 3.00 21.00 40.00 14.00 7.00 13.00 0.00 13.00 18.00 3.00 34.00 13.00 17.00 5.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 23.00 5.00 6.00 17.00 30.00 26.00 8.00 20.00 8.00 2.00 15.00 4.00 26.00 19.00 34.00 25.00 30.00 48.00 36.00 25.00 33.00 27.00 9.00 6.00 9.00 9.00 6.00 39.5962000 3.0534900 50.8175000 83.5910000 52.5432000 16.0283000 0.7814530 0.2344840 24.1568000 31.962700 3.7522200 0.7577840 45.1767000 16.5139680 20.9887960 23.7694300 21.6109400 0.4337980 0.6201000 0.5129170 4.6923380 4.5243990 4.8958930 0.4703410 0.4337000 0.6199750 0.5483680 2.3846800 5.1342500 4.7638900 2.4146000 2.97112e+00 1.14320e+01 9.9346900 4.3540000 7.90627e-01 6.70716e-01 0.1185750 0.0314522 0.0000000 0.0665519 8.3743900 11.0691158 10.4014578 0.5374295 0.1542925 0.1386100 0.0736193 0.2312070 3.3552100 15.0576700 2.2649470 0.6522608 1.8768050 0.5463760 3.8385610 7.6774820 0.3284339 0.2601529 0.9703540 68.4902180 76.3445494 10.5888009 28.3535951 26.9626300 1.4363748 6.2722960 2.2459901 10.5503980 15.0669930 17.1040130 21.4740000 38.4869000 0.0036476 0.0505349 0.0000000 0.6449290 0.0650461 0.0677004 0.1430690 0.1333220 0.1553730 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 26.6001200 24.8524800 16.0037300 15.5470320 17.5980060 13.1562550 2.88257e-01 4.11184e-01
1790 107295878 lysine methyltransferase 5B 490.00 747.00 856.00 445.00 272.00 418.00 218.00 324.00 594.00 192.00 519.00 437.00 404.00 264.00 343.00 319.00 326.00 392.00 611.00 317.00 241.00 440.00 1126.99 496.00 616.00 571.00 436.99 168.00 524.00 377.00 445.00 505.00 339.00 392.00 426.00 778.00 574.00 935.00 693.00 712.00 369.00 402.00 310.00 303.00 515.00 5.0433100 5.3488300 9.6203000 7.8112800 7.6204600 5.6403300 7.7418500 3.7758700 8.6381600 11.986300 8.1059300 2.7363300 14.1846000 3.7093282 4.4904137 4.8341766 5.8163738 5.0780476 5.6056352 5.2759237 8.5793483 9.7845820 9.8286847 5.5024154 5.9582776 7.4366401 7.1892268 8.3089000 26.2203000 20.6583000 10.4528000 7.18351e+00 2.74461e+01 29.8058000 13.7342000 2.02789e+01 2.42912e+01 8.4426600 5.7149100 12.6528000 15.8808000 6.4356600 29.1406000 21.9413000 5.0679900 11.5580000 11.2895000 7.0093400 12.7878485 21.3445020 23.2722000 22.3602710 6.8386480 16.9907000 20.1177990 18.3094760 11.1000700 24.8795900 15.0448490 16.5362800 17.0420599 12.8573937 11.4815464 6.5046630 6.6817020 18.8904910 5.8008440 16.6331520 9.8724875 4.3354250 5.0134398 32.6622150 21.7671980 6.5316327 11.2049070 22.9859470 10.9134860 18.8271320 17.1251020 18.7412340 21.0941560 11.7716724 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 3.43247e-01 3.65022e-01 3.1701413 2.0054452 2.3559700 2.3810972 1.3965453 1.0733854 3.92129e+00 3.17430e+00
1101 107290269 oxysterol binding protein like 11 176.00 289.00 405.00 180.00 177.00 127.00 51.00 120.00 209.00 75.00 195.00 161.00 165.00 111.00 112.00 120.00 101.00 175.00 293.00 120.00 102.00 204.00 430.00 246.00 327.99 225.00 201.00 64.00 193.00 156.00 447.00 431.00 393.00 185.00 309.00 127.00 122.00 145.00 117.00 84.00 91.00 91.00 92.00 67.00 120.00 2.1717100 2.0664400 4.8512200 3.7647000 4.2624800 2.1383100 10.3711000 9.7431700 11.3977000 9.956310 4.4443000 1.5099800 9.5127000 0.7538966 1.4030465 0.7966716 0.9172290 4.5724820 4.9660920 4.9135765 9.4840921 9.9345557 9.8972781 5.4991654 5.4179861 5.3198407 5.5272584 6.1848400 13.8853000 12.5565000 5.5479500 1.11430e+01 1.71283e+01 24.0339000 9.3749900 1.40908e+01 1.31543e+01 4.7279800 8.1159000 9.4124000 10.7513000 6.4873000 17.7807000 17.4030000 5.1300300 9.8499900 13.3113000 10.4485800 12.1949900 44.8126000 34.8404000 33.5452000 19.4254500 19.4807000 16.9765300 4.2261500 3.9596600 6.0305900 6.0196400 6.0843900 2.8884200 1.2662000 1.4178800 2.7797500 2.2521700 4.3766200 1.2283100 7.8646700 5.3945900 3.3216800 3.5273100 8.8504560 8.9883400 2.4207100 7.4223600 21.4992000 8.6631500 22.8293000 6.6289305 50.0823000 32.5655000 9.9709150 2.1930300 3.55126e+00 0.00000e+00 8.40000e-06 0.8651920 0.6743081 0.3992933 0.9110980 0.1873730 0.1928108 2.38558e+00 1.46473e+00
174 107283766 5-azacytidine induced 2 73.00 230.00 252.00 201.00 79.00 179.00 61.00 208.00 153.00 89.00 149.00 379.00 79.00 37.00 94.00 74.00 41.00 141.00 223.00 130.00 95.00 265.00 350.00 164.00 271.00 375.00 182.00 40.00 219.00 104.00 72.00 96.00 179.00 233.00 198.00 148.00 222.00 709.00 816.00 492.00 69.00 94.00 143.00 220.00 175.00 4.4001400 15.2052000 6.8756800 4.9369600 16.5645000 64.6582000 7.9308200 6.9975400 7.4807200 15.099200 5.2440800 8.1100200 14.1354000 8.2214920 13.5822470 13.5550560 13.7140030 17.1947170 14.0611100 13.3310760 21.7293190 20.8146430 19.6935500 14.5780640 14.3361480 13.9962456 16.9626561 5.0005700 7.0668000 6.8885700 2.3324600 4.10729e+00 9.50863e+00 6.2105700 4.0381000 6.30429e+00 6.02501e+00 1.8503600 21.8048000 44.9964000 48.6241000 27.1548000 79.5102000 75.2260000 19.4239000 37.8337000 36.4815000 6.1545800 6.4396603 12.7430000 11.3267300 11.5450100 3.0940470 7.8407800 9.5143000 8.4015700 4.5905000 10.1484240 14.2636910 5.9028370 28.1831140 32.1541199 8.9726590 4.5243070 5.9369760 18.9473920 3.8901590 36.5639020 8.8265611 22.0812680 10.1301071 31.7937000 28.4086000 3.1906600 7.2514900 25.8951000 14.1945000 35.6145000 19.4875000 18.3036000 12.3113000 7.7009700 1.1794800 2.98379e+00 1.65048e+00 7.21587e-01 7.4977870 7.3204362 7.2087760 7.9359584 2.9611275 2.6103517 1.17606e+01 7.08645e+00
2101 107300418 tocopherol (alpha) transfer protein-like 588.00 663.00 861.00 507.00 251.00 336.00 175.00 265.00 305.00 171.00 388.00 209.00 252.00 261.00 244.00 205.00 351.00 519.00 410.00 338.00 264.00 394.00 961.00 279.00 349.00 474.00 523.00 62.00 315.00 464.00 199.00 246.00 258.00 313.00 249.00 321.00 247.00 486.00 391.00 365.00 194.00 273.00 251.00 216.00 225.00 0.5009670 0.1139290 0.8390660 0.6953150 1.5052300 0.2484980 1.2938700 0.6169840 1.0851400 1.183050 0.7289410 0.2008650 1.2465300 2.1139920 2.4406295 2.5181470 3.4247110 5.7452230 8.7234510 8.0574190 13.0129380 7.3095640 8.3053730 12.0119540 8.7619630 9.6051990 11.2354840 0.6700290 1.4155500 3.6836500 0.6698490 1.00066e+00 3.55738e+00 4.2870500 1.2472700 1.97976e+00 3.58251e+00 1.4050800 2.3321600 4.6993200 8.9157600 1.8917300 10.4167000 9.5620800 1.7541300 6.1437300 8.1326500 2.6261200 3.4937800 20.2253000 14.4824000 29.8501000 29.8854000 44.7531000 64.8460000 1.5757200 0.7062910 4.4717510 3.2128900 4.9098500 2.7910506 1.8428417 1.3509270 1.4402350 1.4023730 2.3258820 2.3526620 4.0454240 29.2545220 1.3969734 14.5595673 14.8055000 18.4217000 3.1323600 7.1495700 15.9234000 39.7590000 51.9849000 13.9603000 91.3591000 41.3967000 28.0155000 0.0000000 2.73519e+00 7.14908e-01 2.26205e+00 2.4906430 1.5834902 1.2966200 2.1676010 0.3530690 0.5504019 1.85560e+00 1.05100e+00
1356 107292135 CTR9 homolog, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component 827.00 701.00 769.00 427.00 548.00 589.00 268.00 352.00 567.00 358.00 722.00 549.00 449.00 440.00 436.00 514.00 407.00 540.00 811.00 486.00 244.00 564.00 1272.00 666.00 996.00 448.00 518.00 324.00 667.00 444.00 323.00 257.00 330.00 314.00 252.00 456.00 293.00 468.00 333.00 353.00 165.00 278.00 267.00 228.00 412.00 7.3389500 9.3382100 10.9461300 11.0272200 12.3877800 3.9048200 16.5708600 15.2421300 25.9209000 23.166500 9.4813300 3.9626900 17.0278200 3.2410574 4.1410101 4.6429751 4.1571079 4.4346805 3.4981990 3.4341158 9.1641860 9.3451050 9.4697179 3.4616786 6.2712350 5.5538090 5.7935649 3.9629600 8.6325600 8.1988900 5.8864300 3.89488e+00 1.18607e+01 9.5475800 6.8965000 6.82534e+00 7.29913e+00 5.8313300 9.0925700 18.6186000 19.0365000 8.4500000 31.1545000 24.5531000 7.7157900 14.7167000 15.1326000 7.1791300 9.6873740 19.8459500 14.9664400 18.1194400 11.2734500 9.7649840 11.5154000 7.3651500 6.3333700 13.0392000 17.0999000 13.4599000 10.2656100 7.2175030 8.3852190 7.4179870 6.7778650 18.9557700 10.3372500 19.5370400 12.3287300 5.9060460 6.5127800 19.4547000 11.1073000 3.0625500 8.5408500 11.7920000 14.1060000 16.4335000 11.1363000 17.3094000 19.0649000 11.8377000 6.4952100 2.05806e+01 7.02866e+00 7.98996e+00 4.0265793 3.9709127 2.6459700 2.6529869 1.6332702 0.7023257 5.77943e+00 2.84652e+00
1223 107291126 dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 1 157.00 482.00 433.00 243.00 128.00 240.00 57.00 280.00 287.00 96.00 280.00 218.00 241.00 108.00 123.00 282.00 110.00 85.00 516.00 166.00 171.00 456.00 481.00 377.00 244.00 359.00 203.00 86.00 288.00 154.00 110.00 217.00 117.00 124.00 95.00 246.00 179.00 293.00 159.00 155.00 68.00 85.00 72.00 85.00 102.00 0.0142399 0.0323712 0.0000000 0.0208682 0.0048903 1.3339100 0.0945059 0.0000000 0.4998660 0.577415 0.4337720 0.0281697 2.2252400 0.0082056 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0363833 0.2619952 0.1984388 0.2867511 0.3455793 0.2256283 0.0171199 0.0297950 0.0192437 0.0790158 0.0450670 0.1890170 0.0534275 0.5343500 4.27578e-01 2.03857e+00 1.8209600 0.4910250 4.10205e-02 1.29094e-02 0.0166360 0.1079710 0.0421849 5.9951781 0.0868558 0.0326317 0.0373453 0.0208147 0.0075698 0.0091337 0.0418384 0.1220571 3.5519462 10.9182980 2.1307946 0.0000000 0.6147730 0.1157543 0.8098890 0.4471400 7.0213500 4.4169900 1.2763600 0.8492056 0.9056652 1.9258892 1.8472910 2.4565369 8.0467900 5.4116065 4.4875600 8.1949176 0.4392585 3.2681010 0.0000000 0.0294941 0.0474432 0.5382322 0.3504259 0.2036959 0.2221802 0.0641191 0.0578581 0.0594684 0.1614058 0.1818270 3.49961e-01 5.15528e-01 1.05932e-01 0.0176044 0.0115717 0.0275712 0.0163053 0.0158102 0.0030148 4.69678e-01 2.82648e-01
921 107288920 engulfment and cell motility 3 6.00 3.00 9.00 7.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 13.00 5.00 11.00 1.00 6.00 11.00 5.00 0.00 4.00 8.00 2.00 37.00 3.00 8.00 17.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 3.00 16.00 8.00 13.00 18.00 4.8867168 1.8103100 4.2430500 6.2547300 5.3065921 3.1064000 7.9294600 4.0851248 8.8973570 9.218276 5.9774950 2.1291274 15.6931970 4.0858060 2.2338340 3.2487500 3.3033720 4.2484970 5.3764670 5.4438010 45.2310700 40.6764400 42.3743100 31.7221380 35.6791200 33.3858200 35.5548300 3.8553400 6.4858700 7.5950800 4.0108200 4.46918e+00 8.55190e+00 7.9017000 4.8056500 5.84116e+00 5.64453e+00 2.8844900 9.3904500 6.8774300 6.0469600 24.3944000 18.1076000 14.1602000 16.1278000 14.4693000 5.7030800 43.3416300 61.8684600 16.9517900 27.4979500 21.8559800 17.7047500 27.2510600 20.9532500 0.4588014 0.2775690 23.2438500 29.4019770 9.2005480 2.5917529 6.6394440 1.0952690 1.0985060 1.2005147 25.5599808 35.8547520 17.5734460 3.6815930 1.2804232 1.7784142 0.0558040 9.4328230 0.6611860 1.1365310 0.3210437 4.3732670 4.2340820 6.3079040 0.0204008 0.0000000 6.5266650 2.5988500 5.80484e+00 1.29321e+00 1.56644e+00 9.2421930 13.2495800 2.0903697 6.4599360 3.5832350 2.9344300 9.44596e-01 4.99118e-01
1747 107295339 N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphodiester alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase 0.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.3756100 1.0393800 3.1268400 1.9685200 2.6277800 1.0910700 5.3640900 4.0226500 4.6659500 5.745020 2.7363000 1.0269500 5.5475300 2.0881380 2.5626950 2.7908910 2.0591076 7.4856610 10.9276660 12.0257400 19.3996600 19.4150800 20.3914300 18.4326630 19.0749730 19.7799130 19.2881740 2.8834900 4.0492000 4.3074300 2.6735900 3.68699e+00 8.38621e+00 9.5514500 4.5547000 7.10239e+00 5.61695e+00 3.9523200 8.9717320 8.8224300 9.4921300 15.6744800 18.0774600 13.7279100 6.7133300 7.1659100 7.5464190 4.8473500 8.8442600 15.0595000 18.2103000 15.7559000 6.2083700 15.9334000 17.8964000 3.0964800 1.3150761 11.7350900 10.4572000 9.5640000 1.2182841 2.2479211 3.6153567 8.8307000 8.7952380 20.1106190 14.0064490 12.0867560 5.0796890 2.4807892 2.9242856 0.0420233 7.7153600 2.2193000 3.6279000 6.9422000 13.3017000 0.0000000 7.7128500 0.0000000 0.0000000 9.5686600 0.6269440 1.04795e+00 3.26812e-01 1.96239e-01 1.3760200 1.7377850 1.6306840 1.9504220 0.5124731 0.4712760 8.25340e-01 5.03299e-01
951 107289107 dual serine/threonine and tyrosine protein kinase 18.00 83.00 76.00 27.00 27.00 58.00 13.00 23.00 51.00 32.00 79.00 27.00 37.00 19.00 41.00 40.00 23.00 41.00 58.00 46.00 23.00 43.00 85.00 55.00 50.00 45.00 39.00 23.00 43.00 22.00 67.00 63.00 85.00 60.00 68.00 94.00 69.00 82.00 66.00 52.00 20.00 40.00 19.00 31.00 49.00 2.4033400 2.1299400 3.5058800 4.0813800 4.7282600 1.0656500 2.7639000 2.0187200 3.4453100 4.309660 2.2606100 0.9700510 4.9041000 1.6733560 2.9392563 2.3683450 2.9188200 9.9133250 5.4558000 4.7027810 10.5492040 10.2935500 9.7279912 3.4834820 3.7176260 4.2904010 4.8643940 0.3883780 3.1869500 4.1338900 0.4959280 3.31649e-01 3.64366e+00 3.2407700 1.1340400 2.46860e+00 2.91332e+00 0.4067180 5.1096900 6.4028400 8.8285600 5.9853800 10.6110000 8.7134900 3.5877460 4.3795200 4.0500600 2.1293420 2.8066440 3.4396350 4.2047350 3.0610510 1.6766650 3.8510470 3.3404620 3.9685960 2.0343220 5.9959810 7.8051460 1.0395060 2.8985700 1.3583600 1.6199840 1.9082182 3.7690443 3.7710350 3.5886250 6.5596590 0.9758160 0.1738040 0.6228667 4.5224100 3.4453390 0.9773100 4.3753159 8.6671000 3.9658400 5.9390620 5.2097800 2.0871307 2.4989400 1.8340500 1.2006600 6.11793e+00 1.62994e+00 1.84788e+00 1.3201080 1.2817316 1.4910200 3.4801445 0.3460416 0.2569843 9.70368e-01 3.14170e-01
1060 107290018 wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 4 23.00 43.00 94.00 14.00 20.00 31.00 6.00 7.00 30.00 18.00 48.00 78.00 53.00 12.00 9.00 21.00 7.00 7.00 72.00 12.00 10.00 58.00 160.00 60.00 48.00 18.00 7.00 74.00 45.00 23.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 7.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 7.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 11.6043000 0.4197950 9.0889900 15.1173000 7.0853100 16.2051000 0.3675380 0.8381580 3.9184300 13.363900 3.4188100 0.0000000 41.4798000 4.9499600 6.2336700 6.8761200 6.3040100 0.2052480 0.4063460 0.4248480 1.5275600 1.6042400 1.7118300 1.1474700 0.7660330 0.8342750 0.7999010 0.6791920 0.3197930 0.3744840 0.6809760 6.88193e+00 4.13311e+00 5.2299100 7.3966200 0.00000e+00 7.91742e-01 0.9182660 2.4182600 1.2118200 0.2560840 6.4483400 3.2976500 3.6051100 5.2424100 15.5605000 13.6407000 1.1715130 1.7524150 6.3438390 5.8954140 9.4268290 0.0658075 0.0709570 0.3589880 0.1130080 0.0148132 0.2099410 0.0943484 1.0249800 0.2990750 0.4347710 0.1338320 0.2511470 0.1393670 0.7908060 0.5247490 0.2813730 1.0438100 0.5213562 0.2594179 1.2771800 4.1570960 0.0000000 0.0870467 0.0000000 0.0445523 1.8472800 0.2020001 3.1733190 1.3773560 4.0298250 1.9954200 0.00000e+00 7.19263e+00 6.14617e+00 0.7892030 0.5735640 2.1322400 10.7704000 0.3981350 0.0768851 1.72500e-01 9.22749e-02
759 107287855 suppressor of cytokine signaling 5 121.00 155.00 148.00 105.00 83.00 126.00 71.00 67.00 110.00 81.00 134.00 103.00 95.00 95.00 129.00 107.00 105.00 126.00 86.00 113.00 77.00 111.00 168.00 116.00 152.00 142.00 91.00 42.00 146.00 87.00 52.00 77.00 56.00 46.00 81.00 112.00 88.00 85.00 112.00 149.00 47.00 80.00 54.00 34.00 97.00 3.4401300 0.9501420 6.1513000 5.4469200 6.6998700 1.7747400 5.0374200 2.4591300 9.7198200 10.623600 6.2746900 1.7259900 6.8965300 2.3813411 2.7246720 2.6562630 3.3130240 6.9109132 5.9621572 5.9618920 7.8120670 7.8477890 8.6573650 2.3506910 2.8152760 3.5166510 2.6496080 7.7374500 19.7000000 19.2695000 4.0099000 3.20979e+00 7.86293e+00 10.5023000 3.8289800 2.50398e+01 1.51484e+01 6.8028700 5.4729200 13.3357000 12.6264000 2.9008000 9.1266600 10.4643000 1.5389800 3.7481600 4.5225600 3.8646200 3.6789900 7.2357800 7.9403900 6.7882700 2.8485000 2.9259900 4.3614000 6.6721100 6.1785200 9.4629600 9.0564200 2.2333700 7.0052410 5.3066360 3.1142100 3.6505380 3.7783900 2.3543000 1.7291610 5.5386710 1.2549940 1.9852920 2.0239370 8.8544100 9.3064500 1.6641700 8.0583300 17.5391000 5.6126600 14.7737000 5.0573100 5.5068800 5.3533300 2.7152500 0.4313350 2.83190e-01 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 1.3133000 0.5524780 1.0603831 1.6973717 0.5961376 0.8365589 2.02154e+00 1.49726e+00
1 107282159 delta-like 4 (Drosophila) 2.00 14.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 16.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 3.00 6.00 1.00 4.00 11.00 6.00 2.00 15.00 24.00 7.00 5.00 9.00 4.00 0.00 9.00 1.00 40.00 9.00 12.00 7.00 14.00 48.00 41.00 17.00 17.00 28.00 16.00 5.00 7.00 6.00 23.00 1.3011600 1.3541900 3.7208400 2.2030200 1.7348000 1.6446600 7.5089100 1.9916600 3.9651400 4.510330 2.7964000 0.4154600 9.3745000 0.2613650 0.4142250 0.4180770 0.4234070 14.5213000 16.6968200 13.9656900 14.5495100 12.2522000 12.2953200 2.7546100 3.2489500 4.0296500 4.1669600 2.8004900 9.2209600 3.9447000 2.4476100 3.63219e+00 1.14759e+01 13.7397000 4.7498400 3.44593e+00 9.18588e+00 2.9705200 12.7547600 15.7940500 11.8979900 6.0453460 6.9522700 7.5556530 2.2967400 3.8479840 3.9565120 4.2080700 9.1773140 5.0151600 9.4872810 11.6322800 3.3034520 8.9516510 13.0999100 2.9835100 7.2933020 9.7843410 7.5040300 1.2543100 0.8078245 0.7776995 7.2279160 8.8752690 10.1583670 2.8513530 3.7226126 2.0016850 1.0726300 0.3708940 0.5503727 1.6483830 1.5803980 4.4804300 11.1060900 13.0792600 2.3252570 7.0733700 19.5854800 4.2649860 3.3300540 0.7817370 0.9579280 2.63728e+00 4.44237e-01 1.60050e-01 0.1136120 0.0175622 0.0628818 0.0906731 0.0120165 0.0771792 3.81211e-01 3.82342e-01
1073 107290106 VPS35 retromer complex component 650.00 419.00 435.00 509.00 467.00 303.00 146.00 311.00 397.00 342.00 383.00 466.00 246.00 330.00 157.00 288.00 251.00 312.00 395.00 438.00 177.00 327.00 935.00 740.00 875.00 415.00 298.00 500.00 611.00 504.00 488.00 259.00 339.00 192.00 424.00 468.00 380.00 460.00 493.00 407.00 248.00 273.00 201.00 249.00 331.00 12.6898000 7.2527700 24.6733000 18.1368000 20.9661000 7.7746500 24.3928000 14.0590000 29.9753000 26.747500 14.4358000 5.0960600 30.0026000 8.9255300 11.0820000 10.2490712 10.9329941 16.5192320 10.0977657 10.2110139 21.5276734 23.4907701 20.9006231 9.2250321 7.5327321 6.5015400 8.3391730 28.3091000 43.5308000 45.5749000 25.8129000 1.63089e+01 3.85836e+01 34.1148000 23.5856000 2.28179e+01 2.54288e+01 12.5222000 16.7073800 38.3223100 42.6385500 19.6821900 66.9569500 53.3909600 11.0227200 28.7687500 31.1127000 15.5928000 26.4674300 43.7166100 37.6376900 40.2528100 6.7505100 18.0549000 22.8315000 28.9060400 37.5947600 24.6479400 38.1940400 11.3920500 24.9212829 17.1062840 22.2133810 14.4145450 13.9353520 29.5631000 11.4600150 51.6769720 4.6410230 4.0173984 9.3729161 49.3575990 30.0169730 10.4630131 28.5171437 48.5903000 27.5117991 45.1128910 29.6922915 29.0276000 31.7165000 15.4787440 15.6733000 2.66564e+01 7.64284e+00 1.83424e+00 20.3568566 28.9878349 5.3090081 16.5885166 8.2636427 8.1444158 3.48523e+00 2.02664e+00
1434 107292744 cadherin 17 1.00 7.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 0.00 11.00 1.00 14.00 3.00 2.99 3.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.00 0.00 10.00 14.00 15.00 8.00 7.00 9.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 59.00 8.00 56.00 115.00 77.00 61.00 37.00 1.00 15.00 6.00 13.00 1.00 0.0102549 0.0542863 0.0777808 0.0394490 0.1047730 2.5011900 0.5465800 0.1896780 0.0575814 0.205037 0.5228770 0.0710021 8.7901600 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0709360 0.0000000 0.1229750 0.0642469 0.1071575 0.1095672 0.1295319 0.1135550 0.0154140 0.1725832 0.0781581 0.0754170 0.9319590 3.3922400 4.1260800 2.0597000 1.71818e+00 3.75231e+00 2.4964500 1.3632600 1.93445e+00 1.82793e+00 0.9985530 0.0203665 0.0816048 0.1513320 1.8287100 11.4594000 7.8293200 0.9227570 1.9559300 1.3731200 0.1646638 0.0656971 0.5107680 3.0159030 3.1105820 2.6114450 3.8200970 1.9174340 0.1357891 0.2694000 0.7989355 0.5577620 0.3274450 0.1273047 0.1410396 0.7693155 0.1641257 1.1962709 1.3587473 1.1802938 0.7028996 0.2601800 0.0175927 0.1144275 0.8609456 8.3863730 0.1736855 0.3146480 0.7841340 7.8014300 14.2092000 16.2114000 0.1851280 0.1675940 0.5139660 0.0876394 0.00000e+00 5.32997e-02 0.00000e+00 0.0438445 0.0592940 0.0963435 0.0277128 0.0268777 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
1353 107292119 nuclear transcription factor, X-box binding like 1 221.00 77.00 92.00 128.00 95.00 53.00 121.00 79.00 151.00 104.00 61.00 90.00 47.00 84.00 92.00 103.00 132.00 134.00 90.00 100.00 71.00 54.00 117.00 89.00 135.00 94.00 116.00 157.00 77.00 173.00 36.00 60.00 33.00 68.00 40.00 64.00 28.00 87.00 56.00 47.00 35.00 30.00 22.00 26.00 41.00 1.9565900 0.9920700 4.4441500 2.4666300 6.3992600 0.8966340 3.8536800 2.8153000 6.4012700 4.264220 3.1936800 0.7954700 6.9385700 3.2400163 2.8843690 2.5681520 5.2698200 3.4221595 2.5646061 2.1953757 4.7513341 4.3963430 4.1977340 3.2109805 6.8083361 7.0781412 5.3723878 2.2021100 4.3067200 6.2165100 2.2131000 1.84737e+00 6.11875e+00 4.6632800 2.6088800 3.52428e+00 5.51143e+00 1.8518400 2.5433400 2.9545000 4.2136500 2.4216900 5.5098700 4.4613800 1.4539600 2.0410100 2.6333700 2.8535960 4.4034760 7.9515010 7.6693200 8.8595990 2.5839940 7.6974650 6.6893160 0.2712500 0.1856770 0.4698680 0.0036124 1.7354800 4.2929800 2.7782350 13.1992900 14.8481000 16.9446500 2.0472260 0.6647846 4.0031810 1.2761620 3.2941050 2.3141900 4.5293400 3.2478670 0.6257611 3.0172310 3.6251100 4.1778780 4.5975580 3.6354759 5.5409300 3.2387900 2.3385800 5.5797100 1.20265e+01 1.45937e+00 1.31446e+00 1.6658083 1.6433631 2.0719870 1.7596423 0.6121680 0.5906385 8.74782e-01 7.31146e-01
1037 107289761 CART prepropeptide 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 3.00 6.00 11.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000000 1.1923600 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1353680 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3967770 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3670250 0.1900640 0.1142410 0.0000000 0.0634708 0.0729622 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3181310 0.5969690 0.5679890 0.2780760 7.88349e-01 9.16207e-01 0.3050890 0.0493126 7.82725e-02 3.69494e-01 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1791270 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1089000 0.1322890 0.0000000 0.1914400 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.9397400 0.0802932 2.5288100 0.3068430 1.0358300 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3379010 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1085430 0.0000000 0.3636790 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.5706320 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1449220 8.47844e-01 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
2127 107301959 KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 1 like 255.00 529.00 523.00 201.00 155.00 231.00 72.00 130.00 223.00 62.00 289.00 199.00 199.00 104.00 108.00 112.00 132.00 128.00 357.00 157.00 140.00 230.00 467.00 262.00 264.00 357.00 223.00 64.00 268.99 150.00 276.00 180.00 219.00 203.00 177.00 1633.00 1222.00 1726.00 1283.00 1463.00 261.00 176.00 178.00 113.00 91.00 0.4519650 0.8712010 0.2886970 0.6126590 0.5388440 1.1861600 5.0287300 2.8000200 7.5457200 13.601800 1.0176000 0.6740010 1.7457800 1.4197176 1.4476980 1.2552220 1.3398596 4.0830020 3.2795010 2.8256480 7.2327400 7.0453810 6.9500340 1.7466930 1.7633220 1.5787190 1.3390090 3.2343000 13.3573000 9.7300400 5.3234700 1.43414e+01 7.21127e+01 41.5757000 31.7006000 2.85284e+01 5.30553e+01 10.0183000 9.0121800 11.0934950 12.5036600 15.3414500 28.8988300 40.3168400 6.2276200 8.9076270 6.8931860 0.3709760 0.3568370 18.5673000 31.4581000 34.2343000 1.4822100 2.1082400 2.9329800 2.2600900 3.2461320 8.2876400 19.0831400 1.9358050 9.1276200 5.4543614 4.1976370 5.2821810 4.6458070 10.7447650 3.3062970 24.3422010 2.6462290 1.1144294 3.9648550 8.7446700 9.8292000 1.8410330 2.9789690 7.6756300 8.5253140 17.1228300 10.6479830 4.5857370 6.6868917 3.6088370 0.0000000 3.59866e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 2.2687489 1.3736610 1.7947900 1.2538384 0.7562771 0.7919794 2.95453e-01 3.11145e-01
820 107288191 dynein, light chain, roadblock-type 2 663.00 734.00 973.00 1294.00 517.00 618.00 226.00 620.02 921.00 286.00 842.00 661.00 859.00 523.00 350.00 642.00 562.00 323.00 1101.00 263.00 669.00 1673.00 947.00 1371.00 564.00 1224.00 492.00 1834.00 851.00 816.00 445.00 854.00 419.00 157.00 486.00 569.00 617.00 975.00 864.00 543.00 182.00 257.00 141.00 222.00 252.00 8.2942000 12.2481000 13.0050000 11.0196000 14.1286000 45.9597000 8.3297900 3.4752800 22.8047000 26.493600 9.0944900 4.1002300 20.4479000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 3.3108700 2.5893950 1.1553890 1.8528010 1.5257740 0.0000000 0.1595900 0.0000000 0.0000000 21.7963000 50.6149000 40.6030000 92.2925000 6.70228e+01 1.37786e+02 103.7410000 210.9610000 4.55667e+01 5.28877e+01 97.6547000 1.1462600 0.0000000 4.2098900 31.1509000 2.1323600 3.6605500 7.8798200 0.4946540 1.7905600 7.9225300 8.7933200 41.4119000 97.8606000 33.5861000 18.1431000 11.4677000 14.3222000 0.7206220 0.0000000 5.8012000 9.7464700 0.7060390 0.3336130 0.1386720 0.7092320 1.8313000 1.0122510 1.9213800 4.7634630 4.8636670 0.4137360 0.7935240 0.9346350 24.6062500 34.1896000 0.8331370 1.2481100 9.7938000 22.6278000 93.3102100 46.5149800 3.2933500 1.6372500 2.4737700 40.8629000 1.19531e+02 6.28770e+01 3.71969e+01 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1373530 0.2686870 0.0000000 1.30343e+02 3.42908e+02
