Starting November 2022, I will be an HFSP Long-Term postdoctoral fellow at the University of Lausanne.

I received my PhD in evolutionary genetics from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST). The main focus of my PhD was evolutionary genetics of complex traits. I used quantitative genetics, phylogenetic comparative methods, genomics, transcriptomics, and network approaches to understand the genetic basis of complex trait evolution.

My full academic CV can be found here.

On a personal note, I grew up in Kolkata, India. I was always keen to study biology throughout school, and despite qualifying to become a dentist, I choose to do an undergrad zoology instead. My early research was in experimental cancer biology, but I soon realised ecology and evolution was my true calling. Nevertheless, I was still interested in cancer biology and combined it with microfluidics to study metastasis during my rotations at OIST.

During my free time, I enjoy music, working out, and exploring nature in Okinawa. The lush forests and beautiful ocean offers a lot of respite from research life, and I couldn’t have hope to do my PhD at a better place.