609 107286777 syntaxin 8 423.00 446.00 562.00 398.00 318.00 206.00 95.00 211.00 342.00 170.00 278.00 356.00 262.00 158.00 149.00 160.00 118.00 157.00 388.00 161.00 184.00 421.00 477.00 329.00 434.00 461.99 241.99 305.00 375.00 243.00 273.00 391.00 239.00 137.00 362.00 370.00 380.00 627.00 508.00 554.00 292.00 343.00 182.00 290.00 431.00 22.4409000 45.5087000 43.1874000 27.0577000 83.1350000 17.2952000 12.6776000 14.7504000 25.4520000 18.814900 12.2183000 4.2515600 40.1281000 3.8320460 4.6575280 5.7568880 2.5361830 4.2897910 3.8701496 3.8577618 7.0082320 8.2827010 7.4435770 2.1523900 3.4257090 2.2145532 4.4410970 8.6831000 12.6616000 12.6747000 12.6113000 1.28444e+01 1.51766e+01 17.3949000 21.8630000 6.21217e+00 6.06729e+00 5.4731200 26.0848300 15.4237500 19.6877960 39.3837290 32.3508380 30.0441200 22.0531680 18.4728600 19.4640200 20.2444100 8.0121400 14.8556100 14.1083600 1.6206030 26.6873900 11.6411400 9.1624200 21.3552000 20.9207000 42.4567000 59.8803720 53.5630000 18.7550000 19.5675400 39.4272500 19.5388000 21.6987800 47.6386800 40.2659200 60.7404100 22.5700900 24.1207600 23.8971900 27.2770480 10.7863000 51.3438500 37.9212250 84.0013000 55.4423400 8.5649600 80.9587380 0.0000000 0.1856290 23.3596000 11.0988000 2.75960e+01 1.15708e+01 8.76382e+00 15.1991380 17.3512980 6.9676700 15.4893930 7.4002618 7.0366780 2.28688e+01 2.03101e+01
2133 107302249 coiled-coil domain containing 85A 7.00 18.00 28.00 10.00 14.00 17.00 0.00 8.00 25.00 9.00 14.00 14.00 5.00 4.00 9.00 2.00 3.00 9.00 27.00 8.00 6.00 13.00 43.00 10.00 29.00 28.00 6.00 6.00 20.00 10.00 3.00 31.00 8.00 23.00 19.00 4.00 6.00 12.00 9.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 9.00 2.1202200 0.4278030 2.2477400 4.9448400 9.6576600 2.4860200 0.9287630 0.0237263 0.0605027 1.306030 2.0854100 0.9273460 19.2043000 0.1718055 0.0875162 0.0657421 0.0400120 1.4581100 2.6334600 2.7569908 0.7201933 0.7853866 0.8159160 0.0000000 0.0391558 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1088080 0.6869070 0.0804382 0.2925440 1.27838e-01 7.10225e-01 0.7489140 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 7.8564560 8.5461320 7.6293750 1.7705300 1.5890000 2.9392580 0.6033480 0.7760200 0.4213580 0.0480301 0.1909510 0.0000000 0.1999660 0.0519607 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 11.6350000 9.9234600 1.7292000 1.5024100 0.0000000 1.4730500 1.1332700 4.0817800 4.0626200 4.7628900 0.4883490 0.3249320 0.5943680 0.0615031 0.0000000 0.0459121 0.9589050 0.9164040 3.5936600 13.8072000 29.7559000 0.7651470 1.2616700 2.8569100 1.4585400 1.1679800 1.3426600 0.2970430 0.00000e+00 3.20000e-06 1.00000e-05 0.0152769 0.0517825 0.0798548 0.0174934 0.1432813 0.0000000 1.34312e-01 1.43693e-01
1403 107292518 butyrylcholinesterase 74.00 793.00 246.00 127.00 118.00 361.00 74.00 171.00 140.00 151.00 398.00 71.00 161.00 122.00 131.00 96.00 119.00 55.00 305.00 120.00 62.00 331.00 178.00 157.00 269.00 338.00 132.00 25.00 350.00 46.00 42.00 57.00 57.00 114.00 63.00 798.00 791.00 988.00 480.00 387.00 17.00 68.00 47.00 60.00 51.00 0.5770010 0.2881580 0.3302960 1.3122400 0.1570290 0.1435310 0.0000000 0.0191778 0.5868460 0.870690 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2962490 2.0099310 1.5953500 1.6071060 1.4388600 2.7204270 3.0751000 3.0582300 0.7093810 0.9577890 0.5674600 27.3330020 18.4076800 19.8465940 19.1731860 1.5122800 7.7237700 2.3552700 2.7635900 3.23007e+00 1.03580e+01 10.1013000 4.8309300 3.48277e+00 2.93027e+00 0.2992590 12.2478600 38.8104600 34.1377000 2.9745630 6.1231350 10.0535500 9.7270830 33.0273100 32.4457200 0.0747647 0.0000000 0.8331660 2.0340700 0.4270200 0.0000000 0.0584443 0.0975693 3.9784847 3.4766850 1.5740200 3.2945800 1.4780510 3.8578347 1.0393932 0.7909600 1.1058500 0.8827600 0.9168920 0.2308810 2.9449070 46.5896770 16.2485438 250.1168330 0.5027250 0.1793220 3.1022800 7.6916300 59.1395000 2.2530500 6.3144800 6.3768000 63.5017000 52.5371000 4.8180100 2.1614000 6.32247e-01 1.27883e+00 7.32990e-01 1.4795900 2.2253440 0.4823490 0.6281220 0.7228730 0.2986820 2.87311e+00 1.20652e+00
313 107284611 oligophrenin 1 100.00 52.00 73.00 57.65 65.00 43.00 35.00 46.00 66.00 34.00 73.00 78.00 36.00 37.00 54.00 53.00 43.00 35.00 84.00 35.00 38.00 57.00 109.00 72.00 133.00 23.00 100.00 72.00 64.95 27.00 16.00 24.17 33.00 99.00 25.00 9.00 16.00 24.00 20.00 3.00 5.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 13.00 7.1584500 0.0000000 17.4494000 9.5210300 6.8953400 5.2720600 5.5372300 2.2263300 21.8217000 31.755900 9.7250500 5.6057800 56.1991000 1.2963150 2.5854921 2.3242680 1.0284686 2.3510820 2.6189166 2.4791667 1.7241562 2.5983980 2.5113775 0.4733912 0.8184469 0.5464443 0.7991812 4.5077800 11.1852000 7.8615400 5.7570600 4.36512e+00 1.19892e+01 8.5728300 6.1791100 6.30337e+00 5.39871e+00 2.4458600 12.8409900 11.4442700 10.7130700 6.8233900 7.4539830 6.6508000 2.7095190 2.4145000 1.9907900 1.5056280 4.2946883 4.2360600 4.3091586 3.7641100 1.9633110 5.6956500 5.1387500 6.5219100 5.2811630 7.2990600 9.4125500 2.3741310 4.4411500 2.4224860 2.2992500 3.4697300 4.3477700 2.6053400 4.4842000 4.3879800 0.6130220 0.1019100 0.5862900 0.0000000 0.0147757 0.8501720 1.9207100 0.0000000 3.8308800 0.0000000 3.1626000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.8068300 6.8071600 2.25888e+01 6.05175e-01 1.86171e-01 2.5785331 1.5737870 1.3868580 1.1539603 0.8618987 0.5904686 3.39109e+00 1.73774e+00
1299 107291617 transmembrane protein 192 1305.00 731.00 924.00 714.00 692.00 511.00 390.00 459.00 629.00 505.00 971.00 811.00 637.00 428.00 715.00 852.00 571.00 434.00 992.00 439.00 555.00 1030.00 1371.00 851.00 1400.00 1026.00 968.00 187.00 531.00 434.00 353.00 369.00 376.00 149.00 252.00 785.00 545.00 1228.00 1187.00 799.00 299.00 245.00 372.00 406.00 323.00 4.5615000 6.2387400 9.3511600 9.1346600 9.2961800 4.9941900 9.9245100 12.3821000 7.6218600 6.792540 6.7392500 1.9792300 10.8211000 4.3091400 5.1881370 3.2321300 5.1639330 16.3205700 24.6542720 25.0241270 62.4133650 60.6690460 61.0171365 28.1703730 27.5650900 30.1635314 27.3862700 3.2943200 3.4902800 4.5016600 2.0046400 4.38643e+00 6.02146e+00 4.6968500 3.8109900 1.29741e+01 1.64970e+01 11.5334000 2.0331400 4.2909600 6.6109630 4.1806020 12.5720500 8.1505900 2.5481800 5.9729600 4.3957700 4.1316800 5.2489500 13.3153000 11.3108400 10.6597000 6.6122800 6.9109300 8.0527600 8.0803500 5.9764700 23.7591700 48.0486005 10.8625000 9.7888900 7.7518100 2.8122950 3.2331060 3.4673000 21.4364000 14.6928900 41.4608400 17.6148500 3.9789310 10.4346000 24.2234000 24.9046710 3.9954100 11.7246000 23.8559000 29.4842000 32.2891000 15.6185000 9.5607800 18.3118000 13.3675390 0.0000003 6.04500e-04 4.08742e+00 5.62944e+00 4.1306480 4.1545470 2.8265400 3.3993680 1.2015860 1.5191680 7.07024e+00 3.61018e+00
301 107284518 heat shock protein family B (small) member 2 304.00 2062.00 937.00 451.00 622.00 2441.00 101.00 629.00 650.00 661.00 1113.00 576.00 708.00 251.00 365.00 251.00 66.00 71.00 1788.00 193.00 310.00 1300.00 314.00 384.00 1416.00 2434.00 297.00 429.00 1839.00 38.00 2919.00 1201.00 1966.00 143.00 1715.00 16.00 13.00 75.00 84.00 79.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 9.00 3.1916700 72.0293000 6.0874100 1.7232100 3.4100800 1.3534100 0.0000000 0.0328791 0.0000000 0.266561 0.1392700 0.0861533 0.1269750 0.2617120 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 82.7527400 115.0128900 116.3784000 20.3338400 16.1094500 15.0180400 1.0013940 1.3292880 1.4039050 1.2221980 105.3850000 96.3495000 125.7070000 62.7687000 1.03529e+00 3.79072e-01 0.1998610 0.5814760 0.00000e+00 5.80924e-01 0.0000000 332.3727000 267.4580000 303.9540000 1.0584570 2.6766500 1.5316400 0.0000000 0.2069720 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.4633480 0.2496450 0.3352630 0.0000000 0.7800620 2.3874900 46.1756000 37.9394000 11.3738000 6.1509500 0.4282900 1.4920300 1.3490600 35.0541000 129.7850000 142.3580000 9.9516400 8.6729400 11.5355000 0.3538210 0.8641640 0.8290450 17.0596000 33.0856000 133.4370000 99.4199000 649.0420000 8.8152500 43.4043000 25.8728000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.1271400 6.1861500 1.18000e-05 2.36274e+01 1.16774e+01 1.0615100 0.8945858 0.2120440 1.4666202 0.9956990 0.5676990 3.43158e+01 9.22187e+00
556 107286336 myosin regulatory light chain interacting protein 1115.00 2410.00 2568.00 990.00 927.00 1407.00 400.00 655.00 1136.00 502.00 1194.00 1190.00 907.00 513.00 766.00 718.00 678.00 641.00 2149.00 722.00 913.00 1961.00 2256.00 1634.00 2360.00 2183.00 1419.00 110.00 2103.00 202.00 632.00 703.00 1794.00 540.00 1101.00 501.00 430.00 863.00 755.00 839.00 99.00 230.00 254.00 205.00 227.00 6.0599700 36.2798000 9.2813300 7.9300700 15.8231000 6.0845100 2.6678900 3.0362400 4.4400100 28.481000 5.1143100 1.5904900 10.4638000 4.9262280 4.8583670 4.5434300 4.8454900 5.4727880 6.1657800 6.5198500 21.2594100 20.3587020 21.9272700 2.7994480 3.8304210 4.6391500 4.5079160 24.4344000 18.5756000 33.7882000 11.8773000 1.51603e+01 5.98412e+01 23.3682000 14.4125000 3.47093e+00 9.23513e+00 1.1197200 23.1845000 45.2045000 36.5327000 15.3435000 81.8519000 72.5653000 18.9993000 46.0177000 29.6635000 7.2634500 7.6444600 8.1626700 11.5747000 8.9846000 1.8040400 6.8181800 4.4020600 10.0683000 7.6894900 21.0746000 21.0909000 3.3002300 10.7650800 6.5005090 5.3724000 6.8975300 6.5173948 9.5608300 12.6746002 14.1430600 1.3824200 0.4532080 1.2924530 17.5665100 11.6058900 1.8169470 4.8463390 14.1126600 6.5300250 27.1278000 32.2017000 9.9782300 17.1868900 5.5269060 0.3146240 6.24165e+01 5.48871e+00 4.95616e+00 4.4708844 4.1338810 4.9311500 8.5171600 3.3483600 3.7773380 2.40763e+01 1.28901e+01
601 107286723 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 1 903.00 653.00 463.00 331.00 178.00 163.00 198.00 172.00 344.00 134.00 211.00 445.00 216.00 198.00 244.00 184.00 278.00 173.00 690.00 125.00 98.00 302.00 1156.00 495.00 615.00 376.00 283.00 55.00 208.00 594.00 241.00 912.00 208.00 263.00 114.00 115.00 95.00 79.00 121.00 57.00 93.00 66.00 63.00 54.00 64.00 8.4935500 4.8291900 8.2268400 12.7775000 20.5526000 3.5978300 3.2403000 1.1857800 16.3506000 6.636660 3.1998400 0.7617830 7.3257700 0.5254620 0.6828670 0.7707463 0.4500240 10.9596500 12.2030400 12.7511400 21.7580000 21.1501200 23.1183500 5.3116780 8.3860950 9.1560610 8.2752720 2.5358600 21.4972000 2.7244200 4.2407900 8.65920e+00 2.28524e+01 34.0152000 8.1424400 1.58527e+01 2.00542e+01 10.0475000 29.7249000 21.1852000 27.4681000 2.7932300 3.3412500 6.6502300 0.5215510 0.7895300 0.4182380 14.7520000 111.3039000 23.1647800 84.8461600 87.2210200 6.0688500 6.5796730 21.6414200 12.0104000 23.6026000 57.0854000 32.0504000 2.6390100 40.5808200 6.3455600 65.9347700 34.4021452 33.3192900 18.2749190 4.3180720 13.7395840 2.8895370 2.7719800 1.3305580 5.7496400 5.0740500 7.9395600 14.7759000 83.0238000 11.7559000 58.5893000 48.4104000 5.3704700 5.6651200 1.1100900 1.2664700 4.61022e+00 1.27878e+00 8.95841e-01 0.8019950 0.3266867 0.2380590 0.1125040 0.0598587 0.0356960 2.57821e+00 5.98829e-01
1153 107290606 WD repeat domain, phosphoinositide interacting 2 181.00 272.00 419.00 158.00 143.00 371.00 107.00 236.00 170.00 393.00 516.00 279.00 188.00 195.00 129.00 238.00 210.00 177.00 557.00 278.00 195.00 321.00 471.00 527.00 765.00 187.00 190.00 144.00 413.00 84.00 168.00 151.00 158.00 278.00 170.00 190.00 104.00 209.00 162.00 137.00 100.00 148.00 122.00 137.00 262.00 7.2941200 8.4892500 10.9061000 8.3767900 12.0958000 3.8105400 11.5521000 10.0460000 12.5505000 12.729600 7.5676000 3.7441300 10.6629000 4.0423920 5.8405240 4.9483260 5.5081210 13.9940855 15.2153593 15.6823041 45.7759050 45.8810300 46.4808530 36.7344450 39.1572790 41.5510020 40.8621500 41.0502000 38.8530000 35.3778000 21.1785000 3.03028e+01 3.32797e+01 31.9422000 34.3954000 2.23283e+01 2.29125e+01 25.2129000 20.7168000 28.7200000 29.0353000 27.1296000 42.4971000 30.9923000 14.9240000 18.9743000 19.6379000 18.5318700 23.2215000 24.8234600 33.5092300 34.7721600 10.4657000 18.6700600 22.9847000 8.0354800 6.4763200 34.1386100 29.6875100 16.6843300 13.0043531 15.9988468 34.0758070 29.8120715 40.5433590 57.2256500 53.8547600 54.1911760 26.3601370 12.0128993 19.3963986 0.2986761 22.7820400 12.0800800 24.6360000 33.5531000 33.1618000 32.0059800 30.2331000 0.1690650 0.2251460 30.3623800 19.1693000 3.19189e+01 2.62554e+00 2.79220e+00 2.8785040 1.7236894 3.3352890 3.3164145 1.6956863 1.4227028 7.64452e+00 5.71083e+00
369 107285070 ribosomal protein L24 4400.00 2549.00 3475.00 6070.00 3118.00 2434.00 2064.00 1586.00 4054.00 1797.00 1511.00 2740.00 1492.00 2553.00 2315.00 1909.00 1275.00 1020.00 3716.00 1528.00 1874.00 1831.00 2103.00 1650.00 2862.00 3077.00 3871.00 11810.00 1624.00 3483.00 1341.00 3115.00 2086.00 444.00 1659.00 3001.00 3563.00 4564.00 2985.00 2200.00 2465.00 3648.00 1961.00 2327.00 2272.00 760.4670000 1174.0300000 1617.5100000 1146.0000000 4838.7600000 1935.3800000 2330.5600000 2657.6600000 1986.4700000 2725.710000 1903.7500000 1348.4300000 1233.6000000 111.2264550 118.5095740 112.0199980 110.8711560 77.5348170 99.5008800 99.5642030 150.9702360 154.2330260 153.2262620 84.1356350 87.3584840 81.2052630 77.7528350 1039.8600000 650.3790000 816.1120000 439.3220000 2.25825e+03 2.28271e+03 1362.4000000 860.1470000 8.39228e+02 1.26823e+03 530.8650000 999.0090000 448.7070000 341.5120000 1102.2300000 542.7810000 636.5680000 842.2560000 324.5460000 272.8990000 1504.7366400 1526.9440000 2248.3040000 2185.1160000 2608.6300000 3470.5403650 2202.7310000 1947.9530000 151.9959700 127.7210000 287.4080000 341.3510000 214.8960000 857.5834690 775.6613880 459.9246180 248.0922600 210.7753100 384.1544400 609.8974900 709.0053600 462.3364560 408.3922200 540.9884017 2451.2697000 138.4039000 1082.8751050 648.2260000 111.2951000 942.8905900 91.4293000 2063.4264000 2395.5612300 1038.0270000 893.6950000 935.7640000 3.64680e+03 1.83689e+03 1.51854e+03 458.6743400 399.5477150 262.8450200 377.8943830 311.1713720 252.3099010 2.83042e+03 2.33487e+03
25 107282615 solute carrier family 35 member B1 500.00 105.00 166.00 1319.00 272.00 277.00 227.00 743.00 242.00 656.00 127.00 501.00 89.00 431.00 305.00 256.00 454.00 725.00 160.00 206.00 520.00 253.00 355.00 136.00 267.00 268.00 304.00 323.00 195.00 395.00 83.00 121.00 192.00 108.00 248.00 181.00 197.00 513.00 535.00 432.00 149.00 209.00 332.00 485.00 570.00 36.1401000 22.6627000 49.4915000 42.3773000 70.9272000 30.6160000 37.1312000 40.7150000 34.7661000 27.961900 27.3862000 11.4797000 39.0378000 14.1687420 17.2658600 16.2872970 18.2448580 29.9143830 27.3614150 27.3830100 43.9656510 44.5931200 44.4696480 68.3067250 85.2949000 75.1629100 82.4287790 11.1740000 10.3865000 12.2620000 9.6876000 3.85685e+01 3.74248e+01 24.6849000 39.3018000 1.74885e+01 1.63770e+01 17.5799000 23.2543000 30.5575000 27.2480000 50.6132000 74.3050000 73.4107000 101.8650000 89.8872000 108.3460000 13.2737000 14.9140900 39.4161600 26.3239700 32.0051400 21.5299400 47.0655000 14.0997500 55.5343000 33.4530000 95.8577000 40.2420000 97.4554000 17.3377218 13.0896131 25.0135710 36.3164641 33.6743593 50.2814350 33.2375861 76.8713650 53.1962364 57.3000350 28.7511542 0.0380593 0.1777140 7.3876300 12.6855000 0.1352600 16.5450000 0.0278065 15.1735000 0.0422927 0.0375463 9.7675600 62.3150000 1.90437e+02 2.18203e+01 2.28015e+01 33.1661730 48.6234180 22.7862180 60.6505770 29.4722400 27.5457390 1.39759e+01 7.22084e+00
603 107286740 EF-hand calcium binding domain 2 12.00 99.00 55.00 62.00 20.00 53.00 3.00 102.00 78.00 21.00 100.00 40.00 142.00 29.00 14.00 75.00 23.00 7.00 188.00 35.00 108.00 324.00 49.00 198.00 23.00 122.00 33.00 4.00 63.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.00 24.00 25.00 27.00 30.00 19.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.7134210 0.725819 0.3160160 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2031324 0.1241380 0.2193810 0.2005490 15.2652970 8.9372200 10.2703150 1.1624800 1.3898240 1.1371000 0.3281760 0.5846430 0.1435680 0.3302270 0.9914660 1.8964040 2.1441600 1.6013780 4.96816e+00 2.31574e+01 14.0810200 5.7043200 4.38996e+00 3.36754e+00 2.4201800 0.5651100 0.9069290 8.0168400 0.6788470 1.5617800 2.8435400 0.2147890 0.3952290 0.3974060 0.4068280 2.1335500 8.7302300 30.8682000 9.3437600 0.3274180 1.5310000 0.7667760 7.2801100 11.1291000 6.7600100 6.6843700 5.4444500 5.4084130 3.6970110 15.7018600 16.9777900 14.2454000 16.8318500 10.9104400 28.5311900 2.4700060 3.0783740 3.6743410 14.4937000 19.5595000 10.7888000 13.4237000 50.0461000 10.4921000 25.6841000 31.9857000 11.9504000 7.1356700 5.0244500 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 2.92078e-01 0.5942300 0.6260040 0.1099840 0.4039330 0.1387210 0.1625666 7.19293e+00 2.52747e+01
2061 107299408 nuclear receptor coactivator 5 11.00 14.00 18.00 7.00 13.00 7.00 2.00 11.00 6.00 13.00 20.00 16.00 7.00 6.00 2.00 8.00 9.00 7.00 16.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 18.00 9.00 39.00 14.00 4.00 48.00 10.00 6.00 3.00 10.00 8.00 20.00 6.00 8.00 18.00 8.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 11.00 1.00 8.00 11.00 12.6260000 6.3481100 16.9229000 12.3607000 16.7839000 8.8550500 21.2696000 14.8987000 25.2892000 33.494800 15.6588000 8.0766200 24.7745000 3.7430800 3.5515740 2.5750220 3.6513580 7.5135100 8.7284840 9.9613770 21.6570630 20.9704910 20.8416230 7.3645310 9.0787978 8.9702669 10.6268303 13.3032000 12.1546000 10.8973000 10.2732000 1.32657e+01 8.89851e+00 8.1330900 10.3870000 5.03945e+00 7.84701e+00 8.2220300 10.5440000 9.5405800 11.0321000 9.0713100 13.2274000 11.3917000 5.7765700 5.2450300 5.2632600 16.9400000 22.0759600 23.6342100 27.6835000 37.0010600 12.9436000 13.8162500 20.0143600 7.0321800 6.1298200 21.6504000 18.1241000 12.4710000 5.3490700 6.2976220 10.6847800 6.1650800 6.9200270 16.3567600 13.3089000 10.3233210 7.8314330 1.4178200 3.4969600 15.2273000 12.1577400 3.6289192 6.6414520 17.2582000 7.7194000 15.8841210 11.5741260 8.1313800 9.9986380 3.3143330 6.7901900 1.31989e+01 3.48008e+00 3.51317e+00 3.7329131 5.3381601 1.7424897 3.5533320 1.2399310 0.8659430 1.05227e+01 8.60421e+00
1024 107289698 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 9 212.00 254.00 529.00 179.00 181.00 260.00 94.00 151.00 260.00 152.00 500.00 215.00 322.00 204.00 171.00 160.00 144.00 163.00 511.00 179.00 117.00 219.00 941.00 529.00 459.00 246.00 224.00 59.00 468.00 77.00 190.00 50.00 202.00 261.00 273.00 190.00 120.00 232.00 202.00 186.00 37.00 86.00 90.00 123.00 198.00 1.6027800 1.8780900 2.7671700 2.9224800 8.7651000 1.5152200 1.1045500 0.8079340 5.7960400 7.385930 4.9118800 5.2773300 8.5187800 2.2108120 3.0400310 2.5602650 2.8657040 39.8638405 13.6769324 19.9668590 16.0572246 14.7299670 11.8314340 3.2615617 3.3165180 4.2993024 5.3592060 3.6464700 6.2453500 7.9334600 2.7252600 2.47791e+00 9.22428e+00 12.9113000 3.4849300 9.32435e+00 1.24234e+01 3.0072200 6.6987200 14.1285000 17.7746000 7.6619100 29.1275000 23.9405000 4.8845100 10.6520000 8.9463600 16.7618400 16.3436300 23.6588800 23.6221200 25.6703200 9.4554650 9.9422660 13.6881000 19.9159000 26.6776000 10.2098000 7.1647400 4.1442900 14.3026699 10.4555684 9.6576000 20.3412270 16.7572550 7.3976070 2.9681713 14.0743759 2.4896730 1.5018100 2.8643590 20.0394000 9.5435960 2.8749800 12.6527000 21.6188900 2.0579200 5.1296100 5.7048600 1.5218800 1.4633000 0.9178380 2.0268400 6.32411e+00 1.55289e+00 3.14704e+00 0.7733860 1.1037104 1.0262168 1.4502010 0.2739400 0.3002560 1.50152e+00 5.47635e-01
1032 107289738 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S27 340.00 232.00 366.00 211.00 152.00 210.00 81.00 100.00 180.00 80.00 182.00 353.00 132.00 99.00 87.00 74.00 109.00 133.00 207.00 65.00 86.00 171.00 407.00 305.00 340.99 364.00 147.00 95.00 279.00 248.00 383.00 247.00 371.00 194.00 398.00 388.00 367.00 515.00 366.00 457.00 301.00 314.00 264.00 175.00 349.00 6.2455200 0.6297520 15.0384000 6.4068400 6.2915900 5.3586600 18.6543000 8.5570000 29.4355000 13.478400 7.5451000 2.8370700 10.2061000 2.4310220 4.8169900 3.9357660 3.4196500 19.8026000 21.8751950 22.9441800 17.4443720 18.2346300 19.5796410 17.6951150 19.5790000 18.9576320 20.5631070 72.2816000 73.4363000 84.0542000 59.8329000 4.61723e+01 7.43438e+01 66.3070000 77.5598000 4.64265e+01 6.78004e+01 65.1591000 48.5289000 69.3949000 126.7570000 44.3205000 47.1947000 66.3265000 26.8971000 21.2391000 41.9548000 9.1296290 12.9117400 26.4714500 8.6486310 17.1994500 2.3388390 4.1641540 6.1137740 16.5520000 30.9179800 16.7818536 44.0998100 12.5128680 11.2405941 9.2471825 15.4208320 27.4852780 31.9074420 18.1742990 30.7282440 40.2484460 25.7034832 11.1281447 16.6558169 14.4206000 12.7921083 34.9289200 35.1802502 50.5676950 17.2410946 21.0838140 22.4560500 13.2417350 18.7715920 10.5506397 4.8380800 1.40474e+01 2.95099e+00 6.95759e+00 6.5585530 9.2038900 3.5188700 7.2212810 4.3230400 3.6085410 4.11886e+00 2.58987e+00
1819 107296146 ubiquitin-like with PHD and ring finger domains 1 16.00 30.00 30.00 9.00 12.00 35.00 13.00 13.00 24.00 19.00 64.00 9.00 31.00 33.00 16.00 25.00 16.00 12.00 20.00 23.00 18.00 73.00 124.00 33.00 31.00 12.00 19.00 12.00 27.00 9.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 24.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 7.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 7.00 2.00 10.00 1.4087600 0.3403840 0.8128310 2.1572300 1.1936600 0.4709560 0.5629130 1.0761200 0.1123250 0.122440 2.3552200 0.0000000 5.3301200 0.5955170 0.7556190 0.7894927 2.1099164 0.2787940 0.8627580 0.6837690 1.8114160 1.1957762 1.8855791 0.1689170 0.3529980 0.1519972 0.1921240 1.3075810 1.4337530 1.4523040 1.2992760 1.67676e+00 2.72091e+00 1.8741490 1.6914900 7.24739e-01 1.90818e+00 2.5157390 2.6796200 3.0546300 16.8287000 1.1334800 3.6892600 5.7159200 1.0162600 3.4109100 4.0410700 0.6290609 3.6982760 5.1536500 5.4090990 8.1571990 1.7420950 1.9227450 7.4050880 0.4469340 0.0732305 0.7380390 0.1305980 2.3875500 0.0787107 0.1035165 0.5721485 0.6178680 0.6102795 0.3240490 0.1936380 0.1488450 0.2074940 0.0367442 0.1474140 1.5746720 2.0513090 0.2261040 0.4725000 0.6994649 0.4541530 2.0890490 1.3779310 0.5899120 0.4274040 0.3746219 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 1.74549e+00 0.1500850 0.2668400 0.6523135 0.7851616 0.6277866 0.8405678 1.14776e+00 1.05488e+00
1139 107290537 UTP15, small subunit processome component 1040.00 522.00 642.00 622.00 518.00 360.00 218.00 243.00 362.00 248.00 357.00 702.00 254.00 269.00 208.00 209.00 355.00 467.00 408.00 251.00 284.00 357.00 950.00 446.00 952.00 805.00 457.00 261.00 442.00 537.00 317.00 304.00 244.00 218.00 332.00 681.00 538.00 885.00 782.00 808.00 591.00 417.00 367.00 414.00 481.00 3.3856100 12.2489000 8.0412200 5.9923800 12.1613000 3.7439700 3.4699700 3.6227000 6.6512800 5.723340 4.8709600 1.8771700 6.6469900 1.1835091 1.3743443 2.0377620 1.6239660 3.0913550 2.7574056 1.9683900 4.9955601 4.8442160 4.8656930 2.4178460 2.3522307 1.9495000 2.1537267 3.4804600 4.0303900 5.5649800 2.3321800 3.48182e+00 6.37914e+00 5.6519700 2.6634400 4.10506e+00 3.70214e+00 1.4908900 7.5204100 8.7215900 17.4826000 11.1577000 16.9560000 28.7290000 8.8649900 10.0705000 19.0486000 4.1664970 5.1905300 11.0072000 5.9744400 9.9649940 7.2970950 4.9110800 5.3215600 4.5308400 2.9623700 6.1523100 2.7128900 6.8702000 4.0828100 2.4805480 0.9128012 1.5210380 2.3806002 3.8090550 1.9262620 9.1993330 2.6631433 1.5069127 2.8394730 6.7086700 4.6527200 1.3644900 2.7467400 5.0654500 4.4667600 6.9384700 5.5336200 6.9598600 6.2916300 2.2567500 9.9881400 1.59366e+01 6.17648e+00 6.87212e+00 1.3472000 1.1037700 0.7204189 1.3099670 0.7079235 0.3896240 9.15817e+00 4.27349e+00
264 107284292 adenosine deaminase, RNA-specific, B1 77.00 58.00 55.00 47.00 38.00 41.00 16.00 38.00 45.00 26.00 66.00 26.00 39.00 37.00 47.00 57.00 34.00 45.00 48.00 21.00 31.00 86.00 92.00 47.00 52.00 56.99 51.00 15.00 39.00 39.00 31.00 24.00 29.00 55.00 25.00 27.00 17.00 46.00 25.00 17.00 18.00 18.00 11.00 17.00 25.00 0.9758340 1.2597000 1.2865900 1.6069300 1.2865600 1.3840900 3.6484400 1.6319000 2.0384500 4.125070 3.1448300 0.8857020 5.8801500 0.1989067 0.3451460 0.2261004 0.3782295 6.4732736 6.2074470 6.6158298 4.4550085 4.1252100 4.7309690 3.6666931 4.3607980 4.4114821 4.6597895 2.2066700 5.0783100 5.7915700 2.4863300 2.00839e+00 5.62763e+00 4.4749700 2.0755700 7.27354e+00 1.50269e+01 6.2336600 4.7445400 7.1843300 6.0318000 3.5188400 7.3735400 6.5222900 2.3504700 3.6526600 4.1442000 3.5867650 6.5756445 7.9295934 11.4800919 13.7518110 2.6534400 3.9018300 4.7979944 6.7450177 4.7695510 9.7885120 10.1192050 4.1977131 2.7019960 2.1752650 5.7675230 5.5156690 5.3795120 5.1923910 5.0298010 4.2802550 2.6852370 0.5810931 1.3592020 1.9845400 2.0830500 0.3950320 2.3047000 1.7251000 3.5558400 3.6381900 3.9290100 1.1149500 0.8800750 0.8193880 0.8060780 2.13785e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.0754087 0.0496109 0.2047460 0.1017571 0.0408385 0.0301440 6.07745e-01 3.14071e-01
1811 107296056 G protein-coupled receptor 143 1.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 3.00 7.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 378.00 334.00 242.00 116.00 185.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 0.4193780 0.3552110 1.6540600 1.2906300 3.5689300 1.7692900 3.4986800 0.7683110 2.3736600 2.539490 0.7510250 0.1935780 4.7169600 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.4036650 0.5675010 0.3558080 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0346609 2.8395400 5.5612500 3.4337800 2.0993100 2.55742e+00 3.98582e+00 5.4431500 2.4723400 7.42429e-01 6.00808e-01 0.2580820 0.0000000 0.0240580 0.9056710 0.0844235 0.0000000 0.0905163 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.8920800 1.3190900 0.7194480 0.5990610 1.1831100 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0612743 0.1939540 0.0762709 12.3109000 15.7395000 5.8589000 0.5946340 1.8567440 0.2682420 0.0000000 0.0778892 7.1201400 7.5824390 5.1837000 0.8266850 0.1764280 0.7072663 1.6487900 3.8100700 1.0707700 9.2162900 3.8906400 8.0918700 1.9663000 4.1861800 0.6782290 0.5712000 6.3659700 0.0000000 3.23022e+00 1.70004e-01 1.58227e+00 0.0000000 0.0226963 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.24465e-01 6.65784e-02
125 107283441 solute carrier family 6 member 9 10.00 21.00 37.00 7.00 20.00 20.00 3.00 7.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 23.00 12.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 18.00 31.00 29.00 6.00 22.00 63.00 20.00 52.00 20.00 27.00 7.00 22.00 4.00 0.00 8.00 3.00 21.00 8.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 12.1956000 0.8345620 12.0439000 10.1723000 9.0079200 0.8082920 4.9537600 2.6996500 73.4658000 10.366700 7.6988700 4.1802400 11.4708000 2.6003940 3.6612490 2.8140260 3.7135721 3.6032927 4.3335160 4.5121460 13.6679480 12.8344370 10.9620760 48.9535100 40.9630000 43.4899690 43.4057122 0.3512950 1.2054400 0.3433620 0.5550060 5.97364e-01 2.27377e+00 1.1544200 0.1722390 3.41737e-01 1.09698e+00 0.2494670 4.0807020 2.2862700 5.3337800 3.6710960 4.1655900 12.8981000 3.2948300 1.0082580 0.1522242 0.3791598 0.2297499 0.9237090 0.8499728 0.3795070 2.0540680 5.6616430 2.1486860 1.0072110 0.5064714 2.5172720 2.2116760 4.0916380 1.1549620 3.5661300 1.4648800 1.5166830 1.5431400 4.2392490 4.7667700 3.2721030 0.8054751 0.1461415 0.1932400 5.8521480 5.4812197 0.1099780 0.7018460 1.2106000 2.0835100 2.1500204 2.4392871 0.2630630 0.3067670 0.2185450 0.0003920 1.00000e-07 0.00000e+00 1.40543e+00 1.1575933 1.5636480 1.0600550 1.0666128 1.3506800 1.4796401 5.14973e+00 4.18273e+00
1481 107293179 transmembrane protein 26 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 7.00 0.00 7.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.1320040 0.3493960 0.0417176 0.1269500 0.1190000 0.0000000 0.0764758 0.0000000 0.7782690 0.989742 0.0000000 0.0380819 0.1122520 0.0213217 0.0868146 0.2185160 0.2809563 0.1175299 0.3893200 0.1303652 3.5094400 3.0032390 2.7281920 0.1718060 0.2272802 0.2632960 0.3767284 1.3068700 1.6907700 0.8945420 1.1090000 1.23716e+00 1.09753e+00 1.5371800 2.5150600 2.36031e-01 4.03292e-01 0.3168940 4.7540600 12.6390000 10.4629000 0.7537270 2.8611600 2.2124700 0.4239500 1.1002200 1.1832400 0.9346600 1.1376200 0.4336480 1.1495700 1.3453400 0.2532130 0.0000000 0.1818550 0.0567412 0.3931710 3.0816300 3.4676400 0.7335720 0.0302763 0.0615241 0.0299634 0.0670273 0.0464397 2.8805420 1.2129890 4.6226970 0.2818350 0.0144281 0.4162777 0.3109270 0.3629590 0.0110805 0.2441460 0.1382020 0.6863550 4.3747600 2.7986500 2.6345800 0.0000000 0.3757420 0.4086370 1.27502e+00 9.59950e-01 0.00000e+00 0.0368946 0.0224169 0.0306670 0.0181151 0.0000000 0.0078772 1.22577e-01 1.96708e-01
1089 107290202 T-box 18 4.00 14.00 5.00 3.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 6.00 0.00 4.00 6.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 11.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 7.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 9.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 0.7665260 1.8225600 0.7554820 0.2832100 0.0468484 0.1284640 0.0000000 0.0457723 0.4522930 2.207990 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0883835 0.0691805 0.0704444 0.0491426 0.3877754 1.1925900 1.0454100 1.6958060 0.1374350 0.2150480 0.6620090 0.0214441 0.0547543 0.0343644 0.0375759 2.3555300 11.3859000 5.4517400 3.0050400 7.39329e-01 8.15020e-01 1.4805800 0.5047840 2.15678e-01 8.71401e-02 0.1310110 4.7802700 4.7711900 5.8275100 0.1716540 0.1483270 0.8699790 0.0000000 0.1032240 0.0415171 2.3185600 3.6105600 0.3855850 0.7271170 1.0694900 0.0711799 0.1352390 0.6321640 2.1271200 1.8250290 0.0416755 0.0337124 0.0000000 2.6663679 0.5508285 4.8827970 2.8578598 3.8605900 0.1806629 0.0402198 0.0554086 0.0000000 0.0832827 0.1261738 0.1955850 0.4464830 0.1449870 1.0051000 1.1860720 0.0209384 0.1143790 0.0592411 0.0000000 0.1540560 0.0540404 9.5246900 1.50417e+00 1.13295e+00 7.93679e-01 0.1624670 0.0247751 0.1112670 0.0441753 0.0150374 0.0170683 9.72268e-01 8.66805e-01
456.1 107285585 chromosome unknown open reading frame, human C10orf76 123.28 247.54 247.73 71.76 61.15 204.88 30.32 73.23 98.76 41.50 160.30 184.12 102.33 71.72 81.16 83.71 58.04 76.06 170.68 108.58 96.88 166.01 329.04 127.60 161.79 117.28 94.50 13.39 134.16 51.70 161.03 71.75 239.00 59.32 125.51 176.79 145.61 232.31 181.09 144.16 75.27 95.60 91.28 44.61 129.38 1.2287800 0.9777900 1.7979100 1.5856600 2.4303300 0.6010120 3.9532100 2.1944100 3.0235600 3.668130 1.6189500 0.7412060 3.3253200 0.9184000 1.4912200 1.3563100 1.1807000 8.8621700 8.6660634 8.1867456 8.8707950 8.5572109 8.3640600 4.1958350 4.3699000 4.8521200 4.6151870 4.8011300 8.8559300 8.5909800 6.0620100 2.94742e+00 9.07450e+00 8.2953400 4.1582600 4.08279e+00 5.78213e+00 2.2999600 13.5209400 11.8359100 17.5090500 40.8794000 29.3392000 23.7689200 11.7132700 7.4772700 7.0532100 5.9025000 5.7869200 7.6807500 6.9319190 9.5297850 1.6588430 2.8956120 3.9515600 8.5642000 15.4025190 11.1205000 14.1775295 10.0869000 4.3899520 4.6350500 15.2936800 20.4455100 24.3286700 10.9373700 11.4464270 9.8650510 7.1646340 3.1376600 4.4547510 3.9281970 2.7854080 2.4758863 5.5730252 9.1710326 5.0562958 5.1541447 5.4939500 2.6104150 2.6500410 4.2400724 2.2615500 3.30772e+00 1.99762e-01 2.70875e+00 1.2356800 1.6916298 1.1520898 1.6106170 0.5481290 0.4393490 2.43274e+01 8.63957e+00
1764 107295647 semaphorin 3E 1.00 3.00 7.00 0.00 3.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 38.00 3.00 2.00 14.00 6.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 2.00 6.00 59.00 14.00 4.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 9.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 11.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0460156 0.0347990 0.1994390 0.0168586 0.7190300 0.1300000 0.3960740 0.0578995 0.2657610 0.469409 0.7848090 0.4703150 2.6235800 0.0156081 0.0474804 0.0509894 0.0608501 0.0793483 0.1491030 0.1902228 0.6957102 0.7219200 0.7606930 0.0278081 0.0161929 0.0274301 0.0513252 0.5978680 1.2547600 1.0862700 0.5819760 6.46404e-01 1.54798e+00 2.5147800 0.9439270 1.91821e+00 2.38213e+00 0.5731630 0.0209504 0.0120198 0.0624125 0.0151695 0.0197579 0.0000000 0.0237325 0.1650000 0.1548480 5.2048420 3.5637320 4.0961670 4.7420620 4.8595620 4.3520300 1.7080900 2.6926840 0.5412356 0.1554400 5.2933000 0.4207640 0.1367230 0.5520804 0.5144436 0.4756715 0.0285663 0.0976561 0.0685497 0.3488765 0.0731720 0.0921461 0.0233567 0.0342358 0.0000000 0.0168985 0.0370810 0.0925728 0.0000000 0.4503170 1.4032706 1.6137825 0.0361887 0.2596991 0.1339560 0.3284110 0.00000e+00 3.17123e-01 1.93971e-01 0.1346140 0.0419658 0.0557941 0.0198687 0.0192170 0.0114683 9.37841e-01 8.89316e-01
313.1 107284611 oligophrenin 1 100.00 52.00 73.00 57.65 65.00 43.00 35.00 46.00 66.00 34.00 73.00 78.00 36.00 37.00 54.00 53.00 43.00 35.00 84.00 35.00 38.00 57.00 109.00 72.00 133.00 23.00 100.00 72.00 64.95 27.00 16.00 24.17 33.00 99.00 25.00 9.00 16.00 24.00 20.00 3.00 5.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 13.00 7.1584500 0.0000000 17.4494000 9.5210300 6.8953400 5.2720600 5.5372300 2.2263300 21.8217000 31.755900 9.7250500 5.6057800 56.1991000 1.2963150 2.5854921 2.3242680 1.0284686 2.3510820 2.6189166 2.4791667 1.7241562 2.5983980 2.5113775 0.4733912 0.8184469 0.5464443 0.7991812 4.5077800 11.1852000 7.8615400 5.7570600 4.36512e+00 1.19892e+01 8.5728300 6.1791100 6.30337e+00 5.39871e+00 2.4458600 12.8409900 11.4442700 10.7130700 6.8233900 7.4539830 6.6508000 2.7095190 2.4145000 1.9907900 1.5056280 4.2946883 4.2360600 4.3091586 3.7641100 1.9633110 5.6956500 5.1387500 6.5219100 5.2811630 7.2990600 9.4125500 2.3741310 4.4411500 2.4224860 2.2992500 3.4697300 4.3477700 2.6053400 4.4842000 4.3879800 0.6130220 0.1019100 0.5862900 0.0000000 0.0147757 0.8501720 1.9207100 0.0000000 3.8308800 0.0000000 3.1626000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.8068300 6.8071600 2.25888e+01 6.05175e-01 1.86171e-01 2.5785331 1.5737870 1.3868580 1.1539603 0.8618987 0.5904686 3.39109e+00 1.73774e+00
80 107283068 cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 7 292.00 226.00 281.00 337.00 179.00 153.00 68.00 186.00 274.00 115.00 236.00 204.00 232.00 156.00 142.00 176.00 141.00 131.00 277.00 96.00 179.00 346.00 277.00 229.00 280.00 358.00 191.00 187.00 291.00 171.00 271.00 364.00 281.00 51.00 350.00 197.00 141.00 264.00 193.00 165.00 137.00 161.00 124.00 139.00 120.00 2.0678600 14.1196000 3.9400100 2.7668800 6.5200300 10.2728000 10.0007000 10.0833000 5.5194900 9.501680 2.2361900 1.4524900 10.2618000 1.3204670 0.8513890 1.2230570 0.8523222 7.6353700 6.6418290 6.2155000 18.7677800 21.2570700 17.9295740 18.1513300 16.6522400 16.1399900 16.2500280 16.4630000 25.3965000 29.9131000 15.0689000 7.98818e+00 1.70809e+01 17.6081000 12.4488000 5.79338e+00 1.17207e+01 7.4891300 16.8858600 28.5763800 38.5031000 24.4310300 45.6100500 47.8785100 22.7465300 33.4681900 33.2220100 4.7908200 5.7304500 8.5339600 11.6686000 10.8201000 5.1157500 10.3016000 7.9467600 5.4879500 4.1154100 9.9024700 10.9072000 17.6902000 2.2107200 1.5529350 3.3519700 7.3582500 7.9150000 15.7269100 5.1356500 16.9731900 17.5128700 1.7599070 3.7034600 14.5795000 13.3820000 2.0220300 4.6388300 18.9600000 34.0728000 63.2157000 21.0908000 21.1458000 25.0335000 12.1555000 7.6234600 2.25347e+01 6.88916e+00 5.19883e+00 3.9144800 4.2407967 2.4067260 3.8004910 1.3941590 1.8467357 1.12611e+01 1.09185e+01
1864 107296798 fucosyltransferase 8 (alpha (1,6) fucosyltransferase) 1235.00 514.00 608.00 982.00 752.00 344.00 536.00 420.00 494.00 482.00 465.00 512.00 250.00 491.00 657.00 413.00 844.00 803.00 372.00 638.00 498.00 311.00 737.00 489.00 661.00 352.00 738.00 732.00 396.00 928.00 90.00 114.00 71.00 227.00 106.00 153.00 156.00 155.00 263.00 119.00 332.00 367.00 249.00 360.00 385.00 13.6660000 16.4202000 42.1661000 20.2330000 23.9100000 20.0026000 1.2501000 0.5543240 16.1548000 4.237280 30.6921000 17.1188000 6.8809300 1.2521850 2.3021372 2.2517482 1.9635545 3.3738580 4.3723136 3.8816510 14.1389510 15.8756443 14.8777520 1.6684210 1.6411478 1.8987280 1.5535092 2.1241800 4.3848500 4.2804400 2.3045500 8.56791e+00 2.20985e+01 17.3711000 15.3381000 1.55414e+00 2.16571e+00 0.8758610 6.4728400 12.4943600 11.1244400 20.4349000 52.7534000 39.1405000 1.2251350 1.0987200 1.6458870 29.0871400 35.5156000 21.7607100 21.3305200 28.7234000 2.7474700 4.7270300 6.4977580 5.2364960 4.8235400 8.0630100 8.0861670 1.8957680 27.1822496 41.6219321 3.1213529 4.1906710 3.5513960 9.2574210 2.9653910 12.0030700 0.6847423 0.7992693 1.1588607 0.3134210 0.2439270 1.2764800 2.6304300 6.5604600 8.7216500 0.1707020 6.9580000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.5330930 0.0000000 6.78436e-02 0.00000e+00 1.57992e+00 3.1252324 2.2418043 1.1928210 2.1075192 0.9770372 1.0059251 6.52103e+00 4.79352e+00
2079 107299847 5’-aminolevulinate synthase 1 1406.00 1516.00 1766.00 1189.00 1027.00 985.00 472.00 1259.00 2043.00 476.00 3453.00 6365.00 2683.00 830.00 988.00 847.00 1068.00 767.00 5110.00 722.00 1064.00 2512.00 6953.00 2131.00 1706.00 1804.00 1239.00 437.00 1809.00 850.00 6447.00 2592.00 3585.00 1714.00 7379.00 23270.00 24827.00 20593.00 12987.00 23918.00 11009.00 36649.00 5329.00 6849.00 7059.00 8.9632900 14.4954000 25.9653000 14.1964000 29.5824000 30.7332000 122.7100000 37.0733000 497.4220000 149.635000 10.7467000 3.0310000 124.1870000 30.7342972 32.4604870 31.5340690 30.3652600 205.4189087 273.8947700 271.8171270 294.6529000 283.9921930 303.9079960 594.5911250 744.1138180 743.0054290 761.1154970 36.8040000 66.0529000 48.3188000 37.5436000 4.95880e+01 6.95187e+01 101.5530000 51.8813000 1.73777e+02 1.61746e+02 80.8490000 46.5044000 58.2795000 79.1463000 42.6241000 65.1729000 60.0070000 43.5632000 44.3941000 42.0122000 48.4256000 109.5598000 705.5630000 204.7692000 459.3214000 36.5569800 63.6345600 187.5854000 45.4677000 54.1795000 45.1891000 31.7206000 143.6160000 16.8216570 28.1668570 29.5372500 113.2987044 108.9450600 55.9975400 42.5830800 48.3582405 109.8148300 15.2199200 76.3073707 41.2524700 52.1500700 35.1040380 75.3427500 114.0643660 14.6027620 46.4809760 32.2457800 482.2394200 649.2538000 114.0047000 13.0004000 2.72991e+00 7.81766e+00 1.63153e+01 32.8348598 42.5341878 10.7252643 42.1576980 15.6073467 18.3285921 1.35908e+01 6.21719e+00
1270 107291478 ring finger protein 25 296.00 361.00 364.00 157.00 175.00 392.00 65.00 102.00 166.00 84.00 149.00 358.00 111.00 102.00 128.00 128.00 95.00 81.00 328.00 123.00 100.00 243.00 352.00 169.00 411.00 259.00 189.00 40.00 219.00 106.00 183.00 88.00 210.00 111.00 148.00 300.00 243.00 324.00 231.00 214.00 126.00 261.00 174.00 193.00 259.00 5.8013000 8.7516700 11.6881000 7.1074500 14.8349000 6.4198800 17.9436000 14.6989000 20.9557000 26.770000 8.7023500 6.0215400 14.9411000 5.8340770 6.6949100 7.2572850 6.4398200 24.7639480 24.0881642 23.1648735 54.3404680 52.2826780 54.0461500 27.4290140 39.9806410 37.8784450 39.5177800 8.4561500 16.6108000 13.0065000 11.5618000 6.23754e+00 1.42268e+01 15.0018000 12.7138000 8.94586e+00 8.93703e+00 8.4794800 17.2409000 10.5425000 13.0185000 27.1688000 14.0619000 11.5131000 15.0568000 9.4368400 8.7557300 6.7876600 9.2146200 15.2808100 12.4731100 15.2766600 7.4029500 7.1191510 5.4400300 9.2098400 4.4882300 22.6029000 14.4309230 21.7531800 5.2607060 5.1095574 8.6516900 9.3563110 10.9227260 23.4298100 22.0033900 14.9666710 10.4920110 5.5913900 6.6621885 8.4591800 9.4771500 7.4974100 9.6348100 12.3349000 9.0895000 10.6157000 13.1900000 6.9801200 7.3372800 5.8595700 3.9382500 1.20518e+01 1.69573e+01 1.06348e+01 8.5383170 9.8323010 4.4430990 10.1544920 5.8249440 5.0566000 1.94788e+00 1.26805e+00
288 107284413 dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase 2 48.00 139.00 81.00 57.00 42.00 55.00 29.00 87.00 67.00 36.00 178.00 56.00 55.00 44.00 71.00 65.00 36.00 39.00 78.00 23.00 55.00 101.00 108.00 84.00 104.00 61.00 53.00 42.00 94.00 36.00 59.00 71.00 26.00 59.00 47.00 48.00 46.00 93.00 74.00 47.00 26.00 53.00 31.00 58.00 69.00 3.4996400 10.2612000 5.7722700 4.3274500 17.1720000 2.5824500 4.9442900 4.4789100 5.6644100 5.810800 3.4340600 1.0173200 9.2099200 2.1951250 1.9546400 2.1640310 2.3099200 7.6388500 6.8296900 5.2188835 15.0393600 12.7259140 16.8968190 9.8151600 13.7492900 13.2599400 12.5210870 10.8600000 15.2855000 15.1458000 4.4442400 7.11649e+00 1.98315e+01 19.4696000 9.8681600 6.66004e+00 5.00703e+00 3.6763700 10.0068900 12.4727300 23.6609400 3.6485180 12.0837300 9.5392850 2.7589420 4.3559740 3.8122950 4.3450600 4.7172000 5.2018800 6.4265800 6.9016700 3.8700500 4.4487400 4.5281700 13.8689000 7.9087100 13.8751000 8.6883700 7.9056700 2.3749191 1.9303170 9.6620300 32.6023900 20.3913800 8.5384900 3.0897530 3.9158220 3.8287780 0.5250570 0.7670633 8.7723978 7.8101260 3.0070512 20.1413290 28.1401250 4.7312243 8.8040860 3.2263197 1.9907600 3.4551600 1.8724940 3.9580600 2.40484e+00 5.75369e-01 0.00000e+00 2.0123700 1.2261400 1.0280300 1.7356930 0.7831710 0.7601230 1.01756e+00 3.85555e-01
406 107285299 adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1 (pituitary) 0.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 14.00 1.00 8.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0802436 0.0894287 0.0854217 0.1408040 0.0406112 0.0000000 0.0978708 0.0371984 0.1517710 0.253327 2.8256900 0.0000000 0.3256200 0.0561774 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0684922 0.0225928 0.0193815 0.0203887 0.0128239 0.0137798 0.0260817 0.0158346 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.7740400 0.7263350 0.4244340 1.8807800 9.83359e-01 0.00000e+00 0.2493790 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 3.57854e-01 0.9011210 173.1837000 37.9582700 31.9084800 0.2959870 0.3075420 0.3297166 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0977364 0.0403840 0.6368410 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2375700 0.0867686 0.5577900 0.0156676 16.5058000 3.1134600 0.0367492 0.1340820 0.0858192 0.0867562 0.0000000 0.0346303 0.3015270 0.1567722 0.4052170 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0158253 0.0000000 0.1126890 2.6996110 0.3203610 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0885111 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0545887 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.0460991 0.0534611 0.0509810 0.0602873 0.0146159 0.0392594 9.43311e-01 6.31068e-01
871 107288531 retinol dehydrogenase 10 (all-trans) 1118.00 964.00 1256.00 526.00 449.00 329.00 126.00 359.00 535.00 192.00 531.00 705.00 557.00 317.00 335.00 293.00 262.00 190.00 1327.00 231.00 376.00 464.00 1043.00 982.00 1271.00 934.00 831.00 146.00 826.00 309.00 142.00 227.00 158.00 147.00 146.00 433.00 376.00 635.00 485.00 273.00 391.00 255.00 295.00 281.00 347.00 0.7369680 1.1146500 2.3956000 1.2150000 3.4167500 1.3880200 4.3915600 16.7840000 5.5568800 4.510730 2.8804400 0.2429800 8.8333800 1.9752440 2.0750600 2.4653820 1.8614000 2.6717190 1.8337050 2.0820400 13.3068499 13.5072228 14.2638280 13.0727000 12.6175760 12.6359203 12.4743170 7.4145300 16.3548000 9.6645800 11.0848000 8.59651e+00 2.02078e+01 15.2205000 7.8057200 6.27431e+01 4.02663e+01 12.0304000 5.9509800 5.9519500 4.5025200 20.7245000 31.6088000 40.5855000 28.9817000 54.8506000 78.7967000 6.0225600 8.6977400 31.3492000 20.8316000 21.6004000 7.4122600 6.5591700 10.5876000 3.1074400 1.5967900 18.4735000 15.5987000 15.7937000 14.7963440 6.8026580 8.9209300 4.9425230 4.9043000 22.9819580 13.9066050 41.4540710 13.2202510 17.7021050 13.1008930 68.1503000 63.3469280 1.9377990 3.1301690 15.4951530 50.6383840 52.8218780 10.9966137 14.1661400 15.3416500 8.4255980 6.7090600 2.31822e+01 2.74988e+00 4.44986e+00 1.4218520 1.0050870 1.0995260 0.9853570 0.4027180 0.4283400 1.00486e+01 5.38962e+00
529 107286120 crystallin lambda 1 45.00 74.00 43.00 29.00 28.00 46.00 8.00 35.00 37.00 12.00 46.00 19.00 51.00 23.00 31.00 59.00 12.00 12.00 96.00 25.00 44.00 88.00 83.00 41.00 42.00 36.00 32.00 7.00 22.00 7.00 42.00 8.00 51.00 21.00 29.00 162.00 137.00 203.00 97.00 108.00 122.00 125.00 43.00 71.00 74.00 8.3166900 6.1861500 7.2519200 16.0744000 27.5756000 19.0747000 7.4324800 6.0775800 10.0442000 15.778900 5.7753300 2.9888800 19.7197000 4.0249910 3.9500200 3.5741350 4.2655020 5.3702350 7.2825140 7.2529855 390.8047700 386.4775500 412.0025100 26.9829000 29.3781990 28.5471820 33.4705900 26.1975000 35.6190000 62.5446000 17.3048000 2.43192e+01 6.54503e+01 89.2666000 33.1308000 7.20279e+01 1.00302e+02 30.6972000 6.2738200 9.3514300 8.3923900 31.7115000 68.0344000 63.6760000 57.2600000 99.1451000 153.1280000 3.7370400 5.7365000 131.6491000 72.9298000 81.5635000 54.7441000 104.2492000 144.9559000 13.8522300 9.6545120 386.7380000 580.4630000 118.3313300 13.3892700 21.2429700 12.9950300 19.1066900 21.4389900 524.8794000 471.7514000 521.2857000 106.3455000 73.5593900 144.6385000 31.0712950 23.0980790 3.1579400 2.5560802 7.0911138 252.8811420 226.4777900 289.3806720 27.7667600 27.9928900 16.6161750 4.5855500 9.87236e+00 3.19835e+00 7.46862e+00 18.8594550 17.6142900 4.1368960 5.0036960 2.3454105 2.8844413 1.44143e+00 6.50569e-01
2088 107299944 coagulation factor III, tissue factor 138.00 1459.00 2365.00 312.00 218.00 722.00 50.00 144.00 601.00 76.00 589.00 1262.00 801.00 114.00 195.00 192.00 238.00 149.00 1124.00 508.00 191.00 703.00 2748.00 679.00 492.00 832.00 312.00 62.00 1294.00 154.00 2.00 28.00 2.00 27.00 7.00 318.00 142.00 141.00 333.00 111.00 7.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 9.00 0.0316427 0.0418769 0.1400020 0.0608626 0.0855766 2.7637800 0.1466560 0.0418055 5.0104400 5.987770 0.4918920 0.0730288 21.6340000 1.0684630 1.8676640 1.6709950 1.1245500 8.2363820 15.2702100 16.5488200 12.3541550 12.0474300 13.4577890 3.2340070 2.5172370 2.2480640 3.2260900 0.8375970 5.1899100 2.4722000 2.9736100 3.08747e+00 2.09471e+01 5.1848700 3.4297000 1.38403e-01 3.48726e-01 0.1404640 2.2387400 6.1724000 5.9260800 0.5401930 1.3764900 1.4482700 0.4228290 0.7416250 0.8948500 8.1184700 17.8265400 15.8409600 35.8390000 23.7918100 5.1556600 4.8604700 6.7405300 4.7436100 2.9670800 25.4322610 21.1075240 2.6138000 17.8592300 6.3759180 11.0992100 16.0622890 18.1212100 6.0115150 2.3554840 7.7225700 0.5388020 1.1593607 0.7424973 0.1133310 29.3173500 6.6195000 12.5108000 29.6214500 31.3386200 0.0000000 21.2300400 0.0000000 0.0000000 3.5817270 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 9.26938e+00 6.57570e+00 1.9658400 1.6510200 1.0408090 1.2847760 1.7870600 0.4095742 2.43458e+01 3.93221e+01
277 107284365 villin-like 212.00 126.00 175.00 395.00 117.00 246.00 188.00 350.00 207.00 371.00 143.00 491.00 65.00 169.00 209.00 139.00 161.00 340.00 96.00 201.00 238.00 213.00 584.00 114.00 212.00 204.00 210.00 239.00 286.00 287.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.00 1.00 129.00 97.00 348.00 236.00 279.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 7.00 16.4561800 4.4112400 39.7819000 38.6458000 24.0748400 15.8038000 0.4114370 2.5802340 80.1524000 163.642300 2.6771600 3.3805100 121.1095000 1.8704180 2.3247400 2.0434680 2.3294794 0.5757311 0.8155267 0.7714084 33.9905190 37.9903910 37.8056800 1.5883170 0.9668031 0.8929416 1.3837250 0.8787510 10.1281000 0.9912970 4.1524400 1.02785e+02 1.45590e+02 147.0520000 134.1400000 6.97672e-01 1.73654e+00 0.9259980 0.0813186 0.2656620 0.4043190 153.2620000 168.3360000 156.2720000 2.7983200 0.9641070 2.1748600 0.2800971 0.6562870 84.9087460 74.6809590 71.4712758 0.8085183 2.2520540 3.0465581 1.4307640 0.4656300 8.7596800 8.8751500 1.7292550 0.5467195 1.5467245 2.9420646 4.1820654 4.9404960 4.6425563 6.6775229 4.8188740 1.2619742 0.4013241 0.4509230 8.1692800 11.3620800 0.0345825 0.1100890 0.1071880 4.1239900 1.3322280 1.2599830 0.6127850 0.0493055 0.6268520 28.5957000 8.56485e+01 1.25163e+01 1.67587e+01 6.4425220 10.9389540 1.6886289 5.7685420 2.3281918 0.9158600 4.12749e+00 3.06156e+00
1874 107296925 G protein-coupled receptor 139 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0958030 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0115798 0.0130887 0.0209444 3.6890700 0.8575880 1.5520300 0.3320310 2.83884e+00 2.82132e+00 1.0625000 0.2060830 9.81329e-01 1.69857e+00 0.2984870 0.0000000 0.1231270 0.5860560 0.3916540 0.2698580 0.0772095 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0389690 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0811771 0.0000000 0.0129159 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0258798 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0229411 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 1.02342e-01 0.00000e+00 0.0192649 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 5.31222e-02 4.26245e-02
2260 107303077 nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1 181.00 153.00 119.00 150.00 93.00 203.00 97.00 207.00 87.00 223.00 113.00 137.00 69.00 202.00 143.00 146.00 139.00 108.00 83.00 190.00 163.00 130.00 275.00 102.00 196.00 129.00 126.00 117.00 313.00 136.00 71.00 93.00 148.00 117.00 192.00 42.00 11.00 80.00 33.00 86.00 38.00 19.00 43.00 24.00 110.00 2.4178600 5.0070300 4.0225200 2.8915500 1.9650900 2.2297200 8.5933100 8.1432400 2.8559600 7.836500 4.1753600 1.8504300 5.8663500 13.0861700 13.7562930 15.4520700 13.3104230 69.4203700 115.5608400 115.5024400 95.6210200 92.8423400 96.9084400 60.2618500 91.0114400 91.3992000 91.7339500 4.7039000 11.0734000 0.8184710 35.7301000 1.93916e+01 1.13270e+01 46.4113000 181.8870000 2.69315e+01 7.32637e-01 78.0323000 2.7473530 0.7634440 0.9025680 1.6081600 0.5372570 1.3622080 2.0464730 0.4431310 1.2723390 25.9070000 35.6811000 8.8847000 47.9492000 15.1737000 11.6737000 25.0719000 25.3079000 13.0881000 1.1514500 34.7226000 10.3604000 20.5600000 1.4719100 2.5799100 10.0545000 9.7495000 9.9234100 13.2840000 16.2067000 9.8666000 27.6967000 2.9432600 7.5559400 0.0284781 0.0561191 1.6821650 18.6847300 16.2764200 16.2312800 0.0000000 10.9175900 0.0000000 0.0000000 40.3393700 12.9082000 2.81559e+01 2.05842e+00 5.68278e-01 14.0684020 22.9944540 7.0214300 13.9169340 8.3577700 8.2923800 4.69196e+00 8.61771e+00
684 107287312 leucine rich repeat containing 4C 1.00 28.00 18.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 56.00 2.00 8.00 31.00 29.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 26.00 2.00 6.00 34.00 204.00 13.00 2.00 15.00 7.00 1.00 17.00 0.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 10.00 9.00 39.00 21.00 33.00 17.00 19.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.0577849 0.0500805 0.0200922 0.0407617 0.0191045 0.0000000 0.0368326 0.0000000 0.2549780 0.405326 0.2850680 0.0655013 0.4505280 0.0350362 0.1274220 0.0746378 0.0340731 0.1535220 0.1349823 0.1318490 0.1023144 0.1897160 0.1822590 0.2520630 0.5302200 0.3306630 0.2314710 0.0579889 0.5560620 0.0000000 0.1480120 1.82235e-01 5.39005e-01 0.1263040 0.0612447 0.00000e+00 1.83560e-01 0.2365480 0.4212837 0.6301360 0.9901970 1.2904180 1.2712660 1.4000800 0.1274030 0.0252927 0.0633268 0.0000000 0.0527410 0.1601720 0.6040880 0.5717490 0.0000000 0.1797700 0.0000000 0.3018040 0.2034550 1.2815500 0.9502880 0.2386070 0.4540115 0.1606295 0.1749275 0.3913090 0.2603062 0.0954357 0.1491046 0.0889380 0.2500010 0.0505393 0.1788283 0.0743420 0.1349970 0.0211851 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2581520 1.1672500 0.1812400 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3263670 1.27291e-01 7.92441e-02 0.00000e+00 0.0272132 0.0000000 0.0253600 0.2161035 0.0129486 0.0130196 1.26241e-01 1.21551e-01
1591 107294083 SEC24 homolog D, COPII coat complex component 7813.00 491.00 739.00 2319.00 3671.00 788.00 1470.00 955.00 1375.00 1511.00 763.00 1250.00 472.00 1785.00 1012.00 1351.00 2241.00 4388.00 1015.00 1771.00 644.00 617.00 2765.00 867.00 5748.00 708.00 3298.00 1453.00 481.00 2339.00 240.00 401.00 236.00 303.00 193.00 256.00 216.00 278.00 535.00 246.00 240.00 184.00 99.00 310.00 180.00 51.6946000 5.2261400 77.6530000 57.0133000 63.9029000 10.7017000 18.4379000 2.4218300 2.8414900 7.018290 17.8614000 12.9957000 43.5966000 10.1031000 10.9704562 10.3311360 11.8724000 20.5375524 28.5983139 26.1387284 21.9159970 20.5847200 22.5073249 81.5372420 108.0206757 115.9398639 103.8617399 2.8788600 5.6625200 3.0973400 3.5697800 5.29781e+00 5.17586e+00 4.1885600 2.2156700 1.03943e+01 4.39024e+00 7.4642000 9.5187040 9.8449000 19.2022500 2.3749470 3.1162610 3.4107040 10.1742000 38.4906600 25.3104000 2.1121911 2.8938115 7.2301730 5.3416754 9.6743887 7.8962492 31.9224710 18.7680199 4.2156417 2.9539530 6.7402430 5.4449990 19.9232400 12.7890115 7.3902552 5.3147120 6.8447262 7.2354310 5.0544812 3.5258455 7.5001117 14.3443777 26.0516681 14.0670768 30.5311300 16.4207500 1.1771090 2.1345700 2.8885990 1.7436554 5.2782761 6.4470310 28.8896386 14.6100700 5.6933000 7.2982400 2.16249e+01 2.75918e+00 1.96035e+01 37.8668866 32.9174093 12.9748960 17.0094250 5.0808070 4.3249038 1.07093e+01 6.11570e+00
2011 107298558 colony stimulating factor 1 receptor 11.83 70.69 55.23 22.98 12.29 12.00 2.61 21.01 18.00 10.00 83.63 10.77 23.84 23.99 4.00 15.00 3.00 11.11 37.90 16.46 11.31 41.28 35.76 60.91 31.13 26.10 44.53 5.00 37.22 5.00 35.69 21.86 58.27 95.47 79.27 2.21 6.26 39.21 106.00 25.85 30.49 228.19 91.07 164.56 118.23 0.5600260 0.0729004 2.4371900 1.6128100 2.3449600 0.6051910 5.6804900 2.0296400 1.4743400 2.360080 4.7153600 0.2118840 9.7743700 3.3642300 4.9486890 4.9919461 4.9485140 11.4937890 13.9346780 13.2892171 29.7388437 28.2281140 30.6585570 11.2109420 22.4839053 22.0814520 21.9364400 0.3513930 3.8608000 1.6488600 0.6528670 1.42491e-01 4.07991e+00 1.3927900 0.2701450 4.28793e+00 6.16245e+00 0.9564440 18.4067000 27.3379000 22.8768000 5.2446300 4.6262700 14.8918000 20.3408000 22.1968000 31.6486000 4.8367900 4.2605160 7.3316130 10.8518600 4.9699930 14.0874500 16.4820500 20.0197000 5.6402700 5.1515270 7.4773500 4.8653000 13.1434000 3.6949550 3.4663820 1.7004810 19.4774200 17.8996000 10.6009800 15.4681100 6.7734350 6.0353000 0.9640830 3.4178320 3.7765000 5.6382590 1.6694000 9.9365400 1.7952700 5.9076173 20.1061900 4.5221200 39.3169004 0.0771497 13.2709290 0.4413630 4.64782e-01 9.88117e-01 6.47270e-01 3.9478800 2.0770220 1.6206250 3.4394710 0.7664779 0.9419560 1.12918e+00 6.75400e-01
1377 107292259 isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase 2895.00 1164.00 1456.00 1441.00 1231.00 1051.00 762.00 802.00 1251.00 893.00 992.00 860.00 771.00 965.00 822.00 822.00 1535.00 1415.00 985.00 1505.00 701.00 1082.00 2781.00 964.00 2471.00 1137.00 1278.00 852.00 1327.00 1296.00 554.00 489.00 765.00 400.00 610.00 1417.00 802.00 1422.00 880.00 1127.00 619.00 886.00 831.00 560.00 808.00 17.7625000 18.1238000 26.5859000 19.1765000 24.5215000 7.4091800 13.0342000 7.6961100 15.6749000 10.840200 10.2232000 2.8111100 14.5888000 5.9527367 8.0989339 7.9454744 9.2131575 15.0903684 11.0956569 10.6481135 13.4055847 14.6022296 13.3097357 11.0374979 12.3758399 11.2444494 11.9639962 5.4315400 12.9351000 15.8291000 4.9928300 6.60742e+00 2.23717e+01 21.1455000 9.1303800 1.55157e+01 2.00407e+01 5.3620000 6.8960100 13.6703100 19.2903476 8.9272600 22.0726000 19.3966000 7.2826500 17.1032100 17.3125414 13.2602510 11.9226760 23.4385671 12.0707240 19.2654108 4.6376492 10.2324120 9.6302238 19.6169800 19.6465100 42.7568400 35.4155930 30.0305410 18.7746100 14.7219500 8.6634460 14.9394900 15.9440700 23.9671900 15.9745400 43.4631700 14.0596100 5.8196710 7.0906420 13.9782000 10.2733181 8.3626200 25.2268000 18.5046350 10.5852000 10.7842200 11.0999000 11.3974000 10.0874000 8.2060600 11.3159000 3.10323e+01 3.18925e+00 6.70093e+00 9.6425090 9.1620670 2.7518744 6.5015181 2.6452882 3.2324300 7.12751e+00 3.41228e+00
1621 107294281 oxytocin receptor 1.00 26.00 25.00 5.00 14.00 7.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 16.00 7.00 16.00 8.00 5.00 6.00 35.00 5.00 14.00 0.00 11.00 3.00 15.00 1.00 207.00 81.00 399.00 48.00 182.00 27.00 13.00 12.00 8.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.3490690 0.1086980 0.2595700 0.4739370 0.3702140 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0361710 0.2767110 0.762450 0.0000000 0.0947792 1.0243800 0.2632690 0.0700460 0.0732104 0.0853001 0.2070858 0.1655560 0.1407235 0.6862234 0.7289030 0.6780950 0.2180730 0.3651880 0.3491270 0.3320890 0.2468230 1.7856000 0.4095720 0.2351940 4.08976e-01 1.71298e+00 1.4299800 0.7785540 0.00000e+00 3.64601e-02 0.0000000 1.9126200 0.7014390 0.4721370 2.7034100 0.2562240 0.6842150 0.0472525 0.1585000 0.0478120 7.4762200 11.4008000 5.5397700 4.9052600 10.5138000 0.0374293 0.7899390 4.9559800 0.0586736 0.1082370 0.1289120 0.0858643 0.0270491 0.1459940 0.0620128 0.1058330 0.2651100 0.1510770 0.1802173 0.2281580 0.1212260 0.0577862 0.0081188 0.0492005 0.0000000 0.0536176 0.0000000 0.1787350 0.0000000 1.3727100 0.0000000 0.5617720 0.0574404 0.2983220 0.0724597 0.0000000 1.02526e+00 1.04701e+00 1.41026e+00 0.0411189 0.0178657 0.0422309 0.0374395 0.3421551 0.0216873 1.44513e-01 7.73032e-02
572 107286462 FK506 binding protein 6 0.00 9.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 28.00 1.00 8.00 5.00 20.00 44.00 18.00 10.00 3.00 2.00 12.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 51.00 7.00 15.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 39.00 0.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 12.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1096610 0.2917580 0.1062840 0.135164 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0536539 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0795503 0.0257918 0.0286427 0.0813792 0.0839491 0.1578480 0.0840904 0.0984478 0.0553471 0.0000000 0.0710974 0.1169140 0.0000000 0.1867200 5.57634e-02 4.53312e-01 0.2390030 0.1545230 3.67905e-01 1.96830e+00 0.0746028 0.4958480 1.0616800 6.6704300 0.2680640 0.3490340 0.0798902 0.0706650 0.3238690 0.1563130 0.1413320 0.1254090 0.3046890 0.1436420 0.0183719 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0356811 0.0897052 0.0248308 1.5526010 0.2741560 0.0117227 0.0619889 0.1091877 0.2383950 0.8920510 0.3247431 0.1811570 0.2287204 1.4734101 0.8818774 0.0297926 0.9564070 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1158090 0.0000000 0.1264380 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1630210 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.1238220 0.0916890 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1239370 0.0694820 7.83646e-01 1.57198e-01
1151 107290601 PAX3 and PAX7 binding protein 1 372.00 363.00 439.00 379.00 185.00 186.00 165.00 187.00 388.00 102.00 266.00 236.00 198.00 146.00 247.00 194.00 173.00 170.00 331.00 120.00 119.00 263.00 307.00 320.00 423.00 417.00 293.00 210.00 325.00 347.00 294.00 432.00 197.00 242.00 196.00 341.00 298.00 412.00 388.00 313.00 244.00 212.00 164.00 160.00 234.00 7.1643524 13.3851249 17.3835760 10.2684520 17.6788950 6.3623030 9.7984040 5.3554820 15.0625030 18.998937 16.1383810 5.0987168 19.7939970 4.4689530 3.3240330 4.5980270 3.7890910 13.9966380 8.2178020 7.9310410 13.3010530 11.0358050 11.7482900 4.1885170 9.6783270 6.6309910 8.5845970 9.5434500 21.1894000 23.3851000 9.4462500 8.02558e+00 3.04988e+01 27.9636000 14.9095000 1.29840e+01 2.10145e+01 8.2098200 13.6882400 26.6757600 30.4062800 13.1749800 51.4456500 38.6999000 12.2527900 21.3230400 27.5490500 5.3189200 9.3660980 17.6152800 22.9779800 18.6516600 6.8668100 8.6291120 10.7244300 2.9527900 2.4576580 6.0905800 7.9464100 4.7230800 11.2230940 6.8029912 4.9410760 2.5528310 3.4304440 6.6453480 3.2928850 13.8350690 4.5500370 5.1455248 7.0118560 7.2710900 6.5494000 1.2243700 3.4535100 5.2017900 7.1454400 6.6129700 5.7791200 7.1991900 5.7571000 7.9255800 1.2208700 5.76755e+00 7.61360e+00 4.72840e+00 3.1733735 3.1780330 3.7288120 7.1543520 1.1616632 0.7110071 6.23736e+00 3.60281e+00
1087 107290192 family with sequence similarity 69 member A 43.00 139.00 68.00 54.00 10.00 52.00 48.00 72.00 29.00 43.00 55.00 58.00 34.00 14.00 29.00 35.00 13.00 66.00 59.00 61.00 26.00 37.00 90.00 32.00 89.00 54.00 22.00 27.00 40.00 16.00 29.00 405.00 30.00 57.00 38.00 115.00 109.00 103.00 70.00 86.00 7.00 11.00 5.00 3.00 8.00 0.7406160 2.7322300 3.3817900 1.3873000 3.3718300 1.7014800 2.9710700 0.7654340 10.8102000 8.274470 3.0680500 0.5983690 4.2390600 2.1422100 1.7367300 1.5347060 0.8274850 1.4210800 1.1386700 0.8745540 7.1937660 6.6033950 5.9297090 1.8080410 1.5134200 1.6323900 2.1919350 0.5056880 0.9055600 0.6713370 0.6213230 9.13505e+00 1.71500e+01 17.4852000 11.5606000 9.70910e+00 2.23456e+01 3.9563700 0.7540310 3.1910460 7.1154000 2.1123693 8.2013400 9.2106100 1.3902912 3.2921550 3.6414840 7.3147900 15.9520200 22.6156000 11.9401800 14.2203100 0.8722170 1.8509950 2.5751120 1.9201448 1.5149240 1.6984430 2.5083238 3.7151830 4.8352310 2.3954273 0.7744760 2.5560286 1.4342900 2.4494740 1.5644320 7.2605351 6.6644290 2.5705100 7.3604706 0.0698711 20.9897800 2.7997770 5.4137200 25.1806000 18.8032500 0.0579186 18.5177700 0.0000000 0.0000000 27.2578000 1.4740800 4.64733e+00 0.00000e+00 6.60560e-01 4.8125400 4.6765100 1.1461300 3.5046740 1.5037500 0.2250442 1.06199e+00 6.04227e-01
537 107286200 hedgehog interacting protein 27.00 364.00 276.00 21.00 19.00 49.00 6.00 11.00 323.00 11.00 45.00 334.00 142.00 8.00 29.00 12.00 8.00 7.00 310.00 17.00 10.00 225.00 708.00 214.00 111.00 337.00 30.00 9.00 65.00 7.00 1.00 7.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 394.00 330.00 324.00 254.00 200.00 45.00 33.00 17.00 17.00 143.00 0.0000000 0.4110950 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1799610 0.4103940 1.3953500 4.879880 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0248752 0.0000000 0.0074227 0.1020480 0.1218344 0.2677062 0.4108540 0.1889350 0.1566270 0.3253497 0.2452048 0.4901780 0.1387930 1.0490700 0.2792010 0.0507710 2.61652e+00 3.69779e+00 5.6538800 2.0167800 8.00295e-01 2.83341e-01 0.4868450 0.4249870 0.5789830 0.6991500 1.3102200 1.1439560 1.6971100 0.4031030 0.9244895 0.8673130 0.5454792 0.8754970 2.1160040 3.5028500 3.8310600 4.6752700 12.9226400 14.2634500 0.0516618 0.1708870 0.7269400 0.2621350 2.2424020 0.3534671 0.1212811 0.4484854 0.5435804 0.0210448 0.5517580 0.4339857 0.6859681 0.9386120 1.2454925 1.7702373 0.1321350 0.0195885 0.0374742 0.1858977 0.0165557 0.5607355 0.6965430 1.3320680 22.5760800 32.1202500 3.1674890 0.2630120 2.05162e-01 1.30193e+00 8.18123e-02 0.0050307 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0454620 0.0000000 0.0000000 8.91161e-01 7.33379e-01
390 107285243 dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 0.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 18.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 228.00 203.00 132.00 55.00 135.00 27.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 21.00 0.0502338 0.3219070 0.0935819 0.0949261 0.0381349 0.0697135 4.8892400 4.6713400 27.5117000 16.402400 0.3024940 0.0976299 0.1199080 1.5030000 2.3930250 2.7591100 1.8538980 6.3054000 2.6614700 2.6576100 107.3500900 109.0959200 105.9429000 72.5191000 70.9312300 70.0260000 68.6642400 0.3347890 6.1778200 1.6441700 1.3454200 4.95162e+01 1.72209e+02 263.6790000 58.6403000 0.00000e+00 5.56183e-01 0.0000000 2.0512800 2.0759600 11.1598000 54.9006000 134.7961000 119.9425000 0.8514990 1.5645600 0.9592215 3.7640300 4.7675600 52.0399000 46.9868000 38.9905000 0.6888960 2.9203600 2.4376900 13.5456270 22.0239300 90.9049780 203.2437740 16.5373180 8.4053670 8.6003311 1.5291320 2.9930554 1.9910360 94.6381640 43.2886310 119.6504800 24.1896480 17.5068700 27.1964500 0.6396770 2.0376390 8.8236070 42.7393900 194.3802000 142.5123000 2.5920900 26.3592500 0.2843600 0.2085740 18.7537100 0.2145240 9.20941e-01 1.83864e-01 0.00000e+00 0.2162410 0.0349558 0.5423750 2.4287900 1.7221100 1.8613731 3.19331e-01 6.98793e-02
999 107289445 neuropilin 2 5.00 68.00 35.00 7.00 1.00 16.00 3.00 8.00 23.00 8.00 28.00 17.00 23.00 10.00 9.00 3.00 4.00 9.00 43.00 12.00 4.00 21.00 114.00 31.00 28.00 31.00 11.00 2.00 17.00 6.00 13.00 17.00 11.00 62.00 12.00 13.00 13.00 14.00 12.00 5.00 1.00 14.00 3.00 15.00 20.00 0.5169710 1.1898700 0.8524140 2.5363300 1.4319000 0.0000000 4.0628300 2.3360800 1.5649900 3.466860 1.6212600 0.1556250 4.6382500 0.6894714 0.7901920 0.8479111 0.7346042 9.8510670 9.2060905 9.0727334 11.8900616 12.0032434 12.2927775 2.9673597 2.8504959 2.9220374 3.0644379 2.9889400 5.9028800 3.9776600 2.6389900 3.21076e+00 6.25554e+00 4.1679200 2.3087700 3.71877e+00 5.90950e+00 1.8300400 9.4425100 7.1692900 6.7007700 9.3232200 3.8359400 9.7417100 6.2575700 3.0179000 4.4420300 5.4959880 4.3856270 7.7651210 5.9543040 5.3357820 0.8349580 2.4042070 1.9781110 1.6969470 3.2639070 4.7574402 2.6052520 4.6106286 2.5750420 1.0650781 4.0082223 4.1259782 2.2001930 3.4386754 1.8922004 3.4035040 2.2570385 0.1557402 1.7521140 1.9859640 0.8488530 1.5154246 4.9469380 8.9399710 6.0983950 11.0642760 7.6171080 1.8706240 2.6170650 0.5837976 1.1701700 6.22357e-01 6.31621e-01 0.00000e+00 0.2209490 0.1250199 0.0733653 0.1616570 0.0785062 0.0698528 1.61971e+00 1.00485e+00
1723 107295065 DAB2 interacting protein 6.00 5.00 9.00 7.00 7.00 4.00 8.00 2.00 4.00 0.00 14.00 9.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 6.00 3.00 7.00 12.00 7.00 2.00 8.00 5.00 11.00 4.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 21.00 4.00 8.00 0.00 5.00 9.00 11.00 8.00 4.00 7.00 3.00 7.00 3.9609600 3.9717200 4.9588600 6.9030100 4.4928800 1.5791300 8.1343000 14.0406000 7.3393000 9.974380 3.9954100 4.0836700 10.1114000 4.0393663 5.5827471 4.8445553 5.8677390 13.0010750 18.6554986 18.5839501 21.8405224 19.9878310 20.3786823 6.1395991 6.5590520 7.6384129 7.6195856 28.2715000 10.8696000 11.1374000 6.5769900 1.01810e+01 1.08071e+01 8.8637800 9.4927900 1.00308e+01 7.41600e+00 11.5597000 27.2150290 16.2267942 19.9588400 14.8533700 13.8456314 18.3482360 10.0263130 8.3157290 6.9638350 3.9890680 5.2351730 5.0302080 5.6467050 9.4499630 3.3699020 4.4294040 4.6628320 22.3771440 11.6965040 63.2083290 43.8613210 8.6980430 5.2743937 8.0086712 14.5990151 21.9886079 25.1547698 45.0343004 31.8994020 25.2459656 10.9275720 1.5641936 1.9357515 0.0466483 0.0161778 3.3374860 14.6339300 0.0721979 7.4625530 0.0000000 9.3756070 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.9341777 4.0255300 2.62270e+00 2.40000e-06 2.11600e-04 3.6764404 1.9705118 2.4984960 1.9927651 1.0018735 0.7307148 6.42146e-01 3.89169e-01
462 107285614 smu-1 suppressor of mec-8 and unc-52 homolog (C. elegans) 2774.00 1417.00 2072.00 1012.00 1021.00 1201.00 572.00 853.00 1126.00 716.00 1580.00 1847.00 1102.00 825.00 739.00 900.00 935.00 1074.00 1805.00 699.00 688.00 1629.00 2409.00 1735.00 2918.00 1319.00 1392.00 339.00 1560.00 823.00 692.00 414.00 838.00 550.00 846.00 799.00 595.00 1208.00 976.00 1050.00 302.00 447.00 326.00 398.00 579.00 19.2329000 21.1813000 54.9689000 23.1992000 25.4834000 15.6117000 24.9351000 31.3463000 22.8314000 17.560100 13.2738000 3.0573700 24.3877000 6.2540550 6.8630600 7.4657000 7.9312500 13.3336980 8.2085220 7.6049430 20.6608610 22.0802360 19.8885090 13.5001975 13.6381890 12.5363810 14.5778130 25.6983000 40.7793000 39.0517000 19.5543000 2.83904e+01 5.62962e+01 45.1191000 27.6273000 3.33326e+01 3.21880e+01 16.2681000 13.2966000 24.2136000 39.4229000 15.6993000 40.7870000 46.2490000 9.2338400 24.9600000 33.0060000 11.8876900 16.4607100 21.0676700 20.5796700 20.3926700 7.0933700 10.0963000 16.5713000 8.5066700 7.4989700 11.0166000 14.2847000 9.7634300 6.3670100 4.0749400 3.9549600 4.2484500 4.6994600 6.6926400 5.4061100 8.5741000 3.7065200 2.8422600 3.7219300 38.1692000 24.7852700 7.8774380 12.4872000 25.2862000 17.2991000 28.9721200 28.8687320 25.5426000 31.9930980 10.0521000 16.0036000 2.92331e+01 1.78350e+01 2.28698e+01 13.8434400 19.0176254 4.7246800 12.9720350 7.0760130 5.5738400 1.64327e+01 8.13005e+00
802 107288089 anaphase promoting complex subunit 16 191.00 209.00 288.00 198.00 168.00 203.00 60.00 117.00 186.00 73.00 134.00 161.00 130.00 121.00 100.00 73.00 61.00 57.00 223.00 92.00 140.00 192.00 213.00 162.00 166.00 319.00 171.00 172.00 202.00 91.00 301.00 368.00 324.00 53.00 348.00 132.00 112.00 281.00 191.00 191.00 104.00 85.00 92.00 79.00 59.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 3.8265477 4.3125670 5.6753660 4.8675945 48.0616270 58.9550280 61.5880120 75.0286920 73.8204200 67.1244440 48.2731250 48.0565430 43.1019190 49.7020760 71.9566000 5.2714900 20.8339000 3.5078900 4.21839e+01 2.38456e+01 6.2861600 6.9672200 2.76471e+00 2.21869e+01 1.6818600 22.9123000 20.9202000 22.8236000 46.3800000 31.6236000 26.2688000 20.4271000 17.0232000 13.3184000 27.9086300 28.5378000 29.8611000 36.0413000 36.1918400 11.8116000 13.6995500 17.9696700 16.0315000 19.0590000 20.7370000 35.6293000 8.3451500 88.0877000 82.6061200 63.1897600 68.0561000 68.8912100 58.1668800 61.1920800 121.2032000 43.6745900 52.1638700 54.5092800 133.5464000 132.4360000 38.7052000 36.9976000 139.0824000 61.5109000 168.8715000 142.1903000 83.7485000 0.2273360 44.9356000 4.6758400 7.06321e+00 2.56485e+01 2.83075e+01 23.5518570 19.1832570 11.1694850 17.0718480 7.2083471 7.1844023 3.35221e+01 2.27720e+01
656 107287074 ALG6, alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase 321.00 92.00 124.00 182.00 277.00 81.00 125.00 137.00 189.00 118.00 131.00 131.00 107.00 135.00 151.00 137.00 87.00 98.00 246.00 130.00 116.00 103.00 132.00 194.00 224.00 101.00 281.00 121.00 44.00 193.00 52.00 37.00 36.00 34.00 22.00 235.00 183.00 260.00 190.00 127.00 165.00 99.00 101.00 76.00 78.00 1.5669200 1.9255900 2.9509800 2.6858300 4.1656200 2.2660700 3.1679900 1.8166800 5.1712600 5.217740 3.5791500 1.6513300 2.9549800 1.4879225 1.6799980 1.1647244 1.9808337 1.0742620 0.6461659 0.8681210 2.4986215 1.7055130 1.6679060 0.9696446 1.6059805 1.6772200 1.8669274 2.3517800 5.6788300 6.6500200 2.8917200 3.17983e+00 1.39131e+01 12.3829000 4.1117600 1.24314e+01 1.66270e+01 3.1510000 3.8519500 7.2554600 11.8425000 5.5477500 16.2109000 11.4535000 5.2896000 10.1764000 8.5200700 1.6937140 3.2748130 7.2647730 3.5216771 6.1068394 3.5427591 1.6547150 2.2450969 0.9350640 1.7267740 3.3735300 5.4986100 1.8749500 8.6710422 4.6264440 0.9641503 0.7144230 1.5096442 2.9873111 2.2957394 9.8960330 2.0199025 3.6399930 5.1386240 19.3991500 14.2519900 1.2988020 2.2054460 5.1334700 15.2702800 20.5589800 11.1984300 0.0000000 0.1294300 9.4511100 0.7151320 2.61963e+00 5.38212e-01 1.47131e+00 3.4484501 5.9788440 1.2943620 1.7427597 1.2969241 1.0338568 8.15478e+00 5.75258e+00
819 107288188 ETS translocation variant 1-like 7.00 31.00 64.00 9.00 12.00 28.00 5.00 20.00 28.00 12.00 25.00 29.00 19.00 6.00 9.00 13.00 12.00 15.00 45.00 5.00 27.00 28.00 89.00 17.00 33.00 11.00 27.00 5.00 73.00 7.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 16.00 19.00 89.00 120.00 279.00 69.00 154.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 5.00 0.2532160 0.0000000 0.5121550 0.1298780 0.6695940 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0892109 6.5972200 14.465200 1.7634500 0.7012810 2.1819700 13.6711277 17.7585970 17.9572180 16.9918475 5.2473741 3.7179373 4.1112013 6.4689643 6.2470522 7.5928678 0.3246312 0.2890000 0.2446055 0.2873986 3.7599900 11.7107000 7.7917700 8.8555300 1.34432e+01 4.00743e+01 33.0985000 28.1416000 5.58353e-01 1.18610e+00 1.1039100 5.2310700 9.2835600 7.6795000 5.3689700 13.3041000 11.2769000 0.7795450 1.1129300 1.0949500 6.6717340 17.4809800 48.4602900 37.3340300 44.5192400 4.5282290 8.0350100 4.9623990 2.6534400 1.3933968 0.8798658 1.0090200 0.4780547 66.7236717 81.2869781 9.9342480 19.1477973 18.4971021 2.9371680 0.8855995 1.8361709 0.4670246 1.0235981 0.9702959 162.2615100 79.5557300 0.5466432 3.5617980 3.5483570 18.3128800 25.6885740 18.4413800 1.8234379 7.6342200 6.7368010 0.0002214 2.62220e-01 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 75.3321711 115.5680210 10.9931835 26.5943480 50.8361370 56.6722020 1.12574e+00 5.01818e-01
2135 107302288 coiled-coil domain containing 88A 133.00 341.00 232.00 179.00 65.00 137.00 54.00 92.00 508.00 144.00 468.00 205.00 215.00 109.00 124.00 90.00 80.00 78.00 193.00 88.00 84.00 304.00 407.00 322.00 227.00 218.00 117.00 85.00 314.00 172.00 585.00 713.00 394.00 374.00 703.00 105.00 185.00 202.00 210.00 154.00 62.00 86.00 51.00 70.00 102.00 0.1453100 2.1087400 0.2026930 0.1799040 0.3342630 0.0825754 0.2322320 0.0750263 0.1744380 0.343489 0.9035470 0.1040780 0.8692270 0.2291780 0.3629996 0.3790070 0.4514448 0.7977160 0.7185800 0.8097914 1.2304577 0.9459563 1.4358544 0.3143622 0.0531724 0.3655511 0.1301090 0.9685870 8.4388400 3.8862000 2.0912000 2.17842e-01 1.96074e+00 1.8091100 0.6086950 1.10825e+00 1.20729e+00 0.3457340 1.9506650 2.9892510 39.1905400 1.2635160 1.9955890 3.0837210 1.0364880 0.9949670 1.3233530 1.0752390 1.8978642 1.7381000 2.3781980 2.1303800 0.3745039 0.5066319 0.6499373 4.3477880 3.5525813 2.3606494 2.1192704 2.2232290 11.5586075 5.5415486 4.9708829 6.3041579 8.0834449 7.6936944 4.9430763 8.8747167 3.3519566 1.9823033 6.4691463 4.6125710 3.0631642 0.4755473 1.5718728 5.6643050 1.4132730 6.4862390 2.4322120 2.4410420 2.8023080 1.6891999 0.6847950 1.20794e+00 9.10251e-01 4.17099e-01 0.5793784 0.5527050 0.3447654 0.4155372 0.6294176 0.1596229 6.31610e-01 3.98781e-01
562 107286362 dynein, cytoplasmic 2, heavy chain 1 607.42 748.79 842.68 608.90 269.58 550.61 125.00 779.42 1098.03 279.00 1109.79 496.29 929.34 315.72 185.18 696.93 270.20 266.55 977.20 435.91 669.65 1763.55 1456.53 871.93 666.04 941.30 586.31 98.63 826.84 306.60 217.28 159.32 359.58 340.00 388.56 465.36 302.98 744.59 464.86 500.11 62.00 78.00 119.56 82.00 201.78 0.1272687 0.3145070 0.1713330 0.1550653 0.4608370 0.7002820 0.3891548 0.0911602 1.4104160 2.692190 1.0774600 0.2618244 2.6087840 0.4592130 0.4832592 0.4087103 0.6561600 0.5015688 0.2434830 0.2011390 1.1489941 1.3391009 1.2496883 0.1662510 0.1342540 0.0807536 0.2892160 0.3107290 0.8280010 0.8062480 0.3162200 5.83888e-01 3.65242e+00 3.1215800 1.1003000 6.70268e-01 1.21215e+00 0.2699160 0.4205085 0.7642454 3.9278980 1.5260500 5.0733960 2.9481800 0.7008549 0.9213376 1.0345500 2.2166240 1.9546360 7.1677990 13.9109200 10.1078900 2.1870680 1.9018620 1.9525150 1.2227420 0.5329591 4.4329350 6.5625610 0.4179782 2.7008700 1.7386870 4.0630570 0.5240428 1.9385690 10.0642900 5.3205140 10.7875600 0.1632004 0.8625350 0.5913555 1.8583360 0.8373785 0.6034810 0.8956066 1.5146592 2.9740075 2.0453820 2.1320060 0.0000000 0.0050884 0.4563900 0.4263110 1.36040e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.9980840 0.9995881 1.1740579 1.1093333 0.5128990 0.5360337 3.92875e-01 3.44368e-01
587 107286571 methyltransferase like 3 36.00 21.36 30.98 19.73 18.00 12.21 10.60 13.68 27.75 14.27 29.26 25.13 17.27 24.45 4.00 33.88 11.83 14.01 31.90 5.56 18.00 42.15 25.96 48.43 41.03 41.25 15.33 17.95 25.20 23.98 12.65 35.00 11.98 9.00 10.00 22.43 6.35 20.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 14.00 5.2929300 3.4115800 8.2825900 5.7387700 10.2208000 8.6145100 14.8239000 18.9945000 16.9407000 45.661500 11.0869000 12.4084000 23.5855000 4.8177617 4.4060970 2.5592730 2.6827720 9.8635300 9.3691720 9.7624076 18.3556380 18.0578596 17.9034560 7.5427960 8.5157610 10.0630210 11.8997389 2.8353600 3.0299300 3.0343600 2.7770700 2.96050e+00 3.35204e+00 2.6067700 3.6522800 2.14706e+00 2.31831e+00 1.9889600 63.1193000 28.1674000 45.0922000 96.7739000 39.0372000 34.8073000 40.4217000 19.1386000 16.3954000 5.5292900 5.1082430 5.3064130 7.3423590 7.3894720 4.5679260 2.9122720 4.8536760 7.8948604 10.6064000 23.2552000 31.1731000 11.2534000 10.5482300 9.8624870 20.3461900 18.4217400 19.6478300 27.2641600 15.4114700 23.9673600 14.8527600 6.6728410 12.1464700 19.5722000 14.3551000 4.0858800 8.3481900 16.5388000 10.6718000 17.8840000 13.6027000 9.2704400 9.7977500 5.9001100 2.3581500 7.28430e+00 4.50058e+00 5.20220e+00 4.0758300 3.8709523 2.6338960 3.2308957 2.5369704 1.3912467 2.70073e+00 2.16701e+00
1812 107296064 autocrine motility factor receptor, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 58.00 15.00 24.00 17.00 29.00 14.00 16.00 20.00 16.00 14.00 22.00 37.00 16.00 14.00 30.00 21.00 10.00 16.00 21.00 25.00 17.00 27.00 67.00 27.00 70.00 19.00 14.00 47.00 19.00 37.00 9.00 2.00 5.00 27.00 9.00 27.00 9.00 7.00 7.00 12.00 27.00 12.00 13.00 23.00 11.00 14.8366000 28.1000000 23.5695000 18.0281000 60.7975000 9.0284100 20.7969000 23.7867000 25.7735000 23.091300 9.7585000 4.6715700 28.6728000 12.1747050 15.0259600 18.4963400 15.7551100 62.3676480 73.4084310 73.0225020 127.0592700 125.2102300 127.0112000 244.1119200 237.3677500 236.8351900 237.5986000 67.9223000 76.9200000 73.5812000 65.6504000 8.17285e+01 1.00272e+02 93.1128000 107.8080000 1.10072e+02 1.21585e+02 116.5720000 19.3697000 23.6148000 46.6860000 107.2950000 75.7709000 83.8639000 50.8297000 53.0317000 66.6197000 21.8770200 23.3908300 43.5506900 45.9146000 47.4488800 20.6872600 42.5642200 46.6465200 45.6065000 28.9811000 220.2497000 159.3836000 57.4408200 16.3372212 13.3969819 33.7148690 46.7879220 44.6301200 135.0987640 155.7529680 111.9079740 82.2789570 21.4610200 46.8272260 93.0915000 25.2238000 25.8839000 65.1431000 69.1335000 82.7255000 39.2833000 38.1584000 89.0829000 124.7030000 101.7440000 43.4109000 7.17579e+01 7.11162e+00 5.20140e+00 9.4790530 8.2685210 7.6693100 13.3815990 3.1114140 3.6616010 1.15566e+01 6.92469e+00
1921 107297473 NACHT and WD repeat domain containing 2 0.00 19.00 6.00 0.00 2.00 15.00 0.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 0.00 7.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 24.00 5.00 2.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 6.00 0.0061871 0.0818815 0.0078213 0.0476017 0.1189880 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0054495 0.0069481 0.273919 0.1384980 0.0999549 0.0911956 0.0124529 0.0000000 0.0523044 0.0000000 0.0158076 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0166760 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0525742 0.0153914 0.0559765 0.00000e+00 1.69872e-02 0.0179125 0.0173716 2.75734e-01 7.54946e-01 0.1006420 2.8108200 1.9232100 2.8793080 2.7969890 5.0560100 3.7293000 2.2541600 1.8953800 1.5372300 0.1233710 0.0423746 1.2251300 0.6323450 1.0577900 0.0000000 0.0115548 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0082394 0.0075857 0.0628087 0.0066552 0.0181627 0.0000000 0.0135138 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0155308 0.0000000 0.0331249 0.0224561 0.0058260 0.0031780 0.1319850 0.0489871 0.0993831 0.0323704 0.1517460 0.0374090 0.0116582 0.0525666 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.0000000 0.0074475 0.0957374 0.0105297 0.0457290 0.0000000 1.47281e-01 1.39028e-02
1273 107291482 cilia and flagella associated protein 65 27.00 120.00 102.00 53.00 25.00 94.00 1.00 51.00 48.00 53.00 120.00 35.00 100.00 23.00 6.00 152.00 9.00 17.00 155.00 64.00 63.00 229.00 115.00 149.00 44.00 122.00 56.00 5.00 67.00 9.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 7.00 4.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.0740150 0.0150698 0.0503809 0.1387120 0.0102652 0.7318550 0.0527755 0.0000000 2.4935800 1.179020 1.5789500 1.1431800 2.3497600 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0310190 0.0803365 1.4004740 1.4160530 1.3879350 1.1332160 1.2067000 0.0431524 0.0891313 0.0956742 0.0635835 0.0000000 0.0297353 0.0000000 0.0474894 1.90589e-01 3.45878e-01 0.3444580 0.0589509 0.00000e+00 2.94475e-02 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0738025 16.8086000 0.0222377 0.1017510 0.0694191 0.0503853 0.0844260 0.0310694 0.0357351 0.0295944 2.1242390 4.8560190 1.9909060 0.0793075 0.3709125 0.0495830 0.0918379 0.0000000 1.3742510 1.4009550 1.0494380 0.0713008 0.0303161 0.0000000 0.0879530 0.0364361 1.7383390 0.1420982 0.9669491 0.0953658 0.0897207 0.0456008 0.4271500 0.3704770 0.0033738 0.0127852 0.0498253 3.4468364 4.7936212 0.7802680 3.0669780 9.3349934 2.8383056 0.1428120 5.56999e-02 6.76347e-01 4.63340e-02 0.0336305 0.0099167 0.0230546 0.0290399 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.98127e-01 1.65594e-01
659 107287083 dedicator of cytokinesis 7 1125.00 415.00 363.00 326.00 233.00 264.00 397.00 332.00 825.00 245.00 340.00 528.00 242.00 329.00 571.00 423.00 529.00 1051.00 552.00 675.00 317.00 312.00 781.00 318.00 647.00 224.00 1170.00 398.00 222.00 1272.00 192.00 278.00 187.00 261.00 284.00 250.00 206.00 320.00 306.00 327.00 144.00 167.00 105.00 132.00 184.00 3.6360300 1.1430500 5.1277100 7.4361700 8.2032900 1.4996200 3.5741500 3.6474400 11.3189000 14.493600 3.2702900 2.0467500 14.5494000 4.3160326 4.4068590 3.4542016 4.3265022 6.0557869 5.9404380 6.7461898 12.3358678 15.2000695 17.3180449 5.8774834 6.0872340 5.6517278 5.2124039 3.3957500 9.8909800 9.4743100 5.2886300 2.07358e+00 6.30761e+00 5.2766300 4.0135500 6.21132e+00 5.73536e+00 4.2491300 15.3506200 17.1249100 17.6670600 21.3570500 35.7368000 25.5583700 4.3498270 7.4903370 6.6164990 4.3229890 9.7975230 11.5928640 12.5102498 10.9501586 2.1793087 6.4638480 7.9888400 1.8710690 1.6500875 5.0910280 7.4131640 2.8800500 11.7257922 4.7519593 2.7045265 4.4780759 4.4183100 6.6108049 3.9313947 11.3678922 3.5135628 2.8267594 3.6506291 10.1347000 3.3223100 0.8451170 2.2785500 2.6520400 3.6950400 2.8546700 3.3612300 0.0103351 0.0096994 4.8132900 0.0000000 9.87845e-01 2.60233e-01 1.34897e+00 4.8873625 3.1192347 6.3365053 5.6910791 1.6422752 1.6833791 3.11055e-01 9.99052e-01
1255 107291297 brain enriched guanylate kinase associated 1.00 3.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 11.00 0.00 1.00 9.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 42.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0116136 0.2151770 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0279187 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0102290 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0144429 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1817530 0.1250840 0.0000000 0.0397642 0.1183090 0.6105300 0.4102215 0.5183020 0.3044960 0.3210910 0.0000000 0.0427083 0.0241376 0.0193098 0.0577498 0.1318420 0.0308779 0.1684490 5.73397e-01 2.07884e+00 2.2280200 0.3833560 0.00000e+00 5.22262e-02 0.2692100 0.0303924 0.0362309 0.0470306 0.2467540 0.6915264 0.1703909 0.0000000 0.0552601 0.0666772 0.3639840 0.2916190 0.1978653 0.4008190 0.3075900 0.1667521 0.1632390 0.2655060 0.1418088 0.0882156 0.4098098 0.5682890 0.0897932 0.1382764 0.2807488 0.7795707 1.0577570 1.0554620 0.3704405 0.2808111 0.2455285 0.5996711 0.0822655 0.1704130 0.0297083 0.0154139 0.0253481 0.0168527 0.0787395 0.1635516 0.0216132 0.0271341 0.0000000 0.0297701 0.0000000 0.1868480 2.18625e-01 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.0658530 0.0124565 0.0593247 0.0000000 0.0680425 0.0000000 2.55721e-02 2.05185e-02
229 107284029 glutaredoxin 3 1199.00 1464.00 1623.00 1129.00 815.00 1147.00 477.00 562.00 1009.00 550.00 799.00 1315.00 585.00 562.00 679.00 537.00 576.00 636.00 1413.00 607.00 543.00 749.00 1297.00 1019.00 1150.00 1131.00 803.00 740.00 1218.00 862.00 2512.00 2527.00 1961.00 593.00 2573.00 1850.00 1807.00 2314.00 1770.00 1706.00 1596.00 1346.00 851.00 922.00 1256.00 13.2593000 40.7394000 22.8650000 18.6993000 41.5819000 31.9892000 33.1691000 30.9126000 38.1754000 31.852300 19.7508000 13.2078000 20.5915000 12.4191410 13.8553660 16.8702100 13.4745880 50.9308900 65.7681130 70.1710340 89.0381388 90.6495020 93.2006000 63.8564400 55.6083360 55.5555250 54.4957180 14.7775000 17.0668000 16.5785000 18.0435000 1.90109e+01 2.72135e+01 27.1718000 35.8769000 9.81615e+00 1.13469e+01 14.3873000 39.5162400 76.0617100 72.5531600 46.7285500 116.5920000 87.6486300 39.5959000 49.4879100 49.2387700 65.9244800 75.7773900 109.9316000 90.2206300 112.5553000 46.6752000 56.5146200 52.8227100 22.3994600 26.7093500 32.3622200 35.3502000 40.3214700 23.8444660 21.5951300 20.4827740 11.1332880 10.3798810 26.5719990 12.8778990 36.7024590 15.5658120 11.3346290 16.2008580 71.2605000 40.6856150 49.2538560 56.8160000 59.6347180 88.3585000 61.5311430 86.2828299 49.6401000 49.7765000 33.7559430 57.8516000 1.05419e+02 3.67957e+01 3.97248e+01 40.5209482 44.6946825 13.6378584 34.5679511 24.4686005 18.7148609 3.04689e+01 2.26830e+01
2019 107298631 platelet derived growth factor receptor alpha 25.00 173.98 161.00 80.00 40.00 88.00 53.00 27.00 131.00 44.00 125.00 56.00 93.00 43.00 33.00 32.00 59.00 42.00 149.00 35.00 29.00 165.00 480.00 99.00 95.00 108.00 88.00 37.00 88.00 17.00 19.00 41.00 71.00 149.00 93.00 68.00 50.00 52.00 88.00 49.00 3.00 24.00 10.00 20.00 54.00 0.4293730 0.5682440 1.6530200 0.8383820 0.4926400 0.0000000 0.9045610 1.0314100 0.9424600 3.595640 1.6868700 0.3716090 2.3124500 1.3864966 1.5770300 1.7914203 1.6620539 9.1160934 6.1819330 7.5467735 18.2694094 16.6952301 19.6991780 1.4423139 1.0716971 0.8382742 1.1596619 1.8802700 5.3195300 2.7724100 2.3433700 4.60923e+00 1.18326e+01 11.4042000 3.5677700 1.41379e+00 1.62833e+00 0.4042320 10.0220800 20.2635600 26.0288800 1.6805500 2.3701200 3.6476280 0.0616756 0.5947620 0.4839930 3.4382760 6.3065580 5.7889400 7.6820240 10.2442700 0.5943020 1.2843390 2.4279070 5.8242500 2.8027400 9.4546000 9.0752700 3.7056800 8.1201078 4.5798104 12.3890901 9.4230460 8.8998336 2.5336680 4.3589354 4.9846957 1.0461900 3.6594144 2.1686042 8.3791550 2.5645427 0.8274533 3.5510372 4.3299829 2.8773300 3.8973520 2.7067933 2.8394010 3.1770410 0.7252950 0.0000000 3.22210e-03 1.77265e+00 9.51063e-01 2.1658740 0.7031930 1.2178373 1.3507384 0.3474239 0.3789940 2.33572e+00 7.47413e-01
1008 107289581 cytoskeleton-associated protein 4 4100.00 2191.00 3534.00 1820.00 1538.00 1690.00 868.00 1052.00 1914.00 786.00 2255.00 3080.00 1658.00 1252.00 1231.00 1188.00 1548.00 854.00 2980.00 1116.00 928.00 1921.00 7310.00 2593.00 3921.00 2207.99 2254.00 1672.00 2235.00 1183.00 636.00 1213.00 661.00 501.00 631.00 1346.00 1083.00 1376.00 1275.00 907.00 888.00 922.00 717.00 986.00 1280.00 2.0122000 5.0312000 5.3689400 2.9705800 12.7447000 8.5165800 34.4822000 51.0895000 28.2006000 18.451200 13.7401000 9.2708400 34.6346000 6.4250200 7.8156200 7.7548100 7.8260700 7.4823000 9.0213100 9.5209900 4.3375400 4.3686600 4.4372600 1.2470100 1.3358500 1.3212100 1.2751000 2.9511800 10.7375000 6.2952000 4.6053400 2.58600e+00 9.02183e+00 8.1203000 3.7075700 2.90172e+00 1.53564e+00 2.0683700 14.7534000 30.5094000 56.7895000 8.4878000 44.7947000 37.5487000 4.3048100 13.1020000 9.9802200 4.0523100 9.1293900 4.4635500 6.9371900 3.6106100 1.4491800 2.0424100 3.3775200 19.7589000 14.6810000 24.3792000 19.6961000 33.0157000 10.6526090 9.0881565 13.0222000 17.8078500 17.6312300 13.4129610 21.3812427 16.0587800 18.1401350 8.2822900 8.1829470 45.7333000 40.2882000 4.0549100 5.9445500 27.8953000 5.6534400 53.8852000 11.7522000 6.2094100 5.5130600 1.7528300 16.6099000 3.10584e+01 1.29296e+01 2.78122e+01 13.3594000 11.2717000 4.1695100 5.8134100 0.8116780 0.6342320 1.11577e+01 9.39099e+00
1131 107290493 lin-52 DREAM MuvB core complex component 1069.00 796.00 908.00 667.00 490.00 453.00 342.00 448.00 764.00 347.00 602.00 596.00 491.00 420.00 549.00 449.00 412.00 435.00 792.00 484.00 324.00 551.00 1227.00 644.00 871.00 561.00 579.00 133.00 632.00 505.00 813.00 670.00 655.00 334.00 604.00 1703.00 1433.00 2176.00 1430.00 1426.00 594.00 397.00 465.00 340.00 334.00 0.4118050 3.8149600 0.0000000 1.0561000 5.5685600 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.5389700 1.1561500 0.588121 1.0242500 0.0000000 0.9338270 1.1832900 1.6276300 1.1041200 1.4402800 13.1264377 10.0590050 8.6633530 20.4066400 17.6349005 21.0519822 4.9705810 6.4560500 5.2953350 7.7091120 11.9312100 8.2651800 14.1305000 4.1199400 3.74374e+00 1.34021e+01 11.1022000 4.9348300 5.87468e+00 1.25046e+01 1.1695900 8.3002180 18.5766300 27.2327400 16.3777300 55.7755600 42.9057900 6.7802600 15.0834200 20.2205200 29.6129600 25.2096600 18.4079400 29.5735000 24.3785000 18.8161200 10.5227000 12.6990600 6.6355500 4.9739250 7.2547400 11.1247570 2.3745200 3.3465410 2.1927350 4.8475530 4.4188860 4.6902300 10.8964400 8.3550370 20.3419200 2.4257560 1.0932630 2.2819850 1.6877800 0.5215120 13.1876000 16.0068000 39.1108000 18.0044000 0.3976040 61.8869000 0.0000000 0.0000000 15.3294000 2.2942900 0.00000e+00 7.16497e+00 8.90135e+00 3.5379513 5.4709350 1.3294100 3.2358530 1.6900000 1.7460330 7.95317e+01 4.61464e+01
971 107289278 activating signal cointegrator 1 complex subunit 3 1178.22 417.00 477.00 600.55 624.00 247.00 264.75 312.00 440.50 329.00 782.00 371.67 448.48 317.84 477.66 636.23 396.00 494.00 384.00 240.02 294.78 652.80 1114.05 516.00 991.00 639.74 427.27 602.00 485.00 642.29 192.00 272.00 163.72 267.64 246.00 641.00 500.67 543.81 532.84 437.18 336.63 319.00 367.00 332.00 242.98 4.1489700 2.3622000 5.9409500 5.7949700 10.1851000 0.5945620 4.2243200 1.8731600 4.8725700 2.996580 2.3850500 0.7997840 8.1704500 3.4414270 3.7065130 2.7522653 2.2513470 4.1662428 3.2081246 3.2643262 8.2570538 7.4676679 7.2119071 6.7662922 8.9635014 8.5270085 9.5742634 1.9259600 3.7417300 3.1123100 1.6423800 2.95321e+00 5.72499e+00 7.4004800 4.6836400 3.89202e+00 2.37400e+00 3.0194000 2.4208700 4.0291000 4.9380200 5.6986000 13.2232000 9.4550600 2.8890400 6.7690900 7.2629400 1.8996440 4.0935160 23.0962800 26.9440200 22.7857800 0.7444910 2.4595010 3.2207910 4.9325280 3.5977330 3.6696900 3.6501000 5.1193270 6.3273912 3.5349732 1.3795180 4.3120120 1.9639680 3.1287810 1.1312680 9.5792700 3.3753930 13.3016620 5.8203140 12.5165000 7.1445600 1.4460300 4.9065610 6.8299400 4.8242200 8.3241775 4.8928700 8.3052400 8.1223200 4.7383800 3.5393100 6.40721e+00 1.81518e+00 3.56581e+00 2.4858532 2.2852701 1.4932597 2.3521009 1.4469873 1.1286403 7.76180e-01 5.52278e-01
785 107287952 cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 4 3.00 4.00 11.00 0.00 3.00 5.00 0.00 2.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 5.00 14.00 1.00 9.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 9.00 2.00 7.00 13.00 6.00 7.00 9.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 9.00 18.00 0.2395240 0.0000000 1.0093000 0.8190340 0.5758070 0.0000000 1.4801700 0.4922580 2.4208800 2.166480 1.2907900 0.6449340 1.2673600 0.6650830 0.7981150 1.0616400 0.8538420 1.7208700 2.2175604 2.2507151 9.7706500 9.4957300 9.4150400 1.8729000 2.2626200 2.1066400 2.2586400 7.0409400 6.0848100 10.9727000 4.0516500 4.49639e+00 6.60850e+00 6.3105900 5.7211100 3.15730e+00 4.29826e+00 2.3579000 12.6796000 7.8248050 8.5027820 30.1793700 17.6794600 21.5163300 22.3676100 17.7908400 20.5784100 2.4349400 2.3159530 6.4921800 8.4916700 8.6669200 1.9929600 2.2805830 2.8291030 8.1925500 11.3692400 8.1963600 7.8629600 5.2404070 2.3849200 1.7775800 5.7087600 19.1309000 18.5440400 7.7214240 3.2231000 4.4087407 2.4774190 0.3601970 0.9633310 21.6863695 15.6833500 1.5852520 5.9440460 12.9202120 13.9600550 23.0204050 10.7896401 10.5271747 16.1933625 5.9276185 1.2580300 1.15656e+00 1.12512e-01 1.01340e-01 1.5095400 3.2386061 0.8338880 5.3246000 0.4542290 0.2481000 4.84982e-01 8.19237e-02
2047 107299109 glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) 18.00 33.00 27.00 23.00 17.00 31.00 2.00 10.00 45.00 9.00 10.00 56.00 19.00 11.00 6.00 9.00 29.00 43.00 126.00 24.00 24.00 25.00 42.00 73.00 79.00 56.93 44.00 4.00 23.00 15.00 2.00 2.00 22.00 29.00 22.00 3526.00 2417.00 2718.00 801.00 1118.00 1387.00 513.00 536.00 72.00 67.00 0.1386460 0.5820980 0.4472300 0.2329580 1.2527500 3.3091100 47.4628000 93.9875000 246.5110000 49.146800 15.7201000 3.7404900 10.5378000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0307459 0.0000000 0.1182607 0.0951265 0.0971787 50.9249138 51.1839909 51.7714520 113.9725414 80.7692600 79.9725580 78.0109590 0.2764450 1.1568300 0.9852150 0.2519370 4.49306e+01 1.44415e+02 211.7980000 49.6564000 1.31580e+03 4.55440e+02 472.5630000 0.3085700 1.3467800 0.9055790 48.9134000 87.9625000 164.7000000 121.7250000 67.2561000 166.3870000 4.0450850 5.3912220 66.3310100 32.7004800 23.0731100 39.5132600 107.3635000 146.6359000 0.1531490 0.0667701 91.9146200 210.1005300 22.8065600 0.8980876 0.3867032 0.6963107 1.1790220 2.9088440 126.7606000 92.9509400 185.0990000 83.1031200 38.7498300 71.9094400 1.5869700 0.9740430 0.0713620 0.1634490 0.3905257 165.7186700 287.1736400 12.7545000 244.4064410 440.3610890 260.2834000 3.2625800 4.89416e-01 8.29073e-01 7.16875e-01 0.0766949 0.0000000 0.0394980 0.0231227 0.0119490 0.0000000 3.67357e-01 3.61747e-01
881 107288605 HtrA serine peptidase 1 64.00 572.00 524.00 189.00 83.00 83.00 28.00 69.00 286.00 29.00 426.00 206.00 345.00 67.00 64.00 79.00 51.00 39.00 525.00 196.00 100.00 240.00 511.00 344.00 132.00 416.00 109.00 35.00 236.00 110.00 54.00 1156.00 60.00 146.00 47.00 92.00 41.00 108.00 78.00 72.00 58.00 205.00 131.00 115.00 98.00 6.5998900 2.8530300 11.9953000 10.7854000 12.9136000 2.9120600 2.2521900 2.3501200 1.7462700 3.104030 5.3179900 0.7952450 35.1816000 5.7100000 6.1768590 6.0662800 7.4766500 35.7648540 47.9479170 46.3722430 66.3879800 68.3316260 69.9647900 2.9737520 2.3095550 2.5161134 2.5489200 2.5789200 6.1760200 4.0348400 4.0729200 3.49131e+00 6.05792e+00 5.0630400 3.2345200 8.60469e-01 1.42001e+00 0.9320580 38.4350400 65.4598100 36.5075200 8.8096200 25.3757700 38.0405600 21.9322900 40.3567000 47.0977800 9.4716170 5.4997900 7.1270200 5.1398800 6.4595000 1.8884550 2.0261800 3.1520480 8.0201600 9.1348900 29.3637000 43.1364000 7.6480800 36.4285800 26.9253800 34.7873100 38.3856000 46.8429000 103.4822000 223.3641000 121.3064000 25.0125300 80.6860300 34.1540300 41.1565000 20.9277000 12.7960000 15.0616000 23.5272000 102.7720000 112.8820000 207.9920000 37.7833000 37.7442000 31.5979000 8.6848200 1.71970e+01 8.79955e+00 6.92249e+00 4.9988210 2.1759957 6.4480800 2.9803600 0.8808810 0.9916970 2.46511e+01 1.74525e+01
1197 107290952 RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 2 122.00 194.00 235.00 75.00 131.00 133.00 51.00 77.00 117.00 89.00 174.00 185.00 96.00 118.00 56.00 111.00 54.00 40.00 205.00 79.00 73.00 228.00 336.00 150.00 266.00 106.00 116.00 23.00 191.00 80.00 46.00 29.00 47.00 72.00 29.00 45.00 23.00 42.00 27.00 17.00 21.00 45.00 42.00 27.00 43.00 3.4171400 3.4516000 5.8836400 5.1676500 4.9923100 1.3412400 11.0376000 5.5331000 8.7075800 9.751000 5.2993400 1.3233700 9.6720000 3.5150220 5.8073630 5.9784570 5.1770270 46.3486940 59.9918570 59.0896452 50.6631250 47.3560660 53.6718870 19.5426170 20.0349780 21.6891710 22.1510520 6.6479800 16.2149000 12.6905000 3.9039800 8.31319e+00 6.84516e+00 7.9953700 3.8769600 1.26494e+01 1.08129e+01 8.0070100 36.1591500 15.8437000 16.6266000 41.7562400 14.2204700 17.2704000 27.5073000 10.2196000 10.8323000 12.4504200 4.2366690 4.7365040 2.6664750 2.1626550 2.3696300 3.3187220 2.8439450 12.6556340 18.0560200 12.2872410 14.3819600 4.3905370 4.0291869 1.2567809 7.6966630 12.7545600 9.4936290 6.2400630 7.7481750 11.0775498 1.6075140 0.1781179 0.9674607 3.1661300 2.1903170 4.8424600 5.9120100 6.3561000 7.4256400 8.5242000 18.3980000 14.3103000 17.8363800 14.2866920 2.7627300 3.82542e+00 5.28500e-01 0.00000e+00 6.3313990 3.7172949 3.0351010 4.7592070 4.2331030 2.2877902 1.34772e+00 6.22614e-01
2082 107299902 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 4 5.00 20.00 17.00 0.00 4.00 6.00 2.00 7.00 4.00 1.00 9.00 5.00 8.00 5.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 2.00 4.00 7.00 23.00 10.00 7.00 8.00 1.00 3.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 7.00 3.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 3.00 0.0395544 0.0130837 0.0499898 0.1204310 0.0149640 0.1140470 0.0000000 0.0043538 0.0574954 0.092194 0.0561781 0.0570414 0.2265790 0.0000000 0.0616000 0.0000000 0.1635599 2.0372671 2.7102938 2.3649890 7.5758161 7.2149221 7.3548048 0.1936321 0.8326635 0.5348700 0.6517047 0.1420500 0.6126940 0.0260901 0.1897730 1.44281e-01 7.91866e-01 0.7439110 0.1619570 1.86960e-01 2.64769e-01 0.0995168 0.0086192 0.0235730 0.3060050 0.0874905 0.1394950 0.2483370 0.0487248 0.1366290 0.0867671 0.2773182 0.2070068 0.1875445 0.3699214 0.1848993 0.1199231 0.4030309 0.1339378 0.0413685 0.0433809 0.2721563 0.5556280 0.0772144 0.0231900 0.1561808 0.0972993 0.2233270 0.0432847 0.6096674 3.9208100 0.8325016 0.3327988 0.0953142 0.2534774 0.0605150 0.3325540 0.0350559 0.0345663 0.2228280 0.6297620 0.3946240 0.7444758 0.1293220 0.2025250 1.1076360 0.0000000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 1.99711e-02 0.6678560 0.0182940 0.0000000 0.3231450 0.0000000 0.0839626 1.28570e-02 5.15800e-03
1648 107294522 GSK3B interacting protein 1027.00 977.00 1080.00 976.00 622.00 571.00 447.00 485.00 693.00 415.00 575.00 830.00 610.00 557.00 439.00 482.00 395.00 447.00 932.00 551.00 605.00 823.00 1066.00 910.00 972.00 949.00 831.00 244.00 762.00 562.00 877.00 1341.00 712.00 448.00 739.00 658.00 579.00 1499.00 1005.00 824.00 659.00 405.00 437.00 284.00 351.00 2.5842200 8.8832000 7.8403000 4.3551700 13.0057000 8.9821400 6.9685700 2.8614300 4.5227600 4.198740 5.7430700 1.6575800 6.1949600 2.5786700 2.6504290 1.9610760 1.2264200 3.7708021 3.9310299 3.9913636 7.6806890 6.8370560 6.7158940 4.0265900 4.9211402 6.8056000 5.0246600 4.9535500 5.1401200 9.8433400 3.1760400 5.60026e+00 1.22491e+01 10.9064000 5.3966100 7.83224e+00 1.00332e+01 2.4415100 3.2144600 8.3110500 8.5242800 4.0946650 14.4837900 14.5182400 2.7774290 4.2084920 7.2013900 7.3081300 9.6945300 11.2856000 11.4721000 13.1072000 5.3453700 5.6245400 8.2943600 4.3093200 2.4594300 8.0765000 5.7691700 3.6230400 9.2342238 5.6584160 2.5075790 4.0907740 5.6370570 16.9372691 4.8224280 23.2124220 8.9586110 22.0394400 5.3454180 0.1497750 0.1552200 4.8894000 9.5341500 61.2413000 15.1330000 0.0000000 29.9138000 0.0000000 0.0000000 9.2509600 0.0000001 2.25276e+01 1.66154e+01 2.37244e+01 5.7680842 7.2669882 4.2105070 7.8122350 2.8419139 3.1903487 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
1489 107293249 mutated in colorectal cancers 1011.00 195.00 248.00 364.00 585.00 236.00 396.00 242.00 304.00 397.00 253.00 222.00 123.00 542.00 424.00 224.00 676.00 534.00 244.00 493.00 371.00 208.00 615.00 196.00 478.00 122.00 582.00 298.00 140.00 303.00 82.00 55.00 117.00 91.00 129.00 80.00 71.00 94.00 101.00 82.00 14.00 52.00 39.00 37.00 62.00 0.2657540 1.0852200 0.4050350 0.4102350 0.5675050 0.4402820 0.6214760 1.1468400 12.0207000 11.261700 2.6295300 2.5443100 3.3867900 0.7127660 0.6279079 0.7289980 0.8003765 5.1697109 4.4528222 4.5887294 5.6325741 5.3193132 5.5509149 9.3317269 9.1708794 8.3064126 8.8635309 0.2172780 1.4068900 2.6359900 0.3245520 7.09664e-01 3.72753e+00 3.2595100 1.0536900 4.23043e+00 4.83000e+00 3.8303300 2.6973190 4.9390240 6.9545000 2.9442400 9.3330200 7.2627100 2.4595930 2.5793460 4.1176720 3.2019270 4.8611712 6.0780331 7.1292000 8.4759190 1.6281857 3.1727930 2.7659080 7.9882500 5.4486640 8.8227920 9.8020300 5.0247570 4.3652090 2.1768460 5.7040090 11.2680900 14.1999300 5.7450650 1.8791040 4.9858690 8.4985000 1.2071760 3.2904910 3.7750200 1.5195729 2.2474937 10.9751010 9.6953550 1.9343970 3.2533600 5.6768175 0.8656980 0.0000000 0.5322614 1.0061300 2.60676e+00 1.54617e+00 7.99000e-04 3.3281220 2.6977000 4.6075820 2.7609240 1.6262429 1.0003857 9.08524e-01 4.76637e-01
1892 107297053 UPF2 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog (yeast) 111.98 195.44 267.83 102.24 79.67 133.81 55.36 111.41 169.00 98.63 257.23 167.23 108.47 99.36 75.37 95.83 81.00 84.66 203.23 78.80 72.41 233.04 347.55 264.71 294.13 108.52 129.80 99.00 220.55 119.46 70.24 82.36 97.67 166.45 68.95 87.59 63.57 78.97 81.00 84.87 13.05 72.88 40.00 23.58 119.24 5.5974900 5.5127100 5.5231300 8.2899900 6.3495700 1.3284600 7.8084800 4.7144400 14.5477000 15.703000 5.4435200 2.0557800 10.9861000 2.0242040 1.1550610 1.5797000 1.8613930 1.9959170 1.8587610 1.4788400 2.5800070 3.0828310 2.7883970 1.3915900 2.0009050 2.0225080 1.9769400 5.9153200 12.7714000 16.5396000 9.1920400 4.80010e+00 1.56871e+01 14.1772000 10.3585000 7.72110e+00 1.34783e+01 6.7896400 10.7005000 18.0014000 27.8455000 11.1363000 30.5857000 26.0547000 8.9995500 12.6240000 16.3306000 7.9816670 12.0683116 17.5697410 20.6649915 17.7638008 6.0350972 13.9532180 15.3322050 11.1042000 10.0613000 8.8170200 11.6755788 7.1645300 6.4828867 6.0595320 5.7518139 4.7507900 6.1768500 6.9312983 3.6758009 7.2869100 6.6584181 1.6065040 4.3656100 10.5512000 7.0612800 2.1668700 6.8646000 16.8931000 8.4439900 13.7465000 11.8304000 10.0212000 14.5475000 6.9661900 0.0000000 7.73485e+00 2.32300e+00 2.42779e+00 1.2854500 1.5214640 1.5003670 1.7420450 1.4133700 1.1056000 5.14738e+00 2.56123e+00
#Normalize ComBat Data prep
exp_data = log2(Final_data + 1e-5) # Log transformation, add 1e-5 to avoid log0
exp = normalizeQuantiles(as.matrix(exp_data)) # Quantile normalization
row.names(exp) = row.names(Final_data)
colnames(exp) = colnames(Final_data)
exp = exp[!apply(exp, 1, anyNA),]

batch = filter_table$species
modcombat = model.matrix(~1, data=filter_table)
combat_edata = ComBat(dat=exp, batch=batch, mod=modcombat,mean.only = F,
                      par.prior=TRUE,  prior.plots=FALSE)
## Found12batches
## Adjusting for0covariate(s) or covariate level(s)
## Standardizing Data across genes
## Fitting L/S model and finding priors
## Finding parametric adjustments
## Adjusting the Data

This suggests that the UPR orthologs represent a more conserved pattern of expression between homologous tissues as compared to any random set of genes.

se <- SummarizedExperiment(combat_edata - rowMeans(combat_edata),colData=ids)
pcaData <- plotPCA(DESeqTransform( se ), intgroup=c("species", "tissue"),ntop = 200, returnData=TRUE)

percentVar_all <- round(100 * attr(pcaData, "percentVar"))
names(pcaData)[c(4,5)] = c('Species',"Tissue")

Study as a batch effect

Using study as bath effect also leads to clustering based on tissues Load ortholog data

Design matrix
id species tissue study
Pm_30 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_4 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_5 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_6 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_7 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_8 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_9 Habu vg/sg mikh
Pm_1_heart Habu hrt mikh
Pm_10_heart Habu hrt mikh
Pm_3_heart Habu hrt mikh
Pm_5_heart Habu hrt mikh
Pm_8_heart Habu hrt mikh
Pm_1_kidney Habu kid mikh
Pm_10_kidney Habu kid mikh
Pm_3_kidney Habu kid mikh
Pm_5_kidney Habu kid mikh
Pm_8_kidney Habu kid mikh
Pm_1_liver Habu livr mikh
Pm_10_liver Habu livr mikh
Pm_3_liver Habu livr mikh
Pm_5_liver Habu livr mikh
Pm_8_liver Habu livr mikh
Naja_vg_1 Cobra vg/sg surya
Naja_vg_2 Cobra vg/sg surya
Naja_vg_3 Cobra vg/sg surya
Naja_vg_4 Cobra vg/sg surya
Naja_vg_5 Cobra vg/sg surya
Naja_vg_6 Cobra vg/sg surya
Naja_liv_1 Cobra livr surya
Naja_liv_2 Cobra livr surya
Naja_kid_1 Cobra kid surya
Naja_kid_2 Cobra kid surya
Naja_sg_1 Cobra vg/sg surya
Mus_sg_1 Mouse vg/sg lyon
Mus_sg_2 Mouse vg/sg lyon
Mus_sg_3 Mouse vg/sg lyon
Mus_sg_4 Mouse vg/sg lyon
Mus_hrt_1 Mouse hrt encode
Mus_hrt_2 Mouse hrt encode
Mus_hrt_3 Mouse hrt encode
Mus_kidn_1 Mouse kid encode
Mus_kidn_2 Mouse kid encode
Mus_kidn_3 Mouse kid encode
Mus_livr_1 Mouse livr encode
Mus_livr_2 Mouse livr encode
Mus_livr_3 Mouse livr encode
Mus_livr_4 Mouse livr encode
Anole_hrt_1 Anole hrt marin
Anole_hrt_2 Anole hrt marin
Anole_hrt_3 Anole hrt marin
Anole_hrt_4 Anole hrt marin
Anole_kidn_1 Anole kid marin
Anole_kidn_2 Anole kid marin
Anole_kidn_3 Anole kid marin
Anole_kidn_4 Anole kid marin
Anole_livr_1 Anole livr marin
Anole_livr_2 Anole livr marin
Anole_livr_3 Anole livr marin
Gal_hrt_1 Chicken hrt marin
Gal_hrt_2 Chicken hrt marin
Gal_hrt_3 Chicken hrt marin
Gal_kidn_1 Chicken kid marin
Gal_kidn_2 Chicken kid marin
Gal_kidn_3 Chicken kid marin
Gal_livr_1 Chicken livr marin
Gal_livr_2 Chicken livr marin
Gal_livr_3 Chicken livr marin
Xeno_hrt_2 Frog hrt marin
Xeno_hrt_3 Frog hrt marin
Xeno_kidn_1 Frog kid marin
Xeno_kidn_2 Frog kid marin
Xeno_kidn_3 Frog kid marin
Xeno_livr_1 Frog livr marin
Xeno_livr_2 Frog livr marin
Xeno_livr_3 Frog livr marin
Pan_hrt_1 Chimp hrt braw
Pan_hrt_2 Chimp hrt braw
Pan_kid_1 Chimp kid braw
Pan_kid_2 Chimp kid braw
Pan_liv Chimp livr braw
Homo_sg_1 Human vg/sg Alame
Homo_sg_2 Human vg/sg Alame
Homo_hrt_1 Human hrt braw
Homo_hrt_2 Human hrt braw
Homo_hrt_3 Human hrt braw
Homo_kidn_1 Human kid braw
Homo_kidn_2 Human kid braw
Homo_kidn_3 Human kid marin
Homo_livr_1 Human livr marin
Homo_livr_2 Human livr marin
Homo_livr_3 Human livr braw
Canis_sg_1 Dog vg/sg broad
Canis_sg_2 Dog vg/sg broad
Canis_hrt_1 Dog hrt broad
Canis_hrt_2 Dog hrt broad
Canis_hrt_3 Dog hrt broad
Canis_kidn_1 Dog kid broad
Canis_kidn_2 Dog kid broad
Canis_kidn_3 Dog kid broad
Canis_livr_1 Dog livr broad
Canis_livr_2 Dog livr broad
Canis_livr_3 Dog livr broad
py_sg1 Python vg/sg heargraves
py_sg2 Python vg/sg heargraves
pg_sg1 Corn_snake vg/sg heargraves
pg_sg2 Corn_snake vg/sg heargraves
mus_slg_1 Mouse mus_slg Gao
mus_slg_2 Mouse mus_slg Gao
mus_smg_1 Mouse mus_smg Gao
mus_smg_2 Mouse mus_smg Gao
mus_pg_1 Mouse mus_pg Gao
mus_pg_2 Mouse mus_pg Gao
gekko_sg1 Gekko vg/sg heargraves
gekko_sg2 Gekko vg/sg heargraves

Normalize for study with ComBat

exp_data = log2(Final_data + 1e-5) # Log transformation, add 1e-5 to avoid log0
exp = normalizeQuantiles(as.matrix(exp_data)) # Quantile normalization
row.names(exp) = row.names(Final_data)
colnames(exp) = colnames(Final_data)
exp = exp[!apply(exp, 1, anyNA),] #removed genes without expresion

batch = filter_table$study
modcombat = model.matrix(~1, data=filter_table)
combat_edata = ComBat(dat=exp, batch=batch, mod=modcombat,mean.only = F,
                      par.prior=TRUE,  prior.plots=FALSE)
## Found10batches
## Adjusting for0covariate(s) or covariate level(s)
## Standardizing Data across genes
## Fitting L/S model and finding priors
## Finding parametric adjustments
## Adjusting the Data

Clustering of orthologs based on gene expression

se <- SummarizedExperiment(combat_edata - rowMeans(combat_edata),colData=ids)
pcaData <- plotPCA(DESeqTransform( se ), intgroup=c("species", "tissue"),ntop = 500, returnData=TRUE)
percentVar_all <- round(100 * attr(pcaData, "percentVar"))
names(pcaData)[c(4,5)] = c('Species',"Tissue")

Gene family evolution

Increasing number of gene copies, especially in venom systems are crucial to bringing about evolutionary novelty(Moran et al. 2008; Dowell et al. 2016; Giorgianni et al. 2020). The meta-venom in habu comprises genes that have many copies, which could have played a role in evolution of the venom system in snakes

Supplementary Table 4: Meta-venom genes with multiple copies

genes description copies mean.tpm MM.turq kWithin orthogroup
107291265 grainyhead like transcription factor 1 2 1784.8000 0.9489548 406.1963 OG0001148
107289913 AKT interacting protein 3 1132.0333 0.9426646 406.6311 OG0001594
107289360 prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 1 3 4009.7667 0.9709821 477.0872 OG0001648
107296008 MAP7 domain containing 2 4 348.0657 0.9331588 424.9567 OG0002205
107295506 proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1-like 5 1311.3000 0.9518400 412.6131 OG0002709
107285633 signal recognition particle 72kDa 2 725.8000 0.9497023 448.5582 OG0003142
107299533 ribosome binding protein 1 5 558.5667 0.9281935 409.3098 OG0003219
107292092 methyltransferase like 9 2 399.3000 0.9523462 463.0253 OG0003782
107286214 isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase 2 1237.9333 0.9629281 452.7619 OG0004092
107294904 eukaryotic translation termination factor 1 2 1736.9667 0.9556377 454.5827 OG0004768
107287854 multiple coagulation factor deficiency 2 3 2383.9667 0.9734283 483.7682 OG0004771
107289045 KIAA1324 ortholog 2 1214.3667 0.9432449 396.8540 OG0006646
107286321 TraB domain containing 2 1436.6000 0.9585438 420.2709 OG0006663
107294296 ADP ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 3 3 2409.7947 0.9749060 484.7827 OG0006723
107294778 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit C2 2 1395.7333 0.9358930 398.4791 OG0007273

Duplication events of the meta-venom as infered by OrthoFinder

Orthogroup are inferred by OrthoFinder
Orthogroup Genes.1 copies copies.1 copies.2 copies.3 copies.4 copies.5 copies.6 copies.7 copies.8 copies.9 copies.10 copies.11 copies.12 copies.13 copies.14 copies.15 copies.16 copies.17 copies.18 copies.19 Genes.2 copies.20 copies.21 copies.22 copies.23 copies.24 copies.25 copies.26 copies.27 copies.28 copies.29 copies.30 copies.31 copies.32 copies.33 copies.34 copies.35 copies.36 copies.37 copies.38 copies.39 copies.40 copies.41 copies.42 copies.43 copies.44 copies.45 copies.46 copies.47 copies.48 copies.49
OG0000136 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000177189.14 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000052293.1 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000031309.15 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013171.4 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000016406.6 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000021421.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680878.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680870.1 N_naja_pep_Nana25848-RA A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000012681.3 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000023809.10 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000015344.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000011473.6 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673847.1 N_naja_pep_Nana01675-RA N_naja_pep_Nana01675-RB C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000000828.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000018793.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000071242.12 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000010463.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000013406.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000012408.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000003644.17 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000000387.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000117676.14 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000281877.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000037136.2 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140470.1 N_naja_pep_Nana30115-RA G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000007097.6 N_naja_pep_Nana32194-RC N_naja_pep_Nana32194-RA N_naja_pep_Nana32194-RB A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000014143.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029141621.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000009967.1 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000025665.16 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000116203.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000017373.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000072133.11 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000022064.4
OG0000136 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680878.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680870.1
OG0000136 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000023809.10 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000015344.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000011473.6 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673847.1 N_naja_pep_Nana01675-RA N_naja_pep_Nana01675-RB C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000000828.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000018793.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000071242.12 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000010463.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000013406.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000012408.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000003644.17 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000000387.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000117676.14 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000281877.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000037136.2 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140470.1 N_naja_pep_Nana30115-RA G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000007097.6 N_naja_pep_Nana32194-RC N_naja_pep_Nana32194-RA N_naja_pep_Nana32194-RB A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000014143.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029141621.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000009967.1 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000025665.16 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000116203.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000017373.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000072133.11 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000022064.4
OG0000136 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000023809.10 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000015344.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000011473.6 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673847.1 N_naja_pep_Nana01675-RA N_naja_pep_Nana01675-RB C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000000828.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000018793.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000071242.12 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000010463.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000013406.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000012408.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000003644.17 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000000387.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000117676.14 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000281877.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000037136.2 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140470.1 N_naja_pep_Nana30115-RA
OG0000136 N_naja_pep_Nana01675-RA N_naja_pep_Nana01675-RB
OG0000136 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000117676.14 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000281877.3
OG0000136 N_naja_pep_Nana32194-RC N_naja_pep_Nana32194-RA N_naja_pep_Nana32194-RB
OG0000136 N_naja_pep_Nana32194-RC N_naja_pep_Nana32194-RA
OG0000136 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000025665.16 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000116203.1
OG0000137 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000002129.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000019577.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000004799.8 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000019421.3 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000014020.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667066.1 N_naja_pep_Nana21626-RB N_naja_pep_Nana21626-RA G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000009700.7 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000008151.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000005384.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665901.1 N_naja_pep_Nana23253-RA N_naja_pep_Nana23253-RB M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000038967.13 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000016967.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000009388.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000005882.12 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000045846.2 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683353.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683349.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683341.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000007063.3 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000067992.15 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013476.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000021750.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000035232.8 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000016323.5 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000011285.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000006315.4 N_naja_pep_Nana25813-RA X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000011177.1 N_naja_pep_Nana03410-RA N_naja_pep_Nana03410-RB P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676018.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000015877.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000013235.5 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013060.5 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000012642.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000152256.13 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000006494.11
OG0000137 N_naja_pep_Nana21626-RB N_naja_pep_Nana21626-RA
OG0000137 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000005384.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665901.1 N_naja_pep_Nana23253-RA N_naja_pep_Nana23253-RB M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000038967.13 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000016967.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000009388.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000005882.12 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000045846.2 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683353.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683349.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683341.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000007063.3 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000067992.15 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013476.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000021750.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000035232.8 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000016323.5 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000011285.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000006315.4 N_naja_pep_Nana25813-RA X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000011177.1 N_naja_pep_Nana03410-RA N_naja_pep_Nana03410-RB P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676018.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000015877.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000013235.5 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013060.5 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000012642.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000152256.13 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000006494.11
OG0000137 N_naja_pep_Nana23253-RA N_naja_pep_Nana23253-RB
OG0000137 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683353.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683349.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683341.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000007063.3 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000067992.15 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013476.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000021750.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000035232.8 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000016323.5 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000011285.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000006315.4 N_naja_pep_Nana25813-RA X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000011177.1 N_naja_pep_Nana03410-RA N_naja_pep_Nana03410-RB P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676018.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000015877.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000013235.5 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013060.5 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000012642.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000152256.13 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000006494.11
OG0000137 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683353.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683349.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683341.1
OG0000137 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683349.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683341.1
OG0000137 N_naja_pep_Nana03410-RA N_naja_pep_Nana03410-RB
OG0000187 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000009907.1 N_naja_pep_Nana02631-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679486.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679485.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000016485.6 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000003850.3 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000054364.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000143878.10 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000010665.2 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000036463.8 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000005247.3 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000001112.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000002233.13 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000047569.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013413.4 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000001569.6 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000017941.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682140.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682141.1 N_naja_pep_Nana14009-RA X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000018919.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000014922.5 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000023066.2 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000067560.12 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000007815.13 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680999.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680930.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680859.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000008297.3 N_naja_pep_Nana08636-RA G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000003806.7 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140248.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672812.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140247.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000015187.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000017358.1
OG0000187 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000009907.1 N_naja_pep_Nana02631-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679486.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679485.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000016485.6 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000003850.3 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000054364.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000143878.10 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000010665.2 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000036463.8 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000005247.3 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000001112.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000002233.13 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000047569.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013413.4 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000001569.6 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000017941.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682140.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682141.1 N_naja_pep_Nana14009-RA X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000018919.1
OG0000187 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679486.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679485.1
OG0000187 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000047569.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013413.4
OG0000187 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682140.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682141.1
OG0000187 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680999.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680930.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680859.1
OG0000187 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680930.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680859.1
OG0000187 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140248.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672812.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140247.1
OG0000187 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672812.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140247.1
OG0000187 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000015187.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000017358.1
OG0000243 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000105649.10 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000010697.4 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000014945.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000031840.12 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000111277.2 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000006946.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000030068.2 N_naja_pep_Nana06066-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665477.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670630.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000014726.6 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000007008.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000152932.8 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000016898.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000021700.10 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000020228.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666407.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000028717.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000010567.6 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000001595.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000000732.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000169213.7 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000003411.10 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000003790.4 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000010363.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000010497.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000105514.8 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000017438.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000019066.13 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000016810.2 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668788.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668787.1 N_naja_pep_Nana10898-RA
OG0000243 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000031840.12 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000111277.2
OG0000243 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670630.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000014726.6 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000007008.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000152932.8 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000016898.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000021700.10 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000020228.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666407.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000028717.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000010567.6 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000001595.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000000732.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000169213.7 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000003411.10 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000003790.4 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000010363.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000010497.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000105514.8 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000017438.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000019066.13 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000016810.2 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668788.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668787.1 N_naja_pep_Nana10898-RA
OG0000243 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666407.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000028717.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000010567.6 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000001595.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000000732.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000169213.7 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000003411.10 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000003790.4 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000010363.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000010497.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000105514.8 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000017438.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000019066.13 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000016810.2 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668788.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668787.1 N_naja_pep_Nana10898-RA
OG0000243 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668788.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668787.1
OG0000252 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000138814.17 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000016315.5 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000010644.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000028161.17 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000012558.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683811.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683804.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683825.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683833.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683818.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000039498.2 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000012165.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000005243.6 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000002631.6 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000014818.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000021816.11 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000107758.15 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000010008.3 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000020699.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000003011.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000020059.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000120910.14 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000009390.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000022092.11 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000041413.2 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000010782.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673469.1 N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RA N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RC N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RE N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RB N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RD
OG0000252 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683811.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683804.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683825.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683833.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683818.1
OG0000252 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683811.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683804.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683825.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683833.1
OG0000252 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683811.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683804.1
OG0000252 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683825.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683833.1
OG0000252 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000005243.6 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000002631.6 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000014818.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000021816.11 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000107758.15 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000010008.3 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000020699.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000003011.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000020059.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000120910.14 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000009390.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000022092.11 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000041413.2 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000010782.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673469.1 N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RA N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RC N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RE N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RB N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RD
OG0000252 N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RA N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RC N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RE N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RB N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RD
OG0000252 N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RA N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RC
OG0000252 N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RE N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RB N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RD
OG0000252 N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RE N_naja_pep_Nana28247-RB
OG0000281 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000000017.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000011272.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666225.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666224.1 N_naja_pep_Nana21935-RA P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000014682.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000144566.11 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000005814.3 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000017831.8 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000017328.1 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000000711.3 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000000087.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000111540.16 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000005071.5 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000005380.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671801.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671802.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671803.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000042482.3 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000017660.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671804.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000002474.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665944.1 N_naja_pep_Nana23150-RA N_naja_pep_Nana23150-RB A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000017960.2 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000003359.5 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000009194.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000108774.14 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000015629.3 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000019173.11
OG0000281 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666225.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666224.1
OG0000281 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000000711.3 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000000087.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000111540.16 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000005071.5 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000005380.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671801.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671802.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671803.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000042482.3 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000017660.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671804.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000002474.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665944.1 N_naja_pep_Nana23150-RA N_naja_pep_Nana23150-RB A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000017960.2 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000003359.5 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000009194.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000108774.14 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000015629.3 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000019173.11
OG0000281 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671801.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671802.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671803.1
OG0000281 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671802.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671803.1
OG0000281 N_naja_pep_Nana23150-RA N_naja_pep_Nana23150-RB
OG0000331 N_naja_pep_Nana16409-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673116.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673115.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000016702.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000030660.3 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000017622.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000147570.10 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000020301.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000027606.12 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000025445.4 N_naja_pep_Nana13337-RA P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044788.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000043106.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000101152.11 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000000826.16 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678114.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000035378.2 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000006841.3 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013084.6 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000032365.2 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000011758.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000163793.13 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000053856.7 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000034137.2 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000003716.1 N_naja_pep_Nana00675-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670302.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029139764.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670301.1
OG0000331 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673116.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673115.1
OG0000331 N_naja_pep_Nana13337-RA P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044788.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000043106.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000101152.11 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000000826.16 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678114.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000035378.2 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000006841.3 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013084.6 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000032365.2 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000011758.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000163793.13 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000053856.7 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000034137.2 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000003716.1 N_naja_pep_Nana00675-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670302.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029139764.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670301.1
OG0000331 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670302.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029139764.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670301.1
OG0000331 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670302.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029139764.1
OG0000334 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000012432.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000072163.19 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000024395.9 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000029970.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675313.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000002015.5 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000001995.6 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000052731.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000045815.2 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000053379.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000044258.2 N_naja_pep_Nana19999-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680103.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000005359.2 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000002316.2 N_naja_pep_Nana26170-RC N_naja_pep_Nana26170-RB N_naja_pep_Nana26170-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675311.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675312.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000012342.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000169756.16 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000257207.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000284337.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000256671.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000256977.12 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000012329.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000019920.18
OG0000334 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000001995.6 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000052731.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000045815.2 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000053379.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000044258.2
OG0000334 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000001995.6 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000052731.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000045815.2
OG0000334 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000001995.6 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000052731.1
OG0000334 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000053379.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000044258.2
OG0000334 N_naja_pep_Nana26170-RC N_naja_pep_Nana26170-RB N_naja_pep_Nana26170-RA
OG0000334 N_naja_pep_Nana26170-RC N_naja_pep_Nana26170-RB
OG0000334 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675311.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675312.1
OG0000334 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000012342.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000169756.16 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000257207.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000284337.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000256671.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000256977.12 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000012329.6
OG0000334 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000169756.16 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000257207.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000284337.1
OG0000334 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000257207.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000284337.1
OG0000334 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000256671.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000256977.12
OG0000398 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000079805.16 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000033335.17 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000034439.3 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000017651.4 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000005783.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683022.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683028.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000015436.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000040741.2 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000040265.16 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000197959.14 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000001684.6 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000014805.5 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000007003.3 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000014296.1 N_naja_pep_Nana10942-RA G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000003164.6 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684534.1 N_naja_pep_Nana36542-RA X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000017779.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000020082.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000106976.20 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000026825.17 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000004852.6 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682506.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000051673.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000021418.6
OG0000398 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683022.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683028.1
OG0000398 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000051673.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000021418.6
OG0000418 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000004069.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000146963.18 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000036238.2 N_naja_pep_Nana27192-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669007.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669005.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669006.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000269955.2 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000019755.6 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669003.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000003455.3 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000029823.16 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000011545.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000011756.1 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000024188.16 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000007392.16 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000007533.5 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000019689.4 N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RE N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RD N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RC N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RA N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RF P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674733.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000001606.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000037983.2
OG0000418 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669007.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669005.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669006.1
OG0000418 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669005.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669006.1
OG0000418 N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RE N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RD N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RC N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RA N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RF
OG0000418 N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RE N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RD N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RC
OG0000418 N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RE N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RD
OG0000418 N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RA N_naja_pep_Nana33979-RF
OG0000505 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000003457.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000148943.12 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000048732.1 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000027162.7 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000012170.7 N_naja_pep_Nana04660-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670868.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004047.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000015739.3 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000005817.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000003872.9 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000104863.12 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000011278.5 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000005262.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000013247.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665631.1 N_naja_pep_Nana23323-RA M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000019906.15 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000111052.7 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000005262.5 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000018813.1 N_naja_pep_Nana26997-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667533.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000014452.3
OG0000505 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000003872.9 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000104863.12 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000011278.5 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000005262.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000013247.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665631.1 N_naja_pep_Nana23323-RA M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000019906.15 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000111052.7 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000005262.5 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000018813.1 N_naja_pep_Nana26997-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667533.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000014452.3
OG0000586 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677690.2 N_naja_pep_Nana05337-RA A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000016795.3 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000004791.7 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000119630.14 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000006545.6 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000016995.4 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000047771.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676137.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000112715.23 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000043213.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000001938.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000023951.17 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000010290.6 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000001612.3 N_naja_pep_Nana01393-RA N_naja_pep_Nana01393-RD N_naja_pep_Nana01393-RC N_naja_pep_Nana01393-RB P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673452.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673445.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673435.1
OG0000586 N_naja_pep_Nana01393-RA N_naja_pep_Nana01393-RD N_naja_pep_Nana01393-RC N_naja_pep_Nana01393-RB
OG0000586 N_naja_pep_Nana01393-RD N_naja_pep_Nana01393-RC N_naja_pep_Nana01393-RB
OG0000586 N_naja_pep_Nana01393-RD N_naja_pep_Nana01393-RC
OG0000586 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673452.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673445.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673435.1
OG0000586 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673445.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673435.1
OG0000624 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000012462.7 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677540.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677557.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677549.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000002862.2 N_naja_pep_Nana03592-RA H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000168280.17 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000012521.6 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000005610.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000276734.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000026764.15 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000001084.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000017691.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000007215.6 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000007071.3 N_naja_pep_Nana21350-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667512.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667511.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000170759.11 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000002408.4 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000004076.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000006740.14
OG0000624 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677540.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677557.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677549.1
OG0000624 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677540.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677557.1
OG0000624 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667512.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667511.1
OG0000663 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044981.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000022405.6 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000043055.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000042890.1
OG0000663 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000022405.6 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000043055.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000042890.1
OG0000663 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000043055.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000042890.1
OG0000663 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670598.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670597.1
OG0000663 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048840.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000273554.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000051137.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000050829.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000130821.16
OG0000663 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000273554.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000051137.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000050829.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000130821.16
OG0000693 N_naja_pep_Nana14320-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670091.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670090.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000012027.3 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000168710.18 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000027893.14 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000000329.7 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000019796.5 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000001067.7 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000014873.1 N_naja_pep_Nana27858-RB N_naja_pep_Nana27858-RA G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000032868.2 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000018258.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000158467.16 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000051713.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000001524.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000019681.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000029772.17 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000014330.3 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000052110.1
OG0000693 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670091.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670090.1
OG0000693 N_naja_pep_Nana27858-RB N_naja_pep_Nana27858-RA
OG0000748 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000002279.3 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000027163.2 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681350.1 N_naja_pep_Nana29412-RA G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000017291.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000064763.11 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000004796.5 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000010901.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000030303.15 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000004307.3 N_naja_pep_Nana04583-RA N_naja_pep_Nana04583-RB P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675535.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675534.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675536.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000005353.6 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000024190.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000197601.13 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000030759.16 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000008245.4
OG0000748 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000002279.3 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000027163.2
OG0000748 N_naja_pep_Nana04583-RA N_naja_pep_Nana04583-RB
OG0000748 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675535.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675534.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675536.1
OG0000748 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675534.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675536.1
OG0000750 N_naja_pep_Nana23010-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687727.1 N_naja_pep_Nana23010-RB P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687726.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000017306.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000042894.3 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000013306.16 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000009272.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000018677.9 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000014180.4 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000019687.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000016238.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666711.1 N_naja_pep_Nana21460-RA A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000028482.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000019662.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000054099.11 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000001841.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000075303.13 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000019371.5 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000050572.1
OG0000750 N_naja_pep_Nana23010-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687727.1 N_naja_pep_Nana23010-RB P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687726.1
OG0000750 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000019371.5 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000050572.1
OG0000755 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000101310.17 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000013290.6 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000005405.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000027429.16 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000008793.5 N_naja_pep_Nana15512-RA N_naja_pep_Nana15512-RB P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668009.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668008.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000007168.3 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000000327.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000019204.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000015751.3 N_naja_pep_Nana05285-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680778.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680779.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000010150.6 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013826.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000100934.15 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000006290.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000020986.13
OG0000755 N_naja_pep_Nana15512-RA N_naja_pep_Nana15512-RB
OG0000755 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668009.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668008.1
OG0000755 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680778.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680779.1
OG0000758 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000171097.14 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000286112.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000021442.7 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000020030.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000039648.14 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000000350.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000004604.6 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684174.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015686308.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000041247.2 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000137944.18 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000020207.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000040213.13 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000020631.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000006188.7 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000001299.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683055.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683056.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683057.1 N_naja_pep_Nana14843-RB N_naja_pep_Nana14843-RA
OG0000758 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000171097.14 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000286112.1
OG0000758 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684174.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015686308.1
OG0000758 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683055.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683056.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683057.1
OG0000758 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683056.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683057.1
OG0000758 N_naja_pep_Nana14843-RB N_naja_pep_Nana14843-RA
OG0000959 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679746.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679747.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000014711.6 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000012836.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000015109.3 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000067113.17 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000016880.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000021759.14 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000006838.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000284686.1 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000052151.12 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000141934.10 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000010141.5 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000019734.4 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000009530.1 N_naja_pep_Nana06354-RA G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000026834.3 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000008865.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680125.1
OG0000959 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679746.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679747.1
OG0000962 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000100889.12 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000285241.2 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000006191.3 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000011868.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000040618.7 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000001158.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677722.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677721.2 N_naja_pep_Nana24253-RA X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000013175.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676694.1 N_naja_pep_Nana13556-RA A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000016298.3 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000007636.7 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000027513.11 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000013664.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000124253.11 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000012065.4 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000003207.1
OG0000962 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000100889.12 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000285241.2
OG0000962 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677722.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677721.2
OG0001053 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000021263.7 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000119314.15 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000003015.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000028382.15 N_naja_pep_Nana11402-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674694.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000017316.3 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000003249.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000012673.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000019693.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000011304.20 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000010165.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000006498.16 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000001962.7 N_naja_pep_Nana06106-RC N_naja_pep_Nana06106-RD N_naja_pep_Nana06106-RB N_naja_pep_Nana06106-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665487.1
OG0001053 N_naja_pep_Nana06106-RC N_naja_pep_Nana06106-RD N_naja_pep_Nana06106-RB N_naja_pep_Nana06106-RA
OG0001053 N_naja_pep_Nana06106-RC N_naja_pep_Nana06106-RD
OG0001053 N_naja_pep_Nana06106-RB N_naja_pep_Nana06106-RA
OG0001148 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000038495.2 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675740.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675741.1 N_naja_pep_Nana02545-RA A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000000132.3 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000003394.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000134317.18 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000011643.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000020656.16 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000000020.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000000114.1 N_naja_pep_Nana16704-RA A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000008759.3 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687354.1 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000022286.16 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000083307.12 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000020479.5 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000000587.5
OG0001148 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675740.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675741.1
OG0001404 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000004144.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044899.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044248.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000045063.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049646.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044764.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000003953.5 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000007296.3
OG0001404 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044899.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044248.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000045063.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049646.1
OG0001404 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044899.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044248.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000045063.1
OG0001404 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044248.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000045063.1
OG0001404 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000003953.5 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000007296.3
OG0001404 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000019766.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000042822.1
OG0001428 N_naja_pep_Nana10748-RC P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667711.1 N_naja_pep_Nana10748-RB P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667710.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000012614.3
OG0001594 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000039522.2 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000008116.6
OG0001594 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674225.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674226.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674227.1
OG0001594 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674225.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674226.1
OG0001594 N_naja_pep_Nana31573-RA N_naja_pep_Nana31573-RD N_naja_pep_Nana31573-RE N_naja_pep_Nana31573-RB
OG0001594 N_naja_pep_Nana31573-RD N_naja_pep_Nana31573-RE N_naja_pep_Nana31573-RB
OG0001594 N_naja_pep_Nana31573-RE N_naja_pep_Nana31573-RB
OG0001603 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000269897.5 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000045156.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000168283.14
OG0001603 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667045.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667048.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667047.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667046.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678615.1
OG0001603 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667045.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667048.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667047.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667046.1
OG0001603 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667045.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667048.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667047.1
OG0001603 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667048.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667047.1
OG0001603 N_naja_pep_Nana21551-RA N_naja_pep_Nana21551-RC N_naja_pep_Nana21551-RB
OG0001603 N_naja_pep_Nana21551-RC N_naja_pep_Nana21551-RB
OG0001613 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000020225.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000119408.16 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000021352.7 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000026749.11 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683674.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000001118.6 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000003615.1 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000026393.10 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000001815.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000151414.15 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000011330.4 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000014482.2 N_naja_pep_Nana14995-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671605.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000002216.6 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000009378.1
OG0001635 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000031160.2 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000010482.4
OG0001635 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671781.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671782.1
OG0001635 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000021092.6 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000003025.6
OG0001635 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004657.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004509.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004411.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004496.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004643.1
OG0001635 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004657.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004509.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004411.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004496.1
OG0001635 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004657.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004509.1
OG0001635 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004411.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004496.1
OG0001648 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673583.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140356.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673582.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673584.1
OG0001648 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673583.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140356.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673582.1
OG0001648 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673583.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140356.1
OG0001648 N_naja_pep_Nana19241-RD N_naja_pep_Nana19241-RB N_naja_pep_Nana19241-RA N_naja_pep_Nana19241-RC N_naja_pep_Nana19241-RE
OG0001648 N_naja_pep_Nana19241-RD N_naja_pep_Nana19241-RB N_naja_pep_Nana19241-RA N_naja_pep_Nana19241-RC
OG0001648 N_naja_pep_Nana19241-RD N_naja_pep_Nana19241-RB
OG0001648 N_naja_pep_Nana19241-RA N_naja_pep_Nana19241-RC
OG0001790 N_naja_pep_Nana32106-RD N_naja_pep_Nana32106-RB N_naja_pep_Nana32106-RC N_naja_pep_Nana32106-RA
OG0001790 N_naja_pep_Nana32106-RB N_naja_pep_Nana32106-RC N_naja_pep_Nana32106-RA
OG0001790 N_naja_pep_Nana32106-RC N_naja_pep_Nana32106-RA
OG0001790 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687889.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687882.1
OG0001790 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000087119.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000079418.3 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000116318.1
OG0001790 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000079418.3 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000116318.1
OG0001803 N_naja_pep_Nana09074-RB P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666649.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666650.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029139010.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029139009.1 N_naja_pep_Nana28032-RB N_naja_pep_Nana28032-RC N_naja_pep_Nana28032-RA
OG0001803 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666649.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666650.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029139010.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029139009.1
OG0001803 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666649.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666650.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029139010.1
OG0001803 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666650.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029139010.1
OG0001803 N_naja_pep_Nana28032-RB N_naja_pep_Nana28032-RC N_naja_pep_Nana28032-RA
OG0001803 N_naja_pep_Nana28032-RC N_naja_pep_Nana28032-RA
OG0001805 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677022.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677021.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677020.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677019.1
OG0001805 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677022.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677021.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677020.1
OG0001805 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677022.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677021.1
OG0001805 N_naja_pep_Nana08733-RA N_naja_pep_Nana08733-RB
OG0001805 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000047372.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049306.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000017558.4
OG0001805 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049306.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000017558.4
OG0001812 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000020298.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044688.1
OG0001812 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673106.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673108.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673112.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673109.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673111.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673110.1
OG0001812 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673108.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673112.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673109.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673111.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673110.1
OG0001812 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673112.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673109.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673111.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673110.1
OG0001812 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673109.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673111.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673110.1
OG0001812 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673111.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673110.1
OG0001814 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000014070.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000001101.6 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665506.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665508.1 N_naja_pep_Nana06177-RA P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000010209.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000071655.18 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000035478.14 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000032711.2 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000013925.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681640.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000008739.3 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000010033.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000024513.16 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000134046.12
OG0001814 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665506.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665508.1
OG0001829 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669582.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669581.1
OG0001829 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676171.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676156.1
OG0001837 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000016566.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000016577.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000016589.1
OG0001837 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000016577.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000016589.1
OG0001837 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670976.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670977.1
OG0001858 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000024317.15 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000018017.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000134758.14 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000009956.6 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000041703.2 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000083695.6
OG0001858 N_naja_pep_Nana16255-RA N_naja_pep_Nana16255-RB N_naja_pep_Nana16255-RC
OG0001858 N_naja_pep_Nana16255-RB N_naja_pep_Nana16255-RC
OG0001858 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677421.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677420.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677419.2
OG0001858 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677420.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677419.2
OG0001873 N_naja_pep_Nana19813-RB N_naja_pep_Nana19813-RA
OG0001873 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675264.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675265.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140658.1
OG0001873 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675265.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140658.1
OG0001876 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000009825.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000003661.1
OG0001876 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666801.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666800.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666802.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666803.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666804.1
OG0001876 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666801.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666800.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666802.1
OG0001876 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666800.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666802.1
OG0001876 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666803.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666804.1
OG0001876 N_naja_pep_Nana14411-RA N_naja_pep_Nana14411-RB
OG0001892 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000015930.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000004468.13 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000029084.5 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000015298.5 N_naja_pep_Nana29693-RA A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000022948.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677037.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000014508.6 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000008745.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000008793.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000014509.6 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000015929.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000109743.11 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000015312.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000029082.17
OG0001900 N_naja_pep_Nana24527-RA N_naja_pep_Nana24527-RB
OG0001900 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670231.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670238.1
OG0001900 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000160214.13 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000013962.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000061032.9 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000010646.5 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000058392.13 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000010621.5 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000013958.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000160208.13
OG0001930 N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RD N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RB P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683264.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683192.1 N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RG N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RE N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RF N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RC N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RA
OG0001930 N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RD N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RB
OG0001930 N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RG N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RE N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RF N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RC N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RA
OG0001930 N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RG N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RE N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RF N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RC
OG0001930 N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RG N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RE N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RF
OG0001930 N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RE N_naja_pep_Nana03695-RF
OG0001932 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004131.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000004575.1
OG0001932 N_naja_pep_Nana09479-RA N_naja_pep_Nana09479-RB
OG0001932 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675193.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675191.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675192.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675189.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675190.1
OG0001932 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675191.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675192.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675189.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675190.1
OG0001932 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675192.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675189.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675190.1
OG0001932 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675192.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675189.1
OG0001933 N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RE N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RH N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RB N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RI N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RF N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RG N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RC
OG0001933 N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RE N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RH N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RB N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RI N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RF N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RG
OG0001933 N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RH N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RB N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RI N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RF N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RG
OG0001933 N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RH N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RB N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RI N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RF
OG0001933 N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RB N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RI N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RF
OG0001933 N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RI N_naja_pep_Nana04049-RF
OG0001933 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681490.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681491.1
OG0001943 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000282130.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000185115.6 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000070520.4 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000100937.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000013194.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000177383.5 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000015697.3
OG0001943 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000282130.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000185115.6
OG0001943 N_naja_pep_Nana10608-RB N_naja_pep_Nana10608-RA
OG0001943 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670427.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670426.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670425.1
OG0001943 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670426.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670425.1
OG0002057 N_naja_pep_Nana19932-RD N_naja_pep_Nana19932-RC N_naja_pep_Nana19932-RB N_naja_pep_Nana19932-RA
OG0002057 N_naja_pep_Nana19932-RC N_naja_pep_Nana19932-RB N_naja_pep_Nana19932-RA
OG0002057 N_naja_pep_Nana19932-RC N_naja_pep_Nana19932-RB
OG0002057 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678938.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678937.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678939.1
OG0002057 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678938.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678937.1
OG0002071 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677144.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677147.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677146.1
OG0002071 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677144.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677147.1
OG0002108 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000076554.15 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000276418.5
OG0002108 N_naja_pep_Nana16513-RD N_naja_pep_Nana16513-RC P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687544.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687542.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687543.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000029182.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000040167.2 N_naja_pep_Nana14310-RA
OG0002108 N_naja_pep_Nana16513-RD N_naja_pep_Nana16513-RC
OG0002108 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687544.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687542.1
OG0002113 N_naja_pep_Nana16417-RD N_naja_pep_Nana16417-RE N_naja_pep_Nana16417-RA N_naja_pep_Nana16417-RF
OG0002113 N_naja_pep_Nana16417-RD N_naja_pep_Nana16417-RE N_naja_pep_Nana16417-RA
OG0002113 N_naja_pep_Nana16417-RD N_naja_pep_Nana16417-RE
OG0002113 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679898.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679896.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679899.1
OG0002113 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679898.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679896.1
OG0002128 N_naja_pep_Nana15115-RC N_naja_pep_Nana15115-RB N_naja_pep_Nana15115-RA
OG0002128 N_naja_pep_Nana15115-RC N_naja_pep_Nana15115-RB
OG0002128 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668607.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668610.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668609.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668606.1
OG0002128 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668607.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668610.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668609.1
OG0002128 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668607.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668610.1
OG0002137 N_naja_pep_Nana11195-RB N_naja_pep_Nana11195-RA N_naja_pep_Nana11195-RC
OG0002137 N_naja_pep_Nana11195-RB N_naja_pep_Nana11195-RA
OG0002137 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669305.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669307.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669304.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669306.1
OG0002137 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669305.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669307.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669304.1
OG0002137 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669307.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669304.1
OG0002185 N_naja_pep_Nana19733-RD N_naja_pep_Nana19733-RA N_naja_pep_Nana19733-RC N_naja_pep_Nana19733-RB
OG0002185 N_naja_pep_Nana19733-RD N_naja_pep_Nana19733-RA N_naja_pep_Nana19733-RC
OG0002185 N_naja_pep_Nana19733-RD N_naja_pep_Nana19733-RA
OG0002185 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673602.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673601.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673600.1
OG0002185 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673602.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673601.1
OG0002191 N_naja_pep_Nana26805-RD N_naja_pep_Nana26805-RC N_naja_pep_Nana26805-RB
OG0002191 N_naja_pep_Nana26805-RD N_naja_pep_Nana26805-RC
OG0002191 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000046749.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049416.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000005173.6
OG0002191 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000046749.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049416.1
OG0002205 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680834.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680838.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680839.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680848.1
OG0002205 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680834.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680838.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680839.1
OG0002205 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680834.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680838.1
OG0002205 N_naja_pep_Nana25852-RA N_naja_pep_Nana25852-RC N_naja_pep_Nana25852-RB
OG0002205 N_naja_pep_Nana25852-RA N_naja_pep_Nana25852-RC
OG0002210 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000050876.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044924.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048049.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048495.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000013795.7
OG0002210 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000050876.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044924.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048049.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048495.1
OG0002210 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000050876.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044924.1
OG0002210 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048049.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048495.1
OG0002210 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669611.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669612.1
OG0002214 N_naja_pep_Nana18210-RA N_naja_pep_Nana18210-RB
OG0002214 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687294.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687292.1
OG0002214 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000010782.2 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000007880.4
OG0002214 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000016632.6 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049835.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049435.1
OG0002214 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049835.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049435.1
OG0002235 N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RA N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RD N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RE N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RC N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RB
OG0002235 N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RA N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RD N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RE N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RC
OG0002235 N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RA N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RD N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RE
OG0002235 N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RA N_naja_pep_Nana05408-RD
OG0002235 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668103.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668102.1
OG0002261 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675356.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675360.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675358.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675359.1
OG0002261 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675356.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675360.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675358.1
OG0002261 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675360.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675358.1
OG0002261 N_naja_pep_Nana07918-RC N_naja_pep_Nana07918-RB N_naja_pep_Nana07918-RA
OG0002261 N_naja_pep_Nana07918-RB N_naja_pep_Nana07918-RA
OG0002327 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676466.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676464.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676465.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676462.1
OG0002327 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676466.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676464.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676465.1
OG0002327 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676466.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676464.1
OG0002327 N_naja_pep_Nana03234-RA N_naja_pep_Nana03234-RB
OG0002461 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675456.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675457.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140691.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140690.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140689.1
OG0002461 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675457.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140691.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140690.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140689.1
OG0002461 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140691.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140690.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140689.1
OG0002461 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140690.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140689.1
OG0002476 N_naja_pep_Nana16406-RB N_naja_pep_Nana16406-RD N_naja_pep_Nana16406-RC N_naja_pep_Nana16406-RA
OG0002476 N_naja_pep_Nana16406-RB N_naja_pep_Nana16406-RD N_naja_pep_Nana16406-RC
OG0002476 N_naja_pep_Nana16406-RD N_naja_pep_Nana16406-RC
OG0002476 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673105.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673104.1
OG0002485 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676944.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676943.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676942.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676941.1
OG0002485 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676944.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676943.1
OG0002485 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676942.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676941.1
OG0002485 N_naja_pep_Nana28562-RA N_naja_pep_Nana28562-RB
OG0002493 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000281484.2 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000154640.14
OG0002493 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677897.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677898.1
OG0002493 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000008432.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000008461.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000008447.1
OG0002493 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000008461.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000008447.1
OG0002506 N_naja_pep_Nana31568-RA N_naja_pep_Nana31568-RB
OG0002506 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674229.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674228.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140475.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140474.1
OG0002506 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674229.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674228.1
OG0002506 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140475.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140474.1
OG0002508 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000016833.1 X_tropicalis_pep_ENSXETG00000007988.1
OG0002508 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673275.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000012373.2 N_naja_pep_Nana14129-RA N_naja_pep_Nana14129-RB P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673274.1 A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000027261.2
OG0002508 N_naja_pep_Nana14129-RA N_naja_pep_Nana14129-RB
OG0002624 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673480.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673481.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673483.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140338.1
OG0002624 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673480.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673481.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673483.1
OG0002624 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673481.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673483.1
OG0002624 N_naja_pep_Nana13895-RA N_naja_pep_Nana13895-RB
OG0002625 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682827.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682826.1
OG0002642 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675065.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675073.1
OG0002642 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000262911.5 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000177692.11
OG0002642 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000013870.6 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044482.1
OG0002642 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000045160.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000047350.1
OG0002675 N_naja_pep_Nana05729-RB N_naja_pep_Nana05729-RA
OG0002675 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015685612.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674192.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015685611.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015685713.1
OG0002675 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015685612.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674192.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015685611.1
OG0002675 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015685612.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674192.1
OG0002683 N_naja_pep_Nana10941-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683010.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683005.1 N_naja_pep_Nana10940-RA N_naja_pep_Nana10940-RB N_naja_pep_Nana10940-RC G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000050235.1
OG0002683 N_naja_pep_Nana10940-RA N_naja_pep_Nana10940-RB N_naja_pep_Nana10940-RC
OG0002683 N_naja_pep_Nana10940-RB N_naja_pep_Nana10940-RC
OG0002709 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680312.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680310.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680311.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680309.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680308.1
OG0002709 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680312.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680310.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680311.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680309.1
OG0002709 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680312.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680310.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680311.1
OG0002709 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680310.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680311.1
OG0002710 N_naja_pep_Nana02795-RA N_naja_pep_Nana02794-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666548.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666556.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666563.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666571.1
OG0002710 N_naja_pep_Nana02794-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666548.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666556.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666563.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666571.1
OG0002710 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666548.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666556.1
OG0002710 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666563.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666571.1
OG0002711 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681385.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681378.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681399.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681392.1
OG0002711 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681385.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681378.1
OG0002711 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681399.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681392.1
OG0002711 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000284260.2 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000176783.15
OG0002715 N_naja_pep_Nana08626-RE N_naja_pep_Nana08626-RG N_naja_pep_Nana08626-RD N_naja_pep_Nana08626-RC
OG0002715 N_naja_pep_Nana08626-RG N_naja_pep_Nana08626-RD N_naja_pep_Nana08626-RC
OG0002715 N_naja_pep_Nana08626-RG N_naja_pep_Nana08626-RD
OG0002715 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674903.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674904.1
OG0002725 N_naja_pep_Nana02308-RB N_naja_pep_Nana02308-RA
OG0002725 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676559.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676558.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676556.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676557.1
OG0002725 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676559.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676558.1
OG0002725 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676556.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676557.1
OG0002740 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675662.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675661.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675660.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675659.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675663.1
OG0002740 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675661.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675660.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675659.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675663.1
OG0002740 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675660.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675659.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675663.1
OG0002740 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675659.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675663.1
OG0002747 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665445.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665443.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665442.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665444.1
OG0002747 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665445.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665443.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665442.1
OG0002747 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665443.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665442.1
OG0002747 N_naja_pep_Nana05991-RB N_naja_pep_Nana05991-RA N_naja_pep_Nana05991-RC
OG0002747 N_naja_pep_Nana05991-RA N_naja_pep_Nana05991-RC
OG0002842 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675895.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675887.1
OG0002842 N_naja_pep_Nana05669-RB N_naja_pep_Nana05669-RA N_naja_pep_Nana05669-RC
OG0002842 N_naja_pep_Nana05669-RB N_naja_pep_Nana05669-RA
OG0002858 N_naja_pep_Nana04786-RB N_naja_pep_Nana04786-RA
OG0002858 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673887.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673886.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673885.1
OG0002858 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673886.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673885.1
OG0002884 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000043068.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000015920.6
OG0002884 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678983.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678982.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678981.1
OG0002884 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678983.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678982.1
OG0002932 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681747.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681746.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681751.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681750.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681749.1
OG0002932 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681747.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681746.1
OG0002932 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681751.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681750.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681749.1
OG0002932 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681751.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681750.1
OG0002947 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673632.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140361.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673633.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673635.1
OG0002947 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140361.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673633.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673635.1
OG0002947 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140361.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673633.1
OG0002954 N_naja_pep_Nana33671-RE N_naja_pep_Nana33671-RD N_naja_pep_Nana33671-RB
OG0002954 N_naja_pep_Nana33671-RE N_naja_pep_Nana33671-RD
OG0002954 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000184056.14 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000284946.1
OG0003008 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666329.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666328.1
OG0003008 N_naja_pep_Nana15792-RA N_naja_pep_Nana15792-RB N_naja_pep_Nana15792-RC
OG0003008 N_naja_pep_Nana15792-RA N_naja_pep_Nana15792-RB
OG0003077 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048644.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000050361.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000141437.9 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000020954.3 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000122696.14
OG0003077 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000050361.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000141437.9 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000020954.3 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000122696.14
OG0003093 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668803.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668800.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668802.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668801.1
OG0003093 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668800.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668802.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668801.1
OG0003093 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668800.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668802.1
OG0003142 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669332.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669331.1
OG0003142 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048100.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000043609.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048466.1
OG0003142 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048100.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000043609.1
OG0003190 N_naja_pep_Nana21435-RB N_naja_pep_Nana21435-RA
OG0003190 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666117.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666118.1
OG0003190 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049382.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000019394.4
OG0003200 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675511.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140701.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675510.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675512.1
OG0003200 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140701.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675510.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675512.1
OG0003200 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675510.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675512.1
OG0003215 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000014885.4 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000029162.2
OG0003215 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687505.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687502.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687503.1
OG0003215 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687502.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687503.1
OG0003219 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684398.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684390.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684405.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684384.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684414.1
OG0003219 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684390.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684405.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684384.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684414.1
OG0003219 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684405.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684384.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684414.1
OG0003219 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684384.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684414.1
OG0003222 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667075.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667074.1
OG0003222 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048846.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000043847.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000019429.5
OG0003222 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000043847.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000019429.5
OG0003235 N_naja_pep_Nana14944-RA N_naja_pep_Nana14945-RA
OG0003235 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687095.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687093.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687092.1
OG0003235 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687093.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687092.1
OG0003238 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684788.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684810.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684795.1
OG0003238 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684810.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684795.1
OG0003238 N_naja_pep_Nana14913-RB N_naja_pep_Nana14913-RA
OG0003252 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048974.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000014348.6
OG0003252 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000116378.1 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000006378.15
OG0003252 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672753.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672754.1
OG0003254 N_naja_pep_Nana14633-RB N_naja_pep_Nana14633-RC N_naja_pep_Nana14633-RA
OG0003254 N_naja_pep_Nana14633-RB N_naja_pep_Nana14633-RC
OG0003254 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671018.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671017.1
OG0003256 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669207.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669208.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669209.1
OG0003256 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669207.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669208.1
OG0003256 N_naja_pep_Nana20032-RA N_naja_pep_Nana20032-RB
OG0003291 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666367.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666368.1
OG0003291 N_naja_pep_Nana14535-RC N_naja_pep_Nana14535-RB N_naja_pep_Nana14535-RA
OG0003291 N_naja_pep_Nana14535-RC N_naja_pep_Nana14535-RB
OG0003334 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678700.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678702.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678701.1
OG0003334 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678700.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678702.1
OG0003334 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000050139.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000131061.14 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000013406.7
OG0003392 N_naja_pep_Nana31517-RB N_naja_pep_Nana31517-RA
OG0003392 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674429.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674438.1
OG0003393 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000047368.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000045021.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000000736.4
OG0003393 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000047368.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000045021.1
OG0003393 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677938.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677937.1
OG0003395 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049457.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000021036.5
OG0003395 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669956.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669957.1
OG0003395 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000054345.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000033558.2
OG0003447 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681202.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681200.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681201.1
OG0003447 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681200.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681201.1
OG0003447 N_naja_pep_Nana03807-RB N_naja_pep_Nana03807-RA
OG0003460 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673982.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673979.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673980.1
OG0003460 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673982.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673979.1
OG0003460 N_naja_pep_Nana08952-RB N_naja_pep_Nana08952-RC
OG0003495 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675293.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675292.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675294.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675291.1
OG0003495 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675292.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675294.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675291.1
OG0003495 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675292.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675294.1
OG0003532 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000112514.16 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000226492.7
OG0003532 N_naja_pep_Nana06892-RA N_naja_pep_Nana06892-RB
OG0003532 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015686851.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015686852.1
OG0003565 N_naja_pep_Nana05358-RA N_naja_pep_Nana05358-RB
OG0003565 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669718.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669721.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669719.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669720.1
OG0003565 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669718.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669721.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669719.1
OG0003565 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669721.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669719.1
OG0003570 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671284.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671285.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671287.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671288.1
OG0003570 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671284.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671285.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671287.1
OG0003570 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671284.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671285.1
OG0003570 N_naja_pep_Nana34714-RC N_naja_pep_Nana34714-RA
OG0003573 N_naja_pep_Nana27071-RA N_naja_pep_Nana27071-RB
OG0003573 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668207.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668201.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668214.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668222.1
OG0003573 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668201.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668214.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668222.1
OG0003573 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668214.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668222.1
OG0003614 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666319.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029138951.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666318.1
OG0003614 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666319.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029138951.1
OG0003625 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000109850.1 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000013878.18
OG0003625 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679599.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679600.1
OG0003637 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668527.1 N_naja_pep_Nana03219-RC P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668526.1 N_naja_pep_Nana03219-RA A_carolinensis_pep_ENSACAG00000009612.3
OG0003649 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000002903.5 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000024644.4
OG0003649 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670046.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670045.1
OG0003669 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675135.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675136.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140642.1
OG0003669 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675135.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675136.1
OG0003688 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673883.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673882.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673884.1
OG0003688 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673882.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673884.1
OG0003757 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665858.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665859.1
OG0003757 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000039707.2 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000009575.5
OG0003776 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666817.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666819.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666816.1
OG0003776 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666817.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666819.1
OG0003782 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676636.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676635.1
OG0003782 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000284548.3 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000197006.14 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000023056.5
OG0003818 N_naja_pep_Nana19913-RA N_naja_pep_Nana19913-RB
OG0003818 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669278.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669277.1
OG0003834 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670020.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670004.1
OG0003834 N_naja_pep_Nana18289-RB N_naja_pep_Nana18289-RA
OG0003836 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679664.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679663.1
OG0003836 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000052735.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000009872.6
OG0003898 N_naja_pep_Nana00684-RC N_naja_pep_Nana00684-RA N_naja_pep_Nana00684-RB
OG0003898 N_naja_pep_Nana00684-RC N_naja_pep_Nana00684-RA
OG0003898 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670308.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670309.1
OG0003981 N_naja_pep_Nana32596-RE N_naja_pep_Nana32596-RB N_naja_pep_Nana32596-RA
OG0003981 N_naja_pep_Nana32596-RB N_naja_pep_Nana32596-RA
OG0004010 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667683.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667684.1
OG0004010 N_naja_pep_Nana30996-RA N_naja_pep_Nana30996-RB
OG0004021 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674123.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674122.1
OG0004021 N_naja_pep_Nana15050-RA N_naja_pep_Nana15050-RB
OG0004064 N_naja_pep_Nana29825-RA N_naja_pep_Nana29825-RB
OG0004064 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667133.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667134.1
OG0004069 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667569.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667570.1
OG0004069 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000041039.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000007405.1
OG0004089 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672517.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672516.1
OG0004089 N_naja_pep_Nana25117-RA N_naja_pep_Nana25117-RB
OG0004089 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000044978.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000005723.6
OG0004092 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670031.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670030.1
OG0004092 N_naja_pep_Nana05083-RB N_naja_pep_Nana05083-RA
OG0004099 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000054674.1 G_gallus_pep_ENSGALG00000029316.2
OG0004099 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674210.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674209.1
OG0004106 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673273.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673272.1
OG0004106 N_naja_pep_Nana14126-RB N_naja_pep_Nana14126-RA
OG0004123 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672472.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672470.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672471.1
OG0004123 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672472.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672470.1
OG0004125 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000104522.16 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000278243.2
OG0004125 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015685118.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015685117.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682460.1
OG0004125 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015685118.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015685117.1
OG0004148 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000242612.7 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000274296.3
OG0004148 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674671.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674672.1
OG0004166 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675990.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675993.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675991.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675992.1
OG0004166 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675990.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675993.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675991.1
OG0004166 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675993.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675991.1
OG0004237 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000171155.8 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000288368.1
OG0004237 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687384.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687385.1
OG0004241 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679391.1 N_naja_pep_Nana09939-RA N_naja_pep_Nana09939-RB P_Mucros_pep_XP_029141497.1
OG0004241 N_naja_pep_Nana09939-RA N_naja_pep_Nana09939-RB
OG0004250 N_naja_pep_Nana14985-RB N_naja_pep_Nana14985-RA
OG0004250 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679418.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679411.1
OG0004255 N_naja_pep_Nana14977-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679448.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679440.1 N_naja_pep_Nana14979-RA
OG0004272 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000037957.14 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000035560.5
OG0004272 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679540.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679539.2
OG0004274 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687501.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687500.1
OG0004274 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000001602.6 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048037.1
OG0004287 N_naja_pep_Nana15404-RA N_naja_pep_Nana15404-RB
OG0004287 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684440.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015684433.1
OG0004302 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000277101.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000114790.13
OG0004302 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668504.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668503.1
OG0004360 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669079.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669081.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669080.1
OG0004360 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669079.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669081.1
OG0004361 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015686961.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015686960.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015686962.1
OG0004361 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015686961.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015686960.1
OG0004377 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671742.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671743.1
OG0004377 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000283765.1 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000175193.13
OG0004415 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673585.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673587.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673588.1
OG0004415 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673587.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673588.1
OG0004440 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676332.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676317.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676324.1
OG0004440 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676332.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676317.1
OG0004502 N_naja_pep_Nana29510-RB N_naja_pep_Nana29510-RA
OG0004502 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679041.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679034.1
OG0004536 N_naja_pep_Nana29308-RA N_naja_pep_Nana29305-RC
OG0004605 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670663.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670664.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670661.1
OG0004605 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670664.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670661.1
OG0004624 N_naja_pep_Nana10795-RA N_naja_pep_Nana10795-RB
OG0004624 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669435.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669436.1
OG0004630 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676116.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676115.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676117.1
OG0004630 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676116.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676115.1
OG0004630 N_naja_pep_Nana11578-RA N_naja_pep_Nana11578-RB
OG0004673 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000038657.2 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000006961.6
OG0004673 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671416.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671417.1
OG0004673 N_naja_pep_Nana05031-RB N_naja_pep_Nana05031-RA
OG0004683 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000045907.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000004935.6
OG0004683 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687337.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687338.1
OG0004687 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675419.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675427.1
OG0004687 N_naja_pep_Nana10063-RA N_naja_pep_Nana10063-RB
OG0004690 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000257727.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000144785.8
OG0004690 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678403.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678404.1
OG0004700 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000278191.4 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000110619.17
OG0004700 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677558.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677556.1
OG0004705 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676759.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676760.1
OG0004705 N_naja_pep_Nana09653-RA N_naja_pep_Nana09653-RB
OG0004727 N_naja_pep_Nana09525-RA N_naja_pep_Nana09525-RB
OG0004727 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670529.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670528.1
OG0004741 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670063.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670062.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670065.1
OG0004741 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670063.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670062.1
OG0004761 N_naja_pep_Nana19550-RA N_naja_pep_Nana02835-RA P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667773.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667764.1
OG0004761 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667773.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667764.1
OG0004771 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671891.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671892.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671893.1
OG0004771 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671892.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671893.1
OG0004773 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677943.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677950.1
OG0004773 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000045196.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000019593.5
OG0004775 N_naja_pep_Nana02981-RB N_naja_pep_Nana02981-RA
OG0004775 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667832.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667831.1
OG0004817 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669643.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669635.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029139600.1
OG0004817 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669643.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669635.1
OG0004822 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676601.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676602.1
OG0004836 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680099.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680108.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680115.1
OG0004836 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680108.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680115.1
OG0004842 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681408.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681410.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681409.1
OG0004842 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681410.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681409.1
OG0004848 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670795.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670793.1
OG0004848 N_naja_pep_Nana01851-RA N_naja_pep_Nana01851-RB
OG0004866 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000073468.12 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000069899.3
OG0004866 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673816.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673824.1
OG0004893 N_naja_pep_Nana08392-RB N_naja_pep_Nana08392-RD
OG0004893 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671689.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671690.1
OG0004893 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000046034.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000015030.4 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000048285.1 C_familiaris_pep_ENSCAFG00000049228.1 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000042682.9
OG0004941 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679571.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679570.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679569.1
OG0004941 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679570.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679569.1
OG0004941 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000019765.5 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000050561.1
OG0004947 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671278.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671276.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671277.1
OG0004947 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671278.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671276.1
OG0004947 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000041406.2 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000050604.1
OG0005057 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667176.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667175.1
OG0005064 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666086.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666085.1
OG0005064 N_naja_pep_Nana21893-RA N_naja_pep_Nana21893-RB
OG0005097 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049323.1 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000000568.4
OG0005097 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667166.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667165.1
OG0005134 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675906.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675914.1
OG0005159 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670412.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670413.1
OG0005187 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670771.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670770.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670769.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670768.1
OG0005187 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670770.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670769.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670768.1
OG0005187 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670770.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670769.1
OG0005213 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681796.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681797.1
OG0005282 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682112.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682111.1
OG0005301 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682363.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015682370.1
OG0005331 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676633.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676632.1
OG0005435 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669966.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669958.1
OG0005448 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687570.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687578.1
OG0005457 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680876.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680877.1
OG0005624 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680437.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680447.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680454.1
OG0005624 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680437.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680447.1
OG0005642 N_naja_pep_Nana11095-RA N_naja_pep_Nana11095-RB
OG0005642 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669496.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015669497.1
OG0005649 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668595.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668596.1
OG0005660 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015686089.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015686096.1
OG0005706 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687078.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687077.1
OG0005724 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000107482.2 M_musculus_pep_ENSMUSG00000004610.4
OG0005724 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678613.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678612.1
OG0005762 N_naja_pep_Nana16545-RB N_naja_pep_Nana16545-RA
OG0005842 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666194.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666186.1
OG0005842 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000005622.6 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000081760.17 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000049669.1
OG0005916 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015688029.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015688030.1
OG0005941 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670015.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670016.1
OG0005941 N_naja_pep_Nana05069-RB N_naja_pep_Nana05069-RA
OG0006177 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674292.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674293.1
OG0006199 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687497.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687496.1
OG0006237 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668303.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668302.1
OG0006305 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687517.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687516.1
OG0006369 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677360.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677359.1
OG0006391 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675730.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675732.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675729.1
OG0006391 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675730.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675732.1
OG0006397 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676793.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676802.1
OG0006400 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670558.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670559.1
OG0006452 N_naja_pep_Nana27308-RA N_naja_pep_Nana27308-RB
OG0006456 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000000827.6 P_troglodytes_pep_ENSPTRG00000047963.1
OG0006456 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679057.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679056.1
OG0006482 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666361.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666360.1
OG0006492 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671745.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671744.1
OG0006510 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668121.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668122.1
OG0006511 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675253.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675251.1
OG0006617 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677604.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015677603.1
OG0006631 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673541.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673540.1
OG0006644 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687835.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687834.1
OG0006646 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673222.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_029140303.1
OG0006663 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670157.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670156.1
OG0006690 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015686619.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015686677.1
OG0006723 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679022.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679006.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679014.1
OG0006723 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679022.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679006.1
OG0006744 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670385.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670386.1
OG0006768 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670373.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015670374.1
OG0006817 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676296.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676294.1
OG0006821 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681375.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681374.1
OG0006958 N_naja_pep_Nana10216-RA N_naja_pep_Nana10216-RB
OG0006959 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676060.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676052.1
OG0006959 N_naja_pep_Nana10209-RA N_naja_pep_Nana10209-RB
OG0006992 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683123.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683131.1
OG0006996 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668105.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668106.1
OG0007053 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687336.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687335.1
OG0007193 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674151.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674158.1
OG0007264 N_naja_pep_Nana08608-RA N_naja_pep_Nana08608-RB
OG0007264 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672852.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672851.1
OG0007273 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679524.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015679525.1
OG0007279 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676709.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676710.1
OG0007289 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668137.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668138.1
OG0007295 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672199.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672198.1
OG0007330 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671124.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015671123.1
OG0007416 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687409.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687408.1
OG0007423 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676438.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676439.1
OG0007424 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667608.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667617.1
OG0007480 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672905.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672906.1
OG0007480 N_naja_pep_Nana15394-RA N_naja_pep_Nana15395-RA
OG0007506 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674705.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674681.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674689.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674697.1
OG0007506 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674681.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674689.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674697.1
OG0007506 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674689.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674697.1
OG0007518 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678480.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678484.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678485.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678482.1
OG0007518 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678480.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678484.1
OG0007518 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678485.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678482.1
OG0008614 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675025.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015675024.1
OG0008857 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674955.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015674954.1
OG0009352 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000253958.2 H_sapiens_pep_ENSG00000285098.2
OG0009352 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673819.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015673820.1
OG0009370 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666577.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666576.1
OG0009790 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666091.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015666089.1
OG0010138 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687716.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015687717.1
OG0010361 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665677.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665678.1
OG0010559 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683475.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015683476.1
OG0010881 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667991.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015667992.1
OG0010905 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668559.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668560.1
OG0010922 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676009.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676017.1
OG0011422 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678041.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015678042.1
OG0011430 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672846.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672848.1
OG0011787 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668424.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015668423.1
OG0011850 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680845.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680844.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680843.1
OG0011850 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680845.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015680844.1
OG0011932 N_naja_pep_Nana06259-RA N_naja_pep_Nana06259-RB
OG0011936 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665503.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015665502.1
OG0011938 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672080.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015672081.1
OG0011938 N_naja_pep_Nana30289-RB N_naja_pep_Nana30289-RA
OG0012543 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676479.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015676478.1
OG0013451 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681842.1 P_Mucros_pep_XP_015681843.1

Changes in gene family numbers

Supplementary Table 5: Expansion and Contracts estimated by CAFE

Among the orthogroups identified by CAFE, 23 groups were statistically rapid (see Methods). Ancestral estimations of gene families sizes showed that in the venomous snake lineage, most families (16 out of 23) underwent significant expansions, while a few families contracted (2 out of 23) or remained the same (5 out of 23)

Gene families undergoing significant changes in copy number

X.FamilyID pvalue Significant.at.0.05
2 0.001 y
10 0.000 y
11 0.022 y
14 0.002 y
20 0.000 y
21 0.000 y
22 0.000 y
28 0.013 y
31 0.008 y
34 0.008 y
38 0.000 y
39 0.000 y
42 0.007 y
45 0.003 y
59 0.000 y
63 0.003 y
66 0.000 y
68 0.003 y
92 0.004 y
96 0.000 y
117 0.000 y
124 0.002 y
168 0.046 y
1 0.559 n
3 0.569 n
4 0.191 n
5 0.391 n
6 0.613 n
7 0.515 n
8 0.137 n
9 0.713 n
12 0.208 n
13 0.880 n
15 0.999 n
16 0.999 n
17 0.997 n
18 0.793 n
19 0.999 n
24 0.999 n
26 0.855 n
27 0.065 n
29 0.999 n
30 0.999 n
32 0.341 n
33 0.063 n
35 0.999 n
36 0.999 n
37 0.999 n
40 0.999 n
41 0.450 n
43 0.999 n
44 0.999 n
46 0.867 n
47 0.999 n
48 0.902 n
49 0.854 n
50 0.999 n
51 0.999 n
52 0.298 n
53 0.999 n
54 0.988 n
55 0.139 n
56 0.999 n
57 0.369 n
58 0.999 n
60 0.999 n
61 0.954 n
62 0.999 n
64 0.999 n
65 0.999 n
67 0.801 n
69 0.999 n
70 0.999 n
71 0.935 n
72 0.999 n
73 0.999 n
74 0.482 n
75 0.999 n
76 0.999 n
77 0.999 n
78 0.999 n
79 0.999 n
80 0.999 n
81 0.999 n
82 0.833 n
83 0.999 n
84 0.999 n
85 0.909 n
86 0.999 n
87 0.999 n
88 0.999 n
89 0.999 n
90 0.999 n
91 0.999 n
93 0.999 n
94 0.999 n
95 0.999 n
97 0.999 n
98 0.999 n
99 0.999 n
100 0.999 n
101 0.999 n
102 0.999 n
103 0.999 n
104 0.999 n
105 0.999 n
106 0.999 n
107 0.999 n
108 0.999 n
109 0.999 n
110 0.242 n
111 0.999 n
112 0.999 n
113 0.999 n
114 0.999 n
115 0.999 n
116 0.999 n
118 0.999 n
119 0.999 n
120 0.999 n
121 0.999 n
122 0.999 n
123 0.999 n
125 0.999 n
126 0.999 n
127 0.999 n
128 0.999 n
129 0.999 n
130 0.999 n
131 0.999 n
132 0.999 n
133 0.300 n
134 0.999 n
135 0.999 n
136 0.999 n
137 0.999 n
138 0.999 n
139 0.999 n
140 0.999 n
141 0.999 n
142 0.999 n
143 0.999 n
144 0.999 n
145 0.999 n
146 0.999 n
147 0.999 n
148 0.999 n
149 0.999 n
150 0.999 n
151 0.999 n
152 0.999 n
153 0.999 n
154 0.999 n
155 0.999 n
156 0.999 n
157 0.999 n
158 0.999 n
159 0.999 n
160 0.999 n
161 0.999 n
162 0.999 n
163 0.999 n
164 0.999 n
165 0.999 n
166 0.895 n
167 0.999 n
169 0.999 n
170 0.999 n
171 0.999 n
172 0.999 n
173 0.999 n
174 0.999 n
175 0.999 n
176 0.999 n
177 0.999 n
178 0.999 n
179 0.999 n
180 0.999 n
181 0.999 n
182 0.999 n
183 0.999 n
184 0.999 n
185 0.999 n
186 0.999 n
187 0.999 n
188 0.999 n
189 0.999 n
190 0.999 n
191 0.999 n
192 0.999 n
193 0.999 n
194 0.999 n
195 0.999 n
196 0.999 n
197 0.999 n
198 0.999 n
199 0.999 n
200 0.999 n
201 0.999 n
202 0.999 n
203 0.999 n
204 0.999 n
205 0.999 n
206 0.999 n
207 0.999 n
208 0.999 n
209 0.999 n
210 0.999 n
211 0.999 n
212 0.999 n
213 0.999 n
214 0.999 n
215 0.999 n
216 0.999 n
217 0.999 n
218 0.999 n
219 0.999 n
220 0.999 n
221 0.999 n
222 0.999 n
223 0.999 n
224 0.999 n
225 0.999 n
226 0.999 n
227 0.999 n
228 0.999 n
229 0.999 n
230 0.999 n
231 0.999 n
232 0.999 n
233 0.999 n
234 0.999 n
235 0.999 n
236 0.999 n
237 0.999 n
238 0.999 n
239 0.999 n
240 0.999 n
241 0.999 n
242 0.999 n
243 0.999 n
244 0.999 n
245 0.999 n
246 0.999 n
247 0.999 n
248 0.999 n
249 0.999 n
250 0.999 n
251 0.999 n
252 0.999 n

Changes in copy number along the tree

FamilyID Human.0. Chimp.1. Cobra.2. Habu.3. X.4. Mouse.5. Anole.6. X.7. X.8. Dog.9. X.10. Chicken.11. X.12. X.13. X.14. Frog.15. X.16.
1 79 76 67 79 77 80 69 72 74 66 70 61 74 70 71 83 72
2 95 90 54 48 92 76 40 51 77 67 50 51 76 58 62 78 63
3 76 72 65 64 73 67 50 63 66 60 57 62 66 61 62 64 62
4 71 67 45 69 69 76 64 58 69 63 62 58 69 62 63 60 63
5 64 61 92 74 62 58 51 77 58 55 58 56 58 58 58 61 58
6 64 62 89 71 63 61 53 74 60 59 56 46 60 54 54 49 54
7 65 60 68 78 62 61 55 69 59 54 58 56 59 57 57 53 57
8 59 53 60 79 56 54 51 65 54 52 54 55 54 53 53 47 53
9 62 63 70 59 62 54 47 61 54 47 51 47 54 52 53 61 54
10 60 48 67 66 54 55 69 65 52 45 61 39 52 54 54 58 54
11 61 67 68 63 63 54 40 61 54 49 46 41 54 46 47 46 47
12 54 61 60 59 57 53 51 57 53 51 51 45 53 50 50 47 50
13 53 55 68 61 54 53 40 60 50 44 46 44 50 46 47 48 47
14 56 48 49 46 51 47 39 47 48 44 45 40 48 48 50 79 52
15 53 52 55 54 52 54 41 52 51 49 45 40 51 45 46 48 46
16 44 45 57 65 45 45 55 59 45 44 52 45 45 48 47 43 47
17 50 50 63 59 50 50 37 56 47 42 42 36 47 42 43 42 43
18 41 42 77 71 41 39 38 66 39 37 44 38 39 42 42 45 42
19 46 44 43 66 45 46 47 52 45 44 47 43 45 46 46 47 46
20 59 47 51 57 51 45 42 52 44 37 44 40 44 44 44 46 44
21 46 52 57 77 48 50 29 59 43 34 37 32 43 37 38 37 38
22 63 50 44 47 55 47 40 45 47 41 42 38 47 42 43 41 43
24 41 40 49 52 40 38 44 48 37 33 42 36 37 39 39 39 39
26 43 47 49 50 45 40 32 46 40 38 35 30 40 35 36 35 36
27 52 49 42 57 50 39 26 45 41 37 32 27 41 32 33 31 33
28 35 32 82 42 33 33 34 54 33 32 37 34 33 35 35 35 35
29 39 42 46 43 40 38 37 43 38 36 38 37 38 38 38 36 38
30 37 35 49 50 36 39 37 47 36 33 38 28 36 36 37 46 38
31 44 40 72 42 41 31 33 51 34 31 35 30 34 33 33 27 33
32 46 40 43 38 42 37 28 38 39 40 32 31 39 33 34 34 34
33 38 44 47 45 41 42 32 43 38 32 34 31 38 33 33 24 32
34 37 39 32 23 38 51 24 28 40 35 29 24 40 33 36 61 38
35 32 32 58 43 32 37 30 46 33 31 33 28 33 32 32 31 32
36 38 36 51 38 37 32 31 41 33 32 32 25 33 31 31 32 31
37 32 32 48 45 32 31 34 43 32 34 34 30 32 32 32 27 32
38 52 27 41 38 36 29 39 38 30 26 34 23 30 30 30 29 30
39 66 39 27 28 46 32 27 27 32 18 27 14 31 27 29 52 31
40 32 36 39 44 34 29 31 39 31 32 32 28 31 30 30 27 30
41 39 35 46 41 36 28 23 40 30 28 28 29 30 29 29 29 29
42 28 29 25 39 29 51 26 30 34 30 26 20 34 25 26 21 26
43 28 31 33 41 29 26 23 34 27 28 26 27 27 26 26 25 26
44 29 31 38 29 30 25 26 32 26 25 26 20 26 25 25 24 25
45 43 36 27 27 38 26 20 26 27 20 23 22 27 24 24 25 24
46 26 25 29 32 26 41 22 29 30 29 24 21 30 24 24 21 24
47 23 25 41 37 24 23 23 35 23 22 25 24 23 24 24 23 24
48 31 28 34 31 29 23 16 30 25 22 22 25 25 24 25 30 25
49 30 34 29 36 31 25 22 30 26 23 24 20 26 23 23 21 23
50 25 24 35 26 25 26 22 29 26 28 24 20 26 24 25 32 26
51 28 26 18 31 27 26 29 25 27 28 27 29 27 26 26 18 25
52 22 28 37 32 25 22 22 32 23 23 24 23 23 24 24 24 24
53 25 25 21 27 25 30 24 24 27 28 24 27 27 24 24 18 24
54 26 30 30 28 27 25 23 28 24 20 23 18 24 22 22 23 22
55 26 20 36 36 22 20 23 33 20 18 23 19 20 21 21 21 21
56 23 21 21 36 22 23 22 27 23 23 24 26 23 24 24 23 24
57 20 24 24 32 22 21 19 26 24 32 21 23 24 22 22 20 22
58 27 24 21 25 25 18 18 22 22 24 21 23 22 23 23 29 23
59 26 36 32 27 29 19 17 27 21 18 19 16 21 18 18 14 18
60 18 18 32 25 18 20 32 28 20 21 26 17 20 21 20 14 20
61 23 19 31 26 21 20 17 26 19 15 19 17 19 19 19 19 19
62 21 22 22 28 21 21 18 23 20 17 19 18 20 19 19 17 19
63 19 28 25 20 22 16 20 22 20 21 20 17 20 19 19 18 19
64 21 20 20 22 21 22 18 20 21 21 19 18 21 19 19 17 19
65 21 19 19 20 20 18 23 20 19 20 20 14 19 19 19 20 19
66 42 44 4 5 42 36 9 5 33 31 8 1 32 8 9 1 8
67 17 22 21 25 19 14 19 22 17 18 19 19 17 18 18 18 18
68 27 18 19 24 21 18 16 20 18 17 17 17 18 17 17 15 17
69 20 20 13 24 20 22 18 18 20 18 18 19 20 18 18 15 18
70 25 24 13 23 24 23 13 17 21 18 15 14 21 16 16 14 16
71 11 13 25 20 13 24 18 21 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 14 17
72 17 18 23 20 17 12 17 20 15 15 17 15 15 16 16 19 16
73 15 17 20 25 16 14 14 21 16 19 16 15 16 16 16 15 16
74 18 13 20 18 16 20 14 18 19 22 15 12 19 15 15 16 15
75 17 18 19 16 17 14 16 17 16 15 17 17 16 17 17 20 17
76 14 15 29 22 15 15 13 23 15 15 15 14 15 15 15 15 15
77 17 20 15 20 18 16 13 17 15 12 14 17 15 14 14 12 14
78 19 17 22 15 18 18 10 17 17 15 12 10 17 13 13 14 13
79 15 15 15 18 15 18 15 16 16 14 15 11 16 15 15 18 15
80 17 17 14 21 17 15 12 16 15 15 13 9 15 13 14 19 14
81 16 15 14 19 15 15 14 16 15 14 14 10 15 14 14 16 14
82 15 19 8 18 17 20 9 12 17 15 12 14 17 14 14 15 14
83 15 16 11 20 15 16 11 14 15 16 12 14 15 13 13 10 13
84 11 14 14 21 13 11 11 16 13 15 13 13 13 13 13 14 13
85 18 13 15 18 15 12 13 16 13 12 13 9 13 12 12 13 12
86 14 15 22 13 14 11 13 16 11 9 13 11 11 12 12 10 12
87 12 15 9 17 13 12 8 12 13 16 11 14 13 12 12 12 12
88 14 14 15 12 14 12 14 13 12 10 13 9 12 12 12 14 12
89 14 13 11 17 13 10 12 13 11 8 12 10 11 12 12 17 12
90 13 11 20 16 12 12 10 16 11 10 11 10 11 11 11 9 11
91 12 13 11 13 12 11 9 11 11 10 10 14 11 11 11 12 11
92 10 18 10 14 13 11 10 12 11 8 11 12 11 11 11 11 11
93 10 9 10 18 10 15 11 13 11 10 11 9 11 10 10 9 10
94 10 11 21 13 10 9 9 15 9 9 10 9 9 9 9 9 9
95 12 10 11 12 11 9 8 11 11 12 10 11 11 11 11 14 11
96 12 20 21 14 14 9 10 15 9 6 9 4 9 7 7 2 7
97 12 14 16 10 13 11 9 12 11 10 9 9 11 9 9 5 9
98 9 10 16 14 9 8 9 14 9 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10
99 8 9 14 18 9 10 7 14 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 11 9
100 11 9 25 10 10 10 8 14 9 6 9 7 9 8 8 7 8
101 10 9 10 11 10 11 13 11 11 12 11 8 11 10 10 9 10
102 8 10 15 12 9 9 11 13 9 8 10 8 9 9 9 8 9
103 8 9 9 13 8 9 16 11 8 7 12 8 8 10 10 8 10
104 10 9 12 15 9 9 10 13 8 6 10 7 8 9 9 9 9
105 11 10 9 11 10 9 8 10 9 6 9 10 9 10 10 12 10
106 10 9 9 10 9 10 8 9 9 7 9 10 9 10 10 12 10
107 9 11 11 11 10 7 9 10 8 7 9 9 8 9 9 10 9
108 9 9 9 13 9 10 8 10 9 8 8 7 9 8 8 9 8
109 10 9 6 15 9 8 8 10 8 6 9 10 8 9 9 10 9
110 7 11 7 12 9 16 6 9 10 7 7 6 10 8 8 9 8
111 9 8 9 10 9 9 8 9 9 8 9 11 9 9 9 9 9
112 9 8 10 8 8 7 8 9 7 7 9 12 7 9 9 9 9
113 12 8 7 13 10 10 7 9 9 9 7 4 9 7 7 8 7
114 13 13 5 8 13 7 6 6 10 10 6 6 10 7 7 7 7
115 7 7 12 12 7 7 6 11 7 9 7 4 7 7 7 9 7
116 9 7 9 8 8 10 6 8 9 10 7 7 9 7 7 6 7
117 18 7 6 8 11 8 3 6 9 9 5 3 9 6 6 9 6
118 8 7 10 8 7 6 6 8 6 6 7 9 6 7 7 10 7
119 11 8 6 8 9 9 6 7 8 8 7 9 8 7 7 5 7
120 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 7 7 7 8 7 7 5 7
121 7 6 9 11 7 7 5 9 7 7 6 7 7 6 6 5 6
122 8 9 11 8 8 5 5 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
123 6 6 12 7 6 6 6 8 6 8 6 7 6 6 6 5 6
124 7 15 4 9 10 6 6 6 8 10 5 4 8 5 5 2 5
125 5 7 7 12 6 5 5 8 5 5 6 6 5 6 6 7 6
126 6 5 16 5 5 5 6 9 5 5 6 4 5 6 6 7 6
127 9 6 2 6 7 4 5 4 6 7 6 6 6 7 7 14 7
128 7 7 6 8 7 6 4 6 7 8 5 8 7 6 6 5 6
129 7 5 5 11 6 8 5 7 6 5 6 4 6 6 6 8 6
130 5 6 9 11 5 5 6 9 5 5 6 5 5 6 6 5 6
131 8 7 4 6 8 7 4 5 8 9 5 7 8 6 6 5 6
132 6 8 6 6 7 7 9 6 6 5 7 3 6 6 6 6 6
133 11 5 8 7 7 5 5 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
134 8 9 8 7 8 7 5 7 6 4 5 4 6 5 5 4 5
135 5 5 5 7 5 7 4 6 6 5 5 7 6 6 6 10 6
136 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 11 6
137 5 6 6 9 5 6 7 7 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 4 5
138 8 5 3 5 7 12 5 4 7 6 5 5 7 5 5 4 5
139 5 6 6 10 6 6 5 7 6 6 5 5 6 5 5 4 5
140 5 8 7 6 6 8 3 6 6 5 4 4 6 5 5 6 5
141 7 10 6 7 8 8 4 6 6 3 4 3 6 4 4 4 4
142 3 3 10 4 3 7 4 6 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 11 5
143 8 7 5 5 7 8 5 5 6 4 5 3 6 5 5 6 5
144 4 5 9 11 5 4 3 8 5 7 4 4 5 4 4 3 4
145 6 6 4 6 6 6 3 5 6 5 4 5 6 5 5 9 5
146 6 6 5 7 6 6 5 6 6 5 5 6 6 5 5 4 5
147 3 3 17 10 3 3 2 10 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3
148 6 6 11 7 6 3 3 8 5 5 4 3 5 4 4 5 4
149 7 6 9 7 6 5 2 7 5 6 4 4 5 4 4 3 4
150 4 6 3 5 5 5 4 4 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 8 6
151 4 5 10 7 4 4 4 7 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 4
152 5 5 8 11 5 4 4 8 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 2 4
153 4 4 9 7 4 4 4 7 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
154 4 5 2 8 5 4 7 5 5 7 6 5 5 5 5 3 5
155 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 7 4 4 5 4 4 5 4
156 4 4 8 6 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4
157 5 5 9 7 5 3 3 7 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
158 4 5 5 7 4 5 6 6 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 4
159 4 3 5 6 4 4 7 6 4 3 6 5 4 5 5 5 5
160 3 3 6 8 3 5 5 6 4 3 5 4 4 5 5 5 5
161 4 4 5 5 4 5 3 5 5 6 4 6 5 5 5 4 5
162 5 5 7 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4
163 4 5 3 11 5 5 1 5 5 5 3 3 5 4 4 5 4
164 5 7 5 5 6 7 4 5 5 3 4 2 5 4 4 3 4
165 3 3 8 11 3 3 2 8 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3
166 12 7 3 2 8 4 1 2 5 5 2 3 5 3 3 2 3
167 6 5 4 6 5 2 5 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4
168 11 6 2 2 7 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 3 3 3 11 3
169 3 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 4 7 4 2 4 3 3 2 3
170 5 5 5 7 5 4 3 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3
171 5 4 6 6 4 3 3 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4
172 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
173 4 4 3 6 4 5 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 3 4
174 4 4 6 6 4 5 1 5 4 3 3 1 4 3 3 7 3
175 8 8 2 3 8 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3
176 4 4 7 8 4 3 3 6 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3
177 4 3 4 9 4 3 3 5 4 5 3 3 4 3 3 2 3
178 4 7 3 4 5 5 3 3 5 4 3 4 5 3 3 2 3
179 3 5 3 7 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4
180 4 6 5 3 5 5 3 4 5 4 3 2 5 3 3 4 3
181 3 3 5 6 3 3 3 5 3 4 4 5 3 4 4 3 4
182 3 3 4 7 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 4
183 4 3 4 4 3 3 6 4 3 3 5 1 3 4 4 6 4
184 5 4 5 6 4 3 2 5 4 4 3 2 4 3 3 2 3
185 3 4 4 6 3 3 6 5 3 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 3
186 2 2 8 8 2 2 3 7 2 2 3 4 2 3 3 1 3
187 4 3 3 6 4 7 2 4 4 2 3 3 4 3 3 2 3
188 3 3 6 8 3 1 5 6 2 2 4 3 2 3 3 1 3
189 3 3 5 5 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
190 4 3 7 3 3 3 2 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3
191 3 3 3 6 3 4 5 4 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 2 3
192 2 2 5 4 2 5 2 4 4 6 3 2 4 3 3 2 3
193 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 4 5 3 2 4 3 3 3 3
194 3 3 2 7 3 2 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 3
195 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 1 3 3 3 4 3
196 3 3 6 4 3 4 2 4 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
197 5 3 2 4 4 4 2 3 4 3 3 2 4 3 3 4 3
198 3 4 3 5 3 3 2 4 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
199 3 3 3 5 3 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3
200 2 1 3 5 2 5 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 1 3
201 5 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 1 4 3 3 1 3
202 1 1 13 3 1 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
203 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
204 3 4 2 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3
205 2 4 3 5 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
206 3 3 1 6 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3
207 3 2 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
208 2 2 4 6 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2
209 2 4 3 5 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3
210 3 5 3 5 3 1 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2
211 2 2 4 4 2 2 3 4 2 2 3 4 2 3 3 2 3
212 2 2 8 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 2
213 2 2 4 5 2 3 2 4 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2
214 2 2 3 6 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2
215 3 3 3 5 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
216 3 4 1 4 3 4 3 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 2 1 2
217 2 2 4 6 2 2 3 4 2 0 3 2 2 3 3 3 3
218 3 3 3 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2
219 2 2 4 5 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
220 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2
221 1 1 6 7 1 1 3 6 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2
222 1 1 4 3 1 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 3
223 2 2 2 4 2 1 4 3 2 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 3
224 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 2
225 1 2 7 3 2 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
226 1 1 3 4 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 6 2
227 1 1 3 6 1 1 4 4 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 2
228 2 2 7 3 2 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2
229 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 2
230 1 2 3 2 2 2 0 2 2 5 1 1 2 2 2 3 2
231 2 1 1 5 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 2
232 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2
233 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
234 1 1 2 6 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2
235 1 1 5 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2
236 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1
237 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2
238 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
239 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 2
240 1 0 4 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2
241 2 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1
242 2 2 2 4 2 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
243 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
244 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
245 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
246 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2
247 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1
248 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
249 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
250 1 1 0 4 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
251 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
252 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1